#he is feisty and full of determination and he is not ready to sit in confines of his shop safe from the dangers of the field
meadowsofmay · 10 months
i genuinely enjoy the amount of respect and love and care the circle has for cosmo. i can't possibly know if it will ever backfire given the circumstances they are in but that's not even what's so important right now. what will happen is what will happen but the beginning, the starting point that is actually a starting point only for us. for them? it's one of many that dotted the path of their relationship, their connection to cosmo.
i suppose it is so nice to see because there is an image of an old, obnoxious, know-it-all figures in media that are presented from the perspective — having knowledge is a grant of respect. but cosmo, at least from what we hear others speak of him, is not that. he is an old man that his grandson relative? father? wants to protect because that's how it should be and not the other way around. he is an old friend to madam glask, and he is the closest and hence the dearest, which means she will step over her fear and lost trust of elsie and follow their mission through. he is an associate, a roommate that elsie trusts to keep her safe and keep others safe from her. he is a professor that has earned his respect from rajan.
and he sees them as his children, he cares for them as he would care for his own and yet, not in a belittling way. they are like children to him but they are not children. they are grown and established in life adults that achieved their status in society and that cosmo respects, while caring for them like he would for his children. and it's almost as if they care and love him the same way in response. his human being does not consists only of work and his studies and they can love him like children would love their elderly parent. and they do.
and surely, we don't know what had happened in cosmo's past 'till it'd be revealed or what will happen in the future 'till it will happen next episode. but i just enjoy how likable cosmo is while being a knowledgeable and important part of the candela and the circle. i like how it's easy for the circle to like him and stick with him even when the circle bends.
and you know, that is the epitome of an actual respect, to have such an influence on people.
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lesucremygic · 2 years
Shimmering Softly in The Harshness of Blinding Light
How to describe him? 
At first glance, you could only see how he usually spits fires and doesn't really take any nonsense that doesn't resonate with him. Not from anyone.
He carries himself with so much power and grace. You could see he knew what he wanted. He knows those dreams are the things that kept him going. But he’s realistic. The moment something turned out to be the one he didn’t hope for, he took a little breather to reflect before going on with his life. With hands full of lessons.
Ready to start another path. To keep on marching.
People always described him as the “feisty one”. 
Interestingly, he’s one of many people who embodies the saying “when one door closes, another door opens” into one of his many fuels to get through this life.
The more you get to know him, however, you’ll be reassured and comforted the moment you find out that he’s actually a very soft spoken person with a heart as kind and golden. Years and years of struggling, going from having nothing and needing to choose one of many paths he wanted to take, have given him the chance to sturdy his heart into one of the most unbeatable beings. 
Years of struggling shapes him into a person with unwavering kindness. When once he approaches life in an aggressive manner, letting frustration and anger drive him, he now walks calmly with determination.
Many of us might have found a certain solace or comfort in the way he carried his heart and life. Or probably at the way he kept on telling you to keep on walking despite everything, because the most precious thing in your life is yourself, and you need to take better care of it. 
But the moment someone told him that they decided to stop because it was too hard for them to keep on walking at the path where nothing excites the heart and the mind anymore, he doesn’t, never, dismiss their decision of giving up. Even as far as patting you on the back for choosing that path. Because he knew, it takes tremendous courage to give up on something you used to love.
To stop and to start, you are your own captain and sailor that is sailing the raging sea of life.
In the world where taking things slow, giving up something that tires you out, and even stopping to take a little bit of time to self reflect are frowned upon, he becomes like this beautiful oasis, full of empathy and comforting healing words. Those words are always simple, but they touch your heart on where it matters.
It’s genuine. Whether when he’s spitting fire and cursing anything within his vicinity or when he’s sitting in front of you with carefully crafted words that gently caressed your growing anxieties and sadness. 
All of it is genuine. 
When you finally see him in a different light from the very first glance you see of him, there are many things you finally see that actually speaks volume of his existence.
It’s rare to see a man who embraces his everything. The bad, the ugly, the pretty, the softness, the blunt edges, and also along with all the sharpness of it. 
Someone who unashamedly touches his domesticity even though he's currently in the sea of hard defining masculinity. 
For him, there are nothing wrong for a man to excels in domestic manner that usually associated as femine traits. Traits that are usually looked down upon in society because they are considered feminine and no man should ever touch it.
“I can cook, yeah, that’s not as special as you think. Isn’t that a basic necessity people need to have?” he calmly answered, as evidence that shows how he excels in that specific area of expertise can be found easily anywhere. 
People then wondered why there are many who are instantly attracted to him.
You see, a lot of us claim that the door to a heart is one’s stomach. Tell me now, how can you not fall in love with someone who can cook you elaborate dishes like he does?
He's even aware about different table tops and how to treat them when encountered with cooking utensils carrying out extreme temperatures. 
I just knew, moms appreciate that kind of son-in-law.
You sometimes see him sit in a corner somewhere quietly just admiring the interior design of the room, waiting for someone to ask what he’s doing. And when someone does, be prepared to listen to minute and minute intricate  long monologue about his fascinations in that soft deep voice of his.
Oftenly, he’ll shock you with how good he is with something very domestic. 
He can knit. Knitting, another activity that is deemed feminine in modern city societies, an activity that requires great extra patience, something that even I found to be very frustrating.
Many times he openly admitted that he likes to be called pretty and cute. Never shy away from them. He even addressed himself sometimes as a cute little person. 
Never seen repulsed with the idea of him perceived as soft or feminine with makeups. 
He doesn’t see femininity as a negative thing. 
He accepts. Never rejected. 
Whether it's femininity or masculinity, his personality isn’t limited to them. 
“But he sometimes raps rudely and usually appears with harsh masculinity!”
Complete with combat boots, leather jackets, broad shoulders, long veiny hands and a swagger that defines a lot about that part of him, he can appear like men we usually see everywhere.
That is very true. He doesn’t reject that specific part of him as well.
A very relaxed individual when it comes to gender and sexuality. A smart man, in fact.   
He doesn’t hold what you decided to be against you. Never raise his voice on anyone, except when he’s frustrated with variety show’s games, and very soft spoken. 
No wonder there are endless marriage proposals everyday for him.
I am a little bit jealous. 
Just a smidge. 
But he is his own person, and I can understand why there are way too many people fancies him.
On the last but not least thing when describing this person, you can unfold something that he usually talks about with fondness in his eyes. Something that made you wish for the stars and twinkle in them never dies down.
Music. His lifelong dream. 
His first love.
He wrote a song about it, about a brown piano that starts sparks of passion deep within him. 
"Because my beginning and my end, you are the one who's going to witness it all. A brown piano sitting in a corner of my memory." 
He understands that first love isn't always about someone. It can be a passion that gives you strength when you find them at your lowest.
If you ask me how to describe him, I will tell you to listen well and understand the message his music is trying to convey. 
The struggle of humanity.
The ugliness and beauty of life.
Identity and how to be wise about it in the midst of his rising.
Or sometimes, just the simplistic beauties the world offered us.
Artists approach their art in various philosophical ways, the same like regular people who usually enjoy any form of them with their own views. 
His, comes in a multidimensional way.
Blunt, honest, comforting, raw and open.
The genuineness that transcends to lots of wandering lost souls. Because he knew how it felt when he was one and never wished that on anyone. 
Min Yoongi. 
A comfort personified. 
The one who always tells us to keep on carrying out our best in life even though bullets and thorns are being thrown at us in ridiculous amounts and speed. But he also always reminds us that it’s okay to stop and breathe for a little while if you need them. As long as you’re doing something good for you and your community, you can be whatever you want.
He’s a person who appreciates life quietly and simply.
Who celebrates differences without judgements. 
Who usually divert attention from him when he’s shy, can barely hold eye contact for more than 2 seconds, a cheeky man with a borderline juvenile humor, an introvert who enjoys his hobbies and business calmly, a person who is easily flustered despite his hard exterior.
Sometimes he smiles this beautiful gummy smile that immediately melted you. Or scrunching his nose cutely while laughing with barely no sound and his whole shoulders shaking. 
Someone who doesn't really make a fuss over his outward appearance but knowing very well he has some beauty and quirks that people love in him.
He’s a person who can make you feel seen even when you don’t want to see your own selves.
I always hope that life treats him really well.
I'm glad he has come so far from long dark days and decided to bring his all to get out of it.
Thank you for sharing your struggles, to always encouraging us to be better, to always teaching us to never diminish our emotions, whatever it is he hopes we strive for life in our own ways.
I hope he will always be one of the kindest, hardworking souls out there. 
Thank you for showing us that kindness doesn't make you weak.
"Character design: describe someone in depth."
I chose to write him because these past two days he's been everywhere and so active. Not to mention how I never really had the chance to try and describe him ever since he's overthrown everyone from the bias list.
Haha, I present to you, another of my writing exercise.
A whole essay of how I see Min Yoongi.
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herstarburststories · 4 years
I'd die for you, come kill me
Kinktober Day 11: restrained
Pairing: Demon!Dean x Reader
A/N: This one goes for my good friend followers celebration. So happy for your milestone, @msmarvelouswinchester! Divider by @talesmaniac89.
@stillintheimpala said: i have a fic idea. demon!dean stuck in a chair on handcuffed to a bed with those demon proof handcuffs. he's completely at your mercy. you get to dom him. (I put ropes instead of handcuffs because of the gif)
Prompt: Remember how I said I'd die for you.
Warnings: angry sex, p in v, riding, restraints, power play, smangst, angst, kind of hopefully ending (?), demon!dean acts like demon!dean
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“Where is he?”
Sam sucked in a breath, moving his shoulder uncomfortably as he straightened his posture. The youngest Winchester's features contorted into a grimace, and you couldn't tell if it was because of the look on your face or him jarring his dislocated arm. “He's in the dungeon, but Y/N-”
“He isn't himself. I know that. Kinda noticed when he threw me against the wall and said he couldn't wait to rip my throat out with his teeth.” You gave Sam a humorless grin before you gestured to the wound on your shoulder. “This is a good reminder as well.”
“We'll cure him.” Sammy nodded at you, wrapping his words with faith and determination; he was always a believer.
You arched your eyebrows. “Then what are you waiting for?”
You two were still standing in the living room as Dean's howl rushed through the air. He sounded more like a beast than a man, yet he was smack dab in the middle of those polarized states. He was human enough to know where to strike and animal enough to relish in the attack.
Sam's gaze softened on yours.
“I know he hurt you. He hurt both of us, but Dean is my brother. I can do it alone. You don't need to-”
“Sam, he ran away once, and you just got your arm yanked out of your socket. You won't be able to fight him. You need backup,” you interrupted him. Despite your conclusion being completely rational, there was more to it than that, but Sam didn't need to know about it yet. “Besides, it's Dean.”
The hunter glanced at you. Gentle eyes watching your jaw harden, he pressed his lips together and nodded. “Okay.”
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Dean's demonic self had been throwing insults like a man feeding his dog shattered glass. He was full of them, not caring about hiding his satisfaction when he hits yours and Sam's weak spots.
A couple of seconds ago, he had called you an easy pussy that saved him the job of having to go out and get some. That display rewarded him with a thicker needle that pierced much deeper than it needed to. The pure human blood spread into his veins as a holy wash, like soap over a flesh wound. Dean growled in pain and went quiet for a while.
Your eyes abandoned the demon for once, directed now to his brother. Sam's earthy brown eyes were drawn in concern, mouth sketched into a frown. His healthy arm was onto his shoulder, obviously physically hurting.
“Sam, go. I can do it. It’s just two more needles. He'll probably pass out once it's done,” you pleaded in an attempt to catch Sam's rational side that always saw the order in chaos. His hazel orbs settled on you, and you knew he didn't want to leave his brother. You can't blame him for that. You didn’t either, but if Dean was in his right mind, he'd want that. And you needed some time alone with this demon version of your boyfriend. “Please.”
You didn’t know if it was something in your cracking voice or if the fact his brother regaining control meant he’d have even harsher words to spit, but when the tall man’s eyes swept from you to his brother and back, he sighed. In that moment, you knew he accepted it. 
“If he doesn't pass out…”
“I call you right away. Don't worry, and please take some meds for your pain.” You offered some tenderness to him in the middle of the violence through a lovingly smile. In a matter of seconds, the only traces of Sammy in the room were the boot-clad clamor of his footsteps growing quieter and quieter.
“Now you have me all to yourself, sweetheart. What are you planning to do?”
The lopsided grin was still attached to his face, and those were still his teeth. Still, something about Dean's smile made you want to rip him apart with your nails. How did he let this happen? How did the situation escalate like this? How did everything get so bad so fast?
“Shut up,” you hissed through your teeth, boots clicking on the floor as you approached him. Dean glanced at you shamelessly; the pretty little bruise on your skin proving that he had succeeded in breaking you. It twisted his guts in both good and bad ways — the bittersweet contradiction among lovers. 
“Feisty, huh? I always liked that on you. Who would guess that you were a bottom in bed?” Dean appeared to find your fury entertaining as if he relished any emotion he could instigate inside you.
“I said shut up.”
“Or what? You are gonna sting me with a flimsy syringe needle like I did to you with my cock? Go ahead, sweetheart.”
The idiotic nickname burned your insides. As your and Dean's relationship got more serious, he'd stop calling you that. You weren't just a fling or a woman he'd leave the next day, and the Winchester only called you that either sarcastically or during an argument now. Was this how the demon saw you? Just another sweetheart?
Dean smirked at your quietude, poking the bear once again. “What? Demon got that smart tongue of yours? It's embarrassing, really. You get all worked up, pretending to be that tough gal, but you can't hurt me. You didn't even fight back when I tried to kill you. How weak is that? You’ve always been a liability. Just another woman I had to protect to get inside her.”
You warned him, the words coming out more like a groan than anything else: “Shut up!”
Yet, Dean persisted. He had discovered your weakness, and he couldn't wait to see how much you could take. You'd end up giving in to him, thrashing headfirst into a fight, and he'd escape again. The demon was counting on that. “A waste of time, really. At least you had a nice pussy, but I scratched it open. It's useless now, just like you.”
The dismissal in his words laced with the cynical chuckle that left his mouth made you hit your breaking point. 
“I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!” You grabbed a syringe and stung Dean like a scorpion, right in the jugular. He wanted to set you on fire? Good, you'd make sure he got burnt too. “I said I'd die for you. Remember how I said I'd die for you? And you tried to kill me.” You grunted, throwing the empty needle away. Dean's normally forest green eyes went black as howls of outrage escaped his mouth. The blood of saints that coursed through his body was a good way to either turn the beast into a man again or kill him completely. Knowing this, he screamed and struggled in the chair, as desperate as a rat stuck in a mousetrap. It made you doubt the cure. Perhaps a good thing couldn't save him now, the whispers of sulfur that colored his heart black too intrinsic to eradicate without killing the host. You couldn't bring yourself to care about it now. The demon was suffering, and he deserved it. You wanted your own hurt ricochet back to where it came from: him. “Now you are sitting there talking about me like I'm your bitch or something like that, but I'm not. I can take care of myself, and I don't need you. I chose to stay here.”
Dean blinked, and suddenly everything was in place again. His face softened like it usually did when you two were alone, and an actual smile conquered his features. All the oxygen in your body caught in your throat.
“You're right. You are a strong, independent woman, and I should feel lucky to get myself a keeper like you.” His voice filled the dungeon with light-hearted relief. Your cheeks were hurting as you scooted closer to him. “I missed you so much.”
He was saying all you wanted to tell him the minute he left. Your eyes got glossy, and you threw yourself on his lap, clutching to him like devout patron to her bible. Dean was here. He came back to you.
A quiet gasp of praise left your mouth: “Dean-”
He interrupted whatever you were about to say, replacing your words with a kiss. A sweet one — sweeter than anything you might imagine. It was the kind of kiss shared for two lovers in the dark, recognizing each other’s bodies by touch alone. You, of course, allowed yourself to get lost in the sensation of belonging. You shouldn't have. You should never just jump into someone, or you might drown. It's hard to find corpses in a black river.
Yet, your soul was tied to the righteous sinner, so you kept pressing your lips to his while he devoured your mouth softly.
“Sammy doesn't understand, Y/N,” he said. When he pulled away, you nuzzled into his neck. The heated tang to his murmured sentiments remained there, but his voice, less gruff than usual, fooled you. “I finally don't have the weight of the world on my shoulders. I'm free. I never thought I'd be happy after that night…” Dean wore the façade, even gulping at the thought. He didn't know if it was because the human blood was slowly coursing into the core of his being, but he wouldn't waste time on it. “But I can now. We can run away together, leave Sam behind. Just me and you.”
What did you expect? He was a demon. The blame was on you for expecting repentance from the ashes of hellfire. This isn't a fairytale where the hero suddenly is hit by true love and everything is solved with the ultimate kiss. This is a hunter’s tale, and there's just one ending for those stories: the prey dying.
You lifted your head. “Dean would never leave Sam behind.”
Dean burst into laughter as if your hope was some sort of funny joke. He adjusted his hips in the chair, smirking at you with cruelty.
“Bet it almost got you. I could see your eyes shining with hope. You were ready to get on your knees and suck my cock. You’d be screaming Dean, Dean, Dean, and inevitably fall for some stupid lies.” He shook his head with disappointment. “You're too easy, Y/N.”
“Who do you think you are?” The indignancy in your tone only drew a malicious grin out of Dean. This was too good. He could feel his cock hardened in his pants. He might fuck you before killing you only to make good use of his time.
“I'm a demon. What about you? Oh, wait! I know the answer to that one.” He licked his lips, savoring the moment. “You're a little-”
The palm of your hand met Dean's cheek harshly, transferring some of your anger into a red mark on his right cheek. The eldest Winchester's head was tilted to the side from the impact. He clenched his jaw before turning his glare at you, eyes back in black as he spoke: “You shouldn't have done that.”
Every syllable that left his tongue was imbued with a threatening crimson rage, but you didn't care. Not now.
You weren't scared of him.
“You shouldn't be a demon, but here we are,” you remarked, summoning a smarmy leer and wearing it like one of his flannels. “Shut up. I know you're not my Dean. You are just all he hates in himself wrapped with his skin. You're disgusting, cruel, and selfish.” It didn’t make any sense for your body to be as heated up as it was, but it was. And Dean didn’t care. Fuck him. “You’ve spent so long aiming at our Achilles’ heel that you forgot you have yours too. Stupid.” You chortled, grinding your hips on his. At this point, both your panties and emotional stability were ruined. “Look at you, all hard for the girl basically torturing you with poison, huh?”
“You-” He attempted to speak, to put you down so he can climb over you. You stopped him with a hand inside his pants.
