#he's 10 years older after all & has been through a LOT. many things about how he reacts are going to be different.
orcelito · 1 year
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oh transcripts time
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feefivefoe · 29 days
Please can we hear your thoughts on what Bruce does/thinks when being confronted with his neglect by Jason (and maybe the other boys too)??
Thank you, and have a nice day!
Bruce is the one I have the hardest time characterizing tbh.
I think his first reaction would be denial? He hasn't been the best father, but even he wouldn't go as far as to forget his own chi...
Oh my god he doesn't know how old you are. You were...you were older than Tim but younger than Dick, he thinks.
When was your birthday?
Did he ever give you a birthday party?
What wing of the manor did you sleep in?
Where were you right now?
Unlike Tim who starts the unofficial search, Bruce heads right to the batcave to find your official records. Social security number. If you worked anywhere or has anyplace legal to stay, you'd have to input that. He's ashamed he has to go through a government database to find it, rather than simply knowing it.
And just like Tim, he finds nothing. Which scares him beyond belief. Had he lost you already? Did he actually forget about one of his children and then unknowingly replace them? Was he actually guilty of what Jason had accused him of years ago, albeit to a different child?
In reality, you're living solely through cash. Plenty of individuals are eager to avoid paying all their taxes, and are thrilled to accept cash only payments on your rent, or paycheck. Legally, you haven't done anything since graduating high school.
Not necessarily hiding from them, per say, as you don't think they'd go looking, but just because you don't want to be known as a Wayne.
And god, there is so much guilt, fear, and anguish rolling around inside that man. He needs to find out where you are, and if you're okay, and if anybody had done anything to you.
He swears if they have, he'll rip the motherfucker to pieces-
No. That isn't going to help. So instead he checks every reported death within not only Gotham, but any city within a 50 mile radius. For the last 10 years.
As well hidden as you are, nobody can hide from Batman while he's concentrating every effort to find you.
He's hesitant to bring you home at first. How can he call himself your father after forgetting you for your whole time living with him? But his regard for your safety eventually wins out. Until then, you just get a concerning amount of money just...stashed in your apartment??? What the fuck??????
Dick also feels a lot of guilt, but he somewhat subconsciously channels that into abundant overeagerness. Instead of focusing on how many important moments he missed...that he can never get back with his first baby sibling...
...ah, he should focus on all the memories you can make going forward! He has to take you to all his favorite spots, and you take him to yours!
What interests do you have? Are you a go to the aquarium person? Family movie night? Spa night? Just having fun with everyone at dinner? He has to do these things with you! And then you'll be his family again, and he'll love you, and you'll love him-
In spirit, he shows up outside your door like Damian. But he is self aware enough to know that'd freak you out, so instead he 'coincidentally' shows up at your work...in the bad side of town...and his attitude definitely gives away it was planned.
He messes up your "I'm a nobody like all of you" persona you'd spent years cultivating, and by the time he leaves, all your coworkers and customers know that you're Dick Grayson's sibling...which means Bruce Wayne's child, but he likes saying you're related to him more.
Tim doesn't give a fuck at first, like I established. It really is a game to see if he can find you before anybody else does. When he loses that to Bruce (damn it-), he decides he'll just know you BETTER than the others to win.
So he starts literally stalking you and making a psyche profile, like you're a case rather than his sibling. Any interest you've ever listed in your social media is cross checked with any belongings of yours. Merch or posters? Songs you listen to? Any of that content, he consumes as well. He's going to need conversation topics with you.
I'm not entirely sure if he actually loves you as family, or if you're just a hyperfixation that's consistently buzzing at his brain. It's like he wants to dissect, then digest you. Pick you apart piece by piece so he sees every last skin cell, then make that information a part of him
Though, he'd claim it's the former. To him, there's no discernable difference.
He's the one who meets you at your hobbies. Claims an online friend brought it up, but hey, it's crazy to see you again!
Even though it's your first conversation...maybe ever?
He's chatting to you like you haven't been estranged your whole life.
And the look in the eye is...a little unnerving.
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ladykailitha · 3 months
Well Met By Moonlight Part 16
We are really getting down the end here. I think I have two or three more chapters to go and then it's complete. There's a lot that happens at the end so don't know how long it will take but it's looking like chapter twenty will be the last.
So thank you to everyone who's stuck it out this long. I know there aren't many anymore but I love each and every one of you who did.
We get more clues and Wayne runs afoul an ex.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
Nancy chewed her lip as she flipped through the pages of the Hawkins Post trying to find anything that would spark her memory, but she was coming up empty. She was sure that there had been something that happened before Steve’s parents died.
“You know...” Wayne said gruffly after about an hour of them researching manticores, “you could just ask me. I’ve been around this town since it’s inception. There is very little I don’t remember.”
She let out a frustrated huff. “I just don’t remember when it was so I can’t even do that. It’s just this vague memory of there being an uproar in the pack. Which considering the upheaval this pack has had in the last twenty years, that really doesn’t narrow it down at all.”
Wayne clasped his hands over his mouth and looked at her for a moment. “You’re thinking too broadly.”
