#he was such inspired casting for matt
the-woman-upstairs · 10 months
My review of Saltburn:
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vanteguccir · 5 months
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         𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N faces the terrifying experience of having four wisdom teeth removed. With her boyfriend, Matt, and his brothers by her side, Y/N goes through moments of anxiety, laughter, and confusion under the influence of anesthesia.
WARNING: Mentions of blood, pain, surgery, dentist, anesthesia.
REQUESTED?: Yes, by anon
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism, copy, or "inspiration"! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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The sun shone high in the sky as Y/N and Matt got into the car, ready to face the journey to the dentist's office.
"You're going to be okay, honey." Matt said as he arranged himself in the driver's seat, casting a quick glance of genuine concern in his girlfriend's direction, who spent the entire morning glued to himself, exposing her fear into emotions and complaints.
Y/N smiled small, buckling her seatbelt and moving her body above the upholstered so she found a comfortable position, trying to shake off the bad thoughts about the surgery.
"I hope so, but I can't promise I won't put on a little show in there." The girl joked, trying to relax the atmosphere, resting her hands on her thighs so that her slightly sweaty palms were in contact with the fabric of her jeans.
"I doubt you're the worst patient they've ever seen." The boy laughed as he started the car, turning his head to his right and sending her a wink.
Nick and Chris quickly settled into the middle seats of the car, each of them with a reassuring smile on their face. Nick held the camera firmly in his hands, lowering his gaze to the screen and changing a few settings.
They were like brothers to Y/N, and their presence there was comforting for her.
“Ready for the adventure, Y/N?” Chris asked with a mischievous smile, rubbing the palm of his hands before leaning his body forward and placing his upper body on the car console so that he could see the girl's reaction more closely, placing his right hand on the back of her seat to stabilize himself.
A loud curse from Nick was heard, the boy complaining that Chris was blocking the camera's view before forcefully pulling him back against his own seat.
"If by adventurous you mean a terrifying one, then yes." The girl sighed, ignoring their bickering while pretending to be excited before closing her eyes tightly, pressing the bridge of her nose with the index finger and thumb of her right hand, trying to relieve some of the tension there.
During the first few minutes of the trip, Y/N tried to remain calm, but anxiety began to seep into her chest, leaving a metallic taste in her mouth. She looked at the clock on the car dashboard and saw that there were still twenty minutes until they arrived at the office, even though it seemed like they had already been inside the car for hours.
"Matt, I changed my mind. Can we go home?" Y/N interrupted Chris's yapping from the backseat, her voice trembling slightly as her hands balled into fists above her thighs, a result of her nervousness.
Matt glanced at her quickly before returning his attention to the road ahead, taking his right hand off the steering wheel briefly and moving it towards his girl, reaching blindly for her own, intertwining their fingers and giving hers a firm and comforting squeeze.
"You're kidding, right? We're already halfway there, my love. Look, it's going to be okay. I promise." The brunette murmured gently, trying to calm her nerves as he kept his attention on the road, frowning slightly in concentration.
"I know, it's just... I hate dentists so much, and I don't know if I want to take anesthesia." The girl admitted, shrugging her shoulders as she forced a small smile, squeezing Matt's hand back.
"Don't worry, girl, we'll be in the room with you the entire time." Nick said from the backseat, his voice sounding comforting, interrupting whatever negative thoughts Y/N's mind was creating at that moment, earning a weak nod in response.
The minutes dragged by slowly as the car made its way down the road. Y/N tried to distract herself by looking out the window, but the sight of buildings and businesses quickly passing by only increased her agitation.
"Have you thought about what you're going to do with your wisdom teeth after they're removed?" Chris asked suddenly, interrupting the tense silence as he kept his eyes fixed on the scenery outside the vehicle.
Y/N blinked, surprised by the sudden question.
"Well, I thought I'd ask the doctor to keep them for me. Maybe I could make a necklace-" The girl interrupted her own sentence, widening her eyes and turning her torso to her left side abruptly, gripping the side of her own seat with her right hand so that she could look at the back and the driver's seat at the same time. "No, wait, I can put it under my pillow, right?" The volume of her voice rose quickly, sudden excitement dripping into her words.
"Pillow? Why would-"
"For the tooth fairy, obviously! I'm going to remove four wisdom teeth. Do you know how much money I could make from that? I don't, but I know it's a lot!" She rambled, breaking into a big smile as her eyes went from Matt to Nick and Chris and back again.
"It's 40 dollars, Y/N." Nick responded in an amused tone, turning to Chris and letting out a silent laugh. The youngest shrugged, leaning over the space between one seat and another and taking the camera from Nick's hands.
"They can't give your teeth back, honey. When they take them out, your teeth turn to dust." Matt said as if he was speaking to a child, a hidden smile growing on his face as he kept his eyes straight ahead, raising them momentarily to the rearview mirror and casting an amused glance at Nick, who was already looking back at him, knowing he was joking.
"No! Babe, don't say that. Are you serious?" Y/N screamed, her eyes widening comically before tears began to well up in her eyes, shining against the sunlight, her mouth forming an involuntary pout.
"Oh no, don't cry. If you cry, I'll cry, too." Nick noticed her tearful expression, closing his eyes tightly and bringing the palm of his hands to his own, rubbing his blue orbs harshly, trying to shake off his own emotions.
"Oh no, Nick, don't you dare cry-" Chris's voice was interrupted by a loud sob coming from Y/N, which tore from her throat, tears escaping her eyes without permission.
Her ears quickly caught the loud laughter of Matt and Chris, and Nick's sniffles, while her boyfriend squeezed her hand tightly, trying to convey support and reassurance even though he was laughing at her sensitive state.
As they got closer to the office, Y/N's heart started to beat faster. She felt a mixture of fear and excitement bubbling inside her and knew that soon she would be facing the inevitable.
"I think I'm having a panic attack." The girl murmured, her voice muffled by the crying she had minutes before as her nose sniffled repeatedly.
"No, you're not." Matt said amused, rolling his eyes playfully before squeezing Y/N's hand one last time, slowly releasing it and taking his back to the wheel so that he could concentrate on entering the building's parking lot, parking the car in one of the free spaces closest to the main entrance.
Y/N took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves as she exited the vehicle with the help of her boyfriend. She knew she had a long road ahead, but with Matt and the triplets by her side, she felt like she could face the situation she had put off for so many weeks. And so, with one last sigh, she entered the office.
Y/N was already in the dental chair, nervously looking up at the white ceiling as the doctor prepared everything around her. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest as her hands sweated nervously. Matt caressed her right shoulder firmly and carefully, conveying the silent support she needed so much at that moment.
"Are you okay, sweetheart?" Matt asked, tilting his head down so he could look better at her.
"Of course I am." She responded, swallowing hard, trying to force a smile while focusing her eyes on his, though her voice betrayed her anxiety.
Nick and Chris were a little further away, on her right side and close to the large wall of windows, their expressions a mixture of concern and unsuccessful attempts to hide their laughter. The fact that Nick knew what the feeling and procedure was like made him more amused by her present and future state.
As the doctor began moving equipment, Y/N watched curiously. She extended her right arm, allowing one of the nurses to attach the blood pressure and heart rate monitor to the correct location, feeling a shiver run down her spine. This was getting very real very fast.
"I feel like an astronaut about to take off." Y/N teased, biting her bottom lip lightly, trying to ease the tension out of herself.
"Well, at least there's no zero gravity to deal with." Nick chuckled softly, zooming the camera to the surrounding equipment before looking at the girl, offering her a reassuring smile.
Chris let out a laugh at his response, it echoing through the office and bringing a bit of lightness to the tense environment.
"I hate that sound. It reminds me of Grey's Anatomy, exactly when a patient is about to die." The girl said suddenly, pointing with her chin at the machine where the sounds of her heart were coming from.
"Hey, don't say that." Matt warned amid laughter, shaking his head while still caressing her shoulder, squeezing the area gently to relieve her muscle tension.
As the doctor began to prepare the IV, Y/N felt a wave of panic pass through her body. She looked at the thin tube with wide eyes and an expression of horror, watching him take off the cover and connect the wire to the syringe with the anesthesia.
"Matt." She muttered in a shaky voice, her lips trembling again as she clenched her right hand into a fist, accidentally letting the heart rate meter slip out.
"Hey, pretty girl, I'm right here. I won't leave your side, I promise. When you wake up, we can get ice cream from that ice cream shop you love, huh?" Matt curved his spine slightly so that his face was close to hers, holding her chin with his free hand and pulling it towards him, looking deep into his girl's eyes.
Chris quickly moved forward, taking her best friend's right hand gently and arranging the meter back into its correct place.
The doctor finished preparing the IV and approached Y/N with it, extending the girl's left arm gently and cleaning the injection site. Y/N forced herself to keep her eyes fixed on the blue ones she loved, Matt quickly acting to cover the exposed side of her head with the palm of his free hand, creating a covering over her eyes.
The girl her breath as the doctor inserted the needle into her vein, feeling it enter centimeter by centimeter, but to her surprise, it didn't hurt as much as she expected.
"It's not that bad." The girl murmured seconds after feeling the needle not moving anymore, feeling a little relieved, blinking repeatedly in an attempt to keep the tears away.
"See? You're doing so good, my love. My brave girl." Matt smiled big, tilting his face forward and kissing her forehead gently.
As the anesthesia began to take effect, Y/N felt a tingling sensation spread throughout her body. She blinked a few times, trying to get used to the strange sensation and regain her vision, which was becoming slightly blurred.
"When did the ceiling start dancing?" Y/N asked, interrupting what Nick was reporting to the camera, her eyes fixed on the ceiling that seemed to be moving erratically.
Matt laughed softly, his hand - still on his girlfriend's shoulder - shook slightly from the action, being followed by Chris and Nick, their laughter filling the office.
"I think the anesthesia is taking effect." Chris watched in amusement, crossing his arms and approaching, his voice sounding a little distant to the girl's ears.
Y/N laughed, feeling lighter than ever, blinking slowly.
"I never thought I'd say this, but I think I'm really enjoying it." She said groggily, her voice sounding sleepy as she gave in to the anesthesia.
"Baby-" Matt began, his speech being interrupted by his own laughter, his index and thumb fingers pinching the bridge of his nose in disbelief. "What's your word, love?"
But the answer didn't come, his girlfriend having given herself over to a deep anesthesia-induced sleep.
Y/N blinked her eyes slowly, trying to focus her vision as the haze of sleep began to dissipate. She felt groggy and disoriented, but a sense of relief washed over her body when she understood that the surgery was over. She blinked a few times, trying to take in her surroundings.
“Hi, Y/N, how are you feeling?” Nick asked in a calm tone, leaning closer to her with a gentle smile, giving space for the camera in Chris' hands to capture the moment.
Y/N turned her head towards him, blinking slowly, her mind still clouded trying to assimilate that it was Nick there with her.
"As if I'd been run over by an elephant." She murmured, her voice sounding strangely loud to her own ears, shaking her head from side to side as fast as she could, trying to stay conscious.
Matt entered the room again, having gone away for some minutes to talk to the doctor about post-surgical care, his serious face lighting up when he noticed Y/N already awake.
"Look who's back! Are you okay, sweetheart?" The boy asked, extending out his hand and reaching for hers, holding it tenderly and firmly, stroking the back of her palm with his thumb.
"I-" As soon as Y/N opened her mouth to speak, one of the gauze that sealed the right side of her mouth above her gums escaped her lips. Her eyes instantly widened, a loud sound of surprise echoing through the room. "Oh no, my tongue fell out."
"Your-" Chris began, his own laughter interrupting his sentence.
Matt turned to the camera, laughing loudly as he closed his eyes tightly, keeping his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder, trying to hide his own reaction from her.
"That's not your tongue, baby." The brunette said while still laughing, shaking his head.
"It is! They made my tongue fall out and removed my cheeks." The girl fumed, rolling her eyes nervously as she tried to cross her arms, the loud alarm sound echoing from the heart rate meter machine abruptly interrupting her action.
"Y/N, you can't take out the meter." Nick warned in a firm tone, arranging the small equipment back on her finger with his free hand.
"I'm sweating, I need to take this off. It's making me overheat." The girl spoke again, ignoring the demanding tone Nick was using, waving her arm with the IV in the air, silently indicating that she was talking about her hoodie.
"But you love wearing hoodie, pretty." Matt murmured, frowning as he leaned over her upper body, lowering her arm gently.
"Not this one! I like yours. Mine is a piece of shit." Y/N exclaimed as if it was obvious, rolling her eyes again.
The sound of Nick's loud laughter echoed off the walls of the small room, as Matt stared at her in disbelief, widening his eyes and taking them from his girl to the camera and back again.
"Here, baby." The boy sighted, taking his hand off Y/N's shoulder momentarily so that he could pull his own hoodie up, passing the piece over his arms before arranging it on the correct side, leaving his own upper body covered only by a white t-shirt. "You can have mine."
Matt stretched the hoodie over Y/N's upper body, keeping it over her own hoodie, knowing he wouldn't be able to take it off due to the IV.
"Thank you, kind sir." Y/N genuinely thanked him, opening a big and childlike smile. "Oh no, take this one off and put yours on me, Matty." She spoke again seconds later after noticing that her boyfriend's hoodie was just resting on her body.
“No way, Y/N, you have the IV.” Chris answered for Matt, briefly pointing to his best friend's left arm.
"What... Wow, what is this? Am I a toy or something?" The girl's tone came out louder than expected, her eyes widening comically as she raised her arm again, seeming to remember just at that moment the small thread that connected the needle to the anesthesia.
"It's the IV, my love. It's harmless, I promise. Does it hurt?" Matt explains gently, leaning into her slightly and squeezing her shoulder gently, drawing her attention back to him.
"No... Are they gonna fix my tongue?" Y/N returned to the first subject in a matter of seconds, lowering her gaze and focusing on the piece of blood red gauze above, now, Matt's hoodie.
"That's not your tongue, Y/N. It's just gauze. Put it back." Nick spoke this time, zooming in on the camera to catch his best friend's next reaction.
"I can't do it. There's an electrical wire connected to me." The girl remembered, rolling her eyes and raising her IV-covered arm, focusing her eyes there for a few seconds.
"Then ask your boyfriend."
"I have a boyfriend?!" Y/N turned her face towards the triplets abruptly, her eyes filling with tears within seconds as her lips trembled comically, even though she herself had been calling Matt "baby" this entire time.
"Of course you do, sweet girl. I'm right here. Remember? I'm your boyfriend, Matt." Matt quickly responded, his tone coming out as gentle as never before. He crouched on the floor, resting on his bent knees so that he was at eye level with her, giving her a genuine smile.
"Oh my God, that's awesome! You're so pretty. How did I manage to win you?" Y/N asked excitedly, raising her right hand and bringing it to her supposed boyfriend's face, cupping his right cheek lightly, feeling the skin heat up beneath her fingers.
A sound of surprise escaped Matt's lips as the heart rate monitor preacher almost stabbed into his eye, a low chuckle following soon after.
"You didn't have to win me, I was the one that had to win you, babe." The boy declared, leaning closer to her and sealing the tip of her nose for long seconds, pulling away in time to see her close her eyes and wrinkle her nose cutely. "We'll go home soon, okay? I love you, sweetheart. You were so brave."
"You love me?" Y/N exclaimed again, the tears that had been in her eyes until that moment finally spilling over and rolling down her cheeks, leaving a wet, red trail behind, her skin reacting instantly to the intense emotions.
"I do, my love. I love you very much."
Nick and Chris watched the scene with eyes full of amusement, the camera capturing every second of the couple's interaction and the muffled laughs that the two emitted behind the lens.
"So, are you comfortable on that "chair"?" Chris asked suddenly, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.
Y/N snapped her head towards the youngest, opening her mouth slightly and processing his question for a few seconds.
"Yeah." The girl nodded slowly, removing her right hand from Matt's face and feeling the upholstery of the chair beneath her.
"Is it better than my gaming chair?" Nick asked then, smiling behind the camera, briefly remembering the times his best friend found refuge in his room and the two spent hours talking while she sat comfortably in his gaming chair.
"Do you have a chair?" She asked with wide eyes, tilting her head up to see Nick better, slightly pushing Matt to the side with her free hand, earning a laugh from Chris when he saw his brother almost fall completely onto the cold floor.
"Yeah, you have one, too! And so does Matt."
"I have a chair? For myself?" Her lips formed an involuntary pout, her eyes filling with tears again, the previous ones having stopped flowing only seconds before, her emotions acting on their own.
"Of course you do, baby! You study on it and play video games on my computer on it, too." Matt stated, nodding quickly as he returned to his previous position. "Now, do you remember who I am?"
Y/N turned her gaze back to Matt again, her orbs traveling over every detail of his face, her lower lip trembling slightly as her heart clenched tightly inside her chest. He was so beautiful.
"My baby, my baby-" A sob interrupted her speech, tears escaping her eyes like waterfalls. "You're my baby. I love you s-so much. You're- You're so p-pretty!"
"Yeah, sweet girl! Well done, I'm your baby, and I love you way more." The brunette replied in a bashful tone, pouting as he watched her cry like a little kid over something so simple, his own eyes welling with tears.
"You two are unbelievable." Chris shook his head, crossing his arms and looking into the camera lens with a look of "do you believe this?"
"Matty." The girl called again a few seconds later, ignoring the youngest of the triplets, closing her eyes tightly to wipe away the tears stuck in her eyelashes, her nose sniffling repeatedly. She took a deep breath and sticked her swollen tongue out of her mouth, trying to lick the tears that rested on her upper lip, even without feeling absolutely anything in the region. "I think my mouth is on its period..."
"Oh my God, baby, what?"
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sweetangelgirl7 · 2 months
𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝜗𝜚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨
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𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 you're left stranded after a rough night under the lights with no one to turn to — except your old friend with benefits whom you haven't heard from in years.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: semi dom!matt x fem!reader, SMUT, plot, mentions of sexual harassment, adult language, unprotected creampie!
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5.7k!
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: hiii, first matt fic! i just re-watched zola and showgirls so i was inspired by those movies. on a more important note, i can’t believe all the love y’all have been showing for my page and my other works, i love you all SO so much 💋 also, didn’t proofread and let’s just pretend uber doesn’t exist in this. anyway, enjoy!
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storming into the dressing room, the click of your eight inch stilettos echoed against the tiled floor. your manager trailed closely behind, both of you wearing expressions of irritation and frustration.
“c’mon, i can’t control everyone who walks through those doors and you know that.” your manager argued as you couldn’t help but ignore him and his empty promises. for the third consecutive week, you voiced your concerns about the ongoing harassment both you and the other girls were enduring.
smoke wafted through the room as you reached your locker. gripping the heart-shaped padlock, your calf muscles flexed as you balanced on one heel, struggling to remove the stiletto pleaser from your other foot.
“it’s bullshit, you never have our back out there” you shouted, the tension thick in the air as the other girls watched through the reflection of the hollywood mirrors, getting ready silently. the bass of the club speakers muffled through the walls as your manager lazily leaned against the lockers next to yours in silence. “i’m not gonna keep risking my safety for a couple bucks while you sit back and count your cut” you continued, finally kicking your heel off as you began to work on the other.
he rolled his eyes and pushed himself off the lockers, defensively spreading his arms. “i can’t predict how these assholes are gonna act after a few drinks.” he argued unenthusiastically. “and besides, you knew what you signed up for.” he added as you stopped in your tracks.
“what i signed up for?” you turned to face him briefly as your eyes narrowed “i don’t remember ‘tolerating sexual harassment’ being in the fucking contract” you spat, fiddling with the combination before slamming your locker door open. you shoved your duffle bag out and tossed it onto the bench, throwing your heels inside as you pulled out your cover-ups.
your manager rolled his eyes, unsure how to respond to your statement “we pay you to dance, not complain” he retorted dismissively. “and trust me, there’s plenty of other girls who would kill to have your spot” he snapped, watching as you zipped up your jacket over your chest.
with your bag slung over your shoulder, you pulled the hood of your jacket over your hair and closed the locker with a bang. "they can have it” you yelled in his face as he stood there pathetically. you shoved past him, leaving him behind to face the silent stares in the mirrors.
“oh, fuck off!” your manager shouted after you, turning to head back out to the floor.
“fuck you!” you shot back, louder, letting the exit door slam shut behind you.
sitting down on the damp pavement, you wiped away the tears that had finally boiled over. resting against the wall, you sat at the back of the club as music continued to seep out of the building. immediately unlocking your phone, the brightness of the screen illuminated your face in the night, the light casting a revealing glow on your clenched jaw and watery eyes.
scrolling through your contacts, you tried nearly every other one. after six straight voicemails, you desperately scrolled through every name, almost making your way to the end of the alphabetized list. you finally reached M, reading over names that you haven’t heard from since high school, and some even longer ago.
Matthew Sturniolo, you read the name over in your head, looking at the screen through blurry vision and tear laden eyelashes. the last time you saw matt, he was between your thighs in the backseat of his car, years ago. shaking your head, you continued to scroll through the list, knowing no one would pick up at this hour.
scrolling back up, you found yourself lingering in the M section once more, your eyes pausing briefly over his name. you knew matt had always been a night owl, nearly staying up until the sun peeked through the blinds and sleeping in until the afternoon. hopefully, that hadn’t changed over these last few years.
hovering the pad of your thumb over his contact, you anxiously tugged at your bottom lip as you contemplated for a moment. you two were always friends before adding the benefits, after all. it wouldn’t be weird, right?
“fuck” you groaned, finally pressing on his number, you felt your stomach drop at the sound of the line ringing. holding the phone up to your ear, you pressed your finger over the other to drown out the music spilling from inside of the building.
you waited anxiously between each ring, your leg impulsively starting to shake beneath you. finally, the sound of the call connected as you held your breath, unsure of what to say after all this time.
“hello?” a voice echoed on the other end of the line. your head propped up as you wiped a tear away from beneath your eyes. “hey, matt” you cleared your throat and managed a smile while your leg continued to shake restlessly.
“what’s up? is everything alright?” his voice, tinged with a slight lisp from his invisalign, carried a concerned tone. you looked around the dark alleyway that you had hid in plenty of times before, sitting beneath the overhead light of the back door. “how’ve you been?” he asked after a small pause.
“i’ve been alright. how ‘bout you?” you asked as you pulled your legs closer to your chest, feeling the rough concrete scratch against your skin.
after a brief exchange, he finally interrupted, the same concern still evident in his voice. "is everything okay?" he asked again, as it was nearing two in the morning. although it had been years since you last talked, this time of night was usually when one of you would reach out to the other to come over, so the familiarity lingered.
“well, i’m calling because i have a really huge favor to ask” you whispered quietly, your voice trailing out. “ahhh” he laughed over the line, as you shook your head. “not that kind of favor, matthew” you smiled, aimlessly tugging at the fabric of your clothes while you spoke.
“i just had to leave work and no one’s answering my calls. i was just wondering if you would possibly be able to come pick me up?” your voice lifted, desperate for just one positive response
“if not, i totally understand though.” you added, breaking the silence that followed your question. you heard him shift around on the other end, a quiet gulp came through the speaker as he swallowed the lump in his throat.
“yeah, for sure, send me your location. are you alright?” he asked with urgency as you rolled your head back against the brick wall in relief, closing your eyes. “yeah, everything’s fine.” you cleared your throat once more. “i’ll send you a pin, thank you so much, matt.” you thanked him generously, before hanging up the phone.
be there in fifteen.
you glanced at the notification appearing on your screen, a smile spreading on your lips at the words. you were relieved to finally just go home, but also excited to see matt after so many years.
you sat on the stoop of the doorway with the hood of your jacket still covering your hair as bright head lights finally cut through the dark alley. standing to your feet, you watched as matt pulled up to the back door. taking the handle between your fingers, you waited for him to unlock the car before slipping inside as you were hit with the subtle smell of his cologne, triggering a wave of forgotten memories.
attempting to smooth over the years that turned you into strangers, you put on your warm customer service persona to ease through the potential awkwardness. “hey” you greeted with a smile, settling into the passenger seat and taking in matt's appearance. he had clearly matured over the years. while he had obviously been a good looking boy back in high school, this was a different matthew altogether now.
his hair was much longer, brown curls brushing over his eyes instead of being pushed out of his face, as they used to be. in the glow of the overhead lights, you noticed the stubble beginning to form a scruffy beard, framing his jawline. your eyes flickered down his shoulder, scanning over the arm full of tattoos on display out from beneath the black short sleeve he was wearing.
“what’s up kid” he greeted as your eyes snapped back up to his, a smirk playing on his lips. “look who came running back” he joked, immediately breaking the tension as you pulled the seatbelt over your chest. “oh shut up” you rolled your eyes as he laughed out, gripping the stick shift between his hand. the overhead light dimmed out as he shifted gears to put the car in drive again.
“in all seriousness, thank you so much again, you’re a life saver.” you couldn’t stop thanking him, as you were starting to think no one else would bother to pick up the phone, let alone an old fling you haven’t spoken to in years.
