#he uses sign language or morse code to speak
x-chqrmolypi-x · 2 years
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dinner!ranboo n genloss!ranboo twin sillies + a very confused arginnit
( og idea below ! )
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triannel · 1 month
hello! Bill and a deaf-mute reader?
Alternatively, for the sake of attention and trying to impress, could Bill try to learn sign language or speak to them telepathically? I'm not sure about his telepathy. At least in the dream world, can hear him???
A funnier option: BILL CREATES SUBTITLES. When someone speaks, subtitles appear around them. Of course it takes a while to read, but the reader tries his best and probably laughs.
Bill and deaf-mute reader headcannon's
-Perceiving the world only by sight, your life was exceptional, your family loved you dearly but unfortunately they could not yet afford any treatment for your disability.
-You enjoy all you have though, not letting it upset you. The colors of the world making you feel functional at least. Although, you would be lying if you said you loved being like this.
-At times though you wished for your voice to come, for you to speak and hear all the sounds you could. You wanted to experience what other people had, you wanted to be normal... But until then you just had to be patient, the savings of your parents giving you more hope than ever.
-Then you met him, a strange creature that one day appeared in your dream. The three sided creature, Bill Cipher.
-He suddenly just appeared one day and for once in your life you heard something. When he spoke, you truly did hear him speak, although it did take some time for you to properly understand him. Your reading comprehension is great, but hearing and understanding was something you thought you never could attain, but here you are.
-Before you could properly understand him, he actually used sign language to speak, although it was not perfect you appreciated it.
-He messed around for a bit as well. After trying sign language, he also tried different methods to communicate. Charades, writing in different languages, drawing and even adding subtitles when he talked.
The vibrant colour of yellow brightened slightly as he spoke, subtitles appearing under him as he does so. The words flashed by quickly so you had to read fast in order to understand, but suddenly he stopped, and started drawing different pictures on the air that slowly transitioned to Morse code.
Like little bells, you started to laugh at his antics. Was....was that you, did you do that?
Surprised, you froze on the spot and tried to speak. A mess of jumbled sound was heard.
"JEEZ FINALLY! YES THAT'S YOU WONDER EYES," the subtitles under him read.
Right after you understood, a quick explosion happened inside of you. With a big toothy smile, you could not believe this was happening.
"WELL YOU BETTER BELEIVE IT, CAUSE' IF YOU WANT TO KEEP THESE YOU JUST NEED TO GIVE ME A SMALL favor IN RETURN," he spoke, using different methods that made it hard to decipher.
-You would ultimately reject his offer though, making a deal with him sounded quite sketchy.
-But despite your refusal, he surprisingly did not at all revoke your ability to speak and listen. He just kept coming back with no reason.
-His power would only work inside your mind though, as his reach to your dimension is too thin to have a direct effect on you.
-Overtime you would grow fond of him though, becoming quite a bit attached to the dreams that grants you the abilities you lost long ago. However, you can't help but feel it's all just a dream. It just feels so surreal, but even so you'd like to savour this as long as you'd like.
Waking up from your consciousness, you return to the mindscape. A few feet away from you, Bill sits in front of a piano.
Pressing one key, a musical note emenated from the instrument. Raising both his hands for a moment, he then started playing a song. Slowly, the notes colided with each other, creating a beautiful harmony.
The melody started to dance in your ears, your heartbeat slowing down as he started to sing.
"Daisy, daisy, give me your answer do..." He sang in unison while playing the piano.
Humming along with the tune, you approached him. Sitting down beside the long stool, you closed your eyes, humming and listening with your heart and ears as you both enjoyed each other's company.
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xmalereader · 2 years
John Price X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Authors Note: I apologize for the delay on updates. I got sick during my first week back and had a cough and fever for a few days, I’m all better now and good to start updating! Here is my first John Price shot because he does things to me. ( Simon is still my number #1 )
Summary: A new recruit joins the team who remains anonymous and joins unexpectedly. Laswell is keeping them a secret until their own mission is over, little did price know that this new agent is someone he’s very close too.
Warnings: Angst, violence, gore, blood, mentions of code name, sign language, mature language, military life, assassin, soap is slow, task 141 is cautious, selective mutism.
Word count: 3.4K
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John had received news from Laswell that a new recruit was going to be joining there team. He was more than happy to have the extra help on missions but he wasn’t happy knowing that this new recruit was completed classified. Laswell didn’t give him a file and simple provided a name.
Code name; Zero.
Laswell had told John that she trusted the man with missions and was very useful. He was skilled in keeping heavy cover and was known to hide in the shadows. She would say that he was a deadly man who gets the job done without a doubt. That didn’t put John at ease, still not trusting the new recruit that he has yet to meet.
“Zero is a man that I trust and will fit in your team.”
“You want us to trust a rookie with only a simple name?” Ghost calls out.
Task 141 and Laswell were all standing in a briefing room together while she announced the new recruit to the rest of the team. “Ghost is right, who’s to say that he won’t betray us? Remember what Graves did.” Soap reminds her with a glare, clearly not happy with the news.
“I understand the caution and wanting trust from this new recruit but you best believe me that Zero is the one we need for this mission.” She began to explain to the team. “Zero had taken mission that he can complete in less than a few days, get inside information without getting caught. He can help you with getting intel on Makorov.”
“It’s too risky, Laswell.” John finally cuts in, stopping her from taking further. He couldn’t accept someone he didn’t trust not after what happened with Graves and Shepard and their betrayal. “I won’t allow it.”
Laswell frowns, standing straight with her arms crossed over her chest, tilting her head to the side and says. “He knows that Yuri is smuggling dangerous weapons across Russia as we speak.” She knew that the team was struggling to get a location on Yuri. Makorov’s second in command and close friend, the two helping each other in their terrorist schemes which had to be stopped. The new information gets the teams attention as they all looked at her in disbelief.
“He knows where Yuri is?” John asked.
“Like I said, deep cover.” Laswell steps forward, challenging price as the two stare each other down. “Give him a chance and you won’t regret it.” A hint of defeat is shown in his eyes as Laswell slowly smirked at her victory, leaning back to give off a small chuckle before announcing. “He’ll meet you during your next mission, don’t be late.” With that she turns around and leaves the room, tension suddenly gone once she’s out of the room. It wasn’t until Gaz speaks up. “I guess we have a new rookie.”
The team had geared up and loaded on the helicopter, riding out to Teba, Spain. They were dropped off in a base near the area, collecting there things and driving out to town where they are to meet up with Zero and track down their target in order to get more information on Makarov and his plans. The whole ride there, John can’t help but think about the new recruit. Laswell had provided him there comms, letting him know last minute that Zero was selectively mute and wouldn’t speak to anyone. He communicate through Morse code which connected to the rest of the team.
Everyone else in the team was questioning this rookie, wondering if they were easy to trust or perhaps it was all part of a plan to get them killed. They were entering dangerous territory and had to play it well or else things can get complicated. Before they could arrive to town, johns comms goes off, causing the older man to freeze as he listens to the rapid taps.
“Captain Price, this is Agent Zero, over.”
John sighs to himself, sitting back in his seat as he pulls his comm close and responds back. “This is captain price, we are to arrive to our destined location in five.”
The response he gets back is a fast one, not giving him time to cut the comms as he listens. The rest of the team was also listening to the response back.
“Negative, sir. Location is not safe, reroute to his address.”
Johns phone goes off, showing him a new address to drive too. The captain frowns at the sudden change, but knows that he can’t question the man after the bickering he went through with Laswell. “Copy, rerouting.” He passed the location to Soap who was driving the vehicle, taking the new coordinates and changing their route down a different road. “This rookie better know what he’s doing.” Muttered Gaz, getting the captains attention. “We have no choice but to trust him. But, I also hope he knows what he’s doing.”
The drive took longer than planned now that the location was changed then didn’t arrive until night fall. They drive further away from town and into the woods where a rather large house stood out but also remained very well hidden. They all step out of the van and gather there things. Soap looks up to the house and chuckles. “This place is huge! Are you sure this is the right place?”
“You drove us here.” Ghost narrows his eyes at soap.
“Coordinates show that this is the place.” John speaks up, giving his team a glance before nodding. “Alright, let’s head inside.” The safe house was bigger than expected but it was also dark with no lights turned on or guards standing around the place, blending in with the night and remaining hidden from visitors. When approaching the entrance, it’s ghost who takes notice of the pressure plank located at the front. “Place is rigged with traps.” He turns to the others while they look around for another way inside, not finding any open windows or extra doors.
“There’s a shed to your right.”
Johns comms go off.
“Inside there is a hidden tunnel, it’ll lead you to the basement and inside the house.”
John looks around and his eyes land on the shed, approaching the old thing and pulling the door open to things that belonged inside the shed, it wasn’t until he moved a few boxes that he find an additional trap door that guided him through the tunnels. “Over here.” He calls to the rest and followed him through the dark tunnels. Gaz is the last to step inside and makes sure to close up the doors as he follows his captain.
“We need light.”
“Use a few flares.”
Soap pulls a flare from his pack and turns it on, holding it over his head up front as it lights up the dark tunnel. They follow the trail that leads them towards the house and into the basement first before making it to the first floor. “Keep your guard up, who knows what awaits us.” John warns his men as they enter the house with the lights out it becomes difficult for them to see, not wearing any night vision goggles to make thing easier for them.
“You made it.”
The lights were switched on them as they all turns towards the source of tapping shoes, guns up and aiming towards a singular man who stood a few feet away from them. He was dressed in all black, wearing a mask to cover his entire face like ghost and wearing black goggles that covered his eyes. He’s quick to put his hands up showing them that he meant no harm and carried no weapon with him.
“You zero?” John asks, still holding his own gun up as the man in front of him nods. He slowly reached over to his comm and gives off a few taps.
“Yes, I am unarmed.”
That’s good enough to have the team lower there guns. “Zero, I’m Captain price. This here is my team.” He said while approaching him. “This is Soap, Gaz, and Ghost.” He points to each one while Zero gives off a nod in greeting at the other three, raising his hands, hesitance at first as he signs. “Anyone know sign language?” He questions.
It’s ghost who speaks next. “I know the language.” He hums out, getting Zeros attention who smiled proudly under his own mask and jumps on his toes. “Thought I’d have to write stuff out for everyone to understand, but this works!” Zero is enthusiastic in his signing before waving them over to the main room where there a few boxes full of Ammon and additional guns in case they are needed. A table stood in the middle of the room with all the plans written down along with sticky notes of various locations and names.
“Here is the information that I was able to get from Yuri.” Signed Zero while Ghost translated for the team, rounding the table to stand on the other side while the team looked at his work. “How the hell did you get this much information?” Gaz asks, looking at the coordinates located on the map.
“I was under deep cover with Yuri and his men.” Zero placed his hands on his hips while John chuckles. “Laswell said that your good at getting information, did you choke this out of Yuri?”
