#haily rambles
redhoodisms · 2 years
That sub Dick Grayson smut you wrote was the best thing since sliced bread
aww thanks babes <3! i'm glad ya liked it....might have to hope on the smut writing train again 👀
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starluvsx · 9 months
𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Proofread:kinda...not rlly
WARNINGS:throw up/emetophobia , panic attack, crying, this takes place before they’re like famous or wtv.also this is very long.
A/N:ntm on the banner idk what happened😭
“Guess where I’m going tonight”I said to the boy I was on the phone with.my best friend Matt.he was playing video games while I got ready.probably not paying much attention to what I was doing but definitely listening.
“Where?” he questioned as his face twisted into one of frustration.most likely because of the game he was playing.
“I’m going to hailys party” I cheekily said.smiling just at the thought of what tonight would be like.
“Isn’t that like all seniors?” he asked, concern lacing his tone.even though we were both the same age he always acted like my older brother.
"uh yea, i'll be fine dont worry.im not gonna like get fucked by a 20 year old or end up passed out in the street.im a responsible person matt."i rambled on
"i know you are but- shit...seniors can be pretty intense sometimes" the boy on the other line explained
"ill be fine dude, ok anyways, what outfit do i wear?" i said while show-casing two outfits that lay on separate hangers.
"im kinda in the middle of something right now"
"i dont care, just look for a second"
"y/n i litterally cant"
"matthew bernard sturniolo turn your fucking head this direction and help me pick out an outift or i swear to God"
"ok ok jeez" he said as he hesitantly turned to face his phone screen. "i don't like either of them"
"oh fuck you" i said as i put my phone onto its back so i could change into one of the outfits.
✧At the party
a large smile was painted on my face as i swayed my hips to the beat of the music. I've never felt more alive.the freshly poured drink splishing and splashing around in the cup i was holding, small droplets finding a home on my wrist. despite this being me being only a junior i was mixing well with the crowd.not feeling awkward or like i didn't belong for a second
a tap on my shoulder stopped my movements abruptly.i turned around to where the feeling came from only to see the girl that i came here with, Serenity. she looked deepyly upset which wasnt usual for the cheerful girl. "hey sese, whats up?" i yelled over the loud music.im not even sure if she could hear me.
"i feel sick" serenity answered. i quickly grabbed her hand and bee-lined it to the bathroom.she had been drinking alot.way more then me.and i was sure that what she mean t by 'i feel sick' was 'im about to throw up' and i want that to be no where else but the toilet.for her dignity and my sanity.
i banged on the door of the first bathroom i came across. "occupied!" someone yelled from the other side, forcing me to practically drag serenity down the crowded hallway to another bathroom.once we made it to the white door i realized there was no point in knocking because i could hear two drunken people going at it as if it were their last night on earth.
panic began to set in at the same pace as reality.no more bathrooms in sight. shit shit shit i mentally cursed to myslef as i looked over at a half folded over serenity. "y/n i think im gonna throw up"the blonde girl stated
i quietly mumbled "no no your not, please don't, not here" but my pleads were to no eval as once the words left my mouth so did all of the drinks serenity had earlier.it was all over me.my shirt and jeans and even my white shoes. i screamed in panic. tears spilling out of my eyes almost automatically.
as my eyes darted all over the place i noticed the bathroom door where the couple once were fucking was now open.i put my hand on serenities back and shoveled her into the bathroom, careful not to touch any of the vomit on my shirt.she dropped to her knees and went head first into the toilet at the sight of it.the sounds making me gag internally.
i slid down the wall behind me and sobbed.not being able to escape the vomit.i pulled my phone out of my back pocket and opened my contacts.i was about to call my mom to pick me up before i looked at the time. '1:48' it read. she was most definitely asleep. the scrolled through my contacts looking for someone that could come pick me up.
'Matty boy' was the name my eyes locked on, not even waiting a second before calling him.the phone rang longer than i would've liked it to as i pressed it up to my ear. please pick up i mentally begged "hey y/n." a sleepy Matt said on the other line.
i wasted no time "Matt please-please come get me"i choked out through cries.
"what?whats going on?are you ok?"he asked.now sounding more alert and awake
"serenity threw up on me and i-i don't know what to do.please just come get me.please Matt"i begged through the phone.tears sprung out my eyes and rolled down my face, leaving marks of dripping mascara to stain my cheeks.
"ok ill be there in a few minutes.wheres serenity now?"Matt asked.i hadn't even noticed her.i looked down from the ceiling i was staring at and locked eyes with her body.
"she's passed out...o-on the bathroom floor"i slowly got out.
"ok y/n listen to me very carfully,i need you to call haily and tell her serenity is in the bathroom passed out and that you need a chnage of clothes okay?do not leave serenity there." the boy on the other line stated very seriously. i mumbled a small 'okay 'before Matt began talking again "ill be there in a few minutes, don't move from the bathroom."he said before hanging up.silence now filling my ears.
✧Some time later
serenity was now gone after being taken to hailys room so she could sober up.i have a change of clothes on, some large sweat pants and a 'the smiths' t-shirt. although my clothes were now in the washer being clean from throw up, i couldn't get the thought out of my head.
this night, my first real party, had gone to shit.i was tried, scared, my makeup was ruined, my back hurt.i just want to go home. then as if my thoughts were read a knock came at the door. "come in"i lightly shouted.
as soon as the door opened and matt was visible i sprung up from my spot on the floor.hugging the boy before either of us could say anything.sobbing into his shoulder. "its okay.its okay.im here."the brunnete boy said into my hair
he held my back as we walked through the sea of people in order to make it to the exit.drunken others staring at us we walked by.i grabbed my coat which had somehow not bee touched the whole night, a dark blue zip up hoodie.i felt goosebumps go up my arms a I put it on.
the cold air hit my face unexpectidely.the winter weather sending shock through my warm body.a smile krept onto my face for an unidentified reason. i brought my arms over my chest and folded them. "why are you smiling?"matt asked while looking over at me.a smile on his face aswell
"i dont know" i answred with a small giggle.once we finally made it to the car i hobbled myself into the front passenger seat.the car was practically silent as he put the key in the ignition and started it.not much being needed to be said.
