#he’s a dork and a doof
terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
A list of things about my dad for Father’s Day
- wanted a daughter so badly that when I was born he burst into tears.
- saved me from a collapsing swingset when I was toddler. I don’t remember it but he will never forget it.
- his name in my contacts is Grande Chevo after the nickname the indigenous locals gave him during a charity trip to Chihuahua, Mexico where he helped vaccinate the livestock
- we have a running list of Non Sequiturs. the most recent addition is “No, that was a completely different gorilla.”
- he keeps an ongoing collage in his home office that started when I was a baby. (He gave up the one he had in college when he joined the ministry/got married/became a father because it was nsfw, so I’m told)
- the collage of now has a photo of him in front of the original collage, cigarette in his mouth and cowboy hat on his head, likely the most cool he’s ever looked
- calls his home office The Batcave
- every time I mention an opera title that’s new to him he asks, “Is that the one with the Barber in it?”
- he saves up his quarters to give me for my coin-operated laundry, and hands them off in recycled pill bottles
- prepandemic he had a career as an amateur Santa for several Christmases. So much that he owns his own suit
- had an enemies to best friends arc with my cat (they’re besties now)
- had an enemies to best friends arc with me*
*I was a Momma’s Girl as an infant and a bit of a misandrist but now my dad is one of my favorite people.
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captainwho77 · 2 years
Knock before you walk in: Yang
“Jeez what is taking those two long?” Weiss asked as Team (R)WBY and (J)NOR were waiting for both team leaders to be present for their night out. “Why don’t you go and see what’s taking those two all night to get down?” She turned to Yang as she gave her an annoyed look 
“Fine.” She walks towards her dorm room to hear some noises, something squeaking...repeatedly...Oh gods no....Opening the door slowly she saw it....those two...
“OH GOD JAUNE! YES!” Ruby shouted as Yang was looking in horror as she saw her sister riding the blonde dork, on his OH DEAR GODS NO!
Running back to the others Yang tried to keep it together but was failing 
“And where are those two?” Weiss asked 
“T...they’re....not coming...they’re sick....”
“Are they alright? I heard some moaning.” Oscar asked only to be grabbed by Yang by his shirt 
“THEY’RE FINE LETS GO!” Yang shout as everyone left in a hurry. 
Hours later, Yang and Weiss sat in a room as the others left for the night, Weiss was determined to know why Ruby and Jaune weren’t coming despite it was their idea in the first place.
“So....any particular reason why Ruby and Jaune didn’t come out with us?” She asked with a smirk
“Oh really? Then why didn’t you drag your sister out? Was it because the blond doof giving her a massage? Was she letting him rest his tiresome head on her lap? Or was it because-”
“I SAW HIM RAILING HER HARD AND SHE WAS ENJOYING IT!” Yang shouted as Weiss’s expression turned for the worse as she turned from Smug into horrified as she held onto Yang as she broke down 
“Yang I am so sorry!”
“Arc’s are known for being dominate in beds, and he fits the bill...”
“.....Damn it.”
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fanfic-inator795 · 8 months
Ranking my favorite animated dad characters because I can’t sleep
I realized that a lot of my favorite animated characters are dads, so fuck it. Let’s rank them both on their dad-ness and on their character overall.
7. Ansel Beauregard (Arlo the Alligator Boy/I heart Arlo): okay so, as much as I’m kinda hyperfocusing on this guy rn, he kinda HAS to get the lowest rank ‘cause like… he literally abandoned his gator baby in the sewer. Honestly the fact that he’s able to be likable at all is a damn miracle, but the movie and show pull it off surprisingly well.
Basically from the moment he finally accepts Arlo into his life, he’s trying his best to make amends - though admittedly he still doesn’t always go about it the best way, lol. Growing up bullied then isolated and then becoming crazy rich at a young age has definitely made him more than a little oblivious, out of touch and self-centered (though these parts of his personality are still funny/endearing instead of being annoying imo) but he still genuinely cares (even when he was unwilling to face his truth, he still gave Arlo advice that he at least thought was in Arlo’s best interest based on what worked for him) and I really do love the interactions he has with Arlo. I also love the whole bird-man aspect of him both as a character design and fun quirk, and his VA work and singing is also phenomenal. (Seriously, I’ve been listening to “Better Life” multiple times per day, someone pls I need help asdfghjkl)
6. Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas & Ferb): So, back when I was a kid, Doof was definitely my favorite character, and while I’ve kiiiiiinda grown out of him in some aspects (his over-exposure in things like MML didn’t exactly help), I can still enjoy him for being a really funny and really enjoyable character.
