#hashtag father son bonding
I'm walking over to your house and committing arson, boy
Aww!! Good, I’ve missed you!!!
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amigac0debasic13 · 10 months
inhaling so heavily so so heavily,, hey guys its me im back. ninjago. This is just a huge rant about me HATING how trauma is handled in this show. ignore this if you do not want to see my HORRORS.
WHY. IS TRAUMA NOT A FUCKING THING IN THIS STUPID ASS SHOW. Im on another rewatch because im FUCKING INSANE but it drives me actually mad that there are so many downright horrific things that happen to these characters that are just NEVER addressed. lets talkabout the fucking first one that caught my eye when I was first watching the show!!! Im basically going from least infuriating to most infuriating, im trying to cut this show some slack but dear god. !!WHY IS COLE OKAY MAN. HE LITERALLY DIEEED. HE TURNED INTO A GHOST. listen Iknow ninjago death means nothing, and im going to talk about that too but he literally could have ceased to exist if he so much as touched water. after he got his body back, why was this never FUCKING mentioned. I think. if I was in a perpetual state of being horrified my existence would amount to nothing and id just stop BEING when I touched some clear shit coming out of my sink id be pretty scarred for life. I loved possession man, but this happened to TWO CHARACTERS. TWOOO. AND THE OTHER CHARACTER IS LLOYD. lets not even MENTION that hes been exploited the moment everyone found out he was a green ninja, and before that a bunch of grown ass people were bullying a CHILD WHO IS ACTUALLY HOMELESS, lets talk about how his fucking body was taken over by Morro while he ALSO worries about his DAD BEING STUCK IN THE FUCKING UNDERWORLD. IM LOSING IT. IM LOSSINGG ITT. On a smaller note, MISAKO ABANDONED LLOYD. KILL HER. I am the hashtag misako hater garmadon deserves better. The show made no attempt for them to bond or try to make amends for what happened when Lloyd was a kid, she barely appears at all really and it just makes me fucking despise her. ALSO MORRO. this kid. reminding you, CHILD, fucking died in a cave. the cave we SAW in the pilot, if i remember right which is FUCKING INSANE>,,?? we SEE HIS SKELETON. THAT IS A CHILDS SKELETON. never mentioned again after episode 8 I don't think. now the MEAT. THE MEATT. whatever the FUCK went on with garmadon after he got resurrected. They actually did cover this a bit with how Lloyd acted around garmadon, but crystalized also sucked ass and really gave us nothing on how Garmadon felt about this. on god im so sick that hes so normal shaped in crystalized too, He was literally growling with every breath in sons of garmadon why is he normal now. Its been years, i get it. also the Garmadon comic. but he SHOULDNT be a normal person whos just an asshole, I want him to be feral okay?? ok??? I am playfully gesturing to Devils Horns by TeuthidaRegina (did i spell that right. idk man. Its a super fucking good fanfic.)
ALSO Vinnys apartment is very inaccurate there should be scratch marks on the walls and then they should kiss. ANYWAYS Besides this, Lloyd being mad at Garmadon was really all we got for how *he* was effected by his once loving father now randomly coming back with his ribs exposed and only being able to say like. 3 words. and also him immediately trying to kill Lloyd. I feel like we should have gotten a LOT more man. Now this isn't really a problem with the show (Its a huge problem in crystalized but that's a given) but more a problem with the fandom, so that's why I'm putting it at the end. this does not hold relevancy over garmadon becoming a BEAST. (also garmadon becoming a beast is the best thing that ever happened in this show btw. you all are wrong and he should have been animalistic from the beginning. still nice. but he should have also growled. all the time.) My issue is with how people portray harumi. I already had my Harumi spout in a post I made earlier, but I only mentioned the toxicity of the ship with her and Lloyd a little bit. Let us THINK BACK on how she literally feels nothing for Lloyd at all. He was a stepping stone in getting Garmadon back, and she probably straight up hates him. She pretends to like him to manipulate him into helping her resurrect garmadon ok?? do we understand?? Ive seen actual tags on AO3 that say "no harumi hate here" and I am so done. all the harumi hate. dont FUCKING talk to me if you want to justify the downright horrendous things shes done. That ship is toxic as hell and Lloyd is downright being abused AGAIN for like the FIVE BILLIONTH TIME IN HIS LIFE. I dont care man. shes an abusive bitch. i HATE HER. Crystalized made the worst fucking decision trying to justify her and I genuinely hate whoever thought that was a good and right decision to make. If she comes back in dragons rising i hope she dies AGAIN, but Im honestly rooting for them to ignore crystalized's existence. Now finally, this is the absolute peak of how Ninjago shittily handles trauma. the ICE EMPEROR. Zane was stuck in a fucking hellscape of a realm for like. what was it. EIGHTY YEARS??? he went fucking mad man, he turned into a bloodthirsty tyrant during that time. and when this seasons conflict was fixed with the "power of friendship" the show literally mentions that the ice emperor is STILL INSIDE ZANES NOGGIN. AND WHAT DOTHEY DOO?? THEY MAKE IT INTO A FUCKING JOKE. its honestly almost disgusting to me how they handled it, Zane has DIED BEFORE. that's bad. he should have trauma. BUT Zane LITERALLY HAS A BLOODTHIRSTY KILLER IN HIS FUCKING HEAD. DO NOT JOKE ABOUT THIS SHIT. ACTUALLY. HE SHOULD HAVE SOME RELUCTANCE TO USING HIS POWERS OR SOMETHING, ANYTHING MAN. HE KILLLED AN ENTIRE RACEE. Genuinely this is one of my favorite shows, and I love adding onto the shaky ass plot and making it better, but I cannot DEAL with this. Im going to throw in the shit that happened in the spinjitzu brothers book, because oh my god Wu and Garmadon should be fucked up with all the stuff they have had to deal with for like. 5 thousand years. but its fine. its okay. its the book series. I wont mention it. (that book series is so good please release the final book please) ((I LOVE wu and garmadon they are some of my favorite characters in the ENTIRE series im blinking my eyes at you. please go indepth on those two. also give Wu a dragon form, or an Oni form, or literally anything he IS NOT HUMAN.) Also if anyone tells me im ignoring skybound its because I do not need to say anything about skybound. we all know what happened. we ALLL know what the fuck they did to Nya. and fucking. mister possibly a pedo creep man who does not care about consent. I dont even remember his name thats how bad I hate him .
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oakley-silva · 9 months
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I FINALLY have a name for little smeepin protagonist nerd guy,
their name is Squonkie "Squonk" Starsybuckle
hashtag father son bonding moment
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aureiki · 1 year
show us the sexy accountant shuffle
thank you to the people who asked god bless anyways
The theme is surprisingly not as dark as the shuffle name implies, it's basically all of them dressed as Little Red Riding Hood characters ... 'but aiki, that's not how a shuffle unit works-' I dont CARE if this is how I want it to be then so be it.
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Unlike the drawing I do still want them to have similar outfits, but each keeping an aspect of the character they portray..
