#happy Patriots day everyone
taylorrepdetective · 10 months
Since you like to say you’re always right, tell us what is next. You say you don’t make predictions, but you actually do, even if you don’t call them that.
Ok so I’m absolutely not always right. There have been some really big things I’ve been wrong about and a lot of small things too. And what I learned from that is to keep an open mind, and when I’m wrong about something, to figure out why I got it wrong and shift my world view in some ways to try to understand and guess better the next time. But it’s not even really about being able to guess. It’s about understanding when things happen. It is fun to be right on a guess though, when that happens.
The biggest thing I’ve learned, and luckily I learned it pretty early on in my time in this space, is that trying to figure out the timing something big will happen is absolutely a fools errand. And another thing to avoid is trying to come up with the exact, specific way Taylor (or others in her cinematic universe) will do something to get a point across. Like I can predict she will try to get a point across (set up a timeline, create a narrative, shore up a brand point) but I cannot predict exactly how or when she’ll do it. I also can predict she’ll set something up but then she never does. That’s because I think of lots of options. Some happen, some don’t. So this is the kind of thing I’m often wrong about. But I see them and always try to present them as options, not predictions. And if one of the options I think of happens, I have already spent time thinking about it, so it already makes sense to me.
I don’t know what’s next. She could drop TS11 at midnight. She could break up with Travis tomorrow, or announce her engagement next week. But I do not think any of those things is likely.
So here’s the closest thing you’ll ever get to me making a specific, timed prediction, because to me it seems quite clear:
What I do think is likely is that her jet will go to KC, ✅she’ll go to the game on Sunday✅, and her jet will then leave KC sometime between next Tuesday✅ and next Thursday. Why? Because it’s a home game, and she likes to go to home games and get the exposure and publicity that comes with that. She is working really hard at becoming an icon in KC, seem like her relationship is very serious for those who want to believe it’s serious, and she wants to shore up that relationship by spending time with him, his family, and his friends (also KC icons - the Mahomes mostly.)✅ All of this is so important to the story she’s creating. However, she won’t stay long ✅because that’s been her pattern. She also seems to be establishing that she also has her own busy, fabulous life✅ (she’s bejeweled and he lets her be✅) and when he’s busy with his football week (generally Tuesday-Sunday) he doesn’t have much time for her and she has her own life.✅This gives her the opposite option of the relationship being very serious. In other words it gives her an easy out for it to end. And Wednesday is her birthday. So she’ll either stay till Tuesday ✅and we’ll see or hear about birthday celebrations Sunday night/Monday, ✅then she’ll head out for further birthday celebrations with her other friends and family✅, or her jet will stay through her birthday, solidifying the seriousness of the relationship. But she will leave KC.✅ And then she’ll probably go to the game on Dec 17 in Boston✅. Why? Because it is a short hop from NYC, she has a huge fanbase there✅ and can expand it and shore it up, the patriots are bad so a win is likely✅, but they are a very popular team, so viewership (publicity) will be high✅. After that? Well she’s likely to spend more time in NYC✅/Nashville. Then she will probably go to the Christmas Day game in KC✅. This is a huge opportunity to “take the relationship to the next level” by spending the holidays together ✅, something the public absolutely loves to see and will further fuel the “engaged by the end of the year, after the Super Bowl at the latest” fire. Hopefully we’ll get something reputation-related for new years❌, so the extra publicity will help with that. Additionally all of this corresponds with the Eras film being released to streaming, another huge money making opportunity for her, and her attendance is an ad for the film.
After the new year, there will be some huge games with high viewership. They will be playing for playoff seeding. Then they almost assuredly will be in the playoffs✅. She will go to those games✅, which have even higher viewership, and will give her more free marketing for reputation and eras movie and anything else we don’t know about. After that, it will depend on how deep they go into the playoffs. They are no longer favored to be in the Super Bowl, but it is still a strong possibility✅. We all now know she can fly across the world after a concert to attend an event (she flew to the US during her time in SA, planned to a second time but couldn’t because of the events in Rio, and flew to London for 24 hrs for bey). The precedent has been set for her to fly from Tokyo to Las Vegas for the Super Bowl. ✅There is no bigger stage than the Super Bowl (outside of the World Cup final, if you’re thinking internationally.) The free marketing potential there is something that would be very hard for her to pass up. And if Travis isn’t playing, Jason’s team might be, and they can go together to support him. Imagine the potential of travlor in a suite together with mama and papa kelce cheering on a retiring Jason❌✅ . And even if neither of them are in the game, they could still all go together and stand in a suite as a big happy family in front of an audience of 115 million Americans. Why wouldn’t she do this?✅
Will all that happen for sure? Of course not. But you can see the logic, right? Will there be other things that happen that I haven’t thought of? Most likely.✅ I don’t actually have a crystal ball. What kinds of things could derail this? Well there’s always the possibility of the black swan, but a more likely scenario is they lose again against a team they should beat✅ and/or Travis has another bad game✅. There is a real danger of people turning on her as a distraction ✅and I think they have their fingers on the pulse of this very closely. As long as KC keeps winning, and there’s a good chance they will win the rest of their games, all will be smooth❌✅.
Also I am not even thinking beyond February. I have one interesting thought about it, but it’s just too speculative to even mention here. But as we move through the next two months, I’ll get clues to be able to guess at what will happen after she goes back on tour after the Super Bowl✅. And if I’m wrong about all of this, which I may very well be because she is notoriously unpredictable sometimes, I will simply take it as a learning opportunity to understand her better.✅
#I’m editing the tags as time goes on to note what I got right and how and adding checks and can writhing the post#People mag confirmed they celebrated her bday Monday in KC and he’s busy and she’s busy and she will have a party w/o him in nyc#and were sure to mentioned he is focused on football#and he’s gotten some criticism for dropping passes and that flop#he had a bad game vs patriots and hasn’t had a good game in weeks#she’s still doing fine other than the Mahomes continuing ick#Travis essentially confirmed she went to Gillette. decide of her strong fanbase. bad team means cheap tix for swifties to take over#don’t know for sure but looks like she wants everyone to think she’s in KC for the week#a big football analyst tweeted she’s a distraction after the Christmas loss#they didn’t win the rest of their games and they struggled at the end of the season there and Travis struggled but#he miraculously hit his act together in time to help lead his team to the Super Bowl cementing his place as the elite TE and saved the day#and happiness is everywhere because the goal (SB and adorable power couple of the year) was met#next Grammys and Super Bowl for her and him going to shows in Australia I’m guessing#got the kelce family plus Taylor importance right but didn’t mention the possibility of Jason not in SB but in suite with tay.#obvious but sonce I didn mt mention it I gave myself a partial green check#one thing I didn’t know was about TTPD instead of a new re-recording#we already got our People article that he is looking forward to joining her on tour in Europe
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miwhotep · 2 months
World Snake Day is today! After Conan Doyle publishing the Milverton story on March 26th first, I tend to view that as Milvey's birthday... but he would sure claim World Snake Day as his second birthday in a possible modern AU.
So here's a little silly drabble about it.
"Ruskin... this doesn't look like a birthday cake to me." Milverton gave a suspicious look at the strawberry cake his secretary served to him.
"Why would it be a birthday cake?" Ruskin asked with a surprise. "Your birthday was in March, Mr. Milverton."
"But I've just learned from Twitter that today is World Snake Day!" Milverton raised his smartphone to show the post in question. "Therefore I can demand a birthday celebration!"
"Do you feel like a snake, sir?" Ruskin pointed out. "You look very human to me."
"After how many times my victims yelled "snake" at me, I have all the right to be one!"
Ruskin tried to imagine a snake in suit managing companies and doing blackmail, but he couldn't.
"Then I suggest you to relocate your living space from my bedroom to the zoo, sir." he told. "I am not qualified of taking care of snakes. And wouldn't date one either."
"Ruskin, you don't understand the point!" Milverton's eyes widened. "I deserve to have two birthdays in a year!"
"And how will we count your age? Will you get two years older by every year? Soon, we will have quite the age gap."
"Ruskin, can you stop teasing me?" Milverton started begging on a whiny voice.
"I am not teasing you, Mr. Milverton. My job description includes advicing you about the possible mistakes in your plans. And your reasoning right now is wrong." Ruskin, seeing his boss disappointed face, sighed. "But I can put some candles at the top of your cake if this is what you want, sir."
"Thank you, Ruskin!" Milverton's expression immediately became bright and he didn't stop smiling while his secretary brought in some candles and lighted them up.
"Happy not your birthday but let's pretend it is, sir." Ruskin said and watched Mr. Milverton as he blew away the candles and served himself the cake. He wanted to tell his boss how childish he can be sometimes, but when Mr. Milverton passed him a piece from his favourite strawberry cake, he didn't say anything in the end.
Instead, smiled.
After all, birthday or not, Mr. Milverton seemed happy... and if he is happy, Ruskin can afford himself a little smile, too.
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thebrandywine · 1 year
Ch. 5 is up-- so glad I worked ahead on it 😭
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beeseverywhen · 1 year
You know I'm honestly not sure when the coronation is. I'm pretty sure it's tomorrow. I've been talking like it's tomorrow. I've been making plans around places that are very pro or anti royalty to avoid coronation activities (including my fucking house cause I am not about to listen to my neighbours.)
(There are two sides to this. There's the annoying celebrating but then there's the equally annoying moaning and bitching echo chamber in which they end up switching on the TV on only to complain)
But is it??? Tomorrow???? Maybe??? I'm working off like vague joke posts. I filtered out royal updates from the news I consume a long time ago. I've told my friends it's tomorrow. We've made plans to go far away from any signal/residential areas and to try and remain distracted, lest we begin the complaining ourselves. But it may well not be tomorrow tbh. I might have made preparations for the wrong day
#I'm not for this OK#as far as I'm concerned they are well on their way out it's only a matter of time#i will be very surprised if i find myself on my deathbed at 90 and we are still a kingdom#However. People who don't live in the UK vastly underestimate how complaining about shit goes down here#it's a sport. it may as well be our national one tbh. our mascot could be like. eeyore#moaning about shit is how ppl here make smalltalk.it is an affliction that marks us all. age or ethnicity or anything else doesnt impact it#doesn't matter if you were born here or anywhere else.if you live here. if you've stayed.youre at least a bit ok with it. youre taking part#maybe not always. maybe not always enthusiastically. but if you aren't in to it at least a bit. you will have sacrificed all to leave#it's not possible to live here and not be a complainer. you couldn't survive. the negativity would drag you under#that's how things go day to day but with this? oh my god it'll be intolerable. a large proportion of the country are not in the#'happy happy happy. let's celebrate how patriotic we are.' group. things like this bring our country together in the worst way#because everyone feels empowered in their moaning right. cause they know everyone around them agrees#(the weirdo royalists get left to their own devices) theyre the ones you see on TV but like. they are very much a minority here lol#its not even about people being against it. id say things are pretty 50/50 there. but like 90% of people are going to use this as an excuse#to bitch. it doesn't matter if theyre saying things i agree with. i can not get sucked in to that pit and spend a day stewing#i will not do it#not again. do you know how many stupid royal events we've had in recent years? oh my god its the worst#i will get dragged in. i will join in. it will not benefit my life an iota. therefore i am dodging all pubs just as surely as i am whatever#weird parties the royalists will be hosting all over the place.#every pub is about to turn in to even more of a despairing echo chamber. there are not many things that make me avoid the pub#but this is it. i will not subject myself to that
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valeskawhore · 3 months
Don’t know if you’re taking requests at the minute but I LOVED your Yandere!Homelander HC’s and was thinking what about yandere!homelander but with a supe (fem possibly but don’t mind gn) reader who is equally manipulative back?? Like they’re the evil king and queen. Would be cool if she could have powers like Wanda from Marvel but you can choose! ❤️❤️
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In all, I feel like he'd be conflicted.
