#he sleep rn LOL knocked on the couch
leetm · 1 year
everyday i spend with him is like a dream. all i wanna do is bury myself in his presence. his presence brings me so much joy, peace, laughter, fun, love, amongst many other things. i'm blessed, truly. i look at him and i know i'm safe. and i'll do anything to provide him the same. i'm so happy with him. i love my baby 💗💞
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liaarxse · 1 year
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How would TR boys react to you hitting them after they scare you
Characters: Souya (Angry) Kawata, Nahoya (Smiley) Kawata, Manjiro (Mikey) Sano, Ryuguji (Draken) Ken
Warnings: Jumpscare you won't see, fluff, humor(?)
A/n: I accidentally scared myself and came up with this. Please give me ideas I don't have any🙏🙏
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Souya Kawata
Baby boy
Literally didn't mean to scare you
Scared himself
He was just running to leave school since Toman had an urgent meeting, and you just HAD to walk the same corridor at the same time.
Screamed when he took a turn on the staircase and saw you
You screamed when he screamed
And punched him.
Say sorry rn.
I mean it.
Literally was about to cry.
"Why are you crying????"
"I'M SOWWY– (y'all remember that manga panel LMAO) I DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YO–"
If his brother finds out
You will be missed
Just give him kisses, and he'll be fine
Also give him bonus cuddles
Just because he's Souya <3
Nahoya Kawata
Not baby boy
Mf did that on purpose
Made you watch a horror film
At his house
Late at night
With a storm happening
Asshole? Asshole.
Watched the movie 3 times to remember when the jumpscares happen
Probably pissed himself 5 times whilst doing so
When one was about to happen, he excused himself to go to the bathroom.
Bathroom my ass
After like a minute of being gone, he quietly creeped behind the couch so he could scare you EXACTLY when the jumpscare occurred
Managed to do it
You got so scared when he grabbed your shoulders that with all your strength, you grabbed him by the arms and flipped him over your head on the ground in front of you
Near broke the damn coffee table
He was like "😃....😧"
His smile dropped
"Y/n what the fuck."
Then he got up and sat on the couch next to you
He started laughing
Kick him in the balls pls
Manjiro Sano
Now this
This is bullshit
Didn't even feel bad about it
Y'all we're just laying in his bed
Minding your own damn business
When he decided
"Your business? Nah, mine."
He screamed
Out of nowhere, he let out the most blood curling, teeth gritting, toe gripping scream you heard
You screamed too
Y'all were probably screaming for a solid 5 minutes before Shinichiro- Oh wait, he's dead - Emma came up to shut your mouths.
He had the worst smile plastered on his face
You punched his dick
Full on
With all your might
He screamed
And you laughed
Who's the asshole now?
Ryuguji Ken
Man how do I start here
You don't even know why he did it
He doesn't know why he did it
"I wanted to have some fun."
Did you pull that excuse out your ass?
You were sleeping peacefully
An angel in his eyes
But he didn't give a fuck
Put on the cheapest, most fake ass clown mask he could find and stood in front of you
Leaned a little too far and lost balance
Fell on top of you
You woke up from the air being knocked out of your lungs
You looked at him
He looked at you
Bam boom
Punched him right in the nose and ran away
He removed the mask and ran after you
Jokes on him you were standing behind the door with a bat
Right in the head
You're the reason he's dead.
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prettyboypistol · 11 months
Mercs comforting m!reader who had an absolutely godawful day at work/on the battlefield?
Tf2 Mercs Comforting You After A Stressful Day! || TF2 x Male! Reader
Readers job is ambiguous, but I imagined he has a job a lot like Ms Pauling
Notices how exhausted you look as soon as you walk into the room and immediately drags you to the couch to snuggle.
Super attentive, eager to please. (He especially loves praise from you when you're tired.. idk!!! It just makes him so happy for you in your tired voice to thank him!!!)
Gets your favorite snack foods alone so you have time to yourself.
Wants to cheer you up by talking, but he knows that the last thing you need rn is more chatter.
Bro the leg bouncing of trying not to talk is STRONG
"Oh dear, wanna bitch?"
Lets you complain and shittalk your co-workers and totally not gossiping with you noooo (he is the nosiest mf alive)
He has a bit of a temper if you talk on and on about how your job is hard and will snap that being a Medic isn't exactly a cakewalk either, but apologizes.
Lets you sleep while he makes dinner for you.
He.. well, he tries.
You walk into your room and flop down on the bed with a groan and he immediately asks what's wrong and if you're sick.
When you say you're not and just tired, he waves it off and goes back to what he was doing, ordering you to be at ease.
When people knock at your door to pester you, he shouts at them for you to fuck off 🥺🥺🥺
Doesn't snuggle but absolutely gives you space to de-stress.
He sees you walk in and hugs you, sits you in his lap for snuggles, and just listens to you vent as he tinkers against your back.
He kisses your shoulders a lot and hums Lil tunes to calm you down.
Mans will put you to sleep with one lullaby I swear to god
Back scratches!!!! He is the best!!!
Offers you booze and is sorta like medic in the shittalking regard, but brings up more dirt on the people you're pissed at.
Coos at you in French, calling you a tired boy and mon petit roi (my little king) as baby talk. Yeah it's a little demeaning bUT you're too tired to care.
Little do you know he has been up for 36 hours and hasn't eaten since breakfast but he won't tell you that.
Massages with lavender oil!
Orders your favorite takeout and puts on your favorite show for a relaxing night in
Gets like... scary protective of you.
They clearly glare at anyone that tries to bother you. There is a sense of 'if you talk to him, I'll gut you with my axe.' Goin on.
Pets and caresses on your back and head! You know that Pyros lap is all yours to lie your head on!
Makes you little origami things to amuse you, making silly little stories to dull your senses and entertain you.
They love taking care of you, actually. They find it grounding and relaxing to just focus all their energy on you.
Picks you up and keeps you nestled in his arms.
"No talking to little man! He is very tired!"
Calls you a baby, but like, /affectionate
God he's so warm! Like a heated and weighted blanket! Heavy wouldn't mind keeping you in his arms forever and you certainly wouldn't mind staying there
Has tried to convince you to leave your job before bc it stresses you out.
'Aye lad, bring it here!'
Offers you scrumpy and kisses. Def if you're visibly mad he starts kissing you a lot like 'aww~' *kiss* 'what's wroooong~?" *kiss* 'hmmm?' *kiss kiss kiss*
Jokingly offers you to "take out your frustrations on him" ;>
Like, if you agree that's great, if you don't that's great too that means more time for tea spilling
'Yeah! Teresa IS a bitch!'
He can tell by how you open the camper door that you're pissed and tired.
"Aww hell, that bad huh?"
Likes playing with your hair while you lie on his lap. You've fallen asleep and woken up to elaborate braids a few times lol
Kisses your neck and intentionally slows his breathing so that you mimic him and calm down
Doesn't really like when you talk about your work, because it upsets him how much you get stressed about it. But he cares more about you more than he dislikes hearing about work.
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mj-102009 · 6 months
First Time for Everything (Colby Brock x oc)
I could always tell when they had a bad idea they were too afraid to share.
First Corey started acting up, he asked a bit more than usual about my line of work and how I dealt with the spirits. I told him honestly and that was that.
Then Sam. “Can I use your camera? Like the good one”
I nodded. “Of course. Why?”
He fidgeted. “Video idea.”
That was my breaking point.
Me: What are you idiots planning?
Colbyyyyyyy: What?
Samuel Adams: Nothing
Corey: Huh?
Jake From Statefarm: wdym Avery nothing’s going on we swear lol
Me: Lyin’ to me Jake Webber?
Jake From Statefarm: no
Me: istfg ill text tara rn
Jake From Statefarm: Been real nice boys o7
Colbyyyyyyyy: Bitch don’t do it
Samuel Adams: Jake fucking no
Me: Jake.
Me: Now.
Jake From Statefarm: We got tickets to the queen mary
Colbyyyyyyyy: Bro rlly
Corey: Dawg
Samuel Adams: Avery don’t get mad
I gaped at my phone for a solid minute before typing a response.
Me: Are ya’ll fuckin mental???
Me: That place is fucking dangerous
Me: Like-
Me: At least be protected???
Me: Please
Colbyyyyyyyy: Ofc
Samuel Adams: Yeah
Samuel Adams: How do we go about that?
Me: Sage and crystals
Colbyyyyyyyy: Or we can just wing it
Corey: ^
Jake From Statefarm: I like that idea
Me: NO
Colbyyyyyyyy: C'mon man what could go wrong?
Corey: Sex demons???
Jake From Statefarm: Listen Ave if smth goes wrong you can say i told u so
Me: Idiots
Me: Fine
“Are you super sure?” I asked Colby for the tenth time.
He chuckled. “Yes we’re all sure, just like exploring.”
I groaned. “Nothing like that Colbs, DEMONS MAN,” I paused for effect. “DEMONS.”
“Avery stop worrying we’ll be fine,” Sam chimed in.
I was practically fuming, my phone was held in a vice grip and I had begun to pace the floors. “Just…be safe and call if anything happens, or if you need help.”
“Yes ma’am,” He laughed. “Text you when we land.”
I looked around the empty house after the call, all the boys were away for filming and my friends were busy. Now left alone to my anxieties, I dropped on the couch and sighed.
I woke up to my bedroom door being knocked on softly, a groan rose from my throat and I rolled over onto my side. “Go away,” I mumbled into my pillow.
Immediately I was awake and sprinting to my door. On the other side stood a wilted Jake, he had his backpack on his shoulder, tearstained hoodie still on, face red after a cry.
“Jake?” I said, not wasting any time to gather him in my arms and bring him in for a hug, not caring why he was in tears in my door frame. “You okay?”
He squeezed my quick and rubbed his face with a shrug. “I’ll be fine, going to Tara’s place– but, uh,” he rubbed the back of his neck and looked at me, “Colby’s the one to be worried about.”
I swore and bolted down the hall, sliding to a quick stop at his door, I knocked. “Colby?”
No answer.
“It’s Avery,” I said softly. “Jake didn’t tell me what happened, I’m sure it was a lot. I get it of course, we don’t have to talk about anything if that’s what you want.”
No answer, just a soft click of the door being unlocked.
“I’m coming in,” I slowly opened the door, and poked my head in. “Cole?”
He was on the edge of his bed, a black tank top and plaid pajama shorts, I sharply inhaled through my nose at the sight of his face. A few tear streaks marked where he’d cried, slowly he looked at me and I felt my heartbreak at the confused look in his eyes.
“You were right,” He said slowly. “About…everything.”
In a few short steps I was beside him and wiping away the signs of sadness with my hands lightly cupping his face. “Oh bubs I’m so sorry.”
He chuckled and closed his eyes, leaning into my touch. “Don’t say that, it was our choice.”
“I should have done more to stop you,” I told him.
The room fell silent for a moment, just me allowing my friend to seek comfort in my warmth. “Do you want to tell me what happened now or do you want to sleep?”
He opened his eyes and pulled back from my palms. “Uh, it was kind of a lot…”
In hushed tones and shaky words he told me the full story of what had happened in B340, I listened and wiped away his tears as they fell. At the end I pulled him to my chest and his hands sought to bunch in my hoodie, we fell back onto the bed and I slid up to the pillows.
Colby pulled me closer and rested his head on my arm to use as a pillow, both arms still around me and his breath brushed my collar. 
“Sleep now?”
He nodded and kept his eyes closed as I ran my hand through his hair.
“G’night,” He mumbled.
“Goodnight bubs.”
I vividly remember that night. Colby and I curled up in his room while I whispered reassurances in his ear about what they’d seen, or rather heard. 
The next day I’d given Sam a huge hug and he cried for a few minutes. Then the rest of the boys slowly came over, with Kat, Tara, and I watching them and helping with what we could. Later in the week Aaron told them about the recording and I marveled at the light tapping.
It took them a while to take it all in and release this to the public. But shortly after they did, Colby came into my room to talk.
I was sitting at my desk editing through my most recent video, I heard a series of muttering from outside my door before a knock.
“Come in,” I called, spinning in my seat to face the door.
Colby shyly walked in and stood in the middle of the room with an awkward expression. I blinked and stared blankly at him.
“Need something bubs?” I ask, amused. “Or just here to hang?”
He rubbed his neck. “I, uh, I had a question.”
“Shoot,” I told him.
“Where did you start when you went ghost hunting for the first time?”
I blinked and racked my brain for an answer. “Ummmm, I think it was a small cabin a few miles from my old house in Kansas.”
His shoulders sagged and he sighed. “Well shit.”
