#he lives next to a school and this morning i woke up to the sound of israeli children playing outside of his window
todaviia · 2 years
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faeriekit · 9 months
#i'm very pro danny accidentally adopts a whole bunch of talons previous installments
The next day, the body was back.
The green was gone from its eyes, but the awareness wasn't; it spent about an hour watching people go around outside Danny's apartment, which was new behavior. None of the corpses that shadowed him had shown any interest in garden-variety humans before. Now it sat at the window and watched families come home from school or head to their afternoon shifts.
That went into Danny's notes.
After that hour, it taught itself to flush the toilet repeatedly, rearranged the contents of Danny's half-assed linen closet (again) and then stood hovering over the safe where Danny had stashed the ectoplasm.
"...Okay," said Danny.
The dead body croaked. It was a new sound, but there was no context for it. Danny just kind of...wrote it down and hoped for the best.
The day after, Danny woke up at a very reasonable ten forty eight in the morning to find stray corpses feeding each other spoonfuls of ectoplasm in the kitchen.
At that point he kind of had to throw out the notes on how much each one was dosed with, because what the fuck.
"Really?!" Danny shouted, spooking the bodies into fleeing behind chairs and doors and back into his closet again. The only one that didn't flee was Danny's ringmaster corpse of the hour, of course. "You really couldn't wait??"
It stuck out a withered black tongue out at the mortician, who was, really, the victim in all of this. A victim to his parents' whims and a victim to the dead people who followed him around all the time.
This was how Danny found out that, when it doubt, the corpses could just tear through solid steel if they were motivated enough. The finger-marks were so deep and so embedded that they actually looked more like rough claws in the metal.
Danny ordered a new locking cage for the fridge on Prime and darted off to work. One of his regulars was on the table, though, so Danny just ended up doing what he would have at home— sewing up a gash in its neck and reattaching dead fingers back onto dead stumps.
On the third day, in which four of Danny's frequent fliers had learned from the first how to flush the toilet (and therefore raise the water bill immensely) Danny got a ring from a dark voice he (almost) recognized.
"Is he here?"
Danny squinted, jerking the phone further under his ear as he whipped up some scrambled eggs. The dead girl leaning over his shoulder leaned a little closer to watch the egg froth up. "Is who here? Who is this?"
"This is Batman. Is— the body requisitioned from your facility currently at your place of residence?"
Danny fully let go of the whisk. It landed haphazardly in the glass bowl he'd been stirring in. "What on Earth is a Batman?" he asked, incredulous.
"I visited your workplace previously."
Oh! "Yeah, the cop's friend. I remember now." Danny pulled the whisk out of the liquid eggs and held it out to the body. The unusually animate cadaver mostly prodded the whisk wires and paid no attention to him. "No one's here but me, though. Not that it's your business...?"
"And there are no non-living bodies currently in your apartment?"
Danny ignored the flushing noise in the other room. "I don't know, dude. They practically live in the walls at this point. Don't come over unless you have a warrant."
The call ended with a click.
His omelette turned out amazing, by the way. In case you were wondering.
On the fourth day, the ectoplasm was gone, because the corpses had apparently all taught each other how to lockpick the container in the fridge.
"Okay, some of that was meant to be my dinner. No more lotion at the funeral home now, okay? Now you all can be ashy forever. I'm so serious," Danny complained to the only visible dead person in the room.
The dead person held up a cracked egg. It was probably a gesture of peace, but now there was egg on his vinyl flooring to deal with. And. It wasn't exactly all that comforting in the end.
On the fifth day, Danny awoke to the sensation of a hand jamming itself through his neck until it punched into the mattress beneath him.
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enhagvrl · 13 days
en- making up to you
a/n: tqsm for your love on the first part!! yall the best <33 not proofread so please ignore the grammar and spelling errors if any.
previous part
lee heeseung
You had switched off your phone and were sitting quietly in the park.. After spending some time thinking, you eventually decided that it was just a joke and he did not actually mean it of course. You guys were now far from all those high school years and unnecessary gossip to give them a thought so it just might have slipped out from his mouth. 
                    back at home…
The clock on the wall chimed, signalling that it hit midnight- and you were still not home. Heeseung had spent the last few hours working his head to find out what action or word of his had caused you to dash off like that, without even turning back once. Hee had sent you many texts and calls but they all went in vain. He was about to enter the kitchen to fetch a glass of water when he stopped, hearing the front door creak open. 
“where were you? Your phone was switched off. I know you told me you’ll be back but it struck midnight and I just became so worried." Heeseung went on rambling, taking a breath only when your hand came to rest upon his shoulder. 
“ I'm okay. Sorry for rushing out like that. It's just that I needed some fresh air. Nothing to worry about hee.” you said, giving him a small smile while turning away to head towards your bedroom.
“ It's about me saying you're crazy right?” you stopped in your tracks but didn't turn around. 
Seeing you stop, he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around you - his head leaning a little against yours so that his mouth is directly next to your ears.
“ Baby, you know I've loved ever since I laid my eyes on you. I'm sorry if what I said hurt you. You can do whatever you want - but please don’t ever think I will turn my back on you. I have never once come to believe those baseless rumours about you. Please forgive me. I don't know how it just slipped out but I promise there won't be a next time. Really. Please, sweetheart. Don't leave me alone again like that.” 
Without turning back, you simply removed Heeseung's hands from you and pulled him along with you towards the bedroom. There you sat down on the edge of the bed pulling heeseung on top of you.
You simply sat there holding him close to you - your hands tapping away a random beat on his stomach while his eyes did not move from your face, observing every single feature. 
“I will agree I felt a bit upset at first hearing it but then again, it's been years since I got to hear that word about me but I realised I don't really care anymore now. It’s fine though, I’m over it. So don’t worry anymore.” saying this, you gave a small kiss on heeseung’s arms which were now wrapped around your neck. 
Heeseung could only sit there and look at you with his bambi eyes, all teary and round. 
“ Remind me again, how did I score you?” he says playfully, giggling when you bring up your hand to pinch his nipple (cue to jw doing it in en-o’clock)
“HEY! THAT’S VIOLATION RIGHT THERE!” saying this you are pushed on the bed with a tickling battle announcing its arrival. Sleep? Forget it. 
park jongsaeng
The clock rang a small tune - the time being 2 a.m. but the man on the bed just kept tossing from one side to another. Even though Jay is known for falling asleep easily anytime, tonight it just did not seem possible. 
Not being able to take it anymore, Jay got up from the bed and headed towards the living room only to find out that all the lights were off and you were sound asleep on the couch. He could only sigh and close in on your sleeping figure and that’s when he noticed some dried tear stains on your cheeks. That’s when he knew he messed up. 
The next morning you woke up feeling all stuffy and unable to breathe as if something was weighing down on you and you opened your eyes only to be greeted by the sight of Jay sleeping on your chest. You almost melted right there because of how cute his face looked being squished on your chest but then the memories of last night came into your mind and you stiffened up.
Carefully pushing the sleeping figure off your body, you get up and head towards the bathroom to start your day. Coming back to cook some breakfast you were surprised to find your boyfriend already awake and making some simple toast for the both of you. Without uttering a word, you started cutting some fruits to make juice.
You had only gone halfway to cutting an apple when you felt something rest on your shoulder, hot breath fanning your ears and a hand resting beside the cutting board. 
“I’m so sorry for those harsh words last night. I really didn't mean them. I have no idea what came over me at that time, but it still doesn’t excuse the fact that I said those words to you. I hope you forgive me and know that I love listening to you talking. Even if the world was ending, your voice would be enough to keep me alive. So please don’t be mad at me, my pretty baby or else I would not hesitate to jum-”  before he could complete that sentence you gave him a quick kiss on his mouth. 
“Now you’re the one going on rambling. I forgive you and I was never that mad at you in the first place. Just got a little upset. But it’s all gone now seeing my future husband cooking for me :) I love you ” Jay only chuckled at your words and gave you a quick kiss on the forehead muttering a “i love you too” with his signature smile. Five minutes later you two were back on the couch with two plates of your breakfast and two glasses of apple juice.
Throughout the while, you kept on talking about all sorts of stuff while Jay was only giving short replies and looking at you with a tender smile on his face. You were suddenly pulled into a soft kiss by the said man when he said these words pulling away from the kiss, 
“ Your voice is the sound my ears crave and they were made for listening to you only. I’m sorry. I love you.” 
As he whispered these words close to your face with his eyes boring into yours and his breath fanning your lips, you simply took his juice and had a sip from it while maintaining eye contact with him with a serious face which made the said man let out a laugh. 
“I love you too :) '' you said taking another bite of your toast making Jay let out a small chuckle at your stuffed up face and your antics.
sim jaeyun
“Oi! Why are you running away?” Jake huffed catching up to you as you speed walked after paying for your ice creams.
“ nothing. Just tired. Want to sleep.” “Okay now that’s where I know I've messed up so can you please tell me before I go around shouting to the whole world that my girlfriend is mad at me.”
“ you would not do that.” “oh watch me.” saying that he immediately got down to his knees ready to shout whatever he was planning to when you ran towards and covered his mouth with your hand. 
“You-” you whisper shouted to him, pulling him up before he could attract any attention from the people moving about. 
“ Tell me what I did wrong, baby please or else I’ll take away Layla from you.” he said, his eyes being all shiny while his face displayed a sad pout - which you oh so badly wanted to kiss away but had to restrain yourself.
“ you think for yourself, smarty pants.” you said, walking down the road.
“Was it because I teased you earlier? Cmon babyyyy you know I didn't mean it. I’m sorry.” Jake whined, pulling at your sleeves while you were pulling the pouty boy along with you.
“ It did not feel good to hear that, Jake.” you stopped in your tracks, your words making Jake know you’re genuinely upset. 
You both stopped walking - the night’s wind blowing through your hair while Jake’s hand had slipped from holding your sleeve to taking your hands in his.
“I’m sorry, love. I just meant to tease you. I did not consider it might hurt your feelings and that’s my fault. Please forgive me?” his sincere apology with those puppy eyes you were being shown, you could not resist it anymore.
“Ay, ay, whatever. Not like I was mad at you or something, just got a little offended there. Anyways, I'm better at soccer than you for sure.” saying this you took a big bite from his ice cream and ran away while he was stunned for a second.
“Yayyy :) wait what- MY ICE CREAM!! NOOO!!!” 
park sunghoon
The next morning you woke up like usual and did your business while Sunghoon slept in for a very long time. It was right around noon when Sunghoon woke up from his sleep. Coming down from the bedroom he was met with the sight of gaeul eating her food while you were beside her sewing some scarf.
“Good morning. More like afternoon but yeah.” you said, noticing the tall man rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“weren't we supposed to be going somewhere today? Don’t tell me we missed the flight.” Sunghoon’s eyes widened at the fact that maybe you two missed on the whole trip. 
“Don’t worry about the trip. I cancelled it.” you say, being all nonchalant which surprised Sunghoon.
He approached you on the couch, taking a seat beside you while his body was turned towards you showing that you had his full attention.
“What do you mean you cancelled the trip? Why? We were supposed to go bungee jumping together.” he said, confusion evident on his face.
“Well, we can do that another time. For now, let’s just spend some time indoors.” you said, turning your head towards him.
He seemed taken aback by your sudden change in plans but nevertheless didn’t question it much. He only nodded to your response and got up, going back into the room while you went back to sewing. 
The day passed on by slowly, as you two spent time watching a movie then playing a video game together, and as the day was slowly coming to an end you both ended up in the kitchen trying to make dinner together.
Sunghoon’s mind was not calm though. For the whole evening you had been replying to him in a few words or just one nod of your head. He knew something was wrong but could not put his finger on it. He did not even remember what took place last night cause he was so sleep deprived at that moment. 
Gathering up courage, Sunghoon walked over to you who was busy cutting up the last few chillies for the spice. He cleared his throat once he was beside you to get your attention.
“...did…something happen? You don't look very…happy to have me around.” You managed to let out a small smile at his words.
“Why would you think that?” “because you seem very distant.”
“What do you think is the reason?” you answered, keeping the knife away.
“You wanted to go on the trip but cancelled it for some reason?” he said, confused.
“What do you think is the reason?”
“ baby, stop beating around the bush. I really do not know the reason. I don't even remember what happened before I passed out last night because of the fatigue. Please tell me. Did something happen? Did I do something?”  Sunghoon said, frustrated at your silence when all he wanted that evening was to spend time with you.
“You lashed out on me last night saying you do not want to go anywhere. Hence why I cancelled the trip. That happened.” you muttered out, voice so quiet Sunghoon wouldn’t have been able to catch the hurt you portrayed in them.
“...I lashed out on you? When? I…I'm sorry I really don’t know.” “ You did. Maybe it was because you were sleepy and tired but I get it. We should spend some time together in our house also. I am sorry.”
Sunghoon immediately placed his hands on your shoulders with a questioning expression, “ what are you sorry for? I am sorry. Even if I was tired, it was not nice of me to take it out on you. Don’t be sorry. I love making memories of different experiences with you, really. I know that I may not be as outgoing and extroverted as you but trust me when I say if it’s you I’m ready to go to space too. I guess I was just really exhausted but that’s no excuse to lash out on you. I’m sorry.” 
You nodded and softly bumped your head into his chest to which he responded by bringing you into his arms muttering small ‘i love you’s and ‘i would never get mad at you’s. 
After a while of you guys hugging there, you built up the courage to say - 
“ also, news came that the bungee jumping line broke so we wouldn't have been able to go anyways. Hehe.” 
Oh. that's why.
kim sunoo
“(name)!!!!!!!” Sunoo shouted while running down the stairs.
You were busy scooping out the ice cream from the tub to notice that Sunoo had made himself comfortable on the counter. 
“ Here you go,” you say, handing over his bowl.
Sunoo hesitantly takes his bowl, noticing the sudden change in the air. You quietly set aside the ice cream tub and started to eat from your bowl. Sunoo was dying to ask you if something happened but decided to wait till you guys were back in your bedroom. 
Once you guys settled back into your bedroom, you sat down with a book while Sunoo went to proceed with his skin care for the night. Neither of you had spoken a word to each other for an hour now and it was beginning to eat him so he decided to confront you. 
“ Did I do something to upset you?” he asked, popping out from the bathroom with a face mask on. 
“No,why?” you asked, voice not carrying any emotion.
“....you’ve just been really quiet. Tell me, what’s on your mind?” he voices out his concern, plopping down on the bed beside you. 
You were debating whether to tell him or not. In case, he might not believe you.
“I kind of got a little upset when you said that no one would believe me. Because you know how I was in the past and all..” you said, your voice lowering towards the end of the sentence
“When did I say tha….OH! Aaa baby noooo I did not mean it in a literal sense. I’m so sorryyyyy.” he said, immediately climbing on top of you to give you a big hug.
“Really though. I am so sorry I made you upset. That was not my intention. I must have said that without any thought. I am sorry. Please forgive meeee”, Sunoo says while basically rolling all over your body to get you to forgive him.
“Okay okay you big baby i get it. I get it. I forgive you now, please can you get off?” you said, a smile making its way onto your face. 
Sunoo got up from the bed and was now standing beside your figure. He looked all happy, with his smile reaching his eyes. 
The next minute you find yourself sitting on the counter of your bathroom, Sunoo standing between your legs and his hands rubbing the lotion gently on your skin.
“I’m so glad you told me what was concerning you. I am sorry once again and I promise this will never happen again. Tell me if I ever go overboard with my words again, hm?”
Your heart filled up with comfort and warmth because of how genuine he was. Letting a smile pain itself on your face, you gave him a small peck.
“ It’s okay. It’s all in the past now. Don’t worry about it. You’re forgiven. I love you hm?”
“ I love you too. Now let me spoil my queen.” you could only let out a laugh while sunoo slapped a sheet mask on your face.
yang jungwon
You were swinging on one of the swings in the local park, taking in the cold night air when suddenly a maltese came running up to you. You immediately recognise its maeumi and take him up in your arms. Soon after you hear footsteps following and you knew it was him.
Jungwon takes a seat on the swing beside yours and turns his head towards you, who’s still not looking at him but playing with maeumi. 
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me to let those words out. I never meant them.Maybe I was just a little worried. I do not have any excuse. Just please forgive me. I’ll let you have all my gummy bears also.” he paused a bit, awaiting some reaction from you but was disappointed when he got nothing. 
“Please give some love to your boyfriend here. I am your baby, not maeumi. Please. Please.” he said, getting up from the swing and bringing his face in front of yours while pulling the cutest expression. 
You put down maeumi and stand up, holding Jungwon's face and giving a big, wet smooch in his lips - taking him by surprise. 
“It’s okay. I forgot about it all anyways. Thanks for worrying. Let’s go home?” you said pulling out from the short kiss which made Jungwon lose all senses for a second. 
“Bleh. I love you too. I aint washing my face at all now. Lechugooo” he said holding your hand in his now cold one and calling maeumi to stay close.
“I never said I love you though?” “ You kissed me. That said more than enough hehe.”
nishimura riki
“(NAME)! OYE!”, niki’s voice echoed through the hallways as you made your way outside the building. You were pulled back by a hand two times your size holding your arm. 
“ Are you okay? Why would you run off like that? “ the taller boy questioned,voice laced with worry and confusion evident on his face.
You could only nod your head in response. You don’t know what came upon you but you were not feeling good - not at all.  
“ i’m sorry i..i don't feel so good.” you said holding his arm to steady yourself
“ just-  just hold onto me, okay?” niki voiced out, holding you close by and bringing you back inside the practice room, settling you down in one corner of the lobby.
You knew why you were feeling like this. You had been ignoring your health in order to get into SDC and as expected, your body was not taking it well. Still you dared to push it a lot more till it brought you to right now -  where you are feeling nauseous even though you know nothing is inside your body.
Ten minutes had passed since Ni-ki was gone. You were now feeling a little better, no more nauseous. You almost fell asleep when his voice woke you up.
“ hey. (name). Here, take this.” he said, handing you a simple sandwich with some pineapple juice. Your go-to breakfast. 
You silently muttered a “thank you” and took a bite of the sandwich filled with vegetables and took a sip from the juice; your body genuinely thanking you for finally eating something good. 
While you were devouring down on your food, Niki was sitting on the small couch beside you - his eyes filled with adoration and his lips bent up in a small smile. 
“ You should’ve told me that you have not been taking care of yourself. No. I should have noticed it. Such a bad partner aint i?” he voiced out, a little sarcasm and a little seriousness simultaneously. 
“ Of course not. I’m sorry for not telling you. I really have been trying hard for the contest but maybe it’s not meant to be.” you said, taking the last bite from your sandwich and doing a happy dance, having your stomach filled, which made niki let out a chuckle. 
“ I am sorry. It was wrong of me to say that.” 
“what?” you asked, confused by his sudden apology. 
Niki let out a sigh and continued “ I’m sorry for saying those mean stuff to you. I did not mean it that way. As a fellow dancer, i know how bad it is when it comes to competing and i was....inconsiderate of your feelings here. I'm sorry."
" well...as long as you know and admit your faults, i'm okay with it. You can be a real pain in the ass sometimes you know?"
Niki could only let out a little laugh and nodded his head to your words. " I love you a lot, you know that right?"
Nodding your head, you got up from your couch and whispered right beside his ear an " i love you too, your dork head" and ran away after hitting him on the back of his head.
tags: @loumin908 @gardenwons @whateverhoon @moonpri @lovcremez
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ambivalence-is-me · 1 month
Your Power (1)
Pairing: Azriel x reader
Summary: Meeting Azriel and the inner circle was not in your plans by any means. But it happened and it was not your brightest moment.
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: mentions of death
A/N: Had this idea for a while and wanted to get it out! I haven’t read Silver Flames soo anything that might seem out of place is totally on purpose. I apologize for any (all) grammatical error :)
Azriel saw you the second you started walking their way. Your wide-eyed friend behind you trying to keep up with your drunk self. As always, he was on high alert even when his family told him to relax and enjoy the night. So, when he saw where you were headed, he quickly analyzed the situation and realized you weren’t a threat, even more as your friend tried to get you to stop.
He looked at Rhys, who in return raised an eyebrow at you and gave you his charming smile, and then back at you and decided to entertain the scene before him.
‘’You’ve forgotten about us, you know that right?! How can you continue to act all high and mighty while the rest of us are breaking down more and more each day!’’
You had one finger pointing at Rhys, your other hand bunched up in a fist on your side. They (Azriel, Rhys, Cassian, Feyre and Mor. The rest of the inner circle didn’t bother to go out that night and join them at Rita’s) all knew you were drunk but you were looking at them so fiercely, your voice never quivered, you definitely had all of their attention.
‘’Yes, you saved us but for what? To cast us aside when you’re done?’’ You looked to Feyre then. ‘’And you! I had such high hopes for you! A high lady yes, go females! But you’ve done the same!’’
Azriel saw how Rhys stopped smiling the second you turned to his mate, still recognizing that you were all bark and no bite but knowing how Feyre was going to save every single word you were saying in her brain and was going to overthink it later. Clearly, the amount of drinks you’ve had didn’t make you forget you were currently yelling at the High Lord and High Lady.
‘’Velaris needs you, the people need you! So do something about it!’’ With this, you finally dropped your hand, looked at them one last time before storming away. Your friend, once again, running after you not wanting to look at them after what you had done. She knew you were going to regret this outburst the next day.
And you did.
The second you woke up the next day, everything came rushing back and you wished you had a hangover so you wouldn’t have to think about it. A hangover sounded a thousand times better than thinking about how foolish and stupid you looked the night before.
Like, really? To go to the inner circle’s table, drunk, and yell at the high lord and lady? Surely, they were either going to forget about it or kill you. Or maybe they’d kill you and THEN forget about the incident. Sure, that’s what was going to happen.
