#he’s gonna kill me by the end of tour me thinks
evilrry · 7 months
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joe jonas in portland, or 11.9.23 ✨
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avatar-anna · 8 months
It's Hard When We Argue
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You quietly walked downstairs into the kitchen, a fuzzy blanket wrapped tightly around your shoulders. You felt hungover, like your entire body had been put through the ringer even though you hadn't had a sip of alcohol last night. For a moment, your chest tightened with anticipation, not sure if you were dreading or hoping Harry would be in the kitchen. He wasn't, but from the kitchen window, you could see the back of his head as he sat on the back porch.
Your mind returned to last night briefly, all the harsh words you shouted at each other and the tears that were shed. You'd never felt so angry and frustrated and hurt in your life, at least not with Harry. He was the one person you could always feel safe and comfortable with. You knew couples fought, you knew that disagreements happened, but that wasn't you and Harry. Maybe you were naive enough to think that you and Harry were so in sync that you would never argue, or at least have a huge blowout argument like the one you had last night, but it had been so smooth sailing since you got together.
Before you went outside, you fixed up two cups of coffee, making sure one of them was the way Harry liked it. You took both of them outside, keeping the blanket wrapped around your shoulders. Harry didn't even look up when the glass door opened and closed. He's still mad, you thought. He's so angry he won't even look at me.
"Coffee?" you asked, voice scratchy and raw.
"Mm. Sure, thanks."
Tears welled in your eyes. Here you were, trying to extend an olive branch and talk about your fight last night, and he wouldn't even look at you. Harry stayed sitting on the porch swing, one hand covering his mouth as he looked out at the yard in front of him. Just days ago, you were daydreaming about playing with future kids in that same backyard, and now...Now you didn't know what the future held.
"I think we should talk—"
"Y/n, I really don't think that I can right now," Harry said, running a tired hand over his face. He had bags under his eyes, and his facial hair was more grown out and unkempt than usual. He looked exhausted. And upset. And you didn't know what to do to bridge the yawning gap between you.
"O—Okay," you said, trying to hide the fact that you were on the verge of tears. "Are you—"
"I'm gonna go for a run," he said quickly, pushing off on his knees and standing up.
Harry turned and saw you standing with the two cups of coffee in your hands, one of which he had still yet to take. His face softened a fraction then, his hand reaching out like he wanted to rest it on your shoulder, but he stopped halfway before walking around you and heading out. You flinched when the door slammed shut, tears finally leaking out of your eyes.
Everything was so messed up. You hated this icy tension that was growing between you and Harry, and you worried you wouldn't be able to fix things. Harry was the stubborn type, he always had been, but you'd never seen him be so cold toward you. It killed you.
With Harry out of the house, all you were able to do was think about the argument.
It started out so small, so inconsequential that you almost couldn't understand how you ended up here in the first place.
Harry had been coming home late recently, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but now that he was back from tour, you thought you would get to spend your nights together. But he kept coming home late, and you were never much of a night owl, so it just felt like he was doing it on purpose. You missed him, that was all. All you wanted was to spend time with your boyfriend. To talk about your day and ask him about his and cuddle up together in bed.
"Are you avoiding me?" you asked when he came home late again. Perhaps it wasn't the best way to broach the subject, but you made a mistake by scrolling on Twitter where rumors always ran rampant, so you were a little more upset than normal.
Harry obviously didn't respond well to the harsh accusations you were throwing at him, despising how you jumped to the absolute worst conclusions. He accused you of not trusting him even though you did, but he wouldn't listen, and you couldn't find a way to say you just wanted him around more, not when anger had sunk so deep in the heat of the argument. The argument devolved from there until you went to your separate corners—you to the bedroom and Harry downstairs, presumably on the couch. There were so many cruel accusations thrown around, and so many more things left unsaid, but maybe last night had gone too far. Maybe this was it, and Harry was avoiding the most difficult conversation of all—the breakup conversation.
So you did what you should've done last night. You were going to avoid it altogether.
You anxiously cleaned up around the house for a while, scrubbing down countertops and vacuuming floors and folded laundry, tears occasionally leaking out of your eyes the longer Harry stayed out. You knew he could run for ages, especially when he was in a mood, but you couldn't sit around and wait for him to come back and tell you he wanted to take a break or break up or pick up right where you left off the night before.
Quickly and with shaking hands, you went upstairs and began to pack, tossing things in your overnight bag haphazardly. Some of it could've been yours, and some of it might've been Harry's, you weren't really paying attention, you just needed to get out for a while. If Harry could run, so could you.
Your last step was slipping into your shoes, which you kept by the front door. You were balancing on one foot trying to get your shoe on when the front door opened. Harry breezed in, running shorts high up on his thighs and baseball cap pulled low over his eyes, which were covered by sunglasses. He was so focused on whatever was playing in his airpods that he nearly bumped into you.
"Sorry, I wasn't—Where are you going?" Harry asked, eyeing the bag at your feet.
"I think I'm gonna stay at my mom's for a few days," you said, picking the bag up and hiking it over your shoulder.
He looked frantic as he took a step toward you, but you took one back. "It's clear to me that you need space, so I'm just going to step back and let you—"
"See, you're doing it again. You're assuming," Harry said, taking his hat off to run his hand through his hair. "Y/n, if we are going to be in a relationship together, I need you to talk to me, not just assume what I'm thinking."
"I—I'm sorry," you said, realizing he was right. Your assumptions were what got you into this mess. It was so easy for you to get lost in your own head sometimes. "I said things that I shouldn't have last night, and this morning you couldn't even look at me, and I—"
"Y/n," Harry said, effectively cutting you off. He took his sunglasses off, and you got a good look at his eyes for the first time since last night. They were red and watery, like he'd spent his entire run crying. Seeing him so upset made your heart squeeze with guilt. You didn't mean for all of this to happen, but you didn't know how to find your way out of it, either. "I hate that we fought last night. You're not the only one who said shitty things. I—I feel awful. I couldn't stand to see you so upset but I was still a little frustrated from last night and I didn't want the first thing I said to you this morning be something that would lead to another argument. I'm sorry that you thought I wanted you to leave. I don't."
"You promise?"
Harry stepped toward you again and this time you didn't step back, letting him take your face in his hands. "I know I got defensive and things got out of hand, but I heard you, and you were right. Not about the avoiding you part, but I...have been absent, and I'm sorry for that too. I just...you know I hate the cheating accusations. I would never cheat on you, Y/n. Ever."
You nodded, knowing he was right. Accusing Harry of cheating was a low blow, one you resorted to so he would hurt the way you did. He'd called you insecure and needy and that you weren't his mother and didn't need to report to you about his whereabouts all the time. It made your blood boil, seeing as all you wanted was to spend quality time with your boyfriend after so much time apart. So you went for the jugular. You hated yourself for using an insecurity he confided in you about against him, hated that it had its desired effect.
Nodding, you said, "B—But why have you been gone so much?" you asked. "I thought after the tour was over you would...be around more."
Harry took you by the hand and led you away from the door, taking your bag from you and tossing it away unceremoniously and muttering about you leaving being ridiculous. It made you giggle, which felt good after a night of feeling absolutely awful. You thought he was going to lead you to the couch, but he brought you over to the kitchen instead, taking you by surprise when he hoisted you up on the counter.
"I haven't cheated on you, I swear," Harry repeated. "I've been—I can't tell you what I've been doing, but I need you to trust that it's all been for a good reason. Have I ever given you a reason not to trust me, my love?"
You shook your head. Now you were dying to know what he was up to all the nights he stayed out late, but despite the argument last night, you trusted Harry.
"I don't like it when we fight," you said softly, playing with the pearl ring on his finger. "Can we agree to never do that again?"
Harry grinned before leaning forward to kiss you. Your arms immediately wrapped around his neck to hold him close. When he pulled back, he kissed the top of your head, then your cheek.
"I can't promise we'll never fight again, but I promise to fight and make up with you for the rest of my life. How's that sound?"
Your ears perked up, your thumb rubbing over his cheek. Both of you looked like wrecks, but you didn't want to run from him, and he wasn't running away from you, either. It was a bad night. Maybe there would be more, but Harry was right. If you had to argue every once in a while with someone, it might as well be him.
"You don't really think I'm needy, do you?" you asked. It was the last wrinkle you needed to smoothe over before everything was set to rights.
Harry shook his head, picking you up off the counter and heading for the stairs. "If anyone's needy in this relationship, it's me."
"I think it's safe to say we're both pretty dependent," you mused, enjoying being so close to him after a night apart. He was a little sweaty from his run, but you didn't mind. You just wanted to feel his body against yours.
He set you down in the master bathroom connected to your shared bedroom, turning the water on in the shower while you quickly got undressed and helped him out of his clothes. His chest was rising and falling rapidly as your fingers traced the hard planes of his stomach, admiring all the curves and ridges and smiling when goosebumps appeared under his skin.
Harry leaned down to kiss you, but you stopped him just before he could, placing your fingers over his lips. "I know you said it was for a good reason, and I believe you, but you—are you able to come home earlier? At least just a few days out of the week? I—I miss falling asleep next to you."
"Of course," he said. A look flashed across his face that you couldn't read, but it was gone before you could make sense of it, replaced by a cheeky grin as he pulled you into the shower with him.Trust me, by the time the day is over, you're gonna be sick of me."
Giddiness spread through your whole body, replacing every horrible and awful feeling that had lingered from the night before. With one hand on his chest, you pushed Harry up against the cool tile wall of the shower, reaching up on your toes to kiss him hard. The water made your bodies slippery, and the steam made you both a little breathless, but you didn't care, you just wanted to feel him, breathe him in deep, never let him go.
This secret Harry was keeping from you would most likely gnaw at the back of your mind until he eventually told you, but you would do your best to respect his wishes, to trust him like you said you did. Right now, you were content with the fact that despite the fight, he heard you, and you understood his side. That seemed like a good enough conclusion for you.
And maybe a little arguing wasn't so bad if each one ended just like this.
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indigovigilance · 8 months
The Final Fifteen is about Terry Pratchett's Death
read on Ao3
The final fifteen is obviously a major plot point, and serves a role in a story that was written long before Terry Pratchett was ever diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. But the scene itself wasn’t written until just a few years ago, during the writing of Season 2. In fact, the scene came about during a park bench conversation between Neil Gaiman and John Finnemore.
Others have noted that the non-romantic kiss that signals the story moving into the third act is a Neil Gaiman staple. The function of such a kiss, from Gaiman’s perspective, is to communicate.
In 2023 we are seeing a lot of stories written by men, for men, about men who are best friends and discover that their friendship can go deeper than the norms of society would usually allow; that platonic and romantic love are not so far apart, and perhaps the better word for a relationship that can be described this way is intimacy.
Neil Gaiman has made it clear in interviews that his friendship with Terry Pratchett was deeply intimate. They began collaborating on what would become Good Omens in the 1980’s, endured a tumultuous experience together through the first publication, wherein Neil offered to martyr himself on behalf of Terry if the book failed, and then spent the better part of two decades touring the world, meeting the people who loved their work. Neil would even off-handedly remark that Terry’s fans were so cheerful, and Neil’s seemed like they were ready to kill themselves; wouldn’t it be nice if they got married? From the outside, it looks very much as if Terry was Aziraphale-coded, and Neil was Crowley-coded, working together in an unexpected partnership to make the world a little bit more tolerable for the humans inhabiting it. I am not conjecturing that Neil and Terry had romantic inclinations the way their fictional characters do, but I think it is fair to say that their opposites-attract intimacy became an important part of who each of them were.
In 2007 Terry Pratchett was diagnosed with posterior cortical atrophy, a rare form of Alzheimer’s. As the disease progressed, he began to lose himself, and knew that the person he used to be was slipping away. He wanted to end his life on his own terms, and die as himself, but England did not and still does not allow for voluntary euthanasia or assisted suicide. He advocated for the right to die but never achieved it, and ultimately succumbed to the disease in 2015. Neil Gaiman has spoken a lot on the topic of death, and one answer of his that resonated with me reads:
Mostly it feels terrible. It even feels terrible when it’s someone who has been in a lot of pain for a long time or has not really been there for a long time and you know that Death has in some ways been a blessing: suddenly you are mourning the whole person. 
It doesn’t get easier as you age. It gets stranger. The point where you realise how many people you used to know and like who aren’t there any longer, and you cannot talk to them or see them or laugh with them is painful in a way that I had never expected. The first time that someone you had a romantic relationship with dies and you realise that there had been moments both of you shared and now you are the sole custodian of those moments and one day you will be gone and they will be lost forever is peculiarly strange and hard. 
The entire show is seeded with references to Terry Pratchett, but the most important one is the one that’s missing. Neil Gaiman cameoed as a sleeping moviegoer in S1E4, but a long time ago, he and Terry had discussed cameoing as sushi restaurant-goers, because sushi was weirdly prominent in the book. That cameo would have been in S1E1. But when it came time to do it, Neil couldn’t. Not without Terry. 
Neil: I was gonna say our location is a Chinese restaurant we’d had turned into a sushi restaurant. So Terry and I, Terry Pratchett and I, had a standing… not even a standing joke, just a standing plan, that we were going to have sushi - there was going to be a scene in Good Omens where sushi was eaten and we were gonna be extras, we were gonna sit in the background, eating sushi while it was done. And I was so looking forward to this and, so I wrote this scene with it being sushi, even though Terry was gone, with that in mind and I thought: Oh, I’ll sit and I’ll eat lots of sushi as an extra, this will be my scene as an extra, I’ll just be in the background. And then, on the day, or a couple of days before, I realized that I couldn’t do it.
Douglas: You never told me this before either. I might have pushed you into doing it, had I known. I think you were right not to tell me.
Neil: I was keeping it to me self ‘cause I was always like: Oh, maybe I’ll be… this will be my cameo. And then I couldn’t. I was just so sad, ‘cause Terry wasn’t there. And it was probably the day that I missed Terry the most of all of the filming - it was just this one scene ‘cause it was written for Terry and all of the sushi meals we’d ever had and all of the strange way that sushi ran through Good Omens.
In the Final Fifteen, it is clear that Crowley and Aziraphale want to stay together. They love each other. They each know that the other loves them. There’s nothing that needs to be said, no convincing that their bond is true and real and precious.
But Aziraphale has to go to Heaven, and Crowley cannot follow him there.
I cannot speculate what it must have been like for Neil to endure losing a friend who, though I’m sure he desperately wanted to still be in his life, he also knew that life had become a burden to him, and grieved that Terry was not able to choose the time and manner of his departure from this Earth. This sort of complex grief, we fan-ficcers know, is the kind that is often best processed through story-telling. 
I think that what we see Crowley going through in the Final Fifteen, alongside its importance to the story arc of Good Omens overall, is Neil processing his grief at losing his friend Terry Pratchett, and even the kiss, that violent, terrible, awful kiss, was the symbolic representation of Neil saying goodbye.
