#harry: nope nope nope
littlewinnow · 1 year
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Omfg I saw this image and I just had to draw harry with Scorpius 😭😭😭😭😭
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rejectingrepublicans · 3 months
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starrysaturdays · 1 month
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larrylimericks · 4 days
A soul made of plastic and hollowed, In missed exploitation, Si wallowed: If he owned 1D’s name He’d cash in on their fame ... It’s a no from our Lou, who unfollowed.
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crinkle-eyed-boo · 2 months
The thing is that Louis is ALWAYS going to choose from Midnight Memories forward for his 1D covers because that’s when he really took ownership of his songwriting and steering the band’s sound.
Give me a Louis and Steve Durham arranged version of something like Strong or Fireproof over something from the first two albums ANYDAY.
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averyshittyseal · 10 months
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The Shitkid is in love, let him be
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nancy-reads · 9 months
you belong with me
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pairing: fred weasley x reader
summary: fred wakes up after a wild night with his team to his phone buzzing nonstop after his latest tweet. Turns out he accidentally invited his old chemistry partner (and long-time crush) to the second game of the season. pining and fluff ensue.
warnings: a tiny little bit of spice at the end (it's really not that much i just want to warn you guys)
authors note: i promise the sequal to am i the one you think about will come out, i just got a bunch of inspiration to write this all of the sudden and wanted to share it with you guys!!
As soon as Fred woke up, he regretted everything. His head was pounding, his throat was dry, and his muscles ached. Every part of him wanted to lie back down and never get up again. 
His memories of last night were fuzzy at best. He was hanging with some of the boys from his team, celebrating after their first game of the season. Many beers were passed around, and for some reason, Fred had a vague memory of the team shouting at him over and over to do it.
Strange. They probably wanted him to take a bunch of shots or something. Usually, he’d be down, but not during football season. He had games to win, and Superbowls to play at. 
Fred opened his eyes and blinked sleepily. As the world came into focus, he realized that his phone was buzzing, and had been for a while. He rolled over, chugged a glass of water, and grabbed his phone.
His jaw dropped as he saw the flood of notifications. 
Fred Weasley’s Secret Crush?
Fred Weasley Invites Mystery Girl to Sunday’s Game Over Twitter
Football Hearthrobb Fred Weasley Has a Girlfriend?!
Holy shit. 
There was only one person this could be about, and he might just die from embarrassment if he was right. You had probably completely forgotten about him, while he still liked all of your Instagram photos on his private account. 
Fred scrolled through his notifications to see what looked like a million from Twitter alone, and a text from nearly everyone he knew. 
Taking a deep breath, he tapped the Twitter app and clicked on his profile.
Fred Weasley @thebetterweasley
never would have gotten to the nfl without my college chem partner @ynln… tickets to the next game on me?
Fred’s eyes widened as he reread his tweet over and over again. He could feel his entire body heating up as he fought the urge to bury his head in his hands. 
He just blew it. Entirely. You would never be interested in him now. You’d just think he wanted the attention, or worse, just for a quick fling.
Fred couldn’t imagine ever only wanting a fling from you. You and your gorgeous hair, beautiful eyes, and the way you talk way just mesmerizing. He could never focus during Intro To Chemistry because you’d be sat right next to him, eyes sparkling and pen flying as you took notes. 
And he saw your grades. You were basically a genius, acing every test and perfecting every project. You were probably in grad school right now or in some sort of job for brilliant people who are saving the world. 
You probably had no idea who he was. 
After an embarrassingly long time spent moping, Fred got out of bed and reluctantly headed to the gym to work out. In between reps, he responded to the thousands of texts that he received, either congratulating him or calling him an idiot. 
He definitely knew which ones were right. 
His tweet had millions of likes by now, so there was no chance that you’d missed it. He’d been contacted by loads of news outlets, asking for a quote or an interview or anything about you, and he’d denied all of them. The passive-aggressive text from his manager, Alicia, was enough to make him want to delete every social media account he owned. 
Fred had just finished his last stretch routine and was headed toward the showers when he got a notification.
Y/N L/N @ynln
maybe i’ll swing by…see if we still have chemistry
Fred could feel the heat spread from his neck all the way to his hairline. He wanted to giggle and kick his feet like a lovesick teenager. Maybe he didn’t ruin everything after all?