Nancy looked down at the newspaper in front of her with a frown and then back up at him.
“What do you mean?”
He laid his fists on the book in front of him and leaned forward toward her. “You’re what seventeen-eighteen?” She nodded. “It’s something you saw. Which means that it can’t be something longer than fifteen years ago as you’d be too little. But most likely it was probably closer to twelve or thirteen years ago as that’s when your core memories form. So what happened in the pack a dozen or so years ago?”
Nancy’s eyebrows furrowed deeper as she cast her mind back. She jumped up out of her chair and ran over to the side. She started scanning the correct year and pulled out another folio. She hurried back to the table where she began flipping through the pages like a woman on a mission.
She cried, “Eureka!” and turned it around so Eddie and Wayne could see.
May 23rd 1975
The Great Chicago Pack Has Announced the Banishment of One Dr. Alexei Oborin.
The former scientist had claimed that the five teenagers he found in the woods near the pack’s compound were hunters and that they attacked him first. However when other members of the pack arrived there were no signs of a struggle, only the mangled corpses of the three boys and two girls.
The article went on further to explain that the five teenagers who were traveling cross country were merely high school students who had wandered too close to the pack compound.
“This!” she cried when she was sure they had read enough. “It really spooked Hopper because it sounded like what had happened here, with Steve’s mom.”
Wayne nodded and looked up at Eddie who nodded too. He slid it back over to her.
“I remember that,” Wayne said, gruffly. “His mate swore up and down that Alexei was too gentle and childlike to have committed such things and that the kids must have goaded him into it.”
“What happened to the mate?” Eddie asked, jumping off the table and landed deftly on his feet, soft as a kitten. “The article didn’t say.”
Wayne shook his head. “It was never said, but most mates will willingly leave the pack to travel with the Banished One.”
“Banishment is such a big deal,” Nancy said, tapping her fingers on the table, the clack clack on her nails hitting the wood loud in the now quiet space. “It is reversible but only an alpha can do it.”
“It is,” Wayne agreed, “and it’s a shame that Steve had even threaten it to get the older members of your pack to behave.”
Nancy opened her mouth to argue but Eddie scoffed cutting her off without a word.
“You purebreds are all the same,” he muttered darkly. “Vampire, werewolf doesn’t matter. You can’t see the worth of anyone bitten. So sure that you are better than them. Steve’s half and as far as your pack is concerned it’s the wrong half. But he’s the only one standing between the pack and its annihilation at the hands of the vampire coven. And worse you have a fox in your hen house and it galls you that not only did Steve figure there was one, he figured out who it was and has been keeping him on a short leash. All without your help.”
Nancy glared at him, but he refused to blink, forcing her to look away first.
“You best see to the happenings in your pack, missy, before you go casting judgment on us.” Wayne growled. “You came in here like you owned the place, was rude to my nephew, and barked at me for offering to help. If Ed or I had been watching your moon night, we might know a hell of a lot more than we do now and I wouldn’t have to call in a favor from the last person I ever want to see again. And I know it was you that drove the final nail in the coffin of not having one of us there, so don’t you act high and mighty with me.”
She ducked her head and put her hands in her lap. She knew they were both right. It was the pack’s prejudice against vampires and outsiders as whole that had caused the incident unfold the way it did.
The key to this mystery lay in the incident with the hunters but she couldn’t figure out how.
“I’m sorry,” Nancy muttered, picking at her nail polish. “I just don’t know who to trust.”
Wayne scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Yes, you do. You just need to put away your pride to do it.”
Eddie and Wayne walked out of the library squinting into the blaring sun.
Eddie chewed his lip thoughtfully. “This getting out of hand, and if his female alpha is against him, the older members of his pack are against him and the younger ones putting their trust in the adults, there is a traitor in his keepers, and plus all the shit with the education system building little hunters...” he shook his head. “His only allies are us, that keeper Buckley and that’s it.”
“Steve is being harried on every side,” Wayne said in all seriousness. “And I don’t know how to protect him.”
Eddie rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “So we surround him with non-pack supes.”
“What do you mean, Ed?” Wayne asked, cocking his head to the side.
“I can’t involve Jeff, not with him being a part of the coven,” Eddie said, “but I have other friends who are supernatural beings. After all, if Steve is advocating for all supes they might be willing to protect him.”
Wayne nodded. After their time with Nancy he trusted the pack even less. There was something going on in this town that making it rot.
He clasped Eddie on the shoulder. “Go, gather your friends, I’ll meet up with you at the high school, I have my fish to fry.”
Eddie nodded and shifted, taking off in flight.
Wayne looked up at his nephew, now but black spot in the harsh daylight and shook his head. His boy had his heart in the right place, plus he didn’t want Eddie to know about who he was going to see.
Wayne started to relax in the setting sun and he began to unwind his protections. He pulled on his usual flannel and shoved the rest into his knapsack.
Just then a man oozed out of the shadows and smiled at him.
“I never expected to hear from you again,” the man muttered.
“Sam,” Wayne replied tersely. “I should have ripped you to pieces when I found out what you were.”
Dr. Sam Owen looked around him with a shrug and tilt of his head. “And leave this place without its staunch protector?”
