#happy aromantic visibility day
arecaceae175 · 1 year
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825 words of discussions and fluff <3 And everyone's here!
Hyrule: aro/ace, nonbinary, they/them
Wild: aro/ace, genderfluid, he/him today
Sky: polyamorous and bisexual, he/she
Twilight: bisexual, demiboy, he/they
Time: only loves Malon, asexual, agender, xe/xem
Wind: too baby for romance yet but becoming interested, bisexual probably, genderqueer, no pronouns
Four: pansexual and also somewhere on the aro/ace spectrums, genderqueer, she/xe/they
Legend: aro/ace, transfem, they/she
Warriors: gay, grey-aromantic, demisexual, trans man, he/him
“And then she showed me the coolest fruit I’ve ever seen!” Hyrule said, hands thrown out as they recounted their story. 
The chain was sitting in a circle around the fire as they recounted their days. After a long week staying in a town to rid the area of monsters, they decided to have one last day in the town to stock up on supplies then head into the woods for the night. They were all far too tired of socializing with anyone but each other.
Four, Wind, and Wild were sitting together playing some sort of dice game Wind found in town as they listened to the conversation. Time was next to Four, watching the game out of the corner of his eye and seconds away from joining in. Sky and Twilight were sitting on a log with their arms pressed together, wrapped in Sky’s sailcloth and Twilight’s pelt. Legend, Warriors, and Hyrule were on the ground, legs crossed and knees brushing against each other. 
“We shared it and it was so good! She said it was her favorite fruit. I think it might be my favorite fruit now, too,” Hyrule said. 
Sky raised her eyebrows with a smirk and shared a glance with Twilight. Twilight could barely hold back a giggle, and had to hide it behind his fist. 
“She was really cool,” Hyrule finished. They leaned back on their hands and stared at the fire with a dopey smile on their face. 
Warriors chuckled and leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “Sounds like you really liked her,” he said. 
“I did. I almost wish we could go back into town tomorrow,” Hyrule said. Then, they froze, their eyebrows furrowed, and they slowly leaned forward as the realization hit. 
“I’ve never wanted to go to a town before,” Hyrule said slowly. Their voice was slightly distressed. The others looked up from their game in concern, but Sky, Warriors, and Twilight were smiling so no one was too concerned.
“Why do I want to go back? Why do I feel so fluttery talking about her? Did she curse me?” Hyrule frantically turned to Warriors and grabbed onto his arm. “Am I cursed?”
Warriors laughed as he gently pulled Hyrule’s hands from their intense grip on his arm. “You’re not cursed, Rulie. Sounds like you might be attracted to her.”
Hyrule’s expression turned even more confused. “What? Really? But… I’m ace! And aromantic? This has never happened to me before!”
“Malon is the only person I’ve ever felt any kind of attraction toward,” Time said. 
The color drained from Hyrule’s face. They very, very slowly turned to look at Time. “Do I… have to… marry this girl?”
“That’s not-” Time began.
“I’m not ready for marriage!” Hyrule exclaimed.
“Woah, Rulie, calm down. You don’t have to marry anyone if you don’t want to,” Warriors said. He was trying his best to be calm for Hyrule, but internally he was giggling. He had the same reaction, once. 
“Ignore the old man,” Legend said. 
“Good advice,” Four mumbled, still focused on the dice. Wild nodded in agreement. Time sent Four a glare, which she resolutely ignored. Wind stifled a laugh behind a hand. 
“What Time was trying to say,” Warriors continued, “Is if you can feel attraction only sometimes you’re aromantic or asexual. It’s a spectrum. I’m aroace but I’ve still felt attraction to a few men.”
“So… what do I do about it?” Hyrule asked. 
“That’s the fun part. You don’t have to do anything about it,” Warriors said. Hyrule’s eyes were wide as he latched onto every word Warriors said. 
“Really?” Hyrule asked. 
“Yeah, really. You can recognize the feeling, but if you don’t have any desire to act on it, then you don’t have to,” Warriors said. 
“I’ve felt attracted to a few people over the years. I did something about it once, but not the other times,” Four added. 
“Huh,” Hyrule said. Their gaze fell back to the fire as they considered Warriors’ words. “It was fun for today, but… I don’t think I want to do anything about it.”
“Yeah, sticking with the aro/ace crew!” Wild cheered, giving Hyrule a thumbs up from across camp. Hyrule giggled and returned it. 
“Your very first attraction,” Legend said as she slung an arm over Hyrule’s shoulders. “Our little Rulie is all grown up.” 
Hyrule laughed and gently shoved them away. 
“Ah, I remember the first time I felt attracted to someone,” Sky said dreamily. 
“Let me guess,” Twilight said with a grin. “Sun?” 
“Pipit, actually. You met him, right?” Sky asked. 
