#he was protecting her! even if he didnt quite think of it exactly as such - he saw what was going to happen and took action!
s0apmactav1sh · 3 days
More crappy thoughs coming from me.
Teenage!Simon Riley edition. With Bestfriend older brother troupe >:} (Reader is aged around 15 to 23.)
^ by this I mean simon from the ages 12 to around 20 and these are just silly things from my brain nothing got to do with his character in the game.
-Teenage!Simon who became bestfriends with your little brother pretty quick. The two stuck to each others hips. They were a do or die type friendship. If one done something the other had to follow. And that just meant you were often forced to go with them to make sure neither got hurt because god forbid that happens.
-Teenage!Simon whos only a three years younger than you and yet you still treat him like a little kid each time you see him. Acting as if hes more like your little brother than anything else. And it just made sense that when he got picked on it was you who was getting suspended from school for beating up his bullies.
Teenage!Simon who started coming over less and less after your brother got a girlfriend. Meaning your mam was pestering your brother and you on why her favourite adopted son hadnt been over in a while. To which you cant answer and neither can your brother because hes a little shit.
-cut to your 18th. Finally able to drink and guess who shows up at the door right before midnight completely drenched. Yuppp Simon. No one was home and you couldnt just leave him out in the rain. So you took him in, giving him clothes your brother refused to wear in replace of his wet ones because you also dont want to get killed over wet floors by your mam
-Teenage!Simon who finally realises that you were technically the 'better' brother. In the sense you actually stuck up for him, made sure he was fine and wasnt being bothered. And you even looked after him each time he showed up knocking on your window because he ran away from his house. You done more than your brother ever did.
-Simon who tries confessing to you when hes 16 and your 19. Only to be rejected by you because you didnt want to be accused of anything and because it was wrong from him to even think of you that way (internalized homophobia guys it happens :( to the best of us anyways)
-Simon who has to quite literallu chase you to get you to talk to him during school. You may not talk to him anymore but you still made sure he wasnt being picked on. He was still your brothers bestfriend. And even if he didnt need it, youd given yourself the role of protecting him from bullies in and out of school.
-You who lands yourself in jail after beating a 18 year old for the simple reason on the fact he was trying to get simon jumped. And word got around to you quickly even if you no longer were in school and were a second year in college. But hey it wasnt your fault he didnt think before he spoke.
-you who got out exactly 3 days before simon turned 18, meaning youd be around to celebrate with him (that was if you ever stopped getting phone calls from your mam giving out over you being locked away for 6 months.)
-Simon who makes the joke that he's technically legal and its not wrong for the two of you to date. But even then you fele icky over the fact that he may be wasting time on you when he could find someone way better.
-you who only accepts to go out with him because he seemed so determined. You guys spending the next 2 years together until he tells you he thinks he wants to join the military and see where that goes.
-you who are fully with him and even help him enlist. Not knowing that you'd lose touch only a year after he was gone. And then for it to carry on for the next 18 years. Until you spot him back in town with 3 other men you have no idea who they are but hey he's back and safe.
-Simon who doesnt remember a thing about his home town other than the fact that he still had a home to return to even if it wasnt his. And is all too surprised to see its not your mam or brother living there. Its you. And everything is awkward even when you tell him is find for him to stay. All he needed to do was stay away from your room and the garage during certain hours during the day.
-Price, Gaz and Soap being able to just sense the tension between the two of you. But not being able to pinpoint what it is exactly about you that has simon so on edge. Until it finally clicks when they see the pin board hanging in the hallway with a picture of you simon and another boy that looks like a younger version of yourself all standing at the bank of a river.
-them trying to stick ye in rooms together to get ye to reconnect but the flame that was once there is gone. And not an ember that remains to spark it up again. Even if you try.
I havent writen in so long and i needed to write something to get over my writers block so have this and enjoy. Ima try write a small fic to go along with this.
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
Your Books drabble was really good! It's great to see another side of Ore. You said you wanted to write more Mikoto, so can I request him and Children? If you're willing to take more than one request, Mikoto and Muu with Fashion would also be pretty interesting.
Wahh thank you so much! :D I definitely want to work with him a lot more, thank you for these! Here's Children with Orekoto (it's from Amane's pov but I mean it's about him), and I also posted Fashion with Bokukoto👍
The next crash against the wall was the last straw for Amane. Prison life was already uncomfortable as it was. Even without her cell neighbor’s constant noise, she would’ve had trouble sleeping given the poor conditions that guilty prisoners faced. With his constant noise, she couldn’t sleep at all. She’d spoken about the disturbance to Es, and some of the others, but no one had done anything to remedy the situation. 
She’d seen the way they all looked at Mikoto. She’d seen the way he’d looked back. Everyone hesitated to stand up against him after what had happened. But Amane had learned not to walk in fear. She had faith that she would be protected, as she was here doing what was right.
She clung to that promise of protection as she marched out of her cell. With as much confidence as she could muster, she knocked on Mikoto’s door. The violent sounds behind it came to a halt. She tried to keep her sleeves rolled up; she hated how the new oversized uniform made her look even smaller. 
The door flew open, revealing a half-destroyed room and an equally torn-up prisoner. Mikoto hadn’t bothered to get his new uniform mended. Amane would have found the behavior slobbish, except he put the clothes under strain each and every night. There’d be no use in fixing it only to wreck it again the following evening.
“What?” His eyes burned in fury. Behind him, what little furniture the cells held had all been overturned. His knuckles were raw with blood. He breathed heavily from exertion.
Amane swallowed. “Kayano Mikoto. I’m here to ask you to be quiet.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s disruptive at this hour.” He squinted at her, likely wondering if she was serious. She was. “It’s also very disrespectful to your fellow prisoners.”
“I don’t give a fuck about the other prisoners.”
“I think you do.”
“And what would you know?”
“I know you care about me, at least.”
He scoffed. “I don’t. Just ask the warden, you won’t get any special treatment just because you’re a kid.”
He went to slam the door, but Amane was quick to grab the edge. “I saw you that day,” she said hurriedly. “You told Shidou that Kotoko attacked you, but you lied. You struck first.”
Mikoto tipped his head to the side with a sneer. “What are you gonna do, tattle on me?”
“Kotoko attacked prisoner three. Then prisoner six. Next would have been – should have been eight, not nine.” Amane adjusted her sleeves. She said softer, “I’m glad it wasn’t special treatment because I’m a child.”
She lifted her chin. “So, if you still care about my well-being, I ask you to let me sleep. The rest would also do you good. The others, they’ve begun talking about the two of us very similarly. I find quiet meditation works for me, so maybe it’s the same for --”
“We are nothing alike, let’s get that straight. And I can guarantee fucking praying isn’t going to do a thing for me.”
“Why not?”
Mikoto laughed. Amane wasn’t sure she’d ever heard angry laughter before. “Let’s just say the guy I’m talking to isn’t listening.”
“It may feel like that, but that’s why we must believe.” He seemed ready to shut her out again, so she asked quickly, “You love Him, right?”
Mikoto blinked.
“If so, you must have faith He loves you in return.”
“And if he doesn’t?” The way he asked it, he didn’t appear to care about the outcome. He was just curious what she’d say.
Well, he was in luck, because she had the perfect answer prepared. Amane placed her hands over her heart. “He has to. He is a part of you, His spirit living and working in you.”
Mikoto chuckled again, though she hadn’t said anything funny. He muttered something to himself before shutting the door. 
With nothing left to say, Amane returned to her own cell. She fumed that Mikoto still saw her as a clueless, or perhaps naive child. 
But for the rest of that night, at least, the room beside her remained quiet.
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Bau x reader , where the reader is in an abusive relationship
Warnings: abusive relationship , blood , slightly yandere bau , gn reader , could be perceived as a poly bau
Summary: you are in an abusive relationship and when you call Hotch crying , they all rush to your side
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The people in this team are smart and their job is literally to be observing
They obviously notice your change of behavior the moment you step out of the elevator the day you had met him/her
The energy you gave of , the way you talked and even your choice of clothes made them assume you had met someone. They totally DIDNT feel jealous at all
But you seemed happy and they had no control over you
Penelope was the one to ask and learn about the charming kind man you just met.
So the was the one who informed the others
She stalked all of his accounts and pulled out his criminal records (that were clean) his financial state and everything about him
Not even two weeks after you entered the building with a new air on you
You were shining in happiness
Everyone could feel It and everyone knew
Morgan definitely did not do an extra harsh box training that evening with Enily
And Spencer obviously did not complain to Hotch about it all day
And hotch certainly didn't almost tear apart a book in frustation
Also Penelope did not cry on JJ s shoulder and neither did the opposite happen
Then , one day exactly one month later you were gloomy
The team almost held an interrogation to find out why
Turns out your boyfriend and you had just had a super intense fight that ended up in yelling
They were quick to offer you to spent the night with one of them
Or they could book a hotel room for you
You declined saying you need to solve this out
This went on for a long of time
The weather became worst day by day and you were the first one on the team to wear a long sleeved shirt
They didn't think much of it
Your mood was drastically changing , your once bubbly and happy personality disappearing
They were all extremely worried but they didn't know what could have caused it
' Do you think it's that boyfriend of theirs?'
Morgan asked once . They all appeared worried at the thought
JJ was sent to ask you about your relationship but you quite convincingly talked in excitement and contempt about it
They were obviously worried sick ,but could do nothing about it , since they had no idea what the problem was
When they were all out together , Hotch received a call by you
You were crying and stuttering your words
' Hotch' you breathed out
' y/n? Where are you?what has happened?'
He asked and all the others gazes fell on him , their faces twisting in confusion
' I -uhhh I am on my apartment. He has left but I'm hurting a lot. Please come help'
You had said. Calling Hotch was a conscious decision since he was definitely a safe person to you and the whole team.
While Morgan could beat someone up easier and Emily was a very violent person when needed , Aaron just had this energy that he gave off.
He could protect you and you knew it
They all hoped In two cars and were to your in no time.
You were lying on the floor sobbing , with blood around you
Spencer was the one to check up on you , covering your wounds
While JJ called the police
Morgan along with Penelope were frozen on the doorway
And Aaron was right by your side pushing your hair out of your face and whispering in your ear
You were badly hurt
The paramedics arrived and Spencer rode the ambulance with you.
Penelope and Aaron followed with their car while the other three remained on your apartment
They decided to clean it up, JJ bringing the chemicals to remove the blood , while Morgan angrily scrubbed the floor
' How could he? '
Whispered Emily enraged
Then they heard keys on the door
' Honey I am so sorry for what happened, but look I brought you flo-'
A man entered the apartment and appeared shocked to find your colleagues there
Morgan had risen up staring at the man with deep hatred in his eyes
Let's say that the man returned to his house with a lot of bruises , a bunch of threats and two days later his computer caught a virus
You were in the hospital, getting better
Penelope was in the chair besides your bed working something on her computer
Once you were woken up and not high, you received a lot of hugs and sweet words
When you could finally return home they all sat you down . You knew this conversation was coming
' We want you to feel comfortable telling us about things that are going wrong in your life '
Hotch had said his voice and characteristics unnaturally soft.
