#have some fun with this absolute mess of a canon eh?
boringbluebitch · 3 days
SlenderDad Headcanons
“Slenderman wouldn’t be a father figure to the pastas, he’s manipulative and that’s unrealistic/not canon-“ Anyway here’s some of my random headcanons of Slender being a father to the creeps cus it’s fun :3
- He’s the type of parental figure who tries too act like he’s “cool” and “nonchalant” and thinks he’s doing a good job at it but he actually isn’t and is TERRIBLE at it because he cares too much.
- Absolutely a girls dad 100% idc what anyone says. Jeff got stabbed? eh, he’ll be fine its not the first time EJ will fix him up. But Sally got a paper cut? You better get out the way cus he’s rushing to make sure she’s ok and he WILL trample over anyone in his way.
- Sally is in fact his number one favorite and no one can convince me otherwise. He lets her get away with pretty much whatever and treats her like a princess. (as everyone should)
- Going alongside with the point above this, Lulu is his second fav. (no I’m not projecting just because she’s my fav why would you think that..)
- He knows some basic sewing and mending skills so he “secretly” patches and fixes the creeps clothes for them. (they’re running through the woods, killing people, and doing crazy shit like 24/7 so ofc they constantly mess up their clothes) I just imagine Toby coming back after a long mission to find all his socks that once had holes in them no longer do. Or Nina complaining to Clockwork that she ripped her favorite skirt and being so sad about it, but when she comes back from a small spree the next day it’s sitting on her bed as good as new.
- He likes to give the creeps small “gifts” every once in a while. He’s never up front about it though he’ll just leave it in their room mysteriously (unless it’s one of the girlies) which sometimes comes off a bit ominous and creepy but it’s just him trying to make a sweet gesture and they recognize that.
- Idc what anyone says he cooks for them sometimes. He had no idea how to cook before, but the more and more creeps that started to pile up he became interested to learn. He’s not a master chef or anything, but he can make some basic stuff and it’s actually not too bad. They don’t have family dinners though imo, I don’t think they would ever sit together around a big table or anything, he just makes the food and says “eat when you want cus it’s here” and then leaves them too it.
- He’s such a proud LGBTQ+ supporter/ally guys don’t even play with me on this one. And the following is a situation I imagine happened (idc how unrealistic it is, it’s silly in my head therefore it’s true to me):
Slenderman: Hello Jane. I want to discuss a very important matter with you if you have the time.
Jane: …yes?
Slenderman: Well, I over heard the other day that you fancy women and I just wanted too let you know that I support you and I am a fellow LBTGQ+ ally.
Jane: …uh…thank you?
Slenderman: You are very welcome.
A lil bonus doodle cus why not ^_^
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jugheadvarchoni · 20 days
Ranking my Top 10 Riverdale relationships
Buckle up for this one. Got some hot takes for ya, and I yap for too long about my favorites. I also just want to preface this by saying every single relationship in this show has its faults, like relationships irl. And Riverdale in general didn’t do a great job with writing friendships specifically. So a lot of the friendships on this list don’t have a ton of material. A lot of my own feelings and head canons therefore play a big part.
Once again, these are MY opinions! :)
10. Jughead & Tabitha
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None of Jughead’s romantic relationships did that much for me. Tabitha was the only where I was like “eh, that’s fine”. Their chemistry wasn’t anything to write home about, but they were sweet & I think Tabitha is a good character. They were done SO dirty in S7 tho…
9. Archie & Reggie (platonic)
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This is mainly for the S7 of it all. The threesome was NOT it, but their bromance was so fcking adorable and hilarious in S7. I did love the rivalry they had in previous seasons too.
8. Toni & Tabitha (platonic)
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Ughhhh what an underrated and healthy friendship. Tabitha in general deserved more/better, but what we did get with these two was awesome. Easily of the BEST dynamics in the S5/S6 era of the show.
7. Betty & Veronica (platonic)
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Beronica. SOOOOO iconic. One of the most iconic duos in comics. But… I think a lot of their relationship was very one-sided, with Veronica often being a much better friend to Betty. Mainly in S2-S6. Their closeness fell off after S1 and then S7 they kinda rekindled it, but also went romantic with it. Which, personally, I wasn’t the biggest fan of. I felt like the opportunity to properly explore that (and not have it feel tacked on) passed a long time ago. But alas, they are incredibly iconic and I loved them in S1.
6. Kevin & Clay
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Clay, the love interest Kevin always DESERVED. Loving, supportive, kind, it’s just too bad it took them until S7 to give us this kind of relationship for Kevin. And between Clay's social justice & art, he wasn't just a one-dimensional love interest either. One of only TWO canonically confirmed endgames on the show, I enjoyed watching their relationship grow over the final season.
5. Jughead & Cheryl (platonic)
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ALRIGHT, hear me out! This one may be a little niche, and we didn’t get that much of them, but I wanted more SOOOOO BADLY. They are so very opposite in many, many ways, but that’s part of why their dynamic could’ve been so interesting and fun. I think their scenes in 7x18 are very indicative of the kind of hilarity that could’ve ensued from their friendship. Even though they fight and are snarky with one another, there was almost always a mutual respect and trust between them. Also, the fact that there is 0 chance for romance & they’re two of my absolute favorites just makes it even more appealing to me lol.
4. Veronica & Cheryl (platonic)
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The friendship Veronica always deserved imo! Yeah, it may be one of the more complicated ones. But they’re two sides of the same coin, who went through SO much together. Nick, the maple rum business, Veronica helping Toni save Cheryl from Quiet Mercy, etc. I feel like they were often very supportive without having to be so outright about it. They have had a very intense rivalry and some not so great moments (Cheryl slut shaming the girls, Veronica included), but at the end of the day their dynamic is so interesting and their pasts/families are so similarly dark and messed up that I think they could’ve been the best friendship on the show.
3. Archie & Jughead (platonic)
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Ohhhhhh my best boys! I’ve always found them to be the real heart and soul of the source material. Like most of the friendships on the show, they definitely dropped off in later seasons, they went through so much, supported each other through so much, that it’s hard to not keep rooting for them, even if the writers let their romantic relationships get in the way of showcasing their great friendship. Despite fights and disagreements, they always come back together to support the other when they need it. Like Archie having Jughead stay at his house when Jug was living at school, when Jughead followed Archie on the run, or when Archie stood up for Jughead against Reggie. They will always be my favorite Riverdale friendship and I wish they hadn’t been another victim of the rvd writers in the later seasons.
2. Archie & Veronica
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My beautiful Varchie… They were my very first ship on the show, I was rooting for them from the very beginning. Their blooming romance in S1 specifically had so much heart, that their scenes still stand out as some of the cutest and most sincere moments on the show for me. She was there by his side when Fred was shot, they were both there for each other with everything Hiram put them through, even when Archie was imprisoned. They are over-hated to an insane degree, and tend to be reduced to being “all about sex” for a lot of fans, which I just find kind of… gross. They’re emotional, young, consensually physical together, both attractive people, so what’s wrong with that? All that doesn’t mean they don’t have a genuine connection.
I think Archie really shows her that she can and deserves to love and be loved by someone else, that love isn’t about money or power but about support & respect. Likewise, Archie gets strength from her, he’s introduced into a whole new world, one that helps him grow and figure out what he wants from life. He brings her down to earth and she teaches him to reach for the stars. I think growing together and learning from one another is such a beautiful and integral part of any relationship. Also imo, they have chemistry in freakin SPADES. Ugh I just really love them together. They deserved to be endgame, to find their way back to each other and moved to California to experience a new way of life together.
1. Cheryl & Toni
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MY BELOVED CHONI. Was there really any other option here? Their love story is truly one of the most heartwarming and beautiful ones I’ve ever seen on tv. Enemies to lovers to exes to starcrossed lovers across all space and time. True soulmates, meant to find each other time and time again in every universe. Despite every relationship being turned on its head in S7, Choni were the only consistent ones. Only wanted each other. And even though they were estranged for 7 years and went through crazy (sometimes toxic shit) in high school, they never fell out of love. They came out of it all stronger and better for it all, even. Before S7, their relationship fell to the wayside, as did almost every other pairing (*sideyes Bughead*), but everything we got still showed them to be incredibly supportive, loving, and loyal.
Toni was there for Cheryl every step of the way, she helped her come out, she made her see that she’s worthy of love. That she is more than what her family abused her into thinking. And Cheryl had her personal issues and didn’t always handle it well, but she ALWAYS had Toni’s best interests at heart. Always. She gave Toni the family and life she’d always craved, Cheryl gave HER a kind of love she didn’t realize she deserved. A bombastic, passionate love full of mutual support. They were there for each other, without hesitation. And S7 just showed that they had all that AND had grown and learned from their past mistakes. S7 showed Toni having more agency, with Cheryl right there to actively support her in everything she chose to do. Not to mention, Madelaine & Vanessa’s chemistry was outta this world insane… like… whoa.
One of the ONLY endgames on the show! They got their happy ending, found a life together full of art and love. They lived full gorgeous sexy lives with their son Dale, and are now together forever in the Sweet hereafter. Iconic. Beautiful. SOULMATES. 🫶
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Okay, Sith!Luke au sounds incredible!!! I haz questions
What's Din's whole perspective on things? Is he (like canon) blissfully unaware of who and what Luke is? Does he know and just not care? Is he just doing anything to protect Grogu, only to realize that the 'teacher' is very dangerous but has also imprinted on Din just as much as Din has fallen for him?
What about Grogu? Does he understand the darkness in Luke? Is he averse to it? Or does he go all in on the dark side to protect his dad?
