#he just doesn´t know that is a bad thing to do to kill people in public
nico00235 · 2 years
So, curious, since you like edge boy MK, how would you do an Evil MK AU? Or just a story idea? I wanna see your creative mind go wild
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I think I would do two things, a fic and an AU, both would end up with an MK being totally mentally deranged but with different dynamics
For the AU it's something I just made up, it's not totally clear but I would like to see MK being a ray of sunshine but hurting people, not an edgy "hahaha, I hurt you because I'm bad" thing, but he doesn't enjoy hurting to people, he is so well trained to kill that when he does it is with such enthusiasm that it is scary (by enthusiasm I do not mean smiles or laughter, but rather with great euphoria and strength)
He does not feel guilty, he only knows that it is his duty because he has been instructed to do so. (mMMM I WONDER BY WHO (YES, IS WUKONG, YOU CAN LAUGH NOW) )
And he does it to make his mentor proud, he wants his mentor to see him as a worthy successor.
It would be like a Wukong in his youth, doing everything the easy way and without remorse, he would be a bit conceited but I think the factor that comes into focus the most is that he is thirsty for blood and power that will do whatever it takes to achieve it, committing acts cruel only so that at the end of the day he happily arrives next to his mentor and happily says
"Monkey King, guess what I did today!"
without any remorse
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classypauli · 7 months
She’s the Man
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Pairing: Jenna Ortega x fem Reader Summary: With the new university Y/N meets new opportunities, plays on the football team, meets new people, makes new friendships, and maybe finds something she didn’t think would find.... But being dressed as her brother can create little problems in the future. She’s the Man AU A/N: So this fic will be based on the movie She´s the Man, it won´t follow every step of the story, I had it in mind some time now and have been thinking about if it is a good idea or not but well, here goes nothing… Not forcing anyone to read this, idk just wanted to try something new. Warning: first time writing, bad grammar and punctuation in complex sentences, spelling errors, boring and awkward Word count: 5k I DON’T OWN THE MOVIE THIS STORY IS BASED ON OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS THAT ARE IN THERE. IT’S ONLY FICTION AND NONE OF THIS IS REAL.
Chapter 1
Y/N is sitting in her brother´s room, eyes wide open  „You can´t be serious! How am I supposed to do that?!“ she shouted at him. „I´ll be thankful to you till the end of my life.“ well, that won´t be for long if she decides to kill him right now. „Charlie-“
„Please Y/N you are my only hope, you know I´ve been wanting to go to this festival for so long, you know what it means to me, please.“ he puts his hands in a praying position, and now his puppy eyes are the only thing his sister can see. „Ew get away from me.“ she pushed him into the chest as he stumbled back.
Charlie, Y/N´s twin brother, wants her to impersonate him. Yeah, you heard it right, he wants his sister to go to his school and act like him this whole time that he will be on tour. He is in the band, their parents aren´t really happy about it, they say that music won´t get him anywhere and he should concentrate on the more important stuff. Y/N´s sad because she was always like if something makes you happy, that´s all that matters, right? But he isn´t giving up, he still hopes that he can convince them about being serious with music.
And don´t get her wrong, she´d do anything and everything for him, he is her brother, her twin, but this... She´s not so sure, it´s just too much, what if they find out? What if she isn´t good enough and mess up? What would their parents say? Oh God too much pressure on her shoulders and she didn´t even say yes.
But his sad and disappointed eyes are her last straw. „Gosh.... m'kay.“ Y/N whispered under her breath almost unnoticed. Charlie´s eyes lit up like Christmas lights and started running to his sister yelling „Thank you thank you thank you! I promise I´ll do anything for you!“ He almost suffocated her when they hugged. „Careful with your words and now get off I can´t breathe!“ he immediately pushed himself off and started his little winning dance.
She rolled her eyes at him „So how we are going to do that? I mean, I need to look exactly like you, act like you, talk like you, and EVEN SMELL like you? Well now I´m not so sure if I can do this I mean-“ she looked at him and scrunched up her nose. „Oh, you didn´t you f-“ he hit Y/N with the pillow in the head. She started laughing at her brother's offended face. „Just kidding stop being a baby.“
He stood up and started thinking „Well we look alike, like a lot, so there won´t be much work in the face-“ „What?!“ „-but you need to learn how to walk like me and dress like me. Stand up we are having our first lesson.“
They were practicing her walk, or more like his walk, and she got it pretty right. Clothes won´t be a big problem cause they wear uniforms and wearing baggy clothes is one of the most comfortable things for her. She doesn´t know how she will do it but for her brother, she needs to at least try.
A couple of days passed and now Y/N is sitting in the passenger seat, Charlie is behind the wheel. Sun is shining through the windows of their parent's car. She is wearing her school uniform and her leg is bouncing up and down in black uncomfortable shoes.
„Stop Y/N it will be okay-„ she turned to him „Well it´s easy for you to say! You aren´t the one dressed as me!“. Okay maybe she´s a little dramatic but she´s shitting her uniform pants right now, oh God please let this be over already.
Y/N didn´t even notice and they were already in front of the school. Students were walking back and forth, laughing and greeting each other after the holidays. The girl wasn´t a social kid growing up. I mean she doesn´t have a problem with talking to others, the problem is in the start of conversations. She can try as hard as she can but she never knows how to begin. Her mind suddenly stops working and becomes quiet. She´s not shy, at least she doesn´t think she is. For the longest time of her life, she thought that she was an introvert but as she was getting older she realized maybe she´s just a quiet extrovert. Y/N likes to listen to people more than talk to them. She likes to be by herself but also enjoys the company of the right people.
„Okay we are here, “ Charlie said „Just try to enjoy it, it will be fun“. Yeah, his twin is boiling with excitement.
They got out of the car, her brother went to get her bags from the back and she just stood there. Just like a kid for the first time going to school, doesn´t know what's waiting for them. She just realized that this is real and that what is she going to do is a crazy idea.
„Ch-Charlie I think I changed my mind I can´t do this-“
Walking to her dorm room is the next thing, bags in hands trying to find her room. Finally, she sees the right numbers and she can´t wait to put these heavy bags in there. She unlocked the door and walked straight to the room.
„Oh hi!“ Y/N heard from the other side, looked up and her eyes met with the unknown boy.
„I´m Percy.“ he walked up to her and offered his hand „I´m guessing you are my roommate?“ He was a little taller than her and had long brown hair.
„Yeah, nice to meet you my name´s Y-Ch-Charlie, my name´s Charlie.“ she said as she shook his hand. Damn! She needs to concentrate more.
„Well Charlie pleasure to meet you“ he smiled „I´d like to sit and talk with you but I have to go now, you can put your clothes right there, and on the left side of the door is the bathroom, thankfully every room has one so not all students have to share the same one.“  Well, at least it would be easier for her to shower. Y/N thanked him as he walked away. With a sigh, she fell right into her new bed. She started unpacking and soon walked out of the dorm. She doesn´t know where is she going but she will find out. Silently cursed at her new roommate for rushing away even though he knew she was new. Y/N was in her world passing around the corner of the hallway until someone smashed into her.
“Oh shit I’m so sorry!”
The girl moved her gaze to the voice and there was a guy, he was taller than her and looked like he was in a rush, he was holding some clothes which were probably PE uniform.
“I didn’t mean to do it I swear I didn’t see y-“
“Hey it’s okay nothing happened but damn you are in quite a rush”. she laughed and he started to rub his neck.
“Yeah, I’m heading into football practice and I’m late again, oh God my coach is going to kill me, last time he said if this happens one more time he will kick me out of the team.” he kept rumbling but the only word Y/N could catch in his sentence was “football”.
“But hey at least you are okay, I’m glad nothing serious happened-“ she cut him off.
“Wait you play football?”
“Uhm yeah, doesn’t it look like it?”. He asked in a small voice as if he was sad about it. What? He definitely looks like someone who does some sport, he is big and tall with his big arms wide shoulders, and athletic legs.
“No I didn’t mean it like that-” he kept watching her with curious eyes “-I just used to play football too and yeah, I don’t even know why I react-“ his face lit up.
“You can go with me! We have enough space in our team!”
“Thank you but am not sure if-“
“No! Please! I’m not going to force you but you can at least come and look, please-“ he was giving her puppy eyes now “-if you come with me then the coach would forgive me maybe if I said I was bringing you-“
“So that’s what it is about!”
“No! Well- maybe- but it would be cool to have someone new on our team! And we are missing a midfielder because of his injury, so you could fill up his place”. Well maybe it wouldn’t be the worst idea, she can at least try. Y/N looked up at him and nodded.
“YES! Come with me- wait my name’s Mason”
“Charlie” she introduced herself with her brother's name.
They shook hands and started to walk into a field.
„You are new here, right? I don´t think I saw you before.“-
Y/N was now standing inside the cafeteria, she was looking around for a spot when suddenly she saw Percy, he was sitting in one of the middle tables with some of his friends. Before she could do anything he looked up and saw her.
„Charlie!“ he waved his hand for her to come over to the table, his friends already looking at her. Well, there´s no way to go back now.
„Hey, I wanted you to introduce me to my friends.“ he said smiling „This is Hunter and Georgie.“ Y/N shook their hands and took a seat.
„Nice to meet you, Charlie, “ Hunter said, „so how´s the first day goin´?“
„Well I´m just warming myself in here but so far I don´t have any negative words.“
Georgie took a sip of something he had in his cup and looked at her „That´s good, if you have a problem with something just ask.“
Hunter laughed at Georgie „Yeah but I don´t recommend asking Georgie for help with a class, he is the one who should seek help with that.“
„I´m not!“ he said offended. Y/N could only laugh at their bickering. „Don´t mind them-“ Percy wanted to continue with his sentence but his eyes caught something more interesting. She followed his gaze until she was met with three girls who walked into the cafeteria. They sat opposite their table and were discussing something that Y/N´s ears couldn´t hear because of the loud noise of other students in the room. She knew that Percy knew them or at least one of them, she would be an idiot to not catch that stare he was giving them but she was fighting with inner thoughts if she should ask or not. Before she could even decide Hunter saw that and turned around to look.
„Oh, “ he said, and soon Georgie followed Hunter's action and started laughing. „you may wonder why is Percy stuck. “ he said to Y/N. „Well Charlie, the one girl in the middle is Jenna, and Percy here has been trying to get with her forever but with no answer “. Oh, so he was looking at her. Yeah no wonder, she caught Y/N´s attention pretty quickly. She was really attractive even from this far. „He tried everything.“ Georgie continued „from writing her letter and getting it into her locker, drawing her portrait and leaving it on the seat she used to sit at to ask her in person but nothing!“ he laughed and Percy punched him into his shoulder. „This is not funny! I don´t know what to do anymore!“.