Zero shakes his head. “I befriend Yuri a month into my cover, took his side while I was there and gained his trust very fast. He trusted me with a storage room that contained dangerous weapons along with poison gas. When I arrived my team had ambushed them and we got rid of everything. Yuri’s men and his weapons and burned the place to the ground.”
The team is shocked to hear his work. Having been undercover and working with Yuri along with getting his trust in order to get locations of important cargo.
“Shit, Laswell was right.” Soap mumbled out, not believing her at first. “Right, she’s got us worried about you but it looks like you are pretty useful.” John steps in, getting Zeros attention who turned his head to face John.
Behind the goggles he stared at John intently, his lips curling into a smile under the mask before looking back at his own plans. He leans forward to point a gloved finger at the map, showing them a circled area. A sticky note was attached to it and it’s John who takes it and reads it out loud.
“Yuri’s second in command is located here. He is to be transporting weapons back to their warehouse at midnight.”
Ghost speaks up. “Using the dark for coverage.”
“Makes it easy for them to move dangerous weapons without getting stopped.” Added Gaz.
John examined the map and location before sighing deeply and standing up straight. “Alright, we are heading out in an hour—take what you need and get ready. We’re checking the place out and putting a stop to it.”
“Yes, sir.” They all say in unison and began to get prepared for the mission.
Zero was located across town nearest to the road that Yuri’s men are to take tonight. He’s hiding in the shadows, rifle in hand as he waits for any signs of movement. He’s alone and the night is quiet only the sound of crickets and civilians from afar is heard. He focuses ahead and still doesn’t see any movement, sighing to himself he turns on his comms.
“No sign of movement.”
He doesn’t get a response which caused him to frown. “Price, do you copy?” Silence. “Ghost? Soap? Gaz? Does anyone copy?” Nothing. He’s quick to step away from the ledge, something feeling terribly wrong with the silence he is receiving from the rest of the team. He remembers price telling him that he’d be on the west side of town nearest to the compound. Zeros eyes widen in realization, it’s a trap.
Zero takes the rifle in his hand and straps it over his shoulder as he leaves the roof, moving in the dark and making his way west. A few trucks pass by, causing him to hide against a few houses and checking the area to see a few familiar faces. Yuri’s men were transporting the weapons down another road, changing the plans and rerouting to a different area. Zero stalks closer, hearing murmurs in Russian when he finds a window in the compound.
It doesn’t take him long to find his team trapped inside a room, door locked while a few men chuckled. “Should we perhaps try to experiment?” One of them says as they turn to face a taller man who wore all black, hair white as snow as they wore round glasses. A hint of a grin upon their lips. “We shall.” His accent is rough, turning around and giving Zero a better view of the man.
“Yakov.” Zero mumbled to himself, glaring at the scientist and watched as he walks over to a tank with a label stating ‘poison gas’ in Russian. The simple warning alerts Zero as Yakov moved the tank over to the room with his teammates, locked inside while the scientist got to work. Zero pulls away from the window, looking around frantically and finding the breaker box located near the entrance.
He moves quickly, rushing over to the box and tanking it open as he switched the lights off. The sound of confused voices fills the night. Zero activates his night vision goggles, pulling out a blade that was tucked away around his leg. “Time to work.” He says to himself and moves back to the window, looking inside to see Yakov shouting at his own men in Russian to check the place and to turn the power back on. Before they could scatter he’s able to lift the window, getting inside without making a sound.
“Go! Without power I am unable to get this done without getting us all killed!”
One of Yakovs men opens his mouth to respond back only to stumble forward with a grunt, falling face first onto the ground with a blade sticking behind his back. The scientist gaped with wide eyes, looking around frantically in the dark as he holds his own gun out. He’s unable to see but he hears the sound of his own men falling one by one. A few gunshots go off which startles the scientist, pulling the trigger on his own gun. He doesn’t hit anything and yelps when the gun is shoved out of his hands and is pinned against the door where Zeros team stood.
His arm against his neck as he applied pressure to his windpipe, causing the scientist to thrash in his hold and tried to kick him off. Zero cocks his head in a menacing way. “Yuri is a fool to leave you unprepared.” He whispered, shoving his blade deep into the scientist stomach and watched as his body slowly grows limp in his hold. Zero let’s him go and slumps down onto the floor.
Zero gives the scientist a long stare before turning back towards the door. He takes a look at the lock and gets down on one knee and began to pick the lock, working fast into getting it unlocked and removing the chain. When he proves the door open he forgets how defensive his teammates might get and isn’t prepared when he’s tackled to the ground.
Price holding him in a headlock as he grunts, elbowing price on the ribs as his grip loosened. He’s quick to get out of his hold and turn around to face the rest of his team. “It’s Zero!” He coughs out, voice croaking.
“Zero? Thank fuck your alive.” It’s Soap who sighs in relief when he comes face to face with the new recruit. “Wait—you just spoke.”
Zero clears his throat nervously, opening his mouth to give a response back but is cut off by the sound of gunshots going off. “Out now!” Price shouts as they all run to the back, finding a door and busting their way through and escaping into the dark night, hiding deep into the woods and away from Yuri’s men. Once they are far enough and not being followed they finally get the chance to breath.
“Those damn coordinates took us to a trap!” Ghost shouts, angrily turning to face Price and Zero. “Damn rookie almost brought us to our death.”
“Easy, ghost.” Price holds his hand up, stopping him from approaching Zero any further. Things were getting escalated by the sudden outburst, blaming Zero for the misinformation and near death that they almost had. Zero stands in silence, panting heavily, head lowered as his mind wandered.
“I almost lost you…” his voice is a soft whisper, not loud enough to be heard from the others arguing with each other. It wasn’t until Price speaks up. “Enough! We should be glad that Zero got us out of there. Who knew how long we were going to be stuck inside with no weapons or plan.” Their captain glared at everyone, giving them a stern talk.
“You could have been dead.”
Zeros voice startled everyone. They all turned to face him as he stood there.
“You could have died and I—“ Zero shakes his head. “I could have lost you.” His last statement is directed towards Price who furrowed his brows in confusion.
Zero sighs, reaching up to remove his helmet and goggles, along with his mask too. His face is bare to the entire team, giving them all a chance to see his face. His eyes avert towards Price who stared with wide eyes, taking him in and stepping forward. “Y/n?” He reached out to place his hand against his neck, thumb stroking his jaw as he sniffles.
“I’m sorry.” He murmured out, staring into the eyes of his husband of two years. Y/n knew Prices work and that he lead his own task force along with having history in the SAS. He’d told John that he worked at an office, doing paperwork and staying indoors knowing damn well that was a lie. He worked with Laswell who knew there history. Y/n had spent years working for her, killing people and going undercover, keeping his identity hidden and never speaking a word to anyone unless it was Laswell who he trusted. He never thought that he’d end up falling in love with their captain and getting married to a military man. What they did was dangerous but Y/n feared that his work was far more dangerous and complicated.
Yet, here he stood. Facing his husband who he almost lost if he hadn’t figured out Yuri’s ambush against his team. The thought of him not making it on time and finding John dead crushed him. He couldn’t lose him, not when he’s finally found happiness.
“Oh, my love.” Johns voice is soft, pulling him close into a hug as Y/n holds back a sob and buried his face deeper into his shoulder. His hands gripping his back, afraid to let go. “Im sorry.” He muffled. The two pulling away. “I didn’t know how to tell you and I was afraid of what you’d think of me doing this sort of work.”
John sighs deeply, shaking his head. “Does Laswell know?”
He nods in confirmation.
That brings a laugh out of johns lips, shaking his head in disappointment. “She knew about us and yet she took the risk into adding you into my team.”
“Don’t blame her, John. I requested to help as long as I stayed quiet and didn’t let our personal life interfere. I had more information about Makarov and his business than you ever did.” He argued back, glaring at John. “If it wasn’t for me I wouldn’t have known about the weapons and his damn scientist Yakov—the man is brutal! I spent a month undercover and working for them in order to get what I needed and had to sit back and watch as he tortured my men! My people.” He bites out. “And I—I almost saw it happen again, but with you on the other end and I couldn’t let that happen.”
John pulled him close again, whispering soft words into his ears. “It’s alright, I’m fine and made it out. Because of you we are all alive.” John knew that he couldn’t be upset with his own husband, everyone makes mistakes and takes risks. He’s simply happy that their both together again.
Their moment together is cut by soap.
“Wait—your married?!”
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bittersweetcreep · 2 months
Conception Part 1 Red Luna!Darling x Yandere! Damian
Part 2 here
Summery: Damain was taking Luna out on a nice dinner date. She thought this date would be like their many other dates, but being drugged was a first.
WARNING: Being Drugged, Slight Minipulation, Unprotected Sex, Sexual Content, Intentionally Conceiving a Child
Author's Note: Things to know before reading. Luna and Damian are both young adults in this time period. Luna wasn't educated on sex or that sex is used for reproduction. Also, a reminder that Luna is a mute who communicates through sign language and morse code. I'll use °theses° when she's "speaking."
Standing in front of the mirror was a young woman with long (h/c) hair that reached past her tailbone, (e/c) eyes scanned over her outfit. She was wearing a black sparkling halter neck mini dress with an innerside boob window with chains. Long black gloves covered her arms while thigh-high pantyhose adorned her legs, and to pull it together, she wore a pair of black sparkling open toe heels. Luna didn't bother to put on makeup (mostly because she doesn't know how to), so with one last look in the mirror, she walked out of her living quarters and up the elevator.
Opening the doors to her 'home', she was greeted by Damian, who was wearing a black tuxedo leaning on a limousine. Walking into the raven-haired man's arms, she great him with a kiss, which he deepened as he placed a hand on her hip and the other behind her head. Patting on the man's broad chest in a pattern that's coded °Have you waited long?°. Breaking the kiss, Damian replied with a wolfish smile, "If waiting long means I get to see you dress like this, then I'll gladly wait for you as long as it takes." With one more peck, the Wayne opened the door for his girl, once inside the limousine they took off.
Arriving at their destination, their chauffeur opened the door for them. Damian was the first to step out and offer his hand, which Luna took. They were greeted by a young man with brown eyes and curly hair with freckles wearing a server uniform. "Greetings, we've been expecting you. I'll be your host for this evening, now if you'll kindly follow me I'll show you two to your table." He escorted them to a private room where he took their orders.
After finishing their food (and dessert), they just talked/signed to one another. The topic? Art supplies, specifically Luna's interest in trying out graphite sticks and pencils. °I'm just trying it out Damian, there's no need for you to buy me a whole graphite kit. You just got me that charcoal set.° all he did was give her that wolfish smile she loves with a hungry look in his eyes that always made her knees weak. Feeling herself slowly starting submitting to his command, she tried one last time to stand her ground.
