#he ended up a little xiao its ok
kaoala · 1 year
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new oc! my farmerboy human wild magic sorcerer
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primofate · 1 year
Confessions Series - Part 1: Overheard [Genshin Impact Male Characters]
Note: Welp I had the itch to write again so here I am. Though sleep deprived because baby keeps waking up every 3 hours to feed... I wanted to do this haha. Based on @soulprompts “I love you” prompts. What other character should I do?
Warnings: haven’t written in a while please excuse and tell me about pronoun slips, I’m sleep deprived, not proofread, some are just concepts of liking someone, having a crush on them, while some are full blown love confessions. SOME ARE ANGSTY, chose only the male characters I wanted to write for instead of forcing myself to do all of them.
Characters: Aether, Albedo, Alhaitham, Ayato, Cyno, Dainsleif, Diluc, Itto, Kaeya, Scaramouche, Xiao, gn!reader  
Other works in this series: (Part 2 - Description)
Scenario: Talking to a friend about how you feel about him. Unbeknownst to you, he was listening, hidden round the corner. What does he do?
“He’s sweet,” You simply answer when asked what you like about Aether. “I mean, he’s a simple guy. He’s not a mystery, it’s not hard to read him nor to get along with him. I guess that’s one of the reasons why a lot of people like him.” 
“Uhuh,” your friend drawls, their head lazily resting on their hand. “but you don’t just like Aether. You seriously LIKE him,” 
You’re rendered speechless by the statement for a second, tripping over your first words, “Well--I mean--” and as if realizing you’re making a fool of yourself by speaking in garbles, you recover. “Yeah, I guess...” You don’t know why you admit to it, but it’s not like your friend didn’t already know.
What he does:
Is tempted to immediately walk up to you and reconfirm the conversation.
Stops himself for a minute and replays the whole conversation in his head, probably once, twice and maybe a third time.
Second guesses himself, but when he finally goes through all possible options, he realizes there’s no mistaking the overheard confession.
All the while, Paimon is nagging him to go talk to you. “You didn’t hear wrong! Stop thinking too much, hurry and go!” Ends up being pushed out into the open by his flying companion.
“Erm...Ahem” he coughs into his fist. “I...didn’t mean to eavesdrop...Y/N, sorry, but... can we continue this conversation somewhere else? Somewhere...a little more private?” and the shy smile he gives you is a tell tale sign that he had most likely felt the same.
“His schedule is always busy. He has his hands full with Klee, on top of all the work he needs to do,” was your excuse to your friend when asked why you haven’t confessed to the alchemist yet. “I don’t think Albedo has time for this type of thing, you know? He doesn’t need a distraction.”
What he does:
His logical side agrees that he doesn’t need a distraction.
But the other part of him doesn’t mind if its you.
Pauses for a moment, thinks about it for a second, before confronting you about it just minutes later.
“...Schedules can be made flexible, Y/N,” you jump at his sudden voice. “Just as distractions...can sometimes be a good thing,” Albedo stretches a hand out to you. “...Care to test how good of one you can be to me?” 
“Y/N, Alhaitham is FAR from stupid. There’s no way he hasn’t figured out that you have a crush on him,”
“Shush!!” You swerve around to your friend, ducking a little, as if that would help you become invisible. “People could be listening, besides, if that’s true, then it’s even worse. It means that he knows, and probably has no interest in me, so let’s just forget about it, ok?” 
What he does:
..................................No he doesn’t know. Sure he’s smart but............he could be dense when it came to these things. That, or he just didn’t know what to do.
Does not confront you about it immediately. In fact he turns around and walks away without being spotted, opting to think about his next steps instead of just rushing into the conversation.
Lo and behold a few days later he’ll show up in front of you with his usual stoic expression.
“Y/N,” he starts, and you freeze on the spot, looking up at him, blinking. 
“Y-Yes?” You haven’t seen nor heard from him in days and as usual, you attributed it to him being busy. Little did you know that he had been mulling over how to talk to you.
“I heard your conversation with (your friend) the other day,” straightforward was his answer to everything, even in this particular situation. 
It takes you a few seconds to internalize his words. You’re not even sure which conversation he means. You talk to (your friend) a lot. Your brows start to furrow in confusion, until he clarifies. 
“...I wouldn’t say that I completely have no interest in you,” he starts, and your shoulders tense up, now realizing which conversation it was. You could feel your cheeks start to burn, all you wanted to do was run away. 
Alhaitham holds back a sigh, “...Anyway, here is no place to talk about this... I’ll meet you at Puspa Cafe tonight, if you’re free,” 
You’re FAR from stupid too, and knew exactly what he was trying to do.
“Besides why would the Lord Commissioner even look at someone like me?” you hiss at your friend who was trying to persuade you that Ayato also had the hots for you. It just seemed a little delusional to you.
“He takes the chance to rile you up every time he sees you. He’s obviously doing it on purpose,” your friend counters. You roll your eyes up to high heaven.
“He does that to everyone...” you conclude, knowing that Ayato had the habit of--though you don’t know if intentionally--giving his servants a scare. 
“Alright, alright, you don’t have to be so jealous,” your friend quips back, you send them a quick glare before going back to doing your own work.
What he does:
Doesn’t even bat an eye. Smirks as he hears the whole story. 
Confidently reveals his presence to the two of you, chuckling.
“Jealousy doesn’t usually paint a beautiful colour,” he starts, the overly pleasant smile on his face. You straighten up immediately, eyes changing into saucers when you realize he had heard the whole thing. You open your mouth to explain, but he beats you to it.
“But I must say it looks a little different on you, Y/N, almost charming,” The side of his lip quirks up the slightest bit into a subtle grin. You bite your lip, there he is again trying to rile you up, maybe (your friend) was right. 
“...Is there anything I can do for you Lord Commissioner?” you ask, trying to stray away from the subject. He only chuckles. 
“You’ll find that there are a LOT of things you can do for me, Y/N. Start by accompanying me to tea, hm?” He wasn’t really asking, it was almost a command. 
You wished your friend snickering on the side would just shut up.
“...He’s a little intimidating don’t you think? I don’t know why you like him so much,” your friend comments, slacking off on their pile of paperwork. You roll your eyes at them. 
“Maybe because he works hard, unlike other people,” you shake your head a little. 
“As General Mahamatra he’s supposed to work hard. Just admit that you have weird tastes.” your friend counters, still procrastinating on their share of work.
“Okay, so what if he’s a little vicious in his ways? He’s just doing his job. Now, it would help me if you started doing yours as well,” 
What he does:
Doesn’t know what to do.
Stands hidden for quite a long time. The subject has already moved on and away from him.
Torn between revealing himself now or later. 
Can’t think properly so exits from the situation and comes back later that same day, when you’re still working with your friend.
As he approaches your table, your friend notices him first. (Your friend) nudges you with their elbow, tilting their chin up to let you know that someone was approaching. 
You pick your head up, and feel yourself go rigid when you see that it’s Cyno. At first you think to yourself that he might not be here to talk to you, maybe he’s just about to walk by...but he stops in front of your table and you’re left to wordlessly look up at him.
There’s a moment of silence that seemed to stretch on forever.
“...I value the high praise that you give me,” he starts and you immediately want to duck under the table and hide.
He heard. 
“O-Oh, G-General Mahamatra, you heard that...It’s...nothing, hard work deserves to be praised...” you avert your gaze down to the papers you were working on, pretending to continue and be busy with them. 
There was an awkward pause, your eyes darting up towards him for a second, checking if he was still looking at you, before breaking away again and furiously flipping through papers.
“...Do you want to play some TCG?” 
“Huh?” You end up with an incredulous look on your face, trying to gauge if he was serious. His face is still blank, but the usual tenseness in the way he carried himself gave way for a barely seen relaxation. It was hard to spot, but it was there. 
You ended up sighing a little in what you could only describe as relief, giving him a lopsided smile. “Sure, but go easy on me, I haven’t played in a while,”
“That’s fine. Perhaps a daily practice session will do you good,”
“Mysterious, aloof, disappears into thin air... A man like that? You probably should stay away, Y/N. You don’t know what he dabbles in,” (Your friend) warns, looking at you with genuine concern. 
“Perhaps he has some secrets...but I don’t think he’s a bad guy at all. I’ve spent some time conversing with Dainsleif here and there,” you continue to wipe the tables, not noticing that the man you were talking about had long entered the tavern already and was now standing behind the two of you.
“At least he’s handsome, there’s that,” (Your friend) adds. 
“Sure, but that’s not the only reason I like him,” you laugh.
What he does:
Wonders if he heard the conversation right and overanalyzes what you mean by “like” him.
Either way it stirs a strange emotion in him, one that he hadn’t felt in a long, long time.
Prefers to get things over with and thinks there’s no harm in confronting you immediately.
You hear someone clear their throat behind you. Thinking that it was a customer you turn around with a pleasant smile, only for it to slowly dwindle down into a shocked expression.
“Y/N,” he nods his head towards you casually. You gulp, force a smile, and nod back. “Hi, you’re early today,” just as your friend slips away from the conversation. Dainsleif doesn’t even spare them a glance.
He doesn’t have much to say about your comment of him being early. He doesn’t particularly know why he was early today either. Perhaps...fate would have him hear the conversation between you and (Your friend).
“Yes, well, it looks like there were benefits to being early today,” he meets you eye to eye, the intensity in his gaze almost makes you blush from your neck all the way up to the top of your head, but you fought the giddiness back. 
“...What can I get you?” there’s a shiver that threatens to run up your spine, wondering if your deflection was successful. Dainsleif closes his eyes momentarily, before opening them with a strange sense of courage. 
“Your company,”
“It’s been years,” (Your friend) says, the two of you looking up at the massive oak tree of Windrise. They glance at you from the side of their eye before continuing. “Are you still in love with Diluc?”
There’s a breeze that passes, almost melancholic, and partly whispered of sorrow. “...I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving him.” You pick your hand up to rub at your arm. “Jean, Kaeya, Diluc and I...So many things have changed since we were kids...but I don’t think that spot for Diluc will ever go away,”
“Does he know, at least?” (Your friend) asks and you half scoff. 
“I’m not sure, I get the feeling he does, but doesn’t act on it. Which is why...maybe the only way to solve this emptiness is to leave Mondstadt altogether.” 
“Out of sight, out of mind huh?” (Your friend) claps your back, and turns around to start walking away with you.
What he does:
Internally a mess of emotions. Doesn’t know where to start. 
but he’s just standing there and he’s stuck watching (your friend) and you turn around to come face to face with him. 
He looks at you, a wave of memories and emotions flashing through his mind all at once, it almost overwhelms him. 
“D-Diluc,” you stutter, heart freezing in your chest. You see him take a steadying breath in, prying his gaze away from you and over to (Your friend).
“(Your friend), could you give us a minute?” he asks. (Your friend) obliges, passing you a quick glance before going ahead on their own. Another breeze runs by, ruffling his long red hair. 
“...I didn’t mean for you to hear that,” you start, and yet he doesn’t say anything, prompting you to continue talking. “...You don’t have to think about it too much, it’s just silly--”
“I wasn’t sure,” he cuts you off, eyes drawn to the ground now. “I wasn’t sure...if you really felt that way.” 
The statement somehow exasperates you. “You weren’t sure? All those times I stayed by your side when everyone else left--” then it hits you. “Or were you scared, Diluc?”