Once we pulled out of the carefully chosen parking spot I advised Matt to not drive me home seeing as my mom would probably kill me.a small hum of approval being the only noise to come from him.
This silence was soon followed up with an unexpected “thank you”from Matt. “For calling me when you needed to and not being stubborn”he clarified
A vocal response didn’t seem to fit the situation so I simply nodded in acknowledgment. “My parents are actually out on vacation so there’s no harm in you staying the night by the way, went to Maine or something.” He began to speak.I didn’t respond.only looking out the window infront of me.
“So what was it like?your first senior party?”the driving boy asked as he focused on the road infront of us.the street lights and cars illuminating his pale face.
“Well besides being thrown up on and having a whole panic attack it was pretty good.the drinks were alright and a few guys hit on me but besides that it was just alright”I answered his question.
“Not everything you dreamed of?”matt asked teasingly. Shaking my head no in response “Bummer.well now you get to spend the night with me” he continued as we pulled into his driveway.i never realized how close he lived to Haily.
Once we entered the house I was met with Chris sitting at the kitchen table. “Woah what happened to you”Chris asked.looking up from his cereal and phone.
“A party” I weakly answered.
“Oh is that y/n?”Nick asked from the couch as he turned his head around to face me. “Hey baeee, had a rough night?”he greeted and questioned.
“Rough Night is the understatement of the century”I grumbled as I opened their fridge searching for water.
“You went to hailys party right?yea those seniors are crazy.are those your clothes?”Nick rambled on.
“No these are hailys,serenity threw up on me.”I casually answered,shuddering at the remembrance of what happened.I stretched my arm out to grab the advil in their top shelf.
“Oh gross.you sleeping here tonight?”chris chimed in and asked.
“Yea, no point in going home and getting my ass beat.”I exaggerated
“Where you sleepin?”chris asked again
“Not with you, last time you punched me right in the boob, painful as fuck.”I retorted as I swapped the pills and water.
“Dude it was an accident!i was sleeping!”he answered as he threw his hand sup in defense.making me giggle.
“Not taking any chances”
“Well you can’t sleep with me.”Nick stated suddenly
“My bed is fucking lopsided and I have to sleep on the couch till it’s fixed” Nick said
“Just sleep in Chris’ room”
“He fucking attacks me in his sleep!”
“What about Matt?”
“He’s up too late for me, I need my eight hours but I guess this kid only needs 8 minutes” Nick answered my few questions causing me to lightly laugh
“Ok then I guess I’m sleeping in your room Matty boy”I said, turning to the boy who had just been listening to this conversation silently.
“Ok then cmon,I’m going to bed right now”he tiredly said as he walked in the direction of his room.
“I find that hard to believe”Nick shouted from his place in the couch.
I hugged Chris and Nick before following Matt into his room.
Upon opening the door I saw Matt face down on the mattress. “Jeez I didn’t think you were that tired” I joked as I sat down on the bed next to him.the calming blue led lights coloring us and the rest of the room around us.
He turned his head sideways to face me “I’m always tired”he mumbled.I situated my body so I was now laying next to him more comfortably.we then gradually moved ourselves to face each other while laying on our sides.his eyes staring into mine deeply.
"your beautiful" I whispered under my breath. ive always though Matt was attractive.not in a sexual way but the same way I think Alahna is pretty.but tonight was different.the way the blue lights bounced off his face, and how his messy hair rested almost perfectly on his forehead, or maybe it was how his dark, tired, eyes never seemed to look scary or weird on him.nonetheless he looked a way I don't even think I could describe if you put the words out in-front of me.
"your angelic..." I found myself say as my heart was taking action before my brain.i brushed some hair out of his eyes delicately with my fresh painted nails.he didn't respond, only giving me small smile.i caressed the side of his face with the back of my hand.tracing his facial structure.
"I love you" he abruptly said.the three words causing blood to rush to my cheeks rapidly.my heart besting faster almost as if on command
"I'll always love you more"I solemnly said.not exactly wanting to see his reaction to my words i moved in a little closer and closed my eyes.curling up and grabbing the covers.to my surprise though, after a few minutes I could feel his arm sake over my body and pull me closer.my head resting under his chin lightly.
then we fell asleep peacefully.silently hoping that if we were to never to wake up again that we stay together in the next life
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therealcocoshady · 6 months
I could def answer some of these…
• When/How did you first hear Eminem ?
I was always influenced by my dad when it came to music and he introduced me when i was about nine.
• Would you consider yourself a "Stan" ? Why/ Why not ?
OF COURSE! I enjoy everything Eminem; movies, videos, music (obviously), I just kinda don’t know how to explain it.
• Do you collect Eminem merch, make Eminem artwork, write fan fiction, etc.? If so, please explain in detail.
Yes !! I buy shirts, posters, and other memorabilia.
• Have you ever been to Detroit? If so, when, why, and where did you go?
No! But I hope I will in the future
• What's your favorite Eminem song? Which song first hit you on a deep personal level? Why?
I couldn’t have a favorite… But a song that really gets me going could be mockingbird, hailie’s song, stan, my darling, rock bottom etc. They’re all about his personal experiences and he writes about them so beautifully that it’s just so perfect.
• Has Eminem or his music helped you through any difficult times? Please share.
Yes, I’ve had a few mental issues in the past and his music encouraged me and I made it through.
• How often do you listen to Eminem's music?
Look at his social accounts? Google for news about him?
Definitely daily.
• If you could tell Eminem anything, what would you say?
