#he must’ve taken a jet
worstloki · 1 month
Do you guys think Loki made small talk with his sceptre gang on the jet from New York to Germany or was it awkwardly silent the whole way over
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honkytonk-hangman · 4 months
When Jake Met Polly
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
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Summary: Jake likes to flirt with his Air Traffic Controller or Jake Seresin has never seen When Harry Met Sally.
Warnings: Not much, fluff, flirting and refs to sex.
Note: This is just a short little idea i've had for agesss... reader has a 'name' but it's just her callsign, Polly, as in, short for Polaris. Ty to @hangmanssunnies i wuv u <3
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“Hangman to Tower, I am coming in hot.”
You roll your eyes at the all too familiar voice that crackles through your radio, a smile pulling at your lips as you adjust your microphone and briefly throw a glance over your shoulder, just to make sure your commanding officer wasn’t lingering.
“Tower to Hangman. We are appalled at the gross lack of radio etiquette on display,” you respond. Barely a few seconds pass before you receive a reply.
“Come on, Polly, we've been working together for over a year now, what’s a little informality between colleagues?” Hangman says, and despite his jet only being a blip on your horizon still, you know he’s grinning.
“A commercial airline, Lieutenant.” You deadpan, your own smile growing as his laughter comes down the line. “You are cleared for landing, proceed to runway B,” you continue, not wanting him to have to ask again seeing as his approach was cutting it close already.
“Polly, have I ever told you that you’re my favourite Controller?” He asks as you watch him enter the pattern, and click your pen.
“Only every day we work together, Lieutenant.” There’s a beat of quiet as he expertly manoeuvres his jet toward the correct runway.
“And how sexy your voice is?” He goes on, sounding vaguely distracted.
“Once again, Lieutenant, this is not a commercial airline.” You respond, twirling your hair around your finger at his compliment anyway.
He doesn’t reply, and a shock of horror flickers through you as you watch the jet touch down once, something happening with his landing gear that makes the jet shudder, then seem to bounce momentarily before it drops back onto the tarmac and skids to a stop.
“Hangman, do you require the emergency crew?!” You ask quickly, eyes scanning the aircraft as it powers down fully. You wait tensely as the canopy pops up, and a broad figure jumps out, scrambling down the ladder, and once on the ground, he bends low to get a look at the problem.
“No, Polly, thank you. Seems the landing gear malfunctioned, must’ve been in a position to sustain damage once I landed…” his voice trails off, and you watch him straighten, and greet the ground crew who’d raced over to help.
“Glad you’re safe, Lieutenant. Tower out.” You say as he begins discussing with the crew, but briefly turns up toward the tower and raises a hand.
You let out a sigh of relief and settle back in your seat.
Around lunch time you make your way down to the tarmac. Hangman’s jet had been cleared off some time ago, and by now you know reports would have been filed, including your own, and his aircraft will have been taken in for inspection and repairs. You’re milling around the ‘crash’ site, inspecting the scrape marks left behind when you hear footsteps from behind approaching you.
“Can I help you ma’am?”
You know his voice immediately, but you know his face too, and when you at last turn back to him you’re graced by the sight of it, bright and unworried, despite the accident he’d had earlier.
“Oh, don’t mind me! I just watched someone bounce their jet off my tarmac earlier, just checking for potholes,” you tell him wrly. It takes a moment, but his face flashes with recognition and soon he’s taking a step towards you.
“Polly?!” Hangman asks, sounding surprised. You hum in response, then round on him.
“Where is it that you found your qualifications, Liuetenant? We should probably return them,” you tease him. Hangman only takes up a stance and stretches his arms out, his flight suit stretching desperately around his biceps as he does.
“Oh, Polly, if I’d known that was all it took to get you down here, I’d have started chipping bits off months ago,” he flirts shamelessly. You smile at him but don’t speak and after a moment, he drops his arms again, crossing them over his chest instead and blinking at you curiously. “What?” he asks.
Your smile grows, and you shake your head at him.
“Your terrible lines work better when I can see you, that's all,” you inform him, making him uncross his arms and laugh.
“I would say that’s generally the case, even if a guy ain’t me,” he replies coolly. You only shake your head again, and look back out at the expanse of tarmac ahead of you.
“Thanks to you getting your pilots lisence off the back of a cereal box, we’ve ruined our Sleepless in Seattle thing,” you say with a forlorn sigh.
When you look back at Hangman he’s frowning at you in confusion.
“Our what?” he asks. You roll your eyes and turn to face him fully at last, waving your hand as you speak.
“You know, our Sleepless in Seattle thing. We talk all this time, but never meet, and if we cross paths, we don’t realise it? It’s ruined now,” you accuse him lightly. Hangman hums, and seems to think for a moment.
“I get to be Meg Ryan in this situation, right?” he says, making you chortle.
“Well you’d have to be. No way I’d leave 90s Bill Pullman!”
“Well, what if we’re not Sleepless in Seattle? What if we’re more… When Harry Met Sally?” he suggests. You squint at him.
“Have you seen that film? I’m not sure that’s the implication you want to go for…” you ask him, making him falter for a moment.
“That’s the one with the emails right?” he responds unsurely. You laugh again, and shake your head.
“No, that’s You’ve Got Mail.”
“What the hell did I just suggest, then?” 
You stare at him for a moment, and can’t stop yourself from grinning up at him.
“More or less not speaking for like ten years, but on the rare occasion we do meet up, we argue,” you tell him, watching him frown even deeper, and shake his own head this time.
“That would be kinda hard, considering you’re the voice in my head,” he says.
“Oh, so we’re doing Her now!”
Hangman fixes you with a deadpan expression and a slightly smirk.
“I don’t even want to know.”
You laugh at him, and begin walking, unsurprised when he immediately joins you, falling into step at your side. “So,” he begins again after a moment, peering down at you. “Despite playing hacky sack on your tarmac, you still gonna let me take you out?”
You falter briefly, but keep walking, this time glancing up at him.
“I didn’t think you were being serious all those times you asked me out,” you don’t bother hiding your surprise. Hangman looks back at you, squinting, and cocks his head.
“At this point I think you’ve shot me down more than Dagger combined, why would I not be serious?” he asks you, sounding oddly serious. You chuckle.
“Right, so, say if, I don’t know, Rooster got a few more hits on you, you wouldn’t leave me hangin’ would you?” you know you’ll say yes, but you can’t help but tease him a little longer.
Hangman raises an eyebrow at you and grins wide and beautiful.
“You? Never,” he says. “Mostly because I’m legally obligated to respond when you speak to me.”
You lift your own eyebrow and fix him with a wry smile.
“I like that in a man.”
Hangman laughs.
“I mean it, your voice is sexy,” Jake tells you once he’s sat back down from replacing your drinks. You can’t help but chortle and stir your cocktail with the straw.
“Really? Me telling you to line up and wait in the pattern gets you going?” you ask. Jake grins, but nods very seriously as he takes a short sip of his beer.
“Absolutely. I also like when you tell me about the weather and conditions, and direct me to land.”
Leaning forward with your elbows on the table between you, you put your chin in your hands.
“I liek when you flirt with me,” you begin, waiting for him to smirk at you before continuing on. “And you don’t realise my boss is in the room, so I just have to respond ‘roger’ and ‘acknowledged’ whenever you say something stupid,” you finish. Jake rolls his eyes and leans forward to meet you.
“To be fair, I’d probably be saying something stupid anyway,” he tells you.
You have to let out a laugh at that and finally lean back again.
“Oh yeah, that reminds me, are you ever gonna tell us all how to ‘bury a fossil’? You know, those things that you famously dig up and do not bury?” you tease, earning another eyeroll. Jake shrugs and copies your movements.
“I foretold Mav’s career comeback, didn’t I?”
You laugh again, but this time, get a good look at him sitting casually across from you, out of uniform and seemingly more relaxed than you’ve ever seen, or heard.
“I like your voice too,” you tell him at last, smiling a little at how he seems to preen at your praise. “Your accent is more pronounced face-to-face though, and you don’t sound like you’re performing all the time.”
Jake takes a sip of his beer and shrugs again.
“Can’t be Hangman all the time,” he says. You make a face.
“I like Hangman. He entertains me at work… but I think I like the guy who hasn’t seen When Harry Met Sally, and has a Fisher-Price pilot's lisence even more.”
Jake laughs and nods at you.
“Splash one,” he says before he leans in to you again. “Toddler’s generally have pretty good taste, in my opinion, they’re all about shapes and colours and boobs… can’t fault ‘em!”
You have to laugh and concede that at least, the two of you clinking drinks before you continue to flirt and chat for the rest of the evening.
When Jake drops you back at yours, you invite him inside, under the guise of lending him your DVD copy of When Harry Met Sally, but when he simply lingers in your living room, you start to consider other tactics.
“Jake?” you say, standing up from ‘searching’ your stack of DVD’s and facing him. “This is the part where you save me from admitting I don’t really own a physical copy of the film by having sex with me,” you inform him dutifully, watching as he straightens up and blinks at you. Then, he’s shaking his head, smiling, and taking a step closer toward you.
“I guess every good rom-com does have an earth shattering lie at its core, doesn’t it?” he steps closer, and this time, anchors his hands at your waist, tugging you into him a little more.
“Let's skip the conflict part and go straight to the happy ending, shall we?”
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thedroneranger · 1 year
Say My Name
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
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Précis: You and your crew enjoy playing games with the aviators at the local navy bar. You may have finally met your match...
Note: Stumbled across a meme that inspired this one. Hoping you think it’s as fun and light as I do—enjoy!
Warnings: 18+ only, smut.
Word count: 3.0k
It was innocent enough. Meet someone, introduce yourself with a fake name and see where the night takes you.
The game was even more fun as a civilian in a Navy bar bursting with aviators. They had no shame introducing themselves with their call signs, taking you home and never speaking to you again. Why should I?
I have to admit: It was a lot of fun. Made things feel low stakes. The hookups were a mixed bag, but that was part of the fun. 
The following week, you reconvened at the bar to brag about your time between the sheets or, at the very least, share a funny bit you gleaned as compensation. 
Since the bar was about as transient as the LAX airport, it was rare to run into someone twice. Plus, by now, we knew the Regulars—Regs for short. They, on the other hand, couldn’t be bothered to remember us.
An in-game challenge we liked to issue each other was running into Regs and seeing if they remembered us. You lose, you buy a round. You win, your drinks are everyone else’s problem for the rest of the night. 
This week was no exception. Skye, real name, had saved seats at the bar for Jane, real name, and I. Perfectly timed, the bartender delivered our drinks as we sat. 
Upholding our tradition, Skye arrived first, so she shared her conquest first. She had caught the eye of a tall, sun-kissed pilot, call sign Rooster, that lived up to the implied innuendo. For the first time, Skye wanted, no needed, a Reg! Our resident one-hit wonder, she refused to touch the same pawn twice. 
Meanwhile, Jane went home with a handsome guy, call sign Harvard. The three of us chuckled as she proceeded to rant about how he must’ve been a nepo baby to get into the country's most elite university. That, or all the jet fuel really killed quite a few brain cells. Thank goodness the head between his legs required only blood flow—it did not disappoint. However, she would rather watch paint dry than have to attempt to hold a conversation with him again. 
Now my turn, the pair looked at me expectantly. Both saw me leave with a suave blond pilot, call sign Hangman. 
Hangman was one of the smoother pilots I’d met. He stumbled upon me alone, sitting at the bar, Skye and Jane elsewhere toying with their catches.
“This seat taken?” He had a faint southern drawl. 
“All yours,” I responded. The bartender arrived with my drink, and Hangman wordlessly ordered his own. 
We looked at each other. His eyes were a stunning jade, and his smile was absolutely lethal.
Thankfully, I’d been told time and time again my grin was just as fatal. I let myself pretend that was the reason he was looking. Throughout the night, his gaze would drop to my mouth often. Occasionally, it would drift down my neck and sometimes lower.
His beer arrived and we continued to banter. Finally, an opportunity arose to exchange names. “Hangman,” he said, tipping his beer bottle toward me. 
“Alex,” I lied as I touched the edge of my drink to his. “Friends call me Lex.” I winked as I sipped my beverage.
Part of the fun was how long you could keep their attention or how often they got distracted by an easier target. I had to hand it to Hangman, I did not peg him as a blinders-on kind of guy, but he was. 
As the night wore on, we sat closer and closer. Surprisingly, I had not noticed when he hooked his foot on my barstool and was subtly inching me toward him.
My elbow was resting on the bar, our bodies turned mostly toward each other. Hangman had just delivered a punchline to an actually funny joke that made me genuinely laugh. 
“You know,” I looked at him through my lashes, “your accent gets thicker with every beer.”
His megawatt smile appeared. “The drawl is how I draw ya in.” He winked and knocked my knee with his. 
Damn, he was charming. 
If I hadn’t been sitting at the bar with him for the last couple hours, I’d find it hard to believe this funny, affable human was the same cocky asshole shit-talking his friends and sharking their cash in darts earlier in the evening.
Last call crept up on us. We stayed in our seats as we closed our tabs—a true gentleman, Hangman insisted he pick up my drinks. 
“Nightcap at my place?” He offered as he finished his signature with a gallows stick figure. A chuckle escaped me as I nodded in response. “What?” he inquired, cocking his head a little.
My eyes still on the receipt, I subtly gestured my chin in the same direction. “You’re really into your call sign.” He smirked, his deep dimples making an appearance as we vacated our seats.
“Only here,” he responded. “Makes the bartenders smile—I like to leave this place in good humor.” His hand slipped to the small of my back as we walked out.
He insisted he drive my car to his place, so I could leave at my leisure. He’d get his from the bar in the morning. 
“I’m surprised you live here.” I initiated conversation as he drove. I watched a smile tug his features. 
“Well, I wasn’t completely honest.” He stole a quick glance at me before putting his eyes back on the road. “I’m staying at a buddy’s house. He’s out of town while I’m in town, so he lent me his place. Allows me to avoid the barracks, and I return the favor when he’s in my neck of the woods.” He paused. “Have you ever been?”
It was the politest way I’d ever been asked if I were a tag chaser. “To the barracks? I have not had pleasure,” I responded. Sarcasm coloring my tone. 
“You’re not missing anything,” he quipped with a wink. I smiled mostly to myself. The rest of the ride was silent between us but not awkward. The radio was our soundtrack until he cut the engine in the driveway of a quaint little bungalow. 
As I exited, Hangman came around to shut the door and take my hand. We walked to the house, and once inside he left me to my own devices while he snagged some beers from the fridge. 
Hangman handed me a longneck as we settled into the couch, me tucked into his side. After some small talk, our beers almost empty, he was leaning toward me. His eyes locked on my lips. “You know,” I said as he continued to close the gap between us. “You’re much more of a gentleman that I was expecting.”
His signature smirk appeared. “There’s still time for me to not be a gentleman.” He pressed his lips to mine. Eagerly, I forced him back so I could climb into his lap. One palm rested on his chest, while the other tugged his locks. 
He groaned as I rolled my pelvis into his and roughly pulled on his lower lip. Playfully, I sat back, biting my own lip and batting my lashes. Hangman’s hands settled into the back pockets of my jeans and kneaded my backside. “Something tells me you're trouble.”
Our smirks mirrored one another. “Aren’t you lucky, you get to find out firsthand.” I leaned in for one more kiss, before slipping off his lap. Zero hesitation, he popped up, grabbed my hand and led me to his room. 
We barely crossed the threshold, and Hangman was peeling his shirt over his head. I mimicked his action, and we slipped our pants off at the same time. He watched as I slowly stood to my full height. His eyes wandered the length of my legs and then studied the tiny swathe of fabric covering my apex. 
As he looked, I turned so his eyes followed the curve of my thighs to my buttocks and then up my back. I was looking over my shoulder at him as he realized my bra was dangling from my index finger. My smile widened as the garment hit the floor, and then I sashayed to the bed.
He watched me sink onto the mattress. Knees wide, I let my legs dangle over the side and leaned back on one palm. The other was busy kneading my nipples to taut peaks. 
Even in the dim light of the room, I could see his pupils were completely blown. He sauntered over and stood between my knees. Tilting my head up, I met his gaze. Staring down at me, he tangled a hand in my hair. My eyes fluttered closed, waiting for his next command. 
Instead, he untangled his hand from my trusses. Eyes open with curiosity, I kept his gaze as he sank to his knees, resting his palms on the tops of my thighs. We never broke eye contact as he kissed each of my kneecaps. 
My breath hitched as his calloused fingers ghosted up my legs and curled around the sides of my panties. Almost involuntarily, my hips lifted so he could slip the garment down. Hangman took his time sliding them off, letting his fingers trail the entire length of my legs. Settling himself, he looped one of my legs over each shoulder. The position forced me to lie further back and prop myself on my elbows. 
I chewed my lip as he nosed and kissed along my inner thighs. His smirk appeared as he got closer to where I really wanted him. “As a gentleman, I’ll make you come first.” A wet, hot kiss punctuated his statement.
Before I could retort, he spread me with his fingers and suctioned his lips around my bundle of nerves. If it weren’t for his hand anchoring my hip, my entire body would've come off the bed. “Oh, fuck!” I nearly shouted as his fingers slipped down to my soaking hole. 
He pulled away, tugging my clit before letting it go, to watch his thick fingers languidly sink into me. Every come-hither motion had me seeing stars and the band in my lower stomach pulling tighter. Coupled with him lapping my core, I was nearly over the edge. The final push was a string of phrases, including ‘just like that’ and ‘good girl’ leaving his mouth.