You tweeted it a minute ago..would it be weird for him to like it immediately? 
Yes. Yes, it would. 
That didn’t make him want to do it any less. 
As Fred headed to the shower, a massive smile adorning his face, he immediately hit the call button because he had to tell someone about this. You responded to his tweet. He wanted to jump around and squeal like a kid with a crush. 
Which was pretty accurate, to be quite honest.
“Freddie, I just finished my workout, is this really that imp-”
“She responded to my tweet!!” Fred nearly shouted. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet, eyes shining with excitement. He didn’t recognize himself as he looked in the mirror. His smile was too big for his face, and his ears were bright red. 
“It did have more than a million likes, Fred. I think she kind of had to.”
“Don’t ruin this for me George. I’ve liked her for so long, what do I even do now?”
Fred could hear George’s exasperated smile from miles away. “First, you are going to take a deep breath. You are a cool NFL football player, not a horny teenager. “
“Right. Yes.”
He took a deep breath, but his heart was still racing and the butterflies in his stomach would not go away. Come on Fred, you are gonna be normal about this. You can do it.
“You got that Fred?” George asked. Fred murmured an affirmative. “Okay, now you are gonna get tickets to the VIP booth, four of them.”
“Four? Why-”
“Because one of them is for Mum, as you know she will get there somehow if you’ve invited a girl.”
“That’s fair, actually.”
“Also, the public loves her so I assume that your girl will want to meet her too.” Fred pointedly ignored how his heart raced at the words “your girl.” George continued, “You’re also not going to be the asshole who makes her go alone, so give her a couple tickets for her friends.”
“When did you get so smart with girls?”
George chuckled. “Oh this is all Angelina. I don’t know anything.”
“Yeah, that makes a lot more sense, Georgie.”
Fred hung up as he orders four VIP tickets for the game. He immediately sends one to his mum, but he pauses before sending it to you. 
see you at the game! you better be wearing red and gold…
Fred added a winky face, then immediately deleted it. He didn’t want to seem too juvenile or worse, weird. His thumb hovered over the blue send button, rereading the DM over and over. At last, he admitted defeat and sent a screenshot to Geoge.
F: does this sound okay?
G: yes. stop worrying.
F: you act as if you were not the same way when you asked angelica to the yule ball
G: shut up
Fred snorted as he switched back to Twitter. He took a deep breath, steeled himself, and pressed send.
For the rest of the week, Fred practiced harder than ever. All eyes were gonna be on him this week, and he needed a win. More importantly, you were gonna be at this game, and he knew who he wanted to dedicate his touchdown to.
He’d been thinking about it since that freshman year chemistry class when he was nothing but a rookie tight end, and the NFL was nothing but a dream. The crowd goes wild, but the only person he’s looking at is you.
Christ, when did he become such a romantic?
He felt a smile split across his face when his phone buzzed during a break.
Y: i looked through my closet and i don’t know if i have any red and gold…might have to steal something of yours
F: stay after the game and maybe we’ll see
The two of you didn’t text often, maybe a couple of times a day, but it was always a highlight. Locker room talk had devolved into just making fun of Fred’s puppy dog eyes and lovesick smile whenever he opened his phone. 
Someone from the press got a picture of him smiling at his phone, and the internet exploded even more. 
Fred Weasley Caught Blushing At His Phone During Practice
Fred Weasley’s Smile Has the Internet Swooning
Fred Weasley’s Mystery Girl: Who Is She?
Part of him wanted to feel embarrassed with all the attention, but he was too grateful that you had finally given him the time of day to really think about it. He was laser-focused on every play and worked extra hard at the gym. They would win the game this week, even if it was purely by his will.
Fred had never been this nervous for a game before. Every single playoff game, championship, or even the Superbowl hadn’t prepared him for this feeling. 
His girl was up there, and he had to impress you today. 
The crowd screamed louder than ever as he ran onto the field with his team. There were signs everywhere, asking if you were here and making jokes about Fred being a loverboy. He couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across his face as he looked around the stadium, taking it all in.
There was nothing he loved more than football, and having other people love him for it was even more special.
Still, Fred tried to catch your eye in the VIP booth, and his smile widened when he saw you talking to his mum. Embarrassing as it was, everyone loved her, so she was probably the quickest way to your heart. Eventually, though, his mum took pity on him and pointed him out to you.