- keito > red riding hood (the hood duh)
- mitsuru > wolf (wolf ears, claws, fangs etc)
- rei & tsumugi > grandma and mom (not too sure ab accessories for them)
- hinata > huntsman (hat and bow + arrows)
They all (except hinata) should wear skirts/dresses too bc ofc they should why shouldn't they!
overall gist is that they are performing for a school event (middle school or even a kindergarten) and is kinda putting on a hashtag dramatica and acting the story out (then dancing singing afterwards)
I think there probably wouldve been a lot of planning (on tsumugi and keitos part) as to who would be who and at first they probably decided that hinata would be red riding hood and rei as the wolf (father son bonding) but then hinata goes 'actually hasumi you've worn a dress before right :3 why dont you become red riding hood' 'what. no. why should I.' And hinata somehow turns the tables around and now KEITO is rrh and he just deals with it because hey this is for children after all!
A lot of blunders happen, considering they're idols and not actors, and even if it's for a bunch of young kids they still want to do their best to entertain them. Idk what else I have planned other than that but maybe it's just a chance for all of them esp keito to kinda let loose and have fun mitsukeito friendship should be real methinks
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brainrawt · 1 year
Jordayla Proposal 5x20 - my (early) thoughts
I was not prepared for the proposal to be Jordan and Layla’s! That wasn’t what I had wanted for them. Jordan had a very long teen marriage plot, in which the show made it clear the whole time that it was a bad idea, even when Jordan was up for it. Getting married at 17: bad idea, wrong, shouldn’t happen; Getting married at 19: good idea (???) What, from the characters’ perspective, not ours, is different? I’ve been thinking about this all week lol, and I’m almost there, but I actually wish the show would explicitly tell me.
Obviously what moved me was Layla’s joy! I can’t get over it. She has opened herself to Jordan completely. There is no fear, she loves and trusts him enough to do something crazy with him. Layla wants someone to stay, and this is the biggest commitment ever, he will stay quite literally until death does them apart. She was missing a family for so long, and now she has one of her own. Not only does Layla feel that it’s a good idea, she believes it! In s3, she couldn’t bear to see Jordan go along with his plans with Simone because it wasn’t his path, and she speaks up, even when she had no stakes. If she thought they couldn’t or shouldn't get married, she would’ve said no. Saying yes is just so fresh for Layla’s character and exactly what I dreamed to see. 
Jordan saying “When I'm with you, I feel like I'm home.” is everything, given his entire life was uprooted recently. He chased an identity in his father, he was always uncertain and insecure, but now he feels at home. “You know who else makes a great pair? Jordan and Layla (…) Hashtag couple goals” - Cute moment but these are real reflections! He thinks they’re compatible, they were able to help their friends. He thinks of Layla as family already, she’s Liv’s sister and Laura’s bonus baby. 
Liv described Jordan: “He’s impulsive, he does things without thinking.” Yes, he is impulsive and he has still matured greatly. I have loved Jordan’s personal arc, and I don’t think he has to lose his character traits to be ‘complete’, nor do I think he needs to be ‘complete’ to get married. I see a lot of Joey/Pacey in Jordan/Layla and there’s a quote from them that goes: “Part of his recklessness is that he’s constantly surprising me and part of his rashness is that he’s intensely passionate.” This quote has never left me and I think it suits Jordayla well. These things about them can be true and make their love great. In a way, I think his decision is commemorative of his dad, but not because it's some product of his trauma. After a tortuous, life-long journey, Jordan and Billy ended in a good place, and football wasn’t their sticking point. They bonded over Jordan’s love and happiness with Layla. Jordan was robbed of more of those conversations but he knew Billy would’ve encouraged him. “Tell Layla she has my approval”, that’s what he’s doing. Maybe his father son prophecy isn’t to be a NFL QB, maybe it’s to embrace the love of his life. 
Jordan and Layla honestly do give me the vibes of a couple that would get married young. I have nothing against young marriage. I love young love in all its sweet, endearing, naive, full force, unprecedented glory. I just can’t stand when its young people trying to be grown ups lol. But in the proposal, Jordan and Layla seem so young and I LOVE it. From Layla's pigtails to the way they’re not super dressed up. They’re not at a bar or a record label event. How giddy they both are, Layla is giggling and gasping the entire time, and Jordan is just bustling around nervously. She lights up at the pretty ring and is excited to put it on, and they can’t get their hands off each other. Beyond obsessed at how he hugs her first, again so sweet and youthful, and a reminder that they are best friends! It’s like he wanted to share his joy with his best friend before he wanted to kiss his fiance, you know?! In general, they are very much a young couple in the way they flirt, get each other flustered, gossip, fight and make up, talk about each other to their friends, giggle and say hi. It's adorable and refreshing to the show, and the scene captured it well. I find the unbridled youngness of their love SO romantic and I like that the writers embraced it. I like that Jordan isn't pretending to be sensible, and I find it hilarious that he splurged on a ring and wanted to assure her before she answered that she deserved a fancy proposal with fireworks. Come on she’s a Material Gworl - they both are. And adorably well-suited, given that Layla is also a Wedding Girl! She knew what wedding dress she wanted like 10 years ago, and Jordan is absolutely a Groomzilla. Good for them, they enjoy weddings and they can have a great one together. It’s not something dutiful, it's not something otherly, it's something great and all theirs!
In developing their relationship, they’ve barrelled through it all. They could not love each other or want to be together, more. People say they haven’t been tested – just because you pass a test it doesn't mean you weren’t tested. Jordayla’s challenges have not been typical either, no break ups or other love interests etc, so it's cool that the next step for them is them figuring out marriage. It's not that they're going to just get whisked away this second and pop out babies. 
They have so much love to share. I love that throughout the hardship of Billy’s death, their love brought some love and light to their friends and family. Their relationship was the only thing that made Olivia smile, their coming out dinner allowed everyone to joke around and be happy for them. They were the light in those dark times. They have so much more love to give each other and everyone else! Asher said at his first wedding (lol) that Jordan was the glue for their friendship, I still believe this and putting this wedding at the centre of their vortex is good for everyone I think.
I enjoyed how it played out on-screen, your suspicions grew throughout the episode and yet none of us actually knew it was Jordan. So fun! I love how the scene cuts from Jaymee saying “...then who was the ring for?” to Jordan proposing. The immediate buzz from seeing them, and such an intimate moment, it was just gorg. It reminded me of 5x04 when their “I’m glad we slowed things down” scene cuts to them in bed. I know some people would’ve liked to see these events unfold but to me the gag of it all is just too good. The first watch experience is too perfect. They have other great slow rewatchable scenes like 5x03, 5x14 etc so there’s a great balance and I wouldn’t trade any of them. 
From a story perspective, I am excited about the potential of this. I think it will speed up our timeline. If we’re fazing out the adult stories now, I’d much rather see this! Definitely want to see all the character-focused stories, their bachelor(ette) parties, in-law scenes, all sorts of things. I’m excited to hear Layla’s voice re: their relationship. We did once in the Homecoming scene telling Simone that Jordan stayed, I want more!
