#he was inspired after meeting and learning from remus lupin in his second year :)
carewyncromwell · 1 year
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“Tell me, what has become of my rights? Am I invisible ‘cause you ignore me? Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now... I’m tired of bein’ the victim of shame -- They’re throwin’ me in a class with a bad name! I can’t believe this is the land from which I came! You know I really do hate to say it... The government don't wanna see, But if Roosevelt was livin’, he wouldn’t let this be, no, no!”
~“They Don’t Really Care About Us” by Michael Jackson
The day before Valentine’s Day 1996, Mia Flume finally came to grips with the horrible thought that Cornelius Fudge -- Minister for Magic and leader of the British Wizarding World -- was actively trying to cover up the return of He Who Must Not Be Named, all for the sake of his own personal ambitions. As the year wore on, Mia became more and more convinced that it was true...and to make matters worse, Fudge’s chosen representative, Dolores Umbridge, was making life hell for the students of Hogwarts.
Mia first heard about Dumbledore having to flee the school for supposedly organizing an illegal student “army” to rise up against the Ministry from Madame Rosmerta. It honestly sounded like the most outlandish thing in the world -- something that she couldn’t believe anyone sane would believe. Yet Fudge sure seemed to believe it -- and so Dumbledore was now on the run, a wanted man, and Dolores Umbridge had been named Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And one of the things she did first was punish the students who had supposedly joined “Dumbledore’s Army” -- one of whom, Mia was horrified to hear from her older sister Tia, was her fourteen-year-old nephew, Olin!
Both Tia and Mia sent Olin several letters questioning the validity of what they’d heard, but to their dismay, they received no letters in response. Instead Umbridge went to paid a visit to Tia and Dirk herself, where she asked them many pointed questions and even made some vaguely threatening comments.
“Your son is very bright, Ms. Cresswell,” Umbridge said in honeyed tones. “It’s not unlikely to presume he wishes to join the Ministry like his father someday, yes?”
Tia tried to keep her head high, but Umbridge’s overly sweet attitude was making her uneasy for a reason she couldn’t quite explain.
“...He hasn’t quite decided yet,” she confessed. “He’s always wanted to play Quidditch professionally, before...but recently, he’s expressed some interest in working in the Being division as an advocate...”
Something oddly cold flickered through Umbridge’s eyes. Knowing immediately that his wife had said the wrong thing, Dirk quickly brought a hand onto Tia’s and gave it a supportive squeeze.
“We shall support our son in anything he chooses to do with his life,” Dirk said very firmly, his eyes narrowing.
“Not aligning himself with traitors, I hope, Cresswell,” Umbridge said, her sweet tone twinged with something much more poisonous. “It would be a shame to see a man like you lose the Minister’s good graces, the way your son has his new Headmistress’s.”
Umbridge then put on a much more fake smile.
“...Fortunately your son has been diligently working to re-earn my favor in his detentions with me. I’m certain he’ll completely overcome this rebellious phase...especially with your guiding influence, as his parents.”
“We might guide Olin more easily if we knew our letters were getting through to him,” Dirk said, a bit of temper squeaking out of him despite himself.
Tia squeezed her husband’s hand, her face much more anxious upon Umbridge. “We haven’t heard from Olin in over a week now...please, Headmistress, I just want to hear from my son...”
“Of course, Ms. Cresswell -- of course you do,” said Umbridge. She gave Tia an insincere pat to the shoulder. “That’s something any mother should want. But sadly, children are very selfish creatures -- prone to keep things to themselves...especially any misbehavior. Sometimes they just go quiet, rather than admit they’ve done wrong...”
Dirk opened his mouth to speak, but Umbridge silenced him with a look.
“Not to worry,” she said with another sugary sweet smile. “When your boy is ready to speak to you, I promise you, I’ll make absolutely sure that his letters reach you.”
When Umbridge left, Tia actually burst into tears. Dirk ended up contacting Mia and Callie himself via Floo Powder, and when they met up at the Cresswell home, he was clearly beside himself.
“Olin would not just go quiet like this,” he said fiercely. “He would never worry his mother this way...”
“Worry us this way,” Mia interjected in agreement. “Olin always writes back to me, when I write to him, and always on the same day. This is not normal.”
Dirk slid his pipe into his mouth, giving it an anxious puff.
“His mail must be getting intercepted before it can reach us,” he muttered, “but if so...Merlin, what state must he be in now? Hogwarts was always safe, with Dumbledore in charge...”
He whirled on his youngest sister-in-law. “Callie, you have contacts at the radio station -- surely one of them knows what the deal is behind this ‘Dumbledore’s Army?’”
Callie looked unusually gloomy as she bowed her head. “Not really. No one who was in Dumbledore’s office that day has been very open about it...and everyone else...well, they’re just following the party line Fudge has been circulating. The whole Ministry’s really clammed up, lately.”
"Because of that interview you did with the Junior Undersecretary?” asked Mia.
Callie crossed her arms moodily.
“The boss even brought me into his office yesterday to scold me,” she grumbled. “Said I was too ‘hard-ball’ with Weasley, when I asked him about that rumor that Umbridge made Potter write with a cursed quill, during one of his detentions with her...”
The idea that Olin might’ve likewise been put through that in his detentions with Umbridge made Tia cover her face again, trying to hold in a fresh round of tears. Dirk’s jaw clenched as he brought an arm around his wife and squeezed her against his side.
“The broadcast was cut short, but trust me -- Weasley looked like he’d seen a ghost,” Callie said resentfully. “I don’t know whether it’s because he didn’t know about it at all or he just didn’t know I’d know about it...but either way, he didn’t even try to deny it or defend Umbridge’s character. I frankly don’t think he can.”
“How could he?” said Mia. “From the sound of it, not even the Ministry was aware Umbridge had quills like that. Where did you even hear that rumor in the first place?”
“A new informant of mine,” said Callie lightly.
When Mia raised her eyebrows, all traces of humor from Callie’s face faded immediately, and she crossed her arms.
“Ah, ah, don’t you dare ask!” she scolded her older sister in a tone rather akin to a huffy teenager. “It’s a secret.”
“A secret?” Mia recurred, her features creased with suspicion.
“Of course,” Callie said defensively. “I mean...he’s got contacts at both the Ministry and Hogwarts. The staffs of which I’m quite sure have no idea he’s been sending me messages.”
“True,” said Dirk. “Any Ministry employee could face severe consequences for being so open with the press...the professors too, now that Umbridge is in charge...”
Mia had to admit Dirk was right. She nodded in agreement.
“Well, if your new informant can tell us what really happened, Callie,” said Dirk, as he squeezed Tia gently against his side, “we would both be very grateful.”
Tia sniffled miserably.
“My son wouldn’t cause trouble for no reason,” she whimpered. “He’s a good boy...”
In May, at long, long last, Mia finally received a letter from Olin. The minute she received it, she ripped the envelope open so roughly, she almost tore the letter inside too. The letter didn’t hold any of the explanation she’d wanted -- instead, it seemed almost painfully restrained, talking only about the upcoming Quidditch Cup Final between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. When Umbridge was brought up, it was written in such flowery, over-the-top language that Olin’s sarcasm seemed to be bleeding through the page.
Don’t know if you heard, but we have a new Headmistress! Dolores Umbridge, you know -- the High Inquisitor I told you about? She really is marvelous -- a perfectly upstanding woman. I’d gush more, but...well, she’s just such a kind and sweet lady, I don’t think my testimony could do her justice!
Dirk was right, Mia thought. His other letters must’ve been intercepted before they could reach us. That’s why he’s saying all this now -- he must know Umbridge is reading any letters he tries to send, and she won’t let them reach us unless he says what she wants him to say...
The thought of a fourteen-year-old boy having to lie blatantly in his letters just to have any chance of getting through to his family was absolutely horrid to think about. Even worse was the thought that the person now censoring her nephew and preventing him from writing to her and his mother had been selected by the Minister of Magic himself, supposedly address the “falling standards” at Hogwarts promoted by Albus Dumbledore...
With a heavy heart, Mia put Olin’s letter away in her robes and set about trying to busy herself with the work of the day.
And of course, right in the midst of this -- right when Mia was feeling so miserable and worried about her nephew and trying hard to distract herself with some medicinal normalcy -- this just had to be when Jacob Cromwell had the audacity to show his rotten face in Honeydukes’ Sweet Shop for the first time in five years.
When he’d first come in around mid-day, Mia had had her back turned, arranging inventory on the shelf in the far corner of the shop. Her mother Jenie was busy ringing up customers at the desk while her father Ambrosius pecked away in the kitchen, so Mia had rolled over a whole cart full of brightly colored boxes across the shop, which she was now levitating onto the shelf.
It was while doing this that she suddenly realized dozens of boxes were flying up onto the shelves around her, rather than just the ones she’d actively levitated.
“What -- ?”
When she turned around, she found herself immediately face-to-face with a man exactly her height, who had not one but two wands -- one made of white aspen and the other of black ebony -- raised, enchanting the rest of Mia’s stock to arrange themselves neatly on the shelf. His dark curls cascaded down his back and shoulders like a waterfall and his blue eyes were so darkened and sunken-in, they resembled a skull’s, especially when juxtaposed on such a pale face.
When Jacob Cromwell looked down at her, he offered a sheepish smile.
“Sorry -- I didn’t want to interrupt you while you were working,” he said.
Jacob wordlessly enchanted the last few boxes he’d lifted up onto the shelves to dance around each other so they were in the proper order.
Mia immediately flicked her wand around, catching the one box that she’d still been levitating in her non-wand hand so she could turn her wand’s focus onto Jacob. Before she could cast any spell, though, Jacob brought both of his wands up, crossing them in an “x” shape around Mia’s so as to force her to lower it.
“Easy!” he said quickly. “I’m not here to cause trouble.”
“That’d be a first,” spat Mia. “What do you want, Cromwell?”
“To talk to you, actually,” said Jacob.
“Well, I don’t want to talk to you. Now get lost -- ”
Mia yanked her wand arm back and turned her back on Jacob. He seemed to have predicted this move, though, for within seconds, he’d stepped in front of her.
“Wait -- I’ve been talking to your sister,” Jacob said seriously. “Your younger sister, Callie.”
Mia’s dark eyes flashed. Callie? Mia knew full well that her sister was one of those who’d taken a stupid liking to Jacob, so she’d interviewed Jacob rather often, but had she actually told Jacob to seek Mia out? When she knew how Mia loathed Jacob Cromwell and would for the rest of his sodding life? The chocolatier felt the strong urge to throw her shoe at something.
“I gather you don’t like me, for whatever reason, but please, just hear me out,” said Jacob. “For Callie’s sake, if not mine.”
Mia glared at Jacob. Glancing around, she took note of several customers who’d started to eavesdrop -- upon being noticed, they all immediately looked away.
“What do you want?” Mia repeated lowly, as she put down the box of Peppermint Toads still in her hand down roughly on the shelf.
Jacob likewise glanced around the shop, taking stock of the people around them. He seemed to be thinking hard, for it took him a moment to conjure up a response.
“...Callie’s told me that you’ve...been looking for new things to read, lately.”
Mia’s face scrunched up with confusion. “What?”
Jacob kept his blue eyes dreamily aloft, dancing over the highest shelves, as he slipped his hands idly into the pockets of his jeans.
“Newspapers are lovely and all, of course...but their content just gets kind of stale, after a while. Same boring, feel-good stories, over and over again. Sometimes it’s good to read other kinds of fiction, just for a change of pace...”
He shot another furtive glance around before glancing at Mia out the side of his eye.
“...Even the Quibbler gets a bit old, after a while.”
Harry Potter’s interview flitted through Mia’s mind, and it made her stiffen.
“You read the Quibbler?” she asked.
“Not all the time -- just when they’ve written something interesting,” said Jacob with a grin. “Like that article about Stubby Boardman and Sirius Black? Those photos! Almost had me believing their wacko theory, for a second...”
Thoroughly unamused, Mia tried to move past him. “I don’t have time for this -- ”
But Jacob once again seemed to have predicted her movement before she made it and cut her off.
“Mia -- may I call you Mia?”
“It’s either Hermia or Miss Flume to you,” Mia spat. She did not want to be on nickname terms with Jacob Cromwell.
“Hermia,” Jacob took this in stride, his voice going down a full decibel, “if you want me to get to the point...I know what you’ve been worrying about. What a lot more people have started worrying about, lately....”
Jacob glanced around the shop again, which prompted Mia to do the same. Once again, she could sense many of the shoppers there looking away quickly, so as to pretend they hadn’t been trying to listen in.
Oh great, Mia thought irritably, they’re probably looking at this whole exchange and thinking it’s some sort of lover’s spat.
The thought -- and Jacob’s seemingly obliviousness to how their physical proximity made them look -- made Mia glare at Jacob and take a marked step back as she started busying herself with arranging inventory on the closest shelf.
“And I suppose you’ve been worrying just as much yourself?” she growled disbelievingly under her breath.
“Is that really so hard to believe?” Jacob asked, his mouth turned down in a confused frown.
“You forget, I remember your arrogant arse at school,” Mia said vindictively. “You’ve never worried about a damn thing in your life, Jacob Cromwell.”
Despite the lingering bewilderment in his expression, Jacob’s brows came together over his eyes in intense seriousness as he stepped closer to her again. 
“Look, Hermia,” he murmured so quietly only she could hear him, “I’m sorry for whatever I did to upset you so much...but this thing is a lot bigger than us, than all of us. However much you might not like me, there’s a War coming. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon. Real soon. And with how close you are to Hogwarts, I reckon you deserve to have some better reading than the stuff you’ve currently got.”
Very abruptly Jacob had pushed a pretty blue leather-bound book into Mia’s hands. She looked down at it, startled.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
“I would hope you’d have seen this on stage, given your name,” he said with a slight wry smile. “But even if you’ve only read it...I think spending an evening reading the annotated version might prove very enlightening.”
With this cryptic remark, Jacob turned on his heel and swept off toward the door. Mia looked up from the cover, mouthing angrily before finally being able to conjure up a response.
“Wha -- what in the world is that supposed to mean?! Cromwell! Get back here!”
But by the time she’d pulled herself together enough to chase after him, Jacob had already disappeared from Hogsmeade with a CRACK.
Mia was left stewing in her juices for the rest of the day. There were points she didn’t even want to look at the book Jacob had so unceremoniously gifted her -- after all, she already had her own worn copy of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, as well as all of Shakespeare’s other plays. But at the same time, she couldn’t deny that however annoying Jacob had been -- as annoying as he always was to her, quite frankly -- his word choice seemed way too pointed to not mean something.
“ -- you deserve to have some better reading -- ”
“ -- reading the annotated version might prove very enlightening -- ”
And so, later that afternoon on her lunch break, Mia opened the book and idly flip through the pages. Nothing seemed particularly special about the book, though -- it was the same text she’d read countless times when she was little, trying to entertain herself without leaving Honeydukes or her father. She used the Revealing Charm on the pages to see if any hidden text would appear, to no avail. There weren’t even any notations or markings of any sort on the pages that could hint to some sort of code.
You would think that a guy who runs around cursebreaking all willy-nilly would know the benefit of a proper code, Mia thought scornfully.
With a scoff, the chocolatier shut the book with a loud snap, leaving it behind on the counter in the kitchen as she returned to work.
Within a few days, Mia had completely forgotten about Jacob’s “gift.” It wasn’t hard to lose track of it, given the state of things both in Hogsmeade and at Hogwarts. As OWL season began up at the school, Honeydukes and the other shops became busier, and Mia heard even more more bad news. It seemed that Umbridge had ordered several Aurors to help her forcibly evict Rubeus Hagrid from the grounds, only for them to fire several Stunning spells right into Minerva McGonagall’s chest when the Deputy Headmistress tried to intervene, sending her to St. Mungo’s and sending Hagrid running off into the forest. However much Mia hadn’t spoken much to Hagrid at school, considering how fond Hagrid was of Jacob Cromwell, she’d still always found him sweet in his own weird way, and Minerva McGonagall -- how anyone could dream to attack her, Mia couldn’t even fathom.