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wlntrsldler · 2 months
I keep imagining the first time Luke and Mr. D met after Luke's hickeys/scratches went viral
here is how i think that conversation played out (suggestive content ahead):
"shit, five star, your dad is calling me," luke mumbled, eyes wide as he looked down at his phone. "he never calls me."
connor snicked from his bunk in the tour bus, "well, given that the whole internet is talking about you right now after the show you gave them last night, i'm not surprised."
"ha!" travis exclaimed, sitting up on his bed. "put it on speaker. i wanna hear him yell at you."
you rolled your eyes, "he's not gonna yell at you."
luke turned to you with hopeful eyes, "you think so?"
"well, he's probably not gonna yell at you," you scrunched your face up, rethinking your words, "like 55% chance he won't yell at you."
"i don't like those odds, babe."
"answer the fucking phone, luke."
luke clicked the green button on his screen, chewing on the nail of his thumb. he rolled his eyes, pressing the speaker button as travis kept egging him on. chris and clarisse opened the privacy curtain of chris' bunk to listen in on the drama.
"hey, mr. d," luke cleared his throat, ignoring the quiet giggles from the boys when his voice cracked. "what's up?"
"is my daughter with you?"
"say no," you whispered. so you were wrong about the odds. your dad was 100% about to yell at luke and you selfishly didn't want to get your ass handed to you just yet. you were going to avoid your dad's calls for as long as possible.
"uhh... no?"
"oh jesus fucking christ," you sighed, smacking your palm against your forehead, "that was soooo convincing."
you heard your dad type on his laptop before shutting it. there was some background noise that subsided after you heard the shut of a door. it seemed like your dad went into his office to get some privacy.
"hey, kid," your dad said, no doubt addressing you now.
"hey, dad," you rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly, leaning down to speak into the mic of luke's phone. "how are you?"
"don't start with me," he said, "would it kill you both to not do whatever it is you do that results in those pictures? pictures that are all over the internet by the way!"
a snide remark was on the tip of luke's tongue, because yes, it would kill him to not do the things that resulted in the pink marks on his neck and the healing scratches on his back, but that didn't seem like the right response.
"dad, you never had an issue with them taking their shirts off during shows before. and luke has gone out on stage like that before."
luke cringed, remembering one too many instances where he'd gone out on stage with hickeys all over his neck. it felt like a lifetime ago now, as if ever since you walked into his life that past version of him was someone he didn't recognize anymore. he much preferred remembering the name of the girl who left him marked up, especially preferring that it was only you who did that to him.
"that was before he started dating my daughter!" he replied, "i don't want to know anything about your relationship, but i'm in an unfortunate situation where i happen to manage the career of your boyfriend's band so i have to deal with it sometimes. so for the love of god, please please, stop."
"i'm so sorry mr. d," luke mumbled, "i completely forgot about them and by the time i realized, it was too late."
you could practically see your dad pulling at his hair, a habit he had when he was in stressful or awkward situations. he didn't speak for a good thirty seconds and then he sighed, "just keep your goddamn shirt on."
luke gulped, "got it."
when your dad ended the call, the entire bus erupted in laughter, including you. luke's face was as red as a tomato as he groaned and buried his head in his pillow. your shoulders shook as you giggled, laying on top of him. he instantly turned his body to wrap his arms around you.
"that wasn't so bad," you cooed, running your fingers through his curls, "and that was a shit apology, baby. you were smug as hell on stage when people pointed out the scratches."
"i wasn't thinking of the consequences of my actions," he said, "i was caught up watching people connect the dots that my girlfriend is not only hot but a fucking animal in be--"
"okay, that's our cue," travis cut off, closing his curtain. connor followed his head, popping in his airpods. clarisse sent you a wink before she disappeared behind the curtain with chris.
"i'll stop leaving hickeys on you," you kissed his face, enjoying how flustered he got. "but i can't promise too much on the scratches."
"i'm gonna stop taking my shirt off at shows, i think," he mused, toying with the hem of the shirt you wore. "i don't think i can take another surprise call from your dad. i think it took years off my life."
"your fans will be highly disappointed," you teased, leaning over to his ear, "but if you're gonna keep your shirt on, does that mean hickeys on your abs is fair game?"
luke licked his lips, tugging on his own curtain to give you two some privacy, "absolutely."
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colourstreakgryffin · 4 months
hii! could u write headcanons of Alastor x Male (preferly) Overlord Reader who is the opposite of him? Rarely smiles, isn't very chatty and is rough? and since Alastor loves dancing and singing, maybe Reader is shy about it and doesn't like the way he dances and sings?
You know what! I am gonna kill two birds with one stone and make us an Ink Demon! Overlord. So, we’re basically like Baby Bendy from the second BATIM game. Don’t know it? Look it up. One side is harmless and adorable and the other side is monstrous and vicious— however. Here, it’ll just be causal demon form than evil demonic Ink Demon form! Anyway. Let’s goooo. I’ve been doing a lot of GN for Alastor, this time we got a man! I don’t know if you want us to be romantic, I am just gonna guess platonic
Alastor- Follow Me
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You look pretty cute and friendly. Black and white, cartoony, with adorable stereotypical demon features like arch-like horns and a long-thin tipped tail. Most importantly, your entire body is made of ink. Only your clothing is touchable, otherwise, your ‘skin’ is so soft, liquidity and stains anything it touches. For that reason and one more, you harden yourself up and avoid conversation
Alastor, the Radio Demon, is not a fan of making friends with men. He prefers women, they are just easier to talk to. However, you’re not as vile and unlikeable as most men with your personality is. You’re the strict, stern, responsible one of the Overlords, ordering the other Overlords to pay attention to Camilla Carmine
Alastor doesn’t know why but he finds you interesting
Your uncontrollable Ink Demon side is extremely violent and merciless so you had to develop a thick shell, in order to make sure nothing can make it trigger at random. It’s too much of a risk, hence why you behave in the way you do. It’s a self-defence mechanism and it’s a protection method to everybody else around too
Alastor doesn’t even care that you’re untouchable. He will touch you anyway, getting annoyed by the black ink forming your body in a in-fact, solid fashion, getting onto his sleeves or hand but he ignores it to converse with you
Alastor also ignores the gruff warnings you give out when he approaches you. That you’re dangerous and that the Ink Beast will try rip him to pieces if it’s let out. If anybody thinks Alastor would be scared of the Ink Demon, they have another thing coming. He’d actually like to face off this Ink Beast one day
It looks like, to every other Overlord, that Alastor is talking to a brick wall when he talks to you. Since you’re not responding not even looking at him, just focusing on Camilla and her statements with the most bland and rough expression, not a single hint of a grin. You’re the opposite of Alastor and yet, he’d like to befriend you
Alastor keeps trying and trying without even halting. He’s quite the persistent man and when he wants to befriend somebody, he won’t stop until he gets what he desires and at this moment, it’s to make friends with you, rather you shut him down and bark at him to stay away
Alastor finds your overall appearance cute. You look like you were drawn for a kids cartoon in the early 19th century. Possibly around his own time of the 1920s-1930s. You’re bendy and mendable, you defy all laws of logic and have cartoon physics on your side. You’re like if a kids cartoon demon tried to be a big bad mafia boss and ruled a part of Hell itself, and he isn’t filtered when it comes to this opinion. He straight up tells you all that
Alastor, overtime, ends up succeeding like the little I don’t take no for a answer brat he is in getting you to agree in joining him out to the Hazbin Hotel and accompanying him for a nice little tour. Throughout the tour, he notices that some music in the Lobby is blasting and without even hesitating, he drags you over to join him into a dance
“Come, my dear sir. Let us dance this tension away!” Alastor chimes out rather excited, immediately leading you into a half-messy dance performance with him as the head. You just stumble along, slightly gritting your fangs in discomfort but it won’t be acknowledged by Alastor in the slightest. All he cares about is putting a smile on your face
Alastor laughs warmly as you attempt to try keep up with him during this dance he had dragged you into. You’re clearly quite timid, not enjoying the way the Deer Overlord dances and sings but you either don’t care enough to shut him up or you are too kind to try shut him up
Alastor likes to tease you about your behaviour and your looks. He isn’t frightened or intimidated at all by your beast side and you’re too colourless and squishy to be scary, he does actually view you as a wonderful friend. Even whilst you’re cold and dismissive, he can get you to acknowledge him and be polite to him so it’s a win for Alastor in the end
It’s been a long time since Alastor got a male friend so he can be more crude and snarky with you, without actually needing to be sensitive, like with his women friends
“My good fellow. You don’t need to act so broody. Smile now, you’re safe and whatever you are worried about, it’s not going to do anything to you or me or anybody in this Hotel”
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bentwolioo · 1 year
Ok so why did Gerard wear the same costume for 6 shows???
Like a lot of people, I noticed the Aotearoa (NZ) & Australia tour drum head messages seemed to be about 9/11. The costume also tells a very specific story that lines up with this--and there was more to Melbourne Night 2 than Gerard deciding it was casual Friday. I'm gonna go through my personal interpretation and explain why I think MCR did this at the end of their tour. 
TLDR: This Is Not The End.
I will include image credits in the reblog since there are a lot!
AUCKLAND, March 11 2023
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Based on the skirt suit and drumhead ‘FIX FAX FUCK YOU’, Gerard is dressed as an office worker. For simplicity I will refer to the costume as the Secretary, I see it as both a character and a metaphor. Auckland establishes the monotony and repetition of daily life prior to 9/11, ‘FIX FAX FUCK YOU’ showing an attitude of boredom unaware of the events to come. 
BRISBANE 1, March 13 2023
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The main difference between Auckland and Brisbane 1 is the briefcase. This indicates the point in time--Auckland is the days before 9/11 and Brisbane 1 is the morning before the attacks begin. The secretary travels to work, thinking ‘Everything under Control’.
BRISBANE 2, March 14 2023
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The drumhead message ‘Here Comes the AIRPLANE’ marks this as minutes or even seconds before the towers are hit. Brisbane 2 is the first time Gerard wears the coat, representing everyone taking cover. 
MELBOURNE 1, March 16 2023
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I unfortunately could not find a good photo of Gerard wearing the coat from this show but you can see it on the floor behind him!
The Melbourne shows are as the towers collapse. Pretty straightforward from the Melbourne 1 drumhead ‘TERROR’. This show also had the only appearance of the umbrella, which I interpret as representing the rubble and destruction raining down. The umbrella is closed, showing the secretary is unprotected and ultimately killed when the towers fall. 
MELBOURNE 2, March 17 2023
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It seemed odd at first that Melb 2 was the only show that Gerard didn’t wear a costume for, but I actually believe he still did. This is the key to my interpretation: Gerard is dressed as himself witnessing the towers collapse, on his way to work at Cartoon Network. This the only show on the Oceania leg where they played Skylines and Turnstiles*, the song Gerard wrote immediately after 9/11. The drumhead ‘BARK BARK BARK’ makes you picture, a chained dog, representing the powerless horror of only being able to watch as the destruction unfolds--the deeply personal experience that drove Gerard to form MCR. 
SYDNEY 1, March 19 2023
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Blood!!!! At Sydney 1, we see the continuing aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. The secretary has died but keeps moving, picking up her briefcase and carrying on. This could be showing how a lot of people’s faith in the US government and in the world died, but life had to find a way to move on. 
SYDNEY 2, March 20 2023
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At Sydney 2, the addition of Gerard’s white contacts shows the Secretary decaying--but she has not stopped. Frank changed the drumhead message from ‘UNKILLABLE’ to ‘UNKILLABLES’, expanding the meaning from the context of his accident in Sydney to include the band, the fans, and on a wider level everything MCR represents. 
I think all of this is a metaphor for the band’s career in multiple ways. Firstly, the Secretary being undead of course reflects MCR’s return, and her zombified appearance aligns with the imagery of their new era (decay, swarm, the destroyed buildings of the stage set). Secondly, it is very interesting to me that they did this sequence of costumes and drumheads at the end of their headlining tour, rather that at the start. The story they told seems to imply a rebirth--MCR was ‘born’ out of the trauma, pain and confusion of 9/11, so the fact that they represented the start of the band on stage signifies a second beginning. 
(Thank you for reading to the end and if I got anything wrong please let me know!)
*EDIT 1 (23/03/23): They actually also played Skylines at Brisbane 2. I do think the position of Skylines in the Melb 2 set is still significant. They played it as the first encore song which mirrors it being the first MCR song and written shortly after 9/11.
EDIT 2 (30/03/23): So actually 8 shows of Secretary Gerard when you include Japan! Tokyo and Osaka analysis here
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ethereal-engene · 12 days
just one kiss | jaemin
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pairing: bf!jaemin x gn!reader
genre: fluff, slice-of-life, and humor // warnings: usage of cuss words & not proof-read
summary: jaemin tries to kiss you while his face is basically covered in Vaseline. // word count: 658
note: this is the video for reference/context of this fic!
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Jaemin is such an oddball but you love him either way
But even there are sometimes where you can’t help but question who he is
For instance right now where he walks into the room with the happiest smile
You turn around and are greeted with said happiest smiley face
Actually you find him so cute that you almost miss the way his nostrils are shining when the light hits it
Because you’re sitting near a lamp, when he comes in close to give you a kiss
His face just glimmers and you stop him before he gets any closer
Upon closer inspection and also swiping a finger on his face, it’s Vaseline 😭
And he doesn’t think that there’s anything wrong with that so he continues trying to place a kiss on your face
“Na Jaemin. If you think, I’m letting you kiss me with your face full of Vaseline, you’re wrong.”
“But babeeeeeee! It’s just one kiss and I put it on so you wouldn’t complain about my chapped lips. I’ll never forget how you put me on a kiss ban when my lips were chapped. That was the worst week of my life.”
Your head tilts back in laughter as you remember how you couldn’t do anything but focus on his chapped ass lips while he was talking about something
You just zoned out and ended up looking for some Vaseline as he talked.
After finding it, you handed it to him and he thought you were asking him to put it on you but before doing so, he was gonna give you a quick kiss but when going forward, he was stopped by your hand pressing against his chest
“Oh my poor baby, the Vaseline is for your lips actually. They’re so chapped and no way in hell are you kissing me with those lips.”
His eyes widen as he runs to the mirror to check and 💀 true to your words, they were
“You’re not gonna even let me have one kiss?? Isn’t that a bit too cruel? Depriving me of my energy supply and all??”
