#he brings her out of her forests and shows her adventures that let her really Live
musedriven · 6 months
When you ship a pairing so rare you’ve gotta either make the art yourself or perish—
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iamjellyfish · 2 months
can you have one where Soshiro (😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️) and Y/N are child hood friends and are both defense officers, Y/N is super kind, polite, and cheerful, almost always smiling and teasing and making jokes (specifically with Soshiro, they're besties) nothing could ever be wrong with her, she has a smile as bright as the sun!... Right?
Soshiro, would always just find Y/N in the forest or Y/N would sneak into his house, and train with him (even though they was weak and lacked the proper nutrients to even carry twenty pounds) they would still try, Soshiro forced her to eat all the time, sneaking food out for her, he never questioned her though, and when he did Y/N just avoided the question , joked about something and put a grin on their face. Soshiro often asked if they ok, because she's unfed most the time. He knew they went some hard things but .... not to the extent of what she's been through... I mean losing everyone you care hurts. at the ripe age of 4 she witnessed the death of her family, gaining multiple scars from the incident . She still hates herself more than that kaiju though... Why? ... Despite has still Y/N never cried or showed and signs of anger in front of anyone... until now, Soshiro finds Y/N sobbing quietly, letting all her hatred, sadness ,anger , heart break, finally let out ... Soshiro OBVIOUSLY comforts her because he's the best (boy)friend ever!
sorry for making it so long, and if the request isn't anything you like to write!
❥ A/n: Oooo, I like the lore; I had been thinking that the reader could join the defense force for a smart plan or tricks similar to Kafka (supporting others).
Oh yea I changed the timeline for events in reader's past a bit:p
❥Warning: potentially broken grammar, angst/comfort, mention of death, self-destruct behaviors from reader, ... not proofread, I write this half-awake.
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You and Soshiro were best friends from childhood. It's probably because you're the type to get curious and sneak into his house one day and be amazed by Soshiro's fighting style. Soshiro, back then, was a bit discouraged because the era of swords had long gone, and reaching to be a defense force officer seemed unrealistic, yet seeing you amazed when he was training and offered to train with him and share about how much you like katana because "they're just so cool" make him happy.
You were his ball of sunshine, even if you don't realize it; your cheerful voice, your smiles, and your kind gestures here and there make him so in love with you. And the best thing is, you were always joking and teasing him, it made him feel at home as long as you were there.
"Soshi should be careful, I might charm you too much that you might forget to train and be my husband!"
You, at the age of 8, are teasing him, yet he grins back and holds out his bamboo katana. He is still training yet he always stops a little to talk with you every few minutes while you watch.
"Why can't I do both? I clearly can make time for both marrying you and training."
He stops a little to pinch your cheek. And when he sees you blush, he laughs a little yet when got older and thinks back, it's quite true, he could definitely do both, marrying you and sharpening his katana techniques!
You were a free soul; you were polite to adults, yes, but still, you're someone who doesn't follow the rules a lot. You love the forest and would spend time enjoying nature, hearing the wind or the nearby river that had many cool rocks and flowers nearby. You would always bring some cool rocks or flowers that remind you of him when you go on this little adventure in the forest. Soshiro always cherishes your gifts even though he didn't show it too much.
But when you turn 12, something is always odd about you, at least after you went missing a few weeks ago and returned like nothing had happened, you refused to talk about it, so he can't really press you about it. You look like you lack the needed nutrients, always so skinny and weak, you look like you would fly away if the wind is a bit too strong. He doesn't mind, though; he got used to sneaking food out for you, and seeing you enjoy eating what he made makes him really happy.
After years of being best friends and feeding you throughout your teenage years, you both fell in love with each other. You both confess at the same time before you both get into the defense force. You love him deeply, and no doubt he is head over heels for you.
He knows you love him yet something about you is distance. To put it into words, Hoshina feels like you are hiding something from him but he can't really tell. You always smile, of course, he loves your smiles! But he feels like there is a deeper matter to this, so he tracks to the old times and investigates a little; you won't mind that, right? It's just that you won't answer his questions and always try to change the subject, so he gets a little worry.
Hoshina always knew you went through something when you were a kid, but you never told him; just bundle it all into your little heart. So when he investigated, he found out that the day you go missing for a week was the time that your parent was brutally murdered by kaiju. He had some theory but it was best to ask you.
So when you both get the day off, Hoshina and you get home, and he prepares your favorite food while you prepare his favorite snacks and coffee. He wanted to start the conversation softly to not trigger you so he started with a little small talk.
"Y/n, did you eat properly these days?"
He said softly, looking into your e/c eyes while waiting for your answer; his hands were playing with the food a little. You just shrug and try to answer it to get over with.
"I guess."
"I know what happened that day that you go missing. You were hiding, didn't you? Your parent got murdered by kaiju, and you were hiding, and it took a few days to find you"
He reaches his hand out to comfort you while you just sit there frozen. The memories that you bury deep under the rubble of your feelings that day. You want to run away, to hide, but it's Hoshina, your dear Hoshina.
"Please don't, let's stop this topic."
You said, sadness bleeds in those words of yours; you hated it, hated yourself for the simple fact that you were helpless that day. You were mad at the kaiju, yes, but the guilt of surviving the life that was traded for your parents' lives made you sick to the stomach. You were hard on yourself, trying harder and harder to achieve higher things to avenge your parent; that way, you could say your parent traded their lives for something worthy.
Hoshina knew this; at least, he knew right now when he saw the dark cloud on your head. He rushes over to hug you while you start crying, confronting your own guilt. He gently pats your back and gives you little kisses quite he comforts you.
"It's okay alright? I know ya try your best but it's time to start letting go of the past. It's hard, but I'm here to support you. Now, you can pour your heart out to me."
"I don't want to dump it all on you..."
You mutter, you bury your head in his shoulders. You subconsciously hug him tight as he comforts you. He looks at you with scarlet eyes and smiles lightly.
"You're my everything. It's okay. Just tell me, I'm ready to carry the guilt you have in your heart."
Just like that, you cry like a kid pouring everything that keeps your chest heavy throughout the years to him quite Hoshina just comforts you with hugs and kisses, listening to everything you have to say.
A/n: I'm going to sleep.
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longtallglasses · 6 months
some miwi headcanons just bc ! older ones
i see young mike as kind of loud and not realizing how loud (and annoying) his yelling near people is (ie karen yelling in s1 “mike let’s go!” “COMING!!!”) however he quickly learns not to yell around will, adopting his softer voice for him BUT
in school he’s constantly calling over to will “will come here” “will sit next to me” “will! over here! look at this!” trying to get his attention “will, will, hey will…” other kids are like dude shut up… so many kids know will’s name who’ve never seen him, and mike’s thought of as that kid who’s always calling out for his friend.
i’m an avid rock collector!mike enjoyer. on the playground, in the forest, at the park, at the lake. he’s picking up all the cool ones, storing them away for very important scientific reasons like “this one’s shiny in A Different way!” he sets aside his favorites to show and give to will, very much in the style of a cat bringing a dead rodent to their owner, like “got something special just for you :) a Very Cool Rock :)” will loves how much mike enjoys it and is very excited to receive them, feeling quite special.
will loves stuffed animals (i mean we been knew) when he was younger they all had names and backstories, interpersonal drama and storylines he played out. two stuffed cats he definitely thought of as him and mike subconsciously, as they were best friends. he would act out little dramatic scenes of them running away from some oppressive kingdom, going on an adventure and meeting new friends along the way. … and he may have made them kiss a few times …
obviously small will loved drawing, but i don’t think he was always confident in his skill. after people tell him he’s good he gets caught up in trying to be really good, and gets frustrated when he can’t do something the way he wants. hence crumpled up attempts in the trash mike fishes out. there’s a spell of time where he gives up for a bit and jonathan asks why he hasn’t seen him drawing lately, and will says he doesn’t think he can get any better, it’s too hard. jonathan tells him it doesn’t matter if it’s perfect, he should just draw to make himself happy “draw for the campaigns, your friends think it’s so cool” so will keeps at it focusing on drawing what he thinks him and his friends will appreciate
while watching scary movies in the basement mike and will always held hands under blankets. it started when they were younger and they first got permission to watch a scary movie, they didn’t want to admit they might be getting too scared. during a big jump their hands reached out on instinct and too caught up in the movie they didn’t let go. when it was over they didn’t talk about it, but then it just kept happening every time they got scared. which led to holding hands when upset outside of watching movies. they never really discussed it, it just felt like their little secret thing.
all the boys were nice to holly but will was the only friend who actually liked seeking her out to play w them. (fascinated by a little sister unlike lucas and only-child dustin) mike and will would play games with her sometimes, will thinking she was really cute, and mike thinking it was cute will really liked her. cue karen thinking will is the best influence on her son
i have such a strong image of kindergarten miwi right after they become friends making mud pies together every recess. their teacher scolds them the first few times having to scrub their hands when they come back in. it gets so bad when the recess monitor sees them heading for the dirt they’re yelling “Michael! William! don’t even think about it!” they think it’s so funny to rile them up, they start spreading mud on each others arms “will you need more than that!” they only try to eat it a few times, it does taste really gross. after they’re banned from the dirt, they move to the sand box, it’s only a bit cleaner.
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dreamwritersworld · 2 years
Once innocent. (sully family x reader)
Hi! Just a reminder that this is a mini series to show the deeper sides of Y/n’s life BEFORE “The chore” :) I did add some twdg scenes and put it into their situation because I loved the idea and I hope you do too! 💗
Ronal and Tonowari weren’t the only ones who took care of Y/n. There was once Rey’akana. He fought alongside Jake, he had always noticed how Y/n was often not watched or talked to. He also noticed how she would sit from a far watching how people worked and then running into the forest giggling and excited. He did not know what she did after she left but today he’d follow.
She was walking around the war party group after they had came back from fighting, viewing how healers went to work. She became interested on how the warriors fought, how they protected themselves. Protecting yourself was very important step to learn as a child but Y/n’s parents never taught her. So Y/n asked questions “what is your arrow made of? Who made it?” Or “when shooting what did you aim for?” Majority of the warriors smiled and turned an eye, not Rey’akana. He actually told her every detail for her question and she smiled sweetly with a ‘thank you’. Instantly she ran into the forest to retrieve her 2 arrows and old bow she had stolen from her mother. She was in her own world when training, pretending every situation was real. It was escape to Y/n.
“What are you doing little one? I can assure you that is not how you handle a bow.” He found amusement in her determination. Y/n smiled shy, scared not wanting to get in trouble by her parents but also curious as to if the man was willing to help. Why not just ask? “How should it be held then? Can you teach me? Please” and he did. When he asked about who took care of her and why they hadn’t trained her, his heart broke at how the girl hadn’t realized what was going on or why it was wrong for her parents to not pay her mind, she thought it was normal. “My story is actually very funny! Since I am a child my dad always insists we play hide n seek as soon as I approach him. And I’m alwayssss it! He’s tried hiding everywhere and I’ll alwaysss find him! Every time I did, he’d jus brush it off, saying he’s doing something important and walks away. Since we’re always playing he doesn’t really have time to train me neither does my mom, they kinda just train the boys and Kiri but it’s ok! I’ll figure it out!” The young girl let’s giggles out as if it was normal..? Her heart and mind is so innocent and was too kind to be treated the way she was “I need to practice more! I’m gonna be a warrior and healer some day!” And Rey’akana smiled and gave the girl a hug providing a promise to Y/n.
“I’ll train you. We will meet everyday. I’ll protect you.” Y/n was so excited to have someone teach her. “Ok! Thank you! We can meet tomorrow and I’ll even bring a surprise! I should head home now, eclipse is coming soon!” Rey’akana offered to take the little girl home safely and when she was entering the home he had noticed how everyone was laughing, her parents playing with her siblings as if the little girl wasn’t out by herself and not apart of the family. He watched her walk in and no one even greeted her or spared a look.
That night Y/n beaded a bracelet with pretty purple sequences, something she found in her adventures and grew to always use when beading, it somewhat became a signature for her. When the time came for Rey’akana to train her again the next day. He was gifted the bracelet and had swore to wear it everyday for her. They always had conversations at the end of their training. It soon became a routine.
Last night he heard Jake scolding Y/n about Kiri’s Bracelet being broken…? During training it was obvious Y/n was in her own head. She was still confused as to what happened last night, why was she yelled at for Loak breaking Kiri’s bracelet and why didn’t Jake listen to her when she said it wasn’t her who broke it..? As they walked home in comfortable silence, he watched Y/n while she observed the forest as if it was her first time seeing it. The way Y/n observed life always amazed him. He decided it was the perfect time to bring up what happened “…did you so happen to break your sisters bracelet?” Y/n looked up surprised with slight sadness in her eyes “no…did my dad say I did? He’s just always blaming me for stuff.” This makes him immediately more curious as to how Y/n’s home life really was. “Like what?” Y/n answers the question immediately “putting a bug on Loak’s pillow…?” He looked at her in amusement. “Did you do that?” She laughs and gives a satisfied answer “yes! But only because he didn’t admit that he was the one who broke Kiri’s bracelet and he just let me get yelled at. Even though I told dad Loak did it!” He gave a saddened smiled but soon laughed with her as she discussed the story of how she even placed the bug in his pillow perfectly in his face. She returned home and now he was walking back to his. He couldn’t help but think how Y/n should learn at least another level of survival. Like learning how to shoot a gun, just the basics. If he wasn’t teaching her this who would..? He knew all about survival. He also knew how being a warrior himself he went out to war risking his life every time, he wanted to come to a stop and maybe it’ll buy him time with the innocent child he now took care of.