“no worries, as long as you get home safe.” he replied. warmth rushed to your chest at his concern, as he clearly was the only one who truly cared about your safety all night.
he began to drive out of the dark alley, passing by the night life spilling out from the clubs lining the street. every now and then you gave him directions to get to your apartment, leaving you two in the silence of his music between every sentence.
“i didn’t know you worked at showgirls” he broke the silence after a few minutes, glancing over at you as he spoke. he rested one hand on his lap, gripping the steering wheel with his left. you forced a laugh, nodding your head as you looked over at him leaned back in the driver’s seat. your eyes tracing the tattoos on his arm illuminated by passing freeway lights. you studied his face, searching for the right words to reply "yeah, i’ve been dancing there for a few months now. livin’ the dream, i guess," you joked half-heartedly, another laugh escaping your lips.
he chuckled softly, furrowing his eyebrows as he glanced at you before returning his attention to the road. "what do you mean?" he asked sincerely. you shook your head, glancing out at the downtown skyline wrapped around both sides of the freeway.
“let’s just say the customers aren’t exactly stand-up guys” you choked over your words, clearing your throat as you tried not to let yourself get flustered from the night you just had.
matt shook his head as you heard his grip on the leather steering wheel get tighter, his fingers wrapping tensely around it. "sorry ‘bout that. i shouldn't have asked" he said quietly, his free hand hovering near your thigh before gripping the stick shift instead.
“no, it’s okay” you mumbled. “go ahead and take the exit right here” you sat up, pointing to the right as he followed your instructions.
pulling into an empty spot in front of your apartment, you started to unbuckle your seat belt before turning to face him, your hood still shadowing your face. "thank you, matt. i know i keep saying it but i seriously can’t thank you enough" you joked, as he shifted the car into park.
he chuckled at your sincerity, shaking his head. "don't mention it, really" he reassured, now shifting his gaze to you as his eyes scanned your face.
you adjusted in your seat to pull your bag over your shoulder, taking the door handle beneath your fingers before stopping to look at him again, genuinely contemplating what you were about to say next.
“hey, would you wanna come inside for a little? just to properly catch up?” you asked, meeting his gaze as he was already staring at you. his eyebrows raised slightly as he hesitated, letting a laugh roll off of his lips. “i’d love to come inside” he mumbled as a grin twisted farther up his lips while you laughed quietly at the purposeful ambiguity behind his words. “get your mind out of the gutter.” you muttered through a laugh.
“y’know what, don’t worry. it’s so late, i’m sure you’re tired.” you shook your head before turning back to the door.
“no” he cut you off, adjusting his hair between his fingers and twisting the keys out of the ignition. "i'm kidding. i was just gonna go home and get back on the game anyways" he reassured, quickly unbuckling his seat belt.
finally stepping out of the car, you walked up the steps towards your apartment with him following closely behind.
pushing open your door, you let matt follow inside before closing it behind him. he shoved his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants, scanning the apartment that was decorated exactly as he had expected.
“make yourself at home” you smiled, looking over at him to soothe the tension as he stood in his place. he nodded his head, sitting down on the end of your couch, spreading his arms out across the back.
“do you want anything to drink?” you asked, placing your bag down on the counter as you walked around to the kitchen to grab yourself something. “i’m alright, thanks” he replied, still looking at the belongings that decorated your living room.
pulling the hood from over your head, matt stared as you walked in his direction, finally taking in all of your features. you always looked so goddamn perfect, even with the tear stains that slightly smudged your makeup now. although, he hadn't noticed, just as he'd never noticed any of the flaws you used to criticize yourself for back in high school.
sitting down on the other end of the couch, you adjusted your jacket and pulled your shorts down, to conceal any sign of your stage outfit as if he hadn’t seen almost every inch of your body beforehand.
you smiled at him looking back at you, as you finally scanned over his face in the light. “what?” he chuckled nervously at your silence, his eyes flickering between your eyes and lips.
“look at you, you’re all grown up” you cooed sarcastically. he smiled before crossing his arms over his chest, shaking his head. “i’m like nine months older than you kid” he teased with a grin. laughing at his comment, you inched closer on the couch as you found comfort in his presence.
“i mean you look handsome, matthew” you complimented him to ease the silence. “you do too” he followed his words before shaking his head “not handsome, but pretty" he quickly corrected himself, stumbling over his statement as you laughed. "I know what you meant, thank you” you smiled, acknowledging that your presence somehow made him nervous behind that ego all over again.
you two continued to sit and reminisce on the couch for some time, laughing over old memories and catching up as both of you began to loosen up as if nothing had ever changed.
“hey i know you’re driving, but would you want to stay and have a drink or anything? you could sleep in the guest room, if you want.” you offered, as the two of you had moved closer on the couch throughout the night, slowly closing the gap between you. “sleepover?” you gushed sarcastically, raising your eyebrows.
he thought for a moment before shaking his head “nah, it’s alright, i don’t wanna make it weird or anything” he laughed, looking down at his hands.
“no, it wouldn’t be weird! we could get breakfast or something in the morning too, if you’re free.” you smiled, standing to your feet to walk towards the kitchen.
you hadn’t noticed your cloth shorts creeping their way up your body, as you two had talked, now exposing the creases between your ass and thighs as you walked.
matt looked you over as you had your back turned to him, his eyes making their way down your body and across your ass as you leaned over the kitchen counter. god, everything down to the way you walked drove him crazy. he felt his eyes widen as his heart started to race, the blood in his veins now working it’s way down somewhere else.
“yeah, why not” he choked over his words, trying to speak over the knot starting to form in his throat. he found himself struggling to concentrate on your voice now drowning out in his head.
he felt the blood quickly rush to his cock as it stiffened beneath his sweats. adjusting in his seat, he tried to tuck himself beneath the waistband of his pants as your back was still turned to him. he looked around your couch for pillows, as they all had conveniently been moved to the other side. “fuck” he muttered beneath his breath as his leg began to shake anxiously, hoping either you wouldn’t notice the bulge in his waistband or it would somehow subside in the next few seconds.
“what was that?” you asked, turning to face him now with a stirred drink in one hand and a beer in the other. immediately your eyes shifted down to the tent in his sweats before quickly shooting back up to his face, hoping he didn’t notice the shift in your gaze.
sitting on the couch, you placed his drink down on the coffee table before looking him over again. you couldn’t help but quickly sneak a peek down at the bulge once more behind the martini glass on your lips.
“i still got it, i guess” you laughed against the glass, not being able to contain your smart comments as matt had been shooting them back and forth with you all night, taking a sip while looking back up at him. matt shook his head, letting a laugh escape as his head rolled back on the couch, his arms now crossed over his chest while he hissed through his teeth at your words.
“still got it i guess” he mocked your tone, sneering a smile at you as he adjusted the bulge beneath his sweats. shifting his gaze to you, he pushed his crossed arms farther up his chest with a shrug “why don’t you come show me, then?” he teased before raising his eyebrows.
you also raised your eyebrows at his words, placing your martini glass on the coffee table as you sat back to fully look at him in disbelief. “did you really just sit here and play the long game with me this whole time?” you scorned, shaking your head while letting a laugh roll off your lips.
he chuckled quietly, taking your ankle between his hand as he gently tugged your body towards him. “just c’mere already” he joked as you shook your head before adjusting yourself, digging your knees into the couch to crawl over onto matt’s lap. you straddled his legs between yours as you squeezed his shoulders beneath the palms of your hands. his hands naturally moved up your thighs to caress your legs, the metal of his rings sending chills over your skin beneath them as he looked up at you with the grin that had been painted on his lips nearly all night.
you trailed your fingers over his shoulder and down his left arm, tracing the tattoos scattered over his skin. your eyes worked over them as a smile pulled at your lips “i can’t believe you, probably had this on your mind all night” you groaned, rolling your eyes as you couldn’t help but laugh at his efforts. “shhh” he groaned, moving his hand up to grab your jaw as he pulled your lips into his.
he pressed the pad of his thumb into your cheek as you let your eyes close, trailing your hands up to either side of his face to reciprocate the warm kiss. both of you had definitely brushed up on kissing, as evidently you two weren’t dumb teenagers making out in the back of his car anymore.
“matt” you groaned against his lips as he continued to move with yours. “hm?” he hummed out, taking your bottom lip between his teeth, not bothering to stop as neither of you could pull away.
“we shouldn’t” you whispered, finally gathering the strength to break from the kiss as you scanned over his features. caressing his face, your thumbs traced down across the stubble framing his jaw to rub over his earrings, your gaze still lingering over his hungry eyes.
"shhh, sweetheart," he mumbled, almost pained, shaking his head as he tried to press his lips against yours to gently quiet you once more. you shook your head, pulling back to push off his chest, gazing down at him.
“strip for me like you do on that little stage, yeah?” matt groaned, tilting his head back as he briefly swiped his tongue flat against his top teeth, looking at you with nothing but lust glossing over his eyes.
at this point, you couldn’t deny him and his efforts anymore as the mere sound of his voice had you over the edge. leaning back on his lap, you reached your hand up to press your fingers over the zipper of your jacket before slowly pulling it down over your chest. you tugged the fabric off, letting it roll down your shoulders as it hit the floor. beneath your sweater, you were wearing a tiny red triangle bikini that barely covered your nipples poking through the fabric.
matt’s eyes trailed down to your chest as you took the bottom of the bikini top between your fingers, pulling it up over your chest as your perky tits tugged out beneath the material. tossing it on the couch, your hands made their way back around the sides of his neck as you looked down at him. he took in every inch of your body like he hadn’t already memorized it perfectly, trailing his fingers up the sides of your torso. he leaned forward, pressing a kiss between your chest as your fingers locked in his messy brown hair.
he peppered kisses over your chest, finally taking your nipple between his lips. you let a soft moan escape as your head gently rolled back. “matt” you moaned quietly, tugging at his hair. he swirled his tongue around your nipple as you leaned into his mouth, your hand moving up to the back of his head. you lowered yourself on his lap to brush over his dick pulsating beneath his sweats, slowly grinding your hips into his bulge.
matt trailed his hand up your exposed back, gripping the back of your neck between his fingers again as his forearm pulled your body closer to his lips. you continued to tug at the hair between your hands, closing your eyes at the tender feeling while you rode out the nerves twitching in your core against his lap.
“goddamn kid — you’re gonna make me cum if you keep fuckin’ rubbing on me like that.” he groaned against your chest, your nipple still between his lips as his dick was growing sensitive to the feeling of you grinding against him over his sweats.
“then do something about it, pretty boy” you giggled softly while he raised his eyebrows, his lips twisting up into a smirk as he took your words as a challenge. grazing his teeth over your nipple, he gently bit down while you hissed through the nearly painful sensitive feeling.
“yeah, s’what i thought” he groaned out beneath a laugh as you looked down at him, tugging his hair between your fingers. matt’s eyes trailed up your chest and fixed on yours, smiling at your face flustered from the heat.
“pretty girl” he mumbled, as he trailed kisses up your neck while you tilted your head to side to give him further access. your fingers were locked in his hair as you pressed yourself into his mouth, nearing your earlobe. “remind me how pretty you always looked sittin’ on my dick” he groaned hungrily into your ear, his hand still wrapped around the back of your neck pulling you closer to his chest.
you felt your blush deepen at his words, letting a soft moan escape past your lips as he dug his teeth into your neck, gently sucking on the skin between his lips. you nodded your head pathetically, as you tried to pull away from his arms wrapped around your body.
eventually slipping from his hold, you pushed yourself off his lap to stand to your feet between his spread knees on the couch. taking your shorts between your fingers, you tugged the fabric down to reveal a matching red thong pulled above your hips. matt briefly caught his bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes scanned over your body, a mix of arousal and irritation at the thought of other men seeing you like this. he shifted his elbows forward on his knees that bounced bitterly beneath his weight to trail his hands up the back of your thighs, looking up at you from his seat.
you couldn’t overlook the jealousy flickering in his eyes. after all this time, the thought of you with someone else, let alone dancing for hundreds of other men, tightened that same jealousy in his jaw.
“something wrong?” you teased, looking down at matt as his gaze was still fixed on you. he pursed his lips, trailing his hands up the back of your legs and over your hips as he hooked his fingers around the thin waistband of your panties. “nah” he plastered a smirk on his face, “just forgetting these” he mumbled, tugging the skimpy material down past your thighs and onto the wooden floorboards.
he pulled your body closer between his legs as you crouched down on your knees, the smirk twisting farther up his lips at the sight of you kneeling in front of him.
“alright, don’t get too excited” you mumbled through a laugh, reaching forward to help him pull his sweats down over his ankles. matt rolled his head back with a laugh as his dick strained against his the red waistband of boxers before you could pull them down. his cock flung upwards as he took the base between his hand, his eyes looking down at you.
“c’mere and show me how flexible you really are” he groaned, reaching forward to pull you onto his lap with his free hand as you straddled his legs. pulling up at the ends of his shirt, he finally pulled it over his head before tossing it on the couch. hovering on your knees, matt cupped his hand out beneath your mouth to let you trail a puddle of spit between his fingertips. “good girl” he groaned quietly, reaching down to pump his wet fingers over his length as he lined himself up with your entrance.
taking the silver chain on his chest between your fingers, you trailed your hand up to his shoulder for leverage. squeezing at his skin beneath your palms, you slowly pushed yourself down on his cock as matt gently pushed his hips up, immediately hissing at the feeling.
“fuck — i missed that” he groaned out as you slowly sat back on your heels, taking in every inch of him on the way down. you let a soft moan out as your walls swallowed his cock, now bottoming out completely. the instant warmth nearly made him orgasm, right then and there.
his hands wrapped tightly around your ass, guiding you back up his length once again as he squeezed your skin.
“my god, you feel so good” you moaned quietly under your breath, not wanting to stroke his ego even more as you began to move up on his dick again. “yeah?” matt questioned, as you nodded, tugging your bottom lip between your teeth as you began to ride him. you started slow, taking every inch of him on your way down as he pushed his hips up to mirror your actions, his balls pushing against your folds.
“fuck just like that” matt let a drawn out moan escape past his lips, his head continually rolling back at the feeling. you adjusted yourself on the heels of your feet as you picked up your pace. wrapping your arms above his shoulders, you felt the pressure growing tight in your stomach as you leaned forward to nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck.
the sound of your whines only turned matt on more, if that was even possible, as he sat up and slid his hand up your back, gripping the back of your neck between his fingers again. he bucked his hips up between strokes, pulling you down on his cock to take fully control.
“oh my god” you whimpered out now, your back arching farther into his chest as he pounded into you. “matt” you moaned, moving up and down on his cock as you pulled back to look at him. you couldn’t close your lips at the feeling of him pumping in and out of you, as moans rolled off your tongue left and right.
“that feels s-so good, baby” you stuttered as his motions left your jaw slack. he watched you bounce on his dick, nodding at your words, his eyebrows knitting together as he focused on you. “yeah?” he asked again, teasingly, although your positions had completely switched this time around.
“mhm” you squeezed your eyes shut, rolling your head back as he fucked you from beneath your weight. your hips moved in motion with his, pushing yourself down as he bucked himself up into your pussy.
you looked down at him again as he tightened his grip around your neck. tugging a handful of his damp curls between your fingers as you felt the pressure continuing to build. “right there, baby, keep takin’ my dick like that.” he groaned, now talking you through it despite the immense pleasure rushing over him. feeling weak, you rested against his chest again, still moving your ass up and down as the sound of your moans and skin slapping against each other muffled through the walls.
“you feel so good” you couldn’t stop whining those same words, over and over, as matt seemingly fucked all of your common sense away, forgetting that you had neighbors living on the other sides of your apartment walls.
“shhh, baby, i know” matt groaned, moving his hand from your ass to pull your jaw towards his face, silencing your pornographic moans by crashing your lips to his while he continued to pound into you. you grabbed either sides of his face to retaliate the kiss, suppressing the sound of your groans against each other.
“you like when all those guys have their fuckin’ hands all over you like this?” matt groaned out, now angrily, pushing his hips up into your core harder as you felt your eyes rolling back in your head at the feeling. you stumbled in attempts to shake your head as he pulled back to look at you taking him.
“say it” he spat as his eyelids hung low, bucking his hips up harder, causing you to shake your head once more as you stuttered through your words. “n-no” you moaned out, your body still adjusting to the blows that your cervix was currently taking.
matt trailed his hands down around your waist before wrapping both of his arms tightly around your body as the tension caused his muscles to flex through his biceps. his strokes constantly hitting deep and hard as you dug your nails into his shoulders. the feeling of your acrylics piercing into his skin caused his smirk to quirk up farther, his bottom lip parted open as pure possessive filth muttered out.
you had never seen matt this jealous, as he was clearly fucking you through the envy and desire. his arms nearly crushed you between his hold as you lazily rode him while he did most of the work. his eyes scanned hypnotically over your face painted in a nearly painful euphoria as he watched you bounce on his cock.
“they don’t fuck you like i do, huh?” he groaned egotistically, already knowing the answer, as he held your body, pulling your weight up and down on his cock straining between your walls. your head rolled forward to lay against his chest as you tried to speak — to moan out a single word while fighting the urge to finish as he showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. you managed to shake your head again as your eyes squeezed shut.
“answer me” he hissed while your body grew weak as you felt an orgasm building in your core, stuttering out the words. “n-no baby” you managed to mumble out as your nails abruptly gripped into his skin one last time.
“matt” you finally let yourself go, moaning out practically loud enough for the entire apartment building to know his name as your head rolled back. the orgasm washed over your body as your senses peaked, your nails burying farther into his skin as you rode out the high.
his eyes grew darker as he watched you reach your climax, his eyebrows furrowing as he continued to fuck you through it. “good girl” he drawled out amidst a groan, as the sight of him fucking you over the edge alone was making him inch closer to his own climax.
“fuck” he breathed out repeatedly while his arms wrapped tighter than ever around your body as he squeezed you through his orgasm. matt’s head rolled back on the couch, feeling his dick twitch inside as he filled you up, emptying every drop left as he came inside, just like he had promised a few hours before.
you dropped your nearly lifeless body against his chest while wrapping your arms around his neck, laying your head on his shoulder. both of you tried to catch your breath as his hand trailed up your exposed back, caressing your skin up and down to ease through the exhaustion.
pulling out, matt winced at the sensitivity as his cock fell limp against his leg. your head was still buried in his neck while you two sat in silence for a moment, your fingers aimlessly trailing through the hair at the nape of his neck while you dumbfoundedly searched for the words to speak.
“can i come pick you up tomorrow night too?” he teased quietly, his fingers still tracing up your back as you rolled your eyes beneath him. “oh shut up."
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𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: hope y’all enjoyed it! i kinda hate the second half oops — i started out really strong but i had this draft sitting in my notes for weeks and i basically forced myself to finally finish it. i definitely wanna make a part two though 🤭 hope i did the matt girls justice fr 💌 for now here’s my tiny lil’ taglist
@watercolorskyy @joemamaaa42069 @idkgabbyy @hearts4sturniolo @chrizzpiecreme @dietcokenumberonefan
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etherealval · 8 days
caught in the dark . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖
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pairing: matt sturniolo x reader
warning: kissing, mentions of the dark and not proof read lol
a/n: inspired by a scene in the movie ‘bodies bodies bodies’ literally so good you need to watch it !!!!
the evening had the evening started off simple enough. matt had invited you to a small get-together one of his friends was hosting. it was being held at a friend’s house—a massive, sprawling mansion that felt more like something out of a movie than an actual home. you weren’t entirely sure what to expect, but knowing that chris and nick, were coming too made it an easy decision to join in. plus, how could you resist spending more time with matt?
as soon as you arrived, you could tell the vibe was relaxed. the house was impressive, all high ceilings and spacious rooms, you wondered how people even had the type of money to afford this kind of place.
a handful of matt’s friends were already there, lounging around, chatting, drinks in hand. you fell into the easy rhythm of it—sipping on some random punch you had been offered, exchanging jokes with chris, and sticking close to matt as the night unfolded.
matt kept you close by his side, his arm draped casually around your waist as you both joined the conversation. the drinks flowed easily, the conversation light and fun, and it wasn’t long before you were all laughing at chris’s ridiculous stories, nick’s quick-witted comebacks, and matt’s attempts to keep everyone in line.
the night felt perfect. there was no pressure, just good company, good drinks, and the buzz of something exciting in the air. as the evening wore on, you found yourself glancing at matt more and more, his presence steady and warm beside you. you loved how he always seemed to have one hand on you, like he needed the constant connection.
“alright, guys,” theo suddenly piped up, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. “i’ve got an idea.”
everyone quieted down a little, turning their attention to theo, who was clearly brimming with some kind of plan.
“let’s play hide and seek,” he announced, his grin only widening as a few groans echoed around the room. “but here’s the twist, we do it in the dark.”
you couldn’t help but laugh at the suggestion. hide and seek wasn’t exactly something you’d expect at a party like this, but the thought of playing it in this giant mansion, with all the lights turned off, was actually kind of thrilling.
“you’re kidding, right?” nick asked, raising an eyebrow.
“nope!” theo said, standing up and clapping his hands together. “come on, it’ll be fun. this house is huge, and with the lights off? it’s gonna be perfect.”
you exchanged a glance with matt, both of you clearly amused by the idea. he gave you a little shrug, that easy smile of his making your heart flutter.
“i’m in if you are,” he said, his arm tightening around your waist.
“yeah, why not?” you replied with a grin. it wasn’t like you had anything better to do, and the idea of running around in the dark with matt didn’t sound so bad.
“alright, let’s do it,” matt said, looking around at everyone else. after a little more persuasion, everyone agreed, and theo was declared the seeker.
“i’ll give you all a minute to hide,” theo said, heading to the nearest wall and covering his eyes dramatically. “no cheating! and no locking doors.”
the excitement built as theo started counting, his voice echoing through the large living room. you felt a rush of adrenaline as everyone else scattered, running off in different directions to find the best hiding spots. matt gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before darting off, leaving you to find your own spot.
you took off down one of the long hallways, the lights already dimmed, casting everything in soft shadows. the house was massive, with endless rooms to choose from, but you had to be quick. after passing a few rooms that felt too obvious, you finally made your way into the kitchen, where the walk-in pantry caught your eye. it was tucked away in the corner, out of sight, and seemed like the perfect place to hide.
you slipped inside, closing the door behind you as quietly as possible. the pantry was bigger than you expected, with shelves stocked high with food and kitchen supplies. crouching down behind one of the shelves, you tried to slow your breathing, listening to the faint sounds of footsteps somewhere in the distance.
the darkness made everything feel more intense. you could barely see your own hand in front of you, and every little creak or sound in the house made your heart race. you held your breath, waiting for the inevitable moment when theo would find you.
minutes passed, the silence pressing in around you. your heart pounded in your chest, your senses on high alert. but instead of theo’s voice calling out, you suddenly heard the pantry door creak open. your body tensed, and you prepared to be found.
but then, you heard matt’s familiar voice, soft and teasing. “gotcha.”
“matt?” you whispered, your voice low. “what are you doing here? you’re supposed to be hiding.”
“i was,” he whispered back, stepping further into the pantry and closing the door behind him. the darkness swallowed him up, but you could feel his presence close, the air between you charged with something electric.
“how did you even find me?” you asked, trying to keep your voice steady.
“just lucky, i guess,” matt replied, his voice dropping even lower.
before you could respond, matt’s hands found your waist, pulling you toward him in the darkness. his lips met yours in a sudden, hungry kiss, taking you completely by surprise. for a moment, all you could do was gasp softly against his mouth, but the feel of his body pressing against yours quickly erased any hesitation.
you kissed him back, your hands finding his chest, fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt as the kiss deepened. matt’s hands roamed over your waist, pulling you closer, and you could feel the heat radiating off him in waves. the darkness made everything feel more intense, more urgent. without the ability to see, your other senses took over—the feel of matt’s lips moving against yours, the way his hands gripped your hips, the soft sounds of your shared breaths filling the small space.
his tongue teased your bottom lip, and you parted your lips for him, the kiss growing more heated, more desperate. matt groaned softly against your mouth, his hands sliding under your shirt, his fingers grazing the bare skin of your waist. the sensation sent a shiver down your spine, and you arched into his touch, craving more of him. you felt his hands grip your hips tighter, pulling you flush against him as your bodies moved together in the darkness. you could feel the hard press of him against you, the heat between you building with every passing second. matt broke the kiss for a moment, his forehead resting against yours as you both caught your breath. his hands stayed on your waist, his thumbs brushing over your skin in a way that made your pulse race.
“i couldn’t help myself,” he whispered, his voice rough with desire. “i’ve been wanting to do this all night.”
you smiled, your heart pounding in your chest. “you should’ve said something sooner.”
