#hannya x reader
qingxin-flowers · 1 year
“What is reflected in those eyes”
Or, reaction to being called lovers when you’re not together (yet) 
Featuring: Fukengaku, Mannendake, Hannya, Hikaru & Dodomeki
Warnings: Slight yandere behaviour (Hannya, Dodomeki), eyeball gore mentioned (Dodomeki)
Note: It gets longer and longer in the back part. No I'm not playing favourites, definitely not
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You decided to bring them to the modern world and show them all the cool stuff there but was struck with the realisation that they would stick out like a sore thumb in the crowds. After hastily pulling some clothes you hoped would fit them out of your closet (and thankfully they did), you pull them to a nearby mall to shop for new clothes.
While looking around one of the shops, a sales attendant comes up to you and asks, "Are you shopping for clothes with your lover?"
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Fukengaku denies it with a smile but if you squint close enough on his face, you would see the red blush that was slowly crawling to the tip of his ears. He isn't embarrassed that a stranger has noticed his obvious affection to you; instead, he is contemplating on whether you would notice it after it was pointed out so suddenly. So, when you tell the attendant that you were simply helping him to shop for clothes as a friend, he mentally sighs and keeps that same smile on his face for the rest of the day. 
It's alright, there were no gods nor curses that would tear both of you apart. It's okay to take it slow and steady this time-- although, it would be a lie to say that he didn't think of confessing right there and then when he noticed the same tint of red on your cheeks.
(More underneath!)
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Mannendake flat out denies it and filters out everything the attendant says after that. Outside, he looks as calm and collected as ever. Inside, he's panicking harder than the first time he realised that he was in love with you. Was it that obvious to other people? If so, why haven't you noticed it yet?
He musters up the courage to sneak a peek at your face and feels his heart drop a little when you don't seem to give any reaction to being called a couple. He does admire the way that you quickly sweep it under the rug and persuade the attendant to give a discount on one of the shirts that you were planning to buy (like he wasn't eyeing that shirt to begin with) but a part of him can't help but feel disappointed that his crush was acting so nonchalant, as if you really did think of him as a friend. 
…. Maybe he should try a different approach in courting you. 
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Hannya turns towards you with a teasing smile. "Well, are you?"
He laughs when your cheeks flush in an instant, smirking when you slap him on the arm and turn to the attendant while explaining that you were shopping for clothes as friends. He isn't even bothered by the way you emphasise the word friends because your reaction gave him confirmation that you felt the same way towards him. Truthfully, the reason why he agreed to come to the modern world was to learn how the people here confessed to the ones they loved so he could adopt those concepts into the most heart melting, show stopping, romantic confession that was ever confessed so that you would never leave him for another. However, your reaction made him think that for a brief moment, just a brief moment, that you would be alright with a simple three words as long as it came from him. 
Well, there was no harm in prolonging this game as long as you were still in love with him or else this could turn ugly very very quickly. 
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Hikaru yells out a very loud "NO" before turning his face around to hide his extremely red cheeks. Seeing this, you couldn't help but tease him for his adorable reaction but all that results in is a pouty Hikaru that won't talk to you for the rest of the day. The most he would do is hum in agreement or shake his head in disapproval, occasionally throwing you a side look when you asked him to talk as if to say "you did this to yourself".
Was he overreacting? Definitely. Did he feel bad for doing what he did? Slightly. Did he wish that you didn't correct the attendant and say you were just friends? For sure. That was the part that upsetted him the most despite your relationship truly being like that-- at least, that was what it was on the surface. In truth, he had loved you for a long time now and has been meaning to confess for a while but whenever he thought of doing it, the ugly thoughts hit him again. How he wasn't good enough, how untalented he was, how you could never love someone as dirty as him-- however, when you decided to bring him and only him to the modern world, your world, he thought that he at least had a chance since that meant that he was special to you…. Right?
Maybe one day he will be able to push the thoughts aside and tell you how much he longs to be the one by your side until your last breaths. For now, he keeps quiet and hopes that his subtle affections will catch your eye one day.
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Dodomeki does what she does best: observe. She tries her best not to stare while observing your reaction but the way her eyes never left your figure since getting here tells a thousand words to the outside eye. The way her lips curl up when she catches the subtle hints of embarrassment delights her greatly, perhaps even more so when you try to hide the embarrassment but she knows you all too well for you to hide anything from her-- not when she's observed you from the shadows for so long that your every thought and reaction is mere child's play for her to guess.
For years, she has tried to understand the love that she saw through the eyes of Master Tamamo's daughter but never did she think that she would fall for someone as hard as that great master had.
However, unlike that great master, she will make sure that you never leave her side nor sight no matter the cost. Even if a pair of eyeballs staring at her would never compare to the way you looked at her with those same eyes.
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Request box is open! Read pinned post for more details
Credit: animatedglittergraphics-n-more (dividers)
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hannya-writes · 5 months
When they call you their wife (Genshin Impact Version)
Fandom: Genshin Impact Pairing: Kaeya x reader, Diluc x Reader, Zhongli x Reader, Xiao x Reader Other characters: ehh, I think I mentiones Traveler in Zhongli's part, Diluc is also mentioned in Kaeya's part Category: Romance, scenarios Warnings: There's a little bit of violence in Xiao's part but it's not detailed. I think that's it! Author's note: It's ten days since the beggining of the year, happy new year people! Sorry about the delay, I'm terrible with time so... yeah there's that better late than sorry! Hope you enjoy~
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“And this beautiful lady is my dear wife”
This man lives to see people's reactions to what he does and says. So he bets to himself what your reaction will be to every of his crazy ideas, so maybe he teases you a lot and flirts with you shamelessly.
He went to Sumeru to represent Jean since she was very occupied. You, on your part,were assigned to protect him since he was an important diplomat of Mondstadt.
You tried to be as professional as possible but it was hard when Kaeya found every opportunity to flirt with you.
Kaeya is a gentleman around you, treating you like his date rather than his guard.
So he makes you relax, he makes you laugh with his comments. When he hears you were assigned because of your dexterity with the sword he gets interested in your story.
Where did you learn to fight? When did you start? Who was your master? You went to the akademya? You were a Mat, Matra? 
Kaeya gets really invested so you decide to answer his questions only if he answers them too.
And Kaeya is happy to reveal all of his stories and secrets to know you because you are not like most people, you don't get frightened when he says he once woke up a ruin guardian to win a fight.
“It a valid gamble” you say while nodding and Kaeya’s eyes bright like he just heard the most beautiful music of all Teyvat.
When Kaeya finally has to go back to Mondstadt you are informed that you will have the mission to bring him back to the capital of Wind safe and sound.
It was a long and tiring trip, you had to defend yourself and him more than once and Kaeya was more than happy to fight by your side.
There was only one problem in the last part of your journey: a Samachurl Froze your ankle and while you were able to kill it the frostbite was a problem.
Kaeya, ever the gentleman carried you to a safe place, the house of his childhood: Dawn’s Winery
He knocked at the door and was faced with a surprised Adeline, who hurried to get everything needed to help you.
Maybe an hour later Kaeya’s brother appeared and explained your situation, only that he presented you as his wife.