The group fell back into amiable chatter as Sky recounted his story. Hyrule leaned back on his arms again and fell into thought. They were jolted out of their mind as Legend put an arm around their shoulders again.
“Hey, you good?” Legend asked. 
Hyrule considered, then smiled and nodded. “Yeah,” they said, leaning into Legend’s side. “I’m good.”
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aroaceaunt · 1 year
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Happy Aromantic Visibility Day
Aromantic and Arospec people are
Be proud of yourself
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daughterofhecata · 1 year
11 peter/bob? oder 1, wie du magst^^
[morning after prompts]
Das ist möglicherweise nicht das, was dir vorgeschwebt ist, aber, uh, happy first Aromantic Visibility Day, I guess?
11. "So are we ever gonna go out on a real date or are we just gonna keep doing this?" + Peter/Bob
Peter schlief noch, als Bob unter der Bettdecke hervor schlüpfte.
Inzwischen verzichtete er darauf, sofort die Flucht zu ergreifen – wäre auch gar nicht so einfach gewesen, in Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass sie diesmal in seiner WG gelandet waren.
So ging das jetzt schon seit einer Weile.
Wenn sie gemeinsam auf irgendwelchen Parties waren – am Strand in Rocky Beach, bei Peter im Wohnheim, von Bobs Studiengang aus, einfach irgendwo bei oder mit Freunden – landeten sie inzwischen regelmäßig zusammen im Bett.
Bob gefiel es, so wie es war, aber er hatte das dumme Gefühl, dass sie nicht ewig so weitermachen konnten.
Um sich von dem Gedanken abzulenken, beschäftigte er sich damit, schnell zu duschen und dann in der Küche Frühstück vorzubereiten. Seine Mitbewohnerinnen würden glücklicherweise noch eine Weile schlafen, aber Peter würde sicher bald munter sein.
So kam es auch, Bob hatte gerade den Kaffee aufgesetzt, als Peter aus seinem Zimmer kam, gähnend, die Haare ein einziges Chaos, nur in Boxershorts und dem T-Shirt von gestern.
„Guten Morgen“, begrüßte Bob ihn lächelnd.
Peters Erwiderung ging in einem weiteren Gähnen unter; er ließ sich auf einen der Stühle fallen.
„Kaffee ist gleich so weit“, sagte Bob, nahm den anderen Stuhl in Beschlag und griff nach einer Scheibe Brot.
„Danke dir“, seufzte Peter, „Vielen Dank fürs Frühstück machen.“
Bob grinste nur. Seiner Meinung nach war das selbstverständlich.
In einträchtigem Schweigen schmierten sie sich jeder ihr erstes Toast.
Als der Kaffee fertig war, stand Bob wieder auf, nahm die Kanne aus der Maschine.
Er hatte gerade angesetzt, die beiden Tassen zu füllen, die er daneben bereitgestellt hatte, als Peter hinter ihm sagte: „Gehen wir eigentlich auch mal auf ein richtiges Date oder geht das so weiter wie bisher?“
Beinahe goss Bob sich den Kaffee über die Hand. Da war sie, die Frage, vor der er sich schon seit Wochen fürchtete. Die Anzeichen, dass Peter mehr wollte, waren nicht zu übersehen gewesen.
Schweigend konzentrierte er sich auf die Tassen, stellte die Kanne wieder beiseite, brachte den Kaffee an den Tisch und setzte sich wieder.
Holte Luft, zwang sich, Peter ins Gesicht zu sehen.
„Es tut mir leid“, begann er. Sprach aus, was er sich schon zurechtgelegt hatte, „Aber ich werd dich nie so lieben können, wie du es willst. Ich habs probiert, glaub mir, ich habs probiert, aber sowas fühl ich einfach nicht. Also, nicht nur nicht für dich, sondern grundsätzlich nicht. Du wirst immer einer meiner besten Freunde sein, und als solcher liebe ich dich, und der Sex ist echt verdammt gut, aber Dating und Beziehungen funktionieren für mich einfach nicht.“
Bob hob seine Tasse, trank einen langsamen Schluck.
Ließ Peter Zeit, seine Worte zu verdauen.
Für einige lange Sekunden herrschte Schweigen.
Dann sagte Peter: „Okay.“ Griff nach dem Zuckerstreuer und kippte wie üblich eine unheilige Menge in seinen Kaffee.
Jetzt war es Bob, der ihn überrascht anblinzelte. „Okay?“, hakte er nach. „Mehr nicht?“
Peter zuckte mit den Schultern. „Ich wollte nur wissen, woran ich bin. Und wenn du sagst, so, wie es ist, ist gut, dann ist gut.“
Offenbar hatte Bob in seiner Sorge Peters Fähigkeit, sich mühelos an neue Situationen anzupassen, unterschätzt.