The worst news of all, though, was the one Mia received through an owl from Callie in the wee hours of the morning of June 19, 1996.
The eagle owl had woke Mia up out of a sound sleep with the amount of noise he made tapping against her closed window. No matter how tired and irritable the chocolatier was at being awoken so abruptly, however, her mind bolted awake with alarm when she took in the first few words.
The Evening Prophet has just confirmed our worst fears.
You-Know-Who is back.
Mia felt like her heart had stopped.
No. No, no, no --
Her mind racing at a million miles a minute, she tore through the rest of the letter.
He and his Death Eaters broke into the Department of Mysteries last night, supposedly getting all the way to the room that holds a series of prophecies. Nobody knows exactly what he was doing down there or what he was looking for, but the report says that Potter and Dumbledore and a couple of others were there to stop him. One of those people -- which confirms Harry Potter’s testimony about Peter Pettigrew somehow surviving! -- was Sirius Black, who died at the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange while fighting the Death Eaters. You-Know-Who and his people fled after the Minister and his support staff arrived.
I’m sorry if this is hard to read -- I’m having a lot of trouble not shaking. Oh, Mia, Mia, what are we going to do...?
Please stay safe. Please, take care of Dad and Mum.
Your Loving Sister,
Mia felt like her throat had clenched up, making her unable to breathe. She collapsed back into the chair in front of her desk, Callie’s letter fluttering down onto the floor.
So it was true. All along, the terrible feeling she’d had, the outcome she’d feared, but had so desperately, desperately didn’t want to be true...
The Dark Lord was back -- really back. The terrifying Dark Wizard that had been a bogeyman for Mia and her sisters, while they were at school -- the man who terrified the Wizarding World, while the Flumes huddled together in the safety of the shadow of Hogwarts...was back, and back at full strength. His army had been restored, thanks in large part to the Azkaban breakout and the dementors turning against their guards...and if the reports of giant activity could be believed, that army was soon going to be a much bigger one.
And worst of all...the Ministry of Magic had lied to them. They’d lied! They knew the danger, they knew how bad things were getting for both wizards and Muggles, and they’d lied! They’d sent representatives to Hogwarts, not to improve its failings or promote higher education, but to persecute anyone who didn’t crow the party line, all in an effort to cover up the fact that everything coming out of their mouths was a LIE!
Mia felt herself shaking with both terror and righteous fury as she cupped her hands over her face.
“...There’s a War coming. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon. Real soon.”
The memory of Jacob Cromwell’s words were like cold poison in her blood. Tears spilled loose from Mia’s eyes as she gave a mad kick to the back of her desk, unable to hold in the violent emotions beating at the inside of her heart.
Mia had always been the sort to have faith in authority. Even despite all of the failings of the Hogwarts staff while she was at school, she at least always had faith that they cared about their students. But now...now she was forced to accept that the only thing the Minister had truly cared about was himself. And that was a truly bitter pill to swallow.
For the next hour, all Mia could do was sob at her desk. It wasn’t until she heard a CRACK outside of someone Apparating in the street that Mia shot out of her daze.
Her entire frame stiffening with irrational fear, Mia catapulted over to the window. When she looked out, though, she didn’t see a Death Eater standing in front of Honeydukes...but Florean.
For you see, Florean Fortescue had just received word about the Dark Lord’s return as well, and in an impulsive decision decided he had to make sure Mia was all right. It was only when he arrived that he realized just how early it was and therefore just how insensitive it would be to wake the whole house up, just to ensure Mia’s well-being. As fate would have it, though, Mia had been awake and seen his arrival -- and so within a minute, she’d come running downstairs in her oversized T-shirt, pajama pants, and slippers, right out into the street, to try to prevent him from leaving.
Florean turned, startled. At the sight of Mia’s tear-stained, emotional face, though, he instantly melted. He swept right over to her, throwing his arms out and pulling her into his arms.
“Mia,” he breathed against the top of her head.
Mia clutched at the back of his shirt. “Florean...”
His arms should’ve been warm -- they’d always been so warm -- and yet now, in this moment, all she could feel was a numbing, paralyzing cold.
A War...what could she or her family hope to do, in the face of a War? Sure, Mia herself had been in the Dueling Club, but going up against Dark wizards? She’d never have thought she’d ever have to do that in a million years! And her sister and mother didn’t even have that distinction. And with her father’s condition...if Ambrosius turned into a dog, he’d be helpless against the likes of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...
Mia hadn’t even realized how much she’d been shaking until Florean had fully descended upon her, securing her head in the crook of his neck and cradling her against his chest with his much taller frame like a blanket.
“Mia,” he whispered.
It was just her name, nothing more -- and yet the sound of it on his lips said so much. She could hear him wanting to comfort her, to reassure her, while also feeling as though he didn’t fully know how. She could hear his anxiety about the world: the heartbreak, seeing their whole peaceful world come crumbling down around their ears. She could hear his fears -- his fear for his grandfather, his shop, for her...the longing he felt, wishing that they’d be able to face this together as husband and wife, rather than just as associates and friends.
And what he said next, in such a soft, yet firm whisper, only seemed to make these feelings bloom into a blossom of understated, yet blazing courage.
“It’ll be okay.”
Mia choked. Fresh tears spilled out of her eyes as she clung to him more tightly than ever. Florean rocked her back and forth like a child, murmuring beside her hair.
“It w-will, Mia. I promise. He fell once before -- he will fall again. I p-promise you. ...I promise...”
Florean was never so articulate in words as he was on the page, but his sincerity rippled through every word all the same. And in that moment, all Mia could do was wrap herself up in his modest, understated courage, desperately longing to have the same kind of faith that he did.
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saigonharrington · 4 years
nervous // g.w
Hi babes!
I’m finally posting the George fic that I was talking about and I am so excited for you to read it!
please, reblog if you like it, it helps me grow
disclaimer: my knowledge of werewolves is based only on a little internet research and the tv series named teen wolf, the episode named Anchors inspired me to write this
pairing: george weasley x werewolf!fem!reader
word count: 6k
Y/N - your name; L/N - last name; Y/F/N - your friend’s name
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, (kind of) panicking
summary: y/n is afraid of who she became, thinking that now she’s unlikable, but her new abilities prove her wrong, making her hear the boy’s talking and... the beating of his heart
“Hey, he’s staring again.” Your friend noticed the boy, who was standing across the hall with his brother and their friends.
Who was she talking about? George Weasley, of course, the person whose heart you could hear from miles away.
You met him a while ago, wandering through the halls at night, trying to sort some things out while he and his brother were bringing their another prank to life. Of all people attending Hogwarts, you bumped into them. 
You never thought that someone, besides Prefects, would be seen in the corridors so you didn’t pay attention, focusing only on your thoughts.  No wonder you got quite overwhelmed when you hit your head with something, and it definitely wasn’t a wall.
“Are you okay?” The redheaded boy asked you, worried about your well-being. “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t take my eyes off that Zonko’s new item. Are you sure you are fine? I can walk you to madam Pomfrey.” 
“Oh, don’t worry about me.” You said, looking at the moon. “I’m heading to my dormitory, don’t want to bother you and your brother.” You nodded at him, so he told you his name.
“I’m Fred. The more handsome one. Also, the funnier one, because I’ve just made out an amazing plan. Care to join us? I swear you will not regret it. ” He encouraged you, and you didn’t want to be rude, finally agreeing to go with them. A couple of minutes more outside the dorm can’t hurt you, right?
The thing is, you spent almost the whole night preparing pranks with them and idly talking, joking about Snape and Filch. 
The problem is, you haven't talked with them since that accident. Sometimes you exchanged a few words in classes you had together but nothing more.
So then why did George have a crush on you?
You asked yourself that question many times since you first heard him confessing his feelings to Fred. Every time this boy got closer to you or touched you accidentally, his heart was beating so fast like a drum. Your heart has been just as fast as his, but he couldn’t know that. You didn’t even know if it was because you shared his feelings, or did just knowing what he feels towards you, made you that anxious. 
“I know. I’m still not able to control these new super senses. I saw him a while ago. Not to mention that his heart makes my ears hurt. ” You admitted, holding your head because all these sounds were giving you a headache.
“Well, maybe if you’d finally talk to him, your senses wouldn’t be a big problem. Perhaps if you can’t manage to control them, you should ask someone who might help you. Go to professor Lupin.”
“But he doesn’t know that I’m a werewolf. I’m still not comfortable when someone mentions that. ” You said, scared of what you’d become. You knew that sooner or later you were supposed to reach for help, but you felt insecure and didn’t want to recall that night when you were bitten.
“He’s coming over here.” Your friend interrupted your thought, reminding you of George. 
“No way, we have to run.” You started packing your bag, standing up from sitting on the bench. 
“Too late.” She added, making you turn around.
“Hello girls, how’s your day?” He asked nicely, staring at you constantly. 
“Bad.” You whispered.
“Getting better.” Your friend interrupted you, because she knew how much you wanted to walk away, and she couldn’t let you, knowing that you have to confront him anyway. 
“Great, I wanted to ask you a question.” He pointed at you, smiling widely. “Would you go on a date with me?” He scratched his back, getting stressed. You heard his heart pounding, which made you even angrier. The sound was so loud that you weren’t able to hear anything other than that, feeling like you could pass out at any moment. 
“She would love to.” Your friend took the lead, which made the boy wonder why you weren’t responding. “She’s just as stressed as you are. Sorry for speaking in her name, but she talked about you for so long. I hope you understand.”
“Oh, no worries. Meet me after the lessons on Friday. I’ll be waiting near to the great hall. ” He explained, addressing it to you, adding a short “see you later” after his brother called after him.
“You should thank me.” Your friend addressed you, asking you to sit down.
“Gosh, his heart was beating so fast. I couldn’t focus.” You told her, relaxing a bit. “And no, I will not thank you. Can’t you understand why I’m avoiding him? I thought I told you.”
“No, I can. I just think that you’re wrong. ” She told you, winking at you.
“Think about it. If he’ll find out who I am, he won’t talk to me again. I’d rather stare at him, being miles away and aware that he likes me too than admitting who I am and getting rejected, him not being able to look at me again.” You admitted, hearing your voice cracking slowly. 
“You idiot. You really think that werewolves are some type of creature that cannot function normally? You’re here for centuries, managing everything somehow, I bet that there were werewolves married to Muggles, to wizards, and many more. Don’t think of yourself as a beast, some kind of unlovable creature. That’s not what you are. You’re perfectly normal. By the way, bold of you to assume that he’s the first one to judge and won’t accept you.” She gave you a speech, trying to cheer you up.
“That’s exactly what I think. Can you blame me? I’m still not used to this, I never really talked with any other werewolves.”
“Then stop! See, you’re also prejudging him. There’s only one way to find out what he’s thinking about you. You’ll tell him the truth. But for now, we have to find Lupin.”
You were not ready yesterday, so after your friend spotted Lupin, you decided to hide. You wanted to be prepared for every topic that he will discuss with you, deciding that you’ll ask him to stay for a little talk when the DADA lesson finishes. 
“Can I speak with you for a moment, professor?” You asked, trying to sound quiet. 
“Yes, you may. What’s the problem, miss L/N?” 
“If you’re going to ask questions, then I might stay here for a little longer than ‘ a moment ’.” You joked, secretly being scared of admitting the truth.
“Anyway. As you may know, I am a werewolf. Before you ask, I prefer not to tell you how it happened. I’m still learning, and you’re the only one that came to mind. I thought that you might help me.”
“You should’ve come earlier. Weren’t you curious earlier about your abilities and how to control them?”
“I was. But I was also too afraid to say something. Werewolves aren’t considered as the nicest creatures, I wanted to avoid gossip. I still want to. ” You started a monologue, watching closely if Lupin is paying attention to you. “The main reason for me coming to have a little chat with you is not only to ask about my abilities. I’m invested in hearing. Because I cannot understand why some sounds are clearer and come to my mind often? What makes them so?”
“Do you have something specific in your mind?” He asked, being eager to help you.
“Someone’s heart beating. I mean, I hear a lot of sounds, but this one is haunting me, even if that person is completely in a different place. Am I losing my mind? Or did this happen to you as well?”
“This person is your anchor, then. The one who can calm you down, who can help you control all of your new skills. But it might change through the years, you don’t have one anchor for eternity. Everything is based on your feelings. ” Remus explained calmly.
“Who was your anchor? You don’t have to tell me if you’re not feeling comfortable with it, after all, I’m just another Hogwarts student. ” You asked out of curiosity, wishing that he will open up to you.
“It used to be someone who was my friend. I don’t think I have an anchor anymore. ” He answered, being rather peaceful and not bothered by it, however, you wanted to comfort him, asking for permission to hug him.
“You’ll find another anchor. You said that we can have it more than once, right? I bet that somewhere there is someone special, whose ability is to calm you down. ” You smiled shyly.
“Um, eh, we’re not here to be upset. Let’s focus on your issue.” He said, wanting to change the topic. “What you need to control your abilities is physical contact with that special someone. I can’t assure you that it will work after the first attempt, but it certainly might help.
 “But that takes time, I think I was able to control most parts of it after months. Still, some things are not under my control. Anyway, don’t worry about that, everything has its flaws. If you’ll excuse me, I have an important meeting soon, I don't want to be late. If you want, we can meet again after one of my lessons.” Lupin bid you goodbye, making you leave his classroom.
As you were left alone, you started thinking about the conversation that happened seconds ago. It did not make sense to you.
How could George be your anchor? 
Sure, you had a crush on him for a while, but nothing ever happened between you two. That one night, which you spent preparing pranks with twins was fun, nothing else. You decided to not make any more friends, because you remembered how Y/F/N reacted when you said that you’re a werewolf. So you drifted away not only for your own good, but also for his. 
Why him? Why isn’t it your friend, or even someone from your family who is  your anchor? And how are you going to explain it to him? “Hey, I’m a werewolf, and you’re the only one that keeps me sane? You have to stay with me forever, otherwise I might go crazy?” 
No way. You couldn’t  see it.
At the same time, George was calmly waiting for you next to the Defence Against the Dark Arts  classroom. He noticed that you stayed for a little talk with Remus, but he also was eager to talk to you. 
Your date was supposed to happen tomorrow, and he wanted to make sure that you’re comfortable with him, and that you have something to talk about. He was afraid that maybe somehow tomorrow you guys will be stressed, so chatting the day before, no strings attached and just getting to know each other might lighten the mood. 
“Hey.” He started the conversation without thinking about it. ‘Hey’? Couldn’t you think about anything better? Something more creative? Now she will think that you were stalking her, you dumbass, he thought, standing in front of you.
Never was he that close to you, or maybe just didn’t pay attention when you were around, but now he noticed the height difference between the both of you. He found it really hard not to kneel down, so he could see your eyes gleaming. Although he considered it cute and funny, he decided not to mock it. Well, not right now, since he had other reasons to talk to you and was so fixated about it.
“Hello George, what could have  brought you here?” You asked, not bothering to look at him, because you would have to keep your head up.
“We just had the same lesson.  I sit in front of you. ” He explained, thinking that you didn’t notice that detail. If the tall, ginger boy can be considered as a detail.
“Oh, I know. But the lesson ended 20 minutes ago. ” You said, wondering if he will say what he has in mind or will just play pretend.
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you. Nothing deep, only to diffuse the tension before our meeting tomorrow. ” He scratched his head, walking slowly by your side.
“Meeting you say, and what’s that?” You teased him a little, finding it funny and adorable that he was afraid to use the word ‘date’.
“You know, when a group of people, two and above, meets somewhere. God, I was scared that I’m going to be the dumb one. Now I can relax. But I have to admit, I expected more from you. ” He joked, coping with his fear.
“Okay, so what’s the pre-meeting topic that made you come to me?”
“Actually…” He began, but you interfered.
