#wanna make a silver fox
silvers-starrway · 5 months
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Rendered some older sketches now that Silver and Nine have designs! Go check out the lineup done by @cherbearsz as Knuckles, Rouge and Whisper are there too!!
I have much more of this au I need to get posted but I'm really happy with how these renders turned out so have them for now. Finished vs initial sketch comparison for the S drawing below the cut bc I think it's neat!
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iampastelry · 9 months
Man I love pairings where it's like a disgruntled but undoubtedly excellent in his field silver fox has to deal with a 30-something-year-old terminally average American Dream looking man who's just getting through this shit way easier than he ought to be and being an annoying little shit about it.
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Seeing the few pieces of Stan art with him having a wedding band just makes my brain go
And makes my domestic life need go feral.
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fenixburned · 1 year
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good morning I have many feels about my girl & how essential her fox fur is to her 😭😭😭
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allophonicmess · 1 month
Too Sweet
Logan Howlett x fem!Reader
Act 3
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Warnings: spoilers for Deadpool & Wolverine
This is a fluff chapter. Gotta give you guys some candy after all that angst
Word count 4.1 K
Life resumed as normal after that. Or as normal as it could be when you are suddenly placed in the new timeline. Logan kept getting confused by little details that were different to the life he had lived before. Professor X ? Sure he exists but he had hair. Cyclops? Oh yeah. He was just as annoying as he remembered. Who are the fucking Avengers and what sort of rich nerd was Tony Stark? And what about Jean?
“A hot red head with the telekinetic powers?” Wade hummed, pretending to be lost in thought. “Uh, no. UNLESS! Charles used to have a beautiful flowing mane that I don’t know about. He is turning grey, you know… but it suits him. Silver fox”              
So Jean was out of the picture. That was good, right?
Logan groaned at Wade's bad joke. He shifted his focus outside, watching the landscape change from looming tall skyscrapers to even fields and trees that started changing colour with the season. It reminded him of home.
“Just to get this straight.” Logan shifted in his seat. The car that Wade had bought from the dealership had been heavily discounted and Logan now understood why. You would think it can’t get worse than the Odyssey? Oh boy, were you wrong. It was too small for 4 people, let alone 2 mutant men. He already felt sorry for whoever might have to sit in the back for whatever reason.
“Y/N has powers?” Logan asked, trying to play it cool. The whole drive had been a big Q&A.
“Yup,” Wade said with a pop. One hand on the steering wheel and the rest of him laid back in his seat.
“They call her Osmium, too?” Logan didn’t like this dependency on the wanna-be hero. But he had to make a good first impression.
“Osmimimum? Uh no. She is called Atom” Wade laughed “Don’t if she actually does stuff with atoms… It's more like…” Wade groaned as he tried to think of an example.
“She manipulates density.” Logan pointed out. They had trained together many times. But Y/n was never allowed to use her full potential with the X-men. They condemned violence and so she was often left out on mission and focused on keeping the school running.
“Ugh- I guess? She once told me in great, boring detail why ‘Atom’ is a bad superhero name for her but they kept it for the marketability. “ He shrugged “Oh! I remember that one time we stopped a child-mutant trafficking and she got mad, like REAL MAD, and then she turned this one guy into goop.” Wade nodded fondly, thinking back at that moment. “And I mean like Nickelodeon kids choice award goop, like slurpable slushy goo, like-“
“Okay, alright! I get it.” Logan groaned in annoyance. Shaking his head at Wade. He was thankful for the man’s support and friendship but god was he annoying. Constantly.
“I wish she would do that to me sometime. It’s on my ways-to-die bingo. But she keeps refusing!” Deadpool hit the wheel dramatically.
“You are disgusting,” Logan stated dryly. “The most disgusting person I ever met.”
“Don’t forget the most annoying!”
The decision to go back to teaching was not made out of fun or for the joy of doing it. Maybe partially, even though Logan would not openly confess so. It was made out of necessity. Living with Wade and Al became tiresome after the first few weeks. It was always the same antiques, the lack of schedule as well as a constant state of chaos that made him crave the ordered life at the school once again. He hoped that it would give him a sense of belonging. The X-men might be different here, with a few quips and details that didn’t match with his reality. But living at the school would tie him to a strict schedule and by god, he needed some structure in his life.
 But all in all, it meant home.
“Okay, peanut. Today is a big day. But I know you’ll do great and meet a lot of new friends.” Wade joked in a motherly tone as they arrived at the Mansion. “And no hair pulling or biting unless they ask for it, okay?”
“I can’t wait to be rid of you” Logan groaned as the car came to a halt. He exited the car with a low groan, stretching to lose stiffed muscles. Not having to constantly ride in Wade's joke of a car was another reason that he preferred living at Xavier’s Institution. Speaking off:
“There you are. Welcome, welcome.” Xavier rolled into the mansions yard.
“A pleasure to have you, Logan. I must say, I was very pleasantly surprised when I received your response to my inquiry.” He moved towards Logan, offering his hand for a handshake.
Logan inspected the man. He was older, in his 40s maybe. But younger than the Charles Xavier he had worked with. He sported shaggy longer hair that was starting to thin out. Soon he would need to get it trimmed to keep his professional exterior. Along with a beard that was rather spotty and seemed too reminisce of his look in the 70s. Xavier looked like a mix of the two versions that Logan got to meet during his time at the school and it made him wonder how time worked here. Events seemed to play out in different order, they didn’t happen at all or much later than seemed correct.
He shook Xavier’s hand, thanking him for the offer. “Of course. I was surprised when you contacted me.” Logan confessed. His gaze shifted towards the grand building in front of him. It was the same old English style build that he knew, with a few modern elements added here and there.
“Is it familiar to you? The school? I assume you have experienced quite a few dejá-vus since arriving here.” Charles observed Logan.
“I do. Some things are the same. Others don’t match what I know or didn’t happen at all.” He confessed. Already feeling the brother connection build, similar to the one he had with the other Charles.
“You will find your answers. I am sure of it.” Charles turned around motioning Logan to follow him inside. “I think it is best if we continue this conversation in my office.” He looked over his shoulder at Wade, who had waited in the car, listening in on the conversation.
“Oh, yeah, I’ll be on my way. You call me if you need to get picked up, Pookie!” He waved at Logan in a motherly way.
“You aren’t coming?” He asked, somewhat confused. But then he saw Charle’s face, the intense stare he gave Wade.
“Uhhh, no I technically have a house ban for no apparent reason-“
“You burned down the west wing” Charles answered dryly.
Wade clicked his tongue, “Right, okay. Yeah… But! It’s very modern now.” He chuckled weakly. “You’ll still call me up for a mission, right?” He tried to persuade the professor.
“If the mission takes place outside of my building then yes.” Charles agreed, focusing back on Logan. And leading him inside. Neither of them commented on the cheer that Wade gave as he drove off.
Being back at the school felt surprisingly good to Logan. It was like coming back from a long holiday. Most everything was the same: Students running in the hallways, playing games in the gardens and-
“Fancy seeing you here!”
Logan turned around quickly, looking for whoever addressed him. Some children were buzzing along the halls, none of them too interested in him. Then he spotted her by the stairs. Leaning onto the dark wooden rails of the gallery. The light from the window behind her illuminating her figure.
“Y/n”, he breathed.
“Hi! Charles told me that you wanted to start teaching again.” She made her way downstairs, focus shifting between not falling and keeping her gaze on him. She seemed pleasantly surprised to see him.
He turned more toward her, watching her get closer to ground level. With each step he felt his excitement grow “He contacted me, actually. Asked whether I wanted to work here…”
“Oh really? What a coincidence ”She grinned mischievously, stopping at the end of the stairs and leaning on one of the bannisters. She kept a little space between them. There might be some familiarity between them but she didn’t want to push him too far yet and give him the chance to get closer to her if he felt like it.
But Logan stayed in place: “Do you have anything to do with that?”
She smirked,  and he felt some of his charm return to him . He might be rusty but some things were just engraved in him.
“Maybe” She shrugged, smiling softly with a playful sparkle in her eyes “But I’m assuming that you won’t be teaching history, right?” Y/n teased carefully. The multiverse situation was a thing she wanted to be careful about. Wade had told her a little bit about what had happened to Logan before he transferred but she didn’t know any details.  
“No, I teach PE and defence classes. You do science, right?” He shifted his weight from one leg to the other, hoping to lose the tension in his body. He threw the tidbit of knowledge into the conversation, hoping that he was right and that the two versions of her had that much in common.
“Chemistry and Literature, yeah.” She smiled. She then looked at her watch before pointing towards another corridor with a sigh “I’d love to talk more, but I need to get to class. Maybe we could meet sometime.” She secured the book in her arms.
“Yes.” He answered with a stiff nod, his hands were getting sweaty.
They stood In awkward silence.
“Maybe over a coffee?” She asked, looking up at him, her lip curled upwards. Her look became more expecting as he watched her in silence.
 He would catch the bait she just threw, right? Scott had laughed when she asked him about what Logan had been like; What this version might be like.
