#he would yell about The Times and being beaten by Store That Sucks!!
treesbian · 11 months
i love when u make a post and then ur mutual makes a post clearly inspired by your post. it's enrichment for the echo chamber
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dual-fantasy · 5 months
So much. Yes. the babyfication of mike(& the rest of the system to an extent) cause hes nervous sometimes and mentally ill makes me so mad. hes a bit of a dick and its okay. let him be a dick. he deserves it. let him be awful and gritty. scike ultimately would fail because of how much they just dont love each other. they end it on awful terms. anytime they're near each other they end up getting in a fistfight. mike kicks his ass every time. he'd have to be physically dragged off scott if anyone cared enough to stop him. jo cheers him on. people only get in the way of it when they realize scott might actually Die and even then its just a suggestion. Also, bit of an unpopular opinion in the fandom but I don't like zoke. I think they'd be friends after the show but they wouldn't date. mike grew a backbone after the show as well. he got cooler i reckon. its the mental illness though he stopped going to therapy after roti(also. i want to talk about how people completely forget that he actively sees a psychiatrist?? he is fucked in the head stop ignoring it) and somewhere through dating scott he just Stops Giving A Shit. he contracted scotts shark rabies or whatever and it made him evil. but its okay cause its mike. let him be evil. he deserves it. let him be mean to people. scike are absolutely awful for each other. their ''relationship'' is messy at most. nobody knows how they started dating it just happened one day. they yell at each other in the furniture displays at big stores and make everyone uncomfortable. they cant hang out together around anyone else cause 30 minutes in they get mad at each other and ruin the mood. actually the fandom interpretation of mike pisses me off so much. he is not a dainty little twink he has abs. that isnt just vitos italian superstrength(funniest fucking thing to me) or whatever hes strong as hell. let him beat someone up. let him be mean. he pushed scott into shark infested waters. he was a stupid boy in love with a pretty girl but hes also a dick. it means so much to me. hes an awful person sometimes and he absolutely deserves to be. half of the total drama fandom can not comprehend a mentally ill guy having complexities that make him a kind of bad person. hes a dog motif in a guard dog way. his bites worse then his bark. i do not frown on him being horrible i think he should be like that more. make mike mean twenty twenty four. td fandoms displayed him in such a horrific way i have to level the scales by making him the horrible person he deserves to be. not even in an angsty way he isn't sad and miserable. he should just be allowed to fuck scott up a lot. let him break some noses. I saw a post about brick and mike(no idea what the ship name is. bike ????) and i think they should be allowed to kiss just a little bit. brick frowns on him getting in fights but he isn't gonna stop it. scott deserves to get beaten up a little. mikes stupid and in love with brick though. tying into the guard dog motif. he comes home soaked in blood(probably scotts. none of its his own) and makes brick dinner cause hes actually the best boyfriend ever. just not to scott. theres no scike happy ending they dont become friends or learn to tolerate each other theyre forever bitter and hateful Grave Dog. i wrote this all in one sitting in 2 minutes i hope its somewhat comprehensible
YOU'RE SO REAL the fanon interpretation of mike actually drives me mad. like fucking insane. I hate it. I think the issue is that people don't want actual mental health representation they want the perks that come with being able to say he's mentally ill without actually having to see what mental illness is. they would rather die than realise nuances in his character. and your right the system has also had this happen but to a lesser extent. I like the fanon system more but only in the way that it's actually researched. in every other way it sucks. Ive seen it happen a lot with svetlana too. Its the obsession with easy troupes and simple characters that are easier to portray. they want characters to be more palletable so they erase their real character for the simplicity. it's bad
I think scike is literally never going to work out. it's always bad and it never improves and they're so terrible. they would never say they'll love eachother but they'll spend every waking moment imagining ways to destroy eachother. it's so bad and so good. mike is actually fucking killing Scott at one point. like his face is three hits from caving in. the only person to bother with helping him is brick because of "moral codes" or something. Cameron also wanted to help but he would get killed like. immediately. not even intentionally he would just get hit and crumple and die. everyone else is cheering them on tho. Anne Maria and B made a betting pool. lightning and dawn are announcing everything that happens like sports commentators.
I do not like zoke either because I don't like the way that Zoey was handled in canon. I think they should've made her weirder. she cannot be the "weird small town loser" if her only weird personality trait is a flower in her hair. she shouldve collected bones and made them into jewellery. they're friends but I can't see them dating. he stops caring after the show (and the reset button doesn't work!! it does not fucking work!! the system is still there!!) and decides to just be terrible. making up for the fanon bullshit my making him worse you're right.
and the Italian superstrength is easily one of the funniest explanations I've ever seen. in anything. Vito doesn't have fucking superpowers y'all mike is strong. he canonically does kickboxing!!! and is very passionate it!!! the show makes a point out of it!!! and also he can do everything that Svetlana can. even if he doesn't have the form or the practice in order to actually do it he could still theoretically do it. because Svetlana can only do what their body allows. mike is fucking jacked and incredibly strong he's just skinny. his ass is NOT a twink you all just hate nuances! he needs to beat up people. he needs to be worse. he needs to be terrible and horrible and cruel
and the guard dog motif is soooo good. weapon that's only used in necessity. bites not for enjoyment but for protection. able to fight but has the morality to restrain himself. he should be allowed to go crazy though. pleaseeee pretty please can he go crazy and silly and insane and violent. you're so real about brick and Mike I think they would be cute.
also DW I write all my posts in 2 minutes too that's why they're all incomprehensible
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laufeyson-barnes · 2 years
I'm Scared
Eddie munson x reader
Warning: mentions of being jumped, threats, sad, fluff
Summary: eddie being your safe space
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Y/n wasn't expecting it. She was walking home from the video store where she worked. She had also gotten movies to go to Eddie's but her plans were stopped short. As she was turning around a corner a car was speeding down the road. Y/n wasn't popular so what was about to happen was normal. The car had slowed down as it rolled past y/n. Jocks and cheerleaders were packed in the car.
Some heads were put of the window hollering.
"Wassup slut!"
"Look at this fucking loser!"
"Suck my dick bitch!"
"Burn in hell freak"
Insults were hollered and screamed at y/n as they drove past. Y/n was angry. She couldn't just not be angry. They always did this. As there car drove around tbe corner y/n screamed.
"Fuck you assholes!"
She heard the wheels screech and she knew. She started sprinting as fast as her legs could carry her. Her head flipped to see the car speeding back around the corner.
"Shit" she breathed under he breath as she ran.
"Come here freak. We are going to fucking kill you!" Jason's loud voice said over the roar of the engine.
Y/n felt her throat close up as she ran down an alley way. She knew she only had a couple seconds of a head start. When she got to the end of the alley way she sprinted in the direction of the trailer park. Her back pack was making it hard to run. Y/n was struggling to keep running but she knew she needed to. She knew they'd catch her somehow.
As y/n had gotten towards the edge of the outlet malls the car cut infront of her. Her feet came to a stop. The car door slammed open and y/n ran the other direction.
"Aw come on y/n. You know I'm gonna get you" Jason screamed.
Y/n didn't stop. No she ran and ran until as she reached a patch of grass she hit the ground. Jason had tackled her. People were yelling at him to beat her ass. Jason had flipped y/n over and smacked her hard.
"Told you I'd catch you" he said as he struggled to keep the upset girl down.
"Fuck you" she said through her teeth laughing. Jason got pissed and started throwing punches at the girl. He'd beaten her for awhile and y/n was taking it like a champ.
"Now I'm gonna kill you freak. Any last words?" He asked smiling at her.
"You hit like a bitch" She said laughing. Jason's hands wrapped around y/ns throat. He tightened the grip and she choked on her laugh.
"Oh yeah bitch. Say it again. I dare you. Say it! Say it! SAY IT!" He screamed and she struggled to say it.
"You....You hit...like a..." she choked as he tightened his hands tighter. Her neck could snap and she wouldn't be mad. She was in alot of pain and she felt herself blacking out. "Bitch" she whispered.
Jason let go and grabbed her hair. He slammed her head into the ground two times before y/ns hand got loose from his knee. She knew it was her last chance to escape from death. She didn't know if it'd work but she tried.
"Behind you" she choked out. Jason turned and when he looked back at her she headbutt him. He flew off her and she threw four punched at his face. She heard a Crack when she punched his nose. Shit. She grabbed her bag that had fallen off and ran away the best she could.
"I'm gonna kill you you bitch! You better keep your mouth shut"
"Yeah you better run!"
"Come back here!"
She didn't know if she could make it to Eddie's but she tried. She made it to the trailer park by staying in the woods most of the time. She didn't even try and sneak it. She tried to open the house door. Locked. She pounded on it loudly. Because it was so late she thought his uncle would be gone. But she thought wrong.
"Who the hell is-" eddies uncle started. "Y/n. Woah kid what happened. Talk to me" he said bringing me inside and sitting me on the couch.
"Eddie" She whispered out of breath. She was covered in blood. She didn't know if it was hers or Jason's.
"EDDIE!" He screamed and she flinched. At first eddie didn't come out he just asked what loudly.
"EDWARD MUNSON!" He screamed trying to get his attention. Eddie came running out.
"Yes sir-" he stopped half way in the livingroom when he saw me.
"Holy shit. Y/n baby what happened? Oh my god" eddie asked voice full of worry. He tripped over himself getting next to her. He pushed the hair out of y/ns face and winced at the pain.
"Eds" She whispered tears filling her eyes threatening to fall.
"Baby. You gotta tell me who did this" he said trying to wipe the blood away from my face.
"Said he'd kill me." She whimpered. Eddie locked eyes with his uncle.
"No kid we won't let him. You gotta tell eddie who did it. I don't got to know if you dont want me to but you got to." Wayne said. He practically ran around the house trying to get stuff to clean you up with.
Y/n caught her breath she felt calm enough to talk.
"I was closing the store after I got us movies for tonight.." she said struggling to talk with her hurt neck.
"They drove past yelling. I thought they were out of earshot and I yelled back like such an idiot. Chased me. Hunted me. It was like a cat and mouse game eddie. I was so scared. I was so close but he caught me. He caught me eddie and he made me pay for it" she finished.
"Who baby. You can tell me who. We just want to help princess." Eddie said in a reassuring and desperate voice.
"Eddie. You got to promise me you won't handle it yourself. You have to promise me you will be calm about it. Please" y/n said fully crying now. Eddie nodded desperately. He had a feeling he knew who but he needed to hear you say it.
Wayne had come back with a bowl of water and abunch of stuff to help y/n.
"Jason. Jason and his possee. Eddie I was scared. I fought him back. I tried." She cried out and Wayne put his hands up.
"Hey deep breaths. It's okay. Eddie isn't going to be angry. Because he cares more about you and your well being right now kid. Right eddie" Wayne said giving eddie a look. Eddie had a moment to think. He was pissed that they touched his girl. Angry to the point of murder and he would never hurt anyone. Not even a fly. His girlfriend was scared though and he knew she was more important. Karma would get them one day.
He took a deep breath before responding.
"Right. Baby you're more important. So let's get you cleaned up and then we can report this" eddie explained kissing her hand gently. Y/n shook her head.
"No please. No no no no. I can't report it. They can't arrest everyone that was there. They can't. So any one but Jason will come after me." She cried and eddie sighed.
"Okay baby I won't make you report it but please think about it." He said nervously and she nodded.
"I'll be right back baby. I'm going to get you a change of clothes. Are you okay staying with him" eddie asked. Y/n nodded and the second eddie left she started crying again.
Wayne cleaned her up a bit more. Wayne loved y/n. She made eddie happy and she made him happy. Shed make him lunch and send him off the work. It was cute how she cared. Wayne thought of her like a daughter in law already. He knew her and eddie would last a very long time.
"You should report it. It would bring justice to not just you. But to everyone they've done this to. It could go on their permanent record kid." Wayne tried to explain why she should but y/n wasn't sure.
"But..what if..ow.."
"Sorry kid"
"What if the police blaim me Mr. Munson. What if they blame me for...for responding to the teasing. What if they get angry with me for hitting back" y/n was rambling. She was so scared. So many things were going through her mind. It wouldn't shut off. Now that the adrenaline was worn off y/n was in so much pain.
"Kiddo have you met hopper?" Wayne asked.
She shook her head no.
"He's the biggest teddy bear ever. But he hates bullies. Hates them. He's one of my best friends to so how about if I ask about it then we can talk?" Wayne explained and y/n nodded shyly.
"Okay kid. Let me go get you some medicine. You can wipe off any blood. I just don't want to hurt you." Wayne said kissing the young girls head. That hurt y/n a bit because of how her head was smashed in the ground. But she knew he meant well.
While Wayne tried to convince y/n to report what the jocks did. Eddie was trying to calm down and not to be angry. He should've picked her up. Eddie started crying while searching for an outfit that would fit you. He found his band t that his band made awhile ago. And he found an old pair of short you had left. He put them in the bathroom and had to take deep breaths.
He wiped his eyes and went back to take care of his girl. When he sat next to her she was calm. No tears not until she saw eddie again.
"Did he take good care for you princess?" Eddie asked sweetly. She nodded slow tears falling down her face.
"Okay baby I know you don't want to talk about it but did anything happen to your head. If so we need to take care of that" eddie said worriedly voice covered with concern.
"He grabbed my hair and slammed my head into the ground a couple times." She responded subconsciously touching her head. Eddie nodded.
"Where baby. Show me please" he told her. She pointed and eddie searched for a cut or anything. Nothing but it was red.
"Damn kid you got em good didn't you" Wayne said pointing at y/ns hands. Eddie looked.
"That's my girl. What happened" eddie asked.
"He beat me first. He told me he was gonna kill me. Asked if..asked if I had any last words. I told him he hit like a bitch.. then he was choking me. Suffocating me. I thought he would snap my neck. He threatened for me to say it again so I did. He slammed my head in the ground. But I tricked him. I said behind him. He looked and I headbutt him. Then I punched him a couple times. I ran. I ran an I ran as fast as I could" She explained tears welling in her eyes.
Eddie comforted his girlfriend. Him and his uncle locked eyes
"Kid we are proud of you for sticking up for yourself. You shouldn't let kids like that bully you." Wayne said and eddie kissed her head.
"Eds" She cried out and eddie held her tighter. His eyes filled with tears. He couldnt stand seeing her cry or in pain. It hurt him. His uncle saw him tearing up.
"I'm going to leave you two alone. I have work to go to. Y/n I'm gonna talk to hopper for you kid" Wayne said.
"Make sure she doesn't have a concussion and if she does. Hospital Edward. Got it?" Wayne said to Eddie. Eddie gave a thumbs up. Wayne left still worried for y/n.
Y/n broke down fully. She slowly climbing into Eddie's lap. Eddie held onto her not wanting to let go.
"I was so scared Ed's. I cried so hard and he wouldn't let go. He was so ready to murder me. He wasn't going to stop eddie." Y/n cried and eddie just held her.
"Are you okay?" Eddie asked and y/n shook her head no.
"There's uh. Nothing to worry about kay?" Eddie said wrapping his arms around me tightly.
"Eds I'm so scared" She whispered.
"You're safe" he responded kissing her head. They both watched as Jason was put in jail for assault. The entire group if kids got in trouble. Hopper wasn't happy. He became y/ns dad figure. And since her mom was always away hopper looked after her. He trained her. He taught her how to defend herself.
"Y/n it'll be okay. You can stay with me" eddie said and y/n nodded.
Eddie and y/n went home. He held her all day and night. He comforted her through the nightmares. Hopper made sure she had protection on her 24/7.
"Eddiem I love you" y/n whispered. Eddie held her tighter.
"I love you too princess. " eddie whispered. He knew she'd make the best wife and mom. He couldn't wait for that day to come.
Guys it's my birthday. Yes sadly I share a birthday with america :( anyways I had the idea and it kind of sucks ig.
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bossbex · 3 years
5x06 Reaction
JARCHIE!!! I missed their interactions so much... like honestly in S4 they barely spoke.  I’m loving the “roommates” dynamic.  
Ok the kevin/fangs/toni apartment(?) is... amazing!!
I love how they hired actual teenagers (or close to it) to play the high school kids... since all the “teachers” were playing high school students, what, 3 episodes ago?? 
Ok mechanic Betty is SO HOT
Veronica’s taking over the Blue Velvet!!! Why not reuse that set lmao
Thoughts on this initial barchie interaction: 
I’ve seen all the discourse about it seeming like Archie doesn’t care about Betty’s problems, or not taking them seriously, and people comparing Archie’s “oof - that sucks” to jughead’s “white noise” speech in 1x08 (which I thought was cringy AF and I even liked b*ghead at the time) and here’s what I’ll say: 
His “oof - that sucks” comment as MATCHING Betty’s tone - she says it kind of matter of factly and with a bit of an eyeroll, she does NOT seem very upset about it, and she is a grown ass adult who DOESN’T need Archie’s condolences in that moment - and Archie knows that. 
She then brings up Polly, and Archie ASKS A FOLLOW UP QUESTION: “didn’t your mom say she does this? Takes off for a couple of days” which shows that he is referring to a previous conversation about this - they’ve BEEN talking about it and he DOES care (not to mention they showed that he had texted her about Polly at the end of the last episode)
She says she’s trying not to panic - because she knows this is something Polly does and may not actually be in danger - SO HE OFFERS A DISTRACTION during a time when she is basically asking for one, and then SHE COMES UP WITH THE IDEA OF WHERE TO GO HAVE SEX
Anyway I have argued with enough people on twitter about this lol.. I feel strongly.  Also, this scene was super cute and both Archie and Betty look so good in it.  
I love Tabitha.  Smart, enterprising, witty... I’m all for the Jugitha pairing. (seriously though, is a ship name decided for them? I’ve seen Tabhead and Jabitha as well, lol.  
Uhhhhh ok this car sex scene? It somehow feels even more explicit than the shower scene?? The moaning and breathing?? HOW DARE THESE STONEWALL KIDS INTERRUPT THIS
Is it just me or is Sheriff Keller looking really hot? Silver fox??  
I have to note that Archie’s hair colour looks SO BAD in this whole episode but especially this football scene with the Reggie confrontation.  It’s like, almost burgundy? But somehow bright orange at the same time? I hate it.  
Ok Cole is absolutely nailing this “down on his luck, beaten down” adult Jughead.  His character is funny all the sudden?? I love that he kept the money in the tip jar like OF COURSE
Ok Chad coming into Veronica’s class HE’S THE WORST!!! And then SITTING AT THE BACK I HATE HIM SO MUCH FOR THIS
Alright, now we have another scene that has people talking, which is where Archie meets Chad.  My thoughts: 
Archie clearly sizes up Chad.  I mean, he dated Veronica for 3-ish years (in the show’s timeline) so yeah, it’s normal to meet your ex’s new partner and size them up.  It read more like “he thinks Chads a douche” as opposed to “he’s jealous of Chad because he wants to be with V”.  
They show makes a point of showing Betty’s reaction to them meeting.  THIS SHOT IS NOT RANDOM.  Yes, I’m sure the show will go there, she’ll get jealous of V at some point.  Betty thinking that Archie is jealous of Chad is not the same as Archie actually being jealous of Chad.  
I kind of loved how Chad just jumps in here to join in the karaoke night - he didn’t redeem himself from the previous scene where he SAT IN THE BACK OF HER CLASS WHILE SHE WORKED but I like how they’re not playing him completely evil
Next scene: BETTY AND TONI ARE TALKING!!! I REPEAT!!! BETTY AND TONI ARE TALKING!!! Seriously, it’s so refreshing that they’re actually letting all kinds of new dynamics and character interactions happen this season.  
I am living for Cheryl being completely beautiful whilst yelling at construction workers.  
So like... she actually doesn’t have that much money. She couldn’t really afford the donation for the school... I kind of wish that once she says “I can’t afford it” people would like, not keep pushing? I’m looking at you Toni, whom I absolutely adore, I just wish the writers didn’t make it like Cheryl’s being squeezed dry.  I get that it’s needed for plot purposes but I don’t love it.  
Kevin and Betty are friends again!!! Love it!!! 
Karaoke night thoughts: 
At no point is Jughead hanging out or interacting with the rest of the group.  He stays separate from them - with Tabitha, which I appreciate, but I am just noting this because I’m sure it was done purposefully. 
“She probably forgot it’s Gekko now” uhhhh didn’t Toni announce V as “Veronica Gekko” in the last episode?? LOL THE SHADE
I love Veronica’s voice
Ok so Chad actually comes off so great in this scene?? I guess this is part of his manipulation - come off as such a great guy in front of all her friends to get them to like him? 
Jughead’s reaction to the duet is so me every time I’ve watched people do karaoke lmao
During the “or do you need more? Is there something else you’re searching for” they cut to Archie’s and Betty’s reaction.  Archie is not thinking about V in that moment.  
I am not seeing one iota of jealousy from Archie.  He looks genuinely happy for them.  
This Chad and Veronica bed scene makes me uncomfortable.  But I’m glad they’re showing their softer moments! 
The Archie/football recruitment sequence... Chad in the back of Veronica’s classroom again??? HOW IS THIS HAPPENING I HATE THIS!! Also, this is another scene where Chad looks jealous of Archie... not the other way around. 
Britta!!! I love her.  And I feel like the writers inserted her in specifically for Britta Lundin, former Riverdale writer and acclaimed author (read her book Ship It, seriously, it’s so good), and I love that. BUT THE WAY ARCHIE LOOKS AT BETTY IN THIS SCENE IS THAT EVEN LEGAL
We get the first glimpse Toni’s “Operation Bring Cheryl Out Of Hiding” plan here, when Archie asks her for funding for the football team and says its earmarked for something else (hmmmmmmm... this plan has been in the works for a while... and I’m here for it) 
Ok. This scene where Archie goes to ask Cheryl for money is... a mess.  My first reaction is that it was so OOC for Archie to bring up Jason in that way.  Then I got to thinking... Archie probably would want to honour his dad in that way and was genuinely suggesting that as something that might actually be helpful to her, as opposed to purposely trying to manipulate her.  He knows what it’s like to lose a family member, he just didn’t realize that Cheryl doesn’t grieve in the same way. The boy doesn’t have a malicious bone in his body.  Anyway, now he’s been banished from Thornhill! But don’t we see him (and everyone) there in a bts photo from possibly 5x08? Isn’t that at Thornhill? Will this be addressed or will the writers just forget it ever happened?
I love Betty and Kevin investigating together. It’s so refreshing. 
Ok this place Jughead is going to is legit the creepiest shit I’ve ever seen.  I am having trouble making myself care about this “Mothmen” plot??
Betty’s “Straight to the Point” interrogation style is actually effective in this truck stop stakeout scene.  
Alice again with her wine... I wonder if there will actually be an “Alice is an alcoholic” storyline or is the wine just part of her personality now?
Ok like it’s so inappropriate for a teacher to be wearing an HBIC shirt BUT I AM HERE FOR THIS DRAMATIC VIXENS HALLWAY WALK!! And Toni is correct, Cheer is a sport so sit down, Archie.  Notably Toni adds in “not even Cheryl managed to do that” - I’m thinking she new Ms. Bell would be eavesdropping ;)
Is this Minerva character going to be important?? I keep seeing people talking about how she and Cheryl are going to hook up but is that just because she’s a female character who interacts with Cheryl? I’m not seeing it yet but hey, it’s Riverdale.  
Seriously though, since we know Jughead wasn’t there when Archie said that, there’s two options: Either Archie told him he said it, or (my preferable theory) Archie used to just SAY THAT REGULARLY and has said it in front of Jug lmao.
Chad again seems legit supportive when she tells him about her jewelry store plan?? THEY’RE SO UP AND DOWN!!! 
Ok, so Betty is an FBI agent (trainee, whatever) and she JUST NOW THOUGHT OF TRACING POLLY’S CELL PHONE
This scene... when Veronica finds out Chad has been talking to Hiram behind her back... this is where she decides she’s done with Chad. 
Another scene with Archie - I am still getting zero vibes that he’s into Veronica? And zero vibes that Veronica’s into Archie? It makes complete sense that Veronica would want to help the bulldogs.  Chad is a total dick here and is definitely threatened by Archie... again, not the other way around.  Side note: Chad, if threatened by Archie, is a TOTAL IDIOT for suggesting Archie renovates the Pembrooke - like, he’s going to be working? All the time? Where Veronica is staying? And probably taking his shirt off because he’s sweaty from all the working?? WHYYYYY WOULD CHAD ENCOURAGE THIS
This little flirty scene between Jughead and Tabitha (and it’s the first that I would say has any flirty undertones whatsoever) is pretty cute.  
The fact that people are suggesting Betty showed up there because she wanted to talk to Jughead is SENDINNNNGGGGGG
Let’s be clear, she only asked about Jughead so she could make sure he wasn’t home so that she could bone Archie. There is no other interpretation for this. 
They are playing the song from the porch scene in the pilot... DON’T TELL ME BARCHIE IS MEANINGLESS WHEN THEY ARE USING THIS SONG
I think the fact that this is the first time they had sex and we didn’t see it is meaningful - they are showing that the relationship is deepening and they are more than “just sex”
As Betty leaves, Archie looks like he wants to reach out for her and then stops himself - he is definitely falling hard and he’s afraid Betty isn’t feeling the same way
Ok, Cheryl is straight up wearing lingerie in Toni’s office!!! And the red lipstick is back - notably, throughout the entire show, she has worn the red lipstick as a kind of shield - she never has it for her “vulnerable” scenes.  Seems like that is still happening. AND this is where we see Boss Toni’s plan come into fruition - she started up the vixens and MADE SURE CHERYL FOUND OUT ABOUT IT because she knew that was the one thing that would make Cheryl come out of her Thornhill hiding spot.  Well played, Toni.  
Archie and Veronica announcing the bulldog funding... again, I’m not seeing ANY “romantic/attraction” vibes here? He does react when she says her last name is Lodge again but like, anyone would? 
Is Reggie... filing his nails? Lmao
I really hope Polly isn’t dead?? Like I very much want a Polly redemption story!! 
Sooooo I guess Archie and Jughead are both going to die in this fire? Lol... well... they’re main characters so I’m sure they’re good.  
I’m doooone for this week! So far really enjoying the timejump? Obviously because of barchie but also, everyone is just - better. 
Well this turned out to be a novel.  If you made it this far, thanks for reading :) 
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haokyeom · 4 years
new dream | chwe vernon hansol
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ミ★ synopsis: your dream is to get into SNU and leave your town, get a fresh start. that is, until you meet vernon. the one who helps you experience the feeling of being free for the first time.
ミ★ genre: sin of sloth!vernon, highschool!au, angst, fluff, some crack
ミ★ warnings: a couple slaps kapOW
ミ★ word count: 6,352
ミ★ pairings: vernon x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys it’s lila, aka @viastro​ ! this was kinda rushed because i’ve been going through it, but i hope you guys still like it <3 vernon is the sin of sloth for the collab :o make sure to give vernon lots of love !!
ミ★ previous | masterlist | next
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In life, you have to work hard. As someone who’s been on the Dean’s honor roll since you were in your freshman year, you would know. You’ve been working hard on your grades for as long as you can remember. You wanna get out of Daegu, you want to go to Seoul. 
The main reason for you wanting to leave the place you were raised? 
To get away from your aunt and cousin, who took you in when your parents passed. However, they’ve done nothing for you except let you under their roof. You practically raised yourself from the moment you could start doing addition and subtraction. 
It doesn’t help that your cousin, Yeona, is an absolute shithead. 
So here you are, walking back to your house from the after cram school to make sure you pass the exam to get into SNU, Seoul National University. It’s 8 PM and you’re wondering if you should go and get fast food before going to your shift at the convenience store your aunt owns. 
Your schedule is basically wake up, go to school, attend classes at the cram school after school ends, go to work at the kbbq restaurant for a few hours, then work at the convenience store. There’s no time for fun or meeting your friends, not that you have many. You dedicate most of your time into making sure that you have enough money to financially support yourself once you finally leave Daegu, and that’s all that matters to you. 
“Maybe I’ll get fries.” You mumble to yourself once you notice the grumble of your stomach. You walk down the street to head towards McDonald’s, only to freeze when you hear the sound of guys yelling. Raising an eyebrow, hand sneaking into your pocket to grab the pepper spray you keep, before continuing your route to the fast food place. 
“You’re not gonna do anything? You’re just gonna let us beat the shit out of you?” You frown at the sentence, wondering why the person won’t fight back. You twist off the cap when you look down the alleyway to your left and see a group of guys surrounding one man laying on his side. 
“What a bitch-”
“Hey!” You shout out without thinking, and all the guys turn to glance at you. You’re standing at the entrance of the alleyway, pepper spray in hand as you quietly think to yourself that maybe, just maybe, you should’ve closed your eyes and pretended nothing was happening. 
it sucks being a person with morals.
“What are you doing here, little girl? This business doesn’t involve you.” You glare at the man who assumed you were a child when you’re now an adult. You glance down at the guy on the ground, only to raise an eyebrow when you realize he has on your school’s male uniform. “What are you guys doing beating up a student? You’re all like… thirty.”
One of the guys growls and moves to go and get you, only to be held back by the first man who spoke to you. He shoots a glare at you, “Go. I won’t ask twice.” 
You let out a sigh, before walking up closer to the three men. It’s when you stand before them that the guy your age lets out a groan, sitting up from laying on the ground. He turns around to glance at you, and your eyes widen slightly when you immediately recognize him.
Chwe Vernon Hansol, the guy at your school who puts no effort into things. However, he’s second best to you. He’s one of the naturally gifted students. 
you despise him for that.
“Get the fuck down, bitch.” The guy tells Vernon, and the blonde lets out a tired sigh. You question whether you actually heard him mutter, “I told you, you’re literally beating up the wrong guy.” 
“The fuck did you just-” Without thinking, you reach out and pepper spray all three of the guys before they can make another move on Vernon. They begin screeching, and Vernon’s eyes widen, immediately standing up and grabbing your hand. The two of you make a run for it with Vernon pulling you as you hear the men roar out in pain from behind you.
The rush you feel is exhilarating. Your heart is beating wildly against your chest, your hair being blown past you by the breeze as you run. You feel free as you run with Vernon, his hand tightly holding yours until you both feel that you’re far enough. 
You double over, hands on your knees as you try and catch your breath. Vernon runs a hand through his hair, hand clutching his stomach as he feels a cramp coming on. After a moment of you two just heavily breathing, you stand up straight and look directly at the blonde. 
His uniform is dirty with footprints and some blood, his tie now hanging loosely around his neck. He runs a hand through his messy hair, before turning and glancing at you. A flicker of recognition flashes past his eyes, and he tilts his head at you, “You’re yn.” 
Your eyes widen slightly at the fact that he knows your name, and Vernon takes notice of this, letting out a chuckle. He stands up straight, stretching out his back, wincing slightly at the pain from what will most likely be bruises the next day. He turns to you once he’s done and says, “You’re at the top of the Dean’s honor roll, of course I know who you are.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, words not seeming to form proper sentences as you try to come up with a response. Vernon lets out a sigh after a moment, before turning and giving you a close-lipped smile. “Thanks for saving me back there.” 
You raise an eyebrow, “I couldn’t just let you get beaten up, but I’m curious.” Vernon tilts his head to the side, and you purse your lips at the memory of him just letting himself get kicked everywhere. “Why didn’t you try and stop them? You were just laying there.” 
Vernon smiles at you, and you find that he has a rather nice smile. You almost protest when it goes away once he shrugs his shoulders, “I was lazy.”
Your eyes widen in confusion, making you momentarily forget about his nice smile. Vernon laughs at your reaction, before turning and beginning to walk away. He only stops once he’s a few feet away, turning back and waving at you with a devilish grin on his face. 
“See you at school tomorrow!” 
You continue to stand there for a moment, wondering why the hell he let himself get beat up simply because he was lazy. Letting out a sigh, you realize there’s no reason for you to continue to think about Vernon. You have a shift to get to.
And with that, you walk towards the convenience store, stomach grumbling slightly at the fact that you were unable to get any McDonald’s. However, you still find yourself thinking of Vernon, that feeling you got when he was pulling you through the streets. 
It lingers hours later as you eat the stale kimbap while you stay behind the register. 
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“Yn, can you go and get the printed papers from the staff room?” You glance up from your desk to see your teacher staring at you, and you give her a nod, standing up and walking out of the room. Once you’re closer to the staff room, you raise an eyebrow when you hear the familiar voice. 
“I’m doing well in the subjects, why did I get called in?”
“Vernon, you’re a naturally gifted student. However, you have to stop sleeping during my classes.” 
You chuckle quietly, knowing that the blonde enjoys sleeping during classes. You never had an idea as to why he takes naps while the teacher is in the middle of lecture, but after last night, you have a vague idea as to why he’s always tired. 
You try to quietly slide open the door, only to cringe when the loud squeak resonates through the room. Vernon glances up at the noise, and finds you cursing the door for ratting you out. The corner of his lips tilts up in a smile, before he turns back towards his teacher. 
“I’ll try my best.” Vernon says, and his teacher nods her head. She motions with her hand that he’s free to go, and Vernon makes sure to walk past you at the printers as he does so. You turn your head when you see Vernon walking up to you, and you catch a glimpse of his smile. 
“Hey, yn.” Vernon greets before walking out of the staff room. You stare at the printer with wide eyes, questioning why heat is rushing to your face simply from his smile. Quickly grabbing the papers needed for your class, you leave the staff room.