The whole engagement is so unexpected and exciting that it gives me butterflies. I have no choice but to get on board because how is it that this same ship still gives me butterflies?! I felt this way in their “What are we?” era at the end of last season and yet again now in their engaged era. I don’t know how this will play out, but if it was up to me, they wouldn’t get married until late in the season, especially given that there’s likely more seasons to come. I want seeing them up there, having made it from the proposal to the altar, to feel suuuper earned. I hope they stay this fresh and exciting. I do get bored when ships get too far into being the “parent couple” so I hope I don’t live to see that day with my beloved Jordayla. I know the proposal is for a reason, the writers have a vision. By showing them at better and worse (5x11 onwards), in sickness and health (5x18), the build up was stunning and this couple has never failed me before.
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lenteur · 11 months
random thoughts about castaway diva, episode five (pt. 1)
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
Now i'm sure of it kang bo geol is jung ki ho. No one can change my mind. The way he's expressing anger because mok ha came to seoul station just because of a note. The way he's told her and ran joo time and time again not to share personal information on national television. The fact that he literally ran to seoul station without woo hak telling him what was written on the card. All details leading to him being ki ho. He was scared of his father finding out about mok ha, and subsequently about him. He's releasing all of his pent up fear and anger because he knows that his father is after him. All his efforts of hiding his identity have gone down the drain. It's understandable to see him so stressed and angry.
Mok ha's reaction is also natural. She's been alone for such a long time. She's having a hard time adjusting to the world. Her main goal is to reunite with the only person who was there for her during high school. She has no idea if he's safe or not and it's driving her crazy. Because, as much as ki ho saved and protected her, she wants to do the same now for him. She never got the chance to because he hid the ab*se pretty well. It's only on the ferry/boat that she knew ki ho was also a victim of parental ab*se. It tore her heart to know someone else was going through the same things as her. Mok ha had time to dwell on that when on the deserted island. Now that she's finally "back with the civilization" (if i can call it that), she wants to thank him and know how he's doing. She wants to help him in return. So it's only natural for her to be so adamant on finding ki ho.
I just find it weird that woo hak keeps having flashbacks that seem to involve ki ho's father. It doesn't make any sense because ki ho doesn't have a brother. Not that I know of? Did they mention any siblings in the first episode? I'm certain they talked about ki ho's mother, but I don't think the show mentioned any sibling. Anyway, I am very confused about the flashbacks.
Mok ha feeling relieved that ki ho's father hasn't found him.
It's interesting how both woo hak and bo geol keep questioning mok ha about ki ho but mok ha never stops believing in him. After all, he's the only person she could fully trust. He (ki ho) is the only one who helped her when she was on the brink of giving up completely. It goes to show how powerful kindness and empathy are. Ki ho pushed her towards her dream. He was the glimmer of hope mok ha needed in these dark times. Mok ha will never forget him. I don't know if there will be a love story in this drama but the only thing mok ha wants is to find ki ho alive and safe. She doesn't want anything else. She just needs to know he's doing okay. It's a beautiful thing to see their bond never broke (at least on mok ha's side) even after all these years. Mok ha and ki ho are each other's emotional support.
On a side note, I can't help but wonder why bo geol (who i think is ki ho) is so distant towards mok ha. I mean with all the longing gazes he throws her way and the little details that show he is ki ho (if i'm wrong i'm not it's the show being hashtag hateful towards me), I expect a bit more enthusiasm from him. I have a theory but I'm not sure about it. I believe he is distant because he's spent a really long time building his new identity. He has finally succeeded in escaping from his father so when he found mok ha, he was torn between being happy that she's alive and fearing for his own safety. Being the smart kid that he is, he knew that when his father found out mok ha was alive, he (the father) wouldn't stopped until he found his son. This could explain his cold behavior. I still wonder why he didn't reveal his identity to mok ha.
You can NOT tell me bo geol isn't ki ho. Did you see how fast he was to oppose to reporting his father to the police? The fear in his eyes reminds me of young ki ho hiding from his father and not wanting to cause a scene. The one time he tried to report his own father to the police, things turned sour. Plus add the fact he knows his father is after him. He doesn't want to face him ever again.
The emergency contact scene was wholesome 🥺
I've never wanted to swear at someone so bad. I'm talking about lee seo jun. After taking advantage of ran joo, he slowly distanced himself and the company away from her just so he could be the only ceo. He's so scared of ran joo's success because he knows she'll focus more on the talent aspect, and not so much on the marketing strategy. After becoming a household name, lee seo jun got hungry for more money and fame and it's absolutely disgusting to see. I really hope ran joo can find a loophole and reach the 20 million album sales 🤞
i like that both ran joo and mok ha are trying to find a solution to solve the album sale problem.
It's interesting to note how mok ha seems to be way more accepting towards people she loves and admires. Ran joo took out her frustration on mok ha and blamed her situation on her (mok ha) and mok ha was already apologizing when she did nothing wrong. She's had this fantasy of ran joo for a while and now she's afraid of damaging their friendship. I'm thankful bo geol is there to open her eyes, or else mok ha would still be apologizing.
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tsukuyomii45 · 2 years
Any kid head canons for obikonan
I don't think they'd have any kids but on the off chance what are your head canons?
Ngl I've been waiting for someone to ask me about ObiKonan XD
(The hashtag "Under the Influence" contains all ObiKona headcanons/thoughts/even two fanarts and hopefully with many more art to come once I have more time)
I never really thought of their kids because they're the type to have an insanely hot sexual relationship, but if they were to have kids, here's what I've got in mind:
-They would have a son; and their son would inherit Obito's black hair or maybe a darker, mkre faded shade of purple, but he would have his mother's copper eyes and round face.
-Their child is aloof and reserved unless he knows the person well enough, which makes him very selective about who he chooses as his companion, and is also very calculative and intelligent. His smiles would only show to the closest ones around him, and that would be his mother and father, and Nagato (if Nagato is alright with Obito and Konan's relationship lmao)
-Konan's pregnancy would in fact bring her and Obito even closer to each other, because they never imagined that the two of them would ever raise a child together. Their son is the most precious person to them in a world that has taken a lot away; and luckily, his parents are one of the most powerful shinobis who would easily protect him.
-Their son would be very skilled with a sword and chain just like his father, and would learn some of his mother's potent paper techniques and use them strategically (stealthily), along with traditional Uchiha techniques for more offensive, lethal blows.
-Their son awakening the Sharingan is rather questionable, given that it usually requires intense emotion for the bloodline limit to kick in, and their son tends to be less emotional and more logical and levelheaded even in crucial situations. It would take a lot to trigger a powerful emotional response, which is something he struggles with because he is not very attached to "temporary bonds", so the concept of Obito's bloodline limit is hard for him to understand.
-This does not mean their son has no emotion or a sense of sentiment, he rather expresses his emotions privately through poetry - specifically haiku. He keeps a scroll with him that he takes everywhere during his adventures as a wandering shinobi, and it would be like a journal where he would write his thoughts and feelings in the format of Japanese poetry.
-Speaking of bonds, his deepest bonds are with Obito and Konan. Their son is a family man; he would always try to find something that would make his parents happy. As a child, he'd fold origami just to impress Konan, and he would always look forward to training with his father Obito. As a grown up, whenever he's adventuring, he'd ensure to stay in touch with his parents and even send them presents every now and then. He looks up to Obito very much as a role model shinobi, and he is very protective of Konan, even when he knows Konan does not need any protection. He is not verbal about his affections, but he tends to show it with the smallest actions.