' Why didn't you tell us?'
JJ wondered and you had no acceptable answer
The day ended in a lot of tears and hugs.
You quickly returned to your workplace where you were greeted with a cake that had wobbly written on it ' welcome back'
Thay would always remind you to be careful in the field for at least a month.
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rowretro · 1 month
𝕹𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊 𝖇𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖞
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✧warnings: Yandere themes, toxic themes, unhealthy love, mentions of blood, manipulation(?), suggestive
♡synopsis: Sunghoon, a rich, handsome, perfect man in all ways.... Though he's an extremely dangerous demon. Women fall head over heels for the prince charming. All except one. A godess. Lee Y/n, the woman whom he only has eyes for. Rumour has it she's still a virgin, single, and has never been a relationship. It's quite shocking, the Lee Heeseung's stunning younger sister? never had a boyfriend?!, purely because any man who dares approach her ends up dead. Of course she has never hurt a single soul.... Yet why was she cursed without love?
Sunghoon isn't one for love nor lust, sure he'd have thought about falling in love with a loyal woman many times before... but all the girls that cross his path fall purely for his looks. How could they not? His features, his build, everything about him is so perfect. Those bushy brows, perfectly sculptured face, his eyes shining with stars, pretty moles scattered across his smooth skin, and his lips oh so kissable, anyone who gets to marry such a prince charming must be the luckiest human alive.
For the first time in his life he decided to go to a pretty popular bar, he was accompanied by Jake, one of his closest friends who was known to be quite the party goer. The bar was known for the women, one woman specifically, they would say she's a stripper, but she wasn't exactly like the other strippers. More a belly dancer. But Sunghoon realized it was no lie, the way they described her beauty.
Her smooth, coloured skin, visible through the lacy, rose gold material of the stunning dress, her legs, and navel exposed through the slits, her fairly sharp jawline, followed by the doll-like appearance which was accentuated by her make up, the way she bats her lashes, and the many moles that painted her face. She was a breathtakingly gorgeous woman.
Sunghoon was mesmerized by the way her body moved. Nothing too provocative, if anything, more of an elegant dance, but something distracted him, the burning gazes of other men, something he hated entirely. She belonged to him now. The Demon of all demons, the soon to be king of the underworld, a man everyone must fear. Park Sunghoon has set his eyes on something he wants, and if anyone dares to even want it, they will die a brutal death.
That night Y/n walked home, hugging her jacket due to the cold. She shivered at the icy air biting at her exposed skin, specifically her face which has now gone numb. There were specs of blood splattered across her white trousers from a previous encounter... A rather shocking and scarring encouter one shld say.
It isnt a first time a man had come up to her with lustful intentions, but she always managed to escape, not a scratch evident on her body. However.... the man didnt even get the chance to touch her, his eyes ended up bleeding everso randomly, he floated mid air as his limbs shatterred, and his body burnt to the ground. Seeing something so violent, the woman ran, not letting a single noise leave her mouth.
Perhaps it's an evil spirit she may have escaped, or a ghost, like ones in some ghost movies where a motherly ghost would be there to protect her children, or any woman that looks in the face of danger. She wasn't one to take chances though. "Sis I think you're on something... either that or a demon was stalking you." Heeseung simply said as he heard her little horror story.
"Heeseung you don't understand- nothing touched him he just floated in the air and- it was like in stranger things season 4 when Vecna gets into peoples head- except only this time, they burn to ashes!" she simply said as Heeseung placed down his book, sliding up his glasses as a look of horror was evident on his face. "Heeseung?" "Park Sunghoon. He has eyes for you.... he probably cursed you...." he simply cut her off, and walked out coldly.
It was exactly what he said. Sunghoon walked around her in a circle, admiring every inch of her, as she stood there "Lift the curse?... why would I darling?... you were clearly made for me." He said, tilting his head as his fingers softly grazed the skin on her face, his lips leaning in to peck hers. There's no going back. The way his hands trailed up her curves, wrapping around her waist, as her body pressed against his.
He kissed her again, more passionately "You've no way out my darling.... once I want something..... I get it. no matter the cost... you fucking understand me?!" he asked through gritted teeth as he yanked her hair. she'd be stupid to disagree... after all she had no way out "I-I understand..." she managed to say as his grip loosened, his dark glare replaced with a soft, sweet smile.
She couldn't deny it, he's a stunner. Absolutely gorgeous, from head to toe, despite being so scary and psychotic, if she could just look past that she'd realize she hit jackpot. Y/n remained silent as Sunghoon ran his fingers through her silky, dark hair, twirling it at the end, she silently snuggled into his chest as he smirked. "That's right.... you should give in" he said with a smirk, snuggling her...
A/N: Idk if y'all liked this, but feel free to suggest any yandere, fluff, or just crazy plots idm (no smut, but I may do slightly suggestive stories<3)
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huiyi07 · 10 months
GENSHIN MANGA SPOILERS! but honestly if you haven’t read it by now it’s your fault alone
So why did Kaeya initially try to hurt Collei?
The obvious answer- he was trying to defend Mondstadt, Collei was a very suspicious figure at the time, and he knew that being aggressive towards her would probably draw out her hidden powers and reveal herself as the culprit of the Black Fire incident.
But there’s more to it than that.
Kaeya canonically loves, LOVES kids. He adores them- there’s lots of times in the game where he talks about how precious childhood is and how he wants to protect the purity of childhood dreams for as long as possible before kids have to grow up and face the real world (kinda similar to Childe). In 3.8, it shows how he is literally willing to do anything to protect a child- Klee, when he literally throws aside his own sibling issues in order to shield Klee from being exposed to the same thing and scolds a couple of bickering brothers for upsetting her.
Additionally, there’s his whole thing with Mika and how he’s basically a big brother figure to the entirety of Mondstadt’s population under 17. The highly implied bond between Bennett, Razor, Fischl and him, even.
Anyway this whole aspect of his character obviously stems from his own childhood and how tainted it was by his hidden identity, so like he probably doesn’t want any other kids to have to go through such hardship especially while they’re still young.
So if he loves kids so much, and wants to protect them so badly, why did he not hesitate to become a full blown villain against Collei, literally wounding an innocent 12-year old girl?
Because he sees himself in her.
Collei hates herself (or at least she used to LOL). She hates the burden (her powers) that was forced upon her from a young age, and those powers inevitably label her as a bad person, one who can harness evil powers to kill And hurt and whatever. It makes her feel like she has no real control over herself, and that she has no self-identity- she doesn’t think of herself as a regular person, instead a monster. And she hates, hates, hates herself for it, but she shoves all of it down under a mask.
Sound familiar to a certain cavalry captain?
That’s why Kaeya didnt hesitate to Go after her. He knows her too well, knows that she’s hiding her true identity under a well-crafted face, that there’s something evil and dark in her- because that’s exactly who he was as a kid.
But then this panel happens.
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Collei, evidently so tired of living such a torn life, gives up and offers her life to Kaeya just so that the torment can end, which stops Kaeya in his tracks, because that’s when she reminds him off himself just a little too much.
Kaeya, so caught up in her uncontrollable evil, forgets that she’s just a child, one who never should’ve been forced to deal with such a thing, and certainly not want to die because of it.
That’s exactly what happens internally to him, as well. Over the years, Kaeya internalized being a traitor so much, that often he convinces himself that he’s truly not a good person. Yes, he acknowledges that it’s really not his fault, but that still gets lost and it shows through when Kaeya shows us how willing he is to get himself harmed- because of his self hatred, he places so little value in his own wellbeing and his own life, because he thinks that all harm that comes to him is deserved and that it’s better off if he’s dead anyway so that he doesn’t have to deal with being torn apart every day.
No I’m not making this up, it’s in how he literally covers for Diluc all the time and risks himself in the process, and how Adelinde told us about that one time Kaeya literally took Diluc’s punishment for himself when they snuck into the wine cellars. There’s lots of times, even throughout in the game where Kaeya tries to convince us he’s not a good person- he quite literally says that, at some point.
Only when Collei shows that she’s in the exact same position does Kaeya realize what he’s doing and stops himself. Only then does he remember how painful and hard it really is, and he ends up helping to save Collei and removing her powers, because that’s one burden he can help take off, unlike his own.
Idk man for me the Kaeya vs Collei fight (I like to call it the chapter where collei gave us the hottest panel of Kaeya choking ever) told a story about Kaeya’s internalizations, too, and his own-self hatred and how deep it really goes. BRB CRYING
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maochira · 1 year
Can I request a itoshi brother's younger sister reader x nagi seishiro
like the reader has the quiteness of her brothers and also their skills but didnt get the under eyelash of her brothers because she has their mothers facial figure, so some blue lock players where shock to see the female players rankings that there is a girl with an itoshi surname in the RANK 1, and now they know that your brother is rin and sae
somewhat there is a blue lock program for female football players,
there is somewhat a thing between the reader and nagi that nagi's teammates somewhat observe,
nagi blushing around when the reader is walking pass the blue lock hallway (there is a different building for female and male players but eats together in the building's massive canteen), gets motivated in games whenever they look into each others eyes
Gets jealous when kaiser flirts with the reader, and the reader find kaiser weird so she stays quite (nagi and her brothers protective traits unlock 😭)
OKAY SO FIRST OFF this is a great request!!! But I only write gn!reader so I hope you don't mind,, it's pretty much all written in the second person tho so no use of third-person pronouns anyways. I also changed some story aspects a tiny bit
Requests are open!
Masterlist and upcoming Blue Lock writing event
Tags: gn!Itoshi!reader, reader is a year younger than Rin so 15, reader is in a team that's currently training in Blue Lock with the Blue Lock Eleven and U-20 team before Neo Egoist League, Bastard München is there for some reason (it's only so I can fulfil the request of adding Kaiser), really canon-wise and lore-wise this makes no sense but it's my silly brain producing silly headcanons and scenarios
-you're amazing at soccer, your skill being extremely close to Rin's. But despite that, you're kind of an outsider in your own team. During matches you work great together, but off of the field there's no connection
-that means, you're pretty much a loner in Blue Lock. Especially because you know no one in the other teams, except for your brothers. But they're not exactly on the best terms with each other, so you never get to spend time with both of them.
