#he sadly cant give lectures but
kunikida runs a down low secret teaching ring
ppl, ada, civilians, pm, etc, will come to him in secret becuz they didn't get an education and he'll give them ways to test into or out of or whatever they want while also giving them specialized study books that they give him back to get graded
its down low and secret becuz his clients can be anyone and also because he keeps illegally copied and printed copies of several textbooks for ppl who really cant afford to get their own or have trouble borrowing them from libraries
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mylittlegayass · 2 years
Kaebedo - Just (boy) Friends - fluff
kaebedo with some implied ships.
modern au
it was a normal day at the group's lunch table, with venti bothering diluc about something useless, kaeya and rosaria making small talk over 'water' bottles, [vodka] and lisa lecturing jean over good sleeping habits.
"are you sure you're not lying about this?"
"rose, we're childhood friends."
"childhood friends my ass." 
"i'm being serious. we're. just. friends."
"i see the way you two look at each other. it's like how venti looks at xiao." 
"well venti's been pining for years." 
"caught me there." 
rosaria sighed, and turned to the group. 
"this is why i'm the single one, isn't it?"
"no, kaeya, i'm not into her."
"unlike how you and albedo are, we're just friends."
kaeya scoffed, sighing. "well fuck me then."
"nah. i'm ace."
hours later, at the end of the school day, kaeya stood outside the front gate, waiting for a certain blonde male. they'd promised at the beginning of their time at the school they'd walk home together, despite having drastically different friend groups, and drastically different schedules they'd always meet up at the end of the day.
after about ten minutes of waiting, kaeya finally saw albedo rushing out of the building.
"my apologies! i had run out of time." he huffed, catching his breath. "i hope you didn't wait too long."
"not at all! i also had to stay after today, anyway!"
"let us just head home." 
"alright, dear."
"i've told you... don't call me that... in public especially..."
"no." albedo shook his head and started to walk towards his home, kaeya following close behind.
"can we hang out at my place today?"
"i suppose."
they eventually got to kaeya's place, and they entered. "diluc's not home, he has this thing after school or whatever, so i think we're home alone."
"so we're safe, you say?"
"mhm! i know alice and klee are probably home, and we haven't had the chance to do anything as a couple."
"no! it's fine, i'm fine with not telling everyone just yet. rose is onto us though..."
albedo sighed, pinching his nose. "she already knows, then, doesn't she?"
"what do you mean?"
"she lurks in the shadows, and remember the bleachers?"
"wha- oh- oh!"
"mhm. she probably sa-"
kaeya shrugged and dragged albedo to his room, effectively cutting him off.
" i want to cuddle since we haven't in weeks."
"what if-"
"shut up, we'll deal with it later." 
"they're going to find out, kae."
"well, 'bedo, that's fine. we've been dating since freshman year. we graduate soon, if anything they've all caught on."
"that eases my nerves somewhat."
"and, diluc won't care. we barely talk nowadays anyways, he's only at our table at lunch because jean forces him to be there."
albedo nodded, as he sighed contently.
"tired? i know that science club you run can be tiring."
"tiring is an understatement... that new member of ours, tighnari, gets along with collei, but he doesn't get along with the others. that's why i was a bit late."
"reminds me of when diluc and i had fencing together. we got along with everyone but each other."
"i hope he starts to warm up to the others. i believed he snapped from the heat and the noise. i can't control either sadly."
"which science room do you use?"
"isn't c bigger?"
"we cant move unless we get anot- oh we actually can move to room c. that would be wonderful."
kaeya smiled down at his boyfriend and nuzzled into his hair, only to be swatted away.
"not the hair. mom actually braided for me, for once."
"but its so soft-"
"and i don't want to ruin it."
"i'll redo it."
kaeya smiled, and shoved his face into albedo's hair again.
"hey, 'bedo?"
"promise me we'll get married?"
"i promise."
"if you stop giving me hickeys in plain sight. klee's seen it before i could hide it once."
"then we're not getting married. simple."
"boyfriends forever then."
"kaeya don't you dare, i can't cover it-"
"just steal my coat then, darling."
hours later, diluc got home, and he went to check on kaeya, because he's a caring brother. [and because kaeya sometimes just crashed onto his floor and passes out after school.]
only to find the two boyfriends cuddling, and a very obvious hickey on albedo's neck. 
"wake up."
"wake the fuck up."
"hi dilu- heyyyy-"
"does alice know he's here? or do i need to call and say he fell asleep?"
"she doesn't."
"alright. next time, just tell me you're dating someone. two, don't be that obvious with a hickey, klee's like nine."
"okay. bye."
"i'm olde-"
hours later, did albedo finally wake up, curled into kaeya's blanket. said man wasn't there, surprisingly, though it was like eight at night. 
standing up and stealing kaeya's jacket to hide the hickey, he left the room, only to find kaeya and diluc in a very, very deadly match of knife uno. 
also known as, diluc and kaeya have knives pressed to the other's throat as they play. [and the wild cards have knives taped to them. somehow diluc got them all, and the wall behind kaeya is covered in knife holes.]
"hello albedo."
"hello... diluc."
"oh, hi darlin'!"
"kaeya, what did i sa-"
"he knows."
"i walked in on you two earlier... if i have to the sex talk with kaeya, i-"
"diluc, no-"
"you're being embarrassing."
"get used to it."
the next day, while walking to school, kaeya and diluc were speaking about the day before.
"you two should tell the others."
"isn't he going to be wearing your jacket until the hickey fades?"
"there going to be suspicious. especially rosaria."
"she found out on her own."
"... just tell the others."
"i'll talk with him. it was his idea to keep it secret for the past few years."
"we've been together since freshman year."
"how in the world?"
"we only recently started being riskier with how we act."
"i'm disappointed in you."
[ bedo <3 <3 <3]
k: diluc's pressuring me to tell the group abt us :((
a: then tell them. i'm fine with it. as long as you wait for me to be there?"
k: you don't have lunch with us though?
a: i can take a day off from tutoring sucrose today. i'll just have double lunch.
k: you'd do that?
a: sucrose is too hard on herself when it comes to tutoring. she needs the break.
k: okay! love you <3 <3
a: i love you too, now focus in math.
k: fine :(
a: ....
a: <3 <3
later that day, at lunch, albedo joined kaeya's group, with the explanation of giving sucrose a break.  although it fooled the majority of their group, rosaria and diluc weren't phased. they knew what was happening.
eventually, once everyone had eaten, which occurred quickly, kaeya and albedo shared a glance.
"albedo and i have something to sa-"
"you're dating? congrats we've all known you guys liked each other." rosaria butt in, before being cut off from her next sentence
"... we've been dating since freshman year."
"wait what." 
"is that you've stolen his coat ten times this past year, albedo?"
"not necessarily stolen, he's given it to me on a few occasions."
"is one of those occasions right now?"
"when's the wedding?"
"lisa no-"
"he broke our promise, so we're not getting married."
"not my fault!"
"it is your fault."
walking home, kaeya sighed. "we should tell alice now, shouldn't we?"
"we should. klee won't be home tonight, since she's staying the night with diona. a sleepover, i assume."
"we should hurry, you live farther from the school than i do, and i would like to stay over for dinner."
they eventually made it to albedo's house, and went inside. 
(short a/n. i have no idea what alice's personality is, but i feel like she's a loving mother, so fuck you if you disagree.)
"hi alice!"
"oh hi, kaeya, albedo. i'm making spaghetti. you're staying for dinner, right?"
"we actually have something to tell you."
"erm, we're dating."
"i figured. klee's a blabbermouth in case you forgot. and if you need me to, i can get any form of makeup."
"just be lucky i'm not giving you two th-"
"and nevermind, 'bedo let's just go. i get this enough from 'luc."
part 2 coming soon <3 <3
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review , ch 112 & 113 (part 2)
I hate that this chapter is cut... mainly cuz it deals with the most “ horribly presented” theme in furuba anime.... grief.
-The shame of grieving: “ Rarely discussed theme in Literature”:
When a love one dies... ppl differ in how they deal with it. Some cry their hearts out, some become depressed & painfully lonely, others get angry or cynical, some might deny it, some move on quickly, others move on but years after the realization crushes them, others stay still... Above all, you feel ashamed of yourself if you didn’t move on or if you DID move on.. “ Sometimes ppl around you judge you for it... for your grief”
The later is the theme of these two chapters. Rarely discussed themes & it saddens me that it is cut. You see, Furuba anime doesn’t get grief  at all. To them, it’s a small part of the generic protagonist after she finishes her job of nurturing the real main protagonist. Mothers are strong, they help us cross the bridge between childhood & adulthood. Tohru, the show’s mom, did it so thoroughly & in slow visual & narrative details for yuki. Afterwards, the anime brushed whatever is left of her character, which the anime viewed as sheer suspenseful drama, & collected it thro 3rd person story-telling techniques in one ep “ se3, ep6″ & excessive monologue for 10 minutes in se3, ep9.
In this chapter, Kakeru, a side character, sheds light into this theme. Kakeru didn’t lose a parent by death, didn’t grieve, has no dependent familial bonds with either dead parents “ kyoko & komaki’s dad”. Yet, kakeru stood & judged tohru on how she “ should” grieve. Harshly tearing her down while she’s standing there lonely, trying to hide her shock at the loss of her only pillar in life, broken & traumatized, dealing with the pushed down traumatic feelings from her past where her mom abandoned her as a child..now her mom did it again, this time thro death.. & kakeru, rightfully not knowing all that, but wrongfully lecturing her on how to behave... kakeru isn’t a monster, but he only saw what he wanted: komaki & how the world should grieve with his lover, how he should be the hero protecting her. So self-centered, insensitive, horribly cruel & unbelievably conceited, but above all... what he did is so sadly common... it hurts.
-Judging Grieving People:
As I said many times.. grief is so personal, so unique to the person & as common as it is, so misunderstood. According to kakeru & many ppl I’ve sopken to lately, tohru should have acknowledged komaki. Komaki, the not-traumatized version of tohru, did the right “ tohru-like” thing. Not only felt sadness at the loss of her own dad, but found it in her heart to visit the other orphan, tohru, & give condolences & respect to the dead mother. Such kindness & purity. Very deserving of applaud: To not only see your pain but others’ as well. Tohru has always done the “ right, kind” thing to other ppl. When she can’t now, the author brought another “ tohru” to do the “ right, kind” thing.
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Kakeru is so many ppl. During my brother’s funeral. I’ve heard so many gossip on how my mom should’ve stood tall & greeted the visitors.” Being silent , emotionless & non-responsive is not how you show visitors you value their kind words”, they said. How his widow should’ve collected herself & acted properly, respected his memory by taking proper care of herself & her kids. “Being a broken mess is not how you “ honor” loved one”, they said. Kakeru is indeed many ppl & that’s how you discuss a theme by creating characters who sin, screw up & be cruel, even if momentarily.
Kakeru is wrong. There is no “ you should have” in grief. There is no ounce of truth in his demeaning lecture to tohru & I respect komaki for her reaction to him so much. Kakeru did learn & grew from it, apologized to tohru even if he didn’t actually sought her to do so & even if she herself started the apology. But you see, these two chapters are 90% focused on kakeru as a character, his growth, thoughts, the mini focus on his relationship with komaki as an example of healthy relationship & all that is another lesson for yuki to observe & learn. He learned abt tohru’s past, kakeru’s personality & growth & got to observe another example of romantic relationship so yuki can grow as a man & approach machi healthily. But then again... nothing at all stops yuki/machi from being healthy, no past issues, no contradicting personalities “ they’re quite similar” & yuki is the only furuba character that doesn’t screw up big. He learns & teaches. He’s the personification of the author.
-Tohru.. stays a “ tohru”:
Tohru’s part is 10% of the this chapter which is fine as I think/hope it will lead into more tohru depth in the following chapters. But It is for this reason I’m glad this chapter was cut in the 13 eps season of furuba anime, cuz tohru doesnt have much depth in the anime due to the quick wrap up & the la~~~~st  thing I want is another 3rd person story-telling flashback abt tohru in the anime. Honestly, one of the most frustrating aspect to me of the anime & I’ll hold judgement abt manga- tohru till I reach its end. So far~~~ Tohru’s depth & character exploration gets better one chapter, then regress the next one, then moves on, the... it’s a fluctuating process. It has nothing to do with tohtu’s feelings.
you’ see ... kyo himself as a character with issues fluctuates a lot, he does sth good, then does sth bad, chooses right words, then makes a horrible mistake & chooses wrong! which is one of the most well-done aspects of character exploration that is rarely attempted by authors! I highly respect Takaya-san for what she’s doing with kyo in the manga so far. Other authors show us a character doing one big mistake & then he/she learns from it in a dramatic way. But Takaya-san, nope! she decided to approach it in a very human way, making us be frustrated with kyo’s repeated mistakes yet understands where he’s coming from! kudos to her!!
But I’m not yet satisfied with how tohru is portrayed in the manga & this has nothing to do with tohru’s character. Takaya-san is discussing rare themes thro tohru’s character. But what I mean is how tohru is approached thro the viewers/readers eyes. I wont judge until the last chapter. but this is the part that is frustrating to me.
Side Notes:
The flow of the 2 chapters is little off. We go back & forth between the past & the present, between yuki-machi & komaki-kakeru. Again, I’m so glad the anime cut it cuz, nope! they can’t handle such narrative. they’ll reorder it in a such heavily monologing way & insert the comedy abruptly to lighten the mood. Just look at how the comedy is inserted in momiji’s se03 ep!
Komaki is such a tohru with a sprinkle of kagura’s very softened outbursts. lol. she’s fun!
I’m liking yuki-machi interactions a lot. no drama, which is why the anime cut it -_-’, but it progresses healthily. Machi is yuki’s third-stage growth after (1) leaving tohru’s nest (baby yuki), (b) making friends with kakeru/someone who gets him (young boy yuki), (3) finding romantic love (being a man). The anime was so interested in the 2 stages above cuz that’s where the drama is & cut the third. Honestly, the anime didn’t have to include everything as there is never a space in 13 eps, but they certainly could’ve squeezed few panels or even made brand new very short yuki-machi scenes. but the anime weirdly decided after yuki “ saved” machi from her trauma by talking with her in her apartment, he should just marry her.... lol.. that’s why next scene is ep 5 momiji’s ep intro montage where yuki was abt to confess!!! making yuki-machi the least developed couple in the anime!
I love all furuba’s characters, but yuki, tohru, kyo & akito carry the big themes, therefore, I not only analyze their characters, but how the themes are presented thro them & how their presentation affects such themes. This might make it sound as I hate them or am harsh on them. not at all. It is the anime director/ manga author that I’m positively or negatively criticizing most times. Most importantly, my criticism is not the law. It’s just my perspective & my consumption of the material. Feel free to differ with me. I dont mind it. It brings interesting discussions!
When it comes to tohru’s issues... his chapter introduced nothing new. We have seen/read in canon repeatedly that tohru hides her pain behind a smile (heck! even kisa knows that & told us), that she cant stand up for herself much, that she smiles for other ppl not for herself. All this was presented thro so many characters already, which is why I understand the anime’s decision to cut it. What’s new? that yuki didn know tohru’s smile is mostly a mask & that kakleru has depth.
I love this chapter for the grieving themes it discussed that are rarely touched upon in literature, but since such themes are rarely presented, the anime’s decision to cut it, ironically proves my point! lol . They don’t get grief & so, they reduced it to se03 content & two eps worth. sad.. but expected. The anime is indeed another form of “past” kakeru: seeing one side of grieving person. The happy side.
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hey-hamlet · 3 years
MDZS AU Concept: Damsel in Distress
heroes and villains are a thing, the jiangs are a family of heroes and the lans deal in villainy - not that anyone really knows that. 
Wei Ying, however, was not allowed to join in the heroics business and just uses his power (something not super combative) for fun- he shares one uni class with lan wangji - the hot guy who glares at him when he shows up late, but also handed him a copy of his notes after he showed up after skipping a lecture bc he was puking his guts out
sadly, being the only non-hero member of the very famous jiang family makes him a target for villains! one villain in particular, a very handsome guy part of the cloud recesses group with an incredibly strong ice power has made him his default target
only, hes oddly nice? the places he gets held are fancy hotels, and the villain cooks for him a gives him presents - its all quite romantic actually
the villain's probably brother has a Persuasion ability - not quite mind control, but very close, and he knows the guy has been talking to him each time hes been taken, but he cant quite remember what the man told him,,,,
anyway, he's not sure why he was ever so nervous about this! he almost looks forward to getting picked up by his dashing villains of his way back home from class 
also please consider the lovely comedy of wei ying pretending to be distressed when hes kidnapped, really just hams it up after he realises hes not going to get hurt, it takes like 20 kidnappings to be honest, but then he had a ball with the drama
nie huaisang (who no one can actually work out what side he plays for) thinks the whole thing is hilarious and has decided wei ying is his favourite motherfucker in the whole shit show
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marvelslut16 · 3 years
You’re my everything
Pairing: Matt Murdock x reader
Synopsis: You’ve been in love with your best friend Matt since you two were kids, and you finally get the guts to confess when you’re bleeding out. 
Word count: >1k (my shortest one yet)
Warnings: Angst. Blood. Mentions a gunshot wound. Mentions death. Poor writing. 
A/N: I’m on season 1 of Daredevil and I love Matt so much. So I wrote this quickly when I should have been taking notes on my first lecture of the semester. Enjoy. 
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You had known Matt since before the accident, you were by his side for everything. He even taught you how to read braille when he got his first books. You were the first person he told about his special abilities that came along with the accident. And you were the first person he told that he was Daredevil, you were the only one he trusted enough with the secret. Of course you were scared and a part of you wanted him to stop what he was doing, but you knew Matt’s good heart and you know he had to help as many people in whatever way he can. What neither Matt nor you expected was that someone he crossed as Daredevil would take their revenge out on you.
"Matty, it'll be okay, " you promise, voice coming out horace from the screaming you had just done when you were being jumped and later shot. 
"You're bleeding pretty bad, (Y/N/N)." It's the first time you're ever heard his voice shake, the gravel from the alley you’re laying in bites into your back and his knees as he rushes to be next to you. 
"It's okay," your voice unintentionally coming out a lot quieter. 
"No it's not, we need to get you to a hospital or something 
he's panicking, you can hear it. "I'll drop you and come back as myself." 
"Matty we won't make it,” you're surprised that no tears are slipping from your eyes, instead you're calm thinking about your impending death. “I won't make it." 
"Don't talk like that!" he clumsily reaches for your hands. "I cant - I can't lose you." 
"Matty, before I go," you cough and it gets harder to breathe. "I need to tell you something. I love you, Matthew Murdock. I always have.” 
"(Y/N)-" he starts off sadly, but he's cut off by your coughing. You reach your hand up to cover your mouth, and when you pull it away you notice the blood on it. You know Matt can smell the iron of the blood, your blood.
"I've got,” you cough again, this time choking on your blood. You spit out the blood, mindful of making sure that you don’t get your blood on Matt. “Got to go Matty”. 
“You can't leave me," he pleads desperately, guilt washes over your cold body as you realize that he’s going to lose yet another person he cares about. 
“You- you're my everything Matt," and with those final words you slip into darkness. The last thing you see is Matt's face, if you had to choose one last thing to look at you're glad it’s him, even if he’s wearing his mask.
When you wake it's from the loud incessant beeps coming from your left. You groan and your eyes flutter open, the first thing they focus on is an older lady standing at the foot of your bed in teal scrubs. You attempt to speak but no voice comes out instead it's a broken and scratchy sound. She quickly pours you a glass of water from a pitcher beside your bed, after you 
take a sip - a sip that feels as if the dessert was finally getting rain after a years long drought- you try to speak again.
“Where am I?” your voice works properly this time, if not still a little scratchy.
You're in the hospital Sweetie," her voice is chipper- too chipper, but kind nonetheless. "You got shot and lost a lot of blood. But you've got yourself an amazing husband, he hasn't left your side these three days. I know my Henry wouldn't have stayed by my side for seventy two hours straight. She finishes checking your vitals before excusing herself from your room- leaving you  with your mystery husband. Now that you no longer have your nurse fussing over you you can get your first look over at him. Your mystery husband is sitting in an uncomfortable looking recliner to your right, and is none other than Matt. You smile softly at how relaxed his face looks when he's sleeping. Luckily he has no cuts on his face from his night job, the nurses would ask too many questions if he did.
“I can feel you staring,” Matt’s voice breaks the stillness of the room, the only other sound being the damn heart monitor. 
“Can’t I admire my loving husband?” you tease. His cheeks turn rosy and his ears turn the same shade of red as his glasses. “Why did Sue call you my husband?”
“I- uh,” Matt clears his throat. “I had to lie to come see you.”
“Well if I could choose my fake husband, I would definitely choose you,” you give him a small smile.
“(Y/N), we need to talk,” Matt scoots to the edge of his seat, grabbing your right hand firmly. 
“No we don’t, Matt,” you sigh trying to pull your hand from his. “I thought I was going to die, just forget what I said.”
“No!” his voice comes louder louder than he intended for such a confined and quiet space, you can tell by the way he flinches back once the word leaves his mouth. “I don’t want to forget. I love you too, (Y/N), so much. You’re my everything too.”
He starts to lean forward and you lean up, your lips meeting in the middle. His lips are chapped and you can tell that he’s been worrying his bottom lip these past three days. He confidently slips his tongue into your mouth and explores the foreign space, you moan lowly into his mouth which earns a chuckle from the doorway. You and Matt quickly pull away, Matt’s face turning a deep pink again, while you feel your neck heat in embarrassment. 
“Are we interrupting  something?” Foggy smirks leaning against the doorjamb, and Karen is behind him holding a get well soon balloon in the shape of a band aid.
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: coward :: old friends Pairing: Y/N x Miya Atsumu Genre: angst, romance, and very slow burn [ex to lovers au] Warnings: Cursing, alchohol, mentions of unprotected sex, unplanned pregnancy, and mentions of abortion
Synopsis: Your kids openly hate Miya Atsumu and the appearance of an old friend stirs up mischief and unwanted memories of the past. [ft. aomine daiki from knb] notes:
i probably cant stress this enough but thank you so much for all the love T-T it means a lot <3 like 118 followers in a span of two weeks? That’s just shhddhbdbx anyways i hope enjoy another buttload of angst! remember to always stay safe and wash ur hands!!
i find it funny when people point out atsumu to be a player or a fuckboy because this guy looks like a one-woman (or no woman lets be honest) type of person, his whole personality revolves around volleyball i guess and being straightforward to everyone with an idgaf attitude ksksks
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“You haven’t even wiped your sweaty backs and you both think you’re good to go?” you narrowed your eyes at the two boys who sheepishly gave you a smile as you lightly scolded them for not taking care of their health, the boys had decided to join a mini sports club after class where you could play for an hour any sport you’d like in the gym. They had promised it wouldn’t affect their studies. 
Bending down to their level, you signal them to turn around. The pair furrows their brows, not wanting to be coddled by you in public, when you noticed that they were about to complain, you cocked a brow at their actions and tighten your lips. Begrudgingly they slowly turned around, not wanting a lecture from you.
You first wiped Yuuto’s back and handed him a t-shirt he could change on. As you were wiping Youta’s back with another towel, he suddenly spoke out, “Kaasan, that Atsumu-guy’s looking at you again.” he frowns.
Yes, apparently Miya Atsumu had the time to lounge around at a kids sports club and accompany his friend Hinata who would occasionally be there to help around because he was bored and they were ordered to rest (judging from your past conversations with Hinata these days, you noticed that the young man did not know the meaning of what resting was). 