„Dann ist ja gut“, blieb ihm nur, zu sagen. Und dann hastig nach dem Nutella-Glas zu greifen, ehe Peter noch noch drei Zentimeter mehr auf sein Toast schichtete und damit das Glas vollkommen leerte.
„Steht das übrigens noch, dass wir Justus am Donnerstag ins Kino schleifen?“, wechselte Peter mit vollem Mund das Thema.
Bob konnte gar nicht anders, als zu lachen. „Ja, das steht noch“, stimmte er zu.
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lord-angelfish · 1 year
Happy aromantic visibility day
I would like to take this moment to say, very emphatically, fuck amatonormativity! It sucks for everyone and I would like it very if everyone stopped fucking ranking relationships and placing my identity under allo identity please and thank you!
I'm not fucking broken, none of us are broken, and we don't need romance OR a partner or any other allonormative bullshit to be happy with ourselves and our lives and the only thing you're doing by looking down on us and enforcing amatonormative ideals is alienating yourself from the lovely people in the community and being a terrible fucking person.
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themissbanshee · 1 year
Love isn't an emotion or a feeling. It's an ability.
And not everyone has that ability. And that's okay.
Happy aromantic day of visibility!
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the-flower32 · 1 year
happy aromantic visibility day, f*ck Amatonormativity, if you’re an aro who feels 0 romantic attraction, your valid. If you feel a lil bit of romantic attraction, you’re valid. If your repulsed buy romance, your valid. If you’re a romance favorable aro, you’re valid. If you’re meh on romance, or ambivalent on romance, you’re valid. If you’re an aro who feels attraction but doesn’t want it reciprocated, you are valid. Alloaro’s are valid. Aroaces are valid. Queerplatonic Aros are valid. SAM aro’s are valid. NonSAM aros are valid. Questioning aro’s are valid. Loveless aros are valid. Heartless aros are valid. Multi A spec aro’s are valid. Neurodivergent aro’s are valid. Neurotypical aros are valid. ALL Aros are F*CKING valid.
You are seen and you are valid.
Enjoy your day, and every day after. 💚🍏🤍⚙️🖤 <- (my best attempt at making the aro flag w/emoji’s)
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nicxxx5 · 1 year
happy aromantic visibility day! here's to the first and many more!!!
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z0urcherri · 1 year
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Happy Aromantic Visibility Day!!!
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crimson--freak · 1 year
For Aromantic Visibility Day, I want to share my respect and praise for:
aros, arospecs, aros who rarely/weakly feel romantic attraction, aros whose romantic attraction grows or fades, aros whose romantic attraction spikes or fluctuates,
aros who previously felt romantic attraction but no longer do (for no reason, for nebulous reasons, or for specific reasons such as trauma), aros who never felt romantic attraction and never will, aros who may feel romantic attraction in the future, aros who look back on their “crushes” and realised those feeling weren’t romantic at all
aros who desire a romantic relationship, aros who don’t, aros who are indifferent, aros who are completely averse or repulsed
aros who feel romantic attraction only to fictional characters, aros who only feel romantic attraction to themselves
aros in romantic relationships, aros in non romantic relationships, aros who are nonpartnering, aros who are polyamorous, aros who use relationship anarchy to define their relationships
aros who enjoy the idea of romantic relationships but would not have one themselves, aros who do not want their romantic attraction reciprocated, aros who do not feel romantic attraction until someone else feels it first
aros who enjoy reading about romantic relationships, aros who write romantic relationships, aros who wish they could find anything other than romantic relationships in media
aros who are allosexual, aros who are neutral on sexual attraction, aros who don’t factor in their sexual attraction, aros who are ace or acespec, aros who are aplatonic or aplspec, aros who are anattractional, aros who are aspec in a multitude of different ways
aros who are loveless, heartless, lovequeer, amatopunk, voidpunk and several other “punks” relating to their stances on the idea of romantic attraction and love
you are all amazing people and you are not “broken” or “wrong” for not conforming to society’s amatonormative values. You are you, unique and marvellous, and that is what matters
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darth-sonny · 1 year
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it's june 5th, you know what that means
it's his day!!!
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shmaroace · 1 year
i am proud to be aromantic and i will be unapologetically loud about how much i love being aromantic !!!
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Aromantics on 5th June:
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churrorat-art · 4 months
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Happy Aromantic day of visibility!
Classic aromantic saint to celebrate!
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inky-squid-art · 6 months
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a jughead i drew for tdov. hi trans people !!
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fulminage · 6 months
Happy asexual visibility day
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robots-are-kinda-hot · 5 months
hey fellow aspecs!! I’ve seen the aro, ace, and apl flags before, but not a flag for the “a-spectrum” in general- like for all of us. Do we have one and I just haven’t seen it? Or is there not one at all for a reason I don’t know about?
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