He met up with Y/n at the same time they always do everyday. “When your older and want to become a warrior like you said you were going to…your gonna need to know how to protect yourself.” Y/n giggled and said “I know how to shoot arrows already!” Rey’akana smiled at the excited girl in front of him “more like shooting a gun Y/n…it’ll just be a one time thing for now, it’s just to get you used to it ok? Then when your older you will handle it on your own.” Y/n shares a nervous look as he hands her the gun. “…it’s heavyyyy.” Y/n says. Rey’akana then gives her tips and shows her how the gun should be handled. Their couple of practice shots came to an end as Rey’akana said she should be good enough to try again in a couple years, this was just to get her comfortable and not scared of the gun. “How do you feel about the gun?” Y/n looks down at her hands taking in her next words “…well my hands hurt and my ears have noise in them like eeeeeeeee” He laughed as they went about their conversation agreeing to meet each other tomorrow like normal.
However the next day Y/n rushed to him as soon as he about to leave the healing aid area “Rey’akana! I got invited to play with the girls over there! Is it ok if we skip training today?” Says the girl with the most widest smile ever “Of course Y/n anytime.” He watched as the little girl ran away and the Tsahik smiled at the scene, finally seeing a smile on her granddaughter’s face.
An hour later from seeing Y/n he hears girls laughing while hearing Y/n say “it’s not that bad! My mom just doesn’t have time to do my hair…” One girl laughs and says “So why is Kiri’s hair always done? Ha maybe she just doesn’t want to do your hair because of how messy it is!” Y/n shakes her head and walks away immediately jumping at the sight of Rey’akana “oh, what are you doing here? Do we have time to train? Can we?” Rey’akana agrees especially after witnessing what he just saw. Maybe he can help you?
20 minutes of training goes by and Rey’akana can’t shake the feeling that you were being made fun of, for the hair your mom let go on too long despite you asking for help. “Let’s take a break yea?” Y/n looks up unsure but still agrees “so your probably not gonna like this” y/n gives a saddened look “oh no, what happened?” Rey’akana is quick to reply with “Nothing, we have to talk about your hair. I heard what the girls said to you.” Y/n gave a mad look as she said “that’s not nice! Are you saying it’s messy and ugly too..?” Rey’akana returns a saddened smile and says “no-“ y/n cuts this off by saying “cause it is…kinda” he looks at her worryingly “I could do it for you so they don’t upset you anymore” y/n gives a sigh but agrees although Y/n suggests they get flowers and beads to add onto the hair and he complies. As they are searching for the perfect flower, Rey’akana reaches towards a pretty neon flower that glows until Y/n puts him to a stop “Wait Rey’akana! Don’t touch that one! It makes you have this weird reaction and it’s gross!” Rey’akana looks up amused at the child “…Did you touch it?” Y/n looks down with an ashamed face “…i don’t know” they’re search comes to a stop since they got enough materials for the hair. Settling down to start y/s hair.
A worried y/n manages to ask the question that’s on her mind “…do you know how to do this?” He considers it, I mean he has had his own mother do his hair many times, and he watched her do it to his sisters “How hard could it be?” Y/n looks down while shaking her head “I’m gonna look like an animal.” He laughs and says “shush child you’ll be just fine.” Time passed and Y/n loved her hair she jumped around with the biggest smile “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Your the best Rey’akana!” They share a hug and Rey’akana drops her off home telling her she’ll still be able to meet him after he goes to battle. “Ok! Then you can tell me all the things that happened it’d be cool to learn from what you saw others do! Good night Rey’akana!”
The next day come and the war party was returning back and this time Y/n waited for Rey’akana instead of meeting them at their training area. The injured were taken to the healing tent but Y/n hadn’t seen them since she turned around to pick up the new necklace and beads she was ready to show Rey’akana as her gift to him. She turned back as the people emptied out but no Rey’akana..? Where was he? So she asked around “have you seen Rey’akana? Do you know where he is?” That was until she got to Rey’akana partner that he works with and she smiled and said “you must know where Rey’akana is! Can you tell me?” The man looks down giving her a saddened look, knowing Rey’akana took great care of the girl that he now knows an entire backstory of because that’s all Rey’akana ever talked about now. “He’s in the healing aid tent kiddo, you shouldn’t go” Y/n smile quickly falls as she ran into the healing area frantically searching, quickly passing all tables until she saw her grandmother who had agreed to stay with Rey’akana who’s shot in the chest trying to hold onto his life, as there is nothing she can do anymore.
“Rey’akana! No, no please. I need you.” The little girl comes close holding onto his hand. “You’re strong Y/n ,you can do anything. Your gonna see bad stuff but it’s ok.” She gets teary eyes scared that he’s parting away so soon “M-my parents it’s so horrible” he replies with “oh I can just imagine sunshine.” Sadness in his voice. “…a-and now you. Please. Please don’t leave me . Please don’t go.” His heart breaks as he holds her hand trying to get the strength to talk to her during his last moments “Keep practicing sunshine, I need you to enjoy your life ok? Don’t let anyone push you around. I’ll always be there with you. I’ll watch you at the same time everyday while you train. I’ll be there every step of the way while you become the great warrior you were always meant to be, the role you’ve been working so hard for. I need you to live Y/n. I need you to that for me Y/n that’s your job now. Oel ngati kameie, sunshine. You made a great impact on me.” He said that before the lights went out and Y/n’s life flashed seeing the adult who took care of here for a good couple of months and kept her safe, slip away in her hands. There it was the most painful cries and no one even knew why the once happy curious girl stopped coming around. Only the soldiers who had paid her mind because of all the great words Rey’akana had spoken of her. The sweet child who had all the strength and determination to keep going. Her eyes, were once innocent.
This is not the finally part of this series this is just the beginning! 💓 hope you enjoyed sweet moments of young Y/n!
Tag list: @noodlesfics @eywas-heir @itshype
@zatarias-pandora @yeosxxx @arminsgfloll
@abbersreads @tsireyak @aimsro
@elegantkidfansoul @neteyamforlife
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omgkatherine01 · 2 years
Hey! Can I ask a one shot where lo'ak goes hunting at night and finds a newborn abandoned babygirl about to be attacked by a creature, and he saves her and soothes her crying by rocking her gently on his chest? Then maybe he could bring her to his parents and the family would adopt her, and lo'ak could not leave her side (always holding/kissing/cuddling her) since the day he found her and they would become an adorable sibling duo?
Note: So... I'm writing it as a reader one shot.... which it isn't really a one shot that I'm used to, I feel like I'm suck at this, but oh well, hope it turned out okay and it's just me feeling it 😉
Note 2: And didn't know where to stop at this, so.... 😑
The Youngest Sully
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Pairing: Sully family x Adopted!daughter!reader
Masterlist (requests are currently open for now)
On the day you were found out there, a baby screaming which attracted not only Jake Sully and his son, Lo'ak, to your location but also creatures, which one of them was a viperwolf.
That creature would have eaten you if Lo'ak and Jake didn't show up and got rid of it. You wouldn't stop crying until Lo'ak picked you up and held you against his chest.
On that day, his life and his family changed.
You seemed to have been only a few days old and with no one claiming you, Lo'ak's family took you in.
With Tuk been older than you by three years, you were the youngest Sully. You grew up to have a close bond with everyone in your adoptive family, especially with Lo'ak.
Despite Neytiri and Jake weren't your true parents, you were sharing Neytiri's gentle and nurturing spirit, and taking care of small animals and plants that you would come across. But you were also sharing Jake's adventurous spirit and love for exploration.
You had a mischievous streak, enjoying pushing boundaries and testing the limits, much to the dismay of your older siblings who often find themselves having to rescue you.
Neytiri was a nurturing and caring mother, she always made sure to spend as much time with you as much as possible, playing around, teaching you things, and taking you on adventures in the forest. She was overly protective of you, always making sure you stay safe and are not put in any unnecessary danger. Your bond with Neytiri was very strong, with you looking up to your mother as a hero.
Your relationship with Jake was of a father and daughter of course. Jake was always there to support you and encourage your curious nature. With you, he was patient and understanding, always taking the time to listen to your thoughts and concerns, just like with Kiri and Tuk. Despite his tough exterior, Jake had a soft spot for you and would do anything to make you happy.
Neteyam was a role model for you, setting a good example and always looking after you. He show a lot of patience towards you. You would enjoy spending time with Neteyam, following him around, and trying to imitate his actions sometimes. He would be like another dad to you.
Lo'ak, been the one who sometimes causes trouble, have always been cautious when you were around and since that day he and his father found you, he hardly really let you out of his sight. But when he wandered off, he made sure you weren't following him around to dangerous places.
But he couldn't always stop you, because just like Tuktirey, you were bubbly and energetic, and always eager to follow your siblings on their escapades on Pandora.
You and Lo'ak shared a very strong bond since that day he found you, at every cry he was there to calm you down; rocking you gently to his chest, holding your hand (especially on your first try on walking), cuddling you when you couldn't sleep.
Kiri was a constant companion, showing you Pandora and teaching you about the ways of the Na’vi. She was a nurturing and protective older sister, often helping to take care of you and looking out for your well-being. You were sharing her strong connection to nature and animals, always looking for new creatures to add to your collection of treasured trinkets and mementos.
Tuk, been older than you by three years, took her responsibility as a big sister seriously, which in your parents' eyes was very adorable. Since you learned how to walk (and ran) she followed you around to make sure you were safe. She, like your older siblings, was very protective over you.
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talkintrashcann · 2 years
Can I call you mine this year? - Xavier Thorpe
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Summary: you celebrate new year's eve together with your friends and give out gifts, counting down to the new year and while you were busy admiring the fireworks outside, someone else was admiring you 🎇
Warnings: just fluff really, kissing, mention of fireworks, lmk if i missed anything
Word count: 1.2k
A/N: i really don't know how to feel about this title but i couldn't think of anything else im sorry. i would also like to wish you all a happy new year, and i hope you enjoy!
Requests: to the person that sent me a request, im currently working on it but wanted to post this one first, any other requests are always welcome btw, could also be different genre from what i usually make
"Omg this is so pretty, thank you thank you thank you thank youuu", Enid said to you while suffocating you in a hug. You and your friends were having a new year's party together and decided to do a secret santa, everyone pulled a card last month with the name of the person they had to make a gift for. Since you wanted to avoid someone getting a cheap lame gift, everyone had to diy their present. This way everyone would get an authentic and personal gift, which turned out to be one of the greatest decisions you've ever made.
Once Enid finally let you go from her tight grip, it meant you were up next. You still didn't know who pulled your name, so you looked around at the people that haven't given a gift yet. It could be Wednesday, Eugene, Divina, or Xavier. You saw Xavier get out up from his seat and walk towards you with a huge grin on his face, he placed his gift to you on your lap before returning to where he was sitting. You looked suspiciously at Xavier before shifting your attention back to the present. It had a rectangular shape and was very flat, an idea of what it could be already coming to your mind. As you carefully unwrapped your gift, your eyes widened at the sight of it.
"Xavier this is beautiful.", you looked up at him again with your mouth slightly open from shock. He had made a drawing of you, which was what you had expected, but you didn't think it would be a drawing of you out in the snow. A few days ago, you and your friends went for a walk in the forest as it had snowed overnight which caused the entire domain to be covered in a thick layer of snow. You were looking at the drawing again, recollecting memories from that day, when suddenly the drawing moved. He was using his powers to bring his gift to life right in front of your eyes. You could now see the snow slowly falling from the sky, laughter could be seen on your face. It was truly one of your favourite moments with your friends, and now you can remember this time forever because of this artwork.
“That’s not fair, he’s using his powers to impress them even more!”, Ajax yelled out causing everyone to laugh a little. Obviously, Xavier would use his powers for your present, he knows how fascinating you find it when he does that. He knew that if he didn’t show you now, you’d probably be begging him to do it later.
You were the one getting up from your seat this time, walking over to Xavier to pull him into a tight hug. "Thank you so much, this has got to be one of the best presents I've ever gotten.". You gave him a very small kiss on his cheek to express how grateful you are for what he gave to you.
The secret santa continued and soon enough it was time to count down for the new year to start. Everyone was standing around the television, looking at the timer going down. You can’t believe another year already went by, and that you get to say goodbye to 2022 with all these new friends you’ve made on the way. Everyone’s eyes were glued to the screen as the last minute went in, while you were looking around at the people you loved most. A smile crept up your face, a part of you didn’t want the year to be over yet, but part of you also couldn’t wait to see what the new year would bring you. What crazy adventures you’d experience with the group, if you would finally start living up to those new year’s resolutions, and if you might meet the person that belongs with you. At that exact moment, you made eye contact with Xavier. He was already looking at you, who knows for how long, a soft smile was plastered on his face as well. You felt like he could look right through you, like he could hear every thought of yours.
“5, 4, 3, 2, 1…HAPPY NEW YEAR”
Everyone jumped up with joy, embracing the people around them. While everyone was celebrating the new year, you and Xavier were still looking at each other, it felt like your eyes were glued to his and his to yours. But after what felt like an eternity, Enid pulled you into a big hug which caused you to break the eye contact. After letting go of Enid, you went around the room giving the others a hug too. As you were hugging Bianca, you looked out the balcony window to see fireworks going off outside. You’ve always loved to watch the fireworks so without looking back at anyone, you went outside on the balcony to admire the spectacle happening in the distance.