You thought that the little scene at your workplace would be the last time you saw him but these past days, you saw him a lot. It seemed to be getting too frequent to the point where you wondered if it could even be called a coincidence at all, “Do you want me to spike at him, kaasan?” the oldest twin asks as he turns to you, a small pout on his lips.
“Now, now, do you remember the story I told you about the bully last night?” 
“Don’t throw stuff at people?” He blinks innocently.
You let out a soft and gentle laugh, the one only reserved for your boys, “Yes, Yo-chan. Don’t throw stuff at people.” you leaned in to give him a peck on his nose in which he immediately moved away and wrinkled his forehead in disgust.
“Stop doing that, kaasan. I’m a big kid already!”
“Hai, hai.” You patted his head and stood up while handed him his t-shirt, “Hurry along and change now, you big baby.”
Atsumu watches the bizarre interaction from afar, he’s never seen you this soft in public. Even when you were dating back then, the most public display of affection you two would have when you were dating was just you playing with his fingers and drawing small circles on his thighs unknowingly under the table (save for that one time where you wiped blood off his nose in public but then again you guys weren’t dating that time so that didn’t count) yet seeing you laughing, wiping the sweat out of the little boys back, and even giving a small peck on his nose was a very different sight to behold.
Daresay, it suited you.
“You’ve been staring at her for quite some time, Miya-san.” Sugawara comments as he puts the last grade-school volleyball on the cart. Atsumu jumps on the spot and rubs the back of his head nervously making Sugawara laugh in reply, “Funny, isn’t it? Whenever I talk to L/N-san, she’s always like ‘okay.’, ‘that’s nice.’, ‘good.’ yet when she’s with the kids, she’s the softest person ever.”
“Yeah…” The blonde mutters, “definitely funny.”
“Heard from Hinata that you and L/N-san used to be together back in college.” 
That damn orange haired snake-
“Yeah, two years.” Atsumu clears his throat, “We, we fell out of love though.”
‘You fell out of love.’ he corrects in his head.
“Oho,Fates a fickle huh? Anyways, Me and Hinata are actually planning on inviting Y/N and the boys for dinner, do you want to come with us?” 
“I have a girlfriend.” he replies in defense. 
Sugawara looks at him, completely baffled by his reply then immediately bursts out into laughter, “I doubt Y/N would care, really…” He paused, “No offense.”
“None taken.” the blonde deadpanned.
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You don’t know why you ended up at a chinese restaurant that night with one kid animatedly chatting Hinata Shoyou’s ear off while the other was openly glaring at Miya Atsumu, “Youta please swallow your food before talking.” you frowned, taking a napkin to wipe the rice off the mouth of the younger twin.
The blonde kept glancing at you but whenever he did, he’d receive a very harsh glare from Yuuto, “Hey watch where you’re looking at, jiji.” Yuuto suddenly spat out loud, catching him in the act this time as he stabs his chicken with a fork.
Sugawara sweat drops at the interaction unfolding in front of him while you try to tell your oldest son to be more kind to the man sitting in front of him, “Yeah. Listen to your mom, brat.” Atsumu frowns, in which the child retaliates with a tongue out.
“Yuuto, eat your food and stop disturbing Miya-san.”
Yet their stare-off seemed to continue as soon as you turned away from the pair  and Sugawara had to intervene before Yuuto would pounce at the professional volleyball player across the table, “You should be nicer to him, Yuuto-kun. You want to be a setter right? He’s a better setter than I am.” Sugawara tries to ease off the tension between the two.
“He’s not,” Yuuto frowns, “I don’t even know why Kaasan says you’re the best setter in the whole wide world, Adler’s Kageyama Tobio’s obviously better!”
You feel yourself freeze up at Yuuto’s innocent babble, Atsumu seems to be taken aback by it too but he immediately regains himself, “Your mom’s got taste that’s all.” He leered at the six year old boy, not daring to back down from the brat’s challenge. Sugawara pales when the tension rises even higher and tries to get Hinata to ease it up but the orange-haired is too engaged into the conversation with the other twin.
“Baby, just eat your veggies and stop disturbing Miya-san.” You snap back to your senses as you evenly try to get him to calm down once again but he refuses, another trait he got from his father.
“Hey troll, the jiji won’t stop staring at kaasan!” he calls for his twin, trying to get him to back him up, “I told ya he was a crackhead!”
Your eyes widen at your son’s attitude and his uncouth table manners, “L/N Yuuto, that’s it!” You suddenly raise your voice, Yuuto’s scowl deepens as he crosses his arms. Everyone in the table turns silent by your outburst. 
Anger, Miya Atsumu realizes how many different emotions you manage to muster out today. It was a lot more than what he had experienced with you, he’d usually take these emotions by crumbs back then since it was rare but it seemed that these boys had it easy with you. You were so open to them, so vulnerable.
“We’re going home right this instant after you apologize to Miya-san.” 
“I don’t wanna.”
“Y/N, it’s alright-” Atsumu tries to ease up the kid's burden, suddenly feeling bad since it was his fault in the first place and the kid was probably just trying to protect you.
“I said I don’t wanna!” The oldest twin immediately stands up and runs away, you grab your youngest son by the hand who was sadly saying goodbye to his idol as you placed the payment for your meal on the table. 
“He’s not usually like this.” You bowed your head, “Sorry Miya-san, I really am.”
He watches you dash away to the direction where your younger son ran off to, Youta trailing behind you as he waved goodbye to his two favorite men and a tongue out to Miya Atsumu, signaling that he too, like his brother, hated him.
“Way to go, atsumu-san” Hinata grimaced, openly judging him for picking a fight with a kid as he munched on his sweet and sour pork.
Later that same evening, you stood outside your sons room, regretting how you handled the situation. Of course, Yuuto was wrong to say that but you should’ve been more mindful with your tone and words. You were their mother and an adult for crying out loud!
“Yuuto?” You knock on the twins shared room, “Baby? Would you mind opening the door for a sec?”
“Kaasan, Yuuto says he don’t wanna!” Youta replies in his older brother's stead.
“Okay,” You calmly reply, expecting that,  “Then can you tell Yu-chan that there's a glass of milk on the counter? I know he wants to drink some after that heavy dinner.”
“He says big boys don’t need milk, kaasan…” Youta paused,  “But he says he’ll drink it later since we shouldn’t throw food.”
“Okay, goodnight boys.”
You slowly head to the couch and lay there, basking in the silence of your apartment and waiting for your son to come out of his room to be ready to talk. As you hear the door creak open, you see Yuuto slowly waddle his way towards the table where his milk was on, “Yu-chan? Can we talk?” you ask, your voice is soft as you slowly made your way to the oldest twin, bending down to his level so you could see him eye to eye, “Oh, baby...Kaasan is so, so, sorry…” You apologized, taking his small hands and resting your head on top of it.
“I don’t like yelling.”
“I know.”
“I had to protect ‘kaasan,” he frowns, his nose wrinkling, “He was looking at you badly.”
“Kaasan deserved it.”
“No one deserves to look at you badly, kaasan!” he exclaims, “You’re the bestest, kindest person in the whole wide world!”
You wondered if they’d still say that when they’d find out you were lying to them about how their father was just right in front of them tonight.
“ ‘Kaasan had hurt miya-san really bad before,” You try to explain to your son in words he could understand and digest as you run your hands through his silky black hair, “That’s why he’s like that…”
“B-But…” he tries to stammer out an explanation but you cut him off with a kiss on his cheek.
“You’ll understand what ‘kaasan means when you’re older,” you smile, slowly standing up and handing him his glass of milk, “Sometimes we hurt people really bad that even saying sorry can’t fix it.”
“W-was it really bad, ‘kaasan?” the boy asks, taking the milk to his small hands and drinking it slowly whilst trying to discern what you were saying. After placing the glass down, he asks,  “Did you break his favorite toy or something?”
“Mhm,” You hummed, picking him up as he stifled a yawn and slowly nuzzled on your neck,“ ‘Kaasan broke something so important, she couldn’t fix it with just saying sorry.”
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“Babygirl, aren’t you looking better these days?” 
“You call me that one more time and I swear I’m disemboweling you.” You deadpanned, meeting his dark eyes. Aomine Daiki lets out a boisterous laugh right after when he sees your blank expression, “Still the same as ever, Y/N-chan, you really love breakin’ my heart.” he teased, clutching his heart in fake pain.
“Tch,” You clicked your tongue at the tall basketball player, “Tell that to the women you play around with.”
“I take it the boys are at school today?”
“They begged me to skip it since they heard you were back in japan.” You replied, recalling the twins fake sickness this morning just so that they could see the navy blue-haired giant.
“I’m surprised you even took the time off to see little ol’ me.”
“Don’t kid yourself.”
“Hn,” He hummed, leaning in closely as he rested his head on his palm, “I got news by the way, I was at our hometown and I bumped into obaasan.”
You cross your legs and lean back on the chair, the mere mention of your mother had you automatically on edge and annoyed.
“What did she say?”
“She asked me a favor,” He shrugged, taking in a sip of his banana milk, “Says that she wants to meet up with you… She mentions that ojisan’s gonna make time too, I think they’re going to try to make amends with you.”
“That’s nice.” You dryly remarked, clearly you didn’t care about their apology or their willingness to ‘talk’ it out.
“Don’t shoot the messenger,” Daiki frowns, raising his hands in reply, “And judging by the look on your face, you’re not going to see them?”
Flashes of your childhood and the event that transpired six years ago wormed its way back to your head, it had been so long but its had severely affected and haunted you to this day, “I don’t think I’d ever want my kids near them, who knows what they’ll say around them.” you responded truthfully.
Daiki’s gaze turned soft as he noticed how tightly you were holding the coffee cup, “You got overtime again, right? How about I’ll take care of the boys in the meantime? You know how much they love the huge fridge and pachinko machine in my apartment... I’m also sure they miss their favorite ojisan.” 
“Just make sure you hide your porno magazines.” 
“That was one time, Y/N.”
You and Aomine Daiki go way back the tall boy lived right across your house and had been your companion since you were the tender age of six. He knew what went around your house, why you were so quiet and expressionless most of the time. At some point, the tall man tried to cross the line of friends to lover but he was only met with the very familiar blank gaze and harsh words of, “I don’t think I’ll ever see you that way.”
The man had no choice but to accept the scraps he was given, he couldn’t really blame you though. After the messed-up emotional trauma you experienced growing up, he knew you wanted nothing to do with the idea of families or lovers.
Yet one winter night while he was in the middle of his training for the national team, he received a phone call from you with two words he never expected to hear from you at all, “I’m pregnant.” 
It’s been three years since he last saw you that time and he’s puzzled, who took advantage of you? Where was that asshole so he could beat him to a pulp? Why couldn’t the father be a man and face you? He becomes even more confused because apparently you knew this man very well and you had an intimate relationship with him, something he never imagined from you,  “I broke up with him.”
“I broke up with him,” you repeated, clutching the ultrasound picture on your hand tightly, it probably looked unrecognizable at that point, “I told him I never wanted to see him again.”
“You didn’t tell him?” He bellowed, he placed his hands on your arms and held you while shaking you lightly, “Y/N are you out of your mind? How are you going to raise a kid in this state? You may have graduated early but you’ve got student loans and yourself to fend for! How are you going to do it? Your parents disowned you for cryin’ out loud!”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know? What do you mean? Do you want to have it aborted, Y/N?”
“I don’t know.”
Daiki lets out a frustrated sigh as he lowers his head, realization slowly dawned upon him at that moment, you were running away. Your defense mechanism had always been to run away. Ever since Aomine Daiki met you, he always noticed that whenever you had problems, you’d run towards the opposite direction and never meet them head-on.
They’d pile up to the point that he was worried you’d burst one day.
It had happened once before and it was something he prayed he’d never see again.
“You know you can’t keep running, right?” He manages to croak out softly, looking at you dead in the eye, your face was blank but your eyes held so much emotions in them; grief, anguish, misery, and what pained him the most was that you drowned yourself in these emotions that you probably didn’t know how to express them anymore because you were used to it.
“I can try.”
“You have to tell him, what’s his name? Where does he live? Y/N-”
“Don’t.” You replied, contrasting to the blank tone you were using moments ago, your voice was now soft. He notices that you’re inching closer to him and he observes you as you melt on his arms just like that moment eleven years ago, you’re shaking uncontrollably,  “Please don’t tell him.”
“I-I- you-shouldn’t- can’t tell him, please just this one time,” You stammer, begging him with whatever strength you have left, he feels his jacket getting wet. He holds you tight, not knowing what to say anymore, whoever this jackass was, you must’ve really loved him because he’s never seen you this scared before, “just this one time, let me run away from this again.”
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Miya Atsumu feels a tick on his forehead when a very tall, dark, and daresay, handsome man appeared to pick up the boys during the club activity today. He wouldn’t openly admit it but he wanted to talk to you after that little fiasco that he had with that brat but when this guy appeared out of nowhere instead of you.
He was beyond annoyed.
He couldn’t pinpoint where he actually saw this guy but he was very familiar.
“Oh, is that Aomine Daiki?” Sugawara gasped, completely surprised by the tall man’s presence.
“Wow, He’s way too tall to be japanese.” Hinata pointed out, “Is he a volleyball player? I wanna match him!”
“Shoyou no, he plays basketball for the NBA.” Sugawara comments, “I didn’t know Y/N knew him, he’s pretty big internationally and in japan too.”
Atsumu clenched his fists as he watched the brats easily cling onto him and ask him if they brought some gifts for them from abroad, judging by their body language, this guy must’ve been with you since the beginning.
“Oh, ninja shoyou was it?” The tall man suddenly exclaims, going up to Shoyou eagerly with no shame, “I watched some of your matches while I was in Brazil! I’m Aomine Daiki.”
Miya Atsumu wished this guy was an asshole but he was nothing like that, in fact, he looked like an excited kid when he started talking to the little orange-head, telling him how good he’d fit in at basketball with his jumps, “You must be the teachers?” he glanced towards Atsumu and Sugawara, the latter nodded but the blonde didn’t seem that amused by him.
“I’m Hinata’s teammate.” he said through gritted teeth, offering his hand to shake, “Miya Atsumu…”
“Nice to meet you, pal.”
“Daiki-ojisan, jiji’s an old friend of ‘kaasan back when she was studyin!” Youta exclaims randomly, Atsumu wants to snap at the brat for calling him jiji once again but he holds it back because he was still at odds with the other one and he didn’t want to strain whatever he had left with the excited one.
Daiki, on the other hand, feels his body stiffen at Youta’s random fact outburst. You had never told him who the father was until today, all he knew was that he was with you in Tokyo university and that you were very much in love with him.
Did this guy perhaps know who the boyfriend was?
“Friend, huh?” He laughs, taking his hand and shaking it, trying to lighten up the mood, “I heard she even got her first boyfriend there.”
The trio fell into silence at what Aomine said while the two kids tilted their heads at the new word they heard. The basketball player felt confused by the sudden silence and when he noticed the red ears of the blonde in front of him, realization finally dawned on him.
“That…” Atsumu clears his throat, ears tinged red by the man’s forwardness, “That would be me.”
Aomine’s eyes widen, no fucking way, “Wow,” he throws his head back, howling in laughter, were you a masochist? How could you lounge around the father of the kids without him knowing jackshit about what happened and still be alright? He immediately regains his composure, this poor blonde bastard was probably confused since he heard you just ghosted him and left him out of the blue, “You definitely get my respect, Miya-san.”
Atsumu doesn’t know why the man in front of him is so amused or why he’s taking out a scratch paper on the kids notebook to write his number on it, “I hope we can be friends, it's definitely an interesting story to hear how you two got together. Y/N never entertained me and I’ve been chasing her since we were thirteen.” he grins, as if he just hadn’t nonchalantly revealed that you had rejected him more times than Atsumu back in college.
The blonde setter is confused as the navy blue-haired man slaps a phone number on his palm, “Call me when you need a drinking company, alright? Let's talk, I’d love to hear how you ended up together.” the smile on his lips turning wider by the minute.
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@misosamu  @Etherynaw  @ryaaaax  [hi, i can’t seem to tag u guys, i think you need to open your tags uwu]
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Hey love your blog. If you write about villains and pros could you maybe write the first I love you with Dabi, Hawks, Fatgum and Shigaraki ????🧡💛🧡💛🧡💛🧡
This is adorable!! Sure thing sweet anon, it’s time for some pure old fluff. Sadly I won’t write for our boy Shiggy here because I can’t see him ever saying those words and because I had no idea what to write about him. I’m so sorry. Love ya💖💖💖.
-Dabi is very secretive and believes that there is no such thing as true love.
-Due to his childhood and the form of ‘love’ he was subjected to, he strongly believes that love is just trouble and he should avoid it like the plague.
-But the plague eventually catches up to him and gives him you.
-He really wasn’t expecting to catch feelings so fast and fall so hard for another human being.
-A one night stand with a member of the LoV turned into multiple nights and before he knew it you guys were exclusive.
-To be honest he denied his feelings at first claiming that he didn’t care if you slept with someone else but he was proven incorrect the moment he saw you flirting with someone that wasn’t him.
-He swore that you had used a love quirk on him or something because he couldn’t control his jealousy.
-Being the stubborn bitch that he is, he gave you the cold shoulder for a whole week before you confronted him.
-And that’s how you became official/exclusive. 
-Now Dabi found himself in a rather difficult situation.
-The league was taking a mini break in order to reduce their chances of being caught and Shigaraki insisted that all the elite members stay at the bar.
-You and Dabi spent every second of the day together doing god knows what.
-Every time you laughed at his comments or gave him a soft kiss on the lips, face, neck, he melted.
-He had been feeling all fuzzy inside for some time now and it felt...weird.
-But the good kind of weird.
-He knew what it was, or he had an idea at least, but he really didn’t want to admit it.
-He believed love was for the weak, for those who deserved it.
-He didn’t deserve it.
-Trying to keep it to himself though was proving to be rather difficult and when you did something especially cute he couldn’t help but want to tell you just how much he loved you.
-The bastard waited for the right opportunity though.
-The only time that you wouldn’t be able to actually know he said it.
-You were sleeping on his chest, your hand over his heart while your head was tucked under his chin.
-He looked at your form and he swore he fell in love with you all over again.
- “I love you.”
-It was merely a whisper.
-You stirred slightly in your sleep, bringing a leg over his waist and tucking your other arm under him, caging him in your embrace. 
-Circling your form with his own arms, he decided that true love might not be that bad after all.
Hawks/ Keigo Takami
-This bird man is a tease.
-From the start of your relationship he would joke about you loving him when he did something stupid.
-You would only roll your eyes and return to what you were doing.
-He didn’t mind your reaction, it was normal to respond like that since you two had barely started dating.
-However things changed as your relationship grew and soon he said those words putting more and more of the truth in them.
-He may be confident for the cameras and the public but in reality Keigo is really self conscious.
-He knows that his demons haunt him, he knows that he’s difficult to manage and he knows that he’s difficult to love.
-He doesn’t ask for more, on the contrary he hopes that maybe you will say it first and he’ll roll with it.
-He isn’t ready for the rejection and he surely doesn’t trust himself enough to say those words to you.
-One particular mission left him with severe injuries resulting in him being transferred to the hospital were he stayed for some days.
-You were there the moment you were told what happened and were getting ready to scold him but seeing him in a hospital bed all bandaged up and in pain, broke your heart.
-This man had managed to capture your heart in a matter of months.
-You were so in love with him that on your haste to leave for the hospital you don’t remember if you locked the door.
-And to be honest you didn’t care.
-All you cared about was laying on that hospital bed across from you.
- “Hey dovie.”
-And with that you began ranting and asking him all kinds of questions, until he dropped that one phrase.
- “But you love me.”
-He always said things like that when you were giving him a lecture and you always ignored him, avoiding the question because you were scared of the answer.
-But this time it was different.
-He almost died.
-You might not have another chance to tell him.
- “You know I do, you dumb bird! That’s why I’m here.”
-Oh sweet heavens it finally happened.
-He has been waiting for so long that he couldn’t even make a snarky comment.
- “I love you too.”
Fatgum/ Taishiro Toyomitsu
-Fatgum is one of the sweetest people out there.
-He is a literal teddy bear.
-He even acts like one.
-A moving affection machine.
-How can you NOT love him?
-Even though he’s one of the most lovable heroes, Taishiro has his doubts.
-People often critise him about using his fat form all the time.
-Why doesn’t he go out in public sporting his ripped form more often.
-People are also stupid but Tai doesn’t see that.
-He believes that he may be sweet, but his occupation and the little time he’s got may scare most potential partners off.
-He knows deep down that you are not like that, you have stuck by his side through thick and thin.
-He has seen for himself that you aren’t a superficial person and you’ll stick by him through anything.
-So why is he hesitating? 
-You two are out on your usual Friday night dinner date and you’re going on about something that happened at work.
-You look so beautiful and the moment, so carefree.
-He can’t help but think how dependent he has become of your presence and how he cant really imagine his life without you.
-He was chest deep in love with you and he was ready to admit it.
-How bad could this be.
-He waited until you had finished eating and were just enjoying the view of the city below when he grabbed your hand bringing it to his lips.
-He saw how your eyes softened at his action and he was sure that you could see the heart eyes he most definitely had at the moment.
-Finally, after a small pause, he spoke.
- “I love you with all my heart.”
-You looked like you had been struck by lightning.
-The fact that you weren’t responding made him regret his decision, but when you smiled at him again he got lost in your gaze.
- “I love you too, you big dummy.”
-You truly did, with all your being.
-And you loved every form of his, fat or slim.