„Have you thought about that maybe she didn´t see you in that way?“ Hunter asked as he turned back to him.
„Of course you idiot but at least she could give me a chance“ 
„Well, I don´t know I mean... it´s a little strange I can´t even remember if I have ever seen her with someone. There are lots of guys who wanted to get with her but she turned them down, maybe she doesn´t want a relationship now-“ Hunter still kept looking at him with a serious face „-Or maybe she just thinks you are a creep.“ Georgie said and started laughing again. Percy groaned and put his head in his hands. Y/N could only smile at this boy, he was hilarious.
They were sitting there and talking mostly about classes and professors in school. She learned that Percy is in an art club and loves to paint. That would answer the question of why he has so many paintings on the walls of his side of the room, Y/N must admit he is talented and has a unique style. Hunter and Georgie, the two boys she just met, were friendly, they always tried to keep her in a conversation and asked her questions about her last school, hobbies, and family. The girl may don´t know them for too long but she can already say that she feels comfortable with them.
Y/N was speed walking out of her last class, she had a long day and couldn´t wait for it to end. Tomorrow she´s going to have her first training and she wanted to get herself some sleep. She was thinking about things to do when suddenly her body crushed into someone. Yeah, again.  She heard a small ugh and the sound of books falling on the floor. Well only her luck. She picked herself up and looked at who was the other person. She didn’t know if her eyes were making some magic on her or not. She realized what happened and started picking up her books from the ground.
“I’m so sorry- I didn’t mean to!“
“No no, it was my fault.” Y/N looked at her and was met with big doe eyes. Her brain couldn’t process what was happening. In front of her was Jenna, the girl from the cafeteria, she was wearing a school uniform and stood shorter than Y/N, her dark brown eyes, which she couldn´t see a couple of minutes ago clearly, matched her long hair.
Suddenly the door from a principal’s office opened and he walked out. „What is-?“ he started but as he looked at the scene in front of him he smirked. „Getting to know the opposite sex, are we? Male-female dynamics. All that sexual tension. It's all part of the high school experience. So continue. Please. But keep it clean, though. OK. Abstinence is key. Abstinence is... the best way to not is to not... yes.“ he slowly took back steps and closed his door.
„Well“ Y/N sighed and looked and the other girl „That was awkward... is he always like this? Friendly?“ she asked her. Jenna softly laughed „Are you kidding? That´s him being rude“.
„Okey... ehm... I´ll continue with my way.“ She didn´t know why she was acting like this. „Here are your books.“ She handed her them and shot her apology for eyes „Sorry again I didn´t mean to.“
Jenna only looked up at her with wide eyes „It´s okay, nothing happened “ she smiled „Hope to see you again“.  Y/N quickly walked away leaving the other girl behind her. Damn, she needs to put herself together.
The next day Y/N felt a lot more relaxed, she spent almost all afternoon with Mason and she decided that he just become her favourite person. He was so kind. Keeping an eye on her and always asking if she needed anything. He was outgoing and even though her new friend was the polar opposite of her social life, Y/N couldn´t help but feel comfortable with Mason.
The whistle was heard from the football field and Y/N was trying to find her way of getting the ball into the net. God, she missed it so much. Her legs were running like there was no tomorrow, others got in her way to stop her but they never succeded, Y/N was too good. She knew that. In the past, when she used to play, she was one of the best, if not the best, in her team. She truly enjoyed it and now that she finally had the football ball on her foot there was no way to stop her. Y/N shot the ball into a net and it flew straight to the right top corner of the goal.
„What? Charlie! How are you this good man?“ Mason ran to her and grabbed her shoulders smiling. „And here you wanted to decline my offer!“
„Well I got a little lost.“ They started walking slowly to get their water as they got a quick pause from the coach.
Some people were sitting on the tribune but she didn´t mind. This wasn´t only a football field, there were a lot of sports grounds and right now there were a lot of athletes too. She scanned the chairs when suddenly she caught the girl. The same girl she saw for the first time in the cafeteria and the second time ran into. She had books on her knees and a bag beside her, her hair was waiving in soft wind. But there is no way that she came to look at the football training, right? She was waiting for someone, maybe her friend. But as she kept looking, their eyes met and Y/N quickly looked the other way. This was embarrassing. Luckily she was saved by the whistle and that made her jog her way to the coach.
At the end of her training coach called the girl on the side „Good job today Y/L/N, I would be glad if you come next practice.“ he said as he waited for her answer.
„Yes, you will see me, thank you for having me.“ He only nodded his head and walked away. Mason came to her side and was smiling widely „You impressed him today, I wouldn´t be surprised if he let you play in our next game.“ his eyebrows went up and down.
She was glad that she let herself be talked into this, Y/N hadn´t felt this alive since she could remember. It was for sure a good idea and couldn´t wait for the next practice. As she was walking back she shot one last glance at the tribune only to find the spot Jenna sat in empty.
Y/N was leaning on a table, they were waiting for their professor to start a class. She´s standing beside Percy, Hunter, and Georgie. They are talking about plans for the weekend. Y/N doesn´t really listen she just looks like she is listening.
She was thinking about her brother and how she would call him when her class was over. He already texted her, asking how it was going and if she had any troubles. She misses him, but she won´t tell him that of course, and how could she not, he is her twin, her other half.
The teacher walked to their group with a bucket in her hand. „Everyone, please take a slip and read off the name of your lab partner.“ Percy was the first one who grab the folded paper, he got Emma Myers. Emma was one of the group of girls they saw in the cafeteria. „Oh you are lucky, she´s cool.“ Georgie says and Hunter nods at his words.
Y/N unfolded her paper “Jenna Ortega” she says out loud and Jenna immediately looks at her with a smile. “You know each other?” Percy hissed at her. “No, not really” quickly turned away with a slight hint of red cheeks. “Switch up with me please” he went to grab the paper with the girl´s name on it. “I can’t! She already heard me, what would she think?” the girl grabbed her things and went to her new lab partner.
“Hi.. so you are my lab partner?” “Yeah,” she said smiling.
„I don´t think we introduced each other the other day.“ she was hitting on the day they both ran to each other. „No we didn´t, I´m Jenna.“ she grinned. „I´m Charlie.“ She almost forgot about her brother. Y/N felt Percy´s gaze but didn´t mind him. It´s not her fault that she got lucky to get her as a lab partner, right? It happened because of something she can´t control.
“You know ehm... the whole dissecting thing kind of freaks me out. So, think you may have to take the reins on this one.” she said slowly.
Jenna leaned into the table with her eyes still on the other girl.“Wow, no guy would ever admire that” Oh f- Y/N quickly realized her mistake. What is she even saying? “Shit, you are right” Her hands started to sweat but before the inner thoughts and anxiety could grow even more the brown-haired girl grabbed her hands. “No! It’s okay you don’t have to be embarrassed, it’s cute”
Y/N moved her eyes from their hands and looked at her. God her doe eyes, they were beautiful, so innocent and pure. She lowered her gaze at her smiling lips and then her dimples, at that action Jenna smiled even wider. “So today we are going to-“ she quickly pushed her own hands away and looked at the professor acting like she wasn’t just drooling over her classmate. This will be long.
“So how it went?” Percy asked.
“What do you mean?”
“The talk with Jenna, how it went? What were you talking about?” Y/N turned to him placing books on her table. They were in their dorm right now since their classes were over. “Nothing, just school work” Well she wasn’t lying. They were just talking. He was silent for a minute, looking out of the window.  “What are you thinking about?” the girl questioned him but his eyes were telling that his thoughts were elsewhere.
“Charlie I need you to do something for me” Well this doesn’t start well. “ Can you convince her to go out with me?” “Who?” He turned to her. 
“Jenna of course! It’s just I’ve been into her-“ yeah she had noticed “-for so long and this is like a perfect opportunity for me that she will finally say yes to me.” he sat on her bed and looked up at her. In this position, it seemed like he was giving her an ultimatum like there was no other answer than the one he wanted. And like dude, there may be a reason if she didn’t say yes to you yet. He keeps looking at her waiting for the girl's answer and to be honest, for some reason, she doesn’t really like the idea of him with Jenna together but on the other hand, she can’t just say no to him. Why is she always the one who needs to please someone's needs?
“Well, I’ll see what I can do”. Y/N nodded her head and Percy instantly got up.
“Thank you Char you are a lifesaver!” he smiled wide at her and went to his bed as she just stood there looking at the ground.
At night Y/N couldn´t sleep, she was thinking about what Percy said and she didn´t feel good about it. Because of something, it felt a little disrespectful towards Jenna, almost unfair. But she already agreed. She will just say something nice about him and see where it will go, she can´t influence Jenna´s decision after that and Percy can´t be mad at her if this doesn´t work.
She picked herself up and went to the bathroom, silently thanking God above that this wasn´t a public bathroom, and could shower without being scared that someone could see her. She doesn´t even know what she would say if someone finds out the twin´s secret. But she doesn´t want to think about that option.
A couple of days passed. The classes were good but the football practices were her favourite. Coach wants her to play in the upcoming game and she just can´t wait. Mason is her right hand and he is always supporting her, now when she doesn´t have her brother near, the boy is playing the role of her twin. Today she and Jenna have class again. They are talking a lot more. Y/N liked her, she was sweet and always smiling, she also found out that Jenna likes to listen to music and loves acting. She even recommended some of her favorite movies which Y/N didn´t see yet. They spend a lot of time together, besides being together in class, they also sometimes hang out in the cafeteria and walk together to classes, and sometimes she even sees Jenna watching her practice. Y/N doesn´t know how she found out about her being in the team but she isn´t even sure if the brown-eyed girl is sitting there every practice for her.
„What?“ Jenna was shocked „How come you have never seen that?“ they were talking about films, the movie Scream to be exact. They were sitting under the tree on some bench. Students were walking around chatting, birds were singing in the trees and the sun was shining through the holes of the leaves. Y/N was walking out of class when suddenly she saw the other girl. Jenna asked her if she wanted to grab coffee since they had some free time. So now they were sitting next to each other, talking about everything.
„I have heard about it but didn´t see that, don´t know why.“ Y/N shrugs her shoulders. Jenna only shook her head at the girl.
„That´s a mistake, it´s so cool, the actors, plot, cinematography, blood-“ she started to mumble about the movie when suddenly an amazing idea crossed her mind „we can watch it together sometime!“ she let out and looked at Y/N for an answer. She only kept her gaze on her if she heard it right. She wanted to say yes but there was something in her telling her that it would be unfair for Percy.
„Yeah sure, that would be awesome“ Y/N said smiling. Jenna shot her smile back.
