#harry crane
madmensideblog · 1 year
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Mad Men + The Major Arcana (Part 2)
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idonthaveacontract · 3 months
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Starting April 1st!
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Please read our FAQ/check out our schedule for more details.
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I’m bored at my job at an Escape Room so here’s Sterling Cooper In An Escape Room if it were a team building excercise.
Burt: Organized the whole thing after reading about team building excercises as a way to determine pre-historical animalistic ‘survival of the fittest’ heirarchy among employees.
Don: Was expected to take the lead but mostly just chillin’. Very observant. While everyone runs around like crazy, he’s the guy to go ‘what about this?’ and make everyone feel stupid. Isn’t supposed to smoke but used a Nat 20 Intimidation check on the poor terrified teen attendant and lights up anyway.
Peggy: Working very dilligently and patiently on ONE specific complicated series of anagrams and math problems with ZERO help, while the guys have two second attention spans and get into frustrated arguments.
Pete: Tries to act over it but is way too competitive and invested. He knows its Burt’s way of testing everybody so he is sure to be the most leader-ly and assertive ordering everyone else around, and “No, it should be THIS way.” and he and Trudy did one of these in Miami with her parents so he should KNOW..while at the same time trying not to seem like he cares too much, so it comes out like “NO NOT LIKE THAT— or, I dunno, however you want to to do it. Not like I care. Right Don? Don?”
Ken + Harry: Helped on a riddle and a math problem but they realized about twenty minutes in that it was waaay more fun to bug Pete and Peggy by acting as stupid as possible, pretending they don’t know basic arithmatic or offering stupid suggestions in a pseudointellectual way that drives the other staff bananas.
“The button is green, like a tree. What else is green…”
“Very good. Very astute. Moss. Lichen.”
“Ooh, Pegs, try Lichen on the letter code.” 
“It’s not LICHEN.”
“Well have you tried it?”
Sal: Critiques the cheap production value of the game for the majority of the 60 minutes. I mean, you call THAT faux stonework?
Paul: “Really, when you think about it, LIFE is one big room you can NEVER escape.” Brings in a lot of outside knowledge that is 100% not pertinent. Thinks the answer to a riddle is going to be based on the surname of 18th century philosopher or something.
Roger: Showed up plastered, stares around bewhildered but amused for the majority of the game, until he asks “what’s this do?” and pulls a set piece off the wall, breaking it instantly.
Joan: Taking pictures of everyone for the company newsletter and gets the damages covered when Roger pulls another prop off the walk.
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bonyassfish · 2 years
White men work in offices and think they’re Don Draper. Bitch you’re not even Harry Crane.
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ihatebesi · 4 months
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I just finished reading Manacled a few days ago, and i'm totally blown away by how beautiful it is. It's the second dramione fanfic i read, and all I can say is i loved how dark, and complex it is. I was expecting something different — to be honest—, but it exceeded my expectations in so many ways, I decided to make fanart out of it.
Sen Lin Yu, what an amazing writer.
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snuize · 7 months
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and when the world needed them most, 5 weird murderous old men and 1 virus were drawn
individual characters under cut
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jihef03 · 7 months
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2j sketch
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mahleb · 3 months
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Crossover DC (Batman) with Harry Potter.. Two geniuses in chemistry/potions, forced to go into teaching teenagers. Although Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow), unlike Snape, quickly went free. Well, it’s not that he left completely voluntarily... He was fired because he brought a gun to a lecture on fear. It's funny that something that is considered unacceptably dangerous in Muggle educational institutions would more than find approval at Hogwarts.
Eh, I would like to read such a crossover)))
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dott-fox · 6 months
I've made the rest of them into rats.
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Plus Aiden for my buddie
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(Only time I'll draw something with Aiden in it)
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vogges2 · 6 months
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idonthaveacontract · 1 year
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I don't even know what it is. You spend your whole life thinking you're not getting it, people aren't giving it to you. Then you realize they're trying, and you don't even know what it is.
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This Rotten Work final playlist: Rachel/Daiyu!
As @evelynhug0 so kindly requested, I'm going to release each of the main character playlists (and one for the main ship, Rachel and Daiyu) once a week leading up to the release of the book!
With the book coming out next week, here is your final playlist, the big guns: the ship playlist for Rachel and Daiyu, our enemies-to-lovers lesbians draped in fire/lightning symbolism/magical powers, shared trauma, an absolutely brutal understanding of each other, and a shared love for drama. Both self-admittedly overdramatic with a love for Shakespeare, both know how to hit where it hurts and how to help each other cope- it'll just take a few duels, awful attempts at communication, and the world falling apart around them to get to that point.
Oh, and a few life-shattering secrets coming to light, but, well, y'all will have to read the book in order to hit that point, right?
Daiyu and I are not that different, at the end of the day. We’ve had to do everything needed to conform to what Councilors and Headmasters and Administrators expected of us. We’ve had to kill, to maim, to torture. Neither of us really had a choice.
“Because you’re like me,” I murmur.
Daiyu's gaze snaps up to meet mine. She leans forward, her off-the-shoulder blouse falling slightly to expose more of her sculpted shoulder. “What was that?” she snaps, voice a smoky rasp that sends goosebumps up and down my arms.
“You’re like me,” I repeat, “You don’t like—"
And I’m cut off by Daiyu lurching a few inches forward and pressing her lips to mine.
I've kissed girls before, but not like this. Not girls who I've spent years hating—or, at least, rivaling. Not girls who I’ve cooked with and roasted and dueled in the hallways of the Academy and helped practice their theater lines. Not Lady Macbeths-in-training, not Headmaster’s daughters, not girls who take my breath away with their mere existence.
Sasquatch’s big toe, I’m kissing my sworn enemy.
@theredstoner101 @thetavoid @snazzy-hats-and-adhd @blufox3542 @neshatriumphs @khruschevshoe @weedpoop @thesirhandsome-tepalehuia @sillylittlecheeto @nefertittti @henrythepug @meet-me-behindthemall12 @aboutblankpages-blog-blog @artemisiaarm @profiterole-reads @marchionessdebrannas @harrietmjones @thearcaneuniversity @little-bloodied-angel @artemisbones @jacksope-lives @fleuranna @shehungthemoon @spacecatrainshell @celestedeluna @thefiresofpompeii @gerardway-jpeg @fleuranna @smokecloudsandrollingpapers @idealuk @aceumbrellaheroes @evelynhug0 @madhare0512 @fool-for-luv @nealmcclure @elposting @mikereads @corvidspectre @thanatosdetesreves @sapphicsigh @ameliapondmd @possumsmushroom @augment-techs @bricksbloggyplace @aurora-boreas-borealis @estel-eruantien
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likealizardyousay · 1 month
joining the trend ehehe
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celebclippinz · 18 days
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NZ TV Weekly
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prettypeppermint · 9 months
the complete oeuvre.
for you.
5/22/24 - homage to the square.
11/21/23 - swan song.
09/19/23 - crane's paradox.
09/16/23 - peach woes.
09/04/23 - the gift of silence (how sweet the sound)
08/28/23 - amazing grace.
08/22/23 - complicatedly breathtaking.
08/21/23 - cherry-pick.
08/19/23 - His gift to man.
08/15/23 - jonathan.
08/13/23 - grottos.
08/11/23 - the unchosen one.
08/05/23 - earth & ocean.
09/25/22 - actions speak louder than words.
05/02/22 - kissing your way out of arguments.
07/07/21 - fools.
06/30/21 - just one.
05/15/21 - sometimes.
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