Diluc was taken aback when Kaeya presented you as his wife. He looked at his brother with a specially deep frown, making Kaeya say: “It was love at first drink”
There are three options: one were Diluc apologizes…
 “My apologize, it seems my brother hurt his head and is speaking nonsense”
Another option is if you are someone who is honest and you react nervously, denying his statement, Kaeya will laugh and tells you, in a joking tone, that you don't have to get shy, this is his brother!
The last option is if you act all composed, there's a chance that Diluc will smile and sarcastically play along, as you two chat, ignoring Kaeya who will definitely get touchy at the lack of attention.
If you laugh and play along with him, he will most definitely hug you by the waist and start calling you his wife for every goddamn reason he can think of.
“My wife would like a glass of water” “I can't give that to my wife” “Diluc, she is my wife be polite” Now Kaeya can't stop calling you his wife.
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“Carefull now, Mr.client, That's my wife you are talking about”
Diluc won't call you his wife if it's not true, so you are married to the Dark knight hero, the thing is: Almost no one knows about you two because Diluc doesn't want to put you in danger.
You two met at the Angel's Share. You were a knight of favonius, he was bartending.
You had gone there to celebrate someone's birthday, only that unlike the rest you didn't ask for an alcoholic beverage, you asked for apple cider.
While everyone got plastered you chatted the night away with Diluc.
Let me tell you, Diluc was happy to talk to someone who wasn't complaining about his life nor was drunk. It was one of the best nights of his life.
So maybe, when you forgot your vision on the bar to go help one of your friends, he didn't say anything, wanting to have a reason to look for you.
Oh, and he looked for you the next day!
Everyone was shitting their pants when they saw Diluc entering the headquarters. Everyone was wondering what he was doing there, if there was a crisis, if… wait, why was he talking to you?
Diluc gave back your vision and since that moment he found the way to get involved with you.
That being said, he proposed after two years of knowing you and the wedding was at the Dawn Winery and was very, very small.
Persons who where at the wedding: Kaeya, Jean, Lisa and Adelinde, besides the nun who officiated the wedding. (I said it was a small wedding!)
I mean, being Mrs. Ragvindir would put you up in the list of people to kidnap in Monstadt, not because of the dark knight hero thing, no, no, no. It's because of the mora.
He only calls you his wife because he has to instill fear in the bones of the man who dared to speak about you
What did the man said? “That Y/n, she has such a pretty ass, have you seen it?... Come on! She looks like such a slut with that skimpy clothes, I would love to spank…”
And Diluc is not going to let anyone talk about his wife, like that in his own bar.
Yes maybe you are a Favonius’ knight and yes it's true your ass is pretty, especially when you use shorts… but no one is allowed to talk about you like that, like you are nothing but an object.
Okay, maybe he can but only when he's alone with you in the middle of some dirty session of love making.
When he say those words, he’s totally saying them to scare the shit out of whoever dared to be disrespectful to you. Because, a menace from him is something to fear, he was the youngest calvary captainof the knights. He was a master swordman.
Diluc knows you can defend yourself, you probably will kick this drunkard ass, but he prefers to instill fear in people than have you getting in trouble with Jean.
Don't get mad at Diluc, he’s a bit overprotective of you because he loves you.
The man suddenly sobers up as soon as his ears registered Diluc words. He looks ashamed and regretful of his choice of words, he offers an apology and leave because it's so damn late!
As soon as Diluc sees you back home, he can't avoid looking at you with adoration only to confess his slip up the moment you two are having dinner.
The only thing you can say is: “It's about time everyone knows”
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“Oh, Y/n is my wife, didn't I mentioned it?”
He was 3,000 years old when he met you. You were the prettiest living being he had ever seen. 
A minor Goddess with strong wings that adorned your back. A Goddess enslaved to be a gift to the lord of vortex, send heavily guarded in a caravan that happened to pass near the Guili plains thanks to an accidental detour
You were the goddess of Song and the Dawn, the bringer of peace after a nightmare.
Zhongli could forget even his own name but he would never forget your panicked expression when your eyes landed on him.
He was so damn tall, intimidating and serious that you had thought the Dragon wanted to keep you for himself.
However, Morax had opened the cage and told you in a stern and cold voice that you were free.
You were so afraid that you didn't step out until he got away from you. Then you flew away in the form of a bright and colorful bird.
 You didn't plan to go back to where he was but curiosity got the best of you, so you went back and watched Morax in silence from the distance.
The Adepti tried to scare you away unsure of how to deal with you stalking the prime Adepti. However, you didn't budge. Everyday you appeared in your bird form to sing to Morax and wake him up.
Slowly the adepti accepted your presence, they even started to try and get you to stay a little bit more since Morax started asking about the bird he has been hearing.
Morax one day woke up earlier only to tell you that you could stay for breakfast and since that moment you two started to eat together.
You were grateful to him and looked for forms to let him know, from giving him flowers, act as his messenger to the Yaksha and even sing for him. He had saved you from being a concubine of Osial, there was too much to be grateful.
Between this acts of devotion, Morax started to pay more and more attention to you and even when he didn’t understand his feelings he knew one thing: He wanted to keep you close and keep you safe.
Thousands of years were needed but you two ended up getting married.
Now, in all of this more than 3,000 years of Marriage he has called you Wife, but I really like this time when he forgot to introduce you as his wife because for him is common knowledge. Everyone knows Rex Lapis is married to the goddess of Song and Dawn. Everyone who is important to him knows you.
Those being, the adepti..
But the traveler saw you two eating together one afternoon. And they saw you walking together by the bay while holding hands. Another day he saw you clinging to Zhongli’s arm while he seemed to be explaining something to you.
They assumed you two were dating. They even got to speak to you for a commission, something about a ring made of noctiluose jade.
So Traveler being a little rascal started talking about you with Zhongli and he seemed to be happy to talk about you. 
“When are you gonna ask her to marry you?” Traveler asks mischievously and Zhongli laughs and say the phrase. 
The travelers gets all surprised but then asks how did that happened and Zhongli is proud to explain how he managed to ask for your hand.
Next time traveler meets you, they notice the ring around your finger.
However, they notice thewhole ring is made of Cor lapis.
As you notice their curious gaze you tell him the story about how Rex lapis made Cor lapis only to propose to you.
Which makes sense since Cor lapis literally means “Heart of stone”
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“Get your hands away from my wife!”
Xiao is not a man of many words, he’s terrible at expressing his feelings to everyone.
And I mean everyone, even with you. 
However, you should know that he will never call you his wife if he isn't married to you.
This is because he once heard Zhongli telling something along the lines of: “Marriage is the most sacred of contracts”
Now listed, you two met because of Zhongli/Morax. You were the first minor Goddess who relinquished your divinity to Morax and was left almost with no power, so Morax asked Xiao to take care of you.
And Xiao, being the obedient Yaksha he is, took care of you during the Archon War, and maybe that’s why you survived to such massacre.
As I have stated before, Xiao is bad with his feelings but it is good that you can basically read his emotions.
Your love story was a very, agonizingly slow burn, however when Xiao understood that you were never going to leave him, that you loved him and there was no way to change that, only then he gave up trying to get away from you… and he asked you to marry him.