But you quickly dismissed the idea when two days passed and nothing happened. Your life went back to normal and that was it. As if, the encounter you had with Velaris’ (and probably all of Prythian’s) most powerful fae was nothing. It probably was, you were just another common fae.
So, two days passed and you put it on the back of your mind focusing on your duties. Today, first thing you must do is drop off your nephew at school.
On Tuesday mornings, your sister-in-law wakes up before the sunrise to get ingredients for the shop meaning she couldn’t take your nephew to school. Therefore, you volunteered to do it. You loved your nephew and would do anything for him and his mother. Anything to make their lives easier. Sometimes your mom would join you but most times, it was just you and you were more than okay with that, savoring all the time you can with your nephew.
‘’Excellent! You’re gonna ace that test, kid’’. You sent him a big smile, squeezing the hand you were holding as you made your way to the school.
‘’I hope so. Mom said she’d let join her to the meadows if I did.’’ Of course he was interested in joining his mother. Like her, he loved nature and everything it provided them. He said he wanted to follow her footsteps and he was unknowingly also following his father's.
Your brother.
‘’Then you better get your boots ready, kid. I’m positive you’re gonna do great.’’
He gave you a big smile. He had your brother’s smile and you loved that about him. It made you feel like he was always there with you. It made missing him hurt less, even if years had already passed.
Both of you continue the walk to school. Talking about anything and everything. Like you, he was a yapper. But not everyone got to see that side of you. Many said you were quiet but that’s only because you don’t trust easily. Once you trust someone then they couldn’t get you to shut up. It was one of the many things that made you, you.
As you were nearing the school, your nephew stopped. ‘’What was that?’’
You looked at him confused ‘’What was what?’’
He looked around as if trying to locate whatever thing he saw. ‘’ I don’t know. It looked like a shadow’’. You looked at him even more confused. A shadow?
‘’Maybe it was a dragon’’ He looked at you unamused. ‘’Dragons don’t exist, Aunt Y/N’’.
‘’Maybe they should’’ you murmured under your breath. You shook your head and forgot about it as you looked at the school. You sighed. ‘’All right, kid. Go in there and do everything I wouldn’t do.’’
He gave you a look. ‘’You’re not supposed to encourage that’’. He was so mature for being so young.
You giggled and gave him a push towards school. ‘’Give ‘em hell! I’ll see you later!’’ You waved and sent him a kiss goodbye.
Once he was inside, you made your way to work.
Before you were even born, your family owned an apothecary shop. Your mother made sure you and your brother knew all about the family business as you were growing up. Your father passed away when you were a babe, having no recollection of him. Therefore, your mother ran the business until you or your brother were old enough to take care of it.
Growing up, you knew quickly that you wanted to do nothing with it. Nature was not your thing, you had great respect for it but it didn’t come naturally to you the way it did for your brother. He loved it and he loved spending time in the shop with your mother learning about it.
They had decided then that he was to stay with the shop once he was of age and finished his studies. You, on the other hand, gravitated to another side: music and arts. You loved anything that had to do with music: listening, playing, creating it; you name it. If there was music, you’d be there. A trait you’d inherited from your father, that’s what mother always said.
You had a job at a music shop and you loved it. It was everything you ever wanted and you were SO SURE that the man that owned it was going to promote you and one day maybe even give it to you. You wanted to take care of it, of the instruments, of the stories behind them. The shop had nights where the people would come and play together creating beautiful music. You wanted to play in all of them. Music was one of the things that made you extremely happy.
But then the war happened and your brother died.
And all of your plans to stay at the music shop died with him. You couldn’t stay there and let your family business die with him too. Your mother, nephew and sister-in-law were heart broken (as were you, of course. Heart broken doesn’t even come close) and you knew they were in no shape to run the shop.
So, there you went and stepped up to the plate. It was very hard at first to get the hang of it. You weren’t your brother, you didn’t have the same patience or love for it but eventually, you made it through. A year later, your sister-in-law decided to work there as well, saying that it made her feel closer to her husband.
You understand her completely, because sometimes you feel like he was there. It made you somewhat happy that you didn’t give up on the shop, on his dream even if you had to give up yours. Also, you have so much respect for her, not imagining how it must feel to love someone (romantically) so deeply, someone you swore was going to be with you for eternity and then having them gone so unexpectedly. Never to see them again.
You had your flings sure, but in all your centuries of being alive, you had never fallen in love the way your brother and sister-in-law were. Their love story was one of the most beautiful stories you’ve ever experienced and you hope to have one yourself one day. But until then, your day must go on.
‘’Good morning!’’ You said to Sabrina, one of the faes that also worked in the shop. She looked at you and smiled back.
‘’Morning, boss!’’ She was younger than you by a few centuries and you enjoyed having her in the shop. Somehow, she was always up to date with the town’s gossip so it was great to yap with her.
‘’How was your night, huh? That male still thinks you’re his mate?’’
She gave you a mischievous smile and a wink. ‘’Oh yeah, you should’ve see him. I got him to fix my bathroom sink. For free of course’’. Oh yeah, she scared you as well. She was a beautiful fae (and she knew it). With eyes and body that resembled siren’s, she could have any male she wanted and somehow tricked them into believing they were mates. Like a siren would indeed.
You thought it was both hilarious and dumb. You’ve heard tales of mating bonds, of how precious, powerful and extremely rare they were. And yet, somehow the males believed Sabrina when she would tell them that she was their mate.
‘’Males are dumb and will believe anything you say to them so long you give them attention’’ She would always say. She was right in one thing for sure, males are dumb.
‘’You’re evil’’. You said with a laugh and went inside the office of the shop.
Ugh, this work was so boring and tedious, you thought. How did your brother enjoy this? Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you sighed and started working.
Until about 20 minutes later, Sabrina stormed inside the office. You looked up at her confused, she wasn’t one to barge in like that.
‘’Yes? What’s wrong?’’ She was wide eyed, mouth opening as if she’d seen a ghost. So, you told her just that. ‘’You look like you’ve seen a ghost’’.
‘’Shadows actually’’ She whispered. You looked at her even more confused. Shadows? Like the ones your nephew saw this morning?
‘’Shadowsinger? Sabrina, you’re not making any sense’’. Truly, she was scaring you. Shadowsinger, what the heck did she mean?
‘’He’s here!’’ She whispered yelled. ‘’The high lord’s Shadowsinger. He’s here and he’s looking for you’’. Her frightened eyes never steering from yours.
The high lord’s-what? But then, it all clicked in. Your eyes and mouth opened wide.
‘’Shit shit shit’’ you whispered yelled as well. Standing up from the chair and pacing in front of Sabrina.
‘’What did you do?!’’ the whisper-yells continued.
But you weren’t listening to her, you were replaying that Mother’s awful night in your mind. ‘’I’m gonna die, he’s gonna kill me’’. You whispered and Sabrina let out a squeak, hands quickly going to her mouth.
‘’No! You can’t! I can’t lose this job, Y/N! I’m still so young. Oh my Mother. Who’s gonna tell your mother? I can’t tell her! She scares me.’’ Sabrina continued her rambling, you listening to bits and pieces and further feeling fear run through your body.
‘’My sister-in-law is ready to take over okay? Just, make sure you hide my body and everything will be okay. You’ll make sure of that right?’’ In another scenario, this would be downright funny to you but right now, you actually believed that the male behind the door (who was probably listening to all of this) was actually going to murder you.
Sabrina shook her head repeatedly, motioning with her hands as well. ‘’Absolutely not. That is a lot of responsibility here. I’m technically a witness here! What if he kills me too?’’ After saying that, she froze, and you saw how pale her face was getting at the thought of dying at the hands of the Shadowsinger.
So once again, you had to step up and be the strong one. With that thought, you stilled.
Okay so you were drunk and decided to go to the most powerful high lord (and high lady) and told them off. Not your brightest decision, clearly, but everything you said that night was true. It was what all of the citizens of Velaris were thinking but no one had dared to say out loud, specially directly to the rulers of the city.
After the first attack the city suffered, Velaris was a slowly sinking ship and it seemed like the inner circle wasn’t paying attention to it or its citizens. But you were. Because you were also one of them, another citizen. But you were very observant and most importantly, you listened. You listened to their troubles, fears and never ending grief. You and your family were all testament to that. So when it seemed like time kept passing and no one was stepping up, you said something.
Drunk, mind you, but it was said. So, if one of the most powerful faes of all time was there to kill you, then you’d find a sense of pride amidst all of the fear inside you, and then die knowing you tried to help the people of Velaris.
Even if they would never know.
‘’Let him in’’ You stated after clearing your throat.
Sabrina’s eyes stayed wide open. ‘’Are you sure?’’
‘’He’s not going to want to kill me in front of you okay? I- just’’ You sighed, none of this was making sense. ‘’Just let him in, please’’.
But both of you knew that there was no other choice but to let him in. So with that, Sabrina nodded, looked at you as if it was the last time she ever would, and walked out to get the male.
You struggled to stay still, hands fidgeting, looking straight at the door and swallowing down fear. Any moment now, he was going to walk in and death-
Holy Cauldron, he was the most gorgeous male you’ve ever seen.
You quickly replayed that night in your mind, trying to remember if he looked as good as he looks now but truthfully, your vision was hazy and focused only on Rhysand and Feyre. You were honestly glad of that, that you were so focused on your goal and not exactly looking at him because if you did, you’d cower and retreat at the sight of his beauty.
He was one beautiful intimidating male, that’s for sure. And one who was here on a mission.
‘’Hello’’ You squeaked out. Quickly clearing your throat and recovering (trying to at least). ‘’Is there anything I can help you with?’’
The fact that this female, the same one who had the balls to go up to his high lord and tell him off without a second thought, is the very same female who is now standing before him and looking at him like she wanted to run away, had him fighting a smile.
He’s a male who takes his job very seriously, known for being closed off and stoic. So when Rhys sent him to find the female who had left an impression on all of them and whose words stroke a nerve, he did it without a second thought. It wasn’t that hard to find you, he was really good at his job and also, your family business was well known in Velaris. People knew who you were and even though not all of them knew the real you, they knew you were a kind, caring and hard-working fae.
After finding everything he could about you, he reported back to Rhysand and Feyre. You were born and raised in Velaris, good grades, even better behavior, worked at a music shop, were now the owner of the apothecary, mother stayed at home, no father, has a sister-in-law who works at the shop, has a nephew, brother dead, no husband (that he could find at least). You were just another common fae. A really pretty one, one of his shadows had whispered to him.
He agreed.
He could see you getting antsier the longer it took him to reply. So with an raised eyebrow, he extended his hand toward you that held a parchment you had failed to see when you were too busy ogling at him and wondering if the death was going to be a painful one.
You saw it now. You also saw his hands. The rumors were true then. They were filled with scars, you wondered for a second how they must feel to touch.
Shaking those thoughts out of your head, you cleared your throat and stepped closer to take the parchment. ‘’Um-okay, thank you’’.
Really? Your thanking him for what exactly? You grabbed it and looked at it for a second before staring back at him. Not wanting to lose the opportunity to stare at his eyes up close.
Those rumors were also true. His hazel eyes were absolutely beautiful. For Mother’s sake, did he have an ugly bone in his body?!, you thought.
‘’Open it’’ How can someone so beautiful and intimidating make you feel things with just their voice? Is this what his prisoners feel before they die?
You could listen to him talk all day, but his reputation tells you that he’s not one to talk much, not like you. Which is exactly what you’re going to start doing if you continue to stand in his presence.
You weren’t sure if he was going to stand for your yapping. ‘’Oh! Sure-okay.’’ Clearing your throat once again, you looked away from his eyes and finally focused on the piece of parchment.
Opening and reading it, you gasped and your eyes widened.
‘’Dear Y/N Y/L/N,
We are inviting you to a formal meeting that will be held in two days, morning time at The Library. Please confirm with Azriel of your attendance.
We eagerly await your presence.
Rhysand and Feyre
High Lord and High Lady of the Night’s Court. ‘’
A meeting? With you? For what? Do they all want to have a part in your death?
You really need to stop thinking that they’re going to kill you, they would have done it by now…right?
Your ongoing thoughts were definitely not helping with the nerves. Why the heck did they want to meet with you?
Reading it a third time, you saw the name Azriel and assumed this was the Shadowsinger standing right before you and patiently waiting for your response.
Right, response. You’re supposed to confirm your attendance. But, were you going to go? Were you really going to say no to your high lord and lady? You might’ve been brave when you were under the influence but any other day you weren’t exactly courageous or anything. But what was at stake here? Maybe this was your chance to apologize for that night. You weren’t going to apologize for saying the truth but perhaps how it was delivered. Okay sure, you can do that..right?
‘’Right-umm’’. You looked at the male before you, noticing the brightness of his hazel eyes and was that amusement? Was he..amused by all of this?
‘’I’ll be there’’. You decided. Fuck, you weren’t sure about this. But it was out there, Azriel heard it and was sure going to report it back.
Azriel nodded and took a step back from you.
You were glad of the extra breathing space. It was still early, how the heck were you supposed to focus during the rest of the day?
‘’I wouldn’t leave your body here, I’d hide it. Can’t leave evidence behind’’
Did he just make a joke? Of your death? He obviously heard you and Sabrina then. And the male had the audacity to find it funny!
So, the cold and ruthless Shadowsinger had humor then…a dark one it seems. Interesting.
Too shock to reply to that, you saw a hint of a smile on his face before he quickly hid it and left. Leaving you with a memory of his eyes and smile engraved in your brain.
What the fuck did you agree to?
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Where Will All The Martyrs Go [Chapter 12: Please Call Me Only If You Are Coming Home]
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A/N: Only 1 chapter left!!! 🥳 Be sure to vote in our final poll, which will be pinned at the top of my blog per usual 🥰
Series summary: In the midst of the zombie apocalypse, both you and Aemond (and your respective travel companions) find yourselves headed for the West Coast. It’s the 2024 version of the Oregon Trail, but with less dysentery and more undead antagonists. Watch out for snakes! 😉🐍
Series warnings: Language, sexual content (18+ readers only), violence, bodily injury, med school Aemond, character deaths, nature, drinking, smoking, drugs, Adventures With Aegon™️, pregnancy and childbirth, the U.S. Navy, road trip vibes.
Series title is a lyric from: “Letterbomb” by Green Day.
Chapter title is a lyric from: “Homecoming” by Green Day.
Word count: 5.8k
💜 All my writing can be found HERE! 💜
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist 🥰
“What the hell do you need that for?” Cregan says to Helaena in the next aisle over, sounding alarmed. You are raiding a Kwik Stop just outside Colusa, California, following Route 20 west towards the Pacific Ocean. But when Helaena replies, her voice is perfectly soothing, lyrical, too serene for the way the world is now.
“It’s not for me. It’s just in case anyone ever finds themselves in need of one.” And this makes sense, even though you can’t see what it is she’s taken off the disorderly, ransacked shelves; Helaena is always picking up trinkets to keep stowed away in her burlap messenger bag until their utility becomes essential.
Cregan is relieved. “Oh, okay, gotcha. Whew, you almost gave me a heart attack there, Miss LaeLae…”
Ice is stretched out and dozing on the cool tile floor. Luke and Rhaena are keeping watch by the front of the store. Aegon is standing by the decommissioned Icee machine and showing Daeron which route he’s marked on his map and why.
“Why do I need to know this?” Daeron is asking.
Aegon snorts. “In case I get killed, dumbass…”
Fluttering pieces of paper hang taped to the glass doors of the empty refrigerators: Don’t go towards Sacramento; People in Santa Rosa killed my brother for his car; Andrew Lounsbury, if you see this we are headed to Aunt Sarah’s house, meet us there! Meanwhile, in your own aisle, Aemond is watching you as your fingers flit through packages of Starbursts and Jolly Ranchers and Life Savers Gummies, separating the trash from the ones that haven’t been opened yet. His expression is wary, uncertain. “What?” you ask him.
“Are you…okay?” Aemond says, low enough that no one else will hear.
Of course you aren’t; you keep walking into rooms and looking for Rio, and he’s not there. But you know what Aemond means. “Yeah. I’m okay.”
“Did I hurt you? Are you…” He steps closer, the blue of his eye gleaming with attentive, penitent concern, sins he is certain he must have committed. “Are you sore, are you bleeding at all?”
You smile, just the ghost of a curve at the edge of your lips. “No, really, I feel fine.” And in your body, this is true. There is a tension that has vanished from your muscles, a softness in your bones, not shards of glass shifting beneath skin but living things like the branches of trees, flexible, green, damp life awash within.
“I was trying to…you know…take it slow and be super gentle, but then…by the end…”
“Aemond, you did everything right.”
And he exhales all the iron-heavy dread he’s been carrying around since he woke up this morning to find you already gone—showing Aegon how to flip Bisquick pancakes as Cregan browned them in a skillet in the woodstove downstairs—and you realize how much you’ve scared him. “I’m really sorry about…” He touches his chin restlessly. “I should have asked you if you wanted me to pull out, I just got, uh…kind of…distracted.”
Your smile grows; now you can feel it in your eyes, warm and luminous. “It’s alright. I did too.”
He is hopeful. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. I wouldn’t have told you to stop. And anyway, I think we’re safe.” But of course you’ve lost track of the days, and in your dark trance of grief and Tramadol you were entirely unaware of the rhythms of your body, pangs of desire or clear ample wetness, biological cues, primal timekeeping.
“Cool,” Aemond says, now trying to sound casual. “And next time…are you thinking that I should try to…maybe…just to be sure…?”
You shrug, then tell him the first thing that comes into your mind, that flashes in your skull like lightning bugs at dusk. “I’m thinking that life is too short and too rare to put effort into preventing it.”
Aemond’s eyebrows go up, but he doesn’t seem disappointed. “So we’ll see what happens.”
“If you’re onboard.”
“I’m totally onboard. I just want to take care of you. I…” He glances down at his palms—open, clean—and then looks back up at you. “I’ve never had anything that felt right before. Not my family, not myself, nothing. But this feels right. And it’s where I want to be forever.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” And this is what everyone thought: Jace, Baela, Rio. But you make the oath anyway, a hollow promise that echoes like a windchime.
“Me either,” Aemond vows.
You turn to leave the aisle and your backpack hits the shelf, knocking something off the top and onto the tile floor, where it lands with a thump. You gasp, and people come running; but it’s only a box of Honey Buns that was stashed somewhere too high for you to see. “It’s nothing,” you assure them. “We’re all okay, no need to get excited.”
“Death by Little Debbie,” Aegon says, chuckling nervously, his heart still racing.
You pick up the box and think of Rio with abrupt, violent clarity: he’s playing with French-speaking kids on the beach outside Djibouti City, he’s drinking cans of Guinness with you under a full moon on Diego Garcia, he’s reaching out from the pier to pet finless porpoises in Chinhae, he’s bleeding to death on a floor in Winnemucca, Nevada. Your vision is blurring with tears; your throat is knotted and scalding.
“I want him back,” Aegon says softly.
“I know. I do too.” You open the box of Honey Buns and pass one to Aegon first, then distribute the rest. There are only six total. Helaena tries to give hers to Cregan, but he rips it in half so they can share; Aemond insists you take the last one. You eat it wordlessly, sugar melting into your bloodstream.
“I think I saw a minivan down the side street,” Luke says as he chews his Honey Bun, waving his binoculars with his free hand. “It’s probably out of gas like all the others, but…”
“We’ll check it out,” Aemond replies, and everyone follows him as he departs from the Kwik Stop.
It’s a green Kia Carnival with a zombie trapped inside: once a young man in a Nirvana t-shirt, now a ghoul that paws at the glass with its oozing hands and licks the windows, long animal drags of a decomposing tongue. But the fuel cap is still closed, and while the van is turned off you can see the keys dangling from the ignition.
“Think there’s any gas left in the tank?” Daeron says brightly. The Targaryen beach house, following the indirect route you must take to avoid the cities, is about 250 miles from where you are now in Colusa. That’s two weeks on foot, or as few as five hours by car.
Rhaena goes for the driver’s side door. “Let’s find out.” She yanks on the handle to discover it’s locked. Cregan uses his axe to shatter the window, and the zombie tumbles gracelessly out onto the pavement, rancid skin and necrotic muscle ripping from its bones. As it crawls towards the siren call of fresh meat, Ice barks viciously and Cregan swings his axe. The blade slices easily through the monster’s skull, and its flailing, murderous limbs go still.
Rhaena reaches through the broken window to unlock the doors, climbs into the driver’s seat, and turns the key in the ignition. There is a blessed sound: the thunder of a living engine. “Half a tank!” Rhaena cheers.
Aegon gags as he opens the passenger’s side door. “Oh, it reeks so bad…”
“We’ll roll down all the windows,” Aemond says curtly.
“There are organs on the floor! What the fuck is that, a liver?!”
Aemond gives it a cursory glance. “Looks like a spleen.”
“I don’t want to sit near a spleen! I don’t even know what a spleen does!”
“Then throw it outside somewhere!” Aemond snaps. “You’re thirty years old, you can’t clean a minivan?!”
Aegon grumbles as he uses sheets of Burger King coupons from the glovebox to toss zombie guts into the grass. Aemond wipes down the hard surfaces with antiseptic. Luke keeps watch and Daeron shoots down several zombies as they lurch out of nearby houses and towards the Kia Carnival. You ask Helaena for the box of 9mm bullets in her messenger bag and she gives it to you. You load your Beretta M9, stow the remaining bullets in your backpack, and take aim at the approaching zombies to make sure you still know how to get into the rhythm, that you can still be a killer when the circumstances require it. You are out of practice, but you’re beginning to feel more like yourself again. Aemond brought you back. They all did.