And shit, your smile when Fred finally looked into your eyes. The two of you were far away, so it was hard to tell, but he already knew it was beautiful. He stared at you, probably for longer than was considered normal until the whistle blew and he was forced to follow his team.
This was probably the best game his team had ever played. Everyone was in sync, and the plays they’d worked on all summer were gaining them yards across the field. Everyone could feel the energy in the stadium as people cheered his name.
The only problem, Fred hadn’t yet scored a touchdown. Halftime had just ended, and the team was up thirty-one points. He could feel the coaches wanting to pull him out and let the best people rest while they had such a great lead, however, he silently begged them to let him stay in. 
Just one good play and I’ve got this.
And his chance finally came halfway through the third quarter. They were only a few yards away from the endzone, and Fred knew that this was his chance as Oliver called the play. 
The whistle blew, and Fred didn’t even see the other players as he sprinted into the endzone, dodging anyone who attempted to get in his way. He and Oliver were in perfect sync as he threw the ball straight into Fred’s hands, securing another six points for the team.
The crowd screamed as the touchdown was announced, and Fred couldn’t stop himself from doing a little victory dance. His eyes found your booth as he headed to the sideline, and he blushed from head to toe at your reaction. You were jumping around and screaming with joy (he hoped) and you looked adorable. 
In a moment of confidence, he caught your eye, placed his hand on his chest, and held out half a heart, mouthing “This one is for you.”
Part of him wondered if he was coming on too strong, but the other part was enamored with you as you clasped your hand over your beautiful smile and held half a heart back. 
The crowd let out an “aww” as you showed up on the screen beside him, and he couldn’t stop himself from beaming at the nearby camera. He could feel people tapping away at their phones to post on social media, but he didn’t care. You were cheering for him.
The game continued, and Fred was mostly put on the sidelines to give some of the rookies a chance to play, as it was looking pretty good for his team. He couldn’t stop himself from stealing glances at your booth, so much so that the team was beginning to notice.
“Fred, loverboy, the game is this way,” Lee Jordan teased. 
“Staring at your mom, Weasley?” Andrew Sloper asked.
Even Oliver, who usually had a stick up his ass, joined in on the fun. “God, Fred, you’d think Taylor Swift was here or something.”
Fred was happy to laugh with them. He hadn’t remembered feeling this giddy in a long time, and he couldn’t push the smile from his face. Part of him was eager for the game to be over, so he could go see you. 
Still, his hands shook and butterflies erupted from his stomach when he thought about heading up to your booth. Would conversation flow? Would you even like him in person after all these years? Did you only come for free tickets or for internet clout?
That wasn’t it, he knew. You were too kind, too good to do that when it was obvious how head over heels he was for you. Still, part of him worried.
Fred was sure his team was sick of him by now. He’d been agonizing over his hair for the past thirty minutes as he prepared to leave the locker room and finally see you. He’d blown you a kiss as he left the field, and he was wondering if he’d come on too strong, and clearly if his hair was wrong it would ruin everything. 
Maybe he was panicking a little bit. He’d texted you a few minutes ago, giving you instructions on how to get to the family and friends area outside the locker room. He hoped his mum would guide you there, as the last thing he wanted was for you to get lost and attacked by rabid football fans. You didn’t deserve that. 
After a few more minutes, he realized that his hair was hopeless (it looked fine) and decided he would rather not leave you waiting. With a last look in the mirror and a deep breath, he headed out of the locker room.
The area was crowded; full of girlfriends, wives, children, and all sorts of family and friends of the team. There was a buzz in the room of people talking, laughing, and generally celebrating the win. The sounds got even louder as he entered, and Fred could see people acting like they weren’t staring at him.
Still, he wasn’t paying attention to anything but you as you locked eyes across the room. You gave him a shy smile, and he couldn’t stop himself from beaming as he headed straight for you. 
“Hey,” you said. Your eyes were piercing, and very distracting. He couldn’t seem to form a thought as he stared into them.
“Hey,” he said back, stupidly. He hesitated for a moment as the butterflies felt more like stampeding wildebeest in his stomach. “Did you enjoy the game?”
There was a teasing lilt to your voice as you responded. “I don’t know. It was alright, I suppose.”
“Alright?” Fred asked in mock annoyance. He placed a light hand on your back as he guided you out of the family area. “I guess next time I’ll give my free VIP tickets to someone else.”