-Their son is very sharp and observant; he is able to easily detect things that are out of order even in the slightest, which is a quality that makes him a very dangerous man.
-One ironic thing that he somewhat "inherited" from Obito is "playing games with the enemy" before delivering a lethal blow. He'd throw the enemy off with riddles, and rile them up by being condescending, before striking them down at the right moment.
-Their son's grown up outfit would be a sleeveless tight shirt, and he would wear a cloak with high collars over his outfit, a tie-in to his Uchiha blood.
-When it comes to favorite foods, luckily he is not much of a picky eater, however he prefers not to eat anything pickled.
That's all for now! Feel free to share your own headcanons about ObiKonan and spread the (hot) love!
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frankzcollection · 10 months
"Elevate Your Style: Frankz Premium Quotes T-Shirt - Embrace the Unknown"
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"Celebrate Fatherhood with Style: Frankz Premium Quotes T-Shirt - I Have a Hero I Call Him Dad"
Introduction: Fatherhood is a heroic journey filled with love, guidance, and countless memorable moments. The Frankz Premium Quotes T-Shirt - I Have a Hero I Call Him Dad pays homage to the special bond between fathers and their children. Let's delve into why this T-shirt is more than just a piece of clothing—it's a heartfelt expression of paternal love.
Exploring the Significance of the Frankz Premium Quotes T-Shirt
A Wearable Tribute: This T-shirt is a stylish and meaningful tribute to the unsung hero in your life—your dad. The quote "I Have a Hero I Call Him Dad" is a powerful acknowledgment of the pivotal role fathers play.
Emotional Connection: Beyond the fabric, this T-shirt encapsulates emotions. It serves as a constant reminder of the strong and supportive figure your dad represents, creating a tangible link to cherished memories.
Fatherhood, a Heroic Journey: Fatherhood is often a journey filled with sacrifices, wisdom, and unwavering love. The T-shirt encapsulates the heroic nature of being a dad, highlighting the everyday superhero in your life.
Quality Craftsmanship: Crafted with precision and using high-quality materials, this T-shirt is not just a symbol of love but also a piece of clothing that stands the test of time. Comfortable and durable, it's perfect for various occasions.
Father's Day or Any Day: While this T-shirt makes an excellent Father's Day gift, it's also suitable for any day you want to express your appreciation. Birthdays, anniversaries, or simply a spontaneous gesture of love—this T-shirt fits every occasion.
Matching Style with Sentiment: The sleek design and black color make it versatile for different styles and outfits. From casual outings to family gatherings, wear it with pride and let the world know about the hero in your life.
Dad-Approved Comfort: The soft fabric ensures comfort throughout the day. Whether your dad is relaxing at home, enjoying outdoor activities, or attending social events, this T-shirt is a go-to choice.
Instagram-Worthy Father-Daughter/Father-Son Moments: Capture and share moments with your dad wearing this T-shirt on social media. Use the hashtag #MyHeroInFrankz to join a community celebrating the extraordinary dads around the world.
Legacy of Love: This T-shirt becomes more than just clothing; it's a legacy of love passed down through generations. Consider it an heirloom that symbolizes the enduring connection between fathers and their children.
Conclusion: The Frankz Premium Quotes T-Shirt - I Have a Hero I Call Him Dad is more than a garment; it's an expression of gratitude, admiration, and love for the hero in your life. Embrace the opportunity to celebrate fatherhood with this stylish and sentimental T-shirt.
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theirtheretheyre · 2 years
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my son has committed only four of the crimes that shigiraki has im so proud of them!
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twst-discourse-bot · 2 years
BREAKING NEWS: lesbiansinfandom Strikes Again, cutemermaidprincess Not Down For the Count?!
Hello, I am here to interrupt your peaceful scrolling experience with another fun little update on the current worst person in the TWST fandom (and a contender for the top in Genshin as well). Yes, yes, I'm sure some of you are tired of seeing me by now.
For those of you who are new to this madness and are interested in reading the backstory for what I mean, please make your way over to my FIRST MAJOR POST and my SECOND MAJOR POST as well as my LAST BIG UPDATE on the topic. Also, I encourage you to go through the evidence hashtag on my blog for further information.
For everyone who has been following along: Ray/Jordan/The Rat currently has two blogs that are revamped burners and appear to be getting ready to post her usual BS soon, those being lumineisqueen and fandomlover3458. If you haven't already, block her there.
Time for my favorite copypasta: Yuuna/Marie/Lumine/Ray/Jordan is a user in the TWST and Genshin fandom with a long history of racism, Sinophobia, homophobia, and TERF behavior, in addition to spamming tags with repetitive content and being linked to the harassment of other users.
Summary and More Below the Cut ->
New readers, once again, please go ahead and at least skim through those posts I linked, otherwise you really won't understand what the significance of the following information is.
She has gone by many names over the months, but so far, I have recorded 17 previous accounts/usernames/burner blogs that she has been using to perpetuate her nonsense. With the two newest renamings, that clocks in at 19 usernames. The names she has adopted, in what I believe to be choronological order starting around March of 2022, are as follows:
xiaoveniscanon, eimikoislove, (supposedly) femtwstocs, genshinlumine, yuunatsukuyomiinwonderland, deadyuunaacount, anonymousdiscourse, discourseinfandoms, lumineforlife, lesbiansinfandom, fandom4lesbians, mult1fandoml3sbian, magicalstorybook, cookiesandfairytales, fandomcoffee, nerdyfandomlover, cutemermaidprincess, and now lumineisqueen and fandomlover3458.
The names she has used consist of Yuuna, Marie, Ray, Jordan, Alex, and Madison, and she has (within weeks or months of each deletion and creation) has claimed to be 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 (not in order). Again, all of this is happening this year, in 2022.
And there are even more accounts that people believe to be her as well, but have no posts or activity yet, so I can't prove it. If you have had any interaction with any of these "people", it is all the same person. Am I annoyed that she's still kicking despite already having been exorcised 17 previous times? Yes.
But... I have a little piece of information that may or may not make you all feel better about the situation depending on how hilarious you find hypocrisy.
As I'm sure y'all see by now, The Rat has some very loud opinions about certain ships, mainly her campaign against people who ship Zhongli and Xiao from Genshin.
According to her, they have a familial relationship, specifically a father and son type bond, even though literally everyone she has interacted with and those who have spoken to me about the issue as well have said that she is wrong and making shit up.
Here's a screenshot from fandomlover3458 (anonymousdiscourse/discourseinfandoms) as an example, just the first one I found (lumineforlife was the old name used for lumineisqueen, same person), and this is a tame one:
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I'm know you're probably wondering, "twst-discourse-bot mod, I already know this. This is old news." BUT WAIT. There's more. I received a DM recently from someone who's been basically following this clusterfuck circus from the start (you know who you are, and I love you) and it contained some very interesting information, specifically this screenshot from the fandomlover3458 following list:
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HMM. INTERESTING. For those of you who don't want to look it up yourselves, or don't know what this screenshot means, the highlighted user is a proshipper. Meaning someone who believes all ships should be considered valid, including cases of inc*st, ped***ilia, any kind of abuse, etc.