Wayne growled, his fangs dropping and his eyes turning blood red.
“Don’t be like that, darling,” Sam cooed. “I told you before and I’m telling you again. That wasn’t my real wife or my real kids. I was undercover.”
“Yeah?” Wayne huffed. “That why you fucked her then? For your cover?”
Sam’s easy smile fell for the first time. “What?” His jaw was set in a hard line and gaze turned to steel.
Wayne laughed bitterly. “I could smell the stench of sex the moment I walked into that damned house. There were no other scents but yours and hers, so don’t you feed me some line.”
“I’ve heard of vampires having keen senses before but this one is new to me,” Sam said, excitement coloring his tone.
“If I didn’t need something from you,” Wayne spat, “I would fucking hit you right now. Are you really choosing to focus on my sense of smell after I just told you I knew you cheated on me?”
Sam straightened his spine. “Right, right. Sorry. That was a stupid thing to say.” He gently brought a finger under Wayne’s chin. “She was a succubus.”
Wayne’s head rocked back and away from his finger. “You telling me right now, demons exist?”
“I don’t know why that is such a surprise,” Sam said, cocking his head to the side as he regarded Wayne’s reaction with curiosity. “Fae, djinn, roc, wendigos, vampires, sirens, selkies, set animals, aqrabuamelu all exist why would demons be the exceptions?”
Wayne glared at him. “Because dragons, unicorns, actual fucking gods don’t exist, so yeah I figured heaven and hell were off the table too.”
Sam shook his head. “No, no. Demons aren’t of hell. Not in the way certain religions believe. But gumiho exist and so do incubi and succubi. The latter two smell strongly of intercourse. It’s a kind of pheromone they give off when distressed.”
“I–I didn’t know,” Wayne muttered, dropping his gaze to the floor.
He took a step toward Wayne and cupped his cheeks. “I should have sought you out after you ran off, I knew where you were, I could have come and cleared up the misunderstanding, but I didn’t. This is on me entirely. What ever you want, whatever you need. Just ask and I’ll grant it.”
Wayne looked up into the agent’s eyes. “Can you get me all the information on the banishment of Dr. Alexei Oborin?”
Wayne chuckled and shook his head gently out of Sam’s grasp. “You aren’t going to ask what for?”
“No,” Sam said with a smirk. “Because I know you, Wayne. You are one tough son of a bitch, but your instinct is rarely wrong. I’ve come to rely on that fact.”
“There are some pretty weird shit going down in this town, Sam,” he growled. “It’s making the air feel like just before an electric storm. Cackling with danger and the smell of ozone.”
Sam nodded. “We’ve been looking into some things since the Harrington alpha was attack. I don’t know if our two investigations are related, but I don’t see how they can be.”
“You aren’t keeping shit from me, are you Sam?” Wayne asked, cocking his head to the side.
The agent sighed. “It’s not keeping it from you if I can’t tell you what I’m working on. You know that.”
“If there is something with that boy that you aren’t telling me,” Wayne growled, “I will rip your balls off.”
“Wayne...I’m investigating. I don’t know anything yet.” Sam rubbed his face in frustration.
The vampire eyed him warily, but nodded. “I want those files as soon as you can.”
“I promise.”
Wayne walked away from Sam and then transformed, taking flight. Below the agent looked up at the winged creature and sighed.
This complicated matters.
Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi
3- @fullpoetrybread @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @bookworm0690 @littlewildflowerkitten @just-a-tiny-void @potato-of-the-lord @thelittleclare
5- @goosesister @tinyplanet95 @she-collects-smut @irregular-child @y4r3luv
6- @fairytalesreality @anaibis @papergrenade @ravenfrog @blondie1006 @dreamercec
7- @thedragonsaunt @sadisticaltarts @kultiras
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firesnap · 7 months
i have a genuine question. i promise i am not at all trying to defend him. ive dropped him entirely, literally deleted everything i had of him and unliked his songs.
ive just been wondering like considering that he has been in therapy, and also considering how if he does take a year off and then comes back, why cant it be redeemable? like cant people change? cant we give them second chances? he is 27. is he just doomed to be an abuser forever?
its just scary and im asking as like a younger person who is in my very early 20s. i know ive made mistakes. i know ive not been a good partner or friend sometimes. (and yes i was also abusive to a past partner...im not proud of it and ive learned from it. i have never ever touched anyone in that way after that. it took awhile but my current relationship isnt toxic and i would never hurt anyone or hit them again yknow?) and it scares me that people keep insinuating that he is irredeemable. like cant abusers change and become better? dont they get second chances? if shelby has grown and healed in 10 months wouldn't it be fair to say the same for wilbur?
im just genuinely asking because based on everything i believe you are older than me and im looking for guidance and just...idk im scared. growing up on the internet has made me so scared of making mistakes and doing anything wrong because when it happens to others i look up to, its always treated as something they'll never be able to change or improve. makes me feel like imma just be a horrible person forever because i made mistakes in the past.
This is a really complicated question that multiple answers can validly fit.
