#harry potter x marcus flint
gods-graveyard · 7 months
Incorrect Hp quotes based on my fic (pt2)
Percy- I have high standards in any partner
Oliver and Marcus-
*arguing over if they can catch a Bludger mid air to throw it at someone without breaking a hand*
Percy- ...I am a weak man.
Fanart https://www.tumblr.com/gods-graveyard/745520432147578881/i-made-fanart-of-my-own-post-i-give-you-my?source=share
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maxyaps · 4 months
Oliver: Hey Marcus, how long do you think it would take until I start hallucinating from sleep deprivation?
Marcus: I think-
Percy: Seventy two hours.
Oliver: How did you-
Percy: There's a clown right behind you.
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Perciverus(Percy x Oliver x Marcus) will never not be funny because it's just three guys who are all individually unnecessarily hyper-intense about literally everything, while also being 100% convinced that they are the one(1) normal person in the polycule
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tooth317 · 3 months
There aren't enough posts for Percy/Marcus/Oliver :(
So here are some incorrect quotes
As a treat for me :3
Marcus: Is the pink panther a lion?
Percy: Say that again but slower.
Marcus: I don’t get it.
Percy: He’s a PANTHER.
Marcus: Is that a type of lion?
Percy: No, it’s a fucking panther.
Marcus: *googles panther* They aren’t pink?
Marcus: Did you know spiders can hold 8 guns at once?
Oliver: How does it WALK??
Marcus: Did you know spiders can hold 7 guns at once?
Oliver: Like they say, "If you can't beat them, curl up in a ball and protect your organs."
Marcus: Oliver, my old friend!
Oliver: I think you tried to kill me at some point.
Marcus: That was obviously just my way of getting to know you.
Oliver: Can we talk about that mass email you sent?
Percy: Why? It was important.
Oliver: All it says is, "I'm back on my shit".
Marcus, shrugging: The people need to know.
Percy: Don’t be sad!
Oliver: Why not?
Percy: I don’t have a good answer.
Marcus: Get in the Halloween spirit and make a ghost!
Oliver: That’s called murder and I heard somewhere that it was illegal.
Marcus: Though I admit I don’t know much about you, I am feeling pretty confident in my assessment that you are probably some sort of sick deadly fuck.
Percy: Who told you my secret?
Percy: Oliver has no idea I’m high.
Oliver: You’re high?
Percy: Oh, I’m sorry.
Percy, leaning over to Marcus: Oliver has no idea I’m high.
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thekraeuterhexe · 3 months
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- done with work?
- never…
Just an older Marcus and Percy meeting up after work for some coffee or something…
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natvksblog · 1 month
Looking for Flintwood fics be like:
In another language
Read that
In another language
Read that
Read that
Ooh haven't read that! Oh it's in Spanish...
Haven't read that! Actually no I have!
That's not about Flint it's about Pucey
Okay haven't read that. *Last update: 2012* okay nevermind
Oh that seems good. *Proceeds to ruin my life and well being*
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
The One and Only Exception
Percy Weasley x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Harry Potter
Day 13 Prompt: "Come with me, hurry."
Summary: When Y/N and Percy end up in a small closet together hiding from angry Slytherins, certain feelings may finally come to light.
Word Count: 1,628
Category: Fluff
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"This is why you're my best friend."
I grinned as Oliver Wood, my regular partner in crime, whispered from next to me in the secret passage where we crouched. Normally, we were partners in Quidditch-based crime, coming up with the most amazing plays to destroy our opponents on the field. We'd been doing it since first year, even before anyone had been willing to listen to us and our Quidditch opinions.
Now, however, we were partners in crime in something that fit our Beater pair more than either of us. But with a match against Slytherin on the horizon and them playing ridiculous, cheaty mind games, I'd convinced Oliver to join me in doing the same.
We were going to get back at them by getting in their heads, the same way they'd been spending time trying to get in ours. And as soon as Marcus Flint came around the corner, ideally with a few other members of his team, our hovering bubbles of water and flour would drop down on them from the ceiling and our revenge would begin.
Thankfully, we didn't have to wait much longer. As we'd expected, Flint came into the hallway with his Beaters trailing him. Oliver and I waited for the perfect moment, then with a wave of our wands, dropped the balloons and flour smack onto their heads.
They froze in their tracks, horror on their faces, before they looked around wildly and angrily. Oliver and I shared a maniacal grin, then took off running in opposite directions as planned as Flint roared.
Oliver disappeared up the secret corridor as I popped into the hallway with the Slytherins, drawing their attention before disappearing around the corner of a castle hallway. Ideally neither of us would get caught, but Oliver was the Quidditch captain, so we needed to make sure he didn't get blamed for this lest the whole team be punished. Hence my part.
I could hear the footsteps of the Slytherins pounding against the cobblestones behind me, but I just cackled and picked up the pace, racing ahead. I flew around another corner, intending to put on a little more speed, but stopped dead in my tracks thanks to an unexpected obstacle. Percy Weasley, Oliver's roommate and one of my friends since first year, was walking down the hallway, completely oblivious of me and the angry Slytherins on my trail.
"Whoa! Y/N, what are you-"
"No time! Come with me, hurry!" I cried, grabbing Percy's arm and dragging him along after me. He immediately slowed me down, and if we kept going at this pace, Flint and his friends would catch us for sure.
Time for plan B.
I readied my wand and leveled it at the nearest door off the corridor, blasting it open before ducking inside, dragging Percy with me. I quickly shut the door behind us, relocking it with magic and then freezing to avoid making noise that would give us away.
"Really, Y/N, what on earth-"
"Percy, sh!" I said, raising my finger to my lips and staring him down with wide eyes. He didn't look completely pleased, but he listened, settling in to stare at me with his arms crossed while I watched the door.
I thought that would be that, but then Percy grabbed my arm to turn my attention back to him, one eyebrow raised almost into his hairline in demanding question. I sighed, then leaned in to whisper in his ear.
In the back of my mind, I realized just how closely together that put us, chest to chest in this tiny dark storage closet. I tried my best to force that train of thought to be quiet, especially since I was sure Percy didn't feel the same as I did.
"The Slytherins have been messing with our Quidditch team worse than usual," I whispered. "So, I'm helping my best friend by getting them back. We set a trap with water balloons and flour in the hallway, dumped it right on Flint's head, and got the Beaters too. After I triggered the prank, I took off and they chased. I ran into you, dragged us both in here so we wouldn't get caught, and now we're waiting for them to pass."
I leaned back at bit to gauge Percy's reaction, and for just a second, I thought I saw a faint blush on his cheeks through the dark. Then, I noticed his deep frown.
"What were you thinking!" he hissed, at least remembering to keep his voice down this time. "You know I'm the Head Boy, don't you? I have to get you in trouble for this!"