I sat up and squeezed my eyes shut as my orgasm rippled through me. Hangman slipped from beneath my legs and settled beside me on the bed, ushering me to lay back down. Prolonging my peak, he scissored his fingers and enjoyed my walls tightening around his digits.
Finally through my high, Hangman removed his fingers. That disappointingly empty feeling washing over me, I opened my eyes to see him cleaning my arousal from his hand. “You’re sweet,” he said as he pulled his fingers out of his mouth with a pop and looked down at me. 
My hand went to the back of his head to pull him down for a kiss. Sloppily, I licked his mouth and sucked his lips to taste myself. We broke apart. “Mhmmm, needed to confirm,” I explained. His smile appeared as he pushed his lips back to mine.
Hangman growled as I sank my teeth into his bottom lip. Breaking the kiss, he slipped off the bed to grab a condom, rolling it on as he came back. He grabbed my ankle to position me at the edge of the bed so his length was resting against my throbbing apex.
The backs of my thighs rested against the front of his. He still had a hold on my ankle, while my other leg hooked around his hip. I watched as Hangman laid my leg against his chest. Then he toured the length of it until his hand came to rest on my hip. 
We kept eye contact as he leaned forward. “It’s my turn.” His hand slipped between us to guide his length into me. A hissed deflated my lungs as he seated himself. Girthier than his fingers, he gave me a few seconds to adjust.
Every couple of thrusts, his pace increased. Now verging on brutal, he hooked my legs around his arms as he planted his palms on the bed for more leverage. I couldn’t help the moans that escaped my lips as he relentlessly drove into me. 
“Taking me so well,” he complimented. “That’s a good girl, Lex.”
Who the fuck was Lex?!
My body reacted before my mind, and my open palm connected with his cheekbone. Hangman’s hips stuttered, but only for a moment. “What was that for?” he asked between thrusts. 
I’m Lex.
I forgot…
Fortunately, Hangman seemed none the wiser. “I need to know so I can do it again,” he clarified, smirking. 
“Shut up,” I ignored his question. “Put your hand around my neck.”
“Choke you?” he rephrased. 
Whining, I clawed at his wrist. “Yes, please!” 
He obliged, placing his palm over the column of my throat. His thumb, fore and middle fingers applied pressure to the sides of my neck. A hum buzzed up my throat and my bottom lip disappeared between my teeth as he applied pressure. 
The only sounds in the room were both of us panting and skin against skin. His hand had since left my neck and was cradling my head, fingers curled in my hair, while the other was planted beside me on the bed.
One of my hands reached between us to draw tight circles on my engorged nerves. Occasionally, I’d slip my fingers into a V around his base. “Yes, keep your hand there,” he instructed. I obeyed, squeezing rhythmically. A drawn out ‘fuck’ left his lips as his hips stuttered while he came. 
Hangman buried his face in the crook of my neck, but kept his pace to encourage my second orgasm. His hand replaced mine between us. The calluses of his thumb added just enough sensation to push me into my next pleasure wave. “Fuck, I love when you squeeze me.” His pace slowed at the same rate as my aftershocks.
Hangman uncurled himself from me, and I whined at the loss of heat and sat up. He threw me his discarded t-shirt before wandering to the bathroom. A minute or two later, he came back with a warm washcloth and, kneeling in front of me, gently cleaned me up. 
Offering his hand, he pulled me to standing. Then, before returning to the ensuite bathroom, he turned down the blankets and motioned for me to climb in. 
Jokingly poking a finger to my chest, I looked over my shoulder and then back at him. “You want me to stay?” 
His signature smirk reappeared as he walked over to me, standing close enough I had to look up at him. “Can I tell you a secret?” I nodded, waiting. He bent down so his lips met my ear. “I’m a cuddler.” He whispered, and then placed a chaste kiss at the top of my jaw, before dipping past me to the bathroom.
By the time Hangman came back, I was nestled into his bed, postcoital sleepiness settling in. He draped himself over me, wrapping an arm around my waist and slipping his leg between mine. The last thing I remembered was him pressing kisses to the back of my neck. 
A few hours later, I stirred to find myself tucked into Hangman’s side, him on his back. My head and hand on his chest, and my leg looped over his. His arm was slack in the valley between my hip and ribs.
I wanted to stay there with Hangman. Kiss him awake and then convince him to go to breakfast, but that wasn’t part of the game.
Begrudgingly, I slipped from his grasp. However, I had decided I was keeping his t-shirt. Collecting my clothing, I slipped on some pants. Then, I crept over to the bathroom to make sure I was somewhat presentable. Gathering the rest of my belongings, I hopped into my vehicle and headed home. 
Keeping up the facade, I left the longing details out of my story as I wrapped it up. Jane and Skye were both ready to jump on me with a million questions.
However, instead, their attention was drawn behind me. Confused, I swiveled in my seat to find Hangman leaning against the counter, looking right at me. 
“Hey, stranger.” My heart definitely skipped a beat. 
His gorgeous grin appeared as he stood to his full height and leaned closer to me. “Hey, stranger,” he repeated. “Left without a trace on Saturday.”
“Is that not what you wanted?” His gaze was intense, yet I couldn’t look away. 
“Not at all.” A drink arrived for him, and he winked at the bartender. “I was hoping we would go out for breakfast.” He sipped his beer. “Exchange phone numbers.” He paused again. “Real names.”
I’d been had. 
He smiled at my silent confirmation. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” I asked in a lower voice. 
Hangman leaned further in to whisper into my ear. “And ruin such a hot moment?” We pulled just far enough apart to look each other in the eye. “I was sad when you weren’t there for Round 2 in the morning.” 
I couldn’t help but grin. Heat filled my cheeks, as I looked at my shoes for a moment. 
“Instead of you toying with another flyboy’s heart tonight, I’m going to buy your drinks and get to know you…” he trailed off. I finished his sentence with my name, which he repeated with a grin. 
“I knew you weren’t a Lex.” He winked. “I’m Jake, by the way.”
“Hi, Jake. Nice to meet you.” I winked back before taking a sip of my drink.
Jake let out a hearty laugh that squinted his eyes. 
Skye’s hand brushed my shoulder as she and Jane vacated the area. They both gave Jake little waves. In exchange, he relayed soft thank yous.
He pulled my stool as close to his as possible and looped his arm around the back. “Well,” he looked down at me, “now that I know your name, I want to know everything else.”
“Good thing we have all night.”
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The Bradshaw Baddie™ Bunch: @cherrycola27, @roosterforme, @galaxy-of-stories, @taytaylala12, @malindacath, @violyn20, @awildewit, @potato-girl99981, @shanimallina87, @i-simp-much, @blue-aconite, @djs8891, @linkpk88, @furiousladyking, @daggerspare-standingby, @princess76179, @jstarr86, @hecate-steps-on-me, @chicomonks, @darkheartcherry, @soulmates8, @roosters-girl, @dempy, @roostette, @emorychase
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1343-40 · 2 months
He finds out Brady is gay. Well— Brady tells him, compelled by something as the both of them escape the chaos of the lounge room their teammates have taken hostage and settle on the back porch, heads thrown over the back of the sofa to watch the starry sky. Gale is silent for a long time, at a loss for words. He wouldn’t have guessed—he doesn’t know any other gay guys in the league, always shied away from the opportunity to find out, to seek them out. Not like there’s a fucking group chat he could join, anyway, just a careful word of mouth at best, one Gale has carefully steered clear from in his attempt to avoid self-sabotage, utterly futile in the end.
He doesn’t end up telling Brady what he would’ve two years ago, when the tone of Brady’s voice when talking about Blakely finally starts making sense. Doesn’t think Brady would appreciate it, anyway. He must’ve seen something in Gale, to take a gamble this risky. So Gale tells him he’s gay too, even though he suspects Brady already knows. He vaguely hints why he didn’t get re-signed with the Jets—figures Brady deserves to know. In response, Brady gets weirdly passionate about it, in his own way. Tells Gale he has his back, says fuck ‘em more times than necessary, but Brady’s drunk and Gale would feel bad making fun of him. He tells Brady he has his back, too, blushes embarrassingly when Brady places an arm around his shoulder and squeezes and doesn’t let go. He’s eternally thankful Brady is still staring at the sky and doesn’t notice—Gale feels too naked, bare under the weight of the confession, too unused to sharing this part of himself with people.
Curious, Gale asks him about Blakely and watches the way Brady’s usually impassive face transforms. Wonders, distantly, if he would look the same if somebody asked him about Bucky.
They spend the rest of that evening shittalking past teammates that never grew out of saying faggot and calling things gay, until one of their defense rookies finds them and tells them there’s a mandatory game of Monopoly starting in ten minutes.
Gale puts a hand on Brady’s shoulder when Quinn leaves and they muster up the strength to get up. He gets enveloped into a tight hug, immediately. He laughs, tells Brady that he’s too drunk and Brady agrees with a scoff, slaps him on the back one last time and promises not to steal any districts from him with a smirk.
- another excerpt from the running out of guts to spill. @swifty-fox sold me on brady/blakely so hard i had to include them lol. are brady’s feelings mutual? guess we’ll never fuckin know (we’ll know. we’ll for sure know. i’ll shoehorn it in idc. what the fuck is this ship. douglass i’m sorry for stealing your boyfie)
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warnersister · 1 year
Show Me The Way Home, Honey
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Simpson!Reader
Summary: The men at top gun love a bit of sweetness, turn out a bit of helicopter honey was just the right amount.
Warnings: mentions of injury, head injury, parental death, angst, allusions to smut, fluff, parental fighting, plane crashes, it's a happy story i promise.
Flashbacks In Italics -> not my gif
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All the aviators were gathering by the pool table, each wondering why their peers from years before surrounded them at the Hard Deck. Hangman had just taken a shot against Coyote before standing up, having recognised a familiar head of hair.
“Well if it ain’t Honey!” You stood at the bar, chatting with Penny while sipping on your second beer. You were famous at top gun, being Beau Simpson’s daughter after all. You were training at top gun around the same time as the rest of the pilots in the room, however flying the Air Ambulance and mountain rescue helicopters.
You turned around to the unforgettable voice, the face you were expecting stood before you, smirk adorning his tanned lips. “Hangman, you got old.” A few laughed at your remark but he just chuckled, pulling you into a hug as you embraced him tightly. “Didn’t expect to see you here, darlin’.” He hummed. “Could same the same for you, Jake.”
Your fame here in California wasn’t necessarily due to your father’s rankings, but the name you had made for yourself. It was your own decision to join the Navy, despite your fathers wishes to keep your feet safely planted on terrafirma - away from the dangers of the sky. But after almost a decade of your adamance and training, you were off, deployed on battleships or costal air bases - send to retrieve wounded or stranded fighter pilots when their missions had been unsuccessful.
God it must’ve been a decade since you’ve seen everyone, but these naval aviators couldn’t forget a face that easily - at least not yours.
You were 24, fresh from your required nursing training and now ready to earn your wings. You were accompanied by your father on your first day, getting a prologued lecture that you had yet to start paying attention too. “And watch out for those fast jet pilots. Don’t take no shit off of ‘em.” You raised a brow. “Why what’s wrong with fighter pilots?” You queries, your walk nearing to a close. “Long story short, the think with their dicks.” You scrunched your nose. “Jesus, dad couldn’t you have phrased that better?” He just shrugged and turned your shoulders to face him properly. “But I’m serious, if they try anything come tell me.” You nodded, a small smile on your lips. “Have a great day sweetie, I love you.” He kissed your forehead and gave you a big hug. “I’m starting pilot training, not kindergarten - I’ve been through two years of naval training and six of nursing.” You laughed, just still reciprocated. “I know, but your still my little girl, the only person I got.” Your mum died a while back, it still stung but you both knew you could always rely on the other. “I know, Cyclone.”
You started walking towards the hangar, but heard behind you “it’s admiral to you, lieutenant.” You shook your head, and headed for your first day - the first step into the rest of your life.
The hangar was decorated accordingly, at least ten sparkling and fresh F-18s sat, just waiting for their aviator to fly it. You continued walking, silently passing an ongoing lesson as you spotted your own adjacent to the helipad.
The clicking of boots was loud against the floor, echoing off of the metal of the hangar - the curious minds of the navy’s best fighters looking behind them to find the cause of the sound and god, they weren’t disappointed. There you walked, a stern look on your face, hair trailing gently as a slight breeze blew through the build, aviator glasses sitting atop of your head, and eyes glittering with adoration as you examined the aircraft.
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin was one of those watching you, a low whistle exerted his lips. “What have we here?” As he said that, Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw lowered his glasses to get a better look than he was already getting. “Now she is mighty fine.” Hangman continued, but Rooster couldn’t say anything, the only thing leaving his mouth was a trail of drool - he wasn’t alone, quite a few of the trainees now distracted, rather than listening to their instructor.
There were three of you training to fly the copter. A girl called Darla and a boy named Simon were both in your shoes. Your first day you were taken for a ride by your own teacher, Hurricane.
You had heard a few of the students mention a nearby bar that was overly friendly to the top gun pilots, so you assumed it wouldn’t hurt giving it a once over that evening. “Penny?” You asked, and the bar hostess turned around at the sound of her name, eyes lighting up when she spotted you. “Oh my god I haven’t seen you since-” She trailed off when she ran over to hug you. “My mum passed, yeah… been off training I’m officially an aviator now.” She raised her brows. “Beau Simpson allowed his daughter to join the navy?” “Not really, but not got much’ve of a say in it now!” You laughed. “Make sure those fast jet pilots keep it in her pants.” She raised her brows. “Damn are they really that bad? Thought my dad was just being dramatic.”
Penny swung back around the busting bar and asked what she could get you. “Just a beer, please.” “Coming up, sweetie!”
You took your drink and headed to the juke box, opting for ‘you've lost that loving feeling’ by The Righteous Brothers. You always loved that song, your dad playing it you when he spoke about when he himself was a top gun graduate. “You lost that lovin’ feeling, sugar?” You heard from beside you. There stood a tanned man, broad shoulders and toned arms that he was definitely flexing, a Hawaiian shirt and a pair of aviators to accompany the moon beyond the windows. “Ain’t lost it just yet.” You replied, taking a drink from your glass. “Names Bradshaw, call sign Rooster.” He offered his hand. “Simpson, call sign Honey.” You took it but instead of shaking it, he brought it to his lips and kissed it gently. “Mhm, sweet light honey, I get the name.” You laughed at the man. “Good to meet you, Bradshaw.” “Whatcha flying?” He asked. “How’d you know I’m flying?” “Saw ya in the hangar.” “Stalking me now?” “Always been drawn to the gorgeous ones.”
You eyed him, before replying. “Helicopters. I’m a nurse, you?” “F-18s, honey.” These were the ones you were warned about, the fighter pilots. But still, you were your fathers daughter - never one for really listening to instructions. “Using my call sign now? Could've at least bought me a drink first.” “Ain’t a call sign more like an observation. PENNY! ANOTHER FOR THIS MIGHTY FINE GAL, PLEASE!”
“How ya been?” He leant his arm against the bar, trapping you slightly. “I’m good hangman, I’m very good, you?” He chuckled and hummed in agreement.
you had been a member of top gun for a few weeks now, and you were enduring a PT session, courtesy of Hurricane. "Up, down." Push ups were gruelling after a full day of strength training, you'd been training so long even some of the fighters were calling it a day. through your peripheral you noticed someone perch beside you and you could only guess who it was when they started doing push ups at double the rate that you were going. "Give it up, Hangman." you huffed, pushing yourself down again. "Come on honey, double time!" and he nudged his hip against your own, sending you off balance. "JAKE! FOR GODS SAKE!" you groaned, keeling over and hitting him.
"Stay away from my pilots, jet boy." Hurricane grunted. "You're dismissed Honey, great work today." "Thank you, captain." Hangman offered his hand once you had gotten your breath back and you took it, heaving you up. he pulled you so close that your chest smashed against his. "Woah if you wanted to kiss you, just had to say darlin' after all, you're looking mighty fine." You rolled your eyes and pushed him off - "In your dreams, Seresin." "You're certainly in my dreams." He slung an arm around your shoulder and winked at you, escorting you to the showers before he had to leave you.
"You finally shake off the leach?" A woman also in the showers asked, a sarcastic smile on her lips. "Only thing stopping him was the female sign on the door." You replied and both shared a laugh, "Phoenix, you must be the famous Honey." "That's my name," You grinned. "You gonna be down at the Hard Deck tonight?" You thought for a moment. "Sure, see you there."
"Well how-howdy little, lil lady!" A voice exclaimed from behind you and you spun around at the voice. A little boy wearing a small pair of western boots, belt wrapped around his waist about three times to hold up the flared jeans he was wearing, vest and a pink Hawaiian shirt hanging open. He tipped his cattleman hat, and lowered his aviator glasses that were about a hundred sizes too big for him, almost falling off of his nose when he moved to rest his hands sassily on his hips. You knelt in front of the boy and gasped, raising your hand and fluttering your eyelashes as you feigned flattery. "Well hello handsome, don't you look nice?" He dropped his facade and giggled, stomping his little feet. you grabbed the boy as you stood up and sat him on the bar, keeping your hands on his waist so he didn't fall.
