#hazbin hotel forbidden fruits
Forbidden fruits; Lu and Li's first foray into parenthood was being Cain's lame stepparents, this is why it took 10 000 years for them to have their own kid and, only one of them
however bad you're imagining, it went worse
Its fine, he can just barely tolerate them now a days for his mother's sake during family gatherings, progress! (He and Charlie have the most awkward eye contact ever)
Eve honestly doesn't help much
Cain: I hate this fucking family
Cain: oh uh sorry m-
Eve: Ha, you fucking said it, Sapling, this shit sucks
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heavenlyraindrops · 6 months
Father Forgive Me (For I have Sinned) ~ Teaser ♱
Lucifer Morningstar x Angel!Reader Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Song: Eve by Precious Pepala Warnings: Swearing, Violence, Mature Content (its Hazbin, come on guys) Smut (probably idk yet, I will of course warn before it shows up- if it does)
♱♱♱ You, the most virtuous of angels, the kindest soul that had ever graced the ground of Heaven. The Seraphim adored you, the First Man wanted you- you were everything.
You remembered the way the Seraphim had offered to create a third wife for Adam- you were there. He had stared into your eyes as he spoke, addressing the Seraphim.
“I don’t need you to make a third wife.”
You knew how highly the angels thought of you. Sera had told you repeatedly how you were completely Pure in her Judgement, her eyes sparkling with adoration for your virtue. You just smiled sheepishly and did you best to remain humble, which only made them love you more.
Which is what made your fall from grace so shocking.
[Sneak Peek]
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you muttered, the words feeling alien in your mouth as you paced your living room. Your mind ran through your earlier interaction with Emily. ♱♱♱
“Emily, what do I do if I want to… repent for something?”
Emily’s eyes flashed with concern. “Why, what did you do?”
You knew what she was thinking. Sweet [name] would never commit a sin. Sweet [name] would never have to repent.
“It was just a little thing, I just felt bad about it, and I want to- to clear my conscience.”
Emily tilted her head, her face relaxing as you assured her it wasn’t a big deal. “Sure then. Sera tells me that there’s a confessional on this street-“
You winced, visibly, and her frown reappeared again. “Or,” she continued more slowly, “you could just say a quick prayer at home. ‘Father forgive me, for I have sinned… and then say what you did. Please forgive me.’ Sound good enough for you?”
You nodded. “Thank you, Emily.” And watched her as she turned and walked away, eyes fixated unseeingly onto her back as it disappeared.
♱♱♱ You dropped to your knees as the world lurched around you. You felt like you were going to be sick.
Just say it. Just say the words.
“Father…” Your voice cracked and you trailed off. You glanced out the window, before sitting up properly and tracing the shapes of the clouds againts the glass. How could you say the prayer when you knew, that whatever had happened, you didn’t regret it?
The hollowing pit of despair in your gut only grew deeper as you thought. What would the Seraphim say? You gulped.
You closed your eyes. You couldn’t keep them closed for long- the image of Lucifer was seared across the back of your eyelids. It didn’t matter. The feel of his hand was printed on your wrist. On your waist. The warmth of his lips on yours still lingered. His eyes. Why did he have to be so beautiful? You shuddered.
You knew that you could just forget this, bury it, never visit Lucifer during the exterminations again and continue your life as an angel. But you knew, at the same time, that he was too unforgettable, and it would only be a matter of time before someone found out if you continued- because you could never, ever stop.
“Father forgive me, for I have sinned,” you forced the words out, voice shaking. “I have fallen in love with the Devil.”
A/N: Stay tuned guys!
Note: if u want to be added to the taglist then just lmk!
Update: Chapter One is now up!
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gothamcitycentral · 5 months
Hazbin establishes very strong parallels between Charlie and Vaggie’s relationship and Lucifer and Lilith’s.
Charlie being as to Lucifer, the fantastical dreamer discouraged and rejected by the world around them.
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Vaggie being as to Lilith, someone who failed their assigned role and were driven out of ‘paradise’ (Heaven/Eden) by someone they should have been able to trust (Lute/Adam).
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In their most vulnerable moments Lucifer and Charlie find them, love blossoming between each pair because they defied the norm, Lucifer and Lilith being rebellious in a world of order and Charlie and Vaggie being kind in a world of cruelty.
Though at the same time, Charlie is to Lilith while Vaggie is to Lucifer.
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“This kingdom was something she really cared about. Something I care about.”
Charlie acknowledges she is the last thread of the hope her mother gave to Hell all those thousands of years ago. The responsibility to her home Charlie puts on her shoulders is born from the love Lilith had for it. She is directly following in her mother’s footsteps, truly believing her people deserve better and that they’re worth fighting for.
Then there is their partners, the fallen angels who don’t share their love’s connection to Hell. Lucifer saw sinners as horrible people who wasted the gift he went to Hell for giving them. Vaggie always kept everyone not named Charlie a spear’s distance away, treating them as people she tolerated but never trusted for a moment. Despite what Heaven had done, had done to them, they were still thinking like angels.