"Or..." I started, giving Percy a little smile as an idea came to me. He raised his eyebrows, still looking a little outraged, so I continued. "Percy, did you actually see me do anything wrong?"
"...Well, no. But I just heard you confess to dropping water balloons on the Slytherins-"
"Percy. I just saved you from an angry Marcus Flint, who absolutely had it coming, by the way. For once in your life just be chill."
He stared at me, stress written on every single line of his face, then finally sighed, his shoulders falling as he closed his eyes.
"Wait, really?"
He looked at me again, clearly incredibly tired of my nonsense. Maybe he was just trying to fake me out...
"Really, Y/N. I... you made a decent enough argument that I suppose, just this once..." he cleared his throat and rubbed at the back of his neck, and this time I definitely caught him blushing. "I suppose I can let it go."
"I freaking love you," I laughed, flinging my arms around him and pulling him in tight for a hug. He froze like a statue, then slowly, wrapped his arms around my waist. As he did, I realized what I'd just said, and I felt heat rising to my own face, too.
We stayed like that for a few beats, part of me not wanting to pull away and deal with the tension now blanketing this closet. After a moment, though, I did, slowly. Percy didn't drop his arms from around my waist, and I left mine around his neck as we made eye contact, all the humor and lightness gone.
"Percy..." I breathed. I glanced down at his lips before I could stop myself, and when I quickly looked back up after realizing what I'd done, I found Percy's gaze had wandered to my lips, too.
I smiled to myself, then leaned in and kissed him without letting myself think twice about it. I'd had a crush on Percy since fifth year, and Oliver had spent all of that time telling me to stop being a chicken and just ask him out. Now, two years later, I was finally managing to do just that.
Percy kissed me back as soon as he'd realized what was happening, and I smiled into the kiss. After a moment we pulled away, and I met Percy's eyes, wide with shock but a small smile on his face. I was practically glowing.
"You just kissed me," he said, like he still couldn't quite believe it. I nodded.
"I sure did. And I'm gonna do it again."
Percy huffed a quiet, happy laugh, then met me half way as I leaned back in towards him. Marcus Flint and the angry Slytherins were completely forgotten as I ran one hand through Percy's hair at the base of his neck, and he wrapped his arms even tighter around me.
"Hey, I think it's finally safe for you-"
Percy and I jumped apart and whirled around as the door flew open, revealing Oliver. I guess he'd come to find me once the danger of the Slytherins had passed, unfortunately for me. Oliver, Percy, and I stared at each other with wide eyes for a few moments, and then Oliver's face broke into a grin.
"FINALLY! I've had to spend years hearing you talk about Percy nonstop, only to go to bed and hear Percy talking about you until I hit him with a pillow!"
Percy and I exchanged a glance. I couldn't believe that all this time, he'd been just as hung up on me as I'd been on him.
"Alright, I don't need to see the lovey-dovey stuff even though I'm happy for you," Oliver said, putting his hand back on the door and taking a step back into the hallway. "Y/N, don't be late for practice. I expect to see you on the field in twenty minutes."
With that, he slammed the door again, leaving Percy and I alone in the small, dark space.
"You... you've talked to Oliver about me?" asked Percy, hesitant hope in his voice. I smiled.
"Of course. He's my best friend, and I've had a crush on you for years."
Percy beamed. "So have I."
"Well, I'm glad we finally got that cleared up then," I said, taking Percy's hand in the dark. It was amazing neither of us were literally glowing with happiness. "So... maybe we could do something this weekend? A date, or something?"
"I'd love that," he replied. "It's a Hogsmeade weekend, so perhaps some tea?"
"That sounds perfect." I leaned in to kiss him again, a short peck on the lips, then I pulled back and flung the closet door open. "I need to go or I'm going to be late to practice, and then Oliver will kill me, but... I'll see you in the Common Room tonight?"
"I'll see you tonight," he said with a little nod. I beamed back at him, then blew him one last kiss before taking off down the hallway again, headed for the Quidditch pitch outside, still floating on air. My prank on Flint had worked out even better than I'd hoped it would.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Harry Potter Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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raviliuz · 1 year
Oblivious Harry Potter
I believe so many things could canonically happen and we wouldn't know just because Harry is not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to noticing things
Remus and Sirius kissed after sorting all that shit in Shrieking Shack. Harry thought they must have really missed each other
Dean and Seamus have been in love since like- forever and started dating in their 6th year. Harry thought they were besties (he started questioning why he and Ron aren't like that)
Oliver and Marcus were fucking in the locker room after every quidditch match. Harry thought they were fist-fighting and didn't want to get involved
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I was wondering if you could write enemies to lovers, where Draco and Yn are rivals at Quidditch. And Yn gets hit by a bludger or has a crash and gets unconscious and Draco forgets the game for a second and after the match when Yn is still unconscious he sits by her bedside
I got kinda carried away somewhere in the middle, so it doesn´t quite fulfil the entire request but I hope you still like it and let me know if you want me to change it somehow.
Love hits different
A/N: I wrote the reader a Ravenclaw in this story, but the house doesn´t play a very important role. I just wanted to write the reader as the seeker, so as a Gryffindor we would have to replace Harry which I felt wouldn´t quite make sense, but yeah...
You felt your heart pounding in your chest heavily. You took a deep breath. The cold air that filled your lungs made you feel more alive than anything else. So did the wind, which was pulling on your hair and clothes and made it hard to hold your broom steady. But you still managed to do so. You hovered several meters above the pitch, watching your teammates from above. For now, that was your only job. Keeping an eye on everything and everyone. Until you would get your chance.
And you couldn’t think of a single thing you would rather do. Up here, when you could almost touch the clouds, you felt like that was where you were meant to be. It felt like the world around you was slowing down, like the loud sounds coming from all sides were muffled. The only thing you had to worry about, the only thing that was important, was the game. You were circling far above the hurly-burly down there, watching your teammates passing the Quaffle around, sometimes trying to score. Your gaze was wandering around restlessly, scanning every centimetre of your surroundings.
And that´s when you saw it. It was just a twinkle in the corner of your eye, a golden shimmer, barely visible and only for a split second; but it was enough. You turned around your broom in no time, eyes wandering over the place where you thought you had seen the sparkling. And your eyes hadn’t fooled you. With your gaze fixed on the price, you leant forwards, gaining more and more speed. The only thing you could hear was the swooshing of the wind in your ears. The world around you turned into a blurry haze. By now, you were almost lying on your broom, trying to reduce the surface the wind could thwart as much as possible. You extended your arm, and your whole body was tensed, from your toes to your fingertips. You leaned forward even more, almost losing your balance, but only almost because your broom sped up even more and…
“Got it!”
