#harry potter epilogue era
captainsophiestark · 8 months
Harry Potter Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
X - x reader F - Female Reader (otherwise it’s gender neutral) ☀️ - Fluff ✨ - Humor ☁️ - Angst 💙 - Platonic ⭐️ - Author Faves
Theseus Scamander
Down by Contact X ☀️
Rivalry X ☀️
Unacceptable F!X ☁️☀️
Top of the Class F!X ☁️☀️
Hard Hitting Questions F!X ☀️
Pay No Attention to the Magizoologist X ☀️⭐️
Remus Lupin
Home with You F!X ☁️☀️
Werewolf X ☁️☀️⭐️
Regulus Black
Distraction X ☀️✨
Bill Weasley
Grand Plan F!X ☀️✨
Slow Dancing In A Burning Room F!X ☁️☀️
Charlie Weasley
Creative Writing Class X ☀️
Oliver Wood
Thunderbolts and Lightning X ☁️☀️
Percy Weasley
Clouds X ☀️
Ekel Tricity X ☀️
The One and Only Exception X ☀️
Draco Malfoy
Crocs X ☀️✨
Potions and Emotions X ☁️☀️
Ginny Weasley
Wicked Smart X ☀️
Gryffindor Stereotype X ☁️☀️
🌟 Gen Fic 🌟
No Students out of Bed (Marauder's Era) ☀️✨⭐️
What If? (Golden Trio Era) ☀️⭐️
Grief (Epilogue Era) ☁️
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magic is wasted in Harry Potter
not one obliviated Elon Musks memories and pretended to be his heir so he'd give them money??
not one silencio'd loud babies on planes???
not one avada kedavra'd the King????
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candorverity · 4 months
Can we talk abt how Tonks and Teddy could be A+ genderfluid or agender rep if people were brave abt it? Bc my god, gender queer Tonks and Teddy would be the raddest things I've ever seen.
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thedrarryobsessed · 9 months
Drarry Cat Cafe
One shot: Harry stops by the local Muggle coffee shop every day before he goes to the Ministry, where he heads the Department of Magical Games and Sports. Every day, that is, until one day it is shut down.
Three months later, the building opens again, but it's not an ordinary coffee shop anymore, it's a cat cafe. At Hermione's urging, Harry decides to drop in to see if she and Ron can bring Rose for a visit one day.
It's filled with rescued cats, fluffy Persians, a skinny little thing with an ear missing, a tabby that is trying to climb a mesh door, people laughing and talking...
And a familiar, pointed face. Pushing his chin length blonde hair behind his ear and setting up a new climbing frame, an employer's badge on his very simple, very Muggle t-shirt.
Harry freezes.
Draco Malfoy turns around, his composure slipping into a startled step backward.
They stand there, facing each other, for an awkward minute. Harry hasn't seen his ex-archnemesis since the hearing.
They don't have any longer to stare, though, because a black cat with a scratched up face runs up and claws its way up Malfoy's jeans. Jeans. Malfoy is wearing jeans.
And then Malfoy laughs. Picking up the cat, who has bright green eyes, and holding it at eye level. "Did Tumble steal your spot again, Scarhead?" he says lightly to the cat, before pausing and giving Harry a horrified look.
"Is... is the cat... named after me?" Harry manages, unable to think of anything else to say.
Malfoy appraises him, and Harry feels more awkward than ever, until the former Slytherin relaxes and those thin lips pull into an all too familiar smirk. "Well, Potter," he drawls. "You can't deny the resemblance is uncanny." He holds out the cat - Scarhead, bloody hell - to Harry. "Would you like to carry him? He's a lazy fellow, doesn't enjoy walking around on his own."
"What?" Harry says eloquently.
"Scarhead the cat, Potter. Would you like to hold him?"
"What are you doing here?"
"I own this cafe."
"You own a cat cafe," Harry says dubiously.
"Our saviour's wit and perception is sharp as ever, as you can see, Scarhead," Malfoy says to the cat, who looks dolefully at Harry.
"Shut up, Malfoy."
"Draco, please," he says, all professional charm suddenly, grey eyes glinting like he knows exactly how strange he's being. "Welcome."
It felt like they were back at Hogwarts a few seconds ago, and now it's weird again. This is ridiculous. But this time, Malfoy's smirk, Draco's smirk, is more amused and less mocking.
"I have to go to work," Harry says, forgetting it's Sunday, and runs out of the cafe. He ignores the weird stares, they can all bugger off.
He thinks he can hear Draco's laughter follow him onto the pavement, and back to Grimmauld Place when he apparates.
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cowboyroomhater · 5 months
“Molly Myrtle Potter, you were named after your grandmother, who always accepted me as her own, and also bc I fucking love alliteration. Myrtle also was hanging wit your dad bigtime, what up?” Harry says, holding out his hand for a high five.
His little m&m stares back, unimpressed.
Harry suavely runs his hand through his hair, commending himself for his nice save.
0 notes
cherryslyce · 1 year
Second Son (Epilogue) | Regulus Black
Series Synopsis: Forbidden from contacting Harry over the summer, you opt to explore the eerie halls of Grimmauld Place where you stumble upon a lonely portrait of the House's second son.
— Chapter Synopsis: The new era. The end of one chapter, and the beginning of another.
Part XIX / Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Regulus Black x GN!Reader
Notes: Thank you all so much.
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You peer out of the fenestrated walls, eyes glazing over the faint swinging of wooden signs and veranda covers. The ambience around you swirls like a sheer veil as you lean back into your seat, sighing out blissfully as your cooling charm beats with fervor, shielding you from the blistering heat of the summer day. 
Dragging your eyes away from the bright view, you run your finger along the thick cardstock in front of you. The blocky letters begin to fade into the background of snowy mountain caps and faded waterfalls as you continue to trace your eyes over it. 
‘Greetings from OREGON’ 
You flip the postcard over and swipe a finger across the swirly letters. 
‘Hope you’re well, kid. - A. Fiske’ 
A sudden thudding noise echoes across from you, and you slowly shift to sit straight as your eyes drag themselves away from the letters. You tilt your head with a coy smile as your companion leans back to get comfortable, evidently miffed by the unrelenting heat waves. 
“Good to see you, B.” You smile saccharinely, fingers dancing along the chilled cup in front of you. 
Blaise rolls his eyes and places his own drink down on the table—iced americano, simple, bitter, and everything that Blaise wasn’t. You would never understand his fascination with the drink. He huffs before smiling sarcastically at you, “Yes, how long has it been? Two days?” 
“Don’t whine, it’s unbecoming.” You mutter playfully, twirling your straw around the rim of your cup. 
“Merlin, you’re even starting to sound like her. Really, no wonder mother finds you so endearing.” He tuts as he throws his elbow back to rest on the back of his chair. 
You chuckle and shake your head, “Okay, let’s digress then.” You lean forward and cross your legs, “How is Draco doing? Theo is irritatingly uninformed on the topic.” 
“He’s alright, thanks to you and Potter anyway. His father might not be facing a long sentence, but many of the elected Wizengamot heads are shifty even with your statements. Lucius Malfoy has been a slippery eel for a few years too long.” He hums, face unflinching as he sips on his potent drink, “How the mighty have fallen so.”
Nodding, your voice drops lower as you survey the rest of the cafe, “Azkaban will still do a number on him even with a lighter sentence. Narcissa is worried.” 
“As she should be,” he replies curtly, “and speaking of Azkaban, how is Lord Black nowadays? He’s become quite the hermit. Is he faring well?” 
You sigh and rub your chin, “Yeah, he’s just been busy with remodeling. He’s still quite miffed that Reggie and I decided to move out.” 
“At least he has Potter with him.” Blaise supplies, eyes darkening in rumination at the mention of Regulus. He levels you with inquisitive eyes, “Before I forget, what should I send over?”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you hum, “How do you mean?” 
“Your house warming gift, daft one.” He rolls his eyes lightly. 
“Just bring your lovely self.” You huff out. 