„Okay, so this friday?“ she asked the other girl. Y/N looked at Jenna, she didn´t know this girl would be so fast, she thought they were just talking about the possibility, not that they were already making plans.
„Yes, I should be free.“
„Great, can you give me your phone?“ Y/N gave her phone to Jenna „Here, you better text me football player.“ she said smiling as she stood up from the bench and started to walk away. Y/N laughed softly.
„Of course.“ she whispered under her breath and kept staring at her back until she couldn´t see her anymore. She picked up her phone and looked at the new contact. Jenna xx.
It was already the end of the week Y/N was getting ready to hang out with Jenna, and she texted her about the details. They are going to watch the film in the other girl´s room since her roommate is going to a party. She walked out of the bathroom and saw Percy, she didn´t tell him about her going out. It´s not like she has to say it to him, right?
„Hey you planning to go somewhere?“ he asked.
„Uhm... yeah, some boys from the football team asked me about hanging out with them.“ she said. Y/N hated lying but what would he say if she told him she was hanging out with the girl he had a crush on? It´s not her fault that Jenna invited her, or is it?
„Oh okay, we are going to the party some students are throwing, wanted to ask you if you want to come but it´s good.“ he only smiled at her. She thanked him and he soon left the room. It was already time to go so she picked up some snacks she bought and left the dorm.
“So? Your rating?” Jenna turned to face the other girl. They just finished watching Scream and all Y/N can say, it got her. They were sitting on the small couch, snacks around them, she faced Jenna and only the light from the TV made her see her. The girl´s hair was loose on both sides of her face, she was not wearing any makeup and her bare face only made the girl’s heart skip a beat. It was refreshing seeing her like this and also Y/N felt proud because this meant that Jenna felt comfortable around her.
“It was pretty good, not bad not good.” Y/N acted unbothered.
“Oh yeah? That’s why you didn’t blink the whole movie?” she smirked at Y/N, she squinted her eyes at her “Be honest.”
“Okay! I enjoyed it so much and actually liked the plot, that’s what you wanted to hear?”
Jenna tilted her head “That’s what I thought. What can I say… I have a good taste.”
They kept silence between them, it wasn’t embarrassing or tense silence. It was comforting. They were looking at each other.
“Tell me about your family.” the brown-eyed girl said softly, holding gaze with the other girl.
“Well, I live with my parents and my twin sister” Jenna raised her eyebrows.
“You have a twin?” Y/N nodded at her question.
“What is she like?”
“Well…“ she didn’t know what to say, it felt weird talking about herself as if she was talking about someone else “She is cool, likes to keep things to herself most of the time, likes reading and writing poems…”
“She sounds interesting, you could introduce us to each other sometime.” she smirked at her.
“Yeah, I think she would like you”
“You think?” Jenna straightened her back “I’m amazing! Of course, she will!”
Y/N throws her head back with a laugh.
“How can you be so sure that you will meet her?”
“Oh believe me” Jenna smiled at Y/N “I know.”
Y/N felt the vibe of the room change. When she was with Jenna she almost forgot about everything and everybody, her brother, her parents, school, her and Percy´s deal, her impersonating her twin…
But only almost.
next chapter
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marvelstars · 7 months
Anakin and Slavers
"His undoing is that he loveth too much"
George Lucas
One thing that I always liked about George´s work in relation to Anakin and slavery is how out of the left field he and Dave Filoni wrote Anakin´s relationship to the people who owned or saw him as a property at one point or another and yet it makes total sense for his character.
For example kid Anakin has no doubt that Slavery is horrible and at 9 he is actually working towards developing technology to help free his Mom, friends and himself from it. He hates with capital H the fact those people have control over the life and death of other people but at the same time he has great compassion and kindness which his mother helped nurture. This along with the fact that Watto was the only adult male figure who was around during his early chilldhood, this complicated his feelings towards slavers in a very tragic way.
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Anakin feared Watto´s violence and didn´t for a moment doubt he would have been willing to sell off his mother or him if the customer got to a big enough price but at the same time he listens to his advice when he travels to the dune sea to do his work with the jawas and his pov is almost as important as his Mom´s, in the novelization of TPM Anakin remembers not to talk to strangers or to get close to Tuskens Raiders camps thanks to Watto´s advice.
So in Anakin´s mind, Watto is someone he fears but also someone he takes advice from, respects to a point, sometimes gets sassy to and actually listens to almost as a father figure BUT at the same time he has no doubt he would activate the killing chip if he tried to escape.
Pain/abuse/fear mixed with care/advice(sounds familiar?) Anakin knows slavery is awful but he can´t help but see Watto as a person because of who Anakin is, Annie is a kind and understanding person and to point may justify Watto as a "Man of bussines" and "Not as bad a other masters" "It could be worse" but he definitely doesn´t trust him in the same way he does his mother, she is blood, she is family. He and Mom are a team.They shared their secrets.
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The first time Anakin saw Watto again after being freed, he was a Jedi with training, almost a knight and the first thing he does to the guy who beat him and his Mom some years ago is to ask him if he can help with the ship parts Watto is working on because he noticed Watto is struggling and his bussines is falling down compared to how it was when Anakin was a kid. When Watto noticed who Anakin was he didn´t reject him and accepted his congratulations but keep himself appart, hoping to learn about his mother whereabouts.
When Watto told Anakin he sold Shmi, Anakin doesn´t have a reaction, he takes Watto´s justification of "I am sorry Ani but bussines are bussines and anyway the person who bought her freed her and married her" Anakin doubts it´s as good a picture as Watto is talking about but he takes his justification and leaves.
When he meets Owen, Beru and Cliegg he sees they are indeed nice people and the reason for his mothers suffering is something completely different that they were not able to stop so he doesn´t blame them for her fate. When Anakin lost his mother it was only natural for him to seek a family, someone he could share how he really felt and his secrets, he could not be part of the Lars family but Padme was willing to love him so she became his new confirmed family, right along with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka but while he had to show himself different to them, he didn´t had to do that with Padme, just like he did with his mother.
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In the clone wars Anakin shows again this complex view of slavers with Queen Miraj Scintel, the cartoon goes out of it´s way to show she looked at him as pretty property and he didn´t let her forget that and actually it was strongly suggested he may have been raped by her at some point to keep safe Obi-Wan, Rex, Ahsoka as well as the people they wanted to save while he got enough soldiers to stage their rescue. Anakin had a plan the whole time just as he did as a kid so he keep his cool even when he saw another slave choose suicide over keep being under the control of Scintel. Yet in the end when the Queen was killed by Count Dooku Anakin felt sorry for her, he could not help it.
So this mix of rejection/anger/hate/disgust towards slavers mixed with pity/understanding which is something that was part of what made Anakin a good person gets used agaisn´t him in his relationship with Palpatine.
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He first shows himself as the father figure Anakin thought he could find in Qui-Gon before he died a better father figure than Watto had been, a father figure that didn´t reject this title like ObiWan did, Palpatine did this to get his trust as a young child and later young adult and then he showed himself as the real sith master he actually was, Palpatine knew that Anakin wasn´t a stranger to be treated as property by people who showed themselves as good advicers or somehow not as bad as others despite their actions. So Anakin´s initial compassion, kindness and understanding for people that abused him is played agaisn´t him to make him fall to the darkside and chain himself again to another worse master who didn´t just seek to use his skills and body but who wanted his soul as well.
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And the same reasons why Anakin justified Watto at first when he was a young kid also applied to Palpatine, he may be a sith but he ran the Republic better than those corrupt politicians, he isn´t a perfect Emperor but in Padme´s absence he is better than the alternatives. He isn´t as bad as a master and anyway I deserve this because I fell to the darkside and nobody can come back from that, if he abuses me I got this coming because I choose this and he still teaches me the ways of the force, he rescued me from Mustafar when Obi-Wan left me to die and he didn´t have to, he is all I have left.
So once Anakin´s voice died down Vader was left with many reasons to say to Palpatine "What´s your bidding my master?" because in his mind master isn´t a word that contradicts father and Palpatine became his father in all but name, this makes George´s words about Anakin fatal flaw being the fact he loved too much make complete sense and it´s a tragedy.
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lactosa2 · 5 months
hellow, i realized that i made so much of Omen, so, here is my favs the fokin agents. HC!!!! (neutral, bc, lets be realist, most of them are toxic). Is gonna be about the dificulties of dating the agents.
also there is gonna be (i guess) a lot of mistakes, so please forgive and make blind eye and just enjoy :p
cc: Reyna, Omen, Sage n sova
She is actually really nice, kind of would destroy most of the things for the ones she really loves. Not use to get emotional conections, and if she does are really important, so, a betrayall would kill any chance of comeback (Like cheating, disrespect of boundaries, lies and stuff). Her emotional and close relationship are realy important to her, so, if something bad happened to you it would worry and scare the shit out of her, and for that she use to be really protective, and in cases, even toxic -"Why are you going out at this hour?" "you didn´t tell me!"- so if you are a "spirit" free dude, belive me, this is not gonna be the most compatible realtionship.
Whit time and trust, she gonna be more chill about it, like when your parents accept that you are not a child and start to let you date, and even drink, so she won´t be weird and that worry about your well-being, she only want one thing: a text from time on time saying that you are okay, that´s all. Reyna already have lost so many people, she can´t risk loosing you too.
He is usually really down on himself, most insecure and distant. there is almost no diference between being his friend at being his lover, so please, patiente! Most of the figths are for not comunicate what he feels and that gonna be the biggest issue on the relationship, he doesn´t know how really say how he feel, so he just gonna feel lost on his own issues and want to do all for himself, going distant and even trating you poorly when he feels down (thing that ofc is wrong)
the only solution is time, he want time for process all of his trauma and lack of memories, and you would need time to process of how traumatized he is. If you really want to keep him by your side it gonna required a lot of comunication and silence, sometimes the silence is better than the deaf words, he want that, not empty words. He gonna be kniting and thinking, leeting the stress out, and you? by his side doing something by your own. Understand the others need gonna be the damn key, and he really NEED to feel like you understand.
She doesn´t have time for a relationship, the kind of girl that feels like a busy billionaire because is IMPOSIBLE that every day of her damn week is already fully whit a activity of vital importance, belive me, having these kinds of relation ship is tiring. At the start gonna feel like -"Okay, she is bussy, no problem" but then??? it gonna feel like she is not putting enough effort, even if she is trying, she don´t gonna be able to give you the time a realtionship need, almost like being single 3 weeks per.month
There is no solution, job is job, and whit the monasterio and protocol, damn.