Your fingers closed around the golden snitch. You slowed down immediately, coming to a halt and hovering in the air. You raised your arm triumphant, holding onto the snitch tight, while his wings were still flattering weakly, trying to escape your grip.
You could hear your teammates cheering.
“Alright guys, that´s it for today. Good job!”, Roger Davis, your captain called.
Slowly, you floated back down, until your feet touched safe ground again. You tucked away the snitch safely, before giving a high-five to Bradley and Chambers.
When Roger came up to you, he nodded approvingly and pat your back.
“That was good (Y/n). Much faster than last time. But when you speed up, you still list. Try to keep more control, even if you might lose some speed. Don’t want you to fall off the broom.”
You rolled your eyes. Roger was a good captain, and he was totally right, but in your opinion, sometimes you just had to take the risk.
“It won´t help me fly better if I´m not fast enough to catch the snitch.”, you argued. “We want to win the game after all.”
“Yeah, but it also won´t help if it knocks you from your broom and we don’t have a seeker for the rest of the season.”
You shrugged your shoulders.
“After the match against Slytherin, it´s only Hufflepuff anymore. You can take them without me.”
Obviously, that was a joke. You didn’t have any intention to break your neck any time soon, but on the other hand, you were eager to win.
Roger sighed.
“Maybe I should send you to the Gryffindors. Wood would love that mentality. You either win or die trying. But I´d like you to focus on the long run.”
“I know Roger.”, you smiled. “Don´t worry, I´ll hold back. But we´ll need a good tactic for next week. You know that the Slytherins have the better brooms.”
Roger frowned and nodded.
“I´m already working on it. Can´t believe that Malfoy´s dad treated them all new brooms once more.”
You nodded in agreement.
Roger stared into the void gloomy for a few more seconds before he shook his head and looked at you.
“But that doesn’t mean we don’t stand a chance. Especially with you. Malfoy might be a good player and has the better broom, but you´re way better at spotting the snitch and Malfoy knows that. He´ll probably watch you very closely. He knows he got good chances to catch up with you once you see it and have to act on it. So don’t risk long speeds. The best chance you got is when you are already close to the snitch. Malfoy´s arrogant. He´ll rely on his pace. So the closer the snitch is to you, the better your chances are.”
You pressed your lips together and nodded. You were aware of the situation. Of course, you were. You had played it in your head over a million times. The Quidditch games against Slytherin always stressed you out more than against the other houses. And it wasn’t just about the fact that you couldn’t stand the arrogant attitude of the house, especially when they won, or that they had the most brutal way of playing, it was about your most direct opponent.
Because the presence of Draco Malfoy always made you nervous. He somehow intimidated you. Not only in a bad way though, but it irritated you for sure and you couldn’t use any kind of distraction during the game. And you knew that if Roger was right and Malfoy would actually concentrate more on watching you to catch the snitch than actually spotting it himself, it would make it almost impossible for you to function completely as long as you would be able to feel his grey eyes fixed on you. But there wasn’t a damn chance that you would risk the victory of your house because of Malfoy´s irritatingly beautiful eyes or the way he still looked so elegant and effortless, even if he was sitting on a wonky piece of wood. You would get the snitch at any cost, even -or maybe especially- if that meant beating Malfoy.
You sprinted the last few meters to the castle. The heavens had opened and within seconds, you had been soaked. When you entered the foyer, your jersey felt clammy and your hair was hanging down in wet strands, the water was running down your skin in small trickles. Your teeth were chattering and you were shivering. What you needed now was a hot shower and some tea. But you didn’t come far.
“What in the name of Salazar happened to you?”, you heard a voice sneering behind you.
You turned around and sighed annoyed as you saw Malfoy standing there, his arms crossed in front of his chest, as usual, accompanied by some of his henchmen.
“It´s called rain Malfoy.”, you spitted out, not in the mood for his teasing. “Even you should know.”
Malfoy rolled his eyes, unimpressed by your attitude.
“What were you doing out there?”
“Training. For the game. Maybe you should try that too if you want to stand a chance next week.”
Malfoy chuckled.
“As if I would be in need of this. We´ll win anyway.”
“You wish.”
“I´ll always beat you (Y/l/n). We both know I´m better than you. And I´ll prove it once more next week. If you haven’t died from pneumonia then.”
As if a confirmation of his words, you sneezed and groaned. A cold was the last thing you needed right now.
“You would like that, wouldn’t you?”
Malfoy raised an eyebrow in amusement. His eyes lazily scanned every centimetre of your body and the wet clothes sticking to it. You felt heat rising up in you as he did so, even though you were still freezing.
“Nah, that wouldn’t be fun. I want to beat you because I´m better, not because you didn’t even play. This wouldn’t be a challenge.”
You couldn’t help the small smile that crept on your face.
“So, you consider it a challenge winning against me?”
Malfoy hesitated for a moment, making you suspect he hadn’t expected this answer, but he caught himself again quickly. The blond boy shrugged his shoulders with a bored look on his face.
“Every dog has its day (Y/l/n). Even with such an… ordinary player like you, it´s still more interesting than with no opponent at all.”
“We´ll see about who´s the ordinary one.”, you responded, quite offended, even though you were aware of the fact that Malfoy was just playing games with you. Still, the fact that he might actually consider you ordinary, made you feel a bit disappointed. You enjoyed playing against him, facing him and -in the best case- beating him. You considered him a worthy opponent -even though you would never admit it- and had always somehow hoped that he was thinking the same. Strictly because he was a good Quidditch player of course.
Another sneeze interrupted the bubbling anger rising up inside of you.
“You better go warm yourself up and take some rest.”, Malfoy said, eying you with a strange look in his eyes. If you didn’t know better, you would say he was concerned, but obviously, you did know better.
“That´s sweet. You worry about me?”, you smirked.
For a second you thought you had seen a rosy flush on Malfoy´s cheeks, but that was probably just what you wanted to think.
“Only about an interesting match. Don’t pride yourself (Y/l/n).”
“If you say so.”, you chirped and smiled at the boy sweetly. “I could still beat you in delirium if I had to though.”
“You wished.”, Malfoy huffed.
“I know.”, you returned, as you turned around walking away from the Slytherin. And over your shoulder, you shouted: “Don’t worry. You´ll get your thrilling match.” Then you continued your way to your dorm, your heart pounding in your chest and a small smile on your lips, proud of the fact that you had defied Malfoy. But a small voice inside you told you, that this was most likely not the only reason.
When you entered the Great Hall Saturday morning, you could feel the tension filling up the room, the anxious excitement that always came up shortly before a match. When you walked along the aisle between the tables, you could hear your housemates cheering, as well as many of the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs, while the Slytherins hooted. You could feel several pairs of eyes following you, but you didn’t exactly care. This wasn’t your first game and you had grown into getting used to it. Plus, you were already wearing your Quidditch uniform, which functioned like a shiel from you, making most of the comments and gazes from other people ricochet.