So, ask yourself, dear reader: why is Ray, someone who has been adamantly fighting against a ship that they deem to be inc*stuous (by their own headcanon, not via actual canon information) to the point of viciously attacking users who ship it, following a proship account? Think very hard on this.
BUT. WAIT. THERE'S. MORE. They are not just following one (1) proshipper, no and they are not following 2, nor 3. They are following SEVEN EXPLICITLY PROSHIP ACCOUNTS. Highlighted for easy viewing, inclusionist is another word for proship, I believe:
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She's following only 17 accounts and nearly half of them are proship. It was like Christmas came early for me when I found this out, I was giggling and kicking my feet like a devious little schoolgirl. If you're brand new, you wouldn't get just how vindicating this discovery was, after months of dealing with her idiocy. It's like smoking crack.
Several people have come to me, over time, asking if I thought The Rat was a troll and was doing all of this for kicks. To them I have to reiterate: no. I now believe she is a slimy, nasty excuse for a human being who is projecting her own questionable enjoyments onto others by playing morality police and using logic that doesn't make sense, unless you're the type to blindly agree to anything that someone slaps the word "problematic" in front of.
And a disclaimer: I'm not interested in starting a debate over pro/anti ship with this post, I am simply putting this information out there to further illustrate her vile hypocrisy and construct my own opinions for the reasoning behind her actions. Your opinions are your own, don't try and sway me one way or another.
That's all folks! Be sure to tune in for the next installment because knowing her, she won't stop here!
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VelvetCardiganBucky’s Recommendations 2021: Week 7 | February 7–February 13
Welcome to week 7 of my recommendations, if you would like to be featured on a future list, I follow the hashtag #ktkvcbreadinglist, message me, tag me in your future works, or reblog this post and link to your story, one-shot, Masterlist, writing challenge, etc.
Be aware some if not most stories and writers on this list are meant to be consumed by an audience of those 18+. My blog is also an 18+ blog.
« Last Week
Week 8 »
My Masterlist
My Fic Rec List of Mafia/Mob Bucky/Sebastian, Steve/Chris/Andy
Stuff I Posted This Week:
The Actor and the Diplomat Playlist » Sofia and Sebastian fell hard, and they fell fast and irresistibly in love with one another with a few bumps along the way; here’s a playlist of their love.
The Sam Wilson Playlist » Sam is about to go on a mission, and he has a few songs that get him pumped up…
Bucky Barnes
(Mini) Series:
There’s a Wolf in My Heart by @river-soul » Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Reader — When you lose your virginity on a backpacking trip through Europe to an Alpha named James you never expect to see him again. James has other plans. He’s going to make the bond permanent, whether you want him to or not. [Noncon, explicit sex and ABO dynamics, 18+] First Part: You Are The Wilderness | This two-shot is so freaking good, the smut is so good. The first part you get the inkling, Bucky maybe a little dark, but the second part just proves it!
Love, Honor, and Obey by @constantwriter85 » Mob!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader — Faced with blackmail and the loss of your beloved charity, you’re forced to marry the son of your mobster father’s friend, James Barnes, in order to keep the peace between the families. Little did you know, James had fallen in love with you at first sight. As he tries to woo his new wife, a new rival family comes into play, threatening all you’ve come to hold dear. | This story, this freaking story. You know it’s honestly The Winter Ghost ( @msmarvelwrites ) for me. Where it’s not leaving my brain and I can’t stop thinking about it for hours at a time. As the story comes to the end, I can’t help but hope what looks like Bucky and Reader are getting a happy ending truly do get it, because after all they have been through they deserve it. Kat thank you for this magnificent story.
Run To You (Ch.2) by @bestofbucky » Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Mob boss Bucky Barnes hires you to be his bodyguard. | Reader still won’t take shit from Bucky, also won’t take any from Sam. I can’t wait to see where my friend takes this!
*When I Find You, I’ll Find Me by @river-soul » Bucky Barnes x Reader — After a 4th of July party at your friend’s house unearths some insecurities on Bucky’s part he suggests you’d be better off without him. You show him just how wrong he is. [Fluff with a little angst and explicit sex, 18+] | This is so unbelievably beautiful. I found myself crying and it was just written so well I could imagine it all happening. This is going to be stuck in my head for days to come.
Blow Sweet and Thick by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Bucky is having a bad day, you can help him feel good. | Sometimes when you’re having a bad day it just really helps to just stop to read a really good smutty one-shot with a Mafia!Boss Bucky in it, and this is one!
*My Sunshine by @bucksbestgirl » Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader — a song shared between you and Bucky when you’re both at your most vulnerable. | Lindsey, thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing something so beautiful. I suffer from depression and this one is close to home, and this is just something I felt everyone needs.
Sweet Dreams by @buckys-darling » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Bucky has a nightmare and you have a proposition. | Short and sweet.
A Proper Breeding by @syven-siren » Bucky Barnes x Reader — After allowing inner turmoil to take over, you finally decide that you have wanted the same thing as Bucky all along. Once you let him know, he is sure to give you a proper breeding. | I thought I may have shared this before, but it turns out I hadn’t. Let me just say the makeup smut in this, is so good.
Dying for this love by @avintagekiss24 » Mob Boss!Bucky Barnes x Black!Reader — Reader goes on a date to get revenge on Bucky. — This one-shot is intense! It’s so good and the smut is good, I couldn’t recommend it enough.
Birthday Blues by @bestofbucky » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Already in a rough patch in their relationship, Bucky forgets it’s readers birthday. Determined to make things better Natasha and Wanda help the reader forget and have a girls day. Will Bucky and reader makeup? | I don’t want to spoil this but the gift he gives her had me giggling for like five minutes after I read this. I thoroughly enjoyed this but honestly I really did want to give Bucky a v-8 to the forehead.
Sebastian Stan
(Mini) Series:
The Actor and the Diplomat by @elegantobservationstudentsblog » Sebastian Stan x OFC Diplomat!Sofia Alvarez — Two strangers lived in the same city, signed up for a dating app and both are reluctant to meet in person. Will they both have the courage to meet? And if they did, are they both willing to work it out? | Reader is independent and can make it on her own, but does she need to to? No. This story has Fluff, Smut, and Angst in it as well as appearances from the British Royals. I say give it a chance!
Steve Rogers
(Mini) Series:
Pseudo Princess by @shreddedparchment » King!Steve Rogers x Reader — Orphaned and alone, you’re going about your business when one day King Anthony Stark, ruler of Malibia, spots you on the side of the road. He orders you into his carriage where he explains that you are his one and only hope to keep the Kingdom from going to war with the Kingdom of Broklin, ruled by the virtuous King Steven Rogers. How exactly is it that you, a penniless peasant, can help save your Kingdom? | I’ve read this story now 3 times, and I will never, ever get over it. Everytime I go back and reread it, I find things I didn’t catch the first time I read it. I’m also just a fan of Royal!AU’s. This story has everything, Angst, Fluff, Smut, and Magic.
