#half of the bad kids have dead dads and yet they still end up at 6 dads for the group
“average Bad Kid has 1 alive dad” factoid is actually just statistical error. Fathers Fig, who lives in haunted house & has 3 dads, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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halfdeadfullgay · 4 months
404 - Title Not Found(part/chapter 2)
Part 1 - Tumblr Part 3 - Tumblr
Summary: Danny needs to do laundry and agrees to go to a gala.
Jason is forced to go to a gala and needs to do laundry.
He forgets quarters and Danny forgets laundry detergent.
AN: Reminder that half of this shit is just crack treated seriously. I’m playing fast and loose with Danny Phantom cannon and DC cannon. If stuff isn’t cannon or if stuff is out of character, don’t question it. I just want to write my silly little fanfic.
Danny had fucked up. Even just meeting the walking dead he was meant to watch could cause trouble. At least that’s what ClockWork warned him of. It was probably just meant to lessen chances of anything bad happening, mainly the GIW appearing.
He decided to take a break from watching the Red Hood. He needed to focus on Danny anyways. He had spent the last few months focusing on Phantom and Ghost King Phantom. So when Vlad had offered to take him to a gala held by the Waynes, he immediately said yes.
Sure Vlad was still a bit of a fruitloop but he had stopped trying to basically murder his dad and lessened his advances on his mom as well. He had gone to a few galas before as both the Ghost King and Danny. He already a nice simple tux, he just needed to wash it since the last gala he was at had a ghost crashing it.
He didn’t mind galas as the Ghost King but loved them as Danny. He was able to mess with guests and Vlad with little to no suspicion that he was the cause.
Danny was gonna take the week to focus on himself and catch up on stuff that he wanted to do, not needed to. He sighed as he grabbed his tux and other clothes in a basket that needed to be cleaned. He double checked that he had his phone, keys, and bag of quarters before leaving his apartment and heading down to the crappy laundry room.
Jason still couldn’t shake the feeling of familiarity with the guy from last night. It didn’t feel like that it was just by chance that he lived in the same building as one of his many places that he stays at. He had many safe houses, mainly out of Crime Alley to avoid Batman and rouges but he still felt connected to the place.
Speaking of rouges, the past few nights on patrol; he didn’t have the feeling of someone following him. He had realized it when watching some petty criminals since it was a quiet night. He didn’t like the sudden lack of not being follow, while it was good to know he wasn’t being followed; there had to be a reason for the sudden stop.
Outside of patrol, he noticed that the guy that gave him a sense of familiarity was on the same floor as him. He still didn’t know why there was that sense of familiarity, he didn’t know why he felt drawn to him. Jason pushed it to the side, just for now since he didn’t have a legitimate reason to start digging into it yet.
Jason sighed as he gathered up the clothes that were thrown around the apartment. He had been staying at that specific safe house for awhile, too tired from patrol to go to one of the farther ones. He had to do laundry and clean his nice somewhat formal clothes. Out of all the Wayne kids, he had drawn the short end of the stick when Bruce asked who would be going to the gala. Dick had brought up the issue that he was legally dead at one point and how that could cause issues but Alfred had apparently figured out a way to just make it seem like his death was exaggerated or something. Jason didn’t care to ask him how exactly he did that, it was fine for now.
He hated galas, even from what he remembered from when he was younger; he had always disliked them. He grumbled under his breath about how it was stupid as he walked out of his apartment with his laundry basket and laundry detergent. He knew that the washers the apartment complex provided were shitty but he didn’t feel like going to a laundromat or anything.
Jason entered the laundry room, it always had a wet clothes and laundry detergent smell. The lights flickered and it was cold. There were a few other people. He found an empty washer and loaded up his clothes. When he went to grab the quarters out of his pocket, damnit; he left them in his apartment. It was a minor inconvenience, still annoying.
Danny sighed, he realized that he forgot to buy laundry detergent. He was deciding between just doing laundry later or ask someone if he could use some of theirs. As he was weighing pros and cons, he heard cursing that broke the quiet. He looked up to see the guy using the washer across of him, cursing under his breath. He felt like he had seen him before.
Ever since staying in Gotham, he felt that a lot. It was because of how many liminal and dead walked the streets of Gotham. He just brushed it off usually but it felt different with this guy. Danny, one who never knew when to just stay quiet, saw an excuse to talk when he heard the guy grumbled about not having any quarters. The worst that could happen would be being yelled to mind his business.
He must’ve spaced out looking at him because now the guy was staring back at him. “Uh, I got some quarters if you need any.” Danny gave a small smile while holding out his bag of quarters. The guy seemed to think about it for second, Danny thought it looked he was questioning if he was trustworthy. He couldn’t blame him, it was Crime Alley after all. After a moment of silence, the guy spoke up.
It was a simple thanks as he took the amount he needed. “Do you need detergent or something?” Huh, maybe he had good luck for once, Danny thought before quickly replying. “I actually do need detergent.”
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mute-call · 2 months
alright working poppy playtime stuff. forgive me for having written this last night when i was half a sleep & also i haven't looked up the lore yet oopsie 🤷‍♂️
alr so steve is an employee in playcare or whatever obviously. i think he maybe does a couple things. potentially some general childcare (focused in the playhouse i'd imagine), but also i think he's potentially a mechanic for the miss delights. it's about time steve gets to actually know something about animatronics etc. so he's not quite a teacher, bc that's already taken, but he still does a mix of interacting w the kids & working in the school.
fritzy's one of the kids in playcare. i do like the idea that they get close & steve makes efforts to adopt him (with fritz's complete approval)
i need to go look up lore about playtime jeremy & that whole thing, but either fritz is involved in "testing" in some way which interferes with the adoption or steven gets killed before the adoption can go through. if it's the former, i imagine steve might get Got trying to rescue fritz / smthin like that.
either way, steve's gonna kick the bucket. sorry, steve. maybe it won't be so bad as you say <3 ---
cue.... bobby bearhug time! im picturing something like what we see of dogday. human-sized, still plushie looking, but idk. steve's bearhug can look little a fucked up as a treat (like his canon freddy suit etc).
their pronouns are now he/she/they!! wild amalgamation of steven & bobby's character. which "personality" is dominant depends on the circumstances, but in general they also feed into each other. for example, bobby's a little more helpful and well-rounded, and steve's a little more "!! ^_^" and scared of being alone.
speaking of....
i think if there were a "questline" involving steven it would be to either jailbreak fritz or get steve to chill the fuck out. bc i think his post-death love for fritz would ratchet up into potentially unehelpful levels (not letting fritz leave for "his own safety," hostility to intruders, etc etc.) full mamma bear mode. fritz isn't in danger, but i think he'd be a little,, distressed, about his dead dad slash mascot friend looming over him 24/7
you can grab fritz and run (+1 fritzy to your inventory!) for a bearhug boss fight that leaves everyone (except you, probably) pretty unhappy
you can also try to help steven stabilize & regain more of himself & chill out & be Normal /lh . that's the good ending
and then catnap kills him
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authortobenamedlater · 2 months
*slides this E4 deep dive under the door right before the deadline*
Sick of being sick, this took forever to finish.
The good:
I really liked the touches of “ordinary people doing extraordinary things.” Louis is blind but he still shoulders the grenade launcher. Danilo is a physical therapist and runs into the fray to aid the wounded. Talia is a Marine, sure, but she’s a basically a radio operator. She probably joined to pay for college or something. And she goes with John to FLEETCOM after he said she didn’t have to. Then she flies a bunch of civilians to safety while a bunch of jackals are eating Jacob Keyes for dinner. Riz and Vannak and John are made for this, literally, but many people who weren’t went above and beyond to defend Reach in a losing fight.
John going up against the cloaked elite (the Var Gatanai mentioned at the end of last episode, I assume) is pretty great, as is Talia jumping in with a tire iron. And the energy sword fight toward the end? Mm-hm.
Soren’s “kid watching Mom and Dad fight” moment with Jacob and Halsey 😂 Why do I think little Soren drove Jacob to the edge of his sanity?
John’s FACE when he gets called up during Jacob’s speech. I’m never going to stop finding that funny.
The episode does a good job letting the audience breathe in between the action. Soren especially provides some levity.
The bad:
Vannak deserved better.
Jacob got a great ending, better than his game self, but we never even got to see him step foot on a ship. His promotion to admiral doesn’t even make sense. However, he was the only flag officer who didn’t bug out and deserves props for it.
No Kai, but I didn’t expect her since she’s likely on her way to Onyx with the S-IIIs. She’ll probably be furious once she learns Reach fell and she wasn’t there to fight.
I want The Chief & Cortana Show. This is why I’m here. I will forgive the absence of my faves if we get lots of John comforting Cortana after she leads the Covenant to Earth. Or just a really good reunion.
Questions/speculations/wishful thinking:
Why did Ackerson take the Spartans’ gear? Mr suspects personal vendetta but I wonder if Ackerson has reasons beyond that. He said the Master Chief is “just a guy in a suit.” Does Ackerson want to put someone else in the suit? It would fit with the running theme of the people In Charge want John to be replaceable. Halsey wanted to replace John’s mind, does Ackerson want to replace his body?
One of the trailers shows John walking out of FLEETCOM in his armor, so he obviously gets it back at some point, but I want to know Ackerson’s agenda.
John says they need people like Keyes giving orders, or they’ll be left with people like Ackerson. Well, now Keyes is gone, so who will be Ackerson’s foil? I can’t really think of anyone on the show or in main canon. Miranda is the only possibility and smart as she is, she’s not ready for that.
I don’t think Reach has truly fallen yet. There’s enough footage in trailers (like John walking out of FLEETCOM in his armor) to make me think this is going to drag awhile. Will we get Operation: First Strike? Maybe I’m majoring on a minor, but in an S1 episode Parangosky tells Jacob to call Admiral Whitcomb. Admiral Whitcomb leads Blue Team and friends in First Strike.
Cortana will be forced to lead the Covenant fleet to Earth. This is how we get that shot of John on the drop ship with Jupiter in the foreground.
Vannak is dead and Kai is leading the S-IIIs. Silver Team is getting split. Is John going to get a new team or is he going off by himself? I’m inclined to think the latter at least for the immediate future.
Vannak is going to get hauled to The Body Shop better known as Castle Base for some new parts. They did it with Kelly.
It’s hard to speculate on what next week holds, since aside from Kai with the S-IIIs and John getting to the Halo, Paramount is being tight-lipped about the back half of the season. From the trailer, I suspect we’ll find out what role Kwan plays going forward and what happened with John and Cortana getting separated, and we’ll meet the S-IIIs. Next episode is called Aleria, which according to Halopedia is some butt-end of nowhere colony nobody cares about. I’m not even sure what to make of how it could relate to the episode based on what I’ve seen.
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Time to ramble about robots again!
So a little while back, I briefly talked about two crossovers between Transformers Earthspark and Transformers Prime: One where the Terrans end up in Nevada and another where Team Prime (Or at least a couple of them) end up in Witwicky. I want to go more in depth on the former, just to get some of it out of my system.
Our story starts the way many crossover AUs do: with a malfunctioning spacebridge.
I initially thought of Nightshade building it as a way for the Maltos to escape any close encounters with G.H.O.S.T. but then I remembered that Earthspark uses the G1 spacebridge design. i.e. a massive ring laying flat on the ground. So instead, the gang stumbles upon some rogue Decepticons building a spacebridge in the woods so they can finally get off Earth. But since whatever scientist (Simacore maybe? It doesn't matter) they have probably isn't as good as Shockwave and they're rushing to build this before G.H.O.S.T. catches on, things go to shit pretty quickly.
Don't ask how the cons are able to build a spacebridge capable of tearing a hole through reality when they can barely feed themselves
The cons manage to escape the out of control spacebridge, but the Maltos aren't as lucky. I'm not completely sure who all gets sucked into the bridge since I don't want the entire family going through, so for now I'm gonna say Dottie, Robbie, Twitch, Hashtag, and Nightshade get pulled through. This lineup could be subject to change.
From there, things become a little vague for me. I was gonna have them to end up in Prime at some point after Shadowzone, sine Team Prime would be more open to the idea of alternate dimensions after that episode. But I also want Hashtag to be there for Out of His Head (And maybe Nightshade for Predatory? Just to give them a spider who isn't chill). Hell, I'm half tempted to have them land in the pilot and be split up so that ES!Bumblebee can save Cliffjumper.
In any case, Team Prime picks up on a massive energy surge and investigates. They meet with the Maltos and despite varying levels of skepticism, they bring them back to base. I like to think there's a bit of early tension because Fowler and/or some of the bots give the the whole "robots in disguise" spiel and try to get Twitch and Nightshade (Or Jawbreaker. Again, haven't decided yet) to take on more covert alt modes, only for Optimus to step in and say they have a right to keep their forms though it means they can't go out as much as Hashtag
Robbie and the Terrans aren't super active in the war - cos y'know, they're kids - so they're usually either getting into shenanigans or helping around the base. Hashtag is scrubbing evidence of the Transformers off the internet, Twitch is sparring with Wheeljack or Arcee, and Nightshade is trying to help Ratchet perfect the synth en formula, find the Maltos a way home, and rebuild the holoform projector so they and their siblings can leave the base.
Meanwhile, Optimus is quietly having a crisis in the corner. There's a world where Megatron ended the war? Cybertron's core wasn't poisoned (Yeah, it might still be dead, but the key word is might)? He now has kids to look after. Not 'kid' like Smokescreen, but actual children who should not be here. Yeah, the Decepticons getting their hands on the human kids would be bad, but Optimus doesn't even want to think about what they'll do if they find out about the Terrans.
Uh, I'm running out of steam so I'm gonna try and speed through some more notes.
Wheeljack becomes Dad 2.5
The Terrans meet the Rescue Bots at some point due to Hashtag unintentionally looking through government files
I'm tempted to have Jawbreaker scan his canon alt mode since I know what it is, but I think I'll wait until I see how he actually gets it in season 1C before I decide for sure.
I want one of the Terrans to connect with either Dreadwing or Breakdown, though I'm not sure who does it or how.
Maybe the aligned!Emberstone is on Earth? They had a billion other relics stashed here so it wouldn't be too surprising.
If Cliffjumper lives, the Terrans are the ones who reveal themselves to Jack and Raf. Miko's intro to the bots stays the same.
Actually, if Cliffjumper lives, Bumblebee gets captured by the cons. He'll live but it won't be fun.
The Terrans get two drug PSAs! One from Megatron and the other from Ratchet.
Miko isn't allowed to be alone with Hashtag or the twins. That is an accident waiting to happen.
I feel like Dottie and June would be a fun dynamic? Lemme get back to you on that.
Nightshade sneaks out at night and becomes a local cryptid before Hashtag can scrub the images.
The displaced Maltos aren't showing it, but they are freaking out. They have no way of knowing if the rest of the family got away from the spacebridge, got sent to some other universe, or just flat out died when the spacebridge went critical.
Dottie and Robbie (Or Alex and Mo, or Dottie and Mo, or-) get set up with false records so that they aren't stuck in the silo for weeks on end.
Hashtag tries to hack the warship at least once. How it goes remains to be seen.
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lordkingsmith · 4 months
Tommy Oliver Canon and Oc Children and grandchildren
My god this man has so many. Why did he have chemistry with everyone he met. This list is going to be long. Very very long. A cut is necessary this is going to be a wall. I'm also just doing all the ones off the top of my head, but if there's any i miss you wanna see, just request and I'll add them to the list. My only hard no's are Rita, Rito, and Zedd. not for any super specific reason other than I don't really feel like trying to think of how a kid would work given how much Tommy deeply hates and fears these three. Kim and Kat I could reason through, even if I didn't like the ships, same with Bulk and Skull. I...just cannot come up with good ones for Tommy for those three, sorry.
but! I am so so SO glad you guys are taking this opportunity to make your own kids. That was my intent and I love seeing them! I can’t wait to see even more 😁😁 if anyone wants to cover the ones I don’t/won’t, feel free too~
Canon children:
Katherine Hillard;
JJ Oliver. He seems to be in his early to mid 20’s in comics, and is child aged in tv show. Personality wise we know he’s got a chip on his shoulder, he has a misplaced sense of danger and is perfectly happy sassing someone while they’re threatening to kill him. Seems to be messy and enjoys outdoor activities such as cross country biking and competitions and fighting and is in karate competitions. His relationship to his dad is Rocky. Unfortunately unknown how he gets on with his mom. Possibly good since she’s the one attending his competitions and Tommy is. Not. Personally I actually like JJ, but more because he’s got some interesting groundwork. Do I think he should be green? -cackles- nooooo. He’d be a more interesting Pink. We’ll see if I like his alternate reality half sister more lol. JJ is the SPD green as well as green dragon mighty Morphin ranger.
Kimberly Hart;
Olivia Hart, seems to be in her 20’s, more information will be added later
Canon Grandchildren:
Grandchildren by Katherine Hillard;
While I have made an au version of Tommy and Kat's grandsons, and will animate them, I will include the canon two. Nameless kids at the end of a Christmas special for zeo. One of them is a zeo red ranger. Technically the first canon legacy ranger, but he’s nameless and seems preoccupied. Seems on good enough terms with his grandparents and baby brother so that’s good. Their parents are unknown but their dad is probably JJ. I named the older one Ethan, too bad he was never given a canon consideration. Both these two and JJ are blank slates. This is a good and bad thing. But I like thinking this canon version is in a world where Zordon is still alive and the little red Zeo ranger doesn’t know his grandparents are the first zeo rangers. Yet.
Alternate universe grandchildren:
JJ Oliver;
Two sons. One was a red ranger, and then became a blue. He’s dating the purple ranger of his current team, a troll named Milo. Ethan is mute due to an injury and fluent in ASL. His best friend is Chloe Bulkmeier-Hart, who is the pink ranger of his current (and previous-girl is just an absolute pink through and through) team. He misses his younger half brother a lot. Ethan was born by accident while JJ was undercover. He loves his stem mom Anara, however. He knows when Milo meets her he will, too. He was Red of the team Fable Force and is currently Blue if the team Hellion Squad. He’s Hellion Blue, and his element is blue fire. He’s 21 and has been at the mercy of Rito Revolto while being presumed dead for the last two years. He used to babysit Pepper Skullovitch with Chloe, and had an antagonistic relationship with both Iva Song and Max Irons. He finds it funny that the two former comedy duo are both rangers, now. Manages to break mind control because of his brother attacking Rito Revolto.
His half brother, (haven’t decided on name) is ten years old. Sarcastic little so and so, not afraid to kick magic skeletons in the knees. Is babysat by Pepper and Charlie. He wants his brother back and he loves power rangers.
Olivia Hart;
Although Tommy died long before he could really get to see his daughter grow up, she did and she’s thriving. She never got married, she did have two kids. One adopted one not, but the other parent doesn’t matter-at least, they’re not at the age that it matters yet and she’s not going to contend with the fact the baby may or may not be a demigod. Theo, aged twelve, and Clover, eight months, love their mom and grandma. At least Theo does. Clover’s just a baby and generally loves everyone who holds her. Adopted at two, Theo knows about power rangers, knows about his mom being one, knows his grandparents were. Doesn’t particularly care aside from the fact his family helps people. Theo reads a lot, and draws, and helps his mom take care of things. She’s trying to run a small business while also being a Green Ranger, and Theo when he’s home from school is used to juggling school work and babysitting. His only hard me time days are the weekends, when he’s got little league baseball or chess. Olivia supports and understands this, and so far she and Kim have attended every single game and tournament. Has bashed putties in their faces in defense of Clover, before. He got a cake for that one. Privately Olivia knows Tommy loves these two, if he’s watching. And she’s certain he is.
Neither Theo nor Clover are associated with a color. Nor do I see them ever being associated with a color.
Alternate universe oc children:
Billy Cranston;
After surviving the world of the coinless together, the two got very close. Tommy was the first person Billy came out to, Billy was the first guy Tommy went all the way with. They have one daughter. Her name is Amanda Oliver. Aged 19. Amanda is adopted, and completely spoiled by her dads. She wants for nothing, and she loves them back deeply. She's a karate instructor, and a power ranger mentor. She's got a really open relationship with her parents, and trusts them to trust her, and they do. A little bit of a heartbreaker, finds it difficult to lie, loves science and kids.
Eugene Skullovitch;
Tommy invited Skull to a carnival. After first being asked if Skull was a rebound-with a fast follow up to make sure Tommy wasn't taking him to something run entirely by putties-and then asking if he was sure sure Goldar and Skorpina wouldn't be there-Tommy decided he was going to make this a date. and the best one of Skull's life. The effort to help this guy have a proper, healthy, fair love life, meant it more or less accidentally lead to falling in love and while not marriage, they do live together. They have Spike, an adopted daughter Eliza, and a son together named Hunter. Rita thought it'd "bury the hatchet" and had the forethought to let them know she'd decided her first act of being nice would be something that would benefit them. Has not in fact, buried any negative feelings but the effort did mean something. Tommy's straight up told all three of his kids they're not allowed to go to Briarwood. Just in case.
