#harry is her friend first
Celaena: So… I’ve seen you’ve been spending a lot of time with Malfoy recently. Harry: No, Celaena, it's not what it looks like, I swear. Celaena: Oh really? So no reason for me to be jealous? Harry: No! You’re the only one for me. Celaena: Is that so? Harry: I promise! Malfoy and I are just dating, okay? They’re my partner. Celaena: So there are no best-friends-feelings involved? Harry: You are still my one and only best friend! They’re just the love of my life, nothing more! Celaena: But I’m still the platonic love of your Harry, nodding like his life depends on it: Of course! Ron: What the-
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alwayshinny · 3 months
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Hinny 🫶🏼 - AU, where Hinny grew up together
Harry nervously asks Ginny if she wants to go for a walk down by the Black Lake. Once they sit down, he turns towards her and fidgets with her fingers (something he’s done since they were young), and she gives him a questioning look. She tells him he can tell her anything, he looks into her eyes and blurts out, “iloveyouginny”. She gives him an amused look because he might have just verbalized it now, but she knew he loved her when she kissed him for the first time.
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t1oui · 4 months
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i uh
i might've gotten an idea for another wip
this (jegulus raising harry) will probably be a small part of it but i just had this scene in my brain so i wrote it
it's a muggle high school au where harry's just transferred to a new school and is a new student along with hermione :))
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Barty is the kind of guy to just do straight vodka shots and he will be judged for it
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thedevilsfamiliar · 5 months
I’m listening to this song and thinking about a universe where Petunia didn’t mistreat Harry. Where she divorced her husband and took Dudley and Harry with her. Where on Harry’s 11th birthday, she gets to walk through Diagon Alley with her nephew, her second son, and gets to witness the world that Lily lived in.
The wonder, the awe, her boys talking animatedly in front of her, looking just as amazed as she.
She has no clue what awaits her second son, has no clue that in a few years he will be forced to give up his life.
Can you picture her? Washing her dishes, Dudley doing his homework at the kitchen table, looking out the window and wondering if her kid is okay? If he’s hungry?
Harry Potter walks into the forest at 17 years old, facing the man who killed his biological mother, who threatened to go after the mother he has at home waiting for him.
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lessnowon · 3 months
anyways, i'm just dropping by to say fuck jk rowling and that snape being romantically in love with lily is really stupid when it would be more narratively and thematically consistent (and, frankly, more compelling) if his love for her was familial
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bythepen98 · 1 year
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Harry and Hedwig 🦉❤️️
kofi ⭐ https://rb.gy/z8rjs
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foolishlywandwaving · 2 years
one of the joys of dumping tom marvolo riddle into 1990s london is the knowledge that he has no choice but to encounter the spice girls
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karistiltskin · 7 months
does anyone else hc dorcas to just appear like a complete loner?
it’s not that there’s anything wrong with her but:
- she has friends but doesn’t have a friend group
- she comes off as closed off at first but it’s only because she’s introverted
- she won’t talk to anyone unless they talk to her first
- people like to talk to her in class but they won’t hang out outside of it
- she’s in a bunch of clubs but the friendships don’t expand from their shared interests
- she keeps to herself and no one thinks much about it
- a lot of people think she’s cool but won’t approach her
- nobody really hates her, in fact, she gets a lot of compliments on her style and everyone thinks she’s absolutely beautiful
it’s just… nothing sticks.
and the whole time dorcas is wishing that someone talks to her and that they grow a genuine friendship that will last but she’ll never make the first move either. so overtime she gets used to her own company and accepts the fact that she’ll spend her teenage years alone.
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thebluestbluewords · 6 months
OT3 Week Day One: Meet-Cute
a sea ot3 meet-cute of sorts :) I'm going to be trying my best for the @ot3-week prompts! Mostly Gil and Uma, pre-ship, more of a meet-ugly than a meet-cute. Because they're terrible adorable children and I think Gil is an underrated sweetheart even when everyone else is being terrible all around him.