When the minivan is as clean as possible, everyone hurries inside and Rhaena drives west on Route 20 under the afternoon sun. At the intersection with Route 53, Aegon directs Rhaena to follow it south around Clear Lake, then to take Route 29 west through rolling hills that were once filled with vineyards, wineries, music, weddings, horse farms. Now the land is hushed, and wild, and dotted with silhouettes that sway drunkenly and swipe at vultures when they try to gobble tattered strips of putrid flesh that unravel from bones like the bandages of a mummy.
The Kia Carnival rides Route 175 west and then Route 101 south, where the earth turns dry and rocky and barren, reminding you of northern Nevada and piling stones of heartache in your belly. In a place called Pieta—an old 1800s railroad depot, according to a plaque mounted just off the road—Rhaena slows down to get a better look at something that doesn’t make any sense. There is a souvenir shop of rocks and gems, now long out of business, and in a shed beside the main building hangs a gruesome specimen that you can see through the open doors. It has two arms and two legs, but it’s not a zombie. Its flayed flesh is a vibrant, healthy red; parts of the thighs and chest have been carefully carved away like cuts of meat are sliced from beef cattle. It is suspended on meat hooks. It is being butchered.
Cregan notes uneasily: “That ain’t an opossum or a bison.”
“I think it’s human,” Aemond says, horrified.
“Guess we’re not stopping for the night anytime soon,” Rhaena quips, then floors the gas pedal.
One of Aegon’s mixtapes spins in the CD player. From the speakers flows Somebody To You by The Vamps.
“Do you see anyone now?” Aemond asks.
Luke speaks without looking away from his binoculars. “And for the fourth time, my answer remains no.”
After a night’s rest in a cabin at Camp Liahona Redwoods in Sonoma County, you followed California State Route 1 down the coast of the Pacific Ocean until the Kia Carnival finally ran out of gas just south of Olema, a small town founded in the 1850s. A ten-mile hike has brought you to the cliff where the fabled Targaryen beach house is perched with a few hours left before sunset. The ailing daylight is golden, the wave crests glittering, gulls cawing as they swoop through the salt-lashed air. From the road that twists like a snake through the slopes of Bolinas—thick with redwoods, Douglas firs, oaks, cypresses, tall grass that whips in the wind and tufts of eucalyptus—Luke is searching the property. It is less a house than a mansion, a museum, a monument, a work of art: sharp rectangular lines and glass walls, balconies, fountains, a pool, a garden.
Cregan whistles. “A place like that has to cost a million dollars.”
“Try fifteen million,” Aemond says distractedly, and Cregan gawks at him.
“Well, from what I can see it looks safe,” Luke declares, lowering his binoculars. “No zombies.”
“You really think they’re in there?” Daeron asks eagerly. “Mom and Criston?”
“Yeah, kid,” Aegon says, squeezing Daeron’s shoulder; but his voice is morose, like he knows he has surrendered to something, a path of least resistance, a hostile planet’s gravity. “Of course they are. Let’s go say hi.”
At the end of the driveway, the five-car garage is open. There is an Alfa Romeo, a Porsche, a Ferrari, a Ducati motorcycle, and a white Chevy Tahoe, which Aemond says belongs to Criston. And there are other items of interest mounted on the walls.
“Yes!” Daeron says as he runs to a quiver full of arrows for his compound bow. Aegon lifts a golf club out of its bag and makes an imaginary putt, getting reacquainted with the feeling of his hands on the grip.
“This is an iron,” Aegon says when he catches you watching him. In the shade of the garage, he pushes his neon green plastic sunglasses up into his windswept hair. “It’s metal all the way through and gives you good control over the shot. Drivers are for long-distance, and wedges and putters don’t have enough power. But an iron is just right.”
“Are you going to teach me how to golf?”
Aegon grins, his first real smile all day. “You think you can handle it, SunChips?”
“I don’t,” you answer honestly, and he laughs.
“If you teach me how to shoot, I’ll teach you how to golf.”
“An unfair trade! My skill is useful.”
Aemond knocks on the door that connects the garage to the main house. “Mom? Criston?” There is no response; all of you wait for one, listening intently through the crashes of waves and reverberating gull shrieks. Ice begins to pace agitatedly and nudges Cregan’s hands. He looks at Aemond, half-fear and half-sympathy.
“No,” Aemond says. “No, she’s wrong.”
“She might be,” Cregan replies, steady and ever-agreeable. Helaena is wringing her small, gentle hands. Everyone is watching Aemond to see what they should do next.
He pounds on the door again, this time with a closed fist. “Mom, we’re home! Mom? Criston? It’s me! It’s Aemond!”
Still, there is no answer. Aemond tries the doorknob, and it turns unimpeded. It is unlocked. He opens the door, peeks inside, and then crosses through the threshold. The rest of you trail him like he has eight shadows, the last in the shape of a wolf.
You step into the living room: wide open windows, the ocean breeze breathing through the house. The air tastes like sand and saltwater, sun and blue skies. There are three-story glass walls that overlook the water, a staircase leading up to the next floor, pristine white couches, black end tables topped with vases full of dead flowers, grey marble floors, bejeweled golden crosses that glint cruelly in the bloody late-afternoon light, family photographs on the mantle of the fireplace. There are many pictures of Aemond, and some of Helaena and Daeron as well. You don’t see a single photo of Aegon. He notices you scanning the snapshots in the frames and looks away, ashamed.
“Mom?” Aemond calls, his voice ricocheting through the vast, open space, clinical like a hospital or a morgue. “Criston?”
“Grandpa?” Helaena says meekly. Cregan is clutching his axe and peering around vigilantly. Ice whines and paces, her strange yellow eyes glowing like flecks of gold in a stream. Rhaena tries to soothe her with ear scratches; Ice begins to howl, low long mournful sounds.
You catch Aegon’s attention when he glances at you again. “This isn’t right,” you whisper. “If they were here, they would have heard us by now.”
Aegon turns to his brother. “Hey, Aemond…”
And then there are footsteps from upstairs, slow and shambling. Everyone looks, and it appears at the top of the steps like a mirage or a night terror, like a wrathful god glaring down from Mount Olympus. Long, filthy strands of white hair hang from what is left of its scalp. Its gore-stained teeth are bared. Its eyes are cloudy like the poisoned atmosphere of another planet, one gasp enough to singe your lungs and infect your bloodstream. The snarls pour out ragged and rasping from its disintegrating vocal chords. The man was wearing a suit when he died, and the pale blue shirt is now splattered with crimson and bits of rotting flesh. The black leather shoes on its feet clop as the zombie descends the staircase with staggering, unnatural steps, its decaying arms grasping for the mortals who wait below.
Daeron says numbly: “Dad?”
Aemond’s eye is wide and dazed. Ice is growling. Helaena is screaming and fleeing towards the wall; Cregan embraces her and she clings to him. “Aemond? Buddy?” Cregan shouts. “How do you want to handle this?” And what he means is: Do you want to kill it, or should someone else? Do you need time to process what’s happened? How can we help you?
“Aemond?” you say. You touch his arm; he doesn’t react. Rhaena draws her Ruger but doesn’t shoot yet. She is looking to Aemond for permission. Luke is standing in front of Rhaena and forcing her backwards as the zombie nears the bottom of the staircase. Now you can smell it: dark wet rot, spoiled meat, blood and oily fat and organs putrefying in a threadbare patchwork of flesh.
“Dad!” Daeron wails, and he’s covering his face with his hands because he knows what this must mean for the rest of his family too.
“Aemond?!” Rhaena yells. “Aemond, what do you want us to do?!”
You reach for your M9 as the zombie’s leather shoes settle on the marble floor. This seems to shake Aemond from his paralysis.
“No,” he says. “I’ll do it.” He grabs his Glock and aims, but his finger hesitates on the trigger. And you can see the ghosts of the people who have died by his hands lurking in the crystalline blue of his remaining eye: Alys, Jace, Baela and her baby…and now Viserys Targaryen too.
In the lull, in the indecision, Aegon roars and swings his golf club. The metal head collides with the zombie’s skull. Weak corroded bone collapses; blood and brains the color of black mold leak out onto the polished marble.
“It wasn’t enough, huh?!” Aegon screams, then hits the zombie again. The corpse crumples to the floor, but Aegon isn’t done yet. “You couldn’t just fuck everything up when you were alive, you had to keep torturing us from beyond the grave, you sick bastard, you selfish prick, what is wrong with you?!” He whacks the carcass with his golf club again and again. “I hate you! I hate you! You deserved so much worse than this! We crossed an entire goddamn country, and Jace died, and Baela died, and Rio died, all so we could get back here, and now it’s all for nothing because you’ve destroyed everyone you’ve ever touched! I fucking hate you!”
Aegon strikes the zombie one last time—the skull is a pulverized soup of gore and bone fragments—and before anyone can reach for him, he has bolted up the steps to search the rest of the house. You find them in their final resting places: bones in the hallway interspersed with gold rings and a medallion of Saint Irene of Thessaloniki, bones in the shower pierced with stainless steel surgical screws from hip and knee replacements, bones in the master bedroom entangled with shreds of a bloodstained silk nightgown and long locks of auburn hair. Daeron is sobbing, and Cregan takes Helaena outside to the garden to calm down, and Aemond wanders through the rooms in shock. You don’t know what to say to him; you remember how nothing anyone said made a difference when Rio died. But Aegon is furious. He tears away from everyone and goes to his bedroom: racks full of CDs, neon green blankets, an acoustic guitar propped in one corner. Then he ravages his hiding places—inside drawers, under his mattress, on tiny shelves he carved into the walls behind golf and Green Day posters—and collects mint tins. Then he pours out the white powder inside onto his desk and arranges it into lines like contrails behind airplanes, like wagon trails across the earth.
You try to stop him. “Aegon, wait, please don’t—”
“Get the fuck out,” he hisses, and for the first time you see the cold reptilian sheen of something like hate in his eyes. “You don’t have to pretend to love me. I can be alone. I’m used to it.”
“Aegon, I’m not—”
“They’re gone. You can leave too.” Then he slams the door and locks it.
While Aegon is upstairs getting high and Helaena is downstairs inventorying supplies in the massive walk-in pantry, the rest of you use shovels from the garage to bury what is left of the bodies in the backyard, unceremonious shallow graves, the soil too rocky for anything more elaborate. Rhaena uses her jagged sliver of slate to mark stones with their names and a few kind words about each of them; but Viserys’ stone is left blank. Then Rhaena returns inside to help Helaena prepare for dinner, while Daeron inspects the perimeter of the house with Cregan and Ice. Luke uses a telescope near the pool not to gaze up at the rising stars but to study the neighboring properties.
Aemond murmurs as he stands in front of the four graves: “I should have gotten here sooner. Maybe I could have saved them.”
“You still have a family,” you say, begging him to believe that there are things worth living for. “You have Aegon and Daeron and Helaena, Rhaena, Luke, Cregan. And you have me.”
Aemond stares out over the Pacific Ocean. The sky above is red and lavender, fire and dreams. “How do we get to Diego Garcia?” He is only half-joking.
“Well you just find a boat and row about 10,000 miles that way.”
He sighs and drags his trembling fingers through his hair. It has always been his job to know what happens next, and now he doesn’t. Gulls squawk and wheel in the air. His right cheek glistens with tears.
“I never saw the ocean until I joined the Navy,” you say, and Aemond looks over at you, curious but not wanting to react in the wrong way and scare you into going quiet again. He’s always mining for details of your past, and you’re endlessly evading him. But perhaps you have been too secretive. He wants to know these things because he wants to know you, and you have no idea how long you’ll be here to shed your mysteries. If a story dies with you, it dies forever.
“Yeah. My mother…Mama, I always called her Mama…she went to Virginia Beach a few times while I was growing up, and that was her favorite place in the world. But she never took me with her. She’d go with my aunt or my oldest brothers. So when I got to basic training on the shore of Lake Michigan, that was the closest thing to an ocean I’d ever seen, and it absolutely amazed me.”
“Lake Michigan,” Aemond repeats, trying not to sound like he’s mocking you.
You smile. “And then of course I ended up in some more impressive places. But compared to Soft Shell, Lake Michigan was a whole different planet.”
“Soft Shell?”
“Like softshell turtles. They’re one of those animals that are so ugly they’re almost cute. We have a lot of them in Kentucky. Well, we used to. Maybe people ate them all when the food ran out.”
“Soft Shell, Kentucky,” Aemond says. “What was it like? I mean…I know you left, and I know you had good reasons…but I’ve never been to Kentucky. I’ve never really been to Appalachia period.”
“It’s beautiful. You get all four seasons, and you’re out in nature all the time, and it feels old, like hardly anything has changed there in thousands of years. You feel connected to the earth. I loved the forests and the mountains. I don’t think I realized how much I loved certain things about where I’m from until I’d been gone for years. I didn’t leave because I had to get away from Kentucky. I left because I had to get away from who I was when I was there, you know? Someone lonely and helpless. But how my family was isn’t Kentucky’s fault.”
“No,” Aemond muses. “I suppose not.” You begin walking together back towards the house.
“Ready for more bad news?” Luke asks, and gestures for you and Aemond to peer through the telescope. Aemond lets you go first, and immediately you see what Luke means. There are zombies in the surrounding hills, and not just a few. There are hundreds, stumbling around aimlessly and posing no current threat; but you are not safe here.
“We don’t have enough people to defend ourselves,” Aemond says once he’s taken a look, tapping his chin in that way that he does when he’s fearful but trying to hide it.
“No, we don’t,” Luke agrees.
“And there aren’t many natural resources here to subsist on. Even the fishing prospects aren’t great without a boat or a pier.”
“Right,” Luke says.
You wonder if Aemond is thinking the same thing you are. He might not know what has to happen next, but you do.
The dining room table—large enough to seat twenty—is illuminated with candles, meticulously arranged with china and silverware, and cluttered with canned soups from brands you’ve never seen before: Amy’s, Pacific Foods, Health Valley. There are cases of Perrier and San Pellegrino to drink, and bottles of Chateau Lafite Rothschild red wine. Everyone else is here except Aegon. You are just about to go find him when he comes rushing down the staircase and into the dining room. He is wearing clothes from his closet here: a salmon pink polo that emphasizes his sunburn, khaki shorts, a white puka shell necklace, Sperry Bahama sneakers. The left shoe just barely fits over the bandages still protecting his healing left leg. There are fingerprints of white powder on the front of his shirt.
“Oh, look!” he announces. “Isn’t this precious? A family dinner?”
“Aegon, please sit down,” Aemond says briskly.
“Come on, it’ll be just like old times. We have all four of us kids, and then…Rhaena, you can be my dear departed Grandpa Otto, you just have to scowl at everyone…and Luke can be Criston.”
Luke is confused. “What—?”
“No no no! Don’t worry. It’s a very easy part. All you have to do is gaze worshipfully at Aemond and talk about how brilliant he is. There’s really not much to it, and honestly you do a lot of that already. And then…” Aegon floats by you, skimming his palm down the length of your hair. Something about the weight of his hand gives you goosebumps: careless, careful, fleeting, intimate. He sighs: “My beautiful, tortured mother.”
“Aegon, sit down,” Aemond orders.
“Father!” Aegon cries out suddenly, spotting Cregan at the head of the table. Cregan looks around the dining room, baffled. “You’ve joined us! How unusual! Did your Titanic replicas spontaneously combust? Did the world end? Well, actually, it sort of did…”
“Buddy, I have no earthly clue what you’re trying to—”
“Now this is a tough part,” Aegon says forcefully. “Patriarch of the Targaryen dynasty, big shoes to fill! But don’t worry, I’m here to help. I’ll give you your lines. All you have to do is repeat after me, okay?”
Cregan studies him and does not assent.
Aegon slams both palms down onto the table. “You’re so fucking stupid, Aegon. You’re a humiliation, Aegon. Why can’t you be smart like Aemond, or sweet like Helaena, or obedient like Daeron? Why did my firstborn child turn out to be such a fucking waste?”
“I’m not going to say that,” Cregan replies quietly.
“Say it,” Aegon seethes.
Now Daeron is weeping between spoonfuls of Amy’s tortilla soup straight from the can. “I want to go home.”
“We are home,” Aemond says.
“This isn’t home anymore, Aemond,” Daeron sniffles.
Aegon is still trying to feed Cregan lines. “Have you found a wife yet, Aegon? No, of course you haven’t. You’ve got hands like a rat and a disposition to match. You’re an overgrown vermin, you’re a plague to every house you enter. Who would fuck you out of anything but greed or pity?”
“Aegon, please stop,” Aemond pleads, wincing and rubbing his forehead.
Helaena folds her arms atop the table and rests her head on them, hiding her face. Luke and Rhaena keep their eyes downcast. Daeron reaches for a bottle of red wine, but Aegon swats his hand away.
“Nope. Illegal. You’re not 21.”
“Aegon, seriously, I’m so over that joke—”
“Shut up. You can’t even get a tattoo without parental consent.”
“Our parents are dead!” Daeron shouts. “They died terrible deaths and they’re never coming back and you’re making everything worse!”
“Then get rid of me! Put me out on the street and I won’t be anyone’s problem anymore! I’ll get murdered or eaten and it’ll be the best thing that ever happened to you!”
Helaena breaks down sobbing, and before Aegon can register what’s happening Cregan scoops him up off the floor and throws him over one broad shoulder. Then Cregan lugs him upstairs as Aegon struggles and yowls and punches at Cregan’s back, all in vain. You can hear a lot of commotion and then finally Cregan reappears, sweat beading on his brow but otherwise composed.
“I tied him to his bedframe with an extension cord,” Cregan says. “I don’t think he’ll be making any more trouble this evening.”
“Thank you,” Aemond replies, defeated.
“If he’s going to be up there all night, he’ll need water and food,” you say. “And enough blankets to make sure he’s warm.” It gets chilly when the sun goes down here, as low as the 50s. You grab two bottles of Perrier off the table and stand to bring them upstairs to Aegon, but Cregan gently takes them out of your hands.
“I’ll make sure he’s well supplied, Miss Chips,” Cregan insists, and you are convinced he thinks he’s doing you a favor. He doesn’t want Aegon to have the opportunity to upset anybody further. And yet a part of you is undeniably disappointed.
Aegon has been gone for ten minutes, and you miss him already.
In Aemond’s childhood bedroom, a huge, impersonal, spartan space, the very few pieces of furniture all in the same color scheme of white and navy blue, you cannot say anything to bring his family back to life, or his friends, or the possibilities of what his life might have been before the dead began to walk. But you remember what he did for you when Rio died and you were sinking in dark, numb despair, and so you take Aemond’s hands and place them on your body—skimming under your t-shirt, circling around your waist—offering yourself like a sacrifice that you both desperately need, like a shot of antivenom that will only buy you hours. He draws you into his lap, and beneath your palms and your lips and your thighs, you can feel him coming back to you, filling up with light like a horizon at dawn.
“I’m still here,” you whisper as he throws you down onto the bed, eases himself into you, carries you away like a ship coasting out into open water. I don’t ever want to be anywhere but here.
Aemond holds you after, ensnared in sweat-damp sheets and entwined fingers, and he confesses: “I knew it was possible that they might not still be alive. Logically, I knew that. But it was like I never allowed myself to feel it. And now it’s…it’s…it’s all at once and it’s too much. I can’t fathom that I’ll never see them again. But I don’t even have time to mourn. I need to figure out where we’re going next.”
His lips to your forehead, his voice a drowsy murmur: “Hm?”
“I have to tell Rio’s family what happened to him.”
He pulls back to look at you. “You want to go to Oregon?”
“What if Odessa really is safe?”
At first he is bewildered; then he begins to consider it. “Criston’s Tahoe is in the garage. If we siphon the gas left in all the vehicles, we might have enough to get us halfway there.”
“That’s a lot better than none of the way there.”
“We’ll all have to vote on it. The trip will be dangerous.”
“Everything is now.”
“Almost everything,” he teases, his hand sliding down between your legs, taking you far away again.
In the morning, you find Aegon at the cliffside smoking one of his Marlboro Golds, slow meditative drags, eyes bloodshot with lack of sleep. That’s alright. He can nap in the Tahoe. Rhaena won’t need his directions for a while; you’ll stay northbound on Route 1 for 200 miles before cutting inland as you near the Oregon border.
You sit down on the sandy, shrub-strewn ground beside Aegon and wait for him to speak. It takes a while, but you don’t mind. You’ve always had patience; you’ve always been a better listener than someone who fills silences.
At last Aegon says: “I don’t want to be like this anymore.”
“Then stop.”
He smirks bitterly, glaring out into the sunrise, orange light like fire on his sunburned face. “You make reinvention sound so easy.”
“It’s not easy. But it is simple. You decide to get out, and then you do it. You don’t let anything convince you to give up or change course. The only way out is through.”
“I have a proposition.”
“I’m still not interested in fake dating you.”
He cackles. “No, it’s something else.”
“Okay. Let’s hear it.”
Now Aegon is serious. “I don’t ever want to split up again. Not in a year, not in ten years, not in twenty. Never.”
You smile as you watch the reflection of the dawn in his eyes, murky faraway blue like oceans all across the globe. “I didn’t know you thought so highly of commitment.”
“I want to take care of you until you die. I want you to take care of me until I die. And that’s as far as commitment goes with me.”
“Deal.” You offer Aegon your hand.
He shakes it. “Deal.”
Two hours later, Criston Cole’s white Chevy Tahoe is loaded high with supplies—including several of Aegon’s golf clubs and his acoustic guitar—and heading north on Route 1, a Fall Out Boy song from one of Aegon’s mixtapes blaring through the speakers:
“When Rome’s in ruins
We are the lions, free of the Colosseums
In poison places, we are antivenom
We’re the beginning of the end…”
You rest your head on Aemond’s shoulder and wait for the sapphire-and-gold Bay Area to become the misty, primordial emerald green of the Pacific Northwest.