Eliza "Lizzie" Oliver is 21, and wants to be a reporter. Thinks Tommy's worries are a little extreme when they directly affect his kids' lives, but she humors him even as an adult, because she loves him and wants to see him happy. A little selfish, but very smart. Good at picking up on subtext and helps explain things that go over her brothers' heads when she's with them. Tommy's too because he might be smart, but the man is kinda dumb. Not very organized, but somehow always has what she needs in her giant purse. Very resourceful, knows how to pick locks, and is capable of two types of martial arts.
Hunter Oliver-Skullovitch is 16. He's just trying to get through highschool guys, please let him get through highschool. He's been kidnapped twice, and he really just wants to be left alone. More of a punk than Tommy gets, but Tommy and Skull are supportive of his tastes and choices in life. Unfortunately everybody wants a piece of this kid, and while he's not associated with any color (by sheer force of will), this is not from lack of attempts. Hunter's just very very good at making himself too much of a nuisance to be worth taking. Like his siblings he knows two types of martial arts, can pick locks, knows how to get into vents, knows four ways to get out of ropes and other bindings, and can say "help me I've been kidnapped" in twelve languages. as well as "fire!" and "that's not a human!". He loves monster movies, because the monsters actually seem to pose a challenge. He and Tommy do have an understanding, and Tommy and Skull are both happy to let Hunter have a choice in becoming a ranger. He won't get forced into it, if he does he will do this fully with his eyes open and knowing what he's getting into. He will become a black ranger, when he's around 20, and it will be his choice.
Farkas Bulkmeier;
Bulk had been mildly afraid of Tommy since day of the dumpster but after the first couple weeks, he mellowed out. A LOT. Unfortunately Tommy's walking eye candy and that entailed a lot of attention by a lot of pretty people. Bulk found it easier to simply antagonize him rather than directly compete with everyone else. They've had a fun flirtatious back and forth for years. Things got a lot more of a lot more when Bulk came back from Mirinoi, and Tommy of all people got him in a hug so tight he thought he was going to actually get a broken back. They reconnected and opened a small hotel together. It's nothing spectacular but it's consistently filled with people, some of whom even choose their hotel again for future vacations. A couple years after the 'this is going to flop' fear subsided, business partners became married partners. Tommy and Bulk chose to go the adoption and surrogate route. Adoption because Tommy wanted to give a good life to someone who needed it, much like he'd been given, and surrogate because a friend asked during New Years when they were gently shooing them out of the hotel a little after midnight so they could sleep and their kid could sleep. The question had stuck around, which lead to an awkward conversation, which lead to asking around if anyone was willing. The surrogacy via Trini lead to twins, much to everyone's surprise. David thought this was hilarious. Tommy apologized profusely to Trini, who had to remind him he didn't control that. And she was willing to help them prepare for twins if they were.
They have three kids. Beckett, adopted at nine and currently 21 and working at the hotel to save up for college, and the twins. Trinity and Leon, born when Beckett was twelve. Rambunctious, and taking after Tommy a lot. There is no brain cell between them. The hotel is their personal playground when they have to spend time at home, much to the chagrin of Tommy and Bulk, though they have managed to make this work in their favor, and many of the twins' games also double as their chores.
Beckett's the straight man type. He's very up front, responsible, and charming when he wants to be. He can switch from business to leisure at the drop of a dime, is good with money, and knows Angel Grove like the back of his hand. He is practically a walking tour, and has debated whether or not it'd be worth setting up a tour guide side business to help the hotel, and his wallet. Bulk respects the hustle. Tommy just wants him to be careful. Beckett's going into business management. He doesn't necessarily want to take over; it'd be fun to open up a rival place for a while just to see how he does. He's also prepared for any and every eventuality. Living with this family, he's got to be. Not that he minds, he used to wander Boston streets all day and go to the boy's home at night. Tommy ran into him on the street wandering back, and it was basically an immediate whirlwind of Beckett becoming Beckett Oliver and going to live with Bulk and Tommy.
Trinity is the older of the twins by four hours. She's also the go getter and more of the risk taker. She is dragging Leon along after for better or for worse, because no he's not going to let his sister do something dumb alone. That's lonely! They've had run ins with a lot of supernatural things, but that's par for the course so half of them Tommy and Bulk don't know about. Trinity is more likely to fight something twice her size. Also more likely to jump from the second story railing to see if she can fly (she nearly gave Bulk a heart attack and he caught her before she could begin her downward trend. Luckily he knew her by that point). Not currently a color but she's Tommy's. She's going to be a green ranger when she's older. Tommy and Bulk have the twins in judo classes.
Leon's the more careful of the two but that's not saying much. Still the one that decided to experiment with dishsoap in the laundromat. He was grounded for a month. He's also more of the curious one, in the book sense. If he doesn't know, he asks. It's less of a headache. More of a direct talker than his sister, very polite. Is not adverse to using his sister or brother as a distraction. Enjoys parkour, even at nine. He likes detective stories. Enjoys birdwatching. This isn't a calming activity for him; he walked onto a cliff to see if a bird was an eagle. It was. He nearly got very very hurt. Tommy, fortunately, knows him. general rule with the twins is if Beckett Tommy or Bulk is with them it's for everyone else's protection; not their own. Leon is not associated with a color, but he's Tommy's. He'll be a white ranger when he's older.
Although many adversaries did have their eyes on these kids for a time-absolutely not, it's too much trouble. Tommy and Bulk are at least a little self aware and their kids are fully prepared to turn the hotel into a massive booby trap. There's a protocol and everything.
in a tangential au, Beckett is a ranger and passes the Power to either Leon or Trinity as his chosen replacement, so depending he's either white or green.
Matthew Cook;
Tommy and Matt did not really like each other at the beginning. Matt blames Tommy for so so much, but can't do anything about it, and Tommy's missing Dragon Green something terrible and dealing with massive amounts of PTSD for related but different reasons than Matt. Rita trapped them together in a gladitorial area of the Dark Dimension, and Tommy and Matt managed to talk to each other and get into an understanding. When they started dating, it was actually Grace who saw an opportunity, not Rita. But it’d be three more years before she could enact the plan. She didn’t tell Terona, and she was intending to eventually get every coin as well, for a full set.
Verdun Cook is 24, he’s the green dragon ranger, and he’s never met his dads. He’s a top agent for protection of earth. He thinks his parents gave him up to Grace. They think he died in infancy, an unfortunate complication in how he was made. They also think the dragon dagger was destroyed as well, around the same time. When parents and son finally meet, Tommy and Matt are furious. Billy’s furious. Terona's furious. He got Verdun to Tommy and Matt when he found out, even. Everyone’s furious. Matt and Tommy have Verdun live with them to acclimate to civilian life, and get used to being a person. His entire life has been as a weapon; he’s trying to very rapidly learn how to be human. It’s not like he was a success in the program either; the plan was a whole team of legacy rangers in their parents Colors, and he was the only one they could get.
Currently the only people allowed to mess with Tommy and Matt’s DNA is Billy and the Aquitarans and, hilariously, Zedd. He only made a clone. He was very transparent about what he was intending for the clone. Tommy knows where the clone is. He DIDN’T know where his son was, that he was alive, what Grace was intending or what he was doing. He and Matt are in agreement; If they had to chose they’d choose Zedd with their DNA.
When they thought their biological son had died; they adopted. Ricky is fifteen, not associated with a color, and is trying to get used to this with along with their dads. Ricky really is trying to be nice as well, but his overenthusiasm and attempts at bonding are often coming off too strong and borderline antagonistic. He doesn't mean to be. But the bright side is Ricky’s got someone to hang out with. And better yet, Verdun knows nothing about video games, pop culture, or really anything. So. Who wants to watch Star Wars? Ricky's got mixed feelings about his brother, but they're ranging from sad to excited, there's nothing jealousy related. Their dads are awesome, and he's sad Verdun never got to grow up with their dads. And he's excited to be able to have fun with his brother. Ricky is very excitable, and works on the school newspaper. He does volleyball, and has goals to be valedictorian when he graduates. Friendly, upbeat, can sometimes take things too far, but he tries to make those moments right.
They’re all making up for lost time with Verdun. It’s long overdue. At least both kids get along.
Jason Lee Scott;
It started with a challenge, because for these two, it always starts with a challenge. Trying to out do the other in asking each other out, the date, and then the proposals. Because the one who can't top the last proposal has to say yes. because you can't one up a proposal if you're already married. So they've been engaged with no wedding date in sight for decades, going back and forth with proposals. Most everyone is amused, but their two kids are mostly Done with their dads. Travis Scott, aged 26, and Celeste Scott, aged 22, love their dads but cannot with either of them. Travis is a famous race car driver and a gold ranger, Celeste is going into mechanics with a focus on teaching, her goal being a shop teacher for highschool students and a red ranger, and they love their dads but everything is an eternal competition between Jason and Tommy, and it sometimes feel loving their kids is a competition, too.
Violet decided to help Jason and Tommy when they were looking at surrogacy, and was not amused by the fact they decided who the father would be with an arm wrestling match, best two out of three. Jason won. Violet insisted on naming the kid for them so it wouldn't turn into another contest. Jason and Tommy do love each other, but it's so hard for them to be anything but competitive. It's literally their love language. They do make a great team raising their kids, however, and Travis was a bit of a gearhead almost before he could walk, fascinated with cars and bikes and everything with wheels. His first (self chosen) halloween costume was the megazoid, made lovingly out of boxes, construction paper, paint, and paper mache. When he found out Tommy had been a race car driver when he and Jason were considering kids at all, well. His fate was sealed. He's got a rap sheet for illegal drag races, speeding, and a few other things. Jason had to take away the keys for a year while Tommy worked on getting Travis on board with the concept of "time and place" because while Tommy is dumb of ass and pure of heart, he does not fuck around with safety around mechanical objects. especially cars. Now, however, Travis is thriving. He is not on the same team as his sister, ironically while he hates how competitive his parents are, he and his sister are almost worse with their rival ranger teams. Travis is just like Tommy, but tends to have the same manner of dealing with feelings as Jason; bottling to the detriment of everyone around him. Intense, but well meaning. Strong willed and stubborn, but often gets into things on pure righteous fury, or out of a sense of competition or excitement. More than one person has asked him "how are you still alive".
Celeste was adopted in infancy a few years after Travis was born. Tommy has always liked the idea of adoption, and was always grateful for being adopted into the family he was. David threatened them both with their lives if they turned this into a competition, and watched them very very closely through every step. When she was two years old, Celeste stole Travis' toy car and he bopped her in the face to get it back. if you ask Jason, that's the moment the two became rivals. She's been a mild terror, taking apart most things she could get her hands on and later figuring out how to put them back together. The vacuum, the family car, she's just having fun. She also is a little bit of a know it all, especially over mechanical things, and will lecture to whoever listens, though the complexity tends to depend on who she's talking to. Her teammates? a good way to practice going over the subject with teenagers. Her parents? as indepth as she likes. Her brother? middle ground. He knows how cars work, but not how to fix in a pinch. She's become a red ranger because opportunity presented itself, and her brother's two towns over and she loves sending him selfies of her exploits. He's quickly gotten into it as well.
Rocky DeSantos;
Rocky and Tommy always had a rather amicable relationship, which lead to a very comfortable dating life. It wasn't a sparks fly insta love thing, but more like a very slow burn of embers. And after years and years of doing things and having each other's backs and being red and blue and white and red and all that this all entails...it got to the point they looked at each other and couldn't think of anyone else they'd want to be with. They have four kids; Dannica DeSantos, aged 26, Markus DeSantos, aged 24, Johanna DeSantos, aged 20, and Halen DeSantos, aged 17. Tommy and Rocky are currently taking a break (being teammates and lovers on several teams and effectively at each other's hips for decades will do that), but are doing it more to save their marriage than preparing to divorce. Halen's living with Tommy during this, as Rocky is the firefighter chief, and is only at the house three days every two weeks during fire season. Better to have a parent who can actually dedicate time to being a proper parent to the one kid that still needs it. All kids except Halen are scientifically mixed dna of Tommy and Rocky, through cashing on a favor of Billy and the Aquitans. Halen is adopted.
Dannica DeSantos is a racecar driver. She's been a speed demon since she learned how to ride a tricycle, and has been relatively unstoppable since. She has given her parents panic attacks. She's been in jail over the fact she used to do illegal drag races in her teens. Tommy had to put a stop to this by getting behind the steering wheel again and taking his own daughter on in a race. If he won, she waited till she was 18 to pursue this as a career-the legitimate way. If he lost, he'd give her the keys and say nothing. Tommy won, barely. She was pissed, but she honored her word. They had a few years of tenuous peace with warnings interspersed that yes, traffic is awful, but no you can't drive through a park to get to your job on time, Dannica, no.
Since starting her career, though, this has gone down quite a lot and she's been a lot better about being responsible off the racetrack. She refrains from using the name 'Oliver' to her advantage; she wants to do this the right way. She's insanely competitive, and has a very strong code of ethics. She doesn't cheat, she doesn't cut corners, and she's not going to start. The only way to do anything is the right way, and what does it say about everyone else who cheats who keeps losing to her, anyway? Loves her brothers and sister, but she doesn't really get along with her dads. She's the most intense parts of both of them, and while they love each other, it's better to love each other at a distance. She gets the fact they're currently separated; you just gotta take a break sometimes. Not associated with a color, and as she'd willingly drive a car into someone, this is perhaps a good thing.
Markus DeSantos is going to school to be a physical therapist. Probably the most easy going of the siblings, he's a lot like his dads. He's kind of wanted to do this since finding out about the accidents that wrecked Tommy and Rocky's backs for a long time (and even to a point up to now) and lead to them both finally retiring from ranger work. Tommy has to walk with a cane, and Rocky's dependent on painkillers. With excercise. Markus gets that because his dads are so vigorous with their exercise and a lot of luck they were able to skirt past anything worse, and he wants to help people get similar results where possible. So, physical therapist. He's a happy go lucky but take no shit kind of guy. He's nice about it, but nobody gets away with anything around him. And often find themselves doing what they should, under the impression it was their own idea, some hours after talking to him. He loves food, loves his siblings, though he generally gets along with Rocky better than Tommy. But, he manages to get Tommy to do what he's supposed to, because his dad is very much a stubborn idiot about things that are good for him. Checks in often with Halen and makes sure he's doing ok during everything. Keeps both his dads' fridges stocked. Not associated with a color, though he was offered black once. Kept this to himself, he doesn't want to deal with the inevitable "well why didn't you" if he says anything. He didn't because it'd get in the way of goals he already had, that's all. He did suggest someone else, and they're doing very very well, so there's that.
Johanna is assistant manager at the Juice Bar, and thriving. Everything is going well for her. She's got a famous sister, two famous parents, and likes cooking, coming up with new flavors to try on the blackboard, and generally being assistant manager. Does she want to go to school? Maybe. Does she know what for? Not yet, but if she ever figures it out she's willing to go. She's into competitive gaming as a side thing, but it's not her life. Her life is fairly full of other things. She lives with Markus in a rental home, and Halen whenever he needs a break from Tommy. She loves holidays and wears themed clothes every single holiday. She wears bunny ears without shame with extra fluffy skirts every easter, and she's highly embarrassing on Thanksgiving with her turky legwarmers. However, her siblings love her and wouldn't have her any other way. A good source of advice to anyone who needs it, though she tries to stay out of Markus and Dannica's way, because they both get into moods where no amount of advice no matter how gently given will ever be heeded. And she's not going to waste time on useless endeavors.
She sometimes stands in for the karate classes when her girlfriend has to skip. Johanna knows she's dating the pink ranger, and Rose knows Johanna knows. Johanna doesn't mind filling in for Rose when fights edge into class times. Rose would do the same for her if their situations were switched.Johanna isn't associated with a color herself.
Halen DeSantos was adopted when he was six. He was adopted out of foster care, and remembers his last foster care parents. They were nice, but had eight other foster kids. Halen found it no less chaotic but somehow warmer when he got adopted by Rocky and Tommy. Their kids instantly swept him into their midst as sibling, and it was easy to slide into this as well. They squabbled and stepped on each other's toes and got on each other's nerves, but there was a deep love throughout. It is tough finishing high school while Tommy and Rocky don't live together-and Tommy is his biology teacher-but he's trying to remember it's not because they hate each other, it's just gotten a little much right now, and they do still love each other. His siblings always seem to know when he's feeling really low, however, and it's nice being able to get his mind off things. Kind of wants to go into paleontology, like Tommy, or firefighting, like Rocky. He hasn't decided yet, but he knows whatever he chooses, he's going to be supported in it.
Aisha Campbell;
While Aisha acknowledges Tommy as the leader, she doesn’t let him get away with shit. Uniquely while Kat and Kim and Trini didn’t either, Aisha and Tommy had just enough of a rivalry together that Tommy couldn’t quite dare to pull some things around Aisha. Aisha came after the whole “villain Tommy” and just knew him as the himbo dork who loved his friends and being a power ranger.
They never got married, but they do have kids together. Mostly they live with their lives revolving around each other and their kids, but never quite together together. Aisha didn’t think she could be whatever Tommy was looking for and Tommy knew he wasn’t that for Aisha either. But, they liked each other enough for kids, and they’re still good friends. It’s fairly amicable and flexible. They have twin daughters, Fillipa and Lucinda Campbell, aged sixteen.
Fillipa is older by eight hours. She’s into sword-dancing and gymnastics. Friendly to everyone, but doesn’t let anyone walk over her. Fillipa is the school class president, and helped set up a other species welcoming committee into the school. Other variations of humans, aliens, mutants, magical species, even androids, are welcomed and the committee helps incorporate them into the school into friend groups to encourage fellow classmates and teachers to treat these new classmates as normal people. It’s an uphill battle, but she thinks it’s worth it. Her running mate and best friend is a young Tenga queen named Clack, and both of them believe everyone could benefit from a friendship like theirs. It’s been bumpy but it’s somewhat working. At the very least it seems the current ranger team is made up of a wide range of species, and this makes Fillipa very very happy. Not associated with a color but if she were it’d be yellow.
Lucinda Campbell is a rodeo horseback rider, and does the Indian bareback racing and bronco riding. Aisha saw her daughter fall in love with mechanical bucking bronco rides at the mall, looked over at Tommy and went “if I see her as a red ranger later I’m blaming you.” Lucinda isn’t a red ranger.
She’s a green.
Hilariously neither Tommy nor Aisha seem to have realized this yet. Then again, the most green she wears is a green braided bracelet and socks. She loves her sister, and is grateful to her and Clack for being advocates for normalizing species integration, because she couldn’t possibly ask for a better team. They have each other’s backs, cover for each other, take part and enjoy each other’s hobbies, and she loves them all deeply. This is her team.
She’s not supposed to be doing anything with wild horses; she promised her parents not till she was in her 20’s. She’s also got such a skill with them now that if they saw her they’d instantly know she was a ranger. So, this is also a secret. At least good old uncle David’s willing to keep the secret. And offer advise to the team and his nieces when needed.
Adam Park;
They’d been friends since a bit before the transfer, and Tommy was Adam’s leader for years on three or four different ranger teams. There’s a level of trust there you don’t usually get, and they were both black and green rangers in their lives. After Tommy became Dino Thunder Black, and shortly after a divorce between him and Kat, Adam and Tommy started spending more time together. The getting together thing was an accident. Both of them at a Christmas party and then things going from one thing to the next, and Tommy says he’s never felt so at home waking up in someone’s arms.
They have one son together, Isaiah Park. Tommy cashed in on a favor owed by Grace, and soon enough JJ Oliver was trying to figure out where his baby half brother had come from. His opinion was Adam, because he was shorter. It wasn’t until several years later they were able to explain it in a way JJ would understand and accept. But they never let him live the cute story down, to his embarrassment. Given Tommy’s immunity to time fluctuations and manipulations by the Machine Empire, they found out they were living in the same town as Time Force. Tommy was able to complete a doctorate in, to Adam’s perception, a day. Tommy is a lead paleontologist due to this, and Adam works at the museum. However given Tommy being Tommy, there is currently a divorce. Tommy wears his trauma on his sleeve and Adam has given up trying to fix him.
Isaiah Park is sixteen. He’s quiet, thoughtful, and tends to think with his emotions rather than his mind. Lucky, charming, and a natural heartthrob to his school, though he doesn’t seem to notice. Loves music, especially classical, and reading. He hasn’t really thought about being a power ranger, though he wouldn’t say no if he was asked. He was babysat by the Dino Thunder team as a kid, and kidnapped by Mesogog once. All hell broke loose when this happened, and Isaiah’s unsure if he wants to be a ranger when this sort of danger could happen to any of his loved ones. Tommy and Adam are currently in the process of divorce, and Isaiah’s getting used to that idea as well, but it’s nice having JJ to talk to about it.