“Yep! In fact, you’re on a kiss ban until your lips get better. I promise you that no kisses for a while won’t kill you nana! You’re acting like we haven’t kissed in months while you’re on tour or something” a roll of your eyes follow the reply
End of flashback
You wave your finger back and forth in a no motion at him like a child
But Jaemin won’t give up on trying to give you at least one kiss before considering wiping off extra Vaseline
Oh no, this is a challenge and he wants to get at least one kiss in
And this is interesting because his attitude towards games don’t ever seem that appealing to him
So here he is still finding some sneaky way to get some Vaseline on your face
Like caging you in with his hands, hugging/holding you from behind, using his hands to squish your face and bring his in, and many more
To no avail, you’ve dodged all of them
In the end, he ends up almost giving up… he’s got one more trick up his sleeve
Right before going to bed, thinking that he’s wiped it all off or at least from the parts that don’t necessarily need it, he kisses you
“Na. Jaemin. You can’t be serious right now” all said with a hint of annoyance & some ounce of pride in him for not giving up
You smile and kiss him back. It was funny seeing him try so hard to give you a kiss all day
“You’re so lucky I love you Nana but I swear next time, imma find a tissue and wipe it all off.”
“You’re right, I’m so lucky but I’m also very lucky that I’m in love with you. Because who else would put up with my antics like you do?”
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Thank you so much for reading this! I just remembered I had this clip of him slathering Vaseline/lip balm on himself and couldn’t stop laughing 💀 I swear I hate him sometimes (affectionate)
If you enjoyed this, please consider leaving a note or reblog with tags and your favorite part about it! You can also send me a dm or an ask <33 they’re all appreciated as much as your support
signing off with love,
- ash
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lunamadhatter99 · 6 months
All for The Cameras
Chapter 3
Finnick Odair x Fem!reader
It's time. That's all I'm gonna say.
If you like it and want to be added to the tag list, comment here.
Have a good day, loves! ❤️
Chapter summary: the plan is in motion.
Chapter Warnings: prostitution, drug use (on the bad guy, but still),
Tag list.
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It's been a month since the talk with Plutarch... and I still can't believe it.
The rebellion is actually happening, district 13 still exists!
These are the thoughts that keep my mind sane. Plutarch said we need to be careful, he might have a plan... but we need people we can trust.
Of course.
I try to think of some people that would gladly help and that can be also trusted while I walk into the building Cal lives in. Unfortunately the rebellion hasn't properly started and I still have "duty" to do.
I take a deep breath as I enter the elevator and close my eyes for a moment, enough time for another person to enter with me. And I already know who this is.
"Finnick," I nod my head greeting him and open my eyes as the doors close.
"Sweetheart," he sends me one of his charming smile and nods his head too.
The ride to the last floor is pretty long and slow, it gives time for a small, awkward silence to fall for a while before Finnick speaks up.
"I heard... you know." He says, hands behind his back casually.
"Everybody knows apparently..." I sigh.
"Yeah... people can't stop talking about it. The talk of the town."
"If he wanted it to be a surprise, well, oops" I roll my eyes.
"He's been..." he pauses for a moment, shakes his head and looks up with an angry smile.
"What?" I press, "more possessive? More obsessed?"
"Yeah, since you left for the Victory tour he..." he starts, but I cut him off immediately.
"No, he's been like this since that day," I say, I feel him looking at me, but I don't have the heart of looking back.
"Do.... do you think he heard it?" He hesitantly asks, lowering his voice too, "there's no way he could've heard..."
"He must've. That's the only explanation." I tell him, lowering my own voice. "You chose the worse time of all."
"Well, I'm sorry... okay? I... wasn't thinking," he apologies.
"Clearly." I take another deep breath before speaking again, "you know sometimes I try to come out with as many way of killing him I can. Each of them ends up with me getting caught, because unfortunately he is who he is... but it helps."
"How many did you get last time?" He asks, a hint of an amused smile on his face.
"I think... uh... 6," I say, "oh no, 7... almost forgot about the spoon one."
He actually laughs and it helps me too, knowing that in the end we're on the same boat.
"I think... 13 would've been better." He says, he kind of emphasises the number. That makes my head turn to him, him already looking at me with a serious expression.
Could it be..?
So I dare ask.
"Did you talk to Plutarch?"
I see him opening his mouth to answer, but before anything could come out of it, the elevator's doors open and we are greeted by Cal himself ready with two glasses of wine.
"Welcome back, my lovelies." He cheers and he hands us the drinks, "finally all together. C'mon, c'mon."
As we enter his huge apartment I try to look at Finnick to get that answer, he does look at me, but I can't understand.
"Alright, let's sit for a bit, uh?" Cal lead us to his living room, motioning to a huge wooden table... with only two seats...
Cal take a seat and looks at us, expecting.
"Uhm... should I go get another seat or..?" Finnick tries to take it lightly, but one thing is worse than having to spend the night with Cal Kingslay... not knowing what Cal Kingslay has in store.
"Oh no need, c'mon Finnick sit." Cal tells him and Finnick obeys, looking at me confused.
"And.. what about me?" I ask, also trying to play it cool.
"Oh before you sit," Cal stands up to come up to me, it takes everything in me not to take a step back... or even run, "I got a little gift for you. It's in the bedroom."
"Aw.. that's sweet, but you really shouldn't have." I say, hoping he doesn't feel the tremble in my voice.
"We have to make up for lost time, sweetheart. Now go, then come back here." He instructs.
"Sure..." I fake smile at him, steal a quick glance at a tense Finnick and head to the bedroom.
The bedroom, just as huge, hosts a big round bed, a small couch in front of it and nothing much else. I notice a package on the bed, I go to open and find... of course...
I scoff as I look at the deep red lingerie set he bought me. I put it on, constantly rolling my eyes, the only act of defiance I can afford, I wear the matching rope and head back to the living room.
"Oh look at her!" Cal exclaims as I near, "I knew that was your color. Isn't she a beauty, Finnick?"
"Yes." Is all Finnick says, his eyes fixed on me with a loving, yet sad, expression in them.
Cal suddenly grabs my hand and pull me to him, making me sit in his lap.
"Alright, now let's chat a little." He says as his hands caress my thighs and sides, whatever he could touch, "I really want to know what happened on this tour."
"Well... nothing much, really. Usual tour... with two victors, but the usual," I laugh it off, putting my hands on Cal's in a poor attempt of keeping them steadier.
I look at Finnick, who's even more tense than before, eyes locked on Cal's hands on me.
"So nothing happened?" Cal presses, grip getting tighter, " nothing? Not even with Peeta Mellark?"
I actually laugh at that.
"With Peeta?" I ask, "why?"
"At the party, at the President's residence, the way he touched you..." he holds me tighter.
"He just wanted to dance, Cal... he's so in love with Katniss, he doesn't look at anyone else." I try to chuckle to make him see how absurd his assumptions are.
"Then why not ask any other woman there?" He keeps holding me.
I look at Finnick, who's ready to jump into action, but at the same time knows he can't do anything.
"Because he's shy." I say, "he might seem like an outgoing guy, but he's really not. He asked me probably because I'm his friend. " I try to stress the word 'friend' to make him understand.
"Yeah, I got to talk to him for a few minutes when they were in 4, he didn't talk much, only awkwardly smiled and let out just a few words." Finnick lies, and thanks to that Cal lets go a little, going back at caressing my thighs. I look at Finnick grateful and he slightly nods.
"You have a talent in making people feel at ease with you, don't you?" Cal compliments and rest his chin on my shoulder, "I really missed you. Did you miss me too?"
"Oh, but of course," I fake another smile as he starts to kiss my neck.
His kisses get more heated as he goes, I look everywhere except Finnick, I can't stand it, not after last time.
"Mmh, fuck," he breaths out, "you smell so good, my sweetness, let's go to the bedroom, shall we, lovelies?"
Cal doesn't give me any time to stand up, he picks me up and, bridal style, he takes me to the bedroom, followed by Finnick.
Cal gently puts me on the bed, goes and sits down on the small couch.
"Take your clothes of, Finnick, leave your underwear on," he instructs, getting comfortable on the couch.
Finnick does as he was told, standing only in his underwear. He's surely been working out while I was gone...
"I want you on your knees in front of her," Cal orders him, "and you, my precious princess, spread those legs for him, okay?"
Finnick comes kneel in front of me, I spread my legs to let him in, avoiding his eyes, that, I know are on me.
"Oh that's good." Cal praises, "now, touch her."
I softly gasp at feeling Finnick's hand on my thigh.
"Not too much, Finnick, you know the rules. No kissing unless I say so."
Finnick only nods and keeps on caressing my tigh bringing it a little closer so his face lightly touches it.
"Look at him, sweetheart, look at him,"
This is how these meetings usually go: Cal tells us how he wants to see us, what he wants us to do, sometimes he just likes to watch and sometimes he like to "play" too.
I don't know if he's so delusional to think we too enjoy this or he just loves control so much that he doesn't care at all.
That's how the "date" went, all night.
Cal enjoying his power over us, he particularly enjoyed teasing Finnick.
"How does it feel like? Knowing she'll never be yours?" He would ask. "You wouldn't be able to touch her if it wasn't for me," "You'll never see her unless I say so." And so on...
"I'll see you soon, my loves," Cal says, leading us back to the elevator, his hand in mine.
"It's never going to be too soon," Finnick's charming smile seems to convince him.
"Never," I agree as we're standing in front of the elevator.
Cal spins me around and kisses me. I'm so stunned, I don't even reciprocate until he squeezes my waist.
"I could never get enough of that," Cal humms, letting me go.
"Feeling's mutual," I say turning around, grateful for the doors to open in that moment.
"Bye bye" he waves and we do the same, keeping up our fake smiles until the doors finally close.
"Oh fuck..." I let out a sigh of relief and unconsciously lean against Finnick's taller frame, who gently wraps an arm around me.
"Feeling's mutual," Finnick says, sighing too.
"Okay... uh... listen," I start, pulling away from his embrace, "we do need to find a way to talk. This ride might be long, but it's not enough..."
"I know... I might have an idea, but you'll have to trust me," he tells me confidently.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Trust me, alright?"
I sigh, but nod.
"Main things... uh... did you talk to Plutarch then?"
"That I did, asked for my company, I thought he was one of the usual stuff, but thankfully it wasn't." He tells me, "you?"
"Same thing, do you know anyone else... knowing?" I ask.
"There are lots of victors who might be involved, but I can't say for sure..." he speaks quietly, "maybe Johanna..."
"Definitely believable," I comment, "you know, I think Haymitch too.. both him and Plutarch said the same exact thing to me and... it just makes sense."
"What about the lovebirds?" He says making quotations with his fingers as he says 'lovebirds'.
"I don't think so..." I shake my head, "Katniss is too focused on wanting to protect her family, to think of a rebellion."
"Alright... it's still a start, don't you think?" He smiles at me.
"Yeah..." I say bitterly.
"What's that tone?" He's concern now.
"Nothing... I just don't want to keep my hopes up, you know?" I look down at my hands, avoiding his eyes.
"Hey... C'mon, look at me, Y/n." He gently takes my hand and pulls me to him.
I reluctantly, but not so much, look up at him, at his reassuring eyes. Sometimes all I want to do is get lost in them and never find my way back, but it's a luxury I can't afford, not right now.
I shake my head turning away from him.
"Listen... I want to hope we might have a shot, okay? I really do... it's just hard after everything," I say, bouncing my leg.
"I know," he sighs, "but, I mean, we've been hoping this whole time... might as well keep it up."
"I guess..." I smile at him, losing myself again in his eyes, I see him leaning closer, but I stop him, I have to. "Don't."
"I'm sorry..." he awkwardly smiles, "don't push me away like this." He whispers, cautiously taking my hand again, "Please."
"We can't... uh... I don't feel the same way... and... you should..." I stutter out, focusing on our hands instead of his face.
"You know you can't like to me, I know you all too well, love," he chuckles and I shake my head.
"We can't," I say and luckily the doors open and I rush out leaving Finnick behind.
I walk as fast as I can to the car, hoping to get home faster so I can freely cry and scream.
Once I get home I jump on my bed, burying my face in the pillows and just let everything out.
Of all people... why him? Love is so unfair...
No... no, not love... this is not love... I'm not in love with him and he is not in love with me.
That was just a trauma response... yes... yes. Nothing more.
He can't actually love me. If he actually did he could get killed because of it... but if it's not actual love, he's safe... yeah, yeah, he's safe. Nothing to worry about...
This is all I think about as I cry myself to sleep.
"You said what?" I almost yell at Plutarch, almost because I don't want to risk being heard.
"He has to trust me. I can't just say 'leave her alone people will forget about her', can I?" Plutarch sighs, pouring whiskey into my glass, which I gladly take.
"I guess not," I let out a sigh, tapping nervously my glass, "what if you're right, though? What if they actually arrive to hate her so much to kill her themselves?"
"Do you think that would happen?" He asks, knowing already my answer.
"No..." I sit back down, "no, sorry, I'm just... scared shitless, alright?"
He nods understanding.
"I need to ask you one thing, miss L/n, and I need you to be honest," He says and I nod for him to ask away, "do you trust me?"
I look at him properly, trying to see if in his eyes there's even a tiny bit of malice.
"I do." I say.
"Good. There will be some things you shouldn't know, not because you might get caught, but because some things will require a genuine reaction from you," he explains with a serious tone.
"I understand." I nod, "Yeah, no problem. I just hope I would be able to help despite Cal" I say his name with a disgusted noise.
"We'll deal with that too," he reassures me with a small smile.
"Thanks," I say drinking some whiskey, "this thing will never happen too soon."
"I know,"
"May I ask... why do you trust me?" I ask, "I mean, to everyone's eyes I'm Snow's protégé... why do you trust me?"
"Haymitch Abernathy doesn't just trust anyone." Is his simple answer, "I'm sure you know that."
I nod, satisfied with the answer.
"They will send more peacekeepers to 12 tomorrow." He tells me.
"Yeah? I'm sure they're eager to start with the punishments" I comment bitterly.
"Katniss won't just stand there and watch." I warn him.
"I know," he says confidently.
I scan his face, he's not worried about it, he's certain and confident as if he planned it.
"You hope she does something," I accuse.
"Haymitch was right about you," he lightly chuckles, "you are smart."
"Don't change the subject, Heavensbee. This is an opportunity, isn't it?" I ask again, he nods, "if Katniss is the fighter I know she is... you'll get your opportunity."
"We'll get our opportunity," he corrects me raising his glass and I do the same.
"I hope you're right about this rebellion, Heavensbee. I really hope." I say and take a sip of whiskey.
And Katniss did something, indeed. It helped that her best friend was the one getting punished. The fact that both Haymitch and Peeta intervened was even better apparently, according to Plutarch. This is one of the parts of the plan I can't know apparently, but he seemed confident so I trust him...
We're all depending on that.
"We'll finally be able to talk tonight," Finnick whispers to me as we stand in the elevator.
"How?" I ask, confused about what he has in mind.
He smiles and shows me what's inside a little bag he brought. A bottle of wine.