“Language, Dean,” you groaned at him. It wasn't unusual for you and Dean to blow off some steam with sex, either after a fight or a hunt, but, this? It’s a whole new level of fucked. Yet somehow, your pussy didn't seem to mind, and neither did his cock. You got his length free, and his stiffened cock slapped his clothed belly. “I don't wanna hear something that makes me angry because if I get mad, then I won't let you come inside my pretty pussy. Understood?”
He groaned in response, trying to move his hands to show you who the real alpha was here, but the rope kept him in place. Silence lanced through the air because you knew you didn't want to waste time on something as exciting as foreplay; he did not deserve that, and you didn't want this. You just lifted your red skirt and slid your panties to the side. Your pussy swallowed his cock painfully slow.
The demon that ate your lover didn't offer mumbled protests at the fact you were still wearing clothes. Your Dean always tried to get any piece of fabric away because he liked to see all of you. This Dean, though, gulped and glared at you. Pleasure flushed his cheeks only he can’t deny the physical pleasure. It’s clear that, even as a demon, he could never reject the carnal appeal of your body and your sweet, soaked pussy. Hands pinned behind his back with the restraints, you two in the middle of a big demon symbols on the ground, he was completely at your mercy. He was helpless.
Dean bucked his hips to get all of his hardness inside you right way, to show both you and himself that he still had the power here. You barely blinked before moving your hips up, restricting him further entrance into your cunt. Dean was always eager when it came to sex, but you knew this wasn't about just fucking you anymore. You were in control.
Placing your hands on his shoulders, you murmured in an increasingly sultry bite: “I'm the one making the rules here. Take it or leave it.”
“Fucking a demon? That's why you told Sammy to go with all the crap about caring for his arm?” the former hunter remarked. You and he both knew Dean wouldn't — couldn’t, not with half his cock being squeezed by your tightness — leave your pussy, but he still very much had the capacity to bite.
“Unlike you, I worry about the people I love.”
“I don't love,” he snarled, watching you swallow the malcontented lump in your throat. “Hear that? I don't love you.”
“Then at least be useful and fuck me,” you groaned, finally resting wholly in his lap with all of his dick inside of you. Dean whimpered, overthrown by the sensation of your heady tightness encompassing his cock. He tried to break free again, starved to grab your thighs, your ass, any part of you he could get his hands on, but the rope limited his range of motion. The raw polyester and nylon mix around his wrists was a contrast to the warmth of his lap. His eyes closed, blinking only back into wakeful blackness because of your promise disguised as a hissed threat: “No, forget it. I'll be the one fucking you.”
There was something delightfully mercurial about the way you rode Dean. The dungeon once filled by his pained screams had now become the perfect studio for your flexing thighs slapping against his, your breathless moans camouflaging the raw hurt of your heart, and the unique sound of Dean's cock sunk to impossible degrees inside your needy cunt. He leaned in for more.
This was no longer about the sexual release for him. It was for the tiny part of Dean that always craved an order to follow. It was the small piece of him that craved carrying the weight of responsibility heavy on his back like the burden Atlas had to bear. It was the liberation of the heavy chains that held him down since he was a child, even if his hands were — appropriately enough — tied behind his back. As a demon, he didn’t have to worry, and neither did he when submissive to you. For you, it was expelling your revenge on this devilish version of the man you loved. He had it coming.
“I hate you. I hate having to save you. I hate caring about you.” You huffed, nails sinking in his clothed shoulder. The ghost of your touch was enough to make his dick twitch inside you. Tears brimmed in your eyes as the goosebumps rose your spine, and every time you sunk on his cock brought you closer to collapse. All Dean did was to praise your name with a moan. “I hate how good you feel inside me.” You sobbed, increasing your rhythmic and going fast and rougher on his cock. Your walls were tightening around his dick. Your untouched clit rubbed against the fabric, but it didn't matter. This wasn't about pleasure. “I hate that it’s you and not him.” That's not my Dean.
That caught his attention. Dean’s shoulders grew rigid. He was ready to catch a glimpse of warring emotions of hatred and disgust on your face, but he wasn't prepared for the crushingly forlorn refraction of loss and dispair he found there. 
The knight of hell should feel satisfied. That was what he wanted, wasn't it? Destroying you, turning the woman the human version of himself loved into a walking catastrophe so you wouldn't dare bring him back.
Apparently, the priorities changed. Maybe the blood was really effective, slowly disintegrating his armor into flesh again. It was the only explanation for all the humanly emotions he was experiencing.
Dean felt the conflict building as if hurting you was physically tearing him apart. His eyes contracted into livid green again, shining like the moon with tears he didn't dare drop. He was still a demon, bratty heart or not.
Yet, there was only so far a man could control himself. His lips were treacherous for your name, echoed more like a plea than anything: “Y/N-”
“Shut up! I don't wanna hear your voice. You said I'm your little bitch, nothing but a whore to you, huh? Guess what, asshole. You are my bitch now, and you’re gonna like it.” The little monster in you hummed happily to your authority, glad to finally punish someone for the incitement of agony inside your guts. You closed your eyes, riding Dean ferociously.
Dean Winchester might have been a cage to your feelings, but at least it was golden.
You said you'd be here. You said you wouldn't leave me. Your thoughts corroded your wearied heart as you tried to fuck them away with Dean's weeping cock. You could feel he was close, and you were constantly hitting your G-spot with eagerness, your sweat and harrowed feelings gushing over. You said I didn't need to leave. You said we'd find a way through this. You lied, you lied, you lied. 
I trusted you, and you destroyed me. You hurt me and Sam, and I can't even blame you for it. He knew all your enemies started out as friends. He knew how much it would hurt you if he got the mark. He knew how it would break you if he said those words, demon or not. And you know you can't put this blame on Dean’s shoulders, but you were suffocating and needed fresh air. The sacrificial game wasn’t always a virtuous act. So, you dropped yourself down hard, appreciating the way his cock hit the right spot over and over again. It forced your body to feel good despite your restless mind. I hate you. You made me go crazy. And I miss you.
What was the saying? Man makes the promise, and the demon makes him break it.
Dean's fixated you. He wanted to get free of his cuffs and cup your cheeks, see you lean into his touch so he could wipe away the tears that started to fall and haven't stopped in minutes. He wanted to tell you he was here, not completely, but he was here. He wanted to apologize and make it better, but he didn't. His white skin was burning red because of how hard he was trying to move his hands, hair moving by your movements and his. The semi-human groaned like the remainder of the beast clutching his strings when he hit his orgasm and spread his seed inside you. You whined like a broken toy as you came all over his cock.
It felt good, for a while. It was nice, feeling good.
You stayed there a little more, gaining control over yourself while he softened inside of you. Dean was doing the same in an attempt to stifle his human emotions from surfacing. He wasn't going to be weak anymore. He couldn't be because for once in his life, he hadn’t hated himself. 
You coughed, using the chair to hoist yourself to your feet. His cum dripped from your pussy, dampening his still-clothed thigh. You sniffed, grimacing a little when you noticed that your face wasn't wet with sweat. You’d been crying. 
That only made you madder at yourself.
“Fuck it,” you groaned, putting his dick back into his pants before zipping him up.
Dean smirked in a final attempt to turn the table and get on your nerves again. “That's what we just did.”
You didn't waste more of your heart on him. Taking the last needle, you sunk the devil into his sharp skin and pressed the plunger with all the fervor of pulling a gun's trigger. He screamed like the rush of humanity flowing into him was a shot to the heart.
Your legs were trembling when you threw the object away and hugged yourself, focused on Dean's fragile body in front of you. 
He looked down, eyes shutting a few times as if he was waking up before lifting his head to look at you. 
“Y/N?” His voice was back to its gruff drag, but it was carrying a strand of vulnerability and care that he had only ever directed at you. Dean frowned, confusedly watching you and the place around you both, not to mention himself. “Y/N, what happened?”
He didn't remember anything. He didn't remember the terrible things he’d done. He didn't remember the words said.
You gulped, the back of your hand pressed against your wet cheeks. “I'm going to get Sam.”
The demon may have gotten teary-eyed, but the human Dean was the one letting the tears slide down his cheeks as you turned around and left, almost running to get away from him. He didn't even know why.
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
Midnight, I’m Not Leaving
full masterlist
Pairings: Biker!Bucky Barnes x female!reader (AU)
Word count: 1,995
Warning: fluff!!!! just a lot of feelings tbh.
Summary: you had your whole life planned out; work hard, move to new york and pursue your dreams... but what happens when a coquettish biker gang leader crossed your path and relentlessly asked you for a date?
a/n: this one’s written for @captain-rogers-beard​‘s “Flex Your Writing Muscles” challenge. i was inspired by the prompt “a late night bike ride under the stars” and i’ve been actually thinking of writing about biker!bucky for awhile!! so yeah, it was a perfect coincidence. please leave a like & comment! enjoy!
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The crisp breeze felt piercing on your skin, your hair was blowing through all over your face barricading your sight, the soft hum of the engine that you had grown fond of reverberated in your ears, like midnight jazz cruising through the streets of Sunset Boulevard.
Bucky’s sturdy material of leather felt nice against your palm as you inhaled his musky scent, the smell soothed your nerves. But again, Bucky Barnes always soothed your nerves.
You had been dating the town’s most infamous bad boy slash biker gang leader, Bucky Barnes for over two months now. You were a persevering small-town girl who valued your independence and was determined to get out of this mundane place.
You wanted to migrate to the big city, preferably the Empire State, where you can be whoever you want to be, and there’s a seat for you and your big ambitions on the dining table. Not like this small-minded, incommodious small town where everyone seems to have a thing of sticking their noses in places they don’t belong and the most “noble” job you can have is being a waitress.
You didn’t have any desire in fulfilling this small town’s dreams for you by being a waitress but you had to fill in your bank account if you really wanted to leave and run to the big city. So you took a part-time job at a local bakery store, owned by Mrs. Potts, called “Potts’ Boulangerie,” where you get paid quite generously for someone who only works as a part-time waitress.
Life in Islesbury was anything but exciting and extraordinary during most days.
But all that changed since, a rainy afternoon, when the fearsome, James Buchanan Barnes, the leader of the notorious biker gang, “The Howling Commandos.” The bell above the door dinged as Bucky with his two most trusted men, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson tried to fit their massive figures into the moderate-sized door that would fit the average people.
Bucky set his foot first as Sam then Steve trailed along. They were soaked with the droplets of rain that were clouding over the tranquility of Iselsbury but they didn’t seem to mind one bit. There was only you at that moment since Wanda wasn’t feeling too well so she worked only for half-day. The shop was a little slow too since it was raining and most people preferred to stay inside, and Wednesdays aren’t exactly the most casual day to stop by at the bakery store.
To say you weren’t a tad intimidated by the sight of these menacing men would be a deceit. You had heard the rumours, the small crimes that they did, the various members that had gone in and out prison, and the bars that they owned and ruled over. But you put on your professional facade anyway, and you did your job.
They immediately sat at the last table in the corner, where Bucky leaned against the window, whilst Sam and Steve sat next to each other at the opposite of his direction. You heard one of them say, “damn, it’s really coming down.”
You carefully walked over to them with your notepad and pencil, and you raise your voice meekly, “can I get you guys anything?” Bucky instantly turned his head and took a good look at you, shamelessly eyed you up and down. “Well, hello there, gorgeous.” Bucky winked.
You were taken aback by his blunt move. The fuck did he just call you? You weren’t an escort who was prying on your next potential client and on your way to seduce him. “Excuse me?” All the civility in you dissolved, your offence was on palpable.
“Whoa, what’s the matter, doll face?”
“Don’t call me that. I’m here to take your order, not to escort you.”
“Calm down, doll. I ain’t saying that at all. I’m just stating the obvious.”
“Well, you better keep your mouth to yourself because I don’t like those nicknames and if you’re not going to make an order, then I suggest you leave.”
“Well, this is a public place, ain’t it? Anyone can be here whenever they want as long as the sign on the door says open.”
He was right. You shouldn’t be rude to a customer, but again, you weren’t going to let him or anyone walk over you. But you tried to regain your composure and tried to act decently again, “fine, what would you like to order, sir?”
“Sir… I like that. I’ll take one cup of espresso, please, darling.” He winked at you and grinned a Cheshire cat smile. “Be cool, he’s a customer. Be cool, he’s a customer. Be cool, he’s a customer.” You reminded yourself. “Just serve his orders and you won’t have to deal with him ever again… At least for today.”
“Alright. What about you?” You directed your attention to Steve and Sam.
“Americano, please.” You noted down Sam’s order. “And you?” You moved to Steve. “Just black ma’am. Thank you.” You noted that down also.
“I’ll be right back with your orders.” You immediately walked away and went back to the kitchen where you were going to make their coffees. Only after a few steps away from them, you heard the faint, yet bold voice of Bucky. “Feisty... Think I like this one.”
Since that fortunate day, Bucky never stopped bothering you, even though you persisted on rejecting him, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He kept on visiting you at the bakery store, annoying you whilst you were busy taking customers’ orders or helping Wanda out in the kitchen. He even went as far as insolently knocking on your door at night whilst you were having a movie night with your parents in the living room.
“What the hell? What are you doing here?!” You spoke in a hushed tone, but you glared at him. How the fuck did Bucky find your resident?
“Wanted to see you, doll. Thought you’d give me a different answer if I had visited you at your place rather than the shop.” He leaned into the frame of the door. Meanwhile, your mother in the background was not making the situation any easier, “who is that, honey?”
“What? Is it a false address?”
Amidst the turmoil of trying to get rid of Bucky and convincing your mother, you didn’t notice that Bucky was audaciously eyeing you up and down for you were clad in nothing but a white tank top and pyjama shorts with a thin cardigan cloaking you as an outer.
“Never seen you in something so scanty before, you look better like this.” There is that presumptuous smirk again.
You realized he wasn’t going to leave anytime soon for the persistent douche he was, so you shut the door behind you and stepped outside to your porch. “What the hell? You can not just come into my house uninvited! And most importantly, how did you even know where I live?!”
“I have eyes in the sky and ears all over town.”
You groaned and rolled your eyes.
“If you want me to leave, you gotta say yes to a date. Just one date, doll.”
“No.” You resolutely gritted.
“Fine, then I’ll just stand here all night, maybe even flaunt my singing skill and wake the entire neighbourhood, until you say yes.” He started singing a song that you didn’t know, like a drunken teenage boy at a bar. He didn’t even hesitate in turning up his volume and it immediately made you panic.
“Shh! Okay, fine. I’ll go on a date with you. Just please, stop causing a scene. My parents will call the cops on you if they saw you here.”
“Of course, still the uptight rich people, I see.”
“You gotta leave. Now.” You started pushing him, even though he barely moved an inch for he was stronger and bigger than you.
“7 PM, tomorrow. I’ll pick you up on my bike.”
“Okay, go!” You shoved him mildly to get him off your veranda.
He yielded then began moving to where he parked. He hopped on his bike and revived the engine as took one last glance at you, “can’t wait to see you all dressed up for me, doll.” He winked and geared on the asphalt road.
And the rest was history.
And now, here you were, two months later, sitting on the back of his bike, with your chest pressed against his broad back, as he cruised through the open road under the glow of the moon.
You hugged Bucky tighter as he sped up. The feel of his warmth against you relinquished all the burden and the mundanity of the small-town life were omitted.
“Where are we going?” You gritted.
“You’ll see. If I tell you now, it ain’t going to be a surprise.” His tone detonated, trying to overpower the din of the wind.
Typical Bucky. Even after you were his for two months, he was still coming up with inventive ways to impress you. It’s the little things and modest ways he did that pulled you into him like a magnet. The sugarcoated words he effortlessly spoke, the kisses his ingenious lips left on you and the iniquitous way he touched you when you were making passionate love… It captivated you like a firework show.
Bucky took you that night to a secluded hill, in the outskirts of town where there were barely any people passing by. You had snuck out earlier, cautiously not to jolt your parents up as Bucky noiselessly waited for you outside. You felt like recalcitrant teenagers recklessly in love. And maybe you were at that moment.
“Let’s go on a ride tonight, doll. I’ll be here by midnight. Be ready, princess.” He urged you on the phone earlier.
The midnight was besieged by stillness and nothing but the sonances of crickets. Bucky lifted the seat of his bike and retrieved the plaid picnic blanket from inside.
He placed it on the lawn and he laid down with you in his arms. You placed your head on his chest as you curled up to him and fitted your entire height in the blanket.
“Look at those stars…” Bucky pointed at the sprinkled constellation adorning the royal blue sky. ���Beautiful, aren’t they?”
“Yeah, they are.” You paused. For a moment there was only the sound of you and Bucky’s slow breathing and steady heartbeat humming in your ear. Then you filled in the silence with the sentimentality of your childhood your mind recalled. It’s really difficult not to open up when you are this close to him.
“When I was a little girl, I used to pretend that those stars would follow me wherever I go like they were my little guardian angels. And whenever I’m sad or afraid, I’d look outside my window and feel safe.”
“You still do that?” He breathed into your hair as he played with some of the strands. He tenderly caressed the back of your head with his indurated fingers that you had memorized every inch of.
“Of course not.” You slightly chuckled in disbelief at his question.
“Good, cause as long as you got me, you don’t ever have to feel sad or afraid again, doll.”
“Is that a promise?”
“It’s an oath. And I’ve got a lifetime to prove my words to you.”
You thanked your lucky stars that night, as they watched over you and Bucky like the angels taking over the form of flickering stellar in the sky. You always thought you knew where your future was heading and had your plans laid out immaculately in front of you until Bucky came along like a whirlwind sweeping away all your scribbled notes and took your hand to walk through every second with him.
And for the first time in forever, you weren’t rushing to be in another place or calculating your next move. For the first time, you think you were content enough to stay.
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elsanna-shenanigans · 3 years
April Contest Submission #7: Rewrite The Stars
Words: ca. 2,500 Setting: Modern AU Lemon: No CW: N/A
Anna and Elsa were surrounded by their friends on the beach for a bonfire. It was the last day of spring break and the group just wanted to enjoy their time together before the stress of the last semester started. Olaf and Kristoff were on one bench acting like a bench themselves to Kristoff’s dog Sven. Across from them sat Elsa and Anna wrapped up in a blanket together. Neither of them wanted to admit it, but it had been the best week ever for the sisters. They haven’t spent a lot of time with each other lately because college has been stressful and exhausting. Anna in her freshman year and Elsa in her senior year.
Anna moved so that she had her head resting on Elsa’s lap. The blonde’s fingers automatically went to running through her sister’s hair. The younger girl hummed in approval and closed her eyes. Kristoff got his phone out and took a picture of the sisters. The little ‘click’ alerted them both.