OOOOHHH YES YES YES I'd LOVE to get into Din and Grogu stuff! (I'm realizing this will be another long one so there's your warning lol)
As for Din --
In my AU, after the Death Star blows up in 0 ABY, Luke begins to take personal undercover missions to continue undermining the Empire. To stay anonymous, he hires an untraceable mercenary that doesn't ask questions and is also not fond of the Empire - this is where Din Djarin comes in. (Din doesn't have a lot developed pre-Mando season 1 other than he's been bounty-hunting - and before that - taking mercenary jobs for a while, so why not utilize that for a story I want?) While working with Luke in this time period, Din has absolutely no idea who Luke is other than he carries a "red laser-sword" and doesn't show his face. He knows Luke as The Stranger, and for a few years takes jobs from Luke since he pays very well (that Empire money eh). Din is vaguely aware that his jobs have small impacts on the war against the Empire, so he is fine with complying, especially since they are relatively low-risk.
Things take a turn in 4 ABY when Luke hires Din to rescue Han Solo from Jabba's Palace. (one of the few pieces of fic I finished -- FREE SOLO) In this mission, Din sees Luke's face, learns his name (however doesn't recognize it from anywhere), and learns that he KNOWS specific people that a key to the rebellion (Lando, Han Solo, Leia, Chewbacca). The whole ordeal puts Din in more trouble than he bargains for. Luke declares an end to their business relationship because of this and cuts Din off, but it doesn't kill Din's festering curiosity as to who Luke is. He doesn't pursue further, but that curiosity lingers until they meet again.
Luke and Din meet again in a way that mirrors the end of Season 2 of Mando (because I thought it was a fun idea, and YES I have managed to write that out too -- SHADOW ON THE BRIDGE). This is where Din learns that Luke is not only a Sith, but the EMPEROR of the Neo Empire. I've been (ever so slowly) updating the fic of the aftermath of that, where Din meets with Luke again and where they begin to have those conversations of what will happen to Grogu.
In this next fic - First Steps into Darkness - I do want to explore how Din takes up the mantle of Mand'alor and how he uses his previous relationship with Luke to rebuild his world and also create an alliance to further push the Imperial Remnant threat out of the galaxy. Din deals with opinions about this from all sides, from Bo-Katan who has a difficult time trusting Luke, to Din's Clan that are between against and neutral on the matter. (Also keep in mind that I've been planning this part of the story before Mando S3 -- I do use some aspects of S3 but also very much divert from it).
What keeps Din coming back to Luke is ultimately his curiosity, both in Luke's abilities as a leader/negotiator and in him being this mysterious entity. Luke's fervor for his religion, his quest for familial answers, his internal battle of identity -- these are all things that Din relates to. (Luke's a bit more of a hot mess than Din is but -- you know, they have commonalities that they can lean on).
I also really like the concept of the Darksaber having its own sort of Force sentience to the point where Din has to work with it (it's a little like Haunted!Din but instead of outright possession it's more like -- Venom, or something like that, where they work together). Having Luke as a resource to navigate that territory further connects the two.
Needless to say, despite what rumors and warnings Din has been given, he doesn't understand why the "Dark Side" of the Force is considered the "bad" Force and why the "Light Side" is considered the "good". Perhaps it's because he's only really interacted with Luke, and perhaps it's because Mandalorians have a checkered history with getting along with "Light Side" Jedi users as well. His perspective could be biased or he probably just believes that Luke is not what others want to make him seem. Either way, the fact that Luke is a Sith doesn't necessarily make Din distrust him outright, especially since he's the only one that will agree to help hone Grogu's powers.
Since's Luke's appearance in rescuing them from Gideon's Cruiser, Grogu is INTRIGUED with Luke and the pull to the Dark Side. In his little mind, Luke is powerful, really cool, and can make Gideon pee his pants -- of course he sees that and goes "ooh I wanna be like that guy".
First Steps into Darkness, while I mentioned will go into some of Din's story, will ultimately be a focus on Grogu (when I eventually finish it lol). I think child characters (especially cute bait like Grogu) often get the short end of the stick in terms of development, and it's SUCH a missed opportunity in my eyes. Children have very simple and blunt observations, and they SOAK up the world around them -- putting the mess of Sith Luke and through GROGU'S perspective is so fun to me.
Luke is not afraid of teaching Grogu, but he's afraid of Grogu idolizing him like HE did Vader. Despite Luke's attachment to his father, Vader was -- NOT really the best father, and deep down Luke knows that and is afraid. He keeps a distance from Grogu that Grogu is always trying to close. Grogu knows that Luke is just a teacher and that he's often not very personable with him. But Grogu sees how Luke's power has the ability to protect, he sees something in him like did with Din (who was also not very warm at first). Grogu believes that if he learns what Luke knows, he can too can become that protector that can stop wars and help those he cares about.
Grogu also continues to learn from Din about Mandalorian culture, so he isn't completely split between one or the other -- in fact, Luke encourages Din to keep sharing his roots with his son. The teachings of both Mandalorians and Sith are eventually the teachings that shape Grogu's perspective on loyalty, emotions, power, and so on. He's observant as hell, so he soaks everything up like a SPONGE.
And let's be honest, the Grogu realizing he could learn some tricks that maybe the Jedi forbade sounds a bit fun to him. He is still a kid after all.
Sorrynotsorry that was long -- I love talking about these concepts, and honestly answering these questions is helping me type out my thoughts to use as reference later. It's getting me fired up to keep writing and editing too.
Thank you again for the questions @just-prime -- I hope you found this interesting!!
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Mario Sunshine remake/Sequel where its a canonically few years on from the last sunshine game and Bowser Jr is a bit older and a bit bigger and hears that the Mario and Princess are going back to the island on holiday and goes huh, well, I'm bigger. I think I'm gonna get that Mario.
And thus plans to kidnap Princess Peach again to try again because he's gotten bigger he's got a bigger ego big man syndrome but he's not dumb he recruits his siblings too because hey potentially fighting / messing with Mario AND warm holiday fun times. I feel like Wendy would love it like yes relaxation Sun and fun. So they go to cause mayhem, Bowser probably knows they're up to something since they all just leave but eh, they'll holler if they need help they're getting older he trusts they'll be okay, maybe sends Kamek to spy/for updates he doesn't wanna be a helicopter parent but also wants to see how well they do and be ready to leap in and help if necessary. It'll mean that each area likely has a Koopalings boss or two so fun spicing it up from last time with obviously some old bosses thrown in.
They don't realise though that Luigi got sent in advance as bait pretending to be Peach arriving early blacked out plane windows guards with umbrellas to hide the 'princess' from view ect, just in case of a repeat of last time/bowsers shows up so at least if they do cause problems the Princess can be kept out of the way as Mario arrives to fix things. So the Koopalings show up and go to the hotel demanding for the Princess' room, don't question the fact they're given her room number no problem and go and grab 'her' hastily tied up gagged and in a sack or something. Poor Luigi was probably just out/was going in the shower getting dressed/not yet undressed (no nakey weegie here) and the steam obscured the Koopas vision and so he got snagged.
And thus game begins Mario has to go save his brother who was kidnapped, recollecting suns in the process ect like a good person since the Koopalings probably screwed with them too and paint absolutely everywhere with probably color coordination/pattern coordination to each Koopa so you can guess who's in which level like pink hearts for Wendy, crazy multicolor swirls for i believe Larry or iggy whichever the hyperactive one is ect. At some point in the game there's a cutscene of the Koopalings all enjoying the steamy warm flying jacuzzi, some nursing wounds after a beat up from Mario and probably Wendy maybe Roy Roy strikes me as empathetic is like hey it kinda feels unfair to have Peach tied up in a sack in a floating cage while we enjoy the hot water, maybe we should let her out for a bit? And after some debating Jr mentioning that well she didn't want to join him and dad last time they agree cause like they all kinda like momma Peach even if they know she's not really their mom they're more here for fun than malice so it feels right to let her enjoy the warm water and drinks with them. Ludwig waves his wand and the cage floats down and they open it taking off the sack and, "LUIGI???" They're all fucking stunned cause???? The green one??? What?? Where's Peach?? How?? When?? Ludwig did you mess up your magic and swap them??? Promptly starting a major uproar argument between all the siblings over who cocked this up big time. Luigi is just eehhhehe. He's very awkward. At one point one of them is like well I mean sometimes hes there when beating dad this might stall Mario for a bit, plus we can always still get Peach later and that'll be two captives over Mario. This settles them as they murmur agreements and Ludwig magics more drinks which definitely helps ease over the mood, they're probably drinking pg safe coconuts with straws no tropical island drinks here if you get my drift they're probably not old enough to drink alcohol XD. One of them puts Luigi on the floating duck in the middle of the water so he can't escape and puts a drink in his tied hands adjusting the knots so he has enough mobility to lift it to drink from the straw.
Meanwhile Bowser? Absolutely cackling losing his shit laughing at his kids rookie mistake of not questioning the lack of resistance. He loves his kids but he is gonna laugh at the cock up. But he is proud they're doing well despite that but he's on the throne wheezing and has dented his arm rest from banging his fist down in laughing hysteria.
Another cutscene later in the game, Luigi still on the duck drinking coconut drink as Ludwig complains to him about something maybe his siblings not appreciating music as Luigi nods his head understandingly. Every so often there's a cutscene with a Koopaling just kinda talking to Luigi while he floats on his duck it's for character building and just funny imagining him just stuck duck floating around as the kids talk to him. Maybe at one point he's actually in the water floating on his back while Junior floats beside him also on his back like "I just worry ill never surpass my dad you know? Like, I'll always just be Junior. A smaller Bowser. A shadow of my father's glory." and Luigi balancing a coconut drink on his stomach is like "Hmm. I knowa what you mean." just lmao bonding floating about together, "Illa say you're definitely a lotta more scary then you were, youra growing into your own person with your owna style. Working witha your siblings very clever." and Junior scoffs and is like "It's nothing my dad's never done we've always helped him." and Luigi counters, "But, youra helping eacha other, Morton has beena here twice healed up went backa out there, Ludwig hasa boosted Wendy and Lemmy witha magic already fora rematches. Thata will be keepinga Mario on his toes. Workinga with other bosses too, tricky stuff, you have good ideas." just lmao being nice he knows what it's like to be in a shadow and he is kinda terrified and impressed by juniors game plan with the Koopalings being able to swap back recharge swap back in. Plus he doesn't know if the Koopas temper will shift so genuine compliments and peace keeping so he's not drowned.