"You're gonna drug him?" I ask shocked.
"A tiny bit," he chuckles, "he'll also need to eat this," he shows me a small box of chocolates, "the drug will activate with both, the wine alone is ineffective."
"Yeah... because not drinking would feel suspicious, but we never eats so if we say no to the chocolate... no problem at all," I reason, "genius."
"I have my moments," he smiles proudly and I return the smile.
"I thought..." he clears his voice, "I thought we could also talk about... us?"
"Finnick..." I warn.
"We would have time..." he insists.
"There's no us, okay? Stop it." I sternly say.
"Keeo telling yourself that," he whispers.
From there the ride is silent until we arrive at Cal's apartment.
"Good evening, loves!" He greets us as usual, "how are my favourite people?"
"A little tired, you know, Snow wanted me to check some old records" I lie, not completely I really am tired, but of him.
"I'm actually fresh as a flower," Finnick starts, "I actually would like to celebrate,"
"Oh really?" Cal asks and grabs my hand to pull me to him.
"Yeah, I found this old bottle of fine wine in my home and I thought 'what better time to drink it if not with Cal Kingslay?', you know?" He takes the bottle out and soon after the box.
"And that?" Cal's intrigued.
"Oh this is a special gift for you, to thank you for your generosity," Finnick's ability to lie and charm him leave me stunned everytime.
"Aw that's sweet of you," Cal takes both the bottle and the box, "we'll share the box, loves."
"Oh, Cal, I'm sorry, but I'll have to gently decline, I ate so much today. Maybe later, okay?" I use the sweetest voice I can as he puts the objects on the table. I try to ignore how Finnick's jaw tense when I do this.
"Whatever you say, princess, as long as you say my name like that..." he turns to me wrapping both arms around my waist to pull me completely against his body.
"Alright, big guy," I try to nonchalantly pull away from him, "let's toast, shall we?"
"Of course!" Cal exclaims, taking the bottle and sending a grateful nod at Finnick. He goes to pour three glasses, "to what should we toast?"
"How about the Quartel Quell?" Finnick asks as he takes the glass from Cal's hand.
"Love that!" Cal cheers handing me a glass too, "here, princess."
"Thank you, Cal," I say, using his name again for good measure and he grins at that.
"To the third Quarter Quell!" Cal raises his glass and we quickly follow.
One each of us took a sip of wine, Finnick goes to open the box, offering it to Cal.
"Oh so kind," Cal smirks, "you don't mind if I take two, do you?"
"Oh, but of course not, take as many as you want," Finnick gives him his usual charming smile as Cal takes two chocolates.
"You know I love sweets," Cal says putting both candy in his mouth, "mmh! So good!"
"Old recipe," Finnick explains.
I watch the scene, tense, I hope Finnick's plan works...
Not even moment later, Cal goes to sit holding his head.
"Hey, something wrong?" I fake concern.
"No... no I'm good," Cal tries to stand up again, but apparently his legs can't hold him up.
"Alright, let's get you to bed. Maybe you're just a little more tired than you think," I say, he let me help him to bed.
"Fuck..." he groans, once he's laying down, "I was really in the mood,"
"Don't worry, rest a bit, and if you feel like it later... we're here," I reassure him, but actually hoping he won't.
"Thank you, my love," he says drifting off to sleep.
I cautiously walks back out of the room and back to Finnick.
He looks at me with expectation written all over his face.
"He's asleep," I whisper, with the biggest smile.
"Yes!" He whisper-shouts.
"God... I wish we could do it every single time," I sigh relieved.
"Unfortunately he would get suspicious, but it's a nice dream," Finnick agrees.
"How much time do you think we have?" I ask sitting with him at the table.
"About... 2 hour and a half... maybe more since he took two chocolates," he explains.
"That's great... this might mean we wouldn't even have to do anything at all..." I chuckle and Finnick does too.
"Alright..." he lowers his voice, "I'm pretty sure, a very good part of the Victors are part of this thing"
"Well, Haymitch for sure... but I don't think he will let Katniss and Peeta know anything," I tell him.
"Why not?" He asks frowning.
"Katniss is basically supervised everywhere she goes... it would be too risky..." I explain simply, "do you know what happened today?"
"New Peacemakers arrived in 12," I start, "Plutarch suggested more severe punishments,"
"What? Why?" Finnick almost exclaims, there's a deeper frown on his face now.
"It's a way to let himself in, Snow will never trust him otherwise." I sigh, "it sucks, I know. If Snow grows suspicious, we're fucked."
"I know," he sounds defeated.
"But the thing is," I start again, "this, according to Plutarch, created a perfect opportunity. He was so confident today when I saw him leaving a meeting with Snow, I think the plan is in motion."
" I can't fucking believe," he genuinely smiles, "it's really happening... and I mean, can you believe 13 is still alive?"
"I know!" I exclaim in a whisper, I wish I could just shout it sometimes, "it's crazy."
"You know... for the first time I saw some hope in Mags and not just defeat."
I smile at that, I know how important Mags is for him. When I was assigned to assisting district 4's mentors, Mags was always so kind to us... treating us like family.
"That's really nice to hear," I softly say, gently putting a hand on top of his.
He waits a moment before covering my hand with his other one, stroking it gently. I really should pull away, but this gentle, genuine touch is something I haven't felt in a long time. I look up, Finnick's already looking my way with a soft smile.
"You know, I can't wait." He says.
"For..." I clear my voice, "for what?"
"Finally kiss you." He simply states.
"Finnick... for the millionth time..."
"You don't feel the same... yeah, yeah, yeah." He interrupts me, standing up and taking me with him, "you can lie to yourself, but not to me. What I feel for you is-"
"Is not real." It's my turn to interrupt him.
"Oh yeah? Why's that?" He challenges.
"Oh god..." I let out a frustrated sigh, "it's just trauma response, okay? You don't love me, Finn. And I don't love you."
"Okay... so... why didn't you pull away yet and you're letting me, basically, cuddle you?" He challenges again, this actually makes me notice how close we are and how his hands are gently caressing and massaging my body.
I instantly pull away, earning a small laugh from him.
"You really need to stop it," I say, to convince myself, rather than him.
"But you're just so beautiful," he smirks, but it not like Cal's smirk... it's playful, he's not making me uncomfortable, he's just teasing, I know that if he actually made me uncomfortable he would stop right away.
"Alright, stop it." I can't help but let out a chuckle.
"You don't believe yourself either... C'mon." He walks closer to me, "dance with me."
"There's not music and I don't think putting something on will help our case with the sleeping beauty," I remind him.
"Just dance with me, c'mon, love," he holds his hand out for me to take and I do. I let him pull me to him and slowly moving to an imaginary rhythm.
He holds me to me him with so much care I could just melt here and now. I have to admit, it does feel nice.
I just keep reminding myself that it's not love, but two people comforting each other... right?
As I let Finnick lead, my mind can't help but go to next week event... the announcement of the third Quarter Quell... and my engagement.
I try to shake away the thought and focus on Finnick's body close to mine, how his taller frame is not imposing or constricting, but protective.
I try to focus on the fact that Plutarch's plan is probably going to work... hope.
All I focus about: hope and Finnick.
I'm afraid the two aren't so different for me.
The crowd is cheering like never before.
It's the announcement of the third Quarter Quell, after all.
I watch Snow taking his place in front of all Capitol's citizens, I sit with the rest of 'Capitol's elite' in the back, waiting for the big theme of this year's games.
I can't help but slightly bounce my leg, knowing what's coming after that.
"Are you okay, my sweetness?" Cal's voice startles me, I almost forgot he was next to me.
"Yeah," I force out a smile, "just excited to discover the theme of this year,"
"Plutarch didn't tell you?" He asks taken aback, "I thought he wanted you as an assistant, maybe he didn't have the chance yet... I hope I didn't ruin any surprise,"
"Oh, don't worry, Cal," I say, "I'll try to act surprised."
He smiles at me and I now try to contain my excitement, real excitement. Plutarch did find a way of creating chances for me to stay away from Cal.
"Ladies and Gentlemen," Snow starts and my attention is back on him, "This is the 75th year of the Hunger Games" he announces and che crowd cheers and screams, "and it was written in the charter of the Games that every 25 years, there would be a Quarter Quell to keep fresh for each new generation the memory of those who died in the uprising against The Capitol. Each Quarter Quell is distinguished by Games of a special significance. And now on this, the 75th anniversary of pur defeat of the rebellion, we celebrate the third Quarter Quell..." as the crowd cheers again, Snow takes out a chard, "... as a reminder that even the strongest cannot overcome the power of the Capitol."
"On this, the third Quarter Quell Games, the male and female Tributes"
I don't like this...
"Are to be reaped from the existing pool of Victors in each district."
I can't help my shocked expression, what...? I try to look for Plutarch, but I can't see him.
"Victors shall present themselves on Reaping Day, regardless of age, state of health or situation."
This is the last place I want to be right now, i can't even listen to any more words from the President's mouth.
I don't even know what to think... if this is Plutarch's idea, I really don't know what he thinks he would get from it...
Oh god...
Finnick said a good part of the Victors are part of this rebellion... maybe that's what Plutarch has in mind.
I snap back at the present when I feel Cal's hand touching mine.
"And now," Snow's voice completely grounds be back, "our very own, Cal Kingslay, would like to say a few words,"
Cal stands up and joins Snow at the front.
"Thank you, president. It's an honour being here today, to celebrate this very special third Quarter Quell," the crowd applauses, "and... I want to thank every single person here today for the support they showed after my father's passing. So I thought to share the following moment with you all,"
My chest tightens, my heart is pounding inside so much it feel like it's about to explode... and I would be glad if it happened.
"There's one person, who's always being there for me... she's the one who always knows hot to make me smile, I only need to think of her and I'm suddenly a lot better... that is why..."
He turns around and walks towards me, my eyes are wide open. I try to make it seems like I'm excited and not absolutely terrified.
He comes in fron of me and goes down on one knee.
"Shit.." I breath out. He nervously smile as he takes something from his jacket.
The interaction would've felt like a very sweet moment... in other circumstances.
"So, Y/n L/n would you give me the honour of becoming my wife?" He asks, opening a small box revealing a silver ring with a stone embedded.
He looks at me and I look at Snow, who's looking at me with a look I know all too well.
"Do it or there would be consequences."
I look back at Cal and move my hand to make him stand, I don't think I would be able to speak without betraying myself, so... I kiss him.
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thatfuckinjester · 2 months
The Countdown
TW: self hate, slef isolation, harmful thoughts, believing that one's gonna die
there's always been a countdown in his head, since he could remember himself, at first phantom thought that it was the countdown until he would get on someone's nerves too much and wouldn't be able to protect himself.
then he got summoned.
phantom was so sure that that's it, he got released from the timeless countdown. until the first sibling told him about the plans to send him back.
the thing about the topside is, time is different, it isn't liquidy, every second counts. and every second did in fact, was counted.
and then it got to 354600 seconds.
or 5760 minutes.
or 96 hours.
just 4 days.
that was when they got back to the ministry, that's when phantom knew that this time, this countdown is final for him.
his room was empty, it only had a bed that he barely had time to sleep in and a half empty closet, the blinds in the window above his bed were wide open, through which orange rays of sunlight came in and he could see the sunset in all its beauty.
phantom hated how much he loved it.
he left his bag next to his already locked shut door and looked at the sunset a bit more. It was so disgustingly beautiful.
he slammed the blinds closed, couldn't bare the sight of the sky anymore.
he sat down on his bed and sighed before he fell on his back and looked at the celling tiredly.
the tour is over. his life topside ended with it.
at least it seemed like papa would give him a few days to mourn the stars he won't see again.
'would they even miss me?' he thought as he sat up on the bed. 'no, of course not. aether will be back soon, why would they need me?' he, or maybe it was just that little voice in his mind, said back.
and he sighed as he closed his eyes, trying to imagine how it would feel like to be nothing again.
his dreams were full of stars, and maybe that's why he missed the bearly heard knock on his door.
or maybe phantom lost himself between the stars.
when he woke up, panic possessing his every sense, he didn't know what the time was, just the sense of a new day.
and in those last 259,200 seconds,
those last 4,320 minutes,
those last 72 hours,
those last 3 days, it started to drip, like two clouds that the wind had carried towards each other. like blood from nose.
like phantom's own tears.
it's not like he wasn't already panicked about that, phantom remembers how draining it was to be summoned, he knows how horrible it was. he knows that he won't survive being sent back, that it'll kill him.
he has had way too many panic attacks about it, curled into the tiniest, tightest, saddest little ball in his bunk, his tail wrapped around his middle in some sort of self soothing and the blanket swallowing him whole, sobbing onto his fist, the tears staining his face while the pack sat together, doing whatever, either actually not hearing him or pretending not to.
but that was while he was on tour. while the countdown didn't feel that close, didn't really had a set date, just time that always changed. but now... now it was different. now he only has four more days.
the numbers are so vivid in his mind, phantom thinks it's nicer to count in seconds, four days are way too little, in hours the numbers are double-digit, in minutes they're double of that.
but the seconds are much more, even if they ran down faster. it gives some sort of comfort, like it gives him more time.
not like it helps really, he still paincks, especially when he opens his phone.
he hates it, that little stupid device, the light always annoys him, he never really understood how to use it, nobody truly cared to teach him, they didn't want to talk to him face to face, why would they bother to even send a text?
his hands trembling while he held his phone, it could have been just because he's cold, he's always cold lately it already became comforting, or maybe it's the pain in his, well everything, he doesn't really know, or cares enough about it, he's already doomed anyways, it doesn't really matter if he suffers a bit too.
tapping twice on the screen to light it up, squinting at the too bright light, phantom doesn't even know why he's doing it.
it didn't matter, nothing really matters anymore. nobody cares about him, aether is coming back, he isn't needed. and aurora...
maybe it's just stupid, maybe it's just for his own comfort, maybe it was because she asked him to say goodbye, maybe it was for a whole nother reason. maybe.
he still opened her chat, few messages that she sent him, unread for unknown time, the time didn't truly have any more meaning, just those last few days.
'be okay'
'you promised.'
he doesn't even know what she's asking, he isn't okay, she knows he doesn't like this stupid phone... maybe she grew tired of him too, maybe she sent them all just to feel better about staying when he can't.
just as he was about to turn it off another message popped up.