For hundreds of years, Xiao called you his wife only when you two were alone. For him it was a term of endearment.
“Wife” oh, he says it with such softness and love, it makes you fall for him again! You don’t even mind that your marriage is practically a secret.
But there’s always a first time for everything. And the first time he called you his wife in public… It was something else. It wasn’t something born from his love and devotion, it was a warning.
For what felt like years he had endured listening to men flirt with you in Wangshu Inn. Every god damn male seemed to have the goal of stealing you from him. There were some female humans trying to catch your attention, but they were more subtle, smarter.
There was a man who pretended to be interested in your life as an adventurer, asking questions all the time.There was another who tried to catch your attention with food. There was a woman who wanted to take pictures of you and always told you, you were perfect. The worst one, was the one who tried to teach you martial arts.
You only accepted out of pure pressure, since he insisted so much. You were already an excellent fighter, only that you used a weapon of your choice.
The worst part was that he always corrected you, pressing his palm in your abdomen or your lower back.
Xiao usually didn’t pay attention since he didn’t felt jealous, he only peaked since you were making that little sound of annoyance you always did. That small “mhhh” 
When he saw that man putting his hands on your hips to “correct” your already perfect posture, he just lost it.
It wasn’t just his anger and frustration, that was his karmic debt taking control. In a second Primordial Jade Winged-Spear was in his hands and he attacked blindly. 
The man let go of you and tried to be a hero, only to be hit and cut by Xiao. Let’s be sincere, if it weren’t for you the “martial art master” would be dead, because Xiao is extremely strong.
Anyway, you fought your dear husband and pinned him to the ground until he calmed down. The “martial art master” ran away half beaten, forgetting about you.
Let’s just say, no one has flirted with you since that day. 
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hannya-quinn · 2 years
hc that gojo would give you a fuwa of himself as a prank, but would end up jealous of it because you'd cuddle fuwa gojo instead of him at night:
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Can you do a Wednesday x Gn!reader but it’s the “if I can’t have you *proceeds to stab r* no one can” trend but Wednesday doesn’t know that r is not human and that a simple knife can’t hurt them so they open their eyes saying “aww so you do feel something for me and people say my charm is fake.” So Wednesday begins to question how they are not bleeding to death right now and they explain what they are and how they’ve shown many signs that they weren’t human but Wednesday just never noticed. In the end they end up confessing and a heated session begins but is interrupted when their parents walk in on them.
Also there’s a bit of history between r and Wednesday seeing as their parents are good friends and both secretly harbors feelings for the other. Though they say nothing of the feelings so what leads up to the point on Wednesday stabbing r is because Wednesday saw r and other girl flirting and became jealous and proceeds to kidnap r and ya :)
Also you can make r whatever type of creature you want!
A/N: This took longer than necessary cuz I couldn't decide on a creature for R to be lol
Wednesday x GN!Reader
Darkness greets you when you wake up. You blink a few times before realizing that it's because there's a bag over your head.
Kidnapped. You've been kidnapped.
This was interesting. There were very few people who could manage this. You tested your limbs as you thought about who could and would be capable of stealing you away. Legs were tied to the chair. Arms tied behind you. Both were tight and didn't leave you room to wriggle out and escape. So this was someone who was proficient in the art. That narrowed it down considerably. In fact, there could only be one person you knew of.
The bag gets pulled from your head and you're greeted by your captor. Wednesday Addams. You knew it.
"Wednesday! To what do I owe the pleasure?" Your charming greeting was cut short by a knife suddenly poking at your throat. One swallow and you would be cut. "Hm... Not pleasure then."
"Correct, Y/N. You are to be punished by my hands."
While you had your moments, you didn't have a clue to what you could've done to Wednesday to warrant this treatment. Eyebrows furrowed while you tried to think of the past few days.
"What did I do? I've no clue."
Your prosecutor just scoffs as she slowly drags the top of her blade down your torso.
"You truly don't understand? For as long as we've known each other, Y/N? I'm disappointed." You can feel the blade push a little deeper right under your sternum. "Perhaps you can get someone to help you? Maybe that one siren you've been getting close to."
"Siren? Wait, you mean Adriana? I mean, yeah we were flirting, but why are you upset abou-HRK!" The blade sheathes into your core, taking your breath away. Your eyes widen as you stare at the girl before you.
"You were supposed to be mine and mine only. But your eyes have strayed. So if I can't have you, no one shall."
You slump over. There's silence for some time before your shoulders start to shake. Wednesday's eyebrows furrow as she watches. Eventually, a soft laughter filled her ears. She reaches over and grabs your hair to pull your head back, revealing your laughing face.
"Hahahaha! So you do feel something for me. And people say my charm is fake. Hahaha oh, it's weird laughing with something in my diaphragm. Hehehe... Hey, take it out, will ya?" Out of sheer shock and confusion, Wednesday pulls her blade out and you let out a soft groan of relief.
"Thank the gods. Whew..." You look at the girl, smirk on your face.
"You..." Wednesday starts, still in disbelief. "You're unaffected. Aren't you human?" You could only blink.
"You... Don't know? Wednesday how long have we known each other and you don't know?" She just shrugs nonchalantly. You let out a sigh and slump over slightly.
"I'm a hannya oni. A demon born from jealousy and anger. Ironic, no?" A little chuckle punctuates the words. "There's not a lot that can be done to hurt me."
The goth narrows her eyes at you and asks, "How is it that you've never mentioned this?"
A shrug. "Didn't seem that important. Plus, I thought you knew. I didn't really keep it a secret."
"There's no outward indication that you're of demon blood."
In lieu of being able to use your hands, you tilt your head from side to side to mimic an 'eeehhh' motion.
"The horns are annoying so they're hidden. Hold on." You take a deep breath and suddenly, horns begin to grow just under your hairline. When you exhale, a small burst of fire comes out. Your eyes become slitted and your tongue forked.
"There. Not full demon form, but enough to prove my point."
Wednesday walks around you, inspecting your new-to-her features. Now that she sees them, your eyes and tongue do seem familiar. You were also always a warm body, no matter the weather. She pokes at your horns, forcing your head to nod slightly.
"Hm. I suppose you've been around so often that I never bothered to know or question your origins."
"Fair..." You nodded a bit before cocking your head to look at your companion. "Well, I have a question. You're jealous of Adriana?" Your mouth spreads into a wide grin. Wednesday responds with a swift smack on the back of your head.
"You've been by my side for years. To have someone take that away was... Troubling." You shuffled slightly in the seat you were still tied to.
"You didn't really have anything to worry about," you replied. "You know how I am. I just flirt for fun. No real intent there." Wednesday eyes you with suspicion. "Honest! Have you seen me be serious with anyone?" She considers the question before shaking her head.
"Besides, you're the only one I actually want."
Suddenly Wednesday's eyes burn into you. You look at her to see a surprised stare. "And you never made any indication..."
You open your mouth to retort, but without an actual reply, you slowly close it. While you have strong feelings for your friend, you didn't think it would go anywhere. So to ease the feelings bubbling in you, you began to flirt all over, letting bits of those feelings out with each pick-up line.
"Well," you start after a moment. "We have feelings for each other..."