This game definitely is probably longer and harder with the kids getting stronger and coming back for more but eventually they'll reach their limit unable to go back to fighting. In cutscenes they'll be seen sat out the water or in the water with bandages looking too tired to go back and fight. The end fight is likely with Junior at the jacuzzi his siblings tho tired lend some help making it very difficult but their attacks are infrequent and slow. Maybe Bowser shows up probably right at the end after beating junior but I don't think he'd join the end fight/be a final surprise boss, the kids did a good fight but they've lost and he doesn't think they'd want him jumping in stealing their fight so he shows up as the escape assist and they all escape to dad cause ya know a good future king knows when to retreat. And like you get Luigi back the kids noticeably waving bye to him Junior saying "I'll see you next time Luigi! And I'll get you Mario!!!" as Luigi shyly laughs cause oh no what has he started. Ends happy Peach arrives they all enjoy their holiday, though Luigi absolutely passes out at his hotel room on his bed as he's thoroughly holidayed out. Mario and Peach walk the beach together into the sunset chatting and laughing.
Cut to bowsers Castle of kamek helping heal the kids up while Bowser absolutely lovingly laughs at and bullies his kids for the hotel mix up and junior is very embarrassed before Bowser scoops him into a playful noogie saying "I couldn't be more proud of you!" and Junior just??? "but we failed to get peach??" and Bowser laughs and is like "you think /I/ succeeded the first time I tried?? It went horribly wrong and blew up in my face! You actually kidnapped someone, Mario was terrified and you all planned to raise the stakes if given the chance adapting to the situation. You did really brilliantly." just tells his kids how good of a job they did but also laughs and is like "oh the old wrong hotel room trick" wiping his eye from crying laughing. Let him lovingly rib on his kids XD bullying is a love language.
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the-marron · 8 months
Tagged by @miss-ingno - I was certain I did this twice already, but I cannot for the life of me find these posts for some reason, so I shall reply again 😅 Thanks for the tag!
How many works do you have on AO3? 150
What's your total AO3 word count? 1,284,770
What fandoms do you write for? recently I used to write the most to Guardian and Weilan derivatives (Luolin!~) but I am slowly and surely slowing down on writing altogether
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? skipping that one, I am certain I answered this one around five times and the answer is still the same. I can say that my most kudosed work is at 1,220, because I think this is the only new info I can offer on the topic.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I love writing comments and responding to them, no matter how much time passed! It's great to get a comment on something I posted around 10 years ago and remember what I thought about, how I saw that ship back then, and all that, plus sometimes people simply share their thoughts about the canon work itself in the comments and I love to have discussions with people I would not meet otherwise.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? eh, idk? My angst-meter is broken, so I cannot discern what is the saddest thing I committed. Probably either Unceasing Path (Luolin) or When I Make an Oath to the Flames (Weilan), but I don't know really.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? well, not sure at all either. But I think the Grindeldore series?
Do you get hate on fics? More like hate on me personally, but not often, thankfully
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I don't. Usually the story I want to tell doesn't need any sex scenes, because the emotions that would come up in those were already explored earlier, in a different way, and I do find them boring, so why force myself.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Oh, I absolutely do and I enjoy them both in reading and in writing. Weilan derivs are crossovers already, so I've written quite a lot of those. I think the craziest crossovers I've written are also the ones I will not publish, so I shall remain silent 😆
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not all of it, just ideas and scenes
Have you ever co-written a fic before? YES! And I love the experience!
What's your all-time favorite ship? No idea, any time I find a new ship I adore it pretty much looks like this:
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What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I have only one WIP in the works and I am pretty sure I will finish it, as for the rest - I only have ideas and I might end up abandoning them and never doing anything about them, so not exactly WIPs, are they
What are your writing strengths? I guess variety? I like changing genres and styles, to have fun with POVs and different settings?
What are your writing weaknesses? I am rather careless, keep on making typos, changing my idea of a sentence after writing half of it, forgetting which version of the plot I am ultimately going with, so I am a mess that keeps on updating stories years after publishing them because I spotted yet another typo while scrolling through them.
First fandom you wrote for? Inuyasha, an OC that was the main hero's half-sister, trying to fit into the family after realising she has it. It was a gen fic, surprise, surprise, and it ended up in a crossover with another girl running an Inuyasha blog - our respective characters made guest appearances in our stories. It was fun.
Favorite fic you've written? No idea. Really, depends on the mood, I sometimes think I did a good job with something, other times I decide everything I've written is terrible in new, exciting ways
Apologies for the short answers, I am truly out of my writing era 😅
Not tagging anyone because I am certain I did this tag twice so I probably would end up tagging the same people all over again, so if someone is reading this and would like to share, I would be very happy to read the replies (tag me please, so I can see), but no pressure~
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extremely curious what's ya stance on strixxie and striker himself nowadays!
Woooo boy! Well I've written an over 130.000 words fanfic on Strixxie and a sequel on the works plus a couple of smaller ones on the side so you can safely say I'm still very much OBSESSED with the pair!😍
I love all of the nemesis tropes they have in canon! Their antagonistic chemistry is top notch and I stan all flavors of enemies to lovers that have the potential to come with it! I love the mutual canon animosity and constantly challenging each other vibes that I can be delulu with and interpret as thick sexual tension!
Some darker problematic stuff is honestly still a big part of the appeal to me as much as mushy stuff could be depending on execution and aaaaaah I just adore ships that can have such range!
Plus it gives me stuff to grab onto in canon like Striker fucking drooling in their last encounter like hello???? And also of course Moxxie being a little badass and pulling that glorious uno reverse on him that had me weak fahscahfagafavavsfksfs!😫💞
As far as Striker goes he's still my fave character! But I do think the harvest moon festival had him at his peak and some elements got a bit messed up with Western Energy. They didn't completely ruin him tho. The only parts I couldn't stand were some jokes I thought really didn't work for him like that god-awful statue and a couple of random outbursts of anger I found ooc.
If they kept those away along with the questionable decision of having Stella call him off for that reason and him revealing all his cards as an assassin so publicly prior, honestly the rest I don't mind at all. The entire Stolas torture scene in a vacuum is absolutely flawless, along with the fight with M&M. Those were some good shit. Especially with Moxxie hehe😏 I really loved how they showed much of Striker's character via that fight, like being cunning and badass and reveling on the challenge. Very fun villain stuff to see!
And I enjoyed him in Oops even if the plot to bring him there was contrived. He was handled a lot better I think. Again excluding some questionable logic like why would Fizzarolli's performance ever distract everyone like that. But eh comedy is subjective and all.
Speaking of which I really hope the team up with Crimson wasn't an one off thing cause wooo boy is that plot point fascinating!!
Both of Moxxie's majorly thematically villains teaming up is just ripe for juicy drama. I am wishing for a follow up on that so badly!!!!
So yeah overall still love Striker a lot while choosing to ignore some elements of his character that the writers added and that annoyed me and that's the tea. Well that's my general experience with hellaverse in general anyways. Along with the pacing that messes some stuff up.
I can't wait to see him again! And more Strixxie scenes too!
Thanks a lot for the ask!!
Getting the chance to gush over all this is always very fun!😃❤️
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amajorartattack · 1 year
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My General ROTTMNT Donatello Headcanons:
- He’s the tallest at 6′6″, alright. Like the longer neck of a softshell turtle my guys, is what gives him the height over Raph, if he didn’t have the long neck, he’d be the second tallest. - Longer snoot, not always able to see on forward facing shots cuz of perspective. His brothers always boop it, and when they first started doing so it annoyed him to all hell and back, but he’s used to it now.      - Sometimes presses his nose against his brothers, Splinter, or April, to show his affection (Kinda like a headbutt...kinda.) - He often paints his nails, usually purple, or black. But he’s painted them other colors, usually they would be some variant of blue, orange, or red. - Alright, I saw a post...pin thing on Pinterest, and it was where Leo and Donnie had heterochromia, and shared one of the colors, and I absotively posilutely loved it. So yes, he has heterochromia, and shares the red with Leo.      - Also fucking Disaster Twins my beloveds. - Unable to control when his tail wags, but it usually happens when he’s working on something and it’s all coming together, when he’s proud of himself or others, or excited for something. - The fastest swimmer of all of them, and likes to swim, especially when he was younger. - Gamer Boi (yes I know this is technically canon, but.) He streams, and makes videos of him gaming, and there has been many Donnie rage compilations going around (totally not made by Leo) - When he was younger he rarely spoke, and when he did everyone made sure to be quiet and let him do so. - When he gets really overwhelmed, he rarely speaks, or goes completely non-verbal. - Is the second best artist, he needs to be able to draw up designs for his tech, this is one of the main ways that him and Mikey bond. This also is a way that he can communicate if goes non-verbal. - Huge horror fan, especially in game form, but still absolutely gets scared. But that’s the point of it. - Overworks himself, and stays up very late. He has insomnia, but doesn’t always do anything to help with it.       - Splinter has gotten him melatonin gummies, that are safe for Donnie to consume, and he has them in a drawer by his bed. (It’s still a little more than half full.) He only eats them if he’s unable to sleep when he’s already in bed. - He is genuinely great with kids, but claims to not like them. He has said this while a kid was doing it’s damnedest to use Donnie as a jungle-gym, and he did pretty much nothing to stop it.      - Like; April: Donnie, you should come help me with work at *insert random restaurant that is catered to kids*, it’ll be fun.        Donnie (letting a kid mess with his claws): Now why would I do that? I don’t like kids.        April: You’re-but. EH?! - He is the older twin, and has used it to his advantages against Leo. He’s like two minutes older. - For as much as he likes pizza, his favorite food is actually ramen, especially seafood ramen. He knows all of the ramen places in New York, and has them labeled from best to worst. (He cries a little inside whenever he sees that the top most best place is closed.) - Knows all new slang, but chooses to not say it, or claims to say it ironically. Also has more than likely created a new slang word without knowing. - Woops ass in Mario Kart, and always plays as Bowser. Claims he’s the best character to play as because of his high speed stats, even if he has a lower acceleration stat. - Honestly to me, this guy is Demisexual/romantic, he’s gotta be able to trust and feel trust before making any claims about a relationship. - Genderfluid, most often he feels like he’s a guy, and uses he/him pronouns. - Also wears contacts, and if he doesn't have any (even though he typically always keeps a good stock of them,) he wears glasses. - Connecting the 7th and 11th lil hc thing, Donnie does not stream or record videos of himself playing horror games, because he knows that his brothers will see them, and he doesn’t want his videos to be the source of any of their nightmares.