“Kristoff, I swear to god if that ends up on any social media without my permission, I will break your phone.” Anna said without even opening her eyes. Elsa giggled at her sister’s comment to her best friend.
The blonde boy chuckled “Calm down feisty pants, it’s for us to remember this night”
“Yeah, we just want to remember this night” Olaf piped up. He was quieter than Kristoff and Anna but fit in their little group of friends just fine.
“Olaf, you might not wanna’ piss off little miss feisty pants here.” Elsa said through full on laughs.
“Ehh, Olaf is harmless. Kris on the other hand, is not and I will make good on my threat to break his phone.” The redhead spoke
“I mean, you’re not wrong.” Kristoff shrugged.
“Alright, I think it’s time to take this one home and to bed before school in the morning. She’s just going to get meaner by the minute if we keep her up.” Elsa huffed as she lifted her sister off her and wrapped the blanket around Anna.
“Good idea.” The blonde boy said as he shifted off Sven who was drooling in his lap. “Night you two. See at school tomorrow Anna.”
The redhead just waved her response as Elsa said a proper goodbye to the two boys.
“Elsa?” Anna asked sleepily
“Yes, little sister?” Elsa questioned back
“Can we watch a movie when we get home. I don’t want this week to end just yet.” The younger girl asked as she got into their car.
“Of course. Not a problem. What movie?” Elsa asked even though she already knew the answer. Anna always picked the same one.
“Our movie,” Anna smiled and put her head on the window.
“Our movie it is,” The blonde smiled. The rest of the drive was silent save for the radio in the background. Both girls were in their own little world trying to figure out if tonight was the night to say something to the other.
The car pulled into the driveway of a one-story ranch style house. The house that Elsa and Anna grew up in. The house that their parents had left them when they retired. It was home to both of them. Elsa looked over to her sister. The girl she fell in love with. It’s not enough that you’re gay, but you had to fall for your sister too? The blonde scolded herself. She felt disgusted by her feelings but she just couldn’t help it. Anna was her rock. Always there to help her with whatever the problem may be. And Elsa returned the favor. Because she loved Anna with all she had, Elsa was determined to not let her go.
Anna opened her eyes and looked over at her sister staring at her. She looked into Elsa’s eyes and saw nothing but the purest form of love. I have to tell her tonight Anna thought to herself. It’s either tonight or never. And I’m not letting her get away from me when we just spent the most amazing week together.
“Ready?” Anna asked her sister.
Elsa shook herself from her daze and smiled at the redhead. “Of course. After you, my dear.”
The younger girl giggled, got out of the car and went into the house where Elsa followed. The sisters always watched movies in Anna’s room due to the fact that she tended to always fall asleep towards the end. Elsa would turn everything off, kiss her sister goodnight on the forehead, and go into her own room to sleep.
“I got everything set up already!” The redhead yelled from her room while the blonde was changing into her pajamas in her room.
“Okay! Be right there!” Elsa yelled back. She knew her sister was impatient and so she had to hurry up or else Anna would start the movie without her.
“I mean, it’s not like I haven’t seen it a bunch of times.” The older sister reasoned to herself. But she also knew that her sister would whine that she wasn’t there for the beginning. Especially if Anna was tired and wanted to cuddle. Elsa wasn’t going to make that mistake again. It was five years ago and she still heard about it. The older girl left her room and was basically sprinting down the hall before the whining began. Elsa had gotten to the doorway just in time to see Anna’s mouth open to start to whine her name.
“Don’t you dare whine my name.” The blonde pointed her index finger at her sister. “I’m here, you spoiled rotten brat.”
Anna, who was half asleep and wrapped in her favorite blanket giggled. “I wasn’t gonna whine.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it. You whine when you’re tired.” Elsa chuckled back. She knew her sister better than anyone.
Anna tried to stop the blush forming on her cheeks and faked a yawn. Elsa saw her sister’s cheeks redden just a small amount but decided to leave it be. For now, at least. The blonde climbed into bed, got under the covers with her sister, and pressed play on the movie. She knew the redhead would be asleep not long after it started and Elsa was okay with that. She could hold her younger sister for a little bit longer tonight.
About forty-five minutes into the movie, Elsa knew Anna’s favorite song was coming up so she nudged her sister to wake her.
“Hey sleeping beauty, Rewrite the Stars is about to come on.” Elsa gently kissed her little sister’s forehead. Anna had the tendency to latch onto Elsa whenever they watched a movie. The redhead moved to cuddle more into her sister.
“Sing it for me? Please?” Anna sleepily asked.
Elsa huffed but sang the song anyways. All while threading her fingers through Anna’s hair. When the scene was over and the song was done, the blonde had tears in her eyes. Sure that Anna was asleep, Elsa spoke into the silent room.
“If only you knew how much I want you.”
“I want you too Elsa.” Anna whispered.
The blonde gasped at the redhead’s words. Surely, she heard them wrong. Right? Anna, her baby sister, wants her like she wants Anna? The younger girl in question was now sitting up in bed. Still sleepy, Anna had a serious look on her face. Anna took a deep breath in and out before looking at her sister in her eyes.
“Elsa, I love you. And not just a sister way either. I love you. I am in love with you.”
Elsa was shocked and speechless. She didn’t move or say anything. Anna did the first thing that came to her mind. She kissed her sister. The redhead had been dreaming about this moment forever and although this wasn’t the most ideal situation for a first kiss, she took it anyway. Elsa’s senses kicked in and kissed her sister back. Anna sighed into the kiss and put her hands on Elsa’s hips while her sister cradled her face in her hands. Suddenly Elsa jumped back.
“Anna! What the hell was that?” The older girl yelled.
“That was a kiss! A helleva’ one at that.” The redhead smiled.
“No. I mean it was- I mean we can’t” Elsa started to scoot away but Anna grabbed her hand.
“Elsa?” The redhead asked in a quiet voice. “What do you mean we can’t? I just heard you say that you wanted me.” Tears were already flowing down Anna’s face. She knew that her sister was freaked out over what happened. There was no turning back. This is what they wanted. This is what happiness was. Anna would be dammed if she didn’t try everything.
“That kiss that we just shared? That is what love is supposed to feel like. Safe, warm, wanted. You make me feel all those things Elsa. You always have. The fact that we’re sisters makes no difference to me. I love you and I know you feel same. So, please, please don’t say that we can’t.” Anna sniffled and asked one more time. “Please?”
Elsa didn’t say anything for a long while. After twenty minutes of thinking everything over, from the kiss to Anna’s confession, the blonde got up from the bed and went into her room. Anna heard the door close and broke down crying. She knew she messed up. Or Elsa just needed time. Either way, the younger girl felt horrible. Elsa was everything she needed in life. If she messed it up that badly to where her sister wouldn’t even talk to her, she wouldn’t know what to do.
Anna slid down to the floor with her back against the door to Elsa’s room. She began to sing her favorite song from her and Elsa’s favorite movie. Tears in her eyes and voice cracking.
You know I want you It’s not a secret I try to hide I know you want me So don’t keep sayin’ our hands are tied
Elsa sat on the floor with her back against the door opposite of Anna. The tears were already falling down her face because she knew what her sister was doing. Trying to make it seem like what just happened was okay. It wasn’t. No matter how much how they both wanted it to. So, the blonde did the thing she knew was right but it broke her heart in the process. She sang the last line of the song Anna was singing.
You know I want you It’s not a secret I try to hide But I can’t have you We’re bound to break and my hands are tied
Anna was sobbing by the time Elsa got done singing. She wouldn’t give up though. She had to make her sister see that it was okay to love each other as they did. The redhead stopped crying, collected herself, and prepared to argue her point. She took a few deep breaths and stood up to face the door of Elsa’s room.
“Elsa, look, I know that you think this is wrong. But I’m a consenting adult and I know that I love you more than anything or anyone. You saying that we can’t be together isn’t going to change the fact that I love like I do. It isn’t going to change how I see you, and it isn’t going to change that the kiss we shared was something that we both felt. So take your time, do whatever you need to do to process what happened and our feelings for each other and I’ll be here when you decide what you wanna do.” Anna walked to her room but left the door open incase Elsa had made her decision. The movie was still playing when the younger girl walked back into her room so she paused it and just got under the covers.
Elsa still sat on the floor with her back against the door. Her forehead resting on her knees and her arms wrapped around her legs. She didn’t know what to do. Her heart told her to chase after Anna. Her head told her to stop feeling these feelings for her sister. The blonde lifted her head and rested it against the door. “But she feels the same way! She vocally and physically told me that she feels the way.” Elsa whispered to herself. She knew what she wanted to do. Anna was her little sister, her everything. But she also the love of Elsa’s life. “No matter what I do she’s going to love me as she loves me now. I just hope she’s right.”
Anna felt the bed dip and the covers being moved. She opened her eyes and Elsa was there. Her hair was messy, her face and eyes were red from crying but that didn’t matter to Anna. What mattered is that she’s here. Elsa gave a small smile and waved.
“Hey.” The older girl said in a quiet voice
“Hi.” The redhead said in response
“Umm… I don’t know how to talk about this.” Elsa chuckled nervously
“Just say what you feel. You know I won’t judge.” Anna answered back.
“Well… you know I have feelings for you. I have for a while now. And it’s something I’ve tried to keep hidden. I would tell myself that it’s not okay to feel the way I feel about you. My little sister. It’s wrong. Disgusting, immoral, un-pure. All those things. And then I started to feel those feelings more and more each day. Some days I would give in a little and flirt with you. And some days I would get into my head and try and back off a little. Neither worked for me. I always more. More time with you. More holding you. And most recently, more kissing you. I love you, Anna. I want to be with you and I want a true real relationship with you. You know I don’t half-ass stuff, especially when it comes to you. You are my everything. I do not want to and I cannot lose you.”
Anna beamed and her eyes shone. Not only from the tears of earlier tonight, but with what Elsa just said. She wanted a relationship with her. Her big sister wanted what she herself wanted. The younger girl latched herself on her sister.
“Thank you thank you thank you!!! Elsa, I swear you won’t regret it! Oh my god this is the best night ever!” Anna squealed excitedly.
“I hope not,” Elsa laughed as she hugged her sister tight. “Now, there will be some ground rules though.”
“Yeah of course,” The younger sister agreed. “Just, can we talk about it in the morning? Or even after school? It’s like midnight and I have to be at school at eight.” Anna pleaded.
“You promise to be open about the ground rules? No flat-out saying no if you don’t like it?” The blonde questioned her sister.
Anna rolled her eyes “Yes yes, I promise. Can we just cuddle and go to sleep? It’s been an exhausting day.”
Elsa kissed Anna’s forehead but they both knew it meant something more now. “Of course, my dear. Goodnight Anna, I love you”
Anna placed a kiss on Elsa’s cheek. “I love you too”
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selfless1978 · 4 years
She hit the ground hard, grunting on the impact. Vicky found herself in the undignified position of lying on the ground, her eyes clenched shut against the pain of her sore ribs. Her arm wrapped around her throbbing ribs as she ignored the rest of her more minor injuries.
“This is her?” Came the unseen woman’s voice. A voice that couldn’t, or wouldn’t, hide the amusement in it. Quite the opposite, the owner made it very clear that she was not impressed with what she saw on the ground in front of her. Vicky felt the nudge of a booted toe against her side, igniting a flare of pain.  
“Yes, Mistress.” Came the answer from one of the thugs who had drug her in.
“Pathetic. Leonardo shames himself by associating with her. She makes such an easy target to get his attention with.”
At the mention of that name Vicky’s eyes snapped open again. Unseen to those around her, a fire began to light up in those deep brown orbs. A fire she never thought she’d need again. One she hadn’t felt since the first time her life was in dire peril. 
There's so much life I've left to live, And this fire is burning still
She didn’t know how long she had lain there, being taunted and occasionally kicked. But it hadn’t been a long amount of time. Vicky just remained quiet at the torment. For now. Instead she tried to focus on her situation. It seemed that they were in a large lot of some kind. She could smell the scent of dirty sea water and there seemed to be warehouses and buildings surrounding them. 
The docks, they had to be at the docks. Okay, one question down, only fifty million more to go. Vicky tried to sit up, and was instantly kicked back to the ground again by this damned woman.
“Stay down. Crawl on the ground where you belong.”
There was harsh laughter from those around her. Laughter that silenced abruptly. Even hurting and struggling to focus, Vicky clearly felt the sudden tension in the air. She raised her eyes to find the reason why.
Leo had just landed. As her eyes looked up he was already righting himself from the crouch he had landed in, and his glorious blue eyes met her brown ones. His expression neutral, but those blue eyes held anger, fear and something more. Hers held the relief of seeing him. Even in this dire situation her heart lifted. Leo... He had come. 
“You actually came for this worthless thing?” The woman laughed.
He remained quiet, but his eyes shifted to her and his anger flared in those icy orbs.
He had come for her....
When I watch you look at me, I think I could find the will. 
“Let her go.” His tone was low. It sent shivers down Vicky’s spine. It was a side of him she hadn’t ever seen before. That tone promised untold violence as he strode closer. His steps filled with a purpose as he  strode closer. In an instant a katana was in his hand and the threat of violence breaking out was heavy as those around her pulled out theirs.
Suddenly, a blade was held at her own throat by this bitch. “Stay where you are Leonardo, or I’ll spill her blood all over the concrete.” 
He froze, fury in his expression as she gloated at him. 
“So easy to control you now. You waste your time with this useless sack of flesh.”
To stand for every dream, and forsake this solid ground
And give up this fear within, of what would happen if they ever knew
Vicky glared up at her captor. This cunt was using her. Using her to get to him! She began to tremble in her rage. She was being used as a god damned pawn. Again! And this time against someone she was...
I'm in love with you
...falling deeply in love with.
Anger filled her even more. Starting to drown out the pain from her bruised ribs and numerous smaller injuries. It pumped adrenaline in her veins and she clearly felt her body readying itself for something she didn’t know yet. For once, she was clearly facing her feelings. And getting ready to fight clearly for them. She was surrendering. Not to this woman, but...to him.
'Cause I'd surrender everything, To feel the chance to live again
I reach to you, I know you can feel it too
Her eyes flipped back to his from her prone position on the ground. His expression was helpless as he met her gaze. His hand tightening on the hilt of his weapon. Vicky’s own eyes held an apology that she had let herself be caught. To be used to draw him into this situation. She had never wanted this. Vicky wanted him to be happy, to be free of responsibilities when he was with her. She wanted to be his place to escape the shit he had to deal with. Not to be a cause of torment.
We'd make it through. 
No. She wouldn’t fall into that trap. The fault was not hers, nor was it Leo’s. It was this nameless woman’s. She was the one trying to use her against him. The one who was trying to tear something apart Vicky was beginning to understand that she wanted, needed. 
“You go to far, Karai.”
“I’ve not gone far enough. She still lives, for now.”
A thousand dreams I still believe, I'd make you give them all to me. 
I'd hold you in my arms and never let go
It wasn’t enough. She didn’t want to just live. She wanted to live with him. To spend every waking moment by his side. Regardless if it was lying next to him in his bed, or fighting by his side. Vicky was reliving every moment she had spent with him. Every moment of laughter, of tenderness. Moments where she began to feel she had found a purpose in her life again where it had been so cold and empty before. She didn’t want to just be someone in his life, she wanted to share his life. 
Vicky knew there was more to this turtle than goofy oreo dipping moments and silly jokes and gentle teasing. He was a warrior. He was a fighter. He defended those who couldn’t defend themselves. He stood for the downtrodden. He stood against tyrants like this woman. A woman who had a very distant set of morals.
The woman pushed away her pain even more. Finding something that had been buried deep down inside of her. She had lost hope over the years that there was nothing left for her to fight for. But now, memories of a time before she met him came to the forefront of her mind. She had been a soldier. She had face tyrants before. She had faced death before. And so had he. 
With him, she could find that place in this world she had tried to find when she joined the army. When she left, she had been disillusioned. Now, he was relighting that fire. 
In mere moments she went from living under her hopeless views to knowing that with him she could make that difference she had wanted to make since Amy died....if she surrendered to him completely.
I surrender
Her life still was in danger. That blade inches from her neck as the stand off continued. Vicky didn’t know what exactly Karai wanted from Leo. And at this point she didn’t care. All she knew was that she had made up her mind in whose hands she actually wanted to place her life. And it wasn’t this bitch.
I know I can't survive, another night away from you
She owed him so much he would never know. He taught her how to trust again, to enjoy her life. A life that was so much better now with him in it. No, she would not lay here and be the cause of his downfall.
You're the reason I go on, and now I need to live the truth
Right now, there's no better time. From this fear I will break free
She had been so scared at first. Not knowing what was going on. Not knowing what she should, or could, do. She had been at a disadvantage, now she studied Karai very closely as she exchanged words with Leo. 
Her eyes met his again. This time free of the confusion and full of determination. His own eyes widened slightly, as if he could read her thoughts. Then, he smiled lightly and nodded. He was ready.
He knew more than Karai would ever know. And Vicky now had a reason to end her cowering on the ground. She had him. 
And I'll live again with love. And no they can't take that away from me
And Vicky refused to let Karai rip them apart.
And they will see
Kara was about to find out who she was actually surrendering to....and it wasn’t to this black clad tramp. Vicky’s fighting spirit came awake with a vengeance.
'Cause I'd surrender everything, to feel the chance to live again
I reach to you, I know you can feel it too
With a speed fueled by adrenaline, Vicky slapped the blade away from her throat and spun her body on the ground just enough to kick Karai’s feet out from underneath her. The caught off guard woman hit the ground on her back next to Vicky, and she wasted no time to crawl onto of the woman and began to pummel her. Vicky’s face was twisted in a furious snarl as Karai regained her senses. The two of them rolled around on the ground like two bar room brawlers, Vicky knowing that if this woman got to her feet she would easily outmatch Vicky with her martial arts skills. The brunette simply refused to let her back to her feet as she dished out punches.
We'd make it through
In her peripheral, she could tell that all hell broke loose. These strange soldiers had moved in to try and pull this feisty woman off of their leader, but was met with a swift moving blur of green as Leo joined the fray. His blades flashing in the light as he swung them around with practiced ease of years of training and fighting. Even as she kept on Karai, Vicky had to marvel at his strength and speed. His fighting was so smooth it seemed like a dance. A deadly one, but beautiful to watch. 