 ‘He’s an asshole’ He said ‘a cocky asshole and who thinks he can charm any girl he likes’ she blushed at that comment ‘But he is into the dark, mysterious type if that is what you are after’
“Maybe”, Logan gave  cold and curtly.
He regretted his demeanor when he saw her smile slip for just a moment.
Her face slipped for a moment “Oh.. okay.” She huffed softly. “See you around then.” Y/n nodded quickly before running off.
A routine established itself after the first weeks back at the school. The work there itself was the same. Teach the children standard curricula, training them in controlling their powers and some extracurricular activities.
He would spend some evenings with the other members of Team X ,as they called themselves here. Sometimes he would meet Y/n in the hallway but he didn’t work up the courage to stop and talk to her beyond a quick ‘hello’.
What is wrong with you? You used to sweep women off their feet. She is offering herself to you at any chance and you still can’t manage to ask her out?
He sighed as he changed back into his regular clothes. The class had just ended. It was Friday, still fairly warm for October and the trees looked beautiful in all shades of red, orange and yellow.
 Would be perfect for a romantic walk… A charming, rugged man could ask a woman out for that.
“That guy died a long time ago…” He mumbled to himself. Picking up his bag and closing the locker.
He exited the gym, making his way to his room or rather apartment. Wade managed to burn down the teacher's quarters along with the kitchens and cafeteria in some wicked stunt. No one knew what happened and that was for the best, he guessed.
However, that incident resulted in a modernized reconstruction with more spacious rooms for the teachers and a communal cafeteria that students and members of Team X shared.  Great for extroverts but Logan had to pass it every time he went to his rooms, much to his dismay. To make it worse,  the communal space was separate from the hall via a glass wall, allowing for a perfect view of everyone who tried to sneak past. Which led to uncomfortable situations such as this.
“Logan!” Piotr called, waving his huge metallic arm to get the other man's attention. Logan's initial reaction was to ignore him as he had done many times with the members of his old team.
No, he wanted to do better. He needed to. It was that kind of behavior that made him spiral in the first place. So he took a deep breath and channeled all jolliness available to him after 6 hours of teaching and a generally low level of it to begin with.  He slowly made his way towards the teacher's table.
“Come, eat with us.” Piotr offered him the seat next to him on the thick wooden bench. A seat opposite of… fuck- of fucking course he was in on Wade’s plan to play matchmaker.
 “We can’t have you get scrawny, eh?” he joked.
“Not that that would be likely to occur” Y/n joked as Logan sat down. His look snapped towards her and her eyes widened in shock at what had just come out of her mouth.
A knowing, wicked grin spread across Colossus's face. That fucking asshole…
“What are we having?” Logan asked, ignoring the situation that had just occurred. He tried to keep his gaze on Piotr who was busy filling a plate with whatever was in the big metal pot on the side of the table. His eyes shifted to Y/n every so often.
“Pierogi. I am trying out new recipes for a cooking class with my students” He said proudly, placing the plate in front of Logan “Y/n said, they are very good. Right?” He asked her, putting the woman on the spot.
“Oh, uhm…yeah. I like the new… stuffing.” She said, the answer sounding more like a question, carefully looking at Logan when he tried it. She was thankful for Piotr’s brotherly demeanor and gentle nature. Yet sometimes he would tease her as any older brother liked to do. And they sure liked to do it in front of people that the younger sibling might fancy.
Logan nodded in agreement, complimenting the man for his cooking.
“You cook here regularly?” He asked with a mouthful.
“Of course! Cooking is a very important life skill. As well as baking. You should join one of Y/n’s baking classes, she is very talented.” Colossus complimented the woman, making her grin.
“I plan on holding a workshop on the weekend for older students and alumni. You should come.” She offered, a hopeful look in her eyes. Maybe she was too discrete the last time she tried to get Logan to ask her out. So this time she tried to be more direct with her offer.
“I don’t bake,” Logan answered in a backhanded comment as he continued to eat. He didn’t think too much about it. He had planned to ask her out after lunch. He was overly focused on what he would say to her once the others left to notice how he had sounded.
It only occurred to him when he saw how Y/n visibly deflated. “Oh, right” She hummed, swallowing another bite of her food, eyes looking anywhere but towards the man who had once again rejected her so swiftly.
Piotr, just sighed with disappointment, leaning back in his chair. His hard elbow bumped into Logan’s side.
You fucked it up. Again.
“Okay, stop. You mean to tell me that she tried to ask you out not once but TWICE and you rejected her?” Wade paced through the living room. Trying to make sense of what his friend had just told him. “You mean to tell me that you now spend 3 months at that school? Being in her proximity 24/7 and actively avoiding her?”
Logan sat on the familiar black couch that looked even more beaten up than the last time he was at the flat. With disgust, he realized that he didn’t even want to know what caused the new damage.
 “I don’t avoid her”
“Oh no? And yet the few times she does catch you creeping in the halls you manage to scare her off.” Deadpool said down one of the rotatable bar chairs. Swirling dramatically.
“No wonder the girl’s not interested in a sad drunk fuck like you,” Al commented from the table where she sat, carefully packaging her newest acquisition of sellable goods.
“ No, Al that’s the thing! The girl wants him DESPITE being a sad drunk fuck!”  Wade jumped from the chair to pace around some more. He had to come up with a plan to get the two to spend time together, and get to know each other better. Create some closeness to let the sparks fly and catch on.
“That’s even worse.” Al laughed, snoring.
“Thank you for the compliments… Reassuring.” Logan groaned, regretting to even have answered Wade when he asked him about how things were going with Y/n. Maybe he wasn’t ready to be with someone again. He liked her and wanted to get to know her but something was stopping him. The urge to protect her from danger and he still thought of himself as the greatest danger to her and his team.
“On the other hand, she is still interested after being rejected TWICE. So you still have a chance, Pookie.” Wade said, sitting down next to Logan, yet again way too close.
“I’m gonna help you, buddy, Don’t you worry.” He leaned in closer, his lips brushing Logan's ears “Act three needs some lovin’ and I make sure you get all the loving you need, baby” He whispered towards Logan. And with dread, and a bit of disgust,  Logan accepted that he had no chance of stopping the man.
By the time the midterms rolled around, Logan had gotten familiar with the schedule and his  profession once again. He slept better, tended to snap less at people and even his drinking tendencies seemed to get better. Being part of a community felt good and it made him angry at his younger self for rejecting the people who loved him out of some ill-placed ideology: that to keep them safe, he had to distance himself from them.
And yet you are doing it again.
He sighed as he trotted into the community kitchen. He broke his coffee maker in a fit of frustration last week and hadn’t found the time or energy to tell Charles to get a new one. He stayed out of the professor's way for the most part, not wanting to be roped into some conversation about ‘needing therapy’. So he sourced his caffeine intake from the machine that sat in the big, homely department kitchen. Another benefit was that there was always a fresh pot ready and waiting for him. Downside, there were almost always people in the kitchen, waiting for others to join in for conversation and breakfast.
This morning he should be safe from conversation. Most students and some staff went home for the fall semester break, leaving the school running on a minimal level to accommodate those who had no home to go to. There were no classes, meaning that the school apparatus calmed to a halt.
In practice that meant that almost everyone slept in with no pressure to get up early. And for Logan, that meant that he could enjoy his drink in peace before people tried to talk to him.
Lost in thought he strolled into the kitchen. It seemed empty, thank god. He sighed in relief, stretching languidly. The air exiting his lungs in a low groan.
Then a soft click sounded through the room.
A fridge being closed.
“Oh hey, you’re up early.” Y/n appeared behind the full-size fridge door that had previously shielded her from his view. She looked a little tired, not yet fully awake and a bit tousled from sleep.
Aww C’mon. Maybe Wade was right about the universe wanting them to come together. But primarily to annoy him and allow for Wade to give him the ‘I told you so’ speech.
“So are you.”  He answered, leaving on the door frame and watching her pour some creamer into her cup. Upon closer inspection, she did look younger than her other iteration. Her features were softer looking with fewer wrinkles and scars. He needed to ask her about that at some point.
She leaned onto the counter to reach for another cup, taking it out of the overhead cabinet. Proceeding to pour some coffee in it. “How do you take your coffee?” She asked, turning towards him.
“I’ll take two sugars” He answered, moving towards her with slow even steps. The threat of Wade’s ‘help’ kept looming in the back of his mind, pushing him to be more open towards her and to come out of his shell. Who knows what that maniac had in mind?
Y/n hummed in agreement, dropping in two cubes of sugar and stirring the dark liquid before handing it to Logan.
He thanked her softly, holding the porcelain with his much larger hands. He had moved quite close to her, both leaning against the kitchen counter. The closeness and difference in height between them meant that Y/n had to look up to him, to make eye contact.
With a grin he noticed how she shifted her stand, one hand bunching up the material of her cardigan.
You still got it if you let it happen, man.
They stood in comfortable silence for a moment, enjoying their drinks and watching the sun paint pictures onto the kitchen surfaces, colored by the stained glass windows.
She was the one who broke the silence. “Are you ready for the training session today?” She asked, turning towards him, shifting her position so that her hip was pressed against the counter.