“You look nice toda-” You screech at the sudden voice beside you, almost dropping the papers, but clutching them close to your chest instead. You’d rather sacrifice yourself than pick up at least 50 papers off the floor. Vernon stands beside you, trying to hold back his laugh at your reaction, and the blush rises to your cheeks again. Except this time, it’s due to humiliation. 
“Please ignore that ever happening.” Vernon shakes his head with a smile, running a hand through his blonde hair as he chuckles. 
“It was really funny, so I don’t think I will.” He tells you, and you squint at him, before turning and continuing to walk down the hallway towards your classroom. You hear Vernon’s footsteps following behind you, causing you to frown. You stop walking, and turn back around to see Vernon standing there, hands in his pockets. “Why are you following me?” 
“Because I think you’d be interesting to hangout with.” Your eyes practically bulge out of their sockets, and Vernon finds himself having to hold back another laugh. You point towards yourself in confusion, and the blonde nods with an amused grin on his face. “Why would I do that? No, let me rephrase. Why would you want that?” 
Vernon just shrugs his shoulders, leaning against the wall as he looks you up and down. You try to hold back the heat from rushing to your face again at the way his eyes rake your body, feeling slightly self conscious of the fact that your uniform is no longer as put together as it was this morning. You freeze once Vernon’s eyes lock with yours again, and he smiles. “Cause all you do is school shit, seems boring.” 
You immediately squint at the blonde, no longer interested in what more he has to say as you decide to walk past him and into your classroom without another word. Leaving Vernon alone in the hallway, somehow more intrigued by you than he was previously. 
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“Just get me an iced americano before you get back!” Before you can respond, Yeona hangs up the phone, and you curse to yourself. Now annoyed and hungry, you step out of the cram school and begin walking towards the coffee shop. 
“What am I? Cinderella? I fucking hate it here. She has legs, she has money, why can’t she just get her own coffee? We literally live right on top of a convenience store. We have instant coffee at ho-” You’re cut off when you accidentally walk right into someone, and their hands grasp your arms to make sure you don’t fall backwards. You immediately begin to mutter out a bunch of apologies, looking up to only lock eyes with those familiar caramel colored eyes. 
Vernon lets out a small smile, tilting his head to the side as he watches your eyes slowly turn into slits as you stare at him. “Well, I thought you didn’t wanna hangout with me?” 
Scoffing, you push him away, and you hear him chuckle at your reaction. You brush away any dust on your uniform before crossing your arms and glaring at the blonde. “I don’t.”
“Then maybe fate has other plans, considering the fact that this is the third time we’ve met coincidentally.” Vernon tells you cheekily, and you roll your eyes. “That or you’re stalking me.” 
Now it’s Vernon’s turn to scoff at you, and you bite back a smile. Letting out a sigh, you step past him so that you can go and get Yeona’s coffee, only to realize he’s now walking right beside you. You turn and glance at him, just to find him looking up at the stars in the sky. 
“You seemed pretty mad when you bumped into me. It was like a whole scene from those movies where the antagonist realizes they’re going to be evil. From the furrow to your brow, to the whole monologue you did. I’m glad I stopped that character arch.” Vernon says and you let out a laugh, shaking your head when you realize how what he said was true. The blonde smiles at the sound, feeling a sense of accomplishment. 
“My cousin, Yeona, she’s in your class. She was really pissed off and told me to buy her coffee right as I got out of my cram school classes. I didn’t get the chance to tell her no cause she hung up on me.” You explain, only to immediately regret it a second later because why did you open up to Vernon? Why did you just negatively talk about your cousin when you know she’s well liked in school. You open your mouth to say you were joking, only for the words to die in your throat when you see Vernon nodding his head in agreement. 
“That’s ass. She shouldn’t be acting like it’s your job to buy her coffee when she’s asking you to do something for her.” Vernon says, turning to glance at you. He notices the way your eyes shine brightly back at him, and he looks away when he realizes that you’re rather pretty. You bite your bottom lip, staring down at the pavement as the two of you walk side-by-side. 
No one’s ever agreed with you when it came to matters such as these, let alone take your side. You’ve lived most of your life under the impression that your cousin is, and always will be, superior to you. Yet Vernon didn’t care, he immediately tried to sympathize with you. 
maybe he’s not that bad, you find yourself thinking as the two of you walk in silence. It’s when you both stop in front of the café that you finally speak up, “I’m going to go and buy the americano, thanks for walking me.” 
Vernon nods his head, giving you a small smile. “Anytime.” 
The two of you stand in an awkward silence for a moment, and you question how the silence when you were both walking together was comfortable. You purse your lips and give Vernon a wave of your hand, before turning to walk inside the cafe. Your hand rests on the doorknob, and you bite your lip, before glancing back at the blonde, “Vernon?”
The blonde looks up at you, and he tilts his head to the side. “Yeah, yn?” 
“You’re not so bad.” You say, flashing him a smile before stepping into the cafe. Vernon grins after a moment and walks off, staring up at the night sky.
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“Yeona! You look so pretty today. Did you dress up to get Vernon to notice you?” You hear Yeona’s friend ask beside you as you get your portions for lunch. You just continue on with getting your food, turning away to go and sit down without hearing the rest of their conversation. 
You move to sit down at one of the empty tables, only to pause when you hear Vernon call out your name. Cursing to yourself, you glance up and see him walking over to you with a happy smile on his face. You know for a fact that Yeona and her friends must have heard Vernon call you, so you’re internally shitting your pants at what she might say. 
“I thought I told you to act like you don’t know me at school.” You whine when Vernon now stands in front of you, and he just chuckles at your childish behavior. He reaches out and grasps your wrist, and you raise an eyebrow at the blonde. “I wanted to show you something.” 
“Since when were you the one wanting to do stuff? I always have to plan our hangouts.”
“Whatever.” Vernon responds with a grin, and you sigh.
“If it doesn’t make me shit myself, then you owe me tea.” You tell Vernon, and he smiles before pulling you out of the cafeteria. Completely ignoring the glances and whispers the two of you receive. 
It’s been about a month since you and Vernon had that moment in front of the coffee shop, and the two of you began hanging out after classes were over. Whether it be him just walking with you to the cram school, him walking you home after cram school, or him bothering you during your shift at the kbbq restaurant. The two of you are usually together.
Recently you’ve even been skipping cram school classes to go and hangout with Vernon, as you’ve come to realize you rather enjoy his presence. However, even though you guys are close outside of school. Within school grounds you two only spared glances at each other because you knew your cousin would go feral if she found out the two of you were on speaking terms. 
You already knew that you were dead when you turned around and saw your cousin staring at you and Vernon’s connected hands as you left the cafeteria.
“Your mind’s about to be blown.” Vernon tells you as he takes you up the stairs, and you squint at the male.
“If it doesn’t I swear to God I will call upon thousands of demons-” The threat dies off in your throat once the two of you push through the doors and you find yourself staring out at a beautiful view of the city. You walk over to the ledge, resting your hands on the railing as you take in a deep breath of the fresh air. 
Vernon grins, walking up beside you and letting out a happy sigh at the silence. He knows that you won’t be calling upon thousands of demons, or else he would’ve heard it as soon as he opened the doors and you weren’t impressed. However, you’re quiet right now, just staring out at the view. 
“So you won’t be making that curse?” Vernon asks, turning to glance at you with a cocky expression on his face. His jaw falls slack slightly when you turn to and face him with the brightest smile he’s ever seen on you. 
“It’s beautiful. Thank you, Vernon.” You tell the blonde, basking in the moment of peace settling the turmoil that runs within you. You turn back towards the view, letting out a happy sigh at the view.
All while Vernon just stares at you for a moment longer, wondering how his heart got the ability to beat so fast at the sight of your smile. 
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“Mmm… I don’t know Vernon. The college entrance exams are in a few weeks. I’ve been skipping my classes too often recently.” You tell him as the two of you walk towards the cram school, and Vernon lets out a yawn. He shrugs his shoulders, holding up the bag of box dye that he bought and swinging it in your face. “You’re the one who told me I’d look nice with black hair. I got the hair dye, all I need is you to color my hair.”
You squint at him, “Why can’t you dye it yourself? You have two working arms.”
Vernon yawns, turning to glance up at the sky, “Too much work. Besides, this was your idea.”
You let out a sigh, seeing that the cram school is about a block away now. You look at Vernon, seeing him walking with a calm expression on his face as he awaits your response. The sound of the plastic bag rustling against his legs gaining your attention, as you glance down and see the box of black hair dye through the thin plastic.
You quietly wonder to yourself why Vernon decided to take your word for it and dye his hair black. You just said it randomly a couple weeks ago as he was following you around the kbbq restaurant while you cleaned up the tables. 
“Why did you even come with me to work? You already know I’m not going to give you any leftover meat.” You tell the blonde as you pick up any trash that was left behind on the countertops. Vernon rolls his eyes at the table beside you, taking a sip of water that your boss gave him. 
She strongly believed that the number of customers increases when Vernon accompanies you to work because of how handsome he is. You didn’t believe it at first, but as you take a quick look around, you soon come to realize that a lot of the customers who are eating are all just staring at Vernon.
“Pretty privilege sucks.” You mumble quietly as you place the dirty plates and chopsticks into the bucket. You turn your head to glance at Vernon, finding him quietly scrolling through his phone. His blonde hair is over his forehead today, hiding his strong eyebrows from view. You tilt your head to the side, and Vernon glances up at you when he feels your gaze. “What?” 
You shrug, turning back towards the tables to continue cleaning as you mutter, “I think you’d look good with black hair.” 
Vernon types up whether it’s better to dye his hair black at home or at a salon when you move to clean the next table.
“Alright, I’ll dye your hair this time. This is the last time I’m skipping my cram school classes though, I have to focus for the college entrance exams.” You tell Vernon with a serious tone, and the blonde nods his head. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s go back to my place.” 
The two of you turn and begin walking in the opposite direction, and the corner of your lips tilt upwards at the thought of teasing the blonde. So you turn your head and ask, “Do you live like a slob?”
“I feel like that’s a lie.”
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“Damn, it wasn’t a lie.” You mutter as you slide into the pair of slippers Vernon handed you. He scoffs, walking into the bathroom to prepare the towels without a response. You giggle, knowing that’s all the answer you’re going to get on that topic. 
“So you live alone? Already?” You ask as you walk into the bathroom. Vernon nods his head, handing you the gloves that come with the boxed hair dye. “Yeah, I like being alone.”
You frown, turning to glance at him as you put on the gloves. “You and I hangout almost everyday though.” 
Vernon doesn’t respond to that, instead handing you the already mixed hair dye. You raise an eyebrow, and he just grabs his phone to scroll through, causing you to squint at him. Before you open your mouth to scold him he turns and says, “You’re the one who said I’d look nice with black hair.” 
“You’re the one who bought the hair dye!” You exclaim as you dip the brush into the bowl. Vernon grins at the raise of your voice, knowing that he pushed your buttons. He places the towel over his shoulders when you begin to brush the hair dye onto his blonde locks. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll buy us chicken afterwards, so don’t worry.” 
You purse your lips at the mention of fried chicken, deciding to forgive Vernon as you continue to dye his hair. Vernon glances up at you in the mirror and smiles at your pursed lips. You feel his eyes on you, and let out a small grin. The two of you begin to converse, telling each other about each other’s day when suddenly a random question pops up into your head as you use the last of the black hair dye.
“Are we friends, Vernon?” You ask quietly, and Vernon pauses, looking up at you in the mirror. You stare at his hair as you brush the dye onto it, refusing to make eye contact as heat rushes up to your cheeks. 
Vernon doesn’t have many friends. Keeping up relationships takes time and effort, if there’s an imbalance, then it becomes hard. Vernon doesn’t have many friends because of this quality of being the Sin of Sloth, but he doesn’t mind being alone. 
However, he’s grown to enjoy your presence. You’re not demanding or needy, and the two of you only see each other after school. Vernon’s eyes flash red in the mirror when he sees the blush on your cheeks and how shy you’re acting, so he glances down at his phone, now having an answer to your question.
“Yeah, we’re friends.” You bite back a smile at his response, nodding your head. 
“I don’t have many friends.” You mutter quietly, and Vernon looks up at you in the mirror as you walk over to the trash can and throw away the now empty bowl that once held the hair dye. He lets out a breath, 
“Well, now you have one.”
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“And then we divide by…” You mutter the steps to the equation as you do extra practice problems at your desk in your room. The college entrance exam is in a week, and you’ve been trying not to slack off as much as you’ve been doing in the past month and a half. 
You set ground rules with Vernon, telling him that this week that you’re going to dedicate all your time into attending the classes and studying after school. The black haired beauty didn’t put up a fight with your decision, just nodding his head and drinking his coffee aimlessly afterwards.
You purse your lips when you mess up the equation, reaching over towards your pencil pouch to grab your eraser, only to jump in your seat when your bedroom door slams open. You turn your head to see Yeona standing there, staring at you with the fiercest death glare she can muster. You let out a breath, “What is it?”
“Have you and Vernon been hanging out after school?” She asks, and you shrug. 
“We just walk together.” 
Yeona squints, stepping forward when you open your mouth to explain that you’re not interested in Vernon, only to be cut off when you receive a harsh slap to the face. You stare at your paper, the sting on your cheek only registering when you slowly turn your head to look at your cousin. 
“What the fuck was that for?!” You shout, standing up from your seat to face her head on. She scoffs, running a hand through her hair and pointing directly at your chest. 
“You know exactly what I meant when I asked if the two of you have been hanging out. You know that I like Vernon!” 
“I’m not stealing him from yo-” Yeona raises her hand up to slap you in the face again but you grasp her wrist, effectively stopping her from dealing another blow to your cheek. She lets out a scream, and your eyes widen. 
“Why the fuck are you screaming! You’re the one who came into my room and fucking slapped me!” You shout as you let go of her wrist, taking a step back from her so that she won’t try and hit you again. 
“What is all this noise?” You and Yeona both glance towards your door, finding your aunt standing in the doorway glaring at you. You feel your heart sink into your stomach when Yeona begins to cry, showing her mom her wrist and claiming that you hurt her. 
“Auntie, that’s not what happened at all-”
“I take you into my home and let you go to school. I gave you the food and clothes on your back, and yet you give my daughter and I an attitude like this?” You stare for a moment, feeling tears rush to your eyes, knowing that it’s not true. All they’ve done is treat you as some house maid, the only thing they’ve done is let you go to school and stay at their home. 
“I didn’t do anything wrong Auntie, can’t you see from the obvious red mark on my cheek that Yeona sl-”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence if you still want a place to stay.” Your aunt threatens, and your eyes trail over to Yeona’s, to find her smiling at you. 
Biting your lip, you turn away, grabbing your phone from the top of the desk and pushing past them as the tears fall past your eyes. Ignoring your aunt’s shouts, you slip on your sneakers and run out of the house, wiping your eyes as you do so. 
You run as far as you can, ignoring the burning within your chest at your lungs desperate attempts to tell you to take a break. You run, and you run, and you run as the tears fall past your eyes. It’s only when you slam into someone and fall backwards that you stop. 
Vernon’s ready to mutter a complaint towards the person who bumped into him, only to pause when he sees you with your head in your hands, shoulders shaking as you cry. He crawls over to you and rests a hand on your shoulder, “Yn, what’s wrong?” 
You glance up at the familiar voice, finding Vernon staring at you in concern. A sob escapes you, and you cover your mouth to try and silence it. Vernon immediately pulls your head into his chest, wrapping his arms around you as you cry. Those walking by glance at the two of you in concern, but the both of you pay no attention to it. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Vernon asks quietly, running a hand through your hair to try and calm you down. You close your eyes as your breathing slowly goes back to normal, shaking your head in his chest. You wrap your arms around his middle, silent tears continuing to fall. 
“Let’s just stay like this for a few more minutes, please.” You request in a small voice, and Vernon nods his head without a second thought. 
“Yeah, of course.” He mutters, feeling his heartbeat against his chest as he holds you.
Vernon wonders why his heart is hurting at your sadness, and when he came to care. 
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You stare at the screen of your laptop, your heart going feral within your chest as you wonder whether or not you should check if you got into SNU. You took the college entrance exam a few months before, and the results of whether you got in or not all depends on you logging in. If you don’t check, then you’ll have a stroke. If you do check, you’ll have a stroke. 
You rest your head in your hands with a low groan, “I’m gonna have a stroke either way.” 
You recall Vernon’s words, telling you that you should’ve passed based on the fact that you didn’t have any friends before because of how much you studied. To which you called him a bitch and proceeded to put him in a chokehold. 
“I can do this.” You mumble, now more motivated as you type in your login. You press enter without a second thought, and stare at your screen as your results now look directly back at you. 
Your eyes trail over the word, and your whole world comes crashing down at that one word. You fall out of your chair, hand over your chest as your heart beats wildly against it. 
“No. No, no, no. I have to go, I have to have gotten in.” You mutter to yourself as you stare at the screen, your hopes of being able to leave this hell hole sooner now being pushed back. However, you don’t know if you can stay at this house any longer. 
Your phone vibrates beside you on the floor, and you glance down to see Vernon’s name on the screen as he calls you. You reach out and grab it, slowly raising it to your ear. “Yn, did you get in?” 
“Can we meet?” You ask quietly, and Vernon’s smile slowly drops from his face at the tone of your voice. He nods his head even though you’re unable to see, “Yeah, yeah of course.” 
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“You didn’t get in?” Vernon asks, and you nod your head, staring down at your hands as he looks at you with concern in his eyes. You bite your lip in an attempt to stop the tears from flowing, and Vernon reaches out and rests his hand over yours. 
“It’s okay, yn. You can just take it again, and then-”
“But I have to leave now. I can’t take it there anymore, Vernon. It’s just been worse since I ran out of the house a few months ago.” You explain, looking up at your friend with tired eyes. 
Vernon’s used to seeing your eyes being bright, sometimes even sparkling when you laugh at something he said. So seeing the dark bags under your eyes and the dullness to them is a shock, making him wonder how tired you must be.
“It’s the only option right now, but you can do it. You just have to push through for a little bit longer.” Vernon tells you, and you bite the inside of your cheek, looking back down at the cement as the feeling of defeat continues to linger in your chest. You shake your head, “I shouldn’t have skipped those extra classes.” 
“I shouldn’t have skipped them! If I continued with my plan then I would’ve gotten in, and then I would’ve been able to leave this fucking shit town!” You exclaim, tears now falling past your eyes as you turn your head to look at Vernon. He just stares down at his hands in silence as you continue to cry, and you wonder why you let yourself slack off on your studies because of him. 
“Why did I stop trying as hard for my dream because of you? Because of this feeling you gave me?” You ask quietly, letting out a sad smile. While Vernon comes to a standstill at your words. He turns his head to look at you, and you wipe away your tears before turning to stare directly into his eyes. 
“It’s because of you. Whenever I’m with you, I feel this… this sense of comfort. I feel the weight get lifted off my shoulders, like I don’t have any worries anymore. I would forget about my dreams of leaving this place when I was with you, because it felt like I was already home.” You confess, and Vernon stays silent. You bite the inside of your cheek, turning away after a moment, letting out a small chuckle at how ridiculous you’re being.
“Do you… have feelings for me?” Vernon asks, and you let out a breath, shrugging your shoulders. 
“Yeah, I think I do. Considering that I skipped cram classes at the cram school for you.” Vernon looks away, standing up from the bench, and you glance up at him. He stares at you with a blank expression on his face, and you raise an eyebrow. 
“I… I don’t do that stuff, yn.” Vernon tells you, and you feel your heart sink slightly in your chest. You cough into your shoulder, thinking of how to respond when Vernon continues. 
“I don’t even know why I became friends with you. I don’t do relationships at all, but you weren’t that hard to deal with.” You stare at Vernon with a painstricken expression on your face at his harsh words, but he just continues. “If I had known that you were going to fall for me, then I wouldn’t have even-”
You stand up and slap Vernon across the face, and the silence afterwards seems to engulf the both of you. He slowly turns his head and looks at you, seeing the tears falling from your eyes as you harshly bite the inside of your cheek. 
“How… how dare you?” Vernon just stares as you begin to cry harder, reaching up and slamming your fists against his chest. He stays still, not moving as your cries turn into sobs as you hit him. “Y-you ruined everything for me, and you tell me that I wasn’t that hard to deal with?”
After a moment you stop, covering your face with your hands to try and calm down. You’ve decided that today is quite possibly one of the worst days of your life, and you want nothing more than to turn and run from all your problems. So you look back up at Vernon after a moment, and you see his eyes void of any emotion as he stares back at you.
“Don’t ever speak to me again. Don’t you ever try to talk to me, got it?” You state as you poke his chest directly over his heart, and he still stares at you silently, making the pain in your heart grow.
“I can’t believe I thought you could be my new dream.” You mutter quietly. You bite the inside of your cheek, before turning around and walking away from Vernon without another word. 
He watches as you grow smaller and smaller as the distance grows between the two of you, until you’re out of sight. He’s used to being alone, he doesn’t do friendships or relationships because of the effort you have to put in. However, a single tear falls from Vernon’s left eye as he glances down at the pavement, only having one question in mind as he does so. 
why does it hurt to be alone now?
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katsukikitten · 5 years
Hi, could you do a scenario or headcanons of a reader who feels like a burden towards everyone? And they can’t really speak up about it so the become more withdrawn x bakugo? Fluff pls
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A/N anon hopefully this is what you wanted and needed. I know it's hard but be kind to yourself my lovely bbs
If you had one word to describe yourself what would it be?
A few come to mind as you reread the question on the board.
You flick your mechanical pencil as you debate writing them. If you write them down won't that be a red flag to someone?
This is an assignment after all. Aizawa Sensei is sure to read it and either, one, give you an F in red ink, or two, give you an F in red ink AND a lecture.
Neither will help your mood.
The bell rings but you don't notice, too absorbed in the question truly trying to find a positive word that might have a sliver of truth to it. Several minutes pass and still you do not notice the rest of the class shoving papers into backpacks shuffling out. Now long gone already half way to the dorm.
Nor do you notice the looming body in front of your desk with a deadly gaze.
"Oi." You jump out of your skin from the sudden harsh tone. The hot head narrows his gaze.
"Its been almost twenty minutes moron. They're gonna eat all the fucking food at the dorm if you don't get your ass in gear." He snarls, red eyes staring down his nose.
"Ah sorry B..Bakugou-senpai." Your hands shake as you gather your stuff, damning yourself for not noticing the cues.
You had told All Might and Aizawa that you didnt belong in the hero course, let alone UA.
Anyone would have jumped in front of that semi truck to save the little girl and her cat.
Anyone would have turned their body just right to take the brunt of the force to keep the girl and cat safe.
It's not like you even did that well, sure they were left with out a scratch but you still wrecked that truck. You weren't *fast* enough to move out of the way, so the front of the truck wrapped around your sturdy frame as if it were an old jacket.
You were lucky the driver wasn't quirkless, that he could harden his skin much like Kirishima.
Bakugou sucks his teeth as he begins to leave you behind.
"W...wait please." You say but trip over the chair in front of you that juts out of the normal neat line.
"Pay attention." He growls and you shrink away, walking slowly behind him.
You add oblivious to the ever growing list.
You watch Bakugou with steady eyes. You had seen him at the sports festival, confident, cocky and passionate to a fault. He had a deft, sharp gaze, strategic and an extremely powerful quirk that he almost mastered. His only downfall would be his temper but it was hard to enrage him enough to act without thinking in a battle.
You admired all of class 1A. You knew their weaknesses, what they liked and who they liked but it was Bakugou your eyes gravitated to the most.
Though you did not consciously realize it yourself.
You reach the dorms as a cold gust of wind whips through you, biting down harshly on your bones. You made it easy what with your jacket lying on your bed, your grit your teeth but they still chatter.
Bakugou sucks his teeth and you shrink further.
"Where's your jacket?" He asks harshly although he is sure it's in your dorm room since it wasn't on the couch like it normally was. Since winter started it had become a daily ritual for him to grab your coat and yell.
"It uh..." You swallow knowing you cannot lie to him, "Its on my bed I think."
"Moron." He mutters baring his teeth, he opens the door to the dorm for you, "Good thing we are home then."
"Y..yea. Thank you Bakugou-senpai." You rush inside, hand resting on the handle to the stairwell. Anything to get from under his gaze.
"Y/N!" Kirishima pops out of the kitchen with a smile, "Dinner is in five okay?"
"Thank you, Kirishima-san but I am not feeling well." You feel needles prickle your back and swear you hear a soft popping sound.
"Oh okay. Is there anything I can do?" He asks softly, "Like some hot tea?"
"Um no thank you Kirishima-san." You pull open the door but he speaks a final time.
"Please call me Ejirou! Tomorrow is yours and Katsuki's turn to make breakfast. Let me know if you aren't feeling well enough to do it."
Fuck how could you forget. Was there even breakfast food in the house? You'd have to check later. Right now you wanted to be alone.
"I should be fine." You say ripping open the door just before Bakugou shakes his head in displeasure.
You flop on your bed as you think and think hard about your life and how you ended up here.
Saving one kid and her cat didn't make you a hero.
In fact every adjective you could think of today for that assignment proved that you weren't.
You were timid, selfish, sometimes ungrateful, irritable, childish, and reclusive.
Does that describe a hero?
No, no it does not.
You do not bother to change out of your school uniform as sleep begins to weigh heavy on your body, you are apathetic for your future self as you know your bra and your thigh highs will be leaving angirly marks on your sturdy frame.
Still you sleep, longing for it after not being able to catch a wink last night.
A knock comes at your door and you jump to your feet, fists ready before another impatient knock comes your way.
"Oi, Y/N. Open up." His voice is like razor blades across your skin as you've been caught for the thousandth time.
"Just...just a minute senpai." You stammer noting the tsk from the other side of the door. You attempt to straighten your hair as best you can, knowing full well he will fuss at you for sleeping in your uniform as it will wrinkle the skirt to seem shorter. You open the door to a surprise as disapproving eyes rove over your body.
"What did I tell you about napping in your uniform?" He bites, "Its always my week for laundry when you do and ironing the skirts are a bitch."
He pushes past you with tray in hand, a small bowl of soup and steaming tea slosh gently as he places it onto your desk. His eyes linger over your open journal you've left out and fear curdles in your stomach. Your face flushes as you swipe at the notebooks like a cat, knocking them from your desks, praying he did not read yesterday's depressing entry. You give an awkward smile as red eyes watch the tumbling pages.
"I..I don't want soup to get on them. Um thank you." You bow slightly.
"Kirishima made me bring it to you." He puts his hands in the pockets of his black sweatpants as he makes he way to exit, "Be sure to eat it while it's hot baka."
"Yes!" Is your only response as your door slams shut and you groan. Unzipping your skirt and tossing it to the floor before practically ripping the buttons off of your blouse to add it to the pile. You look over the warm soup and wonder how Kirishima knew Zenzai was your favorite.
Your eyes flutter from the taste, you consume it in haste, even drinking the broth striaght from the bowl. You send him a text thanking him for the delicious meal and all you get back is a question mark. You ignore it thinking maybe that was intended for someone else.
Somehow in the middle of doing your homework at your desk and daydreaming in the late hours of the night you had fallen asleep.
The sun filters in gently telling you that it is still early morning and Saturday at that. You let your eyes flutter closed before jolting upright, notebook pages cling to your cheek as you hit your phone to check the time.
No response but a black screen comes from your phone. You dont understand it the charger is clearly plugged into the port, you brought the cord over here for this very reason! You rip the paper from your cheek and follow the white cord just to groan angirly.
Bullish makes it's way onto your mental list adding along side it foolish as your scramble for clothes hoping that it's still early enough to beat Bakugou to the kitchen.
You were supposed to get the ingredients for breakfast but you never even checked last night.
"FUCK!" You scream whisper as all that is clean in a bralette, crop top hoodie and leggings.
Items you would not normally wear when the boys were home thanks to the oogling eyes of Mineta.
You rush down the stairs two at a time as you stumble into the kitchen. Ripping a cabinet door off of its hinges in your haste causing you to stand perfectly still as you collected yourself. There was no bullshitting yourself out of this one by putting it back gently and letting the next person think it was broken.
Not with the screws with brackets attached hanging from the door. You place it behind the trash can and root through more cabinets only for your heart rate to increase.
"The fucking fridge!" You remind yourself as you fling open the door only for dinner meats to be available.
"Fuck." You hiss but there was still time, you had beaten Bakugou, that was enough time to go to the convenience store and pretend you were planning to go the morning of the whole time.
You rush to the door, slipping on your converse, you reach out to the hooks by the door for your hand to come up empty. Your hook is vacant, no jacket in sight when normally your jacket was there in the morning like magic. You damn yourself for having left it upstairs. There was no time to go back upstairs, every second was precious. You fling open the door only to be met with a red cheeked Bakugou, the wind whipping into the house with the threatening smell of snow.
Nothing more threatening than the look Bakugou was serving you.
"I know God damn well you were not stupid enough to think you could go out like that?" Pops ring out even beneath his gloves as he pushes past you with an armful of plastic bags.
Bags filled with ingredients for breakfast.
Your eyes burn with welling tears as the logo for the corner store etches itself into your retinas. Bakugou notices as he kicks off his shoes.
"Oi, you can cook. It will be fucking fine." He says passing the bags to you so he can shed his coat. You nod furiously biting your lip.
"See you wouldn't have lasted long with out a jacket." He tilts your face to his, it is harsh like his tone yet his eyes seem...soft as he speaks again, "The wind is bad enough it has you tearing up from just a few seconds of exposure."
"Ah..." You swipe at your reddening cheeks as he let's your chin drop, "Th..thank you Bakugou-sama."
"Yea yea just start cooking damn it. I'm starving." He hisses as he makes his way into the living room.
Shameful loops itself onto your long list.
You ready the griddle with bacon and mix the ingredients for homemade pancake mix quickly. You crank up the heat when you hear your other classmates stir in the living room.
"Bakugou please my favorite anime is on!" Denki whines loudly enough to be heard before a small explosion erupts. You peek into the living room to watch the exchange.
"I got here first dunce face fuck off and die." He growls, "Plus you only like that show for the big fake tits."
You giggle before a burning smell begins to tickle your nose, frantically you rush back into the kitchen. You've successfully burned half of the ration of bacon. You hide your mistake by sliding the slices of bacon into the trash. Maybe Bakugou wouldn't mind too much to cook the rest of the ingredients. You think you'll do better with the pancakes.
They sat like the internet said for them too. You even added some chocolate chips. You place a few on the hot griddle and flip them when the center begins to bubble. When a perfectly tan pancake winks back at you six times you bounce on the balls of your feet.
You could at least do something right. You place them on a plate and begin to do more adding different things here and there.
Bakugou walks in, a grimace on his face when he spies the cabinet door. Your cheeks burn but he spares you by not mentioning it.
He spies the half a pack of bacon uncooked and the rest discarded in the trash.
"Oi..." He watches your face sour and changed his mind on his comment, "Did you get the butter and syrup out?"
"No not yet." You flip another six perfect pancakes as he rummages through the fridge and the doorless cabinet.
"Pancakes look good." He says as he sets the stuff down, grabbing on and settling by the uncooked bacon, "Since they look so good I'll cook the bacon."
"Th..thank you Senpai."
"Don't fucking mention it." He says before taking a bite of the pancake. You watch and your stomach sours as a shudder goes through him with grimace painted lips.
"Oh no." You murmur and he keeps his eyes shut. He cannot bring himself to tell you it is awful. You grab onto a cake biting into it only to have a soapy after taste, your eyes water from both the unpleasant after taste immediately identifying your mistake as you think back to what went wrong. You put double the amount of flour called for into the batter and only the normal amount of everything else.
Stupid makes it's way right beneath useless on the list.
"It smells so good in here." Kirishima's eyes become delighted when he sees the stacked up cakes of various additions. Your eyes widen as you watch him in slow motion bringing the awful pancake to his lips. Irrationality forces your hand as you slap the pancake from his hand, surprising the three of you in the room. It hits the tile with a light slap before time speeds up again. You grab onto the plate and throw it all away pancakes and all.
"Suddenly I'm not feeling so well again, I think I may be sick and I don't want anyone else to catch it. Sorry for the inconvenience, Kirishima-senpai." You bow slightly before rushing to the stairwell fighting burning tears.
The door shuts with a loud pang and the slap of your footsteps fight with the thoughts in your head. You burst into your dorm room slamming the door and sliding down it.
Fat drops fall from your cheeks as you angrily wipe them away, sobbing harshly as you relive your failure over and over as if on repeat.
Watching Bakugou fight back a comment or possibly a gag as he tasted your food.
Melodramatic is scrawled into your brain.
Time ticks by and you avoid people at all costs, claiming to be ill. Even to go as far as avoiding training all through winter and well into spring.
You left class faster than anyone could stop you, running to the dorms to hole yourself up in your room. You did your share of the chores in the middle of the night or while the group was out and about. You were always invited depsite all of the ignored texts you had. Each person in your class trying their luck on asking you out of your room. All save one ash blonde.
Whenever an impatient knock came at your door you would become completely still, even going as far as holding your breath. As if you were prey who spotted a large predator that may not have noticed you just yet.
Eventually they would leave, setting some sort of item by the door. More often than not it was your favorite meal and a fresh set of clothes.
But today is a little different, today your door is blasted from its hinges with a sharp look staring you down. Deadly hands smoking, threatening to pop some more.
