#hate tagging
mobby-bobby · 2 months
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Ya know I wish people liked OCs more chat. I remember scrolling through TikTok and seeing a video about OCs. The person was making fun of how OCs are “out of place” and just overall being so negative! I couldn’t believe lots of people were agreeing, idk, I always thought OCs were cool! Each fandom I’m in, I always made an OC. Especially because it gave me more time to not only focus on a character I could call my own, but also gives room to explore Canon Character’s personality and background.
Also I am starting school next week. I don’t wanna go but wiebejebeje, I have no choice chat. Wish me luck :(
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tina2180 · 4 months
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Happy Mermay!
I hate this man... But I'll maybe make a part 2
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mylittlepad · 4 months
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kovacs-of-courage · 1 year
Crimson Snow
This is a short blurb I wrote for Warriors a while ago, I wanted to write something with the quote below, and involving Warriors at the beginning of his adventure.
They underestimate you at their own peril
Valor hit the ground tumbling, bitter snow running through the tears in his tattered tunic. The cries of his knights over the ridge took his concern, even as the wizzrobe’s spell tried it’s damnedest to poke and prod at every one of his body's nerves. It was amazing, really, how much faith Impa had in him, especially now- as he lay half dead, in a frozen ditch. 
Valor shambled to get to his feet, his teeth chattering, the frigid air biting at his exposed skin. Winter had set in over Hyrule, yet the campaign’s march hadn’t slowed. It was his first winter on campaign, and his first campaign in command, two red-flags for the price of one. Valor hurriedly sifted through the snow for his sword, his hands having gone numb. There was a panic bubbling in his gut, the type of fear that threw away thought and reason entirely. His men needed him, his men needed a hero, and he was failing them.
Each second that passed felt like an eternity, another moment for more blood to be spilled on his hands. When he finally grabbed ahold of his sword, there was no sense of relief, only the mad sprint to the battlefield. Valor was green in more ways than just his choice of clothes, and all of his men knew it. He was proving it to himself now, breathlessly sprinting through the frozen forest. He’d been promoted to officer from recruit-in-training after his actions during the attack on Hyrule Castle, an unprecedented move by Impa. Valor knew she expected great things of him, the stuff of legend. 
He struggled to share her unflappability.
Valor caught up to his column, entrenched in fierce combat with the monsters that’d ambushed them. He caught the eyes of more than a few of his knights, and it wasn’t hard to tell why. The veneer of his carefully curated appearance had been broken completely. He looked like hell, like he’d just been thrown head first into a bokoblin camp, and then spat back out into a lizardos den.
Valor ignored their stares, like he ignored the lingering pain firing through his side. He had to appear strong, to be the person that his men needed him to be. The panic from earlier had calmed, now that he was in the eye of the storm. It took a moment for him to find his second in command, the lines of battle were so spread out. 
The soldier in question, his first sergeant, upon seeing Valor--had reacted somewhere in between the lines of surprised that he was alive, and relieved that their leader wasn’t going to be knocked off the census.
“S-Sir, I’m glad to see you’re alive! We almost thought you were a goner” The knight stammered.
Valor put on a smile, confident.
“Have a little more faith, Ians. If I’m going to die, it’s going to be on my feet.” Valor said.
“Of course sir,” first sergeant Ians replied.
“What’s been going on since I was gone? Valor asked.
Ians took a pregnant pause, seemingly doing a once over of his platoon, who had taken the grim task of protecting their wounded.
“It’s not looking good, sir. Third and fourth platoons were cut off from the rest of us almost immediately. First has been protecting our wounded here, and the second platoon is having a hell of a time trying to free those trapped. That wizzrobe is making it damn near impossible. ” Ian said.
Valor turned to the east, where the second platoon was fighting, and where the cackling laugh of the wizzrobe echoed from. 
“I want you to keep first on lockdown here, the wounded are your priority. I’m going to help  second platoon.” Valor said.
“With all due respect sir, you’re going to get eaten alive in the condition that you’re in.”
It was a valid concern, Valor didn’t fault his officer for bringing it up. He had limits like any other person, with boundaries he physically couldn’t cross, or so he told himself. The role of a hero required him to be more than he was now, he had to be an icon of victory, not a mortal stuck on the reins of their own limitations.
He would be who his country needed him to be, and right now, they needed a Warrior.
Valor didn’t look back to Ians, his vision set on the coming conflict. 
“We all make our own fates, sergeant.”
Of his victory, he had no question.
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bro-man-dude-guy · 7 months
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Collection update! Going well so far! Planning on getting more Lemon Demon tapes soon and ironically i still don’t have a CD player
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mroddmod · 9 days
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the queen of the disco or whatever
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cloud-ya · 6 months
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outcast of the village
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helpimstuckinafandom · 5 months
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callisteios · 6 months
i made a character uquiz. i 100% promise you that you will get a character you know AND like
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neurovarious · 7 months
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perplexingly · 1 month
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My favourite Merrill banter
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bluedmonsst · 3 months
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shayneysides · 1 year
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hobie: kill yourself
original format from @ha-youwish in this post!
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thatskindarough · 4 months
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electricabsolution · 2 months
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this homestuck discourse shit is easy
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bixels · 9 months
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