A thousand dreams I still believe, I'd make you give them all to me
I'd hold you in my arms and never let go
Vicky had finally managed to daze Karai enough to where she could roll off. Finding a weapon on the ground, thanks to Leo disarming one of these goons, she picked up the sword, not really knowing how to use the silly thing. It didn’t stop her. She used the none sharp edge like a club and smashed her way to him. She had to get to him. Once she was with him, they could find a way out. She would trust herself to his more than capable arms. Arms she wanted so much to surrender herself in.
I surrender
It seemed that the fight went on for hours, even if it had only been a few moments. Her arms were rapidly beginning to tire. Her momentum beginning to slow.
Every night's getting longer
But she refused to give in. Now stumbling towards him in exhaustion. Nothing else mattered than reaching him.
And this fire is getting stronger, babe
And he saw her coming. He saw how much she was struggling to just stay on her feet at this point, and yet she refused to give in.
I'll swallow my pride and I'll be alive, can't you hear my call
I surrender all
With a last push, she stumbled towards him. He quickly sheathed one of his swords and supported her as she fell against him. Giving all her trust and faith to him. His arm wrapped around even as he fought on. Somehow keeping them all at bay while keeping her shielded.
Then, finally, he broke free and scooped her up in his arms and ran. His swift strides quickly outpacing their pursuers before he went up to the rooftops and took a route they could not follow easily.
Right here, right now, I’d give my life to live again
I’ll break free, take me. My everything, I surrender all to you
She melted in his grip. Trusting him with her very life. The final surrender as she accepted that he would do anything for her, and she would do the same for him. She gave up her long fight of trying to live this life on her own. He was now a part of her, heart and soul.
Right here, right now. I’d give my life to live again
I’ll break free, take me. My everything, I surrender all to you
She surrendered to her love. Her love for him.
And here is your first introduction to me writing a song inspired story. Doesn’t have to be canon with us. I just get these spontaneous story ideas when I hear songs. Thank you for letting me do this.
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redspaceace-writes · 5 years
Mine - (Roman Sionis x Reader)
Request: Roman sionis x reader where they are dating and one day in the club someone gives up on her and he gets jealous
Author’s Note: Thank you for the request, anon! I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 978
Warnings: Douchy guy who doesn’t know boundaries, Roman being jealous
Tags (open):
Roman Sionis: @darling-i-read-it​ @stardancerluv​ @onebatch--twobatch​
Forever: @starwarsprequelfangirl​
Not my GIF! Credit goes to the owner!
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You sat on one of the leather sofas in the club, watching one of your friends dance around the pole and stage she stood on. Your other friends were whooping and hollering, throwing money at her. You’d had enough alcohol to find the situation funnier than it would have been not intoxicated. On the other hand, your posse was absolutely wasted, taking full advantage of the fact your boyfriend owned the joint. They got advantages no one else had due to being close to you.
You looked behind you and saw Roman sitting at a booth, people occupying the spaces beside him. The group all had their heads thrown back. He must have just finished a joke. He caught your eye and threw you a wink. In return, you brought your palm to your lips and blew him a kiss. He rewarded you with a dazzling smile.
You turn back around to find a couple of your friends gone. You ask where they went and discover one of them was feeling nauseous, so they ran to the restroom. While they were gone, you decided to get another drink.
“I’ll be back. Going to the bar,” you say to the rest of the group, standing up. The second you rose, you felt a pair of eyes on you. You expected it to be Roman, but you saw him headed upstairs, following Victor. You spotted the spy in your peripheral, gulping at his predatory stare. Whoever this creep was, you were determined to not let him scare you. You lift your head high and continue on your quest.
Making it to your destination, you take a seat and wait for the bartender to make her way over to you. Unbeknownst to you, your stalker had followed you and you were startled when you heard his voice.
“Well, hello there, gorgeous,” he says, leaning against the counter. “Name’s Daryl.” You face him and scoff.
“Funny, I don’t recall asking who you were,” you sass. The bartender notices your glass is empty and refills it with what you previously had. When she’s done, you thank her and take a sip from the glass.
“Ouch, I was just being friendly, doll,” Daryl says, feigning hurt. “You’re lucky I like feisty women. What’s your name?” It’s getting increasingly difficult to remain calm. You set your beverage down before responding.
“Y/N is my name,” you answer. “Now that you know it, you’d better use it instead of those pet names you think will flatter me.” All he does in response is bite his lip and eye your form. Then he decides to be even more bold. He reaches out and runs his hand up your thigh. You tense, not prepared for his advance.
“Y/N…” he trails off, testing your name on his tongue. You feel sick. “What a pretty name for a dame like you.” At that point, Daryl’s hand on your thigh has reached under your dress. You grip his wrist and shove it back at him. You stand, getting closer than you’d like to the pervert, but you needed to make a point.
“Listen, pal, I don’t know who you think you are, but you clearly don’t know who I am or who my boyfriend is,” you growl. “Trust me when I say this, it would be wise of you to step back before you get hurt.” Daryl grins sickeningly. He surveys your surroundings, then returns his attention back to you.
“I don’t see him anywhere,” he states. “If your supposed boy toy doesn’t want you hit on, maybe he shouldn’t leave his prize by herself.” By the end of his sentence, he’s moved his mouth to your ear, whispering. You’ve had enough of this guy. You’re just about to handle him when a commanding voice rings through the club.
“Well, well, well. Who’s this prick sidled up to my girl?” Roman asks. The whole club has gone silent. All the guests of the evening turn their attention to the sudden outburst, waiting to see what’s about to take place. Roman and Victor are mid-descent on the staircase staring directly at you and your unwanted company. The pair make their way to you, all bystanders moving out of their path. They stand a couple feet from you and stop. Roman speaks again.
“I asked you a question,” he snarls. “Who the fuck are you?” Daryl smirks, seemingly unimpressed by Roman’s display. He advances toward Roman.
“The name’s Daryl,” he says cockily. “I’m assuming you’re the boyfriend Y/N mentioned. And from the look of things, I’m underwhelmed.” If Roman wasn’t already at his limit, he certainly was now. Roman gets uncomfortably close to Daryl, but he still doesn’t back down. So, he resorts to his back up plan. Roman makes a big show of removing one of his gloves and then snaps his fingers. In one swift movement, Victor has Daryl falling to the floor. He holds his nose, blood dripping down his face. Victor brings his leg up, ready to smash it into Daryl’s face, but Roman stops him.
“Not yet, Victor. I want him to see this,” he commands. Roman reaches for your arm and pulls you into him. He then proceeds to dip you, smashing his lips to yours. He moves one hand to tangle in your hair and the other moves to grope your ass. There’s no chance for you to protest, but you wouldn’t anyway. You both stay in that position for a minute, sloppily making out. This is all a show just for Daryl. Roman finally parts from you and pulls you up, arms holding your waist. He looks at Victor.
“Time to take out the trash,” he says. That’s when Victor brings his foot down on Daryl’s face. The last image of the night burned into his brain is of Roman showing him who you belong to.
Requests are open! Check out who I write for and feel free to ask for anyone not on the list!
Posted: February 20, 2020
241 notes · View notes
drethanramslay · 4 years
Chapter 3
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Pairing: Cassian x MC (for this chapter)
Warning: Violence, slight description of blood and swearing
Word count: 3.3 K
Chapter 1 2
Taglist: @choices-love-affair @miyakokurono @openheart12 @trappedinfandoms @noboundariesplease @nooruleman @madampugzalot @sekizincimektup @dailydoseofchoices @choicesfanaf @kaavyaethanramsey @junggoku @flyawayboo @whatchique @vampiregirlsblog @squishywizardhq @lilyvalentine @agent-breakdance (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist ☺️)
Song: Lover of mine by 5 seconds of summer
Forgive me if there are any mistakes 😬
Being a US Marshal, doesn't purely mean fireballs and explosion. It doesn't mean strong, burly men entering empty warehouses guns blazing.
It means practice, precision and patience.
It means to learn from your mistakes but not dwell in them. We must learn from failure and try better next time. But to indulge in the sorrow or regret brings about unsustainable misery, which doesn't help the cause.
It means providing protection to the people in need when the environment is threatening to their life.
It means being selfless and not hesitating to lay your life for the country. It doesn't mean being suicidal, but it's actually gives meaning and purpose to life.
It means being patient with fugitives and keeping a cool, calm and collected mind at times of crisis.
Assess the situation and defuse it. That's what my supervisor used to say. And it's stuck with me all through my life.
My eyes scanned the room, gauged the situation we were in. Adira was wimpering which gave the intruder a sadistic pleasure. He was running the gun along her jaw.
"Not so feisty are we now?" He said smiling sinisterly.
We could use the false sense of security to our advantage.
The room was a mess. Upturned tables and broken lamps. I was standing at the entrance of the room and they were right across me, around 20 metres away. I know that if I were to do anything, he would straight up blow her brains out. But one thing caught my eye.
They were standing in front of an open widow. That window was pretty big and it opened up on to the rose bushes. A fall from this height might just result in broken bones but, the element of surprise can help us escape.
"Adira." I said calmly, trying to calm her down with my eyes. Her eyes met and I tried to show her that we are going to be okay. That I always have a back up plan.
"Cassian..." She whimpered again.
"Hands like Houdini." I said my eyes not leaving her cerulean ones.
"Huh?" Her eyes focusing, like the lens of a camera.
"Hands like Houdini." I said, without giving much away.
"Stop with this lovey dovey eyes. Shut the FUCK U-"
And at that moment, she threw her hands down and pushed him back with her hips. He stumbled and lost balance resulting him to fall down the window. We heard a yell but it was caught off short. I ran to her and gathered her in my arms.
"It's okay. You are safe. You are alive." I said as I ran my hand through her head. As she seeked comfort in my arms I glanced at the man who fell of the window. A pool of blood was slowly increasing around his head.
He had hit his head to the brick fence. He was dead.
"We need to go. We are compromised." I said as I grabbed her hand and picked up the gun which the intruder had dropped. I checked the number of bullets and Adira picked up the crowbar.
I stared at her and she just shrugged.
Okay then.
We immediately left the house not caring about our clothes or anything. Tomas will hook us up. It was still dusk as we ran down the beach, never once slowing down. I had kept a jet ski under the tarps nearby which could help us in a quick getaway to the sea.
My iPhone had somehow survived the entire ordeal as I reached for it in my pocket. I sped dialed Tomas's number.
"Tell me Keane." Tomas's cool voice spoke through the phone.
"Tomas we have been compromised. I just now fought of three intruders who were wearing a pin with the logo of the Great Irish mob. Tomas... They sent in assassins."
"How is the witness?"
"She is shooken up but okay. We are getting on to the-" a bullet ricocheted through the air and it grazed my shoulder.
"FUCK." I hissed as the pain stung me.
Adira screamed and I immediately spoke into the phone. "Alert the backup. They have cleaning up to do. But DO NOT make a huge show."
Hanging up I turned and I assessed the people shooting us.
"Adira, get the jet ski started. Do you remember how I taught you?" As I loaded the gun and switched off the safety.
Resolution and determination sparked in her eyes. "Yes. Just knock those assholes down while I ride."
She got the jet ski into the sea and put the key into the ignition and roared it to life. I sat facing the shooters lining up the gun and breathing out as my eyes focused on them, letting my instincts flow through me.
Three people.
Three bullets.
Three headshots.
Three dead.
I sighed with relief as the threat had been neutralized. From my point of view this was an absolute win but Tomas would look at it as a failure. But that's okay. Adira was smirking as I leaned against her back, a small smile playing at my lips.
I live to see another day. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Well... We have a goddamn mess on our hand." Nwosu's voice boomed through the laptop. Adira was sleeping in the bedroom while Tomas and me were in the lounge on the house boat. It was around eleven in the night and the stars shone bright above the ocean.
I was sitting shirtless, drinking a cool beer so that I could have enough fuel to deal with Nwosu's cranky ass. My collarbone tattoo was on full display and my shoulder was bandaged.
Luckily it was just a scratch but it still stung.
Tomas was standing, with a hand dragging down his face. Sleep deprivation was written all over his face as he took another sip of his third coffee that evening.
"You can say that again." Tomas said as he grumbled into the mug.
"How did it happen though?"
"Adira mentioned her finance background at the shack today, accidentally. I think they have been tailing us for a long damn time. They just were waiting for our cover to blow." I said as I looked into the video camera.
"Fuck. You had one job. So you know what this means?" Nwosu said as he rubbed his hand on his balding head. Anger seeped into my veins and I narrowed my eyes.
"It mean they are onto us. Nwosu, we need to relocate them as soon as possible. Which safe houses are ready to go?" Tomas asked, smoothly cutting the tension. I let out a sigh completely exhausted.
Luckily I don't have a concussion from hitting my head to the counter but there was a dull throb in my temple. I pressed the icepack ti the sore spot again, getting temporary relief.
"If they caught them in a matter of week in Nantucket, then what is the possibility of them finding them anywhere else in the States?" Tomas continued as he scratched his chin.
"Well we-" I began but Nwosu interrupted me like the colossal jackass he is.
"Shit you are right..." I rolled my eyes as he leaned back into his chair.
What a dramatic asshole.
"We are looking at international relocation Nwosu." I said as I crushed and threw the empty beer can into the trash can. "Move the witness into a better location which has good connection with the American embassy and is willing to co-operate to catch these buggers when we need back up." I said as I stretched my hands behind my head.
Tomas and Nwosu were in a long and tense silence. "Which countries will work with us?" Tomas asked.
"We have good relationship with Ireland, Canada and Australia." Nwosu said as he looked up.
"You can remove Canada from the list. Did you see how Trump threw a bitch fit after he found Trudeau and Boris talking behind his back in that conference?" I scoffed. I maybe in law enforcement but I hated the president.
I mean how would he, an owner of a multi-million company know the struggles of the poor. And he is greedy and racist as hell. I have seen how much Nwosu and Tomas had to struggle because of their colour. I'm telling you, one of these days, America is gonna fall into ruin because of this retard.
"Yeah.. you are right. We can even remove Australia because transport is time taking and the mob issues there aren't as grave as it is over here."
"So that leaves Ireland. We did contact them regarding the Great Irish Mob a couple of months back and apparently the HQ is over there in... Kenmare." Tomas said as he opened the other laptop to search for the exchange of messages between them.
My heart started beating fast.
No.. Not Kenmare please.. I started praying. I worked all my life to get out of that hell hole and if I have to go there for an assignment it will be total clownery.
"Kenmare? Haven't heard of that.." Nwosu said.
"It's a small town south to the county if Kerry. It has its peek tourist season and there is considerable nightlife there but, it's pretty quiet out there. It's an ideal place to have HQ. People are busy in their own lives and nobody will question anything." I said as I gave a dry chuckle.
And that's true. They might appear to be friendly and nice but, nobody gives a damn and they turn the other way when a fourteen year old would ask for help.
"Seems like we just got you a new holiday location, Keane. Kenmare it is."  Nwosu said as he shut the case file. "I'll be sending you the details ASAP. Good night boys." With that he disconnected the call. I sighed, tension seeping into the muscles of my shoulder, making me stiff.
"How does it feel like to go back home, Keane?" Tomas asked with a grin.
"Can't wait." I said dryly, worry and panic slowly stirring in my stomach.
Tomas, Adira and me stepped out of Kerry airport. The sun was shining but the wind blowing was cold. Adira was shivering in the shorts and top she had worn. I had specifically told her that the summer over here is chilly and short but, will she ever listen?
"Hello Mr. Tomas. Welcome to Ireland. I'm Matthew." A Irish ambassador who was wearing the disguise of a taxi driver spoke as he shook my hand.
"Dia dhuit." I greeted him, my Irish accent becoming more pronounced.
"Irish?" Matthew asked as he gave me a curious eye. I just stiffly nodded, and stuffed my hands in the pocket and eyes him, challenging him to ask me anything more about my personal life.
He got the hint to shut up and turned towards Tomas. Adira just gave me a quizzical look because of my moodiness but I just ignored her. "I shall take you to the house. This way please."
We all piled into one of the yellow cabs with Tomas riding shotgun while Adira and me sat in the back. We were cozied up due to the luggages but I couldn't't help but notice the distance between us.
"So, debrief me." Tomas said, straight getting down to business.
"Well... Killian and wife aren't here but the mob is in control of a certain person who goes by the alias 'Killer'."
How original. I scoffed mentally at the cliche name.
"This 'killer' person is the right hand of Killian and this mob believes in family and hierarchy. Initially they were all over here but, Killian took maximum amount of the mob members to the States. 'The killer' is just a temporary head."
"Do you have any mugshots of him? Tomas asked as he scanned the manilla file.
"The guy is literally like a ghost. He is damn good at what he does and he covers up his tracks so well that there is any clues. He just kills and vanishes. He has no weaknesses whatsoever."
Tomas looked at me and we had a moment of understanding. This 'killer' dude is too good and would be too hard to take down.
"Let's talk about safety of the witness." I said as I leaned my elbows on my knees.
"She will be perfectly fine because the mob hasn't been very active as of now. I have selected a safe house and working place where the activities are minimal and our agents are present." Matthew spoke as he pulled on to the N22 road.
"Good. And how about backup in case things go to shit?" I asked as I side eyed Adira. She just huffed and crossed her hands, glaring out of the window. She knows, if she would have been a little more careful, things wouldn't have gone the way they did in Nantucket.
But there's no point bringing that up, is there?
"They will be ready the moment you give us the signal. Agents will be in disguise." He said dutifully.
"Good." Tomas said before they dipped into the boring conversation about paperwork and the different tourist attractions in Kenmare.
I just turned towards the window and looked out at the scenic beauty of the place. Adira was in awe and she was clicking photos but I just couldn't help but detest the place.
All beautiful things have something to hide.
I had wanted to get out of this place so badly but seeing the familiar bridge across the river and the Sheen valley, made it unbearable to watch. I just shut my eyes and tried to push it all out.
If only I could do the same with my past.
If only it could stay where it's supposed to be.
If only I didn't have to go back to the place which took my parents away from me.
We were going through the town and I noticed how much it had changed. The buildings had been repaired and repainted in vibrant colours and many more shops had opened up. I could see No. 35, a famous cafe open still and I couldn't help but smile.
My mom and dad used to take me there for pancakes on Sunday mornings. I would hold their hands and we would walk around and then stop by the waterfalls, where we would play tag and bask in the sun.
It was beautiful. My family was beautiful. And seeing the different places I had spent time with them gave me joy as well as it tormented me. It was a flux of emotions which I couldn't comprehend.
I mean, men are not emotionally evolved.
"Cassian... Are you okay?" Adira asked lowly as she saw me clench my jaw and she proceeded put a hand on my clenched fist.
"Yeah I'm fine."
Fine. That's all I am ever going to be. I can't break down. I can't show weakness.
