#he gonna tie u down in his basement
inkyquince · 2 years
Thinking about... Old men... 🥰
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fisheito · 2 months
how would you eat/cook each nukani character
oh noooooooooo (holds my face in great contemplative agony) u can't do this to me
Eiden: oh mein gotTtTtt getting my hands on eiden would be like receiving an entire cart of summer fresh-from-farm produce. or an entire cow carcass . i would have SO MANY PARTS and SO MANY WAYS to prepare him and every part of him would taste delicious in its own way. there's no way i can ONLY cook eiden one way. i'd have to put him thru every process possible (true to his versatility). i thought about spitroasting him (for the joke) but that's too much eiden for one method. i need to covet him like the king tuna at the fish market as i take him apart piece by piece look. i am frying him like egg for a fast breakfast. i am meticulously grinding him to a paste in a traditional mortar and pestle. i am using him as pesto AND as dipping sauce. i will dehydrate him and drink him as tea. he will be roasted . braised. devoured raw in ceviche. i'll infuse him with vinegars! syrups! oils!! is there a way to make a sourdough starter but it's eidough starter so i can just keep him on my shelf and feed him every day and pass him down for generations? i want eiden for every meal of the day prepared 1000 ways
Aster: would aster taste like blood or the absence of it? hmmmm..... i guess it depends on when he feeds! maybe if i bite into him after a feeding session, he'll burst like a cherry tomato. but otherwise i feel like giving aster the sashimi treatment. put him all fancy on the plate with some garnishes after i treat him with a light citrus wash or smth. a fresh cool flavour!! i'm tempted to make some sort of beverage out of him. dilute him into a fancy mocktail of strange spirits and woody spices. aster juice?!?! looks like pink wine???! i have to treat this one like i'm spoiling him with gifts. he'll probably end up on the artisanal charcuterie board with the fusion jams and marmalades...
Morvay: i feel like he would have a very...particular aroma. he eats a very specialised diet so of everyone in the clan, he has to follow "you are what you eat", right?? my first instinct for some reason is to cure him. like, turn him into prosciutto. if he's gonna have a funky smell, might as well turn up the salt and cure him. tie him up and lock him in the carefully controlled environment of the curing basement. dark... surrounded by other meatbags... slap him around every now and then. slice him up thin and put him on that fancy cheese board with a bunch of other strong smelling foods. slurp him down him with a glass of astringent aster juice to balance out the richness of the morv
Yakumo: soup. he's getting souped. it's only right. might split him half and half into one soup and one stew. maybe the soup will just be a concentrated essence of snek-style broth. like a clear, warming bowl of pho that is DISTILLED YAKUMO and doesn't need much else besides some fave spices to accompany the flavour. as for the stew? i just straight up like stew and it can be so nutritionally complete. so he's going in the classic comfort stew. chunks of yakumo and seasonal vegetables simmered to make a thick hearty pot of glorp. maybe add some alcohol to it if i want to live dangerously. he will sustain me for days to come. anything that i do not turn into soup? i'm going to steam him. a mild little parcel of wrapped yakumo, gently steamed for a hot minute. yakumo tastes best to me when a little wet.
Edmond: to honour his thick sugary ass, i have to turn edmond into some sorta dessert. turn the defrosted ice queen into ice cream? now i could just put edmond in a pot and reduce him until he turns into a syrup but then i would waste all the extra good bits that make up edomon. u need the tsun with the dere and reducing him to pure dere is NOT balanced. he can withstand quite a bit of punishment so maybe i'll whip him up like a custard (by hand FIRST. if that's not strong enough, i'll use an electric hand mixer). turn him into an earl grey creme brulee where u can set him on fire then smack that caramelised crust before spooning out the goopy insides.
Olivine: i feel like i'd wanna enjoy olivine in his least processed form. just enjoy the pure marbled goodness of well-exercised, tender oli. so why not a steak? medium rare to rare? just a little pan-sear and we can chew on him all we want. (i considered searing on a grill, but it's easier around here to get a pan instead of a grill. and oli is all about being accessible to the greatest number of people.) on the other hand, that might not honour oli's nature. he, too, can stand up to a lot of punishment. he might even like it. so part of him can be the relatively unprocessed slab and the other can be a cutlet. that way i can beat him with a hammer, dredge and bread him, then toss him into the deep fryer. to be served with a variety of heavy or creamy sauces.
Quincy: this man is OLD and TOUGH and he probably tastes like every bit of wildlife in the forest combined. then again, he's also always sleeping so does that mean his meat is quite relaxed and i don't have to tenderise forever to be able to chew it? quincy probably eats the simplest diet (no processed microwave preservative type cocktails in here) so he'd be best appreciated in an equally simple dish?? i'd like to skewer him. make him bite-size and cook him over a campfire. alternating with simple salt vs. intricate dry rubs bc i'm not sure which i'd prefer. if he ends up being tough, i'll let him hang out in a savoury marinade for however many days he needs (do NOT make me put a pineapple in there, mister).
Kuya: i lied. **THIS** man is OLD and TOUGH and SINEWY and A BITCHASS to deal with and i bet if i cut him at *just slightly near the wrong spot* then some mystery sac of foul gunk will explode all over me like a punk'd prank. i will take any excuse during the cooking process to abuse this one. grate his rind to infuse in the sauce. mince him for the physical satisfaction then throw him into the blender anyway. toss him violently into a fiery wok and start saute-ing him with every other ingredient ever. i hope you get stabbed by a bunch of pointy carrots. i'll broil him as if he's not already crispy. and I BET at the end of all this work, i'll have somehow have messed up and made him inedible. skill issue. at this point i give up, toss the entire kuya into the pressure cooker, and turn him into stew.
G/Karu: i wanna toss them like a salad (i think they'll have fun with that). i could go the traditional way and make wolf jerky. bring it on the road for a durable snack! if i could somehow chop these two up and turn them into furikake, they could become my convenient, reliable flavour injector for a quick bowl of rice. it's tricky because there are two distinct flavours and they gotta be treated differently to bring out their full potential. but they're also inseparable. what do i do??? i might just put them into my party-type foods where flavours are supposed to mix and it's the wildness of the combos that make it all fun. he's going on the 12-topping pizza!! he's being melted onto the giant tray of nachos!!!
Blade: CAN I EAT THIS? WILL I DIE? WILL MY TEETH BREAK OFF? i have to debone him. i bet there are pointy bits hiding everywhere. get my special tools out and pluck at him for over an hour (i must be thorough). might just put him in the microwave (he'd probably enjoy that). i feel like essence of Blade would also do well as a bubbly drink. mix a simple edroid syrup with some club soda and some edible flowers to look pretty (low calories too!). if the legends are true and blade can adapt to any flavour, i might just turn him into a condiment or special spice mix. grind him to dust and put him in a nice glass container near my stove so i can add him to various foods (the weirder the combo, the better). keep the spirit of experimentation alive with Blade popcorn seasoning!!
Dante: i am gonna make him fragrant as hell. gonna smoke him over intricate spice combos or tea leaves and impart him with the most alluring lung-punchiest sniffs. i don't wanna be too harsh with him but i trust that he'll at least stand up to heat well. he'd probably complain about wasting time, but i'm not rushing the process. u will sit in the smoker and steadily break down over time. maybe after the smoke, i can tuck the odds and ends into a savoury saucy pie. bake him for an hour surrounded by a flaky buttery crust? i might also experiment with some fermentation, like a dante kimchi. i'm curious as to how he'd change flavours given time to age (and just relax for a bit, really).
Rei: i am pickling him. he's gonna become that sour salty lil accompaniment to every meal i have. he'll last forever and somehow never mould and no matter how long i leave him chillin in the fridge, when the time comes to put him on a bun, i know i can rely on him to not suddenly go limp. i still gotta be careful with him tho. can't just stick my fingers in the jar and introduce contaminants all the day because it IS possible to Spoil the Goods idk i just feel like i'd have to let him sit in SOME sort of marinade or brine. if i try to eat him raw i might turn 14 shades of purple before dissolving into radioactive bile
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decaydanceredacted · 5 months
how is nobody talking about how infatuation is basically mx sinister part 2 ??!
she just can’t help herself she needs to watch everything you do and bring you down with her. you’re like a drug, she just can’t control herself when you’re involved. it’s a sick sick obsession but you give her these little shots of salvation when she sees you and she just needs more
them watching u thru the window. anything they can get. your sinful mouth as you eat your breakfast. they need you. one day they know they’ll snap and get you. finally get your lips around them.
hiding in your closet until you start to undress and he jumps out, grabbing you by the mouth and holding your wrists behind your back. he’s just so much bigger and stronger it’s not like you could even have a chance fighting him off, so eventually you just have to give up. him tying your wrists together and duct taping your mouth while he finally gets to fuck you in your bed. he weeps into your shoulder as he finally gets relief. you’re weeping because it hurts and you’re terrified and he’s raping you. but for some reason once he’s done (coming in you and pushing it back in as he watches it drip from your hole) he takes the tape off, knowing that you’ve been good and are too exhausted to try and get away, and curls up with you, holding you bone crushingly tight like a kid with their favorite teddy bear because he’s afraid you’ll suddenly disappear and he’ll be alone again. he doesn’t want to ever have to be without you again and he keeps whispering about how perfect you are, how he’s sorry for scaring you but it’s all gonna be ok, it’s over now. it’s like the words that he stuttered out while he fucked you but you couldn’t hear over the sound of your own heartbeat. and you. you feel comforted. after you fall asleep he leaves with sorrow in his eyes as he has to turn away. and when you wake up you think it might have all been a dream but your wrists are torn up and you’re sticky between your legs and you have little bruises scattered all over. you shower it off but you just feel so numb. and part of you misses the way he held you after. nobody had held you in a long, long time.
you don’t know why you don’t tell anyone. maybe it’s because he’s a stranger and you could barely see him in the dark, maybe it’s because you just can’t bring yourself to do it.
a few weeks later he comes back again and it’s still terrifying and you’re sobbing and you don’t want it and he makes you gag on his cock until you throw up in your mouth and he still doesn’t stop until you swallow his cum. but he tells you how well you take it. what a good puppy you are. and he doesn’t duct tape your mouth at all. and when he’s done he kisses you even though you’re frozen in place and don’t reciprocate because something deep down inside you is so deeply disgusted by him. but then he holds you again until you fall asleep and he keeps telling you he’s proud of you how grateful he is for you for not telling. and you feel wanted. nobody ever praises you, appreciates you, like he does.
and maybe the next time he doesn’t even zip tie your wrists, just lets you struggle against him so he can hold you down his his body and his hands and his strength. his towering form that you could never win against. and maybe when you wake up he’s still there and he lets you watch him go.
maybe you still don’t want it, won’t let yourself, because it’s sick and perverted. but eventually you realize you’ve stopped struggling as much. you realize you can’t take hookups home because you don’t have it in you and you’re scared he’d be mad at you. and maybe eventually you give in. because you know that deep down inside you do want it. you want him.
and maybe it’s too far and you’re terrified again just as you were starting to accept things and you thrash against him when he takes you home afterwards after one night. brings you home and keeps you in the basement for a little. but it’s just for a little bit. at the end of the weekend he takes you back while you’re asleep. sets your alarm so you can go to work like nothing happened.
and you hate it and he’s a monster but he loves you. nobody’s ever actually loved you. and you hate to admit it but you crave it like a drug. maybe you’re just as sick as him. maybe he’s made you sick. perverted.
it becomes a routine. he keeps you with him every weekend, and you don’t tell anyone. slowly pulling away from your few friends because you can’t tell them about your secret life. they wouldn’t understand.
and he learns to fuck you until it actually feels good. maybe he actually goes down on you one night and it’s sloppy but once he finds that he likes it he researches it and the next time it’s just so good. and he does it again and again as you come over and over and beg him to stop until you pass out. because at the end of the day. even if you like it. it doesn’t matter when you don’t. he’s in charge.
but you know he knows best. that he keeps you safe. that he cares about you more than anything else in his life and he tells you again and again that you never have to worry about anything again now because he’s got you. you’re his.
when your in his basement you wear a collar with a tag. your name on one side and his on the other. you’re terrified that he might ever leave you. even though you know he never would. you need him just as bad as he does you. he’s your protecter. you couldn’t live without him.
…. well that was long. i’ve been having thoughts(tm) about the song came out and just procrastinating writing it all out here for a bit bc i knew it would be super long. and it was. yolo ig.
-spiral anon (your humble, rabid, servant)(🌀forever)
sometimes i walk around and i’m like omg nobody here knows i’m spiral anon on the decaydanceredacted tumblr blog. ps can you tell i just learned to italicize stuff in these lmao. spiral out. hope u enjoyed.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
all aboard the mystery machine | (feat. the gym 3 squad and y/n)
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this was inspired by a post by @kenchiko which was the ‘being in a friend group with gym three squad’ which i like to read when i’m sad. anyway, they all dressed up as the mystery gang and i thought it was so cute i decided to headcanon it. (thank u kenchiko i love ur tsukki stuff but i’m too shy to interact with u *waves*)
it was the day of electric spookaloos aka halloween and you and kuroo were hyped af 
mostly because you could play ‘this is halloween’ on loudspeaker with less weird stares than usual
and kuroo’s all about gROuP CosTUmeS 
previously the five of you had dressed up as the power rangers (which you switched for m&m’s because the helmets were too hard to make), the breakfast club, and the teen titans and now the five of you were going to top it off with…
‘the mystery gang from scooby doo!’ kuroo mentioned in your groupchat
no one noticed it except for bokuto who haha-reacted and then it resurfaced three days before halloween
kuroo and akaashi are the only ones who went all out with their costumes
kuroo has a blonde wig for his fred costume and akaashi also got a wig and made a dress for his daphne costume
bokuto ordered a cloth scooby doo mask online and forgot to order the rest of the body so he looks like inosuke from kny except his head is scooby doo
you and tsukki went to the dollar store on the day itself and just bought shirts for your velma and shaggy costumes
kuroo: you couldn’t even bother to get an orange sweater?
tsukki: it was fifty cents more expensive also i’m the blonde one so i should be fred
kuroo: well you didn’t binge-watch scooby doo all night and got only one hour of sleep so you had to sip akaashi’s pumpkin spiced latte before getting kicked by the owner of said latte
bokuto worked on spray painting kuroo’s pick-up truck to look like the mystery machine 
but the painting didn’t work out and only half of the letters are legible so you’re all piled into a pick-up truck that says ‘THE  Y T RY    AC  NE’ on the side
but you’re off to the only halloween party you were invited to !!
and you blast ‘this is halloween’ on loudspeaker while dancing in the backseat
except on the way tsukki gets a call from his boss (he works at a museum) abt some missing artifacts
you: why did he call you, don’t you just deliver coffee?
tsukki: *kicks you*
you: *kicks back and accidentally kicks bokuto*
bokuto, behind his mask: :’( 
kuroo: missing artifacts??? museum???? 
tsukki: nO–
kuroo: SOUNDS LIKE A JOB FOR THE MYSTERY GANG *drives to museum before anyone can say anything*
akaashi: this is the only party we’ve been cool enough to be invited to this year and we’re going to spend it in mcdonalds again after this is over
akaashi: nO
anyway you, kuroo, and bokuto are excited for this ~~mystery~~
the five of you are miraculously able to sneak past the guards and enter through the back because the mystery gang gave you their blessing to break and enter almost any building on halloween night
kuroo, immediately getting into fred jones mode: alright let’s split up gang! daphne and i will check the upper floors while velma, shaggy, and scooby, you take the basement
bokuto: ruh-roh!·         
you: splitting up is a surefire way for someone to get killed but go off, i guess?
kuroo: also, if anyone curses, they owe a quarter in the swear jar
akaashi: you can only use things like jinkies, jeepers, jiminy, or zoinks
tsukishima: i’m not fucking doing that
kuroo: that’s a quarter
anyway, you’re with bokuto and tsukishima so what could go wrong?
and it all starts when you guys go downstairs into a basement full of creepy artifacts and find a mysterious, glowing amulet
you: i don’t think we should touch that
bokuto, who can barely hear anything in his decapitated scooby mask: TOUCH IT!
tsukki doesn’t care enough to hold him back and bokuto touches the amulet
the basement shakes, the ground beneath you trembles, the amulet grows brighter and pale green apparition appears in front of you. its danny phantom a hooded figure with glowing eyes
tsukki: …a song by Fall Out Boy
you: *trying hard not to laugh but also scared shitless* …jinkies
bokuto: ruh-roh?
tsukki: huh, i guess someone rigged a hologram here as a prank. nice one
you: i mean, i work at customer service so…
tsukki: nice one *high fives you*
ghost: YOU HAVE– *stops when he actually sees bokuto* WHAT ABOMINATION IS THIS?