I don't think, personally, that anyone is irredeemable. I think everyone is on a journey of forgiveness and some of us may need more grace than others.
This is tw// abuse even more than the current topic, but my mom was incredibly abusive. We lived in a very rural area and she had a lot of undiagnosed problems and trauma of her own that created a pressure pot of issues. After I was born, she suffered through full on post-partum psychosis that nearly ended about as well as that sentence implies it could have. She was incredibly violent, controlling, and cruel for years. My sister went no-contact with her the second she turned 18. A significant event occurred that eventually spurned her into seeking real treatment that lasted for years. It's still ongoing.
My sister is also still no contact and I support her decision 100%. Those are her wounds and what she needed to do to get peace should be respected. I decided I wanted a relationship with the person who came out of all that work and, even then, it's been hard. I don't know if she's redeemed herself, and my god do we still have bumps in the road, but I support her for trying.
With Wilbur, how he responds to this is going to really impact a lot of things. I mean, I know no matter how he responds I won't be going on whatever journey of redemption and healing he has to go through. I'm tired and I feel hurt enough. I would think, if he wanted to show he was sincere, admitting what happened would be a great sense of closure for a lot of people who put time and energy and faith into this guy for years.
Not every person that causes harm is inherently evil, but there has to be some kind of knowledge that you're aware of the harm you've caused. No one is stuck as anything forever, life is constantly moving, and most people aren't saying his life is just over. You can work on yourself. You can change. And I'm saying that specifically to you, anonymous.
(Saying this, actually, there ARE people who would argue once you've done x you're beyond redemption based entirely on their life experiences as a victim, personal histories and many other factors. Kinda like my sister, that's their choice. And you have to accept that sometimes you fuck up so badly that you will permanently lose some people from your life. But your life isn't over.)
But I do think, regardless of what he says or does about this, his time of controlling a large platform is at an end. He can still do a lot of things in his life after he works on himself -- editing, song producing, directing, writing or whatever -- but being in charge of a large impressionable audience that could enable more destructive behaviors is just not it.
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Do you think Tom Riddle might have created the horcruxes a lot later than the fandom presumes from the information we have? We don't actually know how recent the murder has to be for the creation of a horcrux and the actual process involved. I just learned that apparently many dark wizards aside from Voldemort and Herpo the Foul have actually tried creating horcruxes but none succeeded as it seems to be a very difficult thing to pull off. Taking that into consideration, I think it'd make a lot more sense for a guy who spent like 10 years in Albania studying dark magic to be able to create a horcrux than a 16 year old after asking his potions professor about it and reading about it in a book.
The "Tom Riddle was so evil, he created his first horcrux when he was 16" thing feeds perfectly into Dumbledore's narrative and goals but I keep thinking about Tom Riddle getting increasingly obsessed with making a horcrux as he gets older because he's been working at Borgin and Burkes for several years, has hardly any chances in the wizarding world, no qualifications for the muggle world and feels like life is slipping through his fingers while he's just suffering.
This is really a @rankheresy idea if there ever was one so I think I'm going to punt a large response off there.
What I will say though, without any explanation, is the following:
We have no confirmation how many horcruxes Tom made and how many items assumed horcruxes are in fact horcruxes
Of those horcruxes we have confirmed, we only have one that gives a somewhat firm idea of when the horcrux was made, all others have a time at which they might have first been made but this is unlikely to be the exact date
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spookyquinnbie · 1 year
Best Friends Birthday
Eddie Munson x Reader / EM One Shot
Summary: You and Eddie have been friends for years, its your birthday and he has a special surprise for you.
Words: 2646
warnings: fluff, swearing,
Notes: I've had this in my head for a while but never had the time to write it so I hope you enjoy<3
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You and Eddie have been friends since middle school. You never grew up in Hawkins, you moved from Ohio when you were about 10 years old. Eddie was your first friend, the first person to talk to you. Since then, you have been inseparable, always by each other's side, hanging out each other's homes, being there for each other through breakups and what not. You both grew up together, your parents were good friends with Wayne, always inviting him and Eddie to vacations and family BBQ’s. You’d been through a lot together over the years.  
Wayne loved you like a daughter he never had, he would always call you ‘trouble’ and scruff your hair up when you saw him, he adored you. You were always at their trailer growing up, you preferred it there, it felt more like home than your actual home. You never felt like you belonged at home, always being told ‘act more like your older sister’. You didn’t want to, you wanted to be your own person.  
It was senior year for both of you at Hawkins High, Eddie was sure he was going to graduate this year. You were basically his tutor since he wasn’t all that bright, but you didn’t care. Over the past year things have been a little different between you and Eddie. He was now the schools drug dealer and labelled as the freak, which gained a lot more attention than normal. More girls wanted him, more boys wanted to pick on him. You were always there for him. Through his outbursts at his trailer over Jason Carver calling him stupid names to him playing sad love songs on the guitar when his 3-week relationship broke off after a girl asked him out for a joke. You though, you never had eyes for anybody but Eddie. You never told him, never told anybody in fact. You didn’t want to ruin years of friendship, you didn’t think Eddie would like you anyway, you didn’t think you were his type. Sure, you were always a metalhead, liked DnD, liked horror movies but you thought girls like Chrissy Cunningham were more his type, as you’ve seen him drool over her several times in the last 2 weeks. You just admired Eddie from a far, writing notes in your diary about how much you want to kiss him and be his forever. Eddie always flirted with you, always called you his ‘sweetheart’ or ‘princess’, they always made you melt. The way he would kiss your forehead when saying goodbye, or knowing you were anxious when your legs would constantly be bouncing, he would rest his hand on your leg and give you a warm smile to let you know you're okay.  