He wants to in control of you always. this man wants control over everything you do and ofcourse, it's simply because he wants to keep you safe-- silly little thing.
So when he finds himself wanting to succumb to your caring words and feels nothing but at ease to your prescence.. he's happy! but one thing we cannot bypass is how paranoid this poor boy is.
He's checking the corners.
Homelander wants to know where you are at all times like a lost puppy with it's owner. It never fails to make you feel a sense of warmth when he's standing over you with this warm little Himbo look in his eyes as he stared at you like you're the prettist woman he's ever seen in his life.
You are.
Though, this is all Pre-finding out.
When he begins to pick up on your words, he's frustrated and conflicted all over again.
He had to find out from A-train-- you know how embarrassing that is? he had to find out from that fuck fucking sonuvabitch--
He's angry! that he was so stupid!
He knew he was too trusting but he took a chance this time and thought he could trust it.
Homelander though you loved him--? so-- why?
He confronts you about it. and you automatically knew something was up when he wasn't texting you non-stop and following you around.
Honestly, if you're bold enough, you probably could've got to him before he got to you and YOU could've confronted him.
You love him, you do. It's a sick twsited kind of love and you know you care about him deeply but it's the Homelander.. for crying out loud.
You just want to baby him, that's it. Poor man flies around and saves everyone but who;s there to save him? at the end of the day?
Homelander ends up confronting you. He pulls you into the meeting room, staring out the window with him arms crossed behind his back with it too you.
Bro looks like he's about to take a knee for the national anthem at any moment. He's so patriotic--
"Ah.. Y/n, if it isn't the fuckin' witch." he scoffs with a sarcastic smile. He's trying to intimadate you, Trying to shove down any other feelings he has because everyone knows they are OVEFLOWING with love and respect.. that's all he has for you.
He's just confused, he just needs you guidance all over again so you give it to him. You'll talk to him slowly and subtly touch his hand or his face. Looking at him with those bit saucers of yours.
You're pretending.. duh. ofcourse but he dosent know that and he dosent have too because at the end of the day-- all of this. is. for. him.
Realistically, I don't think he'd ever find out that you're manipulating him after that reasurrance. But if he did and he was somehow ok with it. Yes,
Evil--mothafucking--queen and king. He'd be completely ok with you taking the lead.. behind close doors.
He is the leader, that WILL not change.
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calliesmemes · 6 months
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UNHINGED SENTENCE STARTERS FEATURING THINGS SAID BY MYSELF AND MY FRIENDS WHILE WRITING AS OUR MUSES IN A CRACK-BASED NONCANON GROUP CHAT. This post is dedicated to Em, Liz, Tanny, Nellie, Mel, Ange, and everyone else in the server who recognizes these quotes — you know who you are 😈
CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   Have you forgotten that you should not steal someone’s property? ”
“   I could slap that smug look off his face right now! ”
“   Your ears are a lie. ”
“   Woah woah that's - that's a bad word. ”
“   I don’t know if it’s allowed and quite frankly I don’t care. Fuck the rules. ”
“   Time for gremlin activities! ”
“   I hate this man. Let's prank him. ”
“   We are all going on strike today I swear ”
“   Looks like I need to invest in a kid leash. ”
“   I support her saying what needs to be said! I am done with the silencing of women!!!! ”
“   I like the dramatics. ”
“   I did not ask for a second opinion. ”
“   You seem to be doing a great job at being a nuisance. ”
“   do you want me to bring you cheese? ”
“   Next move, start chewing on the door frames ”
“   I like crumbs. They are like a little midnight snack in my bed at night. ”
“   if he wants to be a worm, LET HIM BE A WORM ”
“   the rest of you suck my toe ”
“   To be fair I am simply vibing. ”
“   I am going to commit a war crime! ”
“   I am manifesting being happy. ”
“   Am I gonna talk shit WITH you guys? because im down to talk shit about pretty much anyone ”
“   Who says? We shall revolt without question. ”
“   Let's just start burning stuff. ”
“   Did you just call me... small? ”
“   Can I convert you with my kazoo propaganda? ”
“   We were radicalised by The Little Mermaid. ”
“   Penny in the swear jar, now. ”
“   My last words are, bros before hoes. ”
“   The old men are trying to be trendy. ”
“   I can do whatever I want too! ”
“   Can we go one day without an interruption from an American? ”
“   I am so sorry. He enjoys conflict. ”
“   Why is he so tall? ”
“   For legal reasons, kids, that's a joke. ”
“   Would you like to fight the adults? ”
“   You're not meant to bite people, it's frowned upon. ”
“   He’s a fun killer, don't listen to him! ”
“   Ow! Stop kicking me! ”
“   I have quite literally begged you not to kick, hit, or bite today. ”
“   BUT I thought we were buds, pals, amigos, chums, friends. ”
“   Oh shiiiii someone’s in trouble ”
“   How much caffeine have you had in the last hour? ”
“   I'll be honest they wouldn't be so bad if they didn't speak. ”
“   Is this goof meant to be dead or what? ”
“   I am a witch. ”
“   This one reeks of self confidence when he clearly doesn't think before opening his mouth. ”
“  I call bullshit on that rule! ”
“   The point is I have a cane and I’m not afraid to use it. ”
“   If you slap me, I’ll cane you. ”
“   Yippee for women. ”
“   Sorry for being British. ”
“   Oi who's playing that ominous music? ”
“   I'm strong because I eat carrots. Oh wait or is that to see in the dark.... it's for something. ”
“   I will say sorry when i'm caught, don't you worry. ”
“   ... He's done for. Broken beyond repair. Someone play Taylor Swift. ”
“   Please refrain from punching one another. ”
“   He is becoming one with the spider I believe. ”
“   If anybody asks I will say I made you, then you will not get in trouble! ”
“   Can I be a girlboss too? I am not rude to women and I do what i like ”
“   Yippee for patriotism! ”
“   … i could make you guys rat costumes ”
“   Do you think if we started stealing bread we would lose our jobs? ”
“   why do British people ”
“   … you all need therapy. ”
“   Do you ever feel if you breathe the wrong way he will bite you? ”
“   I actively avoid whatever this is. ”
“   CARRY ME. ”
“   What if, and hear me out, they both promise not to do it again? ”
“   I wanna steal all his socks. ”
“   My socks were stolen! ”
“   Hey, watch it now. Only I'm allowed to insult me. ”
“   You couldn’t whisper to save your life. It’s pitiful. ”
“   Both of you are insufferable. ”
“   The law is overrated. ”
“   I’m afraid. Miss, you aren’t my type. ”
“   No. I swear on my life. I am being a gentleman ”
“   I support women’s wrongs. ”
“   He bites? Are you .. joking? Please say you're joking. ”
“   If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain ifyou're not into yoga if you have half a brain if you like makin' love at midnight in the dunes on the cape then I'm the love that you've looked for write to me and escape 🎶🎶 ”
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mistydeyes · 1 year
miss americana: gaz edition
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series summary: The 141 has varying thoughts about Americans which range from finding them wildly entertaining to thinking they’re the worst people on earth. However you challenge their perspectives when you meet them. Something about you makes them feel a little more patriotic ;)
summary: When you finally move to the UK, there are a few things that confuse you and Gaz is more than happy to help out! From realizing cars are not automatic to the different colloquialisms, he enjoys clarifying the differences in culture.
pairing: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x American!Reader
warnings: none
a/n: FINALLY something that I don’t have to do research on because I’m from the US🦅🎆 I have other parts planned to this as well!
also these are 100% inspired by all the questions I ask @lundenloves, she entertains my constant surprise and shock lol
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Whenever you go out with Gaz you ask him to “translate” for you.
When you first walked the rainy London streets with Gaz, you felt like a toddler with all of your questions. "Why does that stationary store have a sale on condoms?" you asked, confused, as you directed his attention to the sign that displayed a sale on rubbers. "You mean erasers?" he corrected, laughing. Next was when you saw a store you liked and immediately directed him inside, saying you needed pants. Despite how cute you looked while shopping, he had to correct you saying they were trousers and that pants had a very different meaning. Finally, the most egregious example was when you went to a restaurant and ordered biscuits to accompany your savory dish of soup. Once the waiter laughed in response, you looked at Gaz confused. "A biscuit is not like what you get in the Southern US, it's more of a cookie," he explained as you flushed with embarrassment. You would have to do some research next time and consult your British tour guide.
You’re an absolute menace when he goes to the grocery store or what he calls the grocers. You will go up and down the aisles, picking up whatever you fancy.
"Where are those chocolate oranges?" you demanded as you went down the aisle with Gaz. He pushed the cart, or trolley as he called it, which was already filled with a variety of snacks. Anything that looked distinctly British and that you knew you couldn't get at home, went in the cart. He had to hold you back from getting biscuits and crumpets. "Do you think we're having a tea party?" he joked as you waddled back with your selection. "Can we?" you asked, excitedly, and Gaz knew you were going to spend another 30 minutes in the tea aisle. "Let's just find you some Terry's and then we can consider getting tea," he corrected and you pulled the cart rapidly ahead. "I'm going to buy a whole orchard of those oranges."
Later on, you did buy a bushel worth of oranges and Gaz gently rubbed your stomach after you ate two entire ones. "They're just so good," you mumbled before you regretted the lactose coursing through your digestives.
Sometimes you’ll entertain him with distinctly American experiences.
"Did I ever tell you I was going to join a sorority in college?" you mused as you sat on the couch. He looked down at you before replying. "A what?" he questioned and you laughed. "You're telling me you've never heard of Greek life!" you exclaimed as he shook his head. You sat up for this fun explanation. "Essentially, if you're a girl you join a sorority and you spend like 4 days meeting the sister, trying to get them to like you, and then you're given a bid," you explained, he nodded as if this wasn't a foreign concept to him. "Then you all gather, usually in a football stadium or field, and they call your name as well as the sorority you're in and you run towards them." At that, he looked in horror. "It sounds cultish," he remarked and you lightly punched his arm. "It's cute! Everyone dresses up in different themes like 'Las Vegas' or 'Teddy Bears'," you smiled but he still shook his head, "it's the hazing that's cultish."
You will always insist on driving but Gaz remembers the one time he let you drive.
"Kyle, just let me drive!" you exclaimed as he beat you to the car door. In all honesty, you were a little used to being on the passenger side back at home but nevertheless, you were annoyed at his constant insistence at driving. "No," he simply said, "need I remind you what happened last time." The minute he said that you remembered the first time he tried to let you drive. First, you were surprised it was a stick shift rather than an automatic but it was nothing to worry about. It took you a few streets to get used to the changing gears but Gaz still had confidence in you. It wasn't until you pulled into a shopping center and started driving on the wrong side of the road that he made you park and take over. "It wasn't that bad!" you exclaimed, buckling into the passenger seat. "Love, my life flashed before my eyes."
He’ll make fun of you when you order coffee with a smile and try to make a friendly conversation with the barista.
