#hb season 2 episode 6
fan-of-chaos · 1 year
At this point I am starting to feel bad for Striker XDDD
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lukola4evs · 2 months
So here’s my theory (subject to change)
Mom and Dad always had a soft spot for each other or “kind eyes” but could never act on it since 2019
L always referring Ross and Rachel etc.
They’ve always been friends, he ask N for advice on J etc. and even in season 1 or 2 promo (zooms she did) she was tearing up seeing her friend asks her questions.
Season 3 they dive in and get super emotionally connected.
Season 3 they fall in love as polin but also fall in love to the point where the blurred lines definitely have J/L break up.
Timeline during filming
Block 3 filming, episode 5/6 emotional mess so to speak if you catch my drift. J/L breakup nov/dec
Block 4 filming episode 7/8, flirty on set but no definite name to it.
Episode 8 riding scene (all lukola) and production could tell so that’s why we get montage cut.
But they are so bf/gf coded here
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Liz (ic) gives them steps to walk away and make sure it’s real and they are distant but they do check in and they’re still in lurve with Photo Booth pic.
So N makes decision for them to walk away because Liz but also since she’s a jaded guarded Capricorn she needs to make sure it’s real for her and not just feelings from pen since it’s “such a profound experience”
L does hbs and parties his feelings away,
N and L post thirst traps for each other on ig last year. I’ll post pics later but she did one from New York and he did shirtless pics from R ig. (You don’t have to follow publicly to keep tabs)
They come back for reshoots dec ‘23 and they back at it like they meant to be but N still doesn’t let anything happen because polin 🙄
On March 2nd, 2024 N likes that zendaya posts saying about being an actor and falling in love with your costar.
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Then press tour heats up. Back and forth messages hidden in promo (Ive rewatched 50 videos and the things you catch 2nd time around is crazy)
Now press tour - it was fun until Brazil and L only told N it was completely casual with A and not to worry about it.
They allowed themselves to fully soak up in each others energy because they are doing press as them. Not the characters. So they now know it’s not just an on set thing. Fucking Finally.
N ditched her side piece expecting L to do the same and he tells her he will, they love up some way or talk about feelings all Brazil, Toronto, Ireland, and part of london.
L is nervous af knowing a’s going to London premier and didn’t tell N outright. So in all london interviews he’s reaching out constantly to n (not only because he wants to now but because he’s worried whatever he and a have planned with his team is gonna be like a 💣 to N)
N ever the skeptic can since his bs (or maybe his lack of vulnerability when they were with her family) and eases back emotionally when she remembers too
London promo always throws me off part of the way. (Deliberately calling him bud - downplay what they have if he’s not gonna be serious or talking about showers to incite jealousy?)
But she can’t help when we see the 😍 either.
Pap pics drop she’s pissed next day. Post satc tt to be a bit vindictive
Lets it stay up for 24 hours.
L or someone reaches out and she makes the lukey newts fan club pr post.
Then for the first 6-7 days after it’s like they have coordinated posting. Always liking in 15 minutes or whatever.
Then in addition to this she lets the Polaroid be seen at ts to let us know it’s all good between them to the ga and shippers.
Fast forward to Wimbledon we see enough of the Polaroid to let us all on x know it’s a different one. And if we know it’s different from computer screens then so does L. Remember by now we know his notifs are on.
He’s got adhd and best believe when his love of his life is icing him out he’s gonna hyper fixate on everything he knows. Including a phone case he’s stared at for ages and constantly liking her stuff first thing when he wakes up.
Now n is icing him out, giving herself some time to do her and work.
Didn’t @ him on latest amazing thank you all posts which is usually her m.o. she tagged the pic but not in the captions is what I mean.
When they reunite after he deals with a he’s gonna have to make amends because Istg I know they are end game but I feel like he told her it was gonna be one way when it went sideways on her outta nowhere (she left after party super early even for having work next day)
Like he’s such a ppl pleaser the minute he got back with his friends he or someone decided that life isn’t his regular life and went back to friend group ways.
Posting more tomorrow. Didn’t realize this was so long.
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showtoonzfan · 10 months
So you are aware that a lot of the same criticisms that are frequently leveled at Viv can also be brought against Brandon Rogers right? His videos have bestiality, incest, racist sterotyping, misogyny (find me a single female character he plays that isn't a screaming harpy), and excessive swearing amongst countless other forms of tasteless humor.
And he's also one of the main writers for Helluva Boss who clearly adds a lot of his own humor to the script (the video he did with the Blitzo and Moxxie puppets really highlights this), yet no one ever blames him for how HB is written. It's always Viv that catches the blame, Viv that gets thrown under the bus.
Why is that? Why does she get held to different standards than Brandon Rogers does?
For me personally, I do mention Brandon frequently when I talk about how bad the show is. (And I won’t speak on his personal content cause I have no desire to watch it so don’t take me as a legitimate source if this stuff is true) but I will say the reason why Viv gets blamed the most is….well…she’s the creator, and in charge writing wise. She has the power over everything because it’s her show, so even if she wasn’t the one to write an episode, she’s still the one who decides what to keep in and what to take out cause it’s her story. She’s the one who goes over the scripts and decides “yes, let’s publish it like this”- and she’s the one who makes the decisions.
Not to mention that…let’s be honest, Brandon seems to be REALLY absent in the writing department, especially for season 2. Viv wrote episodes 1, 4, 6 and 7, while Adam Neylan wrote episodes 2, 3, 4, and 5, all of season 2. Throughout this entire season so far, Brandon hasn’t gotten anything but a story credit. He hasn’t written a single episode that was purely him or even collaborated with Vivzie or Adam to. The last time he had a writing part was back in episode 6 of season 1, and so far in season 2, all we’ve been getting from Brandon are mere ideas and concepts, while Viv and Neylan are responsible for the dogshit execution and writing.
Brandon handles the comedy aspect of the show, (or…at least he did in season 1) so don’t get me wrong, whenever I talked about season 1 episodes I always shitted on the humor, cause it’s really bad. Like…REALLY bad. But while Brandon isn’t a perfect writer either, people are pinning the blame on Viv and Adam recently cause they’re the ones writing season 2, not Brandon.
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flower-boi16 · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Is A Show That Exists
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So...after five years of waiting, Hazbin Hotel is finally out. I had very low expectations going to Hazbin - not only because of the current state of Helluva Boss (Its spin-off show) but also because of all the things I was hearing about it from people who saw the leaks - needless to say, it wasn't very positive. I was expecting this show to be a complete disaster on every single level, though deep down, I did want to be excited for this show - as I did used to briefly be a fan of Viv's work until I realized HB's MANY writing issues, so I went in with low expectations, expecting the show to be awful while deep down hoping that MAYBE It'll MAYBE end up being good. And after watching the first four episodes I can say that...
The show isn't awful nor is it that good. It's just...PAINFULLY average. In this post I'm going to give my current thoughts on HH based on the first four episodes that are currently released. Note that these are only my current thoughts on the show - there's a chance that MAYBE the show will improve in the second half of season 1. But for now, here are my current thoughts on the show:
1. The Animation & Visuals
The animation is...fine. The characters definitely look very rigged at times, but the animation is at least pleasant to look at. An issue I have is the camera work - sometimes the camera work can be VERY off at times. The show would constantly cut to different perspectives in some of the scenes and it becomes a headache to look at. It's especially bad at the beginning of the Happy Day In Hell song - where the camera looks like it's having a stroke during the sequence as it constantly cuts to different perspectives a LOT.
That being said - the camera work is mostly fine throughout the rest of the show so it's not too bad. So overall, the animation looks fine. I don't love it, but I don't hate it.
2. The Comedy
The show's comedy is...actually pretty ok. There were a few jokes that got a good laugh out of me, especially in episode 3, the episode that isn't written by Viv, so it therefore is the funniest episode of the show so far. I am surprised by the lack of sex jokes in the show which is at least a plus. That being said, a lot of the jokes in the show don't really land - mainly the ones that Angel Dust makes. So really, the comedy is OK. I don't hate it, but I also don't love it either.
3. Worldbuilding & Plot
So now let's talk about the main plot of the show as well as its world-building. Ok so the main conflict for the show is that due to someone killing an Angel during the last extermination - the exterminations are going to happen twice as fast now (6 months instead of one year). The mystery of what happened to the angel...lasts for about two episodes before we're given an answer in episode 3, and then it's just resolved like that.
Aside from that the series mostly revolves around its premise so far which is good. Alright, now lets talk about the lore and worldbuilding - basically Lucifer used to be an angel in Hevean but was seen as a trouble maker and Adam demanded that Lilith fuck him (or something Idk Idr) and Lucifer and Lilith fell in love blah blah blah Lucifer gave an apple to his new lover Eve blah blah blah the apple was cursed blah blah blah the apple created hell blah blah blah It sent evil to the world and Hevean was pissed about that so they banished them to hell blah blah blah Lucifer became sad blah blah blah Lilith didn't blah blah blah Hevean started doing exterminations because they were afraid of Hell's power.
(Semi-accurate description of the opening exposition dump). Ok so a few things; 1) I already asked this in another post but why did Hell never choose to fight back against Heaven when Heaven shouldn't have any power over hell because Hell was a realm created by Lucifer? Also, why does Heaven even have any power over Hell to begin with? and 2) So Heaven is eeeevil now and is going to kill all of Hell. Like I already said, it would have been more interesting if Heaven wasn't evil, and it also would've been better than this Hevean v Hell war we're probably going to get in the finale.