(Imma more than likely just add onto this when I think of more shit to add. This is mainly because I posted this at 4 am, and I was really tired, and so now that I’m more awake I’m thinking of other things to add.)
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anderwhohn · 1 year
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@dutyworn asked: ❤️ my first roleplay memory 🎾 what type of genre of roleplay i prefer to write 🛳 my opinions on DNI lists 🛍 the one thing i wish all of my followers knew about me
💌 MY EXPERIENCE IN THE RPC [ meme - accepting ]
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❤️ my first roleplay memory
Ah, the irony of asking this of someone with medical memory issues. xD
My very first rp memory is from when I was like 13 and stumbled across Ayenee (those old enough to remember it will know how chaotic that mess was) - essentially a series of multigenre IRC public rooms where people with a huge variety of original and fandom characters all met up and interacted with each other, often in bars and taverns for the majority of the rooms I found myself welcomed in. It was fun, but that was also very much back in the 'Wild West' days of those kinds of chatrooms, being in the late 90s.
My first tumblr rp memory is actually of a brief failed attempt at getting involved in the Dragon Age rpc, but it was years later before I tried again with bringing Layla (immortaljackal) in that I had any actual success, and then the numerous other blogs with various canon and canon-based or inspired muses came from there. What I actually did in any of that, though? Fuck all if I know at this point. I could go digging up the old archived blogs (at least of the ones that still exist), but eh...
🎾 what type of genre of roleplay i prefer to write
Sci-fi and fantasy, for the most part. Which types of those, respectively, varies depending on my mood sometimes, but given that my most consistent stuff is leading with Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and Doctor Who, that should be a fair indicator for the most part.
🛳 my opinions on DNI lists
They have their place, within reason - banning faceclaims, characters, fandoms, adult content, triggering and/or squicky content, etc? Perfectly fine and reasonable. Airing grievances with other roleplayers by listing their URLs and telling people they better not interact with them or you'll block them (and probably add them to the list of names as well with a vague callout that often just blows everything out of proportion)? That's immature and uncalled for, and I personally won't follow or interact with people who have DNIs that namedrop other roleplayers.
🛍 the one thing i wish all of my followers knew about me
I am unknowable!
Pfft... Nah, umm... I honestly don't know? I mean, I tend to be a very private person ooc until I've warmed up to someone, then I'm practically an open book - albeit a book with some pages torn out and lots of coffee stains making other pages illegible (ie the memory issues I have). Things I actively want people to know, I usually have in my rules, since that's something everyone following me should read.
But like... uh... I'm really socially awkward, between the social anxiety disorder, ADHD, potential autism, other neurodivergences, and all that jazz? Yet there are somehow people who are intimidated by me?
My dudes, I sleep with a stuffed Grim Reaper, and have a crochetted F-Bomb that I throw at the wall when I'm frustrated. I also have a crochetted adipose and weeping angel chilling on my desk, and a sticky note with a doodle of the TARDIS surrounded by "vorp vorp" noises stuck to my wall. I walk with a cane or a rollator, and will sometimes break into song and dance when I'm having a not absolutely shitty day while I'm by myself, twirling the cane or spinning with the rollator (whichever I happen to be using at the time) - 'Singing In The Rain' is a popular number for such.
The only time I even feel remotely intimidating is when I have to pull out the Customer Service Voice, which usually gets combined a dash Southern overpoliteness. Unless it's the the Southern politeness that's weirding people out? I mean, maybe? Eh. Someone can always tell me on anon if they want.
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kaz3313 · 2 years
Ranking Danganronpa Protag Ships. Starting w: Trigger Happy Havoc (< all main student characters will be discussed~) Idk my brain suddenly wanted to talk about Danganronpa:
Makoto/Kirigiri: A pretty safe ship. Great dynamic. Can be angsty. Can be fluffy. Overall a pretty great dynamic. Prefer it w/ a multiship but enjoyable on its own. I’d say a good 5/10 on its own, 7/10 depending on the fic/art/concept.
Makoto/Togami: It’s antag/protag + it’s the mlm ship people pick up on so it’s pretty popular. Of all the antag/protag in the main games it’s underrated But also pretty much accepted by most people. I prefer it with a multiship if I’m to enjoy it- to be it’s just “eh” But I def understand the appeal. Another 5/10 just based on games but a 7/10 depending on the content people make on it
Makoto/Sayaka: I will confess did cry at this one. Yes I watched the anime first. No I didn’t know what was going to happen. Fell in love with Sayaka. Hated Sayaka. Understood and then Accepted Sayaka. I like her arch more in game (for obvious reasons that it was just more time and detail). Slept on a lot- mostly people making Sayaka completely evil Or ignoring their chemistry in general. 7/10 both in game and w/ own hcs/other people’s stuff. Love the betrayal aspect just don’t like her being plain evil.
Makoto/Leon: Never quite got this one, but never disagreed with this one(since my main Leon ship is based on “vibes only” I can’t really say shit can I 😂). Kinda up in the air for me. Been awhile since I did Leon’s FTE/watched them so I can’t say too much. I’d say a 3/10 in game But with all the interesting fanmade stuff it goes to a 5/10. Love the name LuckyStrike if I’m being completely honest
Makoto/Chihiro: Oh Absolutely. Just Absolutely. Not getting into Chihiro discourse but I see some Enby/Enby for them. The FTE are pretty cute, I feel even not for relationship they could hang out together. 6/10 for in game 8/10 for stuff I could think up for them.
Makoto/Mondo: EXTREMELY SLEPT ON. JUST IGNORED. THE FTE ARE GREAT. MAKOTO IS OFFERED TO RIDE WITH MONDO ON LIKE THE FIRST/SECOND FTE. WE GIVE RELATIONSHIP ADVICE. IT GOES NOT SO SMOOTHLY. ITS GREAT. 8/10 in game and my own concept- sadly underated (And for the Ishimondo lovers Why Not Ishimonoto? Think about it. Think about it).
Makoto/Hifumi: Not really too much canon cuteness BUT I LIKE IT. 3/10 in canon but 7.5/10 IN MY HEART
Makoto/Celeste: Here me out,,, Gamblr+Lucky Student. I loved the FTE. A decent 5/10 in canon and I’d say a 7/10 in the potential. Thank you all for listening
Makoto/Sakura: I’m a simple Enby Lesbian. Small, tiny little thing. Plus Absolutely Ripped But The Sweetest of Sweethearts. I may be projecting on Makoto but I’d try to do training w/ Sakura (my unalthetic self) just for FTE. In game there’s not much vibes so I’d say 3/10 but on base of what I like 8/10
Makoto/Mukuro: Didn’t understand until Danganronpa If. Definitely think it’s rather cute. 6/10 in both ways. Didn’t particularly catch my fancy- If people made it much darker probs an 8/10
Makoto/Toko: Cute! Can be a little spicy?! Not much on it and I don’t think too much about it. Made hcs on them once and it was fun. The FTE’s are sad/sweet- a good 5/10 all around
Makoto/Syo: I can see a bit more pizzaz. Dynamic though in game and in fandom isn’t really utilized all that much. 3/10 but I’d say concept wise a 6/10. Need more ideas on it
Makoto/Aoi: Bad End (beloved and loathed- I find it rather funny)- In all seriousness not my thing. Think the FTE’s can be cute but not exactly a dynamic I look for? More friends then anything for me. 3/10 overall but I bet something cute can def be made with these two
Makoto/Hiro: I love any Hiro ships so it goes up just on that. I think they are hillarious- and I think him dragging him to the Hot Baths are like some of my favorite moments. 6/10 in game stuff But the potential is a good 8/10.
Honorable Mentions of Polyships:
Togami/Kirigiri/Makoto makes their score of 5/10’s+ 7/10’s immediately go up to 9/10 or 10/10’s. The Poly dynamic is just ✌️✌️
Mukuro/Junko/Makoto: Gives me the spice I need. 9/10 or 10/10 depending on how it’s written.
Anything w/ my friend and I’s Polycule with Makoto is 10/10 (basically most people in the game 😂). Everyone together did just the best because it’s a complicated Mess That I Love.
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eldragon-x · 1 year
If you want, can you explain your most liked and/or most disliked episode, but to someone who haven't watched the show?
Anon I just rewatched one of my least favourite episodes in the show for you because honest to God on my last rewatch this was the one episode where I let it play while doing something else and paying zero attention.
Anyway, Roadside Attraction is a mess.
Honestly the episode itself would be fine as a Season 1 or maybe even early Season 2 episode (which seems to be the intended placement) but it's just a whatever episode that ended up having very unfortunate placement being the fifth-to-last episode in the series and between two much more plot-relevant and compelling episodes.
So the plot is basically that Stan goes on a roadtrip with the twins + Soos + Mabel's besties because he wants to ruin the tourist traps of his rivals but that's just the backdrop.