Hangman cleared his throat. "Who's this?"
you were stood at the pool table playing against Coyote while he was actively trying to flirt with you, just humming when he was bragging about some trip himself and hangman had managed to pull off on their flight today, before you were saved by Phoenix brining you a drink over. 'Life saver' you had mouthed to her, and she just nodded with a wink, pulling you away when you had won the game, Coyote much too busy trying to swoon you to realise the eight ball had already been played. "Hey, darlin'!" You turned to see Rooster, smirk adorning his face as he approached you. "Hey Brad," he began to engage in conversation before everyone's attention was drawn to where Penny's voice directed. "Beau, didn't think I'd see you anytime soon!" He laughed and hugged her, "Still human Pen, just getting better pay." All top gun members throats went dry, their relaxed evening seemingly turning into a drill session within seconds. he looked at the group and waved you over with a smile, everyone's jaws hanging open when he pecked your forehead and started up talk. "Hey dad!"
"Holy shit." Payback groaned. "Simpson, of course." Bradley said. "Well, you know what they say - get the father to like ya, get the daughter." Hangman said as he began approaching the two of you. "No one fucking says that, Bagman." Phoenix remarked, but he was away before he could be stopped.
"Admiral!" Hangman laid a hand on your shoulder and grinned at his superior, your fathers eyebrows shooting up as he looked between the two of you. you did a small eyeroll before shrugging the hand off of your shoulder and looked on, amused as he tried to sweettalk your dad.
you were soon distracted, though by a sweet tune emitting from the bar's ancient piano. you looked to see Bradley playing the starting chords to an infamous Jerry Lee Lewis song and you ran along to join him, pushing across the bench with your hip to simultaneously sing.
"What'd I tell you about fighter pilots? They're bad news." Your father grumbled under his breath as he drove you back to your temporary home. "They mean well." you hummed, but turned your head against the head rest to look at him. "I'm also not stupid- humouring Hangman is just funny." There was silence for a moment. "What about Rooster?" "What about him?" "I've seen those eyes he looks at you with." "What eyes, dad?" You scoffed with a laugh. "You know, those ones." You turned back to face the darkened road. "They're the only eyes he's got."
Before you could respond to Hangman, the boy groaned loudly. "Mama, I'm thirsty!" He thumped his boot against the bar slightly with a pout at those quivering lips. "Hey, what'd I tell you about stomping?" You hummed, tone gettng sterner. "Don't stomp the foot unless i want a boot in the but." He giggled at the final word. You smiled at him, glad he listened to you at his little tantrums. "You're just like your daddy." You rolled your eyes. "Now what can i get my little cowboy to drink?" "Orange juice please, mama!"
After thirty weeks of aggressive training, you had finally been out on several 'dummy' rescue missions. "So today, pilots we'll be focusing on-" The siren which had laid dormant since you arrived at top gun started bleating loudly with an iterative red beacon, accompanied by a female voice overing the neighbouring intercom. "Requested: lieutenant Simpson, Honey, lieutenant Pierce, bear, lieutenant Shirley, Temple, two F-18 fighter jets down at Toro Canyon Park, immediate medical backup required." The Captain looked at you guys. "Show time pilots, show me what you've got." And before you knew it, you were in the air and navigating your way towards the billowing smoke. You landed just off of the treeline, and managed to find the wreckages rather quickly - but it wasn't the planes you were concerned about, it was the pilots.
Two parachutes 100 feet away from one another, seemig like a collision below the allowed guidelines, you were guessing a mock dog-fight, "I've got this one." You ran towards one of the victims and your peers headed to the other, each carrying your medical bag.
you peeled to parachute away from them, and gasped when you saw a knocked out Rooster laying motionless on the grass. "Bradley!" You shook his shoulders, seeing no signs of response so moving him into the recovery position. After checking there was no obvious nor outstanding damage to his head, you removed his helmet to see a nasty gash bleeding right above where his helmet had cracked. "Brad," You kept talking, attempting to make him conscious. "Stay with me, Bradley." you began to apply pressure to where the bleed was, making a make-shift bandage covering the top of his skull until you could get him back to base.
"Hey Honey" you heard his voice rasp as he attempted to raise to his elbows but you pushed him back down. "Hi Roo, just gotta stay there for me, got a nasty gash on your head here." You explained, resting his head against the ground. "You're fuckin' gorgeous." He giggle, looking at your eyes with a dreamily-dazed expression. "Okay, Brad seems like a concussion." "No, no, you're the prettiest woman I've ever seen, wanna marry ya." He continued to blurt out. you tried to ignore the fluttering of butterflies in your gut, just shaking your head. "You don't know what you're sayin' Brad, just gotta stay still for me." You secured a neck brace. "No i know what i'm saying, i wanna take you out and propose and fuck ya so hard that you scream, then ill make love to ya so we have our own little Bradshaw-" He continued to mumble. you breath faltered and your heart skipped a beat at the thought. "There you go, Bradley. Ready to get you home." You secured him as Temple came over to help you, heaving up the other end of the stretched, and moving back to the helicopter, Bradley shutting his eyes in the meantime.
"Who was the other?" You asked. "Hangman" she replied with a scoff mixed with a laugh as you joined her. "Shocker. He injered too?" You asked and she shook her head no. "Was sat up awake when we got to him, damaged ego but nothing else - still taking him to medical to get a once over though." You nodded in response, giving the thumbs up Bear when Rooster was secured. Hangman took a sip of his complementary water, "Hey, Honey" You nodded. "Hangman" "What's up with Bradshaw?" "Concussion, head trauma, need to get back to medical to confirm anything else." he leant forward and placed a hand on the centre of your back and surveyed Rooster. "Back off, Hangman." He raised his hands with a chuckle, before moving backwards and allowing you to work.
You'd worked some overtime that day to wait with Bradley and make sure he could get discharged that evening so that's why you were sat beside him, having just replaced his glucose drip feeding into his arm. The clocked ticked over to eight but you didn't mind, you were move than happy to watch the sunset outside of the window in silence, especially beside Bradley - even if he's knocked out cold.
A sudden cough withdrew you from your thoughts as Rooster's eyes fluttered open. "Hey, sweetheart." "Don't you dare sit up." You warned with a glare, noticing the way his arms shifted below him and he relaxed again with a small smile. "Now this is a view I could wake up to everyday." He said. "Yeah, the sunset's beautiful-" "No, I mean you, I could wake up to you everyday." He spoke softly and cut you off, looking at you with a gentle stare.
"How are you feeling?" You ignored his statement. "I'm okay, seriously, just a bit tired." You smiled. "I stitched up your head, so no flying because you also suffered a concussion-" "I meant what I said." You stopped talking and gave him a questioning expression. "I'm in love with you." "Bradley-" He reached up and kissed you softly and you relaxed into it. "You been growing a moustache, Bradshaw?" "Do y' like it?" You hummed as you nodded. "Good 'cause it's stayin'."
"Yes, I'm his mom, aren't I baby?" You pinched his cheek and asked Penny for an OJ "Oh my! I didn't realise there was a big scary cowboy in my bar, here's your juice box, sir." Penny curtseyed at your son. "Much obly-obul- oby-lysed obliged, ma'am" He smiled, blowing bubbled into the carton through the small straw.
"Who's his dad-" "Nick! Buddy, what'd I tell ya about running from the truck!?" voice bellowed from the doorway, you turned to your husband, who's eyes softened at the sight of you when he removed the aviator glasses from his face. He walked over and grabbed you waist, pulling you flush against his body and leaning down you kiss you lovingly. "Oh I get it, you saw a mighty fine lady and decided she was more important than sticking with your poor old dad, I get it." He said to your son, nipping at your neck with his teeth.
Hangman gritted his teeth and forced a smile and acknowledged you husband, "Rooster."
You spent the next three months sneaking around with Bradley, hidden winks, ghost-like touches, stolen kisses, and honestly a few on-base fucks. All secret until one day your dad had decided to visit your medical station, where you were laid on the bed against Bradley's shoulder while he left kisses in your hair and drew shapes on your hips. "Hey hon-" You father walked in and the two of you immediately jumped off of one another. He froze in the doorway, "What the fuck!" He about-turned on his heels, slamming the door shut behind him before storming off. "Oh god-" You stood up, but was pulled back by Bradley. "He was gonna find out eventually," "He's gonna disown me, Brad-" You had never seen you father that mad before.
"Bradshaw." The group heard from behind their lesson. "Admiral," Rooster turned to see him, and the group hollered like a group of school-kids teasing the man as he was lead away from the hangar and towards Admiral Simpson's office. They sat in silence momentarily, Cyclone staring out of the window and taking deep breaths, assumingly trying to calm himself.
"What're you playin' at, Bradshaw?" He asked after a while. "Excuse me, sir?" He turned towards Bradley - crossing his arms over his chest. "My daughter, seriously?! My only fucking daughter?" His tone of voice rose with every syllable. "With all due respect, sir-" "No, you do not get to talk. My daughter if the only thing I have in life and the only thing I can really protect her from now she joined the navy is scum like you." "Scum?" "You fast-jet pilots are all the same. Can't keep your dicks in your pants, well I'm telling you now - you stay the fuck away from her-" Bradley cut him off. "If I'm not mistaken, you were once, too a fast-jet pilot and that means you lived up to your own assumptions, and I know she's the only one you got because your wifes's gone," "Shut your mouth Rooster, and listen-" "No-" Rooster stood up, his chair being shoved abck against the wall behind him. "You listen. We may not've been together that long, but I fucking love her and I wanna marry her whether you like it or not, maybe you should look at yourself as a fahter, she's been stayin' with me, balling her eyes out for the past week 'cause the only person she's got left ignores her calls and pretty much disowns her! That's your fuckin' problem, now if you dont mind, Admiral, I'm goin' home to the love of my fuckin' life and you have absolutely no authority to stop me." Bradley spat with venom, slamming the door shut behind him and heading home to you.
Cyclone gained a lot of respect for Rooster, that day.
"Hello," Your dad walked into the hangar where you were with Bradley and the two of yours conversation end quickly as you look towards your father with a blank and unreadable expression. "Sweetheart I'm so sorry," "I don't want your apologies, dad." You grunted. "Want me to leave, hon?" Bradley asked, but your father answered him instead "no, i need you here too." "Look since your mom died your the only thing I have I'd live in rags on the street if it meant you were happy, i couldn't stop you joining the navy and i was so scared, what if something happened to you? And i knew from working here for nearly a decade what the aviator reputation was. When i saw you with Rooster i felt I'd failed the last part of you i could protect. but i know, you're not a little girl anymore and I shouldn't have reacted that way, I'm sorry."
You said nothing, but stood up and hugged him tightly, tears apparent in your eyes. "It's alright, sorry for going against your wishes." You reciprocated, "You are a Simpson after all." You both laughed, and your father held out an arm. "Come on Bradshaw, I can deal with you as a son-in-law, I guess."
"Bagman." You husband nodded, mouth pursing into a thin line. "He yours?" Bradley grinned, cockily. "He sure as hell is, aint ya, Nick?" "Yeah, dad!" The boy giggled.
"Er, I think Coyotes callin' me." And he walked away, to absolutely no one as Bradley chuckled victoriously and snaked his arms around you. "You scared him off, Brad." "Good, shouldn't even be lookin' at ya, you're all mine." He pecked your cheek, pulling yourself and your son along with you, and towards the piano, still sat in its spot in the Hard Deck.
It was graduation day, all the top gun graduated gathered to celebrate, Bradley raising his trophy above his head smugly, showing it off to his fellow pilots and the accompanying civillians.
"Bradshaw, congrats on getting top gun." Cyclone approached him. "Thank you, Admiral." He thought for a moment. "Can I have your blessing?" Cyclone looked at him, confused. "Can I marry her?" He was nervously sweating, gulping on his saliva and pulling at the collar on his neck. Your father immediately smiles and shook Bradley's hand. "Of course you can."
Your wedding day was like no other, a runway close to the ocean, a flyover from Phoenix and a few others from Top Gun, your dress was gorgeous, Bradley cried as you walked down the isle, when your father gave you away, when you said your vows, he never stopped crying. God, he was over the moon happy. "I love you, Honey." "I love you, Rooster."
even your honey moon was pure bliss, although the resort was gorgeous you hardly left the hotel room, Bradley too busy fucking you into the sheets and trying to put a baby to you just like he had promised when you had recovered him from that botched training exercise.
Now here you were, perched on the leg of your husband, your four year old son singing along to the tune as Bradley sang to him, playing the piano simultanous to circling your waist.
and Nick had called it a night, you and Bradley said goodbyes to your friends at the bar who had also been called back to top gun, you saying goodbye to Maverick when your husband wasn't looking, you headed to the truck. "How about we get home and I fuck another baby into ya'?" Bradley asked against your lips, between desperate kisses. "Take me to bed or loose me forever, Rooster." "Show me the way home, Honey."
And the men all stood there in silence, sickened to their stomachs, their sweet Honey stolen away by no other than Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw. Damn.
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btsficsandsuch · 9 months
can you write something about reader who has chronic pain x doctor yoongi?
I hope this is okay!
Dr. Min
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“Miss Y/N, You can come on back.”, the nurse said while standing at the door. You grabbed your bag and walked over giving a quick smile before slipping past her into the hallway. You followed her over to a corner section where she instructed you to take off your shoes, “Okay Y/N, we’re just going to get a quick weight and height check and then we’ll be in room 3.” You do as she instructs before following her into the third room on the right. “Take a seat and Dr. Min will be in shortly.”, she said again with a smile before closing the door behind her.
You sat in the room fidgeting with the end of your shirt. You didn’t know anything about this doctor which was very unlike you. Normally you’d do weeks of research, reading reviews and any article you could find about the doctor before making an appointment but you were desperate at this point. For the last two years you had severe chronic pain in your right leg. You were pretty sure you tore a muscle while playing basketball two years ago but you didn’t have insurance at the time so you never got it looked at. Now you had a good job with insurance so you decided to finally try to fix the issue. If only it was that easy.
Every doctor you’ve seen so far brushed you off and told you to just try to exercise your leg and take aspirin if the pain was too much because at this point there was nothing they could do. After every appointment you felt a little less hopeful. You were complaining to your best friend Jimin about how the pain was getting worse and worse and you didn’t know what else to do. He told you about this doctor that he had seen and he did wonders for the chronic pain he was having in his knee so without really thinking you called and made an appointment with the doctor.
You were brought out of your thoughts when you heard a quick knock at the door and in walked a man about your age. He flashed you a big gummy smile. He had jet black hair which was slightly longer than you’d expect a doctor to have but it looked good on him. You were taken back by how handsome he was. Why did he have to be so good looking? You made a mental note to scold Jimin for not mentioning the doctor was a GQ model. Most of the doctors you’d see were old enough to be your parent and were grumpy, probably from the years of practicing medicine but that’s what you liked. You felt like they had a significant amount of experience and would be best able to treat you. The young doctor brought you back out of your thoughts again. “You must be Y/N. I’m Dr. Min. It’s nice to meet you.”, he said extending his hand for you to shake. Shyly you reached out and shook his hand, “Nice to meet you too.”
The doctor pulled over the stool so he could sit facing you while balancing his laptop on his knee. He must’ve noticed you staring as he looked up and gave you a smile, “Don’t mind me Y/N. I’m just going to make some notes to have on record. What brings you in today?”
Taking a deep breath to calm your shaky voice you began, “Well I was playing basketball a couple years ago and I went up for the rebound and I came down and landed weird on someone’s foot. I felt something snap in my leg and instantly felt pain.” You sat there and watched as he nodded to let you know he was listening while typing away on the keyboard in front of him. “Did you see a doctor when this happened?”, he asked. You shook your head, “No I didn’t have insurance at the time. After a couple months it felt better but then the pain came back and it’s getting worse.” He continued to type away, “Wow Y/N you must be pretty tough to just now seek help. I’m sure that was painful.” You shyly smiled at his compliment.
Dr. Min closed his laptop and walked over to the sink to wash his hands. When he came back he instructed you to roll up your pant let. Thank God you shaved beforehand you thought to yourself. “So what I’m going to do Y/N is just squeeze around on your leg for a little. Just let me know when it hurts the most.”, he said while sitting down next to you. You were trying so hard not to stare but he was so close you could smell his cologne, you could see his perfect skin, his beautiful dark eyes. Suddenly you jumped when you felt his hand grab your leg. “Sorry, I know my hands are cold.”, he chuckled. You prayed he couldn’t see the blush creep up on your cheeks.
He continued to squeeze and push on your calf and you’d tell him where it hurt the most. “So were you playing basketball for your school when you were hurt?”, he asked trying to make small talk. You nodded, “Yeah I played in college a little.” “Me too. Until I got to medical school. Then I just didn’t have the time. Actually I always wanted to go to the NBA.”, he laughed. “What made you decided to be a doctor instead?”, you asked. “Well unfortunately I stopped getting taller even though I drank milk religiously and since there’s no height requirement to be a doctor I switched.”, he smiled while looking up at you.
The doctor grabbed your hand and helped you to stand up, “Okay Y/N, now what I want you to do is walk back and forth a few times. Tell me when it hurts so I can see how your foot is positioned.” You did as he said even though you felt silly. After you were done he had you sit back down on the table and began typing in his laptop again. “Y/N I’m going to order some imaging tests on your leg. It looks like we’ll be able to do a surgery to repair that torn muscle in your leg. I just want to see the scans first before we make any definitive plan.” You felt your whole body tense at the word surgery. You’d never had surgery before and the thought terrified you. Dr. Min must’ve noticed because he placed a reassuring hand on your knee, “It’s nothing to be scared of Y/N. It’s a pretty standard procedure. The surgery will take about three hours and you’ll be able to go home 48 hours later.” You nodded and gave him a small smile before he walked you to the door out to the waiting room. “I’ll have my receptionist call you to set up your surgery date. Take care of yourself in the meantime Y/N. Try to rest that leg and ice can help with the pain.”, he said before opening the door for you. You thanked him and quickly walked out of the room ignoring the whispers coming from the nurses and front desk staff.
