#harry styles review
styleslookbook · 9 months
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2023: Year in review ↳ prints
921 notes · View notes
writingsfromhome · 5 months
Dos and Dont’s Epilogue
Part 1 / 2/3/4
A/N: for those of you still needing more closure with this story this is for you
6 months later:
My apartment was small but it was mine and I got to share it with one of my childhood best friends I’d reconnected with after moving back to the states last year.
Today the sun was setting on the beautiful November day. I had ordered in sushi and was enjoying a glass of wine, waiting for Deanna to get back home and tell me about her date.
These quiet evenings to myself always got me contemplative. Tonight was no different—I get to thinking about my day on set and how tomorrow was going to look.
After coming back from London and submitting my video proposal last spring, I had been rejected to nobody’s surprise. But that hadn’t stopped Harry from intervening and getting me a spot on set. It became a joke that I was a ghost intern there because really all I got to do was shadow people on set and help out where I could. And it had left me hungry for more.
I started building a portfolio and networking like crazy to get on more sets. So far I’d worked on three, once as a general assistant and twice as an arts assistant. I felt myself moving in the right direction I wanted to and it was thrilling.
I had Harry to thank for that really. And just like always, thinking about him sent a pang of achey regret through me.
I’m not sure what happened between us; we kept in touch loosely after I got back to the States. Mostly we talked about my future work and getting on set but after he actually got me on set and I got busy, our conversations fizzled out.
When I landed my second gig and had to maneuver my old job with Oretta she had ultimately let me go. I’d been bitter about failing something then but now I saw it as the kindness that it was—she had let me go and I had the room to pursue this new career.
It wasn’t easy though. The feeling of failure had driven me into the arms of a depressive episode that had taken me back home to Burbank. And when headlines were made of Harry’s new dates and women of the week, I’d taken it as a sign. We shouldn’t be in each other’s lives.
But I missed him every time I thought about him. And I always hated myself a little for not being brave enough to do anything about it, for pushing him away, and for liking him in the first place.
Clearly I was a very health person.
There was a knock on the door and I knew it had to be Deanna.
She distracts me with stories about her date and how well they hit it off. Apparently he kissed her goodnight right downstairs while I’d been drowning in misery on our living room couch.
The next morning, my phone rings at the ass crack of dawn. I expect it’s someone on set and end up being right. So with a few hours of sleep and a slight hangover from last night’s wine, I pick up a large coffee and get to work.
Last night’s thoughts bleed into my drive to work. It was when I was on set especially that I wanted to message Harry. I wanted to update him about all the cool things I was working on and hear what he thought. It was stupid but I wanted him to be proud of me too.
I wonder sometimes if I should have said something in London, been the bold one and taken a leap.
But I couldn’t have.
Harry was a damn rockstar and I was still figuring out my life. I can’t imagine it could have worked. So was it just the maybe, the what-if of us that kept looping in my mind? Or did what I feel for him mean something real, real enough not to shake so quickly.
A knock on my window scares me. It’s another one of the set assistants—Damien, waving at me. I guess I’ve just been parked staring into space. Oops.
“You need a coffee,” he tells me when I join him.
“Can you believe I’ve already had one?”
“I can probably find you a line of coke somewhere on set if you need something stronger?”
“Damien,” I pretend to be scandalized. But after working with these people over the last few years it was a pretty normal sight to see. “Ease into it first.”
He laughs, “I’m joking. I know you’re not…”
“I know,” it gets a bit awkward as it usually did with Damien and I when we started joking. “I’m joking too.”
His face flushes and I welcome someone calling me over to leave the awkward.
The day passes in a blur, the art director had a last minute change sending me to a local antique store trying to source props which was part of the job I enjoyed. With my headphones in I was in a world of structured creativity.
While I look through gold frames one of Harry’s songs comes on and I skip it automatically. I wasn’t quite ready to listen to his addictive voice croon about lovers of his past.
Not that I hadn’t tried going on dates of my own. But the thought of what-if kept me committing to anyone. If I thought about it for long enough it was actually annoying—how he somehow managed to still block my romantic life.
I’m invited for drinks after we’re done shooting for the day. Even though it’s pretty late I decide to say yes. Lately I’d spent my evenings when Deanna’s out just drinking by myself and being miserable. May as well drink with coworkers.
And I actually missed having regular coworkers, like I used to have Winnie. Shit talking about work to destress and drink was one of the highlights of making friends at work.
I have more to drink than I intended, and a small voice in my brain tells me that the amount of alcohol I’d been having recently might be a sign I’m losing it a little. But I order one last drink to shut it up.
At one point I start talking about horoscopes with someone in the bathroom and she ends up showing me how to use the lipstick I complimented them on to overline my lips, and I somewhat remember signing someone’s napkin and telling them to keep it for a few years and what it would be worth.
I also text Deanna an assortment of things and try to call my sister for a pressing matter that I can’t remember when it goes to voicemail. I end up babbling about drinking too much and needing to cut back.
I don’t know what time it is by the time I’ve ridden my high but I want to go home. I huddle by the entrance trying to remember if I came with a jacket tonight or not.
“You’re not driving home tonight are you?” Damien pops up beside me. We’d chatted throughout the night but I’d avoided any awkwardness by constantly inviting other people into the conversation. But right now he has me cornered.
“I’m a very responsible adult Damien,” I slur. “I am getting a taxi.”
“I can drive you home?” He offers.
“You were drinking too mister.”
“No,” he touches the tip of his nose. “I just had a beer and switched to soda afterwards.”
“That’s cheating,” I touch his nose and he laughs. I laugh too.
“We were invited out to drink,” he shrugs. His face flushes. “They didn’t specify what.”
“Cheater,” I tease. “D’you have a car?”
“I could drive yours home? And take an uber home from yours. We don’t live too far away.”
“No way!” I clutch my purse to me. “Nobody drives my car.”
“I didn’t realize you were so possessive.”
“It’s my car!” I let him know.
“But it’s parked on the street. You can’t leave it here weirdo.”
He had a point. Damnit.
“Fine,” I hand him my purse. He opens it tentatively and pulls the keys out.
“I just need these,” he hands my purse back.
“I need those back,” I remind him.
“I know,” he laughs, his hand coming down on my shoulder to lead me out. It sends a shiver down my spine. “I’m parking it in your garage and handing them right back.”
“Good.” I nod.
I pick the music until he tells me I shouldn’t go into singing and he switches the radio to a classical station. I pretend to snore.
“At least it might sober you up.” He pats my leg before snatching his hand off when he realizes he’d touched my bare thigh.