-sometimes players from the other teams talk to you, but it's only because you're an Itoshi sibling. Besides that, so far no one has been interested in knowing you as a person yet
-it's very obvious how most of their interest in you is because you're an Itoshi sibling. Because at first, no one cared about you. You weren't noticed as an Itoshi sibling because you look a little more different from your brothers, especially your eyes. But as soon as there was a ranking list with your name, of course, suddenly everyone wanted to know you
-but your quiet personality makes them lose interest quite fast, so you're not being bothered for longer than a few days
-ever since seeing you for the first time, Nagi often watches you from a distance. He has figured out at what time you eat dinner, so he tries to be in the dining hall at around the same time, because he really wants to see you
-it really doesn't take him long until he develops a crush on you. And he crushes real hard. Always blushing when he walks past you or when your teams are at soccer practice together
-he doesn't know how to approach you, so he doesn't. Although he thinks about ways to talk to you whenever he lies in bed, unable to fall asleep because all he can think about are your pretty eyes
-it's one of those evenings when you're having dinner all on your own. Occasionally, Nagi's gaze wanders over to you
-by now, you've noticed how often he looks at you and you've noticed him blushing when near you. But you've never talked to him so far. You're kind of interested in knowing what kind of person he is, though. You've seen him play soccer and impressed with his skills (although you believe you're better than him)
-you're minding your own business, eating dinner. And then he sits down next to you. Michael Kaiser.
-he attempts to flirt with you, for minutes, despite how you show no interest in him at all. You only roll your eyes and try to ignore him
-Nagi sees all of this and walks up to you and Kaiser. Somehow, he gets Kaiser to leave you. Nagi asks if you're okay and he's happy he finally got the courage to talk to you
-but before you get to answer, suddenly both of your brothers stand behind him
-they make Nagi leave, and although he doesn't want to, he really doesn't feel like starting an argument with your brothers, so he leaves and returns to the table he was sitting at before
-the next day, you're a bit late to dinner. It has Nagi worried because he thinks you ate earlier today, so he's a bit disappointed he doesn't get to see you
-when you enter the dining hall, you see Nagi sitting on his regular seat with some of his teammates. While you're getting your food, you get the idea to sit next to him. So that's what do you
-you walk towards Nagi, asking if it's okay to sit down next to him. And that's the first time you see him smiling so brightly
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wundersmith-squall · 7 months
ramble about your Ezra Squall redemption arc please?
Absolutely- id be very happy to! I'm quite aware that im about to sound like this:
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but you asked so this is what you signed up for /j
Soooooooo it basically wormed its way into my head because of the one time where Squall said something like 'We're wundersmiths we take all of the blame and none of the credit' and I was like, okay sir are you speaking from experience? What was the 'credit' of your actions? And also the mention of the shared enemy, which I at the time took as meaning partially something in the republic that threatens Nevermoor, and partially something to do with the system, the Wunderous Society and like, all the people in charge who are against wundersmiths and are trying to hold Mog back.
Along with these two things, I'd like to think that 100+ years of banishment are long enough to rethink your actions and become a better person.
So, I'll explain it in a way that wont take an entire essay to write out. Basically it goes in my head that, Courage Square was, at least partially an accident, and over 100 years the story got skewed, and the current population turned against Ezra and the Wundersmiths, while the population at the time knew how, Wundersmiths ultimately were trying to help Nevermoor. Courage Square was bad, which is why Ezra was banished, but he wasnt killed. After a tragedy, it would be expected that he'd be punished, but at the time, the Republic as we know it didnt exist, and so being banished out there was a very bad fate, but it was definitely better than death.
Ezra went through a, lot of bad mental states during the first few decades of his banishment, but as he grew older, he came to terms with both his past actions and his current situation, though he still feels guilty about it.
In my head, the Wundersmiths were originally established to protect Nevermoor from the weird creatures of the darkness that the Wunderous Society takes care of now. Those creatures are attracted to Wunder. When Ezra was banished from Nevermoor, there were no longer any Wundersmiths in there, and so WunSoc had to step up and find a way to cover for him. Meanwhile, Ezra, who still loves Nevermoor, establishes Squall Industries, partially to improve conditions in the Republic and partially to provide a bigger, brighter beacon of wunder to attract the majority of the dangerous creatures to a place where he could still handle them. In this same thought, the Hunt of Smoke and Shadow werent something he created, but a group of these dangerous creatures that he managed to tame.
On the same subject are the other cursed children, those who, gather wunder but are unfortunately dont have the gift to control it. The creatures of the darkness, who chase wunder, hunt down these children to take the wunderous energy from them, which they dont survive. Ezra does his best in this situation, but one man can only do so much, and the creatures are relentless.
When he first discovers Morrigan, he's not exactly sure what to do. He tries to just get her as an apprentice through the usual means in the republic, but after a certain mad ginger got in the way he sent the Hunt after her, himself being busy trying to help the other cursed children, but we all know that that attempt didnt work. Ezra, knowing about the wunder critical-mass gather-too-much-without-using-it-makes-bad-things-happen thing, so he used the gossamer to get back into Nevermoor.
Having to enter and view Nevermoor again, even though not physically, took a bit of a toll on him, plus having to interact with someone new while being himself, which is not something he's had to do in a long time. He's also never, had to teach anyone before.
From there, I imagine he goes from frustrated and angry, to irritated but starting to get attached to Mog, to actually being a genuinely good teacher (aka the floof you saw in my drawing, who doesnt sleep nearly enough but still tries his best to be a good person), who is Tired™ and also just as chaotic as Jupiter when he wants to be.
Thank you for listening to my ramble- I can happily expand on anything if anyone happens to like this train of thought. I have further specifics on, basically everything, but this is a solid overview.
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chuuwtoy · 6 months
i remember discussing with my friend if rebecca was really the blushing virgin that everyone in the fandom makes her out to be. at the time i just shrugged it off and said yes, because i didn't know much about her character (not that there is much anyway.) but after thinking about it, my opinion's changed a bit. so here's my random opinions about rebecca.
incoming airstrike: incoherent rambling.
initially i felt like rebecca was only really put into the first game to be jill's opposite, and also i guess to make it even and put a girl on the other team.
i haven't played RE 0 (and with the complaints i probably won't..) but she isn't exactly squealing and blushing whenever billy looks her way - if anything, billy is more of a flirt. maybe him giving her all these cute nicknames is just in his nature? or perhaps he just really likes her. who knows!
you could argue that everyone on her team died and she's going through this hellish nightmare on her first mission - so why on earth would she have goo-goo eyes over some inmate who supposedly slaughtered 23 people?! haha, i love analyzing these guys.
rebecca isn't afraid to put anyone in their place, she demands respect, "but that's officer chambers to you", "and dont call me little girl!" one thing i love about these lines is how it's delivered, she isn't stomping her feet and throwing a tantrum. she keeps her soft tone and says it sharply! i wish people saw her as spunkier and dominant, rather than an innocent, helpless baby.
suprisingly, she doesn't fall for chris either. i mean can you blame me for expecting her to? he's protecting her throughout the game and vice versa. she's tired and scared but atleast she has chris to lean onto. that's the perfect set up for a predictable (one-sided) romance. the same arguement could be made - she's tired, and got thrusted into another nightmare, she doesn't have time to be flustered over chris..
something that's a little odd but rebecca has respect for chris in the sense that she refers to him as "sir", when she doesn't even do that for enrico. though, im sure its because she's familiar with enrico, but not chris.
she's oddly professional for her age, but no one in the fandom gives her credit for it— and yes i know it's probably because she's a child prodigy, so perhaps she had to grow up quicker? i assume she was around adults much older than herself. ( ≧ᗜ≦) !!!
i know it's common for people to call her a tomboy because "girl + short hair = tomboy" (sarcasm). though, if i'm being honest, i never saw her as one. rebecca (and jill) are just girls, they can't really be placed into boxes - they're not clichés. you see the duality with rebecca loving basketball but also being a chemist? i LOVE that so much. she's in this male-dominated field with an age that still end in -teen.
rebecca is described as "androgynous" in her uniform and while i agree to some extent i don't really like that word too much, because it implies that jill's uniform isnt androgynous when i think that it is.. so what because jill's chest is prominent she can't be androgynous too? hmph, it always left a bitter taste in my mouth.
also i really love that she's wearing makeup in 0, it's her first mission and she's all dolled up 笑笑笑笑笑 but they stopped using ayumi's model and i guess wanted to rework her face.
this isn't meant to disprove or bash that very popular ship "rebilly" by the way! do i ship it? not quite, sorry but i dont ship anything besides myself and a certain bioterrorist えへへへへへへへへ
the novel, caliban cove, portrays her as your typical teenage girl. she gets embarrassed a lot, blushes at the slightest contact, etc etc. it's not canon though, so i didnt bother to mention it.
i haven't discussed this either but i'd like to see discussions about her sexuality, nothing is confirmed but options are always open (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
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mugentakeda · 3 months
Bro I love Anchali and Jiro omiGOSH ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Anchali is so insane and crazy for Ursa it’s both so weird/freaky and lowkey cute with how highly she’s devoted herself to Ursa I need to study her under a microscope.
And Jiro is so slimey and greasy i love them gay slimey men who are also shady as hell <33
Speaking of, I was wondering— how would Jiro react to the news of Lu Ten’s death (regardless of whether its canon or Dai Li Lu Ten AU)? How would he react if he saw Dai Li Lu Ten?
ok im so sorry for taking this long to answer this but my braincells always stop working when it comes to dai li lu ten au for some reason. like i quite literally just figured out how to put what lu tens issue is in a simple sentence Today and ive had this au for months. please forgive me.
TO BE HONEST. jiro was concerned about why lu ten was so stiff about going to bss, but he thought it was just like... over family drama. because lu ten never let his complicated feelings about the war leave the pages of his journal. not even to jiro, who lu ten knew probably wouldn't have cared (because jiro casually breaks at least 10 laws per day at minimum. he makes it a daily goal for himself) anyway.
but jiro didn't even consider the idea that lu ten would die at bss? cus like. lu ten passed his officer classes with flying colors, so he was fit to lead a group of men on the battlefield. he knew all the do's and do not's of war strategy. he was the youngest lightning bender in fire nation history at the time (until azula ofc). but. he was also a prince. so jiro was (correctly) under the impression that iroh wouldn't let lu ten even see the real heat of the battle. he was thinking that lu ten was just being sent there last minute so he could say he was there at least when iroh succeeded.
when the news about lu ten reaches the capital on top of the news of irohs retreat, jiro doesnt immediately believe it. cus he just bid lu ten goodbye like lu ten was leaving for an 8am meeting that he was dreading. like a tender just go get it over with real quick and then come on home, we can go back to bed for the rest of the day and then i'll take you out for dinner. there's national mourning, then firelord azulon dies and ozai is crowned and it's like jiro's world has a muted sheet thrown over it. it takes iroh's army coming home for it to sink in fully.
and jiro mourns kinda like how a flower quietly wilts overnight? he didnt throw a fit or demand answers or whatever. he just pulled himself away from politics and just focused on work. but he keeps that place at his side that lu ten filled for the brightest year of jiro's life open because jiro can't make himself act like it never happened either. so the second chair by jiro's balcony table stays, the hair ribbon pile lu ten forgot on the nightstand stays, the extra printed pelt blanket on his bed that only lu ten used (because he hated sharing blankets) stays.
