#he’s secretly a softie
bloodsuckingfiends · 2 months
Post-tadpole, Spawn! Astarion who enjoys the simplicity of domestic life with Tav. Even though he doesn’t eat normal food, he enjoys learning how to cook and bake for his love. Overall he enjoys being able to take care of and provide for them, the way they did for him while adventuring.
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cheetahspy · 1 year
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Has this been done yet- oh well
It’s always fun to hear the cast talk about how wholesome, friendly and all around sweet Heath Ledger was, and how *frightening* it was when he would revert back into his Joker character, so this meme has been on my mind for him lmao
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emacrow · 1 month
Babysitting duty calls, Klarion
It another world threatening battle for the justice league, young justice against the league of Villains and chaos children before most of the chaos children froze as if they sense something bad was approaching and immediately dipped out.. except klarion whom was fighting with raven who immediately froze up too late in front of the portal.
Only for a green portal to appear, as a worned out floating glowing green, but blue skinned teenage boy who turn into a man with red eyes, a clock staff in hand and a glowing white hair baby in a baby carrier.
Klarion is literally struggling like a feral cat who got wet in cold water against some invisible force speaking in some odd static like language before giving up after half a minute when the man spoke back with a short word.
The man now just shape-shifting into turn elderly just gave klarion the baby carrier before noticing how the heroes and villains have stop in mid battles looking at both klarion and him.
"All in soon time, but be warn Flashes whom break the laws of times will get their due if you keep messing with the past and future." Spoken the elderly now shape-shifted into a young boy before he turn back to klarion leaving him a note and glowing baby bag before floating back into the swirling green portal.
Klarion could only look at note with his eye twitching, Teekl meowing as she climb into the baby carrier purring around the glowing baby.
"Why do I keep getting babysitting duty, it so unfa-..." klarion grumbled as he pick up the baby carrier and bag teleporting away..
"What just happened?" Said Dick whom only one question would be put on hold til later in the watchtower of what just happen before the fight resuming with the young and original justice league winning since the league of Villains were distracted.
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bigger-bluer-moon · 11 months
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i've been absolutely in love with obscura vn ( @rottenraccoons ) since i played the demo, the worldbuilding and all the ROs are so *chefs kiss* so obviously i had to draw my big ginger boyo
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apollo: valentine’s day is a corporate holiday it isn’t even that special
trucy: you were just yelling and blushing for three hours because klavier got you a bear that says “i wuv you bear-y much”
apollo: that’s not fair those emotions were because i’m afflicted with feelings for klavier and NOT because of capitalism induced romance
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kazemi-archive · 4 months
Cuffing Season with Zoro
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A confession for Cille (@bby-deerling) a friends to lovers story
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Where: Outside the Sunny How: Your back had grown numb against the plush ground, the cold seeping through even your warmest clothes. Your eyes were closed lightly as you faced the soft light radiating from the sky. You could feel the snow falling gently on your face, melting almost immediately against the warmth of your skin but bringing you a sense of serenity nonetheless.
A sudden shadow blocked out your light and you found yourself blinking your eyes open, trying to adjust your vision to see who it was. Your lips formed a smile as you took him in. A soft halo of light circled Zoro’s head as he looked down at you. You couldn’t make out his expression at first, the light behind him creating a sort of ethereal glow to his figure. You giggled a little when thinking of him as a sort of angel.
“What are you doing?” The presence of his gruff voice seemed to bring you back to present along with his expression finally coming into sight. Eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, eye squinted down at where you lay surrounded by the snow.
“Relaxing in the snow.” You answer simply, smile decorating your lips as you glance up at your friend, clearly amused by his confusion. “Care to join?”
“Aren’t you cold?” Even as he asks the question, he sinks his body into the snow next to yours, enjoying the way your eyes trace his movements until he lands with a thud next to you.
“Incredibly so.” You laugh as your head instinctually falls to his shoulder, a habit you’d picked up from the many late night watches you’d accompanied him on. Where you’d first become friends, in the silence of the night as you talked and he listened.
He hums his acknowledgement and lets the two of you lapse into a comfortable silence. Your eyes trace the way the freezing waves lap at the side of the Sunny as it bobs on the surface. The dissipation of light is hardly noticeable to either of you until the firelight of a village in the distance begins to come into your sight off to the side.
It isn’t uncommon for these comfortable silences between Zoro and you to be paired with a subtle loss of time. Comfortability was something Zoro supplied you with endlessly, an unspoken tribute to the feelings you had for him. Anyone around the two of you could tell that the only reason Zoro let you as close as he always did was because he felt the same. Yet it stayed unspoken between the two of you.