“What’s going on bubs?” I asked.
“The boys and I were just doing some thinking,” he said cryptically.
I chuckled and crossed my arms. “Last time you lot did some thinking I ended up babysitting a gaggle of grown men for days.”
“We were going to look into ghost hunting,” He admitted quietly.
The room took a brief pause of silence, my eyes widened and my hand ran through my hair slowly. “Really?” I said softly.
He nodded. “Yeah, we did a lot of thinking and realized how exhilarating that felt.”
“It’s amazing,” I agreed. “But that’s a sudden switch…are you sure that you’re ready for it?”
“Ave,” He said, stepping closer. “You don’t need to baby me.”
I huffed out a laugh. “I know that but still,” he met my eyes. “You’re my best friend and I don’t want to see you hurt.”
Colby slowly tugged me up from my seat into a hug. “Thank you.”
My eyebrows furrowed. “For what?”
“For being you.”
That was 3 years ago.
“WHAT’S UP GUYS IT SAM AND COLBY!” Colby exclaimed in his usual fashion. 
I rolled my eyes with a bright smile. 
Sam cleared his throat and looked seriously at the camera. “Today we are back…at The Queen Mary.”
The two of them visibly shivered, I stepped forward and lightly set my hand on Colby’s back. He looked at me and back to the camera. “Today we are joined by the woman you all know and love…AVERY!”
I laughed and pinched his cheek. “Don’t forget Amanda and Matt.”
Sam shouted out the other two and they gave their introductions. Finally they started to talk about the last time they were here.
“Soooo we’re back,” Sam stated looking at Colby.
He sighed and dropped his head. “I vividly remember swearing to never come here again.”
“Hey last time I didn’t get to experience it,” I reminded them.
“Oh yeah,” Colby said. “Not sure if you guys know this but the last time we came here Avery was very insistent that we don’t go.”
I rolled my eyes again. “Did they listen? Noooo.”
“And now you’re back,” Amanda said.
The tour went well, of course with the occasional scare and jump on Matt’s part.
We sat on the floor of the ballroom, me in between Colby and Amanda.
“I’m opening up a line of communication for the spirits that reside on the Queen Mary,” Amanda called softly. “I call out specifically to the man John to come to me, anyone is welcome but I’m speaking directly to him.”
Sam set out a few rempods and such and Amanda pointed out a few people entering the room.
“You can touch any of these devices or make any noise to show us you’re here,” I added.
“They don’t know what those are.”
I rolled my eyes, I will always respect Sam and Colby’s decisions but this medium is really getting on my nerves. I understand that she can see the dead and such and I don’t doubt this but every word I say is “wrong”.
“My name is Avery, this is Sam, Colby, Matt, and Amanda,” I called around the room. “We have no harmful intentions, we only wish to hear your story.”
The room went quiet for a moment Sam opened his mouth to say something. “I there any-”
Colby stiffened and searched for me, I grabbed his hand and smiled reassuringly. He smiled back and didn’t say anything.
Amanda began talking again about what she could see and what she felt. Sam asked a few questions and none of them were answered, Matt stood up and wanted to test something. I frowned sympathetically when I realized what was wrong. When he sat back down I patted his knee and mouthed ‘It’s okay’. Colby was watching me and I settled back next to him.
“What?” I whispered.
“Nothing,” He said quickly, turning to look at anything else.
They walked into the room first and began to just talk amongst themselves about that night. I stood leaning against the wall thinking Amanda came next to me.
“Can I help you?” I said politely.
She blinked rapidly. “No?”
I nodded. The silent filled the room for a moment before she sighed and whirled on me. “I feel like you don’t like me.”
“What? No,” I said, waving my hands. “I’m just not a people person, and I’m not super open with everyone I meet.”
A lie, she pissed me off with every word that fell from her mouth.
She tilted her head at me and frown.
Finally saving me from this conversation, Colby opened the door. “Avery, come in here real quick.”
I sprung up from my spot and walked through the door. Waves upon waves of just anger and agony flooded my senses, I winced and sat on the bed.
Sam spread his arms out to show off the room. “Well?”
“It’s freaky all right,” I nodded. 
Colby laughed and pointed the camera at me. “Get why we got so freaked out?”
“For being ghost hunting virgins at the time?” I grinned. “Yes. And this place is…” I looked around and shuddered at the feeling of being watched. “I don’t like it.”
“For those of you that don’t know Avery or are new to the channel, she’s a really strong empath that we bring along to get the feel for the area,” Colby told the camera.
I raised an eyebrow. “And because I've been your best friend since middle school?”
Sam waved his hand in a dismissive manner. “Blah Blah Blah.”
We brought the rest of the gang in and I screwed my eyes shut as I felt the entity rear its face again. It seemed like Amanda did too because she had the same look that I did.
Sam clapped his hands together and grinned. “Ready?”
Sam was peeved to say the least, pacing around the room and ears practically smoking. 
I shrugged and fell back onto the bed. “Happens sometimes.”
He groaned and grabbed the camera from Colby who was equally as upset but showed it in better ways. I sat up and patted him on the back as he sat beside me.
“Why don’t we try again?” I suggested, Sam gave me a look. “I’m serious, change SD cards and we’ll do an estes session.”
Amanda nodded. “I can listen as well and write down what I hear.”
“Or you can let Sam and Colby make a few of the calls for their channel,” I snapped.
Her eyes jumped to me, surprised and frantically blinked at my words. Colby gave me a concerned look and squeezed my hand as if to tell me to calm down.
Matt shifted nervously. “If we’re doing this again I might just go stand with the guide.”
The fire dancing in my eyes dulled as I remembered what the boys had gone through. “I can take you.”
“I’ll go too,” Colby said. I shot him a curious look. “So you don’t have to walk back alone.”
We set off down the hall making jokes and giggling like teenagers until we made it to the guide. Colby and I left Matt and walked back chatting quietly.
“Avery,” He said, interrupting a comfortable silence.
Colby stopped walking and gently held my forearm, I raised an eyebrow and smiled at him. “You good bubs?”
He sighed and dropped his head onto my shoulder. “I didn’t wanna say it on camera but I have the worst headache ever.”
I ran my fingers through his hair and let him breathe slowly. “Stress?”
“I think so,” He said, lifting his head and pressed a kiss to my forehead.
A deep blush broke out across my face. “Sure you’ll be fine? I can ask Sam if he has any motrin in the first aid kit.”
“No,” He said, shaking his head. “I’ll be fine, I just needed a break.”
“That’s okay,” I promised, setting my hand on his cheek and smiling. “I take breaks sometimes too.”
He exhaled and smiled at me. “How did I get so lucky?”
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Just…” He shrugged and set his hand over mine. “You.”
I laughed lightly. “You’ve told me that before.”
Colby’s eyes turned soft and he rubbed my hand with his thumb. “It’s true Ave, you’re amazing and kind and caring and beautiful,” His other hand played with the ends of my black hair. “You’re always putting others before yourself and thinking about what’s best for everyone.”
My eyes filled with tears and my jaw fell open in awe. “I’d kiss you right now if I could.”
“Why can’t you?”
We were so fucking close.
The moment the words left his mouth I was holding his face in my hands and leaning forward, rapidly closing the space. Our breath left at the same moment and our lips had just grazed each other.
“COLBY! AVERY! COME ON, WE HAVE A VIDEO TO FINISH!” Sam shouted from the door of B340.
We sprung apart like teenagers caught in the act. Once realizing that Sam had closed the door we burst into laughter.
I giggled once more and turned to Colby with a smile. “C’mon we can talk later, I want outta this place as soon as possible.”
The car ride was silent.
Trips like these usually end in a quiet ride home, each head processing what it had witnessed. Sam and I were in the front, Colby’s headache was making his thoughts swirl and he didn’t want to risk messing up the rental.
We dropped off Amanda and Matt to their respective locations. I handed Sam the gps with the location of our house and we rode in more quiet.
“You good back there?” I said breaking the silence.
Colby nodded. “It’s getting better.”
“Okay,” I said softly. “Tell me if you need the air turned down and such.”
It wasn’t awkward, we’d never been a trio for tension, I’d usually make a joke or two but this time I could tell that they needed the moment.
We came to the house and I trotted up to the door to unlock it while they brought in our stuff. I thanked Colby when he gave me my bag and they walked to their rooms to get some sleep.
“I’m gonna go to Katrina’s,” Sam said quietly. “Just for the night.”
I nodded. “That’s perfectly alright Sam, tell her I said hello.”
“Will do.”
In hindsight, I should have expected this. Sam had left to go see his girlfriend and Colby quietly excused himself to his room. This time around I didn’t go looking for him rather just cleaning up and heading off to edit a video.
My phone buzzed once in my pocket.
Colbyyyyyyyy: U awake?
I opened the message and saw that he had deleted it. I quickly jumped off my chair and padded softly over to his room.
“You ain’t slick bubs,” I laugh. “I’ve been awake for a while.”
He opened the door sheepishly and smiled. “Heeeeeeey.”
“Hi,” I said grinning. “Need something?”
He flushes deep red and rubs the back of his neck. “I just can’t sleep.”
“Wanna go watch a movie? Maybe lay in my bed while I edit?”
“Do you need to edit?” He asked. “I don’t want to bother you if you need to work.”
I thought about my upload schedule. “I can make time tomorrow.”
He shook his head rapidly. “I don’t want you to do more than you need to.”
“Then just come into my room and lay down,” I insisted. “If you need me Colby I’m right here. I am volunteering to do this, you are not making me.”
That seemed to do the trick, he slowly nodded watching me with wide eyes and walked into the hallway. I walked into the room and shut the door behind him.
Like he had done it a thousand times before, Colby walked over to my bed and laid underneath the white covers.
“I’ll be done in a few minutes,” I promised him.
He grumbled out an ‘mhm’ and watched me silently, I popped on my head phones and continued to sift through footage. After ten minutes or so I turned off my laptop and stood up to find Colby reading a random book on my bedside.
“Finally,” He sighed, smiling up at me and setting down the book.
I laughed breathily and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, quickly changing while Colby covered him face with the sheets. “Okay now you have my full undivided attention.”
He uncovered his head, smiled and just stuck his hands out. “Gimme a hug.”
Scooting beside him I let him wrap his arms around my waist, I reciprocated the hug and pressed a kiss to the side of his head. “Wanna sleep or talk?”
I felt the rumble of his laugh in my chest. “I don’t think I can sleep.”
“Then we’ll talk till you feel safe,” I told him.
He looked up at me. “I do feel safe, Avery, you make me feel very safe.”
A beaming smile overtook my face. “Is that a good thing?”
“I think so?” He smiled and I gave a goofy one back.
I hugged him again. “You make me feel safe and loved, Colby Brock. “He was quiet and I was worried he was uncomfortable. “Bub-”
The moment I moved my head to look at him he was kissing me and I didn’t hesitate to do the same. God he was warm, I took note of how his bare skin felt under my palms and I blanked. My mind was solely focused on the beautiful boy kissing me.
We ran out of breath and pulled away, I was breathing heavily and propped up on my elbow. “That was-”
“I love you,” He interrupted giving me a look that . “You make me feel like the luckiest person in the world and I don’t say it enough. I’m sorry if that was over-stepping.” “Shut the fuck up,” I hissed with no real bite to my words. I pecked his lips again and held his face in my hands. “I have been waiting since 8th grade for this. Give me my moment.”
He chuckled and rolled he onto his chest. “Now I’m ready to go to bed.”
“Okay,” I whispered.
And that was enough for me.
Please do tell if you enjoyed!
I take requests as well.
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j-nope-not-today · 2 years
HII! Could I request the TMNT boys reaction to a reader who like, NEVER sleeps? But their somehow rlly energetic
Tysm for your time! Have a wonderful day/night!!
TMNT reaction to s/o that never sleeps
A/n: Thanks so much for requesting and enjoy! I hope you also have a wonderful day/night!
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Be prepared bc he's gonna knock you tf out to make sure you get some rest
not actually lol he could never
He would be extremely concerned for your well being
Absolutely insists you get a check up from Donnie at least once every week
Just to make sure your not secretly dying on him.
He honestly is amazed at how well you handle getting no sleep
And still have time to be the most hype person ever
Will try everything in his power to make you take at least a nap.
You would have him so stressed
Bc how are you jumping so high on the couch rn and you've been up all night?!
He loves you tho
But seriously take a nap to ease his worries
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He adores you
But it seems so unhealthy for you to be up rn
Literally bouncing off the walls hype and you got no sleep
You amaze him
He'll make you meditate with him
In hopes that you'll get sleepy and want to maybe take a nap at least
And if you don't get sleepy he's gonna try his best to make you sit there until you do
If all else fails he'll just tag along with you in your endeavors
You want to run through the alleys to burn off some extra energy
Let him grab his katanas he's going with you.