Can he sometimes be annoying, slightly obnoxious and take up too much screentime in the latter seasons? Sure, totally. But like- I’m never gonna NOT love the ‘evil villain who has a huge soft spot for their child’ trope, it’s a classic for a reason. Doof is a dork and can be overbearing, but he’s also really sweet and will do anything for his daughter, including get himself stung by dozens of bees. It also can’t be denied just how many of his lines and moments can still get laughs out of me even after all these years. We Stan a petty ADHD-king and (not-so-)evil scientist dad.
5. Hamato Yoshi/Lou Jitsu/Splinter (ROTTMNT): oh hey, another dad with trauma - only instead of being bullied and forced to hide himself or having a nonsensical tragic backstory, he had to deal with generational trauma, being forced into fighting/killing for sport, and finally getting mutated which led to years of on/off depression. …yeahhhhh.
This is another character I really admire for just how well they’re written, even if he wasn’t always the best dad (though for the record, he wasn’t nearly as neglectful as some fans want to claim…) I think most Rise fans would agree that Splinter absolutely has the best arc in the series, going from a strictly comedy relief couch potato to a loving father/tragic figure who manages to rise above everything for the sake of his kids. He’s willing to let the world burn for the sake of his sons and I respect the hell out of him for it regardless of whether or not it’s the ‘moral’ choice. But he’s also still really funny and really cool when he wants to be, and for as much as I’ve drifted away from Rise, Splinter and his story is still one of the few aspects I adore and appreciate about this show.
4. Pete McGee (The Ghost and Molly McGee): Pete is just a super endearing character to me even if he arguably has the least going on of all the TGAMM characters. He’s a very typical goofy sitcom dad both in terms of design (which, ngl… Pete is kinda really cute? Am I the only one who sees it?) and attitude, usually only being used for comedy while Sharon is the one who gets to be the slightly more serious one and have the heart-to-hearts with/give advice to Molly.
But that’s fine because even if he’s not the deepest dad on this list, he’s still incredibly endearing imo. He’s a 100% Wife Guy, he struggles to stand up for himself but still always tries to stand up for his family, he inspired Molly to be heavily interested in community service, and he’s a dancer! Which is just a really fun quirk, hence why I really love both the Ice Princess episode and the Dance Dad episode (asdfghjkl I remember when Tess and I were watching the latter, she was cringing at all the TikTok dances while I was sitting next to her enjoying the song and just being like yeahhhhh get it Pete! Lol). While I do wish we could have gotten a bit of deeper character stuff with Pete, he’s still pretty solid and very enjoyable to watch.
3. Bob Belcher (Bob’s Burgers): we love our autistic Burger King babeyyyyy! Seriously though, while I’ve grown to love all the Belchers, there’s definitely a reason why I gravitated towards Bob first. He’s a mess of a guy who’s just trying his best to deal with all the chaos that life and his family throw at him, and we love him for it.
I love that even while being the most grounded character in the show, he’s not afraid of being a little unhinged and just fucking going off on someone or something. He’s also often the one who’s always trying to help others, even when it’s usually by accident given how much of an introvert he is. He loves his wife, his kids and his burgers with all his heart, and even when he’s at his worst (which is a rarity), you still are rooting for the best for him and want everything to work out. His heart-to-hearts with his kids (and with other characters) really are some of my favorite moments from the show. Furthermore, much like literally all the other characters on this list, his VA’s delivery just adds SO much to his character as well. I really do just love H. Jon Benjamin, he’s so hilarious and needs to voice more characters.
2. Rodolfo Rivera/White Pantera (El Tigre): Ah yes, my first favorite animated dad character, even before Doof. As such, I’m always gonna have a soft spot for this guy. Like I’ve said before, I love how he’s able to be both a goofy and super soft-hearted character but can also be a total badass at times, sometimes without even trying.
He just wants to protect his city and help his son grow up right, and I love him for it! He’s easily one of the funniest characters in the show, but I appreciate that he’s allowed to still be cool and still have a win occasionally. He also manages to be stern without ever becoming unlikable or unreasonable, given that he’ll still always be there for his son and father even when they’re doing things he doesn’t approve of, and I think it’s that overall balance that really endeared me to him, plus his great design+voice (if I had a nickel for every time I gravitated to an Eric Bauza-voiced dad, I’d have two-). His little catchphrase quirks like “okay be good!” and saying Manny’s full name live in my head rent-free, ngl.
1. Bill Green (Big City Greens) let me make this clear… I! LOVE! BILL! GREEN! He’s just… SO great. He’s wholesome, he’s funny and goofy, he’s sweet, he’s a loving father, he’s stern but still reasonable, he’s a hard worker, he’s super relatable, he’s a secret badass, he’s a huge dork, he sings about his truck and is super attached to his wood carvings - he really is just everything and I mean that in the best possible way.