tsukki: mean, that’s just y/n
you: *kicks him*
meanwhile kuroo and akaashi are sleuthing it up upstairs
kuroo: *having a staring contest with one of the paintings displayed*
akaashi: what are you doing?
kuroo: you know how painting’s eyes tend to follow the main character in cartoons?
akaashi:,,,kuroo that’s a painting of an apple
kuroo: i could have sworn i saw some red eyes 
akaashi: i don’t think anyone would be blazing it in a museum. come on, let’s check the next room
while walking past a row of suits of armor, one of the displays turns its head (but no one notices it yet shhhhh)
back at the basement
the ghost is wreaking havoc: chairs are thrown against the wall, vases are cracked, the faint smell of sulphur is in the air. you and bokuto are fucking terrified and look more like shaggy and scooby despite your shitty cosplays. tsukishima doesn’t believe in anything that’s going on
tsukki: man, these guys here are really putting effort into this prank
ghost: *starts chanting in some unknown, ancient language*
tsukki: ah, nice touch. you watch lord of the rings?
you: tSUKKI NO-
bokuto: don’t worry! i’ll exorcise this spirit with my bible knowledge!
akaashi: *shivers* i just had the strangest feeling that bokuto called manga messiah the bible again
kuroo: zoinks! sounds like him
akaashi: *trying not to cringe* anyway, they’re probably not doing anything right now
the basement, atm: just a complete fucking mess
the walls have started bleeding but somehow y’all are still a-okay
that’s because tsukki’s so salty he’s basically a salt circle with 10m radius but you didn’t hear that from me
the ghost is also tired at this point 
also bokuto is really fucking scared but decides to end things ONCE and FOR ALL
he stands up from under the desk and just tackles the ghost like a football player
he didn’t think that he’d pass through the ghost
but seeing a buff dude with a scooby doo head is enough to scare mr. blood-dripping-from-the-walls shitless, especially when he fucking passes through him
ghost: *disappears back into the amulet*
you: and you still don’t believe that’s real??? 
tsukki: ghosts aren’t real
you: *ready to throw hands*
you pocket the amulet because you can send it to your enemies 
meanwhile: upstairs
kuroo: man, i’d give anything to be chased by a scooby-doo villain dressed in a suit of armor 
a suit of armor: *starts chasing them*
akaashi, in his best daphne voice: jeepers! we better get out of here! 
kuroo, crying out how perfectly akaashi emulated daphne: let’s split up gang!
they don’t split up tho that would be dumb
*cue classic scooby doo chase scene with the music*
and then as they round a corner they run into you, tsukki, and bokuto fresh from the basement and you all fall into a heap
tsukki: *sees the suit of armor running towards then* ah fuck, what now?
kuroo: laNGUAGE *hands him the swear jar*
akaashi: NOT THE TIME
bokuto stands up and once again tackles the knight and this time he doesn’t pass through
it takes five (5) of you to tie up this one (1) guy 
kuroo: oh my god, i’m ready
you: ready for what?
bokuto: the final unveiling
kuroo: now let’s see who’s behind all this! *rips off the helmet which tears off like a mask don’t ask me why but apparently that happens*
and it’s…Bokuto!!
everyone: *gasps and turns to Bokuto who FINALLY removes the scooby doo mask*
tsukki: *gasp* you’re the creepy british dude who keeps trying to buying our local artifacts to display at The British Museum!
akaashi: neo-imperialism is real
bokuto in the suit of armor: guys help!! he kidnapped me!!
all of you (except tsukki because he’s so done at this point) tackle mr. british villain who you thought was bokuto
finally the right person has been tied up
kuroo: your days of stealing artifacts are over!
british villain (let’s say he looks like jude law or something): and i would have gotten away with it…
kuroo: *grabbing your arm* oh my god! he’s gonna say it! he’s gonna say it!
british villain/jude law: …if it weren’t for you fUCKERS!
*dead silence*
kuroo tries to hand him the swear jar but akaashi puts his hand down
you: can we call the police? 
akaashi: *gags* fuck the police 
you: he’s white, british, and a man. they won’t do anything to him
akaashi: exactly
tsukki: hey, you still have that amulet from earlier, right?
you: the CURSED amulet with the GHOST inside?
akaashi: the what now? 
tsukki: yeah, maybe leave it with this guy? and then he’ll get pranked
at this point you’re too tired to argue with mister ghosts-aren’t-real so you leave the amulet with jude law and the five of you get out of the museum and pile into the mystery machine
akaashi: do you think the party’s still going?
you: we could hang out in mcdonalds again like last year
but otw to mcdonalds kuroo’s phone rings and he picks up
kuroo: hello? b-bokuto?
bokuto, over the phone: guys where are you??? the party started hours ago and my headless scooby-doo onesie is hard to get out of and i need to pee !!
akaashi: but…
you all turn to look at ‘bokuto’ sitting between you and tsukki in the backseat. he removes his mask.
it’s…jude law !! 
*cue ending music*
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vvaane · 3 years
Hi, i’m Evon. Yea that’s the best way to start writing about a god damn serial killer, a proxy or whatever you guys call us. It’s late at night and you might be wondering why someone like me would write a book, dont i have people to kill? Cops to run from? Watch my back maybe? Nah man i used to do that before... that happened. Do you ever contemplate about your life? You know things like: what if i didn’t do that? what if i stayed silent? what if what i said once changed the whole story? Yea i know, a lot of what ifs. What can i say, i like to think. I may be a monster who kills like killing machine but i still have 'me' time.
I think i’m just rambeling now but yea another thing about me is that i like to talk, maybe too much sometimes. I wasn’t always like this though, as a child i was very quite and kinda depressed. Childhood isn’t my best memory to be honest, all i remember is wasting it on suffering and building up rage, until of course, i snaped.
Usually if someone asks me about that time of my life, i kill them without hesitation but in this case no one asked me so here we fucking go. Appriciate this because i’m not gonna talk about my shity life ever again. I was born on a beautiful day of summer, 4th of july 2000. I don’t have memories of my family, the only thing i know is that my mom commited suicide because of postbirth depression and dear old dad didn’t even bother to raise me or to even be in my life, good i killed him. Anyways, i spend my childhood at a church, raised in the name of this so called god, yea that place as holy as it sounds like, it wasn’t. Everyone feared the priest. What can i say, he was the best, always beating and torturing us many times even if we didn’t do anything wrong, my best and only friend was killed by this motherfucker. I myself got in trouble many times just because i 'wasn’t a man'. I don’t know how are you supposed to be a man at 13 years old but sure. You got 3 chances to 'go on gods way' if u didn’t make it you were send to a room that looked like an old basement of a castle. The room was dark and the only light you were seeing was from a little window, the door was big and scary honestly, when you first come into the room you would see a big statue of that bitch Mary. There the priest would give you 3 options: beat you, tie you in chains and not feed you for a week or put you in isolation for up to half a year. That guy was crazy and i’m pretty sure he hated children. Every kid would choose to be beaten because it lasted a short period of time compared to the other options. I was a maniac since i was little so i tried everything, being beaten till i was unconscious which isn’t that bad compared to the other things, i was beaten with everything you can imagine, chains, belts etc. I still have scars all over my body from that. Many kids weren’t strong enough and died. Their bodys were thrown in a room and from there they would be put then in the crematorium like they were nothing. Next i was tied and not fed, let me tell you, you get so hungry at one point you would even eat youself and i have seen one kid bite into his own arm somehow. Now the last and worst, isolation.I’ve been in isolation for maximum 2 months, i was put in a diferent room, this one had no windows so no light would come in, i felt like i was in a box, i had no bed, no nothing, i would eat once every 2 days half a bread. Many kids who went there didn’t come back. My friend was always send there even if he didn’t choose that. Dear Mike died when he was 15, i was 14 at the time.
Anyway, believe it or not that prepared me for what was next to happen. How do u think i survived the proxy training? That shit is hard but i will get there in a minute. After my friends death i felt like i wasn’t myself, i felt like some other me was taking control over my mind and body. When the priest found out about this change in my behavior he said i was possesd my some kind of demon and he performed this so called exorcisms on me that consisted in bathing me in holy water, tyeing me to the bed and saying many prayers. Useless. It wasn’t any of that. I actually had a second personality, a manifestation of my darkest and deepest thoughts and ideas. It was really hard for me to get used to this other me, over the time i even gave him a name: Devon. He became my best friend, he was the the only one who understood me. I faked being a normal kid so that the priest won’t try to take Devon away from me. I didn’t take any meds so day by day he was stonger and stronger, over the years we did many things, we destroyed a lot, first it started slow with plates and glasses but then i started to kill some animals around the church and the fact that i enjoyed it scared me at first. After i started doing this things i always felt watched, usually i was dizzy and sometimes i started to hear whispers even if i was alone in a room.
Years went by fast if i think about it, like if they were nothing, winters were the hardest because it was always cold and with all the tortureing sure it wasn’t the best thing. I was 18 when that event happned, i still remember every detail. It was summer, the weather was really hot, i was in my room when Devon took control out of nowhere, he wanted me to escape, to be free, to take revenge for every single thing they've done to me. He was right, i had to do something to get out and i wasn’t only gonna do that, i had to kill the priest and burn this place down. That church was what you guys call hell. If it’s hell then it has to burn. All day i wondered through every room in search of gasoline and matches, eventually at exactly 7:45pm i found what i needed, i stared at the objects like they were my saviours. Devon took control again and everything started, i poured the gasoline on every hallway of the church until the priest saw me, he wanted to hit me but i managed to fight him for a while, he was stronger than me so i ran away with the gasoline, i took a hatchet just to know i have something to defend myself with. I lit the match and threw it, i enjoyed the view of this place burning, i felt like i was able to dream again, i felt free and i didnt care who was still in there, the only thing that mattered was the fact that i got revenge and that im finally free. The view was ruined by the priest who was running in the woods. Of course i chased him with the hatchet until i lost him for a minute but then i heard a scream so i went in that direction. the adrenaline was overwheliming, i felt so powerful like i could do anything. After running for like a good 10 minutes i saw the priest dead with his killer getting off of him. The anger i felt in that moment is unimaginable, he stole my victim, the only person i wanted to kill with my hands, he took that away from me. I started running towards him with my hatchet. He stayed still like he didnt care, as i got closer to him i saw that he had the same weapon as me. I stopped and he smiled at me:
-You remind me of myself when i was little.
-I don’t fucking care what i remind you of, you just killed my victim!
-I’m Toby, Ticci Toby, nice to meet you...
- Evon, i said hesitantlly. Why are u doing this?Being nice.
-Thats a rule i have to follow, don’t kill or be rude to other killers.
Thats what changed everything, right after that i saw this faceless man behind Toby, he wasnt scared at all. This creature began speaking to me somehow.
-Child, i can give you a new home and i can let you be who you are, you don’t have to be afraid!
I didn’t have a place to go to so i accepted, i didnt know the training was gonna be so hard and long though. First i had to fight every proxy and that Masky guy left a scar on my face that went over my eye and my eye changed colour, from brown it went bloody red. Then i had to learn how to kill, how to survive, how to run from cops, it was hard for me but Toby helped me a lot. We got close and he took me with him every time Slends would give him a job. He was the youngest before i came in the picture. He told me his story, i told him mine. I had a friend after a long god damn time.
Now i’m 21 and i’m one of the best proxys Slender ever had. Toby is still the best of the best and to be honest he deserves the title. That’s my story. Now that you know it you should be prepared because i might come for u next.
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
won’t you lay me down
Hi, I wrote some CCU hurt/comfort fluff. I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but bear with me.
In which: Derek has a bad mental health day. Will has his back.
Also on ao3!
Will doesn’t see the text at first.
It’s not really his fault. Monday mornings are busy. After morning practice at 6:30 (Will likes that better than evening practice, and as captain he’s tried to keep the practice schedule relatively consistent), he has a meeting with Hall and Murray for thirty minutes while the rest of the team filters out to their respective morning activities and routines. It’s the last he sees of Derek until the afternoon, every Monday— because after Will’s meeting with the coaches, he’s straight off to his internship in Boston for the rest of the morning, then comes back to campus for his 2:30 CS 381 class.
So when the text comes in, he’s mid-transit from Boston to Samwell, sitting in traffic on 128. As a general rule, he doesn’t check his phone while driving. Also, why the fuck is there so much traffic in the middle of the day on a Monday.
He doesn’t understand Massachusetts drivers.
Anyway. It’s when he gets back to campus that he sees it, sitting in his lockscreen over the wallpaper of him and Derek.
18m ago
Derek: do u mind if i chill in the basement
Derek: can’t focus in my room, c is playing music
Oh. Will unlocks his phone, sitting in his student parking spot. He and Derek use each other’s rooms all the time, even outside of their constant sleeping-over in each other’s. Many a time has he returned from class, internship, or other obligation to find his boyfriend hanging out in the bungalow.
They have their own spaces in the Haus, but they do their fare share of, well. Sharing.
Sry just saw this , he sends back. Was drivung. Of cuorse you can use the basment
He looks at the text thread for a second, then sends a <3 after his message, and tucks his phone away again.
On to the next thing.
Class is sort of tedious today, but what’s worse than it is the actual trek back to the Haus from the compsci building, because it’s frigid outside, a chill that gets to his bones even in his winter jacket and the beanie he stole from Derek. In typical New England February fashion, it’s supposed to snow tonight, or at least that’s what he thinks he heard from someone at his internship this morning. He spent most of his shift working out a kink in his supervisor’s code, and he was lost in the numbers and symbols for hours.
He likes it. It’s satisfying to figure out a program.
When he reaches the Haus, finally , Whiskey and Ford are hanging out in the kitchen. He waves to them on his way by, then wonders if he should bake tonight. Maybe after his homework, he can make cookies. The pie he made this weekend is gone already, because all three of the freshmen were here yesterday, nothing he bakes lasts long in their presence.
Will heads straight downstairs, and the door to his room is closed; the lights inside look like they’re off. He eases it open, reaching for the light switch. Derek must have finished whatever he was doing.
Or— not.
Derek is here, and he can tell because he hears Dwayne Johnson singing. He freezes with his hand on the light-switch before he can turn it on, and steps all the way into the room instead, where he catches sight of him— or at least catches sight of what he knows is him, under several layers of cover.
Derek has burrowed himself into Will’s bed with his laptop, and he’s watching Moana , the light of the screen on his face the only source of any light in the room at all. He’s wearing Will’s Samwell hoodie, the good one with Poindexter and 24 and C on the sleeve, and its hood is pulled over his head, strings drawn to make his face look like a blue-lit mask poking out of it. He looks only half-invested in the movie, because he’s resting his face on his arm, scrunched up to the pillow.
Will’s stomach turns. Bedridden Derek in his stolen sweatshirt and Moana are a combination that can only mean one thing.
He closes the door, gently, behind himself. “Der?”
It appears that this is the first Derek actually notices that someone else has entered the room. Will hears the click of the space bar, and the Rock halts mid-chorus. “Oh,” comes Derek’s voice from his blanket cocoon, and it’s small and drawn, the opposite of his loud bravado. “Hey, babe.”
“Hi.” Will drops his backpack at the door, then goes directly to him, crouching on the steps that get him to the loft bed. “Hey,” he says, across the laptop. “Are you okay?”
Derek pauses. He purses his lips at his computer screen, then sighs and lowers it. “Ch’yeah,” he mumbles. “I’m alright.”
With the laptop closed, Will reaches for his face. He cups his stubbly cheek in one hand, runs his thumb across his cheekbone. Derek looks blank, drained. Will knows this demeanor well by now.
“No, you’re not,” he whispers. Without the light of the laptop, it’s nearly dark inside. The slivers of gray daylight from where Derek pulled the shade on the window are all that remain.
Derek breathes in like he wants to say something, but nothing comes out. He nuzzles his face into Will’s pillow a little more.
“Der,” Will whispers. He kneels on the steps, pauses his thumb by Derek’s ear. “Gray day?”
Derek whimpers a little, like it pains him to admit it, but nods. “Yeah.”
Will keeps gentle. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks. “This morning?”
Derek bites his lip. “Didn’t feel it this morning.”
“Oh.” Will pauses. “When did it hit you?”
He closes his eyes. “When I got back to the Haus.”
Will frowns. “I’m sorry. I didn’t—”
Derek’s eyes are still closed. He shakes his head. “You couldn’tve known, babe.”
For a moment, the room is quiet. Will pushes Derek’s laptop aside a little. “What can I do?”
Derek takes his time, answering. Will is patient. He knows how to do this. He slides his hand into his curls under the hood; they’re matted, and they’ll be worse if he just lays in bed for the rest of the day. “You want to tie your hair?”
Derek takes a long breath.
“You don’t have to,” Will adds. “But if it’ll help you for later…”
“My scarf’s upstairs,” Derek mumbles, weakly, like upstairs is a continent away.
“It’s okay,” Will tells him. “I can get it, baby.”