'you know how much you mean to us, talk to me? please'
and it all rushed to the front, he typed, regreted it, threw the phone away, his heart beating way too fast, his breathing stuttering until the sob forced itself out of his throat.
phantom cried himself to sleep, not knowing, or caring ,if he actually pressed send to those two words.
it has felt like they were burnt to his skin now, just two simple words that hold way too much weight, just 'i don't'.
he didn't hear the knock that night too, maybe he never will.
phantom woke up because he couldn't breathe.
all he had left are 172800 seconds,
2880 minutes,
48 hours,
just 2 days.
phantom was on the floor, his head hurts, his chest rising and falling way too fast, legs tangled in his blanket, everything felt upside down.
his face felt dirty, skin itching, hair falling onto his eyes, he could feel his blood in his veins, hear his heartbeat in his ears. maybe he's going crazy, maybe it's just panic that he never truly felt until now, that his time is almost up.
phantom kept laying on the floor.
there's no reason to get up, no reason to even open his eyes, he is doomed anyways, it doesn't really matter if he opens his eyes or no.
and maybe, if he won't move, won't blink, won't breath he will die before they'll drag him out, before he'll be sent back, just to be a little more productive, papa always was nice to him, he shouldn't waste energy for sending him back if phantom can just... be gone by his own body.
and maybe, if he dies on the topside he will turn into stardust. maybe he will be great if that will be his fate.
so he just lays thete, swallowing any and all sobs that threaten to escape. his heartbeat never actually slowing down, his tears always reappearing, his panic is now engraved in his bones.
this night he doesn't miss the first knock, not the second or the third, one after the other.
he just ignores them, it's just his brain playing tricks on him.
he hasn't slept.
86400 seemed like a big number, but it was just seconds, they pass faster than a blink.
1440 was also a big number, if it wasn't minutes phantom would have felt better with it.
24 wasn't a big number, it was also the age that he died as a human, he didn't like that number at all.
just 1 last day.
phantom's face felt sticky, or maybe he was still crying, he couldn't really tell when he was crying or not anymore.
his legs hurt, like he was walking on shuttered glass, even though he wasn't walking at all.
his hands were shaking, he looked at them, holding them up to his face before letting them fall back to his sides, letting them shake.
phantom doesn't remember much from his time as a human being, and maybe it's better this way, but he wished that human him didn't feel the same way he does on the day he died.
61200 seconds,
1020 minutes,
just 17 hours.
maybe he shouldn't do nothing today, but he couldn't bring himself to get up, his body was aching, it knew that this is it, that's the end, there isn't much time at all.
maybe he should cry some more, sob, yell, he only has 54000 seconds,
900 minutes,
15 hours left.
maybe he should panic, he's going to die, he knows for a fact that he won't survive being sent back, he bearly survived being summoned.
phantom doesn't feel anything, just letting the pain in his body embrace him completely.
the floor was warm beneath him, maybe all of his body heat sipped onto it, he closed his eyes. not sleeping, but not awake. just letting his last seconds, minutes, hours, his last fucking day, slip away from him.
7200 seconds,
120 minutes,
2 hours.
it doesn't feel real.
maybe he's scared, he's pretty sure he let go of all of his feelings though, as a defense mechanism against, well, death.
the seconds ticked by, taking away minutes with them and phantom stood up. slowly, using the wall to support him as his whole body shaked from he doesn't even know or cares to know. his head felt like it was floating before he blinked a few times, clearing his vision a bit.
stumbling out of his room in the dead of night, while everyone else is asleep feels like a crime, something that he'll be punished for, but he's already getting punished for existing so it's okay.
the cold air hit his face like a slap, or maybe getting iced water thrown at him, and suddenly he felt awake, not quite alive but halfway there, he won't allow himself to feel alive so close to his death.
just 3600 seconds,
60 minutes,
one last hour.
he was walking slowly, he knew that, but it was raining and his body, legs especially, were aching and screaming at him to not walk at all, he was scared that he'll fall.
he only had more 3120 seconds, 52 minutes, when he reached the old tree that he saw from his (not his anymore) bedroom window, he doesn't know why he was looking for this tree specifically, there was just something comforting about it.
phantom leaned against the tree, letting his quintessence sip into it until he could feel every branch, every leaf, every one of the tree's roots.
he felt like his body was melting into it before he slowly say down, letting his head lay against the wet tree.
oh, he let out a sad, unaudible, laugh as he realized how little he actually had left.
1320 seconds, 22 minutes.
he doesn't truly knows what's going to happen when the time's up. maybe they're looking for him right now, maybe that's when they'll find him. maybe that's when his body and quintessence will give up on him.
he just looks at the stars for now, silent tears falling down his face, a laugh bubbling in his chest, it's not a funny situation but he just wants to laugh at it all.
and as he looks at the stars, he can see the pack's faces in between them, he blinks and they're gone.
and maybe it's okay, he realizes, maybe it's okay if he'll never see the pack again.
if he and aurora will never cross paths again.
if he and swiss won't ever make eye contact again.
if he and dewdrop won't ever look at the same star again.
if he and rain won't ever be in the same room again.
if he and mountain won't ever breath at the same time again.
if he and cumulus won't ever sit at the same table again.
if he and cirrus won't ever look at the same thing again.
if papa won't ever smile at him again.
if he will never meet sunshine, aether and omega.
it's okay if he was never part of the pack, he isn't so sure that he wants to be part of it anymore.
phantom loses himself between the stars.
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total-dxmure · 1 year
“so what’s it gonna take silver shadow believer…?”
most, if not all, of my fics will include detailed smut, so minors do not interact! this is my masterlist of series and oneshots. see something that piques your interest? give it a read! please make sure to read the warnings at the beginning of each fic to make sure you aren’t triggered by any of its contents.
i support and stand with palestine. in no way do i show any affiliation with neil druckmann or his zionistic views. if you are a newer fan of ellie williams or abby anderson and have stumbled across fanfics or edits on tiktok, please do not buy the games. watch playthroughs, ask to see if a friend already owns the games or pirate them. please do not buy the recently released remastered version of part II.
requests are currently open, but make sure to read my guidelines before sending something!
→ 【ellie williams’ fics】
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you’re a single mom just doing the best that she can to make ends meet. ellie can’t help but think that you're the kindest, most beautiful girl that she’s ever met. compared to taking care of a little girl that's in her terrible twos, coming to terms with the fact that you’re a lesbian is a walk in the park. awkward first encounters, ellie’s broken gay-dar, and her overwhelming urge to take care of the care-giver. . . the road to domesticity is a long one, but it’s well worth the pining that it takes to get there. 
total word count: 17.1k
the marines didn’t ruin ellie. ellie ruined ellie. after being medically discharged she feels lost. being sent to live with joel is more of a last ditch effort to save her and less of a fun reunion for the father-daughter duo. jackson is worlds different than chicago, but the fresh air and sprawling countrysides are a welcome reprieve. ellie finds herself finding comfort in more than just the change in scenery though. after losing your girlfriend due to an accident you feel as though you’ll never find love again- but that was before meeting ellie williams. the two of you figure out that you have more in common than just the fact that she and your girlfriend were both marines though. tethered by some invisible string, the two of you meeting has to be fate. who would have known that you were the golden ticket to ellie’s recovery?
total word count: 13.8k
your guitarist was carted off to rehab after just one month into your recent tour. fuck. there’s only one thing you can do, and that’s hire a replacement. your band thinks it’s going to be nearly impossible to find someone that is on the same level of talent as your “beloved” guitarist. you don’t have high hopes that anyone can nail the songs quite like he did either, if you’re being brutally honest. enter ellie- she’s a mega fan. the girl knows every lyric and note like the back of her hand. . . and everything about you, which isn’t creepy at all. her apparent obsession with you is something that you and your tour manager can overlook if it means carrying on with the rest of the tour. forced proximity with a stalker-level fan . . . what’s the worst thing that could happen?
total word count: 4.6k
“… spock rocker with your dirty eyes.”
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kindestofkings · 5 months
elijah hewson x pop singer! reader
authors note: reader is matty healy's lil sister cause I loovvvee connecting my two fav bands.
ENJOY THIS EVERYONEEE, happy holidays <33
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liked by charli_xcx and others
yourusername thank you thank you THANK YOU everyone for all the love and support over this album !! it was the product of heartbreak but now its the thing bringing me all the joys <33 tour continues next week cant wait to see all you sexy beings :))
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yourfan1 where is the deluxe version of the deluxe version?? i need it now
yourfan2 thank u for giving us this 
charli_xcx the QUEEN of pop
yourusername are you kidding?? have you seen yourself?
denise_welch so so proud of you my darling girl !
yourusername mumma<333
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liked by trumanblack and others
denise_welch my eldest and my youngest. having a fab time on our summer holidays 💕💕
tagged: trumanblack and yourusername
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bedfordanes75 yourusername you look rightly fed up
yourusername is it that obvious?? rass75 what were you arguing about trumanblack think this was just after she told me to stop using the word meta yourusername literally no need to hear its so much, what is meta in mallocra matthew ?? trumanblack who needs to say slay so much? sorry for having a developed vocabulary denise_welch kids... yourusername sorry mum trumanblack sorry mum
1975fan1 i love that they are normal siblings even tho they're killing it in the music industry
yourusername posted on their story!
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my mother and my mother?? confused but continue
bedfordanes75 charli is v upset she thought she was mother ↳ I can explain..... taylorswift hahha stop it shes the best! can't wait for you to join us on tour 🕺 yourfan1 I love you all
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liked by yourfan1 and others
ynfanupdates guys omg I was just at the 1975 gig with my sister and yn was their special guest😭😭😭 best. day. EVER.
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1975fan1 I died when matty said its annoying being the least talented singer in the family
ynfanupdates did he lie tho she sounded inCREDIBLE, had the whole place hoppin
yourfan1 omg what did she sing??
1975fan1 she sang cruel summer coming out and then she sang she lays down with matty! usually the boys leave the stage when they have a special guest but they all stayed and played for her it was ADORBS ynfanupdates one thing the boys of the 1975 are gonna be is overly proud of yourusername
yourusername thank you so much for all the love guys I was SO NERVOUS lol
ynfanupdates omg hiii no we would have NEVER KNOWN, you were so good yourusername 💕💕
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername the 1975 family you really know how to make a girl feel welcome ! thank you for singing so loudly and embracing your inner pop girlie with me. sorry big bro for making you cry and getting all the talent in the family 😬
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trumanblack oi I just did a nice thing dont come for me
yourusername sorry cant hear you through all your tears?? what did you say? rass75 how did we end up with the uncool healy? trumanblack mate youre meant to be MY bestfriend
1975fan1 fav sibling duo
inhalerfan1 oh hello eli in the likes??
inhalerfan2 I ALWAYS notice him omg imagine they dated
denis_welch proud as always watching you two doing what you do best never gets old!
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
yourusername like paris in 45' 🕺😏
city of love has me feeling all kinds of things, would I lose my job if I wrote songs about being in love instead of heartbreak??
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yourfan1 MOTHER id listen to anything you release
inhalerfan1 not the inhaler lyric and discussions of LOVE
inhalerfan2 being delulu and obsessing over how hot of a couple yn and eli would be inhalerfan1 girl me toooo yourfan2 she's never this secretive of boyfriends tho inhalerfan2 shusshhhh
bedfordanes75 we have a WHOLE song called paris that you could've used....
taylorswift me too :(( trumanblack she's too busy fancying bonos son to care yourusername im gonna kill you charli_xcx ratty youre an idiot
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername not me curating the most perfect of perfect soft launches for my IDIOT brother to ruin it all. well I tell you I wont let a manchild who writes quotes about crappy coffee and boys ruin this for me ! you dont know who that is got it? GOT IT?
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bedfordanes75 life's too short to drink crappy coffee ☕️☕️ rass75 and cry over boys 😭😭🙍🏻‍♂️ yourusername who dont care 🤷‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅🏻‍♀️💅 1975fan ahahahhahahahah boom roasted
bobbyskeetz he clearly doesnt know how scary you are over this subject...
yourusername !!!!!
inhalerfan1 I am so so happy right not
yourusername and why miss inhaler fan would that be?? I suggest you reread that caption hmmhmm inhalerfan1 truly terrifying but im sorry the third picture is my proof yourusername i give up it was just too cute to leave out
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bbcradio we had the fabulous yn healy come visit us in in the bbc live lounge ! Follow the link in our bio to see this pop queen's cover of jeff buckley's lover, you should've come over 🥹
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername had SO MUCH FUN !!
inhalerfan1 respecting your soft launch mother but this has me gagged teehee
yourfan1 I beg of you to release this on spotify its a NEED
bobbyskeetz huh interesting song choice
ryanmacmahon_15 wonder if theres a deeper meaning to this selection joshjenkinson_ theres someone who kinda looks like him, isnt there? yourusername I dont know what you're implying... who even are you three???? inhalerfan1 heheh not you pretending not to know them while following all three of them
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liked by ynfan1 and others
deuxmoi theres a hot new couple on the block
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ynfan1 I hate this account so much like respect their privacy
inhalerfan1 holy fuck it's true then
inhalerfan2 wow are we gonna talk about that letter
ynfan2 who do you think wrote it ? inhalerfan1 its giving Eli vibes to me ynfan3 could not be theirs ...
yninhalerstan why is no one talking about the contents of the letter?!?! man literally wrote you fill my head with sweetness and you fill my head with YOU
inhalerfan1 sleeping on the motorway tonight ynfan1 I am sooo single it hurts
bobbyskeetz stay out of it like
yourusername damn having my very own alexa chung moment rn
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername to answer the burning question: yes we met at the daycare for nepobabies 😏
also the last pic is for the nosey bastards at deuxmoi !
tagged: elijahhewson
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elijahhewson still waiting for my love letter...
yourusername alri I dont know if I can be the alex to your alexa, what about a few love songs? elijahhewson yeah guess that'll do yourusername get ready pretty boy inhalerfan1 PRETTY BOY ynfan1 damn we lost her
bobbyskeetz THANK GOD this has been awful to keep in
ynfan2 damnn can believe I lost the love of my life to an irish boy
yourusername a very pretty irish boy that makes me v happy, does that help or make it worse? ynfan2 really 😭😭 really 😭😭 happy for you 😭😭
inhalerfan2 nepobaby²!!
trumanblack you promised me you wouldn't date until you were at least 35..
yourusername 👁👄👁 we're just friends..
denis_welch both so gorgeous! great to see you so happy
ynfan2 damn he makes her happy 😭 😭
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yourusername surprise! my next album fuck, I'm in love is gonna be yours next month <33
cause im in a giving mood I thought I'd give you a look at the covers AND the a sneak peak at the tracklist mwah xx
1. lover 2. mastermind 3. nonsense 4. the archer 5. dress 6. gorgeous 7. bad for business 8. false god 9. good in bed 10. your power
(please listen even tho they're happy )
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yourusername also big shout out to bedfordanes and miss xcx for help with the production xxx
bedfordanes sick songs but also so very disturbing that the littlest healy is thinking like this charli_xcx such a baby ! songs are just as hot as you girl 🔥🔥
inhalerfan1 those song titles...
ynfan1 oh MY GOD good in bed ?? LOVER is this a dont listen around your parents album??
yourusername well tracks 3,4 and 9 are off limits for my brother and mum if that tells you anything ynfan1 mwhahahha miss girl you're iconic
ryanmcmahon_15 oh he's gonna be unbearable after this
joshjenkinson_ like he isn't already bad enough he's dating one of the biggest popstars rn inhalerfan1 lol eli in his wag era elijahhewson and proud of it 💅💅
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liked by ynfan1 and others
ynfanupdates BEST DAY EVERRRR guys I got invited to yn's secret show in london tonight and it was the best thing to ever happen to me 😭 it was such an intimate show with only a handful of fans there and she sang the entire new album. also her brother matty came on and played guitar for your power, which had me SOBBING
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ynfan1 wow im sooo envious was it just fans?
ynfanupdates no it was like for all her friends and family ! ynfan1 sooooo was he there? ynfanupdates who do you think shes smiling to?? he was ofc there and the rest of inhaler
ynfan2 what are the songs like ? can you remember any lyrics??
ynfanupdates not really I was so in the moment and I'm gonna gatekeep them cause you will enjoy them more next friday! ynfanupdates but ill tell you what she said before the archer! said that it was written about her brother (matty) and how since she's always looked up to him, and she can't believe that he isn't more assured in himself or something ynfan2 ahhh I cannot wait
inhalerfan1 what was your favourite??
ynfanupdates soooo hard to choose but i think gorgeous or mastermind ! she was so clearly happy singing them <3
yourusername I too cry at the sight of my brother I dont blame you ! thank you for coming and thank you thank you for not leaking any lyrics <33
ynfanupdates my pleasure 💕💕💕💕
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername wow releasing an album just before silly season was HECTIC. but I wouldnt change it for the world! thank you for all the love for fuck, im in love the first couple shows have been INSANE.
got up to some other fun aswell as doing shows, I mean it is silly season after all !