Blaise crosses an ankle over his knee, “A vase then.” 
“If it clashes with the aesthetic then I’m tossing it into the basement.” You warn jokingly, smiling widely at your friend. 
He shakes his head with a muffled chuckle, “No worries. Anyways, you still need to unpack, right? Need any help?” 
“Oh? Work not keeping you busy enough?” You rest back against your chair, head bleeding with thoughts about how taxing work has been in the past few months with the Ministry trying to dial the reconstruction process to an inconceivable pace. 
Blaise groans at the reminder, taking a long sip of his drink, “Merlin, they should rename the whole Department! Department of International Magical Cooperation? What a joke, all they do is sit in an oval and squabble.” 
You throw your head back to laugh, a feathery light bubble of relief expanding in your chest. It was mind-boggling to think that not even a year ago you were all fighting for your lives, and now the same backdrop of fear that followed everyone around for so many years had disintegrated. People strided through halls and streets with lifted shoulders and bright eyes, war-hardened, but jovial as their burdens gave way. 
Blaise had worked his way up the Department of International Magical Cooperation, often leaving meetings with a sharp migraine and dwindling hope in the frequency of common sense. Theodore was faring well, now a highly revered Unspeakable for the Time Branch, all made possible with his swift denouncement of his father. Draco was the more withdrawn one out of the three, but you held out hope for him, having corresponded with him over his budding fascination for Alchemy. 
You found that your new friends were on your mind often, and you were endlessly grateful to them as they took Regulus’ reintegration into society with stride, often giving you advice on how to politely tell inquisitive reporters to bugger off. Meetings with them were slowly becoming a rarity as all of you became engrossed in work, but your friendships remained resolute as you all quickly became each other’s closest confidants. 
Luna wrote to you often, and you sent her trinkets and snacks by the dozen, finding yourself constantly worried that others would mistreat the girl with the absence of your friend group. Luckily, the girl found a friend in Ginny, and you were looking forward to reuniting with her during her Summer Break. 
Harry and Ron were inducted into the Auror ranks by Shacklebolt only a few weeks after the war. You had your reservations about their decision to jump into such a high-risk job, the stench of carnage and battle throbbing like an open wound, but they insisted that they would never be able to focus enough to finish school. 
On the opposite side of that sentiment, there was Hermione. She had quickly delved back into Hogwarts’ curriculum amidst its reconstruction, and was now looking to you with hopeful words about beginning her own sabbatical. 
You had published your research under both yours and Regulus’ name, omitting information about Regulus’ discovery of sentient portraits as a precaution for the future. 
You both respected Anders’ wish to leave his name off the cover and the research, but he failed to warn you against leaving his name anywhere else, so simply on the first page of your book, you dedicated the findings to him and Asger with a simple ‘For A. & A. Fiske.’ 
The research was groundbreaking, to say the least. You wouldn’t be able to forget the swaths of letters and documents from the Ministry, and one very heated missive to you from Blaise about how he was even more swamped with work, many foreign countries reaching out to inquire about the findings. 
It all paid off though, the royalties you and Regulus got would sustain you both for the rest of your humble lives, and the boost on your portfolio made getting a job in the Department of Mysteries a cakewalk. 
Once the sun rolled across the cloudless sky, the singing blues morphing to hues of pinks and purples, you bid your friend goodbye, wishing him luck with work and promising to gather with the rest of your friends the following week. 
You were certain that apparition was the most useful skill you had in your toolbelt, and you couldn’t fathom how you managed to survive the majority of your life without such a feat. As your shoes pad against the pavement, the bristling of leaves skidding around you, you let out a content sigh as you approach your destination. 
It was the closest thing you had to home for so long, and it still felt like safety and comfort despite the sudden heaviness of your own house keys in your pocket. As you pop the door open, head peeking around the heavy wood, your face lights up as a figure comes into view. 
“You’re home!” You exclaim excitedly, stepping inside with a wide grin. 
Harry approaches you and gives you a fleeting hug, hand raising to adjust his glasses as he pulls back, “Yeah, Tonks let me off early. How was your meeting with Blaise?”
“Good,” you draw out suspiciously, eyes narrowing as you both pace through the dim walkway, “how’d you know about that?”
“Regulus.” He answers simply, eyebrows raising in tease as you huff. 
You both cross into the threshold of the kitchen, stopping in your tracks as you see countless manuals splayed across the wide berth of the table. Regulus and Sirius are both hunched over in their seats, flipping furiously through the catalogues. 
“Some light reading, Sirius?” Your voice rings out playfully, body already moving towards your squinting boyfriend. Both men shoot up from their positions and blink owlishly at you and Harry, the sea of papers long forgotten. 
“Furniture shopping, pup!” Sirius replies with a tired grin as he stretches his arms over his head. 
Regulus rises from his chair and meets you halfway, arms wrapping securely around your body as he burrows his face into the crook of your neck. A few more moments pass by before he cranes back and blinks slowly at you, “Birdie.” 
You run a hand through his curls and smile lightly, “Love.” 
Regulus keeps you secure to him as he moves to drop back down into his seat, leaning his head against your stomach as you remain standing. Your eyes drop down to look at the varying bleak images on the shining white pages. 
Raising your eyebrows, your eyes drift around an image of a steep bookshelf with two glass doors, “Is this for us or Sirius?” 
Sirius leans back in his seat and rubs the bridge of his nose, “Your place. Reggie helped me pick out a few pieces earlier.” 
Your eyes wander around the aged cabinets and drabby wallpaper, trying to envision the space in a remodeled visual, one that would be Sirius-esque rather than screaming of cobwebs and medieval torture. You smile minutely before reaching a hand out across the table, bringing your other hand to card through Regulus’ hair as you mutter quietly to the tired man across from you, “I’m happy for you, Sirius.” 
The man reciprocates your smile and clasps his hand in yours, “Thank you, pup. I’m happy for you too,” he huffs and glances at Regulus, who remained immobile against your stomach, “the both of you.” 
The tender moment continues for a few more beats before Harry slowly leans on the seat next to Sirius’, eyes scrutinizing a forgotten pile of booklets off to the older man’s left, “Sirius, where are we going to put a lion table?” 
You snort out a muffled laugh as the man swivels over to his godson with beaming eyes, knowing that Harry would be whining to you later about Sirius’ ineptitude at interior decorating. 
“You should start cleaning up, Remus will be here soon for dinner.” You murmur with a pointed look at the trio. 
As the final outlines of the sun slinks away in the horizon, you and Regulus bid farewell to the occupants of Grimmauld Place, intent on spending the rest of the night in your home. It was fortunate that Regulus had managed to set up the floo network to your home only a matter of days before, and the journey back left little room for complaints as the green flames dragged away from your vision. 
You step out into the darkness of your study room, ears perking imperceptibly when the network flares again as Regulus joins you. The twilight sky filters into your home, dimly illuminating the barren room. 
“We’re home.” You mutter with a content smile. 
Regulus slowly pads towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he sways you both. Your eyes are drawn to the French casement windows behind the desk, getting lost in the sight of the dancing flower field. 
“Shall we head to the cliff, birdie?” Regulus muses, eyes following your gaze as he drifts into rumination. 
You nod and reluctantly step forward, pivoting on your heel and dropping a hand onto Regulus’ arm, “I’ll meet you at the front? I need to drop off a few things in the bedroom.” 
“Of course, baby.” He leans over to capture your lips in a soft kiss, hands dropping to your hips as he lightly grips onto you. 
Humming against his lips, you slowly pull back and rub a thumb across his cheek, “I’ll be quick, promise.” 
He pecks your lips again and gives you one last squeeze before he slowly backs away, shooting you a warm smile as he makes his way to the entryway. You retreat from the study room soon after, making a sharp right turn as you pace towards your shared bedroom. 