“I don’t feel so good.”
“I know, how much did you drink tonight y/n?”
“No I really don’t feel good.” I complain.
“Shit,” he mutters. “Just hold on.”
I do, I grip my door handle and will myself not to throw up in my car. I was at least lucid enough to know I would hate myself for having to clean it up tomorrow.
He pulls into a Trader Joe’s and I launch myself out in time to throw up on the pavement.
“Are you o-“
“Stop!” I splay my hand out behind me. This was embarrassing enough I didn’t need him to see me actually be sick. “Don’t come closer just…”
“I’ll get you some water.” He calls out and walks away.
How pathetic, I think. How pathetic was I.
Suddenly I want to cry and be left alone. I don’t want Damien driving me home, I don’t want to be drunk, and I don’t want to be here in the middle of nowhere.
When Damien gets back I’m sitting on the curb of a garden bed at the edge of a parking lot. He hands me the water and some electrolytes and gives me space which I’m grateful for. He does linger halfway in the driver’s seat and my anxiety builds until I get up and head back to the car.
“Someone kept calling you,” Damien mentions when I open my door. “I picked up after the third call. I didn’t want to bother you out there.”
“Oh, was it my roommate? Deanna?”
“No,” he scratches the back of his neck. I stare at him, waiting for him to sit back in the car and take me home. I wasn’t having fun anymore.
“Okay…?” I grab my phone from the centre console so I can check myself.
“Someone named Harry? He sounded worried?”
I look up at Damien, wondering if it was a joke even though I know it’s not. He doesn’t even know Harry. His face reflects back an awkward realization.
“Oh.” I can’t get out anything more. I could be decent and tell him that wasn’t my boyfriend—it wasn’t until this moment that I realized Damien was looking at me as more than just a casual friend. And a part of me wonders if that’s the only reason he was helping me out tonight. Then I banish the thought—that was rude. “Thanks for…letting me know.”
“I guess you don’t live with him if your roommate’s name is Deanna,” he tries to joke as he finally gets into the car.
“No that would be hard,” I reply. “He doesn’t live in the states.”
“Long distance,” he nods. I don’t reply and the car goes deathly silent as he drives me the rest of the way home.
I check my phone in the silence, Harry’s texted me. Before he called it seems:
Hey is everything alright?
Y/N I want to call you, you didn’t sound too good in your vm
I’m calling you
Shit! Did I call him first?
My face heats up with a stabbing sensation and I try to blink away the headache that was forming.
I check my call logs and sure enough after calling Deanna I’d called Harry. Why had I called him? I don’t even remember what I said in my voice message.
I groan.
“Is everything ok?” Damien asks.
“No I feel like shit-“
“Do you need me to stop again-“
“No.” I wave his concern away. “I just need to get home.”
I feel bad for him. I didn’t think I was leading him on in any way and yet he had driven me home because he liked me? I decide I’d call him his Uber myself to make it even. To feel like I didn’t owe him something.
When I finally drudge up my stairs to my bedroom I can barely be bothered to remove my clothes or take off my makeup. But my brain is wired thinking about Harry, how he called me.
I must still be somewhat drunk because as I lay horizontally in bed with half of my clothes on the floor I pick up the phone and call him.
H’s POV:
“Hi,” her voice is small and tired. My heart squeezes just hearing it.
“Y/n, you’re alright.”
“Yeah sorry, I think I mis-called you instead of my sister. Your names are beside each other.”
“So you were spilling your guts to your sister then?” I smile.
“Spilling my guts?” I can hear the strain in her voice.
I let her worry for a second longer, “No I’m joking.”
“Oh my god,” she sighs. “What did I say? Please tell me it was nothing embarrassing? It had to be bad if you called me right?”
“It wasn’t bad.” It wasn’t. But she sounded really drunk for a Wednesday night and she was blabbering about drinking too much these days, and needing to stop. It made more sense now that I knew it was for her sister. “But you sounded very drunk. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Sort of. I just wanted an excuse to call her and life had given me a pretty one.
It was stupid that I needed an excuse to call y/n after everything we went through. But truth was I had tried to get on with my life after we drifted away. And I think I did a decent job. I made the missing part shaped like y/n smaller and smaller until it didn’t bother me as much she wasn’t around. That we didn’t talk.
It was weird because she was a constant for a year—whether I liked it or not we had to be around each other all the time while she worked for me. Right up to the end even as things soured, as I wore regret like a second skin and forced myself to continue being the dick that she came to know me as.
And then she left and it felt like loosening my tie; breathing a little easier because I wasn’t always so hyperaware of her in the same room or next room over, about how she looked that day or the way she smelled, the joke she made or how angry she was with me.
Yet it didn’t help that she lingered everywhere.
But then I got to have her. All of her for a few weeks and letting her go after that felt more akin to torture than living with the regret for months while she worked for me. It was worse because I had her and I had to let her go.
I thought I knew what falling felt like, what it felt like to love somebody in all their flaws and be seen in return. But then I met y/n, fell for y/n, and everything changed.
“I’m okay,” she says softly. “I’m home in bed now.”
“Good,” I want to ask her about him. The bloke that answered the phone.
“Where are you?” She asks suddenly. “Isn’t it very early there?”
“Nearly half past 6,” I say looking at my watch. “And I’m at the gym.”
“That’s early,” she comments.
“I’m a morning gym person now.”
“Watch out world,” she says. It’s sleepy and makes me think of her curled into me on the sofa as our voices dim into sleep. Then nudging her to stay over and falling asleep in bed with me. So many hours of movies gone unwatched because we were too busy just being in each other’s presence.
The thing was, I had to let her go; you can’t cage a bright and vibrant woman like her. But it hurt doing that.
It sucked being selfless.
“You sound tired,” I say even though I want her on the line. Even if it’s to hear the sound of her breathing. “You should go to bed.”
“Sorry,” she whispers. “I didn’t mean to worry you.”
My breath catches in my throat. I wanted to worry about her, to be close to her enough to worry. And the want of it feels like being punched in the gut.
“You there?” She asks.
“Yeah. Yep, sorry.” I clear my throat. “I’m still here. And it’s fine. I know what can happen when you get drunk, I’m glad you left me the voicemail.”
“Yeah.” I miss you. I miss you so often I worry I’ll be stuck with the loss of you forever. And I care so much about you that I can’t risk ruining your life by having you.
“At least I didn’t have to go to the hospital this time.” She jokes. Her speech grows slower as I’m sure sleep pulls her in.
“No. Seemed like you would’ve had help though.” I comment. Fuck. I couldn’t resist.