"Cut the bullshit Y/N. What's really going the fuck on?" You stare wide eyed at Bakugou in your crop top and leggings in your desk chair.
"I...I just haven't been feeling up to much." You stammer and he closes the distance. Clearly unsatisfied by your answer. He towers over you as you strain to stare up at him.
"I said cut the bullshit. I hate liars." He snarls and it cuts deep.
"Ahh I'm...I'm..." You struggle to come up with something but whatever you said wouldn't have mattered as the man before you blew up anyway. He leans close, gripping onto the arms of the chair causing you to press against the back of it.
But there was no escape from Bakugou Katsuki.
"You're what? Y/N? You're useless? Burdensome? Troublesome? Bullish? Foolish? Shameful? Pitiful? Melodramatic?" He yells and you shrink as if struck, "Shall I fucking go on?"
Your heart shatters with every beat as you stare up at the blonde through thick lashes. Did he think those things about you too?
"That is what you wrote isn't it in your class notebook? Before you crossed them all out?" He asks with a snarl. You gulp down the lie but it lodges in your throat. struggling to get past the quickly forming lump, choking you.
"And then you settled for content? Are you content? Is someone who is content always hidden in their room like a damn hermit?" His eyes flicker to your open notebook and you follow, "Does someone who is content write about how sad they are in their journal every fucking day? Avoid theirs friends? Their family? Your mom called the dorm phone CRYING!"
He headbutts you then and your vision blurs.
"Yea Y/N. In hysterics. I told her we just had some tough exams to study for. That you were fine and staying off your phone. I knew you were avoiding us but your mom? What the fuck?" You're stunned into silence and it kills him.
It's been killing him, he's hated to see the crestfallen look make a permanent residence on your face. Hated seeing you sneak away like a slinking cat who hates people.
Hated still that you would not come to one of your friends even if it wasn't him. It's why he left you so many care packages, why he demand to see if the other class mates got a reply from you.
Why he lingered in the classroom waiting to walk you.
He could accept you being distant from him and hell even your friends while you were working shit out but your own family? Especially your mother that he knows worries easily.
"There were other words you could have used to describe yourself. Strong. Resilient. Careful. Kind. Thoughtful. But you lingered on useless. Do you know how people get into the hero course?!"
When you don't answer he goes on.
"They are hand picked after the entrance exams. That's it. One look and they knew. Hardly anyone in the history of UA has been transferred to this class. And what happened to you?" His tone and body language are harsh but when you look into those crimson eyes you see something else.
That damn misguided passion. All his feelings masked beneath anger and aggression.
"I...I was transfered Bakugou-sama. From general studies." You finally speak.
"All might saw something he didn't initially see. You got a second look that most do not get. A hard enough second look for you to transfer into class 1A. So dont piss it away with your negative attitude."
"It's just that..." You don't go on. Cant go on. How can you expect your hot headed crush to ever like you back if you don't even like yourself.
He sighs and the anger leaves his body with the steam leaving his skin.
"I'm worried about you." He admits but cannot look you in the eye. Your cheeks burn and you twist your shirt in your shaking hands.
"No more senpai." He bites out tilting your face to his, beginning his tirade, "Its Katsuki from here on out. And you're gonna change how you speak to yourself. Instead of saying useless say I need more practice. More focus on this area of my quirk. And if you need help then ask for help God damn it. That's what the teachers are here for. What your classmates are here for. What I'm fucking here for. You got it?" His tone is stern and yet soft as he speaks.
"Yes, K..Katsuki." You whisper, thick eye lashes letting tears slip past. Heated thumbs swipe them away before he leans ever closer. Lips suddenly pressed to yours as you sit shocked in your desk chair. He breaks the kiss and drinks in your red cheeks with a smirk on his face. He lifts you, sits himself in your pink chair before setting you on his lap. All of the seriousness is back on his face before he speaks in a deadly husky tone.
"Now you're gonna be a good little friend and tell me everything."
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
Uncanny  // Yandere! Joker x Reader//
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This is a Christmas gift for @writerbyaccident​ I hope you enjoy it darling! This also markes my frist ever DC fic, I’ll definitely be writting more of these in the future but for now, enjoy this one!
Joker had always harbored passionate hate for the wealthy first-class citizens of Gotham. Those who wasted the days mingling at extravagant parties, engaging in brainless conversations about the rise and fall of stocks and the new designer stores that had just opened. It made him feel sick to his core. These halfwits were the elites of Gotham? Those who held the entire dark city in the palms of their hands? These cowards who’d run and hide in their lavish mouse holes with their tails tucked between their legs at the first sight of danger. They ruled this city and walked all over the common folk. They truly did disgust him.
It came as a shock to Joker how he’d managed to keep the bile from raising from his stomachs. He’d been lurking in the shadows of Wayne’s penthouse in search of the notorious Harvey Dent.
His hickory brown eyes scanned the crowd once more. Where was he? One of these overconfident fools must be the so-called ‘white knight’.
For a split second his eyes landed on something. In the far back of the crowd, slightly curling into themselves was a (petite/tall) girl in a dress whose colors were unclear bordering somewhere between Crayola and iris. A tiny unaudible laugh escaped the jokers cut lips. What a bold choice of clothing! My it could start a world dilemma! Was it blue or purple, who could tell? The world might just dividers into two forces starting riots and wars over the simple piece of clothing! The blues would start (cause everyone knows purples are too lazy) with throwing polttopullos at the purples fortresses. The poor purples would scatter screaming as the sound of their flesh sizzling polluted the air. Soon a huge war would break out setting the world ablaze consuming the filthy souls of its participants.
The hushed murmur of a lackey jolted the clown back to head-splitting reality. He jumped slightly letting out a fit of small giggles. Turning his head he noticed the boy stretching his head out to the side. Finally, it was showtime!
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen we are tonight’s entertainment!"
Joker sauntered out of the darknesses, gun in hand and smirk plastered on his scarred lips. The crowd stopped, freezing in place. Champaign cups fell to the ground, women reached out grabbing the closest person’s hand, releasing their shock and terror through physical touch other than audible noise. A truly magnificent sight! 
To further the people's discomfort and alleviate his amusement he plucked a flower from a nearby vase and bite it's head off, chewing and continuing his announcement. 
 "I only have one question where is, Harvey Dent?"
The question lingered in the air, infested with dead silence. They really where spinless weren't they? He marched around the semi-circle of the crowds head. Pointing his gun and the odd person and swinging it around threateningly. He ripped the wine class form a young girl in a black nightgown. Spilling the contents on the ground and gulping up the empty air. 
"Do you know where Harvey is?" he said while poking a random waitress. "Do you know who he is?" never once did he wait for a reply. This wasn't working! He forcefully gripped the face of a short bold man patting his greasy head. The stream of questions slipped from his mouth like a mantra. Come on! Someone say something! This was getting boring! 
"You know I'll settle for his loved ones!" This was vexing. Crashing a party this big was meant to be fun! Yet no one seemed at all interested in playing his game.
"We're not intimidated by thugs!" So someone did have the guts to speak up! Let the games began than! 
Joker slowly turned eyes locking with an elderly man in a charcoal black three-piece suit. Something about him looked familiar... too familiar. Joker bit his tongue trying to anchor his wondering mind as the man's face slowly morphed and twisted into someone younger with a rugged face. Someone who reeked of cheap alcohol and open wounds. 
"You remind me of my father..."
He grabbed the man by the collar dragging him closer. "Slit his throat!" "gut him!" "Goudge his eyes out!" "let him bleed on the floor!" The voices wouldn't shut up they screamed and shrieked. 
"I HATED my father!"
The voices started screaming again. His hand moved on it’s own clutching the knife with too much force, inching it closer and closer to the man's wrinkled flesh. The sharp tip poked his cheek ready to began cutting downwards until...
"Okay, that's enough!"
A tall woman walked forward head help high and shoulders back. She was tense it was practically spilling off of her. Behind her, another figure held her hand clasping it until it turned red. It was that girl, Joker noticed. The one with the dilemma dress. She didn't try to hide her nervousness, she was being honest and yet here she was facing a mad killer in front of a crowd. The girl had guts he'd give her that. 
Ignoring Harvey's little lover Joker faced you crazed orbs bearing into your soul. He walked closer licking the inside of his permanent smile. He messily combed his hair back with the pocket knife. He turned behind Rachel reaching out directly for your neck "My, my what a beautiful thing you are". You clawed at his gloved hand trying desperately to free yourself. "Let her go!" Rachel yelled, "It's me you want, she has nothing to do with this!" Joker raised an eyebrow tugging you closer for a moment before he pushed you to the ground. 
You coughed, lunges sucking in as much oxygen as possible. Your fingers faintly traced where his hand had been mere moments ago. Your eyes looked up staring at the mad clown who was gripping onto Rachel and dragging her through the crowd. Glass shattered and another loud noise filled the air. Someone else was pushing past the guests headed straight for the Joker and his captive.
He'd arrived! He was going to save everyone! He was going to save your dearest friend-- 
He was pushed back, inches away from you. A group of thugs jumped him, climbing on his back and leaving gashes with dull knives. No, no, no! How was he going to save her in time?
Looking back at the bat’s hopless struggle, you jumped up runing forward, who knew what that monster would do to her if someone didn't interfere. Batman was busy, everyone else was frozen and starring to scared to move. You where all that was left, you had to do something!
Joker pressed the blade to the girl's mouth laughing as she tried to struggle away. "You know-"
something jammed at him form the side. He flew back catching himself on the metal frame of the broken window. There she was again the bizarre girl! So she wanted to play hero um... he'd show her what happens to heroes. Using a momentum he flung himself forward, in rabid steps he grabbed Rachel's arm throwing her out the window. When the bat came rushing by following the falling girl, he dodged forward throwing himself onto the girl in the odd dress. Her head bounced on the ground and rolled to the side. Out cold, how perfect the Joker thought.  
It had been a few weeks since that party since the clown prince of crime stole you away. He'd locked you in a room with no windows and only beaten down furniture as companions. The sole wooden door was locked, even when he paid you a visit he'd turn the lock behind him. "Simple precaution" he'd always say. 
The visits had started off rocky. When you'd first came to, you'd tried to punch and kick him away, screaming for help until he'd slapped you across the face and left an angry scar on your right arm. The next day he'd offered you food, which -despite your pride- you'd gulped down as he made some joke about orphans and restaurants. Things went quiet after that, he'd visite once a day and do nothing more than stare at you. It freaked you out to the point of crying. That's when he'd come closer and wrap his arms around you. Whispering shhs and "I've got yous". They never made you feel better and soon he'd just leave you and slam the door. But slowly he started staying longer and cracking the occasional joke when you began to cry. You started crying less, leaning more into his touch, clinging onto his words. By no means was it ideal, yet it was all both of you had. 
About two days ago he'd entered your room with a black eye and far too many bleeding cuts to count. He plumped onto the couch, his blood staining the old fabric. 
"Need help?" you'd asked. He'd turn to his side and eyed you up and down. "This some sort of joke?" you simply shook your head. Coughing up a smug language he murmured "you'd help your kidnapper? You’re one weird gal you know that (Y/N)?" You said nothing for an endless minute, waiting as time slipped you both by. 
"Guess you could say I'm a few screws lose.."
He laughed, it was an odd nose nothing like his usual one. It was loud and throaty and one could say it came directly from his heart. 
Joker may have found the upper-class citizens of Gotham to be spinless fools, he may have hated the normal residents for thier lack of ambtion and blood lust. But you, you were something else. You where uncanny and dame did he love that.You where the one who couldn't pick a dress shade or fit into a crowd, the one who faced him and tried to save a worthless girl. Yeah, you where something uncanny, different, magnificent, pure and most importantly...
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waywardaardvark79 · 5 years
Supernatural Rewrite: Season 1, Episode 6: Skin
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Summary:  Y/N Singer joins Sam and Dean on the road. A rewrite starring you.
Pairing: eventual Dean X Reader, Sam X Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Language, show level violence
Word Count: 8,433
A/N: I’ll try to do at least once episode a week. No set schedule. Tags open. 
Dean looked at you through the rearview mirror. You were in the backseat, your head against the window, your eyes finally closed. Dean couldn't help the relief he felt to see you finally sleeping. He had noticed just how little you had been doing it. 
He would often wake up to find you still awake, and you always had an excuse for him when he asked you why you were still up. You would tell him that you just weren't tired, that you needed to finish what you were watching on television, or that you would come to bed as soon as you finished reading up on whatever case you were working. 
You usually never though, more often than not your side of the bed remained empty, and Dean couldn't help but worry. Sometimes he would wake up to see you just staring out the window, almost as if you were waiting for someone or something, and every time he tried to ask you about it you would brush it off and quickly change the subject. 
Dean sighed before looking over to Sam, "Hey, what do you think is going on with her?" Dean quietly asked, trying not to wake you. 
"Honestly, I don't know, Dean. She won't talk to me about it. I've tried to ask her, but she just changes the subject." Sam said. 
"She's been off since the last case, and she's not sleeping, at least not more than a couple hours." Dean said, Sam nodding his head. 
"Maybe it's nightmares. Maybe everything is just kind of catching up to her all at once." Sam said, the two of you still hadn't talked about what happened in that antique store. 
"I don't know, Sam. I mean, I've seen her fall asleep on the way back from a hunt with no problems. I don't think I've ever seen her wake up from a nightmare. Why would they start all of a sudden?" Dean asked. 
"I...I don't know." Sam said, thinking of his own nightmares. "Listen, I'm sure she'll be fine. She'll probably be back to her old self soon." Sam added. 
"Yeah, well, I hope so." Dean said, glancing over his shoulder at you. 
Dean pulled into the gas station not long after his conversation with Sam, trying his best not to wake you as he pulled up the to gas pump. He looked over at Sam who was in his own world, scrolling through his Palm Pilot. 
"Mmm...we here?" you sleepily asked from the backseat, Dean a little disappointed that he woke you up. 
"No, but I figure we'd hit Tucumcari by lunch, then head south, hit Bisbee by midnight." Dean said, you nodding your head, but Sam didn't reply. "Sam wears women's underwear." Dean added. 
You chuckled, "Leave your brother alone." you scolded. "He's obviously busy." 
"I've been listening, and Y/N's right. I'm just busy." Sam said, still scrolling through his Palm Pilot. 
"Busy doin' what?" Dean asked. 
"Reading e-mails." Sam replied, Dean getting out of the car to pump gas, you following after him to stretch your legs. 
"Why don't you just trash all of them. I mean, it's gotta be all spam." you said. 
"They're not spam." Sam said, still not looking up. 
"E-mails from who then?" Dean asked. 
"From my friends at Stanford." Sam said.
"Good for you, Sammy." you said, stretching your arms over your head. "I know me and this one aren't the best company all the time. I'm glad you have people to talk to." 
"You're kidding. You still keep in touch with your college buddies?" Dean asked Sam before turning to you. "I have no idea what you're talking about. We're awesome company." 
"Why not? I mean, why wouldn't I keep in contact with them?" Sam asked. 
"Well, what exactly do you tell 'em? You know, about where you've been, what you've been doin'?"  Dean asked. 
"Maybe they just talk about everyday normal shit." you said, smacking Dean on the arm, "Why do you have to be so nosey?" 
"I tell 'em I'm on a road trip with my big brother and best friend. I tell 'em I needed some time off after Jess." Sam said, before Dean could answer you. 
"Oh, so you lie to 'em." Dean said. 
"Dean." you breathed out, not ready to deal with another one of their arguments. 
"No. I just don't tell 'em...everything." Sam said. 
"Yeah, that's called lying. I mean, hey man, I get it, tellin' the truth is far worse." Dean said. 
"Hey, just wait a minute. I mean, I wouldn't consider that lying...technically you could call this a road trip." you said. 
"It's lying." Dean said, again. 
"So, what am I supposed to do...just cut everybody out of my life?" Sam asked, Dean shrugging his shoulders while you shook your head no. 
"Look, it sucks, but in a job like this, you can't get close to people, period." Dean said.
"That's not true. I mean, I have friends, and I'm damn good at this job." you said. 
Dean scoffed, "Who? Me and Sam?" he asked. 
"No, I have friends outside of the two of you." you said. 
Dean raised an eyebrow at you, "Sure you do." he said, sarcasm dripping from his words. 
"I do!" you shouted, your lack of sleep making you crankier than usual. 
"Whatever you say, Singer." Dean said. 
"Whatever you say, Singer." you mocked, swatting him. "I got friends, asshole. Jake is my friend." 
"Jake Bradley?" Dean asked. 
"Yeah." you said. 
"Yeah, Jake Bradley isn't your friend." Dean argued. 
"You know, just because you don't like him, doesn't mean he isn't my friend. I mean, the guy’s never even done anything to you, and you still hate him." you said. 
"You're kind of anti-social." Sam said. 
"Yeah, whatever." Dean said before turning to face you, "I have my reasons." he said, you rolling your eyes at him. 
"God." Sam said. 
"What?" you and Dean asked in unison. 
"In the e-mail from this girl, Rebecca Warren, one of those friends of mine." Sam said, Dean interrupting.
"Is she hot?" Dean asked, you slapping the back of his head. 
"You know what, Y/N? I'm getting real tired of you slappin' me." Dean said, rubbing the back of his head. 
"Well, if you didn't think with your dick all the time I wouldn't have to." you said. 
"Yeah, cause that's what I was doing when you smacked me earlier." Dean said. 
"No, that time you were just being an asshole. See, I do it then, too." you said. 
"Guys!" Sam yelled, both you and Dean looking at him, "I went to school with her, and her brother, Zack. She says Zack's been charged with murder. He's been arrested for killing his girlfriend. Rebecca says he didn't do it, but it sounds like the cops have a pretty good case." Sam said. 
"Dude, what kind of people are you hangin' out with?" Dean asked. 
"Fuck Sam, I've got to agree with him. I mean, I thought you guys might talk about books or some shit, not fuckin' murder." you said. 
"No guys, I know Zack. He's no killer." Sam said. 
"I don't know, Sam. It kind of sounds like he is." you said. 
Dean nodded his head, "Well, maybe you know Zack as well as he know you." Dean said. 
"They're in St. Louis. We're goin'." Sam said, Dean chuckling. 
"Sam, I really don't think this is our kind of thing. I mean, I don't think there is anything we can do to help this guy." you said. 
"Look, sorry about your buddy, okay? But Y/N is right, this does not sound like our kind of problem." Dean said. 
"It is our problem. They're my friends." Sam said, frustrated with you and his brother. 
"St. Louis is four hundred miles behind us, Sam." Dean said, him and Sam exchanging a look. 
"Get in the car, Dean." you said, Dean having already made up his mind to go anyway. 
The three of you were standing outside of Rebecca's house, Sam out front, you and Dean hanging back a little. 
"Oh my God, Sam!" Rebecca excitedly said when she opened the door. 
"Well, if it isn't little Becky." Sam said. 
You nudged Dean, getting his attention, "Little Becky?" you mouthed, Dean shrugging his shoulders, a smile on his face. 
"You know what you can do with that little Becky crap." Becky said before hugging him. 
"I got your e-mail." Sam said. 
"I didn't think that you would come here." Becky said before Dean stepped forward and extended his hand. 
"Dean. Older brother." he said, Becky shaking his hand. 
"Hi." she said. 
"Hi." Dean returned. 
Becky turned her attention to you, "Hi." she said. 
"Hi, I'm Y/N, a good friend of theirs." you said. 
"We're here to help. Whatever we can do." Sam said. 
"Come in." Becky said, the three of you walking in before Dean closed the door behind you. 
"Nice place." Dean said as he looked around. 
"It's my parents'. I was just crashing here for the long weekend when everything happened. I decided to take the semester off. I'm gonna stay until Zack's free." Becky said. 
"Where are your folks?" Sam asked. 
"They live in Paris for half the year, so they're on their way home now for the trial." Becky said, as the three of you followed her into the kitchen, "Do you guys want a beer or something?" she asked. 
"Sure." you said.
Dean smiled, "Hey-" he got out before Sam interrupted. 
"No, thanks. We're fine." Sam said. 
"Speak for yourself." you grumbled under your breath, Sam overhearing you and shooting you a look. 
"So, tell us what happened." Sam said, his attention back on Becky. 
"Well, um, Zack came home, and he found Emily tied to a chair. She was beaten up and bloody, and she wasn't breathing." Becky said, before she started to cry. "So, he called 911, and the police...they showed up and they arrested him. But, the thing is, the only way that Zack could've killed Emily is if he was in two places at the same time. The police...they have a video. It's from the security tape from across the street, and it shows Zack coming home at 10:30. Now, Emily was killed just after that, but I swear, he was here with me, having a few beers until at least after midnight." Becky explained. 
"You know, maybe we could see the crime scene, Zack's house." Sam said. 
"We could." Dean added. 
"Why? I mean, what could you do?" Becky asked. 
"Well, me, not much, but Y/N and Dean are cops." Sam said, you and Dean laughing. 
"Detectives, actually." Dean said. "We're partners." he added, gesturing between the two of you. 
"Really?" Becky asked, you and Dean nodding your head, "Where?" 
"Bisbee, Arizona, but we're off duty now." you said. 
"You guys, it's so nice to offer, but I just...I don't know." Becky said. 
"I know you don't know us." you said, motioning between you and Dean. "But, we're really good at our job, and I think we could help." you said, Sam smiling at you before turning to Becky. 
"Bec, look, I know Zack didn't do this. Now, we have to find a way to prove that he's innocent." Sam said. 
"Okay. I'm gonna go get the keys." Becky said before walking away. 
"Oh, yeah, man, you're a real straight shooter with your friends." Dean said. 
"Don't start, De. I think this is something." you said. 
"Look, Zack and Becky need our help." Sam said. 
"I just don't think this is our kind of problem." Dean said. 
"Two places at once? We've looked into less." Sam said. 
"He's right. I just have a feeling about this one. I'll get Dad to put someone else on the Bisbee thing." you said, Dean choosing not to reply. 
Dean parked the car outside of Zack's house and the four of you climbed out.
"You're sure this is okay?" Becky asked. 
"Yeah, we're officers of the law." Dean said before walking into the house. 
You, Sam, and Dean were looking around the house, the furniture and walls of the house were smeared with blood. Becky was waiting outside. 
"Bec, you wanna wait outside?" Sam asked, knowing that it would be hard for her to see. 
"No, I wanna help." she said, entering the house. 
"Can you tell us what the police said?" you asked. 
"Well, there's no sign of a break-in. They say that Emily let her attacker in. The lawyers, they're already talking about plea bargains." she said as she looked around the room. "Oh God..." 
"Look, Bec, if Zack didn't do this, it means someone else did. Any idea who?" Sam asked. 
"Um, there was something, about a week before somebody broke in here and stole some clothes, Zack's clothes. The police, they don't think it's anything. I mean, we're not that far from downtown. Sometimes people get robbed." Becky said. 
Sam walked over to you and Dean, the two of you busy watching the neighbor's dog bark aggressively.
"Easy, Cujo." you said, Rebecca walking up behind you. 
"You know, that used to be the sweetest dog." she said. 
You scoffed, "I can't say I believe that." you said. 
"What happened?" Dean asked. 
"He just changed." she said. 
"Do you remember when he changed?" Dean asked. 
"I guess around the time of the murder." Becky said, Dean looking at her before turning to you. 
"Yeah, I know." you simply said before the two of you walked away. 
Sam was in the hallway, looking at a framed picture of himself, Zack, and Becky. 
"So, the neighbor's dog went psycho right around the time Zack's girlfriend was killed." Dean said. 
"Animals can have a sharp sense of the paranormal." Sam said. 
"Yeah, maybe Fido saw somethin'." Dean said. 
"Oh, that dog definitely saw something." you said. 
"So, you think maybe this is our kind of problem?" Sam asked. 
"No, probably not, but we should look at the security tape. You know, just to make sure." Dean said. 
You sighed, "Why can't you just admit that you're wrong, and that this is definitely our kind of thing?" you asked. 
"And what makes you so sure?" Dean asked. 
You shrugged your shoulders, "Just a feeling, I guess." you said. 
Dean rolled his eyes, "You and your feelings." he said before Becky walked over, his attention on her now. "So, the tape. The security footage...you think maybe your lawyers could get their hands on it, cause we just don't have that kind of jurisdiction." Dean said. 
"I've already got it. I didn't wanna say something in front of cops." Becky said, you and Dean laughing. "I stole it off the lawyers desk. I just had to see it for myself." 
"All right." Dean said, all of you walking into the living room. 
"Here he comes." Becky said, the four of you watching the security footage. 
"22:04, that's just after ten. You said time of death was about 10:30." Dean said, noticing the time stamp on the tape. 
"Our lawyers hired some kind of video expert. He says the tape's authentic. It wasn't tampered with." Becky said, Sam noticing something on the tape. 
"Hey, Bec, can we take those beers now?" Sam asked, needing her to leave the room. 
"Oh, sure." she said, getting up to head to the kitchen. 
"Hey." Sam called out, catching her attention, "Maybe some sandwiches, too?" he asked. 
"What do you think this is, Hooters?" Becky asked before leaving the room. 
"I wish." Dean said. 
"Me too." you mumbled, Dean chuckling as he turned to face you. 
"Really, Singer?" he asked, an amused look on his face. 
"What? I like the fuckin' hot wings, and I'm starvin'." you replied, both you and Dean walking over to Sam. 
"What is it?" Dean asked. 
"Check this out." Sam said, rewinding the tape before replaying it, one of the frames showing Zack looking directly at the camera, his eyes silver. 
"Well, maybe it's just a camera flare." Dean said, still skeptical. 
"Come on, De. That's not like any camera flare I've ever seen." you said. 
"You know, a lot of cultures believe that a photograph can catch a glimpse of the soul." Sam said. 
"Right." Dean said to Sam. 
"Remember that dog that was freakin' out? Maybe he saw this thing. Maybe this is some kind of dark double of Zack's, something that looks like him." Sam said. 
"Like a Doppelganger." Dean said. 
"It’d sure explain how he was in two places at once. You ready to admit that this is our kind of thing?" you asked. 
"It might be." Dean said. 
The three of you had checked into a motel, both boys were fast asleep. You looked over at Dean as you carefully made your way out of bed, trying to be absolutely silent so you wouldn't wake him. 
You grabbed your boots from the end of the bed and tip toed towards the door with your boots in hand. You glanced back at  both boys before easing open the door and stepping outside, gently closing it behind you. 
You slipped on your boots and walked over to the Impala, climbing up on the hood and laying back against the windshield. You were looking up at the stars, lost in thought, when you felt someone lay down next to you. 
"You ever think about what it'd be like to go to space?" Sam asked. 
You chuckled, "Really, Sam? We haven't played that since we were kids." you said, not looking at him. 
"You gonna answer?" he asked. 
"Yeah, I still think about it sometimes." you said before looking over at him. "You still gonna go with me?" you teased. 
Sam laughed under his breath, "I can't let you run off to space on your own. Didn't we put that on our list?" he asked. 
"Yeah." you said. "I didn't think you would remember that." 
"Our list?" Sam asked. 
"Mmm hmm." you hummed. 
"Of course, I do. It was all the things we were gonna do together when we grew up." Sam said. 
You chuckled, "Space was such a realistic idea." you said. 
"You always were so obsessed with it." Sam said, looking over at you. "Why?" he asked. 
You shrugged, "I don't know." you said. 
"Yeah, you do. You told me once." Sam said. 
"Then, why'd you ask?" you asked. 
"Do you still feel that way?" Sam asked. 
"Sam, it was dumb fuckin' kid shit. It was just a stupid dream." you said. 
"Have you been having anymore?" Sam asked. 
You sat up so you didn't have to look at him, "Sam, it was a stupid dream and I believed it because I was a dumbass kid. I know my mom was Karen Singer, and not some strange lady from a different world. You don't have to worry, I'm not completely insane yet." you said. 
"You've been dreaming about something, and it can't be good or else you wouldn't be out here. You haven't been sleeping, and you always used to get really upset after that dream." Sam said. 
You looked over your shoulder at him, "No, Sam, I haven't been having a stupid dream from when we were kids." you said. 
"Then what is it?" Sam asked. 
You shook your head, "Just nightmares. They kind of come with the job." you lied. 
"Y/N." Sam said, knowing that you were lying. 
"What? It's nothing. It's not a big deal. Everyone has nightmares." you argued. 
"Y/N, you knew that I had dreams about Jess before it happened." Sam said. "How did you know that? Did you dream it?" 
"Jesus fucking Christ, Sam. I...it was just a lucky guess." you said. 
"No, no, no. None of that lucky guess stuff. How did you know?" Sam asked. 
"Sam." you breathed out. 
"How did you know, Y/N?" Sam asked, not backing down. 
"I saw it. Fuck. I saw it when I touched you back there in that store." you said. 
"What?" Sam asked, sitting up and putting his hand on your shoulder to make you face him. 
"When I touched you, back there in that store...I saw it." you said. 
"What do you mean?" Sam asked. 
"I mean, I put my fuckin' hand on you, and I was there. I was in your apartment, your bedroom. I saw you laying on the bed. I saw you wipe something from your face before you looked up at the ceiling and then...then I saw Jess. I...saw what happened to her, and then everything changed. I mean, I was still in your room, but I watched you sit up in bed, scared...and I saw Jess sleeping next to you. I was fuckin' there, Sam, and...and I don't know how in the fuck I was." you said. 
Sam was silent. He had no clue what to say to you. He was so busy trying to wrap his head around what you had just told him that he didn't even notice how much time had passed by without him saying anything. 
"You ever think that maybe I'm just some kind of fuckin' freak?" you asked, reverting back to the game you played as children. 
"If you're a freak then I am, too. I mean, I'm the one that's having dreams that come true." Sam said. 
"Well, aren't we a fuckin' pair?" you asked, patting his leg. "We always used to do everything together. Why not add fucked up dream/visions to the list?"
"Has it happened again? Is that why you aren't sleeping?" Sam asked. 
You shook your head, "No, well, not the touch thing, it's just nightmares now. Well, one nightmare." you said. 
"About what happened to Jess?" Sam asked, hoping that maybe you might have seen something that would answer his many questions. 
"No." you replied. 
"You know, you could tell me about it. It might help." Sam said. 
You chuckled, "You a therapist now?" you asked, before leaning back against the windshield. 
"I'll give you your first session free." Sam teased, laying down next to you. 
You took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, "It's always the same. I'm in some kind of woods or some shit. It's always so dark and there are trees everywhere, but no sounds. I can never hear any animals. I can only hear myself, the leaves crunching as I step on them, and my own breathing. I  always feel like something or someone is watching me, and I just run. I run as fast as I can until I can't go anymore, and then I start yelling at whatever or whoever to come out. I finally hear something. It's always a twig snapping and then Dean walks out. I'm so happy to see him because the entire time I'm running, finding you guys is all I can think about. I always run up to him and he yells at me to stop with his gun pointed at me. He always asks me why I did it, but I don't know what he's talking about. Then...then he says that part of him always knew, but he didn't want to believe that I could do something like that. I don't know what I did, Sam, but it must have been fuckin' horrible because he's looking at me like he hates me. Then, he says I should have done this a long time ago before shootin' me." you said. 
"Y/N, Dean would never hurt you." Sam said. 
"See, I used to think that, too, but what if I do something bad. What if it's something so bad that he doesn't have a choice?" you asked. 
"You need to get out of your head. It's just a dream, Y/N. I know Dean would never hurt you." Sam said. 
"Do you ever think he could hate me?" you asked. 
"Honestly, I don't. I mean, he could be mad, but I don't think he could ever hate you." Sam said. 
"Then why can't I shake this feeling that I'm going to do something that's unforgiveable? I...I can't explain it, but it's almost like I just know it's going to happen, and no matter what I do, I'm not going to be able to stop it." you said. 
"We'll stop it. Whatever it is. We won't let it happen." Sam said. 
You looked over at him, "Something tells me you won't be able to." you said. 
"Hey, I promise. I'm not going to let anything happen, and I know Dean won't either. You should tell him." Sam said. 
"Oh, yeah, I'll just be like hey Dean, I've been having these weird dreams where you kill me for something I've done, and, uh, I also have the shining." you sarcastically said. 
"The shining, huh?" Sam asked. 
"Well, I saw the past and I'm pretty sure I've been seeing the future, so yeah, the shining. One night you guys are gonna wake up and I'm gonna be all red rum in the corner." you joked. 
"Listen, I won't say anything if you don't want me to, but he's gonna know something is wrong. I mean, I think part of him already does. I know, he's worried, and I know he would only want to help." Sam said. 
"I'm not ready to say anything. I mean, I don't even know what it is. He already worries too much. There's no need to add my bullshit to it." you said. 
Sam nodded his head, "Well, then, I'll try to help you  figure it out. Everything is gonna be fine." Sam said. 
"I have a hard time believing that." you said. 
"Well, then, I'll just have to believe for the both of us." Sam said, sitting up. "Now, come on. You need to try and catch a few hours." he said, holding his hand out for you. 
Dean had been watching the door since Sam left. He was so tempted to follow him outside. He wanted to know what was going on with you . He needed to know that you were ok.
The door clicked open and Dean closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep. He listened as you and Sam walked in, and heard Sam get into bed. He kept waiting, hoping that you would climb in next to him. 
"Hey, Sam." he heard you whisper, pausing a moment, "Thanks." 