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ahwait-no-yes · 3 years
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so basically my friend told me today about her dream she had that involved a demon and of course my mind went “...SAIOU AU”
here’s our convo so it makes sense:
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if I had the motivation i would DEFINITELY write a fic about this- the fluff/crack/angst potential is t h e r e
and as a bonus doodle,
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story is under the cut (it’s long)
“I was gonna keep this in tags but hsdf;j” is what I originally wrote here until I started thinking about this more and sorta wrote the whole plot-
-> as ouma’s killing the other monster things he flirts with shuuichi while the poor demon has never been flirted with so he’s stood there all confused and ??? (his version of blushing would be like, the fire coming from his small horns gets bigger and brighter)
-> the one he summons ends up being like. kaede and they both just end up having to lecture shuuichi on why it is that he should not want to die so easily
-> eventually kokichi and kaede wanna give him a hug so they try to but shuuichi’s Extra Hot™ (from being a demon and also probably blushing) so they both immediately regret that choice but kokichi laughs and gives an obligatory pun about shuuichi being hot which only confuses him because ‘of course im hot?? im a demon??’ while kaede explains what ouma meant
-> imagine shuuichi crying (fire tears..) at the generosity of these two strangers who a) aren’t absolutely terrified of him, b) refuse to hurt him and c) actually *want* to help him and ouma actually inwardly understanding a little bc he’d never imagine someone actually wanting to be with himself either
-> saihara now wanting to know what it’s like to live as a human with ouma and akamatsu but being unable to find a way (except for maybe being undercover?) but promising he’ll bring ouma back to him (he’s aware of the whole aging phenomenon in the lil demon world so he wants to keep their time short) and ouma finding that now he has something to look forward to
-> the 👏 mutual 👏 pining 👏 that commences after they both have to leave each other (if kaede knows kokichi in the real world she’d definitely tease him a little knowing he has a crush- this is probably good potential for building oumaede friendship)
-> it takes a while before ouma and saihara can see eachother again because getting the two to escape without killing saihara exerted a lot of energy on him, but they do get to! about once a month to be safe, and they get to know stuff about eachother like which shops ouma likes to steal from and shuuichi’s really loud demon friend he once had (aka momota)
-> one day though saihara tells ouma that if he keeps doing this he’ll die of exhaustion (it takes a lot of energy from saihara to get ouma in and out of there) and ouma calling him an idiot but really being worried. saihara tells him not to worry about him even if something happens to him, and makes ouma go back to the real world
-> ouma doesn’t hear from him after that
-> he worries he might have been killed or saihara forgot about him and feels stupid for being so hopeful in something so childishly impossible and starts trying to forget about him
-> the real world is aware of demons cause people talk about them (and obvs you can tell when someone’s gone to their.. dimension thing because you can visibly see them age) so still denying that he’s curious and likes saihara still, ouma tries to go to libraries and do his own research on demons and ends up finding out that saihara specifically comes from a bloodline that makes him quite powerful if not for that he wouldnt want to take the risks that come with it and then lowkey gets excited again for saihara while still in ✨denial ✨
-> it’s been almost a year when saihara has enough energy (and more) to ensure that his new plan is successfully carried out and that ouma (and potentially 1 more..) gets back to the real world safely. he created this plan when he figured out how to exist in the real world- by sacrificing the thing he cares most about
-> so when ouma suddenly gets that off-feeling people get when they’re leaving the real world he feels very many emotions at once (giddily going ”ohh my god its not this it cant be this no way oh heck tthisis not happening not a chance”) until he sees the face he’s been waiting 4 months for again except this time it looks.. frighteningly cold
-> ouma’s instincts are screaming at him that something is very, very wrong here especially when he can’t hear any warmth when saihara says “Welcome back, Ouma. It’s your final time” and explains the whole ‘kill these monsters then kill me’ thing again
-> ouma’s confusion inevitably turns to annoyance as he kills the dudes (there appears to be a lot more than there was last time) and fires questions at saihara (‘is this saihara?’ ‘what happened to you??’ ‘do you even remember me?’) while saihara stays silent for the whole time thinking about how he really doesn’t want to be doing this. 
-> eventually ouma decides he was wrong (again) to have put his faith in a guy- a demon- he only met once a month.. even if said demon gave him something to look forward to
-> when he finally gets to saihara alone he internally notes that saihara cant look him in the eye, but he finally speaks to tell ouma that now either himself or ouma will now die (saihara knows this is for sake of the sacrifice, but he can’t let ouma know else it won’t work)
-> ouma refuses to fight him again, expecting saihara to snap back into the meek demon from a year and some months ago, but rather than that happening saihara actually says something like “if you won’t kill me, I’ll have to kill you” and swings at him
-> even if ouma was on his full guard, he still would’ve been surprised by how strong saihara actually could be when he tried to fight- and of course saihara can’t stop now that he’s started but ouma hears the hesitation when saihara asks “are you going to kill me yet?” and gets annoyed that the whole time he spent with him and even akamatsu meant nothing. saihara smiles sadly knowing he’s achieving his goal but ouma thinks he’s smiling at the thought of dying and gets somehow even more annoyed
-> during their whole fight, insert “I’m alone, Ouma, and I will always be” line from saihara, “No amount of talking can convince me otherwise, Ouma. I’m sorry it took so long, but it was foolish of you to trust a demon you met only once” or something and yes it hurts saihara too but ouma’s staying silent and before saihara can continue, ouma fires back with “You’re right- you are meant to be alone. You were always meant to be that kind of guy” and stops dodging to start finally attacking- this is when saihara knows he’s pretty much achieved his target: sacrificing ouma’s trust in him
-> just as ouma swipes at him, saihara’s lil spell thing is activated that takes saihara back to the real world, disguised so people don’t see him as a demon. but now ouma thinks he’s just killed saihara (I just attacked him. and he is gone. i dont know what that light was but i must have just killed him. oh my god im a murderer.”)
-> saihara hiding in the forest to do the lil spell thing again but on ouma (all the time he spent saving on energy was worth it) so ouma gets transported to the real world too and immediately runs to tell akamatsu everything that happened
-> saihara trying to find to blend in with humans from what he remembers of how they act but he doesnt need to particularly eat he just needs a heck ton of sleep so he basically just lives in the forest now. he’s very sensitive to water so he actively stays away from it too (it wont kill him but it does make him sick). he’s still feverishly warm but not scalding and he also decides to work at a store to fit in more
-> ouma regretting what he did to saihara even though saihara hurt him first and realising he misses him
-> saihara ends up accidentally bumping into him at the store he works at that ouma conveniently steals from a lot (”Ouma, you’d make a good demon” “Nishishi! What do you mean? I’m a perfect little angel!”) and saihara gasping when he notices ouma’s unforgettable purple hair and cute smile.
-> ouma finding something familiar about this awkward new staff with the cute face and deciding he’ll visit the shop more often to see this stranger and not because said stranger might help him get over his demon crush
-> then they get to know eachother again for the 2nd time, and as much as this guy is really cute, he clearly knows more than he’s letting on... so of course ouma’s gotta now pay even more attention to him. just so he knows what the guy’s hiding. not cause he wants to know him.
-> one day saihara is sick from trying to protect himself from the rain (cause yk, water bad) so he stays in the forest instead of coming in to focus his energy on getting better and also not blowing his cover. ouma notices he isnt there on that day and asks other staff members where he lives and they’re all like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
-> it rains quite a bit after that, inevitably making saihara even more sick and in turn needing time away to himself, so ouma starts getting worried when saihara stops coming to work
-> saihara really wants to see him though, so one day he tries to drag himself to work in a terrible state where he’s actually almost cold for once and collapses after trying to run to ouma. ouma sees him and tells his manager he cant work nd takes him home himself where saihara wakes up confused
-> ouma lecturing saihara because he worried him and the way he fell reminded him of.. someone (demon shuu).. then he asks vague questions to saihara about if he’s ever met a demon and half-confesses to having met one himself multiple times and ending up falling in love and then probably killing them
-> saihara, in his tired state, tells him his story of how he was raised to believe he had no purpose other than to meet someone who would kill him, eventually finding that person but instead of looking at him with fear or anger he looked at him with admiration and playfulness, how the guy meant to kill him refused to and flirted w him instead. ouma has probably clicked on by this point but saihara continues to tell him he wanted to protect that guy with the power he had so he took time away from his first ‘job’ to find out how to be with him. saihara is probably shaking at this point while he continues telling him about how he found out he had to sacrifice the most important thing to him, so he “went and had a terrible argument with him one day and i ran away. but i’ve never stopped looking for him since, he showed me that even a demon like me can fall in love” (there’s the ✨grand confession ✨)
-> ouma saw it coming from the moment saihara started speaking, but that didnt stop him from being utterly paralysed. of COURSE saihara has to say “When I said you’d make a good demon I really wasn’t lying. Your hand is so warm it could fool even me” which possibly makes ouma completely combust before absolutely bolting out the door and calling akamatsu to tell her to get to his house (”AKAMATSU-CHAN I’M GONNA DIE RIGHT NOW IF YOU DON’T GET HERE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT THIS SECOND”)
-> while waiting for kaede, shuuichi explains that he needs to be Warm™ and immediately holds kokichi’s hold again, while the other’s having a gay panic.. and he doesnt know how to feel because on one hand, his beloved demon is.. right here, in the ‘flesh’, holding his hand, telling him he fell in love with him.. but on the other hand, that doesnt excuse the confusion and hurt he put him through back then, not being able to see him for a whole damn year.. 
-> ouma ignores all the feelings when akamatsu arrives where she’s brought water and blankets (just in case- i feel like shes the kind of friend who would do that) so saihara takes the blankets and ouma takes the water and she calms them both down and gets them to explain everything slowly and in their own time. its awkward esp for ouma who isnt particularly close with her, but they manage it in the end
-> they decide shuuichi literally cant live in the forest so of course now he has to live with ouma but akamatsu offers to help if it ever gets too much for ouma which obviously ouma denies. she leaves soon and its just them but ouma needs some time to himself to clear his head and he only returns late to see saihara asleep clinging onto akamatsu’s blanket with his life lmao so ouma sighs and brings him more. and if he kisses the sleeping demon’s forehead, nobody has to know
-> ofc its still very much awkward and it takes ouma getting used to having even just another presence in his home, let alone his sort-of-unofficial-demon-bf and saihara’s still sleeping a lot of the time but recovering
-> they probably establish their feelings for eachother properly when they’re more mentally prepared for it, and then 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 (they kiss) and are now actually legally boyfriends. i absolutely cannot let this end in angst so they’re happy and love eachother now yay the end
nngl. i talked about this with that same friend and I lowkey want to start writing an actual fic for it now that ive written... literally the entire plot, but if i do that it probably wont be out for a while bc i take 10 years to write lmao-- plus i hardly ever finish what i start so uh yeah.. but hopefully! im not even good at writing fic this is just the plot but yello
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highsviolets · 4 years
ne plus ultra
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summary: you encounter acclaimed scholar obi-wan kenobi after an academic conference
rating: mature (not explicit)
notes: all my love and affection to brit and mia. @profkenobi​ you are my prompt muse & @goldenkenobi​ you win many awards by listening to my endless rambles about this fic. // CHAPTER TWO 
ne plus ultra (n). 
(1) the highest point capable of being attained 
(2) the most profound degree of a quality or state
the story starts in medias res, as all lives do. the beginning of your life is always in the middle of someone else’s. your death coincides with another’s gallant ebullience, your semi-colon failing to incise upon their life. so the scholars say.
the conference — your first since you passed your dissertation — had made you nervous, and you were glad to be spending an extra night before returning to the real world tomorrow.
your palms are slick, as they always are after too long spent in the company of other academics. the anxiety that swells in you is ballast and the deadweight forces you to slump forward slightly, the visible seam on your the shoulder of your shirt sashaying inwards.
when you smile at the concierge, it is tight, like a formation of soldiers in Napoleon’s day, and does not quite reach your eyes. still decked with traces of freckles and darkened by a summer spent abroad under the sun’s penetrating gazes, your skin fails to comply with demands of minuscule muscles pulling and stretching, commanding it into a thin arc.
but it is no matter — you receive your key and you sign the paperwork and are ascending the winding staircase to the seventh floor. emerald green carpet is your guide, swathing your ascendancy in a sheen of dark-hue velvet. sir gawain chasing after the knight in green armor, a lecture on virtue streaming from the knight’s mouth, materializes on the steps. the galloping thought makes you smile, this time more relaxed. that story is something you know. something you know so well you could almost touch it. indeed you had fingered its pages, during your apprenticeship at the British Library.
hope. the words springs forth, nearly unbidden, from your lips. the word is spoken so softly — merely a breath and a hint of sound disturbing the stairwell’s precious physics. it is a reflex of association. green means hope, the scholars had said, and during the course of your studies you had been disappointed to find that you agreed with them. you did not want to agree with the fashionably smug expert in the field. you wanted to rattle him. shake him to his sacrosanct core, the sanctimonious scum.
you had never met the man: the mysterious OWK. your advisor had raved about his breakout lecture series that had taken place years ago, when he was a newly minted phd and you were still in undergrad. sipping a cup of cafeteria coffee (they always forgot you preferred tea, all these years later), they had rambled on about the poetry of OWK’s phrasing and his decisiveness in speech and the unparalleled skill of his primary source research. the lectures had been sadly lost, the footage deleted, or archived, they didn’t know which. just that the man had refused to distribute them and speak on the matter further, nearly abandoning academia entirely.
the beverage was bitter but you laughed lightly. “is this thomas moore and his lectures on st. augustine, then? so legendary that no one can find them?”
your advisor had inclined their head, congratulating you on your witty reference. “i suppose so,” they had mused, leaning back in their office chair and staring at some point above your head, at the oaken bookshelves with brightly colored book jackets lining the walls. “now, your latest draft—“
the memory fades as your purpose alters. a simple twist of the key and the door opens. but you remain on the threshold, stuck between two modes, between here and there.
there is a man in your room, and he is as handsome as sin. he sits in a chair in the corner of the room and one leg is resting on the other’s kneecap at a ninety degree angle. he is wearing glasses, and has short auburn hair that gleams in the dull light of the lamp beside him (although, a few wayward strands obscure his eyes, layering over the frame of his glasses). he is reading. the cover is folded over so you cannot see the title but it is hefty, judging from its position on his thigh. shadows have formed over high cheekbones.
the man removes himself from the task, focusing his gaze on you. you see now that he has bright blue eyes.
“hello there!” his greeting is polite, and amiable, and accented, though not pleasantly so. “can i help you?”
“I’m afraid there seems to be a mix-up!” you say in your ‘adult voice.’ it’s same one you used on your dissertation defense. “it seems we were placed in the same room.”
“ah.” he nods sagely, as though this were to be expected, and unfolds himself from his chair.
you place a hand on your hip — near the phone snug in the back pocket of your jeans — and shrug. “I’m sorry.” the apology is saccharine and tastes like grenadine. “I’ll pop back downstairs and find out what the problem is.”
he urges you to stay, to let him call from here rather you lugging your things all the way down and all the way back up again. “it’s not proper,” he insists, dragging you in and closing the door behind you. in the time that his is so near to you and you feel the way his frown matches the steady grip on your upper arm, something warms in you at his indignation. your hand drifts away from your phone. he retreats to his corner to make the call while you linger just beyond the threshold.
the conversation is hushed and decorated with the raised tones of inquiry. when he hangs up, he sighs.
“they were under the impression that we were a married couple. apparently we booked under a similar last name.” his voice turns down at the edges. he sounds the way his frown had earlier: weary, confused, and a dash of inexplicable certainty.
“but—“ you gesture to the beds — “two beds?”
something of a grimace shadows his face. “all that was available, apparently.”
“oh.” there is a pause. he does not continue. “but they got me a room, right?” if you sound slightly desperate, perhaps it is because you are. you are sweaty. you are nervous. you want to relax. in your own room.
he zooms past your query. “i know you,” he says, and sounds as if he is surprised he knows how to speak.
“i —“ you shake your head — “i don’t think so.”
when you give your name and recognition fails to present itself, he falters and twists to stare through the glass behind him. “i thought…” but he breaks off.  in the end he rights himself and tells you of the situation — how there is no vacancy, but he does not mind the sharing a room with you, just for the night, it wouldn’t be a bother.
there is something different about him. maybe it is the way that he emphasized the word can. maybe it is the way he is pushing the hair from his eyes, and removing the glasses from his face. maybe it is the way that, now pausing his actions, the man cants his head and furrows his brow.
air grows thick with the brush strokes of caravaggio: he is in the spotlight, sure and solid and steady, pure against the whirlpools of unknowing realism.
you are on the cusp of stepping into his white light when he offers his name. the first letter of each word drags itself from his mouth and burrows into your ear, until you almost divorce the meaning but for the particulars.
the first instinct that you are aware of is one you cannot name — it is an anger that is sweet, and one that is shielded by sadness, yet fueled by frustration.
there are dozens of others that your heart and mind have already examined, of course, turning them this way and that, inspecting their corners with bloodied hands. but they are rejected, and expelled into the waxy shadows, without your being aware of them. that is the job of the soul: to know before you are even aware.
he senses the shift. perhaps uncertainty has clouded your eyes. obi-wan kenobi, OWK, takes a step back from rising mist and shadow and once more turns to gaze out the window. through the glass there is a gentle village scene, all cobblestones and iron street lamps and hills keeping time on the horizon.
“i — “ you start, but you stop again. you must start, you feel, but you do not know what path to take, and you halt. the time he thinks you consider you are in fact not considering at all. there is only one answer (answers that are wrong are never really answers, after all, just more questions).
“i’ll stay.”
Obi-Wan is courteous and deferential and demands that you permit him to treat you this evening as an apology. he departs to give you privacy as you shower, and the flash of shimmering emerald carpet you spy as he exits makes you wonder if you are the Lady Bertalik to his Sir Gawain.
the steam and the water beat down clenched muscles with gentle hands and lingering touches. it is for several minutes that you linger in their warm embrace, but as you wipe away fog from the mirror you cannot help but encounter the sensation that you are alone, and wrongfully so. you cannot feel Obi-Wan’s presence and the air feels stale without him — like there is no current disrupting the atmosphere’s mundane course.
droplets decorate your shoulders and the hollow of your throat. they hold fast even when you pad softly to your belongings for a fresh change of clothes.
The ache in this room is stronger. The walls themselves are mourning his absence. You feel it settle in your gut, a gluttonous mass that lightens when you consider that he should be returning soon. the sky outside the window is orange and gold, flattering the leaves of maple trees in autumn.
the room is pretty, in a simple way: the emerald carpet of hope has been exchanged for a darkened hardwood. Chrome accents gleam in the reflection of the wood, and two beds — one at opposite ends of the wall — are smothered silver-white sheets. a series of Malevich paintings are hung up in a neat grid, as though the dissembling artist would come barging in, screaming of the devil, if the French theories of symmetry were not obeyed.
as you dress and begin to comb your hair, you wonder why you miss someone whom you have just met, and someone you are not disposed to like. can you miss someone you don’t like? he is sporadic and paradisiacal; in motion and steady. his kindness had surprised you, as had his beauty. he was less corrosive than your advisor had made him out to be, less ambitious than the accolades awarded to his name. but he is zealous, hungry, seeking: you could see in the way his eyes bunched around the edges, in the crick of his neck when he sought wisdom from the hills, how he had contorted his body in the chair.
(he is like you, both here and not here, and although you did not yet know, your soul was aware and reflective in wonder)
when your flesh-and-blood sir gawain returns, you muse that you are a poor temptress in an thick-knit ivory sweater that encases your body from neck to wrists. it had been a steal from a second-hand store a few years back, and you had never found the heart to give it up. it was like a childhood book, or a favorite mug — the object, in all its durable materiality, was akin to you.
Your smile pleases him. Obi-Wan says he has found a place for this evening, nothing special, but nice. “We are celebrating after all,” he says, shrugging off a dark woolen coat.
“We are?” you look at him through the reflection of the mirror. blue eyes meet yours.
“Of course!” the phrase suspends itself for a moment, maybe two, as though it is waiting for something to slip in and complete its trinity. but it falls, tumbling back down to terrestrial concerns. “We are celebrating our meeting.”
He is absurd, and you laugh. Obi-Wan’s theory of festivity is not so mercurial as his speech — the declaration sticks to your ribs, pumping blood to your heart and flooding your cheeks with a natural flush.
Obi-Wan continues to examine you. “Might I ask,” he starts, hands stilling in their expedition of finding suitable attire, “where you bought your sweater?”
you respond: it was from a second-hand store, you found it during your apprenticeship, it was the only thing that kept you warm that terribly dreary winter, it was your constant companion.
“does it have a trio of red threads on the left cuff?”
satisfying his quench takes precedence to mystery of his request.
Obi-Wan’s smile engulfs the spirit of the room, and the two of you, and the bedding, and the glass window, too.
“that was my sweater,” he says. “my uncle made it for me, and i gave it to my brother after we adopted him. he wasn’t used to the dampness of English winters, but he didn’t like the itchiness of the knit. he always had an aversion to gritty textures.” he reaches out a hand with a faint smile, like the combined power of his simple offering can cross space and time and memory and return him to the days of him and his uncle and adopted brother.
you do not know what to say. you watch him for several moments. you want to speak, but your mind is blank, thrumming with the idea that it is so very right that part of him has been with part of you all of these years. parts have him has seen you through the long hours of a dreary apprenticeship and discovering the healing properties of English tea and catching tears and wisps of smiles and witnessing ink spill over pages as you churned out dissertation drafts until the argument was smooth and refined.
the idea makes you feel very alive, and alert, and you want to offer him comfort. “would you like to take it back?” one hand tugs at the edge of the cloth, near your waist. “it’s yours anyway.” the pain of parting is lessened by the joy of giving.
he demurs, you coax. eventually it is determined that he will wear the garment for the evening, but only if you wear something of his, too. “that way it’s even,” he says, and you laugh again to hide the dip in your stomach at thought of wearing something of his, of wrapping yourself in his scent, of placing your body in a place his had once inhabited.
you settle on a light gray blazer that you think must compliment his eyes, which sparkle with aquamarine and crystal. it is paired with a turtleneck and when you emerge to show him the completed ensemble, spinning in a circle, he chuckles.
“you look like me,” he says, one hand cupping his chin.
a feeling pulses in your mind but you let it go. you may like him after all, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t a pompous academic whose theories had made your life hell.
you expect him to take you to a cozy place. somewhere where they serve the local brew and make homemade shepherd’s pie, but he doesn’t.
he takes you a bar that is sleek and modern, with soft yellow lights and paneled ceilings and marble counter-tops. Obi-Wan escorts you to a high table in the corner, a hand on the small of your back. the warmth from his palm spreads through his jacket and your turtleneck and it feels like cinnamon and candlelight.  
later, you will not remember what you ordered to eat, but you will always remember the two cups water that appear on the table.
the glasses have smooth edges and and rounded sides, curving around themselves ad infinitum or perhaps reductio ad absurdum. faint golden orbs hunch against the surface; integers of light cling to any sort of tactical reassurance. even the glass will do.
the cups are hefty, and not just with the font of life. the vessel is weighty, durable. Obi-Wan tells you that they are recycled.
he does not talk about what he does now and how he teaches, and you do not mention your work. you do not need to: what these truths have taught you is in every swallow, every glance, every gentle barb. the two of you do not need shields of citation guidelines to understand one another.
the conversation dances. he pulls you in with a question. you twirl around him, brushing his five o’clock shadow. artifice glistens and then falls away. with every pass and dip and pas de chat resentment and assumption weaken, and your eyes become bigger. he changes the time signature, the style (first it was a waltz, and then a swing step, and now it is easing into something unknown). the fabric of his jacket is smooth, and comfortable, and smells like him — warm and spice and clean. you ease into it like it is your birthright.
you do not see, but Obi-Wan notices, and grins into his water.
he does not see, but you notice, the way he couches into your sweater, and your eyes curl in some form of elation.
“what were they about? the lectures, i mean.” this is the question you have been waiting to ask. here, in the bar, with glass, you are emboldened to let go of one last grudge.
he looks at you, and his gaze stabs you, but then it softens — like the needle from a shot easing into muscle before retreating as swiftly as it came.
“what did your advisor say they were about?” he fiddles with his glass.
“they said…” you close your eyes in recollection. eyelashes flutter against freckles. “they said the lectures were about grief.”
Obi-Wan’s smile is wry, but he does not seem displeased. he is still too relaxed to be angry. how you can read his body language so quickly, you are not sure — maybe it is because he is wearing your sweater. so many things you are unsure of, but he is not one of them. not really.
uncertainty is different with him. he is not an ever-fixéd mark, nor a staid anchor in the waves. but he is resolved, and you can separate him from the rest of the particulars that impede your life. he is not just krei: distinguishing and judging and explanatory and crisis all at once, all at everything.
yes, uncertainty with him is less about judgment and is rather imbued with mystery. it is krei mixed with mysteriam: separating the hidden things from that which is known.
Obi-Wan taps his finger on the glass and the sound returns you to the present. he has caught you wandering, again, wandering the wayward halls of esoteric remembrance.