°I'm really grateful for the gifts truly, but there's no need for you to buy me things that I can easily pay for myself.° she thought of all the times he would pay for her charcoal art supplies, buy her more sketch books when she used her's up, paying for all of their dates too and declineing her many offers of paying or even splitting the bill. But paying for all of her groceries and utilities is something he shouldn't be burdened with. °I have a stable income, and it's not your responsibility to take care of me.° "But you are my responsibility. It's my job to take care of you, on and off the battlefield." He reached over to take the (h/c)'s hand, giving it a light squeeze. "I love you, Luna. I want to take care of you. I want to spoil you every day, so please trust me to take care of you. Trust me to provide everything you need so you don't have to worry about anything."
Seeing his coy and heartwarming smile with that passion filled gaze made her heart flutter. She loves this man, the man who lets her sit on his lap to draw while he silently watches. The man who taught her how to use a sword in combat, the man who has her back when going on missions together, the man who bandages her wounds after fighting a criminal. He's the man she loves more than anything else, and she knows Damian loves her too.
The ravenette couldn't help the smile that crept on his face when he saw Luna's adorable lovestruck expression that she's unknowingly wearing. 'So fucking cute.'
Lightly rubbing his hand with her thumb, she finally submitted to his charms °I'm no match for you.° the moment was ruined when their waiter came in carrying a tray that had a pink wine bottle and two wine glasses. This annoyed Damian, but he held his tongue. "I hope you two are enjoying your evening tonight, my i Interest you in pink moscato rose wine?" °I've never had wine before. From what I can tell, wine is usually bitter, no?° with a customer service smile, the waiter reassured her. "Yes it is, but Pink Moscato is a deep, luscious wine known for its signature sweetness and fruity flavor. It typically tastes sweet and can taste similar to apple or grape juice. it can be served with the dessert course of a meal."
(E/c) eyes lit up when the word 'sweet' was mentioned, and as the waiter continues talking about the wine, Luna listened intently hanging on every word he said "Would you like some?" Nodding her head enthusiastically, the waiter placed both glasses on the table, opening the bottle he tilt it towards her glass, and a translucent gold liquid began to fill her glass.
°I hope this isn't too much to ask, but my I know the brand of the wine?° the waiter's eyebrows knit together, his smile a little strain. With a nervous chuckle, he showed the label on the bottle to her which read 'Sweet Bitch Moscato Rose'. Confused she look towards Damian °What does bitch mean?°
Their poor waiter looked mortified while Damian brushed out in laughter. Once his laughter died down, he reassured the (h/c). "Nothing you need to worry about." He received the cutest confused puppy dog look ever. She did the head tilt and everything too! Deciding to drop it, Luna turned her focus to her glass of wine (their waiter made a break for it when attention wasn't on him) picking it up. She took a tiny sip. A sweet and fruity flavor took over her taste buds just as the waiter said.
She continues to sip from her wine glass with a satisfied smile, really liking the taste of the wine. 'Sweet Bitch Moscato Rose huh? I should buy a bottle for myself sometime.' "Don't even think about it. I'm the one who's going to buy you a bottle." Luna's surprise was clear on her face, Damian told her with a cheeky smile."I know you too well to not know the expression you're wearing. It's the same expression you make when eating sweets."
She blushed at the thought of him watching her eat without her knowledge. In an attempt to cover her blush, she chugged the rest of her wine. Setting her glass back on the table, she noticed a strange throbbing in between her legs.
Her body instantly started heating up. She felt tingly all over, clenching her chest where her heart would be. She could feel it pounding like crazy. A clear wet fluid dripped from between her legs, soaking her panties and inner thighs, as well as getting all over her seat.
Leaning down, she rested her head on her arm. Her mind was staring to fog up, and her brain became scattered. Questions raced throughout the (h/c)'s head. 'What was happening to her body? Why is she getting wet? How is she getting wet? What was in that drink?'
It was a real treat seeing Luna's usual calm and composed expression turn into something erotic. Her pupils dilated, her cheeks were flushed, and she was shaking and panting heavily, too. Damian's lips curled upward into a feral smile, ready to devour her. He felt his own arousal, causing his pant to tighten around him.
With a weak hand, Luna grabbed her spoon and started to tap it on the table. °Damian, what kind of drug did you give me?° 'Clever girl.' Damian, though, with a cocky smile. "You catch on quick, my dear Luna." Weakly, she sat up in an attempt to show no weakness in front of him. °what purpose is there for drugging me?°
Getting out of his chair, he made his way over to Luna, picking her up bridal style. Damain replied with a simple "You'll see." Then carried her out to the limo. Their chauffeur opened the door for them, getting in the ravenette place Luna on his lap.
The (h/c) heard the sound of the driver's door opening and closing, then the sound of the limousine starting up. Next then she knew they were taking off. Luna tried to look out of the driver's weindshield window in the hopes of searching for familiar surroundings, but her view was cut off by a black tinted window rolling up, blocking her view.
Damain grabbed her by the chin, turning her attention towards him. "Keep your eyes on me, dollface." Feeling his hand snake in between her legs he began to rub her clit through her panties. She gasped, she couldn't believe he's touching her there! But the way his touching her feels so damn good. 'Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, please don't stop Damian!'
Luna has become a maoning mess with her tongue hanging out while making lewd sounds as best she can. Throughout all of this, she didn't take her eyes off of Damian. He loved it.
Damian shoved his tongue in her mouth and began to explore it. He slides his tongue over her teeth and then teases her tongue. Luna responded back by teasing his tongue, too. their tongues began to twirl around one another. Luna gasped when he pinched her clit and gave it a little twist. The (h/c) was drowning in her own lust to the point she forgot they were in a limousine and barely noticed it stopped.
Fighting through her foggy haze, Luna pulled away from Damian's lips. A string of saliva was the only thing connecting them. Catching her breath, she quickly composed herself as best she could and began to sign. °I should get out. Thank you for tonig-° she yelped when he pinched her clit again interrupting her "Who said I was dropping you off at 'home'?" He moved her so she was straddling him Luna felt something hard pressing up against her cunt and for some reason feeling how large it is made her body produce more slick.
The door was open by their chauffeur, who stepped aside as Damian got out of the limousine, all while never letting go of Luna once. Turning her head to see they were at a nice luxury hotel, (e/c) eyes looked at the large glowing sign that read Red Royalty Love Hotel. Before she could even ask him what they were doing there, Damain carried her into the hotel, passing the front desk and straight into one of the rooms.
The room's walls were painted a crimson red with a black tile floor and a large white rug. In the middle of the room was a large round bed with red sliding chiffon curtains. The pillows and bed coverings are pure white, and the bed itself was covered in red rose pestle. The only source of light was the million of candles scattered around the room.
Using his foot, Damain kicked the door close and moved forward towards the bed. Gently sitting Luna on the bed, he gave her a deep passion kiss. "I'm going to make love to you." She gave him this pure look of innocent confusion as she signed °Make love? What's that?° If Damian didn't know any better, he would have assumed she was teasing, but he knew she genuinely didn't know what sex was, but not for long.
"Love making or sex is an activity two people who love each other do to express their love for one another." Giving her another passion kiss, he continued."You do love me, right Luna?"
°Yes you mean everything to me, and if you want to have sex we can. Anywhere anytime. Just tell me what to do, and I'll do it to the best of my abilities.° giving a dark smile to the (h/c) Damain stood up straight and started to unbuckle his pants, once undone his cock sprang out to stand tall and proud.
Looking at him Damian was about 7 inches and is pretty girthy with a large cockhead, you can notice a few veins popping out as well as pre cum leaking from the tip.
"Luna, this is my cock. We're gonna need it to have sex." With a curious look, Luna began to inspect the part of Damian she's never seen. She placed her hand on his thigh for support while she used the palm of her free hand to slowly slide up from the base of his cock all the way up to his tip letting her fingernails glide across his shaft.
This action earned her a deep groan from Damian and the words "Fuuuck baby~, If you use your nails like that, I mean just cum on ya~." Looking up at him then down to his cock Luna realized touching him there brings him pleasure. 'Cum... if I pleasure him he'll cum. Whatever cumming is he wants it.' Seeing his face filled with pleasure Luna now know what she needs to do 'I'm going to make him cum. But how?'
Not knowing what to do or where to start, she looked up towards Damian with this lost and pitiful expression that screams help me. 'Poor thing' gently stroking her head, he gave her a soft smile. "Aww, my poor baby girl~. Here's a tip, use your hand to strock it." Looking back down, Luna wrapped her hand around his shaft and did what he said.
Damain started to moan and groan, loving how soft her hand felt around his dick. "Yesss~, just like that baby. Keep going, keep going, up and down up and down, that's it. God damn your hand is soft.~" This reaction encouraged Luna to keep going. Filled with confidence, she continued to stroke him.
While stroking, Luna paid close attention to Damian. Listening to his moans and looking at the expressions he would make to find out what pleased him the most. The (h/c) notice the veins on his cock are quite sensitive and everytime she touched them Damian would spew out curses while his cock twitch with arousal.
Focusing on those sensitive veins, she continues to strock him, making sure to glide her hand across every vein. Feeling the pulsing of his veins and the twitching of his cock underneath her touch make her pussy wet with arousal and it seems she wasn't the only one. Her fingers were drenched in precum, and when she pulled her hand away, there were many strings of sticky precum connecting her fingers to Damian's cock.
Without thinking, she placed her lips on his dick giving it a kiss, then started to leave a trail of kisses starting from the base and trailing her way up to his tip. Then she trailed her tongue up his shaft by once again, starting from the base. Damian's eyes were rolled in the back of his head in pure bliss, his body consumed by pleasure. Without warning, Luna put his dick in her mouth deep-throating him in one fluent motion, stopping right at the base, which caused Damian to let out a long, drawn-out moan.
Without stopping for a second Luna started to suck his cock. While sucking him off Luna felt him getting harder inside her mouth. Precum filled her mouth. "Fuck Luna-! I'm gonna fucking-! Cum!" 'He's cumming!' Determine to make him cum she picked up the pace sucking him faster. Suddenly, Damian roughly grabbed the (h/c)'s head, pushing her to take all of him in while her mouth filled with what she assumed was his cum.
Not knowing what to do with his cum Luna swallowed it all. Pulling away from his cock she took a minute to catch her breath but that didn't last long as Damian pushed her on her back and spread her legs. "Your turn Luna~"
He pulled her panties off, but before Damian could get a good look at her clit Luna quickly covered herself with one hand while she quietly signed with the other one in a panicked frenzy. °What are you doing!?° Giving her a reassuring smile, Damian explains,"You made me cum it's only right if you cum too." °I can cum too?° leaning forward he gave Luna a reassuring kiss "Yes you can and when you cum you'll feel really good. So don't you worry, just lay back and I'll take care of you."
Relaxing her muscles, Luna lay down on her back, resting her head on one of the pillows. She moved her hand away, exposing herself to Damain. Spreading her legs apart he started by giving her pussy a little kiss earning a small gasp for Luna, spreading her lips he used his tongue to make slow, broad licks, widening his tongue as much as possible.