As you entered the coffee shop, you were easily the happiest one there. It was 7 am and even Gaz wasn't as cheery as you are. "Good morning, how are you?" you smiled at the young barista. She returned your smile and eased her tired shoulders. "I'm doing alright, what are you having today?" she replied and you took a minute to think. “Just a cup of coffee for him,” you replied, pointing at Gaz. You pondered for a minute as you strained to look at the signs. "What do you think is good here?" you questioned and her eyes lit up as she began to list the options. "If you're looking for coffee, a cortado is my favorite, but I personally recommend trying our tea," she recommended and you nodded. "Hmm I'll take both," you cheerily replied, watching as she typed in your order. When you pulled out your wallet, you looked around curiously and the barista noticed your hesitation. "Is there anything else I can get you?" she asked before you looked up at her. "You don't have a tip jar here?" you wondered and she let out a laugh. "We don't, more of an American thing," she answered and you frowned slightly. You let her know to keep the change and waited patiently for your order at the end of the coffee bar. "You're too cute sometimes," Gaz said, kissing your forehead gently. He made sure to get a picture of you with your two cups, captioning it, "They finally got their cuppa!"
He helps you navigate the surprisingly easy currency and pricing system.
“Kyle I need more,” you corrected as he handed you a handful of notes. You had gone souvenir shopping in London but forgotten your wallet at his flat. “What do you mean, that’s enough,” he replied as he flipped over the postcards to check if he did his math correctly. “What about the tax? You forgot about that,” you said triumphantly and he laughed in response. “Oh this is one of your American things,” he said, his new favorite term to use, “Love, you pay what’s on the sticker.” Cue your shocked face as you couldn’t fathom the moment of anticipation as your items were rung up at home. On the ride home, you were sure to explain to Gaz the ins and outs of the different taxes including that there was no clothing tax in Minnesota, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Vermont. “I cannot believe you don’t know how much you’re paying when you go up to the till,” he remarked, shaking his head in dismay. “The what?”
There are some disagreements on the meaning of different words (especially ones that you both share but mean two completely different things).
On a rare day, the entire 141 was free, and Gaz decided to introduce you to them. You returned back from the grocers and were surprised when Gaz began preparing a late lunch. “We’re not going to eat at the bar?” you asked, noticing him turning the stove on. “No, no they don’t have food there,” he corrected as your face turned to confusion, “what do you think the bar is?” Upon your explanation of an American bar with cheap drinks and greasy food, Gaz laughed and kissed your cheek gently. “If you want to go to a pub, I can just let them know the change of plans. There’s plenty around,” he responded and went to put the items back in the fridge.
When you arrived at the lively pub, Gaz made sure to sit you next to Soap so you could listen better to his thick accent. While you appreciated the gesture, the Scotsman still spoke a mile a minute. Despite your initial uneasiness, you soon fell into lively conversation and entertained everyone with your stories from college and things you found differently in the UK. "I think the time zone was the biggest issue," you said in response to Ghost's question about your transition to living abroad, "although, the lack of ceiling fans was interesting." They all laughed in response before Gaz interjected. "Tell them about when you ordered a baked potato," he joked and your eyes immediately lit up before you went into a long conversation about your experience. As everyone laughed at your bewilderment at the lack of serving the side with bacon, cheese, and sour cream, Gaz looked at you fondly, his favorite American.
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luffysscraps · 8 months
So hybrid AU’s kinda popping off-👀
Already working on a Zoro and Sanji one
Here’s the main guys animals if you’re curious
Luffy- Dog hybrid: Greyhound Mutt. I feel like Luffy would be a Mutt because of just how different he is and how his family is mainly a mystery. I added a Greyhound element because of how much energy they have and how boundless their affection is. Just like Luffy!
Zoro- Tiger hybrid: It’s a no brainer, this man just has big cat energy. Naps all day, while being the fierce king of the jungle. His intimation goes hand and hand with them, they only attack when provoked or threaten. Translate that to Zoro and he’s the same intimating, big softy once you get to know him. Just now he has tiger ears and a tail.
Sanji- Goat hybrid: So Sanji was kinda hard to figure out- at first I was going to make him a secretary bird since they’re known for their powerful kicks and they have that elegance and class. A kangaroo also came to mind since their kicks are strong as well but- I then realized everyone basically sees him as a goat so I went with that instead! It oddly fits him, only thing is that goats rather head butt than kick but ehh. I think Sanji with horns and a little goat tail is the cutest thing ever so we’re rolling with it.
Ace- Dog hybrid: Dalmatian Mutt: Just like Luffy I don’t think many people would think much of him at first glance so I made him a mutt. The Dalmatian side was mainly picked because of the firemen thing and Ace’s power and the spot pattern being adorable! I feel like some of his other mutt genes would be wolf, and Rottweiler. Making him strong, fearless and a good leader.
Sabo- Dog hybrid: Golden Retriever: The classic good boy. Come on what else could Sabo be. It’s another no brainer, they’re very obedient and affectionate just like Sabo. The man was made with Golden Retriever energy. Just hearing his name makes his tail wag in happiness. Need I say more?
Law- Snow leopard hybrid: Law is another person who gives off big cat energy. And I made him a snow leopard mostly because of his spot like clothing choices and fits. But I can also see Law as a person who loves the cold and the snow. He has a freaking polar bear how could he not love the snow? Snow leopards are very calm and timid just like Law from a far but if you get in his way he’ll fuck you up. Plus giant cat ears and a large fluffy tail on law? Oh god I’m melting.
Kid- Honey Badger hybrid: Okay so hear me out. I was thinking about Kid and got stuck- like for the most part I find him annoying? But in a good way- I was going to make him a patriot but then I was like what is the most annoying animal that doesn’t give a fuck and I came up with a Honey Badger. They generally don’t care about other predators size or number and will jump into battle at any time anywhere. They’re really reckless and very strong so I thought it was perfect for an idiot like Kid <3
And that’s as far as I got for now- more headcanons coming soon- maybe-
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shall-we-die · 1 year
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How they picture their futures with their s/o?
↬[Fandom]•⊰ {Moriarty the Patriot}࿐
↬[Warnings]•⊰ {None}࿐
☰[Main list]•⊰ ────┈┈{0010} ┈─╮
╰┈➤Likes/Reblogs are appreciated࿐
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• He really wants to marry his s/o, move to a lovely town somewhere in England and raise a bunch of kids together. He dreams of taking his child(ren) to a park and playing tag with them and building a house and a garden with them.
• After his s/o managed to get through to him, he realised that he has someone who accepts him no matter what and that there is still some light in the world. He has a bit of hope for the first time in a long while.
• Maybe things won't go as badly as he always assumed they would. And if they do, he won't have to deal with them alone... not again.
• William is actually a very family oriented person, and he hopes in the future to have one or more of his own. He always dreamt of having children. However he can't imagine them being happy with the man he currently is. {"I can't have children. My children would hate me. I'm too broken to raise another human being. How can I protect and shape a soul when mine is so corrupted?"}
• But he knows that he can't do everything alone, and he knows that suicide won't be an option after getting together with this beloved ones. He'll do everything he can to make them happy and to make himself happy. He'll work hard to achieve his dreams just so he can spend the rest of his life at their side.
• Albert pictures their future as one that's peaceful and quiet, filled with all the small, but meaningful interactions that make up a good life.
• Albert and his s/o share a drink in the afternoon, go out to eat at a cafe and watch a theatre performance. He'll listen to them gush about their day and show his appreciation for them through affectionate comments.
• He'll take part in a friendly debate or two with his lover, then settle in for a quiet night, with nothing but each other's company to keep them entertained.
• Albert is a hopeless romantic who believes in the true purity and magic of love. He's not afraid to admit it, and in the future, he would love to settle down and live in peace and happiness with his one true love who he believes is out there somewhere, waiting just for him.
• He also wants to be the head of a large and happy family, with his children growing up to be as kindhearted, honest, and strong as he is.
• Albert and his future s/o will lead a life full of love, happiness and adventure together. They'll be the head of a large and loving family, with lots of children who are as kindhearted, honest and brave as Albert is.
• They'll never want for anything, and even when hard times may come their way, they'll be able to get through it together. Albert and his s/o will face the world together, as partners, and nothing will ever tear them apart.
• He envisions spending the rest of his life with his s/o, experiencing countless moments and memories with them, living in harmony and love.
• Louis’ future with his s/o involves not only their own happiness and fulfilment, but also the happiness and peace of others in their community.
• He imagines creating a loving and harmonious environment for them and everyone around them, one that’s absent of conflict and stress, where everyone can live peacefully and free from worry.
• Louis also visualises his and his s/o’s future selves to be well-adjusted individuals who are emotionally and intellectually stable, always striving to better themselves, helping one another and always working towards the betterment of their community.
• Sebastian likes to fantasize that his eventual future would be living in a big mansion with his future s/o somewhere in the countryside.
• Sebastian imagines his future with his s/o to be full of excitement and adventure. He envisions them traversing the globe together, exploring exotic countries and cultures, and never staying in one place for very long.
• Their home away from home will be a luxury yacht that they use to travel from port to port, with their love for one another ever present. He looks forward to all the exciting memories they will make together and the new and unexpected experiences they will have.
• Sherlock's ideal relationship seems to be one that involves a lot of banter and playful teasing. He loves the feeling of mutual trust and understanding. He would prefer a partner that is able to play off his wit and hold their own in a verbal duel.
• He wants someone sharp-witted and willing to do a bit of light-hearted arguing for the joy of it. He wants a partner to solve difficult cases with. He would like for his partner to be his equal (as Sherlock tends to struggle with a partner having any kind of authority over him), and he would also love for his partner to be independent.
• In his mind, he pictures them growing old together. They would continue solving cases, and Sherlock would spend most of his free time playing his violin.
• Sherlock can be very playful and light-hearted at times, especially when he is in his most relaxed state. He enjoys teasing people in general, but especially his partner.
• However, even as teasing and joking is a sign of affection for him, he also craves deep conversations to be able to understand and connect with his s/o on a more personal and meaningful level.
• John, as usual, is a man of many ideas and emotions. He is a romantic and loves nothing more than daydreaming about his future with his partner.
• However, when reality comes knocking the good doctor finds himself a mess of contradictions. He is torn between wanting to settle down and having his own children, and wanting to go around in the world healing and saving as many people as possible.
• He wants nothing more than to be close to his partner, but he also doesn't want to burden them or get in the way of their dreams. His hopes for their future are like a messy pile of his notes and notebooks.
• John craves stability and consistency in his life, but he's rarely able to provide it for himself. He worries that his constant changes of career and hobbies will make his partner question their future together, though he also knows that he cannot and will not compromise on wanting to be with them.
• He struggles to find a middle ground between his desire for happiness and his desire for purpose. Deep down, though, all he really wants is to be able to wake up every morning, see their beautiful face next to him, and feel complete.
• John, in the end, tends to side with wanting a family of his own. But he isn't one to put his desires on his partner, and more so hopes that they will come to the decision on their own.
• He wants children someday, or so he believes, but only if it will make his S/O happy. He is deeply in love and is always happy to make his partner happy at the cost of his own happiness. In theory, anyway. When his partner is happy everything is good in the world. If he is happy is an afterthought.
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dedenneblogs · 6 months
HEARTBREAK HIGH S2 ANALYSIS PART 1 (buckle up this is going to be a doozy)
so... it's out (the trailer).
my excitement cannot be expressed...