“they were about grief,” he nods, staring at the transparent material in his hands.. Obi-Wan’s voice is kingly and aromatic, like basil. it lilts and sways around the words he speaks as in a courtly dance, like those Anne Boleyn performed for King Henry.
lifting his gaze to yours again, he adds, “and they were about joy. those lectures were about everything, and nothing.” a hand rises, and rhythmic fingers sweep away invisible cobwebs. “they were,” Obi-Wan concludes, “about life itself. phenomena, as it were.” the hand floats down and rests on the table.
it is perilously close to yours now: mere inches from the edges of your body. you both look down at his hand in a brief moment marked and scratched with silence, and you are alone with  your thoughts. his hands are worn, like they have been used — little scars and wrinkles and a slight puffiness that tells you that he spent a lot of time writing today. you like that.
you point to the swelling, at the v of his hand where thumb and palm meet. the tip of your index finger hovers above the spot and your confession must linger too, because it takes several moments for him to drag his eyes upwards to study your face.
“how many ACE wraps did you fray while writing your dissertation?” he asks, and you want to push him for being such a competitive brat.
your hand is still suspended above his.
you tell him your answer, and he cups his fingers around yours in a spasm of revelation. “me too!” his grip tightens. “academia is one son of a bitch.” he catches you in a sideways glance, and when you laugh, he relaxes into a smile.
“I read your dissertation, you know.” the sweater itches against your wrist, where the sleeve of his blazer has ridden up and exposed skin.
“i didn’t.” you take a sip. “but i do know how you feel about scholars such as myself.” another sip. are you biding time? you are not sure. “you feel very strongly about the color green, Dr. Kenobi.”
his grip slackens but he does not release your hand completely. “please. call me ben.”
“no?” your eyebrow arches. “not OWK, either?”
“I don’t use that name with friends.”
“Are we friends?”
his eyes are earnest, open, porous, like blue tulle on ballet costumes. “yes. i dare say we are.”
when the two of you stand to leave, there is a still a table that prohibits unity. emptiness subsumes you; he is so near and yet so far; Ben should be next to you. the distance continues, grows, as you exit, and an ache pours forth from your soul, because you now know what you did not know before. you had seen it in the glass, and in the reflected light, and the way you had seen yourself in his eyes when you danced with him without touching his hand.
you halt, he pauses. you take a step forward and Ben watches you. darkness blankets the town’s cobbled streets; the stones gleam dully and swallow the street lamps all into an abyss. except his eyes: Ben’s silken azure eyes are your anchor.
people don’t make sense but you do.
a few steps more and the two of you are very close. you tilt your head to look at his face. you are there, reflected in his pupils. “maybe i am you.” you mean for it to sound teasing, but your soul knows before you do, and the words are laden with imperial import, like a royal seal.
those gemstone eyes flicker over your face. he has felt it too, he is telling you, but how you know this you cannot say. “no, i do not think so.” letters drip out, leaking in a slow stream. “but i think perhaps we are a part of each other.”
and then you have narrowed down the sum to its composite parts. the glass has shattered and the left hand swims in its sand and calcium carbonate and ash, drifting through a process of becoming. particles glimmer on skin, under nails, brandishing depth and texture and a pantone coloring book of the human heart.  
it is a mutual kiss, one where individualism no longer endures. his hands — swollen, calloused, firm — are grasping your cheeks. your arms are around his waist, winding around sweater and skin and soul. when you close your eyes, you think it will be dark. you are wrong. tenebrism creeps away and shadows vanish, and there is only him, and a resounding tenor of colors.
ben’s lips are soft, and his breath is warm, and it is the kiss for which you feel like you have spent your whole life preparing. he is safe (tender) and unexpected (his tongue grazes your teeth). he likes it when you grip him harder, the knit no longer coarse against your palms, not when his hand is wandering through your hair in flashes of blue and gold and pearl.
when you pull away, and nuzzle his cheek, Ben smiles — soft and comforting like the garment on his back. maybe this is why glass shatters and cracks around your feet, crunching as you sway slightly in each other’s arms — you have worn his jacket, and he has worn your sweater.
it is predawn the next time he kisses you. the two of you are on his bed, near the window. sweaters and blazers have been exchanged for baggy t-shirts and sleep shorts. Ben is facing you, cross-legged on the pale sheets, and he watches you as you take in the metamorphosis of the sky, from black to navy to the merest smidgen of blue and grey on the horizon, skating across the silhouette of the hills.
he watches you as you speak, too, about the way you loved the ocean as a child, and your favorite book is Moby Dick. it was so very ethereal to you, the way that sailors used the stars to navigate. it was like they were communing with the heavens.
Ben thinks that your voice glitters. it is weary with much talk and too little sleep but it shines the way diamonds do when they are stitched onto spanish lace, supported with the strength that is only found in delicacy.
your eyes, he thinks, are more like satin, for the way they gleam and mix their depth and shadows without losing their sheen, glassy in their wonder.
but you notice his regard, and you pause. he cannot see it, but he can feel a blush jogging from your neck to your cheeks.
you stare at each other. and then — he is next to you, and laying you down, and you are learning his labyrinthine ways even as you begin to come undone.
he is coming alive, or waking up—you’re not sure. his ends and beginnings are still a unknown to you: you must fashion yourself a mystic to enter his realm. somehow you suspect he is yours. your alpha and omega, the moral force that has driven you forward to now, to this point, where his forehead is meeting the jut of your jaw as he kisses his way down your neck.
you are hot and cold all at once and when he licks your pulse point, and sucks, you gasp. it is a gentle thing, more like a deep breath than an exclamation. you feel yourself leaning into him, straining for his touch. his auburn hair under your fingertips is soft and slick with his gel and you tug at it in an act of encouragement.
he pulls away. hovering over you, eyes blue and silver in the pale light — twin moons, perhaps — he smirks. “are you trying to tell me something, darling?” he asks lowly, and his voice is dark molasses. it is sticky and sweet and bitter, inching down your body. you want his kisses to follow its tortuous path, staining you with vermillion and black and dying you with pleasure.
he is color. you are cloth.
the durability of your nature returns in a rush marked with grains of steel. “no.” you swallow and the action traces where his lips met your skin just moments earlier. “i rather thought you were trying to communicate with me.” you sound ragged, coy, on the verge of aching.
Ben does not take your bait. “i was.” his breath is hot against your ear, and arresting. he pauses. the molasses continues to drip. “i was just wanted to make sure i had a clear answer.” and he nips your earlobe. you bite your lip in response: the two of you are in sync.  
“yes.” you are fabric, and your voice is terrycloth.
“Yes?” he repeats your fiat. Shards of glass collapse around you as he again meets your gaze.
this must be how the Virgin prayed her Magnificat, you think as his heart errantly beats against his throat. She must have been like he is now, brimming with humble righteousness and bound by understanding. Tenderness cords through you; it tempers your breathing, smoothes the bubbles of molasses. Reaching up to to cup his face, you let your fingers splay over his cheek, resting on stubble and skin. your pinky finger meets the angle of his cheekbone. the image falls into place and the symmetry causes you to smile.
“yes. etiam. ja. sí.” you are about to conclude in greek — ναί — but he halts your litany of assent by placing an offering on your lips. the greek is in the twists of his tongue in your mouth, and so is the hebrew, and the arabic, and all the languages yet to engrave themselves in your memory.
it is like the first time you experienced champagne at your father’s christmas party. one of his students had poured you, then sixteen, a glass and said with a wink, “the monks declared it was the taste of the stars.” you had raised the flute to your lips and drank as you were bid, and when you had swallowed, you knew the world was different now. or perhaps the old world had not changed, you had merely adapted to fickle ways.
your tongue did as it had then, skating across your front teeth onto your upper lips in quick, jabbing motions. unsatiated and incomplete.
he pulls away again and you frown. eyes closed, you tug at his shoulder in a nonverbal ask to come back.
silence meets your plea and you open your eyes. he is still above you, weight resting on his forearms, and he is smiling.  “you are so impatient.” the rebuke is fond and he soothes its burn with a kiss to your cheek. your eyes flutter closed, briefly.
“i am not impatient.” arms cross over your chest and eyes roll. “i am —“ the phrase is paused as he kisses your other cheek. you open your eyes. “i am.” he waits for you, as he always has, but after a few heartbeats he gleans the completeness of your meaning. existence is the watchword of this night, or this dawn: let sartre and his kind be put to rest.  
so the two of you kiss again, and when his arms get tired, you drape your legs over his lap and press yourself into his chest. the last vestiges of moonlight have settled upon you, but it is no thing, not when skin feels what eyes cannot. lips are languid and hands stroll up and down pathways and alleyways and sidewalks. brittle substances of impatience are burned away through the silk of his fingers. you are content to rest in chiaroscuro.
there is another breaking: transparent and fortified compound of ash and sand — let in by the moon and the rising venus — twinkles around your head, his spine. a whispered ask, a tender assent: shirts glide over shoulders and he guides in your descent.
breathing is knowing, feeling is seeing: for here essence and existence bleed into one consummate act of communion.
lips touch your collarbone, your breast. your hands plane over his chest in a crusade of knowledge. he does not begrudge your gasps, now, or the arches your back erects to his honor. ben’s lips, hands, the vehicles of his words to the world, at once analyze and soak in praise.
clothes fall away, skin uncovering skin, manifesting a reality that had resided in your souls far before today. before the bar, the hotel, the sweater, there was always the two of you, striving for eudaemonia.
“this is phenomena,” he whispers against the curve of your hip. ben presses a kiss to the bones that give form to your body politic (the totality of your shattered glass made whole).
Tags: @profkenobi @goldenkenobi @ohhellokenobi @obitwo @nobie @cherieboba @lazzwhile @rentskenobi @master-obi-wan-kenboneme @justrunamok @citadoll @obirain @catsnkooks @royalhandmaidens @kyjoraven @mcu-padawan @anakin-danvers @snips-n-skyguy0501 @saintlaurentkenobi @answer-the-sirens @videogamesandpoorlifechoices @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky @icedcoffeeandgays // please send an ask or fill out this form to get added to my taglist!
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seblaineaddict · 3 years
Hey, Seblainers!
Something a bit different today. I have a lot of very talented friends; some of whom I met through Tumblr, be they fic writers, rpers, artists, a mixture - or even all of the above! Each and every one of them mean the absolute world to me, and they are tagged below. I also have some incredibly gifted students - and I'm sure you'll be seeing them on the West End or on Broadway, one day...Well, when that's even a possibility again, of course...
Over and above that, I have my closest fellow musician friends, many of whom I have not seen since March, other than through a screen, and I'm so grateful to have them all in my life.
Today I want to talk about two of them. A very good friend, and former colleague, Cameron, duetting with another very dear friend, Blythe, on the track I have used over my Seblaine Motion Picture mp4.
Basically, after the utter clusterfuck of a year that we've had, they decided to remake Fairytale of New York, removing the offensive verbal sparring verse from the Pogues' and Kirsty MacColl's' original song, and turned it into a typical Glaswegian "Mammy" and her son singing it together across the world on Christmas Day. It ends with us hearing a knock on a door, then the son shocks his Mum, by appearing at her home in Glasgow to surprise her, when she thinks he's still in New York. She audibly gasps as she sees who's at the door.
I'm so proud to call them friends, and so, so proud that we have such incredible musical talent here in Scotland. Hope you all enjoy!
[I can't link you to the video as they haven't made it yet, since everything was coordinated via Zoom! Virtual recording studios and giving lectures via Zoom, have unfortunately become our norm this year! But as soon as I have the link, I'll add it to this post.]
So enjoy Seblaine walking their puppy in the falling snow; Bas and Blaine accompanied by my friends' beautiful reimagining of such a classic (and sadly, in recent years, controversial) song, seems so fitting.
The track is just under 4 minutes 46 seconds long. It starts with dialogue between Cameron (the son) and Blythe (his Mammy) - although in reality they are pretty much the same age!
The original static version of this graphic was created exclusively for my two very special friends that I love to pieces, @dom-bastiansmythe and @elliottanderson-gabriel for their Andersmythe pairing, which is pretty much Seblaine, but...not, if that makes sense! Praying that just this once, Tumblr actually doesn't mess this video up when it's posted!
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, and a much, much better 2021 for each and every one of us.
@glitzgustin @blainesebastian @seblainelove @troubletonesglee @love-that-we-were-in @jammie3132 @sperrywink @blaine-d-anderson @shadys @aelora @mrstotten @smythebros @ttinycourageous @ejaycaswell @endiness @sheeprps @imogenlefay @xonceinadream @papervillage @kt-cant-focus @rhandytaylah @berrywarbler @killer-leo @seblaine-rph @notsosweetporcelain @indie-dcrper @ecto-1-rps @mmack0621 @akfanficlove @kt-cant-focus @lorcan-scamanderxx @monstrous-sea @nanthebookworm @sourwolfseblaine
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You're In For It || Chani
Request: hello !! i just saw your blog and i saw your taking requests hehe i would like to request 7 with sf9 chani 🥺 preferably a written one! and could u make it a college setting with bad boy chani or e2l 🥰 fluff or smut hehe thank you!
-OoOO I biased Chani before I biased Taeyang so I'm living for this request 🤧 it's mature but it's not smut, a lot of teasing I will say. To specify btw I have 1-2 more requests with this prompt left these are just ones I haven't gotten around to but I no longer do prompt #7 💓 I have a idea for a part 2 which would involve smut so I'd you enjoy this and want a part 2 I definitely can get that done 💞 I'm sorry this took so long btw I made it a bit longer than most of my fics as a sorry for the wait💕
Synopsis: Chani always teased you and one day you had enough of it, so why not reverse the roles?
Prompt: #7 "Come sit in my lap"
Pairing: Bad Boy! Chani x female reader
Warning: strong language, teasing, palming, dirty talk, heated make out
Gif credit to owner
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The amount of classes you have with Chani is more, than you want it to be seeing you spend 3/7 days a week with him. Classes with Chani would be fine if he wasn't the college bad boy next to the rest of his "gang." He looks and acts the part which you'd tune out if he didn't target you for his risky teasing, always getting you hot and bothered when you where trying to focus; the fact he recently started calling you "baby" doesn't help it either. A prime example of the teasing he likes to pull would probably be the time like last Monday when you where waiting for the lecture to start and found a place to sit, Chani spotting you sat behind you and whispered dirty talk into your ear almost the whole time, leaving you a mess. Friday being today is one of those unlucky days you have to see him, you found a chair and waited for him to walk in and act all cool with his leather jacket only to rile you up and leave. You watched the door until you saw him walk in, catching eye contact with him very quickly he walked up to you.
"Hey baby" he said leaning on the desk in front of you with a strong smirk.
"What do you want." You said in a done sounding voice.
"Wow a little attitude I see, maybe you'll take my offer today?" Chani said with a bit of a chuckle, smug grin never leaving his face.
"What would that be?" You couldn't help your ears perked up in interest of what he had to say, obvious in your eyes how you wanted him to continue.
"At 8 my place me and my boys are hosting a party, you should come." He said slipping you a paper with his address, you picked it up and put it in your bag causing a wave of excitement to rush over him until your next sentence came out.
"Party's aren't my thing, you also could find way better arm candy than me to be there" you said tapping your pen against the table. The look he gave you seemed a bit hurt but you couldn't tell why.
"Nah baby I only want you, are you acting all tough to hide the fact your just a good girl who doesn't go to party's?" He said with a hint of sadness in his voice, did he really mean that? But that last part still had you keep your guard up so why not throw fire at fire.
"Fuck off, I won't be going now actually find a seat and get your work done for once."
"Wow using some big words there, fine I didn't think you'd come anyway but I shoot my shot atleast." He said with a little defeat in his voice but still with that smirk he entered the door with. He found a place to sit after that and suprisingly didn't bother you, which you oddly kinda missed; you can't hide the underlining feelings you have for him that well, atleast well enough for others not to know, but you can't help that he makes you feel special when he riles you up; his words can sound charming even if he's talking so mischievously. Throughout the class you took notes and kept thinking about that stupid party, you at first where opposed to the idea but now you've warmed up to it and imagining the look on his face proving him wrong when he sees you actually there. Once the class had been dismissed you had nothing else to do that day so you went straight to your dorm, you kept pondering on the idea of what you should wear. The clothes you had where cute but you wanted something that would rile him up for a change and have the looks on you; finding a red crop top and black shorts you decided why not fit some e-girl realness and look sexy doing it catching all the bad boys attention. It wasn't even 7:30 yet but you still where completing your look already, finding a choker you got a while ago to wear since you wouldn't lie they made you feel powerful and sexy and that's exactly what you need to get into Chani's head. Sooner than later the clock hit 7:45 and you head out to be at the party on time, getting there surprised it was already starting to get filled quite quickly when the party had started not long ago. Making your way through the house you spotted Hwiyoung, your goal was to find Chani so you hoped he'd have help into finding where he is; you walked up to him and caught him by surprise from your outfit being different and hot compared to your normal clothes you'd walk around on campus with.
"Do you know where I could find Chani?" You said, he looking you up and down taking in the sight of you; causing your ears to go a little red.
"he'll probably be in the kitchen grabbing more drinks, if he can't fill up your time we'll you can find me for certain." He said with a small wink.
You ventured to the kitchen spotting him, you walked up to him from behind and tapped his shoulder ready for the reactions that he'd bring. Turning around his jaw almost dropped and you could see his eyes go dark with the lust in his eyes drinking in the sight of you, leaning in to whisper in your ear he said.
"Baby I didn't expect to see you here, especially not so fucking hot. Did you dress like this for me baby? To make me want to do unspeakable things? If so it's working baby." He said with his voice two octaves lower than usual catching you by surprise, none the less a idea popped in your head on how to get him back for all the times he's riled you up. Quickly tip toeng you put your hand in his and squeezed it whispering back.
"Where's your room? We'll need it." In less then a second he had you both walking at a fast pace to his room, once reaching it he eagerly shut the door and walked up and sat at the edge of his bed.
"Come sit in my lap" He said less of a invitation and more as a demand which you where quick to go up and staddle your legs around his waist, not knowing if he should touch you he looked up at you with confirmation.
"feel free to touch me." You said giving him the go and he wrested his hands on your thighs. Waisting no time you started kissing his neck and leaving little marks trying to find his sweet spot, once you reached the middle of his neck you head a grown come from his throat as he squeezed your thighs causing you to suck harshly on it ensuing a moan to come out. You found your way to his lips and quickly got stuck in a heated kiss, he swiped his tongue on your bottom lip asking for access which you quickly opened your mouth granting him; soon turning into a fight of tongues for dominance. Your arms left his shoulders and you sneaked your hand to his black sweatpants finding their way to his covered almost fully hard cock which you soon started packing causing deep moans to come from his throat.
"You want me to wrap my lips around you and suck you so hard you eyes roll back don't you? It's what you always say so I bet you want it don't you." You said breaking the kiss gasping for air.
"Yes baby please I need to feel your pretty lips around me, cant you just feel how hard I am from this alone? I never knew you where so dirty" He said panting but still having that smug expression on his face, giving him a quick peck you then smirked at him. You got up causing him confusion, only to bring him to even more when you made your way to the door of his room opening it.
"Too bad you have to wait for another day love, you can fix your problem today like how I have to each time you rile me up." You said quickly exiting making your way to the front and to your car, once inside you didn't realize Chani was on your tail the entire time.
"Now I may say many things to you to get you going but if you asked I would never leave you hanging, I have a serious problem and I need you to fix it since you caused it baby." He said voice full of hunger. You went into you car and grabbed your journey for one of your majors and ripped off a piece of paper grabbing the pen from your cars cup holder and putting your number on it.
"Maybe you wouldn't leave me hanging but you've been turning me on every week for months now this is the least of payback I could do, here's my number if you want me to fix one of your problems later but that is only allowed if you think of me as not a one night stand and a long time deal instead." You said handing him the piece of paper, hoping that if he does choose to do anything with you; you can confess your feelings so he can hopefully stop toying with you and be with you instead. You drove off, after about 3 minutes hearing many dings from your phone go off almost till you reached the host did those stop. Grabbing your phone exiting your car you quickly got inside preparing yourself for the texts you where soon to see from probably Chani.
[unknown number:] it's Chani, baby your in for it after that.
Quickly adding Chani to your contacts you checked the wrest of the texts he'd sent.
Chani: baby I just had to fix my problem, my hands didn't feel as good as how you'd feel wrapping around me but I can only imagine.
Chani: I'm in it for a long time ride with you, you're everything I want.
Chani: Tonight changed how I thought you where baby I'm surprised, I thought you where just a goodie that got flustered easily but your kinky, what else you got as a surprise for me? Sadly you left before anything could happen I could've given you pleasure in any way you pleased.
In other words you have problems to fix for yourself too and now ready to prepare for what class will be like seeing him next Monday.
Chani: make free time tomorrow, you need to finish what you started since I need to feel your pretty lips around me or me filling you up since because of your stunt I won't be going easy on you.
Scratch next time seeing him Monday, it's now time to prepare for tomorrow.
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defkooka · 4 years
until i see you again [pt.1] I na jaemin
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pairing: na jaemin x reader
genre: collegeau!, summerau!, friends to lovers!, angst, romance
word count: 11.4K
summary: na jaemin was the boy who made you fall for him the summer of your sophomore year of high school. na jaemin was also the boy who unintentionally broke your heart that same summer, leaving and never returning again. now he’s back, ironically during the summer of your sophomore year of college. some things never seem to change huh?
a/n: i love dreams new comeback! chenle was looking *chefs kiss*. anyways, a small series on our flirt jaemin. i’m stuck at home doing school work and nothing to do but to write so i couldn't help myself when the concept video for puzzle piece came out, like jaemin looks soooo cute! hope you enjoy :) PS: REQUEST ARE OPEN
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the soles of your feet were burning and you were sweating like crazy at this point. you could even feel the sweat begin to drop from between your boobs which was never a good sign, the only thing keeping you from melting into the tile floors was the hot breeze coming from the fan sitting on the far corner of the pink marble counter. 
“why the fuck is it so hot right now?!” eunjung came walking from the back room, two big tubs of chocolate ice cream on each of her sides and a big pouty look decorated her face.
“you would think that working at an ice cream shop all summer would mean we would at least not sweat gallons a day. but look at us now, who would have thought? not me!” ellie sarcastically commented and turned to lean against the metal counter to look at you. you rolled your eyes and fanned yourself with the rag on your shoulder avoiding her ‘i told you so’ gaze.
“better than making 8 dollars an hour watching mean devil children all summer,” you said while you played with the bright pink and neon green cups that sat on the dispenser, “scholarships and financial aid can only get you so far”.
summer had come faster than you had anticipated this year. you went from stressing over big tests, homework, and maintaining a job all at once, to dying in the scorching heat of an ice cream shop. you and your friends planned to make this the best summer, but you couldn't really do that with an empty bank account. so when eunjung saw a ‘help wanted’ sign from your local ice cream shop hanging on the front door, she couldn't pass on the opportunity of bringing you and ellie along. 
“come on guys, cheer up! at least we get all the free ice cream we want.” she shrugged her shoulder and smiled down at the large cookie dough cone she had prepared for herself.
“i would much rather be taking care of ms. jacksons kids than sitting in here in this heat. like literally it’s a fucking ice cream shop, shouldn't all this ice cream be melted by now?” ellie dropped her head back and whined. “well you said yes to working with us, so suck it up bitch!” eunjung kicked ellie’s shin and once again for the tenth time that day they began bickering.
“guys! chill out. and she’s right ellie, this isn’t so bad. at least better than us sitting on eunjungs couch all summer with no money whatsoever.” you laughed and turned towards the door to gaze outside at the empty streets. it’s been a pretty slow day, only a few people here and there. you even had a few some older couples coming in and sitting down for a while, before leaving right out the door again.