“If I knew any better Mr. Styles,” she says. “I’d think that sounds like jealousy.”
She’s teasing me, I can hear it in her voice. But my heart pounds as she calls me out.
“Goodnight y/n,” I say cowardly.
“Goodnight Harry,” she replies. I wait for her to hang up first.
That morning, I have an incredibly productive gym session.
Your POV:
I remember last night in bits and pieces and I’m mostly embarrassed but I can’t stop hearing Harry’s voice in my head. The way he sounded when he said he was glad I left him the voicemail. How he sounded almost jealous at the idea that whoever picked up the phone could be more than a friend. I feel sucked right back to half a year ago when I couldn’t get him out of my mind.
The one thing I did know though, I had to really cut back on the drinking.
I go into work with a bag of doughnuts and hope nobody remembers last night in detail. I make sure to thank Damien and he’s as awkward as ever.
My thoughts are replaced by business and set instructions as the day goes on and I’m grateful for that.
At home I dissect the phone call with Deanna and when I’ve had enough I try to distract myself by asking about her life.
In a way talking to Harry again was like taking an elephant-sized step backwards—it felt like I was in the same headspace of wondering about him and yearning for him all over again. I found myself looking him up, checking to find new information on his life. Even when I could just text him and get the answers straight from him.
A couple weeks later as I park my car in my garage and make my way up to my apartment I get a call. It’s him.
“Hi? Harry?” I answer.
“There she is!” He says loudly into the phone. I have to pull it from my ear.
“Jeez you’re loud,” I comment.
“I need you to be louder,” he laughs. And I realize why he’s called. I check the time, it must be near midnight in the UK.
“Are you drunk dialling me?” My face stretches into a smile and it feels like a betrayal. Why did this man affect me so easily.
“I thought that’s what we did nowadays! Call each other drunk!”
“That was once,” I enter my apartment and put away my things while we talk.
“You’ve unlocked the garden door,” he continues. “And now I have stepped through. I am calling you.”
“He rhymes even when he’s drunk!”
“I write music!”
“I know,” I laugh. “Good music.”
“D’you listen to me?” He asks. “I never asked you that.”
“Mmm not really my taste,” I tease.
“S’cuse me?!” He sounds offended. “I have heard your taste and my music is for your palate.”
“No I don’t think so,” I was having fun.
“Y/n.” He says seriously. “I have heard you listening to Troye Sivan.”
“And? Are you comparing yourself with that fine man?”
He sputters and I continue winding him up until I finally confess: “I listen to your music. Just not lately.”
“Why?” He sounds sad.
“Are you drinking by yourself?” I ask. I imagine him in his living room, knocking back a few bottles.
“Yes. I’m drinking all by my lonely self. Because you’re not here.”
“Lonely self? That’s not what the papers say,” I say without meaning to.
“Y/n,” he lets out a small laugh. “Y/n y/n y/n. If I knew any better I’d think that sounds like jealousy.”
“Oh you’ve been keeping that in your back pocket!” I flush.
“Mhm,” he hums happily.
God, it hits me, what were we doing.
The line goes silent and I try to muster a positive voice to ask something to keep the conversation going but I find I can’t. I feel heavy and sad, like there’s a weight in my chest that’s pulling me down.
“Y/n,” he murmurs. Goosebumps erupt across my chest and I recall a memory of that exact voice in my ear with our hands entangled in his bed.
The ache in my chest grows stronger. So strong I nearly confess three words I barely admitted to myself.
I didn't understand it; how a man that made my life so miserable for so long could tug forth such intensity and longing.
He'd explained it to me—told me why he became what he did. And it just endeared me to him more.
Every man l've dated since, even the man I thought was it for me-Gray, never made me reach so deep into any feeling I was scraping the bottom looking for more.
He knew me enough to nudge me towards this new chapter of my life. This (forced) career change. He knew me in a way nobody else has. It was hard to let that go.
But he wasn't planning on sticking around for any of it—why.
“Why,” I start to ask. I bite my tongue before my impulsivity gets the better of me.
“What?” Harry asks.
“Oh nothing,” I try to play it off.
“You asking something?”
“Nope,” I deny.
“Just ask don’t be shy,” Harry taunts. “Y/n isn’t shy.”
“I-“ I’m tempted but I shake my head and then realize he can’t see me. “It’s nothing.”
“If it’s nothing then say it.” He pushes. He was pushy for being so drunk.
“Why did you stop talking to me?” I ask quickly.
The line goes quiet again.
“It takes two,” he replies. “To stop.”
“But why did you stop?” I ask.
“It wasn’t enough,” he states simply like it should make sense to me. But it doesn’t.
“I thought you didn’t want to talk to me anymore. You got cold.”
“Yes!” He shouts again.
“Too loud,” I complain.
“Sorry,” he whispers. “You got cold like…like ice. You got icy. You iced me out.”
“No I didn’t,” I deflect his accusation.
“You did! And it wasn’t enough. And I thought y/n doesn’t like me so I let you go.”
What!? I try to make sense of his drunk ramblings. It’s because I was fired from my job, I was lost and spiralling and I stopped talking. I stopped responding to his texts as much until they stopped coming altogether.
“I didn’t like you a long time ago,” I tell him. “That stopped after we talked. After you explained things.”
“Why did you stop?” He asks me instead.
“I…I was going through a rough time. I didn’t mean to but after a while I just thought it was for the better.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going through a rough time?” Harry asks with a surprising tone of clarity. “Why didn’t you let me help?”
“I didn’t want you to help.”
Maybe I did ignore Harry’s messages because I didn’t want to admit where I was. To admit that I needed his help. And I was too stubborn to admit that his connections in the industry could help me further kickstart my new career. That I could lean on him for help but it felt like cheating in an industry that liked to brag about working hard to earn where you got to. So I’d avoided him.
Jeez. I hadn’t even admitted that to myself until now. And suddenly the shame comes back tenfold. A creeping heat spreads up my neck alongside a slow squeezing of my chest as the silence stretches. I feel exposed and I want to bury myself under my blankets until the feeling passes.
“Why?” His voice breaks a little. I grit my teeth.
“I don’t know.”
“Y/n,” he says my name again and I want to cry. Because I say I don’t know but I do. And so does he. “Why are you building your walls again?”
I can’t speak, I’m so choked up with emotion and the last thing I want to do is cry over the phone to a drunk Harry. Unless this conversation sobered him up. Which is even more embarrassing.
"What do want us to be?" He asks suddenly.
"You can't ask me that," I say nervously, but the question zips through me in a frenzy.