Regulus had been the one to bring up the idea of getting a beach house, assuring you that he was unsettled by still water and not turbulent waves. It was a quaint building, one that sprouted into the center of a lustrous flower garden, and you both knew it was the one when you toured it. Just a short walk away from the blooming fields, a precipitous cliffside broke away and loomed over a thick landing of sand, giving a small brief from the swaying waves 
As you enter the lusterless room, you shed away your bag and walk towards your bedside table, propping the Oregon postcard against your lamp. Atop the same white bedside table sat Regulus’ old golden frame, now whole and without trace of ever having been shattered. Under the frame, the folded piece of paper that Regulus had given you the night after you bought the property peeked out. 
You grasp both items in your hands, and smile lightly as an idea formulates in your head. 
“Kreacher!” You call lightly. 
The house-elf pops into the bedroom with a curious frown, teetering towards you as you extend the items out. You fish out your wand as Kreacher grabs the frame, muttering a faint engorgio at the rectangular object. The frame wobbles in the elf’s grasp before slowly stretching to nearly thrice its original size. 
“Could you possibly frame this note for me? Maybe above the headboard?” You request with a small smile. 
“Kreacher will do that.” The house elf nods and begins to fiddle with the frame. 
Your eyes run across the note one more time before you hand the slip to the elf, making your way out to Regulus with a fleeting farewell. The boy has a jacket slung over his arm as he waits for you by the door, carding his hair back as a flicker of joy flashes through his eyes when you appear in his line of sight. 
“All ready?” He murmurs once you reach him. 
“More than ready.” You reply with a hum, leaning to peck his cheek. 
The trek towards the cliffside passes by in the blink of an eye, and you’re left with butterflies in your stomach as Regulus picks several tulips for you along the way. By the time you’re close enough to the ocean to hear the crashing of waves, you are left to huddle close to Regulus for warmth. 
The sky begins to darken above you, but you give no protest when Regulus drags you to sit down on the ground. He peers up at the sky above him, eyes tracing across the faint twinkles of the approaching stars. 
You bring a hand to trace his chest as you do the same, cradling the flowers to your side as you begin to sift through the reel of memories in your head. 
“I love you, birdie.” Regulus whispers into the air, his arm moving to rest on your waist. 
You smile widely and press your face into the crook of his neck, “I love you.” 
And as you both laid under the stitches of glowing stars, sharing tiny whispers and shielding each other from the brutal winds, back in your home, Kreacher makes the last adjustments to the new wall decor. 
Kreacher mutely assesses the space as he backs out, the elf’s head full of future possibilities.
It was peaceful. After so many years, he felt at peace.
The door closes with a faint click just as the stars peek through the bedroom window, reflecting off the glowing frame. The swirls of inks encapsulated in the shining beams dance amongst the canvas of the wall. 
‘29 October, 1979
I wonder what being in love feels like. 
26 April, 1999
Love is like flying freely from the inhibitions of your burdens, where your person is your wings, your eyes, and your heart; you soar freely with the knowledge that they will carry you above the storms of doubt. I no longer wonder because now I know.’ 
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tag list: @krazyk99 @venomsvl @valsarchives @bunny24sstuff @novella12nite @elia-the-bibliophile @txorua @xlifexdeathx @trikigirl271 @the-marauders-world @sleepydang @blueberry-thrawn @lestat-whore @chanaaaannel @clockworkherondale @peachyaeger @thegayhoenextdoor @l--absinthe @ok-boke @summer-noir @mikeikax @musically-ambiguous @dittos-blog-dylanobrien @friendly-neighborhood-boricua @randomfaeriechild @misacc08 @that-bitch-bri @littleshadow17 @chocochannie @bl4stonesc @shari-berri @mrs-billyrussooo @pandemicboredom @gojosbucket @brain-has-left @googie-jeon @lovely-maryj @lokifriggason1 @aloramalfoy @godmitski @justanotherkpopstanlol @hpboysslut2707 @coffeehurricanes
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alishaaxo · 2 months
List of All Elia Martell-centric fics I enjoy:
Elia Martell And The Crown She Didn’t Want: AU where she marries Baelor Hightower yet Rhaegar is longing for her, which is unreciprocated.
Two Father’s, One Son: Everyone Lives AU where Jon Snow dies unexpectedly and Elia comes back to KL, married to Baelor Hightower.
The Isle Of Faces Does Not Welcome: Elia and Rhaegar have a third child, and Elia confronts Lyanna. No bashing of her, from Lyanna’s POV.
Clean AU: Elia and children are missing, assumed dead for 15 years, until a mystery knight returns to KL, claiming the blue roses his mother deserves.
The Queen And Her Bastard: Everyone Lives AU. Legitimised bastard Jon with sympathetic Lyanna slowly turned more cunning against Elia. Jon-Aegon have positive relationship, in spite of their mother’s ambitions.
The Brightest Sun: Elia and kids transported to Harry Potter Epilogue era. Train and arrive to Westeros during GOT. 200K words.
Poetry is what he thought, but did not say: Erik Kilmonger as Rhaegar. Ruthless Elia with ruthless Rhaegar who has a controversial temperament and bad reputation. Interesting dynamic with Barristan, Arthur and Aerys.
Dragons spin and spin: Spiders weave and weave: Mainly Elia Martell AU oneshot collection, with other characters included.
A tigress, not a woman: Elia Martell scorned by Rhaegar, wants for a annulment. Elia beloved by the Smallfolk.
Poison is a Woman’s Weapon: Queen Regent Elia watches on as Aegon gets crowned, reminiscing on the past.
An unexpected news item: Elia Martell gets shocking news. Very exaggerated bashing of Lyanna.
With Careful Hands and A Strong Chin: Doran died as a babe, Elia is the heir to Dorne. Arthur-Elia.
With Duty In Mind: Elia and Rhaella clean up Rhaegar’s messes.
Gone Girl: Elia dies only to wake up before her wedding. She runs away, with Rhaegar following suit in her trail in regret.
In The Chaos Of A World: Rhaegar dies while Lyanna and Elia live to see Robert ascend. Robert-Elia not in a romantic light, but political.
Caged Beasts And Cloudy Skies: Braime-centric, yet Elia-focused as they wish to crown her after the scorn from R+L, and bring her to rest at her homeland.
Lex Talionis: SIOC of Elia, takes the war into her own hands. Jaime-Elia centric.
Lady of Stormsend: Annulled Elia-Rhaegar, yet Elia married Robert and jealousy and resentment arises.
From Where Blessings Flow: Robert and Elia marry, yet the Realm is not settled as Aegon and Rhaenys grow. With Rhaenys-Viserys.
Living With Regret Of The Chance Not Taken: Rhaegar and Lyanna are married, while Elia, Aegon and Rhaenys are missing… until they are not. And life turns on it’s head. No bashing, just critical of R+L.
Planetos React: Modern AU react to historical figures Elia, Aegon, Rhaenys and Jaime found within tombs, and go wild on tumblr.
But A Woman Is A Changling (always shifting shape: My fic!! Selfless promo! Elia has a green-dress moment ala Alicent where she shows pride in her heritage and snarks towards Rhaegar and Lyanna.
This is all the Elia-centric fics I know of and enjoy! If you have any, please comment them and I’ll add them to this masterlist!!