(Though, these mentalities would change throughout the first season, Lucifer choosing to support Charlie no matter what and Vaggie accepting the hotel crew as a part of the in-group which she wishes to protect)
Lucifer’s distaste for his people, not fighting alongside Lilith’s rebellion and instead agreeing to the exterminations, seems to be why they eventually split, despite the love they held for each other. In extreme contrast, Vaggie always supporting Charlie is what keeps them together despite bumps in their relationship. Vaggie always chose to believe in and support Charlie and that means the world and more to Charlie, who spent so much of her life unsupported.
The show also juxtaposes Lucifer’s parental love for Charlie with Vaggie’s romantic love for her, most prominently with Vaggie starting the reprise of More Than Anything to express her love as Lucifer did originally.
(They’re also just. Charlie and Lilith being these tall powerful demon women with Vaggie and Lucifer being their short and tiny fallen angel loves)
What becomes interesting is during the finale when Lucifer (very strongly, very tastefully) implies he ate out Adam’s first wife before fucking his second.
This seems to based on sexual interpretations of original sin. However, in Hazbin we are very much lead to believe the Fruit of Knowledge is a literal apple. Given that Lilith is said to have also offered the apple to Eve, I doubt the implication is that Luci had any sort of one night stand with Eve. Rather, I think Lilith, Eve, and him were once, or attempted to be, in a romantic relationship.
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(Considering Eve was made to be Adam’s lesser and Lucifer and Lilith shared the gift of free will with her specifically, I do wonder if Eve had fallen in love with the two, but was unable to leave Adam. The Fruit of Knowledge being given to her so she would be able to be free and join their relationship, but ultimately resulted in their separation as Lucifer and Lilith were casted into Hell)
Which certainly has implications about the future of Charlie and Vaggie’s relationship.
I think the show has actually set very compelling parallels between Eve and Emily.
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Much as Lucifer shared forbidden knowledge with Eve, it’s Charlie’s actions that revealed the hidden truth of Heaven’s exterminations. There’s the specific ‘free will’ which Eve was gifted, which fits with Charlie’s influence giving Emily the ‘free will’ to defy Sera and act against Heaven.
I’ve also talked before about the possibility Emily was brought into existence to fill Lucifer’s place in Heaven. Considering the protective relationship Sera has with Emily, along with her looks of genuine horror at her acting against Heaven, it brings to mind the idea Sera has been fearful that Emily would fall just as Lucifer did for Emily’s entire existence, and as such raised her to be more likely to never stray from Heaven as Lucifer did. Which could add to why Sera hid Heaven’s genocide from her despite Emily being a high ranking seraphim; she couldn’t risk giving Emily a reason to rebel.
Which would be a very striking analogue between the two. Both living replacements for the fallen, born into someone else’s shadow to take their place, intended to be the more docile and proper version of Lilith and Lucifer, less likely to stray from the roles they were created to fill. Though, of course, we know Eve fell to temptation and maybe-probably-definitely left or tried to leave Adam, and that Emily is walking the edge.
(Emily having ties to both Lucifer and Eve seems relevant with how Charlie and Vaggie each have parallels to Lucifer and Lilith. Perhaps in her fall, we’ll see Emily ‘thrive in Hell’ just as Lilith did, and similarities between Charlie and Vaggie to Eve will pop up the more we learn about her?)
What’s also interesting is that Eve ‘falling into temptation’ (choosing Lucifer and Lilith over her preordained role) is what separated her from them. However, if Emily were to choose supporting Charlie’s dream over her place in Heaven, then her falling would be what brought her to Charlie and Vaggie. Thereby their situation acts as a foil to the previous generation’s.
And Emily supporting Charlie is very relevant. In More Than Anything we get the exchange of:
“I’ll support your dream whatever lies in store.”
“And who could ask for more?”
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Because Charlie can’t think of anything more she could ask. Charlie’s idea of love and being loved is so heavily based on support and being supported. It’s a part of the conflict in Hell’s Greatest Dad, that Lucifer is being genuine and Alastor manipulative, but Alastor is the one actually providing Charlie with what she asks of him, which Lucifer never has. Charlie shows her love for Hell by believing in them, that they can improve, they deserve safety, and they have worth. It’s why Vaggie’s love is so important to Charlie, because for a long time, she was the only one believing in her.
And what does Emily do?
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“I don’t know-”
“Yeah, let’s give him a chance!”
She supports Charlie! She believes and trusts her and argues on her behalf. She’s the only angel in Heaven to have faith in Charlie’s dream. Having Emily in the position of a fallen angel, falling right into Charlie’s arms, Charlie caring for her and nursing her back to health, with her being someone who very deeply believes in her, would be the same conditions that made Charlie fall in love with Vaggie three years ago.
Then for Vaggie, Emily also has a lot of the textbook traits that she loves Charlie for. The overexcited-ness, the care she has for others, even the way she doesn’t pull rank. And what she hasn’t expressed, that being seeing value in Vaggie where she herself does not, it feels natural that Emily would express that in the way Charlie does upon learning Vaggie’s history. We’ve seen her sense of justice and her horror at Heaven’s actions, so her deeply sympathizing with Vaggie would be entirely expected, and would be a very easy way for Vaggie to catch feelings for Emily.