“Training?” He asked confused, setting down his cup to cross his arms over his chest, the muscles shifting visibly under his skin.
That’s right! Show her what you got!
“Yes, staff training? We got the call from Washington about a mutant security threat. Charles wants us to be ready just in case. Do you read your emails?” She teased, watching him over the rim of her mug.
“I don’t know how that stuff works if I’m honest with ya.” He shrugged “Do you go on missions regularly? On Government orders?” He remembered that Xavier had mentioned something along the lines of that. Some complicated struggles between heroes about government regulation and so on.
“Yes, after the blip it was decided that an X-team force should be established to take care of mutant-related threats or endangerments.” She explained.
He had heard of that, too. “Right. What was that blip again?”
The energy in the room shifted suddenly.
Y/n huffed, almost spilling a bit of her drink. “Ha, that’s a bit of a heavy topic for morning coffee talks.” She looked around uncomfortably. Logan seems to have hit upon a heavy subject.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” He apologized quickly. Beating himself up for screwing it up once again.
“No, no it’s fine.” She shook her head, setting down her drink to cross her arms as he did. Only that she seemed to do it defensively. “Half of all life stopped existing for five years and… that left a few scars.” She explained somberly, softly nodding to herself.
Logan blinked, his mind moving at high speed to get the conversation on a good topic again. Anything to turn it around and to prevent her from having a bitter aftertaste to their first proper talk.
Yet it was her, once again, that stepped up. She noticed how he got nervous, eyes wandering, shoulders sagging.
“I’ll explain it to you later. When we are not so pressed on time.” She reached out slowly, placing her hand on his arm, squeezing it in reassurance. Y/n smiled at him softly, moving around him to exit the kitchen and prepare for the day ahead.
Without thinking Logan placed a hand over hers, just in time before she pulled hers away. It had her stop in her tracks. Her eyes moved to where his rough callused palm warmed the back of her hand, up to his eyes. He was watching her with intention.
She was nervous. This was either going to be an invitation to finally get to know him or he had enough of her and told her to stop fancying him.
“You can explain it to me on a walk to the lake? Tonight?” He asked, one eyebrow raising in question. His hand squeezed hers gently.
A second of silence followed.
She exhaled, the stress leaving her body but she had to keep her composure. A grin spread across her face “Sounds like a plan.” She held eye contact for a few beats, then let her hand slip out of his hold as she left.
That’s how you do it, Tiger!
Her lips pressed together to keep from smiling too hard as she exited the hallway.
Taglist: @sarahskywalker-amidala @myu3ki @stinastar @zortlort @zeeader @lolurk @eddiesguitarskills @elianamarie-blog @byhuenii @sunfairyy @weallhaveadestiny @catiwinky @halerune@yawnzshit @sseleniaa @starfleetteddybear @ipreferreadingtocope @br1-11 @kalicox  @rushin--spy @poplottie @pushingdaisies1 @nikki-says-beautiful-lies  @lizlil @matchamidoriya @simonsbluee @beiroviski  @spideybv28 @suiien @prompto-is-a-chocobo@landlockedmermaid77@passionfruiticedtea @valorant-v  @onlyforyuto @fallen-angels2213  @danicl25 @meowmeowyoongles @qardasngan @savy-luvs-dilfs @i-dont-do-too-much  @kittykookies @hooomansstuff
I hope I got everyone on the taglist. Write to me if I missed you.
New requets for being added to the list via comments on the Masterlist post, please. That helps me to keep things organized :)
But please leave a comment on this post to provide me with serotonin 😍
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hotvintagepoll · 8 months
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Ronald Colman (Arrowsmith, Random Harvest, Prisoner of Zenda)—"God! Ronnie Colman! Wasn't he marvelous? He had the greatest movie technique I've ever known in my life!" -Vincent Price
James Dean (Rebel Without A Cause, East of Eden)—can i just say that while james dean was horrendously hot, he also had a i-want-to-pick-him-up-and-carry-him-around-in-my-pocket-slash-hoodie-and-feed-him-treats kind of vibe to him? maybe it was because he was only 5'7, or maybe it was because (to me, at least) he constantly looked like a sopping wet poor little meow meow, or maybe it's because his eyebrows looked like they were too big for him. whatever it was, i'm beginning to understand why people still have posters of him in their rooms.
This is round 3 of the bracket. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage man.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
James Dean propaganda:
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Ronald Colman propaganda:
No one, not even Douglas Fairbanks, could match Ronald Colman's screen close-ups. They were marvellous because he had a beautiful face, and because he had a deep but gentle masculinity: the ideal of the dark Englishman. — Laurence Olivier
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Ronnie became not just an actor for me, but a way of life. — Vincent Price
"I wanna give some propaganda for Ronald Colman! His face acting made him a star in the silent era but when the arrival of the talkie brought one megastar after another down to earth he was one of the only ones to become more popular due to his voice, and became the blueprint for the “mellifluous voiced Englishman” type that Laurence Olivier and James Mason would later become known for. And to prove it here he is reading Shakespeare"
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"1920s heartthrob to 1930s matinée idol to 1940s silver fox Oscar winner to 1950s comedy radio star, this man could do it ALL. I feel he is unfairly neglected today despite his smile making it into P.G. Wodehouse novels and the knee-melting qualities of his voice making it into a Rodgers & Hammerstein musical. A women's college made him the winner in their hottest celebrity poll in 1942, and I am right there with them. He was by all accounts an absolutely lovely person, as well, but I recognize that this poll is about the hotness and I think that Ronald Colman deserves more recognition for being ridiculously handsome and doing heartbreaking face-acting and having weaponizable quantities of charm. Also he saved David Niven's life (according to the latter's memoir) by shooting a shark once. Very sexy of him."
He was a wonderful friend; steady, true, full of wisdom and humour. He was generous and completely unbitchy unlike so many actors. A great actor, the master of the understated playing, and one many people (including me) tried hard to copy. A glorious speaking voice, dirty great brown 'fan' eyes, a smile that lit up the whole of Beverly Hills, and a man who could give a lame dog or a struggling actor a lift with never a thought of self-congratulation. — David Niven
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callofdutydecor · 1 month
Okay but like I'm gonna do a little series-
It's called 'Farmers Land'
It's about the men being the animal hybrids I think they would be
Captain John Price: The farmer, but with a twist (⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠) He would definitely be a bull Farmer!! And I don't mean he only takes care of the bulls, I mean he is one!! His feet are hooves, bull horns, and a bull tail!! (⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠)
Lieutenant Simon 'Ghost' Riley: Guard WolfDog hybrid!! It's hands and feet have lil beans(⁠〃゚⁠3゚⁠〃⁠) tail and ears galore(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
Sergeant Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick: herding dog!!(⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠) I personally think he would be a Border Collie since they are(I think) 1/6 British herding doggies!!(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
Sergeant John/Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish: Of course like a cliche, another Gaurd dog!!(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ I feel like he would be a golden retriever!! And Like Simon he would have hand and feet beans, tail, and ears!!꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
Former Soviet Army Senior Sergeant Nikolai: Would be one of the bulls!!(⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠) He's so protective and gets along with the other animals so well!!♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)
Commander Phillip Graves: A coyote!! (⁠♡⁠ω⁠♡⁠ ⁠)~ he's a wild coyote!! And is like Simon and ghost with his features!!(⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
Colonel Alejandro Vargas: I feel like he would be a Jaguar!!(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠) He is feral!! He can also purr and sometimes even meows!! (⁠♡⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠♡⁠)
Sergeant Major Rodolfo 'Rudy' Parra: I feel like he would be a cougar!! In a two man pack with Alejandro!!ෆ⁠╹⁠ ⁠.̮⁠ ⁠╹⁠ෆ he is also feral!!
Sergeant Gary 'Roach' Sanderson: I think he would be a farm animal, many a goat, ram, or pygmy, which I think is just the British ram- (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠)
Valeria 'El Sin Nombre' Garza: I think she would be a snake!!(⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) Not just any snake tho!!(⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠) She would be a venomous jumping snake! Of course she's a wild snake!!(⁠●⁠´⁠⌓⁠`⁠●⁠)
Colonel König: A deer!!(⁠♡⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠♡⁠) But of course a German deer, so I think he would be close to a sika deer!!(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠♡⁠) He's a wild deer and is in a two man pack with Horangi!!(⁠♡⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
Operator Kim 'Horangi' Hong-Jin: Tiger!!(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠♡⁠ ⁠) But, like with könig, a Korean tiger, so a Siberian tiger!!(◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Vladimir Makarov: A wild Silver fox!!(⁠♡⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠♡⁠)
And finally
You: A kitty!! But not just any kitty! I wanna make sure my readers are the most beautiful kitty in the world!! So youz my lovies, are the Balinese cat!! So colorful and fluffy!!(⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠♡⁠(˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)
I will make the first chapter soon!!
You can also find me on Wattpad!!
My account name is
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capybaratrait · 6 months
But Daddy I Love Him!: A Disney Princess Legacy Challenge
I didn't really like any version of the Disney Princess Legacy so I decided to do one myself! I tried not to repeat traits, skills... But sometimes I couldn't figure out, sorry! I also included a color scheme based on the princess. You have to complete the aspiration, career and max the skills, unless stated otherwise. I also included some extra goals!