Honestly he'll probably end up adapting to your schedule without even realizing it
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He loves you
He really does.
Sure you stress him out a little bit bc how can you have this much energy with no rest?
He'll run a few tests to check your health
Once he's reassured your healthy he'll hand you off to mikey
You can burn your energy off with him
And obviously he had a plan bc your gonna be tired after spending some time doing crazy Mikey things
And he'll be waiting for you with the softest blanket
If by some miracle you don't get tired he's gonna pull you into his arms
Wrap a blanket around you and trap you there until you go to sleep
He justs wants to make sure you get some well needed rest
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You have so much more energy than him 😭
Like howwww
He doesn't understand how you can be so hype and not have slept at all
He's gonna try his best to wear you out
But your probably gonna outlast him tbh
And he'll be fine if you do but your gonna lay with him when he goes to sleep
If you fall asleep too that would be totally awesome
But if not he won't mind bc at least your laying with him
He'll secretly ask Donnie to check if your okay tho
He doesn't want to make you feel bad at all he just wants to make sure your okay
He does love running around doing crazy things with you though
Bc he loves you and any sort of time spent with you
Is time well spent in his book.
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homestylehughes · 22 days
another blurb idea cause your girl is at loose ends rn lol
but luke is secretly seeing the new team photographer bc they’re both scared what would happen if management found out, etc. so one night jack is like “i’m going over to nico’s. don’t burn the house down”
immediately luke is texting her, telling her he’s got the place to himself and to come over. they’re enjoying their alone time. getting a bit more than comfortable on the couch… they’re so busy they don’t hear the door open until jack screams
“i thought you were going to nico’s?!”
“what?! that doesn’t matter!! you’re sleeping with the team photographer?!”
AHH MY FAVORITE forbidden love😵‍💫😵‍💫
luke has been going out with the teams for photographer y/n for around 8 months now. both of them wanting to keep it under wraps, fearful of what could happen if anyone found out. so they’ve been sneaking around everyones backs for almost a year now, not by choice. luke staying at her place once awhile and y/n coming to their place when jack wasn’t home.
so when jack told luke he’d be going to nico’s for the night, not sure when he’d be home, luke took it upon himself to invite y/n over, he hadn’t see her in a week he was starting to go crazy without her.
as soon as jack told him he’d be leaving, luke whips out his phone sending her a text, saying it’s good to come over that jack won’t be there. y/n reading the message instantly, went to get ready, quickly got into her car driving bro their place.
luke hears a knock at the door signaling that she’s there, opening the door right away he pull her into a kiss “i missed you so much” he says against her lips before walking her into the apartment. sitting down on the couch, quickly pulling her on top of him to rest in his lap.
once she’s in his lap hes quick to bring their lips back together in a heated kiss, y/n struggling to keep up with kiss. pulling away to catch a breath of air, staring at luke with a smile on her face.
“hi baby” y/n says running her hands through his hair, “hi” he responds bringing their faces close together again. their eyes full of love, locking their lips together again in a passionate kiss making up for lost time.
the make out continues to grow in tension and desperation, luke’s hands falling to her ass grabbing handfuls of it, pushing her further into his body causing her to moan into his mouth. the opening is large enough for luke to slide his tongue in her mouth as they began to fight for dominance.
luke and y/n are so into each other, that neither of them hear the front door open. jack walking in the house. his jaw immediately dropping when he sees luke making out with a girl on their couch, a girl that looks too familiar to him.
“LUKE!” jack yells from the door way, causing them to break apart, both sets of eyes widening as they see jack standing in front of him. y/n immediately dripping her head into luke’s neck shelding herself from jack hiding in embarrassment.
“i thought tou where going to nico’s for the night?” luke says his voice frantic
“i didn’t know you where sleeping with the team photographer” jack replies raising his hands up in the air before dropping them.
“she’s my girlfriend” luke replies
“WHAT?” jack says now making his way to one of the chairs in the living room taking a seat.
“tell me everything now” he says with a smile on his face.
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dorkofclanlavellan · 9 months
Displaced Friends
Notes: I will be getting to the smut soon but rn I'm just in the mood to hurt people's feelings lol Pairings: Bruce Wayne (Batfleck) x gn!reader (Sweetie), Sweetie x male!OC (platonic) Warnings: Mentions of past abuse, lots of swearing, character death, hurt-comfort, violence (not sure what else to put, feel free to let me know)
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Joseph Backer. Born March 30th, 1950.
He had been cantankerous towards everyone, including Sweetie, in the beginning. From the moment they'd found him, camped out beside the dumpster behind the bakery, with only an old coat to protect him from the rain.
He'd brusquely shooed Sweetie away when they asked him to at least come inside to get out of the rain. But Sweetie didn't give up. They brought him a thermos of soup, the only unused tarp left from renovating the bakery, and some fresh bread.
He'd shooed them away again but had accepted everything they brought. It became a pattern for the next two weeks.
Then one evening while Sweetie was walking to their car with the bank deposit, some guys tried to mug them. Tried being the operative word, they barely managed to draw their weapons before Joseph came up behind them and knocked them both out with a piece of wood.
After that day he wasn't as ornery towards Sweetie. At their insistence, he accepted a tent they'd gotten him and started using the fire escape to stake out on the roof. He would even cave in and sleep on their couch when the weather was particularly harsh.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
With each passing day, Sweetie and Joseph grew closer and he became a friend and father figure. They bonded over similar childhoods. Both had abusive fathers. He'd surprised Sweetie with how liberal and progressive he was underneath that grumpy exterior.
Joseph's father had forced him into the Marine Corps and into Vietnam. And when he returned home, Joseph never spoke to or saw his father again. He didn't need to since his mother had died when he was 10.
He had gotten married and while his trauma had made the marriage rocky, his wife Lily had stuck by his side. For 30 years they were together. Unable to have children but they were happy to have each other. Then Lily was diagnosed with cancer. She'd gone through treatments, that seemed to do more harm than good. And in 2001, Joseph lost his wife, his house, everything.
He ended up on the streets. Until he met Sweetie, Joseph stopped caring about anyone.
He was a big man. And surprisingly strong. He would help Sweetie around the bakery, refusing to take money. Sweetie would feed him and insist on taking care of him if he wouldn't take cash.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
That first day Bruce Wayne had visited the bakery, Joseph had been in the back, lugging in bags that he refused to let Sweetie bring in themself. "That boy's gonna be trouble." He'd grumbled the second Bruce was out the door. It was a sentiment he repeated with each visit from the billionaire.
After Bruce asked Sweetie out Joseph had warned them, "He's got a reputation of being an absolute slut. Just be careful. That fucker hurts you and I'll kick the shit out of him."
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
By late November, Sweetie had convinced Joseph to seek aid at the VA. They found work for him and he would have his own house at the beginning of December.
When Thanksgiving came, neither Sweetie nor Joseph celebrated the holiday. So while Bruce Wayne had to make a public appearance at a Gala or two, Sweetie and Joseph gave out free meals all day and evening. Along with supplies to those who needed anything.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Black Friday, 2011. Joseph had been carrying some trash out of the bakery for Sweetie. When two assholes at the store next door came stumbling out of the store, fighting each other over a discounted microwave. They were so loud that Sweetie came out to investigate. Right about that time, one of the men pulled out a gun. Before he could fire on his rival though, Joseph tackled him to the ground.
There was a gunshot. Followed by a scream that Sweetie would later learn came from them. Other bystanders sprang into action then. Disarming the gunman, while Sweetie ran to Joseph.
They applied pressure to the wound while demanding someone call an ambulance. Tears streaming down their face. But Joseph was calm, in fact, he was smiling.
"I'm glad I met you, kid." He whispered to them, just as paramedics arrived.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Sweetie had ridden in the ambulance with Joseph and had called Bruce in hysterics while in the hospital waiting room after giving their statement to police. Bruce was at their side within a few minutes. Holding them the whole time they waited on news from the surgeons.
Joseph hadn't made it, in the end.
And Sweetie had been a wreck for the next few days. They'd stayed with Bruce the whole time. Not wanting to be alone and not wanting to return to their loft.
Bruce was very supportive of Sweetie and didn't leave their side until they were certain they were okay enough to go back to work.
He made sure to check in and be ready to get to them at the drop of a hat, should they need him.
All of this was greatly appreciated and made Sweetie endeared them to Bruce all the more.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Sweetie smiled softly to themself after hanging up the phone after Bruce's latest check-in call.
They could practically hear Joseph grumbling, "Hmph. Guess I was wrong about that one."
(Faceclaim for Joseph is Ron Perlman)
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adorecline · 2 years
Hi can you do more blake lively and Ryan reynolds x daughter reader? I honestly love them both and I think they are both so amazing and their family is so incredible.
hi! i live for blake and ryan x daughter!reader content :)
Getting Older {Blake and Ryan x Daughter!Reader}
summary: blake and ryan have to accept that y/n is getting older, and isn't a little kid anymore.
warnings: a lil bit of angst (not proofread. i'm tired rn so i'll do it later lol)
"Who's ready for family movie night?" Blake called out walking into the living room in her pajamas. Inez and Betty cheered and clapped their hands as they ran over to the couch. "Where's y/n?" Blake asked looking over to her husband who held their youngest in his arms.
"I think she's still up in her room." Ryan answered setting down the baby in the high chair.
Blake nodded and walked to the kitchen to start making popcorn while Betty and Inez sat on the couch arguing over what movie to watch.
When Blake brought the bowls of popcorn to the living room she expected to see her oldest daughter, but was surprised when she was no where in sight. She set the popcorn down and walked over to the stairs standing at the bottom.
"y/n?" Blake called out. She waited a moment before calling her name again, but there was still no answer so she decided to go up to her room. "y/n." Blake knocked on the door.
"Yeah, mom?" y/n turned around in her seat at her desk.
"Woah, where are you going?" Blake asked surprised to see her daughter fully dresses, ready to go out, and putting makeup on.
"Jazz's party. Remember?" y/n said as she closed her mascara.
"Oh, that's tonight?" Blake frowned a bit.
"Yeah." y/n nodded standing up from her seat. She went to grab her shoes from her closet.
"We're having family movie night tonight though." Blake said hoping her daughter might change her mind and stay home.
"Oh, I forgot." y/n said walking back out of her closet. "I'll make sure to be here for the next one." She gave Blake a smile.
"Ok." Blake sighed. "Just make sure to be careful, okay? And be back by midnight."
"I will. I promise." y/n nodded grabbing her keys and phone. "Love you." She said running downstairs.
"Love you, too." Blake said walking downstairs as well.
Blake sat on the couch staring at the black tv screen. Ryan and the girls had already gone to sleep, but Blake decided to stay up and wait for y/n to get home.
Blake turned her head when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It was a half asleep Ryan.
"Is y/n still not home?" Ryan asked taking a seat next to Blake.
"Nope." Blake sighed. "It's 12:01"
"I'm sure she'll be home any second. You know y/n wouldn't break her curfew." Ryan said. Blake nodded. She laid her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her.
Ten minutes later the front door opened and y/n came walking in. She gave her parents a small smile when she saw them on the couch.
"Hey." y/n set her keys on the counter.
"You're late." Blake said standing up. She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at y/n with an expecting look.
"I know I'm sorry, but it's only ten minutes." y/n said with a nervous look. "And I was going be on time, but then Sabrina left without Aaliyah so I gave her a ride home." She explained.
"I don't care. You were late and didn't even call or text me or your dad to let us know you were okay." Blake said angrily.
"I didn't even realize what time it was. I thought I could still make it back by twelve." y/n said. "I'm really sorry, mom."
"I don't even care right now. Just go to your room." Blake shook her head.
"Mom-" y/n tried to speak again, but Blake just cut her off by walking away. "Dad?" She looked over to Ryan who was still on the couch.
He waved her over to the couch and patted the spot next to him. y/n immediately went to go sit down.
"I really didn't mean to be late. I just didn't want Aaliyah to be left alone at the party." y/n said frowning.
"I know. I don't think your mom is really mad about you being late." Ryan said.
"Then why is she mad?" y/n asked.
"Because you missed family movie night." Ryan said.
"But I told you guys about the party days before." y/n defended.
"I know, I know. But you've never missed one, and she knows that you're getting older and you want to be around your friends more often."
"I still love being with you guys, but I also wanna hangout with my friends." y/n said. "I didn't mean to make her feel that way."