However, there is this:
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Which suggests the direction of a jealous Vaggie. I think that works, at least initially, with Vaggie feeling insecure in her relationship with Charlie after Emily falling and being cared for by Charlie in the way she was all that time ago. Those feelings heavily changing however, at the realization that Emily is crushing on her just as much as she is Charlie and how deeply relatable to her Emily’s circumstances and trauma would be.
Then on Emily’s side, not only would she have very much been thinking and focusing on Charlie prior to her fall, once she does, she lands in a very emotionally volatile situation where Charlie and Vaggie are supporting her so much and caring for her so deeply. It makes sense that this would translate to her developing feelings for the both of them.
(Now, this is a bit less definitive, but with Emily’s design, the long hair and dress that covers every inch of her short of her fingers, and Heaven being a stand in for the imperialist church, I do read the coming-of-age story the show has set up for her to be one of a conservative christian raised girl striking out of the doctrine she grew up in and finding community in the people her home had demonized, or at least an allegory for such. So having her develop romantic feelings for two ‘vile and blasphemous’ women in a very non-monogamous way would be very thematically relevant I think)
I would say this all works great as an analogue to Lucifer, Lilith, and Eve. Eve being in the unfortunate situation of Adam’s wife but finding comfort in Lucifer and Lilith and falling for the both of them as Emily would as a fallen angel being comforted by Charlie and Vaggie. Lucifer seeing Lilith reflected in Eve and caring for and helping her as he did before being parallel to Charlie helping Emily as she did Vaggie. Lilith initially feeling negativity towards the woman made to replace her bond so closely with her new love, only to realize Eve is falling for her just as much as she is for Lucifer and empathizing with Eve’s situation so deeply, just like Vaggie.
Then, there’s Adam and Lute. I already mentioned that they play parallel with forcing Lilith and Vaggie out of their respective paradises. Their dynamics are built on Adam and Lute punishing, and their domination over, Lilith and Vaggie, because they need to know their place: beneath them. (There’s also the interpretation of that Lute had or has romantic feelings for Vaggie, which is certainly relevant) The show is being very clear with Lute being Adam’s successor I feel, with her taking on his position as leader of the exorcists following his death.
Then, her line: “Your brat is threatening the very foundation of Heaven.” Personally, that makes me think of a sediment Adam would feel towards Lucifer. That’s he is the source of every problem, that he stole his wives (ignoring that Lilith left him before even meeting Luci), and that he destroyed paradise, Eden. Now that Vaggie and Lute’s conflict has seemingly come to a close, I think the show will be shifting to a Lute vs Charlie conflict, much as Adam shifted from Lilith to his hatred for Lucifer.
Now, if the show wants to push a Adam-Eve dynamic with Lute and Emily, what I could imagine is Lute protecting onto Emily in a very one sided way, where she thinks Charlie has ‘corrupted’ the seraphim (threatening heaven’s foundation) and she must personally ‘save’ her, which would very much align with how Adam would feel towards Lucifer’s influence on Eve.
Now, we can tell that Lucifer, Lilith, and Eve’s relationship Did Not pan out particularly well. So I think much like how Charlie and Vaggie have succeeded where Lilith and Lucifer failed, Charlie, Vaggie, and Emily is going to be the successful foil to their attempted relationship. Then for Lute, I think it becomes a question of: does she accept the olive branch Adam did not, does she eventually understand that she is doing wrong, does she accept mercy, or does she continue down Adam’s path, digging her own grave as he did; except that unlike Adam, there won’t be anyone to cry for her?
And y’know, the angel and 3 immortal humans versus the demon/half immortal human and 3 angels serves as a nice counter.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 6 months
Lucifer: Charlie, dear, are there any rooms available for Eve and your mother?
Charlie: Erm, actually…we’re all booked out tonight.
Lilith: Charlotte Evelynn Morningstar if you’re trying to trick your father and I-
Charlie: It’s not a trick, look! *shows her the key wall* See?! Every room is taken!
Eve: Ugh, great.
Lucifer: Ah hell, fuck it, my room is big enough, put them down in mine.
Charlie: Will do, Dad.
Eve: I swear if either of you try anything I’m strangling you with vines.
Lilith: Kinky 😈
Lucifer: Ladies, ladies. I know today was a little…rough..but there’s no reason we can’t be civilized adults about sleeping in the same space again for a while. Agreed?
*Both Lilith and Eve nod*
Vaggie: *watching them leave* Charlie I thought we had one more room available.
Charlie: *pulls the last room key out of her jacket* We did, but I asked Rosie to reserve it.
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hellfyre · 8 months
thinking about how adam was the first human soul in Heaven bc what the fuck happened to Abel. did he go to hell (for some reason?)
like what happened there. he was the first human to ever die so like would the theories saying Eve is the first person to enter hell be therefore incorrect? Because Adam and Eve had another son to replace Abel, Seth. Eve did not die first.
idk i have gripes and confusion about that stuff.
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divine0rdainment · 3 months
Adamsapple Week!!!
Day 1: Wings and Forbidden Fruit
A/N: I will say this is my first time doing something like this so please be kind. I'm not so much a book writer as much as a Script writer. I have not yet had the chance to edit, and plan to do so later, i just dont have time today. So please don't comment on the grammar or spelling for now, I will fix it when I'm free.