You sat down next to Bradley who gave you a small smile, even though he didn’t seem exactly happy as he offered you some milk for your cereals. You couldn’t blame him though. The pressure that was on you was immense. Not only the expectations others had on you and the fact that you needed to be there for your team, but mostly it was about the pressure you put on yourself. You had learned pretty early that it was anything but helpful to beat yourself up before a match and that it was much more beneficial to just relax. But that was much easier to be said than done. You realized that once more as you forced a spoon of cereals into your mouth, trying to ignore the familiar wrenching of your stomach. Because no matter how cool you tried to play it, right before a match, you always felt sick. But luckily, this feeling vanished every single time, the moment your feet would lift off the ground and you would hear Madame Hooch´s whistle opening the match.
Luckily though, you didn’t have much time to eat anyway, because other students and even some teachers came up to you regularly, wishing you luck for the upcoming match. You were just about to compliment Luna Lovegood for the eagle feathers she had braided into her hair, as you noticed your friends around you starting to mumble and shot some hateful glances at someone standing outside your field of vision.
“What is it?”, you asked Bradley.
The boy just nodded in the direction behind you.
As you turned around, you faced Malfoy, who was towering over you. When you glanced up at him, his grey eyes met yours and he smirked down at you. You cursed yourself for losing your focus for a moment as you looked at him. But you couldn’t be blamed though. While Malfoy normally already looked more attractive than other boys, in his Quidditch jersey, he just looked -strictly objectively of course- unfairly good. And the twinkle in his eyes did the rest. You could’ve just stared up at him for hours, but instead, you straightened your back and cleared your throat. You just prayed your voice wouldn’t give away the way your heart was pounding in your chest.
“What is it Malfoy?” You had to admit that you were slightly surprised at how calm your voice was sounding.
The grin on Malfoy´s face only widened.
“Just wanted to wish you luck for today.”, he said.
You frowned.
“Wishing you luck (Y/l/n). Usually, you thank people for doing so.”
“Why would you? We´re playing against you.”
Malfoy looked way too pleased as he responded: “Exactly. That´s why you´re gonna need it.”
He winked at you before turning around again. You needed a second to process his words, but as you did, you called after him: “Think you´ll need it more than us!”
But Malfoy just shrugged his shoulders, not even caring to turn around once more.
“What a git.”, Bradley spitted out. “You better beat his ass today (Y/n).”
You nodded, your gaze following Malfoy who was now sitting down with his friends. As he looked up and saw you still staring at him shooting him -what you thought were- deadly glances, he gave you a superior grin and a short nod, before dedicating his attention to Pansy Parkinson, who was sitting next to him, shifting closer until she almost sat on his lap, looking up to him with doe eyes, laughing far too loud at something the blond boy had just said.
You watched the scene grimly and nodded.
“You better believe I will.”
Your team was in the best form it had ever been. Rogers's brilliant tactics and hard training paid off, still, it was a neck-and-neck race. The brooms of the Slytherins were just much faster and more agile, which made it harder for you to score. Plus, after not even half an hour, Chambers was hit by a Bludger really hard. The way he held his arm made you suspect it was broken and Chambers had to resign for the rest of the game. Still, your team was able to keep up with the opponent. What turned out really quickly was that in the end, it would be on Malfoy and you. There was no way one team would be taking the lead for more than 150 points any time soon.
But for now, you hadn’t spotted it yet. You were hovering several meters above the pitch, letting your eyes wander. Even though it was cold, the air was clear, and the sun was shining. That would make it a lot easier to spot the snitch for you, but unfortunately for Malfoy as well. Plus, other shiny things reflected the sunlight as well. Several times you had by now thought you had spotted the snitch when in the end it had been a watch or binoculars.
The good thing about those sights was that you could study Malfoy´s reactions. Roger had been right. The blond Slytherin always kept up to you closely, never letting you out of sight. Under normal circumstances, his behaviour would have made you nervous in a very particular way, but right now it just annoyed you. Because Malfoy not only kept a close eye on you, but he would also cut you off when you were trying to sprint away from him, or make some rude comments when you once more thought you had spotted something that in the end turned out to be nothing important.
“At least I´m able to spot it on my own.”, you responded, when Malfoy once more made fun of you mistaking the twinkling of a pair of glasses for the snitch, but only after he had taken on the chase when he had seen you speeding up.
“Don’t have to if I got you, do I?”, Malfoy shouted back, grinning smugly.
The worst thing about this was that he was right. Any time you had started one of your sprints, he had caught up with you after not even fifteen meters. Even if you would spot the snitch, you wouldn’t be able to act on it, unless it would be directly in front of your nose. You gave Malfoy a deadly glare at which he just laughed.
Almost two hours of the game had passed. By now, your fingers and toes felt limp and your face was burning. You were just hovering above the west stands, Malfoy, not even two meters behind you, when you suddenly saw a twinkle from the corner of your eye. Your heartbeat quickened immediately. Your thoughts began to race. If this was actually the snitch, you needed to make sure Malfoy wouldn’t notice. But you also couldn’t risk losing it again. The game was already lasting too long and all players already got tired. If you wouldn’t take the chance now, you couldn’t be sure when you would get the next one.
Slowly, you spiralled up, trying not to let your body language give away, why you were doing so while keeping one eye on the golden shimmer, that was zigzagging several meters under you. There was no doubt – it was the snitch. For the split of a second, you glanced at Malfoy, who was still following shortly behind you. There was no way you could reach the snitch before he did once he had spotted it. It was at least thirty meters away from you. Your thoughts drifted back to your talk with Roger. Your captain had been right. Malfoy was faster than you, but he knew he was. And that was also his weakness. A small smile crept on your lips. And suddenly, you knew what to do.
The crowd began to murmur, as they saw you stopping abruptly in the air, turning your broom around, pacing in the opposite direction. You were bent forwards, pushing your broom to its limits. But against Malfoy´s, it didn’t stand a chance.  He noticed what you were up to immediately, taking up the chase. Only a few seconds later, he had caught up to you, arm already extended, confident of victory as he outpaced you, his eyes wandering around hectically as he tried to spot what your eyes must have noticed moments ago.
What Malfoy didn’t see, was that as soon as he had passed you, you stopped your broom once more, before sprinting back into the opposite direction.
And when only seconds later, your fingers closed around the snitch, holding onto it tightly, the arena exploded.
The grin on your face was the brightest it had ever held. The hand enclosing the snitch raised above your head, and you were circling around the arena, enjoying the cheering of the audience and your teammates. And when you saw Malfoy flying up to you, with the most confused look on his face, your smile only widened.
“What in the name of Salazar was that?”, he shouted angrily.
“It´s called winning, Malfoy.”, you returned. “You should try that too sometime.”