It was the day before your birthday, Eddie had been more excited for it than you for weeks now. He’s invited you over to spend the night with him. This was normal, you used to spend nights together most weekends. He wanted to see you on your actual birthday, but your parents said your family from out of town was coming to see you so the day before it had to be. You had no idea what Eddie had planned for you; you had told him so many times not to get you anything, but he promised id love it.  
You just walked into school, your mousy brown hair flowing in the wind along with your black skater dress. You walked up to your locker and opened it, placing your bag in and getting your books for the day. You glance down the hall to see Eddie walking into school, this was early for him. He had a skip in his step, and he had something in his hand you couldn’t quite make out.  
“Mornin, birthday girl” Eddie smiled, leaning against the locker holding a rose out in front of him. “Flower for you, sweetheart” His smile was so wide. You couldn’t help but blush and melt at his large brown eyes gleaming at you.  
“Thanks, Eds!” You said taking the rose from him and wrapping your arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a warm hug. He kissed your forehead as you pulled away.  
“You're still coming over after school, right?” He asked, his eyes wide and desperate for my answer.  
“Yes, how many times have you asked me this week” I roll my eyes and look at him, closing my locker and leaning against it next to him.  
“I just-” Eddie takes his hands in yours. “i want your birthday to be perfect, you’re my best friend, I have the perfect presents for you” He squeezes your hand gently, swaying them lightly as he gets over enthusiastic about the presents he’s got you.  
“Eddie! Presents?! You did have to I told you!” you nudge him and pout. He smirks and holds his hands up in defence.  
“I know, I know but I’ve been working extra hours at the record store and saved up my money” Eddie says placing one hand in his pocket and shrugging. You couldn’t be angry at him, he did this all for you. You smile at him, your eyes sparkling in the sunlight beaming through the windows. The first bell rang and you both went sperate ways for your first classes of the day. You hoped today went fast, the anticipation of what Eddie had planned was killing you.  
It was the end of the school day, finally. You were stood outside in the parking lot next to Eddies truck waiting for him. You heard his loud voice from across the lot, you gaze over and see him with Dustin and Jeff, walking over to his truck. Eddies eyes meet yours and he smiles and gives you a little wave. 
“Happy Birthday” Dustin and Jeff say in unison.  
“Thanks guys” I smile at them both. Eddie lights up 2 cigarettes and hands you one. You nod to him and take a drag and exhale. You didn’t have any time to chat to Dustin or Jeff before Eddie was rushing the conversation and practically pushing you into his truck. The car ride seemed to go on forever, you were nervous what Eddie had planned for you. Eddie hardly spoke the whole ride to the trailer; his demeanour had changed from this morning, he seemed stiff and nervous. You kept looking over at him as you smoked your cigarette in the passenger side of his truck.  
We finally arrived at the trailer park; Eddie parked the truck up. He practically jumped out of the truck and ran around to my side before you could even take your seatbelt off.  
“M’lady” He bowed while opening the door and holding his arm out. I jumped out of the truck and curtsied to Eddie. “Thank you, kind sir” You giggled. You started walking to the trailer and Eddie grabbed your waist and halted you.  
“N-No, wait a sec! Close your eyes” He looked at you making sure you closed your eyes, You put your hands on your waist and close your eyed.  
“Keep em closed till I say so yeah?” You felt him walk away from you, you could hear voices but couldn’t quite make them out, your stomach fluttered as your nerves grew. You heard the trailer door open and close once more and then felt Eddies hands on your shoulders. 
“Follow my lead, okay?”  
“Eddie what's going on?” You follow his lead, holding his arms tight.  
“We are nearly there okay sweetheart” We took a few steps more and place your hand on the trailer door. Eddie guides you through into the living room and stops you. You hear a lighter flick and Eddie walks away from you. 
“okay! Open your eyes!” You open your eyes and your heart stops. Eddie and Wayne are standing there holding a birthday cake, with a few lit candles. They both start to sing happy Birthday to you, moving closer to you. You don’t know what to do, you take one step closer to them and smile under the hand you have over your mouth. You cannot believe Eddie had done this for you. Your heart feels full watching Eddie and Wayne singing to you.  
They both stop singing and Wayne holds out the cake to you.  
“Blow out the candles then” Wayne says beaming from ear to ear. You look at him and the down at the cake. You blow out your candles and they both cheer.  
“Happy brithday, trouble” Wayne put the cake down on the coffee table and pulls you into a hug, scruffing up your hair.  
“Thanks uncle wayne” He wasn’t really your uncle, but you always called him that. You hugged him tight and then turned to Eddie, who was on the verge of tears. 