 Taking What Is Forbidden 
Eden was always cold to Adam. Beautiful, safe, and wonderful, but cold. At least it was when he first came to exist and had to wander the garden alone. Naming animals, plants, and exploring. Learning everything by himself. He never understood the cold feeling because the sun was warm, the breeze was soft and brought warmth to his skin. But the cold didn't come from the air or wind or night sky. It came from his chest. He knew something was missing from him the moment he was brought from clay and dirt. But he didn't know what it was. 
Not till about the 13th moon rise, when he heard a noise he hasn't before in the garden. Melodic, soft, and…almost mesmerizing. He followed it like a man possessed, searching for its source. And low and behold, there, Infront of him, sat large white wings, sitting Infront of one of the many lakes in the garden. The noise came from the extended white wings that seemed to glow in the moon’s delecat light. 
Adam watched the wings as they locationally flicked and shifted as the sound continued, the man had seen many birds, named every one he had seen, from elegent Dove to the fierce Hawk to the fleeting humming birds. But none of them had wings this beautiful, gigantic, and smooth. And never has he seen a being with 6 wings either! So he couldn't help himself but to reach out and touch, his finger grazing a single feather till the sound stopped and the wings pulled away. And there, sat before him was no bird. But a face like his own…well almost? It didn't have a nose like his, and the skin was white, pale dove white, like the wings. And the hair on the beings head was like color of soft sunshine. And on its cheeks, instead of freckles or a blush was two large circle patterns, much like the parakeet, but a softer pink instead of the bold red. And the eyes…the eyes were the soft color of the sky. 
Adam stood there enraptured by this being, having seen nothing like it, except when he looked in the river at his own reflection. The beauty was indescribable to a man who was still only 13 days old.  Adam saw panic in those beautiful eyes, and a part of him thought it just made this beast more pretty. And after a moment Adam spoke. “Um…hello…I…I need to name you right?” 
The being blinked then slowly it seemed to look less terrified and more amused, and then it laughed. Oh that noise was just as pretty as the earlier one! If only Adam had a name for it, but he was too distracted to come up with one.
"No, no I uh, I have a name…b-be not afraid Adam…” the being stood and Adam got an even better look at the new creature. It had a white…something? Covering its body, like wool on a sheep but more tame and covered in patterns of blue and gold. As it stood, Adam is also able to notice a golden ring over its head, with a star-like shape in the center. It stayed even with his head with every move he made, like it was attached to him, but it seemed to just be floating. 
“My name is Lucifer, I am an angel of the Lord! I am sorry to have disturbed your night, but I was coming to…check on something i had created.” They said, a soft dust of gold coming to his face. It made Adam even more warm. Wait…warm. He touched his chest and he realized, he didn't feel that cold feeling inside him when he stood with this angel of the Lord. This…Lucifer. 
Lucifer then turns from him, his eyes landing on the lake where Adam sees white birds with orange beaks that were flat. He likes to call these birds ‘Ducks’. He didn't know why, but the name felt right. And the small yellow ones beside it, which he learned were younger ducks that come from Eggs, where Ducklings. He thought that was a cute name. 
“You created the ducks my angel?” Adam inquired stepping forward to be beside Lucifer. The angel nodded and turned to Adam. “Yes, they are one of the only things the other angels approved of…” he said sheepishly. "Many of my other creations where…rather dangerous according to Michael-" 
“Whats a Michael?" Adam asked confused. He hadn't named anything Michael had he? But he was greeted with that laugh again, and it made Adam feel like there was a twist in his stomach, but in a good way?
“No, Michael is my brother. An Angel like me. There are many angels." He explained. Adam listened intently, smiling wide at the angel as he did. “A brother? That is when you share..the same parents?" He asked to make sure. Adam himself didn't have parents, or siblings, so it was still a rather foreign concept to him, but he remembered the words. He didn't know why, they were just there when he first came to exist. 
The angel nodded “Exactly! My you are so very smart Adam!" He said pleased and it made Adams face grow warm. He didn't understand why this angel made his body feel weird, but he didn't want it to stop. Slowly he reached out again and touched the angel, this time on his arm. " My angel…" he started. “What is this on your body?" 
Lucifer turned to look and smiled “it is Robes, or Clothes…you will have some one day, when you are ready.” They informed the other. And Adam nodded looking down at himself and imagined himself in clothes like Lucifers. It made him giggle because it looked silly. 
“Clothes huh…” he shifted and slowly his hand moved down Lucifers arm to his hand, which he gently took and brought closer to himself, examining. "...you are like me…the animals aren't like me at all but…you are…” he smiles softly "I like that your like me." And he leans down, nuzzling Lucifer's hand, making the angel blushing that soft golden color again. Adam’s amber eyes look up at Lucifer and he smiles softly once more as he speaks. “Will you stay here now that I've found you?" 
Lucifers smile fell and the angel looked down. "I…I don't think I can Adam, I'm sorry…" he slowly pulls hos hand away from Adam. “You weren't supposed to see me. I was a fool and…I broke the rules.” 
Adam tilts his head, his stomach feels tight in a bad way now. And he didn't like it. He reached out and touched the angels face, pulling the shorter being to look up at him. “...can you come back then? When no one is watching. I…I want to see you again. I want to feel your warmth…” he said with pleading eyes. “Please My angel Lucifer. You make the garden warmer!" 
