#he doing his lil dancy dance
dylanconrique · 5 months
gabby: "i wanna be detailed to arson" 🥺
boden: "why? why do you wanna leave me?!" 😠
gabby: "i-i'm pregnant!" 😨
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baizhuswifey · 1 month
The demon brothers as babies
So it was a regular ol day Solomon was over at HoL and the brothers were screaming and arguing a little bit more than usual which is weird cus it's usually not all seven of them arguing so Solomon gets the great idea to use a mystery spell and turn them all into something random but he does it without telling them...you were onboard because they need to shut the hell up they've been arguing for hours on end.so without warning Solomon whispers his spell and all the brothers poof away.you and Solomon gets scared for a quick second because you don't know where they are but you suddenly hear the loud cries of....baby leviathan hidden under his over sized clothes.you two originally planned to keep it secret.but after 30 minutes or so diavolo gets worried because lucifer hasn't answered his texts and thats so weird he never takes more than 40 seconds.so he heads over to HoL to see you and solomon dealing with seven very unamused babies.and somehow barbatos luke and simeon end up at HoL too with the babies. You guys knew how to turn them back but you decided that they could spend a week or two as babies so that's what they did.
He's a quiet baby never really crying unless there's something really wrong but he's also very specific about how he wants things.he wants his bottle cold but not too cold but he wants his bath water warm but not warm.hes just calm lil guy.forbid anything be wrong from how he wants it he's gonna scream and cry he won't stop until the problem is fixed.if you are someone he's fond of (like simeon and diavolo) he'll blow you little kisses.dont let him see any of his brothers upset he doesn't not like seeing them upset it hurts his feelings.if theres a problem you can't solve he knows what to do.one time you made baby asmo mad and he was side eyeing you the rest of the day
He's a Velcro baby please don't put him down or he's going to cry.dont move away from him,don't let anybody else hold him (for some unknown reason he will let barbatos and Luke hold him without problem)he's relatively normal baby just don't separate yourself from him...he has separation anxiety.dont wear jewelry around him he will pull it take it and chew it.hes so cuddly tho he loves forehead kisses.but don't do too much he'll push you away. He will watch over baby belphie while he sleeps to make sure hes safe
He's a Velcro baby just like mammon but he will let anybody hold him.he cries more often than not.he just won't stop crying he's like full time cry baby.other than that he's the sweetest baby out of all the brothers (being rivaled with beel and asmo)he will blow you kisses and clap for you.he's really cuddly just don't move his around too frequently he's used to staying in one place for a while.he really likes bath time you have to bribe him to get out water.he and mammon do that little thing where they pat their hands together it's really cute
He's cool it's just easy to make him mad.you don't do the airplane motion when feeding him smashed fruits he will throw the whole bowl at you and kick you.he won't cry unless he's hurt.but for the life of any life form near don't make him upset babies have strength like no other. When reading book for him to sleep he wants to sit in your lap and look at pictures or flip the pages.wont wear clothes unless it has a cat on it (unfortunately you had to learn the hard way and he bit you) don't let him near baby Lucifer or he'll pull his hair and you basically have to keep them separated
Bro is such a sweetheart and a cutie pie it makes you want to cry he will let anybody hold him but his favorites are simeon and solomon.do not get food on his face or anything relatively messy get on him or he will have fit like full on screaming and biting.hes a clean baby so it's not very hard to clean him up.other than he's okay with everything else.he does little dancie dance when he's happy.helps clean baby beels face after he finished eating.
He is very sweet and calm just don't let him get hungry or let him near his brother's while they eat he will take their snacks,well not belphie he will spare his snacks.the only things that make him made are being separated from belphie, not feeding him and seeing belphie upset. Anything else and he doesn't really care.he cant stay in the same place he likes to move around just as long as baby belphie is with him. often stealing snacks from Levi because he knows he won't fight he'll just cry.
