i hate s.eifer a.lmasy so much
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#that was a lie#i need him carnally actually#ahem sorry what HAHAHAHAA#ash rambles 💚#he is so... AHSKHSKAHAKAHSJWJSJAHSJWJSJWHSJQHSNWJRUJWHEJW#i know he's an asshole but shhh he's sooo dreamyyyy!!!!#i don't support the chaining s.quall up and torturing him but um#heck#s.eifer in the mobile games... him always talking about how he wants to be a knight and protect the people he holds dear...#also he's really handsome did i mention that#thank you s.quall soooo much for cutting his face in the intro of the game since that facial scar does him soooo good#ahsjabdnsbdjwhdb i feel like this gush post is all over the place but s.eifer turns me into mush#however my s/i for him is so cool! she's so stylish! and also she has guns! two of them! and lots of earrings and a cool outfit and stuff!!#she's a member of the main party so s.eifer is her enemy for like. the whole game#(but she has a crush on him and her friends tease about it often)#however in the ending cutscene you see them hug! they get together a bit after the game! they have a lot of recovering to do together#considering that they've both been enrolled in Mercenary School since they were very very young-#but heck. i hate him (i really love him so much but i'm stubborn and just saying it makes me smile)#he's handsome and strong... and kind.. actually no he's not#but shhh whatever i love him anyway!! he may be a questionable villain but he's MY questionable villain#also hehe i used tiny s.eifer for this post#look at him. look at how small he is. he's so cute
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batfamfucker · 3 years
We don't appreciate the fact that Bruce Wayne is a Kardasian level celebrity enough. Everyone knows him. I want more one shots and crack fic moments where the League (Pre identity reveals) just openly talk about Bruce Wayne in front of Batman.
Just imagine them playing fuck, marry, kill with famous actors and such and throwing Bruce into the mix. And Batman just sits there, silently suffering as he listens to the reasons why Flash and Lantern would marry, fuck, or kill him. He prays they choose kill. They don't.
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keepersofmyheart · 3 years
B Dylan Hollis greatest one liners warning NFSW
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dykerory · 2 years
sorry but there's simply not a malewife on the level of joel hammond from santa clarita diet. his wife turned into an undead flesh eating monster and he was like sweetie of course i will find people for you to kill and eat. i love you so much. i'm going to go have a panic attack.
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plaguedocboi · 2 years
Do ppl realize that Ebinizer Scrooge isn’t bad because he dislikes Christmas, he’s bad because he’s greedy and selfish and pays his employees poverty wages and has no concern whether other people live or die
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lovely-v · 3 years
Every time Sean Astin makes a statement on whether or not Sam and Frodo were indeed gay for each other in lord of the rings he’s always like “well we have to acknowledge that attitudes around sexuality have changed dramatically over the past several decades and since authorial intent is only up to speculation, the story is open to multiple readings, some of which might have different significances for different groups of people also they kiss on the lips because I said so”
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bastart13 · 3 years
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What I'd give for one of the Cinderella remakes to go into how when you're in an isolated and abusive situation, sometimes you need to be saved and you're not weak if you can't escape by yourself
I've never been a fan of bad faith reinterpretations of fairy tales, especially ones which flatten the originals into "princesses is saved by a prince and nothing else", to then go #girlboss. The princess can save herself because she's a strong female character! (Implying if you're in a bad situation, it's because you're not strong enough to get out)
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sincenewyorks · 2 years
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kakashitting · 3 years
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sasuke in the higher up hokage meetings after naruto pardoned him even though everyone in the village hates his ass making eye contact with shikamaru glaring holes in him across the room
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I’m absolutely obsessed with the reddit side of the Tolkien fandom, in particular, this discussion regarding how Sauron fits the ring on his finger, as well as penile compensation a la Lord Farqaud style
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shattteredvisage · 2 years
marvel only let matt murdock have a two minute cameo in that movie because if he had been in the third act he and andrew's peter would have fallen in love
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chomametchi · 3 years
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hmm it sure is bob, it sure is
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lovely-v · 3 years
I remember reading such a good heartfelt and intellectual essay about how Frodo Baggins is basically a perfect protagonist and it was absolutely correct but the one part I vividly remember is that there was a section about how he was put down a lot when the movies came out because he showed weakness and by 2001 toxic masculinity terms that’s inherently homosexual and the essay went on to be like “if going forward despite your pain and struggle because you’re kind at heart is gay, gay people should be proud to have him” and like I know what the real point here was but when I read that I was like cheers I’ll drink to that bro we gay people ARE proud to have Frodo Baggins
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mellointheory · 3 years
she sneeg on my snag until i sneegsnag
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eijiroukiriot · 3 years
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a small but growing collection
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