He has enough to deal with with his dads. They love telling the story of when he was three, they’d go “see you later alligator” and “after awhile Crocodile” and he’d respond, loudly and enthusiastically; “bye bye, froggie!” To this day he’s been unable to get them to stop telling this story to his friends, love interests, and any adult who’d listen. JJ feels the pain. Isaiah is not associated with any color. This is probably a good thing. However if he was, it’d be black.
Bobby (last name unknown);
The green candle was used on a group of bullies who’d recently joined Angel Grove as new students from another school by Zedd, and made the Mighty Morphin Dark Rangers. Dark mirrors to the Mighty Morphin team, except for Tommy. Bobby is the Blue Dark Ranger, and as you’d guess, Billy’s bully counterpart. Tommy was meant to be brainwashed and pulled back into the side of evil with the five mind controlled bullies, but didn’t. They freed the five, and the five became better people and stopped being bullies.
However in this version, instead of Justin Stewart becoming the Blue Turbo Ranger, it was Bobby. Bobby was able to convince Zordon not to recruit a child, and Rocky decided he’d rather have Bobby take his place than the eleven year old. Which was well and fine, and suited everyone a bit better given Bobby had some experience with being a ranger anyway.
He and Tommy bonded over their past stints as bullies turned evil rangers turned good people, and it led to sparks flying. Tommy and Kat broke up, and Kat got together with Kim while Tommy got together with Bobby. Twenty years later, Tommy is a professional race car driver and Bobby is his head mechanic. They have one daughter via adoption, Drew Oliver, aged 16.
Drew’s more of a wood working type of person, and prefers working in the wood shop classes at school. She’s interested in doing carpentry professionally, and Bobby and Tommy don’t see why not. It’s a stable job, good paying, and everyone needs a table, door, chair, and the like, and if you can do quality work you’re never going to go out of business. She also does how to’s on YouTube, and there’s a running joke about her dads, especially Tommy, helping or walking through in the background. Anytime someone brings Tommy up, she deflects with “nah, it’s his clone Tom” or “Tommy Oliver breaks cameras just by walking past him. Couldn’t possibly be” or “Tommy Oliver? :0 who’s that?” Tommy thinks this is hilarious, and he’s returned the joke in kind in interviews. Especially when Drew tags along. Not associated with a color.
Kristen (last name unknown);
Tommy’s fate seems to always revolve around pink rangers, and Kristen is no different. Instead of freeing the Dark Rangers, Tommy joined their ranks and quickly got into a relationship with Kristen. They now rule the galaxy with the Dark rangers by their side. They have two kids, a daughter, Katya, aged 24, and a son, Barrett, aged 16.
Katya is the heir apparent to the known universe and a rather spoiled and self confident little princess. In her opinion she is the center of the universe because of course she is. Everyone has always put her and Jaeris first, or died about it. She’s the current Pink Dark ranger and the leader of the team over her brother being the current red (they go through reds…rather quickly). She’s older, she’s smarter, she’s more clever and she’s the prettiest pink ever so of course she’s the leader. She and Spike Skullovitch have a very visceral love hate relationship. It’s explosive, literally. He’s trying to get his parents out of the extensive prisons, and she’s aware he’s a spy and resistance fighter. Her body guard is also actively trying to kill her. They’re very enemies to lovers. This girl considers blowing up meteors and planets a fun past time. Spike wants a raise. Her parents indulge whatever she wants to do because she’s effective at what she’s going to keep the family in control. Again, Spike wants a raise. A huge huge huge raise. At least her little brother seems okay, and he’s been gently working on making Barrett aware that this is very very wrong, and convince him to become better. Because Katya loves her brother. So, redeem the brother, redeem the sister. And maybe save the universe in the process. If Spike doesn’t get turned in by a bored Katya first.
Barrett isn’t really excited to be a red ranger. There’s been ten since Aster turned sixteen, and while he doubts she’d cause his death, she’s more protective of him than anyone else, it’s everyone else on the team he doesn’t trust. Bobby is the last member of the original team, and their parents’ advisor. He keeps everyone in check and Barrett somehow trusts him least. The first Red Dark Ranger was Bobby’s best friend and now he’s dead, after all. Or at the very least, presumed missing. Plus, Barrett likes his sister’s new babysitter body guard Spike and Spike’s really nice to him. Through Spike he realized he likes model space craft and building ships in bottles. Through Spike he was introduced to underground fighting (by accident), and found out about the darker aspects of the empire. Spike makes him question everything, but Barrett has to be careful. He’s a prince, sure, but he’s more expendable than his sister. He’s not the heir apparent, after all. He’s careful around his sister, but he knows she’s got his back. He just has to lead her to the obvious conclusion; overthrow their parents and Bobby.
Zack Taylor;
Tommy is an airhead, and very hard to convince he’s being flirted with. Kimberly, for months, tried to flirt with her new teammate, and eventually moved on because it just didn’t connect in Tommy’s head. He misunderstood Zack trying to explain it to him as Zack flirting, which made a little bit of a mess, but once it was sorted out Kimberly was dating someone else, and Tommy and Zack realized they did like each other. So they started dating, although there was some hurt feelings between themselves and Kim for a long while. Unfortunately, shortly after they successfully adopted a four year old, Tommy disappeared.
Eighteen years later, Landon Taylor works at Promethea as a systems programmer intern. It’s the closest to Tommy and Zack’s old work that Landon can get. Zack doesn’t want him any closer, and Billy, now CEO of Promethea, takes care of his old friends’ son. Landon admires Promethea and power rangers immensely. He wants to help them by any means he possibly can, and he does so to the best of his ability.
Nothing has come of years of searching for Tommy, and vice president Zack Taylor has proposed several amendments to help protect the teenagers that become rangers. He knows better than to make it illegal for teens and young adults to be rangers like some propose, but he also knows there needs to be suitable protective safety nets just in case. He’s proud of Landon, who’s helping program these safety nets, and he’s proud of the current rangers.
Trini Kwan;
During the incident where Zedd was twisting a neighbor girl of Trini’s into an evil princess on a magic island, Tommy went to help the girl, confident in Trini’s promise; she’d undo the spell on both of them and save them. When the spell took effect, Zedd was true to his word snd released the other teammates, and the evil duo of Green and Lavender debuted. “Prince Tommy” remembered little but the promise of Trini’s. He and the girl, Hallie, killed Drakkon and terraformed the planet into a nightmarish land of fairytale places. Treacherous mountains, terrifying forests, murderous deserts. Razing cities in their wake, making the planet in the image of Hallie’s twisted obsession. It’s not too different than it was, except that the different biomes don’t encourage cities very much. Each region now sentient to an extent. And willing to punish humanity for city building.
Trini and Tommy entered a strange adversarial relationship. Tommy’s obsession with Trini reaching a fever pitch after a few years. The promise and the hatred of fairytales he has twisting into an odd association with Trini. His saving grace, even if he can’t remember what from . They did have a few nights were no fights took place, and they have two kids, with “Prince Tommy” none the wiser that his “Huntress” often has their kids in tow. Bolin and Su are 16 and 14 respectively. Bolin knows who Tommy is to them, Su does not.
Bolin’s been raised his entire life with the resistance and the sole mission of finding the dumpster Rita’s still stuck in, or some other mystic who’d know how to undo the Venus Island spell. He learned about Tommy being his dad two years ago, after meeting David. It didn’t take a lot to put the pieces together with how much David looks like them and Bolin having never seen David’s brother without his helmet until Tommy confronted David and Trini, where he put Trini under a spell. Up till that point Trini co-parented them with Skull and Bulk, and Bolin likes Skull and Bulk as parents and mentors. An adept marksman with throwing knives. Skilled at potion making, and doesn’t know how to feel about Tommy and Hallie. Yes, it’s a spell, but…well. How many times can one take being nearly murdered by maddened tyrants. Considering joining the tyrant prince and princess’s ranks with Bulk to see if he can’t save them…if he can kill them. He’s not currently associated with a color, but he will be a Mastodon Knight, when he’s undercover. Bulk’s his captain and they’re both doing their best. Trini doesn’t approve when this happens, however when she becomes Tommy’s Power Huntress and right hand, it’s not really up to her.
Su is very much a product of her environment. She wasn’t born before nightmare fairytale world, and she can’t imagine anything else. Her logic hinges on magic, and people she knows. Bartering and being kind and clever and very very good with figuring out how to fight with limited space. She doesn’t get why her brother’s been so moody the last two years, and has been traveling with David and Billy to spread the word about Zack and Kim, who both died fighting Tommy, and try to figure out how to undo everything. She’s not sure if she wants to, this version of the world is all she knows but…it would be cool to meet Rita. A real live wicked witch? You don’t see one of those every day. She assumes Richie, who Tommy tortured and killed very early in hers and Bolin’s lives, is her dad. Is more and more motivated to get the curse on Tommy and Hallie broken in any case, just to get her mom, brother, and honorary uncle back. She misses them. Not associated with a color, nor is she going to be a knight of any sort. If she was, it’d be white.
Stan Skullovitch;
Tommy didn’t know Skull even had a brother till Tommy was well into his 20’s and working as a teacher at a high school. Stan had gotten a job as the school’s band teacher, and thought it was a bit hilarious, if annoying, when Tommy found out and wouldn’t stop freaking out. Tommy actually got a little bit shy once he realized, mostly due to his friendship and past with Skull.
Tommy’s ranger students and mentees were the group that set them up, much to Stan and Tommy’s general chagrin. It was on Valentine’s, too. To Stan’s annoyance and Skull’s glee, Tommy called him to double check this was fine. Stan has, over twenty years later, yet to live this down. Tommy and Stan have two kids, a daughter from a fling Stan had years ago. Her name is Kimmie, or K, and she’s 21. Their second kid is a mutant animal human hybrid Elsa decided to make to taunt Tommy at the expense Stan. Jurian is a flying squirrel human hybrid and he is seventeen.
K is too smart for her own good, and far too fascinated with the tech and old thwarted plans of Mesogog and Elsa. Tommy’s lowkey panicking and trying to keep her away from making a huge mistake. She’s going to go too far and he doesn’t know how to protect her from doing that. Stan’s more laidback; she’s gotten interested in dangerous ideas, explored through investigation and backed away from it on her own. He can tell this is similar, but Tommy’s panic is doing the opposite and making her more curious. She is however redirecting it to a different idea; research into possible ties to the aliens and magical creatures with hybrid like features. She is Dino Thunder purple.
Jurian is a little bit of a recluse-on earth-however, he goes to school in space, and usually is purposefully vague about his heritage, as it’s easier to let people assume he’s a human/alien hybrid of some kind rather than a science experiment made specifically to try to hurt his parents. He’s aware it backfired, he’s glad it backfired, he loves his parents but still. He only exists because of someone’s idea of revenge. It doesn’t help K is a little too interested in the concept and he knows she’s coming from a good place but it’s a bit hurtful.
He is active and does have friends, though they don’t know the full story about him. Has a possible boyfriend. Is not associated with a color.
Anton Mercer/Mesogog;
An incident with Mesogog resulted in a baby with their dna and the dna of the prehistoric chicken, Jianianhualong tengi. The kid is an odd and very intelligent twenty year old now. Tommy, during the incident, was also fused with raptor dna. Avian can’t get a straight answer if Tommy, who’s been trained to be a faithful mate of Mesogog, laid an egg. Avian knows it came from an egg but if this was made via science or physically laid, is unknown. And to be honest, Avian doesn’t really want to think too hard about it.
Avian Mercer is non-gender. Avian doesn’t feel like there’s a gender there at all. Avian’s presentation can be pretty broad as well. Feathered and scaled among their normal hair and skin, reptilian eyes, winglike arms with claws, it’s definitely a striking look. However it can vary from more feminine to masculine to indeterminate either way. While Tommy became reprogrammed to being Mesogog’s, he managed to convince Mesogog to free Anton and wait until Avian was a suitable age to conquer the world. Avian escaped at sixteen, and has been trying to head off the inevitable fully since.
Alternate au. Anton and Tommy had a thing going on before this all started, and it restarted after Tommy was able to trick Mesogog and save Anton. However this wasn’t before he became half dinosaur and Avian was born. Avian and Trent share a mild sibling rivalry, given there’s a sixteen year age difference between them. In a lot of ways Trent acts as a parental figure to his sibling, but is also fun big brother when it counts. Trent is an animator and has let Avian tag along to his job more than once to watch (with permission from his bosses). Avian is not associated with a color in any reality.
Tommy when he met Delphine properly again as an adult, immediately hit it off with her. Rocky took Tommy’s place as Red Zeo Ranger, and Billy was able to take his place as Blue Zeo Ranger as Tommy left to be with Delphine while remaining white ranger. He comes back often to help his friends, it’s like he’s barely gone, really.
Their child Nautilus is non-binary and 21 years old. They are Aquitar’s white ranger like their mom before them. Don’t spend a lot of time on earth but they do have a slight rebellious streak and are dating a mermaid pirate queen. She’s a great ally anyway, and a great source of information, although their team and friends fully tease them about the heavy heavy flirting between themself and pirate queen Sylvia. Out of the box thinker, extremely dramatic, clever, sarcastic and nice. They like doing their job but they will not do it within “proper parameters” malicious compliance with rules, and they’re having fun with it. Some people hate them, some adore them, but it doesn’t matter. They’re doing good.
They reconnected in Forever Red, and bonded. Aurico left Aquitar to be with Tommy, and they live in a harbor and beach town for Aurico. They’ve befriended the supernatural sea life over the years. They have a twelve year old adoptive amphibious humanoid son Wave. Aurico was trying to save a met family, and he could only save the small child. Tommy struggles a little with the needs of his partner and kid, but he’s doing his best and he loves them.
Wave’s been to Aquitar a few times, and thrives with his parents both in the sea town on earth and on Aquitar. Music enthusiast, his favorite singers are whales. He’s closer to Aurico than he is Tommy, but it’s fine. Tommy gets it. He can’t share some of Wave’s life, Aurico can. He can just be there on the pier at the end of the day to welcome them home. Wave is not associated with a color but if he were it would be black.
Tommy adopted Dulcea’s daughter Demelza. The woman had given up her human form to help them, and had given up her life to have a child. Tommy was given an infant by a dying Dulcea, and told she was joining the father in the afterlife but wanted to give the daughter a good life. She chose Tommy to be the best candidate. At the time Tommy was 25, single, no job, and dealing with the concept of having peaked at seventeen. But, he made a promise he’d give Demelza a good life, and as he’s a man of his word, proceeded to put in the work to make his life better so he could make hers the best possible.
Demelza is 22, an owl shifter like her mother, and is manager to a paint your own pottery place not far from where she and her dad currently live. Due to economy, she lives at home with him but she’s got a steady partner, and they love her, a job she enjoys, and friends and family she adores deeply. It’s not a grand life, but it’s a good life. Not associate with a color
Marleau Eskin;
Tommy didn’t meet the rangers first at school, he met Marleau. He fell into a highschool dating to married pipeline. He doesn’t hate his wife but he certainly doesn’t love her either. They have hobbies and jobs that keep them from spending more time than they need to together, but when they do it’s amicable. They have one daughter, Larissa. She is 16 and a little bit of an ice queen.
She’s rich, she knows it, she’s also got the smarts and skills to prove anyone who tries to claim she uses money to get her positions wrong. Larissa hasn’t got time for friends, or more accurately asskissers who like her money and familial influence, not her. A cheerleader, head of debate team, and slated to be the valedictorian of her graduating class. On top of all that she also donates and volunteers at the shelters and soup kitchens. This looks good on her resumes for colleges yes but she also genuinely enjoys it. Tommy’s trying to get her to loosen up and make some friends. He is at this point ready to throw her into a “will absolutely turn her into a power ranger” situation. It’ll at least give her a premade friend group to bond with. He’s like 95% sure she’s going to be some sort of red ranger. He’s not wrong. At 21 she’ll volunteer as a summer camp counselor and will end up with five other counselors as a power ranger, and yes, she is red. To her utter annoyance but it does give her a girlfriend, a yellow. She just hates admitting Tommy is right.
Trey of Triforia;
Tommy and Trey got very close very fast, with Tommy finding excuses to spend every second he could with Billy and Trey’s Id Ego and Superego in the command center. They started officially dating during a break with Kat. However, Trey died before he could be healed and although it took a few years to get to it, even though they’d discussed it, Tommy eventually used his and Trey’s DNA to have a son, Halsey. Halsey is currently aged 17 and currently living Triforia with his extended family.
He had to beg and plead for Tommy to let him, and after a very long time of thinking about it Tommy broke down and let Halsey go to Triforia. Halsey finds it very difficult to stay as one person, and often works in tandem with his id, ego, and super ego. It’s just easier for him. As such he typically exhibits three opinions and minds and feelings about any given thing, but his main overlying personality traits are; caution, curiosity, and an inherent distrust of authority. Also dramatics. Why walk when you can somersault type dramatics. As far as most humans are concerned he’s triplets; but his extended Triforan family are also concerned he has difficulty controlling it. He has a second cousin who is currently acting queen. And he enjoys spending time with her and talking to her about things. Also having the time of his life exploring the cities and culture. He does miss Earth, and is open to sharing aspects of it with the Triforan royal family. He does spend the holidays on earth, with Tommy. Although Halsey loves Tommy, and knows Tommy was just being protective, he feels like he’s missed out on a lot not having done this to begin with. It’s also weird knowing in the abstract his parent he never met was a prince and seeing what that means for himself. He’s not associated with a color. However, he is gold compatible and should his cousin need to, she’s named him as her heir for the throne and for zeo gold.
Tommy and Richie rarely saw eye to eye when they talked, in the rare times they interacted. Richie was more of a lawful pacifist with eyes for Trini and Tommy was of course a chaos magnet who was obsessed with Kim. Eventually it was revealed Richie was the white ranger, and Tommy was insanely jealous of him. And annoyed the “pacifist” was an incredibly skilled fighter. However when Richie was nearly killed and Tommy took over as white ranger…things got heated in a different way, and quickly. There was a lot of off and on dating, as intense as anything between two true opposites can be.
Richie owns Ernie’s now, and Tommy is a karate teacher there. They have one son, adopted, named Benji Oliver, and JJ. JJ was an accident between Tommy and Kat, a little before Tommy and Richie got together permanently.
Benji was adopted when JJ was four, and Benji was six. JJ is 27 now and Benji is 29. JJ is a recruit in SPD Academy, while Benji is currently…a lot less legal. And a white ranger. As usual, chaos and order are rivals with an intense relationship. However, this relationship is now sibling rather than romantic, and nobody likes getting between the two when they get into an argument; which is often.
Tommy and Richie have had to physically pull their sons apart more than once, and JJ would sometimes need to go stay with his mom to cool off when they were teenagers. It’s not that Benji and JJ don’t care about each other but it’s so easy to get lost in the wildly different ideals and debate to enragement.
Benji Oliver is a hacker and investigator. He isn’t afraid to call anyone and everyone out or expose them. He’s also stolen things from museums and given them back to the people whose culture it was stolen from. He’s not afraid to join villains to achieve noble ends, and that’s where he and JJ clash. The irony is everyone says JJ is more like Richie personality wise and Benji more like Tommy.
Parents plead the fifth; they have enough to deal with keeping the two from destroying the house on the holidays, please don’t make them think about who’s more like who. The only times of the year Benji is allowed in the country is the holidays. They just want some peace, please.