"No you're right" he sighs noisily. "I think about you.”
"Me too," | whisper. Did he think about me when he was with all those women, I want to ask. Or was it subject to certain moments only.
"You ruined me y/n," he says it so softly I think maybe he hasn't said it at all. But he repeats it even lower and I know I didn't hear it twice.
My heart sings the same tune, and then I realize: how did I expect him to stay in touch and continue on with our lives when part of us would always be looking back at each other.
“I should go,” I try to keep my voice steady. “It’s getting late and Deanna’s coming home soon and I have to-“
“Okay,” he says but the word is laced with more. It’s okay.
“Okay.” I return. Will it be?
Silence again. The tears coating my lashes land on my cheeks and I wipe it away.
“I like hearing your voice,” Harry says.
“Me too,” I sniff.
“Goodnight y/n y/l/n.”
“Goodnight Har.”
I meant to text Harry after that conversation. I meant to apologize or say something—create a bridge that we can meet in the middle of. Even if it’s just as friends.
Me and him have been through a lot together, and so much on our own whilst around each other. We should be able to be friends, long-distance, pining but friends. It couldn’t be that hard.
And yet my fingers hover over his name every lunch break and bedtime. I think about him so much it becomes a permanent fixture in my brain.
And yet I never message him. Weeks go by and it stays quiet. Even from him.
On the final day on set I join some of the team for dinner and drinks. I stick to a single glass of wine and promise Damien I could drive myself home. I’d set him up with someone else on set who I noticed eyeing him with a lingering look and they had spent most of the night talking. It was sweet.
The group reminisces about the shoot and everyone pipes in about projects they were going to move onto soon. I didn’t have anything lined up right now so I listen to everyone else.
As night creeps up on us and people start to leave slowly, I text Deanna I was heading home too. After the night I spent drinking too much I’d taken to letting her know where I was and when I was heading home to make sure I stayed lucid enough on nights out. Otherwise we had agreed she would come and get me.
I step out with Damien and the girl he’s become attached to after tonight. We chat outside the place for a bit as her uber arrives and Damien points out he had driven today and parked nearby.
“I don’t know why we didn’t walk up long time ago,” I laugh and turn to Damien. “Don’t worry Damien I don’t need you to drive me home this time.”
“Uhh that’s good,” he says and motions behind me to my car with widened eyes.
“Yes,” I say with a smile. I spin around to my car and freeze.
The last person I ever expected to see leans against my passenger door, arms crossed and smiling with that smile that says I see you and I don’t care what you’re doing but I’m glad I’m here with you.
“Hi,” Harry says softly, his eyes twinkling under the street light.
“Hi?” I gape. “Wh-how-what are you…oh my god!”
His smile grows to a full grin as I throw myself at him and it’s like my mind and my whole world quiets. Like I never knew how loud everything was up until I felt the silence in his arms. Like everything would be okay because he was here.
“Oh god,” I turn back to Damien, remembering he was here too. “Sorry—I wasn’t expecting him to be here-“
“Is this Harry?” Damien asks.
I look at Harry and nod in response. Harry’s eyes flash with something as he leans forward and shakes Damien’s hand.
“I didn’t realize by Harry you meant Harry Styles uh it’s nice to meet you?” Damien’s awkwardness comes back in full force.
Harry’s eyes flicker between Damien and I and I remember that he thought there was something going on here.
“Damien and I worked together on set. Today’s actually our last day!”
“Yeah!” Damien fidgets. “It was a cool time…”
“Yeah?” Harry lights up slowly, realization dawning on him too. “Well I have to say thanks mate, for taking care of her the other night. That was you right?”
“Oh right when I picked up your call,” Damien nods. “Shit I didn’t realize who I was speaking to…” We laugh as Damien grows more awkward. “Anyway I’ll leave you two alone. G’night Y/N. Nice meeting you Harry.”
“Goodnight!” I wave him off.
I turn back to Harry with a huge grin. “You totally thought he was with me didn’t you?”
“Can you blame me?” He asks, his hand coming down on my waist, tugging me towards him. I go without hesitation.
“You’re here,” I take his face in my hands. “How? Why? When? Tell me everything.”
“I was in town,” he starts.
“Really?” I raise a brow.
He laughs, and hearing it rumble through his chest while his arms encircle me feels like a shot of espresso straight to my heart.
"Y/n," his mouth forms my name. I want to taste the way that feels again. See if that's changed too.
"You're here."
"How did you know?" I ask even though I knew it had to be Deanna.
“I have my sources,” he smiles secretly. We can’t stop smiling.
He brushes my hair to the side and it feels like a dream. He was here. He was gathering my face in his hands, hands I only dreamed of.
“I was in town,” he begins again. “Because I couldn’t stop thinking of you.”
My breath catches and I can't stop staring at him; he looks even more handsome and chiseled than the last time I saw him.
He looked like something that made my heart sing and my stomach tingle.
I trace my hand up his arm and around his shoulder. I want him to kiss me, I want to feel his arms around me.
He laughs which makes me laugh but neither of us take our eyes off of each other.
He reaches up, fingers threading through my hair. "Is this okay?"
"You're always okay," | say which makes him laugh again. What I mean to say is we're okay. Whatever you want to do is okay, as long as it's with me.
"I missed you." He whispers in my ear and it travels right to the centre of my heart.
"Prove it." I respond.
His mouth is delicate as it presses against mine, whispering soft words against them. They make me ache with a hunger I'd only ever felt around him.
When he looks at me again his eyes are more black then green but I recognize them the same. I don’t know how we’re going to make the trip back home when clearly we just want to soak each other in again.
I have an idea.
I open the backseat and Harry looks at me with a mischievous smile.
“You’re not getting lucky,” I roll my eyes with a smile. “But I really want to kiss you indecently and this is the closest place to do that.”
With a laugh he hustles in, tossing something in the backseat, and I follow, every inch of my body aflame. He shuts the door behind me and meets me halfway.
Waking up to Harry is better than catching up with him last night. Because things are so much more real when they remain the morning after. It doesn’t feel like just a dream.
“G’morning,” he mumbles when our eyes meet. He looks sleepy but content. Or maybe that’s just how I feel.
“Morning,” I smile, suddenly feeling shy. Last night was all passion and fun but the reality sets in this morning—what were we? Where were we going from here? “M’gonna brush my teeth.”
He follows me into the bathroom, luckily Deanna’s already headed off for work. He brushes with me in the small sink and we can’t stop looking at each other through the mirror. Like our eyes were magnets and they couldn’t help but find their way to the other’s.