He's always sleeping but the second you move beel from him he's awake and crying.he gets cranky easy so just let him have his sleep until it's time for feeding time or bath time. other than that he just sits there staring into space or playing with beel (they have a giant ball and they like to push it to eachother back and forth) he really only lets you and Luke hold him he does not like being moved around. he likes to cuddle tho and over all he just doesn't give a damn. He likes to sit with baby Satan while you read for them
When all of them transformed back into adults they were all in your bed and Satan and mammon were on the floor, Levi was on your chest,asmo was holding your leg Lucifer and beel were nuzzled next to you and beel was above your head and when they all woke up it was super awkward
"uhhh why the hell are we all in here"
"better question weren't we just arguing and then we blacked out"
"and why am I in a footed onesie with airplane on it"
You explain to them and they get really embarrassed and hide for the rest of the day
Should I write part two with the dateables and undatables😋😋😋😋😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️anyways thanks for reaching and if you have any suggestions dm them to me
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vvo1d1ing · 6 months
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Sneak-Peak at the animatic I'm working on. He is a lil man doing his very impressive dancy dance
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sunglassesmish · 24 days
he’s doing his lil dancy dance
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cupophrogs · 7 months
can Thing do a little jig? a little shimmy? perhaps a little dancy dance? :3
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“He’s doing his lil’ dancey-dance.”
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alvivaarts · 8 months
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he's here!!! Mer Leon doing his lil dancy dance, just enjoying the water and sunshine. Also, I had to compress the image to upload it. Sobbing. Anyway, this was completed in a downward swing of sick and ugh and this lilguy brought me out of it! I was very happy and proud to finish this piece as I move into more lineless rendering. :) Anyway, here's some details I'm particularly proud of:
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No lighting:
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moony-buckets · 8 months
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He do his lil dancy dance!!!
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leynaeithnea · 1 month
Okay, Acro rant is here as promised :))
We've already said that my man is so toxic and insane it's illegal , the way he's absolutely flabbergasted by the mere idea of being forgotten by ash , being an afterthought to her while HE is constantly haunted by her, so obsessed he cannot think of anything else and obviously cannot ever forget her jajansnsnnss yeah we've discussed this
Now, I relistened to the rest of the songs and I'm stunned speechless by his actions. He goes to tattle about ash, then goes to her , gets her to betray Matty and arranges for that poor little meow meow to WATCH, then he's all happy to die and die with her. Did he even sleep at night? This is such a convoluted and masterful plan how the fuck did he come up with it ? Insane. And at the end he's just so happy to die??? You do all this to get your revenge and have ashra never forget you only to get both of yourselves killed right after ?? What??
I love that he wanted to take the easy way out on all this guilt for the shit that he did ( bc that's the other part of it !! He's insane but then he feels bad ! The guilt eats him alive when he hits ashra but then he hits again! He gets one harlot killed and he can't sleep at night so he gets another one killed!! Bro what ??) and Jesus was like "nuh-uh bestie you're gonna have to live with all of this <3 bye bye kisses have a good guilt ridden life I guess :)"
Like he's so complex I want to consume him kamsnsnsbn he's a bitch but he's in love but it's not really love it's obsession and wanting to be worshipped and wanting power over some idolized version of ashra and he's so miserable he just wants to die bc he can't see a way to live with his sins so he goes all out right before dying because nothing matters anymore and soon he'll pay, this is the solution, he'll pay and god will see he was shitty but got himself killed so it's fine he's fine he'll be forgiven he has to, either way he can't live, not anymore he can't he can't kaksmsnsnnsns
Last thing, I absolutely love that in another day passes pt2 EVERYONE is having their worst day ever , Ashra is miserable ,Matthias almost dies and ACRO DANCES HIS LITTLE DANCY DANCE BC HE CAN'T WAIT TO TRICK ASHRA INTO HAVING SEX AND THEN BEING KILLED
he's not normal at all, Jesus I know that you already saved him but can you give him therapy too? Please ??
"wanting to be worshipped and wanting power over some idolized version of ashra and he's so miserable he just wants to die bc he can't see a way to live with his sins so he goes all out right before dying because nothing matters anymore and soon he'll pay"
amazing summary btw
Aarco is a lil bich ✨ But he is suchhhhh a great antagonist/villain, because all of his actions can be tracked back to how he was raised and a chain of events that pushed him deeper and deeper into insanity.