Bussy, bussy bussy (haha pussy), he usually want to be free of the work, but is his only financial income and he doens´t want to think on his personal stuff, so he usually hide himselft on it. The main problem is not when he is out, he is attentive, text you, send you pics when he can, and try to be in your arms all the time he can, but when he is you he have almost 10% batery on, only craving sleep, cuddling and being spoiled, sound cute, but when is always like that is usaully tiring and feel like you are his nany more than a partner, and this can lead to figths, figths that he would feel like invalid or overreacting, and that word gonna piss you off.
This could lead to a break up or a main inconvenience that yes or YES gotta be talked deeply, but guess, OH! he is to tired for argue.
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Mc get´s involved in the Shenanigans for once and the others have to help
how did you manage to shrink yourself down to thumb size? you know what he doesn´t want to know
he just needs to figure out how to watch over you while your tiny
which ends with you in one of his pockets
and that´s good for Lucifer because he allowed you to tell Demons to fuck of when they annoy him
what isn´t as great is that you constantly try to distract him or try to run away
which naturally you won´t get far
your punishment will be to either sit there without moving while he works or help him with paper work
two very boring things who will take a lot of time
he may or may not have gifted you something that he stole which might be responsible for why you´re a crow now
but you have the Great Mammon looking after you so don´t worry!
and he definitely doesn´t say that because he has plans for you which might entail some illegal activities
he would never do this!... unless you´re up for it
okay he´s sorry! stop trying to scratch his eyes out! he´ll even buy you snacks
after this little fiasco both of you just decided to chill together
or Mammon trying to do his scams and you sitting on his head glaring at every Demon… actually did you get a tiny knife? how can a bird even hold one? but it definitely scares other Demons and even some Witches
how did you get stuck in his newest game?!?! especially without him! He wanted to play with you!
okay all you have to do is just beat the game and than your free
which might be really difficult considering not only did he buy one that´s supposed to be very difficult but it also started at the highest difficulty
let´s just hope it doesn´t have perma-death enabled and that it doesn´t hurt when you get hit
and if Levi doesn´t take this situation serious, let´s hope for his sake he´s far gone when you get out ^-^ otherwise he´ll regret buying the game
and now your a Sheep
he´s going to kill Mammon for giving you random things to drink
the only good thing is that you can still use magic, actually now that he thinks about it this is a horrible thing because now your in a bad mood
annd Mammon´s burning now
definitely a bad thing
he just picked you up and threw you in a bathtub so you stop
it didn´t help but it was a funny sight
the other good thing about you as a Sheep is that he can make you chase Lucifer
it´s very satisfying to see Lucifer running from a pink Sheep with a lance tied to their back
he promised you after you can catch Lucifer he´ll turn you back
but your lucky that it will also stop after a period of time and Satan would never get down from the ceiling if you ever managed to attack Lucifer considering it was his idea and everything
Mc since when are you so beautiful?! let him look into his eyes a bit longer!
yeah the Potion Solomon gave you both made you switch bodies
it´s a very weird experience and sadly you didn´t get Asmo´s charm ability
but he can still use it to cause chaos
and let´s be real he will definitely take advantage of this situation
it will actually be a pain if you wanted to turn back immediately
and very difficult to catch Asmo in the beginning considering the Brothers are all Simps and the majority of them lose their common sense when it´s about you
you´ll have to explain so much just so they will stop trying to attack you
it will get so exhausting
why isn´t he feeling hungry? and why are you eating so much?
and the answer is Solomon once again
you should really stop drinking random potions people offer you
especially if those people are Solomon
it´s just like the time he and Belphie switched
but Beel hates to admit that it´s kinda nice to not constantly experience hunger
but now you´re the one who has to suffer and now he feels bad that he was happy, even if it was just for a moment
he will be so happy when the 24 hours are up and both are you are back to normal
okay why do you look like him? wait why does he look like you!?
A truly confusing day for sleepy cow boy, yeah turns out the food Lucifer forced you to eat has some… interesting side effects when Humans eat it
and just like that you are in the bodies of each other
why are only you two affected? it only works on Humans and even then only those closest will get affected
luckily Lucifer found out it will wear of over time yay, bad news you will have to wait a minimum of 24 hours for the effects to wear of
this will be a long day...
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yandere-daze · 2 years
Congrats on reaching 2k! You absolutley deserve it :D
Could I request a Shu and Mika headcanon on how they would try and make the reader forgive them in the imposter self aware au?
Thank you! I assume you probably just made a typo and put 2 instead of 3 there jfsn
And yes, I´m always happy to write for Valkyire, you know me too well ☺️
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, mention of bad previous treatment of the reader, mention of murder, self-deprecation ( Mika), self-dollification ( Mika), mention of verbal abuse, unhealthy mindsets ( both), overworking ( Shu)
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How would Mika try to make the player forgive him in the imposter self-aware AU?
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With how far Mika is willing to go for the people he loves, he was probably pretty nasty to you when you first were transported into the game and everyone thought that you were responsible for the disappearance of their beloved player.
Mika gets attached so easily to the point that it´s kind of scary so that obviously means he´s also super obsessed with the player, who spends so much time taking care of him and looking out for him. He´s so starved for love that he soaked up every little bit of attention he was getting from the player, even if he didn´t feel worthy of it
But then one day, the player simply left him and you appeared instead? Mika wouldn´t call himself the smartest person out there but he can figure out just fine that you must be responsible and it´s an understatement when I say that he isn´t very pleased
Honestly? Good for you for even surviving because there´s no doubt in my mind that Mika would resort to killing you out of anger and desperation because you´re the “reason” the player left him
Other than that very extreme scenario he also isn´t all that nice to you, which is kind of rare to see from him. But how can he be nice to someone like you that took away the most important person in his life? How dare you?!
Which is exactly why he´s shell-shocked when he finally finds out that you actually are the player and he´s been so cruel to you all this time. Immediately gets on his knees and bows his head while breaking out into sobs, apologizing profusely for treating you so cruelly and saying all of these mean things as he clings to your legs
He truly is so sorry! How can he ever make up for this grave mistake?
Honestly almost throws in the towel at first as he doesn´t think that there is any way to make up for what he did. From the very beginning, he already believed that he wasn´t worthy of being in your presence, of receiving your kindness and warmth. He was dirty and would only taint your saintly body
But now? Oh, it´s simply hopeless! How dare someone like him, who is completely beneath you, treat you like this? He truly has done something completely unacceptable and he´s unsure of what to do, he just knows that he has to atone for his sins somehow
Mika is so scared that you´re going to abandon him now, throwing him away like the piece of trash he is. And he understands why you would, he really does, which is why he´s all the more desperate now. He feels that he has to prove to you that he still has his uses, that he´s your pliable doll completely devoted to you and willing to do anything you ask of him
So his way of making it up to you is basically becoming your servant, willing to complete whatever task you ask of him because he thinks that if he proves to be useful, you might find it in your heart to at least tolerate his presence, even if you can´t forgive him.
And as long as he gets to stay by your side, Mika is more than happy to let you control him as you please, all while obsessively thanking you for granting him mercy
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How would Shu try to make the player forgive him in the imposter self-aware AU?
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While not physically violent or downright murderous like Mika, Shu definitely wasn´t kind to you either, to say the least. He´s already pretty rude and snappish to the other idols he holds no grudge for so just imagine the amount of verbal abuse you must have suffered at his hands when he saw you as the reason why his muse left him behind
At first, Shu might have assumed that the reason you left was that his efforts weren´t enough to impress you, which led to him throwing himself back into work to try and make something new that would please you, but the more time passes, the more he thinks that it´s strangely convenient timing for you to appear right around the time the player disappeared
While he was gruff to you before, now he outright takes some sort of pleasure in talking you down as it only seems fitting for what you have caused. And he just gets worse the more you try to be friendly to him, asking you how you dare show your face in front of him. How he finds you reprehensible
Naturally, there´s a nagging feeling of guilt hidden deep within him when the truth finally comes to light and he realizes that he´s done you a great disservice. All this time, you were his muse, the light of his life, and yet he chased you away when you had greeted him with open arms of your own volition. Oh, how he wished to slap his past self now!
You were the most divine creature walking this earth, blessed by the heavens itself, and yet he said all these horrible things to you
He wants to make it up to you to get back in your good graces but he doesn´t really know how to proceed. Shu has a lot of difficulties with being honest and conveying his true feelings to someone because deep down he is still scarred by his childhood and the rejection he felt due to his family never supporting him in his passions. He has long since closed off his heart and so only with a great deal of effort from both sides is he able to open up
But now that you most likely despise you for treating you so horribly, Shu is all the more reluctant to approach you, fearing that you might flinch away as soon as he extends a hand towards you.
He has many discussions with Mademoiselle where he spills all of his worries to her and she tries her best to comfort him all while giving him some advice. She had always been there for him and that´s also true now.
Mademoiselle tells Shu that she´s more than happy to talk to you on his behalf if he doesn´t feel ready to do so just yet. She reasons that it might help break down the barriers that he had created between you. She´s also just very excited to have a proper chat with you!
Meanwhile, Shu goes back to what he knows best to try and make you forgive him: creating wonderful and awe-inspiring outfits.
Though he´s horrible with words, Shu hopes that his feelings will get through to you with this outfit he´s making just for you. He spends days upon days working on the outfit until the late night hours when it´s already gotten dark outside. He´s barely even taking care of himself, instead tirelessly working as if his life depended on it
And well, to him it did. Having his darling forgive him is the only thing he wants. He truly doesn´t know what he would do if you would still reject him after all of this
Maybe this is why he´s even more of a perfectionist than he usually is, nearly ripping out his own hair when he sees even the slightest imperfection that no one else aside from him would even notice. No, this has to be absolutely perfect for you and he won´t rest until it is!
It´s like he´s possessed, never even giving himself a break until he is finally satisfied with the final outcome
Of course, the outfit fits you absolutely perfectly in the end and you can´t help but wonder wherever Shu got your exact measurements from
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mikeellee · 8 months
Let's talk more about Kudou - the fucking idiot commander - who's bright idea to save Japan in THE LAST OFA USER is to Kamikaze himself and sacrifice OFA to Shig?
...Ummm what? Am I meant to buy this guy commanded anyone?! 🤣😂🤣
He must have killed his whole squadron then if his plans are normally this level of idiocy.
All this realistically would do is power up Shig even more to make him UNSTOPPABLE and in the process doom both Izuku with Japan as a whole.
Hi @doodlegirl1998
Ok, first let´s all agree here Hori just wants to end this damn manga. So before I go into detail about this shit show, let´s talk about one good thing he did: He was nice to Yoichi. No, there was no gain for Kudou to be nice to Yoichi he did bc yes...granted maybe Kudou was bad to Yoichi in some form and we didn´t see, however, he can´t match AFO. He didn´t even know about ofa so him saving Yoichi was selfless.