The quick grimace in his expression tells you the answer. His reply comes a few seconds later, “I was, I still am,” but he picks his head up, and finally looks you straight in the eye. “...but this time...” his fists clench on his side. “This time give me the chance to show you how much I really care about you,”
He was not going to lose you too.
“Seriously?! Itto? Arataki Itto? Are you for real?” (Your friend) announces to nearly half of the food stall, the other customers swerving around to look at the two of you. 
"Oh, say it a bit louder why don’t you?” You roll your eyes at your friend and continue eating.”
“Sorry. I just--Out of all the people you could choose, your huge crush is on that big brute??” your can tell by the look on your friend’s face that they think you have weird tastes.
What he does:
Butts in without even thinking of the conversation. Has no clue what’s going on.
You and your friend startle, swerving around to see none other than the oni with his hands on his hips. “Y/N?! You planning on crushing me?!” then he guffaws with laughter, slapping his knees in the process. “Yeah right, you’re no match for me!”
Your previously gaped open mouth slowly closes and your shoulders relax, sighing. You’re a little disappointed he doesn’t get it at all. Your friend shakes their head with a long sigh. “You stupid oaf, we don’t mean it that way...” 
Itto’s head tilts sideways, a genuinely confused look on his face. “No? Then... Watcha all talkin about?” 
You grab your friend’s arm and pull them forward the slightest bit. “It’s not important! Actually, we better get going--”
“Y/N has a CRUSH on you, idiot! Y/N LIKES you!” Your friend explodes, patience long gone. 
Itto blinks at the confession, his eyes darts towards you, “...Oh,” then there’s the slight tugging at his chest, he can’t help but beam and smile silly. “Yeah? You’re not too bad yourself Y/N! I like you too!”
You’re not sure if he really understood the confession in its entirety. 
“It’s all just fun and games with Kaeya. It doesn’t mean anything,” you laugh sheepishly, yet you rub the back of your neck a little.
“...Do you want it to be just fun and games?” your friend chides, and there’s a moment of silence. The two of you just sitting there already knowing the answer, it’s almost uncomfortable, until your friend sighs. 
“...Let’s change the subject,” 
What he does: 
responds immediately. Will not wait a second longer to come out of his hiding place and ask about what he just heard.
“How about let’s not?” Kaeya emerges out of nowhere, slipping into the seat next to you at the cafe. His poise is confident and instantly his head lazily places itself into the palm of his hand, gaze lingering at you. 
“Snowflake, I had no idea you felt like that,” his voice is smooth like ice and you bite your lip to keep yourself from saying something stupid.
“...I didn’t say anything though?” you countered, trying to evade the conversation. Your friend watches on with interest. 
“Silence speaks volumes, Y/N,” Kaeya scoots even closer to you, your shoulders touching each other. However, he maneuvers his arm around to lay on the seat behind you. “So if you’re opposed to what I’m about to do, better speak up,”
He leans closer, inch by inch, he waits for you to say something.
You stay silent.
He grins.
“Hat guy? He’s brutal. But who am I to comment on your tastes, Y/N. You’ve always been weird,” (Your friend) chides, watching as you go over the bookshelf again. 
“Stop calling him that,” You murmur under your breath, more focused on finding the right book for your research. “That’s not his only distinctive feature, you know,” you continue, still engrossed in looking for a book.
“Oh? What else are his “distinctive features”?” (Your friend) drawls, rolling their eyes. 
You hum a little, then plop on the ground cross-legged, wanting to get a better look on the last row of books of the Akademiya’s library. “...His eyes,” you simply answer. “They’re a beautiful shade of violet-blue...He’s always glaring at someone half of the time but he actually has very pretty eyes,” 
There’s silence and you finally get the peace you need to concentrate. However, that silence is broken by a voice that you know all too well.
What he does:
is amused.
thinks its cute pathetic.
will still look angry but will have a hard time actually being angry.
will be cocky.
“My eyes, huh?”
It’s hard to completely turn around in your sitting position, so you do the best you can to turn, side eye landing on Scaramouche’s form. He has his arms crossed as usual, but there’s a smug smirk on his face. “Didn’t know it was that fascinating to you, bookeater,”
It was supposed to be an insulting nickname for you, who always had your nose in a book, but you took no offense to it at all.
You didn’t know what to say, so you continued staring at him. He being the anti-social person that he was, just stared back. There was a big gap of silence before he felt that it was becoming too awkward. 
“...What’re you looking for?” he blurted out.
“...A book...”
“Are you stupid? Of course you’re looking for a book. I meant what’s the title?” There his usual sneer was back again and he unfolded his arms to look at you unimpressively. 
“...A History of Inazuma: Volume 2...” you meekly replied, slowly realizing that he actually heard you praising him.
“You’re in the wrong section,” the exasperated sigh he gives out causes you to wince, and you turn away back to the bookshelf as if to shield you from all this embarrassment. 
“If it’s about Inazuma, you should just be asking me,” you blink as your peripheral catches sight of an outstretched hand. You tilt your head to see that he’s offering his hand, but his face is blank.
“...Well? Come on. I don’t have all day,”
You bite your lip to keep yourself from smiling, something about the way he said it sounds threatening, but also slightly playful. But that’s just the way he was. 
You accept his hand, and he pulls you up easily.
“Oh so that’s why you’re coming over more frequently...” (Your friend) grins, and you wave your hands around to tell them to quiet down. Adepti had good hearing after all.
“Well, I’m also coming over cause Verr Goldet needs more help these days in the kitchen. You guys are getting so much customers these days that Yanxiao has a hard time by himself,”
“Uhhuuhhhhhh, sure...was it also Verr Goldet who told you to try and master the Almond Tofu recipe from Yanxiao? Cause you’re awfully hell bent on trying to learn that recipe, according to Yanxiao,” 
You fall silent, feeling heat crawling up your neck. “I--” You start, searching for an excuse, but realized there was no escaping this one. “I just want to do something nice for Xiao, that’s all,” you innocently quip. “I...I know I can’t help him much, but maybe just cooking his favourite dish will help, even a little,”
(Your friend) smiles a little, knowing that the adepti probably heard everything. “That’s nice of you, Y/N. You must care about him a lot,” 
What he does:
once upon a time he would do absolutely nothing. because getting involved with humans is something he shouldn’t do.
But now he bides his time, and observes if it’s safe to open up. 
He wouldn’t outright thank you at first, but he’ll slowly show up in front of you a little more everyday.
He’s rather awkward, so at first he only nods his head as thanks when you leave the bowl of almond tofu on the ledge.
Eventually when he realizes you’re not going to stop cooking for him he goes the extra mile to do something simple for you too.
He places a stalk of your favourite flower on the ledge, right before you come to put down his bowl of almond tofu. 
I’ve published The Ruthless Prince (Reader x Scaramouche) on paperback. Check it out here:
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noellefan101 · 9 months
Your First Date-Genshin
Characters: Xiao, Albedo, Venti, Cyno x gn reader (separate)
Summary: your first date(random headcanons of your first date with them)
Warnings: just fluff and small headcanons, also not proof-read
Note: i´m sry for the late(r) post, i have some family problems im trying to get rid of, but its taking a lot of my energy and motivation, hope you understand, i love you all
this is part 1, out of two(maybe three)
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I feel like he would try and make it as romantic as he can, but he doesn't really get how. but he gets an A+ for trying
he definitely has some almond tofu, and just this once he´ll share some with you(thats not going to be the last time my dude)
for the location, i´d say someplace up high in liyue, so you can look down on either the city or whatever you see really(hilichurls dancing)
he accidentally stared at you too long, and started turned (very) red when you pointed it out(bro was a tomato lets be fr)
he gave you a hairpin(or a normal peice of jewlary, if you dont have hair/dont want a hairpin) that was made to look like his mask(so cute)
it´d be up in dragonspine, lets be honest, it doesn't even have to be his lap up there(but it would be the safest so...)
he shows you some alchemy if you want
or he paints with you/teaches you how to paint kinda like him
^^he also painted you looking out at the horizon(you pretty motherf*cker)
if you´re cold, he´ll give you his jacket/he also thought the blush on your cheeks were cute as he did so/
^^he "forgot" to take his jacket back, and you didnt realize you still had it on/you now own one of his jackets/
he gave you some artificial flowers he made, could be in front of you, and made that his little gift for you
its at windrise, you had your first date at windrise, you cannot tell me otherwise ok
he brought dandelion wine(shocker), and he actually shared it with you(he normally would never)
besides wine, he also brought some apples, and an apple pie(that he made with love and care)
he´ll definitely climb the big tree with you and sit up there
he would steal your jacket if he got cold(you´ll be fine, you´re going to have to carry him home anyway)
he was thinking abt riding davalin on your first date, but he didnt want to scare you(davalin thought it was a horrible idea)
you would be playing cards, you cant convince me otherwise
it would either be in Puspa cafe or at his house, he lets you decide
he would also help you win over him, or basically teach you how to be good
^^you never actually won, sadly
you would either cook food together, buy some(his treat), or he would have made your favorites before you came over(yes he knew your fav beforehand)
he asked tighnari for help with a gift, because he couldn't decide of something to give you(tighnari mentally facepalmed when cyno asked, its not he would know)
^^he ended up picking either a piece of jewelry, a tcg card or a piece of clothing(depends on what you like)
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thank u so much for reading, luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
This is riding off the language stuff in sagau but I just cant get it out of my head a reader who uses tumblr slang every once in a while. like they meet the Traveller and they're like "Omg I'm so cheesed to meet you!!" And the Traveller is just like "???" meanwhile Paimon integrates that into her vocabulary. And then maybe at some point, if the reader has a vision they're like "MAIMING AND BITING YOU" "THAT'S IT! I'M SENDING YOU TO EEBY DEEBY!" while their poor teammates are so confused. Just imagine going over to ppl like Razor, Klee, Chongyun and going "Awwww my lil scrunglos"
Just a very chaotic reader in general lmao
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Bro imma be honest i missed out on some slang on tumblr bc i was off of it for awhile before i refreshed this old blog 
So my reaction to these slang words (except for scrunglies/scrunglos ik that one) is just as confused but also its rlly funny that im in the same situation as them LMAO 😭
I would think honestly, even if ur doin it on purpose, 
I feel like some slang or refs r too ingrained into my soul to not make
So i would just accidentally use slang/memes, esp around funny ppl like Kaeya or Beidou, and then just give up eventually 💀
So i stg everytime Xiao shows up in a event or smth it surprises me everytime lol
With his teleporting ability i would guess that if ur just chillin around Liyue anytime, Xiao just… shows up lol
Tea with Zhongli? Oh jesus Xiao’s here now.
Watching Xinyan and Yunjin play? Hes on the roof.
Picking ingredients with Xiangling to help her cook yall some amazing food?
Hes in the tree u were just picking Sunsettias in-
So ur in Mondstadt, and ur like,
“oh well no Xiao here, huh kinda feels weird now”
eventually ur dumbass trips over nothing and goes tumbling down a hill, u know, as u do
Ur at the bottom like, 💀 
And its kinda hot and ur tired, and r selfaware of ur own goofiness so u just-
“I can see the end of the horizon, is this an internal dialouge-”
Xiao comes around the hill ur splayed at the bottom of.
“??? No. It’s me. Xiao. The Yaksha Adeptus, my liege?”