AND THEN. in the dai li au. i did say a while back that jiro ends up becoming one of azulas guys. but she ends up calling him to bss asap because hes the only person in the fn that she knows for sure that she can trust with knowing about lu tens continued existence lol. its a very strange time for her cus she found out through long feng that her dad was at fault for the whole thing. and shes still figuring out what exactly shes gonna do about that but for now shes gonna be utilizing jiro's flimsy loyalty to the fire nation to protect her cousin until she has everything in order lol. and i haven't made up my mind about where lu ten will go from there but im kinda leaning on iroh taking lu ten with him to the order while zuko goes with the gaang
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
reader being betrothed to harwin, an arranged marriage (long-ish)
She's known for being a beauty and a courteous lady from a quite influential house. Both her parents and Lyonel are very satisfied with this match. She vaguely recollects meeting Harwin at tourneys and feasts when she was younger but she doesnt remember him much. Part of her is relieved it's not some decrepit lord, but it's not exactly how she imagined her future.
Both her and Harwin are highkey relieved when she arrives in Kings Landing. She admits (to herself only of course) he's easy on the eyes and he's happy to see that once a adorable girl grown to be a beauty.
She doesnt trust men, especially the cunning lords and their up to no good sons and the red keep atmospehere makes her shy. Harwin notices that quickly and tries to be very protective of her (which she appreciates, only an idiot would want to start shit with mr. Breakbones so she knows she's safe).
The wedding is approaching and since they're friendly she finds courage to open up about her fears of the bedding ceremony. Harwin supresses a little laugh (lmao his male brain didnt even think about such issue) but reassures her that he would spare her such ordeal. He jokes he would fight any men who would object, even the king himself. She rewards him with a quick, shy kiss. He have to fight the urge to grab her and kiss her more inaprropriately (and then some), but he resists.
After the wedding they go to their chambers, both drunk and laughing, they spend the rest of the night drinking some more and gossiping about their guests. Harwin wont pressure her since he feels she's not exactly ready. She's not cold though, and they get on very well. The whole thing entices him and he is determined to win her over completely. He spoils her with jewelry, pretty dresses, and romantic gestures.
Not so long after the wedding the prying ladies of the court ask her how is ser Breakbones in bed, they dying to know. She hits them with "haha you know same old, same old, you know the drill girls" *laughs nervously internally* A big mouthed lady is like hmm I would like to know more, maybe I should try to seduce him and see for myself. Lady Strong and the girls exchange amused looks like okay delulu you wish.
She ponders about this a few days though. One night she helps herself with liquid courage a little and waits until her husband comes back from his duties. She puts on her most revealing night gown and some jewelry he gifted her. His eyes are wide open as he enters the bedroom. She doesnt have to tell him twice. Long story short they go all night and both are not in the mood to leave their chambers for the next few days. When a city watch soldier looks for his commander he just barks through the closed doors that his wife is not feeling that good and she needs his attention. He orders him to delegate his duties for his next in command till he returns.
When lady Strong leaves their quarters she literally glows and is in exceptionally good mood. When everyone asks her if she feels alright so soon, she answers she was never better and her husbands' care helped a lot. They've become more open with displays of affection and soon the Strongs are the it couple of the Red Keep :)
This is beautiful !!
Strongs are the it couple of the Red Keep Hehe i don't know why that's so adorable but I love it !!
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rainbow18 · 1 month
What Sonic Prime took from Sonic X.
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Sonic’s story in Prime is pretty similar to Cosmo’s. (Also Sidenote. Cosmo’s design is pretty much Sonic’s except reversed.)
Both of them are among the last of their kinds.
Both of them got hunted down for why they survived while others didn’t. Shadow tried killing Cosmo for spying while Sonic was hunted down for his energy. (Which I will get into.)
Cosmo’s main relationship is with Tails and Sonic’s main one is with Nine, who is one of Tails’s counterparts.
Sonic’s main friends were based on Cosmo’s closest friends. For Cosmo, they are Amy, Tails, Chris, Knuckles and Cream. For Sonic, it’s Thorn, Rusty, Nine, and Dread. (But this one may just be coincidence since they are game characters and there’s no Cream, though that can be argued since in Prime, Birdie appears to be Amy’s pet like how Cheese is Cream’s pet and Froggy is Big’s)
When Shadow was hunting down Cosmo, everyone began protecting her and insisted on staying by her side when she wanted to run away from everyone. Which is more or less what happens when Nine targets Sonic.
Despite this, Cosmo ended up dying anyway and Nine got Sonic’s energy anyway and used it exactly as he would in the beginning. Although if Cosmo died earlier, they might not have been able to save everyone and Nine might not have fixed Green Hill and Sonic might have died if he got Sonic earlier. (Though that can be argued since it was heavily implied that fixing The Grim would have also fixed Green Hill.)
Both of them are too kind for their own good.
Cosmo was only in the last season of Sonic X, which had roughly 26 episodes and Sonic Prime has 25 episodes with one being double length. (Though this one is a stretch.)
Tails was reluctant to kill Cosmo but ended up doing so. While mad, Nine originally only targeted Sonic for his energy and when he calmed down, He no longer stated that Sonic’s energy was needed and only took the energy after Sonic convinced him.
Cosmo couldn’t remember much about what happened and neither could Sonic.
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Nine’s story is sort of like Chris’s. (Though Nine is more angsty)
Chris asked if his parents would return quickly from their jobs if he behaved himself and he believed them. However they didn’t, causing him to feel neglected. Nine did everything Sonic ever asked him to do no matter how much pain and torture he went through, believing that Sonic would like the Grim and hang out with him as Sonic said he would, but Sonic completely forgot about it and doesn’t listen much in general, leading Nine to feel neglected and ignored.
In the second Season’s finale, Chris stopped Sonic from going back to his world even though it would put everyone, including himself in danger. Nine didn’t want Sonic in Green Hill and In his attempt to fix the Grim, he accidentally sped up the decaying and in his quest to capture Sonic, Nine ended up endangering everyone more. (Though in Chris’s case, he didnt think much about what would happen whereas in Nine’s case, reality disappearing was why he was attacking.)
Both have an attachment to Sonic, which their shows are about.
Both were based on Tails.
Design wise, Nine does have red, which must symbolize something. (Since if not, Why not replace the red with Black, Yellow or Blue?) Red happens to be the color of Chris’s shirt.
Both were Sonic’s first friend in a new world.
In most finales of Sonic X, Sonic and Chris were supposed to leave each other. Each arc In Prime, ends with Sonic and Nine saying goodbye.
Both can be quite immature.
Chris accused Eggman of causing the problems that meant Sonic has to leave because he wanted a reason for Sonic to stay. During Part 3, more than once, Nine reminds Sonic that the Chaos Council were the ones who started the decaying.
Seeing Chris injured as well as Cosmo, caused Sonic to transform into Dark Sonic while with fake emeralds. In the cave, Nine used the Prism energy to transform Sonic into Prismatic Sonic. Both transformations only appeared once.
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During Sonic Prime, Sonic is more like Amy than his Game Counterpart.
Sonic mistakes the counterparts for each other, though he later changes it to them being similar to each other even though Game Sonic had seen counterparts of his friends before. Amy often mistakes other hedgehogs for Sonic.
Amy is really affectionate and often wants to hug others, especially Sonic. In Prime, Sonic is really affectionate and wants to be friends with everyone and often tries hugging others, to their annoyance. (Though Nine did eventually initiate a hug.)
Amy has reformed antagonists and so does Sonic in Prime. Pretty much everyone in Prime wanted to attack Sonic at some point. (Although in X, Amy’s speech to Shadow was given to Chris.)
Both Amy in X and Sonic in Prime can get really excited.
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Nine’s arc is also somewhat similar to Shadow’s.
Design wise, Most of Nine’s clothes and stuff are black like Shadow’s fur. (Though he also has yellow and blue to symbolize Tails and Sonic and red, possibly to symbolize Chris.) Shadow’s quills stick in the opposite direction of Sonic’s and Nine’s hair usually faces himself, unlike Tails’s hair, which faces away.
Shadow calls Sonic a faker and doesn’t like being compared to him. Similarly Nine dislikes being compared to Tails and doesn’t like his resemblance to Sails or Mangey.
Both of them were going to let the world disappear until they received a speech. In Shadow’s case, the speech reminded him of Maria whereas in Nine’s case, Sonic reminded Nine of what he originally wanted and planned.
Shadow wanted to target Cosmo after finding out that she was spying on everyone. Nine wanted to hunt Sonic down after realizing that his energy was needed to stop the decaying.
They both endangered and attacked others in their attempts to get to their targets.
They are both dark foils to Sonic. (And to a lesser extent, Tails.)
Shadow’s fate is unclear at the end of X, similarly Nine’s fate is up to interpretation.
Shadow did originally allow Tails to be left alone if he allowed him to get to Cosmo. Nine did originally mostly focus on Sonic and only attacked Shadow because Shadow wanted to help Sonic.
Even in Prime, Nine and Shadow have similar dialogue and actions.
Sonic and Tails.
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There are elements from X that are similar to Sonic and Nine and Tails in Prime.
Both of their meetings were similar and based on how Sonic and Tails met in the games. (Except in Nine’s case, Sonic had Tails’s role while he had Sonic’s role.)
Even Sonic’s flashback, while similar, it’s not a perfect match to how Sonic and Tails met in the games.
In his grief, Tails blamed Sonic for Cosmo’s death, screaming that he believed in him. Meanwhile in his insanity, Nine blames Sonic entirely for his villain arc and everything that he did.
We never got to see Sonic and Tails reconciling, instead Sonic only has flashbacks and declares that they will work together again when Chris leaves Sonic’s world. Similarly we barely see Sonic speaking to the prime characters.
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whaddub giiiirls! Live from my desk, hunched back like Quasimodo, full of mildly cold orange juice because it's been out of the fridge for a while and with the A/C on because my house feels like the basement of hell, I AM BACK WITH MY AEMOND THOTS!
um... long post... im so sorry, i dont think read more works for asks i had promised you them and now that i am in a good -relatively speaking- place with my assignments, I am back with the ch. 7 thoughts.
Aemond learned how to swallow past the emotion clogging his throat, to operate with his heart outside his body.
it's not just the breakup that made him operate this way unfortunatelly. Aemond in every universe is doomed to be the second and capable son of an unworthy father, too preoccupied with his losses to appreciate the people around him. I must once again restate the general consensus that the green kids were the exact thing that Viserys prayed for and still his hubris (however valid the reason behind his self inflicted grief may be) blinded him.
Aemond grew up knowing that he is the only one on his side, him and the very few people who do love him yet are unable to do much since they hold no real power to help protect him.
It made him colder, meaner, smarter, sharper. 
whatever doesn't kill you fucks you up mentally. Hey i know this girl, Valaena, the two of them would hit it right off!