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masonmyluv · 9 months
University and Goals - Epilogue
A/N: and with this, the story about Fermin x uni!reader ends 🥺 I hope you enjoyed the story and let me know if you are interested in more stories about Fermin. Thank you to everyone who read the story and left comments, they were super motivating ❤️ I wish you a Merry Christmas 🎄 and see you next year 🫶🏼
Warnings: noneeee
Read the whole story here
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ferminlopez I want to share with you my little ray of sunshine 💞 I've never been happier. So, all I'm asking all of you is to respect our privacy 🫶🏻
pablogavi This made me cry 🥺
↪️ ferminlopez Cabron...
lamineyamal Fermin scoring on and off the pitch 👀
↪️ ferminlopez 😉
pedri 😍😍
RobertLewi happy for the both of you 🙌🏻
↪️ ferminlopez Gracias 🙏🏼
yourusername Babe 😭😭😭 this is so cute
↪️ ferminlopez  you weren't supposed to be here
↪️ yourusername stfu THIS IS MY BOYFRIEND❤️
↪️ ferminlopez ❤️
ferminfan NOOO!!! My dreams are crushed now 😭
↪️ pedrixgavifan we have Gavi and Pedri
↪️ gavimylove exactly! Who needs Fermin anyways
↪️ gavixxxlove yeah! He's ugly af
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yourusername If you think this is ugly, you should get your eyes checked 😉
pedri 😳
pablogavi I need a gf like her 😭
↪️ yourusername Awww 🥹
alebalde muy guapo
↪️ yourusername SÌ
ferminlopez um baby, what's this? 😅
↪️ Pablogavi it's your gf standing up for you, puta
↪️ pedri don't you ever let her go or 🔫🔫🔫
↪️ ferminlopez okay guys got it 😃
gavifanpedri Still ugly
↪️ ferminfan stfu
↪️ ferminnnlopez32 go touch some grass
↪️ gavixxxlove Gavi >>> Fermin
↪️ ferminfan trash >>> your opinion
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yourusername Movie date nights with my fav person 🫶🏼
ferminlopez ❤️
pedri you don't like horror movies 🤨
↪️ yourusername I know, but I think he wanted to cuddle all the time yk
↪️ pedri oooh Fermin 😳😼
↪️ ferminlopez I hate that she's smart sometimes
↪️ yourusername you'll pay for it 🙂
pablogavi he was scared too 😂
↪️ ferminlopez no, I wasn't
↪️ pablogavi that's why you asked me to come with you to turn the lights on in the bathroom 😂
↪️ yourusername I'm dying 🤣
↪️ ferminlopez thanks Gavi 🙄
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ferminlopez My little witch 🩷 the Hermione to my Ron ❤️
pedri that's why you were tired today at training 😶
↪️ ferminlopez she made me watch all of them bro 🥲
↪️ yourusername and we'll watch them 1000 times 😁😁😁
↪️ ferminlopez nooooo
ferminfan can he be more perfect? 😭😭😭
↪️ yourusername Idk we'll see
yourusername Pedri Potter 🪄
↪️ pedri 😁
↪️ ferminlopez 🥲
yourusername the Ron to my Hermione and the Harry to my Ginny ❤️
↪️ ferminlopez 🩷🫶🏼
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yourusername Surprised him at practice 🥰
pablogavi he just wanted to impress you
↪️ marcosalonso he's not even that good (jk)
ferminlopez best surprise ❤️
↪️ pedri Xavi doesn't agree
↪️ pablogavi yeah, he was distracted all the time
↪️ fcbarcelona we were happy to have her there 🩷
↪️ yourusername Awww 🥹
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yourusername Vamos Barça 💙❤️
fcbarcelona ❤️
ferminlopez my lucky charm 🫶🏼🩷
↪️ yourusername 🥺
pedri petition for Y/N to come to every game 📃
↪️ pablogavi ✍🏼
↪️ marcosalonso ✍🏼
↪️ robertlewi ✍🏼
↪️ frenkiedejong ✍🏼
↪️ fcbarcelona ✍🏼
↪️ ferminlopez ✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼
↪️ yourusername ✍🏼🥺
mikky welcome to the wag group 🤍
↪️ yourusername thank youu 🥺🩷
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ferminlopez end of an era 👨🏼‍🎓🎉
fcbarcelona Felicidades!
Pablogavi if it weren't for Y/N...
↪️ lamineyamal he would have failed each class 🤣
↪️ ferminlopez go to school Lamine 😒
↪️ yourusername guys...
yourusername so happy to share this moment with you. Love u 🤍
↪️ ferminlopez love you too ❤️
↪️ pablogavi too cute I'm dying 🥹
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yourusername That's a wrap! 🧑🏼‍🎓 Uni taught me some things and the most important would be to be grateful. I'm grateful for the opportunity to study here, I'm grateful for the friends that I made, I'm grateful for my boyfriend with whom I got to spend this wonderful moment 🥰 HATS OFF WE'RE FREE
ferminlopez so proud of you ❤️
↪️ yourusername so proud of us 🩷
pablogavi congrats amigaaa 🥳
↪️ yourusername 🥹
pablogavi the smart girl and the .... guy
↪️ ferminlopez hey! 🤨😑
↪️ yourusername and the smart guy ❤️ siempre
↪️ ferminlopez see who loves me 🥹
↪️ pedri Gavi seguro que no 🤣
yourmom 🥹❤️
↪️ yourmom btw I have to meet this boy
↪️ pedri 😳😳😳 good luck man
↪️ yourusername ofc mom 🩷
↪️ pablogavi things are getting serious here 😏
↪️ yourusername shush you
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yourusername One year with you ❤️ Feeling loved and blessed 🥰🤍
ferminlopez love u 🩷
pablogavi isn't he the cutest?🥺
↪️ yourusername he really is 🥺🥺🥺
pedri he loves the beach as I can see
↪️ yourusername it's so romantic 🥺☺️
↪️ pedri good thing he doesn't love the other word read the same 😶
↪️ ferminlopez 🔫 pedri
gavixpedri he made that card by himself? 😩
↪️ yourusername yes he did 🥰
↪️ gavixpedri omg 😭 queen
mikky so cute 🩷
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ferminlopez One year with you, the best year of my life and hoping for spending every year from now on together ❤️ Thank you for always being there for me
pablogavi you didn't make a post about our 10 years of friendship 😒😒
↪️ ferminlopez I talk about you in every interview 🙄
↪️ pablogavi not enough 😑
yourusername te amo ❤️❤️❤️
↪️ ferminlopez ❤️
↪️ yourusername wanna spend my whole life with you 😭🥺🥺🥺
↪️ ferminlopez me too 🫶🏼
↪️ Pedri this is so disgusting
↪️ yourusername stfu Gonzalez 😑
Hope you liked it ❤️
110 notes · View notes
A Ball That Will Change Lives - Chapter 1
Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauders Era Characters)
Pairing: Royal!James/Bodyguard!Lily/regular!GN!reader
Characters in this chapter: James Potter, Lily Evans, Euphemia Potter, Fleamont Potter
Plot: Inspired by the fairytale Cinderella.
You're being 'raised' by your evil stepmother and stepsisters. Upon receiving the invitation to the royal ball, you and your stepmother and stepsisters all get ready for it. You go through the clothes left by your parents, but will they actually let you go? And if they do, who will you meet?
Notes: I don’t agree with any of JKR’s beliefs or statements. This account is a safe space.
This is a chaptered fic, here’s the links for each chapter and the masterlist:
Masterlist - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Epilogue
I do not give permission to anyone to repost or translate any of my stories. I also do not give anyone permission to feed my stories through AI or to be posted to any third party website or app. If anyone sees any of my work posted anywhere but here or my AO3 (simplyreflected), then it has been posted without permission.
Read on AO3 here.
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The magical land of Hogwarts was stunning and everyone admired the royal family of the kingdom. The benevolent King Fleamont and Queen Euphemia were kind to all their subjects and both of them were exceptionally proud of their son, Prince James.
Prince James was brought up in their image; kindness to all, no matter their station. He loved fiercely and it was obvious if anyone looked close enough at the way he looked at his bodyguard, Lily. However, they were discreet about their relationship; worried how the King and Queen would take it.
One day, however, he was taken to see his parents at their request by Lily. Once James was seated, with Lily standing behind him, his father told him of the idea that he and his wife came up with for their son.
“James, as you are 19, you need to find a wife, someone who will be your equal, your partner, your other half and who will help you rule. We will be holding a ball in your honour for your 20th birthday and inviting all available female suitors of close rank from this kingdom and neighbouring kingdoms. You will choose from the available and suitable suitors.”