U see those scary ruin machines the ones with the fucking legs in Sumeru,
Cyno is ur bodyguard for the day, 
And at first he doesn’t see it, like its behind him, but it just like came around a corner, so it hasnt locked in on yall yet
(i headcanon that even if u r the Creator, these are machines, and dont have the sentience to even be self-aware let alone process wtf u are, ig if Khaeynriah made hella AI that is aware maybe it could fathom u)
And u try to warn him but not scare him, so
Cue Cyno like
“A horse??? In the desert, Greatest Lord what the fu-”
Almost gets stomped on 😭 rip.
U see Scara for the first time and u befriend him
Ur the only god besides Nahida he’s ok with aw
and one day he’s bodyguarding u around Sumeru 
He gets a little too into it and goes ham on several ruin machines
Like full on elmo burning anarchy meme, he's literally cackling floating above the pile of flaming metal-
And ur just clapping like: “that’s my skrunkly :) <3"
He literally interrupts his own cackle, its the most expressive youve ever seen him 
😶 😑 😶 ?????¿¿¿??¡¡?!!
U usually define the words/memes as best u can but u specifically just call him that and never explain LOL
I dont even mean just replying with a real thing^
I probably couldve posted ur ask w/o even adding onto it tbh
I dont think its anywhere near as chaotic as what u described but ya boy isnt the good at writing 😔
so i just focused on the memes 🤲
Have a good week anon :O !!
🌒🌧🌊 💀Aquarius ♒️🌌🌘
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
[Good chance of them being; the cutest things in the entire multiverse ever, much better than the fruit twins; according to Dawn.]
Oi, them be fighting words. If Dawn's not careful, he gonna end up looking like Eben Byers otherwise.
[Canon!SWK/Dawn is just sobbing from the cuteness of their daughters. He def ranks them higher on the cuteness ladder than any of the au! kiddos.]
Like, the other SWKs get it, they too find their own kiddos the cutest amongst the cubs, but still - "Oh, put them up, buttercup!"
[Jackpotshipping is unlikely. .. Unless they find another freebie in the trash .. Street orphans are negotiable.]
Ace coming to visit one day and leaves with a new kid he found in Megapolis, calling 'dibs' XD
[Canon!Red: "It will keep our parents off of our backs regarding children at least. For at least for a few months."]
A few months later, in the restaurant, MK and Red are sort-of being cornered and asked about the future kids, only for SWK bust through the door, an absolute manic grin on his face, tail wagging at speeds comparable to a jet engine, while holding Macaque in a bridal carry.
There is no sight of the nimbus, so the group wonders if he ran here...
"We're pregnant!" SWK announces, before backpedaling, "Well, not 'we', not like our alts, but we are, well, Mac is, ugh, I helped!"
"Give him a minute. He is so excited he left his brain back on Flower Fruit Mountain." Macaque laughs softly at that.
So much excited screeching incoming.
And relief, from Spicynoodles now that the group's attention is diverted again.
Even if Canon PIF and Mac are not more than begrudging allies, I could see them looking up things for the babies, for the former to see what's new and useful for rearing children since she now knows what needs to be done to make more.
Though, the best advice must come from those who have raised multiple kids by now:
"Color code everything!"
"Kids will argue about what belongs to whom. Especially twins - and triplets. Color coding saves your sanity. Can't argue the teddy bear is yours if it has a bandana of your siblings color, right?"
"Also, just because you're craving it, don't nonstop indulge. The weight makes the birth worse."
"What do you mean by that?" Gets shown the image of the Nodelets after birth, "Holy shit, she's huge!"
referencing posts about the Canon LMK Shadowpeach having kids in the Wukongverse.
["Give him a minute. He is so excited he left his brain back on Flower Fruit Mountain."]
Ok thats gotta be my favorite way to describe how Wukong reacts to such good news. I love the mental imagery of his tail going at the speed of a helicopter rotor as he tries to figure out how to announce it to the gang. Canon MK is def the first to start crying with proxy happiness.
[Though, the best advice must come from those who have raised multiple kids by now]
Aww, I love the thought of the other parent LEMs giving Canon!Macaque/Dusk baby advice. Like a moms club.
And ofc Plum using Yuebei's baby photo as a warning not to indulge. He jokes that the little girl "needed her own room" or else neither he nor Peach would have been able to move from the baby weight. Dusk shudders at the thought.
Liang tells horror stories of the 5 stone-fruit monkeys fighting over whos things are whos. Colour co-ordination is such a must to avoid in-fighting.
Zhanshi has softer advice on how to take care of a smaller/weaker baby (Xiaoyun hatched prematurely). And Olive just says "You are gonna feel like crap sometimes. Its normal."
Meanwhile in the next room, Canon!SWK/Dawn is getting roasted by the whole SWK gang for his worrying + his brain stuttering from happiness.
[Oi, them be fighting words]
I can imagine all the other SWKs letting Dawn have his moment of new-dad-pride when the twins are actually born, but you know the fists and staffs are flying the second Dawn tries saying his kids are the cutest of the whole multiverse. Smokey argues for Xiao Qi, whos so cute he literally heals the world. Dasheng in turn argues for Xiaoyun, his scrappy little cloud. Cherry is then like "nope, you're all wrong. your babies can't out-cute my pebble army."
Its worse than the time the other DBKs met and went full soccer-dad on eachother.
The LEMs come back only to see the living room completely destroyed. Someone has been tosed through a screen door. The table has been broken in half.
Only the ones that stayed out of it are the SWKs who don't have any kids + Ace ( s laughing up a storm).
Plum: "What in buddha's name happened here!?" Peach: "A matter of pride. Dawn tried saying his kids are cuter than ours." Plum: "...thats dumb. You know babies look ugly as frick to anyone not the parents. Simple biology." The Other SWKS, regaining conciousness: "Huh?" Plum: "Observe. I was just showing the other Macs a certain newborn photo of Yuebei. Does this look like a cute baby to you?" The Other SWKs: *looks at photo* Photo: *newborn Yuebei being weighed on a kitchen scale. Her face is super wrinkly, and her fur is really wispy and wet-looking. Looks like a little angry gremlin. Her smaller brothers are right next to her in the bassinet.* Smokey: "Sweet buddha..." Cherry: "Thats a HUGE baby!" Dasheng: "...did you say newborn!?" Plum: "Yup. Why did you think I warned Dusk not to give into cheese cravings?" Dawn: "I thought that was just photoshop..."
The argument is immediately forgotten, as now the SWKs are just glad that they didn't get a mega-sized 9-pound potato baby. Its all in good fun though, as Plum and Peach consider Yuebei to be their little ice lily.
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emocka · 9 months
Bedroom wedding
It was the biggest event of the year. Your wedding with Xiao from 6breeze.
But hell rained down. Your cake was destroyed from the fans, the venue destroyed from the stampede, your dress ruined because the jealous Xiao fans dumped red wine down it, the police arresting every single fan of sixth breeze, a small fire that burned the wedding gifts. You were crying Xiao screaming bloody murder at the people who were getting arrested, he friends trying to calm him down, the officator confessing what he had done.
So how did it end up like this?
- a week before the wedding-
'X-xiao?' You stuttered quietly.
'Yes?' He smiled as he looked over at you.
'My viewers have been b-bugging me to get a special g-guest on s-stream.' You said very anxious and nervous.
You were a vtuber. A very popular one. You little character was a cute human wearing a very adorable butterfly jacket.The character had a small septum piercing and a spider bite piercing. A pair of butterfly wings attached to your character. They were black and teal.
Xiao choose the colors off the wings awhile back when you choose to update your look.
He also drew the current models hairstyle.
'When?' He asked.
You looked at him surprised. You thought he'd reject the offer.
'Is tomorrow ok?' You asked.
He nodded.
He knew this was coming. It why he drew up a design as well. He had it set up too.
His avatar wore a giant black Hoodie, hair the same color as his, the avatar had cat ear with piercing going through them.
The next day came Xiao was in the shared room setting up his model. He got it set next to yours. He had another motion capture camera next to yours.
You were very nervous your stutter getting worse. Xiao started up the stream.
He whispered in your ear. You nodded calming down.
'Hi guys!'
He smiled as the stream went into a frenzy.
You were adding the finishing touches to you wedding dress. You were a seamstress when not streaming. You made your wedding dress by hand. Same with the brides maid dresses. Hand made.
Xiao knocked on the door.
'Yes?' You said. You had your days were the stutter didn't show up.
He entered the room.
'Hey I have some seats reserved for wangshu if you would like to have a date night.' He said scrolling through his phone. 'After that we can go to the new desert shop that just opened up.'
He looked up. God you looked so beautiful. Pin cushion on your wrist tongue slightly poking out revealing a tongue piercing. Your tongue peiricng glittering in the light. It had a small butterfly stopper something Xiao got for your anniversary. It was a matching one to his ear piercing.
You looked up.
'Sounds great...ow' you poked your finger.
Great seamstress bad habit of sewing with out looking.
'Put that down. Come on let's get going.' He said. You nodded putting everything away.
The date was nice. It was relaxing. You were able to iron out a few details.
You looked lumine. Something had happened and you were in full panic mode.
'B-b-b-but th-th-they said it would b-b-be here' You stuttered out. 'I-i-i need the arch h-here!'
'Its ok. I have kaveh working on something. The wedding is this Saturday. He says he'll have it done by Friday. All he asks is that you be patient. Hell do it free. Think of it as a gift.'
You nodded.
'Hey I know this a a multi million mora private wedding you'll pull this off. Besides what the worse that can happen? A few late guests.' She said patting your shoulder.
Oh how wrong she was.
You stared at the venue door. You weren't picky you really weren't, but you had a very very bad feeling. So you demanded extra security for Saturday. The wedding planner tried her best to assure you that it would be ok. After some convincing you dropped the subject.
Xiao ripped the wedding planner a new one that fateful day.
You gasped. The arch was pretty. Kaveh smiled.
'From your reaction I take it you love it' He said. 'I looked at the original one and changed the design a bit.'
'Thank you' You said. 'I'll pay you.'
'Please don't. Think of this as a wedding gift.' He said smiling.
'But you had to rush to make it' You started but he cut you off.
'Please dont.' He said.
Friday evening
That night you and Xiao were at the hotel across the street from the venue. Your wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses in the changing room at the venue.
You stared at the building the feeling getting worse. Xiao was in the shower.
'Why won't it go away?' You asked quietly.
'Why won't what go away?' Xiao asked causing you to jump. 'Sorry.'
'Its f-fine' you said averting your eyes.
Xiao was out of the shower towel around his waist. His hair was still dripping.
You hid behind your hands.
'Youve seen it so many times' Xiao said small smile appearing. 'Why do you hide everytime?'
'I-i don't know' your voice muffled by your hands.
Xiao just smiled walking over to you. Wrapping his arms around your body he looked at the building.
'What feeling were you talking about' He asked.
'I asked for more security on Thursday. Wedding planner said not to worry about what they have is plenty. ' You said looking up at him. 'I have a bad feeling that this wedding is going to end in a disaster. We spent so much money on it. Lumine agreed with me on the security when I texted her.'
Xiao nodded pulling away.
'Ill see what I can do. Go shower.' He kissed the top of your head. 'And wear this.'
He gave you something. You looked at it then him.
Xiao was a man with very few demands but he knew what he wanted and when he wanted it.
You smiled.