"It wasnt your fault, honey." Ryan shook his head. "Let's just go to bed and talk about it in the morning, okay?"
"Okay." y/n nodded.
tags: @thollandgf
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
truly truly felt domestic today so I’m thinking about Glammy and Pop Pop (kill me now) taking Persephone and Kensie for the night like right before Sicily and Sienna are born and Ed and Nepo!baby just need a big BREAK, and Ed was honestly kinda hoping for a teeny 🤏bit of action but didn’t expect much from the ✨8 and half months pregnant with twins✨ lady and he was absolutely correct. Was sent out for in n out the second the children left the driveway at 430, it was consumed by 5 and nepo baby tries to be entertaining, she really does, but in between food go fish and watching water boy she falls asleep sprawled over the loveseat portion of the sectional couch, cheek smushed against Eddies chest, his chin on top of hers, legs wrapped around one of his and his hand over her obnoxious belly and chuckling every time he feels one of the girls’ kick and whispering “what are you planning soccer in there? give mama a rest would ya girlies?”. He puts little butterfly kisses all over her cheeks just to hear her little huffs and squeaks at the sensation. him giving her a firm kiss to the hair before nearly drifting off.
Then the home phone goes off and he manages to grab it from the end table without waking her up and poor thing was so exhausted that she didn’t even hear Kensies crying for her mama over the phone 😭i’m gonna cry
I'm gonna actually sob bc it's exactly like that.
she's so fucking tired, the third trimester with twins has DRAINED her energy. she just wants some alone time with him, she really does, but she's so fucking tired. eddie knows that. he selfishly tries to rub her swollen feet as a maybe way to get them to fuck, but when he sees how exhausted she is, he just lets her cuddle him and sleep. she has one of those belly bands, but he ends up trying to hold her stomach up to relieve some pressure while she's drooling and snoring, knocked out on his chest.
poor kensie is screeching and bawling for her mama. she is DONE at glammy and pop-pop's and she wants to come home rn!!!! she def had attachment issues as a child. no need for a leash with her, unlike vega, because she would not leave their side lol.
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indigostreaking · 1 year
could you do a headcannon of the boys taking care of you while sick? i’m super sick with the flu rn and just want affecting lol 🤍
Absolutely 🤭 I tried to vary the illnesses just for the sake of not being repetitive, but I genuinely think they’d all be very sweet and attentive.
Warnings: mentions of chronic illness, throwing up, and a whole lot of sweetness
“You okay babe?” He asked as he walked in to your darkened bedroom. He had always been a morning person, rising with the sun. You usually slept in until mid morning, but you were woken by a cough. It was deep in your chest and rattled when you exhaled. You couldn’t breathe through your nose, so you let your mouth hang open as you shook your head. Josh walked closer, sitting down beside you and kissing your forehead gently as he held your face in his hands. “You feel pretty warm..would you like some tea?” He asked with an easy smile. You nodded this time, still far too early for words. He padded down the hall, returning moments later with a steaming mug. “I added some honey..good for the throat,” he sat down once more and held out the mug. You accepted it graciously, taking a delicate sip before placing it on your nightstand and snuggling into his lap. “Will you sing me a song?” You asked quietly and he smiled down at you, running his fingers through your hair while gently untangling the knots from sleep. He looked up and to the right as he searched his memory for the song he wanted, then back down to you as he began to sing Into The Mystic.
“Soup’s done…want me to bring it to you, or do you want to venture out to the living room?” He asked as he leaned into your shared bedroom, hanging sideways on the door frame. You loved having him home and seeing him all domestic compared to his ‘usual’ rockstar vibe. He was wearing red flannel pajama bottoms that his mom got him for Christmas—she got a set for everyone so you could all match. His hair was pulled back in a low bun, which he did frequently when he cooked. “I can manage for soup, I guess,” you teased, not losing the sass even after sweating out a fever all morning. You wrapped the blanket around you and waddled after him, plopping yourself down on the couch while he brought over a bowl for each of you. “You’re gonna get sick if you stay this close to me,” you reprimanded between sniffles when he sat down close enough that your thighs were touching. “Don’t care,” he grinned before leaning in to kiss your forehead.
“Y/n, you okay?” Danny asked gently after knocking on the bathroom door. You groaned in response before throwing up again. The door clicked open, and he padded in across the tile, frowning when he saw you sitting in the floor, draped over the toilet, in the middle of puking your guts up. You’d be embarrassed if you had the energy, but you couldn’t find it in you. You looked up at him helplessly, and he sat down behind you without a word, removing the hair tie from his wrist to pull back your hair and rubbing your back soothingly. “You’re shaking…Do you think I can put you in bed?” He sounded nervous as he asked, but you nodded. You felt okay enough for the moment, so he scooped you up bridal style and carried you to bed, placing you gently and tucking you in. He trotted out of the room, returning with a trash can, some crackers, and a glass of ginger ale with a straw. He sat everything down and handed you the remote before settling in beside you. You took it and switched it to YouTube, turning on your comfort song without shame. Danny giggled and shook his head when Light My Love came on, but you could have sworn you heard him singing along before you fell asleep.
“Baby, it’s fine, I promise. Go take a bath and crawl back in bed. I’ll join you in a few,” Sam said sweetly after you told him you didn’t really feel up to the plans you had today. You were dealing with a flare up, and just felt exhausted and sore. He was an angel for being so understanding, and you made a mental note to make it up to him when you felt better. You turned on the faucet, letting the tub fill with warm water as you undressed. When you shut the water back off, you could hear Sam talking to someone on the phone. “Yeah, sorry but we’re not going to make it today. Y/n isn’t feeling well,” he said calmly, and you hated that he felt the need to be the one to let everyone know..but you loved him for it. “Well yeah, that’s what chronic means,” he was definitely annoyed now, bordering on angry, and you desperately wished you could hear the other person. “I don’t care if she ‘looks sick’. You don’t look like an idiot, but that didn’t stop you….yeah fuck you, too!” You heard his phone slam into the couch cushion and he sighed. You settled into the tub, knowing he’d come to you when he was ready, and like clockwork he appeared. “Who was that?” You asked softly. “No one important,” he replied plainly. “Room for one more?” He asked with a sly smirk.
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razzlee-meow · 1 year
uhhh maybe prompt 41 (“i’m gonna tickle the sadness out of you!”) with lee!deimos, ler!sanford for the writing thing? i hope im doing this right (trying so hard to be brave and not use anon rn LOL)
hello !!! sorry for not getting to this for a while, my creative gears were not moving like they should but i got it out!!! yay me!! lmao
(you don't have to use your main, you can always use anon if it makes you more comfortable <3 /p)
this has a little bit of angst, considering the prompt revolves around it so you've been warned >:(
sanford gets anxious when deimos isn't out doing his usual bullshit. he goes to check on him and finds something he'd never thought he'd see: deimos crying. after nothing else works, sanford decides to comfort the other the only way he knows how!
not proofread lol. it's 3am and i can't sleep!! but regardless, enjoy the mc fic while i work on the others i've got in my big ol brain.
edit; this took me fucking forever. and im so sorry. i had shit going on and a lot of my inspo got taken, and for a while, i forgot this blog existed. and y'know. adhd things. i finally got it done. i hope it's good, buuuut it's probably not considering it all. regardless, i hope you enjoy. :D
quick something: i based this off the deimos spin-off series. i hc that he often has nightmares based on that one scene in that series, and that's what led up to this. so if anyone was curious, lol that's where i got the inspo for this fic.
Something was off. 
Sanford only recognized something was wrong when he realized the room was insanely quiet. The only noises that came through the lounge were the soft hums of Hank as they sharpened their knives beside him, and the various scribbling noises of 2BDamned’s pencil on work papers. The only person missing from the group was the childish technician, or more bluntly put, the hook-wielder’s boyfriend. That realization alone concerned him a little. Usually, he was always around - being annoying to Hank, chatting up Doc, or just roaming the area with a cigarette in his mouth. 
…why was he not here? 
Sanford took a few minutes to think about it a little more, but the more he thought about the fact that he wasn’t around, the more nervous it made him. Hank seemed to notice this from the corner of their eye, their gaze turning slightly toward the left. “What are you worried about?” He asked, setting down his knife and turning his attention to the dark-skinned man beside him. “I don’t know,” he exhaled sharply. “Have you seen Deimos around? Is he out? I just… think it’s kind of weird he’s not … doing his usual, y’know, bullshit.” 
Hank chuckled softly at that comment, narrowing his eyes toward the hallway that led to his room. “I went to check on him earlier. He told me he’d be out in a few minutes, but… now that I think about it, it’s been a little bit since he told me that. You want to go check on him?” They tilted their head, looking back at the worried expression on the hook-wielder’s face. Sanford nodded, lifting himself off the couch. He headed straight toward the technician’s room, and when he got there, he was concerned with the silence. 
“Deimos?” he knocked softly at the door, hoping that he didn’t scare the other. For a minute, there was no reply; maybe he fell back asleep. He didn’t really want to barge into the other’s room uninvited - especially if he was doing something personal. But just as he started to back away from the door, he heard the rough voice of the other ever so quietly. “What is it?” Deimos responded back.
"I'm coming in, alright?" Sanford opened the door slowly but what he saw in front of him shocked him even more.
Deimos was curled up on his bed, completely covered by the giant blanket he had. The only things that Sanford could see were his head and his hands which were grasping the pillow he had tightly. The pillowcase was completely soaked with tears, and they still continued to flow as he looked up at the hook-wielder's troubled face. "What do you want?" Deimos asked, his voice cracking a little as he hiccupped softly, his body trembling from how much he had been crying.
Sanford's eyes widened. "Hey, hey," his voice grew softer as he sat on the edge of the bed, "what's the matter? What happened?" It took a minute for the other to even get a full sentence out without stuttering.
"I just... I d-don't know," he started. The act of opening up just made him want to cry harder, but he resisted the urge to. He refused eye contact with his boyfriend, the obvious frown on his face only growing bigger. "I-I'm just so overwhelmed with everything, and sometimes, my thoughts like to run free and think of all sorts of things that would probably never happen in a million years... and I keep thinking, 'what if they do happen?' What then?"
Sanford gently placed a hand on his cheek, stroking his face softly. "Listen, whatever you're thinking of, forget about it. The reality of the situation is that we're both alive and well. That's all that really matters, isn't it?" He wiped away his tears, giving him a soft smile in return. It was only a shame that he couldn't return it.
"It's not that simple, y'know," Deimos whispered. "I can't just stop thinking about it."
Deimos was right about that, he thought bitterly. There had to be some way to distract him from the sadness he was going through.
And then the idea hit him like a train.
"What if there was a way you could just 'stop thinking about it', huh?" Sanford shot back, suddenly gaining a teasy tone in his voice. The technician shook his head, rubbing his eyes. There were no more tears left for him to give, so he just sat there with a frown instead. "I appreciate the offer, but nothing is really going to stop me from thinking about this," he muttered, looking down at his bedsheets.
"That's what you think," Sanford replied, his eyes glistening with 'evil' intent. "But I know a surefire way to get you out of this mood!" Deimos just turned his head to the side, the frown growing in size as the two's eyes interlocked. That frown quickly changed to something different. An anxious smile, perhaps?
"What are you planning to do, huh, Ford? Since it's... surefire..." Deimos hesitated slightly when he saw the other towering over him. Sanford wrapped his arms around the technician, listening to the other yelp as he was trapped in a hug. He was caught off guard and a little surprised by the sudden affection, but he had no idea what was about to happen. "F-Ford, what- WAIHIHIT, NOHOHO!" Deimos cackled embarrassingly as the other's large fingers found their way right to his torso, digging into the sensitive flesh he found there.
"I'm gonna tickle the sadness out of you!" Sanford assured him, watching the other flail helplessly in his grasp at the ticklish sensation. Deimos was trying his hardest to get out of the situation he was in, kicking his legs out underneath the blanket he was in which, admittedly, only hurt him more as it got tangled between his legs and between itself. Curse that damn blanket!
"NOHOHO- SAHAHAN! BAHAHAD SAN!" Deimos chided as if he was talking to a dog, throwing his head back on his pillow. Sanford's fingers dug in a little deeper, an amused smirk growing on his face. "Nu-uh," he shook his head, leaning in closer to get a good look at his boyfriend's beautiful smile, "I'm not stopping until the sadness is gone. It's a good thing you're so ticklish, huh?" The other teased softly, giving him a small kiss right on the nose.