You snorted. “As if you have someone else to give them to.”
“Hey! I have plenty of people to give tickets to.”
“Like who?” you asked. “Your mom?”
Fred smiled and placed a dramatic hand on his chest. “You dare insult Mother Weasley?” 
You smiled and stared at the ground as you shook your head. “Never. We had a great time hanging out tonight.”
He gave you a soft smile. “I’m glad. I have a feeling that you’re going to be her new favorite.”
As the two of you neared the press area, Fred straightened and pressed his hand slightly closer to your back. He didn’t want to be too forward, however, he knew how aggressive the press could be. “For this next part, just be careful of the reporters. Our security is really good, and honestly,” he chuckled a bit, “I could take most of them, but I don’t want anyone making you uncomfortable.”
You nodded and pressed a bit closer to him, making him blush even harder. 
It was a small hallway, and the press was kept behind some silver barriers that allowed the two of you some space to walk. Cameras flashed and videos recorded Fred and you walking past. You had the prettiest smile in the world, and Fred couldn’t stop looking at you as you gave an especially beautiful one to the cameras.
He’d have to find that photo later. 
Fred was desperate to grab your hand as the two of you walked toward his convertible, but his hands were sweaty and shook at the thought. You looked gorgeous in the moonlight, and he couldn’t stop his eyes from dropping to your lips.  
As the two of you sped off, you looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “I believe I was promised a jersey after the game.”
He smirked. “I’m pretty sure I said we’ll see.”
“So you don’t want to see me in your jersey next game?”
“Who said you were getting invited to my next game?”
“Seemed like someone enjoyed having me there tonight,” you said, looking away from him, a teasing smile on your face.
Fred smiled. “When did you get so confident? I remember it took forever for us to actually talk when we met.”
“I know it may surprise you Freddie, but some of us grew up a bit after college.”
“Really?” he gasped, dropping his jaw. “That's crazy.”
“And,” you added, “some of us have learned how to tell when someone is flirting with us.”
That's when Fred’s jaw dropped for real, and red spread all the way to his ears. He turned back to the road, focusing on driving as hard as he could. Letting you see the giddy beam on his face was not an option. Your hand moved toward the center console, right next to his, and every part of him itched to hold it.
He cleared his throat. “So, uh…how have you been?”
He listened to you describe your life and your job as if he had not been stalking you on Instagram since he met you. It seemed like you had thrived since college, and Fred felt his heart soar when he heard how happy you were. You deserved everything, and Fred silently hoped he would be there to see you get it.
As the two of you pulled into the parking lot, Fred caught you staring at him, biting your lip as he backed into the spot. He smiled to himself as he got out of the car and opened the door for you. 
Dinner was perfect. Fred couldn’t stop laughing and smiling in your presence, and it seemed like you were having a great time as well. Every so often the conversation would lull, and he would catch you staring at him as the two of you enjoyed your meal. 
He did his share of staring as well, but he hoped that he was less obvious about it. 
(He wasn’t.)
Fred finally found the courage to grab your hand as the two of you were leaving the restaurant, with your head thrown back in a laugh that rocked his world. You just looked so adorable that he had to hold you, even if it was just your hand. 
He knew it was the right choice when you immediately squeezed his hand. He squeezed back, which caused you to do it again, beginning an all-out hand-squeezing war that only ended when the two of you were laughing too hard to continue. 
Christ, your laugh was just so beautiful. You looked so free and so happy when you simply threw your head back and laughed, letting your joy overtake your entire body. Fred could feel himself staring, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to be a part of your sunshine. 
Too soon, you stopped laughing and just stared back at him. He held your gaze for a moment, letting his eyes flick to your lips every so often. He stepped closer to you. Close enough to touch you. Close enough to lean in…
Close enough to kiss you. 
You’re eyes slid shut as Fred leaned in and placed a hand under your chin to tilt your face up to meet his. Slowly, so terribly slowly, he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours.
Your lips were soft, and they seemed to meld with his perfectly. Fred could feel his pulse racing as you tugged on the lapels of his jacket to get closer. Christ, he just wanted to be closer to you, closer, and closer.