The actual conflict comes with Dipper still not being over his crush on Wendy which was a conflict that was resolved in God damn season two epsiode two in an episode that was actually Fun and Interesting and Utilized Wendy as a character.
Anyway in RA Stan is like oh how about you talk to some girls during the trip so you can get over wendy. also you have to be a jerk and feign confidence to impress them. and then one of mabels besties gets a crush on dipper and it all falls apart because they spend time together but then the other girls he met on the trip also show up yadda yadda the lesson for both stan and dipper is to not be jerks but also that dipper should try to be more confident and use that for good which is never brought up again. it's just not compelling enough to justify being at this point in the show, its obvious that it just got placed there because it needed to, and the only supernatural or mystery element in this episode is a creepy spider lady which is cool Ig but eh.
And now Get This: There's Journal 3, which provides a ton of extra-canonical material by filling out blanks, adding context, ect and it's great, it's really good, I recommend it to anyone who's a fan of the show, I'll link you a transcript right here if you can't/don't care to buy the physical book.
That being said, J3 is willing to contradict show canon which is fine, I can live with it, but APPARENTLY Roadside Attaction absolutely has to be chronologically correct because in the previous episode the Pines family set up a barrier around the Mystery Shack that would protect the building from the influence of Bill. Y'know, the evil space demon that Ford especially is wary of because he literally manipulated him and betrayed his trust to get him to build a world ending machine.
So yeah, J3 then goes on to canonize that Ford was like "Hey Stan now that we made sure the Shack's save from the Evil Space Demon why don't you and the kids take a trip to get As Far Away From The Shack As Possible." HUH??????
literally half of this post is about that little tiny bit in j3 now but whatever it's so so stupid. why did we need to acknowledge and canonize that roadside attraction takes place at this point in the show and that Stanford "Bill cannot be trusted and would trick and possess anyone to get what he wants and I know this from personal first-hand experience" Pines suggested the road trip
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nevalizona · 2 years
🎁💕💡🎯&🤔 yes a lot but um... <3
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
“We haven’t done that before?”
“Not like that. I don’t know what even got into me. That’s not something I would normally do at all. But sometimes I’m around you and I want to act crazy. I want to be impulsive and do the same stuff you do to me.”
“So it’s my fucking fault?” He snipped, pointing at himself in an annoyed way.
Genevieve’s eyes widened, she shook her head ‘no’ quickly.
“That’s not what I’m saying at all!”
“It sounds like that’s exactly what you’re saying!” His voice got louder, it was clear that he was verging on angry now.
Tears welled up in Genevieve’s eyes as she dropped her head in her hands.
“Don’t yell at me! I can’t take it! I can’t!” She sobbed into her hands. Immediately Connor softened at the sight. He sighed, rubbing his face trying to figure out exactly what happened just now.
He let her cry for a few moments before reaching over and rubbing her shoulder the best he could. He wished he could comfort her and make her feel better.
“Genevieve, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have raised my voice at you. I get what you’re trying to say. I know you just want to… have fun. Clearly you can’t. You don’t need to try to do anything special for me. Just being yourself is enough.”
She wiped her eyes and looked over at him. She was a pitiful sight. Her mascara was running down her cheeks, eyes red and puffy. She sniffled a couple times before nodding her head.
“Are you sure?”
He flashed her a small smile.
“I’m sure.” He was being honest, he had no reason not to be. He fell for her the way she was. He never thought that she was an extremely ‘fun’ girl. She’s entertaining in her own way. They get along well and he genuinely enjoys spending time with her. She gave him a weak smile and it made his heart thump. God she looked a mess, but for some reason, he liked her even more. He wanted to grab her and plant a rough kiss on her. He held back, deciding it wouldn’t be appropriate for the time being, but when he gets her home, he is absolutely devouring her.
I wrote this awhile back when I was still working on Random Rambles 3 and ahhhhh I love this SO much! I'm never sharing the rest of it, but it's one of my favorite pieces of writing I have done! I love them so so so much and ahhhhhh anyways ^-^
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
-Hm... I think my favorite one I wrote was one I didn't post and have no plans on posting because it's a but heavy sksksks but basically is was just Genevieve and Aldridge discussing their relationship and setting boundaries. It was fun to like actually think about their relationship, and not just the ooey gooey stuff I love so much but like the not so great parts of it too.
💡How many WIPs do you currently have?
-Too many to count I fear. I'm always working on something.
🎯 Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
-It's not for fanfic but I want to get to a hundred pages of a story I'm working on! I currently have 24! My goal for fanfic is to get a multichapter fic out at some point but eh.
🤔 Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
-Ohmygod yes! I just want to be able to flesh out Connor and Marshall. I would the happiest person alive if I got to do that sksksksks.
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tarnishedxknight · 5 months
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Listen, I know absolutely nothing about FFXII, I’m just here because I like to write with you. But if you think a sky pirate verse fits the Guardians, maybe I can try to work on a verse, since you say it would be so much fun. I can take them out of the MCU, even though… I’m not sure how I would explain their backstories?? But yeah a crossover verse where they end up in the FFXII world could be possible. Maybe they can still be from the MCU but accidentally end up in another universe… Eh, if you’d like to explore it, I can try! Just be warned that I might mess some things up since I’m not familiar with the game 😅
{out of dalmasca} Oh, you don’t have to make a FFXII verse if you don’t want to, it was just a brain fart of mine! I mean, not that I wouldn’t 100% be up for it if you did want to, but don’t feel you have to. You’re right, it might be kindof hard to do if you’re not familiar with the game, but… MCU characters have ended up in Ivalice through multiversal shenanigans before on this blog, so… I’m sure it’d be easy to just transplant them for a while and see what happens?
Lol, with the racial diversity in Rabanastre, they could go through some weird wormhole or somehow get magically yeeted there, think it’s just some random strange planet, dock to refuel, and people wouldn’t even bat an eye. They’d just be like wow you’re not from around here, but otherwise they wouldn’t care a bit. Of course, the Guardians’ ship is probably using technology they’ve never seen before, so that’ll raise an eyebrow or two, but otherwise they’d just be like any other travelers stopping there for food, supplies, business, or anything else. 
Or they could show up at any other point in the plot, in any place, really. The beauty of multiversal happenings is that they can literally end up anywhere, heh. Depending on whether you want lots of conflict or just a slice of life sandbox experience, I could help you pick a time and place. But yeah, it might be easier for you if you can keep all their backgrounds, but I’m sure as soon as they realize they’re in another time/world, they’d just want to go back to their own time, heh.
Well, if you ever did want to try something like this, I can always answer any questions you may have about the game if you need help in setting things up or deciding what to you with the Guardians. Pick my brain, I don’t mind. =) I just feel like in certain parts of Ivalice they’d fit right in, and Mantis would probably find everything so interesting… assuming she wasn’t too worried about getting back to her own time. Or they could be yeeted into some really tense point of conflict and help the canon characters in some way. Or maybe they showed up somewhere less hospitable and got themselves captured, either in Nalbina or in Archadia maybe, and they escape with the canon characters. The possibilities are endless, but again, don’t feel like you have to. Not all AUs quite work out in practice, even if they sound really fun. XD
Also… MANTIS WHAT EVEN IS THAT FACE, HAHA! It made me think of this gif. Mantis trying to be mean has the probably unintended effect of making me smile. When soft beans attempt to be mean, haha. Cinnamon roll who can actually kill you, but doesn’t know how to look like it. XD
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Finally watched Nightmare of the Wolf! Here are my thoughts in two memes:
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Basically it was ridiculous, doesn’t fit in any known existing canon, and I loved the shit out of it. XD
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Why Do I Like AppleDash So Much?
Literally nobody has ever asked me this but I'm going to answer this question anyway.
Intro: How I Got Into My Little Pony
Imma be real. The reason I started watching the show is because some of my old Twitter mutuals were interacting with posts about the Friendship Is Magic 10th anniversary. Some of them were talking about Rarijack and how it was a good ship, and others were discussing the implied canonicity of Appledash.
I had, at the time, just finished catching up on The Owl House that had recently been in the process of finishing up season one or had just gone into hiatus (can't remember which) and I was losing interest in my old hyperfixations fast.
See, I do this thing where I get really REALLY invested in a show and then as soon as it ends or as soon as I absorb every bit of media in it, I lose some of the interest or it fades. I don't usually lose full interest. For example, I still love She-Ra (my last big fandom) and I'm obviously still invested in The Owl House, but ever since both of those shows ended/stalled, I was desperately needing something to distract me from the trials and tribulations of my will to live that my daily life often forced upon me.
As you can guess, ponies was my solution.
I went into the show with a Rarijack mindset, but knowing that Appledash existed. I guess my mutuals just really liked Rarijack. I decided to give season one a chance. Actually, I felt quite silly for even deciding to watch the show. You see, back in 2018, I was still quite... trivial about watching anything that was seen as "girly". I didn't really have any problems with watching cartoons (ie. V*ltron, Steven Universe, Avatar, Pokemon etc.) but it was the fact that a show was "girly" that made me iffy. I had a very fragile masculinity, okay?
Anyway, so I actually was really afraid to watch She-Ra, even though the teaser images and trailer looked good. But I did and I decided that even "girly" shows could be good and that I was silly.
But, oh boy, cringe culture really messed with me. In mid/late 2020, I was ashamed to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I said I'd watch one season just so I could laugh at it. I wanted to watch it as a joke, and who knows, maybe I found a guilty pleasure to watch while I waited for The Owl House to come back?
I loaded up Netflix and I hit play. Instantly, I was cringing at myself. Can you blame me? Early season MLP was obviously meant for kids. Not that it was immature or bad, but it was definitely a kid's show, especially considering the iconic storybook opening of episode one.