They even changed the reasoning to why Heaven started doing the exterminations, instead of it being because of an overpopulation problem now it's because Heaven was afraid of Hell's power...
...which contradicts the pilot which is canon to the series. But then the show just goes back to the overpopulation problem as the reason for the exterminations???? Like??? Which is it, is it because Heaven is evil or because of an overpopulation problem??? PICK ONE!!!
Hell is also kinda boring of a setting, it's just our world except red. That's it. So the lore and worldbuilding is kinda eh, Heaven is just evil cuz ofc it is and the lore has some problems. Its funny to how one of the lyrics of Adam's big villain song is "its all black and white", and since Adam is the bad guy and Charlie's goal is to redeem sinners, the show is trying to go for a "it's NOT black and white" message, but that's kinda ironic considering that this Heaven/Hell conflict is very black and white in it of itself; Hell good Heaven evil. That's it. Not saying black-and-white conflicts with a good guy and a bad guy are bad, most shows can make them work and be interesting, but Heaven would have been more interesting if it wasn't evil, at least IMO.
4. The Voice Actors
A lot of the discourse surrounding Hazbin until its release was the new voice actors. Let me just say I don't dislike the voice actors here; I think they are fine and they fit the characters decently well. Their singing is also decent as well. So I don't dislike any of the voices, they are fine for the most part and fit decently well with the characters.
5. The Songs
The songs so far are...fine. If there was one thing that HB consistently got right, it was the songs. Even if I dislike HB, the songs are actually pretty good (for the most part...). Hazbin's songs are...decent. There aren't any songs that I can say are bad, though I have some issues with the show's music; mainly the fact that the show sometimes shoves in songs...for the sake of having a song.
If you want to make a musical with songs you need to make sure each song has a distinct purpose for the story; take "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid. Before this song, it's pretty easy to infer that Ariel has an interest in the surface world - with her collecting human stuff and all. But the song further shows us her desire to see the surface - to see what it's like above water. It shows her desire to see the surface in the form of a song - it has a purpose within the story because it tells you something about the character.
Hazbin Hotel meanwhile sometimes has a problem when it comes to shoving in songs for the sake of meeting the song quota; the two biggest examples are "Hell is Forever" and "Respectless", as well as "Whatever It Takes". These songs are all completely unnecessary and they give us information that could have been communicated through simple dialogue rather than characters bursting out singing.
"Respectless" in particular feels less like a song and more like the characters just...singing a conversation with each other. The song is completely unnecessary and is just there to fill the song quota per episode. None of the songs I've mentioned are necessarily bad, but they suffer from being unneeded (HB also sometimes has this problem in season 2 mainly in episodes 3, 4, and 7).
Aside from that issue - the songs are...fine. None of them are bad but some of them are kinda useless and don't serve much of a purpose. I at least liked Happy Day in Hell and Poison, aside from that most of the songs are...ok. I just don't find most of them that memorable.
6. The Characters
Now, let's talk about the characters. First I'll talk about the main cast then the villains.
Charlie - I think Charlie's...fine. I always like overly positive and happy characters for protagonists so I was going to like Charlie anyway. She's fine; she's easy to root for and she's likable enough.
Vaggie - Vaggie's also fine. I do like her snark in episode 3, but aside from that there isn't much that interesting about her.
Nifty - Nifty's cute. Nifty's funny. I like Nifty.
Angel Dust - sigh Ok so I didn't like Angel Dust in episode 1 because of the fact he was another character whose one character trait is being excessively horny. And I also find all his jokes painfully unfunny. I'm not really in a position to judge how well his abuse from Val was handled so since I held a poll asking SA victim's thoughts on episode 4 and most of them voted no I'll just say that they didn't handle it very well and move on. So ya don't care for Angel Dust.
Alastor - Ah yes the creepy radio demon. He's also fine, I like his whole style and stuff.
Husk - Husk's whole purpose in the first three episodes is pretty much just to be pissed off at stuff, I kinda liked the scene where he talked to Angel Dust in episode 4 but aside from that, Husk is kinda just..fine...like everyone in this main cast.
Now let's talk about the villains so far!
Adam - Don't care for him. Sigh look Adam could be an entertaining villain but so far his dialogue and jokes are just painfully unfunny and I don't care for him as a villain. I could talk about his sidekick whose name I forgot but she's gotten so little screen time I can't form an opinion on her yet.
Also isn't it funny how HH was meant to be a female-focused show yet the males get more focus so far (As I've already talked about)? Ya, I thought so too. Anyways, the characters are...fine. I don't hate any of them, but I also don't really love any of them either. None of them are that interesting so far to me.
That's pretty much what I can say about everything in this show so far; I don't hate the animation but I don't love it either, I don't hate the comedy but I don't love it either, I don't hate the songs but I don't love them either, I don't hate any of the characters but I don't love them either.
7. Conclusion
So, that's my current thoughts on HH based on the first four episodes. Well...it's certainly a show that I watched. It's amazing to me how a show could be so consistently painfully average in pretty much EVERYTHING, from the animation to the songs to the comedy to the characters, to the episodes themselves, Hazbin Hotel is the most painfully average show I've watched so far. It's not bad so far, but it isn't good either. Again, maybe the show will improve when the latter half of season 1 comes out...
...or it will just get worse. I'm expecting the latter unfortunately due to the trailers making it look like there's going to be a Heaven/Hell war which means the show is probably going to abandon its premise like its spin-off (...that came before the main show was released). But ya, Hazbin Hotel is painfully average so far, probably a 6/10 so far, expecting the show to probably get worse, goodbye.
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dallina17 · 4 months
For all Helluva Boss fans, little poll for you. I want to do a little experiment to test a theory.
For the sake of the poll, I mean that you realized Stolas loved Blitzø while watching the episode.
Please, reblog so it can reach more people <3 also if you can say in the tags which scene made you realize Stolas loved Blitzø, please do! That would be great!
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ms-cartoon · 1 year
Reason’s why I gradually started to hate Stolas from Helluva Boss
So some time ago there was a friend that asked me why I hated Stolas so much. At that time, I couldn’t think of a valid reason, mostly because it was just very few reasons. To them, those reasons weren’t valid enough. This was back when episode 2 season 1 was uploaded, but now that we’re already in season two and we’re about to get our 4th episode, HB has now given me PLENTY of reasons to despise Stolas and call him a bad character. So allow me to make a list. I can go from the first to the latest episode;
EP 1 S1, Murder Family
-- Stolas was watching Blitzo in a scuffle through his bath bubbles, which means he knew Blitzo was in danger, but still decided on calling him at the worst time! “Oh, when isn’t it a bad time, Blitzy~~~?” Umm, I dunno.... Maybe when some crazy psychopath is NOT chasing him with a gun!!! Did he even consider that he would’ve gotten Blitzo killed, and all just to make some stupid deal???  And besides, from what I’ve seen in episode 6 (which I’ll get into later) Stolas was so upset that Blitzo and the rest of IMP got caught by humans, he dropped an f-bomb. And now looking back in ep 1, he doesn’t even seem to care when Blitzo is chased by humans. If getting in trouble on earth like that is such a big deal, why couldn’t Stolas just wait to talk with Blitzo until after his job was done? 
-- Speaking of said deal, Stolas agreed that he would let Blitzo keep the book in exchange for taking it back to take care of whatever was necessary and agreeing to spend one night each month having sex with him.
Alright, there are two things wrong with this. So, first off... Stolas decided on making a deal like this while seemingly knowing fully well Blitzo didn’t want anything to do with him. He knows how uncomfortable Blitzo is around him, about how disgusted and disturbed he is by his flirting but will still make Blitzo agree to this deal because he’s just that horny for him, regardless of how creeped out Blitzo’s is. And he knows Blitzo didn’t have much of a choice in that moment because, well he’s stuck in a predicament while on the phone with Stolas. I guess he might as well just go ahead and make it a deal so he could get the call over with (Or just frikin hang up on him). And also because Blitzo really needs the book to make it to the living world to finish his job.
.....And we’re supposed to believe Stolas actually “cares” for Blitzo?
And here’s the second problem; Looking back on it, this deal is completely pointless now!!! As it turns out, the grimoire isn’t the only access to the living world. In episode 1 of season 2, it’s revealed that there are magical crystals that demons could use to appear on earth anytime and any place they want. So in a way, Blitzo DID have a choice. He could’ve used those Asmodean crystals to go to the living world to continue his business. And sure, maybe it wouldn’t be that easy for him to get his hands on one. But even if that were the case, why not hire someone who does have Asmodean crystals?? Like - I dunno... a succubi perhaps???
Heh! No wonder Verosika and her peers we’re able to travel to earth so easily. Asmodean crystals are willingly given to succubi, which means that they also can go to Earth anytime they want with no issue. Blitzo could’ve at least just hired a succubus or something to help him have access to the living world. Why not do that, instead of having to agree to this deal where you have to have to continuously give the book back and get laid on the same night with a horned-up demon prince, especially when you don’t want to, which would only make your job harder than easier???