Derek’s face contorts a little, like he’s about to cry, but he doesn’t; he just opens his eyes. His eye contact is distant, like he’s staring more into space than back at Will, but he’s trying, and Will knows that. “I love you,” he whispers, and then, “I don’t feel well.”
“I know,” Will hushes. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m here.”
“I’m sorry,” Derek groans.
“Never be sorry,” Will says. “Ever.” He kisses his forehead, feather-light, and then tells him, “I love you too. And I’m gonna go get your scarf, okay? I’ll be right back.”
Derek winces again, like something hurts. He nods, though, slowly, and rests his cheek on the pillow again. Will pulls back to go, but God, it’s hard, because he knows how much Derek hates being alone when he feels like this, and he’s already been in here by himself for God knows how long—
Okay, he’ll only be gone a minute. But even so, he feels the need to fill that space. He climbs down to his bookshelf, reaches onto its center shelf between Derek’s poetry books, and grabs hold of his oldest friend.
“Here,” he whispers, bringing Cromwell up so Derek can see. “Do you want a friend?”
Derek eyes the plush lobster, and though he doesn’t look like he has an ounce of energy to smile, his eyes soften. “Yeah,” he mumbles. “Please.”
Will hands him over, and Derek engulfs the little red thing in his sea of blankets, resting him right under his nose. The visual would be cute, if Derek weren’t in such a bad spot. Will caresses his cheek again, then smooths the few curls that are poking out of the hood. “Be right back, baby,” he says. “Do you know where your scarf is?”
Derek pauses, then shakes his head.
“It’s alright,” Will assures him. “I’ll find it.”
This was hard, at first, being so new to this side of him, and not knowing how to help him. But they’ve been together for eight months, and Will knows Derek’s gray days by now, knows the tells for when he’s feeling down, knows a few remedies that help to ease the numbness.
He makes a beeline for Derek’s room upstairs as fast as his legs can carry him. The space itself is even evidence that Derek isn’t feeling himself; there are more clothes on the floor than usual, and the bed is unmade, and his desk looks like his notebook exploded. Will sifts through his dresser drawers, between Samwell shirts, pairs of gym shorts, random articles of Will’s own clothing that’ve been stolen, but there’s no sight of the green headscarf he wears sometimes to bed. He moves his search to the desk, and then to the actual bed, and he’s about to give up when he finds it tucked between the down comforter and the sheets.
Success. He heads back downstairs.
“Hey, Dex, is Nursey in your room?”
“Oh—” Will halts in the kitchen doorway. The question came from Ford; she’s still at the counter. “Yeah,” he replies, poking his head around the corner. Tango has now joined the kitchen gathering. “He’s just watching a movie.”
“Oh, cool.” Ford nods. “I just didn’t know if he was in the Haus. I thought I saw him go down there, like, two hours ago.”
“Yeah,” Will says, “he’s with me.”
Tango waves. “Hi, Dex!”
“Hey, Tango.” Will opens the basement stairs door.
Chowder knows this version of Derek as well as Will does, but the rest of the team doesn’t. It’s what’s buried under the chill, what he could never stand to let people know about himself.
Derek’s brain is awful to him sometimes.
Back in his room, he finally takes off his winter jacket and closes the door behind him, then climbs up the steps to his bed again. Derek is still snuggling with Cromwell, but his laptop has moved; he’s pushed it to the pouch adjacent to Will’s headboard where he keeps his phone, occasional book, and other random stuff while he sleeps.
Will unfolds the scarf. It’s silky smooth. “Gave up on Moana ?” he hums.
Derek rolls over and nods. Will kicks his sneakers off, then crawls onto the mattress, which squeaks a little under both their weight. He slides a hand under his back— Derek is very, very warm, but that’s the way he likes to be when he’s like this— and eases him up into a sitting position. “Sit up for me, babe?”
Derek moves with his touch, nice and easy, and when Will has him sitting up, he slots himself against his back, lets Derek lean on him. “You want me to talk?” he asks as he pulls the hood off his head. “Or do you like the quiet?”
Derek hums a little. “Talk. Please.”
“Okay.” Will combs through his curls, then pulls the scarf tight around them. He learned this on YouTube, after his third time hearing post-funk Derek lament that his depression was ruining his hair. “It’s supposed to snow,” he tells him. “Five inches.”
Derek groans. “Fuck that.”
“I know,” Will mumbles. “But if classes get cancelled, I’ll make cookies.”
“Mm.” Derek hums again, as Will pulls the knot at the back of his neck tight. “What kind?”
“Still deciding.” He hooks his arms around his neck, pulls him close, and kisses his cheek. “You can file a request, if you want.”
“Thank you.” Derek pauses. “For tying my hair.”
Will noses into his neck, drops a kiss there, and then moves back up to his face. “Of course, Der.” He turns him a little, cups his face in one hand. Derek still looks gray, and he looks, God, he looks so tired ; he always does when he’s like this, but it pains Will every time.
He wants to take every ounce of hurt away from him.
“What can I do?” he asks.
Derek takes a long breath while he thinks about it. His words, on these days, come slowly. “Um.” He nods to himself, like he’s thinking about it. “Do you have homework?”
Will shakes his head. “I have plenty of time to do it.”
“Okay.” Derek pauses, then, “Lay with me?”
“Yeah.” Will nods. “Ayuh. Of course.”
They wind up curled into the blanket pile, with Derek pressed tight against Will’s chest, a little further down the bed than him so he can tuck his face into his shoulder. Will presses a kiss to the top of his scarf, holds him as close as he can. He knows the pressure helps him, eases his brain a little. Cromwell rests on the pillow, somewhere near the both of them. He’s a little extra moral support.
“Thank you, Will,” Derek says, with an exhale, as he nuzzles into his chest.
“You’re welcome,” Will replies. “Always.”
“Mmf.” Derek wraps himself around him, arms and legs and all. His voice is muffled when he speaks again, but Will knows the words anywhere. “You and me.”
Will nods. “You and me.”
It’s a mantra and a promise. Hell or high water. Good days and gray ones.
“I’ve got you,” he tells him, and he’ll never let go.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Slashers x Reader(Mostly Chucky and Michael) || Oneshot
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Title: Sometimes Its Best Not To Decide //or// She Will Always Unlock The Door
Chucky is in human form here. 
This is a strange ass AU where all the Slashers live in the same time(Including billy and Stu) that caters to my needs to write this shot. 
You want a normal life, but you will always let the dark in. Even if you don't want it. 
Warnings: Swearing, mention of blood? mention of Sawyers?
It’s been months since I last saw them, so I figured I was okay. I could do this; I could take that last step into a normal life. My final, best chapter.
So, I took the plunge, the risk. I said yes to a nice boy, with glasses who wears a tie at the coffee shop and paid for my drink for me in the morning, and we went out earlier this evening. Everything went great, it was like a fairytale, compared to how the rest of my life has been.
When we nearly kissed is when things went downhill.
As soon as his nose brushed on mine, feather light and not heated at all - nice, -, that’s when the loud, barking knocks on my front door started. 
And I knew immediately who it had to be of course, but I still hoped it was just a really, really enthusiastic salesperson.
At 11 at night.
Of course, I was right initially, and the minute I opened that door all hell broke loose. Michael’s brought in from the rain, getting puddles of blood and water all over my damn floor and Chucky drops him on my perfect cream coloured couch. “What the hell happened to him??” I’m asking, hyper aware that he’s injured but Danial is still standing right there by the kitchen doorway, adorably confused. I round on Chucky, who doesn’t seem as concerned as he should be, seeing the situation. “What do you want??”
“Well, I tried to put him down when I found him but then he threw a fucking handful of mud in my face,” He wipes some of what’s left of the mud, off his face. “And kept trying to come here so I came along.”
“Why??” I wouldn’t have stopped the rude lilt to my tone just then if I could have. He just looks amused, at my anguish though and turns back to the bleeding murderer on my couch, which is turning red. I glance at Danial, fearing his reaction, then turn back pleadingly to Chucky. As if him and Michael leaving now will make things easier at all for my poor, now self-destructing ‘normal life’. “Can’t you just leave? Michael will be fine- Michael you’ll be fine. You always are. Take off the mask and go to Hospital- Chucky. I’m on a date.” I clasp my hands together and try to ignore the pinging guilt in my gut for trying to get rid of them, when I know Michaels in pain. But I told them, I can’t be a part of this anymore! I don’t want it; I don’t want his life!
“Aww, doll, you’re gonna abandon him in a time of need? Here I thought you were the good one.”
“Fuck you!” I am the good one, which is why I don’t want anything to do with this. First it’s Michael and Chucky, then I start getting dreams again, and Jason thinks its okay to come over when he’s lonely, I’ll get phone calls from Billy, and then I’ll have the whole fucking Sawyer clan in my home. As much as it hurts, and has downsides like leaving my friends, I cannot be connected to this anymore. I can’t say it enough! I want a normal life! And they know that! “Get out, get out of my house. And make sure to tell Drayton on your travels that this is not a stowaway home and to stop sending me letters with money, I don’t care how much he can pay me.” I put a hand on Chucky’s back and attempt to push him out of the house. I nearly succeed because he’s letting me by some miracle until he turns out of my clutches and back into the living room. Damnit!
I watch, hopelessly as he plops himself down in an armchair. And turns… to… Danial. “So, you’re the new toy?”
“U-Um, sorry? I-s that Michael Myers? Are you- “
“Charles Lee Ray, nice to meet you. Y/N tell you we’re old buddies?” A devious smirk reaches his lips, and he really is a concerning picture right then. With wild hair and a muddy coat. Oh crap, he’s getting mud on my armchair.  “No, I guess she wouldn’t. Too much of a priss to be connected to me.” A second passes and Chucky raises his eyebrows like he just remembered something. “Oh! Have you heard of Fredrick Krueger? He was on the news some years back, she’s pals with him to-“To stop him from talking, I grab a pillow and viciously hit him in the face with it.
Then I kneel down and put it under Michaels head, carefully. I guess there’s no getting rid of them now, the damage is done.
Danial looks to me, looking horrified myself even compared to his pale face. Quickly, I go towards him and try to explain. “I knew him as a kid, I don’t hurt people Danial- “What else can I say? Its best to be straight to the point and focused then to jabber on. I’ve done this all before.
Slowly, he nods. As if he understands. But he doesn’t look at my face, just the floor and occasionally he glances at either Michael or Chucky. “I think I need to go home, Y/N. I, I’m sorry.”
“No, I am.” I sigh, with a severely heavy heart as he walks past me knelt on the floor by the infamous Michael Myers, and leaves. As soon as the door shuts and the sound of rain is muffled, I turn furiously to Chucky. “You should be sorry, too.”
He levels with me, eyes going dark and smirk twisting into a dangerous grimace. “Look, Y/N, you let us in- “
“You pushed your way in! -“
“Irrelevant. You knew who would be at the door, more or less. You knew it would be one of us at least. You can try to pretend to be Plain Jane all you like, but when the wolf comes knocking on your door, you will always open it for him. Your soul is slate grey, get the fuck over it.”
I can’t agree with that because that life, is not what I want. But I can’t disagree either because the simple fact that Michaels hair between my fingers, as I comfort him mask-less makes me feel warm inside. Comfortable, in the right place.
While I get up and grab the medical kit, Chucky pulls out a cigarette and a lighter and lights up, and Michael shifts on the couch tiredly. “I didn’t come up with the Plain Jane thing, by the way. That was Ghostface boy.”
“So, this has been a topic of conversation??” I ask, sternly, half a decibel from vicious really. He chuckles, and nods, causing me to sigh heavily and start looking for Michael’s wound. Really, it could be anywhere. His outfits ripped up in places and there’s blood everywhere. Probably not all his, but it’s still very confusing.
He blows tobacco smoke into my living room. “Hehe, yep.” I find the wound and clear the area, to start cleaning it. Its on Michaels side, as if someone took a machete Jason style and wacked him right in the side with it. Not too deep, though. He’s just lost a lot of blood. I get a roll of toilet paper and get to work cleaning the area. It smells terrible. I don’t think people talk about the smell, enough. It really is rank. At least for me. So metallic, and totally unbreathable.
Quietly, I excuse my actions to them both. “I just don’t think, that because I love you,” And, by that, I mean all of them. Someone had to in this life and I guess that’s me, despite everything they’ve done. That’s what I tell myself. “That I should be taken away from my life, because of it.”
“But, there’s a part of you that loves it. The chaos and danger. Every good girl does, and yours grows every time one of us contacts you.”
“How dare you be so deep.” I half joke, carefully cleaning closer to the gash so Michael won’t move. When I’m done with that, I throw the tissues indifferently to the floor, where Chucky already tread mud. Its not like it can get any worse. Not wanting to talk about this anymore, I start sewing up Michael, feigning the fact that I need to concentrate. I know Chucky knows that, at this point, I don’t need to concentrate when doing this -I’ve stitched him and the rest up enough times to do it with my eyes closed,- but he grants me a few minutes of silence, thank goodness.
When I finish, I wipe the area quickly, but carefully to get every possibly infected spot with a medical wipe and get up. “Michael, you should be okay in the morning. I mean, I would recommend to anyone but you that you should rest for a few more days, but I know you wont. So, I’m just putting that idea out there at this point.” Wiping blood off my hands and onto my jeans -date jeans!!- I turn tiredly to Chucky who’s just quietly chain smoking away on the chair. “Are you gonna stay tonight? Cuz if you are, you’re taking a shower. You already owe me 15 bucks to get the mud out of that chair.”
“A gracious offer, but I got a hiding place for tonight.” He aims a dirty smirk at me then, hinting at something about his new hiding place that I really don’t want to think too hard about, and then pushes off the chair. He walks on by me, but before he can pass, he stops and turns to me one last time. “Think about what I said, Y/N. You’re lucky you get to live both worlds- even with us crashing into this one too often. If it were up to just Michael or Jason, or even Freddy, and definitely those crazy hick Sawyers, you wouldn’t see normal life again. You’d be kept in a basement, or a coma. Be happy with what you have, because we love you too. But not enough to respect your freedom if you go too far.” He looks down at me carefully through his hair. “Got it?”
Same old threats… “Yeah, I got it.” … But they’re getting closer to being real, I know that. Not all the love and care in the world could change their inability to handle loss without a fight. And if it came to a fight, I would most definitely lose.
A few minutes after he leaves, I check on Michael again and find he’s sleeping peacefully on the couch. If I was honest with myself, I like him there. I like having him around- I like having them all around. A musty old forest zombie isn’t so scary when you come to feel safe with him around, and nightmares aren’t so bad when they include mostly bad puns and dad jokes. Just like a crazy, possibly incestuous, definitely cannibalistic and slightly off the hanger family isn’t unbearable when they leave aside a plate of veggies just for you because they know you won’t eat human.
I love them, and I want them around. And if I was honest with Chucky, I would agree that I couldn’t survive without the splash of danger and extraordinary in my life. But I won’t, because if I do then I’m locked in, but then again if I say it isn’t true then I’m lying to myself. And he might leave and take the rest with him. So, sometimes it’s best not to decide.
Finally, I turn off the light and whisper goodnight to Michael and go to bed.
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gh0stwriting · 4 years
Can I get a some hcs for Jason Micahel n Brahms? The slashers' tie their s/o up somewhere after they try to leave. The place where they tied them up has a dust so it triggers and asthma attack. Reader's bag is too far for them to reach and their inhaler is in the bag. The slasher hear noises coming for where they have their s/o tied up so they go there and realize what's happening. Their s/o is close to passing out from lack of air. Cue lots and lots of guilt (sorry if its too specific) Thank u!