It all started because of his jealousy of Matty and Ashra ("with jealousy inside"), a very human emotion which added on with bad coping bc of his upbringing. He was a teenager who grew up with abusive/violent parents/father ("when we made mistakes we were beaten the same way") which clearly explains how his bad emotional coping comes from. He got attached to Ashra because they were in the same boat in their upbringing ("her dad was a scribe so was mine"), someone to relate to and find comfort in ("youve been my refuge, my fortress to flee to"). Especially considering the gender expectations and upbringings at the time and place it would make sense that he saw her as a sort of "caretaker" for him and also that he kind of had a right to her love and affection ("so ill win and keep you/and if you dont know how to love me ill teach you"). They grew up together, their fathers knew each other, Aarco desired her so an engagement would be the next logical step.
But instead Ashra fell in love with Matthias, hes not fully part of the community. He's a half-jew, his father might be unknown? (I'm sure in the book we'd get more context but i don't have it so idk) But anything thats different = suspicious. Aarco gets jealous, of them and looks for a weakness, its not hard. There seems to be no father that could "protect" Mattias or his mother against rumors and since their integration into their community was already shaky its easy for Aarco to find smth.
Aarco is a teenager, he is not fully aware of the consequences of his actions, when he goes to his father and says that Matty's mother is prostituting herself in secret (which is a bad-bad thing for society, its against their religion and social expectations). Aarco thinks for that accusation Matty's mother and him would be shunned and exiled from their community...not that people would end up picking stones and kill his mother. When they start stoning her, he runs to Matthias for help (again, the notable absence of a father/male adult/protector role). By the time they get there, its too late. Matthias starts lashing out at the people and runs away when Ashra tries to get to him.
Aarco is traumatized. But hey, it worked right? Matthias is out of the picture, he left Ashra behind and now Aarco can get close to her. He is there for her, because Ashra has noone else, even if she still loves Matthias, Aarco is there, Matty isnt. Aarco knows that, and he starts clinging to Ashra because thats the only thing he can do, if he were to let go of her, the murder he was responsible for would have been for nothing. He clings to Ashra, in order to justify and ease his guilt. Everything becomes about her. Everything is for her. He needs her. He wants her. Desire becomes obsession. But its not enough. He still has nightmares, and he needs to numb his emotions. So he turns to anger and sensual pleasures that he wants from Ashra. But she keeps refusing him, distancing herself from him. He (tries to) respect her (her father). They're engaged. He only has to wait until the wedding and then he has all rights to her. But he hit her, over the ring because she didnt say she loved him. He needs her to say it, to know that she's devoted to him the way he is obssessed with her. But he was violent, that what he promised her he wouldnt do (because they do not want to be like their fathers, because she is scared that he will become like him). He knows he did her wrong, he hit her, he threatened her, he said he wouldnt.
He'll try, and if he fails he'll just apologize again, but he needs to give ashra space for now or he'll loose her, because Ash is ignoring and refusing any attempt of him to get physically close to her. Just until the wedding he has to wait.
And then he makes relation with this woman, who gots tired of her husband (who she probably got married to at a fairly young age, lets be honest, while he was probably a lot older) things lead onto each other (they should be around 21 by now age wise if i understood right) and they start an affair. He tells himself, just one more time. Its a way to numb the pain. (Note: Im loosing a bit of track chronolocially but bear with me i hope it still makes sense) Just one more time.........and then Ashra shows up at his door, to apologize. But the woman is still in his bedroom.
She finds out. Aarco apologises, thats all he has to do right? Ashra will be mad at him, but she'll learn to forgive him. But instead of anger, she's relieved. and that hurts him. because its such a clear sign that she doesnt care for him. Hes furious. He has to keep her. Matty has shown up in their life again and Aarcos never been so insecure about Ashras love, the second he showed up, Ashra completly turned away from him. All the hard work lost, just through one hug from Matthias. The man he wanted gone. Everything is for her. She says she will tell her father. She is a woman. He's close to her father. It will be easy to make sure they dont believe her. Because she belongs to him. So even before Ashra can speak with her father, Aarco goes to him and tells him that Ashra saw Matty again and now she's acting up (theyre treating her like a child). Ashra comes in and tell him that Aarco cheated, Aarco has the upper hand, he calls her a liar. Her father believes him of course, hes a man. His word is more relevant. Lying is against their religion. She gets beaten. She'll be fine. She'll be his again
.....only that she runs away, with Matthias. His biggest fear. Not only that, she leaves him a letter telling him that she will forget about him. Dumping him and pushing him into his darkest pit. She betrays her. The woman he promised himself salvation for his sins form. What else is there for him now? She choose the man he killed for to get rid of. Again. And Again, like everytime. So they must pay. He gets pushed to insanity because his whole life resolved around her and she rejected him, not only rejected but said she'd forget about him. Making him feel insignificant. The murder was for not. His soul is already lost to sin. He lied, he (indirecly) killed, he cheated. There is no saving himself. No, but the least he can do is drag Ashra and Matthias down with him.