'Ok.' You said closing the curtains heading for the bathroom.
It was the big.
You woke up first. You didn't have to be up till ten and it was currently seven thirty. Xiao sensing you awake woke up as well.
'What's wrong?' He asked pulling you close.
'The feelings back' you said sitting up slowly.
Xiao followed the action pulling you into his lap.
'I'll take care of it' He said.
You nodded.
'Lets sleep a little more' He said kissing your cheek.
You smiled at the thought.
'Huh?!' Your mom was here? You never gave her an invitation. 'But she threw me out at sixteen. I haven't spoken to her in over ten years! Who fucking spilled! I haven't spoken to my family in ten fucking years! Who fucking told her'
You were mad. No one answering lumine leaving to kick your mom out. The other girls scrambling to figure out how.
The make up artist made a face before she turned you to face her.
You kept silent lumine returning holding what looked like an invite.
'She says she bribed the mail man for this. Turns out she lives next to me.' Lumine said.
You made a noise. The make up artist looked at you smiling.
'And done. What do you think?' She asked holding up the hand mirror.
You had turquoise eye shadow, the wings small but big enough to suit your face nicely. The inner eye lid had a nice green.
'Wait...did you color match my fiance hair to do my makeup?' You asked.
She nodded.
'Thanks.' You said.
She smiled back as you handed her the check.
'Have a lovely day and heres to a long and happy marriage.
With that she left. Lumine approached you.
'Come on love, let's get you in the dress. Everyone else is waiting for you.' She smiled.
'Lumine. Your the best maid of honor' you said.
'Aw thanks love come on' She said pulling you up.
You looked around the room. A strange noise coming from outside. The whole room dead silent. The officator not talking.
'Xiao...somethings not right' you said.
Xiao nodded. He had called for extra security but he felt the same.
You both looked out the window just in time for something to shatter it. A girl climbed through. Suddenly windows started breaking more girls climbing through even boys. You looked on in horror then heard a Crack. Looking at the door you cursed yourself quietly as the door broke.
This was a private wedding. Yes it was the main event of the year but it was private. Only your fellow classmates from teyvat university were allowed.
'XIAO NO! YOUR MINE' a girl shrieked running towards you.
More followed.
Suddenly the whole building was over run by 6th breeze fans. Your guests scattered around trying to handle everything. You looked over at the gift table. Some fan had set it on fire. You looked at the cake just in time to see someone knock it over. Fans grabbing bottles of wine. They ran toward you opening them. Xiao was suddenly carried off. You watched as the fans dumped the wine on you. You were in shock you just let them.
Aether, kazuha, kazuha fiancee rin, lumine, tighnari, and ganyu were on their phones calling for the police. Itto was trying to put the fire out with kuki and yan fei. Zhongli was prying girls off Xiao with venti scaramouche and cyno. Dehya was tackling the girls who had dumped red wine on your dress.
All of your guests were trying to get the entire thing under control.
You started crying the banquet of flowers falling from your hands so you could cover your face.
It went dead silent everyone looking at your shaking figure. You fell to the ground.
There you sat on the ground.
'I have something to confess.' The officator said. 'I- in my excitement- may have leaked the location and time'
You sobbed harder.
It was ruined. Three and a half million mora down the drain. Three and a half million mora you couldn't get back. All because some dumb ass decided to leak the location.
Soon the police arrived. They came in big numbers having been told what the situation was and how bad it was. Without a glance they started handcuffing the fans. Xiao had managed to escape the girls and run to your side. He tried his best to comfort you. Your wedding planner next to him.
He stood up and looked at her.
'Thanks to you trying to convince my fiancee that it was safe we now have no wedding ceremony! If you had just shut up and done something about her feelings we wouldn't be in this situation!' He began.
The wedding planner trying to utter an explanation but he wasn't having it. 'Don't you start I have her word. Next time someone says something you listen. And you!'
He turned to face the fans. Aether kazuha scaramouche, heizou and venti trying to calm him down.
'You are all insane! Your my fans?! Last I checked they don't make my fiancee cry! They don't destroy a wedding ceremony, they don't ruin a dress my fiancee spent two years working on. You will be hearing from my lawyers and you will be paying the damages.'
Xiao bent down scooping you up.
'Wedding is off. Someone call the cleaners tell them I'll pay them double if they can clean up this mess. I'll triple it if its too much.' He said walking away with you in his arms.
You were still crying. Xiao did his best to calm you down. He walked across the street to the hotel.
You were in the middle of the bathroom Xiao undoing the dress. It was stained from all the red wine.
'There we go' He said undoing the zipper. The dress fell off your body slowly. Xiao prepped the shower as you stood there.
The only thing that could be salvage was the garter. It was white with a turquoise flower sewn on it.
You removed it dropping it next to the dress. Xiao stared at you. You were a mess. Eyes red, make up running hair in a loose messy bun. You smelled of wine.
'Come here love' He said.
You approached him slowly. He hugged you.
'Let get you out of these and in the shower' you nodded doing as said while he stripped down.
You stood under the shower head crying quietly. Xiao hugging you trying his best to comfort you.
That night you slept breathing uneven. Xiao scrolling on his phone one hand one your back.
New of the wedding made it, news of your face being revealed to be the famous blind butterfly vtuber, news of your agency cutting ties with you due the incident, news of Xiao loosing his cool.
So he went of social media calling out his 'fans' the wedding planners company, the vtuber agency.
*I want to give a very big FUCK YOU to the people involved in today's disasters. Thanks to you I now have an inconsolable fiancee who won't stop crying. She not only lost her dream wedding but has also lost her vtubing career. Her streaming days are now over because you couldn't keep the picture off the internet. The officator is stupid for having leaked the location of my private wedding. The wedding planner for not listening to my baby girl. I'm beyond pissed. You don't crash a private event. You definitely don't pour wine down someone's significant other. That dress was coming in at a million mora. Trust me she had an official dress designer take a look at it. That was two years of work down the drain. Two year of work only for me to see her in it for an hour. You will be paying for the damages. You will make an apology to my fiancee and it better be a sincere apology. I'm canceling the meet and greet as a punishment to those who caused this disaster.*
He watched as the media went wild. 6th breeze sharing his post. The guests reposting it. Fans pleading begging him to not cancel the meet and greet. The vtuber agency you were signed with responding to the post stating you had broken an agreement in your contract. Xiao called bs doing what he could to save your favorite thing in the world.
Eventually he went to sleep pulling your figure close.
Morning came and you had your dress on the hanger.
Xiao had woken up because your side was cold. He sat up spotting you on the ground. You had several bottles of cleaner next to you. You were dabbing at the red stain trying to get it out. Tears stained your cheeks a bunch of tissues surrounding you all red. But the damage was to big for you to clean.
Xiao slipped off the bed quielty approaching you. He sat next to you grabbing a tissue to help you. You thanked him quietly. He just nodded and started dabbing at the dress.
After a few hours you threw your hands up in frustration.
'I don't even know if the dry cleaners can save this. I had the dress design in my art book for years! Now it's ruined.' You said.
'They can try. I know you spent two years sewing the dress together. I know you spent long hours working on it.' Xiao cupped your cheek. 'Come on let take it to them and see if they can save it'
You nodded standing up with him. Together you managed to get the dress off the hanger and in packed neatly in a duffel bag.
The dry cleaner lady smiled when she saw the dress.
'Yes my time to shine.' She said. 'I can clean this. It'll be a couple days. But I can get this cleaned off and looking like it just came off the shelf.'
Xiao nodded sighing in relief. You were in the car scared to come in.
'Leave me you number and I'll call when it's done.' She said.
Xiao did as told then left. He walked up to the car and entered.
'She says she can rescue the dress.' He heard you sigh in relief. 'Would you...like to get something to eat?'
You guys haven't eaten in the last 24 hours.
Yes full twenty-four hours of no food.
'Please' you said.
'What sounds good?' He asked looking at you.
'Good hunter' you looked back at him.
He nodded starting the car.
You were in just a shirt when Xiao asked the question.
'Hey y/n' Xiao voice came from behind you. 'What if...we just got married here?'
'Huh?' You looked up from the book.
Xiao was in his shorts shirtless.
'What if we just got married in this room. My dad can officiate. We could have our guests in this room.' He said sitting next to you. 'No fancy dresses, no fancy building. Just us my dad and our college friends.'
You thought about it before nodding.
'I'll send a mass text to everyone. Come in what their wearing. Call zhongli.' You said grabbing your phone.
Lumine almost took the door off its hinges with scaramouche behind her. She was literally in her pj's scaramouche fully dressed in everyday clothes, aether right behind her, kazuha and his fiancee rin followed. Soon all the teyvat university students were here waiting.
Zhongli arrived smiling. Making sure everyone was settled he began.
'You may kiss the bride.' Zhongli said.
Xiao happily kissed you. Everyone clapping. He pulled away hugging you.
'Alright! Let reserve the Celestia building for a party! Lumine smiled.
'Are you kidding me?! You spent last night drinking heavily and suddenly your hang over is gone!' Aether said looking at her 'now your planning parties!'
'Joy killer!' She said pointing at him.
'We may be adults but that doesn't mean I cant kick your ass' Aether said launching himself at his sister.
You giggled as the twins fought.
'DONT FORGET YOUR VISIONS!' Lumine shouted as she tackled aether to the ground.
True to lumines word she reserved the Celestia building.
That night you guys celebrated your marriage. Everyone in casual clothes. Xiao had his arms around you. You were hiding in the corner smiling, watching everyone interact.
Cyno playing tcg with dehya, tighnari nilou and albedo discussing something, Jean Lisa kaeya and diluc talking, aether holding venti in a headlock to prevent him from emptying out the bar tap, lumine talking to zhongli who had nahidas hand ei right behind him. Childe trying to flirt with lumine.
Xiao leaned in close.
'While this is great I have a surprise for you' He said pulling his phone out.
You watched as he showed you a transaction. The name sounded familiar.
'Wait! Xiao did you?' You asked looking at him.
He nodded.
'I purchased your model just so you could keep it.' He kissed your cheek 'I argued with the agency for a bit before they agreed to let me buy it. This is my gift to you.'
You started tearing up thanking him profusely. He just smiled nuzzling your cheek.
You guy did redo the wedding this time with heavy security. Were you going over the top? Maybe.
You had guards at every single window, door, and bathroom.
Did your guests think you were going overboard? Nope. All guest brought their visions.
6th breeze fans had apologized, payed the damages.
Your dress was saved and you tipped the cleaner a big one as a thanks.
For the flower toss you just walked over to kazuha fiancee and handed it to her. Xiao did the same with the garter he gave it to kazuha.
You looked at the crowd.
Venti got drunk discovering his limit, he also got aether and Xiao drunk as well. Lumine was having too much fun with scaramouche. Childe trying his darn best to presuade an unsuspecting razor for a fight. Kaveh and alhaitham were doing....things in a private closet. Barbara was helping Bennett who once again fell on his butt because of a rock. Zhongli was holding nahidas hand keeping ei away from the kitchen. Cyno was playing tcg with dehya Candice and tighnari trying to keep the peace between the two players. Nilou albedo and diluc having a discussion.
Everyone had smiles on their faces happy and at peace.
Your fellow vtubers came along in their vtuber forms as well. You had signed a new contact with a brand new agency hence the new vtuber friends.