“Shit. My friend is there.” You pointed at the end of the corridor, where she was talking with a Ravenclaw from your year. “We have to hide, I’ll explain.” You pushed him to the next door that appeared in front of you, finding yourself in Filch’s office. Great.
“Can you explain now? I thought that you like her. ” He asked out of curiosity.
“I do, but I don’t want her to interject in our conversation. Shh, I think someone’s coming. We should hide. ” You advised, being pretty sure that it’s Filch. Who else would  come to his office? You made George hide behind the huge bookshelf, noticing how little space there was.
“You know, we could also say a spell to make us invisible.” He laughed at you, trying to find a comfortable position.
“Too late. Shut your mouth. ” You both tried to stay silent, hearing the sound of someone opening the door. George was almost sitting, because if he would stand normally, his head could be seen above the bookshelf. 
His eyes were focused on you and your face in general, which made you hold your laughs way harder than you thought it would. If either  of you made a sound, you’d end up in detention, and Filch would make sure that you get the worst punishment. 
Fortunately, he only came to get one thing from his desk, so as soon as you heard the door shut, George suddenly moved, hitting his head on the shelf. 
“Shh.” You said, listening closely to the steps that were getting closer.
“Ah, Mr. Norris, I forgot about you! But you didn’t have to hit the door so hard. I hope you forgive me. ” He said to the cat that stayed in his office, but this time he took it with him.
While they were going out of the office, you had to silence the boy, who was struggling because of pain. It was not your intention to show your werewolf abilities, however, he looked as it really hurt him, wanting to scream. 
“Show me the back of your head.” You demanded, when the two of you went out of the hideaway. You slowly took his head with one hand, the other one intertwining with his fingers. He had no idea what you were doing. It was clever of you to take his hand, making it look like you were comforting him, while you took some of his pain away. Fortunately, you were wearing your long robes, so your veins were not visible. Otherwise, the boy would’ve seen how you were taking the sore, making the veins look blackish.
If it weren’t for your location and the cause of his headache, both of you would be on the way to the hospital wing. But how could you explain that George hit the bookshelf in Filch’s office? Well, you couldn’t. Good for you that the boy did not question your methods, he probably didn’t even notice the thing that you had done. 
“That was weird. But also hilarious.” George admitted, laughing way too loud, when you carefully opened the door to check what’s going on outside the office. After you made sure that no one was staring, you took his hand again, making him go after you.
While wandering through corridors, you noticed it is almost empty.
“Why is no one here?” You asked, not expecting the ginger boy to answer.
“You know, I think everyone is having classes. We’re going to be late.” 
“Oh no, we’re not going at all.” You replied quickly. “Not in the mood to get all the attention today, apparently the world is against me. We gotta be smarter, let’s play truant.” You tried to encourage George, but he already seemed to be in.
“That sounds great! Now I really do feel like we’re soulmates.”
“You doubted it? Wait, you never even mentioned that to me. ” You craved for an explanation, while George wasn’t so fond of telling you more.
“Don’t worry, it’s just a silly word. I intended to ask you something. Why didn’t you say anything when I asked for a date? Is it because you didn’t want to, or find me too intimidating?”
“Do you want the answer that will make you look bad, or do I have to take all the blame?”
“Depends which is the correct one.” He replied teasingly.
“I mean, I did think it was a little weird that you asked me, because after the pranks that night we talked only occasionally… how could I possibly be your soulmate? How could you grow to like me when you don’t know me at all? ” Yeah, you might regret that later, but you had to be honest.
“Merlin, I’m going to sound like a weirdo, but I do know you. At least I think so. You showed the real yourself that night, being careless and funny, besides in most of my classes I’m focusing on you, not the topic. I’m definitely sounding like a psycho, but you always sit in front of me or behind me, joking with your friend and I cannot help but hear more than a little and laugh quietly. I’ve liked you since that damn night and got to know you, in an unusual way, but still felt like we’re similar. That’s why I had to shoot my shot. Please don’t leave. ” He said, grabbing my hand, afraid of the vision that I might freak out.
“Can you shut up?” You replied in a harsh way, later realizing what you had done. “Shit, I didn’t mean… I just… you can speak. I’m just… Can you calm down? It sounds like your heart is going to run away from your body.” 
“Am I sweating or what?” He asked, curious how did you notice that his heart was fluttering.
“Oh no I actually… I can hear your heart beating. Very, very fast. And that you’re swallowing now the gulp of saliva, because you’re scared. I even hear professor Flitwick explaining the cheering charm to the 3rd years. And that Hagrid is coming, I think he’ll appear in this corridor in two minutes.”
“Your eyes have just changed from their natural  color. What is going on? Is something wrong? I am worried, I want to help you darling. ” He tried to comfort you, so you didn’t even notice the nickname. “Are you an Animagus? Metamorphmagus?”
“I’m a werewolf. I’m a werewolf, George. I’m so sorry, I know, I should’ve told you earlier. ” You admitted the truth, now being the one who’s afraid.
“No way! That’s so cool! I’m glad that I know! How many people know? Is this why you talked with Lupin? Can you show me your claws? And your transformation? ” The ginger got way too excited, so your job was to tone him down. 
“Shh, remember that we’re in corridors, when  we should be in classes. No one can know that we’re here. I’m so sorry for saying this, but I can’t show you. Not only is it irresponsible, but.. I can’t control anything since I was bitten. It might be because I’m that creature for the short term. I haven’t  learned to control it yet, no one was kind enough to show me. Oh wait, the only werewolf that I know and trust is Remus and I told him the news just today.”
“But you told me that you hear my heart beating...  It’s one of your abilities, right? ” He asked curiously.
“Yeah, it is. See, I either don’t know how to do things or they’re out of my control. I can smell like everything in this corridor right now, and trust me, when it’s mixed, it’s awful. I told you, I hear not only you, but even what’s happening in the charms classroom that is in front of us,” you took a deep breath, trying to gather your wits,
 “I also see the flying lessons from that window and I can recall every face of the students that are now attending that lesson. The problem is, that I don’t want to. This information is totally not needed by me, but I can’t control it.”
 “I can’t decide yet what I want to smell or hear… it’s really hard. That’s why I couldn’t answer you when you asked me on a date. I heard your heart, and it caused my headache, that’s why my friend took the lead and talked with you that day.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it! Now that I know what was happening, I can relax. Should I say sorry for the sound of my heart? I didn’t want to…”
“It’s okay.” You interjected, comforting him, while it’s you who needed the comfort. “It’s not that bad, since you consider us soulmates, me, remembering how your heart beat sounds, it’s quite romantic.” You smiled shyly, avoiding eye contact.
“Can I?” George started, but took a break, wishing that you know what he has in his mind. You didn’t, so you stared at him with interest. “Can I listen to your heart? I wish I could remember yours too.”
You nodded at him, but the boy was too awkward to start this. You took his hand, leading it slowly to your chest, getting out of your comfort zone. 
“You know, maybe you should rest your head on me. It won’t look as weird as you're almost touching my breasts. ” You started laughing, wondering if you’re  taking this too far.
“Alright then.” He got a little more confident, doing as you told him so. “And I was hoping that we were going to have sex.”
“And you’re my soulmate?? Man, I would never do it in public. In front of the charms' classroom? What if Flitwick or students… I can’t even say it. You’re something else, Weasley.” You patted him on his head, which was still resting on your arm.
“I was going to tell you something really important. But since you got too cocky, you’re gonna have to wait ‘til  our date. ” You started, feeling ready to explain to him about  the anchor. You didn’t change your mind, because you will tell him anyway. Since the two of you got way too comfortable around each other, you decided to tease him a little. 
“Oh please, don’t leave me hanging on. I can give you… something. ” He tried to convince you, taking some sweets from his pocket.
“No way, I know what you’re giving me. It’s Zonko’s hiccough sweet. Won’t happen. ” You replied, declining his offer. The bell ringing made you realize that the lesson has ended and the two of you should hide or at least make an excuse why didn’t you show up to your classes. Not only for the teachers, but for the friends' curiosity. What were you going to say? It seemed easier to just disappear than explain everything. 
“I’m sorry, but Fred is watching us and I think we have something to talk about.” George got up, waving to his brother. “See you tomorrow then? Please, don’t be late” He added, lending you a hand in case you wanted to stand up, but you kindly declined it, deciding to sit for a little longer.
“Where were you? I was freaking out until I noticed that George was also absent. Good for you that it’s the transfiguration you had missed, not potions. Snape would kill you, or make you clean his class. Now, tell me what happened. In detail, please. ” She begged you, making you sigh at that statement, knowing that you two will probably miss another lesson, talking about your new friend, or, more like, soulmate?
The date was about to begin in 30 minutes, you were sitting calmly in your dorm, listening to your friend’s rambling.
“What do you mean by saying that you have ‘a lot of time’? Is thirty minutes a lot? You aren’t ready at all! At least change your shirt.”
“Well, I wanted to dress up. Then I started thinking if I should wear something casual, since it’s just Friday night, and we’re staying in school, or should I wear something elegant, to make this date more serious. Next I had a little panic attack for the same reason. Finally, I decided that I’m not gonna dress up. Too much pressure.”
“So you’re going in the same clothes that you were wearing for the whole day?” She asked you, wishing you’ll decide to change.
“Yeah, I don’t want to make it official. We’ll see what is going to happen.”
“At least brush your teeth for Merlin’s sake! I bet this boy is ready for something more than listening to your heart. ” She joked, making you terrified.
“Damn, what if he really does? What If I won’t be able to control myself and change into a werewolf? That would be so humiliating.”
“No! I’m sorry, don’t panic. I think he’ll be excited to see you in that way. You mentioned that he was very cool about that. ” She tried to calm you.
“No, you don’t understand. I can’t control myself. What If I harm him? I don’t want to... If something like that happens, then for sure he won’t keep in touch with me. ” You said, pacing  around the dorm to not freak out.
“Oh trust me, this boy is weird. And he likes taking risks. I bet that he will laugh about it and get excited. ” She summed it up, wishing that it might cheer me up.
Because of her, you  finally decided to get up and change clothes. You still wanted to be comfortable, hoping that casual clothes would fit in that situation, whatever it may be that George has planned. 
After saying goodbye to your  friend, you found yourself in the corridors, walking slowly, focusing on breathing slowly. There’s no need to worry, right?
A couple of minutes later you noticed George, standing in front of the Great Hall, just as he said to you  earlier, leaning against the wall. He was looking down at the floor, bouncing his head, probably to the song that he couldn’t get rid of. You did not want to interrupt, enjoying the view from afar, but you knew you had no choice.
“Stressed?” You asked him, watching as his eyes slowly looked  upon you. “Not any longer. You came. ” He smirked, asking for permission to take my hand. “Why wouldn’t I? Yesterday was fun. ” You admitted, being curious where the two of you are heading to. 
Before you realized you were outside of  Hogwarts, George led you to the location where everything was prepared. You couldn’t help but wonder what he has in his mind. Is he worried that you may not like that? Is he excited to show you? Is it still a date or just a friendly meeting? 
Seconds later the view was starting to get familiar  the Black Lake was for sure mesmerizing, but what amazed you more was a huge, colorful blanket  with so much food on it. 
“Did you make it?” You asked, noticing that a flower crown was also laying on the blanket. “Which charm did you use?” The boy flushed at this question, feeling embarrassed.
“Oh, I didn’t use any charm. I got anxious after everything was prepared, so I had to get my hands busy. We were making flower crowns when Ginny was little, so I was worried that I might not do it properly, because it was long ago, but I’m actually proud of that one. ” George explained everything to you, starting to gain his confidence back, seeing that you liked what he had done. He helped you put it on your head, and then you sat down, looking at swans swimming in the lake.
“Do you think that we will eat everything? It looks like a feast for the whole school, or at least for one of the houses. ” The food in front of you was disappearing very, very slowly. Although George was eating all the time, the blanket was still full of all kinds of food. At first, you weren’t eager to try this food, knowing that George might have done something with it, but when he reached for the snacks, you followed his actions. 
Talking with him was really pleasant, you felt weirdly comfortable around him, but still the anchor thing was haunting you. Sometimes you couldn’t focus, thinking how are you going to explain it to him. It wasn’t that hard to make words come out of your mouth. What worried you was the commitment. Do you have to be his girlfriend immediately after that confession? Does that strengthen the bond between you two? Or will it mean nothing to him?
You could admit that you liked him. A lot. But those words sounded like you expected him to be more than your friend, and you did not want to rush things. Maybe you’ll consider telling it to him after the date? Depends on if it’s going to be good or end awkwardly? 
You decided to brush it off, asking out of nowhere.
“George, what’s like to prank people? Do you feel excited or embarrassed while making them?”
“Don’t tell me you’ve never pranked someone.” He said seriously, but seeing your face made him realize that you weren’t joking as well.
 “No way. We have to prank someone together. Get up. Plans are changed.” He ordered, making sure that you do what he told you to, and then throwing the spell that made the blanket disappear.
“Did someone get under your skin lately?” Weasley said, probably having the plan already made in his head.
“Filch is yelling at me every day. Apparently Mr. Norris is not fond of my Kneazle.”
“And you’re letting him treat you like that? We gotta do something.” 
Going back to Hogwarts was quick and exciting. You never pranked anyone but you heard a lot of stories about the twins doing it, and having a chance to make it with one of them next to you, made you hope that it’s going to be fun. George decided that you’re gonna make a potion that will make Filch speak nonsense, it is Babbling Beverage. 
To do this, you had to sneak into the potions classroom, which wasn’t the easiest task, but definitely the interesting one. 
Joking with Weasley was really easy, this boy was a comedian. Spending time with him opened your eyes, that not everything has to be taken seriously in life. He could make fun of anything, yet you felt comfortable with him, because he knew when he should stop. 
Collecting all the things needed to brew this potion  created a silence between you two,  because you focused on the responsibility to make it perfect. Considering the fact that neither of you were good in potions, doing all of this was a challenge. But you knew it was worth it. For all the things Filch said to you, offending you every day, you waited for the sweet, sweet revenge. 
Finally, feeling ready, you broke the silence. 
“George, I have to say something. Please don’t make fun of me.”
 “No worries darling. I literally came to you and asked you out even though we didn’t talk much. If you didn’t make fun of me, then I won’t do it to you.” He admitted, taking the ladle out of your hands.
“How much do you know about werewolves?” You started slowly, not wanting to get to the point so quickly.
“Not much. Just that you and Remus are the ones. And that something happens when there’s a full moon. Do you want to say that I should learn more? Because I could do that for you. ” He replied, like it wasn’t a big thing, but it made you smile wide.
“Oh, you don’t have to.” You said, not wanting to put the pressure on him. “You know, there’s a thing called  an Anchor.” You started, taking a deep breath to think what you should say.
“And what’s that?” He asked out of curiosity, wishing that you could explain everything now, because he hated living with the unawareness. “You can trust me.” He added, taking your palm in his and rubbing it slowly with his thumb.
“I don’t know how to say this. I’m nervous. It... it’s a thing, or a person... actually, it is a person, who can calm the werewolf. They don’t have to be next to the creature, just the thought of them makes the werewolf control everything, making them able to not transform into the beast... you know. ” You started messing up the words, feeling incredibly stressed, and the fact that George was staring deep in your eyes, didn’t help you at all.
“Sorry to bother you, but we have to wait one hour for this ingredient to get warmer. We can sit in the storeroom then.”   He took off his jacket, putting it on the floor to make the place a bit more cozy.
You sat next to him, staying silent, knowing that when he interrupted you, it could mean that he’s not interested in the werewolf things. “What you said about the anchor... I think it’s pretty romantic. But why did you mention it to me?” 
“Don’t make me say it Weasley. I really don’t want to. I don’t even think I can. ” You tried to make it obvious that it’s him, but he clearly wanted you to admit it out loud.
“No way, is it Snape? That’s why we’re sitting here? Or is it Filch? And you want to show him the affection through the pranks? You're a weirdo, Y/N.” He laughed.