“Come here ya big goof. Thank you Eds” You grab eddies hand and pull him into a hug, he wraps his arms around you. You nuzzle your face into his chest, as he kissed your forehead.  
You all stand around in the trailer eating some cake, Wayne wanted to share some cake before he left for work. Wayne had even got you a gift. It was a hat that youd always admired that was off the wall of the trailer, he took it down and gave it to you. It meant a lot to you that he did that, he always had collected those hats.  
Wayne left for work and as soon as the trailer door closed, Eddie grabbed your hand. 
“okay, now for presents” Eddie gleamed, pulling you into his bedroom. He walked infront of you and knelt down on the floor infront of 3 presents. You walk in the room and gasp. 
“Eddie! Oh my god” You skipped to him and knelt down next to him. “For me? Are you serious” Eddie nodded and moved closer to you.  
“You have to open them in a certain order though, princess” He smirked at you, grabbing a, badly, wrapped present. Eddie wasn’t the best at anything DIY like wrapping or cooking but the thought is what counts and he puts a lot of thought into anything he does. He hands you a medium sized present, its soft.  
“First one” You say, placing it infront of you, ripping the paper. Your cheeks flush red as you see the first present. Eddie had taken one of your favourite denim jackets and sewed on some patches for you. You can tell hes done it himself because of how bad the stiching was, but you didn’t care. You looked over at eddie and your eyes creased with how much you were smiling. He had stitched on a few band patches and a few others, but its just what you wanted, you never thought he’d actually do it. 
“Eddie! Ive been looking for this jacket for weeks! I knew you took it” I smirk at him, holding the jacket up and studdying it.  
“I love it, thank you Eddie” You put the jacket down and wrap your arms around eddie, kissing his cheek.  
“You love it? I worked pretty hard on it for you, I knew you wanted a handmade patched jacket” He rubs the back of his neck and blushes. You nod at him and grin. He picks up the next present and you already knew what this is, by the size and feel of the present.  
“No fucking way..” You say as you rip the paper apart once again. He’d got you 2 records, the ones you’ve been going on and on about for weeks. 
“Eddie! Oh my- oh my god! Thank you, thank you!” You bop up and down on your knees, you were so grateful. You glance over at eddie and hes been starring at you this whole time. His big doe-eyes watching you gush over the presents, you can tell his heart was happy.  
“They are the ones you wanted right?”  
“Yes Eddie, yes they are oh thank you so so much!” You couldn’t contain your excitement, but you noticed a change in eddie, he began to fidget and he now had a blank stare on his face. You look over at him and he shakes himself out of it. 
“O-Okay next one, this is your f-final present from me, okay s-sweetheart" He grabbed the last present and stood to his feet, he was stuttering on his words and his cheeks were flushed. He held out his hand and helped you up. The present he was holding was a small but delicate gift, neatly wrapped with a bow on top. You glance at the present and then back at eddie. 
“Before I open this, I just want to say thank you eddie, for all of this, I mean, this is so perfect” A warm smile glides over your lips, your eyes meet eddies and he takes a deep breath.  
“Y-your welcome doll, now” He holds out the present and hands it to you, his hands were shaking slightly. You raise your eyebrows at him and take it. You start to unwrap the present, a lot slower than the others, this one feels precious. It’s a little brown box. You look up at eddie as he takes your arm. 
“N-now before you open it, I just want to let you know” Eddie takes a deep breath. “You mean a lot to me Y/N, you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, a-and I care about you a lot" He stops to take a breath. Tears are forming at the corner of your eyes, is this the moment you’ve been waiting for? 
“Shit.. This is really hard uh.. I really..fuck” He starts to get flustered. I take my free hand to his cheek and stoke lightly. 
“Eddie.. Its okay, take your time”  
“I want you to be mine, Y/N” He looks deeply at you while opening the little box for you. Your eyes glance down at the box, your heart stops, time stops. Inside the box is a dainty little silver ring with one single tiny stone in it. You stare at it, tears falling down your cheeks. Eddie’s kuckles brush under your chin and lift slightly so your eyes meet his. 
“I-it’s a promise ring, I got it you because, I love you. I've loved for since the first day I met you, I just didn’t have the guts to say it, Sweetheart” He chuckled.  
“E-Eddie.. I-I love it” you glance back down at the ring and then back at Eddie. He wipes away the tears on your cheek and smiles down at you.  
“I promise to keep you safe and love you forever” Eddie now has tears in his eyes. You giggle at a tear falling down his cheek and you wipe it away.  
“Will you be mine, Y/N” Eddie asks. You take the ring out of the box and place it on your middle finger, it fits perfectly. You nod and gush, throwing your arms around eddie. He picks you up and you look down at him. 
“Yes! A thousand times yes!” You throw your head back in excitement as Eddie spins you around. He sets you back down, his arms still around your waist. You are both looking deeply into each others eyes, your faces moving closer together. You close the distance and crash your lips on his, moving your hand from his back to the base of his neck, intwinging your fingers with his long curly locks. The kiss is passionate and firey, feels like bolts of electric flying from your lips, your heart fluttering making you feel like your walking on air. You break the kiss and place your hand on his chest, looking at the ring intently. He looks down and chuckles, his hair falling in his face and yours.  