Just as the doctor had said the receptionist called you a week later to let you know the doctor said your scans looked good and you were approved for surgery. You scheduled the date for three weeks later.
On the day of the surgery Jimin drove you to the hospital so you could get there at your scheduled 6am arrival time. You got changed into the hospital gown and were laying down in bed when Dr.Min walked in. Just as handsome as the first day you saw him. “Good morning Y/N. I’m sorry we had to schedule this so early.”, he said. “It’s okay. This way I don’t have to be stressed out all day.”, you said with a smile. The doctor wrote something on your chart before looking up at you and smiled, “There’s no reason to be stressed. I’ll take good care of you. I promise.” You could feel your cheeks heat up at his words. “I’ll see you in the operating room.”, he smiled before walking back out the door. You heard Jimin scoff from beside you, “He didn’t even remember me.” You rolled your eyes, “Do you know how many patients he sees? How do you expect him to remember you?”. “He’s certainly going to remember you though.”, Jimin said with a laugh. “What do you mean by that?”, you asked. “Oh come on Y/N. That doctor was totally flirting with you.”, he laughed. All you could do was roll your eyes. “Don’t worry Y/N. I’ll take good care of you.”, he said while fluttering his eyelids in an exaggerated way. Luckily the nurses came in to wheel you to surgery before this conversation could go any farther. You gave Jimin a hug and then you were wheeled out of the room.
The operating room was freezing and that was doing nothing to calm your nerves. Just as the tears started to form Dr. Min walked over and pulled his mask down giving you a comforting smile, “Y/N, this is Dr. Namjoon Kim. He’s the anesthesiologist that’s on call right now. He’s going to explain what’s going to happen and then we’ll get the surgery started. It’ll all be over before you know it.” Dr. Kim came over and explained the process before placing a mask on your face instructing you to count back from 100. You got to 74 before it got harder and harder to concentrate and you drifted off.
“Miss Y/N, you need to wake up for me.”, the nurse was saying while lightly shaking your shoulder. “Where am I?”, you asked feeling like you had the worst hangover of your life. “You’re in recovery dear.”, she said. You started to move but felt a large cast on your right leg reminding you about why you were there. After a few minutes you finally felt coherent enough to process things so they let Jimin come in to visit. He was holding a big teddy bear that had a ‘It’s a Girl’ balloon tied to it. You chuckled when you looked up at the balloon. “Hey they didn’t have a balloon for this scenario and this one had a puppy on it so I knew you’d appreciate it.”, he said placing it on the table next to you. Before you could respond Dr. Min walked in and was immediately confused by the ballon even stopping to make sure he was in the correct room and looking back to you surprised. “Don’t ask.”, you chuckled. “Everything went great Y/N. The muscle was pretty damaged but I was able to get that repaired. You’ll still be pretty sore for a few weeks but once you’re up to it we can start you on physical therapy and then you should be good as new.”, he smiled. “Thank you for helping me Dr. Min. You’re the only doctor that had taken me seriously.”, you said eliciting a smile from him. He lifted the blanket to check the cast before placing it back and tucking you in, “I’m sorry I have to leave so soon. I have another surgery scheduled today. Let me know if you need anything.” You smiled and thanked him before he walked out of the room. “Let me know if you need anything.”, Jimin said in a mocking tone. You smacked his arm to quiet him, “Shush. He’s just being nice. It’s called bedside manners.” “Riiigghht because there aren’t a ton of nurses and aids and on call doctors that can take care of you right now, but he said to let him know if you need anything. He totally has a crush on you.”, Jimin laughed. “He’s just being nice.”, you said again but secretly hoping that Jimin was right.
The stay in the hospital wasn’t too bad. Jimin stayed with you as much as he could before he had to go to work. Dr. Min came to visit you a few times, even offering to get you a coffee from the Starbucks downstairs when he saw you drinking the crappy waiting room coffee one of the nurses had brought you. Each time he seemed to stay a little longer, almost like he didn’t want to leave.
Finally you were being discharged. You were given a handful of paperwork with instructions on what to and not to do. They also had you schedule your follow up appointment with Dr. Min for six weeks from now. Jimin and the nurse helped you off of the bed and into the waiting wheelchair so they could get you down to Jimins car.
Six weeks went by quickly and you were happy to be sitting in Dr. Min’s office finally able to get this cast off of your leg. “Y/N, you can come back with me.”, the nurse standing at the door said. She helped you get down to room 4. “Take a seat. Dr. Min will be in shortly.”, she said with a smirk before closing the door behind her. You expected to wait a while like any doctors appointment but Dr. Min was surprisingly quick. “Hi Y/N, it’s good to see you. How are you doing?”, he asked. “Even with the cast on I already feel much better.”, you smiled. Dr. Min got to work removing the cast and then took time inspecting the sutures. “I’m going to remove the stitches. It shouldn’t hurt but you might feel a pinch.”, he said while grabbing the needed tools. He was very gentle. You could tell he was really focused on making sure he caused you the least amount of pain possible and before you knew it he was done and cleaning up the area. “It looks really good Y/N. It healed great and I think you’re going to be much happier. We can help you get your first physical therapy session scheduled and that will help you greatly.”, he said while washing his hands.
“Alright let’s get you standing.”, he said walking back over to you. You grabbed onto his hands and he gently helped you stand up. Gingerly you started putting weight on your right leg. “Alright be careful and go slow.”, he said. You swear you could see him holding his breath as you took a few steps like he was worried you’d somehow hurt yourself. “How does it feel?”, he asked. “Still a little sore, but nothing compared to what it was.”, you replied. He flashed a big gummy smile, “I’m so glad to hear that.” “Thank you again Dr. Min. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I didn’t think I’d ever find someone to help me.”, you said looking down at your shoes trying to hide the blush on your cheeks. “No need to thank me. It’s my job.”, he said and you felt your heart sink just a little. You knew it was crazy but a part of you had secretly hoped Jimin was correct about him having a crush on you but it sounded like you were just another patient to him.
Not wanting to stand in the awkwardness any long you grabbed your purse and began to walk towards the door after saying another goodbye. “Y/N”, Dr. Min stopped you and you turned to face him. He cleared his throat, “Umm technically you’re not my patient any more and I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go have dinner sometime.” You felt your heart swell. “I’d love to Dr. Min.”, you replied. He walked over and opened the door for you before placing a hand on your back to escort you out, “Please, Call me Yoongi.”
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sillylittlemusing01 · 2 months
Through The Woods and Back Again
A Azul x reader fic.
Azul magically gets transported to a different universe, without knowledge as to why or how. He finds out very quickly that this world is extremely hostile and very different from his own. You save him from a deadly situation, and take him into your home. From then onward the both of you fight together to survive in this strange world you’ve called home your entire life. Will Azul find a way back to his own world? Will he be whisked back as suddenly as he was taken here?
And most of all,
Will Azul be able to take you with him if he ever does?
Chapter One
Under the clouded grey sky, you leapt from one massive branch to another. Wide like city streets, they made for easy paths as the branches weaved around each other. The dark, purple wood firm beneath your feet.
 Evening was nearing, which forced you to abandon your unsuccessful hunt for food and make your way home. Less you get caught out at night.
Silence was the only thing you expected to hear as you made your way through the towering, goliathen trees. Yet a panicked cry burst in your ears, which made your head snap in its direction, body frozen in place.
More yelling followed, you made the quick decision to follow it to its source. The idea of another human overrided your logical survival instincts. The years of lonely solitude made it all the more reasonable to investigate.
You climbed your way up to a nice dip between trunk and branch, and there you saw the source of the commotion.
You quickly analyzed what was going on.
A boy surrounded by ghouls, he was the source of the shouting. Despite the panic in his voice, what followed altered between flashes of control bursts of water that jetted at a targeted ghoul and a wider range attack the pushed back groups that were getting too close. 
Still, his legs shook as he struggled to balance on the branch, leaning on the narrower side, he must’ve been cornered to. 
His attention in front of him with an advancing ghoul, q horrible sight with its skin mostly torn away leaving black and oozing muscle exposed. 
His eyes focused on the monster, he failed to notice the one waiting for an opening from behind, at this you knocked your bow. 
As it waited for him to blast the one acting as a decoy, you waited for it to leap, and once it did you released your arrow. 
It sunk into the undead’s head, the sound alerted the stranger, and he flipped around to see its body go limp and crash off the branch and down below to the seemingly bottomless ground leaving behind a trail of dark blood. 
You didn’t have time to register the astonishment at the strange power the boy had, but your brain noted it for later.
You fired more shots, covering him as he process the shock at the sudden save. The sound of more ghouls falling snapped him out of it, and he managed to blast off the final undead.
Wasting no time, you dropped the 20ft down to his branch with little effort. Smoothly transitioning from where you landed to a brisk walk. His eyes widen at your fast approach, his feet took a couple steps back in surprise.
Your hand shot out to grab his arm, a bit rougher than you intended in your haste.
“Are you bit?”
You asked quickly, in a hushed voiced as you looked him over. He looked around your age and for the first time you realized how unusually clean he was, the strange clothes and lack of armor or weapons on him. Your gut told you he didn’t belong here. 
The gleam of a brilliant gem caught your eye, as you looked to the hand of his arm you held. It was attached to a small metal stick that you remembered him pointing at the ghouls before the water burst forth. Was that the source of the strange power?
He looked from where you grabbed him to where your gaze lingered with a incredulous, confused look with a raised eyebrow.
“What?! No, they never got close enough to touch me,” he replied, his voice confused and wary. Not as quiet as you would’ve liked but it was better than the yelling he was doing earlier.
You let go of him with a nod. He retracted his arm, smoothing out the wrinkles you made on the sleeve. 
“Who are you? What’s your intentions with me?”
You quickly gave your name as you scanned your surroundings for signs of movement and asked for his.
“Azul, but you still haven’t answered my other question.”
“Look, I have my questions, too. But we shouldn’t talk here. You made a lot of noise and who knows what else heard you besides me. You can come with me to my home and talk there, but I’m not staying put to get caught in another fight. I already lost arrows to those ghouls that fell,” you grumbled the last part in annoyance.
Azul studied you for a quick moment before he agreed, “a fair point, lead the way then.”
“Good,” you sigh as you turned, but stopped to quickly add one more thing, “I’m choosing to trust you, so if you back stab me I’ll kill you or die trying, got it?” You jabbed a figure at his chest, jabbing it against it as you spoke for emphasis as you looked up at him seriously from under your hood. He didn’t expect your eyes to be so striking, but Azul quickly pushed that thought away.
He put his hands up is faux surrender with a nonchalant smile.
“Understood, I’ll treat you as well as you treat me, agreed?”
“Agreed. Now, let’s get going.”
This time you continued moving when you turned around, you made your way to where the branch connected to the trunk and began to climb the vertical surface. The wood had deep groves and bumps that a skilled climber could navigate, which you did with ease. You had climbing gear strapped at your waste, but this wasn’t a hard enough climb that you thought you’d need it. 
Azul watched you practically fly up to the spot you had perched from earlier and dreaded the thought that the whole journey to your home would be an exhausting, uphill journey like that.
When at the top you realized he wasn’t following, you turned to see him standing at the base thinking with a hand on his chin.
Just as you were about to call out, he raised the gemed object and muttered something you couldn’t hear. Next he leaped up, you gasped in surprise as he landed softly on the trunk and pushed off with the other foot. He floated upwards with each jump, before he landed slowly beside you. He had a pleased look at your openly expressed awe. 
“How you did that is definitely on my list of questions.” 
He chuckled at your honest words, his lilac curls bounced at the movement emphasized by the gravitational magic.
“Please lead the way, as impressive as it may look, maintaining it can get tiresome and I have no idea how long it’ll take to get to your dwelling.”
He held out his hand for you, which you took as he helped ease you out of your crouched position. You didn’t notice, or at least want to acknowledge, the faint heat in your cheeks at the gentlemanly action.
You cleared your throat as you let go, you turned your head in the direction you intended to jump to and also away from Azul’s sight.
“Let’s go then, it’s not far from here.”
With that you guided him through the cold, looming forest. You noticed how he tried to hide his unease at the hight the two of you were at, as he tried to hide the grimace on his face when he happened to look down at the fade to nothingness below.
 You offered your own hand when the two of you had to cross the more narrow or warped branches. To which he only took once at a wet and mossy patch where he almost slipped. 
Azul had let out a panicked yell that he cut short, he had retired the gravity spell to save energy due to not needing to climb for a bit, but he deeply regretted that decision when he jolted to try and regain his balance. You had turned the moment you heard Azul, your hands shot out for his as you braced him.
He ended up at an awkward angle, his chin rested on your shoulder as he clung to your arms. Once Azul realized he was balanced, and then the position the two of you were in, red flushed across his face as he resisted the urge to spring away from you and unbalance himself again, instead he carefully righted himself.
 Thankfully for him you didn’t notice his flustered stated as you looked surveyed the area, eyes darting for any sign of an alerted predator. You still had a firm, centering grip on Azul’s arms when you turned to look back at him to see if he was ok. 
“I’m sorry, I should of warned you it was slippery,” you spoke sheepishly, hoping to ease his embarrassment by admitting fault. As that is why you thought his cheeks burned red.
It was now his turn to use the excuse of coughing into his hand to look away, still he left the other in your grip, as he composed himself again.
Back straightened he looked back and replied, “no, no. It isn’t your fault, I should’ve been more careful.” 
You nodded, your face tense as you felt the two of you had lingered for a little too long. 
“Let’s get moving then. Watch where I step to avoid the slippery areas,” you spoke as you let go of him and continued to move.
The dark grey rock of the mountain you lived in soon came into view. It’s peak as tall as the tree tops, it cut into the forest as the ending of a large mountain ridge. It looked out of place to Azul, he couldn’t see where it ended, it was so large just like everything else. Seeming never ending. But you were unfazed, this was your normal, your home.
He followed as you jumped from a branch to the cliff’s edge, your feet landing amongst reddish-purple and maroon grass. Further in was a smaller cliff that he could see the same grass grow from the top about ten feet from the ground with a man made path dug along its side up to it’s slanted top. 
There were no more ledges above that layer. Instead a straight cliff that went far up the mountain, and in the rocky wall was a crooked hole big enough for a human to fit through.
You wave your hand to Azul as you slipped inside. The sun was low on the horizon by this point, which meant the two of you made it just in time.
The tunnel could fit both of you if you chose to stand side by side, albeit snuggly, however you had Azul follow behind you. The tunnel would be dark for a bit and noise traps could trip him if you didn’t point them out.
The light from the entrance faded as you went deeper, replaced with darkness. For a second Azul worried that’d you trip in the dark, but then concluded that you’ve must of memorized the path as you walked forward with confidence. But the light that reflected from your eyes, like that of a cat at night, when you turned to speak with him made him question that initial thought. 
 “Be careful, I’ll tell you where the trip wire is,” you warned, you told him of the string with bits tied to it that makes noise as a sort of alarm system. State of the art for what you’re working with if you had to say so yourself.
“It dark for a little bit more, but the lights will begin behind the bend,” you added after you guided him over the final alarm string that was low to the ground.
Just as you said, the soft glow of bioluminescence mushrooms met you when you finally made the turn. The light was a warm white, and grew from dim to bright as more mushrooms scatter the walls and ceiling the closer to the entrance of your home the two of you got. 
Azul felt a small but amused smile, the sight of these unusual mushrooms reminded him of Jade, and how sad he would be to not’ve been able to witness such unique mushrooms. 
You watched as Azul looked around, but you couldn’t really tell what was on his mind. A twinge or happiness swelled in your chest that he seemed to enjoy a part of your home, you hoped that was the case at least. 
The light revealed the ceiling was high above, you could just barely make it out with the given light. 
You pushed the thick wooden door inwards, Azul took notice how it was fitted into a carved slot that acted as hinges. 
You closed the door behind him, the same mushrooms decorated the room lighting it well.
With a tired sigh of relief, you perched your bow and quiver on a stand to the left of the door. There was a shelf carved from the wall full of various handy items. Azul’s eyes traveled across the large room, noting how the ceiling was low but not enough to prevent him from standing comfortably. His eyes landing on what looked to be an alchemy and/or cooking station. It was right of the door way in the corner of the room. There were a few shelves with handmade books, bottles and boxes of ingredients, smaller tools. In the very corner was a carved in fireplace with wood and a few pots of different sizes next to it on the floor. On the other side of the shelves was a table with a lonely stool, dried herbs hung above it and on and below Azul recognized various hand-made equipment to brew potions and what he assumed might be tools to prepare food.
“Well, here we are. Home sweet home,” you spoke as you sat on the closest chair. 
“So I can give you a tour first, or we can continue with our previous conversation.” Leaned on the table with your elbow and supported you head with your hand as you looked to him studying the room.
“The tour can wait, I believe getting the answers we want from one another is a more pressing matter,” Azul replied as he took the chair on the other side of the table. You noticed his gaze another quick glance at the kitchen/alchemy station before he gave his full attention back to you. This made you hope that he had some skill in either, it’d be nice to have a skilled pair of hands to help that you didn’t have to train first.