(And before some of you bring this up if you’re gonna, I know Blitzo has no room to feel uncomfortable with Stolas making advances towards him since that was kinda his fault. HE was the one that came onto him and decided to go through with sleeping with him outta pity. Even if it was to just to distract him so he could steal the book and leave, he still did it. And now that it happened, he has Stolas continuously flirting with him. I only brought up that Blitzo was feeling uncomfortable about it because that’s what the show made it seem like to us at that time. It wasn’t even hinted that Blitzo was the first to make a move. They just totally retconned that fact. I’m only just stating these based off of how I saw it at the time the episodes were aired.)
My whole point about this is, Stolas is pretty much taking advantage of Blitzo, manipulating him into agreeing to this deal, knowing full well that Blitzo (kinda) doesn’t have any choice in the matter since it would cost him to keep his business going and Stolas could drop this deal and never let Blitzo keep the book. 
 -- Calling Blitzo “My little Imp”. It’s not cute...
-- Him describing how he’ll screw Blitzo (eg. every time his words are bleeped out). This was supposed to be comedic, and while I did smile slightly the first time it happened, all it did was make me feel awkward and disturbed. Those were just the start of my disdain for Stolas. Believe me, it doesn’t end there. So, moving on....
EP 2 S1, Loo Loo Land
-- “I can not believe you slept with an imp! IN OUR F*CKING BED!!!”
“It was unexpected! I didn’t have time to book for a motel.”
Dude - what do you mean it was unexpected? That makes no sense, especially now that we learned you invited Blitzo into your room instead of having him kicked out. Even when he tried to make advances toward you, you still could’ve prevented that from happening. You had the full authority to make him stop and kick him out. I don’t care how drunk you were when it happen. And you didn’t have time for a motel?? More like you weren’t planning on it!! And besides, you’re a demon prince!! I’m pretty sure you could’ve opened up a portal to teleport into another location when you wanted.  All this man is doing making excuses to cover his feathers and they’re not even valid!!
-- Stolas, as I may have established more than a few times already, is a terrible father!! There are a few reasons for this, but one of them being that he doesn’t listen to his daughter. And it’s almost sad, because he’s actually trying to bond with her (sorta). He suggested that he and Octavia go to Loo Loo Land because she liked it when she was a kid. But she’s 17 and doesn’t really care for that anymore, so she tells him no. But he still insists on taking her there, not even hearing her out!
“Let’s go to Loo Loo Land!”
“I’d rather kill myself.”
“That’s the spirit, anything better than staying in this house. Let’s go!”
It’s like he completely brushed off what she was telling him!! I don’t know if this was just for comedic effect or not, but this would count as a good example of Stolas being a bad father as he doesn’t listen to his daughter and is inconsiderate of her feelings.
-- Notices that his imp butler is injured (due to Stella’s rage) and doesn’t even bat an eye at it. Once again, probably for comedic effect, but this just goes to show how non-caring Stolas is of the imp race. The only reason why Blitzo is an exception is because he’s good at sex.
-- Didn’t Stolas just say, “Why don’t we go to Loo Loo Land? Just the TWO OF US?” Which would only imply that he intended to spend some time only with his daughter and nobody else?? Well, he just lied straight to her face!
-- The so-called Demon Prince wants to arrange for security for him and his daughter. He knows damn well he don’t need no security, but Blitzo is the one he decides to call for this arrangement. I think we all know why he really called him specifically.
-- “We’re rich and our hot.”
Referring to your 17-year-old daughter as “hot”. Can’t leave that outta my Stolas sh*t list. Not really something you should say in front of her. Or especially about her.
-- “I’m going to call the only man who can f*ck me.” 
“Hello my big-d*cked Blitzy~~”
Again, not something you should say in front of your daughter!!!
-- Y’all I can’t stress this enough, but this is one of his main issues. The whole time he’s supposed to be spending time with Octavia and putting his attention on her, he’s flirting with Blitzo. Making sexual remarks at him, touching him, trying to get his attention while he’s working, “Blitzy” this, “Blitzy” that, “Blitzy” blah blah blah. Not only is he hardly paying attention to her, he’s doing all of this IN FRONT OF HER!! Not even noticing her grudging reactions or bitter behavior! It’s like he thinks she’s totally okay with her father being a flirt in public, especially with the man he cheated with on her mother.
-- Stolas can’t tell the difference between tears of joy and tears of terror with his daughter’s reaction to Robo Fizz.
-- Is saved by Moxxie and Millie, even though he didn’t need to be, and expects to be body-guarded like he’s a damsel in distress.
-- “Where’s Blitzy? He’s my night and shining armor! Not you... little-o ones!”
Bro-? Shut up and go find your daughter!
-- Doesn’t realize Octavia is feeling bad until she’s crying about it.
-- Makes excuses for his actions, but the show is gonna go ahead and make Octavia forgive him and just be worried about him leaving her so we could be okay with his actions and move on.
-- Decides now he wants to go ahead to turn somebody into stone even though he could’ve done it with a flick of a wrist tons of times before. I know he invited Blitzo to be his bodyguard and he was already doing most of the work, but he only invited him just to have him around and be a flirt like he always is. He really didn’t care about Blitzo protecting him. So yeah, he still could’ve protected himself and his daughter at least once before now.
Ep 5 S1, Harvest Moon Festival
-- Father of the Year here is gonna go right back to continuing his affair with Blitzo!!! That whole conversation between him and his daughter was just in one ear and out the other because the writers are just so desperate to want this ship to happen. And we just HAVE to have fanservice.
-- “My Grimoire shouldn’t be lent out to itty bitty imps, like yourself.”
Then maybe you could... I dunno... Drop the deal and stop exchanging the book????
He mentions that his grimoire is oh so important as if it shouldn’t be in the hands of just anyone, but has no problem willingly giving it Blitzo because he’s just that down and dirty. What does he even need that book for anyway??? We rarely see him use it!! When he does have it, he’s mostly just holding it... and that’s it. And we only see him use it for magic that one time at the festival. He doesn’t read it or even study it. If this book is so valuable to you sir, then ACT LIKE IT!! He could’ve used it as a study guide for Octavia, who’s supposed to be the next heir to the throne. If he’s not even gonna use it for himself, he could teach his daughter how to use it or cast spells with it. And no - a stupid Instagram post is NOT gonna cut it (especially when it’s not even canon).
-- Uses Blitzo’s horns to put out a cigar.... not cool.
-- Stolas invites Blitzo to the harvest moon festival for no reason other than to see him there and flirt with him. He says that it will be fun, as if the last time he invited Blitzo somewhere with him was a blast, but nobody was having fun but him. And the whole idea was for him to spend time with his frikin daughter!!
-- The whole time Stolas is talking to Blitzo, it doesn’t even seem like he’s flirting or being cute with him. He’s more or less just mocking him. (eg. pinching his cheeks and using his horns to put out a cigar.) Seriously, why does everyone act like this character is such a saint and is just as sweet as Charlie from hazbin?? He’s frikin awful!! He doesn’t care in the slightest about imps! He’s not even nice to Moxxie or Millie and he hires imps as his servants/slaves.
-- Don’t get me wrong, if y’all wanna love Stolas, then by all means, frikin ADORE HIM!! I don’t want to offend or insult anybody who does like him. But there is no way you can look passed all the bullsh*t he pulls and just act like he’s so sweet. Viv says that Stolas is flawed and is trying to get better and that’s how we’re supposed to see it. But all I see is a character being a selfish douche and staying a selfish douche while acting like the victim of a heinous crime and trying too hard to make us feel bad for him simply by “caring” about his daughter even though he neglects her and pretending he genuinely loved Blitzo all along and simply wants love from him too, even when he doesn’t deserve it because all he ever did was manipulate him and take advantage of him, seeing him as a sex toy and not a person with feelings! And what pisses me off about this is that he rarely gets reprimanded for his actions. When he does, he’ll start crying while feeling bad for himself and the show tries to make us feel bad for him. What’s worse about this is that he never learns either!! For real though, no matter how bad Stolas’s character is, most people in the fandom won’t even take the time to realize it or will probably look past it, as long as Stolas gets his happy ending with Blitzo. Like I said, I don’t wanna offend anyone, but if y’all think the relationship is anything along the lines of healthy or innocent, then your definition of love must be twisted.
-- “I hereby welcome you all to another year of celebrating the spoils of your labor.”
I’m not gonna hear this from a dude who uses his imp servant as a stress ball.
-- Lol! Bro just keeps stealing the microphone from Wally and interrupting him.
-- He reads a book about how to f*ck imps at dinner while his daughter is still at the table. And no, it doesn’t matter if she didn’t notice, it’s still not very appropriate.
Ep 6 S1, Truth Seekers
-- Stolas only had like less than a few seconds of screen time. He might as well not even show up.
-- Jumps in to save Blitzo and the others. That’s good, but then he adds on “My Impish little plaything” Reminding us that he sees Blitzo as a sex toy.
-- “Are you little creatures not being careful. If you get in trouble, then I get in trouble! We don’t want that, do we?”
Then maybe you shouldn’t have waited until the last minute to save them???? I mean - we all know you we’re watching Blitzo the entire time like a damn stalker. And besides, YOU’RE the one who agreed to lend them the book. If you’re so worried about them getting in trouble, then you could just FORGET about the deal so they could figure out another way to travel to earth, they could get in trouble on their own, and it wouldn’t be your problem anymore! And if you were just gonna get that irritable about it, why didn’t you jump in to try and save Blitzo the first time he almost got killed on earth.