“Im glad you like it Princess” Eddie holds you close and kisses your forehead.  
“I love you Eddie, Its always been you” 
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niko-jpeg · 5 months
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First of MANY Camp Green Hill Doodles. Camp Green Hill is my silly summer camp AU, and since I've been on a 06 kick lately, lots of silliness with that case running through my brian. Context and explanations under the cut <3
Alright! Camp Green Hill takes place at its namesake. It’s a pretty nice, isolated place in the middle of nowhere, and a safe haven for Mobians with or without ‘supernatural abilities’. Sonic is a permanent resident and under the care of Ranger (“Uncle”) Chuck, who is currently in charge of the camp. Onto the doodle explanations:
“Sonic the Hedgehog”: Just a little doodle of our resident hedgehog. He’s well known both around camp and around town for being bright, full of energy, and very competitive. He possesses a super speed ability and loves to let it show.
Sonic and Tails: Sonic and his little brother, Tails were found in the woods around the camp around 10 years ago. Their origins are pretty much unknown, and neither of them say anything about their old homes. It came to light that Sonic kidnapped Tails after keeping an eye on the toddler and noticing he was severely neglected by his community. Sonic’s origins remain unknown. Uncle Chuck speculates he also came from a neglectful family, which is why he took Tails and ran. 
Drowning: Sonic cannot swim. Despite this, he hangs around water frequently, especially when pissed off or upset. This has resulted in many near drownings. 
Uncle Chuck: Artists rendition of how Uncle Chuck became an uncle. Sonic just kind of wandered into the camp, decided he liked it and its weird owner (Chuck), and declared him their uncle.
Sonic Enjoys Rock Climbing: It's one of his favorite camp sports! He’s gotten pretty damn good, but for the sake of setting a good example, will make use of the safety equipment.
A Completely Normal Cat: A completely normal cat with a completely normal vibe who cannot talk, I promise. Just kidding, that's resident half god Mephiles! They prefer to take on the form of a cat most of the time, mostly to not throw other campers off. And yes, they are in fact, a camper. It's a long story. If you want to know more. My ask box is open ;) 
Friendship Bracelets: Silver is buddies with Mephiles, but neither of them have been properly socialized. He and Blaze have matching friendship bracelets, so he made Mephiles one too. They wear it as a collar, since cat wrists aren’t the best for jewelry. 
Lawn Chair: There's a little filler ‘episode’ where Silver, Sonic, Blaze, and Shadow all go to a waterpark outside of town, and Silver enlists the help of Meph to get them in, since they know a certain illusionist jackal who could help them out. They pretend to be Shadow’s older sibling to get them in, and hang out with Blaze far away from the splash zone. 
They/Them Icon: Just a doodle of Meph I did to fill space lol.
Blaze and Silver: They have a long, complicated friendship. She appeared to him when he was younger shortly after losing his whole family to a catastrophic apartment fire. She’s a secret friend from another dimension, and his only real friend. Little does he know, Blaze was the one who accidentally started the flame, and now feels bad for orphaning him. She grapples with the guilt a lot. Meph was messing around in the future during the off season and accidentally befriended the two, which was their ticket to the past at the camp.
Also, Silver visits Blaze’s dimension frequently! Once he’s comfortable around people, he’s full of spunk, and loves a good adventure. He’s not as innocent and shy as he paints himself to be, not even by a lot. He’s still nervous around Mephiles though, given the whole ‘god’ thing.
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astoldbychae · 3 months
I'm askin 1-30 for me and Javier, JP...kinda anyway I'm asking for the lovebirds Melo and Monet
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One...through THIRTYYYYY? 👀 *cracks knuckles* *sips wine* Let's do this!
1. Where and how did they meet? Junior High/High School. He's best friends with her older brother, Mekhi.
2. Was it love at first sight? Absolutely not. Mel is 5 years older than her, so she was still in middle school/junior high at the time. HOWEVER when they ran into each other again (he was 30, she was 25) She thought he was the finest man in the club!
3. If it was not love at first sight, how and when did they know it was love? He knew it was love when she consistently showed up for him during one of the heaviest moments of his life (his divorce). She knew it was love the way he consistently showed up for her during hers (her pregnancy).
4. What feature(s) do they find most attractive about their partner? For him, it's her hands and her eyes. For her, it's his ears and lips.
5. What traits / personality aspects do they like most about their partner? He loves that she's Hot-Headed and how Ambitious she is. She loves how Family Oriented and Proper (Polite/Courteous) he is. They also both share the People Person lifestyle trait, so they love that about one another too. All their traits here.
6. Do they have any habits their partner finds annoying? He gets annoyed with the way she cracks her knuckles, She gets annoyed with how slow he eats. Also, when he's REALLY tired he snores and it drives her up a wall (but most times he's got her in a cuddle-lock when they're sleeping, so she can't really move much. She likes to throw her ass back on him to wake him up/make him stop snoring. Works every time. It's literally the only thing he responds too) 🙃
7. Is there anything about their partner they would like to change? For him, it's how much time she spends on her phone. For her, it's how much time he spends at work.
