#he isn't the step dad he's the dad who stepped. down (he never claimes to be a good dad)
puredoesnotmeankind · 11 months
Pre-BB!Gaius whenever a vampire does some shit: Listen, I put you in this world, and I can take you out of it
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natriae · 1 year
Dad!haikyuu is everything! I imagine Omi being your fake date to a family gathering and he swoons at your interaction with the kids until an auntie shoves a baby in his arms and he’s like UHHHHH 🧍🏻”don’tcrushthisbaby don’tcrushthisbaby” And now everyone including yourself can’t take their eyes off him 😭😭😭😭
warnings: fake dating, fluff, cue flustered kiyoomi
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One month ago Sakusa Kiyoomi took you aside during one of your usual hangouts with Atsumu to ask if you could pretend to be his girlfriend. Your brain told you over and over that this is a terrible idea, but you couldn't help yourself and said yes. Plus, it was one night at his mom's house. You already knew his family it wouldn't be to shocking to see you by Kiyoomi's side.
That's the thing. Your heart strings started to be pulled on the moment the two of you walked through the door and Kiyoomi let out a short, quiet "we're dating now." His mom's only response was to pull you into a hug and explain how she's been waiting forever for this. After greeting the two of you she told everyone the good news.
You felt terribly guilty for lying to her but Sakusa seemed unbothered. Maybe you were just being dramatic about the whole situation.
Somehow mid-way through the night you ended up spending most of your time with Kiyoomi's sister's kids. She was your favorite Sakusa. She also was the only one who knew you had a crush on her brother since middle school. She would help you get pretty for him, but it never worked. She claimed it did, but you never saw any progress. You and the children were in the basement playing with toys while a random kids TV show played in the background. The characters would sing and save the day successfully holding the attention of the youngest Sakusa. She isn't even one yet, but she has the whole family whipped except Kiyoomi of course. For some reason he tries to stay away from her leading you to never actually meeting the little one til today. She was adorable. She'd bounce her arms up and down while babbling to the song. In front of you was her older brother, and Kiyoomi's first nephew. He had toy trucks and a few random characters from animes you know and some you don't. You were helping zoom the cars around the basement, crawling on your knees still you looked up to see Kiyoomi has finally decided to spend time with you. You could have swore you saw his lip twitch before he stepped pass you and sat on the couch switching the TV channel.
Kaia, the youngest, immediately started crying when she couldn't hear the joy of a few cartoon pups saving the day. Quickly you ran over to her picking her up to help calm her down. You lightly bounced her on your hip while giving small shushes to the baby. You walked away from Kiyoomi because your pretty convinced by his actions that he doesn't like children. Which tears a bit of you heart knowing that you always imagined what having kids with him would be like. What a great dad he would be, but that's all in your imagination. The little girl begins to quiet down as you lift her up so she can stuff her head into your neck.
From across the room Kiyoomi watches you calm the baby with a red face. How are you so good at this? He's never seen you with a baby and from what he knows your not an aunt of any sort, unless you count Atsumu's dogs. He finally lets out a small smile as he watches you bring the baby up so she can snuggle into your neck, but as if the gods are against him. You turn around to see him watching you, and you tell the baby with a slight smirk, "baby I think your uncle Kiy wants to apologize," you walk over still holding the baby like a natural. Finally setting her down to crawl over to him on the couch. The older man trys to hold the baby like a puppy. He's never done this before and he's never felt embarrassed in his life. You giggle softly at his nervous face and tell him, "Kiyoomi that's not how you hold a baby," he can barely focus on your words when your giggles are enough for him to worship the group you walk on. He swears he enters heaven the moment he hears that sound. "it's good that your holding her butt but i think she wants to be facing you," You say as you scoot closer and reach to try and show him the proper way.
Kiyoomi leaned back on the couch and attempted to correctly hold the baby on his chest. One hand on her back and the other holding her butt up. As if Kiyoomi was a sleeping pill the little girl immediately closed her eyes and fell asleep on the tall man. "see it's not hard. Do you wanna take her to her momma? She seems sleepy," you said with small smile on your face. Not forgetting the little boy playing behind the couch you glanced over to make sure he was okay. God, Kiyoomi could help but want to ask if you wanted to be a mom right now.
Unmoving Kiyoomi stiffly shakes his head no at the though of having to hold this baby while moving. You srunch your eyebrows together in thought trying to understand why he's so stiff. noticing your confusion he squeaks out, "What if I break her?" and at first you thought he was joking but there was genuine panic in his features. He thought he was this cool collected guy, but you could honestly read him like a book.
"i'll be right here, okay? You're not going to break her," You nodded your head while you spoke to him in the calmest voice you could muster. Slowly he stood up and you redirected his hand so that it held up some of her head too along with her back. "you need to keep her head up. Baby's head's are weak," he nodded his head at your words like they were the gospel. Anything you said he would take it as the truth. If you said it, it was right. Cautiously walking up the steps to the family room. His whole family seems shocked to see the large man holding such a delicate baby. He takes a deep breath while he tries to pass the sleeping girl to his sister.
"whoa, what did you do to her? She never sleeps this heavy." His sister said in shock, "Kiyoomi you need to hold her more often," she continued. Then did you finally take in how red his face was. He was so flustered it was adorable. Quickly you took your phone out and snapped a picture of the boy without his knowledge.
It was late and about everyone at the gathering had left except for Kiyoomi's immediate family. The baby girl was back in your and Kiyoomi's lap trying to decide who she wants to get attention from. You and Kiyoomi were shoulder to shoulder and at one point he brought his arm over to hold you even closer. After falling a few times on Kiyoomi and then gripping his shirt like a life line the little girl turned and crawled into your lap. You let a small Ha at Kiyoomi for her ultimately choosing you, but you take it back once the little girl tried pulling the top of you dress down to get to your boob. Kiyoomi quickly grabs the little girl and she starts crying sad that she didn't get fed. If you heard correctly you swore you heard him tell the little one that you would have milk soon but not now.
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hd-junglebook · 5 months
Little Dove
Quinn Hughes x Reader
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a:n This is part 1 and officially my first ever Quinn Hughes fic, this series will be pretty long since I want to get into the details and emotions. There will be no skimping on details. Not round here partner.
also he looks so good in this gif good god!
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summary: Sometimes Y/N's effort just isn't enough; every attempt seems to be futile and disregarded. The people she calls mom and dad do nothing but disappoint her, brushing her off as an ungrateful child. It seems the only person who can truly see her is Quinn.
Word Count - 4140
The sun had barely begun to peek through the towering skyscrapers of the bustling city as Y/N stepped out of her sleek, black car. Her red bottom heels clicked against the pavement with each confident stride, the sound echoing through the quiet morning air. She adjusted her perfectly tailored skirt, smoothing out any wrinkles that may have formed during her commute.
As she approached the imposing glass doors of her parents' company headquarters, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease.
Despite the success and prestige that came with working for her family's business, Y/N knew deep down that this wasn't her true calling. Nevertheless, she put on a brave face and pushed through the doors, ready to tackle another day.
The security guard, a friendly older gentleman named Frank, greeted her with a warm smile. "Good morning, Miss Y/N," he said, tipping his hat in her direction.
Y/N returned the smile, her red lipstick a striking contrast against her porcelain skin. "Good morning, Frank. I hope you had a lovely weekend," she replied, her voice smooth and polished, befitting her corporate persona.
As she made her way through the spacious lobby, her heels clicked against the polished marble floor, announcing her presence to the few early risers already at their desks. She entered the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor, where her office was located.
Stepping out into the hallway, Y/N was greeted by the sight of her office, its glass walls doing little to provide privacy. The modern, minimalist design was a reflection of her parents' tastes rather than her own. She sighed.
With a deep breath, Y/N pushed open the glass door and entered her office, ready to start another day in a job that left her feeling unfulfilled, yearning for something more.
Y/N settled into her plush, ergonomic chair, the leather cool against her skin. She reached forward and pressed the power button on her sleek, silver computer, watching as the screen flickered to life. The familiar logo of her parents' company appeared, a constant reminder of her obligations and the path she felt pressured to follow.
The computer hummed quietly, Y/N began to sort through the stack of paperwork on her desk. She picked up a folder, her perfectly manicured nails a stark contrast against the crisp, white paper. Just as she was about to open the file, a buzzing sound emanated from her designer purse.
Curiosity piqued, Y/N reached into her bag and retrieved her phone. The screen displayed a new text message, and her heart skipped a beat as she read the name: Quinn. she opened the message.
"Hey princess," the text read, the words both endearing and frustrating.
Y/N sighed, leaning back in her chair as she contemplated her response. Quinn had a way of blurring the lines between playful banter and genuine affection, leaving her constantly questioning the nature of their relationship. His messages were often short and casual, but the term of endearment he used never failed to send a flutter through her chest.
Despite his repeated claims that he wasn't looking for anything serious, Quinn seemed to take pleasure in pushing the boundaries, leaving Y/N in a state of confusion and longing.
She knew she shouldn't let herself get too attached, but there was something about him that drew her in, making it difficult to maintain the emotional distance she knew was necessary.
With another sigh, Y/N set her phone back down on the desk, trying to focus on the task at hand. She knew she needed to establish clearer boundaries with Quinn, but the thought of pushing him away completely left an ache in her heart.
Y/n shook her head, attempting to clear her mind and concentrate on the paperwork before her, even as thoughts of Quinn lingered in the back of her mind.
Y/N's attention was drawn away from her mother's presentation as her phone buzzed once more. She discreetly glanced at the screen under the table, her heart racing as she saw Quinn's name appear again. Her cheeks flushed with a mixture of excitement and guilt as she read his messages.
"I miss you," the first text read, causing a warmth to spread through her chest. Before she could fully process the implications of his words, another message followed: "Are we still good for tmrw?"
Y/N's mind raced as she contemplated her response. She had agreed to go out with Quinn for dinner tomorrow, a decision she had made in a moment of weakness, longing for the thrill of his company.
Now, sitting in the business room with her parents, the reality of her situation came crashing down upon her.
She glanced up, her eyes meeting her father's stern gaze from across the table. He sat in his imposing grey chair, his posture straight and attentive as he listened to Dedra's presentation.
Y/N knew that her parents had high expectations for her, and the thought of disappointing them weighed heavily on her conscience.
As Dedra continued to explain the new company policy, Y/N found it increasingly difficult to focus. Her mind wandered to thoughts of Quinn, the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, and the effortless charm he exuded. She yearned to respond to his messages, to confirm their plans and lose herself in the excitement of their secret rendezvous.
Y/N's heart raced as she quickly typed out her response to Quinn, her fingers flying across the screen. She glanced up every few seconds, ensuring that her parents were still engaged in the presentation. With a final look of determination, she pressed send, a small thrill running through her body.
Almost instantly, her phone buzzed with Quinn's reply. "Wear that red dress I bought you."
Y/N's eyebrows raised in surprise, a smirk playing on her lips as she typed back, "The v neck dress?"
"Yeah, that one."
"I will ;), I have to go back to work, I'll text you later." Y/N sent the message, a giddy feeling bubbling up inside her chest. However, her momentary happiness was short-lived as she felt a sharp kick under the table. Her eyes snapped up to meet her father's disapproving gaze, his brow furrowed in irritation.
the meeting concluded around her, Y/N's coworkers filed out of the room, muttering their polite goodbyes. Soon, only Y/N and her parents remained, the tension in the air palpable. Her mother fixed her with a stern look, her voice laced with disappointment.
"Y/N, you're not taking this as seriously as you need to be. This will be you one day." She paused, her eyes narrowing. "Who were you talking to?"
Y/N's heart sank, knowing that lying to her parents would only make matters worse. She opened her mouth to respond, but her father cut her off.
"Was it that hockey guy?" He scoffed, his tone dripping with disdain. "He sucks, he'll never be good enough. I should've paid him off four months ago if I knew he'd be such a distraction."
Y/N's cheeks burned with a mixture of shame and anger. She hated the way her parents spoke about Quinn, as if he were nothing more than a nuisance to be dealt with. She knew they would never approve of their relationship but hearing them talk about him so callously only strengthened her resolve.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N met her parents' gazes, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "Quinn, and he's not a distraction.” Her mother's lips pressed into a thin line, disapproval etched into every line of her face.
Y/N's parents exchanged a knowing glance, their eyes filled with a mixture of disappointment and condescension. Her mother, Dedra, was a striking woman in her mid-50s, with perfectly coiffed blonde hair and a designer suit that hugged her slender frame.
Her father, Derek, was a tall, imposing man with salt-and-pepper hair and a perpetual scowl that seemed etched into his chiseled features.
Dedra leaned forward, her elbows resting on the polished mahogany table. "Y/N, darling," she began, her voice dripping with false sweetness, "you know we only want what's best for you. This... Quinn," she said his name as if it left a bitter taste in her mouth, "he's not good for you. He's a distraction, a phase. You'll see that soon enough."
Y/N felt her stomach twist, the all-too-familiar sensation of her parents' manipulation taking hold. She opened her mouth to protest, but Derek cut her off with a dismissive wave of his hand.
"Enough, Y/N," he growled, his deep voice reverberating through the empty conference room. "You're not a child anymore. It's time you started acting like the adult you claim to be. This company, this life we've built for you - it's all we've ever wanted for you. And you're throwing it away for some lowlife hockey player who barely even made it to the big leagues."
Y/N's cheeks burned with anger and humiliation. She hated the way her parents made her feel, as if her thoughts and feelings were invalid, as if she were nothing more than a pawn in their grand scheme.
Dedra reached across the table, her perfectly manicured hand grasping Y/N's wrist. "Sweetheart," she said, her tone softening, "we love you. We just don't want to see you get hurt. Men like Quinn... they're not in it for the long haul. They'll use you, break your heart, and move on to the next pretty face. You deserve so much more than that."