“i didn’t think i’d get you alone like this,” he replied, his lips finding yours again in a kiss that was even more urgent than before.
this time, there was no holding back. your hands slid up his chest, wrapping around his neck as you kissed him deeply, the intensity of it sending a rush of heat through your entire body. matt’s hands moved lower, gripping your hips firmly as he pressed you against the shelves behind you, his body trapping yours against the cool surface.
you let out a soft gasp as you felt the friction between your bodies, the heat of him igniting something deep inside you. you moved against him, grinding your hips into his, and matt groaned softly, his grip on you tightening.
the small space of the pantry seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of you tangled together in the darkness. every touch, every kiss felt like fire, and you couldn’t get enough of him.
matt’s hands slid down to your thighs, lifting you slightly as he pressed even closer, his body fitting perfectly against yours. you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him in even tighter as your lips moved against his, the kiss turning into something more hungry and wild.
your fingers tangled in his hair, tugging gently as you kissed him harder, and matt responded with a low, breathless moan, his hands roaming over your body like he couldn’t get enough of you. the way he touched you, the way he moved against you, it was all-consuming, and you couldn’t stop the soft sounds that escaped your lips as he kissed down your neck, his breath hot against your skin.
you could feel him everywhere, his body pressed so close to yours, the heat between you almost unbearable. every time you moved against him, it sent a jolt of pleasure through you, and you found yourself craving more, needing more of him.
matt’s hands were everywhere—sliding up your thighs, gripping your hips, exploring every inch of your body in the darkness. you could feel his breath hitch as you ground your hips against his, the friction sending waves of heat through both of you.
“god,” matt breathed against your skin, his voice rough with desire. “you’re driving me crazy.”
you smiled against his lips, feeling the same wild need coursing through your veins. “good,” you whispered back, your hands sliding under his shirt, your fingers grazing over the hard muscles of his back.
he kissed you again, this time with even more urgency, his hands gripping your hips as he pulled you even closer, your bodies pressed so tightly together that it was hard to tell where you ended and he began. the heat between you was undeniable, and the way his body moved against yours made your pulse race even faster. you felt like you were burning up from the inside out, and all you could focus on was the way matt touched you, kissed you, held you as if he couldn’t bear to let go.
your fingers trailed down his back, feeling the tension in his muscles as he shifted, his hands slipping under your shirt, his touch making your skin tingle. every brush of his fingers against you sent sparks of desire through your body, and you arched into him, craving more, needing more of his touch.
matt’s lips left a burning trail down your neck, his breath hot against your skin as he kissed and nipped at the sensitive spots that made you gasp softly, your hands gripping his shoulders to steady yourself. the small space of the pantry felt suffocating in the best way, like you couldn’t get enough air, but you didn’t care. the only thing that mattered was matt, the feel of his body against yours, the way he was making you feel.
“you have no idea what you do to me,” matt whispered, his voice low and rough, sending a shiver down your spine.
you opened your mouth to respond, but all that came out was a soft moan as he rolled his hips against yours, the friction driving you wild. your head fell back against the pantry shelves, your mind foggy with the overwhelming sensation of being so close to him, of feeling every inch of him pressed against you.
you kissed him again, your hands sliding down his chest, fingers brushing over the hard lines of his stomach, feeling the heat of his skin under your fingertips. matt groaned into the kiss, his hands tightening on your waist as he pulled you closer, his body grinding into yours with a desperation that matched your own.
the kiss turned hotter, more frantic, as the need between you both intensified. every touch, every movement felt like it was pushing you closer to the edge, and you couldn’t get enough. your hands roamed over his body, exploring every inch of him, feeling the way his muscles tensed under your touch, the way his breath hitched whenever you moved against him. his hands slid up your thighs, gripping you tightly as he kissed you harder, his lips moving against yours with a kind of raw intensity that made your entire body burn with desire. you could feel how much he wanted you, could feel it in the way he touched you, in the way his breath came out in short, uneven bursts.
“matt,” you breathed out, your voice barely a whisper in the darkness.
he pulled back just enough to look at you, his eyes dark with lust, his breathing heavy. “yeah?” he asked, his voice rough, his hands still gripping your hips.
“don’t stop,” you whispered, your hands sliding into his hair, pulling him back down to kiss you again.
matt didn’t need any more convincing. he kissed you deeply, his hands exploring your body as if he couldn’t get enough of you, his touch making your heart race faster with every second. the heat between you was unbearable, every movement sending waves of pleasure through your body.
his hands slipped lower, gripping your thighs as he pulled you even closer, your bodies moving together in perfect sync. every brush of his lips against your skin, every soft groan that escaped his lips, made the desire between you grow stronger, more intense.
you didn’t care about the game anymore, didn’t care that anyone could walk in at any second. all that mattered was matt, the way he was making you feel, the way his body moved against yours like he couldn’t get close enough.
you kissed him harder, your hands sliding under his shirt, feeling the heat of his skin under your fingertips. matt groaned softly, his hands sliding up your back as he pressed you even tighter against him, the two of you completely lost in each other.
the heat of his body, the feel of his hands on you, it was all too much, and you couldn’t help the soft sounds that escaped your lips as you ground your hips against his, the friction sending jolts of pleasure through your entire body.
you could feel matt’s breath hitch against your neck, his hands gripping you tighter as he moved against you, his body responding to every movement you made. the tension between you both was unbearable, the desire building with every second, until it felt like you might burst from the intensity of it all.
and just when you thought you couldn’t take any more, the pantry door suddenly creaked open, and the blinding beam of a flashlight flooded the small space.
“oh, come on,” theo’s voice rang out, filled with amusement and disbelief. you froze, your heart skipping a beat as you looked up, blinking against the harsh light.
“really?” theo continued, his tone dripping with mock disgust. “in the pantry?”
standing next to him, chris groaned in frustration, clearly unimpressed. “for fuck’s sake,” he muttered, shaking his head as he took in the scene in front of him.
matt pulled back from you, his hands still on your waist as he looked over at his brother and friend, his cheeks flushed, his hair a mess from your fingers. “we got a little carried away,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
theo just laughed, lowering the flashlight as he stepped back. “i’ll say. next time, maybe pick a room with a lock, huh?”
chris, still looking thoroughly done with the whole situation, turned on his heel and walked away, muttering something under his breath about needing another drink. theo gave you both one last smirk before following him, leaving the pantry door wide open.
as soon as they were gone, you and matt burst into laughter, the tension from the moment quickly dissipating into something lighter. your heart was still racing, but now it was more from the absurdity of the situation than anything else.
“oh my god,” you said between giggles, trying to catch your breath. “that was so embarrassing.”
“yeah,” matt agreed, grinning as he helped you to your feet. “but totally worth it.”
you gave him a playful shove, still laughing. “next time, we’re locking the door.”
“definitely,” he said, leaning in for one last, soft kiss before pulling you close. “i guess we should probably get back to the game, huh?”
you nodded, your pulse finally starting to calm down. “yeah, probably. but just so you know, chris is never going to let you live this down.”
matt chuckled, his arm sliding around your waist as he led you out of the pantry. “fair enough. but i’m still calling this a win.”
you couldn’t help but smile as you walked back into the chaos of the house, the game long forgotten, but the memory of the night and matt’s hands on you — burned in your mind forever.
taglist: @heartsforvin , @42angelgirl , @sturncakez , @matts-myloverboy , @mattsbitchh
239 notes · View notes
chrattenthusiast · 9 months
hii can u do a smut femxmatt fic where they meet at a party and they like are kinda drunk and matt’s really flirty and touchy and they just end up fucking!! ty!!!
AN: yes but with a slight twist hope you aren't mad at me ;/ (This was inspired by a fanfic i read a while back, but i added a lil sprinkle) this is gonna be the last angsty smut I write for a while!!! the world is healing yay.
warnings: slightly rougher smut, alcohol, slightly toxic matt, not proofread, longish
AFTERPARTY - Matt sturniolo
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─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────
Entering the house, you found it filled with a thick haze of smoke, and intoxicated individuals occupied every corner. Taking it all in, you absorbed the chaotic atmosphere of the house party.
You spot the drinks lined up on the kitchen counter smiling instantly, your face lit up with anticipation as you instinctively reached for two shot glasses, intending to share the experience with your friend. Carefully, you poured the potent liquid into the glasses, aware of the complex emotions it always evoked within you - a simultaneous blend of affection and unease.
Taking a swig of the shot, a wince breaks across your face as you taste the acrid burn. Your friend, mirrors your grimace. Yet, undeterred by the bitter flavor, they reach for the bottle, repeating the action twice.
The room erupts with loud cheers from the other end of the house, where a spirited game of beer pong is in full swing. You see the excitement in your friend's eyes, knowing just how competitive she is. Urging her to join in, it takes a little convincing, but you assure her that you'll be perfectly fine on your own.
You take a moment to observe your surroundings in the house after pouring yourself a generous serving of alcohol. You make a deliberate choice not to mix it with anything, recognizing that doing so might result in an unsightly aftermath the next day.
Your phone buzzes, and with a sense of urgency, you swiftly reach for it. As your eyes scan the text message and the identity of the sender, your eyebrows knit together in a perplexed expression.
Matthew: you look so good, but you should slow down.
The text message verified the sensation of being watched. Instantly, your eyes scanned the surroundings, desperately seeking the presence that had captured your attention. Instantly locking eyes with him, you found him in the midst of individuals with whom you had limited conversations with. His gaze lowered as he held a drink cradled in his hand. You observed him while his eyes traced every contour of your body. Gradually, he raised the cup to his lips, taking a sip, his gaze remained fixed on your face.
The agreement between both of you was to keep things uncomplicated, though you disliked deceiving the ones you cared about, but deep down, you cherished the moments alone with him, away from others imposing their opinions on your 'relationship.'
He thought differently however, he wasn't planning on telling anyone about the two of you- although he was close to telling his two brothers about it- he liked the arrangement between the two of you, sneaking around, but mostly he wanted to 'protect your peace', away from his world of a sane but crazy fan base- he loved how the both of you pretend to not know of each other in public. but in private you were his, the same girl that always found yourself tangled under him
The sudden awareness loomed, casting a shadow over the quickly consumed alcohol's impact, and a wave of jealousy welled up inside. It bothered you that he seemed calm and indifferent, apparently unaffected by your need to be near him all the time. As usual, you pushed these emotions down, steering clear of further complicating the already complex situation. Yet, despite your efforts, the persistent realization lingered that this arrangement might not end well. In hindsight, you recognized that you should have probably considered the options before agreeing to such an arrangement.
Taking a sharp breath, you tucked your phone back into the waistband of your skirt, purposefully ignoring his text. Opting for a rapid consumption of a mix of assorted alcoholic drinks, you winced at the disagreeable taste. Turning your focus to the right, you caught sight of a guy in your peripheral vision. It took a moment to recognize his face.
"Hi," he greeted the instant he realized your gaze had landed on him.
"Hey," you replied, aiming to keep the conversation brief while maintaining a sense of respect.
And, of course, Matt observed from a distance. Despite once being enthusiastically engaged in the conversation,He now leaned back, adopting a manspreading position nodding as though still interested in the ongoing discussion. However, there was a noticeable tightening of his grip on his phone.
You nodded your head, forcing a smile at the guy, giving the appearance of genuine interest in his conversation. However, deep down, all you craved for was to escape the confines of the house, retreat to your bed, and wallow in the misery of your self-destruction. The weight of how you'd once again managed to sabotage everything for yourself loomed heavily on your mind.
Your attention shifted to your friend, and you couldn't help but notice the wide smile on her face. It seemed she was genuinely pleased to see you stepping outside your comfort zone and engaging in a conversation with the guy, her grin widening when she observed his arm touching your waist. Matt, too, noticed her reaction. He had heard about her in the extensive conversations you shared with him, during those moments when he played with your hair, absorbing every word you uttered. You spoke of her with deep love and adoration, and silently, he harbored a resentment that you couldn't speak of him in the same way to her. He cherished the importance of loved ones, and selfishly, he hated that he wasn't on your list.
What he hated even more was how you didn't pull away from the guy's touch, especially when he left lingering squeezes, emphasizing his words—just like he would. His gaze remained fixed on both of you, observing as the guy incessantly carried on with his conversation. Your irritation grew, and the breaking point came when he flagrantly crossed the line by violating your personal space- and is left dumbfounded when you cut him mid way muttering a poor excuse- speed walking away from him.
You step into what seems to be a hallway, choosing the first door and entering a dimly lit, spacious bathroom. Your hands find their way to the edges of the sink, and you lean down, allowing the exhaustion of the events to wash over you. The bathroom door opens and shuts, prompting your eyes to snap toward the mirror. Instantly, you make eye contact with Matt.
Leaning against the bathroom door with lowered eyes, Matt takes in your appearance. His gaze is fixated on your skirt, noticing how it's slightly hunched up due to you leaning over the sink.
"you get my text earlier?" he asks, returning his gaze to your face.
"Yeah, I got it. I was pretty occupied, though," you reply, turning your body to face him
"yeah? I couldn't tell" he replies laced with sarcasm.
You nod in response, and he begins to walk toward you. Instinctively, you move backward, feeling your lower back hit the counter. His arms trap you on both sides, eliminating any distance between you.
"you avoiding me now? Is that what's happening?"He says, leaning down to meet you at eye level.
The close proximity makes it a bit challenging for you to breathe properly. So, you turn your head to the side, suddenly finding the patterns on the wall much more interesting, despising how calm and collected he appeared- how much control he has over your mind, despite numerous reassurances from him. You can't help but wonder if the only time you get to be intimate is away from others because you question whether he's more concerned about being seen with you than genuinely "protecting your peace."
"Stop that," he says, aware that your mind is racing at full speed.
Your eyes finally meet his gaze, and it's unclear how long the intense stare has lasted. Matt is the first to break eye contact, stepping back. His hands move to the bathroom lock, twisting the metal and securing it.
"Classic," you mutter, still grappling with your self-sabotaging thoughts.
"what was that?" he says
"we're not doing anything in here " you reply ignoring his question
"Who said we were going to? We're just having a conversation"
"you look pretty" he continues due to your silence
"yeah? I've heard" Confidently fueled by the liquor, You aimed to provoke him, fully aware that he had seen you talking to the guy. What added to the satisfaction was knowing he wasn't pleased that you entertained the conversation, you turn your body to face the mirror again. Purposefully grinding your ass against his groin, already feeling the hardness.
"You having a change of heart, I thought we couldn't do anything?" he says,pressing you further against the counter. The cold marble makes you shiver.
You tilt your head to the side as you feel his hands brush up against the back of your thighs, making their way to the skimpy material of your underwear, smiling once he felt how soaked you were
lifting the bottom of your skirt to rest on your lower back he delivers a harsh slap to your ass, making you smile at how quick he is to give you what you want.
His hands grab your hair, bunching it up and pushing it to the side. Sneaking his hands around your torso, he plants a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
" you want this? you gotta be quiet though might be hard for you huh " he snarked
"fuck you" you reply annoyed with his snarky comment
"yeah i'm sure you'd like that, now wouldn't you" he pulls you flush against his chest,placing a gentle kiss to your temple, his hand palming your wetness, making you lean further onto his chest, your head settling in the crook of his neck
"Always so needy for me aren't you sweetheart" he whispers causing you to meet his gaze through the mirror. "I got what you want right here" he adds pressing himself harder against you
he pushes your underwear to the side, circling your swollen clit causing you to grip the edges of the sink harder, his hands make his way to the small of your back wanting you to arch further into him.
His fingers part from your entrance, causing a whine to escape your lips at the lack of his touch, You hear the sound of his belt being undone, and that sound alone intensifies the warmth between your thighs. you look at him through the polished glass as his hands make his way to your ass, grabbing your backside spreading it apart slightly giving him a full view of your wetness.
He positions himself at your entrance, guiding the tip of his shaft along the slickness of your wetness in an up and down motion , all the while maintaining eye contact and loving the needy expression you wear.
You start to turn around to beg him to fill you, but your thoughts are abruptly interrupted as he thrusts himself completely inside you, your head falls back in sheer delight, finally experiencing the sensation you've yearned for throughout the past couple of weeks. his thrusts are soft wanting you to get used to him
At that moment, he withdraws entirely, leaving just the tip inside you and then thrusting fully inside you without any warning. This elicits small moans from your lips, pulling you closer to him, and his grip around your waist tightens. The pace of his thrusts quicken, and you make every effort to stifle any sounds
Your fingers brush against his hands wanting to gain stability and comfort from his touch with him plunging inside you, it's a pleasurable ache, so intense that tears well up in your eyes. His lips move to tenderly kiss the top of your head, seeking to reciprocate the affectionate touch you crave. He gently squeezes your waist. In that moment. This action alone prompts a recollection towards the person who did the same to you just minutes ago, and his gaze narrows toward that specific spot.
his grip on that spot hardens, causing you to slightly wince knowing that it'll bruise later, you turn to look at Matt, but his fingers grasp your chin forcing you to look at yourself taking everything he gave you, his grip never leaves your face and you moan at the change in pace. It was overwhelming. and a smile was plastered on his face at the way he was breaking you, leaving you dumbfounded
"do you know who you belong to " he asks, his cheek coming into contact with yours. his soft hair brushes against your skin, pushing himself deeper inside you
"You matt"
" You positive ? " he asks moving your head to look at him, forcing eye contact while his thrusts get sloppier but deeper,not slowing down his pace, the feeling in your belly worsens.
"yes I promise"
His hips thrust against your backside, and you instinctively tighten around him, wanting to avert your gaze from his compelling eyes. You resist giving in to the impression that he has complete control over you. However, you find it impossible to look away as his firm grip on your face prevents any movement. Your hands grip his arm in a pleading gesture, silently urging him to allow you to finally reach climax.
He hates how delicate and kind you are, feeling an overwhelming need to protect you from any potential harm. He hates that he might be the cause of your emotional distance, fueled by the fear that his lifestyle could be too much for you to handle.
"don't get all shy now, you were confident when you let him touch you remember?"
"I'm sorry," you respond immediately, but he knows you're not to blame. Despite not being officially together, he doesn't care; in his mind, you belong to him, and he's determined to prove it. His thrusts show no signs of slowing down, and your hands instinctively move to the back of his head for support, irregardless of the tight grip he has around you
"If you ever let another man touch you the way that I do, you'll pay. got it?" you nod unable to articulate a response as your mind remains blank.
"Say it"
"yes matt" you choked.
he attaches his lips onto yours, for the first time in weeks and it shows how much you've missed each other, it was rough enough to bruise your lips His hand releases its hold on your waist, finding its way to your neck, exerting subtle pressure. He teeth delicately tugs at the bottom of your lip before letting go of his grip, ultimately granting you the freedom to lean fully against his chest.
he leans his head against yours, wanting to be as close to you letting you relax for a second until he's back at it, his fingers make their way to your swollen bud. The most audible sob escapes your lips as his fingers trace in circular motions, gently pinching the swollen area with his thumb and pointer finger.
"fuck i c-cant matt"
“you’re taking me so well baby, just a little longer for me " he replies to your plea, grabbing your hips to push back against his length, Handling you firmly, his fingers persist in vigorously rubbing your bud in circular motions, You thrash around him, overwhelmed by the intensity, but his grip around you prevents any escape,
"tell me how bad you want it " he says slowing down his thrusts, wanting you to suffer a little as his fingers skillfully work around the sensitive area, making you pant with the pleasant sensation. You squirm in response, caught between the pleasure and the firm grip that holds you in place.
"Really bad matt please" You cry in frustration, mascara staining your cheeks as you let the tears fall.
"come for me sweetheart" he encourages
Without a moment's hesitation, you comply with his command, and you feel yourself release all over him messily, Matt's hands swiftly move to your mouth muffling your sounds.
"That's it baby let it all out for me "
Your grip around his shaft is so intense that his body can only endure so much. His arms envelop every available inch of your body as he grapples to suppress his own noises.
you feel his release fill you, mixed with yours slowly spilling out from inside you and the sight alone cause him to harden. He gazes at your disheveled appearance, giving you continuous slow thrust, that drag out your orgasm, with smudged mascara running down your eyes and tousled hair. you may feel like a mess, to him, you appear vulnerable, and he likes that.
"you okay?" he asks
you curse him inwardly for consistently diverting your focus from reality. Both of you understand that this unhealthy pattern could lead to a disastrous outcome if left unaddressed. If either of you could set aside fear and selfishness, the nights wouldn't be consumed by your overthinking and He wouldn't harbor resentment towards those who are able to openly express their affections for you.
"yeah, you okay?" you ask him
A chance to resolve the indifference between you two presented itself, and he silently contemplated the options. The desire to admit his true feelings for you lingered, but the overwhelming fear held him back. He acknowledged that one day he might gather the courage, but for now, he selfishly preferred to keep things behind closed doors. He knew that he was being selfish, yet the thought of having you in any capacity seemed preferable to the prospect of losing you completely. Yet again, what started as a complicated situation only deepened in complexity.
"yeah" he replies leaning his head against yours, as he began to pull out from inside you slowly.
He hurriedly dresses, securing his belt, you make your way to the door, preparing to unlock it. Just as you're about to, he gently grabs your arm, pulling you close and placing his hand on your waist. "Are we really okay?" he asks, searching your eyes with a mix of concern and longing.
"mhm, i'll see you around?" swiftly, you reply and proceed to unlock the door The grip Matt has on your waist loosens, and the subtle detachment tugs at your heartstrings, leaving a slow ache.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────
taglist: @loveesiren @christinarowie332 @daddyslilchickenfingers @mangosrar @kenzieiskoolaid @sturnphilia @lucvly @recklesssturniolo @mattslolita @ratatioulle
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alyrasturnz · 3 months
can you write something long for matt like he had such a perfect relationship with y/n but they just fell apart but y/n still misses him
 ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ALL TOO WELL
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❐ summary » despite her deepest wishes to forget, y/n found herself haunted by the vivid memories, each detail etched into her mind all too well. the echoes of past moments reverberated through her thoughts, refusing to fade and instead growing sharper with each passing day. every glance, every word, every emotion was remembered all too well, creating an inescapable tapestry of recollections that bound her to the past.
❐ pairings » bf!matt x fem!reader
❐ warnings » toxic relationship, no happy ending
❐ a/n && w/c » to commemorate 300 followers, here’s a fic inspired by the 30th track from red 🤍 • 5.70k
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matt’s sunroof was retracted, inviting the wind to dance through your hair as the car glided down the open road. the song playing in the background seemed to narrate the journey, each note intertwining with the whispering breeze, creating a symphony that echoed the freedom and exhilaration of the moment. the sky above stretched endlessly, adding to the sense of boundless adventure and the promise of new horizons.
on the journey to meet matt’s parents, you found yourself traveling back with him to his hometown of boston. the anticipation of the encounter weighed heavily on your mind, and a sense of nervousness permeated every thought.
the cityscape of boston, with its historic charm and bustling energy, seemed to mirror the whirlwind of emotions you were experiencing. each mile closer brought a blend of excitement and apprehension, as you prepared to step into a new chapter of your relationship.
your smile gradually diminished, overtaken by the torrent of thoughts swirling through your mind. the lighthearted giggles that once filled the air ceased, leaving a palpable silence in their wake. matt, ever perceptive, noticed the shift in your demeanor, his concern growing as he sensed the weight of your unspoken worries.
he quickly cast a brief glance in your direction before returning his focus to the road ahead. with a tender gesture, he placed his free hand on your thigh, his fingers gently tracing soothing patterns, offering silent reassurance amidst the unfolding journey.
"you'll be fine, y/n. they will love you," matt said, his voice carrying a gentle assurance. as he spoke, his thumb traced delicate circles on your thigh, each motion a silent promise of support and comfort.
"i hope you aren’t lying to me," you chuckle nervously, your fingers absentmindedly picking at the skin around your nails. the laughter that escaped your lips was tinged with uncertainty, a fragile attempt to mask the underlying tension.
matt lifts his hand from your thigh, his gaze shifting to meet yours. with a gentle determination, he takes your hand in his, halting your anxious picking. his touch, both firm and tender, speaks volumes, offering a silent plea for calm and reassurance.
his hand falls gently onto your lap, your fingers still entwined with his. with a soothing rhythm, he rubs circles on your knuckles, each movement a silent lullaby, a tender attempt to ease the tension that lingers in the air.
the warmth of his touch seems to seep into your skin, a wordless promise of comfort and understanding. as his thumb traces those gentle patterns, it feels as though he is trying to communicate something deeper, something beyond words—a reassurance that, no matter what lies ahead, you are not alone.
"i would never lie to you, y/n," he murmurs softly, a sheepish grin playing at the corners of his lips. his voice carries a blend of sincerity and vulnerability, as if each word is carefully chosen to bridge the gap between doubt and trust. the gentle curve of his smile, though modest, holds a quiet conviction, a silent vow etched in the subtle lines of his expression.