You nodded at his statement, despite your exhaustion from the long day, the excitement of finally talking to another person in years seemed to finally boil over in you.
Your tired eyes lit up as all the questions in your head spilled out, “right, so, what were you doing out there? And how did you make water fly out of nowhere? Did you get separated from a group? Was that why you were alone? Oh- Or how did you make yourself float like that?! And why don’t you have any weapons?!-“ he lifted a hand to quiet you, a practiced neutral expression on his face. 
“I have an unanswered question that I asked first. And you’re asking too many questions too fast. How about I propose a deal? We alternate asking and answering questions, starting with mine,” Azul spoke smoothly a confident smile on his lips, he hid is tiredness well. You haven’t noticed it, yet. 
“Oh, right- yeah, that sounds good.. Can you remind me what it was again,” you ask a bit sheepishly, a little embarrassed about bombarding him. It’s been a while since you spoken with someone else after all.
“I want to know what you want for helping me. Why else would you go out of your way to get into a fight and bring me back to your dwelling,” Azul spoke.
You paused for a second at his words.
 “Uh, I mean, you were surrounded by a bunch of ghouls. Some looked pretty fresh, too, and that’s never a good thing. If I were in your position, I’d want somebody to help me out. Bein eaten alive isn’t the way I’d want to go,” you spoke, a grimace on your face at the thought.
Azul connected the name to the monsters he faced earlier. Yes, he was toughened by the monsters of the deep sea and growing up in their dangerous waters. But he had to admit that those ghouls had him a little shaken. Not only having to face them balancing high above ground, the had a frenzied intelligence in their eyes that felt way to close to human. The memory of rot and decay came back all too easily.
Azul snapped back to you as you continued, “still, I guess it really wasn’t out of the kindness of my heart if you suppose wanting company in return counts as a self serving motive? I mean, it’s been years since I’ve had anybody to talk to. I haven’t seen another living person since-“ you hesitated subconsciously before saying her name. Your gaze moved to where the old lady would often be in this room, by the fireplace making or preparing something.
Azul saw how your stare became sad and distant. He inferred why you trailed off, his arms crossed as he spoke up, he had an immediate follow up question but stuck to his deal.
“I see… So, which of your questions do you want to start with?”
You look back at him as his voice snapped you out of your thoughts, you shook your head to clear it fully. 
Though you had to think for a second as to which question you wanted answered first. Your lips twisted into a sideways pout as you took a moment to think, your foot tapped for those few seconds before you decided.
“How did you do that stuff? With the sudden burst of water at the ghouls or how you made yourself float,” you elaborated, you knew the first sentence wasn’t enough to go on, but you didn’t have the right words to make it one nice clear question.
“Are you referring to my magic,” he asked back, slight surprise flashed on his face. “Magic? Could you explain further?” 
Azul proceeded to explain to you the basics of magic, mana, and mages stones. Even blot, as you noticed the tiny amount had discolored the bottom of his gem stone on his wand. Azul had waved off your worry, saying the amount was so low that it was nothing to fret over. You weren’t sure if he was putting on a brave face or not, but you decided he’d know better and left it at that.
It was fascinating, even if it still left you a little confused, sure the beasts out in the wilds could do some horrific and unnatural things but they didn’t have to speak a spell to do it. At least you were familiar with potions, Azul felt relief when your eyes lit up with recognition at subject. Meaning that he could potentially find make a potion to maintain his human form if he is stranded here for that long. Which is something he had tucked away in his mind to worry about later.
“I hope that was enough explanation.” 
You nodded with a cheeky thumbs up, after all you can always ask more about it later. 
He continued, “now, on to my next question: where are we? I have doubts that we’re even in Twisted Wonderland at all.”
“Twisted Wonderland? Is that where you’re from,” you asked, head tilted at the strange name.
 Azul hoped you’d confirm he was still in Twisted Wonderland, but he wasn’t surprised when you didn’t. 
He nodded, he gave a short answer of confirmation. He didn’t feel comfortable in telling you that he had no idea nor memory of how he suddenly got here. 
“Now, since you asked an additional question. It’s only fair you now answer two of mine in succession as well.”
Right, you had made that deal, though you didn’t really expect him to stick so closely to it. You thought it was just a way to get the conversation started. 
 You chuckled with small eye role, “yeah, yeah, sure. Ask away.” You had waved your hand with a roll of your wrist before you settled back to resting you head in the palm of your opposite hand, a lazy smile on your face as you waited for him to speak.
With arms resting on the table, his posture proper and upright, Azul wondered if you were truly relaxed as you looked or was this an act and you were as on guard as he was?
He pushed his glasses up as he spoke, “Going back to your previous answer, does that mean you’ll let me stay here until I’m able to return home?”
“If you don’t cause any trouble and pull your weight, yeah. Besides, that magic of yours sounds really handy,” you reply readily, but with a little nervousness. You straighten up a little. You knew this was serious from the moment you decided to bring Azul home, but the excitement took place at the forefront of you brain the moment you started asking your questions. Now with Azul haven asked that, you changed back to a more serious attitude.
His eyes closed with a hum, he nodded in agreement as he said, “yes, that sounds reasonable. Perhaps we should discuss such matters in more detail another time. I think we’re both tired, and I still have some questions I’d like answered. Like where exactly are we? You weren’t familiar with Twisted Wonderland, and I’ve never seen anything like this place.”
You couldn’t say you were surprised by his words, his whole situation felt off in an otherworldly way to you. 
You hummed as you thought of how to answer, you tapped your fingers along your jaw with a furrowed brow.
“I’ve always just called it The Wilds. I’ve lived in this cave my whole life and I don’t venture out far often as to a few locations for resources. I don’t know if there’s even an end to the forest.”
You could never escape the sight of the trees. Wether it was their tops looming over head or their roots that grew blew and became exposed.
“There’s a cave system in these mountains with huge caverns. One of them leads outside to a valley of sorts and more caves. But you can still see the trees surrounding everything on the horizon,” you added.
Azul mulled over your answer, you could guess he wasn’t too happy with your lack of information and you don’t blame him. He doesn’t seem to fault you either. You could now see exhaustion slip in the cracks of his persona.
“So, if you aren’t from here… how did you end up here,” you asked.
He didn’t respond to you at first, as he tried to come up with some answer that didn’t make him feel like it put him in a vulnerable position anymore than he was. But the fatigue clouded Azul’s mind too much for him to think of anything he’d think reasonable enough. And just like that enough time had passed to show that he wasn’t comfortable giving you answer, because if he was he would’ve already given it to you. 
With his silence and tiredness, you decided that it was probably best to put an end to the conversation. Sure you had more questioned you like to ask, but there was time for that later. 
“Y’know, I usually start makin’ dinner after I come back,” you started with a clap of your hands as you leaned back in your chair. Azul startled slightly before he focused back on you as you scooted back and stood up. Ever so good at keeping his awkwardness hidden, he took the sudden topic in stride and made his way to stand with you. But to his confusion you stopped him, as you continued, “it’s fine! You can relax, let me do the work just for tonight before you start have to start pulling your weight. It think it’s a special occasion an’ all, being your welcoming!”
Azul stared at you about to protest, but found you to be stubborn on the matter. You insisted on giving him the guest treatment (though you did not say this directly as you’ve never really had guests), and it be bad manners to try and fight you on this. So he graciously decided to give in, it had nothing to do with his tiredness and beanbag-like pillow you offered him. Not at all, no, he just acted the way a proper guest ought to.
Azul could watch you cook from the mini living-room area that was next to kitchen in the corner opposite it was in. So at least he could see if you tried to poison his food or not. As you happily prepared the dishes, Azul let himself relax, only just a little, into the giant pillow the ache from the whirlwind of a day lifted slightly.
Hi, Author here! Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of this fic! I’m good at world building and lore but I’m not very good at dialogue or scene for scene writing and hoping writing indulgent fics like these will help me improve. Tho I couldn’t have pic a harder character to start with Azul is so hard to write right XD I hope I did him justice and do so in the future. Constructive criticism is welcome and don’t forget to like and REBLOG if you enjoyed the fic <3
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months
Everything but you
another fic for PriceRaven, BUT this is an art + fic combo fic :3 I'll do a separate post for just the art (or you can check out this clip i posted on twt), so for now, enjoy this mess
this fic is within PriceRaven's cannon timeline, somewhere after MW3 and during fishy arc
angst and fluff, hurt/comfort, slow burn, canon-typical violence and behavior, character study (done poorly), grief, major character death (MCD), mention of MW3 content, author trying to be poetic but most likely just messing up the narrative flow, miscommunication, happy ending
author's note:
word count: 6,048 (the back part is not proof read)
the italics are internal thoughts or third perspective thoughts
━━━━━━❆━━━━━━━ [this divider represent a time skip]
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Raven knew the possibility of Price having to leave for a period of time, and was fully aware of the escalation of things when the news of Makarov started popping up.
“To update you on the breaking news of a Russian passenger jet that crashed…”
“A hundred and thirty-three passengers and nine crew members were on board the flight…”
“Descending very rapidly…..unexplained descent…..” 
“Kastovia flight 761 bound for sochi…” 
“...just hours after a missile attack on Arklove Military Base…..looks to be a terrorist attack” 
They both knew then, that this would be the beginning of a long separation.
A quick goodbye, a hug and a kiss.
A swift departure, leaving Raven to tend to their home with their two lovely cats, their girls, after the shit show that went down between Cobra and Vik. 
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Months later, Price would return a changed man, sprawled on the front door and drenched by the rain, clutching onto Raven for dear life as he shakes.
She’d never seen this man in this state; never seen Price that would openly show his distress to this level. 
She could deduce that the operations most likely did not go well, and something terrible must’ve happened.
The guess confirms itself in the form of a watch.
Soap’s watch. Resting on his desk.
And later, a conversation.
“We’ll have to abandon everything”
“The house, the plants, the cars-”
“The girls…”
There was a sense of urgency in his tone,  its timbre deepened and solemn since his return. A frown etched between his brows, accompanied by an increased consumption of cigars and even cigarettes.
“I tied one of many loose ends”
He murmured into her skin in the quiet of night where the world is asleep. Price returned hours ago, dressed in a dark overcoat and a beanie, with a handgun beneath his shirt. 
“Did you now?”
Shepherd huh.
She whispered back, feeling his chin resting on her shoulder, his beard tickling her skin slightly, properly nestled in his arms, but there weren't the usual giggles and laughter that surrounded the two.
No, this was their last night on this bed, on this home.
Their last night in the comforts of their safe haven. 
“Mm” He mumbled back, palms covering her arms as he hugged her closer, spooning her in his arms.
Nervous that somehow, she’ll slip away, taken away from his grasp. 
“....” “Tell me, Pricey” She brushed his knuckles, easing his tension.
“Will you follow me still, Raven….? Even if we have to leave…” he trails off, leaving things unsaid.
She understood fully the gravity of the question. Even if we have to leave away our hopes and dreams, dreams of settling down, growing old peacefully, dreams of comfort and promises of the future.
“Where would I go if not with you, John?”
“...I don’t know, Singapore?”
“...and what does Singapore have to offer again?”
“Really good seafood” 
“So you’re assuming I’ll pick seafood over you?”
“Well, I was hoping you don’t”
A small chuckle escapes her, which made him smile in return, some of the pressure and uneasiness dispersed from this exchange.
“I won’t leave you” She whispered back, holding his hand up to kiss his fingers. Bittersweet murmurs exchanged throughout the night that comforted the two.  “Alright then, Eira”
It was exhilarating and intense for Raven to get back on the field with Price, joined as an ally to provide much-needed support in the mess and development following the escape of Makarov from the Trojan Horse mission.
But they have to admit it was exhausting having to move constantly without a proper place to settle down.
Physically and mentally.
Which explains why they’re here now, on this island that Raven can only assume that it's a personal island owned by Price.
“You telling me you own this place?!”
“Ah well, I wouldn’t say “own”, birdie…”
She still doesn’t fully comprehend what he meant by that.
It was a much needed break, being surrounded by the ocean and forest, exploring the places, catching fishes and crabs.
Price hasn’t seen Raven smiled this much in a long time.
Raven witnessed a side of Price she had longed to see: relaxed, carefree, and at peace. Yet, beneath his newfound calmness, she sensed something off about Price that hinted at a deeper turmoil within him.
There were moments when he'd gaze into the distance, lost in thought, thinking.
This was, unfortunately, one of the many truths Raven had come to understand about Price.
More often or not that contemplative look of his means he is plotting or thinking ahead of things, which inherently, is not a bad thing.
It only became problematic when he kept these plans from her, setting things in motion without her knowledge.
Because that’s what Price does.
Plan, execute, reflect, repeat. 
The other negative trait from this, is that it always means there is something he was harboring within that was threatening to break apart. Troubles he would rather deal with alone.
Things that slowly etched eats him out bit by bit on the inside. 
Now, Price was a man of many many thoughts, meticulously organized into mental compartments, sealed, and cast into the abyss of the unknown.
A man who had no room for lingering emotions: guilt, anger, sadness – anything that could hinder his motives, his plans, his every step. 
A man that is calm, quiet, composed and in control, with a constant battle inside he can never say or show.
Behind his eyes, Raven saw it all.
The ocean behind those eyes of his are no longer violent and roaring, similar to when they had to toss their belongings into a pool of fire after that last night in their home.
Freedom tastes like ash and anger after all.
His eyes are now shrouded in darkness, like the deep blue sea.
Suffering and screams muffled in silence.
“Up for a ride, birdie?”
It wasn’t uncommon for them to venture into the sea at night, they would drive out in their trusty lil boat (named Cash ‘n’ Fly) far enough until the horizon stretched endlessly, with a seamless line between the sea and the starry sky.
It creates an illusion of infinite space and solitude.
A small escape from everything.
What set this trip apart was the cigar hanging loosely between Price’s lips.
She counted the amount of cigar he used daily, and it was reduced to one or two per day during their break.
So to see him light it up, the fourth one of the day, right now, especially when it's dark and quiet, it could only mean one thing.
“You know…Eira”
And so it begins.
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Everything but you.
She had anticipated this conversation, in some form or another.
She didn’t know it would be…this.
Leaving me with the island? I’ll have everything?
And I am supposed to be content with this?
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Price was a hardened soldier, a veteran.
A seasoned Captain that has done enough chaos and has enough body piles up below him more than he could handle.
Battles stitched across his skin and back, hands coated in blood and regrets that clung onto his soul.
Far from a savior, close to a sinner.
Hands that were better suited for violence, instead of softness.
It should’ve been just another one of those moments, where he’d tell off some of his men, his soldiers, people who depended on him, boys and girls alike, to leave, to never come back.
To leave him.
So why is it so different when it comes to…the person before him now?
Why does this ache so differently?
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What Price has in mind, doesn’t quite align with what John wants.
John craves for the simplicity of being loved. Yearns for warmth and understanding, desperate for someone to look into his eyes and see the real him.
John thinks about Eira, thinks about her, her hands, her voice, and he wants more, more and more, a beast that is never satisfied, that can never get enough.
John wants to drown in love. In her.
Price fears that John loves more than he is ever allowed to. 
Price wants what is right.
It’s for the best.
The one sentence that helps justify everything, doesn’t it? 
Price watches as she stood up abruptly after a long uncomfortable silence, seeing her approaching the bow of the boat-
A loud splash was heard, and his body moved before he could process anything.
“What the bloody hell are you doing?! Have you lost your mind?? RAVEN??”
Raven, out of all the possible reactions he has anticipated, does none of what he expected and dives into the black sea.
“I'm going back to land!” She yells back with a strain, huffing as she proceeds to swim to the general direction of where the shore was. 
“That’s way too far!! You’ll freeze your arse before you could even reach it!!” “GOOD, I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DIE IN THE OCEAN ANYWAYS”
God dammit.
He quickly drove the boat, starting up the engine to propel the boat towards her, careful not to hit her as he quickly pulled her aboard.
“What–what are you trying to achieve by doing something stupid like this?”
“Nothing productive”
He stops mid-sentence, seeing her freezing and trembling form, sea water coating her entire form as she shakes like a leaf on the wood.
For a split second, he wanted to ask if she cried, when he saw the red corners from her eyes.
Instead, he took off his jacket and outer shirt to wrap it around her.
The ride home was nothing but silence.
A letter and a necklace, that should be all.
Price thought to himself as he placed the necessary items on the table outside their room, with a heavy bag on his left as his thumb lingered on the necklace.
An owl head marble piece hangs at the end of it, an item he found comfort in whenever they were separated.
Not like it would be…of any use now.
He brushed it one last time, before heading out, leaving Raven behind.
At least, that’s what he intended to do, to leave behind the one person he had willingly, and stubbornly let into his life.
And now, he’s walking away like a mad man.
He sees Nik’s heli in the far distance, the sight both a relieving but solemn reminder of what is about to happen.
Usually, he wouldn’t think.
Just walk, it’s right there.
Yet, he stays rooted in the sand, as if waiting for a miracle.
“Is that it?!” A shout made him flinch slightly, turning around only to be completely knocked down into the sandy beach.
“You think you can throw me aside like a doll, a birdie with songs you’ve grown bored of, is it?”
A loud clean slap, with the sting now buzzing on his left cheek as his eyes widened.
“You– you don’t get to decide what’s right for me”
“Listen here you– prick! Old geezer whatever the fuck you are right now-” 
“You only get to choose me once, you either live with me forever, or we live our lives apart”
“Can you live your life without me?”