The darkness enveloping the two of you became impossible to ignore and you sighed as you sat up straight. The last rays of light illuminated your figure as you shuffled slightly away from him, preparing to get up. A soft tug on your wrist caught your attention, keeping you sitting and drawing your eyes back to Zoro.
He stayed staring ahead, eye locked on the bobbing form of the Sunny. “Give it another minute, I have a gift for you.”
Skepticism seized your form, seeping into your expression as you raised an eyebrow at him. “Out here?” You smirked at him as you carefully watched his reaction, catching him rolling his eye. “Roronoa Zoro, secretly a softy?” You teased and he huffed a bit, grumbling as you laughed.
“Should tell them to call it off.”
You were quick to react, grasping his arm quickly. “No, no, no! I wanna know what it is.” A ghost of a smile graces his lips at your reaction and he physically turns you away from him and back towards the ship. You don’t notice it at first, a couple lights blinking on towards the back of the ship before the entire vessel lit up. Multicolored lights flickered awake all at once, pulling a quiet gasp out of your lips as your eyes took in the way that they twinkled in different timings. “You did this?” Your voice was soft, amazed, and his ghost of a smile seemed to spread.
He hoped that you wouldn’t notice the way his cheeks tinged from a quiet embarrassment, or that you’d at least attribute it to the cold. “I mean I pulled some favors with Franky but…” he trailed off, knowing that he couldn’t truly deny that he orchestrated it. He was the only one who had known, the one you’d told. “You mentioned it one night, missing them, I thought you’d enjoy it.”
Your heart softened as you watched him scratch at the back of his neck nervously. One night, one mention that he’d remembered after all this time. You leaned for him on instinct, lips brushing the skin of his cheek. “Thank you.” Your lips moved in a whisper against the skin and you could feel it heat.
He huffed a large breath of air but his stance softened, arm finding your waist as he pulled you closer. “Anything for you.” He mumbled the sentiment into a kiss placed on top of your head before letting the silence settle back around the two of you. The unspoken multiple steps closer to being spoken.
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@/zorosprincess says: ‘no copying please ;p’
Cuffing Season Event
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a-drawing-nerd · 3 months
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Adiós, ASSH*LE! 💥
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amethystina · 3 months
Hello, I hope you're doing better.
I just wanted to tell you that since I read the latest chapter of Who Holds The Devil you have revived in me some ideas and scenarios I had in mind about the show.
Like what if everything worked out for Yohan's plans after episode 12 (when Gaon left Yohan and Elijah) without K or Soohyun dying? What would happen then?
Yohan will definitely leave after some point to Switzerland with Elijah because he already planned it for her treatment, even if he is not a criminal in Korea or presumed dead. But how long will it take him to leave?
And what will Gaon do? Will he start dating Soohyun or keep whatever they have between them as it is? If he dates her, will they work out or realise they were better together as friends and family but nothing more? ( I personally believe that when they start dating at the beginning, everything will seem perfect. But as time goes on, they will realise that it won't work out between them as they took a very long time to get to this point, and that it was too late.)
Will Gaon stay in contact with Elijah? (Maybe.) Or Yohan? ( I doubt it.)
Will Gaon miss them? Will he ever realise that Yohan loved him or that he had some kind of feelings for Yohan?
Basically, what would've happened if all the baggage from the last episodes never occurred. After the rejection on Gaon's part in episode 12, I believe Yohan will want to stay away from Gaon but I could be wrong.
The latest chapter reminded me of all these ideas and questions I had, but now we have a lot more baggage and issues to work through which makes me even more excited to explore what will happen next.
I trust your storytelling abilities as they have not once failed me for all this time I was following this fic.
Take care of your self, and when you feel better come back with a new amazing chapter as always.
I'm doing better, thank you 💜
Wow. Yeah, that's a lot of thoughts! And very interesting ones! And I think some of it depends on exactly how Yo Han decides to finish his plans. Like, killing people on national television would still make him a criminal, so I'm guessing that's not what he does? But he still gets his revenge somehow?
But yeah, he'd definitely still go to Switzerland since that has clearly been a part of his plan for years. And I think he'd actually go as soon as possible. Maybe he'd give Elijah time to say goodbye to Ga On, but that depends on what terms he and Ga On are, I'd say. If we assume that none of the baggage happened (including Soo Hyun dying, Ga On attempting to murder Yo Han, etc.) I think that Yo Han would keep his distance from Ga On, yes. Out of sheer pride and self-preservation, if nothing else. And Ga On has Soo Hyun so he wouldn't seek Yo Han out, since he knows that Soo Hyun doesn't like Yo Han and he wouldn't want to upset her.