BUTT! today, i will be doing my iconic mouse analysis of this trailer (this is actually the first time im doing something like this so it's not rlly iconic BUTT it will be soon) with the most comprehensive inspection i can using under 2 minutes of video as a basis....
with that said lets
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the heartbreak highers are back for another "cursed" term....
so glad to see the trio back in action. like. actually so happy. MIGHT explode from excitement... as always, their outfits slaylay.
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the boyfriends... friends? boys? BUGS??? found out on hh s2!
these goons are back... gayer then ever,,, seriously. when will these two have an episode long make out 'sesh? unlikely, to much dismay....spoiler alert...you'll see....
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MISSY!!!!! and sasha, i guess
SPOILER ALERT AGAINNNN missy looks like she'll be more prominent in this season so...WIN!!!!
also why is she mewing who is rizzing up
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and new on the the chopping block-- Rowan Callaghan!
we'll get to rowan when we get to rowan
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in other (more important) news-- SHE'S HEALING! HARPER IS HEALING!!!
i... *sobs* i she's growing her hair out oh my GAW...... she's getting better...she... there's a lower chance she'll cock-block amerie (oh but she'll get cock [spoiler-- again!])
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butt let's not celebrate just yet-- it's still "everyone hates amerie" up in this joint, smellas
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may as well... shot them. huh. well. pop off, i suppose... (amerie asserts her right to bear arms-- truly patriotic coming from an aussie!)
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...touché coming from the (still) most hated student in heartly who only adds salt to the wound by... using the pink 'ildo from s1 as a mic... chat... she's lost it.
(unrelated but in the background-- MISSY AND MALAKAI!!! they were building up a relationship between them in s1 and how she and her brother (i think? 'memory's fuzzy) helped him heal from the shit he had to go through in s1 and even better connect him with his aboriginal roots. i hope to see more of these two interact come april 11th and i binge the whole season)
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ALSO also ANOTHER new character-- Zoe Clarke!
we will ALSo get to zoe when we get to zoe
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anywho-- cue: AMERIE'S ONLINE HARASSMENT ARC! becuz every show needs one...unfortunately. Give a cold welcome to Bird Psycho, heartbreak highers (we will get to bird psycho when we get to bird psycho)
(who ever is doing this shit is a bitch but either way: "you dont get to be the hero" shut your goofy ass up)
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oh that's gore. that's core of my comfort character.
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ok so maybe this bird psycho cuck isnt fucking around because clearly he's gotten to our girl ams :(
(dw they uh...take her out for ice cream. after this. proabably.)
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yeah anyways with this in mind she'd totally try and crack the fnaf lore wouldn't she. wouldn't she.
she's slay she's girlboss but at the end of the day she's a weirdo
anywho nuff of my rambling there--
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ominous of you to say zoe
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ca$h omg eshay eshay eshay pspspspsp,,,
i am so happy to see him (spoiler alert for 2 secs throughout the whole trailer) but anywho remeber? remeber right he's in prison. but seems to be doing okay... (maybe for the best heartly drama is really coming to a boiling point)
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and-- oh. uh... chicken dumbell... okay... pop off, missy...
when i said i wanted more missy i didnt expect this
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spider seems to be into tho maybe what ??1/1/111.1/?!??!/1/1/1
missy x spider was NOT on my bingo card
BUUTTTttttt-- i. am. down. for. it... somehow. frankly, spider needs someone to put him in his place and low and behold, missy seems to be the student to do so..........
hey. if they're both happy with their...chicken dumbells, i am too.
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amerie dont be alarmed but there's a white boy to your right
in other news this love triangle scares the diarrhea out of me
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look at them. they're the perfect couple (malakai x amerie 4life) and rowan is--
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well he's a nice boy but cmon
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LOOK AGAIN IM DOWN FOR THEM TO BE HAPPY BUTT when it comes in between THE BEST SHIP IN THE SHOW (looks at amerie x spider shippers with affectionate disdain) i draw the line.
but who knows? rowan seems nice enough, and if he's able to make amerie happy, let them have each other! <3
also knowing malakai's track record i wouldn't put it past him to get freaky with rowan too (threesome attempt 2??? actually no wait thats a horrible idea NEVERMIND [gets s1 ep4 flashbacks])
also also "classic love triangle" scene gives major "erm...well this is akward!" vibes from ams (we stan cringey amerie in this household tho)
and well. shart. max limit of 30 photos. oh well-- ill make a second part! tune in for the update heartbreak highers :3
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silviakundera · 1 month
with the conclusion of Snowfall...
why do i enjoy Republican Era chinese dramas so much?
aesthetics! there is this blend of 1920-30s western fashion influences and traditional chinese garb & architecture that just pleases my eyes.
everyone looks very depressed & dangerous & sexy
chaotic period of transition - no matter if you're in the 1910's, 20's, 30's some absolutely wild historical shit was going down
cars and guns and gloves and swords. rotary phones!
dancing & drinking in night clubs, in glamorous pockets amid the violence & instability outside; a lil touch of mask of the red death vibes
end of empire themes, as a country tries to find its way after the end of the last imperial dynasty
there's those gangster, mob boss vibes from american and british dramas set in the 1920s, except everything is cranked up x100 because of general lawlessness; central government and law & order was a paper thin veneer over warlords
the start of WW2 from an entirely different perspective than the common narratives that I was exposed to growing up in the US (which is 99% stories about the european stage)
sino-japanese war / war of resistance material like Hidden Blade is fucking badass ok 🤷
in a time of resistance to occupation, colonizers encroaching, warlords fighting over cities, brewing civil war.... there are many different options of protagonists and unlikely "heroes" who are picking their battles and discovering what they are willing to fight for
Beautiful 👏 women 👏 in heels 👏and 👏 slinky 👏dresses 👏
Lots of revenge narratives. I love an over-the-top, bloodthirsty & destructive revenge narrative
Depending on the genre, there might be little or heavy politcal /patriotic discourse. But tbh none of the rah rah patriotism stuff distracts me much, because all the american and british produced stuff set around WW2 has rah rah patriotism & propaganda in it, so I just consider that part of the essential genre vibes. It's just another country's version. (Of course, others will have less patience when it becomes heavy-handed. YMMV.)
Dark & Gritty
Hidden Blade (film) - a masterpiece, if you enjoy dark WW2 spy films that play with narrative style and challenge the viewer to follow the story as it's woven. Had to review detailed historical context for the years in question, to be ready to consume. But worth it. I've watched it 3 times. 💀
Heroes (2024) - the very beginning era of this genre/the transition into repulican period. rocks fall, everyone dies. Primarily a tragic wuxia & pre-republican fusion. Excellent enough that I didn't mind the bleak storyline. 💀
Miss S - adaption of 1920s Australian mystery procedural Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, staring Vengo! ML actor of Snowfall
Checkmate - Agatha Christie stories adapted to the setting & time period, plus bromance. I watched half the episodes w my brother, as we are both huge agatha christie fans. It was fun if you can be chill about adaption changes.
My Roommate is A Detective - for mystery & bromance lovers. Same actor duo as Checkmate.
Detective L - don't know much about this one tbh
Romance arc, with a somewhat happy ending for the 2 leads
Provoke - Gorgeous, glamorous, vibes vibes vibes all day long. Revenge and romance. ❤
Fall in Love - sons & daughters of warlords and their supporters get sexy and dangerous and decide even joining the civil war is better than the prior generation's bullshit. This is an objectively bad drama that I really enjoyed anyway (it helps that I skipped every scene for the 2nd and 3rd couples). This one turns v propaganda heavy at the end, if that bothers you. ❤
Arsenal Military Academy - military training hijinks w a side of cross dressing romance. Xu Kai and Bai Lu! It's soliders and japanese invasion et al, so be prepared for the standard patriotism. Comedy & drama. HE for the FL/ML but expect character death in this subject matter. ❤
Rookie Agent Rogue - Late 1930s spy drama with small romance side-plot. Expect the standard wartime patriotism, like with Arsenal Military Academy. The draw is the lead actress, the FL from Princess Agents, Minglan, Legend of Shen Li. HE for the FL/ML but expect character death in this subject matter. ❤
City of Streamer - Older woman seduces younger man who is the son of her revenge target. Melodrama with people serving looks. ❤
War of Faith* - Young man just wants to join the banking industry and have a subtextually gay relationship with his mentor in peace, but there's a civil war going on. Protagonist would like to be excluded from this political narrative, but ultimately is forced to pick a side. ❤🌈 *(Is it censored gay romance? No, not based on a gay novel. So not officially! But some viewers felt there was a subtextual romance storyline #shenlai ; YMMV. The happy ending is Untamed-esque; implied only)
many, many pulpy mini-dramas about revenge! warlords! ladies with pistols! (Miss Mystery, First Marriage, Maid's Revenge, etc)
Also... (happy ending not guaranteed)
Siege in Fog
Love in Flames of War
Couple of Mirrors - censored F/F 🌈
Stand by Me - censored m/m 🌈
Killer and Healer - censored m/m 🌈
Winter Begonia - censored m/m 🌈
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Nikki McCann Ramírez at Rolling Stone:
The Democratic National Convention kicked off with a heavy dose of star power on Monday, with everyone from Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr to former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaking in support of Vice President Kamala Harris. But no one worked the crowd into more of a frenzy than Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.). 
“I’m here tonight because America has before us a rare and precious opportunity,” she said. “In Kamala Harris, we have a chance to elect a president who is for the middle class because she is from the middle class.”  Much like the early messaging of the Harris/Walz campaign, Ocasio-Cortez’s speech centered on the issues plaguing working-class Americans.  “Donald Trump would sell this country for $1 if it meant lining his own pockets and greasing the palms of his Wall Street friends,” she added. “I for one am tired of hearing about up how a two-bit union buster thinks of himself as more of a patriot woman who fights to lift working people up every single day.”  Ocasio-Cortez noted that Republicans often attack her past work as a bartender. They have “attacked me by saying that I should go back to bartending. But let me tell you I’m happy to any day of the week because there is nothing wrong with working for a living,” she declared. “Imagine having leaders in the White House who understand that.” 
Ocasio-Cortez also threw an indirect nod to protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and an arms embargo against Israel. Thousands descended upon Chicago to affirm their calls for Vice President Kamala Harris to break with President Joe Biden and endorse a harder stance against the Israeli government and their ongoing siege on Gaza.  Harris has been “working tirelessly to secure a ceasefire in Gaza and bringing hostages home,” Ocasio-Cortez said in her speech. 
Last night at the DNC, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) torched Donald Trump in her speech good.