James looked down, disappointed for a moment that he wouldn’t be able to have that life with Lily, but he had already told his parents that he’s polyamorous, so he decided to make a deal. He took a deep breath and said, “ok, I have two conditions.” He waited until both his parents nodded and his father gestured to him to go on. “Firstly, about the ball, I want you to invite everyone of appropriate age, no matter their title or standing, as long as they have no issue with me being polyamorous.” They had no issue agreeing to this, but still wanted him to find a wife. “Mama, father, I’m already in love with a beautiful woman.” They looked at him, and gestured for him to keep going. “I’m in love with my bodyguard, Lily Evans.”
James heard a gasp from behind him and looked back to see tears in Lily’s eyes as she looked at him.
“This is acceptable,” Queen Fleamont told them as she stood up and walked over to her son and his lover, and embraced both of them. “However, you can’t be his bodyguard once you’re married.” She pulled back and cupped Lily’s cheek. “As you are still an amazing bodyguard for our son, you will stay as his guard until closer to the time you will marry. Is this acceptable to you?”
James and Lily both looked at each other as Lily smiled and curtsied, “yes, your majesty.”
Euphemia pulled back and smiled at both of them as Fleamont walked over embracing them both before turning to Lily, “you’ve been like a daughter to us. It would be an honour to have you join us officially.”
As Fleamont walked back to his seat, but didn’t sit down, Lily smiled and embraced James, before she pulled back and kissed him.
“The two of you are excused. We have a ball to prepare for,” Fleamont told them as he sat down.
“And James,” Euphemia called just before they got to the door, making James turn to his mother and see her beautiful smile, “we’ll make sure your request is fulfilled and every available suitor is invited to the ball.”
With that, Lily and James walked out and happily went back to his chambers.
You hated this life, you were a slave to your stepmother and her daughters. They didn’t treat you like anything other than something they would wipe off the bottom of their shoes.
Everyday, you wished on anything and everything you could find or think of that the work you were doing would help change your life. When you were away from your stepfamily, you would try to work as hard as you could to find a job that also provided a place for you to live. It didn’t matter what it was at this stage, the only thing that mattered was that you could get away from here.
When the invitation to the ball arrived, you were in awe. You wanted to go and hopefully meet someone who could help you get out of this miserable existence. In this life, you were just a slave to your stepmother and her daughters. It was exhausting.
You smiled to yourself all that day as you remembered clothes of your parents that you found ages ago and stored them in your room. It wasn’t even really a room, it was the attic, and it was tiny.
Nothing could wipe the smile from your face.
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The Evans Girl [Masterpost]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character, Sirius Black x Daisy Evans, James Potter x Lily Evans
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black, Orion Black, Jasper Thicknesse, Barty Crouch Jr, Mulciber, Walden McNair, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Original Male Character, Nymphadora Tonks, Petunia Dursley, Dudley Dursley, Andromeda Tonks, Narcissa Malfoy, Vernon Dursley
Word Count: 255,426 [TBC]
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Summary: Hogwarts is a safe haven, a home for many, but it’s often a place where heartache, love and complex emotions dwell and none know that better than the Marauders. Lily Evans just wants to make it out as a successful witch though the oncoming war and the ongoing advances of James Potter threaten that. Daisy Evans, her twin, has other goals. Join the Evans sisters as they make their way through Hogwarts, prepare for war and eventually find love.
Tags/ Warnings: Hogwarts, Friends, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Marauder’s Era, Teenage Angst, Babies, Weddings, Dating, Crying, Loss of Virginity, First Wizarding War, Love, Kissing, Teenagers, James Potter is a bit of a dick, Hogsmeade, 1970s, Fighting, Loss of Parents, Grief, Babies, Injuries, Gore, Harm, Christmas,  The Potter’s Mansion // Daisy’s Dress // NYE Lily’s Dress // NYE Daisy’s Dress // Lily’s Ring // Daisy’s Ring // Sirius' Watch
Notes: Okay so I’ve been working on updating this and I’ve finally gone through all the chapters already written before I start writing more. It’s changed a lot so I’ve decided it’s just better to completely re-upload it.  
If you want tagging let me know
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Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part Fourteen Part Fifteen Part Sixteen Part Seventeen Part Eighteen Part Nineteen Part Twenty Part Twenty One Part Twenty Two Part Twenty Three Part Twenty Four Part Twenty Five Part Twenty Six Part Twenty Seven Part Twenty Eight Part Twenty Nine Part Thirty Part Thirty One Part Thirty Two Part Thirty Three Part Thirty Four Part Thirty Five Part Thirty Six Part Thirty Seven Part Thirty Eight Part Thirty Nine Part Forty Part Forty One Part Forty Two Part Forty Three Part Forty Four Part Forty Five Part Forty Six Part Forty Seven Part Forty Eight Part Forty Nine Part Fifty Epilogue
Aftermath New Beginnings An Old Friend Letters on the Run A Change In Circumstance Second Chances The Free Man A Happy Ending
Go On Moony
@maeisafangirl @mysteriouslydelicateface @caitlin1996 @imthebadguyyy
Evans Sisters Style Daisy Evans Lily Evans Sirius Black James Potter Remus Lupin Peter Pettigrew Marlene McKinnon Alice Fortescue Frank Longbottom Severus Snape
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dhr-ao3 · 3 months
Whispers of the Noble House
Whispers of the Noble House https://ift.tt/tXsYGWa by bbyval777 As Voldemort's power surges, an ancient prophecy resurfaces among the revered pureblood families, rumored to hold the key to halting his reign: "Ex luce et umbra, per sanguinem et ignem, surgent vincula quae nodum rumpent." Amidst the murmurs of this prophecy, Aurora Seraphina Black, nurtured within the formidable House of Black, and Theodore Nott, burdened by his father's dark legacy, find themselves ensnared in an arranged betrothal. Together, they embark on a perilous quest to uncover truths that challenge their very identities and beliefs, navigating the treacherous currents of pureblood politics and the ominous shadows cast by Voldemort's malevolent forces. Words: 437, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Original Black Family Characters (Harry Potter), Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Sacred 28 Families, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Remus Lupin, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Neville Longbottom, Adrian Pucey, Blaise Zabini, Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff Students, Gryffindor Students, Slytherin Students, Ravenclaw Students, Luna Lovegood, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Severus Snape, Hogwarts Staff Relationships: Theodore Nott/Original Female Character(s), Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Daphne Greengrass/Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson/Fred Weasley Additional Tags: The Sacred Twenty-Eight (Harry Potter), Pureblood Society (Harry Potter), Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter), Pureblood Politics (Harry Potter), Not Canon Compliant, Slytherin Politics, Slytherins Being Slytherins, Dark Magic, Soul Bond, Angst, War, Wizarding World (Harry Potter), Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Triwizard Tournament Happens Differently (Harry Potter), Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Flashbacks, The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, dramione - Freeform, Good Friend Daphne Greengrass, BAMFs, Toujours Pur | Motto of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Pining Theodore Nott, Pining Draco Malfoy, Good Friend Hermione Granger, Explicit Language, Blaise Zabini & Theodore Nott & Draco Malfoy Friendship, Established Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Established Blaise Zabini/Daphne Greengrass, Dad Regulus Black, dead regulus black, Minor Character Death, Loss of Parent(s), cousin draco malfoy, Cousin Daphne Greengrass, Hogwarts Era, Mystery via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/4fCmxVX July 11, 2024 at 12:20AM
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napo-con-fritas · 2 months
Didcot to Cardiff
Fandom(s): Harry Potter (Marauder's Era)
Rating: General Audiences
Summary: Remus' parents got along perfectly with Lily Evans' on the way back home from their 3rd year. To both their surprises, Lily and Remus discovered they got along rather well themselves.
Remus and his parents talk about the Evans, the Snapes, and the moral repercussions of pranks that go too far. Epilogue to this fic, but can be read by itself.
AO3 link
The rhythmic swaying of the train lulled Remus to a doze. His eyelids felt heavy, and his brain pulled him to sleep, but his consciousness didn’t want to let go yet.