“So did you really come all this way for me?” I ask as I brew us coffee. “Does anybody know you’re here?”
He tilts his head, “a couple people know I’m here but everyone thinks I’m just taking some time before we wrap up my album next month.”
“What!” I stop what I’m doing to give him my full attention. “You’re nearly done?”
“Yeah!” He comes closer to me, taking the coffee pot from my hand. “Final sound editing at the studio up north. So I’m s’pose to be here next month anyway but I’m just here early. For you.”
I’m afraid to ask, did that mean he was all mine for the next couple weeks of November? But the moment passes and I continue putting together a breakfast.
“I can’t believe you’re here,” I say for the millionth time.
“Me too,” he kisses the side of my neck and helps me carry our coffees to the table. “I intend to spend as much time with you as possible.”
He answers my unasked question and I feel like I’m glowing from the inside. “Yeah well I just finished on set so I’m unemployed until the next thing I’m on. So I’m all yours.”
“How’s that all going? Tell me.”
So I do. I take him through the sets I’ve been on and the people I’ve worked with. He asks great questions and I feel so deeply seen and not just because he doesn’t take his eyes off of me once.
The conversation leads to a repeat of last night and we end up spending most of the day in bed but I wasn’t complaining.
“I haven’t done this in ages,” he says with a kiss on my head. “Just stayed wrapped up in sheets all day.”
“I think the last time I did this was in London, with you.” I kiss his chin. “That feels so long ago.”
“Every day without you feels so long,” Harry says. “I shouldn’t have let it get this long.”
I shrug, “Yeah. I think I convinced myself it was good. We were fine like that. But now that I have you my god that was too long.”
He chuckles and pulls me into a deeper kiss. He tastes like sleepy familiarity and his hands grip me in places that have made a home for his fingers. I think I was in love with this man.
“What?” Harry asks. I must have paused. “You alright?”
“Yeah yeah,” I go back to kissing him but he pulls away. “No I’m fine! Promise.”
He believes me.
We spend a few days just doing nothing but everything with each other. I introduce him to Deanna and we do dinner together with Harry in a costume so he doesn’t get recognized. Deanna finds it very amusing and so do I. Harry seems tense and I worry it’s because we’re laughing at him but he reassures me it’s not.
I know it wasn’t going to last forever, Harry had a busy life to get back to, but I savour the slow moment we have all to ourselves.
Near the end of the week, while I’m driving us out to a hiking spot Harry brings up something on his mind.
“Can I say something, and you can’t get mad?”
“Well I can’t guarantee that.”
“Try not to?” He asks.
“Maybe.” I can’t promise him that.
“Fine I’ll settle with maybe,” he jokes.
“So are you going to tell me?” I eye him as I pull into the parking lot. He had gone silent.
“Yes, I’m getting to that.” He bites his lip. “Don’t take this the wrong way but you seem a bit distant. Not from me just…from yourself.”
“I seem distant from myself?” I laugh.
“Yeah,” he fidgets with his belt and we exit the car. “Like the y/n I know is only 70% there.”
“No see now don’t go getting mad love,” he says and his pet name only softens the moment slightly. “I just wonder if you’re really alright.”
“Of course I am,” I bristle.
“You always have this fire about you but right now-.”
“Jeez Har, if you’re comparing me to before in London I was more high strung than usual, constantly stressed and having personal issues with my ex. And you were making my life hell. Why are you comparing me to her?”
“No I know!” Harry tries to hold my arm but I brush him off and speed away down the trail. But his stupid long legs catch up easily. “This isn’t coming out how I meant to. But even when we were together last spring. You were still you. You just seem a little sad?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I pull away from him more. “You can’t go MIA for months then pop back into my life and tell me I’ve changed like it’s a bad thing.”
“Y/n you’re purposely not understanding me here,” Harry starts to grow frustrated beside me and it makes me less frustrated sharing the emotion. Like I said—I was very healthy. “I’m not saying you’ve changed. Or that changing is a bad thing! I think you’re a lot more confident and stronger than ever before. I’m just saying your light’s been a bit dimmer in the time I’ve been with you and I’m worried you’re going through something you’re not sharing.”
“Oh my god,” I feel tears prick my eyes and I blink them away before stuffing my glasses onto my face. “My light’s been dimmer? Seriously? I’m fine. I’m okay Harry. You don’t have to worry-“
“But I want to-“
“Well you don’t. And it’s a little late to try and pry me open and dissect what you think is wrong with me.”
“Well I’ve already pried you open it’s the dissecting part that—ow!”
I’ve hit him with my bottle and he shuts up. He was so not funny.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes. “But I’m here if you want to talk.”
Too little too late, I think bitterly. And the strength of the bitterness surprises me. I stay quiet, not wanting to spew anything I’ll regret later. He trails behind, giving me the space I need.
Apparently I was bitter about our time apart. But I know that wasn’t entirely his fault—I’d admitted to pushing him away because I’d been too embarrassed. Too stubborn to accept I could use his help. So what was it?
I didn’t think I was any less myself than I was a year ago. But as soon as I think it I know it’s untrue.
I sigh and let the sunlight filtering through the coastal oaks and shrubbery warm my skin. Harry continued a steady pace behind me and I feel slightly sorry for getting so defensive.
I continue one step at a time on the worn path walked by so many. I’d done this several times with friends and it was supposed to be special doing it with Harry but I’ve just ruined it.
I ruined it.
If I was any lesser than in my personality, like Harry said, it was probably because I ruined things. And I was upset with myself. I feel like I let Harry go, that I failed at the career I thought I was going to spend a lifetime. I ruined the thing between Harry and I with pride, by pushing him away! And life’s beaten me down with it.
I haven’t been being very honest with myself. Because the truth did hurt. And I’ve been a wimp.
I glance back at Harry but his head his down, his head of curls bouncing at the effort of the uphill slope. My heart floods with warmth just looking at him and I can’t believe I’ve been an idiot.
“Harry,” I stop in the middle of the trail and he nearly bumps into me. He steadies himself on my shoulder and I grasp his hand there before he can remove it. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be a bitch back there.”
“It’s alright.” He squeezes my shoulder, but his eyes are still wary. “I shouldn’t have been so insensitive. I do that sometimes.”
“No,” I rush to answer. “No you have a point. And I don’t expect you to ever stop calling me out-“
“Likewise,” he gives me a small smile that feels like relief.
“You’re right. I just don’t think I’ve sat long enough to accept it.”
His finger brushes my cheek, wiping the fallen tear. I was not supposed to cry!
“Let’s keep going,” he suggests and I’m grateful for that.