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stardreamer28 · 7 months
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SPOILERS for Sniper: GRIT! this was my live-cap for my bestie so forgive any rambling or shorthand lol posting for anyone who wants to squeal with me over yet another AMAZING movie!
zero is kinda miffed brandon made friends with his ex wife's husband lol. definitely some bro squabbling there but i love them both so much. ryan's a bit too caveman on the beard but they're both so hot lol. they have a new high tech bunker lol. i love how zero says he didn't know they thought LD was dead lol. the cult is basically similar to the one in iron man 3, that's how i see it. MAJOR show of muscles from both guys omg they make me wanna faint! zero's doing pretty good at taking people out after the last movie, i give him props. alot of the locations we saw in chad's video during filming. I love zero's way with languages, that's definitely his thing. damn brandon shot 2 at once! niice! LD thinks the dr is a nice guy but he's soo not. he sewed a tracker into her bullet wound. ok luna as LD - not completely as skilled as sayaka, she's more of a jujitsu leg kinda girl whereas sayaka was great with hand to hand. but luna is really good at aiming a gun & knife so we'll go with her. not sure if sayaka recommended her or not since there's no interviews. I think sayaka brought more humor to her version of LD, very on point. but luna's a bit more laid back. not bad just different. like steve & billy different as jase on GH. i like how we're getting a bit more focus on zero & how he cares about LD almost as a daughter. hehehe zero hid in the jeep cuz he didn't trust creepy dr. he called pete to track since their new techie wouldn't do it lol. 2nd baddie is LD's dad!! holy ninja!! ok luna's LD is REALLY good aim & the drama. he basically sold her off into being an assassin as a kid. how is that costa lady alive after brandon shot her?! how does that happen! even though the effects seem smaller budget it's still got the same action & humor, i love it! hehehe i love the part where they throw their phones up & shoot em, so cool! hehe the boys squabbling over the bad clothes. aww he got brandon a pair of sunglasses hehehe. pete found a new orange soda he loves lol. oh goddamn brandon laying on the car with his rifle mmm. they just realized they have to dig the tracker out of her wound OUCH!! ok that scene is cringey!!! mmm them all getting ready for a fight. all 3 shot the hitman tracking LD WOW! hehehe the colonel & pete make me laugh. I think the father wants LD dead cuz she tried to kill him first for turning her into an assassin? bit confusing there. ok seriously neither zero or brandon can break out of zipties with those muscles? yea right lol. zero getting all mad at her dad trash talking her, love it! oh here we go with the allout shootout with everyone! this entire scene rocks! brandon's got great skills as usual & zero's just freakin done with nonsense lol. LD going grappling & knife on the baddies, you go girl! aww pete! he took shots at LD's dad to get out of the compound. poor pete but he did really good! zero takes out half the goons with an uzi and gets so caught up in it lol. they all just look at him like are you ok. & when LD's dad is on trial of course she takes the killshot. not my alltime favorite of the series (ya’ll know that’s Rogue & Assassin’s End) & not as much of brandon's sniper skills this time which made me a bit sad but I like how every one of these movies shares each character's story equally and gives each of them awesome stuff. can't wait for another!! & oh damn as if i didn't like it enough ryan did the music for that big take down in the middle, i thought i knew his voice!!!!!!!
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cerulean-dreams-18 · 11 months
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Siggy design for my au! She's about 14 here. Not really a fan of how either of these drawings turned out but oh well.
Head cannons/backstory for au sigurrós:
She's very tiny at the moment. Like 5 feet tall and 110 pounds soaking wet. Not sure yet if I want her to grow up and end up being like 6 foot tall and buff, or just stay the size she is now her whole life.
She's half Icelandic, half Korean.
She's a lesbian.
She usually goes by Sigs or Siggy.
She has a weird psychic connection with SCP-953. 953 is almost constantly talking to her telepathically. For some reason she just latched onto her when Sigs was a baby and ever since she's basically been living rent free in her head.
953 constantly degraded her and tried to influence her to do things she didn't want to do, like hurt or kill people. When she resisted, 953 was furious and would berate her and often encouraged her to hurt herself.
The staff assigned to be her primary caretakers for her for the first 8 years of her life were extremely neglectful. Since she was a newborn, they did the bare minimum to keep her alive. They had no emotional connection to her whatsoever, and would just ignore her every time she tried to connect with them.
Siggy is incredibly lactose intolerant. Her primary caretakers were told this by her doctors, but didn't really care. They still gave her milk and dairy products every day and as a result she often felt sick and in pain as a young child.
Higher ranking staff of the foundation like Gears, Kondraki, and Rights were the only people who actually showed care for her and gave her the validation and love her primary caretakers never provided. As a result, she always strived to impress the doctors and do everything they asked, to receive their approval. She was intrigued by Clef for as long as she could remember, and for some reason just kind of looked up to him even though she didn't see him very often. She'd often try to interact with him and even draw pictures or make gifts for him, but he had a similar apathetic reaction to her that her caretakers held, eventually growing to outright fear and dislike her. It hurt her immensely to know one of the people she likes most wanted her dead.
In this au, she was woken up from her coma a few months after the whole 239-b incident, right after her eighth birthday. Staff had an idea of how to better control her powers, but before they could act on their plan, she solved her own problem. Since she could have anything she wanted in the world, she decided she didn't want powers anymore after all the trouble they'd caused her, and wished to be normal forever. It worked, now she can't bend reality even if she wanted to.
The very same day she woke up, 953 accidentally lets slip to sigurrós her plan to breach containment and kill a bunch of staff. Siggy sees Clef is the first person she wants to kill, and immediately runs to find him and tell him, as she still doesn't want him to get hurt, even after he tried to kill her. She explains the whole situation to Clef, including how she and 953 are telepathically connected. Clef is horrified to learn what this kid has gone through for the past 8 years, and has a change of heart about her. She doesn't even have powers anymore. She's just a normal little girl.
953 did end up breaching containment, and still hasn't been found to this day, but she didn't manage to kill anyone thanks to precautions taken thanks to siggy's heads up. 935 let the 939s out of containment to distract staff while she escaped. One of the 939s very briefly got a hold of Siggy, and gave her the scars on her face and notch in her ear.
Clef kinda felt bad about Siggy's whole situation and ended up adopting her. Meri became her big sister. Later on Clef and Kondraki got together, so she gained an additional dad and Draven as a brother.
Her teeth are sharper than a normal human's should be, and her nails are as well. She has little fangs that just barely stick out of her mouth. Her ears are abnormally pointy.
Her irises are gray, and her pupils are slitted like a cat or a fox and change color depending on her mood. Her eyes are highly reflective and appear to "glow" at night.
953 is still in her head and trying to influence her to do things, even though she told everyone their connection severed after 953 breached containment.
She has adhd.
She has an insecure attachment style due to the way she was raised. She also suffers from depression and PTSD. She goes to therapy for it.
She constantly needs to be assured that she's loved.
She's a huge cuddle bug and will take any opportunity she can to snuggle with one of her dads or siblings. Clef is often her go-to because he's the biggest and comfiest, and she feels safe around him.
She'll just say and do completely out of the blue things. She's very chaotic, and her friends and family love that about her. She's very entertaining.
She, Draven, and Meri love to banter back and forth at each other. Sigs is the baby so she gets teased the most.
Her two best friends are Emma (040) and Cameron (2241). She and Emma have always kinda had a mutual unspoken crush on each other, while Sigs and Cameron are more like siblings.
She uses humor to cope with her trauma.
Clef and Kondraki both love grunge and rock music, and passed that love down to all their kids. Hence the Radiohead t shirt.
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disabledrunner5 · 2 years
The engagement of Runner Five headcanons ( spoilers for season 4,5 and 6)
Right, so I’ve hinted in the past that Sam has been considering a very important question for Five since just after season 3. Well, during season 4 and 5 Sam was....occupied.
He first had the whole ‘I’m going to marry this woman’ moment when Five did something really stupid but thoughtful.
She instigated a water fight to entertain and cheer up the kids of Abel during a heatwave one day, but as a result she got absolutely soaked, and got a lecture about the limited amount of water Abel actually had.
She also got a terrible cold after that was so bad that she was bedridden for two days and when Sam first saw her stuffed up in bed that first morning, sneezing and sniffling, he immediately thought ‘yep, she’s the one”
This scared him because it was early in their relationship, and he hadn’t even told her he loved her yet so he pushed it down in panic.
But then he began to think about it more seriously after the Abel University graduation ceremony.
He kind of had to be half talked into actually acting on it further by Maxine when she got wind of the situation, then he began talking seriously.
Obviously though a lot of time in season 4 was spent preparing for the newest addition to Abel.
It was only when he helped Five hold baby Sara after the whole zombie bite immunity situation for the first time and the way Five looked down at Sara as she did that he realised that he certainly made the right decision in thinking about it. Even if he wasn’t sure he wanted to marry Five (he was) the way she handled Sara was enough to convince him.
The meetings with Maxine became more frequent as they planned out his original plan.
Paula and Jody went on a almost impossible secret mission: ‘ring picking’ with Sam on cams and coms. Somehow not everyone had ransacked the rings in the jewellery store they ended up in that was swarming with Zombies and Paula picked up a ring which Sam knew was was the one. Jody swore it hadn’t been on a Zombs finger though.
Sam initially wanted to propose sooner but then Sigrid captured Abel and they had to go on the run.
So he resolved to do it as soon as they took back Abel, Sam could wait. He wanted it to be perfect.
But that took a while. And a scare of Runner Five getting captured, pretending to be on the ministry’s side, found out to be betraying the ministry, bitten by an actual zombie and thought to have gone grey for a few minutes. Oh and struggling with what would be later known as Moonchild syndrome (yep as of writing this I’ve just got to that part in ZRS6 where the thing going on with Five actually gets a name)
As I mentioned in a recent fic I wrote, with the New Canton Runner Five aka Five’s dad, long dead by now, and knowing Five would have wanted him to ask, Sam had to resort to asking Peter for her hand in marriage, as Simon was the closest thing she had to an older brother before his betrayal, she still saw him as such even after that point and she was had grown close to Peter as a result too. That hadn’t changed about their relationship.
Asking Peter went down swimmingly, really it went surprisingly well, but Peter did kind of ask why the heck he was asking him and why did he have to ask, joking that ‘I’m honoured Sam but it’s not the Victorian era Sam you don’t have to ask....no wait actually beat me in a duel first then you can marry her. But of course you can bloody marry her!’
Five was extremely oblivious to all of this proposal business by the way.
Although Moonchild did pick up on it and question and hint about it to her, she never actually got those hints.
Sam had the ring with him when he was captured by the ministry. But dropped it as he was being dragged across the training ground on the way to the place where he was tortured by Ian and later rescued by Five.
Funnily enough, Five picked up the ring. But Paula smartly threw her off by saying it was Maxine’s gifted by Paula it upon Sara’s birth and Maxine had given it to Paula for good luck on this mission.
So she handed it back to Paula, none the wiser. And Paula got it back to Sam when he began to panic that he had lost the ring.
Sam proposed at the raising of the ‘flag’ of victory/liberation. Sam made sure he was behind Five and facing everyone and Five was turned with her back to everyone else as Five actually doesn’t like to be the focus of attention, and tends to panic if she’s suddenly put on the spot in front of a large audience but EVERYONE witnessed it without Five realising at first.
Five’s reaction to the whole thing was nodding her head vigorously whilst fighting back tears of shock and happiness. Before flinging her arms around Sam and actually crying and muttering that she couldn’t believe anyone would want to spend the rest of their life with her.
Although she had a minor panic attack after answering when everyone began cheering and she realised everyone and not just her close knit friends were watching them.
Sam had to usher everyone away from her and calm her down, which he was very good at. She was fine, just a bit too overwhelmed.
Everyone was excited about it and happy for them.
They were in the comms shack, Sam had his arm wrapped around Five and Five huddled into him as they talked with the rest of the Noah base collective as they all excitedly talked about the wedding as Tom ran in with the message from Janine.
When they got into their bunk room, and tidied it up to make it suitable to sleep in, they had a talk about some of the preparations and when they were going to actually do it.
Five and Sam didn’t decide on anything really that night though.
Except that, after a fairly big discussion they decided that Jamie was going to have to officiate. ....if they can get him out of the Minister’s hands.
And that they’d have to beg Jack, Eugene, Zoe and Phil not to broadcast the news when they tell them.
....but that could be easier said than done and could wait until the morning. For the moment, Five’s just happy she can finally build a future of her own with Sam.
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pikawarrior · 7 months
Welp welcome back to my random rambles im just gonna talk bout alot of random stuff mainly my stories so here for go lets hope this is understandable
Story/maybe comic stuff
Turning of the orange | The Strawberry Patch - Old soon to be remade/written stop motion strawberry shortcake zombie movie me and my dad were making when i was in elementary schoolish. We unfortunately didnt make it that far since he had to leave often and for long times cuz work, but recently i found my old tablet with all the pics and my notes so rework time baby. Im about to use all my years of angst/horror writing to fuck these bitches up even more
The Butterfly Effect and It's Consequences | The Phoenix Effect -
The Butterfly Effect is my main rottmnt fanfic series. About my little rottmnt oc's (Ame) life and how the gang adopting them into the family changed everything mostly for the better but the bad things kinda got alot worse. Idk been focusing on the phoenix effect more
The Phoenix Effect is kinda an extension of that. Its basically the same thing but adds the cass apocalypse series into it. Basically how future Ame being there also changes things and how oopies mystics powers are hard to control after being half dead in stasis for about 12 years hope Ame does trys to leave to protect everyone from himself only to get kidnapped putting everyone in worse danger also oopies isnt that the super dangerous alien someone accidentally freed awhile ago
The Future Diary - So i watched The Hot Box's video on the anime future diary and well here we are
Another rottmnt oc thing. Ame obtains a diary from his future self being like "hey so the world is gonna end soon here's how i think you could possibly stop that. Pls dont do this all alone ur like 5" and ame decides to do it all by himself.
Got all eight chapters planned out already with two already at stage two (aka fully written out just needs to be edited and stuff). I just dont know how to use ao3 in this sense or how to tag stuff plus i got anxiety so its just sitting in my notes app
Video stuff cuz yes
Currently working on a few more special videos. On my channel ive technically reached 100 videos (i unlisted alot of old ones/never posted a bunch more so technically i reached that months ago but shhh let me have this) plus i got 135 subs now so celebrations are in order. Idk what to say bout this, am making a video using the ok ko ending song idk the name, one is a fake collab a friend made and another is an original meme a youtube mutual/friend by association made. Plus like so mant mini things for my ocs, Dimension and Watcher are gonna get so much development and cute couple moments.
Also everyone else is gonna go through so much trauma my gods its gonna amazing.
Also ive been trying to like voice things, audio quality sucks cuz im working off of my tablet but like ive voice a few of my own videos (only one posted) and like its so fun i wish i had proper stuff to do this so i can do it more
Other art stuff
I got a toyhou.se (its EnviousDeath), pls enjoy these characters and stuff
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Im trying to make my art more mess and chaotic while staying clean? If that makes any sense. Still a lover of doing gacha stuff but am trying to branch out more.
Also btw how do people just idk do social stuff like trade characters, comment, and just aaaa idk what am doing i forgot how to do social stuff and also i never understood how to do this type without being awkward as hell
Character stuff
Watcher - *slaps religious trauma onto them* bitch gets sacrificed. Okay okay so Watcher, wasnt always Watcher. Before they used to be Ena a simple kid who was sent away for reasons i havent thought of yet to a church. Blah blah corruption, Watcher gets sacrificed for not falling in line blah blah they were saved and given a second chance.
Dimension - *slaps alot of anxiety and identity issues onto her* bitch got issues. Same as Watcher, Dimension wasnt always Dimension. Before she was Ellie a poor girl hated by her whole town because of the lies their mother spread about them and their father who had left years ago. She only had one friend, Watcher. Somehow they managed to make contact with each other despite being in different universes. Eventually Dimension snapped and went on a killing spree, slowly ripping apart her world in the process because this wasnt supposed to happen (think spiderverse canon events but different ill explain later) with her world crumbling around her, Dimension messages Ena one last time, not knowing Ena was already long gone, and accepts what they assume to be death only to fall into whats basically the anti void from utmv, gets corrupted and became a villain technically more of a multiversal criminal.
(For time and length reasons im cutting this segment short)
Multiverse stuff
How does what happened to Dimension's universe work? The way i explained it is like spiderverse canon events but different, but heres the details. Idk how to explain this but bare with me
Imagine each universe as a game in a folder on a computer. Each game has different code, story, art assets basically all are mostly different.
Most games are coded to have very specific story events and when something goes wrong everything breaks. Like take a spaghetti thing of code that shatters the moment you try to do something like trying to talk with an npc while having a status effect and thats how some of these worlds are like. And Dimension's was very much one of those worlds, and her breaking down like that shattered the code of their world and everything fell apart.
Im too tired to continue but my main multiverse is like one big computer own by a game creator who only sometimes knows how to make a stable game
Feel free to ask about any of what ive just ramblef about am always willing to ramble bout my stuff
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punkscowardschampions · 8 months
Janis & Casey Pt.1
Janis: Are you in seclusion? 
Janis: Just saw Lucas stropping off to the head
Casey: Least ‘til dad gets here, he were on about ringing him
Janis: He cannot be serious
Janis: I know it weren’t as dramatic as [the most OTT rumour about what went down]
Casey: dead, he can’t hack the twat I made him look
Janis: Someone should tell him he never looks no different
Casey: I did do
Janis: Yeah but I’m not sure the way you did it had him listening
Janis: I’ll go find him
Casey: he heard, half the school an’ all even before it went ‘round rest
Janis: No need to involve Ian about it, not a competition of who can be the loudest, like
Casey: don't matter, he’ll be on my side when he’s heard it
Janis: What was it about, anyway
Janis: no one was too fussed about that detail
Casey: nor am I, he’s never not trying to make us look a dickhead, every chance, I took mine while he were still pissing about
Janis: That is his kink, along with using his red biro, obvs
Janis: he’s a joke, no one takes him serious unless they’re proper messed up and want him to touch them up
Casey: about to say, you missed off his biggest, nonce is what he is
Casey: not a crime not to wear a skirt to class unless you’re in his, my only, that
Janis: You can borrow one of mine, no worries
Casey: 😏 I’d have a few, mate
Janis: Nah, we all know he’s too pussy to actually do anything, you’ll be grand
Casey: didn’t mean problems off him, like
Janis: You’re right, Ian won’t care, will he
Casey: he’d care if I dressed myself up as a lass for a day, but about this bollocks, nah
Janis: Sure, we’d all have complicated feelings about it
Janis: Good, you enjoy your peace and quiet in there then
Casey: only yourself to blame if you set them rumours going again
Janis: 🙄🖕 you’re hilarious, boy
Casey: I get it, right slim pickings in your year far as fit lasses, but calm yourself down, no need to start turning the lads into ‘em or you’ll be having your own calls home
Janis: Whatever was in the water that year was toxic, clearly 👹👹
Janis: They stopped bothering ages ago, she’s on her redo kids, yeah, far too busy
Casey: I’d not answer either if I reckoned dickheads on the other end was giving me a bell to say they’re sectioning the other half the childcare, been there done it as a single mum
Janis: Only my mother could have worse taste in women than she does in men
Janis: least all she does is rot in her room, poor Bobby be terrified otherwise
Casey: there’d be no room for him, she had taste, I’d have moved myself in from the off
Janis: oh so you’d do it if she said so, pisstake
Casey: or she had a fit missus she was all over all over the place, not fussy either way, me
Janis: 🤮
Janis: not even had any lunch to lose yet, dickhead
Casey: it were you putting the idea about
Janis: It’s not that bad, basically everyone has pissed off so we get left to ourselves, honest
Casey: yeah, you sounded proper buzzing to be there then, cosied up with your own mummified other mum
Janis: it’s not even like that, she’s like a grandma in the attic or something
Janis: anyway, go ahead and rub it in how great it is having the whole place to yourself, I’ll allow it
Casey: looks nowt like your fit nan neither, you’ll have to try harder to get us through the door
Janis: 😏 some mate
Janis: I shouldn’t have to make you a sodding list of pros
Casey: we’d only fall out under the same roof
Janis: Absence makes the heart grow fonder’s a charming way to call us a nightmare
Casey: not you, it’s who you wake up next to
Janis: Guess you’re welcome for taking him away then
Janis: it’s been better?
Casey: Always is when there’s no girls about
Janis: My condolences to Ian 💔
Janis: though girl is really pushing the age limit of that word there
Casey: nah, I mean him
Janis: and what am I then
Casey: a lass is different from a girl, you know that
Casey: he’s a pussy, you have one, 1st is his own fault, you can’t help yours
Janis: Tah, very generous of you
Casey: I can’t help being in a top mood neither
Janis: fucking with Lucas will do that to you, I get it
Casey: course you do
Janis: you’re sure I can’t go annoy him about this? Spoilsport
Casey: since when do you do as you’re told
Janis: I don’t fancy you chucking a chair at me about it too
Janis: if you’re good, you’re good
Casey: I chucked a table, have it right
Janis: Oh, I’m soz, SO much more impressive, will correct the gossip for you
Casey: tah
Janis: 💪💪💪
Janis: Hopefully your dad follows suit, at least verbally and Lucas cries off my last lesson with him 🤞
Casey: he’s gonna keep on acting like a woman, my dad’ll put him in line like one
Janis: right, not exactly a showdown for the ages, the pair of them
Casey: over before I get to my pisstake count of 10
Janis: She come and found you yet?