Deimos' laugh rose in pitch, making him sound almost like a little girl. The technician pushed at his boyfriend's shoulders, but the other didn't budge a bit. "What do you think you're doing, huh, Deimos? Trying to push me off? Who do you think you are~? You think you can get away from... the tickle monster?!" Sanford chuckled softly hearing the shriek that came out of Deimos' mouth as he lifted up his shirt, leaning down to his sensitive belly. He looked up, letting the realization of the situation sink in.
"SAHAHAHAN-! D-DOHOHOHON'T YOHOHOU DAHAHARE!!" Deimos squealed out. Sanford didn't listen, however, as his lips met the other's sensitive skin. Just that alone was enough to send shivers down the other's spine, his hands pushing against the hook-wielder's shoulders with a bit more intensity. It didn't affect Sanford in the slightest, considering that his boyfriend was already so weak due to the tickling.
"Oh, but," he muttered with a sly grin. "What if I do dare?"
And with that, Sanford blew a raspberry right on his stomach, knowing that the vibrations only made it ten times worse for Deimos. And that it did, considering the reaction he got out of him. The shriek that left his mouth was louder than anything he'd ever heard before and he just knew that the others outside could hear it clearly. His legs kicked weakly against the bedsheets as his squeaky, sort of rough laughter continued to ring out. His face was a bright red and his smile reached from ear to ear - something that was more positive than sight Sanford had seen earlier. He could almost get memorized it.
"SAHAHAHAN-! STAHAHAPH I-IHIHIM DYIHIHING!!" Deimos clenched his fist as he slammed his hands on the other's back, signaling that he was quite close to his limit. Sanford only chuckled as he gave him one last nibble, sending tickly vibrations all throughout his body before he leaned back. Deimos fell against the pillow, panting as he looked up at his boyfriend.
"...so, did that get your mind off stuff?" he asked quietly, his smile growing bigger as he put a hand on the side of his cheek, pushing the technician's messy hair behind his ears. He was sweating and blushing, but at least he didn't look sad anymore. Deimos let out another shaky breath before replying.
"Yeah, ... yeah, it did. T-Thanks." He chuckled as he turned away. Sanford pulled him close into a tight embrace, leaning his head into the crook of his neck. The technician gasped as he let out a softer sigh, leaning against his boyfriend as his hands gently rested on his bare back.
"Listen, if you ever need to talk about stuff, I'm here," Sanford started, his words a bit muffled as his face buried deeper into the other's neck. "I will always be there for you. There's no mistaking that. If it's something you can't talk about, well, I'll be there for that too. I can always bring out the tickle monster again..~." He chuckled, giving him a slight poke to the side.
"Aha-! Y-Yeah, yeah, whatever. C'mere, you big goof."
And the two lay there for a few minutes. There were no more tears, but instead two content smiles of partners who knew that they had each other.
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autisticempathydaemon · 9 months
hello! i am new to redacted and here for the ask game :)
my favourite song rn is the gothic surfarama by the vampire beach babes totally go listen to that
i usually dont like big video essays unless theyre about a topic im super into, like i have watched hours of essays about tmnt and mcr, bit if its about something im not so into, probably not
my favourite audio is either damn friendsgiving or damn bowling (im a sucker for good friends and found family lmao)
i just cannot get into blake. like aside from the cult stuff lmao just not into him
RISE OF THE TMNT i have episodes of that show memorised. you could show me a screenshot and i could tell u what ep its from and whats happening at that moment.
ollie my best friend hes brilliant. nerdy about board games? perfect please be my best friend ill listen to him tell me about catan or scythe for hours on end
no tired ramblings, i sort of just get sleep drunk. if im tired i am not talking for the world
im not american so i dont do gas station stuff instead my dokan (like a corner store i guess) go to would be a mango juice bottle and whatever knock off oreos they have.
my favourite playlist (music or redacted? ill do both) is a) my gothy music playlist from when i was 13 with a few additions lmao, and b) milos playlist his accent is just so fun to listen to even though i can barely understand it lol
NO guilty pleasures i enjoy what i enjoy without shame
annd uh. im an art student, i prefer popeyes over mac, i have awful hayfever, and i cant choose a favourite colour they are all beloved to me
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Ooh, so this was a thinker. I could have gone in a few directions, but if we’re taking everything into consideration plus “Vampire Beach Babes”, it’s got to be Vincent Solaire!
First, Vincent is and always will be a total nineties kid at heart, so he would absolutely love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. (Off the top of my head, I think he thinks himself a Miley and had a big crush on Leo as a tween.) He gets super hyped for every addition to the franchise and loves chill nights on the couch watching reruns with you while you draw.
Speaking of drawing, I think Vincent would be such a wonderful boyfriend for an art student. We have evidence that he was so supportive in Lovely’s studies, and he’d do just the same with you: always bringing you snacks while you work, offering to model for you, chauffeuring you to work in automotive style. Also, he’s without a doubt gorgeous- what better inspiration could you ask for?
Let's trash our whole afternoon/ Reciting recycled news/ Until we melt and go back to your hotel room/ I'll be your new favorite tune/ I'll be your black cloud by June/ But only when you miss the rain like I miss you
One. I like this to fit your goth/emo vibe but looking for something new. Two. This song is ridiculously singable and fun; I think Vincent would have a great time bouncing along to this with you in the car and grinning dopily when he says he’s stupid for you.
Asher would be a cute runner-up because I think you two would like a lot of the same things, like TMNT and MCR. Asher’s more of a FOB-boy, but he’s not likely to be one and not the other, ya know? Lasko is an even cuter runner-up just because something about him would be so cute next to an art student; like, that’s an it couple right there.
note: thank you so much for waiting 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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hey Googly! i'm back with yet another ask about Fukase. can i have Fukase hugs reader and comforts them as they sulk in his embrace? i've been dealing with some pretty irritating situation and it has gotten to the point where my mental health just - goes to the downward spiral. just wanna say i'm in love with your hcs so i will be back again with a happy ask instead of ask like this haha -
Aww ofc! I totally get it! My mental health is in a spiral too lol. My sleep schedule is fucked and as of rn it is my least favorite holiday. Fireworks are scary :( so yeah i can totally do this! Thanks for the request.
Fukase x Sad/Stressed reader!
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You're laying in your bed and you hear a knock on your door.
"Who is it..."
"Its just me, Fuka. Can i come in? You don't sound too good."
You see a strip of light flash into your room as the door opens, it soon disappears as he closes it. You hear Fukase's footsteps draw closer as he approaches. It then stops and you feel movement as he sits at the end of your bed.
"Honey, are you okay? I brought snacks... We haven't seen you outside of school or the recording studio for weeks now. The Meme Squad misses ya, Ragdoll..."
"I'm just stressed... things are hard"
Your voice breaks near the end of your sentence.
"Sweetie can you sit up for me?"
He says as he turns on a nearby lamp. not knowing what else to do, you sit up for him, only to be caught off guard by Fukase's warm embrace. You hug him back as tears fall from your eyes.
"Listen, I don't know what you're going through, but i'm here for you, whether you want to talk about it or not. I love you, Doll.."
With that you start crying into his chest as he rubs your back and kisses your head. After a while he picks you up bridal style and gently places you on the couch. He gives you a kiss before grabbing the bag of snacks he brought and the tv remote.
He sits down, puts you on his lap, and puts on your favorite show. You guys snack and watch tv together until you get tired, he then grabs the blanket off your bed and covers the both of you.
"The Meme Squad and I are going to the nearby theme park tomorrow if you want to come.."
"I'd love to..."
With that you drift off to sleep, wondering what fun you'll have tomorrow as he holds you close.
Thats all i got for now, sorry if its too short. If ya want me to extend it, let me know. Hope ya feel better! 💚💙💜❤
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seongwin · 1 year
Hj fic idea -7:00 am
(To preface this was written in complete delirium while I had a migraine (that lasted the whole 16 hours btw 😘❤️😍)and hadn't sleep in 16 hours 😍)
Friends/roommates to lovers
One bed troupe ish?
One bed troupe adjacent
Crush on ur long time best friend/roommate Hongjoong??? What! no way!...Right??!?
Then why stay up with him, from the comfort of ur own room ofc. No need to stress him out more with him worrying over ur lack of sleep! like he could talk.. anyways ur just being a good friend ofc! Hahahaha! Yes. this is coping for the crippling fondness u have found for your sleep deprived composer. But oh dear lack of sleep plus the extra exhaustion from ur long week has knocked you out cold. So what a surprise it is when said eternally sleepy roommate curls up next to you. In your bed. IN YOUR BED?? What the hell is he doing here??? It's not like he could have mistaken your rooms. COULD HE?? I mean yours is at the end of the hall. Significantly further than his or hell even the couch. So could you really pass it off as simply being to delirious to tell what comfy surface he chose to crash on?? If that didn't seal the deal than the way his arm comfortably found its way around ur waist surely made it clear. Or maybe the way he quietly mumbled for you to go back to sleep made it seem all the more like a conscious semiconscious decision. Either way he seemed peaceful so you might as well leave him be. He looks kinda cute like this anyways, hair strewn about and the way his cheek squishes against the pillow makes u want to pinch it. You cant remember the last time you got to see him so up close. You could count his lashes if you wanted to. And some part of you did. But you decided to continue to look at him. You felt like you were looking at him for the first time. Like suddenly you were 14 again. Back to when u were Fresh faced and ready to face the world. If you could go back in time, would u save urself from the one sided love you were about to crash into. Literally too. That's how you met. Crashed into him books and papers flying everywhere. Honestly it was like a scene straight out of movie. Quick sorrys and laughes were exchanged while you both scurried to pick up the scattered belongings. And somehow that turned into decade long friendship and currently a 3 year long (and standing) roomie agreement. And ofc ur current predicament. If it was even possible Hongjoong seemed to cuddle even closer to you. His face no longer in view but buried in the crook of ur neck. His legs caged you in so even if u tired, you really couldn't wiggle your way out. You let out small sigh of defeat and decided to try your best to fall asleep. Hopefully he'll wake up before you and slink away and not mention it in the morning. That is if you survived till morning. sleep seemed to become increasingly difficult with the way his breath tickled your neck. You tired ur best to shift away from him but he would simply hug you closer. Perhaps this was the tourture you deserved after years of pining after the man. You'd be lying if you said some part of you didn't enjoy this. It wouldn't even be a good lie. A stranger could tell you loved him from the way you called his name. So why doesn't he know? Maybe he does and he doesn't care? Or maybe he doesn't wanna ruin ur friendship make things awkward. Or maybe he doesn't know. Maybe he's totally oblivious. But that's unlikely. Right? You're not sure which you'd prefer. Two sides of the same sword one could say. Either way his proximity to you was making you think weird things and you'd really like to go to sleep. So you decide to bite the bullet and wake him up to make him sleep in his own bed. Or at the very least break away from his grasp. -------
I have to stop rn or I'll write the whole thing--- written in a sleep depreived migraine ridden state after reader one to many angst fics and I'm craving fluff and love but lol I did even write that part
I'm tired but also😭👎🤔👍🤷‍♀️
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4dtk · 3 years
Dilf Jaehyun is in love with his sons (renjun) bestfriend 😫
best friend's dad (jaehyun)
warnings: dilf!jaehyun, dom!jaehyun, daddy kink, age gap (jaehyun is like in his late 30s, reader in university), mutual masturbation, fingering, oral sex (f receiving, m... briefly receives it LOL), praise, squirting, slight exhibitionism, consensual sex, unprotected sex
word count: 7.4k (what the fuck)
a/n: oh my gosh what a concept, hope u like this! ;) didn’t know if you wanted smut or not, so i just did it hahhrehr. btw i tried to show how jaehyun really liked reader and stuff. also i know it's common sense but please don't fuck your friend's dads, this is fiction for a reason 😭
this is not proofread. it's literally 5am rn. i have work in a few hours and im going to die. ANYWAY. hope you enjoy this. ps let me know if i missed out on any warnings or tags.
he’s not even certain when it started when he had you sleeping peacefully under his arm, thankful renjun was far away on a school trip.
jaehyun remembers the heartbreak of his past girlfriend, not so much of her bitter departure when he didn’t bother to spare her another glance. with frantic hands and wide eyes, she denies her infidelity even with the black and blue blooming on her neck, lips swollen from locking lips with someone else.
there’s flashes of exchanged promises that run through his head with the accidental baby. between them, there was the need to rely on the other. we’ll take of him, don’t worry! we’ll be okay. we’ll always be together, right? that’s what they need, a mom and a dad.
as renjun waddles out of his room in a confused state, jaehyun’s anger reaches an all time high. with renjun in the house?! what the fuck are you thinking?
there’s no memory of anything after. renjun’s confusion is overtaken by the sheer fury of jaehyun, screaming at his (ex-)girlfriend and her guilty lover to get out. with one swoop, he has renjun in his arms, hiding and cowering in his neck despite having just shouted his ass off.
although, when jaehyun coos at renjun after the whole ordeal, his heart breaks when a terrified expression appears on the boy’s face. he worries that it’s him that caused it, but through renjun’s sobs and wails he can hear, mom brought home a weird man, dad! i was so scared that i stayed in my room, i didn’t want to come out.
jaehyun only can sigh now, staring down at the papers in the office in his home, notes losing their legibility as the page stretches on. he’s tired, from the memory, from work, from dealing with pleas from his then girlfriend even after years of leaving her.
