#he deserves katniss
waywardangel-wilds · 6 months
I need to stop being forced to see these “if coryo were in the real world” posts or the “coryo is your boyfriend” posts because I dislike them. Like you do you, but please I don’t wanna see it 😭 I think a lot of ppl can agree that if coryo were here irl and dating you he’d be abusive, cut you off from your friends and family, probably mess with you psychologically, and take any money,wealth or status you might have. Actually, unless you’re in the 1%, Coryo ain’t dating you.
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p4nishers · 10 months
the way can't catch me now could easily be about sejanus too is a stroke of genius on olivia's part. because, in a way, snow was haunted by sejanus. sejanus' death was his final pushing point into cruelty. sejanus was the only good left in him, the only thing holding him to goodness, but the moment coriolanus betrayed him, he was changed. he became snow. he is haunted by sejanus in the jabberjays, the mockingjays, he sees him in katniss, in her stubbornness, in her unwillingness to be easy for others to shallow, in her bravery, in her fierceness. everywhere he looked, he saw sejanus, in the whole rebellion, in the face of his parents who basically adopted snow, in katniss honoring rue's death by surrounding her with flowers the same way sejanus honored marcus' body by sprinkling bread on him to help his journey. he caged peeta, the same way he wanted to cage lucy gray, but he couldn't cage katniss. he couldn't cage sejanus. no matter how hard he tried, sejanus remained a good person, remained true to himself till his death. he killed sejanus but he couldn't kill what he stood for, he couldn't kill the inherent goodness in people. lucy haunted him till the ends of his days, but so did sejanus.
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atelierlili · 4 months
I always wondered why Katniss factored marriage and children into the equation when it came to reciprocating Peeta’s feelings for her. It’s a rather large leap, especially when Peeta himself never expresses wanting children at any point in the story. He uses children as a tool to persuade Katniss and the Capital to save her life, but the only time we see him express any desire/feelings of having one of his own is when he’s crying after the baby bomb. But we never hear his real thoughts.
But you wanna know who does express wanting children? Gale.
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It’s one of the first thing he mentions in chapter one. And it pisses her off so much.
(I also want to add that Gale reframes/establishes the dynamic of Katniss and him caring for their siblings from something that is sibling-sibling to parent-sibling. And he is not wrong. Katniss doesn’t refute him. Both Katniss and Gale are surrogate parents to their siblings. Which is also why Katniss love and affection of Prim, is not just sisterly. I’ve seen people say Katniss is only sisterly to Prim- but she’s not. She’s parentified their relationship to the point she subconsciously see Prim as her child, which makes this a tragedy because she’ll loose her first child no matter what she does by the end of the story.)
But Gale’s phrasing here elevates himself as a potential suitor to Katniss by placing them both as the parental roles to these children. (Which irritates her a lot ). Which is why she brings the topic up with her relationship with Peeta. Because she’s subconsciously aware of Gale’s efforts and knows it will be a point of contention between them. It hangs over her head in a way.
With Gale, children are extra mouths to feed. (But Gale will do fine. He can work. He can hunt.) It’s all framed with calculated survival in mind. But it’s also not something she had planned in the future at any point.
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But Peeta’s children? Oh they deserve to be born because Peeta deserves to be a father. He would be such a good father. They deserve to exist in a world where they can be safe and happy. (Even if it’s not with her.)
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This is also why I think she subconsciously sees Peeta’s baby as her own. And I don’t think of it as a cruel/heartless thing, it’s just you’d be more protective of your own child compared to someone else’s. Katniss sees Gale as a reliable person who’s equipped to look after a kid. She doesn’t express the same kind of maternal instinct/yearning for the Baby Hawthrone’s safety as she does with the idea of Baby Mellark, because she doesn’t think of Gale’s child as her own. She never hopes for a better future for them, but she does with Peeta because he and that baby gives her hope. And she loves him that much.
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I'm currently in the process of rewatching The Hunger Games movies, and honestly, I have to be so real "If it weren't for the baby" is my Roman empire. I think about it constantly.
Especially the way they did it in the movie (I'm obsessed with Josh Hutcherson)
Haymitch's little toast.
The audience SHRIEKING.
Everything about it, I think about it all the time.
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whenthewallfell · 5 months
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~ and if I can dissolve I do ~
(hanahaki au below the cut)
AU where Peeta develops the hanahaki disease during Catching Fire and the only people that understand the significance of it are Mrs Everdeen and Haymitch, both of which he swears to secrecy since he's going to die in the arena anyway. Snow also recognises the symptoms (rumour has it he underwent surgery shortly after his time in D12) when Peeta is unable to hide it from the cameras during the Quell. The flowers are removed as part of the hijacking process, but whether it was successful or not is uncertain - dandelions are a stubborn weed after all, and their roots grow deep.
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mollywog · 1 year
I don’t think it’s that Haymitch loves Peeta more: it’s that Peeta is dissimilar enough to Haymitch that he’s easier to love.
Haymitch sees too much of himself in Katniss for her to be easy for him to love. Loving her might mean he is worthy of love and he has two decades of alcohol, guilt, and self loathing telling him otherwise.