“i wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t so empty! everyone's either at the carnival or getting ready for that stupid lake party.” ellie crossed her arms on the marble top next to you and grouched.
“didn't you say you wanted to go to said ‘stupid lake party’?” eunjung looked at her in confusion, “i know!” ellie threw her hands up in frustration and walked out from behind the counter to sit at one of the tables in front of the big glass window, you and eunjung following behind. 
“don’t worry! we have like 2 more hours until our shifts are over so we can just head home, get into cute little bikinis, and go have fun and get drunk at the lake. but i am NOT carrying your ass home drunk again.” you squeezed her shoulders in reassurance before taking a seat with your back facing the door.
“ugh i can’t wait! all the hot guys, the music. i heard jisung was going to be there with the guys.” eunjung smiled and blushed while licking away the ice cream that had dripped onto her hand.
“uhhhh you mean your boyfriend?” ellie mocked her by making kissy noises and poking her sides. “he’s not my boyfriend, stop it.” she swatted away her hands and you laughed.
“yeah right, you have been flirting and all over each other since literally our freshman year of high school!” you crossed your arms on the metal table in front of you, feeling the icy cold metal against your burning skin.
“i like to take my time with things thank you very much.” she stuck her tongue out at you guys and ellie and you shook your heads in laughter.
you all kept small conversation on silly things that happened during your weeks when all of the sudden you heard the bell of the front door ding, and then male laughs follow along, making you three look up.
“um excuse me, aren’t you guys supposed to be working?” you turned around at the familiar voice and saw chenle and jeno walking towards your table. you saw another head of ashy blue hair walking behind them but didn't recognize them since you couldn’t really see their face with chenle’s head in the way, so you didn't pay much attention to it.
“look what the cat dragged in.” ellie flipped off chenle with a teasing tone and a smile, he mimicked her words and flipped her off as well before giving you a high five and waving at eunjung who sat across from you.
“awe don’t be so bitter ellie, i know you miss us even though you saw us like two days ago.” jeno began poking the side of her neck constantly making her squirm under his touch. “don’t touch me like that!” she punched his buff upper arm, but not strong enough to the point where it would actually hurt him, not like it would anyway. jeno was somehow built like a ken doll. literally any time any of you would try and inflict any sort of pain towards him, he wouldn't even as much as flinch, god does love to play favorites. 
jeno frowned and rubbed the part up and down jokingly and continued to tease the black haired girl sitting in front of him.
“technically we areee supposed to be working, but it’s been dead all day so we’re just killing time until we leave.” eunjung shoved the last of her ice cream into her mouth and discreetly wiped her hands on ellies shoulder while she continued to fight off jenos mocking hands.
“you guys coming to the lake later?” chenle played with a few strands of your hair in attempt to braid it, but failing miserably at it too.
“fuck yeah we’re going, i refuse to let summer slip away before i go back to sitting in lectures all day. anyway who’s even dow-” she stopped mid sentence after she finally noticed the third head with jeno and chenle. she had a shocked yet amused expression on her face and she stayed like that for a few seconds in complete silence. jeno seemed to noticed her behavior and snapped his head towards the person who still remained unknown. he walked behind you to grab their arm before finally introducing them.
“shit i forgot, you guys remember jaemin right? he moved away 3-4 years ago, we were all like best friends back in school.” your body went stiff at the mention of that name. you haven't heard of it in a long time, not after spending months brokenhearted when he first left and slowly seeming to forget about him over the years, well. until now.
 jeno dragged jaemin forward where he stood at the front of the table and smiled at ellie and eunjung.
“of course i remember jaemin. where the hell have you been all this time kid?” ellie stood up with a smile to give him a tight hug before she pulled back, and let eunjung hug him too. 
“college.” he laughed with a straight set of teeth, making you reminisce of the small, wimpy black haired boy with braces that would run around with you guys back in grade school all throughout high school, before he had to move away. he was older now. way older, and definitely not a boy anymore. his ashy blue hair was the thing that stood out the most, he wore it with confidence. jaemin back in high school wasn’t much of a person who liked attention, he loved having friends and was a very friendly person, but never bold enough to something like dye his entire head blue. you also didn’t miss that his height had skyrocketed, now he stood a solid 4-5 inches taller than you. even though he didn't look anything like the way he had left, he somehow still acted like the same jaemin you crushed on back in freshman year and all through that summer. his warm, wide smile was the same, his bright black eyes were the same, and the happy aura around him was still the same.
“you just came down for the summer or something?” eunjung pulled away from the hug and widely smiled at him.
“sadly, yes. my mom wanted to spend a summer back home for a while so she dragged us to come down.” he sadly nodded along with his words and pushed his large hands into his shorts pockets.
“well, i guess that means we have to make the most of it right? you’re gonna be hanging out with us all summer long from now on, just like old times. dude we’re getting the old crew back!” ellie excitedly hugged eunjung before turning to you. once she saw the look of pure and utter shock in your face her smile slowly dropped but soon turned into a knowing smirk.
“jaemin, you remember y/n right?” your eyes went wide and everyone’s attention shifted towards you where you still sat on the chair. jaemins smile dropped a little bit at the sound of your name before turning to look at you, then he broke out into the biggest grin you’ve seen on him yet.
“holy shit. hey y/n, long time no see.” his eyes roamed up and down your body before meeting your gaze once again. not in one of those weird perverted ways, but in a ‘holy shit, i cant believe it’s actually you!’ way. he hadn’t seen you in years nor heard your name in a while, just from time to time when he would speak to the guys and they would talk about where they were hanging out and who was coming along. every time he heard it, it made him think about you and all those past memories back in high school, especially making those old feelings bubble up in his stomach, but he never lodged on them for long since he truly believed he would never see your face ever again.
“yeah, long time huh?” you smiled at him and you both didn’t say anything after that. you guys just stood there taking each others appearances in.
jaemin noticed the way your hair got shorter, you had probably cut it from the way it used to flow down your back when you were kids. you definitely didn’t look like the little girl he would tease, you looked grown. like a woman. your breast had gotten bigger and peeked out from the tight black work shirt you had picked out that morning in a rush. your legs were longer and thicker, and your skin glowed from the way the sun was hitting it just right from the window in front of you. jaemin always thought you were pretty when you were kids, but you were stunning now. all those past memories hitting him like a truck while he stared at you in awe.
“okayyy. why don’t weee, go get you guys some ice cream, shall we?” eunjung pushed jeno and chenle towards the glass display once she saw you and jaemin get into an intense stare down and the atmosphere had gone silent.
“we have to bring enough for everyone. renjun wants milk flavored!” chenle screamed while jeno followed behind him. ellie gave you a look before she walked away with another smirk. “what the fuck is even milk flavored?” you heard eunjung say before jaemin took a seat on the chair in front of you, leaning back into it with his hands in front of him on the shiny metal table.
“how you've been?” he looked at you with that fondness he used to look at you with back in that summer, which was one of the reasons you fell so hard for the guy. you couldn't help the pink blush that began creeping onto your cheeks and your head shot down towards your lap for a few seconds before looking back up at him.
“i’m doing good. besides spending thousands on college, could be worse-“ you shrugged your shoulder and you both laughed. “so, how’s your life back at home?” you tilted your head sideways and watched his eyes.
“it’s going great. it was hard settling in at first. you know, making new friends in an entire new country. it was rough, i missed you guys like crazy. but i’m glad that coming back; nothing really seemed to change with you all. renjun and donghyuck still fight over everything, chenle and jisung still have that bromance thing going, jeno and ellie still act like an old married couple, eunjung is still somehow the sweetest person for no apparent reason,” he turned around and looked at jeno and eunjung trying to pull ellie off of chenle after he tried to stick his hand inside of the display and steal a free sample and you both chuckled.
“and you,” he turned back around and met your eyes. suddenly you felt nerves shoot through your entire body and felt like shrinking into yourself from the intense stare of his dark brown eyes, “you’re still you.” he finally cracked a smile and you felt your chest tighten a little.
“yeah, it was pretty hard after you moved away. everyone kinda didn’t know how to act around each other for a few months but we learned how to adjust. perfect example right there.” you quickly pointed towards the scene happening in front of you to try and cover up your flustered state before he seemed to noticed. you both laughed once again but that still didn't calm the nerves bubbling inside of you.
 jaemin turned and looked up to meet your eyes for what felt like the hundredth time. nope, that thing he did with his eyes where he would stare at you and make you feel like he was looking right inside of you and feel everything you would be feeling still hadn’t change at all, yet all you could do was smile back at the silver haired boy and look down at your clasped hands in front of you.
“i missed you like crazy you know.” your eyes shot up to meet his and his smile dropped a little as his eyes sincerely watched you.
“uh yeah. we all missed you.” you uncomfortably shifted in your seat. you didn’t really want talk about this subject to the boy that you had spent most of your weeks crying over in your bed because you were never seeing him away. nothing better than teenage heartbreak.
jaemin caught onto the mood change in the air but didn’t continue to push the subject, not wanting to make you even more uncomfortable.
“alright. i think that’s enough ice cream. we should head back to the lake and start setting up our spot, jaemin let’s go!” jeno grabbed the boys shoulder and pulled him up to his feet. jaemin nodded and turned back towards you but saw that you refused to meet his nervous gaze.
“we’ll see you guys there?” chenle turned around to talk to the three of you with one hand on the door.
“yeah, we have to head home and change but we’ll be there by 6.” eunjung nodded and ellie and you agreed.
“so, i guess i’ll talk to you later at the lake?” jaemins voice sounded hopeful, you felt guilt so you finally looked back up at him and forced a smile, “yeah, i’ll see you there.” you nodded and he gave you a grin with a wink of one eye which made you feel all flustered all of the sudden. and he got smooth too?
“cool” he teased and walked behind jeno and chenle after saying his goodbye to the girls.
“no fucking way na freaking jaemin is back in town looking that hot.” ellie announced once she saw the guys were a safe distance far away before rushing back over to where you were sitting in excitement.
“i haven’t heard from that kid since like a few months after he had moved. i didn’t know the guys still talked to him.” eunjung stayed behind the counter and looked at you both with confusion.
“i guess they did. y/n, you okay?” ellie looked at you in concern after you had stayed silent and looked totally spaced out from the conversation. you didn't really know how you were feeling, you never expected to see his face ever again after he had left. he was just some memory you managed to push to the back of your head ever since he left and never dug out of thought of ever again. so why did you feel those stupid butterflies in your stomach? it was high school. FUCKING HIGH SCHOOL. you should NOT be feeling butterflies over a boy you liked back in high school, that’s like rule #1 in the ‘how to live a normal life’ handbook, women edition. high school boys are stupid and should never be brought up again after graduation. well, jaemin wasn’t just any high school boy. he was the high school boy who showed you how to fall in love and live a little more.
“yeah i’m fine. just kinda shocked, i never thought i’d see him ever again.” you looked back down at your hands as you played with them to try and keep yourself calm from all the different thoughts and emotions that were rushing through your body right now.
“yeah i thought so too. considering how things ended.” she patted you on your back in comfort with a half smile.
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“where the hell are they?” ellie sat on the side of the curve tying her high top converses with frustration, her bangs falling on her eyes as she forcefully blew them away from her face with puffs of air. “they said they weren’t going to take more than 10 minutes. i’m gonna rip donghyuck a new one when i lay my eyes on him.” she stood up and kicked a pebble down the street as you and eunjung watched it roll into the road.
“they’ll probably be here any second. relax.” you pulled on ellie’s bra strap and yanked her back before she could furiously kick another rock.
“we have things to do! it’s not the last day of summer for nothing!” she threw her arms in the air before lazily sitting on the curb again.
“exactly why we SHOULDN'T be stressing out el! the guys said they were going to be here, so we just need to wait.” eunjung sat down next to her and you soon joined them.
today was the last day of summer before you entered into your sophomore year.
you had spent the entire summer with your friends running around town down crazy and stupid things. late nights by the lake, climbing up the hill just outside of town to watch the sunset, swimming in chenles pool every time the heat began to become too much. this was truly THE best summer of your life, you had spent it all with your amazing group of friends and nothing in life seemed to could ever top this.
your heard a stampede of footsteps coming around the corner and all three of you quickly turned to witness the 5 boys sprinting towards you guys almost tripping over each other.
“fucking finally! where the hell were you guys?!” ellie abruptly stood and dusted the dirt from her neon pink shorts, moving away some of the bangs that had fell onto her face.
“we just out ran the kim’s dog, how can a 1 foot dog run so freaking fast?” chenle tumbled onto the curb and laid on the grass trying to catch his breath.
“coco?! seriously?! the dog is literally a chihuahua! what was he going to do to 7 grown teenagers?!” eunjung looked at them like they were the dumbest people she’s ever met. you and ellie laughed and you sat up and dusted your pants while coming closer towards the group of boys getting scolded by the slim girl.
“evil things. very evil things.” renjun wiped the sweat from his brow and nodded knowingly.
“whatever. so, did you get the stuff?” ellie smirked.
“why are you making it sound like a drug deal, jesus. but yes, we got it.” donghyuck pulled the brown cardboard box in front of him out towards you and opened it, revealing all kinds of multicolored fireworks inside.
“we’re gonna go crazy with these!” jisung pulled a firecracker from the box and examined the package carefully before throwing it back in the mix.
“where did you even get these?” you shifted your head closer to the box taking a good look at the fireworks that filled the it.
“jeno knows a guy.” donghyuck yanked the box away from you before closing the lid and giving you a sickening smirk.
“i do?” jenos head snapped up in confusion and looked at hyuck with knitted eyebrows. “yes! you do!” hyuck hissed at him and came closer to his ear.
“dude! we can’t let the women know our secrets!” he said before jeno mouthed an “oh” and nodded in understanding.
“we’re literally right here dumbass” ellie raised her eyebrow at him. they mocked each other with faces as chenle stood up from the ground before speaking up.
“where are we even going to light these anyway?”
everyone looked at each other waiting for the other to speak up with some sort of idea.
“how about the top of the hill? it’s a good view of the town and it’s not far.” jeno shrugged and everyone broke into loud “oohs”.
“wow! lee jeno is the man today!” renjun patted his back teasingly and soon the other boys joined in. jeno broke into a flustered smile while shooing the boys away from him.
“we should get going then. suns almost about to go down.” eunjung said and everyone agreed and began walking towards the hill just outside of your town. you looked around the group and began to count heads; a habit you have obtained due to hanging out with such a large group of friends overtime.
“hold up, wheres jaemin?” you stopped in your tracks and everyone turned back to look at you.
“he said his parents had to talk to him, so he’ll be a little late. i’ll text him where to meet us.” jisung pulled out his phone to shoot a quick text to jaemin and you all began your walk once again.
all you managed to say was ‘oh’ and continued to walk with the group with a frown while they held conversations with each other. 
you and jaemin have stuck like glue this entire summer. he tells you everything like you’re his psychologist or something, with you doing the same. he would’ve definitely told you something about meeting his parents today. maybe it was a last minute thing? you decided not to stress about it and just let it go as you followed behind the group trying to keep up with their speedy steps.
after you guys walked and climbed the hill for a solid 15 minutes, your legs ached as you finally reached the top. it gave you a perfect overlook of your town, the sun setting behind the tall buildings and puffy clouds graced the orange sky. you walked towards the giant walnut tree to rest that you’ve sat under countless nights this summer; jaemin usually by your side.
you guys would come here and talk all the time about random things and would just let the hours run by as you sat on the soft grass. sometimes you would come alone; just the two of you and watch the sunset, he would slowly slide himself now and then closer to you and push your head down on his shoulder and wrap an arm around your smaller figure and just sit there in silence. you would never object to this gesture; finding it adorable how he would nuzzle his head on your hair and run his hand up and down your arm when the wind blew too hard. you sometimes would find yourself yearning for his touch or his presence when he wasn’t around, and even times when he was.
over time you developed some kind of fondness for the black haired boy; soon fondness turning into real feelings. of course you never acted upon these feelings, it’s probably some stupid 15 year old girl crush, maybe just a little summer thing that would end up disappearing over time. so why stress about it? might as well actually enjoy it while it lasts.
“where should we light these?” jeno pulled a lighter from his back pocket and crouched down to open the brown box.
“away from the tree please, last thing we need is causing a forest fire on the last day of summer.” renjun said with hands on his hips.
“let’s do this one first.” jisung pulled a small red and blue box from inside, little yellow and gold designs covered the paper that covered it with a long candle wick coming from the middle.
“it says to set on the ground, and light it with a match. remain 10 feet away from the box to avoid injuries.”
“can i just hold it in my hand while you guys light it and wait for it to explode?” ellie jokingly said. “yes please.” donghyuck whispered before his eyes bursted open as an angry ellie approached him; fist already clenched in the air to punch the air out of him,
“i was kidding!” he laughed and grabbed her wrist before she could get a clean hit of his face, gently pushing her away from him. “i’m going to throw you down this fucking hill, watch.” she teasingly warned him with her index finger.
“alright, alright kids. gather around please.” hyuck grabbed the match from jenos hand and jisung placed the small box on the dirt ground.
“watch the master do-“
“WAIT! let us get away first. better you going down than us.” renjun interrupted while you all ran a safe distance away from the explosion that was about to unleash.
“oh wow. nice, sacrifice the cute one.” hyuck threw his arms up and argued.
“just go!” eunjung laughed and hyuck turned back around with a roll of his eyes.
“here goes nothing.” he quickly lit the match, making a fast 180 turn and sprinting towards where you all stood. you all turned to the box with huge smiles on your faces and waited for a few seconds. you heard an ear screeching sound before loud bangs were going off into the air, the fireworks exploded into all different colors, decorating the low lit sky. you all awed at the colors and cheered until they all died down after about thirty second.
“holy shit! my turn!” chenle screeched before he grabbed another one and set it down on the ground, quickly lighting the match and doing the dash to your spot before the explosion went off with a loud ‘bang!’.
you all laughed and watched the different flashes of colors jump into the air before banishing with a loud rain-like sound once again as you took turns lighting them all. all the smiles on your faces displayed straight joy as you spent the rest of the night setting off every firework inside the box, and slamming firecrackers on the ground and enjoying the loud booms they created echo through the night air.
“you know you all look insane, right?” you heard a a familiar voice coming from the bottom of the hill, before you saw jaemins face come into view.
“where the hell have you been?” you ran towards him before jumping into his arms, he effortlessly caught you before you pulled away with a smile. you could see that something was wrong with him from the moment you pulled away from his hug, he tried his hardest to smile his usual big toothy grin, but it was only met halfway and insincerely.
“i had to talk to my parents for a while. but i’m here now, that’s all that matters.” he tried to look happy, he tried to be okay in that moment, but seeing the worried look on your face while you tried to decipher what was wrong crushed him and made his heart ache a little. for the past summer, jaemins entire world revolved around you. he always had some sort of small crush towards since that day he accidentally pushed you in the lunch line back in 4th grade. but never really did anything about it, i mean you've been in the same group of friends forever and you were like what, 12? he hadn't even hit puberty yet in middle school. but when freshman year of high school ended and summer started rolling around, your skin seemed to glow, your eyes sparkled a little more than usual every time you talked to him, and your smile would pull at the strings of his heart making him feel giddy inside. you've been friends since grade school, but he made it his mission to win you over that summer. spending every second of the day around you and watching you becoming more and more pretty right before his eyes.
“jaemin, what’s wrong?” you grabbed his sweaters sleeve and examined his face.
“nothing. just tired.” he shook the thoughts out of his head and tried to walk towards everyone else, you stopped him before he could even take another step by gripping his sweater even tighter.
“jaemin...” you looked him dead in the eye with a serious look.
“i’ll be okay, don’t worry.” he grabbed the hand that was gripping his sweater before interlacing your fingers with his, giving you a half smile before pulling you along with him towards the rest of your friends.
“jaemin!” jeno called out once he saw the boy walking towards them and you right behind him. all your friends knew that jaemin had a little thing for you, so it didn't come as a surprise to them when he finally decided to make moves. 
“you missed the show bro, jisung almost lit his shoe on fire.” renjun held his stomach in a fit of cackles while jisung nervously laughed and scratched the back of his neck.
“fuck, i cant believe i missed that.” jaemin smiled at the group in front of him.
“where the hell were you the whole time?” eunjung subconsciously ran a hand through her hair, licking her lips trying to add moisture onto them. from the corner of your eye you could see the blush creep on jisungs face as he quickly looked away and distracted himself with the now half burnt shoelace of his right foot. he’s totally crushing on her.
“uhh i got caught up with my parents about something. don’t worry about it.” he simply said and shrugged. everyone gave him a knowing look and shifted their eyes towards you but you didn't notice the sad stares directed at you with pity from your friends, too distracted staring up at the pretty stars.
“it’s whatever, at least you made it in time for the big one.” hyuck pulled a box from the ground, it was bigger than the other fireworks you’ve been setting off throughout the night, this one had yellow and orange sparkles all over its purple exterior with little cartoons decorating the front of it. hyuck places it down on the dirt ground before handing the red lighter to jaemin.
“would you like to do the honors?” he smirked with a raised eyebrow. jaemin laughed before grabbing the lighter into his large hands. you all laughed and cheered before backing up a few feet away from him.
“speech! speech! speech! speech!” chenle began to chant and soon you were all joining.
“what kind of cult is this?” ellie said before chenle looked at her with crazy eyes.
“cult? this is the jaemin love club sweety, get it right.” he jokingly said before you all bursted into laughter. literally all you've guys been doing all night is laughing and setting off explosives on top of  hill, maybe you were a cult.
“shut up! let our club president speak! na jaemin i love you!” renjun yelled before turning his attention back to jaemin with a proud smile, throwing finger hearts at him which caused the younger boy to laugh.
jaemin stood there a few seconds trying to collect his thoughts, switching the lighter from one hand to the other and running his fingers up and down the bright red plastic. he felt his mind racing through all the amazing memories you guys created this summer, like getting jisungs foot somehow stuck in a chair in eunjungs backyard, or accidentally locking jeno outside on the porch as a joke, but later forgetting about him until 3 in the morning when you were all having a sleepover. poor guy was sleeping next to the plants and using the fertilizer as a pillow. he smiled at all your silly arguments like the one where you all fought over whether if pineapple belonged on pizza or not, which ellie didn’t give up on until she proved her point that it was a creation sent from heaven. also the stupid choices you had made all summer like peer pressuring mark into driving you all down to the beach a few hours from here and getting lost for 4 hours getting back home. your parents never let you live that one down. but his favorite memory of all; was you. like the time you sat with him all night on his roof watching the stars and playing slow r&b songs through his phone while you horribly tried to sing along and told each other childhood stories. or the time where you guys were walking along side of the lake one afternoon and he had the bright idea to start bothering the ducks, which only resulted in him making them angry and you guys getting chased all the way to the main road. you were always there for him, the good and bad. he never really cared about a girl the way he cared for you, yeah he’s had crushes here and there throughout his life but never like this. he didn’t think you were just pretty, he thought you were intelligent, confident, hardworking, and open minded about everything you did. but could he really call that love? he was so young. what the fuck does he know about love?
“i don’t really know what to say, there’s so much shit yet so little words to explain it. spending every second up each others ass is not easy” he joked and you all laughed in agreement.
“We made some amazing memories, some pretty stupid ones too. i’m still sorry about pushing you into the lake eunjung.” he apologetically looked at eunjung and she laughed before giving him a reassuring smile. “today is the last night we get to do things like this y’know, before going back and cheating our way through sophomore year like we did freshman.” another set of laughs filled the night air.
“um excuse me, not i. this is a brain of gold.” renjun confidently said before jisung and chenle looked at each other.