While Cricket and Tilly are obviously the stars of the show, I really do love how much energy the show puts into making Bill this incredibly well-rounded and likable character who you just can’t help but sympathize with and root for when it comes to his farm stuff. I can’t say that he’s perfect, he’s definitely made a couple pretty poor decisions here and there, but overall I think he’s everything I want out of a great animated dad character (probably because he honestly reminds me a lot of my own dad - or at least, the positive parts of my dad). He’s not the only thing I love about BCG, far from it, but he’s definitely one of my biggest favorite things about it.
- Vasquez (BCG): bodyguards/surrogate dads absolutely count. So happy that Vasquez has become much more prominent and fleshed-out as the show’s gone on, he’s just so great. Thank you Danny Trejo for voicing him, can’t wait for that s4 ep where Vasquez apparently goes to therapy
- Lego Batman (Lego Batman Movie): ah yes, the kick-starter to the Batman/Bat-fam phase I had in college. Fits right alongside characters like Ansel and Splinter for being obviously flawed dads (bro literally called his new son ‘expendable’ wtf Bruce) who still care a lot/grow to become better people over time through the influence of their kid. Will Arnett is still absolutely hilarious as this character, I love how he immediately goes into dad-mode when Robin gets slammed into the windshield, and that bit at the end where he finally tells Robin the truth about his ‘dads’ still gets me a bit teary-eyed
- Wild Knuckles (The Rise of Gru): technically a grand-dad but whatever. Like I said, I love my villains with a soft-side for their kid, and it makes me sad that the Rise of Gru fandom essentially ignored this guy in favor of hot young Dr. Nefario. Like- I don’t care if the arc between him and baby Gru was somewhat rushed, dude literally got himself burned alive by a huge dragon for his surrogate grandkid, he deserves better
If you’ve made it this far, let me know if you like any of these dad characters + what your favorites are ^v^
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Ugh this site makes me feel like a psychopath (not affectionate). Anyways. while i continue to work on shit and talk at myself like said psycho, i made some sloppy sketches to figure out halvah's translation from totk to ocarina of time. because why am i all over a ghost girl right now?? i also want to be a ghost and shed this mortal coil. right, here i go~
nix the floppy ears, and take elements from dampe, finally giving her that shovel staff. origin story? well holding over elements from her totk torture, I would place her as a relative of dampe (when making the bargainer lore, i had the idea of naming him as the tribe’s great ancestor who first spoke to the bargainers), so here’s that connection again. her and her fam are still forest hippies that commune with spirits but dampe was like nah im good, imma jus handle undertaking in kakariko. but her parents and siblings get ganked by hylian/gerudo crossfire once again and she’s orphaned. the mom knew just enough ghost magic to bind herself to halvah and be able to linger with consciousness intact. dampe takes his estranged niece in, but he’s not good at it so she grows up weird. weirder.
this is off the top of my head. but im feeling it~
i figured if i wrote another story, probably unsmutty, but about as dark... it would now be delightful tomfoolery! i have to kill her again, but that's about the only way you get bona fide ghosts, but... just the idea of her tryna haunt oot!ganondorf gives me a personal chuckle. just, fics that fuck, fuck with, fuck over villains (gimped wesker lol) tickled a fancy i didnt know i had. hylia forbid if she made it into the shadow temple though. she’s not an especially malicious spirit after death (good nature will always be her undoing) but as a spiritmage/ghostmancer, she gets a ghost mob boost when also a ghost. so for all the dps she doesn’t do, her buffing actual angry ghosts would be a bad time.
for now, she can just be a poe nuisance with her poe mom (couldn’t hold on to the poes of her dad and brothers this time around).
twice i’ve drawn oot!doof with his shoulders drawn in, like ew ghosts. ew ectoplasm. ectoplasmic coochie haunting him. deleting that pic, though, i’ll draw another that’s better. but halvah flipping him off THROUGH the back of his head briefly gave me life. next will be uselessly kicking him through the stomach or groin lol, idk. instead of making halvah a victim of cruel and unusual carnal punishment, i want to be like a fucking monkey on a dork’s back.
that’s about it.
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bigfan-fanfic · 2 years
Which ones would be bold enough to pose themselves naked with nothing but a gift box over their dick waiting for their boyfriends? 😚😈
Steve, Bucky, Bruce, Clark, Thor, Dick, Peter, Percy, Jason, Damien, Arthur, Oliver, Barry, Raihan, Leon, Kaiden, Vega, Cullen, Alistair, Iron Bull and last but not least, Zod.
Feel free to add any story behind this?🤣
The ones that wouldn't: Bucky (too shy), Bruce (would absolutely pose naked), Clark (thinks it's too silly), Thor (would rather pose without the box), Dick (too classy), Peter (dies from embarrassment just thinking about it), Jason (too horny), Damian (too sensible), Leon (too wholesome), Kaidan (only when drunk), Cullen (no. this is ridiculous).