Lucifer opens and closed his mouth, looking unsure what to say, but slowly, Lucifer nodded. “Ok, but I can't do it every day, only when I know no one will see. Does that seem…fair?” 
Adam didn't know what ‘fair’ means but he liked that Lucifer would return. So the human nodded. "Yes!" 
It has been 100 days since that first night, and Adam happy and warm every time he saw Lucifer, it made him excited to tell Lucifer about all the animals he named and all the flowers he found, how he learned how to swim all on his own and how he learned to get fruit off a tree with a new tool he created, a ‘rope’ as he called it. 
But Adam also learned things from Lucifer. Like the noise Lucifer made that night was called “Singing" and Adam could do it too with some practice. And practice Adam did. Every day. He wanted to sing like his angel. He learned notes and songs and melodies, anything Lucifer was willing to teach. He even learned more about the other angels. He now knew there was a Gabriel, who was funny, a Raphael who was very stricken, a Ariel and Uriel who were “Twins" and a Michael who was…boring. Adam didn't quite know what that meant but he memorized everything he was told anyway. 
As Lucifer said, he didn't come every night fall, but he came often enough for Adam to grow attacked. And every time the angel came back, the more he NEEDED to see him again. He didn't know what it was but Lucifer made him feel WHOLE. He never explained it to Lucifer, not wanting to make the other confused, Because Adam didn't understand it either. But that didn't matter, what mattered was, every second he spent with Lucifer was a blessing and a joy. And he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. 
But sadly, that joy wasn't to last. As one night, Lucifer came with great news. The two were sitting in a flower field, Adam makeing a flower crown with the help of Lucifers instructions, gently guiding his hands through the prossess, the flowers were blues and whites and yellow, all Adams favorite colors Becuse they reminded him of Lucifer. And soon, he finished and smiles, putting the flower crown on Lucifers Top hat. Smiling bright “there!" He said happily. 
Lucifer blinked than giggled. “Oh Adam it's lovely. Thank you for this gift. I will treasure it…” he said a soft golden glow on his cheeks, something Adam always worked hard to see. Adam sat back in the flowers, watching as Lucifer ran his soft fingers over the petals and giggled to himself. 
After a moment, Lucifer spoke. " Oh, I have news Adam! Wonderful wonderful news!” He exclaimed and reached for Adams cheeks to make sure the other was looking at him and had his full attention. It was funny to Adam that Lucifer would do this. Didn't he know he already always had Adam’s full attention at every moment they shared?
“We are almost done with your wife Adam!" He said, very pleased, "And she is beautiful! Tall, long hair, beautiful green eyes, she is perfect for you Adam! You will no longer be alone. And you won't only have me and the animals for company!" 
Adams' smile slowly falls. “Wife?" He sits up fully and looked at Lucifer. “What…what is that?” 
Lucifer blinked. “Well..you know how some birds mate for life? Well humans are supposed to do the same! She is your mate! She will be by your side and make you happy and comfortable, and one day, when you are truly bonded, you will have children! Like the ducks have ducklings and the wolves have cubs!" 
Adam blinked. He…he didn't like that. He didn't know why but he didn't WANT this Lilith. Who even was she? Couldn't someone Adam knows he his mate? Someone like…like Lucifer. 
Lucifer sees his hesitation and pouts. “Does that not excite you?" He asked “you will have more people to talk to. You can teach her about the animals and music…” 
“No…” Adam pulled away. "I was having fun with you. I don't need her. Can't you be my wife? I know you! I don't know her!” Adam shook his head defiantly and Lucifer blinked in shock as Adam stood and crossed his arms. Anger boiling inside him. “I like spending time with you! I don't need a Lilith! I don't need this new wife!" He sounded like a child. A child throwing a tantrum. Lucifer had seen many younger angels do the same. 
Lucifer sighs and slowly stands, taking Adams hand. “I can not be your wife. I am not human, and I am not a women. Remember how most animals have a Male and a female? She will be female! That is how you will create more humans. I promise you will love her once you see her! You just have to give her a chance! She is beautiful just like you. And she will be your Equal, I am not your equal. I am an angel. I am in heaven…we could never be together like you will be with her. 
Adam felt tears in his eyes but held them back. He knew it made Lucifer upset when he cried. “...fine. but I won't like it. I'll marry Lilith and make children. But you will still be my favorite!" 
Lucifer smiles “All I ask is you give her a chance. A real chance. Get to know her, see what there is to like about her. Then decide if you do not want her as a wife…”
Adam agreed. But he didn't mean a word of it. Lilith would NEVER be his mate. 
As Adam has suspected, he did NOT like Lilith. She was beautiful, yes, even he could admit that, but she was different from him. She was Bossy, she didn't like to listen when he told her things. She wanted to wander off on her own, which, honestly, was fine with Adam. He didn't want her around. She only ever came back at night with fruits and then would try to be friendly and talk to him. But Adam didn't give her the time of day. Night time was for him and Lucifer to bond! Not him and Lilith! If she didn't wanna be around him during the day, he didn't want her around at all! 