You smiled as PRETTY HAVØC came on watching people dance. Xiao stumbled over to you barely missing the chair.
'I'm so happy we managed to get the dream wedding' He said slurring his words. 'But im going to kill that idiot'
You giggled patting his cheek.
Yea this was better. But not as good as getting married in a hotel room. Everyone in their everyday clothes, pajamas, bathing suits (that was dehya having a spa day that morning she just jumped in her car).
'I think I liked the wedding we held in the hotel room.' You said to him.
Xiao looked out at the crowd agreeing.
'Lets start this marriage off with our friends' He said sitting up leaning over to kiss you.
You looked at Xiao test in hand. It was positive.
'This is real?' He asked looking at the test.
You nodded.
'How long?' He asked.
'Possibly a month and a half' you said fearing the worse.
You watched as he stared at the test before wrapping his arms around you.
'Thank you' He whispered.
You smiled into his chest.
You had a little girl months later. Her name was guizhong.
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bubbles-lounge · 1 year
"𝘌𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘱𝘦" 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 part 2/3
(Last ending)
{N/N}= Nickname
It's been a few months since I ran from my past problems. I now am friends with 5 people who are childe, zhongli, Xiao, ganyu and hu Tao.
The first ones I met were hu tao and ganyu as ganyu found me in a distressed state and after I was calm she showedwed me around liyue harbor and I bumped into hu tao during that.
Through hu tao I met zhongli as I went to the funeral parlor to meet up with her but she wasn't there so I ended up talking with zhongli
Through zhongli I met xiao and childe. Met childe by him simply running up to zhongli and talking with him quickly then introduced himself, I wonder what he does to have so much mora? I met xiao by running into him and zhongli talking about the famous traveler.
I wonder how they will react to me wanting to travel, maybe I can ask them if I can meet traveler to help him, then I get to help someone and also explore places:)
I have currently called all of them to meet me at the funeral parlor to tell them about my decision, I was going to travel, Im sure they will be fine with it, right?
I open the door to see Xiao, zhongli, hu tao and ganyu..Where's childe???
"Umm guys where's childe?"
I jump forward in surprise and turn my head to see childe with a happy expression, yea.. They be fine with it.
"What did you need to tell all of us,{Name}?"
I turn back to meet eyes with zhongli, deep breath... It's fine that not like them, it will be fine, deep breath.
"I wanted ask if you could help me meet traveler so I could fulfill my dream!"
I look down in fear, what if they don't help, what if they are like them. No, no it's fine, they aren't like them.
" you have a dream {N/N}!? What is ittttt, tell us! "
I stare at hu tao and take a breath, it will be fine.
"I want to travel around tevayt so I thought I could ask traveler if I could help him and in exchange join him in traveling over tevayt."
The room temperature drops instantly, they all look at me with shock.... Are they like them.... No it should be fine, we are all friends so it's natural to be upset or/and shocked.
"Your going to leave liyue??"
I look over a Xiao and ganyu who both were having two different emotions. Xiao looked like he was worried or upset, but then again with his past it's no wonder, ganyu you looks shocked and like she's about to cry.
"I'll keep in touch with letters don't worry!"
They all look at each other and look back at me and nod.
"Ok then {Name}, please tell us when your about to leave ok? We wish to see you leave."
I nod my head, I understand why they would ask thag, its natural to want to say bye to a friend of yours when they leave. I head out into the liyue harbor, it's night time.
I was in thought until I heard footsteps, I turn around to see...
Not proof read since it's midnight and im lazy af
Shall I make 5 endings or shall I continue with the main storyline
Please use the poll thing that's above, many thanks
A little explanation about the main story line, the main story is the sumera begining story (the one that leads up to the endings) then going onto this ending, the last part of it, which is the next part, is the true ending but I've been making other endings that suit your favourite characters out of the ones that I've/@pocarinapyon picked(they have helped me on countless occasions so a big thanks to them).
Remember to eat and drink some water<33
Remember that you are beautiful and wonderful and stunning<333
Have a good night/day<3
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welcometoteyvat · 1 year
AU where xiao has no karmic bonds anymore and works in liyue’s food delivery services
idk wanmin restaurant is expanding its service and xiangling heard zhongli telling guoba (when zhongli visits the ex-stove god the conversation is really one-sided but zhongli doesn’t mind, he can ramble enough for the both of them) that xiao is looking for work, and yknow, xiangling’s seen the young adeptus here and there and he’s praised her cooking before, both she and her dad don’t expect running deliveries to be that much work (plus he can teleport, it won’t be that hard) and he’ll get paid decently, why not offer him a job? he can pilot the program for a bit and then they’ll see whether it turns out ok, the worst thing that could happen is getting 1 star reviews on sevenstars.tyv for “unapproachable and frightening demeanor of delivery guy” (sumeru scholars invented the internet a couple years back or something). 
obviously zhongli says yes for xiao, because he thinks xiangling’s suggestion can do the young adeptus good—trusty old common wisdom states that food warms the heart and brings people together, and xiao (or any liyuen) is not an exception. and of course xiao agrees to zhongli’s proposal because when has he ever refused a request from his god and savior. never! zhongli and xiangling both assure him that he can refuse or resign at any point and neither will hold it against him, but of course xiao takes his job extremely seriously, and if yanwang di- no, if zhongli daren wants him to do it, of course he will.
xiao doesn’t have any feelings on the arrangements because it’s just another thing to keep him busy lol but he appreciates complimentary almond tofu, especially since he manages to persuade xiangling to make it the traditional way he likes it and save her new and improved tofu recipes for Other customers to try
xiangling sends xiao to more remote places at first to avoid crowds, which he appreciates, one time he goes to qingce village and ends up meeting little luo again, he doesn’t even remember her until she exclaims “you’re the adeptus who rescued my doll!!” with a giant smile on her face... were humans always so blindingly bright? he stiffly gives the family his greetings, and tries to smile a little bit at the girl (she’s extra pleased by this, maybe he’ll ask zhongli whether he has good smiles or whether they look like grimaces). little luo... was it? he should get xiangling to send her some candy next time.
he gets sent to the chasm one time bc the miners ordered hotpot as an end of season celebration, and he finds a small little memorial to the millelith who died in the chasm 500 years ago. after delivering the hotpot ingredients, xiao climbs to the top of the cliff to pick a qingxin and offer it to the memorial. the other yakshas were always pretty fond of humans, so it’s only natural. 
when he gets a little more used to the city xiangling sends him to deliver stuff around liyue harbor itself—one time the delivery was for hu tao, xingqiu, and chongyun, hanging around wangsheng parlor. usually xiangling would join them herself, and the young opera director yun jin and their rockstar friend xinyan visit too, but the three were busy with their own plans that time and it fell to xiao to deliver their dinner: light translucent shrimp dumplings without carrots, a bowl of cooling soup, and filleted fish. he hears them playing a rowdy game of something (mahjong... with only three players? or maybe tcg.... but as a 2 v 1 game? he’s getting more and more confused by the second) before the door’s opened by hu tao; she seems really ecstatic to see him, except her smirk sobers up quickly once they hear chongyun shouting “hey! you stole my cards!!” regardless she thanks him for the food, and then tells him a joke that really shouldn’t be funny at all except the corners of his mouth quirk up against his will. of course hu tao notices this, she’s always been a mischievous child too clever for her own good, and she smiles even wider in return and tells him that he’s welcome any time in her house. if he brings a couple hilichurls along he’s even more welcome
and of course, a lighthearted scene where, surprisingly, zhongli also places an order, but it isn’t sent to wangsheng funeral parlor, xiao goes all the way to jueyun karst and delivers the order to cloud retainer, mountain shaper, and moon carver. they’re just chilling and zhongli is introducing them to take out. “so, what do you all think of wanmin’s handiwork?” xiao tries to leave before any of them can start droning on and on, but obviously he ends up spending the whole meal with them because nobody can escape the sheer force of zhongli and cloud retainer infodumps. the other adeptus ask after him and the meal is generally silly banter: there’s a digression on triangular cups,,,, some nagging for xiao to eat more, “look at my newest invention isn’t it wonderful”,,,,,, and other small and incredibly mundane nothings that keep the conversation flowing like the tea from their triangular cups. insignificant occurrences in more peaceful lives, and maybe xiao is learning how to fall into this new rhythm of things... maybe he even likes it, maybe it will bring him more smiles in the days to come
yknow yknow do you feel me
very aware that some of this might be super ooc especially the adepti thing at the end but hey they can be silly as a treat, cloud retainer and co deserve a bit of adeptal entertainment time
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littleragondin · 1 year
i will knock you, the untamed, to sir, with love
Thank you Petri! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
I've done To Sir, With Love already
I will knock you
Favourite character: it’s Noey, really. He’s a tiny gangster with a marshmallow heart! He thinks he lives in the 70s (?) and listen to music when he’s sad! He makes little lists of what to do to woo his tutor! He’s annoying yet adorable! He’s the oldest son but the baby brother vibes are impeccable.
Funniest character: it’s Thi, my pathetic little man.
Best-looking character: ok so hm, if I really had to pick I'd say Waewdao (lady in Noey's gang) and also think that Thiw is actually pretty charming.
3 favourite ships: > Noey/Thi, I was a little lukewarm at first (for many reasons but that’s a big age gap where they are in life), but they end up so sweet and the maturity level works > Waewdao/Rayrai. We only got the tiniest crumb but how could I resist a cute girl on a motorbike getting a nerd girlfriend with an attitude?? > Noey/Thiw. They’ve been best friend forever! They cry when they fight, then they cry again when they finally reconcile! They made a gang together and they are ride or die for each other, and while I adore them as best friends, I also think it would be cute.
Least favourite character: Thi’s parents, they can gtfo with their stupid elitism and picking on a 17 years old. Like, I can grasp that you’re not super into your ~22 yo son going out with a high schooler, that’s fair, but people, take it with your son first maybe, then don’t be snobbish assholes about it.
Least favourite ship: Noey/Pam, of course. Also Noey/salt, like please child step away from the shaker, we beg you.
Reason why I watch it: it’s fun and sweet, a little over the top but it’s mostly adorable, and I love a show that sticks to its aesthetic. Plus, of course, it’s SO visually pleasing, and I also like the music.
Why I started watching it: I saw gifs of Thi with wet eyes and Noey grabbing his chin, so paired with Noey’s incredible fashion sense, I had to check.
The Untamed
this one was SO hard dlsmjqkf (ಡ‸ಡ)
Favourite character: After careful consideration, and ignoring my tendency to want to pick the least known characters I love the most just so they can shine a little… It’s Jiang Cheng. It’s the miserable tempest of a man, the Most Little Brother With a Temper, the purple whip with a soft heart, I just. I really love him. Very VERY closely followed by Song Lan, my other tragic favorite, my best man who deserved so much better.
Funniest character: The Junior Quartet is a strong favorite of course (Jingyi and Zizhen especially) BUT I think I will go with Sect Master Yao, he's just such a joke.