It's not playtested, so I might make changes as I play. I have an edited lifespan that makes Young Adulthood and Adulthood a little bit longer, but Teenagehood and Childhood shorter. My guess is that you could finish the challenge in normal lifespan, but you also can do it in long or with a custom lifespan, or even turn aging off if you want to! Whatever you want to do!
Also, I had to be quite... Creative in some of the princess descriptions, because their personalities are very similar.
Also, there's not really any general rules. Your heir can be any gender you want (Everyone can be a princess!), if you want to cheat, cheat, if you wanna change something, change it!
Generation 1. Snow White 🍎
Packs: Cottage Living, Parenthood
Running away from a terrible family, you find yourself in a tiny cottage in the middle of nowhere. You dedicate yourself to keep it clean and make it a home. A hopeless romantic, you dream of finding your true love and form a beautiful family.
Traits: Cheerful, Romantic, Childish
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: Stay-at-Home Parent
Skills: Cooking, Parenting, Cross-Stitching
Colors: Red, Blue and Yellow
Make seven friends
Marry your first love and stay with them all your life. Don’t woohoo before marriage
Befriend wild animals (bunnies, birds, foxes)
Have three children
Grow an apple tree of magnificent quality in your backyard
Generation 2. Cinderella 👠
Packs: High School Years, Cats and Dogs, My First Pet Stuff
Your parent instill in you the importance of being a hard-worker, but you can’t help but wish for a better life! With your two siblings making your life impossible, you spent your teenage years working a part-time job and saving as much money as you could to get away from them. As a young adult, you move to your own place and start working in the world of fashion.
Traits: Ambitious, Overachiever, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Career: Style Influencer
Skills: Writing, Painting, Charisma, Photography
Colors: Silver
Have a bad relationship with your two siblings
As a teen, reach max level of a part-time job of your choice
Always have a rat and a cat as your pets
You need no one to achieve success! But, eventually, you find someone as rich as talented as you have become (aka, don’t marry/move with before you have completed at least 3 tiers of your aspiration)
Generation 3. Aurora 🛏️
Packs: Nifty Knitting, Get Famous, Parenthood, Island Living
Unlike your parent, you don't even have to move a finger to get what you want. Born and raised in a wealthy family, you might be getting a little spoiled. That’s why your parents send you to live in your uncle/aunt’s house. There, you learn some good lessons, like the importance of generosity and hard work. Although some things never change… And naps are still your favorite pastime!
Traits: Lazy, Creative, Generous
Aspiration: Lord/Lady of the Knits
Career: Career Hop
Skills: Comedy, Knitting
Colors: Blue, Pink
Move out to your uncle/aunt’s house as a teen. There, they teach you discipline. Make sure you get at least two good character value traits!
Meet your future spouse at your uncle/aunt’s, but don’t start dating him until you are a young adult. They have to be a mermaid!
As a young adult, you don’t really know what to do. Career hop everytime you receive a call!
You love to knit! It is something you can do while sitting. Unlock all types of clothing and buy objects available with the Knitting skill
Generation 4. Ariel 🧜🏻‍♀️
Packs: Island Living, Snowy Escape, Parenthood
As a teen, you discover that you are not a normal sim: you are a merfolk. Your curious nature makes you move out from your family house to the place where your parent was born and raised, and reconnect with your roots. But when you fall in love with a normal sim, you decide to renounce your other form and become a boring, normal human.
Traits: Geek, Adventurous, Child of the Ocean
Aspiration: Beach Life
Career: Conservationist
Skills: Logic, Fitness
Colors: Red, Green, Purple
Get the Irresponsible character value trait
As soon as you become a young adult, move out to Sulani
Complete the Seashells collection and another collection of your choice
Befriend a dolphin
Stop being a mermaid when you fall in love with a human sim!
Generation 5. Belle 📚
Packs: High School Years, City Living/For Rent, Growing Together, Cats and Dogs
Ever since you were a kid you loved to hide under the covers with a good book and immerse yourself in a world full of magic where everything is possible. You love to read, it is your favorite thing in the whole world, and to think you also could create those beautiful stories? That's your dream. You also love your family, but you want to have your own life, so after graduating high school you move to a shared apartment looking for a little more independence. Turns out your roommate is a monster, but for some reason you can’t stop thinking that there is goodness deep inside them…
Traits: Bookworm, Creative, Good
Aspiration: Best-Selling Author
Career: Writer
Skills: Writing, Charisma
Colors: Yellow
Try to become a valedictorian or at least graduate with honors in High School!
Share an apartment with a sim with the evil trait. Fall in love with them, and try to change its trait for another one with the self-discovery system!
Keep a rose in your house
Always have a dog in your household
Generation 6. Jasmine 🧞‍♂️
Packs: Get Famous, High School Years, Get Together, For Rent, Romantic Garden Stuff
Stubborn and impulsive, you are not interested in love at all, especially with your parents pressuring you to give them grandkids and introducing you to suitors all the time. You want to triumph, be something for yourself! You might come across as a little self-absorbed, but you have a good heart and will help everyone in need. You move to Del Sol Valley looking for fame, and there you find someone that sparks your interest… But if you do commit to someone, it will be your decision. Your parents will have nothing to say in the matter.
Traits: Self-Absorbed, Hot-Headed, Party Animal
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity
Career: Actor/Actress
Skills: Acting, Dancing
Colors: Blue
Have a bad relationship with all the sims your parents introduce you, especially with one of them
Fall in love with a sim in the criminal career. Your parents do not approve of them, so they have a bad relationship
Go on a vacation to Tomarang and adopt a tiger!
Make three different wishes with the wishing well over the course of your life
Generation 7. Pocahontas 🌳
Packs: Seasons, Outdoor Retreat, Discover University, Spa Day, For Rent
You grew up in the buzzling city of Del Sol Valley, a place that never sleeps, full of luxury and fake appearances, but you never felt comfortable there. You always had a connection with nature, and as soon as you reach young adulthood, you leave your parents mansion, looking to find inner peace. A natural leader, you decide to devote your life to guide and teach young generations.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Self-Assured, Vegetarian
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Career: Education
Skills: Research & Debate, Herbalism, Wellness
Colors: Brown, Blue
As a child and a teen, be in scouts and collect all the badges!
Have a failed relationship before finding the one you form a family with
You are a deeply spiritual person. Max the friendship bar with one of your dead grandparents
Get the Wise trait as an elder
Generation 8. Mulan 🐉
Packs: StrangerVille, Paranormal
You have a huge sense of responsibility, so you join the military thinking that that is the best way to help people. But then, you are transferred to the town of StrangerVille, and start suspecting the military wants to cover something related to the Secret Lab in the outskirts of town… And you are gonna figure out what it is.
Traits: Clumsy, Active, Family-Oriented
Aspiration: StrangerVille Mystery
Career: Military
Skills: Fitness, Logic
Colors: Green, Blue, Yellow
Fall in love with someone also in the military career. You have to have a bad relationship with them first
Befriend three other co-workers
Matchmake your friends!
Get the Brave reward trait
Generation 9. Tiana 🐸
Packs: Dine Out, Cottage Living, Growing Together
You have a passion for good food, are a very hard-working sim and will do anything possible to achieve your goals! You start working at a restaurant hoping one day you will open your very own, where you will make people happy with your dishes. Oh, you also are obsessed with frogs, but you don’t know where that comes from…
Traits: Foodie, Animal Enthusiast, Self-Assured
Aspiration: Master Chef
Career: Chef/Restaurant Owner
Skills: Cooking, Gourmet Cooking
Colors: Green, Blue
Open your own restaurant after completing the aspiration. Reach the 5 stars!
Complete the frogs collection
Have a best friend
Adopt at least 1 child; They will be the heir. Have a strict family dynamic with them
Generation 10. Rapunzel 🌞
Packs: Get to Work, Horse Ranch, City Living
Your parents were always very protective of you, and you never understood why, until they confessed to you that you were adopted. Because of their strict parenting, you couldn’t do crazy things and learn from your mistakes; you crave adventures and want to discover who you really are. You really are a creative force! You love painting, you love singing, and you also seem to have a gift to make other people feel better, so you decide to become a doctor and spend all your free time looking for your biological parents.
Traits: Art Lover, Music Lover, Genius
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Career: Doctor
Skills: Painting, Logic, Singing
Colors: Pink, Purple
Find your biological parents as a young adult or an adult
Have a very long hair
Have a horse in your household
Have 4 kids in total. 3 of them have to be triplets!
Note: If I finish the legacy, which I don't think I will because I never finish them 😂 I will make extra generations for Merida, Moana and Raya.
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princessaxoxo · 8 months
⟡₊ ⊹ 𝒶 𝓉𝒶𝓈𝓉ℯ ℴ𝒻 𝓈𝓊𝑔𝒶𝓇: 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝐼 ⟡₊ ⊹
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sugar daddy!henry cavill x burlesque dancer!curvy reader
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚
❥ 𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: an enticing encounter at a burlesque club leads to an interesting offer.