Despite that, Haymitch loves Katniss anyways
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rewritingcanon · 1 month
my sister and i just yapped for almost three hours and we were just talking about how genuinely weird people in fandom are surrounding characters who have explicit mental illness. like they can never ever be normal. there are characters who are romanticised and glamourised for their mental illness (eren. wanda. joker. kaneki. nico. almost any danganronpa/ddlc character). characters who are consistently ridiculed for their mental illness either because it simply isn’t getting taken seriously (reiner) or because no one takes the character seriously (armin). and there are the characters that get blatantly outright DESPISED for it (basil, harry potter, korra, gale, also eren etc etc). like yes im seeing a correlation but its still so astounding how selective people are about where they draw the line with mental illness and what traits they can accept.
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mitsuki91 · 9 months
Suddently broken by the realisation that Snow tells Katniss "please let's not lie to each other" because he never, never, ever again lie to a girl from Disctrict Twelve and I'm-
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disgurrr · 7 months
Yk what gets me so mad? It is the lack of empathy and sympathy that some of fandom has towards Katniss reactions towards Peeta’s hijacking. I absolutely think Katniss was unfair and cruel in how she handle his hijacking (at times, she was not always mean to him) but so was Peeta towards her. The fandom can show so much empathy towards Peeta, to the point that we excuse everything with “it’s beyond his control , that’s not him, everything hijsck Peeta does is not real.” Like sorry!? It’s very real. And Katniss should’ve handle it better, but my god she’s just 17 and literally the love of her life, the person she deemed as precious almost KILLED HER!??? she felt betrayed, abandoned, beyond hurt by her peetas treatment towards her.
Could she have been nicer, more empathetic, and more gentle ? yes, but she tried her best during the capitol mission where she planned to die. I just , idk it’s becoming a little bit misogynistic to me atp
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olya-roo · 2 months
The pointless-not death of Finnick Odair.
Saw many takes on how his death in Mockingjay was pointless, a shook value attempt, a mistake, unfair and how Suzanne should have never done that. But what if this death had a point to make and wasn’t added just to add some more drama to an already depressing book?
Finnick’s tragedy is that the point of his death is that not all the time death is something glorified or has a meaning. Sometimes you just… die.
His death was a pure, gruesome and realistic war casualty, which also showed that the war does not give a single damn about who is the readers’ favorite character or how much he “deserves” their happy ending.
Finnick no doubt earned and deserved one after being turned into a child prostitute, half going insane (Annie and Mags were his only support system) and then having the love of his life ripped away from him, when the happiness was just in the reach of a hand.
Yet the war happened and Finnick died, with his journey being cut short. Same for Lucy Gray - both were actually the victims of Snow and neither got a “honorable”, proper ending; one was torn by mutts and another one was wiped from history (she was also literally a child, only 16 y/o, never having a chance to actually LIVE and reach her full potential of life).
Hence that’s what Susanne Collins wanted to tell us - a death is not something that is paraded around, but a cut and dry casualty that can cut out your journey in the middle.
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fireofamockingjay · 2 months
rereading Mockingjay for another fandom au fic i'm working on has made me realize i really love Katniss & Finnick's friendship.
in Catching Fire, it's layered with distrust, but in Mockingjay you really see how it morphs into wholesome friendship and mutual understanding as they share and bond over their fears for their loved ones and make morbid jokes in an effort to cheer each other up.
Finnick even loses his shit when Haymitch sedates Katniss in Mockingjay- so much he has to be sedated!
i just. i love them.
and it's gonna hurt as I continue rereading because...Finnick dies :(
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tryingnotkillanyone · 4 months
After hearing that we will finally get Haymitch games, I just know my heart will break into million pieces for our alcoholic boy🥲
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weaponizedducks · 7 months
sick and tired of y'all hating gale hawethorne with every ounce of your being. he does not deserve your hate. he is not a perfect character but he is certainly not the villian. he is a CHILD. i am not shipping him with katniss. he is a complex character in his own right. he is angry and he cares and most off all he wants to do something about the oppressive society they live in. he didn't kill prim for fucks sake he just made the bombs. he thought coin was better than snow and he was wrong. he would never kill prim intentionally. he's not my favourite character but y'all need to stop mindlessly hating him and start seeing him for the complex, nuanced character that he is. stop hating him for being a product of the same society you claim to despise! HOW can you defend coriolanus snow and condemn gale in the same breath
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literallymikewheeler · 5 months
"maybe in another universe i get the life i deserve"
peeta specifically while hijacked
"you don't need another universe."
peeta post-mocking
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bodega-catto · 9 months
People defending Snow because he’s a handsome white man despite him:
-Thinking of selling Tigris (in like page 4 mind you.)
-Despises working with people.
-ONLY helps Sejanus because the cameras are watching.
-Spends the whole book thinking about how things can benefit him and how to make everything to his advantage.
-Tries to remind the public that Lucy Gray “belong to him” and how he was constantly angry about not owning her.
-Calls district people: bestial, not evolved and unfortunate barbaric creatures (yea including Lucy.)
-Tries to delude himself that Lucy is from the capitol because he’s shamed of liking her.
-Says he prefers Lucy in the capitol because he knows exactly where she is at all times (liked Lucy in the games because of the same reason, he could watch her 24/7 and control her.)
- Moved in with Sejanus parents after betraying their son and getting him killed.
-Killed Highbottom who was trying to prevent him from rising to the top because he could see his true nature in his eyes and was afraid of him (and his father.)
And this is all just in BoSbaS, told from his own perspective. Think about everything he did after.
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mutliwankenobi · 2 years
Everyone has that one fictional death that they’ll simply never get over. For me, it’s Finnick Odair.
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