#halloween 2k17
stonerka · 1 year
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ariana grande & mac miller halloween 2k17
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jenna-appleseed · 11 months
Spooky Halloween mix recommended by popbitch
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ghostsofhood · 7 years
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He deffinitely slays this whole look
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sakuraa · 7 years
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day 9!
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Dick: Will it make me hotter than Selina if I dress up as Catwoman at Halloween? I don't want to make it awkward.
Jason, murmurs: What's the differences between Catwoman costume and your regular Nightwing costume, they both shows everything...
Dick: *stares*
Jason: Of course it will!
Dick, sighs: You're my boyfriend, I should ask someone else.
Dick: Hey, Bruce!
Bruce: Don't make me imagine that. Don't.
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ask-flame-emperor · 7 years
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Ace flips the table and they get into a discussion. (coughdorkscough)
((It’s good to be back, anon, Sorry for the late reply))
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urwarriorangel · 7 years
‘one last thing?’ (derek hale drabble)
sos here’s a derek hale halloween drabble!!! i love this sourwolf so much, he’s adorable and i wanna love him forever.
(remember that no gifs are mine!!!!)
you’re the grumpiest werewolf I know but you’re always nice to me. you leave tips every time you shop even though I tell you I don’t take tips and you just say it’s so your favorite shop doesn’t go out of business because if I give away free things to all the customers there is no way I’ll last long. but you don’t know you’re the only one I give free items to, your face visibly relaxes as soon as you step in and I don’t know if it’s the smell of my lavender-lemon candles or the fact that I use a (terrible) pick-up line every time I see you. I know Halloween is an annoying time of year for you so I give you free candles and you insist you’d like to walk me home after I close up the shop, saying “there are creeps in every corner” and how can I turn you down? (ft Derek Hale)
“Derek it’s fine! I gave you a few free candles, it doesn’t mean you have to wait on me hand and foot,” you give a soft smile to your best customer and earn a grunt in return.
“If you think I’m letting you walk home alone tonight, you’re out of your mind. There are jackasses in every corner, possibly some real witches, nuh uh. I’m walking you home and that’s that,” he crosses his arms over his chest and you sigh softly.
“Fine but I’m open for another few hours, so why don’t you come sit behind the counter with me, hm?” You open the little segment and give Derek some room to walk in. “Come on, sit down.”
“There’s only one seat, Y/N I’m perfectly fine--”
“If you want to walk me home, you’ll sit here and keep me company,” you raise your brow and give him an expectant look.
“Fine, but where will you sit?”
“I won’t sit, I only have,” you look at your watch and groan internally. “I only have five more hours. And besides, I’ve been sitting all day. I could stand for a bit.”
You give Derek a smile and he doesn’t believe you for a second, but he nods and goes along with things for your sake.
Two hours pass without incident. You sell some soaps, a couple candles, some sage. Everyone is friendly and you lose track of time. All seems well. It’s after the first few hours that things get rough for you. Your feet start to hurt, your ears start to ring, and all you want to do is yawn but you know damn well if Derek even hears you yawn, he won’t sit behind the counter.
“Feeling tired, are we?” You’re not facing him, but you swear you can hear the smirk on his stupidly handsome face.
“Nope,” you turn to smile at him. “I’ve never felt better actually.”
“Right, well not to yank your chain but a group of 15 children just walked,” he smiles, thinking he’s got you beat but you turn around excitedly, happy to help the children and their probably tired parents.
“Hello, there,”  you smile as the kids hop over to you and you recognize some of their faces, you’d give them a small treat when they came in with their parents.
“Oh wow, look at you all!” You smile widely at the bunch as they all stand proudly in their costumes. “Did you make these costumes all by yourselves?”
“Nooooo!” They all squeal, laughing and giggling pleased that you think they could make such elaborate costumes.
“Alright, well my mistake. Now, do you guys want tricks or treats?” You wiggle your eyebrows at the kids who all yell “tricks” knowing that you’ll be giving them a treat regardless.
“Tricks is it? Maybe a smelly pair of socks or an onion? How does that sound parents?” You look up at them and they all smile at you as their kids look at them expectantly.
“Hm, I could use an onion.”
“We have enough stinky socks at home.”
“Hm, I don’t know!”
“Mooooommmmm!!! Daddddddd!!!” The kids groan as you and the parents share a look.
“Fine, fine. Maybe some vegetables?” The kids cover their mouths and you laugh at them. “Okay, enough teasing. Candy for you adorable children,” the kids scream and jump up and down as you put candy in their bags. “And some calmly scented candles and scrubs for the parents,” you smile as they thank you repeatedly and insist on paying you, but you of course refuse. “It’s Halloween. Come back soon, though!”
They all thank you repeatedly and head out of the small store, leaving you alone with Derek yet again.