Luna couldn't stop her whimpering from escaping her lips, but how could she be quiet when she's feeling this hot tickling sensation coming from her cunt, it just feels so good. 'Did Damian feel like this when I was pleasing him?'
Moving up, he began sucking and licking her clitoris. Letting out a loud mewl, Luna thought, 'That's sensitive!' He continued to play with her bud. Damian then pushed his middle finger inside of her cunt , causing Luna to gasp loudly. It was a foreign feeling to have something inside of her, a foreign and pleasurable feeling.
The ravenette added a second finger inside of Luna, causing her to whimper. In an effort to loosen her up, he moved his fingers in a scissoring motion. Feeling her insides being spread apart made Luna shake like crazy. At first, he pumped his finger in a slow and gentle pace, but he picked up the pace when he felt her walls clinching around his fingers. Thrusting his fingers at a hard and rough pace, he noticed Luna began to shake while panting heavily. "Come on baby, cum for me."
With a long, drawn-out whine, Luna came. A milky white liquid oozing from her pussy dirting the bedsheets. Damian beg to lap up her cum, once satisfied he began to take off his and Luna's clothes throwing them to the side.
Lining his dick up with the (h/c)'s entrance, Luna signed, °Will it fit?° "Yes, but once I put it in, I'll give you a moment to settle. My cock isn't exactly the size of my fingers." Giving the ravenette a nod Luna mental prepared herself but when she felt Damian's cock going inside of her her mental preparation was thrown out the window. 'So deep.'
Like he promised, Damian gave her a moment to settle. Although all he wanted to do was to start fucking her 'She's so fucking tight!'
Wrapping her arms around his neck, Luna gave him a kiss. When she pulled away from the kiss, she nodded her head, giving him the ok. Damian tried to hold himself back from fucking her like an animal by forcing himself to thrust slowly. Luna was grateful for the slow pace, but soon, she wanted something faster, something rougher.
Placing her hand on Damian's back, she patted it in a coded pattern °Faster, harder.° Roughly grabbing her legs, he pushed them around her head, folding her into a mating press. Then he started to ram his cock inside of her furiously thrusting downwards into her pussy. Damian loves the way how her pussy keeps clinches around his cock and how it sucks him in deeper inside of her fighting to keep him in when he pulls out for another thrust.
It wasn't long until Damian came inside of Luna filling her up with his cum. He thrusted a few more times, shoving his semen inside her cervix. When Damian pulled out, he moved both of them under the covers. Pulling the (h/c) into his arms, he gave her forehead a kiss. "Get some rest. I'll take you home in the morning." Before she closed her eyes, Luna signed one last thing. °I love you, Damian.° "I love you too, Luna."
After Luna fell asleep, Damian began rubbing her stomach, thinking of when and where they'll have sex next. 'Just until I know she's pregnant.. maybe.'
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cosmica-galaxy · 10 months
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Behold! The mimic Drillman! == + Mimic Drillmen have metallic like digits on the ends of their limbs. These metal claws help them dig through soil, clay, gravel, and sand. They have a harder time digging through concrete and asphalt when young, but the claws sharpen as they age. + This mimic type have very limited mouth movement and consumes only a liquid diet. The proboscis is as sharp as a hypodermic needle and is used to impale prey and to drain them of their bodily fluids. + This mimic is also one of the few mimics that is actually VENOMOUS. It's tongue has nasty barbs laced with a powerful neurotoxin on the end of it that allow it to paralyze prey incredibly fast. + They are communal mimics and live in groups while underground. They are known to make nests in places with underground locations, such as basements, bank vaults, utility plants, or even sewers. + They have a symbiotic relationship with Speaker Mimics! Both help each other cover their own weaknesses and even cooperate when living in close quarters with each other. While Speaker mimics are vulnerable when close to the ground, the drill mimics look out for them and vice versa, as drill mimics are vulnerable to airborne enemies. + They also have...unique feeding habits. They not only paralyze their prey or stab them, they are also known to impale them like Shrikes in a makeshift "pantry". They even have special containers called "blood pans" that collect the blood from the impaled victims and they bottle to drink for later. + They can't eat solid food, only liquid food. This can range from blood, meat puree, water, fruits, and even veggies. As long as it can be drained, they can do to. + To know when this mimic is in the area, look for dried husks. Either skibidi corpses or animal carcasses drained of all their fluids, even eyes in some cases, will be a big clue. + They also can't speak because of their limited mouth movements. Instead, they communicate through Morse code, knocking, grunts, or sign language. + They are sensitive to light, from being primarily underground dwellers, and they can only see via vibrations. + They do not know what a human is and don't view them as a food source, if they accidentally grab the human, they'll let them go in surprise. + Their young are called "Drillets". + The one that joins the human's pack is actually an old friend of Pal, who he grew up with!
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Posting headcanons on here cuz that's what the cool people do on this app (or so I've heard)
Mystreet addition!
• Travis and Sasha are cousins, that didn't know they were cousins until post season 3 (I basically looked at them both and basically said; "this would be some good family drama")
• Dante got a tongue piercing because Gene dared him to get one
• Travis and Sasha used to sneak off Friday nights to hang out without anyone knowing
• Aphmau and Zane had SOME feelings for each other post season 1 (I adore Zanemau)
• Katelyn and Travis were pretend dating for like the majority of mystreet
• Travis was given SO mucuch money by Michael even tho Micheal was only giving Travis a SMALL portion of his money per month, Travis still has too much money till this day
• Garroth can't and I mean CAN'T be trusted near a stove
• Laurance semi knows how to cook, he knows the basic at least because of Cadenza
• Zane is a baker and cook
• Vylad took a part-time job that ended up becoming his job for like 2 years (he was working at a flower shop) until he moved to a fashion industry with Zane
• Zane was a designer when he signed up for a fashion industry and then got into modeling due to one of his work colleagues convincing him to try it
• Zianna taught his 'sons' how to sew stuff
• Lucinda is just the same Lucinda from mcd, she's immortal okay?
• Michael is very ancient and used metal rulers to punish Travis, most times about lower than average grades that he gets (aka anything under an A)
• in middle School Travis was the definition of "President perfect" he was likeable by everyone he was naturally pretty and was always one to show up early also a straight A student
• Dante till this day still doesn't understand how he and Travis became friends in middle School, Travis is like this goddess while Dante was some late average grade normie
• Laurence took ballet
• Gene almost got sent to a violin academia by his mom cuz he was so good at violin
• Dante had a 'little' crush on Travis but decided to just back away from that she tried to ignore it since Travis and Katelyn are "Dating"
• In high school Zane and Vylad betted on how gay Garroth was, whoever won that bet even if it's years later had to do whatever the person who won said, and if it's something expensive then it'd be a one-time
• Garte is actually better in my universe (I can't fully defend him yet, all I can say is that he did help Zianna through tough times)
• Vylad and Zane has the same father but Zane is still older then Vylad by a few Days
• Vylad and Zane are twins even if they don't look like it
• Vylad and Zane would hang out in secret always anytime they can hang out
• all the Ro'maeve brothers are multilangual
• Travis speaks so many languages, (list; English,French, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, mandarin, Malaysian, Italian,German,Tagalog,Arabic,Russian,Thai, Vietnamese,Icelandic,Polandic, that doesn't include the fact he knows sign language and Morse code)
• Travis and Gene both knows sign language and would talk shii about people and also gossip in private while not being in private
• Sasha knows sign language but doesn't bother to tell anyone she's here for the gossip
• Dante and Zenix is fed up with Gene and Travis and started communicating through
• Travis understands Morse code only because Dante taught him, but Dante thought Travis forgot how to do Morse code which was his own problem
• Travis barely remembered anyone from the street when he first moved in with the guys, it was so strange that even other people that barely knew Travis was interested
• Lucinda try to figure out what was happening with Travis but had no idea, her magic doesn't extend to ancient magic anymore since she has modernized her magic. Even with the blockages she has she tries to figure out what's wrong Maybe by a potion but she found no specific potion that could do it most of those potions were illegal and she sense no specific potions she sense Magic
• but Lucinda never stopped searching for why Travis didn't remember anyone besides Dante, since there was no record of any major accidents involving Travis or the valkrums
• Micheal gave Travis a box of crystals cuz he had a obsession with crystals (still do) and Travis was shocked by the amount of emeralds there was in that box there was around 50 something emeralds if counting the broken shards, if counting the whole emeralds there would be like 35 which is still a lot
• Terry once threatened Micheal to turn his physical form into a relic due to a factor that Michael was trying to erase an important memory and Terry wasn't having it that day
• Travis would endlessly rant about crystals to Vylad which had started to make Vylad actually interested in crystals and start looking into them and then got obsessed over it with Travis
• Dante as a teen was a hoarder, he grew out of it eventually
• Gene, despite being a horrible person in general in high school, he tried his best to be a better person around Dante trying not to influence him cuz he is far much more aware the fact that Dante can be influenced by him and he does not need Dante to be on his level of trouble
• Gene is far nicer to Travis than other one of Dante's friend, most likely due to the fact there was already this out of nowhere trust bond that existed when Dante first introduced Travis to Gene
•Zane had braces throughout freshman year and no one noticed cuz he had a mask on, then he got retainers mid season 3
• Zane is diagnose autistic
• Garroth and Aphmau is undiagnosed ADHD even though Travis has multiple time told them to get diagnosed due to the fact of the symptoms they had visibly and every time they always have this conversation;
"well are you a psychologist?"
"then how can you see the ADHD symptoms?"
"Cuz I have ADHD!"
"oh..uhm well you pay for a psychologist then!"
And then Travis actually gets them appointed to a psychologist for a ADHD diagnose and they got an actually official diagnose because of Travis and his ridiculous amount of money
• Vylad is dyslexic and Travis would spend hours after school in the library with him teaching him stuff, even if that means getting home late which Michael usually don't mind cuz he's never home until midnight Vylad got his permission card to stay late from his mom
• Vylad is the reason Zane is into my little horsey, Vylad actually introduced Zane to so many cartoons that now they can binge watch any kind of cartoons that Vylad puts on the platter
This whole post is just me ranting about stuff I wish were canon but isn't Canon, but hey no one can really stop me from posting this :]
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happyk44 · 1 year
Jason and Leo's friendship is so easy for this btw because Jason struggles to speak and hates when he has to, but Leo is hyperverbal and used to people not understanding him so he doesn't care if Jason responds when he's babbling endlessly about the inner workings of whatever robotics monstrosity he's building that everyone begged him not create. He can yammer on and on and on and Jason just gets to listen. He doesn't have to speak. Even when Leo is saying things that he actually understands, he doesn't have to talk. Leo will pause to breathe and Jason might chime in with a few thoughts here and there and if it takes him a while to push his thoughts out through his mouth, it's okay. Leo doesn't expect anything from him, he just gets to listen and breathe and speak when he wants to.