Wednesday steps towards you and straddles your lap. When you inhale, her scent fills your nose. You struggle in your bindings, having almost forgotten that they were there. Your love was so close and yet you couldn't touch her the way you wanted. A cold hand rakes through your hair before yanking it back.
"What do you think we should do about it, Y/N?" She watches as your eyes dilate with want. You take the time to collect yourself before answering.
"Whatever you want..."
With a wicked grin, Wednesday dives in and suddenly you're drowning in her. Her lips sear onto yours with a soft moan. All you could do was return it with fervor. You curse your restraints, wanting them off so you could ravish the girl on top of you with your hands. Sensing your frustrations, Wednesday takes a hold of her knife again.
"Can't have you distracted while I'm right here, hm?" With a swift cut, your hands are free and they immediately take hold of her body. Your lips are together once more, more heated than ever now that you can stimulate the goth even further.
Your hands run up and down the girl's body. Slim muscle tense with each pass. You can't get enough. You grip tightly, pulling the goth even closer to you. Years of pent up feelings erupt from both of you and it consumes you both.
You feel teeth along your lower lips as Wednesday pulls at it. With one final kiss, she moves on and trails a path of burning kisses down to your neck. A low moan escapes your lips and you cling tighter onto your girl. However, there's something now that feels slightly off.
Eyes open to see both of your parents in the doorway, all with wide eyes.
Your shift in emotions causes Wednesday to stop and follow your eyes. Parents stare at their children. Children stare at their parents. You finally register the fact that you've been in Wednesday's room this whole time.
Silence reigns until there's an exchange of money between the patriarchs of both your families.
"About time you two did something." Your father says.
"We'll leave you be." Morticia allows, pushing her husband away.
When the door closes again, you let your head fall with a laugh. Wednesday just groans in embarrassment and burrows into your neck.
"How long do you think the bet went on for?" You asked, mood thoroughly ruined.
"I don't care, but I'll make sure we get our share."
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Sukuna’s Wife and Yuuji’s Onee-chan (Sukuna x Reincarnated!Y/N) au headcanons
Other snippets of this au found here
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When Sukuna awakened, he didn’t yearn for the scent of battle or the blood of the innocent. Before everything else, he felt your soul, and then he saw your face. Not an exact replica from the days gone by, but tiny pieces resonate here and there, beautiful in every way. 
Far from a romantic, Sukuna had little interest in the arts outside of cooking. 
Yet as he slaughtered the lowly thing that dared to lay eyes on you, the words of a dead emperor echoed in his mind:
Though a swift stream be
By a rock met and restrained
In impetuous flow,
Yet, divided, it speeds on,
And at last unites again.*
After a thousand years of fruitless searching, he has found his other half. The swift waters, long separated, have finally reunited.
“Nee-chan, do something about this guy, he keeps talking crap about me when I’m trying to sleep!” 
“You’re the King of Curses? So lame, can’t even take over a teenager? Boring. I could take you down.”
He could handle the annoying pink-haired brat’s yapping, and he will take care of the polished turd that called itself “Gojo Satoru” in due time. Sukuna’s main problem was something far more depressing.
“Darling, please feed me too,” he requested from Itadori’s cheek.
You lifted a piece of bread but instead of offering it to Sukuna, you directed it to the brat’s mouth. 
“Beloved–” he would start, but you’d turn away with a harrumph. Then the white-haired turd would burst out laughing. 
“Sweetheart, if you won’t look here, I will make sure this brat won’t get a wink of sleep.” Your only reply was a chilly snarl.
Of course, any husband would be disheartened by the sight of his wife glaring, but Sukuna was a special case. 
He loved the attention. He’d rather you slap and hit him than ignore him. He preferred your warmth more, but this poisonous disdain of yours burned him in a deliciously different way.
He yearned for your gaze, no matter the cost.
It’s easy to look at Sukuna and think that he is a mega super sadist dom. Well, you’re wrong. He is a total wife-con. His greatest earthly treasure is you, so of course he will treat you with care. You’re the only one who will ever have him on his knees. You could snap him in half and he’d lick your toes in gratitude.
As stated above, he yearns for your attention, so he will do and say anything to have that. A millennium of loneliness has twisted his desires in the most grotesque way possible. He doesn’t want you to hate him so he can’t bring himself to kill the brat you cherish, but he will maim Yuuji just to hear your voice crack from screaming. 
He really wants a physical form. One he can freely move in, so he can court you properly, like he did way back when. If words cannot convince you, then maybe he can remind your body why you loved him so much in the past.
If you were miraculously able to return his affections, he’d be waaaay easier to manage. One word from you can stop his rampage. Even if you were deceiving him to control him, he wouldn’t mind so long as you stayed by his side.
[1] A poem by Sutoku-In. Lifted from: The English translation of Ogura Hyakunin Isshu from Hyakunin-Isshu (Single Songs of a Hundred Poets) and Nori no Hatsu-Ne (The Dominant Note of the Law) by Clay MacCauley Yokohama: Kelly and Walsh, Ltd., 1917. Source: https://jti.lib.virginia.edu/japanese/hyakunin/macauley.html. 
If you have any questions regarding this Sukuna and this version of Reader, feel free to ask cause I’m running out of stuff to say unprovoked.
@shadowywizardarcade @hannya-exists @nineooooo @lilachaeyo @pumpkindudeishere @jessbeinme15 @fluffy-koalala @cringeycookies @frogzxch @isimpfordanielpark @marvelsgirl4ever @sanzusmom @sheccidoscar @marvelsgirl4ever
A/N: My unhealthy obsession with yandere fluffy husband Sukuna is the epitome of #ICanFixHim. (Disclaimer: This should go without saying but in real life, don't ever stay with a guy believing you can fix him. You’ll end up dragging each other down.)
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fairy-writes · 1 year
IM BACK!!! Here’s my second ask for your 900 followers!!
Could I get Douma x female reader with the dialogue prompt #17 please and thank you!!
Have free reign but FLUFFY!!!!!
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Demon Slayer
Pairing(s): Douma x Female!Demon!Reader
Prompt: “Will you let me fall in love with you?”
“Only if I can fall right back.”
“I’ll be sure to catch you when you do.” (Dialogue Prompt #17)
Notes: I have no clue if Douma is in character for this, but I’m trying anyway.
Some mild spoilers for Douma’s Blood Demon Art? But I don’t really go into detail, I only mention his weapon and what his ability does. 
I also stole the backstory of my kny character that I never published here (though I hadn’t figured out the pairing for that yet). 
You were a peculiar character to Douma. Mostly because you never showed your face. 
You were a fellow demon, a low-level one. Though he learned it wasn’t because of any lack of talent on your part. On the contrary, you were quite powerful and had a myriad of clever and dirty tricks up your sleeve. You just never tried to get more power from Master Muzan. You were content to hide away in your little lair and eat whatever cocky demon slayer or regular human came by. 
The more he got to know you and your tricks, the more he decided he wanted you for his own.
So he started “conveniently” being in the area whenever you ventured out of your little house with pristine tatami mats and sliding doors. It wasn’t anything remarkable, just a small Japanese-style home with a koi pond just on the edge of the Engawa. 