Y/N felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, but she blinked them back, refusing to let her parents see her weakness. She knew they were wrong about Quinn, but their words still cut deep, playing on her insecurities and fears.
Derek stood up, his tall frame looming over her. "This discussion is over, Y/N. You'll end things with this Quinn character, and you'll focus on your work. Your future. Do I make myself clear?"
Y/N swallowed hard, her throat tight with emotion. She wanted to scream, to tell her parents that they had no right to control her life, but she knew it would be futile. With a curt nod, she pushed back from the table and stood up, her legs shaking beneath her.
"I have work to do," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "If you'll excuse me."
Without waiting for a response, Y/N turned on her heel and strode out of the conference room, her heart hammering in her chest.
The clock on the wall seemed to move at an agonizingly slow pace, each tick echoing through the cramped office space. Y/N leaned back in her chair, the leather creaking beneath her weight as she stared blankly at the computer screen.
The fluorescent lights above cast a harsh glow on her features, highlighting the dark circles under her eyes and the tension in her jaw.
Around her, the office hummed with activity, the sound of ringing phones and the gentle whir of computers filling the air. Y/N felt suffocated by the monotony of it all, the endless hours spent hunched over her desk, pouring over spreadsheets and reports.
As the clock finally struck three, Y/N let out a sigh of relief, the thought of going home filling her with a sense of euphoria. She could almost feel the soft embrace of her couch, the warmth of a glass of wine in her hand as she left the stresses of the day behind.
Just as she was about to log off her computer, a sharp knock at the door startled her from her thoughts. Alexandra, the secretary, peeked her head in, her perfectly styled hair and immaculate makeup a stark contrast to Y/N's tired appearance.
"I sent some of the paperwork to your email," Alexandra said, her voice saccharine sweet. "If you could just finish those up before you leave, that'd help a lot."
Y/N felt a surge of anger course through her veins, her patience wearing thin. She fixed Alexandra with a cold stare, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "It's three. I get to go home now, you know, like a normal person."
Alexandra's eyes narrowed, her lips pursing in disapproval. Y/N knew that the secretary had always treated her like nothing more than a privileged nepo baby, completely disregarding the fact that Y/N had never used her family's influence to step on any toes or make people do her bidding.
Y/N stood up from her chair, grabbing her purse and jacket from the back of her seat. She could feel Alexandra's eyes boring into her back as she made her way towards the door, but she refused to give the woman the satisfaction of seeing her frustration.
"I'll take care of it in the morning," Y/N said, her hand on the doorknob. "Have a good night, Alexandra."
Without waiting for a response, Y/N stepped out of her office, the sound of her heels clicking against the tiled floor as she made her way towards the elevators.
She could feel the weight of the day lifting from her shoulders with each step, the promise of freedom and the warmth of her bath calling to her like a siren song.
As the elevator doors closed behind her, Y/N let out a deep breath, her eyes fluttering closed as she leaned back against the cool metal wall. She knew that the road ahead would be filled with obstacles, but for now, all she wanted was to lose herself in the comfort of Quinn's arms and forget about the expectations and pressures that threatened to suffocate her.
The faucet let out a high-pitched squeak as Y/N twisted the gleaming chrome knob, the sound echoing off the tiled walls of the dimly lit bathroom. The flow of water slowed to a trickle before stopping completely, leaving behind a tub filled with steaming, inviting water.
Tendrils of steam rose from the water, carrying with them the intoxicating aroma.
With a fluid motion, Y/N untied the sash of her plush, white bathrobe, the soft fabric slipping off her shoulders and pooling at her feet. The cool air kissed her bare skin, sending a slight shiver down her spine as she stepped closer to the tub.
Tentatively, she dipped a toe into the water, testing the temperature. The heat was intense, but not unbearable, and Y/N slowly lowered herself into the bath, letting out a contented sigh as the warm water enveloped her body.
The water lapped at her shoulders, the heat penetrating her tired muscles and easing away the knots and tension that had accumulated throughout the day.
Y/N sank deeper into the rose petal-filled bathwater, the sweet, floral aroma wafting through the steamy air. The soft, delicate petals brushed against her skin, their velvety touch a gentle caress. She inhaled deeply, the scent of roses mingling with the subtle vanilla notes of her favorite candle, creating a soothing, intimate atmosphere.
As she leaned back, her hair cascaded over the edge of the tub, the ends dipping into the water and creating gentle ripples on the surface. Her eyes fluttered closed, lashes casting shadows on her flushed cheeks, a result of the bath's intense heat.
The tranquil moment was interrupted by the buzzing of her phone, its vibration echoing through the bathroom. Y/N's eyes snapped open, a curious expression on her face as she reached for the device.
Quinn's name flashed across the screen, his photo – a candid shot of him grinning widely, his dark hair tousled by the wind – accompanying the incoming call.
A smile tugged at the corners of Y/N's lips as she lifted herself from the bath, water droplets cascading down her smooth, sun-kissed skin. She grabbed the phone, tapping the screen to answer the call and putting it on speaker.
"Hi, hottie," Y/N greeted, her voice playful and warm.
Quinn's nerdy, endearing voice filled the bathroom, a chuckle evident in his tone. "Hey there, beautiful. How's my favorite girl doing tonight?"
Y/N reached for her glass of wine, the deep, rich red liquid swirling in the crystal glass. She took a sip, savoring the bold, fruity flavors on her tongue before responding. "Oh, you know, just unwinding after a long day at the office. How about you, handsome?"
"Counting down the minutes until I get to see you tomorrow," Quinn replied, a hint of mischief in his voice. "I can't stop thinking about how stunning you'll look in that red dress."
Y/N laughed softly, her cheeks flushing a deeper shade of pink. She set the wine glass down, running her fingers through her damp hair, pushing it away from her face. "Mmm, you sure know how to make a girl feel special," she purred, her tone flirtatious.
"That's because you are special, Y/N," Quinn said, his voice softening. "I can't wait to have you all to myself tomorrow. No work, no distractions, just you and me."
Y/N's heart fluttered at his words, a giddy feeling spreading through her chest. She bit her lower lip, a coy smile playing on her features. "I like the sound of that," she murmured, her voice low and sultry. "You better be prepared to sweep me off my feet, mister."
Quinn's laughter filled the bathroom, warm and infectious. "Oh, I have a few tricks up my sleeve, don't you worry."
As they continued their playful banter, Y/N sank back into the bath, the warm water enveloping her once more. She closed her eyes, a contented sigh escaping her lips as she listened to Quinn's voice, the sound soothing her soul and filling her with anticipation for the day to come.
As the morning sun filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a soft, golden glow across the bedroom, Y/N's phone buzzed incessantly on the nightstand. The vibrations seemed to echo through the tranquil space, a jarring contrast to the peaceful atmosphere.
Beyond the window, the vibrant green of the trees and grass was visible, a testament to the beauty of the early morning.
The bedroom was a serene oasis, with its pristine white decor creating a sense of calm and comfort. The plush, white comforter enveloped Y/N, its softness lulling her into a state of drowsy contentment.
Y/N stirred, mumbling incoherently as she slowly turned over, her eyelids fluttering open. She squinted, her eyes adjusting to the bright sunlight that flooded the room. As she reached for her phone, the alarm blared to life, the glowing digits on the nightstand displaying a crisp 7:00 AM.
With a groan, Y/N sat up, her hand instinctively reaching for her phone. As she unlocked the device, she was greeted by a string of texts from her mother, Dedra. The messages, even in their digital form, seemed to drip with condescension.
"Y/N, don't forget about the family brunch today. Your father and I expect you to be there, and please, try to look presentable. We have important guests attending, and we can't have you embarrassing us like last time. And do try to be on time, darling. Punctuality is a virtue, after all."
Rolling her eyes, Y/N tossed her phone aside and begrudgingly dragged herself out of bed. She went about her morning routine, selecting a chic and appropriate outfit for the brunch and work before making her way to the kitchen.
As she entered the heart of her home, Y/N couldn't help but smile. The space was everything she had ever dreamed of – a perfect blend of modern elegance and cozy charm. She moved towards the kitchen island, her bare feet padding softly against the cool, hardwood floors.
While her coffee brewed, filling the air with its rich, invigorating aroma, Y/N leaned back against the island, her eyes drifting to the television mounted on the wall. The familiar characters of The 100, flashed across the screen.
She sipped her coffee, savoring the warmth and comfort it provided, as she lost herself in the post-apocalyptic world unfolding before her.
Y/N glanced at her watch, the sleek hands pointing to 8:30, a frustrated huff escaped her lips. She quickly shut off the television and grabbed her essentials, making her way out of the apartment and towards her car.
The drive to the office was usually a time for Y/N to unwind and mentally prepare for the day ahead, with her favorite podcast playing through the speakers.
However, today's episode left her feeling unsettled. The young creator, barely 18 years old, was excitedly announcing her pregnancy. The way she spoke about it, as if it were some sort of miraculous blessing, made Y/N's stomach churn. With a quick tap, she muted the podcast, silence filling the car as she navigated the familiar streets.
As she pulled into the parking lot of the imposing office building, Y/N's eyes immediately landed on Alexandra, who was just a few spots down from her. A wave of dread washed over her, and she quickly locked her car, determined to beat her colleague to the elevator.
Y/N's heels clicked against the pavement as she hurried towards the entrance, her breath coming in short, anxious bursts. She could hear Alexandra's footsteps echoing behind her.
Just as Y/N stepped into the elevator, her manicured finger jabbing the button for the 4th floor, she caught a glimpse of Alexandra rushing towards her. With a sly grin, Y/N pressed the close button, feigning interest in her perfectly polished nails as the doors began to slide shut.
Alexandra stumbled, her hand reaching out in a desperate attempt to stop the elevator, but it was too late. As the doors closed, Y/N looked up, meeting her colleague's gaze with a sad, insincere smile. The look of frustration and annoyance on Alexandra's face was a small victory for Y/N, a momentary triumph in the never-ending battle of office politics.
The elevator began its ascent, Y/N leaned back against the cool metal wall, her eyes closing for a brief moment. She inhaled deeply, trying to calm her racing heart and push away the lingering unease from the podcast. The day had barely begun, and already she felt drained.
It dinged, signaling her arrival on the 4th floor, Y/N straightened her shoulders and put on a brave face. She stepped out into the hallway.
The constant cacophony of rings and beeps filled Y/N's ears for the next three hours, the incessant noise drilling into her skull. The cramped office space felt more like a chicken coop than a professional workspace, and Y/N could feel her sanity slowly slipping away with each passing minute.
Just as she thought she couldn't take it anymore, Dedra peeked her head into the office, her critical gaze sweeping over the room before she entered. With a sense of entitlement, she perched herself on the edge of Y/N's desk, her perfectly manicured fingers toying with a strand of Y/N's hair.
"You know, you look stressed, Y/N," Dedra remarked, her tone laced with false concern. Her eyes then traveled down to Y/N's attire, and her face contorted into a look of disgust. "Is that what you're wearing to brunch?" she asked, her voice dripping with disapproval. "I guess it will do."
Before Y/N could respond, Dedra abruptly stood up and headed towards the door, gesturing for her daughter to follow. Y/N huffed in frustration, the weight of her mother's judgment pressing down on her. She quickly logged off her computer and gathered her belongings, trailing behind Dedra as they made their way through the office.
As they walked, Y/N could feel the eyes of her coworkers following them, their gazes a mix of curiosity and envy. She held her head high, refusing to let their attention faze her. Dedra, on the other hand, seemed to revel in the attention, her stride confident and purposeful as she led the way.
When they reached the front of the building, a sleek black limo slowly approached, its polished exterior gleaming in the sunlight. Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes at the ostentatious display.
"Why do we need a limo for brunch?" she asked, exasperation evident in her voice. "Could you guys be any more extra?"
Dedra shot her a sharp look, her lips pursed in disapproval. "Appearances matter, Y/N," she said, her tone clipped. "We have a reputation to uphold, and arriving in style is part of that."
Y/N bit back a retort, knowing that arguing with her mother was a futile endeavor. As the limo pulled up to the curb, the driver promptly exited the vehicle, opening the door for them with a practiced bow.
Dedra climbed in first, her movements graceful and refined. Y/N followed suit, sinking into the plush leather seats with a sigh.
The vehicle pulled away from the curb, and Y/N watched as the office building grew smaller in the distance. She knew that the brunch would be just another performance, a carefully orchestrated display of wealth and status that she was expected to participate in.
message me to be added to the tag list. hope you enjoyed it. please lmk how you liked it.
(also I just made this idea today and I can't believe I already wrote chapter 1)
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thewritersofdeceased · 5 months
Could you rank the TBP boys ( Ghost crew + Finney ) in a x render type of way , wich who will be more and less faster in proposing to their partner in a future ? Than you for reading, your writing inspires me <]
I’m so glad my writing inspires you!! This was absolutely a blast to write!! ‼️🫶 I did it as headcanons and x reader vibes!! It's a bit easier for me, but I will fix it when I get done with all my requests!! (I promise just pls remind me if I forget :( )
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out of all the boys, I'd think Bruce would be the first one to propose to his partner!
He'd probably do it at once of his games after his team wins
Like those sappy marriage videos you'd see on your fyp
definitely made it a surprise for months.
Hell, he'd do it with a ring pop if it made you happy
literally asked you if you'd say yes if he married you one day
Silence lingered the field as Bruce and Y/N laid underneath the clouds. On a blanket that the ravenette had brought, a sudden questioned popped out of him. "Hey, Y/N? " He started, earning a hum in response from the other. "Do you think.. if one day in the future would you marry me? Or say yes?" He then asked, sitting up properly to face the other.