Leo teaches him Morse code and startles when he realizes Jason is responding to him with quiet pushes against the inside of his palm as they're wandering down the street, Leo spitting out thoughts on a movie they just saw faster than his brain can keep up, and Jason is just tapping away at his skin, lips sealed but words flowing.
They know sign language and get better at it and Let learns to pace himself better and Jason gets to move freely with his body like he raised to do, instead of holding himself stiff and aching with a tongue that doesn't make sense because mouths are for eating and ripping enemies and snapping at your packmates when they're annoying.
He signs choppy but fluid, his face expressive where it was once steeled firm because so much thought went into forming the words in his head into sounds in his mouth, that inflection and tone and expression were just forgotten.
Jason doesn't always have a lot to say. He doesn't want to be put in the spotlight anymore. Wants to relax. But he has things he wants to say, like I love you, and you're my best friend, and sleep tight, and it's so much easier to just twist his hands and fingers than it is to form vocalizations on a tongue that's better suited for tasting than speaking.
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zkylearnstherope · 9 months
WIP: Rush Hour [Where We Belong]
Might as well drop this thing here.
So the New Year's Special will be something like this, but not this specifically. This frame will not be on the comic. Think of it as a Prologue of some kind.
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I didn't do color grading and blending for this one, so the background looks distracting as heck.
More characters will show up in the comic, so it's going to be a big one. Not that big, but bigger than normal.
And remember when I said that I'm making this because we have reached 51 Followers a day after Christmas? Well, we just reached 62 yesterday. vic is very pleased.
Oh yeah, Sign can communicate both in Morse Code and the normal speaking language. He mainly uses the Morse Code to talk with Eyes over long distances, such as the case here. (Eyes is not going to show up in the comic.)
As for why, it'll be explained probably in the next long comic I will make, where I will demonstrate H's power for the first time. Forget about My Turn, 'cause that series is abandoned now. I mean, not much has changed. It's just that H's personality underwent so many iterations that the one in that comic is basically a different person. And I also draw him differently now, so yeah...
There's one more reason why I abandoned it. It's because of an OC someone gave me a month ago. The addition of this particular character has drastically changed the plot I had planned for Chosen and Dark. So, I had to trash the whole thing.
As for Hunter, he can only produce growling sounds so he communicates through gestures and sign language. But I have no plans of drawing sign language. So his text will always be lowercase and inside <these things>.
That's it. End of update.
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social-muffin · 5 days
The last Disciplinary Committee subordinate!
Now introducing to you all!
Oikawa Tsuneo!
Here without his usual pompadour. 😔 Really! If anyone finds a pompadour picrew, PLEASE let me know! They all don't entirely look like themselves... :c
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Tsuneo is the most mysterious subordinate in the Committee's inner circle! To the others, Kyoya brought Tsuneo into the Committee randomly one day and he's been around ever since.
Tsuneo is more of a stoic loner than Kyoya. He prefers a good book over anyone's company. Heck, he'll even avoid school and committee events when he reasonably can!
Tsuneo is just 15 years old, yet incredibly book-smart! He speaks multiple languages, including but not limited to, fluent Japanese, fluent English, some Italian and Mandarin, Morse code and Japanese sign language!
Yet despite his multilingual talent, he is a quiet and reserved person. He can go days without speaking to anyone, but not a day passes by in which he doesn't sing.
Before the Committee, Tsuneo was one of the last members of the music club, staying with it until the day it shut down for good. According to Kyoya, he still has the voice of an angel, especially when he sings the anthem!
Tsuneo is the Committee's best spy and the most likely to be chosen to go undercover in another school. Yua has also dressed him up as a girl on multiple occasions. Tsuneo doesn't care about what gender people perceive him as afterall.
His weapons of choice are Tessen. Japanese war fans, which he will use either as a club or as a blade using their sharp edge. And to cool off in the summer heat, of course.
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cyanidedrinkers · 8 months
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Name: Lieutenant, Andy 'Achilles' Graves 
(Yes, He is Graves' younger brother- Dont come after me for it. It just fits) 
Age:  29 
Gender: Male
Nickname(s): Barracks bunny, Graves, Phillip, and The Brawn (He gets called by his brothers name by accident all the time. It pisses him off and he snaps at whoever calls him it no matter their rank)  Ethnicity: White Nationality: American Languages: English and Spanish Call sign: Achilles
Rank: Lieutenant 
Skin Tone: Olive
Eye Color: Grey 
Hair Color: Dark brown
Hair Length: Short, Think Graves hair but curlier.
( Normally, He'd keep it long and in a wolf cut but he's dedicated to the army)
Height: 5'9
Weight: 130
Scars/Marks/Burns:  He has a long scar along his neck that runs from the left side of his chin down to his collarbone, He has 2nd degree burns around his wrists, and there's some scar and burn marks along his back. 
Tattoos: He has one. It's in morse code and it's his best friend's birthday and death date. 
Andy is very charismatic and is always the first to get a smile out of everyone. He isn't overly dramatic but he does come up with quick come backs and his voice drips with sarcasm. Normally he could be found standing near one of his friends with a dead and cold expression on his face. But, When he speaks you can tell he's full of life and just a hoot to be around. Despite being so openly charismatic not a lot of people know where he's from or who his family is. After Grave's betrayal he worked and bribed many officers to delete any affiliation with his brother off of his record as he wanted nothing to do with him.
Likes: Explosives, Rpgs, Sharks, a good scotch, and just general chatter
Dislikes: Graves, Any personal talk, Loud noises, and people yelling at him. (He will yell back)
Habit(s): Checking his heart beat, biting on his nails. constantly checking his blind spots, and the excessive need to always be in uniform. 
Talent(s): He excels in covert missions and being the brute force. He'll barge into a room with no care for his own life, Is normally used as a battering ram. 
Reputation: He has a pretty good relationship with most of the people he works with. While most like him they also get very unsettled by how he can be so open and talkative yet have no one even know his own name. 
Phillip Graves- Brother
Preferred Weapon(s): 
Assault rifles, Rpgs, and the Ax-50 Gunsmith 
Agility: 9/10
Hand-to-Hand Combat: 7/10 (Tries to avoid it if he can but can knock someone out) 
Long Range Accuracy: 10/10
Defense: 9/10
Offense: 6/10
People Skills: 4/10
Birthplace: Paris, Texas
Character Background:
Andy's father was a veteran and was Dishonorably discharged after getting into a fight with his commander. Unlike Graves, Who grew up without their father around (Headcanon), He grew up with his father being extremely present and way too involved. Their father was cruel and aggressive. With Graves being too old to manipulate, his father decided to try and make Andy his super soldier. He wanted Andy to be everything he wasn't so Andy was beaten and yelled at constantly, Graves was too but Andy never saw any of what their father did to Graves. All he ever saw Graves being pulled onto his father's lap and having their father run his hands through Graves' hair. To Andy, Graves was the favorite, As he grew up the punishments for Andy grew more and more violent. They ranged from being violently beaten to being thrown out in the cold. When he was 17 he had gotten into a fight with his father where he was abruptly sent to Military school. He spent the rest of his school years in the military school with Semi-regular visits from Graves. In these times they repaired their relationship and helped each other heal. 
Andy eventually ended up joining the army. He had no other goals and he excelled in boot camp. He would even send letters to Graves all the time, They would go back and forth about what each of their lives was like in their different fields. 
About three weeks before Graves and Andy were meant to meet up Andy got word of what his Brother did. He became pissed and every bottled up hatred he had for his brother bubbled to the surface. On the week that they were meant to meet up, he and his best friend Isaac at the time decided to go to a few bars during their down time and just have fun exploring the nearby town. On their way back to the base Andy's best friend, Commander Isaac was shot and killed by a Iraq mercenary who he had spared on their last mission. 
The mercenary hunted down Isaac and killed him right In Front of Andy. The only reason he was able to recognize Isaac was because Isaac didn't like face coverings and never really wore them when on the battlefield. 
His best friend, Andy held Isaac in his arms and called for backup. By the time any paramedics got their Isaac was dead. He had died on impact but Andy was in denial. He did everything he could to save Isaac. It shook Andy to his core and it took many months of probation, Therapy, and Psych screenings before he went back into the field. When he did go back he was Achilles. Just Achilles, He'd wear tented tactical goggles and a medical mask constantly. It was impossible to see him without them as he swore to himself that no person he ever killed would be able to hunt him down like they did Isaac. He only has two close friends and hasn't spoken to his brother in ages. He's a part of a Special task force that takes jobs where it's needed. They're mostly covert and are meant to get in and out by doing anything and everything necessary to complete their task.
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natjennie · 1 year
I believe the captain speaks like 8 languages. and switches between them whenever convenient. like to express frustration in a language the people he's talking to won't know, or whatever. but also when he gets flustered or excited sometimes he slips into one. he's autistic so, sometimes you've just got to put on an accent or start speaking a different language. along with english and canon german, I think it's gotta be like. french. latin and/or greek. a scandinavian language idk which one, swedish maybe? russian. he knows morse code and the nato phonetic alphabet. his british sign language is out of date but he knows the old signs. anyway he mostly doesn't get a chance to use any of these skills because everyone just speaks english all the time, but one time the rest of the ghosts are all being really annoying, talking over each other stumbling for alison's attention and the captain complains under his breath about their lack of respect and the chaos of the house etc etc in like. welsh or something. and robin looks right at him and shrugs and responds in the same language like "yeah they're annoying but they're family. can't complain too much huh?" and cap just. whuh??!?!!!? because robin has been around for thousands of years and definitely knows allllll sorts of languages.
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randomgooberness · 1 year
This is in reference to the one post where Gordon gets all embarrassed for talkin like a kid (and maybe I missed something) But does Freemind sign "sorry", or say it out loud? I'm so curious if ya'll have a reason for how or why Mind signs, or the fact that Gordon can even UNDERSTAND it !!
(ask is referencing this post)
TYSM FOR THIS ASK! WE HAVE A LOT TO SAY ON IT LMAO. @shineyfish 's answer: MIND SIGNS IT HE LOVES LANGUAGES!!! there's lots of points in Freeman's Mind where he speaks in different languages or references shit to do with that so it's a big hc of mine that he knows how to speak a bunch of different languages. Can't have prior potentially talking shit about him, and you can't talk shit about him if he always knows what you're saying! Hilariously to me though is that he Canonically doesn't know Morse code. Sign language in particular I feel like he'd know because it's a language where you don't need to speak to use it. That's perfect for anything where you need to be silent, for example, being in Panama with your buddy Eddie and you don't want to get caught.
My answer:
From Gordons POV, in my headcanons, he grew up learning sign language because of his autism- it made it easier for him to communicate nonverbally, especially because he was mostly mute for the first few years of his life(to which when he was like 7 or 8 he switched to never shutting up LMAO). Gordon couldn't actually understand that specific moment where Mind signed, because he wasn't facing him and was moving, so he didn't really see it- just a bit of movement(hence why he's confused in the comic). However, there IS a scene that took place a day or so prior(in act 1, that comic is in early act 2) that had them using it. I shared a small screenshot of the scene because it was really funny to me, but Ace agreed to let me edit it up and post the full segment here! Have a treat :D
This takes place after they get outside for the first time and run from the airstrikes- and go into the vents with the skeleton and the sweet voice.