His parents had been mostly quiet since the Evans’ had left the train to catch the Northern route to Worcester. Remus wasn’t sure exactly how long it had been, a bit over an hour, perhaps? He reckoned they weren’t too far from their own stop.
He knew his mother and father had been nothing short of enchanted by the charismatic Evans family. He hadn’t quite participated in the adults’ conversation but from his seat, next to Lily, he had witnessed the two couples' animated chat all the way to Didcot.
The thought of what his friends would say when he told them he’d travelled with Lily Evans of all people brought a smile to his face.
In his slightly dazed brain, he could almost guess his mates’ reactions.
James would’ve found it a wicked twist of fate. But Remus knew he’d have been a bit jealous of the chance to properly converse with Lily —who he was almost certain James fancied against all reason—.
Peter would be amazed about how long it took Remus to get home even after the Hogwarts Express arrived in London. He would frown slightly at Lily’s name, and then he’d ignore her part of the story completely in favour of asking Remus endless questions about the Muggle Railway System, which both fascinated and terrified him.
Then there was Sirius. Sirius would’ve gone on and on about how devastating it would be to have to share Lily Evans’ company for more than necessary. He would think Remus’ parents befriending Lily’s was nothing short of high treason. He would ask whether Lily had bossed him around the whole trip and be utterly disgusted by the idea of Remus enjoying spending time with her.
It was bizarre, to think he had enjoyed her company.
Lily Evans was nothing like Remus had imagined. In school she was his —or his best friends’— sworn enemy. He had spoken to her when strictly necessary, which hadn’t been all that much at all. The only thing he had assumed they shared a passion for had been the Interhouse Quidditch Cup.
It turned out Lily was much more attuned to reality than her school persona reflected.
She wasn’t harsh, nor particularly mean. She wasn’t selfish or egotistical. She had proved much more mature than Remus himself.
He tried to picture his memories of her in school from a different angle.
Had she truly been as horrid and stuck-up as he and his friends believed her to be? Or had their own antics provoked her into behaving that way?
He supposed it was a fifty-fifty situation. Lily hated James and Sirius, and would consider it beneath herself to try and find a reasoning behind their actions. In turn, the Marauders —Remus smiled, it had been his idea to call their group that— would rather jump into the loch and be eaten by the giant squid than try to give Snape a chance.
Remus wondered what would’ve happened if it was Severus Snape who had taken the train with him. He now knew Snape didn’t live far from Lily, but he’d failed to ask her how he went home after each term ended. He reckoned Apparition or Portkey.
Then again, it had been their parents who had found the families seats together. If it had been the Snapes, Da would’ve begged Mam to find a spot as far away as possible.
Remus knew Da had gone to school with Snape’s mother. In his words ‘she was a nasty piece of work, Eileen was’. Remus doubted he’d have wanted to share a whole evening with her and whoever she had decided to marry.
He shuddered, snapping awake at the thought.
“Everything all right, cariad bach?” Mam asked, rubbing his arm to warm him up. “Shall we close the window?”
He shook his head. “I was just thinking…”
Seeing that he wasn’t about to finish, Da said: “About your friend?”
“She doesn’t really get along with my friends and I, actually,” Remus admitted.
Mam raised her eyebrows, she didn’t look very surprised, though. “No? But she was so nice to you today.”
“Yeah, she— I don’t know, really,” Remus said. “She’s nicer out of school.”
“Or perhaps you and your friends aren’t all that nice to her in school and she doesn’t take it sitting down?” Da asked, crossing his arms over the table separating their seats.
Remus’ eyes widened. “I— it’s not her they— we aren’t nice to. Mostly. But they—!”
“It’s okay, lad,” Da smiled. “Mrs Evans told us Lily is friends with Eileen’s boy. Merlin knows how that happened!”
Mam frowned. “Maybe if you didn’t put those ideas in his head, he wouldn’t be so against that boy.”
“Snape’s awful!” Remus said. “He’s mean, and dead into the Dark Arts. He’s always saying how bad the rest of us are in Potions!”
“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…” Da muttered.
“That’s enough, Lyall,” Mam snapped. “Whatever Eileen might’ve been like in school, it doesn’t mean her son’s the same!” She turned to Remus. “You’re friends with Sirius, aren’t you? Yet you’ve always said how terrible his family is. Family isn’t what defines a person.”
Da seemed to ponder on that. “You’re not wrong. I’d hate for people to think I’m as nasty as my sister is.”
Remus winced, remembering Aunt Maisie’s vile words about werewolves. He knew, from eavesdropping on them a few years back, that she had told Da to ‘throw that halfbreed mutt of yours out once and for all’. Needless to say, she wasn’t Remus’ favourite relative.
“It’s not the same, though,” Remus argued. “Sirius disagrees with his family. Snape doesn’t seem to. He’s proud of his mother, he’s told Slughorn that in class. Dunno about his father, though.”
“‘Snape’ doesn’t ring a bell, if I’m honest,” Da said. “He wasn’t at Hogwarts when I was there.”
“Home-schooled?” Mam suggested. “Or one of those smaller institutions…”
Da shrugged. “I don’t know every wizard out there, love. Does he work in the Ministry, Remus, do you know?”
Remus tried to recall, but he had never heard Snape mention his father.
“I dunno,” he said. “I’ve never spoken to Snape voluntarily.”
“No need to sound smug about it,” Mam scolded him. “I hope you haven’t been impolite.”
Remus controlled the urge to roll his eyes. “It’s not like he talks to me.”
“Is this because of Da’s poor opinion on Eileen Snape, or because of that silly house rivalry you lot insist on?”
“Not you too.” Remus dropped his head into his crossed arms. “I’ve already had an earful from Lily about it! I get it, I’ll try to be friends with people who aren’t Gryffindors!” He raised his head to look at his mother. “But not Snape. I’ve told you before, he’s unfriendly and interested in Dark Arts. That’s bad, Mam. That’s what the villains in films would be interested in!”
Mam sighed. She wanted him to be kind, and to try and make more friends, but he knew she didn’t like the sound of dark magic. After all, a dark creature had ruined Remus’ life —and by consequence her own— years ago.
“You could try to get your mates to make amends with Lily, however,” Da suggested. “Forgive me if I don’t believe she is interested in Dark Arts.”
Remus snorted. “No she isn’t. She’s too stubborn to forgive James and Sirius just like that, though.”
“You have to repent to be forgiven,” Mam said.
Remus made a face.
“I think what the Spanish Inquisition here wants to say, son,” Da nudged Mam affectionately. “Is that she shouldn’t forgive them just like that. Whatever it is you think you and the lads have done wrong, you must apologise first.”
“I would!” Remus hurried to say. “Peter might too. It’s Sirius and James who wouldn’t. They’re too stubborn to realise they’ve done anything wrong.”
“Or too spoiled,” Da smirked. “James Potter, Fleamont’s miracle child. But even the son and heir to the Potter family fortune must land in the real world eventually. You can’t spend your whole life without apologising once.”
“He’s not too bad with other people,” Remus defended him. “But it’s— well, it’s Snape. They’ll never get along.”
“They don’t have to like each other,” Mam said. “They only have to be civil.”
“At least in front of teachers,” Dad added. “You’ve had enough detentions this year to show you lot haven’t polished the art of not getting caught yet.”
Mam gave dad an exasperated look. “That’s bloody awful advice for your 13-year-old son!”
“It’s pointless to say ‘don’t do the thing’. Better tell him to be smart enough not to be associated with the occurrence.” Dad locked eyes with Remus and put on a serious voice. “Unless it’s something that will hurt somebody. You more than anybody should know causing harm is never fun or tolerable behaviour. No matter how mean or unlikeable the victim is.”
Remus was about to reiterate that he hated Dark Arts, and so did his friends, but for the first time in a long while, he wondered if, perhaps, sometimes, they hadn’t gone a tad overboard with their pranks.
They’d never actually hurt Snape, had they? Not on purpose, at any rate.