-- Why doesn’t he go ahead and kill the agents?? Why would he let them live?? Since you don’t want to get in trouble so badly, wouldn’t it be necessary for you to kill them. I didn’t think that DEMON PRINCE would be this big of a softie.
-- Bro uses his hands to open up a portal..... (why does he need his book again?)
-- Expected a “thank you” from Blitzo for saving him. This dude’s life was in jeopardy just now, and you’re asking for sex? Very appropriate of you sir. And why is Blitzo reciprocating this lust for him all of a sudden??? The entire season, all he’s ever done was reject Stolas, back-talking him, and showing him attitude. He responded to his constant flirtatious remarks with disgust. He didn’t even like him and was uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping with him just to keep the book. And now he’s suddenly getting turned on??
Obviously, this scene was only written in this episode by Viv as an excuse for more Stolitz fanservice. 
EP 7 S1, Ozzies
-- Stolas is feeling all sad and lonely, watching some corny soap opera while relating to the fact that the guy he has feelings doesn’t love him back...... Honey, ask me if I care. Blitzo would always tell you to f*ck off and you would respond with giggles and mockery. You should already know how uncomfortable he feels about you and most of the time, you don’t even care. What’s with the sudden depression??
-- Speaking of that, why does he suddenly have genuine feelings for Blitzo anyway?? You can’t tell me that he’s just now starting to love him out of the blue. You can’t even tell me he loved him at all this entire time!! The only emotion he’s ever had about Blitzo was nothing but pure lust!! He simply just wanted his d*ck. Not to mention he would look down on him like he does all the other imps.
-- The whole time during their date, Stolas is trying to converse with Blitzo, which is honestly surprising since the only time he ever talks to him is when he’s being a flirt and harassing him. You’d think I’d actually applaud him for that, except I can’t. Cuz, once again, where did this come from??? We didn’t get to see no type of development with Stolas at all. We didn’t get any episode of him slowly progressing to fall in love with Blitzo. Just more lust talk getting turned on.
-- How did Stolas not realize Asmodeus owned Ozzie’s? I think the title on it’s own should’ve implied as much. And besides, he should know that Asmodeus is a demon that represents lust and they’re in the lust ring.
-- Stolas sees Blitzo is pretty much getting laughed at and humiliated during the whole musical number and does nothing about it. Well, Blitzo kinda had it coming for not keeping his mouth shut and also spying on Moxxie and Millie, but I’m just proving a point that Stolas doesn’t even care about Blitzo like we’re supposed to think. He even hides behind his menu after getting called out by Asmodeus.  We are supposed to feel bad for him here right?? Because the writers are just showing me he doesn’t deserve it.
-- While we’re on that subject, why is he hiding behind his menu? Why is he feeling embarrassed about being seen with Blitzo and Ozzie telling everyone his business about it?? This was NOT the only time he was seen in public with Blitzo!! There was episode 2 at Loo Loo Land and episode 5 at the festival, and he openly flirted with Blitzo in public in BOTH of those episodes!!! Hell, he was holding Blitzo’s hand in front of that guard and the other demons waiting in line!! He was sitting at a table in the open where one or two people could’ve taken a glance at him talking to Blitzo!!! He has NO RIGHT to feel humiliated about getting laid with him! 
-- Trying his best to comfort Blitzo by holding his hand, talking to him, and inviting him in his home. He thinks that now would be the best time to cuddle with him after he tried to hide away from being seen with Blitzo. I don’t care what none of the fans say, Blitzo had every right to turn down Stolas and call him out on his bullsh*t. Most fans would say something like “NOO BLITZO!! DON’T BE LIKE THAT!!! STOLAS DOES CARE!! HE DOES LOVE YOU!!” Where the hell was this “love” you speak of the first few episodes these two were seen together??? No amount of cute nicknames, flirtatious remarks, and nightstands are ever going to sell the fact Stolas loved Blitzo.
-- He sits on his porch and starts to cry. We’re meant to feel bad and pity him, but all I’m doing is rolling my eyes.
EP 1 S2, The Circus
-- I don’t care how cute, uwu, or innocent they try to make little Stolas. Nothing in the world is ever going to make me change how I feel about him. He could be under three years old. Viv is pretty much just trying to force cutesy wutsey stuff onto the audience so we could side with Stolas and feel bad for him. All the writers are trying to do at this point is make excuses for his actions and use this whole episode to say Stolas had every right to cheat on Stella and that he actually really loved Blitzo when he really didn’t.
-- It makes no sense that Blitzo and Stolas are around the same age anyway. I don’t fully understand how the whole age and birth thing works with demons in hell, but first off, Blitzo was initially supposed to be in his twenties, meanwhile, Stolas has lived for a LONG A** TIME. Like he was probably born in 4000 BC. He still would’ve been an adult even before the time Blitzo was born. But now they retconned it to Stolas being the same age as Blitzo and them meeting as children just so Viv could force this ship to happen.
--  No way in hell he fell in love with Blitzo at first sight. Viv and writers are really trying too hard to make this childhood friendship cute.
-- Goes along with Blitzo’s game to steal everything in the mansion and completely falls for his trick (did he ever get grounded for that?). 
-- Instead of having Blitzo kicked out because he should be nothing but a stranger to him at this point, he instead invites him to his room so the two can... catch up. Did Stolas ever find out about what Blitzo did when they were children?? If so, then why are you even being nice to this guy?? You cannot be that down and dirty for him.
-- It has been frikin TWENTY-FIVE YEARS since the last time these two have seen each other. Why’re they talkin’ like they’re old friends? They had that one playdate and never saw each other ever again. If anything, I don’t even think they should remember each other.
-- “I know it’s been a long time, but I have a very good memory.”
“What are you doing? I don’t even remember you’re name.”
“Wait, didn’t your name end in an “O”? I remember...”
-- We jump into this softcore scene way too fast. Kinda goes to show you how rushed this show is.
-- For a demon so powerful with standards, he seems to have no problem being submissive and letting Blitzo seduce him. Stolas is shown to be uncomfortable, continuously walking away from Blitzo when he's pursued and I'm sitting here like....you could just...stop him. Why do you keep running away from him when you can throw him out the window?? He's acting like some shy teenage girl who's about to have sex for the first time but secretly craves it and I couldn't help but cringe!! And the first time he did it was with his wife, which apparently wasn't as good. Like I said, I really don't care how drunk he was at that time. He is such an idiot.
-- These two haven’t seen or talked to each other in over twenty years, but suddenly this kinky owl is all for sleeping with him because he’s drunk and got bit in the neck. 
-- “It means so much that the one who wants me is my first-ever friend~~~”
First off, ew.... Second off, you two were never friends. You met him once, had that one playdate, and never saw each other again until now in your thirties.
-- Back in the second episode of the first season, when Stella found out about the affair, she confronted him about it and he tried to appease her and being submissive, saying that what happened with Blitzo was unexpected and making excuses, all the while being a little nervous at her rage. But in THIS episode, Stolas has the balls to rub it in Stella’s face and laugh, marking the affair as the first action of the divorce.
-- Even though he brought up said divorce, for some reason, these two are still living in the same house. Not even divorced yet!! What was the point in you laughing at her face like that if you weren’t even gonna go along with it??
-- He should’ve known that his book was stolen by the time Blitzo left! This means he should’ve realized that Blitzo only slept the night with him to take it and leave. Why are you even catching feelings for this dude?? He manipulated you twice!!!
-- Literally, screw this musical number....
-- Sings, “Was what we had all a comfortable lie?” or something like that. Basically, he’s saying, “Was your love for me all a lie?” Was it all a lie??? He certainly wasn’t playing hard-to-get, dumbass!! Blitzo was shown multiple times to be disgusted with you! He didn’t love you at all, and I’m sure you knew that!
-- Reads about Asmodean crystals. Possibly planning to give it to Blitzo so he could drop the deal. But he never does.
-- “The only reason why I put up with your constant cruelty was for that girl (Octavia) to live a normal life.”
Says the guy who had an affair and continues the affair, making the drama in his family much worse than it already was. What was the point in you two keeping up an image for Via? You already fight in front of her and that was bad enough. It should’ve been obvious to her from the get-go that you to hated each other. It doesn’t even seem like she cares at all about the divorce after this episode, so this could’ve been done a long time ago.
-- Decides NOW he wants a divorce even though it should’ve been done already.
EP 2 S2, Seeing Stars (are they even trying with these titles)
-- Makes a promise about something to his daughter and breaks it.
-- Doesn’t take the time to listen to Octavia when she’s trying to talk to him and instead wants to continue bickering with Stella over the phone like they’re a couple of middle-school ex-lovers. I mean, he could just hang up on her. He probably never even wanted to talk to her anyway.
-- “Via, can we talk about this later? Your mother is being a real B-I-T-C-H.”
-- Didn’t realize Octavia was gone until he was called about it and even somewhat blamed IMP for her taking the book and leaving instead of taking responsibility since he is the father and wasn’t paying attention to her. If I had to assume, he was probably still on the phone with Stella at the time and only decided to hang up because Blitzo was calling him, not when his daughter is trying to grab his attention.
-- Has the ability to turn into a human, but is useless without his book when it comes to other magic which sounds like total bullsh*t. He can turn people into stone, make portals, use telekinesis, fly, and turn into a giant bird demon. All WITHOUT a grimoire. He even says he can’t remember a spell for turning other demons into a human, but didn’t he say “I have a very good memory.” back in episode 6? Stolas is only useless when the plot wants him to be.