I watched the episodes, but they mostly were just background noise as I did other things. I remember watching them, but I was indifferent, although frustrated that I found myself chuckling at a few of the jokes and quips. I wasn't that invested, though. I thought Twilight was boring, Rarity obnoxious, Pinkie annoying, Fluttershy frustrating, and Rainbow Dash infuriating. I didn't really mind Applejack, I mostly kinda just thought she was the best one. (Nothing's changed, eh?)
And then....
Fall Weather Friends
Season One Episode Thirteen rolled around.
It starts (as y'all know) with Rainbow Dash and Applejack throwing horseshoes.
I don't know why, but this caught my attention. Of course, being only a few episodes after Look Before You Sleep, I had Rarijack on the mind. But I did think that Applejack and Rainbow Dash were probably good friends and would make for an interesting pairing, and a more interesting episode given their similarities, but also their differences.
I found myself fully watching this episode, and I dare say, it's the episode that dragged me fully into the show.
Maybe it's because I see myself in both of them in a way. Maybe that's why I connect so much with the pair, but them having an episode together? That was really good for me. I wasn't in the best state of mind, and something about seeing two characters that were in some ways reminiscent of myself interact and argue and have an endearing episode together made me smile.
It was then that I discovered the simple amazingness of AppleDash.
I mean, who doesn't love obnoxious, competitive girlfriends that are both prideful and headstrong?
I know I love it.
Anyway, so at that point, my mind kinda just clicked and I decided that my OTP was AppleDash. However, poly rights and Applejack has two front hooves *cough* Rarijackdash *cough*
But yeah so that's how I got into AppleDash. Fall Weather Friends, which was kinda the episode that made me love MLP.
How That Progressed
Well, obviously, I still love that ship I mean I live for it. If I could have any one single ship it'd be them. It just kept getting better and better as the show progressed, I mean their dynamic is great whether you want to see it platonically or romantically. They have a lot in common right off the bat (example, they are both incredibly stubborn, though AJ would take the cake for that) and seem to be close (I mean right from episode one they appear to already have a pre-established friendship), but they're also different. Applejack is a hard worker all of the time with anything she does, while Dash tends to be lazy but can be extremely driven when she is motivated (for example, when she wants to achieve her Wonderbolts dream). Applejack is immensely caring and family-oriented and does things for the good of everypony, while Rainbow Dash can be kind of a jerk and not mindful of her actions when she's wrapped up in the stuff she's doing for herself (not to say she isn't caring, but she tends to be kind of an ass, even to Fluttershy sometimes).
Their growth was immensely fun to watch and as time went on, they shared more and more screentime together. Even if it's not an episode that revolves around them, whenever one of them is in frame, most of the time the other is close by, and they often stand next to each other.
Now, in terms of why they work in the show's canon (in my opinion, either romantically or platonically, they do make a great pairing):
They are both competitive and enjoy competing with each other, though they know (especially after FWF when they've taken it too far)
They watch out for each other (AJ often holds Rainbow Dash back when she's about to rush into danger, especially in early seasons, and Dash always lifts AJ out of danger first [the two examples I can think of off the top of my head are in Best Gift Ever and My Little Pony: The Movie])
Their personalities even each other out. (AJ is a lot more calm than RD, and while they can both get worked up, Applejack is usually the calm one)
Their colour schemes are literally complementary. (AJ's coat is orange while Rainbow's is blue. AJ's eyes are green while RD's are pink/red).
They share a lot of cute moments. (You can just look these up)
I mean fuck, the finale. They're literally canon, you cannot tell me otherwise. It was absolutely intended and you cannot prove otherwise. (read the script notes l o l "we actually could do sort of a subtle wink to the idea that they are now a couple???" < RE Appledash). They live together, they have domestic arguments about chores, they are always giving each other fond looks throughout the episode, always standing next to or near each other, and well we all know Rainbow's iconic hoof on AJ's head in the last shot of the show.
Ashleigh Ball really was the OG shipper and fuck it, she was right. We all know they are in love, she knows they are in love. The only reason they couldn't explicitly state it in the show is probably bc Hasbro would have been against that at the time (I mean, Lyrabon had to be very subtle but hey we gottem).
Oh and, I know this isn't exactly canon canon, but it is an official game: The My Little Pony Magic Princess app. Future AJ and RD's descriptions allude to them being together.
You could negate this and say that this is just them being friends but I mean... come on. Come on. Sweet Apple Acres is Apple family land, and the only people who live there as of The Last Problem are Apples. (AJ, Sugar Belle and Big Mac and their foal, and you guessed it... Rainbow Dash).
You cannot tell me that they aren't canon. You'd really have to be grasping at straws because all the signs are there. They had build up, development, and it just makes sense.
If you don't think it makes sense... did we watch the same show??? It absolutely makes sense.
Anyway, AppleDash is canon. :)
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stxleslyds · 3 years
It’s very interesting to see your thoughts on Winnik cause personally while I like that he made jason a bit unhinged and fun in utrh his other characterizations of his were eh at best. Like why would jason not care about the world and why would he take over the drug trade of all things considering his history. I feel like Winnick had a very surface level understanding of Jason. There was a lot of his past to explore but it wasn’t explored that deeply. Plus I absolutely HATED his Bruce and talia characterization. And how he wrote Talia in both utrh and lost days was absolutely disgusting and his explanation for why he did it was that Jason loves Talia and that they were both messed up ppl??? Which is where I can’t forgive him. I feel like he was a one hit wonder because ever since utrh his Jason story started to go downhill. I also feel like it’s because DC doesn’t know how to write a character that’s from a poor background and that’s a huge disservice to Jason. I do hope that Rosenberg or another writer (hopefully female) does a good job on him. He’s been suffering under shitty writing for so long. Sorry for the long ask I really enjoy reading your posts.
Hi Anon, thank you for sending your ask!
Well, this is a great question because I love giving my opinions on Winick’s UtRH and Lost Days. I know those books (or some moments in them) are not everyone’s cup of tea and I had and have some problems with some of them but I have also come to understand them or even accept them as a writer bringing up a morally grey area in his books and doing it well (or at least I saw it that way after re-reading and researching a bit about his thoughts on those matters).
This is going to be a long post (I suppose) because there is a lot to cover and I want to let you know in a clear way why I think that what Winick wrote works beautifully for Jason. I will try to answer this as coherently as I can, so I will talk about the points you made in your ask separately so I make sure I don’t forget anything.
Let’s begin!
“Why would Jason not care about the world?”
I assume with that you meant about what happened in Bludhaven when Chemo was dropped there by the Society? That is valid but that really wasn’t Winick’s fault (I believe), that whole thing was shown in the book because back then the Bat-related books were more interconnected and that was what was happening in Dick’s Nightwing run at the time, which I think was used to explain why Dick suddenly stopped helping Bruce in Gotham.
And then I think Jason and Bruce watching that happen when they were having that conversation on that roof was very well planned out. I think Winick used that opportunity for Jason to be his peak level of little shit and make Bruce feel bad about not arriving in time to save another one of his kids. Even though Jason later revealed that he never blamed Batman for not arriving in time to save him, I believe Jason said that about Dick to make Bruce hurt more. Jason was trying to make Bruce stay in Gotham so either Bruce or him killed the Joker that night. Winick on the other hand had to finish his story, him branching out and having Batman go to Bludhaven would have benefited absolutely no one either, and it just didn’t fit the story that was being told in Under the Red Hood.
That’s why I think that Jason reacted that way to the Bludhaven and Chemo situation. If by caring about the world you meant something else let me know! (He obviously cared about Gotham in UtRH and other people in Lost Days).
“Why would he take over the drug trade of all things considering his history?”
Well, I have to be honest with you Jason wanting to control the drug trade in Gotham makes absolute sense to me, and even more when I think about Jason’s past history.
Jason and Bruce have always been (to me) clear opposites in various angles, and in UtRH, Winick talks about that a little bit too.
Batman was created to eradicate crime from Gotham after Bruce witnessed the death of his parents, that was the tragedy that set him off, and even though it was tragic and awful he had everything outside of his parents, he had a home, a support system, people that cared and gave him love, and money. He never had to be in contact with the cruel reality that was Gotham. We know through various stories that Gotham is deeply rotten and corrupted.
But Jason did know how corrupted, rotten and devoid of hope his city really was, he lived in the streets and in an abandoned apartment alone because he didn’t trust the police or social workers (he didn’t believe the system was helpful). He had seen his mother die at the hands of drugs after his father was sent to jail due to his criminal behaviour. Probably his father was a drug dealer and was the person that got his mother into drugs, (I believe that was later made canon, I might be wrong). But why did he do that? Maybe because he came from a poor and complicated background and nobody wanted to employ him so the real bad people of Gotham, like Black Mask, Cobblepot and many others, saw his vulnerability and his desperation to make money and they gave him a job as a drug dealer.
Considering that Jason was made out to have very deep problems with people selling drugs in schools and all that, I can estimate that maybe one of the big Drug Lords at the time employed Jason’s father when he was barely a teenager, that way he earned money, he stopped going to school and sold drugs to his peers so the bad people could control more people while they were vulnerable.
If all of that is true then Jason wanting to control the drug trade in Gotham, by becoming a Drug Lord himself, makes perfect sense to me. I mean let’s talk about this, what were his other options?
Kill every drug lord?
What if that set off a gang war in Gotham over who got to be the next big Drug Lord? I mean, it would be like real life, if someone dies in that sort of position there would always be someone else to take their place. Drugs are clearly (in Gotham) a great way to get money and power.
Also, if he killed all the drug lords then what happened to the people that were working for them, how could Jason help them get another job?
Explode every warehouse and facility with drugs in them?
And then what? Wait for Black Mask and the others to buy more and put a target on his back? Maybe kill some innocents so they can send a message to Red Hood that if he keeps destroying their drugs or whatever people will pay for it?
Maybe all the drug lords would come together and kill the Red Hood themselves, what could one man do against everyone else? Black Mask and the others had vulnerable people on a payroll, if they stopped working or went against what their boss said they would have been killed and then families would still be vulnerable and desperate to survive in Gotham.