I’d probably thank him for his hard work and how he gig me through a lot of stuff. Then i’d tell him he needs to stop with the merch and drop an album 🥲
sorry i rambled a bit here but yeah
Awww I love your answers ❤️. Here are mine :
• When/How did you first hear Eminem ? I first heard of him when I was about 9 or 10. A teen magazine talked about the fact that has was not being nice to his mom and I thought it was cool 😂. I was very mad at mine at the time (she had the audacity of DYING - can you believe it ? 😅) and I very much liked the fact that one could actually be mad at their parents and be creative & cool. I think I also heard his music for the first time around that time (probably Lose Yourself ?) and I thought it was awesome ! Made me want to learn English !
• Would you consider yourself a "Stan" ? Why/ Why not ? Yes and no, I think. I am very much a fan, but I don't identify as a hardcore Stan, in the obsessive sense of it. That being said, I enjoy being involved and taking part in the fandom. It's definitely a fun community !
• Do you collect Eminem merch, make Eminem artwork, write fan fiction, etc.? If so, please explain in detail. I have purchased a few merch items (still waiting for my latest order by the way !) but I wouldn't say I'm a collector. Right now I only own clothing and that's fine by me. The only thing I would love to have is the B-Rabbit Funky Pop but it's soooo expensive... And... We all know I write fan fiction 👀
• Have you ever been to Detroit? If so, when, why, and where did you go ? I have never been to America. I don't know if I would actually want to visit Detroit. I don't know enough about the place. 🧐
• What's your favorite Eminem song? Which song first hit you on a deep personal level? Why? It's HARD to choose a favorite song. There's one for every mood that I have. The one that hits me most is Arose - so much so that I skip it because otherwise I start bawling - but the first that really hit me was Mockingbird. Being raised by a single Dad, it really describes a lot of my relationship with him.
• Has Eminem or his music helped you through any difficult times? Please share. YES. Absolutely. His music has been a great motivator to me and I feel like his dedication to his art is really inspiring. Also, having really struggled with mental health issues (still struggling), some songs help me navigate some hardships.
• How often do you listen to Eminem's music?Look at his social accounts? Google for news about him? I listen to his music daily but I don't really Google him or look him up on social media. That being said, my notifications for his accounts are turned on and he comes up a lot on my pages because I follow a lot of other Stans.
• If you could tell Eminem anything, what would you say? I would say he is a great artist and that he really has made a huge impact on people's lives and I hope he knows how grateful a lot of people are for him and his art. And that he can be proud of the impact he's made on the culture. (And please, DROP THE ALBUM, Grandpa).. That being said I don't want to tell him anything because I am low-key terrified of meeting this man.
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greatbigbellies · 9 months
oki since i have permission i will ramble more about Reily and Hailie before i go to bed
I like to imagine after they're married, Hailie takes a job at the store and runs the counter so Reily can work on designs in the back full-time, which is especially convenient when Hailie is incredibly pregnant since the job is 90% sitting. I also imagine that after a while, Hailie learns to deal with the more casual customers. In my head, I see Reily poking her head around the corner to check on Hailie, just to see her due-literally-any-second-now wife waddling around, helping customers find new outfits and even dropping some recommendations from her own constantly pregnant experience.
"Oh when I was pregnant with the twins, one of these dresses fit me no matter how huge I got."
"If you know you'll be carrying big, I highly recommend one of these blouses, I was able to wear one all the way into my seventh month with the quads!"
"Oh, you're looking for something flashy yet comfortable? This dress should be perfect; my genius of a wife made sure this dress is gorgeous, form-fitting, yet supportive of your poor back."
dshahdhsa and I imagine Reily shows her appreciation for the help on busy days with maximum energy. Hands on Hailie's belly and kisses on her neck before they've even made it home, home-cooked meals to keep Hailie nice and full and satisfy cravings, and the softest of cuddles until they're both asleep.
shdashfhjabs i love them so much you don't understand. Thank you for these two, sapphic belly loving couple my beloved
🥺🥺🥺 Absolutely sublime. I love Hailie just building up and complimenting her wife while helping customers. Like she just loves to tell the story of how they met and how Reily came in clutch to save her from a bad wedding. Being with Hailie has done wonders for Reily's confidence and it shows in her designs as they get more bold each year they spend together.
Also in the line of domestic cute sapphic pregnancy stuff... Hailie being very sweet but getting really bad nesting instinct with the store layout later in her third trimester. "Honey don't you think the suit mannequins would look better by the front window? And the thread display should be color coded to make it more intuitive for customers... oh and maybe we should talk about the check out counter situation..." And Reily, well meaning but also confused replying with "But... those mannequins have been there for years, sweetie... and... what check out counter situation??? You check out??? At the counter??? It's fine?" These gays are in a perpetual honeymoon phase and we love that for them.
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soullikethesea · 2 years
I'm slightly excited for today and slightly intimidated. That's how it usually goes with work. 😅
And I am doing the freelance thing this weekend, which is also pretty nerve-wrecking + going to be fun. I have to make some final preparations for that today as well.
And I'll go exercise with a friend. It's been super rainy/snowy/haily this week, I hope that will be a bit less, haha.
Last night I had a bunch of feelings again. Ugh. Whoever invented feelings? (OK, I know they are evolutionarily important). I felt Fox and their forever-depression (plus memories about my mum), M and her feelings of anger/betrayal. I also felt different than usual. Maybe not like an entirely different part, but definitely slightly to the left of my usual self. A name also popped up and that can be a bit of an iffy sign.
I tried to focus on resources. Didn't work super well.
The thing that does really seem to work is to repeat to myself that I need to focus on mono-tasking. (The opposite of multitasking). Only doing/thinking about one thing at a time. I notice that I still feel too afraid/anxious to just... sit there. But I did do it yesterday for about 10 minutes or so.
I also put my phone back to grayscale, because that automatically cuts down my screentime. (Most effective intervention I found for that).
And I'm also still going strong with eating a (for me) large variety of foods. (Doing the 30-plant foods challenge). It's getting tricky this week, because I didn't mealplan. But I'm not far off track.
Taking a deep breath and I will face the day.