He discovered you mostly left your house to get more food for your fish. A mask always hid your face and your scissors in the sleeve of your kimono in case anyone got handsy with you. 
Which he also discovered happened more often than he would like. But he very well couldn’t do anything about it unless he wanted you to catch him. And he didn’t want that. Not yet, at least. 
When you finally did manage to catch him in his games, you weren’t upset like he was expecting. You were curious. 
“What would Upper Moon Two want with someone like me?” You ask, voice muffled through the ceramic and paint of your okame mask. The rosy cheeks mocked him, and he yearned to just rip it off and look upon your features. But that would scare you off. And he didn’t want that. Despite loving the idea of fear coloring your eyes. 
He gets the chance to see your face when he watches you almost die. 
You were dodging a swipe from a young demon slayer’s sword glinting a light blue in the moonlight. Douma watched from the trees, rainbow eyes flicking this way and that as the two of you traded blows. The demon slayer—a young boy of seventeen or eighteen—had cuts littering his face from your scissor blades, and your kimono was soaked in your blood from already healed wounds. 
Your white hannya mask is almost blinding in the light of the silver moon. Douma knows it’s just a trick of the light under the stars. But it’s stunning regardless. 
He steps in when you’re pinned against a tree by the Nichirin sword through your shoulder. The demon slayer stands triumphantly before you as he draws a shorter sword from its sheath on his opposite hip. 
Just as the blade comes down to sever your head from your neck, Douma whips out one of his gold-plated fans and freezes the demon slayer with his Blood Demon Art. The ice coats the slayer from his head to his toes, and Douma can see the frostbite settling in from underneath the ice.
You stumble away from the tree, tearing the Nichirin blade from your shoulder where the wound was already healing. In the blast of his fan, the ice had torn the mask from your face and shattered it against the ground, exposing your features for the world to see.
Brutal scars slit your mouth from the corners of your lips to your ears. They’re jagged and puckered and colored a perpetual angry red as if you had just received them. But if he were to guess, you had received them long ago. Likely when you first became a demon by Akaza’s hand—a fact he learned long after you two became acquainted. 
You had first gotten your scars when your husband flew into a violent rage after learning you could not bear him children, claiming you had mothered a child with someone else and was refusing to give him an heir. 
You had killed him with a blow to the head. 
Soon after, Akaza had found you covered in the blood of your husband’s head wound.
Never before had Douma wanted to thank Akaza for anything. But now he wanted to thank him for letting him meet you. 
Your relationship was a carefully cultivated thing. One built on trust on your part and scheming on his. But nevertheless, you two grew closer than Douma had planned. Until one day…
“Will you let me fall in love with you?” You whisper, face close and nose brushing his own. If he moved at all, he would have kissed you. 
And so he did. 
Just lightly, gently, as if he wasn’t even there. You inhaled, surprised, but you didn’t pull away. You press closer, a hand coming up to touch his unblemished face. Your hand is soft, like a feather. And he loved it as much as a demon could. 
But Douma pulled away with a mischievous smile. 
“Only if I can fall right back.” He teased and delighted when you smiled. It was a bit twisted with your scars marring your face. It was beautiful nonetheless. 
“I’ll be sure to catch you when you do.” You breathe and lean in to kiss him again. 
He grins against your lips. A small smile that twisted his features. But you couldn’t tell. Not when you pulled away and hid your face in your hands in utter joy. 
Oh, the plans he had for you.
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m4zapan · 1 year
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masterlist 3 for fics i have not made but enjoy with my heart. (in progress)
masterlist 1
masterlist 2
fandoms included:
jujutsu kaisen
attack on titan
boku no hero academia
disclaimer: this masterlist is for fanfiction that i’ve read and not written, i just want to keep them organized for when i want to go back to them. all links in the masterlists lead to original artist’s post.
disclaimer 2: if not all, most of the fics listed below are character-x-reader or ship-x-reader. if you don’t like this, this masterlist is not for you.
disclaimer 3: please let me know if any of the links aren’t working, even tho these mlists are mostly for myself.
disclaimer 4: most of the posts here are fem!reader or gn!reader x character but i’m trying to find good fics for male!reader x character for certain of them. i’ll be putting a certain emojis for them since they are minority.
disclaimer 5: all fics have gender or pronouns listed, some are afab but no pronouns.
disclaimer 6: i don’t take requests for characters not listed, sorry😭
disclaimer 7: i’m tagging all authors in comments:)
❤️‍🔥-personal favorites
🍋- smut
🍓- fluff
🫒- angst
🥝- suggestive
jujutsu kaisen
nanami kento
house husband nanami 🍓 by curlyheadaphrodite (mention of using heels but can be read as any gender)
❤️‍🔥 proposal hc 🍓 by peachsayshi (can be read as any gender)
driving instructor!nanami 🍋 by lemmetreatya (afab!reader)
moving into your first apartment with nanami 🍓🍋 by kentosbabes (she/her)
all the time in the world 🫒🍓 by gojonanami (she/her)
choso kamo
biting kink 🍋 by n-agiz (can be read as any gender)
sub!choso 🍋 by sensitive-neuvi-enthusiast (she/her)
full masterlists
❤️‍🔥 masterlist @kentosbabes
attack on titan
reiner braun
nfl player reiner 🍋 by blkcupid (she/her)
nasty (connie, porco, onyankapon, eren, zeke, jean, levi, armin and reiner) 🍋 by apollostears (she/her)
levi ackerman
after the war 🫒🍓 by whattheheckmidoriya (can be read as any gender)
full masterlists
❤️‍🔥 masterlist @kentosbabes
boku no hero academia
katsuki bakugo
my little wife 🍋 by atsushiskitten (she/her)
bakugo’s tiktok 🍓 by tteokdoroki (can be read as any gender)
bakugo when you get your nails done 🍓 by bkgml (she/her)
in the margins 🍓 by call-me-ko (she/her)
showering (no title) 🍓🥝 by katsukikitten (can be read as any gender)
❤️‍🔥 fuck buddies (no title) 🍋 by katsukikitten (afab!reader)
skirt 🥝🍋 by crybaby-bkg (can be read as any gender)
masterlist @katsukikitten
miguel o’hara
❤️‍🔥 calentón 🍋 by zstrn (she/her) [literally a masterpiece, so good and spanish (being my first language) is spot on. love it]
love bites 🍋 by amhrosina (she/her)
sentimiento 🫒🍓 by knxv1lie (she/her) [spanish is SO good]
assistant | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | pt. 5 🥝 by devilfic (can be read as any gender)
❤️‍🔥 el trato | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | pt. 5 | pt. 6 | pt. 7 | pt. 8 | final 🥝🍋 by messylustt (she/her)
snow spider 🍓 by ichorai (can be read as any gender)
❤️‍🔥 what’s in between | pt. 2 🍓 by ghost-with-a-teacup (she/her)
“te amo” 🫒 by kirbyskisses (she/her) [this is mostly fluff but given the plot, it was very intense for me, in an angsty way]
jealousy 🍓 by cosmosis (she/her)
annoying 🫒 by sillyblues (gn!reader)
you’re the sunflower | pt. 2 🫒🍓 by fxllfaiiry (she/her)
you? | enough for you | jealousy 🫒 by mcu-coworkers (can be read as any gender)
being miguel’s canon love interest | pt. 2 🫒 by hannya-comehome (gn!reader)
fwb 🍋 by moralesluvr (she/her)
college!au 🍋 by xbellaxcarolinax (afab!reader, can be read as any gender)
weed killer | pt. 2 | pt. 3 🍓🫒 by brotherblaze (gn!reader) [part 2 and 3 are on aot]
the other woman | final 🫒 by voidhope (she/her)
❤️‍🔥 open up 🍋 by xbellaxcarolinax (she/her)
❤️‍🔥 let me help you 🍋 by roguelov (afab!reader)
nightmare 🍋 by messylustt (afab!reader)
strawberry sweet 🍋 by clandestineloki (she/her)
❤️‍🔥 overstim with miguel 🍋 by beautysamour (she/her)
miguel smut 🍋 by coffeeandbookskeepmealive
hobie brown
choker 🍋 by urdinosaurs (afab!reader)
arabella 🍓🥝 by firewalkzwit (she/her)
polaroids 🥝🍋 by cultrise
no title 🍋 by gobies-gf (she/her)
h. e. r. 🍓 by livelaughloveloak (she/her)
being neteyam’s mate would include 🍓🥝 by witchthewriter (gn!reader)
hatred sex 🍋 by sweetiecutie (she/her)
got me snoring 🍋 by velvetures (she/her)
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quietplace26 · 2 years
More GW:T x reader ideas!