The sound of the footsteps coming near you made you turn around to see who it was, your eyes locking with Xavier once more. The others were still inside dancing and singing to some music, but you didn’t pay attention to them at all. All you could hear was the distant crackling noise of the fireworks, and all you could see was Xavier standing dangerously close to you now. You smile at him before looking up at the sky, being completely mesmerized by the lights. Xavier was too, but by something else he found captivating.
“Isn’t it beautiful?”, you ask not taking your eyes off the tiny explosions.
“Incredibly beautiful.” Xavier responded but you noticed he wasn’t looking up at the night sky like you were, instead he was looking directly at you. You turned your head into his direction, faces only inches away from one another. You could feel your entire body heating up, you were certain your face had turned a dark shade of pink. For a second, you saw his eyes look at your lips, but they quickly went back up to meet your eyes. The fireworks reflected in his pretty green eyes, making this moment feel even more magical than it did before. Without realizing it, the both of you were moving closer to each other. And before you knew it, his soft lips had found their way to yours. The kiss was slow but passionate, your hands pulling him in closer by his neck while he did the same with your waist. It felt as if there were fireworks going off inside the two of you, and neither of you wanted it to ever end.
After what felt like forever, you slowly pulled away for a second to catch your breath, your noses still touching. “I like you, a lot.”, you heard him say and you would be lying if you said it didn’t make you feel things inside. “I really like you too.”, you returned the feeling by making him feel warm now.
“Can I call you mine this year?”
Without saying anything, you pulled him in for another kiss, hoping this would give him the answer he wanted. As you were deep in your thoughts, you could hear loud cheering coming from inside and when you looked at the window once more, you saw all your friends basically sticking to the window. Assuming they heard his question and saw your response very clearly, it looks like you weren’t the only ones waiting for this to happen.
If this is how the new year started, you can’t wait to see what the future holds.
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scarasimping · 1 year
But have we talked about Pirate! Scara angst?
He knows he’s a pirate and he steals and gets in trouble but it doesn’t you from loving him, he’ll distance himself not wanting you to get hurt, if he got caught stealing something of value you would run after him and the guards, you know when they lost him were he would be and when you find him…
Insert fluff
note before you start!: I haven't mentioned it in anything yet, but in my mind the princess is under strict watch, so it's almost impossible for her to leave the castle and see scara....almost. I'm also trying to stick closer to the plot I have in mind for pirate scara and the princess’s story, so it's a little different than the request. hopefully it all makes sense.
also i was listening to work song by hozier while writing this i think its fitting for how scara feels about the princess.
word count: 1.85k
Pirate! Scara believes wholeheartedly that he does not deserve you. He's a liar and a thief; he can't wash away the blood on his hands from all of the battles he fought, where someone had to die and he couldn't let it be him.
Yet, these same hands are the ones you hold so gently, the ones that you bring to cup your own face and kiss the palm of. He feels as though being with him is going to stain your perfect and gentle soul, that he's smearing the blood he's taken onto you while you just smile so beautifully and tell him how much you love him.
He doesn't even notice he's begun to distance himself from you; it happened instinctively. His nightly visits soon turned to every other night, to once a week, until he stopped showing up all together. 
It wasn't like you could ask someone to check up on him, or else that would give away all the rendezvous you were having, so you really had no idea why he stopped coming to see you. All you know is that in his more recent visits before he disappeared, he seemed so much more...sad. He clung to you tighter, his voice cracked like he was going to cry, but the tears never fell, and his responses were much more vague, whereas before he would tell you all sorts of stories in great detail about his adventures on the open sea.
For a while, you thought he left your kingdom all together, without even saying goodbye. That soon proved to be false, however, when you overheard some guards talk about how they heard someone sneak into the people’s bank on the far side of your kingdom, and how they almost caught him, but were a few seconds too late. 
So, not only was he ignoring you, he was getting sloppy with his work, meaning something had  to be wrong with him, and you were determined to find out what. 
When the moon rises the following night, and the kingdom is asleep, you put your plan into action. Waiting until just after a set of footsteps passes your door, since there’s usually a large gap of time between each person passing, you step out onto the terrace and start climbing down the same way you had watched your lover do many times before. It definitely took a lot longer than he would take, too scared of falling and getting gravely injured to go any faster, but eventually you made it to the cold, grassy ground underneath. Pulling the hood of your cloak over your head, you made a break for the treeline that separated the castle from the ocean. After a short run through the miniature forest, the sound of waves crashing against the rocks and sand reaches your ears, soon followed by the ocean coming into view. Though there were many ships at the pier, it was easy to tell which one was Scaramouche’s, his being the only pirate ship in a swarm of those meant for business only. 
The crew members on night watch easily picked up your presence as you approached, as any cloaked figure nearing the ship would be suspicious and hard to miss. Though you hadn’t met most of them before, you could tell the man staring down at you from the edge of the ship was Xiao. Scaramouche had described him before, and said he was the only crew member with tattoos.
He was observant and knew who you were as well, staring down at you with an unblinking and piercing glare.
“I know why you’re here, but if I let you on, you won’t like what you’ll see,” he warned, and a loud thud coming from the ship drew your attention away from his face. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that it was Scaramouche making that noise.
You look back at Xiao with a determination on your face, your own glare matching his own. He sighs, turning his back to you and lowering the gangway for you to climb on. Walking on the ship without Scaramouche right next to you is definitely a  different experience, and one you are not happy about. 
Xiao watches as you approach the captain’s cabin, before walking away, not wanting to invade at a moment that should be private.
The thudding you heard earlier only gets louder as you approach the door to Scaramouche’s quarters. You knock softly, barely audible, and there’s no answer, so you assume he didn’t hear you.
You’re cautious as you open the door, peeking your head inside. Scaramouche is there, standing over his desk with his hands gripping the wood so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. Crumbled pieces of paper were scattered across the floor, his bottle of ink thrown across the room as well as his hat. Everything was shoved off of his desk as well, as if knocked off in one fell swoop, and many other things were thrown around in anger, making a mess of his usually neat room.
“Did I say you could come in?” Scaramouche seethes, looking up with such fury in his eyes, it had you scared. He didn’t seem to realize it was you until after he said those words with such a bitter tone. When his eyes lay on you, they soften just a bit and a look of regret washes over him. He never wanted you to see this side of him - the angry and harsh side he only showed to his enemies or his crew when he was really upset.
“You..” he starts, sighing and dropping his head to avoid looking at your fear-stricken face. “What are you doing here?”
“Did you really think you could disappear and I wouldn’t notice?” You responded, shifting awkwardly where you stood, still behind the door. 
“Can I…come in?” 
Scaramouche runs a hand down his face, shaking his head at his own foolishness. It was clear you were trying your best not to upset him more, and that only made him feel worse.
“Yes, yes, of course, get in here.”
At his words, you cautiously step inside his room, closing the door behind you softly. Still, you were barely inside, hanging by the door and attempting not to overstep. Scaramouche sighs once more,  moving away from his desk and sitting down on his bed, head in his hands. “Sit.”
Though it’s true he was a man of few words, how little he was saying made you anxious. You sat down on the bed, keeping a few feet of space between your bodies.
“So what happened, dearest?” You asked him, breaking the silence that had grown between you.
“Nothing, I was just writing, that’s all.”
“Just writing?” You looked at him incredulously, glancing at all of the papers and the ink bottle spilling on the floor. “What were you writing that could have possibly made you so angry?”
“It’s not necessarily what I was writing, more so that I couldn’t explain everything the way I wanted to,” he responded, and true to his deceptive nature, you could tell he was only telling half-truths. It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the whole story.
“I’m sure it’s not so bad, let me see,” you say, leaning down and picking up a crumpled paper from the floorboards, unraveling it in your hands.
“No! Don’t read that!”
Scaramouche snatches the paper from your fingertips, but it was too late. You had already seen the most important part.
“You were going to leave? And you were going to tell me through some letter instead of coming to see me?”
Scaramouche sits in silence, tonguing his cheek as he looks away from you, crushing the paper once more in his hands. It took him a while to form words, and for a second you thought he simply wasn’t going to answer. He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath before, finally, he speaks.
“It’s for the best…that way you can finally marry someone like your father wants who would treat you way better than I.” Again, he doesn’t say the whole truth, but growing up with a dismissive father and a mother who never spoke up, you have learned to read between the lines.
“You don’t think you’re enough for me, do you? Is that what this is?” 
His silence answers your question for you, and the fact that he couldn’t face you only enforced that fact. You scoot closer to him, closing the distance that separated you two. One of your hands rests on his shoulder while the other cups his cheek, turning his head to look at you. His face was tinted red and tears welled in his eyes. You decide not to point that out though, as to not ruin how far you had gotten to being able to comfort him. When it came to emotions, Scaramouche was difficult, to say the least, so the fact that he was almost crying around you was a big step.
“I don’t want some pompous prince or a rich man’s son; I want you.”
He simply clicks his tongue at this, rolling his eyes. He takes hold of the hand that holds his face and removes it, simply planning to let go afterwards, but you intertwine your fingers instead. When comforting a man that’s as emotionally constipated as Scaramouche is, persistence is key after all.
“Dearest, if you weren’t enough for me, I wouldn’t be with you despite the universe being against us or sneaking out of the castle to come see you. I only want you, so stop being an idiot and avoiding me!” You tried to reason with him.
He simply drops his head once more, and you lean your forehead against his. He bites his lip, holding back a smile as you insult him in this situation.“Alright, I get it, now drop it please.” 
A small chuckle escapes you, and once again you hold his cheek in your hand. His eyes look up, meeting your own, and you can see the relief flooding through him.
“Are you still going to leave?” You whisper, and Scaramouche shakes his head.
“Not yet, though you know I will have to eventually? A man like me can’t stay in one place for long.”
“We’ll figure that out when the time comes, but for now, can I stay with you?”
Scaramouche doesn’t answer; he simply leans forward and presses his lips against your own. The hand that holds onto yours tightens as he pulls you even closer, turning his body to face you even more. His other hand holds onto your waist, thumb caressing you over your shirt. He’s smiling as he kisses you, each movement filled with more and more longing than the last. Even without words being spoken, you can feel how much he’s missed you these past couple of weeks. He’ll allow himself to taint you with his hands that have committed countless sins just this once, and be selfish with you, because who knows how long it will be until his hands can’t hold you anymore. 
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Also I kind of like throwing my ocs at your ocs... so have a thingy!
Aster meeting the Wanderer group, including Eden!
First things first, I am so sorry this took so long- I had some trouble figuring out what to actually do and how to write Aster, lol.
Cast: Eden, Aziel, The General, Aster, and brief mention of Nereo, Dareia, and Nakoa.
Aster’s Accidental Adventures: Eclipsed Edition
Aster gazed around this strange realm – his arrival was an utter accident, but here he was, and he found it fascinating. The flora defied physics, the terrain too, and it was beautiful! And little white creatures flitted to and fro through the deep blue trees. He wandered forward, driven by curiosity, until he heard voices nearby. In a small clearing, three humanoid creatures were… speaking? To each other? At any rate, they were making sounds at each other in what sure looked like a conversation. They also seemed… oddly familiar.
Well, that was an understatement. One in particular looked quite similar to himself, it a lot of ways.
Maybe he could go say hello??
Of the strange things Eden had encountered since the New Beginning, the being that had just emerged from the foliage had to be near the top of the list.
Stranger yet, they looked for all the world like some sort of Wanderer. Just… also a bit different? They had wings, which was unusual for Wanderers, but perhaps they were a different starfolk? And they had a curious blue wreath of some sort on their head. And there was something eerily familiar about them – at least, to Aven there was. Hm…
Before Eden found their voice again, Aziel was waving and shouting hello, and the General was actively trying to shush him, sending worried looks at the newcomer.
“General it’s fine, he’s clearly another starfolk–”
“And he isn’t one we’ve seen before, what if he’s still hostile–?”
“That’s not how that works–”
“Shush you two,” Eden chuckled. “If he were hostile, he’d have attacked already. Hello friend!”
The stranger waved back, everything in his posture suggesting surprise. “H-hello!”
Eden paused. That… that wasn’t sonar… his speech was stretched out…? Interesting. “What’s your name, friend? And what brings you here?”
“Oh, I’m Aster! I…don’t really know how I got here though….”
“Pleasure to meet you, Aster!” Aziel chirped. “I’m Aziel, this here is the General, and that’s E…den…. You okay Eden?”
“Yeah, Edda’s being territorial again.”
“See, she gets it.”
Eden turned back to Aster. “Sorry about that. Welcome to the Midnight Forest! We have…trees.” Eden waved vaguely to their surroundings. “You showed up at the right time too – there’s a small market opening over that-a-way in a bit. Want to come with?”
“O-oh! Yes please!”
“Let’s get going, then,” the General chirped.
The quartet began making their way east, Aster following Eden closely, and occasionally glancing nervously at the General. “Um, excuse me, Eden?”
“Who’s Edda? Is that… you as well?”
“Oh, yeah. Edda is part of me. I’m two people, sorta. Still one person though, most of the time.”
“…Got it. I think. Who’s the other one?”
“Aven…? Aven….” Aster murmured to himself. That name sounded weirdly familiar. Huh.
“And what about you, Aster? Where do you hail from? I haven’t seen you around here.”
“Oh, I come from Skyworld! Been there all my life. Not sure where it is in relation to here, though. Never heard of the Midnight Forest before.”
“Yeah! …I suppose you’ve not heard of it either?”
“Nope. I don’t even know how we’d get there from here, it doesn’t sound like any of our constellations. Who are some of the people there?”