“Yeah, I know.” He said instead. Thinking of a way to change the subject, he added: “Lily said she could help me with my Potions homework this summer!”
Da smiled. “Thank Merlin for that, you know I’m rubbish at that.”
“Is Potions the one you two cried about for a week last year?” Mam asked.
“We didn’t cry,” Da corrected. “We had a moment of shared frustration, that’s all. Bloody awful subject it is. Imagine Chemistry, but make it more dangerous.”
“You should warn Lily about your hate for Potions before luring her into thinking she can tutor you so easily,” Mam replied.
Remus smiled. “It’s okay, I promised I’d help her with Charms. She’s good with the spells, but she hates the theoretical part.”
Mam shrugged as if saying, ‘That’s fair.’
Da shifted in his seat to make himself more comfortable. “Whenever she plans to drop by, we could have her parents over, show them around town a bit.”
Mam made a face. “He’s inviting his friend over, and you want to bring her parents too?”
Da looked confused. “I just…”
“That’s not how playdates work,” Mam explained.
Remus blushed. “Playdate?”
“Study-thing, whatever you want to call it.”
Da chuckled. “By his colour, call it anything but a date.”
“A playdate isn’t a date date!” Mam scoffed.
Remus groaned. “You’re an embarrassment to my person.”
Mam repressed a grin and patted his arm. Da laughed and nodded.
“You can invite her parents over,” Remus told them. “They’ll be happy to watch the telly, too. Apparently, Lily’s sister destroyed theirs.”
Da looked horrified. He’d never quite understood how televisions worked, but he’d discovered a love for afternoon soaps when he’d married Mam. He liked watching rugby too, despite not knowing the rules.
“By accident!” Remus hurried to clarify.
“We’ll have all of them over, then,” Mam said, ignoring Da’s expression. “But first you get a few weeks off, you need to rest, cariad.”
Remus nodded. He rested his head in his hand, his cheek pressing on his palm. He felt defeated, as if the day’s socialising had finally worn him out.
Of course he had to rest. He had to enjoy the summer full moons when he needn’t pretend he was all right, when he could allow himself to be cared for by his parents.
For a while there, he’d let himself be fooled into thinking he could have a normal friendship outside his little gang.
Hadn’t Lily asked why he kept to himself? She’d been so easy to talk to, he’d almost blurted out, ‘Well, I turn into a bloodthirsty monster once a month, Lily. Not easy to make new friends, all things considered!’. But for all that she’d been much, much nicer than he’d assumed from afar, she was still a perfectly normal human being who’d freak out if Remus confessed what he was.
Would she really? Wondered the other side of his brain. She’d been terribly kind, and so very open too. But there was a difference between being polite to a classmate and accepting a werewolf as a friend. Remus was already so lucky to have three people who knew and didn’t care! He felt he was tempting fate by sharing his secret further than his fellow Marauders.
Besides, he enjoyed his and Lily’s new-found alliance, he didn’t want her to find out if there was a possibility that she would be disgusted, or worse, scared.
No, it was better to keep that to himself. He’d wait until after the moon to have the Evans family over. He’d be all right a few days after the transformation, and then he and Lily could work on their summer assignment together.
“We’re almost there, lad,” Da said, standing up. “You all right?”
Remus nodded. “Just tired.”
Da ruffled his hair. He went off to get Remus’ trunk.
Mam pushed his fringe out of his eyes.
“It’s okay, cariad,” she said. “Some dinner and off to bed you.”
He nodded again and leaned into her hand.
As the train lowered its speed, Remus got up and got his bag from the rack.
Only a 20 minute train ride separating him from his bedroom. He’d take a nap before dinner, he reckoned.
He got off the train with Mam —who immediately searched the station to find which platform their new train would leave from—, and stretched his arms and back relishing the cool air in the summer evening.
He hoped Lily and her family travelled with them from now on, the trip went so much faster with a friend by his side.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 8 months
Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut
Ginny Weasley
Okay hold on I know Harry Potter is bad its awful I KNOW BUT LISTEN- the way drarries have BUTCHERED and KILLED her character is something that truly needs to be studied because its one thing to make her and harry not date but oh my god they treat her like she is the DEVIL for EXISTING.
Tbh only remember the epilogue where they do a time skip and Harry and Ginny are married then they have a Bunch of kids boarding the train. In fics I see a lot of her either becoming psychotic trying to marry Harry and become lady potter or molly Weasley getting a contract to force a marriage. There’s a lot of m/m ships in the fandom but I think Harry and Draco are the most popular? Just wanted to throw someone different in here
The thing is, the deeper I got into the fics, the worse Ginny got? Like I read plenty of good fics where she was cool, but there was the same amount where for some reason she was controlling, or abusive, or dead. Like for Drarry? Come on! If you think Ginny sucks, I have some *shocking* news about Draco
Erina Pendleton
Erina is SO MUCH MORE than just a "Generic Love Interest" that was brought in the story to continue the bloodline after everything that happens (and it's made abundantly clear time and time and TIME AGAIN that she means everything to Jonathan, to a point that she was his exact reason to standing up against Dio for the first time) but without fail she's only ever allowed to be the supportive best friend. Or a wingman for Jonathan and whoever he's being shipped with. Or simply supposed to sit there and allow her husband to have a male lover (the amount of posts I've seen of ppl using the excuse that 'it was very common back in the Victorian Era for men to keep male lovers that their wives were aware of and quietly accepted so it isn't a stretch to say that Erina and Jonathan wouldn't be the same--especially given how progressive she's written". Or of course my favorite when they completely erase her from the narrative and pretends she doesn't exist Jonathan's got their son for some reason, but nope she ain't there! 
a lot of times ppl who ship her CANON HUSBAND jonathan joestar with speedwagon will put her on the back burner of HER OWN CANON RELATIONSHIP in favor of propping up jonawagon, to the point where 90% of the archive for jonawagon/jonawagon(eri) is either erina giving jonathan and speedwagon consent to be happy together while she acts like a #LoveIsLove wingman OR they'll have the audacity to write fics where erina comforts speedwagon at HER HUSBAND'S FUNERAL
Our hero’s hot wife who was the first (and arguably) only person to give him the emotional support he needed. She’s the only person who never expects him to fulfill some mythical role, she just loves him for who he is. She’s been his best friend and the love of his life since he was 12 years old. When it comes to hero/sidekick ship, she’s forced to be a wing woman for her own husband, either nobly letting him go or peacefully agreeing to an open relationship but only for him!!! She gets nothing out of it, she’s just a good Victorian wife who is “ahead of her time”. Usually, just so she can provide a womb so that the hero/sidekick can be dads and she can conveniently be offscreen. OR she’s written as a lesbian in order to completely and “justifiably” take her out of the equation but there’s a.) no other woman in her vicinity to even ship her with b.) there’s vaguely some faceless, nameless woman we’re meant to assume she’s pursuing, not even a real OC for her. 
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
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Hypocritic Oath
by Amanuensis. Rated: E. Words: 3,231. Harry/Severus. Harry/others. Prostitution. Memory loss. Dark.
Harry's not well. Neither is Snape.
Hits the Ground
by atrata. Rated: M. Words: 3,271. Underage. Student/teacher.
Snape comes back from a Death Eater meeting, and his Issues manifest in a decidedly ugly way.
No Bounds
by atrata. Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 3,311. Underage. Bondage. Detention. Past James/Severus.
Harry has a plan. Snape has a grudge.
by Belladonna1185. Rated: E. Words: 10,769. Harry/Severus. Harry/Ginny. Harry/Severus/Voldemort. AU. Dub-con. Ambiguous morality.
“I give in to incubus who softly calls my name each night/ Once more and I will become the insomniac who dreams of you while waking.” —Lauren Ashley
Dark Dreams
by blackwhitelight. Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Word: 3,567. Underage. Student/teacher. Painful sex. Forced orgasm. Dark Snape. Dark fic. Mind fuck.