“But I was faster than you!”
“You were, but unfortunately it was the wrong direction.”
You could see the red shade on Malfoy´s face only darken, as he tried to find the right words.
“Don’t take it too hard Draco.”, you laughed. “It´s not a shame to be outsmarted by…”
The pain that was rushing through your body came unexpectedly. Your vision went blurry. Somehow, you managed to hold on to your broom, trying not to slip, while you drifted towards the earth, accompanied by muffled screams ringing in your ears.
The moment, your tiptoes touched the ground, you lost all control over your body, feeling it collapse. Somewhere in your mind, you got ready for it to hit the ground, but for some reason, it didn’t. Instead, you felt some strong arms embracing you and a strong, comforting scent lulling you in.
You heard a voice yelling: “What is wrong with you?”
And that was the last thing you could remember before your mind drifted off completely.
The sheets that covered your body felt soft. You could hear the hushed chirping of some birds, somewhere in the distance. You nestled deeper into your blanket and sighed comfortably. The only thing that was now still disturbing you, was the bright light that was shining through your closed eyelids. You covered your eyes with your hands, trying to shield them from it. You could’ve lied here like this forever. But something felt wrong. Your whole body felt stiff, and your head was throbbing.
And slowly, your cloudy mind cleared off. You knew why something was off. Because the last thing you could remember was sitting on your broom somewhere up in the air and showering in the applause of hundredths of people. So how did you get here?
You opened your eyes fluttery, squinting as you tried to get used to the bright sunlight. When your vision finally cleared, you could see some figures sitting by your bedside, talking in a low voice. You tried to lift your head, getting a closer look at them.
When your teammates realized you had woken up, they immediately turned to you, bombarding you with questions.
“What happened?”, you asked, ignoring all the questions, as you tried to sit up, ignoring the dull pain that was pulsing through your body.
“You caught the snitch.”, Chambers happily announced. His arm was, as you noticed, now in a sling.
You nodded. You still remembered how you had caught it, still remembered the people celebrating you. The very last thing you remembered for sure was Malfoy´s embarrassed face, as he had realized that you had fooled him. After that, everything was just a blur.
“I know. But what happened then? How did I get here?”
Roger cleared his throat.
“After you had caught the snitch and everyone realized that you tricked Malfoy, Flint was furious. He wrenched Goyle´s bat out of his hand and hounded a bludger in your direction. It hit your neck.” Roger´s voice was by now shaking from anger. He, as well as your other friends, looked as if they would love to try all the nasty hexes they knew on the Slytherin captain. “You somehow managed to get back to the ground before you passed out. Then you were brought here immediately. Madame Pomfrey said it´s nothing bad. A few contusions and compressions. A light concussion. She fixed most of it immediately. One or two more days in bed and you´ll be completely fine again.”
“Such an asshole.”, you spitted out.
Flint wasn’t exactly known for his fair play but hitting you with a bludger after the game was already over was really below the belt.
Roger nodded in agreement.
“I´ve never seen Madame Hooch that angry.”, he told you. “And Flitwick as well. Flint won´t be allowed to play this season anymore and earned himself a month of detention.”
“Well, then the entire thing had something good after all.”, you smiled wryly. “How long have I been passed out by the way?”
You noticed your friends weren’t wearing their jerseys anymore, making you suspect it had been a few hours.
“Almost a day.”, Chambers answered. “It´s Sunday. Almost midday.”
You nodded.
Your throat was dry and ached. When you turned around, to the side of your bed where the nightstand was settled, to grab some water, you froze.
There was another person sitting at your bedside. Someone, you hadn’t noticed until now, since he hadn’t said a word yet. This wasn’t surprising though, since he was sunken into the chair, obviously asleep.
“What is he doing here?”, you asked perplexed.
You looked at your friends, who were smirking at each other.
“He´s your knight in shining armour.”, Bradley grinned. “After Flint had hit you, he was the first to react. When he saw you tumbling towards the ground he followed you and caught you before you could hit the ground. Then he brought you here and stayed with you the entire time. But only after he hexed Flint for what he had done.” Bradley chuckled. “That was quite a sight. Got him a month of detention too, but he didn’t care. The man was furious, I´m telling you.”
You looked at your friend in disbelief.
“You´re kidding me, right?”
Bradley raised his eyebrows.
“Do I look like I am? Or does he?”
Your gaze shifted to the blond Slytherin again. Only now you noticed that Malfoy was still wearing his Quidditch jersey, making you suspect he hadn’t returned to his dorm since he got here.
“Madame Pomfrey didn’t like that at all, but Malfoy refused to leave. And Professor Dumbledore said it was alright.” Chambers chuckled. “I think he thought it was kinda adorable, watching him sitting by your bedside, holding your hand, telling you how sorry he was.”
Your eyes widened and you flushed.
“He did what?”
Roger nudged his friend.
“He´s exaggerating. But Malfoy was actually quite upset about what happened. I think he beats himself up because he got fooled by your manoeuvre and got Flint so riled up.” A small smile appeared on Roger´s face. “That was a brilliant move by the way. You really put our talk into practice.”
You smiled bashfully.
“Was kind of a knee-jerk reaction.”
“Still brilliant.”
You and your friends kept on talking for a while. During the conversation, your eyes regularly drifted back to Malfoy, who was still asleep. Roger had told you he had been awake all night, never leaving your bedside. When he had come looking for you early this morning, Malfoy had still been awake, with dark circles under his eyes. Only when Roger and the others had visited you again about four hours later, Malfoy had finally fallen asleep in his chair. You couldn’t help but smile and blush as your friend had told you this, leading to some teasing from your teammates. But you didn’t actually mind. Malfoy had proven in the last few hours that he had a heart after all. Maybe a heart of stone and maybe he only was here for the fact that he felt responsible for what had happened to you, but he was here. And that was all you needed to know for now.
When about half an hour later the blond Slytherin slightly started to move in his chair, your friends stood up and wished you all the best.
“We´ll tell Madame Pomfrey you´re awake. She´ll want to check on you for sure.”, Roger bowed out, before he followed the others outside of the hospital wing.
You sighed and let yourself back into a half-sitting, half-lying position. Your head was pounding stronger now, the long conversation and the many voices had you feeling exhausted. Still, you didn’t dare to close your eyes, but let your gaze wander back to Malfoy. The boy almost looked peaceful, the way he had huddled up in his chair. His head had fallen onto his chest, his hair was hanging into his face in strands and his lips were slightly parted, as he breathed slowly and regularly. If it wouldn’t be for the lines of worry showing on his forehead, you wouldn’t suspect that there had ever been anything bothering him at all.