“Well, I’m a guard for Lady Palutena, maybe you’ve heard of her?”
Eden shook their head. “Can’t say I have.”
“Aw… I think you’d like her, she’s awesome. I wonder if I can get you guys to Skyworld with me….”
The General cut in, uncharacteristically quiet, “Sorry to disappoint, but I don’t think Skyworld is connected to this place. I think you ended up here on accident – I doubt Skyworld is part of our world.”
“…Oh. What…makes you say that?”
“This world is inhabited mostly by Starfolk – does Lady Palutena look anything like you or us?”
“Well, no, but–”
“Then chances are she’s a different species entirely, and one we haven’t met. Also, Eden doesn’t recognize you. And you don’t talk normally.”
“What do you mean by that?” Aster bristled.
“Your speech is all stretched out. Have you not noticed?”
“…No? This is how people talk, isn’t it?”
“Not how we talk. Hear that?”
“I…guess I hadn’t noticed that…. So you think I’m from a completely different universe or somethin’?”
“Something like that.”
“…Funky. Oh, random question, but are you Athena? I heard him–” Aster pointed to Aziel “–call you that earlier.”  
The General sighed, shooting Aziel a pointed side-eye. “Yes, technically. I don’t use it very often.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
“It’s fine kid, don’t worry about it.”
“I’m not a kid!”
“Compared to us you are. Well, you’re about Edda and Aven’s age, but that’s still younger than Az and I.”
“I am a grown adult–”
“Aaaaand we’re here!” Aziel cut in, gesturing to the assembling market with a grand sweep of his arm.
“Whoa! Are…are those all Starfolk?”
“Yep!” Eden scanned over the crowd. “Oo, Dareia’s here, we’ll have to check her stand out. But yes, everyone here is Starfolk.”
“And…I’m also Starfolk?”
“From the looks of it, yeah.”
“That’s… huh. I wonder why.”
Eden shrugged. “Might be coincidence? Hard to say. I don’t know how your world works.”
“Oo, look, Nakoa’s here this time! Heh, looks like he’s setting up a food stall.” Aziel nudged the General. “Maybe he’s doing sushi?”
“I doubt it.”
Aziel looked at her cheekily.
“But maybe we should check…. Oh, there's Nereo.”
“That’s the spirit!”
And just like that, Aziel took off into the market proper, the General in tow. Eden chuckled before following, waving Aster to join them perusing the stalls. Aster may or may not have ended up in possession of a Moth plush by the time they were done.  
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adaptacy · 9 months
A Found Flame {Pt.13}
Pairing: Mentor!Gale Dekarios x Apprentice!GN!Reader
(Previous Chapter) - (Next Chapter) ➔ (AO3)
Word Count: 4.6k
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After nudging a small roll of bandages towards you, Tara lays down by your side, her chin resting on your thigh, tail swishing with a mix of irritation and concern. You accept the assistance, unrolling the bandages and beginning to wrap your neck, wincing at the uncomfortable stinging of the two small holes on the left of your throat. One of Tara’s paws lifts to lay on your thigh as well, and her head turns, scanning the area for fear of your attacker making a second attempt.
“We need to find Gale immediately. I don’t– Had I known the area would be so dangerous, I would’ve brought more protective clothing. I should’ve had the dagger with me. Gods, vampires… I never would have imagined I’d run into one. Let alone be attacked by one,” you sigh, bringing the strip of bandage to your teeth and biting into it, ripping the fabric and setting the roll back down, tucking the torn end into the wrap around your neck. Your hand runs over Tara’s head, petting her to show your appreciation. “Thank you. You probably saved my life.”
“The bastard needed a good clawing. Ought to teach him a lesson, make him think twice before attacking innocents in the woods! What a fool. I hope I gifted him a scar or two,” she hisses, tail thrashing and puffing up as she recalls her defense of you. Then she settles, her ears pressing back against her head as she looks up at you, then visually inspects your bandaged neck. “Are you alright?”
“I will be. He didn’t take much blood, thanks to you. It stings, but it’ll heal in time,” you reply, your thumb brushing her head once more before you return the bandage to your adventuring pack, scooting it closer to yourself so that you have a better chance of retrieving your dagger should anything, vampires or otherwise, choose to strike. “You said Gale should be somewhere nearby, right?”
“Indeed. Fortunately for us, he’s not the quickest-moving adventurer to roam, so we have a good chance of catching up to him rather quickly, so long as we are precise and efficient in our hunt,” she replies, backing off of your leg as you lay back down on your bedroll, pulling the thin blanket you’d packed over your body. Tara spins in a circle a few times next to you, her paws kneading at the grass before she eventually lays down, curled up with the tip of her tail resting near her face, her back against your side. “I’ll stay awake for a little while longer to ensure no pasty beasts pose you any threat.”
“Aren’t you tired?” You ask, looking over at her as her gaze continues to flick around the trees, seeing far better in the dark forest shadows than you ever could. 
“Very much so. Alas, Mr. Dekarios would surely dismiss me if I let his darling apprentice be harmed in such a way. And Mr. Dekarios most certainly could not survive without me. It’s a miracle he’s made it this far,” she chuckles, her wings twitching at the thought of upsetting him. “He cares quite deeply for you, dear.”
You roll your eyes with a dismissive scoff, looking up at the starryscape above you, her words being just thought-provoking enough to draw you away from registering the subtle pain in your neck. “With only two companions to care for, it’s hardly surprising that I get a hefty portion. Compared to someone with a… larger social circle, that is.”
Tara’s wing thumps against your side as a scolding, and she huffs, rumbling out a subtle growl of disapproval. “Oh, hush. You and I both know his affections run deeper than that. He sees you as more than a mere companion,” she argues. “He’s very fond of you. Gods know he’d never admit it to himself. But a tressym always knows.”
“He is?” You can’t help but ask, finding a small smile spreading over your mouth, as embarrassing as the sensation is. You don’t really see it, but Tara knows him better. Any interactions you’d had with him were perfectly innocent, and not romantic in the slightest. Just normal, unassuming conversations and whatnot. The sorts of discussions and time spent together that was completely expected from a mentor-apprentice relationship. 
Things like studying, and learning, and… stargazing. Errand-running, tidying, dozing off on his arm in front of a warm fire. Nothing that should arouse any sort of suspicion, or pining. Tara’s head nods, and she replies with a gentle “Oh, naturally. You ought to see the way he writes about you.”
Your head lifts at the expense of your comfort, eyes narrowed at the familiar. “He Writes about me?” You question, mind immediately drifting to that gods forsaken book you’d read in his room, a subject you still aren’t entirely sure of your opinion on. 
“Yes, in letters to his mother. He speaks so highly of you, mighty proud of your progress. Both as his apprentice and as his friend,” she clarifies, allowing you to breathe a quiet huff of relief. “I must ask, dear, is the fondness mutual?”
“I respect him a lot, as my mentor, and just… as such an accomplished wizard,” you praise, but Tara eyes you closely, urging you to answer more directly. You lay back down, looking up at the stars for guidance once more. “I think what we have is nice. I don’t want to lose that.”
“Fools, the both of you,” she scolds.
“Tara…” You groan, closing your eyes to try and steady yourself, not entirely understanding why she’s being so insistent. 
“No, no, I understand. Truly, I do. Mr. Dekarios fears his own mortality too intensely to dabble in his feelings. You fear his rejection. Both of you fear losing one another. Mr. Dekarios runs from any reminder of his all-too-mortal body, emotions included. And you, dear, run from the threat of change,” she elaborates, her tone entirely self-assured, as if she knows you better than you know yourself.
It irritates you. With a frown, you pinch the bridge of your nose and turn onto your side, your back to her. “Gale has been perfectly clear in his disinterest in romantics. And don’t act like you understand my fears – or even understand me. You hardly know me, Tara.”
“Ah, but a tressym always knows. Do as you please. Keep running. When your paws ache and your lungs are empty, it will be Mr. Dekarios who catches you. And then we shall see just what you were running from,” she tuts, her confidence still irking you, but you stay quiet this time. You need rest, so you figure it’s easier if you let her get away with her unreasonable fantasies. Entirely unreasonable.
–   –   –
Waking up granted him one, all-consuming, far-too-powerful feeling; Pain.
Pain in his legs, his arms, his gut, and most uncomfortably, his head. Soreness from the exercise of the past few days had truly taken its toll on his muscles, and last night’s celebration served a hellish punishment on the parts of his body not already burdened by the exhaustion. He’d had the strangest of dreams last night; visited by some otherworldly spirit, the exact details a blur he hadn’t yet recalled, humming a tale about something-or-other concerning the parasite, but frankly he’d been far too drunk when he’d gone to bed, and he struggled to grasp the particulars. 
That’s likely all it was – side-effects of his state mixed with his stress, granting him strange visions to join his raging headache. A hangover most unpleasant. 
It seemed the consensus was the same for everyone else in camp. Lae’zel hadn’t indulged much, or perhaps had a complete immunity to the effects of a morning after drinking, but the other two bore their own wine-induced scars. 
Astarion more literally than Shadowheart, oddly enough. Shadowheart knelt by the river, fighting off her nausea in the only way she knew how – throwing up last night’s regrets, and Gale would probably join her quite soon, but he was a little more intrigued by the strange scratches spanning over Astarion’s nose and cheeks. 
“Encounter a feral cat in your sleep?” He asks, and Astarion gives a quick, unhappy glare towards the wizard, but he’s far from threatened by him. 
“Took a walk last night. I’m not the most nimble drunkard – tripped over an inconveniently-placed log, where a patch of bramble awaited me,” Astarion replies, tapping his fingers to the dried cuts, checking for any leaking blood. “Merely an unpleasant coincidence, darling. We have larger things to worry about.” He motions with his head towards Halsin, who’s standing a few yards away, buckling the leather straps on his large upper arms.
“Do those serve any real purpose?” Gale wonders aloud, and Astarion chuckles, shaking his head.
“Doubtful. I expect they’re just for looks. As if those muscles weren’t distracting enough,” he teases in return. Gale cracks a small smile, bringing himself to his feet and running a hand through his hair, doing his best to neaten it, even if the change is quite minor. Once he’s vertical, he feels the lingering wine bubble up in his throat, and quickly excuses himself, rushing to join Shadowheart in her purge.
After a few minutes, once they’re positive that they’re ready to proceed, Gale reaches out a hand and helps the cleric to her feet, granting her a reassuring smile. Shadowheart dips her head in appreciation, straightening her headpiece and clearing her throat, deciding to make small talk. “Next time we host, we ought to have someone guarding the reserves. Had anything happened last night, none of us would have been in a proper enough state for defense.”
“Couldn’t agree more. Though Lae’zel seemed well-off enough,” he replies, looking over at where the Githyanki puts on the heavier pieces of her armor, wiping them free of any dirt. 
Shadowheart scoffs quietly, raising an eyebrow at Gale. “I’d sooner label her the very enemy we need defense from, than to imply she’d be the defender. I’m rather surprised none of us found ourselves with a dagger to our throats in the middle of the night. Hesitate when trusting her, Gale. She’s yet to show her true colors,” Shadowheart hums, her defensive pride showing through in her tone, and Gale replies with a frown. 
“She hasn’t tried to kill us yet. So long as these parasites are in our heads, I take it she’s on our side. She’s a solid warrior, and one we are lucky to have fighting for us,” he attempts to defend, but Shadowheart isn’t so quick to agree. 
“I fear it’s the parasites that make us her enemy. Githyanki aren’t prone to very efficient logical reasoning. They have a sworn rival, and as long as we have these mind flayer spawn with us, we are but an incubating version of those very rivals. Just don’t be too surprised if she decides to attack someday soon.” She, too, looks over at Lae’zel now, her expression one of hardly-muted disgust. 
“I assume you’re not too keen on seeking out the crèche she speaks of, then?” Gale hums, taking a few steps back towards the unlit campfire. He spots Astarion talking to Halsin as the druid checks over his own armor. 
“I’m desperate enough for a cure that I’m willing to try our hand at any possibility. Do I trust that we’ll be saved there? Hardly. More likely, our heads will be stuffed onto spikes for a gruesome display. But our selection of options are thinning by the day, so I don’t see much other choice than to make an attempt,” she responds, taking an extra second before she follows Gale’s steps, her focus still mostly on the githyanki she spoke of. “I suppose you have… some kind of a point. For all of her flaws, she is quite efficient in battle.” 
Gale chuckles, nudging the half-elf with a certain playfulness in his movements. “Ah, see? You’re warming up to her. I’m sure the two of you will be gossiping over tea before long,” he teases. 
Shadowheart’s eyebrows raise in disagreement, and she gives the slightest shake of her head. “Let’s… not get ahead of ourselves. I merely tolerate her. Nothing less, and most definitely nothing more.” She stops walking alongside him, motioning loosely towards her tent. “Pleasure… purging with you, Gale. I’m going to excuse myself before I get distracted. I’m sure the journey today will leave room for plenty more small talk.”
“We shall see,” he agrees, dipping his head as she turns and heads back to her tent to prepare for whatever the day may bring. Gale contemplates returning to his own tent to dress in more battle-ready clothing, but he notices a sudden flash of concern over Halsin’s face, and decides to investigate. 
“Oh, you caught me,” Astarion concedes, his tone a little too dramatic to be genuine, but Halsin seems too worried to notice. “The truth is a little less kind to my reputation. I don’t remember specifics, exactly, just that I somehow found myself facing off against a rather angry red squirrel,” he sighs, keeping his voice barely above a whisper, as if attempting to keep the conversation private.