"If you say so..." She said as she shrugged and gave me a last look before looking out of the window.
The car turned and started going down a familiar route. My eyes widened.
"Wait a minute... Where is the safe house?"
"Henry Street."
"Why does that mean anything to you?" Matthew asked as he looked into the rearview mirror, his blue eyes meeting mine.
"Uh, yeah.. I used to live there with my family before I shifted to the States."
"Cassian will we be meeting your parents?" Adira asked excitedly and I couldn't help but wince. Tomas gave me a sympathetic look and I sighed.
"No. They... are dead."
"Oh I'm so sorry." Pain flickered in her eyes and I gave a small smile.
"Me too."
I could see it from my room.
I could see it mocking me.
I could see it taunting me.
I could see it calling out to me.
The familiar red brick house which was once my home, stood there, looming at the corner of the street. The trees had grown and the weeds were all around the place. But the house was surprisingly well kept. When I left the place because the authorities had thrown me into an orphanage, I had locked up everything. The doors, the windows  and the gate. I keep that key with me.
Think of it as a symbolism. This key opens the room in my heart, where all the happy and good memories are. Whenever things would get hard, I would hold the key and reminisce. I don't expect anyone to understand me or anyone to get what I'm saying and honestly, I don't care.
I stood there looking at my old house, clenching the key in my hand. As if it was supposed to give me strength.
I know I need to go there and clear out my family's belonging.
But it's terrifying.
"Cassian! Let's go and check out where I will be working. I also heard that there's a farmer's market." Adira spoke as she knocked on the door.
I let go of the curtain and turned around to grin at her. Her hair was chestnut colour now and she was wearing specs. She had also worn green coloured lenses so that we could sell the disguise a little bit more.
A distraction is what I need.
"Sure. Also we need to discuss your disguise, Anastasia Roy."
"Yes Cassian, I know. Let's go now!"
Throwing one last look at the ghost of my past, I picked up my leather jacket and walked out.
It was around 6pm and all the stores were slowly shutting down. Adira and me were walking down the streets with an ice cream and groceries in the other hand.
"God I always loved European ice creams." Adira moaned and I shook my head.
"Well you can't say that if you are a barista." I pointed out.
She momentarily got angry but then she just sighed. "Yeah.. I am sorry for ignoring your advice in Nantucket. I will follow the rules to the T. Also I can smoothly transition into a barista because I worked in a cafe when I was in college."
"I can't believe you worked in a cafe."
"I was bored so I just joined a cafe so that I could learn latte art and all. I got fired though when I threw cold coffee on Tiffany. God that BITCH." She waved her hand.
Such a drama queen.
"I hope you don't do that in yoir new job. Also, you will be working there, at George's cafe in the morning shift. I would prolly be in the opposite park during your shift so that I can keep an eye on you."
"I don't need babys-" Adira stopped herself before she shook her head, as if she was clearing her head. "Okay Cassian. I appreciate it."
What has come over her?
I wanted to ask her and know what was going on in her mind but we were interrupted.
A young boy came running up to us and greeted us. He handed a beautiful blue lily flower in our direction. I just chuckled and looked the other way, assuming that it was for Adira.
"Awww aren't you a sweetie. Thank y-" Adira was saying but the boy interrupted her.
"This flower is not for you. Its for him." My eyes shit towards him as he handed me the flower.
"Who gave it?" I asked my eyes narrowing, instantly not trusting this.
The boy pointed across the road. "Him."
My eyes followed the direction he was pointing in and my eyes met one of the most gorgeous eyes I had ever seen.
Green ones met hazel eyes and I was in a trance.
He was standing across the street wearing a full sleeve shirt, with a jacket thrown on top and black jeans. He had twinkling hazel eyes, which gleamed in the rays of the dying sun. A smile was playing on his lips and he had pronounced dimples. He had a sharp jawline and tousled long brown hai, which could not decide which direction they wanted to stay in.
Let me tell you, I'm straight but I have never seen such a handsome and beautiful man in my life before.
He had a tall and lean frame with both his hands in his pockets. When our eyes met he lifted a hand and gave me a small wave. I couldn't help but grin and wave him back, the joy in his eyes was contagious. With that he turned and strolled down the street, disappearing into the crowd of people.
"Cassian... Who is he?" Adira asked, breaking my reverie as she eyes him.
I looked down at the lily he gave me and shrugged.
"I don't know..."
But I am intrigued...
honestly I was so demotivated that I almost didn't post this chapter
the tags are not working as you have seen me whine about it lmao but meh
I hope you guys liked this chapter!! 
like comment reblog and let me know what do you think?
and like please, don't let this flop otherwise I swear I will feel like the biggest clown hahahha
god I should sleep
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ajoy3fanfics · 4 years
  Prologue Here
Chapter 1
Bridal processions were known to be a spectacle- extravagant, ornate affairs that took months of preparation, each detail planned, purposeful; at least, that had been Kagome’s experience. She had witnessed the marriage of several high ranking officials as a young princess, and even a few of her grandfathers new wives being welcomed into his harem, though it had been some years since he sought after a new bedmate. The greater the status, the grander the affair; yet even those who could not afford such luxuries conducted their own versions with what they could spare. She had enjoyed watching the carriage stroll through the streets, decorated in gold, surrounded by well wishers, those in the streets hoping to catch a glimpse of the beauty behind the screen.
It was different this time.
A political marriage did not usually include a love match, was not typically formed for romance or lust. No consideration is given to the looks of the soon to be husband, of his personality or manners. It was quite common for a man old enough to have sired his bride take her to bed, many husbands going bald or grey while the beauty beneath him radiated youth. It would be an unfair match, to be sure. There would be no common ground, no similar interests. If the gods blessed them, their coupling may produce a child; and if the gods truly smiled, a son and heir. Maybe then the couple would find something to talk about. The marriage would be cold and lonely, but that is the price of such a match, or so Kagome had been told. Having been schooled in more than just manners, she was aware of the duties of royal lineage, although her grandfather had often eased her fears. She would marry for love, he prophecies, she carried the aura of one lucky in love.
Instead, she carried with her responsibilities, the groom treaties, and together they would mend a politically torn hole. That was the idea, at least. Thus, bridal processions left the city more in mourning than celebration, few knowing that the counties prize rose was to be planted in foreign soil. None left their homes to watch the carriage proceed, the meager guard surrounding each side, ready to tackle the long journey ahead.
It was a bland vessel, not craved and painted with the Higurashi flowers that decorated every corner of their homes. There was purpose in doing so; the guard itself would attract attention, but beautifying the carriage would be shouting to the world of its finery inside- a risk, a call to every beggar and thief, tempting their fate with each turn of the wheels.
Her outfit, elegant silk, a light pink that reminded her of the delicate petals of the cherry blossoms clung to her bosom like a second skin, shoulders exposed and flaring at the waist. It was a finer fabric than she had worn in a long time- far too precious for daily palace life- but still, not the outfit of a bride.
The dress should be white, pristine. The train should be long and heavy, requiring several ladies to carry it so as not to let it drag on the ground. Such a dress would be impractical for the long journey ahead, and advisor Naraku had urged his attendants to find her a garment that accentuated her natural curves. Should trouble come her way, it would be an easier fate to be a common woman rather than a hostage princess. If the captors did not try and sell her for ransom, their men would take turns having their way, sating their carnal desires and hatred of royalty.
Kagome leaned her head against the velvet pillow of the carriage, trying to find a moment of peace. How long would it be until they reached the kingdom? The uncertainty was one thing, but the journey itself was long and arduous. From the back, she could hear the laughter of the men, hearty and joyful, going forward without a care. They seemed at ease on the road, and next to their brethren. The ones who marched by her side were quiet, having no one to talk to, and the general up ahead, proudly seated atop his fine horse, the only one in the troop. She had seen a few of them trying to catch glimpses of the maiden behind the screen. She couldn’t blame them; the beauty of the first princess was legendary, often commented on in the city, but rarely seen in person. It was unbefitting for someone of her station to mingle with commoners, so the princesses only had each other as company, and the few attendants close to their ages.
She turned away from the small window, trying instead to focus on the scenery as it passed by. She wished she knew what the soldiers were joking about; it was quiet lonely to sit by oneself for so long. Having had her sisters companionship the whole of her life, she was nervous to be in a strange land without her. She wondered if her sister was nervous, if she had the same hesitations. It was a foolish thought. Her sister was headstrong, brave; the sort that would never put up with this treatment.
The laughter ceased suddenly, the carriage stopped to a holt. Kagome was jostled in the process, hair falling out of its pins into a lopsided mess she was unsure how to fix. Nervously, she peaked out of the window, trying to determine the cause of such chaos. She called out to the men, eager to hear reassurance that all was well. They shouted, urging her to stay inside, not to worry, all would be handled, though their tones were not to be trusted. She could hear the panic, the confidence fleeting as their swords were met with the sound of growls. She did as she was told, gripping the handle for whatever attack may come. Kagome was fighting her own battle, wanting to leap out and assist, yet knowing full well she would be a hinderance. She was taught to attack if necessary, but only if there was no man left to defend her. Should a princess put herself in the line of danger, a soldiers natural instinct would be to protect his ruler, putting all parties in danger. Even knowing this, her conscience cried! She could help, she must defend her people! To hell with her grandfathers rules, with Narakus wise words; real people were in trouble and if she could help-
It was silent, no familiar sound, no rallying cry.
In her indecisiveness, the last of her guard had fallen, his cries overshadowed by the growing number of growls, hungry and dark, nearing her at an alarming pace. There was a voice among them, almost human to her ears, and she dainty heard him give an order before pulling the door wide open.
He looked wild, his brown fur pelts strapped across his chest in mock armor, hair knotted and twisted, leaves clinging to the strands as if he had emerged from the trees itself. Wolves surrounded him in either side- a pack larger than those she heard in tales- their eyes yellow, hungry. He grinned at her, lewd, unnerving, and reached inside to grasp at Kagome. Fearfully, she scuttled to the back, not wanting to be this mans conquest nor his clans dinner.
“Don’t be shy, missy. We were lookin’ for you.” His teeth were yellow, pointed in an inhuman way. He was a demon, and she was trapped. So hard was Her heart pounding in her ears, she did not notice the murmurs of the wolves down. It was only when one howled, chilling to the bone that caught her attention.
The beast turned, drawing away from Kagome and looking back towards his pack. He cursed at an invisible figure, soundless, skilled. Having abandoned the princess for a fight, Kagome knew that though her options were limited, she now had them. She could jump out of the carriage, fleeing for safety, taking her chances that the culprit would not hunt her down. On the other hand, she could barricade herself inside, hoping that whoever laid in wait would simply pass by.
In the end, the choice was not hers; Kagome realized in that moment how few choices she had had in the last 24 hours, how she had taken for granted the plethora of options she had before her only a day ago.
She heard the footsteps before she saw them, heavy black boots that came into view of her tiny window. They stopped, just in front, as if examining the carriage. There was nothing discerning- it was a simple cart that would fetch a small sum, but hardly worth the lives that had clearly been taken. In one swift movement, the door flung open, revealing an armored man, beautiful, frightening.
His silver hair, long and thick, was tied into a bun, red speckles of blood marring it’s fine color. Kagome fell backwards into the carriage, stumbling at the sight of such a being. He narrowed his eyes, golden, blazing against the light of the day, causing the trapped princess to shiver. He was no ordinary man; then again, she was no ordinary woman. She was a princess, and had a duty to uphold. She would not tremble as she had done with the wolf; She was raised with dignity, and if these were to be her final moments, she would go with pride. Kagome set her jaw, doing her best to stare him down. She couldn’t be sure, but she thought she saw him smirk.
The man reached in, grasping her arm and pulling her forward. He held her, considering her as if she were a piece of merchandise. He sniffed once, as if testing the air for her scent.
“Well, you ain’t a whore.” He rasped, tone flirting with the trace of amusement. His eyes took notice of her body, resting on the swell of her chest. His lips turned up in a teasing manner. “Then again, this look isn’t too bad”
With her free hand, Kagome readied herself you slap him, but his reflexes were too fast, the hit blocked with minimal effort. Kagome realized his claws, razor sharp, were not digging into her skin, but easily could.
“Do you always hit people who save your life?” He barked.
“Only the ones with vile mouths.” She spat.
The man cocked his head, considering her. “Feisty, eh?” The man seemed genuinely amused at the situation, although princess Kagome could not figure out why for the life of her. “So, what are you?” He sized her up, eyes raking over her state of dress. “A mistress? Lady to a small lord?”
“I am none of your concern.” Kagome met his eyes, steeled, refusing to break contact. She pulled, attempting to free herself. “Let. Me. Go.”
He smiled this time, his grin toothy, revealing a sharp, dangerous fang. “No, you’re none of that.” He leaned in closer, making Kagome realize how much larger his body was than hers. He was muscled, his armor heavy, but he wore it as if weightless. “You’ve got a defiant look in your eyes. Not used to answering to anyone, are you?” She twisted, the silk fabric falling off her shoulder, revealing more than intended; in a normal situation, she would have the good grace to blush, and he the manners to let her adjust her state of dress; but that was not now, and he was not that type of man. He wrinkled his nose, the smirk still plastered, lazy. “Feh, you reek of Higurashi roses.”
Kagome pulled once more, demanding he set her free. “I can pay you.” She promised. “Return me, and I can give you ransom.” It was a bargain, one she hoped he would take.
“And why would I want that?” He smirked again, a knot growing In Kagome’s stomach. “It’s not every day princess Kikyo makes an appearance in these woods.”
She froze, eyes wide at his realization.
He didn’t know.
This man- the wolves- all of them- thought she was Kikyo.
It was not a huge leap, anyone would assume that the carriage would belong to the first princess, on her way to be wed.
Except it was the second princess on the road. The second princess who was sent out as a place holder, buying time until Kikyo was located. She escaped in the night, always one step ahead of the court, refusing to wed a foreign man and forgo her future.
It should have been an easy trip. It should have been Kikyo, not her, staring down a solider with burning amber eyes.
“Word travels fast, princess. You’re not so secret engagement has been the worst kept secret I’ve ever heard, and because of that, those bastard wolves snuck through our land, slaughtering an entire village along the way, just trying to get to you.” He rubbed his chin with his free hand, a slight trace of stubble growing in as the daylight grew dim. “Lucky for you, I hunted them down before any real damage was done.”
Any real damage? Countless men laid on the cold ground, never to rise again, yet he talked of ‘real’ damage and casualties. Kagome knew this was a time to bite her tongue, not wanting to upset him further. When she said nothing in response, he sighed, as if unamused with her display of dissatisfaction.
“Can I trust you to walk, or do I have to tie you up? Your choice, princess.”
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I’m Sure They’ll Understand pt. 3
part 1 part 2
fandom: MCU
pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
summary: Steve’s injured on the mission. You have to help the team get him out, no matter how much they may or may not trust you.
warnings: angst, mentions of injury
word count: 1924
a/n: did y’all like the cliffhanger i left you on?? ;)
i think there’s going to be one more part to this! i didn’t want this part to get too long.
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Sam’s words ring in your ears.
Rogers is down.
Before you know it, you’re on your knees. Your breath comes in gasps as you try to wrap your mind around those three words.
Rogers is down.
Bucky’s trying to tell you something but you can’t hear him. All you can hear is Sam’s voice, over and over again.
Oh God. Are you going to lose him? You can’t. You can’t handle this. No no no –
At some point, Bucky hauls you to your feet and grabs your face in his hands. “Y/N,” he barks, “Focus. We need to go. Now.”
You nod, barely registering his words. Then you’re out the door of the jet, stumbling across a snowy field to the HYDRA base. Your hands are shaking as you try to notch an arrow onto the string of your bow.
Once you’re at the doors to the base however, your instincts kick in and you swipe away the tears from your cheeks. You finally manage to notch the arrow and do a quick once-over of your quiver and knives. You take a deep breath, nod to Bucky, and follow him into the base.
There are a few bodies strewn about the floor, all HYDRA agents. You step over them carefully, bow at the ready. Bucky walks slightly in front of you, gun raised. It is eerily quiet, even though you can hear the sounds of combat still in your earpiece.
“Where are we going, Stark?” Bucky whispers harshly.
“There’s a staircase just off the main hallway,” comes Tony’s reply. There’s a pause as you hear his phasers firing. “It’s hidden behind a wall panel; it leads to the rest of the base.”
You look around the hallway and notice one of the panels juts out just barely. “Here,” you murmur to Bucky, tilting your head toward the panel.
Bucky nods and presses a hand against the panel, obviously unsure of how to open it. It slides open and a look of pleasure crosses his face, if only for a moment.
The staircase is dark and smells like old books; you’re guessing this is one of the older HYDRA bases, probably from around its founding. You follow Bucky down the stairs quietly as the sounds of fighting become evident.
“They’ve got us cornered down here,” Sam’s voice breaks through the earpiece. “I’ve moved Rogers to a secure location but I’m going to need a clear path in order to get him out.”
“We’re on our way,” you reply. You’re going to get Steve to safety, no matter what.
You round a corner and the combat grows louder. The sounds you were once hearing exclusively in your earpiece can be made out in person. You’re surrounded by HYDRA lab equipment; this must have been a research base rather than a training center. That’s good at least – you won’t find any experienced super soldiers here.
“Y/L/N! Barnes! Over here,” Sam’s voice calls out to you. You spot his form behind a lab table, close to a partially open door. He waves you over and you follow Bucky to him.
As you come around the side of the table, you see Steve’s boots sticking out from behind a crouching Sam. The full scene comes into view, and you cover your mouth in horror.
Sam has his hands pressed to a rapidly darkening stain on Steve’s abdomen, most likely from a gunshot wound. Steve is unconscious, blissfully unaware of the combat happening just one room over.
Sam nods toward the door. “The others are in there,” he says quickly. “Everybody else is tied down with agents. They just keep flooding in; I don’t know where they’re all coming from. The way you came in is the only way out.” He pauses. “And unfortunately, I don’t have super strength. So, I couldn’t get Rogers out on my own.” His eyes are pleading as he looks up at you.
Bucky nods, determined. “Y/N will get him out.”
You look at the super soldier, surprise evident on your face. You’d thought Bucky would want to stay with his friend. But you’re not complaining; this must be a sign that his trust for you is growing – or he just doesn’t want you having any direct contact with HYDRA.
“Sam and I’ll help the others hold them off,” Bucky continues, meeting your gaze. “Get Steve to the jet and stop the bleeding. We’ll try to get out of here as quickly as possible.”