“I think,” I sniffle as my body strains to finish the final stretch of our hike. “I feel like I should be happy and grateful for where I am now. I’m actually really passionate about this new work I’ve been taking on! But a part of me feels like I’m going through the motions. And that makes me feel so shitty.”
My life in London had crashed and burned but it had felt full. Out here I was so spread apart from everyone, I no longer worked at a steady job, and the only person I had was Deanna. Sometimes I think I relied on her too much.
“I think you expect too much of yourself,” Harry puts his hand around my shoulder as we near the end and even though I’m sweaty and it’s kind of gross I let him. “I know how that goes.”
“Yeah maybe,” I brush away another tear. “I just don’t feel very present. I’m either living in the future or living in the past.”
Harry’s face twists into what I can only describe as a knowing grimace.
“Well we made it,” I gesture to the open water below us. We stand for a little while, breathing it in. It reminds me of the first music video set I’d been on with him. When we were getting along and he had seen my enthusiasm for that sort of thing.
“I’ve been living in the past a lot.” Harry admits. “More than usual.”
“Why?” I ask.
“Y/n,” he says and I turn to look at him. Right, I flush. Me.
“What the fuck did we do to each other?” I ask and we laugh. And then laugh some more, releasing a tension neither of us realized we were carrying.
We end up sitting in the ground catching our breaths again. He pulls me into his chest and kisses the top of my head.
“I don’t know how we keep screwing up.”
“It should be a record,” I laugh. “We really don’t know how to deal with each other.”
“Fucking hell,” he laughs.
“What do we do?” I look up into his eyes that are deeper than the forest we hiked through. They’re so full of love that I could drown in them willingly.
“Firstly I should tell you something, long overdue.” He says. He kisses me with a sweetness before telling me, “I’m madly in love with you. I never thought I could feel this way about someone.”
“Well I don’t know how that someone could be me,” I joke but mostly to cover up just how hard his words hit.
“You wound up in my life when I was at my worst-“
“And taken you even lower,” I joke again.
“No.” He brushes my cheek. “No, that was my own doing. You made me believe I could be better. That I should be better, that I shouldn’t be defined by past mistakes. I love you y/n.”
Woah. I wasn’t expecting that.
I scramble to sit up and face him. “Seriously?”
“So serious.”
“Harry,” I hold his face in my hands. It was true, something I barely admitted to myself but as I roll the words through my head it feels true.
“Don’t feel pressured to-“
“I love you too Harry. God. I love you. That felt good to say.”
He laughs and pulls me to him, and even though we’re smiling too hard to actually get a proper kiss in it’s one of the most romantic moments of my life.
“I don’t think this is going to solve our issues,” he says once we’ve dusted ourselves off and prepare to say goodbye to the view. “But I want to try to stay connected.”
“You’ve told me you love me there’s no getting rid of me now.” I warn him.
“I was scared,” he confesses. “I never told you I wanted you to stay. That I wanted you so fucking badly because I was scared you would get so overwhelmed by my life, how much is in the public eye and all of that. I don’t want to subject you to that-“
“We’ve already been papped together remember?” I raise a brow. He blushes as the memory surfaces.
“The night I acted like a complete arse yeah thanks for reminding me.”
“Look at you blushing,” I pat his cheek. He brushes me off. “But I know what I’m getting myself into Harry. I’ve worked for you! I know how public your life is. And we can figure it out.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes!” I reassure him.
“Does that mean…?”
“What are you asking Mr. Styles?”
“Please don’t call me that again,” he groans. “I don’t want to be Mr. Styles to you anymore.”
“Only if you’d be Mrs. Styles.”
Now it’s my turn to flush. He laughs at me the same way I did him.
“Harry I barely know what I’m doing with my life. But I do know I love you, and I want to be with you. So I’ll figure the life stuff out as long as I get to have you.”
“That’s very romantic.” He teases.
“I know,” I smile.
“Good. I’d give up the life I have now if it means getting to have you Y/N.”
“Romantic enough,” I tease.
“Remember when we realized we had been at the same Coldplay concert and-“
“Not this again,” I groan. “I’m not bloody asking you to give up your fame and money to start a family.”
“I know I know!” He laughs. “But I just want to tell you that you could. I wouldn’t mind.”
I fan myself, “It’s getting too romantic. Let’s get out of here.”
And that’s the note on which we make our way back down to our car, completely different how we made our way up. It sets the tone for the remainder of his time here.
8 months later:
“G’morning!” I wave to the front desk and walk to the elevator that would take me up to the apartment I called home now. It was spring in the city I’ve grown to love again.
“Is that you?” Harry’s voice calls out when I walk to the kitchen.
“Yes! And I have coffee!” I shout back. I couldn’t sleep last night—first day jitters that I always got when working on a new set.
“Bollocks!” Harry’s voice sounds closer. “I was supposed to do that for you for first day on set.”
“Too bad,” I push the coffee towards him on the island but he ignores it to come to me instead.
“Is it?” He arches a brow. His hands are already running up my sides and my breathing grows shallow. He never failed to pull this reaction from me. Even when we “hated” each other.
I can’t take the teasing so I lean up to press my mouth to his and the coffee is forgotten as he lifts me up on the island and trails his lips down my body. I didn’t need caffeine when I had this.
No. Wait. I had a job to get to.
“Harry,” I try to grab his face back up. “Harry, love, I can’t-fuck.”
“Sorry,” he smiles up at me sheepishly and if I could take a shot of that face it would seriously sustain me for the rest if my life.
“I can’t.” I pout.
“I know. Sorry I got carried away.”
“Drink your coffee,” I steal one last kiss. “Now I feel like I need a cold shower.”
His laugh echoes through the room. “I said I was sorry!”
He dramatically moves to the opposite end of the island and sits down, holding the coffee up to his face. “Mmmm.”
I smile at the man who had my soul and heart. I was so glad I’d made the plunge to move back to where he was.
After Harry left the States when he finished his album we had tried our best at long-distance. I was afraid to uproot my life to London again and he was willing to move out to San Francisco but I didn’t want him to. I knew his life was in London.
We tried going back and forth for a couple months. I’d invited him back home to Burbank during one of those trips and everyone had hit it off. It almost felt like the missing piece I was looking for to take the plunge. To decide once and for all I was moving away again.
The last time I moved I was running away from everything I knew because I thought it would gain me independence and a life I craved. But ultimately I came crawling back home.
This time I take the leap running to something.
I miss being closer to family, and living with my best friend. I beg Deanna to visit every time we catch up but recently she’s told me she’s moving in with the guy she’s been dating and it makes me feel less bad about leaving her behind again.