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planetkeiji · 3 years
moving over to @redhoodisms!
i’ve been so bad at working two accounts so i’m just going to be merging all of my fandoms and stuff to one account! i’ll be reposting all of the stuff i’ve written on here to the other account, update the theme and all that jazz over there before i delete this account.
so sorry about the sudden change but feel free to follow me over there! just thought that this would be a better decision for me to merge everything together and write everything i love on one account!
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I found my boy's hat and realised I never shared his story.
So I was at goodwill and like always me and my brother go over to look through the toys cuz thats what we do. I ended up finding a chicken plushie and carry it around w/ me through the store mostly cuz chicken its funny. At thid point I had no intent in actually buying him, I just liked the chiken.
We (me my parnts and my brother) were going through the glass stuff and nicknacks and stuff cuz me and my brother were done w/ toys, I still had my chicken, and on one of the end thingys was a little blue sombrero. I try it on the chicken and it fits so I show my mom cuz haha look i put a tiny sombrero on this chicken.
We get to thr checkout, I still haven't put him down, and my mom just ends up buying him for me. I didn't mean to actually get him. He was jst a funny thing found in a junk store. But I got him and was like "oh sweet i have a chicken with a sombrero now."
So I found out what the spanish word for Chicken, Pollo, and just named him that. Hes been my boy every seince, my fave, my Son. My chiken son whomst I've loved ever seince.
In other news, according to amazon, hes a hen? Which means hes also a trans icon. I've also got another chicken and some baby chickens on my amazon wishlist so thats something.
I love my boy #ProudMom
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suitk0via · 3 years
Teacher's Favorite
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Pairing: Dad!Bucky x Teacher!Reader
              18+ MINORS DNI
Warnings: implied smut nothing too crazy, self image issues, age gap (reader is in early twenties, Buck is late thirties early forties), female aligned reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Synopsis: You are first grade teacher and Bucky is a single dad who wants to be involved with everything his little girl - Elaine - does. He’s the dad all the parent’s and faculty drool over. You quickly become Elaine's favorite teacher and Bucky's just gotta meet you.
Teacher's Favorite AU || Masterlist
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6:30 am
The digital clock above the radio mocked you as each minute ticked by. Early meetings were never fun. Something about sitting at a table crowded with tired teachers was draining. Reaching across the middle console you grabbed the tote filled with miscellaneous craft supplies, failing to catch the few googly eyes that fell onto the floorboard. Stepping out into the cool morning air you suppress a shiver making your way up to the entrance.
Everything was quiet early in the mornings. No kids running down the halls or teachers blowing those stupid whistles trying to make them calm down. A smile made its way onto your face seeing the new bulletin board you had slaved over for a few days. Pictures of each of the kids next to their artistic renditions of the school building. You were only a week into the year and it was already so busy you could barely keep up with the work. Approaching the conference room you could smell the coffee and stale bagels the school board provided as a half ass incentive to quote: “Have a good year!”. Honestly, you’d rather them be blunt with you on new policies instead of them pretending they care.
Because to be clear, they don’t.
Stepping into the room you found yourself a seat and waited patiently as all the other’s slowly filtered in. It was a long meeting going over the same policies you’d already read over. While they rambled on you did some lesson planning, specifically on today’s lesson. In the evening there was a PTA meeting and an open house planned. Thankfully, you didn’t have to sit in on the PTA moms arguing about a fall festival that was weeks away, but you were in charge of having something for the kids to do while their parents were there. Today’s lesson surrounded the reading book you were reading to the class, Goodbye Summer Hello Autumn. The theme was the change in seasons and the kids seemed to love it. You were trying to think of something that could coincide with the lesson as well.
“Any questions?”
No one responded. Mrs.Florence clapped her hands together and dismissed everyone. “Excellent job on the bulletin board. Very cute.” She said, patting you on the back on the way out. “Yes.” You silently congratulated yourself. Praise from that woman was nearly impossible to receive, and you were really trying. Being so much younger than a majority of the teacher’s made it incredibly hard to gain respect. Sometimes it was worse than highschool, and you had to remind yourself constantly that it wasn’t for you, it was for the kids. Those little smiles were worth far more than anyone else’s approval. Stepping into your classroom you flipped the lights on and began setting up for the day. Crayon baskets at each table, each student’s writing journal, and selecting the helper’s for the day.
Paper collector, line leader, and snack helper were high honors in a first grade classroom.
Finally turning on the board you put up the plan for the day and finally took a seat waiting for your TA and the kids to come in. Just in time Hailie came in with a string of excited children behind her. Hailie was your assistant and you were thankful for her more than you could even express. “Good morning guys!” You said standing up watching all of them put their things away in their cubbys. You received a plethora of replies and most of them were excited screams. “They’re extra hyper today.” Hailie huffed, sinking down into her chair. You gave her a pitiful smile before walking around your desk.
“Sweetheart!” A little voice caught your attention and you looked over. Elaine came running at you full speed and wrapped her arms around your legs. “Hello Elaine. What did I tell you about sweetheart?” You laughed crouching down to give her a proper hug. She giggled, throwing her arms around your neck. “Sorry miss. I like sweetheart. You are sweetheart! My daddy calls me sweetheart too!” She explained, stumbling over her words a bit. “Oh Elaine.” You sighed, watching her run off.
Picking favorites was wrong, and you didn’t.
Elaine Barnes held a special place in your heart already. Only a week in and she came in everyday giving you a hug and called you sweetheart. It was the sweetest thing you’d ever seen. She came in on the first day a little nervous and with a little soothing she quickly proclaimed you as her favorite teacher. She had to be the most polite little girl you’d ever met. When she first called you sweetheart it made you laugh. She insisted on explaining to you why in a dramatic manner.
“Daddy says that my heart is sweet so I am his sweetheart. I think your heart is sweet so you are my sweetheart!”
You accepted it pretty quickly, but you told her she still needed to call you by your name in class. A pinky promise sealed your fate and now – to Elaine – you were sweetheart.