“Ah, worry not about your reputation, Astarion. Nature sees the best and worst of us. It’s no surprise – some creatures are quite territorial around these parts. Especially with the approaching mating season. I won’t judge your drunken quarrel with a squirrel,” Halsin comforts, and Astarion seems a little confused for a moment, especially as Halsin places a hand on his shoulder, but he eventually snaps out of it.
“I was hoping you could repair what damage those little claws dealt. Not much one for battle scars. More your style – and well-so. If it isn’t too much trouble, of course…” The pale elf puts up a mock pout, and Gale smiles to himself, deciding the conversation no longer warrants his eavesdropping. As he turns his aim back to his own tent, he hears Halsin murmuring a healing spell of some sort, obliging Astarion’s request. 
Gale steps inside of his tent, one that he purchased from a vendor at the grove, much like the rest of them did. It’s small, but adequate enough – and purple, no less. He’s not one to complain, especially not with the situation they’re in. Sifting through a small adventurer’s pack, he removes the purple robe he’d been wearing when the abduction occurred, and zips up the entrance as he changes. 
There’s no telling what the day holds in store for them. New companions, new battles, new discoveries galore – Gale doesn’t have a single clue. All he can do is hope they manage to take one step closer to a cure. 
–   –   –
“She looks… injured?” You whisper, narrowing your eyes at the blurry figure of a red, faintly humanoid-esque shape in the distance. You can’t see much, as you’re quite far back, but she seems to be hunched over, and you hear what sounds like pained groaning, but you’re not entirely sure. 
“And positively dangerous,” Tara hisses, her tail stiffened in the air as she pulls back, claws unsheathed and ready to strike. “You must be mad to think of approaching her!” 
“Tara, what if she’s seen Gale? We should investigate. Worst case scenario, we’ll just make a run for it. We should at least get a little closer,” you whisper, sneaking forward, seeing that the figure is on a small ledge across the river, a fallen log acting as a bridge between the side that you stood on now, and her side. 
“My– Has he taught you no self-preservation?!” Tara yowls, though she too keeps that yowl down to a whisper, and you hush her, earning a scoff of disbelief from the tressym. 
As you near her, you see that she is, indeed, slightly hunched over, with her arms folded over her abdomen. She’s a tiefling, which you could have assumed from the redness of her skin, though she only bears one, curved horn. The groans are certainly uncomfortable ones, but not quite pained – more so just burdened. Even as you near her, she’s too preoccupied to notice your approach. 
“I do believe the woman is on fire,” Tara remarks, though quickly silences herself as you take another step, now standing on the opposite end of the log from her.
“Are you okay?” You call out, and immediately her head lifts, locking eyes with you.
“Hells, not another one – Stay back!” She yells, and you furrow your brows, not understanding. You aren’t sure if it’s a warning or a threat that her words carry, and you’re not given a chance to decipher the exact connotation before her expression softens, immediately killing any fear of her. “Shit. You’re not one of them, are you?”
You step closer, much to the dismay of the tressym at your heel, who’s tail is now swishing back and forth with an ever-intensifying defensiveness. The woman takes a small step back, and you immediately take notice of flames carried on her shoulders. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think that the flames were originating from her, but that’s surely impossible, right…? “Not one of who?” You ask, head tilting as you take yet another step, now standing on the log. 
“Those damned fake paladins,” she replies, groaning for a moment, and the flames around her intensify, as if sent from the hells themselves. Now that you’re even closer, it’s undeniable that the flames are originating from her – exactly how, you have no idea, but you know for a fact that your eyes don’t deceive you. “Careful, soldier, I’d keep your distance if I were you.”
“You’re on fire. Are you okay?” You ask again, and the woman chuckles at your question, the flames seeming to calm down after a few moments. She stands up fully, and whatever intimidation had faded comes back, albeit much gentler, but it returns nonetheless. She’s tall, and decidedly strong, if her build is anything to judge by. Yet, despite her intimidation factor, you don’t quite fear her. She smiles, a nervous one but still somehow optimistic, and it… somehow eases you. Maybe by means of magic? You’re not sure.
“I’ll be alright. Just got a little heated. The name’s Karlach. Well met, soldier,” she introduces and holds out a hand, though near-instantly retracts it and shakes that hand at her side, extinguishing the few flames lingering on her palm. Her attention shifts to Tara, and her grin widens, eyes following suit. Karlach places her palms on her knees and squats down, giggling at Tara as she bares her teeth and hisses again, clearly still not a fan. “Hey, kitty, kitty! Aren’t you a cute lil’ thing?”
You look down at Tara as well, watching as she inspects the woman again, backing up and taking shelter behind your ankles, suspicious of her intentions. “Nice to meet you, Karlach. This is Tara… Sorry, she’s, uh…” You glance around, and then chuckle awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck. “Not used to being out in the wild. More of an indoor cat– ow!” You grumble as Tara’s wing roughly smacks against your leg, and you’re quick to correct yourself; “An indoor tressym, sorry.”
“Gods, she’s adorable! Never seen a cat with wings before,” she remarks, standing up once more, and Tara hisses her complaints. “Oh, right, uh– What’d you call her? Testin’? Tressym?” She corrects, and then raises a finger and waves it, her wide grin returning. “Hold it! I’ve got just the thing,” she giggles, her playfulness throwing you for a bit of a loop. You wouldn’t have expected such a friendly attitude on a woman as objectively scary as her. Karlach turns around and reaches into a leather pack, pulling out a long, silver-scaled fish and tossing it onto the bank behind you. 
Tara’s eyes follow it with striking accuracy, and you notice a few dark dots littering the upper half of the fish, a mark typical of salmon. There’s no more than 4 seconds between the fish landing and Tara nearly pouncing on it, sniffing and pawing at the limp prey as if she were no less distinguished than a common housecat. You chuckle at the sight before returning your attention to Karlach, who begins cracking her knuckles as if preparing for a fight. You seriously hope she doesn’t mean to fight you. 
“You asked if I was one of those ‘fake paladins’,” you remind, stepping a little closer and assuming a more casual stance, hoping to put her off of the idea of fighting you, if she had any plans to. “Who were you talking about?”
Karlach groans, stretching her interlocked arms above her head and rolling her shoulders. “Ugh. It’s a long story, scout, so I’ll save you the borin’ bits. Important part is, a bunch’a evil bastards are on my tail – hunting little ol’ me all the way from the hells,” she scowls, her shoulders dropping, and now you notice a red tail behind her, typical of tieflings, that sways in irritation. “Now, before you assume wrong, I should probably clarify that I’m not some escaped devil, or, like, some evil that they’re trying to drag back down to Avernus for good reason. Nah, it’s this bitch named Zariel sending her attack dogs after me ‘cause I hitched a ride on a nautiloid ship and got out of her enslavement,” she boasts, placing her hands on her hips and nodding. 
Nautiloid – the word sounds familiar. Very, very faintly familiar, and you try to recall where you’ve heard it before. It only takes a second before you instantly remember mention of nautiloid ships piloted by mind flayers in a book about, well, mind flayers. The ships were capable of jumping between astral planes and posed quite the threat, but had become the stuff of legends in Faerûn, at least until one crashed somewhere in the Dalelands, but you don’t remember the specifics of that event. 
So… either this woman was completely insane, lying to your face, or somehow, against all realms of possibility, had been kidnapped by mind flayers and dropped somewhere in Faerûn, all the way from Avernus. You weren’t particularly eager for any of those options to be true. 
Shaking your head with a small scoff, you decide to question her further; “Sorry – a nautiloid? How did you… escape it? Or survive it? What happened to it?” 
Karlach laughs, pointing finger-guns at you. “Aw, you’re a funny one!” She jokes, and though it takes her a few seconds, she seems to catch onto the fact that you’re being completely serious. “Oh, damn. You’re not joking? You been livin’ under a rock? Yeah, no, it was a disaster, really. Whole thing just crashed and burned. Like, literally. Pshewf.” Her hands meet in front of her chest and then explode in a mock explosion as she imitates the noise, following the description with a hearty chuckle. “Not a whole lotta survivors. Surprised it didn’t shake the earth enough to make the mountains fall. You really didn’t know?” 
“I’m… not from around here. How long ago was this?” You can’t help but let your curiosity get the best of you. Even if it probably isn’t connected to whatever might be happening with Gale, you figure it’s best to explore any chance you have of following clues back to him, or solve whatever puzzle you’ve been tasked with piecing together in his wake. And, to be fair, this does seem like a pretty major event. 
“Couple days ago. Like, ten, maybe? Dunno, not the best with time… Man, you picked a reaaaal bad time to take a vacation. Hate to be the one to spoil it, scout,” Karlach hisses through her teeth, cringing at her guilt. She then leans in towards you, a slight frown on her face. “Listen, I don’t wanna overwhelm you or anything, I’m sure this is a lot to take in, but those assholes are on my tail, and it’s only a matter of time before they find me coolin’ off down here. I’d be more than happy to answer any questions you have, but I need you to do me a favor n’ help me throw the yappers off my scent. Or… keep ‘em from smellin’ ever again, if you catch my drift.” She giggles with a sense of mischief, and you can’t help but trust her. Maybe it’s foolish to, but she seems genuine – and she seemed to trust you pretty easily, which makes you doubt that she’d be lying about such a thing. 
“I’m… not really built for fighting anyone off. Not sure I’d be of much help,” you confess, raising your shoulders in an attempt to display your apologies. “I’m not familiar with the area – like, at all – but I’m happy to try and help you escape them.”
Karlach thinks over the offer for a moment, and she looks a little disappointed that she won’t have your assistance in battle, but she ultimately nods and gives you a thumbs up. “I appreciate it – means a lot that you’re willing to help me. I wish everyone around here was as accepting as you. It’s been a while since I’ve been on the surface, so I’m afraid I’m probably not the person to ask for directions. But, hey–!” Karlach grins again, the optimism behind the expression noticeably contagious. “Would much rather be clueless together, yeah? Figure it out as we go, and all that.”
You feel a presence at your feet once more, and Tara sits on the log, eyes slightly narrowed at Karlach, but she’s no longer anywhere near defensive. The reason why is quickly explained when you notice that Karlach’s peace offering to her is nothing more than a frail, fish-shaped skeleton now. “Actually, I’m here because I’m looking for a… friend of mine. His name is Gale – he’s human, middle-aged, shoulder-length brown hair, likes to make cheesy book references…?” 
She looks off to the right for a moment, a finger pressed to her chin, but soon she shakes her head, shrugging. “Not ringin’ any bells. Sorry, scout. I’m happy to help you look for him though, once we’re well off-and-away from those paladin-posin’ asses.” Karlach glances down at Tara, and she leans down again. “And before you go thinkin’ I forgot about you, I promise I’ll pay my weight in fish. Wouldn’t risk gettin’ on your bad side, kitty,” she teases, and you think about telling her that Tara is way more conscious of what’s happening than Karlach seems to think, but Tara has yet to say anything, so you refrain from breaking the illusion for the time being. 
“We should get going, then. I don’t want to risk running into these hunters of yours,” you advise, and Karlach stands up again, stretching once more before grabbing her backpack and a bedroll, approaching you where you stand on the log.
“Yup, I gotcha. Any danger comes our way, just stick close to Mama K, alright?” She hums, almost singing the rhyme before laughing to herself, and you chuckle as well, nodding in agreement. 
You definitely weren’t expecting to find a second companion before you found Gale, but Karlach seems more than valuable in battle, and you’re certain that she’s a way better protector than your dagger could ever be, so you’re not complaining. Not that Tara isn’t also a fine defender, but should anything stronger than a cowardly vampire pick a fight with you, you doubt that Tara would be able to do all of the heavy lifting. Definitely not the kind of heavy lifting Karlach seems like she would be capable of. 
So, the three of you set off back the way you came, hoping to find safety – and, ideally, answers – as quickly as possible, and preferably without having to fight for either of them. 
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virtuangel · 9 months
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welcome, 2024 !! some messages are longer in the written version below.
as always, i wanted to thank my friends for, well, keeping me alive lol but seriously i say this every single year but you really. made my year. and i'm very grateful for that.
in particular, i'd like to thank my most beloved tuals (twtuals for the most part), thank you for dealing with me on a daily basis, i bet it's not easy !!
// in alphabetical order of the contact names!
[ashie] ; @geumibear
my ribbit !!! we haven’t spoken much this year, but your presence was always, ALWAYS very appreciated!! i’m also very much enjoying the crush saga … in my humble opinion he wants u SO bad ashie. so bad. also, belated congratulations for getting into your chem degree, my whittle alchemist (<- ik that’s not what u are but that’s cute so u hab to accept it sorry) i hope that you always always always remember that i love you very much even when we don’t really talk!! may 2024 bring u crush and uni successes <3 can’t wait to keep up w your adventures this upcoming year as well!!!! lob u
[biebear] ; @marklyluvr
dear bylan p baller! sorry, my BELOVED BIEBEAR <33 we were already pretty good friends (i like to think) but i feel like we’ve gotten much much closer these past few months!! (or is it just me. who knows) . either way i’m really glad for that <3 because idk if u know this (u better. this is a threat.) but i love you a LOT. sorry for making u deal with me recently kjdfksbdk but thank you for hearing me out (and giving me courage also) <3 also thank you for always playing along w me when i say dumb stuff ure so cute i lob u… thank you for always being so nice to me and for being my most beloved villaintual my ohseungtual so important to me what wld i do without u… please be careful on the road!! ure still a whittle biebear so people should let u do whatever u want when ure driving but i have a feeling that they won’t :( i hope that the upcoming year treats you better than this one, i love you!! my cutieful bieloved!! ps. kissie for lillie
[bnuuy / my gabi] ; @yangsminho
my biloved <3 i already said this recently but. i really missed you an awful lot.. an so i’m SO very glad that we’ve been talking a bit more these days <3 u falling for nicho (and subsequently fuma. and) was one of the best things to happen to me this year fr . i kiss u btw . sorry for being so needy and annoying sowwy for targeting u so often when it happens its bc i love u i can’t promise i’ll be less annoying next year hope u understand… also, sure, i only know your internet persona BUT i do love you a whole lot and. this is something i’ve said before but. your internet persona is still a part of You. and i would love you no matter how and where and when i met you, i promise. thank you for being my friend, and i hope we can continue that throughout the upcoming year <3 can’t wait to hunt down nichofuu at the korean clubs w u mwah!!