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taylorswift tis the damn season !
elijahhewson fuck that first pic..
yourusername yeah? im too busy looking at the hottie in the second pic... bobbyskeetz you both make me SICK trumanblack agreed you should both break up rn yourusername as IF you weren't the one throwing a hissy fit over the fact he's not coming for christmas
joshjennkinson_ seems like an unfair pic to choose ...
ryanmcmahon_15 done so dirty yourusername but you all look soooo tall!
denis_welch can't wait to have you back for christmas !! enjoy Ireland first
yourusername me too! I'll be home on the 23rd :)) inhalerfan1 ahh shes going to eli's!!
yourusername just added to their story!
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trumanblack and why in gods name do you always us this pic
↳ yourusername its the definition of socially awkwardness hahaha
bobbyskeetz get ready for the worst hangover ever afterwards
↳ yourusername terrified on multiple levels
elijahhewson hahahha you've met them so much it's grand
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liked by trumanblack and others
yourusername if im just a girl how am I now a homeowner??
another amazing thing to finish of this AMAZING year 💘
comments have been limited
trumanblack STOP GROWING UP
denis_welch I agree with matthew
elijahhewson woohoo homeowners next step dogowners ?
yourusername we have not got it in us to be parents in any capacity babyyy elijahhewson :((((
Check out part two here xxx
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strniohoeee · 7 months
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N travels to the US for the triplets tour, and what happens when Matt takes a little extra liking to her, and invites her beyond backstage.This is for a request I got asking for an international reader having some fun backstage with Matt😏
Warnings⚠️: This is SMUT. I mean I think there’s smacking like one time. Other than that it’s POUNDTOWNNNNNN
Song for the imagine: Backstage Passes- EST Gee, Jack Harlow
Read part 2 here🫶🏽
⚠️This is an 18+ imagine, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
These girls will do anything for some backstage passes
Yeah lights, camera, action
I had flown into the US for the triplets tour because I loved them so much, and simply couldn’t pass on this offer. I was so sad they weren’t touring international, but I was so fortunate to be able to go to the US for them.
I had arrived to the states, and had two days to kill before the tour. This was easy I went shopping, out to eat and just chilled in my hotel room.
The day of the tour I was up and out early, so I could get a good spot on the line. I had seen that many people were waiting hours to get in, and I didn’t want to be that person.
I had pre show small talk meet and greet, pre show photo op, and I had backstage passes. I mean I loved these guys so fucking much I had to interact with them at any cost
I waited a good two hours before we got in for the small talk, and when it was my turn I was so nervous and excited!!
I first met Nick. I ran over to him, and gave him a hug
“Hii, how are you?” He asked giving me a hug
“I’m good! How are you?” I asked him
“I’m good thank you” he said
We took pictures together and chatted before I moved onto Chris, and it was the same with him picture videos and chatting.
It was now my turn to say hi to Matt, and this is who I was the most nervous for because I was team Matt, and he looked so fucking good today
“Hi! So nice to see you” he said giving me a hug
“Hii! It’s so good to see you! How are you?” I asked him
“I’m good! How are you?” He asked me
“I’m good! I’m rooting for team blue” I told him flaunting off my blue outfit
“I see that! We’re gonna win tonight baby” he said, but my head lingered on him saying baby….
“I have backstage passes, so I’ll be there to congratulate you when you win” I said to him
“Oh yeah?” He responded giving me a smirk, am I going crazy, or is Matt being flirty with me????
“You already know!” I told him
That interaction ended, and then we did the photo op, and we waited for the show to start which took a few hours of waiting, so I snacked and drank some water
After the show was over, and Chris had won I was devastated. Matt had this in the bag, but he fumbled horribly. Tril came out to perform, and then by 9:30 they were calling everyone for backstage to get on line. I waited on this line while they did the after show photo op.
I was the third and final group. I was so nervous and excited, and I just couldn’t wait to see Matt again so we can talk about him losing
I had met Chris and then Nick. We chatted and took pictures together, and even filmed a few tik toks. Finally I was the last person to talk to Matt
“So good to see you again” he said before giving me a hug
“So great to see you. You had that in the bag I thought you would’ve won” I said to him as he signed my stuff
“Man, I know! I was so so close” he said shaking his head
“Maybe next time? I could be your partner next time, and we’ll win” I told him
“Oh with you on my team. Id be winning in every aspect” HES FUCKING FLIRTING HE IS
“Is that so?” I asked with a flirty ring to my tone
“Very much so. You in another body con dress…on my side. Yeah I’d be winning” he said winking
The wink? The fucking wink?? I know I’m not going crazy.
At this point the security was telling everyone that there was two more minutes before it was over.
Matt went over to speak to the security guards, and they nodded while looking at me.
“Hey so stay at the back of the line, I want to chat with you a little longer” Matt told me
“Oh okay sure!” I said super excited. Its not everyday that a fan gets to stay extra long backstage with their celebrity crush
Everyone had left, and they shut the door before I walked out.
“Hey follow me” Matt said as he started to walk to another door that led to another long corridor
I followed him till we got to an extra room. I assume it was for any of their guests that came to this venue
Matt had locked the door. Something I took note of
“Take a seat” he said gesturing to the couch in the corner
I sat down, and he sat next to me. Not too far, but not too close either
“So…” I said trying to break the silence
“What would you do for backstage passes” he suddenly blurted out
“Ummm pay for them?” I said laughing
“No. I mean like if you couldn’t buy them, and all you could do was bribe your way in…what would you do” he asked me now completely turned towards me
“I’d do just about anything” I told him
“Would you suck a dick” he said
“Matt….where’s this going?” I asked getting a little uncomfortable
“Would you suck a dick for backstage passes” he asked again
“I mean it depends” I told him
“Depends on?” He said prying
“Depends on who they are, and if I find them hot” I told him
“So would you suck my dick, would you fuck me for more backstage passes?” He asked licking his lips
“Matt that’s….I don’t know” I told him looking down
“Well look at me. I’m powerful, I’m hot it’s not everyday I’m asking a girl this question” he said standing up
“I…” I simply could not form an answer
“What if I said you had to suck my dick.” He responded now standing in front of me
“Why would I have to suck your dick?” I asked looking up at him
“Because I’m in charge, and I said so” he told me
“And if I Don't want to” I said back
“Then there’s the door” he said moving and waiting for me to get up, but my feet weren’t moving
“Exactly my point. You want to” he said now standing in front of me again
“I never said that” I told him back
“So then leave” he said pointing to the door
“No” I told him, honestly my mouth was moving fast than brain
“So then stop talking, and use that mouth of yours to suck my cock” he said. My mouth dropped. I was genuinely shocked by his vulgarness. This was not Matt
Within a few seconds my hands were on his waistband and I was tugging his pants down allowing his dick to spring upwards
Am I really about to suck thee Matt Sturniolos dick?? God what has my life come to, and I never want this to end
“You in that tight dress hugging your every curve has made me so fucking horny” he said petting my face
“Now suck” he said lightly smacking my face
My mouth opened and immediately I took his dick into my mouth. Allowing him to slide all the way to the back of my throat before I gagged
“Fuck” he said inhaling sharply
I pulled back, licking the tip and sucking harshly before going back down. Jerking whatever wasn’t in my mouth with my right hand
I had to take a second to get my breathing back, so I slowly started to stroke his dick.
“You look so hot with your mascara running down your face, and your lips all swollen” he said looking down at me
“You look so hot like that with your dick in my hand” I said looking up at him through my lashes
“Do you wanna fuck?” He asked
“Yes” I said looking up at him and licking my lips
“Good cause so do I” he said lifting me up and placing me on the table that was in the room
He started kissing my neck and down to my collar bone
“I don’t kiss, I hope you understand” he said looking at me
“Tuh. But you fuck and get your dick sucked?” I asked rolling my eyes
“Yeah cause I’m in charge. I say what goes” he said looking at me sternly
“Yeah whatever you say” I said back to him smugly
He slid my dress up and moved my underwear to the side
“So fucking wet” he said slowly rubbing my clit
“Fuck Matt” I said sighing and throwing my head back a little bit
He started to jerk his own dick before slowly inserting himself into me.
“Fuckkkk” I said now completely throwing my head back
“Ready?” He asked me grabbing onto my hips
“Yes please” I said propping myself on my elbows
Without a second thought he immediately started to point into me ruthlessly. Hitting my g spot in all the right ways
“Fuck you take me so well, doll” he moaned out
“Fuck matt keep going….HARDER” I yelled out to him
Matt gripped my hips harder and started to slam into me at an ungodly pace. Anybody walking by would hear skin and moans, and this table creaking under us
“Fuck just like that” I said with my brows furrowed
Matt was relentlessly thrusting into me. Moaning and groaning every single second
“Oh goddddd” I moaned out letting my jaw fall slack
“Fuck keep clenching on me, and I’m going to cum” he said pounding into me which caused me to clench down on him again
Matt picked up his shirt and put into his mouth biting on it before grabbing my thighs and pushing them back a little bit, so he could screw me at a new deeper angle
This caused me to fall back and grip the edge of the table for support
“Fuck fuck fuck oh my goddddd” I moaned out completely loosing my mind
He let one leg fall down and used that hand to start rubbing at my clit
“Shitttttt” I said picking my head up to look at him
“I’m gonna cum I’m gonna cum” I said clenching down on him. This made him rub my clit harder and faster
“FUCKKKKKK” I screamed out before I came all over his cock. Shaking and trembling and speaking gibberish. This was the best orgasm I’ve ever had
He let me calm down before pulling out and jerking himself off. It took about thirty seconds before his mount went slack, allowing the shirt to fall from between his teeth
“Fuckkkk” he said as he came on my lower abdomen. Shaking and convulsing
Once we both came down from our high he picked his pants back up, and walked over to grab some napkins before wiping me clean
“How sweet…cleaning me up” I said to him as he finished wiping me off
“I usually try to keep my cum sluts nice and pampered” he said before walking to the trash to throw out the napkin
“God you have a way with words” I said hopping off the table and sliding my dress down again
“What can I say?” He said smugly
He helped me gather my things before deciding which one of us would leave the room first.
I decided to leave first.
“Bye Matt. I guess I’ll see you at the next tour” I told him giving him a kiss on the cheek
“Yeah. I hope to see you on the next tour. So we can do this again and again” he said kissing me on the cheek
“Still no kiss?” I said half joking
“I told you I don’t kiss, but maybe next time” he said giving me a flirty smile
“See you then!” I said and turned to the door. He smacked my ass before opening the door for me
“I’ll see you around” he said nodding his head
The End
Hiiiiii I hope you guys enjoyed this one💋. For the person that requested this I pray to the lord above I didn’t disappoint ❤️❤️ I got so many more stories coming for yall 😁😁
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jakescaravel · 8 months
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x reader
Word count: 2,935
Warnings: 18+ (MDNI!!) Smut: choking, gagging, touching, domination, spit (I think that's mostly it, just don't read this if you don't want to read straight up smut 👍)
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Summary: You'll do anything for Jake, anything he wants.
You had had nothing to do for 3 days. Months of touring on-end with your boyfriend over in an instant. You were sure the boredom would kill you and today was the worst day so far. All the shopping was done, there were no more household chores to do, and everything was boring. You craved life on the road. The spontaneity. And Jake felt the exact same way.
With the tiredness from the trip finally catching up, you and Jake hadn't even done it since getting back, so the tension was powerful and you were starving for each other.
Most of the day had already been wasted with Jake lazily strumming away at his guitar and you sleeping in until 4pm. You had awoken to an empty bed and the wanting of having him so badly that you threw on your sluttiest pair of panties and just a thin tank top, ready to play your favorite game.
You had sauntered down the stairs and into the kitchen to pour yourself some coffee but with more sinister intentions in mind.
“Oh shit good morning to you baby.” He called from across the room putting down his guitar to walk closer.
You barely look in his direction as you continue to fill up your cup. He scoffs wearing a ‘what the fuck’ kind of face, but still, you ignore him and continue up the stairs.
He could have followed you, pinned you down and taken you right there but he knew what game you were trying to play and he was ready to play it right back.
The day continued like this, you walking around showing off what you weren’t giving him, and his annoyance growing by the minute. At one point you laid next to him on the couch with your ass up and fully exposed pretending to read a book. He knew you were faking, it was soo obvious.
A few hours later you hear Jake getting up from the couch downstairs. You know he can hear you whining and moaning with your hand between your thighs. You even left the door unlocked and wide open so when he slips up the stairs he sees you right away. You make eye contact with him, showing him your best innocent face as you continue to push your fingers deep inside you. He raises his eyebrows and crosses his arms. He looks mad. Its sexy as fuck.
“Okay I see what's going on.” He takes a step closer moving like a predator stalking its prey. “I bet you think your whole game is real fucking funny right? I could hear your pathetic moans from all the way downstairs. You know I was working. I couldn’t concentrate at all. I have deadlines, assignments, things I have to do, I have a real job.” Jake stares for a moment, his gaze lingering on where your hand meets your cunt. “That looks like it feels good baby, but we both know what you really want, what would feel even better.”