“who’s gonna tell him?” jisung said before an angry renjun ran towards him.
“ya!” he grabbed him by the collar and shook him. “okay! okay!” jisung said in a fit of giggles trying to push the older boy off of him.
“can you please get to the sentimental part please” ellie crossed her arms impatiently.
“jeez fine. moral of the story, i just want to say thank you to all of you. we’ve been friends for so long that I've even lost track of the years. every memory i can possibly think of right now, somehow involves every single one of your dumbasses. we’ve been there for each every time something big or minor happens and i just want to appreciate that. were standing here on our last day of summer for a reason, so i just want to say...thank you. for making my life so great up to this point.” he finally looked up from the rock under his foot that he’s been staring at for the last minute while he gave his little speech.
you heard a soft sniffle next to you and turned to witness tears rolling down eunjungs face. 
“oh god, here comes the waterworks-”
“that was so beautiful? and heartfelt? why would you think this is okay to do to me jaemin?!” eunjung dug her head into jenos side while he cradled her in his arms with a roll of his eyes. “there, there little one. shut up now” he patted the top of her head like a little puppy.
“that was deep bro” donghyuck took large strides towards him and embraced him into a tight hug sending the stumbling back a little, loud fake sobs leaked of his mouth before jaemin began to squirm and whine before pushing hyuck away successfully.
“jaemin that was so sweet” you pouted your lips and clasped your hands in front of you. his eyes locked with yours and he blushed at your comment, shyly looking away with smile.
“well, enough of that sentimental shit. let’s end this summer with a bang, shall we?” ellie announced before you all began to cheer once again with loud screams and claps.
“here’s to the best summer ever with the greatest people.” jaemin yelled before flicking the lighter a few times until a spark of fire emerged, he lit the box and swiftly raced back to you, he crashed into your arms and you both stumbled back a bit in laughter, before gaining your balance and waiting for the small colorful box to explode.
you all watched it intensively before you heard a loud whistle resonate through the night air, and all the sudden two sparks of lights shot into the night sky, before they exploded into an eruption of colors. you all watched the light show above you in a awe for a few minutes until the last bit of light left the sky, only leaving the far away stars to look down at you. 
no one said anything. you all just stood there in silence enjoying each others presence, it’s like no one needed to say anything for you all to understand each others thoughts and feelings right in that moment. 
this is it. this was when it hit you that these people standing with you in that second, were people you wanted forever in your life. this summer showed you how important it is to have people you value with you, those you can share a life with and connect with on an emotional level. the ones that you can laugh with, cry with, and argue with. bonds that are made for life.
you looked over to jaemin who was standing next to you. his head was directed up towards the stars and his eyes were twinkling a little different than usual, his expression was almost sad like. but the juxtaposition of the chilly breeze blew his hair back making him look like some kind of angel. he slightly parted his lips and closed his eyes for a second, taking in the silence. 
your eyes drew in the shape of him in your mind, engraving it into the deepest parts of your conscious and keeping it there forever. but you couldn’t restrain yourself any longer. your fingertips touched his before you fully wrapped your hand with his, jaemins eyes shot open before they landed on you, looking a little taken aback. he began to relax his hand and finished interlacing your fingers together sloppily. his eyes scanned over your face before breaking into a sweet grin replacing his former pained expression.
“we should get going. it’s getting late and i don’t feel like being late for school in the morning.” renjun spoke first and made everyone snap back into reality.
“i already picked out my outfit, it’s laying next to my pillow.” jeno proudly smiled before he started to make his way down the semi-steep hill. “me too!” jisung ran down after him before jumping on his back and wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
“that was fun.” jaemin said next to you, your hand still holding his, “yeah, it was fun spending our last night like this.” you looked down with a blush.
“i’m going to miss nights like these” ellie wrapped her arms around renjuns shoulders, with a pout.
“you do realize that we’re literally gonna still be around each other every single day, just with school thrown into the mix, right?” jeno turned around towards the short girl with a raised brow.
“shut up jeno! it’s not the fucking same and you know it” ellie argued shooting a death glare to the side of jenos head. he threw his hands in the air in defeat with a teasing grin.
you all walked and buzzed with conversation for the rest of the way, teasingly pushing and shoving each other and cracking jokes. this was your last summer night after all, it wouldn't be a good one if someone didn't almost get hit by a car. you continued to mess around until you all came to a stop on the corner of the street where you all had met that same afternoon.
“i should head home before my mom starts throwing my stuff out of the window. see you guys tomorrow at school.” jisung began to walk backwards while throwing a peace sign in the air.
“wait—i’ll walk with you! see you guys!” chenle quickly ran after him and waved at you with a big smile. you all waved bye to them as they walked down the quiet street and rounded a corner.
“i’m gonna head out too. see you scumbags tomorrow” renjun ran a hand through his hair and half smiled.
“i’ll come with you baby” donghyuck followed behind him and jokingly smacked his butt. renjun turned around so quick with a horrified look with both hands on his ass.
“i’m telling mark!” he ushered out and punched hyucks shoulder, sending him stumbling back a little while holding it, but that stupid smirk never left his face.
“he doesn’t have to know about us.” he jumped on renjuns back while he whined loudly.
“so embarrassing. anyways, the throuple is out. jeno be a doll and walk us home.” ellie said while she hooked her arms with jenos and eunjungs and pulled them down the street with a smirk and a wink.
“and then there were two.” you dramatically said in a movie narrative voice making jaemin chuckle.
“let me walk you home.” he slid an arm around you and pulled you closer as he began walking you to the direction of your house.
“you know what, i’m actually cheering for team throuple.” you commented while you played with the sleeve of his navy blue hoodie that was tossed over your shoulder.
“oh please, eunjung and jisung are practically in love. i bet they’ll get together by the end of the year.” he dared with a smirk.
“i hate it when you’re right.” you looked away distastefully and he laughed finally unwrapping himself from you. you felt a breeze blow by and a shiver run down your body, you swaddled yourself in your arms missing the way jaemin held you but not saying anything; you just continued walking.
“did you have fun this summer?” he asked out of nowhere tucking in his hands into his pocket.
“are you kidding? this summer couldn’t be topped. we did the craziest shit and somehow managed to make it out alive.” you looked up with an enormous smile to see jaemin looking down at you after those words left your mouth, he had that same pained expression he’s been wearing all night and the question came to your mind once again; why is he so sad?
“i’m glad that you’re happy. that you've been happy this summer and that i was a part of that.” he teared his eyes away from you and continued to look straight ahead. you looked at him oddly with a raised eyebrow. where the hell did that come from? jaemin was never shy about his feelings but never in your entire life of knowing him has he burbled something out of nowhere like that.
“alright, I've been biting my tongue all fucking night but i’m getting kinda sick of looking at you with that depressed face, what’s up?” you looked at him with worry once again. his eyes quickly landed on you and he looked shocked for a second over the fact that you even noticed it, he thought he was doing a pretty good job at keeping his facial expressions under control all night.
“wh-what? i’m fine, what are you talking about?” he stuttered out nervously and came to a stop once he saw that you were at the front of your house.
“and i shit gold out of my ass, now stop lying to me. seriously jaemin, what’s wrong?” you pushed the subject and once again he refused to make eye contact with you.
“i don’t feel like talking about it y/n” he uttered out to get you to shut up about it but you weren’t giving up so easily.
“jaemin. tell me. i’m not asking out of courtesy, i’m asking as your friend. now spit it out or i’m never giving back that pink sweater.” you threatened and he looked at you in disbelief.
“you fucking wouldn’t.” he glared daggers at you and you felt accomplished. “i’ll set it on fire if you don’t tell me in the next 10 seconds.” you crossed yours arms and puffed out your chest in victory which made him roll his eyes at you.
“fine” he finally said and you punched the air with a whispered ‘yesss’. you took a seat on your curb and patted the spot next to you, “please step into my office.” you placed your clasped hands on your lap and watched him sit down next to you. he placed his elbows on his knees and looked straight ahead into the choi’s front yard with furrowed brows.
“ready when you are.” you patted his back and waited patiently for him to gather his thoughts.
“i wasn’t really planning on saying anything about this. well, not now at least. i thought i could buy myself some time.” he chuckled and looked down at the floor.
“what are you talking about?” you looked at him puzzled.
“my dads doing pretty good at work, even thought he was probably gonna get a promotion. he’s been so excited about it ever since he mentioned it a few months ago. i didn’t think much of it, of course i was happy. he’s my dad, why wouldn’t i? i just thought he’d probably get a pretty large raise, that’s about it.” he paused and played with the grass that peeked out from the cracks on the concrete, he ran his fingers over the top of it before pulling it out strand by strand in frustration.
“i was excited about today actually. i knew donghyuck must’ve had something pretty good planned for the last day of summer. all the guys were excited, the girls too. i was just happy to get to spend the day with them. with you.” he finally looked at you with sad eyes. your heart clenched when he looked at you like that, you wanted to hug and kiss him until he smiled again and little bells would go off like they always did; at least in your head.
“this was not how this summer was supposed to end.” he bitterly laughed and threw the last few pieces of grass in his palm into the street before dusting his hands. you looked at him confused trying your best to piece what he was saying together but coming to no conclusion.
“i still don’t understand why you’re so upset jaemin. i mean, isn’t that a good thing? your dad is getting a promotion.” you raised an eyebrow and hugged your knees to your chest and looked at the side of his face for answers.
“my dad had mentioned something about moving to the other firm of the company too, which would require us to move. to a whole different country. “ you looked at him taken aback but allowed him to continue.
“of course i didn’t really pay attention to him since he never confirmed it. so i didn't really stress about it much, i just wanted to enjoy my summer.” he now took up playing with his fingers to keep his hands busy.
you felt your heart begin to race faster and faster and your palms beginning to feel sweaty against your skin. you prayed to yourself that this conversation wasn’t going to where you thought it was going.
“i was about to leave my house to meet you guys on the corner but my parents said they had to talk to me about something today. so i just texted jeno that i’ll meet you guys wherever,” he shrugged his shoulders and continued, “apparently, my dad did get that promotion. i was happy as fuck for him, but then he started to speak about that new firm again. he told me that he’ll be getting his own office, his job would cover an entire brand new house for us, that i would get to go to a new school, a private one, and make a bunch of new friends. i prayed that he said no. i felt like a horrible son but, i kept on wishing and wishing for him to just say that we didn't have to go, that we get to stay but,” he took a long pause and caught his breath, almost like preparing himself for what he was about to say next.
“he took the job.”
 it seemed like time stopped once those words left his mouth. you felt your heart drop to the other end of the world. you looked away from him and swallowed the lump of spit that had seemed to form in your throat and tried your hardest to blink away the tears that were welding on the verges of your eyes.
“oh” you sensed his eyes on the side of your head but you refused to look at him. you felt your heart ache in your rib cage and literal physical pain every time you tried to breathe and you didn’t want to know what would happen if you mad eye contact with him.
“so, you’re leaving.” you said and quickly closed your mouth again to try and stop the tears from flowing down like a stream on your face.
“i was going to tell you eventually y/n i swea-“
“do the others know?” you asked and heard your voice crack in the process. jaemin didn’t say anything and looked away from you. you felt his body stiffen next to you and you turned to glare at the side of his head due to the silence as he refused to meet your eyes.
“jaemin, do the others know?” you began to feel anger brew in your system and your body progressively begin to feel hotter.
he stayed silent a few more seconds before looking down and finally speaking,
“yes. i told them a couple of weeks ago.” he whispered and you felt the last huff of air leave your body like somebody had just sat on your chest.
you felt a warm tear slip down your cheek before you swiftly wiped it away. you stood up from the curb and turned to walk back towards your home in hurried steps.
“y/n! stop please, i was going to tell you—“ he chased after you as soon as your body stood from next yo him. he wrapped his hands around your forearms before yanking you back to halt your movements.
“when jaemin?! huh?! everyone else knew weeks before that you were going to leave except me?! you had me looking like an idiot the whole summer for your ass! you knew about the fact that there was possibility of you moving away months ago, MONTHS AGO, and continued to play me like some idiot?!” you shoved his chest a few times, harder with every word that left your mouth, and he stumbled back before grabbing your wrist and holding them in place.
“no i didn’t y/n i swear! everything that I've said, everything that we’ve done, was real! you think i would be acting like that around you and make myself miserable knowing that i would eventually be leaving if i wasn’t completely head over heels for you?! the reason i didn't tell you sooner was because i didn't know how to. how exactly do you tell the girl you've been obsessing over since you were 9, that you've finally had the courage to make a move on, that you would be leaving in a few weeks after spending all summer long falling for her?!” he tried to reason with you but you couldn’t process the words leaving his lips right now. your eyes felt sore already from the hot tears that ran down your cheeks. all you just wanted was to crash through that door and lock yourself in your room for weeks. you didn’t want to look at his face. the face that you've memorized all the details of, the face of the boy who made you believe in those stupid high school love stories that last forever. what stupid lies.
“how could you do this jaemin?” you whispered in between quiet sobs and finally stopped fighting against him, he took his chance and pulled you into his chest, wrapping both arms around your shaking body and you sobbed into him. he buried his face in between your neck and slowly rocked you side to side until you’ve calmed down.
“i’m so sorry y/n, but there’s nothing i can do.” he whispered into you before you pulled away from him, wiping the wet stains from your face after a few seconds.
“yeah i know.” you took a few steps away from him but he seemed to notice and that made his heart ache a little.
“don’t do that, you’re closing off. please y/n, don’t do this to me right now.” jaemin felt tears come to his eyes and he tried his hardest to hold them back for as long as he could, but not being able to stop that single tear that escaped rolling down his cheek and dripping onto his hoodie.
“what else am i supposed to do jaemin? you’re moving away, you’re leaving us. and you didn’t even tell me.” you felt like bawling again but stopped yourself.
“we can still all talk. i’ll try and come down a few times a year—“
“jae. you’re moving to a whole different country.” you said and he slouched his shoulders in defeat at your words as the realization hit him.
“when are you leaving?” you finally spoke after a long pause.
“two weeks.” he lowly said and you scoffed.
“two weeks? how could you not tell me?!” you felt anger begin to bubble inside you again but checked yourself. you weren’t the only one who was hurting right now, jaemin was too. he had to leave everything he knew behind, his house, his family, his friends. you couldn't possibly imagine what he must be feeling.
“i’m sorry” was all he could say when he looked you in the eyes and a few more tears escaped.
“yeah, me too” you approached him once again and closed the distance between you in a tight hug. this took jaemin by surprise before he gave in and safely wrapped his arms around you and just held you there in silence.
“let me just do this one thing, please.” he pulled away and placed a hand on your jaw, you leaned into his touch and saw him come in closer to your face.
he stopped right before his lips touched yours and you felt his breath on them, you both looked at each other before he looked back down and finally closed the distance.
your first kiss. your first kiss was with the boy you fell for that summer. for a boy you were probably never seeing again. it was a short kiss, short but sweet. neither of you knew much of what you were doing so you didn’t really push it past what it was.
he pulled away and looked at you again before smiling sweetly down at you.
“we still have a week. so let’s make it last, okay?” he nodded his head up and down and you mimicked him with a reciprocated smile.
“okay” you placed your head back on his chest and stayed there a little longer with arms tightly wrapped around him. like he was going to dissapear any second.
“jaemin?” you whispered and he hummed, feeling his chest vibrate against your ear in acknowledgement.
“what if i never see you again?” you gripped his back a little tighter. he stayed silent for a while before bringing his hands to cup both sides of your face and cradle it in front of his.
“the universe works in funny ways you know. we will see each other again one day. i promise.” he kissed your forehead and you closed your eyes and allowed another fresh tear to slip down your cheek. you finally pulled away from the hug and he stared at you for a little while before whipping away the tears from his and yours face with a laugh.
“go inside. it’s late, i’ll see you tomorrow at school.” his eyes held adoration as he watched you nod again and start walking towards your door after whispering a ‘goodnight jaemin’ to him with a closed lip smile. when you closed the door behind you, you couldn’t help the pain you felt between your chest, it felt like your entire body was being drained and you dropped to you knees, covering your mouth from the loud sobs as you cried on your front door.
you both spent those entire two weeks with each other. you went everywhere that brought the smallest memory of your lives together, almost like you were trying to engrave it all into jaemin head so he never forgets. but trust, he never would.
you and your friends threw him a little goodbye party the night before his flight, there was a lot of tears and hugging. a few dramatic falls and cries from chenle, donghyuck and ellie, but you all had fun. you spent it like you needed too. together.
you didn’t send him off the morning of his flight, too scared that you would break down in front of his parents and more embarrassingly your friends. he was disapointed when he walked outside of his house and saw all his friends standing next to his dads car with balloons in their hands yet you were no where to be seen. but he still smiled and hugged every single one of them goodbye and promised to keep in touch.
ellie and eunjung came by later that day to check in on you. as soon as they walked through your bedroom door and made eye contact with you, witnessing the hurt expression on your face, you couldn't help the hot tears that started flowing uncontrollably. they comforted you while you cried the whole night, feeling like your body was floating until you finally fell asleep with dried tears on your pillow.
the crying continued for another 6 weeks before you learned to cope. you started hanging out with your friends again and going out more often. you and jaemin still stayed in contact, texting and calling as much as you could trying to keep each other up to date with what’s happening, him on settling into his new school, making new friends, and you on how ellie and donghyuck tried to get jisung to go through the basketball hoop and proceeded to get him stuck. it took almost 2 hours getting him out.
slowly you began to stop talking less and less, texts became shorter, and calls weren’t made as often. until one day, they stopped. you believed that it was just a tough lesson the world just wanted you to learn at an early age. you had moved on and it was all just some stupid summer crush on a friend.
 life goes on. and it did.
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“finally! fucking turtles!” ellie shouted once she saw the two familiar faces that were seungjun and chan walk through the glass door. she quickly pushed them out of the way and exited the shop in a rush.
“what’s with her?” chan looked over his shoulder before making his way over to the counter.
“she wants to go to the lake. badly” eunjung grabbed her bag and began walking towards the door.
“alright, guard the fortress freshies!” you held a L to your forehead and stuck out your tongue to the two younger boys, catching them roll their eyes before you chased behind your friends.
you followed the two girls to the parking lot where your car sat under the boiling summer heat.
“can you walk any slower?!” ellie stomped her foot on the ground while she waited for you to open the doors.
“actually, i can.” you slowed your steps like you were stuck in slow motion which only made ellie groan loudly in annoyance and a laugh to leave eunjungs lips.
“y/n please! i’m trying to have a hot girl summer again!” she begged before you finally gave in and unlocked the doors. she smiled brightly before climbing into the passenger seat and tossing her bag somewhere in the chaotically packed backseat.
“what do you mean ‘again’?” eunjung pushed over some of the jackets scattered on the seat to make space for herself before climbing in and closing the door behind her.
“well, last year i barely got to enjoy the thottivities because i was taking care of devil children the whole time. but this year? i’m not letting this heat slip away so easily baby.” ellie twisted her body in the seat to talk to the taller brunette behind her.
“didn’t you have a thing with hyunjin all of last summer?” you looked at her in confusion before starting the car and driving out of the parking lot into the streets.
“we did not have such thing!” she barked at you with crossed arms.
“yes you did.” eunjung uttered out not taking her eyes off her phone.
“shut up eunjung! like i haven’t caught you and jisung in our dorm before!” ellie fought back with knitted eyebrows.
“at least i own up to it!” eunjung stuck her tongue out before going back to her phone. you all laughed after a few seconds of realizing how stupid you all probably looked to passing vehicles as you screamed in the car.
“why don’t you guys just make it official anyway, i’m tired of watching you two sneak off somewhere every time we all try and hang out together. just say that you’re dating and call it a day.” you blasted your ac to try and somewhat control the sweat threatening to drip from your forehead.
“we’re taking our time! we don’t want to rush things.” she finally placed the device on her lap and pouted, eyes gazing out of the window to all the passing buildings.
“eunjung sweetheart, it’s been almost 5 years. i think we’re past the rushing part,” ellie snickered in her seat, “very very past actually.” you added in and you all shared a laugh.
“i’m just nervous, what if he doesn’t like me enough to you know, actually make things official?” she nervously made eye contact with you through the rear view mirror and bit her bottom lip; an adorable habit she’s collected through the years.
you and ellie turned to look at each other with knowing looks before shaking your heads in unison.
“girl, that boy is obsessed with your ass. do you see the way he looks at you? you basically have him wrapped around your finger. plus, why wouldn’t he want to be with you? you’re fucking banging. i’d be gay for you” ellie shrugged her shoulders and slouched in her seat. eunjung smiled and blushed from the backseat before abruptly sitting up and smooching ellies cheek. ellie squirmed under her touch and whined loudly before finally shoving the taller girl back into her seat.
“gay moment? i’m here for it.” you laughed and turned in your street before speeding a little to make the ride shorter.
the car fell into comfortable silence for a few minutes. you focused on the road while tapping the steering wheel to the random song playing from the radio. but not og after the peaceful silence was interrupted by ellies loud voice booming through the car.
“i’m sorry, but can we please talk about how jaemin is back in town.” ellie burbled out before eunjung gave her a wide eye death stare. your grip tightened on the steering wheel and you swallowed the lump of saliva that had formed in your throat before concentrating back on the road in front of you.
“ellie. we’re not-“
“no it’s fine, don’t worry about me.” you shook your head and relaxed your tense shoulders.
“i’m sorry y/n, but like what the fuck. that was so random just seeing him again after such a long time.”
“yeah i guess. it’s been so long i kinda forgot he existed.” you commented before pulling into your apartment complex and smoothly parking in your spot.
“you sure you ‘forgot he existed’? you don’t look at people you forget exist the way you were looking at him.” ellie unbuckled her seat belt and exited out of the hot vehicle.
“ellie!” eunjung shoved her shoulder and raised her arms in the air, her way of basically saying ‘what the fuck is wrong with you?’.
“i mean you can say that. i don’t know what i felt, everything just kinda came rushing back to me when i saw him. i didn’t really know what to do with myself except stare.” you shrugged your shoulders and began to walk towards your front entrance.
“i mean you were depressed for half of sophomore year over the guy. i would’ve reacted the same way love.” ellie hooked your arms together as eunjung unlocked the front door and holding it open for the two of you to enter, you murmured quiet ‘thank you’s before making your way over to the elevator and pressing the up arrow.
“i know. don’t even remind me.” you shook your head and closed your eyes for a few seconds.
“are you sure you’re gonna be okay tonight?” eunjung placed a comforting hand on your shoulder and gave you a sympathetic look.
“of course i will. it’s been almost five years, i’m fine. it was just a stupid high school crush anyway.” eunjung and ellie shared a look before you stepped into the elevator with them following behind a few seconds later.
“i’m glad. don’t let it ruin your night. besides, we’ll be there the whole time along with the guys. just think of it as us normally hanging out. anyway, it’s summer time bitches!” eunjung screamed into the elevator with a loud echo left behind making you and ellie cringe at the sound.
“let’s just hurry the fuck up and get ready. i want to go get drunk and try and talk jeno into a threesome. you know what they say, third times the charm.” ellie smirked and pressed the button and watched the doors close in front of her.
this night should be very interesting.
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an: i’m going to try and begin writing part 2 as soon as possible! knowing me it’ll probably take a while lol. i also a few other stories i’m working on so bare with me
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confetti-bones · 4 years
Jungkook X Demon Reader
Genre: smut, comedy, angst kinda not really, this stories kinda on crack as well tbh
Warnings: language, smut
A/n: Hey so this fic was made out of me wanting to write a demon fic in some way and practice writing smut cus I’m pretty bad, so here you go, hope you all enjoy!