"Marriage? I never thought about it." Y/N responded, sitting up slightly, using their arms to hold themself up. It took them a couple seconds, but a smile formed on their face as they thought about it "I mean, yeah. You're sweet, kind, caring. Who wouldn't say yes to marrying you?" They then asked, tilting their head at Bruce.
Of course, Bruce smiled at the answer, nodding his head to it. Then it was official. He'd marry them one day. Whether with a ring pop or with an official ring. One day. He swore.
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Robin, out of all the boys, was probably the 2nd one to even think of marriage.
Definetly plans it ahead with Finney or one of the other boys
no way did he plan it all on his own.
He'd be a bi nervous asking you about it, probably fidgeting or something
He knows his family isn't exactly on the richer side, so he's more nervous about getting an actual ring
since he wanted to join the war for his dad, he'd propose to you before he left for war.
Robin sat quietly in the park, tossing what looked like a ball in the air. He'd stole it from Bruce, well, more so found the ball near the baseball fields and claimed it as his own. Y/N Sat besides him, reading whatever sorts of book they had. Though they looked to Robin when hearing the boy speak to them.
"You ever think about marriage?" He'd ask them, no longer tossing the ball in the air and now looking to meet Y/N's eyes. He could see the slight look of confusion on their face, but tilted his head only. The gears were turning slowly in Y/N's mind as they fished for an answer.
Placing their book down into their lap and gently taking a hold of Robin's hands, they'd merely smile. "If this is your way of asking if we'll ever get married in the future, the answer's yes." Now that gave Robin the answer and motivation he needed to even think about the whole ring situation he'd been in.
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Bily's a bit iffy on the whole marriage thing, but he'd eventually succumb to it!
He wants it to be perfect when he decides to marry you in the future
He'd try and ask earlier in the day, during one of the days he does his paper routes!
He writes the question down on a sticky note and puts said note in the paper
Look, he's nervous okay? he's trying his best.
Gets Griffin to try and help him out, when that don't work he goes to the others.
Placing his bike down gently on your yard, Billy made his way towards the comforting house you resigned in. He enjoyed it. Rover sat by the bike, waiting patiently as the dirty blonde made his way up to your steps. A small smile was on his face as he eventually knocked on the door, his smile widening more when you opened the door.
"Hey sunshine.” He’d greet. Sunshine was your nickname he’d given you after seeing you in the sunlight, specifically in his mother’s camera. So he stuck with the nickname Sunshine. Going into his bag and grabbing a newspaper, he held it out to you, smile remaining as he spoke again. “Here’s your pape for the day.” He spoke, faking a New York accent. Just for fun!!
He took a couple seconds before he would leave, smiling when he soon realized you had read exactly what he'd written on the sticky note. "Of course I'll marry you, Moonlight." You two were basically the sun and moon, and Billy knew exactly what kind of rings to get you two.
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Finney's a bit more cautious to get married, but he really wants to
He's just super nervous about it and doesn't know the exact way to approach
He tries to use anything you've told him to his advantage
He's one of the boys who has to read off of something, he's that shaky and nervous.
But when it comes to asking you about it during childhood, he asks you in the confinement of his room
You and Finney were currently sitting together in his bedroom, doing different homework for different classes. He was doing work for science, you were doing work for {subject}. Out of nowhere, in what sounded like a shaky tone, Finney spoke up. "Y/N? If we're still together in the future, and I asked you to marry me, would you say yes?"
The question was sudden, but it made a small smile form on Y/N's face as they placed their pencil down and sat up properly to look at Finney. "Yes. Yes I would." They spoke softly, reassuring the brunette boy. Of course he was nervous, gently taking their parents hands into their own.
"Of course I'd marry you."
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Griffin's seen what marriage can do to a person.
So he's actually really fucking nervous to marry anyone,
He doesn't want it to end up like his parents marriage so he's super cautious to even think about marriage
Though he uses words in books to ask you if you would one day
you just gotta give him the time to not be so nervous and think about it
The library was you and Griffin's favorite place to go, or the cafe just outside of Denver. Anyone who knew Griffin knew how much the kid loved to read. In his hands now was a normal sized book. It was paperback, not being hardcover. The name of the book was "Blackmoore", the artist being "Julianne Donaldson". He had a calm look on his face as you read whatever you had chosen to grab, whether it was horror, drama, romance, etc.
After a couple seconds, Griffin gently tapped the table, trying to get y/n attention, and when he did, he slid the book over, his index finger pointing to what he wanted y/n to pay attention to. A quote stated, "“You are brave and loyal and true. You have such a good heart." He held my hand close to his chest and covered it with his other hand. "It is only afraid. But I would take such good care of it, love, if you would give it to me."
Just seeing how he was hinting about something including marriage, it made y/n chuckle as they watched Griffin mess with his hands. Gently tapping the table and catching Griffin's attention, Y/N would sign(ASL) "I'd marry you if it meant you were always smiling."
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Vance saw what marriage did to his parents, so he's not really excited to think about it
His parents aren't even divorced yet, but he still is nervous
He doesn't want his marriage to end up like his parents
he also doesn't trust his parents to show up if they ever got married
asks you while at the grab n'go
"Hey, babe." Vance was first to speak, even if all of his attention was focused on the pinball machine he'd love. A soft hum escaped Y/N as they looked at Vance, their brow raised and head tilted. "If I beat my high-score, you think one day you'd marry me?" He questioned.
Which resulted in soft chuckles escaping Y/N. They weren't laughing at Vance, no. They were laughing at the fact Vance was willing his high score for it. A soft hum escaped before they answered the blonde's question.
"If you can beat it by the time we're adults, babe." They replied, letting out even more soft laughs and nodding their head. "Then yeah, if you can, I'll say yes."
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zweiginator · 3 months
being forced to go to a fancy gala with your mom and stepdad, and of course--your step brother, patrick. wearing a long, silk dress that hugs your body. the satin material almost seems to caress your tits.
and patrick has noticed you're beautiful. he's not an idiot. he's a boy in his twenties who still wakes up with morning wood like it's clockwork.
he has been very careful around you. maybe because his dad pulled him aside after he broke up with his last girlfriend. told him he needs to be more gentlemanly. work on how he's perceived. boys who act like this don't get pretty wives and good children.
patrick never claimed to want those things, however. but he is intentional with his gaze. doesn't let his eyes linger, although they beg to.
the dress, though. it's the product of dreams. satin and emerald green and low cut but still modest. tight yet flowy where it needs to be.
patrick drinks far too much champagne. pretends to care about the surface-level conversations he's halfheartedly contributing to. is he excited about going on tour? what about college?
who fucking cares? -- is what he wants to say.
he loosens his tie and goes out back for a smoke. the air is breezy and cold for early august. it feels good in his hair. and you're out here too. looking out onto the water. your heels sit beside you, one toppled over.
"hey." patrick says from behind you.
"oh, hi pat." you turn around, leaning your back against the railing. rusted metal bars that dig into your palms.
his cigarette is limp between his lips. the flame extinguishes itself, but patrick doesn't bother to relight it.
"your dress is really nice." he says. "the color really suits you."
you look him up and down. his hair is nicely done, styled but still messy in its own regard. his tie is crooked but his suit is pressed nicely, perfectly tailored. an easy shade of black that isn't hard on the eyes. but it contrasts nicely with the hazel in his eyes.
"your get-up isn't so bad yourself. you clean up nicely."
the way you look at each other in this moment confuses you. both of you. watching the wind blow the chimes hanging from a nearby gazebo and the moon wane as your chests rise and fall. wondering if you would have ever crossed paths if not for your respective parents doing it for you. thinking about summers tangled in each others' sheets--what could have been.
but you're step siblings. and it will never be. it can't. patrick nudges his elbow against yours, and you grab onto the swell of his bicep. he walks you back inside with his suit jacket over your shoulders and you both pretend, in your own innocent way, that you can love each other, like that. for the night.
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Back again to rank my latest feelings for the F1 Grid
Carlos Sainz Jr. - this will never change I will love him until I die I do not care what car he drives he will be my fav top step or DNF. I am the definition of ride or die when it comes to this absolutely pure wholesome hottie whose character somehow manages to outshine his good looks which is saying something given he literally looks like a fairytale prince
Fernando Alonso - can't have sweet without the spicy and I love this filterless agent of chaos whose persistence and ability to outperform his car throughout his career have made him the legend that he is
George Russell - a wholesome little crumpet who I would die for. He's so sweet and sincere while simultaneously being posh and classy. I love it all the more because his background is pretty working class
Esteban Ocon - speaking of working class gotta round out my trio of drivers with humble origins with the one who worked his way up on the sacrifice and belief of his family. Ocon is a working class hero and I will be an Estie Bestie perpetually unless he fucks up Ollie. This is his last chance to not lash out at a teammate because he'll clearly have the position of seniority at Haas next year so no reasons to fight Ollie Bear. If he hurts Ollie I may have to give him up but it will be painful and I will cry about it.
Oscar Piastri - I love pastries and Oscar is no exception. He's absolutely showing all the potential to be a legend of his generation. He's the second coming of Kimi Raikkonen and I'm here for it. Also much like Carlos and George he has absolutely impeccable gentleman vibes and because he's Aussie it comes across even a little more down to earth, like if he cycled past while you were having a flat tire or something he'd stop and try to help
Ollie Bearman - yes I know technically he isn't on the grid but like I lost Logan this week so let me have this. He's a sweet wholesome little nugget who I would die for. Just a little floof. And he's a promising little floof too!
Charles Leclerc - the more I watch this sport the more I realize that the Leclerc haters are insane when they say he's only popular because he's attractive and drives a Ferrari. The man is a bloody good race car driver and that's enough as is. His looks and his loyalty to the prancing horse are just bonuses.
Sergio Perez - help me Sergio Kenobi you're my only hope SO PLEASE START CLOSING THAT GAP BETWEEN YOU AND MAX it's embarrassing and I do NOT need him losing that seat because then who will I root for as a "home" driver. I've lost Logan, if I lose you too Checo I will have to switch to a different continent because I REFUSE to support the Canadian Nepo Baby who's wasting a perfectly good seat that someone else could be making much better use of
Max Verstappen - my brother in trauma. I swear I have the most sibling-core feelings for Max. As in I love and support him but also can't stand to see him win all the time. I cannot compliment him without adding some spice of insult to the compliment. We're two traumatized kids from different families with hard ass dads. Hence why on a personal level Max is probably like #3 for me. I'm very emotionally attached to that Dutch menace but I don't want to see him win more than 3 or 4 races a year
Daniel Ricciardo - if I lose Checo I will be claiming the man whose speech to his younger self wakes me up every morning as my home racer because good lawd he loves Texas lol. And who can have a top ten of drivers and NOT include the ray of fucking sunshine that is Danny Ric. He just fills the world with joy and tomfoolery
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
I just can’t believe Jaidyn is going to get away with beating Fe up. It’s so aggravating that he’s such a snake.
Yeah I know. But he’s gotta get away with it some more before he gets caught. And let’s be clear, he isn’t gonna get away with it. This is just my take on the systems that are out in place to protect domestic violence victims that don’t fuck for shit.
But as always, here the Terms of Endearment Masterlist
“I’m not sure we can hold him for much longer unless you’re looking to press charges.” Chief Holden sighed as he watched Jaidyn Dolan sit in the corner of the holding cell without any expression on his face. He looked stone cold, calculating, and read to seek revenge on those who conspired against him. “All we’ve got on the guy is a video of him instigating a fight before he gets his own head caved in.” 
“One of the daycare workers we spoke to said they received a distressing call from the child's mother a few hours before he showed up to collect–” Sergeant Briggs paused as he looked at his notes. “Odette, or Dot for short. She said that Y/n, the kids mother had only just updated her daughters drop off and pick up list to make sure that if his guy ever did try and collect her, that he wouldn't be allowed.” 
“But the mother called and confirmed he was picking the kid up that afternoon, right?” Chief Holden asked as he kept his gaze focused on a frozen Jaidyn sitting in his cell. He’d been held overnight. Reluctantly held overnight. 
“Yes Sir, but I think there's a lot more to this than meets the eye.” Chief Mark Holden was old school, he believed black coffee in the morning paired with a cigarette was the best way to start the day. His wife Linda worked a nine to five and still managed to uphold the household to a standard he could be proud of. Linda made his lunch and ironed his shirts, she did the cooking, the cleaning, raised the two kids they never saw these days and the thing that Mark really enjoyed, was that his wife never stepped a toe out of line. If she did? He’d beat her back into it. “I think we’re looking at a case of domestic–” Chief Holden just growled, he cleared his throat and fished his keys out from his pocket. The master key for the holding cell nestled amongst a million others as they rattled and clanged against one another. “Sir? What are you—?” 
“Times up boy, you can claim your stuff at the clerk's desk.” Chief Holden spoke with a proud chest and a baritone vice that could carry itself for miles. Jaidyn frowned, he thought for sure he was done for. But the one who had been most caught off guard was Sergeant Timothy Briggs. 
“Sir, I really do think we should look into this.” He questioned, Jaidyn eyed him down when he caught the kids expression. One of reluctance and doubt. “An Admiral Beau Simpson from the Naval Base called an hour ago requesting a few of our guys to head on over to assist in an internal investigation he’s opened up, what if the two are connected?” 
“This seems like an open and closed case of mum trying her best to shut out dear old dad here.” Mark chuckled to himself as Jaidyn stood, waiting for the bars that held him captive to be unlocked. “Isn't that right son?” 
“Just wanted to see my baby girl sir, that's all, I'll be sure once I get my phone back that I'll be contacting my lawyer.” Jaidyn rubbed at the back of his head, trying his best to pass himself off as a misunderstood soul. As it turned out, other Sailors tend to recognised other Sailors on the sea, and when Jaidyn looked at Chief Mark Bartholomule Holden, he knew that he knew. But from one abuser to another? they‘d rather work together to collectively sweep this under the rug, because Mark knew if he started messing around with Domestic Violence and family issue cases now? His own friends and colleagues wouldn't be too far off sniffing out the shit on his own shoes. 