[founding matthewer / my iri] ; @seokmatthewz
MY IRI WHOM I LOVE my forest witch my cherry fox (og) my shrimptual my elf chef… and most importantly recently my zebitual ofc ofc ofc. founding matthewer. i love you. btw. if u even care. i think this year was a big one for miliri!! got ur twt n subsequently ur discord i feel like i won at life. i guess im also thankful to zebi for existing so i can annoy u more… or i guess ure the one terrorising me most of the time but. as u know. i don’t mind. (also &t i’m so glad u had no other survival show to watch im so glad u decided to subject urself to &audition i love the consequences of that so bad u domt understand) i’m really really glad that we’ve been talking arguably? more this year!! i hope you’re willing to deal with me next year as well!! also excited for the 2024 miliri jesus birthday cafe run, of course!!!!! kdfkjsdnjkd ps. may 2024 bring u all the shrimp of the world. right to ur door. and say miss blue that i love her. and ur honorary catdog also &lt;3
[léksie] ; @possession1981
my léksie whom i love <3 congratulations on your graduation hehe!! things are…….the way they are recently so i feel like we haven’t kept in contact as much as i wish we did this year but i’m glad that you’re still… here, yknow!! i love you very, very, very much and you deserve nothing but all the love in the world!!! 2023 was tough, i know, and i hope that 2024 treats you so so much better… if it doesn’t ill kill the universe actually. i’ll also be crossing my fingers for a potential miléks meetup (<- literally have not discussed this w u seriously but idc i’ll be scheming)(just between lovers marathon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when!!!!!!!!!!!) thank you for being such an amazing friend and role model, i really, really care about you and love you a lot. 
[loml / my brina] ; @aquablues
MY BRINA LOVE OF MY LIFE MY SUNSHINE MY RAINBOW MY LITTLE TULIP MY BRILOVED MY LITTLE STAR WHO IS SO IMPORTANT TO ME …. MY WORLD …. MY BABRI (baby bri) WHOM I LOVE SOSOOSOSOSOSOSOSOOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this year was a big one for you and i’m so, so, so, so, so, so proud of you always always always!!! i’m SO glad to see that your college life has been treating you well so far i’m genuinely SO happy that you’re having a good time like u dont get it i’m literally tearing up as im writing this?? anyways thank you so much for keeping me (and the rest of us) updated on your uni adventures i really appreciate it!! and as u know i would have been devastated if u just contact w me like i wld be so sad if u ever do that at least give me like a two weeks notice ok thank u… please remember that i love you i adore you i cherish you my brina!!! so much!! i hope you can continue to enjoy your uni experience in 2024 as well (without the annoying u-know-who this time). ps. i still have a jo to send u someday i just think i prob shldnt send it to ur home address considering ur parents??
[megmeg] ; @lunetual
my megmeg my beloved <33 thank you for helping me this year despite being so busie <3 even if we dont really get to talk i’m really really happy to have you in my life!! and thank you for making efforts to keep in touch despite being so busie i love u… i hope we can continue to be friends in the upcoming year hehe <3 ps. give kissies to apollo from me!!
[mr. meoweks] ; @awek-s
dear mr pawminister sir. i hope you’re doing well in this very busy season,, kjsfnksjdnfkksn hello my meoweks whom i meow (love) so so so meowch!! i thiiiiiink we might have gotten a bit closer this year and i’m very happy about that!! ik this year was definitely not easy for you so i hope that 2024 can be a much better year BUT! congratulations (yet again) on getting into ur phd program im sosoosososososososo proud of you genuinely SO proud!!!! i knew you could do it but STILL!! cant wait to be promoting ur anthology entry in the streets <3 also omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg……………… meowmeow (aweks millie) meetup i CANT WAIT head in hands im so excited u domt get it meoweks.. also i think its SO cute that u have little bunbuns now wtf tell them that i love them wtf wtf wtf they’re so cute i love them. ps. do tell me if u want me to send u the cappuccino or if u want to wait until u come over!!
[my danderion / my eri] ; @xiaojuun
my beloved eri… what can i say that i havent said yet at the beginning of the month lmao this is the hard part abt u being a december baby it’s like i don’t wanna keep repeating myself but it’s literally only been like 3 weeks. but it’s been. Very busie weeks also. it’s slightly sad to have u so busy (from a selfish standpoint bc … my ewi … i miss my ewi …) but i’m also genuinely very happy for you!! you get to do what you wanted to do where u wanted to!! AND ur not living alone!! u won big time i think!!! im also very very grateful that you’re making efforts to still keep me updated even when you’re so busy, i appreciate it a lot, really :< i love you (you already know this). and. as i said before. i am Very glad to have not a friend Like you, but You As my friend. also i hope u know that i’m taking my wittle pengeri (tuxedo sam) so so many places! in very important 2023 events i am also SO happy (and still so giddy. i am insane. and i love u.) that i got to meet you irl <33 one of my best memories of the year! thank u for being such a cute n nice guide i lob u… i hope 2024 treats you well and that we can !! continue!! to be good friends!! i love you lots <3 i really do. ps. give flo and vika a kithie from me if u can!! and sarabi too, the next time u see her <3 pps. i allowed myself to show my grandma meri christmas pics and she said ure pretty. shes right. btw if u care.
[my ina] ; @flops
MY INA WHOM I LOVE!!! i feel like every year my wishes of getting closer to u get realised !! and u have no idea how happy it makes me!! im also so so happy that u joined us over on twt im so so so glad im so glad u hab no idea im SO happy i can annoy u so much more now thank u so much… (also sorry). thank you for putting up with me and all the annoying things i send u .. its a love language (and for sending me my leo)!! i love you to bits… and yet again, i hope we can get even closer in the upcoming year <3 ps. milina meetup when
[my violet / my vyvy] ; @souladies
MY VYNAIGRETTE!!!!!!!! MY VYONCÉ!!!!!!!!!!! my violet my vyvy my viavy my vyvyney whom i love so so much my little mouse my fluffy cat my beloved fennec fox <3 i feel like we’ve gotten SO insanely closer these past few months?!?! first of all thank you so much for being my beloved dramamate <3 thank you for being okay with me live messaging u my reactions to wifty and piggy king, thank you for agreeing to (re)watch hidden love with me, thank you SO much for experiencing fiys with me, thank you (and paula) so much for welcoming me for that one insane extraordinary you episode, and thank you (and ro!) for watching the killy votey & kidnapping day with me as well!! thank you so much for always making time for me :< i really appreciate it. and more recently, thank you for being my line friend hehe <3 i really love talking to u a LOT !! idk if u can tell . thank you sm for dealing with me skjdnfksdnk i genuinely thought u were going to stop talking to me after that one piggy episode . anyways i hope that 2024 treats you well and that we can continue talking and being friends <3 also i’m very excited for the next vyllie drama, whatever it may be!! ps. tell paquito that i lob him
[pauby] ; @ghiblin
MY PAUBY!!!!!!!!! my capy <3 i lob u so much thank u for always being so cute and so nice to me!!! and thank you for allowing me into the pauney extraordinary you watch that time and for welcoming me so nicely i kithie u … i hope that 2024 treats you vewy nicely (or else!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and that we can continue to be friends <3 ps. tell ur kitty that i said hello pps. pauby to be honest i wld let u :O eat me . honestly
[princess roro] ; @sunghanbin
MY SUNSHINE MY MODEL MY PRINCESS MY BEROVED RORO!!!!!!!!!!! <33 big year for milro i wld say but also i feel like every year is… <3 thank u (and vyvy) for watching killy votey and the kidnapping day with me <3 thank you for being the girl with the prettiest smile ever <3 also just the most beautiful girl ever. i know things have been rough lately and i’m very sorry about that… i hope 2024 can bring you and your family good news! that aside, thank you for being my friend and talking to me and bickering with me and getting me into bonedo and for showing me so much love and for trusting me!! what i’m trying to say is!! i love you!! a lot!! my beroved!! and i hope you are willing to deal with me for another year <3
[puppie !!] ;
MY PUPPIE MY VENVEN MY VEN PARA whom i love. thank you for STILL being friends with me i feel like its been so long…. i don’t really know if you realize this but you’re a extremely important friend to me. genuinely. i think my life would be a lot more miserable without you. thank you for dealing with me despite everything.. amd thamk u for the kitty videos always!! i kissie u <3 i love you <3 i hope that you always remember that and that you Never ever doubt it. may 2024 treat u nicely!!!!!!!!!!! and i hope we can be friends for even longer <3 ps. pls tell my children (phantom max sassa . i feel like im forgetting someone if i am im sorry i am on my knees repenting) that i love them!!
additionally, thank you to my other mutuals that have spent this year with me!! my miha (@jaebeomtual) and lili (@ninqz) who have been so sweet ; my sarah (@wabisaba), my rosie (@kimjiwoong), my beluluved (@fushigojos), my sofsof (@yeofi), luna (@yunwooz), and my dee (@ryudaeng), who have been with me for a While now and stuck with me despite us not interacting much this year ; rachie (@gnanii) and mary (@dongkwan) whose contribution to the eri project i'm very grateful for (and they're amazing just in general as well but) ; as well as vivi (@moonsua) who's a beloved twtual &lt;3
and a special thanks to paquito and lavender ; phantom, sassa and max ; miss blue and iri's woof ; paula's cat ; eri's woofs whose names i forgot i am so sorry... & bestinez and sarabi, bestie j & ellis and florence and vika ; apollo ; lillie ; gabi's many many many animals ; grimm ; sammy and ashy ; brina's friend group. for being around my beloveds and for all the stories (amd cute pictures) involving them !!
as well as jinsung coming back bc this is my post and i can be insane <3 as a treat <3
credits!! [icons] // [ash pfp] // [bie pfp] // [gabi pfp] // [iri pfp] // [aléks pfp] // [brina pfp] // [meg pfp] // [aweks pfp] // [eri pfp] // [ina pfp] // [vy pfp] // [paula pfp] // [ro pfp] // [ven pfp]
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because apparently it’s relevant now?-
Let’s start in early November with gangle blog.
I, new to tumblr and not wanting to try and get in on something I had assumed had been going on for a long time and didn’t want to seem like an intruder, made the least intrusive character possible. This was also about the time where the “canon character” blogs were having some issues with the oc blogs, due to Tiger.
So I made Easton West.
He’s just a guy on lunch break who found the circus’s computer and can’t really do anything but interact via Developer console. No angst, just a guy who likes sandwiches. He befriended Gangle pretty quick. I also had him show up occasionally on Sun blog, iirc. He’s shy, he has no friends, but he cares a lot for people and always wants the best for those he cares for. He’s pretty “sunshine child”, but can be serious and assertive.
Then Gangle’s Ferris wheel/hammer anon plot started. And Jax DIED. And Easton was trying to save Jax and barely failed, and Gangle was in danger and soidjeieidjdie it was a messsssssss
Easton augments the computer with more monitors and PC’s and such, so he can actually affect things.
This is about the point where I threw my inhibitions out the window and gave Easton depression. This will come up later, and it became very severe over time. So tw for that.
At this point, Easton is friends with both Gangle and Sun, but due to the Ferris wheel stuff, he actually probably ended up befriending sun more.
Time for a new character. Easton mentions a coworker of his, after Sun tells him that he needs help running this thing. Sun tells him to find her, and thus we are introduced to Northa South.
Northa, like Easton, is shy and has no friends. She’s kind of a doormat, and doesn’t have a family because the foster system sucks and thus BAM childhood of inconsistency and physical…uh…ab—e. Not fun.
They hit it off instantly, and have a very sweet dynamic of “oh my gosh you’re amazing and I will give you all the affection”. While Easton is somewhat more protective, they’re pretty much on equal footing dynamic-wise.
Yes, they fall in love and start dating.
Before that, though, we introduce Dusk. Basically, Sun checks the heck out at one point and Easton saves everyone by bringing her back, but it’s a glitchy mess. Due to this, post-northa, they make a “backup plan” just in case the sun leaves. Northa being a graphic designer and Easton a coder, they can accomplish much more together than they would apart, and it shows with Dusk.
Dusk is the backup plan, a third celestial. She is summoned when Sun leaves again, and is just a sweetheart. Buuuut people don’t really like her because she accidentally adopts Sun’s tiny paper crane (who is named BlueJay now) and is…just…not Sun.
Easton and Northa attempt to help her, and are some of the best friends she has.
…And then Gangle dies.
…And thus the angst begins anew!
Northa and Easton kind of…crack from stress. Northa puts on the headset. Easton follows suit, but leaves behind a few things, including creating Dusk’s domain and the “Encyclopedia Poetica Circo”, a comprehensive and updating collection of files, functions, mechanics, character sheets, art, code, staff files, etc. for the circus and the company he worked for.