It was an explosion he’d throw himself into repeatedly for the privilege of having her hurt him. 
him and Val are the same person, the same trauma except in different font and just expressed in an opposite manner. but the trumatized basis is there. Aemond may have had the control in their relationship and between the two of them however when it came to himself he really didnt have any control? like..
their relationship wasnt bad because of their dynamic but because of the Quality of said dynamic. Many people overeat or skip meals but not everyone has an eating disorder, if that makes sense. Their relationship was in that first stage i feel doomed from the start because the reason why thei came into it wasn't all there? I will elaborate more on this further down bellow if it isn't clear what i mean by this.
The anxiety that wracked her little form melted away, the pressure in his own head relieved by the way she gave in to him completely.
Their relationship at that point, I feel like, was not a partnership exactly? they were both too into their heads about this, too preoccupied with their trauma and with using each other as a balm, as an escape and as a way to make everything fall into the background that to an extent is was a quite selfish relationship? There was Love, undeniaably, passion, a bit of obsession, posessiveness, but that was more as an expression of each other's internal fear and anxiety towards their life rather than a well communicated and healthy thing. (i am still unsure as to whether or not i am expaining myself accurately)
Then, she’d left and taken the sunshine with her.
the way this must have hurt? this would have devastated him. not only to lose your lover, the girl you are in love with, the person you practically live with but also to be deprived of your main support person, your ride or die. We saw the exact same thing with Val. She knows all this which is why she is so terribly guilt ridden. she went through the same - if i may use the word- violent emotionally breakup. not physically violent but deffinitely violating.
like a new wound, a raw and infected one unable to heal.
In the two weeks since she escaped him, time has congealed into a meaningless mass of rage and fear and anticipation and something else. Something that tasted like satisfaction, like Valaena was finally fighting back, clawing her way back to him.
i can't imagine how complicated all those emotions must be for him. he isn't used to analysing them really, or voicing them even to himself. But the relief of at least having her back is palpable.
it must feel like the first drops of rain after a harsh devastating drought. My emotions how dare you Autumn?
Time was cruel, but not as cruel as Aemond is going to be when he gets ahold of Valaena again. // Valaena was playing with fire and he intended to burn her for it. // If either of them survived long enough to get there.
get her ass. sickos everywhere rejoice, you were meant to burn together except not in a self destructive way because ilysm and you both deserve the world so may the embers of your love grow into a warm flame of love
 Anything less than perfection was failure.
Aemond babe, i know right? i keep telling my therapist but she wont agree with me
“She’s in Dorne and safe,” Aemond clips out, returning to his files.
i love how the word he goes for is Safe because that's what it comes down to. it's not she's having fun, she's taking her time, she's enjoying herself. it's she is S A F E . because that's his greatest fear at this point. that something will go wrong, that he will lose her, that she will be hurt. not just bc of the Cannibal but previously as well bc of herself and her disregard for her own well being.
The agonizing peace he must feel knowing that she is doing well, is trying to get sober, and is just in a serene and safe place working on herself and getting some well earned rest... my loves!
[...] a cloud of incredibly expensive perfume taking him back to being eight years old, clutching one leg, Valaena on the other, Luke on her back.
i love the way you write his relationship with Rhaenyra. i hate how the show never bothered to show us the relationship of the siblings because bad blood or no, the very first years before Rhae had any kids it's more than normal to assume she liked her siblings and played around with them. I love how you show that and may your period cramps remain forever a thing of the past for including this.
the big sister vibes who isn't just a big sister close in age that you can curse at and be a bit cunty towards and give as good as you take. Instead the older sister who is a mature person, who acts a bit like a motherly figure, as a wise friendly more experienced person. And especially here it's not like he can hide from her.
Rhaenyra too fucked her uncle but also like... babes... you and Val haven't exactly ever been subtle about each other. Especially Aemond is as tactful as an elephant dancing on thin ice when it comes to his feelings for Val, and Val in general. Mr Unhinged Feral Hungry Simp
“You think she’s coming back to me?” Aemond can’t stop the words, a rare vulnerability, a chink in his impenetrable armor.
Laughing softly, Rhaenyra cups his scarred cheek. // [...] just presses a soft palm against his skin and gives him the benefit of the doubt. 
Give Aemond his regular tactile affection 2024! explicitly do NOT make it sexual. that man needs the everyday, unassuming, familiar display of love in this manner. fucking like crazy doesn't mean this man isn't touch starved and that's a hill i will doom myself and my entire bloodline upon. HE NEEDS THE SOFTNESS. imagine not having the warm and comforting touch of your mother, everytime she sees you she is retraumatized by your trauma. how would that make a small child feel? a child who cannot differenciate between the nuanced feelings of adults and his own confusion and fear and guilt over his perceived faults.
Running yourself into the ground won’t do anything. You need to get it together, too. Fix yourself, let her fix herself, then maybe you two can work on fixing whatever is left between you two. Make sure you’re both worthy.”
nothing but facts. they need to be 100% into their own selves, they need to be in control of themselves and their emotions and not go around like emotionally damaged half life zombies. they won't be able to find peace and happiness with each other until they start feeling good about themselves. until they stop hating who they are and stop self crucifying themselves
He’s spent his whole life working to deserve her and she’d left anyway. As much as he loved Valaena, would worship the ground she walked on, he knew she had her own demons.
firstly, OUCH OH GOD FUCKED ME UP OH JEEZ GOOD LORD UGH. Aemond beloved, loving someone and having them love you back has nothing to do with "deserving" the other in this sense. there's no point past which you can say one is enough and appropriate for another, or a list to check things off of. my heart hurts for this
but also that last line.. dang but that's such an important thing for him to realize. because yes, she does have her own trauma to sort out and so does he. and that isn't a bad thing or anything. it's just him realizing that she doesn need space to do her own thing and i LOVE how this comes right after his thoughts of not deserving her. like... they both exist as individuals long before they can be only in reference to one another.
that's such a big thing for him to realise and he does it so casually after this one talk with Rhaenyra i love him so much you dont understand!
That Valaena has her reasons for doing things, even if he doesn’t understand them now.
YES KING EXACTLY!!!!! it will ALL be okay! trust! you just need to heal first (first on their own and then together as one solid unit)
Maybe he’d lost himself in it a little, too. Maybe part of him had always been missing, lost in duty and responsibility foisted upon him.
yes baby he just keeps on giving and giving yes Aemond!
Back when they’d been together, he’d laughed freer. He’d taken joy in things, in riding and live music and his education. He chafed under his father’s thumb, but he’d been more himself. 
exactly!!! i love these two lines so much bestie you don't understand!
he'd been more himself! he had his support, he had a person to confide in, to share the burden with and to have them lean on him too! he could help her, communicate with her, share her love and their days together, show affection and be familiar with someone! once they get back to it relieved from their use of their relationship as an unhealthy coping mechanism they will be so happy! and they will deserve it too! no more guilt ridden Valaena, no more fear of the future from her, no more unclear boundaries and no more anxiety ridden Aemond.
your honour i just need them to chill together and vibe ya know
For Valaena, wasn’t it worth confronting himself? Even if the thought of opening up to a therapist makes him want to skin a man alive, he can do it for her.
for her but also for himself. confronting oneself is hard work and tough work. i love him so much you dont understand
skipping a few paragraphs, the Cannibal has some balls but also an extreme lack of self preservation instincts. Bless Dalton i guess? Who also needs to learn how not to try and get himself killed. he.. i... Sir?!
You are going to talk to Aemond Targaryen like THAT about HIS NIECE and expect what? you did this for what? no no i'll wait.. go ahead.. name the reasons... dang
Your niece is a right freak in bed. Such a fucking slut [etc. etc.]
girl you done lost your mind. fare thee well
When Dalton dies, Aemond wants to do it slowly, precisely, with privacy to make him suffer.
you know what.. he earned this one. but also he kinda deserved it too. like... bless Dalton fr fr . oh to be there and see the shock in Aemond's eye. the sheer "!!!!" in his face, ya know? The man was too stunned to speak, for like a milisecond
Aemond sighs, adjusting his eye patch, eyes roving over the crowd to make sure the Cannibal hasn’t circled back now that Dalton is out of the way. “She’s okay?”
She looks at him like she sees through him and is not impressed with what she finds.
FUCK HIM UP MOMM- Help him heal Doctor. (i want to see her deontologically and ethically STEP ON HIM during therapy. make that boy see sense and heal his trauma girl)
Gods, she was beautiful. She was beautiful and she was insane and she was going to destroy him.
i can see him looking at her with a devastated, helpless, burning look, already sex drunk even though he hasn't even let himself take permission to touch her yet (that evening!! because trust that man is delulu, babe there's no modesty to be saved you are both HORNY MONSTERS). simp! aemond is top tier aemond
His niece (gods! His fucking niece, who he’d already crossed so many lines with) 
Aemond is also in your walls, screaming, crying, throwing up
Just him. It was just him and his niece in this cabin, snow picking up outside the rattling windows.
i love how he thinks of her as his niece yet. not allowing himself to use her name, resisting to the familiarity of it, insisting upon her title to keep himself in check
“You had to run away from school to a cabin with only one bed and no cell service with a blizzard on the horizon?” Aemond asks as he follows her to the bedroom if only to distract himself from the way her ass jiggles beneath the thin protection of the silk.  She’d run away to this cabin and had packed that nightgown. Valaena was a menace. 
i will combust when we found out the full extent of their past
Candles are on nearly every available surface, dripping fat hot drops of wax on expensive furniture. 
waxplay when?
she shrugs, leaning back onto her elbows. It throws her chest forward, a practiced move.
serving CUNT!! before she serves the actual- oh you know what, i wont be crass. she is a baddie tho and that i Will mention (RIP Alyssa Targaryen you would have LLLOOOVED your great grandaughter. also Saera Targaryen, you would have appreciated her as well)
“Eyepatch too,” she instructs, a molten heat in her eyes that can only spell trouble. He complies, sliding into the king-size bed.
i am FERAL. hide nothing from each other!!!
“Don’t,” Aemond grits, grabbing her wrist before she can trace his scar.
She smiles beatifically at him, tightening the thigh she has draped over him. “It’s just cuddling, Kepus.”
oh she.... evil woman... she's evil... most definitely!!!!!
he's been calling her niece in his mind and she goes and does THAT! what a serve
 I will never be just your uncle again. I will never let you go. I will consume you.” The little siren sighs, shifting so she can wrap her legs around Aemond’s waist. “Big talk for a virgin.”
i- no comment..... she threw him on the ground and she keeps on kicking him, she won't let him have a moment.
“Why would I want gentle when I can have you as you are?”
girl bye... im done commenting.
[...] Shall we see if we can get you a third?”
i lied.