“dad? you good?” renjun carefully steps into the room easily since the door was already ajar. he knocks after the question, clinging onto the side of the door in hopes that his father was okay.
“hey, injunnie, i’m fine,” jaehyun sighs again, running a hand over his eyes before he marches towards the door. with an arm around his thirteen year old son, he proposes a place to eat with a lilt to his voice, knowing his son would accept it in a heartbeat.
“sure!” bingo. puzzlement seeps in next. “but can i bring a friend? she’s someone i met at orientation!”
that’s the first time jaehyun gets to know you. you’re generally quiet and polite when you introduce yourself, but he finds that you hold a conversation with renjun well, laughing out loud in the fast food joint with a burger in your mouth. your funny exchanges with his son brings a smile to his face.
at least his son wasn’t so alone now.
you stuck around longer than the male had expected, occasionally coming over for dinner while you hung out on the roof, in renjun’s room, on the couch. words and jokes flow easily from your mouth, even making quips with jaehyun himself when you’re more comfortable in the jung household. you’re a light in renjun’s life, even if he doesn’t know it.
jaehyun does, though. he sees how renjun is more open to showing emotions, more adamant on trying new things, and he compares it to the blinding grin the five-year-old renjun gives him years ago when he shows his dad a new toy. it makes his heart clench up all the same, content that you were able to give renjun the experience of enjoying life without the burden of a missing parent.
"what's a gap year?" he asks dumbly, watching the way you both gobble down your food an hour before your flight.
"ah, mr. jung, it's something like taking a break from your studies, maybe to find a job or to just rest, but you can also sort out what you wanna do in case you don't want to pick any terrible module that you end up not liking," you explain without a beat.
"i'm not sure of my career yet, mr. jung, that's why i'm going abroad. i want to enjoy myself - plus, if i find something good overseas, i can take it up!"
jaehyun only hums at that, stealing a fry from his son's tray before he leans back.
and later, when jaehyun's standing calmly with hands in his pockets and a lean in his posture, he ignores the tightening feeling in his heart as you bid farewell to renjun.
he compares the pull of his heart to the one he felt years ago, when he'd seen his then girlfriend for the first time. he knows it's wrong, it's disgusting, but he can't help but admire how you grow into your features, how valiant you could be in order not to fuck up your life.
hell, he would be the one to fuck your life up if he acted on his impulses. so he said goodbye like a normal dad, delivering flat jokes to got bad responses, slobbering over his meal like a dog, anything to get you to dislike him.
jaehyun isn't so sure when you shake his hand normally. were you disgusted? were you weirded out?
"y'know, mr. jung, this is the last time i'll be seeing you and you act so weird," you pout. jaehyun almost combusts in his place, "why didn't you give us another movie ramble?"
"i haven't watched a movie lately, kid, sorry about that," jaehyun pats your head, missing the way you tense up at the name. with a last wave, you leave for your flight with your sinking heart, unaware that your best friend's dad also had trouble with feelings.
feelings for you.
“oiii- renjun! stop spacing out!” you clap both hands in front of his face, recoiling once you hear how loudly it resonates in the quiet library. you get a few shush’s and glares, and with a poor attempt of an apology, you’re back to whispering to your friend that’s nodding off.
“why are you so sleepy today?” renjun only shrugs, blinking the fatigue from his eyes as he comes back to his senses of overdue assignments and eraser dust.
“my dad kept me up yesterday,” he groans, banging his head against the wood with a thud that garners a second round of glares from those around you and you have to stifle a giggle at that.
“why? talk your ear off about another movie?”
“nah, it was a lecture this time. i kinda like his movie rambles.”
you chuckle in response, “yeah, he’s pretty passionate about those. what was the lecture about?”
“he just worries about what i’ll do after i finish university. says he doesn’t want me to meet the wrong person and mess up,” he shrugs.
you hum, nodding in understanding. “plus he mentioned you.”
“he did?” you hide your surprise well. your excitement, not so much. a smile makes it way onto your face against your will. luckily, renjun was still staring ahead, lost in his thoughts of what he father lectured him on last night.
“said something about the gap year that you took. he suggested it to me, wanting me to find my calling,” renjun does air quotes on the last three words, an expression of disbelief pulling at his features. you frown, “what’s wrong with a gap year?”
renjun jumps. “ah, nothing- sorry if that made gap years in general seem like it was bad. it’s just- i don’t know- already know what i want to do, y’know?”
“oh yeah, you were pretty passionate about doing an onlyfans right?” renjun shoots a dirty look at you and your voice which sounded out the joke a little too loudly. he shoves you lightly, which in turn prompts you to shove him back with double the force.
he stops you before you can continue, a single finger pointed at your face. “not here, we’re gonna get banned again.”
“ooh kinky~ getting new content for your channel?” after scrambling for your things, you’re out of your seat in a second, beelining for the door with a cackle as renjun stays hot on your trail. “l/n y/n, you’re dead when i catch you!”
you were banned from the library again.
the both of you buy time in front of renjun's front door, for (mostly) renjun to calm down with his clammy hands and rapid heartbeats. it didn't do him well that he had to tell his dad about yet another ban from the library.
and when he opens the door, he regulates his breathing, catching the attention of jaehyun sitting on the sofa. if you weren't in the same predicament, you would've burst out in laughter. despite that, you don't, taken aback rather by the man sitting in the living room.
you wonder how he's still able to look so young with the same hairstyle he kept when you were younger, with the same sharp features he possessed when you were younger. with the lights of the television dancing across his face, you have to regulate your breathing.
his eyes move from his son's to yours, and his eyes widen just a little.
now he’s certain when it started.
it was when you’d moved away to take a gap year overseas. in that damned airport where he hoped you couldn't hear his beating heart and see his shaky hands.
he's certain when the feelings come back again where you're older than in that airport. body and curves grew into where they belong, your hair a little longer, the unmistakable aura you emanate now stronger along with the same flowery scent you wore.
"hi kids, how was school? plus, injunnie, you didn't tell me (y/n) was coming over today," jaehyun masks his nervousness, but now he certainly didn't miss the way you twitch at his use of the word kids.
"you didn't tell me (y/n) was back at all," the last words are lost to a whisper and he's lost in your gaze, tensing his fingers until they cramped.
renjun rolls his eyes, "i just forgot to tell, that's all. 's not a big deal, dad."
"oh, but, it is in the middle of the academic year. how were they able to accept (y/n)?"
renjun waves a hand for you to explain in his stead, "uhm- well, mine was a special case, i guess, you could say. i was able to get in with my grades from before, given that i show it in my work and assignments."
"a smart girl, eh?" the older man teases, eyes hyperaware at how your body reacts to his words. your chest moves in a gulp, your thighs rub against each other.
"guess so, mr. jung. i-"
renjun mumbles something before you can continue, "by the way, i'm banned from the university library again."
jaehyun laughs at that, a beautiful laugh that leaves his lips at how his son managed to break the rules again. at this rate, he would've checked off every rule in the book. he lets out a second chuckle as he realises how much his son takes after him.
"what did you do this time? fuck a girl in there?"
your ears perk up at the lewd word he uses, slipping from his mouth with little to no shame that it has you imagining many other ways he'd use it. renjun's whine drags you out of your daze.
at that, you're not sure if man reciprocates your needs and desires, whether he realises the many gazes you've given to him. you're hopeful when his eyes, fixated and dilated, flit back to you. that hope dies when it leaves yet again.
"...daddddd..." renjun whines, crumpling the paper in his hand that spelt out a letter to give to his parent or guardian. it was incomprehensible by now, creases and folds littering the paper and its words.
"we were just being noisy," renjun simply puts, plopping onto the couch and passing the wrinkled paper to his dad, "who told libraries to be so quiet."
you're left behind at the door, then, guilty for having so many thoughts about your friend's dad. with a few strides, you reach the couch to land a hand onto renjun's head, "it's a library, stupid. we could've gone somewhere else to hang out if you wanted to."
"yeah, but still. i like the tables there, it's nice to do work on there."
you roll your eyes at that, sitting right beside renjun as the movie plays on. there's a bit of disappointment on your side, but for now, you'd hold it in.
you're going to be too obvious if you sit down next to his dad instead.
"you do anything but work, renjun."
conversation dies, save for some of renjun's commentary and jaehyun's replied hums. the movie captivates you more than you like to admit, releasing a breath you didn't even know you were holding.
the conclusion to the movie was shocking, brutal, but so good when the protagonist gets what she wants. you would kill to be as cool as her, but for now, you'd stay with your knees to your chest as jaehyun exits from the movie player on netflix.
renjun sleeps soundly beside you, and you're not sure whether that's a good thing or not.
"got anything in mind, (y/n)?" his voice cuts through, through renjun's sleeping figure to you whose head peeked over your friend's.
"netflix, (y/n). do you wanna watch anything?" he offers the remote control to you and you take it without hesitation, turning back to the HDTV to scroll through your options.
"just keep at that, i'll get some popcorn. you want nachos?" you hope he sees your nod, unable to trust your voice as you type in a specific name. the nerves calm the longer jaehyun's away.
a laugh fills your ears, looking at the way the movie title shows on the screen, "shrek?"
"what? i like shrek..." you giggle nervously, receiving a tray of nachos from his hands.
"you don't have to tell me twice, (y/n)," jaehyun sets down two cups, putting down a box of popcorn on his side.
jaehyun's leaning over the back of the couch, keeping a safe distance between your faces. the tv's gone into a screensaver mood by now, painting the room in black with the absence of light. jaehyun's thankful your face wasn't fully lit, or else he won't be able to hold himself back.
for now, he's satisfied with the light that's barely visible on your face.
"uh, mr. jung?"
"sorry. can- can i sit next to you?" your gaze makes him feel so small, makes him feel like he's confessing again like a dumb schoolgirl and he knows he's anything but.
at least your smile is the one thing that makes him feel better, "sure." you're barely containing your anticipation now, turning back to face the tv as the sofa dips beside you.
in a minute, you're pressing play on the remote control.
the plot pleases you just like before, introducing shrek along with donkey as they head off to save fiona from her tower. you laugh at a particularly dirty joke that was smartly weaved into the dialogue, turning to see whether jaehyun would've noticed it.
your breath catches in your lungs when you find that he's already looking at you. the scene carries out like a lame rom-com, your ears tune out the movie, your body tingles to how jaehyun's looking at you, his mouth parts slightly.
except this was different. he was your best friend's dad, for fuck's sake.
jaehyun advances anyway, bringing up a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ears. that fantasy is broken when you recoil slightly, just in time with renjun's habitual movements in his sleep. it's timed well that jaehyun's unsure whether he stops out of instinct or out of your undesirable reaction.
"mr. jung..."
fuck it.
you dread the next sigh of his, "(y/n)... i hope i'm not imagining things but... you do know your glances are not exactly subtle, right?"
blowing a raspberry, you take the other's hand to place it back on your face, "you say that, but you're the one losing control, mr. jung." you continue with the disclosure of your feelings.
"i... i also want you in that way, mr. jung," your confession is quiet and eyes downcasted, forgetting the weight on your face where his palm took its place. you twidle your fingers as a way to distract your aching core, although after, your vision is interrupted when the male covers his erection with his free hand.
you didn't even notice it at first, stuck in your trance of whether he returned your desire. you were sure now, head snapping up to his face where he lets out a relieved sigh. it brings your heart rate down a little and his smile is blinding even when the tv's the only thing illuminating the space.
jaehyun lets you do the talking.