“I think this is a bad idea chief,” Tim explained as he watched Jaidyn walk on by with a smirk on his tired and bruised face. “I think we should have at least charged him with aggravated circumstances—“ 
“Well it’s a good thing you aren’t in charge here kid.” Chief Holden chuckled. “If you were, I'd be worried about you forcing your own moral beliefs and good intentions onto others who may not be so inclined to believe the same thing.” Briggs frowned at his chief's words. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” Timothy Briggs wasn’t dumb, he knew what his boss had meant, he just wanted to hear him say it out loud. “Sir—?” 
“It means that you don’t question what goes on behind closed doors, it ain’t our problem—“ Mark hissed. “Now go make sure that man is processed out and see to it he gets on his way.” Sergeant Tim Briggs just stood gobsmacked that there were still people alive today who believed that there was a stigma surrounding domestic issues. He couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that his chief was just so willing to let this guy go. “It’s our job to serve and protect, do you see the mother around here pressing charges?” Mark asked, looking around. “No, she isn’t, and until that happens we don’t follow this any further, there’s other things we can spend that valuable time on than chasing up a case of daddy done wrong.” 
It was a hard pill to swallow, but Tim followed his orders. He made sure that Jaidyn Dolan was processed out of the North Island police station with zero hiccups. He made sure all his belongings were handed back, and he made sure to send him off with a warning. 
“I don’t wanna see you back here in a few days, if I do I’ll make sure you won’t ever get out again.” Jaidyn just outstretched his hand. He smirked and waited for Sergeant Briggs to shake his hand. He never faltered for a second, but when Jaidyn reliaised Tim could see straight through his charade, he dropped the act. Dropping his hand when the Sergeant never met his grip. 
“I'm too good to get caught, kid.” Jaidyn winked. “But I’ll keep your intimidation tactic at the forefront of my mind.” 
“God—“ It must have been awhile since you were sedated. You could tell some time had passed since the incident by the sun beaming through your eyelashes as your eyelids fluttered open. “Rooster?” You mumbled as you lulled your head to the side, expecting to see Bradley by your side. He’d promised to always be there, now more than ever. 
But when you opened your eyes to see he wasn’t beside you in that hospital chair that was surely the most uncomfortable thing ever? You felt your heart break into a thousand pieces. 
“Bob?” You questioned softly when you saw him sleeping in the corner of your hospital room. “Where’s Rooster?” You asked, watching as Bob crossed his arms across his chest a little tighter and stirred out a groan. When he didn’t answer you asked again, wondering why he had a stupid Stetson over his face. “Bob?” 
“Call me that again and you and I are gonna have problems—“ It’s the drawl in Bob's tone that throws you off more so than the whole get up. “And I’m not Rob.” You don’t answer, you simply raise a single brow and wait for the mystery man to remove the hat that’s shading his face. He brings a hand up to spider across the top. Long digit cup at the crown of the clearly loved Stetson and before you can stop yourself, you audibly gasp through your teeth. 
“I’m Rob's brother, he called me yesterday—asked if I’d come out for a few days to help out.” 
“I didn’t know Bob had a brother?” You saw the corner of the Bob imposter’s mouth curl up slightly into a small one sided smile. It vanished from his face seconds after as he leaned forward to rest his elbows on his jean clad knees. 
“He wishes he didn’t, so he pretends that he doesn’t.” There was a reluctance in Rhett’s voice to continue, but Rhett thought if he showed a small amount of his own vulnerability, you’d be inclined to trust him. “He’s uh—he’s actually got two of us though, Perry, he’s back in Wyoming.” 
“Does Bob’s brother from Wyoming have a name?” You asked softly, still a little confused and taken aback as to why you suddenly thought a man who looked so familiar and similar to Robert Floyd could look so attractive sitting there in his black sweatshirt and jeans. 
Rhett smirked as he contemplated his next move, he knew he probably shouldn’t given the circumstances—but he couldn’t pass up the opportunity. You just looked at him, waiting for a name to slip past Rhett’s lips. He spun his Stetson between his fingers as he let out a small chuckle to himself. 
Rhett simply pressed his lips together, sighed out a small huff of air as he settled back into his chair, placed his hat back onto his head and crossed his arms over his chest. All the while you watched on confused and convinced this was some sort of fever dream. 
“You can call me anything and anytime you like gorgeous—“ 
“Dot, do you want scrambled eggs or gooey eggs darlin?” With work being called off till further notice, Jake thought it might be best to keep himself busy around the house. The fight you’d had kept Jake Seresin up all throughout the nap he’d tried to take with Odette. She, surprisingly—went down easily. 
Poor Dot had been so emotionally exhausted that the second she was up and out of the bath, dried and wrapped in a warm fuzzy towel while Jake searched her drawer for a set of pajamas—she was out like a light. 
Jake had laid in his bed for the better half of two and a half hours trying to get some rest while Dot snoozed away on his chest. Hopefully dreaming of better days. She looked so angelic while she slept, until she snorded just like you, only cuter and softer and a hell of a lot more forgiving since Jake was nowhere near the brink of sleep. 
But now, he stood in his kitchen with a tea towel hung over his shoulder and music playing softly through the speakers. Sex On The Radio by Good Charlotte. Something you’d approve of nevertheless. Cooking some much needed lunch/dinner for himself and your daughter who was playing with her dolls in the living room watching Bluey. A new favourite. 
“Scwambled pwease.” Do beamed as loud as she could, she was only just in sight of Jake who just chuckled at the way she barely turned her head to look back at him. Not caring enough to draw her attention away from the make believe fantasies she’d concocted in front of her. 
“Yes, your highness.” Jake smirked to himself as he cracked six eggs into a bowl, whisking up a storm before there was a brisk knock on the door. “It’s open!” Jake had received a text only five minutes before he decided enough was enough with his fight for some extra shut eye that Phoenix would be stopping by. She’d heard from Pete what had happened and couldn’t believe it. None of them could, but the Daggers kicked into action immediately—all doing what they knew what to do. Be there where troubled waters loomed. 
Phoenix opened the front door slowly, sticking her head in to see the average run of the mil scene in the living room off to the right. There she was, safe and sound in Jake Seresins living room, watching some cartoon dogs on TV all the while she made up some fantasy storyline between the dolls Dot was playing with. 
Phoenix could breathe again. 
“Hi there beautiful girl!” Phoenix beamed as she greeted Dot from behind, crouching down behind your daughter to kiss her cheek as she laughed at the sensation of Natasha fingers tickling her side. “Are your Dollie’s playing house are they?” 
“It’s Mama and Tooster—“ Dot explained as she showed Phoenix the Ken doll she had in a flight suit you’d found on Amazon. Did it look anything like Bradley Bradshaw? No—but to Odette he was her version of a superhero. “See?” 
“Woah, have you got a dollie with brown hair somewhere? Because I dibs that one when I come back, I’m just gonna go see Jake real quick and then we can play, okay?” 
“Otay—“ For a little girl who’d been through an awful lot in the last twenty four hours, she seemed rather content in her own space. Sitting pretty in her plaid flannel pajamas with her hair an unruly mess because Jake just couldn’t find it in him to brush it. Nat made herself a mental note that she’d put it up in two pigtails before she left. Padding her way into the kitchen where she saw Jake—shoulder deep in his domestic crisis. 
“Far out Hangman, this is nuts, I’ve been texting Bob all morning, she’s still not awake?” Jake didn’t know how to respond, Rooster had been keeping him in the loop, he’d been sending messages every hour on the hour since he left around six. But it was nearing noon and you were still out cold. “They must have jabbed her with some pretty strong stuff?” 
“She was pretty hysterical.” Was all Jake managed before he felt himself getting worked up again as Phoenix entered the kitchen, the place was a mess. There were lots and pans and dirty dishes everywhere. Jake was a mess. He looked disheveled and disheartened and disoriented. “But if someone tried to keep her from me, I’d hate them too, I’d hate me too for what I’m doing.” Phoenix’s heart broke for the man she’d watched become somewhat of a father in his own right over the past few months. He’s become a father and a brother and a friend to many in the blink of an eye. 
The Jake Seresin who stood in his messy kitchen whisking eggs in a mixing bowl for his niece wasn’t the same Jake Seresin who’d first come back to TopGun for that life changing detachment. 
“She’ll come around, you can’t blame her for being in fight or flight mode straight off the cuff.” Phoenix watched as Jake over scrambled the eggs he’d cracked into the mixing bowl—deciding to take over when she realised he wasn’t all that in control. “Sit down, breathe, Coyote said Fanboy and him are gonna swing by Roosters place and tidy up before you and Bradshaw start moving shit around.” Phoenix looked around as Jake just towered over her with his hands on his hips in full dad mode as she zipped around his kitchen. “Where the fuck do you keep your frying pans?” 
“Nat, I’m fine—I can look after myself.” That wasn’t the answer Phoenix was looking for. She didn’t give Jake the time of day as she continued her search, ultimately ending in her finding the pots and pans drawer. “Phoenix—“ 
“You need to rest.” She explained with a solemn expression. “You want my opinion?”
“I know that you’re gonna give it to me regardless of what I say so—“ Jake challenged as he watched Phoenix grab some milk from the fridge, adding the non-dairy substitute to the scrambled mixture. “Let’s hear it.” 
“I think you should eat, go take a shower, and try to get some rest because Rooster will need a respite sooner or later and you’re gonna be the one he calls.” Jake knew Natasha was right, she always was. He just stared down at her as she held firm on her stance, watching as she poured the scrambled egg mixture into the warm pan. 
“I don’t like being bossed around in my own home.” Jake just sighed but ultimately agreed, he wrapped his arm around Phoenix’s shoulders from behind and fluffed up her hair a little before making his way into the living room. “Are you gonna boss me around too?” Jake asked as he dropped to the floor beside Dot, watching as she played happily in her own little world. “Dot honey, your scrambled eggs are gonna be ready soon, can you start packing up your toys for me?” Jake asked softly, brushing the curls from Dot's forehead behind her ear. “You can play with Tash after you’ve eaten.” 
“Can mamma hewp me?” Oh, okay here we go. Jake braced himself for what he thought was going to be world war three. “Mama always hwlps me cwean up.” 
“We talked about this Dotty, mamas in the hospital.” Jake was as honest as he could be with Odette. “Remember? She’s gonna be away for a few days to rest up,” Jake tried his best to explain to Odette in an age appropriate way why you weren’t around. “But you get to hang out with me and Rooster for a few days.” He was ready for the war, the rage that this soon to be three year old was about to kickstart on the floor of the living room. But that’s not what happened, instead—Dot's bottom lip quivered as she burst into tears. “Oh sweetheart, it’s okay—“ 
Dot buried her head in Jake's chest as she splayed her arms out across Jake's torso. Kissing the top of her small head as she cried and cried and cried. 
“Tooster and mamma weft me.” Dot sobbed to herself as her little body tried to process all her big emotions. This had been the longest she’s ever gone without seeing you, or Bradley for that matter. Ever since he’d stepped up and become a more permanent fixture in your life. “I wove them doe—“ It broke Jake's heart, he hated this, the sound of Odette's cries knowing he could only do so much to soothe her worries. “I miss mamma, I just want my mommy.” 
Phoenix stood at the threshold of the living room just watching as Jake laid on the floor on his back with his niece crying on his chest. He had his own tears streaming down his cheeks. He wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take.
“I know, baby.” Jake cooed. “I know you do, I do too, I really miss her too.” 
“Jake, Bob just called.” Phoenix didn’t want to interrupt. “She’s awake if you wanna give Rooster a call back when you’re ready.” 
“I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready—“ Jake groaned, pulling Dot closer to him. He felt like he was falling through the floor, unstoppable in his descent into the depths of hell. How could he do this to the two most important people in his life? How could he keep them apart and cause so much pain when all he was trying to do was shelter a little girl who didn’t deserve any of this. “I don't know if she’ll ever want to see me again Nix—“ Jake tried to hide the fact he was crying from Dot, but she knew. She bawled her fists into the fabric of his shirt and cried with him. “Because if I was her I wouldn’t.” 
“Hangman.” Phoenix tried to be the voice of reason. “You’re doing all you can to help her, we all know Dot can’t see her mum like this, you’re doing the right thing.” Jake needed to hear it for his own sanity. Natasha had never seen Jake Seresin like this before. A broken shell of a strong man who oozed overconfidence like it was going out of fashion. He looked so different she hardly recognized him. “Felix will come around once she gets a chance to wrap her head around things.” 
“I hope so.” Was all Jake mumbled as he kissed Dots temple. “Because I love your mamma too much to ever lose her.” 
“I’m calling the nurses—“ Rhett shot up out of his chair and made strides over to where you laid in your hospital bed. “For all I know you could be some sort of serial killer Bob Floyd look alike and after the last few days I’ve had I’m not taking any fucking chances.” 
“I’m sorry,” Rhett smiled, reaching out to grab your hand as you wrapped it around the remote that called for nurses. You retracted yours at his touch, it truly shocked Rhett to see how utterly fearful you were. 
“Don’t touch me.” Rhett knew he’d messed up. It was his own fault for being too lighthearted about things. He should’ve taken this more seriously from the get go—but he thought if he could make you smile, make you feel normal, then you’d find it easier to trust him. “Don’t touch me again.” 
As Rhett stepped back in a show of good faith, he looked at you with worried eyes that looked far too much like Bobs. 