❥ 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 18+ only, mentions of nudity.
❥ 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 1.8k
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚
It was the first night of your performance, and your heart anxiously hammered against your chest. For weeks, you practiced your routine, planned your outfit, and selected the song you would use. As you peaked through the curtains to take a look, you saw how packed it was tonight. “It’s time, sweetie," the owner, Beatrice, of the Kitty Écarlate club said to you.
You took center stage as two of your coworkers stood behind you.
The purple velvet curtain opened, and Marilyn Monroe's "I wanna be loved by you” began to play. Adrenaline ran through your veins as you felt the bright spotlight come over you, and you forgot why you were nervous in the first place. On stage, you exuded a confidence that you had never felt before.
Henry’s eyes lifted to the stage as the spotlight hit you, your body seductively moving in tune with the song as you sang along. He placed his glass of whiskey down, and fascination filled him as he took notice of your look in detail. You had your hair styled in curls inspired by the forties and a simple makeup look that made you glow, consisting of a red lip, followed by a beauty mark underneath your eye on your left cheek, and some shimmer on your cheekbones. The curves that you displayed did not go unnoticed by him; in fact, he wanted to see more and trace them.
Teasing the audience to see a portion of your breast, you delicately dragged one feathered fan down the length of your arm. At the lyric, "I couldn’t aspire to anything higher than to fill the desire to make you my own!” The other one was pulled away by one of your backup dancers, and you looked back at the crowd with a surprised expression as you quickly covered the rest of your body.
As part of your performance, you strolled through the audience, interacting with every customer. Henry couldn’t take his eyes off of you as you made your way around the room, up until you were right in front of him. You looked at the slightly older man in front of you; his hair and beard held specks of silver.
Carelessly, to the tune of "I Wanna Be Kissed by You, Alone!" by Marilyn, you bent over as though you were going to give him a kiss and met his blue eyes, which had a tiny bit of brown in the left. And as you started to back away to return to the stage, he looked after you with longing.
At the end of the song, the last feather fan was pulled away, and both of your back-up dancers covered the front of your body as they shook the feather fans by their sides. When the curtain closed, your smile remained unwavering. With a broad smile and a silk robe, your boss ran over to you. "Sweetheart, you did a fantastic job; I’m so proud of you!”
All of the girls at the club showered you with love, and when you went back to your station in front of your mirror, there were a dozen flower bouquets and sweet little notes from all the girls that worked with you.
With a gleam and a playful smile on her face, Natasha hurried over to you and exclaimed, "A hot silver fox gave me this business card to give to you." And you turned to look at the back of the card, where the words, "I wish to meet with you. Call the number, HC," was written in cursive. When you turned it over to face forward, a number was displayed. That stranger, the attractive older man, was the first person that came to your mind.
Looking back at Natasha, “Is he still here?” you asked, and she shook her head, explaining that he left after she received the card from him. So you decided to keep it, but weren’t sure if you would call.
You couldn't stop staring at the number that night as your mind raced with images of him. You could still see the desire in his blue eyes as he looked back at you. Natasha's voice, urging you to phone him or else she would call on your behalf, lingered in the back of your mind as well.
A week later, as you pulled out your wallet to pay for your coffee, you spotted the card again. Although you’d forgotten, you dialed his number as soon as you picked up your coffee cup and sat down. At first, you assumed he wouldn't answer, but after a few rings, you heard "hello?" from the person speaking on the other end.
Immediately you perked up and said, "Hello, um." You tried not to seem stupid, but you failed, so you shook your head at yourself and carried on. "You wanted a call from me? At the club where I work, you gave your card to a friend of mine."
On the other end of the line, there was a moment of silence. “Yes, I would like to meet with you, if you’re interested.” Now it was your turn to take a moment of silence. “Yes, of course."
Feeling that you sounded overly eager, you smacked yourself. "When are you free?" Over the phone, his deep, husky voice warmed your body. "Tomorrow, I am." He agreed right away and texted you an address and code. "Open the gate using the code."
Feeling foolish for changing your clothes three times, you scoffed at yourself. Every time, you looked cute, but not exactly how you had hoped to look to see him. You left the house for what would turn out to be the most intriguing meeting of your life after finally deciding on an outfit that fit your style: a long-sleeved beige sweater with a black skirt and black stockings underneath, along with black heel boots and silver earrings.
To let him know you were on your way, you sent him a message. The trip from your place to his took thirty minutes. Nerves and excitement were all you could feel as you pulled up to his gate. The gate slowly opened when you entered the code, and when you pulled up and saw his house, you gasped.
To put it mildly, the home was stunning; it was both modern and classical in design. You immediately began to feel less. You drove a 2014 Toyota Corolla and lived in a studio apartment that you could barely afford. That's when you started questioning why this stranger would want to become acquainted with you at all.
Once your car was parked, you took a moment and mentally prepared yourself. After that, you got out of your car with confidence and knocked on his door three times. A woman who appeared to be a housekeeper answered the door and greeted you warmly inside. "It will only take a moment to notify Mr. Cavill of your arrival."
As she left, fidgeting with your hands, you glanced at what little you could see of the inside of his home. It didn't take long for you to hear footfall on the hardwood floors. You turned quickly, and for the first time in a week, you saw the handsome stranger you had initially encountered.
As he motioned for you to follow him, saying, "This way," you took notice of his navy tailored suit that fit him perfectly.
After following him up some stairs, you came to a patio overlooking his backyard. Beautiful flowers that were well-kept and trimmed surrounded a lovely garden.
"Here, kindly have a seat." When you looked back, you saw that he had pulled out a chair for you. Once you took a seat, he moved around the table to take a seat across from you. "Ever since I saw you at the burlesque show, I have been captivated by you," he declared. "Which is why I'm making you an offer, which I hope you'll accept." You recognized the document that slid in front of you as a contract.
Staring back at him confused, he said, "It's an arrangement, a paid relationship.” He then continued, “If you'd like, we can conduct formal introductions, but it's okay if not. I would need specific information about the costs you may be facing or require assistance with. We will also decide on your monthly payment amount for the aforementioned bills as well as any purchases you would like to make for yourself.” You understood what he said. "So, basically, you want to be my sugar daddy?"
He gave a little laugh and nodded his head. "Yes, to put it in simpler terms."
This arrangement could help you in more ways than one. You had student loans to pay off, and you wouldn’t be late on your rent any longer. Not to mention, he would spend money on you himself. And you enjoyed his company thus far.
“You may give it some thought.”
But you had already made your decision as you reached your hand across the table for him to shake and formally introduced yourself to him. A smile was returned to you. "Henry,” he said as he shook your hand. His hand was smooth and hefty, with long, tapering fingers. You could see how strong he was from the veins in his hand, which made you melt.
“Shall we get started?” He asked, and you nodded your head with a nervous smile at his question.
The rest of the morning was filled with questions about how much you pay on your monthly bills and what type you have. Indicating if any sexual activities will be included and agreeing on how much you’ll get paid and what days of the week you are free. Henry further proclaimed that you should never be afraid to ask for additional money.
Afterward, the both of you fell into natural comfortability—the kind of people who have known each other for years, not strangers that are just meeting officially, asking small questions to learn a bit about each other.
The time flew by in an instant, it seemed. Neither of you noticed it was noon until your stomach rumbled in front of him, and you apologized while becoming embarrassed.
"Don't apologize; we should eat." Henry took a look at his watch and saw it was around twelve. His laugh was full of warmth and life, as he requested some food be brought to the table.
Like a gentleman, he escorted you back to your car after lunch and opened the door for you. “I’d like to take you out for dinner on Thursday at 6.”
“What is the dress code?” you jokingly asked. "Dress however you please; I will never advise you on what is appropriate or inappropriate," he said as you got in the car, closing the door. The notion of seeing him again heated your body, and a faint flush crept into your cheeks.
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@shellyshellshell @ellethespaceunicorn @beck07990 @ktficworld @chloe92 @kingliam2019 @juliaorpll78 @armystay89 @nighttimestan @identity2212
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merakiui · 4 months
If you had to make the human characters into beastkin, who would you pick for each?
Just wanna know what would come to mind.
:O this is such a fun question!!!! Please also share your thoughts on what you think! These are mine. :D
Riddle - hedgehog,,, oh, or maybe a flamingo.......... or a goldfish mwahaha. >:) or,, catboy....
Trey - definitely some breed of dog... a lab or maybe something like a German Shepherd or a retriever,,,, dogboy Trey is very real to me.
Cater - maybe a red panda or
Ace - red fox
Deuce - rabbit
Kalim - either an otter or a raccoon! I like the idea of a raccoon because they are both playful and smart animals, both of which Kalim is!! Also,,, imagine Kalim getting into all kinds of mischief because he has that raccoon tendency to be extremely dexterous and can open locked doors without keys and whatnot. But otter is also very good to imagine. Both animals are just very cute. <3
Jamil - cobra (naga Jamil is always so beloved to me.)
Vil - I have a few options for Vil because these are graceful and beautiful animals that I think would suit the equally graceful and beautiful Vil: white tiger, swan, or peacock! It's difficult to settle on one, so these are the options I've thought of.