“I HATE YOU MORE!” Uma shouts back, balling her hands into fists so she’ll be ready when he stupid slimy ex-best friend starts swinging at her. “YOUR MOM IS STUPID AND YOU’RE EVEN STUPIDER BECAUSE YOU’RE JUST MINI-HER.” 
Mal, daughter of Maleficent, the undisputed queen of the Isle of the Lost elementary school playground, narrows her eyes. “Take it back.” 
Uma, daughter of Ursula, the queen of nothing except for possibly her mother's bad graces, sticks her tongue out. “No. You’re mean and boring and so’s your mom.” 
“Take it back, Uma! Or you’re not invited to my birthday party!” 
“You’re not having a party,” Uma sneers. “Nobody has parties anymore, not after what your mom did to the last girl who left you out. You’re the one who ruined parties for everyone, because you’re the worst, and you’re not even interesting about it. You’re just a baby who hides in your mom’s shadow all the time, and you–” 
“TAKE IT BACK!” Mal screeches. Uma’s plenty accustomed to screaming. It’s her mom’s main way of communicating with the staff at the chip shop, and Uma is seven years old now, which is more than old enough to be considered part of the staff, by both her mother’s expert opinion, and her own assessment of her precocious skills. She can catch fish with her mom, and slice the bones out of a flounder faster than any other kid she’s pulled off the docks, and she hardly ever drops ice cubes into the fryer anymore, even when she’s carrying a whole tray of drinks from the icebox and has to lift it over her head to dodge the knives Petey the main cook throws at her sometimes. 
What she’s less accustomed to is her former best friend launching herself at her teeth-first. 
“FUCK!” Uma screeches back. “Biting’s cheating! You’re not just a boring baby, you’re a boring, stupid, mean cheater!” 
“Take it back!” 
“No! You’re a boring baby and so’s your mom!” 
“You’re boring! You’re so boring that you don’t even know how to use the swings!” 
Uma shakes Mal’s teeth out of her arm, and shoves her back with both hands. “I know more than you.” 
Mal bares her teeth again. One of her front ones is loose, and there’s a scrape mark in the neat imprint on Uma’s arm that matches up with it. “Do not.” 
“Do so. You’re not invited to parties because everyone hates you. Because you can’t do anything without your mom there to make people do it for you.” 
Mal narrows her eyes. “I bet you I can make everyone kick you off the swingset. And the climbing bars. And the tower.” 
“You can’t.” 
There’s a dangerous green light in her ex-friend’s eyes. “Can so. You can have the sandbox. It’s for babies. Not even a baby like you can have fun in there.” 
The sandbox is widely regarded as the worst part of the school sulking ground. It smells like cat pee and cigarette butts, and not even the cats that pee in the alleys around the school will go in it anymore. 
It’s also boring. Nobody ever falls off and breaks their face on the sandbox, and you can’t do flips off it or anything. There’s no gold coins buried in the sand like there sometimes are on the real beach, and there’s not even any sharp shells left after the first group of elementary school kids, the ones a year or two or even three older than them came through and pulled them all out for makeshift knives. 
Sometimes being the second group of kids born on the isle sucks even more than usual. 
“Make me.” Uma snaps. 
Mal’s eyes flash green. “I will.” she spins around to the crowd of dirty boys who’ve been climbing up the rickety wooden tower that’s the best place to play. “HEY GUYS. I HAVE A NEW GAME. IT’S CALLED KEEP SHRIMPY FISH LOSERS OFF THE TOWER.” 
The boys stare. 
Mal sighs. “I mean, GET HER OUT OF HERE.” 
The future brainless henchmen of the isle already understand how to follow orders. “GET HER” is pretty clear even to a brain-damaged kid, so Uma makes her second smart decision of the day (the first being ditching Mal, because ugh) and turns to sprint to the sandbox before the boys realize that the base of their precious tower (with all the cool climbing spots and platforms and places to hide and pretend to stab each other) is built on a pile of small, easily throw-able rocks. 