Instead of seeking shelter in a shop being manned by a Nekomata and eventually running into Akito/KK, our dear reader instead runs into Erika about to be killed by Hannya.
As mention before, reader can't fight at all, so they do the next best thing.
Seeing how no one seemed to have noticed them yet, they launched themselves at Hannya, slamming their foot into the mask man's face, cracking the mask in the process, throws Erika over their shoulder, and RUNS.
Reader, with a still in shocked Erika slung over their shoulder, bumps into Rinko, and the trio rushes off to safety.
Rinko makes it apparent that she didn't trust the reader at all and they understands why.
They were an oddity. An unknown that obviously didn't belong...
But Rinko does lighten up around them when they did something rather sweet for Erika.
Erika, who was still quite shaken from nearly dying by her own father's hands, was curled up on a couch, crying quietly.
Reader gives her a worried look as they franically tried to think of something to cheer the young girl up with.
An idea springs into their head and they go over to their bag to get something.
Rinko gives them a suspicious look that quickly changes to a soft one when she saw what the odd foreigner pulled out.
It was an adorable cat plushie that the reader won from a crane game prior to falling into this world.
They look to Rinko, gesturing the plushie to Erika.
When Rinko gave the okay, they shuffled over to Erika, calling out her name softly.
A few minutes later a much calmer Erika was cuddling her new plushie and sitting next to the reader, asking them questions about their home country and other things.
They glanced over at Rinko, who smiles and mouths a silent thank you at them before turning back to her computer.
They smiled, despite still not understanding how the hell this was happening, couldn't help but feel proud of themselves for saving not only one but two lives!
Erika was just a kid! She didn't deserve her fate in the game!
The same goes for Rinko as well!
Reader would do anything to keep them safe and alive!
Unknown to them, both Rinko and Erika were begining to feel the same for this odd foreigner...
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Week 2.2: Photography, Type, and Alphabet
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I spent a day outside of work photographing Hamish and a lot of his personal work in order to build up a background on irezumi tattooing and practice
I also wanted to test whether this could be an option of alternate imagery in my publication rather than the straight illustration.
Although I wanted to illustrate. I also tried out photographing other artists and their work for the publication imagery to see if it could be a better fit. These images are of Hamish Mclauchlan, the tattoo artist I work under. He specialises in largescale Irezumi pieces and is widely recognised in the tattooing world.
Ultimately I decided against using an artists face or their professional work in my publication. This is because I wanted the focus to be on the concept of irezumi itself, without attaching a specific person and their established style of tattooing to it.
I used my own illustrations because although they are all produced by one person, they are an ambiguous interpretation of a massive collection of irezumi artwork. The reader should be able to envision their own world of irezumi from the publication without bias.
I know I want my display type and potentially bodycopy to follow a loose, script like/ handrawn, personable feel. Something inky and imperfect would be excellent for a title font as I want it to match the illustrations in this illustrative and painted style. Below are some rough options that I was drawn towards for the minimal type that I plan to have in this picture book like publication.
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Alphabet for Irezumi
Since I want my picture book to follow this ABC structure I started brainstorming ideas for each letter of the alphabet. I thought this would be a way to link the western world to this popular Japanese tattoo style that has been made popular worldwide. Western clients are becoming more and more common and this is likely who my picture book will be aimed towards as they are more likely to have a lack of understanding of the cultural and historical symbolism of the irezumi style rather than local Japanese people. 
The only thing to take into consideration is the fact that in japan a few letters in the english alphabet do not exist so I will have to comment on this at some point in my book as some letters such as q and x. Below is my current list that I am constantly returning to in order to structure my illustrative process moving forward.
Ape, Akkorokamui (octopus)
Bones, Baku (devoured of dreams), Blossum, Botan (peony)
Cat, Crab, Crane, Crysanthumum
Enkō (kappa of shikoku), enenra (yokai of smoke)
Frog, Fujin, Foo dog
Geisha, Golden boy, Genbu (black tortoise)
Hannya, Hou-oo (pheonix), Hebi (snake), Heikegani (crab)
Irezumi, ikuchi (yokai of the sea, serpent)
Jorogumo (spider woman), Jishin-namazu (giant catfish that causes natural disasters)
Koi, Kitsune, Kappa, Kirin, koinobori, Kiku (Chrysanthemum), Kaeru (frog)
Lotus (Hasu)
Masks, monkey, Maneki Neku (cat)
Nue (chimeria), Namakubi (severed head), Namazu (catfish), Noppera-bō (faceless ghost)
Pheonix, Peony
Ryu, Raijin
Serpent, Sakura, Samurai
Tiger, Tengu, Toad, Tanuki (raccoon dog)
Warrior, Wave of Kanagawa, wakkaonna
Yokai (ghosts demons spirits)
Zugaikotsu (Skull)
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my-my-my · 2 years
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Please enjoy my new Majima (Hannya Man)/Reader fic!
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vanillacheesecakke · 3 years
hmm jealousy hcs with jealousy? 👀 - Yokai anon
Jealous Jealousy headcanons
Jealousy gets Jealous VERY easily and when she does..
She gets extremely mad with the person that made her jealous
You have to hold her back from killing them
She'll cuddle you for hourss
"You're mine and only mine okay?" (Jealousy)
She so soft for you😭💕
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hannya-writes · 8 months
Today I finally did Lyney's quest and I gotta say... In that moment when Charlotte was insisting on interviewing Lyney and Linette, and Traveler thought to themselves that they had to do something to distract Charlotte, my brain said: "Quick traveler! Kiss Lyney that would definitely surprise Charlotte and make her leave out of embarrassment"
And now imagine if Lumine did that, imagine the scandal it would up roar all over Teyvat. Everyone would be gossiping around about how Lumine is dating Lyney.