Epel - a pony centaur!! He's waiting for the day when he'll finally become a strong centaur!
Rook - hmm,,, definitely something predatory. Maybe a hawk!
Idia - catboy. <3 I'm not sure which cat, but he is so catboy to me. Or maybe he's a wolf!!!!!! I should elaborate on wolf!Idia....
Silver - maybe there isn't any logic to this, but the idea of polar bear Silver......... 🥺 it's very cute to me.
Neige - a koala or a penguin! :D
Rollo - maybe a mouse!! There's a Vision for this one....... I promise,,,
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ryuichirou · 8 days
with the characters who aren’t beastmen (or mermaids or fae) what sort of beastmen would you think they’d be? like deer silver, hare cater, bird of prey rook, etc. i wanna see y’all’s thoughts because there’s a lot of different possibilities that would fit each character :3c
The possibilities are endless…! Even if you decide to make someone a beastman, there are so many different options, so many kinds of animals. I am getting greedy even just thinking about it, but at the same time I am fighting the urge to say that everyone would be catboys and call it a day. I want to shove all of our bottoms in the cat café and spend all my money there…
I’ll try to keep it together, but also to keep things diverse 💪 But my first pick would be to make everyone catboys lol
I’m skipping beastmen/mermen/fae for now, but technically they could have their own list at some point.
Riddle – a meanie in me wants to say that he is a fae, but not the one that we are used to, but the small fussy one, similar to Tinker Bell lol Imagine this tiny thing being the loudest housewarden? It would be funny… But he would also be very cute as a goldfishie merman, sigh. Ironically, I actually don’t think he is either of these things; I think Riddle would be a beastman. Maybe a hedgehog beastman that people keep confusing with a mouse beastman because his spines aren’t very visible.
Ace – fox beastman, just like Fellow. I feel like this is pretty obvious, but still: he is cunning and sly, but also has his cute moments, just like a young fox making weird noises and acting like a playful puppy in one moment, and then biting your hand in the next moment. I think mentally Ace is stuck between being a cat and a dog, and I feel like a fox is a surprisingly good pick here lol He just feels like a ginger menace.
Deuce – of course, Ace’s counterpart would be a jackrabbit beastman; I feel like a fox and a rabbit are a classical combo, plus Deuce already has a rabbit motif related to him in a way. Deuce is specifically a jackrabbit because he is very fast, but also because while he isn’t naturally hostile or aggressive, he has his moments. And powerful legs for kicking.
Trey – definitely a beastman, but which one? Ironically I think a cat would be good pick for him, partially because of Che’nya, but he also feels like something more… bear-like, maybe? Or a badger? Something that could be confused for looking comfy and friendly when it’s just this nice man with cute ears, but actually quite ferocious when it’s needed. I feel like I’m missing something obvious here though.
Cater – I started thinking about hare Cater that you mentioned, immediately thought “well he’s good at multiplying” and had to punch myself for this joke. Now my face hurts so I’ll just day that Cater is a jabberwocky beastman. Alright, jokes aside, I still think he would be a beastman, but maybe some kind of cute and magicammable-looking carnivore. Like a weasel, for example.  
Kalim – a mongoose would be so good, wouldn’t it? But I feel like Kalim would be something fancier and flashier; maybe a bird bestman? I know some people confused him with an animeboyification of Iago at first. A colourful bird that loves to sing and dance and that is at the same time endearing and annoying to some (Jamil). But bird-based beastmen are a bit difficult to imagine… I’ll complain about it in a bit when I talk about Rook lol Kalim could also be some kind of fae that are distantly related to jinns, but don’t have the same amount of power for some reason.
Jamil – I really want to make him a naga, but we don’t know if those even exist in twst-universe lol plus, it would probably be very difficult for his family to be active servants if they had snake tails… I think he would be a black caracal; it’s a desert cat, and apparently they are very good at jumping high – he’s a basketball player after all. Caracals are also known for hissing a lot, so yeah, as close to a snake as one could get while still somehow managing to make Jamil into a catboy lol Just google those ears, it’s so cute!!
Vil – a fae. There is the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio lol It just works with him, both aesthetically and thematically somehow. Plus I am still thinking about him picking Diasomnia if  he was forced to choose any other dorm to join, which is of course not enough of a reason, but the idea of Diasomnia!Vil and fae!Vil still lives in my head. He would also be gorgeous as a betta merman, of course.
Rook – definitely a beastman, and I think it’s only fair to make him a bird of prey kind. I am not sure if that would make any changes to his appearance though; if Zazu’s equivalent is a beastman, then I guess Rook wouldn’t change much. But if he isn’t and we haven’t seen a bird beastman before, then maybe Rook would have some feathers… maybe even wings? But I also easily see him as a hunting dog.
Epel – another rabbit beastman!! He thinks Deuce is lucky because he is a jackrabbit with long ears and tall body, when Epel’s ears are smaller and way cuter because he is more of a bunny rabbit. His ma’s and meemaw’s ears are floppy, but his aren’t just yet, and he hopes it stays that way. When they’re floppy he looks even cuter… at least he still got those rabbit legs for kicking and angry stomping!
Idia – a merman. Yes, exactly, a firefly squid, who spends most of his life very deep underwater in isolation. I was hesitant to make him a merman at first because he is very tied to technology that is kind of incompatible with water (+ hehe Idia bald jokes), but hey, S.T.Y.X. is located underwater so the motif is there! Plus, the squid’s behaviour really fits Idia (Floyd is very good at nicknames). Plus, his hair being shiny also works with how dark it is in the deepest parts of the underwater world… But catboy Idia would be so cute ahhh…!!
Ortho – real!Ortho would also be a firefly squid merman, AI!Ortho would be a small clione-like creature that Idia crafted himself. Or maybe just a regular Ortho with the gear that is more suitable for swimming + hollow and sparkly. But also, alternatively, I think it would be super unfair not to mention that Ortho is a dogboy lol I don’t know how it works in relation to Idia, but Ortho is too much of a dogboy to ignore it.
Silver – fighting the urge to make him a fae because that would be missing the entire point AHHH, alright I love the idea of him being a deer beastboy! But also a rabbit because of the event… He is a jackalope lol Jokes aside, picturing Silver with beautiful deer horns is very easy. Birds would decorate them with flowers, or just sit on them… He is just like Bambi – the prince of the woods. But also also, Silver works well as a merman. Especially if he isn’t aware that he is one because Lilia made him drink potions ever since he was a baby.
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fl0atingbubbles · 10 months
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Made a Silver fox therian board cuz I was bored and away from my drawing laptop
Had fun with this so if you guys wanna give me a species and an aesthetic, i might make one of these for you when I get bored again!
And feel free to use this for whatever you like (wallpapers, backgrounds, etc), credit is preferred tho!
✨reposts greatly appreciated✨
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kedsandtubesocks · 2 months
Erika!! 🫣
Baseball Joel has permanently moved into my brain and I need to hold you accountable for my latest maladaptive daydream obsession.
I’ve got a kiddo in baby baseball now and I’m sitting here dying in the heat thinking about retired!Joel becoming Little League Coach!Joel and—
anyway. thanks for permanently altering my brain 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Lovely Toni this asks is now taking permanent residency in my heart oh my goodness THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 😭😫
And hold me accountable omg I’m dying LOL
My baby sister played little league since she was in 2nd grade so you are tugging right at my heart string! Plus Im melting extra hard knowing your little kiddo is also in the league!! Stay hydrated during those long hot games!
And OOOF!! Okay but you’re not wrong 🥵
So - I blame the mlb all star game being on tonight and it being western theme…it was like it was made for Joel so this happened lol
game changer - timeout
MLB pitcher!Joel Miller x F!Reader
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warnings/tags: fluff but all my works are 18+ so MDNI. hot sports dad joel, discussions of the future/light talk of having children, not highly edited I’m sorry rip
wc: ~600
There’s been more discussions about Joel reaching retirement age. All the sports announcers love to make jokes about him being older than some of the coaches in the league.
But the conversation comes up when you’re on the phone with him while he waits for his flight. Joel talks about free agency and how his agents have been discussing options.
“Well…what do you wanna do after it all?” You ask quietly.
Joel sighs shakily, and you’re about to quickly reassure him that he doesn’t need to tell you. But he beats you to it.
“Could be an analyst.” He comments with a soft hum. “A lot of the guys say I’m good at breaking things down.”
He is, always patiently explaining parts of the game to you.
“Coaching has always been an option too,” he explains. “I know UT Austin’s always been houndin’ me ‘bout it.”
You’d love for him to be back in Texas permanently, even if it is hours away.
“You could coach little league.” You warmly offer.
Joel chuckles.
“Trust me, thought about it when Sarah and Ellie played. But I think I’d probably would’ve gotten into fights with other coaches.” His tone is light, a bit dryly humored, but you easily catch the fondness within.
Your mind trips over itself over the thought of Joel, looking so handsome, being such a firm sports dad, packing ice coolers and folding chairs, cheering loud at the game or even coaching - it rips open something wild and raw in you.