So, who are these two now? The Lord and Lady of Compass Manor, in Dusk’s domain. Dusk’s domain functions as an alternate, dream-esque dimension where logic runs on “what makes sense for the character/emotions?” (Ex: when someone is depressed, oftentimes it will begin to rain.) Each area runs on symbolism (Ex: Northeast’s area is symbolic of and thus will evoke the associated feelings of their innocent, genuine love.)
Dusk is very grieved. Sun shows up, drama, and meets a girl from Candleton named Alpenglow, who symbolizes the excitement of adventure. Uuunfortunately, after snapping at the amnesiac Lord and Lady, she leaves Alpen in the depression forest (“the Depths”) to die by accident, which traumatizes the already abandonment-issues-ridden child. Alpen is saved by Dusk and Sigil, who seem to be friends now, although Dusk had to magically lobotomize Insanity first. They end up on better terms later.
Sun calls up Easton’s ex, Lattia Tudor, and her business partner/best friend, Lonn Gitud. They’re here now.
Alpen quickly befriends and is adopted by Silhou, although Sun also still kinda adopted her it’s complex Sun and Silhou haven’t had the interaction where they deal with that yet
sun is missing, Dusk and sigil are looking for her.
…You’re probably realizing that there’s a character or two that I haven’t mentioned.
Meet Kit.
Kit is an 16 year old inter dimensional magical girl and one of two bits of madoka crossover we’ve had.
Kit started out as a five second joke character named Tea Anon, who had a conversation with a semi-dead Hammer in the void about tea.
Tea anon was SUPPOSED to just be my sona wearing anon glasses, thus why our personalities are somewhat similar, but she ended up as her own character with her own angst and motivations over time.
Tea anon ends up as Hammer’s…like, only friend. Also, Origami gets roped into this. They’re a team! Awwww…. Sure hope nothing goes wrong here.
they fight Kirsten, aka H.N. Elly, a witch from canon, who ends up being one of Tea’s old teammates. They end on good terms.
Hammer eventually…gets very very intoxicated, and Ori disappears. So Tea is on her own.
She witches out. And takes off the anon glasses, and thus her disguise as Tea anon. Her name is Kitsune and she wished to save those she loved, but failed. Her old teammates are witches or dead, her new teammates are gone, awww frick.
She and hammer have an emotional conversation, where Kit says she believes he is a good person, genuinely, because he cares about changing. She extends him a handshake. He does not shake her hand.
He proposes to chaos, and Kit as the eldritch horror she is crashes the wedding against her will, the grief-hungry witch side wanting to cause as much horror as possible. Generally, the inhuman monster is called Aite, the Odd Fox Witch.
hammer gets Kit back by the power of hugs and friendship. Awww.
Ori returns! But her friends have a concussion (hammer) and a gunshot wound (kit) sooo not fun. They’re in Pyxel’s care.
Bob witches out while fighting Kit and kills her, leaving only her grief seed behind…sad.
that’s where we are rn lol
there’s your notes, @copper-ichor
(And there’s that essay I mentioned, @nymn-taoc)
sorry for the tags lol
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swanmaids · 8 months
aredhel/vana, rated e. for @imakemywings <3
There was a reason Írissë had never sworn herself to any Valar. Acolytes, she grumbled to herself, made the worst adventuring partners. 
And she’d been looking forward to the trip for ages! Tyelkormo had made it sound so exciting when he’d pitched it to her. Let’s spend a few weeks in Oromë’s Woods, he’d said to her, he’d show her all of the hidden parts that most were unable to find. They could explore all of it, it would be so much fun. 
But only two days into their trip, he’d woken her with an apologetic smile. Oromë had spoken to him the night before, apparently, and wanted him to go to the temple in the heart of the forest that day. Yes, alone. No, he didn’t know how long for. Sorry. Then he’d sped off on his horse, leaving her to pack up their camp. 
“Yeah, really fucking fun for me,” Írissë called aloud to the near-silent forest, “You prick!”
The forest said nothing. 
What to do now? 
The Woods had lost all appeal. But she didn’t feel like going back to Tirion either. She’d been promised adventure — or at least entertainment. 
In the beginnings of the Woods they had passed a diverging path: one way led deeper into the forest, and the other towards an orchard planted by Vána, which Írissë had never seen. It wasn’t quite the same as a weeks-long expedition, but she supposed she could pass some pleasant hours among the fruit trees while she planned her next move, and Vána’s maia handmaidens who tended them were said to be very beautiful. 
It was as good a plan as any. She mounted her white mare, and headed back to the path. 
The orchard was beautiful. Dozens of trees were almost bent under the weight of so much ripe fruit – plums, peaches, nectarines, apricots, and many more that Írissë had never seen, and couldn’t name. Írissë had imagined only a small group of trees, but the trees were only part of a great green meadow that stretched beyond the horizon – it would take at least a day to cross it. Bare-breasted handmaidens lounged amid the scene, feasting on fruit or gossiping or practising at some craft. One was entertaining a small group with a stringed instrument, picking out a tune that Írissë recognised as one of Elemmirë’s better known compositions. 
She sat alone beneath a plum tree slightly secluded from the rest of the scene, set her horse free to roam the grass, and watched in silence. 
“Please don’t sulk so loudly here,” a sweetly melodic voice said from somewhere unseen, interrupting her thoughts, “you’ll turn the fruit sour.”
Írissë jumped and spun around. “I wasn’t even saying anything!” She cried in her own defence, before looking up and meeting the eyes of the speaker. 
She was wearing the fána of one of the Eldar, but there was something about her that reminded Írissë of a birch tree or a reed. She was tall and long limbed, dark hair spilling down her back, and inkings of vines winding around her arms and legs. She was clad in a grass-stained linen shift, and her feet were muddy and bare. 
Vána the Ever Young was smiling down at her. 
“No, I suppose not… but your thoughts are written all over you.”
Írissë was not sure how she ought to respond to that, so she did not. Vána went on. 
“I know — you wanted to spend some time with your little friend, but he ran off to fuck my husband instead. That’s tough, but worse things have happened — and it’s definitely not worth upsetting my garden over.” 
Írissë smiled, in spite of herself. Of course Oromë’s wife would not be ignorant of anything that happened in the Woods. “What do you propose I do instead, then?” 
Vána smiled back. “Stay a while! There is beauty, food, and entertainment here. You’ll find this is far too lovely a place to be grumpy in for very long.” 
The Valië had a servant bring them a sort of picnic. There were rice balls filled with acidic pickled plums, pale-fleshed peaches bigger than the palm of her hand, an ice-cold bottle of plum wine with two cups. It was all predictably delicious, and she ate quickly, sucking the dregs off her fingers. 
But Írissë was surprised by how much she enjoyed the company. Perhaps her tongue was loosened by the wine, but she found herself laughing easily around Vána as she listened to her describe her appreciation for a new Vanyarin play based on the Ainulindalë, or some of the antics of her favourite maiar. It was true what people said — that she was somewhat flighty and silly, but it was a harmless silliness, and one that Írissë suspected masked a shrewder mind. Once the food was finished, she realised that her earlier mood was gone, and she felt entirely better.
Perhaps she shouldn’t have been surprised when Vána poured the last of the wine into her cup, drank it in one mouthful, and pressed her sugar-sticky lips against Írissë’s. But in truth, she was caught off guard – which was not a feeling that was familiar to her – , and could scarcely respond. 
The Valië pulled back, a slight frown marring her pretty features. “I’m sorry,” she said, “did I misunderstand you? Did you not want…” she trailed off. 
Írissë looked at her again. She looked at Vána’s girlish wild beauty, and thought of her unexpected kindnesses that day, how she had gone to lengths to cheer a strange Eldar woman she had never met. 
“I did want it,” she said, “I do.” 
This time, Írissë leaned forward and kissed her. 
The picnic basket was cast aside, the empty wine bottle rolled away, and Vána laid Írissë down gently on the grass, still kissing her. Vána’s lips were soft, as Írissë surely knew they would be, and tasted of the wine and the fruit. As Vána began to trail sucking kisses over her jaw and down her neck, Írissë felt as though she had drunk the whole bottle of wine herself. She felt light and heady. She felt as though she could do anything. 
When Vána’s hands began teasing at the hem of her tunic, a question in her eyes, the feeling only intensified. Írissë nodded, perhaps over-enthusiastically if Vána’s little giggle was anything to go by, but she could not care. Vána pulled off her tunic, baring her breasts; and Írissë, not wishing to wait any longer than she had to, tugged off her own pleated trousers and fumbled with her shoes, leaving herself in only underwear. 
Apparently the stained shift was the only thing that Vána had bothered to wear that day – she tugged it over her head and revealed her naked form, just as pretty as the rest of her. The vine drawings covered her entire body, wrapping around her breasts and torso. 
Írissë didn’t bother pretending not to stare. After all, the Valië was openly staring at her. 
“Can I take these off, too?” she asked, gesturing at Írissë’s underwear.
Vána’s tongue flicked out over her lower lip in appreciation once Írissë was finally naked. “Touch me if you wish,” she murmured, rolling over so that she was braced on her hands and knees, body covering Írissë, “but there’s so much that I want to do to you.” She bent down and kissed her again, hard, as though she wanted to devour her. 
Írissë thought suddenly that she wouldn’t mind being devoured. 
Vána skimmed a delicate hand down her body, leaving gooseflesh rising in her wake, before she reached between her legs. She skimmed over the dark wiry hair that covered her pubic mound, making an interested noise, and reached down, skimming her fingers over her opening, where Írissë knew she would find her wet. 
Vána slid her first finger in easily, Írissë’s body opening up for her as though it was the most natural thing in the world. Gently, she stroked her thumb over the nub of her clit, making her shiver, and Írissë found herself rolling her hips upwards towards the contact. 
A second finger followed. Vána slid the fingers apart, then brought them together, in an unpredictable rhythm that made Írissë pulse hot. And when she stroked one particular spot inside of her, she gasped, and felt herself burning. Adjusting her position slightly, Vána pressed the heel of her hand against Írissë’s clit as she stroked her from the inside out, and Írissë ground downwards, the small of her back arching off the grass, needing the contact. 
She hadn’t even realised that her hands were thrashing about amid the grass before Vána reached up with and caught them both with her free hand – it would have been a surprising show of power for one so seemingly delicate, if it were possible to forget that Vána was a creature who had sung the universe into being. 
“Perhaps I ought to summon up some vines, to hold you down for me properly,” she murmured, and Írissë heard herself whimper. 
“Hmm. It’s certainly something to consider…” the Valië continued, but Írissë scarcely heard her, because Vána chose that moment to grind her palm harder against Írissë’s clit while rubbing against the hottest spot inside of her, and her vision turned white as she came. 
Afterwards, Írissë, still naked, gratefully ate through three sweet nectarines that Vána fetched her. She was hungry again -- she was starving. Which felt a little unfair, she thought then, as it seemed that Vána had done all of the work. 
“Um,” she said, “I’m sorry – that I didn’t –” she felt uncharacteristically embarrassed. 
“Don’t worry!” Vána said airily, “it was more than my pleasure to take care of you.” Then she gave her little grin again. “Of course, if you’re really upset about it, you could always stay here a little while. I’m sure you can make it up to me.” 
It seemed that Írissë had found an adventure after all. 
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ay-chuu · 1 year
hi!! I'd like a ship with an mha character please <3. my mbti is infp, my zodiac is pisces. pretty much all my hobbies fall under the art category. I love to draw, paint, crochet, and journal. most my phobias are really "childish" ones, like the dark and heights. I'm not really scared of any bigger things like death and more extreme phobias. I love all animals and nature related things, the color pink, music, and pumpkin flavored anything. I dislike louder noises, conflict, complete silence, and overall rudeness and lack of manners. for my ideal type i prefer someone who isn't seriously rude, someone who has a sense of humor, and someone who is open minded. i'm a cis female and go by she/her I have short, black curly hair. really dark brown eyes, tan skin, and am 5'4 for the topic I'd like first meeting please love your writing <333
Thank you so much love!
I match you with... (っ^▿^)💨
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What makes the harmony between the two of you is that Shoji is a unique gentleman. He is usually always quite patient with you and is so sweet that a fight is a fairly rare occurrence in your relationship. Shoji loves you for who you are, and it surprises him that someone 'ordinary and creepy-looking' as him has you. (you beat his ass for his lack of confidence and you are proud of it)
It's fair to say that Pisces and Aquarius are a chaotic duo in terms of love harmony. When you are together, you take out sides and features that you do not reveal to anyone. The Aquarius man can sometimes be quite unstable, but we can tell from Shoji's behavior and MBTI that he does not harbor this trait. Judging by the ISFJ and INFP alignment, I can guarantee that you will both have a very romantic and emotional love affair <3 the only problem is that sometimes you let your feelings pass logic too much, but hey! Love always finds a way… with a logic!
You like to spend time in nature together and fall in love with each other more. Most people call you the ideal duo because, oh my god, you're really cute <3 You're usually so soft that even the most irritable person around you -bakugou- involuntarily relaxes next to you. But when it comes to each other's lives and careers, you're a pretty ruthless and amazing duo 💪🏽
Some of the memories I'm thinking about for you two; quite long knitting orme sessions with Mezo's arms, romantic hours spent in the forest, x3-fold hugs received while studying together and sweet cheek kisses given to each other accompanied by sunset
A Special Moment:
1- A was the most strange and mysterious class that you encountered at the very beginning. While everyone in the class was acting like the main character of their own story, you involuntarily started thinking about how you would spend a whole 3 years with this class.