“This isn’t over, princess!” Uma shouts. Even though it is. She’s smaller than the henchmen boys, even though she’s strong enough to work in her mom’s shop already, and she can throw rocks back, but she’s better than fighting against henchmen. She’s going to be a captain of her own crew someday, and she’s got to out-plot her slimy, cheating ex-best friend. 
“IT TOTALLY IS.” Mal shouts. 
“It’s totally not,” Uma grumbles under her breath. “I’m gonna be so much cooler than that ass-kissing baby. She just follows her mom and calls it cool, and everyone’s too scared to tell her anything else. I’m not gonna be like that.” 
She kicks a lumpy patch of sand. “Stupid. Stupid slimy Mal.” 
The sand– 
Uma kicks the sand again. Sand isn’t supposed to move like that, and even though she’s pretty sure that nobody at school is powerful enough to do magic under the barrier, because even her mom can’t use magic with the spell, and nobody at the elementary school is more powerful than a real sea witch, even one without most of her powers, there’s a lot of bad stuff and dangerous stuff and stuff that wants to hurt kids on their island, and she’s not too sure that the sandbox is actually clear, because it’s the worst and nobody’s played there for weeks. Partly because they haven’t had school in a week, because they only have Dr. Facilier and Mother Gothel as teachers, and they both left to do some other stuff that was “more important than teaching brats like you lot” last week, but also because the sandbox is the worst and nobody wants to play in it. Because it sucks. 
“Hey!” The lumpy sand says. 
Ume jumps back. “Are you a creep? Are you going to start licking my toes? My mom says creeps do that to little girls who don’t stay away.” 
“I’m hiding.” 
Her mom’s stories about creepy men don’t include many details about them hiding in sandboxes. “Have you considered not hiding?” Uma asks. “I could use a minion right now.” 
“Oh. No. No thanks.” 
“Who the fuck says thanks?” Uma asks. “Are you sure you’re not a creep?” 
“I’m sure.” 
“That sounds like something a creep would say. One who��s lying.” 
Finally, the sand shifts again. “I’m not!” it says indignantly. “I’m just hiding a little bit.” 
Uma plops down next to the sand, which now that she’s actually looking at it, is all disturbed in a big pile right around where the kid is hiding. She hadn’t noticed before, due to being so mad that she wanted to spit on everything and maybe burn down the stupid play tower. Which isn’t even real. She’s not even kicked off a real tower, which would be something cool and evil and not lame at all. 
“Why’re you hiding anyway? All the kids are busy kicking me off the fun stuff anyway.” 
The pile shakes a bit more, and a blue eye emerges from the sand sort of near where Uma’s feet are. “Are you sure?” 
She snorts. “Sure’s snakes.” 
“Snakes. Like, hiss hiss?” 
“Oh.” The pile shakes a little bit more, and a freckled nose peeks out. “I know what snakes are. I’m only a little bit stupid. My brother Third, he brought home a dead snake one time, and he wanted to put it in a stew, only my dad wouldn’t, and Third put it on a stick instead and roasted it over the fire, and then Dad said we couldn’t eat it cause the scales weren’t safe for kids, only I was awake later, and he totally said that ‘cause he was just waiting for us to go to bed so he could eat it himself.” 
Uma wrinkles her nose. “Gross.” 
“No, it looked good! I mean, wicked. It looked– tasty, I mean. Yeah.” 
Uma snorts, but not because she’s annoyed anymore. “You’re not very evil, are you?” 
“I’m super evil!” 
“Then why’re you hiding?” she shoots back. “Evil kids don’t hide from each other. We fight, like villains.” 
“You’re hiding,” the sand-kid points out. “In the corner with me. That makes us both not very evil.” 
Uma’s chest does a little flip at that. She’s the most evil. She’s just…plotting. “I’m taking a tactical retreat. To plot my next move. I’m super evil. Even more than you, blondie.” 