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glittervame · 7 months
Valentines day
(Happy National Single Persons Appreciation Day!)
Mattheo would not even make a big deal about it it seems like he forgot about it altogether
In the days leading up to it he continues like normal while everyone else is rushing around the castle, girls worrying about their makeup and outfits, boys worrying about their tuxes and gifts
 You, hinting at wanting him to ask you to be his Valentine are extremely frustrated
Subtly dropping hints in class saying really obvious things like, “Man I saw this really pretty necklace with hearts on it down in Hogsmead, I wish I got it”
Comments like this seemingly blowing over his head as he just nods along to whatever you’re saying
When asked what he’s doing for Valentine's Day he shrugs and brushes it off, not giving it another thought
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈•  。゚
On said day he sits down next to you at breakfast, kisses you on the cheek, wishes you a happy valentines Day, and starts to eat the heart-shaped pancakes in front of him
Sometime during the morning after breakfast, he sends you a gift, The box containing the pretty necklace you had asked for
Throughout the day you’ll find little love notes in your bags and books, your favorite pieces of candy attached
The last note says ‘Diners at six’
You kind of wanted to go to the dance but dinner sounds better anyway
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈•  。゚
Dinner’s lovely, it’s a nice fancy restaurant, the lights are dimmed and classy music plays in the background
Fancy champagne is poured and those annoyingly tiny little servings of food are served
You guys chat about your lives and the different kinds of gossip from different houses
When you leave and admit you’re still hungry he takes you to another food place to get you fed
“Anything you want Mi querida”
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈•  。゚
When you get back he brings you back to a room all decorated in pink and red, candles lining all of the solid surfaces in the room
Strips you down off all your clothes and ties you up in pretty red ribbons 
Mattheo focused entirely on you, spending at least an hour between your legs (Mostly for his pleasure because he loves the way you taste) making you squirm and beg him to stop
He only stops when he slips his fingers between your legs real nice and slow, kissing light feathery kisses along your shoulders and forehead
With tears rolling down your face he pulls his fingers away and licks them up
“You taste good pretty girl”
Theo sends little gifts and love notes all week, he constantly makes sure that there is a smile on your face no matter what
He’s the type to get creative about it, from the bracelet that you had looked at a little too long in a fancy little box sitting next to your pillow when you woke up, to the book that you had commented on saving up for a couple of months ago somehow finding its way into your bag during lunch
On the way to your classes, he holds your hand extra tight as if you’d disappear if he lost contact
During the week he takes you on mini dates, To the new cat cafe that popped up in Hogs Mead, together in the three broomsticks sipping on hot chocolate, even setting up a movie night in his dorm; taking snacks from the school’s kitchen
“Anything for you bella”
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈•  。゚
On Valentine's Day, you wake up to find a pretty new bracelet next to a ring that matches the dress you’re going to wear
In a cheery mood, you make your way to the great hall which is decorated in red tencel and floating red hearts instead of the regularly floating candles
Sitting next to your friends you chat about their valentines Day plans, theo comes up to you with your favorite chocolate arranged in a heart and gives it to you with a small smile
With a kiss on your lips, he’s wishing you a happy valentines Day before going and meeting up with his friends
Your friends squeal about how cute that was and how they wish their own boyfriends were as sweet as Theo or how they wish they had a Theo themselves. He’s one of a kind tho so too bad for them :(
“Have a good day love”
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈•  。゚
That evening he greats you with a big bouquet of glitter roses in your favorite color  with a few gift cards to your favorite places attached to them (He likes to keep up with the trends)
He takes you on a stroll through an extravagant garden holding onto your hand the whole time excitingly telling you which ones can be found in Italy and how they grow
After the garden stroll, he brings you to a cafe that’s a little bit classier but it has cute little cats running around. You guys have genuine conversations, you talk about how you want to travel to different places over the summer and he suggests that you go to Italy with him for a couple of weeks.
Overall it was a pretty great having
“Are you having a good time?”
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈•  。゚
He holds you in a tight hug on the way back to his dorm protecting you from Hogwarts' wacky-ass school weather, you’re chatting and giggling about some stupid thing that you guys saw on the way
When you do get into the castle he takes you to the kitchen to get more hot cocoa and a few snacks before dragging you back to his dorm
He’s set up a small fort in his bed and a movie screen that's cast onto a wall making the screen bigger, one last gift for you sitting on it; a lobster squishmallow with a small crown sitting on top of it’s head.
You guys watched movies ranging from The Princess Bride to The Incredibles; laying tangled in each other, you stayed like that for the rest of the night until you fell asleep
All of you guys are my valentines <3
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poppadom0912 · 4 months
Is it too late?
Warnings: Mentions of periods, hospitals, surgery, pain and illness
Summary: When your older brother is a fancy surgeon, being sick is the last thing you want.  
Requested by @1chicago5021
A/N: I'm still alive people. I had a sudden burst of inspiration and thought I'd finally get all these requests done before the next round of exams. I am in a lesson right now so I can’t do the usual aesthetic collage I always do. This was sent quite a while ago but I actually had so much fun writing this so thank you! I hope this lives up to your standards <3
Two weeks ago now, your body randomly started not working the way you wanted it to, but you put all the blame on your period whose cramps hadn't been very forthcoming.
The painkillers were a coming in at a constant stream, hot water bottles never having the chance to go room temperature.
Your never-ending migraines and 24/7 cramps were a constant, so you expected to feel relief once you were back to normal. But that never came because this week started and somehow, you felt even worse.
When you woke up this morning to your throat feeling weird, you knew something was wrong when you drank water and the feeling didn’t go away.  
Despite that, you went to school anyways, bidding your brother goodbye when he dropped you off, completely unaware of your wellbeing. But you couldn’t blame the guy, he was stressed enough over work as it is, you didn’t need to add to his already overflowing workload.  
You only felt worse as the day progressed. It was only spring, nearing summer, but your body temperature wouldn’t stop fluctuating. One minute you were shivering and asking to borrow your friend's hoodie but the next you were sweating like you had just finished a marathon and was trying to get rid of as many layers as possible.  
The cramps were immense. The worst you ever had and to consider you just got off your period, you weren’t a stranger to post period cramps, but this was on another level. You hadn’t been in this much pain ever even while on your reds. None of the pain killers your friends kindly provided for you alleviated the pain. Death would feel ever so sweet right about now.  
You knew you were seriously sick when you were on the verge of collapsing at lunch. Your friends all shouted in alarm when you faltered on your feet in the cafeteria. You ignored their efforts and attempts to get you to the nurse's office. There wasn’t long left of the school day, there wasn’t any point in leaving with barely two hours left.  
As soon as you got home, you fell face first into bed. As soon as your head hit the pillow and you pulled the covers over your body with however much strength remained in your arms that got heavier as the day went on.  
You were in a deep sleep, so deep in fact that your dreams were non-existent. You weren’t too sure what time it was, but you felt someone shaking you, going from gentle to a hand tightly holding your shoulder, a muffled voice inaudible as you came in and out of your slumber.  
Their gestures were painful, but you didn’t have it in you to tell the intruder as you struggled to even muster a groan. Your eyes fluttered, face digging even deeper into the pillow as if to suffocate yourself. That was all the indication the person needed to shake you harder, adamant to wake you up.  
With a blocked nose, breathing out through your mouth proved itself to be a much more difficult task than it should’ve been. And stuffing your face into your pillow might not have been the best idea taking that into consideration.
Their voice sounded way too far away, as though they weren’t in the room with you. One second they were roughly holding you, the next, all pressure ceased but the pain didn’t.
Before you could even register what they were doing now, your eyes heavy with sleep dropped once more as you were enveloped into darkness again.
Over the past two weeks, Connor had noticed your depleting energy but when the mood swings came along with your hot water bottles, he didn’t think any much more of the matter.
But then you showed no signs of improvements and at first, he could hardly notice. You hid it quite well at first but as the week progressed, it was apparent to him you were getting sick, and you were too stubborn to admit that to your surgeon brother.
Nonetheless, things didn’t look too bad that staying home was necessary. You were managing quite well, going to school the entire week without complaints, so he found no reason to intervene into something he knew would end up in an argument that would result in you holding a grudge and not talking to him for a few days.
He dropped you off and drove to work expecting nothing. You smiled at him when you left the car, and nothing seemed physically wrong when you picked up the pace to meet your friends.
His twelve-hour shift seemed to never end. When he had a moment to himself, he messaged you as he waited for his coffee, staring at his message that sat alone with no replies for hours. School has finished, you were sure to be home now, so why weren’t you answering?
He didn’t think much of it till he was meant to go home at twelve. He was all ready standing at his locker but then Maggie called his name and he saw several ambulances piling up outside.
As amazing as he was, his attention couldn’t be in two places at once and unfortunately for you, car crashes had more significance in this situation. But as soon as this was all over, you’d be his number one priority once more.
It was all over six hours later when he came out of the second surgery he had to take lead in.
Stepping out of the surgery theatre, he thanked all his co-workers and was dashing away to collect his things, not wanting to be here any longer. Having time to finally check his phone again, his concern skyrocketed when you still hadn’t replied to his messages.
Waving off the few staff remaining in the emergency department, Connor wasted no time in driving off. His adrenaline had yet to die down from the rush of a packed-out emergency room and doing several successful surgeries. Adding to this was his building concern for you. Maybe you were just sleeping, and your phone was on charge. Maybe it was on silent, and you didn’t hear anything. Maybe it was stolen, and you couldn’t contact him-
Connor sighed as he parked the car. Wasting no time, his body still thrumming from the surgery high, he walked into the building and took the stairs instead, taking large strides as he skipped every two.
The house was drop dead silent when he opened the door which you hadn’t locked from the inside like you usually would. That and the completely pitch-black apartment was the first things that put him on edge.
He locked the door behind him, walking in further and inspecting the living room and kitchen that didn’t look lived in. Everything was in its same place as he left it in this morning. Closing the blinds in the living room, he walked towards your bedroom, your door slightly ajar which had never been the case since you started living with him. You always shouted at him whenever he left the door even a slither open, you always needed complete darkness to sleep. The tiniest bit of light always hindering your sleeping ability.
Pushing the door open, Connor poked his head inside first to survey the room. He finally let himself relax at the sight of you lying in bed, your figure completely drowning in your duvet. The weird lump in your sheets being the only reason he could identify you.
He felt himself relax, his body physically deflating now that he had eyes on you, knowing for sure that nothing was wrong.
For some reason, your curtains were still open which they never were since you were young, always complaining, once again, that you needed complete darkness to be able to sleep. Closing your curtains, he found your phone on your bedside desk, and it was littered with notifications from not only him but all of your friends too. All of them were asking in variations if you were okay, if you felt better, did you get home safe and how you were feeling.
They were all sent at three in the afternoon. It was now two in the morning.
Concerned at the topic of the messages, Connor came over to the side of the bed you were laying on and placed his hand on your forehead, his eyes widening immediately. He felt himself warming up just from how hot you were.
Sitting down on the space by your knees, Connor shook you gently, trying to rouse you from your apparent very deep sleep but the only movement you made was from what he was doing.
“Y/N? Hey, wake up. Can you get up for me really quick?”
The adrenaline that was just dying down was picking up again along with his heart rate, why weren’t you waking up?
He shook you once again but this time, he was more rough, his worry meaning he gripped your shoulder tightly and shook you with a force that he’d never use on you before as his baby sister.
This time he tried calling you name while he tried getting you up. Lifting the duvet off your body, not only were you shivering but you were sweating a very unusual amount.
Swallowing harshly, Connor tried one more time, calling your name and roughly shaking you. “Come one, I need to you wake up Y/N.”
“Y/N. Y/N get up.”
But you just wouldn’t budge.
Deciding that enough was enough, he scooped you into his arms and it must’ve been the sudden movement that caused you to let out a small whimper in what was clearly pain. It was small but it was the most he’d gotten from you since he got home and that was better than nothing.
Foregoing his jacket, Connor made sure to slip your cardigan over your torso, so you weren’t going to die from the cold outside. He quickly slipped into his own shoes and left the building not a moment later.
No one had been expecting Connor to be back at work so soon, not even him. It was a few minutes to three and the ED was relatively calm taking into account the big accident not too long ago, but Connor was grateful.
Getting out the car, Connor looked into the ED and called for the first person he saw.
“April! Get me a gurney!”
Said nurse was caught completely off guard, jumping from where she stood at the nurse's desk with Will not too standing behind her. He too clearly was confused but Connor had no time to dwell on them.
Not checking if she was listening, Connor rounded the car and picked you back into his arms, your head resting on his bicep and your legs on the inside of his elbow. Slamming the door shut, Connor strode into the emergency department and luckily for him, April and Will were more than ready to help.
“All the gurneys are used up from before, but we’ve got a free bed.” April said, leading the surgeon into an empty treatment room where Will was lowering the bedside rails.
“Talk to me Connor.” Will said, understanding there was no time for formalities when he saw it was you Connor was carrying.
“No clue what happened but she’s as hot as anything, she’s shivering and sweating at the same time and will not wake up for anything.” Connor started, gently laying you down and standing back to let Will and April do their jobs. He was itching to help but physically had to move further away from you so that he wouldn’t do anything stupid.
“Pretty sure she’s been sick and in pain for a while now, but she never said anything.” He continued, looking at all the numbers on the machines that were popping up as they were connected to your body. “When I asked last week, she just kept saying it was her period cramps.”
As April hooked you up onto an IV drip, Will started palpating your body in search for any particular place of pain. And when he came to a particular area in your lower abdomen and you cried out, the three of them looked at each other knowingly.
“Kieran should still be on shift.” Connor said, remembering the surgeon he left behind that was in charge and available.
Will nodded in confirmation, “Let’s move.”
Waking up felt different to all the times before. Your levels of disorientation and haziness and confusion were on another level.
As soon as you opened your eyes, the first thing you noticed was the lack of pain. You couldn’t feel not even a pinch in your stomach, maybe it was weird to say but it felt liberating to not be in debilitating pain.
“Oh, thank goodness your awake.” Connor looked dead on his feet in the doorway of the room but the immense relief painting his face was like no other.
You made him feel and look like that- Shit, what happened, what did you do?
Before you could say anything, Connor beat you to it. “How are you feeling? In any pain?”
As he questioned you, a poured you a cup of water, holding it so all you had to do was drink and not need to exert energy that he knew from experience, you didn’t have.
Once again, before you could ask, he answered for you. “It was appendicitis. Your period cramps were in fact your appendix and last night it burst.”
“But it’s all good. We got you into surgery and your appendix is gone as should your pain.”
“Wow.” You said shakily, your voice so quiet from the lack of use.
“Please don’t do that next time.” Connor said, sitting on the empty seat by the bed, taking your hand into his. “Please tell me when you're in pain and when you feel sick. You matter to me; all your small or big problems are mine too. I don’t care how trivial they are.”
Silence followed as he set the glass aside. “You scared the shit out of me kiddo.”
And to say you felt guilty was an understatement.
“Claire’s pissed.” You both winced at the thought of your sister finding out. “She’s going to visit when she’s finished with work. I told her your healthy and out of surgery but she’s still pissed.”
“M’Sorry.” You apologised, voice hoarse and lips chapped. “I didn’t want-“
“Y/N.” Connors face made it look like he was in pain from your admission he cut off. “You’re never a bother to me okay? Me being a doctor is a good thing, use it to your advantage.”
You nodded, confirming to change next time if there was another time. Fingers crossed there isn’t.
“How hard was it to not do the surgery?” You smiled, squeezing his hand and poking his bicep. He was still in his scrubs from his shift last night.
Connor rolled his eyes and groaned. Such a sight made you laugh.
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luvolani · 1 month
𝗬𝘂𝗷𝗶 𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗶 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿!
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𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆- 𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖻𝗈𝗒𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽'𝗌 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝗆𝖾𝖾𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗎𝗋 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗌... 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗀𝗈 𝗐𝗋𝗈𝗇𝗀?
𝗦𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀- strict parents.. there such a blessing aren’t they?.. well.. not when there meeting the absolute love of ur life!
Y/N and Yuji had been dating for several months, their relationship blossoming into something deep and meaningful. Their story had begun on a rainy afternoon at school. Y/N had been caught without an umbrella, drenched and shivering under a tree, her mood as grey as the overcast sky. Yuji, who was passing by, had noticed her predicament. With a charming smile, he had offered her his umbrella, sheltering her from the rain and starting a conversation that would soon change their lives.
Since that day, their connection had only grown stronger. They enjoyed each other’s company and shared countless moments of joy. One particularly cozy morning, after spending the night at Yuji’s house, Y/N woke up with her head resting comfortably on his chest. The soft glow of the morning light filtered through the curtains, and the TV played in the background, its sound barely audible. Yuji’s hand moved gently up and down her back, a soothing gesture that made her feel safe and loved.
“Hey, babe?” Yuji’s voice broke the comfortable silence.
Y/N stirred, her eyes still heavy with sleep. “Yes?”
Yuji hesitated for a moment before asking, “How come I haven’t met your parents? I mean, you’ve met my grandpa.”
The question caught Y/N off guard. A tight knot formed in her stomach at the mere thought of her parents. She had always avoided discussing them, partly because her relationship with them was strained, and partly because she didn’t want to burden Yuji with her family’s problems. But their relationship was becoming serious, and she knew that this was a conversation they needed to have.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N decided to be honest but not too revealing. “How about next week?”
Yuji’s face brightened with a smile. He leaned in and kissed her softly, his affection evident. “Yeah, alright.”
The week flew by, and the day of the visit arrived. Yuji and Y/N approached her family’s house, their mood a mixture of apprehension and hope. As they stepped inside, they were met with a cold reception. Y/N’s parents barely acknowledged their presence, their demeanor detached and indifferent. The air was thick with unspoken tension.
Dinner was served in silence, punctuated only by the clinking of cutlery against plates. Y/N tried to engage her parents in conversation, but their responses were curt and dismissive. The uncomfortable atmosphere only worsened as the evening progressed.
The breaking point came when her father, with a scowl on his face, brought up an old argument. “Y/N, why are you with him? There was a perfectly suitable man I wanted you to be with. Someone who would have been a better match.”
Y/N’s heart sank. She tried to keep her emotions in check, but the words cut deep. “Dad, I’m happy with Yuji. He’s someone who cares about me.”
Her father’s eyes narrowed. “Happiness? That’s not a valid reason. You’re making a mistake.”
Yuji, sensing the escalating tension, tried to defuse the situation. “Sir, I understand you have concerns, but I genuinely care about Y/N. I want to make her happy and support her.”
The argument intensified. Y/N’s frustration bubbled over, and she shouted back, her voice trembling with emotion. “You don’t understand anything! You always think you know what’s best for me, but you don’t!”
In a shocking move, Y/N’s father raised his hand as if to strike her. Y/N’s heart raced in terror. She shut her eyes tightly, bracing for the pain she anticipated.
But when she opened them, she saw Yuji standing between her and her father. His expression was a mix of anger and determination, but his voice was steady. “Sir, I would prefer if you kept your hands to yourself.”
Yuji’s grip on her father’s wrist was firm, his eyes blazing with a mix of defiance and disappointment. He pushed her father back, making it clear that he wouldn’t tolerate any form of violence. The room fell silent, everyone stunned by Yuji’s reaction.
Y/N looked at Yuji in shock. She had never seen him this angry before, and it made her heart swell with admiration. Without a word, he took her hand, and they left the house, leaving her mother in stunned silence.
The drive back to Yuji’s place was quiet, the car’s interior filled with the sound of their uneven breathing. Once they arrived, Y/N threw her arms around Yuji, holding him tightly. Her gratitude and relief were overwhelming.
Yuji looked surprised but embraced her, his arms wrapping around her protectively. “Y-”
Y/N cut him off, her voice choked with emotion. “Thank you.”
Yuji’s gaze softened, and he gently squeezed her hands. “You don’t have to thank me. I’m here for you, always. No matter what.”
They sat together in the car, the silence between them filled with an unspoken bond. Though the evening had been painful, it had brought them even closer. Y/N knew that Yuji was more than just a boyfriend—he was her partner, someone who stood by her in the face of adversity.
As they drove home, Y/N rested her head on Yuji’s shoulder, finding solace in his presence. They both understood that the road ahead might be challenging, but with each other’s support, they felt ready to face whatever came their way.
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runningfrom2am · 10 months
leveling the playing field IX
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summary: with nowhere else to go after getting caught cheating to help lucy gray, you both make some desperately stupid decisions.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 2.6k
tags/warnings: capitol brat!reader, maybe slightly ooc coryo, idk i tried my best. do they love each other or hate each other? who knows (we do, kind of). implications and mentions of abuse, so read with caution!! also a little bit of swearing but that's neither here nor there
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a/n: here we are!! 'season' two!! thanks so much for reading it and I'm SO so glad lots of people seem to love it :) if you do, please reblog it or leave your thoughts in the replies or in my inbox! i love hearing from you and talking about it so don't be a stranger !
without further adieu,, enter buzzcut coryo <3
next part
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Coriolanus's stomach twisted as he could hear your screams from the hall, even though by then he was all the way on the other side of the school. He thought that was unsettling, only for them to abruptly stop just before he left. The silence that followed was so much worse. He didn't get any sleep, sitting on the roof in Grandma'ams rose garden with Tigris all night, wondering if you were dead.
He was just sick about it, even as he left the following morning, so early that the sun was yet to rise. It was a long, painful ride, and he spent the entire thing certain that you were dead. It was his fault, he had only wanted you to come with him, so he wouldn't be alone, but now he truly is alone and he won't even have you to write to back home. Regardless, he would try.
Rather than sit with the idea that it might even be pointless for him to live another day, especially with this unflattering haircut and a uniform that challenged the discomfort of the academy one, he decided to write to you on a paper he had found bunched between the train seats to ease his mind.