Best-looking character: once again, how to chose in a sea of gorgeous people in even more gorgeous robes?! (did I spend 30 min just looking at different pics of the cast? … obviously). Okay, OKAY let’s try to be reasonable! I’d say… Song Lan, Jiang Cheng, Nie Mingjue (that one took my surprise ok), Jiang Yanli, Madame Yu. Can’t do less than a top 5 ;_;
3 favourite ships: Not in order but I guess those are the one I come back to most often so > Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen. They wanted to build a sect together okay?? They wanted to save the world together! Xiao Xingchen broke his vows and offered his eyes for Song Lan, and Song Lan will roam the earth until Xiao Xingchen’s soul is whole again! They are so tragic, and they love each other and man. They own my whole heart. > Every variation of 3zuns. Happy AU, tragic canon versions, two by two or the three of them together. There is so much love and hurt and betrayal in there it’s absolutely fascinating and I could spend hours just like. Thinking about them. > Mianmian/Qin Su. Look, do they interact even for a second on screen? No. Do I think that they would have crossed path bc both are both in the Jin sect and Mianmian could have been Qin Su’s knight in shinning armor when shit goes down? Yyyyeaaaahhhh. This one is tiny but I cherish it a lot.
Least favourite character: unsurprisingly, I have nothing but contempt for Jin Guangshan. Jin Zixun is also quite the little shit.
Least favourite ship: Hu, I’m… not so sure? I am not fond of Xue Yang with any of the Yi City players, mostly (not in a reciprocated, healthy way at least). I think in “canon” there are none I really dislike.
Reason why I watch it: I like the story, and most of all I ended up very attached to all the characters. I find it beautiful to watch, it emotionally works on me super well, and here too I just love the music.
Why I started watching it: I got taken in by the beautiful robes and long hair, as well as the promise of Wangxian. I am, when it comes down to it, an easily swayed watcher lol
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nativeofsumeru · 2 years
More Genshin Impact Fanfiction Ideas(Part 2)
link to my previous list here:
A/N: I really like doing these and will definitely make more alongside my blurbs!
4nemo (Kazuha x reader) OR (Xiao x reader
this I guess could really go for either Xiao or Kazuha
4nemo boyband AU Reader meets Kazuha/Xiao by either be friends with Aether or Lumine, that’s their introduction to the group
After following the group on your for a little bit and getting closely acquainted with the member, reader realizes they don’t have much time left
At a bar(there doesn’t have to be reader having alcohol if reader doesn’t prefer it), reader finally has enough courage to ask Kazuha/Xiao for his number
Kazuha/Xiao obliges and they start a fluffy internet romance as reader had to return home and the band is still traveling
Venti sticks his nose into Kazuha’s/Xiao’s business and finds out about the romance (can’t stop teasing him about it)
Aether/Lumine(whichever twin was the close friend) pushes either reader or Kazuha/Xiao to finally make the romance official
reader and Kazuha/Xiao start dating in private as to not bring media attention yet
eventually tho the media somehow finds out
reader one day is casually going about their business alone and gets harassed by a crazy fan
idk to what extent the harassment would go
reader is scared for their life
Kazuha/Xiao on a phone call reassure reader it will all be ok
if you want a juicy plot to continue:
reader has joined 4nemo for another concert that was within a reasonable travel distance
reader and Xiao are backstage chatting when crazy fan(doesn’t have to be the same one) has somehow snuck their way backstage and into Xiao’s room
Xiao throws hands to try and protect reader while reader goes to get help
crazy fan is arrested
for a fluff ending: Xiao worries about reader’s safety/well-being since being tied up with fame has its downsides, reader assured him it’s ok and they carry on, although he is very careful
for an angst ending: after the incident and reader finally telling Xiao what they’ve been dealing with, he ends the relationship and blocks reader’s number, “I can’t stand watching you have to live like this.” “Like what?” “In fear. You May not have said it to me aloud, but I know this kinda of thing scared you. It’s all because you’re wrapped up with me.” “But we can make it work-“ “End of discussion. I should’ve known this kind of thing was gonna happened.”
reader joins 4nemo for a portion of another tour
after a performance, Kazuha tells the boys he’s going to be late tonight as he’s going to get dinner with reader
venti teases him and tells him not to be back to late cause manager wants to talk to them about stuff
reader and Kazuha go to a small cafe and have a small dinner together, he tell them about new songs he’s written for the group partially inspired by reader being in his life
after the dinner, the pair are walking back to the hotel and get ambushed by a crazy fan(doesn’t have to be the same one)
Kazuha is very protective
Passerby see what’s going on and crazy fan gets arrested
reader is frazzled and Kazuha tries his best to calm them down although he’s frazzled too
for a fluff ending: Kazuha discusses with reader whether a relationship with him came and all is something they are really ready for and that there is no going back, reader assures him they are 1000% sure, “I just don’t want anything to happen to you as a result of my reputation.”
for an angst ending: Kazuha discusses whether reader is ready for a relationship with him fame and all, reader says they just can’t take it anymore and his heart breaks but he understands, “I just can’t live like this.” “But we can make it work-“ “No. I’m sorry Kazuha. I-I can’t.”
I know this is bad but a story where reader is with Kazuha but after drinking themselves into a stupor, Heizou walks reader home and they share a night of intimacy
they wake up the next morning panicked out of their minds as Kazuha is at reader’s door asking if they are ok
its Heizou and reader’s dirty little secret
whether they continue their physical affair or not is up to reader/writer
end of the day reader and Heizou end up getting feelings for eachother
-could be 4nemo/5wirl AU
-in this case the other band member kind of catch on that something isn’t right
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i-bring-crack · 2 years
What if not one, not two but actually ALL(we know of) readers transmigated and better yet they where the mix fans and haters and fanatic writers of PIDW.
17 people transmigated...
Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky: Shang Qinghua since the was born.
Read Ten Years Polish One Sword: Original Poster who decided to finally voice out his anger over this damn book, thinking he would one day retract his words if it ever got better but just like the other long time reader Peerless Cucumber, he was right, this was a pile of trash, dumpsterfire. It became more dumbsterfire as he found himself in the body of a kid starving out in the streets with this little boy... Xiao Jiu? Why he does sound familiar but he can't get to click it.
【Welcome to the system. During the opening of the「you can you up」system currently in its development phase, we wish to provide you with the best experience. It is our sincere hope that during the process, you will achieve what you have stated: to transform a piece of stupid writing in accordance to your wishes into a high-end, expansive, and classic work. We wish you happiness. 】
【System activation successful! Binding your role: Cang Qiong Mountain sect leader, Qiong Ding Peak Lord, ‘Yue Qingyuan.’ Weapons, none. Points: 50】
"Qi-ge? What are you spacing out for?"
"Xiao Jiu... I'm fucked."
[Warning! Warning! OOC! OOC! OOC!]
Infatuation Scholar: Second commenter.
While he did have more patience while reading the book, he was still disappointed and kept himself waiting until the very very end until he could give it the most detail, knife cutting, deep roasting, critism he could ever give, but his patience was lost with a comment that finally wasn't a praise or a foolish hater telling the author to k*ll themselves.
But now... now he was here, in the middle of a meeting asking how to retrieve Shen Qingqiu from Luo Binghe's grasp...
All of it was strange around him, he grew wary of everyone's different personalities and most importantly of how they where all planning to save Shen Qingqiu. Save?! A scum like him?
He got out of the meeting, he didn't understand what was happening but he definitely knew this had taken place in the novel so he would rather not go with this suicide plan.
What a mistake he made because the moment he went back to his room to process...well everything. A huge and already mature Luo Binghe awaited him.
The next thing he knew, he was in Huan Hua Palace.
"You will help me bring back my Shizun."
【Welcome to the system. During the opening of the「you can you up」system currently in its development phase, we wish to provide you with the best experience. It is our sincere hope that during the process, you will achieve what you have stated: to transform a piece of stupid writing in accordance to your wishes into a high-end, expansive, and classic work. We wish you happiness. 】
【System activation successful! Binding your role: Cang Qiong Mountain sect, Qian Cao Peak Lord, ‘Mu Qingfang ’ Weapons, Tai Chi. Points: 100】
[Currently all tools are needed for the "Happy Ending" To be achieved so right now.—]
WHAT THE HECK?! He didn't have time for this, granted he didn't have time for anything.
"Luo Daozhan, I beg your pardon but don't you think that a man you tortured for so long is better off dead?"
[Warning ! Warning! Warning! Protagonist's Luo Binghe's anger is Rising!!]
The Swordsman Must Speak: 3rd commenter.
And someone who is quite fine with all of this sudden isekai to another world UNTIL a system pops up out of nowhere in the day of the Immortal Alliance.
Dammit! He hardly read the whole thing and left it halfway through the Dream Demon training arc so how was he supposed to know that Huan Hua palace existed ok?!? And even worse how was he supposed to know about Gonyi Xiao too! Which, he was BUT FUCK OFF SYSTEM WHY DO YOU APPEAR NOW!!
You, Sinful Beyond Forgiveness: the 1st defender of PIDW on that one post.
And what a good thing to do really! Because now she has been isekai as one of Binghe's wives. Ning Yingying! Why that automatically makes her live past the whole entire story and even possibly taste the heavenly pillar~~ plus! She can truly defend Luo Binghe through all the bully in Qing Jing Peak.
Come at me you baddies! I studied under great martial arts trainer ever since I was 10! You all want to try and ruin white Lotus Binghe then get through me!!
Ah, but then I'll also have to deal with Shen Qingqiu no? Hmmmmmm how do I deal with that manslut before Binghe comes here.
Once binghe has come to the peak, she raises him up in a heartbeat and then not a day later.
Ning Yingying: Oh fuck he's gay.
Dazzled And Confused:
Confused as to where she is certainly, at first that is, but honestly now as Qi Qingqi she will gracefully just keep watching that lovely brotherly bond between every martial brother of his.
"Yue Shixiong I'm sure it would be better for you and Shen Shixiong if you told each other your true feelings instead of bottling it all up."
"Oh? Shen Shixiong I didn't expect for you to be so loveable with your disciple. Not that I don't mind about it really though...hmm, how interesting~"
"Liu Shixiong you've been fighting Shen Shixiong for so long~ Are you sure you aren't just wrestling with him just so you can touch him and look at him more?"
"Aiya all my Shixiongs are so gay. Airplane didn't I tell you? You are more capable as a Yaoi writting. Even your heterosexual papapa scenes sound much better if they where between men."
"Like seriously who could be fooled by the many sentences you use to describe Mobei Jun, how every waking moment Luo Binghe had at least one chapter dedicated to be with him, how Ethereal you made the fight scene between Mobei jun and Luo Binghe seem. Two men clashing against each other through the cold desert and despite the long and suffering years in the abyss Luo Binghe felt refreshing upon fighting someone as his equal, how they soon became friends and he spent more time with Mobei Jun than he did with any of his wives. But also how that loyal man stacked to his side like glue and appeared like the air everytime he was called. Oh so ethereal. Oh so obviously a self indulgent for you Airplane Shooting towards the Sky."
Sha Hualing's Bells:
Why the hell did he get reincarnated into A GIRL!?! and that annoying little palace mistress no less UGH...
Well there is only one upside to this. He could get to see Sha Hualing~~ AH! But for that she must become a harem member of Luo Binghe no? UGH WHY!NO! I DON'T WANT A FREAKING HEAVENLY PILLAR UP MY ASS!
Cang Qiong Mountain Steps Cleaning Crew Captain: The Himbo sect peak #1 fangirl
"Ayo system who the FUCK is Tianlang-Jun? And why am I him?"
"Zhuzhi-lang, who do you think is more dilf? Me or Yue Qingyuan?"
"....Master, why?"
"Well to know know who bottoms duh."