AOC delivered this money quote: “Donald Trump would sell this country for $1 if it meant lining his own pockets and greasing the palms of his Wall Street friends. I for one am tired of hearing about up how a two-bit union buster thinks of himself as more of a patriot woman who fights to lift working people up every single day.” #DNC2024 #DemConvention
See Also:
Daily Kos: AOC fires up DNC crowd with scorching swipe at 'two-bit union buster' Trump
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wof-reworked · 8 months
ok I can't stop thinking about the jade winglet, here's my gender hcs for all of them
Moonwatcher - she/they (nonbinary)
I feel like this is fun bc rn (in canon) her gender is just "anxiety" but like,,, one day in the future she gets to actually play around with it
like she captures a very specific type of person I've met who you go "oh I mean I know she's gay but she's probably cis..." and then you have like one real convo and find out they're like not only nonbinary but better at it then you
I think she should get to be butch when she's older. I think she deserves being a) massive compared to her two twink boyfriends and b) gnc as shit
Kinkajou- any/all (genderfluid +transfem)
Kinkajou strikes me as being like. totally ambivalent to gender. Kinkajou changes her pronouns based on how the fruit he ate for breakfast makes him feel. Kinkajou is better than you
I think she was like staunchly using she/her for a while bc it just felt right and like changes pronouns situationally- Rainwing village is she/her, Jade Academy is any/all, close friends it varies, etc etc
Qibli- he/they (transmasc)
Qibli's just always kind of known who he is, and has been like. pretty contentedly in his corner for a while. I think it's like- a pillar of stability for him of like "at least I know I'm (x)"
Proximity to Moonwatcher puts the they/them in there bc I think it's nice when ppl get more comfortable so they start branching out a lil bit :> Qibli has like. guy who says "he/they" because he doesn't mind they/them and wants his friends to feel supported y'know
Winter- he/him (cis + gnc)
Look I feel bad making him one of like. two cis ppl at JMA but like I think it's funny if he's cis but inflicts a status effect of gender envy on every trans person in his proximity
guy who does makeup flawlessly because "it's fun" and decimates your sense of identity as you wonder why the fuck god gave these gifts to a man
extra funny for the fact that as a dragonet he gets offended by the implication he's pretty. he gets over it eventually I think
Turtle- she/her or he/she/they (transwoman/trans)
See here. Otherwise I think she's like trans and this could go in like. any fucking direction ngl
transmasc turtle??? hell yeah !!! transfem turtle??? hell yeah !!! gender is whatever Turtle has going on and god knows if she knows it
last egg to crack bc Turtle is immune to self reflection that isn't anxiety and self loathing
"Haha everyone hates how other people refer to them and their gender what do you mean? :)" (entire jade winglet: cringing with worry)
Umber- he/him (cis)
cis and a lil insecure about it but like. he's just nice :)
he's like experimented with pronouns and gender and found none of them really stuck so like. cis+. cis (extended dlc). you know what I mean I hope
gonna be honest I'm lost for him bc I genuinely forget he was there bc he peaced out so fast. justice for my boy I want to know more !!!!!
I could be persuaded for transman Umber ngl,,, it tempts me,,,,,,
Peril- she/her (trans woman)
On one hand I'm torn bc I think it almost doesn't make sense for her backstory BUT ON THE OTHER HAND the idea of Scarlet being supportive of Peril's identity and LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE is hysterical to me
though actually if we wanna get sad,,,, that 100% could be a manipulation tactic of Scarlet. "see I love you I even accept you" etc etc. now I just feel bad man
Peril's also in the same camp of Qibli of knowing this abt herself since she could think and being happy in it. She knows what she's about
Carnelian- she/they/he (transmasc)
Look butch can be a gender and sometimes you're a mean butch skywing idk what to tell you
wish she stayed alive bc her and Moon could've been legendary together. girl who will kill for you vs girl who desperately wants you to do anything else please we talked about this you can't solve your problems with murder
I think Carnelian's true gender is Skywing Patriot and idk how to put that in hc form but this is as best I've got
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rosanna-writer · 2 months
every night with us is like a dream
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Summary: The one where Rhys knots in Lucien, Feyre knots in Lucien, and everyone finds the whole thing pretty healing. Pairing: Feyre x Rhysand x Lucien Rating: Explicit Warnings: None
For Day 4 of @acotar-omegaverse-week: Getting Knotty! You can read it Here on AO3 or under the cut!
Perhaps it had all started with Lucien's sad eyes. He'd looked so lost when he'd arrived in Velaris, but at first, Feyre had just convinced herself that she was feeling nothing more than concern for her best friend after he'd been kicked out of his home again.
She was High Lady—of course she wanted Lucien to feel comfortable in the Night Court.
But she'd still only been an alpha for the few short months since she'd been revived Under the Mountain and gained a secondary gender along with immortality. Humans were just…humans. The instincts and biology of alphas, betas, and omegas were still new to her.
Lucien had said she didn't need to convince him of why she'd fallen in love with the City of Starlight—and its ruler—but Feyre had taken a few hours to show him the city anyway. The whole time, the urge to slide her wrist along his neck and soothe him with her scent had been so strong that she'd kept her hands balled into fists in her coat pockets.
He'd been through so much. They both had. If she was picturing how beautiful Lucien would look with her knot locked inside him, it was just those runaway alpha instincts urging her to protect and comfort an omega.
And besides, Feyre might have been incandescently happy to be mated to Rhys, but she wasn't blind. Lucien was gorgeous.
She knew her mate, though. There was something beyond just feeding and clothing Lucien because it was good manners to help a High Lord's son. Feyre caught the satisfied glint in Rhysand's eyes.
When Lucien joined the Inner Circle for dinner again a few days later, he wore black. Probably nothing more than a subtle indication that he was making an effort to fit in—he was an emissary, after all. He knew what he was doing.
Feyre found herself feeling something akin to pride anyway. It was just a shade too feral to be called patriotism—no, some part of her that hadn't existed until she'd become High Fae liked the sight of an omega wearing the color that would warn everyone away but her and her mate.
As they sat down to eat, a familiar expression flickered across Rhys's face, and she wondered if this was how he'd felt the first time he'd seen her in Night Court attire.
She'd heard of mated alpha pairs sharing an omega. There had been a trio like that at Rita's—Azriel had chuckled and explained when she'd asked why a fight hadn't broken out when two alphas had danced close to the same omega. Another strange facet of being High Fae.
There had been precious little time to enjoy her newly-accepted mating bond with the threat of war looming on the horizon. So much had changed and so quickly—Feyre and Rhys had never discussed the possibility of a third.
There was no point, at least as long as Hybern still posed a threat. But during the brief time that Lucien had stayed in the townhouse before leaving to find Vassa on the Continent…Feyre had thought about it.
And though she was sure it was just teasing when Rhysand had asked her if she'd like to invite someone to their bed—if she'd like two males worshiping her—Feyre thought about it again.
When the war ended and it was just the two of them in the townhouse again, she was relieved. Truly. But neither of them had the heart to dismantle the nest that Lucien had left in the guest room.
Rhys's salt-and-citrus scent was the best thing in the world. But smelling it laced with Lucien's had been…nice.
They'd invited him for dinner a few weeks later. He'd been back in Velaris to discuss the goings-on in Prythian's slice of the human lands, and Feyre had wanted to make it clear they regarded Lucien as more than merely an emissary. A member of their family, just like the rest of the Inner Circle.
Feyre had expected it to be awkward. Rhysand had never made a secret of his anger over Lucien's failure to protect her from Tamlin and the attempt to drag her back to the Spring Court. And Lucien had been hurt she'd lied after Hybern and deliberately made him the target of Tamlin's ire.
But at some point during the war, they'd buried the hatchet without realizing it. Gratitude for being alive made it hard to care about the past.
Feyre was content to sip her wine and listen to them talk about tailors in Velaris and the cut of Lucien's jacket. When Rhys ran a finger along Lucien's sleeve to feel the texture of the wool blend—and certainly not the firmness of the bicep beneath—he locked eyes with her. His hand lingered longer than it needed to.
What are you doing? she asked through the bond, taking a bite of food to cover the fact that she was speaking mind-to-mind in front of a guest.
Nothing I don't think you'd like. The words glittered with wicked amusement as they floated down the tether linking her soul to Rhys's.
She didn't dare drag the conversation out any longer. Lucien's golden eye was already clicking.
"Let me show you the shoulder seams," Lucien said, shrugging off the jacket with a slight stretch upward—and a deliberate flash of bare skin as his shirt rode up in the process.
Feyre's cheeks heated. The mechanical eye whirred.
In the end, it was Rhysand who'd broached the topic. Even as High Lady—and as an alpha—Feyre still sometimes found it difficult to ask for what she wanted.
"Stay the night, Lucien," he said as the meal came to a close. "There's plenty of room for you here."
"Is there?" Lucien said, voice sharp. Almost an accusation, but not quite—a challenge at the very least.
In another court, it would have gotten him in trouble. Omegas, after all, did what they were told, and that was doubly true when the orders were coming from a High Lord.
But not in the Night Court.
"It's not a command, just another option available to you. Consider tonight an opportunity to decide whether you'd like to spend another heat cycle among the humans or here instead."
Lucien's gaze slid to Feyre, who said quietly, "It's been a long time since an alpha's taken proper care of you. Let us."
A quiet understanding passed between them—Tamlin had failed Lucien as an alpha. And though Feyre wasn't an omega, he'd caused her suffering, too. In the end, she and Lucien had escaped together, and that connected them in ways deeper than just close friendship.
Even with suppressant potions, he still stayed with Jurian and Vassa during his heats, as far from any other fae as possible. Feyre might have been the only alpha Lucien trusted enough to get close to him.
But she wasn't sure that trust extended to her mate, too.
Lucien hesitated. That look of uncertainty was back, and Feyre had to stop herself from growling a command to get into the nest so she could fix this for him.
The air in the townhouse seemed to go still. But Lucien finally said, "Alright. Convince me, then."
Feyre felt the bond slacken in her chest, as if it had slumped in relief. Rhys's voice floated into her head again. Talk him through it while he takes my knot.
It sounded uncomfortably close to an order, and normally, Feyre would have bristled at that. But during those hundreds of years before she was born, Rhys must have had a third in his bed at least once—in this, she'd follow his lead.
Make it as good for him as you do for me.
He said nothing in response, but their mating bond seemed to hum with wicked anticipation. The silence had stretched on long enough that Lucien was looking at her curiously, waiting for one of them to explain.
"Upstairs," Rhys said, and Feyre took Lucien's hand to winnow them there.
In the guest room, she sat on the bed and made herself comfortable in the nest they'd left undisturbed for months. Lucien stared at it in shock.
Feyre felt her cheeks go hot again—keeping the nest around was a hint at just how long she'd been thinking about this, and that was a little bit mortifying. If tonight went well, he'd still tease her mercilessly about it.
They'd always be best friends, underneath it all.
But there wasn't much time to dwell on it; Rhys had already sprung into action. As always, he kissed like an alpha, fisting a hand in Lucien's hair to angle the omega's head just where he wanted it. Lucien melted against him, soft and pliant, lips parting.
"Good, Lucien," Feyre said, and his answering groan into her mate's mouth went straight to her core. She wanted to paint the sight of auburn hair slipping through brown fingers—a bonfire bright against the night sky.
There was no rush. She watched in rapt fascination as Rhys thoroughly plundered every inch of Lucien's mouth. The two males were both absurdly beautiful on their own, but together, putting on a show for her…Feyre could be content with just this and nothing else.
The bond was quiet, but Rhys didn't need to speak for her to know he was waiting for her to urge things forward. Those demanding alpha instincts had let up just enough for him to give her a turn being in charge. He'd yield to his mate and no one else.
"On the bed," she said. "I'll help Lucien out of his clothes."
Without breaking the kiss, Rhys walked Lucien backwards until his calves brushed the edge of the bed. Rhys leaned forward, easing Lucien back as Feyre reached for him.
"We've got you, omega," Feyre said, sitting forward so her front rested against Lucien's back. She could feel Rhys's eyes on her as she ran her nose in a slow line up the side of Lucien's neck—his pulse was throbbing, the scent of omega especially strong right above his mating gland.