Another thing about Lilith is that she figured things out faster than him, when he was wondering, he saw Lilith using vines to catch fruit from the tree like he did! And it has only been a day! And she was already learning to sing from the birds! Unlike him who had to be shown by Lucifer. She learned to swim faster. She learned to befriend the lions and birds faster. She learned to get Milk from cows and how to ride on horses. Every time he found her she was off doing something that took him longer to do, or worse, things he hadn't even learned to do yet. She was BETTER than him. And he hated it.
So at night, he would leave her, not caring how she felt about it. It was her choice to avoid him when the sun was up! So he'd spend his nights looking for Lucifer or going to the pond to watch Lucifer's ducks. Chuckling as they swam or slept on the grass beside him. They went days and days like this. Lilith wandering in the day, Adam wandering at night. A routine that ment they never had to interact. But Lucifer didn't come for a few days, Mostlikly busy. Or he thought so till one day, he came back to Liliths area and heard giggling from her…and another giggle. When he goes closer he spots…Lucifer. HIS Lucifer, sitting by Lilith on the grass, holding her hands and talking to her. 
“It's ok Lilith. I'm sure if you just try and bond with him, he will come to like you. You are his wife." He explained. “I know Adam. He is kind and sweet and a bit silly, but I derneith it all, he's GOOD. Just like you." And he takes a flower, and placed it in Lilith's hair. 
Adam felt warm again, his chest was warm…no..no that wasn't the right word. His chest was BURNING. Anger filtered through his body and his mind clouded with thoughts of hurting Lilith with rocks and sticks. Of chasing her away from HIS angel. LUCIFER WAS HIS ANGEL! How dare she talk to him?! Touch him?! Get flowers from him?! Those were ADAMS to have! His moments! His nights! Not hers!
 But he didn't come out. He sat and let his Anger grow. Why…why did he like Lilith too? Did he like her better? Was it because she was prettier? Smarter?! 
He felt a sudden pain in his hands and looked down to see his nails had dug in to his palm so much he started to bleed…huh…he hasnt evwe bled before… He held his hand up to his eyes and frowned, then slowly, turned to leave. He needed time to think. 
Soon Lucifer did come to see him. A few days later tho, meaning he spent a whole night with that woman. Adam pretended not to know. Pretended he hadn't seen, and made excuses when Lucifer asked why he was avoiding Lilith. Saying “she was avoiding me so I thought she didn't like me, so I left her be." Or “if she wants to talk to me she could come find me herself." 
Not helpful statements but true ones in Adams opinion. If she wanted him, she'd come get him. She hadn't, so clearly she didn't need him around…he didn't need her either. 
Lucifer let it go. For a bit at least, and just talked with Adam on the hill as usual, talking about a new instrument he had invented called the violin. He summoned it and showed Adam how he played it with a bow made of hair on metal based strings. Playing for his human happily. His human. That's how Adam saw himself. And after Lilith he realized just how DEEP the ownership inside them was. He owned Lucifer, and Lucifer owned him. He'd do anything for Lucifer. He'd put himself through utter pain and suffering for Lucifer's smile. He'd watch the garden burn if it made Lucifer giggle. And some small part of him knew it wasn't healthy, but he wasn't sure he cared…all he wanted was his lucifer to be fully his. Not Liliths…he would have to find a way to keep her away from his angel. And as they talk that's all Adam could imagine. 
Adam had a few ideas.including getting her to go away by telling her a new flower was in specific areas, or by telling her about a new animal she should go see. She always listened, running off to find the animal in question, seeming pleased that, maybe, Adam was starting to warm up to her, and the bad start could be mended. She even asked him to come with her some nights to go see what he had described, but he refused. Or at least…at first. Other ideas came to his head and he smiles as one night, he tells her about a new fish he found by the river that was super shiny. And this time, he offered to show her himself. 
So he led her through the forest, taking her hand, until they head to the river bank, right before nightfall, and Adam and her kneel by the side, looking over the quick moving water that led in to a waterfall. Adam had been told by Lucifer once to be carful by the river, that he could get hurt…well a hirt Lilith shouldn't be able to be around his angel, so this was a good way to keep her away. 
He points to the middle of the river and smiles “see! Right there! The salmon I was telling you about," he said proudly, Lilith looked and frowned, not being in the best spot to see it as the sun sets and shines light right on the water, nearly blinding her. 
“Adam, it's too bright.." she said closing her eyes and rubbing them as they start to water. Then, she felt so thing bump in to her from behind, and gravity pushed her forth, sending her in to the water. Lilith screamed but it was cut off by the sound of water filling her mouth, sending her rolling through the river. Hitting rocks and fish on the way, the rocks were too slick to stand on, and the river was too fast for her to swim against or even try to get to the edges. She got to the top of the water and screamed, begging for help. 
But Adam just stood there, watching her flow away from him. And as she looked at him, she could swear she saw a smile. But she didn't see if for long as she suddenly went over the side of the waterfall, screaming as she is pulled by gravity and the force of the water twords rocks below…or she would be, if a pair of arms didn't wrap around her and hold her close. She looked up to see Lucifer there, eyes widened as other angels appear at hearing the screams on the garden, all of them in shock and horror at the near loss of the first woman. Michael and Sera fly to lucifer, seeing the bruises forming on the woman's arms and hands. The tears and panic in her eyes as she cling to Lucifer. 