Would: Steve (as a joke, the box is captain america themed), Percy (forgot to get you a real gift), Arthur ("hilarious, I'm in), Oliver (is just that cocky, pun intended), Barry (I mean, come on, this goofball WOULD), Raihan (got dared to make a thirst trap), Vega (he's too much of a doof to not), Alistair (this cutie's such a dork, he would), Bull (unironically thinks it's sexy and also he forgot to get a present), and Zod (shit-eating grin and also playing the 'alien ignorant of Earth customs' bit like "Did I get it right?")
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pyromegalomaniac · 1 year
Hello I was wondering if I could request a crossover for your ao3. The crossover is Phineas and Ferb and invader Zim. It doesn't have to be too plot heavy. Though it should take place before Phineas and Ferb s ending and could take place before or after entering the florpus. It can even be a one shot unless you get inspiration to do more. All I request is a situation where all the main characters meet; Phineas, Ferb and their friends ( oh and perry the platypus and dr. doof should be involved in some way that is canon) and invader Zim, dib and gaz. I would like them to remain in character please. Thank you for reading this.
That's quite the tall order, opallyrie!! I don't think I could fit quite all that in there, but I could give it a start! I'm not doing ao3 requests, at least not right now, so I'm gonna post it here. I know it's not really what you wanted, but I had to keep it really basic. Just Phineas, Ferb, Zim and Gir. (Candace shows up too but she doesn't interact with Zim or Gir.) Maybe I'll do something with it on my ao3 if this gets notes, who knows. Anyway I hope you like what I wrote. Enjoy!!
A Simple Night of Stargazing (of DOOM!!!)🔧🚀
"I can't wait until we can do this every night," said Phineas. His brother, Ferb, nodded beside him, focused on looking at the starry sky above through their telescope. It was late spring, and soon they wouldn't have to worry about staying up too late on a school night to watch the stars. 
Their older sister, Candace, opened the back screen door behind them and put her hands on her hips. 
"You guys better not be scheming. I can feel the energy you guys are putting out, and it's very… bustable."
Phineas laughed. 
"You don't wanna come look at the constellations with us, Candace? I think you'd like em. Maybe we'll even be able to see Mars. We could send a message to the people there, tell them their queen says hi!"
"Yeah, that's not gonna happen, dork." Candace turned her back on the boys to go back inside.
"Okay, g'night."
Stargazing resumed as normal, peaceful and quiet. Until Ferb tapped his brother's shoulder, wanting him to look at something.
"What is it, dude?" Said Phineas, taking a turn putting his eye up to the eyepiece.
"Woah," he said after a moment. He could see something moving out there. Fast. Not just that, it seemed to be coming towards them.
Phineas moved away, and by that point he could see the thing, a purple blur, speeding towards the Earth.
They were able to quickly move their stargazing equipment out of the way, but didn't have time to do anything else as the ufo collided with the ground in their backyard.
A smoking round spaceship was nestled in the dirt, and its door opened with a hiss, releasing more plumes.
A silhouette took form in the swirls, a short humanoid figure, who stepped out of the ship, followed by an even smaller figure behind it.
"Come, Gir," the taller figure said. It was a green skinned boy with slick black hair and an odd backpack who looked to be about early middle school age. A small green dog followed him, walking on its hind legs.
The stranger pulled out a large piece of paper and the boys gawked at the sight from behind the tree where they had taken cover.
"Hmm, surely this isn't the place? I pictured something…" the boy looked up from the paper to the brothers' house. "A little more impressive."
"I think it's cool!" Said the little dog, surprisingly, sounding like it had an odd filtered metallic speech.
Phineas stepped out from behind the tree.
"Hi," he said, waving. "Are you an alien? We saw you come from the sky. Maybe you've met our friend Meep! I'm Phineas, and this is my brother Ferb," he said, motioning to the green haired brit who had also emerged from hiding.
"What!?" The alien, or whatever it was, sounded incredulous. 
"Of course I'm not an alien! What are you, braindead? I was told this was the place I could request the construction of a device I could use to brainwash humanity into becoming my pathetic slaves, but I guess not." He huffed and turned, his arms crossed as he pouted. His silly little dog thing copied his movements.
Phineas looked to Ferb then back at the boy.
"Oh, um, I'm sorry, I guess I shouldn't have assumed. We can totally do that for you, if you really want us too. I didn't catch your name. What was it?"
The boy's mouth turned upwards in a sly grin before he turned around and stuck out his hand for Phineas to shake.
"You, earthling, shall address me as Zim."