Another time. If Lucien let her and Rhys sink their teeth into it, they'd do that another time.
But that thought still didn't stop the slight spark of magic as her cock began to appear, brought to life by the scent of an omega.
Instead, she pressed open-mouthed kisses along the line she'd just traced, undoing the buttons of Lucien's shirt one by one. For once, Lucien was quiet, just making contented noises in the back of his throat as she explored the planes of his chest.
Feyre glanced up at Rhys, who'd used magic to get rid of his shirt and was still standing at the edge of the bed, his wings folded back and out of reach. She wondered if Lucien knew what a show of trust it was that Rhys had them out at all.
Not that she wanted to start a conversation about it. There were more important things to do with Rhys looking down at them hungrily, pupils blown wide.
"You're being so good for us, Lucien," Feyre said, and he ground his hips back in answer, pressing his ass against her rapidly-lengthening cock. The arousal it sent blazing through her nearly had Feyre bending him over and knotting him immediately, their original plan be damned.
But that wasn't what Lucien needed from her. After Tamlin…it would be a while before anyone could be rough with Lucien. Instead, Feyre added, "When I said on the bed, I meant you too, Rhysand."
As obedient as he'd been, Lucien wasn't quite so far gone that he couldn't snicker at the rebuke and Feyre's irritated use of her mate's full name. She kissed Lucien's cheek.
"I wasn't aware you were giving me orders," Rhys said, smirking.
"I'm always giving you orders."
He knelt on the bed, straddling Lucien's thighs. "Which is exactly how I prefer it."
Feyre slid her hands down, resting them at the top of Lucien's pants. Rhys's eyes tracked the movement. Otherwise, he didn't move, clearly waiting for instructions.
"All you need to to do is watch, Lucien. I'll take care of getting you out of these clothes—Rhys can strip himself."
"Yes, alpha," Lucien said.
The words ripped a satisfied growl from Feyre before she knew what she was doing. The bestial, entirely-faerie pleasure of a compliant omega in her arms, his scent in her nose…it was still new and overwhelming. Feyre didn't know how she managed to think straight.
Rhys wasn't entirely unaffected, either. He'd shuddered as he pulled at the fastenings of his pants, wings flaring out involuntarily.
Lucien's cock sprang free as Feyre peeled off the rest of his clothes. In truth, she didn't care about his proud, impressive length—it was impossible to care when her fingers brushed the slick already dampening his thighs.
She ran a finger towards the top of his legs. "Look at how much of this you've already made for us. Good. You're being such an eager omega, all ready to take a knot."
Rhys tipped his head to the side and took in the sight of them. The expression on his face was soft, thoughtful and almost…fond. Something about it made Feyre's heart squeeze, even as he ran a hand slowly from the base to the tip of his cock.
"On all fours for me, omega. Eyes on Feyre," he said.
Lucien complied, leaning down to brace most of his weight on his forearms. Feyre ran a hand through his hair, running the scent glads in her wrist along his face and neck as she brushed the auburn strands out of the way. He tipped his head to the side and leaned into the touch.
"Would you like to keep going?" Feyre said.
"Please," Lucien said.
She'd thought the sight of Lucien and Rhys kissing was beautiful, but it didn't compare to watching her mate slide inside an omega. Lucien was already lost—eyes half-shut, lips parted, already pushing his ass back to take more, and Rhys's wings flared out in time with the thrust of his hips.
The sight was so entrancing that she nearly forgot she was supposed to be talking Lucien through it.
"You're taking him so well. We're lucky to have a perfect omega with us," Feyre said.
Lucien's response was nothing more than a desperate keening sound that went straight to Feyre's cock. She stroked herself along with Rhys's slow slide out and then in again.
Rhys brushed Lucien's back in a long caress over the scars criss-crossing his tawny skin. Lucien pressed a hand forward, and Feyre interlaced their fingers.
There was no need for words—they'd all suffered Under the Mountain, and they'd all gotten out. They'd survived. Feyre and Rhys had built a life together in the aftermath, and watching him with Lucien made her hope that Lucien could do the same and join them.
But that was too much, and it wasn't the time to discuss it, even as her eyes drifted back to the gland on Lucien's neck. Soon, maybe. But not yet.
"It feels good, doesn't it?" she said, and Lucien managed a nod. "I love how both of you look like this. And you haven't even taken Rhys's knot yet."
Lucien twisted his head back to look at Rhys over his shoulder. "Your knot. Please."
"You'll look at me while you take it," Feyre said. She curled a finger under Lucien's chin to guide his face back towards her.
The males moaned in unison as Rhys snapped his hips forward and his knot swelled and locked him inside Lucien. Feyre shivered at the sound, already positive that it would replay in her head night after night for centuries to come.
They looked perfect like this—Rhys's head tilted back in ecstasy, the flush creeping up Lucien's face as he struggled to keep looking at her instead of doing the same.
Feyre stroked Lucien's cheek with her thumb, just a few short inches from the mating gland in his neck. "We could keep you filled up like this forever," she said. "Take turns giving you our knots in this nest you made for us. It's where you belong, isn't it?"
Lucien's answering moan might have been a sound of agreement.
Later—she'd ask if it had truly been agreement later. Rhys was learning forward, a gentle hand on Lucien's lower back as he kissed Feyre. She parted her lips eagerly, welcoming the sweep of her mate's tongue into her mouth.
Somehow, he tasted so much sweeter with his knot inside an omega.
She kept the kiss brief, then went back to stroking Lucien's hair, running her scent glands over his skin, and murmuring praise. Even in this, Rhys followed her lead, bowing his head to pepper kisses along Lucien's neck and shoulders.
It meant everything to see them climax together—these two males she loved so much, who had both been to hell and back with her.
She could have watched them like that forever, but Rhys's knot faded eventually. Lucien pillowed his head on Feyre's thigh as the other male slid out of him and made the mess vanish with a flick of his fingers.
Rhys stretched, catlike, then sprawled out next to them on the bed. Lucien watched, his mechanical eye clicking lazily as he took in the sight of Rhys's muscles rippling with the movement. In some ways, Feyre thought watching them boneless and content was just as lovely as seeing them locked together.
"You can take my knot next if that wasn't enough. But if Rhys tired you out, we can rest. Your choice," Feyre said.
Lucien flashed her a grin. "Unlike that old bag of bones you call a mate, I can last for more than one round."
"Little Lucien," Rhys purred, "be careful, or I might just take that as a challenge."
"You're a lot less intimidating when your joints creak," Feyre said, ignoring Rhys's half-hearted snarl as she rolled Lucien onto his back. She pinned him down, and the smell of slick filling the air again was evidence enough that he didn't mind. And with Lucien under her, she was face-to-face with Rhys.
"You're more than spry enough for the three of us," Rhys said, pressing a kiss to the tip of her nose. A flicker of magic, and her clothes were off.
Lucien parted his legs for her. Feyre leaned down and ran her nose along his neck again; the scent of cinnamon and campfire and arousal and omega was just as heady as having a beautiful male under her and ready for her cock.
A shadow fell over them both. Rhys had stretched his wings forward and curled them around her and Lucien. In Lucien's nest and encircled in Rhys's wings…there was nowhere else Feyre wanted to be.
This was home.
She shifted her hips, aligning herself with Lucien's ass. His thighs were already coated in slick again, and she let out a satisfied growl.
"Are you going to be just as good for her as you were for me?" Rhys said.
The flush on Lucien's cheeks deepened a bit at the praise. "Yes, alpha."
Feyre's first thrust was slow and experimental—she'd never done this with an omega before. But Lucien was so wonderfully warm and wet and tight, already opening so beautifully for her, that she could drown in the feeling.
She moved faster, and Lucien let out an honest-to-Cauldron whimper. He snapped his hips up, taking her deeper, and the pleasure built like a wildfire low in her belly.
With a keening sound of her own, Feyre pressed herself deeper as her knot swelled and locked her inside. The first orgasm crashed through her, and at first Feyre thought her vision had just gone white.
But no—as she did with Rhys, she glowed. And her own light coaxed out Lucien's own. She was dimly aware of Lucien's back bowing beneath her and Rhys whispering, "Beautiful."
She'd been holding herself up on her arms, but the force of the overwhelming pleasure made them tremble. Lucien reached up and pulled her down against him, and the shift of her hips and the brush of her nipples against his chest made them both moan again.
Lucien's skin had gone hot, his own glow a fiery blaze that complimented Feyre's starlight. Rhys had loosened the damper on his own power, the tendrils of inky black making both their light even brighter and clearer.
Lucien held her close as Rhys stroked her hair and told Lucien how well he took Feyre's knot and how perfect he looked coming with it inside. Feyre wasn't sure how long they stayed like that, Rhys's star-flecked power sliding between her and Lucien, the tendrils caressing them both. It seemed like an eternity—but at the same time, far too soon—when her knot disappeared and her cock along with it.
She didn't let go of Lucien as she pulled them both onto their sides. Rhys slid an arm around Lucien, his violet eyes meeting hers over Lucien's shoulder as he pressed his chest against Lucien's back.
"Thank you for this," Lucien said, voice thick. "I— I wasn't sure I'd ever take a knot again."
"There's no need for thanks. Your trust is an honor," Rhys said softly.
Even now, after the dust had long since settled, Feyre couldn't help but marvel at the change—they'd come such a long way from Rhys leaving a head in the Spring Court garden and Lucien calling him Amarantha's whore.
"You'll always have a place here with us," Feyre said. Everything was still too new to say where here was—in the Night Court, in their bed, in this nest, in their hearts. She wouldn't push Lucien.
Not when the wounds were still healing over.
The mating gland could wait; they had all the time in the world. For now, Feyre merely held Lucien tighter as she leaned over to kiss Rhysand. Just having both of them with her was more than enough.
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ash5monster01 · 26 days
Getaway Camp : Ten
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: 18+, smut, alcohol use, mentions of relations with older women, language, oral, p in v, dirty talk, lots of foreplay, heavy tension.
Summary: It’s the busiest day of camp and despite how daunting the day may seem, Charlie and Valerie finally find a way to get some alone time.
word count: 4.5k
Nine ←→ Eleven
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July 4th 1961
When the camp bugle goes off in the morning, Charlie is quick to groan and pull his pillow over his head. Even though it was just another Tuesday, today was the Fourth of July. Every staff camper was required to work because they’d need all hands on deck. Everyone was guaranteed to be here, even the Bungalow Bunnies missing husbands. Campers would have extra family come in and the entire camp would be focused on celebrating the national holiday. Charlie always loved the Fourth of July, but right now he really wished this cabin would swallow him whole.
There was no point in stopping to see Valerie before his shift because she more than likely had been at the lake for an hour already. Today Charlie was only meant to be an extra set of hands, rowing not really a priority on a celebratory day. For Valerie though, they needed all the lifeguards they could get, the Holiday bringing more people to the lake than there had been all summer. So slowly Charlie got up and ready, hoping the day wouldn’t be to mind numbing or hot, yet maybe the heat would give him an excuse to visit Val.
“Hey Charlie” Chrissy greets from her and Valerie’s shared cabin when he steps outside. Charlie offers a small smile, waving his hand politely at her.
“Hey Chris, I’m assuming Val’s gone already?” he nods his head in no particular direction, knowing the girl would most likely be exhausted before the end of the day.