“How did this happen!?" Sera said “they were to stay away from the river!" 
Lucifer shooshed the woman. "She is upset. Let's help heal her and calm her down and we can ask. She has been through enough…”
Adam felt the rage again at seeing Lilith in his arms. That's his place! Not hers! How dare he! Didn't he know he was Adams?! Lilith could have another angel but not his! Adam turned, storming off in to the woods, too angry to think straight. He wandered deeper and deeper, going to an area he hadn't seen before. His eyes wided. As he sees how dark it is…how long has he been walking? Where was he? He…he needs to head back…but what if Lucifer is mad at him…
Adam groaned and pinched a tree, his knuckles bleeding after, but he ignores it in favor of  sitting down by the tree in question, holding his hand to his chest. Tears start to form. He didn't understand why this was happening. He was happy with Lucifer. Lucifer was a good angel. He was funny and smart and kind. He treated Adam like he was special. Lilith had no reason to exist. None! Yet here she was! Taking his angel! Singing songs and being smart! Adam can be smart too! Adam was very smart! He just takes longer! That doesn't make him not smart!!!
He held his head. “...I wanna be smart too…” he mumbled in to the air, then, he heard the sound of something dropping to the dirt with a thud. 
He opens his eyes and sees a bruised red apple. A glowing red apple. Huh…” he reached out and took it, and then a voice in his head he had forgotten yelled " DO NOT EAT THE FRUIT OF LIFE OF THE FRUIT OF KNOWLEGE! FOR DOING SO WILL LEAD TO YOUR DOOM!” 
Doom…he didn't know what that meant but…he did know what knowledgement! Knowledge! It makes you smarter! He looked up at the tree he was sitting at and gasped. “The tree of knowledge!" He stood up holding the apple in his hand. It was bruised and old, clearly not meant to be eaten by him. He noticed there were no animals here. No sounds of bugs buzzing or birds chirping, just his breath and the wind. So even the animals knew to stay away…but…
He looked down at the apple. It was so shiny and beautiful compared to regular apples. Almost unreal. He saw his reflection in the apple even. That's how clean and pure it was. He thought for a second. “If I was smarter…if I tried harder…could I learn how to make Lilith go away and keep Lucifer…could knowledge be t
The key to my loving angel? Could it make it so Lucifer wasn't made about the river? Could…could he have Lucifer if he did this? 
He guled, and after a long long moment, he closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and he took a bite. 
(Tell me what ya think? I may do a part two later if I have the inspiration and energy, but yeah. I wrote something! UvU Its unedited and If I do a part two I may put it on Ao3, but for now I'll keep it here! Please tell me if you like it. And again, it's unedited so please don't correct the grammar rn, I only had so much time after work and sadly did not have much time to clean up.)
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barbru · 7 months
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Adam's Apple: a lie stuck in your throat for posterity
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kittenfangirl20 · 4 months
*back in Eden Eve saw an angel and a woman by the tree bearing the Forbidden Fruit, she walked over and both smiled at her, the angel had a kind smile, but the woman’s smile seemed cold*
Eve: Hello, you must be new here, but the tree bears Forbidden Fruit. I was told by my husband that eating that fruit will bring evil to this paradise.
The Woman: You must be Eve, I am Lilith and this is my husband Lucifer.
*Eve was frozen with fear, Adam told her about Lilith, a cruel woman who takes joy in causing pain and she looked at Lucifer who was Adam’s first love until Lilith stole him, she wanted to grab Lucifer and demand to know why he couldn’t see the cruelty in the woman, Lucifer walked over to Eve and gently took her hands*
Lucifer: The fruit is not evil, it will give you knowledge which is a good thing, your eyes will be opened to all the possibilities that life has to offer.
*Lucifer leads her to the tree and plucks an apple from the tree, it was a much brighter red than a typical apple and it seemed to glow, he then placed the apple into her hand*
Lilith: You just need to take one bite and everything will change for you.
*Eve nervously lifted the apple and took a bite, it was so sweet like honey, but when she swallowed it she felt unbearable pain in her head she saw so much that humanity had to offer, both good and evil, she screamed wishing the pain would go away, when the pain faded she was horrified to realize that she was naked and that she would now be thrown out of Eden, away from Adam, the thought made her cry as she tried to cover herself up with her hands, Lilith walked over and had a look of mock concern on her face*
Lilith: Don’t cry, you are free from that hideous creature, come with us.
*Lilith then kissed Eve the way that Adam would kiss her and while she had no problem with the idea of two people of the same gender kissing, she was horrified by the fact that it was Lilith kissing her and grabbing at her body, Adam heard Eve’s screams and ran to her, he felt anger at seeing Lilith treating Eve like this when she was so scared*
Adam: Let go of her!!!!!!!
*Lilith pulled away and Eve ran to hide behind Adam as she shook like a leaf*
Adam: What happened?
Lucifer: Adam, we gave her knowledge.
Lilith: Now she must leave with us because Eve would be seen as corrupted, don’t worry I am sure that you will get a third wife.