I think it turned out pretty good!! Again, I'm sorry it's not exactly what you wanted, but I did my best. Quality over quantity! I hope you liked it, and I wanna thank you for requesting it! It was fun to write, and I look forward to doing more in the future!! Much love!!
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graedari · 3 years
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How to Safely Look Back Longingly at Your Crush While You Drive Them to Dinner on Your Motorcycle: a Novel by Klavier Gavin
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gilgil-machine · 4 years
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Look, it's the Monopoly man!
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shima-draws · 5 years
I like to think that during Perry’s Breakup with Doof he literally refused to leave his bed unless it was for OWCA missions. Eventually after over 18 hours of lying in bed in a t-shirt and sweatpants Candace barged into his room, whacked him repeatedly with a pillow and threatened to delete all of his soaps off the DVR if he didn’t get his mopey butt out of bed LMAO
She then proceeded to sit him down and run him through all of her breakup coping mechanisms, handed him four magazines about teenage drama and dealing with stupid boyfriends, and shared a pint of ice cream with him, and then she said “Okay, the circles under your eyes have gone back down to a manageable level and while your face is still red from crying I have so much makeup to help with that” and Perry just stares at her for a solid minute before eventually going “...Thank you” because while he’s still not over it having someone around who knows what he’s going through is really...nice
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enigmaticsal · 3 years
taecyeon this manchild
sheds a happy tear :,)
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onemilvolts-main · 3 years
Random BNHA Headcanons pt. 2
more headcanons for the bnha dudes!
general hcs with fluff!
featuring: bakugou katsuki, amajiki tamaki, and kaminari denki
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• katsuki will fight you for the right to do household chores. dishes? you're getting picked up and moved. his. his dishes. you will sit ur ass down and relax!
• obviously he's evolved emotionally and is less of an angry bastard now, but...he's still a hothead. however, all of that fizzles away when he cooks or bakes. it's his absolute favorite hobby, he could probably cook for days on end. it's super weird to see him genuinely happy.
• it's known that katsuki loves mountain climbing, but that love extends to anything nature; besides climbing, his favorite is a long, slow walk in the forest.
• he's basically like a cartoon character, he has so many different copies of that same skull shirt that he's often seen wearing. he doesn't really care, he know he looks great!
• katsuki's tried a few different hairstyles over the years and WILL get salty if you bring them up. more-on-top fade, short cut, parted, everything short of a damn buzzcut. he hated them all, he gets embarrassed.
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• tamaki isn't a master chef like the previously mentioned bakugou by any means, but he can cook up a nice meal. mostly seafood! fries up a fun and sexy takoyaki for the two of you to enjoy!
• his skin is fairly sensitive due to his quirk, especially his arms and (gigantic) hands. i get a feeling that it isn't fun to make your fingers into tentacles.
• tamaki LOVES to sing. he's a dork about it but unfortunately...crippling anxiety. he's thought about starting a band with the big three before. but he'll just settle for singing while driving and in the shower.
• he knows heaps of completely random, useless trivia. he watched a ton of jeopardy and read history books in his youth so he just knows...random stuff. why do you know the entire history of the nation of yugoslavia, tamaki?
• speaking of random knowledge, he can name probably every type of butterfly. effortlessly. he never had any in jars or anything, though. he thinks it's cruel and unjust.
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• denkers dresses up for the most random things. oh, you're going for a casual lunch with him? he'll dress like it's your wedding. and he has DRIP too. 100% certified terrific fashion. except the wallet chain.
• almost unconsciously like his mind leaves his body, wakes up some nights at 4 AM and texts some random shit. you wake up to a text of "smoogle😁" and...nothing else. weirdo.
• he's smart. he's. goddamn smart. denki is smart. just because he doesn't do well with his grades doesn't make him dumb. not even a headcanon but it's somehow a hot take despite being canon. he's a doof but he isn't a bumbling idiot.
• denki likes...any music. his playlist is an unexplored jungle of chaos and polar opposites, it's almost funny. his phone is always the go-to for party soundtracks.
• he played football in middle school, but stopped after a nasty elbow injury. for those curious: he played wide receiver. had the most obnoxious celebrations. everyone HATED him. hate him cause they ain't him!
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emperor-palpaminty · 3 years
You wanted prompts?
Tech time!
1. “You’re such a dork.”
2. "Get over here, you doof"
5. "Kiss me again."
I know I did Crosshair and Echo on vacation, so how's about we do Tech? My baby deserves a vacation!!
Also why are there so few gifs on cuddling, it is a crime and a sin
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Tech didn't wake up until the sun was bright. He inhaled, heavily, his chest hesitating mid breath. The bed was warm, but empty aside from him.