That is his only good trait. He was nice to Izu 2.0
Now, let´s shit on this moron: He held a grudge against Izu for no reason, and some people TRY to justify "Ah ha DFO" which first off, Kudou was killed 200 years ago...how HE would know IZU IS AFO´S SON? Which btw, Izu is not AFO´s son and makes the whole justification lame ...this fandom will go beyond to protect any Bakugou, hm?
This MF wanted to buff with a kid who is fighting something WAY beyond his pay raise. Never mind how this MF refuses to work with the only hope to end AFO...for reasons (even if DFO became real, I don´t think his defenders realize how this makes him pathetic "He is fighting with a kid who has no idea of who is his father" like, my guy, Kudou and BRUCE is being incredibly stupid by beffing with Izu, regardless if afo is his dad or not. Again, fandom stop trying to defend this bozo)
It´s so unfair Izu to be saddled with the second coming of BK. Look, while BK may not be related to Kudou bc "AFO MURDER HIS ENTIRE FAMILY AND ALL WOMEN KUDOU EVEN SAID HI" I do think they are related spiritually, which honestly? This makes it worse.
Now, why Kudou start a revolution against AFO? The fandom preaches "EVIL EMPIRE" But no one ever talked about it, which if his empire was SO EVIL...I think we could see echoes of it. NOPE. All we see is AFO killing people (BAD, let me make clear it´s bad)but most of his killings seem to be out of the moment. Like, I know people want to see AFO like this smart and manipulative asshole "I killed this random Joe to further my ultimate goal" when in the canon is more like "LOL I´M EVIL"
Like we see AFO in a penthouse, for sure he killed people to get the penthouse, but while IS BAD, could this action result in LE REVOLUTION? Like, imagine if Kudou is rich and AFO random killed makes Kudou lose his money it´s a fair reason to hate him...but KUDOU HAS AN ARMY. Why do people follow him? Did AFO kill their loved ones and or steal money?
Hori: BK is the best in all forms.
Kudou didn´t get a single win! He was murdered by AFO, couldn´t protect Yoichi...and FOR SURE PEOPLE WERE MURDER UNDER HIS COMMANDER.
Now, his plan is to give his quirk to SHIG...Bc OFA has all suicidals morons (Nana included, sorry) and Izu is saddled with this(a choice Hori made, remember Chapter 1?) that wants to Kamizake, don´t forget En wanted to be the sacrifice bc Smokescreen is a useless quirk (I agree, hence why in my fic I want to change his quirk, I feel a smokescreen is smth Mei could create with her gadget)
The idea is to fight Shig inside Shig...So Izu, rip your shirt sexily and look like a demon...you will have sex now!
Bc apparently Shig has a hate feeding him, literally. He has a lump on his head...(Star is touched by Baby Tenko´s sadness...I mean, she doesn´t know Shig is Tenko so this makes sense) This makes me think of cancer or tumor....and Izu needs to fight Shig inside Shig...All this is based on a moron´s plan who has no INFO TO BASE THIS DECISION.
Remember when Izu analyzed quirks, he stopped bc IT WAS CREEPY (insert bemused emoji) and now we have Bk3 doing this, and Izu going ok with this. HE IS GIVING UP HIS QUIRK BC BK3 SAID SO (this is equally bad if Izu had given ofa to Bk)
I made jokes on the server about Izu and Shig having sex...but I still hate the chapter.
Also demon!Izu looks like Tanjirou from Demon Slayer.
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visionthefox · 7 months
How is it that the mr Hero in the TSAMS been allowed to do bad stuff and imeadly exuses For? There own friends and Familly are so alright with it. Nobody say something agains them, and maybe at times only Lunar mention it. Lunar mention to Sun he is acting like Eclipse, also He was upset that moon argree to work with Eclipse together and not told him. Yes Lunar should be mad about moon and Yes Moon should take Lunar seriously and warn him for danger(so that he doesn´t get a panik attack or some). Lunar saying at times the most Human realistic point agains Sun and Moon. Earth doesn't know and doesn't care to say anything agains them. Like is almost that Earth only see her siblings in a only a Good Light. which isn´t the case people attendent to do misstakes and we need people to tell us when we do wrong things. So we learn about our misstakes. That doesn´t happen with Sun and Moon.
(idk why I JUMP OFF my seat when I see a long ask like this IS GONNA BE SO FUN TO READ!!) idk exactly who is the MR hero, yet- isnt the the tittle the two og give themselves? heroes of the story they created? Moon and KC are HUGE examples of bad people, really bad bad people who got away with their crimes. yet eventually- did changed-Moon had a more loong one and KC, just.. one shopping with freddy as- trully stupid- as that is, KC did change and controled himself . now.. Eclipse? New Eclipse? why does he? of all people, gets the worst threatment? how.. It is hypocritical of Moon and even Lunar to treat Eclipse as a criminal, when the crimes of each are well known. (now- I know his are "worst" as in- if affected them personally and not others. in a terrible way- yet as the one cosmic child mentioned. he is free of the crime his past self did, therefore, he is like New Moon is a sense- he has no crimes under his belt. only the memories an regrets.) (the time Sun "acted" like Eclipse is well know to be a misunderstanding- as Lunar himself was emotinal and stress out- just like Sun who, remember, is Eclipse first victim. and had been in the wort end of the wacking stick for 10 years..) even so- Lunar has every right to be mad. only at Moon tho. Lunar is smart enough to understand why Sun bends over ,and even was smart enough to do see eye to eye to Solar. he knows the two have 0 backbones when it comes to Moon.. Lunar did change and his was a well done evolution -from brat- to victim- to now a adult with a baby voice.. on Earth? I guess she gets a pass, even if she is told the past. she wasnt there to experience it. nor she knows the WHOLE story.. is why she is unable to see the ways everyone is not who they used to be.. she is dating Monty.. Monty! the dude who did beat homeless man out of fun and for sure had killed many humans in the past just never told him himself.. people do make mistake, yet is how they choose to face it and make it better that mattes in my eyes. (aah had to cut so much as to not make this ask loong aaa thanks you anoon! you can come back anytime to let out more !!)
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fllagellant · 17 days
Okay yeah on a car ride this means ; Time 2 talk about Waaseyaa
So . I’ m still figuring out exactly why he chose to stop around New Hanover during the events Of the game . But he is there ! If he could flee far enough south then no one from Canada would bother following him that far away . + being so far could give him time to run again If they chose to track him . His bounty is high but he is also One Guy , so his endeavours are rather small-scale compared to gang work . High for one dude, but modest when compared to well established outlaws
He’ s also Young so like . He’ s only been around here for like 24 years . He’ s only been doing this stealing cattle and livestock thing for a couple of years let him catch up !!! But . He does want to leave that in Canada so that it can blow over . If he starts anything else then That could become an Issue
The thing about Waaseyaa is that they Know being a lone wanderer is . Not the best safety wise ? They do not ( at the earlier chapters at least ) trust anyone Nor themself enough to run with anyone else . Hired or not . BUT . But . This does not stop them from saying they Do run with a gang . The reasons for this are A) So they have a threat of protection . You can’ t do anything to me without the risk of angering someone far Bigger than you . Who will Kill you . And B) So they have a scapegoat . If they anger someone , and then namedrop a gang in the area … well . Better to have the two of them at each other so He can slip away
That is how he met Charles btw . Dude who is far too casual like “ umm I run with Dutch Van der Linde … you heard of him ? “ and Charles physically going ? because he does not Know that guy . He does NOT run with the Van der Lindes what the hell is he doing . #meetcute
But aside from all that , I should actually talk about how he would be introduced to the main story in my Mind . Okok . So . Bounties . Even if he isn’ t doing crimes Yet in New Hanover that doesn’ t mean people don’ t realize he is there . Like . Holy shit is that Colt Black the cattle thief ?? Why is he Here . So people are kinda waiting for him to dabble in something Illegal . Cue a bounty coming out for his head for a cattle rustling gone Bad
Enter Arthur Morgan . The price is good + the last sighting is easy to get to and that Colt doesn’ t seem worried about … hiding ? So it feels too good to be true but Why Not ! Spoiler ; it Was
Imagine u get to a place to over look the camp . It’ s tucked away by a little alcove by the river . And the mark is just chilling . His Longhorn - because why should he have a traditional horse mount - is playing in the water , and it seems so Simple . Until u see a rather Familiar Appaloosa trot through the water and it’ s like …. Okay …. Then you watch the bounty look over his shoulder and talk to someone and it’ s like …….. Okaay ? …… then the other person steps into view and it’ s Charles Smith and it’ s like OKAY ?!
Yeah the thing that stops Arthur from just hogtying him is the fact Charles is with him … ? And they’ re just drinking coffee like . So Charles isn’ t here for the bounty . So Arthur relents like what the fuck is happening here . Charles voice this is Not what it looks like Arthur voice Oh it better be what this looks like
After actually talking , turns out Waaseyaa ( Arthur doesn’ t learn that name for a While btw it’ s a matter of truth for Waaseyaa to let someone know and use their name ) could not have committed that crime , and that this was some sort of shitty copy cat . Charles also confirms that there was no chance that Waaseyaa was the man who did the crime . He does promise Arthur to bring him the guy who Actually did the crime , in exchange for not gossiping about him in the area and also … maybe not talking about what he stumbled across okay ?
One main mission later , Waaseyaa does bring Arthur the bounty and is like Heyyy here’ s my end of the deeal lol . This is the start of Arthur playing wingman for both Waaseyaa and Charles btw . Dude who is third wheeling as a profession now . He’ s so good a covering for them for a while . Also Waaseyaa opens up as helping with more Difficult bounties + he can approach Arthur like a random encounter and offer to pay off His bounties and will mention paying other minor bounties the gang picks up ( only for a handful of people tho if he doesn’ t like you he is not paying Anything )
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flowery-laser-blasts · 11 months
Wat you think of Zorpox/Evil Ron they are powerful like rest villain of series.
Oh, that's a really good question!
In my opinion, Evil Ron is more powerful than some of the villains in the show; However, he's not more evil than all of them.
For example: to me, evil Ron is less evil than for example Gemini, DNAmy, and even Drakken.
We see in the episode 'Naked Genius' that Ron's doomsday machines do have the capability to do some damage. So amplify that with evil and he could really harm people, but that´s not what he intends to do, he first tries to scare people into doing his bidding and if that doesn´t work then he might turn to actual violence.
Compare this to Gemini who has allegedly killed a handful of his henchmen off-screen for the littlest reasons! That man is truly evil (but he's also very incompetent).
DNAmy who basically toys around with human lives for her own twisted obsession over Cuddlebuddies. She doesn't really care whether or not others are harmed as long as the results are there.