“Don’t you dare say anything other than to answer my questions”
A long uncomfortable silence stretched between them, as Raven stayed straddling his chest as he lay against the sand that felt like it was burying him up.
It wasn’t when he felt the warm drops of tears on his cheek that his eyes truly met her. 
“....do I mean nothing to you? Am i…just another pawn for you in the grand scheme of things? That could be abandoned once you’re done?”
“What happened to staying together through thick and thin? What about the vows you exchanged when you put this ring on my finger?”
More tears streamed down her face, hands shakily but tightly gripping his collar
“Answer me, coward”
That finally broke Price out of the trance as he quickly reached up to cup her face, brushing away the droplets of pain and sorrow that dampened her delicate face.
“I have to go…” “Why…? Just…just why?” “I wrote everything in the letter-” “I don’t care about the damn letter…tell me straight in the face”
“I can’t-” “John, please”
Now it was Raven’s time to pause, a frown that formed for a split second before it softened.
“....” She sighs, letting go of his collar as she cradled his cheeks.
“....you know you won’t” “That’s what I said to him too…you know”
“....it wasn’t your fault”
“sunshine…I called him sunshine…Eira….I-”
“You didn’t know”
“I should’ve…”
His eyes glistened as vision blurred, the months of unshed grief escaping, cascading down to the sand.
Price never got to grieve, it swirls inside, a little bit like a black hole, like infinity. 
A small part of him is lost with every soldier and civilian he loses.
And Soap took a big chunk of him, a good part perhaps, one of his– kinder shards. 
Another, is stuck frozen in the moment, in the tunnel. No goodbye, just an absence, sudden, abrupt end, a gunshot louder than any screams that ensues.
Price tends to get rid of grief, one way or another, because it reminds him of his mistake, because it feels like he is holding onto a lost cause.
But here’s the thing about loss, grief is hanging onto love.
It is why it is always felt at all times.
Even on days where he thought he’d healed, while other days it was like old wounds opening up deeper than before.
There was not a day where he wouldn’t miss his favorite Scottish gremlin. 
And if his absence was strong enough that it makes it hard to breathe, he could only imagine what it would be like if Eira’s gone as well.
“I can’t lose you”
There is no more desperate creature, than a human being on the verge of losing love.
She sighs, leaning down as she lays down next to him on the sand ungraciously, staring up the sky with him
“....leaving me alone here on this island doesn’t guarantee my safety either, you know that right?”
“I have my people watching you here…” “And a tsunami could come and drown us all”
“Well if that happens I would know-” “No, no you won’t”
She can tell he was about to argue as she shushes him gently, turning to face him, uncaring for the sharp sandy stones that scratched into her ear.
“You can’t always take the blame for things out of your control”
She murmured, holding his palm
“...and you can’t let your worry cloud your conscious and…do something stupid like this”
“Don’t push me away, when you’ve already made a place in my heart that will never be replaceable by anyone.”
“....you think this was dumber than you jumping into the ocean?”
“Absolutely” He chuckles lightly, raising a brow as he smiles.
“I don’t want to be…your regret, John” She whispered, voice breaking a little
“Even if we were not meant to be together…we’ve proved that idea wrong, time and time again…”
He shifted, sitting up slightly as he pulls her onto his lap, hands brushing away the sand on her hair slightly (failing, sands are stubborn lil shits) as he lets out a quiet sigh
“I dream of a time where…the universe was never wrong to begin with, and you’re mine to keep…forever”
“Well you ought to pick a better dream” She smiles, leaning up as she landed a small kiss on his nose
“This dream is already true, because Im yours forever, and ever”
“You are stuck with me, whether you like it or not”
“I suppose I am, aren't I…” “Absolutely…” He smiles, and hugged her tightly, everything about this felt neither wrong or right.
It felt like home.
“Now, are you going to continue mopping around in the sand or will Nik start throwing a tantrum when we get there? Last time he did he defied physics..."
“Im sure man’s busy with the coconuts and alcohol over there, plus we need to get your stuff–”
“It’s in your bag”
He unzips the cover, and realize that somehow Eira’s sneaked her belongings inside
“No wonder it got heavier…” “Im telling you, you’re an idiot” He laughs slightly, ruffling her hair as they stood up, pulling her closer by the ends of her shirt as he kissed her forehead.
“Yes…but I’m your idiot…”
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martianbugsbunny · 6 months
That's How He Knows He's Yours (A Lokius Fic)
Would you like a little bit of self-indulgent Lokius to heal from the finale? You would?!?! Good!! Because I just so happen to have some! *opens green coat to reveal a fic* All the context you need, which is little to none, is in the fic, so just read on and enjoy and patch up your little broken heart!!!
The TVA was having a party.
That wasn’t really the important thing, but it was interesting anyway. Mobius couldn’t remember the last time they’d had a party—but they needed to keep their spirits up after finding out that their entire lives were, in fact, lies, so a party it was. Every sector was having its own shindig, because the TVA was immense, and all of the employees couldn’t have fit in a single room if they’d been threatened with death to do it.
Well, anyway, the important thing was that Mobius wasn’t going alone. He’d convinced Loki that it would be more fun to go together than to go separately, or not to go at all.
The other important thing was that Mobius had offered to braid Loki’s hair, which had grown considerably longer than it had been the first time they’d met, and that Loki had taken him up on it.
He’d spent hours studying both Jotun and Aesir braiding styles—not just the actual construction, but also the meaning behind them. In the end he’d picked the Jotun style that signaled “I’m taken” because it was beautiful, and because he was pretty sure Loki didn’t know enough about his own culture to know what it meant himself, so Mobius could convince himself it wasn’t that much of a presumption.
“I’m not so sure about this suit,” Loki said, patiently waiting as Mobius brushed his hair before twisting it together. “The gold stripes are a bit much, don’t you think?” “What happened to the guy who used to strut around wearing gold armor and a cape?” Mobius teased, beginning the first braid. Left under the middle, right under the middle, he muttered to himself.
“I’ve been wearing your boring TVA clothes for months,” Loki said. “The drab must’ve rubbed off on me.”
Mobius rolled his eyes. The truth was, he was outside his own comfort zone in a fancy suit. His didn’t have metallic pin-striping on it like Loki’s did (because it was a bit much, although Loki wore it well) but it was black, and a much sharper cut and a much more dashing style than he was used to wearing. He’d been just an analyst in a plain brown suit for centuries, and now here he was all dressed up like he thought he was Prince Charming or something.
He tried to focus more on the different strands of dark hair in his hands than on the way his fingertips brushed against Loki’s temples as he gathered new locks to add to a braid.
He failed.
As he began to pin the completed braids up using glittering golden hair pins, he tried to focus more on not stabbing Loki’s  scalp than on the brush of his hands against the nape of Loki’s neck.
He failed.
Loki was built like a prince, Mobius sometimes caught himself thinking. It didn’t matter if it was princedom of Asgard or of Jotunheim. There was an elegance in the set of his shoulders, in the movements of his hands as he wielded his magic, and a determination in the curve of his back and the way he stepped, that was just plain regal. Gold, like the simple rings he was wearing that night and the hair pins Mobius had found for him and the single slim chain around his neck, seemed to have been built into the cosmos for no reason other than to have Loki wear it.
That was waxing poetic. Mobius didn’t do that often—only for Loki and Jet Skis. What could he say, they were both remarkable singularities in the universe.
He finished setting the last braid into place, nestled among the others like a crown across the top of Loki’s head. “All done, puss,” he said, patting Loki on the shoulder.
Loki’s head turned slightly to the side at the use of the nickname, and Mobius could just see a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Do I dare look?” he asked.
“I didn’t mess it up that bad,” Mobius said. Loki chuckled and got up from the floor in front of Mobius’s couch to go check his appearance in the mirror on the other side of the room.
Mobius could see the reflected green eyes widening as he caught sight of himself. For some reason Mobius’s heart was in his throat.
“I didn’t know you knew how to do this,” Loki said.
“What, braids?” Mobius managed to speak past his racing pulse. “It’s not that hard.” (It was, actually, quite hard, but learning it for Loki had made it seem easier.)
“No. The Jotun style.” That quick pulse stopped altogether. Mobius sat there, stock still, feeling very much like he was going to throw up if Loki didn’t break the sudden silence.
He turned from the mirror to look Mobius in the eyes properly. He was smiling, his eyes glittering beneath the faint liner he’d applied earlier that evening and a light dusting of shimmery white eyeshadow. “Seems the pussycat has caught himself a guilty little mouse,” he said, his voice sultry and honey-smooth, dripping into Mobius’s soul. “You didn’t realize I knew what these braids meant,” he stated. There wasn’t a hint of doubt on his face.
“You caught me,” Mobius said. He was impressed with himself for being able to get any words out at all, with Loki’s gaze focused on him like that.
“I’m taken, am I?”
Now Mobius found himself entirely unable to speak. What could he say, after all, other than "we’ve been spending a lot of time together and you don’t mind when I call you ‘puss’ and I catch you staring at me sometimes in a way nobody ever has"? It seemed stupid even in his brain. None of that meant he and Loki were…whatever he’d been subconsciously thinking they could be when he’d picked the style.
Loki walked back across the room, a new sway in his hips that Mobius was positive hadn’t been there before, and sat down on the couch to lean directly into Mobius’s personal space. For a long moment, far too long, far too breathless, he simply studied Mobius’s face, as though he could see everything single thought that had ever crossed his mind.
“We’ll see about that when we get back from the party,” he said finally, gaze flicking briefly down to Mobius’s lips. “Maybe you’re the one who’s going to be…taken.”
He crossed into that last bit of personal space and pressed their lips together, his touch surprisingly light, stunningly tender, as one arm came up to drape across Mobius’s shoulders and draw him even closer.
“Don’t be so sure of yourself, puss.” Mobius finally found his tongue again after the kiss (although in a few moments, he was sure the cat would have it) and flirted back, laying a hand on Loki’s thigh. “You’re the one with the fancy hairstyle to prove it.”
As Loki laughed, Mobius captured his lips in another kiss, just as soft as before but oh-so-many leagues more passionate, and he thanked his lucky stars he’d been fool enough to pick a Jotun way to call Loki his.
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callsignmuse · 2 years
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Requested by: Untitled87858
Request: Hi 👋🏻 first of all I love your writing, I’m literally addicted to your writing
I would like to make a rooster request, where the reader is famous actress or model and she in a relationship with rooster
Response: Let’s gooooo
Author’s Note: I hope I got some of Jimmy’s voice in there 😂
Jimmy: And for tonight’s guest we have the amazingly talented Y/N! Her upcoming project Unstoppable, which will be hitting theaters this October! Let’s give her a round of applause!
You enter from behind the blue curtain and wave to crowd. You give Jimmy a hug before sitting down on the chair next to his desk.
Jimmy: Wow Y/N, it’s so great to see you again. It’s been awhile hasn’t it?
Y/N: Yeah, I think the last time we talked was when you texted me about that new ice cream flavor I told you to try. You know the one you said you’d hate…
Jimmy: I did say that didn’t I? Well guess who’s eating a tub of it a night now.
Audience laughs
Jimmy: So tell me about this upcoming movie you’ve been working on. I hear the training for it was - was pretty intense.
You nod your head
Y/N: Yeah, this new movie is all about aviation. It’s basically a love letter to it. So to truly do that we went up in actual fighter jets. And trained for a few months before hand on how to actually operate these crazy things.
Jimmy: You were in one of those?
Y/N: Yep! I know little old me? In that? Well it was written into my contract I didn’t have a choice.
You and the audience laugh
Jimmy: How was that experience for you?
You sighed hitting your thighs with a traumatized expression
Y/N: Well…
Jimmy: Uh oh that can’t be good!
You chuckle
Audience laughs
Y/N: Lets just say I haven’t thrown up that much since college.
Audience claps
Jimmy laughs
Jimmy: I hear you also have a new love in your life. He has something in common with these jets you flew for you new movie.
You blush with a small giggle
Y/N: You could say that
Jimmy pulls up on his screen a picture of you on Instagram hugging him from behind in his flight suit.
Jimmy: So tell us about this guy
Y/N: That’s my boyfriend Rooster.
Audience laughs
Jimmy: So you’re going out with a chicken
You laughed
Y/N: That’s his call sign! His real names Bradley I promise.
You were grinning extra wide now. Just talking about him made your heart race.
Jimmy: What’s a call sign? For the people at home who don’t know
Y/N: A call sign should be a name to invoke fear in your enemies but most of the time they get it from something dumb they did or said and can never live down
Jimmy: Did he do something?
You shook your hands back and forth
Y/N: No, No his is more sentimental. For his dad
Jimmy: So Y/N tell us what Rooster does for a living.
Y/N: Bradley is a fighter pilot. He’s actually in the top one percent of fighter pilots in the country and he’s a Top Gun graduate. He’s a big deal and a legacy too.
Jimmy: He must’ve been psyched for you to get this role in the movie then.
Y/N: Oh! He couldn’t wait for me to finish my first day of flying. He’s been so supportive. He’s the absolute best.
Jimmy: What’s something about him that we wouldn’t know just by looking at him?
Y/N: Well he’s the best of the best right? But when he gets into the cockpit with Maverick, it all changes
You laid the scene out
Jimmy: How so?
Y/N: You would think he keeps his cool but I swear he uses every curse word in the book with Maverick at the helm. He’s tossing him around like a rag doll up there!
Jimmy: That’s hilarious, I hear you brought some footage
Y/N: I did, I did! This was taken by their flight cam just yesterday I believe
Plays video of Rooster in the backseat screaming Holy Shit as Maverick turns the jet unexpectedly knocking him into the canopy.
Audience laughs
Y/N: And that’s what the best looks like
You shook your head chuckling to yourself
Jimmy: He sounds like a dream! Everybody let’s check out this new clip from Y/Ns new movie Unstoppable.
Watches clip
Audience claps and cheers
You are sitting there beaming with pride.
Jimmy: Doesn’t that look amazing! Ladies and gentlemen! In theaters this October. Stick around because when we get back Y/N and I are going to play some Top Gun Pictionary!
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dajaregambler · 2 years
HeliosR - Dino Albani Card story ‘‘Family gathering’’
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Translation of Dino Albani’s 2nd anniversary card story from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.
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Junior: -And this is a picture taken at the party held to celebrate our one year anniversary for being admitted.
Junior: All the food was amazing at this super luxurious venue!
Granny: Oh my, truly. What a wonderful place. So you celebrated in such a fancy, sparkly location.
Pops: Aren’t you just looking cool there, Junior-kun. You were dapper at the wedding ceremony already, and here's an other side of coolness coming from you.
Junior: R-really? You don’t usually see me walking around in these kinda clothes, so the fact that you think that means a lot
Faith: Grandfather, grandmother, look at my picture too. The one where I’m standing with Ochibi-chan
Pops: Ooh, where, where?
Junior: Gah, don’t get in the way you Shitty DJ! He just said I was cool and all too!
Faith: Why’re you mad? Will showing my pic make them stop calling you cool or something?
Junior: Gh…..KYAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!
Keith: Shuddup…..
Dino: Ahaha, as long as they’re having fun♪ Obviously same goes for Junior, but seeing Faith enjoy himself is making me happy
Dino: I thought about how I could go for a little vacation, and ended up excitedly inviting everyone over to my family’s home…
Dino: Although the more I think about it, I’m a bit worried if it was the right call to make given how it was everyone’s precious time off…
Keith: No need to go out of your way to fret over it. Ain’t like these guys had anything planned in particular
Keith: It’s their earned time off after giving it all they got with training this whole year, so ain’t it got this feeling of a special occasion to it? …Not that I know any better.
Dino: I guess so… It’s reassuring to hear you say that.
Dino: The last time I was here I told granny and pops that when I drop by again I'll be taking the whole team with me
Dino: Spending time like this, together with pops and granny who raised me, then with you and the rookies, it might as well be a dream.
Dino: It’s like a “big ol’ family gathering!”, which makes me super duper happy♪
Keith: Really now….
Keith: Kinda amazing ya can say sumn’ like that without getting embarrassed. Not that it’s a new development or anything….
Dino: Eh!? Did I say something embarrassing?
Keith: Don’t mind it~
Pops: Come to think of it, Junior-kun is the son of that “The Lightning”, right
Keith: ……Oh?
Granny: Yes, yes! Both me and pops were surprised to hear that when we were watching the broadcast of the LOM the other day!
Pops: So that’s why you got called to throw the first ball for the Tiger Jets before. It all made sense when I heard it.
Dino: Uwawah, this is bad… They don’t know about Junior’s whole situation…
Dino: What do we do, Keith. Should we step in?
Keith: …….. Nah-
Junior: Yep, that’s right. “The Lightning” is my dad.
Junior: You two must’ve seen his ceremonial first pitch in real time, yeah? Dino told me that
Pops: Yes exactly! I remember how your father had done a splendid job just like you, Junior-kun
Dino: H-huh…? He’s handling it better than I thought he would.
Keith: …Hmm?
Keith: ………
Dino: Keith
Keith: Oh, what’s up
Dino: Ah, there really isn’t anything… Rather, sorry for interrupting your little moment of rest
Keith: I ain’t taking a breather, I’m just smoking. Having a cigarette while surrounded by Mother Nature feels a bit criminal though. 
Dino: Ahaha…
Keith: What now?
Dino: Nothing… Was wondering if you weren’t feeling tired or so…
Keith: Tired?
Dino: I mean, it’s not like there’s a moment of peace with how things always get rowdy at my place, right?