-- The entire episode, he spends more time with Blitzo and helping him with his issues instead of trying to look for his daughter. She had the possibility of getting into danger, but he’s more concerned with his friend with benefits and what he got going on? Some father.....
-- Is back... to flirting... with Blitzo. Clearly, he didn’t learn a damn thing in the last season. What exactly was he even singing about in the last episode?? They didn’t even talk anything out after the whole Ozzie’s incident!! And of course, the writers are gonna have Blitzo get all flustered and gain feelings for Stolas because they and the fans want this ship to happen soo badly.
-- When Blitzo is in danger, what’s the one thing the powerful demon prince does to save him?
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-- Decides NOW to continue looking for Octavia?? Literally, f*ck off!
-- Octavia is forced to forgive Stolas despite his selfish behavior for the second time. Because neglecting your daughter, whether it be for your ex-lover or your walking booty call, is just very forgiving.
-- Screw this happy a** ending...
That’s pretty much the gist of why I think Stolas is a terrible character and why I hate him. I haven’t forgotten the recent episode that was just uploaded a couple of days ago. Believe me, that will be saved for another post I’ll be making soon.
So yeah, Stolas is a terrible character, a terrible person, and a terrible father. I don’t care how innocent or pitiful Viv or Adam make him out to be. At this point, all they’re doing is making excuses for his actions, making every other character around him terrible to make him look good, and forcing the Stolitz ship to happen without any progress or build-up. And God forbid Stolas is ever reprimanded for his actions! If he does, the writers will just butcher that in a way where Stolas is the victim and making him feel all bad for himself while not taking responsibility. Is this enough for you, anon???? I hope so, cuz at this point, it’s enough said.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
I don’t think Brandon can save season 2 unless episodes were written solely by him. Season 1 was written primarily by Brandon and viv Rewatching season 1 the only good episode in my opinion is episode 5. 6 is ok but feels redundant? it doesn’t belong in the show like it feels like a ova special, but honestly nothing the show presents matters, striker doesn’t matter, dhork doesn’t matter, only thing that matters is stolas and blitz shitty romance and stolas’ stupid divorce plot. And episode 7 is just a huge retcon and doesn’t matter, season 2 ruined episode 7. Brandon is great when he’s working on his own projects he’s talented guy and has been working on characters comedy for almost 10 years now. HB just ain’t it
Yeah, I don't think there's any saving this one, not as long as Viv's hellbent on making it the Yaoi Wattpad Romance Show. I would have loved to have seen what it could have been if Brandon were the only writer on it -- maybe something spectacular, maybe not, but I guess we'll never know.
But man, it would have been nice to see that darker take on Stolas he wanted.
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radiostatik · 8 months
Hiya!! I'm curious to ask as we're kinda halfway throughout the show so far and I'm wondering how you're enjoying and liking Hazbin Hotel so far? For me, I've been absolutely loving and adoring it with EP 4 being the best one already in the season although the only issue I've got is some of the pacing not being the best, I'd recommend this video by VgMarkis (https://youtu.be/JVT7HSh54hQ?si=JfCnVzkdUGPsgNpe) as he does a VERY good job digging into those issues and he seemed very respectful and valid wasn't acting like a dick or being overly hatedom and toxic, or just kinda obsessive like some critical blogs and even many in the hatedom can be, (especially on Twitter) but that's just my opinion. I've been enjoying the series and can't wait for the rest of it, honestly. But, how are you enjoying it?? And I know it's too early to 100% form a opinion and say this, but have you been enjoying it more than HB or do you wanna wait until all of HH S1 is completed to give your opinions? Hope you don't mind me asking!! 💗
Sorry for the late reply, but now that season one is finished, I can filly say I enjoyed the show a lot. Niffty, Sir Pentious and Vox were the highlights of the series, I honestly didn't expect to like nifty so much but she's literally so cute.
I agree the pacing was bad, everything goes by really fast. Maybe if we had a few episodes on YouTube during the 5 years of Charlie trying to redeem the sinner, it would help. But we have 2 episodes of Charlie redeeming them and them, boom it's almost extermination day.
Angel was very annoying for the first few episodes, but by Ep 6 he definitely redeemed himself the way he protected Niffty.
Chaggie is still amazing, but they definitely aren't a pda couple like most vivziepop couples are.
Sir Pentious death was soooo bad. He deserved to have a meaningful sacrifice that actually helped defeat Adam, or at least buy them time. He deserved a dramatic death surrounded by his loved ones, to finally be told he's not useless, and to hear I love you, Sir Pentious. Instead his death is a quick joke that doesn't help at all.
Yes, he is in heaven now, but if he is separated from his family, can it really be heaven? :(
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Hazbin Hotel: The Corruption of Creativity. Part 1
1. Introduction
Hello everyone, I normally don’t make huge posts like these, but I thought it would be important to make this review and discussion about the latest animated show on Amazon Prime, Hazbin Hotel, and the people behind the scenes who worked on the show, mostly the show creator Vivziepop. Back in 2019 when I first watched the animated pilot of Hazbin Hotel, I was interested to see how this show, if picked up, would go about with its story. Like many people who were still fans of Vivziepop’s work, I wanted to see this show become a good adult animated series. In fact, as the production was going on behind closed doors, I supported viv and her work via Patreon for a time and bought some merch from Sharkrobot.com to help fund her endeavors—I even still have my Angel Dust t-shirt and Hazbin Hotel poster in a black picture frame. 
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2. Personal Fan Origins
Though I wasn’t an og follower of viv back in her older days on DeviantArt, I was introduced to her work around 2014-2015, that’s when I originally saw her fan-animated Kesha Die Young music video and since then I became a fan of her work and was obsessed with her means of creating very expressive and stylistic characters. Vivziepop was the artist who not only introduced me to the furry community, she was also a big inspiration for my artwork and still is to some extent now, had it not been for her, I don’t think I would’ve been in the position I’m in now to make art or it would’ve taken me much longer than where I started. 
But as much as I was a casual fan of her work, I was also a skeptic of her as a person over time. Primarily due to how she would be overly defensive towards criticism, radiate a toxic personality on others and friends of hers, and how she would intentionally and unintentionally weaponize her audience against those that landed on her blacklist. These traits would only become more apparent over time, but I like many others had the mindset of “separating the art from the artist” And while there is some validity to be made on that notion, it makes it all the harder when the person intentionally makes the art inseparable from who they are or they’re still active or alive and will constantly change their position or view on things. I know there’s a much deeper discussion to be had about this notion and how relevant it actually is, but for the sake of this post, I won’t dive into it that much. 
Watching Helluva Boss in 2019 onward would prove to be a conflicting experience since the first time watching the first season wasn’t as bad, some episodes had some strong character development, decent action scenes, and enjoyable songs. 2, 5, and 6 were some of my favorites in the series, but around season 2 episode 4, I was losing interest and I began to see the cracks in the show and noticed that the charm had dwindled going into the second season. Episode 6 was where I stopped which is funny because the last episode (at least currently) was episode 7 which I didn’t even bother to give any attention to because I didn’t like the show much anymore: The characters were losing whatever charm they had originally, making the characters I did like lose that vibe I enjoyed and those I didn’t like before I just didn’t care or it made it all the worse, the pacing didn’t get any better as the show was always going so quickly but rarely having time to sit down and digest even when there were scenes that had those moments, and for a show that would have differing times from 10-30 minutes, it made it all the more rushed, the stories were all over the place in a way I had no fun engaging with or could get behind, sometimes plot points like D.H.O.R.K.S’s evidence of demons would be revealed but never brought up again or have the same impact on the show, and some of the songs were forgettable (though I did enjoy Cotton Candy).
After I stopped giving HB a watch I decided to be patient and wait for when Hazbin Hotel would drop, and on January 18th, 2024, the first episode would drop to present the new show to the world.
3. Hazbin Hotel Review (Spoilers, Obviously)
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Summary - 
Hazbin Hotel is an adult animated series about the daughter of Lucifer named Charlie Morning Star, a demon princess seeking to rehabilitate sinners in a less violent way to combat overpopulation in hell. Along the way, she manages to get support from the enigmatic radio demon named Alastor who helps Charlie and Vaggie bring in sinners in an attempt to redeem their souls for a price while trying to be as cooperative as she can with the odds stacked against her. 
When I first watched the premiere of the show, I wasn’t really blown away or impressed by it, which isn’t a bad thing since not a lot of shows have a strong start with their early episodes in the season. Where it did get interesting however was around 4-6 when it started to focus more on character development and give some time for the main cast to shine and maintain some consistency with the story, though this has its limits. There were also some decent songs, some funny dialogue, and even some sprinkling of action around the end. Unfortunately, in the later episodes, it started to fall back to where the show lost its touch. So let me get around to the pros and cons of Hazbin Hotel:
The Good -
As someone who felt burnt out from Helluva Boss, this is an improvement as far as comparing viv’s older work goes, which is a slight benefit. 
Performances are great as far as voices go, especially when you have people like Keith Davids in your line up, though I would be a little more positive on the casting choices if it didn’t also come at the cost of the old cast, I genuinely believe they should’ve been given additional voice roles if not main ones for the show, so that sucks. 