Dr. Drakken would definitely have been able to take over the world a long time ago if his ego wasn't in the way. He has some seriously dangerous inventions/outsourced projects... I mean he tried to erase all the oxygen from the world, TWICE. His problem isn't "I have too much goodness in me" it is "I have too much pride that I cannot cast aside". THE ONLY REASON THE SUPREME ONE FAILED IN KILLING OFF KIM WAS BECAUSE BUFFKKEN EGGED HER ON TO GLOAT AND RUB IT IN HER FACE > thus revealing the separation of team possible and unlocking Ron's ultra-instinct powers.
Ron is 'evil' but not necessarily 'evil'.
He's evil in the sense of 'This is what it takes to be a villain' but as a person himself, he's well, short-lived.
Towards the end of the episode 'Badboy' he proclaims:
"The inhalator has been set to go off in five minutes. When it does quakes are going to shake the world to pieces."
and then he later adds:
"--I’m just getting warmed up. The inhalator was to keep you busy while I worked on my real evil plan. My mega-weather-generator. All will fear me and tremble beneath my storms, and then hand over to me the world’s supply of Nacos. Booyea!"
He has the potential to do really bad things but he isn't evil in the sense of what the villains try to obtain: absolute power and world domination. Ron's wants in the episode 'Badboy' are just amplified:
- Getting revenge on Cousin Larry by bringing him humiliation (but not death).
- Getting the world's supply of Nacos.
If he went through with the last one, he'd be easily defeated because he'd eat himself into a fast food coma, he would get his stomach pumped at the hospital and Kim would switch his evilness with Drakken, dividing it again. Drakken would try and intimidate Kim and Ron but Kim will point out that she isn't sure if Drakken could handle combat with her since Shego's back at the lair (she would not go along to the hospital). Drakken would get nervous, not wanting to get beaten up and take his leave.
The reason Ron goes after/fights Kim is because she's in the way of his plans. Not necessarily because she is his archnemesis, 'cause she's not. But he knows how capable Kim is in stopping everyone and the man really wants his Nacos.
TL;DR: Evil Ron is evil but not necessarily dangerous world ending evil because that's not what he really wants. He literally took all of Drakken's 'Playground bully' evilness.
Anyway, this is my take on it, hope it makes sense.
Hope you like it! :)
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primordial-shade · 1 year
How Polyamory would save the House of the dragon Laenor/Harwin/Rhaenyra version
Hear me out.
I have read a lot of very good fanfiction ok, its given me ideas ok!!
So there are two versions of this so I’m gonna do two different versions.
So the wedding occurs, its bad. Poor Joffrey is cut down (RIP my good sir, you should have gotten to slice Criston Coles head off.)
Rhaenyra rushes to Laenor, trying to pull Cole off Joffrey and in his rage he tries to cut them both down, Rhaenyra for her ‘rejection’ and Laenor for ‘stealing’ Rhaenyra.
Mr Breakbones himself is not about to allow that to happen. He bum rushes the idiot so fast his head cracks onto the floor and he gets knocked the fuck out. He’s not even awake before Visery deamnds his head.
He doesn;t die that easy. Laenor takes him down to the black cells and makes him suffer.
Cole is fed to Seasmoke, or whats left of him is does anyway.
It does a lot for his mourning, but he still mourns.
Despite Visery’s push to rush the marriage, both Rhaenys and Corly’s tell him no. He listens.
They also make sure that all of Alicents green dresses are burned. No green material can be found in Kingslanding for the next year.
A month later Laenor and Rhaenyra get married, and in that time they both take the gloves off. Joffrey was killed and Rhaenyra betrayed.
They annouce widely they will not only marry in the eyes of the Seven, but also in the eyes of their gods.
And little do people know that Harwin has slowly earnt their love. When the time comes it is him that helps them produce their first heir. Their Jacaerys, born with rich white curls, his mother eyes and his father smile and darker skin.
No one would ever doubt his heritage.
Laenor mourns and comes to love both Harwin and Rhaenrya, true romantic love. He will never be sexually attracted to Rhaenyra but he adores her and she him.
But they also love Harwin, and both are determined that he will be married to them.
It is actually Daemon and Laena, both married with their twin and their young son Baelon, that help them using the doctrine of exceptionalism as well as casting rumours about and blackmailing the high septon.
It takes 2 years, in which time Luecerys is born, with black Baratheon curls and Laenors eyes. but by this time the High Septon claims that the gods have said Harwin must be repaid for saving Rhaenyra’s and Laenors lives, and it must be done in marriage.
Rhaenyra of course respectfully accepts this, it is a message from the seven afterall.
And so, much to Alicent and otto’s fury Harwin is married into the couple and they all head to Dragonstone to marry Harwin in their ways and then to Harrenhall to marry alll together in front of the Old gods.
9 months later Joffrey Strong is born, named for the man who died to give Harwin his greatest happiness.
Rhaenys is very proud of her boy and loves all her grandchildren, including any beget by Harwin because they are Laenors as well.
Corlys is very confused by the whole thing, he just lets his wife and children do what they want at this point.
Larys fucks about and finds out at this point, people assume that he had accidentally gotten into the pit whilst drunk and had been too slow to escape Syrax, no one knows he had tried to kill his brother and had been killed by Syrax and Seasmoke in revenge.
Harwin does not mourn him, not when he had been holding Joffrey when his brother had tried to burn him.
All three become more vicious, scheming to protect their precious hatchlings. 
Once all the heir spots are filled and they no longer need to be careful the children come hard and fast. After Joffrey comes:
Visenya(H) Aemon(L) Baelor(L) Rhaenys(H) Viserys(H) Daenys(H) Jahaerys(H) Aemma(L) Naerys (H) Aerion (H) Alysanne(L)
A fair few are twins and triplets but after 10 years and 14 kids Rhaenyra decides she is done. Luckily Laenor and Rhaeny’s have found something to render her infertile much to her delight. No risks, no need ofr moontea. Harwin and Laenor even take it as well to be doubly sure.
Laena and Daemon have Rhaena, Baela, Baelon, Gaemon, Alyssa, Lucena, Corlae, Aethys, Daenaera, Vaelaena and Monterys.
They also choose infertility after Vaelaena and Monterys.
In total between the two families there are 25 kids. Why do I do this? Because its hilarious and also I think its cute.
Also yes Laena will survive because I said so, fuck you. 
So Whats going on with Viserys and the Greens. 
Well since the families are more cohesive and with encouragement from her partners and In-Laws, Rhaenyra begins ruling as her father gets sicker. By the time Daemon and Laena bring over proper healers he’s already contracted Leprosy and its been badly exacerbated by the Maesters, and Otto and Alicents treatments. Its deep to the point where the healers say that trying the usualy treatments will only kill him. With no Dragon he can;t fight it off and basically it becomes comfort measures to keep him happy and pain free. They help slow it somewhat but once he reaches a certain stage its more cruel to try and slow it and so the decision is made to basically do a Hospice care treatment. Keeping him happy and comfortable. I don;t like Viserys and he needs to be dead but I understand Rhaenyra would try and help him.
Otto was basically kicked out and once Rhaenyra has her family move into Kingslanding they all basically do everything they can to make sure he cannot re-enter. Fuck at one point Harwin, much to Laenor and Rhaenyra’s delight, manages to arrange for the old fool to get fucking syphallis. They still have no idea how he managed that but he did and thats when the Qudrapulets were conceived.
Hightower also begins to suffer politically. After Otto was kicked out and it was proven that the Maesters and Alicent had only made the king sicker they lost control of the education of the Maesters. All education was seperated out to every ruling family in Westeros with a central education centre moved to Kingslanding.
Gwain Hightower and son also suffer, drowning at sea when their bost sunk unexpectedly during a storm. No one ever saw Seasmoke, so well was he camoflaged.
The trio also begin working heavily to help the smallfolk. Healing centres, food banks, better education and a sewer system. It is understanding that people began moving from the Faith to the worship of the 14 gods of Valryria or the Old Gods. The Dragon pit is torn down as well and near the site a temple to the Valryian gods it build and a new Godswood planted in Kingslanding. Soon the other cities of Westeros follow. The Seven are still worshipped, but people are more free to worship who they want.
It is during this time all the Targs find out they are immune to fire. It was Laena and Laenor who found this out. they got into a playfight and accidentally fell into a firepit.Everyone hurried to oull them out but only Corlys and Harwin get burnt.
It is what allows Daemon and Rhaenys to explore Valyria eventually, where they manage to discover lost pieces of their heritage including what they realise is a hatchery containing nearly 100 eggs.
Daemon is feral.
The Dragon keepers are delighted when over half begin to hatch on Dragonstone, they have to quickly train up dozens of new recruits to keep up.
This is also when Rhaena encounters the Cannibal and claims him much to Daemons horror and Laena’s delight. It turns out, from what Rhaena learns from the bond, is that the Cannibal had been a dragon whose rider died in its infancy and the broken bond so young had a egative impact on its psyche, fixed by Rhaena.
All the kids get dragons, I’ll think more on which one later but they all get dragons.
Now on to the key people and Controversially I don’t really like Alicent as a person. I think she is a great character but she does remind me of an estranged family member and gives me the ick. I don’t like Aegon either, little rapey cunt.
So there are two ways I can see this go for these two. Firstly is the good way where Alicent realises that Rhaenyra will be a good queen and chills out. Honestly what I imagine she’ll be happiest doing is either taking on work to help people or joining the faith maybe? Aegon would also have to be raised really well for this good ending, make sure he gets proper rearing and also stays away from drink and child fighting rings. I imagine he would become a traveller, maybe a diplomat of sorts. He would probably never marry but his sister would legitimise the children he has.
Bad version is unfortunately more likely in the timeline of the story. Considering the distrust brewing Alicent would probably always believe Rhaenyra would kill her and her children. But the positive outcomes for Rhaenyra would probably make her move more quickly. She would probably be involved in getting Larys to try and kill Harwin and whne found out she would flee back to Oldtown with Aegon, leaving behind her other children for the sake of the Heir. I imagine they would be hidden for safety and Aegon raise to belive he is king.
The other three I honestly see as more redeemable, Aemond is on thin fucking ice but with the abandonment off his mother at a much younger age and being basically adopted by Rhaenyra he can turn out better. He basically becomes the New Daemon. Fiercely protective of his sister-mother and his siblings and of the fathers who raised him with love and care he becomes a fierce knight and advisor for Jacaerys when he eventually becomes king. 
Helaena is also given a better life. Daemon quickly realises she is a dreamer and whilst there is no training they have available they do everything they can to help her. Journals, soft things, all the bugs she wants. Helaena is a treasure burdened with a terrible gift and they will help her all they can. This eventially involves letting Aemond and her marry. It is obvious she loves her brother and he her, and Rhaenyra wants all her children to marry for love if they can. Also letting Helaena marry outside of the family would just be insane.