I can't even imagine how the suitors of traveler's love will react but you know who's breaking out of jail and finding his way back to Fontaine in that instant? CHILDE!
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operatorsdime · 2 years
That Wasn’t So Hard
Ryuhei (Nomen) x F!Reader Drabble
Warnings: Smut, exhibitionism, groping, Ryuhei
A/N: There is a SEVERE lack of Ryuhei content.
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Taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm your nerves, you opened the door, gracing whoever knocked with your best “everything’s fine” smile.
It was Hannya.
The creepy, golden toothed smile of his mask greeted you.
“Is there something I can h-help you with?” You internally cursed, hoping he wouldn’t take notice to your stutter.
“Neko has called a meeting in the dining hall. She wants everyone in attendance, but you were nowhere to be found.” He replied after a moment. “I came to find you.”
“Oh? I wasn’t aware. I’ll be there in a moment, thanks for letting me know.” You quickly dismissed him.
“Neko said she wanted everyone immedi-“
“Hannya.” He lifted his chin irritably at being cut off. “I appreciate the concern. I’m busy, so just give me a moment.”
Unfortunately, Hannya didn’t leave straight away as you’d hoped he would. He paused, and even though you couldn’t see his face behind his green mask, you could feel his stare.
He analyzed you carefully. The bead of sweat sliding down your neck. How your chest rose and fell as you breathed heavily. Your jaw was clenched and your eyes were glossy and unfocused.
He knows.
Or so you thought. But eventually, after what felt like two eternities, Hannya shrugged and turned to leave. You began to close your door but just then he called out a last time.
“Almost forgot to ask. You seen Nomen anywhere?”
You rapidly shook your head, and Hannya continued his exit. Finally you closed your door, mentally congratulating yourself for getting through that.
You gasped as you were slammed back against your door, hands sliding up towards your breasts and a tongue smoothing over a bite mark on your neck.
“See? That wasn’t so hard.” Ryuhei chuckled into your ear. He groaned, pushing his cock deeper into you, making you shiver. “Gotta be honest though, I thought he’d never leave.”
“Did you seriously have to keep moving? He was right there.” You bit your lip, trying not to moan as Ryuhei began to thrust slowly. “Ryuhei. . .”
He picked up speed, holding your hip with one hand, the other cupping and molding your breast. You could feel his breath on your neck and the warmth of his chest pressed into your back.
“Ryuhei the meeting-“ You squealed as he slammed a particularly deep thrust into you, his cock nudging your cervix.
“We can be a little late.”
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sakuraasworld · 3 years
What if Uzui had a tsukugo that wears a Hannya mask that has Tsudere behavior? A LOT OF CHAOS!
Sorry for my English
𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖓 𝖚𝖟𝖚𝖎 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘
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pairings - tengen uzui x gn!reader
synopsis - the reader is a tsundere tsukugo that wears a Hannya mask
warning - none
u'r my first request :) I'm sorry it's my first time for a headcanons of this type so it's quite short ;-; and also sorry for my english !
__________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
✎ At first, he's really curious, he wants to know your face, it was one of his conditions before to take you as a tsukugo. But you never shown it actually, so he tries by all the way to know your face under this mask. He asks his wives to help him but they refuse because it was your privacy and you afraid them a little.
✎ He tried to use his "authority" on you.
✎ After a long time, he knows you better than before but he doesn't understand why you don't want to show your face.
"show me your face. now. show it with flamboyance ! "
✎ He even tried some plans with Tanjiro but he's so naive so he really thought what was saying Uzui.
"They are dangerous ! If I don't see their face we're gonna be in danger."
"I will help you !"
✎ Once, he discovered that you actually show your face to his wives he was angry because you were HIS tsukugo not their. So he came to you and began to shout and you just laughed in front of his nose and then he understands.
✎ You were just making fun of him. You shown your face in front of people you trusted the most and found it quite funny how he tried hard to saw your face.
✎ By the end, you finally show your face and he actually find you pretty, more than he thought.
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wienerbarnes · 4 years
Cheek to Cheek (2/5)
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Pairing: Bucky x Criminal!Reader
Word Count: 1,320
Warnings: Mentions of kidnapping and unsafe kidnapped-related conditions
“This Hydra facility showed to be more blistering and tortuous than the last, only having a handful of survivors left! Look! There’s one! It’s a girl! It’s a girl! She’s smiling! She’s smiling! That’s clearly a smile!”
Bucky watches the frantic news reporter yell over your rescue and feels the hair on the back of his neck raise as he watches a wide grin stretch across your face. The video is shaky and chaotic but he can clearly make out the ragged and ripped up tactical gear on your body, large stars on the sleeves and the infamous skull and tentacles on the chest. Your body is drenched in blood and there’s even blood in the cracks of your teeth of your smile.
“They tried to find her family or at least someone who knows her, but nothing came of it. Once she was cleared from a hospital they advised intense therapy and later sent her off to a psychiatric ward. She killed three people there before they relocated her to a more military grade psych ward. She then killed a guard which put her on death row.” Sharon explains to Bucky once he pauses the video.
She has F.R.I.D.A.Y display multiple images as she speaks; holograms of you once you were cleaned up the hospital, pictures of your victims, crime scene photos, and more.
“What makes you think she knows anything about where these missing kids are? Besides the fact that she used to be Hydra?” Bucky asks.
“About a year ago there was another missing child case that the FBI was handling; a detective had a similar idea when they connected the dots to Hydra and they contacted her. She claimed that she could feel the child’s pain and then described the surroundings of where the child was later found in full detail. Some said it was luck, others said she was somehow connected with somebody on the outside, others said she was psychic and could truly see and feel these things.” Sharon finishes that last part with a small smirk on her face. Bucky sees Sam roll his eyes in his peripheries.
“I mean, after all the shit we’ve seen, I’m not surprised…” Bucky trails off as he glances back down at the laptop in front of him, the screen paused on your face; your creepy smile disturbing him and making him feel uneasy.
“I set up a time to talk to her tomorrow morning. The ward warned us that… she’s not exactly stable. They said not to expect much.” Sam clarifies and Bucky assumes he’s going through with this because it was Sharon’s idea. 
“Tell me about the missing teenagers.” 
“James Summers and Elizabeth Hawley - both 19, both students at Columbia University, both studying biophysics with concentrations in genetics. Summers is leaning towards molecular enhancements while Hawley’s leaning towards changes in future evolution. Sound familiar?” Sharon teases. 
“Hydra’s favorite meal. What did the FBI figure out before handing it over to us?” 
“They made a connection to another couple of students kidnapped a year ago, to the day. They were found murdered about 8 days after their abduction; except this happened at Duke University.” Sam interrupts.
“...So five days? That’s a grim deadline.” Bucky’s brow twitches at the thought of these kids being killed for their knowledge.
Sharon and Sam don’t audibly answer but Bucky’s throat goes dry as he understands their silence.
“Let’s deal, shall we?”
Bucky, Sam, and Sharon sit across from you in the interrogation room of the psych ward. Your wrists are cuffed, but not to the table, and your ankles are shackled; the metal clanking against the metal chair you sit in every couple of minutes. Your orange jumpsuit is bright against your otherwise depressed skin; it’s obvious it’s been awhile since it’s gotten any care. 