Harry wakes tied to a bed.
His Mother's Eyes
by blackwhitelight. Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 6,713. Voldemort Wins AU. Forced femeninization. Vaginal sex. Forced orgasm. Corruption. Voyeurism. Captivity. Dark Snape.
Harry always has a cunt when Snape fucks him.
Coils of Gold
by Crymsyn. Rated: E. Words: Many. Harry/Severus. Non-con. Dom/sub. Mpreg. Background Draco/Ron.
The death of one Dark Lord brings about the rise of another.
In My Veins (In My Blood)
by danpuff. Rated: E. Words: 7,042. Harry/Severus. Harry/Death Eaters. Gang rape. Possessive behavior. Angst & porn. Het & slash. Background Alecto/Bellatrix. Voldemort wins AU. Partner betrayal. Victim blaming. Emotional manipulation. Hurt no comfort. Whump. Dark. Intense.
Voldemort wins the war and rewards the Death Eaters with a prize: Harry Potter. What he doesn't know is that Harry already belongs to one of them.
Ashes of Armageddon
by emilywaters1967. Rated: E. Words: 140,804. Harry/Severus. Severus/others. BDSM. OOC. Dark Harry. Angst. Tragedy. Hurt/comfort. Mystery. Suspense.
Dark!Harry, slave!Snape. DarkFic. (and I really do mean, dark!) Post-DH, ignores epilogue.  Book One:What if Harry never had the King's Cross experience? Severus Snape survives Nagini's bite, and wakes up from a coma five years later, only to become enslaved by a very angry, vindictive, and extremely powerful Harry Potter. Book Two: The war is truly over now, and both Harry and Severus Snape have survived the ordeal. But the consequences of the two months spent at Godric's Hollow are still with them.
But Not Forgotten
by Hijja. Rated: E. Words: 2,660. Underage. Drama.
Harry finally masters Legilimency, and ends up wishing he hadn’t.
Fic: What Price Help
by iamisaac. Rated: E. Words: 3,419. Humiliation. Student/teacher. Forced relationship.
Harry needs to learn how to cope with anything that might happen to him. Snape is the obvious choice to help him - but will Snape be prepared to help Harry? And at what cost?
War Makes Strange Bedfellows
by iamisaac. Rated: E. Words: 2,834. Bottom Snape. Bonding. Angst. Ambiguous/open ending.
Request: Harry/Snape. Hogwarts era (between book 5 and 6), forced bonding with non-con and nasty stuff. Would love it if the needs to be kept secret, but its effect on Harry is clear to his friends so they get suspicious etc. No fluffy endings, but some hope at the end would be cool. Darkfic please! No bottom!Harry
Paid in Full
by lesyeuxverts. Rated: M. Words: 731. Harry/Severus. Forced bonding. Dub-con.
Severus's revenge was sweeter for the delay, and this was only his rightful reward.
Revenge is for Tomorrow
by lysanatt. Rated: E. Words: 2,469. Humiliation. Watersports. Slavery. Violence. Extreme dub-con.
Snape has planned for this, his redemption, for years, living like Harry Potter's property. The chance finally comes...
A Thing of Guile
by Perfica. Rated: E. Words: 7,598. Harry/Severus. Rape (Harry/others, Snape/others.) First time. Angst. Hurt/comfort. Ambiguous ending.
It was good to know that things hadn't changed too much since his imprisonment.
by Rushlight. Rated: E. Words: 25,476. Hurt/comfort.
Snape is forced to make a difficult decision when Harry is captured by Death Eaters, and they both have to find a way to deal with the aftermath.
Nights of Gethsemane
by starcrossed. Rated: E. Words: 363,198. Harry/Severus. Minor Harry/Ginny. Imprisonment. Rape. Torture. Dark.
Other links: NoG on LJ, Invictus (companion piece) on LJ, Release of Sisyphus (incomplete sequel) on LJ.
Harry is a prisoner of the Dark Lord and Snape, his prison guard. Completely cut off from the outside world, Harry struggles to hold himself intact as he is forced to rely on Snape for everything. Yet Snape may not be all that he appears....
More Fools They
by steph7of7. Rated: E. Words: 139,068. Harry/Severus. Harry/others. Stockholm syndrome. Rape porn. Inspired by atrata's A Fool Too Late.
Harry makes an offer he doesn't understand. Snape accepts an offer he can't possibly comprehend. More fools they.
by wintergreen825. Rated: E. Words: 748. Harry/Severus. Brothel AU. Childhood sexual abuse. Violence. Obsession.
Harry reflects on one of his most frequent patrons: the one who was his first patron, in fact.
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Title: A Thestral for the Slain Penname: flags_fiend @flagsfiend Pairing/Character: Colin Creevey/Luna Lovegood, Luna Lovegood/George Weasley Tags: Major Character Death, Hogwarts Era, Canon Compliant, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Grief/Mourning, Unplanned Pregnancy, Teen Pregnancy, Single Parents, No Smut, no infidelity, no beta we die like Colin Creevey, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, He is 16 and she is 17 Rating: T Summary: Luna's love story in three parts: - An unplanned pregnancy. - An unwelcome grief. - An unexpected relationship Word Count: 2704 WIP or Complete: WIP
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renmackree · 11 months
20 Questions for fic writers
I was tagged by the writing goddess @dear-massacre
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
23 works, one WIP (and another coming soon)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
563,018 - I took a hiatus for about 10 years and now coming back
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only Teen Wolf right now, but previously - Harry Potter, Avengers/Marvel, Legend of Zelda, and back in the day a Battle Royale one
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm only going to use the fics from this year because my 2013 stuff is best left there.
part-time soulmate, full-time problem (Sterek, 27k. Explicit. Fake Relationships & Derek in a Kilt)
Behind the Screen (Sterek, 23k. Explicit. Derek is a CEO who watches Camboys. Stiles is that Camboy.)
Werewolves at Twilight (Sterek, 50k. Explicit. Twilight but Teen Wolf.)
The Itch (Sterek, 36k. Explicit. WIP. Stiles solves a murder mystery while being Dominated by someone online)
Full Moon (Sterek, 60k. Explicit. New Moon but Teen Wolf.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to as much as possible, but I always just don't know how to respond because if you leave a comment on my fic, I run to show my husband and just giggle the whole day.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Honestly, way back, I wrote Under my Skin, and that one originally had an unhappy ending with an epilogue, but I changed it mid-way. The Itch is probably because it's a WIP I have no idea when I'll get to finish it.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Either Eclipse of the Dawn or Part-time soulmate.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yup 👍🏻
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
All sorts of smut, but Knotting non-ABO is my favorite.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Eclipse of the Dawn is a major crossover, but I have always liked to do Buffy/Teen Wolf in some capacity.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, oh absolutely yes. but it was like, back in the Fanfiction.net era of life
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I believe someone did, but once more fanfiction.net era
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I did a sister fic for someone, but co-writing fics haven't been on my radar. I would LOVE to, though, especially now that I'm getting into my art again.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Sterek's up there in the forever column so check that box
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I will finish my only WIP soon, I have feelings that it will take time, but it will be done. I don't post unless I'm committed.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told my banter and character dialogue make people laugh, so I think I am strong in that. Honestly, I write for myself, and if everyone likes it, I'm here for it!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Keeping things short. Also, I would say I'm a bit simplistic in my word choices so if y'all are looking for Purple prose with gratuitous romanticism, that's not me
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I write languages I know and languages I speak - I try to keep it contained to terms of endearment or spells in Latin. My next fic coming does have Icelandic in it, but I try to keep it to a minimum.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Chronicles of Narnia, but first published fandom was Harry Potter
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I wrote them all to my tastes, but I think I'm really proud of the Moonlight Saga. It was three months of intense writing, and it proved that I could write over 180K in a summer while my life was falling apart. It means a lot to me that I had the gumption.
low pressure, not required, only if you're feeling it: @quackquackcey, @arver7, @leodabinchy, @handsofred
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