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      You sigh as you lay in bed in complete comfort. Nothing beats the luxuries of laying in bed, I mean except for sex of course but that’s just because your an incubus. You were basically made by the devil himself to fuck the living daylight out of people who summon you.
     As you lay in bed, you felt a familiar feeling crawl through your body. Your being summoned. I wonder who it is this time? Some creep, someone innocent? You get all kinds of people summoning you.
     You quickly get up from bed and get ready. Noticing what looked to be a diary on your table. This must be what they sacraficed I’ll have to look at that later. You then walk out your door, which is now like a freaky portal thing that you can use when you get summoned by the way. You always enjoy the faces of horror you get when you step out of your portal.
     As soon as you walked through, you were met by a shocked man on the ground looking at your in horror.
A shocked handsome man on the ground looking at you in horror to be specific. You glance around the room you’re in and take notice that it looks to be a cheap apartment. Usually one that college kids live in, and looking at the man currently on the ground screaming, you’re pretty sure it’s safe to assume that he’s college age. Thank Satan, your not really into fucking underage kids, it’s not like your a pedophile.
    As you glanced around you heard what you assumed was the handsome man speaking now,
   “Who are you? What are you? Why are you in my apartment? What’s with the freaky portal?” Okay, lots of questions from this guy, he must not be a believer. You sigh before walking past the poor quivering boy and take a seat on his couch.
    “I’m Y/n, you summoned me,” you simply state, now looking down at your recently done nails In boredom. Petra did a really good job on these. I should ask for her again.
   “I summoned you? But demons arnt real?!” The poor man says, sitting up on the floor and crossing his legs. He didn’t look too terrified anymore which was a good sign.
    “Well sorry to tell you this kiddo but we are. Now where are we fucking?” You ask, excitely clapping your hands together and smiling.
The man looks as you with a face full of shock and confusion.
“What?” He asks, scooting backwards from you.
   “Oh? Are you not aware?” You tilt your head and smirk at the boy before getting up from his couch and moving to squat in front of him.
    “You summoned an incubus sweetheart,” you say, licking your lips sensually. The man’s eyes widen and he scoots even further back.
“What! Well I don’t want to have sex with you so can you just please go away?” The boy asks you. You shake your head at this and sigh,
“Sadly I can’t, as soon as you sacrificed your diary we became bound together, the only way I can leave is if we have sex,” you say, eyeing the boy curiously. Something about his aura is so pure. It makes you want to taint him.
“Can I have my diary back at least?” Jungkook asks. You shake your head, “sorry, it’s mine now” you shrug,
“Can we fuck now or what? Also what’s your name?” You ask, standing up from your spot on the floor.
“No we can’t, and my name is Jungkook” Jungkook states.
“Why not? You a virgin or something?” You pout. Jungkook awkwardly looks away and you cant help but laugh at the man,
“Ah, that explains why your auras so pure,” you say, walking back over to his couch and laying down on it.
“Anyway, just let me know whenever your ready, were tied together now so it’s not like I’m going to leave you alone kook” you say, giving the boy a small smile. Jungkook sighs and shakes his head before getting up from his spot on the floor and grabbing what looked like it was supposed to be holy water off his coffee table.
“Is that supposed to be holy water?” You ask, curiously gazing at the bottle. Jungkook enthusiastically nods his head,
“Yeah, I made it myself. So go away before I have to use it on you,” you raise an eyebrow at this and glance down at the bottle before looking back at the man’s face,
“No offense kid, but if you made it yourself, I highly doubt it works; also I haven’t even touched you so there’s no reason for you to use that stuff on me” you say.
“Yeah, but I don’t want you to take my soul” Jungkook states, crossing his arms. You laugh and shake your head.
“I’m not gonna take your soul, I’m just gonna taint your aura a bit. The only way I’ll take your soul is if we fuck like three or four times.” You state.
“Well I’m not having sex with you so just please leave, don’t taint my aura whatever that means.” You switch your position from laying down to sitting up on the boys couch and stretch your arms out.
“Alright, I’ll leave for today, this has gotten boring. Expect me back tomorrow though. Bye kookie” you say, waving your hand at the boy and smiling.
You’re then gone with a poof. You would of used your creepy portal, but you don’t think walking through his door to leave would look very cool so you decided this was the better way to go.
You then grab Jungkooks diary and hop on your bed. I wonder what this thing says.
The next day you walk through your portal bright and early to give Jungkook a good scare. Maybe today you can convince him to fuck you, after all you did give him the rest of the night to think it over.
As soon as you entered your portal, you step out right in front of a screaming Jungkook while he lays in bed.
“Ah why do you have to scream do you know what time it is?” You ask, covering your ears from the window shattering screech of the man.
As soon as Jungkook relizes it’s you he stops screaming and cutely pouts at you.
“Why’d you have to come through with that creepy demon portal? And why are you here so early?” Jungkook asks. You just laugh and shake your head at the male before getting on the bed and straddling poor innocent Jungkook.
“I came early because I thought you’d be interested in morning sex. It’s not my preferred time, but it’ll do” you say, wiggling your eyebrows suggestively. Jungkook sighs and shakes his head.
“Y/n, I told you I don’t want to have sex with you. Now get off of me”
“Why not?” You pout, trying to act cute; remembering something about Jungkook writing about how he likes cute girls in his diary.
“I’m busy, and I said no please get off,” Jungkook says. You sigh and stare at Jungkooks face for a few seconds before slowly getting off of him.
“What are you busy with?” You ask, watching Jungkook get up from his bed and head to his dresser to grab clothes to wear.
“I have class and I’m going to get food with some of my friends,” Jungkook states before turning back to you.
“Now will you get out? I need to change” you shake your head, and bite your lip eyeing the boys body.
“Why don’t you put on a show for me? I do like a good strip tease every once and awhile,” you say smirking. Jungkook shakes his head and looks completely done with you.
“Just get out please,” you then stand from the bed and walk to the door opening it. Before you leave you turn back to Jungkook and smile,
“Only because you asked nicely” you wink, before stepping fully out of the room and closing the door entirely, to give the male some privacy.
After Jungkook got dressed he made breakfast for the two of you surprisingly, and left to go to class. But being the persistent incubus that you are, you decided to follow him to class.
“Why did you follow me? I don’t think you can be here,” Jungkook says sighing as he digs his computer out of his bag getting ready for his lecture.
“It’s fine,” you say sticking your legs out so they rest on top of the desk that your sat at.
“Nobody can see me except for you,” you state,
“Oh. Can they hear me talking to you and stuff though?” Jungkook asks, glancing at you curiously. You violently nod your head at this and smile,
“Yep, so you probably look like an insane person talking to their self right now,” you say. Jungkooks eyes widen at this and he glances around checking to see how many classmates of his heard him ’ talking to himself ’ and you giggle.
Eventually the lecture started so you sat boredly sighing as Jungkooks professor went on about Satan knows what.
Once Jungkooks lecture was over, Jungkook left the classroom with you following closely behind.
As Jungkook walked down the hallway he accidentally bumped into a cute looking girl and his face instantly heated up.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you!” Jungkook says a little too loudly. You raise an eyebrow at this feeling curious as to why Jungkook is suddenly very shy. Is this the type of girl he likes?
“Oh it’s okay Jungkook, it was an accident. I wasn’t looking where I was going,” the cute girl says, sweetly smiling and the boy. Jungkook furiously nods his head and cutely smiles at the girl. How come he doesn’t smile at me like that? I’ve been pretty nice to him so far; you think puffing out your cheeks and death glaring at the girl. Sadly you’re invisible so she can’t see it, but hopefully she can feel it in spirit.
The cute girl then apologises one more time before walking away leaving you and Jungkook alone together.
“So you want to fuck her but not me?” You ask, gazing at the male curiously. Jungkook gulps and turns to look at you,
“What makes you think that?” Jungkook asks, glancing around nervously.
“Hmm, I don’t know maybe, how you blushed, got overly loud, or maybe because you wrote about it in your diary,” you shrug. Jungkooks eyebrows instantly raise up in shock and embarrassment,
“You read my diary!” Jungkook yells, causing some people in the hallway to glance at Jungkook curiously; and others like he’s crazy.
“Uh yeah, you sacrificed it to me, it’s mine now. I’m allowed to read it, Jungkookie” you say, acting like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Jungkook sighs and shakes his head,
“Maybe I really should try using my holy water on you,” you dramatically gasp at this and look at the man offended,
“You wouldn’t dare!” You yell, pointing a figure at Jungkook accusingly.
“Oh but I would,” Jungkook smirks, looking at you as if he’s just won a battle.
“Oh hey Jungkook!” You hear a deep voice yell. You then turn over to see a handsome man running twords the two of you with a boxy grin on his face. Once he gets closer to the two of you he slows down before stopping right in front of Jungkook.
“Hey, you ready to get food?” Taehyung asks. Jungkook enthusiastically nods his head smiles.
“Yeah I’m ready,” Jungkook says, already starting to walk down the hallway again. You and Taehyung follow the male as makes his way to an exit.
“Oh yeah, also Jungkook,” Taehyung says; Jungkook looks over at Taehyung curiously.
“What’s up?” Jungkook asks.
“Why were you talking to yourself earlier?” Taehyung asks. Jungkook tenses and gulps before glancing over at you. You wave and wink at the boy staying silent.
“Um, you must of imagined it,” Jungkook says nervously, glancing anywhere but his friend.
“But you yelled something about your diary,” Taehyung says, looking at the man curiously. Jungkook shakes his head and walks out the exit, heading to the restaurant they were going to eat at.
“Nope I wasn’t, must of been your imagination, as I said” Jungkook firmly states.
“If you say so,” Taehyung shrugs, deciding to just take his friends word for it.
Eventually the three of you make it to the restaurant. Taehyung and Jungkook easily find their friends sat at a booth and slide in next to them. You sit down next to Jungkook and decide now would be good time to mess with him while he’s with his friends.
As Jungkook talked to his friends you put your hand on his thigh, causing the man to tense up. You slowly slide your hand further up his thigh and gave it a squeeze. Jungkook sharply took in a breath of air, and took a bite of his food trying his best to listen to the story Hoseok was telling about his dance partner. As soon as your hand was dangerously close to his crotch he shot up from his seat and announced that he needed to use the bathroom; all of his friends curiously watched him walk away before turning back to their conversation; and you follow Jungkook into the bathroom.
“Yah, Y/n what do you think you were doing?!” Jungkook practically yells.
“Hmm, I was trying to get you in the mood,” you say, stepping close to the male.
Jungkook sighs and takes a step away from you before glaring.
“Do you have to do things like this when were out in public, with my friends of all people?” Jungkook pouts.
“You never know, you could really like it. Don’t knock it till you try it as they say,” you say glancing around the room to find it’s empty. You then walk to the bathroom door and lock it so no one else can come in and inturupt you two.
“Hey I mean, if you don’t want to fuck here we could try one of the classrooms at your school, or we could just fuck in front of all your friends; maybe they’d be down to join. I wouldn’t mind they are pretty attractive,” you say, biting your lip and feeling a wave of excitement rush through your core.
“No, no and definitely not,” Jungkook says, crossing his arms and shaking his head. You pout and step closer to Jungkook.
“You wont even let me suck you off? I swear, I can make you cum quick and then you can be off to see your friends and act as if nothing happened,” you offer. Jungkook sighs and shakes his head.
“Will you please just go away for a bit Y/n,” Jungkook asks you pleadingly.
You sigh and nod, glancing at the boy for a few seconds to make sure he really wants you to leave. I have followed him around all day, I guess I could give him some time.
“Fine. Just so you know I’ll be gone for a few days, I have demon things to attend to,” you say, Jungkook raises his eyebrow at this curiously,
“What does that mean?” He asks. You smirk at the boy, feeling happy about his curiosity,
“Aw, are you interested in me Jungkook?” you gush, Jungkook scoffs and looks away from you,
“No, I’m just surprised to hear that you have other things to do except for bother me,” Jungkook says, causing you to smile at the male. Cute.
“Well, if you must know, you’re not the only person thats ever summoned me. I have other people’s needs I have to fulfill as well,” you say.
“Anyway, goodbye pretty boy, I’ll see you in a few days,” and with that you vanished from the males sight.
After a few days you’re finally back to bother Jungkook and hopefully fuck him. Your work with your other clients left you pretty satisfied, and your happy to say that you also got to see one of Jungkooks close friends on one of those days.
You sigh as you lay on Jungkooks couch, watching him type away on his computer working on an essay for one of his classes.
“C'mon Kookie, you must be stressed. Let me help you, a good orgasm never hurt anyone,” you say, watching the male waiting for a response only to receive nothing. He must be ignoring you. You then get up from the couch and walk over to stand behind Jungkook where he’s sat; and put your hands on his shoulders. You start rubbing his shoulders and his arms giving him goosebumps. You then put your mouth close to his neck and give him a small peck. Jungkook shivers and raises his shoulders trying to get you to stop.
“Y/n, stop I need to work on this,” Jungkook says, relaxing his shoulders again. You sigh and put your lips back on the column of Jungkooks neck, giving him open mouthed kisses and occasionally sucking on his neck leaving small hickey’s.
As you kissed his neck Jungkook let out a small moan when you found his sweet spot, smirking you concentrate on sucking his neck and giving him some pleasure. Jungkook stops typing on his laptop and quietly moans again before turning to you and stopping your ministrations.
“Y/n seriously, I need to focus on this,” Jungkook says causing you to frown.
“Oh c'mon, this is the farthest we’ve ever gotten, can’t this continue?” You beg, Jungkook shakes his head.
“You know what, you left me no choice,” Jungkook says digging his phone out. You watch him curiously as he type something on his phone before setting it down and smirking at you.
“What did you do?” You ask curiously.
“I called in some excorcists,” Jungkook proudly states.
After about twenty minutes, the excorcists knock on Jungkooks door. Jungkook sends another smirk your way before opening the door with a smile,
“Seokjin, Namjoon come in!” Jungkook says, gesturing for the two men to enter his apartment. You tilt your head in confusion and glance between the three men. These guys are the excorcists? Their just Jungkooks friends that he went to eat with the other day. Their attempts on an exorcism is probably about at good as Jungkooks attempt to make holy water.
“So where’s the incubus you’ve mentioned?” Namjoon asks, glancing around Jungkooks apartment curiously. Now that you look at Seokjin and Namjoon even more closely the two of them looked ridiculous. Their both clad in cheap holloween knockoffs of priest costumes. They really went all out for this huh?
Jungkook points to the couch where you’re currently sat.
“She’s sitting on the couch right now,” Jungkook says, looking proud of himself. He must really believe in these guys.
“Seokjin do you have the x200-1000gd reader?” Namjoon asks. Seokjin nods his head and grabs the device from a bag he was carrying that you apperantly didn’t notice till now.
“Yep I have the whatcha call it demon talking thingy,” Seokjin says happily. Namjoon sighs and shakes his head, looking disappointed in the older male,
“It’s calls the x200-1000gd,” Namjoon stays matter of factly.
“A watcha call it demon talking thingy is what it’s called,” Seokjin states just as seriously. You glance between the two males as they ridiculously argued about the name before looking over at Jungkook.
“These are your excorcists?” You ask, pointing at the two males with an unimpressed look on your face. Jungkook sighs and nods before turning to the two older boys,
“Guys can you help me now or what?” Jungkook asks, growing slightly impatient. Seokjin and Namjoon furiously nod their heads before stepping twords the couch and turning on the x200 huh? Seokjin’s right, whatcha call it demon talking thingy is so much better; They should honestly brand it.
As soon as they turned on the device it made the loudest most annoying noise ever.
“Ah is this noise even needed?” Jungkook asks.
“Uh yeah, haven’t you ever watched BuzzFeed unsolved? It goes through radio frequencies looking for paranormal activity. Of course this annoying sound is necessary,” Namjoon states. Maybe I should try talking to them? Or better yet I should just freak them out.
“So what exactly are you going to do to her once you get in contact?” Jungkook asks.
“We’re going to chant some stuff we found when we searched how to exorcise a demon on wikiHow.” Seokjin says, before digging through his bag and pulling out a folded up paper,
“Here I printed it out, you can look at if you want to help. I know you made holy water,” Seokjin says, handing the paper over to Jungkook. Jungkook grabs the paper from Seokjin’s hand and unfolds it looking over the paper in hand and nodding his head.
“This looks ligit,” Jungkook says smiling, Seokjin nods his head enthusiastically at this,
“I know right!” Namjoon coughs, stopping the two men from talking anymore,
“Alright let’s get down to business,”
“I seriously can’t believe you did that,” Jungkook says, obviously upset.
“Well I’m sorry what did you expect! They used wikiHow and the x200- uh the whatcha call it demon talking thingyTM, how was I supposed to take it seriously,” you say, following Jungkook around his room as gets dressed nicely.
It’s been a few days since the whole exorcism event, and you can’t say it ended well. As the two ’ exorcists ’ were trying to get rid of you, decided to show yourself and do this freaky thing where you turn your eyes black and have black blood bleed from them. It really freaked them out, they ran out of Jungkooks apartment faster then you can say Satan.
“So anyway, what are you getting all dressed up nicely for?” You ask curiously, watching Jungkook trying to get his hair to look nice in the mirror. After a few seconds you walk up to him and fix it the way he wants kindly smiling.
“There, you were really struggling huh?” You say teasingly.
“I’m going out on a date,” Jungkook says, looking at himself in the mirror.
“Oh? I didn’t take you as the type to want to go out on a date before you fuck type of guy but I’ll oblige,” you say cheekily. Jungkook glances over at you and then back at himself in the mirror,
“I’m not taking you on a date. Remember the girl that I bumped into in the hallway? It’s with her” Jungkook says, smoothing out any wrinkles in his clothes before deciding he looked good enough.
“What! Then come here and let me ruin your hair, if I knew I was helping you look nice for a date with her I wouldn’t have helped,” you pouted. Jungkook smiles at you and grabs his wallet and keys before walking to his front door,
“Too late, bye Y/n,” Jungkook says, walking out the door and locking it; leaving you inside his apartment by yourself. That bastard.
After a few weeks Jungkook still goes on dates with that girl. Every advance that you make on the boy is completely ignored, much to your dismay.
Jungkook also bought himself a new diary to write in. He won’t let you see what’s in it but from the few times you curiously glanced over his shoulder while he was writing in it you could tell he was talking about the cute girl he’s been going on dates with. It’s honestly been completely annoying you how much time hes been spending with her. There’s also the fact that anything she does with him leaves him a mess; like c'mon, the two of you have been together longer yet you haven’t even gotten to fuck him yet and here she is smiling at him and his knees give out! How is that fair!
Not to mention your sure that he doesn’t want to deal with you being around him for the rest of his life, so he really should just fuck you now so you can get going. You have other clients to please after all; there’s auras to taint and souls to take and you’ve barely gotten any of it except for when you fucked one of Jungkooks friends like a week ago.
As you sat on Jungkooks couch, as you usually do waiting for him. He finally comes back from one of his dates with that girl. But this time he doesn’t look super happy. What happened?
“Hey Jungkook you alright?” You ask concerned. Jungkook sighs and plops down next to you on the couch.
“She broke up with me,” Jungkook says quietly. Your eyes widen at this and you look at Jungkook feeling concerned,
“Are you okay? Do you know why?” You ask, searching the males face curiously.
“I don’t know, she just up and dumped me for no reason,” Jungkook shrugs. You bite your lip and look and the sad man before you.
“You’re obviously sad, do you want me to do something to cheer you up?” You ask, genuinely wanting to help make the sad man feel better. Jungkook looks over at you and glares,
“No Y/n, I’m not in the mood for one of your uplifting blowjobs that you always mention. Just go away will you?” Jungkook says.
“Jungkook that’s not what I was suggesting, I actually want to help make you feel better,” you say, feeling a little upset for some reason unknown to you.
For once you don’t feel like you need to do anything sexual to make someone feel better, you want to just to do something to show you care. You care? About Jungkook? Huh, do you? Your a demon, born to Satan, how could you care about a lowly mortal like Jungkook? You probably don’t care, you don’t think you care at least.
“Y/n just go, please,” Jungkook says, coldly. You sigh and stand from your seat on the couch.
“Alright well if you need anything, just call for me. I’ll come” you say, softly smiling at the sad man.
The next day you decide to check up on Jungkook to see how he’s doing with the whole break up thing. You saw on tv once that humans like to go get ice cream to cheer up after breakups so if he’s still upset your planning to suggest going to an ice cream shop.
As soon as you step through your portal all ready to talk to Jungkook and see how he is, your met with an unusual sight.
Today Jungkook has a guest, and normally that wouldn’t be that big of deal, you’ve been around when he’s had guests before but this time it’s different. This time his guest is one of your clients. Someone you’ve slept with two times now. Jungkooks dear friend Park Jimin.
Now normally this wouldn’t be a big deal, you’d think oh he probably won’t see her she’s invisible to everyone except Jungkook unless if she decides otherwise! Wrong! All your clients can see you.
So as soon as you stepped through your portal into Jungkooks house your eyes met Jimins and you felt like you were done for. You’re sure Jungkook won’t be too happy when he finds out you’ve tainted his dear friends aura on multiple occasions.
“Y/n! What are you doing here?” Jimin says, standing from his spot on the couch next to Jungkook. Jungkook glances between the two of you with wide eyes not understanding what’s happening.
“I’m here to visit Jungkook of course. How are you feeling now?” You ask tensily.
“Y/n how do you know Jimin?” Jungkook asks, curiously. You sigh and look between the two.
“Um, both of you are clients,” you say. Jungkook looks over at Jimin then back to you,
“Jimins one of your clients! Have you slept with him?” Jungkook asks. You slowly nod your head.
“Uh yeah, like twice now,” you say, Jimin nods his head and looks over at Jungkook,
“I summoned her a couple weeks ago. It looks like you summoned her to though huh. My little Jungkookies no longer innocent!” Jimin says, throwing arms around Jungkook like a proud parent. Jungkook shrugs Jimin off of him and shakes his head.
“I haven’t done anything with her, I refuse to,” Jungkook states seriously. Jimin looks between the two of you curiously,
“Why not? She’s great,” Jimin says, smiling. you smile back at the handsome man glad to hear you satisfied him.
“Because she’s an incubus!” Jungkook says, as if its the most obvious thing in the world.
“And you said this happened only a couple weeks ago! Y/n you knew Jimin is my friend why’d you have sex with him?” Jungkook asks, you shrug your shoulders and look at the curious male,
“Jungkook, it’s my job. Jimin summoned me. I was literally created by Satan himself, to fuck people. I don’t know what to tell you,” you say, Jungkook just looks at you silently for a few seconds with an angry expression on his face.
“Y/n, just get out,” Jungkook says causing you to sigh and roll your eyes,
“Oh come on, you’re always telling me to leave you alone, am I really that bad to be around? Jimin sure seems like he doesn’t mind my amazing precense,” you say, gesturing your hand twords the male sat next to Jungkook. Jimin awkwardly smiles and puts both his hands up in surrender,
“Please don’t include me in your argument,” Jimin says. Jungkook looks at you coldly and nods his head,
“Yeah you are that bad to be around so just go,” you shake your head,
“If I’m so bad to be around why haven’t you fucked me yet?! I’ve made it pretty clear the only way to get rid of me is to have sex, but you refuse,” you state, feeling anger starting to bubble in your chest. Why isn’t he getting it! If he hates me sooo much just fuck me already so I can be on my marry way.