In that lavender haze of her eyes, he sees a future. He sees chaos and eternity and a purpose. He sees what she needs.
valaemond brainrot until the universe freezes over
“You called me a slut,” Valaena mumbles, her nose sharp on his collarbone. He takes the opportunity to press a kiss to the top of her head. He huffs a laugh, brushing hair away from her face. “And I think you liked it.” A sharp grin, showing off her canines. “Thank you.”
“The only responsibility I care about is you, Valaena. I think about you all day. Has Valaena eaten? Has she drunk enough water? Is she wearing thigh highs or stockings today? Did Valaena laugh today? Is she happy, taken care of? Will being with me make it better or worse?”
make it stop i've had enough!!! stop stop stop STOP!!!!!!
I love him so much. i am indeed chewing glass because even if he doesn't fully realise it, or calls it as such, he is so down bad for her. so in love... so... i.. i need to know when it really started. when he realized Oh Shit.. this isn;t just going to go away. the care he has for her??? and to know that despite all that love they still had to break up even if it was for the better? to know that THIS is what was in line? that THIS is what they're making their way back to? what they are both striving for? my heart
“Because I want to be with you, too. I choose you, Aemond. I’ll always choose you.”
and soon enough Aemond will truly feel that in his bones and understand it and will be able to find this solid thing, this dependable thing inside of him that will KNOW he deserves and has earned that love freely given just as Valaena will with the love freely given from Aemond.
you killed me dead bestie fr.
im so sorry it took so long for me to get back to you with this but i was getting my ass handed to me by Uni.
the newest chapter was amazing as well! we're all so glad to have you bag from your vacation, you deserved all that time away and the new scenery after these past months. i hope you're doing amazing and if you are still abit sick i hope you feel better and get well soon (iirc you were a bit under the weather, or was that during your time away?)
in any case! what an amazing work same as always. soft drunk off the recond free aemond in the newest chapter was also amazing. im assuming some time has passed between his therapy session and him arriving in Dorne?
“Don’t,” Aemond closes his eye, burrowing deeper into the pillow the way he used to do to her bare chest. “Don’t give me softness you’ll regret tomorrow.” “I won’t regret it,” Valaena whispers, propping herself up on her elbow to look down at him.  “Prove it,” Aemond orders imperiously, eye still closed.
prove it. prove you wont hate yourself or feel uncomfortable for the affection you showed me, for bringing me back into your life despite maybe not being sure you want me there. Prove you are okay with me, prove we are good, or at least we are better with each other. and she does...
even if he wont remember tomorrow she tells him about that one night where everything really hit her and it all came crushing down, unravelling from that point foreward. their time together was really uncomfortable to read. you managed to portray Val's freakout excellently because myself reading this... it made me feel lowkey triggered just like her. it felt like being suffocated, like being pushed down and unable to move and escape. and the worst part for her was that the only person who could make her feel better was the person who freaked her out.
i understand how to Aemond it may have been nothing but honestly... reading from her pov it was Just TOO Much, just the way i believe you intended it to be. i love val, she.. i just get exactly where she is coming from.
and i have to say Val is one of my favourite characters Period. she is exactly what you meant for her. a flawed, sometimes making mistakes but mostly trying yer best and failing as well as succeeding. i think she is an incredibly strong female character exactly because of this. you can only be brave when you are scared. and that's exactly what she does. she fumbles, she avoids, she is harmful to herself but she always deals with the situation, she always strives to make it work and works hard to earn that.
incredible work bestie from the bottom of my heart. <3
IVE BEEN SITTING ON THIS FOR FAR TOO LONG trying to stop kicking my feet and blushing and form a coherent response,,, the brain cells aren’t braincelling but I can’t keep reading this to myself every morning lmao it needs to be shared
THE TRAGEDY OF AEMOND,,, being viserys’ foil, building himself into something worthy for those that will never see it and appreciate it the right way
And Valaena,,, cursed to be always aching for something she can’t have, drowning in the legacy she fear and respects
I 10000% get what you’re saying and thank god I aimed for it!! Their relationship during the early years is the right person, wrong time, as neither of them had the emotional fortitude or strength to hold themselves up
They solely held each other up with no thought or concern for their own emotional/psychological structural integrity
And that weakness was only revealed when they ripped away their support beams from each other, leaving just the internal rot and negligence they’d put into themselves
So they have to heal themselves first!! And while aemond might not be able to admit it and say that, he recognizes that for the first step it is, when Valaena starts working on herself actively and with intention to do better
But above all else, Valaena
And her safety first, mentally and physically and emotionally
and we come back to aemond and Valaena having to learn to exist outside of each other before they can exist together!!! Aemond rediscovering joy and Valaena rediscovering herself!!
And vixen Valaena had to make an appearance eventually! Scandalizing poor virgin aemond!!!
I’m too dead to write a more eloquent response like this deserves but I want to say thank you!!
I cannot express the depth of how grateful I am you took the time and effort to write a thesis on valaemond!! It humbles me and brings me such joy and happiness to see you like Valaena and can think this much about my passion brainrot project!!!
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Hello! About a million centuries ago under some aoex post you mentioned that meph loving chibi was a sign that actually he wouldn't be a half terrible father and he is capable of caring about others. I was wondering if you'd share your thoughts!
Sorry about that, I know I've received multiple asks about that!
Alright kiddos, buckle up and be prepared to enter the world of Moe. (Chibi is kind of related as it is decended from Moe).
First, what is Moe?
Moe is a style of art and a genre of anime/manga which centralises around the idea of youthful innocence and cuteness derived thereof. It is historically depicted using mainly young or young looking girls, and originally played on the idea of invoking paternal protectiveness in the male audiences it was intended for.
Since its inception in the 90s it's focus has shifted, and most modern Moe is targeted at the opposite audience it was originally intended for, (adult men 20-45 - yes, Classic Moe targets the same age group as Seinen) instead focusing on young girls more in the Shojou category (13-18). Still, there's a lot of Classic Moe out there, and it's tone definitely delivers on the promise of inspiring protective feelings when it's done well.
Classic Moe Girls are:
A) usually some flavor of child,
B) naive and cluelessly reckless, often endangering themselves by letting their curiosity or convictions get the better of them. "Curiosity killed the cat" and all that. They're also sometimes naively brave.
C) because of the above mentioned, they often find themselves in trouble, and in Classic Moe fashion, the Father or Older Brother character must come to their rescue or otherwise save them from themselves. Martyrdom (of any character) and willingness to defend the indefensible is a big deal in Moe, and though often comedic, can get pretty intense sometimes.
My go-to example of Moe overall that is kinda serious is Bakemonogatari. You want Moe, there's all different kinds in there - in fact I'm pretty sure every kind is in there.
But back to Moe = parenting. Well, I didnt exactly say his interest would make him a good parent - but rather it potentially demonatrates that he has paternal and/or protective instincts.
The whole purpose of Classic Moe is to prey on these instincts - which would be cause enough for him to be interested, unto itself. He's fascinated by human things, especially things he does not quite understand, so a lack of instincts may be just as compelling of a reason for him to be intrigued.
But i have a hard time buying that he lacks protective or parental instincts, on multiple levels. The interest in Moe and cute things, which may very well herald from a dark source, just adds a piece of potential evidence.
I'm gonna go ahead and answer @teuf-el 's ask here too, and talk a little about my HC that Samael = Lilith.
Why? Given that Iblis = Ishtar, and Lilith is described as being rather Fiery, I've had people (ahem my partner) shed doubt on that assumption. Doesnt it make more sense for Iblis to be Lilith?
Yes, but also no.
Personally, I think Adam was a real person in BE, and very probably the first son of Lucifer, and possibly even a hybrid child if such a thing is possible between Lucifer and Shemihaza. Given that Iblis loves him so weirdly, you'd expect she, or someone else, might come up with a story injecting her into it. And on that front it makes sense.
But I am not so convinced, because Lilith and Samael are, in many ways, linked.
Alright, so starting at the beginning:
if you did not know, according to the Lilith myth, Abel is the son of Eve, and Cain is the son of Lilith, who was Adams first wife.
Lilith was cast from the Garden (Amahara) or in some versions just up and left on her own because she refused to submit to Adam. She would not obey him, not even in sex, in which she famously refused to be under him.
Once outside the Garden she "coupled with" the archangel Samael, and swore never to return to the Garden or have anything to do with Adam. From this point onward, in several texts, including the Talmud, Samael is synonymous with Lilith, though the exact nature of this is debatable. Some Historians believe it's meant to imply they were husband/wife (an interesting idea on its own) some argue they became the same person, since Archangel Samael is a sketchy dude anyway ( breif recap: his job is to bring about calamity, stir up derision, and bring misfortune upon believers in order to strengthen their will and belief in God, by pretty much doing his damndest to make them doubt His existence) and Lilith and Samael both do similar things and serve similar mythological functions.
The big thing with Lilith is that because she left the Garden and could not return, she had to leave baby Cain behind. This utterly devastated her, and inspired her to become a jealous, broody mother who would steal infants in the night, trying to replace what she had lost. But in one way or another she always - by accident or by intention - ends up killing the child. She goes on to have more "children" of her own, but they are "hideous and deformed demons" who do not inspire her maternal instinct the same way. She wantonly kills quite a lot of these children, often eating them, bitter and resentful that none can replace Cain.
The ironic thing is that after Cain killed Abel, he was punished by "God" (or A god as it were) with the Mark of Cain - a curse that renders him immortal, but in a dreadful way, because everything around him dies wherever he goes. The ground he walks upon becomes barren of all life, and he must perpetually live to see the world around him suffer for his existence. That is Cains punishment.
Now, given the assumption from what we have seen whereby kin of Time seem to feed on the energy of living things, it seems plausible to me that Cain would be Samael's son, cursed by his own father/mother, quite possibly, or otherwise having to suffer his own power as a Nephilim.
Now, there's additional mythological considerations for my defense of his having parental instincts, semi supported by Canon - Loki.
Loki is both male and female, recall, and has several children, not the least of which is the World Serpent, Fenrir the giant wolf, and Sleipnir the 8 legged horse. They are the mother of both Sleipnir and Fenrir.
Not much is known of Loki's half human children, only that he did have them. Loki being a trickster God, was associated with the Devil by Catholic missionaries, so huge amounts of his mythology was lost or changed, but we do know he was known to fornicate with mortal humans too, and had children with them, we just don't know who they were.
(Funny as he IS the devil in BE)
I realise some of this is far fetched, but take into consideration that Samael in BE did help Shiro with the twins prior to collecting human helpers, and he does, if Salaryman Exorcist is even a little cannon, look out for Yukio in a distant way.
Assuming he is Lilith, and knowing he is Loki, and factoring in his love of Moe, and looking at how he handles Yukio, I stubbornly refuse to believe he has no parental instinct, and even less so that he doesn't have protective ones. Loki is an ass in his mythology, but he looks out for his family and helps them as much as he annoys them, despite being adopted.