You turn back around and are met with a surprised Derek, his eyes are slightly widened, mouth a little open. He looks as delectable as ever but also slightly confused.
“Is something the matter?” You whisper, stopping in front of the counter to fix up the dry flower centerpiece.
“You were just-ahem,” he clears his throat, snapping out of the daze. “You were just really good with the kids. I don’t know why I just--um I just really enjoyed watching you with them.”
“Oh,” you blush and smile up at him. “Thank you. I really love children, they’re sweet versions of Satan,” you laugh and Derek follows suit.
“They really are, aren’t they?” He sighs and watches you, smiling down.
You two maintain eye contact for a few minutes, inching closer to the other. Had it not been for the sound of the door opening, you’re sure your lips would’ve met and your dreams would all have come true. But alas, in came your worst nightmare: Stiles Stilinski. He wasn’t a bad person, just an absolute pain in the ass.
“Hey, Y/N! Happy Halloween,” he smiles and holds his arms out to you and you shake your head, hugging him before quickly pulling away and getting him whatever it was he needed.
“Happy Halloween, you idiot. What can I--?”
“Derek? What are you doing here?” Stiles’ brows are furrowed as he looks between you and Derek, raising a finger to gesture between the two of you. “How do you two know each other?”
“Has no one ever told you that pointing it bad? And we,” you look to Derek with a bit of a hopeful look on your face. “We’re friends.”
“You’re friends?” Stiles laughs and you raise your brows at him.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“He’s such a grump, how has he managed to make friends with the most precious ray of sunshine in all of Beacon Hills?” Stiles shrugs and you blush at the odd compliment. You hear Derek get up behind you and you turn to look at him.
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“Yeah, I guess it was a long shot,” he clears his throat and clenches his jaw, causing Stiles’ eyes to widen in the process.
“Well I-uh-I better go,” Stiles coughs and nearly trips over his own two feet on his way out.
“And I better, I better follow him,” Derek gives you a stiff smile and walks out from behind the counter.
“What about walking me home after I close the shop?” You furrow your brows and he looks up at you, stumbling at the soft look in your eyes.
“It-it was silly, I guess. I’m sure you can get home safely by yourself,” you can see the war going on in his head, half of him desperate to say and the other half that can’t get out of your shop fast enough.
“Derek is this because of what Stiles said?” You walk closer to Derek, cornering him behind the counter. “Because Stiles can be an idiot.”
“Yeah, but he’s not wrong,” Derek looks down, brows furrowed as though deep in thought. “I’m a grumpy, violent creature and you,” he looks up in admiration, tucking a free piece of hair behind your ear. “You are the most perfect, most precious person I’ve ever met. You’re an angel in human skin. How could I ever let myself get close to you?”
“I don’t know how, but you already did. And you’re not leaving now. I will list my worst qualities if it means you’ll stay. You can see that I’m no angel and that I in fact am not worthy of you, then maybe you’ll stay,” you lift a hand up and cup Derek’s cheek, smiling softly when he nuzzles your palm. “Please stay.”
“Anything you want,” he whispers, voice hoarse as the two of you once again begin to inch closer. His nose brushes against yours and you close your eyes, the minimal contact affecting you more than you ever thought. He, of course, notices this and lifts his hands up to cup your face, his thumbs running along your cheeks as your breathing goes shallow.
He continues this, teasing slowly, for another minute. And the moment you open your mouth to command more, it’s as if he reads your mind. He desperately presses his lips against yours, and your hand moves from his cheek to his side, your free hand gripping a shelf with all its might.
His lips are softer than you’d imagined, softer but just as much in control. Every movement, every flick, every breath was deliberate. You felt it in every fiber of your being, every decimal of your soul.
He eventually pulls away and you let out a small whimper, eyes lidded after just one kiss.
“The keys are in the top right drawer. Grab them and lock the door. Then get your ass back here and kiss me some more,” you whisper breathlessly as Derek holds you up, a curious look on his face. “I’d lock the shop myself, but I don’t trust myself enough to stand, let alone walk. Now go.”
“Ma’am, yes ma’am,” he chuckles, a smile painted on his face as he slowly sets you down on the chair. “But one last thing?”
And before you could tell him that he could have anything he wanted, he presses his lips against yours in a quick kiss, leaving you in a daze as he runs off to close your shop.
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Halloween ask: Ukai being dragged to a cornfield maze by the boys and he ends up separated from them only to find his old crush from high school lost and helps her. I'll leave it to you on whether you want to make it spookier by there being a real (but not malevolent) ghost in the maze or if it's just hokey and they laugh together while trying to get out or maybe work together to scare the boys? However you want to do it! Thanks and Happy Halloween!
happy halloween, everyone!
i LOVE corn mazes and i LOVE ukai. jade, girl, you are speaking my language. this is the last of my requests for the halloween event. thanks to everyone who submitted requests for the occasion!
if you like what i do and want to show your support, consider supporting me on ko-fi! money is tight right now, and i could use the help!