He takes a careful step closer placing his hands on the mattress. You never break eye contact staring up at him with your best doe eyes. 
“Those aren’t gonna work on me princess.” He spits out the name like an insult and leans forward on the bed. “Tell me why I shouldn’t go over there right now and slip my cock down your throat, shut you up and get some work done, maybe even teach you a lesson.”
He sees the way your eyes light up at the idea. You’ve been waiting for this. 
“Yeah, I know that's what you want, baby. Want me to shove my cock that’s been throbbing all day because of you in that pretty little mouth huh? You wanna taste me?” He smirks.
Before you can answer Jake lunges forward and grabs you by the legs pulling you and spinning you so that your head hangs off the end of the bed facing the ceiling. He forcefully undoes his belt buckle and slides his jeans all the way down exposing his already hard cock throbbing in his boxers. He quickly rids himself of those and his cock springs free, perfectly at your eye level. He brings himself closer and taps the head on your face. You can feel its weight and warmth, pulsing on your skin.
You’re giddy with excitement ready to be completely at Jake’s mercy allowing him to do whatever he pleases, allowing him to use you. You reach out your tongue searching for him and he lines himself up.
“Alright pretty girl, you think you can take me?” You nod impatiently. 
Jake slowly inches his cock in, hitting the back of your throat testing your gag reflex. “Relax your throat for me love… yeah that’s it… fuckkk, you feel fucking fantastic.” His voice moves slowly as he presses the base flush against your face. You gag around him but he stays completely still and presses himself in even harder. The shaky breath he lets out fills up the whole room going straight to your core.
You wish you could see his face, see his eyes shut in concentration, his furrowed brow and his parted lips and beads of sweat forming on his forehead. At least you could hear him, no matter how quiet he tried to be.
Jake uses his hands to secure your head and hold you there as he begins to slowly pump his cock in and out of your soft mouth. “Fuckk you feel so good baby.” His words laced with need have you clenching around nothing, aching for his touch, the denial of that possibly being the real punishment.
Every sliding movement against your tongue earns a low rumbling groan from him. His delicate sounds are like music to your ears, even the softest whimpers he tries to hide, you can hear and by this point you are absolutely soaked.
“Fu…ckk.” His eyes roll to the back of his head. If it were up to him, he’d have you like this everyday, all laid out for him, eager to please.
You hum against his cock, addicted to his praise and hungry for more. The vibration from your mouth elicits a hiss from him. The sensation, the aching feeling between your thighs grows stronger and stronger and drips down your leg. He can see how wet you are, it turns him on even more, and you can feel his dick twitch down your throat.
Tears are starting to form and the uncomfort is detected but possibly irrelevant when you’re this desperate to make him feel good, to gain his approval. Plus you loved to play this game, teasing him even though it’s teasing that got you here in the first place, but you can’t help yourself. And you like to remind him that he doesn’t have as much control as he likes to think. 
You swallow around him and feel his whole body tremble. You gag a little as he begins to pick up the pace and the sounds coming from your wet mouth are impossibly dirty. The spit moving around dripping down the sides of your face spurs him on as he starts to fuck you rougher. 
“Fuck, fu… ckkk.” His voice sounds lost and far away. He's completely in his own world overcome by pleasure but he’s never too far gone to put your needs first when you tap his leg asking for a break. When he pulls out, you both watch the string of saliva connecting from your mouth to the tip. He grabs his cock running it along your bottom lip. You take the opportunity to lick a thin stripe from the base to the head, drawing small circles with your tongue.
“Look at you, so needy with your legs spread for me. You look so fucking sexy like this, just laid out more than happy to have my cock down your throat. In fact you’d do anything for it right? Beg for it?” You nod slowly looking into his perfect half lidded eyes. You practically whimper at the sight of his devilish smirk and lustful glare.
“Yeah that’s what I thought.” He laughs to himself as he brings his hand to your mouth. You open up presenting your tongue to him and he slides his fingers to the back of your throat. You gag around them and watch his grin grow wider. He spreads his fingers along your tongue, opening your mouth for him. He replaces his fingers with his cock and pushes himself deeper than before letting out an airy moan. 
Finally, he snakes his hand down to touch you. When his calloused fingers pinch at your nipple, rolling the bud around, your entire body lifts off the bed. You let out a loud groan at the feeling, the vibration hitting him as he releases a moan of his own. He cups both of your tits in his hands squeezing slightly using them as leverage for an extra hard thrust.
Just the feeling of his skin touching yours sets your body on fire, and the anticipation for what's to come has you aching. 
Jake trails one of his hands down your stomach getting closer and closer to where you need him most but pulling away at the last second. You hear his laugh when he deprives you of what he knows you want. He brings his hand up to grab your neck instead. He squeezes around the outline of his dick in your throat and mutters something you can’t hear.
This visual is one you can only imagine in your wildest dreams. You laid out on the bed with Jake’s hand constricting the throat that's filled with him. Him fucking your face as you just lay there taking him, completely at his mercy. Fuck.
You find yourself somewhat jealous that Jake gets to see it and you make a mental note to let him film it next time. 
“Can you feel me here baby, way down your throat? Shit… you’re doing so good. Feels… fucking amazing. So deep... wet.”
His praise lights a fire in your belly and you hum again around him once more. You can feel the air leaving your lungs but the feeling is delicious. He applies the perfect amount of pressure with his hand and you can feel him filling you up from every angle. The discomfort is almost non existent when you get drunk on the need to please him like this, and his moans of approval have you already halfway there.
His other hand weaves through your hair holding it tight as he picks up the pace a little. You can tell he’s close by the way soft grunts flow out of him turning to breathy whimpers with every thrust. Suddenly the hunger to make him cum and to feel it shooting down your throat overtakes you and you moan around his length, swallowing and humming, just to get a reaction. He doesn’t disappoint when the most beautiful whimper falls from his lips. He sounds so needy and so far gone and fucked out.
You clench your thighs together desperate for any type of friction but he leans down and pulls them roughly apart. 
“No no no, you don’t get to do that. You get off when I. decide. you do.” He emphasizes each word with a thrust and the tears are starting to fall now. The wet sounds coming from you are ungodly and you spread your legs wider allowing him full view. You knew he was staring. Either at that or your exposed chest, but god you want so badly for him to touch you. Getting impatient, you move your legs around in protest.
“I know what you want, baby, you just gotta wait for it. It was your choice to walk around like a whore all day, you asked for it.”
You roll your eyes, thankful for a moment he can’t see them. You reach behind to touch him, any part of him. You drag your dull nails across his bare leg running them up and down.
“Stop that.'' He grabs hold of your arms, pinning them to your sides as he leans over you. He’s a mess of moans as he starts to fuck your face even harder. A breathy “fuck” falls from his lips. 
You swallow around him again. “You’re evil.” He laughs slightly, the laugh turning into a whine.
He pauses for a second and pulls out slightly. He takes his time in dragging the tip of his cock across your tongue. The bit of precum tastes salty just like the tears he wipes away before delivering a quick kiss to your lips.
“You’re so perfect. You look fucking beautiful.”
Funny how Jake could make your heart swell one moment after having his cock buried down your throat. 
What he does next surprises you. He holds his hand in a cup next to your face.
The simple command sends a shiver down your spine and you would do anything he told you, so you lean over and allow the spit you’ve been holding in to trail down your lips into his hand. You should be embarrassed at the amount but you can’t be when he says in a raspy whisper, “Good girl.”
You wait in anticipation for his next move as he brings the spit covered hand to fist along the length of his cock, slowly pumping up and down. You wonder if this is what it looks like when he’s alone. Eyes closed, mouth parted and brows pinched together, probably thinking of you, thinking of having you like this. The thought drives you crazy. 
He moves his hand off his cock and reaches it down to cup over you allowing yourself to grind against him. Your hips involuntarily buck up into his touch and you can’t help the sounds that escape your lips.
Jake moves his fingers to draw slow circles around your clit and you let out the most beautiful moan he’s ever heard. Your whole body is electric by his touch, moving along with his fingers, chasing the feeling. 
“Slow down baby girl, let me do it.” Jake guides his cock back in your mouth and continues his slow but steady rhythm with his hand, he never falters.
The sensation, the feelings of pleasure are starting to wash over you like a tall wave, ready to drag you under. He starts to move his rough fingers with more purpose pulling you closer and closer. Jake leans forward to slide 2 fingers in while grinding the palm of his hand into your clit. The mix of the slight stinging stretch and light touch of his palm are bringing you dangerously close to the edge. He's right with you, his movements becoming less calculated and his moans sporadic. 
The word fuck falls out of his lips like a mantra, mixed in with your name. 
Jake’s voice is almost at a whisper as he says, “please y/n… fuck.. y/n please please…. fuckkk.”
Hearing your name whined into the sex filled air brings you closer as you start to lose your own composure. Your pleasure drapes over you and you feel your entire body start to shake as he curls his fingers up into you and pushes down with his palm. His hand moves in and out of you with uncalculated speed as your arousal starts to coat his fingers and the pressure builds up threatening to snap. 
Three words, “I’m gonna cum” and he’s unraveling, shooting his warm release down your throat as you happily swallow it all up. That’s all it took, just one taste of him and you were coming undone yourself.
Your moans start to fill the room as you shake and contort, the pleasure overcoming you. He fucks into you faster as the oversensitivity becomes too much and your writhing under his touch. He pulls his dick out just in time for you to say, “Jakey baby.. fuck its too much.”
You jerk up and close your legs around his hand as he continues to work you through it. Your whole body shakes even after he removes his hand licking it clean. “You taste so sweet, I’m gonna get hard again.” 
You can barely make out his words as you lay there for a moment in your post-orgasm haze, trying to gain the strength to sit up. One final shiver makes its way through your body and you rise and turn to face him. His eyes stare into yours as you watch him clean the remaining cum off his fingers while wearing the proudest smirk. He looks behind you, eyes widening. 
“Holy shit the sheets are so soaked. Like actually fully wet babe.” You turn around and look at the evidence painting the light colored sheets a slightly darker shade. You both giggle at the sight, unable to control yourselves.
Jake leans down and plants a gentle kiss to your lips in complete contrast to his actions moments before. He offers you his hand to stand up and when you do, everything is a little dizzy. He helps hold you centered and looks at your face with another stupid grin. He turns you to face the mirror and what you see is hardly surprising. 
Your mascara runs down your face in two perfect lines and the saliva almost coats your entire chin. It's almost laughable really, at least Jake seems to think so. You elbow him in the ribs and roll your eyes. “Oh shut up.”
“Come on, I'll draw us a bath lover.” 
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wrrrenff · 3 months
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Obey Me Angst Mammon, Levi, Lucifer, Diavolo (brief mention) Synopsis: Your are suddenly transported to this strange place called the Devildom. You don't know what's going on. These people, no... demons, seem ok but are you okay? You HAVE to stay here and be part of the exchange program? This sudden change is really spiking your anxiety and send you into a full panic attack in front of these men. Trigger Warning: Anxiety, Angst, Panic Attack, Mentions of Dying/Death
Still new with writing angst but i wanted to give it another go. This is my interpretation of what the beginning of the game would actually be like for an MC who isn't so immediately accepting of what's happening lol
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"Mc, from now on you will be living in the House of Lamentation. you'll be staying with Lucifer and his six younger brothers. Humans, angels, demons, I imagine a universe where each accepts the other. Where we are brought together as friends. This is my dream and I'm asking you to be the foundation for it. One year, that's what I ask of you. Good luck MC"
Before you knew it you were being pulled along by the white haired man, no, demon. I think they said his name was Mammon. His touch burned. Your head was spinning. You couldn't breath. You're supposed to be okay with being forced into this situation? Living amongst a species that wants to eat you? You were able to keep your cool a bit better back in the council room, but now that it's just you and this single demon, the reality of your situation really hits
Mammon was too busy trying to get you back to HoL and get the house tour over with to even notice your breathing quicken. Once inside the HoL, Mammon stopped you at the base of the staircase and without looking back at you, started explaining where everything was. "Downstairs on the right is the kitchen and your room. On the other side is my room and Be..."
You couldn't focus on anything coming out of his mouth. Your breaths where staring to get shallow, heartbeat racing so much your chest was starting to ache. The room felt like it was spinning. Mammon's hand is still latched on to your wrist and he still hasn't noticed your change in demeanor. Too deep in your spiraling, you don't notice a blue haired man demon appear at the top of the staircase. Before he can introduce himself, he immediately noticed the state you were in. "Uh Mammon, what did you do to the human?" Mammon looks confused. "C'mon Levi. Why'd you assume I did-" He finally turns to look at you.
"Oh shit. MC? Can you hear me?" Though he doesn't let it show, Mammon is in full blown panic mode. He instantly recognizes what's happening. He's very familiar with panic attacks ever since he and his brothers where cast into the devildom. His face gets serious and he starts taking action. "Levi, get me some water and meet me in their room." Levi gets flustered at the commands but Mammon is too focused on moving you to the bedroom to even care.
You're still out of it. You don't even realize the grip on your wrist has loosened and there is now a supportive hand on your back rubbing circles. You feel sick, like you're gonna die. Hell, if you don't have a heart attack right now you might actually die at the hands of these demons anyways. Why did you have to be the one picked to do this? Why was your luck so bad that you had to be thrusted into this like a lamb surrounded by hungry wolves? You will probably be dead by the end of the night. The brothers and Diavolo seemed nice enough before but what if that was all an act? Play nice and sweet for the scared little human so they trust us and then pounce. And if when they kill you how would they do it? You hoped for quick and painless but some of them seemed like the torturing type. Suddenly you feel someone touching your face. it brings you back to reality just a little. Was he wiping tears away? You were crying?
Mammon had just sat you both on your bed and wiped some of the tears out of your eyes. He see's you recognize him for a moment. "MC, try to breathe for me okay?" He gently grabs one of your hands and puts it on his chest. "Try to match my breath." He breathes nice and slowly. He notices you struggling to keep rhythm but keeps encouraging you regardless. With his other hand he texts his brothers and lets them know what's happening, hoping the extra support and reassurance from them will help calm the human down. Soon after, Levi returns from the kitchen with a tall glass of water and a box of tissues and sets them on the nightstand. He then crouches on the side of the bed and starts lightly rubbing your arm with a circling motion. "H-hey, you're MC r-right?"
You register a second voice and turn to acknowledge it. Oh, it's the blue haired boy from earlier. You nod so subtly Levi almost missed it. "I'm Levi. I brought you a drink. Do you want to take a s-sip?" You look at the glass for a moment. What if they put something in it to make it easier for them to kill you... You look back to the boys, concern and distrust washes over your face. It hurts, but the brothers understand. If they were you, they'd probably feel that same. Mammon is the first to speak again. "Will it make you feel better if one of us takes a sip first?" They both see a slight bit of guilt show on your face before you nod yes.