(it is very specific but thankfully i understand because i have asthma, so i knew what you meant. this is also gonna be a hell of a lot longer than usual bc its hard to explain, sorry.)
he trusted you and he loved you, no, loves, he still does. but why would you betray him? he found you hiding in the forest, obviously from him and he was hurt, i mean he gets why, but it still really hurts
he knocked you out and took you to pamela’s shrine, tying you to a support beam and barricading the door from the outside while he debated killing you, but he couldnt bring himself to. he still cares about you and would never willingly hurt you
but when you wake up you feel the telltale tightness in your chest and throat as dust collects in your lungs with every inhale, every second feels like a thousand as your head starts to pound and you start gasping for clean air
your bag. your bag has your inhaler. but jason also knows you carry weapons in there, so its on the other side of the shed, far from where you can reach. but you still try fruitlessly, reaching your legs as far as they can go and trying to hook the strap on your shoe. but its no use, so you start screaming. you scream a mixture of jasons name and various calls for help in between aggressive coughs but nobody comes.
its been so long that youre minutes away from losing conciousness, black spots filling your vision and tears filling your eyes, until the door slams open, shaking the whole shed with its force. its jason. when you see his face you start crying and pointing towards your bag, whispered pleas falling from your lips.
he picks up the bag and places it at your feet before untieing you with a knife and sharp twist of his wrist. you practically fall forward onto your bag and rifle through it in search for your salvation until you feel the cool metal of the chamber. you quickly place the mouthpiece between your lips and inhale the sweet, sweet air.
as soon as you can breathe again, you and jason mutually apologize for what happened, though with more talking on your part, and you promise to never leave without telling him again. and only to get necesseities.
he knows what asthma is but doesnt know you have it, in fact the only thing crossing his mind at the moment is the fact that you tried to leave. you managed to unlock the front door and were almost at the next street when he came out of nowhere and grabbed you, dragging your screaming and writhing body back inside the myers house.
he tied you to an exposed pipe in the basement and left you there as he went to deal with his anger, not knowing the extent of your asthma.
its been hours as far as you can tell, gasping for air as long as you can remember, your rapid breathing sending even more dust flying around the room and making your situation worse.
seeing no other way to get out of the cuffs, you start rattling them against the pipe and making as much noise as you can while saving your oxygen
after god knows how long you hear thundering steps descending the stairs and michaels masked face appearing in the doorway, stoic as he takes in your heaving form, taking far too long to realize what was happening.
he disappears upstairs and comes back seconds later holding your inhaler, he holds it to your lips and administers it for you, not trusting you enough to free you yet. though he did move you to a slightly cleaner room so you didnt die on him.
this boys like, dumb dumb, he’s probably never been on the internet and wouldnt know anything about medicine, so you cant expect too much. he cant make accomodations for what he doesnt understand.
you tried to leave the house and he busted through a wall to tackle you and carry you to a cell of sorts between the walls. between the dusty, mildew filled walls. god help your respiratory system.
he’d never hurt you on purpose, so instead he goes back to his “bedroom” and throws a tantrum. pillows being ripped apart and things being thrown, occassionally stopping only to scream into whatever pillow he hasnt shredded. poor boys just confused and hurt, he loves you so much.
but over his own stomping footsteps he hears gasps of his name, causing him to barrel down the small pathway to where you are. he sees you gasping and heaving, eyes filled with tears as you fight to breathe.
he doesnt know whats wrong and he keeps begging to know, his childlike voice emerging as his fear grows “(y/n)? whats wrong? are you okay?” to which you reapond by nodding to your restraints, repeatedly mouthing a mix of “please, brahms” and “i cant breathe”
he reluctantly unties you and helps you to your feet, holding onto your wrist in a vice grip as you slowly lead him to your suitcase, trying to conserve as much air as possible. you take your inhaler and sigh in relief as you can finally breathe. deciding to sit Brahms down and explain the extent of your asthma and why dust is really bad for you.
he never does it again and makes sure to dust rooms youre in a lot because he never wants that to happen to you again.
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caffeinated-mendes · 4 years
Cozy Nights - Peter x MJ
word count: 2k
summary:  A little one-shot where Peter Parker tries to get into reading to share a hobby with his girlfriend, MJ. (I used some referencing to Fahrenheit 451 and quoted Green Eggs and Ham, but I do not own the rights to these books! Just know that the plot they discuss is from the wonderful mind of Ray Bradbury and the book they read to Morgan is from Dr. Seuss!)
a/n:  I love how MJ is always reading a book in the background of scenes she's not directly in, especially in Homecoming. I thought it would be cute to write a one-shot where Peter reads her favorite books and has conversations about them with her. This kind of was unexpected, but it turned into Morgan, MJ, and Peter fluff, but I tried to tie it back in with reading Green Eggs and Ham to Morgan :) I just loved the Morgan part too much I couldn't let it go! I had to pull out my fifteen year old copy of Green Eggs and Ham, so I hope you enjoy, cause it took some digging to write the end. Comments and likes are always appreciated!
warnings: none
*if you prefer, you can read this on my ao3
The creak of the door and shuffle of shoes on the doormat of MJ’s apartment alerted her that her boyfriend, Peter Parker, had made it home from his classes. Curled up on her sofa under a blanket, MJ didn’t move. The book in her hands had taken almost all her focus and right now, and she didn’t care that the boy she’d been waiting for to come over all day was here. “MJ?” Peter’s voice sounded from the kitchen.
“I’m in the living room,” she’d said, reading on. MJ moved her eyes from the page as Peter took her blanketed torso and sat beneath it, laying her head on his lap. MJ turned the page to her book, feeling his fingers running through her hair, massaging her scalp. Peter wore jeans and hoodie and his hair had curled more than normal on this day. MJ guessed it was more humid outside than usual, but she didn’t know for sure, she’d been inside all day. 
“‘Missed you today.” Peter’s voice was light, a soft, tender sound. “What are you reading?”
“Mmh, some book I found on sale,” MJ replied, taking her eyes from the page at last to look at Peter’s brown ones, “It’s about Spain. Did you know that instead of the tooth fairy there’s a tooth rat? I’m pretty sure they have the same job, though. How was class today?”
“Okay. I got to leave a little early though. I had lunch with Pepper and Morgan.” MJ put her book on the coffee table in front of her and settled herself back into Peter’s lap as he resumed playing with her hair. “Morgan wants to come over sometime. I told her whenever she wants, we’ll pick her up from school and spend the afternoon with her.”
MJ smiled, “I love that kid. She’s so funny and doesn’t take shit from anyone.”
“Kinda like you.” Peter laughed as MJ hit him, but she was completely in agreeance of the statement.
“Off topic, but you’re the best person to ask,” Peter watched as MJ raised her eyebrows, “I have to write a book analysis for my English class, and I don’t know what to read. Can I borrow a book from you?” MJ stood up from the couch, and giddily got up to her bookshelf lining the wall adjacent of the TV.
MJ began taking multiple books off the shelf, “I’ll make a little pile of my favorites that you can pick from. You don’t have much time, being Spider-Man and all, so I’ll have to limit it to under three hundred pages or over three hundred, but with a big font and pictures.” Peter felt a little juvenile after that comment, but continued watching her. Placing a great stack of nearly ten books down on the coffee table, Peter sat up in his seat. Some looked old, some new, but all were in pristine condition. MJ never cracked the spines of her books, wrote in them, or even dog-earred the pages. 
“Uh, okay,” Peter chuckled. “Wait. I’ve got a great idea. I always feel bad for never being able to talk to you about books, because I only read Star Wars. So what if I read all of these?” Peter seemed very excited by this, which only made MJ even more excited.
“Peter. I’ve been dating you for four and a half years and never, not even once, have I seen you read more than one book.” MJ smirked, putting a hand on her hip. She looked very judgy, with her hair tucked behind her ears and straightened stance.
Peter crossed his arms and scoffed from the couch, “Well, I definitely have read more than one book, other than Star Wars, alright? You know what? I’m gonna read one of these books a week, so you should expect that in…” Peter quickly counted the stacks, “Eight weeks, I will be finished with all of these, and be able to have a versatile conversation about each of these with you.” Peter took the stack of books and laid them out on the coffee table. There were several different genres for each of the books, all containing some dark undertone: Frankenstein, Fahrenheit 451, The Help, The Book Thief, The Hate U Give, Animal Farm, Little Women, and The Hitchhiker. “Which should I start with?”
MJ walked back over to Peter and took a seat next to him on the couch. Handing him a smaller book, he read the front cover. Fahrenheit 451. Peter had remembered having to read the same book his freshman year, but couldn’t be bothered to pay attention in class when the teacher read it. Reading his mind, MJ said, “I know you probably had to read this in school, but I know if you did you don’t remember it. It’s really good, actually, Ray Bradbury had this insane mind. He was so creative and he honestly predicts so many things happening in the book that actually came true now. I think if you like it, do your analysis on this.” MJ tapped the cover, and Peter opened it up, reading the first page. 
MJ stacked the books back up, and took her own, settling herself back onto his lap as Peter gnawed on his lip, entranced in the pages. She smiled to herself, glad to show someone the world of literature that she adored. It seemed like something she could get used to, the steady rise and fall of Peter’s chest as he held a book in front of him, reading over her head. The silence was nice, to be laying with him and to feel the warmth next to her as they both enjoyed each other’s presence. 
An hour later, MJ had gotten up to make the two of them tea. Her bare feet touched the cold tile, desperate to get back on the couch and under the blanket. As the kettle was placed on the stove and she searched her cupboards for chamomile and mint tea (Peter only drank mint tea, no other kind) Peter called from the living room, “So is Clarisse into Montag, or are they just friends? And did she really die? Cause that’s just random if she did!”
MJ placed the mugs onto the counter, setting a tea bag inside each. “No, Clarisse is a teenager, and Montag’s like thirty-something. And Clarisse’s death wasn’t random. Think about what Millie said, and Beatty, too. Why was that significant?”
“I dunno- wait! Isn’t that what motivates Montag to question Beatty after Clarisse got him to think about their society and all that stuff in the first place? Because Mildred doesn’t question it, ‘cause she’s obviously brainwashed.” MJ snorted at the last comment, and made her way back to the living room.
“You’re catching on, Parker, remember that for your analysis.” Leaning over him, she lifted his chin with her fingertips, pecking them before sitting back down. 
Peter placed his book on his lap, holding his page. “That’s all I get? Just one kiss?” He made a pout as MJ settled herself back onto the couch.
“Read ten more pages and you’ll get another.”
Every week passed with Peter visiting MJ like normal, on Tuesdays and Saturdays. College at this point had caught up to the both of them and that was all the time they could really squeeze in between classes, jobs, Spider-Man, and other social activities with other friends or family. 
But every time Peter came over he came with whichever book he was reading, and he had kept up with his promise. He was on his sixth book, with only The Book Thief and The Help left unread. This brought great pleasure to MJ, as whenever Peter came over, they’d read for sometimes over an hour before Peter wanted to cuddle and watch their TV show together. Spider-Man had not been neglected, but people had taken pictures of him sitting around the city, whether that be on the train or a park bench surrounded by pigeons reading.  Peter still surveyed the area for hooligans and thieves.
MJ had felt great pride to hear that Peter had gotten a 93% on his English analysis, and the professor had even written a note on the side of the page that said that Peter had ‘stripped back each layer of this story’ and even ‘revealed themes that are often not mentioned.’ That same day was Peter, MJ, and Morgan’s monthly hang-out day/sleepover, so after the great news was revealed, the two of them got on the subway to make their way upstate.
The Stark’s house was unlike all of Tony and Pepper’s past residences, because this one felt like a home. It was lived in, by all the pictures on the walls and scratches on the furniture and even Morgan’s drawings on the refrigerator. When Peter stepped in it, though, it gave him a bitter taste in the back of his mouth. In every room, he saw Tony. In the living room, he’d be on the couch, drinking whiskey. In the kitchen, kissing Pepper. In the basement, working on hologram-blueprints. In the hallway, carrying Morgan to bed. He took a deep breath, remembering that MJ’s hand was in his and everything would be okay. He’d see Tony again one day.
Little thunks on the wooden staircase came sounding into the living room as Pepper called Morgan from the living room. “Thanks for bringing her back here after school to get her toys. She wouldn’t leave without ‘em.” Pepper smiled to the two of them, and MJ told her it was no problem. A big flurry of pink and blue came running into Peter’s arms and MJ watched as he propped Morgan on his hip, cheeky smiles coming from the both of them. “I was waiting all day to see you, Peter!” Morgan poked her pinky finger into his cheek.
“Me too, Morgan! Where do you wanna go with MJ and me today?” MJ watched the two of them. Peter seemed like he was free, everything looming on his mind was gone once he had the three of them together. She knew that Peter was like a big brother to Morgan, and she loved seeing how they interact, and how much they taught one another. Morgan reached from MJ’s hand, taking her fingers and twisting them into hers from Peter’s grasp.
She grinned, “The bookstore.” Pepper had returned from the kitchen with some packed up snacks for the way back to Queens.
“Ah, yes, she’s been really into reading lately,” Pepper grinned, eyeing MJ.
“So has Peter. He’s read six books in the past two months.” MJ smirked at Peter, who frowned at the comment.
Pepper scoffed,“You’re kidding.”
The three of them had a tiring day of playing in the living room with fake Avengers props and having multiple rounds of hide and go seek among MJ’s apartment. Peter had put on his Spider-Man mask, MJ had Thor’s hammer, and Morgan had brought her own Iron Man mask, which made MJ’s heart hurt in a way nothing else could. 
As the sky darkened and the moon shone through the windows, they had ended up in MJ’s bed, with Morgan in between her and Peter. “Can we read my story now?” She asked. Peter was propped up against the headboard, Morgan’s head on his chest and legs on MJ’s lap. 
“Sure.” MJ replied, and reached over to her nightstand, grabbing the small picture book and turning on her lamp, making the room just a bit brighter. “‘That Sam-I-am! That Sam-I-am! I do not like that Sam-I-am!” The earned a little giggle from Morgan, leaning over a bit closer to MJ to look at the pictures. Later on, “‘Would you like them in a house? Would you like them with a mouse?’
“‘Say! I like green eggs and ham!’” MJ continued on with her little voice that sounded a bit like Mickey Mouse and a chipmunk combined, “‘I do so like green eggs and ham! Thank you! Thank you! Sam-I-am!” When this got no response, MJ turned her head to see that the two of them had fallen asleep, nestled under the covers. Closing the book and putting it back on her nightstand, she turned off the lamp, and moved to put her arm of the two of them. In what felt like seconds, she fell asleep.
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spookysnicket · 5 years
ANON: Matchup please? I'm a straight female. 5'1", small frame but oversized boobs lol. Long dark hair, pale skin look 12 even though in my 20s. Allergic to everything. Love books, video games, and Disney movies. Like sing along at the top of my lungs. Firey temper but can be very sweet. Heavy into bdsm and subbing. Hope that's not too much
(Not too much at all love! There’s NS!FW bits that’re marked as such, but I hope you enjoy, and as always matchup below the cut!)
I match you with Thomas Hewitt
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🍴 At 5’1 , you’re just below this sweet 6’5 boy’s shoulder level. You’ll never truly know how terrified Tommy is of accidentally hurting you, with you being so much tinier and delicate looking than anyone else he knows
🍴 He loves how innocent and sweet you look! If Tommy could ever flirt with you, he’d probably tell you how fine a mask your face would make... So maybe it’s a good thing he doesn’t talk, huh?
🍴 Uh oh. Tommy just wants to protect you from everything, but there’s not much anyone can really do for you at the house. He can’t tuck you away indoors to escape your allergies- there’s too much dust! But being outside is so much worse- the air is 1% breathable and 99% dirt, pollen, and other irritants! A last resort would be the basement, but trust me when I say there’s some mystery mildew growing down there that no one should be inhaling, period.
🍴 Basically, you’re gonna get your butt kicked all through Spring. Thomas does his best to tend to you between his chores- he hates to see how miserable you look- all sniffly and stuffed up! However, Tommy does love how cute your sneezes are
🍴 Kind of on the same topic- but beneath that cold scary shell he wears, Tommy’s packing a super tender mother hen! He has a knack for caring for you like you’re a sick child that needs to be coddled and comforted. It likely has something to do with his own upbringing
🍴 What can I say, the Hewitts wouldn’t last very long in a library. The most you can find for reading material are whatever magazines Luda Mae’s subscribed to, so I hope you’re into home decor weekly and the top 100 underrated country singers of last year
🍴 Unfortunately you’re gonna have to live without your beloved video games and animated characters when you move in with the family. However, you can at least sing your favorite Disney tunes to Tommy- he’s never heard of any of the princesses, so you’ll be his very own! Your voice is just pleasing to him overall, and singing to him softly is a great way to calm him down
🍴 Ohhh that temper of yours. At least once a day you and Hoyt go at it about something. Luda Mae rolls her eyes and stomps off into the kitchen while Monty hoots and hollers at you two like he’s watching some reality TV show. You have to make it up to Tommy afterwards though, all the yelling scares him, especially if he’s what started it
🍴 That’s when the sweet side comes in. He usually hides away from the shouting down in the basement or in your shared bedroom. He’ll be filled to the brim with anxiety, so approach him slowly with soft words. Once you get close enough, wrap your arms around him and apologize- telling him you love him and so on. He’ll quickly take you to his chest in a tight embrace and coo to you with gentle whining noises while he pets your back
🍴 NS!FW: You thought I forgot about your boobs huh? Naw, and neither does Thomas when you two get intimate- how could he when they’re one of his favorite parts about you? You’ll find Tommy likes to use his mouth a lot, slipping it down below your collarbones and over your breasts- he lolls his tongue over your nipples before wrapping his lips over one and suckling away. You’re gonna chafe later, dear
🍴 NS!FW: Oh man, BDSM is a time for him. Did you see how quickly he buckled Eric to the table? Or how delicately he uses those big hands to thread masks together? He’s experienced. Begging Tommy to tie you to the bed frame and have his way with you? N-u-t
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screamxqueenx94 · 5 years
Wolf Moon/Teen Wolf Series- Part 1
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Thank you to @mummybear, @ficus-fig and @mrs-mitch-rapp93 ,who gave me the confidence to go for it! You guys are awesome and I love you with all my heart! And to those who are reading this, thank you and I hope you enjoy it too!