- admin rachel lauren
Ukai thinks himself a total hypocrite. Before entering this corn maze with the team, he made sure to instruct them all to stay together. Yet, here he was on his own with nothing but a dim flashlight in hand.
Only fifteen minutes or so into their journey in, something spooked the kids. He doesn’t know exactly what, since he and Takeda trailed behind the pack. But out of nowhere someone screamed (probably Hinata) and sent the rest of the team already on edge into a scramble.
Except for Tsukishima, who seemed rather unphased by this. He only started running when Yamaguchi called out to him in fear that “it’s gonna get you!”, to which the tall blonde clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes before groaning, “Fine” and heading off.
“Those idiots,” Ukai grumbled.
“They’ll be fine,” Takeda said. “They all have maps of the maze with them.”
“We should probably try to keep an eye on them, though. I’d rather not deal with angry parents later.”
So he and Takeda split up. Not their brightest idea–literally–as Ukai’s flashlight now seems to dim and flicker more by the minute. He put in fresh batteries before leaving for the maze too. When the light cuts completely, he slaps it a few times to try and restore it, but to no avail.
After a string of muttered curses, he throws his head back. Now would be the perfect time to light a cigarette, but the last thing he wants to do is to accidentally set the place ablaze. Well, the only thing left to do is to try and find another group wandering through the maze to help him out. In the dark, he can barely make out the path before him nor the cornstalk boundaries; it’ll be a slow process. Ukai sighs, lifts his arms up to out in front of him, and takes his first steps.
“Easy does it. It’s not so bad like this,” he tells himself. Even though he moves akin to a toddler first learning to walk now, he finds his groove. As long as there aren’t any rocks or fallen cornstalks, he’ll be fine. A solid few minutes pass and he likes to think he’s made significant progress.
And then he sees a pool of light shine from around the corner of a bend.
“Hey! Stay there!” he calls out, taking surer steps towards the source now that he can see better.
They let out a small yelp, followed by a shaky, “W-who’s there?”
Ukai takes another step, only to be greeted by a bright beam of light in his eyes. He squints and brings his hands up to shield his eyes. “Can you maybe not shine that right in my face?” he says.
“Don’t you dare come any closer! I have mace and a itchy trigger finger!”
“What?! I’m not gonna hurt you!”
“That’s what they all say.”
“Look, my flashlight’s out of juice and I’m just lost and separated from my group, okay?”
A brief silence passes. 
“Tell me who you are first.”
“Ukai Keishin,” he sighs. He would have to introduce himself sooner or later, but being ordered like this made it feel like a chore.
The light lowers from his face finally and remains fixed on the ground. He stares down again to adjust to the dark once more.
“Ukai…?” they repeat, a little bewildered. While he’s still staring at the ground, they approach him.
“Yeah, that’s what I sa–”
When he looks up, he finds you staring at him with a curious expression. 
Oh, he could remember your face anywhere even in this poor lighting. There was no way he could forget the face of the girl he spent most of high school crushing on.
“____?” he murmurs.
“It really is you!” you gasp with a relieved smile. You place a hand to your chest and let out a sigh. “And here I thought that some creep was trying to come for me. Thank goodness it’s you instead. Sorry about earlier, but I definitely didn’t recognize you at first.”
Eight years later, you still give him butterflies in his stomach. Ukai spends a brief moment lost in your face; you’re still as pretty as ever, but he’d reckon you blossomed even more after high school. When he realizes, he’s been staring, he shakes his head.
“So, uh, what are you doing here?” he asks.
“I come with my cousins every year, but we got separated,” you admit. You look to the ground, rubbing one arm with another. “Something, um…”
“Spooked you?”
“Yeah. You heard about the ghosts in the maze?”
“Nah. My kids ran too when something scared them.” He doesn’t resent his phrasing until he sees your face fall. “Not kid kids. They’re teenagers.” This doesn’t make it any better. In fact, you look horrified now. “Not my kids. The volleyball team I coach!”
You press a hand to your chest again and let out another sigh of relief. “You have to stop scaring me like this. I was this close to believing that you were secretly a preteen dad all these years, Ukai-kun.”
A moment passes before the two of you smile and laugh over this. Motioning him to follow you, you set along the path again while catching up. It brings him a certain joy to know that you’re doing well after high school. You were always the type he guessed would grow into their own after graduation. When you mention that you moved back home for work, his heart skips a beat.
He hates and loves that in eight years, nothing has changed with how you make him feel.
After he gets you up to speed on his life post-high school, you stop in your tracks.