"that's so cheesy," you say between giggles as he playfully scoffs. your laughter dances in the air, mingling with the light-hearted atmosphere. as you shift your gaze back to the road, your eyes suddenly widen in alarm. "matt! red light!" you exclaim, your voice sharp with urgency, cutting through the moment of levity like a knife.
his eyes widen, a flash of realization crossing his face as he quickly turns back to the road. with a swift, almost instinctive motion, he presses the brakes, the car jolting slightly as it comes to a sudden halt. the urgency of the moment hangs in the air, a stark contrast to the light-heartedness that preceded it.
the car comes to a halt, and an almost palpable silence fills the space, heavy with the echoes of what just transpired. for a moment, neither of you speaks, the quiet stretching out like a held breath. then, as if on cue, you both turn to look at each other, and soft laughs begin to bubble up, breaking the tension and filling the car with a shared sense of relief and amusement.
"you idiot!" you scold, a playful reprimand laced with laughter as you gently swat matt's arm. the gesture, though light-hearted, carries with it a mix of relief and affection, a testament to the bond you share.
"i can't help it! you're just so pretty," he says, his eyes glistening with a star-struck wonder. his gaze, filled with admiration, seems to capture the very essence of his emotions, making his words resonate with a heartfelt sincerity.
"you would run a rom com like the navy one day, i just know it," you say with a soft chuckle, your voice filled with a mix of amusement and certainty. matt playfully scoffs, the sound a light-hearted counterpoint to your words, adding to the tapestry of your shared moment.
you step out of the car, the cool air brushing against your face, as matt, with a gentle yet firm hand, holds the passenger door open for you, his eyes reflecting a quiet strength and an unspoken promise.
despite the scarf snugly wrapped around your neck and the jacket enveloping your body, the relentless cold air still managed to pierce through, its icy fingers nipping at your skin, a stark reminder of autumn’s unforgiving embrace.
"it's cold," you murmured softly, as matt, with a tender yet protective gesture, draped an arm around you, the gentle click of the passenger door closing behind him punctuating the quiet of the night.
you looked up and saw the autumn leaves cascading down, each one descending gracefully, like pieces of a grand puzzle settling into place. the vibrant hues of amber, gold, and crimson swirled in the air, creating a mesmerizing dance as they drifted towards the earth.
the gentle rustling of the leaves, accompanied by the crisp, cool breeze, whispered secrets of the changing season, enveloping you in a serene and almost magical moment.
you and matt walked towards his house, each step accompanied by the soft crunch of fallen leaves beneath your feet. as you reached the doorstep, the world seemed to hold its breath. matt's hand, steady and deliberate, rose to knock on the door, the sound resonating through the quiet evening air, a gentle yet firm announcement of your arrival.
his mother, marylou, soon opened the door, her smile radiating a warmth that seemed to chase away the evening chill. "hello dear! you must be y/n. matt has told me all about you," she exclaimed with a bubbly enthusiasm, her voice like a melody of welcome. as she pulled you into an embrace, her hug enveloped you in a cocoon of comfort and kindness, reminiscent of a hearth's glow on a cold autumn night.
"oh, did he?" you smiled, the warmth of her embrace still lingering as she released you. your gaze shifted to matt, whose cheeks flushed a delicate shade of pink. he glanced to the side, his eyes avoiding yours, a sheepish grin playing at the corners of his mouth.
"come in, the food’s gonna get cold," she said, her voice a gentle urging. she stepped aside, allowing you and matt to cross the threshold. the warmth of the house enveloped you both as you walked in, the inviting aroma of a home-cooked meal wafting through the air, promising comfort and delight.
you walked into the house, the warm air enveloping you like a familiar embrace. it felt as though the very walls whispered stories of comfort and belonging, each step drawing you deeper into the heart of what could only be described as home.
you took your coat off, carefully hanging it on the coat hanger, the fabric whispering against the wood. matt mirrored your actions, his movements deliberate and unhurried, as if this simple ritual held a deeper significance, marking the transition from the outside world into the sanctuary of the home.
you unwind your scarf, draping it over the newel post of the staircase with a fluid motion. as you ascend the stairs alongside matt, the soft fabric of the scarf gently sways, echoing the rhythm of your steps, each one resonating with the unspoken anticipation of what lies ahead.
you entered the kitchen, immediately recognizing it from the videos they’d post. the familiar layout and cozy ambiance felt like stepping into a scene that had played out countless times in your mind, each detail resonating with a sense of déjà vu and belonging.
you and matt walked into the dining room, where the soft glow of candlelight danced upon the walls. you see jimmy, nick, and chris seated at the dining table, their faces illuminated with a warm, welcoming glow. as you take your seat and matt settles beside you, a sense of camaraderie and shared history fills the room, weaving an invisible thread that connects you all.
the entire dinner was a symphony of laughter and chatter, the sound weaving through the air like an intricate tapestry. each story and jest added a new thread, creating a rich fabric of shared joy and connection that seemed to envelop everyone in its warmth.
soon enough, everyone finished their dinner. "we can watch a movie or something," chris suggested, taking the last bite of his meal. the room fell into a comfortable silence, punctuated only by the soft clinking of cutlery and the murmur of agreement as everyone nodded, the prospect of continuing the evening's camaraderie drawing a collective sense of anticipation.
"y/n and i will follow," marylou said with a smile, her words carrying a gentle warmth. as everyone else murmured their assent, they rose from their seats and made their way to the living room, the air filled with a quiet sense of expectation and the subtle promise of shared moments yet to unfold.
"y/n, i have something i want to show you," marylou said, her eyes sparkling with a blend of excitement and secrecy. with a playful grin, she rose from her seat and glided out of the room, leaving an aura of intrigue and a palpable sense of anticipation hanging in the air.
she returned with a photo album in her hands, the edges worn with time and memories. as she placed it gently on the table, she began to flip through the pages, each turn revealing a new chapter of stories and faces.
there was a photo of matt as a little kid, his hair still a sunlit blonde, captured in the innocence of sleep in his twin-sized bed. the image seemed to whisper tales of childhood dreams and the passage of time, a tender snapshot of a simpler era.
"that's matt?" you said, your voice a blend of shock and awe. your eyes softened, taking in the scene as she chuckled, the sound carrying a warmth that bridged past and present.
"yeah, and there's a lot more where that came from," marylou replied, her fingers deftly flipping through the pages until she paused at an image of matt on his tee-ball team. the photo captured a moment of youthful exuberance, frozen in time, as the pages of the album continued to reveal the layers of his early adventures.
"he did tee-ball?" you giggled in disbelief, the sound tinged with surprise. matt had never mentioned his days on the tee-ball field, and the revelation painted a new layer to the portrait you had of him.
"yeah. for a few months before switching to hockey," marylou said, her voice tinged with a wistful reminiscence. the album's pages seemed to murmur tales of fleeting seasons, each sport a chapter in the evolving story of matt's youth.
matt walked into the room. "what's taking you two so long?" he asked, his curiosity piqued. he approached with an easy stride, standing beside you and placing a hand gently on your back. as he leaned in to scrutinize the photos, his face flushed a deep crimson, a silent testament to the memories laid bare before him.
"mom!" he exclaimed, grinning sheepishly, his cheeks turning a vivid shade of red. the word carried a blend of affection and mild embarrassment, painting a picture of a moment both tender and humorous.
"matt managed to whack the tee so hard that it flew off and struck the coach squarely in the shin," marylou recounted with a grin. "the coach hopped around in pain, eliciting laughter from everyone. matt, mortified by the spectacle, quit in sheer embarrassment," she added, her smile broadening as you let out a laugh.
"alright, that's enough," matt said, his face flushed with complete embarrassment as he closed the photo album with a decisive snap. "we will never speak of this again," he declared, pointing at you with a mixture of finality and playful admonishment.
"no promises," you smirked, a mischievous glint in your eye, as he let out a groan of exasperation.
"i'm never gonna hear the end of this, am i?" matt asked, a resigned sigh escaping his lips as marylou walked out of the room and into the living room, leaving behind an air of playful mockery.
you rise gracefully, planting a tender kiss upon his lips. "never," you murmur softly against his mouth, eliciting a playful scoff from him. "now, tell me more about the tee ball team," you continue, your curiosity piqued.
matt hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face before he sighed and began, "okay, fine. there was this one time, i felt incredibly confident, but when i swung, i missed entirely. on my second attempt, though, i hit the ball with such force that it ricocheted off the fence and came hurtling back, striking me right on the helmet."
you let out a hearty laugh, the sound echoing through the room, as matt stood there, seemingly unfazed, a bemused smile playing on his lips. the juxtaposition of your laughter and his serene demeanor created a moment of shared amusement, rich with unspoken understanding.
"it's not that funny," he said, his smile lingering despite the embarrassment that colored his cheeks. he was undeniably self-conscious, yet he couldn't help but revel in the sound of your laughter and the sight of your radiant smile, finding solace in the joy it brought.
"it is! oh my god!" you exclaimed between bouts of laughter, "i can just imagine it." your words tumbled out amidst your mirth, painting a vivid picture in your mind of the scene he had described, each detail adding to the hilarity.
once the house had settled into the stillness of slumber, and the rhythmic breathing of those asleep filled the air, you and matt silently slipped out of the confines of his room. the door creaked ever so slightly as it closed behind you, a whisper of sound that seemed magnified in the hush of the night. hand in hand, you navigated the dimly lit hallway, the soft padding of your footsteps barely disturbing the tranquility that enveloped the house.
"you should really consider decorating your room, y’know," you giggle, your voice a gentle ripple in the quiet room, as you rest against the counter, fingers tracing absentminded patterns on its cool, smooth surface.
he opens the fridge, the door swinging wide with a soft creak, and turns to you, his eyes meeting yours with a resolute "not happening" look that speaks volumes. the light from the fridge bathes his features in a soft, ethereal glow, casting delicate shadows that dance across his face, highlighting the firmness of his expression.
"wait! stay still, you look so good right now," you exclaimed, a radiant smile spreading across your face. with a fluid motion, you reached into your pocket, retrieving your phone and quickly snapping a photo of him, capturing the moment in a frame of digital memory.
"i do? really?" he asked, his smile playful as you nodded. "c'mere," he murmured, his voice a soft invitation. with a gentle touch, he laid your phone flat on the counter, his fingers lingering for a moment. then, with a tender grasp, he took your hand, pulling you close. in one fluid motion, he spun you around, the world blurring for a moment as you twirled, laughter bubbling up between you.
"may i have this dance?" he asked, his voice warm and inviting, the cool air from the fridge mingling with the warmth of his touch. his words hung in the air, a gentle melody that intertwined with the soft hum of the refrigerator, creating a moment suspended in time.
as you swayed together, the hum of the refrigerator provided a rhythmic backdrop to your impromptu dance. the coolness of the floor beneath your feet contrasted sharply with the warmth that seemed to radiate from your intertwined hands. the world outside this moment faded away, leaving just the two of you, moving in perfect harmony to the silent symphony of your hearts.
matt's eyes never left yours, and in that moment, the world outside the kitchen seemed to fade away. the simplicity of the scene—just the two of you, moving together in the soft light—was imbued with a sense of magic and intimacy.
his fingers lightly traced patterns on your back, and you could feel his heartbeat, steady and reassuring, against your cheek. the air was thick with unspoken words, every touch and glance a silent conversation that spoke volumes.
"this is perfect," you whispered, resting your head against his chest. your words seemed to dissolve into the warmth of his embrace, each syllable a tender echo that mingled with the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. the moment felt like a delicate tapestry woven from fleeting seconds, each one imbued with a timeless serenity that made the world beyond disappear.
matt chuckled softly, his breath ruffling your hair. "it really is," he murmured, holding you a little tighter. the scent of something sweet from the fridge mingled with the faint aroma of his cologne, creating a unique blend that you knew you would always associate with this moment.
the air seemed to shimmer with an almost tangible sense of connection, each breath you took filling you with a profound sense of contentment and belonging.
as the minutes passed, you both lost track of time, the kitchen becoming your private sanctuary. the outside world, with all its noise and chaos, seemed a distant memory. in the refrigerator light, everything felt simpler, more profound. the gentle hum of the appliance served as a lullaby, weaving a cocoon of tranquility around you, where every heartbeat and whisper echoed with a timeless resonance.
"i wish we could stay like this forever," you said softly, your voice barely above a whisper. your words floated in the air, delicate and fragile, as if they were a secret shared only with the night. the sentiment hung between you, a wistful longing that seemed to transcend the moment, filling the space with an almost palpable sense of yearning.
"who says we can't?" matt replied, his tone filled with gentle resolve. "for as long as we're here, this moment is ours." his words, though simple, carried the weight of a promise, resonating with a quiet strength that seemed to fortify the fragile bubble of time you both inhabited. the certainty in his voice wrapped around you like a protective cloak, anchoring you in the profound stillness of the present.
and so you continued to dance, the refrigerator light casting a soft glow on your faces, illuminating the love and connection that bound you together. in that quiet, secluded space, you found a piece of eternity.
the soft hum of the refrigerator and the gentle rhythm of your movements created a symphony of stillness, each note a testament to the unspoken bond you shared. in that fleeting moment, time seemed to stretch and bend, allowing you to grasp a fragment of forever.
the atmosphere was thick with an unspoken heaviness, like the charged air before a tempest. "you never listen to me, matt," you uttered, your voice quivering with a mix of frustration and despair. "i feel like i'm always shouting into the void, and you just don’t care.”
matt's eyes blazed with a fierce intensity. "that's not fair," he retorted sharply. "i've always been here for you, but you never see it. you're always too wrapped up in your own world to notice."
"my own world?" you echoed, your eyebrows knitting together in disbelief. "you're the one who's always distant, always distracted." you threw your hands up in frustration. "it's like i'm living with a ghost."
"maybe if you weren't so demanding, i wouldn't have to be," matt retorted, his voice rising. he clenched his fists, his knuckles whitening. "i can't breathe with you always on my back."
the words cut deep, and you felt a pang of hurt. your eyes welled up as you took a shaky breath. "so it's my fault now?" you asked, your voice breaking. "i'm the reason you're unhappy?"
matt ran a hand through his hair, exasperated. his fingers tangled in the strands as he sighed deeply. "i didn't say that. but maybe we just want different things. maybe we're not meant to be."
the silence that followed was deafening, each second stretching into an eternity. finally, you took a deep breath, your heart heavy and your voice trembling. "maybe you're right," you said quietly. "maybe we are better off apart."
matt's face softened for a moment, a flicker of regret crossing his features. he rubbed his temples, as if trying to soothe the turmoil within. "i never wanted it to come to this," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "but i can't keep pretending everything's okay when it's not."
tears welled up in your eyes, but you blinked them back, refusing to let them fall. you clenched your fists at your sides, trying to steady your breath. "i thought we could make it through anything," you said, your voice trembling like a fragile leaf in the wind. "i believed in us."
"so did i," matt replied, his voice tinged with sorrow. he ran a hand through his hair, his eyes clouded with memories. "but sometimes, love isn't enough. sometimes, we have to let go to find ourselves again."
you stood there, the weight of his words pressing down on you like a heavy blanket. the memories of your time together flashed before your eyes – the laughter, the shared dreams, the moments of pure joy.
each memory felt like a fleeting wisp of smoke, impossible to grasp. the vibrant colors of your shared past dulled, transforming into sepia-toned snapshots that seemed to belong to another life. the echoes of your laughter, once so clear and resonant, now felt like distant whispers carried away by the wind, fading into the background and leaving behind only a haunting silence.
"i guess this is goodbye, then," you said, your voice barely audible, like a fragile whisper lost in the vast expanse of a desolate night. the words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of finality, each syllable a reluctant farewell to the dreams and promises that once bound your hearts together.
matt nodded, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and resignation. "goodbye," he whispered, the word slipping from his lips like a final breath, carrying with it the weight of unspoken emotions and the lingering shadows of what could have been.
without another word, you turned and walked away, your footsteps echoing in the empty room. as you reached the door, you paused for a moment, your hand resting on the doorknob, feeling the cold metal beneath your fingers.
then, with a final, decisive twist, you opened the door and stepped through, the sound of the door slamming behind you echoing through the space like a thunderclap, reverberating with the finality of an irrevocable choice.
and just like that, the fragile thread that had held you together snapped, leaving only the echoes of what once was, lingering in the silence like the haunting remnants of a forgotten melody, each note a ghostly reminder of a bond now severed.
you walked on the sidewalks, your cold hands stuffed in your pockets. it was that time of the year again, autumn, when the crisp air carried the scent of fallen leaves and the world seemed to be painted in hues of amber and gold, each step a quiet reflection of the fleeting nature of time.
the season you had dedicated to your first and last love, matt, a time when every rustling leaf seemed to whisper his name and the fading daylight mirrored the bittersweet memories of a love that once burned brightly but now lingered like a distant, melancholic echo.
the memories were swirling in your head as you stepped on the leaves, each crunch beneath your feet a vivid reminder of that fateful night you met his parents, the leaves then as now, a tapestry of moments woven into the fabric of your shared history.
but it wasn't the same. it would never be the same, for the passage of time had woven an intricate web of change, altering the very essence of those moments, leaving behind only the faintest echoes of what once was, forever out of reach.
the leaves in boston had a slightly more colorful tone than the ones here in la. in boston, the leaves descended with a deliberate grace, each one finding its place in a vast, intricate puzzle, creating a tapestry of autumnal splendor that seemed almost choreographed by nature itself.
here in la, however, the leaves fell in a haphazard manner, accumulating in untidy heaps that lacked the same poetic precision and vibrant palette, as if the very essence of autumn had been diluted in the sprawling urban landscape.
just like your relationship. you knew without matt that things would never be the same anymore. the leaves weren’t as colorful and arranged as before, just like your life without matt. the vibrant hues that once painted your days had faded, and the meticulous order that defined your shared moments had given way to a disarray that mirrored the void in your heart.
the world around you seemed to have lost its luster, and the once harmonious rhythm of your existence had been replaced by a discordant melody, each note a reminder of the absence that now permeated your life.
the once vivid tapestry of your shared experiences had unraveled, leaving behind a landscape of muted tones and chaotic fragments, each one a testament to the profound change that his absence had wrought upon your soul.
you couldn't imagine life without him, and now you're living it. the very thought of his absence was once an unfathomable void, a chasm too deep to contemplate, and yet here you stand, navigating the labyrinth of existence without his guiding presence.
each day unravels like a somber tapestry, threads of memory and longing weaving through the fabric of your reality, reminding you of the stark contrast between the vibrant life you once knew and the shadowed path you now tread.
the echo of his laughter, the warmth of his touch, all now distant phantoms that haunt the corridors of your mind, leaving you to grapple with a reality that feels both surreal and achingly real.
the relentless march of seconds feels like an eternity, each moment stretching into a vast expanse of aching stillness, trapping you in an unyielding stasis. the weight of your longing presses heavily upon your chest, a constant reminder of the vibrant self you once were, now seemingly lost in the mists of time.
the person you once knew intimately, with dreams and laughter, feels like a distant echo, unreachable and shrouded in an impenetrable fog. every effort to reclaim that past self feels like grasping at shadows, leaving you with the haunting realization that the journey back to who you once were is a path fraught with insurmountable obstacles, each step a reminder of the chasm that now lies between your past and present.
the parcels, filled with remnants of shared memories, arrived like silent harbingers of an end you were not ready to accept. each step you take on the familiar path feels heavy with the weight of absence, the echoes of conversations and laughter that once filled the air now replaced by an eerie silence.
the streets, once vibrant with the life you built together, now seem haunted by the specter of what once was. the shadows cast by the setting sun stretch long and cold, mirroring the void within you, as you traverse this solitary journey, the intangible essence of his presence clinging to your every thought, a constant reminder of the love and companionship that has now faded into the realm of memories.
amidst the returned items, meticulously packed and devoid of sentiment, there was a glaring omission that spoke volumes in its absence.
the scarf
a simple yet profound token of shared moments and whispered secrets, remained with him. its fabric, once a source of warmth and comfort, now symbolizes a lingering connection, an unspoken tether that binds you to a past that refuses to fully let go.
the absence of the scarf among your returned belongings is a silent testament to the fragments of your existence that still reside with him, a poignant reminder that not all ties can be severed through mere physical distance.
perhaps the lingering scent of you, woven into the very fibers of the scarf, evoked a nostalgic reverie of simpler times. those carefree days, when the world seemed boundless and time was but a fleeting concept, where the wind tangled in your hair as you drove with the roof down, and the soft glow of the refrigerator light cast a dreamy hue over your spontaneous dances. these moments, etched deeply into his memory, are preserved within that scarf, a tangible fragment of a past filled with innocence and unrestrained joy.
it's a poignant reminder of a time when life was unburdened by the complexities that now weigh heavily upon both of you, a testament to the fact that he remembers it all too well, and perhaps, holds onto it as a way to keep those cherished memories alive.
perhaps amidst the heated exchange, words twisted and meanings obscured, the essence of your intentions became a labyrinth of misunderstandings. maybe your desires seemed insatiable, a reflection of the depth of your yearning.
uncertainty clouded your thoughts, a myriad of maybes and possibilities weaving a tapestry of doubt. yet, amidst this fog of ambiguity, one truth stood unwavering. you recognized the undeniable beauty of your relationship, a masterpiece crafted from moments of joy, sorrow, and everything in between. it was an intricate mosaic, each piece a testament to the shared journey, the laughter, the tears, the silent understandings, and the spoken declarations.
in the grand gallery of your lives, this relationship held a place of honor, a testament to the profound connection that, despite its complexities, was nothing short of extraordinary.
within you surged a tempest of emotions, a whirlwind of anger and sorrow, compelling you to cast the blame upon him, to unleash a torrent of accusations and cries, to declare that he was the architect of the ruin.
yet, deep within the recesses of your heart, you knew this would be a falsehood, a deception crafted to mask the painful truth. to blame him entirely would be to deny the complexities of your shared narrative, the intricate dance of choices and circumstances that led to this point.
in the quiet moments of introspection, you recognized that the tapestry of your relationship was woven with threads of both your actions, your hopes, and your fears. to scream and yell would be to ignore the nuanced reality, to shroud the deeper understanding that the unraveling was a shared journey, a masterpiece of human imperfection.
your love for him transcended the physical confines of your being, an overwhelming force that surged through your veins, threatening to spill over the edges of your very existence. it was a love so profound, so intense, that it seemed to defy the limitations of flesh and bone, reaching into the deepest corners of your soul.
this love, boundless and consuming, was an uncontainable fire, a radiant light that illuminated your every thought, every heartbeat. it was as if your heart, in its fervent devotion, could scarcely bear the weight of such an emotion, straining under the immensity of its own passion. in the quiet moments, you felt this love as a palpable presence, a force that both uplifted and overwhelmed, a testament to the extraordinary depth of your connection.
the ache of his absence was a relentless tide, washing over you with such intensity that it seemed to stretch the very fibers of your heart to their breaking point. it was a yearning so profound, so all-encompassing, that it felt as though your heart could scarcely contain the magnitude of your longing.
each beat resonated with the hollow echo of his absence, a persistent reminder of the void that his departure left behind. this longing was not merely an emotion but a physical sensation, a weight that pressed upon your chest, constricting your breath and filling your soul with an ineffable sorrow. it was as if your heart, in its desperate desire to be reunited, could hardly endure the strain of such an immense and unyielding need.
the agony coursing through you was a tempest that neither heart nor mind could withstand, a torment so profound that it seemed to transcend the very limits of human endurance. your heart, with its fragile resilience, and your mind, with its vast complexities, both faltered under the weight of such relentless sorrow.
it was a pain that etched itself into the very fabric of your being, an indelible mark that time could never erase. each moment was a stark reminder of the memories that clung to you like shadows, vivid and unyielding.
for in the quiet recesses of your mind, and the deepest chambers of your heart, you knew that these memories would remain, hauntingly clear, a testament to the depth of your suffering and the enduring power of your love. all too well.
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chestersturniolo · 7 days
𝙰 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚏𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐
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inspired by one of my soft!matt headcannons
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It was your one-year anniversary, and Matt had been acting mysteriously all day. There was something about the way he smiled, the way his eyes sparkled with a secret he couldn’t wait to reveal. You had tried to guess what he was up to, but every time you asked, he just gave you that familiar grin and said, “You’ll see”
As the evening fell, he took your hand, leading you outside. The sun was starting to set, the remnants of daylight casting gold across everything. “Where are we going?” you asked “You’ll see” he repeated with a soft chuckle.
Matt now stood behind you, his hands gently cupping your eyes. You giggled, feeling a wave of excitement. He was close enough that you could feel his breath on the back of your neck. He walked you abit further along, your eyes still covered. After a short walk, you reached a quiet spot, Matt halting your steps. “Ready?” he whispered in your ear
You nodded in response, and slowly, he uncovered your eyes. As you blink a few times to adjust your vision, your breath catches in your throat.
You let out a small gasp, “Mattttt-” you coo, your voice soft with disbelief, “it’s exactly like—”
“Our first date?” he finished, cutting you off gently, his voice filled with accomplishment. His face lit up, beaming as he hung his head,resting his chin on your shoulder, his hands slipping to your hips, holding you close from behind.