Songs can be hit or miss in this show, with More Than Anything (both the first and reprise) and Loser Baby being the better examples and the rest not sticking out to me as much, either because I don’t think they had as much impact or they felt out of left field. I think it would’ve been better to not have every episode with a song number unless it was a grand introduction to something (i.e. Poison, Loser Baby, More Than Anything). Though I don’t expect this to be a popular opinion so whatever
The visuals are fairly competent with few to no issues that caught my eye, my only critique would be that due to how fast everything feels it can be hard to follow what's all happening, not to mention having the background and background characters look as eye-catching as the main cast can throw people off of where they should put their focus on. It's not as terrible enough where I loathe it, but it could make some contrast of who/what you should pay more attention to. 
The Bad -
The story loses track of the main premise of Charlie trying to redeem sinners and her relationship with Vaggie. The side plots don’t interest me as much aside from Angel Dust and Husk having some empathy for each other slowly through the series, and the other main cast aren’t nearly explored as much. Idk the best way to describe it, but it seems that most of the focus of the side characters isn’t where it should be (the hotel’s residents) and more so on those outside the hotel, which I think would’ve worked better in the second season rather than just the first. If season one was just focusing on the residents, Charlie and Vaggie more than the other characters, I wouldn’t mind that. I think the only exceptions to this would be the hell overlords discovery of how to fight back and Lucifer helping Charlie with the hotel. But back to the main cast, Charlie and Vaggie’s moments of romance and bonding seem few and far between, which sucks since this is supposed to be about them right? RIGHT?! The potential is just wasted.
Not every song is needed or has a place in every episode, though that could be because I wasn’t feeling them as strongly compared to the ones mentioned. Not much else to say there that hasn’t already been said.
Characters don’t appeal to me as much aside from Niffty and Sir Pentious (they’re the best) and unfortunately, the characters I should care about don’t get enough time to shine due to how this show is hastily paced—which leads me to my next negative.
Pacing is absolutely atrocious, for episodes that last 30 minutes, it feels like everything has happened yet also little has happened in such a short period of time (which is insane to me) Viv has had pacing issues in the past with her work which is concerning to me, mostly because she wasn’t always this speedy with her series, there were times she had more breathing room for her older works for instances like the Son of 666 and Timber, even the short Bad Luck Jack (which I liked) suffered from this in ways. Idk what exactly happened, but it seems like viv’s workflow has just gotten worse over time, and her artistic magic, patience, etc has just vanished.
Jokes? For what attempt of humor was there, it was very little. Once in a while, there was a joke that stuck the landing or made me chuckle, such as Charlie and Alastor swearing unexpectedly, only because it’s so out of left-field you wouldn’t expect it, so the joke works. Or when Niffty and Sir Pentious act their usual awkward selves in front of others. But everything else is just not funny to me because the majority of the humor is either sex or profanity jokes that don’t have that great of build-up or go for something more than just “haha adult words” which ironically makes it more juvenile than adult. I don’t mind stupid humor, but make it funny and not because you want to say “fuck” for the sake of it. Even if it’s just for casual talk, it's overly excessive. It doesn’t hurt to find humor in other ways even if those don’t land either, it's better than just resorting to profanity and sex.
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Additional Comments -
When it comes to Vivziepop’s older works, it’s better than Helluva Boss but weaker than her shorts or animated music videos (fan-made or original), the strongest elements within the series lie within the hump of the season and fall short from the beginning and end. Though as annoying as that is, it pales in comparison to the other elements in the show. 
Heaven’s methods of carrying out exterminations every year to dissuade the populace of hell from rebelling is just a very dumb thing to do when there are so many other ways to shatter the morale of a persecuted people or nation without lifting a single sword that would’ve been better implemented and create a larger divide between heaven and hell and less costly as well. Perhaps this is just to further showcase how arrogant and incompetent Heaven is, but I have my doubts on that. 
Alastor as a manipulative radio host works well between Charlie and Vaggie, though I wish they wouldn’t have explained his ties to the disappearances of hell’s overlords so soon, it just takes away from his mysterious nature as this eldritch being. That part to me would’ve worked later on. (Yeah, I’m also aware they did something similar in the pilot too, which brings up another issue I have) 
Continuity between the pilot and the first episode is pretty murky, it doesn’t help matters when the plot of the pilot and the series episodes get collaged in so haphazardly. If I never heard of Hazbin Hotel or Vivziepop’s work before, I’d kinda be thrown off a bit and try my best to catch up on what’s going on. I don’t expect an expose of how everything works, but an organic flow of how things come together would’ve been nice. For instance: the pilot itself feels more like an episode one than the actual episode 1 of the first season. I know the point of the pilot isn’t as strict in its rules, since it's supposed to sell an idea to a network or distributor. Hell, The Amazing Digital Circus does something similar to how Hazbin Hotel does with presenting a first-episode introduction into the world and characters, only it does it far better and it hasn’t even gotten its first episode out yet, but I don’t want to compare apples to oranges on two different shows. The point is, the first episode should’ve had a better flow to it or at least maintained something more consistent like the pilot did. 
But by far the most glaring problem in the show isn’t part of the show itself believe it or not. But to keep this short, I’ll leave that for part 2. 
4. End of Part 1 
Originally when I watched the series I gave this a 7/10 on IMDB because I came at this from a perspective of how I would judge the work based on viv’s prior craft, this gave it a point above Helluva Boss, primarily with pacing, and direction of what it should be about and where to focus the story and characters. That being said, I was being very generous and didn’t also factor in on how it stood on its own two feet, and to be honest? It's not that good. For the first season of a new adult animated show, it’s too rushed, and not fleshed out enough in areas where it needs to be, The majority of the characters I have little interest or investment in, and despite having its moments, it's not enough to keep me hooked to know what happens within the next season. 
This would bring it down to 1 point for that to a 6/10, I know some fans would put the blame on Amazon, A24, or Bento, but here’s the thing, other shows have had episodes with similar limited space and time to tell their stories yet do a far more superior job in doing so than this, from what I understand, Amazon seems pretty open for a studio big or small to do as they please with what resources they have to get out what they can regardless of the restraint of episodes to be made, thereby making studios try their best to work harder on making a show work with such little episodes, so I see this mostly as a personal thing with viv and her team than just amazon. 
Now I would just leave it at that and move on, but I’m afraid this is where things get more muddy and grim.
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starrclown · 8 months
How'd you rank each HB episode from worst to best and why?
Ooooooo! Hi Mutal!! Here's my list!!:
Helluva Boss Pilot (No I don't care it's not canon): 7/10
Why: This episode is nice. It's a introduction to I.M.P, the kid is a asshole and it's funny. The only thing I don't like is that the baby in the stroller died. :(
Helluva Boss Episode 1 Season 1: 10/10
Why: Genuinely this is my favorite episode. I can and will make a whole other rant about this episode. I love the dynamics everyone has. The joke make me laugh, I love the antagonist and the family. (I love the family so much.) The only thing I don't like is Stolas. I know he can hear Blitzø getting shot at because when Martha says she can hear Blitzø and Blitzø curses, Stolas says "Annnyyywayy." Go back and check. Genuinely love this episode. So much.
Helluva Boss Episode 2 Season 1: 5/10
Why: Stolas is a horrible father. Octavia is cool though. ALSO STOLAS MAKES BLITZØ UNCOMFORTABLE AND NO ONE SAYS ANYTHING. I hate that owl man. But that episode introduced me to Stella so it's fine.
Helluva Boss Episode 3 Season 1: 7/10
Why: Verosika was cool. Tex was cool. I liked this episode!
Helluva Boss Episode 4 Season 1: 8/10
Why: Most people don't like this Episode but I like it! It has issues but it's what this show should have been. I.M.P fucking around in the human world.
Helluva Boss Episode 5 Season 1: 9/10
Why: This Episode proves that Striker and Blitzø are a better couple than Stolas and Blitzø. As a Southern Belle myself I liked them in the country. (I hate being from the south, it's complicated.) Only think I didn't like is that this is Moxxie Episode and not a Millie one. ALSO STRIKER WAS A BETTER VILLIAN IN THIS THAN ANY OTHER EPISODE!! Striker also makes some good points.
Helluva Boss Episode 6 Season 1: 4/10
Why: OH WOW! BLITZØ, WHO IS LITTERALY AT STOLAS'S MERCY IS AGAIN UNDER STOLAS'S MERCY!! IT IS SHOWN THROUGH THE CHAINS! WOW!! 🤯💥 (This episode isn't exactly bad but Blitzø is being abused, plain and simple.)
Helluva Boss Episode 7 Season 1: 8/10
Why: Loved how they called out Stolitz and I liked how Ozzie ans Fizz are jerks. It was great. Miss that so much. House of Ausmoedus slaps.
Helluva Boss Episode 8 Season 1: 6/10
Why: Don't like Beelzabubs design but I like her personality. Loona and Blitzø had a soft moment. It was fine.
Helluva Boss Episode 1 Season 2: 0/10
Why: Hate this episode. Hate how they met as kids. Hate how we don't see little Barbie. Hate how they treated Stella. Hate how they mad Blitzø the abusive one. Hate how they wussified Stolas. Hate hate hate this episode.
Helluva Boss Episode 2 Season 2: 3/10
Why: Octavia got sidelined. The pacing was off. M&M didn't need to be there. Lonna's spech is awful. Blitzø's wasn't in the room.