I hope you're reading this. I hope this gets back to you at home and finds you safe and sound, and you're sitting over your desk with a textbook open getting ready for university in the fall. That's not what's happening though, is it? You're probably dead. I probably killed you. If you are reading this in your room, or your library, or over my shoulder as I write this because you are only alive in what's left of your spirit, I hope you know that I am sorry. I did it because I wanted you with me, because in the moment I was so sure you'd be better off with me in the districts than you would be at home with your father. I think I was wrong. But I still miss you. You meant more to me than I ever told you. I guess, more than I ever told myself either until these last few weeks.
I think I heard them kill you after I left you with the Dean. If they did, boy, did you go out fighting. I always knew you would. I can't stop writing in case I never get to speak to you again. But again, maybe you're not dead, right?
Please tell me you're not dead.
Always yours, your Coryo
He smoothes out the wrinkled sheet as he writes, hand shaking through most of it. He doesn't know if he should even bother sending it, or if he should just fold it up and throw it out the window in hopes that the message will find its way to your ghost. No, he has to send it. Otherwise he'll definitely never know, at least not for twenty years, and he couldn't bear that.
The wind hits the trees into the windows of the train as it rolls along the tracks, demanding that the branches be heard against the glass. It reminds him of you. Then again, what doesn't these days? Maybe it was just you letting him know you had read his letter, and that you forgive him. That would give him a semblance of peace for the rest of the ride.
When you woke up, it was impossible to tell what time it was. You only knew that it was dark, and your bedroom door was locked from the outside when you got up and carefully tried to open it only to be blocked by the mechanism.
"I have half the mind to agree with you on the Avox thing." You hear your dad sigh, his voice echoing from his study just down the hall. Your eyes widen and you try the knob again. Yep, still locked. "But we could always send her to Nine or Ten as a nurse. She's not staying here, that's certain."
"I don't want to push your decision, here, but she was saying she would tell everyone. She knows more than we thought, more details." Highbottom was here too, great.
"No, that's impossible. What did she say?"
"She knows we're selling, likely that you're storing it all here somewhere, and she knows it's enough to be treason. I don't know what else she knows, but it's risky business ever letting her out of that room again. The procedure might be our best option, here." You've heard enough, quickly making for your window instead. It's locked as well, but draping your old uniform over the lever gives you enough freedom to crush it with a particularly heavy, hardcover textbook without making much noise.
You change quickly, grabbing a few essentials that you could fit into your book bag, then climb out the window and slide down the back porch column before making as quiet of an escape as possible. Adrenaline carried you a few blocks away, but now, you were unsure what to do. You couldn't return, and you couldn't be seen, and you had a tragic shortage of friends at the moment. You find your feet carrying you toward the building you know Coriolanus lives in.
You're not particularly excited to see him, but with no other options, you're sure you can find it in yourself to be forgiving just this once. You could go to Sejanus's family home, but it's not far enough away, and you're not sure what his father would say. He'd probably call your dad in a second and it would all be for naught- you couldn't risk it. So, Coryo's it was.
You enter the building, walking straight for the elevator. He was in the penthouse, so you just have to hit the very top button and figure it out from there. You've never been to his home before, but he's talked about it plenty. Enough that you could find your way there, at least.
You groan when you quickly realize the elevator doesn't work, looking over at the stairs. It's a tall building, so you've got a long way to go. You wonder how he does this every day as you climb up set after set of stairs, taking note of how the walls are basically crumbling around you.
You knew he didn't have money, that he couldn't eat, but you didn't think he lived like this. No wonder he was so thin, and no wonder he still had any muscle left on his body. It was these damn stairs. That couldn't be it though, that wouldn't explain how his shoulders just seemed to go on for miles- maybe he had some kind of workout routine you never knew about.
You're drawn from your thoughts when you reach the top of the last staircase, hesitating to open the industrial looking door in front of you. Just beyond that was the front door to the Snow penthouse, and now that you're here, you're not sure what to do. Do you knock? You don't even know what time it is.
You sit by the door, deciding to think it over for a bit. It doesn't take you long to fall asleep leaning up against the wall where it meets the dusty floor.
Waking up, you're met with a gasp. "Y/N?" You blink open your eyes, seeing Tigris crouched in front of you, forehead creased with worry. "Are you okay? What are you doing here?"
"Tigris, hello." You mumble, gathering yourself to stand up as she helps you. "I, uh, I didn't know where to go, so..."
"Okay, okay. Come in for a second." She nods, holding your shoulder as she guides you back into the apartment. You squint at the sunrise through the large bay windows, she must have been on her way to work. "Can I get you anything? Some tea? You must be freezing..." She says, immediately shuffling into the kitchen.
"No, no. It's fine. Thank you, though." You insist, trying not to stare at the state the apartment has fallen into.
"Okay, well, please, take a seat. Tell me what's going on."
You nod slightly and move to sit down at their dining table where she joins you, reaching out for your hand which you gratefully take. "Did Coriolanus leave already?" You ask and she nods, giving you a sad smile.
"I must admit, I'm relieved to see you." She says, taking you by surprise. "Coryo thought you were dead. He was just so torn up about it, he said it was his fault but he wouldn't tell me why. I was expecting to see your passing in the papers this morning."
"Well, my days are numbered." You sigh, looking out the window again. The view was stunning. Maybe you would prefer a penthouse to your own large, empty feeling home. "My father and Dean Highbottom were discussing turning me into an Avox as a pity punishment, and I don't doubt that my father would rather bury me than have that on his name. I didn't stick around to hear their decision."
Tigris listens intently, squeezing your cold hands between her own. "And now, I don't know what to do. I had nowhere to go, I'm so sorry to intrude-"
"No, my goodness, please. You are always welcome here." She assured you. "But... what will you do?"
"I have to leave." You nod to yourself. "I have to leave and I can't come back, can I?"
"One day I'm sure it will be safe for you to return." She says, notably trying to put a positive spin on it. "I'll tell you what-" She stands quickly, going over to a hall closet and pulling out a large fur coat. "Take this, it can hide you and keep you warm. Take the next train to Twelve, that's where Coryo went." She places the coat in your lap. "He'll be ecstatic to have you and see that you're well."
You nod, standing up and pulling it on in a hurry. It was a beautiful coat, you could tell it was real fur. This must have belonged to one of their mothers. "Thank you, Tigris."
"There's another train headed there in about twenty minutes, if you rush you can make it. I had to check the schedule last night for him. Don't buy a ticket, just climb in a transport car from the opposite side, not the platform." She instructs you hurriedly,
You dig in your bag as you both head for the door, pulling out a handful of money and rifling through it to give some to her. You'll need some, but she will too.
"Here, Tigris. Take this." You say as she holds the door for you, and she instantly is shaking her head.
"No, no. I couldn't." She smiles awkwardly, waving a hand at you. "You'll need it more than I do, Coryo will be sending us cheques."
You smile at her understandingly, holding it out to her again. "If not for your help, then for this lovely jacket. Please take it. I insist."
Tigris sighs, taking it from your hand before pulling you into a hug which you gladly return. "Tell him we love him, okay?"
"He knows," You say, chin resting on her shoulder. "But I will."
It was dark again when your train reached its final stop, and you were curled up under the coat trying to sleep. You scramble to get up, having to bolt from the train before anyone came to unload the car.
Unfortunately, you didn't get the privilege of having a place to stay when you arrived, so once you're out of sight of the train, the best you can do is wander.
You don't have to wander long before you hear music. You didn't realize people were happy here, so the sounds of laughter and shouting and dancing coming from inside what looked to be an abandoned building made you tilt your head at the idea. Maybe you would just sit outside, around the side of the building where you won't be seen and you can listen.
You don't even get the chance to sit before you hear the singing start. It's Lucy Gray. You mentally scold yourself for not thinking of her sooner as you stand again quickly, finding yourself quite lightheaded. You must be hungry. Maybe there will be some food inside, or maybe you can find talk to Lucy Gray and maybe she'll let you stay with her. Just until you get yourself situated here.
Clutching your new coat tightly around yourself you walk in after attempting to dust off and salvage your clothes. Your favourite skirt and shoes took quite a beating throughout the day, and you're disappointed, to say the least. Hopefully Lucy Gray has a washing machine, but you doubt it. Did these people even know what a washing machine is? By the look of everyone in the room, the answer was a definite no.
Sure enough, Lucy Gray was on stage, singing her heart out. You had never seen her smile so wide, of course, and the kids surrounding her onstage were just as talented as she was at all their instruments. You've never seen live music like this before, only classical or opera where everyone sat quietly and listened until the end. This environment was entirely new to you.
Not wanting to interrupt, you wait until Lucy Gray steps offstage and her spot is replaced with a little blonde girl who couldn't have been older than ten.
"Give it up for the amazing Lucy Gray Baird!" The girl shouts into the mic, gesturing to your friend before more music started to play. "She'll be back, she's just taking a little break, but until then, you lot are stuck listenin' to me."
This is your chance. You push through the crowd and step into the hall you saw Lucy Gray go down. "Lucy Gray?" You call out hopefully, watching your step as to not roll a heel. In hindsight, these shoes were not ideal for the journey you took, but your options were limited by a time crunch.
"Lucy Gray?" You ask again, turning a corner and peeling into a large open room. It's a few moments before your eyes land on her, and she turns to face you having heard you walk in.
"Oh my days, I thought I recognized that voice!" She smiles, opening her arms and running up to you. "Y/N, my word, what are you doin' here?" Her excitement fades quickly into concern as she drops her arms from around you.
"Long story..." You chuckle nervously, pulling at your coat again as she nods for you to continue. "We got caught, for the compact. And the snakes, somehow. Coriolanus put our handkerchiefs that you used in the tank so they wouldn't attack you, I guess. I didn't know. Then they pulled us out of class the next day, he told them it was me, so then I put up a fight and they sedated me. When I woke up I was at home and they were talking about having my tongue cut out and turning me into one of those servants but I'm sure my dad would rather have me dead. So," You sigh, trying to summarize it as quickly as possible. "I ran."
Lucy Gray shook her head, mouth agape in shock at all the information she just took in. "Okay, wait... So they were going to kill you?"
You nod.
"But that teacher of yours seemed so nice."
"Yeah, he gave me some money and escorted me into the train himself."
You scoff, shaking your head. "He's never liked either of us, but that's only because I have dirt on him. I don't know what Coryo did."
"Well," Lucy Gray sighs, rubbing your shoulders gently. "I'm glad you're here. That you're safe."
"You too." You smile. "Can I just say, too, we were so proud of you. We were so lucky to be your mentors."
"I count myself the lucky one." She grins. "Let's move on, shall we? On the up and up."
"Yes, sounds lovely." You grin at her.
"Can I get you some water? Liquor? What do you need?" She asks, turning at that and going over to a bench in the middle that had a few water bottles.
"I would love some water." You breathe out, joining her and sitting down as she hands one to you.
"Lucy Gray, could I ask you for a really big favour?" You say after taking your first sip.
"Please." She nods.
"Can I stay with you?"
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freakyformula · 18 days
Pretty like the sun part one
Summary: Reader is a huge Lewis fan and is attending her first race in her life with her brother. She catches Lewis eye and he instantly falls for her.
Writers comment: Can I just say that this is my first ever fan fic so read this with that in mind and please don't kill me I BEG.
Warnings: Reader is referred to as she/her, reader has a brother, age gap but readers age is not specified.
Word count: 3,7k
Y/N= Your Name and Y/N/B= Your Name's Brother
She was so nervous her stomach hurt. It was the first time she was going to attend a Formula 1 race. She had decided on the British Grand Prix in order to support her favourite driver… Sir Lewis Hamilton. Ever since she graduated nursing school, she had been saving up in order to make it happen, working double shifts and living a simple life. It was all worth it in the end, two years later she finally had enough cash to buy herself a ticket. She convinced her brother, also a huge Formula 1 fan, to accompany her. Although he was busy working on his master's degree and was quite busy, he took the time off. As he lived in London they didn't get to meet up that often, except around Christmas when he came home. Y/N and her brother still had a strong bond and they got along well. Going to a Formula 1 race was a perfect way to catch up with him and get some quality time, she thought. He'd agreed to pick her up at the airport. He waited for her to get off the plane, holding a sign with her name, waving at her when she came into sight.
"Heyyy, big brother!"
He chuckled at her comment, knowing full well that he wasn't only two years older than her but also robust and tall. Any guy would be intimidated by him.
"How was your flight?" He asks as they walk off.
"It was okay! We hit some turbulence at some point but other than that it was smooth sailing" She said and smiled.
They caught up on life on the car ride home to his apartment. They discussed their parents strict parenting style, she could see that her brother was worried about her and how she was doing. Even if she was living on her own, she lived only an hour away from their hometown which meant that her life was under hard supervision by her parents. Their parents were never as strict with her brother. He was very protective of his sister and wanted her to move further away from their toxic parents. He had discussed this with her multiple times but every time she declined his offer, finding excuses.
When they arrived at the apartment complex her brother helped her with the bags and they shimmed their way in. Her brother had already prepared the spare room for her in advance, which she was thankful for. She was so tired after the flight and decided on taking a shower and going to sleep relatively early.
"Good night, Y/N/B!"
"Sleep well, Y/N."
And with that she closed the door to the spare room and got under the covers. She was excited for the upcoming days and what they'd bring.
She wakes up early the next day and shuffles out of bed. She feels her stomach grumbling and goes to check the fridge for something to eat. Eggs, sausage and beans will do. She finds some toast in the pantry too.
"Proper English breakfast…" She thinks to herself.
Within half an hour her brother finds his way to the kitchen too, maybe the commotion is what woke him from his peaceful slumber.
"Morning" he grumbles.
"Hmmm.. Good morning to you too! Sounds like you're having the best day you've ever had!" She laughs.
He looks up at her and starts chuckling, him realising how unenthusiastic he had sounded a couple of seconds earlier.
"Sorry about that" He says, hiding his face in his palms.
She knew just how tired he was in the morning and in pure pity she started the coffee machine for him.
They eat their breakfast and go through the plan they had for the weekend. They'd be seated at the farm curve, a grandstand just past the start and finish line, with perfect opportunities to catch the post-race celebrations at the podium.
She doesn't bother with heavy makeup or doing her hair, she'll save that for race day. She's stood finishing up on her skincare and applying some mascara when her brother sticks his head in.
"Ready?" He asks, clearly tired of waiting for his sister.
"Give me a minute!" She says with a tinge of annoyance in her voice.
The weather forecast is promising; sun and warm weather the whole weekend, but she still doesn't trust the english weather so she packs a couple of disposable raincoats in her handbag, just to be safe. She is dressed in a floral sundress, the skirt of said dress being long enough to go past her knees. She had also purchased a Mercedes cap for the occasion which she would be wearing. She felt incredibly comfortable and attractive in what she wore, how she looked and most importantly, how she felt.
They packed their things and made their way down to the garage. They had decided on taking her brother's car instead of going by train as it would take them much longer. The car ride went by rather quickly, even driving past Milton Keynes, the home base and headquarters for Red Bull Racing. They found their way to the parking, paid, and walked the 20 minute walk to the track. She was happy she took her white sneakers, thinking her feet would thank her later.
She was so excited to finally be here, they got their passes and made their way to the pit lane where they'd get their Thursday pit lane walk. At this point she was almost jumping up and down from excitement, her brother kept her grounded even though he was just as excited. She could see he was happy that he joined her and gave him a reassuring pat on his arm. They walked around the pit lane, talked to some of the different team staff and took pictures. She froze when she saw the Mercedes garage, she could feel her heartbeat in her throat as they started walking closer. She stopped at the barrier and just took in the glory and finesse of the cars and how the mechanics worked on it in order for it to run as smoothly as possible. You caught the eye of one of the Mercedes mechanics who gave you a nod and a thumbs up, referring to your choice of cap.
Lewis POV
It was a hot day on the track. He was surprised it was his own home race, he wasn't used to Silverstone being this hot. He was wearing his usual Mercedes tee with jeans which he soon realised, was a bad idea. Shorts would've been more efficient. He was preparing for some briefings on strategies and the weekend as a whole. This was the thing he dreaded most. All he was there for was racing, not being stuck at hour-long meetings about set-ups. After the meeting was done he thought he'd run back to his driver room to catch a breath, and later go to hospitality for late lunch. On the way to his room, he ran into George.
"Scorching hot, isn't it?" George says with a wide smile.
"Hell yeah it is, I could use an ice bath already!" Lewis giggles.
"Lunch in 5? I just need to change, my tee is drenched in sweat."George asks.
"Count me in, I'll wait for you at hospitality." Lewis says and walks off into his room.
Lewis first impression of George had not been positive, he thought he was stuck-up and spoiled. Unlike Lewis when he was George's age. But he had grown to like the young man, George had calmed down a ton and seemed more respectful. Lewis sat on the sofa with a water bottle in his hand, thinking back.
He had a phenomenal career behind him, having won 7 world titles and had 103 race wins to his name. Everyone on the grid looked up to him, as a friend, brother figure, teammate. He did consider himself lucky and all. But one thing was still missing from his alleged perfect life. Her. Her, that he still hasn't met. Sure, he'd been married before and dated countless supermodels but none of them had felt like "The one". It wasn't like he was actively searching for her, but he had a feeling that when he saw her, he would know.
He didn't hear someone knocking on his door until he saw George in front of him gesticulating with his hands.
"Jesus christ mate, where were you?!" George laughs.
"Eh, nevermind man." Lewis feels his cheeks reddening.
"You okay?" George asks, concern evident in his voice.
"Of course I am!" Lewis briskly counters and smiles at the fellow brit.
George and Lewis find their way to hospitality where they meet up with Bono and Toto for lunch.
"The fans here at Silverstone are a different league." Toto laughs. "The first thing I did as I got out of the car this morning was to give a girl a signature… on her boob!" He doesn't dare to continue his story aloud and whispers "She said she would have it tattooed so she could carry a part of me with her."
"What?! That's ridiculous!" Lewis blurts out.
"I swear to god if she goes through with it…" George says, looking almost disappointed.
"What is wrong with youngsters nowadays…" Bono mutters, making the four men laugh.
As they finish their lunch they walk back to the garage where they check on the data and watch the mechanics work on final changes. He can hear the fans screaming his name outside desperately. He scans the crowd and decides to run out to them. He signs a couple of posters and caps while some fans preferred a selfie with the gorgeous man. As he walks along the line of fans his eye catches hers.
She's absolutely extraordinary. She looks at him with kind eyes. It's as if time stopped, as if they are in their own bubble. He can hear the others screaming his name but their screams feel like they're miles away. He doesn't know if he dares to take a step closer, he's scared to trespass on her space. Then he notices the man she stands next to, they're standing a little bit too close in order to be strangers. He feels his heart breaking just a little bit. But before he looks away the man strikes up a conversation.
"Hi Lewis! I'm Y/N/B and this is my sister, Y/N! We are so glad to finally get the chance to meet you."
Lewis is in awe and takes a couple of seconds to even register that the man has actually said anything.
"H-hi, I'm Lewis!" Lewis almost yells out, making the siblings raise their eyebrows.
"Y/N is a beautiful name" Lewis says, trying to move on from the awkward greeting.
"Thank you" She says, he is barely able to hear it, followed by that warm smile of hers.
Lewis hadn't realised before but she was standing behind her brother slightly, almost like she was afraid of him. Her uncertainty made his heart break, so in order for her to become a little more comfortable with his presence he continued talking to them.
"So, are you happy to be here? Have you been here before?" He asks politely.
Her brother answers his questions for her, which only leads Lewis to suspect that the girl is extremely shy or nervous.
"Would you two like a private tour of the garage?" Lewis asks with a twinkle in his eye.
You both gasp at the question, obviously flabbergasted.
"You're kidding." Your brother tries to resonate.
"I'm most certainly not kidding." Lewis quickly answers.
Lewis went to the gate and convinced the guard to let you both in.
Now he got the chance to properly look at her. Her wide smile and kind aura complement her short stature. God, he'd never seen a creature more beautiful than what he saw in front of him.
They must have noticed him staring with his mouth open because her brother cleared his throat in order to get his attention. This was unlike Lewis, he was usually unapologetically put together, well-spoken and careful. Now he felt like a fumbling teenage boy. And to make matters worse, her brother was here too. He didn't want to give him, or even worse, her, a bad impression.
Lewis made them walk in front of him and he walked behind, explaining the routines and how everything worked. He even introduced them to some of the staff. He could feel her warming up to him, even if it was just a tiny bit. She didn't look down the second he glanced at her. But he could see it in her eyes, she was both nervous, scared and in awe, all at the same time.
When his private tour is about to end he finally asks what he's been meaning to ask the whole time.
"Would you two like to be upgraded? I'll get you paddock passes for the whole weekend, all expenses paid."
All the two siblings do is stare at him, speechless.
Lewis chuckles. "I'll let you think about it for a bit, I'll be back soon."
"We would like that very much, Lewis." You calmly say as he's about to turn around. She surprises her brother and Lewis too, he didn't think he'd hear her say anything for the rest of the day.
"Great, please take a seat and I'll have it sorted." He says and escorts them to the seating area of the Mercedes garage.
Neither of them could believe it. What on earth had they done to deserve such a blessing? This was insane.
As they're waiting, the mechanic that showed his appreciation before came up to them and exchanged some words with her brother. Her brother was like that, he got along with everyone, while she was the shy one. When they see Lewis walking towards them they immediately stand up.
"Here you go" Lewis says, as he hands over all of the passes. From this point onwards, they would have almost unrestricted access not only to the paddock and the garages, but also the finest dining there was to offer.
"Thank you so much" Both her and her brother say at the same time which makes all three of them chuckle.
Her brother grabs Lewis by his arm and walks away from her.