Come forward as Jason Todd, the not so dead son of Bruce Wayne, and start a campaign against drugs?
Jason would have ended up dead in seconds, everywhere you look there are corrupt people. What could have been the point of that? What could have Jason be able to give families like his so they could stop living under the control of drugs and Drug Lords?
Jason being a Drug Lord himself was the best option because Jason KNOWS the reality of Gotham and Gotham’s people. His way of dealing with drugs could control the drug trade in the first 10 years and then eradicate it after that time. His plan was genius!
Jason knew that for people not to suffer as his family did, he had to take the slow and hard path of becoming the thing that he hated the most. He needed to attack the monster from within. So, when he made his first move he controlled the street-level dealers, he told them “I will protect you from both Black Mask and Batman if you stop dealing drugs to kids and in schoolyards if you do that, you are dead”, it is genius! By being clear about not wanting to have kids and high schoolers involved with drugs he set out a new path where those people weren’t forced into drugs and driven away from school. And that’s the way Winick made us see Jason’s not so new morals, he protects Gotham’s kids and he will kill you without hesitation if you endanger them.
From that he built, Winick made it clear, at first Jason would convince the people working for other Drug Lords to work for him if they followed his rules (and he offered them protection!). If Jason worked on the drug trade, he could have controlled who was inserted in the drug life or could have made it exclusive to the rich or club exclusive. In his intention of taking over the drug trade, he could have moved drugs away from Gotham’s most vulnerable.
And if he employed those vulnerable people, he would have made them work for him on other levels, that way those vulnerable people still had jobs and were protected from people like Black Mask. And in due time, fewer young and poor people would be involved with drugs or the drug trade.
Red Hood employs poor people and makes them not sell to other poor people or kids, he pays his employees good money so their families make a better life for themselves and their kids go to school, they are all protected by the Red Hood and his team (Jason could have trained others and make a team or gang that focused entirely on security), those people then get to retire with their families far away from drugs and maybe Gotham too.
I mean, Winick never did those things but I think that was the way he was thinking about it, he really set a golden path for future writers, his story had to finish Jason’s dilemma with Bruce and Joker but then his life as the Red Hood continued. And it could have been good if other writers used the characterization that Winick had given Jason: protector of children, killer of rapists and everyone that endangered women, children and teenagers. All of that was thrown away for a mythical fight with Ra’s al Ghul for people that were as trashy as Ra’s.
“I feel like Winick had a very surface-level understanding of Jason”.
I have to disagree. I think he understood Jason’s character before his death well and then built a grown-up version of him with those morals more developed after he suffered more and then saw how the world and Batman’s ways hadn’t changed after his murder.
We are talking about post-crisis Jason here; he was sweet and he loved being Robin but he also saw the world differently from Bruce and Batman. He lived a very different life than the one that Bruce lived when he was a kid. Jason even said that he “could fend for himself just fine” and that he had “graduated from the streets of crime alley”.
To me Winick understood this completely, he knew that Jason had had close contact with how drugs could affect people and what a criminal record could lead you to, but he also understood that Jason was a survivor of "crime alley" and all its worst people. He probably knew of things that people were doing of he saw them happening. He knew how to protect himself from those things but understood that not everyone could do it. And when Batman took him to Ma Gunn’s school Jason learned that Batman was ignorant of how awful and manipulative Gotham’s people could be. Ma Gunn wasn’t running an orphanage or cool school; she was teaching children how to steal and harm others. He hated it, he was “okay” when he was alone and now, he was locked in with older kids that beat him and Ma Gunn who was exploiting children’s vulnerability.
I assume Winick took that and maybe decided that was the moment when Jason knew that even if Batman was trying to do good, he still didn’t see Gotham (or that side of Gotham) for what it truly was.
When Jason became Robin and worked along with Batman, we could already see that Jason thought very differently about what should be done with rapists, and abusers of all kinds, Jason saw the world differently when he was a kid and a teenager and then after his death, Winick used that to build a Jason Todd that as a young adult still saw Gotham for what it truly was.
“There was a lot of his past to explore but it wasn’t explored that deeply”.
I am really confused by this (and I am very dumb), did you mean that his past before his death wasn’t explored? Because that was not the point of this book, the information was already there with Jason’s previous appearances in comics, and even then, Winick explored through flashbacks in UtRH how he saw Jason and what it was that Jason thought about crime.
If you didn’t mean that and you meant his past before the events of UtRH but after his death then, well, I would say that Winick couldn’t have fit that in UtRH but he did write a story about that time in 2010 when he wrote Red Hood: Lost Days.
“I absolutely hated his Bruce and Talia characterization”
I will only talk about the Bruce part here because you mentioned Talia later in your ask.
To me his Bruce was perfect. I really think that his characterization of him was spot on, but maybe I am biased because I don’t like Bruce at all? I suppose that you are talking about Bruce’s characterization in those last moments in "crime alley" with Jason and Joker? And how he decided that making Jason drop the weapon by throwing a batarang to his throat and saving Joker was a better option than Jason killing the Joker?
If it is that then I would love to see what you think Bruce would have done at that moment because I didn’t really see Bruce using a gun (in any way) as an in-character thing for him, and even though DC has always danced with the idea of Bruce actually killing somebody I know that they wouldn’t have him do it, and even less when it comes to killing the Joker.
I mean, Bruce brought back Joker from the dead when Dick finally killed that piece of shit so, yeah, I don’t know.
I feel like Winick was trying to show just how loyal and squared Bruce is when it comes to his own no killing rule. Jason wasn’t asking for Bruce to go on a killing spree he just wanted Bruce to kill the Joker and he didn’t. Winick even had Bruce say that about him not wanting to kill one person because he felt that if he did that, he wouldn’t be able to stop and I think that’s pretty true. Maybe it is a bit too much but I don’t think it’s a lie.
“How he wrote Talia in both UtRH and Lost Days was absolutely disgusting”
That is absolutely valid, listen, if you didn’t like how he wrote her at all I really can’t say anything against that. My first real and solid contact with Talia’s character was in that book, so when I read UtRH I really liked how he wrote Talia in that, it seemed to have that aspect of Talia’s love for Bruce being so strong that when she saw Jason was alive, she wanted to help him so Bruce could see how much he loved her. It is messed up but I believed it fitted her character, she had good intentions but her reasoning was a little bit wonky.
With Lost Days, I thought that her character was well written, she isn’t a hero and she isn’t a villain, she is just a player in the game that is the League of Assassins and that world. That obviously changed up until we had that scene happen between her and Jason, I was grossed out and I didn’t understand why that had happened which leads me to what you said next in your ask.
“His explanation for why he did it was that Jason loves Talia and that they were both messed up people”.
This is a part of the interview where Judd Winick answered a question about Jason and Talia sleeping together. The interview was done by Sara Lima in ComicVine’s podcast.
“SL: Why did you decide to write the romantic scene between Jason and Talia in Lost Days?
JW: For those playing at home, Jason Todd, at the end of Red Hood: Lost Days, and Talia slept together. I did that because it was really disturbing and to shine a light on the fact that these are not really well people. A lot of people didn’t like that, which was correct. “You weren’t supposed to like that. That was supposed to be, ‘oh God, stop that, what are you doing?’ It really was. As well as, for Talia, her reasons, being that Bruce had wound up inadvertently killing her father and she was ragingly angry with him and went from love to pure hate and still loving him at the same time. And Jason, given the opportunity to have sex with just about the only woman who Bruce has had sex with or really cares about, ‘Yeah, I’ll go there.’
SL: He’s like, ‘yeah, cause I hate that guy.’
JW: Yeah! ‘I hate that guy!’ And I think that Jason probably had the hots for Talia. She’s hot, he doesn’t exactly have a lot of relationships going on – It’s not a good thing for either of them. These are two people who murder people, two people who are screwed up, screwed up emotionally. There’s this question that why would he do that and Talia only loves Bruce. She might only love Bruce, but she does have sex with other people because that’s just sex. And we’re all grown-ups here. I think those who shake their fist and get angry at this kind of thing might be some of our older readers. I’m an older reader, but I acknowledge the fact that people aren’t that chaste and grow up: people have sex. That’s why I ended it like that; It was messed up.
Maybe it was in another interview or something but this is the only time that I have seen Winick talk about that and I don’t think he mentioned Jason loving Talia but he did say said that “These are two people who murder people, two people who are screwed up, screwed up emotionally”.
When I looked it up, I found that someone that is described as screwed up is a person that is “emotionally disturbed”. That description is one that I feel is valid for both Jason and Talia at the time, they both had a lot going on and were fighting some demons so maybe it’s not a nice thing to say but I can’t say that the statement isn’t true. Or at least that’s how I see it.
When I came across that interview for the first time, I wasn’t expecting Winick to apologise for writing that interaction but I did want an explanation so after he said, “A lot of people didn’t like that, which was correct. “You weren’t supposed to like that. That was supposed to be, ‘oh God, stop that, what are you doing?’ It really was” and “for Talia, her reasons, being that Bruce had wound up inadvertently killing her father and she was ragingly angry with him and went from love to pure hate and still loving him at the same time. And Jason, given the opportunity to have sex with just about the only woman who Bruce has had sex with or really cares about, ‘Yeah, I’ll go there.’”
I felt like that was enough, granted I didn’t like it and I still don’t like it but I don’t see it as Winick writing something disturbing with evil intentions, I just see it as him writing these two morally grey people doing some very morally grey stuff.
This is not me saying that this is how things have to be taken, I know and understand many people who absolutely don’t like this at all and that’s valid. I am not here to change your mind about that, personally when I read the why he wrote that I felt like that explanation was enough but that is just me.