After they’d settled down you dived into your plans for the day. They all listened and asked questions as you read and nothing made you happier. After that they began their coloring sheets, some of them sticking their tongues out as they focused on staying in between the lines. You walked around making sure to complement each of their work and providing some help on color decisions. “Oh, wow! That’s amazing Trevor. I’ve never seen a Care Bear leaf before.” You said, earning a happy grin from the boy. He went on telling her about each of the leaves and the different bears they represented. Things like this just made all the early morning meetings and bad coworkers worth it. Giving him a pat on the shoulder you continued circling around everyone else.
“Psst! Sweetheart!” Elaine not so subtly whispered. You raised an eyebrow at her crouching beside her seat. “Look! I made this leaf look like a cow!” She pointed at the paper happily. Looking at the paper you made a shocked face. “Oh my goodness. Cow’s can’t be on leaves!” You said trying to get a rise out of her. Laughing, she shook her head, “Noooo! Its just the colors! The leaf isn’t a cow, silly.” You nodded in understanding before standing once again. Reaching out she grabbed your hand and tugged on you. “Wait, guess what?” She said grinning. “What?” She shifted in her seat, sitting down her crayons in the process.
“I’m coming back later, and daddy’s coming too.” She said, clearly excited at just the thought. You smiled squeezing her little hand. “That’s great! I can’t wait to meet him!” You said, satisfied with her happy nod. The timer pinged and the kids all began tossing their crayons back in the basket. Walking over to your desk you grabbed your keys looking over at Hailie. “Lunch already?” You laughed at her confused look and stood by the door watching as she directed the kids into a single file line. With a quick talk about hallway manners you lead them down the hall and to the cafeteria. Hailie took over directing them to their tables and you headed back to the classroom.
You had thirty minutes until recess and you planned on using that time to its fullest extent. In that short walk you though of a craft for later in the evening. Just cut out some paper leaves on some different construction paper and let the kids decorate them as they pleased. Simple enough and easy to keep them occupied while their parents form nasty cliques against members of the PTA board. You cut out various leaf shapes until you heard the familiar sound of little footsteps down the hall.
Instinctively you smiled at the sound sitting down the scissors you were holding too hard. Flexing your fingers you huffed as Elaine came running into the room. “Hey! Miss Hailie said it’s time to go to the playground.” She said coming around your desk and staring up at you. “Lead the way.” You smiled. Grabbing your hand she tugged you from your chair and down the hall. Looking down at her you just smiled at how cute she was. Her wavy brown hair pulled back into a ponytail with a big blue bow on top just accentuated her cuteness. From what you understood it was just her and her dad, and really if her dad was the one fixing her hair and dressing her then he was pretty damn good at it. Usually you could tell when a mother allowed the father to dress the kid for a day. They’d come in with an oddly matched outfit and a less than perfect hairdo. It was always cute but you could just tell the difference.
“I love your bow today Elaine. It makes your eyes look so pretty.” You said. Reaching up and touching her head it was like she remembered she had a bow in the first place and she gasped. “Oh! Daddy picked this one to match my dress. Aunty Nat made it for me on my birthday.” She said, skipping alongside you. “Well it’s very cute.” You smiled. Joining all the rest you listened to their in depth reviews of how their lunch was.
“My mom cut my sandwich in the square shape and I hate it.”
“I had six gummies and they were really good.”
“I gave some of my goldfish to Layla and she ate them like she was a birb.”
Those were just some of the comments you heard. Either way it made you smile. First graders had a lot more to say than adults give them credit for. Leading them outside it was like opening the gates to a herd of sheep. Each of them ran like mad towards the playground. Standing under the awning you watched and waited for anything to happen. Surprisingly only one kid fell, and you were quick to apply a Star Wars bandaid that had all the other children ooo-ing and ahh-ing. You didn’t even have to comfort them much, the excitement of everyone complimenting his bandaid got rid of all his tears. Once time was up Hailie blew the whistle and they all lined up. The day went on smoothly after that. Hailie taught the second half of the lesson while you prepared for the evening. When the time came you told them all to get ready for dismissal and they dug through their cubbies and waited patiently.
Once the bell rang there was a chorus of sweet goodbye’s rushing out the door. “Bye guys have a good evening!” You said plopping down in your chair. Before Hailie closed the door Elaine came racing back into the room giving you a big hug. “Bye bye sweetheart. I’ll see you later!” She sang, waving her arms as she ran back out the door. You let out a laugh leaning back in your seat.
“She loves you to death.”
You smiled, “That’s little Elaine.”
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Bucky didn’t think this open house was that big of a deal.
Just a way for parents and teachers to meet, but to his daughter it was the most important thing ever. The moment she got into the car she was talking about how she couldn’t wait to come back later. He didn’t remember saying anything like that as a kid.
“Can I bring one of my birthday cards to give someone?” She asked, a reflection of his own eyes twinkling back at him. “Of course sweetheart.” He said, kissing her forehead. Bucky didn’t have many weaknesses, but his baby girl was his kryptonite. After a long life of being a hardened man his little girl turned him into a sweet dad. Something he never thought would happen but it did. “I’m so excited daddy! You can meet my sweetheart!” He paused at that looking up from tying her shoe.
“Your sweetheart?” He spiraled for a moment imagining the day she would inevitably bring some unsuitable boy home to him. Grimacing at the thought he watched as she broke out into giggles. “Mhm! My sweetheart is my teacher. She has a sweet heart so she is my sweetheart.” She explained. A little weight lifted off his shoulders. He wouldn’t have to intimidate a first grade boy anymore. “Really?” He smirked, tying the knot. She stood up and nodded profusely. It always amused him to hear her pick up on his lingo. Sweetheart happened to be one of them, and he wondered about the inevitably old woman who just swooned over his little girl's affection. “Yeah! She wears pretty dresses and she has pretty eyes.” She said, grabbing his hand.
“Can’t wait to meet her sweety.”