"Anytime." Sam said, and Dean couldn't help but feel a little jealous that you confided in Sam and not him. 
Dean felt the covers lift and the bed dip when you sat down. He kept still as you tried to get comfortable, only daring to open his eyes once you were still. 
Dean turned over to see your back to him, and he was still for a moment before throwing his arm over you, letting you know that he was there. You snuggled back into him, his hold on you tightening, his message coming across clear as day, even though neither or you said a word. 
You were half asleep in the backseat, jolting awake once you felt the car stop. You climbed out of the backseat, yawning as you followed Sam and Dean. 
"Alright, so what are we doin' here at 5:30 in the morning?" Dean asked. 
"I realized something. The video tape shows the killer goin' in, but not comin' out." Sam said. 
"So, he came out the backdoor?" Dean asked, leaning against the hood of the car. 
"Right. So, there should be a trail to follow." Sam said. 
"And you're thinking that the police never would have pursued it." you said. 
"Cause they think the killer never left, and they caught your friend Zack inside. I still don't know what we're doing here at 5:30 in the morning." Dean said. 
"Me either. I was finally sleeping." you almost whined, Dean passing you his cup of coffee. 
Sam had tuned the two of you out, as he looked around the outside of the building, noticing blood smeared on a nearby telephone pole. 
"Blood. Somebody came this way." Sam said. 
"Nothing like a little blood to start your day." you said, you and Dean following Sam. 
"Yeah, but the trail ends. I don't see anything over here." Dean said before an ambulance drove by, the three of you exchanging looks. 
The three of you were standing in the middle of a gathering crowd, watching as the police led a handcuffed man to a police car. 
"What happened?" Dean asked a woman standing nearby. 
"He tried to kill his wife. Tied her up and beat her." she said. 
"Really?" Sam asked. 
"I used to see him going to work in the morning. He'd wave, say hello. He seemed like such a nice guy." she said, as the man was taken away. 
You and Sam were looking for anything that could possibly be considered a trail. Sam looked inside the garbage cans next to the house, finding nothing, the two of you heading back to the front of the house to wait for Dean. 
"Hey." Dean said, both you and Sam turning around, "Remember when I said this wasn't our kind of problem?" Dean asked. 
"Yeah." Sam said. 
"Change your mind?" you asked. 
Dean nodded his head, "Definitely our kind of problem." he said. 
"What'd you find out?" Sam asked. 
"Well, I just talked to the patrolman who was first on scene, heard this guy, Alex's story. Apparently,  the dude was driving home from a business trip when his wife was attacked." Dean said. 
"He was two places at once." Sam said. 
"Just like Zack." you added. 
"Exactly. Then, he sees himself in the house, police think he's a nut job." Dean said. 
"Two dark doubles attacking loved ones in exactly the same way." Sam said. 
"Could be the same thing doin' it, too." Dean said. 
"Shapeshifter." you suggested, Dean shrugging his shoulders. 
"Something that can make itself look like anyone." Sam added. 
"Every culture in the world has  shapeshifter lore. You know, legends of creatures who can transform themselves into animals or other men." Dean said. 
"Right, skinwalkers, werewolves." Sam said. 
"We've got two attacks within blocks of each other. I'm guessin' we've got a shapeshifter prowlin' the neighborhood." Dean said. 
"I'd bet on that." you said. 
"Let me ask you guys this...in all the shapeshifter lore can any of them fly?" Sam asked. 
"Not that I know of." Dean said. 
"Yeah, I've never read anything like that." you said. 
"I picked up a trial here. Someone ran out the back of this building and headed off this way." Sam said. 
"Just like your friend's house." Dean said. 
"Yeah, and, just like at Zack's house, the trail suddenly ends. I mean, whatever it is just disappeared." Sam said. 
"Well, there's another way to go...down." Dean said, looking down at the manhole he was standing over. 
"Of fuckin' course." you grumbled. "Of course, that stupid asshole would just have to be in the sewer." 
"I bet this runs right by Zack's house, too. The shapeshifter could be using the sewer system to get around." Sam said once the three of you had climbed down into the sewer. 
"I think you're right. Look at this." Dean said, the three of you bending down to examine the pile of skin and blood. 
"What...and I can't stress this enough...the fuck?" you asked, looking down at the skin. 
"Is this from his victims?" Sam asked, as Dean took out his pocket knife before picking up a bit of the skin on the end of it. 
"God, that's just fuckin' gross. Put it down, De." you said, wrinkling your nose. 
"You know, I just had a sick thought. When the shapeshifter changes shape...maybe it sheds." Dean said. 
"Like a snake would shed it's skin." you said, "That is seriously so fucked up." 
"That is sick." Sam said, as Dean put the skin down.
The three of you were back at the car, and Dean opened the trunk to get the weapons you would need. 
"Well, one thing I learned from Dad, is that no matter what kind of shapeshifter it is, there's one sure way to kill it." Dean said, you nodding your head. 
"Silver bullet to the heart." Sam said. 
"That's right." Dean said before Sam's phone rang. 
"This is Sam." Sam said, you and Dean listening. "What are you talkin' about?" Sam asked. 
"This can't be good." you whispered. 
"Why would you do that?" Sam asked. 
"Yeah, definitely not good." you said. 
"Bec-" Sam tried to say before being cut off, pausing as he listened to the person on the other end, "We're tryin' to help." 
"Guess, we're busted." you said to Dean. 
"Bec, I'm sorry, but-" Sam tried to say before pausing, hanging up the phone a few seconds later. 
"Becky figure us out?" you asked, Sam nodding. 
"I hate to say it, but that's exactly what I'm talkin' about. You lie to your friends because if they knew the real you, they'd be freaked. It's just...It'd be easier if-" Dean said before Sam interrupted. 
"If I was like you." Sam said. 
"Hey, man, like it or not, we are not like other people, but I'll tell you one thing. This whole gig...it ain't without perks." Dean said, holding up a gun. 
"You're right about that. Now, let's go kill this fucker." you said, tucking your gun into the back of your jeans. 
The three of you were back in the sewer, "I think we're close to its lair." Dean said. 
"Why do you say that?" Sam asked. 
"Because there's another puke-inducing pile next to your face." Dean said, Sam turning to look at the pile of skin. 
"Oh, God!" Sam exclaimed, completely disgusted. 
"Looks like it's lived here for a while." Dean said, looking at a pile of clothes in the corner. 
"They're just so fuckin' gross. At least clean up your skin piles, asshole." you said. 
Dean chuckled, "Pretty sure they don't care about that." he said. 
"Well, they fuckin' should." you said. 
"Who knows how many murders he's gotten away with?" Sam asked turning to see the shapeshifter, still in the form of the man the police led from the building, standing behind you and Dean. "Guys!" Sam yelled, Dean turning and taking a hit from the shifter before falling into you, knocking you both to the ground. 
Sam fired off a couple shots as the shapeshifter ran away, but missed. He moved over to you and Dean. 
"You okay?" you asked Dean, placing your hand on his injured shoulder, Dean nodding his head. 
"Fuck, I hope I didn't hurt her. I'm just glad the son of a bitch got me instead." you heard Dean say, but he never opened his mouth. 
You jerked your hand away from him and stumbled back, completely freaked out, "Oh fuck...no....no....no." you breathed out. 
"Hey, Y/N, you okay?" Dean asked, as you looked down at your hand in shock. 
"Y/N." Sam said, grabbing your shoulder. 
"Don't touch me!" you yelled, jerking away from him, both Sam and Dean looking at you,  worried. 
"Just go. Go get it. I'll be right behind you." you said, needing a minute alone. 
"Let's get the son of a bitch." Dean said to Sam before the two of them took off after the shifter, Dean glancing back over his shoulder at you.
 You finally forced yourself to climb out of the sewer, and decided to make your way back to the car, figuring the boys would end up there eventually. 
You finally spotted them, both of them heading your way, Dean walking right by you like nothing happened. 
"You think he found another way underground?" Sam asked as you quickly walked over to him, "Hey, you okay?" he asked you. 
"No." you whispered, your focus on Dean. 
"Yeah, probably. You got the keys?" Dean asked. 
"Hey, didn't Dad once face a shapeshifter in San Antonio?" Sam asked. 
"Oh, that was Austin. It turned out not to be a shapeshifter. It was a thought form, a psychic projection, remember?" Dean said. 
"Oh, right. Here ya go." Sam said before tossing Dean the keys. 
"That's not Dean." you whispered. 
"I know." Sam said, easing you behind him. "Don't move!" Sam yelled, pointing his gun at Dean, "What have you done with him?" 
"Dude, chill. It's me, all right?" Dean said. 
"No, I don't think so. Where's my brother?" Sam asked. 
"You're about to shoot him. Sam, calm down. Tell him, Singer." Dean said. 
You pulled out your gun, "Where the fuck is Dean, asshole?" you asked. 
"Guys, it's me." Dean said. 
"You caught those keys with your left. Your shoulder was hurt." Sam said. 
"Yeah, it's better. What do you guys want me to do, cry?" Dean asked. 
"You're not Dean." you said. 
"Why don't one of you pull the trigger, then? Hm? Cause neither one of you are sure. Guys, you know me." Dean said, stepping towards you and Sam. 
"Don't." Sam said before Dean  hit him twice with a crowbar, Sam falling to the ground. 
You had a clear shot, but you hesitated a moment too long, even though you knew it wasn't Dean, and by then it was too late. 
You blinked open your eyes, noticing that you were in some dark, dingy room. Your neck and hands were bound to a wooden post, Sam was behind you. 
"Sam." you said, doing your best to rock your body to wake him up, stopping when the shifter walked in. 
"Where is he, asshole?" you asked, Sam finally coming to. 
The shapeshifter, who was still in the form of Dean, walked over to you and backhanded you, your face stinging when he made impact. 
You spit on him, "You're gonna have to do better than that." you said. 
"Where is he? Where's Dean?" Sam asked. 
"I wouldn't worry about him. You two need to worry about yourselves." the shifter said. 
"Where is he?" Sam asked, again. 
"You don't really wanna know." the shifter said, chuckling. "I swear, the more I learn about her and you, your family...I thought I came from a bad background." the shifter said. 
"You listen to me you disgusting fuck, if you so much as touched a hair on his head, I swear to God, you'll pay for it. When I'm finished with you, you'll be beggin' me to kill you." you seethed. 
The shifter chuckled, "I can see why he likes you so much. You follow him around like a lost puppy. You'd do anything for him. Loyalty like that is hard to find." the shifter said. 
"What do you mean, learn?" Sam asked, the shifter turning his attention back to Sam before grabbing his head and grimacing in pain. 
"He's sure got issues with you. You got to go to college. He had to stay home. I mean, I had to stay home, with Dad. You don't think I had dreams of my own? But Dad needed me. Where the hell were you?" the shifter asked before turning to you. "And you, boy, is he screwed up over you. I hate that I brought you into this, but I didn't want to be alone. I'm so scared that you're gonna get hurt and I would never forgive myself if something happened to you. See, but I don't guess you care too much about me because you would rather tell Sam your problems. I thought we were partners." the shifter said. 
"Fuck you." you spat out. 
"Where is my brother?" Sam asked, the shifter leaning in close to him. 
"I am you brother. See, deep down, I'm just jealous. You got friends. I know you're gonna take her away from me. She was your friend first. You could have a life. Me? I know I'm a freak, and sooner or later, everybody's gonna leave me." the shifter said. 
"What are you talkin' about?" Sam asked. 
"You left. Hell, I did everything Dad asked me to, and he still ditched me, too. No explanation, nothin', just poof, left me with your sorry ass. Now, that you're back you're gonna take Y/N, too. I can already see it happening, but still, this life? It's not without it's perks." the shifter said, laughing. "I meet the nicest people. Like little Becky. You know Dean would bang her if he had the chance, anything to get that one not wanting him off his mind." he added, looking at you. "Let's see what happens." he said before throwing a sheet over you and Sam. 
"Damn it." Sam said, unable to get out of his ropes. "What about you? You close?" he asked. 
"Almost." you said, struggling. 
"That better be you guys, Y/N, Sam, and not that freak of nature." Dean said, Sam laughing. 
"Yeah, it's us." Sam said. 
"Dean, are you okay?" you asked. 
Dean managed to uncover himself from the sheet, "I'm fine, Sweetheart. Are you?" Dean asked. 
"Yeah, I'm fine." you said. 
"He went to Rebecca's lookin' like you." Sam said. 
"Well, he's not stupid. He picked the handsome one." Dean said, Sam giving him a confused look. 
"Now's not the time, De." you said, still trying to get free. 
The three of you were still trying to get out of your ropes. 
"Yeah, that's the thing. He didn't just look like you, he was you, or becoming you." Sam said, as Dean finally worked his way out of his ropes. 
"What do you mean?" Dean asked. 
"He knew things that only you would know, your thoughts, your memories. The things he said..." you trailed off. 
"It was like he was downloading it." Sam said. 
"You mean, like the Vulcan mind meld?" Dean asked. 
"Yeah, something like that. I mean, maybe that's why he doesn't just kill us." Sam said, as Dean walked over to the two of you. 
"Maybe he needs to keep us alive. Psychic connection." Dean said as he untied Sam's ropes. 
"Guys, we gotta haul ass. He's probably at Rebecca's already." you said, finally slipping free. "I got it." you said to Dean as you finished untying yourself, missing the hurt look on Dean's face. 
"Come on. We gotta find a phone. Call the police." Sam said, once the three of you were back on the street. 
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're gonna put an APB out on me." Dean said, Sam shrugging his shoulders. 
"Fuck, Sam." you said, even though you knew there wasn't much else you could do. 
"Sorry." Sam said. 
"This way." Dean said, the three of you running down the street. 
The three of you were standing in front of  a store window, watching a news report on the display televisions. 
"An anonymous tip led police to a home in the Central West End, where a S.W.A.T team discovered a local woman bound and gagged. Her attacker, a white female, approximately 20-25 years of age was discovered in her home," the report said, a sketch of you showing up on the screen. 
"Me?" you asked, shocked as you looked between Sam and Dean. "The thing changed into me. It was Dean when it left, and that's not even a good picture of me." you ranted, Sam looking around cautiously. 
"It's good enough." Sam said, pulling you along with him as he walked away. 
"Why the fuck did that thing shift into me? " you asked, Sam still dragging you. 
"Maybe it didn't like the way you talked to it, or thought that Becky would feel more comfortable letting you in inside her house to talk." Sam said. 
"What did you say to it?" Dean asked, catching up to you. 
"I told it that if it hurt you,  that by the time I was finished with it, it would be beggin' me to kill it." you said. 
"See, your mouth always gets you in trouble." Dean said. 
"You do the same damn thing." you argued. 
"Come on guys, the two of you can do this later. They said attempted murder. At least we know-" Sam said before you interrupted. 
"I didn't kill her." you said. 
"We'll check with Rebecca in the morning, see if she's all right." Sam said. 
"All right, but first I wanna find the asshole wearin' my fuckin' face and beat the shit out of it before I kill it." you said. 
"We have no weapons. No silver bullets." Sam said. 
"Sam, this fucker is walkin' around with my face. It's a little personal." you said. 
"I'd like to get my hands on the son of a bitch, too." Dean said. 
"Okay. Where do we look?" Sam asked. 
"We could start with the sewers." Dean said. 
"We have no weapons. It stole our guns, we need more." Sam said, pausing to think, "The car?" 
"I'm bettin' it drove over to Rebecca's." you said. 
"The news said she fled on foot. I bet it's still parked there." Sam said. 
"The thought of that thing drivin' my car." Dean said, upset. 
"All right, come on." Sam said. 
"It's killin' me." Dean said. 
"Let it go." Sam said. 
"Yeah, at least you aren't all over the news for attempted murder." you said. 
The three of you walked around the side of Rebecca's house to see the Impala still parked there. 
"Oh, there she is! Finally, something went right tonight." Dean said, so relieved. 
"Oh, fuck." you said, noticing the police car that pulled up next to Dean's car, another one parked a few yards away. 
"This way, this way." Dean said, taking your hand and pulling you towards a fence. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I got to get her out of here. Just stay calm, Dean, and get her somewhere safe." you heard him say, but again, his mouth wasn't moving. 
You jerked your hand form his, Sam speaking before Dean could say anything to you. 
"You guys go. I'll hold 'em off." Sam said. 
"No." you said. 
"Yeah, what are you talking about? They'll catch you." Dean said. 
"Look, they can't hold me. Just go, keep out of sight. Meet me at Rebecca's." Sam said, as you and Dean started to climb the fence. "Dean." Sam said, stopping him, "You guys stay out of the sewers. "Sam said, you and Dean not replying as you both hopped over the fence. "I mean it!" 
"Yeah, yeah." Dean said, before the two of you took off. 
You and Dean were standing by the car, Dean getting out weapons. 
"I'm sorry, Sam, but you know us...we just can' t wait." Dean said before closing the trunk. 
"He's gonna be so pissed." you said, taking a gun from him. 
"I'm pretty sure he expects us to do it." Dean said, shrugging his shoulders. 
"Probably." you replied, the two of you slipping into silence as you made your way to the sewer. 
"You ever gonna tell me what happened back there?" Dean asked, and you knew exactly what he was talking about. 
You jumped down off the ladder, your boots hitting the water with a splash, "I will, but now's not the time." you said. 
The two of you walked into a chamber filled with candles and chains, piles of skin and blood on the floor. Dean stopped when he heard a noise, you following after him, a large figure covered with a sheet catching your attention. 
"There." you said, nudging Dean. 
Dean removed the sheet, "Rebecca?" he asked, her hands and feet bound with rope. 
"What happened?" you asked as Dean untied her. 
"I was walking home, and everything just went white. Someone hit me over the head, and I wound up here just in time to see that thing turn into me. I don't know, how is that even possible?" she asked, crying. 
"Okay. Okay. It's okay. Come on. Can you walk?" Dean asked, Becky nodding her head. "Okay, we've gotta hurry. Sam went to see you." 
"What are you gonna do to me?" Sam asked, his hands and feet tied. 
"Oh, I'm not gonna do anything. Dean will, though." the shifter said. 
"They'll never catch him." Sam said. 
"Oh, doesn't matter. Murder in the first of his own brother? He'll be hunted the rest of his life, and so will she, his partner in crime." the shifter said. 
You and Dean burst through the door to see the shifter, who was now in the form of Dean, on top of Sam choking him. 
"Hey!" Dean yelled, getting the shifter's attention before firing two shots, hitting him in the heart. 
"Sam." you said, kneeling by his side. "You okay?" 
"Yeah." said Sam, just as Becky walked in. 
You and Dean were standing by the car, looking at a map while Sam talked to Becky. 
"Will you just tell me if you're okay?" Dean asked. 
You looked up at him, "That's the thing, De...I don't even know if I am." you said. 
"Just talk to me." he said. 
"I promise you, I will. Just let me do it in my own time, and listen to everything I have to say before you say anything." you said. 
"You're freakin' me out, Singer." Dean said. 
You raised your hand to touch his cheek, but quickly pulled it back, afraid of what would happen, "Just don't worry." you said, as Sam walked over to the car, giving you a we need to talk look. 
"So, what about your friend, Zack?" you asked, trying to distract them. 
"Cops are blaming these two psychos, Y/N Singer and Dean Winchester for Emily's murder. They found the murder weapon in ya'lls lair, Zack's clothes was stained with her blood. Now they're thinking that the surveillance tape was tampered with, and they're still searching for Y/N Singer. Becky says Zack will be released soon." Sam said. 
"A fugitive...won't Dad be proud." you said, getting into the car. 
The three of you were in the car, Dean behind the wheel, "Sorry, man." Dean said. "I really wish things could be different, you know? I wish you could just be...Joe College." Dean said to Sam. 
"No, that's okay. You know, the truth is, even at Stanford, deep down, I never really fit in." Sam said. 
"Well, that's cause you're a freak." Dean said. "Singer, too." 
"Yeah, thanks." Sam aid, you choosing not to speak, thinking to yourself if he only knew. 
"Well, I'm a freak, too. I'm right there with you guys, all the way." Dean said, smiling at you in the mirror. 
"You got that right, Winchester." you said, knowing that if you kept quiet he would know something was wrong. 
"You know, I gotta say...I'm sorry I'm gonna miss it." Dean said. 
"Miss what?" Sam asked. 
"How many chances am I gonna have to see my own funeral?" Dean asked, you chuckling in the backseat as the three of you headed to the next case. 
Tags: @miraclesoflove​ @22sarah08​ @deans-baby-momma​ @spnae​ @hawkeyetrained @karikatz12481 @spngirl05 @winchester-fantasies @freddiemermaytaydeac​ ​​​@scentedhoundshepherdmoney 
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radicallyred · 4 years
deployed (pt 2)
a/n: thank you so much for the love. I hope I do you justice and you aren’t too mad at me. 
Tony cries for a week. Not all the time, of course. He gets the kids up, gets them to school and day care. He goes to work. He attends meetings and lunches, laughs and tells jokes. He picks the kids up, he makes dinner. He puts them to bed. And then he cries. He cries in the shower, he cries himself to sleep. He cries when Peter crawls into his bed at three a.m., crying himself.
It’s two weeks after Steve leaves when he calls home for the first time.
Tony is bone tired. Morgan has been sick for the better half of a week and Peter is just irritable and cranky. He gets it, really. He’s had his Dad with him for his entire life and he’s suddenly gone. Tony would be mad too (if his father wasn’t such an asshole, that is).
He had just shut his eyes when the phone rings.
“Hello?” Tony grumbles into the reciever, eyes still shut. Morgan is asleep on his chest, Peter curled into his side.
“Hi, sweetheart.” He sits up immediately. He shifts Morgan so her cheek is smushed into his shoulder, gently getting off the bed.
“Hi,” Tony breathes when he answers. Steve sounds exhausted, like he’s been up and at it for hours. But he’s safe, so that’s all Tony cares about.
“Hi,” Tony can hear the smile in his voice. It’s awkward, for a moment, like neither of them know what to say. “Gosh, Tony. It’s so good to hear your voice.” Tony chuckles around the lump forming in his throat.
“Yeah, baby. Yours too.” He swallows thickly, putting Morgan down in her crib. “Are you settled in okay?”
“As much as I can be. Remember Peggy, from our wedding? She’s back, too. We’re leading different platoons, but we’re on the same base.”
“Of course I remember Peggy. She’s the only woman that has ever been able to put Bucky in his place.” He laughs. “Tell her hi for me. It’s nice you have someone to lean on. And speaking of Bucky, I ran into him last weekend at the grocery store. He sends his love, and he told me to tell you you better come home or he’s coming after you.” Steve laughs, such a nice sound that Tony can’t help but to smile dopily.
“I’m sure he would. Are the babies asleep?” He asks, sounding a little hurt. Tony just nods.
“Yeah. Morgan’s been down for most of the night, she caught a little bug but I think we’re finally kicking it. Peter fell asleep early, too. He’s been cranky. I don’t blame him, things have been...rough. For all of us.” The silence on the other end of the line is deafening. “Steve?”
“Sorry.” He’s crying. Fuck. “I know it’s hard. I’d be there if I could.” Tony clenches his jaw. He won’t go there, not right now.
“Hey, we promised we wouldn’t do this. I won’t complain about the kids, and you won’t complain about not being here to help me. Mopey time is over, Captain. Tell me about your day.” Steve does, diving into a story about his platoon. He’s hit it off with a couple soldiers, which is so nice for Tony to hear. He’s happy Steve isn’t being a hermit and just giving orders.
“So, listen. I’ve got two days a week slotted for video calls for about an hour at a time. My days are Wednesday and Sunday. I can pick the hours, I just want to know what you think. I want to give my ma a day, too.”
“Of course. God, I would never take this away from her. Have you spoken to her? Does she have a preference?” Tony asks.
“No, not yet.” Steve says. “I needed to hear your voice, first.” Tony feels warm, heart beating a bit faster. He loves this man.
“Well, since Peter’s in school and my SI schedule is always changing, why don’t we take Sunday? Give you more time to talk to the kiddos.” Tony suggests.
“Yeah. That’s great. Sunday it is.” He can hear the smile again. “Look, baby. I have to go, this was just a call to set that up and let you know I’m okay. I still need to call my mom. But we’ll talk Sunday, I promise.”
“Okay. Of course. I love you, Steve.” Tony’s heart is in his throat again. He won’t cry. He won’t.
“I love you too, Tony. Very much.” They’re silent, listening to each other breathe like they would when they were dating in college and didn’t want to hang up. “I’ll call you whenever I get the chance, of course. Sunday’s are definite, though.”
“Okay.” Tony whispers. “I love you, honey. Be safe, please.”
“Of course. Kiss the kids for me. I love you.” And he hangs up.
Tony stares at the phone in his hand for a good five minutes before he gets up and goes back to bed.
2:00 on Sunday afternoon is their time. That first Sunday, Tony gets Morgan down for a nap earlier than he’d like to usually, but he wants her to be awake and alert during the call. He explained to Peter that Papa only has an hour, so he needs to pick the most important things to talk about. He can’t really say anything else, he just wants Peter to get the most out of this.
“Is it time for Papa to be on the TV yet?” Peter asks as Tony gets his laptop hooked up to the HDMI cable.
“Almost, kiddo. We have about… ten more minutes.” He checks his watch. “So if you need to go potty, now is the time to do it. I am going to go get your sister up and ready. If Papa calls before I’m back, just talk to him, okay? You know how to answer it.” Peter nods, sitting on the couch dutifully. Tony shakes his head, smiling at his son.
He gets Morgan up, changed and sucking on a bottle just as Peter announces Steve is on.
“Papa!” He yells, boucning up and down in excitement.
“Hey, buddy!” Steve replies, but Tony can’t say anything. He just stares at his husband. Steve is tanned and clean shaven (a shame, really, given how much Tony loves when he has a full beard) and his blue eyes are sparkling. “I miss you, baby. How are you?”
“Daddy says I have to tell you only the ‘portant stuff. I miss you a lot, Papa.” Tony’s heart clenches, so he buries his nose in Morgan’s hair to hide his tears as he steps into frame.
“You can tell me whatever you want, I promise it’s all important.” Peter beams at the TV screen. “Well, hi, little miss!” Morgan’s head whips around in search of the noise, so Tony lifts her up and points to the TV. “Hi, Morgan. I love you, honey. Papa misses you.” Morgan breaks out into a gummy smile, probably from seeing herself in the lower corner of the screen and hearing her name, but Tony wants to think it's because of Steve.
“Hi, honey.” Tony finally says. “You look good.” Steve blushes, but grins impossibly wider.
“Thanks. I miss you guys so much. I think about you all the time, every day.”
“Every day?” Peter gasps. “Papa that’s a lot.” Tony snorts, shaking his head.
For the remaining time, he just listens as Peter recalls his time spent away from Steve, talking about his friends and school and how cute Morgan is getting. Peter cries when the time comes to say goodbye, but promises to draw Steve a picture to send him.
Morgan’s first birthday comes and goes (a tearful phone call with Steve that night consoles him). She says her first word that next week while on the phone with Steve. (It was Papa, and Tony can’t really be mad about it.)
Stark Industries has a big launch that Tony needs to travel to Los Angeles for, and after an extraordinary meltdown from Peter about staying with Grandma Sarah, Tony goes on his first business trip since Steve left.
"It’s only five days, buddy.” Tony explains to his tearful son, clutching him like he’s never going to see him again. “I’ll be back before dinnertime on Saturday.”
“Don’t leave. Papa left, you can’t leave me too.” Tony and Sarah share the same heartbroken look as Peter sobbed into his chest.
“I know, baby. I know it’s hard. I promise I will call you every day. When I get home we can do whatever you want. Okay? Does that sound good?” Peter sniffles and grabs Tony’s lapels tighter. “I love you, spidey.” He was able to pull himself away from Peter and when the trio went inside, Tony just stared at his husband’s childhood home.
Tony cried on his way to the airport.
At the end of June, Tony gets a call at 11:00 on a Monday night. The ringing of the phone startles him awake and his blood runs cold when he sees the caller ID.
“Bucky?” Tony breathes. “What’s going on?”
“I need you to stay calm.” Bucky begins. “Steve is in a hospital in DC.” Tony falls to his knees. “What? No. No, no. They--they would have called me. Why didn’t they call me? I’m his emergency contact, I--”
“I’ll explain, I promise. Pack a bag and come outside, please.” And Bucky hangs up. Tony stares at his lockscreen, a photo of him, Peter and Steve on the day Morgan was born and just cries.
He shoves a couple t-shirts, a pair of sweatpants and some underwear in a bag for Steve before gathering his own things. He checks on Morgan and Peter, kissing both of them on the forehead before he opens the door. Natasha gets out of the car and runs to him, embracing him in a tight hug. Tony buries his face in her neck, crying hard.
“He’ll be okay, he always is.” She soothes him. “Go.” She kisses his forehead.
When Tony gets in the car, he doesn’t say anything to Bucky. It’s a good hour before Bucky turns to him, shifting in his seat.
“Do you want to know what happened?” Bucky finally asks. Tony nods. “His convoy was attacked. He was taken hostage. I got a call from Peggy Carter, she would have called you but didn’t have your number. The officials normally would call, yes, but since this is kind of a family affair, they gave it to Peggy and I.” Tony’s tears start again, but no sound comes out. “So. Peggy found him. He’s pretty beaten up; has a collapsed lung, some internal bleeding and a couple broken bones but it isn’t anything the doctor’s can’t fix. He’s in surgery now, at least that’s what they told me a couple hours ago.” Again, all Tony is able to do is nod.
He wishes it was him. He wishes he was the one to be captured. He wishes he was the one with a collasped lung and internal bleeding. Steve, his perfect man, suffers enough from chronic illnesses. He doesn’t need this on top of it all. Tony has never done a single heroic thing in his entire life, but he would both kill and die for Steven Grant Rogers.
“But he’s alive?” Tony croaks looking over at the other man. Bucky nods, and Tony watches his Adam's apple bob as he swallows. Tony throws his head back in relief and cries quietly.
He must fall asleep at some point, because when he wakes it’s to Bucky shaking his shoulder saying they’re there. Tony gets out of the car immediately and goes inside without waiting for Bucky.
“Hi, my husband is here, somewhere. Steven Rogers.” The woman behind the desk smiles sympatheitcally at him before typing in his name.
“Sure. Mr. Rogers is on the surgical recovery floor. I just need to see your ID, please.” Tony fishes out his wallet and produces his ID. She hands him a bright yellow sticker and gives him directions.
When Tony arrives at Steve's room, he stops himself at the door. He’s not sure what to expect. Collapsed lung. Internal bleeding. Broken bones. The images swirling through his mind aren’t pretty. With a steadying breath, he opens the door.
Sure enough, Steve is asleep. He’s got an oxygen tube settled in his nose and is wrapped in gauze seemingly from head to toe. He has two soft casts, one on his right arm and another on his left leg.
His face is the worst, externally, at least. The left side of his face is covered in cuts and bruises, while his right eye is swollen shut.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Tony murmurs. Though he looks horrible, Tony is just relieved to see him in person. He takes a seat in the chair next to Steve’s bed and holds his good hand. “I’m right here, baby. I’m not going anywhere.” He presses his lips to Steve’s knuckles.
“Maybe if you kiss me for real, I’ll talk to you.” Tony’s head whips up to look at Steve. He’s grinning, despite his swollen face, and Tony doesn’t hesitate to--gently--launch himself at him. Their lips meet and their tears mix and Tony has never been more scared and relieved at the same time.
“You bastard.” Tony says between kisses. “I thought you were dead.” Steve pulls his good hand up to cradle his head and connects their lips for longer this time.
“Sorry to disappoint. I’m still kicking.” Tony pulls back, electing to cradle his face instead. Tony caresses his cheek, staring into his eyes.
“Does this mean you’re coming home?” Tony asks softly. Steve’s eyes glisten and he nods.
“Yes. A little worse for wear, but yes.” Tony clasps their hands together and doesn’t let go.
In the morning, Bucky will come in and heckle Steve about being able to only use one arm. They’ll call Sarah and the kids and Nat, apologizing and letting them know that everything is going to be okay. They’ll meet with Steve’s doctors, learn that he is lucky to be alive, that if the shrapnel that caused the internal bleeding was any more to the right than it was, his heart would have been blown to pieces. They have a long road to recovery, both physically and mentally. But when he gets back in the car later that week to go home, nothing else matters.
He’ll never be deployed again.
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aerynwrites · 5 years
Arthur Fleck x Reader
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Request: @glitterypinkkitty​ Hi! Could you please do Joaquin’s joker encountering poor reader being bothered by some rich dudes? Thank you :)
Warnings: cursing, violence, blood, sadness? idk lol
Word Count: 1,874 (whoops)
Author’s Note: Okay, I got kinda carried away with this one lol. I really enjoyed writing this but i feel like it may be out of character a little bit? I found it a bit challenging to write Arthur not in a terrible situation. Is that bad? I guess what i’m trying to say is that since all i have for reference is the movie, which is ALL negative and sad, It was hard for me to capture what he would be like not in those situations. SO, please let me know how you think I did! What can I improve on? What did I do well? any criticism is helpful. I hope you enjoy! thanks for the request!
“W-what do you mean its $32.84?” you stammer as you cast a panicked glance at your small group of groceries on the corner market counter. You check to make sure nothing extra was added to the pile, and upon confirming this fact you look back to the clerk.