"but... i'd like to- i'd like to take this slow. and maybe y'know- keep it a secret."
his grin subsides into a gentle smile, "'course, (y/n). i don't wanna force you into anything that you don't want to do, yeah?"
a small yeah slips from your lips, relishing in the warmth that the other's hand gave off that you shamelessly lean into his touch. you'd ignore the pulsing in your core for now, you'd ignore your sinful thoughts.
take it slow, you said.
you wanted anything but that.
when you're asking renjun if you can come over for the sixth time that week, he doesn't bat an eye as he writes down his notes in a frenzy, eager to catch whatever your professor's saying.
you, on the other hand, could only zone out on his dad as you skimmed through your closet mentally. so far, you've exhausted all your skirts, along with a few crop tops that felt odd on your body. you preferred oversized outfits, although you couldn't deny the liberating feeling when it hugs your body.
each time, you're able to get jaehyun riled up ever so slightly. with a bend over the counter, to the accidental drop of your spaghetti top. it was satisfying for you, seeing how his ears flush up and body tenses.
the male, on the other hand, wanted nothing more than to ignore your timid claim of wanting to go slow. he wanted to take you on the couch, on the sink, in his bed.
it wasn't far from your own thoughts, head swirling with how he'd manhandle you once he figures out your game, how he'd stare you down while his ears burn.
on the first visit, you're fussing over renjun's nightmare as he awakens at twelve midnight. your efforts are somewhat restricted, then, having just said take it slow word for word just two hours before. jaehyun thinks how it would be if you soothe him, instead, when he dreams.
during the second visit, you purposely wore tight clothing, partially for your time at the university gym but mostly wanting to see the look on mr. jung's face. your sweat drips down provocatively, staining your shirt with dark spots that jaehyun has trouble keeping his eyes above your neck. he wonders how many boys have watched your ass jiggle and boobs bounce as you do your reps and wonders if he'd be able to fuck you better than they would.
on the third, you're bolder. your skirt barely covers anything as your upper body lowers in order to key in the numbers of the microwave. the plump of your ass is on full display through the fabric of your skirt and he's sure you're not wearing any underwear underneath. he wonders how your body would fit on the marble of his kitchen counter.
on the fourth visit, renjun shows off a new, cheap massager that he's bought from the convenience store beside the university. with three different settings, he reads and explains that it's meant to release the tightness in your muscles. you're the first one to step up to the challenge, talking calmly through the vibrations of the massager like how you would talking through a fan. in a second, it hits a sensitive spot, and the whimpers and moans you let out catches jaehyun's attention. his cock throbs at how you'd mewl and whine under him so much that he has to relieve his problem that night, trying his best to stay silent even long after you've left the jung household.
on the fifth? the fifth was uneventful.
you smile to yourself as you hype yourself up for the fifth visit of the week, pulling on renjun's arm a little too enthusiastically while you pack your bag simultaneously.
"goddamn, woman, calm down, what's gotten into you?" renjun questions with a raise of his eyebrow, taking his own sweet time to pack the notebook in his bag along with his stationery.
"just want to get off class, i guess. hurry uuuuppp!" to divert his suspicion, you suggest a fast food joint before you head over to his house. your mouth lets out a popped 'p' at the end of your yup when your friend asks if you're coming over tomorrow.
"okay, just confirming. you mind if we watch movies again tomorrow?"
you shake your head at that, dumping your money into the cashier's hand while they confirm your order.
"not at all."
today's fifth visit to his house was uneventful. with a skip in your step, you head straight for the couch to play board games, complete work or even watch something but you yelp in surprise when renjun drags you with a hand around your wrist.
he's headed straight for his bedroom, not even bothering to call out a greeting to his father. the other isn't any different, grunting in disapproval when you both enter the home. jaehyun watches as you get dragged lifelessly, not reacting once to your excited greeting.
"did y'all fight?" you mumble through your sweater, glad that you at least brought something to cover you up for today's lecture. it served its purpose again when you pulled it over your head to cover the skimpy outfit you chose for today.
renjun searches for the cheap massager he bought, "a minor one, yeah. fought about my future, again, kinda."
you sigh, "why don't you just tell him?"
"tell him what?" your friend groans, both at your infuriating question and the way the massager was able to unwind his taut muscles.
"i don't know. that you're sure if your career and path after uni?"
"he's just projecting onto me again, maybe. i know he's worried but... i can't say much when i didn't fuck around as a kid that ended up having a baby with his cheating girlfriend."
even with the story summarised in a few words, you still can't stomach it, heart breaking for the older man outside that you forget your teasing game for the time being.
"i understand, it's just... i wish he'd let me do what i want, you know? i wouldn't be so sure about this if i wasn't passionate about it."
you nod in agreement, scrolling through social media aimlessly before gesturing at renjun. he shoots you a look, but eases into an 'o' expression when he realises you want the massager.
"so, should i not come over tomorrow? i don't want to interfere if it makes y'all uncomfortable."
he waves a hand, "nah, it's fine. i'll think of something to make it up to him tonight. he usually caves into my movie night apologies often, i know him like the back of my hand."
you smile at that with the taste of bittersweetness lingering on your tongue. sweet, because you admire the close relationship he has with his dad. bitter because...
you just hope renjun wouldn't find out.
the next day on the sixth visit, you find yourself in a similar position like the first, nestled in between jaehyun and his son as a movie plays on the screen. it's an action slash thriller this time, the three of you enthralled by the protagonist's backstory and their drive to set their destiny right.
and just like the first visit, renjun manages to drift off asleep again, that you have to stifle a laugh, instantly turning down the volume of the movie.
"why does he always do this?" you giggle, searching around for a blanket before one appears in your line of vision. with a whispered thanks, you cover your friend with the blanket. your knee props up onto the couch to shelter every inch of renjun from the cold and while his dad would be extremely grateful, all he can thinks of is the way your butt is almost all up in his face.
jaehyun's breathing is laboured when your bike shorts ride up your thigh, showing more and more skin as you lean over more and more. that doesn't do it for him as much as the way the tight material accentuates your ass, though, eyes finally landing on your middle.
the spandex hugs your clit perfectly, showing your cunt to him with the addition of a soaked spot over it. it seems like you know what you're doing, adjusting and fidgeting your legs that highlights your dripping lips even more. he realises something.
you weren't wearing any underwear.
the moment you're back on the couch, jaehyun acts like nothing's happened, swallowing with a hint of frustration. you smile triumphantly.
"finally took a look huh, mr. jung?" your voice is an octave higher, subtly grinding into the couch below you to get any type of friction between your legs.
jaehyun looks at your side profile, nonchalantly focused on the movie in front of you, yet the faces you're pulling... it goes straight to his dick to how your mouth is parted in small whines only reserved for him.
"take it slow, my ass," he groans quietly, burying his face in your neck that your hips halt for a moment. if he couldn't touch you, he would at least savour in your scent.
"cover us, mr. jung."
you feel his smirk against your skin, "(y/n), you've been teasing me this past week and you still call me mr. jung?" with a tut, he retreats from your neck to retrieve a second blanket, swinging the fabric over your bodies.
"call me jaehyun, (y/n)."
"jae... hyun?" he swears that he almost cums on the spot at the way his name leaves your throat hesitantly.
"yeah, just like that."
if you were already this far, why not indulge in it all the way, right?
"and can you call me baby, jaehyun?" the name still felt foreign on your tongue.
the male coos, "of course, baby."
your grin makes his heart flutter, and as much he wants to hold back, you're already doing the job for him when you take his hand to place it on your stomach.
with a nod, you hint that his hand should travel lower until his fingers are deep into your hole, but he shakes his head.
you're ready to apologise. he cuts you off, "i need to hear you say it, baby."
jaehyun's the type of guy to confirm your consent? you were sold.
"yes, i want it."
"good girl," you preen at the praise, scooting closer to the other when his hand trails lower until it reaches your core. you gasp at the contact, immediately moving your hips against the roughness of his palm.
"you're soaked, baby. is this all for me?" he asks, dragging a finger along your folds. your nods answer his question, shivering at the friction as it plays with your clit.
the murmured words only add to your excitement and with his son only a few feet away, you will yourself to stay as quiet as possible. that backfires when he easily slips a finger in, using your arousal as lube.
"shit, fuck, sorry-" you relax when his finger stills, allowing you to get used to it before pumping it in and out of you.
"'s okay, pretty girl. just remember to stay quiet," jaehyun's gentle with you, but the finger moving in and out of you said otherwise. your hand grips onto his forearm like a vice, his single finger making such a mess out of you already.
the space between you is filled with your moans, the delicious squelching noises only adding to the tense atmosphere.
"second finger goin' in," he calmly says, inserting one more digit that stretches you out like no other. of course, your fingers could never compare, but you can't say the same for your toys. despite that, it's more pleasurable in the way his fingers curl that your dildos couldn't.
your choked whine makes jaehyun's cock twitch, eyes scrunching up in frustration as the fingers assume a particularly decent pace.
"faa.. faster jaehyun, please," your plead doesn't fall on deaf ears, and he speeds up his pace immediately, "oh god, oh shit, jaehyun..."
in the clarity of a second, your hand lands on his hardening cock, palming him through his trackpants that elicits a deep groan from him.
"baby, you're absolutely mad," he chuckles into the hand that's muffling his moans. it drones on when you spread your legs wider, pushing your hips into the air to take more of his fingers in your wet pussy.
your palm easily fishes out his dick, stroking him with ease where the sounds of his pre-cum mix with your slick, painting the room with an endless array of lewd noises. you find that he's mirroring the way the bottom half of your body moves, rutting into your hand.
"jaehyun, jaehyun jaehyuuuun....hhn-!" he's able to keep his composure better than you do, though, and the other has no trouble speeding up his pace once again with the repeated calls of his name.
"you gonna cum, baby? don't you want to make a mess of my fingers?" he whispers out, littering your neck with kisses. his fingers reach an animalistic pace, showing you just how fast he'll go when he finally sinks his cock into you.
a particularly hard thrust of his fingers drawls a long whine out of you, causing your hand to stutter just a little on his cock. he grunts, using his free hand to take it off his shaft.
"don't worry about me, honey. let's focus on you," you want so bad to insist on his pleasure as well, but the way his fingers move in and out of you clouds your brain like a drug that it makes you let out a pornographic moan.
"yes! y- wanna... wanna cum over your fingers, jaehyuuuun, fuck, fu-" all jaehyun can focus on is your delectable sounds, soft enough just for him where he knows he's the one to make you feel like this. his fingers hit your g-spot, angling it with no problem as you jerk at the sensitivity.
"'m cumming daddy- fuck, jaehyun! so good, so good!" you hope he doesn't notice the slip of your tongue, but his fingers continue anyway. with a last silent scream, you cream his fingers, soaking into the sofa's covers while you ride out your orgasm.
your thighs tremble and your breaths stay short, nails digging into the skin of his forearm while the other holds onto the cushion beside you for dear life.
"oh... oh my," you come down from your high after a minute, not recalling a time where you'd come this hard from your fingers or your toys.
jaehyun however, replays how you moaned out daddy in the spur of the moment.
"sorry uhm, fuck- was the daddy thing weird?" you mumble after your mind clears from the climax, mouth turning into a frown while his hand removes itself from your pants.
"it's fine baby. plus, daddy likes it." he laughs at how your mouth drops, even more when he places his fingers in his mouth. the male sucks the juices from his fingers, and the hum that rips from his throat makes your stomach churn with hunger.
"then... maybe... can i have a treat? your cock's still awfully hard, daddy," the pout sends jaehyun reeling, your big doe eyes staring down at him making him lose slip of his restraint.
a stir from beside you shocks you out of your sex-filled daze, and the voice that calls out to you makes the both of you freeze.
"was there a sex scene in the movie?" renjun groans and doesn't bother to listen out for an answer, squinting at the bright light coming from the television. he stays laid down in his position, eyes closed. "sorry i keep falling asleep, could you turn down the volume?"
"we'll do that, injunnie," jaehyun's voice immediately turns soft, reaching for the remote control to completely turn it off. renjun is too far gone in fatigue that he fails to realise that.
"scary..." you laugh out, rubbing fingers against your temple to ease the rapid beating of your heart.
"sorry, baby, you might need to wait for next time," the other's words are even softer now and it prompts you to face him as his cock softens in his hands.
you nod and giggle in understanding, patting his thigh as you get ready to leave the house. before you can do that, jaehyun pulls you back onto the couch.
"that was great, (y/n)," you smile at that, taking the chance to peck his lips before standing up again. as you find the bathroom to clean up, jaehyun leans back onto the couch with a sigh and a stare at his now sticky fingers.
he wonders what you taste like first-hand, with his mouth right on your dripping core.
jaehyun was unable to keep his hands from his pants from then on, getting turned on by the mere sight of you. it didn't help that you continued with your skin-showing outfits and teasing gazes, but whenever you both wanted to get intimate, renjun would always barge into the room or say something that needed your attention.
it was painful, to say the least. he hated how easily he gets an erection just thinking of you, he hates how you're so willing to help renjun out when he needs something, he hates how you have no problem teasing him without any thought of the consequences.
he'd take the chance, then, when renjun is due for a school trip in a few weeks time. he'll just have to make do with his imagination and his hand for now.