Daeron knows that technically he isn’t his sisters child, but she raised him from a baby after retrieving him from Oldtown so as far as he is concerned Rhaeneyra is his Muna and Laenor and Harwin are his Kepa’s. He becomes one of the new people who gather education and teachers for Rhaenyra’s new education centres. he himself eventually marries the next princess of Dorne. 
Now to the drama. In the timeline I picture Oldtown takes Aegon and tries to raise him to be the new King. Rhaenrya does try to find him but she is not successful and soon the Triarchy rise delcaring Aegon the true king. It does not end well at all. Aegon is probably killed during a battle and house Hightower is removed. Soon Oldtown itself is abandonned and nothing is left of Hightower or Oldtown except a few broken ruins. Rhaenyra rules peacefully with her family as the first, but not the last queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
Centuries later King Rhaegar, named for his holy Ancestor Rhaenyra, Ascends the throne when his father deems him ready and Aerys retires for a peaceful life with his beloved wife Rhaella, with his wife the new Queen Lyanna of house Stark. By their sides the King’s dragon Syrax and Queen Lyanna’s direwolf Frost. 
Their first son, their first child of six, Jahaerys Targaryean, affectionately known as Jae by his numerous Targaryean aunts, uncles, siblings and cousins, and Jon by his Stark relatives, is claimed by the Dragon Vermithor at birth and was found with the direwolf pup Ghost after his first night in the cradle. He is born with his father’s dark skin and bright indigo eyes, but with thick black curls streaked with silver and a stern and very Stark face.
When the night King came he found himself against the Prince and his beloved wife and Princess Daenaerys and her dragon SIlverwing along with over a hundred dragons and direwolves, a united kingdom of Westeros, Wildings and children of the forest, and users of magics both ancient and strong.
He never stood a chance.
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problemswithbooks · 2 years
Gonna be honest. It doesn't even feel like the manga wants me to think Hawks made a bad choice. Even now. Its just feels like a cliffhanger about the destruction that would have happened back then if Hawks didn't make the hardest choice. And then the heroes would have been utterly crushed.
Oh, yeah, I can totally see this interpretation of those scenes with Hawks and AfO, but I think that shows the poor writing of the story in and of itself. There are stories where the point is that it can have multiple interpretations, but the way bnha is set up that doesn't feel like Hori's intention (and if it is, he's not doing a good job writing it that way).
Part of the reason I saw it as the more Hawks Critical way was because of how other fans were talking about it--clearly a lot of people see it as Hawks past coming back to bite him in the butt. All I saw were people cheering it on and happy that he was getting his punishment for killing Twice, and of course ignoring how poor the writing was for this set up.
Because, yes, your interpretation is more plausible given how Hori wrote past events. Hawks killing Twice didn't do anything but save a a lot of people during the first war. The villains might have still retreated but Twice would have continued to fight for his friends and given the lack of care any of the LoV show for Shigaraki's condition and still blindly follow AfO, it's easy to assume Twice would be 100% fine with taking orders for him. This would have lead to a Sad Man's Parade anyway, and perhaps and even worse one that included cloned nomu and AfO's.
If Hori wanted Hawks to be wrong and this be his comeuppance for his actions there were one of two things he should done to pull this off at least moderately well.
Have Hawks actually straight up murder Twice. For all that people say Hawks killed Twice on orders and acted due to giving into his brainwashing from the HPSC, that's just not true. Hori went out of his way to show that Hawks only killed Twice after he had lost most of his feathers to Dabi and Twice was escaping in order to use his Quirk. Hori even had Twice kill a Hero in order to save Toga, proving his intentions were violent. If he wanted Hawks to be wrong and following orders similar to how Nagant did, all he had to do was have Hawks stab Twice in the back without even a second thought, or trying to talk him down at all.
Show Twice being unsure/ concerned about the PLA's plans and the part they want him to play in it. Something that Hori absolutely refuses to let any of his villains have is doubt or remorse for their actions. If we'd been given a few panels of Hawks and Twice bonding where Jin voices that he has some reservations about the plan. He joined the LoV for the feeling of family and he still feels that, but with the added MLA members he's worried that things are changing. He wants his freinds to be happy but isn't sure if trusting the MLA is a good choice. Plus, he doesn;t trust the doctor and is worried for Shigaraki, who he thinks the doctor might be tricking or hurting in someway. At the end he just fiuguires he's not a smart guy and he should trust his freinds, but it's clear the idea of using his Quirk to possibly level Japan still weighs on him.
Either of these would have helped show Hawks as wrong. The first one has Hawks do something actually morally wrong. Even if Twice his fine with the plan as he is in canon and as seen by Deika he's still willing to level cities for the LoV, it'd still be wrong for Hawks to just stab him in the back without even trying to arrest or talk him down as he does in the manga.
The second has Hawks knowing Twice is having conflicted feelings, giving him something to try and change Twice's mind about using his Quirk, and bring in doubt that Twice would 100% act like he did in Deika City and help the PLF destroy all of Japan and kill innocents lives just because his friends say so. It also could be used to foreshadow AfO's take over of Shigaraki and how the LoV feel about it. It makes Hawks wrong for killing Twice because there's a chance he might not use his Quirk to deadly effect, yet Hawks kills him anyway. It also means that Sad Man's Parade being used against the Heroes is his fault because now Twice/Toga is using it for revenge. There was a chance Jin would have changed his mind, but Hawks betrayal makes sure Jin uses his Quirk for revenge.
Using both together would be even better.
But as it is Hawks wasn't wrong for taking out Twice, and if Hori plays it off as if he was, it's not going to work very well. He made the villains way to remorseless and over the top violent, showcasing multiple times how much Twice was willing to do for his friends. On top of that if Twice's Quirk does turn the tides, it only proves more how right Hawks was to kill him during that first war. Because it's 100% certain that Jin would have used his Quirk had he lived, that Heroes losing major ground to it or people getting killed by it, only shows how the first war would have been a loss had Twice lived.
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llycaons · 1 year
ep 34 (2/2): hey guys? I think jiang cheng might be stupid
well, this isn't boring anymore I suppose
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this is bizzare - jc implying that lwj had some kind of shady connections to bring wwx back?
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and wwx defending lwj, as he does
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this performance from xz is SO good. the little hitch in his breath as he admits this - he's clearly close to tears
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the kicker is. the kicker is I know why jc thinks the way he does even though I know he's wrong and his perceptions are skewed. and he does have sincere grievances with wwx here. because that WAS a shitty thing that wwx said, even if he didn't know how jl was. like you'd think an orphan would know better than to mock another (teenage) orphan but he can be such a dick sometimes
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yeah this is something that it makes sense to be upset about too. though again given that wwx literally killed himself I think he knows
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the plaintive streak in his line here reminds me so much of my younger brother. he almost sounds like a child, and he doesn't really have anything to defend himself.
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yeah despite everything I've said about misconceptions of their relationship and how bad things really were back then for them, this little scene captures a lot of what's compelling and painful about their dynamic, and what pushes people to rewrite jc into someone already worthy of having a relationship with even in the midst of one of the worst things he ever does to wwx. worse than the attempted strangulation, I'd say. maybe on par with telling him to go die when he was already suicidal. up near attacking him as he was leaving LP for no other reason than he wanted to see him hurt. GOD this guy sucks
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actually I can see this from his pov as well. like OBVIOUSLY he still hates wen ning, who murdered jzx and doomed their sister.
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you know it's fully insane that fans make jc look for wwx for all those years because he genuinely misses him and wants him to be okay because this makes it so abundantly clear that he literally wants them both dead
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good question, wwx! unfortunately we won't have time to unpack all that
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jl was listening at the door, so he knew that jc wants to find wen ning and sends him out with that excuse. it's actually really funny how easy jc is to manipulate. that is not a very smart man
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god I love jin ling. he has such a mouth on him. who else can disrespect jc like this? he's so funny
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people will read that top line like "uwu I wanted my brother back 🥺' and maybe that's a part of it but jc literally says in the next sentence he would have murdered wwx so idk what he thought wwx was going to realistically do. I mean he literally already died, he wasn't going to offer himself up AGAIN. jc. be practical.
tho I do think a little part is that jc wanted to be trusted. even if he would have betrayed that. he's a complicated dude. people don't always make logical sense. and he always hated being out of the loop
but yeah jc is a deeply punitive person who wants to hurt people until he personally feels mollified, or to kill them. and this just isn't very condusive to like, lifelong stability or happiness. I'm the first to say nobody is obligated to forgive, but he raised jl to be so angry and focus so much on the negatives instead of focusing on jl as a person, his strengths and goals and hobbies. and that's destructive to jl I think, it's corrosive for a child to grow up with that burden and that pressure on him. and as soon as jl runs into an adult who supports him and uplifts him, he blooms
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jc fans saying 'what do you MEAN jc doesn;t trust wwx. look how he left him with his nephew! if that isn't brotherly love (TM) I don't know what is!' are so funny because jiang cheng is actually just stupid. he's just dumb and he thinks this will work
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jl being mean to wwx is fine because wwx started it, wwx is thirty years old, and it's funny. it's everything people like in the jc and wwx dynamic, adjusted for their ages, but without all the baggage of literal murder and torture. wwx did jl wrong, but he apologizes for his words, looks after and teaches and protects jl, and jl reluctantly loves him and protects him in turn. it's a really special relationship that deserves more than an afterthought in postcanon works
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oh mister toxic masculinity is back
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SO TRUE JIN LING. real men DON'T concern themselves with people who shame them for being feminine. come on wwx you're going to literally have gay sex you have to get over this
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I love when he pulls out his 'wise mentor' voice. it's I'm sorry and thank you time!!!!!
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oof. sobering words from someone who has suffered
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AND HE APOLOGIZES!!!! he apologizes to jin ling!! it's a great step in their relationship and it's so gratifying to see. I said at one point that wwx isn't very apologetic, but this (and to jyl a few times, and to lwj) are the exceptions
personal highlights:
well the streets are pretty
lwj needing that extra push from wwx is like one of the only pieces of evidence he gives a shit about him in the episode
jl manipulating jc, mouthing off to him, and then letting wwx go is an enthralling series of events
wwx saying the im sorry and thank you line!! and apologizing to jl!!
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marvelstars · 5 months
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So I was thinking about a post I saw a while ago and it made me realize that I believe it didn´t really occur to Anakin that Padme was too young as a 14 year old Queen because he was a 9 year old slave and already making adult decisions, like:
Sure, I will risk my life to give you the ship parts you need new friends.
I will sacrifice the pod I built with many sacrifices that I wanted to use to escape with my Mom once I got her and my slave chip out of her body with my self made slave chip detector.