“It’s never been this much Walter!” you’re getting hysterical now, you couldn’t afford the uptick in price, “I-it’s always been $22.73, every time, for the last however long I’ve been shopping here.”
Walter, the older balding man who owns the mini mart around the corner of your apartment sighs and gives you a look of pity.
“I’m sorry (Y/N),” he shakes his head, “but you’ve seen how things have been lately.” He looks out the glass doors and onto the street where various shouting and honking could be heard, “Gotham’s economy is tanking, prices are going up, and I have to pay my bills too.”
You feel tears prick your eyes as you look at the mere twenty-five dollars you had for groceries, and then back up at your pile on the counter. You glance from the milk, to the bread, and various other necessities, trying to decide what to put back. You were reaching for cans of tuna and bars of soap when you heard the familiar tinkling of bells, signaling someone had walked into the store
You glance up, still fighting back tears and recognize the man that walked in as your neighbor Arthur. He smiled at you, unaware of your un-shed tears, and you gave him a watery smile back before turning back to Walter. You hand him the cans of tuna and the soap; you would just have to live off peanut butter sandwiches and use more deodorant until you got paid next.
“Just put these back and I’ll pay for what’s left.” You spoke finally, frustrated that you couldn’t even afford the basics anymore. This city sucked.
You paid for the even smaller pile of groceries and took the brown bag from Walters hands, “Have a nice evening (Y/N).”
I sighed and waved absently over my shoulder as I walked out the door, “Take care Walter.”
You faintly heard Arthur and Walter chatting before the door closed behind you and you started walking towards your apartment. That whole grocery thing scared you. Working as a waitress paid enough so you could pay your bills, but now with grocery prices going up...what was next?
You were so caught up in your thoughts you didn’t notice the three men walking towards you, and by the time you did, it was too late to move. You bumped one of their shoulders and nearly dropped your bag but managed to stable yourself.
“I’m so sorry I – “you were cut off by a loud voice.
“Watch where you’re going dumbass!” the man yelled as he and his friends turned towards you.
You gripped your purse and bag tighter shrinking into yourself, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you.” You apologized, biting back your scathing remark to avoid pissing them off.
But your attempt at passivity didn’t work as the man in question shoved your shoulder roughly causing you to stumble back, “Hey, I said I was sorry!” you snapped.
“Yeah well, if you knew who I was you’d realize that sorry doesn’t cut it.” he spat.
You started to back away from the three men but the tall one you bumped into snatched your groceries from your hand and threw them to the ground, causing the milk jug to burst and everything else to get soaked.
Anger built up in you, and you opened your mouth to retaliate but you felt another shove come from your backside and your beanie was ripped from your head. You heard loud mocking laughter as they continued to shout insults at you and shove you from one body to another.
You shoved back, pushing with all your might to escape this hellish cycle, “Get the fuck off me!”
You continued to fight back but before you knew it one of the men grabbed you around your shoulders and held you still as the other two leered at you.
“Or what?” they mocked.
You finally had enough of this bullshit and kicked your legs up off the ground shoving them into the tall guys stomach. He doubled over and you smirked, silently pleased at your action. Your silent celebration was short lived however, as the man holding you threw you to the ground. Before you even realized what was going on you heard a sickening crunch and a white-hot pain radiated from your nose.
You cried out as your hand flew to your nose in vain attempt to eliminate the pain, and soon you felt harsh kicks delivered to your body.
“Hey!” you heard a faint cry from the way you had come, “Hey, leave her alone! Walter call the police!”
The kicking stopped as you again heard mocking laughter retreat away from your curled up and beaten form. You heard a different set of footsteps come closer and a gentle hand laid on your shoulder.
“(Y/N), are you alright, it’s me Arthur.”
You slowly roll onto your back and sit up right, wincing at the shooting pain in your side. You look up to see your neighbor looking at you worriedly.
He helps you to your feet slowly and hold your arms to steady you, “What happened? who were those guys? Are you okay, do you need help?” you chuckle slightly at Arthur’s endless questions and shrug his hands off. You wipe you sleeve under your nose, trying to somewhat clean the blood from your face.
“I’m fine Arthur – well not fine per se but,” you lean down to pick up your discarded purse and groaned when you stood again, “I’ll live. They were just some rich assholes who had nothing better to do.”
You looked to your destroyed groceries and sighed, “I’m more upset about my groceries,” you motioned to the soggy pile, and looked to Arthur, “I don’t have any more money until I get paid next week.”
You felt panic gnaw at your stomach, what are you going to do until pay day? You have to eat.
Loud but strained laughter brought you back to earth and you looked to Arthur who’s pained expression didn’t match the laughter falling from his lips. You knew of Arthur’s condition, and even though you knew it wasn’t genuine laughter, you still felt the corner of your mouth tug upwards and a small giggle bubbled from your throat. Soon your giggles turned to full blown laughter and it didn’t subside until Arthur’s fit slowed too. You gripped your side lightly grimacing at the pain left from the laughing fit and tugged Arthur along towards your shared apartment building.
Arthur looked at you curiously as you continued to let out little chuckles as you approached your building. As you got in the elevator to go to your floor, he couldn’t hold back his question any longer.
“What was so funny?” he asked, “you just got beaten to a pulp, no offense, and your hard-earned money wasted. Does that not make you angry?”
You let out a humorless laugh and stepped off the elevator to your floor. You leaned against your door and looked to the lanky man in front of you.
“Honestly Arthur,” you turned your gaze to the ceiling closing your eyes in frustration, “I stopped being angry a long time ago. Now I’m just tired.” You looked at him, “I’m tired of living this way, living in a world, in this city where the rich and powerful shit on the rest of us, where life shits on us.” You shake your head and stand up straighter.
“Anyways, I should probably go,” you gesture to your door, “I better get cleaned up and patched up before I get too hungry, since it looks like i’ll be eating sleep for dinner.”
Your lame joke earns a chuckle from Arthur and he hesitates before speaking, “you can-“ he stumbles, “I mean, you could come over to my place?” it was more of a question than a statement, and he cringes at his own awkwardness, “I just mean that maybe I could help you and we have some left overs from dinner…” he trails off and stuffs his hands in his hoodie pockets, looking at you hopefully.
You smile, a genuine smile that hadn’t appeared on your face in a long time, and you reach out to grab his hand; motioning for him to lead the way.
“I would love that Arthur, thank you.”
He smiles widely and leads you to his apartment. He unlocks the door and lets you inside first before closing the door behind you. You immediately notice that it’s similar to your own apartment: small, run down, and smells like mothballs. You also notice it smells like cigarettes and a nice perfume, a smell that that you don’t hate.
Arthur’s voice breaks you from your thoughts, “You can sit on the couch if you’d like, ill go grab some stuff for your nose” he states as he walks down the hallway to the bathroom.
You hear him rummaging around, in the cabinets as you take a seat on the couch and take notice of what’s on TV. It’s the Murray Franklin show, you lost interest quickly considering you didn’t like the host one bit. He’s a jerk, making fun of people and calling it comedy...what a sham.
Arthur emerges from the bathroom carrying what looks to be pain pills and a washcloth, he sets the pills down on the table and sits next to you. He looks from the rag to you as if asking permission and you just give a little nod and turn to face him. He gently begins wiping the already drying blood from your face and turns your head to the side slightly.
“It looks broken,” he muses, “The bleeding has stopped, and you’re all cleaned up, but you should go get that checked out tomorrow.” He looks at you in a concerned manner and trades the washcloth for two Tylenol.
“Thanks,” you take the pills and swallow them quickly, eager for some relief from the dull throbbing in your face.
You both lean back into the couch and watch the TV for a while longer. You slowly turn your head to look at Arthur only to see that he is already looking at you. You blush slightly before grasping his hand in yours.
“Thank you, Arthur. You didn’t have to help me out there especially since it could’ve ended up bad for you too.” You look back at the TV, “and thanks for this, and the offer of food. I know you’re in a rough spot like me and it’s just nice to have a friend for a change.”
You look back at Arthur and see him sporting a wide grin, “Of course. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I would do anything for you.” He admits.
You give him a small smile and squeeze his hand gently; your way of reciprocating his feelings and turn to look at the TV once more.
You both sat there until the early hours of the morning, laughing at various Tv shows and comedians. And for the first time in a long time, both of you were happy.
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girls/girls/boys  peter parker imagine
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 3.5k+ (I think it’s my longest yet)
Request: I suggested it and people said yes sooooo here it is lads. It’s 7:30am and I haven’t slept so forgive the mistakes
A couple Spider-Man ps4 references here and there
No Endgame spoilers
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New York. The best place on Earth, at least in Peter Parker’s eyes. After an alien invasion here and there, the people of this city came together in one, borderline heroic, ideology. To rebuild together. As a city united, they fixed not only the physical attributes of the city, but the hearts as well. Hope returned as people such as your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man began to step up to protect the city they loved. 
The people of this city made it so easy and great to love for Peter. Well, besides when he gets beaten to a pulp by bad guys. That isn’t fun for anyone.
As Peter walked on the cracked pavement under the setting sun in the city he loved, with the girl he loved, he couldn’t help but admire her. After nine months, to this day, of dating this girl, Peter knew he loved her.
Yes, he knew it was crazy, but if he had to hear ‘you’re in high school, you don’t know what love is’ one more time, he’d just lose it. Deep down in his heart as he saw the light breeze ruffled her hair, he knew that what he felt for her was love.
He loves her with every fiber of his being.
But those three little words were never once said due to his guilt. Peter felt that it was wrong to confess his love to her without her knowing everything about him. That hiccup just so happened to be clad in red and blue spandex.
Nine months, the time frame of a pregnancy and he still hasn’t told her the truth about why he cancels dates and misses class more often than not. He was scared in all honestly. He couldn’t bear the thought of her leaving him because of his alter ego. So, he kept it bottled inside, along with his revelation of love.
As they walked in a comfortable silence, Y/N began to lose herself in her thoughts as well. When she met Peter Parker for the first time in biology in freshmen year, she knew she was done for. As cliched as it sounds, he was different than most other guys. His heart, the care he held, made him who he was, and she loved that about him.
But, just like Peter, she was keeping a secret from him that she thought would ruin their relationship. She liked boys, obviously because she was dating one. What Peter didn’t know was that she liked boys… and girls.
The way she thought of it was stupid. The logical side of her brain knew that he would never hate her for being bi. The other side of her shivered in fear of the thought of Peter kicking her out of his life.
She didn’t want his feelings for her to change which is why she’s been silent on the topic. Tonight, that would change.
“So, what do you have in store for our epic anniversary?” The boy questioned as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Y/N smiled as she made eye contact with him.
“It’s a surprise,” the smile on her face grew as Peter shook his head and chuckled. “You and your surprises.” He leaned in to give her a short peck on the lips as they kept walking. Her cheeks turned red at the small act of affection.
After small talk, and down a few more blocks, they arrived at the restaurant with insanely bright neon lights. “Karaoke?” Peter read off the sign on the restaurant window. Y/N beamed at the confusion on Peter’s face, “yeah! I thought it would be fun to give it a try. But if you don’t want to then we-“
He cut her off, squeezing her hand, “No this is great. Just keep in mind, singing is not my strong suit.” He opened the door for her as she giggled at the comment.
The couple was soon seated at a booth while a very drunk man sang ‘Eye of the Tiger.’ Peter and Y/N went over the memories they made together over the past few months. One of the employees took the mic, and with a voice laced with boredom, called the next person up. “Y/N L/N, you’re up next.”
Peter’s eyes widened as he looked at his girlfriend questionably with a French fry between his fingers. Y/N nervously chuckled, “I immediately regret this.”
Stunned, Peter stumbled through his words, “I um.” He cleared his throat before continuing, “I think you’ll do great.” The initial shock washed away, as he offered her a comforting smile. She nodded her head trying to convince herself more than anything as she stood up and walked to the stage.
“You got this Y/N,” Peter encouraged, tossing her a thumbs up when the mic was placed in her hand. An anxious smile graced her lips as she gave a small wave to the people watching her intently.
‘This was such a bad idea,’ she kept thinking over and over again just as the music began.
“Oh god,” she whispered before the words made their way on the screen towards the far left of the stage, in the direction that Peter was.
“I don’t wanna hear you’ve got a boyfriend Sometimes you’re better off alone”
The beat was familiar for Peter, but he didn’t quite know the song. He felt down because of how tense Y/N was, but the proud smile never left his lips as he cheered for her from halfway across the restaurant.
“But if you change your mind, you know where I am Yeah if you change your mind, you know here to find me ‘Cause I don’t ever wanna be your boyfriend”
Y/N’s voice gradually grew slightly more confident as the song went on, and every now and then she’d look at the screen for the words. With this newfound confidence, which wasn’t much, she began to look at the other people in the ‘crowd.’
Peter’s eyes eventually trailed to one of the T.V.’s behind the bar. There was a hostage situation at Grand Central. Again. He bit his lip and looked back at his girlfriend. ‘Why the heck would someone hold other people hostage at GC?’
“I am just a villain vying for attention From a girl A girl who can’t decide and here’s the reason why”
She found her eyes searching for Peter’s, and as they locked, words spewed out of her mouth.
“Girls love girls and boys”
The song soon ended and she stood there awkwardly yet again. She walked off the stage and back to the booth where her boyfriend was waiting. When she approached the table, Peter quickly stood up as his eyes kept flicking from Y/N’s to the T.V. behind her.
The uneasy smile returned when she approached him. “So… what did you think Pete?” She bit her lip, anticipating his response.
“Uh, it was great babe, but I gotta go. May needs something.” Peter grabbed his jacket from the booth about to step away without acknowledging the look on Y/N’s face.
“Something more important than our anniversary?” Her voice was shaky, from anger and sadness simultaneously. He stopped his steps and ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry,” before Y/N could respond, he bolted out the door of the restaurant.
She let out a light scoff as she plopped herself into the booth. Pushing the plate to the side, she leaned her head on her hands while tears pooled in her eyes.
Somehow, she knew this would happen. She knew that Peter wouldn’t like her because of this. Their waitress walked by, noticing her distress. “Hey, you alright?” The kind woman questioned with concern. Y/N sat up, redness around her eyes, “my boyfriend ditched me after I basically told him a really big secret.”
The waitress felt bad for the poor girl and saw that there was obviously a person who previously occupied the seat across from Y/N. “I saw your little performance and it was great. I’ll make sure everything’s on the house.”
Y/N’s eyes widen at the woman’s statement. “Y-You don’t have to do that.” She wiped the tears off her cheeks as the waitress waved her off, “Nonsense. It’s the least I can do.” She smiled down at the poor girl. “Thank you,” Y/N sniffed. The woman nodded her head and walked off to assist another customer.
Y/N huffed, pulling out her phone and going straight to the contacts with the only person she could think to call. Pressing the device against her ear, she waiting as she heard it ring.
“Hey Y/N what’s up?” MJ’s iconic gloomy while simultaneously cheery voice greeted. “MJ, I-I don’t know what to do.” Her voice stuttered as she fiddled with the napkin on the table.
“Woah what happened? Where’s Peter?” MJ’s voice grew with concern as question rattled her brain. Y/N sobbed, “He left. He fucking left me here after I basically told him that I’m bi. And-And it sucks because I did the plan, with the karaoke to, you know, break the ice. But it didn’t work. He ran out of here MJ.” Her breathing was uneven as she recounted the story from just a few moments ago.
“Oh god,” MJ whispered into the phone as she got up from her bed to grab her coat and jacket. “Y/N, send me the address to that place. I’ll try to be there soon.”
Sighing, Y/N tried to deflect. “No, you don’t have to-“before she could finish, MJ interrupted. “Yes, I do. You’re always there for me Y/N, so now it’s my turn,” MJ boldly stated as she shut the front door. Y/N closed her eyes, as a few more tears escaped, “thank you.” They bid their farewells and MJ was already on the way.
Across Midtown, Peter was graciously learned that he was taking out ‘terrorists’ that were holding hostages in Grand Central. Slowly, one by one he stealthily took them out. But he made a terrible mistake. His phone. The small device was tucked into the waistband of his boxers so there wasn’t much he could do at this point.
The ringtone blared and all eyes were on him. “Oh no,” he whispered as the gunmen started firing rounds at him as he stuck to the ceiling. He ran on the ceiling yelling, “Hey Karen.”
The automated voice responded, “Yes, Peter?”
The boy dodged bullets left and right before he zipped down onto the ground. “Can you connect to my phone?” He blurted, now throwing punches at the man in front of him. Peter webbed one of the men to the floor before he was bombarded by more of those men. “Hey guys, sorry about crashing the party,” Peter exclaimed mockingly, shooting a web at the ceiling, swinging and kicking on of the men in the face.
“Actually, I’m not that sorry,” he joked. His phone rang again, but this time he was able to see who it was on the interior of his mask. “MJ?” He whispered. His distraction allowed the men to get a few hits in. Before he could get shot at again, he used his webs to pull the guns away from them, throwing them far behind him.
The ringing didn’t stop, and Peter groaned, “answer it, please Karen.” Silently, the A.I. did what it was told.
“MJ, can I call you back, I’m a little busy,” he shouted, tripping one of the terrorists. MJ scoffed on the other end of the line, “really Peter? It’s your anniversary and you ditched Y/N at a restaurant.” MJ was fuming and the taxi driver gave her strange looks.
“Look, I know it was bad, but believe me,” he paused, kicking someone in the face, knocking them out, “I really wanted to stay. Because I- “He cut himself off. He didn’t know what to say, his mind went blank until he felt a sharp pain in his gut from the terrorist. “You what, Peter?” MJ angrily said, paying the driver and getting out of the car. “I love her, okay?” He shouted. He froze and so did the men before him. They all kind of exchanged ‘what the fuck’ looks before one of the men lunged at Peter.
“I gotta go,” he hung up before she could protest, knocking out the last few guys then calling the police.
MJ went into the restaurant going straight to her best friend. When they saw each other, Y/N stood up next to the booth to hug her friend. MJ let her friend vent, knowing that just being there and listening to her meant a lot.
The night went on, and the pair grew tired. MJ took her friend home, paying the taxi fair for her. “You sure you don’t want me to stay the night?” MJ offered as the approached Y/N’s apartment door. She nodded her head, “I think I’ll be okay.”
MJ let out a short breath, “call me if you need anything, alright?” Y/N softly smiled nodding her head. She went in for a hung, again, needing any form of contact at the moment.
“See ya,” MJ stated, walking back towards the exit of the building. “Bye,” Y/N mumbled loud enough to be heard. She went inside her apartment, going straight to her room. The second she shut her door; the tears began to flow as she covered her face with her hands.
She tried to stabilize her breath, but it was getting too hard. She sat on her bed, not feeling motivated to even change her clothes. Y/N looked at her clock and saw that it was only a little after eight. She sighed as her tears slowed down. Her eyes began to get heavy and she decided to just lay down, trying her best to ignore the deep feeling in her heart.
Soon after the police arrived, Peter learned that those men had plans to plant bombs in the terminal. He was relieved to know that he got there fast enough to prevent the bombs. Peter then leap in the air to swing on his webs to the girl he loves.  
Running, swinging, and jumping through the city was usually such a rush for Peter. The city he loved looked a lot smaller from where he was at, but the rush was non-existent that night as his one goal was to get to Y/N.
As he landed on the fire escape quietly, he looked through the window to see his girl asleep on her bed. He pulled the mask off his face, his brown locks flopping as he did so. He examined the red material in his hands mulling over his thoughts. Is it really worth it, keeping this secret from her which ultimately makes her feel like shit in the end? Peter sighed, running a gloved hand through his hair as he bit his lip in thought.
After a while of thinking, he pulled the mask back on, “hey Karen?” The automated voice replies, “yes Peter?”
“C-Call Y/N,” he stuttered, nervous about the next interaction. He kept cracking his knuckles, as he heard the phone ring. He looked through the windowpane and saw her slowly wake up to the ring of her phone. She groggily sat up, rubbing her eyes, most likely from leftover tears as Peter thought.
He watched her pick up the small device, her eyebrows raised as she just stared at it and watch it ring. He watched hopefully as she pressed the screen, only to hear her voicemail message start. She threw her phone onto her bed, holding her head in her hands. “H-Hang up and call again Karen.” His voice was rough as he saw Y/N’s distressed state.
“Peter, that isn’t such a good idea,” the automated voice suggested, but Peter blew it off. “Just do it, Karen,” his frustrated voice pleaded even though he knew the A.I. would obey.
The ringing began, again, and he watched as Y/N groaned, grabbing the device yet again. Under the mask, Peter bit his lip, whispering to himself “please pick up. Come on, come on.”
He saw her roll her eyes and answer the phone. “Peter, stop calling me. It’s late. I’m tired and I just need time to think.” He watched as she lowered her phone about to hang up.
His eyes went wide as he begged, “wait, wait, wait!” He said this far too quickly and rushed which got Y/N curious. She sighed exasperatedly. “What do you want, Peter? You wanna leave me hanging again or- “she scoffed.
He could hear how hurt she was from what her did and her felt awful about it. He rubbed the back of his neck, doing the only thing he thought could solve this. “L-Look out the window,” he implored.
Y/N slowly averted her eyes towards the glass, only to quickly stand up and drop her phone. After Spider-Man, or Peter, pointed towards the lock, Y/N with furrowed eyebrows, rushed to open the window.
They both stood there, looking at each other. “Hey,” Peter awkwardly greeted with a small chuckle. “Spider-Man…. You’re Spider-Man.” She stated, trying to get herself to understand the situation.
She moved to allow Peter into her room. As he crawled through the window, he pulled his mask off. Y/N was able to see cuts and bruises littering her boyfriend’s face. “Oh my god,” she worriedly stated, walking close to him and enclosing his face in her hands to examine the damage. “It’ll heal in a few hours,” he whispered, closing his eyes as he leaned into her warmth.
“When, why did this happen?” Y/N questioned, softly running her fingers over his bruises. Peter sighed, recounting the memory, “you remember that one field trip in freshman year at the science exhibit?”
She made eye contact nodding her head as she continued to examine his injuries. “There was a radioactive spider they were testing and surprise surprise, it bit me. I gave me powers.”
Y/N froze, “so when you told everyone you got contacts, was it just your…abilities?” Peter nodded his head, placing his hands over hers. “I-I felt like you needed to know before I told you.” He considered the option about whether or not to tell her, but what the hell did he have to lose?
“I’m sorry I left. There was a hostage thing at GC and- and I know you were super scared on that stage, but those people were gonna die and,” he rambled, but Y/N cut him off.
“Peter, it’s okay, you did what you had to do,” she moved her arms around the back of his neck and looked lovingly into his eyes, “I thought you left because you realized you didn’t like me-“ this time, it was Peter’s turn to cut her off.
“I love you,” he boldly confessed, placing his hands on her hips gently, “and I didn’t want to tell you until you knew about, this.” He said referring to the suit and his identity.
Y/N had no words, nodding her head to what he said. She gathered her thoughts quickly, “did you happen to pick up the… the stupid song I sang?” She bit her lip, now she was the one who was nervous.
Peter’s cheeks flushed red as he looked down his shoes, “I’m sorry, I was distracted because of the news.” Y/N chuckled breathlessly because of her nerves.
“Well, umm” she stumbled through her words, “I don’t know how to put this.”
Peter smiled encouragingly, “whatever it is, I will still love you. Unless you told me that you killed someone or something.” Y/N shook her head, mirroring his soft smile.
“I’m just gonna say it,” she practically dared herself, “I’m bi. And the song was about girls liking boys and girls. And since I like boys and girls, I thought it was fitting to do that for our anniversary.” She spoke very fast, but Peter was able to understand it all.
“Wait, really?!” He excitedly asked, pulling a way to get a better look at her face. Y/N did not expect that reaction at all. “Yes?” She answered questionably as she gripped Peter’s shoulders. He smiled, “I’m glad you told me, Y/N. After a year with you, I’m just glad you got the courage to tell me.”
Her heart melted as she didn’t expect such a sappy answer. “I wish I told you sooner, I just didn’t really know how to do it. So, MJ helped me plan the whole thing at the restaurant. Even though that completely backfired.”
“Yeah she called me basically telling me I’m a shitty person,” he laughed due to the classic Michelle Jones behavior. Y/N’s heart filled with joy at the thought of her best friend defending her. “God I love MJ,” Y/N said as she laughed with Peter.
Their laughter died down as they just admired each other. “And I love you,” Y/N expressed as Peter softly raised his eyebrows. “You mean it?” He asked as if it wasn’t real.
“More than you’ll ever know,” she whispered leaning in to finally kiss the guy she loved with all of her heart.
AN: I’ve lived in Florida for most of my life, and recently Pride month has meant a lot more to me due to the Pulse shooting in 2016. Under one common ideology people from Olrando, all over the state then soon all over the country showed their support. The LGBTQ+ community grew stronger as everyone united under the idea that love wins.
Which is kind of the reason I really wanted to write something like this.
So I hoped you liked it!
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skye-maxwell · 5 years
24! Sounds like a sweet prompt for Souyo.
Persona 4 | Souyo | Rated T
24: meriggiare - to rest at noon, more likely in a shady spot outdoors
It was a perfectly sunny morning in early September, with no clouds in the sky and a pleasant warmth in the air that seemed to cling to the last tendrils of summer. 
Yosuke had his typical early-morning Sunday shift and was scheduled to be off work around mid-morning, so Souji had decided it would be nice to meet up afterwards for a picnic brunch. 
Yosuke had laughed at the pretentiousness of the word ‘brunch’ at first, but he had no real objections and was looking forward to Souji’s food, and more importantly, uninterrupted time with his boyfriend. 
Since they’d started dating, they had scoured the town for places where they could have a bit of privacy (which was hard to get at their respective houses), and they’d found a few places in Inaba that they could call their own. One of their favorites was a ways off the beaten path—a small, overgrown field that, while seemingly untouched prior to their arrival, seemed to be almost purposefully carved out in the middle of a wooded area. It was nicely shaded by old, towering trees and dotted with clusters of white wildflowers, and sometimes Souji liked to think that it had been put there specifically for him and Yosuke to find. 
Souji had gotten up extremely early that morning to prepare an array of special dishes that he hadn’t been able to spoil Yosuke with yet, and then he arrived at their meetup location early, eager for their time together. 
The tiredness was finally starting to catch up to him though, and as he laid out a blanket in the shade of a particularly large tree, he found himself hoping that Yosuke, after a tiring shift and filling up on his food, would want to take a nap with him. 
Something about simply resting beside Yosuke—letting all the weariness [from school and jobs and social obligations and the investigation] seep from his bones while lying next to the person he loved—set his heart at ease more than anything else ever had. He also loved the fact that Yosuke was so comfortable with their closeness and that they had reached a point where just being in each other’s presence, without having to do much of anything, was enough. It felt so right and so, so special. 
As soon as Souji set his almost comically large picnic basket down, his phone started ringing, and he flipped it open immediately when he saw it was Yosuke calling. 
“Hey!” Souji said, sounding overly excited even in his own ears. 
“Hey, Partner,” Yosuke said hesitantly, and something about his tone made Souji’s breath catch.
“What’s wrong?” 
“Heh, you can already tell, huh?” Yosuke said, his voice breaking up a little since Souji only had one bar of service here. “I really hate to do this to you, like really hate it, but one of our part-timers had to go home sick, so I have to cover the end of his shift.”
“Oh, that’s okay,” Souji breathed, relieved it wasn’t something worse. “Can you still come afterwards?” 
“I mean, I could, but I don’t want you to have to wait for me. You made food, right? I don’t want it to go bad. You could go home and share it with Nanako and Dojima.” 
“You know I’m not actually gonna do that, right?”
Yosuke sighed, but it sounded like a happy sigh. “Yeah, I know.”
“Besides, I already made food for them that I left in the fridge. Don’t worry, all this stuff will keep until you get here.”
“You sure?” 
“You know I’m always prepared. I’ve got insulated food containers and cold packs and my industrial-grade thermos, and honestly it would probably be good for another day or two—”
“Haha, okay, I get it, Partner. I definitely won’t take that long, but I just want you to know that it’s gonna end up being more like lunch than brunch.”
“I’ll wait for you forever.” 
Yosuke snorted. 
“Okay, well I gotta go now, but I’ll text you when I’m on my way,” Yosuke said, and then he paused before whispering, “Love you.”
Souji figured the pause was to check if there were any customers or coworkers nearby, and he smiled at the mental image of Yosuke whispering he loved him in the middle of a crowded store. 
Souji, however, was completely alone with no one around to overhear, so he yelled shamelessly, “I LOVE YOU TOO!” 
“Partner!” Yosuke hissed. “I think you just broke my eardrum! Shit, I think a customer heard that, gotta go, bye!”
Souji laughed to himself as Yosuke hung up; he always enjoyed a healthy dose of mischief, but it also just felt nice to yell that to the heavens. 
Still chuckling at the thought of Yosuke’s face as he scrambled to hide his phone in his Junes apron, Souji sat down on the blanket and looked through his basket, making sure all the dishes were still secure in their containers. Satisfied that everything would indeed be fine until whenever Yosuke got there, Souji closed the basket and laid back on the blanket, basking in the shade of the tree. 
Souji rolled onto his side and closed his eyes, letting the warmth around him soak into his skin. He wasn’t bothered by having to wait for Yosuke; rather he felt something more like gratitude—it was a privilege and a thrill, really, to be waiting somewhere so beautiful on someone he loved so profoundly. 
It was with those feelings at the forefront of his heart that Souji eventually drifted off into a peaceful sleep. 
Some time later, he was awoken by a warm body pressing up against his back and the sound of munching near his ear. 
“Yosuke,” Souji hummed blearily, slowly opening his eyes and squinting against the midday sunlight. 
“Hey, Par’ner,” Yosuke said through a mouthful of food. 
“What are you eating?” Souji asked, looking over his shoulder at Yosuke. 
“Rice ball,” Yosuke said, lifting his head to get a better look at Souji’s face and holding up the half-eaten rice ball for Souji to see.
“You couldn’t wait for me?”
“Nope,” Yosuke said, shaking his head and taking another bite. “Starving.”
“And after I waited all this time for you…” Souji teased. “You’re getting rice kernels on my neck.”
“Oops, sorry. One sec,” Yosuke said, quickly finishing off his rice ball. Then he made a whirring noise with his mouth that sounded somewhat like a vacuum and bent to suck the fallen rice off Souji’s neck. 
“Y-Yosuke!” Souji cried, laughing involuntarily as Yosuke’s mouth tickled his skin.
“Stop movin’!” Yosuke laughed against Souji’s neck, pushing Souji’s shoulder down as he tried to vacuum up the last few kernels. 
When that didn’t work, he resorted to using his tongue, and Souji had to try his damnedest to not let his laughter transform into a whine. He was also attempting to keep his squirming to a minimum, which was more challenging than he ever would have imagined. 
“All clean,” Yosuke said when he was done, sounding amused as he wrapped an arm around Souji and pulled him firmly against himself. 
“You don’t want to eat more?” Souji asked, gathering his composure enough to look over his shoulder at Yosuke again.
“I do, but I want this first,” Yosuke said, intertwining one of his legs with Souji’s. “So tired. And you looked so comfortable here…”
Souji laid his head back down, and Yosuke immediately pressed his face into the back of his hair. 
“You don’t mind, do you?” Yosuke asked, his breaths already growing longer and deeper as he started to doze off.
“Not at all,” Souji replied, happily enveloping Yosuke’s hand in his own and settling into the new layer of warmth Yosuke provided.
Souji could tell when Yosuke had fallen asleep by his breathing, and that was when he quietly said, “You didn’t know it, but this is exactly what I wanted. You are exactly what I want.” 
And with that off his chest, Souji closed his eyes once more, following Yosuke into the realm of sleep.
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 5 years
A Woman of Letters (Getting a Feel for Sam Winchester) - Chapter 20
Summary:  You’ve just opened an occult bookstore in Lebanon, Kansas, when you fall for a tall, handsome customer…literally. You soon find out that there’s more to the world than you ever suspected, including you. Discovering your heritage puts you directly in a witch’s crosshairs, though, so the Winchesters offer to take you in and teach you how to protect yourself. As you discover your own family history with the supernatural and your own hidden talents, you can’t help but wish a certain brother was as excited about your interest as you are.
Total length: 43 chapters, 70,247 words - Read on AO3 - Series masterlist
Chapter word count: 1764 words
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: Canon-level angst and violence
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After Sam had gotten up and left so abruptly, you tried to concentrate on the file in front of you and Dean. The words kept swimming around in your field of vision, though, and when Cas got up and left, you gave up. Sitting back in your chair, you rubbed your eyes and sighed.
“I don’t know what his problem is, but I promise you, he’ll come around.” Your eyes flew to Dean’s, and the soft look on his face made you smile.
“I’d like to say I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’m not sure that would fly.” You gave Dean a weak smile and shook your head.
“Is he sending you bad vibes or something?” The confused, but caring, look on Dean’s face made you chuckle.
“Not exactly. He’s not sending me anything. For the most part, all I get from him these days is static. Just a gaping lack of anything, really.” You paused with a sigh. “Cas showed him how to close himself off so I can’t feel him. Cas said it was because Sam knows it can be exhausting, and he wanted to spare me what he could.” You shrugged sadly. “But it never bothered me. Cas is the only one that exhausts me. Feeling things from the two of you is actually kind of comforting.” Dean frowned at the sadness in your voice and pulled you awkwardly into his arms over the arms of the chairs.