Helluva Boss Episode 3 Season 2: 5/10
Why: It was fine. Crimson was fine I guess. Moxxie's mom I think is one of my favorite characters ever. Crimson should have died. Chaz was annoying as fuck. Hate how they sidelined Millie tho. Love Blitzø but he didn't need to be there.
Helluva Boss Episode 4 Season 2: 2/10
Why: This episode is messy and Striker is such a weakling in this. I also hate how Andrelphus and Stella are. It's icky.
Helluva Boss Episode 5 Season 2: 0/10
Why: Don't act surprised.
Helluva Boss Episode 6 Season 2: 4/10
Why: I am not a BlitzFizz shipper. I actively hate the ship. Their brothers in my rewrite because I feel like it fits their dynamic more. This episode was average. Hate how the circus burned down because of a cake. Also hate how they pinned that on Blitzø. He knocked over a cake. Really?
Helluva Boss Episode 7 Season 2: 5/10
Why: I was bored. FIZZAROLIE BECAME SUCH A LITTLE BITCH!! I HATE HOW THEY WUSSIFIED HIM!! Mammon was just boring. Wasn't my favorite.
Sorry if this seems scattered. I didn't wanna yap to much incase Tumblr had a word count.
Thanks for the question!!
(This is fun!!)
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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fan-of-chaos · 1 year
Ohhh, I LOOOVE spiteful Stolas!!
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spopsalt · 9 months
(This is an HB ask) Hey so just so you know uhhh season 2 is going to try (and fail) to retcon it's way out of making Stolitz not toxic while flipping the victim and abuser roles to daemonize Blitzo for not loving the poor owl boy who sexually abuses him. And it will paint Stolas as a UwU soft boy who did nothing wrong when that ain't the case. Oh, and one scene in episode 6 may or may not piss you off.
So basically a male version of Catradora
(Also I see you're an Owl House fan, nice)
Thanks for the ask and warning! Also yeah I do see some parrels between Stoliz and Catradora, they are both heavily toxic queer couples but are extremely romanticized by the show and fandom. Even before I knew about the full moon deal and just watched clips of Stoliz I still didn't like it. Blitzo just seemed uninterested while Stolas flirted with him. It became worse when I actually watched the show. And yeahh it's really depressing when shows do that, instead of just having them not get into a relationship because it's toxic and have them be with someone who was better for them and not toxic because for some reason the creators just seem to love toxic couples. (Also yeah, definitely a big owl house fan, it's disappointing that shit like spop gets 5 seasons and Owl House only got three when it's far superior in so many ways not just representation)
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A interesting comparison and differences………
So have you guys may be wondering something? Because I actually noticed something that I think many people find this comparison quite believable, and for good reasons. Because it also involves around a spin-off of the main show that’s set in an extended universe. Much like Helluva Boss. And that spin-off…….is Fear The Walking Dead. Now you guys may exactly asking “why or how is this comparison to two separated spin-off has notable similarities yet plenty of different things?????” When I answered that major question from you all, you’ll eventually understand.
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Right off the bat, FTWD and HB has a similar problem/flaws when how comes to the later seasons as far as the writing, character, set pieces, etc. Especially with two common/noticeable problems between them…..among with explaining the different things to along with it.
Is how both show switch and just mostly focused on one or two characters, taking over the other important main characters purposes. Which is being Blitzo and Stolas, among with Morgan Jones. Hints how the fandom/community called both of them being “The Biltzo and Stolas Show” and “The Morgan Jones Show.”
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Starting with Morgan Jones, his first appearances happened around the beginning of Season 4, set a few years later after Season 3 ended. And I can agreed that Morgan isn’t a good choice for a multitude of reason. But the main problem is how he doesn’t really do anything much or changed anything for the show beside just killing walkers and being insufferable despite being the new main protagonist after the story arc of the Clark family, whose purpose was to healed what was broken and helping other supporting characters, but his niceness and nobility is what kinda ruins him as one of the best characters from The Walking Dead universe. And this happened ever since Travis was killed off from Season 3, then Nick was also killed off during Season 4, Alicia was gone around the end of Season 7, and Madison just….isn’t the same person anymore. Because of that, he taking over for what could’ve been a potentially great new season for the Clark family after Season 3, if everything’s was different. But guess not. On the positive side, Morgan isn’t quite a terrible father nor a terrible leader. Since he still has a heart inside of him, still at time, deeply care towards the people surrounding him, and even tried his hardest to be a good father to his daughter, ever since he lost his own son….unlike with Blitzo and Stolas.
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I’m just going to say this…..Blitzo and Stolas was two characters I used to enjoyed and ship a whole lot!!!!!! At first. They may seem like two fun characters who may be a bit of a gay horny couple and often at times, they would often used each other. But they do have moments where I felt them in between, was something I’ve never thought was that good….that is until Season 2 came, and their characterization is right I started to realize……they’re never a good character nor a good father, and most of the time, they both always appeared in almost every episode. And looking deeper. Really shows it all.
Like with Blitzo.
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Although he can be hilarious at times and has a few moments that makes him stand out. Yet at the same time, he screw everything up and is a complete asshole. Especially how he treats Moxxie and even stalks him and Millie as well, despite the moment from Episode 6, Season 1. He still abuse the hell out of Moxxie, not to mentioned, taking advantage from Stolas, and most of all….neglectful to his love one/friends/colleagues. I get he has a tragic backstory, ever since Buck has never cared for him beside MONEYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! But just because there’s people who are asshole to you, doesn’t excuse the fact that you’re an asshole, abusive, and a neglectful imp who doesn’t let his own siblings nor colleagues just moved on and do their own things. But still been trying to have a relationship with his adopted daughter “Loona.”
Which perfectly leads to Stolas himself.
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Stolas is not a good character and a good father. Straight away. He’s responsible for cheating on his own wife with a imp, leading into massive drama behind the Goetia family. It’s even possible Octavia has a good relationship with her father once when she was young, but as time’s goes on…eventually leading to her father relationships with Blitzo. But not for good reasons. Especially in one of the best episodes from Season 1, Episodes 2. It’s apparently cleared he only cared for himself but doesn’t cared about anything else, even if he tried to cheer his daughter up when taking her to Loo Loo Land. But it was around the same time when Stolas also invite, you guess it…..Blitzo! The same guys who he was falling in love and was cheating his wife. He only invited him….JUST TO BE HORNY TO HIM!!!!!!! Making him a complete fucking liar towards his own daughter about “needing security,” when you’re just having Blitzo to flirt with him…..the same can be said for Season 2, Episode 2 when he and Blitzo are trying to search for Octavia, after she accidentally ends up in LA. Yet, only for him TO JUST FLIRT ON BLIZTO INSTEAD OF BEING SERIOUS ON SEARCHING YOUR OWN DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Another biggest problem between both shows is how it moved away from the original concept that both of them should’ve focused on.
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Both the concept of the spin-off has a lot of potential. Especially how Helluva Boss is meant to be an episodic show about three Imps and a Hellhound forming an assassin team known as the I.M.P that involved around teleporting to the human world, in order to assassinate their targets that’s responsible for doing horrible thing. While Fear The Walking Dead is a prequel to The Walking Dead, which is set around the beginning of the Undead Apocalypse. These ideas, again, sounds freaking awesome!!!!!!! But, that’s where another problem rises, because FTWD moved away from the concept as Season 4 came by and Morgan coming along for the ride. It just only become more like a midquel/sequel to The Walking Dead than an actual prequel and the writing just becomes ridiculous and abysmal. As for Helluva Boss, it should’ve been an episodic rather than a plot driven show, which resulted into a complete mess of too many recurring plots and characters, an confusing world-building, characters personalities being assassinated or completely downgraded, many plot holes, etc.
Conclusion. These show, despite so many issue and flaws that cannot be ignored. I still have a lot of fun watching them with some fun I can enjoyed from, especially with its entertainment value. But with Fear the Walking Dead finally getting closer to end in Season 8 as Morgan Jones is officially leaving in the end of the first half, to search for Rick Grimes. Leaving a bit of a nice sendoff to him, leaving the rest of the original cast of the characters to conclude the rest of the storyline. For it to come to the end. As far as the current state for both HH/HB “mostly HB,” it’s not looking good for how the fandom has become a divisive mess that argues with their opinions/criticisms, and especially how Vivziepop has become a mainstream definition of how not to be an amazing creator, she’s not a terrible person …but not a good person either. Even the way she responded to criticism, is not looking pretty for both her and the future of her animated shows. Even growing some concerned for Hazbin Hotel….still……….
We must wait and see. Sooner or later.
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flower-boi16 · 8 months
Why Adam & Lute Suck
So HH's first season is over, and after watching the whole thing I can say that...it was STILL painfully average. The last two episodes were kind of good I'll admit, but aside from that the show is still kind of a 6.5/10 to me. But now let's get into one of my biggest issues with the show, Adam and Lute. These guys are supposed to be the "main antagonists'' of the show, but unfortunately, not only do they suffer from many of the same issues that plenty of HB's villains have, they also have some...new ones, and so, In this post, I'm going to explain why Adam & Lute, as the show's main antagonists, suck.
1. They're 1-dimensional
Anybody who has seen my post about HB's villains would know that an issue that I have with a majority of them is how boring and 1-dimensional they are, and unfortunately, Adam and Lute have the same problem. Now, like I already said in that post, a villain doesn't always need to be super deep or compelling, sometimes they can just be fun and entertaining to watch. But as you can guess, Adam and Lute aren't interesting nor are they fun to watch.