Chris Evans
Stressed by @sunflowercaptain » Chris Evans x Female Reader — Chris Evans does something for his overworked and stressed out significant other. | It’s short and super fluffy, sort of like being wrapped in your favorite blanket after a bad day, it feels good!
Made for the Gods by @cherienymphe » Zeus!Steve x Nymph!Reader x Ares!Bucky — The God of Lightning takes what the God of War has. | Like anything by @cherienymphe that I have shared, this fic is dark and delicious! I loved it so!
The Man With A Plan. by @bestofbucky » Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes — Harmless prank war turns into feelings coming forward. | Let’s just say this is hot and for the first time writing smut, it’s so freaking good. I don’t want this to be the last of Stucky x Reader in this universe!
Six Feet | Ch.1 ⚰️ Ch.2 by @queenoftheworldisdead » Dark Mob!Steve x Reader + Dark Mob!Bucky x Reader — Your family’s small funeral home comes into financial trouble. In desperation your father finds the most unlikely solution to solve his financial problems. | I would just like to say if you haven’t read this yet, you are really missing out, also I’m really sorry I haven’t added this to my Mob rec list. I love this and it’s by far one of my favorite Mob/Mafia stories. Also the smut and angst in this is just, *chefs kiss* I keep hoping for a third part.
Team-Building by @whisperlullaby » Bucky Barnes x Reader x Sam Wilson— You are an HR receptionist lucky enough to be around each time Sam and Bucky come in to attend their mediation sessions. They want to apologize for making you stay late one night. | I love me some Sam/Bucky/Reader stories and one-shots, especially when it’s got some really good smut, and this has got some really good smut in it. Becca thank you for ending my Thursday night on a good note.
(Mini) Series:
Five Shades of Hunnam: Part 1 ⚜️Part 2 by @hotdamnhunnam » Jax Teller + King Arthur + Will Miller + Raleigh Becket + Raymond Smith x Reader — The reader somehow accidentally summons her five dream characters all played by one of her favorite actors, from an alternative universes, to complete her ultimate fantasy, but are they up for it? | This two-shot/mini-series is hot and just so good. I have been a Charlie Hunnam fan for years, you can thank Garrett Hedlund, my Mum and my Aunt. This just blew my mind out of the park. I’m going to go take a shower after reading this.
Writing Challenges...
Heathers TV Challenge hosted by @heavenlypugpizza | What You Need To Know: Choose and actor or character from Marvel or one of the series listed (you can have more than one actor/character in your story) (2 stories limited actor or character), smut okay, ships and oc is fine, tag your stories with warnings, the deadline is March 10th!
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okinawa-division · 3 years
"Success is most often achieved by those who don't know failure is inevitable."
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Age 0:
He is born the third and last child to Byron and Monica Douglas in Los Angeles, CA.
Age 6:
He gets introduced to football, after watching it on T.V., starting his love for the sport.
He dreams of becoming a professional football player.
Age 8:
He asks his parents to sign him up for a football camp. They agree, provided he doesn't drop out halfway through.
He becomes one of the best players in the camp.
Age 9:
He meets his grandfather, Luther Douglas, who he immediately bonds with.
His grandfather instills in him stories of Japan and the war, starting his dislike for the country.
Age 14:
His father pulls him out of football camp the summer before he starts high school.
He starts high school.
He joins the school's football team, despite his father's opposition.
He meets his future girlfriend, Evelyn Rose, and her childhood friend, Kyler Aaron.
Age 15:
After a high school game, Evelyn asks him out on a date. He accepts.
After a few more dates, they officially become boyfriend and girlfriend.
Age 16:
His grandfather sadly passes away, making him detest Japan even more.
His death leaves a hole in Ace's heart, making him severely depressed.
His mother schedules him an appointment with a psychiatrist, which helps.
He recovers after a month of talks with his doctor.
Age 17:
He graduates high school with Evelyn and Kyler.
He plans to attend university on a scholarship for football, but his father forces him to take politics instead, causing a schism between the two of them.
He reluctantly takes classes in politics and government.
Age 21:
He graduates from university with a Bachelor's in political science.
His father makes it known that he is running for U.S. president.
Ace helps him, though he doesn't at all care if his father wins or not.
His father instructs him and his siblings to conduct themselves properly so his enemies don't use them against him.
Age 23:
In a very close race, his father manages to win the election, becoming the President of the United States.
He meets Kyler again and is surprised to see him as an FBI agent.
He spends most of his time with his mother, helping her with her projects, so as not to be around his father.
Age 24:
After hearing that Chuohku has taken over Japan, his father comes up with a plan to make America stronger.
Though there are better candidates, he appoints Ace as America's Ambassador to Japan, wanting him to create an alliance between the two countries, much to Ace's chagrin.
Ace agrees, on the promise that his father will not be involved in his life ever again once this assignment is over. His father reluctantly agrees.
A few days before he departs, Evelyn contacts him and asks to come with him for support. He agrees.
They both fly to Okinawa in Japan. The hotel they were supposed to stay in is, unfortunately, being renovated.
They meet Rashaad Young, owner of the Eagle's Nest, who allows them to stay in his bar.
Age 25:
Otome Tohoten, Prime Minister of Japan, agrees to an alliance but wishes Ace to join the D.R.B. He reluctantly agrees.
He meets Kyler, who, per his father's orders, arrives in Japan to serve as Ace's official bodyguard, much to his chagrin.
He forms the Okinawa Division rap battle team, Liberty Guild, alongside Evelyn Rose and Rashaad Young.
12 a.m. - 7:30 a.m.: Asleep
7:30 a.m. - 9 a.m.: Freshens up
9 a.m. - 10 a.m.: Eats breakfast
10 a.m. - 12 p.m.: Head to Chuohku
12 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: In conferences
3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.: Late lunch
4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.: More conferences
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.: Return home to Okinawa
8:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.: Drinking and eating dinner at Eagle's Nest
10 p.m. - 11 p.m.: Reporting in to his father
11 p.m. - 12 a.m.: Free time (Spends time with Evelyn)
Character Hashtags
Regular Hashtags
#American Badass
#Never forget you, Gramps
#Son of the president
Trauma Hashtags
#You left me too soon
#Stuck in a place I hate
#A tool in my father's plan
Other Info
Hobby: Playing pool
Weakness: Very stubborn
Trauma: "My grandfather died too soon for my liking."
Twitter: @TheAceintheHole
Drinks: Yes
Smokes: No
Special Skill: "I'm pretty good at arm-wrestling. I've yet to find someone who can beat me."
Intro Quote: "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
Trauma Quote: "They're the cause of your death... I'll never forgive them!"