 “And you clearly don’t know what I have in mind.” You said, getting the confidence you gained lately.
“Do you mean you’re going to change tonight? Should I run? Or try to keep you calm? ” He was asking.
“If someone’s going to be that dumb, I might harm him. Just in case. ” You tried to tease him back, not wanting to say those words.
“Can I kiss you? These threats sound so hot when it comes out of your mouth. ” He asked, so you nodded quietly, watching as he was leaning closer. “Just don’t bite me, or do it. I would be the best werewolf, and the most handsome one. ” He whispered between the kisses.
“Your heart is so freaking loud. Maybe we should stop, we don’t want you to die or have a heart attack. ” You replied, showing that you care.
“We don’t? I didn’t know that. Also, I thought that you can’t hear it anymore. Since I am your anchor, and all you do right now is think of me...” he said confidently, admitting the things you were scared to say.
“Glad you finally understood. But it doesn’t work like that...” You were eager to explain everything once more, yet George had the courage to interrupt you again.
“Shh, we will have the time for talking. I’m now stuck with you forever, to be your Prince Charming and hero when you won’t be able to control yourself. But you are able now, and the night is long…”
“Don’t be so sure.” You interjected, moving closer and deciding to sit on him.
As George said, the night was long. The two of you forgot about the potion you were making, focusing on something else.
 The worst thing was how easy the two of you fell asleep.
 Snape seeing you that morning, sleeping, covered with your robes, was quite surprised. And furious. He yelled at you, making you wake up, not knowing where you are and what you were doing last night.
 It was obvious that he’s going to serve detention for you.
 But what could possibly go wrong, now that you have your anchor beside you?
tagging some people: @weasleysandwheezes @nerdyblogger06 @georgeweasley-whore @georgeweasleysbabe @asimpfortheweasleys
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hxlyhead-harpies · 4 years
Cowboy Like Me
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Pairing: Sirius Black x Remus Lupin
Summary: Muggle! AU. Remus Lupin is a con man who is determined to get what he wants. That is, until he meets Sirius Black. Inspired by Cowboy Like Me by Taylor Swift
You're a bandit like me Eyes full of stars Hustling for the good life Never thought I'd meet you here It could be love
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol
Remus stood at the edge of the ballroom, watching the rich men and women dance around the room as he sipped from his glass of wine. He was at some high society ball that he hadn’t been invited to, searching for his next meal ticket. Remus crashed these events often, knowing that with a pretty enough smile he could get in anywhere. He’d meet the gaze of various important men from across the room, enticing them with his golden eyes. Each long, fixed stare conveyed a message, as if a secret code was embedded in Remus’s honey irises. They would find their way to him sometime later that night, in a secluded hallway or closet. There were many elites with secrets in unhappy marriages, a fact that Remus could easily use to his advantage. He learned early on that men who came from old money loved nothing more than to spend it, showering him in gifts he could sell and cash he could spend.
So there he sat at the end of the bar, eyes scanning the room for someone donning that specific air of loneliness. He tugged at his tie and observed. 
The ballroom was grand edging on gaudy, high vaulted ceilings seemingly coated in gold. The party was held in the ballroom of a rich benefactor who had nothing better to do than to throw money at shallow causes and to throw gauche parties. The air was thick with fake niceties and the lofty laughter of old rich women who had downed too much champagne. Remus hated these parties, but he had to make a living somehow. Hustling for the good life was exhausting but the end always rewarded the means. He could forget how miserable these parties were when he finally had what he wanted. 
His eyes eventually landed on a familiar man with sleek black hair pulled into a bun. He recognized him, from these very parties in fact, but he hadn’t seen him for years. He remembered the man’s piercing gray eyes, his overconfident posture, and his clunky black boots. Remus used to stare at him during these events, reveling in the shape of the man’s shoulders and the way he’d shed his jacket and roll up his sleeves. 
The last time Remus had seen him was when he was nineteen, just starting to learn the life of a con man. Back then he had been on the cusp of adulthood, masquerading as a man when he was only just a boy. The man appeared to be close to Remus’ age and mysterious. He had always seemed carefree and out of place. Though his appearance screamed aristocrat, his smile held the mischief of a vagabond. 
The man had disappeared abruptly, never showing his face at another event again. That was, until tonight. 
He looked just as beautiful as Remus remembered, but still painfully out of reach. He seemed like a wild and free spirit, someone who wouldn’t be scandalized to be seen with him. He wasn’t the type of man that Remus could scam and milk for money. Remus didn’t have time to waste on anything else. But momentarily, sliver met gold, the stranger’s eyes strong and unwavering. Remus nearly shivered under his gaze but looked away quickly. 
That night Remus spoke to a man in politics, whispering in hushed voices in a back hall, promises of riches if Remus promised not to tell. It was just as he planned. The gentleman left to return to the party and dote on his unsuspecting wife, leaving Remus to lean against the wall with a satisfied smirk. He felt a presence next to him and he turned, meeting the iron eyes he hadn’t been able to get out of his mind all night. The man smirked at him and crossed his arms. His bun had become slightly messy, pieces of hair falling to frame his face. The way he was looking at Remus was dangerous. 
“Care to dance?” he asked, making Remus’s cheeks go pink. Remus leaned his head back against the wall, letting his eyes roam over the stranger’s body before turning away.
“I don’t think that would be a good idea,” he said after a moment. The man grunted in response, his eyes never leaving Remus’s side profile. 
“I’ve seen you before haven’t I?” he asked Remus with a furrowed brow. 
“I come to these events quite often,” Remus replied. The man narrowed his eyes. 
“But the thing is,” he said, “I know everyone who’s invited to these little soirees and I don’t know you.” Remus smiled to himself and took a lazy look back towards the man.
“Whoever said I was invited,” he answered with a chuckle. A grin broke out across the other man’s face and Remus felt something in his stomach twist. Remus couldn’t risk taking a liking to this gorgeous stranger no matter how sharp his cheekbones, as love could never fit into his lifestyle. It was a realization he had come to a long time ago, a sad one, but it was the truth. 
“So what is your name then?” he asked with a smirk. Remus thought for a moment, trying to decide whether he should give his given name or an alias. 
“Remus Lupin,” he said finally. The man raised his hand for Remus to shake. Remus grabbed his palm, the stranger’s grasp warm and firm. 
“Sirius Black,” he said, his eyes glinting. Remus faltered for a moment. 
“As in…” he began.
“Walburga and Orian Black? Yes, I’m their son,” he said, interrupting Remus. Remus swallowed thickly and looked away, a pit forming in his stomach. For some reason, some part of him had wanted Sirius to be like him: a wandering man with no destination and a knack for fooling the rich. But it seemed that he had been mistaken, Sirius was one of them, among the ranks of the men he had swindled, and Remus had just told him his name.
“Not that they’d ever call me that,” Sirius said quickly as if sensing Remus’s internal panic. “Left home when I was eighteen. I’ve been disowned and disinherited,” he said, bitterness ebbing into his voice. Relief flooded through his veins for a moment, a feeling he felt guilty for seconds later. 
“That must have been hard,” Remus said after a beat. Sirius just shrugged and loosened his tie.
“In all honesty, I’m happy to be away from them,” he said, “And it’s fine. I get by.” Remus nodded. 
“So what do you do now?” he questioned, “You know, to get by?” Sirius smirked at him and gestured to the ballroom. 
“I do this,” he answered, “There are plenty lonely women on the other side of the marriages you ruin, Lupin.” Remus let out a surprised laugh, not quite expecting Sirius’s bluntness. Sirius only smiled wider at the sound f his laughter, giving Remus a look that could only end in disaster. 
Remus’s night ended in the coat closet with Sirius’s lips pressed against his own, ignoring the party and the potential scheming for the feeling of his hands running through Sirius’s dark hair.
Remus wasn’t sure what he expected to come out of that night. No contact information had been exchanged. After pressing several searing kisses to Remus’s lips, Sirius had straightened his coat and exited the closet, leaving Remus behind.
It was a month until Remus attended another party wearing a fancy new suit that a mayoral candidate had purchased for him, secretly of course. This party was in the garden behind some manor, a white tent pitched among the flowers and lanterns hanging from trees. As soon as Remus pulled back the tarp and headed into the heart of the banquet. He convinced himself that his eyes were searching for his next conquest, not for Sirius. But he froze when he caught sight of the man across the crowd with his hand resting on the forearm of an expensive-looking woman. 
Remus sighed before heading into the throng of the crowd, reminding himself that the fleeting moment he had shared with Sirius had been nothing and they were both here now with a purpose. He couldn’t get sidetracked or too attached. So as the night wore on he met with various men, planting the seeds for his various affairs and subsequent funds. 
As the party dwindled he felt a hand on the small of his back and he looked up to catch Sirius’s burning gaze. Sirius pushed past him, using his carefully placed hand to maneuver around Remus, his eye contact lingering as he headed towards the exit. Remus counted to a hundred in his head before downing his drink and excusing himself from the conversation and heading outside.
Remus left the tent, walking around the side in an attempt to find Sirius. After a short walk, he was met with Sirius’s back, the other man looking up at the sky. A twig broke under Remus’s foot, alerting Sirius to his presence. He spun around with a wide smile.
“Took you long enough,” Sirius said before stepping towards him, “I almost thought you didn’t read my signals correctly.” Remus chuckled before Sirius grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him in for a blazing kiss. When Sirius pulled back he had a self-satisfied smile on his face, his grey eyes reflecting the stars. 
After that night, every party that Remus attended became less about profit and more about the chance he could catch a glimpse of Sirius. He felt himself falling down a rabbit hole, feelings he had always scorned now bubbling to the surface. He didn’t know what Sirius wanted from him, but frankly, he didn’t care. Remus couldn’t offer him money or anything material, all Remus could offer was himself. He had been in this business long enough to know that he wasn’t enough for men like Sirius. But he was too caught up in the excitement of clandestine meetings and secret rendezvouses to dwell on it. The way that he’d catch Sirius stealing glances at him from across the room while simultaneously attempting to swindle one of his mother’s friends sent electricity down Remus’s spine every single time.
After their fourth encounter, Remus had the courage to slip his number into Sirius’s pocket, praying that his confidence was good and not a misstep. He sat by the phone anxiously for hours, waiting for the man he felt himself quickly falling for to call. And to Remus’s delight, he did. 
After a particularly slow Christmas party, Remus found himself once again in Sirius’ arms. After months of parties, the arrangement had become less about their surface-level attraction. Gone were the nights of senseless kissing and grappling for honest human touch. Now, nights were spent learning of their pasts, tracing fingers across shoulders, and memorizing the shape of each other’s smile. 
Here, Remus laid with his head resting in the crook of Sirius’ neck, breathing in his expensive scent and listening to the sound of his breathing. He thought the other man was asleep, his eyelids fluttering against his cheeks and his muscles relaxed. If Remus had suspected that Sirius was conscious, he never would have been so bold. He swiped a strand of dark hair from Sirius’s cheek and pressed a kiss to his jaw before murmuring the words that he had never thought he would say. 
“I love you,” Remus whispered, the honesty of it all hitting him square in the chest. In the past, the words had only ever been used as a weapon, as a tool of manipulation. But as they left his lips, his eyes trained on Sirius, he knew that he had never once meant something so much in his life. The words were completely unselfish and authentic. Remus, for once, didn’t want or expect anything in return. 
The air around him stilled as Sirius whispered that he loved him too. 
Months later Remus stood in the lounge of a country club, tying up some loose ends. He sat at the end of the bar when a conversation to his left caught his interest. A few ladies that he knew Sirius had conned were lunching together, discussing Remus’s lover.
“I haven’t seen the boy in ages,” one of them said, scandalized. 
“Not since the Malfoy’s Christmas party,” another one added with raised eyebrows.
“Quite a handsome young man, it’s a shame he’s run off again,” a third woman said. They all nodded in agreement and sipped their tea. Remus smiled to himself as he listened, knowing exactly where Sirius had disappeared to. 
When Remus arrived home he walked towards his bedroom, kicking a familiar pair of black boots out of the way. He climbed back into bed and was immediately met with Sirius pressing languid kisses to his jaw. 
“I missed you,” he murmured into Remus’s neck. Remus smiled, pushing Sirius’s hair out of the way and leaning in for a real kiss. Once they parted Sirius curled up into Remus’s side, his head on his chest. 
“I love you,” Remus whispered, pressing a sweet kiss to Sirius’s temple. He had said the words to countless, people many times. But the words were only spoken when he needed something from them. It wasn’t until Sirius that the words meant anything. And Remus knew that never in his life would he want to say the words to anyone else.
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fixitfest · 4 years
Anon Master List
TITLE: A Gift RATING: T WORD COUNT: 912 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Sirius Black Lives, Fix-It, References to Footloose (1984), Fluff, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Harry is only mentioned, he doesn't appear, Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter), Canon Compliant, technically, Hopeful Ending SUMMARY: This was meant to be something very different but what it turned into was soft affection and movie night at 12 Grimmauld Place and learning each other again. READ IT ON AO3: A Gift
TITLE: the beauty of a secret (you have to keep it) RATING: G WORD COUNT: 14600 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Remus's supportive parents, Christmas Fluff, THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED, this is really soft and so self-indulgent, First Kiss, Mutual Pining, POV Remus Lupin SUMMARY: When Remus asked Sirius to be his fake-date for them to visit his parents for the Christmas holidays, he hadn't expected it to go that well, not really. No one, least of all Remus could have predicted how rapidly it deteriorated, especially with his long hidden feelings that were too close to the surface. READ IT ON AO3: the beauty of a secret (you have to keep it)
TITLE: Be My Baby RATING: M WORD COUNT: 21876 ADDITIONAL TAGS: wolfstar, RS Fix It Fest 2020, Dirty Dancing AU, 1960s America, Coming of Age, Coming Out, Black!James, Cuban!Sirius, Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Muggle, Fluff, Romance, Dancing, Summer Love, Period-Typical Homophobia, Period-Typical Racism, but both are pretty mild!, Meet-Cute, Getting Together, First Time, dance SUMMARY: It’s the summer of 1963, and 18 year old Remus Lupin discovers dance, love, and even himself. (A very romantic and very gay Dirty Dancing AU.) READ IT ON AO3: Be My Baby
TITLE: Good Year RATING: T WORD COUNT: 1024 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sirius Black Lives, Remus Lupin Lives, Professor Sirius Black, Professor Remus Lupin, Post-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, middle-aged wolfstar, they’re alive and happy and they kiss and laugh a lot SUMMARY: Sirius and Remus one happy morning before the start of their first year of teaching at Hogwarts together. Set the year after the end of the Second Wizarding War. READ IT ON AO3: Good Year
TITLE: Hic sunt dracones RATING: E WORD COUNT: 4941 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, First War with Voldemort, Canon Compliant, Happy Ending, Romance, Makeup, Mirror Sex, Intercrural Sex, Sharing a Bed, RS Fix It Fest 2020, POV Remus Lupin SUMMARY: Remus and Sirius try putting on makeup and end up trying a lot more: sex, kissing, and maybe even talking about feelings. READ IT ON AO3: Hic sunt dracones
TITLE: In the Shadow of Your Heart, It's the Only Way I Can Escape RATING: M WORD COUNT: 10032 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Victorian, Alternate Universe - Muggle, Magicians, sort of a The Prestige au, POV Alternating, Non-Linear Narrative, POV Sirius Black, POV Remus Lupin, Rivals to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Sort Of, Strangers to Lovers, magician Sirius, Magician Remus, escape artist Remus, Non-Sexual Bondage, Remus is sort of based on Houdini, Buried Alive, Everybody Lives, Nobody is Dead, I promise nobody dies SUMMARY: The lights glittered upon the stage, dust particles floating, the light catching on the shiny buttons of the man’s jacket. The boards creaked as he strutted across them, a faint sound only heard if you were listening for it. The heavy velvet curtains hung on either side of the stage framing whatever spectacle was to occur. Or where two sort-of rival magicians perform on stage, confront mortality, and realize that past passion can be present love. READ IT ON AO3: In the Shadow of Your Heart, It’s the Only Way I Can Escape
TITLE: Just Sleep RATING: T WORD COUNT: 1403 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Raising Harry Potter SUMMARY: Remus didn't want to open the door but he almost closes it when he find Sirius back a kidnapped harry under his coat. READ IT ON AO3: Just Sleep
TITLE: La Vie en Rose RATING: G WORD COUNT: 1732 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Canon Compliant, Post-full moon, Pining, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Sirius Black Speaks French, Depressed Sirius Black, Song: La Vie En Rose, POV Sirius Black, Singing SUMMARY: "Remus was lying against him, fast asleep and very human. Sirius was struck with how much older he seemed, now that he was close enough for Sirius to study him. But he still looked as beautiful as ever." It is only Remus and Sirius left in Grimmauld Place after the children return to school. This alone time leaves Sirius facing feelings he buried a long time ago. READ IT ON AO3: La Vie en Rose
TITLE: night rides RATING: G ADDITIONAL TAGS: Art, Digital Art, Alternate Universe - High School, Motorcycles, Fluff SUMMARY: first time riding the motorcycle together READ IT ON AO3: night rides
TITLE: On how to become a DDA teacher RATING: G ADDITIONAL TAGS: Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Everyone Is Alive, Living Together, Marauders, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Marauders Friendship (Harry Potter), Domestic Bliss, Domestic Fluff, trying new things, Happy Ending, RS Fix It Fest 2020, Fanart, Fix-It SUMMARY: Remus prepares himself for his new position as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Just some domestic bliss drawn for the RS Fix It Fest 2020. READ IT ON AO3: On how to become a DDA teacher
TITLE: On The Mat RATING: E WORD COUNT: 14265 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Meet-Cute, Getting Together, Yoga, Yoga Teacher Sirius Black, Yoga Student Remus Lupin, Dubious use of a yoga mat, Anal Sex, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Deep Throating, safe sex, we are pro condoms in this fic, Fluff and Smut, Top Sirius Black, Bottom Remus Lupin SUMMARY: The intimate happenings of Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and a yoga mat. READ IT ON AO3: On The Mat
TITLE: The Pipe Under The Sink RATING: T WORD COUNT: 5253 ADDITIONAL TAGS: FixItFest2020, trying new things, wolfstar, unemployed!Sirius, bookshop!Remus, Baker!James, Alternate Universe - No Voldemort, muggle problems, Domestic Fluff, Baby Harry Potter, Self-Esteem Issues, Love SUMMARY: After being together for so long, Sirius worries Remus doesn't find him sexy anymore. Sirius finds some inspiration from James and decides to show off his sexiness by fixing the kitchen sink...the muggle way. READ IT ON AO3: The Pipe Under The Sink
TITLE: Quality Lighting RATING: T WORD COUNT: 4959 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Magic, Alternate Universe - College/University, Erotic Photography, Get together fic, Happy Ending, POV Remus Lupin, POV Sirius Black SUMMARY: “Give it back!” Remus pitched forward in a desperate attempt to swipe his phone back from his roommate.