WARNING FOR: ableism(internalized and external) and (technically)self-harm
"It can't be THAT hard to fly a fuckin plane!"
Mind laughed, half joking with that as he moved forward. 
It didn't take long until he was whining again.
"Why are so many people trying to kill me?? I'm awesome! Are they jealous?"
He didn't have enough bullets for all of them at the rate they were going at. The military should give peace a chance, or at least stand still.
"I'm calling dibs on the med station."
"Go ahead," Gordon chuckled. "Yeah, I think they're just jealous of you. They uh. They think the Science Team is too sexy to live." He wheezed.
Mind hooked himself up the the med station, silently begging the thing for what he wanted.
The med station, checking his vitals and seeing he wasn't mortally injured, did not give him any morphine.
He rested his head against the thing as it appropriately treated his more minor injuries. He didn't want to say he was getting desperate, because he wasn't, and if you thought that you were wrong, but... It was hard to be sober around this place.
He laughed joylessly.
"They've got it all wrong. We're actually too sexy to die."
"Exactly!" Gordon laughed, clapping his hands. "Let's uh, c'mon, Bubby I- dude what are you charging in the HEV suit station." 
"My MP3 player." Bubby said.
"Don't tell anyone~!" 
"...Okay," Gordon wheezed. "Is that what's playing the Russian speaking?" 
"The what?" Bubby looked...genuinely confused by that question. "No?" 
"What speaking?" Dr. Coomer tilted his head. Gordon sighed. 
"...Nothing. Let's move on." 
Whatever the fuck Gordon was talking about, Mind was a little concerned about it. Being overly Paranoid that you're seeing things can be good when you need to look for enemies, but hearing things that aren't there? That could be a problem.
Whatever. It wasn't too much of a problem right now, and they still had hallways to go through for a second time. He never wants to look at a hallway ever again. His headache was a little worse, and now that the noise was muffled he had a ringing in his ears. 
"Why do you get an MP3 player?? And why does the HEV station charge it??"
"I want to listen to my tunes," Bubby said. "The HEV station charges anything." 
"I use it for my bionic body!" Dr. Coomer nodded. 
Gordon rounded over to a vent nearby. From it, odd humming and whistling could be heard- alien sounding. Like the Sweet Voice. He pulled out his gun and headed inside. Mind heard it too, flinching. 
"...No. no, it's dead, we watched the bitch get torn apart by the doors, there's no way it survived that. I'm either just imagining that, which is concerning, or mistaking the sound..." 
He didn't seem to be talking to anyone, although kept his gun ready as he spoke. 
If nothing could kill that- that thing, then... "We really are fucked."
"No...No, I'm hearing it too, man," Gordon muttered. He was shocked that this vent was big enough to stand in, and walked cautiously. "...Maybe there's more like him here? I mean, it's called the Black Mesa Sweet Voice- it might...I dunno. We'll see. Maybe it's friendly."
"I doubt that, if Mall-cop was anything to go off of, it'll be irritating at best."
Following close behind Gordon, gun at the ready, he could feel his heartbeat. Something about the mere thought of seeing that thing again sent a spike of fear through him.
"At worst? I don't think I want to know."
"Yeah," Gordon laughed. "I'm tryin' uh. To be an optimist. Sucks." 
"That's the problem, optimism gets you nowhere in the long run. At some point, you need to cut your losses and start breaking shit."
"It sounds, friendly," Tommy spoke up. 
"Oh, right- you can read it.” Gordon perked up, looking at the taller scientist. “What's it saying right now?" 
"Umm..." Tommy tried to focus. "I-I dunno, I can't really tell without the- without the colors." 
"Oh, okay. We'll see in a bit, then." 
They rounded a corner, and Gordon noticed a figure. 
"Wait for my word, do not shoot." 
A flash from a camera behind them. 
"Don't take pictures flash photography scares him."
They got a little closer, and the figure was still hard to see in the dark. 
"...Hello?" Gordon called. 
A small buzz emitted from it, and then a few lower ones, purple. Gordon got closer, and sucked air between his teeth when he noticed it was a fucking skeleton. 
"...Do you know what that is?" He whispered to Tommy, who shrugged.
As they turned the corner, Mind kept his grip on his gun, assuming it to be an army recruit. He couldn't make out a weapon, but he wasn't taking any chances on that. 
He didn't believe his eyes when he saw it properly.
Option one, he was hallucinating. This was bad for the obvious reasons, but he was skeptical on that because the others were clearly seeing it too.
Option two, there was a real, living, sweet voice using skeleton in front of him. This was almost worse, because it immediately made him worry about Benrey. He watched him die. Now he wasn't so sure.
Option three, group hysteria. He wasn't certain on this one. 
"... I'm not seeing that. There is no way I am seeing that."
"...I think we are," Gordon stammered, eyes huge. 
The skeleton made a few more noises, sort of like a guitar plucking. 
"Stay back- stay back staaay back-" It was hard to tell if Gordon was talking to the skeleton, or to The Science Team. "...You guys have any ideas?" 
"...I could always punch it," Dr. Coomer tilted his head, though he didn't seem so sure. 
The skeleton whistled a few times, a soft, odd noise, before it made a honk noise. 
"...Okay, on three, we rush it," Gordon muttered. "God, I'm scared-"
Tommy perked up. 
"Wait, no!" He cried.
"What?! What?! Do you know what it is!?" 
"That's green!" Tommy asserted. 
"What does green mean!?" 
"Green means he's not mean!"
Gordon was interrupted by repeated whistling and buzzing, a flail of colors appearing. 
"What does that mean-" He choked. "What is he saying?!"
And then, suddenly, the skeleton reached a high pitch that continued on and on, and it was deafening, bouncing against the metal of the vents they were in and stabbing into their ears.
Mind almost dropped his gun, rushing to cover his ears. Too LOUD. Too MUCH. 
"OW- FUCK-!" Gordon yelped, now covering his own ears. 
It hurt. It hurt. Mind felt like his brain was melting, and without thinking he started shooting blindly at the thing, eyes squeezed shut and ears awkwardly pressed between his free hand and his shoulder. 
He needed this thing dead... Again. 
Unfortunately, he didn't think about the current location they were in, and the gunshots only echoed in the vents alongside the creature. He really should have brought his earplugs to work, but they might not have done much for whatever fresh hell this was.
"JUST KILL IT I CANT HANDLE IT-!" Bubby screeched. Gordon, as if he were an attack dog, started bolting toward the thing with a shout- leading the way as the rest of the team followed. 
The skeleton, who didn't react much to the bullets, started running as well.
Mind squinted his eyes open, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes as he did, and saw the group running. Unbearable physical pain be damned, he ran after them, not wanting to be left behind.
He needed to make sure that thing stopped existing, even if the process of doing so was going to make him want to commit atrocities... More than usual.
Bubby raced ahead of Gordon and took out-  ...oh god that was an RPG.
Before anyone could say anything, the trigger was pulled, and a rocket blasted through the vents before exploding against the metal, sending a blast of heat and deafening ringing toward everyone.
...And, not only did it not break the vents they were in, but Gordon and the rest seemed to not even care, locked on their target.
Mind, who had uncovered his ears, deciding to just grin and bear it until the thing was dead, caught the full sound of the explosion. 
In almost an instant his body decided enough was enough, and he screeched, falling to his knees and covering his ears, gun forgotten beside him. His palms were pressed hard enough to hurt, and he was almost certain that when he took them away, the imprint of the gloves would be on his face. 
He didn't care. He just needed the ringing to stop. 
He didn't even notice the tears falling until he took a breath, shaky and broken, and heard himself sob. What filled his chest at that was a red-hot shame. What kind of idiot couldn't handle a little bit of noise? Even at that, he didn't need to cry at it, he was being pathetic. He was sure of it, nobody else could see him like this.
The gunshots were muffled and distant, still ringing through the vents as they got further and further away- much louder than a scream, a loud, panicked conversation, and then a bit of talking. 
The first thing Mind properly heard was footsteps and Gordon's voice.
"God, where is he- shit I hope he's okay-"
The large man turned the corner, and perked up, before racing over and sliding on his knees- he immediately put a hand on his shoulder. 
"Woah- heyheyheyhey- are you alright!?"
Without thinking, Mind HISSED at the guy, immediately scratching and pushing the guy away. Space, he needed space, don't look at him-
His voice is rough from sobbing, but there's a significant growl to it. 
For a split second he looked Gordon in the eyes, and his own were full of fear. It wasn’t for long though, as he very quickly covered his face, scratching at his eyes with a screech in an attempt to make everything less.
"Woah-! Hey-" Gordon backed up, eyes huge. 
He didn't know what to do here- granted, he barely understood what was going on, but he had a feeling this might be related to all the noise from earlier. He himself fucking hated it, but he went into a tunnel vision trying to kill the damn skeleton as a way to cope- and regretted it, because it meant he left Mind alone. Not to mention, his ears were still ringing. 
He backed up a bit more, and sat down across from Mind, face twisted in worry. 
"Hey, keep your- don't touch your face, man."
There was too many people looking at him, he could feel it-
He hated these stupid gloves and their protective rubber, dragging them over his face just left a dull ache. If he didn't have them on he'd be able to be done with this, the sting from his nails usually tipped it over the edge for him and his stupid brain would start to calm down again. Sure, he normally had to hide the marks until they faded when he was at work, but it's the middle of an alien apocalypse, was he not allowed ONE source of relief in this hell?
After another attempt, he sobbed again, taking his hands down and looking at Gordon with a tear-streaked face. He looked tired. He felt tired. He didn't want to be here anymore.
Gordon frowned, shrinking a bit as he watched him. 
He was a little scared, honestly- he didn't want this guy to suddenly snap and decide he was an enemy. He didn't...entirely trust anyone here, but that trust was building, at least a little. 
He didn't know why he was starting to trust these people, despite how fucking stupid they all acted, or how mean to him they tended to be. He already sort of considered them friends, and hoped they could all still talk after all this was over. 
Naturally, this was scary to see, because of that. But he decided friends should trust and support one another- that's what he heard all his life.
He swallowed, fiddling with his hands and looking at the ground. 
"It's- you're alright, dude, we're. I dunno if we're safe right now but we're...you can breathe, I'm here, alright?" 
Was that what you were supposed to say? He wasn't sure.
Mind felt weak. He felt so weak. Useless, pathetic, there was no way in hell these people will be able to look at him the same. He needs to get out of here. 
As he tried to move though, he was shaking too much, that annoying tremble in his hands from earlier now a full-fledged tremor.