Inspired by @uenodivision
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kendall-coded · 3 years
Character ass breaking-down Pt II:
Actually really want to hear your answers for Stiles too pls :)
how i feel about the character:
i love stiles stilinski. full stop. i think he was the best character to come out of teen wolf. i like his relatability, the way they played on his human-ness but still showed that he was there more than anyone else. i like that he has experienced loss in the organic, human sense, and we got to see the manifestations of that in some parts of his personality as well as personal relationships. and i like his dynamic with his dad. i like that we get to see that sheriff stilinski isn’t perfect and how that affects stiles (the wolfsbane hallucination scene at lydia’s party). i like how we’re shown that, in a lot of ways, the sheriff wasn’t always the best parent, but we get to see that there is no doubt that he loves stiles and that stiles loves him back. i believe that we got a pretty accurate portrayal of a slightly complex father/son relationship with them under these circumstances. i also like how stiles was a good source of comedic relief, but that he is also the center of most of the top emotionally-charged scenes in the show. dylan o’brien did a phenomenal job bringing stiles to life, and i don’t think he would have been as impactful of a character were he played by anyone else.
who i ship them with romantically:
derek hale. duh. hashtag trauma bonding for life. i sort of mono ship stiles/derek. while i read fic for a couple of other pairings, i would say they’re my main and the one i enjoy the most. i think it is because they each typically bear the brunt of my emotional projection, so why not put them together, y’know. for maximum efficiency and maximum damage. they are so much alike yet so different. what more could you want ???
nonromantic otp:
stiles/scott brotp for the win. i love good friend scott. i eat it up. it makes me emotional thinking about how much they love each other. it’s sick, truly. while scott may not have been the best in the show, you better believe i am going to read the heck out of some stiles/scott brotp fics as well as write good friend scott until i drop dead. i just adore them together. and in the show as well, where we get to see those moments where their years of friendship really seep through and make certain scenes more powerful (mri hug scene, when stiles delivers his dialogue in that motel california scene). we all know what i’m talking about. see also my peter ask, i like the stiles/peter friendship dynamic as well, i think it can just be so funny.
unpopular opinion:
i don’t like stiles/lydia ): i like stiles, and i like lydia, but i do not like them together. this is not because i’m all boo hoo D: stiles belongs with derek !!!1!1!!1! waaaaahhhh. i just think lydia was mean to him ???? sort of unforgivably so, at least in my opinion. i also don’t find their respective personalities to be suitable for one another. in any case, i just did not think there was enough development to swipe their past under the rug, and i think it was a bit of a cop out to fulfill the trope of finally getting the girl you always wanted, you know. even when that girl repeatedly made it clear she wasn’t interested. (also …. lydia is gay. suppppppeeerrrrr lesbo vibes. sorry. you cannot change my mind)
one thing i wish would have happened with this character in canon:
i was actually talking about this with em, and it kind of relates to my unpopular opinion, but, you know, stiles is bi. like they got as close to confirming it without actually confirming it as you can possibly get. but, with stiles’ personality, he just seems, as a character, much more suited for a male partner. or a female partner who is more like him than some randomized female sim version of derek (cough cough stiles/cora cough cough stiles/malia). like if they would have actually taken a step back and evaluated the character they created and paired him with someone accordingly, it could have actually been really well done. because, in my opinion, stiles has small quirks that are better matched for a mlm relationship. or, they should have paired him with someone with kira’s personality type and lydia’s intelligence, then it would have been much more enjoyable and believable. it feels like everyone they put stiles with was so forced because they were trying to reiterate his “straightness” or highlight his role as the comedic loser who doesn’t know how relationships work ha ha ha rather than actually give him a suitable relationship dynamic as a character. basically, i would have just liked to see him with someone who matched his character better.
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jackdaw-kraai · 4 years
Hi Jack! I was binging your Engineer Luke hashtag, and I saw an ask you responded to about the foreshadowing of Luke refusing to kneel for Palpatine implying something bigger was going to happen in the future. Can you set my poor anxious heart at ease and tell me Luke won’t ever become a slave, or is that spoilers?
I mean, I know you mentioned your theme for this whole series was soft father-son bonding/taking over the galaxy, but my poor anxious heart worries.
(Also, love this series beyond words)
Of course, dear. And I can honestly tell you that he won’t. This story is about both of them breaking Free from those that tried to chain them, and I would be terribly remiss to have Luke end up a slave. 
No, Luke might accept a chain to be bound to him some day, far off into the future of this series, but it will not be the chains of slavery, and it will be of his own free will, not the whims of another. What that chain is though, will remain a mystery for a bit longer. But one of the core themes of the Guides, aside from family, is taking responsibility for your actions, whatever that responsibility might be.  
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blueorchidrp · 3 years
Heya lovely people <3
(Brace yourselves, this is a long one! :D)
Recently, I've found myself in the mood to RP again after losing motivation during the beginning of the pandemic so I'm really hoping this ad will appeal to someone out there and I might find one or two new people to write with! :D
I'll go into detail about what I'm looking to RP in a second, but first of all, a little about me:
I'm female, 21+ and my time zone is GMT+1 (Central Europe). I'm an experienced writer and roleplayer of 10+ years. I exclusively write in 3rd person/past tense and would prefer for you to do the same.
English isn’t my first language but I’m pretty comfortable with it and I always try to keep mistakes to a minimum. Despite that, I hope you will excuse the occasional mistake! I would really prefer for you to have good spelling/grammar as well, but of course I’m not super pedantic about it and don’t mind typos from time to time. Nobody’s perfect, after all!
Usually I go for slower-paced RPs with longer replies since I'm not the fastest writer but recently I've really been in the mood for some faster-paced RPs and consequently, shorter replies. I usually aim for 300-1,500 words per reply but for this I would like to keep replies on the shorter side (at least on average and with no pressure from your side to conform to this, of course).
Obviously the length of the reply would still rely on what is happening in the RP - starters will naturally be longer than replies that heavily depend on how the other character will react.
I'm fine with having a short-term RP although I do enjoy plotting and also some occasional world-building (although admittedly I sometimes need a while to really pitch in with my ideas unless I'm already comfortable with my partners!) so long-term partners would be great!
I love chatting OOC, not only to discuss plot-related stuff but also to get to know who I am RPing with but it’s not mandatory and if you’d rather not that’s A-okay!
I prefer character-focused RPs, I’m not too good at writing action scenes and I tend to get bored of those rather quickly. I’d rather concentrate on my character’s feelings and his interactions with your character and focus on exploring their dynamic and thoughts.
I love conflict/tension in my RPs and I also love exploring more “philosophical” themes in them. I'm a huge fan of angst, (emotional) hurt & comfort, slow burn and similar genres but overall I do want an eventual happy ending. Occassional fluff is cute and more than fine as well, I just need some "meat" to the RP to keep me interested :D
Now, let’s go to what I’m craving the most right now:
I would very much like a RP that focuses on a (consensual) Dom/Sub relationship. I only do MxM pairings. I would prefer to play the dominant character for this.
I would prefer to involve at least some smut for this one (but we could also fade to black if preferred!) but overall I would really like to focus more on exploring the non-sexual aspects of the dynamic between our characters.
In general when it comes to smut, my characters tend to be switches who mainly top but if they do bottom they’re more along the lines of "power bottoms". In any case, they won’t just lie there and need your character to do all the work for them. (Obviously I can adjust that if you prefer to play the more dominant character)
For the D/s stuff I would ask that we discuss this more in depth in private, but in general I don't think I'm super kinky (I would rather not include too many "out there" ones) and my limits are pretty "standard" as well.