Janis: patronising shoulder pat is what you need right now
Casey: she’ll have the kettle on, solves everything
Janis: *when your degree is written in crayon
Janis: Basically giving you a treat for it, stupid cow 🐶
Casey: deserve it, don’t I
Casey: didn’t kneecap him but still a hero for calling a nonce a nonce round here
Janis: I wouldn’t go that far but that’s why my 🐶 behave better than any kid in this dump
Casey: All about tough love, you
Janis: Living proof of the alternative being for shit, just about
Casey: and I’m proof other side the street’s as shit, with sod all but dead grass
Janis: Don’t worry yourself, I’m not gonna have any
Janis: potential 👿 spawn safe from how much of a bitch I am and how shite everywhere is
Casey: gutted you never meant grass, had me wondering all sorts about where you was gonna piss off to
Janis: have to be a boat or a plane to get off of this island first, after that, who knows
Casey: be over your allowance with his dead weight’s what I know
Janis: Come on
Casey: what
Janis: I know you’ve passports, immigrants
Janis: be a really fucking bad state of affairs if you came here under a lorry
Casey: I get it, you’re after seeing my photo
Janis: Awh, you just got your big boy one, like
Casey: just ‘cause we ain’t all having our photos done every 2 minutes, love
Janis: wrong twin
Casey: nah, much as she’s tried to chuck herself in front of his 📷 a fair few times, still you who’s his muse
Janis: Thank fuck for the self-timer, eh Gracie
Janis: his fault for taking it as a lesson, blind me with the flash at this rate
Casey: done you a list of his faults ages ago
Janis: not a pros and cons list we’ll ever be on the same page on, I doubt
Casey: no shit, you reckon there’s pros, for a start
Janis: A bit different, I don’t rate any of my brothers and sisters either
Casey: you rated the one who’s gone, close I’m gonna be to having your permission to kill him, til he points his 📷 at some other lass
Janis: people who are gone get to skip out on being disappointing, I suppose
Janis: who knows how much she could wreck it, given the chance
Janis: and you know he won’t do that
Casey: might do in your house, in ours, dad’ll go on and on about how disappointed he is
Janis: If there’s anyone worth disappointing
Casey: you’d know loads about that
Janis: No way, thought he liked me 
Casey: you couldn’t have picked someone more worth it, love you for it, he will
Janis: not a choice, ask anyone, I’m famously hard to get along with
Casey: I’m not bothered by their opinions on owt, I’ve my own
Janis: Yeah, that is true about you, s’why you’re alright
Casey: leave it out about my dad and you’re alright too
Janis: I’m not trying to change your mind, know that’d be a pointless thing to do
Janis: I can let him know the feeling is mutual though
Casey: how do you expect him to feel, you’ve taken them to yours, pissed off and left him
Janis: He hasn’t said or done anything about it
Casey: he’s said loads, I’ve stopped him doing something for yours and our kid’s sake
Janis: You know that’s not what’s meant
Casey: I know you’re taking the piss, you and Jim both
Janis: If he wants the kid, he knows where he is
Janis: it’s not like he’s been kidnapped
Casey: what do you want him for
Janis: He doesn’t feel safe with him
Casey: our kid dunno what unsafe is
Janis: There’s levels, you’d hate it if Jim played that card on you
Casey: he don’t have no cards to play against me, hard done by’s his favourite game, you shouldn’t need telling by now
Janis: It’s not up to me, it’s between you lot but Bob is happy right now, I know that much
Casey: you heard me say I were leaving him there, stopping my dad from coming round’s been up to me and I have done 
Janis: You shouldn’t have to be his keeper
Casey: he shouldn’t be left here to rot, he’s done fuck all wrong
Janis: He has but that’s your shout, end of the day
Casey: taking his side and only listening to it’s yours
Janis: I know what I’ve seen but yeah
Janis: got no sway over you, if you say you’re alright then I have to take your word for it
Casey: you’ve seen what he wants you to when he comes crying to you, none of how he gets there
Janis: There’s no excusing it
Casey: you dunno what you’re on about, you never will
Janis: if you like, Case
Casey: if you like, stay with your hippie mum
Janis: Options are limited
Casey: your POV is, that ain’t the real world, how it works
Janis: The real world is if any of you told anyone what he does, he’d be banged up, and you know that
Casey: you’ve told me before you know what it’s like, weren’t that real
Janis: I know why you don’t say anything, wouldn’t
Casey: you cut me slack, why not my dad
Janis: It don’t work for adults, someone has to hold their feet to the fire or they carry on
Janis: you’re a kid, you’ve got time
Casey: piss off am I, Bob’s a kid
Janis: compared to your dad, then, I’m not calling you a young man like I’m 70, tah
Casey: no dickhead’s helped him, what’s it matter how old he is, people either give a shit or they don’t
Janis: It gets old as you do, then you end up alone
Janis: I’ve seen it happen, not just my hippie mother I’ve been dubiously ‘raised’ by
Casey: he’ll not end up like that
Janis: He still has you for now
Casey: I’m off nowhere, he’s my dad
Janis: then he’s lucky
Casey: he stayed put 1st
Janis: I know
Casey: you dunno nothing, bollocks has Jim said a word about her
Janis: It don’t take a genius, one parent is here, the other ain’t
Janis: hardly calling myself Einstein with it
Casey: get in his face instead of mine, that’s your job, like
Janis: Right, pretend it’s the same
Casey: come on, we’re nothing alike
Janis: Me and you or you and him?
Casey: none of us, how it sounds
Janis: I’m nothing like my own twin so wouldn’t hold out hope for it
Casey: alright
Janis: this has all got a bit 🎻 I’m off
Casey: in a bit 
Janis: [the suitable pause for Ian to be the dick we, unfortunately, know him to be/Casey to miss some kind of predetermined meet and we just know]
Janis: the 🐶🐶s are handled but can I get you anything whilst I’m out?
Casey: Nah
Janis: I’ll just drop it at the door, or aim it in your window
Casey: you heard
Janis: Yeah but my stance on doing what I’m told’s not changed
Janis: I won’t say anything, swear
Casey: it’s been said, I don’t fucking want nothing off you
Janis: You need it
Casey: I’ve no need of you being a massive smug bitch
Janis: fuck off do I feel smug
Casey: my answer’s not changed
Janis: You can complain all you want, I don’t care
Casey: wrong one
Janis: fine, you’re in no position to fight me, either way, I’ll get what I want
Casey: really wrong one, I could knock you out even if he had me
Janis: we’ll see, won’t we
Casey: I better not bloody see you, girl
Janis: You’ll be less moody when you’ve got some decent painkillers in you, boy
Casey: I can sort my own out if needed
Casey: label’s barely reading
Janis: and have you?
Casey: I’m alright
Janis: You’re stubborn
Casey: and what
Janis: and I’m better at it than you
Casey: you reckon you are at everything
Janis: It’s a real curse
Casey: 💔
Janis: Look, you’ll already not talk to me about none of it, it’s the least you can do, alright
Casey: I don’t owe you shit, get your head round that
Janis: You feel like a dickhead, I’ve not called you one
Casey: be how you look at me I let you in, I’m not having it
Janis: come on, no I won’t
Casey: I ain’t thick, nor am I soft
Janis: not words I’ve called you either
Janis: I can’t just leave you
Casey: I’ve already been left, just stick to it
Janis: That’s how you want it, it’s easier
Janis: this is different
Casey: what this is is sod all to do with you
Janis: It’s enough to do with me that I’m not ignoring it
Casey: fuck’s sake
Janis: you should’ve thought up a good reason to cancel on me
Casey: I overslept, you never bothered asking
Janis: You went along with what I suspected, be why
Casey: you’re doing my head in
Janis: yeah?
Casey: yeah, piss off, can’t you
Janis: you can go back to bed if you just let me do what I need to do, instead of arguing back
Casey: What do you need to do
Janis: Give you a once over, assess the situation
Casey: I told you I can take care of myself
Janis: I heard
Casey: be his nurse whenever you fancy, he gets off on it
Janis: don’t need the hint
Casey: you’re not taking none of my others, worth a go
Janis: it’s tactical, like
Casey: it’s patronising, love, there’s fuck all you can do else I can’t
Janis: that’s not the point of doing things for people, don’t have to be
Casey: the point is save yourself the trip to see us 🤕
Janis: you’d rather sulk and lick your wounds
Janis: Alright
Casey: up to me, my wounds
Janis: it isn’t just about you though
Casey: You’re not bringing him here
Janis: You can’t be left alone with him
Casey: if you’re coming to have a look, only you are
Casey: bring that dickhead and you’ll be patching him up instead
Janis: He isn’t here, he’s working
Janis: you wouldn’t have agreed to coming before if he was about
Casey: keep your mouth shut to him or you’re not getting near
Janis: would it be that awful to know he cares
Casey: he don’t, he’d be chuffed to bits to say I told you so and yours is pisstake enough
Janis: that’s bollocks, no one is over the moon about any of this
Casey: he cares about getting one over on our dad, taking everything off him, where else am I in it
Janis: They’re coming back here, this hasn’t worked
Janis: you’re not coming anywhere, offer’s revoked
Casey: play happy families where you like
Janis: I said them, not me
Janis: I’m not stupid, I know that’ll not help anything
Casey: nor me, it’ll not last
Janis: It’ll have to
Casey: such bollocks
Janis: he can come see me
Casey: tell Jim, not us
Janis: I will, don’t need to ruin his shift with it
Casey: 👌 be what you’ll get off him too
Janis: ‘cos you’re loads better
Casey: what were it you said about pretending it’s the same
Janis: if you remembered, you could take the advice, shame
Casey: I’m meant to keep my distance, he’s not
Janis: I’ve never said he does
Casey: it don’t need saying, how close are you when he talks with nowt but 👍
Janis: you’re just trying to get me to piss off again
Casey: I said you could come here, you who went back on it
Janis: I’m on my way
Janis: You know how long it takes [a particularly fat and old dog] to get anywhere
Casey: blame [this dog]
Janis: what are you trying to blame me for?
Casey: I know pissing about when I see it
Janis: You would be familiar
Casey: it ain’t that bad, you can calm yourself down about how you reckon I might look
Janis: none of it was that bad, why’d he fly off the handle about it this time?
Casey: I kicked off at school, he kicked off at home
Casey: so what, like
Janis: He needs a hobby
Casey: don’t, alright
Janis: fine, fine, we won’t talk about it
Janis: and you’ve patched yourself up, yeah?
Casey: there’s nothing to have a chat about, we’re as bad as each other, me and him
Janis: Hardly
Casey: he was fuming ‘cause of me, I was fuming ‘cause of Lucas, no difference
Janis: You never said what Lucas did anyway
Casey: I said it don’t matter, he were just getting at me
Janis: he’s such a prick, I could always key his car again
Casey: there ain’t gonna be a desk between us every time, one day
Janis: No one’ll deserve it more, like
Casey: don’t go near his car, yeah, can’t have you going missing an’ all
Janis: You should be so lucky, he tried that, it weren’t happening
Casey: he’ll have mates he’s told since, how fit you are, be a whole ring ready and waiting
Janis: don’t threaten me with a good time
Janis: he’s definitely got no mates, not even noncy ones
Casey: I dunno, online you can be whatever dickhead you want, you’re wasting it, might be he’s not
Janis: Sounding like YOU fancy him now
Janis: his socials won’t be that good
Casey: how is it, I’m warning YOU
Janis: you’re sweet
Casey: shut up
Janis: 😏🤐
Casey: I did just oversleep, I was gonna show up
Janis: then what, let me get the fright of my life at the sight of you
Casey: you’re not Bob, you can hack it
Janis: so much faith in us
Casey: it’s only some blood, lasses do that all the time, what school taught us in their special assembly
Janis: Well done for paying attention, come in handy for you not freaking out when you encounter it
Casey: 😏 yeah, so it’s alright if that’s why you’re being mardy
Janis: feminist of the year right here
Casey: I reckon my nose’s broke, we’re probably about even bleeding wise
Janis: Look like you’re on the football team
Janis: do you want it resetting or what
Casey: I had a go but it was having none of it
Janis: It’s harder to sort yourself
Janis: just sit on your hands when I give it a shot
Casey: sound like your shit nan with that advice
Janis: 😂 That’s real wishful thinking
Janis: only after saving my own nose, weird to be matching on that one
Casey: I’d not smack you, you’re alright
Janis: it’s just a reflex
Casey: it’s happened before, I never smacked Jim then and you know I’d take any excuse
Janis: ‘Course
Janis: there you go then, go mental 🤚🖐
Casey: this’ll be 3rd time, lucky you or lucky me, either or
Janis: You’ll heal beautifully then, no worries
Janis: any good stories or nah?
Casey: same story, so nah
Janis: He’s predictable
Casey: bones break easier the more they do, he’s getting older, he needs the hand
Janis: Yeah, my ankles never been the same, absolute joke
Janis: what about the rest of you?
Casey: Joke how you broke it in the 1st place, mate
Janis: beyond embarrassing is right
Casey: for him
Casey: what sort of lad
Janis: Shh, or I’ll make your nose worse for a laugh
Casey: go on then
Janis: 😏
Casey: I’ll blame [a different dog who is a little shit] see what cash his owners’ll chuck us to shut me up
Janis: *fix it, you’d be a nightmare if I ruined your pulling chances
Casey: lasses love a scar and that, I’ll be well in
Janis: right, a scar, not a picasso painting
Casey: [some weird girl who is known throughout the school for being lol] would fancy us
Janis: What a perfect match, n’awh
Casey: oi, piss off, you’re meant to be a mate, say I can do better
Janis: your ego needs no help, I know that about you
Casey: come on, a lass is about to sort my 👃 ‘cause I couldn’t
Casey: ego’s most bruised of all of me
Janis: 🥺 boy
Casey: make me feel better, like
Janis: 😤😠😡🤬 when I try, more like, barely got away with painkillers and a checkup
Casey: don’t sound like me
Janis: perfect patient now you like the sound of it, be about right
Casey: 😤😠😡🤬’s gone
Janis: I was always going to bring [some of his fave treats] an’ all
Casey: Have you got loads more work to piss off to
Janis: Only had this morning lot and an evening walk today so, no
Casey: can you hang about then, for a bit
Janis: ‘course, if you unlock the door for me
Janis: Better not break in
Casey: it’d really cheer me up if you broke a window or something though
Janis: 😌
Janis: if you’re lucky, and up to it
Casey: 3rd time, remember, ‘course I am
Janis: ☘️ right at home, you
Casey: feels like it
Janis: I’ll let you choose what we’re watching, as your fake therapist has really tainted a cuppa as a peace offering
Casey: Face/off 
Janis: 🤣 fuck’s sake, too good a shout, even if I have to put up with Nick Cage and John Travolta
Casey: mate, you can’t get enough of Hairspray, I’ve seen you
Janis: Maybe you would be if it were about YOUR civil rights, arsehole
Casey: 😂
Casey: nowt to do with Zac Efron, obviously
Janis: Before he got all ‘roided out and ugly 💔
Casey: we had a PE teacher on it at my old school, too easy to wind up, him
Janis: I mean, you’d have a lot to cry about if you had cystic acne, no hair and shrunken balls
Casey: and it were all to teach kids to climb a rope, no olympics or nothing
Janis: What a waste
Casey: northern kids at that
Janis: Imagine looking like a junkie with your trackmarks for that
Casey: fucking hell, feel top about the state of my life now, tah sir
Janis: An inspiration after all
Casey: even ending up in prison how Lucas’ inspirational speech reckons don’t sound as shit in comparison, like
Janis: 🙄 he knows if he ends up behind bars he’s not lasting a day, full of shit, like
Casey: worth going to track him down in the nonce block
Janis: you’re not going anywhere
Casey: not to English for ages
Janis: if that’s meant to be punishment, a shit one
Casey: all he does is pick on us to read shit out to the class anyway
Janis: you should ask to move class, fuck him
Janis: make them put you in [another teacher’s class] she’s easy as
Casey: said she’s too scared to have me in hers
Janis: so’s he, why should he be the one always getting a table to the chin
Janis: just don’t go
Casey: alright, write us a note before you finish with your happy families bollocks and chuck Jim and our kid out
Janis: They’re that useless, used my dad’s signature until he pegged it like he had anything to do with us
Janis: s’not that simple, is it
Casey: Isn’t it?
Janis: yous are an actual family, that’s more important
Casey: we haven’t been since she nipped out to the shops, if you’re doing it for that, don’t, pissed up the wall long before you
Janis: It just don’t feel right
Casey: keep on telling you being with him’s a massive mistake, be why
Janis: I don’t know why you do
Casey: I’m your mate and you deserve better
Janis: Everyone knows good friends lie shamelessly to your face
Casey: I don’t, he’s not good enough for nobody, nevermind you
Janis: He’s far better than me, at this, you just don’t know about it
Casey: I know him and I know you
Janis: it’s just different when you get to be alone with someone
Casey: yeah
Janis: It’ll be alright, my nan lives close enough, I’ll just crash there
Casey: Tell her hey from us 😏
Janis: If I must 😒
Casey: buzzing to be close by if she needs me
Janis: You’ll want to develop some useful skills first, mate
Casey: I’ve loads, YOU just don’t know about it
Janis: Thank God, like
Casey: go on, protest harder
Janis: making me sick ain’t gonna change who’s nursing who here, soz
Casey: 🤏
Janis: I didn’t bring supplies for two
Casey: you’re alright, holding hair back and that’s one of my skills
Casey: and I get wanting a demo of some of ‘em
Janis: Ridiculous, you are
Janis: and my stomach is stronger than that, clearly all the blood I’ve seen
Casey: another time, I’m off nowhere
Janis: don’t think they let you visit two at once so, best behaviour
Casey: okay
Janis: that wasn’t so hard, was it
Casey: Who else has been going round saying I’m hard work
Janis: Obviously confused you with some other gobby little twat
Casey: dickheads
Janis: can’t trust the way people chat ‘round here, like
Casey: you can me
Janis: it’s mutual, even when you’re not after hearing it
Casey: least half the time then
Janis: You and your mood swings
Casey: I dunno about that
Casey: you and the bollocks you chat, more like
Janis: 😏
Janis: something like that
Casey: Any chance you take this fucking dog to your fit nan’s with you
Janis: You’d miss her, don’t lie
Casey: not miss her climbing the bloody walls at the minute, doing my head in
Janis: I’ll take her for a run when I get there
Casey: *we’ll
Janis: maybe, if you don’t look like shit
Casey: dog walkers find bodies, they’ve seen worse
Janis: I’ve got a reputation to maintain
Casey: oi
Janis: 😉
Janis: fresh air will probably do you good really, works for everything, like tea
Casey: kettle’ll be on when you’re here, no need for you to miss out ‘cause of [whatever the school therapist’s first name is]
Janis: Tah, she’s ruined enough, can’t let her have that proper
Casey: Put her arm round me again
Janis: Fucking hell, what is wrong with this school
Casey: other than the massive nonce ring or what
Janis: you’re going to be leaving with more trauma if she has anything to do with it
Casey: she’s 🤞
Janis: like hell
Casey: depends if she’s a fan of that picasso twat or nah
Janis: If she wants her own face rearranging, can’t really blame her
Casey: can’t all be the fittest lass in the whole of Dublin
Janis: she could try a 🤏 harder if she’s going to be a creep
Casey: would make it alright to try and nonce us then, yeah
Janis: Exactly
Casey: least dye her hair so she’s my type, dropped enough hints
Janis: You’re unimaginative, it couldn’t be easier
Casey: tah for the backhander there after I’ve said I’ll not smack you
Janis: yeah, you know it’s true anyway, nothing wrong with being basic, babes
Casey: steady on, babes, I didn’t promise owt as far as hair pulling and the rest lasses do
Janis: ha, try it
Casey: piss easy target how much there is, wouldn’t have to try very hard
Janis: you who wants to fight dirty, hurts more on shorter hair so your loss in the end
Casey: you who started it, and you’d have to grab hold 1st
Janis: piss easy, you’ve a giant head
Casey: me, that’s a mirror you’ve gone past, girl
Janis: don’t think so, usually get stuck in front of those for ages 🙃
Casey: can’t blame you
Janis: won’t need to, done the last drop so I’m officially on my way
Casey: [name drop that dog as if there’s a ? but there isn’t not because you don’t use them for some reason sir but because you know her schedule like that]
Janis: yep, gutted you weren’t there to tuck him in, obviously, but he dealt with it being me instead
Casey: dunno how lucky he is, I’ll have a word [whenever you’re walking this dog next]
Janis: tah very much, like
Janis: Twix will be buzzing to see me, even if that means rushing her out the door about it
Casey: she’s missed you
Janis: it’s mutual too
Casey: she don’t get where you’ve gone, just why
Janis: Wish you could explain to them
Janis: the kids will wanna walk her at the weekend, I’m sure
Casey: I’ll explain to him I fell off my bike or something
Janis: yeah, he’s not going to put it together, not seeing it
Janis: it’ll be alright
Casey: it was a good shout last time, long as it don’t put him off riding his how it did then or he’ll never learn
Janis: sort you out, he might think it looks cool too
Casey: be chucking himself off instead
Janis: little scrapes and dirt never hurt no one
Casey: used to eat it, me, from what I’ve heard
Janis: I believe it
Casey: and sand, but I don’t remember going the beach before Skerries, so
Janis: dunno if I’m gutted or pleased you didn’t go for it there
Casey: you’re gutted, don’t lie
Janis: yeah, clearly weren’t having a good enough time 👶🥳
Casey: have to take me back
Janis: ‘course, not like it costs nothing more, and for half the problems
Casey: I’ve had the idea of taking myself sometimes, jumping on a train and that
Janis: I can tell you when no one is there, it’s most the time anyway
Casey: tah, I’ve times in my head, depends if they match up
Janis: 🤞 I get it
Casey: I know
Janis: Libi’s old enough to make me feel bad now though, weren’t a problem when she was a baby
Casey: trick is to make yourself feel worse, no dickhead can touch you if you do
Janis: I know
Casey: our kid won’t be bothered when I piss off, he’ll be chuffed to see the back of me, another of my skills, that
Janis: Only the half the time you’re acting like your dad
Casey: no act, they just spend too much time hoping there is, give him more and he’ll work it out
Janis: 50/50 on one of us being right
Casey: I am like him, ask your boyfriend how long he’s spent convinced
Janis: You can be whoever you want, I reckon
Casey: I reckon you’ll be off again if we don’t change the subject
Janis: You’ve learnt nothing if you reckon I’m that easily put off but alright, change it
Casey: you was the other day
Janis: Not by you, by myself
Casey: what for
Janis: I didn’t have no good answers, was annoying myself, never mind you
Casey: I’m not after answers from you
Janis: That’s all I’m good for so that’s shit
Casey: bollocks are you, whoever’s told you that’s a massive bellend
Janis: cheers, I’ll keep it in mind
Casey: there’s no all you’re good for, you don’t even have to be good at owt to be my mate, weren’t auditions
Janis: I dunno, I just feel useless when I can’t tell people what to do, you know
Casey: it ain’t your fault there’s sod all to be done sometimes
Janis: maybe not but fucking hate it all the same 🎻🎻
Casey: my dad’s got no answers and he’s a grown man, it’s alright if you’ve none, for this or whatever else
Janis: Not the most favourable comparison you could chuck at us but appreciate the sentiment 
Casey: you get what I mean
Janis: if anyone has any time for him, it is you, so
Casey: I don’t need you fixing it, you can’t
Janis: fine, fine, don’t expect me to be 😁 about it though
Casey: none of us are, like, I’d love if you could chuck a solution at me but there ain’t
Janis: Give me time
Casey: I’d be putting on pressure, you heard, it’s not up to you to sort our heads, where we are and how we ended up here, how fucked shit can be
Janis: what are friends for, what sort of shit one would I be if I didn’t care about none of that
Casey: they’re for taking my mind off it
Janis: I’ll shut up and get a move on, understood
Casey: things can be good too, I care about that, and loads of it’s down to you when they are
Janis: ☀️ you, always surprises me
Casey: you
Janis: don’t take the piss
Casey: I’m not, I can keep myself going, but I’m not off nowhere, it’s you dragging me about, making it so I fancy moving in the 1st place
Janis: We’ve got to stick together
Casey: yeah, I shouldn’t of never said before I didn’t need your help
Janis: I won’t make you admit it in your current state, my ego isn’t too damaged, like
Casey: I’ve admitted it, you can have at that
Janis: 🏆🥇 is a win but 
Janis: I don’t know, I wanted to make things easier, I thought it would, them and me out of your way 
Casey: it does
Janis: Do you want them to stay away or come back, be honest
Casey: what would I want them about for
Janis: To not have to deal with your dad alone
Casey: what else was you reckoning I said were easier on my own
Casey: it’s best I sort him out myself, we get on
Janis: That’s what I thought
Janis: but not if it’s a full-time job, like
Casey: Jim’s told you it is ‘cause he can’t hack it, I can
Janis: He still has to look after Bobby
Janis: probably as fair a trade-off as we’re getting, yeah?