“Why?” Sirius asked with a laugh as he started to scroll. “Am I going to find your OnlyFans content or something?”
Remus choked out a laugh of his own. “Very funny. Now please—”
“Oh.” READ IT ON AO3: Quality Lighting
TITLE: We’re Not Like Them RATING: G WORD COUNT: 21574 ADDITIONAL TAGS: First War with Voldemort, Post-Hogwarts, Muggle London, London in the Eighties, Hyde Park, James Potter & Lily Evans Potter Live, Order of the Phoenix - Freeform, Angst, Marlene and Remus's friendship, Godric's Hollow, Character Study SUMMARY: Sirius leaves the flat for hours on end and doesn't tell Remus where he's been. Remus skulks silently in the shadows, forgotten by everyone he once called a friend, and secrets are being kept between the four of them. Remus doesn't even know if they will last the war, and Sirius decides that he wants a child. Remus thinks that they're twenty-one, fighting for their lives, and not like James and Lily. READ IT ON AO3: We’re Not Like Them
TITLE: The Words Beneath Your Door RATING: M WORD COUNT: 11723 ADDITIONAL TAGS: POV Remus Lupin, POV First Person, Pining, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Getting Together, Roommates, Canon Divergence - Post-Hogwarts, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), First Kiss, Remus Lupin is a florid little shit, and Sirius reads Muggle encyclopedias for fun, gratuitous use of The Runaways, and cardamom biscuits, Fix-It, Domestic, and very very toshy, Implied/Referenced Drug Use SUMMARY:It is 1979, Remus is steadily losing control of his higher functions, and Sirius won't stop fucking touching him. Perhaps the two are related, but there isn't enough space left in the cold fusion core of Remus' brain to parse that out. READ IT ON AO3: The Words Beneath Your Door
TITLE: Young Hearts Intertwined RATING: T WORD COUNT: 11643 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Fix-It, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, First War with Voldemort, Fluff, Schmoop, Weddings, Established Relationship, Summer, Welsh Remus Lupin, Desi Potter Family (Harry Potter), Desi Sirius Black SUMMARY: There’s a special kind of magic to a wartime wedding. READ IT ON AO3: Young Hearts Intertwined
TITLE: You're My Lover, Not My Rival RATING: M WORD COUNT: 3734 ADDITIONAL TAGS: Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Friendship/Love, Best Friends, Getting Together, Casual Sex, Happy Sex, Threesome - F/M/M, Prophecy, Drinking & Talking, Smoking, Fix-It, RS Fix It Fest 2020, True Love, Canon Divergence, Bisexuality SUMMARY: Remus can't do relationships, or so he thinks. READ IT ON AO3: You’re My Lover, Not My Rival
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hpinspiredby · 4 years
HP Inspired By Reveals!
Reveals are here! We’re so excited to share who wrote and created all our wonderful fics and art. 
To all our brilliant creators - thank you for your hard work, your creations are truly fantastic. Thank you for making this fest so brilliant. We’ve also sent you an email with some further information about the reveals process. 
Thank you to everyone who followed along with the fest and read, reblogged, liked, left kudos and comments - we know the fest participants appreciate them so much. It’s not too late to check out any creations you haven’t seen yet! 
Thank you for making this fest such a wonderful experience, and we hope to be back again next year. 
Your mods,  @candybarrnerd, @malenkayacherepakha, @shealwaysreads
Full reveals under the read more
A Pleasant View | Draco/Harry | 1k | E By Articcat621 | @articcat621
Draco can’t resist watching Harry in the shower, nor can he resist joining him.
Blow-By-Blow | Draco/Harry | 6.4k | E By P1013 | @p1013
Harry rolls his shoulders again, then reaches for the back of his shirt and pulls it over his head. The Aurors around him take a step back, and his side of the room falls quiet as he steps forward.
“Malfoy,” he shouts, drawing the blond’s attention from his friends to Harry. “You’re here for a fight, yeah?”
Malfoy gives Harry another contemptuous once-over. “I’ve yet to find one.”
“My apologies. Didn’t mean to keep you waiting.”
Dress To Impress | Draco/Harry | Art | E By ZandraGorin | @zandragorin
Harry has finally come to appreciate (look forward to) dressing up. It’s all Draco’s fault, really.
Hands of Forever, touch me | Draco/Harry | 3.2k | E By HogwartsToAlexandria | @hogwartstoalexandria
If either of them cared to be honest about this, they’d probably see how much of a long time coming them finding each other this way is. Neither Draco nor Harry were ever particularly good at introspection though, much less at communicating in such subjects as that of attraction, and feelings. So this way it is, and that’s ok.
"You want a tour or are you going to get your hands on me, Potter?”
Kiss me in the doorway | Draco/Harry | 7.7k | E By Primaveracerezos | @primavera-cerezos
“At Draco’s trial, Potter testified that Draco had acted only in fear of his life, for his parents’ lives. When the Wizengamot announced his pardon, hundreds of eyes were on him, but he only felt one gaze. He found Potter’s green eyes in the crowd, where he was insulated by layers of loyal friends. The expression on Potter’s face was painfully open, studying, curious. Draco returned it. He had questions too.”
Needs in the Darkness | Draco/Harry | 2k | E By Keyflight790 | @keyflight790
If he needed, Harry knew he could go to his Master and ask. He’d be rewarded, most of the time.
Ocean Eyes | Draco/Harry | 7.2k | T By Shealwaysreads | @shealwaysreads
Pale skin. Grey eyes. Sleek hair.
Some things are a constant in Harry’s life, and Malfoy is one of them. Until he isn’t—not the way he acts, and not the way he looks.
It might take Harry a little while to get used to it, but eventually he decides that change can be good, too.
push and pull you down | Draco/Harry | 5.2k | E By M0stlyVoid | @bonesliketambourines
Harry’s resigned himself to petty, inconsequential cases and no real connection to his job at the Auror department—after all, what else would he be doing with his time? He’s not happy, not really, but that hardly matters. A chance encounter with a mostly-naked Draco Malfoy exposes him to an entirely different world, one much more colourful than the lonely one he currently occupies—but at what cost?
Reconciliation | Draco/Harry | Art | G By PinkElephant42 | @pinkelephant43
Harry and Draco meet in the dark corner of the library.
Reflections in Moonlight | Draco/Harry | 4.5k | T By Static_Abyss | @static-abyss
A walk in the Forbidden Forest brings forth old regrets about Harry’s parents, about his future, and inevitably, about his past relationship with Draco. On a cold winter night under the moonlight, Harry learns he can find absolution in the unlikeliest of places.
Say My Name | Draco/Harry | 1k | M By HogwartsToAlexandria | @hogwartstoalexandria
Draco could get used to the kind of quiet that comes with having a sleeping Harry Potter in his bed while he sips his morning tea.
Scribbled Confessions | Draco/Harry | 9.2k | G By MotherBooker | @motherbookerao3
Draco finds a diary and discovers that the latest entries are all about him.
The Subtle Art of Arse Eating; or How Draco Learned to Be Open With His Desires and Had Mind-Blowing Sex | Draco/Harry | 4.1k | E By Adavision | @aedwritesfic
Talking about one’s fantasies is so much easier in the dark. With Harry’s gentle prompting, Draco is able to ask for what he wants in the bedroom and is ecstatic when Harry teaches him about the pleasures of rimming.
When you look like that | Draco/Harry | Art | G By Whileatwiltshire | @legendrarry
Alternate Universe where there are no dark lords and no sudden deaths lurking in the corner. But there is still a very blond looking Malfoy prancing about, and when he looks like that, Harry just can’t handle it.
It’s fourth year and Draco has just received his tailor made outfit for the yuleball.
Sirius/Remus and Sirius/Remus/James
Married Young | Sirius/Remus | 1.2k | G By Bluefay | @thesleepiesthufflepuff
Remus wakes up to a sweet surprise.
Signs of Affection | Sirius/Remus | 8.2k | G By KittyCargo | @kittycargo
“Hello, everyone! My name is-” the professor did something quick with his fingers and the interpreter paused for just a moment before continuing, “-Remus Lupin. I’ll be your teacher for ASL I.“
When Sirius learns that he’ll have a Deaf student in his class next year, he takes an ASL I summer course at his local community college. He didn’t expect the professor to be so attractive though.
Uncharted Slopes | Sirius/Remus, Sirius/Remus/James | 8k | E By Kattlupin | @kattlupin
After spending a week conquering the slopes of the Swiss Alps, boyfriends Sirius Black and Remus Lupin decide to engage in a different sort of adventure on the last day with the help of James Potter.
Carved into the Stars | Hermione/Draco | 5.2k | T By Kiwipon | @donkiwi
In a world where the Golden Trio never existed, Draco Malfoy decides to be the change.
Enough for a Second Chance | Hermione/Draco | 5.2k | T By LadyKenz347 | @ladykenz347
Hermione finds peace in the shadows of the Forbidden Forest and with a Unicorn who seems as lost as she is.
Rare Pairs
Alice Asked For Spicy | Lily Luna Potter/Alice Longbottom II | 1k | M By Motherofmercury | @motherofmercury
Lily Luna Potter eyed the bra on the mannequin thoughtfully.  Just a few days ago, Alice had been saying they should try spicing up their sex life a little.  Lily tended to agree.  She thought of herself as rather a spicy person, but lately sex had been a little bit… tame.  Alice had even gone to her twin, Augusta, for sex advice, and Lily knew for sure that that girl was a deviant.  She could only thank Merlin Alice had left Uncle Nev out of it.
Lily Luna gets some new underwear and wears it to a family dinner in an attempt to fluster Alice.
every touch unravels | Harry/Charlie | 1.8k | E By Gracerene | @gracerene09
Harry’s got a surprise for Charlie.
Luxury | Narcissa/Lily | 2.1k | E By Houseofmalfoy | @malfoy
Narcissa Black had always enjoyed luxury.
Smoke Surrounds Your Perfect Face and I’m Falling | Narcissa/Bill | 3.4k | E By meditationsinemergencies | @meditationsinemergencies
In an arranged marriage with Lucius, Narcissa finds herself miserable, until she’s given a special gift.
The Third Date | Hermione/Pansy | 2k | E By Bluefay | @thesleepiesthufflepuff
For their third date, Hermione was expecting a lovely dinner out. Pansy, on the other hand, had different plans.
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an-dromedia · 4 years
if regulus black was the potions professor instead of snape
some of my headcanons if regulus was the potions professor instead of snape because i can't sleep. please give credit and tag me if you use/take inspiration from these. i’d like so see what you create :)
after coming back from the cave, he decided to talk to dumbledore for help
dumbledore offers regulus the position as a spy and the potions position when it becomes available
surprise. it became available
everyone was a bit doubtful when regulus first started working there
even though he was also head of house for slytherin, the younger slytherins were doubtful
after his first year, the students and staff start to like him
he’s gentle and kind while also being strict and determined 
every year, when first years get scared to go to potions because they know about the blacks and how the entire family is crazy and dark, the older years help them
the students learn that he isn't like his family at all and he easily becomes one of their favorite professors 
his door is always open for students to ask questions
students start to come to him when they’re having problems with their homework
after a while, students come just to read in silence or to play a game of chess and his room becomes a comfortable place to hang out and regulus accepts it
when students get assigned detention from regulus, they always end up sitting in the room to work on their homework, because even if they did something bad, regulus doesn’t feel right taking away their time
whenever he’s on night patrol and finds a student alone because they can't sleep, he sits next to them by a window and points out different constellations and stories about the stars until they fall asleep and he takes them to their common room, lays them on the couch with a blanket
sooner or later, one student comes in when they don't want to go home because of their parents or guardians and regulus works out an agreement with dumbledore 
any student that doesn't feel safe at home will stay with regulus at grimmauld place under the guise of summer school
when the agreement first becomes knowledge to students, only three students come up to him asking if they could join him
the next year, he brings home nine students
regulus is just as nice at home as he is at school
he never forces students to do anything, just occasionally points them in the right direction
he always has food out for them and never denies them their human rights like food, a bed, the bathroom, clothes, etc.
when 1991 comes around, he notices his brothers godson and his cousins son
he can tell harry was or is being abused by the state of his clothes on the weekends, his lack of hunger and his smaller form than the other kids
so, like he does every year, he announces in his classes his home away from home for kids who don't feel safe at home (which he later names GHOUL, grimmaulds home for unsafe learners)
at the end of the year, young harry potter comes up to him and asks if he can join ghoul. regulus, of course, lets him.