Broadly speaking my limits include: age play, bodily fluids, extreme kink/fetishes, mpreg, A/B/O, large age gaps, degradation.
Some key words of stuff I really enjoy (I'll try not to go overtly sexual):
- Devotion
- Obedience
- Praise Kink (!!)
- Collars/Leashes
- Kneeling
- Spanking
- Titles of Respect
- Terms of Endearment
- Begging
- ...
Some dynamics I enjoy (none of these are a must, of course! This is just to give you a general idea of what I might be looking for):
- the sub being a badass outside of the relationship and only being vulnerable around the dom
- the sub being physically stronger/bigger than the dom (!!!)
- the sub being rather shy/timid
- the dom being a little uncertain of what he wants in the beginning/needing to find himself as a dom
- also the dom in general also getting to be vulnerable
- the sub being super devoted/eager to please
- the sub taking care of the dom
- or: the dom taking care of the sub
- both being really in love with each other
These are the kinds of ideas I'd like to explore (Of course I'm also open to other scenarios/pairings as well, if you have something else in mind!):
Crime Boss x Right-Hand Man:
I'm really craving this one right now! I'm imaging this powerful mobster and his faithful right-hand man who is hopelessly devoted to his boss and willing to do whatever it takes to make sure his boss stays on top. I would prefer for the boss to be the dom and the right-hand man to be the sub.
Son of Crime Boss x Bodyguard:
Celebrity x Bodyguard:
For the first one I'm imagining that the son would be trying to make a name for himself and get out from under his father's thumb (and the bodyguard helping him). For the celebrity one I would imagine the celeb maybe being an actor or some sort of pop/rock star. I would prefer for the bodyguard to be the sub.
Royal x Servant, Royal x Knight:
This can be fantasy/historical (European/East Asian) or even modern. I'm imagining the servant/knight and the royal having been childhood friends and the servant/knight being raised with the knowledge that he would have to protect the royal once he grows up. I really enjoy the idea of one character swearing to serve another for the rest of his life. I would prefer for the knight/servant to be the sub and the royal to be the dom.
Elder Vampire x Fledgling Vampire:
Vampire x Human:
For the first one: Maybe the fledgling vampire was abandoned by his sire and the elder vampire finds him and decides to show him the ropes. For the second one: Maybe the human is a sort of ghoul (like from Vampire: the Masquerade) or human servant or maybe he's just someone the vampire stumbled across while out and about. I would prefer for the (elder) vampire to be the dom and the fledgling/human to be the sub here.
Best Friend x Best Friend:
I got the idea of these college-age guys that slowly discover that they like each other. Maybe they're childhood friends or maybe they've met in college. I’m happy to hear what ideas you might have for this pairing, of course, but a personal favourite of mine is to pair a more stoic (or even grumpy) leaner smart/sarcastic guy with a more jock-like/buff guy who is perpetually happy and optimistic who follows character A around and eventually endears himself to him through sheer persistence.
I love exploring soulmate AUs, I’m a sucker for all variations of this trope but I’ve been thinking about an idea for a society that places each member of a bonded pair in one of two categories, and members of one category are treated as lesser in society/expected to serve their other half. For this I would definitely like to do some more world-building and really exploring the philosophy of this world as well! It would also be cool to have our character maybe fight against the expectations set by this society but I'm definitely open to other ideas as well!
Apart from that I enjoy a lot of different variations of the soulmate trope but my favourite is the classic idea that involves soulmates having a sort of mark on them that helps them identify who their partner is <3
Make a suggestion!
I don't have an pre-made OCs so I would come up with a character once we've decided on a plot but of course you can use whatever character you want! I usually don't use FC and just describe what I imagine my character to look like but if you can point me to some good FC ressources I would be willing to look for one if it's important to you! The ages of my characters depend on the plot/dynamic we're going for but they mostly tend to be around 20-45!
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Supernatural, Dragon Age, Detroit: Become Human, Vampires: the Masquerade, Marvel/Avengers, DC, Batman/Joker, Merlin (BBC), Shameless (US). 
At the moment I really enjoy the pairing of Roman Sionis x Victor Zsasz (they're the inspiration for the Crime Boss x Right-Hand Man idea) so if anyone is up for that pairing as well, let me know! I also really enjoy the pairing Mickey x Ian (Gallavich) from the show Shameless, if anyone is interested in that one!).
I would prefer not to RP anything involving child abuse, underage characters in sexual situations, incest and similar themes. (I’m fine with these things being part of your character’s back story and your character dealing with the after-effects of them but I don’t want to actively RP them!).
I’m also exclusively looking for MxM pairings, so please don’t contact me if you’re looking for someone to RP a MxF plot with! And please be at least 18+. I don’t feel comfortable RPing with anyone younger, even if the RP doesn’t have any smut in it.
I mostly RP on Discord these days, but I'm also open to other mediums, mainly E-mail, tumblr or GoogleDocs!
I would prefer for you to already have a plot in mind (or at least a vague idea of what you want to roleplay) before contacting me!
Thank you for reading all of this! Have a great day & stay safe and healthy!
Discord: blueorchid [hashtag] 8092
E-mail: blueorchid.roleplay [at] gmail [dot] com
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anti-jack-kline · 4 years
Look I don't LOATH Jack as like, a person. In universe, he seems like he has good intentions. He's boring af and I don't like him but I don't want to murder him violently.
But I keep seeing posts about how "Cas is so much softer than he used to be! He's a dad now! Dadstiel is so good!" And I mean what the hell??? Yes, Cas is softer than he used to be. But it's not because of Jack??? At all??? He's been growing softer and more human since season 4??? And Cas is barely seen on screen with Jack EVER??? The one episode where Jack and Cas hunt together and have bonding time, Cas spends the entire episode obviously annoyed and resentful that he was given babysitter duty when he'd rather be with Dean? That's canon???
Cas takes care of Jack because he feels obligated to. Because he told Kelly he would. And because he truly believe Jack will bring paradise. We've already seen that Cas's biggest flaw is his need to feel useful. Well Kelly gave him a purpose. He WILL protect her child so Jack can bring paradise. THAT'S why he sold himself to the empty. It wasn't paternal love and he never pretended it was?? He says in his own words, multiple times, why he's protecting Jack and it's never paternal??
He seems fond of Jack. And he's a compassionate guy. Of COURSE he's going to treat Jack with kindness and try to help him. But comparing how he interacts with Jack to how he interacts with Claire, I think it's pretty obvious he doesn't see Jack as his son.
I wish I could whole-heartedly agree with you there, but sadly, the text of the show does claim that Cas sees himself as a father. Not that I see it that way; there’s much more to being a parent than just calling yourself one - and indeed Cas did little parenting, did he? - and it was so shoved into everyone’s face that it was, frankly, not the least bit believable. A hashtag I once saw says it all: #found family more like forced family
Also, you’re definitely right that Cas growing more human WAS his character arc, not that idiotic “I want Paradise now because a magical fetus made my eyes glow yellow”... I’m not even going to call it a plot. 
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