Maybe it was a ridiculous hunch, but you still knew you were wasting your time worrying. The written fate shows itself even in the most absurd and theoretical moments and makes you say "I'm glad I came here" one way or another. Because maybe you were either going to live through a painful and disgusting year that you would see which could can be a  would be a nice reminder to you not forget that you experienced, or you would find yourself embarking on adventures that a great character living inside a heroic manga would experience.
But sometimes, fate brings beautiful and painful events that you can't think of at the same time. There are beautiful memories in every pain that we think we will experience unilaterally, and systematic pain in every beautiful memory. Because that's how fate is. Fate throws everything in front of you at once and watches you fall into its current.
"Hello." said a thick voice. A masked, tall boy. And as you lift your head up and wake up from your thoughts... you saw a boy- with different body limbs.
The biggest message that fate has to teach itself that comes from God is; even if you live through the shittiest or the most fairy tale-like day, there is only one thing left to you from all of everything: love. romantic or platonic. Love is a universal message.
You saw the shy-looking boy pointing to the seat in front of him while looking into his eyes. "My height... it's quite long. I have to sit down because this is the only place left, but I don't want to be a burden to you by blocking your field of vision during class. We can switch places if you want."
you nodded and sat forward while feeling your cheeks turn pink with a sweet and thoughtful gesture. You bent down to pick up the pink bunny pen that fell out of your bag . Before you could understand what had happened from the excitement, the pencil case had already been returned to your hand. When you looked up, you saw the eyes of cute white-haired boy who had the same shyness and excitement as you. His eyes, as if they were a pair of emotional inscriptions that told about all the fate that was written to you.
Getting up quickly, he shyly extended his hand to you. "So sorry! S-shoji. Mezo shoji..."
Oh, beautiful love, how beautifully it carries itself with fate, intertwined with everything.
You shook his hand gently. "Hello, Shoji..." you said that while introducing yourself with a smile. "Please don't feel burdened by your own body," you added gently
Shoji, on the other hand, tilted his head forward and continued his embarrassed gestures. Even if your moment was interrupted by your teacher coming in and you sitting down, you could both feel your heart still beating at the same time at the same time.
and oh, beautiful fate, even it knew that love would not die, always would carry it with care, your bond of first but last love.
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beanieman · 1 year
You should show us your OCs
I actually made an entire blog for their story, but then I rewrote everything so all the characters had a major revamp. So I'll talk about their new versions!
Emilio - The son of the antagonist and protagonist of his own story, Emilio is a dandelion that came from a forest of dead trees. He's nosy "observant" and naturally nurturing, with a large heart that's filled with a lot of fear. His night sky eyes tend to look toward Val in times of trial. And for other reasons. 
Val - Val is a ticking hand on a clock. She moves forward no matter what lies ahead or how many people wish she could stay frozen and let things remain how they are. She's analytical with a good poker face that she mostly uses to help others, especially Emilio who is her soft spot. Also, she's ḫ̷̉a̴̞̋u̶͇͐ṋ̴̿t̶͇̆e̵͉̍d̸̳͠ by a dead man, but if you ask her, that's her least interesting quality.
Sparrow - The son of the antagonist and baby brother to Emilio, Sparrow is a bird with clipped wings. He's cunning and a natural trickster with a heart filled wit rage. He looks up to his brother a ton and is happy as long as they're together.
More Undercut
Alicia - Alicia is made of fire. With a passionate heart that's bright and warm, she's a well-needed addition to the group, as her unyielding optimism is always welcome. You can often find her in her car garage working on her latest project. If not there she'll be in the sky as her angelic wings allow all her dreams of freedom to come to life.
Matthias - Matthias is a court jester born with a sword in hand and laughter on his lips. His real job is a solider which is a career pushed onto him by his family name, but he doesn't let it get him down as he's a jovial man with a lot of love in his heart. He's jokingly flirty and quite playful in most scenarios. Though he knows when to be serious and he's incredibly good with a sword if the situation calls for it. He's Val's mentor figure despite not being a lot older than her.
Lorne - Lorne is the type of man who jumps to bring down a cult for the fun of it...mainly because that's exactly what he's doing. He's mostly just along for the ride as someone who just likes to watch what's going down at any given moment. He's extremely and unbreakably loyal to those good to him, a bit arrogant, good in a crisis, and friendly to everyone he meets.
Oisin - Oisin is a glistening pond in the middle of a forest. As a farmer who values seclusion, he firmly believes that nature should be respected and treated as an ally. He has a soft spot for plants and animals with more weariness for people in most cases. Still, he really values his friendship with the group and wants the best for everyone. He's a firm believer in "The odd's of many over one."
Throca - Throca has been dead for longer than he lived. Playful and musical, he had his voice cut out far too soon. Now he's connected to Val for adventures from beyond the grave…for better or worse.
Nora - Nora is a beautiful fluffy cloud on a day where the sky is a bright blue. She's a gorgeous women who knows how to use her looks to her advantage to compensate for all sacrifices she's made to get where she is. She's quick to pick up skills, bubbly, ambitious, and reliable to her allies when they need her.
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In the forest a darkness creeps
ectoberhaunt2023 day 2- Botonamancy TW- in tags summary- Sam just wants to connect with nature
ao3 ectoberhaunt23 masterlist part 1 of GD
Sam stood staring at the fairy circle. This was where it had started. She let herself kneel by the blossoms. They were beautiful, a pearly white that contrasted with the near black of the grass that surrounded where they grew. 
She had grown up with the townsfolk's stories of magic in the woods, but she had stopped listening when she was ten and the kids at school had said that magic wasn’t real. 
But what else could you call this?
What else could you call the way the plants sang to her, begging to tell her their secrets. Begging her to use them.
What else would you call the way that she felt more connected to nature than to humans. That she could tell what a plant was just by looking at it. Could know all it could do with just a touch. 
What would you call the innate knowledge that if she mixed this plant and that one and boiled them for three hours she would get a remedy for the measles, but if she boiled it for four and added just a pinch of dirt she could kill someone and make it look like the flu.
She wasn't even sure why she was approaching the fairy circle. Not after Danny had…
Danny was still unconscious and it had been a month. His body continued to function but it seemed as if his mind was Elsewhere.
But after he had stepped into that circle… after he had screamed…
She had felt it. She hadn’t known what it was at first, not through the terror or the worry. But afterwards, after things had calmed down, the world had looked different–shifted just slightly off.
And she felt… she knew that if she just stepped in the circle she’d be able to understand so much more, hear them so much more clearly. Danny had been hurt because it wasn’t for him. He had never really cared about Nature like she had. This was meant for her. 
She stepped forward.
Yes, yes, yes, come to us, be one with us, the blossoms called.
She stepped into the circle.
And for a moment, just for a moment, everything was clear. And she saw them. Spirits. So many spirits. And there was Danny, he looked different but she knew it was him.
Then clarity faded and she screamed.
They had gone by many names, Akna, It Bunoo, Tatei Yurianaka, Gaia, Mother Nature.
Those who had known their true name were long gone and their language had been lost with them. Many cultures had called it Mother for bringing life, but they had always preferred those that referred to them as the Wilds, the Unconquerable Land. This century the humans had taken to calling them the Forest. It was a nice name and they hoped it would stay for a long time.
And the Forest knew how to entice the children. It had been doing it for as long as it could remember. And children were naturally curious things, prone to wander, prone to ignore advice for the sake of curiosity or adventure. All it had to do was plant a thread of curiosity and the child would follow along. And children were so easy to read. 
This one wanted love, so to pick a bloom would bring them what they wanted.
This one wanted to prove their daring, so to stand in the circle would show bravery.
And this one was curious about the unknown, wanted to explore. What better thing to explore than to see if the fairy circle truly led anywhere?
And this one, oh, this one was by far their favorite this century. This one wanted to connect with Nature, wanted to be special, wanted to be the one to change the world, to be a witch. So for this one the circle promised a connection with Nature, with magic. And so she came willingly.
Willing souls were always the strongest, always gave the most energy.
They had the brightest spirits. Perfect for helping to keep the border safe, for maintaining the balance.
And it was so very little to ask. A child here, a child there. It was a small price to pay to keep the true monsters out. To keep the Other on the side of the veil where they belonged.
And what kind of Mother were they if they did not do everything they could to ensure the majority of their children would survive.
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ashbye · 2 years
🌈Hello Tumblr peoples! I got my first request for Geralt! I really like the request and its a great idea. I just hope that it lives up to the expectations of the person who requested it! @chocotacobread This story is for you! Thank you so much for the request! Also just to let you all know I don' think I'll put summaries because I'm really bad at summarizing things. Please give me constructive criticism in the comments! Let me know what I can do better, what you liked about it because I want to be a good writer so then I can make things you all enjoy reading. So please rate it in the comments because its like my firts one ever! Thank you!
Request: Heyyyy!!! I hope your enjoying tumblr so far and I saw that you want requests so I decided to give you one 😁😁. So here is the request: Geralt x female reader but the female reader is the mage of nature and is also known as the goddess of nature due to her appearance which is flowing hair, bright green eyes. Geralt and Y/N knew each other when they were kids before they were separated and after the battle of sodden they reunite and you can choose the ending as I’m not very good at endings 🫶
Part 2 here
Reunited At Last - Geralt x f!reader
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The forest surrounding you was dark and filled with ash. Bodies littered the ground where you walked. Moans and groans from the injured were carried off in the breeze flowing through sodden hill. You could remember the days when the breeze brought comfort. Now it only brought a suffocating chill that ran down you spine and seeped through your bones. The comfort it used to bring you when the wind would flow through your long hair.
  Those days seemed so far away. The day that comfort vanished from your life was fresh in your mind. The day that Tassaia asked for your help in the impending battle. You were a mage of nature, incredibly powerful and strong. The name given to you at birth was Y/n. Though many knew you by a different name. The Goddess of Nature.
  You acquired the name over the years as more and more people started to acknowledge your magic and worship your work. So many would love to be worshipped, but you just wanted peace. That is why you lived deep in the forest. In your favorite spot in the whole world. Not simply because of it's beauty and it being a part of nature, but because of the sentimental value. It was where you would play as a child with your best friend.
  A boy the same age as yourself. Adventures were something you both loved. As many times as you went off and explored you never found a spot more beautiful. Everyday you two would meet at that spot and play games, travel. Except one day was different. When you went to meet him, he never showed. You later found he was taken somewhere you would never be able to go.
   Hence, why you're standing here now missing your home and the good old days. You continued walking on the edge of the forest. The hood of your dark green cloak over your head.  
  Your mind wandered elsewhere as you thought of the boy from you past, until it was rudely interuppted. A deep and gravelly voice shouted out a name. "Yennefer?" It called. You knew who she was, a mage similar to yourself. The decision was made to go and tell the voice of Yennefer's whereabouts and the fact that she has not been seen since the end of the battle.             
   When you found the person, you were surprised to see a witcher walking on foot with a girl on a horse next to him. "She is not here!" You called out to them. His head whipped around and his eyes narrowed at the sight of you. He spoke in a demanding tone "Where is she then?" You stepped forward and lowered your hood.
   "She is gone. Yennefer saved everyone at the expense of herself. She is yet to be found." As you stepped closer you could see the pain hidden on his face. When he looked into your eyes he stared for a moment, then sucked in a breath. He furrowed his brows and spoke quietly. "Y/n?" Your face filled with shock as he stepped forward. "No one has called me that in years. How do you know that name?" He stepped forward again, "I would remember those bright green eyes from anywhere. The same green as the trees in the forest."
     Only one man had ever said that to you and your eyes widened in realisation. "Geralt?" Your voice came out in a whisper. It was carried with the breeze and you were surprised he even heard it. "Y/n." You stepped forward instantaneously and threw your arms around his neck and his wrapped around your waist
    "I thought you were dead. I was told that you were taken somewhere far away, somewhere I could not go." Your eyes teard up as you press your face into his shoulder. "Well, they were right about that. I'm here now." Throughout this whole debacle you both had completely forgotten about the girl on the horse. "Ahem" she cleared her throat in hopes of getting Geralt's attention. 
    When you broke out of the hug you looked to the girl and backed away sheepishly. "Geralt who is this?" The girl asked him from atop the horse. Geralt sighed and looked back at her "She is an old friend of mine. We got seperated when we were young. Y/n this is Ciri. My child surprise."
    You looked at him shocked for a second before turning back and shaking Ciri's hand. "Wonderful to meet you Ciri. Now Yennefer, the woman you're looking for. I can help you find her" Geralt looked you in the eyes. There was skepticism clear on his face " I thought you said she was dead?" You hummed, "Hmm, perhaps there is a chance she is. Either way if she is then I can help you confirm it." Geralt put his hand on your shoulder in a manner that made you momentarily forget where you were and nodded without a second thought.
  "Even if we can't find her it would be nice to have you back." You smiled slightly at him, "Indeed it would be. We have a lot of catching up to do Geralt." Ciri was happy to have another female presence and looked to Geralt for confirmation "So she's coming with us?" Geralt sighed and responded "Yes, she is coming with us."
🌈There you go! I hope you enjoyed it! Like I said earlier please please PLEASE give me feedback on it because thats the only way I can get better! Thank you so much for the request you don't understand how much that means to me! I also apologise if there are things that aren't exactly factual or if I got some things wrong. Its been a little since I've watched the show I need to rewatch it. I love you all and have an amazing day everyone!
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