he helps harry get through his past abuse, like he does with the other students there
he tells harry stories about his family. he tells harry that he has a godfather who is in azkaban and is the reason his parents are dead
that summer, he has harry, adrian pucey, a slytherin who would be going into his fourth year, kenneth towler, a gryffindor also going into his fourth year, katie bell, a gryffindor going into her third year, elora dunn, a coming fifth year in hufflepuff and nicholas grimmett, a ravenclaw going into his sixth year at his home
when harry comes to him saying he can hear someone speaking in the walls, regulus doesn't know what to tell him, besides that he should come to him if he hears it again and what it says. spoiler: harry comes back again
when the dueling/parseltongue incident happened, regulus spent around twenty minutes telling harry it was okay, and that parsel was a trait in the potter family that most forgot about
regulus is extremely worried when harry goes to the chamber of secrets
when he comes back up, regulus gives him the biggest hug when harry starts crying about how voldemort was ruining his life
that year, the same six students come home with him, plus amelie ellis and her twin brother milo ellis, coming second years in ravenclaw and hufflepuff respectively
sirius black escapes azkaban. students immediately look at him when its announced by dumbledore at the opening feast
remus lupin watches him warily the first couple days. after that, they become friends of sorts
when his dear brother shows up, regulus feels guilty for not pushing for sirius to get his trial
regulus, having a brain and all, ties peter pettigrew up and turns him into the ministry
after that, sirius joins the kids at grimmauld after being declared a free man and cleared by mindhealers
ghoul now extended to younger students now that sirius was home all the time. the ellis twins bring their younger sister, freya. adrian pucey brings his baby brother elijah. kenneth towlers brings his sister renee.
nicholas grimmett leaves the house now that he graduated, but promises to write. regulus reminds him that ghoul was open for him whenever he’d like.
harry potter’s name gets called out of the goblet of fire. regulus blacks heart sinks. he can tell that his other ghoul students hearts also sink. they had become family and he can't let family get hurt
he does everything he can to get harry not to compete, but to no avail
regulus helps harry as much as he can
the yule ball comes around and regulus encourages harry to ask who he wanted to ask. harry says he can't. he ends up asking luna lovegood, a third year ravenclaw who harry had become close to during a late night excursion (regulus had caught harry telling luna about the stars when she couldn't sleep like regulus does to him)
the end of the tournament comes quickly and harry comes with cedric diggorys body
regulus consoles harry while telling him it wasn't his fault
when harry came to regulus the next year after detention with umbridge, regulus has a fit
if the ministry was allowing this, they were in dire need of a new minister. regulus goes to the goblins instead
the goblins arrest umbridge for possessing illegal goblin property.
regulus ends up doubling positions and teaches potions and dada (its hard, but the students know he's trying his best and help him wherever they can)
draco malfoy tells regulus that his father was joining a raid to find the prophecy and that voldemort was planning to send harry a fake vision of sirius black being held by death eaters. regulus tells harry and harry ignores it when it happens
no one goes to the department of mysteries besides death eaters
draco malfoy comes to him again at the end of the year and tells him that his father wants him to take the dark mark. if his father can't find him, theres no dark mark. draco joins ghoul. draco isn't the only student that ends up joining them after their parents told them they were going to get the dark mark over the summer
the next dada teacher isn't terrible, but also not excellent like remus lupin was
dumbledore tries to get harry to go find a horcurx with him but regulus informs him that he already found that horcrux and it was destroyed by the goblins
when harry tells regulus and sirius that he and hermione and ron have to go look for horcruxes, the brothers are devastated. it was a dangerous mission. regulus gives harry a two-way journal in which harry and regulus could write to each other. harry gives him the longest hug before he leaves
when voldemort calls all of his followers on the day of may 2nd, regulus ignores the call. he was in excruciating pain but poppy casts a numbing spell on his arm. it helps, but he can still feel the pain
when regulus walked into the great hall for the first time since chaos broke, he was heartbroken to see the dead bodies. he could see a circle of his ghoul students so he walked over to them, only to with he didn't. kenneth towler laid dead. amelie ellis was sobbing uncontrollably, saying he was dead because of her. once he calmed her down, she explained though broken sobs that he had jumped in front of an AK for her. the poor boy wasn't even a student anymore. he only came back to fight. the boy was well on his way to a potions mastery because regulus had helped him develop his love for the subject. regulus comforted all of his children while he could
regulus cried when harry told him he was going to the forest to meet dumbledore
when hagrid comes back carrying harrys limp body, it takes everything regulus has got to not drop to the ground sobbing. his children were next to him and he needed to protect them, no matter what it took.
when harry jumped out of hagrid’s arms, regulus was so relieved. draco jumped out and gave harry his wand.
when it was all said and done, none of his other children died. regulus had jumped in front of crucios, hexes, jinxes, curses, all to make sure none of his children were hurt
when regulus and his children returned back home, they were greeted by sirius and the younger children who's siblings had brought them there or just any of the younger hogwarts students who hadn't wanted to fight, regulus had sent them here.
regulus sat with each one of his kids to talk about what they went through and if they needed help.
in an empty journal, he started to kept track of all of his students. starting with his first student, lucas mitchell, the ravenclaw who started it all to his most recent, stella chapman a young slytherin. he also kept track of what his graduated students were up to like lucas mitchell who was studying to become a healer. the journal was available to everyone who wanted to see it. as of may 2nd, 1998, he had had a total of 56 students that call(ed) grimmauld their home. 
over the summer, regulus invited all of his current and graduated ghoul students to a party of sorts. before dinner, regulus announced the passing of kenneth towlers to those who didn't know. he said that he knew it was hard for them, the ghoul students had grown to be brothers and sisters, but they would always be there for each other and that ghouls door were always open to them
harrys year had the option to come back to finish their newts. harry chose to go back, along with most of his year. their classes were merged with the current seventh years as they were studying the same material
during the first month of the year, regulus learned who harry had wanted to ask to the yule ball but couldn't. draco malfoy. harry came up to him all nervous and anxious and told him he was gay and dating draco. regulus had smiled and congratulated him. he told him he was so proud of him for telling him. harry smiled and hugged him, all while thanking him for accepting him
when harry graduated, him and his ghoul students (ghoulies as they now called themselves) cheered the loudest.
harry came up to him after and told him he was going to become a defense against the dark arts professor now that the curse was lifted and that he wanted to help out with ghoul. regulus told him he would always be welcome to help the ghoulies. 
draco then came up and asked to be his apprentice because he wanted to be a potions master like regulus. normally, future potions masters didn't have to have an apprenticeship, but draco said he wanted to because he wanted to help with ghoul while working. regulus accepted him as his apprentice
when the years passed, regulus was named headmaster once dumbledore and mcgonagall left and draco was named potions professor and head of slytherin house. now they had professor black, the potions teacher and headmaster black. draco had taken on his mothers maiden name when his father was condemned to azkaban (but he was going to change it to potter when he and harry got married)
regulus retired when he was 97, dedicating his time to ghoul. neville longbottom took up the place of headmaster and harry the place of head of gryffindor
ghoul was officially known throughout the wizarding world and regulus went down in wizarding history to have had the first ever home for unsafe wizarding children. it was still the only house in wizarding england
when regulus finally passed away, he saw james and lily potter who thanked him for taking care of their little boy and being a father to him. after that, he saw kenneth towlers and elora dunn who had died in the middle of an explosion in 2016 during one of her auror missions. they both thanked him profusely.
many, many, many years passed and regulus finally saw harry again. harry had had a baby boy with draco who they named scorpius regulus potter. they had also had a girl, lily narcissa potter. a year later, regulus saw draco again.
ghoul was still running after regulus and sirius’ passing. first by the potters, then renee towlers, then by the potter siblings, scorpius and lily who were the current heads of ghoul. teddy lupin, the current hogwarts headmaster after neville longbottom, lets them come in on the first day of school and everyday for the last week of school to remind them that ghoul was there for them. for when scorpius or lily weren't around, there was a sheet in the great hall, the library, the room of requirement and each of the common rooms for the students if they chose to go to ghoul.
and not once did severus snape ever do something as caring for the students as regulus black would've done
let me know if you want a whole fic on this :)
ao3: asgardixn | wattpad: asgradixn
update: this is now being turned into a fic on ao3 and wattpad.
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Harry Potter Fanfic Recommendations about Trans Characters
I will not pretend to be an expert by any means when I am cis, but I’ve come across plenty of stories with trans characters in the past and wanted to not only re-find them but also discover more. Here is a far-from-comprehensive list of links sorted by which character is trans. Some of these stories have more than one, in which case I deferred to the protagonist. 
I intend to keep adding to this as I discover more, so if anyone has specific recommendations, please send them my way! I only have ten listed thus far, but I wanted to get the list out there.
Harry Potter
the girl who lived (again) - Features Harry/Ginny. 10,330 words. Rated G.
Molly tried her best. When Harry had told them, Arthur had asked excitedly, "is this a Muggle thing?" Hermione had hurried out a "no!" and a frantic history of gender diversity in the wizarding world.
"It's just that I'm a girl," Harry had said, and Arthur had nodded and asked her about how telephone booths worked. He would call her by the right pronouns until the day he died at the respectable old age of one hundred and thirty three, and he would make it seem easy.
But Molly had to try. Hermione explained things faster and higher-pitched every time Molly messed up a pronoun. Molly frowned and muttered and put extra potatoes on Harry's plate at breakfast. Harry slept in Ron's room, which didn't bother either of them but which made Hermione scowl.
Harry got boxes of sweets and warm hugs, as Molly chewed things over. For her fifteenth Christmas, the Weasley sweater she would receive would be a bright, friendly, terrible pink.
The next time Harry visited, Molly put her on Ginny's floor to sleep-- for some definition of sleep that involved Hermione hissing threats at three in the morning if Harry and Ginny didn't "shut up about Wronski feints, do you know what time it is."
My note: This story is actually a re-imagining of her whole book story. Her name is considered at one point, but she decides to keep using Harry because she feels it fits her. It also includes references to other trans and gender fluid characters.
Draco Malfoy
The Only True Goal of the Universe - Features Harry/Draco and background Hermione/Ron, Seamus/Dean. 22,753 words. Rated E.
It comes up, as most juvenile things do, in a game of Truth or Dare.
Shenanigans - Features Harry/Draco and background Hermione/Ron. 4823 words. Rated E.
Of course Draco’s orgasm hits him right as Potter does the one thing he’s not supposed to do. Of fucking course.
Or, the blood curse lingering over the Malfoys has landed on Draco, and he’s doomed to get knocked up by the first cock that gets inside his cunt. Just his luck that cock ends up being Harry Potter’s.
Hand-in-Hand and Handkerchief - Features Draco/Astoria. 3008 words. Rated G
Draco Malfoy is not generally sympathetic to the sight of tears, but when he stumbles upon a second year Slytherin sniffling in the rose garden during the Yule Ball, for once he manages not to be a complete arse. Astoria is just glad that he had a handkerchief in his pocket because she forgot hers.
My Note: This includes three trans characters, including a happy adult example. It also has mention of a really cool magical potion idea for transition that the author has provided a free-for-use explanation of here.
Sirius Black
Discards - Features Remus/Sirius, James/Lily. 76,032 words. Rated M. Modern non-magical AU.
When 21-year-old assistant librarian Sirius spots a cute hipster college student at the Seattle Public Library, he just needs to figure out a subtle way of determining whether he's into guys. But Remus's life is more complicated than Sirius knows.
My note:  Tons of diversity within this cast with no white main characters and many different sexualities mentioned. Also sex positive with great commentary about homelessness, HIV, sex work, classism, and more. 
Live Like We’re Renegates - Remus/Sirius and background Lily/James. 24,378 words. Rated E.
Exuberant, proud, genderfluid, cheerleader, self-described narcissist. All things to describe Sirius Black. It's a stark contrast from the self-imposed loner, Journalist, and Gender Studies major Remus Lupin who is thrown into Sirius' world after accepting a project for a class. When the two worlds collide, both lives are changed for the better.
Sirius leant forward a bit, meeting Remus’ eyes. “Are you asking if I go for cute boys in beanies and jumpers, Remus Lupin?”
Remus’ face went hot. “Er. No. I mean…er…”
Sirius laughed. “Find your chill, love. I’m joking.” He winked at Remus and sat back again.
My note: Sirius is genderfluid and uses He/Him pronouns. Remus is deaf with a cochlear implant.
Lay Your Hands on Me -Features Remus/Sirius and background Lily/James. 8947 words. Rated E.
In which Sirius really likes trying out new hairstyles over the years and Remus really can't concentrate on much else, to be honest. This fic features reckless and impulsive teenage boys, classic Marauders-style banter, a low-key overdramatic Remus, and falling in love with close friends.
Or, alternatively: Three times Remus really wanted to touch Sirius' hair and one time he actually did.
Remus Lupin
TransFigured (and continued series) - Features Remus/Sirius. 57,170. Rated E.
“We thought you might be a werewolf," said Sirius. "What?" Remus almost laughed at the absurdity. "Last year. James and I thought — but the dates didn’t quite match up. With the full moons, I mean." "Well, I’m not." "I know. All I meant was, we thought you might be, and we still wanted to be friends. Whatever you’re not telling us — how much worse can it be?"
All Hail the Outlaws - Features Remus/Sirius and background Lily/James, Peter/Dorcas. 29,330 words. Rated E.
One of Remus Lupin's three jobs happens to be working maintenance for their flat building. He gets to meet all sorts, most of whom he would rather have nothing to do with. Until James Potter and Sirius Black move in across the hall. Engineering students and self-proclaimed geniuses, the pair set out to make their neighbours new best friends, and everyone's life is turned upside down, but in the best way possible.
My note: Sirius is blind, and the fic spends a lot of focus on each man’s experiences with bigotry and learning how to best be there for each other.
Succession of Halos - Features Remus/Sirius and background Lily/James. 7340 words. Rated E
When Remus gets talked into seeing his favourite author--Astronomy Professor S. Black--hold a stargazing lecture, he anticipates a stodgy old man in tweed. He does not expect the ripped jeans and rolling-stones t-shirt wearing, motor-bike riding Sirius Black with his wicked smile and passion for the stars. Remus is sure there's no chance between them, but little does he know, Sirius has a passion for many things in life, one of which being Remus Lupin.
My note: I have this listed under Remus, but Sirius is also genderfluid. Baby Harry is featured in the story, and is blind.
Child Characters
‘Twas Brillig - Features Harry/Draco with failed Harry/Ginny. 73,998 words. Rated E.
Harry reads a chapter of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to his children before bed every night and through the story, he and his middle child find an ally in each other as they, along with Alice, discover a world that just doesn't seem to make sense when taken at face value. The more aware Harry becomes - embracing his child's reality - the more motivated he is to build a wizarding world that is fully inclusive, and by processing these life lessons finds he's able to connect with another person in ways that have always eluded him.
My Note: There are two trans characters in this story, one being Al (who begins using Alice with Al still as a nickname) and another being an adult I’ll leave unnamed because it comes up organically. This story is as much if not more so about Harry’s sexuality, and there is also strong representation of drag and crossdressing from a cis male character.
When The Letter Comes by Sara Fox - A published short story that seems definitely inspired by Harry Potter but also by other fantasy works.
Henry believes that someday, something awesome will happen–everything will turn out all right and all her problems will disappear once her letter arrives, welcoming her to magic school. So even though puberty is already here with changes (like her voice deepening and hair growing in places she does not want), she also knows it’s only a matter of time. After all, hundreds of books have said so.
But when the letter finally comes on Henry’s thirteenth birthday, it is not addressed to her, but to her sister.
When The Letter Comes is a short story with a YA trans protagonist that embraces the experience of those left behind, who must find their own way in the world–magic or not.