“Did you hear that?” He shakes his head and you step closer to him until you’re close enough to press your body to his arm. All the while you’re looking around for something in the distance, but Ukai can’t focus on anything other than how close you are to him right now. There’s a faint tremble in the beam of light coming from your flashlight. It’s only then that he realizes your hand is quivering. “There’s been rumors going around that this maze is really haunted by ghosts.”
He scoffs, “Come on. You really think that?”
You turn back to him, eyes widening when you realize how little space stands between the two of you. Tucking stray hairs behind your ear, you take a step back and lower your gaze to the ground again.
“You’re right. I’m a grown-ass woman. It’s probably just some kids playing a prank.”
As if on cue, a dry stalk snaps underfoot from inside the corn. You shriek at the noise and take his arm, hiding your face in the fabric of his sweatshirt.
Seventeen-year-old Ukai would have loved this. No, he’s not fooling himself: he’s loving this cliche get-together now at the ripe age of twenty-six. And he’s about to play into this damn shoujo manga trope too, even if it means he’s going to cut it short and sooner than he’d like.
“H-hey! We’re gonna get out of here, okay? Give me your flashlight,” he says. Not lifting your head from his arm, you hand it over. Ukai gives you a gentle nudge. You step away from him, and not a second later his hand is clasping yours and he’s taking off.
The sudden change in pace throws you off-balance into a stumble, but you regain your footing soon enough. Ukai leads you through the twists and turns in the dark, hand holding onto yours with just enough strength to not slip. As you run and your adrenaline kicks in, you let out a laugh. It starts small but grows into unbridled giggles as you turn a corner.
And there’s the exit.
Ukai’s momentum slows as you make your way out into the open air again. As he slows to a stop, he releases your hand, placing both of his hands on his knees. He’s starting to regret the smoking right now as he practically hacks up a lung, but the regret fades away in a near instant at the sight of you smiling in complete awe.
“That was amazing, Ukai-kun! That…that was the fastest I’ve ever gotten through this maze,” you cheer. He stands up straight only to be met by you throwing your arms around his neck. Your voice is a low whisper now, “Thank you.”
He knows his face is reddening, but he could get used to this. Ukai clears his throat. “Oh, uh, it was noth–”
“Hey, is that our coach? And he’s hugging some pretty lady?”
Both your bodies stiffen at the interruption. You push yourself off of him. Some distance away, a group of teenage boys are either staring or trying their best not to stare at Ukai and you. He rubs the back of his head sheepishly. Tucking your hair behind your ear again, you look down and away. Your gaze returns to him again quicker this time, though.
“Sorry,” you mumble. It’s easy to miss the small smile on your face, but it doesn’t go unnoticed.
“Don’t be sorry, ____. You can just make it up to me over dinner sometime. Tomorrow night, maybe?” he says without thinking it through. The words just kind of slip from his mouth.
Your jaw drops. “Oh, so you think you’re slick, huh?” Despite the dramatic show, Ukai can tell that you’re pulling his leg. “Because I’d love to. I’ll swing by the shop at seven.”
You laugh and he laughs, and he feels like a teenager again. After bidding you a goodnight, he turns to head back to the team and face the endless yet inevitable stream of questions to come.
“Wait, Ukai-kun?” you call out to him. He stops walking and turns back to you. You approach him again, getting close like before. Something soft presses to his cheek for split second and it doesn’t hit him until you’ve pulled away that he realize those were your lips. Those lips which are now whispering in his ear once more, “Thanks again. See you tomorrow.”
Ukai remains wide-eyed and stationary while you walk away. He doesn’t remember when he brought his hand up to his cheek where you kissed him or how long he stood there like that, but after Hinata shouts, “Coach!” for the third time, he snaps out of his stupor.
Maybe the real haunt of the maze was you: the bewitching old flame who recast her spell on him. But not all spells are bad.
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prongsmydeer · 7 years
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Marauders Text Posts ft. shitpostgenerator | art
Happy Halloween.
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lunovalia · 7 years
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My fav pnat boi Max. Spooky Max.
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jettestblack · 7 years
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When you think of trash, think of Akeem.
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ghostcaptainsalazar · 7 years
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Marianas Trench Halloween costumes 2k17 Love em, no Ian, but we all love him
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luxxesitacdm · 7 years
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sakuraa · 7 years
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day 10!
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Dick: Any ideas for the Halloween party?
Jason: *raises his hand*
Dick: Yes, Jason?
Jason: We can hold the party in the graveyard, and I’ll show you how I crawled myself out from the tomb.
Damian: tt.
Cass: *frowns*
Dick: Steph, any ideas?
Steph: I say we all dress up as bunnies!
Dick: It’s Halloween, not Easter.
Steph: So?
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