“I’m sorry he’s doing that to you, sweetheart. I’m sure he’s got his reasons, no matter how wrong they might be.” Dean rubbed your back and took a deep breath. “I bet it hurts more since you’re falling for him, huh?” You stiffened in his arms, and then pulled away, avoiding his eyes.
“What? What makes you think that?” Dean let out a friendly huff and smiled.
“I’ve seen how you look at him over breakfast, or when the two of you are in here reading together.” You feel your face flush and you put your head in your hands.
“It’s so stupid. I feel like a teenager with a crush on a classmate.” Dean rubbed your back again and chuckled.
“It’s not stupid, Y/N. You can’t help how you feel.” You gave Dean a grateful look.
“If I would have been smart, I’d have fallen for you. You, I get. You are easy for me. Sam, he’s a riddle, wrapped inside an enigma, wrapped inside…well, normally I’d say a taco, but in this case…wrapped inside a hella got guy with great hair.” Dean laughed, but then put on a disgusted face.
“Dude, I don’t need to hear that my brother is hot, and that hair is on my to-do list.” Dean smiled at you. You pretended to be shocked and smacked him.
“Don’t you touch it!” Both of you dissolved into laughter and joking threats against each other as Sam and Cas returned to the room. You looked up at Sam and saw a flash of something before his face neutralized and he gave you a polite smile. Your heart ached at the smile, and the hand you had on Dean’s arm tightened. Dean patted your hand reassuringly before breaking apart from you.
“So, you nerds finally finished with the journals? Can the rest of us hear what crazy Uncle Lloyd had to say?” You smacked Dean again lightly, laughing at him. Dean flashed a cocky grin your way and then turned back to the other two, doing his best to make his face look serious. You could still see the twinkle in his eye and the tiniest hint of a smile, though.
“Cas went over what I did, and he made a couple of minor changes, but yes, we’re done.” Sam glared at Dean, and then pushed the journals and the notebook over to you. You stared at the pile of books with trepidation. Why did this make you nervous?
“Is there anything in there about me?” You looked at Sam with uncertainty, and got another polite smile in return.
“Well, there’s a lot of personal stuff in there about you when you were growing up after your parents died. I figured you’d rather read that stuff yourself, though. As far as your gift, and the Men of Letters is concerned, there’s a couple of things about that, too.
“He mentioned a little bit as you were growing up with him that he felt you pushing him. He says he always said no to pretty much anything you asked for to make sure he didn’t reward you for using your gift. He also talks about trying to hide things from you when you were so difficult to lie to.” You nodded and smiled.
“’Because I said so,’ was pretty standard in his house. It was a big change for me. My parents were always willing to explain everything to me. To suddenly live in a house where there seemed to be no rhyme or reason for the rules really freaked me out. It took a while before we found a middle ground. Or so I thought. Maybe it just took a while before the reasons were ones he could tell me about.” Sam and Dean both nodded with you.
“Your uncle did get into hunting a bit, but he really was a Man of Letters, not a hunter. His shop was a hunters’ shop. He sold whatever hunters needed, and helped hunters with research if they asked. He sold the shop and did his best to get out of the life when you came to live with him because he didn’t want you getting into it. After you were grown and you moved out, he got sucked back in, it seems.” Sam faltered, and so did the static, giving you a quick shot of sadness and guilt before the static returned. You felt Dean’s arm move to the back of your chair.
“Sam? Just say it.” The tone in Dean’s voice worried you, and the fear coming from Dean didn’t help. You watched Sam struggle to keep himself together, and felt the static breaking up just a little to let out more sadness and guilt.
“He started getting calls from hunters again around 2007 or so.” Sam paused and looked down at his hands on the table. “Right after we killed the yellow-eyed demon.” The wave of sadness that came from Dean was almost visible to you. He immediately hung his head and sighed.
“When the Devil’s Gate opened and all Hell broke loose,” Dean said, quietly. Sam nodded. You stayed quiet, not even knowing what to say.
“He started researching and doing what he could without his shop. He kind of became like Bobby, only quieter, and less involved with field work. He wasn’t in much demand until after the Apocalypse started. After that, he was pretty much back in it full time. Being a librarian, he had access to a lot of research materials, so he had tons of hunters calling him. When he died, he was researching a demon that apparently wanted to curry favor with Lucifer, so was taking out hunters. His MO was to make it look like a heart attack.” Sam’s face was stoic, but the static coming from him was pulsing.
“Son of a bitch,” Dean whispered. Dean pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. You looked at Dean, and studied the guilt coming from him.
“What is it, Dean? Just tell me.” Dean looked at you so sadly you felt your heart ache.
“We were there when the Devil’s Gate was opened. We closed it again, but not before hundreds of demons escaped.” Dean studied his hands, refusing to look at you. You looked at Sam, and he was also studying his hands, or possibly the table, you couldn’t be sure which one. Turning to Cas, he was the only one willing to even glance at you.
“What the Winchesters don’t want to say is that we are the ones responsible for the Apocalypse. There were 66 seals that needed to be broken to free Lucifer from his cage, which was the beginning of the Apocalypse. Dean unknowingly broke the first. Sam was tricked into breaking the last. I was working with Heaven and had my own part to play, as well. We eventually stopped it…well, Sam stopped it…but it sounds like there’s a chance your uncle may have been killed by a demon released from Hell through the Devil’s Gate. Either way, that demon killed your uncle to curry favor with Lucifer.” You looked from Sam, who appeared to almost be shaking to stay in control, to Dean, who rubbed a hand over his face, and back to Cas, who just looked beaten down.
“So, what the three of you are trying to make me believe is that it’s your fault?” You watched all three men flinch. “So, the demon that actually killed my uncle…he isn’t responsible at all?” All three men looked up at you. “Because it sounds to me like any number of demons had a hand in my uncle’s death. Can I hazard a guess that the yellow-eyed demon was the one that opened the gate?” Sam and Dean sort of nodded and shrugged, then definitely nodded. “And I’m guessing it wasn’t Mother Theresa tricking you two into breaking seals.” The brothers both smirked and shook their heads. “And last time I checked, wasn’t Lucifer kind of a bad dude?” Sam winced, but Dean smirked. “So, how is it your fault? ‘Cause I don’t see it.” Dean chuckled.
“Well, if you’re going to put it that way….” Dean smiled at you and shook his head. “Leave it to you to try and let us off the hook.” You took Dean’s hand in yours, and reached for Sam’s.
“I don’t blame either of you. Though someday I want to hear more about this.” Both men looked unhappy with that request, until Cas chimed in.
“Well, she could always read the Winchester Gospels. They could give her an accurate….” Cas was interrupted by Sam and Dean both yelling over him. You looked at all three men with a smirk.
“The Winchester Gospels, huh? Are those sold at my local book store, or will I have to look for them online?” Sam and Dean both groaned and covered their faces with their hands. Sam’s wall of static came down for a long moment, and what you felt was pure embarrassment coming from both of them. You chuckled and pulled out your phone, opening up a search window.
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Vinyl Sunday
Sometime during the winter 1986 I saw this video clip on the UK cable channel ”Super Channel” (I think the show was called Monsters of Rock):
It TOTALLY blew me away!
- I thought I knew what fast music was - Fuck that, THIS was fast music! - I thought I knew what head banging was - Fuck that, THIS was head banging. - I thought I knew what ”looking cool on stage” meant - Fuck that, THIS was looking cool on stage.
Luckily I recorded songs from TV (on the crappy VHS video cassettes the world had to offer back then). I usually started to record every new song they’d play on that show and if the song sucked, I’d stop, rewind and be prepared for the next one instead. I must have watched ”Hell Awaits” 100 times that winter and spring.
Straight after school was out in June, I went up to Söderhamn for a summer job I got at my grandpa. He was an old military officer who had withdrawn from the army when he became a father and became a business man instead. As retired he became an inventor and started a company again, making a special type of slim hard cases for people holding lectures (for you young people: this was the 80’s - there were no pads, lap tops or or even computers that had colour screens with a graphic interface). The cases had a huge drawing pad, a pointer stick, felt pens and cases to store product- or info folders in. The old school analog way of making presentations, but in a mobile way instead of having to ask to have most of these things supplied ahead of meetings. This way you could come prepared. Considered extremely professional back in the days and this slim hard case became so well selling that my grandpa needed help keeping it up with production. So I was there working 2 weeks manufacturing them in his workshop he had in the cellar. I was paid 28 SEK (around 2,50 EUR or 3 USD) per hour. But my grandma, who was from the north and came from very poor conditions, thought it was ”insane” that he would pay me that ”much” (it wasn’t much, but she was retired and had lost grip on what was a reasonable salary). She said 18,50 SEK per hour was more than enough and my grandpa didn’t want to argue with her (who cares if you’re an army officer when you have an angry woman yelling at you at home? It was really like in some old movie). To compensate me for breaking the deal with me, he said he’d buy some things for me instead - if I didn’t tell grandma. I would anyway be buying records for all my money, so that sounded good to me.
After two days of work I decided to get an advance of that ”buy me stuff instead”. We went to the local record store (well, the ONLY record store) in Söderhamn, which didn’t have much metal. There were a couple of metal heads in town that liked Metallica, so the dude at the store had taken in some other thrash albums that was lying around. Slayer ”Reign in Blood” was one of them. I guess the record cover was putting anyone off even thinking of buying it. Too satanic and gloomy for most Swedish small town teenage parents to allow. When your mom has an issue with the Iron Maiden covers, go figure how this one would fit in. I loved that Hell Awaits song, so I didn’t even bother to listen to the record at the store, I just grabbed it and said ”This one! Buy this for me!”. Being aware the front cover could cause some problems I gave it straight to the store manager, with the front side down, so the cover wouldn’t be seen. Then some money exchanged owner and the record went down the plastic bag before there could be any objections over it!
My grandparents didn’t have a record player so after the purchase came some very painful 12 days looking at the front cover, the back cover, reading the lyrics on the sleeve (and wondering why the fuck the album was released by a record label called Deaf Jam) and dreaming about how awesome the album would be.
I got one more record bought before going home (don’t remember which one it was), so I actually made a poor deal loosing 8 SEK an hour during 2 weeks of work in exchange for maybe 120 SEK worth of vinyl. But hey, who said life is fair?
Finally home!!! The very second ”Angel of Death” busted though my speakers, I started to just sit totally spechless though the entire A side. I think I made my fastest ever flip of a vinyl into the B-side after that. I was almost mentally beaten up from the speed, brutality and power from this record! It made Metallica and Venom (which was the hardest music I had listened to up til then) sound like the fucking Salvation Army in comparison!
(You guys from North and South America probably have to read up who they are):
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Salvation_Army https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ejército_de_Salvación<https://es.wikipedia.org/wi…/Ej%C3%A9rcito_de_Salvaci%C3%B3n>
You may not think of Slayer as a major Therion influence more recently, but this album, together with the ”Hell Awaits” live video clip I saw in TV, was pretty much is what made me want to play extreme music and was a major influence (along with Metallica and to some other thrash bands) when we got together with Blitzkrieg (we changed the name to Therion 1988) later that year.
”Reign in Blood” was unique and groundbreaking in so many ways in its time. Not only was it the fastest fucking album up to date, it was also powerful and tight as Metallica. Most other bands trying to break the speed limit where usually good in writing songs, but played very bad. Two great examples for the same year was Exhumer ”Possessed by fire” and Kreator ”Pleasure to kill” that both sounded like a drunken horse bolting though the woods in the middle of the night, stumbling over rocks and logs in the runaway. ”Pleasure to Kill”, has so bad timing, that it almost makes you seasick while listening! That said, I loved (and still love) those two old German thrash records, but it’s due to the great song writing and despite the bad playing. Another thing was the sound. Up till then the only previous thrash records that had very clear guitars (that I know of) was Megadeth ”Peace Sells” and Nuclear Assault ”Game Over”. And they both had a really weak sound, sacrificing sounding powerful to gain clarity. Metallica and Anthrax had raised the bar earlier that year, but now Slayer came and set an entirely new standard of sound (for those on major labels who could afford high end recording studios).
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~Whiskey Lullaby~
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~Chapter 9~
||Previous Chapter||
Image Credit: Me. Pictures not mine obviously, but the collage is.
Rating: Mature/18+
Warnings: Alcohol and drug abuse, violence, suggested sexual/physical abuse, kidnapping, sexual content, angst.
Chapter Warnings: Explosion, blood, angst, cat fight ((is that a thing?)) Idk but a certain somebody gets punched lol
A/N: Sorry it’s been a while guys...I suck these days. I’ve had an insane case of writers block that has been kicking my ass. A reminder that Tawni, introduced last chapter is portrayed by the lovely @jacksonroth, who has  her own SOA fic that is going to a cross over with this one! So hop on over and check out ‘This Charming Life’ and show her some love! Also as always, a huge thank you to her for saving my ass from writers block! Enjoy!
Teagan rolled up to the auto store and got her part quickly, damn near hauled ass back to the garage, giddy as all hell to get started on her car. But when she rolled back into the lot, she saw Juice and Tawni had beaten her back, hiding behind the van as they talked...a little too close for Chibs’ taste, most likely. Teagan smirked to herself and got out of the truck, giving a short, sharp whistle to get Tawni’s attention. Tawni jumped and turned, giving a sigh, thankful it wasn’t Chibs. Tegan snickered as she approached the two.
“Well, well. Don’t we look cozy.” She teased. Tawni smirked and shrugged.
“We’re just talking.” Tawni said, batting her eyelashes in a fake innocence. Teagan laughed and wiggled her way between them as she said, “Then you wouldn’t mind if I just-Excuse me-Slip in here.”
Teagan sighed as she leaned against the van, looking between Tawni and Juice, who had taken two steps back. Teagan winked at him and said, “Good call, Juicy. Always gotta leave room for Jesus.”
“Oh, Christ, Teage.” Tawni laughed, shaking her head and pinching the bridge of her nose. Teagan snickered as Juice rubbed the back of his head and mumbled, “Um, I’m gonna bring the rest of these bags in.”
Juice tried to grab as many of the bags from the van as he could, taking his time to walk back and put them away, hoping Teagan would be gone by then.
“God, Teagan, you are so much worse than when we were kids.” Tawni teased, grabbing the rest of the bags, passing some off to Teagan, since she insisted on crashing her party. Teagan simply shrugged her shoulders and walked with her as they headed to the clubhouse.
“What can I say? It’s a gift.” She said. Tawni laughed and shook her head as they headed to the kitchen.
“Do you remember how to make this?” Tawni asked, pulling out the big chili pot and setting it on the stove.
“Tawn, baby, I love you, but do you know how long it’s been since I’ve been here?” Teagan asked, unloading the bags. Tawni giggled and gave a shrug, grabbing a box of chicken stock and pouring it in.
“True. But you don’t just forget Gran’s Hangover Stew.” Tawni said. Teagan hopped up onto the counter after clearing a place for her to sit. She plucked an apple from one of the bags and bit into it.
“Right, so, can we talk?” Teagan asked. Tawni glanced at her, confused, as she started chopping up veggies.
“About?” Tawni prodded. Teagan smirked and pushed her hip with her foot, lightly. “You know exactly what I’m talking about, Tawni. Don’t play dumb. I’ve always been better at it than you.”
A blush spread across Tawni’s cheeks as she tried to hide her smile. Teagan laughed and gave a small wiggle, glad to see her best friend so happy about it.
“I knew it. Alright, hun, spill. How long have you and Juice been hot for each other?” She asked, taking another bite of her apple.
“Jesus, Teagan!” Tawni said, giving her a look. “First of all, I didn't even know he liked me. Second...We’re not exactly hot for each other. We just really get along and we like each other.”
Teagan groaned and said, “Come on, Tawni! I’ve been gone for 12 years. You’ve got to give me something better than that!”
“Teagan, aren’t we a little old to swap sex stories?” Tawni asked.
“Hardly.” Teagan snorted with a roll of her eyes as she hopped down off of the counter. “But mark my words, I’ll get it out of you sooner or later...or maybe I’ll drag it out of Juicey boy?” She added with a devious smirk. Dodging the carrot that Tawni hurled at her face as she leveled a glare in her direction.
“You wouldn’t dare?!”
“Maybe...maybe not.” Teagan shrugged. “But for the time being, I believe I have a date with a bottle of Jack and an engine that needs unboxing.” She wiggled her eyebrows, giggling as she watched Tawni’s face scrunch up at the mention of alcohol so soon.
“I feel sorry for your liver.” She groaned.
“You wouldn’t be the first.” Teagan shrugged. “Call me when the soups ready, yeah?”
Not bothering to wait for an answer she turned and all but skipped out the back door where she found her engine crate had been unloaded and neatly placed inside the storage unit beside her car. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she shook her head, glancing over to where Opie and Chibs stood, unloading a Van from the bed of the tow truck. Chibs throwing her a grin as he finished unhooking all the chains from the vehicle, securing them back to the flatbed and giving Opie the signal he was all good to pull away and park the truck.
Meanwhile, everyone else had slowly begun to gather around the tables that sat outside the clubhouse, laughing and sharing a few drinks as another day of work came to a close. That was when Gemma caught her attention, waving her over from across the lot where she sat with Tara and Abel. Teagan didn’t think twice as she clicked off the lights inside the unit and rolled the door down before turning to cross the lot. She had waited this long for her engine, waiting one more day to unbox and get started wouldn’t hurt...especially when things seemed to be looking up for a change.
The slow steady thud of her boots against the pavement filled the air as she walked, turning to steal another glance at Chibs who now sat in the driver's seat of the Van, she tried to hide the smile that tugged at her lips as her eyes fell back to the ground; hands in her pockets. It was then that a distinctive click sounded and a sharp, high pitched tone filled the air.
Time almost seemed to slow down, Teagan barely having enough time to glance up as she heard Chibs yell before she was suddenly knocked off her feet by the concussive force created by the unexpected explosion. Her ears rang loudly and the world seemed as though it were on a tilt as she tried to get to her feet. Screams falling on deaf ears at the horrific sight that now lay before them as she stumbled forward to where Chibs lie unconscious on the pavement, blood slowly beginning to pool beneath his head as she and Jax collapsed beside him.
Jax’s voice sounded so distance in all the chaos as he shouted for Tara; Teagan reaching out to stop him from moving Chibs as she approached and began searching for any sign of a pulse. Sirens began to wail in the distance, approaching fast, and suddenly she was being pulled away by a strong pair of arms as paramedics rushed into view.
Whoever was holding onto her suddenly caught an elbow to the face as she screamed to be let go, struggling against the strong grasp that kept her firmly rooted to the spot where they stood, watching as Chibs was loaded onto the stretcher and put into the waiting ambulance.
“Jesus Christ, Teage! Calm the fuck down!” Tig ground out through clenched teeth as he tightened his grip on his sister. “Stop.Struggling.”
It was at the exact moment that world seemed to suddenly slam back into motion. The ringing in her ears almost deafening now as her head started to spin, that all to familiar tightness gripping at her chest as she struggled to catch a breath. Suddenly gasping for air like a fish thrown out of water as the edges of her vision began to blur...
“Woah, hey?! Tara!?” Tig called out as Teagan’s legs suddenly gave way out from underneath her. Everything fading away as the world suddenly went black.
When Teagan finally came to everything was quiet, save for the steady pounding in her head that made her groan as she pressed a hand to her forehead. That was the first time she noticed the blood that was matted against her hairline and dried to her skin above her left temple. Her whole body ached as she pushed herself up onto her elbows, taking in her surroundings as she squinted against the dimness of the room.
“Shit…” She whispered to herself as she sat up, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, now fully aware of where exactly she was. St. Thomas. Which meant that as much as she so desperately hoped for the images that seemed to play on a loop in her mind to be nothing more than a nightmare; that they weren’t.
Sliding off the bed carefully she shivered as her bare feet hit the cold floor, and after a few minutes of searching she was finally able to locate her boots. Pulling them on before opening the door to her room.
“Oh good, you’re alive.” Gemma stated from the chair that beside the door. The sound of her voice startling Teagan almost half to death as she jumped and spun towards her, hands clutching her chest as she doubled over.
“Jesus, Gem.” She breathed out. “You’re gonna kill me one of these days.”
“Guess it’s a good thing you don’t have heart problems then.” Gemma replied dryly, a small smirk tugging at her lips as she stood and placed a hand on Teagan’s shoulder as she stood up straight, swaying a little bit as wave of dizziness washed over her. Gemma frowned.
“You shouldn’t be outta bed yet.”
“I’m fine, Gem.” Teagan dismissed the comment with a wave of her hand. “Probably just need something to eat…”
“Mhm...tell that to the Doc.” Gemma replied while pointing behind her. Teagan turning to find Tara approaching with a stern expression.
“You shouldn’t be up yet.” She stated, pointing at the chair in which Gemma had been sitting in a minute ago. “Now.” Tara added in a stern tone when Teagan didn’t budge.
“I assumed I was fine, given I wasn’t hooked up to anything.” Teagan sighed as she took a seat, giving an eye roll as she watched Tara pull the light pen out of her coat pocket and ordered her to look straight ahead.
“Aside from the concussion and the panic attack you had; yeah, you’re fine. But you need rest.” Tara replied, returning the light pen to her pocket and placing a hand on her hip. “You’re lucky Tig had a hold of you, else the concussion you sustained from the blast could’ve been a lot more serious.”
Teagan nodded but remained quiet as she stared at the floor, bringing a hand up to rub at the back of her neck, which ached like a Mother, leaving Gemma and Tara to briefly share a concerned glance before she looked back up.
“How is he?” Teagan cleared her throat quietly as she continued to stare at the floor.
“Critical…but stable.” Tara replied. “The force of the explosion and his head hitting the ground caused a cranial bleed...they’re doing surgery to relieve the pressure.”
“But he’s going to be ok?” Teagan added quietly.
“He’s not out of the woods yet...but best case scenario, yes. Filip should be alright.” Tara tried to reassure softly without getting her hopes up too much, as he wasn’t quite out of the woods yet.
Teagan gave an understanding nod before drawing in a deep breath and rising out of the chair slowly. “I’m gonna, um...step outside for a bit...get some air.”
“Want some company?” Gemma called after Teagan as she started down the hall, but Teagan ignored the question and kept walking until she had disappeared from sight. Making her way through the maze of halls until she finally found the reception area and exit.
Stepping out into the cool evening air she walked a little ways down from the main door before leaning against the brick wall, fishing around in her pockets for her pack of smokes and lighter; sparking one up and inhaling deeply as she closed her eyes. Leaning her head back as she savored the much need rush of nicotine before letting the smoke trail past her lips slowly as she became immersed in her own thoughts, starting to regret her choice of returning back to Charming in the first place. Not that she had much of a choice in the matter.
It seemed as though it had been one thing after another since her arrival. Except now it was somebody else’s life at stake, not just her own, and even worse? It was someone she was slowly beginning to care about quite a bit. Even after she swore that she would never become involved with another one of the Sons. Not ever. So many promises that she had made to herself years ago.
Letting out a sigh she took another drag from her cigarette and opened her eyes, the sound of the automatic doors opening catching her attention as several nurses walked out, chatting casually as they passed by. But out of the corner of her eye she could see one more person walking out. Turning her head towards the entrance of the hospital, Teagan saw Tawni approaching her where she stood, propped against the wall. Tawni was wrapped up in a SAMCRO hoodie that was two sizes too big for her; arms hugging it tightly around her body as she walked.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed?” Tawni asked as she snatched the cigarette out of Teagan’s hand, taking a couple drags off of it before stamping the last of it out. She looked exhausted and her brows were pulled together tightly with worry.
“Tara said I was fine. I just...needed some air.” Teagan shrugged lightly, even though her eyes told a different story as she glanced back towards the door.
“Hospitals never were your thing.” Tawni added with a frown. “You don’t have to stay.”
“I’ll be alright. Besides, I wanna be here.” Teagan dismissed the comment, eyes fixed on the sidewalk as she kicked a small rock with the toe of her boot. Ignoring the intense gaze from beside her that felt as though it were about to melt through her skull.
“But not for me though, right? You’re staying because of my Uncle.” Tawni shot back in a harsh and unforgiving tone. The look on her face sending a twinge of guilt through Teagan as she looked up at her, briefly confused before the realization of what she was saying hit her.
“Come on, Tawn, not now.” Teagan rolled her eyes as she pushed herself away from the wall and made to move past her best friend, only to find her steps matched as Tawni blocked her path. Planting a hand against her chest and pushing her back to stop her. “Seriously Tawni, what the hell?!”
“I dunno, why don’t ye tell me, Teagan!” Tawni snapped back, the faintest hint of her accent coming out as her temper started to slip through. “Cause it seems to me there’s somethin’ y’er not tellin’ me!”
“Don’t ‘Tawn’, me!” She bit back, taking a step forward.
“Seriously Tawni, now really isn’t the time to have this conversation…” Teagan tried to reply calmly, even though she could feel her own temper rising to the surface.
“And what conversation is tha’?!” Tawni snapped. “The conversation where ye tell me tha’ y’er fucking m’Goddamn Uncle? Is tha’ the conversation y’er referrin’ to?!”
“Excuse me?” Teagan huffed. “First of all, I’m not fucking anybody--”
“Stop fuckin’ lyin’ to my face, Teage!” Tawni, nearly screamed; the action taking Teagan by surprise and causing her to take a step back as she stared at her best friend in shock.
“I fuckin’ saw it with my own eyes, ok?! How ye fuckin’ reacted when the paramedics we’re tryin’ta take Filip away in the ambulance! Ye punched y’er fuckin’ brother in the Goddamn face for Christs sake, Teagan; and yet ye have the balls to stand there an’ tell me there’s nothin’ goin’ on between the two of ye?! Bull.Fuckin’.Shite” Tawni took a few steps back and ran a hand through her dark hair in frustration as she turned away, trying to hide the tears that had built and threatened to spill down her cheeks in anger.
“I’m sorry, Tawn. But I swear, there’s nothing--” Teagan spoke softly, all the anger in her voice from before replaced by a tone of guilt as she tried to give an explanation before being cut off.
“Save y’er fuckin’ apologies.” Tawni spat as she angrily swiped away a few stray tears that had slipped out, with the sleeve of her hoodie. “I thought ye were my fuckin’ friend...but as it turns out, y’er still jus’ the same backstabbin’ whore ye were twelve fuckin’ years ago!”
“Oh, I’m the whore?!” Teagan gave a bitter laugh as she got in Tawni’s face. “Well at least I’m not fucking another Member behind my Uncle’s back.” She had barely finished her sentence before Tawni’s fist was connecting with her jaw and she was suddenly on the ground, hand pressed to the left side of her face as she tried to regain her bearings as she watched her friend storm back towards the entrance.
“Go fuck y’erself!” Tawni yelled just before disappearing through the front doors of the hospital. Leaving Teagan on the sidewalk, alone with her thoughts as she attempted to figure out where the hell she was going wrong in her life…
‘Not being honest with your best friend, for starters.’
But that was the obvious one.
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ladywinchester1967 · 6 years
Off the Beaten Path I Reign:
Chapter 8: Unconditionally
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Warnings: Language, witches, transportation to a fairy tale world, arranged marriage, SMUT, drinking.....I think that’s it. 
A/N: This chapter is a doozy! It came to me very suddenly and took me a long time to write; but it’s one of the pieces I’m most fond and proud of, so I REALLY hope you guys enjoy it!! Per usual, unbeta’d, all mistakes are mine, but pictures are not. This chapter is long, so grab your snacks and drinks!
Wondering what this is? Think you missed something??
Catch up HERE!!!
"So, come just as you are to me, don't need apologies; know that you are worthy. I'll take your bad days with your good, walk through the storm I would do it all because I love you." - Katy Perry
*Two Months Later*
"Would you hurry with that lock already?" Dean asked
"Lose the attitude and hold the flashlight steady." Kat said as she picked the lock on the book store's back door.
"God, you two bicker like an old married couple." Sam said, rolling his eyes.
"Shut up." Dean said and the door unlocked. Kat stood up and they walked inside.
"What are we looking for exactly?" Sam asked as they moved among the books. Kat went first with Dean behind her and Sam at the back.
"Any clues to where these people might be," Kat said "they were all last seen here, other than that, I can't find any notable connection."
"Has this place been anything besides a books store?" Dean asked "Maybe that has something to do with it."
Kat shook her head as they walked up to the register.
"It's changed hands a few times, but it has always been a bookstore," she told them "And if I'm causing trouble and people are going missing, it has to be somewhere in here."
"I'll check the back room, you two check the shelves for anything weird." Sam said.
They split up as Sam went behind the register; Kat went to the left and Dean went to the right.
"What's something any person could pick up and go missing?" Kat asked as she checked the books, nothing even remotely weird jumped out at her. Dean shrugged
"It could literally be anything in here, so this is going to be like looking for a needle in a haystack." he said.
"Fantastic," Kat said sarcastically "We'll cover as much as we can tonight and then pick it up again in the morning."
They searched for over an hour with no luck. Sam had cleared the back room and joined them in the store. Kat climbed a latter to check a high up shelf with Dean searching just below her. She ran her hands over the books, looking for a trick entrance.
"Find anything?" Dean asked.
She looked down and saw him looking up at her, smirking.
"Are you even looking for clues or are you just staring at my ass?" She asked with a laugh.
"A little of both," he said and she rolled her eyes "What? It's right there and you're wearing tight jeans, I'm gonna look.”
She shook her head and tutted at him, her cheeks going pink. Dean suddenly furrowed his brows "What's that?" He asked, pointing his flashlight at the shelf below her. Kat climbed down a rung on the latter and he moved his flashlight away. The book in front of them, the title written in Dutch, was glowing purple.
"Sam!" Dean called and Sam came over to them.
"Yep, definitely weird." Sam said
Kat grabbed the book and pulled it off the shelf as the purple glow got more intense.
"What's it say?" Dean asked as she opened it.
"I don't know," she said, leafing through the pages "I can't read Dutch". Suddenly, the book began to shake, and Kat dropped it. It landed face down in front of Sam and Dean, and then Dean flipped it over, the purple light grew blinding. The three of them covered their eyes and Kat suddenly felt like she was getting sucked down a drain. Before she could call out to either of the guys, she suddenly felt like she was falling. When she moved her hands away from her eyes, she saw that she was indeed, falling steadily towards a churning ocean with rain and lighting all around her. She screamed as she plummeted head first into the ocean.
Dean's head came above water and he looked around for land. Fortunately, he realized he didn't have very far to swim to get to shore. While he made his way toward land, he looked around for any sign of Sam and Kat, but didn't find any. He climbed on to the beach, coughing and sputtering, completely soaked to the bone.
"Sam?!" He called out, looking around the beach. On either side were large rocks that obscured part of the shore line.
"Right here!" Dean heard from behind him, he turned and saw Sam climbing out of the ocean, as he pushed his wet, dark hair out of his face. He was wearing a long sleeved white shirt and brown pants.
"Where's Kat?" Dean asked "And what the hell are you wearing?"
Sam looked down as he kept walking up out of the water.
"I don't know, but you're one to talk." Sam said as he coughed.
Dean looked down and saw he was wearing an outfit similar to Sam's, but his shirt was a dark blue, black pants and black boots that came up to his knees. As Sam climbed out of the water, Dean realized, he too was wearing similar style boots.
"We have to find Kat and figure out where we got zapped to." Dean said.
Sam thought and said
"The title of that book said something about fairy tales, so if I had to guess, that's what we're in."
"Wait, you can read Dutch?" Dean asked, wiping his eyes.
"A few words here and there." Sam said with a shrug.
"SAM?! DEAN?!" They heard Kat yell over the waves.
"Where's that coming from?" Dean asked.
"That way," Sam said, pointing to the left. They ran over to the other side of the rock that blocked the view of the other side of the beach.
"DEAN?!" Kat yelled
"We're coming!" Dean yelled as he rounded the rock and his mouth dropped open. Sam came up behind him, nearly knocking him over.
"What's wrong?" Sam asked and looked down
There was Kat, laying on the beach with a purple mermaid tail where her legs should be.
"Houston, we have a problem" she said, as she propped herself up on her elbows and pushed her tangled, red hair out of her face. The boys rushed over to her and Dean asked
"What the hell happened?"
"I don't know, but get me in the water," she said "I'm starting to feel sick."
Dean scooped her up and walked her into the water where she could sit with her tail covered.
"Better?" He asked
"Yes," she said "thank you. Why are you two dressed like that and why do I look like one of Ariel's sisters?"
"It had to be the book," Sam said "I'm willing to bet this is where all the missing people are too."
"I haven't seen anyone besides you two," Dean said "And we haven't left the beach yet."
"So, we're stuck in book world? We got full on Wishboned!" Kat said
"At least it's obvious what story we're in now," Dean said "How many fairy tales do you know of that have mermaids?"
"Not many," she said "but hey, free clam shell bra" she said, showing off the teal colored bra that had intricate patterns as well as pearls and precious stones sewn into it and slapping her tail on the water. Dean looked at Sam
"How do we get out of here and get her back to normal?" Dean asked
Sam shrugged
"Good question, I don't know," Sam said and looked around "Maybe we can figure something out once we get off the beach."
"And leave her here alone?" Dean asked.
"I'm fine," Kat said "I'll stay out of sight."
"Then how are we supposed to find you?" Dean asked
Kat thought and said
"I'll stay close enough where I can see the shoreline and I'll keep an eye out for you two."