Tech sat up and grabbed his glasses (which he had, it was a relief from the goggles) and tugged them on. He stood, the civvie pants loose and comfortable. He ran a hand in his curly hair and yawned, slugging into the bathroom to brush his teeth and freshen up. His hair was unruly, in disarray, and he frowned. Tech kept his toothbrush in his jaws and scratched his head, finally giving in to the chaotic Fett gene hair.
Padding to the bed, he grabbed a shirt and tugged it on, rolling the sleeves up to his elbows, and he scratched his forearm. Softly, he moved down the hall, feet brushing on the carpet. The living room was empty, but from the caf on the stove he knew she had been through here. Tech smiled quietly, walking over and pouring himself a cup that she had left out.
He slid open the door to the porch, stepping out. The Republic Rec houses for the troops were always out of the way, somewhat isolated, just so the troopers could have a sense of normalcy, clean air. Tech inhaled the caf, smiling softly- it wasn't nearly as bitter as the GAR stuff they handed out.
She was lingering on the porch. A leg was dangling off the deck, into the water, toes skimming the surface. In one hand she clasped her holopad and the other clutched her caf.
Tech took a small sip and sighed happily, as her eyes ran over the screen. She was reading intently, so intently she didn’t notice his presence until he was closer.
She glanced up and smiled, shifting to the side. "What?"
"You're staring." She giggled, leaning her head back on the post. "You dork."
Tech laughed softly, feeling his brow crease, with his affectionate expression. "Oh, my love, I fear it's you that is the dork."
She laughed and shook her head, lowering her caf and patting the peir next to her. "Get over here, you doofus."
"Why should I?" Tech raised his brow, adjusting his glasses. "You called me two mean names."
"I meant it in a nice way." She laughed, reaching up and lightly tugging on his pants leg. "Come here, please?"
"If my lady insists." Tech chuckled and lowered himself next to her. He leaned his head on her shoulder, fingers gently wrapping in the loose fabric if her shirt. She smelled clean, soft, like the cotton she was swaddled in, and the caf lingered around them from their cups.
Tech turned his head, bumping his nose lightly to hers. "I love you today," He mumbled, fingers moving up her arm.
His lover gently set the holopad to the side. "Kiss me again? Like last night?"
"Oh, that's a dangerous request, my darling." Tech bumped his nose to hers again, rubbing his against hers. She laughed, warm breath fanning his face. "Based on the past, every time I have begun, I cannot stop."
"Maybe that's what I want," She giggled and leaned up, allowing Tech to close the space between them.
Her lips were warm, soft, passive under his. There was no rush or desperation as his lips felt against hers, lazily, and he leaned in more. She sighed against him, content, and Tech felt her hand move up to his chest.
Tech was greeted with her lips, more and more, showered by them repeatedly, and he laughed gently. "My most perfect of hearts," He squeezed her fingers, tugging her hand to his lips. "I hope this stipend never ends.
Her eyes shone as he kissed every single finger tip, and the smile lit up her face and made his heart sing. "I wish it didn't either, my most handsome of dorks."
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gothamsworst · 3 years
The dork squad with an s/o who just effortlessly radiates ‘school cool kid who got better with age’ energy?? Like it’s physically hard to catch them slipping with anything, they’re just so effortlessly cool to the point where they play off slip ups and mistakes seamlessly.
Idk man, with most of them being doofs/having doozy moments, I feel like the dynamic would be hilarious
Jonathan Crane:
He has so much pride and yet. Standing next to you makes him feel like the complete and utter nerd that he is. At the same time, the fact that you even like him must mean something, right? He just doesn’t know how you seem to handle everything so...effortlessly! (He’ll never admit it, but he secretly hopes that, somehow, some of your coolness will rub off on him.)
Edward Nygma:
He is such a dweeb and the fact that he’s desperate for your approval just makes the whole thing that much funnier. He wants you to think he’s cool so bad it makes him look stupid. (Adorable, but stupid.) Any sort of praise from you, no matter how small, goes Straight to his head, and he will be walking on air for the whole day. (You think he’s cool!!!)
Jervis Tetch:
He does his best to keep his decorum at all times, but honestly the man is a mess, and you both know it. (He still has his pride, though, so even if he does something embarrassing, he refuses to acknowledge it.) Still, he is pretty envious of how smoothly you seem to handle everything. Can you...teach him to be more like that? If it’s even possible, for someone like him...
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glowinggator · 4 years
At First Sight
Request: Another cute reaction request, the rottmnt boys finding out their s/o was smitten with them from the start? (It was not obvious to the turtle of interest but it was obvious to everyone else).
Pairing: Leonardo/Reader (Established Relationship) 
Content Warnings: None! Just fluff. 