Harry decided to move his work life out of the flat to give me privacy, now his team worked out of a small office in central and sometimes I popped by when he was there. We tried to keep ourselves out of the limelight, and so far things had stayed private.
“I’m going to pick you up tonight,” Harry reminds me. “Are you sure I can’t give you a lift there too?”
“No I want to take the train,” I insist. I needed my first day to be independently mine.
We chit chat as we finish breakfast and then I’m out the door again towards my first day. It’s a cool morning but the sun climbs into the sky and I know it was only going to get warmer.
I had promised the city that I’d be back one day and this was it. I had laid down roots once before and I was back to try once more; my heart was open enough to embrace it, healed enough to love it again.
I was embracing life again and it felt like my glow was back.
Jeff keeps asking if you’re showing up to the album launch, Harry texts.
Obviously, does Jeff not want me there? I text—it was a running joke between us ever since we came out to Jeff that he hated us together. His reaction had been surprise and then resignation. He was tight-lipped about us any time he saw us together.
He’d rather you throw the party.
I didn’t miss that part of the job. Now when I look back at my old career I’m not sure how I did it for years. It was a stress I didn’t want back.
He’d have to pay me a million dollars, I text back.
I’ll let him know your new rates
I get to the tube and sit down. As I lose service I get one last text from Harry.
I love you. Break a leg
And then: but don’t get concussed or anything
I roll my eyes but the smile stays on my face. To be loved is to be known but to be loved is also to have someone else know all of your stupid moments and know you won’t ever live them down.
I send back a heart and an eye-roll emoji.
The tradeoff was worth it…most of the time.
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zot3-flopped · 23 days
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Damned with faint praise ... a 3* review from the Guardian for 'competent' Niall who lacks 'pizzazz' and 'feels safest jamming behind a guitar.'
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eightyuh · 9 months
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petalprincessxoxo · 4 months
Welcome to my girlblog <3
My name is niamh and welcome to my girlblog!!!
My favourite artists are:
The cranberries
Sabrina carpenter
The cure
Jeff Buckley
Car seat headrest
Cocteau Twins
Elliott smith
Charli xcx
Mazzy star
Fontaines dc
What I post:
I will post stuff about bands I like, art, music, books and literature, reviews, movies, girlblogs or just my own ideas about stuff.
My favourite movies are:
Black swan
The Lego Batman movie
Napoleon dynamite
10 things I hate about you
Corpse bride
Anything by ghibli or Tim burton
Please dni if you are:
Racist, homophobic, zionist, nsfw, transphobic.
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Hi, have you seen this review of Harry's House from a sound engineer pov? I think it was very interesting
Hi dear,
Oh wow, thank you for sending this video! It is so cool to hear from someone who has experience as a sound engineer! Harry's albums are incredibly high quality. The sound landscape in them are so vast, they take you on a whole journey. I always find myself discovering new things in his music because it has so many layers, sonically. It is truly beautiful. I may not be a sound engineer, but I experience everything this guy is discussing in the video. Everything is done super intentionally, you can hear the vision for each song. And he is right, those intentional decisions are made throughout the recording process, not at the end on the mixing table. Intentional music that is rich sonically, bringing his voice and words to life
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justchillinoutinmeb0x · 7 months
One Direction "If I Could Fly" Review
If you're new to this series I get sent a song from 1 direction (during 1d days or solo careers) and I review it. The ones I like will make a playlist that I'll share at the end of this series.
Thoughts from title: I feel like it'll be something sweet. Maybe something to do with dreams and aspirations
Initial reaction: God damnit, one of these days I'm gonna guess something right. Such beautiful lyrics. This is such a heartbreaking and heartwarming song at the same time.
Overall thoughts: I think this is by far my favorite 1d song I've heard. So beautiful, the music, the lyrics it's just absurd how amazing it is. I'll definitely be crying to this song In the future.
Favorite lyric(s): I've got scars, Even though they can't always be seen
For your eyes only I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely And forget who you are
Overall rating: 9.5/10
Did it make the playlist? Obviously
Let me know what other songs you wanna see 💚💙🧡💛❤️
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
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Okayyyy....So, I FINALLY got around to watching this "Don't Worry Darling" movie a few nights ago lol. Everyone kept saying how HORRIBLE the film was, and how bad Harry's acting was in it lol, so I'm sorry, but my curiosity just got the better of me and I HAD to watch it and see for myself. 😅
My Thoughts:
The Good:
I LOVE films that have a little bit of mystery like this...I love trying to figure out and guess what's really going on in a film, so this one was right up my alley.
Right off the bat, I kind of already suspected that what I was seeing was not what was real. I even questioned if they were really in that time period right off the bat. Like, something just seemed waaay too "perfect" about that little town. Immediately, I found myself thinking:
"This film reminds me of 'The Stepford Wives' and the 'Surrogates' movies". If any of you have seen either of those films, then you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.
Can I just say? I love Florence as an actress. Everything I've seen her in so far has been great acting by her. She does an American accent fairly convincingly well too... I didn't pick up on any "slip-ups" like I usually do when most foreigners fake American accents for films lol. 😅 I can't wait to see her in "Dune: Part 2"!
Also...LOVED seeing Chris Pine as a villain in this! And can I just say?? He was ZADDY! LOL 🤣 Something about him in this film was doing things to me lol.
Oh...and I LOVE LOVE LOVED the costumes, and that house! I love styles and fashion from the 1950s and 1960s. Everyone just always looked so classy and put together. People really took pride in how they looked back then lol. I loved vintage styles honestly. 😊
That home was to die for too...loved the architecture.
The Bad:
Honestly, the main gripe I had with this film was that there were just SO many plot holes! 🥴 It was annoying! Like, the movie teases you and teases you, and you're hanging on along for the ride, and then.... It just.... LEAVES you HANGING with sooo many UNanswered questions at the end! 😤
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What was up with the airplane crashing in the distance that Florence's character saw?? 🥴
What was up with the mini little earthquakes that everyone was just used to? Was it trains? Was it leakage from the "real life"?
Why did Olivia's character know what was up from the get-go? Who told her? How did she find out? Did she ALWAYS know?
Why does banging your head against the glass cause you to get out of the VR realm?
How did Harry's character get his wife to be able to undergo the VR life? Was he drugging her? Were ALL of these husbands drugging their wives? Were some of these dudes just choosing random women to be their VR wives?? Like, what on earth?
When did Chris Pine's wife know that he was a fraud?? Like, was she always suspecting? OR did that ONE phone convo that she over heard do something to her?