“I’m sorry, we got off on the wrong foot here, I’m Rhett, Rhett Abbott—“ You frowned, working to slowly push yourself up the bed to sit up a little more. When you let out a whimper Rhett stepped forward, offering you his forearms to grip onto so he could in turn aid you up. “May I?” You hesitated for a moment, but ultimately accepted the gesture, knowing you couldn’t do it on your own. “Looks like whoever this guy is, he did a pretty good job, but from what I’ve been told you put on one hell of a fight, lady.” You smiled softly, feeling the wires in your mouth against your gums. 
“I thought you said you were Bob's brother? Different last names.” It was a touchy subject, you could tell by the way Rhett took a reluctant pause and tried to navigate an answer that wasn’t nasty. 
“And I thought I said Bob likes to pretend he's an only child.” Rhett held your gaze as he helped you up before he reached out to prop a few extra pillows behind your back. He adjusted the bed to match the angle you wanted to sit up at. “Listen, I’m gonna be honest with you.” He spoke softly, like he was walking on thin ice. “Bob asked me to keep an eye on you over the next few weeks, just until things settle.” 
“What makes you think I’d be inclined to trust a complete stranger?” It was at that very moment that Bradley and Bob were making their way into your room, they’d gone to grab some coffee that had enough Caramel syrup in it the send Gwyneth Paltrow to the fucking stratosphere. But it was a much needed sugar hit. 
“Because there’s a chance that if you don’t you could end up in a worse state than you already are.” It was a hard pill to swallow and one you weren’t ready to accept. 
“I’ll take my chances—get the fuck out of my room.” 
“Okay—“ Rooster sighed dramatically as he stepped in before Rhett could respond with something out of pocket. Giving him a look of ‘what the fuck dude?’ As he walked past. “You’re awake?” 
“You’re still here?” It was the shock on your face that had Rooster questioning what you meant. 
“Where else would I go baby?” He replied softly, leaning in to place a gentle kiss upon your forehead as his hand held the back of your head. “I just needed a coffee, been up watching you sleep for what feels like an eternity.” 
“I thought maybe you’d left—“ You felt your heart warming inside your chest as your stomach filled with butterflies. “You know, after—“ 
“Don’t apologise.” Was all Bradley whispered as he kissed your cheek. “It’s a lot to deal with, I understand that.” You simply nodded softly in response as Rooster sat beside you, in the same chair he’d been in since you were brought back from surgery. 
“Where’s Jake?” Now that? That was a hard topic to answer, but Bradley gave you the decency of honesty. He owed you at least that much. 
“He’s with Dot, at his.” He paused to take a sip of his coffee, sweet with artificial sugar with enough caffeine to kill a horse. “She’s fine, hon, but Jake I’m not so sure about, he took it pretty personally.” That broke your heart, but you couldn’t say you didn’t expect it. You remembered what you’d said, the abuse you’d hurled his way. “But he’ll be back a little later today, I’ll go stay with Dot tonight and he’ll come here.” 
“He hates me doesn’t he?” You’d said some nasty things, but all you wanted was to see your little girl. Tears welled in your eyes as you reached for the lip balm on the side table. Rooster strung into action, taking it from you to apply some on your chapped lips. “He hates me doesn’t he Roo—“
“No Fe he doesn’t hate you, he just knows what he’s doing, although the right thing because we all know that little girl does not deserve to see her strong and beautiful mama like this, is killing you.” Bradley paused, glossing your lips up. “He hates himself more than anything because he thinks you hate him.” 
“I could never hate Jake.” You sighed softly, exhausted from everything you’d been through. “But I really am sorry, for what I said to you Roo, it wasn’t fair.” Bradley accepted your apology without hesitation, bringing his hand up to rest in yours. “I don’t deserve you.” 
“You deserve the world and then some.” Bradley smiled, taking a sip of his coffee. We’re gonna get you through this, just gotta take it one day at a time.” You’d never thought about it before, but as Braldey Bradshaw sat by your side with his hand in yours still looking at you like you hung all the stars in the night sky just for him, you thought for the first time—damn, you’d really say yes if he asked you to marry him tomorrow.
“You know I love you right?” 
“I know—“ Bradley smiled, his heart was just so full. He still had both his girls, although things were a little messy, he still had both his beautiful girls. “But just so you know?” Bradley leaned in closer, holding your hand up to his lips. “I love you so much more.” Bob cleared his throat at that. He saw an opening in the silence as you smiled a cheeky bruised grin. 
“I really hate to be the one to interrupt—“ Bob spoke up as he stepped to the side of your bed. “But I’m sorry about Rhett, he can be a little unforgiving in his approach.” 
“Listen, I came here because you asked me to, I’ll leave quicker than you can say the word go if that’s what you want.” Rhett stood with his legs slightly spread, arms crossed as he sent his brother a brooding look. “You asked me to come here, I dropped everything to come here, for you because you asked—“ It was clear to both you and Bradley that there was something deeper than surface level sibling rivalry that strained the relationship between Bob and Rhett, but as Bob's face softened, accepting his brothers response—you knew there was something worth fixing there. 
“You’re right, I’m sorry—“ Bob apologised. “I’m glad you're here man, really, and I’m sure Felix is gonna enjoy every waking moment she gets to spend in the presents of your company.” That’s when you jumped back into the conversation. 
“I’m not all that keen on spending any time with your clone Robert—“ 
“Uh, as a matter of fact lady, he’s the clone.” Rhett retaliated. “And I’m not so sure if I’m too keen on spending any time with you either.” 
“Well that’s too bad because you’re literally here to make sure that whenever Jake and I can’t be here, that Fe stays safe.” Bradley thought it was as good a time as any to jump into the conversation again. “Which brings me to now, I should really be heading off to see Odette.” 
“Will you tell her I miss her, oh so much.” You cooed, trying your hardest not to get so worked up. Rooster nodded as he kissed your forehead. “Don’t let her stay up too late and make sure she—“ 
“Fe, darlin—I’ve got it covered.” Bradley just beamed at you. “I need you to just focus on you, yeah?” 
“Yeah—I know I know.” You just pressed your lips together in a soft smile. “Leave the lip balm please?” 
“Of course.” Rooster felt his phone ringing in his back pocket before he fished it out. “Wouldn’t dream of leaving you here defenseless against chapped lips.” He beamed, looking down at the caller ID before he flashed you the idiotic photo of Jake that appeared on his screen. “It’s Jacob.” 
“He hates that you call him that—“
“Which brings me an immense amount of joy.” Braldey replied before he swiped the pad of his thumb across his screen, answering the call as he held his phone up to his ear. He waved you off as he left your hospital room, leaving you with Rhett Abbott and Bob Floyd until Jake was meant to join you later in the afternoon. “Hold on man.” Rooster remarked as he paused and turned back to eye off you and Rhett. “Play nice, get to know each other.” 
“I’ll stay for a while if you want Fe?” Bob added. Resting a soft hand on your shoulder as you brought yours up to cover his. 
“As long as you promise he’s not some sort of serial killer I’m sure I’ll be fine.” 
“I never should have left Wyoming—“ Rhett just groaned. “This is gonna be great.” 
When Rooster pulled up at the Seresin x Y/l/n household, his heart swelled to a new size he thought was impossible to live with. There, in the front yard was Jake and Dot, waiting for Bradley to pull up in the drive. The minute Jake had told your little girl that he was coming to spend the night with her, she wouldn't leave the window. Wouldn't stop asking where here Tooster was. So Jake thought he’d do Bradshaw a favour and try to tucker the little tornado out. Chasing her around and around and around in circles and figure eights as she squealed and ran away and tried to dodge the six foot something giant chasing after her. 
“Tooster!” Odette beamed as she broke out into tears. Everything was still so hard to navigate and her little emotions were all kinds of unregulated. “Tooster!” Dot cried out as she ran across the gated yard, making a direct B-line for Bradley as he worked fast to rid himself of his seatbelt and jump out of the Bronco. 
“Hi!” He cooed, crouching down as Dot ran full speed into his chest and open awaiting arms. “It's okay baby, I'm here, don't cry darlin I've got you.” Bradley mumbled into the crook of Dot's neck as he scooped her up. Holding her to his chest with strong arms as she cried her little heart out, so overwhelmed. “I've missed you so much, have you been good for Jakey huh?” 
“So good Tooster.” Dot mumbled as she clung to him for dear life. Bradley smiled against her cheek, drying the tear that spilled from her waterline with the tip of his nose as he took gradual and careful steps towards Jake. greeting him with a soft all knowing smile. His brother in arms. 
“Fe thinks you hate her–” Bradley started, admiring what he could only assume was Phoenix’s handiwork for the pigtails in Dot’s hair. “When you go over, you gotta squash that shit.” Bradley could see what Jake was about to say, he cut him off before he even had a chance to speak it into the world. “And before you ask, no she doesn't hate you–if anything she knows why you did what you did man.” 
“I'm not sure if I have enough energy in the tank to head on over yet.” Jake rubbed the back of his head nervously, walking back to the house at Roosters side. “Phoenix took Dot for a little while there and I tried to get a twenty minute nap in, but I just couldn't–” Bradley understood, he held Dot on his hip and nodded softly. “Every time I close my eyes all I see is her in that bed and she looks unrecognisable.” 
“I feel like you'd be able to sleep a hell of a lot easier if you went and saw her, she's a lot calmer now–takes all her frustration out on Bob's brother, guys kinda like the designated punching bag.” Bradley chuckled to himself as he followed Jake inside. “He’s something else, don't stare at him for too long either, I was afraid that if I did a third one would pop out of the woodwork.” 
“Are you sure that guys gonna be able to handle Fe?” Jake asked, watching as Bradley threw Dot over his shoulder as she giggled and climbed across his broad shoulders like he was a tree. Settling either one of her little legs on either side of his neck as he held her ankles. 
“Probably not but he's the best we’ve got?” Rooster replied, noticing how clean the kitchen was, he knew that was Phoenix, he made himself a mental note to send her a thank you text. “Someones gotta be there.” 
“Am I gonna like him?” Rhett had gotten in about an hour after Jake left, so he hadnt actually met him.
“Eventually, he's no Bob that's for sure, but he's here and that's all I care about.” Bradley thought it was best to leave it at that as he bounced Dot up and down. She gripped her little fingers into his blonde locks and squealed out a laugh. “Now, as for you miss Dot, I think we should draw some pictures for you mum hey? Make sure she's got some art to look at while she's stuck in that bland room.” 
Rhett sat in the corner of your hospital room, eyeing you off as you returned the same glare. You'd been frozen like this for the past ten minutes or so. Sitting in complete silence as neither one of you refused to back down from the staring contest you’d unintentionally entered. 
“Give up–” Rhett mumbled out of the corner of his mouth. 
“Give in–” You replied through gritted teeth. 
“Never lady.” Rhett smirked, widening his eyes a little more dramatically before there was a knock on the door. It immediately broke Rhett out of the trance he’d entered. Standing as he took in the man standing at the threshold of your hospital room. 
“Uh, that's–” Admiral Simpson tried his best to keep his thoughts to himself. “I'm going to go ahead and assume that you aren't Floyd.” Rhett didn't respond, he simply stood there stoic as all hell just wasting for you to tell him what to do. 
“Cyclone? What are you doing here?” You asked from your bed as two police officers followed him in. Their presence instantly made Rhett nervous, having not been on the right side of the law all his life. “I wasn't expecting any visitors I didn't already know about?” 
“I came to see how you’re holding up.” Beau explained. “And to talk to you about the possibility of pressing charges against Lieutenant Dolan.” You couldn't wrap your head around why Cyclone was in your hospital room asking you if you wanted to press charges. Why on god's green earth would you ever press charges? You knew enough to know that the system was flawed enough. “We discovered some video footage of the incident that occurred, so the Navy can press its own charges, but I just wanted to talk to you and see if you were thinking about possible domestic charges?” 
“If the Navy can press their own charges, why are you asking her? Rhett snarled, immediately jumping to your defence. 
“Become it would bode well in our favour to have her as a testimony—“ You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, Rhett couldn’t either but he was less shocked. He’d never been a big fan of the government. 
“No–” You stood your ground, looking at Rhett who moved quickly to stand between your hospital bed and your Admiral. “No, I don't wanna press charges.” Jaidyn had conditioned you to believe that going to the police would do nothing but aggravate him. “All due respect sir, I’m not ready to talk about anything and I don't know if I ever will be.” You were spiralling, Rhett could see it, he saw the panic rising in your eyes. “I'd really like it if you left, sir, i'm just not ready to talk about it, especially to the police.” 
“Ma’am.” Sergeant Briggs stepped in. “I just want you to know that we had to let Lieutenant Dolan go this morning, we couldn't hold him, we didn't have anything to charge him with at the time so if there's any hope of getting him back behind bars it will be with your cooperation.” The penny finally dropped, Jaidyn was still out there somewhere. You forgot how to breathe at the relisation, it made you want to throw up. But you could barely speak as Rhett stepped a little closer to the officer who’d just thrown your entire world out of sync. 
“That kinda sounds like a threat to me?” Rhett growled, crossing his arms over his chest. Tim just sighed. “Where exactly do you get off? She's just been beaten half to death and you want her to speak out against her attacker knowing that he’s unhinged and could retaliate before you guys even lift a finger?” Rhett asked. “That sounds like she’d be sending out a beckon.” Sergeant Briggs wasn’t the bad guy here, if anything he was just trying to help and do his job. He’d been right about the fact the internal investigation was linked to Mr. Dolan. 
“Not a threat sir, just the truth, unless Miss Y/l/n here–” You didn't want to hear it, didn't want to hear that it was up to you to do something, you'd dealt with enough. You were in the hospital for crying out loud. You just wanted other people to do their job, for once. 