He can shatter Matthias and forfeit Ashras life with his own, so theyll be together at least in death. All he has to do is wait. So he waits, until he sees them again. Matthias as a begging leper on the streets and Ashra with a child alone, a shadow of who she used to be, a harlot. After all this time, his time is finially come to get his revenege on them. He has a plan. He will invite himeslf to Ashra bedroom, because she has let him in before, the last time that Matthias left her. Now they're grown, she has no choice but to let him in really. He'll promise her to ease her pain. Show her how it couldve been, if she had choosen him instead of Matthias. But he wants Matthias to see, who his wife really is, a traitor, a cheat. So he faints that Matthias needs to get over himself and provide for his family. its his job. She is his wife, he's supposed to be the man in the house. But he ran, so the least he can do is provide with the money he made. While Matthias grabs what he has, frantic from almost dying and the confused by aarco saving him Aarco goes home to Ashra, and convinces her to let her in, he lets her take of Matthias ring. For old times sake, you know. They sleep with each other, he holds her, at least once. He knows how it couldve been. but he lied. It doesnt ease Ashras pain at all. She just feels worse.
It doesnt matter, because there are knocks at the door. What he has waited for. he holds Ashra close, doesnt let her go, even as she tries to run. The men come in. Caught in adultery. A crime to be punished with death through stoning. Aarco will die, good, he will finially pay for his crimes. And Ashra will be with him. Thats why he told them about Ashra before he invited himself to her bedroom. She'd pay, and so would he. Only that Jesus is in town some other official ask him for advice. And he tells them that the one who had never sinned should throw the first stone. Nobody can say that of himself. So they drop their stones and Ashra gets freed, sent home to her child. Thats terrible for Aarco, but at least he'll still be punished....only that Jesus also frees him. He forgives him. He frees him. He tells him he can let go of the burden, of the guilt and shame. He can let go of Ashra and beginn new. The chains that bound Aarco to Ashra - the guilt and obssesion to make it have been worth it - get cut. All of them are now free.
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Captain Von trapp was mid until he did that lil smile putting his silly little gloves on to do his dancy dance with the most gorgeous specimen anyone has ever seen. Also when he was ripping up the literal nazi flag outside his house - that was the shit.
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milimeters-morales · 1 year
Miles: *doing his lil dancy dance*
Hobie: you are so fucking dorky, what is this a fucking romcom?
Miles: Yes it is! I am Ducky from Pretty In Pink
Hobie: No fucking way am I the Andie Walsh in this situation
Miles: Too late for that!
awww omg but i think hobie would join in the dance!! he’s been such a hypeman and he loves to have fun
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raulfernandez · 4 months
He do his lil dancy dance
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complete-idiot-in-love · 10 months
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Once Upon a Witchlight: Episode 43 (SPOILERS)
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This episode is so good because of the mushroom people curse, I've included some lines my S/I would say and the songs they're riffing off
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Frost singing rainbow connections YESS, I LOVE THAT SONG
I love it when Andy does his lil dancy dances, he is so gender
Shroombek is a moldy mushroom lmao /j
Imagine my S/I's mush-sona, mushroom with horns lookin ass
Michael Jackson Gideon!!
I love all of Derek's references, bro is so good at comedy
Death metal Gricko is so FUNNY!!