Arriving at the school Elaine was practically jumping out of her carseat in excitement. He envied her energy. Pushing his sunglasses up on his head he opened her door and she hopped out. “I want to show you everything!” She said, grabbing his hand. Nodding he went ahead and picked her up, her arm wrapping around his neck. “I want to see it all.” He said.
Stepping inside he was met with cool air and colorful walls. The smell was that distinct elementary school smell. Sort of like crayons and pencil shavings. She begged for him to put her down and he did. Holding his hand tightly she led him around the school and he thoroughly enjoyed listening to her give a description of everything he saw.
“That's my art class. I made a picture of school in there.”
“This is the bathroom. I only have to go sometimes.”
“This is the door to the playground.”
The unnecessary introduction of everything in sight just made him laugh. She was thorough, just like him. Walking past a conference room he heard some people talking but didn’t bother to look in. “Hey Elaine!” A voice called out. Elaine spun around and waved. The woman smiled and looked up at him. “You must be dad.” She said, but there was a hint of something in her voice. Something rather flirtatious. Nodding, he decided to ignore it, shaking her hand. “I’m Mrs.Florence. I’m the principal.” She said, adding a wink to her introduction.
This wasn’t an odd occurrence. Women in failing marriages were drawn to him like a magnet, and he just wasn’t sure why. Looking at the ring on her hand he nodded. “James. Nice to meet you.” He said, clearly wanting to end this interaction. Feigning shyness, some of her blonde hair fell into her face and she bit her lip.
“Daddy, I want to go to my teacher’s class!”
Thank god for Elaine.
Giving an uncomfortable wave he let himself be pulled away by Elaine, watching the defeated look crawl onto her features. Going down the steps he had to walk slowly beside her, smiling at the concentration on her face. She fell on the steps once and was petrified of them for a while. Now she took her time, one foot at a time on each step. “Good job being safe sweety.” He said. Once she reached the landing she thanked him, and before he could say anything else she took off running. A little shocked at her behavior he was running right behind her. “Elaine!” He called out. She just giggled running towards an open classroom door. Getting closer and closer she ran inside disappearing around the corner.
“Sweetheart sweetheart sweetheart!”
“Okay okay! Hey Elaine.”
Stepping inside he took a breath looking around the room. The walls were painted with various shapes and colors complementing the rug that was decorated in letters and numbers. Turning his head he spotted Elaine all but tackling her teacher. “Daddy she’s my sweetheart!” His eyes dragged up from her, to you.
He almost audibly gasped. You certainly weren’t the image he pictured in his mind. Internally he imagined a woman with grey hair and glasses perched on her nose. Instead he was met with a beautiful young woman. Beautiful felt like an understatement. His eyes lingered on your face tracing the shape of your lips as if to commit them to memory. Your smile reached your eyes as you looked down at his little girl. The soft edge of your jaw, the column of your throat, and your exposed collarbones called out to an absolutely primal part of him. The dress you wore stopped right below your knees, exposing just enough of your legs to make a man wonder. It was thin – not obscenely so – and just loose enough he couldn’t quite get a perfect view of those curves. Once you acknowledged him a soft smile crept onto your face. “Nice to meet you, Mister Barnes.” Of course your voice was smooth like silk. “I’ve heard a lot about you.” You said, Elaine just giggled dancing around you happily.
He didn’t even flinch when you called him Mister Barnes. Usually he would frown and insist that it made him feel too old. “You must be this sweetheart I’ve heard so much about.” He said as suave at possible. Clearly it worked because you just remained as bashful as ever, and he just loved the feeling of that power. Nervously you laughed, “Yeah. I’ve told her to call me by my name during class but she prefers the nickname.”
Stepping forward he put his hand out and you took it hesitantly. The skin of your hand was soft, and he just knew the rest of you had to be just as soft. “James, but please – call me Bucky.” He smiled. Smiling, you introduced yourself. Your hand left his but the warmth lingered. A kid came running up to you holding some stuff in his hands and you excused yourself attending to him happily. Getting on your knees you were at eye level with him and Bucky was overwhelming himself with different scenarios.
You looked cute down there.
He thought you'd looked better with his dick i-
“Daddy, Can I invite her to my birthday? Please.” Elaine pleaded, ripping him from his thoughts. Looking back at you he nodded to his daughter. If you came to Elaine's birthday then he'd have a gift of his own. Of course – like the sweet girl you were – you agreed, making his daughter so happy she was squealing. The excitement died down and Elaine was distracted again playing with the other kids. He wanted your attention again, and in that bit of selfishness he ended up signing up for things he had no desire to do.
“Are you sure?” You laughed giving him a look. Shrugging he signed his name on the line. Apparently you were alluring enough to make him sign up to help pass out programs at a school play. “I’m only asking because you’re the only dad that has signed up for anything.” You said. Glancing at the list he saw the plethora of undoubtedly mom names and sighed. “What will you be doing?” He asked, just curious. Looking confused for a moment you pointed to two things. The play programs and face paint for the fall festival. Signing his name right next to yours he sat the clipboard back on your desk. “If a sweet girl like you is around, count me in doll.” He winked, watching the way your eyes darted around nervously at his words. If a little complimenting got you like this he could only imagine what you’d do underneath him.
James, this is an open house at an elementary school.
Common sense kicked in, and common sense sounded a lot like his mother. Things were winding down, and the PTA moms flooded the room chasing their respective children around. “Hell of a crowd.” He said in a low voice. You hummed in response watching them all. “Some of the most insane women you will ever encounter. I’m sure you’ve dealt with them plenty.” You said a little exasperated. Tilting his head he wondered what you meant by that. You seemed to catch on. “I mean, you’re good looking. They prey on that sort of thing. Just… vicious.” You stopped swallowing hard. Your anxious disposition and admission made him smile. Just to calm your nerves he nudged you softly, “You should’ve seen Florence up there. Nearly jumped on me. Thank god for little Elaine, she saved me.” You gave him a sympathetic look and laughed.