*Adam looked down at the Forbidden Fruit lying by his foot with a bite taken out it, he didn’t want a third wife, he wanted Eve and they were trying to take her away from him, he couldn’t lose someone he loved again, he knelt down and grabbed the Forbidden Fruit and turned it so that side that didn’t have a bite taken out of it was facing him, he pressed his lips against it almost as if he was going to kiss it while Lilith and Lucifer looked on in shock, he then took a bite and swallowed it, he then fell to the ground screaming, Eve held onto him as he screamed, Lucifer wanted to run to Adam, but Lilith held him back, when the pain faded he felt so exposed being naked and started to curl up in a ball as a way to hide his nudity, Eve held onto him as they both trembled in fear*
Eve: How could you, we were so happy and you ruined everything. You have your freedom, you could have just left us alone in paradise.
*Eve then turns her glare at Lucifer*
Eve: Adam said only kind things about you, but you helped that serpent hurt him, don’t you feel any regret? He ate the Forbidden Fruit because he didn’t want to lose me like he lost you.
*Lucifer didn’t know what Eve meant by this, but then God and the angels arrived, Eve knowing that they would be punished took the blame by saying she tempted Adam even if it meant she would suffer in childbirth, both Adam and Eve were made to leave, in an act of kindness God gave them clothes and Michael handed a very distraught Adam his sword of angelic steel, Lucifer and Lilith were then condemned to live in Hell where they would only see wickedness and Lilith would never bear a living child of her own, Lilith clung to Lucifer as the ground opened beneath them, Lucifer was shocked when Adam reached out and grabbed Lucifer’s hand, but as he fell and was unable to fly, his hand slipped out of Adam’s*
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askweisswolf · 3 months
Random dumb thought: if Chaggily happened would you say that makes Charlie her mother’s daughter or her father’s daughter.
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Till death do us part, then I'll find you again and work out the rest
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Heartbreaking! The worst person you know is deeply and mutually in love with someone who completes him perfectly
"gaining weight means letting yourself go" actually you fool, its about Adam and Eve both finding places of comfort and security in Heaven and as a Queen of Hell respectively after the life of hardship following getting kicked out of Eden and they both think it makes the other way hotter
Adam: now, obviously I'm the best fucking Dick anyone's ever gotten but that does make it hard to get a real Challenge fucking ever up there so I might not be the absolute top of my game like you remember me being-
Eve: Adam; I am currently a tree, do you really think I care about your new haircut? Take your giant bird ass and pollinate this pussy
But it cant all be freaky sex, playful insults and paradise
there are some topics they're split over
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had a few lovers' quarrels
being hypocritical is great I get to love my hot demon wife and still commit all my demonic descendants to death
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taxi-boi · 4 months
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hear-my-circles-sing · 6 months
Another weird theory I have.
What if Lucifer and Lilith wanted Adam to take the apple instead?
Either though ignorence of only having one idea of what love is, or Liliths biased opinion of Adam as a husband, they wanted Adam banned from the Garden. Maybe they hoped that Eve would get lucky and have a new husband made for her much like Adam did after Lilith.
There's two ways I thought it would end. Either Eve would overhear them and be more convinced by their arguments than Adam, therefore willingly eating the fruit... OR Adam does take the first bite, and when the Heavens open and angels start appearing, Adam hides the fruit behind his back and just points at Eve. Given the humour in the Hazbinverse, I'm not exactly ruling this out.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 7 months
Some Forbidden Fruits headcanons cause I love them
It actually started with Eve and Lilith. They quickly developed a very deep connection because of their shared experiences and began just talking and taking moonlit walks together
Eventually Eve began talking walks with just Lucifer too, because they wanted to get to know each other better. As the second male she’d ever met, Eve was really curious about how different Luci was from Adam
Eve is the one who came up with the nickname “LuLu” for Lucifer.
Lucifer and Lilith came up with “Evie” for Eve in the middle of a jinx
Lucifer likes to joke about how he has two apples of his eye
Back in Eden, Eve would make drawings in the dirt of Lucifer and Lilith while they posed
Both Lilith and Eve can sing, but their voices are very different. Lilith’s is loud and powerful, while Eve’s is softer and sweeter. Lucifer finds them both utterly enchanting
In hell, Eve has tons and tons of sketchbooks full of doodles of Lucifer and Lilith
Not even Charlie knows, but Lucifer once made a rubber duck that looks like Eve. He doesn’t look at it much cause seeing it makes him cry
Lilith can never look at a sunset without being reminded of Eve. Sunsets have always been Eve’s favorite
The apple was actually an attempt at giving Eve enough free will to leave Adam for good to she could run away with Lucifer and Lilith and the three of them could be happy together
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namelessandred · 1 month
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Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Lilith Magne | Morningstar/Lucifer Magne | Morningstar, Onesided Lucifer Magne | Morningstar/Adam
Characters: Lucifer Magne | Morningstar, Adam (Hazbin Hotel)
Additional Tags: Pining, One-Sided Attraction, Possibly Unrequited Love, Canon Compliant, Garden of Eden
Series: Part 2 of Adamsapple 2024
There was once Lucifer tried to give Adam the fruit of knowledge.
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jinxedshapeshifter · 7 months
autistic bitches be apologizing for getting hyperfixated on Hazbin Hotel because they're ex-Mormon so the animation style, color palettes, religious references, and criticism of Christianity is wreaking havoc on their brain (its me I'm autistic bitches)
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