I swear to god if Twig is dead again bc of mushroom shit I will scream
I love this episode already because of singsong Torbek and Death metal Gricko
Torbek and my S/I would definitely be duo dancing, besties who binge musical theatres are besties forever (more like I force him to watch them w me >:3c )
Gideon is so sad because of his rhythm being stolen, F’s in chat for my fire dad
"Just dance! It'll be okay, gid a do do. Let's dance! And kill that hag fam do do do do!" - My S/I (Just dance)
Bard era in this episode fr fr
"So tell me do ya wanna go, kill a fuckin hag tonight? Run away after we fight? Impossible maybe to you, it's what we gotta do whoa! This is the greatest curse!!" - My S/I (Greatest Showman)
Torbek talking naughty as usual with his "hairy mushroom"
Are we lost in the forest lmao
CANON TORBEK HEIGHT? HE'S 7FT?? (If Andy has mentioned this before, I'm fuckin stupid /j)
Gricko trying to day-o (The banana/beetlejuice song) the bird and therefore getting disadvantage on his roll is so FUNNY TO ME, LIKE HE WOULD USUALLY BE SO GOOD AT ANIMAL STUFF BUT WITH THIS MUSICAL CURSE HE SUCKS ASS!!!
PLUS 8??? GRICKO IS OP AS HELL WHEN IT COMES TO ANIMAL SHIT (makes sense tho cause of the whole “druid w an owlbear daughter thing”)
“Torbek! Is a big hairy mushroom!” is gonna be my new stim phrase I swear to the gods
In my mind, their mushroom colors are: Torbek = Pink, Gricko = Blue, Frost = Green, Kremy = Purple and Gideon = Red (I'd be yellow because my two fav colors are already taken)
“Help! We are stuck as shrooms, I don't wan’t to sing to death!” - My S/I (Stop! in the name of love)
Oh no, pixies! Please Gideon, don’t fuck them!
“Bumpin noses” sounds very suggestive coming from the bird
“I've got candles and rations galore, you want makeup? I've got plenty!” - My S/I (Part of your world)
Is she a phoenix now? Because that's cool af Nikkie
“Roll Athletics or Acrobatics” HAHA JOKES ON YOU I'M PROFICIENT IN BOTH!!
“They'll bust in your mouth, watch out” HAHAHA YEAH AND SO DOES FROSTY!!!
BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM “ARE YA READY??” ARE YA.. REAAAADY??” I love my alligator dad so much
Torbek and Gideon are pixie attracting CHADS
Mikey's commitment to still trying to say deez nuts jokes is so good, like Gricko would definitely forget about the fey pact and try to do it
“PULLON DEEZ NUTS!!” *Gricko and My S/I high five*
Kremy being really good at makeup is CANON IN MY HEART. WE GIVE EACH OTHER TIPS ON FOUNDATION AND EYELINER AND SHIT (We both have disguise kits)
Torbek reminiscing about Reada Flaugh and Gricko reminiscing about Busty
Torbek is a teenage boy with his horniness and libido /j (I still love my bestie tho)
Frost and Kremy talking about meta stuff in their voices just makes me think of an “Actors Au” where this is all a movie that they’re acting for and ITS SO FUNNY TO ME
Torbek, dear. NOBODY WANTS TO SEE YOU “Squeeze out some Torbek juice.”
Torbek’s one hard no is house piss kinks?? Bro is wild fr fr
Torbek and Andy are so deranged, I love the gremlin activities
Torbek eats a cigar and my S/I has to find the fey equivalent to bleach for their eyes after watching him “Milk” himself
Alligator husband offers to make fire husband uwu death whey protein powder, very cute
CARLFISH RETURN YESSS (also carlatafish omg!)
Pixies love my fire dad (-_-)
Kremy and Gideon are a poly couple where Gideon gets all the babes and then Kremy swindles them out of their money /j
Disgruntled wife Kremy is so damn funny
Divorce arc for my dads /j
Gideons home depot asshole XD
Family dinner of Carlfish :)
Uh ho, Frosty teleported us in his sleep /j
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tsatsuma69 · 1 year
SPAIN 5/10:
strong start ngl
bb them boots slay the house down
pandering to me (i <3 red)
fun lil dancy dance :)
straight people? at eurovison?? ew.
she works hard, smoke machine works harder
ngl bored me
there so many twinks this year wtf
its giving charlie from heartstopper
mid tier pop song
hehehoho magic piano :P
first ballad of the night
u bore me
CYPRUS 2/10:
yass howl for be bb
get wet, coward 💦
mid at best tho
get ur knees out, slut
loving the smocks
bbgorl has a growl i like it
oil him up ;)
song was. decent
okay twink steve irwin, sing for me
no his vibes rancid actually
the beige, straight, version of romania
greece bb step up ur game u always dissapoint me
okay discount harry styles
ooh song is fun would have done great in 2014
if u cloned harry styles X5 and it got worse each time youd get this act
not bad
not winners
bbgorl went SO hard with stripper last year what do u have for me
does not even come close to last year but. not bad
fun song + good vocals
ngl not off to a great start bestie what is that hat ????