“I need the nurses.” You started as you looked around for your buzzer. “Rhett, I need these guys out of here before I lose my shit.” The corner of Rhett's mouth curled up as he cracked his knuckles, enjoying the role he played here for the first time since he stepped foot in California. “I need Jake and Braldey and I need my little girl—“ As of right on cue, Jake was round the corner into your room, shocked to see two officers and Admrial Simpson standing there. They shouldn’t have been here. Who the fuck let them in here? 
“Y/n?” Jake questioned and as if just hearing his voice made you shatter into a million trillion pieces. “Hey, s’going on?” He asked as he stepped past the three men who had bombarded your hospital room on their own accord, moving to their own agenda. “Hey, I’m here, yeah? I’ve got you, I'm here—“ Jake was at your side in seconds, holding you close as you broke. Just like Odette had done when she saw Rooster. “I'm here.” 
“You heard the lady gentleman,” Rhett smirked, cracking his knuckles to match the threat Sergeant Briggs had first given you. He knew by the painful sound of your cries into Jake's chest just how broken you really were. And that he was going to thoroughly enjoy stepping in front of you and whoever threatened you. “Now get the fuck out.”
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014 @blindedbythelightt @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut @feltonswifesworld87 @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde @americaarse @avaleineandafryingpan @phoenix1388 @xoxabs88xox @je-suis-prest-rachel @pono-pura-vida @rosiahills22 @starset21 @anarchyrising @caidi-paris @starkleila @criticalroleobssedperson @enchantingdreamergothprune @flrboyd @emma8895eb @endofdays56
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I know you kinda answered this already, but I just need it in more detail... sorry :(
How would Konig be with kids? With the way they go at it like animals, the reader is bound to get pregnant, right?👀 Would he be happy? What gender would he want? Would he spoil them? How would he treat the reader while pregnant? Would he want more? Do you think he could ever give up his job to spend more time with his family?
Sorry if all the questions are annoying, I'm just genuinely curious 😭
Ehm. I must say I could never find questions about fics and characterizations I wrote annoying 🥹🩷💞 Quite the contrary sweetie!
So, thoughts on how (yandere) König would be with kids, pregnant reader etc under the cut 🥰
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How would Konig be with kids? With the way they go at it like animals, the reader is bound to get pregnant, right?👀
Ummmm yes, first of all I'm a horrible person for not writing my smut with sex ed purposes in mind. I usually skip the "Where's the condom"/"When's the last time you had an STD test?" convos unless they serve a narrative purpose. I have no excuse, I'm just lazy like that 🥲
So we have to start with the assumption that reader uses some type of contraception or then König has like an assortment of condoms in his pocket at all times. Kids would be a choice for them.
If and when they get a kid or two, König would be a hot & cold dad. He doesn't have a role model for good parenting (I suspect with the way I wrote him, his mother was abused in some form or another too and didn't/couldn't protect herself or her child from abuse). It makes König distant at times: confused and shut down one moment and extremely affectionate the next. The kids would have a high risk of forming an anxious and/or disorganized attachment style (very similar to Königs).
Would he be happy? What gender would he want? Would he spoil them?
I think kids would calm him down even more than the long-term relationship/eventual marriage. König isn't the most mature person, but he would "grow up" very soon after becoming a father. Kids would not offer a magical gateway out of his traumas and restlessness by any means, but he would surely find a measure of peace with them, forget his own demons for a moment while watching them grow. I believe he would leave the caring business for the reader (mainly because he isn't exactly a nurturer) but he would play with his kids a lot and spoil them with new toys and other material things.
König has no preference when it comes to gender, but he would have very little or no concept of gender as a spectrum: boys would simply be treated as boys and girls as girls. Which also means that girls get the princess treatment while boys are taught how to use weapons 🙄 Boys would also get to see the stern version of dad more often.
He would worry a lot about them getting bullied at school, especially boy/s (all in all he would project onto a boy sooo much). He would be worried every time they return from kindergarten and school and look for signs of trouble and distress. He would want to teach his boy/s to fight and very likely forces them to start boxing or wrestling at a very young age.
How would he treat the reader while pregnant? Would he want more? Do you think he could ever give up his job to spend more time with his family?
Once he gets over the abyss-like realization that he's going to be a dad, König would become the proudest, most excited and fussing partner there is. He would be the kind of man who forbids a pregnant woman from climbing too many steps – no matter what modern science and studies say about these things. He would follow most of the advice with a military-like orderliness and then suddenly brush some things off by claiming he knows what's best for his lady and the baby (e.g. too much physical activity is dangerous so reader must never exert herself).
He would prefer one, maybe two kids because more would cause him too much stress. He would escape the buzzing family life to work because home has become (funnily enough) "too chaotic". Then again if he had only one kid it would make him want to spend more time at home. He would spoil the shit out of an only child.
König loves his job and would never quit it but he would certainly accept, even ask for more and longer leaves to be with his family. He would also try and get reader to quit her job so she could be a stay at home mom while he provides for the family. 👀
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
^ a good argument that Stolas should have been the villain
no but fr it's actually kinda sad - if the show actually wanted to have a nuanced take on abuse with a believably written abuser, Stolas is the closest they've ever come to doing it successfully - he's not a shrieking monster every time he's onscreen, he has consistent motivations, and he's also a terrible, terrible person:
he's a sexual abuser & exploitative. he uses his book and Blitzo's need to keep his job to exploit sex out of him every month
he's abusive. both to Blitzo and his imp servant. he squeezes the life out of his imp servant and ignores the black eye Stella gave him.
he's manipulative. he waits until Blitzo has used the book for some time & is in imminent danger to propose the deal. he expects sex as a reward for rescuing Blitzo then wonders why Blitzo is apathetic towards him
he's selfish & terrible at reading emotional cues. he assumes everyone else is fine doing what he wants until they physically yell at him, storm off or break down in tears
he wants and sometimes tries to be a good dad but is neglectful. he blames Blitzo for Via going missing when he was the one who caused her to flee the house (something he apparently didn't even notice until Blitzo called him?), he prioritizes Blitzo (flirting and having sex with him, that is) over her constantly
he's classist. he talks down to, demeans and fetishizes imps. the ones he doesn't he doesn't even notice exist (M&M).
he's incapable of admitting fault. he's gone from apologizing to Via for the mess his adultery made to claiming there was no betrayal at all. the next ep is likely to be chock full of him blaming Blitzo for leading him on even though Blitzo has done nothing but maintain their deal (only exception being Ozzie's, which was still within the confines of their deal, so limited sympathy for Stolas there tbh). his 'what have I done?' look after Ozzie's lasted all of five minutes before he went back to blaming Blitzo in 'Stolas Sings'
he's deluded. he somehow thought Blitzo wanted a relationship with him despite having forced him into what's essentially sexual slavery and then called it a 'lie' when Blitzo shut him down over it
he's hypocritical. he calls Stella a bitch to Via's face in the same scene he claims he isn't turning her against her mother. he uses Via as an excuse for not breaking up the marriage sooner even though his marriage to Stella was so woeful his daughter probably would have been better off out of that environment
he's incapable of showing empathy. his reaction to Blitzo's panic attack is to sexualize him some more. he's never shown signs of even trying to relate to Blitzo, and bumped into his daughter without even noticing she was there in Seeing Stars
he ignores people's feelings. Blitzo rejects his flirting, brushes him off multiple times and gets annoyed at Stolas calling him petnames. Stolas still sexualizes him into s2 and the most he's managed is calling him by his proper name. it took him until Blitzo snapped at him for him to notice Blitzo isn't smiling in any of his phone pictures
he can't understand what he's done wrong when told bluntly & directly what the problem is. his text "apology" reeks of "I'm sorry you were offended", not "I'm sorry for what I did wrong"
he has a victim complex. he's a powerful prince but simultaneously passive and unwilling to take steps to make life better for himself. he is the centre of his own universe
he's emotionally dependent. his happiness is dependent on Blitzo loving him back
if the show had just leant into that - and Blitzo slowly realizing just who he was dealing with - it could have been cathartic to see the deal broken. instead it's gonna be more victim blaming BS
We joke about it being The Stolitz Show, but Victim Blaming BS Show is just as fitting.
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mammss · 2 years
home is where the heart is
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<3 after reading obey me bros and how'd they do with there children made me very inspired to write this. i love a good ol demon dad and their baby being utterly cute
<3 fem!mc x mammon
<3 fluff, sfw, mc and mammon have children, talks of mc being pregnant and going through it
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since the moment the two of you confessed your feelings mammon knew one day he'd have kids with you, he'd never tell you of course he couldn't risk you thinking he's crazy or weird but one day you'd settle down and start a family which he couldn't wait for
and boy when that time arrived he couldn't help but get on his hands and knees to thank whoever above to make his dreams a reality
the day you tell him and show the pregnancy test he just grabbed you tight and asked you if you wanted to keep it, he'd never force you to give birth but god did he hope you'd say yes because when would another opportunity strike to talk about a family and pregnancy without him seeming like he wanted them even though he sooo badly wanted one?
and when you said you wanted to keep it he bursted into tears kissing you and spinning you around blabbering about having a kid with you like any cliche rom com
throughout your pregnancy mammon is very protective of you and becomes your personal body guard when you don’t need him to be, like he complains about his brothers being around you claiming they're stressing you out, he forbids anyone to touch your belly the moment it grows he apparently is the only one who can feel it and he cooks all your meals and fixes you snacks because he knows what a human can and can’t have, his brothers let alone barbatos don't have that knowledge
this sort of protectiveness stems from his greed of course not wanting anyone to touch what belongs to him but he just wants to be the only one to experience this pregnancy and make you happy, he’d never forgive anyone who gets to feel the baby kick or help you through your sickness etc he's gonna be by your side for every little step
this is also a time in his life where he gets very serious about the future and never wants you guys to struggle financially, so this man is working non stop and paying back debts just in case some idiot gets the idea to harm his kid for leverage. every penny mammon makes is either tucked away or paid to witches, casino owners and anyone else who bugs him for money
may I also add he earns this money all responsibly getting multiple jobs and as much as it gets tiring all he has to think about is his family and the man gets motivated like that
this man would want an extravagant baby shower and the gender reveal would be huge too like dangerously extravagant the devildom will pay the price for mammon to find out what gender the baby is
the day you finally give birth is an eventful one at least. your water breaks and mammon isn't ready what so ever. while you’re trying to gather everything you need and get to the car mammon is frozen in shock. It takes his brothers who are freaking out as well may I say to pull their own brother together while trying to focus on you and your needs
I’m positive demons don’t have a hospital because they’re strong and magics a thing in the devildom but for the sake of this headcanon there is one ok?! so when you guys finally make it to the hospital you and mammon are separated and the demon does not like it one bit.
remember when I said mammon isn’t gonna miss anything during the pregnancy? I mean this man is demanding your location and has to be restrained by beel but the moment he’s calm enough to be let go he’s rushing to your side and wanting to be apart of the birth anyway possible.
Once the child's born mammon sheds tears like no ones business but nobody says anything about it as it’s not the time. being all high and mighty earlier he becomes very quiet and observant later just because he can’t believe his life has changed in a matter of seconds 
when you ask him if he wants to hold your child he sits down next to you and shakes because of how nervous he is but with you being by his side all you have to do is reassure him and he slowly reverts to his loud extroverted self
another silly headcanon i hope someone remembers if you're seen the office is when pam has her baby but has trouble breastfeeding so the doctor who's a good looking guy is trying to help her and you see jim's jealous yeah that's you and mammon but he'd get vocal about it real quick and would have to be escorted out of the room again by beel
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
Character Profile: Koryak
And so we come to the last (but never least, not in my heart) Lost Titans profile: Koryak! My terrible, damp boy.
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Look at him pout! How I love him.
Koryak debuted in the 1994 Aquaman series. (Note: I'm not sure what his last name is - his mother's is never mentioned, and even though I sometimes tag him as "Koryak Curry," I don't think he would use Arthur's last name, especially since even Arthur didn't use that name very much at the time.)
As I've mentioned before, Arthur has had a lot of different origins, but in the post-Crisis era, which the only era Koryak appeared in, Arthur's mother was the queen of Atlantis, and his father was Atlan, an ancient Atlantean sorcerer who impregnated her in a dream. Arthur was abandoned at birth because of the infidelity/his blond hair, was raised by dolphins (yes), and briefly lived with a human man named Arthur Curry who taught him English and gave him a human name to borrow.
Then Arthur - still a teenager at this point - went to Alaska, where he immediately rescued a teenage girl named Kako from a polar bear. Kako and her family took Arthur in in gratitude, and he and Kako fell in love. (Kako's family is sometimes said to be Inuit, sometimes Inupiat.)
Anyway, Arthur and Kako lose their virginities to each other. IN THE SNOW, FOR SOME REASON:
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This is such an infuriating racist, sexist trope (the WOC with the broken English throws herself at the white hero, logic be damned - why isn't she wearing anything under her coat??? - but of course she will never be his wife, or anything more than a footnote in his story).
Immediately after this, tragedy strikes Kako's family, Arthur is blamed (it's not his fault), and he's thrown out. He returns to the ocean, and eventually goes on to become Aquaman, king of Atlantis, etc.
Years later, he returns to Alaska for plot reasons not worth going into, and that's when he meets Koryak, THE MOST NINETIES BOY OF ALL:
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The shirtlessness, the swords, the hair! Truly a man of his era. (Boy? I always assumed he was about 18 here, but a Secret Files issue claims he was 16.)
Koryak is not Arthur's biggest fan, but after Kako turns into a fire elemental because this is the DCU and these things happen, Koryak decides to go to Atlantis with Arthur. Or, well, technically the city was called Poseidonis at the time, which will be important later.
Anyway, the Poseidonians are a little wary of a stranger at first, until Koryak saves a child's life and suddenly they love him. Koryak, who didn't really fit in in Alaska, is basking under the attention, but it doesn't go over well with the current king, Thesily (Arthur had stepped down a while back for Reasons), who is wildly jealous of Arthur, and fears Arthur is looking to take his throne back and now comes complete with heir.