You could’ve watched the boy like this forever, but soon enough Malfoy started to shift in his chair again and his eyes fluttered open. For a few seconds, he looked as if he had forgotten where exactly he was. He looked around in confusion, trying to orientate himself; until his gaze fell on you. As he saw you watching him closely with a mix of curiosity and amusement on your face, he sat up straight quickly and cleared his throat.
“Good morning, Rosamond.”, you grinned.
Malfoy frowned, not understanding your allusion. For a moment the both of you sat there in uncomfortable silence, before Malfoy spoke up.
“So… how are you?” His voice sounded raspy and sent chills down your spine, even if you tried to ignore it.
You shrugged your shoulders.
“Alright, I guess. Only my head still hurts a bit, feeling a little bit dizzy, you know?”
Malfoy nodded.
“That´s good. Not that your head hurts though, I mean…” He trailed off. “How long have you been awake?”, the boy then asked.
“Not long. Still feel a bit tired.”
“I can leave if you want to rest.”, Malfoy quickly offered.
But you shook your head just as quick.
“No, it´s fine. I mean, if you want to stay. You don’t have to though.”
“Well, I mainly wanted to make sure you are alright.”
“Why though?”
Malfoy lowered his gaze, staring at his feet.
“Looked like Flint had gotten you bad yesterday. I was quite…” He came to a halt.
“Worried?”, you completed his sentence with an amused tone in your voice.
Malfoy shrugged his shoulders.
“Well, if I wouldn’t have got fooled by your tricks…”
“It wasn’t your fault.”, you quickly interrupted him. “I don’t blame you. The only one who screwed up was Flint. But as I heard, he got what he deserved afterwards.”
You looked at Malfoy, watching his reaction closely, but he only glanced up at you shyly, obviously relieved you didn’t put the blame on him. But just as he was about to answer, Madame Pomfrey came up to your bed, eager to check on you, even if you assured her that you were just fine.
“I insist.”, the woman said vigorously. “Mr Malfoy, if I may ask you to leave now.”
“But…”, the boy argued, but Madame Pomfrey cut him off immediately.
“No Mr Malfoy. I need to check on miss (Y/l/n) now and after this, she needs to rest.”
“But Madame Pomfrey, why can´t I…”
“No!”, she cut him off again, her tone leaving no room for discussion.
You had no doubt Madame Pomfrey would get rid of the boy by force if she had to, so you smiled at Malfoy calmingly.
“It´s alright. I´m in safe hands now. But thanks for stopping by. Really.”
Malfoy returned your smile shyly, making your heart fluttering in your chest.
“Would you mind if I come here once more later?”, he asked, avoiding your gaze and shifting from one foot to the other.
Your smile only grew wider.
“Not at all.”
Malfoy looked at you as if he wanted to say something more, but Madame Pomfrey was faster.
“Now off you go. Let me do my job.”
After Madame Pomfrey had finished her examination, she assured you that you would be back on your legs -and even more important back on your broom- in no time. In between her ranting about how dangerous Quidditch was, she told you that she wanted you to stay in the hospital wing for one more night before she would send you back to your dorm the next morning.
And when Madame Pomfrey was done with you, pulled the separation back in its place and scurried to her next patient, you let yourself sink back into your soft pillow and slowly doze off.
Not much later you were woken up by your mattress slightly sinking down under the weight of another person. As you opened your eyes, you saw Malfoy leaning on the edge of your bed.
“Hey.”, he greeted you, a small smile playing around his lips.
“Hey.”, you returned.
“I didn’t mean to wake you. Sorry.”
You shook your head and sat up slightly, resting your upper body on your elbows.
“You finally changed clothes. And showered.”, you stated, as you noticed Malfoy was by now wearing his usual clothes again and that his hair was still being slightly wet.
The Slytherin let out a nervous laugh.
“Yeah, was on time after the game yesterday.”
He fell silent.
“Have you really been here the entire night?”, you asked.
Malfoy shifted uncomfortably and avoided your gaze as he nodded.
You felt your cheeks heating as you smiled. The thought of him sitting by your bedside the entire night, watching over you, felt strangely comforting.
“There was no need for that, I´m just fine.”, you said softly.
“Well, you weren’t awake to tell me back then.”, he answered in a defiant voice.
“That´s a good point.”, you chuckled.
 “Don’t think your friends were really happy about it though.”, Malfoy huffed. “I think they were worried I might murder you in your sleep or something like that.”
“Ain´t that absurd, is it?”, you responded.
Malfoy frowned.
“Maybe… But you know I´d never hurt you on purpose, don’t you?”
And as you looked into his grey eyes, you just couldn’t help but believe him. So you nodded.
“I know.”
And Malfoy stayed with you for almost the rest of the day. Only when in the afternoon Luna Lovegood stopped by in the afternoon, with a beautiful bouquet of wildflowers, assuring you that some of them had healing powers, Malfoy pulled a face and excused himself for a while. Luna being the absolute sweetheart she was, she stayed a while and chatted with you. She informed you about everything that was going on in the Ravenclaw tower by now, including that you were officially the hero of the house and Marcus Flint enemy number one. The only thing leaving you slightly irritated was that Luna assured you that -if Malfoy wouldn’t have caught you before you hit the ground- the garden gnomes would have done so, who were secretly still living at the pitch, having formed their own little society under the stands by now. Speaking of Malfoy, Luna assured you -very incidentally and while saying goodbye to you- that she had always known that the two of you would be a wonderful couple one day since she had seen the glances Malfoy was always giving you when he knew you weren’t looking, as well as she had overheard all the very nice things that he had always said to his friends about you. When you asked her how she knew this, Luna just responded with a shrug of her shoulders that people like Draco never really cared about people like her being around, making it very easy for her to look behind the façade of people.
When Luna had left and Draco returned shortly afterwards, you were still baffled by the girl, as well as what she had just told you. From that point on, you enjoyed Draco´s company even more, even though it felt kinda strange to actually talk to him, besides some teases about the quality of the Quidditch play of the other one.
The sun already set, when Draco finally got ready to go and leave for dinner. You were almost sad he already had to leave, since you had much fun to spend some time with him, especially when everything else you had been able to do for the day had been lying in bed.
“I think I´ll leave now.”, Draco said, as he was standing in front of you, ready to go.
You nodded and smiled at him sweetly.
“Thanks for staying with me. It was quite nice to have some company.”
“Even if it was me?”, Draco grinned.
“Even if it was you.”, you confirmed. Or maybe especially because it had been him.
“Excuse me?”
“What did you just say?”
“That it was nice to have some company. Even if it was you.”
“No, after that.”
Did you really had just said this out loud? Maybe your head had carried away more damage than you had thought.
“I would know if I did, wouldn’t I?”
“Misheard you then I guess.”, Draco mumbled, scratching his neck.
“Probably.”, you answered, trying to prevent your cheeks from intensifying their red shade.
“Well, then I´ll really leave now.”, Draco said and you nodded.