Who were the men in red jackets? Were they all under VR simulation as well?
Why does killing you in the VIRTUAL WORLD kill you in the REAL WORLD, when everything that's going on is just FAKE anyway?? 🥴 That was the BIGGEST mystery to me lol. Didn't make sense AT all.
You almost felt like you watched the entire movie for no good reason when none of these questions were answered lol. I can see why so many people didn't like this movie.
Overall, I didn't HATE the movie. The movie actually started off very promising in fact! I actually didn't even mind Harry's acting? I mean, he's not really an "actor", so for a singer trying to act, I actually didn't think he did THAT bad y'all lol. 😄 And as Olivia's film debut (is this her first directorial film?) it actually wasn't THAT bad.
I just hated all of the plot holes!
I also felt like actress Kiki Layne was SEVERELY UNDERused in this movie. I would have liked to have seen how she was before she became suspicious. I was actually interested in her storyline as well, but they kind of treated her character as an afterthought.
Anyway...I think people overexaggerated though how much they hated this movie. It wasn't that bad honestly. It was just something fun to watch on a Friday night while eating my dinner lol.
But boy did this movie have plot holes galore! 🤣 It didn't have to end so abruptly either.
Too bad this movie had so much drama going on with the cast lol 😆 It didn't get such a great press tour due to all the drama going on lol. 👀
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hl-obsessed · 9 months
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My year in review! ✨🎊
With template from @londonfoginacup.
Check #mine for more! 💕
no but this was hard. there is literally nothing for half of the year and then i didn't know what to choose. novemeber and december were especially busy.
also i only started making things for this fandom in march? and regulary only from june? it seems longer honestly.
i chose mosty less popular ones to get them chance to shine ✨ maybe i'll do year summary but including everything i did in every month...
i also want to thank you all for welcoming me with open arms in this fandom 💕 i love you. i love creating this little silly manips and sharing them with you.
to the next year being as amazing (at least art wise) as this one! ✨❤️🥂
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larrylimericks · 1 year
Congrats, Lou, on opening night! Thanks for sharing your fears, faith and fight. You deserve your success And that maximum bless — And that hug left us high as a kite!
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styleslookbook · 2 years
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2022: Year in review ↳ prints
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mai-komagata · 1 year
i really liked Don't Worry, Darling
apparently i'm siding with the audience score here, not the critics.
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fantastickkay · 1 year
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Every year, I condense my favorite singles of the year into 80 minute CDs.
These are the most recent tracklists that also feature my favorite albums of those years!
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zot3-flopped · 21 days
Lol some ugly jobless freak who stalks your blog went to Marte & pleaded with her not to translate that Norwegian review but she'd already looked at most of it and said he got 3/6 for not putting in enough effort and energy, wearing a boring outfit, not having great vocals and complaining about the cold!
Music professionals are NEVER impressed with him! Not ONCE in three years of live performances!
Meanwhile ...
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filmfauxpas · 7 days
The Idea of You (2024) Review
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I originally watched The Idea of You in a room full of former “One Directioners,” myself included. Having all been obsessed with one or more of the 1D members, we braced ourselves for Nick Galitzine’s portrayal of the beloved British pop ideal. What graced our screen was a caricature of Harry Styles: Hayes Campbell. Dressed in a white sleeveless tee, revealing his scattered sleeve of tattoos, and ripped skinny jeans, he made his way through his trailer after encountering Solene, his love interest who is 16 years his senior, portrayed by Anne Hatheway. The two meet under improbable circumstances when Solene stumbles into his trailer at Coachella, mistaking it for a public restroom. Despite this unrealistic meet-cute, they share playful banter and part ways, only to reconnect at a meet-and-greet for Hayes' band, August Moon. Solene, accompanied by her daughter, makes her way through a line of frenzied teenage fans, where bandmates make jokes about how attractive she is and Hayes is once again, enhanced by her. During the band’s performance, we see Solene and her daughter in the crowd and Hayes makes a last-minute set change to sing a new song that he dedicates to Solene. As their romance unfolds, they quickly become infatuated with each other, traveling the world, having sex in fancy hotels, and going out until the gripping reality of their relationship becomes clear and the two face the reality of Hayes’ high-profile lifestyle. This puts Solene and her daughter in the public eye, ultimately leading to their breakup. Overall, the film isn't bad. Both Anne Hathaway and Nicholas Galitzine deliver strong performances and make their characters compelling. The plot is engaging with high stakes, and because the characters are so likable, the audience roots for them. However, it is hard to move past just how uncanny the character of Hayes Campbell is. 
The author of The Idea of You, Robinne Lee, admitted around the book's release that Harry Styles served as inspiration for the character of Hayes. Stating that “I was up late surfing music videos on YouTube" and "came across the face of a boy I’d never seen in a band I’d never paid attention to. … It was like…art.” Lee also shared after learning of Styles' relationships with older women that “the seed was planted” for the novel. However, as the book gained more popularity during the Pandemic, readers were quick to draw similarities between Harry Styles and Hayes, ultimately dubbing it a “Harry Styles fanfiction.” Lee responded to this by later stating she “regretted” sharing Styles as the inspiration and that “Harry was one of multiple people who went into creating Hayes Campbell.” Lee highlighted she wanted her novel to be seen as a story of a “woman reclaiming her sexuality and rediscovering herself.” While this theme is effectively conveyed, especially through Solene’s confident handling of divorce and new romance, it’s hard to ignore, at least in the film, how similar Hayes and Harry truly are. This similarity made it difficult to fully engage with the film, as it felt strange to watch a fictionalized version of a real person. For instance, the Coachella scene was the most jarring, with the band members mirroring real-life One Direction members in both voice and movement. The set design even echoes One Direction’s “On the Road Again” tour, with similar hand-drawn lightning bolts and arrows. It was during this scene that the fell silence as each of us stared at the screen noting how strange this film actually was. Other details, like Hayes wearing a hat marked “Simple” — a nod to Harry Styles’ Pleasing brand — added to the sense of being in a world that felt too familiar. While these references may resonate with fans of Styles and One Direction, they can detract from the film’s storytelling.
All in all, the film's attempt to blend homage with original storytelling is notable, however, it sometimes struggles to balance these elements seamlessly. For fans of Harry Styles and One Direction, the film may offer a unique, if somewhat disconcerting, viewing experience. For others, it stands as a well-crafted romance with engaging performances and a moving narrative.
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thelionhkinggqueen · 1 year
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Harry styles as Jack Chambers in don't worry darling🤎🖤🤍
Apreciation post🤌🏻💌
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