This was Long and I apologise but there isnt a much easier way of expounding upon this besides to whiteboard with strings everywhere about it lolol
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mcytnoodles · 1 year
This is a gift for the awsome @mindelectricdemofour for the challange set up by @mcyt-valentines ! I really, really hope you like it! Also, full disclousre, the ask in your inbox abt your ao3 account was me hoping to find what fic genra you like, hopefully it didnt scare you too much, sorry abt that ^^' hope you like hurt/ comfort, since thats what I ended up writing. Fic under the cut!
That is until she gets out of the crystal shop.
Cleo isn’t doing anything special, she plays some minigames, talks to some people…Overall, nothing out of the ordinary.
She was only there in the first place because Scar's birthday is soon, and during double life he couldn’t shut up about this bag of crystals that was just missing from his collection, so she was going to be a good server mate and get it for him, just to be nice like that.
The shop itself just looked good, the big hand-painted sign on the front and the soft lanterns inside basking the velvet curtains in warm inviting light created a welcoming, pleasant enough atmosphere for her to at least consider spending her last few diamonds there.
she ends up having a rather pleasant conversation with the cashier, who floats around the shop as they speak despite their visible lack of wings, she asks for advice on which crystals she should get scar as a birthday gift and which ones are not hard enough to stand being carried around in a bag, and gets some surprisingly useful advice!
Ellen, the shopkeeper, even ends up giving her their communicator handle, and she makes a mental note of texting them, neatly folding it and putting it away in the back of her mind.
so she steps out of the shop and into the dim light of the late afternoon, and that’s when she hears the yelling.
it’s distant enough to not gather much attention, since no other bystanders seem to notice anything alarming, but the distressed tone she manages to get from the bits and pieces that reach her ears make her stop in her tracks. 
This doesn't feel like normal background chatter.
For a second, Cleo is frozen in her place, and then she starts walking towards the noise.
Her pace is calm at first, this isn't really her business, and she has no real indication someone is actually in danger, just her good old paranoia, as she keeps telling herself...
And then the banging starts.  
It's a loud, violent, ugly noise, and something tells her that if her heart still beat, that rhythm would be quickening in the same way her steps are. 
It continues. For some reason, she starts running.
Her eyes take a second to adjust to the dark alleyway she finds herself in, and a bitter stream of cuss words spills out of her mouth.
There are two people rolling on the floor, beating the shit out of each other while the group behind them cheers on.
Cleo would've almost started thinking she wasted her time and worked herself up over a friend group being dumb, if it wasn't so…needlessly violent. 
She play-fights quite a bit, this isn't that.
Then the guy on the floor grabs his opponent by the hair, and she feels bile rise in her throat as the source of the banging noise, the way he slams his victim's head into the hard concrete again and again, makes itself known.
"Hey! Stop that!" She hopes not one bit of fear comes through, she needs to sound threatening.
By the look on the guy's face when he turns to look at her, it works.
"Oh! We were just… we…" he fumbles, grabbing at the shoulder of the man he was just holding down like they were friends, forcing him upright, and Cleo's blood goes cold.
She hasn't talked to Martyn since the end of double life, granted, they were not exactly the best of allies in that series, but it was all in good fun, they were all still friends.
And one thing about Cleo is that she's fiercely protective of her friends.
Martyn's eyes are unfocused, blood trickling down his forehead and staining his hair, and Cleo is angry.
She's up and across the alley in two steps, grabbing the asshole by the shoulders and pinning him to the wall, voice low and dangerous.
"You were what" she challenges, fierce. 
Whatever growl her throat makes, it does a damn good job at scaring the guy enough to stutter some excuse about how they were just playing, and the barring of her teeth shuts him up in seconds.
"You better leave, you and your little friends, before I do something I'll regret"
They run off before she even finishes the sentence.
Cleo is fuming.
Martyn is on the floor.
For a moment, she hopes he'll get up or spit out a dumb joke, but the moment passes and she grimaces at the silence, crouching down to look at the man.
She's not even sure he noticed she's there.
No response. It takes shaking him by the shoulders for him to finally look at her.
"Cleo?" The name is heavy in his mouth, but she'll take it.
" are…" he trails off, but she thinks she gets it.
"They're gone" the declaration slightly echoes in the empty alleyway "...what happened?"
"Donno'" he slurs, " 'think they were…" 
She waits. He doesn't finish the sentence.
Cleo's not one for taking care of others, she's not good at it. 
But unfortunately, it looks like she'll have to try.
"How many fingers am I holding up?" 
Martyn takes a while to process the question, then grins. 
" 're you serious?"
Her friend is very lucky she just watched his head get slammed into the floor, otherwise there would be nothing reminding her she does not, in fact, wish him any kind of physical harm.
"Yes I'm serious! Shut up and answer the question!"
The shit-eating grin does not leave his face, and part of her is glad he's at least cracking jokes now.
"Three. Th's…the most asked question y'could ask, ever."
That other part of her is not as glad he's cracking jokes now.
She puts her (one, singular) finger down and sighs, calculating the distance in her head.
The last thing she wanted to deal with was guests over. But alas.
"Well, guess I'm taking you to my house, can you stand?" She offers her hand, and he grabs it. "Y'know, y'could at least get me dinner first" 
Cleo audibly groans.
"We were soulmates for the entirety of bloody double life, and I think I would prefer to not have that again."
She lets go of his hand in joke protest, but the way he stumbles makes it very clear she should grab him again so he doesn't fall.
" 'm fine"
"Bullshit. You think you can hold on until we get to my house? I am not carrying your unconscious ass back through a world portal."
There is also the fact that she just stumbled across her friend, who is by no means of the word weak, getting beaten up by a group she doesn't recognise and there's no way she's going to let him go anywhere alone.
"W'tever y'say" 
She wraps his arm around her shoulder, making sure he stays steady "ready to go?"
"Martyn?" He's not looking at her "are you ready to go?"
"...Cleo?" Her name is dragged out of his mouth, looking around in genuine confusion.
Cleo might be a little bit concerned.
Martyn's eyes are unfocused, and his mouth opens and closes but no words come out, so she partly turns to look at him, side still supporting his weight, and speaks slowly.
"We're in the back of the shopping area in Hypixel, I'm taking you to my house."
He blinks slowly, processing her words and giving something that resembles a nod.
Cleo makes a mental note of how he keeps losing his focus, how tired he looks, how he keeps slurring his words, before, gut twisting, she starts leading them towards the main street. 
They're halfway to the portal when she notices how his eyes are drifting shut, and has the startling realization that she cannot let him fall asleep.
She still didn't confirm for sure she's dealing with a very nasty concussion, but it certainly looks like it so far considering everything about…well, everything.
“martyn? buddy?” her fake- cheery tone is clearly forced, but her ex-soulmate doesn’t seem to notice, though to be fair he doesn’t seem to notice much of anything.
“You alright there? you’re with me?” 
“ tir’ed”
“you can’t sleep yet, we need to get to my house, remember?” more like ‘you can’t sleep for the next couple hours at the very least because I do NOT want to risk this somehow ending in brain damage’ but it’s not like she can say that out loud.
Well, she totally can, but it doesn’t seem Martyn would understand, seeing how he just makes a vague, frustrated noise.
The conversation doesn’t really go anywhere, she tries to keep it up but it dies rather quickly in a mixture of her being more concentrated on getting them to the right place and her friend not really being able to keep up.
so, in relative silence, they walk until they get to the portal. 
The zombie tightens her grip on Martyn as they pass through, just to make sure he doesn't facepalm into the floor from the nausea, and then starts dragging him to her house as soon as they get to the other side.
she can explain herself to the other hermits later, not that she thinks any of them would mind.
The first building they get to in her her lost city luckily has a furnished, functioning inside, and she ends up half pushing martyn to the living room sofa.
See, Cleo is not exactly the caring type, not when it comes to situations like this, she has horrible bedside manners and is pretty much clueless when it comes to comforting people.
Cleo is not the caring type, but she still cares about her friends, and martyn is her friend, so she tries.
Slowly, she starts forming a list in her head.
First thing, martyn is still sitting (sitting is a kind word, she thinks, more like semi sitting, semi laying) where she pushed him, and she's still not sure if he actually has a concussion, and even if he doesn't, she'll still need to treat his head, or at the very least clean the blood.
Getting him comfortable, checking him up, getting her first aid kit and some potions for good measure.
That's a good start.
"Martyn, can you hear me?" 
She gets a groan.
"Okay, with words now?"
" 'ere"
"Good enough"
His eyes are almost shut, which is…not great, probably.
"Can you look at me?" 
"No" he does it anyway, smirking, the Asshole, before squinting and shutting his eyes, more forcefully.
"Why is't so bright?" Cleo looks around.
Her base is really not that bright.
"Does your head hurt?” 
“What do you think?” 
“point taken”
After grabbing a wet cloth, she keeps asking questions, marking off the list in her head while cleaning blood off Martyn's forehead.
headache, that one’s obvious. 
nausea and balancing problems, she noticed this mainly on their way through hypixel, the way he leaned on her and how he stumbled every two steps. 
blurry vision is another one. she’ll need to check again, hopefully having it passed during the time since they got to her house, but Martyn getting something as simple as the number of fingers she had up wrong was scary. The way he was so confident in his answer was also scary, but, granted, it might have just been him being a shithead.
Being bothered by light or noise. Feeling sluggish, hazy, or foggy. having to deal with confusion or concentration or memory problems, he checks all the boxes she can think of. so yeah, definitely a concussion.
she already grabbed a regeneration potion, they would need it even if it was less serious of a head injury, but now she practically shoves it into his hand.
Cleo doesn’t worry often. maybe part of her is scared of overreacting, maybe she doesn’t want to appear vulnerable, maybe she doesn’t want to let herself be vulnerable at all, but right now, she doesn’t give a fuck. 
Martyn tries to take it, ever insistent in his independence,  but his hands are shaking so badly she absolutely refuses risking any of it spilling and going to waste, helping him steadily hold the bottle.
Luckly, the potion kicks in fast. It's actually a relief to see the way the man's eyes slowly clear out as the head injury's effects get held back.
"Feel better?" She asks, smirking, and gets a groan in response as he buries his head in his hands.
"Carefully! I just spent a lot of time fixing that'' it's half a joke, but he does flush in embarrassment.
"I can't believe this happened, I have to owe you a favor now"  it's an exasperated mumble under his breath, but she frowns anyways.
"Shut up, you don't owe me shit" thinking about it, there is something, aside from the obvious, still bothering her about the situation. 
"What happened, Martyn?"
He's quiet for a long time.
"I dont know"
He looks tired. A regeneration potion holds back the effects of most injuries, especially something like a concussion, but it doesn't heal.
"So…how do you feel?"
"Like I got run over"
They end up talking, mainly because as much as she hates to admit caring, the regan doesn't do much for pain, and she can see it on his face and hear it in his voice.
So she does the best she can to distract him, she keeps up the conversation.