The kid shakes his way loose of the sand pile. He’s really blond, more than just the little pieces of hair that were sticking out with his nose before. He’s like a bleached broom, all pale and fluffy and covered with dirt, even though it’s mostly sand.  “It’s okay to hide with me. If you want. I’m Gil.” 
Uma sticks out her hand to shake like her mother does with new staff. “Uma.” 
She squeezes, just like her mom does. It’s not quite the same, because she doesn’t have tentacles and octopus strength behind her grip, but that’s okay because she shouldn’t care what some loser who buried himself in the sandbox thinks about her. 
He squeezes back. And smiles. 
What a weirdo. 
“You’re cool!” Gil announces, dropping her hand abruptly. “You should come meet my other friend!” 
“We’re not friends,” Uma says, because this is important to her. She doesn’t have friends anymore. She has enemies and people who aren’t her enemies yet, and she’s the coolest, evilest, most independent future-ruler of the school. She doesn’t need friends, not like that stupid fairy. She’s better than that. Better than all of them. “I don’t have friends.” 
Gil blinks at her. He’s tall, and he’s got big arms, Uma realizes. He could probably throw a rock a lot further than she can. He could get one all the way up to the second or third layer of the tower, maybe. “I have friends.” 
“No, Gil. Villains don’t have friends. You can be…” 
It’s a bad idea. It’s a monumentally bad idea. Villains don’t have friends, and she shouldn’t want to use weird boys who hide in the sandbox, but she doesn’t have many other options. “You can be my sidekick,” Uma finishes. “Just for today.” 
Gil beams at her. “I like that! I’ll be your sidekick every day, Uma. Let’s go get Harry now!” 
He grabs her hand and starts tugging. 
He stops. Perfect. A useful sidekick follows orders. 
“I’m the leader,” Uma explains, tossing her braids over her shoulder. “That means I lead the way, and you’re the one who follows me.” 
“Oh. But– but I know where Harry is, and you don’t know him yet, so I could show you? If you want?’ 
Sidekicks. Never the brightest. “You can tell me where he is,” Uma explains. “And then I can lead us both to him. Because–” 
Gil picks up on the cue this time. “You’re the leader, and I’m your sidekick. Got it, Uma.” 
“Perfect! Now, where’s my sidekick number two?” 
Gil frowns. 
He spins in a circle. 
Oh, evil.
 “Is he real?” Uma asks, with enormous patience, considering the circumstances. Playground exile is no laughing matter, and she can still ditch this kid if he’s the sort of baby who still talks to imaginary friends. It’s not like anyone still believes in ghosts, not when they can’t die on their island. 
“He’s totally real!” Gil instsis, still spinning. “He’s the coolest ever except for you and he’s got a red coat and he steals crocodile teeth from his sister Harriet and he’s got real fish in his lunch and– there he is!” 
He points to a teeny, tiny little stick of a kid with the craziest black hair Uma’s ever seen, and yes, okay, a red jacket. 
A kid who’s in the middle of being thrown off the tower. 
“Okay, blondie,” Uma laughs, over the sound of Harry’s shriek as Gaston Junior pitches him off the tower platform. “We’re mounting a rescue mission.”
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ameliathefatcat · 18 days
So my next gen OC Celestina Lofthouse is trans and she hates her deadname not for gender dysmorphia reasons it’s just really bad name (she’s hated that name even before she realizes she’s trans). In her second year she end up telling the other girls in her dorm if they promise not to laugh. Her deadname, the name her parents gave her was Xeon (pronounced ZEE-non.) Athena Tibia said the name Xenon isn’t that bad but Celestina then spelled it out, all the other girls agreed that Xeon was a horrible name and Celestina said that’s why she went by her middle name Riley from age 2 until she came out as trans when she was 8 and started to go by Celestina (her middle name is still Riley and she goes by Celestina Riley professionally as a singer). The reason why she was named Xeon was because both her dad and brother have ‘X’ names and her mum liked the name Leon so Xeon.