You blinked, still in awe as you took in the scene before you. A large blanket was laid out on the grass, its plaid pattern familiar. On top of it, the same exact foods you shared on that first date. There was the bunch of grapes you had made into a game of throwing into each others mouths, causing you to laugh until your bellies hurt. There was the same small fruit salad you had picked at while talking for hours, and even the same bottle of lemonade he had awkwardly spilled that day.
Every detail was perfect, right down to the basket beside it, overflowing with both of your favourite snacks. Next to it, was an enormous bouquet of flowers.
It wasn’t just a picnic—it was a memory brought to life, with even more care and thought than the first time.
Your chest tightened with emotion as you realized just how much he had remembered, how much thought had gone into recreating this moment. You could feel his heartbeat against your back as he held you, his face still resting on your shoulder, watching your reaction with quiet pride.
“You remembered everything” you whispered, almost to yourself. He let out a soft laugh, his cheek brushing against yours. “Of course I did-“ he murmured. “How could I forget?”
As your eyes flickered back over the scene, taking in every detail, It was as if time had looped back on itself, and for a moment, you were the same girl from the very first date, filled with nervous excitement, while he was the boy who made your heart race.
But today, a year later, everything felt even more profound. More real. Because now you knew each other so deeply, shared so many memories, and created a bond that was stronger than ever.
“Happy anniversary” he whispered, his voice full of love.
You turned in his arms, looking up into his eyes. “Happy anniversary” you echoed, smiling up at the man who, a year ago, had stolen your heart—and continued to make you fall for him, over and over again. A year of falling.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
taglist; @sturnobsessedwh0re @nayveetbhh @phone4pills @demzzz @dripgodnay
@sturniooolos @monroesturnns @mattsbitchh @slutforsturnioloss @pvssychicken @tsturniolo4
@brianna-grace12 @blahbel668 @stvrlighht @witchofthehour @ilyttmatsa @asherrisrandom @l0ver-i
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captainwans · 8 months
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pairing: alex turner x fem! actress! reader
summary: while she didn’t care about the distance between them, alex couldn’t help but feel responsible for her exhaustion from traveling this far, especially when the distance was longer.
warning: mild swearing, matt being a tease, and nothing but sweet rotting fluff, friends to lovers trope!
word count: 3,9k | ( gif not mine! )
arabella series!
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…. [Y/N]’S SHOES CLANKED ON THE HARD WOODEN FLOOR, THE SOUND OF HER HEELS ECHOING ACROSS THE HALL AS SHE PACED WITH HER STEPS. Much to her dismay, the actress was late and missed the concert, and to say that she was devastated was an understatement. She spent the last three hours on a train trying to get there, which was something she wouldn’t tell Alex. Knowing him he would’ve lost his mind and attempted to drive her back himself. She received a sweet message from him, reassuring her that it was not a problem at all and that he was just happy that he was going to see her again. Her cheeks flushed at his message and she read it multiple times, his words planted inside her mind like a mantra.
The pair had been inseparable ever since she was cast as the lead woman in their music video, Arabella, not to mention an inspiration behind the song itself. With her oblivious nature, she had no idea whatsoever. But, what better way than to announce this at a Comic-Con panel in front of thousands of people
She remembered being caught off guard by this question, not expecting to get questions regarding other aspects of her life other than Marvel-related questions. She did answer, though, stating that she had no idea with a sheepish look. Her comment made the crowd react, even her cast members gave her weird looks due to the song's popularity. At that moment, she made a mental note to listen to the song right after the event.
[Y/N] was awe-struck, not only by the song but also by how his voice conveyed a range of different vocals. She recalled pondering over some familiarity in his voice, feeling that she had heard his voice somewhere before but couldn't pinpoint exactly where. The lyrics of Arabella made her ears perk up with curiosity, being impressed by the small details that could only be referred to from the movie she shot. She fell in love with the song and his voice. His delicate voice and poetic words were the only things that were blasting through the speakers in her trailer, annoying the rest of her cast members.
“[Y/N], would you please turn it down, some of us have to sleep,” The Black Widow actress pleaded, her tone tinted with annoyance as she slowly entered inside her trailer. She watched [Y/N]’s cheeks redden, muttering a small apology before lowering the volume.
“Sorry, Scar, it won’t happen, again.” she sheepishly said, adjusting her glasses that rested on her delicate features whilst her eyes trailed over her script that was placed into her hands. She watched her friend from the corner of her eyes, feeling her presence behind her.
“Arctic Monkeys? Oh, was that the boyband that wanted you in their music video?” Scarlett asked her, eyes sparkling as her eyes looked at her computer screen. She took a look at the group, eyes lingering longer on the lead vocalist. She chuckled, giving her friend a knowing look. “I see why you’re so hooked, look at him,” she poked her waist, making [Y/N] squirm as her lips emitted a small squeak.
“Scarlett–please, stop!” she whined, slapping her hand away before shifting in her seat to make room for her to sit, which she happily obliged. A tint of dust painted her cheeks, lips curving up unknowingly when the lyrics of one of her favorite songs so far, played in the background.
“But I crumble completely when you cry,” Alex’s voice filled inside her eardrums, making her let out a content sigh as she looked down at the script that she was supposed to memorize. She had been stuck on a line for the past fifteen minutes, and she blamed it on his voice. It was addicting—like a drug and she couldn’t resist.
[Y/N] smiled, putting her papers on the table in front of her before turning her attention to her friend, who was nodding her head to the music, her eyes narrowed and focused. She chuckled as she watched Scarlett make a face, signaling that she liked what she was hearing. “They’re very good. I don’t know why you haven’t said yes.”
She grinned, rubbing the back of her neck before she laid her head on her shoulder. “They’re amazing, Scar. And I said yes. I’m gonna be meeting with them in a week. We’re actually gonna film a few hours away from the set, meaning that I can tell you everything about it.” she chimed, eyes crinkling from smiling.
Scarlett clapped with a bright smile, expressing her support for her. She hugged her best friend, squeezing her tight. “I’m so happy for you. This is so exciting. Alex is gonna lose his mind over your beauty, I mean look at you, girl. Heck–even I would risk it all for you.” she told her with a wink, making [Y/N] burst out in laughter as they leaned into each other.
She cursed at herself, mumbling incoherent words as she was looking for Alex and Miles, holding her phone up to her face whilst she was trying to read the address Alex sent her. She squinted her eyes and blinked a few times to shake away her exhaustion, the never-ending filming and traveling resting on her shoulders. The three-hour ride seemed to be her last straw before she could collapse at any second, but she had her painkillers and a few cups of coffee to keep her up, for a while.
The sound of Alex’s laughter seemed to cease some of her drowsy state and she fastened her pace, her feet leading her to one of the waiting rooms backstage. She scoffed with a chuckle, listening to Miles’ banter and his comment made her roll her eyes. She cleared her throat, bringing her hand to the door and giving it a little push as she made an appearance.
“I heard that, Miles!” [Y/N]’s voice echoed across the room, earning a cheerful laugh from the latter, along with the rest of them as she made an appearance with a playful expression toward the singer, who put his guitar away and dashed toward her with a beaming grin. “Speaking of the devil. Hello, love.”
[Y/N]’s chest vibrated from laughter and sank into his embrace, patting his back. “It’s good to see you, Miles. Sorry, I couldn’t make it to the concert to watch you live, but I watched it on my phone. You guys were incredible, as always.” she gushed, pulling away as she mirrored his grin.
Miles gave her a look of gratitude, kissing her forehead. “It’s alright, [Y/N],” he brushed her off with a gentle squeeze on her bicep. He brought her to his side again, side-hugging her before leading her to the rest of the team. “Please, if we’re speaking about a performance, you killed it in the Winter Soldier.” she heard Jamie say, earning a few nods and chimes at his statement.
Crimson danced across her cheeks, making her move her gaze away from Miles to the others in the room, some lazily spread across the couch and others standing beside the food table. Her smile widened, noticing the rest of the band, and her eyes shamelessly searched for a certain vocalist but were abruptly interrupted by being pulled into another embrace by Jamie, Nick, and Matt, who squeezed her making her let out a choked laugh.
“Oh, I’ve missed you guys so much!”
“Don’t squeeze her to death, lads,” Alex’s voice filled her ears, causing her heart to skip a beat, feeling the rush of blood through her ears. Her muffled giggles were enough to put a soft smile on Alex’s handsome features, watching her pull away from the group before turning her body around to meet him.
[Y/N] let out a content sigh, a gentle smile reaching her features before launching herself into his arms, her arms around his waist as she hid her face onto his chest. She felt exhaustion hit her like a tidal wave, making her feel drowsy, and she closed her eyes for a second to feel his arms around her.
Alex felt his cheeks flush, being self-aware by the looks the others were giving them, but that soon disappeared when she gently squeezed his waist, her hands rubbing his back comfortably. “Hello, gorgeous,” he whispered into her ear, brushing a hand over her hair as he closed his eyes, taking in her scent.
The pair pulled away, both smiling ridiculously at each other, but that moment was shortly interrupted by Miles who made gagging sounds, earning laughs from the others. “Take it somewhere else, love birds. You guys are disgustingly cute, it makes me wanna gag,” he whined, gripping his guitar before taking a seat beside Nick.
[Y/N] scoffed, a frown etched onto her features as she pulled Alex closer to her side. She felt his hands caressing her waist, gently rubbing circles around her skin. “Like you’re the one to talk. You get to have him all by yourself on the stage. Yeah, I’ve seen the videos, Miles.” she sassed back, making Alex burst out in laughter, his chest vibrating.
Miles’ face reddened, making him shake his head with laughter. Nick, who was beside him, was dying of laughter and pushed him to the side. “Touche, love.”
[Y/N] giggled, eyes turning back to Alex, whose eyes were already on her, staring at her lovingly. She bit her lip, eyes darting across his lips before shyly diverting her gaze away. He watched her turning her attention back to the others, having a conversation with Matt and his girlfriend, Breana, who came in a little late and became ecstatic when she saw her presence.
She was sitting at the edge of the couch, her body turned across the others who were comfortably sitting on the other couch while Alex was standing beside her, practically leaning against her, which she didn’t mind at all, enjoying his close presence with his hand playing with the hem of her cardigan.
[Y/N] felt a sudden bursting pain at the back of her skull, searing through her temples making her grimace with a look of discomfort. She clenched her jaw with furrowed eyebrows, eyes focusing on Breana, but as the minutes passed her voice became fainter, along with the rest of the room. As much as she tried to hold it in, her tiredness stole the character from her eyes, leaving them blank and hollow.
“And it was a really important moment for me, you know…” Breana’s voice echoed inside her ears, making her squint her eyes before placing a hand on her temples, feeling her sides throbbing rather aggressively.
“I didn’t know her story took that of a toll on you,” Matt spoke, watching her friend covering a hand on her face, earning a few chuckles. Breana laughed, placing a hand on her arm. “I’m sorry if my stories bore you out, babe, I’ll shut up.” she joked, squeezing her arm making her wince at the spot where she accidentally landed on her arm when filming a scene.
[Y/N] chuckled from the pain, feeling the spot burning. She felt guilt prickling at her chest, making her look up to her friend, giving her an apologetic smile. “You never bore me, Bre,” she told her sheepishly, standing up from her seat to get her bag to get her painkillers. “Sorry…It’s just uh–” she let out a weary sigh, a sound with the heavy weight of exhaustion bubbling up the surface, making her stop talking as she forgot what she was about to say in the first place.
Alex, who had been eying her for a while, was the first one to speak. “Are you alright, love?” he asked with a concerned look, reaching out to her as she watched her halt with her steps. He grunted at the sudden weight of her body falling against him, and his frown deepened when he felt her shallow and ragged breathing. “It’s okay, I’m okay. I just need to sit down, that’s all,” she reassured, leading them both back towards the couch, making Miles and Nick shoot up from their seat to make some room for the duo.
Breana’s eyebrows furrowed with concern and she kneeled in front of her, her warm hands resting on her neck, brushing a few hair strands away from her damp forehead. “[Y/N], babe, do you need some water?” she softly asked, her voice getting smaller, as if she spoke any louder she would break at any second.
Matt stood up from his seat, “I’ll get her some water.”
[Y/N] squeezed her eyes shut, fingers rubbing her tired eyes as the buzzing inside her head filled every crack of her brain, rattling every bone making her let out a shaky exhale. “Yes, I–I, uh…I have some painkillers inside my bag..” she stuttered out, feeling her cheeks flush as she looked at her friend with a sheepish look.
Alex turned in his seat, his eyes searching for her bag. His hand grabbed the hold of her purse, his hands roaming inside to look for her painkillers. Matt returned and opened the lid of the water bottle, giving it to his girlfriend, which she took and looked back at Alex to see him holding a pill.
“I’m sorry, guys. This is embarrassing…” [Y/N] said in a soft tone, her voice turning smaller as she accepted the water from Breana’s hands before turning to Alex and taking the painkiller from his hands. Her hands took hold of the small pill, her hands lingering for a moment before clutching her hand and downing the pill with water. She felt him shift, one of his hands resting on her thigh, rubbing small circles to cease some of her pain.
Nick frowned, standing behind her. “For being under the weather? [Y/N], there’s no need to apologize,” he reassured, patting her shoulders with a comforting smile.
Jamie nodded his head with a thoughtful expression, “Yeah, I mean, your job is no better than us. I can’t imagine filming all day on set and—” he trailed off, but once he looked at Alex’s glare his mouth closed and he cleared his throat, “I’m sorry, [Y/N].”
[Y/N]’s lips curved upwards at his apology and she shook her head with a small smile. “Don’t sweat it.” she gently brushed him off and took a few sips before placing the bottle on the table in front of her. “You’re not wrong though. We’ve been filming intensively these past few weeks and staying up all night with the others to perfect the script. I haven’t really got the time to do anything else outside filming and I missed you guys–” she voiced her thoughts before Matt interjected with one of his cheeky remarks.
“Guys? I think that applies to only one person, and he’s sitting beside you right now.” Matt chimed, his eyes sparkling with a tint of mischief. This earned a slap on his shoulder, and he hissed looking at Breana, who gave him a disapproving look. “Oh, way to ruin the moment, Matthew.”
Alex’s heart stuttered against his chest, feeling blood rushing through his cheeks as he looked at [Y/N] with his lips curving upwards. His smile soon turned into a look of annoyance at the fact that his bandmate interrupted her and he let out a sigh. “Shut up, you dickhead. Let her talk.” he bluntly said, his brown eyes piercing through Matt’s, making him put his hand up in surrender with the same grin etched onto his features.
Alex’s comment made the others burst out in laughter, including [Y/N] who turned around in her seat to look at him, her chest vibrating with laughter, making him join her, her laughter being music to his ears. She grabbed his bicep, giving it a little squeeze before clearing her throat. She wiped a lone tear away from her eyes and chuckled. “Thank you, Al. Wait, what were we talking about again?” she contemplated, closing one eye in deep thought, and making Breana laugh.
Miles, who sat across from the pair, played a soft tune on his guitar before asking her. “Since, we’re talking about your job, where’s your set located in? I know Alex told me you were filming near this area..?”
[Y/N] bit her lip with a nod, internally cursing at how her white lie had come this far and she definitely didn’t want to say that it was three hours, knowing that Alex would lose his mind for traveling this far to get here. She remembered Scarlett teasing her and gushing about her heart eyes towards him, calling her a lovesick puppy.
“Oh, you’re in love, honey. It’s so cute. You’re like a lovesick puppy. But I must say…this look—” Scarlett stopped mid-sentence, gesturing with her hand, making [Y/N] want to roll her eyes. “It looks good on you, [Y/N].”
“Yeah…uh–It’s located in…” she trailed off, mumbling the rest of her sentence in a hushed tone and covered it up with a forced cough.
Miles frowned, leaning his body against his guitar as he moved his head toward her. “What? I didn’t hear what you said there, love.” she gave him a sheepish grin, heat washed over as crimson danced across her cheeks. She felt Alex inch closer, almost feeling his breath against her neck making her breath hitch. She grew hot and cleared her throat, name-dropping the location, which made Miles’ eyes wide.
“Isn’t that three hours away from here?” Nick, Matt, and Breana nodded to confirm his question, making [Y/N] close her mouth, feeling her heartbeat inside her ears. She licked her lips, feeling Alex’s burning gaze on her and she turned around to meet with his confused expression.
Alex looked back and forth from Miles and to [Y/N], his frown deepening. “Three hours? Didn’t you tell me that it was half an hour from here?” He questioned, and her chest prickled at the sound of his voice.
The rest looked at each other, a look of amusement plastered onto their faces as they watched the pair. Matt was leaning into Jamie, who looked at the couple with a grin and Breana could sense another remark coming from her boyfriend and she slapped his arm, giving him a warning look.
[Y/N] gave him a tip-lipped smile, eyes looking anywhere than him. “I did? Oh well..” she admitted, giving him a small shrug, and Alex looked at her like she had grown two heads.
Alex shook his head, his face turning into a deep scowl. His stomach clenched at the fact that she was traveling this long to see him. He could also feel his heart flutter at her commitment, but that soon faded away as his mind went back to her current state. He inched closer, his rough calloused hands grabbed her arm, gently squeezing it. “No, wait. Hold on a second. You’re telling me that you drove three hours to come here, and you’re planning on driving back?”
[Y/N] tilted her head to the side, giving him another shrug. “So?” she replied back, not seeing his point and she gave him a look to elaborate with a hand gesture. This made the others erupt into another pit of laughter, gushing over how adorable [Y/N] was and Matt couldn’t help but crawl over to Alex, making kissing sounds and grabbing his shoulders. “You two are so adorable!”
Alex jerked away from his touch and cursed at him, his annoyance bubbling up through the surface. He stood up from the couch, leading [Y/N] with him as they walked over to the food table. “Can’t even get a fucking break..” he mumbled under his breath, but enough for her to hear and she stifled back a laugh.
Her gaze diverted away from the others toward Alex, watching him leaning against the table as he gave his bandmate a look of disdain. Her eyes softened, feeling her chest tighten as her mind went back to the conversation a few moments ago. She crossed her arms like two swords, inching closer to him. “It’s really not a big deal, Al. We planned this, remember? It was the only day that fit our schedule.” she reminded him with a nudge on his hip, earning a small smile from the singer.
Alex looked at her, his eyes lingering on her face as he memorized every detail. He clenched his jaw, bringing a hand over his mouth before voicing his thoughts. “I know, I just…don’t want it to go over at the expense of your health. You could’ve just told me that you weren’t feeling well, and I would’ve understood that, darling.” he shared, his expression turning into a concerned look.
[Y/N]’s eyes danced, mirroring the swarm of butterflies inside her stomach as she looked at him with a fond expression. She hummed with a simper. “I know.” she sheepishly replied with a nod, hiding her hands inside her oversized cardigan and looking up at him. What she was going to do next even surprised her and she wondered where she got that confidence from. “But…I wanted to see you. Traveling for me is not a problem, heck–I could fly out here just to see you, even if it’s for a few minutes.” she expressed, her brave moment instantly disappearing as she realized what she just said out loud, leaving her a complete stuttering mess.
Alex caught his breath at her words, his brain trying to process what just came out of her delicate lips that he craved so for a taste. His lips curved upwards unknowingly, his eyes tinted with slight amusement at her stuttering mess. “Shit, did I just say that out loud?” he bit his lip with a nod, a smirk etched onto his features as he came closer.
“Yeah, and I’m so glad that you said it.” [Y/N]’s smile widened, inching closer to reach out, removing a few hair strands away from his face. Her hand lightly brushed his jaw, fingers lingering on his skin, slowly moving down to his lips.
Alex closed his eyes for a second, melting at her soft and gentle touch. His hand hovered over hers, placing her hand on his chest and intertwined their hands. Before he could let out a word, his bandmates interrupted yet another sweet moment of the pair, and that seemed to hit the last nerve for Alex. A chorus of “aww” echoed across the room and the pair looked at them, noticing they had an audience.
Breana gave her friend an apologetic look before standing up and taking a hold of Matt’s shirt to drag him out of Alex’s sight, but the lead vocalist was faster and he bolted towards him, making Matt let out a loud cackle as he chased him out of the room, leaving the rest with another session of laughter. “Get back here, you little shit!”
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solitary-bones · 4 months
so dndads live show St Paul! idk how much of this is a spoiler for anyone else going to shows so I'ma cut here!
we had!
- so many gay people in the audience that as I was walking in to the venue I said to my friend damn this is like a pride parade and a bunch of gay people in front of me were like TRUEE
- a live performance of both! dead and gone and rocks rock! it was so incredible. Beth and Will both POPPED OFFF!!!!!! they were so cool oh my god. and Freddie fucking shredded it on the electric guitar it was so sick.
- silly St Paul themed dad facts plus Ron just uhh thinking all manual labor is called a hand job.
- the people royally fucking up the dice roll (not my fault I was in the balcony I cannot be held responsible)
- the people absolutely manifesting the complete improv prompt as the live show topic. and all of the cast going into mourning over it (will fell to his knees on the stage so dramatically it was so funny)
- the cast deciding to do a DND game with their characters! Starring: Will Campos as Henry oak as Mr Chris (later Dr Chris), by the book health inspector! Matt Arnold as Darryl Wilson as Darryl, ex football quarterback now accomplished priest searching to remember all 10 commandments! Beth may as Ron stampler as Nor Relpmats, doctor (the best health inspector of them all)! and Freddie Wong as Glenn Close as Glenn The Closer, weed enjoyer moonlighting as a health inspector relying on his gut! Anthony Burch as Patrick as Patrick the shit (among other characters)!
- the audience not being able to stop being horny when giving suggestions for what their location, bad guy, and theme were gonna be (bdsm dungeon, just a guy from the audience named Patrick, and a 10 commandments dildo)
- an abundance of flashbacks and one single flashforward
- butt spanking competition to get past the second door (it is a bdsm castle ig)
-mr Chris tests to see if the floor has been cleaned recently and thinks it hasn't. Glenn the closers gut says it's fine but Mr Chris says if he tastes some of what's on the ground he'll be able to tell better. Glenn the Closer bites his fingers and Mr Chris is into it.
- Mr Chris finding a dead cockroach on the ground and revives it using CPR and mouth to mouth (Anthony is the cockroach and also when will tried to fake the mouth to mouth yelled DO IT PUSSY so yeah they actually kissed like twice at least) and revived it to ask about the cleanliness of the floor and found it not very.
- none other than paeden bennets on the second level, who Darryl proceeded to obliterate with a holy football. I'm not lying (not before asking how Patrick the DM knew about their friend Paeden who was long dead and us getting a lively npc on npc scene by Anthony of Patrick meeting Paeden and getting punched in the balls and saying "I'll never forget you")
- Test by the health inspectors to see if the blood of paeden would get cleaned up. all of the soots from spirited away came in with little mops to clean it and cleaned all the party. Glenn rolled to see if he's into it and got a 9 but the crowd gave inspiration and he got a 6, which is 69 so he was and wanted to stay there forever with the soots. Henry as Mr Chris used his persuasion to get Glenn the closer to leave the soots by saying that whatever they're doing he could do it better. because apparently they're ex lovers now. (Anthony yelled something about Will wanting to kiss another boy)
- Flashback reveals that they were highschool sweethearts but were going to health inspection schools on opposite sides of the US and were talking about how their relationship would progress from there when Mr Chris' secret lover barges in and informs them that they're pregnant and he's the father! Glenn the Closer gets upset and asks what happened and Mr Chris proceeds to another, extremely graphic, flashback where Ron the doctor commentates the uhhh conceiving of said child. and Glenn is understandably upset at the graphicness of this explanation about being cheated on. They end with bitter words, stating they're now nemesis in health inspection.
- Nor asks Mr Chris how long it's been since he saw his son Patrick. (not since birth lmao)
- they go up to the final level, find Patrick using the commandment dildo, on the 8th one I think, and upon seeing his absent father run in and ask "are ya winning, son!?"gets extremely turned off. he understandably asks what he's doing there after being absent his whole life. Mr Chris explains that he's finally ready to be back in his life, with his husband Glenn the closer, and his newfound belief in Christianity from Darryl the priest who's really good at football.
- Flashforward to Mr Chris and Glenn the Closer living together and apparently "they're bougie enough to have their own priest" so Darryl lives with them too. Nor comes to visit and we see the commandment dildo hanging above the mantle.
and that's that on that.
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pitviperofdoom · 2 years
Team Kill-Dracula as a DnD Party
Van Helsing: Cleric, Grave Domain. Probably the easiest choice. As a doctor he’s the party’s principal healer, he’s the one who keeps whipping out holy symbols and prayers, and he has all the know-how on identifying and dealing with all things Undead. Also Van Helsing using Path to the Grave would be incredibly badass.
Arthur Holmwood: Ranger, Beast Master Conclave. This one’s a gimme. We already know he hunts regularly, it’s the pastime of choice for rich lordly types, and he spent one notable scene summoning and skillfully handling some dogs.