Still, the boy didn’t move.
“You´re a great seeker, you know that?”, he suddenly blurted out. “And I... I was really worried about you when you got hit by that damn bludger.”
You looked at Draco in surprise. The boy was looking at the ground, his cheeks at least as red as yours.
“I… thanks.”
Draco nodded before he took a step back, now actually intending to leave.
“Well, I see you around I guess.”
The boy froze just as he was about to turn away from you as he heard his name leaving your lips.
“You´re a great player too. And I… I´m really glad you stayed with me. The night I mean. And now. And thanks for bringing me here. And everything else.”
Draco now turned around to you again, stepping a bit closer to you. You could see a small smile playing around his lips.
“Not for this.”, he responded.
You nodded vigorously.
“Yes for this.”, you returned. “You didn’t have to do this but you still did. That was… nice.”
Draco raised an eyebrow in amusement.
“Nice? I´m not nice.”, he chuckled.
“Yes you are.”, you answered. “You´re not half as much of a prick when your feet are back on earth.”
“Doesn’t make any sense anymore now, does it? I mean we lost the game already.”
“Even one more reason to be mean to me. Never took you for a good loser.”, you smiled.
Draco returned your smile. He stepped even closer than before until he was standing directly next to your bed and took your hand in his bigger ones. As his thumb carefully brushed over the back of your hand, you could feel a goosebump covering your entire body. Draco´s eyes met yours and never left them, as he returned: “I think you got me, wrong darling. We might have lost the game, but I don’t feel like a loser at all.”
He placed a small kiss on the back of your hand, his grin only growing wider as he noticed how your breath hitched as his lips slightly brushed your hand.
“Never thought that there was anything more important to you than the game.”, you responded in a breathy voice.
You could feel your heart hammering inside your chest, as Draco interlocked the fingers of his one hand with yours, while his other hand brushed some strands of hair out of your face, before caressing the last signs of the, by now almost completely healed, bruises on your face and neck. His eyes were still locked with yours, searching for any signs of pain or discomfort. But as he didn’t notice any of these and saw you didn’t have any intention to shy away from his touch, he slightly bent forwards, his face only centimetres away from yours.
“I can think of at least one thing that is far more important than anything else now.”, he whispered.
And when his lips finally met yours, you had to agree with Draco. There were much more important things than stupid games -even though you had to admit that you were already looking forward to bringing up the fact that you had outsmarted Draco at some point again-, Bludgers and house cups.
And one of those things was right in front of you.
Taglist: @xodracomalfoyxo @marigold-morelli @army24—7 @lbhmoon @cappgyuccino @writingwitch007
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t1oui · 8 months
i had another fic idea. (bear with me, it's a long one. read it after the cut.)
percy weasley was always the black sheep of the weasley family - the outcast, the nerd, the one who didn't quite click. so when he was sorted into slytherin, not gryffindor, it wasn't really a surprise.
the weasleys couldn't believe it, though, could they? percy was the smart one. the kid arthur and molly could brag about, the older brother fred and george could prank. slytherin was different. slytherin was a statement.
percy loved it.
for once in his life, percy was away from siblings, parents, and expectations. he was going to forge his own path, and they wouldn't have any hand in it - and that's why he was there, wasn't it? his ambitions, bigger than his family could ever imagine.
percy was still a good student, don't get me wrong. he studied hard and got good marks, and he befriended penelope clearwater, a ravenclaw who valued schoolwork even more than he did. percy was still a good student, still analytical and logical, but not nearly as uptight as his family remembered him. his parents watched as he smiled over letters with his new friends the summer after his first year, and the twins were surprised to see how often he laughed the summer after his second. when they joined him for his third year, their first, they couldn't help but grudgingly respect the easygoing, confident manor of the boy at the slytherin table.
by his fifth year, percy was fairly popular in his house. nobody made fun of him for being made prefect; instead, they congratulated him. as percy waited for his youngest brother to get sorted, he sat beside marcus flint, the two of them making small bets on which houses they thought the first years would be placed into.
neither of them put harry potter in slytherin. neither of them knew what to say when the sorting hat announced the boy who lived was a snake, and neither of them said anything as they accepted oliver wood's distant apologetic smile at the outrage of the gryffindors. harry was supposed to be theirs.
but percy knew that silence, that outrage, that surprise. the discomfort that came with expectations not being followed. so, really, waving harry over to sit beside him wasn't a difficult decision.
in harry's second year, as people spread rumors about him being the heir of slytherin, percy and marcus and oliver and penny and even cedric and cho, third and fourth years themselves, were always there to defend him. their youngest ally, their youngest friend, percy's brother. the boy who respected him, looked up to him, when his own family didn't.
ron and ginny were gryffindors, but harry was a slytherin. harry walked the halls with blaise zabini, draco malfoy, and pansy parkinson, but he also walked them with percy weasley and marcus flint.
as percy grew, watching the odd happenings that surrounded his brother, he learned not to assume the best. he never had, really, but now he knew more than ever how dangerous optimism could be. percy did not go straight into the ministry, still riding the high of being head boy. instead, he spent long evenings eating takeout in oliver's dingy london flat and meeting up with penelope and marcus to discuss books. (oliver said he would've joined their book club, really, but with puddlemere, he was far too busy, and none of them faulted him for it.)
when percy was 18, he was surprised to find tickets to the 1994 quidditch world cup in his mailbox, but he agreed to attend with his family. he received two tickets and chose to bring marcus, letting oliver use his second ticket for penelope. when death eaters arrived, the four of them stayed back to help usher people into the forest. they didn't show their faces, and even then, as he shared a look with marcus at the sight of the dark mark above their heads, percy knew what he had to do.
at the triwizard tournament, percy - now an employee of ludo bagman - found himself sitting with harry potter once again, watching him and cedric (who was already much bigger than the last time percy had seen him) compete. he saw the way harry watched cedric and cho at the yule ball and couldn't help smiling, knowing what it was and going to send oliver an owl about it as soon as he could. he's growing up, percy had scrawled, unable to contain his happiness.
when percy weasley was 19 years old, still a mere child, he didn't walk out on his family for the ministry. he didn't make his mother cry, and he didn't call harry potter a liar. he didn't deflect and forge papers for muggleborns, didn't get them to safe houses. when percy weasley was 19, he and marcus hugged oliver and penelope goodbye before leaving to take the mark, hoping that their sacrifice would be enough.
just like he had in his few months with the ministry, percy quickly rose voldemort's ranks. he smiled as he spoke of getting revenge on blood traitors like his own family, and he laughed when voldemort killed muggles before him, and he gained the dark lord's trust like no other. he sat around a table with severus snape and watched as his former head of house studied him, not realizing how similar the two of them really were.