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dingledorcas · 4 years
Tumblr media
__________________________dorcas bethany meadowes.
age & birthday. sixteen, february 13.
sign. aquarius.
house & year. gryffindor, sixth year.
blood status. halfblood.
character pronouns. she, her.
sexuality. bisexual, closeted.
siblings. esther ruth selwyn.
other relations. arias and alanis selwyn - grandparents. apollo selwyn - father. mary annette meadowes - mother. alice fortescue - cousin via arias.
clubs. astronomy club, charms club, dueling club, frog choir.
favorite classes. defense against the dark arts, charms, potions.
least favorite classes. ancient runes, divinations.
height. 5′9″
hair color. warm brown
eye color. amber
hair style. typically, dorcas’s hair is wily and curly. when she’s working or concentrating, it is pulled up into one or two messy buns. when she’s playing quidditch, she braids it back. when she’s home with her grandmother or in a mood, she will use straightening potions and style it back.
fashion style. growing up, dorcas wore a lot of sleek clothes in dark colors similar to her grandmother. eventually, her style developed to a more relaxed and comfortable fit. dorcas likes jeans or shorts with crop tops, t-shirts, and bomber jackets. she owns one bra and only wears it if she has to. if dorcas is dressing up, she likes very disco inspired clothes. she loves warm colors and funky patterns. [ fashion moodboard ]
distinguishing features. dorcas has an eyebrow piercing over her left eye which hides a scar from an old quidditch accident. she has a small tattoo of a fox on her side. she almost always has the hint of a smile on her face and a certain noticeable fire in her eyes. dorcas almost always has tired rings beneath her eyes and is particularly known for her long legs.
11 1/2″ cypress wood, dragon heartstring, pliant and swishy.
Cypress wands are associated with nobility. The great medieval wandmaker, Geraint Ollivander, wrote that he was always honoured to match a cypress wand, for he knew he was meeting a witch or wizard who would die a heroic death. Fortunately, in these less blood-thirsty times, the possessors of cypress wands are rarely called upon to lay down their lives, though doubtless many of them would do so if required. Wands of cypress find their soul mates among the brave, the bold and the self-sacrificing: those who are unafraid to confront the shadows in their own and others’ natures.
As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner.
Pliant wand owners are eager, enthusiastic, and tend to be very easily impressed and/or naive. They often have a zest for life that is rare and unrivaled in most populations. A swishy wand will either surprise its owner by being surprisingly loyal or surprisingly unloyal and is most often known for doing the unexpected. It is usually great for charm work.
Dorcas has a pet frog named Toad that she shares with Remus Lupin.
crackling fire.
the smell of a crackling fire in a hearth or on the lawn is associated with the best memories of dorcas’s life. there is almost always one burning in gryffindor tower. to her, it’s the real scent of home.
ice cream.
her cousin lived above an ice cream shoppe, so dorcas has grown to love to sweet, cold scent. it’s a swift reminder of midnight treats and long awaited adventures. it is sleepovers and laughter and freedom to be.
silver polish.
as much as she would hate to admit it, there is something comforting about the biting smell of silver polish. her grandmother’s house elf would polish their wares every thursday evening for the majority of her life. it grounds her.
there is nothing that dorcas fears more than seeing the family she’s finally found falling apart during the coming war. she will do anything to protect them all.
The coyote can be seen as power-hungry, as their ambition is what fuels them. They are stubborn and wildly expressive, often using this trait to make an impression on others. They start most of their relationships as a way to get something they want, rather than as a friendly gesture. They can begin to care about people after they get to know them, but at first glance they rarely do. They could be considered selfish.
Understanding That All Things are Sacred--Yet Nothing is Sacred, Intelligence, Ability to Laugh at One’s Own Mistakes, Shape-Shifting, Teaching Balance Between Risk and Safety, Illumination, Stealth, Clowning and Humor, Wisdom of Folly, Prankster, Insight, Playful.
dorcas’s father was a selwyn who fell deeply in love with a muggle woman. he pretended to know nothing of the magic world and was disowned by his own family for being a blood-traitor. by the time dorcas was born, he was committed to living in the muggle lie for the rest of his life. however, dorcas was no more than three months old when she started showing magical abilities. she would levitate toys into her crib and turn the lights of her nursery on and off. her mother was convinced they’d moved into a haunted house.
eventually, her father broke down and told the truth of the magic world to her mother. the news did not land well. she was a devoutly christian woman and now felt as though their entire relationship had been a lie and was appalled that her daughter was a witch. her mother ran from them both, and dorcas’s father had no idea how to raise a child on his own. not to mention, he was desperate to retrieve the love of his life. in an act of desperation, he left dorcas with his mother. in exchange for dorcas’s grandmother to raise her, her father promised that he was not interfere with the child’s life again.
alanis selwyn was not a kindly woman. she had high expectations for her grand-daughter whose blood by birth had already made her a disappointment. due to her mother’s muggleborn status, alanis would not even allow her granddaughter to keep the selwyn family name and instead insisted she go by her mother’s surname. it left dorcas with an obsessive need to prove her grandmother wrong.
dorcas grew up surrounded by the pureblood society who looked down their nose at the ‘embarrassing halfblood bastard’. needless to say, she didn’t find very many friends in these families. it was hogwarts that saved her. she cried with excitement the night she received her owl.
the sorting hat took it’s precious time in sorting her to gryffindor. he debated slytherin, but dorcas adamantly refused. ravenclaw was a close second, but eventually it was settled that due to her growling, she belonged with the other lions. truly, she found a home and a real family with her peers. dorcas worked endlessly to make perfect marks in school. both to prove to her grandmother and the rest of the purebloods that she was just as skilled and talented as any of them.
in dorcas’s fourth year, her friends finally pushed her to get outside of the library a little more and pursue some hobbies for fun instead of simply ‘being the best’. she took up a position as a keeper on the gryffindor quidditch team. it proved to be one of the best things that she ever did as it sparked a love of exercise and adventure. and steered her towards the decision to become an auror after graduation. who better to fight these dark art purebloods than someone raised among them?
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hpwipfest-blog · 5 years
Masterpost HP WIP Fest, part 1
Hello dear fest participants and exited readers. I hereby give you the first masterpost of the HP WIP Fest, announcing all WIP’s that have entered so far. As it is a long list, I have put it under a cut, with the WIP’s that are already on ao3 first in case you want to start reading already. 
If you signed up for the fest but do not see your WIP in this list, this is probably because I do not yet have a title for your work. In that case, please email me the title so I can include you in the next masterpost.
I hope all the participants find lots of inspiration to finish in the upcoming weeks, and to our early readers, enjoy these wonderful WIP’s!
Skin Deep by @loganaa-fic
Pairing: Drarry
When Harry accepts a job at Dean's tattoo parlor, he never expected that Draco Malfoy would show up, looking for a tattoo. But then again, since when did Malfoy do what was expected?
The Boy Who Killed God by @sirius-black-killed-god
Pairing: Wolfstar
Sirius Black has a secret. Well, no, that's not true. Sirius Black has many secrets. His wand is dying, his parents more or less want to kill him, and there's the small matter of the cursed TOUJOURS PUR tattoo right above his heart, that he's had since he turned eight years old. Sirius Black is no stranger to secrets.
Then, Remus Lupin walks into his life.
Thus, begins a whole new history - one of darkness, of magic, of bravery, of family - as four boys set out to unwind the endings so many others have written for them.
This is the story of the Marauders at Hogwarts and afterwards, and all the love that lies between.
This is Year One.
Apparently by justanotherloser
Pairing: Drarry
Father says apparently I feel too much.
Mother says apparently my mask needs to hide more of my emotions.
The Dark Lord says apparently I'm too weak.
Blaise says apparently I hate too often, and Pansy says I apparently need to let go.
I never get to make choices with them. Not with my family, not with my life, not with my house.
Apparently I can only choose who I hate, and I can't even get that right.
Apparently I love Harry Potter.
Are You Here To Finish Me Off, Sweetheart? by @geekmom13
Pairing: Antonin Dolohov/Hermione Granger
Antonin gets held by the order for the secret he keeps and Hermione is put in charge of him. They end up relying on each other more than anyone had expected.
Children of war by @the-purple-black
Pairing: Bellatrix Lestrange/Rodolphus Lestrange
A promise made by Bellatrix to the Dark Lord seemed unimportant at the time, though years later it seems her loyalty must be put to the test.
Fixed Point by @frumpologist
Pairing: Dramione
Draco and Hermione are Time Unspeakables who travel through time to stop anachronists from using illegal time travel to change the course of history.
Their adventures lead them through the whole of history and the unwritten expanse of the future. Hermione learns about the History of Magic and Draco learns about science, Muggles, and falling in love.
However, there are fixed points in time, events so important that they cannot be altered. Hermione Granger’s tragic life as an Unspeakable is one of those points, and nothing Draco can do will change the path they’re forced to follow.
Not In Love (Letters) by @drarryangels
Pairing: Drarry
It's eighth year at Hogwarts, and Harry is unsurprisingly beyond miserable. Ron isn't coming back for his last year of school, Hermione is suddenly best friends with Pansy Parkinson, and Draco Malfoy won't stop ignoring him. Even all the House unity is going too splendidly to be exciting. Truthfully, Harry wishes he had never come back at all. That is, until he starts receiving letters from an anonymous sender.
Sequel to Palo Alto by @nachodiablo
Pairing: Wolfstar
Modern AU set in Northern California. It's been four years since Sirius and Remus got their shit together. James and Lily aren't doing too shabby, either. Things are going great. Sure, James still hasn't gotten any of his business ideas off the ground quite yet. And yeah, Lily's still not ready to move in with James, even though she spends every night at his place. And okay, Remus might be starting to freak a little about whether his PhD is going to land him in some no-name wasteland town for a job. And fine, Sirius has stalled out a bit since he left work to pursue his dreams of... well, to find a dream to pursue. Regardless. Things are great. Very chill. That is, until a family tragedy brings an adorable bundle of responsibility into their lives.
The End Is Just The Beginning by @the-fifth-marauder
Pairing: Drarry
When Draco decided to join the Auror forces, he knew life would be made hell for him by just about everyone in the Ministry. Yet never did Draco think he would be condemned to a fate like this.
The one where Draco gets the second chance he never knew he wanted. Before he realized that 'Happy Endings' just aren't for his destiny. Or were they?
New Beginnings by @kaarina-riddle
Pairing: Dramione
Hermione comes home to find her husband in a compromising position on the kitchen table and wants to get away from everything, the perfect job opportunity as a professor of Charms at Hogwarts is offered and she takes it. Only to find that there's a surprise Draco Malfoy old school nemesis is the new DADA professor what will happen?
A Girl Worth Fighting For by @saintdionysus
Pairing: Hermione Draco, Hermione/Theo
Due to the events of War, The Ministry of Magic has ordered students to repeat their final year, despite being legal wizarding age and completion of OWLs. Hermione Granger and Blaise Zabini form a friendship as head boy and head girl and find a way to use their authority to challenge the Ministry. Along the way, she finds herself caught between two unexpected love interests, while Blaise plays referee between his two friends.
The Promise by @tofadeawayagain
Pairing: Drastoria, Dramione
When Astoria Malfoy learns she is dying, she asks Hermione Granger to take care of her husband Draco. It's not until the following New Year's Eve that he starts to let her. A tale about the seasons of grief, friendship and love, and moving on after a devastating loss.
All the Stupid Things in Between: A Gryffindor and Slytherin Love Story by ForeverEvan
Pairing: Fred Weasley/OFC
Evangeline "Evan" Carter, the illegitimate daughter of Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange, is moved from Ilvermorny to Hogwarts at the beginning of the 4th Year. She is facing the task of hiding her true identity while falling for a boy from the wrong family. Evan must rely on her brother and her teacher to navigate the dangerous world of being the daughter of a Death Eater and a killer.
Prowler by @goldie-writes-things
Pairing: Harry/Hermione
Harry and Hermione thought winning the war was the hard part. They had no idea how difficult surviving it would be. Newly engaged Lord Potter and Lady Black must navigate the murky waters of parenthood while rebuilding their lives. But when their world starts crashing down around them they are faced with a startling question: What wouldn’t you do for your child?
Stressed Teen to Yes Queen by @drarryandharry
Pairing: Drarry
The fab five sort out post war Harry. That’s it. That’s the summary.
Shockwave by maraudersaffair
Pairing: Drarry
When Harry fled Britain he had no idea murder and Draco fucking Malfoy would follow. Now in Las Vegas, he’s faced with a vampire mystery and a Malfoy who refuses to tell him the truth.
Veelas and vampires! Yay!
Destiny Intertwined by @vinoamore
Pairing: Hermione/Dolohov
In response to a prompt by Anonymous in the DFFandCabalChristmasFest collection.
Prompt: A marriage law is passed just before the Christmas holidays. Hermione is matched with a former Death Eater, Antonin Dolohov...and Hermione is furious. "Why is this happening?!" she demanded. "He tried to kill me!"
The Seven Year Witch by @thelastlynx
Pairing: Dramione
A boy and a girl have been meeting, coincidentally, for seven summers. While they pretty much hate each other most of the year, for those little moments in July or August they manage to see one another in a different light. But will that be quite enough to bring them together?
Distant Stars by @of-stars-and-moon
Pairing: Wolfstar, Jily
(The story of Sirius Black, a Slytherin student as he finds friendship and love from someone he never expected)
'The memory was still so new and clear, feeling like it was yesterday but an eternity away at the same time.
In first year, Sirius would have never ever imagined that on his last day at Hogwarts, he would be lying on a roof, holding hands with Remus and listening to James and Peter.'
A Home For Christmas by @motherbookerao3
Pairing: Drarry
High on a barely legal pain potion, Harry accidentally ends up adopting a child with Draco Malfoy.
The Noble and Most Ancient Guide to Vice and Virtues by grimyoufuck
Pairing: Wolfstar
Toujours Pur; the words had been branded into Sirius' subconscious from a young age. It was a motto he'd never been able to live up to, even when he had tried. But now? Now, he was going to escape his mother's scathing words and his father's ambivalent silence to travel the continent with his best friend, and nothing was going to stop him. His mother was determined to keep the bloodline pure, and uphold the name of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Sirius was determined to do the opposite.
When Sirius Black journeys to France to begin the first leg of his European tour with best friend James Potter, he'd expected a holiday of booze and boys. What he hadn't expected, much less wanted, was an educational trip, including nights out at the opera. But when a particular cast member catches Sirius' eye, he wonders if some good old fashioned fun could be obtained after all.
Serendipity by @mrsren96
Pairing: Harry/Hermione
Like any girl, Hermione has dreamed of her future nuptials, at least once or twice. So far it's not going so well. There's a marriage law, and well, Harry Potter to deal with.
Avignon by bittercape
Pairing: Gen
Voldemort is dead, and Wizarding Britain is controlled by the totalitarian Umbridge Ministry. The resistance, mainly centered around our heroes from the books (with some additions and some changes), is working against overpowering odds to overthrow the government. Think a reversed French revolution meets Cold War-era Berlin. With magic.
A Bond Beyond The Vast Wave by @mangopassionfruity
Pairing: Sirius/Lucius, James/Lily, Lily/Severus
Sirius was a many things, rebellious, lazy, a prankster, troublemaker, lady's man, irresponsible, carefree. Or that is what he likes to appear as. And why break that image he's crafted for himself? Even if it'd make his life easier, especially with his hidden relationship with a certain Malfoy heir.
But things backfire and it leads to making decisions that change his way of life.
Though My Mind Could Think (I Still Was a Mad Man) by Cassiara
Pairing: Drarry
After the war is over Harry thinks it's finally his turn to rest after years of pretending he's fine, and just waiting for the day he isn't needed anymore. He tries to kill himself, but of all people, Malfoy saves him. Harry realises that if he has the courage to die, he should also have the courage to live.
Ultimately this is a story about recovery, but it's also about all the things you sometimes have to go through to get there.
This is a rewrite of my fic "Favourite Scar".
Explosions in the heart by @hp-rbiim
Pairing: Drarry
It's back to Hogwarts and Malfoy is annoying as ever.