Quincey Morris: Fighter, Cavalier Archetype. I definitely knew he was the party’s fighter, but it wasn’t until I did some digging that I found out there was a fighter type with an emphasis on mounted combat. My man is a COWBOY. Admittedly Matt Mercer’s Gunslinger homebrew is also tempting, but since it has more emphasis on tinkering, I thought the Cavalier perks would fit Quincey a little more.
John Seward: Cleric, Mind Domain. This man gave me SO MUCH TROUBLE because everybody else slotted so neatly into their classes and I could not for the life of me figure out what fit him. I finally landed on cleric since he’s the second doctor in the party, and when I did a little more googling I found out that mind clerics were a thing, which is both incredibly cool and fitting for the guy who has given me psychic damage multiple times.
Jonathan Harker: Barbarian, Path of the Berserker. He’s just. He angy. When he swung a machete at Dracula and stole his lunch money I was like “Yeah that was a Reckless Attack. He definitely had advantage on that.” Once his wife got the chomp all bets were off. He Would Like To Rage.
Mina Harker: Bard, College of Eloquence. I debated between this and College of Lore, but I landed on eloquence because this woman’s charisma is high as fuck, she grants inspiration every time she opens her mouth, and she seems to know exactly what to say to whoever she talks to, from her husband to Lucy’s suitor squad to Renfield. Let’s be real, she united the whole group single-handed and probably would have charmed her way into being the face of the party if Van Helsing’s paternalistic Victorian sensibilities hadn’t kicked in. Unfortunately she also has one level in warlock with an undead patron she doesn’t want, but on the bright side she can cast Eldritch Blast now.
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erisweekofficial · 1 year
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We are SO excited to have chatted with Matthew Bassett, the voice actor for Eris Vanserra in the Graphic Audio Production of the ACOTAR series.
Read below for an Exclusive Q&A with Matt ❤️
How long have you been voice acting? How did you get started in the voice acting industry?
I’ve only really worked with Graphic Audio for voice acting, and I’ve been in their roster of actors since 2012. I’ve been a stage actor (with a tiny bit of film) since 2003, and I’ve taught acting in the Washington, DC, area since 2012. When I moved to the DC area after graduate school and started working around here, a number of actors I liked and admired kept mentioning this company that provided steady work on fun material - westerns, fantasy, sci-fi. The comic book adaptations sold me, I’m a huge comics fan. Since 2012, I’ve played countless varmints, monsters, cads, aliens, superheroes/villains, and the occasional good guy. Along with Eris, my larger roles have included voicing The Homelander in all six volumes of GA’s adaption of The Boys graphic novels and Cullen in the World of Lupi series.
Can you describe the process for being selected for the role of Eris (or any other character)? Were there auditions, callbacks, or specific criteria that led to your casting?
Graphic Audio works like a repertory acting company, in that after your initial audition, they maintain your contact information for project directors to pull from when needed. I’ve done a lot of work with Colleen Delaney, director of the ACOTAR adaptations, including several longer character arcs in multiple series, so she thought I would be a good fit for Eris based on similar characters (rogueish, but with hidden depth that is explored over time) I’ve played elsewhere. I’m glad she did! Eris has been really fun.
How did you prepare for the role of Eris in terms of understanding the character's backstory, motivations, and relationships with other characters?
Graphic Audio does a fantastic job of preparing actors and directing us through performances. Colleen sent each actor a brief but rich character description, often quoting directly from the novels, as well as providing a plot description for each specific novel (necessary since the turnaround from offer to recording is very short). During our sessions, Colleen tells me everything I need to know about where Eris has been since the last scene/book and how his relationships have evolved. GA directors also read in as “scene partners,” which, considering they are all performers themselves, makes it very easy to react as I imagine Eris would.
Eris is a complex and morally ambiguous character. What aspects of his personality did you find most challenging to convey in your performance, and how did you approach tackling those challenges?
His vulnerability is very challenging. Eris has had a hard life, despite growing up with every privilege, which is difficult to convey. He hates everyone to some extent, but it all comes from how much he hates his family and himself. The scenes with Morrigan in particular take a while to record - he has all the feelings when talking to her, but he can’t show any of them.
Did you have any creative input into how Eris's voice would sound, or was it a collaborative effort with the production team and director? Were there any specific discussions about the character's vocal tone or style?
Definitely collaborative! His basic vocal character is very close to mine, with the musicality dialed up a bit so he can taunt everyone so well. Where my director really helps is pushing me to find the different levels to his interactions - when he’s teasing (often), when he’s antagonizing (mostly with Cassian), and when he’s speaking from his heart (VERY rarely, usually to or involving Morrigan).
What actors (voice, stage, film, etc) have inspired you? And did any actors or other characters help inspire your performance for Eris?
Hoo boy. Too many to list! For something like Eris, a lot of inspiration from Tom HIddleston’s Loki, Tom Cruise’s Lestat de Lioncourt, and anything Jeremy Irons has ever done. Characters that you can’t take your eyes off of, even as you want to beat the crap out of them.
Were there any specific challenges or unique aspects to voicing Eris compared to other characters you've portrayed in the past? How did you adapt your voice to capture his essence?
Y’know, for all the dirtbags, murderers, literal monsters, aliens, and villains I’ve voiced, Eris is the one with the biggest heart. The biggest challenge is allowing him to have a deep want, hidden from even himself, for some tenderness, the one thing he has been denied his entire life. A character like Eris is easy to just have fun with and play as a smug prick (which he is), but he has moments of aching loneliness that make him much richer. SPOILER: One of my most recent favorite moments was playing Eris’ surprise and gratitude when receiving a “made” dagger for safekeeping. Eris can’t fathom trusting anyone else with something so powerful and important, because he simply wasn’t shown that level of trust or respect. The moment took him by such surprise. It was great to let myself feel that in the playing.
Do you have any advice for aspiring voice actors who are considering pursuing a career in Voice Acting? Any tips for breaking into the business and honing their craft?
Train your voice! I received excellent vocal training as part of my MFA (Master of Fine Arts) in Acting at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. I learned how to care for my vocal health, how to support with my breath, and how to modulate the dynamics of my voice for character differentiation as well as basic performance beats. You may not have the inclination for that level of training, but a regular voice lesson with a singing coach will give you similar techniques. In terms of breaking in: like anything of this nature, it’s relationships. Build a strong resume, but also build strong relationships with your collaborators and a reputation for reliability. Directors know that I’ll prepare so that I can make strong initial choices, but that I am more than happy to adjust my choices as needed to make the overall production its best.
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vanteguccir · 2 months
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         𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: When things between Matt and Y/N start to heat up for the first time, insecurities about her own stomach and stretch marks make it difficult for Y/N to move forward.
WARNING: Body issues, self-hate, insecurities, smut (‼️), oral (fem receiving), fingering, mention of loss of virginity.
REQUESTED?: Yes, by anon.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism, copy, or "inspiration"! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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The room was dimly lit by the soft glow of a bedside lamp, casting a warm, intimate ambiance around Matt's bedroom. The familiar scent of his cologne mingled with the faint hint of fabric softener from the freshly laundered sheets, creating a comforting atmosphere. The soft hum of the air conditioning provided a gentle background noise, a steady, comforting presence that filled the silence.
In the center of it all, Y/N and Matt stood close together, their breaths mingling in the small space between them. Matt's hands were firm yet tender on Y/N's waist, his fingers tracing idle patterns that sent shivers down her spine.
Y/N's hands were restless, exploring the familiar terrain of Matt's chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath her fingertips. The intensity of their kiss deepened, a fiery, unrestrained passion that had been simmering just beneath the surface for far too long. The heat between them was palpable, an electric charge that crackled in the air, urging them closer, pushing the boundaries of their self-control.
"What are you doing, sweetheart?" Matt's voice was a low, teasing rumble, his breath hot against her ear. He pulled back just enough to look into her eyes, a cheeky grin playing at the corners of his mouth.
He knew exactly what she was doing, the way her hands were starting to roam over his body, exploring with a mix of curiosity and desire. His eyes were dark with arousal, the playful glint in them making her heart race even faster.
"Nothing." Y/N replied, her voice barely more than a whisper, a blush creeping up her cheeks. Her hands stilled, suddenly self-conscious, but the spark of desire in Matt's gaze was intoxicating. She felt a wave of heat flush through her, her body responding to his closeness, to the way he was looking at her, like she was the only thing that mattered in the world.
Matt's grin widened, and he leaned in to press a kiss to the tip of her nose, his lips lingering for a moment longer than necessary.
"Are you sure about that?" He murmured against her skin, his hands tightening their grip on her waist, pulling her even closer. His touch was both reassuring and electrifying, a combination that made her feel safe and utterly alive.
Y/N bit her lip, her heart pounding in her chest. She felt a rush of conflicting emotions, a mixture of excitement and nervousness.
"I think I’m ready for, like, it, I just-" She started softly, the words tumbling out before she could second-guess herself. The admission hung in the air between them, a fragile, delicate truth that made her stomach twist with a mix of anticipation and fear.
Matt's expression softened, the playful glint in his eyes replaced with something deeper, more serious.
"What's going on, babe?" He asked, his voice gentle and concerned. He could sense the shift in her mood, the way her hands trembled slightly against his chest. "Hey, talk to me."
Y/N felt a lump form in her throat, her mind racing with insecurities. She had always been self-conscious about her body, the stretch marks that marred her skin, the way her stomach always felt bloated. She had never been intimate with anyone before, and the thought of baring herself completely to Matt was both thrilling and terrifying. The tears came unbidden, a rush of emotion that she couldn't hold back.
"I... I just..." She began, her voice breaking. She felt pathetic, standing there with tears glowing inside her eyes, ruining what should have been a perfect moment.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Matt panicked, his hands flying from her waist to her face, cupping her cheeks in his hands, his thumbs brushing away the tears that spilled from her eyes. "You don't have to be ready now, sweetheart. If you're not, you're not. I'm not gonna be mad at you for that. Or for anything at all... Just, please, talk to me."
Y/N's breath caught in her throat momentarily, swallowing hard as she felt Matt's eyes search hers.
"I'm not... I'm not skinny."
Her low and soft words came as a shock to Matt, who seemed to lose whatever words of comfort his mind was forming, his mouth opening and closing repeatedly for a few seconds.
"Why... Why would you say that, lovie?"
Y/N took a shaky breath, trying to steady herself. She felt so exposed, so vulnerable, but Matt's touch was grounding, his presence a steady anchor in the storm of her emotions.
"I have all these stretch marks, and my stomach is very bloated all the time, and I just... I'm scared you won't like what you see." She took a deep breath, finally looking into Matt's eyes. "I'm not blind, Matt. I see all those girls that you and your brothers are friends with and surround yourself with when you go out with other famous people. I have self-awareness, you know?"
Matt stared at her for long seconds, as if trying to figure out whether she was telling the truth or not, despite knowing deep down that it wasn't a joke.
"Sweetheart, you think that matters to me at all?" He shook his head, frowning deeply. "I'm never looking at them like that, I don't even care about their bodies or how they look. You're the one who matters to me-"
"Matt, my stomach is the worst thing about me. I’m this weird, gross, awkward dirty with all those marks that no one likes, always with this fucking bloated stomach." She sniffled, her hands leaving Matt's body and going to her own, closing into fists against her own stomach, pressing the sagging skin over her clothes.
"Baby, that's not-"
"And when you see it all, you're going to think I’m a gross disgusting monster and you’re going to go find some other girl with a more defined body size and with zero marks to love and fuck." She couldn't stop her word vomiting, her hands closing around itself more and more, pain radiating from her knuckles, but she ignored it.
"Sweetheart, I would never-"
"Matt, I try so hard to hide it all with all of these clothes and modeling girdle. I try so hard to pretend that I don't have any of these shit, and now you're going to see it, and you’re going to hate me so much."
She paused momentarily, sniffling while lowering her eyes to her lap.
"I just... I don't want you to be disappointed. I can't bear it." She finally admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
After Y/N stopped talking, Matt remained silent for a few seconds, waiting to make sure she had finished spilling what she needed to.
When she didn't start talking again, Matt didn't respond with words. Instead, he leaned in and captured her lips in a tender, reassuring kiss, his hand holding her chin softly. He poured all his love and understanding into the gesture, holding her close and letting the moment stretch out, giving her time to feel his affection.
Slowly, he began to trail kisses across her cheek, down her jawline, and along her neck. Y/N's breath hitched, but she let him continue, a mix of fear and longing coursing through her.
Matt's wet kisses reached her clavicle, his hands gently meeting the hem of her shirt. He tugged it up slowly, giving her every opportunity to stop him if she wanted to.
She didn't. Instead, she felt a surge of trust and desire, her insecurities momentarily forgotten in the warmth of his touch.
As he removed her shirt and laid her down on the bed, he kept his own chest close, shielding her body from his view to ease her anxiety.
He took off her cotton shorts with the same slow, deliberate care, his lips trailing lower down her body, never rushing, never pushing her too far.
When he reached the edge of her bra, his lips kissed gently between her boobs, his touch filled with reverence. His pace remained steady, unhurried, as he kissed just below her bra, feeling her breath quicken.
Sensing her nearing the edge of tears again with his proximity to her middle region, Matt's hand found hers across the white sheets, squeezing gently to offer reassurance. He kissed down her torso, pausing just above her belly button before kissing directly below it and across both sides of her stomach.
His own desires and intrusive thoughts surged, and he couldn't help but kiss the soft flesh of her stomach just above her leg, then moving to her hips, his tongue flicking out to taste her skin near her stretch marks, a small groan scaping his throat with her natural scent and taste numbing him.
Y/N's loud gasp made him stop abruptly. He sat back on the bed quickly, his eyes wide with alarm as he started to apologize nonstop.
"Fuck, I'm sorry!" He started desperately. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to- you're just so-"
But his eyes met her stomach, and his breath caught, completely in awe of her beauty. He couldn't help but take in the sight of her body, the stretch marks she was so self-conscious about, the soft flesh of her stomach she seemed to hate so much, and he felt a surge of love and protectiveness. His tongue scaped between his lips, wetting them as he felt a warm feeling going directly down to his lower region, his sweatpants feeling too small all of a sudden.
When Y/N sniffled again, his attention went automatically back to her face, his eyes still wide combined with his blown pupils. He was about to start apologizing again when she spoke, her voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and hope.
"You're... You're looking at me like you still love me. Even after seeing all of this."
Matt's heart ached with tenderness. He moved closer, his hand still holding hers, and looked deep into her eyes.
"Sweetheart, I don't just still love you; I love you even more. Every part of you. These stretch marks, your body, everything. They're all parts of you, and I love you just as you are."
Tears welled up in her eyes again, but this time, they were tears of relief and overwhelming emotion. Her fingers hooked around the waistband of his sweatpants, pulling him down and into a profound kiss, pouring all her gratitude, love, and desire into it. Matt held her close, his hands gentle on her skin, squeezing her soft skin in just the right amount.
"You promise?" She whimpered against his lips, her tears dropping into their mouths and mixing with their saliva.
"Dove, you're the most beautiful person I've ever met, inside and out. Those stretch marks? They're just a part of you, a part of the person I love. And your stomach? It's perfect just the way it is. I wouldn't ever lie about that. I wouldn't ever lie about you."
"I just want to be perfect for you." She confessed, her voice trembling. Matt pulled away just a few centimeters, caressing her lips with his own, his hot breath hitting her face.
"You are perfect for me. So fucking perfect." He whispered, his voice filled with a fierce sincerity. "Every part of you. I love you, Y/N. All of you. Please don't ever doubt that."
"I love you too, Matt." She whispered back, her voice steadying. "Thank you for being so patient with me."
"Always." He muttered back before closing the small distance between their mouths again.
His hands roamed over her body with a reverence that made her heart swell. His touch was gentle but insistent, like he was mapping out every inch of her, committing her to memory. She could feel the heat of his palms through the thin fabric of her bra, and it sent shivers down her spine. He took his time, exploring her with a tenderness that made her feel cherished and adored.
When he finally reached the clasp of her bra, he paused, his eyes seeking hers for permission. Y/N nodded, her breath hitching in anticipation. Matt unhooked the clasp with practiced ease, and as the garment fell away, he let out a low, appreciative hum.
"Fuck, you're so pretty." He murmured, his voice thick with awe. He cupped her breasts gently, his thumbs brushing over her nipples in a way that made her gasp. "So fucking pretty."
His fingertips started tracing the silvery lines that adorned her boobs skin. Each touch was light, almost ethereal, as if he were trying to memorize the pattern of her stretch marks.
Matt lowered his head, pressing soft, lingering kisses to the sensitive skin of her chest. Each touch of his lips was a declaration of his love, his devotion, and it made Y/N feel more desired than she ever had before. His tongue flicked out to tease her nipple, and she arched into him, a moan escaping her lips.
"Please." Matt whispered, his voice trembling with need. "Please let me worship you. Let me feel you."
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest, the sincerity and desperation in his voice overwhelming her. She nodded, moaning her approval, her fingers tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer. Matt didn't need any further encouragement. He kissed his way down her body, his lips and tongue leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
His fingers continued their journey, outlining each mark from her waist to her hips and ass with a deliberate slowness, his lips moving lower, kissing her stomach with an intensity that made her heart race.
He took his time, the warmth of his breath, and the softness of his lips against her skin sent shivers through her body, making her writhe below him.
When he reached the waistband of her panties, he paused again, his eyes dark with desire as he looked up at her.
"Can I?" He asked, his voice barely more than a breath.
"Yes." Y/N whispered, her voice trembling with anticipation. "Please, Matt."
With a groan of pure need, Matt hooked his fingers under the waistband and slowly pulled her panties down her legs. He took his time, savoring the sight of her bare skin, the way her body responded to his touch. When he finally had her completely undressed, he paused, his eyes raking over her with a mixture of awe and hunger.
"God, you're so beautiful, sweetheart." He said, his voice filled with reverence. He pressed a kiss to her inner thigh, right above her longer marks, his breath hot against her skin. "Fuck, I won't ever be able to get enough of you."
Y/N's breath hitched, her body trembling with anticipation. She could feel the heat of his breath against her most sensitive area, and it made her ache with need. Matt kissed his way up her thigh, his lips brushing over her skin in a way that made her whimper.
"Please." He whispered, his voice filled with longing. "Please, can I taste you?"
Y/N's heart swelled with love and desire.
"Yes, please, Matt. I... I need it so bad." She whimpered, her fingers tightening in his hair as she pulled him closer. Matt let out a low, appreciative moan, his breath hot against her skin. He pressed a soft kiss to her most sensitive spot, his tongue flicking out to finally taste her.
"Shit, you taste so good." He murmured, his voice filled with awe. He licked her clit slowly at first before finally sucking it, his tongue exploring her with a need that matched her own. Y/N's breath came in ragged gasps, her body arching into him as he worshipped her with his mouth.
Matt's hands gripped her thighs, his fingers squeezing hard her soft flesh, holding her steady as he devoured her. His tongue flicked and teased, his lips sucking and kissing her bud in a way that drove her wild. She could feel the tension building in her core, the pleasure mounting with each touch of his mouth.
"Please, Matt." She whimpered, her voice trembling with need. "Please, I need more."
Seeing her reactions only egged him on more, and he, without warning, slowly inserted a long, slender finger into her needy hole. Y/N gasped loudly at the intrusion, shifting her hips slightly in an attempt to move away from the new and slightly uncomfortable feeling.
Matt let out a low, needy moan with her movements, his tongue delving deeper, his free fingers digging into her thighs to maintain her in place.
"I need you too, sweetheart." He murmured against her pussy, his voice filled with desperation. "I need you so fucking much."
Y/N let out a particularly filthy moan when he curled his finger upward, hitting a spot that just felt so fucking good, a new sense of pleasure invading her whole body.
One of his hands - the one that was gripping her right thigh - moved up her body, fingertips gently stroking her waist before running over her stomach. He made a point to feel every single inch of the skin there, his fingers squeezing all the flesh he could in a very gentle way.
Y/N allowed him to continue, feeling self-conscious but desperately not wanting him to stop what he was doing with her.
His tongue, lips, and finger worked in perfect harmony to bring her to the brink. Y/N's body trembled, her breath coming in ragged gasps as the pleasure built and built. She could feel herself teetering on the edge, the tension in her core about to snap, her hands desperately gripping his hair and the sheets, receiving a long groan from Matt.
"Matt." She gasped, her voice a desperate plea. "I'm so close. Fuck-"
"Let go for me, dove." Matt whispered against her core, his voice filled with love and need. "I want to see you cum. I want to feel you cum in my tongue, yeah? Please."
With a cry of pure ecstasy, Y/N's body tensed, the pleasure washing over her in waves. Matt held her steady, his mouth never leaving her clit and his finger never stopping to pump in and out of her as he guided her through her orgasm. She could feel his tongue and lips moving against her in a very deep kiss, his hands holding her close as she rode out the waves of pleasure.
When she finally came down from her high, he pulled back, his eyes were dark with need, his chest rising and falling with deep, heavy breaths. His lips kissed his way back up her body, his touch gentle and reverent.
He gathered her in his arms, holding her close as they lay together in the afterglow. Y/N's heart swelled with love, her body still trembling from the intensity of her climax.
"Baby... What about you?" She asked softly, her eyes drifting down to where he was clearly rock hard, his arousal evident.
Matt shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips.
"Today was about you." He said gently. "I'm okay, sweetheart. I wanted to make sure you knew how much I love you. How perfect you are to me."
Y/N’s heart swelled with love and gratitude. She reached up, cupping his face in her hands and pulling him down for a tender kiss.
"Thank you." She whispered against his lips. "For everything. I love you so much."
"I love you too, more than anything," Matt replied, his voice filled with passion. He kissed her again, pouring all his love and adoration into the gesture. "My pretty girl."
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viking-raider · 1 year
The Devil Made Me Do It *Mature* 👻
Summary: Upon receiving a mysterious and anonymous invitation to a Halloween party, a chauffeur takes you to an LA mansion estate for the party; where you meet your mystery man for an All Hallow's Eve you'll never forget.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader + Mystery Character/Reader
Word Count: 9.8k
Warning: M - Secrets, Mystery, Alcohol Use, Scares, Costumes, Flirting, Teasing, Language, Mysterious Behavior, Longing, Fluff, Angst, Co-Workers to Lovers - SMUT - Unprotected sex, Fingering: (F - Receiving), Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Oral: (F - Receiving), Masturbation, Orgasm Control, Praise, Dirty Talk, Possible Corruption and Dub-Con, Light Dom, Aftercare
Inspiration: It’s Halloween and Kinktober! Posting now for Friday, the 13th!
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLISTand turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy!
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“So, who is your date?” Your best friend asked, glancing at you through the mirror you were using to put the finishing touches on your Harley Quinn costume.
“I don't know.” You answered, turning your head side to side, making sure you'd gotten everything perfect. “I just got a card delivered, stating it was from someone I know and asking if I would join them for an enchanting night.”
“And you're sure it's not from a stalker?” She asked, planting her hands on her hips.
“I'm sure it's not, Maggie.” You giggled at her, shaking your head. “Few people know my nickname, and it was noted on the card. So, I know it's from someone inside our circle of friends. Stop fretting over it.” You told her, getting up and facing her. “If it's someone I don't like in our circle or I'm uncomfortable with, I'll call you.”
“You better!” Maggie huffed, wagging a finger at you.
“Yes, ma'am.” You smirked, giving her a quick hug. “I have to go, they asked me to meet them at nine. Have fun handing out candy and protecting the house from tricksters!” You called out to her, grabbing your jacket and black, cross body, boho bag as you headed out the door.
You were about to unlock your car, when another pulled up at the bottom of the driveway, a matte black Cadillac Lyriq, and a man in a classy, black suit stepped out of the driver's seat, casting his eyes around as if to make sure he had the right address, before settling them on you.
“Are you the young lady that lives here?” He asked, motioning to the two-story house you lived in with Maggie, positioned on a cliff that gave the two of you access to your own private sandy beach on the LA coast.
“One of them.” You answered, narrowing your eyes at him suspiciously. “Can I help you?”
“Yeah.” He nodded, going into the inside pocket of his jacket to pull out a small, black card and approached you with it held out. “I was told to give you this, then take you downtown.”
Taking the card from him, you read the gilded, blood-red lettering on it: 'My love, please allow me to treat you on this night together. My driver, Marco, will ensure you arrive safely, so we may enjoy our spooky festivities.'
“A lot of cloak and dagger going on with your employer.” You smirked at Marco, touched and amused, as you tucked the card into your bag.
Marco smirked and nodded his head. “Yes, he's having a good time with it. But he's quite eager to meet up with you.” He chuckled, offering his arm to you as you started down the slightly sloped driveway and ushered you to the back passenger-side door, opening it and handing you inside.
You settled in the backseat, pulling your mobile from your bag and texted Maggie. He sent me a chauffeur.
Maggie: Fancy!