"dad, it's just- it's just a four day trip, you need to calm down with the briefs."
the older man rolls his eyes, "you never know when you accidentally orgasm in your underwear or whatever."
"oh, fucking hell, dad, please don't say orgasm, if you wanna go all out with the jokes then just say cum," renjun's expression is full of disgust as jaehyun roars in laughter, patting the other on the back while you two send him off. your friend's disgust doesn't last long, and the bounce back of the dirty joke is comfortably exchanged between the two.
"take care of (y/n), okay, dad?" his expression furrows, and jaehyun knows it's time to stop joking. bringing him into a side hug, renjun wraps one arm around his dad, "and you, please don't spoil the massager, i really like it a lot."
"that all you have say to me?" you pursed your lips.
"pft- kidding. encourage my dad to get some fresh air, yeah? all he does is rot at home and watch movies," said man rolls his eyes with a smile.
"take care, both of you."
"oh my god, just go already! it's not like you're going on a dangerous quest like a knight is." renjun's laugh carries on throughout the front yard to the uber that's waiting for him, but not before he throws you a double middle finger.
once you're sure that renjun's gone, you're the first to leave the porch, eager to have any part of jaehyun on you. but preferably, you'd like his cock the most.
"i love him, but sometimes he comes in at the wrong time."
that earns a laugh out of you, "sometimes? you mean all the time, right?"
"absolutely correct, baby." in the way his smirk darkens, you know you're in for a long ride. on the sofa you soaked weeks ago, you spread your legs for him, a wet patch already all over your panties.
you play with your clothed cunt gently, eliciting a groan from the other when he sees the string of slick connecting from your underwear to your fingers.
"please eat me out, daddy," you pull up your trump card, grinning when he finally breaks and reaches your figure in a few seconds.
"if my baby asks, then who am i to deny her?" he smiles, already pulling your panties to the side. he admires how it glistens in the afternoon sun, briefly thanking the real estate agent's advice for placing the sofa beside the window.
by then, your juices run from your cunt down to the fabric below you, smeared all over your thighs by how much you've been rubbing it against each other.
jaehyun pulls up his trump card, which involved his gifted tongue pressed flat against your pussy. with renjun out of the house, your moans reach every inch of the room. the man below you draws out every sound possible from your throat, sucking and prodding at your hole with his tongue.
he moans into your cunt, seeing how you groan and thrust up in his face at the feeling. jaehyun laps at your pussy lips, not letting a single drop leave his mouth as you get drunk on the feeling.
"uhnnn- daddy, fingers- fingers please-" you whimper out, bucking your hips into his lips where he easily accommodates your desperate grinding.
he growls at the repetitive name-calling, flicking his tongue against your folds like a starved animal. slowly, he inserts two fingers into you, relishing in the way your clench around him.
he chuckles mockingly, "is this how you'll be around daddy's cock, huh? so tight, so so tight, just for me."
you almost gush around his words, mewls spilling from your lips in begging for your release. yes, yes, yes, spills from your lips, and just like the first time, he picks up his pace until you're groaning into the living room.
"daddy! daddy, s'full! your fingers feel so full! cumming, 'm cumming...!"
with a curl of his fingers, your juices gush and squirt around his digits, tongue and fingers continuing their ministrations even after you reach your orgasm. it stains jaehyun's face and fingers, and he has to catch a breath as he cleans the juices around his mouth.
"need to fuck you, baby, i need to fill your cunt up, baby."
"but- i haven't even given you my promised blowjob yet," you frown, running a hand through his hair.
jaehyun chuckles, "it's fine, pretty girl. i need you now."
your scream of surprise makes the male laugh again, swooping you up to take you to the bedroom, "let's not fuck on the sofa."
you let out another yelp when he throws you on the bed, suddenly feeling intimidated by how jaehyun crawls toward you.
"you gonna let daddy fuck you good? hm?" his demeanour changes immediately, removing his boxers with ease before his shaft springs up to hit his stomach. he smiles at your shock, although that disappears when you spread your pussy lips with your fingers.
"p...please... fill me up, daddy. you're gonna feel so full in my pussy, want you to fuck me dumb-"
"do you, now?" jaehyun can't deny how your words make him feel, and with your pulsing hole displayed all for him, he wants nothing more than to sink your cock in him to fuck you silly.
"so much! want your big cock to stretch me open- oohhhh..." your words are cut off when he does just that, stuffing you full as he inches into you bit by bit. it's addicting, how well he fits in you, and when he bottoms out, you both groan.
"you're so fucking tight, baby- how are you so... tight!" his hips start thrusting them, loving the way how your cunt hugs his dick so tightly that he lets go then and there. slowly, he gets the rhythm in, hips meeting your skin effortlessly considering the way you're sucking him in.
the wet slaps resonate in the room, along with your sopping cunt that seemed to drip with arousal with every word that falls from his lips.
"who's making you feel this good, baby? who?!" a gasp leaves your mouth at his aggressiveness, the constant, consistent movements of hips causing your reply to come out stuttered and broken.
"y- you are, daddy! you're the only one to... hhmhm! to make me feel this good!" it comes out in a poor attempt of a sentence, "your cock is so deep in me! so deep, 'm so full!"
jaehyun growls at that, fucking into you with even more fervour now that he knows his effect on you. you're taking every inch of him like a good girl, noticing how your tongue lolls out and your eyes are rolled back into your head.
the sight makes him smile, driving his cock deeper into you with each move of his hips. it's slow, hard thrusts, now, savouring how your leaking core feels against his skin and balls.
the few moments of jaehyun's calculated thrusts clear your mind just a little, "why'd you slow down, daddy? didn't i say i wanted to be fucked dumb?"
"gotta be careful what you ask for, pretty girl," you clench around him at the pet name, and with that, jaehyun loses himself again, rutting into you with an intense pace.
"you want to be fucked till you can't remember your own name? i'll do that." he proves it when his pace matches his fingers just a few minutes ago, the squelches from your pussy spurring him on.
the knot in your stomach tightens and tightens. jaehyun knows, taking pleasure in how dumb you look under him and he's full-on grinning when you jerk at the sudden stimulation of your clit, thumb rubbing at the bundle of nerves.
"'m cumming, daddy! daddy! daddy!" you chant it like a mantra, your mouth full of nothing but the pathetic cries of daddy and how full you feel.
you're convulsing, shuddering at the way the knot finally snaps and you're creaming all over his cock in an instant, staining the sheets below you as your moans come out choked, voice hoarse from how much you've been whimpering all day.
"c'mon, gimme your mouth," you whine when his cock leaves your hole, clenching around nothing while you're brought up to your knees with a tug on your wrists.
you giggle drunkenly at how easily you submit to jaehyun, the red tip of his cock pushed against your lips.
"take my cum down your throat like a good girl." your face is fucked out, taking his dick with a tongue that works its way around the tip and right into mouth with a slurp. the warm sensation mimics how he felt in your cunt and he cums instantly, shooting ropes and ropes of cum into your mouth.
"yeah... j..just like that, good girl..." he mumbles to you, with both hands finding their home in your locks. they force your head down onto his cock to take the last bits of his cum, warm and slick down your throat.
you giggle again, stretching out the ache in your knees as you plop down onto the bed. with a wave of your hand, you're asking him to lay down with you, clear that fatigue is already seeping into your bones.
with a smile, jaehyun takes his place beside you while you curl up into his embrace, the thick duvet covering your bodies as your breath evens out and an am wraps around your middle.
"i hope you know this isn't the last time."
jaehyun doesn't expect you to hear it but when you do, the reply sends his heart beating fast.
"i'm glad, jaehyun... i really want to get to know you again," you mumble out, words slurring in your tired state.
"me too, (y/n), me too."
pt. 2
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mercur1e · 3 years
heyy. Can I get Aomine and Ushijima sfw and nsfw headcanons as husband? Thankss
YESSS OMFG THOSE TWO ARE MY FAVS ILY i made this at 5-6 in the morning lol also I'm indulging and this is long enjoy!
So sweet
He gets up early im the morning to go jogging and always kisses your cheek before he goes out
If you're up by the time he's back he'll help you make breakfast
Bby helps you do your hair, and is good at detangling
Gives great scalp massages, the kind that make your brain turn into a smoothie
If you're still asleep, he'll take a shower and make breakfast for the two of you
If you're up and you want something other than breakfast he'll drag you into the bathroom with him ;)
You always wear a jersey to his game and give him pre-game and post-game kisses, twitter goes crazy over yall lol
He will always hold you in his arms no matter where y'all are, just lean into him and he automatically wraps around you
If you're short enough he'll rest his chin on top of your head
Lemme tell you this man has a giant size kink, no matter your weight or height.
Mating press mating press mating press
Creampie kink
Loves your legs over his shoulders
Soft dom who loves making you moan and whimper
Loves marking you up and likes it when you do it to him too
Not loud, but he does groan and say your name when he's close
Has fucked you on every surface your home
Fucks you until you're crying
Into light restraints
Wall? Yep. Table? Yes. Floor? Uhuh. Countertops? All the time. Couch and bed? Best believe it
Loves hearing your skin slap against his and your moans are music to his ears
Your throat will be sore and your legs will be numb by the time he's done with you
Sex tapes...sex tapes...(please send me asks about this I will lose it)
Loves when you ride him but prefers to be on top
Well groomed, either no hair or just a little with a happy trail
Dumbification kink, Ushi loves seeing you so fucked out you can barely speak clearly <3
Call him captain or daddy and he's coming instantly
Tell him how good he feels and how full you feel, please god he loves it
Has a praise kink, but also throw in a little degrading and he's done for
Slaps your ass, and always has his big hands gripping your ass and back in doggy
Give him a handjob in the locker room, if lick his cum off your hand and he's hard all over again
Loves eat you out, and you cant tell if he does it for your please or his at this point
Would let Tendou join if you're down with it
Speaking of that Tendou has seen you two's sex tapes, with your permission of course
Adores when you scream his name and will breed you if you want
Has a hand around your throat or they're gripping your chest
Has and will make you squirt if you have a vagina
Has a faster pace and rough thrusts, and 100% goes harder the louder you get
His aftercare is amazing, he always showers you with kisses and takes you two the shower if you want to take a bath after
Knocks out afterwards while you're on his chest
He has the prettiest look on his face when he's about to cum
Oh boy
Where do I even start
He sleeps in most mornings, and if you wake up before him you're not getting up lol he's halfway on top of you
I hc him as a professional nba player instead
Cannot cook very well, but he makes a mean egg sandwich
Likes when you watch him practice
He can do cornrows and braids, and would definitely do your hair if you let him
Always helps on wash days, you detangle and he braids💗
Always kisses you whenever he gets the chance at games
You wear his spare jersey
If you sleep in like him he's so happy
Gets grumpy if you manage to get out the bed but he's happy if you're going to go make food
Always has you in his lap
Has a hand on your chest but sometimes it's not even sexual
Gets a little handsy in public but if you don't like that he won't do it
Will hold your hand in public, or wrap and arm around your shoulder
Well groomed an has a happy trail
Bites your neck, not too hard though
Absolutely a dom
Makes you beg
Will degrade you, but will mix in praise with it
Love love loves when you give him blowjobs, if you don't have a gag reflex he's fucking your throat with no remorse
Makes you scream and writhe in pleasure
Spits in your mouth
Favourite position is doggy style, he loves that he can press up against your back and whisper filthy things into your ear
Always makes your eyes roll to the back of your head
Also slaps your ass and grips your ass in doggy as well
Sucks on your chest if you're facing him
Flicks your nipples
Has the prettiest groans
If you have boobs he can't choose between wanting to cum on your chest or inside of you
Also has a creampie kink
Size kink too
Always bends you legs the farthest they can go and if you're flexible good luck, he's gonna fold you
Loves to finger you
Can also makes you squirt
Hard and rough with you, and man handles you in the nicest way
Is always down for slow and sweet sex though
Has fucked you in his car
Panty thief, he jacks off with a pair of your underwear around his dick
Daddy kink hehe
Definitely would take pictures of your hole filled with his cum if you let him
Puts his fingers in your mouth
Aftercare with him is so good
He always asks if he was too rough, and gives you a massage
Always cleans you up and if you want to take a bath he'll turn the water on and get in with you
That can possibly lead to another round
Cradles you in his arms and falls asleep afterwards
You picked my top favs from both knb and haikyuu???? I'm thanking the universe for you rn <33 I really enjoyed writing this, thank you for requesting and feedback is appreciated!!
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