Sam nods his agreement and looks to you again. “You’ll need to move fast once I take my hands off this wound. He’s probably going to lose a lot of blood before you get to the quinjet. Don’t stop on the way.” His voice is a mixture grim determination and resignation.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you choke out, still fixated on Steve – your Steve – bleeding on the ground.
You get in position next to Sam, your hands sliding under Steve’s unmoving form. Sam counts down and removes his hands from the wound, and you take off running.
Steve’s bulk is nothing for your enhanced strength and thankfully you have enhanced speed as well. Remembering your way through the labyrinth of hallways is easy; ignoring the trail of blood that you leave in your wake is not. You whisper reassurance under your breath to Steve, unsure if he can even hear you. Reaching the staircase, you skid to a stop when you notice a figure at the top of the stairs.
You hesitate for a moment, trying to determine if you can take out whoever it is without putting Steve down. Before you can come to a decision, the figure begins to descend the stairs slowly.
“Ranger,” a feminine, airy voice says. A chill runs down your spine at the sound of your old moniker and you freeze, unable to move.
“Well done, gaining the trust of the Avengers. I’m glad to see you haven’t strayed away from your mission,” the voice continues as the figure becomes illuminated.
You vaguely recall her face, but no name comes to mind. She used to be one of your handlers, quite… aggressive in her ways, if you remember correctly.
You shake your head as visions of your time as a HYDRA operative flood your mind. You respond through gritted teeth, “Move. I won’t ask again.”
She lets out a breathy laugh, using her body to block the stairs. “Oh, I always enjoyed you. So… feisty.” A wicked smile crosses her face as she glares at you.
Through the cloud of anger in you mind, you try to think. You have to get Steve to the jet. His blood is coating your hands and you’re losing your grip on him rapidly. Putting him down is the last thing you’ll do but you can’t fight this woman if you don’t.
Before you have a chance to make a decision, a shot rings out and the woman falls backward. Her forehead has been adorned with a single bullet wound.
You turn quickly and see Natasha standing about 20 feet behind you, pistol in hand. “Heard you over the earpiece,” she explains quickly at your look of confusion. “Go.”
Remembering the task at hand, you nod a quick thank you to Nat and step over the fallen corpse of the woman. You take the stairs three at a time as you try to make up for lost time.
Once you reach the quinjet, you set Steve down in the makeshift medbay. You grab some gauze pads from a nearby shelf and press them to the wound, praying desperately that your run-in with the woman hasn’t had an immense impact.
Steve groans as you apply pressure and for a moment, you think he’s going to open his eyes. But it must have just been an automatic response to the increased pain because he makes no further movement. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
The weight of the situation hits you all at once now that you’re back in relative safety. The fear and despair that overcame you when Sam had first announced Steve’s injury reappear with full force. Here is the man that has been nothing but supportive and kind to you, dying under your hands. The very lifeforce flowing through his veins now flowing between your fingers. The serum that magnifies his strength and compassion now doing its very best just to keep him alive. And you, you are powerless to do anything about it.
The tears that you’d hastily wiped away before now stream freely down your cheeks. You sob over Steve’s motionless form as the emotions overtake you.
That woman, she’d nearly kept you from saving Steve. If she weren’t already dead, you would rip her limb from limb.
“Y/N,” Sam comes on through the earpiece, “Did you reach the jet?”
“Yes,” you manage to whisper, hoping your voice doesn’t betray your emotion.
“Good, we’re heading back to you. Just finishing up with the last of the agents.”
You offer no reply but your relief is tangible. The quicker they return, the quicker Steve will be on the road to recovery. You hope, at least.
The next few minutes seem to pass by at a crawl as you wait for the team. You think the bleeding has slowed, but you can’t be sure. At least you’ve stopped crying
Finally, Tony enters the jet, the others all trailing close behind. They all seem bone-tired but board with a sense of urgency. As they pass by you, each offers a terse nod or a look of sympathy. Bucky and Sam are the last two to board. They head over to you and Steve immediately, faces grim, as the jet takes off.
“Any change?” Sam asks.
“Um,” you clear your throat hastily, “I think the bleeding has slowed a bit. I’m not sure though.”
Sam nods and casts a quick glance to Bucky, who is sitting close by with his eyes fixed on Steve. “Good. Let’s get him back to the compound; I’m sure he’ll be fine.” He gives you a reassuring smile and pats your shoulder.
The whole ride back to the compound is silent. Each Avenger seems shell-shocked, which is to be expected. The thing that surprises you is the obvious lack of tension and spite directed toward you. You’d started this mission thinking the Avengers would never trust you, but now it seems you’ve managed to gain it in some capacity. If only it hadn’t taken Steve getting injured to earn it, you think, only slightly bitter.
Once you reach the compound, there’s a flurry of activity as Steve is carted off to the medical center. You start to follow them, but Bucky grabs your wrist and stops you. You turn and find the whole team staring at you.
“They won’t let you into the operating theater,” Bucky states bluntly. “Besides…” He hesitates and glances at the others behind him. “Best to have company while you wait for him to get out, anyway.”
“Oh,” is all you can think to say.
Tony steps forward slightly, not quite meeting your eyes. It’s the first time you’ve ever seen him look… guilty? “Thanks for, ah, coming to our aid in there, Katniss.”
A strange warmth bubbles up inside you at the nickname and you can’t stop the smile that graces your lips. “Anytime, Tin Man.”
“Come on.” Tony leads the way out of the jet. Obviously, he can only be emotional in quick bursts. “Let’s go eat ice cream and talk about our feelings.”
part 4
tags: @aspie-allie​ @ashwarren32​ @geek-and-proud​ @ilovesupersoldiers​ @thewolfgirluniverse​ @xstormiii​
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youarejesting · 4 years
BTS365 Prompts.Week 23
[Full Masterlist] [Prompt Masterlist]
Beta: @lunarlxve
Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester.
Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!
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          June 4th - 10th
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Kim Seokjin - hug
Kim Seokjin had never been hugged. He didn’t know what it felt like, but it always looked nice in movies and dramas. Why has he never been hugged? Well, he was an only child, and his parents went on a lot of overseas work trips. The nanny was an older woman and very stern. He wondered why she was a nanny when she hated children. She hated when they were too loud, hated when they got grubby or ran around, and hated when they talked or asked questions. 
Soon he was a teen, a handsome one but home schooled. Seokjin’s Tutor was an older man who only knew how to read a textbook and scold him. He never got hurt to warrant a hug, was never praised with a hug. Until he bumped into you. No literally bumped into you. The two of you toppled over, chest to chest. The warmth and physical connection sent a spark down his spine. He felt for the first time that he wasn’t alone. Even if it was a mistake that you fell against him.
Min Yoongi - cat
“Hey, Lil meow meow,” You grinned stepping into the studio. You were rival producers, and it amused you how easily you could get under his skin. You really meant no harm by it, and you hoped it came across that way. Sometimes he would do the same to you by making fun of the bags under your eyes or something as trivial. It had gotten simultaneously worse and better  due to renovations, you were sharing a studio. Both agreeing to leave each other’s music and equipment alone.
“So how long did it take for your date to run away this time?” He sighed, taking the coffee from your hand, freeing it so you could count his change and place the small pile of coins onto his desk. 
“He said his boss called him thirty seconds into the movie. The opening credits hadn’t even finished Min” You hissed sipping your coffee “I was so excited to see the movie.”
“What a prick, did he really?” Yoongi hissed, turning in his seat, pulling his headphones down so they would hang around his neck.
“Yes, he really did” you turned to face your computer, turning it on and setting everything up. “I don’t understand Min. Am I really that bad?”
“No you're not, as much as we joke you are cute” He grinned turning your seat around, so you were left with no choice but to look at him “Sometimes you act like a big cat all feisty and claws and teeth, but you forget you are actually a cute little kitten.”
Jung Hoseok - doughnut
“Welcome to the Doughnut Drive- thru. How may I help you?” You asked, trying to sound cheerful after a long shift.
“Hey, can I get twelve assorted iced doughnuts with sprinkles?” The voice was muffled through the drive-thru, but you knew exactly who it was.
You tapped the button on the sales machine. Waiting for his car to arrive. It was a red 1973 Mercedes 450SL. A beautiful piece of machinery. He smiled up at you and handed you the money as he did every time, brushing his fingers against your palm, making you feel warm in your pretty pastel blue uniform dress and apron. 
In the middle of the Money was a piece of paper that said ‘Hoseok xxxx-xxx-xxx call me.’ This wasn’t the first time he had handed you a note with his number. You felt your face flush, wondering if you looked like a tomato at this point.
“Here is your change sir, I will just get them now” You walked off and grabbed the assorted donuts and handed them over. Watching his car drive off.
It was when you heard his voice again through your headset from the drive-thru speaker that you grew confused. Have you made a mistake? “Miss y/n, I come around every Friday after work, hoping I might get the chance to talk to you. I have given you my number almost thirty times now, and you never text, never call. Just let me know before I die of a heart attack or diabetes from eating 12 donuts a week. Would you be interested in going on a date with me?”
Kim Namjoon - drive-in
Namjoon had asked you out a few days ago after school, he seemed confident and kind of cocky in front of his friends. You almost thought it was a joke; that is until he arrived at your house, his usually disheveled hair combed down. He was no longer in his leather jacket but a nice button up. He shook hands with your father, talking to him with a smile while you went to fetch your purse.
“Sir, I have plans to watch a movie with your daughter and then to eat at the diner. I thought I should let you know in case you wish to know her whereabouts.” Namjoon said, trying to be courteous to your parents. “The movie finishes at eight, and we should finish dinner by nine, so we shouldn’t be out too late.”
“You aren’t planning to do anything at the drive-in, are you?” Your father said sternly, “I know where you live mister Kim.”
“No, sir, we aren’t going to do anything except watch a movie,” Namjoon said, rubbing his palms on his trousers looking towards the stairs hoping you were ready to leave. “And perhaps I could hold her hand.”
“Alright, Mum, Dad, don’t scare the poor boy” You sighed, gesturing Namjoon over; he got up grateful that you had saved him from your father's intense stare.
“I will wait up,” Your father said, walking you both to the door catching Namjoon’s arm. “You may hold her hand, and I will allow one kiss goodnight if she wishes, but otherwise, keep your hands to yourself, buddy.”
“Yes, Sir. I will have her home by nine.” 
Park Jimin - VCR
“Hey Jimin, did you record the show last night? I was so busy with my Aunty’s 45th birthday that I was unable to watch it” You grabbed your friend's arm in the school hall. “Please, PLEASE tell me you recorded it.”
“Yeah I got it recorded, you can come over later and watch it with me after dance practice” He smiled giving you a perfect spin. “You will watch me, right?”
“Of course, Chim.” You stopped at your adjacent lockers, taking out your books, remembering the math pop quiz. It was going to be a long day.
You weren’t wrong, the day was slow and tedious. Your only saving grace was when you hopped into Jimin’s bright yellow buggy and took off to his dance class. You sat in the corner watching him dance. He was one of two boys who danced in his age group. The girls moved so delicately, their bodies were as light as air. It made you self conscious even Jimin in his sweats and singlet was more agile and graceful then you could ever dream of being.
He drove you both home, asking if he did well and telling you how he thinks he is ready for the upcoming performance. The Park family home was a single story. Jimin called it small and old, but you thought it was homely and cozy. The two of you sat in his room; you snuggled into his blankets while putting the old tape in the VCR machine. It was nice being with your best friend, but you wanted to be something more for some reason. 
You just wish you had the courage to tell him.
Kim Taehyung - BFF
It was a Friday night; you were in the basement lying on your stomach on the plush rug; your legs swinging back and forth as you slowly threaded beads onto a clear fishing line. Threading Taehyung’s favorite color beads in a simple, alternate pattern. You were able to fasten the bracelet when the door to the basement swung open. 
“You got it, Mrs. L/N, I will let her know for you” Taehyung’s voice called up to your mother as he hopped down the stairs enthusiastically. “Sup?”
“Just chilling Tae” The evidence of your craft pushed under the couch. 
“I just wanted to let you know, your mum says I can stay for dinner, if you want me to that is?”
“No duh, Tae, you’re my BFF.”
Taehyung laughed sitting on the two-seater sofa, his long legs hanging over the side. “We should do something fun” You hummed the BFF bracelet in your pocket felt heavy. 
“Like what?” Taehyung asks, earning a shrug from you. He ponders for a moment before continuing, “We could play truth or dare.”
“Will it work with just the two of us?” 
“Sure, let me go first,” he smiled, sitting up and crossing his legs on the couch, patting the second cushion, and you sat across from him. “Truth or dare?”
“Do you have anyone you like?” He peeked  at you from under his shaggy bangs, and you felt your cheeks grow pink. 
“Yes,” your giggle was nervous, and you tried to quickly move on, “truth or dare?”
“Truth?” He smiled, moving the hair out of his eyes with his fingers. 
“Do you have anyone you like?” He nodded, his face turned away, and your mother took this moment to bring you a plate of orange soda and biscuits. 
The two of you chorused your thanks, and when the door was shut, you were left alone once more. One more round and Tae asked if you had ever kissed anyone, and you dared him to dunk his biscuit in his soda before eating it. 
“Truth or dare?” He asked, seemingly determined to get you back for the horrific snack you had created. And you thought it only fair that he had the chance. 
“Dare,” you smiled, downing your soda so he couldn’t ruin it for you. 
“I dare you to kiss me,” you sprayed him completely, choking on the carbonated beverage. 
Jeon Jungkook - Iced tea
Jungkook was contracted to paint the outside of your family home. You were back home from University and house sitting for your parents while they were on a cruise. Laying out on a sun chair in your bikini, trying to enjoy the warmth of the sun, you started to get thirsty. Walking inside to your parent’s indoor bar, you began preparing some ice tea. It was when you saw him on a ladder painting above the window all shirtless and sweaty, that you decided to prepare a second beverage. 
You turned to the mirror fixing your hair, applying a tinted lip gloss, and readjusting your bikini top to accentuate your cleavage. You carried both drinks out and smiled, “Jungkook, was it? Would you like some ice tea, you look a bit thirsty.”
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shining-red-diamond · 4 years
Feisty (Part 2)
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Words: 641
Pairing: San x Reader
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: mentions of blood and childbirth
A/N: Y/D/N means your daughter’s name. Credits to owner of gif.
When they said childbirth was painful, no one told Y/N how painful it was. A few of her family members who have had children told her stories of how each of their kids were born, but they hardly touched on the pain they felt bringing them into the world. Y/N’s contractions felt as if Thor had thrown his hammer at her stomach multiple times, and as she was pushing that morning, she got a full blast of it. The feeling of every bone breaking made her anxious, and panic was beginning to engulf her.
San was quick to notice the fear in her eyes, and he did his best to keep her calm as the nurses guided her through delivering the baby. Praises and encouragements such as “You’re doing so good” “Keep pushing” and “She’s almost here” were what San was flooding Y/N’s ear with to keep her from giving up. Y/N wanted him to shut up, but her voice was restrained by each pained contraction. She had to focus her energy on pushing.
She tightly squeezed his hand as she pushed with all of the energy she could muster up.
“Her head is out,” the doctor informed. “This time, I want you to do little pushes, Y/N. This is going to help her body slide out.”
With a nod, she waited patiently for another contraction to hit. As much as she wanted the pain to stop, she was determined to push through to see her baby. San’s baby. Their baby.
San kissed Y/N’s forehead and whispered, “You can do it, honey.”
Another contraction hit, and Y/N proceeded with the little pushes she was instructed to do. Were they painful? Absolutely. Was Y/N determined? Big yes. She was over being pregnant and ready to see her child.
“There she is!” San cheered as the doctor placed something on Y/N’s chest. She had done it. She had a baby. Her hands immediately held her little daughter’s body.
Newborn cries rang in Y/N’s ears, and she couldn’t stop herself from sobbing out of happiness. San was smiling so much that his dimples seemed to grow deeper than the Dead Sea. His eyes began to water, the joy of his child’s birth beginning to consume him.
“She’s so beautiful,” he sobbed. His lips placed a proud kiss on his wife’s forehead just before he was able to cut the umbilical cord.
After getting to hold Y/D/N, the new mom was treated for post-partum, and Y/D/N was taken to be weighed, measured, and examined by the pediatrician. San watched over his little girl as her health was checked and documented. She did squirm and let out a few cries here and there, but he was reassured that she was getting used to not having amniotic fluid in her respiratory system.
As soon as she was bundled up, San finally got to hold his daughter for the first time. He made sure to sit as he noticed Y/N looking nervous as if he would drop his baby.
“I’ve got her,” he reassured his wife.
Y/D/N began to squeal again.
“Feisty, aren’t you, princess?” he joked as Y/D/N continued her cries and he gently stroked her little head.
“San,” Y/N chuckled. “They’re only her first cries.”
“What? She moved a lot when she was in you.”
Y/N just rolled her eyes and chuckled.
San shushed and cooed Y/D/N until she was calm again. Sitting in the chair next to his wife’s hospital bed, he snuggled their little daughter close to his heart.
“I forgot to tell you who I am, princess,” he cooed at Y/D/N. “I’m your daddy. I’m the one who sang to you at night when you were in Mommy’s belly, and I’ll sing to you every night. Well, until you get tired of it.”
He kissed his baby’s tiny forehead before whispering, “I love you, little princess.”
Tagging: @actuallythatwaspromise​ @a-tiny-8iny​ @yayhei​ @barsformars​ @cosmixity​ @floraisann​ @yeaimfishboi​ @sweetheart--sannie
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Devil’s Bargain - Part 4 – When the devil smiles
Summary: Getting the job as Jared Padalecki’s assistant was a dream coming true until you woke up in a living nightmare. He’s angry, selfish and possessive. The worst of all - his anger is focused on you. Quitting your job was your only way out - only it wasn’t the end of your nightmare…
Pairing: Jared Padalecki x Reader
Warnings: angst, language, Jared is a douche and worse, dominant Jared, a hint of bratty/feisty reader, tension, a hint of making-out?, fake dating, sexual harassment (not Jared), violence
PLEASE BE AWARE THIS IS A FANFIC. For the sake of the fic he’s single and an asshole.
Devil’s Bargain Masterlist
On the plane, you try to make yourself as small as possible, not wanting to catch your boss’s attention. Jared, on the other hand, is determined to correct your behavior.
“Stop that right now. The stewardess will bring you your food, Y/N. You don’t need to help her. Sit and look pretty, if you can do so.” Jared smirks as you are close to wrapping your hands around his throat.
“I’m not used to fly first class. I just wanted to help her. She looks so stressed out and…” One long finger pressed against your lips Jared leans closer. His lips only inches from your ear he hums.