So Thesily leads Koryak into a side room and tries to stab him to death. Luckily, a sudden earthquake causes a pillar to topple over and trap Thesily. Koryak gloats and leaves him to die. What a brat! I adore him!
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The earthquakes aren't stopping, and the people of Poseidonis want to flee. Arthur tells them not to because a prophecy said they should stay, but Koryak leads the Poseidonians out of the city and to their sister city, Tritonis, which is where the merpeople live. There, the Poseidonians immediately proceed to be huge assholes to the Tritonians, using up their resources and being racist to them. (Introducing Koryak, an indigenous man and literally the only character of color underwater at this point in time, and having him lead a bunch of racist colonizers was...maybe not Peter David's best choice.)
Anyway, Koryak decides to open up some forbidden tunnels because he feels like it, and they turn out to be forbidden because they were imprisoning Kordax, Arthur and Koryak's evil immortal blond lizard man ancestor. Naturally.
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Arthur rolls up with his crew (his girlfriend, his dad, and Garth) and Koryak and Garth throw down. It doesn't go well for Koryak:
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Anyway, Arthur's side wins, Kordax is killed, the Tritonians are freed, and Arthur decides that to make it up to them, the Poseidonians are going to serve them as slaves indefinitely. That...seems like compounding human rights violations on top of human rights violations, but okay. Anyway Koryak volunteers to stay and serve the Tritonians as well, because he feels guilty about what he's done.
...for a little while. Then he gets bored and decides they should leave. The king of Tritonis is like "Says who?" and Garth shows up out of nowhere and is like "Says me" and the king's like "Oh shit, okay" and lets them go, leaving Koryak both grateful and resentful towards Garth. I am eating this up with a SPOON btw.
Koryak returns to Tritonis, where he immediately falls back into old habits of resenting his father. Vulko, an advisor of Arthur's who is currently mad at him, sees this and decides to use it as an opportunity to overthrow Arthur:
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(The scar across his nose is from Kordax. Later artists forgot it and I wish they hadn't.)
Vulko and Koryak plot for like...a really long time without anything coming of it. Arthur knows perfectly well that it's happening but doesn't do anything about it, even though he could put a stop to it by simply, like...showing Koryak five minutes of positive attention, ever, in his life. Because it's really, really obvious that Koryak just needs positive reinforcement, and would be fully Team Arthur if Arthur would just give him a reason - at one point when Arthur briefly dies (he gets better), Koryak is willing to die to try to avenge him and save Garth and Dolphin from torture. He's not all bad! He's just drawn that way!
Anyway, Arthur comes back to life and Poseidonis decides to make him king again. Just as he's about to be crowned, GARTH tries to overthrow him and steal the throne - but that's just because Garth has been holding Arthur's magic trident and was possessed by him. Arthur overpowers him, and then tells him that he's not mad and in fact, he's proud of Garth for holding out as long as he did.
Then Koryak tries his hand:
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And like...yes, Garth only tried to steal the throne because he was possessed and Koryak did it willingly, but Koryak also tried to help Arthur when Garth went rogue. Again, it is so, so clear that Koryak's loyalty was Arthur's for the asking, but Arthur never asked. Instead, he praised Garth for trying to overthrow him and then told Koryak to his face how much he sucked.
Arthur is at least merciful enough to commute the normal sentence for treason from death to banishment, and Koryak is kicked out of Atlantis. Arthur then literally never thinks about him for the next SEVEN YEARS. (Okay, Koryak shows up very briefly for three issues in 1999 and Arthur thinks about him while he's looking directly at him, and then forgets he exists again. But then, Arthur also repeatedly forgets about his own wife. Arthur is terrible.)
Anyway, seven years later, Arthur has also been banished from Atlantis, and is now living in Sub Diego, which is what happens when half of San Diego inexplicably falls into the ocean and a small percentage of the traumatized people discover they can breathe underwater. Koryak, meanwhile, has returned to Atlantis to fight with Garth some more:
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Love this for them!
Koryak, btw, is arguing that the survivors of Sub Diego should be allowed to move to Atlantis, and Garth's like "Uhhh they wouldn't fit in" and Koryak's like "Wow, racist." Ahem. In general, Koryak during this period is a lot calmer and more mature than he used to be, and also a lot more willing to forgive Arthur for All the Bullshit:
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Also, there's a joke that implies Koryak might be queer?
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Literally that's the joke here: Koryak is talking about a guy named Malrey (half-shark, half-cop, and no I am not kidding), and Lorena, who has a crush on Koryak, is clocking that she may not have a chance. I don't know if this was just a throwaway gay joke, which happened all the time in 2005, or if it was going somewhere, but we'll never know. (For the record, even though Garth says Koryak has a crush on Lorena, that doesn't appear to be true, especially since Lorena is underage and Koryak is definitely an adult by now. I don't think we should take Garth's line there as anything but dismissive of Koryak's outreach to the Sub Diegoans. Also, back in the 90s, Koryak definitely had a crush on a minor character called Deep Blue, a.k.a. Debbie Perkins, but that never went anywhere, which is good because SHE WAS ARTHUR'S HALF-SISTER. (She and Arthur made out a bunch before they knew, because Arthur loves kissing girls his sons have crushes on. YIKES ALL AROUND.) (Also just kidding, Arthur doesn't pay enough attention to any of his kids to know who they have crushes on.))
Anyway. Back to the plot. Mera is very sick because of Evil Magic, and Garth decides to perform a massive spell to save her, and Koryak agrees to help. This spell attracts the attention of the Spectre, who was evil at the time, and he, uh...destroys Atlantis, killing Koryak, Garth, and almost everyone else. Arthur finally acknowledges that he was a shitty dad:
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Immediately after this issue, the book's title changed from Aquaman to Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis. The main character is not the Arthur we know, but a new, younger Arthur, Arthur Joseph Curry, who turns out to be a cousin of our Arthur. His mentor is a guy called the Dweller in the Depths, who has a tentacle face like Davey Jones from the Pirates movies. It is eventually revealed that the Dweller is actually Regular Arthur, with traumatic amnesia. Why? Why does he have a tentacle face now? NEVER EXPLAINED.
Anyway, we also meet this guy:
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Narwhal's character design is...suggestive, let's say? Also suggestive: Garth has also turned up alive, and like "Narwhal," he now has albinism and partial amnesia. And Narwhal knows the name "Orin," though he can't place it. (It's Arthur's Atlantean name.)
Anyway, Narwhal is sent to kill this "Orin":
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Narwhal kills Arthur/Orin/the Dweller, but it doesn't bring him peace, because he still doesn't know who he is - and Orin did, at the last minute. He goes to Atlantis for answers, and Mera confirms it, at least for the reader:
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...and that's the last issue of Sword of Atlantis. WOMP WOMP. All of the Aquaman characters disappeared until Blackest Night (when Arthur returned). Koryak never appeared again, and was retconned out with the New 52. Oh well, at least the narwhal tusk spear is pretty dope.
As of Infinite Frontier, the pre-52 universe has been pretty much restored, which should mean that Koryak is back in continuity...but DC is still keeping Arthur's New 52/Rebirth origin intact, which means he did not spend any of his teenage years in Alaska, which means Koryak was never conceived. So things could go either way - any writer who feels like bringing him back could do so easily, but they don't have to.
I call Koryak "my terrible boy" a lot, and he's undeniably pretty obnoxious: immature, bratty, petty, unforgiving, and, uh...awfully on board with murder, let's say? He is also extremely young when we first meet him, and is instantly slammed with trauma: his mother essentially dies, someone tries to murder him, he's physically and mentally violated by Kordax. I'll say again that the slightest bit of positive attention from Arthur probably could have changed his entire life, but he never got it. SO HE'S GONNA GET IT FROM ME INSTEAD.
Anyway, I love Koryak very, very much, and have already written fic about him. And I have another Koryak fic in the works for after The Lost Titans is published. And I will never stop whining at DC to bring him back. If Koryak has one fan (he does), it's me. But maybe now it's you, too?
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gaybellethorn · 4 months
i started listening to the first shannon hale eah book on my walk earlier and it's so good. hale you mad bitch <3!!!!!!!
raven being a swiftie (taylor quick........obsessed) and apple being a directioner ("you don't know youre charming" in universe pointing to the real life charming family. CRAZY.)
apple keeping a basket of candy and coins at her bedroom balcony to throw down to her adoring masses PLEASEEEEE . all her kingdom management classes amassing to this she's so FUNNY.
relatedly, how frustrated she gets at the end of her first chapter that people are only gonna grade her on being a good snow white based on how pretty she is and not on how hard she's studying to be a good ruler. very very juicy very interesting characterisation very interesting take for a snow white character. but also. the chapter starts with her naming the dwarves by derogatory nicknames ("my name is frank," pouty said poutily) and the narrative itself superimposing her names onto them in the dialogue tags. SO FUCKING GOOD. APPLE YOU SILLY BITCH.
hale's distate for apple's dad bleeding into the description i looooove it. "keeping a hand on the hilt of his blade as if ready for battle at a moment's notice, but of course he had never been in battle. his only claim to fame was falling in love with a comatose woman in a glass coffin in the woods" damn hit him again for me!!!!!
BUT this coming from apple's pov???? EXQUISITE!!!!!! god that's so fucking INTERESTING and really doubles down on her looking up to her mam and wanting to be the best ruler she can be, because no one's gonna help her out later! i haven't gotten to apple interacting with daring yet, but that's gonna be such an interesting lens to read their relationship through as well if she considers his role in the story like. repulsive!
also just an interesting contrast to raven's relationship with her parents, where she loves her dad and wishes her mam wouldn't belittle him in their convo. oh sidebar there was a description like, raven's mam did love her, in her own way. hope was like a sticky syrup and raven wished she could drink it down just one more time. auggghhh ravennnn :( <33333
back to apple, i liked the little detail about snow having this squeaky high pitched voice, and apple musing that being stranded in the woods with the squirrels may have done a number on her. i think she gives a length of time there, either weeks or months? i hadn't considered that being part of the snow white legacy, that's interesting ! especially after thinkng of her dad as a useless bum ass nobody like 😭
looooove getting raven's introspection around her mam. the mirror scene at the start is so so good. ugh then when she's talking to apple and she notices how slouchy and unkempt she is next to her. and she tries standing properly but she knows she comes off as too tall, too gaunt comparatively. and then she reprimands herself like 'stop comparing yourself to her, that's probably how mom turned out the way she did' AUGH ? that being the first indicator that raven can understand how that path unfurls in front of her, how she could easily take those same steps. sooo juicy
also looove her relationship with baba yaga so far. it's really interesting that baba yaga is compared/contrasted to raven's mam, i wanna keep an eye on how that relationship develops
baba yaga using an actual spray bottle on raven when she starts voicing rebel thoughts PLEASE‼️ raven grumpily looking into the princess' advisor office (run by the white queen! cute detail) where theyre given tea and plush chairs and noticing that there isn't a spray bottle in sight. MWAH.
oh ! and the detail about it being maddie who asks raven point blank "if you weren't destined to be the evil queen, you would...?" as part of this wonderland word game that she doesn't think anything more of, but raven is left speechless because she's never been allowed to consider it before. really sweet moment between them! :)
im like an hour into this 6.5hr audiobook. the voice actor is doing a wonderful job, i really like her voices for raven and apple in particular so far. i definitely wanna keep going on it! i will listen to it on walks i think :^)
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sardonic-sprite · 17 days
Dad!Tim AU pt 6
Bc Q keeps randomly knocking down my door and screaming EIRA every few months/aff
Part 1
Within a week the family has worked together to craft an official statement for the press
If it weren't for goddamn ras tim would be advocating the "keep all reporters and paps the fuck away from my baby" approach, but as it is he just has to try to minimize damage
They hold a small press conference in Wayne tower, where they've got absolute top security around, and Bruce is right by Tim's side expressing unwavering support and 0 judgment as Tim states that he's stepping down from his position (not CEO he was in charge if like R&D since Bruce came back)... in order to care for his infant daughter
Dead silence. Wide-eyed stares
Tim takes a deep deep breath and says
"Her name is Eira Bahar Wayne. Her mother is my best friend *he's a bit choked up, because he's never going to get them to understand exactly what steph is, more than friend, other than lover, one of the most amazing women in the world* and if you will all take a moment now to turn off any flash or recording lights... they'll come out and say hello."
It was a calculated move, introducing Eira literally in Stephs arms. Tim's the famous one, no one will forget that he's a teen parent, that he claimed this kid. He's also eiras literal biological father, she has 23 chromosomes from him and sooner or later that's going to become apparent
She also has 23 chromosomes from a woman who is not steph.
There can't ve any doubt in the publics mind that steph carried and bore Eira, tho, or ras has an in. So Eira meets the world this way, so that the very first pictures to exist of her are *with her mother*, with Steph smiling so lovingly and holding her totally correct, eiras blanket and stephs dress even subtly matching and complimenting Tim's suit.
That's why he goes to meet them, arm around stephs back, and brushes eiras little Itty bitty curls that Tim thinks are from his mom, and they step forward as a unit
He thinks it works
Camera shutters are GOING OFF (thankfully no flash, he didn't want to go red robin on them) and several reporters are awwing and sighing
They ask a few questions, to Tim and to steph. They share facts - eiras birth height and weight, how long Tim and steph have known each other - but not stories - how long wad the birth, did you decide to have a child or happy accident?