She sees the two men discussing something but she can't think of what it might be. Her brother is staring at Lewis, he looks like he can't comprehend what he just heard Lewis say. She sees Lewis nervously smiling at her brother and then glancing at her, making her nervous again and she turns her head away in order to escape his stare.
A kind-looking lady brings her a bottle of coke and she sits down, keeping an eye on Lewis and her brother. She can't help but wonder what they're talking about, has Lewis changed his mind? Is he kicking them out? No, he's smiling at her when she looks their way, can't be.
Lewis POV
"We are both very flattered by your kindness and we really appreciate this, but I can't help but wonder, why are you doing this to us?" Her brother whispers, nervously scratching his neck, hoping not to agitate the driver.
"Simply put" Lewis starts "Because your sister is the most beautiful young lady I have ever laid my eyes on."
"I-…." Your brother starts. "I am truly honoured, but do you know how old my sister is?"
"Age is just a number, right?" Lewis counters. "Do I have your blessing to ask your sister out for dinner at some point?"
Her brother is in such shock, all he could do was stare at the 7 time world champion. After what felt like minutes, your brother picks his jaw up and simply hugs the man in front of him, making some mechanics turn around, stunned by her brother's weird behaviour.
Her brother gets himself together. "You know what, Lewis, normally I'd say no. But I know my sister and I know you're her role model. I can't possibly take this away from her." He pauses, and continues "My sister is extremely shy and new to dating, so please treat her with care. She also hates French and Japanese cuisine, just for your information."
Lewis watches as her brother walks up to her again, and sits down next to her. He sees him talking to her as she's furrowing her eyebrows. Lewis has no idea what her brother has told her but they get up and walk towards him.
"I just told my sister that you've agreed to take care of her as I'm checking out the other garages. I can't wait to get a glance of Daniel!" And just like that, her brother gives her a quick hug and a wink to Lewis and walks off, trusting Lewis to treat his sister like a gentleman.
Damn it, this was not how Lewis had imagined things turning out. He wanted to ask her out but he wasn't prepared for it to be so soon. He decided to look at the situation from a positive perspective, this is what he wanted deep down. He was just scared of how he'd be able to handle the situation. He had met her only an hour ago.
"So… Are you hungry, Y/N? I can take you to hospitality for something to eat." He asks.
She seems to consider his question for a bit and looks up at him with a slight smile.
"I haven't had anything else than breakfast today" She admits.
"Well then, sounds like we're off to hospitality then!" Lewis says and takes her hand. He leads her through the paddock and hundreds of fans and staff. He ignores everyone trying to get his attention except for her. He looks down at her every couple of seconds, almost to make sure that she's still there with him. Lewis leads her into the luxurious restaurant, and finds a table for both of them, away from everyone else, and most importantly, anyone that could make a juicy story out of their beginning friendship.
"Now, Y/N, what would you like?" He asks.
She looks at the menu, and seems to consider her options for a moment.
"What about the buffet? I'd like to try out the English cuisine-inspired buffet, please?"
Lewis can't help but smile at her, he can feel his heart swelling at how incredibly well-spoken and kind she is.
"Of course, come this way" He says as he guides her to the buffet with a wide variety of small dishes.
She takes what her heart desires, Lewis keeps his restrictive diet in mind when choosing between the dishes but still finds some food that Angela would approve of.
As they're eating, Lewis tries to get to know her better. He asks her questions about her family, school and work and she tries to answer to the best of her ability.
"I can tell your brother cares about you a lot." Lewis says.
"Yeah, I guess he does, we were close as kids."
"Oh, how come? Just coincidence?"
"Our parents didn't really have time for us and my brother pretty much raised me" Lewis could see tears forming in her eyes and threatening to run down her cheeks. He looks at her head slumping down towards her food.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, Y/N" She looks up at him again and wipes her tears.
"It's fine." She says, "It's a long time ago and both me and my brother have forgiven our parents."
"Speaking of parents" Lewis starts, "My father is coming to watch the race on Sunday! Maybe you'll run into him at some point."
"Oh, your dad seems so caring compared to mine." She says, with a certain pain in her voice.
"Y/N, whatever happened to you and your brother in your childhood, you didn't deserve to be abused like that. You deserve so much better, you deserve to be worshipped and loved like royalty."
She gives him a small, pained smile. "I hesitate that will ever happen but thank you anyway."
When they're done, they get up and Lewis once again takes her hand.
"Thank you for this, I really appreciate your time and effort" She says and offers him a wide grin.
"No, thank you, Y/N. I've had such a lovely day thanks to you" He says, taking a moment to admire her.
They walk off to the RB garage in search of her brother. They find him there, in deep conversation with Daniel and Yuki. They walk up to them and her brother gets up, smiling at his sister and Lewis.
"Thank you for today Daniel and Yuki, I will see you tomorrow again, yeah?" Her brother asks.
"Bet" Daniel responds.
The three of them walk back to the Mercedes garage, the sun is starting to set and it's starting to feel a little chilly. "We better start heading back to our hotel, Y/N" Her brother says and she nods.
"My feet hurt and it's only the first day!" She sighs.
"Hence why… Hotel" Your brother laughs, giving you a small nudge.
Lewis is walking beside them, clearly enjoying their banter. He was taking it all in, and he soon came to realise that he hadn't had such a good day in a long time. He stops and turns to face them as they stop too.
"Thank you for today, both of you. You've truly made my day, will you come to the Mercedes garage tomorrow to cheer me on?"
Before her brother had the chance to even think she says "Sure thing, I'm looking forward to it already" and looks down, realising she opened her mouth without thinking.
"I'm glad. See you tomorrow then" Lewis says as he gives her a light hug and offers her brother a firm handshake.
They walked slowly back to the car, exhaustion evident in both their bodies. No one of them dared to talk, the unnecessary tension feeling overwhelming.
As they finally got to the parking and their car they both sighed from relief. No more walking. They got in and sat quietly, staring forward.
"So, details…?" Her brother breaks the silence.
She looks at him with the widest smile he's ever seen and starts spilling all of the highlights of the day.
"Y/N/B, you won't fucking believe it…"
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greythemed · 1 year
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𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ bloodhounds . kim gun-woo
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˚ TITLE 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ lovesick ˚ WORD COUNT 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ 1936
he looked unreal, all tanned with his beautiful eyes half closed as he looked down, full lips unconsciously forming a pout. his chest was bronzed and openly displayed for anyone with two eyes and a drooling mouth.
you wanted to eat him alive.
it was supposed to be a peaceful morning at your parents' beach house on the coast but, apparently, your boyfriend chose violence that day. with sleepy eyes and a drowsy appearance, you immediately realized that you accidentally fell asleep while trying to get tanned by the summer sun in the morning. luckily, the book you were reading fell from your grip at some point and didn't leave a funny mark on your stomach for woo-jin to laugh about later.
how can one person be so beautiful, inside and out? was he even real, or will you inevitably wake up to find the space beside you empty, his presence fading with your dreams?
you get goosebumps just imagining it.
feeling your eyes on him, gun-woo looked up from his drawing, a big smile forming on his pink lips.
"you look like shit, babe".
oh wow, what a day to feel loved.
"fuck off". you grumbled while sitting up and picking the book from the floor next to you, gun-woo's eyes never leaving your bikini form. "what took you so long to get here?". you asked him pouty.
"your mother asked me to move the sofa three times so she could do her pilates session in the living room". gun-woo couldn't help but laugh at his answer, never imagining he'd be in this position someday.
it was your first family trip as a couple, and also the first time gun-woo went on a plane and traveled since his school's excursion in 9th grade to say the best. you were happy to see him happy. it was thrilling to see the man in another setting, different from the usual gym clothes or café outings you guys first got to know each other. you considered yourself a good girlfriend, providing these opportunities for both of you while so young, even if gun-woo was paying for basically everything other than the house you were staying. you were a good girlfriend, right?
so why the living hell was he acting so mean towards you?
"i'm sorry about that". you grimaced embarrassingly because of your mother. "just because you have an insane amount of muscle she thinks you're her personal guard". gun-woo laughs. that bright innocent smile that makes his eyes disappear.
fuck you kim geun-woo for being so mean.
"my mom used to say we should never neglect help from others, including offering help in the first place". he tells you with innocence, a sudden wave of sympathy running through his veins strong enough to make him vocalize his thoughts. you were too accustomed with this side of him, being together for almost 6 months. “she also used to say that we always must look for the best in people”.
he was too pure. so why could you only think other things like what was this man saying? and why wasn't he kissing your mouth right now?
you embarrassingly found yourself in this predicament more times than you could count with your boyfriend.
the sound of his voice didn't shake you out of your sleepy daze, looking up at him with eyes full of love and wonder. like a lovesick puppy whose brain didn't seem to register the spoken words, too caught up in its own reverie.
when he didn't get the reply he was hoping for, gun-woo finally put down the pen and paper and leaned closer to you, your knees now touching and you almost choked on your saliva.
you loved him too much. and he was so hot.
“y/n?” he asked softly, placing a hand on top of your lap, the feel of his surprisingly cold hands against your warm skin almost making you shiver.
"i was so worried when i woke up and didn't see you, figured you'd be reading here". his smile continued to be nothing other than soothing, comforting, and exclusive.
exclusive for you and only you.
"woo-jin tried facetiming early this morning but i was still sleeping, i kind of feel bad for him not being able to come this time". he rambles. "and i also feel bad for sleeping so late, i hope your parents don't mind it. yesterday was a good day".
of course it was a good day. it was gun-woo's first ever private flight and you couldn't put your mind around the fact that this man's whole life was a huge unfair exposure to only the bad in life. you wanted to cry suddenly. cry for everything cruel that happened to him. cry for his still pure but poorly scarred heart. cry for his smiles and goodmorning pecks. cry for his fucking six-pack and spy reflexes.
cry because he was yours. exclusively.
without saying a word, you gently pulled his hands away before wrapping yours around his shoulders in a much-needed hug, the love you felt for him overwhelming all your senses. his arms found their place around your waist immediately, pulling his body closer and pouring all his love into you in return.
it was his fault for dating such a crybaby and he knew it, because the second he touched your waist and ribs, the boxer knew you were about to cry because of your uneaving breathing.
gun-woo hesitated for a second, giving your body another squeeze before finally speaking.
"are you okay, princess?" his voice was calm as he gently stroked your hair, knowing damn well you got emotional in the mornings sometimes. his 'bedroom voice' - that's what you called, don't judge - was enough to make your eyes sting, causing you to snuggle closer to his neck with a nod.
"'m okay".
you loved his bedroom voice - again, don’t judge the name you came up with -, it was special for you. it held something ethereal in the fact that he dropped a few octaves to talk to you and only you. the intimacy he could bring only by speaking more calmly to you, everywhere you both were together and tangled in each other's arms like right now.
everything was different. the setting, the weather, the clothes - it made you realize for the very first time in the six months of your relationship that dating itself shouldn't be overwhelming, tiring, or burdensome.
dating should feel like the books you grew up reading and the movies you grew up watching. anything other than that, it didn't belong to you in the first place.
you felt so comfortable in his embrace like you were floating on a fluffy cloud as the sun was slowly disappearing, so warm and safe. it was just the best, being with the man you loved, and nothing could come close to how you were feeling in his presence, surrounded by his unconditional love and care.
fuck, you were sounding like a corny teenager and it was embarrassing.
"y/n, you're going to tell me what's on your mind, aren't you?". the sound of his concern was evident in his voice, reminding you that - even if this man's thighs were the size of your head -, he still was worried and soft on the inside type of boyfriend.
you were his first girlfriend. gun-woo didn't know how to do things usually.
without missing a beat, you looked him in the eye for the question.
"i love you, gunwoo-ya". you started to pour your eyes out for no reason. you blamed the hormones, your mom would blame the weather and woo-jin would blame the books you read but you didn't care.
the corners of his mouth turned up in response, a soft, sincere smile stretching across his face because he was also just that: a lovesick puppy.
"i love you too". gun-woo wasn't expecting that, you could tell. he was too nonchalant for his own good sometimes.
like who the fuck wears pink bright shorts at his parents-in-law’s beach house? WITH NO SHIRT ON.
his eyes were full of love as he looked at you, the sun making the already beautiful landscape even more dazzling as time seemed to stop once more, everything but him disappearing at that moment. not being able to wait any longer, gun-woo then leaned his head up, pouty lips brushing yours teasingly for a moment before connecting in a proper kiss.
his touch was soft and tender, brushing against your mouth as he had so many times before, your tongue darting out to meet his briefly as his arms around your waist pulled you even closer. the sudden change in height since you got up from the bench was a different angle for both of you.
a silent moan escaped your lips as your barely clothed breast brushed against his, giving your boyfriend the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue properly inside your mouth for another taste.
his hands squeezed your sides lightly, applying just the right amount of pressure to feel good, and just as you were about to pull him even closer to deepen the kiss, he slowly pulled back, making you want his lips more.
a smile appeared on his face at that, the smugness behind it pouting in response. you straddled him so your faces were on the same level and suddenly the boxer went exe.error404
"jagi, your mom-". he spoke, his hot breath hitting your face with each exhale. you smirked at him.
he was so mean.
"how can you act innocent right after sucking my mouth dry a second ago, you monster?".
"but-". oh no. his cheeks were red, wide eyes searching for one of your parents to pop up from nowhere suddenly, hands finding no safe spot to grip at your sides, finally opting to put them in your waist, almost engulfing its whole circumference because of the size of his hands.
when a few moments passed and you still remained in the same state, he finally relented and sealed your lips once more in a quick kiss, one of his hands moving up from your waist to gently caress your swollen lower lip afterward.
“is that what you've been thinking about all this time, baby?". he asked embarrassingly, eyes avoiding your brown ones for all that was worth.
you nodded, your eyes roaming all over his face before reaching out to move some of the hair away from his eyes, gathering his attention.
"sorry, but yes". you pouted, a small smile starting to appear on the boxer's mouth. you could tell he was embarrassed to hear you confess he occupies your mind 24/7 as if he didn’t know that yet. "and that you are so irritably sexy".
not even one second after, gun-woo's hand is covering your mouth with his eyes wide open and a laugh escapes your lips. he instantly mouths for you to be careful.
"i didn't even say anything wrong!". you defend, automatically tracing his scar on the right side of his face like you are already used to, brushing his hair at the end.
"you want sexy time, i know you!". he whisper-shouts, now completely avoiding your gaze. you laughed.
"sorry". you were not. "it's not my fault you're wearing pink shorts! you can't do this to me, you're mean!". you whined on his lap.
"you were crying seconds ago, what happened?!". it was his turn to pout, looking genuinely confused at your change of emotions. "woojin-hyung said you were crazy when you guys first met".
"that old f-". gun-woo covered your mouth again, warning you. "he's lucky he didn't make it here".
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this one is for my crybaby girlies i got you don't worry, gun-woo is here to wipe your tears and fuck your brains out - in a loving way. loved imagining beach!gunwoo a little too much.
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seriouslysnape · 1 year
hello! can i get a severus lazy sunday morning with the reader? 🖤
Severus Snape x Fem! Reader Tags: None. Word Count: 1.1k "You can stay right here. I'll call you when it's ready."
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It was the pattering of rain on the roof that initially woke Severus up. It drummed on the house and sprinkled across the windows. The trees outside rustled from the wind that whistled outside. He let out a slow exhale at the sound of the low rumbles of thunder rolling off in the distance.
Three days of solid rain was more than enough, and frankly, he was missing the sunshine. Nonetheless, there wasn't a thing he could do about the weather, so he supposed that griping about it wouldn't do him any good.
After all, it was hard to complain when there was a beautiful woman curled up next to him.
Severus was a bit of a stirrer in the mornings. He wasn't typically one to lounge around in bed, typically getting up and on his feet the moment that his eyes opened. But you, on the other hand, liked to gradually wake up instead of getting a fast start to your day. If there wasn't an immediate reason to get up, then you were more than likely going to stay snuggled in for a little while.
With that being said, he tried to keep his movements to a minimum to avoid waking you. He could bear staying wrapped up in the sheets if it meant you getting some extra rest. He was perfectly content with holding you close and watching the weather rage on outside through the window.
Unfortunately, he couldn't control the volume and intensity of the thunder that accompanied the rain. One booming crack of thunder spooked you awake with a hard flinch and a light gasp. The sudden reaction even made Severus jump a bit, his arms holding you tighter as a gesture of protection.
"It's all right," He nuzzled his nose into your hair, pressing a kiss just above the tip of your ear. "You're safe. It's just a storm."
His morning voice always sent a chill down your back. It was deeper than usual, groggy and sluggish. You relaxed at the sound of it, releasing a relieved sigh when you realized that your house wasn't being attacked by some outside force.
"Mm. Still raining I assume?" Your eyes fluttered closed again in an attempt to slow the hard thumping of your heart.
"Unfortunately." He grumbled, his focus on you instead of the storm.
"It's not all bad. I've had you all to myself for three days straight." You giggled, the sound of your laugh spreading a warmth over his chest.
"Darling, has there ever been a time where you didn't?" He answered.
He pushed some fallen strands of hair out of your eyes, a small smile appearing on his features as he admired your calm expression.
"Generally, no. But sometimes the duties of being a professor steals you away."
He couldn't deny that. Just being a professor could be overly demanding -- adding in being the head of Slytherin and some occasional administrative responsibilities could most definitely dry up the well of his free time.
Before he met you, he spent pretty much every night at the school in his personal chambers. He didn't see the need in traveling home every night (as easy and convenient as it might've been) if he had no real reason to. He spent all of his time at Hogwarts from September to June.
But after meeting you and having the pleasure and blessing of your lives intertwining, he had to learn how to balance his work life and personal life. Now, he traveled home almost every single night, unless he just couldn't get away from his office and/or classroom.
He did everything that he could to ensure that you were his top priority...although, sometimes he still fell short.
"We still have well over a month before the term starts," He remarked. "Plenty of time before my schedule gets overly full."
"What's on your schedule until then?" You asked, eyes opening just enough to peer up at him.
He let out a low chuckle when he kissed your temple, the vibrations running down your side and causing a brief tingle in your toes. He exhaled a satisfied hum when one of your legs settled between his.
Another roll of thunder rumbled, yet not quite as vigorous this time. You smiled at him, which caused a tint of a blush to appear on his cheek.
"Doesn't sound too busy then." You ran your index finger's knuckle across the apple of his cheek with a feather-like touch.
"Just the way I like it." He smirked.
A round of silence followed. The two of you were just enjoying each other's presence and taking advantage of the fact that you had absolutely nothing to do...not to mention having a great excuse not to come up with something to occupy your time.
The rain was relentless after all. Who in their right mind would want to go out in this kind of weather? It was a perfect setup for a day inside.
There were plenty of things to do around the house. The only problem was that you had already been doing them for three days now.
You could only take a crack at raiding and reading your entire library for so long. The house was spotless and lemony fresh, so cleaning was crossed off your list. You were looking forward to trying a new recipe for dinner, but you assumed that you still had an entire day to get through first.
"What time is it?" You asked, realizing that it could've been noon for all you knew.
Severus raised his head just enough to peek over you to get a glimpse of the alarm clock on the bedside table on your side.
"6:47." He answered.
"Oh, that is so early," You gawked. "I'm too awake to go back to sleep though."
"Shall I make us some breakfast then?" He suggested. "You can stay right here. I'll call you when it's ready."
"Pancakes? Coffee?" You asked, a glittering admiration for the man talking sweet to you shining over your face.
"Of course," He nodded. "Whatever you want, angel."
He peppered kisses across your nose and down your neck, bubbly giggles and squeaks sounding out from your chest. You managed to squeal out an "I love you" through laughter and shrills.
He couldn't understand how someone like you could love him so much. He liked to think that he had done something in his life to deserve some like you. But in reality, he knew that he was just plain lucky.
"I love you," He returned the endearment before whipping the covers off of the bed, ignoring your hiss of disapproval. "Pancakes are on the way."
Once he was on his feet, he pulled the covers back over you, chuckling at the way you shimmied further down with a gleeful whimper. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before leaving to whip up the best stack of pancakes you had ever tasted.
"Enjoy the rain, my love."
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vanteguccir · 8 months
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         𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Matt helps Y/N get through an anxiety attack.
REQUEST?: Yes, on Wattpad.
WARNING: Anxiety attack, panic attack, toxic home, toxic father, fighting between parents.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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Y/N closed her eyes tightly feeling her head spin from the loud voices coming from downstairs. Unfortunately, her parents fighting was nothing new, and even less so was her father starting the fight.
Y/N's father has always been the type of father who is physically present but emotionally absent, living in the same house as the girl since her birth, but never really playing the role of a kind and welcoming father.
Quite the contrary, her father has always been a very demanding and controlling man, Y/N having witnessed his first attack of stress when she was just a week old, when her mother cooked lunch for both of them, but couldn't bear to eat everything on her plate due to the exhaustion of being a first-time mother, and her father started a series of screams demanding that she eat all the food, after all "he pays the house bills and the food in the cupboard and refrigerator and didn't want to see anything being wasted", ignoring completely the scandalous crying of the little girl, who understood nothing at the time.
And it was exactly in an environment like this that Y/N grew up, learning that staying silent all the time at home prevented fights from reaching huge peaks, but suffering the consequences with the fights inside her head, which grew more and more. With all of this, the girl ended up developing panic attacks and severe anxiety, which she only discovered through a quick diagnosis from her school psychologist, as her father refused to pay for a consultation for her and her mother did not have enough money to do it.
Y/N grew up with constant fights outside and inside her head, experiencing the most bitter moments inside her own home, where she had to face her anxiety attacks alone on the floor of her room, muffling the loud sounds of her sobs with pillows.
But whoever was listening to her cry through all this time, listened to her prayers and sent an angel into her life. Y/N met Matt two years ago in a cafe in the city completely by accident, the barista at the cafe ended up getting confused with their orders and handed Matt's to Y/N and vice versa, the two only realizing it after the first sip.