8. Where did they have their first date? Their first legit date was at a Bowling Alley/Arcade in San Myshuno. Afterwards they went to a Brewery that had just opened and had the most delicious wings! She planned it because he needed some fun in his life after his divorce. She doesn't call it a date though...but He does.
9. When and where did they have their first kiss? Two months after they met/saw eachother at the club, He invited her out for a late night drive while he was clearing his head. They ended up at Myshuno Meadows Park. It was in his truck, Anita Baker's "Whatever It Takes" provided the soundtrack to the moment He realized that he was developing some deeper feelings for her. They were having a heart to heart conversation about life and it was the way she turned to look at him that made him slowly lean over, look her deeper in her eyes, and asked if he could kiss her. 😩
10. How long have they been together? 2 1/2ish years or so. In my mind they're still in the earlier "honeymoon" stages of their relationship.
11. Will they stay together for a long time? I hope so! (and I know Melo can second that notion...Monet does too but He is the main one that thinks about being old and grey and his legacy)
12. Do they have many problems in the relationship or just a few? Or none? I'd say just a few, He wants more children and she is more focused on her career right now. She has jealous pangs regularly and hates his ex-wife. She has been arguing with him a lot more lately and picking little fights because she's Hot-Headed as well. He does work A LOT. So my guess is they need a bit of a better balance in life but she (nor he) has been able to really communicate that. He's always kissing on her neck, giving her massages, and hunching on her all the damn time, so IDK why she can't tell him how she feels without snapping! I also think it's time for Alleia's lil butt to go to daycare! I just chalk it up to her being a bit overwhelmed right now, adjusting to new mom life (?)
13. Is there a big age difference between the partners, a small difference or are they the same age? They're 5 years apart. She's 27 and He's 32.
14. Do other people approve or disapprove of the relationship? His family approves of her, especially his daughters. Her family approves of him. However, her mom plants little seeds of uncertainty in her head at times but overall her mom loves Melo. Momma doesnt want Monet to "get so wrapped up in a man that she forgets about herself/ her dreams".
15. If someone disapproves of the relationship, who is it, and why do they disapprove? His ex-wife is salty and disapproves/absolutely despises Monet, for the simple fact that she still wants him. WOMP WOMP!
16. Does the couple care if people disapprove of them being together? Nope. Not one bit! Mel will tell you to "mind your MF business mane" in a heartbeat. 😂
17. Are they married? No...🙃
18. If they’re not married, do they want to be? He does (he's had the whim to propose but at the time it was too soon, we're just waiting on that whim to pop up again). She would like to be but she isn't pressed about it. Right now she is more focused on trying to balance motherhood and career.
19. Would they elope, have a small intimate wedding, big fancy wedding, or something else? She would like to elope. Him on the other hand, he wants a big fancy wedding because he feels She deserves it. He loves celebrating her! He also wants to experience that because (1) he's a party animal that loves a good party and (2) he didn't get to experience that with his first marriage (they were high school sweet hearts and got married in their early 20's, so they had a small intimate wedding).
20. Where would they go on their honeymoon or dream vacation? A resort in Selvadorada, a cabin in Mt. Komorebi, or a nice little bed & breakfast in Magnolia Promenade. Anything with a good view & good food!
21. Do they have any children? Do they want any? Yes, they have a daughter together and he has 2 daughters with his ex-wife. Yes, he wants more. She is neutral about having more (she's ok if they do & ok if they don't)
22. What is their favourite thing to do together? Cook. He loves to try new recipes that he saw on the Cooking Channel. She's currently in her baking era and he loves doing that with her (most times he is just licking everything...but he is learning a thing or two...about baking)
23. Where is their favourite place to go together? Bowling Alley or Arcade
24. Do they have a song? They have two actually, Anita Baker "Whatever It Takes" & Stevie Wonder "For Your Love"
25. Do they have any pet names / nicknames for each other? She calls him "Papa" and he calls her "Love" or "Moo" (which was her childhood nickname)
26. Are they jealous? She is...VERY VERY jealous. He isn't.
27. Is this a first relationship for either of them? Nope. He's been married before and had "little flings" in his younger years. She's had one serious relationship before this, aside from her "puppy love" jr high/high school relationship.
28. How do they show affection for each other? Cuddles, hugs, kisses, massages...random acts of service (is her love language) and physical touch (is his).
29. How do they cheer their partner up when they’re sad? She let's him lay his head on her chest while they talk & she rubs his head/ears, until he falls asleep (which he does damn near every time and he wakes up in a better mood). He cuddles with her/lets her cry it out on his chest or tries to crack jokes (depending on how sad she is/what's going on).
30. Is either of the partners a ‘hopeless romantic’? After really looking at what the term means...Yes, Papa most definitely is! 🥺 Has the Soulmate Aspiration & Romantic trait to prove it! Lol.
I honestly think he would have tried to make his first marriage work (even though she had a baby on him with someone else) but it was the fact that the baby was by one of his closest friends that fucked him up the most. