#has anyone seen tree since is she ok
whiskeyswifty · 2 years
I cannot believe cowboy like me exists. I cannot believe she wrote a whole song about telling people what they want to hear for money. I cannot believe she refers to her pursuit of fame and fortune as the work of a bandit. A hustle. I can’t believe she refers to the love she gave to men she had dated in the past as swindling them. I can’t believe she wrote a whole song about a partnership that nobody will ever be able to prove was real or not and if they ever do she’ll be long gone with the money and all we will have left is the story in the songs. I cannot believe she referred to that partnership as a con. I cannot believe
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whoopssteddiefeels · 1 year
Penny in the Air
Robin is a lot of things: judgey, hyperactive, anxious, impulsive, talkative, loud- there’s a list okay, and she’s very familiar with it. High up the list is that she is very, very gay (if possible, she’s pretty sure she’s actually getting gayer. She blames Steve for this, as she’s pretty sure it has to do with being able to finally talk about her crushes to someone other than her reflection.)
The point is, she’s gay, so she’s not surprised that she notices first. The Steve-Eddie thing. Because it is, in fact, a thing at this point.
She knows Eddie is gay- knows it like the sky is blue and David Bowie rocks- because of, y’know, the way he is (if she had any doubt, the way he leaned in while calling Steve “big boy”, ew, killed it dead.) Her research suggests this is “gaydar,” but its very unfair, she thinks, that so far it has only detected exactly (2) gays, both men, making it pretty much useless. It has given her exactly 0 information on Vickie.
She empathizes with Eddie’s position. Feels it pang under her sternum when his eyes go soft watching Steve talk emphatically, hair flopping around in that ridiculous way it does. Knows how it must catch in his throat when his hand suddenly retracts halfway to Steve’s shoulder, going to his own hair to cover the aborted movement. Tries hard to not over-identify with the sharp tug he gives there, trying to snap himself out of it (fails because she did literally exactly that when Vickie was in the video store the previous day, almost as if he had seen and copied the mechanism).
The part of the puzzle she can’t figure out is Steve. She’s annoyingly aware that he likes (groan) boobies, thanks Fast Times, and he isn’t treating Eddie like a girl whose number he’s trying to score. That being said, whenever the older boy appears, Steve lights up like a damn Christmas tree. Affection doesn’t have to be romantic; she knows this- wants to hit several of the kiddos over the head with it whenever they allude to her dating Steve- but empathy for Eddie is tinting her judgement, and once you put on the gay rose-tinted glasses it’s hard to unsee the possibility. It certainly seems like flirting. Rearranging his hair every three seconds, drawing Eddie’s eyes to the mane that is his pride and joy. Getting what she can only describe as unnecessarily close when he squeezes by Eddie in the video store aisles or whoever’s living room they’re sprawled in, hands brushing a shoulder, back, or one time his hip under the pretense of maintaining balance. The soft blush whenever Eddie flirts hard in a way he knows can be passed off as a joke. The honest megawatt smile Steve gets whenever Eddie starts in on his usual antics is infinitely more endearing than the smolder he’s learned to use like a weapon.
She usually knows exactly what Steve is thinking or feeling before he does. They’ve got that whole platonic soul mate telepathy thing, and he’s easily the center of her social world. So, since she can’t tell what he’s thinking (other than the obvious but unhelpful “Eddie, yay!”), she’s 99.9% sure, from experience, ok, that it means he isn’t thinking. Like at all. So, what she’s witnessing is instinctive, his body just moving into Eddie’s space because it feels correct, and he hasn’t paused to think about it.
             He’s walking that line of comfortable and affectionate that is ambiguously intimate. Could be platonic, could be more. It would be frustrating for anyone with a crush, but she knows from bitter experience with straight-girl crushes that Eddie must be going insane. And yes, Robin and Eddie are friends, but not close enough for her to open a conversation with “So you’re obviously gay and into Steve, my best friend who I talk to every second of every day, and no he hasn’t mentioned it, and neither have I. What’s up with that?” Similarly, she can’t quite figure out how to bring it up to Steve without accidentally outing Eddie in the process.
That’s the main reason she’s keeping her mouth uncharacteristically shut on the subject. She is not, however, above the occasional raised eyebrow, ok, especially as Eddie’s flirting slowly becomes ridiculously obvious. The man is literally leaning on the counter, chin on his hand, mooning up at Steve through his eyelashes. Steve has his hip propped on the opposite side, leaning into the shared space. How are either of them this oblivious, seriously.
She’s there when the penny finally drops.
They’re not even watching a romantic movie, it’s fucking Life of Brian, all three of them calling out their favorite lines along with the actors, throwing things and generally goofing off. If she takes the armchair to force the boys together on the couch, she doesn’t think anyone can blame her. If she’s feeling a little smug that they both sit in the middle, right next to each other, instead of taking opposite ends, she keeps it to herself. She might not want to stick her foot right in the middle of that mess, but she’s not above setting booby traps.
Robin couldn’t tell you exactly when Steve’s arm went around Eddie’s shoulder; it was somewhere between Eddie practically climbing into Steve’s lap for a “Biggus Dickus” re-enactment, the closeness and flirting safely enveloped in humor, and Steve attempting to force Eddie to “haggle” for the bag of chips. When she glances over from the safety of her armchair, Steve’s arm is trapped behind Eddie’s head, draped over his shoulder on the opposite side. Eddie, usually a constant ball of fidgety motion, is frozen stiff like he’s trying not to scare off a nervous rabbit. Even in the blue light coming off the screen she can see the flush coloring his usually nocturnal-pale cheeks.
The thing is, Steve had just discussed this move with her. Told her to invite Vickie to movie night, recommended light, easily joked off roughhousing and settling an arm around her in a way specifically gaged to judge the reaction. Which means he knows. No way he hasn’t finally figured out what his lizard brain has clearly been screaming for months (seriously, she deserves a medal. Someone tell her future girlfriends about her stamina), not with the way he’s twirling a soft brown curl around and around his finger. He must know Eddie can feel that. And oh. Steve is not-so-subtly glancing to his right, trying to gage that reaction like they discussed, to see if this is ok.
Yup. Robin needs to be literally anywhere else. She tries to be subtle (insert laugh here), muttering “bathroom” and legging it out of the room, seeking the safety of the kitchen. She wasn’t worried though- odds are she could start playing trumpet and those two wouldn’t hear it past the tension of the moment.
In addition to gay, Robin is also easily bored. She hums along to “Always look on the bright side of life,” drifting in from the living room, crunching on some peppery crackers she found in a cabinet in a way that vaguely matches the song’s rhythm. She would just leave the boys to whatever they were going to do (yuck, don’t think about it), but unfortunately the two people most likely to give her a ride home were occupied (seriously, no thinking about it). She’d held out for as long as she could, really, but if the movie was ending, surely she had given them enough time?
Hoping she wasn’t going to regret it, she peaked out of the kitchen, and was relieved to see that 1) everyone still had clothes on and 2) Steve and Eddie were cuddling. Fucking finally.
“SO, BOYS,” she boomed (remember loud is on the list of things she is), trying not to enjoy the way two ridiculous heads of hair jumped and then shifted away from one another anxiously. “Who finally lost the longest game of gay chicken I’ve ever seen?”
Steve’s head makes an audible thump as it drops against the back of the couch, hands coming up to rub at his face as she rounds the furniture to face them, feeling deliciously smug. Eddie gave up any pretense and buried his face in Steve’s shoulder, sweater and hair completely hiding his face.
“Shut up Robin, go away,” Steve groans.
“Nope! This has been the slowest burn of all time, you guys were killing me. I have to balance it out by being just as insufferable.” she chirped, doing her best Steve impression, hands on her hips and eyebrow quirked.
“Technically, I would say we both won gay chicken since neither of us pulled back. No chickens here. Roosters only, in fact.” Eddie surfaces with a smug little smile, dimples on full display.
“Oh you’re definitely a cock Munson, I’ll give you that,”
“Don’t make me flip you the bird-”
“That’s a bit of ostritch-”
“Well toucan play at that game-”
“I’m so happy I like tits-“
“Why me?” Steve grumbled at the same time Eddie dropped his teasing tone to ask, “Wait what?”
“Me? Lesbian. You? Obviously gay. Steve has been flirting back at you for months you dingus.”
“I’ve been what?” Steve sits up straight, suddenly laser focused on Robin. “I have not. I only realized, like, a week ago-”
He was seriously going to be the death of her.
“Steve. Stephen. My guy. What would you say if I told you a girl had been giving me a hair show, the unnecessary squeeze-by, and big eyes? Consistently. For weeks.”
Eddie starts laughing. Then cackling. Steve went an even deeper shade of red, though she could tell this one was more indignant ruby than embarrassed scarlet.
“Thank you,” Eddie wheezed out, fighting down another fit, picking himself up from where he had slid down the couch. “Oh my god, thank you for fucking noticing that. He was wasn’t he? I thought it was just in my head, y’know, and Gareth always said I tend to imagine signs that aren’t there.”
“Oh I know, you think you have a hard time, girls are so physically affectionate platonically, it’s impossible to tell-”
“Ok. Done with this conversation!” Steve interrupted, standing up between the two of them, hands furiously combing through his hair.
Robin only grinned wider at Eddie. “So, Munson, care to give me a ride home?”
“You know, Buckley, I would be delighted.”
“Hey now-” Steve tried to interject as the two of them moved towards the door.
“Why thank you, kind sir.”
“Don’t mention it, fair lady. Your chariot awaits.”
“Wait, hang on, Eddie-” Steve’s tone shifted from confused to plaintive as she stepped out into the night. And she resolutely pretended to not hear Eddie’s reply before he closed the door behind them.
“Sit tight, big boy, I’ll be right back!”
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deceitful-darlings · 1 year
Genshin idea:
Yandere Traveler…or better yet Yandere Abyss twin with reader?
Aether who found you soon after the fall on Khaenri’ah, so soon after he lost Lumine. Who’s wounds are fresh as he sees the people cursed so unjustly to suffer until their last moment, long after they even lose their sentience and sense of self. He clings to your sympathy and kindness to bandage his pain, relies on you to be able to hold when he needs stability, which he does so desperately, who stays with you while he tries to find his way. But you’re human, with a finite amount of time, far less than his own no matter how he is perceived. While he’s calculating, he isn’t cold. He feels so strongly about everything, that while determined it’s his emotions that spur him on. He needs to keep you, you need to remain with him through this journey, time is not a constant that cannot he changed, leylines, chaotic spaces, Teyvat is a world full of magic and mystery. He’ll avenge Khaenri’ah, he’ll save their people who were wronged so greatly with a heart full of passion, but to keep that burning passion grounded and stable he needs you with him. Even before he became Prince of the Abyss, he was researching pocket dimensions, to suspend you in time so he can remain with you, removing as much risk of harm as he is physically able to, especially other people, none of whom he can trust. A space for simply the two of you until he can lengthen your life to match his own, as it should be. Do not reject him, do not cause him more pain, as time passes perhaps he can take more but until then he is as volatile as the sun he could be seen as. You’ll be ok, today must just be a bad day. Does it really matter how many years have passed? Stop saying you want to leave. He can’t lose anyone else he cares for.
Lumine, who was sure her heart had long since frozen over. Her passion is cold, harsh judgments and hard calculations, there is nothing she wouldn’t sacrifice for her goal of revenge and salvation. Except for you. She’s unsure what it is about you that thawed the smallest corner of her heart, and she tries to deny it for as long as she can, until the dam breaks and she no longer can. Teyvat must fall, but perhaps a small fragment can be saved through your survival she reasons with herself, the foundations of your world are rotten, but that doesn’t mean some fruit can’t be saved from the tree. There’s a comfort she finds in you, even just by your presence, she first caught a glance of you in Mondstadt, a soft smile and gentle aura that she had been longing for for many years is just out of reach. She watches you even as she leads The Loom of Fate, simply observing, waiting for the right moment, waiting for your own fates to intertwine, and they do. She takes you, unconscious and bloody from a Stormterror attack that had nearly crushed you under a tree. Mondstadt, with such a pathetic god, were unlikely to even notice you were missing, or would perhaps simply mark you as deceased with the level of destruction in the woods you were found. The Abyss Order would be where you were nursed, her coldness evident upon every meeting. Your rejection doesn’t matter. She shall show you her kindness, but only when you break, another goal she shall pursue mercilessly until she has succeeded.
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satureja13 · 2 months
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After their picknick, they called the horses and showed Ji Ho the surroundings. What a stunning landscape!
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Noxee and Greg took a walk at the beach together. Greg drew a heart in the sand and they shared a steamy kiss. After Ji Ho woke up again, Noxee will leave soon and they are making the most of their time together. (The steamy kiss is one of the new romantic interactions from the Lovestruck EP)
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Poor Jack wishes he could unsee it. He hates Greg. And he hates that this beast kisses his precious Noxee. Ach - he feels like he's cursed. There's no love for him and Noxee, no love for him and Kiyoshi and neither for him and Lou... It had started so promising with Lou, though. Two of his painful spots had already vanished - and then he's together with Caleb?! Gods! Did Jack interpret the signs from Lou all wrong? Plus: Lou 'only' was an NPC in a game - his therapy game, at that. Sai never gets tired of telling him this. But what was the lesson for him to learn then? That there's no love for him? That he should start a new life after his ingame death and do better? And now he isn't even allowed to be 'just mates' with Kiyoshi... Jack sighed.
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The moon was rising above the ocean when they returned to Verdantis. They cared for the animals and went over to the Screaming Mandrake, since Jeb needed to talk to them.
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Jeb told them how much he worries about Kiyoshi and how hard it had been to keep him by his side - and from going back into the tree again - during the time Jack left and lived at the beach house. And how much Kiyoshi prospered after Jack came back. That the periods where he was able to be in the here-and-now prolonged. And that he even started to talk. Saiwa still can't believe that Jack - for once - is not causing trouble but even is of a greater use ^^': "Do you really think it's because of Jack?" But Vlad also agreed. He'd seen first hand how far Kiyoshi drifted away again after Jack had left.
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Noxee knows how much Sai worries about Jack, he's like a younger brother to him and they'd been to hell and back together. And she still remembers how broken Jack was when he decided to finally end his relationhip with Kiyoshi. But is it fair to sacrifice the wellbeing of Kiyoshi to protect Jack from a potential harm? Jeb: "I don't want to push it on you, Jack. You're all grown up, but still vulnerable and I don't want you to fall back again." Poor Saiwa feels like he's caught in a very unpleasant dream. Between protecting Jack and letting him go living his own life and making his own decisions...
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Jack: "I mean, it's not like I want to go back where we've been. Like, never. I just really like Kiyoshi and I want him to feel better - I want to help him. I did my part too to ruin our relationship. I see that. But Sai, you can't protect me from everything out there in this wild world. Where will it end? I know I have my issues, but I think I also proofed that I evolved and learned, hm?" Saiwa is still not convinced: "You wanted a relationship with a non-existant person, Jack." Jack: "Who says Lou doesn't exist? He was aware, intelligent and sensitive. All this and more. And this makes him a person. He just wasn't in our reality." Jack, our little philosopher, might even be right. (If you want to dive deeper, check this article -> here)
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Noxee is bringing them back to topic again: "If you think it's ok for you, Jack, I will talk to Rita. We could at least try to confirm that you really have a good influence on Kiyoshi. Even she must see that it's of no help for anyone when he's in a state like this. Jeb is right. He's surely not happy. And when he has one of his brighter days again, he can go meet her and speak for himself, hm?"
Isn't it funny that in our reality, Kiyoshi would be considered even more crazy than Jack? ^^' A guy who isn't responsive most of the time and claims to be a demon/minor diety o.o
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It's already late and Noxee took them to the yard for their Yoga/Tantra practise. And to teach them a few more poses before she leaves.
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Jack and Sai are stunned how flexible Noxee is ö.Ö' But they are all doing so well after practising for so many months now.
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'You know I've seen a lot of what the world can do And it's breaking my heart in two Because I never want to see you sad, girl Don't be a bad girl But if you want to leave, take good care Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there But just remember there's a lot of bad and beware Beware
Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world It's hard to get by just upon a smile Oh baby, baby, it's a wild world And I'll always remember you like a child, girl'
Cat Stevens - Wild World (Live 1971)
As soon as they returned from their ride-out and dismounted, the horses immediately fell asleep ö.ö (Yang Mal sleeps standing ^^') Why are they so tired all the time? They live in another household and they can sleep whenever they want to. But no. Sometimes they even force the rider to dismount because they want to sleep - in the middle of the day -.-
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From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Here comes the Sun' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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ilovelawrencee · 9 months
I watched the trailer for Poppy Playtime and made some theories. So let's go because I don't have anything important to do right now.
-> this house
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As many people have mentioned, you can notice a Poppy doll statue on top of the house. Which makes us think that this would be the doll's house. but at first impression, I thought it was the place where the children slept.
because as we see later, the children's painting is in a place that looks a lot like a house. but to be honest, I believe that this house is an attempt to make children deluded, simulating a scenario with houses and trees so that they feel good, and feel as if they were outside. when in reality they are not.
but this house could also be a place focused on poppy, as she was probably recognized at daycare.
but I believe in two possibilities. The first is that this house is the same one where we have this room, with messy beds, objects thrown on the floor and a mysterious hole in the floor. The second possibility is the same as I mentioned before. The house is an attempt to simulate the outside of the factory, to give children a feeling of relief and comfort. Since drawings of trees and clouds are not enough to convince them.
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but I truly believe that this house is just the resting place. because it makes more sense.
-> dead toys
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I didn't see anyone talking about it. So I decided to give my opinion on this thing.
and well, at first, I thought about the possibility of this thing being prototype 1006, as it contains several toys together. But upon closer inspection, I realized that this is just a sculpture, or a kind of temple. As a tribute, you know? And by the random way this is constructed, I believe this had been done by catnap himself, as a tribute or meeting point for 1006.
Because it's worth remembering that experiment 1006 is seen and worshiped as a god by catnap.
And I confess that this is my only guess about these dead toys. Because to me this really felt like a tribute made by catnap himself to show his adoration for 1006. But I'm not good at making theories, so forgive me if it seems weak.
-> that smilling critter (?)
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ok ok, I confess that I was very moved by this scene. Because you can see this is a bigger body, more specifically a smiling critter. And if you look closely, the ears are the same as the dogday. So I started thinking about the possibility of this character being dogday.
But I believe that dogday will not be as close to a catnap as in the series, since the characters can be enemies during the game.
And I'm pretty sure it was Catnap who chained Dogday up, probably because he didn't agree with his plans, or didn't think it was right to hurt the other toys or follow the 1006.
and remember the voice saying "Catnap. The prototype is your god. And this is what he does to heretics."? The scene cuts to the smiling critter in a cage, proving that catnap traps and tortures those he considers heretics ( as is the case with dogday. And I believe that's why he's caged ).
-> dogday
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I tried comparing some images, I noticed that these appear to be the same character.
and yes, this may seem stupid or pointless. But take a good look at his appearance. The ears are identical, the body appears to be incomplete, as it does not appear to have legs ( as can be seen in both images ). And he still has handcuffs on his wrists ( and the dogday in the first image is tied to the handcuffs ).
and well, focusing on this scene where dogday chases us through the tube, I started to wonder if he's really chasing us, or if he's actually following us after being freed from the handcuffs. But since I haven't reached a conclusion, I have three guesses.
first: dogday is chasing us, following catnap's orders to attack us. For the catnap itself threatens the smiling critters into working for him.
second: dogday is our friend, and he is following us after being freed by the player ( that is, he is on our side and will help us ). and will probably be the toy responsible for attacking and stopping Catnap at the end of the game.
third: catnap is controlling dogday, that's why he's chasing us like an animal.
and I believe in all three theories. but some people said that catnap has a cult following where all the smiling critters love the prototype, and that dogday is the only one that doesn't follow that idea. This is why catnap are your enemy.
and also, there is a possibility that the red gas has a different effect on smilling critters, making them violent. and maybe that's why dogday is acting like this ( and this feeds into the theory that dogday is naturally calm ).
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and this may not be important, but I noticed that this creature's hands are identical to dogday's hands in the second image.
and I believe the character in this image is dead ( and you can see the blood on his hands, as well as catnap on the floor, which would indicate that catnap killed him ).
and this makes more sense if we look at the sentence above them.
-> poppy and kissy missy
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Well, from what I understand, both are on the player's side. and this is clear from the second chapter. but I confess that seeing Poppy and Kissy Missy together made me very happy. because this is proving that the two are on the same side, and perhaps following the same plans.
and looking closely at the image, you can see a kind of flashlight in Poppy's hand. and also, kissy missy seems to be holding something. perhaps her own arm is injured after struggling with a toy, or she is just holding an object.
random observation: the graphics are much prettier. especially in Poppy's appearance, as the doll seems to have more details in the hair region. and kissy missy looks different in a good and cute way
-> catnap
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he walks like a real cat...that's freaking amazing and scary!!
Before this trailer was released, I imagined that Catnap would walk on two legs. but he walks like an ordinary cat, using his front and back paws. and that's not a bad thing, it's a really interesting way to show the character. mainly because he moves so calmly.
and so far we have no confirmation that catnap can talk ( and believe me, the fact that he can't talk makes the character even scarier. Because imagine that thing staring at you without saying a single word ).
and I'm not going to lie, I'm captivated by his bigger body shape. because look closely at his legs, it's as if the bones are crooked when being stretched.
and as a last guess, it would be interesting if the catnap increased in size in front of the player. because I'm sure it's not a pleasant scene, especially since he must squirm in the process.
-> phrases in red
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I don't know if anyone has already talked about this. but I believe that these phrases in red are said by catnap
and an interesting detail is that the words increase in size as they appear on the screen.
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leclerced · 10 months
But if we’re talking Max? I think the moment that he’d ask to share Bunny with Lando and Oscar would be both super cute and hilarious.
He’s as much as a softie when it comes to Bunny as anyone— but I feel like he’d take it like asking the parents to marry their daughter. Asking Lando to visit him for lunch and to bring Oscar since he already used the false pretense of a f1 meeting, he’d bring their favorite things and pull out a full on presentation on how he’d add to their relationship and how he’s loved Bunny for years.
Oscar and Lando would just be giggling until he brought up the slide mentioning the ways they could all fuck— graphics included, and with testimonials from his times sharing Bunny. I’m imagining a review from Charles like “10/10 the only man I would will now ever let suck my dick & dom me”, Daniel like “The perfect sub when the time calls for it, let me make him eat Bunny out (thought he would have anyways)while I fucked her throat and I came harder than I ever have”, and a random one from Lance saying “he actually g took it seriously when I said I needed someone to teach me how to eat a girl out, I did it and Bunny came so hard she cried, 10/10”.
And all of a sudden, they’re taking it seriously— they’ve started to receive the boyfriend experience with gifts, but the ideas of what they could all do together? Now that’s what gets them to take it seriously because while they’ve gotten gifts from Lance, the second they brought up the idea of sleeping with Bunny together, he goes full “no homo” but I can’t imagine a dick near me during it, I can’t come if there’s another dude.
So after the presentation they’re like— ok let’s take a trial run.. a date and then we’ll see what happens after?- 🐝
this is so good i love it so much pls the ending ab lance made me giggleee. oscar flirting with him, knowing it’ll freak him out, just to see his reaction. he is super freaked out like “i’m into women like listen i know i used to not eat pussy but i never have and never will suck dick. at all.” and bunny and lando are losing it like five feet away bc bunny dared oscar to do it.
max having a full slide show presentation with reviews from drivers and exes is so fucking funny. he’s telling them how he’s am in incredible boyfriend, like “you have already seen all the gifts i buy y’all and how well thought they are! but also here is ten slides showing the things i did for birthdays and christmas for my exes.” and it’s like breakfast in bed and whole house is decorated for christmas bc its the only one he’s really home for, there’s piles of gifts under the tree. it looks like a stock image or something but they recognize max’s home so they joke about him paying someone to decorate it and he gets so serious and is like “um no. i did that all myself, are you fucking with me?? this is my favorite holiday.”
he has a list of dates he would take bunny (and them if they want) and its so like he’s bribing her parents bc he’s telling them he’ll pick her up on time and will drop her off at any time they want as if she has a curfew, he’ll show up with flowers, just listing all the things he would do for her to make her happy and by the end of it lando and oscar feel like bad boyfriends bc they’ve never done half the things max says he wants to, like taking bunny on picnic dates on the beach, and she’d be blushing and smiling while watching. she was already on board before max pulled out a stupidly funny yet romantic slide show to convince them. he’d probably do it in a conference room at some track and be using the clicker and a pointer stick to emphasize things.
bunny would be on the slide show after all the reviews from drivers and exes but it’s not a quote, the last slide just has the words “bunny said she misses me.” and he’s like “okay that’s all i have to say! thanks for listening.” and she’s looking to oscar and lando like a kid asking for a pony and they can’t tell her or max with their puppy dog eyes. they go on a little date and it goes really well unsurprisingly?? max dotes on all of them and they’re like sitting around a round table and its just like easy. they all just talk about expectations in a relationship and what they want and need, and by the end of it bunny is praying oscar and lando agree bc. she wants maxie to be boyfriend number three.
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dangermousie · 8 months
Here is a list of cdrama actors who I used to avoid watching at all costs that I changed my mind about after watching them be good in something - an incomplete list since I am sure I am forgetting people. (I won’t make a kdrama one because I only had like three MLs on it in terms of working actors and no FLs and two of MLs come off it by now)
Hu Yitian - the most wooden block to ever block thought I. And then saw the 1930s pilot epic Defying the Storm.
Ju Jingyi - never thought she was capable of any impression until Chinese Paladin 4
Dylan Wang - probably the biggest example on this list. I remember mocking whoever was insane enough to cast him in LBFAD. And then I had to eat all of those words.
Zhang Jingyi - I was so appalled by her acting in Fall in Love that I decided to skip anything she was ever in from then on. And then I watched L&P because I had the first ep downloaded on my phone and nothing else available and went aaaaa!!! I adore her now.
Deng Wei - he was background noise in so many dramas; it’s not that I disliked him per se, he just didn’t register. And then I watched LYF1 and he ended up being so good and playing arguably my favorite male cdrama character of the year.
Yang Zi - before all the howls start, yes she’s a huge A-list star in a ton of beloved dramas. And I adored her so much in Battle of Changsha (which is a masterpiece btw, go watch!) The problem is I didn’t enjoy her in anything since and Changsha was in 2013. To me it felt she was just coasting and then…LYF1 - my fave female character of the year hands down and she was soooo good! In fact, an OTP portrayed by her and Deng Wei, were my OTP of the year and if someone told me that before summer, I’d have checked them for concussion.
Joseph Zeng - I thought he couldn’t act much but in retrospect nobody could have performed well in the horrifying dramas I first saw him in (that one with Li Landi is guaranteed to induce a stroke in anyone) and then I saw Heroes and went bzuuuuhhhh and everything I’ve seen him in since he was good.
Zhang Zhehan - until Word of Honor. And then we all know how that went.
Wu Lei - ok this is an odd duck on the list because even when I didn’t like him, I couldn’t deny he was a solid actor. I just loathed his miscasting in TLB so much - he was visually all wrong and there was zero chemistry with DD and honestly he was so boring to watch on screen. So after that drama I went I guess he’s growing into a bad actor, huh? And then came LLTG and it turned that TLB was an aberration not a trend.
Then there are a couple of actors where I admit they are wooden as hell but I find them so good to look at I don’t care - Yukee Chen and Alan Yu. Some actors who I used to love but who I shudder when I see cast now (Peng Xiaoran is a great example), and of course the remaining Hall of You Are a Pretty Tree Plant Yourself Far From Me - Cheng Xiao, Yang Chaoye, Fan Cheng Cheng, Gulinazha, Yang Yang, the no longer working Zheng Shuang, Neo Hu, Ao Ruipeng, Wang Churan, Chen Duling (tho I have some small hope for Wang Churan and ARP if they get a good enough director and YCY was watchable in Heroes so if she gets a miracle director like Li Muge you never know. And CDL is an odd duck where I don’t think she has much range or is likable as a heroine but she mostly picks roles where she’s 90% rbf and it works so keep trucking!)
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pixiedust-poppers · 4 months
Okay so after you reblogged my post about jatnp I’ve been stalking your blog and I didn’t realize there was a fandom for this show?!?
Anyways while I was looking down your blog I kept getting more questions so I figured I’d do it all in one ask.
Do you think all the Disney neverland stuff exists in the same universe (the Disney verse or just specifically the neverland stuff) and if you do what’s your explanation for the discrepancies. Ex the missing lost boys in jatnp and then the lost boys showing up in Peter pan 2 or Captain Hook not knowing how to use pixie dust in jatnp but he flies well in the pirate fairy etc? I have some of my own theories that I’ve been adding to my notes app of Disney timeline from Covid but I’d love to hear someone who is clearly a strong fan, since you definitely would be more knowledgeable than me.
And if you don’t think that it’s the same universe, like athena p (ooh name twins), that YouTuber who made a video on jatnp (thank you for posting that on your blog, it was a very enjoyable watch - she has a stf video?!?! That show was my Covid) or do you have a different theory on why / how it’s not the same timeline.
Also going off of athena p’s video what’s your thoughts on the time loop / fairy’s controlling everything theory that athena p mentions?
And then what are your ships? By what I’m seeing for your posts and reblogs that Izzy is basically shipable with anyone. Anyways I’d love to hear your favourites.
And then I’ve seen you mention fanfiction, have you written any on ao3 or Wattpad? I’d love to read it.
Along with that if you have any ff recommendations with either grown up / aged up crew or darker themes, that’s something I’d read.
And then this is my half baked theory but how do you think the doubloons come from? Because it’s like green pixie dust do you think it’s another form of fairy alchemy zarina created that’s like transportation? Idk if that’s a popular fanon theory or if it’s a stupid idea that is easily disproved.
Along with that what do you think the origins of the crew are? (Because I’ve seen some mentions of izzy being adopted by fairies which is very interesting)
Ok that’s all you don’t have to answer everything, I’m not sure if one big ask is preferable to a whole bunch or smaller asks, but what’s done is done.
Well well. this took a few days to craft. Its a bit of a long one so buckle up, I decided to do this all in one go, because it makes more sense than breaking it up even though it would be faster. So enjoy this long-ass ask…
cracks knuckles Ok Let’s break this down 
Yes! Yes hello! We are very small, but we are here!
To start off, I don’t think it's in the same universe as the regular Disney neverland, or well they could be but you would have to cut out certain episodes to make it work. Also JATNP’s neverland would mess with the Original Peter Pan movie/Neverland universe, timeline + world the movies have set. So Jatnp is just in another version of Neverland that’s a mix of the Disney property and some elements from the original book. Because in Peter pan remember they don’t like Pirates so why would Peter have a pirate team in this movie? The boys would be lost boys and Izzy wouldn’t be here. But Peter Pan obviously happened (in Jake’s universe), but he never told either group about one another for some reason, like Jake and his crew didn’t know about Wendy till literally that night when Peter asked them to go get her. But Wendy + the brothers did meet the lost boys as she lead them to The Hangman’s tree, where hammocks and Peter’s bear throne was set up as well as some of the brother’s things were there (no Jake and his crew didn’t know where this was, implying that he ALSO never told them about this or the Lost Boys) Speaking of lost boy’s where are they? It’s obvious why the Native Americans are not mentioned but The Lost Boys, I can only assume that they weren’t in Jatnp because of money reasons or that the animators didn’t want to animate six more kids? For show reasons, you could theorize that the lost boys left once they realize they all missed having mothers and are now out in London with their adopted families, and Peter never told Jake and his crew about Wendy, or the lost boys was because he didn’t want them getting the idea of leaving. After all he DID bring them to neverland to protect it and they can’t do that if you present them with the idea of how the others left lol
But judging by the pitch bible, these guys (minus izzy) were supposed to be the lost boys Jake was originally named Slightly and Nibs... well Nibs, and Cubby while not exactly like Curly there is some semblance, or maybe they were place holder names until they could finalize things. I mean if you’re a showrunner trying to pitch to your boss that “hey we should re-visit that Peter Pan property again, but this time make it preschool show and more pirate!” you are going to have to sell them that certain characters could totes work and once it gets approve either rework them or drop them once you realize they don’t work. 
*Quick Peter interlude- He also couldn’t be the same movie Peter because he’s just. Too nice, less childish and older brother-y in the series, to be considered his movie counterpart. But he seems lowkey negligent of them considering whenever he comes these kids are willing to do just about anything for his undivided attention.
As For Captain Hook, you’re just going to have to take Zarina out of your mind for this show’s canon. I’m sure the other Disney fairies do exist but for Jatnp, his history with that woman just does not exist and I don’t think they ever intended to make it so. He’s ‘supposed’ to be Hook from the original movie not from the Disney fairies’ movies. The Pirate fairy didn’t debut till 2014 and by that point the show was already on for 4 years why they never did a ‘crossover’ or have a pr marketing thing to promote the movie is beyond me, especially since she’s a pirate and all. I guess they thought girl related pirate things and fairies wouldn’t sell??? … then again Pixie hollow online did shut down in 2013..I guess Disney didn’t think fairy anything was worth heavily promoting? Dunno.
But back to the show’s canon, you could put Zarina in there (like the rest of the fairies) and Hook either distantly remembers her or doesn’t remember her period since that was a long time ago, and who knows how long it’s been since he’s aged? (Continued below)
Speaking of aging let’s go into that Time loop. But before that my thoughts on the video, I’ll admit... It wasn’t my favorite. I feel like she skimmed over alot about the series and the certain things within it for example, time does pass in neverland as they do have holidays and seasons (well ... just winter apparently). And the idea of Sharky and Bones being the ultimate gods behind the scenes of things, I just no, if I wanted to really care about pirate men in a more meaningful way, I would watch Pirates of Caribbean or Our Flags Mean Death. And I wished she focused on the kids more because they are their own little individuals and there some points you can bring about their dynamic that are like ‘wtf?’ for example, Jake never leaves his friends with a sword or his previous ones to protect themselves when he gets a new one. Or when he does give over his sword, he always gives it to cubby for some reason despite Izzy being his first mate. Then Izzy, she clowned on my girl so badly that she didn’t bring up the point that Izzy from beginning to end the only useful thing she got from peter or neverland is the pixie dust, while the boys got more (i.e. Jake… everything and Cubby a map, a compass, learning magic with Beardini) meanwhile she’s also pushed to side in favor of letting the boys shine, she does get her episodes don’t get me wrong . (Also, it’s interesting because the series tries to show that girls and women can be the lead, be captains and princess without being tied to men… but it fails because Red Jessica, Molly, and Winger were clearly made to be love interest. Misty, the PP, Queen Caroline, and Marina fades from recurring to basically non-existent. The only woman to make to the S3 final was Beatrice and then poof she is gone. Leaving Izzy, who slowly loses her usefulness + main identity as the less they go on adventures together and the more Jake just solves the issues with his sword and they give her NOTHING ELSE to focus on or anything, despite her being close with the mermaids, knowing a lot about neverland + its items, and she’s willing to adventure by herself if the boys don’t give a shit about what interest her. Not counting Wendy + Tinkerbell they’re special characters.) Which I find both sad but also a bit ??? considering if you look in her gallery on the Fandom wiki under merchandise has her own ship and they also give her a sword with one of her minifigures, so they could have given her more things but they just never did. But I will say her line at 1:12:14 (“And Izzy turns invisible, just like every other girl in this series”) did get a laugh out me and unfortunately, she is telling the truth. BUT I also know that Athena was Busy with important IRL things and JATNP is ALOT especially when you factor in the other Neverland universe so it can get overwhelming and she was already stressed about the video so while I’m still happy we got the video, I think that some things could be improved. 
But ANWAY BACK TO TIMELOOP. I think its an interesting theory that could explain why Hook or the others don’t emotionally mature and there’s something that is just devastating about that, because he can be shown to change but because of this time loop he is unable to and in the end no matter what lesson he learns will be fruitless because the loop just resets and he's back to square one. It’s honestly sad if you think about it because if you think about it with the Kids, he could learn to be a better person (sort of) and eventually realize that it's time to move on. He can’t chase Peter forever. But Neverland will always need a villain and even with all the threats they continue to introduce no has come as close to matching the Icon that is Captain hook, plus Peter doesn’t give a shit about them lmao, who’s going to be his biggest hater other than hook. 
But I do not think that the fairies are doing all this, I think it’s neverland itself. I was told by @/perciouslittletoonette that the neverland in the book can apparently physically stop and hold you in place you from entering it if it doesn’t want you there. Also, that it’s always moving?? (towards Peter) AND can also look into your mind and see if you want to go somewhere and if it does not want you there it can fuck with its own geography and make something that takes usually 30 min to get to a 2-day trip. Which is so terrifying that I have to make neverland responsible for all the mindfuck things that can possibly happen and considering that this island geography changes almost daily for these kids I can’t fathom other horrifying shit this sentient island can do. Also, since it can also make you forget about your past life and according to Battle for the book, Neverland itself entirely if wendy’s book is away from them for a long period of time…Yeeeeeeeeah this island is fucked, why did Peter leave these kids in the vicinity of this place.
The doubloons? I have no idea where those things come from, hell the island probably just teleports them from other various hidden treasures around Neverland when the kids survive or do sometimes it deem as morally good as both a reward and motivation but also as compensation. Because I’m not sure how the fairies would know of all the kids happen without them noticing the fairies at least ONCE. so, this is probably the island’s magic again. But I do think it would be funny if the doubloons just came from the bottom of their team treasure because their chest is so full that they don’t even notice them missing. 
Now onto origins! Jake + Cubby are obviously from the Mainland, because they recognize a lot of sport and modern objects that show up on pirate island. Hook doesn’t, which is why he often takes their things and then doesn’t know what to do with them which then brings up the question “Hey if it's 1906 in London…where did Peter get these kids from?” In which my only thought is that when he was traveling in the lands beyond the neversea after the lost boys left, he went through a different star and landed in a new era of the mainland and on a different continent each time. For example, I think he got Jake from Britain (so he’s British), Cubby from Scandinavia (Sweden; I headcanon him as German/Swedish, yes, he can still speak both.). Izzy is Latina/French (she would be from the US, specifically Miami) if she’s from the mainland.
 I say “If” because I’m not sure Izzy is from the mainland. Listen, this girl knows too much shit about this island, and the artifacts + legends within it at 7 years old. Which brings up this theory that I saw in a fic and really liked it, and it’s that Izzy is from the mainland, but she has already been in Neverland for DECADES before she ever met Jake and Cubby (in case you're wondering how long she has been missing in the fic she has apparently been missing since 1907, she was born in 1900. Jake was born in 1935, cubby in 1941. And she doesn’t meet them until 1944 and 1948 with the forever quest taking place in 1950.) I could not imagine being stuck in this place for 43 goddamn YEARS, I do not know how she did not go insane by 1917 (well she did later... But like for different reasons) Remember this is someone else’s interpretation but I really do like this as an explanation on why she knows too much shit about neverland. My theory that does not involve the mainland is simply the island quite literally created her. Peter was Gone, maybe the lost boys followed him and the island was lonely and with some help of the natives and fairies, boom made herself a child so it wouldn’t be lonely. Yes, I do think a sentient island can do this, this thing is like an eldritch cosmic being to me. And to make a long story short; Izzy was created (no infant-toddler period; she was just born a child) by the island to replace Peter + Lost boys, then it lured her to the dense part of the jungle once they returned and basically trapped her there via endless jungle loop. This side of the jungle also just so happens to hold the fairies and Pixie Hollow and they eventually take izzy in as their own. ….I’m still trying to think about the rest of this but this is the general idea and I KNOW this would be easily debunked by watching Pirates sitting pirates but whateverrrrr, headcanons rule. Now for the fun stuff. Ships* and Fics
*I should note that like my other fandom, if a ship doesn’t involve my favorite character, then I’m either neutral or I don’t care. Unless I vehemently hate it for reasons.
Jake/Izzy - From a shipper to anti-jizzy to once again liking it, the essay I could write about these two and how despite my early love for it, the fandom basically made me fall out of love with them, because no one ever went anything beyond surface level and no one ever did anything new - it was crush -> love -> marriage -> shitton kids -> that’s it, nothing interesting with it. OR when someone did, it was once again the most surface level shit (Abuse and SA, no they did not explore the complex trauma that comes with Izzy being Abused by Jake, someone she has trusted for years, Also no Jake faced no consequences.) and became “oh it was just a ‘’’mistake’’’, we’re still besties”, and in the end they got married and kids anyway. So it was the same method but with unnecessary steps that doesn’t affect their dynamic in a scenario where it def should. Also, I’m not saying that traditional fluff and love between them can’t be done but when you see it over 1000 times and can predict the end result each time, it got boring.  
But to me now (going to overanalyze the hell out them for a moment excuse me), Jake x Izzy could be the interesting case of “We’ve known each other for DECADES, I’ve seen you at your highest and I’ve seen your absolute worst, yet I will still be by your side till the end. I know I won’t find someone like you again.” They’re so familiar with one another that trying to do the same with someone else from a different planet (earth) would take alot of time so why bother? I also think they ground each other in a way that they both do need, Jake for example sometimes need to be told No and that he’s being reckless, and Izzy is going to do that in a really blunt manner. Or sometimes Jake will have to be the one to calm her down and not be so hotheaded and not let the first things that slip out her mouth be something that is hurtful or rude, but to more empathetic and be nicer. I know it’s not their original personalities. But please bear with me I’m trying to make them less as a unit and more individual-
John Darling/izzy - Nerd x nerd come on. His gentleman Bri ish swag won her over, and they’re very cute when they interact. I think that if Izzy were to leave neverland and stay with him I think they would be okay, though that depends if he survives WW1 if he doesn’t then I think that she would go back to Neverland or maybe emigrate to America or something... That got dark fast uh anyways-. 
Marina/Izzy - You said something about tragic sapphic relationship? I’m here for it. Now you could do this cute thing, where after they realize it’s pointless to have beef over liking the same boy, he’s probably not interested anyway so what’s the point of being enemies? And their relationship begins to heal, and they become close friends again and then realize “holy shit... I like her.” and boom love. They are now in a relationship yay!
Now let's think about this tragedy, come walk with me a bit- Who do you think is willing to sacrifice their livelihood for the other? After all, Marina is a mermaid and Izzy is a human Pirate with legs. The question is “Do you love me enough to become a mermaid forever or have legs forever?” Because while I’m sure both options have their pros they most certainly have their cons. Cons for Marina being - her family is down there, her livelihood and things she holds dear, the ocean and its creatures are important to her and who says the potion that makes her human is reversible and what will you have to sacrifice for said potion? Such a spell doesn’t come for free you know. Then there’s Izzy, she’s a pirate, I know she’s pushed to the background, but she enjoys her life going on adventures and the fairies still trust her with pixie dust. Not saying there isn’t adventure in the ocean as well but one might go insane with how much blue and ocean there is, not to mention that most of her friends would still be on the surface so who will she communicate with? Who is willing to constantly go out on adventures with her that farther and farther out of the mermaid's comfort zone?
I could see Marina being worried whenever Izzy goes off with Jake on more dangerous and dangerous adventures, and don’t let them be adventures where they go beyond the neversea. She wants to sail alongside them to make sure Izzy will be safe but at the same time, she doesn’t want to venture far because she knows if she’s captured out there then she’ll be mermaid meat. Each time Izzy comes back there is a new scar from battle and she wonders one day if Jake will bring back her corpse. Izzy knows there are no reassuring words she can give Marina that will relieve her worry. You can consider their relationship a constant worry “What if you never return?” and the other trying to downplay the very real possibility that she CAN die.
Sofia (yes the first) x Izzy - Pirate x princess girl edition boom. A very sweet relationship and Izzy would probably tell sofia to sit the hell down every once in a while. 
Amber x Izzy - Pirate x Princess enemies to lovers’ girl edition. I’m pretty sure Izzy and Amber would buttheads more often than not. But I do think they can encourage and bring out different sides of one another for the better... Or for worse!
Oh gooood do I! 
One of my favorite fics of all time is this one from ficbook
Часть 1, Тонущий корабль — фанфик по фэндому «Джейк и пираты Нетландии» (ficbook.net) (Sinking ship) - Oh my god. The concept that Izzy was supposed to be the new Peter Pan and Jake was supposed to be the new Captain Hook. But Jake being selfish and wanting to be Peter pan himself because he thinks he’s worthy of it. He basically spits on the crew’s friendship and changes his destiny. Leaving Izzy to go to Captain Hook and tells him to train her to be like him. (Cubby stayed with her, she couldn’t bear to leave him to someone like Jake, who already abandoned him). And in the end, she fills his role both figuratively and literally. Girl. She fucking WILLINGLY feeds her hand to tick tock croc to LITERALLY fill his role, took his hook and everything. That is so fucking metal of her, and I love her for it. It’s a good read, I really recommend it. Sad ending tho :(
Часть 1, Потерянные детки — фанфик по фэндому «Джейк и пираты Нетландии» (ficbook.net) (Lost Kids) - BITTERSWEET. The trio just trying to do their best to stay sane on an island they so desperately want to leave but can’t. It's mostly from the third Povs of Jake and izzy but still I can’t help but feel for these guys. It does make you wonder, what if these kids want to leave someday, once they get tired of being pirates will the island or Peter let them leave? If not, then why? How many times have they tried to get out? It makes you think.
I am the Psycho Pirate Chapter 1: What Happened?, a jake and the never land pirates fanfic | FanFiction Jake gets back from traveling with Peter from the lands beyond the neversea and the weird thing? He has grown up to the age of 15 AND neverland is quiet AND half of pirate island is burned down, Cubby is acting strange yet bitter toward him. Skully is nowhere to be seen and Izzy is as well. Yet there are rumors going around about this Psycho Pirate… who is this psycho pirate and why is everyone being so weird about it. The abuse Izzy and cubby suffer through in flashbacks will get dark, particularly for Izzy so uh content warning for physical abuse and sexual assault. The sequel is currently still in progress! So, after you read this and maybe the prequel if you can stomach it, check it out!
Eye of the Storm - Chapter 1 - Seerless - Jake and the Never Land Pirates [Archive of Our Own] It's unfinished but it's basically about the crew breaking apart and going their separate ways and what they go through during this period away. But they’re going to reunite in the end dw. So far only Izzy and Cubby’s chapters are out but they’re still a good read. The Hand is Gone - TheBackyardigirl - Jake and the Never Land Pirates [Archive of Our Own] Evil Peter hours! And he gives Jake the hook treatment! and it's very well written and a bit gory too. But Jake stumbles around as he loses blood all the while trying to comprehend why Peter did this to him, leaving an ambiguous ending. I really hope the author comes back and does a part 2 :[
[Content warning for physical abuse and some sexual abuse for these next to fics, I’m so serious if you are uncomfortable with stuff like that don’t read these]
Peter's Wrath Chapter 1: The abuse begins, a jake and the never land pirates fanfic | FanFiction We got evil Peter hours again hellll yeah! Not on purpose this time, however, though it might seem that way. This is purely Peter verbally and physically abusing them the fic and them trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with him. It can get brutal but does get ridiculous towards the end especially when they figure out what's wrong with him. If you think he’s going to jail after this you will be disappointed. 
The Wrath's Revenge Chapter 1: Prologue, a jake and the never land pirates fanfic | FanFiction
Sequel to Peter’s Wrath, my Roman fucking empire. This is from Izzy’s pov and if you thought Izzy had suffered enough under Peter, Jake is about to show you he needs to be locked up immediately. This is Izzy just being domestically abused and she’s only 11. You're going to question why she didn’t just run or try to blind him with pixie dust at points. Also shit will get very brutal and bordering on Sexual assault towards the end. However, it's the ending that makes me lose my fucking mind, the WAY that Izzy gets Jake back to normal is the Stupidest fucking idea I’ve seen simply because if you were to try to apply it to a real-life situation, it absolutely wouldn’t fucking work and the assaulter would just laugh in your face and probably think you want it more. And then he faces NO consequences for his actions, and Izzy somehow isn’t weary, or nervous or doesn’t feel any negative emotions or feeling from this simply because he was “possessed” MY ASS. That being said, this fic for me is important because when I read it when I was young, it was something that was new and violent and it involved Jizzy no less, so while it might not be the greatest thing in the world, it’s a nostalgia read. 
Now to end this, I do have an ao3! It's MaggotsMeat. If you’ve looked on there and Saw a work named “Clarity” that’s my writing!^^ I have a lot more WIPs in my google docs lol that I can barely focus on but I do hope to crank them out soon and write more… eventually!
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keelt9 · 5 months
Chapter 2
Part 3
I wanted to take the time to thank you for the support you have been giving me, I really appreciate it and it keeps me very motivated to continue writting, thank you so much.
I hope that as I move forward, you will continue to like all of this, once again, thank you very much. 😉
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“Are you awake?” __ hears and feels Caro really close to her face. She waited for her until 1 am, after that, her eyes gave up and closed, she didn’t even hear her coming to the room much less the time she arrived at her house.
“Carolina, if your breathing doesn’t wake me up, believe your weight over my back does.” __ remind with her eyes closed, hearing Caro giggle and lift from her back so she can stand or turn around.
“What happened?”__ sat in the bed just opening one eye, that was enough to see the huge smile on Caro face and the evident move of her jumping to hug her. 
“It was amazing! I really, really, really love it, every second.” Caro hugged her tighter and __ answered the hug.
“So you are…” Caro didn’t let her end the sentence.
“I AM HIS GIRLFRIEND!” __ just laugh with the shrill of her voice and pat Caro’s back. “I’m so happy __.” This time she splits, __ recognizes the pure happiness in her face, all over it, the sparkling eyes, the smile that swear will leave her cheeks numb by the night. 
“Yeah, I noticed.” 
“You should try it.” __ lend her head. “Be in love.” __ stands like the bed was on fire and shakes her head. “Please, if you…” __ grabs Caro face and squeezed it.
“When the orange tree produces strawberries.” Caro rolls her eyes. “That doesn’t even make sense.” She takes her hands off her face.
Another day of coming and going left them tired and decided to arrive home earlier, rest a little bit and recover energy for their daily night picnic.
“Darling, Esteban called a couple of hours ago, he said please call him as soon as you arrive.” Mrs. Mendienta notified her when the two girls crashed on the sofa.
“He didn’t call your cell phone?” Caro asks her and passes the phone to the living room.
“Who knows, I left it in my suitcase.” Caro opened her mouth and hit __ shoulder. “That’s why they are mad at you!”
“Caro, let’s be honest, they have been mad at me since I stood at the table the night of the dinner proposal.” __ stands and delays the number expecting the curb of Esteban.
Matias arrived at the storeroom with a plan in mind, but he needed an accomplice, an indirect one.
“Hi Mar.” He greeted her, appearing in the frame door. 
“Matias, hi, what can I do for you?” Mar turns to her chair and smiles at him. He definitely never forgot the intense curiosity in Enzo's eyes and his last words before the part ways last night.
<”So, what is the name, again?” Enzo said in the most random moment.
“Name?” Matias turns to face him. 
“The girl's name, I mean.” Matias grinds and an idea set in his mind, he will comprobe his theory, sooner or later.>
“JAJAJAJAJA, no, no, if I can be so sure about something that is NO, totally.” Matias told Mar his theory. Ok, the fact of an indirect accomplice isn't so indirect, but it would be more weird if he tried to get information by himself.
“Come on Mar! Just think about it for a second…” Matias put his cards on the table; he didn’t miss any detail, from the moment he opened the door of the truck and found them until last night's talk.
“Just because I thought about it for more than a second…listen, Matias, maybe in her teens, yeah, I bought that, but now in her twenties.” Mar shakes her head with a smile on her face. “The only time I know she has been nervous or running away from a man, it’s because is a doctor with a needle.”
“But she…” Matias could swear to see her nervous eyes in her eyes the last time.
“Maybe she left my sister without her knowing, or she forgot her cellphone in plain sight, but I believe because she saw you and got nervous it is my last option.” Mar put her hand on his shoulder. “Sorry Matias.”
“Anyone has seen Recalt?” A grumpy voice came through the radio, Mar pointed with her eyes to the radio. “Is it your call?”
“Just promise me, at least you will consider it as a low probability.” Mar should deny it without a question however something in his voice tone and the security he had made her give in and agree. “Wait and see, just wait and see.”
Matias has the time against him, in 2 days will be the last shooting of the year before the Christmas vacations, it suppose it won’t be a problem, but the 2nd of January __ will take a flight home.
The next one is one of my favorites. ☺️
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Ooh you think splashtail’s family are directly involved? Tell us all your theories!
Ok so this might end up being a long post so I apologise for that. But basically every suspicious RiverClan cat that we know of has been part of the same extended family, so in recent days my sister and I have been discussing a theory in which this whole conspiracy is a family working together in order to get power.
Right so first things first: the family. Here is a family tree I quickly whipped up (Anyone with an X in their name is dead).
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So right off the bat (and this is where things could fall apart if my memory is off) but every single suspicious cat we have been presented with so far is part of this extended family.
We all know how Duskfur, Mallownose, Splashtail, and Curlfeather could be considered suspicious. But also Podlight and Fognose are not in the clear (despite their lack of narrative focus) due to them being on the patrol that Reedwhisker went missing on. And even Brackenpelt was very vocally against Mistystar in the argument that killed her.
I think Petalfur’s parents and siblings are in the clear, she died moons ago and there’s no sign of any of suspicion from that side of the family.
I know it could be coincidence that all these suspicious cats are from the same extended family, but at the same time I find it weird that not a single (that I remember) non-family member has been presented as suspicious. And we know the Erins are looking at Frostpaw’s family tree since Owlnose was cited in-text as her uncle.
Speaking of Owlnose, why exactly did he choose specifically Splashtail as his deputy? I love Owlnose and I don’t want him to be in any way part of this conspiracy but it’s a question that’s kept coming back to me. It’s not even like he hesitated, he immediately named Splashtail as his deputy, but why? If it is a family affair then there is a good chance Owlnose at least knows something and this deputyship wasn’t coincidental.
The cat connecting both these sides of the family is Jayclaw, who has been dead for a while with a suspicious lack of clarity on how he exactly died presented to us. But I feel like he could have been involved somehow, even if someone ended up murdering him I feel like that would be due to him trying to back out or something.
And I don’t think every single cat in the family is knowingly involved either, but a significant number of them are.
My proposal is that this extended family wants to rule RiverClan, the plan was someone from each side of the family (Duskfur’s and Mallownose’s) would have been appointed to a position of power once Mistystar was manipulated into choosing someone as her deputy and then dying. So for example if Duskfur was made deputy she would have then made Mallownose her deputy once Mistystar passed or something. Frostpaw would be how exactly they got their chosen cat deputy in the first place, by giving her a false sign. But obviously Mistystar died unexpectedly and it all went south from there. The cats are aware of nepotism as we’ve seen last arc, ThunderClan has been completely family run for about 15 years now.
As for some of the finer details about this potential family conspiracy? I’m not sure. I think Curlfeather’s death could have been the result of an internal disagreement and Splashtail someone acted alone in killing her. Jayclaw is the cat that connects these two families together but he’s been dead for moons, what was his involvement in all this, how did he die? Was he killed on purpose to make Frostkit’s visions seem more real? But why would he be killed if he was the centrepiece of this family and this conspiracy? Did he get cold feet at the thought of using his daughter as a tool?
At the very least this family theory could explain how exactly Splashtail and Fognose are involved seeing as the process of trying to make Frostkit look like a medicine cat would have begun when they were apprentices.
I’m sorry if this come across as rambly or anything, I hope I’ve gotten this theory across well enough.
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evandyr · 3 months
Hello everyone, or no one, doesn't really matter if anyone sees this
This is lore ramblings of a Dungeon Master about his homebrew setting, called Evandyr. If that sounds interesting stick around, I will be posting lore of the gods, nations, and organizations in the world. Occasional drawings will follow, for now, take a not-truly-finished world map.
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Ok, so I have a confession, it's not done at all, nearly no labels and no borders of towns, I'll likely be adding another page to it to expand the Western side (too much stuff, not enough space on page, got the dimensions off, it's supposed to match the East side in size but it definitely does not right now)
A little bit of lore, beyond the fortress in the east is called the Badlands or Neletwo by goblinoids, it's a highly mana dense place from when the God of Creation touched down during the God's War, it has a race of rock people that sprouted from the mountain she landed on and they can't survive easily outside of the badlands due to their bodies being sustained by the high ambient mana within the badlands. They are peaceful and generally just walk along what is basically wasteland, with a few outcroppings of druids making use of the mana themselves, but most trees die out naturally, the abundant mana overloading their systems of living and undoing them over time, the few that do live are gigantic, however, as they attune themselves to the mana and feed off of it. The goblinoids call this place home, having a unique ability to withstand the increased mana where most races would die, their bodies giving out and unraveling as the mana returns them to the basics of existence, mere molecules where once a person stood. It was once a place of constant battle between the various tribes, but fewer conflicts have been brewing over the past thousand years, and more coordinated assaults against the nations of Evandyr suggest a general figure of sorts may have united multiple tribes somehow.
Directly east of the badlands is the great fortress city of Ka'artag and the Dwarven Kingdoms, The Great Kingdom of Delbarge in the northern mountain ranges, and the People's Republic of Kuhnzo in the southern mountains ranges, in between them is the Great Desert, a vast desert that Leonins call home, which used to be called the Great Savannah until a massive drought that has truly never ended descended upon the land, there are strips of green around the seldom-seen waterways flowing from Delbarge's mountain, the snow and ice formed on the base of the mountains being melted by the searing hot winds that blow through from the desert. A tribe of nomadic elves also call this place home, refugees from the Elven Motherland (we'll get to you later) or descendants of those that were, they have been in the desert nearly since when the drought started, originally hoping to prevent it from continuing.
The entire northern part of the continent is the vast Tundra Wasteland, a place where few plants grow and only the strongest creatures survive, it is without a doubt the most dangerous biome on the continent, housing beasts and races born from the most brutal of conditions. Polar owlbears that form matriarchal family units to hunt as one group to take down Frozen Worms ( Essentially Purple Worms except their poison deals cold damage and paralyzes you) and White Dragons to use as bait for the Frozen Worms, Beasts that are akin to giant Buffalo that eat rocks to supply an ever-churning cauldron of lava on their backs, descended from fire-immune creatures that lived in and near volcanoes before they became dormant in the region, they had to adapt only by eating a larger amount of rocks to keep their temperature higher, a trail of melted snow and then slick ice follows them, act pretty much like buffalo in real life, pack creatures that protect their own. They do pass the rock they've eaten eventually, now heated up and turned into something new, but can also use it offensively if provoked, as such, not many things mess with them, a prehistoric creature in a primal place. Actual buffalo, just fluffy as hell, so pretty much wooly buffalo. Tribes of Goliath, Humans, and Bearfolk call this place home, the Bearfolk now having to stay here as their coats have become too thick to survive long-term without issue anywhere else on the continent. The Humans and Goliaths of the Tundra tribes are among the strongest in the world, especially those apart of nomadic tribes as there are a few places that have developed into a town in hard won and defended safety.
The river in the middle is called The Gap and is the result of the final blow in a war fought long ago, dubbed The Sundering it killed the Elven and Dwarven assaulting forces, preventing further conflict from occurring and permanently scarring the land.
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Bracket H Round 1
Poll 3
NERF (@nen-kaii) vs. Bruce the Just (@bruce-stan)
453. NERF (@nen-kaii)
he/him or ne/ner/neir
He has a zipper that exposes his skull because he thought it was silly, he drinks led water, ne blows stuff up with neir rocket launcher for funsies, and ne makes cookies for neir friends. He's so silly it borders on stupid. Gonna squisch him. Squinch.
4'11" little guy, with a shaved head that's split open by a zipper to expose his skull. Sometimes wears a mint-colored helmet with googly eyes pasted on.
454. Bruce the Just (@bruce-stan)
     Bruce is a were-shark Barbarian from a pathfinder campaign im in. he is my precious baby boi and the sole reason I'm on tumblr is to shill for him in this bracket. He was abandoned as a child due to his family thinking him a monster and fending for himself till one day while trying to rob a family for food, he goes too far and kills the dad. Stricken with the weight of his actions he seeks to save as many people as possible to make up for his terrible deed.
     He is the definition of a himbo. The kindest of beans and loves nature especially the water. He is allo-aro as he loves everyone as his ever growing number friends but just can't hold romance in his heart, but still is distracted by boobs; can your really blame him boobs bouncy. He is autistic coded and has PTSD from his past actions, hating loud sounds as they remind him of the child and mothers wails of grief at what he did. He is self sacrificing to a fault and will no hesitate to throw himself into any danger for any reason.
     This is reflected in his weapon "Penance". which he spells (penents). A metal shark tooth macuahuitl with one half cold iron and the other half adamantine. It is enchanted to deal extra dmg at the cost of backlash upon himself, which has been the cause of his many scars across his body. Bruce doesn't care however as his weapon is just as much penance for himself as for his enemies.
     He serves as both the heart and big guy for our groups five man band. While he is obviously the dumb muscle, he is the emotional core of our group that makes a cold-hearted assassin, a conniving theif, a vengeance possesed psychopath, a shadowfell raised Dryder, and an apathetic druid, all want to be better people because of his unrelenting love and kindness.
    He hates killing and will even in battle go out of his way to avoid it and violence in general as much as possible. Their is but a single exception to this rule and that is to put any of his new found family in danger. That makes a woman by the name of Valentina a dead girl walking, as she callously murdered his dear friend Ms. S. An ex school teacher who would hand out gold stars to the party. He still has the stars on his macuahuitl as a reminder of his late friend and debt to settle.
     His caring nature has gotten the party into many adventures as he is always willing to help anyone. From hauling wood, to hunting fish for a starving child, to collecting cat skeletons for a friendly necromancer, to even facing down a 40ft tall face stealing monstrosity, all one must do is ask.
     Now a list of my favorite Bruce quotes:
" I got my info from a trustworthy source....... ya know a crab from that creek over there".
"NO STEALING! I will buy you the shiny".
"I would never kill him, just break a few ribs".
"I've fought plenty of trees and I only lost twice".
"You can be gay just don't do crimes........ok maybe a little crime since he's was mean".
"BRUCE IS INDOMITABLE" ( after holding back a bullete from his unconscious friends.)
"violence doesn't just break a man's nose, it breaks his spirit.............I've seen how terrible that truly is."
     I could go on for days about my precious lad, so if anyone wants to hear more hmu. That being said though reckless, naive, and certainly buried in his own sins; his unyielding sense of kindness and do-goodery make no one more fitting of the name Bruce The Just.
Taylor Lautner from twilight as to add to the shark meme since he also played sharkboy.
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wc-wild-rewrite · 11 months
Into The Wild Reread!
Its actually been like 6 years since i last fully read this series, so it was fun going back through! Overall i give it a 9/10, one point removed for slightly clunky writing and scene changes.
HOWEVER, Every single sentence that includes Spottedleaf is awful and uncomfortable, so it's actually getting an 8.5/10
Please note that i wrote the notes as i read it and have not edited them
My chapter by chapter thoughts and notes are under the cut!
Iconic opening prologue, but we're really stretching the definition of bracken-colored for mr reddish-brown oakheart here.
When did the clans meet otters
I wonder how Mousefur feels about the last fight alongside redtail being the one where tigerclaw saved her
"Fewer kits than normal" bluestar theres 5 of them i'd say thats a decent number, 6 if we're counting Lynxkit
I dont remember many of the prophecies but i hope they use more star ones, the shooting star is a cool one
Chapter 1
They really love their full stops huh, its slightly jarring, as someone who writes with so many commas
I still love their descriptions of the enviroment
I like how they show Rusty's ignorance towards the necesscity of prey by having his first scene be him toying a live mouse, and that being why he lost it
Rusty, collars are not supposed to pinch, your being mistreated
I dont think ive ever seen anyone remember to add the 'lightly raining' part into an animatic or comic or anything
I like to think he spotted Bluestar in the trees when he says it feels like something's in the woods
I like that rusty's sorta mean, real tween energy
They better bring this fox back
This is painfully lore-dumpy but i love greypaw's total disregard for rusty's anger. And for his disregard for clan code, talking to a kittypet when he shouldn't be. Sets up his later code breaking.
I'm always really concerned about rusty's "just sit there and look hungry" comment, like buddy why do you know that??
Lionheart is canonically handsome
I really like how majestic and respectable bluestar is shown to be in this scene, i can feel her power
Bluestar has been keeping an eye on rusty for a while, spurred by the prophecy, i'd imagine
Chapter 2
I cant tell if bluestar snapping at him so fast is because of how despserate thunderclan is in that moment, or if its a hint to how fast she can turn against people.
Rusty's willignness to look a wildcat in the eye and argue is very interesting, i see where squilf gets it from
'Young kit' i love lionheart
Chapter 3
I like to think the yellow eyes in his dream are yellowfang's
Kittypets know what hours are, i wonder if the clans do
I love smudge, poor guy
They have pine trees on thunderclan territory
I kinda like asshole longtail, hes fun
Great job longtail, you got your ass kicked by a fresh apprentice
Only finished his training two moons ago means longtail is 14 moons, and was probably a solo apprentice. I can see why Bluestar is afraid of not having enough, if the last batch of apprentices only had one.
Interesting that they were so quick to accept Firepaw, but only after he proved himself in a battle. Very telling of their culture.
Graypaw never describe Spottedleaf ever again, its very uncomfortable, "not bad looking either" you are a child
"Neither young nor pretty" this line is especially funny now that grey and dark are brothers, like yeah, thats peak little brother energy
Chapter 4
Ok whos this ginger queen, shes been mentioned twice now
Firepaw stop asking for lore a cat just died
Now i wanna see a redstar au
I like how sassy spottedleaf is with tigerclaw
Tigerclaw in this scene feels so much like Scar, i wish they kept this
I like the lore of the leader's den being carved from a river, wonder if DOTC is consistent with that
Love the sharing tongues and eating lore, the idea of older warriors inviting younger ones to eat with them being an honor
I like that the elders are perfectly fine with firepaw
Interesting that sandpaw isn't actually described as cream or sand colored, but 'pale ginger'
Again, loving the eat rituals with the apprentices eating by the stump
Sandpaw's such a bitch i love her, such a tween mean girl, i can only imagine her with a high, bratty voice
Chapter 5
Two toms sitting in a hollow a few tail lengths away cuz their not gay
Birch, ash, and oak trees are added to the 'trees thunderclan has' list
"Thats treachous talk, kittypet" says the guy who tried to take over all the clans, thus sharing a territory
I like that lionheart supports firepaw's thinking
Thunderclan smells warm, Shadowclan smells sour, Riverclan is...pungent, i guess?
Dust and Sand are such brat siblings
Love the implication that windclan and thunderclan have different stalking types due to their difference in prey, light footed for thunderclan, and maybe heavy on the back legs to make a better kick-off for a run for windclan?
Ravenpaw has been an apprentice for 2 moons, meaning hes 8 moons old, and he probably became an apprentice on the tail-end of longtail's apprenticeship, or just after his warrior ceremony
Chapter 6
Two moons passed, 8 moons old, Raven should be 10 moons
Firepaw can scale ash trees with ease
One of lionheart's favourite phrases is "surprise is the warrior's greatest weapon"
Ok good, the fox was relevant
Thunderclan cats apparently climb trees often, given that halftail apparently used to
Chapter 7
"Easy prey for yellowfang" girl why are you in third person
2 moons in and he already doesnt want to feel pity towards a clearly unwell cat, i can totally see an au where he becomes one of tigerclaw's followers
"You seem in an awful hurry to die" is one of my favourite lines
Arch-cat of stench
Chapter 8
Patrol of tigerclaw, willowpelt, darkstripe, lionheart, and bluestar. One hell of a combo
Yellowfang was spoken of for her bravery and wisdom as a medicine cat, interesting
I like the respect Spottedleaf gives Yellowfang, aware that shes another medicine cat. They've no doubt met before this.
Sympathetic eye narrowing
"We found no bodies from either clan" i call bullshit
"Usually she only trains the kits of her deputies" again, bullshit, but interesting concept
Leaders talking with all their senior warriors and not just their deputy for advice
Cultural respect for healers and elders
Chapter 9
They know the word breakfast
Little grey-and-white kit and a tabby kit, probably swift and one of the frost brothers
"Certainly no hardship being around spottedleaf again" you've exchanged about 3 sentences with her
Willowpelt in patrol with her son again
The double mouse eating scene is always so funny to me
Chapter 10
Queens line their nests with balls of down, which are apparently duck underfeathers
Wow, two-ish moons and firepaw doesnt remember smudge at all
I like the parallel between rusty & greypaw and smudge & firepaw
Its actually kind of unsettling how fast he's forgotten his old life, like wow the cult indoctronation really worked huh
Chapter 11
Ravenpaw tripping over his snake, baby boy
Fluffy gray kit, likely cinderkit, no more than 2 moons, meaning they were newborn when rusty joined
Also a tiny black kit and a tortieshell, mystery kits
Rusty's been there for almost 3 moons
Bluestar has serious trust issues huh
"I think i could grow fond of her" ok yeah i see why bluestar x yellowfang exists
Clawface and Stonefur are considered great warriors, at least to Greystripe
Chapter 12
I forget at this point in the book tigerclaw isn't actually known as a bad guy, hes just grumpy and mildly suspicious
Crookedstar is bigger than Lionheart, which means hes fuckin massive
Brokenstar has been leader for 4 moons as of this chapter, meaning he probably became leader around the time spottedleaf got her prophecy. Causation, perhaps?
Eugh can we stop describing spottedleaf as sweet scented
Ough, littlepaw was definitely lying about his age there
Lionheart banter!
Ravenpaw being a good storyteller is my favourite thing
Ah, brokenstar, you mangy bastard
I like that he paused for dramatic effect though, drama queen
I cant tell if Smallear really is deaf or if hes playing it up so he gets left alone
Chapter 13
"But even he will obey bluestar" only for 3 more books
I like that travelling to the moonstone is one of the apprentice milestones
Spottedleaf get your nose off that apprentice
Chapter 14
Leaders cannot eat before the moonstone journey, interesting
Wow, what a dickhead twoleg, also possibly drunk driving
Chapter 15
Love the idea that tigerclaw is just fucking terrified of the moonstone
So bluestar just implied tigerclaw is spiritually weak, interesting
I love the description of the moonstone, it makes it sound so ethereal
Chapter 16
Barley is short and knows Bluestar
"You are tied to your clan like a queen to her kits" oh you have no idea barley
Barley i love you and your inexplicable rat fighting skills
Firepaw knows how to put cobwebs on
This chapter implies coming back from losing a life can take hours
Chapter 17
Blackfoot you asshole put those kits down!!
Yellowfang i adore you
R.I.P rosetail, we didnt know you existed until this chapter
Nooo grandpa lionheart, poor guy
I think its this point that starts the beginning of bluestar's fall, honestly
Chapter 18
Ah, here's tigerclaw's beginning of evil, starting with appointing his cronies as bluestar's bodyguards
Ooo yellowfang still has pain from that leg injury
Wow Yellowfang just called Blackfoot a stupid tank
Darkstripe really just got call shitstripe, huh?
Oh shit, i always thought darkstripe and longtail were aware of tigerclaw's actions from the start, but hes playing them too
Chapter 19
Spottedleaf you cant just tell apprentices about prophies and not give any context
The authors really dont know how to do a scene change, huh?
Firepaw fights light-pawed
Chapter 20
I cant tell if its clunky writing or intentional but the way ravenpaw describes redtail's death is very storyteller-y
Never use the word suppleness again
Brindle really just had her kits silently huh
Elders wash their ears when their expecting rain, more lore thats never mentioned again
Really cute that whitestorm is sitting guard for his mate and kits
Its been like 4 minutes since firepaw stepped out of the nursery, brindle's in there, how the fuck did the kits get stolen
Firepaw you shared 7 sentences with her, why are you so furious
Chapter 21
Can these grown adults stop sending minors on dangerous missions
"Goodbye, my sweet spottedleaf" EW. EUGH. AUGH.
"One of brindleface's kits has a cough" considering tulipkit dies, yeah, she wasnt lying
Something something clawface being a warrior greypaw respected only for him to kill the med cat and kidnap kits
Frostfur's kits are three moons old
Chapter 22
Brokenstar makes them apprentices at three moons and warriors at five
Marigold and Mint were four moons old
Chapter 23
Third time Willowpelt and Darkstripe are in a patrol together
Oh Whitestorm, your not the smartest tom in the clan, are you
Chapter 24
Brokenstar nearly got scar-at-the-end-of-lion-kinged there
It'd be cool if mr lil tabby kit kept the ear scar, i know he doesnt tho
Chapter 25
Tigerclaw really putting on the sad dramatics there
Fireheart and Greystripe, iconic and fitting names!
My thoughts
Solid 9/10, not perfect, bit clunky, but iconic and nostalgic. Im shocked i remembered basically all of it, even tho last time i read the whole thing was about 6 years ago
I think the chapters are too short in places and cut in weird parts, and the authors cant do a scene change for the life of them, but this was 2009, so its fair. Lets just hope they improve (said the fool, foolishly)
Oh, and the spottedleaf thing was terrible and uncomfortable.
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
It was an ice storm that caused the blackout and it made me think of how Lottie would react if it happened, would she be scared or would she find it fun? I imagine her reading a bedtime story with bucky in her bed with a flashlight
And has she ever seen snow? How would she react to it? I think she would be scared at first but then she would love to play in it and it would be hard for y/n and Bucky to get her to go back inside
Imagine Steve showing her how to make snowballs and they team up to attack Sam with it
That’s horrible! I’ve had to deal with power outages because of hurricanes and they’re no fun. I’m glad everything is ok!!
Ok as for Lottie, I’ll include Henry as well this is how it would go.