So, sadly enough, I think Yo Han and Ga On would drift apart. Maybe they'd still cooperate somehow to take down the baddies, but, as horrible as it may sound, Soo Hyun's death actually brought them closer together. Even Ga On trying to kill Yo Han did in some ways since, from that point on, they're forever tied together what with Yo Han carrying the scar Ga On gave him. And without that? With Soo Hyun there to plead with Ga On not to do something dangerous? Ga On wouldn't chase after Yo Han. And Yo Han wouldn't chase after Ga On since he's already been rejected and is too prideful.
So I think that Yo Han would leave for Switzerland with Elijah and Ga On would stay in touch with her, yes, but not Yo Han. Maybe he'd try a couple of times, but Yo Han wouldn't respond. And, eventually, Ga On will stop trying because who is Yo Han to him anyway? Just his weird boss who he lived with for a while — and kind of wanted to take care of because he seemed so lonely — who was also a terrible influence on him. So, clearly, it might be for the better that they don't talk anymore.
(You keep telling yourself that, Ga On)
As for Ga On and Soo Hyun, I think they would start dating, yes, and I think they'd be pretty happy there at the beginning. If in a pretty boring and uneventful way. Like, there's not really much passion between them, is there? But they'd be content. It'd be safe and sweet.
I'm not sure if they'd notice that there's something wrong, though. I think that both of them have been waiting for this for so long that they'd be determined to make it work, even if that means ignoring the warning signs. I honestly think they'd both pretend everything was fine long after the point where it's not. And that both of them would silence the niggling doubts by saying that this is just how all relationships are — there will be dips. Nothing is perfect all the time. And it's not like they're arguing or anything.
It's just a little dull, that's all.
In short, I think they'd be stuck. Not in a way that makes them genuinely unhappy, but they certainly wouldn't be honest with themselves or each other, either. Which isn't the worst way to live, but it's also not the best one.
And I think that Ga On would miss Elijah and Yo Han, yes, though he wouldn't be honest about why he does. He'd just say it's because he cares about them and it's sad that he can't talk to them as often — or at all, in Yo Han's case. And, in a similar vein, I don't think Ga On would try to explore his feelings for Yo Han, or Yo Han's feelings for him. Because Ga On would be able to tell that danger lies in that direction and he'd rather remain in denial.
But he would think about Yo Han a lot. And probably do a doubletake every time they mention Yo Han or show his picture in the media. And he'd ask Elijah about how Yo Han is doing. He'd find himself cooking Yo Han's favourite food, even if he's not there to eat it. He'd miss the house. He'd miss the quiet nights reading.
He'd still wear the watch.
And all that longing would only make Ga On double down and be even more determined to make things work with Soo Hyun. Because the alternative is just too scary. He doesn't want there to be another explanation as to why he misses Yo Han. He wants his safe and happy life with Soo Hyun.
Everything else is shoved aside, pushed down, and ignored.
And, eventually, I think Soo Hyun would notice that something is wrong. But she doesn't know what and, even if she kind of hates herself for it, she's too afraid of the answer to ask. Because she doesn't want to lose Ga On and, deep down, she can tell that he is slipping away from her, slowly but surely. Just from the fact that his smiles are a little too hollow sometimes, and he's often staring off into space, lost in thought. So she tries her best to help him, as always, but, for some reason, it doesn't seem to work as well as it usually would.
But of course it'd eventually come crumbling down. And — since I'm a dramatic bitch — I suggest it'll do so when Yo Han and Elijah eventually drop by for a visit (mostly Elijah's doing, of course, with Yo Han reluctantly agreeing). More specifically the moment when Ga On comes face to face with Yo Han again for the first time in months — maybe even a year? — and everything he's been trying to suppress rushes to the surface and hits him like a freight train.
Because he's been living comfortably with Soo Hyun, sure, and he loves her dearly, but there's not much of a spark. But the one he had with Yo Han? That's been just a softly glowing ember since they parted ways?
Turns out that seeing Yo Han again — and being faced with all that intensity and enticing hint of danger once more — is all it takes to ignite it again. To turn it into a wildfire.
All of a sudden, Ga On is reminded of what real attraction feels like.
And the fact that it's not aimed at his girlfriend is definitely going to be a bit of a problem.