You opened your mouth slightly, and Fred took that opportunity to part your lips and deepen the kiss. He felt you inhale sharply and panicked for a moment until he heard your small moan at the movements of his tongue. All Fred knew was that he wanted to hear that sound again, and again, and again until you couldn’t make it anymore, until you were tired and sick with pleasure-
You gasped as you pulled away from him. Your lips were raw and red, matching the blush that colored your cheeks. It was silent for a moment as the two of you gazed at each other. 
Fred smirked. “So…do you think we still have chemistry?”
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vanderspeiglemd · 3 months
God like shut the fuck UP.
So Chris originally pitched vandertrees. They were supposed to be together in s2. They were supposed to take care of Bridget.
Chris says that didn't work out because Alan and Sara's 'chemistry is more mother-son' and I've never heard a more absolute bullshit excuse for 'I didn't develop my main character so when Alan played him as ND read I said oh he's a baby haha' and changed the shows trajectory after the first season. BTW that's from his own mouth, he didn't even know Harry until they got Alan literally when they were already filming the pilot and then he decided Harry was supposed to be an idiot child. Like yeah, that dynamic happened bc you FORCED the child/parent thing later, that never existed in s1. Their interactions after the whole dumber Harry thing are so stiff and miserable, it's not natural the way they were before.
They genuinely won the lottery with two super attractive, talented actors who had immediate chemistry and they shit all over it. And fine don't make it canon, why do they have to be so hostile and weird about it? You're not smarter than shippers, you make a show full of poop jokes.
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yourgalgremlin · 6 months
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Cannon: Barty spent a long time (8mo) being Moody.
Headcannon: He spent a lot of that time raiding the potions & ingredients cabinets getting high AF off Mermaid spit & gillyweed.
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palin-tropos · 4 months
Harry having the apricots-Dora-peaches of immortality-Dolores Dei visceral trauma response to the cover of the inframaterialism book (even though we have also pointed out it’s abstract kimharry with the green and orange and he doesn’t react to Kim’s orangeness or apricot empire in Suzerainty)
is one of the few scraps of evidence for my fanon birth name for the apocalyptic shrike: Nils Ingerlund
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smolalienbee · 2 years
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But you were Such a fucking hippie, A counter-culture baby, Perfectly dreamy
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finexbright · 1 year
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oksfranta · 1 year
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Harry Styles. HSLOT 2023. Horsens
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dark-elf-writes · 2 months
Do you ever write some incredibly small throw away line that you think nothing of at the time but then it becomes an integral part of one of the characters for the rest of the story.
Anyway Fawn Spots Harry was definitely told by one (1) random person he had known for all of three minutes at the time not to give his name to anyone he didn’t trust because they could do bad things with it and he decided that that was going to be a core part of his personality for the rest of time tbh.
Which, to be fair, he doesn’t have anything other than his name after the Dursleys leave him. That last piece of his life that wasn’t torn away from him when they left him alone and scared halfway across the world. It was also the first thing of his that had ever been given value, with someone he hardly knew telling him that it was important enough to keep safe.
Is it any wonder that he guards it jealously? That he holds it close to his chest so it can’t be used to hurt him?
It’s why his adoptive family uses so many nicknames for him. Why Andy and Alex refer to him as “my child “ or “Bambi” or “the fawn” when speaking to others. It’s why Hydra hardly ever says it outside of Parsel and only around people he knows Harry trusts. It’s why May had to wipe away tears when Harry told her his name for the first time, open and trusting.
It’s why the wizarding world loses Harry’s faith almost immediately by plastering his old name (thankfully. he would have crawled out of his skin if he saw his new family’s name tossed around so carelessly) over children’s books and newspapers and gods knew what else like they had any right to it. It’s HIS name after all. His to keep or give away. Why should they get to take it without his permission?
It’s why even his closest friends don’t know his name is “Harry Cyprin” not “Harry Potter” until after they faced a troll and lived. And it a secret Ron and Hermione guard just as carefully as Harry does.
Ry is going to find out later and be so unbearably smug about it.
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gimme-a-magic-carpet · 2 months
remus and peter scrapbook together and keep track of every important event that goes on. they have books for each year they attended hogwarts, filled with polaroids of all the marauders together over the years.
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lukreziaaa · 2 months
“Reid, you know this is not your responsibility.” “It is. I can’t explain.” “Try me.” “He knows that I understand him.” “Of course you do. You’re a profiler.” “It’s more than that.” “How?”
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“I know what it’s like to be afraid of your own mind.”
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