You don’t even try to fully process it, and instead shove it to the back of your mind.
“You’d be an amazing coach. For whichever team you end up at.” You truthfully tell him.
“Thanks, baby.”
“Maybe I’ll go coach for your university.” He suddenly offers low, but deep with an underlying hint of possibilities. That snaps your spine straight.
“Oh yeah?” You grin back through the phone.
He hums faintly playful. If Joel ever ended up coming to Houston you’d never get any work done.
“Maybe I’ll become an umpire.” He suggests, and you do think of how Joel would even look hot as hell with the protective face mask on.
“You’d be awful.” You tease. “You’d let the power go to your head.”
“Would fuckin’ not!” He barks back, and you laugh, warmth swirling in your chest.
“Whatever you decide, I know you’ll be great at it.” You simmer Joel down with your sincere words.
“Y’think so?” He’s being shyly coy. “Okay with stickin’ around with me for that long?”
His words make your heart flutter.
“Don’t plan on going anywhere, Cowboy Miller.” You quietly but firmly tell him, feeling your words solidify resolve in you.
“Hopin’ ya don’t either.” Joel admits soft, almost a whisper.
You swallow hard, feeling the image of him at the little league fields, a sleek fully silver fox Joel possibly holding a soft baby in his arms or coaching from third base… you can’t shake it.
“I’m still hoping to see little league coach Joel to make his appearance.” Those words slip up from you.
Joel weakly laughs.
“Yeah? Think that’s a whole other option we’d be havin’ to discuss, honey.” Without anything in it, you understand his hidden meaning.
You don’t know where Joel stands with wanting more kids. And you’ll cross that bridge if you ever do arrive, but for right now, you can simply soak in the glory of knowing he wants a future with you. He wants to have you in his life.
“As long as it’s with you, I don’t mind.” You truthfully tell him.
Joel breathes out your name, a soft beautiful reassuring tone, and it makes your soul feel like it’s been hit out of the ballpark.
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dean-a-mean-tae · 6 months
I Have A Tail | Stray Kids Additional Member AU
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Nicholas as a hybrid and the bond they have with Nicholas, the black fox hybrid.
WARNINGS: Mention of chronic pain and anorexia. Nicholas is a "defect" hybrid. Cussing as usual. I don't think there are any other warnings. Unedited? I researched this. If I got something wrong, please respectfully correct me.
Nicholas Ross Master List | This is obviously not within the "canon" Nicholas universe. | GO LOOK AT this and then come back
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Is a "silver" fox, but his fur is black. He looks blue in some lighting
Sometimes his face looks more silver than anything.
A black fox is just a melanistic red fox.
He was in the printer for too long, that's all.
With a background based on research surrounding silver foxes.
He used to be the hybrid of a married couple (Tamaya and Nolan) and their daughter (Lillian) but he escaped or ran away or something
Nicholas is traumatized enough. I'm not sure if I wanna traumatize him in this universe ;-;
While in the streets, he had to explain to parents that just because he is a domesticated hybrid doesn't mean he's a tame one
Domesticated and tame aren't synonyms.
PET and tame are synonyms though.
Do with that as you will.
His fur is soft and silky
The "defect" is that his fur experiences shrinkage
So sometimes Nicholas looks more like a huge mole rat with fur than an actual fox
Just how Jeongin's ears grow to accommodate his head, Nicholas's ears and tail grow to accommodate his body
He's 6'3 and would look stupid if he had a tail the length and width of a Clorox wipe container.
Unlike Jeongin! Nicholas is an airhead as a human but super smart in his animal form
He also doesn't have chronic pains in his animal form so that's nice
You know those videos of dogs or cats using those buttons that say things?
Like the human asks what they want and the dog pushes the button and it's like "steak" or "sleep" or something
I like the idea that the boys got one of those things for Nicholas lol
Unfortunately, Nicholas still as anorexia as a hybrid
Foxes eat 1 to 2 lbs of food a day, but he's a hybrid so...
"healthy" Humans need 23 to 33 ounces, which is within the range of 1 to 2 pounds, of food per week...
You will have to subtly watch him to make sure he actually eats
Staring straight at him scares him out of eating and just stresses him out
Nicholas can be found in his shared room with Jeongin
Under the bed in his animal form with a blanket and a plushie
Or you can find him in the closet (hehe) as an animal or a human.
If Nicholas is in animal form, it's going to take you a long time to find him cause he is buried in the plushies.
What does the fox say~
He barks like a puppy and it sets off alarm bells in Chan's head
Nicholas's favorite treat is peanut butter on toast
Just peanut butter and a little bit of cinnamon.
You can't give him too much cinnamon or it'll throw off his blood sugar
That's that inner dog in him coming out. Which is sad because he loves cinnamon
Did you know foxes can climb tree?
Don't be surprised if you get home and you see this black blob chilling in your tree or outside your window
It's just your friendly goofy fox coming to say hello
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Nicholas & Stray Kids
There's no order to this by the way. I'm spitting out random thoughts like a llama. It's just jumps from member to member like a hoe
I like to think that Hyunjin in his animal form just kinda chills on Nicholas's tail
Nicholas walking around and then you have a ferret sitting on the fox's tail like it's a sled
Like Felix in his animal form sitting on your blanket as you walk around
If Nicholas lets out a screeching "bark" Chan ignores it
But if Nicholas is dead ass barking?! Chan is rushing to see what's wrong
On the blue moon that Nicholas is causing chaos, Chan will grab him by the scruff and trap him against the living room couch
Just see this giant wolf walking by with a whining and squirming fox caught by the neck
Changbin has and will kick Nicholas away from him
They're soft kicks, don't worry
It's only because Nicholas likes to try and bite his ears
Sometimes Nicholas passes his food to Changbin or Jisung
Cause they will eat it and only feel guilty after they've eaten it
Jisung used to be terrified of Nicholas... cause he's a fox and he's a squirrel
Until he saw Ferret!Hyunjin run at Fox!Nicholas full speed and hop on to his face. And the fox did nothing, but bat at him with his paw
Jisung earned a new playmate
Minho just follows Nicholas around
He'll just randomly grabs Nick by his back. Not by the scruff or his neck.
I'm talking Zira carrying Kovu in that scene from Lion King 2 (iykyk)
If you don't, then go watch that movie. Watch the 1st and then the 2nd
Speaking of Lion King. Felix and Minho roar at the screen sometimes when they see a big cat roaring
Meanwhile, Chan, Seungmin, and sometimes Jeongin and Nicholas will freaking howl whenever they hear them
That scene from Zootopia? "You're gonna start a howl!"
That's them
Sometimes, Nicholas and Felix can be found hidden under Minho's head and between the tiger's paws
Sometimes Seungmin barges into the fox duo's room and just lay on one of the beds
Usually it's Nicholas's bed since he's rarely there.
Again, he's either under the bed or in the closet
Hybrid!Felix and Hybrid!Nicholas are just like normal Felix and Nicholas
They kind of gravitate towards each other
A ginger cat curled around a black fox
While Felix plays video games, Nicholas lays in his lap and either sleeps or watches
Nicholas and Jeongin are a bit of a strange duo
1 second they are playing around and cuddling, the next second they're growing and batting at each other's snouts
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I headcanon that animals and hybrids can understand each other Sometimes there's a miscommunication if a canine tries to understand a feline, but it is possible to do it
I'll have to do a post about canons in this universe :P
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Nicholas Ross Master List | ©️DEANAMEANTAE2024
Tags: @bada-lee-ily @jinnie-ret @hwxnghyynjin @foxilsdenn @rensahazard @mynameisnotlaura @lucianidealz @ziipzeepzop-eez @ilovejeongin007
You can be added by asking in the replies, sending me a message, or doing an ask thingy.
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astragreenwoode · 4 months
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We've all been on the internet long enough to know where this is going. ( ͡°⁄ ⁄ ͜⁄ ⁄ʖ⁄ ⁄ ͡°)
I'm chronically on the Petrigrof side of Twitter the last six months or so and it's been such a wild ride. I'm a big fan of when artists surround Betty with all of Simon's alternates, but was baffled when I saw no one referenced this iconic meme. Shame on you, fandom. I'll do it myself.
More below the cut.
As you can see, I'm getting better at drawing people! I still can't really do hands, though. Good thing hands in Adventue Time aren't that complicated to draw. Betty is my muse and I'm not sure if I wanna be her or be sandwiched between her and Simon. Should I make a kinsona? I'll think about it.
Also, this is the first time I've ever drawn any of Simon's Ice iterations, so I'm really pleased with how they all turned out; especially his silver-fox self. He's the hottest. And I don't usually draw backgrounds, but doing the Ice Kingdom was surprisingly easier than I expected it to be.
. . .
I hope you like my work and please let me know what you think, as I really appreciate it and use it as motivation. Be sure to follow me and come back for me, please!
Stay wild, free, and safe, my dears!