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During the drive, you snapped some photos of yourself, posting them on your Instagram, wishing everyone; family, friends and fans alike, a happy Halloween before pocketing it and glancing out the window. The quiet hills you lived in, dotted with beautiful homes, started to fall away for the speed and lights of downtown Los Angeles. Traffic thickened, forcing Marco to slow the Cadillac down until it stopped several cars behind a red light.
“Are you allowed to tell me where we're going?” You asked, leaning forward between the front seats. “Or is that to remain a secret?” You smirked as Marco glanced sideways at you.
“I am sworn to secrecy, my lady.” He smirked, winked and got the car rolling again.
Marco drove you across LA to the posh side of the City of Angels, where all of the famous people called home or a vacation getaway. He maneuvered the winding road, until pulling up to a towering, black ornate gate, pausing to enter the pass code, rolling the gate back and permitting you.
“Wow.” You uttered, eyes popping and mouth dropping, seeing the enormous mansion with a circle driveway and bubbling fountain, as you leaned even further between the seats, craning your neck to look out the front window.
It was elaborately decorated; nothing was left for the imagination with its decorations, and it was clear the owner of the home had no issue spending the money on their expenses. Pumpkin lights lined the driveway, the windows at the front of the house were backlit and flickering back and forth between orange and green, with vast and long threads of spiderwebs and cobwebs over them. There were hanging ghosts and skeletons in the trees, an extensive graveyard to one side, with body parts poking out of the mock graves. Everywhere you looked, something caught your eye, impressing you more and more.
“He really went all out.” You chuckled, as Marco stopped at the front door, the stairs leading up to the double doors flanked by massive gargoyles with glowing red eyes.
“Oh, this isn't his home.” Marco answered, releasing his seatbelt. “This is the home of a colleague. He was given an invitation to attend their party here and it had a plus one on it. So, he asked you to join him.” He explained, getting out of the car and opening your door.
“Ah.” You blinked, confused as you took his hand and slipped out of the car, met with a thump of distant music and festivities. “So, how am I supposed to meet my date?” You asked, lifting a brow at him.
“Go inside,” Marco said, motioning to the doors. “The butler at the door will ask you for the code word. It's 'Beetlejuice'. Once you've been admitted, ask them to show you to Lucifer's room.”
“Lucifer?” You purred, amused.
“Yes, ma'am.” He chuckled, nodding. “With that, I wish you a good evening and a happy Halloween.” He said, kissing your hand and getting back into the car.
“Cloak and Dagger much?” You snorted and made your way up the steps. “Oh Christ!” You yelped, as the gargoyles on either side of you came to life, roaring and turning their heads towards you, dropping their bottom jaws open. “Rude.” You panted, composing yourself as the front doors swung open, letting out a flow of music and murmur of voices from inside, and revealing a man dressed as a zombie-butler.
“Madam.” He regarded you, with a thick Scottish accent. “Are you here for the party?”
“I am.” You answered him, making it to the top of the stairs. “I believe the password is, Beetlejuice.”
He bowed his painted face. “Correct.” He turned and lifted a hand to usher you inside. “Please, come in. I'm Mr. Davison, should you require anything during your stay here, please find me.” He told you, closing the doors as the two of you stepped into a grand foyer, two twisting staircases on either side, leading up to a landing on the second floor. On the ground floor were three hallways, one straight ahead between the staircases, where you could see flashing lights with the bump and sway of bodies, and two hallways on either side of you.
“There is one thing you can help with, Mr. Davison.” You said over the noise, turning to face him. “I'm actually a plus one to an invited guest of this party. I was told by the driver my date sent to bring me, to ask to be shown to Lucifer's room.” You explained to him, biting your painted lip, while studying his gray, black and bloody face, butterflies filling your stomach. “Whomever Lucifer is, since he's been secretive about his identity since asking me out.”
Davison smirked, his dark eyes dancing with amusement, clearly knowing who your date and Lucifer was. “Of course, right this way.” He said, before guiding you up the left staircase.
You could feel the vibration of music through the floor as you followed him down the decorated hallway. Each door on either side decorated a different theme, such as Jack and Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas, Jason's mask and bloody machete from Friday the 13th, a Gothic door with an image of Bela Lugosi from Dracula and the doll, Jigsaw, from SAW. Davison stopped before a door, it was red with the silhouette of a pair of angel wings and a flaming halo with black horns.
“Lucifer.” You mumbled to yourself, watching Davison knock loud enough to be heard above the noise of the party, you were distracted by the zombie-butler stepping aside, as the door opened and revealed your date.
“You made it!” They declared to them, excited and relieved that you had come.
“Of course!” You answered, finally looking up at him, only to have your mouth drop open.
Standing before you in a stylish pair of black slacks, a matching vest over a light-gray dress shirt, the first few buttons undone and the long sleeves rolled up his forearms. At first, it wasn't much of an impressive costume, until you studied his face, he wore a touch of black eye-liner, that was slightly smudged, and poised on his forehead was a pair of glue-on horns, well blended in to match his skin color with at touch of red, as if it was a pain for him to have horns breaking through his otherwise angelic appearance.
“Henry!” You squeaked, surprised to see the Brit standing there, imitating Lucifer Morningstar from the DC comic and hit tv show.
“Hey.” He grinned, moving forward and hugging you. “You look great!” He said, stepping back again to look over your Harley Quinn costume, loving the gold, argyle overalls, pink sports bra, pink and blue hair and make-up. “You nailed Harley.” He commented, meeting your eyes again, finally noticing your surprise that he was the one that asked you out. “Oh.” He blushed, carding a hand through his hair.
“Right, I suppose I should explain myself. Why don't you come in?” He suggested stepping aside so you could enter the room. “Do you want something to drink? Davison can get you something.” He said, looking between you and the butler. “Anything you want.”
“We have several Halloween themed cocktails, wines, whiskey and such.” Davison told you, reappearing before the door.
“I'll have one of your cocktails.” You answered, with a small nod. “I'll leave that to your recommendation.”
“I would appreciate a refill as well, Davison.” Henry added in, with a polite nod.
“I'll bring them, presently.” He nodded back, and started downstairs.
“So, you're my date.” You said, entering the room with Henry, finding it was a sitting room that led into a bedroom.
“I am.” Henry smirked, closing the door. “I hope you're not...disappointed.” He said, looking at you with blue eyes that truly wished you weren't.
“I'm not at all disappointed.” You assured him, offering him a sweet smile. “Just surprised.” You confessed to him, pressing your lips together. “We had a couple interactions during the filming of Mission Impossible, but I wouldn't have guessed enough for you to notice me and to ask me out on a mysterious date to a high end LA party.”
“Oh, I noticed you the moment we were in the same room together.” He told you the truth of his feelings for you all over his face. “I tried drumming up the courage to ask you out so many times in those three months. I just kept chickening out, because I didn't think you'd say yes or be interested. So, when my friend sent me an invitation to his party here, you were my first thought on who to bring. But, again, I didn't think you'd say yes. Especially after we hadn't seen each other in a couple months. However, he suggested I send you a note asking you to come and send my driver to pick you up, to see what would happen.”
“You think I would say no to you?” You frowned at him, your brow pinching. “God, I would have said yes in a heartbeat.” You blurted out, shamelessly. “I admit, I wasn't going to come. I was suspicious about the motives and a little worried that it was set up by my stalker.”
Henry's face went blank for a moment, before it filled with worry and how stupid he felt. “I am so sorry. I didn't know you had a stalker, or I would have never been so secretive. I would have just asked you out right. I hope I didn't put you through any anxiety.”
You chuckled at him, shaking your head. “No, you didn't.” You assured him, waving it off. “You just set off my protective roommate, Maggie, who I should probably text and tell who my mystery man is, at some point.” You said, finding the whole thing amusing now.
There was a knock on the door and Davison came in with a small platter holding your and Henry's drinks, a skeleton hand wine-glass with a red shimmer liquid and a black substance around the rim. Beside that was Henry's squat glass of whiskey on the rocks, the ice shaped like a bone.
“Your Vampire's Kiss.” Davison said, as you took your glass. “Spiced rum, Cran-Grape juice, Grenadine and black sanding sugar.” He listed off the ingredients as you took a careful sip.
“Mmm.” You moaned, nodding your head. “Positively enchanting, thank you.”
“My pleasure.” He smiled, tucking the platter under his arm. “Enjoy your evening and the festivities.” He bid you and Henry, then saw himself out.
“Well, would you like to look around?” Henry asked, swilling his drink. “There's dancing and a bar downstairs and I've been told the backyard of the house has quite the surprise.”
“I'm not much for dancing.” You confessed, a shy smile crossing your face.
Henry looked a tad relieved at your words. “That's more than fine. I'm not either.” He chuckled, glancing down into the amber liquid in his glass. “The backyard then?”
“The backyard.” You nodded, smirking with an excited giddiness.
Nodding, Henry polished off his drink and set it on a small coffee table that was in the sitting room. You finished yours and put it beside his, then dropped your bag on the floor under the table. Henry opened the door, letting you enter the thrumming hallway first and followed, taking a key out of his pocket and locked the door behind you both.
“Worried about something?” You inquired, as he pocketed the key again.
“No.” He answered, shaking his head with a blank expression. “Better safe than sorry, I suppose.” He admitted, pressing his hand over the key. “Anyway, let's find out what's in the backyard.” He smiled, offering his hand out to you.
“If it's as good as the rest of the decorations I've seen, it'll be great.” You smiled back, taking his hand.
The two of you descended the spiral staircase you'd come up earlier, Henry paused and looked towards the hallway that led into the room where all the dancing was occurring, then looked at you.
“It's a little warm in here.” He said, even though it was cool in the foyer. “Why don't we go out the front and walk around the side?” He suggested, with an arched brow.
“Sounds fine to me.” You nodded, content with not going through the press of bodies on the dance floor to make it to the backyard.
Giving you a wink, Henry shifted your hand to his forearm and walked you to the entry, nodding to Davison. “We'd like to take a little stroll.” He informed the man, who nodded back and pulled open the double doors for you. “Thank you kindly.”
“So, are you in LA only for the party?” You asked as the two of you went down the steps, while mentally preparing yourself not to get frightened by the gargoyles again.
“No.” Henry chuckled, glancing away from you with a bashful smirk. “I just finished filming a movie in England. The first Enola Holmes movie, where I play Sherlock Holmes.” He explained, looking left and right for a moment, before guiding you towards the left. “I came out here after I finished, to take a little vacation, and suppose they heard I was in town and invited me.”
“A vacation, is that all?” You smirked at him, having a sneaking suspicion the Brit may have had an extra motive for coming out.
“Well,” He droned, rolling his eyes with a guilty smirk. “There may have been a certain lady I hoped to catch up with, while I was in the city.” He confessed, shooting you a glance from the corner of his eye. “Thankfully for me, I had the opportunity to.”
“Mmm, yes.” You nodded, cocking a brow at him and pressing your lips together. “Lucky for you.”
He patted your hand and grinned with boy-ish pride. “He really went all out for decor.” He commented, rounding the corner with you, to get met with tall, manicured hedges covered in webs and skeletons trying to break through and coming at you. The entryway cut into the hedges was covered with chains, obscuring your view of what was on the other side.
“That he did.” You agreed, twisting to look at the graveyard behind you. “I really like that makeshift graveyard over there. Very fright night.” You commented, rather eager to see what Henry's friend had down in their backyard. “Let's go in!” You giggled, moving towards the chain-cover entrance, your hand slipping down Henry's forearm, until you caught his hand and could pull him through after you.
Chuckling, Henry let you drag him into the side yard, finding scarecrows on either side, a bloody butcher's knife through the body of one as it rested on a cross of thin wooden poles and the another hung from the branch of a tree, swaying in the gentle, evening breeze. There were a few more graves, lining the path, leading towards the back of the house.
“Declan Hunley.” You read one of the grave markers. “Born 1879, dead 1910, killed for not looking behind him.” You frowned and looked up at Henry. “That's a weird mess-” You shrieked as the grave on the other side of the path burst open to reveal a gnarled zombie crawling out, growling and hissing, as you scrambled behind Henry in your terror.
Henry's heart rocked in his chest in surprise, instinctively putting an arm out between you and the flesh-eating monster. But a smile soon crossed his lips, guiding you around the zombie, who made decent grabs at your ankles, however made no attempt to crawl out of his grave to follow after you.
“Oh my gosh.” You panted, brushing your multi-colored hair out of your face, with shaking hands.
“It's all right.” Henry cooed, resting his hand on the small of your back, rubbing gentle circles. “I think he's still snacking on poor Declan.” He quipped, smirking at you.
You managed to laugh a little bit, your heart rate slowing down and collecting yourself. “Well, we know what the tombstone meant.” You sighed, shaking your head, feeling foolish for falling for it. “Suckered me.” You chuckled, then cast your eyes out over the backyard. “Oh wow.” You mumbled, eyes widening as your mouth dropped agape.
Henry turned and his brows went up. “Damn. I'll hand it to him, he didn't spare a shilling for all of this.” He commented, taking in the immaculate backyard.
The three sets of double doors leading out from where the dancing and bar was set up were open and brought out the sound of voices and music with them. There was a trickle of people on the patio, which was lit by standing torches of orange, green and red. Sitting on the furniture or huddled around the couple of blazing fire pits, were a few hired staff helping them roast marshmallows for S'mores or brew hot chocolate. Beyond the patio, were tall hedges and party-goers funneling into the opening, stopped only by someone at the entrance, before vanishing into the dark and glowing fog.
“I wonder what they're doing?” You muttered to yourself, brow creasing with curiosity.
“We can find out, if you want?” Henry said beside you, his head cocking to the side to see your face.
“Let's go!” You smiled, clapping your hands and dashing forward.
Henry laughed, amused and touched at your enthusiasm, before following after you. You were stopped at the entrance of the mysterious attraction by a man dressed up in a torn and bloody lab coat. A tall fridge with a clear door stood beside him, filled with green, red and blue test tubes.
“Beware!” The bedraggled doctor wheezed, reaching out to prevent you and Henry from going any further. “There's a deadly pathogen inside the maze!” He panted, looking back and forth between the two of you frantically; as if you had the cure and answer.
“Oh no!” You gasped back at him, bringing a hand to your chest, dramatically, making Henry snort behind you. “It sounds terrible!” You whimpered, trying to hold back a giggle.
“It is!” He agreed, not breaking character, while pulling open the fridge door. “There's only one way to make it through, without succumbing to the pathogen. It's by taking this antidote.” He waved a hand over the display, before taking two out and handing you a red tube and Henry, the blue.
The label on your tube told you the antidote was made from white rum and cherry liqueur, while Henry's was made of Curaçao and SVEDKA, blue raspberry flavored vodka. Uncapping and tossing the red antidote back, the chilled liquid burned down your throat into your stomach, and finally out through your veins. Mixing with the wine you had in Henry's room. Drinking down his own antidote and tossing the empty tube in the provided bin, the doctor finally let you pass. Entering the foggy maze, constructed out of the manicured hedges, stone planters with beautiful and exotic flowers. There were LED lights tucked into the dense and dark-green leaves, flickering in an off-rhythm, giving the already dark and close passages a disorienting feel.
“This is so cool!” You giggled, bouncing on your toes and turning back to look at Henry, who walked close behind you.
“Yeah, it is.” He agreed, glancing behind him, hearing a screech that was all too human, from somewhere else in the maze. “He really went all out for Halloween.” He looked back to you and smiled, finding the two of you had come to a three way.
“Which way should we go?” You asked, looking around, before looking at Henry.
“Hmm.” He hummed, glancing about, then smirked at you. “This way.” He said, jerking his head to the left, taking your hand and led you down the footpath.
“Do you know where you're going?” You asked, frowning at his back.
“I might.” Henry answered, casting a teasing glance over his shoulder.
“Shady Devil.” You teased, smirking at him.
After a couple twists and turns, the two of you came to a dead end that was adorned with a massive marble statue of a half-naked archer, shooting her arrow into the skies and a bench at her feet. There was a square lantern hanging from the tip of the Archer's arrow and two on the bench, casting an eerie, flickering, orange glow in the dark mist that surrounded you. But you were apprehensive about the skeleton sitting on the bench with them.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. But fool me three times, screw that! You thought, eyeing it. But the flickering light and swirl of fog played tricks on you, making it difficult to tell if the skeleton was twitching or not.
“I don't trust it.” You said aloud, and Henry's chuckle filled the enchanted space.
“I wouldn't blame you, love.” He admitted, cautious himself about the authenticity of the skeleton, however taking a gallant step forward to find out. “I think the poor chap died of whatever pathogen is in the maze though.” He quipped, making himself laugh and you rolled your eyes, amused. Reaching the skeleton without it jumping out at him, Henry put his hand on top of its cranium and gave it a gentle shake, causing the rest of the body to rattle on the bench, revealing it to be a prop.
“We're safe from another scare.” Henry declared, picking it up and setting it aside, making room for the two of you to sit down together. “I am really glad you came.” He said, as you sat down beside him. “I know I already said it, but I am.”
“I'm really happy that I came as well.” You smiled at him, feeling the heat already in your cheeks from your alcohol consumption increase, but the cool night helped keep it under control.
Henry grinned, giddy to hear it. “Kal really missed you, after you finished filming your scenes in Norway.” He confessed, chuckling as he fussed with the skull fob on the end of a pocket watch chain he had attached to the front of his vest.
“Oh, Kal missed me, did he?” You purred, amused.
“Yeah, Kal.” He nodded, glancing up at you, his blue eyes dark and holding a gaze that sent a shiver down your back. “Are you cold?” He asked, a playful and coy smirk curling up one corner of his mouth as he moved a little closer to you, offering the warmth of his body.
“I'm either cold or the pathogen is setting in.” You sighed softly, biting your lower lip and tucking yourself into his side, a quiet moan escaping your throat as the weight of Henry's strong arm slotted around your shoulders.
It was all of sudden that you were aware of how close Henry's mouth was to yours, his eyes still trained on your face, waiting—watching—for your reaction. Were you going to push him away or were you going to let him go all the way?
Screw it!
You leaned forward and locked lips with him, feeling Henry smile for a moment before meeting your kiss. His palm moved to cup your nape, fingers curling into your hair and nails grazing your scalp, ever so lightly, drawing another shiver out of you. Henry's other hand moved around to your hip and tugged you closer to him, all but pulling you into his lap. The kiss is slow and easy at first, feeling each other out, testing the waters to see if it was right. Then, as if your minds connected like Bluetooth, the embrace became hungry. Fingers slipped into the armholes of his vest and your back straightened as you made little tugs on the soft fabric, needing to feel him closer against you.
“Henry.” You whimpered into his mouth, lashes fluttering open, hearing his breathing deepen, watching and feeling his chest heave.
His lips brushed yours, the warm puffs of his pants caressing your face as his eyes bored into yours, arms dropping around your waist and squeezing you against his rigid body. He felt the same longing that showed in your eyes, and wanted nothing more than to fulfill it. His palms moved up your back and made for the straps of your overalls, shoving one off your shoulders and unclasping the other. Leaning away for the zipper in the middle, unzip it, making it fall off your shoulders completely, to gather around your waist, giving Henry a nice peek at the black lace, bikini panties you were wearing.
“Mmm.” He hummed, smirking at you with half lidded eyes. “Not shorts?” He rasped, tracing the tip of his finger along the wavy edge, before giving the waistband a playful pop.
You felt a slight heat of embarrassment in the pit of your stomach, but your expression was bashful. “Didn't expect any fallen Angels to sneak a peek down my overalls.” You quipped, playfully pushing a button at the top of his vest open.
“It was far too tempting.” Henry murmured, leaning in to kiss you once more, while his hand caressed your bare side, your skin dancing at the feather light contact, before it grazed the waistband of your panties.
Pausing, he meets your eyes once more, seeking permission. You answered it with a nip at his bottom lip and went in for another heated and heady kiss. With an amused rumble, Henry pushed his hand beyond the barrier, drawing out the magical sound against his mouth, when his fingertips dusted over your throbbing clit. He teased you, only giving you the lightest of touch, as if a ghost was tormenting you from the great beyond. Hands moving to the last three buttons of Henry's vest, you opened his dress shirt and pushed your hands inside of it, finding the burning and hard packed muscles he worked so hard on, every day, dusted with dark hair. You lightly dragged your blue, red and white painted nails down his chest; Henry growled and let out a sharp hiss, giving you a narrow-eyed look.
“Oh!” A voice rang out, before Henry could repay your action. “I am so sorry!”
Almost all of your arousal vanished, you quickly fixed your clothing and tried to act as casual as possible but struggled to meet the other party-goer's eyes. Henry on the other hand, had little qualms, having embodied his costume's entity.
“That's quite all right.” He chuckled, not bothering to button his open shirt, showing off his bare chest and nail marks. “Wrong turns happen.” He smirked, his face morphing into this delighted, sinister expression.
“Yeah, this place is a serious maze.” The man, dressed as a Roman soldier, answered, his startled eyes still moving back and forth between you.
“It is.” Henry nodded, his tone hinting for him to go on his way. “There's many more dead ends like this one, I'm sure you'll find.”
Blinking, then finally getting it, the Roman soldier turned and vanished into the fog and dark of the maze, leaving you and Henry once again alone.
“Well, that was interesting.” He laughed, looking back to you, finally buttoning his shirt.
“Yeah, you can say that.” You answered with a half-hearted laugh.
Biting his lip, feeling the mood had been destroyed and sighed softly. “You want to finish the maze?” He asked, offering you a smile, brows lifted in question. “Or we could go back inside?” He added, brow creasing a little.
You balanced the options, seeing the rest of the maze and what was at the end intrigued you, but finishing what you and Henry started was still a rage inferno between your thighs. “I think it's a bit too nippy out here for what I have on.” You answered, licking your lip and eyeing Henry.
“You know,” He replied, glancing thoughtfully. “I believe you're right.” He said, giving a soft shiver himself, his massive shoulders quaking. “Let's go back inside.” He cooed, fixing his vest and standing to offer you his arm.
Taking it, you retraced your steps back to the start of the maze, nodding to the Mad Doctor, who was restocking the antidotes, quickly moved by the grave with the awaiting zombie at the side of the house, and were met yet again by Davison at the door, as he opened them to greet you.
“I hope you found the attractions and festivities to your liking?” He inquired, shutting the doors behind you.
“We did.” Henry nodded, smiling at you. “He went all out for his Halloween party. It's quite amazing.”
“Yeah, it's gotten my heart beat up several times.” You chuckled, smiling back. “Not a party I'll forget.” “I'm pleased to hear it, and so will he.” Davison smiled, pleased.
“We're going to retire upstairs for a bit.” Henry informed him with a wink, leading you towards the staircase. “Have a good evening, Davis.”
“And you.” He called back.
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“No.” He chuckled, smiling down at his bare feet. “It is rare. But this isn't really an occasion to bring him along. So, I left him with a good friend.”
“Mmm.” You hummed, leaning back against the bed's footboard to unlace your shoes. “I suppose not.” You agreed, flexing your toes and glancing up at him. “You want to help me?” You asked, gesturing to your overalls. “You seemed quite the expert out in the maze.” You quipped, impishly.
Pursing his lips and giving you a hungry look, Henry strode forward, closing the gap between you easily with his long legs, and took the zipper between his fingers again, but now, he took his time. You watched him work the clasp gently down the molten-gold fabric, revealing more and more of you as it reached its end, between your legs. Henry smirked at your panties, discovering they were not only sheer, but sported a nice, growing wet patch.
“Do you like it when I touch you?” He asked in a breath voice, nimble fingers moving to your straps, caressing the skin beneath it, before flicking it open, the overalls slipping to one side.
“You don't see me stopping you, do you?” You quipped back, as the last strap fell from your shoulder and your outfit started to slip down your body.
He shook his head, hands moving up to the buttons of his shirt, but your hand came up to brush them aside, intent on doing that yourself. Pushing each black button through their hole with painstaking care, knowing Henry was impatient about picking up where you left off outside. You moaned softly, tugging the tucked in fabric from the waistband of his pants and pushing his shirt off his shoulders and arms. You were slow to pull his belt free of their loops, admiring the growing bulge at the front of his slacks. With his belt free, you curled your fingers around the waistband of his pants and boxer briefs, only to be stopped by Henry's hands grasping your wrists.
“What?” You frowned, looking up at him.
“Top.” He answered, motioning to it with his head. “Off.”
“I think I'm a little more naked than you are.” You stated, raising a brow at him.
“I'll be naked the moment you pull my pants and underwear down.” He countered with a smirk.
You took a deep breath, then nodded. “Fair.” You chuckled, pulling your hands away to remove your pink sports bra. “Better, you devil?” You teased, tossing the article of clothing over his head.
“Much, my little joker.” He rasped, cupping one of your breasts in his hand and rubbing its hardened nub with the pad of his thumb. “You can finish your task now.” He said, leaning in to kiss you.