A/N: So every part is going to have the same name as the episodes, but they will be told from the point of view of my OC, which means somethings will be left out because she wasn't present and some things will be added. You will learn a lot more about her throughout the series. I really hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! And if you want to be added to my Taglist at anytime if you're not already, just ask :)
Pairing: Eventually in the series; Stiles Stilinski x OC! Charlotte 'Charli' Vérszívó
Warnings: swearing, some underage drinking, and mentions of deceased parents
Italics= inner commentary/ thoughts
Charli's POV
It was difficult being in a new place. After everything I went through in the past year, my father and I were forced out of our old home and had to move to Beacon Hills after the incident that killed my mom happened. I don't really miss New Jersey too much, but I do miss my mom. She was the best. She was the rock for our family. She always had a smile on her face even when things were bad.
I miss hearing her sing around the house. I miss the smell of her perfume lingering after she already left the room. I miss being able to tell her anything and not worry about her passing judgements on me. She always knew when to be my best friend and when to be my mom. Most of all, I miss how much she loved my father. He wasn't the best at expressing his emotions, but my mom made him do that and when she died, he changed. He became cold, distant… almost hollow.
We pulled up to the new house and it was beautiful. It was something my mom would have loved. It was a huge gray and stone neo-eclectic style house with a two car garage, and a circle driveway. My father told me that there was an inground pool in the backyard, as if to make me more convinced to be here, but I didn't have a say anyways. I get out of the U HAUL and walk towards the house. I examine the front yard with a bunch of beautiful peonies, roses and snapdragons lining the front of the porch and hydrangeas lining the stone walkway leading to the front porch.
“What do you think, Charli?” My father asks as he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.
“It's beautiful…” I trail off. “...I just wish mom could've been here to see it. She would love this place.” I continue quietly, looking down at my old beat up high top converse sneakers.
“I know… I wish she was here too…” He replied sadly. “But, this is our new life. We're going to get a fresh start here and we're going to make the best of it.” He continued with a slightly more positive attitude.
I sighed and looked back up at the house. My father let go of me and we walked into the new house together. When he opened the double doors, he let me in first. I looked up and noticed the double sided curved stairs that led to the second floor. Why the hell do we need all this space? It's literally just the two of us.
“There's also a fully finished basement for when you have friends over.” He broke the silence.
I looked over and half smiled at him. “Where's my room?” I ask quietly.
“Take your pick. There's at least five of them here.” He smirked.
It was night when we finished unpacking most of the boxes. I carried some crushed up boxes to the curb and threw them away. As I put the lid back on the trash bin outside, I heard a car coming up the road and pull into the driveway of the white house next door on the right side of us. I look up as the door slams shut and see a boy with a buzzcut in a grey cargo jacket get out. After he gets out, he starts walking up the drive, but I may have been staring for too long because he actually stopped to look at me. I quickly made myself busy by putting the boxes that didn't fit in the bin on the ground leaning against it.
He starts walking over to me and starts talking. “Are you my new neighbor?” He asks in a friendly tone. God he was cute.
“Uhh yeah-- yeah I'm Charli.” I answer.
“I'm Stiles…” he holds out his hand to shake mine. Holy crap! His moles are beautiful!
I shake his hand, then shove both of my hands in the pockets of my black zip up hoodie.
“So where did you guys move from?” He asked as he shoved his hands in his jean pockets.
“Jersey. We uh, we lived in Piscataway.”
“Oh cool cool… so did you guys just want a change of scenery or…?” He asked, trailing off.
“No, actually my dad got a new job offer out here and because it's not legal for a 16 year old to live on their own, I had to come along.” I answer as I tuck some of my long, chestnut hair behind my ear, making him chuckle at that last part.
“What’s he do?”
“He's a lawyer.”
His eyebrows raise a bit and he nods. There's a moment of awkward silence between us until he clears his throat.
“Sooo… I'm guessing you're going to be going to Beacon Hills High?” He asks, clearly not sure what else to really say.
“Yeah. My dad originally wanted me to go to a private school, but I convinced him to let me go to public school for a change.” I answer back. “Plus, I'd probably get myself kicked out anyways.”
“You're a rebel I take it?” He asks smirking.
“Only when I wanna be.” I answer back smirking as well, winking, making him chuckle.
We stand there for a minute laughing at how stupid we are. When we stop, he's about to say something until my father opens the front door.
“Charli, come inside. It's late.” he calls. Thanks, Dad…
“Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?” I ask, smiling as I walk backwards towards my front door.
“Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow.” He answers back, smiling.
“Goodnight.” I tell him, as my body is facing the door but my violet eyes are still on his honey brown ones.
“Goodnight.” He answers back then starts heading back to his own house.
I go inside and close the door. I have this weird feeling in my stomach. A feeling I never really had before. It was strange, I'm not sure I like it. My face was hurting from smiling so much. Is this what a crush felt like? I honestly don't know.
I take off my beat up high top converse sneakers by the front door and start walking towards the steps to go upstairs.
“Who was that?” My father asked, coming out of the hallway leading from the kitchen with a drink in one hand and a case file in the other heading towards his office.
“Just one of our neighbors.” I answer, trying to head upstairs.
“Yeah? A teenage neighbor?” He asked as he placed the case file down on the big mahogany desk with a raised eyebrow.
I sigh. “Yes dad, a teenager. A teenaged boy.”
“What's his name?” He asked, leaning against the desk, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Stiles.” It just rolled right off my tongue so easily, felt natural coming off my lips.
My father's face twisted. “What the hell kind of name is Stiles?”
“What kind of name is Ambrus?” I shot back.
“Touche… you little shit.” He commented, making me smirk.
“Well, I've had a busy day. I'm going to bed.” I declare.
“Don't you want some dinner?” He asks, holding up his glass to me.
“No thanks, I'll have some in the morning.” I call back as I head up the stairs for bed.
I wake up and get ready for school. I take a quick shower, brush my teeth and look through my closet. I pull out a tie dye t-shirt, ripped faded skinny jeans and the same black zip up hoodie from last night. Since my hair is a mess, as per usual, I decide to just do two loose braids and stop at where the purple dip dyed ends begin and then put on my ‘Anti Social’ beanie. I head downstairs and sit at the island in our open dark wood kitchen and my dad is already dressed for work in his tailored Armani three piece suit and tie.
“Hey, good morning sleepy head.” My father greets as he pours me a drink into a mug. “You excited for your first day?”
“Define excited.” I mumble, still tired because I could barely sleep last night.
“Hey, c'mon now, Charli. Cheer up! Besides, you're gonna have at least one new friend right? That kid, Stiles from next door?” He tries to pep me up as he hands me the mug.
I drink it all in one sip and wipe my mouth with the napkin he hands me. I toss it in the trash and head for the foyer where my shoes from last night and my backpack were. I put on my shoes and throw my bag over my shoulder. I'm about to leave when my dad calls out. “Did you forget something?”
I look up and he tosses me my keys. I catch them. “Thanks, Dad. Love you!” I call out as I head out to the garage door.
I walk in and sitting in the garage is my father's black Cadillac CTS-V Coupe and my purple 1962 Volkswagen convertible. I could've had any car at all, but I just wanted to keep this because it was in the family for three generations now and I'm a sucker for sentiment. I get in and open the garage door. I adjust my mirrors, take a deep breath, start it up and drive off to the school. As I drive, I turn up the radio and the disk jockey announces that she's going to to play ‘Lowlife’ by Theory of A Deadman. I turn it up louder and start singing along as I'm driving.
I get ready to pull into the school parking lot, but get cut off by some dickhole in a grey Porsche. I slam on my horn and flip him off and keep going. I pull into a spot next to an old beat up pick up truck and gather all my stuff together. My phone alerts me of a text and I check it.
Dad: Have a great 1st day Princess! I put ur schedule & money in the front pocket of ur backpack :)
I half smile and get out and walk towards the school. As I'm walking, I'm pretty sure I see Stiles talking to some other kid with shaggy black hair, but I'm not sure so I don't say anything at first. Before I say anything, a strawberry blonde girl walks past him when he tries to get her attention.
“Hey, Lydia! You look… like you're gonna ignore me.” He sounded so defeated. I felt bad, but at the same time, kinda happy because now I got to talk to him.
“Hey, Stiles.” I call out. He looks past his friend's head, smiles and waves at me.
“Hey!” he actually sounds happy to see me. Play it cool, Charli. Don't fuck this up too.
“Charli, this is my best friend, Scott… Scott, this is Charli, my new neighbor I told you about.” he introduced, gesturing back and forth between us.
Scott and I wave to each other and the bell rings. We all head inside and as I'm walking I pull out my schedule and try to look for my first class.
“Who do you have first period?” Scott asks.
“Mr. Westover.” I answer, not looking up until I feel Stiles’ hand on my shoulder.
“Lucky you, that's right next to us.” Stiles says smiling. “Scott, save me a seat, I'll be right back.” He continues as he leads me to the classroom.
We walk in and Stiles goes up to the the older man behind the desk.
“Mr. Westover, this is Charli, she's a new student here.” He states, leading me over to his desk.
“Thank you, Mr. Stilinski, I'll take it from here. Get to class.” He says in a monotone voice, as he sifts through papers.
Stiles gives him a sarcastic salute and looks at me. “I'll see you after class so I can show you your other classes.” He smiles.
“Now, Mr. Stilinski.” Mr. Westbrook's voice raises just a bit. Stiles leaves. “Take a seat anywhere, Miss Vérszívó.” he continues as he motions to the rows of desks facing the board.
I take the last available seat next to a tall boy with brown spiked hair and blue eyes in a leather jacket. I see in my peripheral vision that he's looking me up and down. I can't tell if he's checking me out or judging me, but by his appearance alone, it's probably judging.
“You're friends with Stilinski?” He asks, almost snobbish.
“He's my neighbor and was kind enough to introduce himself, so yes, I'd say so.” I answer back without making eye contact, just sifting through my backpack for a notebook and a pen.
“Well, if you ever decide to hang out with a more appealing crowd, you know where to find me.” He turns back forward, smirking.
“Cool, I'll look for you in the feminine hygiene aisle along with the other douches.” I shoot back as I'm opening my notebook and preparing to take notes. A kid with short black hair starts snickering behind him, which makes me want to crack a smile. The brown hair boy looks back and gives the other kid dagger eyes.
“Mr. Whittmore, is there an issue that needs to be addressed?” Mr. Westbrook calls out, making the brown haired kid's head snap towards the front of the room.
“No sir.” He said.
Mr. Westbrook turned back around to the board and continued writing on it. I looked over at the douche next to me and smirked.
I started looking for my locker and seen Stiles and Scott talking to a girl in the hallway.
“Can Someone tell me how the new girl is here all of five minutes and she's already hanging out with Lydia's Clique?” the pretty girl complained.
“Because she's hot... Beautiful people herd together.” Stiles said to her.
I chuckled and approached them. Stiles and Scott looked over at me and smiled.
“Yeah, toolbag over there just tried recruiting me first period.” I comment as I point to the guy I told off first period who had his arms wrapped around Lydia.
“Wait, Jackson actually tried to talk to you?” the girl exclaimed.
“Ugh… that's his name? Wow, he apparently has a typical douchebag name too.” I joke.
“What did you say when he talked to you?” Stiles asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I told him if I needed him, I'd look for him in the feminine hygiene aisle along with the other douches.” I answered.
Stiles and the girl bust out in laughter, which earns me a high five from Stiles. Scott was really quiet though, kept staring at the other new girl tentatively. As if he was listening to their conversation. I could hear it too, something about a party, but I was mostly tuning it out.
“Are you busy later?” Stiles asked after the other girl left.
“Just some more unpacking when I get home, but other than that, no… why, what's up?” he shoved one hand in his jean pocket and adjusted the strap on his backpack over his with the other.
“Well Scott and I have Lacrosse practice after school, but after we were gonna hang out… did you wanna hang with us?” He asked, almost shy.
“Yeah, that'd be cool.” I answer.
“Great, I can text you after practice if you want?” I nod and give him my phone to put his number in.
“Quick question: what's Lacrosse?” I ask.
Whatever I said triggered something because even Scott looked at me shocked. I look at them both. “What?” I ask.
“Okay, forget texting you later. You gotta come to practice.” Stiles exclaimed.
“It's only the biggest sport in Beacon Hills.” Scott adds.
I think for a moment, then I shrug. “Okay, yeah, I'll come watch."
That's where I'm leaving off today , hope you guys liked it :)
@mummybear @ficus-fig @music-magic-mayhem @bold-sartorial-statement @zenawa @stiles-o-dylan24 @cry-btch @maaariiiooo13 @thekingofselfloathing @sporadiccookiebagel @bewarethebees @inschi @awesomeandromedablack @raugsmaug @wil2space @bansheeintuition @mrs-mitch-rapp93
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blurryhoney · 7 years
Take A Chance ( Steve Harrington x Reader)
Summary: The group tries to convince Steve to ask the Reader out on a date.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Settings: Hawkins High School, The Wheeler Home, Readers House.
Request: hey I was just wondering if I could request an imagine in which the party tries to convince Steve into asking the reader out thank u and keep up the good work 💗💖💖
Warnings: Cursing
Author: Joy
Note: This story was written by my lovely younger sister who will be making appearances on this page with her writing! I hope you guys enjoy this entire story was written by her I just gave her the request because I knew she would have a perfect idea for it, enjoy! NO GIFS USED THROUGHOUT THE STORY ARE MINE.
Requests are open! Don’t be shy to message me or ask anonymously. :)
Word Count: 3317
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I walk into school with thoughts of y/n in my mind. I just.. Can’t stop thinking of her. Her amazing personality, friendship with the kids… plus her cute face is a nice bonus. I’ve been wanting to ask her out for a few days but.. Fuck, i’m too nervous. What if she rejects me..? Or worse, calls me ‘buddy’. I can’t help but sigh out loud as I think to myself, i’ve never had this much of an intense crush. I mean… Nancy… yeah… but, y/n is different. I’ve known her for a while now, and I’ve been crushing on her for a while too. I can’t stop thinking about her, she’s all that has mattered to me recently. Suddenly I feel a hand grasp onto my shoulder and hug me from behind.
“Wha-!” I turn around quickly and see the smiling face of… her. y/n, as beautiful as ever. My heart felt like it was going to burst every time that I saw her. Her eyes seemed to shine, her hair fell perfectly, and… god that smile of hers.
“Sorry for scaring you, Steve. How are you?” she said happily with a happy smirk on her face.
“I was doing alright, but now i’m feeling..” I bring my hand up to my chin and act as if i’m thinking intensely. I hold up a few fingers, “three times better, thanks to you showing up”
She widens her eyes slightly, “Aw! I didn’t know a walking can of hair gel could be so sweet!”
“I’m just kidding~! That was super.. Super sweet, Steve” she says joyfully, I see her cheeks swell up with a light pink.
My heart is going to erupt. That’s the first… first… ANYTHING i’d ever said to her that didn’t come out completely awful. I feel myself start to sweat, and quickly wipe my forehead. I turn around quickly, “Aha! Well- y/n we better get going, right?”
“Oh- oh God, yeah, I didn’t see the time”
“Pfft. Alright, let’s go” I say as calmly as I can. I.. I’ve made my decision.. I’m going to ask her out tomorrow after school! I just have to before some undeserving hound-dog of a boy asks her out. I can do this!
I walk out of school, the thought of y/n still clinging onto my thoughts. I look around the sea of students leaving to see if I can find her. I quickly find Dustin and y/n chatting it up near the parking lot. Mike, Will, Lucas, and Max behind him. I smile when I see y/n, and start jogging over to them. They all quickly turn to me, Dustin giving me a weird.. Glare?
“Hey, you guys” I say as I step up to them, smiling even bigger as I see y/n’s face. y/n blushes and turns to Dustin,
“Ok, Dusty, I’ve gotta go now~” she says waving her hand a little bit, she looks to me for a split second, “Sorry Steve, we can talk tomorrow!” she quickly runs of not saying another word.
Wha..? What was that about… Did I do something wrong earlier? I look over to Dustin whose glare hasn’t failed to weaken. “Hey bud..?” I say quietly. He steps closer to me and pats my arm gently,
“Hey.. pal’ he says smiling
“Uh..? What’s up with the smile?”
Max chimes in with a smug smirk on her face,
“y/n told us about how you’ve been acting lately! Do you have like a crush on her or something?” she steps closer “She said you’ve been acting kinda off! And she told us what you said earlier this morning! Gosh- she said it so calmly too! Like she doesn’t see what that means~” Mike pats her shoulder
“Max, calm down on lover boy” he says quietly.