percy did not forge papers or lead those in need to safe houses, but he didn't have to. that was oliver and penny's job, and he knew enough to know that they were doing it well. he couldn't send letters, but he could send a patronus, and when he learned of cho chang joining the order the second she was of age, he sent one offering his congratulations and telling her to stay strong. not like you aren't already, he'd said. she'd come a long way from the excited little girl who annoyed penny with talks of quidditch.
percy celebrated his 21st birthday with marcus flint and a silvery stag, curled up beside him with the promise of a reunion in the near future.
percy weasley was 21 when he arrived at hogwarts for a battle he pretended to be on the wrong side of. he kept his hood up and his mask in place, and he squeezed marcus's hand before he broke off into the crowd. he may have looked like one of the bad guys, and he may have acted like one all his life, but what was percy if not unpredictable?
when he found fred behind a crumbling wall barely separating him from three death eaters, he cast a spell. he didn't stop to see who he'd killed in favor of this boy (not his family, not anymore), and he didn't stop to revel in fred's surprise as his older brother's voice spilled from a death eater's mouth and told him to get to safety.
percy weasley did not slow down. percy weasley did not hesitate. percy weasley killed friends and foe - they were often one in the same, nowadays - and he fought until it wasn't his fight anymore. he fought until it was time for him to stand back, holding up a bleeding marcus as he watched his baby brother, the one with green eyes the same color as his tie, face off against the man he'd been reporting to for months.
percy did not cheer when voldemort fell, instead dropping marcus into oliver's arms and running foward to pull the brother he'd almost lost into a long-awaited hug.
"i'm proud of you," he whispered, and he held harry, let him sob into his shoulder, until aurors arrived and threatened to take anyone with a mark on their forearms. harry stood his ground, ready to defend, but he wasn't surprised to find percy gone. he walked back to blaise and pansy and draco, collapsed into their arms and gave a small smile to ron, the boy who'd given him company during the dark months in grimmauld.
percy weasley was tired, far more exhausted and far more mature than someone his age should've been. as he fell asleep in oliver's flat for the first time in years, squished between oliver and marcus on the couch, hands tangled in penny's hair, he couldn't help but smiling at one thought:
he was a better spy than severus snape. he was a war hero.
you can now read part 2, from harry's pov, here!
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we all know who his crush is 🤨
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gods-graveyard · 10 months
They are in love your honor.
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(Fic link is pinned on this blog)
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maxyaps · 8 months
Percy: I'm going to tear you apart limb by limb until you're just a torso with a head. You will scream so much in pain that I will get tired and take your vocal cords tie them into a bow and put you under a Christmas tree for your family. I'm going to mash your organs up, take your bones out one by one then flatten you into a rug that I will give to your family.
Oliver: He's so nice and kind I love him so much!!
The Weasleys:
The students:
The professors:
Merlin himself:
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The Flints are a sacred 28 family, and the fandom seems to have accepted that they have ministry positions and are rich.
Imagine muggleborn Oliver coming over for a cute “meet the parents” scenario with underlying strain because while Marcus’ parents aren’t death eaters dating non-purebloods is very taboo in high pureblood society. Except they’re about half an hour late because Oliver was frozen in shock for a while when they arrived at Flint Manor because “Merlin, Marc, THIS is your HOUSE?!?! You didn’t tell me you live in a caste!!”
“It’s a manor, Ollie.”
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ill-heart · 2 years
Marcus: I don’t get it! 
Adrian: What’s the matters, Marcus? 
Marcus: It’s Wood! I’ve tried everything I could think of to get his attention and respect! I mean, I tried the death staring method, then I challenged him at every fricking match of Quidditch! I even threw a bludger in his direction and sent him to the infirmary after he smiled at me! Not to even mention my scarying grin when our eyes met! 
Marcus: How could I possibly made my affection anymore obvious ?!
Adrian: Well... Have you considered maybe just talking to him ?
Marcus: Have I what now ?
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callmesel · 27 days
I'm trying to write down the Racer AU idea but it like, I can't 😭
I have written 5 different versions and I don't know what I like best
The first one would be that Percy is some how force to go to an illegal race competition (maybe by the twins or something like that) and Oliver is there and is like "wow, he is hot" and they start from that and Marcus is just like "wow, he is good and pretty" and he wants to start something with Percy. And Percy is just like, "wow, two hot men that probably won't talk to me ever in my life"
The second idea (the one I like the most) is that Oliver is the one racing and Percy is there to cheer him, even though he knows is super dangerous but he likes to see Oliver happy. And they are like best friends that both have a crush on each other but they don't want to admit it.
Marcus is just there to be Oliver's rival in the track and as a love interest for Percy and they are like super competitive with each other but in a chill way?? And then he sees Percy and he's interested in him and flirts with him. Oliver doesn't like that and so he is jealous so he has a fight with Percy and they end up confessing their feelings and starts dating.
But what happens with Marcus? Percy kinds of have a crush on him and Oliver is like, okay, he is hot and attractive and they both discover that they have a crush on Marcus and don't now what to do.
They then go out on a club as a couple and see Marcus alone. They are all super drunk and they end up in someone's place and have like fucked and the next day they decide what they want to do with their love live and just decide to be a polyamorous couple and they live happily ever after.
Other version of this idea is that Percy starts dating Marcus first and Oliver is like super depressed and confronts Marcus after a bad race and they get into a heated argument and they kiss.
Oliver feels super bad because, he hasn't just lost his best friend but he has also made his new boyfriend cheat with him so he is not talking to Percy and distancing himself from him so he doesn't hurt him anymore. While Marcus is at home and is like, damn, they are both hot, I want to date them both, nerd x bad boy, rivals to lovers, best friends to lovers, best tropes.
Percy hasn't get over Oliver so he is like, I have to tell Marcus that I'm not ready. And they talk and is like:
Marcus: You are in love with your bf, right?
Percy: How did you know?
Marcus: Me too, bro
And they are like, what do we do now? Marcus had told him about the kiss
They decide to go and tell Oliver, while the man is using his pets as a therapist (probably a cat or dog) and Percy go to his house and tells him that they have to talk. Oliver Stars to apologise bit Percy shuts hem and he tells him that he is in love with him but he understands that if he doesn’t feel the same, they could forget that any thing happened or they could even stop talking. That if he wants to go for Marcus he can and all that stuff. But Oliver is like, “no, no no, is not that, but like, I do like Marcus but I like you too and arghh” she just kisses Percy and they make out and now they have to sort their feelings. The. Marcus walks up to Oliver and tells him that he finds him attractive and would like to try something (at this point Percy has already told him about being a poly couple but he has to talk to Marcus and stuff) So they all go to a cafe together at sorts it all and now they are all dating each other.
There is a third version and is like the second one, but still illegal and involves Marcus going to jail and stuff but that is a story for another day.
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