With no hesitation Mammon takes a big gulp. Seeing the demon so willingly drink had convinced you to take a sip. The brothers sighed quietly in relief that you were starting to come around. "Good girl. That's it." Mammon says encouragingly. The hand holding yours to his chest relaxes, his thumb rubbing calming circles on your wrist. Levi pipes up again. "When I-I get anxious, I like to try and point out interesting things I see around me. Do you maybe want-t to give it a try?" Mammon didn't want to admit it, but his brother just had a good idea. You looked around. You could consider it all interesting if you were being honest. It's all new and unfamiliar you you. Looking around, you noticed all of the foliage in the room. "Plants." You croaked, voice raw from your crying. "I always found this room to be quite calming. I would often come in here to calm down after stressful days."
A new voice appears in the door frame. You remember him from earlier. Lucifer. Upon meeting the sleek demons eyes, your heartbeat picked up a little again. Mammon noticed immediately. "Oi Lucifer, can I talk to you in the hallway real quick?" Wordlessly, Lucifer goes into the hallway. Mammon was about to follow him until he felt a grip on his arm. You stared up at him with pleading eyes, begging him not to go. "It'll be just a second, okay hun?" He squeezed you arm and asked Levi to take over before heading out into the hallway. In hushed tones, Mammon fills in Lucifer on what's been happening since he first texted. "I filled in Diavolo and told the rest of our brothers to stay back. It seems I was correct in assuming that seeing more of us before they were fully ready would escalate their fears." Lucifer speculated. Mammon sighed. "I mean, can you blame them though? Demons and Angels as a part of the exchange is one thing, but I don't know if humans are going to be able to handle all this change." Lucifer wanted to agree but something was holding him back. He remembered back to examining your documents while narrowing down who to select for the program. He remembered there was something so special about you, something that just drew him to you. He couldn't put a finger on it but he knew it HAD to be you. "We'll make it work. Lets get back in before Levi completely scares them off."
The brothers walk back into the room and see Levi explaining the lore of his favorite show 'The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon Girl. Mammon almost let a groan slip but held it back when he noticed a smile on your face. The smile dropped quickly once you noticed Lucifer come back in. Mammon took his place back on the bed while Lucifer hesitantly joined Levi on the ground. "MC, I am terribly sorry about this situation. I completely understand your reservations but I am afraid there is nothing to be done now." Mammon kicked Lucifer, annoyed with how blunt his brother was. Lucifer glared at his brother then continued. "We do wish to make your time here as pleasant as possible and we will do whatever we can to make you comfortable."
You were starting to come to terms with the fact that there was no way out of this. You let out a sigh and started speaking with a slightly shaky voice. "Other than bringing me here against my will, you guys have been very nice an welcoming to me. I just have a million questions. Why me? What if a demon wants to eat me? What if you guys get too annoyed with 'babysitting the human' and just leave me to the dogs? Can I even eat anything here to survive?" Lucifer chuckled. Slowly and hesitantly, he reached a hand out. After seeing no resistance from you, he placed his hand on your knee and gave a reassuring squeeze. While I can't share the selection process, I can tell you that you are here because you are special. I promise that we won't let any demon outside of these wall, with the exception of Diavolo, lay a finger on you. And if they do we will take them out swiftly." You shivered at the statement. Lucifer continued "We actually have another human that is apart of the exchange program, Solomon, who we can introduce you to if that might help you feel better about being here. There are also two Angels in the program as well if that makes you feel any safer. But rest assured, my brothers and I are friends, not foe. We may seem hostile at times but we want nothing but the best for you. We want you to succeed here, to feel welcome, to be part of our little family."
Wow, you didn't expect to be moved by a demon like this. You still couldn't shake certain thoughts and feelings from your head but you decided to give in to this crazy situation. "Thank you. I'm sorry for freaking out like this. I think... with time, I'll get better about being... here. But if today, how you handled -" You wave you arms around you, motioning to yourself. "-THIS, is any indicator, I think I'll be okay."
Mammon squeezed your hand, pulling your attention to him. "Hey, there's no need to apologize, 'kay? If you ever need to talk to any of us about any of this again, we're here for ya'. No ifs, ands, or buts." You were starting to feel overwhelmed by how supportive the demons were being to you. Without a word, you leapt forward and gave Mammon a crushing hug. He let out a surprised sound before slowly hugging back. Poking your head out from the crook of his neck, you face the other two brothers. "Get on in here." Surprised at the request Lucifer got on the bed and joined in. Levi was still hesitant on the floor. He wasn't used to being asked for affection. With your foot, you lightly nudged his shoulder. "Come Levi, you too." Levi tried to push back his anxiety and slowly wrapped his arms around the three of you. You started to wonder what other crazy or interesting adventures would come out of this. You were still extremely terrified to think about it, but you couldn't ignore the rush of excitement you started to feel too.
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omegalomania · 1 year
fall out boy live performances i think about Often
the reunion show medley. how many goats do i have to sacrifice for you guys to do this one again.
disloyal order of water buffaloes, specifically the version that opens with the piano and the rest of the band comes crashing in at the second verse. my GOD man what do i have to do to make you do this version again
death valley live. thats all.
the time they did their stayin out all night remix live with wiz khalifa
the thriller aol sessions version is so good that i thought it was the studio version with mild reinstrumentation at first lol
the medley they did in 2015 where they mashed up all their hits and even managed to sneak in the uma thurman riffs at the end
can i link the entirety of the knights of columbus set? i'm gonna do that. go watch it. it's glorious.
i feel like not enough people talked about how good church sounded live. i actually kinda like it a little better than the studio version. patrick drops down an octave for some bits of the final chorus and i always love hearing his chest voice.
obviously i have to link one of the few times they've played headfirst slide into cooperstown on a bad bet live. they did (coffee's for closers) at this show too and i think about it always.
they didnt do where did the party go live that often because it is MERCILESSLY heard to sing live but my GOD. when they did it. my god.
that one performance of the kids aren't alright where pete screams alongside patrick for the entire last part of the chorus ruined me in ways i have difficulty articulating.
the way way early version of sugar we're goin down they played live in 2004 before they changed all the verses
anytime they'd do just one yesterday live and patrick would do the bridge and kill it every time
the acoustic version of sophomore slump or comeback of the year they did for a private show in 2007. (they did this acoustic again in 2013 and i love that version too)
that one time they segued seamlessly from the chorus of alone together to my songs know what you did in the dark
any of those rare rare times they would do yule shoot your eye out live
when they did patron saints of liars and fakes at one of the reunion shows. don't touch me.
the acoustic session of tttyg songs (grenade jumper, chicago is so two years ago, saturday) they did that's on the my heart will always be the b side to my tongue dvd. they are so so so SO small!!!!!
save rock and roll live is like. so important to me personally it never fails to bring me to my knees. but specifically the time they did it for the mda telethon in 2014. joes backing vocals come through sO clearly and its SOOOOO AAAAAA
also the time they did save rock and roll live for vevo. BIG ouchie.
okay also the time they dedicated save rock and roll to bowie after he passed because pete gets VERY VISIBLY EMOTIONAL OVER THIS and i can't handle it.
we don't take hits we write them literally Only exists in live format so i have to give a special mention to that. what i would give for a studio version though...
it's hard for me to pick a favorite moment of the time they played wrigley field during mania tour. i was lucky enough to catch a livestream of most of the show and it was frankly magic. someathing has to be said for the energy in the way the show began...and for the way it ended.
im incapable of not bringing up the immortals acoustic version they did during boys of zummer. i cant NOT. joe and patrick sound sO GOOD TOGETHER VOCALLY, OKAY
i'm like a lawyer with the way i'm always trying to get you off, acoustic sessions.....im okay.
remember when they opened some of the monumentour shows with THIS IS THE TAKE OVER, THE MOTHERFUCKING BREAK'S OVER cause. i do.
if youve never seen the stripped-down piano version of young and menace and only heard the studio instrumental i beseech you to watch the live version. i will never forget hearing this live. the whole stadium got so, so quiet in what i could only describe as reverence.
you know that one text post that talks about patrick getting all emotional during a performance of what a catch, donnie and then just sniffs a little and says "i'm a loss for words...which is a good thing i have a microphone, right? so i can keep talking." well this is that exact performance.
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melanieph321 · 9 months
Ruben Dias x Black Reader - The Bodyguard Part 1/8
Yeah, this is going to be good 🤭🤭 So good!
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Summary - Reader is a popstars in trouble and Ruben is her new bodyguard, here to protect and help her find out who wants to hurt her. But what happens when the relationship between Reader and Ruben simply gets too personal?
"A bodyguard? For what?"
"Y/N, a person has threatened your life."
"So? People do that online every day. Haters gonna hate."
You fell back against the cuchens of your fifthy thousand euro couch. Sure, it was expensive, but it came straight from the set of Pulp Fiction, a collectors item, worth every penny. Pulp Fiction was your absolute favorite movie of all time.
"I get that you don't want someone following you around all day, especially now with the tour of your knew album, but please consider your own safety first." You're sister had been managing you ever since the beginning of your singing career, of course her natural instict was to worry about you.
"Fine you sighed. So when is this guy coming?"
"Well, we had him fly in from his latest job in the UAE."
"The what know?"
"The UAE, like Dubai? Aapparently even the riches shieks in the middle east wants this guy as their bodyguard. He's an ex navy seal from what I've heard."
"Girl." You chuckled. "I received one threatening phone call from a man who calls himself the Dickonataor 3000. What makes you think I need a navy seal to protect me from that? You should have gotten one of the pumped up dudes from the fitness center I go to to set this guy straight. How much is this bodyguard guy even costing us?"
"Well, he said your only up for trial and that discussions won't happen until the end of that trial period."
"A trial?" You sat up. "You mean to tell me that this guy is only coming around for a trial. To what? See if my life is really worth guarding?"
"Somthing like that, yes. I don't know all the details. Taylor was the one who set everything up."
"Taylor? What does he know about hiring bodyguards?"
"Well he has a decade of experience when it comes to driving spoiled popstars like yourself."
"I'm not spoiled, you're spoiled."
You're sister smiled. "We're both spoiled."
"Mom would be very proud, too bad she rarely flies out to see us?"
"She will be here for your album release party, she promised."
"Yeah, yeah, promises promises, they mean nothing to me."
Your sister stood with her hands behind her back,  watching you. You hated the way she dressed nowadays, in pantsuits, like a damn politician.
"Are you ready to go back to rehearsals?" She asked. You had only gone back to your apartment for a quick break. You had been dancing all day.
"I haven't eaten anything yet." You said.
"We'll pick somthing up on the go, come." She offered you her hand. Just like she when you were kids, wanting to hold your hand on your way to school.
Rehearsals went well, however your feet were killing you by the time you got home. Taylor dropped you off at the apartment whilst your sister still had some business to take care of. You were glad to be alone for a change, having been surrounded by people telling you what to do all day.
You peaked your head through to the kitchen to see if your personal chef was there. You'd ask her to cook a nice meal, perhaps one of her country's delicacies. You loved Brazilian food.
She was nowhere to be found. You went to look for her in her office.
"She's not here."
You froze as a big shadow swept behind you, followed by the dark voice of a man.
"Who are you?" You turned around and gasped. The man stood tall, dressed in a blacksuit and tie. His hair was slicked back, like a business man trying to appear more professional than he was.
"I'm here to kill you." He stated, just like that, with his hands tied before him.
"Um...okay. Taylor!!" You shouted.
"We're twelve stories up sweetheart, he won't hear you."
You frowned, applled by the man and his commanding, yet not threatening demeanor.
"What do you want, I don't keep any money here."
"Yeah, I realized that. However I hacked into your computer in your office."
"Y...you what?"
"It's not very smart of you not to encrypt any of your emails. I've received everything I need about your recent payments, credit card details, enough to forge your identity to make you go bankrupt in a few days time."
Your chest heaved up with your heavy breathing. Who was this guy, an intruder? Why was he so calm? Was he one of those serial killers to have sex with your corps before cutting it to pieces and eat it. Not on your watch, you thought and quickly ran back downstairs.
"Mariaaaaa!" You shouted.
"Like I said, I sent her home."
The man was right at your heals, following you wherever you went.
"What...why?" You said, slightly out of breath and your feet were still sore, so you didn't feel like running.
"Your apartment should be cleared out of staff by 6.pm it's easier to keep track of who goes in and out of the apartment if all your staff have a time stamp on them."
"How did you even get into the building?" You asked. "Did the doorman let you in?"
The man looked at you with tinted eyes, they were intimidating, yet kind. "The doorman has a shift change that occurs with a thirty minute window before the next guy shows up. I simply bid my time, observing your building all day, waiting for the right moment to simply walk into the building and take the elevator up to your floor."
"W.. what do you want?" You were trembling with fear now, ready to scream if the man dared try anything. However he seemed to keep his distance between you, yet it seemed like he was still invading your space.
"Like I said, I'm here to kill you. Or more so simulate how a killer would make the attempt to approach you in your home. From what I've gathered today you're an easy victim Y/N."
"How did you....wait are you...you're him aren't you? The bodyguard?"
The man stood with his hands behind his straight back, neither confirming or denying your statement.
You shook your head, a hint of a smile on your lips. "What a starnge way to introduce yourself and aren't you too young to be a bodyguard. I was expecting some G.I Joe looking mother fuc...."
"I think I'll do guarding a 60 kg girl who doesn't lock her front door when she leaves her home."
"But I know everyone who lives in this building and we have a doorman."
"You'll lock your doors from now on." He said, end of.
You were slightly taken back, mostly by the way he was dominating you, but also by the way you let him dominant you.
"It's my apartment,  I can do whatever I want." You said, a bit unconvincing.
"Not on my watch."
You snorted. "Right."
"Did I say something funny?"
"Yeah, a lot of things actually."
"I'm sorry to have frightened you with my unannounced entry Miss..."
"Y/N, is fine. " You said, crossing your arms over your chest.
"It's just standard protocol for me to ensure that whoever I'm working for is secure beyond my protection so that when it's necessary for me to give my life to them, I'll know it was for the right reason and not some sloppy mistake like an unlocked door or the fact that you let unwanted personal linger past suitable hours."
You're eyes were narrowed as you stared at the man, trying to make sense of it all. You stared at him until the point of realizing that he was actually kind of cute.
"Oh shit, there you are."
The strange introduction came to an end with your sister stumbling through the door.
"Taylor told me that he picked you up from the airport hours ago. I see you've already met my sister." She stepped forward shaking the man's hand.
"Yes we have just made ourselves acquainted, setting some ground rules for this arrangement."
Your sister looked at you, slightly impressed. You on the other hand was not having it at all.
"Y/N, why the long face?" Your sister said. "Meet Ruben Dias, you're new bodyguard."
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