Unpublished WIP’s
Time is gone (thought i'd have something more to say) by Thestias
Pairing: Fremione
After the battle of hogwarts, the dead number in the hundreds; the loss of the brightest witch of their age hits hard, and for one wizard, his desperation to fix what had been broken sends him travelling back in time in a frantic attempt to save her. angst, fluff and angst, time travel, alternate universe - canon divergence, slow burn
Encounters by @pottercrew
Pairing: Drarry
Harry is finding it difficult to keep his relationship with Draco apart from his relationships with Malfoy. What if he no longer wants to? Kink negotiation, anal sex, blow jobs, hard sex, bondage, voyeurism, sex club.
The Side Of The Angels by @hiddenhibernian
“Focus,” Hermione told herself, forcing her breathing to slow down. “What's the worst that can happen?”
 Bad question. Her heart was hammering so hard it drowned out the buzz from the bar on the other side of the door to the cleaning cupboard she unceremoniously had been bundled into. The bar was the Hag's Head, and it was usually a friendly place for the Order of the Phoenix. They were still fighting, five years after the fall of Harry Potter, but Aberforth had turned against them... It didn't bear thinking about. 
Then the door opened.
Not Gryffindor…? by Dracomalfoyy_youlittleshit
Harry gets sorted into Slytherin, finding an unlikely friendship in Draco Malfoy. Basically a retell of Harry Potter but with Harry in Slytherin.
A Lotus In The Mud by @kaokumasparkle
Pairing: Drarry
Harry always had problems with common sense, everyone knows this. And now that he's sick with Hanahaki over a certain slytherin blonde, it looks like he may never get the chance to learn. Possible tags: mutual pining, angst with a happy ending, parseltongue Harry, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Hogwarts 8th year, Hermione just wants ONE year where Harry doesn't almost die, jealous Draco, protective Harry, Forbidden Forest adventures, minor mentions of blood
It’s A Kind Of Magic by ive_beenfound
Pairing: Drarry
It's 8th year and the war has been hard on everyone. And having a future to think about and look forward to is terrifying Warnings/Tags: 10 year time jump, difficult conversations about lgbtq and war, harry being oblivious, draco being a shite, potentially triggering conversations about family.
Flirting With Chaos by @alexandrao
Pairing: Dramionarry (Draco x Hermione x Harry) 
The Ministry of Magic passes a marriage law, forcing all those above the age of 17 to be married. Hermione, furious with the law, is paired not to one wizard, but two! Determined to change the law, she flirts with the line that could send her relationship into complete and total chaos.
Friendship, Football, and Fireworks by @LegendaryWrighter
Pairing: Deamus
One lazy Sunday morning, Seamus finds Dean going through some old sketchbooks and joins him in reminiscing on several memories. 
The Winder Of My Life by @nuclearnik
Pairing: Dramione
Hermione's special bond with her Snippets of Hermione's life as she grows up raised by a single mother. When Hermione is an adult, their bond grows to include Draco, who accepts him as long as he loves and cares for her daughter. As her mother's health declines, Hermione has hard truths to face and a supportive husband who is smitten by her mother. 
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elfenbensord · 5 years
when we met // remus lupin
request: hi, idk if you're taking requests but if you are could you write a kind of timeline of reader x remus's relationship throughout the years? thank you xx - anon
note: this is instant love and honestly i live for it. and ish inspired by the film ‘when harry met sally’ hope y’all enjoy!
masterlist / requests closed! / ask me (almost) anything!
they always heard about each other, but never really met. countless times had they each heard,
“oh, remus would love that book”, or “(y/n) would think that was hilarious”?
“oh, you don’t know each other? don’t worry - i’ll introduce you at the next party!”
every party came and went, and their eyes still hadn’t met. it came to the very degree of half of hogwarts thinking they were already dating, when in reality they’d never even met. but they came to recognise each other’s names, each other’s mannerisms, and they came to predict what their friends would say about the other.
it was a crisp saturday, years later, when they finally met. leaves newly fallen broke into fragile tissue as boots stepped against the concrete below. the thrift market should’ve closed long ago, but something kept it open. the hearts of people are not easily discouraged once firmly lit, and that day was a result of just that.
remus wrapped his thin scarf tighter around his pale neck, hiding the scars of last moon. his breath formed a peaceful cloud, trailing upwards. his wondering eyes watched it die, disappearing into the cold autumn air. he chose to go to this second hand fair alone, he’s grown a little tired of everyone’s small talk. he loves his friends, but they tend to get into his heart in an uncomfortable, wonderful way.
his ears have turned red in the cold, but he can’t bring himself to reach into his backpack to retrieve his hat. there’s something strangely comforting about the way the cold bites into his fragile skin.
his eyes find a book on an over-crowded table. forgotten in a stack, it whispers for him. his frozen hand reaches out for its pages, but another hand beats him to it. as they touch, sparks fly. but only to their eyes.
both shy back. eyes meet.
they both immediately know each other, though they’ve never met.
“sorry!” she splutters out, wild berries spreading deep into her cheeks. “sorry, i didn’t see you!”
all i see is you.
“no, no, don’t worry about it. no harm done”, he smiles to hide himself. he hands her the longing book, “here.”
smiles are exchanged. eyes unable to tear away.
he takes his chance. “this is probably entirely indecent, but would you like to get a coffee or something?”
she smiles through the autumn. “with you, like, right now?”
“yeah. with me. like, right now.” he’s never been this bold before, but he just knows he’ll regret himself for forever if he doesn’t learn her name right now.
“alright.” one of her hands escape the deep pockets of her winter coat. “i’m (y/n).”
(y/n). as in (y/n) (y/l/n)?
“remus lupin.”
“remus lupin?” her eyebrows furrow, she recognises his name as well. “wait, are you a friend of-”
“sirius and james, yeah. and you’re-”
“marlene’s friend.”
smiles are exchanged, never faltered.
“so how about that coffee?”
it doesn’t take long for them to fall for one another. and it doesn’t take long for them to realise it about the other. they keep it secret though, keep it safe. afraid of life crashing their wonderful conversations and coffee dates. so they don’t really tell their friends of one another. sure, they mention each other through lies - they’d wonder where they’re disappearing to otherwise.
“no, it’s just a study group.”
“i have a date with a guy from that film course.”
“she’s just a friend.”
“there’s nothing more.”
all lies. lies, lies, lies.
then suddenly, something happens, and they can’t hide it anymore. something about the feeling of one another, about how they talk or move, it all becomes too much - it’s expressed in a kiss.
and then the kiss came deeper, and became something even more. tousled sheets, hands gripped each other. hair lined with sweat was tugged, all of them was explored. moans and soft sounds until dawn.
they didn’t know anything else but each other.
“i hear (y/n)’s got that job in london.”
“did she? how lovely for her.” his voice is no longer laced with love. or perhaps it is, but not as visibly now. there’s a slight hurt in his words. any mention of the other sparks something in their eyes, and some days it isn’t wonder, but bitter hurt.
their friends can’t understand what happened. one day, they weren’t an item anymore. they thought this separation was only to be temporary, like mayflies, but now a year or so has passed. their ways have parted, now they only hear of each other through friends.
“no, it just didn’t work out.”
“why not.”
“i don’t know. it just didn’t.”
“that’s not what it looked like. you both seemed happier together.”
“maybe we were.”
when they finally see each other again - after what is years of time - there isn’t that spark again. there’s only a low murmur, a rumbling at the bottom of a sea. it turns into a tsunami when they touch in a short hug. suddenly, nothing made sense. why did they ever leave each other?
the comfort they find in each other has matured, it isn’t a teenage-like romance anymore. it’s deeper, weighs heavier on their shoulders. but the euphoria of each other is also stronger now.
soon there will be a ring on their hands, to prove how they belong together. in this life, and the next, and the one after that.
and every life.
“did you always love me?”
“of course!”
“no, you’re lying!”
“i’m not!”
“how could you? i’m-”
“incredibly wonderful.”
“... i just had to marry you, didn’t i?”
“you’re ridiculous…”, silence. “i love you.”
“i love you too.”
permanent: @rocking-like-a-ravenclaw / @kapolisradomthoughts / @siriusement / @classy-sith-lady / @hermione-who / @pompeiianbollocker / @theseuscmander
remus lupin: @writingwitchly / @serenefreakgeek / @spideyfan456 / @un-nouveau-soleil / @evyiione / @reggieblck / @bookworm0123
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TWIGW Feb 18 - 24, 2018
Happy Roundup Day!! Once again, a special thanks to everyone who submitted works; it makes our job so much easier, and helps us catch things we may miss in the shuffle. You only need to dive into the Gundam Wing tag to see just how much love still exists in our fandom.
Also, as this is my first week as a mod, please be gentle if you don’t see your work here. It’s difficult to fill in the blanks beyond the submissions we receive.
Thanks so much and have a lovely week!
--Mod Rem
A Little Piece of Gundam Wing
The archive is being ported to AO3! Check it out!
Amberly, yourbloodlikewine
In This Light
Duo spent the last semester working in his older brother's coffee shop. He's resigned himself to a boring spring when a stranger appears, shaking up his entire life.
Eli left home last fall, choosing to spend the last six months living out of his van on his travels from the Midwest to the East Coast. By the time he arrives at Ink's, the novelty of traveling alone has started to wear off. Still, the last thing he's expecting is to meet someone who's going to change all that for him
Pairings: 2xOC, 3xOC, SoloxOC
Warnings: Original Characters - Freeform, Alternate Universe, child abuse mention, Sexual Assault Mention, homophobic parents, Re-Written Characters, Drug Use, Violence, off screen murder, gratuitous author indulgence
If He’s Anything Like Me
What if not one, or even two, of the Gundam pilots had a son together, but all five? Some genetic experiment gone awry, or is something else at work here? Yaoi
Pairings: 2xSeverus Snape, 4x1, 3x5
Warnings: Crossover - Harry Potter
The Green Door
Duo visits an adult novelty store for the first time.
Pairings: 5x2, 3x5, HxM, 1xR, 2x3x5
To Be Human is to Love
Duo and Heero are working a damaged part of their new colony, things go wrong.
Pairings: 1x2
Warnings: Spaced
If You Let Me
If Trowa could give the new residents one rule for surviving the ICU, it would be ‘Don’t Touch Anything. (Especially The Patients.)’.  In reality, he’d actually give them a lot of rules, possibly with diagrams for clarity.  But his main rule essentially covered the bases. When you worked in one of the largest ICUs, in the biggest medical center in the country, at a hospital known for taking on unstable patients for the most complex and risky surgeries that were performed no-where else, new residents were a menace. Until he meets Dr. Maxwell, the newest anesthesia resident.
Pairings: 2x3, background HxD
Warnings: Alternate Universe - Medical, Doctor/Patient, Nurses & Nursing, Fluff and Smut, this is literally my feel good thing guys ok, I mean I’m not saying there won’t be any angst, but basically this is all WAFF
Of Infinity
The morning after "On The Edge."
Pairings: 2x3x4
Warnings: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, just a big orgy honestly, tithes for 2x3x4, also a sequel, sort of cocktail friday
Posted multiple fics, too many to list here
Check out their page here 
The Source of All Things
Center, a planet where magic and technology blend. Or more accurately, fight tooth and nail. A planet of Sources, holes in our boring dimension letting through arcane power, chaos and pseudo-deities. In this hot-house of myths and very real dangers, Trowa and Quatre find a mysterious man at the end of a shamanic voyage. Portents suggest this Heero Yuy is crucial to Center’s survival. He’s important enough to have some interesting enemies after him, at any rate: a devious killer and thief called ‘Shinigami’, and a very irate Dragon. Beyond them looms an even greater threat. Indeed, the greatest of them all.
Pairings: 3x4, 2x5, eventual 1x2x5
Warnings:  alternative universe, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Plot Twists, fairly graphic depiction of sex, Mild description of self-harm, Mathematical Magic, weird science, crones - Freeform, Magic and Technology brawling and eventually screwing, Eventual Threesome, Kinda, Insanity of arcane origin, The universe is a pile of marbles and other dubious allegories
Two Halves
The two kingdoms of Sanq and Lin were at war for years; a conflagration involving magic, armies and political murder. The conflict left both nations devastated and strewn with refugees. The king of Sanq finds his infant son, lost at birth, among the death and the ruin, a miracle he barely dared to hope for. But there isn’t just one boy, there are two, clinging together like two halves of a whole that cannot be separated. Decades later, the truth behind that second child’s existence will put a hole in the world, or possibly save it.
Pairings: 1x2
Warnings: Fantasy AU, medieval setting with magic, starts with our heroes as children, Cousin Incest, sort of, eventually, being royalty this is in fact the norm and rather expected of them, Canon-Typical Violence
Distracting Dissertations 
All Wufei wants to do is finish his dissertation and enjoy the rest of the weekend. He just needs to take care of a few distractions.
Pairings: 2x5
Warnings: Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Just an excuse to do it, How else can I put this?
Two Truths and a Lie
A few years after they join Preventer, Duo and Heero are sent on a space mine clean-up mission. Alone in space together for several weeks, the two ex-Gundam pilots find they have time to find out who they are and who they want to be.
Warnings: Some fluff, Some angst, Sex, New love, Polyamory Negotiations, this is gonna be a long one
Wolves and Lambs
On the cusp of war, Remus Lupin discovers he has a son. Facing a prejudiced wizarding world unwilling to believe Voldemort has returned, Remus must now navigate his duties as both a member of the Order and as a father to one Duo Maxwell. Duo doesn’t know a lot about families, but he knows war. HP Fifth Year, Post-GW main series
Pairings: 1x2, 2xHP, 3x4, Romione
Warnings: Harry Potter crossover, Family Reconstruction Act, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Politics, Wizarding Politics, War, Disturbing Themes
Mission: Christmas
Duo gets tired of spending Christmas alone, and realizing he's the only one who celebrates inspires him to bring the others in on the festivities.
Warnings: Duo and Quatre are bffs, Quatre is guilty, Duo just wants y'all to have a merry christmas ok
 Late Night Reading 
Duo reflects a little bit about his love for reading and makes an interesting discovery about a parallel between one of his favorite fictional characters and his long time friend he never noticed before.
T for language. This is just sort of an idea, pretty short, it's based when the guys are in their 20s and still adjusting. Comes out of the On Again, Off Again universe.// an older fic from my FF.net account
Pairings: 1x2
 Random Duo Thoughts 
Random drabbles about Duo's Life Post-War
Pairings: 1x2, 2x3
Warnings: On-Again/Off-Again Relationship, Blurbs from a bigger project
 Random Quatre Thoughts 
Thoughts of Quatre Post-War
Warnings: Recreational Drug Use, Drug Use, Lonely Quatre
One of the Road - WIP Featuring Heero Yuy and Cathy Bloom
Just Because - Snippet of Quatre Winner, Dorothy Catalonia 
Thursday (300) - WIP 2x5 
Insider Snippet: Midii Une - WIP Wednesday
LAM!verse snippet - Heero en Route 
Dancing with the Duke - WIP for Rewrite the Romance 
The Agreement - 1xR 
Touched by an Angel - WIP Wednesday 1x2 
Thirsty for a Change - Snippet Sunday 1+4. Quatre POV
 Photo Edits/Manipulations
Keep Your Word You Fool! 
Headcanons / Meta / Discussions:
Multiple Contributors
Possible HCs Discussion 
Dr J and Professor G 
Heero’s Birthday 
Office Workers HCs 
Zechs and Duo 
Bizarre Circus - Trowa Barton and Quatre Winner 
Duo Maxwell 
Duo Maxwell 
Lady Une 
Color of old sketch - 1x2
Meet-up in Town 
Heero Yuy and Duo Maxwell 
Treize and Une - Featuring @renmaxwell and @shinigami-of-excellence 
Treize Khushrenada 
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Friday
A new prompt every Monday!
Submissions should be posted Fridays between 3 and 5pm EST, and tagged with @gwcocktailfriday
Interview with a Creator by @remsyk-blog @interview-with-a-creator
Remsyk has created an online interview for fandom creators to fill out and then she features one each week so that everyone in the fandom can learn a bit about each other.
If you haven’t filled out her interview, go! do! now!
This week’s interviewee is @vegalume​ found here
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