I feel my heart stop. Have I SERIOUSLY been acting that obvious lately? I open my mouth to defend myself but Dustin speaks up before I can,
“Steve.. How about you come with us back to Mike’s house. We were going to play some games. But I think we have something else to do now” I look behind his shoulder and see the other three chattering with excitement behind him, I sigh and nod. It’s not like I can just not go with them. Knowing the four, one of them would probably blab to y/n about my feelings by tomorrow afternoon if I don’t oblige.
“Ok-ok but, you can’t tell y/n. I can’t let her know yet---” Dustin hushes me and purses his lips.
“Shh.. I know you’ve got a mega boner for y/n”
“A MEGA HEART BONER” lucas says loudly. I see some weird stares come from some ongoing students, I step closer to them.
“Okokok- shut up, you guys” I say with panic in my voice. “Let’s just go” I see all their eyes light up, and they all begin simultaneously giggling. I sigh yet again, and start stomping over to my car.
“Wait!” Mike yells out to me, I turn around and stare at them like they’re insane.
“What about our bikes!” he said with an annoyed tone in his voice
I stop for a second, looking at my car then back to the four bikes.
“Grab my rope from the trunk”
“Why the hell do you have rope, Steve” Dustin asks
“To tie things to the roof”
I park the car in front of Mike's house, “Alright, we’re here” I grumble as I hop out of the car. They all jump out almost immediately, and they all start heading towards the house. Dustin stops and turns to me and looks at the car. There are three bikes being held onto the roof of the car by two ropes. Barely.
“Are the bikes gonna be alright?”
“Yeah. Mike’s is in the trunk. We can come back out and get them later.. I guess”
Dustin shrugs and guides me into the house. We’re greeted by Karen, AKA Mike’s mom, who’s starting dinner. She smiles at the kids and greets then and turns her head at me.
“Steven? What are you doing here?” she says tilting her head to the side.
I chuckle nervously, slowly following the kids. “Ha.. Just dropping off the group.. Lucas’ bike was actin’ wonky so they asked me to just pick ‘em up.” I give her a cheesy grin. “So now i’m just gonna hang out with them for a bit because they invited me to play dungeons and dragons!” She narrows her eyes at me.
“Oh..?” she looks out to my car and stares at the bikes that are being held onto the roof.
“O..kay” she nods “Oh- and Hopper dropped off Jane a little bit ago.”
“We still call her Eleven” Mike mumbles to himself as he starts going down the stairs into the basement.
I start following Mike down to the basement. They all start chatting away as I sit down uncomfortably in the corner. I see them greet Eleven, she’s just hanging out in the corner alone. Suddenly, she looks over to me and then over to Mike.
“Why is he here..?” she says quietly to the group.
“MEGA BONER” Will half yells, a playful punch quickly coming from Lucas.
“Steve-man here, has a crush on y/n!” Mike says proudly, as he delivers the ‘exciting’ news to her. Elevens eyes widen as she looks over to me quickly,
“Lucas explained to me what ‘Crushes’ are, once.” she says looking over to Lucas and Max. “Lucas your crush is M-” Lucas hushes her almost instantly and looks towards me.
“Yeah! Steve has a crush on y/n” he says, changing the subject. All of them except for Dustin start cackling quietly at the words.
“Come on guys, stop! We need to talk business” Dustin says silencing them.
“Yes, Steven. Business” Dustin whispers as he steps towards me. He motions for the others to come sit down and they do. Dustin clears her throat,
“So you gonna ask her out?” Max says leaning into the table, staring me dead in the eyes. I feel myself start to sweat waterfalls. Hell. I clear my throat in a panic and put my elbow onto the table.
“What do you mean no?” Will asks leaning into the table, as Max did a few moments ago.
“I mean- I.. I just don’t know?” I say pathetically as I slump back into my chair. “I wanna but.. I don’t know if i’m going to.. I just have so much to th-”
“Stop with this bullshit, Steve” Dustin says, the others quickly turning to him.
“Bullshit” I hear Eleven whisper under her breath.
“You know you like y/n. You know you want y/n. You gonna GET y/n” Dustin runs his hand through his hair and sighs dramatically. “Ask. her. Out” he says tapping his finger onto the table with every word. The others all nod in agreement and shoot daggers over to me after a few moments.
“Come on! She’s so awesome!” Max shouts, nearly jumping out of her chair. “She’s super cool! And so are you! She can settle for a guy like you! Hell- she’s out of your league, even!” Dustin nudges her shoulder, silencing her.
“Nice way to give him that confidence, Max” he mutters, she sits down and sulks silently. Will leans forward and attention is guided to him.
“I agree with Dustin. If you want her, you’ve gotta go after her, Steve” his eyes are lit with ambition, a look I haven’t seen from him in a while. “You don’t have much time, anyways”
“What do you mean.. time?” I ask
“I mean. Isn’t y/n one of the most praised girls at the high school? Pretty, smart, good personality, AND gets along with us? Like.. a total-”
“BABE” I nearly shout
“Steve. Shut up.” Dustin huffs as he looks back over to Will.
“... a total catch.” he finishes. The whole group lets out a series of ‘Oh’s as he concludes.
My mind has ten million thoughts crashing around, and they’re all screaming at me. I know I have a crush on y/n, I don’t need a group of middle schoolers telling me to act on it. I will… once i’m mentally prepared.
“Steve- if it helps you ask her out quicker…” lucas leans closer into the table, and whispers. “I saw a few guys checking out y/n as she left.” An exaggerated gasp comes from Dustin almost immediately after.
“STEVE. Did you hear that?” Dustin yells, slamming his hand onto the table. “Other men were checking out y/n!” he sits back into his chair and looks at the others like they’re insane for not reacting the same way. “Steve- you HAVE to ask her out tonight” he proposes, surprising me and the others with his the idea.
“Dustin- maybe tonight is too soon?” Mike says leaning closer to Dustin, Dustin rolls his eyes in response.
“No. The ladies LOVE romantic and out-of-the-blue gestures, Mike”
“I’m not sure if that’s always true, love-expert-Dustin” Max says with a smug expression.
“Pfsh.. Listen. I have a game plan..” Dustin stands up and looks at each of us for a moment, “Mike has an old boombox. We have some good ol’ you know.. ‘Foreigner’.. To romance her” he says while motioning towards a boombox that's sitting in the corner with a bunch of crap thrown around it. Wait.. Wait a minute..
“Wait a minute Dustin- What says I want to do this? And- and a boombox? Foreigner?” I sigh with an annoyed tone in my voice, “I guess it is a good song..”
“Yes, Steven, It is a good song” he starts walking over to the boombox, “Your gonna show her what love is” he mumbles under his breath. He picks it up and stomps back over to the table, nearly slamming it onto the table. “Even if you don’t wanna go through with this plan, you’re gonna” he sits down again. “Just play the song, get into her house through the window, then..”
“Then?” Eleven asks as Dustin’s plan seems to crumble
“THEN.. you tell her.. ‘y/n.. Can you show me what love is?’.. She’ll be yours”
The whole group seems to gag in sync. Dustin groans, “Fine, fine. Then.. you just.. Do whatever seems right?” he grumbles. They all nod and then look over to me, as if they want my criticism.
“Uh.. ok.. Ok..ok..okok..”  I say anxiously, “But i’m only doing this because I know for a fact if I don’t you’re all gonna go running to y/n’s house and blab about it” they all seem to light up at my words.
“Ok! Let’s all get going the-” Dustin starts but I quickly stand up and grab the boombox
“No, Dustin. I never said you could come. This is my moment, alright?” I say sternly, looking Dustin in the eyes. He sighs with a hint of disappointment within it, and nods. They all start whispering to one another and I stand up shakily to go confess to.. Her. Just the thought of asking her makes my heart skip a beat, not only because of the thought of her accepting. Because i’m also so damn worried she’ll reject me.. That she’ll feel awkward around me if she rejects me. I hear the kids yelling shouts of encouragement as I leave. I wave goodbye to Karen, and walked out to my car. Shit the bikes. I take about ten minutes to get the bikes off and out of my car, leaving them at Mike’s door.
I stomp back over to my car, grabbing the boombox off of the roof of the car, and speed off to see y/n. My heart is racing miles per minute, and I feel my head fill with excitement and unease as I get closer. I pull into her neighborhood and stop a few houses down from y/n’s. I grab the boombox and run to her house, sneaking around the back. I set the boombox down into the wet grass and look up to her rooms window. The light is on.. I take a deep breath and look down to the boombox. I pick it up gently… and toss it a few feet away. I don’t need foreigner to intrigue y/n. I look around and see a small pile of pebbles near the back door.. Perfect. I go and pick a few up, and glance back over to her bedroom door. It isn’t that high up… I think? I toss a pebble up to her window and wait to see if she heard it, and she doesn’t. I toss a few more, and I finally see a shadow appear at the window. Shit. Should I REALLY have done this tonight..? God..
“Steven~?” She says in a surprised tone as she looks down to me. “What are you doing here..? It’s like.. Nine now” she looks around me and tilts her head as she makes eye contact again. I take another deep breath and take a step forward,
“y/n.. I really need to talk with you. Now” I say as confidently as I can possibly manage. She gives me a concerned look and nods a few moments later.
“Okay.. we can talk but.. I don’t have any rope or anything. I don’t even know if we own a ladder..” She leans out of the window and looks towards the back door. “Oh! You can sneak through the back door. The stairs are right next to-” I immediately begin striding towards the door, I’m determined to tell her how I feel. It didn’t hit me as intensely as it did now but… she really is something amazing. I just can’t wait and expect for other guys to not ask her out, and I know that eventually she’d accept one of them. I can’t let that happen; I can’t let this opportunity slip out of my fingers. I open the door, surprised its unlocked, and step in quietly. I sneakily step towards the stairs… and begin sprinting up them as silently as I can. I reach the top and head towards the door at the end of the hall as quickly and hushed as I could. I quickly open the door and close it softly behind me, y/n walks over to me with a puzzled expression plastered onto her face.
“Steve- can you please explain to me now why you had to be here so.. Unexpectedly?” she says with deep concern within her words. I take a deep look into her eyes, and walk over to her bed to sit down. She follows me and sits beside me, never taking her eyes away from my gaze.
“y/n.. I.. i’ve really been wanting to talk to you about this for months now.. And- well.. A group of munchkins gave me the courage to talk to you about this earlier..” I gently take her hand and hold it softly. “y/n.. You’ve helped me learn so much over the past months we’ve known each other. You’re kind.. Brave.. Smart.. Creative.. And so much more. And I just.. Feel like you should know something”
She stares at me silently for a moment, before gasping and gripping my hand tightly,
“Steve- are you dying?!” she says with anxiousness swelling in her voice and gleaming eyes. Wha.. what?  I tilt my head and raise one of my eyebrows,
“y/n, i’m not dying. I.. I think I love you” her eyes widen and she loosens her grip on my hand.
“y/n. I love you, so much. I need you to know that, and I need you to know that now. Tonight, so that even if you don’t return the feelings i’ll know that I at least told you” I lean closer to her, and grab onto her hand with a slight grip. “I wanted to ask you.. If-” I feel myself choke for a moment. I want her to be mine so badly, I want her to return these feelings and to let me protect her. I gulp down my nerves, “I wanted to ask you if you’d be okay with going on a date with me..?” I see her expression relax and her shoulders slump down, she gives me a warm smile.
“My walking hair gel..” she chuckles and rolls her eyes playfully, “I mean- Steve.. Of course I’d go on a date with you”
I feel my heart skip a solid 3 beats. I smile brightly and grasp onto her hand tighter, “Really?” I ask, with disbelief. She laughs and nods, God, that beautiful laugh.
“Yes, Steve. I’d love to.. I actually can’t believe you’d ask me..” she says, blushing an intense shade of pink. I smile and practically feel the joy oozing out of me, I lean closer to her and bring her hand up to my chest.
“y/n.. Can.. can I kiss you..?” I brush loose strands of hair away from her eyes. She smiles and nods a small nod. I lean closer to her and kiss her gently. Her face is warm and I feel my heart burst at the seam with pure joy. She leans away after a moment and smiles warmly,
“y/n.. I love you”
“I love you too, Steve. So… does that mean you’ll buy my popcorn if we go to a movie as a date?”
“What?” I raise my eyebrow and smirk, “is that all this is to you? You only want my popcorn money?” I say acting as if i’m offended.
“Pffft! No~ Steve I was kidding stop~”
I chuckle and kiss her forehead, “I know.. y/n… I love you”
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Constructive  criticism is appreciated! Let us know what you think! :) xx  
Tag List: @devintagekids @beautifulbri26 @jems8241 @suzumebailey
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amoonmermaid · 7 years
Girls night w/ DY || bC WhY nOt
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this came up while i was putting a sheet mask on????
idk i’m weird
lEt’S geT tHis SHit DoNe
so basically you had no girl friends, since all your friends were nct OBVS  since y’all were fetus y’know you all grew up together and shit like that
like Rosé was the only one she makes me so g a y
but smtms she’s like a dude 
so she was like your girl/boy friend
she’s so cute
oNE day, you were on your first class of the day, and she just did poof and you were like ???? where’s ma dud????
and she texted you like 10 mins after you noticed she did poof lol
“i got sick srry ma gurl”
“sick girls night???”
“nah, i don’t want you to get sick”
she’s so pure oml
aNd you were like aWWwW ilysm
but then wAiT what am i suposed to do tonight??? :((
and then you remembered you have like a bunch of lame boys locked in your basement
how come i forgot them :’))
like lit you had lunch w/ them????
what’s wrong with you my dude????
so you texted them
u: “HeLLooOooOO my beautiful dorks”
u: “girls night???”
ww: “nah”
ty: “no thx”
yt: “winwin said no, so no”
jh, jn, ti, tn, hc, mk: “naaaah”
dy: “sure, i’m bored af”
u: “:DDDD”
and then you texted doyoungie pv to tell him the details
nd he was like k i’ll get the snacks
he was pretty chill lol
even tho he had like a hUge crush on you OBVS
but u r dumb so u didn’t notice lmao
soOoO like at 8pm your door went kNockkKnOCk
nd ofc it was my lil bunny :’B nd he looked so cute in sweatpants and an oversized sweater and a beanie and like ugh
he’s soo cute ok????
when he entered your apartment he got the comfy and welcoming feeling everyone always had when they visited you
and he saw like the little fort you made with your blankets and stuff
“got something else planed rather than watching stupid romantic movies and eating until dawn?”
and he was confused?? and kinda pissed?? bc he thought you wanted to get his nails done and stuff like that lmao
AnD ofc you saw his expression and went “my smol lil bean, i’m not that cruel, i would never waste my nail polish on u”
“wow meanie”
after getting all comfy and getting all your face masks and like beauty products, dy started to look for a movie on netfleeex
and he looked so focused searching the movie you wanted to watch
like his brows were almost touching eachother  and his cheeks were puffed out
you were like wOw
“cute” you murmured under your breath
“hm? did you said smth?” he looked at you with the remote still on his hand and a confused look yet again
“dumb, i already saved it on my list” you took the control from his hand and moved away from him to hide the barely visible blush on your cheeks
now he was looking at you w heart eyes
like the way you always got away from anything that got you all flustered, he just found it really amusing and cute
and ofc he noticed you had smth for him
but he didn’t said anything bc he thought he would ruin it
but whatevs
when the movie started you were like “c’mere dumbface”
“what for?”
“face mask?”
so he moved closer to you, cross legged in front of eachother 
he was like :[ while you were looking for the right cream for his beautiful face
nd when you found it you went aHA! and immediately oppened the little that thing and pulled the hair tie from your wrist to remove the hair from his face
when his hair was out of sight almost lol you started rubbing the cream all over his face 
squishing his cheek in the process and making weird expresions in front of him bc he was being extrmly quiet like wth my boi
he couldn’t contain the bubbly laughter 
you were acting all dumb
just for him
and both of you were laughing and then doyoung was making weird faces with you
like let’s be dumb together
“okokokok let me finish with your ugly face then we can continue with this dumb session”
“k weirdo”
and then it was silent again
small grins on eachother’s face
and doyoung was looking directly into your eyes
like so intensely but with such softness
and when you noticed you stopped and looked at him all confused
“what’s wrong?”
he didn’t said a thing, he just cupped your face in his hand and kissed your forehead
he let his lips linger there for a while before pulling away
and you were so kjfdkjncsdjlabkjvsjdjs whATSGOINGONOMG
and he was looking at you with the biggest grin he’d ever shown
like i kissed you whatcha gonna do abt it
/blushing mess
you pushed him away and pulled your hoodie up, pulling it under your chin so now your face was out of sight and your burning cheeks were safely covered
giggles filled your ears and just when you were about to run away and take a flight to russia, a pair of long arms wrapped around your waist and suddenly you were pressed against his chest
the fresh aroma of his cologne filled your lungs while his chest vibrated with shy laughter
“i’m sorry, i won’t do it again”
you were so ready to cry bc iT WAS SO SOFT OML
when he let you go he was like k you can continue w your work, make me look handsome pls
you lit punched his face 
not a real punch
but his cheek was kinda red
and he was so??????? what tHE FUCK????