Tim kind of wants to punch the guy who asked that but he forces a laugh and says it's rude to ask a lady such things
And then it's over and the next day 3 different newspapers have it as the headline story
Eira becomes a celebrity overnight. All of Gotham is SCREECHING about how adorable she is, how adorable their family is, how Tim is now a DILF (he blocks that tag) how lucky steph is to have Tim and eira
(There's other screeching too, about teen parents and recklessness and gold digging and debauchery and-- Babs keeps all that off Tim's and stephs feeds, monitoring it herself to ensure it never gets too loud)
Tumblr has an EIRA WAYNE PROTECTION SQUAD blog with over a hundred followers, #eiratheadorable is trending on Twitter, and they've recievied probably fifty handmade baby things in the past 2 months - blankets, hats, mittens, an empty scrapbook to fill, a nursery-appropriate superheroes painting
It's a little overwhelming but it's kind of nice
Tim and steoh make sure to go out and be seen every few weeks, together or apart, with eira on their hip, in a baby sling, in a stroller. For the most part people keep a respectful distance as they beam and coo and wave, and anyone who doesn't is quickly blocked by Cass or Damian, or dick when he's in town
(Jason isn't supposed to be alive and Bruce was found to be way too over protective. Tim AGREES but daaaad stop, you can't give away your batman voice bc one idiot had his flash on)
And exactly 3 months after eiras announcement, the perfect amount of time to cement her as part of the family, cute and tiny and lovable, an ideal in Gotham imagination...
Bruce and Talia announce their marriage and the date for a public, FANCY, vow-renewal, and take the people by STORM
Ta da?
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mdhwrites · 8 months
honestly, Amity's hair color is the perfect metaphor for her character. She's still hiding her true colors, she's just trying to match Luz instead of Odalia.
So even at the time, when I was still deep in the paint of TOH, I had a major problem with it as far as the themes, metaphors and just designs of TOH went. Put both Amity and Luz at that time into their Hexside uniforms. Then silhouette them so you have no colors. Now try to tell me which is which.
It was a genuine problem for me during that time period where I'd see sketch fanart of Lumity and have to look for Amity's ears because otherwise the two are indistinguishable from each other. Like yes, it's a MUCH more boring hairstyle and I'm with others that there's just way too much purple in the show so Amity's green hair helped her actually stand out but this really was a big problem and got worse as I got more critical of Lumity. After all, this moment of making sure she has her own identity, stands out from others and will decide her own fate... And she looks the fucking same as another character now, blending in more easily with them. Then she just goes on to slowly have the rest of her personality and life (which were already doing this, thank you "your grades are slipping" from Escaping Expulsion for that one) consumed by her role of girlfriend.
It makes what should be such a character defining moment anything but that. Hell, it isn't even a complete schism from her family's desires and wishes. She still goes on to effectively helm Blight Industries after all, or so I presume unless she started her own competing abominations factory which still doesn't fix that that's STILL what Odalia would have wanted had Amity failed to get into the EC. It's still living in the shadow of her father's legacy and following in his own footsteps.
It's actually the one major cue from Hunter that Amity takes for her arc which really doesn't help the two feel like they aren't the same character. At least with Hunter, we only have one action that's confirmed as being the same as those he's supposed to be rejecting so as to find his own personhood: Rejecting Belos. There's a lot more we can claim but that's the only one 100% confirmed.
Amity though? Her future includes dedicating herself to a potentially unhealthy degree to her partner while also commercializing her magic into mech-infused abominations. Even if Lumity is healthy post the series, nothing about Amity's behavior doesn't imply she'd drop everything for Luz at a moment's notice and Alador gave the same impression. So... She just became her dad? Why?
Then again, when you are a show that seems to actually struggle to write a diverse cast of characters (I mean personality wise, not ethnicity), this is going to happen. Dana is a good enough artist though that the silhouette problem shouldn't have happened. That should have been caught and stopped immediately, not when it's so antithetical to the point of the moment. I guess you could say it's to show she still needs to make another step to becoming her own person but that never really happens, does it? And we explicitly know they didn't have proper plans for it to happen.
So yeah, it really is just perfect for who Amity became, even right down to being a worse design to go alongside girlfriend Amity being such a worse character.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 months
quil is everything alright with that book
I'm kind of worried??
Tiernan de Haas's famous producer/movie star parents committed double suicide a few weeks before her 18th birthday (her dad was dying of cancer, but they didn't tell her, because they ignored her her whole life--this lack of attention/love is key to her later actions). Her guardianship was, for some reason, left to his estranged step brother he hasn't spoken to in decades, who lives in a mountain cabin with his two sons
Tiernan, for some reason (reckless anger?), is like yeah I'll move in with you guys, who I've never met before (he offered for her to emancipate herself but she said no...?). These guys consist of her step uncle Jake, and her step cousins Noah and Kaleb, who are both a few years older than her. Jake is an alpha ass, Noah hates his life and dad but can't leave (unclear why), and Kaleb hasn't spoken a word since he was four and is implied to like hurting women in bed.
Despite this, Tiernan decides to stick around, and by day two her Uncle is saying shit like "You're ours" and "this is your home", and Noah is like "let me perfectly explain your childhood trauma to you in the middle of this cvs." We don't see Kaleb until night 2 or 3, since he's been off in the woods, but the moment he walks in the door at like 1 am (covered in blood holding a dead deer) (Tiernan was getting some laundry) he immediately is like oh. A Woman To Have Sex With. and nearly rapes her until Noah pulls him off and goes hey...that's our step cousin.
The reason he was so immediately on top of her is because apparently??? there's just a constant stream of women in the house?? like Noah legit just wakes up with women in his bed waking him up to have sex. and so any woman in the house must be there for sexual purposes and is fair game
Anyway. Tiernan doesn't mention this, but gets into some spats with her relatives. Consisting of them making very deep, personal claims about her despite it having been, once again, like 3 days. Her Uncle is like "You never smile! you only speak in one word sentences! you never ask us questions!" As if she isn't among strangers and her parents died mere DAYS ago. yet, for some reason, she's like, damn...he's right. her uncle is also constantly like do NOT date the boys in town, do NOT go down to the pond alone, etc. etc.
Step Uncle Jake then starts unloading trauma while fishing about how he hasn't been near a woman in decades, since Tiernan's parents drove his first love to suicide (that why they haven't spoken in forever) and the mother of his sons is in jail. This turns Tiernan on. Later when Tiernan can't sleep, they nearly fuck in the kitchen, but stop and Tiernan finally cries over her parents death and how they didn't even leave her a note. Uncle Jake is like we're your family now and this is your home (it hasn't even been a week).
There's a time skip of a few weeks, where they're preparing for winter--because, I forgot to mention, they live alone at the top of a mountain and are snowed in for six months every year. Tiernan turns 18 (kaleb gifts her a hand carved belt that noah says is for bondage purposes), her cousins get into a fight in a bar over her, and they run away from the police to the house. The cousins stay up in case any of the people they fought try and get to the house through the snow, but they end up putting porn on the TV and having a communal masturbation session, nearly ending in Noah and Kaleb fucking Tiernan. Instead, Uncle Jake interrupts, and he spanks her.
And that's as far as I've gotten so far. So I'm reading a slow-burn (ish) romance of Tiernan falling for her step uncles and cousins. And they've just gotten snowed in for the next 6 months. So they're alone. and tiernan's now legally an adult. and no one here is well adjusted
send me your strength soldiers I think it's about to get even rougher
(I went into this book knowing exactly what it would be)
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the-badger-mole · 2 years
Hallmarks of the Season
Katara hated travelling during the holidays. It was too crowded, people were too impatient, and the frazzled staff had been abused to the point that even asking for directions seemed to push some of them to the point of tears. Even travelling first class wasn't enough to offset the horrors of holiday travel. Still, as Katara exited baggage claim at long last, and saw her father and brother waiting for her in driver hats and holding a banner, she felt the annoyance of the last 15 hours melt away.
"Dad! Sokka!" She threw herself at them and happily got swallowed up in the tangle of affection.
"Welcome home, sweetheart," Hakoda said, pulling his children close in a crushing hug.
"Dad!" Sokka protested. "You see me every day! Stop trying to break me in half." Hakoda ignored his son and gave them both one last squeeze before releasing them. He took the handle of Katara's suitcase and lead the way out of the airport.
"I'm so glad you were able to make it this year," Hakoda said to Katara. "It's been too long since we've had you with us in person for the holidays. Your grandmother is going to be thrilled to see you."
"And this mysterious boyfriend you're hiding from us," Sokka cast his sister an arch look. Katara just rolled her eyes.
"First of all, he's my fiancé," she reminded him. "And he's not mysterious. You have all met him."
"Video calls and an hour of lunch hardly counts as meeting him," Sokka snorted. "We've barely gotten to vet him. It seems like every time we're supposed to spend time with him, something comes up. Wasn't he supposed to fly out with you? What's his excuse this time?" Katara's face colored with anger.
"There's an issue with an investor," Katara told her brother. "They were supposed to sign the deal two weeks ago, but now they're dragging their feet. If the money isn't transferred, it's going to affect payroll, and we're trying to avoid that. It's a miracle I was able to get away."
"Perks of being engaged to the owner?" Hakoda grinned broadly and winked at Katara.
"Yeah...well..." Katara's shoulders went up to her ears bashfully. "Well, anyway, Zuko's uncle is there to help get things settled. He promised to have Zuko on the plane here in four days, no matter what, so he'll be here." Sokka scoffed disbelievingly. Katara shoved him lightly. They'd reached Hakoda's car then, and the subject switched from the likelihood of Katara's fiancé showing up to who got the front seat. Katara won, and Sokka sulked in the backseat for the entire way home.
Katara had only been able to come home a handful of times over the last five years, but every time she stepped through the door of her childhood home, it was like she'd never been away. Kanna, her grandmother hurried out of the kitchen, covered in flour, to greet her prodigal granddaughter in a flurry of hugs and kisses. A pair of small, but heavy feet rushed down the stairs, and Katara had just a moment to prepare herself before her niece launched herself into her aunt's arms.
"Auntie!" Katara caught her with only a bit of a stumble and laughed as she hugged her niece tight.
"You've gotten so big, Sesi!" she exclaimed. Sesi squirmed out of Katara's grip and pulled her bottom lip down to show of a row of missing teeth.
"I lost a tooth today!" Sesi exclaimed, jabbing her finger at an empty spot that seemed fresher than the rest. "It came out in my tessenjutsu class!" Katara ooed and awed to the little girl's content. Then Sesi grabbed Katara's hand to drag her off to her room and show her all the new toys and games she'd gotten since Katara had last visited, but Sokka stopped her.
"Sesi, Auntie's had a long day," he said. "And it's past your bedtime."
"But, Daddy-" Sesi protested.
"She'll still be here tomorrow," Sokka promised. "And if you're really good, maybe she can even take you to school in the morning." The reminder that she still had to go to school did not have the placating result Sokka was hoping for, but still Sesi went off to her room with little more than a pout. Hakoda took the opportunity to take Katara's bag up to the guest room. Kanna ushered her grandchildren off to the kitchen to fix them a meal.
"I hope you're hungry," Kanna said.
"After a day of airport food, I'm starved," Katara assured her grandmother.
"Really?" Sokka raised an eyebrow. "They didn't feed you in first class?" Katara rolled her eyes and huffed.
"First class on that airline just means more legroom, and even that just barely." She sat at the table, across from her brother and thanked Kanna for the bowl of stew. "The food on the plane was actually not bad, but they served it like two hours into the flight, and it wasn't even that much food."
"Well, you can have as much as you want," Kanna promised. "I'm going to clean up and head out."
"You don't have to do that, Gran-Gran," Sokka said. "I'll take care of it."
"Are you sure?" Kanna asked. "I know you've had a long day, and it's no trouble."
"It's the least I can do," Sokka insisted. "For taking care of Sesi and cooking and stuff." Kanna chuckled and kissed Sokka's forehead.
"In that case, I'll head out." Kanna stopped at Katara's side and kissed her next. "I'll be back nice and early tomorrow. I want to hear all about your job...and this young man I've been hearing so much about."
"Absolutely," Katara promised. "I have lots of pictures." Hakoda came back down the stairs as Kanna was bundling up.
"Are you leaving so soon, Kanna?" he asked, giving her a hug.
"I want to let Umiak out for a while before I go to bed," Kanna told him. "I'll be back in the morning." Kanna said her last goodnights and hurried out to her car. Hakoda went to join his children at the table.
"Sesi was a little wound up," Hakoda explained as he fixed himself a bowl of stew. "I told her a quick bedtime story."
"Sesi is getting so big!" Katara exclaimed, turning to Sokka. "How can you stand it?"
"It's tough," Sokka sighed. "I feel like she was just my little baby ten minutes ago, and now she's losing teeth and going to school. She'll be in first grade next year."
"Yeah, these days fly by." Hakoda looked at his two children with a melancholy smile. "Then she'll be all grown up and carving out her own little piece of the world, and making you feel the proudest you've ever been." Katara reached out and squeezed her fathers hand. Sokka stroked his chin thoughtfully.
"Sesi looks more and more like Yue everyday," he mused sadly.
"Yeah, but her personality is all you," Katara laughed.
"Perfect!" Sokka grinned at Katara. "She'll be beautiful and funny!"
The trio stayed up well into the night, catching up, reminiscing and cleaning the kitchen. It was well past the time Hakoda and Sokka usually went to bed by the time they turned in, but eventually the day caught up with them, and they said their goodnights. Katara had been put into the spare bedroom. It was small, but cozy, with a narrow futon and a warm glowing bedside table. This was where Gran-Gran or any other visiting relatives would sleep. It was strange for Katara to be there now, but her childhood bedroom was now where Sesi slept. It was jarring, and the first time that coming to visit her family didn't quite feel like coming home, but Katara found herself glad that her brother and niece had moved back in with Hakoda. She had worried about her father when she was away, although Sokka and his family had never lived far. She was grateful that they had each other now. And she was glad to be back.
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six
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