Adam's one personality trait is that he has a big ego and he swears a lot. That's kind of it, he's not a character that's very interesting and again, he's extremely boring and 1-dimensional. He's not a character that's very fun and entertaining to watch as an antagonist, even those types of villains need to be interesting and have more personality traits beyond "ego and swears a lot".
Lute meanwhile...barely has much of a personality? Like, she doesn't have much of a character beyond being Adam's minion and right-hand woman, and also kind of violent. Lute, like Adam, isn't an interesting character nor is she fun to watch, they are both just criminally boring with little personality beyond very one-note traits. I'll admit, the final did give a hint that they cared about each other which does give them a little bit of depth, but aside from that, they aren't very interesting. They, like a majority of HB's villains, suffer from being incredibly boring and one-dimensional, they aren't interesting and compelling nor are they entertaining and fun to watch, they are just boring. Now let's get into the next problem I have with them, that being...
2. We Barely Ever See Them
Adam and Lute have VERY little presence as antagonists. This mainly has to do with the show having a pretty low amount of episodes (only eight), we only ever get to actually see Adam and Lute in episodes 1, 6, and 8. That's a pretty big gap throughout the season, and it makes it so they barely have any real presence within the story. Now, let's move onto my last problem with these two, that being...
3. There's No Dynamic/Chemistry Between Them
Part of what makes villainous duos or duos in general fun to watch is the dynamic and chemistry the two characters may have; whether it would be a friendship, a rivalry, or whatever, these dynamics can be fun and entertaining to watch if done right. Adam and Lute...don't have this. There doesn't feel like much of a real dynamic between either of these two, and that would most likely have to do with them again, them both being fairly one-dimensional as characters, meaning there can't really be any interesting and fun dynamics for them as characters.
As a duo, they kind of fail because there isn't a dynamic between them that's fun and interesting to watch, which contributes to the problem of them just being boring. Because of how one-dimensional both of their characters are, their personalities don't get to mix or clash with each other, it's just a very bland and milktoast "evil guy and right-hand woman" dynamic that isn't very fun to watch. Again, the final episode does bring something interesting to their dynamic by making it so they did care for each other, but that's kind of it. Aside from that, their dynamic is boring, uninteresting and downright non-existent.
4. Conclusion
So ya, that's why I don't like Adam and Lute as villains, so...bye.
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aspoonofsugar · 2 months
Top 10 Hellverse characters please! HH + HB!
Thank you for this nice ask :) I wanna speak of the series more (I wanna write more metas in general, but it is a super busy time)
Anyway. I listed my fave Hazbin Hotel's characters here.
I think that my top five slightly changed though, as it is now I would say:
Basically Vaggie has grown a lot on me <3<3<3
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I love how her arc is built in season 1, with episode 3 foreshadowing the reveal of episode 6 and how they were able to convey her past as a child soldier in a way that ties very well with her personality. Moreover, her foiling with Charlie is great.
As for my top five HB's characters...
1 - Fizzarolli
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Ooops and Mammon's musical are my two favourite episodes and Fizz is my kind of character, as he manages to have a wonderful and deep arc in a very short time. I love his foiling with Blitz and his relationship with Asmodeus is wonderful. It is a great subversion of the dychotomy between Lust and Love and it embodies the main themes of the series.
2- Blitz and Stolas
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A great protagonist and deuteragonist respectively <3 I received an ask on them, so I am gonna go quick here.
Blitz is a great protagonist because he subverts expectations. He is set up as the classical jerk wiht a heart of gold. The asshole who became an asshole because everyone around him treats him badly. This is true in a sense, as it is shown his father neglecting and abusing him... However, we slowly realize he is mostly lonely because he himself pushes his loved ones away and hurts them. The story is sympathetic towards his circumstances, but it doesn't justify nor excuse him and that is very refreshing.
Stolas is a great deuteragonist because he is exactly the same, but opposite to Blitz. He is a royal, whereas Blitz is an IMP. He has a nuclear family, which seems perfect on the surface, but is actually terrible. Blitz instead has a chaotic and dysfunctional found family made of people, who deep down love each other. Both struggle with their relationship with a daughter, but for opposite reasons. Both self-sabotage their relationship, but for opposite reasons. Both idealize the other, but in opposite ways. Stolas sees Blitz as a Knight in Shining Armor. Blitz sees Stolas as a Royal.
In short, they are great.
4 - The Sins
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I just love the thought put behind their designs and their thematic resonance. I would love to write about them soon because they are really incredibly made and offer interesting interpretations of their respective vices. Plus they are cool.
5- Loona and Octavia
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They are bound to become adoptive sisters! Anyway, I love them and how just like their dads they appear opposites, but are actually the same. Loona has a nice arc, despite appearing less than others, and I like how the story has so far balanced her personal development with her role in Blitz's story. Octavia is mostly there for Stolas, but I like her characterization and the challenge she poses to her father. In general, you can clearly see Vivzie adores father-daughter relatioinship between this and hazbin :''').
If I were to make a top ten list of characters from both series....
The Sins
Thank you for the ask!
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
Hi again. You know, I often read different HB-critical blogs stating "Stolas and Blitz aren't in love, their relationship only have lust", and I just wanted to give a little bit of my perspective as an Aromantic.
I personally wouldn't mind if Blitz and Stolas had a queer-platonic or friends-with-benefits type of relationship (although I highly doubt that Viv could pull that off). But the thing is: you can't say their relationship build on "lust" or sexual attraction, when there's only one partner that feels this way. Yep. Not even once when I watched Blitz interacting with Stolas I thought "wow he surely is attracted to that owl dude" (at least until 2 episode of 2 season, but more on that later).
In the first season every time Blitz was forced to interact with Stolas I always read his expressions as "I'm really uncomfortable around this guy" or "ugh I guess I HAVE TO please him" (mostly referring to that one kiss that felt incredibly forced). An exception was maybe episode 7, where at the end of it Blitz was just straight up (rightfully so) pissed at him.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I honestly just can't recall writers giving us any clues that Blitz at least finds Stolas hot. Stolas is often blushes or comments how sexy Blitz is, but I just don't remember any passing remarks when Blitz says he likes Stolas. Hell, Blitz genuinely had more tension with Striker in that one scene, we've never seen anything like this between him and Stolas.
We see them in bed together in episode 5, but it gives us "I'm not repulsed being in bed with you" at best. Sure, Blitz is having sex with Stolas, but that was a part of their deal. It literally looks like he sleeps with him only to get the book, full stop, there's no attraction on Blitz's part.
And then there's the second season. In the first episode writers (probably trying to justify Stolas's previous creepy behavior) show us that Blitz initiated the whole thing first. However, when Stolas caught Blitz he immediately jumped into conclusion, that he's here to "ravish" him. Now, Blitz was trying to get the book and was already caught, so I see his logic as if why he would try to initiate sex with Stolas, if that's what Stolas's presumably wanted. Again, you can very well read this scene as Blitz taking advantage of Stolas with no other reason but to get the book. It's not helping the situation when he presumably also had sex with Stolas out of pity(?).
And now we're only left with our favorite retcon-aboslutely-everything episode. Where we finally see Blitz being turned on by Stolas. Which was... kinda OOC at this point? I don't remember Blitz ever reciprocating any of Stolas feelings, but now he does, apparently? Guess it's another case of "caught feelings off screen", huh? Anyway, that's surprisingly not a lot for a main ship. I simply wanted to illustrate my point, I just think that Stoliz not only has zero romantic chemistry between the characters, but I personally don't even see a mutual sexual attraction here either.
I agree with you! Everything you said is right, however the reason why I always say their relationship is stemmed from sex, is that at FIRST it was one sided yes, with Stolas lusting over him and Blitz just not wanting any part of it. Had the show mainly been like that, I wouldn’t have said so, however that was until episode 6 came along.
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Due to the episode’s lazy storytelling, through Moxxie’s dialogue the show flat out tells us that despite Blitz pushing Stolas away, he craves intimacy, he craves what him and Stolas have. The chains in this scene (in my personal interpretation) tells us that he feels trapped in this deal that HE created, because he doesn’t like it, yet wants it at the same time. When we look at Stolas and Blitz’s relationship throughout the beginning of the show, despite Blitz being the one who has to screw Stolas every now and then to keep the book for his end of the bargain, Stolas is clearly the bottom in the relationship, the one who submerges to Blitz while Blitz takes control, and I think that’s something he craves, power. Like you said, the kiss was definitely forced, especially since episode 7 opened with Blitz once again wanting nothing to do with Stolas, but that only proved to me further on how he only enjoys himself for the needless sex. Even if it doesn’t make any sense on a writing standpoint as we’ve discussed, it still seems to be that way, especially with the recent episode showing Blitz fawning over Stolas and ENJOYING it. Regardless of the terrible writing, that’s why I personally think their relationship is stemmed from sex, because Stolas only sees Blitz as someone who can fulfill his needs and satisfy him in the way he likes it, and Blitz only sees Stolas as someone who praises him, gives him that power he wants and makes him feel good about himself. Just like you said, there’s nothing else there really, nothing in between, no chemistry, no buildup. Your points were very well made and I do agree with them, this is just my personal opinion on why I think they’re BOTH only stemmed to each other for sex.
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