“i hate you”
he went all :(((
“kiss me again, but do it properly”
once again he was cupping your face, caressing your cheekbones with his thumbs and looking into your eyes with the same softness as before
he kissed you with such tenderness and delicacy, his lips tasted like a mix of coffee and mint
the kiss was just perfect, it wasn’t intense, it was just perfect, slow and sweet
when y’all pulled away fInaLLY you turned into a giggling mess
he moved his hands down to your waist and pulled you even closer, nuzzling his nose in your hair with the soFTES smile ever
you were squished against his chest again, taking in his scent 
“you are mine now”
“i’m fine with it”
after that, random movies played on the tv but none of you were paying attention to it
y’all were busy cuddling and being mushy against the sofa, with a blanket spread over your legs and some pillows surrounding you
and that how y’all ended up snuggled next to eachother and dead-asleep
and the next morning Rosé came into your ap and was like “wASsUP Ma GuRl” all noisy and shit
nd when she saw like the trail of cheeto’s and m&m’s all the way to the living room she was like hMmmM
so she followed it and she saw dy and you cuddled together on the floor and she was like i called it ofc
and she took tons of photos and send the to the rest of nct
before she left she wrote a note on a post it and sticked it on doyoung’s forehead
“u r d e a d if u hurt her CAPISCE ?”
a few hours later you both woke up and were all lost and dy saw the post it and went all :((( bc he would never hurt you :(((
but after burning the note or idk?? just throw it away?? he brought you closer to his chest and stayed like that for like a min or two before pulling away and pamper your face w kisses aww :’)
omg that’s kinda long lmao
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kitkat1003 · 7 years
Cracking the Barrel
@voiceintheradio u wanted this and @snarkyowl AHHHH
Dark sits in his room.
He never does much else. His therapist tells him that getting out more will make things easier, will take away stress, but-You’re never going anywhere, the hand gripping his shirt and dragging him away from the door that had been desperately clawed at once lockpicking had failed’s owner whispers, the light from the door disappearing as he’s dragged back farther and farther-Dark can’t find it in himself to move, to get up and brave going to the outdoors when so many things could go wrong on the way.
Still, his stomach rumbles, and since Dark is too tired to cook that means he has to go out and pick something up.  With a sigh, he gets up from his desk-work from his teaching job, an online course that requires minimal talking to actual people and more control is left unfinished on his computer-and puts on his suitcoat.  He buttons it up, fixes his tie, and cracks his neck.  His therapist says that the motions where he smooths his coat, where he moves his neck; she says those are his.  Damien always has his cane in his hands-Dark has seen it in his closet, and wonders what would happen should he get rid of it-and Celine loves to play with his hair and wear a veil-again, in his closet-as well as play with the supernatural.  His third is apparently mute, quiet and one to follow others orders rather than their own. Again, according to his therapist, the third has neither a name nor a noticeable gender identity, but they’re at the very least kind.
The notes she gets from the hypnotherapy Dark allows himself to partake in is placed on his bedside table, and are the only reason he remembers that these excess personalities exist in his head.  They’re the reason he knows his name.  His name-David Christopher Iplier- doesn’t feel like his own anymore, much like the moments and things he does when he isn’t himself don’t make sense.  
Celine likes to go to bars and flirt, or do a séance.  Damien likes to work, even though half the time he has no idea what he’s doing.  The third likes to relax, to drink expensive alcohol and read.
His heart reflects it all, with the red and blue behind his black colored soul-it’s easier to hide cracks on his heart, at least-and the gray outline.  People ask Dark about it sometimes, why it drips and why it has so many colors.  He usually doesn’t answer, just stares.  
He hates people. There are only two he tolerates, that being his cousin Edward and of course Amy.  Edward calls him every other week, and Dark makes up something new every time so as to assuage the worries of the overworked physician, but he worries that he isn’t very convincing.
Walking is a chore, but Dark only drives when he has somewhere far to go.  The Cracker Barrel isn’t that far away, fortunately, and the people who work there know him well enough that he can simply call and ask for his usual.
Sometimes he doesn’t make it there at all, because the memories that come with leaving the house-a cop, finding him curled up in a ball in the basement, brows furrowed.  He’d been so small in the man’s arms, and when he had been taken outside, he’d panicked. “I’m not supposed to leave!  I’ll get in trouble!  Please!” The worried eyes never left him until he was sedated, and Dark wonders if the man is still alive-make him become someone else.
The Cracker Barrel people understand, but Dark thinks it’s because his therapist-Amy Nelson, a sweetheart in her own right-also goes there with her boyfriend-almost excessively- and has most likely explained things.
He’d called during the dinner rush, so his meal isn’t done when he arrives.  That’s an annoyance, because that means he has to sit around and wait for his meal, hoping that no one will sit next to him or try and talk to him.  It also means he must subject his eyes to the menagerie of colors and effects bursting from each person’s heart splayed in front for their chests, and for that he keeps his gaze to the floor.
If he just keeps his head down while he waits, he’ll be left alone.  Hopefully.
He isn’t lucky today, apparently, because two minutes in a madman wearing a bright yellow button up shirt with bright pink suspenders and bowtie that starkly contrast his dark skin tone dashes in, bright-eyed and loud and everything Dark doesn’t want to deal with right now.  It seems like he’s in the same predicament Dark is in, and of course he sits down right next to Dark, and wow is his mustache pink too?
What a weirdo.
For a few moments, Dark is given the closest thing to peace and quiet that one can have in a crowded restaurant full of voices and colors, before fate decides once again to make him hate his life by having the man turn to him and start talking.
“Can you believe this service?  They outta work on their readiness if they’re gonna take calls!” The words are obviously crafted to entice conversation or argument, so much so that Dark rolls his eyes, sighing.
“It’s the dinner rush. They’re going to be busy,” Is his monotone reply, and the man’s eyes light up.  Dammit, he’d given him enough to continue.  Now he’ll never get the idiot to shut up.
“Hmm, I suppose you may be right.  Anywho, I’m Wilford Warfstache.  I’m sure you’ve heard of me?”  Just like that, the subject is changed, not that Dark is surprised.  People like him-Wilford, he supposes-like to talk and talk, saying anything to get a response so they can talk some more.
As for the name, it is somewhat familiar.  Dark doesn’t watch TV often, but he is aware of the Wilford Warfstache Interviews.  The host, Wilford Warfstache, is a scripted character eccentric with an affinity for murder and terrible humor.  It’s not the most popular of shows, nowhere near a big hit, but just well-liked enough that you’d be out of touch not to at least know it exists.
Not that Dark feels like telling Wilford that.  The man seems to have a big enough ego as is.
“Should I have?” Is his snarky response, and the way Wilford’s face contorts into offense is beautiful, in its own way.  He chuckles lightly, and Wilford blinks, anger melting away before his lips twitch back into a grin.
“You rapscallion!  You know exactly who I am!” The man wiggles his mustache, and Dark takes a moment to stare at Wilford’s heart, ignoring the man’s antics.
It’s pink, because of course it is, and from its valves comes cotton candy-He wouldn’t be surprised if Wilford tried to eat some of it-the same as his eyes.  It’s perfectly normal looking, but Dark can almost see a sliver of something else behind it, as if the pink is a mirage.
A flash of warm brown dashes forth, if only for a moment, and Dark doesn’t have time to question it before he’s called to grab his order.  Wilford is called up right after, and he walks with Dark out the door.
When Dark looks over at Wilford, only because it would be impolite to not say goodbye after they had their odd conversation of sorts, he has to double-take because holy shit Wilford is actually nibbling on the cotton candy spilling out from his heart.  It’s so startling that Dark actually barks out a laugh, causing Wilford to turn and look at him, still chewing on cotton candy.  Dark immediately schools his expression, clearing his throat into his closed fist, but Wilford grins anyway, dark brown skin crinkling around the edges of his pink eyes-Dark hadn’t noticed how fake the smile had been earlier, how the joy had been forced, an act, but now he can see the difference when Wilford actually looks happy-before he claps Dark on the back.
“I’ll see you around,” A wink, a wiggle from his mustache, and then he’s off, jogging to his car and setting the food in the backseat before driving off.
Dark stares at where Wilford used to be for a long time, the ghost of Wilford’s hand on his back causing his sting to tingle.
When was the last time someone other than Amy or Edward talked to him in an actual conversation?  Touched him, even?  He can’t remember, but his heart drips with black sludge onto his shoes, and he sighs. 
He hadn’t even told Wilford his name.
By the time he gets home, his food is cold.
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the-mf-bread-babies · 4 years
WHO ELSE IS WRITING IT?! ROCCO NORTH, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After their work in protecting the house, the family went to bed. Well, except for Aaron, who watched Damon sleep just in case he died or anything.
The next morning, they woke up peacefully, to the sound of–
Well, SHIT !!! Aaron, passed out from tiredness was still sleeping on the floor, though. “Aaron!! Wake the hell up, there's bombs!!” Damon shouted, repeatedly slapping Aaron's face. “Huh…?” Damon gave up and dragged his dad across the bedroom floor. “Hey, hey, I can walk, dude,” Aaron assured, slowly standing up.
A loud boom echoed throughout the house, alerting them even more. Although, it didn't seem like it came from an explosive, but rather, an impact. Their first thoughts were that NULL was using a battering ram on their front door.
The family assembled in the basement, equipped with weapons and protection. “So, what the hell's goin’ on now?” Gabriel asked. “Man, I thought you were gonna explain it or something.” Damon sighed as he looked at the others. “Dennis?” “I literally was friggin’ shaving when I heard the sounds?” he uselessly explained. “I was performing satanic rituals for the plants.” Lan confessed. “Okay, dad, but seriously, where are these guys?” Aaron grumbled, rubbing his forehead.
A hole formed in the stone basement ceiling as it came crashing down, sunlight shining into the area. A small woman whose grey hair covered her whole body to her knees swiftly emerged from the rubble, dusting herself off and hopping back outside.
“Who. Who was that.” Gabriel asked. “Do we have banshees here?” Lan added. “To my knowledge, the only ghosts related to Irish folklore in this house are the deer leg ladies and the lady who keeps using the washing machine to wash medieval armor.” Aaron explained. “Other than that, nada,”
The family halted their conversation as they heard the sound of multiple people screaming for their lives. “Okay, well, what's that?” Gabriel asked. “I– Dad, I don't even know where the rubble lady came from!” Aaron whined, the screaming still in the background.
ace: “die, bitches!”
“Yeah, pretty sure that's not NULL,” Lan pointed out. “Their agents get shot on sight after using foul language.” He revealed. “Really?” Damon asked, thinking about how bad of an agent he would be if he was recruited. “No, I just made that up.” Lan confessed, smirking. “Why…” Gabriel questioned, looking at him with a disappointed face. “Why not?”
nova: “OOH, A STUN GUN, OH NO!”
The four paused, noticing a third person in the fight. “Rude.” Damon commented at the girl's behavior.
sarah: “guys i accidentally fricked up the floor”
“do we have to pay insurance or whatever”
“also whats insurance”
ace: “it's a scam designed for you to die.”
Andre: “What Ace said. Also, pretty sure we don't have to do anything, since this place is a ghost town, anyways.”
jake: “mhm also theres probably horses or w/ever so watch out for that lol”
j: “or that sometimes yknow”
The family peeked their heads out from inside, eavesdropping on the conversation.
sar: “you have to like. gently carry those gentlemen around. palm at the side, fingers supporting their body and your thumb keeps them in place, orc, my friend,”
s: “yea spray them they like it it's fun n stuff”
andre: “Where. Where's the little froggies.”
j: “idk im scared”
a: “coward”
s: “explain”
andre: “Babies aren't slimy tho…”
an: “oh ok”
“NULL doesn't usually talk about frogs.” Dennis pointed out. “They don't.” Damon agreed. “Also, they don't have members that tall. Or short.” Aaron commented. “Rebel gang?” Lan suggested. Gabriel squinted his eyes, staring at the group. “Last time I checked, undercover NULL agents, even if they exist, don't hide that kind of hair under their helmets. That kid next to the banshee there definitely does not have helmet hair, I mean, the volume and all…”
“hmm? i think those are peeeoopleeee” “guyss” The stylish hair kid pointed out. “cuz i dont think horses look like that!!!!!!!” they exclaimed, strutting towards the basement. “im scared” “help” “yall” “yall means all” they continued, facing their group. “Well, damn, Ace, if it's a horse, give it a carrot or something.” another voice said nonchalantly.
“meanie” “ill kill u” Ace threatened threateningly. “I CAN GO WITH YOU IF YOU WANT!!” A voice offered politely. “thanks nova!!!!!!! andre u can choke” Ace thanked, proceeding with Nova to the basement, the family anxiously awaiting them.
Ace had a normal, skinny, 5'7"-ish body, and they had a sharp jaw and small eyes. Their hair was brightly colored, with brown roots turning into an orange and then into a red, with yellow tips. They were wearing a gray vest above a loose black sleeveless shirt. Also jeans and shoes. Ace is not naked or something.
Nova, on the other hand, towered over Ace. She wore a trucker hat that pushed down her thick hair enough to cover her eyes, and it was tied into two big puffs. Her hair was dyed different shades of green in small spots, making it look like a small, bright shrub sitting on her head. She wore a denim jacket with lots of enamel pins stuck to it. Beneath that was a grey t-shirt, and below that were ripped jeans and UGG boots… somehow, in the amalgamated world.
“Hi! We're the Russell family!” Aaron welcomed, nearly giving them heart attacks by LOON∆ i should listem to that again. “What the fuck?!” Andre remarked, leading the rest into the basement. He was wearing a silky-looking black button-up shirt with a red tie with dress shoes, and his dreadlocks were neatly tied back. He certainly wore a fancy look for raiding NULL bases.
“Yeah, I'm Aaron, this is my dad Gabriel, my dad Lan, my husband Dennis, and my son, (no matter what,) Damon. We have 36 cats and countless ghosts here. Please proceed with caution, most of these babies are strictly indoors-only!”
The group stared at them in shock, unable to believe anything Aaron just said. “How… do you get… 36 cats…” Andre asked. “We used to have a pet shop. It fell down, though, so that's that.” Dennis answered casually. “like. how. like fell down into space” A blue-haired man asked, earning him Damon's full attention.
“Yeah, into space.” Gabriel said. “Just straight down.” Lan elaborated, “No stops or anything, just ZOOP!” “Yeah, that's why we moved into a haunted mansion.” Aaron added. “So, what group are you guys in?” he asked, making a head shoot up in surprise from one of them.
He had gelled blue hair parted in the middle, and his right eye seemed like it had something inserted in it. He wore a dark blue denim jacket with ripped off sleeves and very short, tight jorts. He also had black wristbands, indicating a past emo phase. Or one that's still ongoing, as made obvious by his combat boots.
“oh its kinda indie u guys. u guys probably dont know it :,(” The blue-haired man said sadly, pouting. “We're called the…” Andre began. “C'mon, Jakey, say it.” “no its dumb” he grumbled. “skullsmashers. it's because we smash people's skulls. metaphorically.” Ace explained, asking Jake for confirmation. “right, 8-ball?”
“we really dont......” Jakey/8-Ball said sadly. “Oh, you named us this, Jakey, honey,” Andre contested. “So why can't we smash people's skulls? Like, clearly, I can take the emotional trauma or whatever, as long as it's NULL, or hell, maybe even some dipshit, I can do that.” he added softly.
“Ah, pretty sure they're not NULL,” Lan said, smiling. “So, did you kill them all of them or what?” he asked as he raised his weapon, a mace he was somehow managing to hold with ease. Like. A mace with spikes. Ace nervously played with their hair, sporting a terrified face. “what!?” they exclaimed in a high-pitched voice. “We can definitely take care of them. How do you think this place is officially a ghost town?” Gabriel asked. “Setting up traps and making friends with the local ghosts go a long way, y'know,”
“There's fucking ghosts?!” Andre exclaimed, pulling out daggers from under his arms. “Yeah, but they're nice, so it's okay.” Damon explained with not a trace of fear in his eyes, making Andre slowly put the daggers back in. “Oh, by the way, if you guys see an arm there, could you get it for me?” he requested politely, “And honestly, I'd like to make a pun with lending hands, but I can't seem to put my finger on which one I'd make.” He added, raising his bandaged stump.