“Yeah, Levi and her left around 5am. Wanted to get a head start before the chaos” she tells him and Charlie finally notices the red, white, and blue outfit she has thrown on. With a quick glance it’s not hard to see that all the staff had gone out of their way to dress up for the holiday.
“Sounds like her, it’s about to be a busy day” and Chrissy nods, knowing he doesn’t even understand the half of it. With one more wave Charlie is off and in search of some food to fuel him throughout the day.
After being put on nearly a million different tasks throughout the day, Martha the camp director sets him free, and Charlie races towards the dock to see his girl. As soon as she’s in sight he’s the least bit surprised she has dressed up for the holiday as well. Star earrings dangling from her ears, a blue skirt pulled over her red swimsuit, and an American flag hat on top of her head. Beside her stands Levi in a white t-shirt with an American flag in the center, paired with just his regular red swim trunks. Funniest of all is Alex who stands in American flag overalls, his captain hat, and nothing else. Charlie isn’t the least bit surprised.
“Ace!” the girl cheers the second she sees him and Charlie can’t help the dopey grin that crosses his face as he watches her sprint down the dock and towards him. He never knew it could be like this, to always be so happy and excited around another person. He always just viewed girls as some convenience. He never knew it could be an actual and real relationship.
“Hey doll” he smiles once she’s barreled into his arms, body wrapped around him whole, and he’s quite sure he’ll never get tired of how warm she is or the way she smells. In just the last month her presence alone had become the place he felt the safest.
“You didn’t dress up?” She pouts once she’s pulled away and Charlie snorts, expecting this reaction completely.
“I would have if I had thought to pack anything remotely patriotic before I came here but I fear it’s only black and white t-shirts for me” Valerie raises her eyebrows and even though everyone around them views it as a teasing glance, Charlie knows it’s because the girl loves nothing more than him in a tight t-shirt.
“You can model those for me later, we can go to Levi’s cabin in a little bit and steal something” she tells him, hands squeezing at his sides and Charlie just chuckles because really who is he to complain when it comes to her.
“Happy Fourth of July man” Levi greets as they walk over. Alex smiles from beside him, bare shoulders and the curve of his chest peaking from behind the suspender straps.
“That’s quite an outfit” Charlie says and Alex grins with a shrug.
“Busy day for me, you wouldn’t believe the amount of activities I had to have planned. Guests always love it when I show a little skin” he flexes his arm, taking his job as a camp director and weird just a little too serious. Charlie just laughs and shakes his head until he spots Nate leaving the main lodge with two bungalow bunnies under his arms, wearing the most sheer red tights he’s ever seen.
“Put that thing away Fanning!” Levi calls out and Nate glares at him before bidding the two older women goodbye and stalking down the dock towards them. Charlie has to actually look away from how much is showing in Nate’s groin. He wonders if he actually even knew how to dance, let alone teach a class.
“Hey, complain all you want, but I could probably guarantee I made more tips than all of you combined today” he points a finger at each of them, a different kind of cockiness and confident persona than Charlie ever had. He’s almost thankful but then he wonders if growing up as a preparatory school kid really did affect him.
“Can’t argue there, Mrs. Thompson squeezed my ass during Simon Says today” Alex says, shivering at the thought of the older woman. Valerie can’t contain her giggles with that image now in her head.
“Nothing is worse than the time Mrs. Kellerman insisted I teach her mouth to mouth and then attempting to practice on me” Levi says, a hand wiping at his mouth as if the older woman’s lips were somehow still there.
“What about you Charlie, any older women hit on you yet?” Nate asks and Valerie instantly looks at him, eyebrows raised and patiently awaiting the answer to this question. Charlie turns fire truck red before a nervous hand rubs at the back of his neck.
“Only once, Mrs Turner took a morning class of mine a few weeks back. She sat in the front seat facing me and every time she leaned forward to row she leaned a little to close to my crotch” this has the boys laughing loudly at his sheepish answer and even Valerie can’t contain her giggles at the thought. Poor uncomfortable Charlie probably unsure what to do as the woman leaned closer and closer.
“Oh poor baby, I’m sure that was traumatic” Valerie says, voice full of amusement as she pats the boys chest and he rolls his eyes as the boys continue to laugh.
“Valerie, don’t pretend like all the guys here don’t ogle you everyday” Alex points out and Valerie just shakes her head before propping her hands on her hips.
“That’s only because men can never take a hint and I look damn good in a bathing suit” the boys laugh again but Charlie just gulps because that very bathing suit had haunted his dreams since he first got here. Now he was burning with jealousy over all the other men who did.
“Let’s just all agree it’s apart of the job” Levi starts and everyone nods. “And Nate just happens to abuse his power”
“Hey!” the boys begin arguing and Valerie just rolls her eyes before laughing and sliding her hand into Charlie’s.
“We’ll see you boys at the Tip later. Levi, me and Charlie are going to steal some of your clothes” and Charlie is quite certain the boys didn’t even hear her but Valerie is dragging him along anyway and he would never fight her on that. As long as he was with her.
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It’s not long until Charlie is dressed in one his white T-shirts and a pair of flag shorts they had found in Levi’s cabin. They surprisingly fit even though Charlie’s crotch was now covered in stars and legs in red and white stripes. Either way it made Valerie happy and he found no point in complaining when she set her hat on his head and a kiss on his lips. He wore the patriotic outfit and drank a beer at the staff camp dinner before following her on a hike to the Tip.
It was a clearing on the side of one of the camps mountains, it apparently had the best view of the lake, and was the ideal watch spot for any staff who didn’t have to work through the firework show. It also was a well known hookup spot. Either way Charlie was still sat next to Valerie on the same blanket from their first date, a stolen bottle of champagne between them, and a sunset better than any he had seen this entire summer.
“Please tell me it’s not some random staff blowing off these fireworks?” Charlie asks after a beat, admiring the way Valerie’s hair cascaded down her back. How it matches perfectly with her tan skin and the red sundress on her form. He fears he’ll never be able to look at the color red for the rest of his life without picturing her in this dress or her bathing suit.
“No, thankfully. Samuel Adler hires professionals that put on this big show. It’s usually the only time of year I see him out and about at camp with a giant Eagle shirt on” Valerie tells him and Charlie snorts at the image.
“He seems very patriotic” Charlie says and Valerie shrugs, eyes cast out in the horizon.
“Yeah but Adler means Eagle. That’s why it’s our camp mascot. So I also think that has a lot to do with it” and Charlie laughs, picturing all the Staff shirts stuffed in his cabin closet that have printed eagles on them. It suddenly all made sense.
“Figures” Charlie adds and Valerie giggles, reaching for some of the snacks they brought. The sun was dipping behind the horizon now. The bright orange sky now a faded blue. The perfect backdrop for an array of colorful fireworks, but Charlie can’t pull his eyes from the girl. Slowly he reaches his hand out and brushes some of her hair away, revealing the bare skin of her back. Eyes holding something she had never seen before.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asks with a soft chuckle despite how on edge she felt, the anticipation bubbling underneath the surface.
“You’re just so beautiful” and much to Valerie’s surprise, Charlie’s leaned forward and pressing a soft kiss to the back of her bare shoulder. His lips linger there a moment, arm keeping her hair pushed out of the way, and fingers grasped lightly around the base of her neck.
Goosebumps rise along her body the same time her knees push together tightly. She’s unsure she’s ever reacted in a such a way to a man’s touch before. He’s already got her worked up and he hasn’t even done anything yet. Just the idea of so much bare skin and soft lips has her nipples peaking underneath the fabric of her dress. There was no chance tonight would end and they’d have to be apart. She needed Charlie Dalton and she wanted him now. She was going to make sure of it.
“I’ll be right back” she says when he pulls away and Charlie’s eyebrows draw together in confusion as she scrambles up in search of Levi. When she finds him he’s stood with Alex and he doesn’t even see her coming as she tugs him back into the tree line. Charlie watches this but chooses to ignore it despite the uneasiness that now settles in his gut. They were just friends, right?
“What the hell?” Levi asks until he spots her eager and serious face. It’s not every day your best friend pulls you into the woods with a mad woman look.
“I need a favor” and that’s how the plan goes into motion. Why when they step out of the woods Levi is approaching Mia for the first time since the first night at camp. Flirting and convincing the girl the ask her roommate Alice if she could spend the night with Andy tonight so Levi could come over. Alice agrees and goes off in search of Andy while Valerie goes for the most pivotal part of her plan.
“Nate, can we talk?” the cocky boy, now free of the revealing tights turns to face her. His dirty blonde hair styled perfectly and permanent smirk wide on his face.
“What’s good Val?” he asks, sipping from the beer can in his hand. Valerie knows it’s a long shot but she’s desperate, never been this desperate before.
“I’m about to ask you something I know you’ll say no to, but I’m desperate” Valerie whispers and Nate ducks closer, making sure neither of them can be heard by the fellow campers.
“What is it?” he asks and Valerie sighs, wringing her hands together nervously as she accepts her fate. Putting all her hope into Nate, of all people, hands.
“Ask Chrissy to spend the night? Please, before you argue. Levi is staying with Mia tonight and Alice is going to stay with Andy, I was hoping to have Charlie stay with me, but with Chrissy in the cabin…” Valerie trails off, waiting patiently as the boy mulls it over. He recognizes what lengths Valerie has gone too, the detailed way of cabin swapping almost everyone within their friend group. Despite how much he wants to avoid Chrissy he can’t help but feel a little pride over her sneaky way of finding alone time to hook up. It’s something he wishes he was clever enough to do.
“Fine, but you owe me big time” Valerie can’t help but clap her hands together before jumping and pulling him into a hug. The boy rolls his eyes but accepts it anyway.
“Thank you Nate” and then she’s rushing off, leaving him to find Chrissy despite how badly he didn’t want to.
Charlie doesn’t expect the girls return, she practically barrels into him, knocking him back on the blanket. He goes to ask her what she was up to but her lips lock onto his the second the first firework lights off in the sky and now he couldn’t care less. She kissed him a few more beats before rolling to her back and looking up at the sky. Green, purple, red, and blue fireworks firing above them.
“Would you want to stay in my cabin tonight?” Valerie asks and Charlie’s head snaps towards her, shocked by the question. Yet she doesn’t seem phased, eyes cast on the sky above her, and all the pretty colors. Perfectly content.
“What about Chrissy?” he asks and Valerie’s head turns, Charlie’s eye line following to see Nate curled closely to the blonde girl on a blanket not very far from their own.
“She won’t be a problem” and it finally occurs too Charlie what exactly the girl had been up to while she was gone. He can’t help the way his face heats up when she turns back to look at him, the suggestion heavy and looming, and the wait finally over.
“I’d love to stay”
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It’s the first time he’s ever seen Valerie say no to a party, dragging him into the woods while everyone stays at the Tip, drinks in hand and music playing from the radio someone had brought. The hike is practically terrifying in the dark but Valerie’s hand in his own as she drags him along gives him a thrill he never wants to lose. Even staff camp is dark with everyone gone, only a few lanterns along the walkway lit as they go past each of the darkened cabins. It isn’t until they reach their own does Charlie finally feel his heart stutter in his chest.
“Do you need anything from yours?” Valerie innocently asks and Charlie gulps, eyes flitting between the two cabins.