“I said be silent. Do I need to put you over my lap and spank this cute ass or will you be my good girl for the rest of the flight? I don’t want to ruin your panties right now. Maybe later.” Jared smirks while you pant against his finger.
You hate your body; hate you are reacting to his dominant behavior, but you can’t help yourself close to the handsome devil. Jared acts like he isn’t affected by the way your chest heaves up and down or the smell of your shampoo.
Truth is he’s close to combust every time you look up at him with those doe eyes. Feeling your lips pressed against his finger doesn’t help either. Before he knows what he’s doing the swipes his finger over your lips, forcing entrance to your mouth.
Jared can feel your tongue swipe over his finger, and you are sure he let out a deep growl but the stewardess asks if you want a warm towel and the spell is broken.
“Thank you, but I don’t need anything.” You try but Jared shakes his head.
“My girl needs a warm towel, something to drink and our food takes too long. I paid for first-class service, not economy class.” Jared let out his inner jerk and you sigh heavily, mouthing an apology to the friendly stewardess.
“Ass…” You whisper but Jared heard the word leaving your lips and you are sure he will give you a snarky comment, but he shrugs before his lips peck your cheek and you freeze, Jared does the same.
Clearing his throat, he tries to hide the shock. Why did he do this? Why is he losing control close to you?
“We should get used to touching each other during the weekend. Holding hands and stuff. My friends will check if we are a pair to make sure they don’t need to set me up with that girl.” Jared tries to find an excuse for the kiss, but he can’t convince himself right now.
“I’m not an escort.” Cursing you glare at your boss, trying to ignore the tingling in your body caused by the look he’s giving you.
“You are my girlfriend this weekend. I will not touch you unless it’s needed. Now shut these pretty lips and give me a break. Having you around is exhausting for sure.” Jared closes his eyes as you take the hot towel out of the stewardesses’ hands only to drop it onto your boss’s lap.
“Fuck…sorry.” Grabbing the towel, you don’t just grab the towel and Jared pants heavily. Your hand is around his painfully hard cock and you look at him in shock and even fear.
“I said we shall touch each other during the weekend, not start right now. Jesus, you are grabby for sure. I think we should talk about a few rules at the hotel.” Jared smirks as you still didn’t take off your hand off his dick.
“I…uh…sorry…so sorry…” Face on fire you look at your hand, realizing you are still squeezing Jared’s cock.
Letting go as if you just burned your hand you hide your face in the palms of your hands. This will be a nightmare for sure. How can you accidentally touch your boss?
The ride to the hotel is awkward, silent and you are sure your boss hates you even more since the incident on the plane. You don’t know Jared is turned on beyond repair and has nothing else in mind than getting into the shower to jerk off, imaging your hand around his dick.
“This will never happen again.” You stammer, along with apologies. “This…”
“What will never happen again, Y/N? You get off using my face or you touching me?” Jared is back to business and you purse your lips, ready to talk back but he leans closer, giving you a dirty grin. “I think you owe me one. I will decide when I touch you…”
“What?” Gasping you try to protest but Jared gets out of the car, leaving you stunned behind.
You don’t know how much time passed before your brain started to function again. All you know is that the moment you left the car a paparazzi took pictures of you following Jared toward the hotel.
“Great, Y/N. Now we will be all over the media. I can’t…” Cursing Jared grabs your hand to drag you into the hotel. “Two rooms are a waste now. I guess we need to share one or my friends will become suspicious.”
Dumbfounded you follow Jared into the hotel, not even hearing the receptionist hands him the key to his reserved room. All you heard was Jared wants you to share a room with him this weekend.
Hours later you stand in the bedroom, looking at the huge bed. Only one bed…great. Your lower lip trapped between your teeth you grab a pillow and blanket before you wander toward the couch.
For sure you will not sleep in the same bed as your boss, the devil himself. Worse enough you accidentally touched him and got off imagining his handsome face.
“What do you think you are doing?” Jared already changed into his suit while you are standing in the room, glancing at your makeshift bed on the couch.
“I prepared a bed for me as I don’t know how long you want to stay at the party, Sir.” Acting professional you glance at the way too short dress in his hands.
“I see.” Chuckling Jared hands you the dress and killer heels. Don’t you worry, my friends invited us to sleep in their guest room. It’s a nice and cozy room.” Now you can see an odd expression on his face before you glance at the dress.
“I…what?” Blinking a few times, you barely feel Jared’s hands wrap around your arms to force you to look up at him.
“You will wear this dress, makeup, and heels. I want you to pin up your hair. I like to see a woman’s neck; my friends know that.”
Jared lies straight to your face but your brain still tries to process you will have no other choice than sleeping with your boss in one bed.
For two hours Jared pretends for his friends you are a pair, acts like he’s a ray of sunshine. One of his large hands always rests at your hip or gently strokes your back.
If you didn’t know he’s the devil and a sadistic asshole you could believe Jared is a nice guy. Wondering if this is all an act or if it’s you bring the monster out you watch Jared talk to a little girl, one of his friend’s daughter.
“We are glad Jared found you, Y/N. Sorry for trying to set him up with a girl. Since the bad break-up, we were worried about our friend. He was silent, tried to hide all the time and barely talk to anyone else than Jensen.” Lorene explains as you are engrossed in watching Jared playing airplane with the little girl.
In another world you could imagine Jared as a great father and partner, maybe he is, with someone else than you around. Nodding you try to hide the frown on your face the moment Jared’s eyes harden as he watches you talking to Lorene.
“Jared is a nice guy.” Almost choking on your words, you look away when Jared strides toward you. “Our relationship is brand-new so I barely…” Trailing off you try to find the right words, but Lorene pats your shoulder, smiling.
“I can assure you, Y/N, the look Jared gives you when he believes no one is looking is more than full of love. We haven’t seen him that relaxed in ages. Whatever you are doing, it’s perfect.” Leaving you alone, dumbfound and stunned Lorene nods at Jared, saying something you can’t understand.
While Jared talks to Lorene you grab a drink, hoping the burning liquid will make you relax but nothing seems to calm your nerves these days.
“Who do we have here? Such a pretty girl all alone at this boring party?” Justin, another friend of Jared slurs and you need to take a step back as he smells like he bathed into booze.
“I’m waiting for Jared, my boyfriend.” Justin is unimpressed, if anything he steps closer, even tries to touch your face but you flinch away. “I don’t like foreign man touching me. I told you I’m here with Jared.”
Justin is giving you a dirty grin, not caring Jared is your boyfriend. “Jared likes to share his flings, bitch. Do you believe you are special? He brings a new girl to every party and shares her with me. Or rather he hands me the leftovers when he gets bored.” Justin tries to touch you again and this time you slap his hand away.
“I told you to not touch me! I don’t care if Jared shared other girls with you, but I’m not a whore nor a hooker. Get lost or I will hurt you.” Beyond angry you hold back the tears as you storm past Jared, ignoring his friends calling your name.
Jared is running after you, calling your name but you take off your heels to toss them at him before you try to get away from him but he’s way faster.
“Why don’t you do your job?” Jared barks and you turn around, not caring he can see the tears.
“Is my job to fuck your friends? I bear your behavior and do my job, even came here to lie to Lorene and the others but I’m not a hooker, Jared. How could you..? Do you have no shame? How many assistants did you bring here to force them to let your friend touch them?” Sniffling you wrap your arms around yourself.
“What did he say?” Clenching his jaw Jared looks down at you and for the first time, he feels uncomfortable. “I asked you a question!”
“He tried to touch me! I told him I’m here with you and he said you bring girls to every party and after you get bored he can have the leftovers. Disgusting, that’s what you are. Jensen was right about you…” Angrily balling your hands into fists you almost overhear the apology leaving Jared’s lips.
“I didn’t bring you here for…Jesus, I’m not a pimp, okay. Justin tends to drink too much and tries to hit on every girl. I’ll talk to him. Put your shoes back on and follow me.” Jared waits for you as you take the shoes out of his hands to lead you back toward the party.
Lorene is worriedly looking at you as Jared storms toward Justin, yelling at his friend. All you hear is Justin calling you are a whore and then Jared’s fist collides with his friend’s face.
Shocked you try to drag Jared off the drunk man but your boss is beyond mad. Someone tried to touch you, tried to touch what he knows is his.
“Jared…please. Jared…Baby…” Gasping you grab his arm to drag him away before he can hit Justin again. Your eyes meet Jared’s and oddly he smiles at you before he cups your cheek to capture your lips in a soft kiss.
Stunned and frozen to the spot you let him slip his tongue in and his arms wrap around your body. “She’s mine. No one touches what’s mine.” Jared drags you into the house to make sure none of his friends can hear you.
“Never stray too far away from me again or anyone will believe you are a hooker.” The devil is back right when you believed the smile and the kiss were genuine Jared shows his true nature.
“Yes, Sir…” Turning on your heels you can’t see Jared’s features soften at the memory you calling him Baby. It was a natural reaction, it was real…A smile crosses his face once again, but he shakes it off.
Weakness is not an option after all…
Devils Bargain Tags
@bitchwhytho, @babygirls-fav, @the-soulofdevil, @albinotigerpython, @squirrelnotsam, @i-am-a-mes, @aubageddon91
SPN Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom, @thewinchesterco, @hobby27, @kittycatlover18, @gh0stgurl, @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana31, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt, @katpatrova17, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @flamencodiva, @echoesofpassion, @cocklesbelli, @voltage-my2dlove, @fandom-princess-forevermore @thenamelesschibi, @lauravic, @fandomsrourlives, @wittysunflower, @drakelover78, @lemondropirwin, @lonewolf471, @wronglanemendes, @spnhollis, @void-imaginations, @jay-and-dean, @shatteredabby, @juniorhuntersam, @helpmeluci, @neii3n, @goodgodimaweirdperson, @alltimesamantha, @chonisberonica, @supernaturalonice, @stuckys-whore, @shadowkat-83 @officialmarvelwhore, @wecantgiggleitsafandom, @meganywinchester, @shikshinkwon, @miraclesoflove, @yolobloggers, @lu-sullivan, @maniacproffesor, @hollymac79, @straycuties9, @kayla-2000, @ilovefanfic86, @gracefultrenchcoat494, @babygirls-fav, @sadn0va, @spnwoman, @amiquette, @linki-locks11, @geekofmanyforms, @eggingamazinglove, @jessica-marsh09, @spnficgirl, @shut-themoonscone, @thequeenreaders, @countrygal17a, @kteelou, @soryuwifeyxx, @kricketc28, @heartislubbingdubbing, @atomicfandombomb, @defenderrosetyler, @shortwinchester, @maybesomedaygayyyy, @tmiships4life, @deanmonandnegansbitch, @exo-nova, @the-chocolate-moose, @laxe-from-outer-space, @sabascio, @that-place-called-middle-earth, @the-broken-angel-13, @bunnybaby89, @pandabiiissh​, @maddiedott​, @fandom-imagines1, @lilulo-12​, @theoneandonlymelol​, @mblaqgi​, @differentstudentrunaway-e70bf763, @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel
Sam/Jared Forever Tags
@moosekateer13, @thevelvetseries
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hello! Can I get a matchup please? I’m an Aries and I will most certainly not hesitate to kill someone if they deserve it and will speak my mind whether people like it or not. I hate routines, they bore me. I’m impatient and short tempered and I hate being tied down or told what to do. I love reading, listening to music, receiving attention & affection or if i feel like it, going out with my friends. I also love taking on leadership roles and being challenged since I’m very competitive. Tysm! 💞
Match up
Hi there love! Thank you so much for the request! Sorry for taking sooooooo long! I hope you enjoy it dear!❤
So I match you with………………………………. Nobunaga
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Oh, you definitely entered into Azuchi with a bang. From the moment you enter the palace, it was evident that you were not happy with being hunted down and caught. You walked into the room, and all eyes were now turned to the strange lady who had saved their lord from the fire. He summoned you to come closer to him. You narrowed your eyes and moved slightly closer, you knew one thing was for sure, and that was that you were not ganna take this man or any other man in this room’s crap. Your death stared Nobunaga. You were having a particularly bad day that day and being sent back in time, and now standing in a room full of strangers was making it worse by the second. Nobunaga, in his usual arrogant voice, proclaimed that you were to be an Oda princess. Like hell, you thought, no way are you ganna be some prissy princess, you were born to lead. You legit told him exactly how you felt, you told him you are not the type of girl who is just ganna sit still and look pretty all day. 
Nobunaga was sooooo amused by you, very few in his lifetime have had the balls to challenge him. And yet here you are guns blazing. The two of you looked at each other challenging, almost fighting for dominance. Finally, after a few moments, Nobunaga smirked at you and then decided to make you the castle new Chatelaine. You couldn’t help the corners of your mouth curling up into a small smile.
You had been so focused on Nobunaga that you had forgotten you were in a room filled with warlords. Who now were each started teasing you in their own way, for being so feisty. Well, all except Hideyoshi. This boy was fuming, if looks could kill you would be dead ten times over. Nobunaga now stood in front of you and started twirling a strand of your hair between his fingers. Hideyoshi finally snapped when you “playfully” swatted Nobunaga’s hand away. Hideyoshi drew his sword and had it at your throat, spitting out threats. What he didn’t expect was that you would stand up for yourself and bark out some warnings of your own. TBH Masamune and Ieyasu had to pull the two of you apart cause things were escalating a little too fast. Nobunaga watched the whole scene unfold, wearing the most delightful grin. He could tell that the fireball which he had stumbled on was going to be a lot of fun
You literally challenged Nobunaga every chance you could get. Mind you not that it was intentional, it’s just you hated having someone tell you what to do. You worked in your own time and at your own pace. Somedays, you would clean the castle and stay up late in the night to perform your duties, while other days, you would be up at the crack of dawn delivering messages. You basically got scolded every day by Mamayoshi for not following the set routine. Not that you cared; you honestly hated routine, and you wanted to do things when you felt like doing them. After a while, the people of Azuchi got used to your strange way of thinking and working. No one could fault you on your work or performance as often it was to such a good standard, that you would put those around you to shame. 
You had slowing started making friends with the Oda warlords, and was even invited to their manors for tea on occasion. Nobunaga was especially fond of you. Since working as Chatelaine, you had brought a different kind of energy into the castle, and his sights were now set on you. He summoned you to his room as he does, and before he could use that classic come to bed with me line, you spotted his Go board and pieces. You smiled at him and challenged him to a game. Even though you lost your competitive nature, pushed you to challenge him to a rematch, and so your weekly tournaments of Go started. The two of you got to know each other pretty well through these Go games, and you had low key come to enjoy Nobunaga’s company.
One day you were chilling in war council as you do, when Nobunaga announced that you were to join him on the battlefield to bring him luck and favor with the gods. Cue you literally refusing. “you will come along fireball, end of discussion,” “well, I refuse,” cue Hideyoshi losing his shit. At the end of the day, there was no getting out of the inevitable as you were now sitting on Nobunagas horse marching to the battleground. The two of you conversed in some light conversation, and you couldn’t help but feel yourself relax. Even though Nobunaga was stubborn and commanding at times, you still felt yourself drawn to him. You really enjoyed being challenged and the competitive banter the two of you would engage in at times.
Once you reach the campsite, you decided to take charge of the medical tent. The battle was underway, and you worked hard every day to patch up the injured. In the evenings, you would sit with the Oda force by the campfire and laugh at the funny stories they told.  As the battle progressed, things started looking worse and worse for the Oda forces; they were now facing two threats at the same time. You had only realized the severity of the situation when Mitsunari rode back to camp with his troop. He was severely injured and could barely stand up straight. His troops were now stuck without a commander to lead them into battle, and you truly knew how adverse the consequences of this were. You used to half and half-listen to battle strategies, and you knew Mitsunari played a vital role in the successful execution of these strategies, especially in this battle. 
You were determined and ready, you loved your new friend and would do anything for them. You always fancied taking up the leadership role, so you decided to hand over your duties as head doctor/nurse and mounted up onto Mitsunaris horse. You had already earned your title as princess and Mitsunaris people always adored you, so when you declared that you were going to lead them into battle, they were all too happy but to follow the fireball princess. You gave your best speech and battle cry and was now charging full speed onto the battlefield. You remembered from the many discussions that Mitsunari’s unit was Nobunaga’s backup. You rode, and your blood froze when you saw the sight in front of you. Nobunaga was heavily outnumbered and was also pretty severely injured. You wasted no time as you rode to join his unit, to even out the playing field, barking out orders and treating the whole ordeal like a game of chess or Go. The tide had turned, and thanks to you, and your fearless leadership, the advantage was now back with the Oda forces. The battle ended in the Oda’s being victorious.
You and Nobunaga rode back to camp, with the cheers of the army behind you. The second you got to camp, you commanded Nobunaga to come with you so you could patch him up. You could see the idiot was trying to hide his pain and injury from his troops. As you cleaned and bandaged the wound, you couldn’t help but feel your heartache a little, it hurt to see someone you love so much injured so badly. After you dressed his wound, the two of you now sat in silence. Nobunaga was the first to break it thanking you for your quick thinking and bravery. He had long ago fallen in love with you, and the concept of love, in general, was kind of new to him, so his words came out a bit clumsy. He cupped your cheeks and looked you dead in the eyes and finally confessed his love. You couldn’t help but chuckle a little at his clumsy words and a slight blush spread across his cheeks. You were but all too happy to return the feelings with a sweet kiss.
Since that day, you were known as the fearless princess, the goddess of victory, a true fireball, and lucky charm to all. Nobunaga honestly loved and adored you so much. He would shower you with affection from the moment the sun rises to the moment it set. He loved that you kept him on his toes and wasn’t afraid to challenge him. You were a truly amazing woman, and he had no problem proclaiming this to all he meets, he would often say that you are his queen, and equal ruling the world by his side.
The two of you can often be found simply spending time with one another. Nobunaga spends every moment of his free time with you. He loves to hold you in his arms and shower you with kisses. You really enjoy sitting on his lap with your head resting on his chest while he is working. During this time, you would usually just sit and read, occasionally dropping a small kiss on his jaw.
Other potential matches...................... Masamune
I hope you enjoyed it, love! And I hope you are staying safe and well! ❤🥰
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Hi there, sweetie! Can I ask for La Sq with a S/o that has a smaller Stand compared to the rest? Like Tusk act 1 or SexP, and when they laugh at it the Stand sweeps the floor with them like nothing XD. Yes, it's smoll, yes it's 'Cute' but can kick your ass before you can even call your own Stand. 🤣🤣🤣 (I love smoll Stands)
Hellooooo, honey~ Y E A H, smol stands rights!! Small and cute but feral, love it 💛 Let’s gooooo!
La Squadra di Esecuzione with a s/o who has a small (but powerful) stand
(Under the cut for length!)