Warrior's Hammer: For comparing PIDW to Immoral XX Battle, he got isekaid as Immortal XX Battle's lamest but scum villain.
Refuses To Dig Holes: absolutely saw through Cucumber's fanboyish side.
"Shen Shixiong I must say, your ability to hide your emotions is quite good, but as much anger as you fan out towards the Sect Leader and Liu Shixiong, I can't help but still see how much you care about them. This sect at least, this place you can't call home." He is almost like those haters which read everything but publish hate comments left and right.
"Xia Qingxi has a nack for minding other people's business."
"I also habe talent in seeing past your anger! Admire your 10th Shidi a little more."
"A useless trait, no wonder you are the 12th peak lord."
Aiya, that's the mean yet surprisingly complicated Shen qingqiu for you.
Little Cang Qiong Mountain Gate Defense Squad:
Wei Qingwei, the master peak lord of swords will have QiJiu in his heart no matter what.
"Ehhh!?!??! Your aren't the OG Shen Qingqiu!?!? Digging holes bro and Dazzled sis! We MUST find that sun and moon dew seed! QiJiu shall be CANON!!"
Qingge's Big Brother:
Well he isn't exactly Liu Qingge's Shixiong, but he will surely become the Shidi for him! He shall save his Shixiong from any scumslut threat!
11th peak lord is now always seen close to Liu Qingge and Oh my God he has to get rid of Qi Qingqi shijie who keeps calling him Y/N.
Occasionally Fills Holes: Weirded out by fans and not into any of the relationships from PIDW.
Of course he is jus going to nutoriously stay away from all of it! All of that! And how does he get away? By not being Qiu Haitang at!!!
[Ooc Ooc Ooc! Player must achieve the goals of the original character!]
Alright so he does!... or so he thought... until that day when curiosity gets him and suddenly the tragic backstory as well as other plot holes are revealed upon him.
Magnificent Servant:
Before transmigation: "Cucumber-bro definitely loves it, but his flames here aren’t nearly as strong as in the book’s comments section. Not malicious enough, minus points."
After Transmigation[as a useless Qing jing peak disciple]: "Shizun definitely loves Binghe, but his flames here aren’t nearly as strong as in the book. Not malicious enough, minus points."
System: [...]
System to Sqq/SY: [ooc ooc ooc]
Planting Rice But Where’s My Midday:
Well after so many peak lord transmigations, and by many its all of then except Liu Qingge (pft) you think they would have left one more peak lord out right?
sorry to find out that the most hardworking peak lord, the 10th, and the one constantly decided to harrass Shang Qinghua since they both noticed the other's transmigation ever since they entered!!
Due yo that hate relationship its obvious as to where Shang Qinghua healed after leaving his Mobei Jun behind. So obvious, so stupid that this author is, and yet he gets the ultra sexy hot demon please give the planting rice master a BREAK!
Searching For Friends In The Dusty Desert: Oh the Bingge /Master scum doujin writer~
Well my my my~ how weird it is that she got isekaid directly to PIDW. And i really mean PIDW as Liu Mingyang, soon to be head consort of the harem but right now looking at the scene of Qing Jing Peaks's sword being battered down by Qiu Haitang... worst of all is she cants find anyone being the same as her, no one here is a transmigator except for her.
Oh dear...
Peerless Cucumber: Philosopher
He doesn't remember this... He doesn't remember Yue Shixiong being very stern about how he shouldn't punish his disciples harshly.
He doesn't remember Ning Yingying throwing fists and insults in the original part where Binghe lost his amulet.
He doesn't remember Mu Qingfan suddenly beind able to know about the flower.
He doesn't remember Gonyi Xiao not visiting the annual Immortal Alliance conference.
He doesnt remember the peak lords being so... lively? Since when was Xi Qingxi a friend of the scum villain? Qiao Qingyue stuck like glue to Liu Qingge—and glaring at him so much— and An Ding peak lord being berated by Zui Xian Peak lord 90% of the time. I though the man would always be too drunk to speak?!
What is up with Qi Qingqi and Wei Qingwei being the first to protect the scum villain?
Qiu Haitang doesnt seem angry? Little palace mistress hass too much of a thing for Sha Hualing! And even for Mingyang?!
"WTF is up with everyone!?!?! Even the ex demon king IS WHIPPED FOR YUE QINGYUAN?!?!"
His one of many disciples comes by to tell him: " Oh so Shizun is Peerless Cucumber! I doubt the system would have not taken into account this man!"
"How the hell did you know?!"
" :3 "
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lycor7s · 4 months
Unforgettable Memories | Xiao x Reader
"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take."
"Its such a beautiful view," you told your black and green haired companion, Xiao.
Both you and Xiao stared at the distant scenery from atop of a grassy cliff. It was without a doubt a sight to behold, the only peaceful place you had in the chaotic times.
While you looked lovingly at the view as your legs swung back and forth from your seat at the edge of the cliff, Xiao looked quite the opposite. His eyes only showed disinterest, though, it may have been because you had dragged him there with you. His amber eyes held a look of boredom as he stood hehind you leaning on his spear.
"Why are you so drawn to this place?" Xiao asked.
"Its because this was the place where we first met," you had replied, a small smile appearing on your face as you reminisced the past.
A few years back, you had gone to the cliff in hopes of finding some violetgrass. However, instead of finding that plant you had been searching for, you stumbled across a badly injured Xiao - though back then, his name had been Alatus.
He had lost a lot of blood and had a large dark karmic aura surrounding him. Taking pity on the boy, you had healed him from head to toe and asked Rex Lapis, the archon that you had been serving under to help him and take him under his wing. Seeing how you were genuinely worried about the boy, Rex Lapis had accepted the request and made a contract with him. The boy who was given the name Xiao agreed with the contract the geo archon had made which was to protect Liyue. Ever since then, the two of you had fought on the same side in the Archon War.
"I still don't understand why you hold such things important," Xiao commented.
Despite making that comment, inside his heart, Xiao understood why you so dearly loved that specific cliff. After all, he felt the same way. He cherished the place where the two of you had met. However, being the person that he is, he buried those feelings deep inside his heart.
"I love you Xiao," you told him.
"...I don't feel the same way," Xiao sighed as he avoiding looking at you.
"Hey Xiao," you said with sudden seriousness as you looked straight at his eyes. "I know this is selfish of me but, after all this is over, do you want to get married?"
"No," he bluntly replied. "I have no interest in getting tied down especially to someone like you."
"Just kidding," you laughed, however, the strain in your voice could clearly be heard. "I just wanted to see how you would react."
Xiao looked at you, his heart dropping as he looked at your melancholy face. He didn't understand what he was feeling at the moment. It was as if he wanted to hold you tightly in his arms and never let you go. He felt overly guilty and just wanted to comfort you so that he would be able to see your smile once again. The young adeptus wanted to preserve your smile. However, instead of following those feelings that were about to overtake him, he quickly buried it and looked away in hopes to never feel that way ever again.
Little did he know that the choice that he had made would be the biggest regret in his life.
Standing up from where you were, you held out your hand to your adeptus friend revealing a small charm in the shape of a wing.
"Here," you placed the charm on Xiao's hand. "Keep this with you. It will protect you in my place."
"I don't-" Xiao started but was shushed as you put your finger on his lips while shaking your head.
"Keep it. I don't really care about anything else. All I want you to do is keep it with you."
Xiao finally nodded and pocketed the charm. You had been the one that saved him all those years ago and he felt that it was the least he could do for you after all that you had given him.
"Let's make a promise Xiao," you grinned. "After this final battle is over, let's meet again here."
"Ok," Xiao agreed knowing that it would be useless to argue against you.
You gave a solemn smile as you turned your face away from his. Many promises are usually made to be broken and this was no different. All you could do was say sorry from the bottom of your heart. It was the least you could do for the one that you loved.
The two of you had gone your seperate ways. You had headed to the back of the battlefield as you were the chief healer and Xiao had headed towards the frontlines as one of the 5 adepti under the geo archon.
"Insignificant," Xiao muttered his signature line as he defeated enemies left and right in hopes of quickly ending the battle so that he would be able to see you once again.
He had pushed himself harder than any other time on the battlefield and because of this, the exhaustion continued to build up in him. Not realizing how defenseless he was after catching a breath, he felt something dig into his stomach.
Coughing up some blood, he fell to the ground, as the adrenaline that had once supported him started leaving.
"Y/n," he whispered as he felt himself losing consciousness.
"I'm here," he heard your voice before he blacked out.
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starg1rlie · 2 years
yoo first time doing this ask game thing because it looks cute and i wanted to give it a try (^▽^)!
okay so 💍 w/ xiao please! for my personality at first glance i’m quiet, awkward, and reserved but once i’m comfortable around my peers/atmosphere then i tend to be more talkative. i very much lean towards the nicer side since i can’t really be mean to anyone (゚ω゚;),, if i’m really comfortable i let loose with my humor. my friends stand by this because they did say i’m funny and laugh at whatever i say that’s intended to make them laugh so i’ll leave it at that. anyways, some of my hobbies would be to watch the sunset, listen to music, and play video games.
thank you, i hope you don’t mind this word vomit and go wild with this information!
[ 💍 new message ! : xiao ]
★ study sessions w/him would be fun. yall head to starbucks half the time and order two large (idfk the sizes in starbucks, ok, i don't drink there 😭) cups of ice water and you just sit across from each other, trading notes and commenting on each other's work for hours until one of you guys realize what time it is and gets ready to leave.
★ PICNIC PICNIC PICNIC. you suggest it first, and he'll agree, even if he has plans (he'll just cancel whatever it is). has to carry the basket, the blanket, and whatever else you two bring along to your picnic. prefers your homemade cooking over the store-bought ones, so the two of you end up making the picnic lunch together the day before. you guys end up staying out till the sun sinks down the horizon, because xiao knows how much you like to watch sunsets. will probably even paint a picture of it for you to hang in your room.
★ he's never seen snow in his entire existence. will legit got nuts when he sees a nice big fluffy patch of it, plopping down onto the ground and creating snow angels. he eve attempted to eat it, but failed, because you slapped the snow out of his hand. that shit is dirty, you don't know who's stepped on the snow 💀highly doubt it's healthy/good for your body if you ate that, boy.
★ yall went to an arcade once, and xiao noticed you eyeing one of the large teddy bear prizes. you don't ask him about it, or even bring it up to him, but he still pays for a few games until he wins, and hands it over to you. selfie w/the new giant teddy with half of xiao's face cut off becaus he's actively trying to avoid having his pictures taken.
★ he listens to music 24/7, and is always open to suggestions. just, not k-pop. "k-pop isn't real," xiao said to you when you first brought it up. he'll legit listen to anything but that, even heavy metal and rock (but he prefers indie music). you two'll exchange music artists and songs and even playlists, and would host a mini meeting (face-time call) to share the thoughts about it.
★ "you're too nice." xiao really thinks that you're a little too nice for your own good, not that he has any qualms about it when you're nice to him, it makes him feel a soft, warm feeling in his chest.
★ video game night; his friends'll invite themselves over to your house and yall stay up till 3 am speeding through race tracks in super mario kart and whacking at each other in super smash bros. xiao doesn't understand the controls and his pikachu headbutted its way off the battlefield, and lost to venti's yoshi.