Casey: and make ☕️ for your sister and her mates
Janis: you help with the dogs more, ‘til you decide you wanna try and find yourself another job
Casey: no need, I like the job you’ve given us
Janis: Good
Janis: I don’t know how much help Bob would be, even after relevant training, like
Casey: only after showing off to his little girlfriend, him
Casey: can’t be trusted with much else
Janis: and show-off was already her middle name, quite the duo
Casey: fancy a picture drawn of a dog for a missing poster he’s your man, long as you don’t ask why it’s gone, like
Janis: Could start charging ransom, long as we keep it infrequent enough
Janis: sinister that it’s in crayon and got loads of mistakes in the note
Casey: he’s having none of the money though
Janis: He’s no need for it
Casey: nor does his missus what he’d buy her
Janis: her room’s like a toy shop, I swear
Janis: everyone’s overcompensating
Casey: I had [something expensive af that he’d want at the age he was when his mum vanished] bought for me
Janis: Fair play, didn’t totally waste the opportunity
Casey: can’t cash in on her being dead yet, might do one day
Janis: Did she have money?
Janis: Edie and Liam didn’t, nothing worth mentioning, obviously
Casey: owt from her part time job she spent soon as earned it, said that’s what it were for
Janis: right, they were the same
Janis: Savings and life insurance are for proper grown-ups and rich people
Casey: [name drop the richest of the people you dog walk for as an example]
Janis: They would be worth killing, deffo
Casey: you know where I am
Janis: en-route but it’ll have to wait, we’ve got a full schedule today, like
Casey: tonight then
Janis: cover of night, obviously
Janis: only catch one of them having their lunch-time affair at a time
Casey: alright, catch ‘em covering it up by being all over the dickhead they married instead
Janis: you’ll be 🤒 all over again
Casey: be like watching that scene in [a movie with some kind of cringey sex scene in it to take the piss out of these posh people]
Janis: 🥴🥴🥴 can feel the cameraman heavy breathing down the poor actresses neck in that one, Jesus 
Casey: you’d know all about that, should bring up happiest of memories for you
Janis: shut up 😏🙄
Janis: insulting to me as well as him as a comparison, that
Casey: everyone’s insulted you’re with him, girl, take your own turn
Janis: no one more than my sister and her mates, probably
Casey: there you go, your 1 pro, knew we’d find something if we kept on and on for ages
Janis: I’ll only make you suffer through that when you deserve it, a good mate like that
Casey: when you’ve managed to put a list together, more like
Casey: expecting to be a proper grown up if not on my death bed by the time
Janis: come on, you’ll never be a proper grown up
Casey: might, rich an’ all
Janis: oh yeah?
Janis: well, if the murder/kidnap game pans out, we’ll both be that
Casey: kept between us how would it balls up
Janis: Have to be, Libi can tell the entire class, even if he’d be playing charades about it
Janis: can’t be trusted
Casey: nor can [the name of the cameraman in that film he’s just looked up for Jimothy shade lol lol]
Janis: I don’t even know who that is but none of your mates, that’s a blatant given
Casey: just me and you, mate
Janis: 🥷🥷 no one else has put in the time and won the 🐶🐶 over, be dangerous
Casey: exactly, you’re not a liability 
Janis: might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me
Casey: hold tight of it, dunno what I’ll say when you’re resetting my broke nose
Janis: shan’t be the one crying at any rate, you’re alright
Janis: leave my headphones in if you’re proper getting into it
Casey: [not him just namedropping her fave song of the moment right here and right now because he’s noticed her listening to it a lot like when they go running and stuff, like yeah, that song, I know]
Janis: 😌
Janis: I promise I’ll be quick, no mucking about
Casey: you’re no messer like rest of the lasses I know
Janis: The only other lass you know who MIGHT be able to hack this is the school nurse
Janis: and I doubt she’s got the medical training
Casey: bit rude of me to ask ‘em to, to be fair
Janis: as a first date, yeah, bit intense
Casey: wait til 3rd at least, weren’t totally dragged up
Janis: such a gentleman 🤵
Casey: 😏
Janis: and you’ll be glad to have the place to yourself then too
Casey: nah, use her place and find out the state of it, every dickhead knows that
Janis: What for?
Casey: see if she’s worth going back to
Janis: ahh, I see
Casey: I ain’t bothered about being her bit of rough
Casey: especially if she’s no dad about
Janis: Unimaginative, think that’s what I said
Casey: what would you have me look for in a girl
Janis: You may as well aim high 💸 don’t know why you’re insisting on daddy issues though
Casey: yeah you do, it’s well known why
Janis: 😒
Casey: aim high you said
Janis: you’re grim, change the subject
Casey: To what
Janis: I’d say use your imagination but not right now, clearly
Casey: I’ve none, you’ve said twice
Janis: Not your fault, no lads your age do
Casey: as told by the expert of lads my age
Janis: let [the school counsellor] have that title
Casey: I ain’t grim enough to go on a date with her, tah
Janis: argue it’s not a date when it’s also a crime
Casey: could have your say in court but never get there, I’d be off with the hush money
Janis: on her salary? Please
Casey: doubt it comes out her pocket, be the higher ups paying
Janis: explains where the budget goes
Casey: You’re on about me using my imagination as if you’re not already meant to be in the door, what you playing at
Janis: helping you flex that muscle, along with learning some patience, obviously
Janis: Hold on, boy
Casey: teacher I should’ve had, I get it
Janis: Anyone is better than Lucas
Casey: there’s your shit comparison what insults you more than him
Janis: basically an accusation, dickhead, careful with that talk, yeah
Casey: I never chucked nowt, you who said it
Janis: Hmm
1 note · View note
starryocean · 9 months
realized there's still books i havent got to talking about yet that ive finished forever ago. whoops. here they are now.
1 - Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence
as I expected, it was incredibly edgy. I kept thinking of Jorg as some 13-year-old dA boy's first ever fantasy OC. And he talked as if he felt the same way, too--really believing that he was the coolest shit ever, can do whatever he wants, fuck his dad and fuck the kingdom. nothing personnel, kid.
To Mark's credit, Jorg is also literally 14. I think. 14-15. Either way he's a teenager and has trauma and very much acts like it. I think that's a pretty important thing to state with regards to Jorg's narration. However, it also makes some things he pulled off in his backstory statistically impossible for a...I think 10? 11? year old to do. But there's also some weird magic shit going on, and the weird magic shit is explicitly confirmed to have played a role in at least one of those statistically impossible incidents, so I guess I can believe that maybe there was meddling there as well. idk.
Anyway. Let's talk about what I liked.
The "twist" with regards to the background of the setting as a whole was fairly interesting and properly foreshadowed from the start--even the map was pointing to it. However, it was also the only thing that really kept me reading. I did not like Jorg, even if I thought his narration was hilariously edgy, but somehow I did end up rooting for him to win the last battle at least a little? So I guess some of the reviews didn't lie to me in that that would happen.
So that's another thing I liked. Mark Lawrence is a competent storyteller if he was able to get me invested enough in Jorg--even with Jorg being unlikable as he is--to root for him at all at the very end. Let me be clear that I can't see him ever being truly a "hero" by any definition of the word. But he grew on me. That's the important thing. He grew on me, and it's honestly a sign of good writing that he was able to grow on me at all.
Thirdly: I think it's very, VERY funny that the only reason everyone didn't die half-way through the book is because one guy spoke up about not using every bomb available in order to destroy this one place. This guy saved the fucking world from being annihilated by nukes (yet again, cuz oops spoilers that's the twist it's set in post-nuclear apocalypse Europe) and then nobody even knows it but Jorg and his little group of bandit shitheads. And it's all because he didn't think it was necessary to go all out for one stupid fortress and told Jorg he had to tone it down a bit.
Comedy gold.
Now, what I didn't like:
Jorg. I've already mentioned he's a shithead. Massively so. Literally the book starts with him slaughtering a whole village for no reason, among other things. Literally the only reason I could find myself rooting for him is because the other guys were worse. So since I've already talked a lot about how much I don't like Jorg, I'm moving on.
The treatment of women is also very annoying. it's not as bad as having literally every female character get raped, but the only one who's given any development is the step-daughter of the king (jorg's dad) from his marriage to another woman after the first queen got murdered horribly. The only other woman of note I can think of is the dead queen and a sex worker that is treated like an idiot the whole time she's on screen. She and Jorg end up having sex anyway. It's gross.
Also. Racism. The only Black character is never given a real name and is consistently referred to by his race alone. He dies part way through the book (although he's still relevant a good while after) and is never given a proper name. And of course he was a slave and bandit and he's notable because apparently there aren't many other Black people in post-apoc Europe that aren't slaves??? Utterly bizarre. Do you have any idea how many Muslims live in France, as an example? Especially Black Muslims? Are you seriously telling me there wouldn't be ANY descendants of those people living as commoners in post-apoc Europe, even if not in what was once France specifically? Like, let's be generous and pretend that there aren't any Black nobility either because people are just THAT racist after the end of the world. Are you seriously saying there'd still be little to no free Black people around, at all? Are you stupid?
The fucking Asian character is treated better than this, and he's also a fucking slave whose been forced to be the wise old elder trying to teach Jorg about stuff and "put him on the right path" or w/e bs. But he at least has a name.
So overall I did not like this one, tbh. Even if there were a few things I did like a lot, there wasn't enough to keep me going other than the interesting setting twist and wanting to see how it ended. 3edgy5me, or whatever the meme was back in the late 2000s-early 2010s.
Would not rec.
2 - The Cat Who Saved Books by Sousuke Natsukawa
I liked this one a lot. 200+ pages, very short, but lots of warm feel-good with fantasy aspects to it as well. The different "worlds" where books were being treated badly were very interesting, and the different ways they were being treated badly was some good commentary on how people consume media. There were a lot of Western literary references which I didn't expect, but also since this was a translation and the author is Japanese I can see way, as part of the atmosphere of the book and playing into the protag's tastes and circumstances.
I was really interested in trying to learn what that last story the protag needed to confront was, because I wasn't sure who she was meant to represent, but it was probably more obvious in the original text and just couldn't be carried over to English well. I did like the whole "friends from past adventures coming to help the protag in his time of need" even if its a cliche, and there was just a lot of coziness to this one that I needed at the time I read it.
Loved this book. Would recommend.
3 - All Our Hidden Gifts by Caroline O'Donoghue
I admit, I picked this one up because it was from a publisher/imprint I'd never seen in store before and wanted to know what kind of stuff they published. The pretty art was also a selling point, as the setting in contemporary Ireand with Tarot stuff going on.
I wasn't sure if I'd like the protag at first, but I really did. Even with the rift between her and her childhood friend at the beginning and how it happened, I could really see why she did what she did, because I know that sort of thought process she had as she got older and wanted to "fit in" in her upper-class school. The fact she also ended up having to confront her privilege with how her family has far more means than most people was also a good part of her arc. I was also quite happy that she and her friend didn't make up right away at the end once the friend was saved, and that it was clear there was a long way to go between them.
The lore with the weird creepy card that started this whole mess was interesting, too. The fact that the spell the protag did was actually mutual on both her and her friend's part was an interesting touch I didn't expect--but it also makes sense? Especially with the foreshadowing that came after the incident with her having been seen willingly going with that manifestation of said card. The backstory about that other girl who stumbled upon that power but died without any help, and the fact that the nun(?) lady had all those news clippings in her car in the first place...those were good. The latter was touching, too, especially given the whole conflict against the religious cult.
Speaking of. Said religious cult. When the blurb says that this book touches on queer revolution, it's not joking around--this book goes fucking hard on the harm of anti-queer politics and what that religious cult is doing. The fact that the cult leader has magic also makes it even worse, considering he's manipulating people both with mundane tactics and literal fucking magic.
So uh. I wasn't in a great place to be reading that sort of thing when I got this, and with current politics I don't think I'll be able to read the next book any time soon either. But I did like this one a lot. Bonus points for the nonbinary character being amab, because--while I'm sure there's stuff out there--there's such a prevailing attitude of nonbinary being "femme lite" that it's so hard for me to find actual amab nonbinary rep. It's such a breath of fresh air. Like it shouldn't even be a thing that matters but...god, I need more amab nonbinary characters. Please.
Anyway. Great book. Goes hard. Would love to read the next one when I'm in a better headspace for it. Would recommend if you're in a good headspace for it.
4 - Never Coming Home by Kate Williams
It's And Then There Were None but if Fyre Festival. I was sold as soon as I read the blurb. I fucking love that idea and the And Then There Were None kind of mystery is like catnip to me. I loved that book when I first read it and I've been really into Agatha Christie-style mysteries in general. The recent Death on the Nile movie was loads of fun. I need to read more of her books and this helped scratch that murder-mystery itch I've been getting more into lately.
It's also good that the one actual big influencer was sus on everything from the start, precisely because most of these people were nobodies even in their own niche, by varying degrees from their helpfully-listed follower count in the beginning. Frankie Rus(s)h (the actual big influencer) only knows like, one person from an event they were both at and is very protective of her. Even so, she's still quite clearly flawed, and even a little selfish, and I like that.
The POVs all vary from chapter to chapter, as fitting the story its paying homage to. The way everyone's being taunted while they're trapped there at the same time they're getting picked off one-by-one is also nice psychological horror for those characters. Especially with the fact that the account for the event is updating with pictures of people that couldn't have been taken by any of them with riddle-like messages about who'll die next and how.
I also like that there was a character who was upfront about the thing they're guilty of right away. He knew he was the reason it happened, he did his time over it iirc, he made peace with his guilt and is fine with letting people know if it'll help figure out this mess. That's really good emotional maturity even if not everyone was as honest about their crimes as he was. Good stuff.
Now. Some problems.
That same character I don't feel was handled as great as he could've been. His whole thing is that he's a DJ, or at least was trying to make it as one, but ended up as more or less a drug dealer instead. I feel this would be fine if he were like, any other race but latino. Just...the drug dealer stereotype is too prevalent, especially with current politics, but I do applaud that the author tried to handle it as maturely as possible and made him far more nuanced than just a "druggie." He also didn't die first, and in fact lasted for a good while.
The alternating POVs between him and one other person right before his death was also good. Unreliable narrator clearly on display, with both of them being sure the other is the culprit in all of this. Tragic as all hell and really helps with the gut punch. Especially with how that other person died right after.
The only thing I was super confused about was the "explanation" part of the ending. It was framed as people theorizing online about it all (on reddit actually, I think) but I still didn't feel quite clear about the culprit's motivation for all of it. I might have to reread later to see if I can understand it better, but I do also know that scene was of the culprit literally trolling in order to try and dissuade people from thinking it was them.
Because they're still a public presence at the end and their family has been monetizing the shit out of the tragedy.
Yeah. Oof.
Still. Very good book. Loved it and it did the concept and homage justice. Would rec.
5 - The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner
Very interesting mystery, tbh. Contemporary/historical, with some people apparently having very YMMV feeling on how it was done. Personally I liked it a lot, the style and narration felt fitting. I really liked the emotional arcs of the characters, as well as the whole concept of an old herbalist going against her teachings in order to provide poison to women so that they can kill their husbands in an era where women didn't really have the ability to either divorce or else stop such people at all.
The relationship between the herbalist and the young girl was fun, and I really liked how the lady the girl was working for loved her like family. Enough to kill her husband so that he couldn't hurt the girl at all. The story with the modern-day historian was...less interesting tbh, mostly because for much of it I was worried it'd be more focused on the relationship drama with her cheating husband and their collapsing marriage more than it actually was. I wasn't super into the pregnancy scare plot either. But I did end up liking her side of the story more as the novel got further in.
It wasn't a super long novel either. Also in the 200+ page range. But the mystery/historical aspect was good, the modern characters not being able to get a full, conclusive idea of what happened in the past was good, and it was really fun watching the modern day historian do some breaking and entering in her search. fuck yeah, lady. trespass on private property to cope! fuck the police! lmao
Would recommend.
6 - So I'm a Spider, So What? #16 by Okina Baba
I liked most of it, up until the very end. The end ended up retroactively souring the rest of the book for me, if not the whole series. It was too abrupt, and the "epilogue" of 1-2 sentence paragraphs describing what happened to every character only made it worse. Especially given the fact that Sue is implied to be the one who "won" with Shun in the end, even though both volumes 15 and 16 make it explicitly clear she's not supposed to be seen in a good light with regards to her actions--starting from her rape attempt against Shun to how she selfishly inserts herself into the party of people meeting with the Demon Lord, and how that could very well have ended the world right then and there.
Like, Sue is not meant to be seen in anywhere near a positive light in volumes 15 and 16. She even keeps taking advantage of Shun's kindness even though he very firmly set boundaries with her, which is also presented as something negative, and yet she...somehow wins? Like, yeah, sure I am biased towards Katia. But Katia has also been pretty explicitly built-up as the "main" romantic interest for Shun since volume 1. Given the way Sue is treated/presented in the last few volumes, how she's been barely relevant for a majority of the series since volume 5, and with Katia being the obvious choice? It feels like a deliberate "fuck you." And it hurts. And it's honestly made me not want to go back and reread any of the series anymore for the parts I at least liked.