He only distantly heard Gordon's words but he laughed at it, hollow. What, did he think he needed help? Did he think he wasn't strong enough? He would have snapped back at him if the exhaustion wasn't so strong in him. Whatever. He took a deep breath, or tried to, curling in on himself.
"Hey- dude, please sit down- please?" Gordon put his hands out. "You're- you need to calm down, first, alright? Can you-" He paused, looking him up and down. "Auh, fuck, okay gimme a sec." 
He paused, thinking- when he was little and had basically daily meltdowns, not long after he became verbal, one of his old teachers used to give him a cup of water so he'd be distracted and stop crying- he later used this technique on Josh all the time. 
After a bit, he went through their collection from the vending machines and took out a bottle of water. He opened it and set it down in front of Mind.
The guy looked between the bottle and Gordon. Trying to think of any tricks, any ulterior motives, anything. 
He came back with nothing. It registered as a discrepancy to him, why was there no trick to this?
Suspicious, he took the bottle, slowly raising it and taking a sip, eyes on Gordon practically the whole time. 
Taking a sip felt gross in his mouth, and he cringed slightly, but drank a little more.
He didn't like admitting that it did make him feel better, and his brain was still shot with panic about what that was as he sat the bottle back down in between them.
Gordon didn't look at him very much- though the guy already avoided a lot of eye contact unless something stupid was said. He continued to play with his gloves a bit, nervous, and when the bottle was set down, he looked at Mind again, studying his breathing and making sure it was slower. 
"...Are you able to talk?" He asked, softly.
Mind opened his mouth to say something sarcastic back at him, Yeah of course I can talk, I'm not a toddler.
... Only to find that he could not talk. 
The shame was back, he hated this. 
Shaking his head no, he brought his knees closer to his chest, practically death-staring Gordon. This is your fault, somehow.
"...Okay, that's fine- I-I go nonverbal sometimes, too," Gordon said. "Do you know sign language? Or would you rather, would you rather we have uh. Fuckin. Would you rather we have quiet time?"
Quiet time. Just hearing the words made Mind want to hurt someone. It felt childish, and he wasn't a child. He was just as damn capable as the rest of them, voice or not. 
Luckily for him though, he did know sign language. Unluckily for everyone else, his hands still shook, and he was absolutely going to get snappy if he had to repeat himself.
Gordon perked up. 
"Okay-! Great! That's- that's great, uh," He  looked back over to the charred vent nearby, and then to Mind. "Do you need anything in particular right now? I-I'm uh, k-kinda scared to leave you alone, cause...I mean. Aliens." He gestured. "But if you want um, me to be quiet, or me to uh, talk? Or distract you? I-I can do that-"
Mind shifted, snapping his fingers.
"Shut up. Pay attention."
He took a second, and another sip from the water, before continuing.
"Don't like this any more than you do. I can still handle myself, not useless."
He paused.
"... I don't like noise."
"...That's...fine. I don't, either." Gordon said. "And I know you aren't useless, you've- I mean, you've kinda been the most normal guy here- and uh, you're smart." 
He curled his knees to his own chest, looking at the ground, before deciding it was important to make sure if he knew Mind was signing or not.
"...I-I've kinda needed you as a source of grounding this whole time, man. It's...everything else is fucked and these people, I-I care about them but they're fucking...confusing." 
The other guy had started signing something, before it died on his hands as he processed that.
Mind wasn't expecting at all to be told he was wanted, let alone that he was smart and helped ground the guy. 
Some weight eased itself off of his shoulders, and he finally looked away from Gordon with such scrutiny. 
"... Thank you. This place is fucking insane," another pause, "doesn't surprise me that you need me here just to make sense of everything."
Gordon let out a wheeze. 
"Oh, it is fucking insane, I don't- the rest of the gang is exploring up ahead, but uh...yeah no. Today fucking sucks. And...I dunno what that skeleton was but- that noise and us shooting shit in the vents? Dude, I thought I was gonna throw up," He straight up laughed. "It- my ears are ringing still. And I'm still hearing weird fucking Russian."
Mind laughed, silently shaking before snapping his fingers again, a smile on his face.
"What is with the Russian?? I'm surprised I didn't throw up if I'm honest."
His expression dropped, and he looked down the vents to where the skeleton went.
"Did you kill it?"
“…I dunno, uh- the vent suddenly dropped off, into uh. Fan blades. Bubby fell in and didn’t get hurt, somehow,” Gordon said. “Uh, they all started to figure out how to get through when I realized you weren’t with us, so I came back here to see if you were okay.”
Mind paused, going over the words in his head.
It occurred to him that he hasn't tried to find a secondary motive or worry about any aliens spawning in beside them for a bit now. He didn't know how he felt about that.
"...Thank you."
“Oh- yeah, man, of course! I-I want us to get out, leaving you would be shitty, you don’t deserve that.” Gordon said, and then started feeling a bit of his Dad Mode instincts kick in again. “You feeling better? Need food? I have more uh, more chips.”
Mind smiled weakly, exhaustion from his breakdown still flooding his system. 
"I'm good for now. Don't think I could eat even if I wanted to. Finishing this water though." 
He picked up the bottle, tracing over the side of it.
“Good- good idea.” Gordon chuckled softly. “You uh, you do that. Then we can see if we can catch up with the team, alright? Or wait as long as you need.” 
He pauses, hesitant. 
“…Uh, there have been a few times where I’ve forgotten earplugs for heavier experiments, and uh. Got overstimulated and shut down, a-and I always locked myself in my office when that happened, cause I was…I didn’t want to be judged. So…I uh. I can kinda get…if you wanted to wait a bit longer. I-I’m pretty sure the Science Team is chill, I know for a fact Dr. Coomer is autistic- Bubby and Tommy haven’t told me themselves but they’re. I dunno. I don’t think they’ll be shitty. But we can still wait.”
Mind’s grip on the bottle tightened slightly, and he put it down again to sign.
"I'm not autistic. I just... Can't handle too much noise. And it isn't my fault that other people can't do things the right way."
If the only reason Gordon was being nice to him is because he thought he was Autistic, he didn't want it. He wasn't broken. He didn't know why his chest hurt at the thought of that. 
He looked away.
"I can move in just a second."
Gordon raised an eyebrow at that- it wasn’t in any offense, it was…well, it looked sorta like he doubted him, kind of a sure buddy, whatever you say expression. 
“Take your time, man. I don’t mind waiting.”
Bite, chomp, kill. Mind let it go, for now, not having the energy to argue. 
After another minute or so, he started to move, grabbing the bottle. He went to check for his gun as well, before realising it wasn't holstered, and looked around frantically, panic rising.
He spotted it close by Gordon, and practically lunged at the thing to put it back where it belongs. 
"Okay, now I'm ready."
Gordon gave him a smile, and with a grunt, he stood up, stretching. 
“Houghman, Alright, let’s-“ 
He was interrupted by footsteps, and turned around, noticing Bubby turn the corner. 
“Dead-end.” He grumbled, Dr. Coomer and Tommy following behind. 
“Huh!?” Gordon gestured. “Wh- why?! Really!? How big is this place!?”
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bittersweetcreep · 2 months
Conception Part 2 Red Luna!Darling x Yandere!Damia
Part 1 here
Summery: Ever since that night, Luna has been feeling under the weather with symptoms such as nausea, mood swings, vomiting , etc. She has no idea what's happening to her, but Damian seems to know while Batman has his suspicions.
WARNING Unaware Pregnancy, Morning Sickness and the mentioning of other Pregnancy Symptoms, Multiple Pregnancy Testing,
Arthur's Note: Things to know before reading Luna is a young adult who wasn't educated on pregnancy, and a reminder that she is a mute who communicates through sign language and morse code. I'll use °this° when she's "speaking.
Waking up with a jolt, Luna ripped the blanket sheet off of her racing towards the restroom she dropped to her knees and began to vomit. The (h/c) has learned to leave the toilet seat up at this point as throwing up has become a common current lately.
But even so, she noticed other symptoms before she started vomiting. The occasional dizziness and the unending feeling of nausea, even when she started throwing up, she still felt those symptoms. But she was also experiencing other more weirder symptoms like her sore breast beginning to swell up, her cravings taking a weird turn (like the time she ate a pink frosted donut with sprinkles and pickle toppings) then they're the sudden crying spells that come with no reason and weirder she's missed her period.
Damain has also been acting weird, too. As Robin, he's been making sure no one lays a finger on her. But if they did, he would go apeshit with the intent to kill the moron who dared to touch her. Both Batman and Nightwing would need to restrain him before he sends the villain to the morgue instead of prison (after going to the hospital).
But out of the suit, Damian is even weirder. Constantly touching or rubbing her stomach, accompanying Luna anywhere she goes like her visits to the park or going on a cravings run, but following her to the bathroom and sitting outside the door is a little much.
He's also been persistently trying to persuade Luna to come live in the Wayne mansion, which wasn't new, but he's becoming pushy. All this behavior started when he handed her a white stick and told her to pee on it (she made a face). Coming back out of the bathroom, she handed the stick back to him. Before handing over the stick, Luna saw there were two red lines that weren't there before.
When Damian saw those red lines, he immediately hoisted the (h/c) up, spinning her around while wearing the happiest expression Luna had ever seen. She didn't know why he would be so happy by a stick she peed on, but seeing him this happy, she was grateful for the stick.
All of this didn't go unnoticed by the Dark Knight, who had suspicions he needed to confirm.
Luna was in the middle of getting out of her suit. She was planning on taking a relaxing bath after the portral she had, but an incoming text from Batman halted her plans. Picking up her phone, she read the text.
Batman: Put on civilian clothes, I'm picking you up. I'm right outside.
'So much for my bath, I was even planning on using that spa day package too.' Taking the rest of her suit off Luna quickly threw on some clothes then made her way out of her living quarters an up the elevator. Opening the doors of her 'home' she was greeted with the sight of Batman's batmobile.
The mobile's hood opened to reveal Batman in the driver's seat. "Get in." Doing as she's told she placed herself in the back seat. At the sound of the clicking of her seat belt The Dark Knight spoke "You should get some rest, It'll be a long drive." then he drove off. Deciding to listen to his words Luna closed her eyes, it took a couple of minutes but she managed to finally drift off.
Feeling her cheek being excessively poked at stirred awake the (h/c) from her slumber. (E/c) eyes opened up to be met with blue ones that belong to a smiling ravenette. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty!" Sitting up straight, Luna gave a look at her surroundings °Dick, is this the batcave you've been talking about?°
A deep voice that clearly didn't belong to Dick spoke "You've told her about the batcave?" All Dick did was gave the bat a carefree smile who just sighed in return. During their little exchange Luna took the liberty of getting out the batmobile.
All heads turned to the sound of someone clearing their throat. They turned to see a man in his thirties wearing a fancy suit with an areceding hairline. The little hair he has is gray, including the hair in his mustache, and in his hand is a familiar pair of white sticks. "If you'll pardon the intrusion, I've gotten what you've asked for, sir Batman.'