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amethiosspouse · 8 months
it's time for mari's random infodump:
i was originally going to make this a very long post about my yumes but anai's character as a whole is too confusing and honestly, not even game theory could dissect the amount of lore anai has:
scrapped ideas and an ungodly amount of anai lore from multiple different franchises:
-anai was actually supposed to be shipped with malleus (because i liked him at the time) but due to the age gap, i scrapped it (i didnt like how mal was 600+ and anai was 17) -they were then shipped w riddle for quite some time and i even ended up making ship art of them. -anai was based of the white rabbit but i didnt wanna whitewash (is that the right term) them so i just made them random ass rabbit -their overblot form was a whole withered bonnie mech suit mixed w some BATIM-style aesthetic -anai's dorm uniform was based of this:
Tumblr media
now, moving on to enstars anai :>
-from memory, anai was originally shipped with kohaku and they were the producer for crazy:b -i sort of followed some kind of rich prince x pheasant sort of trope for their ship -anai's family wasn't as rich as kohaku's family and (from memory) his family prevented him from hanging out with anai. -i forgot most of the story but all i remember is trying to make some kind of ai cover for anai and kohaku to sing Just Be Friends (it never worked) and that at some point, Tsukasa was actually gonna be anai's love interest
-genshin anai was made all the way back in 2021 during my horrendous xiao era. -they were the pyro yaksha basically and from memory, they were rebirthed? idk -WAIT, I REMEMBER -ok so bear with me here, anai was basically this young girl from natlan who died in the archon war while trying to see their father again (who was in liyue). from memory, zhongli used ANAI'S DEAD BODY to try and sort of bring back to life the dead pyro yaksha but failed to do so because of 1. the body's horrendous state and 2. the power was too much for the body to handle. -they were obviously shipped with xiao -BUT THIS WAS SCRAPPED AND LATER REUSED (we'll get to that) -i remember anai got shipped with albedo as well as kaeya but i eventually settled for scara. -now back to the dead body part -this version of anai's story is much more messier -anai was a descendant of murata - the pyro archon. it was never specified if they were a direct descendant or just had some muratan?? blood in them. -anyways they were basically this very famous dancer who was prett well known (who was a half human half hybrid rabbit faunus or smth) and their name wasnt anai, it was clover. -basically clovers sister was jealous of their success and they killed clover. -murata literally did the same thing that zhongli did to anai in their earlier stories but she tried to bring back the dead pyro archon -it somehow worked -i honestly dont know how anai met scaramouche but basically they met him when he was still known as kabukimono/kunikuzushi (keep in mind, all of this was written before 3.1) -i basically ripped off dirty little traitor for some reason 💀 -after scara ran away w the gnosis and whatnot anai lore kinda just became messier from there -after the events of 3.1 i redid the whole ending for anai -THEY WERE SHIIPED WITH CYNO CUZ SCARA PUSHED THEM OFF HIS TRANSFORMERS ROBOT OR SOMETHING -no more genshin anai lore because its hurting my head just trying to remember how badly i fucked up their lore -LIKE THEIR LORE IS SO BAD NOT EVEN MATPAT COULD SOLVE THIS GAME THEORY
im literally getting so tired of explaining every single little tiny detail of what happened to anai in every single canon universe i threw them in so lemme spare you some details and whatnot
obey me anai: asmo's boyfriend (im not even joking thats all i remember of obey me anai)
prsk anai: they werent an official niigo member but they did help out w lyrics (cuz mafuyu was their sister omg wow !!), shipped with toya
milgram anai: they were basically hanging out w the wrong group of people due to how naive they were when they were younger, anai was 'forced' to blow up a city mall as a dare but they backed down last minute (their friends ended up detonating the bomb and at good portion of the mall was blown up and quite a number of people died, they were framed for that incident and was sent to the milgram prison, they were shipped w fuuta and from memory they were related to es
hypmic anai: spoiled daddy's girl. basically all them stereotypical mean girls who'd be like "my daddy can sue you" and whatnot. they had a good amount of backstory but theres no way im typing that all out. they were shipped with doppo
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amy201906 · 2 years
(Dottore x fem!Reader ft. Xiao and Taeyong, plus two friends from uni)
(University AU)
Your Pov
Class ended as I packed up my things and left the class room.
I walked out, into the hallway.
Dottore, Xiao, Kathy and Candy were waiting outside.
"Hi guys." I replied.
"Want me to carry that for you?" Xiao asks me.
"Sure, thanks." I replied.
Xiao then took my bag and went to look at the notes I took.
As we went down the stairs, I stumbled a little when I missed a step down.
Dottore instantly grabbed my wrist to stop me from rolling down the stairs.
"Are you alright?" Dottore asks me.
"Yeah, just tired I guess." I replied awkwardly.
I missed another step and gripped Dottore's hand for support.
"Be careful." Xiao says from behind us.
"So tired from the assignments!" Candy exclaims from behind us as she carried her books towards us.
"Yeah." Nodded Kathy.
I then collapsed onto someone soft. The familiar icy blueberry dessert scent instantly struck my nose.
Dottore had caught me.
I awkwardly buried my face into his coat.
"You are awfully sleep deprived." Dottore noticed as he helped me up.
"Probably because of pulling all nighters this week." I replied as I drowsily got up.
"Oh my god Y/N are you okay?!" Kathy yelled.
"Girl you ok?!" Candy asks me, staring at me worriedly.
"Yeah guys I'm going to head to my dorm and then the spaceship to rest." I replied.
"Ok see you!" Candy waves as Kazuha came to help her with some books.
"Have a good night!" Kathy waved at us too.
She then walks towards the other end of the hall and out the door to the bus stop.
Dottore gently held my hand as we walked towards the spaceship.
Xiao who was carrying everything had teleported inside my dorm to drop our stuff when no one was looking.
That evening
"Don't even think about that essay, if you want I will look at it." Dottore says as we headed inside.
"But its due next week-" I began.
"Two weeks, I saw the due date Y/N." Dottore corrects me.
"You saw the due date?! Wait since when you knew this much about my assignments?" I asked, surprised, smiling a little.
"Curious that's all." Xiao replies from behind us, "your assignments are less boring than ours and more interesting than whatever Dottore is studying." Xiao adds with arms crossed.
"Surprised a Liyue yaksha finds my experiments interesting." Dottore turns to Xiao.
Xiao ignores him.
"Anyways, I'm going to cook some almond tofu for dinner. Let me know if you want any." And then Xiao marched away to the kitchen.
I then walked towards my bedroom and then collapsed onto my bed in exhaustion.
I felt someone hug me into their embrace.
"Thanks." I whispered to Dottore.
"Anything for you." He replies.
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quitealotofsodapop · 6 months
[She essentially spends the last few weeks bedridden from tiredness, bored out of her mind while her mate paces their home like a guard dog.]
...ReboundedHeroes at least have a proper home.
Fruittiedads are on the Journey, what are they gonna do when the time comes?
...would be a bad time for Tripitaka AND Liang to be kidnapped, I can tell ya that.
referencing the ReboundedHeroes having twins post.
Yeah the second they all find out about Zhanshi being pregananant, no more adventuring too far from Flower Fruit/Huaguo Mountain. And if they have to journey somewhere to fix some chaos, then Dasheng is straight up summoning his clouds and zipping over furiously. He has to be convinced to dispel Zhanshi's cloud and/or to stop carrying her whenever they have to leave the cave/home.
As for the Fruitiedads? Its a lot more hectic. Odds are they make arrangements with a certain sworn bull brother, and windy sister-in-law for them to crash at their place when the time comes, but rarely is anything that easy for them...
Smokey, looking around frantically: "Where's Master and Macaque!?" Reborn!Pigsy: "They can't be far! I gave them the rope..." Reborn!Sandy, running in frantically: "A rabbit spirit swooped in and stole Master, and the Macaque got dragged along with him!" Smokey: *glaring at Pigsy* Reborn!Pigsy: "It was a good idea at the time, ok!?"
By the time the Reborn crew are able to calm Smokey down enough to form a plan (+organize the Demon Bull couple for some babysitting), they start to notice an odd change in the weather...
The whole of India experiences an omnious black fog that intensifies the closer you are to the royal palace. Smokey and the gang (plus Red Child cus Xiao Qi was going and they wanted to follow) immediately identifies it at Liang's shadow powers acting up and zone in on the location. When they get to where Reborn!Tripitaka/Xuanzang and Liang are being kept, it's obvious that the shadow monkey has gone into labor. The whole gang *freaks* out.
Chang'e the goddess herself has to be contacted to prevent Smokey from cooking up some rabbit stew in his anger at the Jade Rabbit Spirit for putting his pregnant mate in such a stressful situation. Taiyin Xingjun is also summoned as in canon, and gets a wide-eyed look on her face when she recognises the white-furred monkey demon, and quickly leaves without saying a word.
Pigsy: "What put the fire in her pants?" Liang, groaning angirly: "Because she's technically my mother." The gang: "WHAT?!" The celestial wolf children, mumbling: "I thought that was obvious..." "Yeah, moon theme."
Unexpectedly its little Xiao Qi and his firey best-friend who summons enough magic to transport Liang towards a safe haven... a divine looking-monastery a little further west of their location.
Tripitaka, suddenly light-bodied: "Is this the Thunderclap Monastery!?!" Liang, gripping Tripitaka's hand harder: "Not important right now!" Red Child: "I'm so sorry, I panickied tried to bring you to Lady Guanyin directly! I thought she was on the Southern seas island!" Xiao Qi, clasps hands in prayer: "I pray the buddha forgives us for taking a short cut in this circumstance."
Smokey and the rest catch up quickly, and the two monkey twins end up being born in the presence of some very startled but helpful arhats and bodhisattvas. As Red accidentally confirmed, Guanyin is there and is nearly laughing at the turn of events. She quickly summons a bed and supplies so that Liang can be comfortable for the last leg of labor.
The twins are tiny fuzzy brown-furred things that make their parents let out sobbing relieved breaths at the sight of them. The present elder siblings kissing their bama and little siblings' faces in joy/pride. The monks of the monastery are just *starstruck* at the sight of the adoable babies born in their temple. Pigsy tries desperately to hide his sniffling, Sandy doesn't. Ao Lie just flies/trots around the temple in delight.
Smokey and Liang are in their own little world, and barely take notice of the Buddha himself manifesting to hand over the Sutras. Xiao Qi just buzzing with excitement the whole time.
Back on earth, The five stone-fruit-monkey babies staying with "Auntie and Uncle" (Princess Iron Fan and Demon Bull King) make a joyous chirping song. The wind informing them that not only has their youngest siblings have been born, but that Baba and their Uncles have finally reached their destination! The Demon Bull couple just shrug and think the little guys got the zoomies.
The twins get the names Lìzhī/荔枝 (lychee) and Hǎizǎo/海枣 (date), to keep with the fruity name theme.
The gang are allowed to transport Liang and the kiddos back to the Demon Bull Palace for recovery, but Guanyin explains that they still have to make the way to Chang'an to deliver the sutras. Xiao Qi loudly makes a point of saying that he asked the Buddha about the White River Turtle, so they have to visit the turtle and tell him. Red Child begs his parents to let them join in the return trip, wanting to continue travelling with Xiao Qi as long as possible.
Smokey and Liang cling to eachother for hours, just beaming with the knowledge that the Journey is coming to an end. And soon their little army of monkey princes and princesses will need to be properly introduced to the Stalwarts XD
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