“I feel like he was a one-hit-wonder because ever since UtRH his Jason story started to go downhill”
I think Winick was only meant to write Jason’s comeback to comics, around the time he was writing Outsiders and Green Arrow. And there was also the “Infinite Crisis” (Winick wasn’t involved with that one) event going on in the middle that explained some stuff like how Jason was resurrected which was explored in Batman Annual #25 in 2006 (like a year after the UtRH book had come out and it was also written by Winick). Then with the popularity of the UtRH book the animated movie was made (written by Judd Winick) and because that was coming out DC allowed Winick to write the six-issue mini of Red Hood: The Lost Days in 2010.
The UtRH story didn’t go downhill, DC simply couldn’t handle that level of mature storytelling at the time, just after that event ended DC was already planning on changing stuff and then the New 52 came years later.
Winick’s Jason even made an appearance in Outsiders #44-46, there Red Hood wanted to help the Outsiders break out a good man (Black Lightning) out of prison because he hadn’t killed anyone (it had actually been Slade). Jason/Red Hood’s characterization and story going downhill wasn't on Winick, it was on DC and their lack of interest in making their characters complex and dual.
“DC doesn’t know how to write a character that’s from a poor background and that’s a huge disservice to Jason”
Absolutely. But in my case, I do think that Winick did work with Jason’s background very well. To me, he set a path and no one could follow it but I might also be horribly wrong.
I also hope that Rosenberg does an amazing job! I absolutely love his work, as I have said before he is super funny and isn’t scared of writing characters who kill. I feel like he will bring back the sarcastic little shit that Jason once was but he will also bring back that sense of seriousness and dedication that Jason has for the work that he is doing. Rosenberg even showed us some of that in that prelude to Task Force Z in Detective Comics, I absolutely recommend them if you haven’t read them, issues #1041 and #1042 were the ones with that backup story.
I can see that we have very different opinions but that’s just a part of the comic world, we all perceive these comics differently and that’s valid! I am glad you enjoy reading my posts and I hope that even though we have those different opinions you were still able to enjoy my answer! If you think that I misunderstood anything that you say please let me know, sometimes my brain just doesn’t click.
Hope you have a fantastic week!
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Is this a date? (Trey Clover x Aeppermint)
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An example of a snipet (short story)! This one’s an OC x Canon Character. You can ask for OC x OC, Canon x Canon (maybe-) or Me with whoever (most likely platonic), or you / your OC with my OC / Me.
That’s all!
But this is really long tho- so- take your time- ^^
The peppermint boy stopped in his tracks, upon hearing a familiar voice calling for him.
(Hey, Trey.)
Aepper may look calm on the outside as he smiled sweetly at his best friend, but deep down, he was freaking out.
“Hey, I know this might be a little rude of me, but, I kind of heard your whole conversation with the headmaster at the library, and, I just want to ask
could I maybe tag along to your trip to the Rose Kingdom? I kind of miss home over there...and I wanted to buy some things over there!”
Ah, yes. Aepper did ask for Crowley’s permission to go out during the weekend. Being the headmaster’s contract bound, teenage butler certainly had their advantages.
Aepper was previously planning to go there by himself but... if it was Trey...
“Um, I’m not forcing you to let me tag along, though! So if you want to go alone, it’s also fi-”
Aepper abruptly took Trey’s hand, a vice grip from him.
Trey was taken aback. “Um..? Aepper??”
Aepper blushed, embarrassed of what he has done, before immediately letting go of Trey’s hand, awkwardly scratching his arm. He nodded.
“Great! I’ll see you then!”
“Hm? Who are..”
Trey squinted his eyes. He was waiting by the mirror, where Crowley instructed them to be, and the boy he saw wasn’t Aepper.
A boy with raven black hair that reflected back the green lights caused by the flickering, green flame candles in the room, red ruby eyes staring back at him. Wearing a red sweater and white collared shirt, the boy resembled nothing of Aepper.
Maybe except his face.
(It’s me, Aepper. I’m in disguise.), Aepper created a speech bubble with his unique magic.
Trey blinked at him before he finally understood. Aepper still holds a criminal record. If people were to find out, he’ll be arrested.
“Ah, I see!” 
Trey took his hand, completely oblivious he was reducing Aepper into a flustered mess.
“Let’s go to the mirror!”
“Crowley said we should be back by four in the evening using this teleportation hand mirror. Right now is..”
Trey rolled up his green jacket sleeves to check his watch.
“10 in the morning. Perfect!”
He turned to Aepper and smiled sweetly at him.
“Let’s go!”
Aepper blushed. He crushed on Trey that bad, huh? Going about the Rose Kingdom, the floors covered in cobblestone, the streets filled with boutique stores and quite isolated,
Aepper felt a little more at ease.
The only reason why his heart was beating so fast, was the fact he was hanging out with Trey. His crush. Outside. Together. Alone. Like they’re on a date.
Actually, Aepper wondered. Is this a date?
But then again, dates could be platonic, right? And he’s not even my boyfriend. We’re just friends.. Or, maybe he would confess to me soon? But, no, he wouldn’t want to confess to me, let alone have romantic feelings for me. But, there’s the possibility right?? What about....
And Aepper zoned out, clearly overthinking. His walking pace became slower, and soon Trey was walking in front of him,
but Trey himself was too distracted, quite excited on what to do first as he looked around at the stores.
Before Aepper knew, he bumped into something soft, but firm. And it was quite warm. As he snapped out of hi thoughts, he placed a hand on it, as he tries to process what was going on.
Oh no.
Aepper bumped into Trey from behind. And what he was touching
was Trey’s back.
Aepper immediately pulled back, flustered as ever. He bowed down to Trey profusely as to apologize to him. It was so embarrassing.
“It’s okay, Aepper! It’s not your fault! I just didn’t see you there is all!”
If Aepper could do it without being already very embarrassed, he would have swoon of how kindhearted and forgiving the ivy green haired man was.
Furthermore, Aepper got a closer look at how fine his best friend was. Trey in a simple white turtleneck, with a green coat jacket over-
Trey could steal his heart without effort and without even knowing that he did.
No! Don’t think about that when he’s your best friend, Aepper scolded himself in his head, following Trey to where he was going.
This is not a date, Aepper reminded himself as he stepped into a small supermarket.
“Trey? Is that you??” A man around his 40s with a thick moustache, a round belly and wore and red and white stripped apron on as he looked at Trey in disbelief.
“Trey! It is you!”
“Hey, Mr Stan! Long time no see!”
The man named Mr Stan happily approached Trey, as he shook his hand eagerly.
“Man, oh man, Trey! You really grew up! Grown to be more handsome and tall, eh?”
“Ahahaha! I wouldn’t say handsome, but I did grew!”
No, he’s right. You’re deliciously handsome. Wait-
“How come you’re back home? Aren’t you suppose to be at NRC?”
“Well, my friend here,” Trey gestured at Aepper, “Ae- I mean, Abriel, has special opportunities, and was kind enough to let me tag along to come here!”
The only kindest one around is you, Trey
“Well, Abriel! Lucky to be friends with the eldest son of the Clover Family! I mean, they have Clover as their surname, what can I say?” Mr Stan bellowed, shaking Aepper’s hand.
You’re absolutely right. I’m lucky. Aepper simply smiled.
“Ah, he’s mute, so he can’t really speak.”
“No problem! Anyways, browse the store! Hope you find what ya lookin’ for!”
“Thanks a lot!”
Aepper was on the verge of exploding.
Currently sitting at a table, Aepper and Trey were at the family bakery of the Clovers and Aepper himself, was panicking.
This has to be a date, there was no way this isn’t.
Aepper couldn’t even eat the macrons and cake in front of him.
“Aepper! So, what do you think of my family?” Trey asked as he sips his rose tea from his tea cup, calmly asking Aepper whose heart was about to leap out of his chest.
(They’re nice. I like your siblings. They’re fun.) 
“Yeah, they are. Though, they can be quite a handful,” Trey chuckled softly, and Aepper could barely hold it.
There was a raging battle between his own strong, romantic feelings for Trey at the moment, and the only thing holding him back from just glomping down on Trey was his self control which was running thin by the second.
Every trivial thing Trey did seemed to make his resolve on not being flustered around was getting harder and harder.
This was so bad.
“Hey, Aepper?”
Aepper regain his cool (barely-) and looked at his best friend.
“Do you think... my family’s proud of me? I mean, I know I’m their son but..” Trey’s voice faltered, looking down at his teacup.
Well, Trey’s parents had many things to be proud of their oldest son. He’s a talented chef, the vice dorm leader of his own dorm, upholding good virtues and so much more Aepper could list down.
(Well, I think your parents have many things to be proud of you for. But, one thing you need to know, is that your family must be happy in whatever you do. They know you’re a talented person. But, no matter what, they will always support you, physically and emotionally.)
Trey stared at Aepper, before he smiled softly.
“Wow, Aepper. I didn’t know you think I was talented,” he smirked.
That smirk,
Aepper blushed tenfold and almost choked on his own saliva, coughing violently.
“Well, it’s about time to go,” Trey checked his watch.
“We should get back.”
Aepper simply nodded, leaning away from the wall of a narrow street, taking out the hand mirror teleporter.
“Hey, Aepper?”
The mute boy turned to his green haired friend.
“Thanks for letting me hang out with you, it was really fun. And I just want to say,” Trey paused.
This was it, isn’t it? The confession he’s has been waiting for? WAIT HE’S NOT READY, GIVE HIM A FEW SECONDS! HE NEEDS TO-
“Thank you for being such a kind and caring friend, Aepper. I couldn’t ask for a better one!”
And just like that, Aepper’s hopes were dashed. Crushed. This is the sin he needs to bear for all the crimes he’s committed, isn’t it?
Aepper was lamenting on the inside, but manage to muster a kind smile flashed at Trey as he activated the hand mirror teleporter.
Although he didn’t get the confession he wanted, he was very thankful he got the chance to hang out with Trey outside of NRC.
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