Dino: For me it’s nothing out of the ordinary, but there’s also people who can’t stand these kinds of things…
Keith: Ya think so?
Dino: …Am I wrong?
Keith: Haaah… What’cha getting strange ideas for this late
Keith: Ain’t like it’s the first time I’m here, or meeting yer pops and granny for the matter…
Keith: Besides, how many years do ya think we’ve been friends. If that’s what it is, we’ve gotten over that hill long time ago
Dino: EEEH!?
Keith: And if yer talking ‘bout all the noise, ain’t like it’s much different from back at the Tower
Keith: Seriously man, you're eons late with worrying after all that merry making. And since yer the one proposed the idea, ya better show me how to have fun with all ya got.
Dino: Keith……
Keith: Hm? ….What’s up with that car?
Dino: Ah!
Brad: I ended up being late.
Keith: Eh….? huh? Brad!?
Dino: You totally aren’t late at all. Thanks for coming despite being busy.
Keith: Oi, oioioioi, what’s the meaning of this… You didn’t tell me anything 
Dino: I also invited Brad to come over. Since granny and pops have been always mentioning how they wanna him again too.
Brad: I hadn’t been called over since our Academy days. My apologies for also not being able to drop to give my greetings when they had come to New Million too.
Dino: It’s all good, no worries about that! I’d like for you to relax and enjoy yourself too today♪
Brad: I see… You have my gratitude for letting me have a nice holiday.
Keith: Listen, Dino. With Brad coming here and all, stuffs gonna get, y’know… we gotta need to like follow through and all, what’cha gonna do ‘bout all that?
Dino: Follow through?
Keith: I’m talking ‘bout Faith here! Ya didn’t tell me anything, don’t say that you kept quiet from him t-
Faith: Keith, Dino, what’re you doing?
Keith: …….!
Faith: Ah…..
Faith & Brad: …….
Keith: O-oi, is this gon’ be alright-
Faith: So you came?
Brad: Yes
Faith: …Well isn’t that just perfect timing? We were just about to eat dinner right now
Faith: You two should head inside soon too
Keith: Y-yeah……
Brad: I shall go greet your grandmother and grandfather at once.
Keith: ………
Dino: Of course I brought this up to Faith before. And then he told me it wouldn’t be a problem or anything.
Keith: …Hmm?
Dino: C’mon, let’s also get inside! There’ll be plenty of delicious furnace baked pizza to eat~♪
Dino: This time around I planned everything to make sure it’ll be enjoyable. So I’ll do as you said and have fun with everything I got in me!
Dino: A pizza party together with all of my beloved family! It doesn’t get more love and peace than that…☆
Keith: Haha….. Am no match for that love and peace alien after all…
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the-jet-star · 2 years
We could steal this car if your folks don’t mind
Jet was driving at a crawl as he neared the BL/ind building. He wasn’t 100% comfortable with the plan, mainly because he didn’t know all of it yet. Ghoul had prepared this all on his own, and it must’ve taken him a while because he apparently already thought of everything. Jet would say he’s impressed, but he actually never really underestimated his younger comrade. He just didn’t want his ego to inflate more than it already was.
“Okay,” he finally breathed. “You get 45 minutes. No explosions, I come looking for you, got it?” His heart is beating out of his chest like it does every time they got on a mission. He doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to this shit, especially now that he is officially the worst shooter out of everyone.
He reaches over to clasp a hand with Ghoul before he leaves, silently giving him a good luck and praying that everything goes according to whatever plan he has.
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fatexbound · 1 year
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@fantomevoleur​ said: “ get behind me… ” (Akira to Makoto :3)
𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬. | Accepting
Their training session in the depths of Mementos was going well so far until they encountered a problem that wouldn’t go away. This Shadow was quite dangerous-- a Disaster Shadow, shining brightly with big, glowing red eyes. A body made of pure gold with a purple suit, jet-like wings upon its back to keep it flying in the air. Joker had called it Melchizedek once, and she kept that name in mind. However, she never imagined it would pack such a punch, better than her own. Careful as she was, launching a few well-aimed spells, she had taken hits that would take a while to heal.
Queen panted heavily, clutching the side of her arm after voluntarily healing herself and her leader. That Shadow had two friends as well, which meant more trouble of them. He must’ve noticed how tired she was that got him to say that.
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“I-I’m sorry... I thought this would be easy, like always. Please be careful, Joker. Just a little more and it will explode...! It’s weak to wind, so take advantage of it now!” With that said, she quickly took cover behind him to catch her breath.
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spencerreidsworld · 2 years
long flight - aaron hotchner
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synopsis: based on the request "On the jet home from a stressful case, he comforts you, tells you that you did a good job back there even though it didn’t feel like it. He then keeps being worried about you and asked to drive you home just to be sure that you’re okay. Just all of the comfort." from my love @gettingrailedbyreid <3
warnings/content: angst, comfort, lots of hotchy fluff
wc: 2.4k
a/n: my god that gif 🥵 i ended up writing this in reader's pov, although i think it could be really interesting and cute from hotch's pov, but i'm just worried that i wouldn't be able to capture his essence properly and it would end up ooc. if anyone wants me to write it from hotch's perspective, let me know here! I really can’t decide how I feel about this, feedback would be greatly appreciated since it's my first hotch fic.
The familiar smell of tan leather seats and stale coffee enveloped my senses as I stepped into the jet. It was a welcome relief to plop down into one of the large seats, and I took a deep breath, closing my eyes, to try and ground myself. The rest of the team settled themselves amongst the seats, everyone breathing a collective sigh of relief after a very hard few days. We had been on a rather tolling case and now had a long jet ride ahead of us to get back home to Virginia. It was an intense one, as cases often were when they involved children. After days of all of us cooped up in a high-stress, tiny, hot office room trying to figure out who exactly was guilty of these horrendous crimes, we were all a little on edge. By the time we had finally taken the guy down, we had had more than enough petty fights between us to last a lifetime. 
I opened my eyes as I felt the engine of the jet start up and we began slowly making our way to the runway. Glancing around the plane, I could see how truly exhausted everyone was. JJ and Spencer were curled up on the small couch near the back, both fast asleep already. Derek had his headphones on, eyes closed. Emily and Dave were both also sleeping in chairs of their own. I began scanning the jet for the team member I was most worried about and spotted him standing in the small aisle, pouring hot water into two mugs with tea bags. 
Hotch was always someone who took these cases the hardest, and simultaneously managed to keep his emotions well-hidden at the same time. But I knew as well as anyone that his tough exterior was a defence mechanism at best; he wanted to be a strong leader for his team, and that, to him, meant not breaking down. I wasn’t quite as strong, however. I could feel the dried salty tear stains on my cheeks from crying hours prior. I was sure I looked like hell: there was blood stains on my now wrinkled shirt, my ponytail was tangled and messy. I couldn’t even imagine what the bags under my eyes must’ve looked like. I closed my eyes again, trying to relax my body and not start crying again. The gruesome memories from the case flashed in the dark of my eyelids and I had to make a conscious effort to think of something else, or someone else. 
As I focused my mind on him, I was interrupted by the real thing. He cleared his throat quietly as he sat in the seat across from me, holding the two mugs in his hands. My heart fluttered as I realized he had been making the second cup of tea for me. 
“You look like hell,” I murmured, sitting up and leaning forward in my seat as he carefully handed me the hot tea. A small smile crossed over his tired face and my stomach exploded with butterflies. Even when I felt like absolute shit, there was something about Hotch that managed to comfort me no matter what. He looked somewhat disheveled, for him at least, with his hair out of place and his suit jacket long forgotten, buttons of his shirt undone and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. I didn’t understand how he could make looking like hell so handsome, but he never failed to surprise me. 
“Ditto.” He replied finally, shaking his head slightly. He was watching me with careful eyes, as he always did after a case. “Are you alright?” 
His eyes were scanning me carefully, taking in my tangled hair and the blood dried on my collar. I could feel the fierce sense of protection radiating off of him. I knew that Hotch and I always had a bit of a closer relationship than the rest of the team, but I never allowed myself to think about it too deeply; I was afraid of exactly what I would admit to myself regarding my feelings towards him. He showed me he cared with small gestures like making me tea without asking, letting me sit in his quiet corner of the jet with him when I was sure I had never seen anyone else sit back here with him. Our little bubble of the jet was lit by our overhead lights, the rest of the jet dark as the team slept. I ran my thumb over the warm ceramic of the mug, allowing myself to bask in the feeling of Aaron watching me. He waited patiently for my answer, never rushing me or expecting anything of me. 
“Yeah, I’m okay,” I said quietly. My voice was hoarse, tired from yelling to my teammates during our mission. Hotch’s voice, however, was still strong, deep, and confident. I wondered how on earth he could keep himself so calm. He tilted his head slightly as he watched me, and worry cascaded across his face. 
“Y/N,” he said in a low voice. Every time he referred to me by my first name rather than ‘Agent’ or ‘Y/L/N’ it caught me off guard. I looked up at him from my cup of tea. 
“It’s okay,” I said, trying to sound convincing. “I’m just… I’m tired.” 
He nodded slightly, his lips in a tight line.
“Hotch, it’s okay. Worry about yourself for once, okay?” I leaned forward and carefully touched his hand with my shaking fingers, trying not to cross any sort of unspoken boundary. Before I could pull my hand away, he caught my fingers in his and held onto my hand. My eyes widened slightly as we both stared at our conjoined hands in surprise. I could tell he had even shocked himself, but I squeezed his hand quickly to try to dissipate his nerves. It was deeply comforting, him holding my hand, and I desperately didn’t want him to let go. He could tell, and he brushed his thumb over my knuckles carefully, still looking at our hands. 
“I just want you to know I’m here if you need to talk.” He broke the silence suddenly. “It- that was a tough case.” 
I suppressed the smile threatening to break on my face at his nervous demeanour. 
“Thank you,” I said softly, willing him to look at me. “You too, Aaron.” 
He looked up at me sharply at the sound of me using his first name, and the look in his eyes was indescribable. I wanted to crawl into his lap and let him envelope me in his strong arms, and I had to fight the urge to climb over the table. I felt my eyes well up with tears again, both from sheer exhaustion and the feeling it gave me to be looked at by Hotch in such a loving and tender way. 
“Come here,” he said suddenly, his voice gravelly and demanding. He pulled slightly at my hand. He looked up at me with a cautious smile. “That’s an order, Agent.” 
A smile broke out on my face as I stood up carefully, Hotch still holding onto my hand, and moved around the small table to sit in his seat with him. I sniffled slightly as I sat down, Hotch moving slightly to allow me some room to snuggle in beside him. He shifted slightly, clearing his throat, and I could tell he was trying not to make me uncomfortable. I didn’t care, however, because being tucked under his arm was the greatest comfort I had felt in a long time. 
He carefully adjusted himself around me, his arm gingerly wrapped around my shoulders. I moved to tuck my legs up underneath me, shifting to tuck myself into his armpit just right and resting my head cautiously on his chest. I waited before relaxing, trying to see if he would stop me, but he pulled me closer, fingers wrapped around my upper arm in a way that made me wish I could glue myself to him. I closed my eyes, breathing him in and letting his familiar smell spread through my senses. He smelled so strong, like mahogany, and cigars somehow, despite never seeing him smoke in my life. He just smelled of comfort and I wanted to live in that moment with him, forever. I realized I was nearly asleep as I felt him press a long kiss to the crown of my head, listening to my breathing slow and smiling to himself. 
I slept until we landed. And even more surprisingly, so did Hotch. 
We were both awoken by Spencer carefully poking us awake, a very surprised and amused look on his boy-genius face. I blinked slightly in the early morning light streaming through the small windows and sat up slowly, glancing over at Hotch, who was still sleeping peacefully, head against the jet wall and arm still wrapped around me. I looked up at Spencer with wide eyes, and he smirked slightly and shook his head. 
“You’re lucky everyone else already got off before I came to get you guys.” He whispered, poking my arm again lightly before grabbing his go-bag and making his way towards the exit. I felt myself blushing, hard, and I turned to Hotch to try to wake him up. I hadn’t seen him sleep on the jet as long as I’d known him, and I mulled over the fact that he had fallen into a sound sleep with me for the first time probably ever. 
“Aaron,” I said softly, allowing myself to reach up to touch his sleeping face gently. “We made it.” 
He stirred slightly, opening one eye and peeking at me. I smiled and tugged gently on his loosened tie. 
“Mm,” he mumbled. His voice was raspy, thick with sleep, and it caused a pang deep in my stomach. 
“C’mon,” I said. “Let’s get you home, hm?” 
By the time we had made our way out of the jet into the sunlight, I realized how relieved I was to be back home. I couldn’t wait to go crawl into my bed, but I also felt weirdly empty at the thought that I would now be sleeping alone. 
I could feel his eyes on me as he followed me to our vehicles. Now that I was nearly home I felt truly how exhausted I was, mentally and physically. I could barely lift my bag off the ground as I heaved it into my trunk. 
“Hey,” His voice behind me perked me up, and I glanced over at him, standing at his trunk next to me. 
“Hey,” I replied softly, closing my trunk and watching him hold his bag above his trunk as if he were hesitating. 
“Do you- can… I…” He began stuttering again and I watched him lovingly, waiting for him to find the words. “Do you need some company? I just- I would feel better if I could take you home myself. Make sure that you get in okay and everything.”
Before he even finished speaking, I began nodding. I was beginning to realize how badly I really needed him, and how badly I think he needed me. 
“That would be… that would be really nice, Hotch. Thank you.” 
He nodded and brought his bag over to my trunk, opening it and sliding it in next to mine. 
“I’ll drive,” he said, holding his hand out for my keys. I nodded slightly, dropping them into his open palm and letting him lead me to the passenger door of my car. 
As we drove to my house, I watched his hands on the steering wheel, his stern face looking out at the early morning traffic. He needed no directions to get to my place, despite having been there maybe once before. I tried not to dwell on the excitement I felt that he remembered where I lived after all this time. I felt so safe watching him drive, I almost fell asleep on the short car ride. Once at my house, he grabbed my bag from my trunk as I got out of the car slowly, trying to work up the courage to ask him what I wanted to ask. I knew he cared about me and wanted to protect me, and I felt like I needed the protection. I didn’t want to sleep without him today, let alone ever again, but I had to start somewhere. 
“Aaron?” I asked carefully, coming around the side of the car. He looked at me quickly, putting my bag down and stepping towards me, my keys in his hand. 
“Are you okay? What is it?” He asked quickly, scanning me to see if he could spot something wrong. 
“No, I- yes, I’m okay. I just… would you maybe want to come in? And stay? I just… I would feel better if you were there… with me.” I could barely get the words out, and I could feel my face growing hot as I stuttered out the question. 
“Yes.” He said, barely waiting a second. “Yes, I think that’s a good idea. Yeah.” He was nodding fervently now, grabbing his bag out of the trunk and closing it, picking mine up again with his other hand. 
“Okay,” I let out a small giggle, reaching out. “Here, I can take one.” 
“No, no,” he shook his head, motioning to the front door. “Just lead the way.” 
I led him quickly to the front door, carefully taking the keys off his pinky finger where they hung and unlocking it. 
He carefully put our bags down once we were inside and I stepped forward quickly before I could change my mind and wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him close to me. Aaron’s arms were raised in surprise, but it didn’t take him long to wrap them around my shoulders. I pressed my face against his chest and felt him put his face in my hair. 
“Let’s get you to bed, huh?” He mumbled and I nodded against his chest. 
“Thank you, Aaron.” I whispered, feeling him rub my back gently. 
“Don’t thank me,” he said, pulling away slightly and looking down at me, holding me by my shoulders. “I want to be here.” 
I nodded, looking up at him in awe as his eyes bore into mine. 
“Okay,” I whispered. “good.” 
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cassieb1617 · 2 years
Late night dance💌
Pairing: tfatws!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Fluff, angst at the beginning
Summary: Bucky had a nightmare and called you but things ended different than expected.
Warnings: violence at the beginning (Bucky’s nightmare); I thinks that’s it let me know if there is more
A/N: I’m back at writing again I finished my exams and I’m not that stressed anymore. Feel free to give feedback or request something, as I am now writing for both the MCU and Harry Potter <3
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The asian looking man looked frightened at the winter soldier. “I-I didn’t see anything!” His voice was shaking and the assassin pointed his gun at him and he shot him.
Bucky woke up with a gasp and shot out of his self made bed on the floor. Another nightmare. His chest and forehead were covered in a thin layer of sweat. Looking at a clock he checked the time. 4:57 am. The ex-assassin sighed in frustration, just one night where he’d get sleep without a nightmare. A dream. He stretched his vibranium-arm toward the couch beside him and searched for his phone with the only other number he called besides his therapist’s. There was a beeping and a high chance that the owner of the number was asleep but Bucky got his hopes up either way. He was that little before he would’ve ended the call but then-
“Hello?” Your voice was still full of sleep and Bucky suddenly felt guilty for waking you up but he was distressed and you said that he could call you anytime. “Hey (Y/n), I-uh, were you asleep?” It’s a stupid question and he knows that. It’s 5 am, of course you were sleeping. “Bucky, are you okay?” You dismissed his question as if he didn’t just crashed your beauty sleep but this is Bucky. You would never sleep again to make sure he was okay.
“Yeah, I’m okay I just-I don’t know why I called you nevermi-“ he was about to tell you to go back to sleep and end the call but you beat him to it. “Should I come over? I won’t need long and we can watch a movie or something.” You sounded so sweet. You always did, in Bucky’s opinion you’re an angel, someone sent from above for him to take care of and love. Love. It was such a big word and an even bigger emotion but Bucky was sure that he never loved someone as much as he loved you. If only you would reciprocate his feelings.