... aaaaaand maybe I should stop now. Because I'm not sure if you actually wanted me to answer what I think x'D
Anyway! Yes, very interesting things to ponder! And I think there are several ways to go, depending on what angle one wants to take and what happened during those last episodes. Like, if Yo Han and Ga On reconciled after their breakup, I think some parts would obviously play out differently. But, if they didn't? I'd go with something like what I said above.
But, again, that depends entirely on what you want to accomplish. Trust me when I say that there are always ways to tweak what happens to your liking but still make it feel in character and realistic. I'm somewhat of an expert on that, I've been told xD
Thank you so much for sharing, anyway! It was a very fun thought experiment! And I do hope to be able to get back to writing sometime soon. I'm actually feeling better than I have in a long time, but I think I'm going to make a separate post about that. We'll see.
I hope you have a great day! Take care 💜
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sunnibits · 9 months
the way that my cat’s purr is so incredibly quiet that it’s literally silent 99% of the time so the only way you can tell if he’s purring is by feeling the vibrations in his throat…. things that make me go insane
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grasslandgirl · 1 year
I am not and would not be immune to heath ledger as patrick verona and I am NOT ashamed to admit it !!!
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tai-janai · 4 months
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also forgot to post cheated/hunted propaganda . everyone gotta listen to the little guy . he will outlive you
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
just a thought
That Lucifer can probably get Leviathan banned from going to Japan
Well, anon, I should think that Lucifer could ban Leviathan from going to the human world in general if he really wanted to. Though I don’t know why he’d want to ban Levi from going to Japan specifically? Perhaps because he’s worried about Levi causing trouble due to his obsession with anime?
If I remember correctly, demons need permission to leave the Devildom (without being summoned), so I think it would be a matter of Lucifer just telling Diavolo and Barbatos not to let Levi leave.
So I would say, yes, I agree, since the brothers seem to ask for permission from Lucifer to go anyway. He could just say no. Unless MC was like, you can’t stop me I’m going because the human world is my home and then summoning Levi. But I think that’d be the only way around it.
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togamest · 24 days
barou seeing you upset and even though he feels weak doing so he pulls you into a hug, a warm, all encompassing embrace. his kiss is soft, and his eyes match his touch as he looks at you with stars in his eyes. “i love you,” he whispers, “and i don’t seem to wanna care who knows it.”
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shima-draws · 1 year
What’s your favorite thing about Perry?
I HAVE A LOT OF FAVORITE THINGS ABOUT HIM.......I think one of the best things tho is how quickly he shifts from being absolutely done with everything to being the best listener and supportive friend you could ask for. There's a lot of episodes where he shows up to thwart Doof and he's all business but when things get into sad/trauma territory he's very sympathetic and non-judgemental about it;; which I think Doof appreciates a lot. ALSO he's a very 'go with the flow' type of person (platypus? lol) and can adapt to spontaneous situations so quickly. All those times where Doof invites him to do smth fun or crazy he just shrugs and goes you know what yeah okay I'm in and I love that about him 🤧
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desertsportshipping · 6 months
Crack ships and rare pairs are like my favorite thing in the whole world. I see you on the Leon tag all the time and I'd love to know how you came up with the idea for this ship / plotline / ect.!! I'd love to learn about your vision with these two
Honestly, the plotline spiraled from what it was originally supposed to be. The original concept was "Rui goes to the other Champions so that Wes can be certified a Champion so he's somewhat protected legally while in the background Wes falls for the golden retriever man." As you can see, it has changed quite a bit.
(I also had a concept in the back of my head of a Wes who takes over as the leader of Team Snagem but I don't know how Wes and Leon would meet in that framework)
Now that Wes is out of the whole environment that has been hurting him (Orre), he can take the steps to heal, and Leon watched Wes smile once and became obsessed with seeing him smile again.
Meanwhile, in the background, all of Leon's friends are convinced he has some sort of brain damage for wanting to date Wes, but Gloria and Hop are their biggest cheerleaders.
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TLDR: golden retriever x feral street cat
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
This random thought made me laugh so I'm sharing it with you
The Marvel family teaming up with the Batfam on a mission in Gothom and Darla getting paired up with Red Hood, mistakenly calling him Red Pepper instead of Red Hood in a mix up of names/thinking his helmet looks like a Red Bell pepper. I just think it'd be adorable and funny
How cute!
I have a headcanon that Jason, despite his reputation, is actually really good with kids. So when he finds himself working with Darla he just sorta let's her call him whatever random red themed name she has decided on. I think she'd make a game of it once she realized her first guess was wrong.
Loving all these cute Darla moments! She can win over even the surliest of Gotham vigilantes!
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