“Mm, thanks.” You mumbled against his mouth, hands blindly finding their way back to his waist, tugging at it, and trying not to be distracted by his lips and hands working their magic on you. “Bat above, you're evil.” You whimpered to the pinch he gave your breast, sending a tingle to your still clothed clit. Henry turned his head, lips brushing the helix of your ear. “I'm not Lucifer for nothing, my dear.” He whispered, allowing his accent to dip and deepen.
Your knees weakened and you let out a breathy whimper. “Good lord.” You gulped, grasping the back of his arms for support.
“I'd rather keep his name to a minimum.” Henry quipped, with a playful attempt at a wink.
“Classic.” You giggled, tilting your head back to brush your lips against his stubbly jaw. “Apologies, Prince of Darkness.” You teased, hand trailing down his torso to his semi-hard cock, closing your fingers around the heated flesh.
Henry hissed in your ear, hooked an arm around your waist and snagged you against him, lifting you off your feet and moving around to the side of the bed, setting you down on it. He paused for a moment, to turn out the lights, then joined you again, where you had fixed yourself correctly on the comfortable mattress and about to slip your undies off.
“No.” He rumbled, slipping between your legs and gently pushing your hands away. “Those are mine.” He informed you, taking a hold of the delicate fabric and started to slip them off. “Oh, you smell so tasty.” He cooed, catching a whiff of your glistening folds, tossing your panties aside and leaning closer with a lick of his lips.
Gulping, you melted back against the pillows as Henry's mouth closed around your slick, vibrating your sensitive need with a rumble of carnal lust. You pawed at the duvet beneath you, rolling your hips against his working mouth, tongue parting your folds to collect the dripping nectar flowing from your cavern. You whimpered and squeezed your thighs against his head, feeling his horns brush your heated and trembling skin, building the numb and tingling sensation at the pit of your stomach.
“Oh, Henry!” You whimpered, a hand moving into the curls at the back of his head. “Oh, plea-fuck!” You cried out, back arching as Henry pressed two heavy fingers onto your swollen pearl, rubbing at it in a rhythm to his mouth and drawing you over the edge swiftly.
Blinded by your orgasm, you didn't notice the figure entering the room with you and Henry for a moment. But caught the moving shape at the foot of the bed, slowly coming down and through your blurred vision, it paused, before shifting to the chair in the corner.
“Henry.” You panted, the heightening tone of alarm in your voice.
“Ssshh.” He hushed you, slowly kissing his way up your seething body until his face was nuzzled between the valley of your bosom, tasting the thin layer of exertion on your burning skin. “It's all right, love.” He heaved, his breath raising goose flesh in its wake.
“But-” You started to protest, shaking your head and trying to focus on the figure seated in the corner, feeling their eyes on you. “There's some-” You tried to warn him breathily, as his mouth encompassed one of your breasts. “Someone's in-”
“I know.” He moaned around your taut areola, before tilting his head for a second to glance at your strange guest. “It's just Gus.” He purred, a naughty smile on his lips and returned back to his worship of your body.
“August?” You whimpered, brows furrowing at his name and Henry's intent suckling. “Henry.” You sighed, eyes fluttering shut and hands pressing to Henry's broad back, letting go and getting washed away with the moment.
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Smiling from his vantage point in the corner, the chair angled just right, August watched you and Henry in bed. He knew the two of you, having worked on a couple projects with Henry over the years and met you during the filming of Fall Out. When Henry told him he intended to ask you to the party, his interest and intrigue was set into motion, intent on having some of you for himself, informing Henry of this, and having Davison keep a close eye on you and Henry. So, upon hearing the two of you had been found canoodling in the maze, then scampering back upstairs to Henry's room, Davison rushed to find his boss and informed him that love was in the air between the two of you.
August left where he was entertaining in his study and moved upstairs to Henry's room, using a master key he had for every room on his estate and slipped into the darkened room, like a stealthy panther stalking its prey. Removing and turning off his light up Purge mask, he found you sprawled out on the bed, whimpering Henry's name, while his skillful mouth ate you out, like it was one of the Brit's decadent cheat meals. Hovering in the doorway between the sitting room and the bedroom, waiting—watching...you slip off the cliff of your orgasm, crying out and writhing as you fell; then moved to the bottom of the bed, to reach out and touch Henry's foot.
Alerting him that he had shown up.
He repressed a chuckle, while you tried alerting Henry to his presence, and moved towards the chair, making himself comfortable. But Henry reassured you that it was perfectly all right. It was just your good friend, August, in the room with you, and you had no reason to fret. He opened the front of his rough and semi-black jeans, lifting his hips off the chair just enough to push his pants and briefs down, allowing his rigid cock to spring free of the tight confines and rest heavily against the white dress shirt he had on. He closed his fist around the slick head of his shaft, a deep rumbling moan boiled in his throat as he slowly started to stroke himself, eyes locked on you and Henry intertwining together in bed.
Your quivering legs locked loosely around his thick thighs, while Henry's mouth was like a suction cup against the column of your throat, working in tandem to his steely manhood rubbing against your heated folds, coating the taut and veiny flesh with your sweet essence. Your quiet whimpers and mewls spurred on both men, putting cracks in August's usual calm and controlled demeanor, and pushed Henry to impatience, struggling with his will to warm you up, before diving deep into you, headfirst.
“Take her.” August rasped, abandoning his cock for a second to open his shirt and toss it aside, not wanting to soil it any more than the few wet spots of pre-come, and returned to pleasuring himself.
Henry snapped a look over his shoulder, face flushed and sweaty. “She's mine, Gus.” He hissed at the other man, eyes a dark cobalt with lust and feeling territorial.
“I belong to no one!” You wheezed, dizzy and drunk from Henry's attention.
A smirk pulled across both men's lips, and Henry looked down at you, brushing damp and colorful strands of hair off your sweaty forehead and placing a gentle kiss to the bridge of your nose.
“Of course, my love.” He cooed at you, stroking the side of your face with the back of his fingers. “We know you don't.” He said, kissing the corner of your mouth. “My apologies.” He whispered against your lips.
You sighed against his mouth and shook your head again, lifting your heavy arms to tangle your fingers into his hair. “I want you.” You murmured, nudging your nose against his, legs squeezing his to pull him in closer. “Please, Henry.” You gulped, eyes fluttering open to gaze up at him.
“As you wish.” He replied quietly, pulling back slightly and slipping a hand between your bodies, grasping and stroking himself for a moment, before lining his weeping, heart-shaped tip with your glistening honeypot. “Oh god, you're so snug, Bug.” He purred, easing himself in, bit by bit, as he leaned back over you, bracing himself on his elbows, loving how you wrapped around him.
“Shit.” August grunted, fixated on Henry entering you, your folds sealing around his girth like a tailor-made glove, while trying to picture his own manhood in its place, squeezing his shaft in an attempt to replicate it.
Henry's thrusts were short and measured, rocking into you with an easy pace, almost matching the beat of the music that was bleeding through the floor downstairs. It was both what you wanted and also drove you nuts, wanting him to drive you through the bed, to turn your insides to pudding. You rocked your hips in-tune to his, one hand clawing down his sweat drenched back to dig into the meat of his bum and thrust your other hand between your bodies to find your neglected clit.
“Don't you dare come.” Henry growled at you, pressing his body down on yours, trapping you against the mattress and immobilizing your hand from pleasuring yourself. “Not without me.” He panted, holding your gaze.
You were caught off guard for a moment, before arching an amused brow at him. “Fine.” You smirked, giving him a nice pat on the butt.
“Good girl.” He purred, capturing your lips and shifting his weight again, enabling you to stroke your pulsing clit, toes curling and walls quaking around Henry's cock, milking it. “How are you doing over there, Gus?” He chuckled, shooting the American a glance over his shoulder.
“Could be better.” August grunted back, slumped a little in his seat, working his cock as he continued to watch, the sound of Henry's cock moving inside of you filled the room with your soft whimpers and moans, it was like a perfect orchestra to his ears, making his balls tight, but he still wanted you for himself.
Henry brought his lips to your ear. “He's jealous.” He whispered in a roguish tone.
“Mmm.” You moaned back, half listening to what either of them were saying, drunk on the feeling of Henry inside of you and the pressure you were applying to your tender pearl, drenching you both even more to create a wet spot on the bed sheet beneath.
“She's getting fucked out.” August smirked, hearing your numb moans. “And you haven't even let her come again.” He chuckled, using his free hand to massage his heavy sack, growling deep in his chest and pressing his head against the back of the chair.
Henry felt his own loins tingle and spasm, begging to be unloaded inside your tight, hot core, which only drew him in with each thrust, attempting to hold him inside for your own salvation. Henry groaned, thrusting forward and almost losing himself to the pressure.
“I can't hold back anymore, Hen.” You mewled up at him, breathless and spent. “Please.”
“Me neither, love.” He sighed back, nuzzling the side of your sweaty neck for a moment, before slowly slipping free. “You wanna come with me, babe?” He panted, pulling up on his knees, but kept one elbow braced beside your head.
Moving a hand between your heaving bodies, Henry gently shoved aside your sluggishly moving hand from your mound, bringing it to his mouth and gently sucked on your honey saturated fingers, savoring the heady taste. With your hand clean, Henry took a hold of himself, stroking his length and rubbing his tip against your overstimulated folds at the same time, drawing out soft whimpers and moans. Your hands kneaded his sides, while you twitched and quivered beneath him, eyes fluttering in the back of your lids with streaks to tears going down your temples.
“Oh...Henry!” You hiccupped in short gasps, licking your parched lips. “I'm-m s-so c-close!” You gulped, nudging your face against his, blindly seeking his lips.
“I am too, love.” He wheezed back, increasing the friction. “Come with me.” He whispered, meeting your lips in a breathless kiss.
It was easy, with how close the pair of you were, so you just let go. Gushing over Henry's cock and drenching the sheets even more, while Henry jerked rope after rope of his hot seed over your glistening folds and heaving stomach, making your skin sticky with each expulsion of his loins. August watched with concupiscent awe, biting into his bottom lip and digging a shoe heel into the expensive rug at his feet, as his own orgasm peaked, flowing over his jerking fist and staining the black fabric of his jeans.
You, Henry and August let out a collective sigh as your climax waned. Henry's weary arms snaked around your body, while his body slowly tilted sideways, collapsing onto the mattress with an exhausted grunt and holding you to his chest. Sighing against his collarbone, your eyes fluttering shut, spent and sedated.
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A touch to your back told you, you'd fallen asleep, stirring you back to the world of the living and from the warm bubble of Henry's body. Expecting to see Henry staring at you, you opened your eyes to his sleeping face and the deep puffs of his snores.
“Right here, gorgeous.” A deep timber whispered into your ear.
Turning your head, your eyes met August's, he was leaning over you, a smile plastered on his handsome face, and his hand still stroking the length of your back. “Gus?” You mumbled, sleepily blinking up at him.
August tapped a finger to his lips and cast his eyes to Henry. “Ssshh, don't wake him, sweetheart.” He cooed at you, sweetly. “He needs his rest.” He told you, before helping you carefully untangle from Henry's embrace and sit up on the edge of the bed.
“What are you doing, August?” You asked, looking up at him, even though you had your suspicions.
“Helping you clean up.” He answered, dipping his hand to your stomach, reminding you of Henry's dried release, that was still there. “I started a nice, warm shower for you.” He explained, taking your hands in his and pulled you to your feet, stretching your sore muscles.
“Sure, Gus.” You giggled, letting him guide you around the bed and into the bathroom, the sound of falling water filling your ears and blanket of warm steam wrapping around you as it filled the space. “You're only helping, so you can have your chance.” You smirked, not so out of it during your lovemaking with Henry to forget August's jealousy he was missing out.
August laughed, unconcerned of sound now that the door was closed. “So perceptive of you, Sugar.” He smirked, opening the door of the shower stall for you. “Unless you'd rather I leave you and Henry be.” He added, as you entered the shower, cocking a brow at you.
“Hmm.” You hummed, stepping under the pleasant spray of the showerhead, letting the water wash over you, before glancing at August over your shoulder. “Well, it would be a lie, if I said I hadn't thought about what it would be like to be with both of you.” You smirked, eyes dancing with mischief. “And Hen and I already had our fun.”
“You impish, little jester.” August growled, discarding the remains of his clothing and joined you, hugging an arm around your waist and pressing his chest against your back, his mouth finding your neck, the hairs of his immaculate mustache tickling your wet skin.
“Christ, August.” You moaned, his rock-hard manhood pressing against your butt. “I-” Your breath caught in your throat, August's hand closing around your mound, fingers oh-so-delicately caressing your pearl, waking it from its soreness.
“You what, Sugar?” He purred into your ear, nipping at its rim almost painfully. “Tell me.” He insisted, free hand coming up to cup your jaw and pull your back to rest against his shoulder.
“I want you.” You whimpered, chewing on your bottom lip and pushing up on your toes. “Take me, Gus.” You begged him, grinding against his manhood.
Smirking, August took a step forward, until you were trapped between him and the warm, smokey-gray subway tile of the shower wall. He spread your feet and gripped your hip with one hand, grasping his shaft in the other and teased your silky folds, only slipping just his tip between them to rim your passage, loving the feel of your quiver.
“So desperate for me to fill you up.” He chuckled, kneading your hip.
“August, please.” You huffed, still overstimulated from being with Henry and unable to take August's teasing. “Please, I need you inside of me.” You moaned, legs wobbling as he pushed the first half of his manhood into your ruined cavern, your knees almost giving out, had it not been for him and the wall holding you up.
“Stuff me.” You told him, mindlessly.
“I intend too, Sugar.” August smirked, gripping both of your hips and used them as leverage to ease the rest of himself inside of you, still taking his time, despite your continued begs and mewls. “You take me so well, sweetheart.” He panted, once he was settled, engulfed inside your pocket. “Henry did so well, opening you for me.” He chuckled, pressing a palm to the tile above your head and drew almost completely out, then drove back in, hammering into your sweet and sore spot, drawing out a cry from your lips that echoed in the stall.
“August!” You arched your back into his thrusts, cheek pressed against the wall and eyes squeezed shut. “Oh god.” You wheezed, breath fogging the glossy tile. “You feel so good, Gus.” You told him, your voice hardly above the sound of the shower head. “So good.” You mumbled to yourself, nursing your walls around his cock, feeling every ridge and vein as you did and every driving force of him moving inside of you.
“Oh, you're not going to last for me, are you, Sugar?” He cooed, stroking the back of your wet hair and squeezing the nape of your neck. “Just too fucked out.” He hummed, sensing and watching your body tremble as you did your best to fight off your orgasm. “That's all right, princess.” He said, kissing the top of your head and increasing the pace of his thrusts. “Let go.” He instructed you, locking an arm around your waist. “Come all over my cock, gorgeous.” He egged you on, until he felt your body quake and tense, a hot rush around his frenzied shaft.
“There you go, very good.” He praised you, lining kisses over your shoulder and neck, nuzzling his face there as he buried himself deep inside and let loose, pumping his load into your core and painting your walls, unlike Henry.
The two of you stood there for a long time, supporting each other against the shower wall with the water still raining down over you. Until August's skilled ears twitched to a squeak above the patter of water on the hexagon tiles and turned his head. A smirk pulled across his lips as he spied Henry through the clear glass of the shower doors, coming into the bathroom.
“Did we wake you, Hank?” He quipped, as the Brit stepped into the stall with you, a gush of chilly air invading the warm space, making you shiver against August's chest.
“Yes and no.” He replied, dipping his head under the shower head, soaking his curls. “I woke up, when I realized our little Harley Quinn wasn't in bed with me any longer and heard some of your shower fun.” He informed him, shaking his head, to flick the curls out of his face, and moved to stand beside August, looking down at you. “Looks like you're having a nice, little shower, love.” He smirked, seeing the expression of sedated and satisfied exhaustion on your face.
“Mmm.” You hummed back, blinking up at him.
Both men chuckled at you, shaking their heads.
“You look after her, I have to piss.” August told Henry, slipping free of you and eased away, wanting to make sure you didn't fall without his support, before stepping out of the shower to use the toilet.
“Are you all right?” Henry asked, helping you sit down on a built-in, shower bench.
“I'm fine.” You answered, resting back against the wall. “Just didn't expect all of--” You motioned around sluggishly. “This—when I got your mystery invite to the party.”
Henry smirked, grabbing a bath sponge and a bar of vanilla, sandalwood and cardamom soap, from a recess in the shower wall. “That's a fair point.” He nodded, soaping up the sponge and grabbing one of your arms. “In all honesty, I didn't intend this to happen either.” He admitted to you, gently lathering up your skin.
“Well, I did want to be with you. I just didn't expect August to actually join us.”
“The devil made me do it!” August chimed in, coming back into the shower and started to wash. “But I told you, I intended to, if you wooed her.”
“Wooed me!” You huffed, rolling your eyes. “So, the two of you talked about this?”
“Henry needed some prodding in getting the courage to send you the invite.” August informed you, smirking at Henry, who blushed and looked at neither of you. “But we're both quite happy you said yes.”
“That's true.” Henry nodded, moving the sponge across your shoulders, massaging them as he did. “I hope we didn't push you or anything.” He said, biting his lip as he looked you over.
You let out an amused laugh, tipping your head back to look up at the two men, who regarded you. “It's a bit late to be asking that, isn't it?” You inquired, shaking your head, before relaxing and growing serious. “But no, you guys didn't do anything I didn't want or consent to. Even though I was surprised by August sneaking into the room, like some sort of spy.”
Henry and August looked at each other, an expression of acknowledgment between them for a quick moment, before it passed, and they looked away.
“Suppose we should get back to the party.” You said, as Henry finished helping you wash.
“No.” August shook his head and rinsed the shampoo out of his hair. “The party ended a short while ago. The guests that are staying over, are in their rooms and those that weren't, have long been ushered off the property.” He informed you, causally.
“Just us, darling.” Henry winked, moving into August's spot to shower himself, carefully removing his devil horns. “Do you want to stay here with us, or would you rather I call Marco to take you back home?” He asked, cocking a closed eyed brow at you.
You weighed the options, watching Henry wash, water cascading around and along every groove and line of his muscular body, activating a tingle deep in your exhausted and sore body. “No need to bother him so late.” You finally answered, eyes shifting to August, who was grabbing towels.
Showered and dried off, You, Henry and August filed back into the bedroom. August called Davison up with a phone in the sitting room, having him bring up a few bottles of water for you all, which you were thankful for, since you were parched. Quenched, you climbed into bed, burrowing down under the sheets in the middle, while Henry and August got in on either side of you. Henry looped an arm around your waist, snuggling you against his chest and August lounged close to you, on his back, allowing you to reach out and lay your hand on his chest.
“Good night, my love.” Henry whispered, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
“Sleep well, Sugar.” August cooed, patting your hand gently, and kissed your knuckles.
“Good night.” You hummed, letting your fatigue take a hold of you. “Happy...Hallo-ween.” You mumbled, dropping off, happily cocooned between them.
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onlydylanobrien · 8 months
‘SNL 1975’ Finds Its Garrett Morris, Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase And John Belushi
By Justin Kroll, Anthony D'Alessandro January 30, 2024 10:00am
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Lamorne Morris playing Garrett Morris, Dylan O’Brien playing Dan Aykroyd, Cory Michael Smith playing Chevy Chase and Matt Wood playing John Belushi
EXCLUSIVE: Lamorne Morris, Dylan O’Brien, Cory Michael Smith and Matt Wood have joined the cast of Sony Pictures’ SNL 1975 that will be directed by Jason Reitman and based on the real-life behind the scenes accounts of the opening night of Saturday Night Live. Morris will play Garrett Morris, O’Brien will play Dan Aykroyd, Smith will play Chevy Chase, and Wood will play Belushi. The original screenplay is written by Reitman and Gil Kenan.
On October 11, 1975, a ferocious troupe of young comedians and writers changed television forever. SNL 1975 is the true story of what happened behind the scenes that night in the moments leading up to the first broadcast of NBC’s SNL. It depicts the chaos and magic of a revolution that almost wasn’t, counting down the minutes in real time to the infamous words, “Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night!”
The screenplay is based on an extensive series of interviews conducted by Reitman and Kenan with all the living cast members, writers and crew. Reitman, Kenan, Jason Blumenfeld, Erica Mills and Peter Rice are producing.
Morris can currently be seen in FX’s fifth season of Noah Hawley’s hit drama series Fargo as North Dakota Deputy Witt Farr. He joined the cast of Netflix’s Unstable for season two opposite Rob Lowe. Prior to this, he starred as the titular lead in the hybrid live-action/animated Hulu series Woke, inspired by the life and art of cartoonist Keith Knight.
O’Brien was most recently starring in Ponyboi, which premiered as one of ten films in the U.S. Dramatic Competition at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival. Up next, he will be seen in the feature films Caddo Lake, from the writing-directing team of Logan George and Celine Held and producer M. Night Shyamalan, and Anniversary, a thriller co-starring Diane Lane, Kyle Chandler, Zoey Deutch and Phoebe Dynevor. His other credits include Searchlight feature Not Okay from writer-director Quinn Shephard, the critically-acclaimed crime drama The Outfit, opposite Mark Rylance, Zoey Deutch, and Johnny Flynn; Paramount’s Love and Monsters and the popular Maze Runner franchise
Best known for his role on as the Riddler on the popular Fox series Gotham, Smith can currently be seen as Julianne Moore’s son in Todd Haynes’ May December. He most recently starred as Varian Fry in Anna Winger’s limited series Transatlantic opposite Gillian Jacobs and Corey Stoll for Netflix. Smith has also worked with Todd Haynes in both Carol (as private investigator Tommy Tucker) and Wonderstruck.
Wood has appeared in the original Broadway cast of Spongebob Squarepants and as husky kid icon Augustus Gloop in the Broadway First National Tour of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Television credits include Law and Order: SVU, Instinct and Difficult People.
Morris is represented by CAA, Entertainment 360, The Lede Company, and Myman Greenspan Fox Rosenberg Mobasser Younger & Light. O’Brien is repped by William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, Principal Entertainment LA, and Lichter, Grossman, Nichols, Feldman, Rogal, Shikora & Clark. Smith is repped by Circle of Confusion. Wood is repped by BRS/Gage Talent Agency.
Source: deadline.com
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 6 months
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I recently learned about the rejected pitch for a Batman Beyond film by the Spiderverse creators. I am so mad at Warner Bros rn.
Ugh and like the themes of hope from ITSV/ATSV wherein Peter B loses sight of what life is about and Miles inspires him could work SO damn well for a Batman Beyond story about Bruce.
And the themes of Miles' Puerto Rican heritage would work too we could explore Terry's Asian heritage (even though he's not since he's a clone but shush he doesn't know that). Like there are so many themes that were present in ITSV/ATSV that are perfect for a Beyond film.
And maybe they could've recast Bruce Greenwood as Bruce or cast someone new and just- uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.
I know Warner Bros made every single wrong business practice last year but come on. A film about the popular successor to DC's arguably most famous character made by the guys who sparked an animation renaissance with another comic-book movie. Free money was fucking handed to them and they said "nah we're good". Like what, did they think it wouldn't sell? Was Black Adam all that much better?
Fuckin Warner Bros, man. I'm honestly shocked they didn't go under last year.
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nerdvanaxi · 7 months
Especially on my mind after this last episode, one of the nicest things I've noticed while watching Dimension 20 is how the GMs play off each other or seem inspired to develop their craft across the seasons. The obvious example, of course, is Matt's insight-check trick getting adopted by both Brennan and Aabria. But, I also think it can be even a little subtler.
For instance, the social scenes with NPCs this current season feel just a little more Aabria influenced than they were in prior seasons of FH. I've noticed that Aabria's really good at crafting this underlying weightiness to the social interactions. So often while watching her seasons, it feels like a "this action will have consequences" or "this character will remember that" message should pop up when PCs mess up or do bits. Prime example of this is her use of physical props and tokens and counters to help represent relationships and reputations in game. But even without adding explicit game mechanics there's a social weight she's really skilled weilding (the whole Rue and Wuvvy command scene in Court, but also just the stoats in Burrow needing to contend with Last Bast's complex mix of cliques and ideologies if they want to survive). Her PCs don't just have to interact with other characters, they also have to contend with the larger systems that motivate/manipulate those characters.
This isn't to say social interactions of Fantasies High past were shallow or lacked meaning. To the contrary, Brennan has always been able to make fun and compelling NPC interactions for his players. I think he's really good at making even the most ridiculous characters have a thread of believability and personhood to them. But with his use of stress tokens this season and all the additional piling on of academic/social/financial responsibilities, bureaucratic machinations, and taking favorite/ultrapowerful NPCs off the board he's giving the Intrepid Heroes' relationships and choices a more palpable weight of consequences to them in a way that seems devilishly Iyengarian, in my opinion. This also feels especially appropriate for Junior Year given that this season's main antagonist is kinda looking more and more like it's going to be the American Solesian education system at large, rather than some singular nasty dragon or scarecrow cultists.
It's just really fun to watch D20 and see the cast and crew collaborating. Even when they aren't at the table, their influences can be felt.
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