Word Count: 442
Jupiter Jim runs around on-screen for what seems like the millionth time this week, but that’s not what you’re focused on at the moment. You’ve seen this movie countless times, but you’ll always watch it with him. You drag your dulled nails down his shell, tracing the swirls and lines with the pads of your fingers. He giggles, perhaps involuntarily so, and leans further into you. “That tickles,” he laughs.
“And yet you’re leaning into me more? Doof,” you tease.
“Shut up.”
“Never.” And with that, you lapse into a comfortable silence once more. Your fingers continue their dance along the bone carapace, memorizing each scratch and scar by hand. And if your heart pounds a little harder, he chooses not to mention it.
Or, maybe he’s just too enraptured by the TV. You smile, looking down at his relaxed form to allow your eyes to roam his face.
The sparkle in his eyes is reminiscent of a clear, blue lake recently graced by the touch of rain, giving life and love by simply existing. They follow the man on TV around effortlessly, like a dance he’s practiced thousands of times before. And to their credit, they have, in fact, danced this dance millions of times before. He looks so beautiful when he’s relaxed, you muse. His hands roam your exposed sides del A smile tugs at his lips, perhaps subconsciously so.
“Hey,” he whispers.
He looks up at you, beaming: “When did you fall in love with me? Or like, started crushing?”
You chuckle and hum, “You asked, you go first.”
His fingers dance along the back of your hands and he grins: “Only a few months after meeting you. Maybe like, 9 weeks? Ten?”
“Ugh,” you groan playfully, “I should have gone first, cause now I’m embarrassed. I was crushing on you since like, the day we met.”
“What?” He laughs, “You’re fucking with me. I’m calling it right now, that’s BS.”
“No, I’m serious!” You giggle, “Like, I was smitten from day one! I used to get so, so, so ” you emphasize, “much shit from the guys about it. Literally everyone but you knew.”
He chuckles and shakes his head. “You’re such a dork.”
“And yet, you love me.”
“Uh, I love you because you’re a dork? Get it right.” His words hold no bite to them as he smiles back at you. His eyes are soft as he leans in, gently pressing his lips against yours with a hum. You kiss slowly, bathed in the flickering glow of LED light and hidden from the prying eyes of the world: and for just a moment, everything is okay.
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My thoughts on Jon throughout the seasons
Season 1: Funny grumpy nerd man, what will he do? Heh. Quit the skepticism btw ya doof >:-/
Season 2: Ha ha ha, funny paranoid nerd man XD XD XD they’re not plotting to kill you dude, they just care about you klsdjglks and get some sleep gosh dang
Season 3: 65% Okay, he’s awesome, rooting for him all the way, get it king! 15% XD XD XD XD okay he’s hilarious and a dork I love it sdljflks. 30% Can he PLEASE get a BREAK gosh dang he doesn’t deserve all this :-( :-( :-( :’-( :’-(
Season 4: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭LEAVE HIM ALONE, HE’S TRYING HIS BEST >:’-( >:’-(  >:’-( >:’-( >:’-( >:’-( !!!!!!!!!
Season 5: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💖💗💕💔💔💔💖💗💕💔💕💗💖💖💔💔💔💔💔💔💔JON. JON. STOP BLAMING YOURSELF. STOP BLAMING YOURSELF RIGHT NOW. NONE OF THIS IS YOUR FAULT. YOU HEAR ME? NONE OF IT. 💕💕💕💕💗💗💗💖💖💖💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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citronsblog · 4 years
Here you guys go :)
Clueless cuddles- Leon x Reader x Mondo
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"Leon!" You ran over to your boyfriend and jumped in his lap. He started laughing at your behavior and leaned down to give you a kiss.
"Whatcha doing babe?" He gave you another kiss on the cheek. For someone who claims to be punk he sure is affectionate.
"I'm waiting for Mondo to get home! Im hoping he didn't get into another fight again. That doof worries me." You held onto Leon's hand and cuddled into his chest.
"Don't worry babe, he'll be fine! He always is, plus! He has us to take care of him remember?" You smiled and looked at the timer on the microwave seeing how it was late at night.
You only hummed a reply to your boyfriend waiting for your other one to get home. Getting up from your spot, much to Leon's protest, you walked into the kitchen and turned on a few lights.
"I feel like making you guys some dinner tonight.. are you craving anything?" You turn around only to run into the red-heads chest.
He laughed and rapped his arms around you put his head on yours.
"Yeah, you." Your cheeks went a soft pink to this and you swatted at him. You two continued to play fight for a few more seconds until the rattle of the front door could be hear. You shot your head that direction and Leon smirked at you.
"Race ya~" he whispered and took off. Oh it's on. You ran the same way you and Leon both almost there. You give Leon a shove and beat him to Mondo.
"Sweetie your back!" Hugging your other boyfriend you could practically hear the smile in his response. "Yeah, I'm here doll face, where's Leon?" You laughed and pointed to the floor where he laid there pretending to be hurt.