When she was outed as trans during her second year and her ‘real name’ was demanded she did say it and no one believed her because the name is so horrible. Tina didn’t know what was so embarrassing being outed or her deadname
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mariocki · 2 months
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All Passion Spent: Episode 2 (1.2, BBC, 1986)
"You really must not speak as though my life has been a tragedy. I had everything that most women would envy; I had position, comfort, children, and a husband I loved. Truly loved, Mr. Fitzgeorge. I had nothing to complain of."
"Except that you were defrauded of the one thing that mattered, face it, Lady Slane: your children, your husband, your splendour... were nothing but obstacles that kept you from yourself. Perhaps you were too young to know any better, but when you chose that life, you know, you sinned against the light."
"You're right, of course."
"Course I'm right, old Fitz may be a comic figure, but he retains some sense of values."
"Don't scold me any more, Mr. Fitzgeorge. I assure you that if I did wrong, I paid for it. But you must not blame my husband."
"Oh, I don't. According to his lights, he gave you everything you could desire. He merely killed you, that's all. Men do kill women, and most women enjoy being killed - so I am told."
#all passion spent#bbc#classic tv#vita sackville west#martyn friend#peter buckman#wendy hiller#harry andrews#maurice denham#phyllis calvert#graham crowden#david waller#jane snowden#eileen way#geoffrey bayldon#faith brook#hilary mason#john franklyn robbins#antonia pemberton#patrick barlow#having spent most of the first episode introducing us to the fairly large cast of characters‚ this second part pushes the action#forwards a little‚ but this is still a fairly slow and subtle thing. most of the joy is in seeing an assembled cast of this quality; most#rewarding are Lady Slane's aged children who‚ being supporting characters and not having the plot rest on their shoulders‚ can be less#nuanced and more archetypal. they're all fairly wonderful: Crowden as the domineering and dictatorial eldest son‚ Calvert the unbearable#snob of an elder daughter‚ Bayldon a truly grotesque miser and Mason and Franklyn Robbins as the two younger children who are the only ones#to show any humanity (but are both also rather flighty and airheaded). they're some wonderful performances but this is Hiller's show#through and through (tho Harry Andrews gives her a run for her money). Virginia Woolf was apparently no great admirer of Vita's literary#efforts and it's not hard to see why; there is a gulf in style between the cerebral‚ postmodern work Woolf was producing and this rather#cozy and sweet comedy of manners with a light moral touch. but it is very charming and i do find myself enjoying my time spent with this#story. quite a sweet thing all told
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the-sun-is-also-a-star · 10 months
the fact that regulus black would have loved hermione haunts me everyday
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volivolition · 5 months
[imagines animatics] cool. anyway. [start crying]
#thinking about truce by TOP again!! literally the animatic would be called Truce (with the Furies) and it'd be so gentle and sweet...#harry being smothered by the nightmare and the bright yellow hands of the motorics reaching in to pull him from the dark.#''now the night is coming to in an end'' with viscal and concept tracking the movement of the sky with logic saying ''the sun will rise''#authority and phys int insistently and affirmatively tugging him along by his hands ''and we will try again.''#volition for the first ''stay alive / stay alive for me'' clasping his hands in his and pressing his forehead to harry's#endurance joining him showing both of their morale/health bars ''you will die'' i really want echem for ''but now your life is free~''#''take pride in what is sure to die'' all of the skills gathered behind him to push him onward through the dark#half light and pain thresh for ''i will fear the night again'' esprit and empathy for ''i hope im not my only friend''#shivers for the second ''stay alive / stay alive for me'' holding harry in her palm and pressing a kiss to his forehead.#ancient reptilian and limbic ''you will die...'' and the rest of the skills chorusing together: ''but now your life is free''#it ends with all the skills sitting on shivers's shoulders with harry standing on her hand. and it flickers to harry standing in the same#position but the background changes to an apartment balcony watching the sunrise with all four color skill orbs above his head#do you see it do you see it. its such a short song surely i could do it. (<- thought this about a previous animatic idea as well -_-)#chemi honey you havent even finished your skills designs yet calm down#arughghh... <3#chemi chats#concepts canvas
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imaginarianisms · 5 months
1 day i will make a meta of sansa's dynamic with her metaphorical champions/suitors & how that correlates to the ashford theory (i.e sansa being betrothed to joffrey baratheon, then promised to willas tyrell, then being married to tyrion lannister, then being married to harry hardying then married to aegon vi targaryen & aurane velaryon but it is not this day. lmao. when i make that meta it'll be so over for y'all.