And since then Y/N no longer had to face her fears alone, her refuge in difficult times stopped being her cold and lonely bed and became Matt, with whom she could lean on in all the sad and happy moments too, and the best thing being that she, having experience with herself, could help him with his own anxiety attacks, the two of them moving towards a better mental place together.
But despite the willpower to improve and all the effort, there were days when it became more difficult. Y/N had woken up that morning with a bitter taste in her mouth and a heavy head, feeling like something was going to happen, and she wasn't wrong.
The day went by with a heavy air, the girl staying at home all day since it was a Sunday and Matt spent the day filming with his brothers the podcast that would be posted the next day, and all the weight that lived in the walls of her house seemed to have been transferred to Y/N's back, she couldn't remember the last time she felt that, and the fact that she wouldn't see Matt that day only made it worse.
At the end of the day Y/N understood why she woke up with the heavy feeling. Her mother was cooking something in the kitchen for dinner that would be served soon, which the girl was sure she would just grab a plate and go up to her room to eat alone, but during the process of making the food, her mother let some glass escape from her hands, making a thunderous noise.
Y/N was startled by the sound, getting up and running downstairs without thinking, just worried about her mother and wanting to understand what had happened, but while the girl calmed her mother who seemed in shock over the broken plate, her mind began to scream danger.
Seconds later the sounds of heavy footsteps became present and it didn't take long for the male screams to be heard, her father releasing several curses along with insults towards her mother and, consequently, towards herself as well.
Y/N felt numb, her father's voice becoming a background sound as a buzzing settled in her head. The girl wasted no time and ran upstairs, all she wanted was to get away from the fight.
It didn't take much more than a minute and she found herself closing the door with a bang, throwing herself on the floor next to her bed and curling up in a fetal position, her throat making horrible sounds as she tried to draw in air, which never seemed to come enough.
Her heart was beating fast and her hands were shaking tirelessly.
In a moment of sanity, the girl crawled to the end of her bed to get her phone, thinking about the only one who could help her at the moment. Her fingers raced to the emergency contacts, seeing only one in the listing, Matt.
She quickly clicked it, putting it on speaker and dropping the phone on the floor.
"Hello my love, we're almost done here. I was thinking about calling you next, what do you think about... Y/N?" The boy answered with a smile in his voice, stopping talking when he noticed a sound like a strangulation in the background. "Y/N? Baby, please, what's going on?" He asked desperately, standing up quickly from his seat in the recording room on the other side of the phone, fully gaining his brothers' attention.
The girl couldn't respond, barely able to hear him properly, her mind just processing that she needed air, her eyes closed tightly as she felt as if her room was shrinking in size around herself.
"Baby stay with me, I'm coming, I'm coming. Stay with me..."
The male voice seemed to come and go in Y/N's ears, and what took less than 10 minutes seemed to take hours in her fragile mind. The sound of her bedroom window opening echoed through the room as Matt entered the pink-walled room after climbing the roof of the two-story house, already used to the action.
The boy quickly ran towards his girlfriend, throwing himself on the ground, kneeling next to her and hugging her tightly, trying to bring her mind back.
"I'm here, baby. I'm with you." He whispered incessantly against Y/N's ear, feeling her smaller body tremble against his. "Baby, I need you to take a deep breath for me. Stretch, come on." He spoke, helping her straighten her spine and stretching her legs, leaving her sitting in an L-shaped position. "Can you breathe through your nose for me?" Matt asked, watching carefully his girlfriend's face, feeling his heart tighten at her state, her lips trembling, her cheeks hot and rosy, her face tense and her eyebrows furrowed.
Y/N tried to do as requested, finally being able to identify her boyfriend's voice, but the action seemed to lead nowhere.
"Come on, my love, I know you can do it." He asked in a whisper, feeling his eyes burn with tears. Upon seeing Y/N's difficulty in fulfilling the request, he quickly approached and sealed her lips tightly, briefly remembering when the girl did the same to himself during one of his worst crises.
Y/N stood still, her hands still shaking and her heart beating hard, but her mind seemed to contain itself and the loud noise inside her fell silent.
The girl felt tears roll down her face, opening her eyes, her vision slowly getting used to everything after being in the dark for several minutes. She calmly pulled away from Matt, drawing a breath of air into her lungs, feeling relief at being able to do so.
Y/N looked at her boyfriend's face, seeing him smile in relief as tears rolled down his own eyes.
"Don't cry." She asked weakly, pulling him into a tight embrace, pressing her cheek against his, their tears mixing together.
Matt let out a tearful laugh, sniffling as he brought one of his hands to Y/N's hair, stroking the spot.
"I'm just glad you're okay."
"Thank you Matt." She thanked him, hearing him sigh happily. Y/N snuggled closer into Matt's arms, still not having the strength to get up from the floor and he didn't seem to want to do so yet either.
"I love you so much, my love." He whispered a few minutes later, kissing the top of her head. Matt slowly moved back after getting silence in response, looking at his girlfriend only to see her with her eyes closed and breathing lightly, sleep having taken over her weak body from the intense moment.
The sound of two knocks on the door made him look up, looking intently to the door and ready to protect his girl if necessary, but relief filled his heart when he saw that it was Y/N's mother.
The woman had her face between the door and the frame, ready to check if her daughter was okay after the mess in the kitchen, but her worried features were replaced by a soft smile when she saw her daughter and her boyfriend cradled together.
"Thank you." She whispered truthfully to Matt, earning a nod before carefully closing the door.
The mother walked towards her own room with a light heart, knowing that Matt would do anything to take care of and see her daughter well.
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midnightskyeneko · 3 months
Belphegor was right.
This was all too convenient.
Descendant of Lilith? "Randomly" chosen for the RAD Exchange Program? This sounded like a bad joke.
A day passed. One timeline erased, one "me" dead. I couldn't sleep. I remembered the pain of the blade in my heart, the feeling of warmth spreading all over me, then...I was okay again.
I smiled through explanations, I kept a strong face in front of the others. On my own, I couldn't stop myself from going between tears and numbness.
Belphegor...he was a friend. Even after he lied and tricked me...I thought maybe it was because he was locked up for so long. Trapped in one room for so long can make you do crazy things. But...he's also a demon.
I pulled the blankets over myself and curled into a ball. Death was not a fun experience to have. How could I look at him again after all this? Would I be able to? I didn't want to see any other of my pactmates either. A cruel reminder that I'm just a human, and they are not.
I didn't leave my bed. Even with knocks on my door and texts, I didn't answer. I ignored calls. Lucifer still scared me, but it seemed even he understood a little.
The day passed. I rotted in my room, staring at the wall, or sitting under a hot shower until I didn't feel like being pruned anymore. My stomach growled but my hunger sickened me enough to be nauseous.
Night fell. A knock on my door. I sighed. Opening it a crack, I saw the first looking worried. He wasn't his usual boisterous self.
"Can I come in?"
I opened the door more, closing it once he was inside.
He sat on the bed. I sat beside him. He held his arms open, and I collapsed into them. His scent calmed me, letting all of my weight land on his chest. Mammon stroked my hair, letting the stillness lull me to sleep. I was tucked in when I woke the next morning. The demon disappeared.
The dining room carried its usual arguments as I entered, hair pulled in a messy bun and a yawn escaping me. The room got quiet as they turned to me, but it was only then did I realize someone was standing at the other entrance to the room. We locked eyes.
He opened his mouth to speak, but I only turned away, not wanting to break down again in his presence. My eyes already stung enough, and my heart pounding against my chest didn't help either. I showered, got myself ready, and headed to school alone.
I ignored him.
I tried to.
He sat near me and talked at me, but I only gave one-word replies, emotions swirling around me like a hurricane. I didn't trust him anymore, and being convenient for the brothers was just another jab at my insignificance.
They only care about Lilith.
Lunch was spent alone.
I walked home as soon as the bell rang.
I was alone in my room again.
I wanted to go home.
Diavolo got his wish. Humans and Angels and Demons can live in harmony. He created a connection to all three realms through a single person.
The descendant of an angel, the pactmaker of demons, born from human blood.
And I wanted to leave.
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todorokis-girl · 4 months
I Never Knew You Were Alive - Soulmate AU (II)
Touya x f!reader
I do apologize, I have a certain love for the mundane, and I like to expand on boring things before I get to the "meat" of the story. This one has nothing but mundane.
If anyone has any suggestions, I am open to hearing them. I have a rough plot, but like I said, I get side tracked with exploring random things, my pacing can be kind of slow. I do filler chapters when I feel like writing but I haven't finished the main chapter yet.
Also, if you want to get tagged in the next one, please let me know.
No actual dabi in this one
Chapter I: So it starts Chapter II: A late arrival Chapter III: belive of be doomed Chapter IV: What are we doing? Chapter V: Last minute encounter Chapter VI: Deciding to fall in love with you
Previous chapter
Next chapter
Chapter II: A late Arrival
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As the sun rose over the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold, a new day dawned at The Hero Academy. Excitement buzzed through the corridors, echoing the eager chatter of students and the hushed whispers of anticipation, at what this new semester would bring them.
Amidst the throng of pupils eagerly making their way to class, one figure stood out—a newcomer, her footsteps quickened by nerves and determination. Unbeknownst to the students, she was already late, the weight of unfamiliar hallways slowing her progress as she navigated the maze of the school seemingly for the first time, even though she had been there before, as a student herself. With each passing minute, her heart raced, a slow, calming breath exhaled though her nostrils, the anxiety of tardiness threatening to overshadow the promise of a fresh start; and as she finally stepped through the classroom door, a momentary pause hung in the air, hinting at the unexpected journey that lay ahead. 
She was unlucky Aizawa had told her to simply step into the classroom the moment she arrived, he had start of the semester paperwork to get done, he could leave them alone for a couple of minutes to wait for her. New people scared her, and children made her anxious. Why did she think she could do this job again? Keigo had a point telling her to reject the job. 
She placed her things quickly behind the podium, and grabbed a piece of white chalk from a box of them that already lived there. She was gonna do the classic cliche of writing her name on the board; but what was she to do, she was anxious and still terrified to attempt to look at the students. Taking a second to adjust to the admosphre, and get their attention withought looking at them seemed the most apropriate. 
She hadn't meant to be late, she woke up this morning at the UA dorms like she was supposed to, with plenty of time to spare, she was even having a lovely talk with her new co-worker about how to approach the students of class 1A; but there had been a sudden emergency at the agency and Endeavor was already split with work. As talented and powerful as he is, he can't be in two opposing places at once; and she was still the second to call there. 
The coffee was sweet, with an adequate amount of creamer, it tasted... perfect nutty with a creamy texture "This is delicious," My eyes brighten intensely making direct eye contact with Aizawa, Sh was truly not expecting it to be so good "thank you for the coffee" I'm never going to a coffee shop again. 
He ignored her and started talking about his students, giving careful insight into the ones he considered harder to handle "Bakugou can be a little rough, he might sound aggressive, but he's truly just a dedicated person" She nodded signaling that she was listening, but never forgetting her coffee. 
As calming as the morning might seem from an outside perspective, she wasn't feeling calm at all, and she didn't know why. She woke up with waves of anxiety washing over her, and as the hours passed, anxiety turned to determination and slowly... a weird mixture between happiness, satisfaction and sadness. Where it al came from she didn't really know. What she did know is that she was thankful Eraserhead had taken time out of his morning to help her out not just with advice, but with company, allowing her to control the conflicting shift of emotions. Even if she didn’t really know where they came from. 
She was about to open her mouth, to ask a question about the best way to structure lessons for them, to add to the previous insight she was given, but she was stopped by the loud ring of her phone, the ringtone she had for any calls coming from the agency. 
She quickly picked up the phone, excusing herself from her co-worker "This better be important, Heatstroke" She took one sip of her coffee as she heard the intense response, "Endeavor is busy in a meeting with the commissioner, emergency fire at a building, too hot for any of us to walk into....it's the bluefire quirk" immediately putting the mug down (regretfully), she hung the phone and got ready to leave
Before she could she quickly turned to Aizawa, before leaving "I might be a little late... any chance you'll keep the students entertained until I get back?" A hopeful expression covering her face. 
"Just walk in, they won't burn the classroom down, or I'll make them suffer; a couple of minutes won't hurt" I laughed running out the door, his reply calmingly amusing and grateful my hero suit was my uniform. 
She took one final deep breath when her name was finally written on the board, time to turn around... 
She cleared her throat attempting to get the attention of the members of the class, not noticing that she already had it "Good morning students, sorry for the wait," she greeted them with her usual bright smile, hero work had it's perks outside of using your quirk freely; it provided professional level acting experience "I'm the temperature hero, Thermiforst, and I will be your teacher for the new class 'Alternative Strategies' it's a pleasure to meet you all" 
"You did good, the students seem to like you" She looked up from her paperwork to make eye contact with Aizawa, making her relax just a little bit. She had been overthinking all day about the impression she had made of the students of both class A and B. 
"Thank you, it was all thanks to you really, "controlled curiosity"? Was not expecting that to work" He sat down a cup of lavender tea (the smell was quickly feeling her nostrils, she didn't even need to get close to the cup to identify the type) next to the paperwork she was working on, following it up with a plump and juicy looking peach. She smiled and looked up at him carefully, with a soft smile, she felt so welcomed "Thank you". He simply waved her off over his shoulders as he walked away to his own desk. 
Going back to your old school always sounds like such a lame thing to do. Sort of like reminding yourself of all the times graduated students would come back to the school to visit to seem cool, and it just ended up seeming stupid; it's different when you're coming back to teach, but it still gives a bad feeling at first. 
Also, the whole thing with Hawks the week before had undeniably rattled her, at first she was just mad that he was implying that she couldn't take care of herself as well as the students, but now, with fresh eyes and a new perspective of the situation... she was just worried. Hawks was over protective of her, so was everyone else around her, but this was unusual, he'd never question her heroism, or her ability to take care of herself. He knew more than he was saying, and if she knew anything about Keigo and his background, the hero comission was one-thousand percent behind all of this, and that scared her; it appeared he was in a lot more danger than she could possibly be. 
The league of villains. She could see how the comission could care about them, currently they are a danger to not just society but the hero community, and there was no chance, the hero comission was simply going to let that go... 
Kaigo... what the hell did you get yourself into... 
Her thoughts running so high she once again started to feel a slight bothersome in her soulmate mark, it always demanded attention when she seemed to be running high on emotions. She always thought, it was simply her body asking for her soulmate for comfort, but she didn't have the ability to do that; and she hated the constant reminder. 
She got snapped out of her thoughts and her eyes went to her phone freshly lit up screen. A fresh message from Keigo. Speak of the devil.
'How was the first day with the brats?' She looked over at the time realizing that she was due to clock out, and started packing up her things before she took the time to answer the message. Quietly thanking him for reminding her she did't have to sit there indefinitely. 
She placed the straps over her shoulder, the weight of the one strap she used causing her to lean slightly to the side. She took the clip off and dropped it on her desk, if she forgot to take it off, she would have nothing to hold her hair up with it. 
She finally took her phone to finally reply to her messages; as she did she remembered the blue flames from earlier in the morning, and how for some reason they had caused a sense of familiarity and a deep longing. 
She was used to walking on fires, and extremely cold temperatures; nothing to worry about. What she was worried about what the fire felt like, on her skin, it felt like she could stand there for hours and feel at peace. She felt comfort. She'd have to look into it later. 
'It was really fun, don't call them brats, they're really sweet kids' 
'yeah yeah, whatever. I'll see you this weekend for coffee as usual, right?' 
'of course loser, stay alive till then, ok?' 
'Sure, See you Tomorrow at the usual place" 
'see you tomorrow’ 
Weeks later
In the hushed confines of the darkened living room, a rhythmic tapping sound reverberated as the back of laptop was lifted the back of her laptop, her fingers clutching the sleek device with a hint of tension. Her gaze remained fixed, unwavering, on the solitary blue radiance emanating from the unassuming coffee machine stationed on the kitchen counter. Yet, amidst the ambient glow, her vision faltered, blurred by the shimmer of tears that veiled her eyes, from her perspective, casting twin reflections of the light. As they spilled over, tracing a silent journey down her cheek, the world seemed to blur into a poignant symphony of emotion. 
She had a feeling that something was off, her soulmate's name on the inside of her arm burned, it burned so much it made her resolve falter. She went into the blue flames enveloping the building, with the intention of finding survivors, she was the only one who could walk into them; and Endeavor had been in the middle of a reunion with the commissioner when everything started.
The feeling of the fire on her skin felt... calming, almost comforting, and it shook her to her core but she ignored it and pushed herself to walk to save people. Through out the entire event, the more she stood in the flame, the more her soulmate mark screamed. Once the job was done, and the reports are written she gave herself the time to look over the person behind the fire. 
Dabi, member of the League of Villains, quirk? Bluefire. Similar to Endeavor's.. but hotter, much hotter, so much hotter it seems, that it slowly burns away his own body from the inside out. No one knows where he came from, who he is or even what his name is; all we know is that he's... Dabi. 
The current knowledge was making her overthink, what she was thinking was insane, absolutely fucking crazy. yet, if it was true... it wouldn't be hard to believe. Sure, Endeavor helped her out, basically raised her and allowed her to use the family name after her own parents ditched her... but she wasn't delusional. Enji Todoroki wasn't a saint, and she knew it. The state of the family was definitely a tall tell sign of that. 
You're crazy, years without a soulmate has made you delusional. 
But, the feelings, the soulmate marks, the quirk similarities with Endeavor, the seeming obsession with Shouto and Endeavor.... 
She had to find him, he was out there and she had to find him. She was going to ask him, and she'd let him go, just this once... for his troubles, just in case she was wrong. She needed to tell him, even if she had no response from him. Because if she was right, he already knew who she was, and that killed her. 
She quickly snapped herself out of her trance, and looked around the even darker room, random scattered lights all around from multiple appliances; she took a deep breath to snap herself out of the heartbreak she had caused herself and opened her laptop again; quickly accessing Endeavors agency database and into her profile, placing a pin on the villain and setting notifications to be sent to her phone. 
With the process over, she looked around her inmediate area, attempting to find her phone. She hadn't had any confirmation in the next few weeks, but she was sure of who could give her the information she wanted, and he was going to help her. 
She scrolled through her phone's contacts looking for his name, once she spotted it, she quickly proceeded to click on his name and placing the phone in her ear. 
"Hey Birdie, it's kind of late for a call, you ok?" His voice was gentle, you could hear the clear worry. 
She looked up to the clearly visible time in her microwave '3:00 am', she swallowed guiltily, she hadn't even noticed; but she wasn't gonna wait anymore. 
"Hey Keigo, I need something from you" 
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winchesterwild78 · 2 months
The Ranch pt 2
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Master List
Characters: Jensen-cowboy, single dad, x Reader-city girl moved to country to get away from it all
Warnings/Theme: brief mention of depression, angst (more like guilt), fluff
A/N: A short little story featuring our favorite green eyed cowboy, not an actor in this, lives on a ranch in Texas, is a widower with 3 kids. Reader is a city girl who moves to the country to get away from her ex and start a new life. She takes a job on the ranch and things develop between her and the cowboy. Internal dialogue in italics.
So much love and thanks to @cheynovak for the idea. ♥️ All work is my own. No disrespect to anyone, this is a work of fiction. Real names are used, but again this is a work of fiction. Got a little carried away with this chapter, sorry.  Do not take my work
Minors DNI 18+
The next morning you woke up early, showered and headed down to the kitchen. Jensen was up and was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. “Good morning, Jensen.” He looked up and smiled, “Good morning, Y/N. How did you sleep?” “Like a baby. The bed was so comfortable, thank you.” “There’s coffee in the pot if you want some, I’ve already eaten, and the kids should be up soon.”
“Great, so what would you like me to do today?” You asked as you filled up a coffee cup. “Well, the kids need to get to school today, so if you could get them ready and out the door that would be great. The bus will be here at about 6:45. Once they are on the bus, you can come find me. I should be at the horse stable.” “Sounds good, I’ll see you shortly.” 
Jensen nodded and stood. He was wearing a t-shirt, jeans, boots and he grabbed his cowboy hat. Damn he looked good. Jensen walked outside and you heard his truck start up and pull away. 
You walked upstairs and woke up the kids. JJ got out of bed quickly, the twins were a little slower. Arrow just glared at you when you tried to get her up. You smiled sweetly at her and she rolled over, putting her back towards you. You softly sighed and got up. You went to Zeppelin’s room and got him up. He was excited to see you, and he hugged you. It took you by surprise, but you hugged him back. 
You went into the hallway, “Okay guys, 10 minutes I need you all downstairs so you can get to your bus on time.” Walking back down the stairs you went into the kitchen and started to make breakfast. You figured pancakes with orange juice would be a good breakfast. JJ and Zep were the first down the stairs. They came into the kitchen excited when they saw the pancakes. 
They both sat at the kitchen table and you put pancakes on their plate. You cut up Zep’s and poured him some juice. “JJ, do you know where Arrow is?” Stuffing her face she looked up at you, “She said she’s not going to school.” “Hmm, okay. You two stay here, I'll see what’s going on.” 
You walked back upstairs and took a deep breath before going back into Arrow’s room. You walked in her room and saw her still in bed. “Arrow, honey, you need to get up, it’s time for school.” “No! I’m not going.” You stepped closer to her bed, “Arrow, come on, your daddy wants you to go to school.” “No! I said, I'm not going, I don’t feel good.” “Okay, I’ll let your daddy know you’re not feeling well. It’s a shame you are going to miss the delicious pancakes I made just for you three. Your daddy didn’t even get any.
She rolled over and looked at you with her big eyes, “You made pancakes?” “Yep, and I even put out chocolate chips to go on them, but you’re not feeling good so I’ll let you sleep.” 