Bucky notes that you’re a small little thing. Short, strong build but definitely not big enough to take down anyone too much larger than you. The only other color on your body besides your jumpsuit is a baby blue string bracelet on your left wrist and a small tattoo on your neck; a Japanese style Hannya mask with bright red skin and teal eyes. Your fingers are skinny as they twitch against each other and Bucky can only imagine when it was the last time you had a fulfilling meal. He wonders how much he really has in common with you.
“My life… for the kids.” You smile brightly. Although your features are exaggerated as you speak, Bucky can hardly see any emotion in your face; you feel absolutely nothing.
“You’re gonna have to do a little more for me first.” Sam says as he stands, taking a small clear bag out of the backpack Sharon brought. Inside the bag sits a small square of blue fabric.
Bucky glances at Sharon for clarification but she stares straight ahead at you. I’m sure Bird Brain has a reason.
Sam removes the fabric from the bag and places it in your hands. You immediately grip it tightly and close your eyes.
The longer you hold onto the fabric, the tighter your grip is and the more laboured your breathing becomes. Suddenly you gasp loudly and  Bucky flinches a bit.
“Pain! I feel pain… It’s dark. Dark and cold, so cold,” Your eyes open wide and Bucky can see tears forming in the corners of your eyes. Your knuckles are turning white from how hard you’re holding onto the fabric.
“The-the boy. His-his hands are- they’re tied with twine… packing twine. A-and a hanger. They whip him with a coat hanger. A wire coat hanger... “ You trail off as tears begin to fall down your cheeks and your hands begin to shake. 
“A cellar… Warehouse, condemned. An angel of stone. Waterfall. W-water falling. N-not water. They’re there.” You gasp.
Bucky scribbles down what you’re saying just in case, but he feels Sam’s annoyance from where he’s sitting and assumes they won’t be coming back here.
Bucky knows Hydra experimented, but people who can see things like this? From touching fabric? It unlikely; Hydra wanted soldiers, not mind readers. Perhaps the other case she helped solve was pure luck.
“Oh, God… oh, God…” You mumble as Sam finally approaches you and crouches down to meet your eyes. 
He plucks the fabric from your fingers roughly, “I tore this off the back of my New York Knicks T-shirt.” He whispers, “It has nothing to do with the crime.”
Sam stands as a buzzer is sounded, signaling the unlocking of the door and he walks out as Sharon follows. Bucky stands and gathers his notebook and slides the cap on his pen, putting both in Sharon’s backpack and heads towards the open door. 
“Heaven, I’m in heaven… And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak…” 
Bucky freezes at the doorway as he hears your voice singing softly. 
“And I seem to find the happiness that I seek… When we’re out together, dancing cheek to cheek…” You trail off.
Bucky slowly turns around to face you and sees Steve sitting in your spot smiling at him and he quickly shuts his eyes. One… Two… Three… Bucky counts in his head before slowly opening his eyes to see you staring at him, small innocent smile on your face, eyes staring at him with almost a hint of love and adoration.
“I’m with you ‘til the end of the line, pal.” You speak to him, voice soft and inviting. Bucky’s breath catches in his throat and he feels like he’s about to throw up. He quickly turns and catches up with his partners, accidentally brushing past Sharon with a bit of force.
“You okay, Bucky? Did she say something to you?” Sharon asks, resting a gentle hand on his upper arm.
“Uh, n-no. She didn’t. I just, uh, I gotta get home.” Bucky spits out. 
Sam and Sharon don’t question it.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 years
Masterlist: Septic Egos x Reader
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Jack 🎮
Jack’s Birthday Drabble
Wolfman Jack x Reader
Jack x Trico-Shifter!Reader
“C’mere, lean on me” + Rainy Day Prompts
“Getting ready for bed” Prompt (Comatose!Jack)
Antisepticeye 🔪
(note: see my tag #soft anti for all Soft!Anti content)
Gift Shopping (Valentine’s Day)
Red String (Soulmate AU)
Anti x Cait Sidhe!Reader
Aging Potion
Paralyzing Potion
"You can do better than me” prompt
"If I had a soul, I’d find a way to give it all to you” prompt w/ Ghost!Anti
Chase Brody 🛹
The Ghost Whisperer
Heartbeat (Soulmate AU)
Chase x Tattoo Artist!Reader
Blind!Chase x Reader
Demon!Chase x Reader (Father’s Day)
Chase x Fae Succubus!Reader
Barry Has a Secret
“Unforseen” Prompt
"I’m never leaving this blanket nest..” + “I brought blankets, takeout, and your favorite movie” prompts
Paralyzing Potion
Strange Magic (Growing Potion prompt, written by Spooky Anon)
Henrik von Schneeplestein 🥼
Flu Shot
Old Wounds
A Unique Operation
Hanahaki Disease
Blind Date
Checking Reader’s Heartbeat (in wrong places)
Cold!Schneep x Nurse!Reader
Marvin the Magician 🔮
Just Believe
Marvin x Nekomata!Reader
Marvin x Werebunny!Reader
Marvin x Dragon!Reader
Marvin x Neko!Reader
Hannya Mask
S/O Headcanons
Feral Potion
“Tower” Prompt
“Oh shit, you didn’t touch that did you?” prompt
“Don’t be afraid” prompt
“I see the spark in you” prompt w/ Phoenix!Reader
Jackieboy Man 🌃
Heroes Don’t Cry
JBM x Spiderperson!Reader (ITSV)
JBM x Hero!Reader
JBM x Symbiote!Reader
JBM + Anti Fighting over the Reader
One-Sided Love (feat. Anti)
The Symbiote (Part 1) \\\ (Part 2)
“You don’t look fine to me” prompt
"Brave" prompt
Jameson Jackson ⏱
Someone New
JJ x Witch!Reader
JJ meeting Darkiplier
Monster!JJ Imagine
Devil!JJ Imagine
“Please don’t shut me out right now” + “Why does everyone always leave?” prompts
“Look at me okay? Breathe” prompt
“Why do you have a gun?” prompt
Shawn Flynn ✒
Comfort (Lost One!Shawn x Reader)
Lost One!Shawn Imagine
Shawn x Baubaus!Reader (Valentine’s Day)
Meeting Cuphead and Mugman
Possessed Doll!Shawn
Angus the Survival Hunter 🌿
Not Forgotten
Last Guardian Amulet
Angus x Werepanther!Reader
Angus x Selkie!Reader
“How long have you been in there?” prompt w/ Monster!Reader
Bingsepticeye 💻
High-Five Attempt
Depressed!Bing x Reader
Robbie the Zombie 🧠
Robbie x Zombie!Reader
Perfect Either Way (Human!Robbie)
Robbie x Honne-Onna!Reader
Depressed!Robbie x Witch!Reader
“Heart” prompt
“Wake up! Please wake up” Prompt w/ Septic Egos & Comatose!Jack
Giving the Egos Flower Crowns Headcanons
The Gauge Gifter Series 
Nightmare of Egos Vanishing
Egos caring for Sick!Reader
Egos’ reactions to being in S/O’s lap
332 notes · View notes