He brings up leaving at some point, mattering something about not wanting to be a burden, but she shuts it down soon enough, no way she's letting him out of her sight for at least the next 24 hours.
"Can I sleep?" Martyn asks at some point, through a tired haze.
"I'll have to wake you up every couple hours, see you're not braindead" it's phrased like a joke, but something in her tone is apologetic.
He yawns, she laughs.
Later, much later, when he's sound asleep and she made sure he's all covered up, Cleo searches for anything she can find about rogue groups attacking players on public servers, just to be safe.
After all, that's what you do when you care for someone.
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bridgyrose · 2 years
Weiss’s hand glowed and runic glyphs ran over Ruby’s arm as she tried to heal a cut. “I told you to be careful.” 
“You could’ve given me a warning about turning the training up.” Ruby winced as her wound sealed up. “The grimm I could handle.” 
Weiss rolled her eyes and pulled away from Ruby once she finished. “You have to be ready for more than just grimm. Its a wonder you didnt manage to cut yourself in half with the way you handle that blade.” 
“I handle it just fine.” Ruby moved her arm a bit and looked over at Penny. “How did you manage to avoid getting hit anyway? Its almost as if you could see everyone’s movements before they happened.” 
Penny smiled and sat down. “That is because I can. I am an and-” 
“You cant just tell everyone about that,” Weiss hissed out. “She’s not supposed to know.” 
“But she is going to be with us for a while and she will probably find out eventually anyway.” 
Ruby looked between the two curiously. “Find out what?” 
Weiss sighed and stood up. “Fine, tell her, but I’m going back to the dorm.” 
Penny nodded and focused on Ruby again. “I am an android designed to help protect people from the grimm. Unlike you, I do not have any special powers, but I can think fast enough that I can predict the most likely route a combatant will take. I have been accurate more often than not, which lets me avoid getting hit.” 
Ruby went quiet as she looked Penny over, still not quite sure she believed what she was hearing. Of course androids werent exactly a huge secret, Atlas had been developing combat drones that are near the equivalent of humans, though Penny seemed different. As she felt Penny’s hand on her arm, the synthetic skin felt like regular human skin. Her eyes moved the same way, she wasnt as rigid as the drones that patrolled the borders of the cities, even the way she handled her weapon was more human than mechanical. “Why would you need to hide that? That sounds amazing!” 
“The general wants me to hide it because he is afraid of what people will think. Most people in the kingdoms are not very happy about letting mechanical beings protect them from the grimm. But more importantly, I am different from the others. Unlike other robots and drones, I do not run off dust. I am the first android to have a soul.” 
“I see why Ironwood would want you to hide that.” Ruby slowly stood up and walked around Penny, still not believing what she had been told. But the closer she looked, the more she could see the truth. While her joints were mostly invisible, a close inspection did reveal doll-like joints that allowed her neck, shoulders, knees, even her fingers to move just like a humans. Thin lines separating skin from either side of the joints were all that gave the signs, nearly invisible to anyone who looked over her. “But you still dont look like an android.” 
“Weiss says the same thing.” Penny stood up and mimicked a human cracking their knuckles, mechanical clicks coming from the joints in her fingers as everything locked into place. “That no matter how much of me is mechanical, the only real part of me that matters is my soul. That having one makes me just as human as her and anyone else.” 
“That doesnt sound like the Weiss that was just training with us. Between the yelling and calling me a dolt, it almost felt like she was disappointed in me.” 
“She has had a rough childhood from what I understand.” Penny motioned for Ruby to follow her as she started to make her way out of the training room and back to the dorm. “Between the White Fang attacking her family’s company and trying to uphold her grandfather’s ideals, she has not had a lot of time to learn how to get along with others. But I think she likes you. She has only called you a dolt and didnt try to attack you like she normally would others.” 
Ruby sighed and followed Penny out of the training hall and into the empty, white hallway to make her way to the dorm. Her eyes looked around the empty halls, still not used to how bland it made everything. “And you both want to go to Beacon? Why wouldnt you stay here if its close to home?” 
“Same reason you came here instead of staying in Vale.” 
“I… didnt exactly have a choice,” Ruby admitted quietly. “Professor Ozpin told me coming here was a requirement for me to apply to Beacon. Something about wanting to make sure that if I was skipping a couple years that I had to make sure I had the best people making sure I was ready for the jump.” 
Penny nodded a bit. “I want to go since it is the only way father will let me see other kingdoms. Atlas may be my home, but if I am going to be protecting others, I want to see what I will be protecting.” 
“And Weiss? What’s her reasoning? From the sound of it, she has it made here.” 
“Because she wants to get away from her family.”
“Why though?” 
“That is for her to explain.” Penny stopped at a door and pressed her hand to the scanning pad next to it. The door opened up to another, plain white room with metal walls and beds that looked more like shelving for humans than sleeping quarters. The only sign that anyone lived in the room was the pile of clothes that sat at the foot of one of the beds and a set of desks that housed all the dust and replacement parts Weiss and Penny could need.
Weiss looked up from the desk she sat at and sighed. “About time you both got here. Ruby, take a seat. Penny, grab the test scroll so we can find out what Ruby needs to go over.” 
Ruby nodded and sat down as she listened to Penny practically run down the hall as her footsteps echoed from the metal flooring. “I thought we were going to be going over what I’d be skipping.” 
“And we will, along with everything else that you dont know or fail at.” Weiss looked back down at her weapon as she started to mess with the revolver, spinning it to make sure it was secured tightly. “If I have to do this, then I’m going to do it right and make sure you dont fail out.” 
“If you dont want to help me-” 
“It doesnt matter if I want to or not.” Weiss placed her rapier back onto the desk with a rough *thump* as she looked up at Ruby, scowling. “However, in order for me to convince my father to let me go to Beacon, I have to do this. There’s nothing I’d rather do less than teach someone who hasnt earned the right to go to a huntsman academy.” With a heavy sigh, she stood up and started to make her way back into the hallway. “Make yourself comfortable. When Penny gets back, you’ll take a test on the test scroll. It’ll take you a few hours to get through.” 
Ruby nodded and moved to one of the beds as she waited, trying to get comfortable. A sigh left her lips once she was alone and she closed her eyes to let her mind wander. This was going to be a long three months.
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hazelcrystal · 2 years
A Messed Up Inscident
Characters - Albus Ptter, Lily Potter, Teddy Lupin Warnings - Bad writing, first time writing a fanfiction, cringe
When Lily comes crying to her older brother fo protection
It was a chiily, snowy evening in the gryffindor common room. Albus Potter sat there curled upon a couch, reading a book, shivering from the slight cold winds.
Albus was peacefully reading a book, when footsteps came thundering down from the girls dormitory, and a girl with fiery red hair came, sobing onto Al's lap.
A concerend Albus, immediatley held Lily close to him as she sobbed into his T-Shirt.
"shush flower. Take deep breathes. Beathe with me, slowly." Albus told her. "Now tell me, who bothered my baby sister?"
"Nothing happened, except for the fact that the old, slimy, evil, toad faced, Zachharis Flint cheated on me, with a stupid-goody two shoes Ravenclaw!!" Said Lily, through her sniffs. ( No hate to ravenclaws! I myself am partly Ravenclaw)
Now Albus after hearing this, immediatley had his hand set on his wand, ready to hex that git.
"Hey Lily, It's alright. Everuthing is gonna be alright, okay. How about me and you go sneak to a trip to the kitchens, and have hot chocolate there, Huh?" Al had whispered in her ear.
Lily after hearing this, slightly nodded her head , still cuddled up to him with her head on his chest.
Albus got the Invisibility cloak out from his pocket and once stepped out of the common room, covered both of them with it.
Albus and Lily made their way towards the kitchens, hearing the potraits gossiping amongst each other.
Once they reached, the tickled the pearto let them in, and were greeted by the house-elf named Goldy. Goldy has know the potter and weasley kids ever since they have come to hogwarts. The clan keep sneking in the Kitchens after curfew.
Albus and Lily took a seat next to eachother, while asked Goldy if he could bring them 2 hot chocolotes.
Now, after sometime, Albus asked Lily "So, tell me, how and exactly why did that jerk do to you."
"He had asked me out ona date today, and we were supposed to meet at 4:00 pm. But as I waited under the tree near the black lake, he didnt show up" Rememberd Lily in a cracking voice. "I went looking for him after 30 min or so, and found him snogging another girl. When I confronted him, all I asked him, what about us. So he repleid that he didn't want to be in a relationship with a freak, short girl. So I had punched him and then hexed him."
"Wow Flower!!" An astonished Albus said, after drinking a sip from his drink, "Well, That explains your bloodied knuckles. Well, guess what, he is a toad faced prat who just lost the one thing that made him sensible. If he doesn't understand how amazing you are, then nothing can get past his thick skull. Just be Lily Luna Potter-who doesn't give a damn about anything!"
"Thanks Albus, and I didn't know you would think that about me!"
"Well Lily, what can I say? Some things are meant to be spoken at the right time. Well I guess we should finish this fast, we have classes tomorrow"
"Yeah, we should. Thanks Goldy, they were delecious!" Said Lily as they were about to go.
"Always Welcome. Goldy Is always happy serving his friends. Goodnight "
"Goodnight Goldy" Replied both Lily and Albus in sync.
As they made their way towards the Common room, A voice stopped both of them. They both freezed at their spots because, they were confused as in who could see them, even under the Invisiblity cloak.
"Hold up. I know someone is there. If you dont show yourselves then I'll deduct 40 points from Gryffindor."
Lily and Albus both from under the invisibility cloak glanced at each other before breaking into smiles after hearing the voice of none other than....Teddy Lupin.
They both revealed themselves to their Professor/God Brother.
"Ha! I knew it was the two of you. I have gotten quite good at detecting Uncle Harry's famous invisibility cloak, from pratically witnessing your pranks " Said Teddy "Where were you two?"
"You promise you wont scold us" Said Lily
"Well, that depends" Replied Teddy
"We were comming back from-uh-the kitchens. Lily had a bad day so I thought I could get her cheered up after having some hot chocolate".
"Oh, well in that case, I could excuse it for this one time ONLY! But next time something like this happens, you are comming sraight to me, okay?"
"Fine" The two siblings replied.
"Ok, Now you , go up to bed. You have classes tomorrow. Oh, and Albus, I need to have a word with you."Said Teddy
"Ummm, ok " Albus replied hesitantly.
As soon as Lily left, Teddy came into a protective brother mode and asked Albus " Now what exactly happened to Lily?"
Teddy after hearing everything from his younger brother, decided to deal with that prat, who made his sister cry, later and requested Albus to keep an eye on her from now. Not wanting her to cry over a thing like this again.
"Of course I will. It crushed my heart Teddy, seeing her cry like that." Replied Albus
"Take care. Goodning Albus" And Teddy pulled him in a warm loving hug
"Goodnight Teddy"
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