Jungkook just shakes his head and sighs looking away from you.
“I think I’m gonna get going now, see you Jungkook; and Y/n I’ll see you next time I summon you yeah?” Jimin says, you nod your head and smile at the male, before crossing your arms and staring back at Jungkook.
Once Jimin left Jungkooks house, Jungkook and you stayed in your spots silently glaring at each other.
“Fine,” Jungkook says, getting up from his spot on the couch.
“Fine what?” You ask, still glaring at the male.
“Let’s have sex, I don’t want to be around you anymore,” Jungkook states. You nod your head,
“I think it’s safe to say the same for me,” you say.
“Now where are we doing this thing, I’m fine with anywhere,” you say, glancing around the man’s house.
“My room,” Jungkook says before walking to his bedroom. You silently follow the male and close the door behind you once you’re in his room before making your way over to him.
The two of you stare at each other awkwardly unsure of what to do,
“Your a virgin right? How do you want it, sweet? Rough?” You ask, pushing the male down so he’s sat on his bed. Jungkook nervously gulps at you and looks around the room.
“I just want it over with,” he says. You nod your head and move your face close to his, looking for any sign of him wanting you to stop.
After showing no sign what so ever you put your lips on his, pulling him into a sweet kiss. Giving the male some time to get used to your kisses after a couple of minutes you swipe your tounge across his lips causing the male to quietly moan. You smile at this before wrestling your toungue with his after he gives you access in his mouth. As the two of you make out your hands found their way on to his chest, feeling the firmness before moving their way down to his crotch and giving his cock a good squeeze, already feeling him slightly harden in your hand.
You detach your lips from his and smile before kissing his neck. Going for his sweet spot, causing the male to sigh out in pleasure. Jungkooks hands find their way to your ass giving you a good squeeze as you gave him butterfly kisses all over his neck.
Pecking the handsome man one more time you drop to your knees in front of him.
“I want to suck you off,” you say, undoing his belt and trying your best to get his pants off. Jungkook bites his lip before lifting his hips up and helping you remove his pants and underwear. Once the males lower half was exposed to you, you felt your mouth water at the sight.
His cock was long and thick and beautiful. You look up at the male and seductively lick your lips before taking his cock into hand and pumping him a few times.
You then put the head in your mouth and suck at it. The male above you moaned and started to pant as he looked at you from above.
“Please don’t tease me,” Jungkook says, biting his lip. You feel yourself well up in pride from how much your already effecting the male, before relaxing your throat and trying to take as much of him in as you can.
Jungkook moans out as you bob your head up and down his cock. You feel a wave of excitement go straight to your core from the sounds Jungkooks making.
You pull your mouth off him and start pumping him with your hand while you suck on his balls.
“Fuck Y/n, feels so good,” Jungkook pants. You move from his balls back to his cock sucking on him like there’s no tomorrow.
You move your head as far you can go before swallowing around him.
“I’m close,” Jungkook says, hands gripping the sheets of his bed.
As you sucked him off Jungkooks hips involuntary thrusted deeper into your throat causing you to gag around him. You grab his hips and hold him down as you swallow around him multiple times trying to get him closer to his climax.
After a few more minutes, Jungkook loudly moans and cums in your mouth. You happily swallow the bitter taste of his cum and pull your mouth off his cock smiling innocently at him.
“Think you can cum for me once more?” You ask curiously. Jungkook pants, looking completely fucked out already,
“I- I don’t know,” Jungkook says,
“Oh come on, I haven’t even got to ride you yet,” you pout. Jungkook looks down at you and bites his lip before slowly nodding his head,
“Yeah okay I can try,” Jungkook says. You smile at the male and take off all your clothes except for your bra,
“You want to help me with my bra or am I just leaving this on?” You ask teasingly, looking at the way Jungkooks eyes widen as he stares at you in lust. Jungkook nods his head and you turn around moving your hair to the side so it wasn’t in the way.
You feel Jungkook shakily breath as he fumbles with your bra clasps before finally getting it off. You turn around and smile at the male again before grabbing the Hem of his shirt and start pulling it off,
“Let’s get this off you then,” once his shirt was off you throw it some where else in the room and looked at Jungkook appreciatively.
“Your such a handsome man you know? I’m surprised you’re still a virgin,” you say biting your lip.
“Can you lay down on the bed for me Jungkook?” You ask. Jungkook nervously nods his head and lays down, cock already hard again.
You get on top of the male and straddle him aligning his cock with your entrance.
“You ready?” You ask, looking the male in the eyes. Jungkook nods his head, so you slowly descend down on his cock, letting him adjust to the new feeling before starting to bounce up and down on him.
The both of you moan, enjoying the feeling of each other.
“Feels good kookie?” You ask breathlessly. Jungkook furiously nods his head and moans shutting his eyes because of the pleasure your bringing him.
After a few more minutes of grinding and bouncing on Jungkooks cock, Jungkook grabs your hips and thrusts up into you, instantly hitting your spot causing you to moan out.
“Ah, right the Jungkook, fuck, please!” You say, gasping out at the feeling of him going deeper in you. Jungkook moans and nods his head continuously thrusting in you from below. You throw your head back in pleasure and squeeze your eyes shut.
“Fuck, I’m close,” you say. Jungkook then takes one of his hands off your hips and squeezes one of your breasts, playing with your nipples.
“Ah, cuming!” You yell out, squeezing around Jungkook.
Once you came down from your high you watch Jungkook as he thrusts into you from below before coming for a second time. Shooting his warm cum into you.
When he finished you got off of him and laid down beside him smiling,
“See that wasn’t to bad was it?” You ask. Jungkook sighs and nods,
“I guess not, and I don’t feel any different. You really didn’t take my soul now did you?” Jungkook asks curiously. You shake your head,
“I just tainted your aura a bit,” you respond. Jungkook slowly nods his head, and gets up grabbing a clean cloth to help clean you up a bit.
“And now that we’ve had sex you’ll leave me alone?” Jungkook asks. You nod your head,
“Yep, unless you summon me again of course,” You say.
“Well don’t expect that to happen ever again. Sorry to say this but I cant say being around you was a great experience,” Jungkook says.
“Oh, I don’t take offense to that at all, can’t say I enjoyed you either,” you say, smiling. For some reason your heart slightly hurts from this but you decide to ignore it. Your an incubus, a demon. No feelings are allowed for a human what so ever.
“Well I guess I best be on my way. I’ll see you maybe,” you say, getting up and putting your clothes on. You then flash Jungkook one last smile, bidding the male farewell before disappearing before his eyes.
“Goodbye Y/n,”
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sweetiejunie · 4 years
So i was sitting in a lecture and i just thought of how the boys would react when they want you to leave early. Never written a ‘reaction’ type thing before so here’s my shot at it.
Genre: fluff
Hyung line!! (Welcome to hyung line beomgyu)
Leave!! :<
It’s 5pm and it was your last lecture of the day. Earlier you had received a text from your boyfriend, saying that he wanted to pick you up after school and of course you agreed, you could never say no to him.
Replying him with the time you could leave, you threw your phone in your bag and entered the lecture hall with your friends.
There was only 30mins left but you had to admit, it was quite boring, but you had to do it for your grades and so you stayed. You had started staring into space and that’s when you saw a familiar face poking through the glass window of the door...
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He would immediately start smiling and bouncing on his feet like a little puppy when he spotted you sitting near the back.
Waving his hands like a mad man to get your attention and mouthing words as if you could hear them through the piece of wood, not caring whoever was judging him when they walked pass.
The second you saw his actions, you giggled and returned a small wave back. Your giggle turned into a pout as you made a sleeping motion, resting your head on your hands, portraying that you were bored.
He made a ‘come here’ motion, wanting you to leave and go join him instead. Sadly you shook your head and frowned at the fact you had to deny his offer.
He pouted, giving you puppy dog eyes, hoping his cuteness would change your mind like it always did. But not this time, you shook your head again, making i little ‘x’ with your fingers.
Pouting again, he decided to take a different approach and started throwing finger hearts and air kisses to you.
You laughed and decided entertained him. At first you acted disgusted, pretending to throw away some of the hearts he was giving you.
This only resulted in him throwing more and winking at you, making you laugh at how desperate he was acting.
You finally admitted defeated and threw an air kiss back to him. Being the dramatic boy he is, he clutched his chest, pretending to be knocked out by your kiss.
This continued on back and forth for a while, competing to see who could throw the most hearts to the other.
By this point your friends were so used to your sh*t that honestly, they didn’t think to much about it and just sighed. Disappointed but not surprised.
The last 30 mins flew by quite quickly. Obviously you had no idea what your lecturer had said but alas it didnt matter. You were just happy you could walk home hand-in-hand with the crazy boy you loved.
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He quietly stood outside the door, scanning the room until his eyes landed on you.
He wouldnt do anything as dramatic as yeonjun to catch your attention. Instead he would just wait till you noticed him and if you didn’t, he would send u a text.
Binni💕: Babe look out the door
You felt your phone vibrate, checking it only to see that text from your boyfriend. You looked up, and saw a smiling soobin waving at you, his phone in his other hand.
You waved back and returned a text
You: B!!! I end at 6 why r u here so early??
Binni💕: well im sorry for being excited to see u ;-;
You: Dont be i miss you too!! But i still have 30mins left and all i really want to do rn is leave and hug you ㅠㅠ
Binni💕: then leave no one said you cant and now that you mention it i really want to hug you too 😭
You: :< u know i cant
Binni💕: not even for me?🥺
He texted that followed with a picture of him pouting outside your lecture hall and no doubt he looked just absolutely adorable.
You: Binni dont do this!!!😭😭
Binni💕: why is it working? Do you want to leave yet? :3
You: Binni i cant!! 휴ㅅ휴
Binni💕: well fine then be that way. But let it be known u had a choice and you chose the wrong one :(
With that, you turned to the door and noticed he was gone
You: wait binni!! Where did u go??? Im sorry 😭😭 dont leave im packing up!!
You messily threw all your thing into your bag and rushed to the door you last saw your beloved.
Little did you know that soobin knew that would be your reaction and he was waiting around the corner for you to come running out.
The moment he saw you he grabbed your waist and spun you around causing you to laugh.
“Ah! Soobin!!”
When he let you down, you turned to face him and gave him a hug. You had left your lecture a bit early but the reward waiting for you was definitely worth it.
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He was all smiley when he spotted you. Waving to you as soon as you saw him.
The second you pouted, he knew you were bored and pouted as well.
My gyu🐻: what’s wrong are you bored? U could always leave and come spend time with me instead
You: Gyu i cant do that my exams are next week :(
My gyu🐻: :( fine, ill go find somewhere to sit
And with that you saw beomgyu walk away. You just figured he was going to find somewhere to wait.
All of a sudden, you heard the back door of the lecture hall open quietly, a familiar face walking in. You were in utter shock as he walked to where you were, taking a seat next to you.
He looked forward for half a second, pretending to listen to the lecturer before turning to you when he sensed you staring and greeting you with a simple “hello, beautiful.”
“Beomgyu what are you doing? Why did you come in? I thought you wanted to go somewhere to sit down?” You asked in a sort of hushed exclamation, folding your arms, glaring at him.
“Well, you said you can’t leave but there’s no reason why I can’t join and i did find somewhere to sit,” he answered, gesturing to the lecture seat he was on.
“It just so happened that the seat i found was next to you,” he added with a smile.
You let out a small laugh and smiled back, “aish, what am i going to do with you?”
Through the lecture Beomgyu continuously asked you what something meant and tried start random conversation topics with you.
Every now and then when you tried to listen to your lecturer, he would poke your arm, boop your nose or lie on your shoulder when you stopped paying attention to him for more than 5 seconds.
It was pretty safe to say you didn’t pay much attention to the rest of the lecture. But spending time with beomgyu was never wasted time in your book.
Hope this was good 🤍
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safebubblebycyg · 4 years
trans harry + drarry au:
☆ harry being deadnamed would literally be the worst pain to ever exist to him but draco would always be there to bitch slap the person who dare speak such a name
☆ harry having to go to madam pomfrey to get testosterone potions
☆ madam pomfrey rolling her eyes at him one day when hes late "mister malfoys mouth is not filled with testosterone, potter"
☆ harry secretly binding during quidditch even though he literally can NOT breathe
☆ hermione looking ready to hex him when she finds out
☆ " 'mione!! i swear im taking it off after!!" "that doesnt matter harry!! its dangerous!! either wear a sports bra or dont play!!"
☆ harry reluctantly wearing a sports bra after his confrontation with hermione
☆ ron finding out when harry unbuttoned his shirt to reveal tattered bras way too small for harry layered onto his chest
☆ ron immediately accepting harry "you've always been more a man than ill ever be, mate"
☆ draco finding out a month after they're dating
☆ he found harrys binder monster (as he affectionately called it) "love, why didnt you tell me sooner? that's it, im getting you a new one. a real one"
☆ draco immediately SPOILING harry. new binders, button-ups, and boxers
☆ "draco you cant just buy me a binder every time i get a stain on one, it's way too much-" "oh hush, what else am i spending my money on?"
☆ snape being the greasy thot he is and purposefully using female pronouns and deadnaming harry in class and in the corridors
☆ which causes ron to start H.P.P.S.; harry potter protection squad
☆ neville, luna, ginny, hermione, pansy, blaise, and ron being proud members of H.P.P.S.
☆ they even got pins just to confuse the hell out of harry
☆ harry not going to class on dysphoric days
☆ mcgonagall understanding when he misses class and allowing hermione to do his homework and take his notes
☆ harry once got told he played quidditch "like a girl" which tore him apart...until ginny stole the beaters bat and hit the quaffle to let it hit them dead in the face
☆ harry finally getting fed up with not knowing what H.P.P.S. was so he pulled them all to the room of requirements and made them fess up
☆ harry just burst into a fit of giggles and thanked them before giggling again
☆ harry let his protection squad stay intact as long as he got a crown with group initials
☆ yes, harry got his crown
☆ harry coming to potions class as an ultimate grump one day
☆ "miss potter you're late-" "yeah and you're transphobic, dont talk to me snivilly"
☆ he didnt even get detention, snape was too taken aback to remember to give it to him
☆ harry forgetting to take off his binder before he slept and waking up so sore he couldnt take it off
☆ "er- 'mione??" "yes harry?" "can you help me take my um, my binder off?"
☆ hermione giving him a twenty minute lecture and fussing at him for sleeping in a binder. she also gave him one of her bras "YOU ARE NOT WEARING IT TODAY, DONT ARGUE HARRY"
☆ harry dragging himself around the castle until draco stops him on the way to dinner. harry just slumps against his chest and sobs "m couldn wear m binder today, 'mione wouldn let me, m slep in it" he had sadly mumbled against dracos chest. draco just squeezed him tight and drummed his fingers against his back "how would you feel about top surgery?"
☆ long story short, draco wanted to pay to get harrys top surgery done by the top wizarding surgeons in the world "it wont even leave a scar, recovery will only take a week"
☆ in conclusion that was harry's favourite christmas present in his fifth year
☆ "GUESS WHOS FLAT, FLAT BEGINS, I AM FLAT, TELL A FRIEND" was all harry sang for a month, and only the muggle borns understood him that month
☆ draco catching harry sobbing in the bathroom one day "thank you- merlin thank you dray, im finally flat, thank you so much"
☆ and harry finally feels so good
☆ until snape finds out. yeah, that's right the slimey bitch ruins harrys pride
☆ "harriet, please stop touching your chest. we know you altered your body because you fail to be a real man, but you're getting a bit egotistical." AND DRACO HAS NEVER BEEN MORE LIVID
☆ he punched snape. but not before delivering the most powerful speech that hogwarts has ever heard, "how dare you. how DARE you. HOW DARE YOU. you are supposed to be a teacher. a role model. someone that students believe in. and yet you have to audacity to call harry by his dead name, misgender him on multiple occasions, and proceed to humiliate him after he has been living the happiest life he has ever lived and you saw that and RUINED IT. you, severus, are a monster. you have no idea the hell that harry has been through for being born in the wrong body. so let me give you one. 41% of transgender individuals attempt suicide at least once in their life times. that is almost half! OH and get this one! 51% of transgender males are part of that. that is MORE than half. for all you know, harry could be part of that percentage. because of people like YOU. insecure, idiotic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, morons. harry had to fight his family for his will to live and you're the only person left in his life that is trying to take that away from him now. you think that just because hes a little different and just because he wasnt born with a completely flat chest or a bulge in his pants that he isnt a man? because if that's all a man is to you then you are full of shit, severus. because harry is more of a man than youll ever be. my father will damn well hear about this. and you will be fired. because you are a greasy, transphobic, nobody. now excuse me, as i escort the entire class out of your useless lesson. nobody will ever need to know how to enhance the effects of amortentia anyway"
☆ yeah snape was fired. and no one dared to mess with harry again
☆ draco declaring one day that one half of the slytherin table was now dedicated to the H.P.P.S.
☆ theodore, astoria, crabbe, goyle, seamus, and dean joined the H.P.P.S not too long after this, missing their friends and finding it funny that draco had now become vice president with ron
☆ harry now spending his summers between the burrow, the granger's, and malfoy manner
☆ basically, ron, draco, and hermione had a contract (yes, hermione wrote it) that was a custody plan with harry. they even got mcgonagall to sign on it
☆ "you are not living in a household that calls you such horrid things" "they just call me a gir-" "AND YOU ARE NOT. HORRID"
☆ honestly any of the three could have had that conversation with harry
☆ harry felt safe at all times now
☆ "dray? mione? ron? thank you"
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daiourage · 5 years
My friend and I exchange French when talking (though, both of us are Asian, it’s kinda me bein’ a romantic gay shit—), and it got me thinking.
also because i saw some post mentioning sylvain bein french and iw as like : ye
Sylvelix. But with Sylvain bein’ all lovey-dovey. And with Felix havin’ a bad day and I
Here, lemme just—
(I’m on mobile i cant do the “keep reading” thing hhhhhhhhh—)
Felix slumped over in one of the chairs at the lecture hall and crossed his arms. His armor clanked and filled the room with a sharp, dissonant echo.
His arms were sore, his hair was unkempt and falling all over his face, it was hot—but it would take too much effort to take off his armor—and he was tired. Too tired.
Tired of everyone’s shit.
He sighed and attempted to keep his hair out of his face, but failed and ripped out his hairtie in anger.
It flicked into someone’s face.
“Ack! Hey!”
Oh boy. He knew that wail. Run.
He attempted to slide out of his chair, but ended up falling onto the ground, as if his legs suddenly stopped functioning.
Gods, how tired was he...?
He felt nausous. His eyes flickered in and out of focus. Dots littered his vision. He couldn’t hear much besides ringing—
. . .
Once he finally came to, he was in a different room than the lecture hall. It was... unfamiliar. Yet, somehow... he knew where he was.
...It was cold, save for a nicely weighted blanket that covered his body.
He turned to his right.
A lone male hung his head as he sat in a chair, close to the bed. It was hard to read his expression, due to his feathery hair shielding out any signs of outward emotion.
What was with that expression?
Even if difficult to see, what he saw was enough.
His eyes were wide, yet darkened. The shimmer in his face had disappeared. He stared at the ground, unblinking. There were no signs of tears, but somehow, they looked as if they were threatening to pour out.
Felix’s heart jumped. He was concerned—for once, he was terrified at one of his closest friends.
The male seemingly returned to normal as he wiped his eyes and yawned. However... the navy-haired student couldn’t get his mind off of that pained expression...
“Hey, what’re you looking at?” The opposing male winked fakely, “Is my face that interesting?”
“Disgusting is what it is.” Felix immediately quipped out of habit.
Sylvain’s expression shifted sadly as he averted his gaze to the wooden boards.
“At least you’re awake.”
...The way he said that... hurt.
It was quiet and soft; the opposite of what you’d think when you hear the Gautier scion’s name.
Sylvain shook his head.
“What does that mean?” Felix asked, squinting at the somber male in confusion and worry. “What happened?”
“You...” Sylvain choked, “—You were out for two days.”
“Two...?” Felix darted his eyes around the room, as if trying to comfirm it with his own eyes, “How?”
“You tell me.” The salmon-haired heir sighed and leaned in to rest his elbows onto the mattress. “They said you were really sick...”
“I felt nothing.” The stoic male raised a brow. “Maybe it was the heat.”
“If only it were that simple.” Sylvain rested his head on his arms.
“What does that mean?” Felix then retorted, “Aren’t you just about simplicity?”
Sylvain snapped his head up and stared at Felix with the same, dead expression. His hair matched what he looked like—a fish that had stopped breathing.
“You could’ve died, Felix.”
It became so silent that the mentioned male was sure that Sylvain could hear his heart racing.
Sylvain sighed for—seemingly—the hundredth time. His face contorted into a mess of pain and fake happiness.
“I’m... sorry.” Felix muttered. “I didn’t mean to make you worry.”
“I know.” Sylvain bit his lip to stop the tears from leaking. “But—it doesn’t help that this has never happened before.”
He gave up. He choked out all of his tears.
“I-it just hurt, you know?” He gripped the now-stained sheets of the bed. “I never knew when—or, really... if you were gonna wake up.”
Felix’s heart twisted. “Hey, don’t say that.” He attempted to reassure, “You didn’t think I’d actually die, do you?”
“I did yesterday!” Sylvain wailed, and wrapped his arms around the placid male’s waist. Surprisingly, the held male never did attempt to escape.
“You were so cold—you barely had a heartbeat! I...I thought—“
Words stopped forming as he lost all connection with his thoughts. All that mattered was the fact that his childhood friend was alive and well.
Felix followed an unusual instinct to hold the crying male in his arms. He couldn’t help it; his heart was so in pain that he didn’t know what to do. Any indication at all would give him a way to go from whatever situation he was stuck in.
Sylvain muttered something that Felix got, but never understood.
. . .
...Until 5 years later.
Until the scarlet sky cut through the bloodied sun.
Until the red-baked grass would burn under the heat of thundering footsteps.
Until lives had been given.
He ran over and held the fallen soldier whose horse had long since ran off. Even through the thick, heavy armor, his hands were so cold.
Too cold.
“Gods—keep breathing and being obnoxious!”
Felix commanded through tears.
“Heheh...” Sylvain chuckled, “Even now, you insult me.”
“I’d rather insult you than anyone else, you insolent fool!”
The sobbing male clutched the body closer.
“Just don’t die! Don’t!” He ordered, “I can’t lose you, too!”
How colorful Felix was being. His shields were being torn down—both physically and emotionally—and his expression had as much feeling as Sylvain had pick-up lines.
Pressure quickly dropped in his hand and that pained, yet charming expression soon softened and fell short.
Felix’s heart shattered.
“No no no no no no NO NO NO—“
He desperately placed his forehead against the dying knight’s and—only then, it seemed—that he prayed to the Goddess. He so needed her to be real.
“Sylvain!” He wailed, “Stop it...! Wake up!”
The world fell silent. He thought.
What did Sylvain say all those years back?
The first time he made that terrifying face?
“Wake... up...” Felix sniffled. Distant yells had been drowned out by the sneaking feeling of cold on his back.
His ears rung once more as the stench of blood eventually reached his clogged nose.
He heard the rest of the squadron run his way, calling his and the limp male’s name... but they were all too blurred our for him to notice.
He let go of Sylvain for the last time and simply knelt beside him until reinforcements came.
He hung his head.
“Why did this happen...?”
He scoffed at himself and wiped his face with his glove.
Finally, as if sending him off...
“What did you say before?” He asked, “Oh.”
“Je’taime, mon chéri...”
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