"Thank you, Alfred." Walking up to the gentleman, Luna greeted the man. °Greetings sir Alfred, I've heard great stories about you.° with a soft smile, Alfred replied, "Miss Luna, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've too been told stories about you, and please call me Alfred." Noticing the look Batman gave him, Alfred took that as his queue to hand over the two pregnancy tests to Luna. "Miss Luna, apologies for the vulgar words I'm about to say, but may you please pee on this stick?"
Feeling a sense of deja vu, Luna took the sticks from his hand °Is there a bathroom somewhere I can use?° with a nod of his head, Alfred guided the (h/c) to the restroom.
When coming out of the bathroom, Luna handed both pregnancy tests over to Alfred. And just like the stick Damian gave her, two lines appeared when there wasn't any. But unlike Damian, who was over the moon, their reaction was different.
Alfred was as calm as ever while Luna couldn't read Batman's stoic expression, and Dick was just staring at her stomach. Grayson was the first to speak. "Definitely, Damian's." There was no doubt in his voice when he said this. The air around them was filled with a sense of dread that affected Luna. Feeling anxious, she began to sign °Is something wrong with me?°
Alfred softened his expression to ease the girl's worries. "You're pregnant, Miss Luna, there's nothing to be afraid of." 'Pregnant?' Luna's never heard of this "pregnant" word before or what 'being pregnant' could mean. The scientist barely taught her what a period was when she first got it, only teaching her the bare minimum, but this pregnant thing is something they never even mentioned.
She began to wonder if it's a good thing or a bad thing to become pregnant. It wasn't long before Luna started spiraling, rapidly signing in quick session. Dick was the one to snap Luna out of her spiraling thoughts by grabbing her shoulders gentle while repeatedly calling her name. "Luna, Luna! it's ok! Being pregnant just means you're having a baby."
Her whole body froze °I'm having a baby?° "Yes, there's a baby growing in your stomach right now." Looking down to her stomach, Luna placed a gentle hand on it. At first, her expression was one of curiosity, but it quickly shifted to one of a loving mother. Dick couldn't stop the smile crawling up his face. "I'm guessing you want to keep them, huh?" Looking up to the ravenette with a hopeful look Dick knew the decision had been made. Chuckling Dick couldn't help but comment. "I guess your maternal instincts came sooner than expected, huh?"
Stepping towards the duo, the dark knight spoke "I have no doubt your baby will be skilled and powerful, but because Damian's the father Talia will most likely make you and your baby apart of the League of Assassins. We can't have that, we don't know what she'll have planned for you or them so for the time being we'll keep you in hiding until I can think of a permanent solution to keep Talia away from you and your baby."
Luna understood where he's coming from, but if she's honest, she really wanted Talia's help with the pregnancy as the woman had Damian (or at least she assumed). And speaking of Damian, she also wanted him by her side as he's her baby's father (with everyone implying it and assuming having sex with Damian is the reason she's pregnant), but she trusts Batman's intuition.
The (h/c) decided to inform the three men of something they should know °The scientist put metahuman traits in my fetus but to their disappointment i didn't get all of them, but they're still inside of me. More specifically, my dna.° Her unspoken sentence was hanging in the air that implied her baby could inherit metahuman traits that Luna doesn't have, and they don't know how powerful those metahuman traits could be.
The bat didn't waste time in asking, "Do you know what traits you didn't get?" Luna shook her head but raised her hands up to sign °I have my dna sheet in my room. It has all the dna traits they put into my fetus, including metahuman traits.° Luna was taken aback when Batman reached up to pull off his mask, and under the mask was a ravenette somewhere in his twenties with an undercut-like hairstyle and blue eyes.
"I think it's time to tell you my identity. My name is Bruce Wayne." Tilting her head in confusion, 'Wayne? Why does that name ring a bell? ....wait a minute.' (E/c) eyes widen in shock. °Damian's dad?!° Bruce chuckled to himself "Yes Damian's dad. Now here's the plan, Dick you take Luna back home to get packed, and don't forget to grab that dna sheet. Then go straight to my private airport, I'll-" Before Bruce can continue, he was interrupted by said ravenette. "Hey! Luna can't just leave Gotham by herself." Bruce reassured his son "And that's why you'll be leaving with her, she'll need someone to protect her in the off chance Talia finds her but Luna will also need all the support she can get. Unless you don't want to leave Gotham then Alfred can go with her instead." With a shout Dick vigorously replied. "No! I'm going with her. What kind of friend or uncle would I be if I didn't? But I'm more concerned about Damian, I doubt he'll let Luna leave without putting up a fight." With his familiar Batman demeanor, Bruce reassured his son. "Leave that to me and Alfred, so you two hurry. We can't waste any more time."
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Let's hear the whole gang, not just Leo, too! Just a couple each is fine, but we can't leave them out! :D
Alrighty! Here’s a link to Leo’s headcanons in case anyone missed them!
To help with his temper tantrums as a kid, Splinter found an old drum set and put it together for Raph. He told him anytime he feels angry he can bet the drums. At first it worked but over time Raph actually started to learn how to play the drums and got good at it. His brothers enjoyed hearing him play so much that they begged to their dad to find them instruments for themselves to also learn how to play.
Raph loves watching Spanish soap operas. He watches them so often that he has become fluent in speaking Spanish. Often his brothers will walk in on him watching his soaps, screaming at the characters in Spanish for their dumb choices.
Donnie has secret storage areas and safes hidden around the lair to keep things away from his brothers, mainly sweet treats, snacks, and rare collector items.
Donnie knows how to speak Japanese (not as fluent as Leo though), French, Latin, knows Morse cod, and also knows sign language (though it’s difficult for him since he only has three fingers)
Mikey has no sense of privacy and will go through his brothers stuff whenever he’s bored or is looking for something he knows they have that he wants to “borrow”. This can sometimes lead to many confrontations and blackmail opportunities from the secrets or embarrassing things Mikey “accidentally” finds in his brothers’ rooms.
Mikey’s love language is giving gifts, making snacks and sweet treats he made himself to give to Renet. He always makes her special snacks or delicious bake goods to eat while she goes on a time traveling trips.
April O’Neil
April refuses to talk to the Utrom Rook. She reminds her of her old friend Irma and brings back too many memories she doesn’t wish to relive and feels uncomfortable around her.
Despite have the ability to read everyone’s minds, April has a huge sense of privacy and refuses to read the turtles or any of her friends thoughts. She feels it’s an invasion of their privacy and breaking their trust by looking into their minds without their consent, the only time when she does read anyone’s minds is for missions.
Casey Jones
Casey’s parents are divorced, his mom left his dad for another man when he’s was little. Casey and his little sister now live with there dad, but sometimes they go and visit their mom who lives out of state (whenever there’s an ep that Casey is not in, this is my headcanon to where he is during that ep, he’s visiting his mom)
After Karai kissed him while she was under the brainworm’s control, while he did enjoy and it spark a new attraction towards Karai, Casey felt he broke “the bro code” for kissing his best friend’s sister, so he never told Raph or any of the turtles about the kiss.
Karai likes to help Mikey with his pranks on his brothers but will deny any involvement in the scheme when asked or accused.
Sometimes Karai would go to Leo and ask him to tell her stories about their father, wanting to know how Splinter raised the turtles and what kind of parent he was like. Sometimes Leo also tell Karai stories that Splinter used to tell him and his brother when they were children.
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Take this ask as your opportunity to yell about your babies because I love them and I want to know more so badly
Gender terms quick list
Sibling: sisser for collie, sibber for mimi
(Place of boy/girl): berchte and green man/boy
(Place of daughter/son): hys (pronounced like ice with an h at the start) for collie, aughter for mimi
(add grand, also grandchild or grandbaby)
Nibling and/or niece for both
Misser for both and missie for collie
Collie is a berchte, (burk-tuh, and the k is a bit glottal) a type of germanic snow nymph. she's a nymph of snow and mistletoe. fae talks and stands before Mimi does, but he properly walks first. she is talkative (tho for now this mostly means about 20 actual words and lots of babbling) and often talks for both herself and faer sibber.
she's chaotically mischievous in the way of most winter children, tho this young she is extremely bad at fae word gymnastics and usually just comes straight toward faer parents all excited like "kitchen on fire lala :D"
Family terms collie uses:
Io - Lala
Remus - Papa
Logan - Granddad
Roman - Papaw
Patton - Grandpa/Grandpat
Virgil - Opa
Linda - Lannie (baby-slur of Linda + Auntie)
Mimi is a green man of evergreen trees and shrubs, and has a fondness for yew in particular. he is completely mute - he does not and will never learn to verbally speak. lu does make noise very rarely, but usually only when very upset. his "laugh" is a sort of hard exhale, more of a huff, with no vocalization.
Lu speaks in a combination of ASL and fae hand-speech, the two nonverbal languages ly parents know. he will also learn morse code eventually, but that's more of a private language he uses to talk just to collie, and eventually their other siblings (think tapping directly on them out of sight so other fae dont have a chance to see and learn it)
Family terms Mimi uses
Io - Handspeech: song-parent
Remus - Handspeech: green-parent
Logan - handspeech: spring-grandfather, ASL: green-grandpa
Roman - ASL, red-grandpa
Patton - ASL, yellow-grandpa
Virgil - handspeech, winter-grandfather
Linda - Handspeech: autumn-parent-sibling, ASL: L-N-Aunt
As you can maybe tell, Mimi tends to use handspeech for fae and fae-related things, and ASL for humans and human-related things. lots of codeswitching going on here
fae hand speech is a full language just like ASL, but its constructed in a way thats harder for humans to learn. it has comparatively few signs to ASL, all of them for nouns or abstract concepts, and most words and sentences are constructed via compounding them in ways that are not standardized, and so rely on faes ability to intuit language better than a human can.
"i saw a bird" might be constructed as "eye-bird" or as "myself-bird-meeting" and both are equally correct and intelligible to fae. those are pretty obvious examples, but you can see how a sufficiently esoteric or complex sentence would trip a human up
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hailtothepumpkinqueen · 5 months
Hiiii, for the emoji ask meme: 🌳🌈 🌧️ for whomever you'd like!
*excited squeak* hiiii! Thank you 🖤
🌳 Would your OC survive for a week on their own in the wilderness?
I think Azazel has gotten too used to modern society to stand a proper chance at wilderness survival. Air conditioning, hot running water, food on demand. He's been absolutely spoiled, and any useful skills he might have had have vacated his brain.
He'd live, because he's a demon and hard to kill, but he'd be ABSOLUTELY miserable the whole time lmao
🌈 Does your OC speak more than one language? If so, how many and which?
Ira knows sign language and morse code. And a bit of Spanish he's picked up from Daemon over the years, but he's not fluent in it.
🌧️ What is the favorite thing for you OC to do on a rainy day?
Jacqueline likes to sit on her porch swing with her favorite mug of coffee, watching the rain and the trees swaying in the wind. Smell the petrichor 💙
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