Everything about you was far too cute, and the longer he stood next to you the more dangerous his thoughts became. “Can I have animal crackers for dinner?” Elaine tugged on his hand, rubbing her eyes sleepily. Smiling, he leaned down to pick her up. “Hm. Maybe not for dinner but we can work them in.” He said. Nodding she looked over at you, “You have to come to my birthday sweetheart.” You just grinned and nodded. “I wouldn’t miss it. Don’t worry.” You said sticking your pinky out. Elaine giggled, reaching out and locking them together.
“The address is somewhere on the card. We’ll be looking forward to seeing you.” He said reaching out and putting his hand on your shoulder. Your skin was warm against his hand, and he just wished it didn’t end here. “Bye Elaine. Bye Bucky.” You said as they parted. Your voice replayed in his mind as he walked down the hall.
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Apologies for any mistakes! I've read over it a few times and feel satisfied, but i'm sure some mistakes slipped through. Feedback is appreciated.
Part 2
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Yandere ex au 2: something for the dabi lovers
part 20
Mina sat the necklace down on your pillow along with the note, just great Keigo was back in town, but he seemed a bit different, was this another one of his nonsense ramblings, no she would get to the bottom of it, he was full of shit a couple of google searches and profiles found and …keigo was telling the truth, right there was dabi next to the girl who o.d in the part near you, she o.d right before you called her crying about how dabi said he didn't want anything to do with you.
She saw dabi and you walked up, you looked panicked as he opened the door and let you in, you ran into mina and hugged her, you knew the peace wouldn't last forever but for fucks sakes why couldn't you catch a damn break from him.
“Thanks dabi, I can take it from here.” Mina said as she patted your back
“Thanks for walking me home Dabi.” you sniffed
“No problem, call me if there is any problem.” Dabi said and left out of sight, he was really waiting around the corner looking to see if Keigo would rear his ugly head out to get his teeth smashed into the sidewalk.
You drank some water and got your breathing back to normal as Mina sat down, and yep from the call history and the events that happened, what Keigo said was adding up, you and dabi were doing good, ex comes by and stirs up drama, ends up dying and you two get together.
Seems very convenient for dabi, even if keigo was a bastard man he was right about something unfortunately.
You saw Mina off and she saw you placed the anti burglar bar up at your door and walked down the sidewalk, only to see dabi at the corner enjoying a cigarette, he waved her over, she gulped but went over.
“Didn’t know you had such a nasty habit.” Mina said
“I'm down to one every three days, leaning off.” Dabi said”How is she doing?”
“She is just getting fed up.” Mina said
“Are Keigo's words getting to you?” Dabi asked, shit he could read her like a book.
“Well I mean…did you date her?”
“Haily was…destructive, to herself and everyone around her, she seemed like safe bet for me, she got put in jail for mugging some guy , and liked to drag people down with her, and i didnt want any more of it, so yes we did date but when she got thrown in jail, i didn't want to deal with her anymore, then she stalks me down and exposes my dirty laundry i didn't put up with it and guess she couldn't deal with the fact I loathed her, so guess she ended up…like that.”
Mina wanted to buy the story, but she wasn't, there was no actually solid proof that Dabi would have made her o.d on sleeping pills.
“Well looks like you and (name) have something in common, assholes for exs.” Mina said “My ride is almost here, get home safe.”
“I will.” Dabi said as the car pulled up and Mina got in, she didn't buy the story but what more could she do.
Except call up the last person she wanted to, Keigo, that bastard, who was getting his ear screamed off by the company and how he better have his ass back there in the next two days or else. Once Keigo hung up he got another call, and it was Mina on the other line.
“Hey asshole we need to talk, where are you?” Mina asked, and got her drive redirected, she knew this was a mistake, but her gut told her something was up with Dabi, she had her pepper spray in one hand and a taser in the other when Keigo opened the door
“Just a little incentive to not try anything funny.” Mina said
“Got it, come in.” Keigo said as Mina came in and sat down “okay you are the last person i want to talk to, but i looked into your story and too many things are adding up.”
“Well glad to see someone believes me, can't exactly get into the other shady stuff he did.” Keigo said
“Like what?” Mina asked
“Mina…i dui really, me the guy who never drinks, can't say what really happen because well, guess i got a little gutsy.” Keigo said
“God i wanna pepper spray you.” Mina said “so he framed you for a dui after what you tried hurting (name) again.”
“In his mind, yes.” Keigo said “Id never hurt (name)-”
“Cut the bullshit, maybe you never layed a hand on her, but you messed her mind up so bad, it got to the point she was having break downs everyday, a narrassttic bastrd like you will never admit that you hurt her, she hates you Keigo wake up and smell the dam roses, if you really did love her, you would let her go you fucking idiot.” Mina shouted, then let her shoulders rest and take a deep breath “Don't even think of showing your face around her again, thanks for the warning you fucking prick.”
Mina left slamming the door, leaving Keigo stunned, no he never hurt you…right?
As Mina walked out she let out a heavy sigh, you needed to break up with Dabi, that much was clear. She texted you right away, unknowing that you had called Dabi back since you felt unsafe and you were fast asleep as he saw your phone flash up, only catching mina contact and the words.
“You need to break up with…”
So Dabi took your hand and pressed your thumb to your phone and read the whole thing
“You need to break up with dabi, please call me when you see this, it's important.”
Great so now your close friend didn't like him, you wouldn't break up with him just because your best friend told you to right, you two were better than that, he had nothing to worry about as he set your phone back down after putting it back to unread, mina sa the read sign and nothing back.
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Tag Game: Word Find
Thank you so much for the tag @sleepyowlwrites!
I was given some very fun d-themed words; darkness, dare, distant, determined and dream. :)
I will be using my wip, Puppet Kingdom, for this.
Darkness Dark
The woman frowns with a scrutinizing glare, placing one hand on her hip and leaving the other holding very sharp garden shears. She has a pale demeanor, dark eyes, and dark brown hair pulled into a thin bun. She has small earrings lining her ears, making her look elegant despite wearing a black smock stained with grass and petals over a plain beige gown.