“Yeah, why don’t you go in and I’ll be right there” he urges her away and Valerie flashes a smile before Charlie lets go of her and and walks to his own door. Once inside he scrambles for an old Welton shirt and some boxers, stuffing them into a bag along with condoms he never thought he’d have to use. Before leaving he takes a quick swig from one of the liquor bottles on his desk, hoping the liquid courage would bring back the same seventeen year old Charlie that once seduced a woman in a cave. He could do this.
Charlie sees no reason to knock when he steps into Valerie’s cabin, the shades a hazy yellow now lit with life inside. Yet he freezes when he finds the girl standing in only her bra and panties, red fabric pooled at her feet. Valerie is sheepish but hides it well as she flashes him a pretty smile.
“Sorry, I was just sick of that dress” she tells him, reaching for a stray staff shirt on the chair of her desk but Charlie holds a hand up, stopping her while his other hand clicks the lock close on the cabin door.
“Wow” is all he can say and Valerie blushes, her head dropping to look at her feet, arms wrapping around her front. It’s the first time she’s felt self conscious and beautiful at the same time. Charlie walks over, dropping his bag along the way, before grabbing her arms and pulling them away. “You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen V”
“Oh please” she tries to shove him but Charlie’s grip is strong, right hand leaving her arm and gripping the bare flesh of her waist. He pulls her close, close enough that for the first time she actually has to strain her neck a little to look up at him.
“I mean it, I knew it the minute we met” Charlie says and Valerie smiles before responding with a soft kiss. Her other arm escaping his left hand as she wraps them around his neck and pulls herself flush against him. Charlies hands slide to her back, every trace of his touch lighting her skin on fire. It doesn’t have to be rushed, it’s just them. The tension slowly unwinding, the itch finally being scratched. So it’s a surprise to no one that when Valerie’s tongue slips into his mouth and hand tangles in his hair, his hands are gripping at the dough of her ass.
Valerie breaks the kiss for only a second, pulling the tight white tee up Charlie’s form. Revealing the happy trail and the defined pecs from the past month of rowing. He’s so handsome and she has to try not to whimper at the sight. She never knew it could be like this, so intimate, so meaningful, so desired. Charlie’s eyes gaze deeply into her own, a need burrowing in him like never before. This time he attached to her more hungrily, guiding her towards her bed and gently laying her back down on it while his mouth kisses her feverishly. This time it’s fast, desperate, excited, and it’s already making Valerie wet.
“Shit Val, you’re so soft” Charlie mutters, lips trailing onto her neck, more than likely leaving deep crimson marks she couldn’t hide. Valerie just giggles, legs wrapping around his waist before grinding herself into him. He’s already hard, tall and proud against her, and she can’t help but guide her heat over it again.
“And you are not” she whispers in his ear and the hair on Charlie’s arms rise, involuntarily rutting his hips into her and that’s when he hears it. The softest and sweetest moan leave her lips and suddenly he’s ten times harder.
His lips trail from her neck to her chest, once over her bra, before his fingers are digging into the cups and pulling them down. Her breasts spill free from the top, her left nipple getting caught in his mouth. She writhes underneath him, whining as he sucks harshly at one and gropes the other. It’s a sensation she’s never had before. Hands tangled in his hair she moans as he switches between them, sucking and biting softly into her flesh before unclasping the bra and freeing it from her body.
Charlie sits up, eyes catching her own before dropping to her bare breasts again. Valerie watches eagerly as his hands reach out to grope her, grabbing at her chest and pinching her nipples softly. The action has her hips shimmying against him, searching for friction. Charlie complies, grinding into her heat and trying desperately to ignore the wet patch that has formed on her panties.
“Has anyone gone down on you before?” he whispers, words coming out in a soft pant, and Valerie shakes her head quickly. The idea scaring her, to many horror stories from her friends saying how men said it was disgusting. The last thing she wanted was to scare Charlie away.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to-” the words catch in her throat, freezing the minute Charlie’s hand cups over her pussy, rubbing slow circles over the fabric.
“I want to” is all he says and she chokes over the words, trying to fight it but his large fingers feel so good and then suddenly he’s on his knees. Staring at her like the most magnificent thing on this earth.
Valerie keeps her mouth shut, watching as his fingers slide under the hem of her white panties and begin to slowly pull them down. She’s almost embarrassed by how wet she already is but when she’s on full display, Charlie blows a soft breeze against her core and her head is already falling back into the sheets. He trails slow kisses along her inner thighs, her legs shaking with anticipation as his arms hook under them. She has no warning when his lips finally press softly onto her clit. Kissing it for good measure.
When his tongue dips into her folds she has to grip tightly at the sheets, a heavy whimper leaving her lips as he explores her. When his tongue slips inside at the same time his nose bumps her clit, she can’t help the way her legs begin to tighten around his head. Charlie doesn’t seem to mind, he just keeps devouring her like a man starved. He’s sporting his own wet spot through his borrowed shorts while he does so. Needing to be inside her more and more.
“Wait, Charlie, I’m gonna-” she doesn’t finish her sentence, the orgasm washing over her, legs clenching tightly and Charlie using his own strength to hold them open while he eats her through her orgasm. When her body finally stills he stops, the girl breathing heavily against the mattress.
“Such a good girl” he praises and Valerie wonders how that’s already made her wet again. As Charlie stands she finds the strength to lift her head, watching with wide eyes as he pushes the shorts off his form and his length snapping up against his pelvis. Just barely grazing the happy trail she had become so obsessed with. Her mouth waters at the sight and it makes sense his cock is just as pretty as him.
“You sure you’ll fit?” she asks as he reaches for a condom and Charlie smirks, a real Charlie smirk as he rolls it along his length. He doesn’t answer her question but instead dips his tip into her folds, gliding it up until it taps against her bundle of nerves, and that’s enough to answer her question with a yes.
“I’ll go slow” he promises, lips meeting her own in a sweet kiss. When she starts to grind against his length he uses one hand to line himself up with her entrance, sinking deeply, and doing his best to keep control. He was desperate not to cum within the first thirty seconds. Valerie winces lightly but her hands reach for his sides, guiding him deeper. Charlie takes his time, sinking slower and slower. Valerie can’t believe it hasn’t ended and finally, after what feels like forever, he’s flush against her. Already hitting a spot she didn’t know existed until now.
“Are you okay?” Charlie asks, brushing some brown hair from her forehead where it had began to stick and her heart somersaults. Something so romantic and gentle about how he was checking on her despite how deep inside of her he was.
“Yes, move. Please move” she begs and Charlie nods, pulling halfway out before rutting back into her. The moan she lets out he tries to memorize and keep locked away forever, encouraging him to do the action over and over again. When he finally finds his pace he reaches to grip her breasts, the sight of them bouncing mesmerizing. He squeezes at them gently before pinching her nipples and feeling her walls flutter against him. His hips stutter for only a moment before continuing.
“Charlie, I’m close” Valerie whines and Charlie removes his hands from her boobs, moving to hold himself steady while his free hand reaches for her clit. He rubs messy circles into it, pounding faster, and watching the way her face twists while she moans uncontrollably. Whimpering his name and making it impossible to last.
“Come on baby, finish for me” and as if Charlie’s words had flipped a switch she’s clamping down on him tightly, milking him for all his worth. The sensation has Charlie finishing right behind her, stuffing himself so deep as he fucks her through it. Her moans and whines make his heart race and when both of their orgasms are over he’s falling safely against her, panting out heavy breaths.
“Wow” Valerie repeats his words from earlier. Charlie chuckles against her, wincing when his cock brushes up inside her again. Slowly he slides out, trying not to get hard at the sight all over again.
“Agreed” he says and Valerie smiles, wrapping her arms around him and cuddling close. She’s quite sure Charlie has ruined every man for the rest of her life. Now not only did they have all night but they had the rest of summer.
“I never knew it could be so….. exhilarating” Valerie finally finds the right word and Charlie smiles, lips pressing against her own.
“Me either” he tells her and Valerie smiles, kissing him again, and secretly wishing to keep him forever. Just like this, wrapped in her arms.
“Think we could go again?” she asks and Charlie laughs, a piece of the old him returning to his soul as he looks into the girls hazel green eyes. Shining with adoration and something else he recognized as love. A word he was all too familiar with but not comfortable with throwing around. Either way he knew he was falling hard and fast for a girl he couldn’t keep.
“I don’t ever plan on sleeping again”
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Taglist: @eden-punk @octaviasdread @pursuedbyamemoryy @poetsinnyc @linmichea1
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chilling-seavey · 8 months
Daniel Seavey Masterlist
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♡ Welcome to my Daniel masterlist...the heart and soul of my blog...where you can travel from modern day Connecticut to WW1 England to 1950s LA and everything in between!! ♡ Comments are always incredibly appreciated and please feel free to send in questions or ideas or asks so I can write some blurbs and help keep these universes thriving! Most of my blurbs can be read as individual stories themselves and still make sense (but it’s more fun if you really immerse yourself into the universe first!) Happy reading!
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Daniel's Face Claims ♡ Crossover Mini Series
Anything But Mine - Friends to Lovers AU ↳ Florence DiCaprio finds herself navigating life as a nineteen-year-old mother; trying to find the right balance of friendships, young adulthood, and definitely relationships. Her best friend, Daniel, seems to be learning along with her. They discover the importance of sacrifice in the process.
Passchendaele - WW1 AU ↳ It’s 1915 and The Great War is still ongoing. Men from all over Europe flooded to enlist in a rush of patriotism and dedication to their countries, nineteen-year-old Daniel among them. He’s thrilled to fight for Britain, as most men were, but once in the battlefields of Belgium, he realizes that war is truly not as glorious as he once imagined it was.
Amoureux - Royal AU ↳ Louisa is sixteen and prime age for marriage. Her father, the King of France, has been conversing with the King of England in order to hand over his youngest daughter in marriage, therefore bonding their two nations. Twenty-year-old Christian is a perfect gentleman, and he is absolutely smitten by Louisa the moment they first meet, but the young girl has her eye caught by Christian’s younger brother who can’t seem to keep his hand out of the pastries. 
Heartbreak Hotel - Soulmates AU ↳ It’s 1958 and summer has just begun, sending the teenagers of Los Angeles into warm weather freedoms and part time jobs. Eighteen-year-old Daniel finds himself spending his days trying to find his soulmate and he refuses to give up until he has her.
Qui Totum Vult Totum Perdit - Murder Mystery AU ↳ ‘He who wants everything, loses everything’ All Daniel knows is that he woke up the day after his honeymoon to his wife dead at his feet and the bloody knife in his hand. He is suddenly propelled on a mission to escape his own persecution while he works to find the true killer and prove his innocence; He is innocent…isn’t he?
Seasons Change - Small Town AU ↳ Everyone knows everything about everyone in this small rural town in east Connecticut and the handsome single father who owns the farm down the main street seems to always be the talk of the town. Balancing the care of his acreage, raising his eight-year-old son, and coaching the local boys’ hockey team keeps Daniel busy; but his mind never strays far from the expansive and vibrant flower gardens planted outside his farmhouse. 
Life and Death Brigade - WDW x OBX Crossover ↳ Life on Figure Eight is ordinary for Daniel. He’s got everything he could ask for: a huge family estate on the water, friends that love to party as much as he does, and a year round membership to the country club. But just when his life is starting to get predictable, Daniel finds himself caught up in a secret society run by none other than JJ Maybank and his group of empty pocket misfits. 
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