“Oh, Jake, don't–” Andre warned before Jake fainted instantly from seeing the bloody bandages on Damon's wound. “I'm sorry,” he apologized. The fainting had sent Aaron quickly went to the operating room, just now realising that he hasn't changed the bandages yet. “uh lemme go check if theres any” the small woman said, scuttling away. “Thanks,” Damon said before following Aaron.
Dennis, Lan, and Gabriel stood awkwardly in front of The Skullsmashers, not knowing what to do. “So, uh, whaddya do?” Dennis asked, folding his hands together. “gamign” Ace quickly responded. “Well, we each tend to go our own ways, but occasionally we team up to raid NULL bases and stuff.” Andre explained, ignoring Ace's statement. “What about you guys?”
“Ah, so I like gardening, and also do some baking from time to time, and Gabriel here used to be a traveling psychic, but now he tends to help me with errands and chores and sometimes we communicate with the ghosts here. Dennis and Aaron used to run a pet shop near here, but now Dennis does some farming, and Aaron spends his spare time caring for our pets.” Lan explained.
“And I do the groceries! And all the other stuff that involves going outside,” Damon intervened, coming back with an anxious, squeaky-clean Aaron. “Which is why my arm got cut off.” he revealed, sitting down on the wooden floor. “ok im back did i miss anything :'//” Jake asked, waking up from his faint earlier. “… we'll catch up later.” Andre replied.
“arm!!!” The banshee yelled out excitedly, waving a cooler back and forth. “Great! Just toss it down,” Aaron said happily, reaching his arms out. Seeing this, Damon ran to the operating room. “Last one's a rotten egg!” he shouted, snickering. “Well, while they work on that, do you guys maybe wanna come in and grab a snack?” Gabriel suggested politely, eager to learn more about the group. “yea sure!! thanks!!” said Jake, who was joyfully running to the front door.
A large figure stood patiently outside the door, belonging with the Skullsmashers. It seemed like a gentle giant, tapping its index fingers together. It was definitely from another world. It had greenish grey skin, and its head was blocky and looked like it was separate from his large jaw that had two moles on it. Its eyes were big and white, and above them were thick eyebrows. And it was wearing what seemed to be a large, furry, ruff reaching his knees that were covered by jorts. Its shoulders were completely covered with a large spiky red boulder on each one. The creature was ten feet tall, and was very strong.
At last, the large doors opened with a creak, the sunlight from outside shining brightly into the house. It was the first time in years that the front doors were opened, and it was for good; they had stayed in there for too long.
The family and the group were sitting in the dining hall, awaiting the arrival of Aaron and Damon. A shit ton of homemade potato chips were strewn across a long plate in the middle as the main course. Lan had prepared a variety of dipping sauces and some napkins. They sat in silence.
“I don't mean to be rude or anything, but how… are you guys still alive?” Andre asked cautiously, starting a conversation. Gabriel dipped a chip in cheese sauce, then thought of a simple answer: “We really just hide and plant stuff. Also, we were really lucky.”
Nova played around with a fork, debating whether these people were real or not. Yes, NULL couldn't possibly use their precious budget to make intricately designed haunted houses with personal touches and residents whose personalities were very unique, as well as their relationship with each other, but, hell, maybe they can.
NULL always had a way to worm themselves everywhere, down to the place she stayed in, the people she knows, and, well, really, everywhere. Even if this family was what they presented themselves as, NULL could do lots of things to not only dishevel Nova and the group she was in, as well as this family, they can manipulate both of them to destroy each other. After all, that's the kind of thing they do– get someone else to do their dirty work.
Nova made up her mind, opting to ask them directly. “I also really don't mean to be rude, but given the large amount of undercover NULL agents and all the different ways they come as, I just have to ask… and this is a very dumb, and useless question, but are you guys in any way… involved with NULL?”
Dennis smiled lightly, understanding that this group was in the same deliberation as they were. “To be honest, we were gonna ask you that too at some point, but I personally don't think NULL agents would look this…” “well, they wouldn't, like… have wrists this limp.”
The room was silent for a while, before erupting with laughter. “You– you fuckin’ thought we weren't NULL because–” Andre struggled, wheezing. “No NULL agent would dress like that, Andre,” Gabriel pointed out, snickering. “Yeah, you think those idiots can achieve this level of interior design?!” Lan added, gesturing wildly towards every piece of furniture in the hall.
“… But really, to answer your question there, yeah, we are technically involved with NULL,” Dennis said, completely changing the atmosphere of the room. “We're classified as Class-4 criminals for, um, giving some of their agents here some mild inconveniences.” he added in a serious tone. “And by mild inconveniences, I mean a few cases of attempted murders, robberies, hauntings, and other stuff like that.” The group sighed a breath of relief, knowing they were both on the same page.
“I have to say, 45 cases of attempted murder and two cases of successful murder does sort of count as a bit more than a mild inconvenience, though, Dennis,” Lan said jokingly. “Oh, and remember when someone planted poison ivy that somehow mysteriously completely wrapped around the whole base they had here, down to the basement?” he added, grinning. “Okay, well let's not compare our crimes here, dad,” Dennis teased. “Everybody knows mine was the best attack yet when I trapped them inside the base by encasing it with raw eggs! somehow” he added, cackling.
The two families had a great time together, laughing and talking about their experiences in the new lives they lived caused by the amalgamation. Meanwhile, Aaron was carefully reattaching an arm to an unconscious Damon. After some hard work, he succeeded, and did his best to celebrate in the operating room.
However, at this point, he became too tired to do so, considering the fact that he alone performed an entire surgery. Still, it was a miracle for both of them. He waited for Damon to wake up and see the finished product, but he ended up passing out while making a celebratory coffee.
The two slept well and endlessly. The rest of the family, however, were faced with a tough decision to make. Dennis, Gabriel, and Lan had the same question echo in their minds:
“Would you like to consider joining us, The Skullsmashers?”
It was a question Andre always asked to those who he saw potential in, no matter who– or whom, no idea. They could be two friends living in a dilapidated house with rats and mice, or three odd creatures in a grocery store, or even some nervous teenager who suddenly asked him to kill someone in the middle of his New Year's Eve party.
It's not that he simply sees something out of the ordinary happen and immediately hands out flyers, but it's that Andre has been gifted with an eye for this type of thing– take, for example, the situation at hand.
Andre raids a NULL base with his friends. The fight continues into the abandoned city the base was in. His friend lands into a basement of a house. Sarah, the friend, points out that there are people living in said house. Said people are clearly weird.
Resident asks for his arm back. Very weird. Still little to no potential, except maybe for interior design. Residents invite them for dinner. Residents have knives and shit.
Potential spotted. nah jk lemme do this again lol
Okay, okay. Andre doesn't just see people doing weird shit and immediately hires them, contract and all, but instead he observes them further.
If he sees someone hurling flaming batons into the sky, that person does have potential, yes, definitely, but what kind? This style of combat could definitely be a possibility in their attacks, given the practicality and the ostentatiousness of it.
However, it's an art one could hardly practice. The perils one could face are far too much for such a display. But, even though it's inconvenient, it's still very useful. If there was a good amount of accelerant on the baton, an enemy could not only receive a strong blow, but the added accelerant will most likely set them on fire too, rendering them not only useless in further combat (unless they're a very determined individual) but also a potential threat to anyone near them.
And the fact that a person is employed as the weapon is more convenient than, say, a large flaming baton-throwing machine, which would be difficult to program and to bring to an attack.
However, Andre also has to consider the person (itself? themselves? idk man) in an approach. Maybe they're NULL, or maybe even just someone who wants to throw flaming stuff into the air with no deeper meaning or intent. Maybe this person is unsuitable for combat; maybe this person is an enemy or a rival.
The approach is like a job interview– ask them about their experience in the field, if they have any other [good points?? is good points the word], if they're okay with joining the group– but sadly, he lives in a world where anything wildly good or wildly bad can happen, and it makes the whole process a whole lot more harder.
So, maybe these people inviting them over for a meal might give them a new addition or two. Or, sadly, remove some members.
Will the Russell family join The Skullsmashers? The decision has to be made any second now.
• end •
0 notes
littlelovelymemes · 7 years
✰ * º ❛ more popular text posts starters. ❜
‘  plot twist: you let someone in and they don’t fuck you over  ’ ‘  you would not believe bill nye... if ten million Science Guys  ’ ‘  the lack of cuddling i am experiencing right now is upsetting  ’ ‘  why was shrek’s soundtrack so incredible like who sat down and decided that a movie about an ogre would have a beautiful rufus wainwright ballad followed by a smash mouth/eddie murphy cover of i’m a believer and how can i thank them  ’ ‘  i justify my impulses by the fact i’m going to be dead one day and none of it truly matters in the grant scheme of things it’s that “treat yo self” nihilism  ’ ‘  all i do is listen to music really loudly while i walk in circles and daydream :/  ’ ‘  but you are an entire universe and i am a bigger cooler universe where everyone skateboards  ’ ‘  my insecurities have destroyed so many opportunities   ’ ‘  maybe you and i exist together on a different wavelength than the rest of the world. perhaps, we are on a separate frequency.  ’ ‘  will u still love me when im no longer young and ok looking  ’ ‘  ʸᵉᵃʰᶜᵃⁿ ᴵ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵘʰʰʰʰʰʰ some fuckin physical affection  ’ ‘  stop thinking about everything so much, you’re breaking your own heart.  ’ ‘  concept: me traveling the world alone, figuring myself out, taking tons of cute aesthetic pictures, befriending kind strangers, drinking a cup of tea on a cute cafeteria, and trying out things for the first time.  ’ ‘  holy shit thank god vine is gone like can you imagine all the vines about fidget spinners  ’ ‘  me: reads the bad reviews of a book i didn’t like to seek validation  ’ ‘  if you think you’ve hit rock bottom, just remember that my bank once froze my accounts because I bought a healthy ready meal at my local supermarket and they classed it an “uncharacteristic purchase”  ’ ‘  i’m a dumbass and that’s just how it is  ’ ‘  y'all actually seek validation from people that don’t give a fuck about ur feelings??? LMAO bitch me too why are we like this  ’ ‘  special thanks to all the 10 year olds out there for making all those music lyric videos on youtube  ’ ‘  i am so gentle and kind hearted... and stupid  ’ ‘  there she goes again being over dramatic and by she i mean me  ’ ‘  just letting everyone who’s ever told me a secret know that its safe with me (and my mom)  ’ ‘  me n my eyebrows…………we been thru a lot  ’ ‘  i wanna jump off a building and not die just relieve stress by slamming onto the sidewalk and then get up and go get a slurpee or something  ’ ‘  all I want is vintage lingerie and good skin  ’ ‘  nsfw: nobody’s safe from wonderwall  ’ ‘  do you ever wish you could unmeet someone…. like,, we had fun times,, but it’s time for me to wipe my memory Sorry Bud  ’ ‘  date a boy who reads. or better yet date a 37 year old recent divorcee with a highly diversified stock portfolio who’s looking to feel young again and can treat you to what you deserve  ’ ‘  if you knew me in 7th grade i’m sorry  ’ ‘  *cha cha’s real smooth away from academic responsibilities*  ’ ‘  anyone else feel like they’re inherently worth less than everyone else  ’ ‘  be open with your love and loud with your laughter. life is so much brighter when lived genuinely.  ’ ‘  i really wish i could get a refund for all the love i’ve wasted on people like! repay my emotional labour your bill is in the mail  ’ ‘  i’m such a tease. i’ll tell you how bad I want to fuck you and then probably fall asleep.  ’ ‘  i’m crying my best  ’ ‘  i want to be known as someone who’s full of love and radiates light  ’ ‘  i’m in philosophy and were talking about how you can doubt everything’s existence except for your own consciousness and the guy that sits in front of me just turns around tears streaming down his face and goes “i am on so many drugs”  ’ ‘  how fucked up would it be if an astronaut was coming back to earth and everybody hid for a bit  ’ ‘  some kid just skateboarded down my street crying  ’ ‘  do you ever get in an “i don’t know” phase in your life. where you literally don’t have a solid answer to anything. you. just. don’t. know.  ’ ‘  which of the three pillars of modern music is your favourite, burnin’ up by the jonas brothers, beautiful soul by jesse mccartney or lucky by britney spears  ’ ‘  i guess at this point i should just consider dating myself  ’ ‘  there is no doubt in my mind i’m really that bitch  ’ ‘  after you hit 21, you start forgetting your age cause ain’t nothing else to look forward to, besides sweet death.  ’ ‘  why am i not currently in the italian countryside with a fruit plate wearing a light linen dress? unacceptable  ’ ‘  hands are weird because one of them can do absolutely everything without a problem and the other one can’t even hold a spoon  ’ ‘  remember to drink a fucking shit ton of water every miserable day of ur life  ’ ‘  is he………you know…….*makes football throwing motion*….straight?  ’ ‘  mATH, deATH -- wake up america  ’ ‘  does anyone else have a resting bitch face™, but kinda enjoys looking intimidating  ’ ‘  time flies when u take a 2hr depression nap in the middle of the day  ’ ‘  roses are red, i’m going to bed  ’ ‘  u know when ur hairs greasy and it makes u feel so so so bad about urself. and ur entire life. everything is awful bc my hair is greasy  ’ ‘  i’m just so glad the word “ugh” was invented  ’ ‘  just another day of loving with all my heart and believing in the universe  ’ ‘  you know when dogs sit outside with their face turned towards the sun and their eyes closed and they look so relaxed and when you pet them they’re warm? that’s how I want to feel always  ’ ‘  come into bed and listen to the rain with me  ’ ‘  people are so petty and then here i am, me, an angel,   ’ ‘  can someone please be proud of me like fuck i’m trying  ’ ‘  concept: a really nice Italian restaurant but it’s spelled “spagooter” on the menu and the waiters won’t take your order unless you pronounce it like that  ’ ‘  just found out neanderthal passed on the dna for depression and now we know why they stayed in caves and painted horses all fuckin day   ’ ‘  i want kids but i’m scared they’ll blame me if they’re ugly  ’ ‘  does anyone have any tips for not thinking about it  ’ ‘  “what’s a queen without her king?” well, historically, better  ’ ‘  i want something that doesn’t taste like alcohol but has a lot of alcohol in it  ’ ‘  my kink is getting some fuckin sleep  ’ ‘  i’m alive out of spite  ’ ‘  not to vent but: fuck  ’ ‘  i think i accidentally break my own heart a lot  ’ ‘  can’t wait to be balls deep in love  ’ ‘  why are there so many days?? i feel like we just had a whole day yesterday… they don’t stop  ’ ‘  i walked in on my 4 year old nephew sitting alone on his bed eating grapes in the dark and i didn’t even get a chance to say anything before he said “i don’t have answers”  ’ ‘  *adjusts my tinfoil hat* y’all are crazy  ’ ‘  do raccoons have people hands or do we have raccoon hands?  ’ ‘  mark your territory by crying on things  ’ ‘  any size titty is lit  ’ ‘  love lemon trees! i too am bitter but growing  ’ ‘  my only constant is the black hair tie around my wrist. no mans gonna be there for me like this hair tie has. no ones presence is gonna be as reassuring  ’ ‘  me???? tired???? sleepy??? yes constantly  ’ ‘  the box says “four servings” but my heart says one  ’ ‘  the lengths i would go to to both get attention and avoid it….astounding  ’ ‘  i hope everybody is doing their best even tho we’re all doomed  ’ ‘  young adult things: washing your colors with your whites because you don’t care you JUST don’t fucking care  ’ ‘  I just want to help out all the people with no money but i am people with no money  ’ ‘  bricks are just domesticated rocks  ’ ‘  being nice is so easy just do it  ’ ‘  lets start wearing cloaks and swords again. its time  ’ ‘  classes are like a high level dora the explorer episode. person up front asks a question, stares at you blankly for a few seconds, and then answers their own question.  ’ ‘  the average orgasm is 7 seconds. keeping a feral hog in your basement lasts for 5-16 years depending on your ability to care for it. the decision should be clear  ’ ‘  will i ever have my shit together  ’ ‘  i live in a time where a major selling point for food is that it uses “real” ingredients.  ’ ‘  “what the fuck” is an emotion now and its the only one i have  ’ ‘  it’s not a real party until you sneak away to the bathroom to question your existence as you stare at yourself in the mirror haha  ’ ‘  every hard day you make it through makes you one day closer to stranger things season 2  ’ ‘  assert your dominance by calling your friends by their student i.d. number  ’ ‘  i feel like each year has progressively gotten worse since the year of luigi ended  ’ ‘  um that’s u’re* not ur  ’ ‘  i wanna be a villain so I can just saunter everywhere. the heroes are always sprinting, always running. you ever seen darth vader run? hell no. and I ain’t about to either.  ’ ‘  i have nothing to say but will i shut up? No  ’ ‘  i cannot believe another week is like beginning we just finished one  ’
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