“Yeah that-that would be nice, doll.” His answer was simple and with an even more simple okay, see you soon you ended the call.
It was around fifteen minutes later that he heard your knocking on the door and he stood up to open it. What he wasn’t expecting was you standing in front of him with sleepy eyes and in one of his shirts and sweatpants that you must’ve taken with you from all the times you’ve slept here. You looked adorable, puffy eyes and in clothes that were at least two sizes to big for you.
In his mind you’ve always been adorable. The first time he saw you, you were there when the avengers fell apart and you were waiting for Bucky and Steve to get on the jet at the airpot to bring them to the other super soldiers and to stop Zemo. You weren’t working in the field but rather as an medic and Steve called you so you could help them and of course you said yes because you have a big heart and Steve needed your help. It was one of the firt things he noticed about you, that you were always there for everyone on the team, it didn’t matter if it was tending injuries or just for them to rant to you about something that was bothering them. You were there and actually listened. And to him too, even if you didn’t know him but you said ‘a friend of Steve is a friend of mine’. Sometimes, Bucky thought, your heart was too big. You always looked out for everyone, taking their problems from them and mending them yourself but never did you talk to anyone and Bucky wanted to change that. And so he did, with that a beautiful friendship was built and maybe, just maybe, something more. The rest was history.
“Hey Bucky.” You said it with an tired smile and Bucky welcomed you in. No further words were exchanged as this wasn’t the first time that this happened. You settled on the couch next to his self made bed and curled yourself together while Bucky brought you a blanket and tucked you in. At first he was embarrassed because he slept on the floor like some kind of dog but then you told him that Sam and Steve did that once too and that it’s normal for most people who once worked on the field. After that he wasn’t that ashamed about it anymore, you had that affect on him. Or maybe he was just ‘whipped’ as Sam likes to say.
As you both watched the remake of some silly, old show you noticed that your tiredness vanished and you were wide awake. Bucky, as it seems, felt the same as his following question came out of the blue. “Care to dance?” And he held out his hand. You looked at him, trying to figure out what to say to his invitation to the late night dance. “Sure.” And Bucky thanked all of the gods above that in that precise moment the show played music. He had to admit that having a TV doesn’t seem to bad.
The dance was slow and the steps uncoordinated. Bucky, although knowing the steps, hadn’t danced since the 40s and you being flustered didn’t make it any easier but it was fun nonetheless. He drew you in closer, god you were so close he just had to tilt his head down a bit and he could kiss you and that’s what he did, shocking the two of you. He didn’t know if it was bravery or just hope or whatever was wrong with him but it was as if you called him, shouted at him to kiss you that he just took his chance. And, god, he was just so happy that after a few moments you kissed back, he could’ve jumped up and down like some kind of puppy.
When you parted was a moment of silence, both of you collecting your thoughts. “You should’ve taken me out ln dinner first, you know, that’s how it’s normally done.” A beat. And then you were laughing, the two of you like it was the funniest thing you ever heard. The both of you looked at each other and smiled softly, the kind of smile where Sam would say ‘it’s so cute I think I have to throw up’ but it worked. “You want to go out with me sometime, doll?” The question was more silly than the show that’s still going on in the background. “Well, I can’t just say no to you now, can I?” And he chuckled.
You never needed many words with each other but that was okay because you understood it either way.
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This Game of Yours
Father of Mine – Part 1 and Part 2
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Jason was beautiful.
And somehow that scar that went from the right corner of his mouth up to his temple only made him that much more beautiful to Y/N.
Those blue eyes were the same color of water on a stormy day in the Irish sea. And somehow Y/N knew they held the same tempestuousness.
The white streak weaved with his jet black hair so naturally that Y/N would’ve believed he was born with it.
His shoulders were so broad, making his 6’3 height feel even more imposing. He had a presence. People noticed every time he walked into a room. It made Y/N wonder how he was ever able to sneak up on people as Red Hood.
He was wearing a black hoodie underneath his black moto jacket.
Y/N knew Jason didn’t give a shit about fashion. Yet he was well-dressed without any effort – more so than most of the models Y/N had shot throughout her career.
Not being able to control herself any longer, Y/N raised her camera and took a photo.
Jason stopped surveying their surroundings and his gaze snapped to her.
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
But his growl didn’t scare her in the slightest.
“Anyone who’s by me when I have a camera is at risk of getting their picture taken. No one is safe. Not even you,” she answered his question unapologetically.
Y/N was working on a personal passion project for her next show. Her collection would be about the poverty and crime of Gotham. Half of the photos would show the heaviest crime areas of the city. And the other half would expose the lifestyles of the wealthiest people in Gotham.
Why did so many suffer from the same system that helped the rich get even richer?
When Bruce found out Y/N was going to Crime Alley and the Bowery by herself, he was visibly upset.
But he realized that Y/N would do as she pleased, so his plan b was to give her protective detail.
However, Y/N didn’t know that Jason had volunteered, almost immediately.
Instead, all she heard was Jason grimly telling her, “You’re lucky you haven’t been fucking murdered yet.”
She had only responded with a roll of her eyes.
“I’m not your escort so you can take my picture. I’m here so you don’t get raped or murdered.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you have a way with words?”
His only response was a glare.
Jason loved playing this game. The game of pretending to be irritated with her when actually he was absolutely infatuated with Y/F/N Y/L/N.
“The easiest way to stop getting your picture taken is to always be the one holding the camera,” Y/N added with a smirk and wink.
Jason didn’t answer, only thinking what a shame it was that no one got to photograph her.
Suddenly, the sunlight hit the top of his head perfectly, creating a halo around that thick and messy hair of his.
Y/N snapped another photo.
“Will you stop?” He warned.
It only succeeded in making her laugh.
And that just excited his heart even more.
“Jason, you were born to get your photo taken.” 
There was no joke underneath her words, only sincerity.
“Whatever,” he mumbled.
Jason had a hard time believing that. His skin was riddled with scars. And he was convinced that she’d be singing a different song if she saw his chest, with its thick autopsy scar amongst the so many others. The absolute last word he’d use to describe himself was beautiful. Strong and imposing? Yes. But never beautiful – or any other positive adjective, for that matter.
“I’m not kidding. If you ever want to stop the whole vigilante thing, you can easily become a model.”
Y/N had noticed it as soon as Jason took of his helmet that night. His domino mask had done nothing to prevent her from noting the obvious.
It didn’t take long for Y/N to realize Jason wasn’t like his “brothers.”
“Brothers.” What a strange word.
Should she consider all of them as hers?
Only Damian was actually related to her – and technically he was only her half-brother.
Y/N had watched Jason get on his motorcycle and leave the cave that night she’d almost died.
She’d agreed to stay for dinner and get to know everyone. And a part of her brain was excited to get a better read on the masked man that sat by her bedside as she’d recovered.
“He’s not staying?” Y/N had asked Bruce as he guided her to the stairs that led back up to the manor.
He only shook his head, but she noticed the disappointed expression.
Soon she found out that Jason was the black sheep of this strange family that had taken her in.
Dick was the one who told her about Jason’s dark past. All of it seemed unbelievable: murdered by Joker and brought back to life from a mysterious pit. Only to return to the family who appeared to have replaced him and never sought vengeance on Jason’s behalf. 
But it was true; Y/N had seen no lie in Dick’s eyes when he filled her in.
Suddenly there was yelling coming from around the corner.
Without hesitation, Jason shoved Y/N behind him.
He reached for one of his guns and then realized that he didn’t have any.
Y/N was rather vocal about hating them, claiming they made her extremely uncomfortable.
Her expression alone as she said it was enough for Jason to swallow his stubbornness and leave the things at home.
Bruce was rather taken aback by the gesture. Nothing he’d ever said was enough to get Jason to do that.
A gang of young men came marching around the corner like they owned the place…because they did. This was their territory.
Jason immediately recognized them as some of the Russian mob.
Despite pulling Y/N behind him, they still caught sight of her and looked her up and down without an ounce of shame.
“Hey, beautiful. How you doing?”
“Продолжай идти, придурки,” Jason growled at them.
He was outnumbered. But there must’ve been something about his body language that made the gang realize they shouldn’t pick a fight with him. Maybe it was the muscles or his height or that he looked like he wouldn’t even blink before murdering them.
So they just…walked away. Some of them mumbled threats or insults at him. But they realized they shouldn’t even so much as look at Y/N.
A split second before they were gone, Y/N took a picture of Jason.
“Really?” He asked.
She shrugged. “You look like a different person when you’re protective.”
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Y/N was beautiful.
Jason watched as she passionately explained her work to a potential buyer.
He recognized the man as a local politician – luckily, one of the few that hadn’t been corrupted from this shitty city.
Y/N had the intimidating energy of her father, but the kind eyes of her mother. At least, that was what Bruce had told everyone, and they all took his word for it.
She wore a stylish white jumpsuit that made her look like a 1980s villain and black stiletto heels. 
Jason watched as men cowered in her presence, hating the fact that she proudly stood taller than them. She was just one less woman they could intimidate or manipulate – and they couldn’t stand it.
But Jason loved watching the emasculation in real time.
The bastards didn’t deserve her anyway.
Dick was one of the very few men Jason knew who didn’t blink at a woman towering over him. In fact, his older brother had a track record of preferring it.
“Surprised to see you here,” Bruce said beside him, catching Jason watching Y/N.
“Well, I was her personal bodyguard through all this. Figured I should see if it was worth me wasting my time or not.” Then he tossed back his champagne and slammed it on the tray of a waiter passing by. “Plus, free alcohol.”
Bruce just quirked an eyebrow, silently telling Jason that he knew he was lying.
“Are you buying something?” Jason asked, trying to change the subject.
“I have been strictly forbidden,” Bruce sighed.
Jason chuckled.
He knew if Bruce had his way, he’d buy every single on of Y/N’s pieces.
“I have to know,” Bruce began. “What exactly is holding you back?”
Jason finally ripped his gaze away from Y/N to give Bruce a questioning look.
“What are you talking about?”
“Y/N. You care about her.”
“All of us do,” Jason brushed off. “Even the demon spawn.”
Bruce knew there wasn’t a chance Jason would admit his feelings – especially to him.
“Not that I think you care…but you have my approval.”
Little did Bruce know, Jason did care.
Jason had convinced himself that their rocky relationship and past fights meant that Bruce would die before he let Jason be anywhere near his daughter.
And Jason could hardly blame him.
He didn’t deserve to be loved. He lost that right after he died and came back a monster. And that was the story Jason told himself over and over again.
So he would love Y/N from afar. And hope she would pick someone who was worthy of her love.
“She’s basically my sister,” Jason groaned in fake disgust.
It was quite the performance.
Bruce narrowed his eyes. “We both know that isn’t what’s stopping you. And you’ve made it clear you don’t consider us your family.”
“Whatever, Bruce.”
Jason walked away, having enough of the subject.
“What was that about?” Clark asked as he joined Bruce’s side.
“Jason refusing to let himself be happy,” Bruce sighed.
Clark already knew what Bruce was talking about. He’d seen Y/N and Jason dancing around each other for months now. He’d never really seen Y/N take an interest in anyone before, so it was all new for Clark.
“Don’t worry. Y/N won’t let him get away with it for much longer,” Clark said through a smirk. “She gets what she wants.”
And Bruce believed him.
“It doesn’t bother you – the two of them together?” Clark asked with genuine curiosity.
“Jason reminds me every day that I’m not his father. And I’m hardly Y/N’s.” A soft smile formed on Bruce’s lips. “He’ll look after her. And she…I think she’d be good for him. I just want them to be happy. Both of them.”
Jason headed home rather early.
He’d never actually went to say congratulations or even hello to Y/N.
Every time he was about to go over, someone else stole her attention. He didn’t want to get in the way of her talking to potential buyers or even just friends.
Jason was just about to make himself something to eat when there was a knock at his door.
He froze.
Very few people knew where his apartment was.
Jason grabbed a gun and tiptoed to his front door.
With a peak through the peephole, he let out a irritated sigh.
Jason whipped the door open, “You’re lucky I didn’t shoot your head off.”
“Maybe don’t own guns and you wouldn’t have to worry about shit like that,” Y/N snapped back.
“What are you doing here?”
“You come to my gallery opening and don’t even say hi?” Y/N accused as she stepped around him and into the apartment, not waiting for an invitation.
Jason eyed the paper bag that was in one of her hands.
“By all means, come on in,” he called sarcastically as he slammed the door behind her.
Y/N started searching through his cabinets. “Where are your glasses?”
“The one to your right. What are you doing here?”
Y/N had the brightest and almost mischievous smile as she pulled a bottle of champagne from the paper bag.
“I brought this as my thanks for you making sure I don’t – and I quote – ‘get raped and murdered.’”
Jason glared at her.
Here was the game again.
Y/N being charming and hilariously provoking..and Jason pretending like he hadn’t fallen for her.
She poured them both a glass. They weren’t flutes or coupes, but she couldn’t care less.
“We’re chugging these, by the way,” Y/N informed Jason as she handed him a glass.
He sighed, but obediently clinked his glass with hers and tossed it back.
Barely giving them a second, Y/N immediately refilled them.
“So, why didn’t you come over and say hi?” She repeated.
“Didn’t want to bother you,” Jason mumbled with a shrug.
She narrowed her eyes at his answer. “You’ve never bothered me before, Jason.”
Now he felt guilty.
Jason bowed his head. “I should’ve come and talked to you,” he agreed. “Your work…it looked – it’s amazing, Y/N. Congratulations.”
Apparently Y/N hadn’t expected such a sincere compliment from him, and she was stunned to silence.
“Thank you,” she managed to whisper once she’d recovered.
She cleared her throat, trying to maintain her edge. “And really…thank you for being my own little security detail.”
If Jason was healthy about expressing is thoughts and feelings, he would’ve told her that it was the highlight of his weeks. That he looked forward to her calls or texts, telling him that she was going to photograph another shady area. “Be there or don’t. I’m going no matter what,” she’d text him with her usual snark.
But Jason didn’t express his thoughts and feelings.
He kept them bottled up – with the same energy he used to keep Y/N at a distance.
So instead, Jason said, “If it wasn’t me, one of the others would’ve done it.”
Y/N winced slightly at that.
‘You’re such a fucking asshole,’ Jason told himself.
“You know…we can see each other even you’re not my bodyguard.”
Jason was impressed by her boldness. But she didn’t know what she was doing. She didn’t understand that he wasn’t good. He couldn’t play the loving boyfriend role. She belonged with someone like Dick or Clark – or literally anyone but him. And Jason was willing to be an asshole to make sure she understood that.
Y/N took a step closer to him, invading his personal space.
Without breaking eye contact, she threw back her second glass of champagne and then placed it on the nearest counter space.
She stepped even closer.
This was simultaneously Jason’s worst nightmare and most desired dream.
Her eyes moved from his eyes to his lips.
But before she could make her final push, Jason took a step back and cleared his throat.
He looked down at the ground as he said, “You should go.”
When he looked up, he expected to find Y/N heartbroken or embarrassed.
But she was neither.
No. She looked irritated.
Not because she wasn’t getting what she wanted, but because she was sick of his games.
Y/N sighed and stepped back. “Fine.”
Jason rubbed his face in frustration as she grabbed her purse and started for the door she had walked through only minutes ago.
She opened it and paused.
“You know what? No. Fuck that,” Y/N snapped before slamming the door closed.
She whipped around and strutted back to him with purpose.
Jason was suspended with both fervor and awe.
Y/N grabbed his face and pulled him down to her lips.
All self control went out the window. Jason couldn’t continue his game. It was all over for him.
He kissed her back almost immediately. How could he not?
Y/N bit his lip slightly, making him hiss in surprise. It was his punishment for making her wait all this time.
Eventually they needed a moment to breathe.
But Y/N didn’t let go of his face when their lips finally parted.
“Choose your next words very carefully,” she breathed.
He swallowed nervously. “You’re kind of fucking terrifying. You know that?”
Her smile was pure evil.
Apparently this was the right response.
“Are you done being an idiot?” She asked.
He nodded quickly.
Her hands moved down and then lingered on his neck, tracing the bottom lines of his jaw.
She smiled again and then looked him up and down.
“What?” He questioned.
“Nothing,” she laughed. “I’m just…I’m not used to being shorter than men.”
“Is that the only reason you like me? Huh? My height?” Jason goaded.
“Of course not,” Y/N scoffed. “It was the whole ‘I look like I could murder everyone and I can, but deep down I’m a big softie’ that did it for me.”
Jason’s grip tightened on her waist. “Oh, yeah? You’re one to talk…”
“Me?!” She yelped. “I couldn’t kill anyone, even if my life depended on it.”
“Maybe. But your terrifying in basically every other way.”
Y/N laughed at that.
Jason couldn’t stop himself from smiling at the sound
“So…still want me to leave?” She asked.
And this time, she would if that’s really what he wanted.
“Fuck no,” Jason answered, almost threateningly.
Then, for good measure, he picked her up by the back of her thighs and carried her to the couch, before he started to kiss her once again.
Y/N knew things weren’t always going to be this simple.
Jason had his demons. 
And honestly, so did she. They were nothing like his. And maybe they were silly in comparison. But she wouldn’t be the perfect partner. Just like he wouldn’t be. 
They’d drive each other crazy. But it would be the good kind of crazy.
+ Childhood
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