i take back my slander, slay
funky + dancable
could go harder
catchy tho
oh god please dont be bad
did she just do a flip
empowering :)
love her vibes
damn she put her whole pussy into that
oh that outfit slays
theyre having a wonderful time :)
this song goes hard
adore the strings mixed with electric guitar
UK 3/10:
its ….okay
chorus could have gone way harder
visuals are fun i guess
eurovison has me so unpatriotic
(not that im otherwise patriot fuck facist terf island)
mid as usual, mid as expected
did she just meow? slay.
interesting start
'stralia getting heavy with it <3
yes flirt with the camera
wish they would have screamed more
the guitarist is slaying it
8/10 (mostly bc keytar)
phantom of the opera vibes?
okay no
wait kinda? hear me out
oh he looks so slay tho
sexy robot :)
solidly good song 💛
but not stand out for me
sprinting start babes goddamn
drums go hard
background is giving human centipede poster vibes …. why is this a running theme this year
ooh this is fuuun tho
POLAND 0/10:
nepo baby cheat
jann was fucking robbed
where is twink supreme ??? :(
"what goes around comes around"? sure fucking hope it does >:(
0/10 nul points
edgar slayllan poe✨
outfits? slay.
visuals? slay.
go austria giving us the most random shit i love it
now THIS is eurovision
they got silly with it :3
please no dont end with a fucking ballad
mm still boring for eurovison
like its not a bad song but. mid
was that it???
best: Austria
worst: Poland
blanllad count: ugh
who made it thru:
Albania 🔥
Cyprus :/
Austria :3
Poland >:(
Australia :)
Slovenia <3
final thoughts:
semi bc thats as hard as most of these songs went
like fr why was this round so mid????
frothing at the mouth for the final >:)
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sixpigeonz · 1 year
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he do his lil dancy dance
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heymrspatel · 1 year
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a bear for my friend.
he's itchin' he's scratchin' he's doing his lil dancy dance! i stared at this for so long lmao they're just so fucking silly i love them so much!
thanks for the bear, nosho 🥰🥰🥰
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nymphoheretic · 1 year
BABES I JUST SAW YOUR STORY ABOUT YOUR CAR?? let me go fbi mode and beat those thieves up!! The clones and I will fuck then up!
To make you laugh a mini headcanon on how the clones would beat a mf for hurting you
Obviously he electrocutes them while yelling at them tell they cry.
“You stole my lovers car?? You you pathetic piece of SCUM??”
By the end the mf is a piece of friend chicken!
Oh he’s probably doing some sadistic shit like ripping every fingernail out one by one and dancing on their back as he laughs-he do his lil dancy dance
“ not so tough now eh human? Shall I rip your teeth out next to show you what happens when you hurt my darling~”
This man is just like poking holes everywhere I’m this person- they are a pin cushion now yanno? He’s also holding back tears because he’s so sad someone could hurt his baby
“How can humans be so cruel” stab “she’s an Angel you know!” stab “why would you do this to her” stab “this is making me sad” stab stab “give her back her possessions” STAB
Aka thief is a shish kebab now yum
Let’s be real. He flies the up high. Very very very high. Yelling at them the whole time until he drops them. Then un s p l a t.
“Oh dear silly me I forgot humans can’t fly!”
This made me laugh so hard. I have a very dark sense of humor so this hit just right. But Sekido calling me his lover?! I will pass out case his mean ass would only say it in the heat of the moment while he's busy giving them the Nezuko treatment.
Karaku is a sadistic little fuck and I love him for it. Like yes baby, do that little fancy dance while you torture them.
Aizetsu. Baby. I will kiss you all over your face. Calling me an angel like you won't get your lips kissed off 😤
Urogi, my sweet bird man, you knew good and damn well humans couldn't fly. Play dumb for me some more and I'll kiss you too.
Thank you nonnie for the laugh.
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