“Wait, Miss Y/N.” You turned and softly smiled at her, “yes, sweetheart?” “Um, If I get dressed now, can I still have some pancakes?” You walked over to her bed and sat down, “Of course you can. I’ll make sure you get some.” She smiled and whispered, “Thank you.” You stood up and walked back downstairs. A few minutes later you saw her coming down the stairs and you smiled slightly. 
When she sat down you handed her a plate with pancakes on it. You slid the chocolate chips over to her and smiled. She nodded and put some on her plate. A few minutes later the kids were fed and grabbing their book bags to head to the bus. As the four of you walked towards the end of the driveway, Zep ran up beside you and took your hand. You smiled down at him and he smiled at you. 
You looked over and saw Arrow staring as you all walked towards the bus stop. She smiled a little but then looked away. As the bus pulled up you told them all to have a good day and they climbed on the bus. JJ and Zep waved at you as the bus pulled off. 
Once back in the house you cleaned up from breakfast and you went upstairs to make the kids’ beds. Making your way to each room, you made the beds and cleaned up. You walked into Arrow’s room and started to clean up and make her bed. You noticed a piece of paper on the floor. You bent down and picked it up. The paper was a picture she drew. It broke your heart, it was a picture of Jensen, her, JJ, and Zep. In the sky was a woman with red hair. You knew from the pictures you saw downstairs it was her mother. It all made sense to you. Her treatment of you, her walls. She missed her mother so much. So you came up with a plan to help her open up, but you needed to talk to Jensen.
You walked over to the horse barn and saw Jensen inside working. He was moving bales of hay. His shirt showed off his back muscles and his biceps flexed with every movement. You bit your lip and your thighs clenched together. God he looked so good. You cleared your throat getting his attention. “Oh hey there darlin’. Did the kids get up and off without any trouble?” “Yeah, they all got up, ate some pancakes and made it on the bus. Sorry I’m late getting down here. I cleaned up the kitchen and made their beds.” 
Jensen stood up, wiped the sweat from his forehead and chuckled. “They got you good this morning. They know they are supposed to make their beds.” You both laughed. “I’ll remember that.” “So, what would you like me to do?” You asked him as he moved the last bale of hay. 
“Well I figured I could teach you how to brush the horses and muck their stalls.” “Sounds good to me.” “Okay, so the first thing we need to do is brush the horses. You pull them out and tie them to the hook on the wall, and use that brush over there to brush them.” “Sounds easy enough.” Jensen grabbed the brush and pulled out the first horse, the one he rode yesterday. “This is Cinnamon. She’s my favorite.” Jensen said as he smiled at you. “She’s beautiful, Jensen.” “She was Dee’s horse. Her and I bonded after Dee died. She got so depressed she wouldn’t eat, I would sleep in here with her, keeping her company. Well, we both got depressed after Dee. We saved each other.” Your breath hitched.
“Oh Jensen, I am so sorry. Seems like Dee left an incredible mark on everyone and everything here. You know, Arrow really misses her too.” “Yeah she did, she was an incredible woman. Arrow and her were really close too. After the twins were born, I was gone a lot trying to keep the ranch going. She bonded with them and Arrow was her mini-me.” 
You told Jensen about the picture and you saw his eyes fill with tears. A few tears fell from his eyes, and you reached up and brushed them away. His breath caught in his throat. “I’m sorry Jensen, that was inappropriate.” He looked at you and gently smiled, “It’s okay. Thank you for being so kind.” 
Jensen stared at you for a few minutes before breaking eye contact. He went back to brushing the horse and showing you how to brush them. “Okay, are you ready to muck the stall?” “Sure, I still have no idea what that is, but let’s do it.” Jensen laughed, “Oh you’re going to regret saying that.” 
Jensen grabbed the shovel and large trash can and opened the stall, “The first thing we have to do is use this shovel to clean out the old hay and the manure. We throw it in the trash can. Once we get it shoveled out we spray it with the hose and scrub.” 
You grabbed the shovel and started cleaning out the stall. Jensen let Cinnamon run in the corral as he got the next horse out to brush. You were just shoveling the last bit out as Jensen’s head popped around the stall, “Looking good, Y/N.” You looked up at Jensen and smiled softly. Putting the shovel down, you grabbed the water hose and sprayed the stall and scrubbed. As you were rinsing the floor, you slipped. You braced yourself for a fall that didn’t come. When you looked up you saw Jensen. He had his strong arms around you, he caught you as you slipped. 
Your heart beat wildly in your chest as the two of you looked in each other’s eyes. His arms were wrapped around you tightly. You both were breathing heavily. “Jensen, thank you for catching me.” He helped you up, “You’re welcome, sweetheart. These floors get slippery when they are wet. Be careful.” 
The two of you stood there inches away from each other, you could feel his hot breath on your face. He reached up and brushed a piece of hair behind your ear. You blushed. Your lips were inches away from each other. You could hear your heart beating loudly in your ears. “Jensen, I um.. I don’t think this is a good idea.” You bit your lip, not believing what you were saying. 
Jensen backed away, “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I don’t know what came over me.” You touched his arm, “It’s okay, I understand.” He ran his hands through his hair and walked away. You grabbed clean hay and put it in Cinnamon’s stall. You moved to clean out the next stall, and saw Jensen out in the corral with Cinnamon. He had a saddle in his hand. Jensen put it on Cinnamon and climbed on. You watched as he took off on her. 
You sighed loudly. “Great, just great Y/N. He was about to kiss you and you screwed it up. What the hell is wrong with you!?” “You okay there sweetpea?” You jumped when you heard a gruff voice behind you. “Oh yeah, sorry I was just talking to myself. I’m Y/N.” “Yeah, I figured, I’m Clif. I saw Jensen take off on Cinnamon.” “Yeah, um I’m not sure why. He was showing me how to take care of the horses and the stalls, then he left.” 
Clif sighed, “I know where he’s going. He’s going to talk to Dee. He does that from time to time. He’ll be okay.” You nodded in understanding. “Well, Y/N when you finish here, come find me at the other barn. I’ll show you what to do there.” “Okay, Clif, it was nice to officially meet you.” “Yeah, you too, Y/N.”
Clif left and you continued cleaning the stall. The last horse was larger than the other two. He was a beautiful gray and white horse. You were able to get him out of the stall, brushed and in the corral. You cleaned his stall and put in fresh hay. After you were finished you cleaned up the equipment and went to find Clif. 
As you approached the barn you heard talking. You saw Cinnamon in the corral outside the barn. You heard Jensen’s voice, “Yeah, she slipped and I caught her. Clif, I almost kissed her. I don’t know what came over me.” “I do, you’re a man, and she’s an attractive woman. You’re allowed to be happy again, Jensen. Dee would want that.” “I know, I just feel like I’m betraying her.” Clif put his hand on Jensen’s shoulder, “I understand, but just know you’re not. It’s been 2 years, it’s okay.” 
You walked up to the barn and opened the door, trying to make enough noise so they knew you were there. “Hey, Clif, are you here?” You called from outside. “Yeah, in here.” You opened the door and made eye contact with Jensen. “Hey Jensen.” “Hey, Y/N. Did you get the stalls clean?” “Yep, sure did. Came down here to see what I could help Clif with.” “Well, there isn’t much here today. You’re more than welcome to head back up to the main house if you want.” Jensen told you with a soft smile. 
“Oh, okay. If you’re sure.” “Yeah, I’m sure.” “Okay, well I’ll head back, take a shower and make y’all some lunch.” Clif and Jensen smiled at you, “Sounds good, thanks Y/N.” You nodded, smiled and walked towards the house. 
Great. Now things are weird between you and Jensen. Why didn’t you just let him kiss you, you know you wanted him to. I guess I need to start looking for somewhere else to live. He’s not going to want me here anymore. Maybe I should just go back to Alex. 
You sighed as you walked and thought to yourself. You made it to the house and went to your room. Grabbing clean clothes you walked into your bathroom. Showering felt amazing after cleaning out the horse stalls. You washed your hair and body, getting out you dried off and pulled on clean clothes. 
Walking into the kitchen you decided to make sandwiches, chop some fresh fruits and vegetables and make a fresh pitcher of sweet tea. You had just finished when you heard the front door. Jensen walked in the kitchen and smiled at you, “You clean up good, sweetheart.” Your heart fluttered. “Thank you. Lunch is ready if you’re hungry. It’s not much, just some sandwiches, fruits, veggies and some tea.” “Sounds great, thank you.” 
Jensen walked over to the sink and washed his hands. Grabbing a plate he put some sandwiches, fruits and veggies on it. Then he grabbed a large glass out of the cabinet and poured himself some tea. He sat down at the table and started to eat. 
You grabbed some food and started to head outside. Jensen looked up at you, “Where ya going sweetheart?” “Oh, I was going to eat outside, give you some space.” Jensen looked shocked. He stood up, walked over to you and grabbed your plate. He set it down on the table, taking your hand and looking in your eyes. “I’d rather you eat with me, if you want to.” You nodded yes and sat down beside him.
The two of you sat eating in silence. “Look, I think we should talk.” Jensen said, interrupting the silence. You looked into his green eyes and took a deep breath. Here it comes, he’s going to ask you to leave. “It’s okay, Jensen, really. This was supposed to be a trial basis. I can pack and be gone before the kids get home. Really, no hard feelings.” 
Jensen sat stunned, “What?! No, that’s not what I want. Wait, is that what you want?” You put your head down and whispered, “No.” “Okay, good. What I was going to say is I’m sorry I tried to kiss you. You just got out of a relationship and I’m still a mess. I like you, but I don’t want to push you into anything. I don’t want you thinking you have to be with me to keep this job either. I saw the horse stalls and they looked incredible. You do amazing work, and the kids love you already, especially Zep.” 
You smiled, “Yeah, they are great kids. Jensen, I like you too. I just don’t want you to think I’m trying to jump in your bed and replace your wife. I’m not. I think we should just take things slow.” Jensen smiled, “I agree. Let things happen naturally. No expectations, no pushing.” You nodded in agreement. “Great, now that we have that out of the way, thanks for making lunch, Y/N. It’s delicious.” You smiled, “Thanks, it’s not much, I’ll cook something really good for dinner.” 
“Oh, I wanted to ask you something, Jensen.” “Sure, anything.” He looked up at you. “So the picture Arrow drew, where she had Dee in the sky, had me thinking. I want to do something special for her and the other two. Do you happen to have any pictures of Dee holding each one, just the two of them in the picture?” “Yeah, we should have some in the photo albums in the living room.”
“Do you mind if I look after lunch? I want to have copies made of each picture and give them to the kids to put in their room. That way they can see her and talk to her whenever they want to. It’s something my mom did for me when my grandmother died. It helped me grieve.” Jensen smiled at you, placed his hand softly on yours, “I think that’s a great idea, thank you for thinking of my babies like that.” 
You looked at his hand on yours and smiled. Clif came in and grabbed some lunch, just as you were finishing. “Jensen, could you help me find the albums?” Jensen stood, “Sure, I’ll be right there.” You nodded and left the room. Clif smiled at him and Jensen smirked, “Stop it Clif.” They both chuckled.
Jensen walked in the living room and pulled out the albums for you. “They should be in one of these. Would you like some help looking for them?” Jensen asked as he handed you the albums. “Sure, that would be great.” The two of you sat on the floor and looked through the albums. He laughed and showed you different pictures telling you about the day they were taken. 
Clif heard you two laughing and walked towards the living room and watched you two interact. He smiled and looked over at Dee’s picture that hung on the wall near him, “I’m trying Dee. He’ll be okay, she seems good for him.” Clif whispered to her picture, like he was talking directly to her. 
Jensen was able to help you find 3 different pictures that were taken not long before Dee died. Jensen stood up and walked over to where you were sitting and offered you his hand. He pulled you up, you stumbled forward and landed flush against his chest. 
You looked up at him and he looked down at you. Your breath caught in your throat, your heart racing again. You licked your lips and Jensen’s eyes were focused on your lips. You leaned forward, and so did he. You both took a deep breath as his lips were inches from yours. 
Closing your eyes you leaned forward until your lips touched. The kiss sent electricity through your body. Jensen’s hands cupped your face, and then his fingers went into your hair, pulling you deeper into the kiss. His tongue licked your lips and you parted your mouth allowing him access. Your tongues fought for dominance, moving together in an intricate dance. You moaned a little into his mouth and he pulled you closer. 
The two of you finally pulled away and were breathing heavily. You looked at him and blushed. He ran his thumb over your cheek, “You’re so beautiful.” You blushed, “Thank you.” He kissed your forehead before letting go of you.
“Jensen, what time do the kids get home? I want to have the pictures ready and go to the grocery store before they get home.” “They should be home about 3:30, do you mind if I go with you? I have some things I want to pick up in town.” “No, not at all. I’d welcome the company.” “Great, let me go shower and change. I’ll be back shortly.” You nodded and Jensen left the room.
You sat down on the couch and thought about the kiss. The two of you had decided to let things happen naturally, I guess once the pressure was off things just happened. You weren’t sure what the kiss meant, but you knew you couldn’t wait to kiss him again. 
Waiting for Jensen you pulled out your phone and noticed you had a message from Alex.
Alex: Hey, you’ve got some mail. Where should I send it?
You: I’ll find out if you can send it directly here or if I need to get a PO Box.
Alex: Why can’t you just tell me where you are?
You: It’s not my house, Alex. I don’t want to just give you the address without asking my boss.
Alex: You live with your boss? Are you sleeping with him too?
You: What the hell Alex, No! This is a live-in position. I help take care of his kids and I work on the ranch. 
Alex: Okay, well if he tries to sleep with you, then you can sue him.
You: Alex, he’s not like that. I’ll let you know where to send my mail.
You let out a frustrated sigh and tossed your phone to the side. Jensen stepped in the room and saw, “You okay?” “Yeah, just my ex being a jerk.” Jensen’s jaw clenched, “Sorry, anything I can help with?” “No, not unless you can go back in time and tell my younger self not to date him.” You chuckled and Jensen smiled. 
“Are you ready to go?” Jensen asked. “Yep, ready when you are.” The two of you headed out the door. His hand instinctively went to the small of your back, leading you outside. He opened the truck door for you and you climbed in. Jensen walked around to the driver’s seat and got in. 
Before too long, the two of you were pulling into a parking spot at the local grocery store. Jensen told you they had a photo lab inside where you could make prints. You grabbed the photos and walked towards the store. Inside, Jensen led you to the photo lab and helped you make copies of the pictures. 
You picked out three nice frames and put them in the cart. Jensen smiled at you, he was in awe of your kindness towards his children. You continued shopping together and loading up the cart, picking out things for dinner and other groceries the household needed. As the two of you rounded a corner you noticed a tall man, with dark hair walking towards you two. 
He was smiling and approached you and Jensen. Jensen looked up and smiled. “Hey, Jay! I thought that was you. How ya doing? How are the rugrats?” “Hey, G! We are doing good. Oh where are my manners? G, this is Y/N, Y/N this is G, well Gino. He’s Dee’s brother.” You extended your hand, “Nice to meet you Gino.” “You too, Y/N. So how do you two know each other?” “Oh, I work on the Ranch. Jensen just hired me.” Gino nodded and looked at Jensen.
You noticed the shift in energy, and it made you a little uncomfortable. “Jensen, I’m gonna finish getting the things I need.” Jensen shifted a little, “Yeah, sure. I’ll catch up.” You nodded, “It was nice to meet you, Gino. Please excuse me.” “Yeah, you too, Y/N.” 
When you walked away you let out the breath you’d been holding. Not exactly sure why, but you felt a twinge of guilt now for kissing Jensen. Gino turned towards Jensen, “Dude, what is going on? Are you two a thing?” Jensen’s eyes went wide, “No, she works for me. She helps take care of the kids and does things around the ranch.” “Listen, Jay, I’m sorry if I’ve come off as anything but supportive. It’s been 2 years, Dee would want you to be happy, I want you to be happy. Just remember it’s not just the two of you who could be hurt if anything goes wrong.” Jensen shifted and rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah, I know. She’s really good with them, G. Especially Arrow. That little firecracker gave her a bit of trouble this morning, but she was able to break down a bit of her wall.” “That’s great Jay, just promise me you two will take it slow.” “We are, I promise.”
The rest of the day went pretty fast. The kids came home from school excited about their day. You helped them with their homework as Jensen finished working. As the kids played you cooked dinner. You were excited to give the kids their pictures and figured after dinner would be the perfect time to do it. 
Jensen came into the house shortly before you finished cooking. He walked in the kitchen covered in dirt and sweat. “Smells good. I’m starving.” “It’ll be ready soon. Why don’t you go take a shower and change.” You smiled at him. Jensen walked over to you, he was about to kiss you when he heard the kids. He pulled away and offered you an apologetic look. 
You whispered, “it’s okay” and he nodded, walking away. You knew the two of you had to be careful with this relationship. Agreeing not to move too fast. This wasn’t just to protect the two of you, it was for the sake of the kids too. 
About 20 minutes later, dinner was ready and the five of you sat around the table. Laughter and conversation filled the air. Your heart warmed at the sight. Looking up you made eye contact with Jensen. You blushed, and he offered you a soft smile. 
After everyone had their fill of dinner, you went into the kitchen to clean up. Jensen walked in with some dishes from the table. “Hey, Y/N, thank you for cooking dinner. It was amazing.” He pulled you into a hug and you inhaled deeply, taking in his scent. “You’re welcome, Jensen. I’m glad you liked it.” You handed him the towel, “I wash and you dry?” You smiled. “Sure, sweetheart.” He chuckled and took the towel.
A little while later Jensen called the kids to the living room, “Okay guys, Miss Y/N has something she wants to give you guys. Go ahead and take a seat.” You were a little nervous. Especially with Arrow. You’d been trying to break down some of her walls, you were afraid the slightest thing would build them back up. 
“So your dad and I were looking through some pictures today and I found some I thought you three would love, so I had these made for you.” You handed all three kids their own framed picture of them with Dee. JJ and Zep were off the couch quickly and threw their arms around your neck. JJ looked at the framed picture, “It’s me and mama. Is this mine?” Jensen looked at his oldest daughter, “Yes baby, it’s for you to keep in your room.” “Forever?” Her voice small. You looked at her, “Yes, JJ, forever.” 
JJ and Zep ran to their rooms to put their pictures beside their bed. You and Jensen noticed Arrow hadn’t said a word, or reacted. The two of you exchanged looks. Jensen sat next to her, “Sweetie, you okay?” Arrow didn’t answer. 
Panic filled your body and you looked at Jensen with fear in your eyes. Arrow just sat on the couch, looking at the framed photo. Her eyes flashed up and met yours. You smiled softly at her. She looked back down at the picture then back up at you.
She leapt off the couch and threw her arms around you with tears in her eyes. You let out the breath you were holding and hugged her tightly. Jensen’s eyes filled with tears. Arrow let go of your neck, grabbed the picture and went to her room with it. Not a single word was spoken. 
A few hours later, after showers, brushed teeth, and bedtime stories, it was time for the kids to go to bed. You and Jensen made your way around telling each of the kids good night. Zep and JJ had their pictures on their bedside tables, when you walked into Arrow’s room you didn’t see the picture. 
“Good night, Arrow. I hope you have sweet dreams.” You said as you kept looking around for the picture. “Good night, Miss Y/N.” Her voice was so soft. You smiled at her and turned to walk out. “Miss Y/N?” “Yes, sweetie?” “Thank you for my picture. I love it. It’s my favorite picture of me and mama.” You crossed the room and sat on the bed beside her, “Oh sweetie, I’m so glad you like it.” Looking down, you noticed the picture was in her bed with her. Your heart soared.
You leaned down and softly kissed her forehead, “Good night Arrow, and good night Dee.” You didn’t know Jensen was standing outside the door and heard the whole conversation. Before you walked out he slipped away. His heart warmed in his chest. 
With the kids in bed you went to your room and slipped into your baggy t-shirt, and sleep pants. You threw your hair up in a messy bun, grabbed a blanket and your book you had been reading. Stepping out on the balcony, you settled in one of the chairs and pulled out your book. 
You heard a soft knock on your door and got up to answer it. Standing there in a t-shirt, and gray sweatpants was Jensen. His hair was slightly messy, and a relaxed look on his face. “Hey, sweetheart, am I interrupting?” You shook your head “no”. Jensen licked his lips and looked at you. You stepped to the side and let him in. As soon as he was inside the room, he closed the door and his hands went around your waist, pulling you into a searing kiss. 
Your mind was racing, heart pounding and your body began to respond to his touch. The kiss was different from the first one, it was full of passion and need. The two of you finally pulled away, gasping for air. A blush formed on your face.
“I love it when you blush, you’re so beautiful.” “Jens, not that I’m complaining, but what was that for?” “You’re an incredible woman. You put my kids’ needs before anything today. You’re helping my baby girl come out of her shell, and I heard you in her room. When you told Dee good night. I can’t ever thank you enough for what you’re doing to help my babies, or me.” 
You touched his face and smiled, “Jensen, you don’t have to thank me. The four of you are hurting, and rightfully so, I’m just showing kindness, nothing more than kindness and sympathy.” “You’re doing so much more than that, you’re fixing our broken hearts.” 
Your breath hitched. You’d never seen Jensen’s eyes so brilliantly green. You smiled at him and he smiled back. 
There was a comfortable silence that fell over you two. Just sitting on the balcony, looking up at the stars. The rest of the night was filled with stolen glances, soft kisses, and falling deeper for each other. As Jensen told you good night and placed a soft kiss on your lips, you felt yourself yearning for him. You knew keeping that feeling inside would be difficult, but Jensen was worth it. Little did you know he was feeling the exact same way. 
Part 3
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