Dean looked at Sam, who shrugged "It's an idea." he said
"I can't help with the research so it's better to have two sets of eyes than one," Kat said "Plus I can't leave the water anyway."
"I don't like it, but okay," Dean said and kissed her quickly "Be careful." he told her
"You too, both of you" she said and scooted further into the water. They watched as she swam deeper into the water and with a flick of her fins, she was gone.
"Let's hurry and figure a way out of here before she ends up being a science experiment or something." Dean said, then he and Sam walked around the other side of the beach.
There, they found a group of people scouring what looked like ship wreckage. There were planks of wood, sails and barrels all over the beach. One, a woman in her 40's, looked up and gasped in shock.
"Prince Daniel!" She shouted and the others looked up as well. They rushed over to Dean and immediately started fussing over him.
"Are you hurt your highness?"
"Did you hurt your head at all sire?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine," Dean said, attempting to swat them away "What happened?" He asked
"A hurricane sire," an older gentleman said "we were so worried we'd lost you."
"Get him inside before he catches a cold," another woman, this one had blonde hair, said. The first woman took Dean by the arm and they all walked up the beach. Sam looked back and saw Kat's head poke up out of the water, she swam in the same direction as them.
Once inside the castle, the older woman rushed Dean up the stairs while Sam and the blonde girl followed.
"Samuel, go get changed out of those wet clothes at once." the older woman said to Sam.
The blonde grabbed Sam by the arm and said "This way sir, I'll draw you a bath."
Sam and Dean exchanged looks as they were shoved into separate rooms by the women.
An hour later, Sam and Dean emerged from their rooms, now freshly bathed and wearing dry clothes. Their outfits were similar to the ones they had been wearing previously, with Dean wearing a rich, dark red shirt, black pants and black shoes, while Sam wore shades of brown and white.
"Dude, I'm not sure what that lady put in my bath, but I've never been so relaxed in all my life." Dean said "What about you?"
"The blonde girl?" Sam asked "Teresa? Yeah, she gets a little" he trailed off "handsy.” he said picking a word and grinning, which made Dean laugh.
"Think we can get away long enough to check on Kat?" Dean asked
"Maybe," Sam said "You go, I'll keep them busy."
After some wandering around the massive castle, Dean found some stairs that led directly into the ocean. Much to his surprise, Kat was there waiting for him.
"Finally," she said and got a good look at him "Wow! You look amazing!"
"I'm a prince," Dean told her "At least according to the five chuckle heads I have following me around at all times. Sammy's keeping them busy."
Kat smiled
"Very nice" she said "Have you figured out where we are?"
"Haven't had a chance," Dean said as he climbed down the last few stairs and sat down "I'll wait until everyone goes to sleep and see what I can find. I passed a library on my way down here so that's a start."
"Good, and I think I found something that'll help" she said and reached into the ocean. She pulled out an amber colored bottle that had a cork in it. She handed it to him and he held it up. Inside was a rolled up note.
"You realize this could be anything right?" He asked, skeptical.
"That's what I thought too, but look at the bottom of the bottle." she told him.
He turned the bottle upside down and on the bottom was a plastic sticker that read "Product of China"
"Good old China," Dean said and busted the glass open by slamming it on to a near by rock. He quickly picked up the note, then he and Kat read it over.
Follow the clues and you will see,
Playing the part will set you free.
You can try to resist, but know this
Each choice has a consequence of great importance.
The Sisters Three hold the key,
They will show you where you ought to be.
3 days you will have, this is true
After 3 days, this will be your tomb.
Kat grabbed the paper and read it again.
"So we have 3 days to figure out how to get home or we're stuck here forever?" she asked.
"That's what it sounds like to me," Dean said "Who are the Sisters Three?"
Kat shrugged
"I don't know, but this is not good" she said and pointed to the first two lines "We have to play our parts. If we don't, it sounds like we could totally screw with something that doesn't need to be screwed with."
Dean read it over again
"We've established we're in The Little Mermaid, so that at least gives us a launching pad" he said, this didn't seem to make her feel better. "What's wrong?" He asked
"This isn't the Disney version of the fairy tale Dean, this is the original story." She told him
"What's the difference?" He asked
"I have to go trade my voice to the sea witch for a pair of legs," she told him "She's going to cut out my tongue and when I do get legs, I'm going to be in excruciating pain when I walk."
Dean's eyes went wide
"Well, maybe don't do that." he said.
"I can't NOT do it," she told him "You read the note."
"How long do we have before that happens?" Dean asked and looked at the sky. The sun had fully set, leaving behind a blue, pink and orange stained sky.
"Until the morning? Maybe?" she said "You two see if you can figure out who the Sisters Three are and we can get the next clue."
"What are you going to do?" Dean asked
"Hold off going to see Ursula's predecessor as long as I can" she said, flicking her fins in the water.
"So how's being a mermaid?" He asked, hoping to get her mind off of their predicament for a few seconds.
"Pretty cool," she said "I can communicate with ocean animals, but I haven't seen any other mermaids."
"I'll get going on this," Dean said and held up the note "You stay out of trouble. We'll come check on you before we start researching."
"Okay." she said and he kissed her.
"Don't worry okay? We'll figure out a way out of this" he said, his thumb stroking her cheek. She nodded and they kissed again. Kat slipped back into the ocean and said
"I'll be hanging around here, give me a signal when you need me."
"We will, be safe." he told her
"I will" she said and disappeared beneath the water.
Once he was back inside, Dean was forced into a dining room where people he'd never met bowed and curtsied to him as he made his way over to Sam. He quickly filled Sam in and handed him the messaged Kat had found in the bottle. Sam's eyes widened as Dean told him what would happen to her.
"That isn't even the worst part." Sam said
"It gets WORSE than her tongue getting cut out?" Dean asked in shock, to which Sam nodded.
"If she doesn't get the prince to fall in love with and marry her, she'll turn into sea foam and cease to exist," Sam told Dean "Of course that doesn't happen, the prince marries someone else and breaks her heart."
"Perfect," Dean snorted "Why does she want to fall in love with the prince anyway?"
"She wants to be human," Sam told him as they both kept checking to make sure they weren't being eavesdropped on. He read over the note several times "Humans have immortal souls, so if she marries the prince, some of his soul will be transferred into her."
"So, a soul STD?" Dean asked and Sam raised an eyebrow at him. Dean cleared his throat and went on "Keep going."
"Well, if I remember the story correctly, the mermaid's sisters get a knife from the sea witch and tell the mermaid, to kill the prince. When some of his blood drops on to her feet, she'll be a mermaid again."
"Does she do it?" Dean asked
"I can't remember honestly," Sam said and rolled up the note "I don't think she does but I'm not sure."
Dean mentioned the library he had seen earlier and Sam said
"I'll slip out and start looking, you do whatever princes do."
"Shake hands and kiss babies?" Dean asked
"Sure, why not?" Sam asked and slipped out of the dining room.
After dinner; Dean found Sam in the library. He was reading by candle light and had at least a dozen books in front of him.
"Any luck?" Dean asked and Sam shook his head.
"I've gone over everything I can think of that might involve three sisters, from the Bible to Macbeth, I got nothing" Sam said, frustrated.
"Come on, let's go see if Kat has found anything else or maybe she has an idea." Dean said.
Dean showed Sam the staircase where he had met Kat before, but she was no where to be seen this time.
"She said give her a signal but I'm not sure what kind of signal." Dean said.
Sam whistled a little tune and waited. He did it again and Kat came from around the corner.
"How did you do that?" Dean asked.
"It's from the Hunger Games." Sam said.
"Find anything?" She asked and hoisted herself up on to the last step.
"No dice," Sam said "All I could find referencing three women was Macbeth."
"Maybe we're taking it too literally," Kat said "Have you heard of three of one thing? Maybe "sisters" is just a general term."
"Three French hens?" Dean asked.
"Three card trick?" Kat asked.
Sam shook his head
"No, none of those make sense." he said and tilted his head back and looked at the night sky. The stars twinkled above them as they tried to think of something. Sam's eyes scanned the sky, searching for constellations he knew. He found Leo and the planet Mars easily as Kat and Dean bounced ideas off of one another. His eyes drifted around. Three bright stars slightly to his left stuck out in his memory.
"Kat," Sam said "What's that constellation?"
"There's lots of them Sam, help me out here." Kat said
Sam looked at her and asked
"Remember when we got stuck on the side of the road when the Impala got a flat? You pointed it out and said that was the first one you always looked for."
"Orion's Belt" she said. She looked up and pointed them out "They're the easiest stars to spot, in fact, they're connected to the pyramids in Egypt."
"Why?" Dean asked
"To represent heaven on Earth," she said "scientists believe that's what they were commissioned for, at least partially."
An idea came crashing down on Sam, he spun around and ran up the stairs without a word. When he returned, he had an astrology book in his hands.
"Found the clue," he said and held it up "The three brightest stars that make up Orion's Belt are called the Three Kings or the Three Sisters" they each took a turn reading the clue, which said
The second clue is yours,
The first you will need to open more doors.
The Sisters Three have been found,
That is not all, however, if you wish to win this round.
The Three Wise men you will need.
Three gifts that were given on a night such as this.
What an interesting twist you will find,
You will be in a bind,
If you do not look below the surface.
"Three Wise men?" Dean asked "Like from the story of Jesus' birth?"
"That sounds right," Kat said "What were the gifts they gave Jesus?"
"Gold, Frankincense and myrrh" Sam said "But there's no way it's that easy." he pointed to the last lines of the clue.
"Let me see that astrology book" Kat said. Sam handed it to her as he and Dean looked over the first two clues.
"Have you noticed that these clues revolve around the number three?" Dean asked
"That's probably part of the pattern," Sam said "Considering there's three of us, I'm not surprised."
Kat spoke up
"The stars in Orion's Belt are tied to the Three Essential Principals" she said, turning the book to them pointing to the paragraph.
"So, what would those be?" Dean asked 
"I think it depends," Kat said, swishing her tail in the water, "If it's from a biblical stand point; it's life, unity and headship."
"Got anything else to go off of?" Dean asked. Kat thought hard for a minute or two and said
"Wait, I remember reading this book about alchemy in the Men of Letters library and it mentioned Three Essential Principals too. Fuck, I can't remember exactly what they were though."
"We'll start looking tonight," Sam said "I hope this library has alchemy books. It shouldn't be hard to come by, especially for him" Sam said, nodding to Dean.
"Me? Why?" Dean asked.
"You're royalty, if anyone in this day and age has access to books, it's you." Kat told him.
"If not, isn't there a book store or something around here?" Dean asked
"Maybe, but I'm not sure," Kat said "At least we're making headway, you two keep looking."
"I'm not leaving you alone," Dean said "You two told me what happens next in the story and I'm not letting some sea witch mutilate you."
"Dean, I have to." Kat said "Remember the first clue? Who knows what will happen if we don't follow the story?"
"That's just too fucking bad," Dean said "You're a princess in this story right?"
"Technically speaking, yes" Kat told him "My father is the Mer-King."
"Then I'll just marry you and call it a day, screw the story." Dean said with a shrug.
"Dean, we can't" Sam said "That witch could come and take her voice if she doesn't go on her own."
Dean looked between the two of them, frustrated beyond belief.
"I'm not doing this," Dean said "Not to her."
"We don't get a choice," Kat said "I can hear her calling to me."
"Katlynn, no." Dean said firmly
"Dean I have to," Kat snapped "I'll deal with it okay? I'm tough, I can handle this."
Dean stared at her in silence, clenching his jaw.
"We'll help her Dean," Sam promised "As much as we can that is."
Dean turned on his heel and walked away from them without a word. Sam looked at Kat and she shrugged.
"I have to go." she told him
"I know," Sam said "We'll be on the look out for you"
Kat nodded and slipped back into the ocean.
Sam eventually found Dean in his room, drinking what looked like whiskey.
"The upside of being royalty is the booze," Dean said and held up the glass "goes down like spring water." he tipped the glass up and emptied it into his mouth.
"Cut her some slack Dean," Sam told him as he shut the door behind him "she's just doing what she has to so we'll be okay."
"That's not her job." Dean said and poured himself another glass.
"It can't always be your job Dean," Sam said and came over to him "the three of us, we're a team. You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders any more. We finally have someone who can help us, that goes above and beyond the call of duty without complaint. Let her help Dean."
Dean downed another glass of the amber liquid, poured another and walked over to the window. He looked outside, his eyes searching the ocean's surface.
"I thought I'd be able to see her from up here, but I can't." he said.
Sam walked over to the floor to ceiling window that overlooked the ocean and looked out at the moon bathed water. Without warning, the surface of the water broke and they watched as a figure did a flip in the moonlight and splashed into the water again. Dean smirked
"Show off." he said, a note of pride in his voice as he drank half the glass.
Sam chuckled "If anyone can do this, it's her" he told Dean.
"Yeah, I know," Dean said "That doesn't mean I like it."
"We both know you don't," Sam told him and clapped him on the shoulder "Get some shut eye, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."
"Yep," Dean said "I have to pretend to be surprised when my girlfriend washes up half naked on the beach and act like a prince at this fancy party thing they're throwing me."
"Why?" Sam asked.
Dean shrugged "A "Congratulations, You're Not Dead" party? Hell if I know, but if the food and booze is half as good as it was tonight, I'm in" he said.
Sam rolled his eyes "See you tomorrow."
Dean nodded and knocked back the rest of his drink.
Many fathoms below, Kat swam into the sea witch's cave through the inky black and purple water.
"Hello?" Kat called out
"This way." a musical but creepy voice called out from deep within the cave. Kat took a deep breath and swam inside. The entry way of the cave was lit by an eerie, lime green light. She swam further in, the entry way led into a large, open cave. In the middle was a large cauldron, that bubbled with a lilac colored liquid inside of it. Ignoring the physics behind such a sight, Kat looked around the cave and out of the shadows came, who she presumed, the sea witch. She had yellowish-green skin, elbow length white hair and piercing blue eyes. She didn't look any older than Kat herself, which Kat found refreshing.
"You're here for the potion?" The sea witch asked
"To give me legs and let me dance with the prince." Kat said
"Do you know the price?" The witch asked, looking at Kat curiously.
"No." Kat said, even though that was a bold faced lie.
"I need something in exchange," the witch said "Give me your voice."
"How do I do that?" Kat asked, her heart hammering. The witch cocked her head to the side.
"You already know," the witch said "so why are you asking?"
"What?" Kat asked "No, no I-"
"Don't. Lie." The witch hissed in a dangerous tone.
Kat shut her mouth. She then swallowed and asked
"You're going to cut out my tongue right?"
The sea witch gave her a sneer
"That's better" the witch said. She quickly scooped some of the lilac potion into a small, green bottle and corked it. She held it up to Kat and said "Drink this when you get to the surface, you know the rest."
Kat reached for the bottle and the witch yanked it away.
"My payment first." she said and grabbed a knife that was hanging from the side of the cauldron.
Suddenly very aware of her tongue in her mouth, Kat was now unwilling to give it up. She thought of the clue, of Sam and Dean and realized why she was doing this. To play the part and get home in one piece, hopefully. She stowed her fears away and leaned forward.
"Good." the witch said.
The next morning, Dean was woken up by the older woman from the day before, whom he had learned was Carlotta. She had been caring for him all his life.
"Morning Prince Daniel," Carlotta chirped "I have fresh bacon and fruit ready for you with plenty of coffee on the side. We have lots to do before the ball tonight."
Dean grumbled, but couldn't lie, being brought breakfast first thing in the morning was something he could get used to. He stumbled out of bed and looked out the window, hoping to see if Kat had washed up. The beach was empty, save for a few seagulls strutting around in the packed sand.
"Everything okay your highness?" Carlotta asked
"Just thinking," Dean told her
"Oh, about the sea maiden?" Carlotta asked and Dean looked at her, shocked "You mentioned her at dinner last night and went very quiet after that." Carlotta followed up with, quickly "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"No, it's okay," Dean told her "I'm just surprised anyone noticed."
"I notice everything," Carlotta told him fondly "Now, eat and go take your daily walk with Samuel."
A few hours later, Sam and Dean met up in the hallway outside Dean's room. Sam had mussed hair and goofy grin on his face.
"You and Teresa huh?" Dean asked
"Shut up." Sam said and smoothed his hair.
"No judgments, I'm happy for you. At least one of us gets to have some fun." Dean said as they walked down the hallway.
"Any sign of Kat yet?" Sam asked as they rounded the corner.
"I checked, but no" Dean said "And heads up, Carlotta knows I'm into the sea maiden."
"But you are," Sam said "Like big time."
Dean shrugged
"She had good aim and a nice rack, what's not to like?" He asked and Sam elbowed him.
"Be serious, I know it's more than that." Sam said
"No chick flick stuff okay? I'm supposed to be surprised when I see her on the beach." Dean said as they headed outside.
As they walked down the beach, Dean got more and more anxious.
"Where the hell is she?" Dean asked
"Let's go check where we all washed up yesterday," Sam said "If I had to guess, that's where I think she'd be"
They headed towards the rocks they were at yesterday but didn't see Kat anywhere.
"Kat!" Dean shouted, but he didn't hear an answer "Damn it, what if she didn't do it? What if something went wrong?"
"Kat wouldn't take a risk like that without telling us," Sam reassured Dean "Let's keep looking."
They walked around to the other side of the rocks and sure enough, there was Kat. She laid out on the shore, wrapped in sea weeds and seemingly unconscious. Dean rushed over to her; wet hair and sand clung to her face and her normally pink lips were purple. Dean immediately started CPR.
"Wake up sweetheart, come on." he said as he pressed on her chest. Without warning, Kat's eyes shot open and she coughed up water as she sat up, hacking. Dean whacked her on the back as she coughed up more ocean water.
"You okay?" Dean asked
Kat took a few deep breaths and nodded as she wiped water and spit away from her mouth.
"Did the witch do it?" Sam asked
Kat held up one finger, telling him to hold on, as she cleared her throat. Once she had regained her composure, she pulled back the sea weed and showed off her human legs where her tail had been yesterday, she shivered in the cold.
"She did it." Sam said
"Did she really cut out your tongue?" Dean asked.
Kat nodded and opened her mouth, more than a quarter of her tongue was gone. The boys looked at her, then at each other and Sam said
"Now the real test is if it hurts her to walk."
"I'm not sure I want to find out." Dean said, looking worried as guilt settled into the pit of his stomach. Kat violently shook her head, no.
"What?" Dean asked
She showed him her upper thigh and her point came across immediately.
"The sea witch couldn't give her a pair of shorts to go home in" Dean said. He remembered he was wearing extra layers, as Carlotta had insisted. He took off his coat and long sleeved dress shirt and handed them to Kat "Put these on, I'll carry you back to the castle."
Sam turned around and gave Kat a second. She quickly buttoned up the dress shirt and tugged the coat on. When she was covered up, Dean scooped her into his arms and looked her over. He got the same feeling he had when he laid eyes her for the first time back in Texas. His heart pounded and his mouth went dry, even though her lips were blue from the cold, she had sand on her face and her hair clung to the sides of her head like wet snakes; he couldn't deny that feeling. She gave him a curious look and he shook his head, as if to put the feeling in the back of his mind.
"Okay, ummm" Dean said and cleared his throat "Let's go."
When they showed back up at the castle with a mute, half drowned looking girl, Carlotta was all over her like a mother hen.
"Here, bring her into one of the guest rooms, I'll run her a hot bath and get a meal started. Poor thing must be cold and starving to death!" Carlotta fussed. Teresa came from around the corner and locked eyes with Sam. They smiled at each other and Carlotta said
"Teresa, run to town and see if Agatha had anything that will fit her. What size do you think she is?"
"About my size I would guess," Teresa said "Shall I see if she has anything for tonight?"
"Oh I don't know, she may not be up for that, this poor dear looks like she's had quite the time." Carlotta said
"I insist," Dean said "Get her something for tonight, just in case."
Carlotta looked at Dean in surprise
"Well, that's that then." Carlotta said and nodded to Teresa who headed out of castle's foyer, with Sam looking after her. Carlotta scuttled ahead and Dean leaned over to Sam
"See if you can find an alchemy book in the library, I'll keep Carlotta busy." Dean hissed to Sam
Sam shook his head, bringing himself back
"Yeah, you got it" he said and looked at Kat "You okay for now?" He asked her
She nodded and snuggled her head into Dean's chest. Dean gave her a crooked grin and Sam gave Dean a knowing look.
Dean carried Kat into the guest room down the hallway from him room where Carlotta was busy in the bathroom, filling up the tub. With her distracted Dean said
"Quick, while she's busy, see if it hurts to walk."
Kat reluctantly nodded and Dean set her on her feet. She took one step and bit her lip, pain etched into her every feature. She quickly fell to the ground and Carlotta practically flew into the room.
"What happened?!" She asked, seeing Kat laying on the floor and Dean crouched by her.
"She tried to walk a little bit, guess she hasn't gotten her land legs back just yet" Dean said smoothly.
"Oh dearie, don't push yourself," Carlotta fussed again as Kat sat up "Sire, I can have one of the men do that." Carlotta said as Dean started to pick up Kat again.
"It's okay Carlotta, I've got her" Dean told her. Dean easily lifted Kat off the ground and carried her into the bathroom. He sat her on the edge of the tub and was immediately shooed away by Carlotta. Kat and Dean exchanged a look and he left the bathroom.
After a bath, Kat felt some what back to herself. Teresa had come back from seeing whoever Agatha was with an armload of dresses.
"I couldn't decide." she simply said. Teresa and Carlotta got Kat dressed in a light blue dress with short sleeves and beaded flowers on it that hugged in the chest and flowed down to the floor. Kat, unfortunately, had to stand for this procedure, and was in excruciating pain the entire time. It felt like razor blades were embedded into the soles of her feet, no matter how she shifted her weight or tried to stand differently, the pain didn't subside. She was finally allowed to sit, giving her some relief when it was time for Teresa to do her hair. Teresa curled some pieces around her head and pulled the rest into a braided bun sort of thing.
"You'll have to excuse us," Carlotta said as she smoothed out Kat's dress "It's been so long since we've had a woman to dress that we almost don't know what to do with ourselves."
"Not since the queen passed," Teresa said "God rest her soul."
"God rest her soul indeed," Carlotta said. Kat gave her a curious look and she said "Prince Daniel's mother died of consumption about five years ago. The king had been long gone before that."
"He passed right after Prince Daniel was born, isn't that correct?" Teresa asked and Carlotta nodded "Ever since then, Prince Daniel hasn't quite been himself without his mother. Now he's to rule a kingdom."
Kat looked sad
"Oh don't worry darling," Carlotta said "The queen would've been smitten with you the second she saw the way Prince Daniel looks at you."
Kat's cheeks flushed and Carlotta smiled at her.
"You look gorgeous dear; would you care for tea with the prince?"
Famished, Kat eagerly nodded.
Sam and Dean scoured the library as quickly as they could while Carlotta and everyone else was preoccupied.
"I don't see anything about alchemy in here." Dean said
"Let's see if we can sneak away for a little while and check in town," Sam told him "Maybe we can find something there."
"How?" Dean asked "I have literally everyone in this place checking on me every few minutes, I doubt Carlotta will let Katlynn out of her sight and I'm not leaving her behind."
"I'll go then," Sam said "No one will miss me."
"Except Teresa." Dean said with a smirk.
"Yeah, except her." Sam said.
There was a knock at the library door and the head butler, Albert, came through it.
"Tea in the drawing room your highness, Mrs. Carlotta wanted me to tell you that it is at the request of your guest, the young lady from the beach."
This made Dean smile
"Okay, snack break then" he said.
Dean followed Albert down the hallway toward the drawing room while Sam made his exit from the castle. Albert opened the doors to the drawing room where some of the maids were rushing around to set up tea.
"Albert, something a little stronger than tea maybe?" Dean asked, watching the maids scramble around quickly but efficiently.
"The whiskey, perhaps, your highness?" Albert asked
"Albert, you know what I'm talking about and I like that" Dean told him.
"Right away sir." Albert said and went over to one of the maids, a small, mousy looking girl with black hair that was in a bun on the back of her head. The others swiftly left the room while Albert and the mousy maid talked quietly. The maid left the drawing room, as did Albert, leaving Dean by himself. He examined the table that had been set up, there was a tea pot, two cups along with two smaller containers, which he figured out had sugar and milk in them. There was also a variety of cookies, finger sandwiches and tarts. Dean quickly looked around and shoved a tart in his mouth before anyone saw. He chewed quickly as the drawing room doors opened and Carlotta came through them, looking pleased. She stood to the side and Kat stepped out of the shadows and into the drawing room, looking like she had walked right out of a Jane Austin novel with the way she was dressed. She moved with an unnatural grace unlike anything Dean had ever seen. She looked like she was dancing over to him rather than walking. The pain was evident in her eyes but she had hidden it well in her features.
"The Lady Katherine your highness." Carlotta said as Kat stood in front of Dean. Kat extended her hand, which Dean took. He looked at her, confused by what to do next. Carlotta must have seen the panic in his face because she mouthed
"Kiss her hand." to him
With a smirk, Dean kissed the back of Kat's hand, making her blush.
"You look beautiful." he told her and she mouthed
"Thank you." to him. They walked over to the table and sat down as the mousy maid from earlier reappeared with a decanter full of whiskey. Kat did her best not to roll her eyes when she saw it. The maid placed it down on the table, curtsied and left.
"Could I have a minute with Lady Katherine?" Dean asked Carlotta.
Carlotta looked unsure
"Your highness, I'm not sure that would be appropriate-" she was cut off by the look on Dean's face "Of course, excuse me." Carlotta added and left the room in a hurry, leaving the door slightly ajar.
"You okay?" Dean asked in a hushed tone. Kat finally relaxed and slumped in the chair, shaking her head. "Sam went to town, there are no alchemy books in the library."
This time, Kat DID roll her eyes.
"We're going as quickly as we can," Dean assured her "We'll figure this out before the time limit is up."
Kat nodded, she knew they would, being patient while she was in pain definitely wasn't her strong suit. She sat up and shoved a couple of finger sandwiches in her mouth.
"Yeah hurry and eat before they figure out we have no Victorian manners" Dean told her as he poured whiskey into the tea cups. They quickly clinked them together and chugged the whiskey.
"That was classy as hell." Dean said and she grinned.
Just then, Sam rushed into the drawing room and shut the door behind him.
"Dude, what the hell?" Dean asked as Sam wheeled around, he looked like he had run quite a long way with how he was huffing and puffing, one of his cheeks was red.
"Dude, I just got chased by three women and slapped by at least two of them," Sam said "In this time period, I get around like a record."
This made Dean laugh as Sam came over to the table.
"It's not funny Dean," Sam said and poured himself some whiskey "The assistant at the shop almost wouldn't help me because I didn't call on her this afternoon like I said I would."
"So what'd you do? Puppy dog eyes?" Dean asked as Sam knocks back some whiskey.
"Duh," Sam said "How else was I going to find this extremely rare book that we have to have to get home?"
"It was really that easy?" Dean asked
"No; I had to answer a riddle, then she gave it to me." Sam told him. He handed the book labeled Alchemy: A Modern Study to Kat who leafed through it. After a few minutes, and after they had demolished the food in front of them, Kat tapped Dean on the hand. He looked up and she held open the book. She pointed to a chapter labeled Three Essential Principals
"She found it!" Dean said "What are they?"
She pointed to the page and used her fingernail to underline the words mercury, salt and sulfur. She then turned the page and there sat the third clue. Dean picked it up and read it out loud
The third and final clue is yours,
Six ingredients you have found but this not the end of your chores.
There are 2 last ingredients needed.
Three drops of blood from each Winchester
Combine the 7 ingredients in a cauldron of black, stirred thrice with the clock and thrice against the clock in the cold moonlight.
Do this at sea when
The foam of a mermaid whose heart was broken,
By true love's token given to another
Churns in the ocean.
The three of them looked at each other and read it over and over again.
"So, we need gold, Frankincense and myrrh." Dean said
"Mercury, salt and sulfur." Sam added
"Three drops of blood from Sam and I," Dean told him "and sea foam from-" he stopped suddenly and looked at Kat, whose eyes were wide. "No, no, HELL NO!" Dean said, standing up. "No, we're not doing this!"
"Dean this is the only way we'll get home" Sam said
"We'll find another way," Dean said "Do you hear me you son of a bitch?!" He shouted to no one in particular.
"Dean, just listen." Sam started
"No, you listen," Dean said and rounded to Sam "I went along with this up until now," he pointed to Kat "Some witch played Operation on her and she can't walk without being in agony. Now she has to kill herself?! No. Not happening."
"Dean, tomorrow is the third day," Sam said "If we don't do this, we'll be stuck here forever and Kat will be stuck without a tongue and still walking in agony. Do you really want to risk putting her through THAT for eternity?"
Dean looked at Kat who stared back at him with a sad look on her face. Dean went over to her and hugged her tightly. It was his job to protect her and on this case thus far, he had failed. He pulled back from her and cupped her face in his hands. She looked like she had so much she needed to say but couldn't.
"I love you, but I can't let you do this." he said.
She placed her hand on the back of his hand and squeezed it.
"We have to try Dean." Sam said
Kat and Dean looked at each other for a few long seconds and then he asked her
"What do you think?" and released her. She made a writing motion with her hands. Sam and Dean looked around in the drawers and finally found a pen and paper. Kat scratched out an answer and held up the paper.
I'm scared, but I'll do it. Don't fuck this up or I will haunt BOTH of you.
"We won't," Sam said "We have tonight and tomorrow to track down the six ingredients we need."
"There has to be gold and salt somewhere in this castle" Dean said "But where the hell would we find everything else?"
Kat wrote on the paper and showed it to him.
A lot of medicine and hats in this time period have mercury in them. Frankincense is also used in medicine as an oil.
"Hats? Seriously?" Dean asked and showed the paper to Sam.
"She's right," Sam told him after he had read it "Hat makers used a lot of mercury to manufacture them. In fact, this is the time period that the term mad as a hatter was coined because people would get mercury poisoning from wearing their hats."
"What about the sulfur?" Dean asked
"Sulfuric acid is our best shot for that, countries went to war over sulfuric acid in this era." Sam told him.
"What the hell is myrrh anyway?" Dean asked
"It was mentioned in one of the books I read last night," Sam said "Hold on."
When he came back, Sam flipped through the book and found the page he was looking for.
"Myrrh is a gum extracted from a tree, found in Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Yemen and Somalia." he said and showed it to them.
Kat scratched out a response on the paper and held it up.
I think it's used in medicine too; maybe check that out?
"Where would we find it? It's not like there's a CVS on the corner." Dean said
"I saw an apothecary on my way out of town, I'll check it out tomorrow." Sam said
"Well I better go, so you don't get turned into a punching bag again" Dean said with a chuckle. There came a knock at the door and it opened, Teresa walked though.
"Sorry to disturb your highness," she said "But we need to start getting Lady Katherine ready for tonight."
"It's all right," Dean told Teresa and extended his hand to Kat. She took his hand and a deep breath, then stood, clenching her jaw. It felt like she was walking on knives as she crossed the room with Dean. When they reached Teresa, Dean said
"I'll see you tonight," and he kissed the back of her hand "my lady."
Kat grinned at him, her cheeks going pink. She gently squeezed his hand and he let go of her. She gave him a wink as she followed Teresa out of the room.
That night, after Carlotta had fussed over Dean's outfit for, in his eyes, an annoying amount of time, he was finally ready for the ball. Dressed in a dark blue, double breasted military jacket, pants that matched, black shoes, a red sash going from his left shoulder down to his waist, where a sword sat in its sheath and military pins adorning his coat. Carlotta swept the shoulders of his coat off and stood back to admire him.
"You look so handsome dear!" She exclaimed "Oh, the gloves!" She added and handed him a pair of stark white, wrist length gloves, which he put on. Dean looked at himself in the mirror and despite being extremely uncomfortable, he had to admit, he looked good.
"It's almost time to go in," Carlotta told him "Albert will come collect you when it's time for you to make your entrance."
"Could you send for Sam?" Dean asked and Carlotta looked at him quizzically "Sorry, Samuel." he quickly corrected himself.
"Of course your highness." Carlotta said, and turned to walk away.
"How's Lady Katherine?" Dean asked.
Carlotta stopped and turned around with a smile "She is fine sire, she is in good hands with Teresa getting her ready." she told him.
"Good," Dean said and buttoned his gloves as Carlotta left the room.
A few minutes later, Sam appeared in the room, dressed in a coat with tails, a crisp white shirt, black bow tie, black pants and black shoes. He had a few pins on his coat, but not nearly as many as Dean did.
"Dude, you look like Sherlock Holmes" Dean said
"I know and I can't breathe worth a damn in this thing." Sam said, looking physically uncomfortable.
"Your tie is crooked," Dean told him and straightened it out for him "Any luck on the myrrh?"
Sam shook his head
"No, you?" He asked
"Diddly with a side of squat, BUT I did get gold and salt" he said "I found a solid gold coin in the bedside table and I swiped some salt from my lunch."
"Two down, four to go" Sam said "Let's get through tonight and we'll focus on the other four tomorrow."
"Good idea" Dean said "Have you seen Kat at all?"
"No, not since this afternoon." Sam told him.
A knock came at the door and Albert poked his head through.
"Majesty, it's time" he said.
Albert, Sam and Dean walked down the hallway toward the ball room, where they could hear people talking and laughing while music played softy. Albert walked over to one of the men standing outside the doors and spoke quickly, but quietly to him.