"Oh the painnn the horrorr, the only thing that will save me is a bunch of kisses from my partners~" he peaked one eye open at us and mondo rolled his eyes.
"Come here you dummy." Mondo lifted up Leon with ease and you followed him into the living room. He set Leon down and gave him a kiss. He whispered something in his ear that seemed to pique Leon's interest.
They both turn to you where you were sitting on the couch and tackle you with a hug and a bunch of kisses. As you were being attacked by kisses you starting giggling which made the two boys smile.
"Heh ok ok I give in! What do you guys want?" You wiped away the tears which were forming in your eyes. Mondo smiled and shook his head, "Cuddles?" Leon laughed at that and nudged him on the shoulder.
"In a little bit first we have to eat. Oh and why were you home so late?! It's cold outside! And dark and I'm pretty sure it's snowing!" You scoffed him lightly. Of course you meant well but you were worried for your boyfriends health.
"I'm sorry baby I was getting something for you two." He shook and stood up. "So what are we going to have?"
"I don't know I asked Leon but he didn't tell me what he wanted."
"Well I don't know what I want, Mondo what do you want."
"Dude I don't know, Y/n what do you want?"
"Are you kidding me? I'm asking you guys for a reason!"
Mondo and Leon sighed it was at times like these that you guys were never able to decide.
"Ooooh I know! We can write down things that sound good and put them on one of the websites with a spinner wheel and what ever it lands on is what we eat!" Leon said with the most serious face. You looked over to mondo and shrugged
"That's not a half-bad idea... ok so what sounds good?"
"I dunno Leon what sounds good to you?"
"I'm not sure," he yawned out, "What sounds good to you Y/n?"
You looked between the two of them and sighed. "Geez we suck at picking out food."
They both sighed. You walked over to the computer and typed up a orange chicken recipe.
"How about a stir fry?" The two boys looked up
excitedly and nodded. You then spent the next 15 minutes preparing the food, the next 40 minutes cooking and the last 5 preparing the plates.
You were done in a hour and your two boyfriends were practically drooling over the counter. You looked up and grinned at them. "Alrighty Im finished! If you want some it will cost ya!"
Leon snapped out of the daze and whipped the corner of his mouth where the drool was coming from. "What do you mean cost us?"
You took your pointer finger and tapped It on your lips. Mondo instantly got the memo and walked around the counter into the kitchen. He grabbed your hips and leaned in for a deep passionate kiss. He dipped you down for a little show as if he was a better kisser then Leon. Which obviously when one of them starts showing off the other one will.
Mondo brought you back up and you two parted. You were still out of breath and mondo was grabbing a plate of food. "Thanks for the meal babe!"
You looked over to Leon who looked pissed that mondo got a kiss before him. He had the look on his face that said, 'if it's a challenge you want then it's a challenge you get' he walked around mondo and over to you. He held your face carefully and started to compliment you. "You are so beautiful I hope you know that." You smiled at him, "I love you y/n, you mean the world to me," he let out a playful scoff, "you as well mondo." Leon then went in and stole a sweet and gentle kiss from you. It made you laugh because of his pointy hair tickling your face.
"You are such a dork, I love you too." You have Leon his food and grabbed some for you. You sat between the two boys and started eating. "I love you too mondo I didn't forget about you so don't worry." He smiled with food still in his mouth. You started cackling while Leon scolded him for smiling with food in his mouth, even though Leon was talking with food in his mouth...
No matter what though you still loved your two idiots. They were there for you, always helping when you got hurt or just being the most supportive boyfriends there are.
After dinner you and mondo  did the dishes while Leon sung for you two. Mondo complementing your cooking. You walked upstairs to your shared bedroom and laid in the middle. The two boys followed you and cuddled you for the night keeping you warm.
"Hey you two?"
You got a little hum from mondo and Leon turned to face you.
"Thank you, for everything. Thank you for being with me, you guys have done so much for me and I wish I could return your favor."
Leon smiled sweetly and mondo replied to you
"Baby you have retuned the favor. By being here and loving us, making us food, helping us when we get hurt, or just ugh! I don't know I'm not good with this love crap but just know that we love you and you've done more then enough."
Leon gave you a kiss and added on, "Y/n you are always here supporting us and you are one of the best things that have happened to us so thank you." He turned over again on and side and yawned, "please get some sleep babe your health is important."
He let out a sleepy goodnight and went to sleep. You turned over to mondo and gave him and kiss. He put his arms around and you cuddled you. "I love you y/n, goodnight."
Yeah they're the best boyfriends in the world and you wouldn't trade them for anything.
Uh yeah I don’t like how this turned out I think the format for reading it is wonky. Also feel free to send in requests!
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