I know exactly how to cheat on my owner, I have know him all my life actually and he loves gambling.
Sebulba, leave Jar Jar alone, you could kill me instead but then you would have to pay for me so go away.
I built a droid to help Mom around the house and I am also looking after grandma Jira here, fixing her things so the heat doesn´t get too much for her.
Do you need the droid army that is invading Naboo stopped? No problem, I will just destroy their main star chip and I didn´t even get out of place as Master Qui-Gon Sir asked me to.
Then Anakin became a padawan and was send to missions in which he had to use his lightsaber to get out of "negotiations"
So of course he defended Padme being a Queen at 14, to him her words about being happy for being relieved of so much responsibility sounded as if she thought she was doing a bad job with her planet, that´s why he told her he heard people were so pleased with her they wanted to keep her more time as their Queen. He thought she was selling herself short.
I believe the whole, "too young to be doing this" only beat Anakin in the face when he was send Ahsoka in the middle of a war zone.
I mean, he called her a "youngling" not even a padawan, he most definitely didn´t want to be training a 14 year old youngling in the middle of a war zone and he only accepted because he saw how sad Ahsoka looked when she thought he didn´t want her.
Ahsoka just had to invoke a little bit of tears and she already had him grapped around her little finger.
Anakin: Sure I am supposed to be your Jedi master and you should call me master but we are in the middle of a war zone, we both could die tomorrow, your situation sucks Snips and you are too young yet to notice it so of course you may call me skyguy to your heart content.
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He is actually worse with Luke, honestly, it didn´t matter to him his little boy already destroyed the death star in ANH and his Master was calling for his head because he could become a Jedi and try to kill both of them, to Vader he was just "a boy"
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In ESB Vader was at the parenting stage of thinking about Luke like, that´s my baby, nobody can touch him or his friends until I say so ok?
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So he can recognize when someone was too young to be send to war, slavery or fight his Sith Master and he was right most of the time, except when it´s about himself and his perfect Queen Padme, they were veteran kids just doing their jobs.
Love him honestly :D
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calciummuffin · 1 year
OC's (for fun, also cowboys)
This is long as hell, sorry! :) (ft. my cowboy OC's)
Sean sat amongst the damp forest surrounding them, his rangy, thin hands fumbling with the harmonica. The instrument was worn down, but it still gave him a thrill to hold it in his hands. He watched as Carl, his older companion with strong blue eyes, warmed a pot of water. The forest around them lay frozen, as if time had stopped to allow them a moment of peace. The boy’s eyes twinkled as he lifted the instrument to his chapped lips. A split second was all it took for the harmonica to emit a harsh, unmelodic sound. Carl"s eyes darted to the boy’s gaze, watching as he grinned at him before he blew again. Carl held up his hand, signalling for Sean to stop. He knew that the sound of the harmonica would scare away any game in the area. Sean sighed, dropping the instrument onto the wet soil. His eyes followed Carl’s gaze as the older man scanned the trees surrounding them. Shaking his head, Carl sighed before dropping back onto his knees beside the pot of water. He took in a deep breath, watching as steam rose from the liquid. "What’re we doin’ out here, Carl?" Sean asked, a faint smile still plastered on his pallid face. "Them deer we're lookin" for ain't deserve to get shot." "We gotta eat, Sean," Carl replied, stirring the pot. "Us and the whole ranch." "We have cattle, pigs, and chickens," Sean protested. "All of them other animals. Why can’t we just eat them?" "Livestock ain't meant for food," Carl corrected. "What’re we tradin’ ‘em off for?" Sean asked, his voice rising. "To get eaten later? Why don’t we just eat them instead?" Carl sighed, taking a deep breath. He didn"t turn to look at Sean. Instead, he continued to stare at the pot of water. "Neither of us wants to kill those deer, Sean. But it"s just something that"s gotta be done." Carl took another breath, watching as his breath fogged the air in front of him. Carl's heavy hand clasps the pot's handle as he sets it carefully on the ground. The older man strides across the camp towards Sean, the young boy perched on a log, staring into the flames. "Sometimes family is more important than morality," Carl says, his voice heavy with resignation, "We all have to...do bad things for the people around us someday," he continues. Sean, his shoulder-length hair swinging as he shakes his head, speaks up, "I don't want to kill them. They’re just trying to go home to their families," he says, his voice trembling with emotion. "Just like we have to go back to ours," Carl sighs, placing a reassuring hand on Sean"s shoulder. The younger boy flinches, unable to meet the older man’s gaze. "Sorry," Carl mutters, "I forgot about your...your thing." Sean fixes his gaze on the fire, his eyes tracking the rising smoke as he tries to shake off the feelings of sadness and anger that have been building within him. He speaks up, his voice trembling, "Those men ain't my family," he says stubbornly, his words laced with resentment. "Yes, they are," Carl states firmly, his hand reaching up to run through Sean’s oily hair. The older man gives the younger boy a gentle shake, as if to shake off the feeling of uncertainty and self-doubt that has been weighing on him. "We’re all family. We’re all stuck in this thing together," Carl says, his tone firm but kind. Sean doesn"t respond, his eyes still fixed on the fire. After a few moments, he finally speaks up, his voice softer and more resigned this time. "I know. I just...I don"t know if I can do it," he says, his words barely above a whisper. Carl gives Sean’s shoulder a reassuring pat before rising to his feet. The older man strides back to the pot, his movements determined as he returns to his duties. Sean watches him go, his eyes narrowing as he contemplates the weight of the responsibility that has been placed on his shoulders. He takes a deep breath and leans back, staring into the flames once more. 
Carl and Sean sat by the fire, the older man slurping a steaming cup of coffee as he stared into the flames. He sighed, his lips curling into a small smile as he spoke. "Y’know, my pa, he hated hunting," he said. "Would whine and whine when my ma asked him to hunt somethin’." Sean, lost in his own thoughts, responded without looking up "Why?" "Said that them animals had souls, they were God"s children in his eyes," Carl explained. "The man believed that every animal on this Earth had a special somethin" to "em beyond just sustainin’ humans." Sean stared into the fire, his head cocked to the side. "Mr. Fisher ain't your pa, is he?" "Nah," Carl responded, his voice deep and rough, "that old man caught me stealin’ from "im when I was about fifteen." "He didn’t get you in trouble with the law?" Sean asked, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Think he planned to, but he saw somethin’ in me somewhere." Carl took a sip of his coffee, his eyes scanning the campsite. "So, you didn’t know the Fisher"s at all?" Sean asked the older man. Carl smiled warmly. "No," he answered. "Came from Vermont." "You're from the North," Sean stated, furrowing his brow as he took a sip of his coffee. "Northeast," Carl corrected Sean with a chuckle. "My folks were poor as all hell, but sometimes money don"t mean all that much, y'know?" Sean shrugged, his eyes fixed on the fire. He sighed heavily. "My parents owned a farm. Small one."  "The hell were ya growin’ in Wyoming?" Carl asked as he tore open a pack of coffee and poured it into a cup, handing it to Sean. "Wheat, corn…anythin’ that'd survive up there,” Sean responded bitterly. Carl laughed, a hearty laugh that seemed to echo through the campsite. "We oughta make a supply run into town soon. "Bout a day's ride South." Sean, his skinny frame huddled against the cool night air, nodded absently. "We outta meat?" "Almost," Carl confirmed, his eyes scanning the campsite. "We got some venison and maybe a little offal, but that's 'bout it." Sean grimaced at the thought of eating offal, the organs and fatty tissues from an animal"s body. "You eatin' that offal? I ain't." Carl laughed, his deep voice rumbling with amusement. "All yours, Sean." 
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Mc is a Siren
why is it no surprise for Lucifer that of course that the one time they thought they would get a normal Human it was neither a Human nor normal
he could have easily dealt with not normal but what the purpose in an exchange program with the Human realm if they didn´t even get the required amount of Humans
at least they are helpful in some capacity but that´s only for keeping his Brothers under control and even then he can´t depend on them most of the time
as long as they don´t die or cause someone important to die he could live with it
and while their singing doesn´t work on him like it would on most creatures it is still a nice thing to listen to
are you willing to donate some of your scales to the very Great Mammon?
because if not don´t ask him why some of the old ones that you lost went missing
it totally wasn´t him and it totally didn´t pay for the very expensive watch he saw and wanted
it´s all just a coincidence also he got you a present so if he may or may not did something that could make you mad he already has something to make up for it
and if you still have some leftover scales he would gladly get ride of them for you
as long as you don´t mind they way he´ll get ride of them
he has one very important question for you, can you or can you not talk with Henry 2.0
if you can´t good enough but if you can whatever he says is a lie and can´t be trusted
and this isn´t just because Henry knows how he usually acts when nobody is around and Levi is embarrassed about it
but he also found you watching him from the tanks once so you might just know how he is and he doesn´t know if that is a good or bad thing
but so far you haven´t left him so it might be a good thing… for the moment at least
he wants to know if you know any deep sea secrets or if your older than him even
he might even be curious is the rumors of Sea Cats is true, he will be very disapointed and angry if you say no
but it´s better than lying to him even if you mean well
he might ask you to catch fish for the stray Cats though, he would hate it if that was the reason they like you more than him
another thing he would be interested in if sea creatures also have literature considering paper is out the question
and if you do he wants to read some it could have some interesting knowledge or just be entertaining stories
no matter how freaky you might look he will love you either way
and if it´s true that Siren´s are enchanting singers he would love to sing a duet with you, just for fun or to see who can put more people undere their spell
he will definitely win but don´t feel bad it´s not like you had a chance to win anyway <3
but he would definitely ask you if he can have some of your scales as decoration
doesn´t matter if it´s for his clothes, something in his room or to just put in a little bottle to keep something of you close to him
he wonders if he were to eat you that you would taste like fish, would you be willing to lose a piece of your flesh so he can know?
no? okay but he would be willing to take a really really small one
if he´s not allowed to eat a piece of your flesh can you at least give him some leftover Human? he would really love to eat some again
but he´s not allowed to because of the exchange program and some Humans would feel “insulted” and “unnerved” as if Demons aren´t willing to eat other Demons
he might also ask you if you could get him some deep sea fish, there are plenty of them he would love to eat but could never get to
okay but as long as he can cuddle with you he doesn´t care what you are
you could be a fish for all he cares and it wouldn´t change a thing for him
he might use you to nap at the bottom of the ocean though, it would be nice to finally sleep some place where somebody doesn´t constantly bother him
also he might think your a tiny bit cool because you can kill and eat as many Humans as you want
he would definitely ask you to bring back some parts for Beel, he said he missed eating Human because it´s forbidden because of the exchange program
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