"Samuel, if you'll follow me." Albert said and motioned for Sam to follow him.
Dean grabbed Sam's elbow and said in a hushed tone
"Go find Kat, I'll come look for you two later."
Sam nodded and followed Albert through one of the side doors. After a few moments, the music stopped and another tune started playing.
"Your highness, this way." one of the mention said and motioned for Dean to come closer. Dean did and he waited.
"May I present, his royal highness Prince Daniel Rainier." a different male voice said and the doors swung open.
To his surprise, a literal red carpet was laid out for him, with guests on either side of it. They stood up from their chairs as Dean walked through the doors. The women curtsied and the men bowed saying "your highness" as he passed.
Dean walked up to the end of the red carpet, which lead to a table where men dressed as sharply as he was and ladies in full, flowing ball gowns were standing and waiting on him. Dean hurried to his seat and the music stopped. Unsure of what to do next, he sat down. Following his lead, so did everyone else in the ball room. Dean quickly scanned the room but didn't see Sam and Kat right away. Just then, the waiters trotted out with the first course of food, a soup of some kind. As Dean was given his bowl, his eyes finally landed on Sam, who had his head bent down, talking to some one. When Sam moved his head, Dean realized he had been talking to Kat. Dean did a double take before he realized it was her. She wore an emerald green dress that perfectly brought out her pale skin, long cream colored gloves and her red hair was in a bun of some kind with loose curls by her face. She looked up and locked eyes with Dean, a grin crossing her face. He gave her a slight nod and a smirk. Through four annoying courses, Dean would watch as men at her table would openly flirt with Kat. She would smile and nod at them as she tried her best to eat like the ladies around her, which seemed to be hardly at all. Once the fourth course passed, it was announced that the floor was open for dancing. Dean watched as Sam rescued Kat from the men at her table, escorting her to the floor.
Kat gripped Sam's hand tightly, the searing pain bursting up through her feet, calves and thighs.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Sam whispered hurriedly as they took their places on the dance floor. Kat wanted nothing more than to scream at the top of her lungs with how much pain she was in. Each second she moved felt like an eternity. As if her feet had a mind of their own, Kat moved in perfect sync with the ladies around her, helping Sam through the dance. Sam looked around and saw that nearly every eye in the ballroom was on them. In spite of her moving exactly like the women around her, Kat had a mesmerizing grace about her. Sam had never seen anything like it before. When the first song ended, men were clamoring for a chance to dance with Kat. Sam was reluctant to let her go, and felt a tap on his shoulder. Much to his relief, it was Dean. Sam placed Kat's hand in Dean's and bowed. Kat curtsied perfectly and mouthed a "thank you" to him. Sam smiled and walked away.
"I have no idea what I'm doing," Dean prefaced as her held Kat's hand "But I'm going to try."
She smiled at him as they began to move. Kat felt like glass was embedded in the soles of her feet, each movement sent sharp pains up her body. She bit her lip over and over again as she and Dean twirled around on the floor. The song finally ended, Kat was nearly in tears. Again, men clamored to dance with Kat, but Kat knew she would lose her mind if she didn't have a break. She gave Dean a look, begging him to make it stop.
"Lady Katherine requires fresh air," he said "And I'll escort her."
Kat and Dean quickly walked out of the ballroom and into the shadows where she nearly collapsed on to the ground, breathing hard.
"Oh no, sweetheart." Dean said tenderly as he crouched on the ground beside her.
She took long, shaky breaths as tears rolled out of her eyes. Dean quickly wiped them away and held her close. She gripped him tightly, the mind numbing pain finally ebbing away. Dean did his best to calm her down, speaking to her in a hushed tone.
"I'm right here, it's okay. Just let it out." he said to her. After a little while, she was finally calm enough to look at him. "If it's any consolation, you look stunning." he said and this made her smile. He ran the back of his hand over her cheek and asked
"Are you sure you can do this?"
She bit her lip and then nodded
"I'm worried about you, you know that?" He asked and she nodded again. He kissed her forehead and held her close. "I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm so sorry." he told her.
After a few more minutes of collecting themselves, Dean and Kat walked into the ballroom where Kat was passed around like a ham at Christmas dinner. Dean swore every man in the room wanted a dance with her, all both he and Sam could do was watch as she was spun, lifted and dipped. She looked amazing, but as the night wore on, the pain in her face was even more evident.
"I can't leave with her again," Dean told Sam "Go grab her and give her a break."
Sam nodded and made his way across the dance floor where he cut in on a man that was half Kat's size. Sam quickly rushed Kat out of the ballroom and out of sight.
"Sire," Dean heard Albert say. Dean turned and Albert said "Your uncle Thomas wishes to make a toast, your presence is required at the head table."
Dean nodded and went back to his seat, his mind elsewhere. He grabbed his glass of champagne as a man he'd noticed at the head table tapped his fork on the glass he was holding.
His attire was like Dean's, but his was in all black instead of blue. The man cleared his throat and said
"For many years, my brother King Rupert, ruled over this kingdom, giving us many years of happiness, peace and prosperity." Dean noticed the man, who he assumed was Thomas, had black hair, thin lips and slightly bulging blue eyes "As acting king, I have done my best to uphold my brother's legacy. I hope nothing for the best now that my nephew, Prince Daniel, has come of age."
Dean nearly dropped his champagne glass as Thomas went on "As most of you know, the day after tomorrow, my nephew will assume his rightful place on the throne as king."
Dean did his best to hold his composure as he saw Sam and Kat make their way back into the ballroom.
"The last thing I would want is for my nephew to have to rule alone." Thomas said "So, in that thread, and also fulfilling my brother's last written wish, Prince Daniel will marry his betrothed tomorrow."
This did make Dean drop his champagne glass. It shattered on the floor as the doors opened, waitress rushed to clean up Dean's mess as Dean caught sight of a couple coming through the door. A man and woman with tanned skin, they were both wearing reds and creams and were arm in arm.
"King Helios, Queen Bernadette, a pleasure as always" Thomas said.
"May I present," King Helios said "My daughter, Princess Maria of Spain."
Helios and Bernadette stepped aside as a girl no older than sixteen stepped forward. She wore a red and gold gown that showed off her tanned skin, her black hair tied back into a bun and her brown eyes wide with fear as they landed on Dean, whose mouth nearly dropped open.
"To the future King Daniel and Queen Maria," Thomas said, raising his glass "Long may they reign."
"Long may they reign." everyone in the room said and clinked their glasses together.
Dean's eyes met Sam's and then Kat's, as they walked back into the room. Sam looked shocked while Kat looked destroyed.
"I can't marry her I don't even know her!" Dean yelled to Sam a she poured himself another glass of whiskey "Sam she's can't even vote, there's no WAY she wants to marry me!"
"Well no woman in this era can vote yet." Sam reminded him.
"You know what I mean!" Dean shouted and knocked back the whiskey. In his panic, he had all but torn of his jacket, sash and gloves, leaving him in his shirt, which he had un-tucked, pants and shoes.
"I can't, I won't. No, this is where I draw the line. I've officially entered into a realm I don't want to be in."
"You're not ACTUALLY marrying her," Sam told him.
Eager to be able to breathe properly, Sam had taken off his coat and tie, un-tucked his shirt and was taking gratuitous, deep breaths. "It's just so we can get on the boat and brew the potion to get us home. It won't carry over into the real world."
"That's what everyone says about marriages I Vegas and we know that isn't true". Dean said and poured another shot of whiskey.
"I don't know what to tell you Dean." Sam said
"And what kind of a lunatic gives away his fifteen-year-old daughter to a thirty-six-year-old man?!" Dean asked.
"Well, they think you're eighteen so it's not so bad." Sam said and Dean gave him a look "Still gross, considering your real age" Sam quickly added.
"They all must have terrible vision because there is NO WAY anyone in their right mind would think I'm eighteen," Dean said and poured another shot "Have you seen Kat at all?" Dean asked
"After the announcement she kind of disappeared," Sam said "Last I saw, Carlotta was walking out of the ballroom with her."
"I better go check on her." Dean said.
"Make sure you get some sleep," Sam said, gathering his clothes "We have a long day tomorrow and we still have four ingredients to get."
"Yeah, yeah." Dean said and knocked back another shot of whiskey.
Some time later, Dean wandered around the dimly lit hallway, not exactly sure where Kat was sleeping for the night. Without warning, a door a few feet to his left opened. He watched from the shadows as Teresa crept out of the room and down the hallway. Dean quickly sneaked up behind her and grabbed her, clamping a hand over her mouth to stifle her scream. She struggled against his grasp, fearing for her life.
"Where's Lady Katherine?" He hissed in Teresa's ear. She turned to see Dean and he said "I'll let go of you promise not to scream."
She nodded vigorously, and Dean released her.
She took deep breaths and said "You gave me a fright your highness." while clutching her chest.
"I'm sorry," Dean told her "I have to speak to Lady Katherine, now."
"This way." Teresa said and showed him down the hallway.
They walked quickly and quietly, and Dean finally asked
"What are you doing roaming around at this time of night?"
Teresa turned, her cheeks flushing
"The same as you," she said "Going to see someone I shouldn't be in the dead of night."
Dean shrugged as they arrived at a door.
"In there." Teresa said
Dean gave her a curt nod.
"You never saw me right?" He asked.
"No sire." she said.
"Good" Dean said and she left him alone in the dark.
Dean opened the door and found Kat sitting in the window seat, wearing a pale pink nightgown and hunched over a book. The lamp she was reading by cast a faint, golden glow on her skin and hair. She looked up and seemed surprised to see him. He closed the door behind him and went over to her. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly. She hugged him and then pulled back. She handed him a black pouch that had been sitting on the window sill. He opened it and inside, he found two small, glass vials of liquid. One was a yellow oil; the other was a sliver liquid.
"Frankincense and Mercury?" Dean asked and she nodded "I don't know how you did this, but damn you're good."
Kat shrugged and grabbed a pen
I sneaked out and went to the apothecary. No dice on sulfur. Four down, two to go she wrote
Dean nodded
"I don't know how we'll get myrrh and sulfur, but we've made it this far," he said "Thank you."
She reached behind her back and held out a small blade. The handle was gold and the black blade that looked like it had barnacles on it reflected in the lamp light.
"What is that?" Dean asked
Kat put the blade aside and wrote
The knife I'm supposed to kill you with
 Dean smirked and said
"Keep that handy in case one of these guys gets a little too frisky." in a joking tone. Kat grinned and nodded and put her pen to the side.
She held Dean's face in her hand and kissed him. When she pulled back, she gave him a wiry smile. He grinned back at her and kissed her again, pulling her into his lap. She straddled him and kissed him repeatedly, she couldn't get enough of feeling his lips on hers, the warmth coming from his body, his scent around her. They'd been focused on getting themselves and Sam home, they had neglected their weakness; each other.
Dean pulled back from her and looked at her as she caught her breath. He picked her up and carried her over to the bed. He decided, as he got on his hands and knees above her, that he would think of something; anything so she wouldn't have to sacrifice herself.
Kat easily slid out of the nightgown and cast it aside as Dean kissed her deeply. She was totally bared to him under the thin gown, her skin immediately irrupting into goosebumps as the cool air around them touched her. He quickly tugged at his layers, shedding them until he was naked too. He moaned softly against her mouth.
“You're not alone.” he murmured “I'm right here.”
She looked up at him, her breath catching in her throat as her fingers gently combed through his hair. Their eyes met and she nodded at him, realizing he'd move heaven and earth to get all of them home safely. He pushed inside of her with a hiss of air between his teeth as she let out a sigh in his ear.
“I'm sorry,” he moaned repeatedly “I love you so much.”
Between the declarations of love and the sensations that flooded through her body, Kat couldn't hold on for long. She dug her nails into his back, clenching around him as he brushed against her sweet spot.
“There,” he moaned as he kissed her “right there, fuck, you feel amazing sweetheart.”
She let out a strangled cry as she tried to warn him that she was about to come, but he went harder into her. “Yes, god, I'm gonna come sweetheart, come for me.”
She moaned into his mouth as she bit down on his lower lip. He immediately let go, his hips giving up the erratic pace they had set as she threw her head back and rode out her orgasm. When they both stilled, breathing hard, they looked at one another, the light from the oil lamps dancing over their skin. They settled beneath the covers, Dean on his back while Kat laid her head on Dean's chest, her fingers drawing patterns on his skin as she started to dose off. He gently captured her hand in his
“I love you.” he said as he squeezed her hand three times.
She looked up at him, smiling sleepily and squeezed his hand four times.
“I love you too, huh?” he asked and she nodded.
Shortly before the dawn, Dean awoke with a start. Realizing he was still in Kat's room, he quietly crawled out of bed and dressed as she slept. When he was ready, he went to her side of the bed and gently kissed her forehead.
“Moon of my life.” he murmured against her skin.
She didn't wake up, she sighed in her sleep and snuggled deeply into the pillows. He smirked and stroked her hair one last time. He grabbed the pouch with the vials inside of it and stuffed it into his pocket. He left Kat's room, quietly closing the door behind him as he did.
Later that morning, while they were on their daily walk, Sam and Dean discussed where they could find sulfur and myrrh.
"Too bad there's no Amazon in this era, this would've been taken care of yesterday." Dean said.
"If only," Sam said and looked up "Don't look now, but here comes your future father in law."
Dean looked up and saw King Helios walking toward them.
"Oh crap." Dean said as he got closer.
King Helios smiled as he approached them.
"Prince Daniel, Sir Samuel; a pleasure as always." King Helios said
"Good morning King Helios." Dean said
"A quick walk before the day's celebration?" King Helios asked
"Yes," Sam said "Gets the blood flowing."
King Helios gave Dean a sly smile
"For tonight right?" King Helios chided
It took all of Dean's concentration not to throw up in his mouth. Sam, struck by the king's boldness, tried to recover.
"Ah, yeah. I mean, yes, exactly." Sam, feeling like the world's biggest creep.
"I'll leave you to it then." King Helios said and started to walk away.
Once he was far enough away, Dean asked
"If I punched that guy in the face do you think anyone would be mad?"
"I wouldn't." Sam said
That afternoon, Dean and Princess Maria were sitting in the throne room so that the guests in attendance could present their wedding presents to the happy couple. Sam stood just off to Dean's side and Kat was just a few steps from Sam. The white-hot pain radiating from her feet was enough to bring her to tears, but watching her boyfriend get presented wedding presents brought out a different kind of pain. Though in her heart she knew Dean loved her and had adamantly protested marrying, essentially a child, seeing him pretend to be a doting fiance made her heart hurt and her stomach sick. Guest gave them gifts of fine fabrics, chests of precious jewelry, livestock and priceless paintings. Thomas stepped forward and handed them a painting of the fifty ships he had commissioned for their armada.
"Named for Princess Maria, in honor of your wedding." he had added.
After the parade of presents, Dean and Maria stood up as Sam walked over to Dean and pressed a small box into Dean's hand.
"Give this to Maria." Sam hurriedly whispered to Dean. Dean gave him a look and Sam said "Don't shoot the messenger okay?" and took his place where he had been standing.
Annoyed and anxious to get home, Dean went along with it and turned to Maria. She turned to him and he opened the box, revealing a diamond ring the size of a marble.
"Fuck me running." Dean said under his breath and handed the box to Maria. She looked at it and eagerly jammed the ring on the fourth finger of her left hand. They held hands and left the throne room as the guests bowed and curtsied. Once outside the throne room, Princess Maria was swept away by a group of women who spoke rapid Spanish to her. Queen Bernadette rushed over to her daughter, speaking a different language and Dean was whisked away by Carlotta.
"Let's get you dressed," she said to Dean as she hauled him off to his room.
After getting dressed in nearly an identical outfit from last night, except this one was white with gold trim and getting shepherded on to the wedding ship, Dean didn't get a chance to see or talk to Sam. Dean had made sure that he stowed the four ingredients they had in his pockets without Carlotta noticing. He paced in his stateroom as the fully loaded ship left the harbor and sailed out into the open ocean.
Once the ship was going, Sam finally made an appearance. Dressed in a smart, blue suit with tails, he said "I got the sulfuric acid!"
"Dude, how?!" Dean asked in amazement.
"I traded a few of your wedding presents for it," Sam said "There's two barrels of it below deck."
"You didn't happen to trade for some myrrh did you?" Dean asked
"I tried," Sam said "But apparently it's rare to come by in this part of the world."
"Damn it" Dean said "Then we're screwed" then and idea hit him suddenly "Wait, King Creepy!"
"What about him?" Sam asked
"His wife," Dean said "She's not from Spain."
"What does that have to do with anything?" Sam asked
"She was speaking Arabic to Maria this afternoon," Dean remembered "and remember that look he gave me when you mentioned blood flowing?"
"Yeah." Sam said, shuttering at the memory.
"I was reading about Myrrh this morning, it's used in medicine to help with blood flow. Think King Creepy has some myrrh?"
"It's a long shot, and you'll have to ask. That idiot won't even breathe the same air as I do" Sam said.
Dean rolled his eyes
"Great," Dean said "Not only am I marrying his daughter but I'm hitting him up for 18th century Viagra. This is disgusting."
"Hopefully it'll only be a little while longer," Sam said.
During the ceremony, Kat and Sam sat together while Dean and Maria exchanged vows. Kat had to swallow to keep the rising bile in her throat down. She watched as Dean slipped a ring on Maria's finger, but couldn't hear exactly what was being said. Her heart hammered in her chest as she vigorously reminded herself that this was, for all intents and purposes, fake. However, seeing the man she loved marry another woman right in front of her was enough to make anyone's stomach turn. She felt Sam squeeze her hand.
"I know it doesn't look like it," Sam told her "But he's grossed out by this whole thing and he wanted me to apologize to you for him."
Kat nodded as Dean and Maria sealed their vows with a kiss. Kat quickly got up and left as everyone's attention was on Dean and Maria. She ran to the side of the deck, bent over it and lost her lunch. She breathed deeply and tried to calm herself down as she took her glove off and wiped the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand. The pain of a panic attack rose in her chest as she sat down, her head pressed against the side of the ship. She used all of her concentration to focus on the sound of the waves, her breathing and the feeling of the sea breeze blowing her hair around. After a few minutes of this, she was able to compose herself and briefly wondered if getting hammered at this wedding was acceptable.
When Kat finally returned to the reception, Sam was waiting on her.
"You okay?" He asked and she nodded. She made motions with her hands to let him know she had thrown up and Sam frowned
"I'm so sorry Kat" he said.
They found their seats and Sam grabbed them something to drink, which Kat gratefully accepted.
"Even though you can't talk," Sam said "And you just lost your lunch overboard, you're one of the better dates I've had."
This made Kat smile a little bit and she clinked her glass with Sam's. Shortly after that, Dean and Maria were introduced and sat at the head table, looking every bit the fairy tale couple they were supposed to be. Kat tipped the rest of her drink into her mouth and Sam quickly got her another glass.
After another four course meal, the dance floor was opened and, just as last night, Kat was a popular dance partner. Between chugging glasses of wine and doing her best not to look at Dean and Maria too much, the excruciating pain in her feet almost didn't make a difference. After dancing with four different dudes, Dean cut in.
"Hey stranger." he said and took her into his arms.
They spun around on the dance floor and Kat summoned every bit of strength she could not to break down. Dean could see she was hurting, not just physically, but emotionally; however he couldn't help but notice how good she looked. The pink dress she wore draped off her shoulders and had a slightly puffed out skirt.
"You look really, really beautiful Katlynn." he said in her ear.
She pulled back and mouthed "thank you" to him.
Dean went on as he looked at her "You and I should be up there right now," he told her "Not me and this stranger." this made Kat's eyes go wide as he spun her again. "This is what you deserve." he told her in a hushed tone so no one around them could hear him. Kat beamed at him and gave his hand three quick squeezes. He gave hers four quick squeezes back and smiled down at her.
Later that evening, just as the sun was beginning to set, the ship pulled into the harbor and let all the guests off at the docks. Dean and Maria would use the ship to sail on to their honeymoon destination, along with their staff. Sam had stowed Kat away in his room and hoped no one would notice she was gone. Maria's parents were among the last to approach to say goodbye to their daughter and wish her and her new husband good luck. King Helios shook Dean's hand and Dean pulled him close.
"Would you happen to have any advice for getting the blood pumping? I'm not exactly experienced when it comes to..." Dean trailed off and tired not to laugh at his own ridiculous lie.
King Helios pulled back and gave him a knowing look.
"Already taken care of my boy," King Helios said "Check your bedside table tonight, I hid some myrrh there for you."
Struck by his good luck, Dean grinned
"Thank you" he said.
Once all the guests had departed, the sun had long set. The crew pulled up anchor and they left the harbor. Once they were a good distance from shore, Maria was taken away by her ladies in waiting to prepare her for her wedding night. Dean went to Sam's room and saw he and Kat hanging out and drinking wine.
"Look at you two having an after party" Dean said and Kat shrugged, chugging a glass of wine.
"How long before the moon rises?" Dean asked
"Give it a couple of hours." Sam said as he looked out one of the port holes.
Dean filled in the two of them in on how he got the myrrh, Sam and Kat looked at each other, elated.
"Then we can brew the potion and get the hell out of here." Sam said
Kat raised her glass and she and Sam clinked them together.
"I can't go in the room to get it," Dean said "She's in there expecting me to take her virginity and I'm not doing it." Dean said
Sam handed Dean an unopened bottle of wine and said "Get her drunk, then she'll pass out and you won't have to worry about taking anyone's virginity."
"Why is THAT your first solution?" Dean asked
"What else do you want to do? Roofie her? Knock her out with chloroform?" Sam asked as Kat snickered.
Dean shrugged
"Good point" Dean said and took the bottle.
A couple of hours later, the moon had fully risen, so Sam and Kat sneaked out of his cabin.
"I'll go get the cauldron and sulfuric acid," Sam told her "You go wait above deck."
Kat nodded and did as she was told. When she arrived above deck, the wind was howling and the ocean churned blow her. After a few minutes, Sam and Dean finally appeared. Kat gave them a look and Dean said
"What? She passed out after a glass and a half. I drank the rest."
Not exactly surprised, Kat shrugged and they made their way out on to the deck.
Once up on the stern and hidden from view, they added the ingredients to the cauldron. Kat handed the boys the blade she was given and they both added three drops of blood to the cauldron.
"Last thing is sea foam from you Kat." Sam said.
Kat nodded and went over to the side of the deck. The three of them peaked over it and saw the rough, black ocean slapping up against the hull of the ship. Kat looked at the two of them, paralyzed with fear. She was physically shaking as she climbed up and over the railing, the ship bobbing up and down on the water. She turned around so that she was gripping the railing behind her. She took a shaky breath, her heart hammering out of her chest and looked at both Sam and Dean, her hair whipping around her face. She drew another shaky breath as her eyes locked with Dean's. There was so much she wanted to tell him, in case this didn't work. She bit her lip, looked away from him and prepared to jump.
"Wait, NO!" Dean shouted and grabbed her hand.
Kat turned and lost her balance on the slick deck. Her feet went right out from under her as she slipped off the edge of the boat. She hung thirty feet in the air with nothing but the black ocean below her. She looked up and met Dean's eyes, her fear written clearly across her face.
Dean tightly gripped her hand
"Sam, help me!" Dean shouted to his brother. Sam rushed over and offered his hand to Kat, which she took. Together, Sam and Dean pulled Kat up. She threw her arm around Dean's shoulder and he yanked her up and over the railing. This sent all three of them tumbling down to the deck below. Kat laid on her back, Dean rolled to his side and grabbed her face in his hands.
"No," he said "I'm not letting you go, not like this."
Kat stared at him, her eyes wide as a single tear rolled out of her eye and her mouth hung open in shock. He locked her into a deep and passionate kiss as the wild, sea wind picked up around them, howling with a ferocity that made the ship pitch to and fro, sending Kat's hair flying around both of them.
With startling contrast, the world around them ceased moving. When they parted and opened their eyes, they were on the floor of the book shop, just like they'd been laying on the deck of the ship. Sam propped up on his elbows a few feet from them. They were all back in their clothes they had been wearing when they vanished, and the sky was starting to brighten outside, it seemed like they had only been gone for the night instead of a few days.
"What the hell happened?!" Kat exclaimed and then seemed startled to hear her own voice. "I can talk, thank the fucking lord!" She stuck her tongue out to make sure it was there, and it was.
"We're home," Sam said and stood up "We were on the boat, I saw this blinding light and here we are."
"How did we get here?" Dean asked as she stood and helped Kat up "She didn't turn into sea foam!"
"You just couldn't play the part could you?" A voice asked.
The three of them turned toward the voice, guns drawn as the mousy girl who had been one of Dean's house cleaners, walked out from behind a book shelf.
"So, you're the one who gets their jollies on by throwing people into stories?" Dean asked
The mousy girl smirked.
"I appreciate the written word," she said, stepping into the light "Unlike most people in my generation, I respect the classics. I don't pervert them into cash cows and marketing ploys for theme parks and resorts."
"And some how trapping people in books isn't perverting them?" Kat asked
"Most people aren't as clever as you three," she said "They can make it out, as long as they play their parts. If they don't, well, they don't make it out."
"You're sick," Dean told her "Really sick."
"Sick? I'm not sick!" She shouted "I'm a genius! I'm giving the world back its imagination."
"Against their will." Sam added
The mousy girl snapped her head in Sam's direction
"Maybe this time I'll fling the three of you into separate stories," she said "Then we'll see who the real clever one is."
"No you will not." came a musical and creepy voice that Kat recognized right away.
From the shadows, came the sea witch she had traded her voice to. Sam and Dean trained their guns on her when Kat said
"No, don't!" And lowered her gun “That's the sea witch!”
Dean was instantly furious.
"This freak cut out your tongue Kat," Dean said "You really think we're going to let her go?"
"Don't!" Kat said to Sam and Dean as the sea witch glided over to the mousy girl, who shook with fear.
"For fifteen years you've held me," the sea witch said "For FIFTEEN YEARS you enslaved me. Now, I'll have my revenge." she extended her hand and placed it on the mousy girl's head.
The mousy girl screamed and then broke into pieces like a porcelain doll that had hit the floor, her very skin and bones then dissolved into dust. The sea witch breathed a sigh of relief as a golden glow surrounded her. Without warning, a crowd of people suddenly appeared in the book store. Every missing person in the area for the last fifteen years was suddenly in front of them. They all looked disoriented at first, but once they realized they were safe, they started to filter out of the bookstore. They recognized people from The Wizard of Oz, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, King Arthur and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. One guy walked past them covered in blood and Dean stopped him
"What happened to you?"
"The Hunger Games," the guy said "What has been seen cannot be unseen."
When the witch turned to face Sam, Dean and Kat, she was no longer the sea witch they had been looking at. She had long, luxurious brown hair, hazel eyes and olive skin. Wearing a simple shift dress and ballet flats, she wouldn't have been out of place in the modern world.
"Thank you," she said to Kat "For setting me free."
Kat smiled at her
"Glad we could help." she said
Sam and Dean lowered their guns as the sun began to rise.
"Wait, what did we miss?" Dean asked.
After finding a place to eat, the witch; whose name was Willow, explained her tale over a large stack of pancakes.
"When Rebekah found me," Willow told them "I was alone. My coven had been long gone and she showed an interest and promise in magic. I worked with her to hone her skills. I believed by helping her, I would be passing along my knowledge to the next generation."
"But that didn't go as planned." Dean said as he devoured a bacon and egg sandwich.
"It didn't," Willow said "I quickly learned that Rebekah was a vengeful soul. She sought to make everyone around her as miserable as she was. The only peace she ever found was in books, which is why she trapped people that displeased her into them."
"But you're a powerful witch," Kat said between bites of scrambled eggs and toast "How did she trap you?"
"She used a powerful binding spell on me," Willow said as she devoured her pancakes "I'm not sure where she learned it, but she caught me off guard. I've been stuck in the book realm ever since. Every time I tried to help someone escape and set me free, she would take me out of that story and throw me into another one."
"I don't understand," Sam said "We didn't play our parts at the end of the story, how did we get out?"
Willow gave him an easy smile and then looked at Dean and Kat.
"The three of you did it together, but it was the two of them," she said and nodded to the couple "That brought Rebekah's tyranny to an end."
Dean and Kat looked at each other and then at Willow.
"Come again?" Dean asked as he took a sip of his coffee.
"You two shared the one thing that breaks every curse," Willow said "Across every book written since the beginning of storytelling."
Dean's eyebrows furrowed, and it dawned on Kat.
"The kiss of true love." she said in awe.
"Wait," Dean said "I kissed her a million times while we were in there."
"You did," Willow said "But just like there are different kinds of love, there are different kinds of kisses."
"Such as?" Sam asked.
"When you kissed her on the beach," Willow said "That was the kiss of caring. You did it to show her that you would be there for her. Last night," she went on and Kat's cheeks flushed "That was the kiss of passion. That's the "I can't get enough of you" kiss that everyone associates with true love's kiss, but they aren't one in the same."
"What's the difference?" Kat asked
"True love's kiss, much like true love, isn't ordinary," Willow explained "It isn't just any kiss or just any partner; it's exceptionally rare. It possesses a magic all its own; stronger and more incomprehensible than anything in the known world." She looked at Dean and said "This woman was going to lay down her life despite her fear and hesitation. Then you finally stopped denying your heart's desire. You saved her, knowing the consequences of doing so could be catastrophic."
She then looked at Kat and said
"In spite of everything that has happened to you and the people closest to you betraying your trust, you let him in. When he and Sam bent over backwards to help you in your time of need and you realized that you would do the same for them with no hesitation" Willow finished her pancakes "That was the rawest emotion you ever felt in your life. That naked feeling; of being completely exposed and being loved despite all the physical and perceived flaws and scars; that is what true love is based on."
Willow's words sent a cold chill down Kat's spine.
After seeing Willow off, the three of them piled into the Impala and went back to the bunker. When they arrived; Sam promptly announced he was going to bed, having had enough adventure to last a lifetime (in his words). Alone in the library, Kat's gaze met Dean's.
"Why wouldn't you let me jump?" She asked him.
"C'mon Kat, you know why, and we made it out just fine. No harm, no foul." Dean said as he poured himself a drink.
"Dean, I was just doing what the clues said," she told him "What if that true love's kiss thing hadn't worked? Then where would we be?"
Dean took a gulp of his drink and said "Look, I didn't kiss you thinking that would do anything."
"Then why?" She asked "Why wouldn't you let me do what I was supposed to?"
"You heard Willow," Dean said "I stopped denying my heart's desire."
"And what would that be?" She asked impatiently. Dean finished off the rest of his drink without looking at her and said "If that spell didn't work or something went wrong," he drew a shaky breath as he set his glass down "I'd never forgive myself. Ever." He finally looked her in the eyes and continued "You're everything I've ever wanted, and I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love another person. You've always accepted me for who I am, for what I am, and I never want to let that feeling go" he swallowed "And if something happened to you because of me it would kill me."
Deep in her heart and in the corners of her mind, Kat had always hoped he cared about her as much as she did about him. She'd imagined him confessing his feelings for her before, but this wasn't a scenario even she could've dreamed up. She closed the gap between them by wrapping her arms around his shoulders, having the stand on her tiptoes to do so. His arms wrapped around her waist and he held her tightly. They stood like that in silence for a while; when she pulled back she looked at him and asked
"Did you mean what you said? When we were dancing at the wedding?"
He nodded "Every word," he told her "If that's what you want, that is."
"Marriage? Really?" She asked, genuinely surprised.
"What? You don't want to marry me?" He asked, holding her at arm's length.
"I do, I just didn't think you were the marrying type" she said, running her hand through his hair.
"I didn't think I was either," he said "too much could go wrong with this job that we do. With that being said, I can't picture my life without you in it. Not anymore."
"Could you before?" She asked
"I wouldn't say that," he said "When I pictured my future, it would just be me and Sam. When I left you in Texas, I'd have dreams about us together. I tried to push it out of my mind; because at the time I didn't want to think about you like that. You deserved better than what I could give you, I still think you do for the record."
"What?!" She asked.
"You deserve stability," he said "You deserve a normal life outside of this."
"Dean, I had that remember?" She asked "And I enjoyed it for a while, I really did, until I felt like something was missing. I couldn't place what it was until two guys in plaid walked into my diner."
He smirked at the memory "While you were lip syncing Sex and Candy" he said and she laughed
"Yep, exactly" she told him "Hunting makes me feel normal. It's all I knew from the time I was small until I started hunting with Shannon and Dave."
"I know," he said "But I just want to make you happy. That's all I care about."
"I am happy," she told him "You and Sam have given me what I always wanted."
"What's that?" He asked.
"A family," she said "I know we're not bound by blood, but you two are my family. I care about you both so, so much and would do anything to protect you two."
He swallowed and said
"A very smart man once told me that family don't end with blood."
An easy smile crossed her face and she kissed him. When their kiss ended, she pulled back a little bit and said
"I love you Dean." then she kissed him again.
When they parted that time, he wrapped his arms tightly around her. One hand around her waist and the other on the back of her head.
"I love you too Katlynn" he said in her ear.
I hope you guys enjoyed that!! Kind feedback is always welcomed, feel free to like and share with your followers AND don’t forget to smash that follow button if you wanna keep up with everything I post. My tag lists are WIDE open!!
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Dean/ Jensen:
@spnbaby-67 @akshi8278
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