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kemistre · 5 months
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εïз┊𝐎𝐍𝐄 — codename: fox
synopsis. in order to retrieve evidence against the mafia, he finds himself in a populated office building
— content warnings. violence, descriptions of blood, mafia themes, knives, (if there's anymore please lmk!!) — word count. 1,876
εïз┊author's note. wow this is crazy, i'm actually writing! i haven't in a while so bear with me if it's awful! there are definitely some typos and whatnot in here but i hope you enjoy nonetheless!! here's the masterlist for this series too! <3
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"kazuki please hear me out!" he placed a hand on his best friend's shoulder as they entered the elevator, music playing softly in the background. a ding ringed throughout the box as the door closed.
"absolutely not shinya, i can't listen to another conspiracy theory today," kazuki sighed as he ran his hands through his soft, brown hair. "you've already told me ten this week alone." he shoved his best friend to the side, grinning and rolling his eyes.
"it's not just another theory, i have solid proof!" shinya smirked, placing proud hands on his hips before stepping in front of his friend. "you'll wanna hear about this one, i swear!"
shinya had always been interested in theories about anything and everything, it was what he lived for. he loved researching to see if the theories he'd seen were really true. so far, none of the theories he'd looked into were true, but this one, this one was real.
kazuki raised a brow. "oh yeah? that's a first for you." he always complained to shinya about the theories he'd gush about, but he never meant it. he adored seeing shinya so excited, it gave him life, something to look forward to everyday.
they made a promise years ago, that no matter what, they would always be together. so, the pair decided to get the same job in the same office building. it was a well established building, many different kinds of people worked there. But nevertheless, the two always enjoyed every coworker they'd had.
"just listen, okay?" kazuki leaned against the elevator wall, watching as shinya fumbled to get his phone out of his pant pockets. he admired shinya for being so clumsy even at work when they had to act perfect and professional, going as far as to wear full suits to work. "so, you heard about the massacre that happened last night, right?"
kazuki's smiled faded, the atmosphere in the elevator getting heavier than he'd like. "yeah, the news said there were a ton of people dead." his brows furrowed, crossing his arms in confusion. "good thing that king wasn't there, that would've been horrible if he died."
"2,500 casualties, no survivors, but just before the king arrived," shinya scrolled on his phone, seemingly reading from an article. "the police couldn't figure out who did it despite the first death being approximately one hour before they arrived."
"they were all diplomats, weren't they?"
"yeah," shinya was so focused, his eyes glued to the device he had in his grasp. "here, take a look at this." he handed his phone to kazuki before taking a step beside him. it was a video. kazuki tapped his finger on the screen, making the video start.
the screen showed five different men, each different heights behind what he assumed was the building where the diplomats were killed. kazuki's eyes widened as he realized who the shortest man was. the chief of the police department. he began talking first.
"please, i'm begging you kita-" his voice cracked as he pleaded. the silver haired man in the video grabbed the chief's arm, twisting it harshly and making him fall to his knees. he whispered something the video couldn't capture. "sir! sir! i'm so sorry!"
"good boy, now which one of your heathens knows about us?" the silver haired man's voice was deep, menacing, filled with malice as he spoke. it made kazuki's stomach turn just by watching a video. the man grabbed the chief by his hair, pulling him back. "answer me."
"kaito, akimatsu, minato..." the chief was so quick to give the names of his comrades, the man letting go of his hair and throwing his head forward, making the chief leave his head hanging.
"twins," the man hissed. "kill 'em."
"yes boss!" two of the men behind the silver haired man spoke, playfulness in there voice before they ran into the building once more.
the silver haired man walked towards the last man standing, once again whispering something the video couldn't pick up as the last man grabbed the police chief by the collar, beginning to drag him away. "yessir."
"what?! we had an agreement! i tell no one about the mafia's whereabouts and you let me live! please!" the chief cried, being slightly choked as he was being pulled away.
"well, how did your men figure us out then?" the silver haired man's eyes seemed to glow a bright yellow in the darkness, shining and boring into the police chief. he cried, whining, begging and pleading to survive, all the while the silver haired man, the leader, smirked. "aran, make him writhe in agony."
the video cut out after those last words. kazuki felt his hand tremble as the phone shook in his grasp. "shinya, these people...are the mafia..?"
"yeah, just hearing the screams of that guy make me sick no matter how many times i watch it." shinya sighed, taking a step back, giving his friend room to breath. "but, i do know that this is true, it's not just a theory this time."
"shinya." kazuki's voice was deep, serious. "did you record this?" shinya grinned, nodding his head before hearing a thud on the ground as kazuki grabbed his shoulders. "you need to stop this!" his voice raised, his eyes wide with a mixture of worry and anger. "stop doing dangerous things, you're going to get yourself killed."
"i can't stop, this is what i live for kazuki. i can't just stop now! i would happily die if it meant those bullies get justice." kazuki scoffed, shoving shinya against the wall before turning towards the front of the elevator.
"you're such an idiot, shinya." he shoved him hands into his pockets, his mind fuzzy with frustration. he couldn't stop himself from speaking. "what about me? if you die, i have nothing." there was no response, only the painfully joyful elevator music filling his ears.
he sighed. "okay i'm sorry, no need for the silent tr- shinya?" he turned, his face filling with confusion as he glanced around. he was alone, shinya was gone? he looked up in his panic, not being able to register the large hole in the corner of the elevator.
kazuki's forehead wrinkled, his eyes becoming watery as his face lost all the color he'd had mere seconds ago. with a large thud, shinya's bloodied body fell from the hole in the elevator. splashes of warm, red liquid appeared before kazuki's very eyes.
his scream was raw, painful as veins appeared on his tense neck. sweat dripped down his forehead as he fell to the ground, crawling over to shinya. his eyes were lifeless, staring into kazuki with no remorse. "shin.." the elevator ding mimicked his cries as the door split in two.
kazuki held his cold, dead friend in his arms as he felt a pit in his stomach, anxiety creeping into his blood. his mouth hung open at the sight of the first floor of his office building.
crimson red was all he could see.
he stood, gently setting shinya down as he stumbled towards the scene. "no..." he couldn't help but stare at all the innocent and lifeless faces he recognized in the sea of bodies. "how did this happen..?" he whispered, unable to speak any louder.
his question was answered by a sharp pain in his abdomen. the sharp point of the knife stuck out of him, letting his fingers dance around the blade as another wave of immense pain washed over him, his scream echoed throughout the building, the bodies absorbing his sound.
his body gave in to the strained muscles that were keeping him up. he fell flat, giving the knife room to move by itself. his blood intertwined with the puddle of blood from his best friend as the knife ripped him open little by little. a stream of red flowed from his lips as the only thing he could think about was shinya.
he felt the rumble of a footstep near his head, making him turn to see the cause. a man. a hooded man wearing the color of death, step out of the elevator. "you..." his hoarse voice made the figure turn. "the mafia...right?" the hooded figure did not reply, instead he leaned down taking shinya's unlocked phone that kazuki had dropped what seemed like hours ago.
kazuki laughed, a crooked smile on his lips as the blood continued to spill from him. "the mafia killed us.." he coughed. "i guess we'll stay together forever now...shin."
the hooded figure watched the video of the mafia briefly before pocketing the device. he let out a sign as he turned fully glaring down at the manic character before him. "goin' up." his voice was hoarse, but deep. it would make anyone tremble before him just like the man in the video.
kazuki used the last of his strength to pull himself slightly out of the elevator and stare up at the man as he heard the click of a button. his jagged smile quickly turned into a horrified frown as the elevator doors began to close with a loud ding.
"no..." he whispered.
"no.." the doors were getting closer.
"NO!" he shrieked.
the doors were on either side of his body, determined to close and get the man to his destination. his screams were filled with agony of his bones began to bend and break, shattering anything in its path. the hooded man watched, his foxlike eyes boring into the man being broken before him.
he cleared his throat as he turned on his heel, stepping over the dozens of bloodied bodies on his way to the front door. he placed his hands into the pockets of his hoodie, steadily turning the corner before the crowds could appear.
a sigh fell from his lips as his hood fell from the wind, revealing his black hair in a messy bun on the back of his head, his baby hairs swayed as they tickled his forehead. with a few swift movements, he tore off the large, baggy hoodie, revealing a black suit that fit him almost too perfectly.
he rolled his shoulders back, flexing his sore muscles as he reached into his pocket. as he did, he threw his blood spattered clothes behind him and into the air, pulling the lighter he’d taken from one of the men in the elevator from his pocket. with a quick flick of his wrist, the flame of the lighter caught his clothes, lighting them ablaze. 
the flame caught the side of the office building, setting it ablaze as he walked down the civilian ridden path. shouts and cries were all he could hear as the building collapsed, sirens nearing their destination from blocks away.
it wasn’t long before he arrived at the place he’d been looking for. he stopped, opening the glass door to the red telephone booth that sat on one of the back alleys. he grabbed the phone, his slender fingers tapping at the numbers as he dialed the contact he’d been given. he held the phone to his ear as it rang, soon to be picked up on the other end.
"codename: fox."
"nicely done fox, we're sending a car to your coordinates."
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taglist :: @rukia-uchiha-98 @snowggvk @saiewithakatana @sunarots @sapphicshav @memosa @alienvarmint @kitsunekanojo (these were from a while ago, if you want to be removed just get in touch w/ me <3)
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