#just know that. she never marries after aurane. btw lmao#like if he like g-d forbid ever died before she did she'd like. literally never marry or love again like. thats it lmfao#but anyway like. she has a complicated relationship w/ all of them tbh & reflects on them sometimes.#she obviously hates joffrey for him abusing her but like. she can't help but feel sad for him at times bc like. he was so young.#if he had the right people around him maybe he would've turned out okay eventually. but it didnt happen. she never met willas but sometimes#she wondered what it would've been like to be lady of highgarden but she hopes he's doing alright. her dynamic w/ tyrion is. complicated#like. he was never like openly cruel to her or anything & she's grateful to him for saving her life & standing up for her but like.#there's always that grief surrounding their families & i think she resented & mostly afraid of him at the time but in hindsight she's+#grateful that he never hurt her or forced himself on her. harry she hardly knew unfortunately but like she disliked him at first#but then he actually seemed to warm up to her & she had him tied around her lil finger but she knows that she wouldn't like to be married+#to a guy who actually has children w/ sb else. like. she's seen how that played out & while she wouldn't be mean it makes her uncomfortable#but especially surrounding aegon bc like. she's not naive enough to say she loved him but like. she actually LIKED him#like. while she was wary of him at first she warmed up to him & genuinely respected him as a person & most importantly aegon was her FRIEND#they got along rly well due to their similar upbringings & what they had to do to survive & like. he's actually a decent guy in canon. lmao#he's handsome & was chivalrous & honorable & sweet w/ her but also like batshit insane in a good way. like.#he was the golden prince she always wanted since she was a little girl; the prince that joffrey was supposed to be but never was.#he gave her a future as queen of westeros that was originally HERS. so when daenerys eventually executes him she has mixed feelings about i#aegon was good to her & she'd vowed not to betray him & she actually intended to keep that vow. to her she was forever in his debt+#he gave her a future from her isolation & suffering @ winterfell bc of how much everything changed & he waited for her to love him back.#he actually showed her respect & gave her a solid future when she felt alone & abandoned & led her gently into a world of his own making+#& gave her back her honor & a future. esp when the north was divided between jon rickon & herself. most preferred jon or rickon over her.#without aegon's intervention she probably would've had to marry some northern lord below her station. the winterfell succession crisis wild#but aurane velaryon? that's the love of her life. her bold captain. he taught her how to love & coaxed her in the sun to bloom & freed her.#freed her from the chains of her family obligations. he taught her to break the rules of tradition & follow her heart & trust her instincts#he was there with her in her darkest hour. he quite literally saved her life & defended her honor when no one else had the balls to do that#no one looks @ or touches her the way aurane does she loved him madly truly & deeply he took her girlhood in his stride but when autumn cam#she escaped & had to push him into the deepest recesses of her mind in the name of survival & pragmatism but she never stopped loving him.#& his sweet memory brought too much heartache & bittersweetness for her. she lowkey waited for him for years. & they EVENTUALLY reunited !#he fought & got legitimized for HER. she's. so genuinely happy w/ that man. he's one of her best friends & the father to her children.
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chronotopes · 7 months
there is nothing mundane and inevitable that makes me feel more upset than listening to advice shows and having better advice for the letter writer than the actual advice guy giving advice
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