My fingers are clammy as they gather up my skirt to curtsy before I dare myself to look up.
There’s ringing. Everywhere. So much noise. Someone’s calling for me. Somewhere distant in my imagination. 
That night I dream of Haili, a frequent protagonist in my dreams. A young lady I had never met but knew well-enough all the same.
This was super fun! I would like to tag (with no pressure!) @ryns-ramblings and @stardustspiral and whoever else would like to join in! Your words are stop, closure, wander, and line. :)
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redhoodisms · 2 years
anyways i’ve decided to be an impulsive little bitch again and move all of my anime content to its own separate account because why not. so @/planetkeijis or @/tomiokas???
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barbieirl · 7 years
i’ve realized that i’m not ready to date anyone, like yeah talking to people is fine but anyways, everyone that i’ve met or talked to, it hasn’t worked out for one reason or another. like every reason imaginable. like one guy was too into me/too suffocating, the other guy only cared about sex, the other guy was too old, the other guy was too far. so i honestly think it’s just meant to be that i’m single rn, just work on myself for the time being and one day, when i’m not even looking, life is gonna bring the right guy into my life. i think that when you’re actively looking for someone, you’re not gonna find them. it has to be when you’re ready and you least expect to find that person. that’s when it always works out.
also on another note i’m pretty pleased w eminem’s new album, i didn’t love all the songs but like 5 or so i’m into. they remind me of the old eminem which i’m happy about. he’s just rapping about kim & hailie which is so cute. the fact that he still cares about kim is so cute. i wonder if that’s why he never remarried cus he lowkey loves her still, idk.
anyways this was a rambly post. if you made it to the end of this post you’re the real mvp 💕
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full-imagination · 7 years
Thomas "Earl" Kelly
Thomas “Earl” Kelly, 81, of Spartanburg, SC died Monday, May 8, 2017 in Spartanburg, SC surrounded by his loved ones. Born September 28, 1935 in Old Fort, NC, he was the son of the late Claude Thomas Kelly and Maggie Morris Kelly. Mr. Kelly was a Korean War veteran for the United States Navy and was Honorably Discharged in 1956. Mr. Kelly, the rambling man, loved his chosen profession as a truck driver, and traveled the 48 continental United States and into Canada. He retired as an Owner/Operator for Crete Carrier Corporation. Mr. Kelly enjoyed playing guitar and singing and shared this pastime through the years with family and many friends. Mr. Kelly was a devoted family man and is survived by his wife of 58 years, Julia Kerlee Kelly. He was cherished by his children, Angela Kelly (Len Brock) of Spartanburg, SC, Phillip (Darlene) Kelly of Chesnee, SC, Charlotte (David) McCowan of Inman, SC, and Crystal (Jeff) Powell of Spartanburg, SC; and was a beloved Papa to seven grandchildren, Rachel, Haily, Weston, Raven, Laura, Jenica, and Kaylin. Mr. Kelly is also survived by his sister, Darlene Kelly Parker. He is preceded in death by his brothers, George Lee Kelly and Joseph Edwin Leonard. The family will hold private funeral services. Interment will be at Western Carolina State Veterans Cemetery in Black Mountain, North Carolina. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association. “I have spent many days stringing and unstringing my instrument while the song I came to sing remains unsung.” from The JF Floyd Mortuary Crematory & Cemeteries via Spartanburg Funeral
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mrcspectr · 13 years
Why did I write a bit of the epilogue to Whiplash? I mean really. I've got a loooong way to go before that even happens. But I had a fantastic idea and it was so good and aslkgjlasgjkaljgak I'm just gonna go back to writing Part 4 now.
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redhoodisms · 3 years
ok this is probably really really stupid to ask but...
who are the batboys and where can i learn more abt them bc damn they look fine asf !!!
babes, (sorry i call everyone babes now, hope that’s okay!) i am currently gasping right now. also, i am so horrible at answering all the messages in my inbox but i’m here now! i don’t know how much you know about dc comics (that’s the superhero world that consists of the justice league so like batman, superman and wonder woman) but the batboys are basically sidekicks of batman. and no! this is not a stupid question because i will gladly tell you everything i know about the batboys just so you can be a part of the dc comics fandom!
i feel like such a teacher right now omg this is making me just wanna make a powerpoint for fun. but anyways, the batboys are batman’s sidekicks. batman always has a sidekick named robin and there are five of them in the universe. most of them have grown up to become their own heroes (or anti heroes) and have given themselves their own name. but they were all trained under batman and were a sidekick of him for a period of time.
and yeah, that sounds crazy that batman had like five sidekicks (one of them was a girl). but the one’s that my account are based on are all about the robin sidekicks that were boys. dick grayson is the first robin who became a vigilante called nightwing, jason todd (who is the most hottest batboy in my opinion) is the second robin who actually turned into an anti hero and goes by the name red hood. then there’s tim drake, who became the next robin and ended up going by red robin later on. and damian wayne is batman’s son who becomes the last robin.
AND YES THEY ARE FINE ASF! I AM SO GLAD YOU SAY THAT! the way i learnt about them was because i grew up in a household where my dad introduced me to superheroes from both marvel and dc comics (along with star wars but that’s another story) when i was like three. the best way to learn about them if you want to watch them on screen would be the animated dc comic movies that have come out over the years, along with young justice because that has a lot of tim drake content. i’m not exactly a diehard fan to know all the details but there’s the comic books you can look through to!
anyways, i’m so glad that you asked me! i feel like i’m slowly converting you into the ways of batman and his hotties of sidekicks (because there’s more than just the robins). the batfam is such a fun dynamic to explore and if you ever want talk or ask more questions don’t be shy to do so! i hope i was able to answer your question! i’ve never gotten to mention that your account is literally so aesthetic and pretty so that’s enough of me rambling and i hope you get a chance to look into the batboys more! and if you do, tell me who’s your favourite!
haily <3
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redhoodisms · 2 years
hey send me some jujutsu kaisen requests!
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