I've been wanting to write out a snippet/one-shot that sums up my feeling as to what should have been done with Sue since I had a chance to sit and process volume 16, but I can't even get myself to do that because of how sour it feels to even think about the ending. Even though I feel like it'd be cathartic to write such a fic. But I can't fucking get myself to do it. I knew people were saying the ending was bad, but I was really hoping it was people complaining for similar reasons as to why people didn't like vol 11-12 (aka, their reasoning was stupid).
But...no. They were right. The ending sucked. And I don't even know how to feel about the stupid series anymore. I don't even know if I want to have anything to do with it anymore.
And it hurts.
That's all I can say about this one.
7 - Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak
Loved this one. The way it was written, most people being genuinely nice and good, the possessed/haunted kid not being demonized? It was so good. It was something I needed when I picked it up. It took me a while to actually finish it, but the ending made me so happy I did. This book is horror, I should also mention, and the drawings periodically inserted into the story was a great touch.
As a side note: I was thinking to myself a few days ago how most of my experience with horror media has been indie games,* how a majority modern video games have an inherently visual element to them, and how House of Leaves--the only adult horror novel I'd read before picking up Hidden Pictures--also had a kind of visual element to it that most books lack. Obviously, most novels make up for the lack of visuals by invoking images in your head as you read the prose, such that you can still "see" things happening. House of Leaves, however, ends up taking it a step further by making the text itself a visual component, not just leaving it as "text" and relying on the reader's imagination.
I think, considering my tastes in horror media, it's not a surprise that the two adult horror books I've picked up--and loved--have had a visual component to them. I mean, the narratives themselves are compelling, don't get me wrong. The prose and story of both are phenomenal. I loved reading them as much as I enjoyed the "visual" aspects. But I noted that it was an interesting trend, considering.
But anyway. Loved Hidden Pictures. 100% would rec--especially to those who want something accessible to try and get into the horror genre with.
(*I also read a lot of horror manga/webtoons, but the sentence was long enough so I elected to include that down here. Either way, my point still stands re:my tastes in horror having a bent towards including some sort of visual aspect to the storytelling)
8 - My Next Life as a Villainess #6 by Satoru Yamaguchi
I tried getting back into Bakarina as a way of helping me out of a reading slump, wanting to read something easier to help ease me into reading in general (which worked, and was what helped me finish Hidden Pictures). I also bought another LN that I'll go on about down below to help with this. I liked...some of this one. But I was also feeling kind of sour by the end of it due to the way a certain character was handled.
To put it simply: there's a side character who is described in a way that more or less makes them a trans caricature. Super muscular, wears pretty dresses/frilly clothes, wants to be called by a feminine name, acts super feminine despite being repeatedly referred to as looking hypermasculine, etc. To top it off, her coworker insists in referring to her by her deadname. Everyone else treats her as a woman (including Katarina's narration), but this one guy doesn't. Consistently. To top it off, everyone's kind of creeped out and wary around this transwoman character, at least at first.
I will say, at the very least, in comparison to that male coworker who deadnames her the trans character is at least portrayed as competent at her job. She takes things seriously and is good at what she does. She also doesn't act creepy to the other characters, it's the other characters being creeped out by default and eventually warming up (which, isn't much better, but the bar is so low that it's still a step up). She's also very caring towards the other characters and wants to keep everyone safe. At the end, a different viewpoint character who the transwoman is giving a report to also takes her seriously and treats her as a woman, trusting her and knowing she's one of the better people in their organization (iirc. It's been a while since I've read all of these).
But none of this fully washed away the bitter taste I got from the way this character's appearance is so obviously meant as a joke/caricature. Especially in a time where I was already feeling down, and combined with how Kumoko's ending went it sucks even worse. Bakarina was/is another series I really enjoy--I've been keeping up with the fan translations of the manga releases and it's been nice to read something so comfy and light when I see there's been a new update. But now that I've read this volume, and now that the fan translation is getting into the content of this volume, it's been made sour for me too.
The plot was okay, I guess. I wasn't super fond of how mean one of the characters was to Katarina, although I understand why given his backstory. I liked Pochi getting a power-up and the others freaking out about it. But I felt thoroughly "meh" on basically everything and was disappointed with the stuff regarding that transwoman character.
I don't have anything super nice to say about this one, sorry. Moving on.
9 - I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire #1 by Yomu Mishima
Opposite to Bakarina, this one started out in a way that had me REALLY not want to read it, expecting the worst, and then turned my opinion around to a complete 180 as it went on.
I want to let you know, I've rarely ever had that happen to me. So I want to stress that this was actually good and funny, despite starting off on such an awful note. Like, I cannot understate how catastrophically the novel started out with regards to my expectations. I spotted a trope I don't like right away in the Table of Contents as one of the chapter titles, the full-color pages at the start being super super fanservicey, and the first chapter going into detail about how the reincarnated protagonist commissioned a big-tittied robot that had sexual capabilities programmed when he was a small child. And from there proceeding to grope said robot when she arrived, while still a small child.
And yet, it managed to redeem itself so well that I now consider it a favorite. I'm probably not going to buy any other volumes in the series, but I was actually laughing at some of the jokes at points. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a isekai manga that's actually funny? This LN started off so badly, but it managed to make me laugh. THIS KIND OF 108 NEVER. HAPPENS.
If you're wondering how it did that, then let me explain: first, it acknowledged several tropes common in isekai works (i.e., slave harems) as being a bad thing that will get people hating you and wanting you dead. The bar is so low but with the amount of works that don't manage to cross it, this was notable and improved my opinion just on its own. Then, the whole thing with the protag learning how to fight from a fraud because his brain is on anime and how what the guy was teaching him shouldn't actually be possible was incredibly funny. Failing upwards, and all that.
Then, this one older character being portrayed as incredibly pathetic and embarrassing for trying to do the honeypot thing. Too often, male teenage protags end up leaning into the gross pervert trope and let themselves go along with creepy fanservice no matter who it comes from. But this lady trying to seduce someone younger than her is shown as being embarrassing on her part, even humiliating that someone would even go that far. Again, this shouldn't be notable, but the fact that this LN was able to make such a point helped improve my opinion, because there's so many novels out there that can't even say that.
Then, when rescuing a bunch of people who've been held prisoner and traumatized (with heavy sexual connotations, even though nothing on-screen or outright is shown), the protag instead chooses to help them recover and even help them find places/jobs/etc. in his society instead of "mercy killing" them (which is something that happens far too often to victims of rape (or in this case, implied rape) in webnovels and such).
The fact that the bar is soooo fucking low but this novel manages to get all these things right? While managing to be actually funny at points alongside that? I genuinely can't believe the story pulled it off. It's insane.
Of course, the LN is not without its problems--there's still the way it started out, for instance. And there's other moments of unnecessary fanservice that doesn't happen to make a point like how that one scene with the honeypot does about it being dumb/pathetic/creepy/etc. There's also a bonus chapter in the back I felt was iffy, among other things.
But the fact it managed to turn my opinion around by this much? I think that counts for something. This one very much depends on whether or not you'll see the story the way I do by the end of it, so I can't give it a blanket rec, but if you're interested in trying it out? I'd say go for it. Just be aware that there's still stuff that's very much not great. I don't think people who aren't used to Weeb Ass Shit appearing in their anime/manga will like this one at all. So YMMV.
10 & 11 - Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree & Elantris by Brandon Sanderson
Putting these two together because it's been long enough I only have a few thoughts for each.
Legends and Lattes was nice and cozy. The stakes where actually higher than I expected re: the mafia thing or whatever, but that did get resolved without too much struggle, so that was nice. People being nice to each other and working together to make coffee and pastries. It's something I needed, and I'm glad I read it. Would rec.
Elantris was very obviously a debut novel. It didn't read as well as Mistborn did, the plot moved way too slowly for my tastes, and it hit kind of hard in places that I didn't want to be hit hard in. I get that it was setting up a sequel hook at the end, but for a standalone there were too many questions left unsolved. I get why, but even so, I wasn't super fond of this one. I remember wanting to see the noble ladies actually get to use the sword skills they were being taught but I feel like I remember that not happening. Would have to reread to double check.
I did at least like the political maneuvering, and I liked that the prince was able to reunite with his wife. I liked the organizing and faction conflict within the walled-off Elantris, too. But everything else was kind of...aggressively meh. I will say it treated its characters of color better than Prince of Thorns, though. They at least all get names and are treated as equals.
I think that's all the reviews. This took forever to sit down and write up but I got it done at least?
Currently reading Empire of Sand by Tasha Suri, am planning to read The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie after. Beyond that? We'll see.
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semi-imaginary-place · 9 months
ffxiv 4.3
yugiri was so concerned yotsuyu was faking it she didn't consider the 3rd option that she might regain her memory. wait no, she left for persimmons for gosetsu. but she's going to namai this isn't going to end well.
stormblood and going pretty strong on the anti kill. all the major antagonists are still alive.
that mirror is bad news. well i did get spoiled on the trial.
if we want her to keep from running away maybe tell the boatman not to let her through.
ah so asahi's scheme did work, she just faked it to ruin his plan. love it.
we're giving the confederacy free recruits. what if they don't want to be pirates.
alphy is hiding something, he's so bad at this. the question is why.
the prisoner exchang is happening inside the castrum???? terrible idea. these usually happen on neutral ground I'd say kugane but kugane would kick us all out. why not just on the beach.
i think i pieced together yotsuyu's story? abused as a kid parents sold her to an abusive husnad basically. husband died or did she kill him? then dad sold her to a brothel.
so the mirror acted as some sort of foci for aether. the sun moon symbolism has been good. hien's been compared to the sun and yostuyu to the moon, its in the patch and quest names and in the dialogue. What's interesting is that a lot of traditional Japanese folk religion dieties are ambiguously gendered like I've seen Tsukiyomi interpreted as male or Ameterasu is often referred to as the mother goddess of Japan. But then you have the heavy Chinese influence on Japanese culture and in Chinese Culture (Daoism) the sun (yang) is masculine and the moon (ying) is feminine. and its the chinese influence that we mostly see in these quests with yotsuyu being emotional and sensitive and feminine and associated with the moon.
really love tsukiyomi's design. might be my favorite boss design so far. lots of good moon imagery. one half of the kimono is a white moon flower the same one yotsuyu had in her hair ornament, the other half i think is another nocturnal blooming flower but im not sure. she had the rabbit ears. the backlighting to the eclipse. i died like 4 times because i did not understand the mechanics but really cool fight
whoever is doing the jp voice acting for asahi has got to be having so much fun. oh damn when asahi breaks he starts using ore.
hey asahi what was that about making sure to finish the job and making sure yotsuyu was actually dead.
localization missed that asahi was specifically the first doman she swore to kill.
so peace talks are back where we started but we got the conscripts back, not terrible all things considered.
wait i said clone theory but what if its an ascian puppetting the corpse.
alphinaud that is profoundly stupid going to the imperial capital alone. you have no escape route. they could jail you on any excuse and that'd be the end.
I'm worried if gosetsu is well enough to travel health wise
elezenos lol. he gets a second chance and of course he's learned absolutely not a goddam thing. yup ascian.
stormblood really is the expansion of can't let anyone die... ew they really brought back gaius... such a bad decision. for one its disrespectful as hell to the arr writers, they clearly meant to wrap up that storyline. gaius's storyline was meant to end there so bringing him back here is a disservice to that story. second as a matter of storytelling if you keep bringing back characters it cheapens death. ffxiv has made a big thematic deal about loss and "foR thOSe we HAve loST and fOR Those wE CAN yet sAve" and this is shooting that in the foot. third is i don't like gaius. i did get spoiled on this but you can't trust twitter spoilers so i was REALLY hoping that with was some delusional wistful thinking cooked up by the gaius fans.
doman restoration! did the writers forget that reverents toll didn't want the domans in 2.x? well i mean i think the writers also forgot that most of them are also shinobi like the made a point of emphasizing that a lot of the domans are combat ready shinobi by deploying them to garlemald or having them involved in 2.5's events but then 4.0 happens and the writers forget to include them in the assault of doma castle or the general ousting of garelans from yanxia? weird. like originally i assumed they were there even if not specifically mentioned. but here in 4.x patches its specifically said that no they've been in eorzea that whole time. weird plot hole. also weren't they from some hidden ninja village with peach trees.
yotsuyu, zenos, foldora (and gaius ug) all got 2nd chances.
wait a moment. if asahi's meeting with zenos durign the doman uprising was the first time zenos picked up a katana and black smith dude says that the uprising happened a year ago that means that zenos has been beating up everyone with a weapon he's only been using for a year. well that puts him on par with the player character who has only picked up their job in about that amount of time.
edit: update on the doman restoration. you can clearly tell that the writing teams were switched out because the writers forgot that the doman refugees were established as from a mountain ninja village in yanxia during 2.x. whereas the sotrmblood writers think that they were from the city of doma. Like I get them helping out but its weird that they wouldn't return to their ancestral village especially after the emphasis on like how much they missed the scent of the peach trees in flower and such. well i think they removed those quests but my point still stands
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lizzie-stargirl · 1 year
Alleviate(TWD Fiction): Chapter 1 Childhood
"Their were bad people before this started. The world now just makes it easier to get away with it"
Ava Reid was just living her life as a 13 year old girl. Then the dead came back and caused The End of the World. Living through hell before the world died Ava finds out that maybe things aren't that much worse than they were before.
Seasons 5-11
I do not own any of TWD content this is just a fan fiction.
Before you read TW:This story will include topics of Sexual Assault/Sexual Abuse, Physical Abuse, Suicide, Violence, and adult language.
-I was born on August 28th 1997 in Boston to my father Thomas Reid and mother Jessica Reid. My mother died three weeks after I was born in a car accident. My father was devastated after it happened from what I learned from my grandma. He spent weeks out of work just taking care of me and didn't go outside except to get formula for me and food for him. My father worked in the Army and was high ranking. Major was his ranking I believe when I was born. It was a perfect time for me to be born because my father was home and not deployed. I spent the first three and a half years of my life with my grandmother when my dad was deployed. He came home for a month three times in those years.
-Then my father was stationed at a military base near home when I was four.
-During the time that he was home he married Miranda. Miranda had three kids Cody 9, Emily and Elizabeth 4. It was a good thing that I had a mother figure and someone to take care of me when my father was gone because my grandma a few weeks before the wedding had a stroke and wouldn't be able to look after me anymore. Miranda divorce the girl's father a week before she met my dad and got full custody of them and painted him to be some crazy man. Cody wasn't her ex's but he adopted him a year after the girls were born. Elizabeth and Emily are two months older than me.
-My father and Miranda were together before my dad met my mom. My mom is the reason they broke up. So that would be the reason for my childhood hell.
-I remember most of my childhood, the good and the bad but mostly the bad. After the events of 9/11 my dad was deployed yet again to Afghanistan. That's when stuff got really bad. I remember if I did anything wrong I was locked in the closet for hours on end. That's where I learned to read at the age of four all of Miranda's cooking books and old magazines were in there so instead of sitting there doing nothing I would read them. When Miranda wasn't watching me I put crayons and paper in there and started drawing words that I saw and learned my own name.
-Then in March 2002 me, Elizabeth, and Emily would go to a babysitter three times a week when Miranda was doing whatever she did on those days. She was a stay at home mom so I still don't understand why we needed a sitter. The sitter had a 6 year old son so she would sing the ABC's all the time and play learning games with us. I picked it all up pretty fast so by the time I went into Kindergarten in September 2002 they moved me up to first grade a month into it because I knew what they were teaching and how to behave around other students. Then by the end of December they moved me to 2nd grade because everything became easy for me again.
-My father came home for Christmas and I remember being so happy because during that time Miranda had to be nice to me. My dad was so proud of me he told me how I was so smart just like my mother and I could be a doctor just like her someday and I could do great things. That made Miranda very angry whenever my dad talked about my mom.
-January 2006 When I was eight years old Emily and Elizabeth started complaining about having to share a room together, so of course them being the little princesses they are Miranda kicked me out of my room for Emily to have it and put a bed in the attic for me.
------------------------------------TW:Sexual Abuse----------------------------------
-The times when my father wasn't home were the worst parts of my life not only from Miranda but from the whole family. Miranda would hit me if I didn't do what I was told. Emily and Elizabeth would tell me how ugly I was all the time and know one would ever love me. Then March 2006 my step brother Cody would come into the attic and got into my bed and started to touch me. I pretended to be asleep so maybe he would stop. He left a few minutes later and I rolled over and remember feeling so confused about what he just did. Cody would come into my room once a week for three months to touch me.
-June 2006
-I decided to stay up to catch Cody so maybe he won't do anything. This day also happens to be Cody's 15th birthday. I stay up looking at photo albums of my mother and father. I look just like my mother, almost a copy of her. The only feature I have from my father are the red highlights in my blonde hair making me a Strawberry blonde. My dad looked so happy with my mom I let a tear fall from my eye. Then I hear someone walking up the attic stairs. I stand up waiting to see Cody walk in.
-Oh you're awake, he says with a smirk.
-Yes I am so, I say. He starts walking over to me. I start backing up slowly.
-I know what you've been doing. I have been awake every night you come up here. I'm going to tell someone if you don't leave me alone, I say.
-Really Ava what could you even say to make anyone believe you he says. Do you really think anyone will believe you over me? He grabs my arm like he is going to break it.
-I could do so many things to you and there's nothing you could do to stop it, he says sinisterly as he touches me.
-You're hurting my arm, I say with tears in my eyes.
-I've been letting you off so easily and it will stay that way if you don't say anything to anyone or when your father comes home I will kill him. He lets go of my arm. Do we have an understanding?
-I shake my head to say yes.
-Good but there's still something I still need you to do for me, he says as he exposes himself.
-I stand there in shock for a moment because I don't know what he's going to do. He sits on my bed and grabs me to sit there as well with him. Then he grabs my hand making me touch him.
-This went on for a few weeks the only time I ever felt safe was when I was at dance or Gymnastics, or hanging out with my friend Kayden's house he lived across the street from us he was also in the same class as me so that made him two years older than me. He lived with his older sister Jasmine 14, and younger sister Mariah who was the same age as me 9, and his mother Diane. Kayden's father died when he was five years old. Mariah, Emily and Elizabeth were good friends with each other so every time they slept over I would go to just to hang out with Kayden. I had a little bit of a crush on Kayden. I don't think he ever knew it. He was one of the only kids in my school days that would be friends with me. He didn't care that I was younger than him in his class. He just saw me as an equal while everyone else saw the weird smart girl. I remember staying up at all hours of the night hanging out in his tree house after sneaking out of the attic to get away from Cody.
-August 2006
-My father will be home for my 9th birthday in a week and this time he's going to be stationed near home again for a while. I decided that my father will believe me about Cody so I am going to tell him.
-Three days before my father came home Miranda called for me to come to the living room to talk. I walked in to see her holding my diary that I wrote my plans to tell my father about Cody.
-You're a little fucking lying bitch you know that, she says.
-What I wrote down is true. I say to her. Your sons been hurting me.
-Look I don't care if he has or hasn't he is my son and you're nothing and no one would believe you anyways, she says.
-Yes they will, I say, trying to pull one over on her.
-She slaps me across the face and breaks my arm. I start crying because my arm hurts.
-Stop fucking crying you're a crybaby just like your mother as well as a lying little slut. You would like what Cody is doing in your imagination. You're ugly and deceitful just like her. Get up she says I have to take you to the doctors now for something you did to yourself. You disobeyed me and climbed that tree like I told you not to and fell down.
-Okay I say defeated. My dad will be home in just three short days. I will be fine, I say to myself hoping to convince myself.
-After Miranda brought me to the hospital and they put a cast on my arm when we got home Miranda had Emily put her stuff back into Elizabeth's room and me put my stuff back into my room so my father wouldn't find out I slept in the attic. I still had to sleep in the attic for those two nights before my father came home.
-I couldn't get to sleep because Miranda broke the arm on the side I usually sleep on. I shot up when I heard creaking on the attic floor boards and saw that it was Cody.
-What do you want, I say as he pulls my blanket off of me.
-He slaps me and says what did I tell you would happen if you told someone, he says.
-At that point I don't even care what he does anymore to me. I remember that what he did next hurt a lot and I was bleeding. He told me after he was done if I told anyone he would kill my father.
-September 2006
-My first day of 6th grade was a week after my 9th birthday.
-I really did like being in the same classes as Kayden but the stuff became too easy for me again so I was moved up to 7th grade with the permission of my dad and the school board.
-My dad was so happy my life was great for the whole school year. Cody wouldn't dare to do anything to me while my dad was around. The only thing that sucked was everyone that bullied me in school.
-We celebrated my fathers 43rd birthday in April 2007. During that time I was also accepted into a private school in Boston.