Risotto Nero
Risotto knows that the size of a stand doesn’t determine their strength, as his Metallica proves. Small stands can be lethal, he knows really well! Still, he’s curious about his s/o’s small stand. It’s not as small as Metallica, but it seems almost… harmless? Even so, Metallica too could seem cute, in a certain way -to his s/o, especially-, so… who can say what their stand can actually do, even if it’s so small and apparently innocent?
He has the proof of it when they were on mission against another group of stand users. He was dealing with his part of the group, leaving to his s/o the rest. When they called out their small stand, their opponents just started to laugh, mocking the tiny stand who was nestled on its user’s shoulder. Risotto’s s/o almost laughed with them, before their stand charged at fast speed, piercing them all in one, smooth move, fastly going back to nestle again on their shoulder. Risotto saw it all and couldn’t repress the surprise: their stand is really a feisty little thing! Oh, he knew it, he knew it was something more, something like his Metallica… knowing his s/o, he was expecting something like this, and indeed! He’s so proud of them and their ferocious stand. Absolutely worth of the Squadra Esecuzioni!
In any case, their stand likes Risotto. With him they’re good and quiet, nestling on his shoulder, under his hat, where it can catch more warmth; it almost doesn’t seem possible that such a docile and little stand could kill a bunch of enemies in matter of seconds. It’s even more subtle than his Metallica! And he loves it. He loves so much their stand.
The Grateful Dead is a stand frankly terrifying, both for its power and its appearance and Prosciutto takes pride in it. Stands are made to fight, his is also made to scare the shit out his enemies before killing them off. If someone is in an assassin squad, it’s normal and right, for him, to have a scary-like stand; so he heavily underestimates his s/o’s one, judging it too small and nice-looking to be the stand of an assassin.
Oh, he never was so wrong. His s/o’s stand can be little, but it’s absolutely not harmless! And he has the proof of it when, while they were on mission together, his Grateful Dead’s effect was neutralized by an enemy stand. And now what to do? He heavily relies on his stand’s power. Without that, they’re heavily disadvantaged! He, however, hasn’t considered his s/o’s stand, that, now, it’s wrapped around their hand; seeing that they’re cornered, they release it. Their enemies, as much as Prosciutto, underestimate their stand, laughing at it, right before coughing out blood. Prosciutto’s s/o’s stand is tiny, but strong! A hit is enough to throw them on the ground, one by one, to Prosciutto’s utter shock. What the hell?!
That encounter serves as lesson to Prosciutto: never underestimate a tiny stand. They can be even worse than big stands, since they’re subtle! His s/o can be sure that, from that day on, their boyfriend will definitely appreciate more their little, cute and lethal stand.
Pesci hasn’t the heart to mock their stand, even if he finds it, uhm… cute? Maybe too cute for an assassin? Still, his stand is a fishing pole, a lot of people underestimate his Beach Boy too due to its shape. Still, Pesci never made fun of their stand but, when they were on mission, he always tended to take them behind, in an unspoken fear that their stand was as soft as it seemed and couldn’t protect them as it should.
And it was the total opposite! It didn’t happen on mission, but while they were coming back home from a nice night date, a group of drunkards surrounded them. Pesci could just fight physically, since his Beach Boy was too lethal -and could attack just one target per time- and he didn’t want to shed blood; it wasn’t worth it. And here his s/o’s stand came out, quietly sitting on their head, looking at the drunkards with placid small eyes. Pesci is ready to charge and defend his s/o, but they place a hand on his arm, saying him to “just wait”. And, after a second, their stand is going in total berserk mode, shoving the drunkards on the ground. Blood and teeth are flying everywhere, to Pesci’s utter dismay. Their stand… their stand is a tank!!
This teaches Pesci to properly respect his s/o’s stand not only ‘cause it’s his s/o’s stand, but also for its strength. It looks cute and it’s pretty cuddly, both with his s/o and him, yes, but it’s also madly strong and, he has to admit, absolutely suited for their life! Now he knows that his s/o can defend themselves, with a stand like that!
Formaggio knows how it feels to have your stand mocked for being “useless”, but this doesn’t stop him from making some jokes on his s/o’s stand. Nothing offensive, something like “you look too cute to kill someone, little one” while his s/o’s stand is nestling on his hand, or “how are you going to kill your targets, with your cuteness?” while he’s shamelessly cuddling it.
Truth is, his s/o’s stand is more than just a cute little thing! And he proves it on his skin when, during a mission, he found himself unable to go back to his size, after he shrunk himself down in order to kill one of their targets, due to an enemy stand’s work. His s/o’s stand is small enough to be able to rescue him and, while it’s far from its user, it shows an incredible strength, knocking down the second target -the one whose stand was messing with Little Feet’s powers-. Once back to his usual size and killed off the target, Formaggio goes back to his s/o, their stand placidly nestled on his shoulder, as always. His face is full of amazement! He never imagined that a so small and quiet stand could be so powerful! Like, Metallica is creepy, but his s/o’s one not even that!
Formaggio learns not to brush off any small stand, from this experience, especially his s/o’s one! Now he’ll be careful even around the cutest stands: they can be as lethal as Metallica or White Album, they’re just more subtle!
Melone’s curiosity extends also on his s/o’s stand. How dare it to look so cute? He wants to cuddle it all day -with his s/o-! But he knows that their stand can’t be just cute… what powers does it hide? He wants to find it out! He knows that small doesn’t mean less power, in a stand… just look at their Capo’s stand! Literally small iron beans that could bring out scissors from your throat! Maybe his s/o’s stand has a similar power? He wants to know!
And so he proposes his s/o to do some tests, using his Babyface’s sons. He creates a couple of them and asks them to call out their stand and make it fight with his stand’s spawns. They’re a bit baffled, but Melone seemed confident about it, so let it be, they thought, calling out their tiny stand. It stood on their shoulder for a bit, just watching Babyface’s spawns and how they menacingly neared more and more its user, and, when they were near enough, it charged, fast and strong. Melone watched with widened eyes as the stand showed a strength way superior to its size and appearance, swiping the spawns off their feet and hitting them again and again and again ‘till making them a pulp. Melone shivered imagining this happening to a target.
He knew it! Their stand was awesome as he thought! And how could be otherwise? His s/o is amazing, it’s logic that their stand is so too! Still, he’s way more relieved, now. Now he has the certain proof that their stand is strong enough to protect them when he’s not here to do so! It’s a big weight lifted from his heart.
His s/o’s stand’s true potential is something missed in his files. He knows almost everything about them, but this… he doesn’t know it. And this pisses him off a little. They’re his s/o, this is his s/o’s stand, the manifestation of their soul, how can he not know what it can do?! It bugs him to no end, while he let it hide in his hair and play with his pigtails. Gosh, he loves that tiny, cute stand. It’s so adorable. But… can it be also dangerous? Is it just a cutie-cute stand or it’s more like Metallica, hiding a brutal destructive force? He has to know, for his sanity.
And the moment comes when a simple reconnaissance mission becomes a killing one. He and his s/o had just to observe the target from the mirrors, learning their habits and usual routes and then refer everything to Risotto, but one of the target’s bodyguards was a stand user and not a random stand user: their stand could mess with mirror and, so, with Illuso’s Man in the Mirror. Before they could retreat, they’re cornered; at this point, Illuso’s s/o calls out their stand, so meek, so cute to make laugh all the bodyguards. Really, a so little stand against all theirs? It must be a joke. The infamous Squadra Esecuzioni has fallen so low, so? But, before they can say something else, here their stand strikes, hitting powerfully all the opponents and making them fall on their knees, wheezing. It’s a matter of seconds both to Illuso and his s/o to finish off them and also the target. Illuso now stares at his s/o’s stand, all quiet and apparently docile on their shoulder. This was really a surprise…
Finally, Illuso can complete his s/o’s file, adding the informations about their stand. Aside from the personal satisfaction of having completed a file, he’s also relieved to know that their stand, even if small and cute, can defend them and more!
Ghiaccio has no qualms to say that he thinks that their stand is absolutely not shaped for their work. C’mon, look at it! It’s small, it’s cute, it’s even too docile and cuddly… it’s like throwing an indoor cat among a group of lions! It could never survive among them! He doesn’t mock them, but is he perplexed? A lot. He doesn’t let them do anything during missions, ‘cause he doesn’t think their stand can actually do something, aside being cute. And this pisses his s/o off. A lot.
And so they decide to act! A challenge between him with his White Album on and their stand, to show him that their stand is not just a cute little thing like he thinks. Ghiaccio huffs at this “challenge”, accepting it -’cause if he’s challenged, he can’t say no, they know it-, calling out White Album, being enveloped in the cat-like suit. They call out their stand too and, even before Ghiaccio could huff at their meek and innocent appearance, the stand flew like a bullet towards him, hitting him rightly in the stomach. Even if he has White Album on, he feels the impact, bending over with a wheezed growl. What the hell?! How could a thing so little being so strong?! He can’t breath. He knows that, without White Album, he would have been dead. And this shocks him.
Ghiaccio is not going to forget soon what happened. It’s both a blow on his pride and a lesson: never underestimate a stand and never think to be above everything -and everyone- else! All in all, he has to thank his s/o for it: it’s an useful humility lesson!
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xmarveled · 5 years
She’s Mine II
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Thor Odinson
Part 1
Summary: One is a super soldier. The other is a god. They both want you. You can only have one.
Request: The love of my life @bxcksdoll gave me this idea.❤️
Warnings: Violence, maybe even a little gore. Sexual assault. Language. ANGST.
A/N: Okay, I wasnt originally planning on continuing this, but I’ve gotten so much unexpected love over “She’s Mine” so I’m continuing it! :)) theres gonna be a lot of canon infrequencies, so bear with me. Thank you so much for everyone who reads my fics, likes, comments and reblogs. It really makes my day! I love you guys so much.😘❤️ If you want to request an Avenger x Reader, feel free to drop an ask, leave a comment below or send me a message! ^^
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“What do you mean she’s gone?” Demands Steve.
“She-she was taken.” Steve met Tony’s eyes, and for the first time since he met the man, saw fear in his eyes. Pure, undiluted terror. It was bad. Really bad.
“Who?” Croaks out Thor, letting go of Steve to slump down against the wall.
“The Winter Soldier.”
Steve’s world stopped, restarted again, than came to a crashing halt. He could hear people already him yelling and someone was shaking his arm, but he felt as if he was underwater, unable to breath, unable to do anything as he drowned. He almost hit rock bottom when he a sudden shock of electricity went through his body, startling him out of his daze.
“Captain!” Steve looked through blurry vision to see Thor shaking his shoulders. “Rogers!”
Slowly, Steve sat up. “Are you sure?” He choked out.
“Positive.” Responded Tony. “He took her about 20 minutes ago. About a mile away from the compound.”
“Where-where is he now?” Asked Thor.
Tony sighed. “I-we don’t know. Jarvis is trying to track him right now but... it might be a couple hours before we know.”
A fist slammed into the table, making everyone in the room jump. “A couple hours!?” Yelled Thor. “You have all the best tech in the world and it’ll take you hours to find them!? She could be dead by then!”
Bruce walked up behind him and put a hand on Thor’s shoulder. “It’s not his fault man.”
“Damn right it’s not his fault.” Wanda hissed, gesturing at Steve and Thor. “It’s theirs. If they hadn’t been such assholes and put Y/N’s happiness before their little pissing contests, Y/N would still be here.”
“Guys please...” Said Nat, rubbing her closed eyes. “We’re all partly to blame, maybe some more than others but... arguing about whose fault it is isn’t going to help, its not going to bring Y/N back. We should all get ready so when Jarvis finds her, we can leave right away.”
The rest of the team left the room, but even after their shadows dissapered, Wanda’s words still rang out across the empty ballroom. “If you loved her, her happiness would be what matters the most.”
Y/N woke up in a dark room, hands and legs bound to your bed. The dull ache in your arm has grown into full blown searing pain and you almost whimpered through the gag in your mouth. Your head shot up as the door to the room opened, revealing a man in a lab coat accompanied by another masked man with a metal arm.
“Ah! Ms. Y/N. You’re awake! How are you feeling?” The man in the lab coat sat down on the bed next to you. You shot him a glare that could freeze the Sahara desert, wishing that you had your guns right now so that you can tear this man apart, slowly.
The man chuckled. “A feisty one isn’t she?” He asked the man besides him. There was no answer. “I am Dr. Schröder, and I must say, I’ve been looking forward to meeting you for a while.”
His fingers started tracing your thigh and you tried to bite down the revulsion rising in your chest. “You are, a very, very beautiful woman Y/N. What do you say that we have some fun?” He removed your gag, waiting for your response.
You look up at him seductively and say “sorry, but I actually have standards.” The smile on his face instantly disappeared and his palm sent your neck to the side, the ring he was wearing leaving a bloody trail on your cheek.
Undeterred, you look back up at him. “Oh I’m sorry, did my honesty inconvenience your ego?” The doctor’s face turned red, and he pushed the gag back into your mouth. “Oh you’re gonna regret that bitch.” He got up from the bed and shuffled through his suitcase.
When he finally turned around, your heart dropped to your feet. There wasn’t a knife in his hands, as you had expected. No, it was so much worse than that. It was a syringe.
You started struggling on the bed, trying to escape your restraints. As he approached, you started yelling, screaming for someone, anyone to help you. You shouted at the brunette, still standing in the corner and he turned towards you with a blank expression on his beautiful, almost angelic face. As the doctor subdued you and placed the syringe on your neck, your last thought was “his eyes are so blue.”
“We’ve located them.” Yelled Tony, rushing into the hanger.
Thor stood up so quickly that he almost knocked Bruce down. “Where are they?”
“A abandoned storage unit in Vermont.” Replied Tony. “With the Quinjet, it should take us about 20 minutes to get there.” The rest of the team, all geared up to the max, rushed into the quinjet, not wanting to waste a single second of time. Too much time has passed already. You’ve been gone for almost 12 hours.
Inside the quinjet, Thor found Steve sitting in a room alone, head in his hands. Hesitantly, he entered the room and asked the Captain “Are you alright?” Steve choked out a bitter laugh. “Am I alright? The love of my fucking life is gone, maybe dying right now, and you’re asking me if I’m alright?”
Thor looked down at the captain. “You... you love her?”
Steve froze, realizing what he had said. Deflating a little, he admitted “yeah, I do.”
Thor sighed, slumping down onto the couch across from Steve.
“I love her so much, it hurts.” Said Steve. “The way she looks at you... It hurts that she’ll never look at me like that.” He glanced up at Thor. “You were right you know, she does love you more than me.”
To Steve’s surprise, Thor let out a bitter laugh. “You’re the bravest man I’ve ever met Captain, but you can be so blind sometimes. Have you seen the way she looks at you? Every time you enter the room, she lits up. When you two are together, it’s like the rest of the world disappears. The way she laughs at your jokes, the way she blushes when you two accidentally touch... she loves you too.”
Steve’s eyes flash to Thor’s, shocked. “I-don’t lie to me. Does she really?”
With a sad nod, Thor said “She does, Captain. She does.”
Steve hurried his face in his hands and when he sat up, there was a newfound hope shining in his eyes.
“What?” Asked Thor.
“Call me Steve.”
Thor looked at his once sworn-nenemis and a ghost of a smile flited across his face.
“Alright, Steve.”
“Okay team!” Yelled Tony. “Remember, we came here for Y/N and no matter what happens, we’re not leaving without her. Nat, Clint, you’re on the West Wing, me and Bruce will check the East Wing, Wanda, Vision, Rhodey and Sam, get as many guards as you can. No Hydra agent is leaving that building alive today. And you two-” he gestured at Steve and Thor. “You two are going down to the basement. When you find her, get her back on the jet like your life depends on it. Are we clear?”
The rest of the team nodded, grim determination etched into their faces. Every single member of this team loves you like family, and they will do whatever it takes to get you back, even if it means dying themselves.
“Let’s go get our girl.”
Steve and Thor descended into the basement. It was dark and musty, not to mention completely empty. They were just about to head back upstairs when Steve heard the scream. He spun around but found himself face to face with an empty white wall.
“What is it?” Asked Thor.
They waited a few seconds and they heard it again. This time, it was clearer and the blood drained out of both men’s faces. It was your scream.
Both men rushed around frantically, trying to locate where your screaming was coming from. No matter where they searched, they couldn’t find a crack in the floor or a hole in the walls and out of frustration, Steve kicked the wall.
Suddenly, the wall bent backwards, as if doing a summersault and revealed a dark hallway hidden beyond it. Both men rushed through it, only to find another hallway beyond it.
Your screams were getting louder and closer, but not close enough. Steve felt tears drip down his face, the sounds of pain he’s never heard you make breaking his heart. They rounded a final corner, and the sight before them sent both men down to their knees.
You were on the floor, cheeks streaked with a mixture of blood and tears and mouth open in a scream. A masked man was holding your buckling form down. A masked man Steve knew too well.
“Stop right there!” Hissed the masked man, the Winter Soldier.
Steve let out a sob as Y/N screamed again, voice so full of pain and anguish that Steve had to block his ears. “What have you done?” He roared, advancing on the man.
“I said, stop right there!” Yelled the man, pulling a knife out to rest against your neck. “If you take one more step, I will kill her.”
“Please...” gasped out Steve and the man moved the knife so it scratched at the surface of your neck, breaking your delicate skin. “Bucky, please.”
The man froze. “What the hell did you just say?”
“Buck, Bucky please. It’s me, Steve.” Bucky turned and stared at Steve, a glazed look in his eyes. “S-Steve?”
“It’s me buddy. It’s me. Now put the knife down.” Steve said, trying to keep his voice from breaking.
“No-no. They’ll kill me and they’ll kill you too.” Bucky’s fingers started shaking around his knife. “Go, go before they catch you!” He yelled.
“I can’t. Not without her.” Whispered Steve. “Bucky, please.”
A brief look of hesitation passed through Bucky’s eyes before he turned around and sprinted down the hallway into the gloom. Steve ran the rest of the way to Y/N, knees barking when he hit the ground besides her.
“Y/N, oh my god Y/N.” He sobbed.
“Steve...” you whispered, voice hoarse from the screaming.
“I’m here baby, I’m here.” Steve said, gathering you into his arms. “You’re gonna be okay babygirl. I’ve got you.”
You didn’t respond, only coughing into your hands.
“Baby?” Asked Steve, panicking as he saw the blood on your hands.
With the last of your remaining strength, you cough out “I-I love you.” before going limp in Steve’s arms.
Okay... i think i got carried away... That was such a mess omg. Thank you guys for reading!!💛
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