Henry would be a bit more scared of sudden darkness than Lottie would be. Although she would be confused as to what was going on at first. If the reader and Bucky weren’t next to them when it happened they would find them quickly to make sure they were ok. Then reader and Bucky would make it a fun experience. They would find some flashlights or lanterns and they would turn the living room into a pillow fort. Once everyone one is comfy Bucky would bring in their teddy bears, some board games and books and they would spend that time just having fun.
Neither kid has seen snow so the first time they get to experience snow fall/storm is a big deal. Lottie loves watching it fall, from a window because she likes being nice and warm. Henry immediately wants to go out and run in it. It takes some convincing from her favorite uncle but Steve finally gets Lottie to put on her winter gear and head outside. There Steve teaches the kids how to make snow angels, snowmen and the most important snow balls. Then Steve calls Sam (and the team) to come out. Henry is the first one waiting to pelt them with the snowballs since he can turn invisible so he can’t really be caught. Lottie is just having fun throwing the snow balls around she doesn’t care if they don’t hit anyone. This does however turn into a huge snowball fight and a tradition. Every year on the first real snowfall of the season the team prepares themselves and they go out and just have a massive snowball fight. Tony even creates weapons for the event. Steve is running around with his shield. Nat and Clint have made a wall of snow and while Nat distracts from behind it Clint is up in a tree hitting everyone that passes by. Wanda uses her magic to make snowballs. Sam is using his wings but it doesn’t stop Bucky from aiming at him the whole day. Reader is also involved in this and I feel like she would steal other peoples snowballs instead of making her own.
Then at night when everyone is tired and sitting around a fire pit they share hot chocolate and s’mores.
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thesilvercondor · 2 years
(Spoilers for Aim To Be A Pokemon Master Ep1 (JN137) below the cut)
ok so i am perpetually obsessed with Anabel and thus extremely biased but like. fun little conspiracy theory. Ash is actually developing Empathy (ability to sense pokemon's emotions, and use this for knockoff telepathy with them).
I have not seen past the first episode of this series, if there’s further evidence I might return to this theory but I kinda doubt there will be any lmao. Proceed beneath the readmore if you want to see my insane ramblings (1k words).
So, let’s look at this episode real quick, shall we? First major event- Ash accidentally attacks a Beedrill nesting site, potentially angering nearby Beedrill. And like, in the vast majority of Bulbapedia’s anime entries about wild Beedrill- those things get angry all the freaking time. I’ve already seen people down in the comments of this episode talking about how they didn’t think they’d seen a wild Beedrill be calm before.
However, Ash manages to calm it nearly instantaneously- which one other character has actually pulled off before- the only canon Empath, Anabel (S9 E24, ‘Talking A Good Game’).
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I just find it interesting that this scene was included in the episode, given that it has no obvious importance to the rest of the storyline, you know? Unless it was meant to draw parallels, between this episode and *checks notes* some obscure episode from the early 2000s that barely anyone remembers. *sweatdrops*
 Uhhh but anyway!- next major event in the episode- the token ‘Empath’ finds an extremely powerful Pokemon, who is openly hostile to them, but calms it down by helping to care for its wounds.
In JN137, this is Ash helping Latias with a (burn?) on its wing, while in S9E24, it’s Anabel pulling out a stick from a Gyarados’s injury.
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 Then, the third (and most major) event is the reveal of Empathy being used as Telepathy in a battle situation. This one uh. This one I have less evidence for, but we’re just going to pretend that Ash isn’t good enough at empathy yet for the parallels to be perfect, ok? Just to stoke my own ego.
Anyway- S9E24, Anabel first uses this with her ace, Alakazam. It’s characterized by her giving orders without talking- aka, though Alakazam can’t physically hear her, he can still hear her.
In JN137, Ash is captured by Team Rocket’s ‘Supercooled Capsule’. Here, Ash’s voice is extremely muffled- to the point that even Team Rocket (1-2m away from him) can’t hear him well. Meanwhile, Pikachu is uhhh 25-40m away? Down on the forest floor. (perspective is unhelpful, here’s the best screenshot I got).
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Anyway, while being extremely muffled and getting progressively further away, AND while having his back turned on Pikachu- Ash proceeds to practically whisper his command to Pikachu to aim a 10, 000 Volts at him. And Pikachu understands instantly. Like yeah, I get it, this is an anime, not everything is realistic- but doesn’t this feel at least a little sus to y’all?
(left: Ash’s whisper, right: Anabel’s Empathy)
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So yeah uh. I’ve yet to watch the other episodes of this anime. But if he gets overlaid on Pikachu at any point to give commands, then Imma 100% claim Empathy my dudes.
Especially since, the next RSE episode (S9E25, ‘Second Time’s The Charm’) is partially about Anabel trying to teach Ash Empathy- with the final line of the episode being her thinking- “I guess you can’t sense feelings yet, Ash […]”. Here, please just picture me pointing commandingly at the word ‘yet’. She reckons he had potential- and maybe that potential is finally coming true.
 Since we’re doing Anabel quotes right now, I’m going to throw another one at you- her response to being asked how she talks to Pokemon like that (aka while using Empathy):
“"I don't even really know how I do it. I guess its been happening ever since I was a little girl. I'd come to the forest and talk to everything. Trees, grass, the stars; and all the wild pokemon- and that's how it all started!" (S9E25)
So you know. She went into the forest. Not much of a goal. Interacted with literally everything she saw, without discrimination. Sounds kinda like the start of the episode; with Ash stopping to interact with every single wild Pokemon he sees. That’s how she developed Empathy- so maybe this is how he develops it too.
Like, this is Ash’s final series. Why start with him just wandering around looking at random mons, unless that act is something seriously important?
 Finally, just to add a bit more pizzazz; this episode is about Latias and Mew. (Oak’s poem at the start is something about if you want to make a lot of friends, you need to find 151- and 151 is Mew’s Pokedex number so. Yeah.) These two just so happen to be two of 9-12 ‘Empath Pokemon’ I have currently identified.
I’m counting Empath Pokemon as anything that has a Pokedex entry that mentions its ability to sense emotions (like Anabel does). Not just influence emotions (like Milotic), or get attracted by specific emotions (like Shuppet/Togetic/Blissey), but actively sense all emotions.
Latias’s Pokedex entry mentions that it “…is highly sensitive to the emotions of people.”
Meanwhile, Mew’s Pokedex entry mentions that it “…only appears to those with a pure heart.” (this is one of my ‘debateable’ Empath mons, as like. What is a pure heart exactly. I’m guessing it needs to be able to see all emotions in someone to decide whether their heart is pure or not, but I could be wrong.)
But yeah, if this series is about him trying to acquire two Empath Pokemon… it might also be about him trying to acquire Empathy itself.
 Anyway I’m gonna. I’m gonna watch the other episodes eventually. Not just yet, cos I wanna dream about a world in which this conspiracy theory is any way feasible-
  (oh yeah also before anyone asks. Anabel didn’t use an Empathy Pokemon in the anime, but in the games (Emerald and USUM) her ace is either Raikou or Latios, with the latter being another Empathy Pokemon- “…it can sense the emotions of others.”.)
(oh and full Empathy Pokemon list: Latias, Latios, Ralts, Indeedee, Hatterene, Sylveon, Audino, Solrock, Finizen. Bonus: Mew (how do you determine a ‘pure heart’), Mesprit (it created emotions so surely it can sense them?? But no pokedex entries on that) and Lucario (can sense emotions but through Aura not Empathy).)
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Sara: Shikanoin, I swear to the Shogun-
Heizou: Before you start to lecture me, how's the cold case file looking?
Sara: . . .
Heizou: Empty! And the current investigations are already followed up with, so I think I will go to Uyuu Restaurant for lunch today. Bye! (walks out)
Sara: (exhales sharply) If he wasn't good at his job, I swear, I would have him fired by now . . .
Heizou: -and then she had the nerve to tell me that I was slacking off! Well sorry if talking to an enterprising citizen that may or may not have seen something who also happens to be selling lollipops at the time looks like what you think it was!
Shinobu: Okay, so what did you find out?
Heizou: (licks a giant swirl lollipop) Nothing, really. But he did say something particularly interesting about his inventory and where he sources his goods from, so I already know where I'm going for the rest of the day.
Cyno: Can you give me my deck back?
Heizou: (observing them with scrutiny) Just gimme a second . . . aha! (plucks a small hair from the deck) There we have it! (hastily runs off with the deck)
Cyno: Hey, I need that deck for a game later! (runs after him)
Yanfei: I would tell you that this is illegal, but it's not like there's anyone that's going to stop you anyway.
Heizou: (on top of the roofs, trying to wrangle a seagull) I'm onto something, I swear- (grabs a pebble from the seagull that it choked out) And we have another clue! (hops down from the roof and takes off)
Heizou: Is it possible that you could get me in contact with a certain official within the Grand Narukami Shrine? You know, the one that manages foodstuffs and other miscellaneous items?
Nana: Pfft. You wanna talk to Guuji Yae?
Heizou: Oh, she does that stuff? I wonder if I could get her to look at some of my mystery novel manuscripts too while I'm at it.
Nana: Good luck with that one, cousin.
Heizou: Soooo, you might want to check out Ritou tomorrow, preferably at dawn, and maybe be inconspicuous about it? Then you can catch them in the act!
Sara: . . . sure.
Heizou: (yawns) Whew! Man alive, I'm tired. I'm going back to my place now, so see you tomorrow morning! (leaves again)
Sara: (slumps in her chair) If he was occasionally wrong, that would be one thing, but he never is. (begins preparing for an early morning patrol)
Heizou: And that's how I accidentally coordinated a sting operation on one of Yelan's front businesses!
Sayu: How are you not dead?
Heizou: (shrugs) Maybe she likes my personality a lot, I don't know, but the look on her face was totally worth it.
Sayu: Mhm, yeah now shush, I'm taking a nap.
Heizou: (lays back and relaxes at the foot of a tree) No arguments there.
Yelan is half-torn between being impressed and stinging him right back.
Ok but can I talk about how Genius Invokation TCG is played by everyone in the Detective club. Like Cyno got them all into in and now they all have wildly different play styles and are regularly competing against each other and looking for ways to counter each other.
Diluc had like a deck that's all about controlling the field.
Yanfei has a deck that's all about rule loopholes.
Heizou's is about predicting enemy plays.
Cyno's just a powerhouse deck that's totally broken and Everyone is trying to beat him. (Thinking about my brother's Colorless Eldrazi MTG Deck. I'm a Red/Blue prowless person but I got a decent Black/White control. Tho i haven't played since Kaladesh)
Shinbo refs.
Also Yelan abosolutly stings Heizou back.
You have to let people like Heizou know where he stands lololol.
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