-My father got deployed again at the end of July 2007. I would be sent to a private school in September anyways so I would only have to be living in the house 5 weeks before I got to leave, so I wasn't as scared as I would usually be with my father out of the house.
-August 2007
-Cody went back to what he was doing before my father came home.
-One night I was talking about how cool the new school is going to be at dinner time and Miranda exploded at me.
-I know you think you're so special just like your mom. Your mom always used to brag just like you are right now Ava you're not special stop thinking that you are Miranda says.
-One week right before my birthday I started to feel really sick in the mornings. I looked up my symptoms in one of my mom's old medical books. And all the symptoms were pregnancy symptoms. I couldn't believe it I wouldn't believe it I started to freak out I can't be pregnant i'm only 9 almost 10. I stole some money from Miranda's purse and ended up walking to the local shop to buy a test.
-This for your mommy dear, the lady at the check out said.
-Yeah she's in the car I said sweetly she didn't feel good to come in, I said.
-Well honey, tell her congratulations if it's positive, she says.
-I will thank you have a great day, I say.
-I read the steps on the box on how to do the test and they're simple enough. I took the test and the anticipation of waiting killed me but what happened next killed me even more when I looked at the test it was positive.
-I started crying so loud in the bathroom that Miranda came in.
-What the fuck is your problem I'm trying to watch my show, then she sees the test on the counter and a million things cross her mind.
-Fuck, is all she says as she walks out and goes to Cody's room and slaps him.
-What the fuck, is all Cody says.
-Yeah what the fuck. Ava's fucking pregnant you dumb shit. What do you plan on doing? You could get arrested if she told anyone else because that's evidence. Good thing I barged in or I don't know where you would be next time you do something to her wear a fucking condom, she says.
-The fact that she's not mad at what he did but at the fact he could get in trouble is what she's mad at.
-Miranda pulls me to the kitchen and runs to her bathroom and comes back with a bottle of pills. On the side of the bottle says do not take it if Pregnant she handed me a few of them and I take them because I do not want a child.
-I go through a miscarriage alone in the bathroom.
-School Year 2007-2008
-My new school is amazing there's people like who are smart and no one makes fun of me the whole school year. All my teachers think it's amazing the stuff I know at only 10 years old. They offered a doctors program in the high school I will be going to next year where you learn the fundamentals of being a doctor its a four year elite program that only certain kids are picked for.
-Summer 2008
-My father was home the whole summer so he got to spend my 11th birthday with me and even got to drop me off at school before he had to be deployed again for six months.
-School year 2008-2009
-This year was my first year of high school the year was amazing again still though. My father was home for a while. He was home for my 12th birthday. He was set to deploy in June 2010.
-School year 2009-2010
-This year was more stressful just overall more complicated classes. Next year I'll be a junior and it's weird to think that I would be in 8th grade like Emily and Elizabeth if I didn't move up classes.
-My father was deployed before I finished the school year so he couldn't pick me up this time for school.
-Cody just finished his second year in college so he came home with his girlfriend so that meant he left me alone.
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
Just finished the book. I'm sad and mad at Red. "I don't want to work for anybody, so I'll ruin my life, other people's lives, and blame them for it." And for what? Why would he go with Arthur, fully knowing his fate? If he didn't care that much, he could've taken some kid from the street for that purpose. And the way the book ends, it's like Red also stays inside the Zone. But he didn't even touch that magical thing. So his daughter stays the same. Arthur stays dead. Red himself... what does he become after that? Does he die there? Does he grab the sphere and gets out like nothing has happened?
I think Red should've said 'No' to Arthur's dad and give Arthur his wish, but outside the Zone. Even better, he should have stopped his stalking career when he could. Before the prison. Emigrate before the border was closed. Be safe with your family and have an actual job, suck it up.
Because either way you can't blame other people for ruining your own life. You know what happens to stalkers' kids, yet you still chose to have one. You knew you could've lived a different life, yet you chose this one. Then shut up about everybody else having to die and suffer for what you chose. Grow the fuck up.
Like I said, I'm mad. Yet another fictional Arthur that deserved better. Re-reafing this in my late 20s definitely left me with a rather sour taste than when I read it in my early teen years. Part 3 could've easily been cut in more than half btw. Would not have affected he story at all.
P.S: The way Red treats his wife and women in general is another topic by itself. I don't think it's only Red, it's bad in general. Yikes.
Overall, it was a struggle for me to get through this book. Not my theme. Had to push through the words and descriptions. Strugatskiye have way better books than this one imo.
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messers-moony · 3 years
One in the Same | R.B
Paring: Regulus Black X Wife!Reader
Summary: Reader notices Draco going through the same pain as her ex lover and desperately wants fix her faults.
“Mr.Malfoy, can you stay after class, please?” 
“‘Course, Professor Black.”
An average day in second year. Professor Black - Y/n - taught History of Magic after Professor Binns decided his time was up. Too long of teaching sleeping students who could care less about his lessons. However, once Y/n took over the position, kid's grades improved and people were no longer sleeping. She made things fun and inventive.
After class time was up, everyone filed out of the classroom aside from the blond Slytherin boy. Draco has always been on the good side of Professor Black. She was always extremely kind to him despite his rather sour attitude at times. But Draco was always hesitant to initiate a conversation to really speak his feelings to her. But this was the first time she had him stay after class. 
Y/n pulled out the chair in front of her desk as he sat down. His white-blond hair and gleaming blue eyes. His young face, not yet defined. Y/n with her h/c hair and curious glinted e/c eyes. 
“Draco, I want to start this by saying I don’t know what your home life is like.” Y/n began, “I went to Hogwarts with your parents, though, and he wasn’t always kind. Your mother was cordial with me, though.”
“If you don’t find me intruding, what’s your home life like?” 
“I- Um- It’s good.” Stammered Draco, “Father and Mother are always kind.”
Y/n’s eyes glinted with curiosity, “Lucius tolerated me.”
“Tolerated you?”
“I married one of his best friends.” Y/n chuckled, “He didn’t have a choice.”
Draco tilted his head, “Sirius?”
“Oh heavens no!” Y/n exclaimed, “Regulus. Sirius Black's brother.” 
“My- My dead cousin?” He queried. 
She nodded, “Yes. I married Regulus right after graduation. His parents weren’t thrilled, but he loved me so, here we are.”
“May I ask a question?”
“What were his parents like?”
“Horrible. The worst.” Y/n spat, “Sirius got the worst of it, but Regulus did occasionally too.”
“Walburga and Orion were awful. Using the crucio curse is not a great punishment for kids.” Draco’s eyes widened, “Both of them had scars from the curse. Sirius ran away at sixteen, and Regulus was used as their puppet. So used that at the age of eighteen, he felt like he had to prove himself. Which inevitably got him killed.”
“How did you deal with it?”
“Well, would you like my honest answer or my Professor answer?”
“Honest, please.”
“Between you and I, I still haven’t gotten over it.” Y/n shrugged, “I see something that reminds me of him, and I’m back at the start all over again. It takes time, and it’s taken plenty of time, but here I am, doing what I love. Teaching kids.”
“Anyways.” Y/n smiled, “You’re dismissed. I’m sorry I took up your time. However, if you ever feel the need to speak with me, let me know. Okay?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Draco picked up his bag, rustling as he stood up. The blond boy was still digesting all the information he gained. He couldn’t believe that his cousins got the crucio curse for a punishment. He thought his parents were bad. Theirs was way worse. Draco was about to walk out of the classroom but turned last minute to look at his Professor. 
“Yes, Draco?”
“There’s-“ He swallowed, “There’s a Quidditch match this Saturday. Slytherin versus Ravenclaw. If you have the time, I’d like you to come.”
“Of course. I’ll be there.” Y/n smiled. 
He walked out of the room without a second stop. He felt better about himself now. He had someone who genuinely seemed to care about him. Draco didn’t trust her just yet, but he wouldn’t be opposed to speaking with her as he had just now in the future. Professor Black had always been open and honest with her students. Perhaps that’s why kids liked her so much. 
Saturday arrived quicker than Y/n would’ve hoped for one reason. She, herself, didn’t own any Slytherin-colored merchandise anymore. But there was a box in her quarters that she brought with her to Hogwarts every year. Regulus’s old clothes meaning all his scarfs, ties, button-ups, pants, hats, etc. Y/n couldn’t seem to get rid of them. Frankly, she didn’t want to get rid of them either. 
Carefully she pulled the cardboard box from the top of her closet. Taking a pair of scissors and breaking the tape seal she had put on it multiple years ago. Inside laid many pieces of the evergreen and silver cloth. Y/n’s hands gravitated to the green and silver scarf. Bringing it to her nose, she was shocked. It still smelt like him. Godric, this was going to be more challenging than she initially thought. 
Nonetheless, she put it around her neck along with her button-up and tight-fit pants. Y/n put on the green gloves, much too big for her but had fit Regulus perfectly, the tie, and the scarf. It brought her a sense of nostalgia. It made Y/n feel like she was a fifth-year going out with Regulus on a date to Hogsmeade. But she wasn’t fifteen or in fifth year. Y/n was a Professor and a full-grown adult. And Regulus was dead. 
The game was going well for Slytherin at the beginning. But like most Quidditch games, things can change rather quickly. Ravenclaw was studious. That was for sure. They played skillfully. Y/n sat in the Professor stands with the rest of her colleagues. She sat between McGonagall and Flitwick. But white-blond hair caught her attention in front of her. Lucius Malfoy was here spectating his son. 
McGonagall nudged her, “Where’d you get the Slytherin gear?”
“How have you been, dear?” McGonagall questioned softly, “It’s been a whirlwind, but nothing I can do will bring him back, so ‘m still here for him. It’s what he would’ve wanted.” Y/n replied. 
Minerva placed a hand on the girl's knee, “If you need anything, let me know.”
“‘Course, Professor.”
The game ended tragically. Slytherin had just tied the game when Cho Chang had caught sight of the snitch. Sadly, she was able to grasp it before Draco. Leaving Slytherin with two-hundred and thirty points while Ravenclaw ended with three-hundred and eighty points. Lucius seemed furious with this conclusion and stormed off the stands. Y/n knew something was up, so she followed him. 
She came up in a deserted hallway in Hogwarts. Draco stood - now changed into the usual Hogwarts robes - and his father stood before him. From the view she had, Draco’s back was to her, and his father was towering over the boy. 
Lucius had a cold and icy voice, “You are insufferable!”
“You had one job, Draco! One! Catch the damn snitch.” He scolded, “Perhaps you were too daft to figure that out?”
“‘M sorry, father. I didn’t mean to. Honest.” Draco was pleading and begging for mercy; it made Y/n’s heartache at the familiar words. 
“Mum, Dad, I seriously didn’t mean to!” Regulus had cried after breaking a vase, “Excuses, excuses, they won’t get you anywhere in life, boy!” Orion shouted. 
Tears collected in his silver eyes, “‘M sorry! ‘M so sorry!”
Walburga pointed her wand at him, “Crucio.”
Lucius scoffed, “Malfoy’s don’t cry, wipe those tears.”
“Should‘ve sent you to Durmstrang. You come to Hogwarts and forget everything I’ve ever taught you.”
“Father, I really didn’t mean to! She just got there faster than me.” Draco begged. 
Y/n saw it before Draco did. Lucius raised his palm slowly, and Draco flinched. Y/n saw the pale hand rise into the air, and without a second thought, she ran in front of the young boy, taking the blow that was meant for Lucius’ son. Draco heard the sound but never felt the impact. Carefully he opened his eyes to see Professor Black standing in front of him, a hand on her cheek. 
“How dare you get in the way!” Lucius yelled, “How dare I? How dare you for trying to leave a hand on your son!” Y/n retorted her bright cheek red from impact. 
Draco was appalled, “Draco is your son! Not a toy or a puppet, and I will not stand for this!”
“You don’t have to, half breed.” Lucius seethed, “As you said, he’s my son. Not yours.”
“I could give less fucks!” Y/n exclaimed, “Draco is my student. I will not be having you lay your hands on my students.”
Lucius scoffed, “Where’s your child, mm?”
“Right, you don’t have one.” Lucius answered, “Because your blood-traitor of a husband decided to get himself killed!”
“Regulus was not a blood-traitor for trying to right his wrongs!”
“Regulus and Sirius were no different from each other.”
“Leave them out of this!”
“Oh, so it’s still a soft spot for you?”
“So help me, I’ll-“
“Petrificus Totalus.” Draco stated while holding his wand, causing his father to fall to the ground, paralyzed. 
Y/n stared at the body in shock, “Draco.”
She didn’t even have time to reprimand him before he burst into tears. Y/n turned quickly and embraced him into a much-needed hug while the boy sobbed on her shoulder. Y/n’s hands went through Draco’s white-blond hair gently while he let every emotion out. She pulled away and wiped the tears on his cheeks. 
“You’re going to be okay, I promise.” Y/n informed, and Draco nodded, “Th- Thank you, Professor.”
Y/n smiled and sent him off to the Slytherin common room, leaving her to deal with Lucius. The Professor dragged him to Madam Pomfrey to deal with. Later that night, in her quarters, while brushing her teeth, she noticed the considerable bruise covering her left cheek: Blue and purple hues mixed to create a dark blue-violet looking color, almost grey. 
Sixth year was now here. Y/n’s fourth year of teaching at Hogwarts, and she couldn’t have asked for a better job. On September 1st, she went through the floo-network to arrive in her teacher's quarters. Looking at the time, it seemed that students were just about reaching onto the grounds when a knock sounded at her door. 
“Come in!”
A blond boy, much taller, defined face, and grey eyes had just walked into her teacher's quarters, “Good evening, Professor.”
“Good evening, Draco.” Y/n greeted smiling brightly, “What's on your mind, sweetheart?”
Draco didn’t know where to begin as water collected on his lower lash line, and gently he pulled up his left sleeve. Godric, it felt like deva Vu all over again. 
“Y- Y/n.” Regulus called through his tears, “What’s wrong, baby?” Y/n asked, sitting beside him on the four-poster bed. 
Regulus couldn’t help the tears that helplessly fell down his cheeks. His eyes were silver and blurred. Cheeks flushed and hair knotted. This past summer had been a shit show for him with Sirius running away and just everything that had gone on. Regulus had never felt this hopeless before. 
“I- I need your help.”
“Of course, anything, baby.”
He swallowed, “Just know that I’ll love you forever. Okay?”
Gently, he released a breath of air and pulled up his left sleeve. The combined snake and skull only meaning one thing. Regulus was now a death eater to the Dark Lord. Tears sprung in Y/n’s eyes but not because of disappointment but because of worry. She didn’t know what she would do if Regulus were to be gone. 
“They forced me!” Regulus pleaded, “Please, please don’t leave me.” 
Regulus was weeping, and Y/n took him into her arms, “Shh, shh, I’m not disappointed. I’m just worried about you.”
“I don’t wanna- I don’t wanna do this.” Regulus whimpered, “Please help me.”
“I’m gonna help you ‘m love. Don’t worry.” 
“What happened this summer?” Y/n asked as Draco pulled back down his sleeve.
“Auntie Bella.”
Draco was trying so hard to swallow his tears as his Professor was now face to face with him, “Draco.”
How was her voice so sweet and calm, almost like she had done this before, “It’s okay to show emotion. It’s being human. Let it go, darling.”
Just like that, the dam broke, and Draco was a sobbing mess again. How was it that Professor Black had always managed to feel more like home than his actual parents? What had his mum done for him while Bellatrix was giving him the mark? She had just stood there watching pain contort on his face. Y/n felt more like a mother to him, more like family to him. 
“Shh. Shh. You’re safe here, Draco.”
“They- They want me-“ He was choking on his words, and Y/n placed her hands on his shoulders, “Take deep breaths and then explain. Okay?”
He began to inhale and exhale air at a slow pace, “They want me to-“ Draco swallowed, “They want me to kill Dumbledore.”
“Okay.” Y/n stated, letting out a breath of air, “You and I will get through this.” 
“You- You promise?” 
“I promise.”
Perhaps it was instinct now for Draco to stay after in her classroom. After every lesson, Draco would visit her in her classroom just to be in her company or to talk. What was it about Y/n that drew these people close to her? Ones with broken souls who believed that couldn’t be helped. Was it her kindness? Perhaps it was her caring nature—too many variables to pinpoint. 
The moment Y/n heard crying in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, she knew something was wrong. Approaching cautiously, she saw Harry Potter doing the same behind Draco, who stood facing the basin, dried tears on his cheeks. Everything happened too fast for Y/n to understand. But when Harry spoke an incantation that left Draco bleeding out on the floor, everything changed. 
She was jumping into action hastily, falling to her knees beside the blond-haired boy while Harry was almost in tears at his mistake. Y/n took her wand out and began muttering spells to heal the boy's chest. Harry was now in a heap on the floor, tears filling his glorious emerald eyes while the Professor took care of his harm. It took ten minutes before the bleeding stopped, and Y/n turned to face Harry. 
“‘M sorry. I- I didn’t know…”
“It’s okay. I’m just glad I was here.” Y/n replied, and Harry looked like a mess, “I need you to go to the Gryffindor tower and not speak of this to anyone, okay?”
He nodded and stood up sluggishly. Harry left the bathroom, leaving Y/n with an unconscious Draco. Sighing heavily, she picked up the boy and lugged him to the hospital wing, where he was taken care of. The following day an owl was pecking at Y/n’s window, leading her to wake up and take the note from the owl’s foot. 
“Draco won’t stop calling for you.”
Y/n freshened up, brushing her teeth, hair, and a change of clothes before making her way to the Hospital Wing. It was quite a ways away from. Her section of the school, but if Draco needed her, she needed to be there even if it was six o’clock in the morning. Her shoes made a light tap along with the wood as she walked and hesitantly opened the big door to the infirmary. 
“Oh, thank Merlin!” Madam Pomfrey said with her hand over her heart, “Draco has been asking for you, my dear.”
She gave a tiny smile as Pomfrey pointed to where Draco was lying. Carefully she stripped back some of the white curtain and pulled a chair beside his bed. Y/n took his hand in his. It was cold and pale. If she closed her eyes, she could imagine holding Regulus’ hand in the same exact way after a horrible Bludger accident. 
An hour later, Draco finally woke up, “Mornin’ sweetheart.”
“Professor, you- you came.”
She smiled, “You called for me, of course, I’d come.”
Draco pushed himself up into a sitting position, his grey eyes locked on her warm e/c ones, “Sorry, I just, didn’t expect you to come.”
“How are you feeling?” 
“I feel okay. Little sore but nothing I haven’t been through.” 
Y/n smiled sadly, “I knew a boy just like you, you know?”
“You did?” Draco asked, and she nodded, “I did.”
“Could you tell me about him?”
“Well, he was strong, smart, and closed off. His home life wasn’t too great either and was forced into being what his parents were too.” Draco looked eager for more, “Eventually, he realized that this wasn’t the life he wanted. He no longer cared about his parent's approval. He just wanted to be him, but by then, it was too late.”
“Too late?”
She nodded, “He was already in too late, so he did the only thing he thought of. Betraying his parents, his family. He was so caught up in what he was doing he didn’t realize what he was doing, and now, because of that, he’s no longer with us.”
“But you aren’t too late, Draco.” Y/n stressed, tightening her grip on his hand, “Let me save you. Let me help you.”
Tears ebbed at the corners of his eyes, “Please.”
Y/n took him in her arms and rubbed his back soothingly, “You aren’t alone. I’m here for you.”
It took months, but everything was over. It felt like time had stopped. Y/n could remember the terror standing outside of Hogwarts as the death eaters stood on the other side. Narcissa was calling for him - the boy who had no choice - and Draco was panicking as Lucius began calling his name. 
Draco swallowed and shook his head. 
It was the feeling of relief that brought Y/n solace. Draco took the step that Regulus took, and she would make sure he didn’t pay for it. The relief felt like a breath of fresh air now that the war was over. Y/n had stepped into the Great Hall panicking, hoping, praying that he was okay. At that moment she saw it. 
He was crouched in the corner. People were glaring at him all around. Draco saw. He saw the Weasleys crying over Fred. He saw Harry look empty, staring at Remus Lupin and Nymphadora. The way Lavender Brown’s parents sobbed over her dead body. He saw the way Dennis Creevey was yelling and screaming in pain at seeing his deceased older brother. Draco could remember how close they were. 
Nonetheless, he stood up and ran into her arms: his solace, home, and safe place. Draco couldn’t remember what it felt like to be held this tight. He dug his nose into her neck and just remembered to breathe. She pulled away to see a small smile playing on his lips. Y/n cupped his cheeks gently. 
“I’m so, so proud of you.” Y/n smiled, “I can't explain how proud I am of you. You did it.”
Draco smiled and leaned into her hands, “Thanks, mum.”
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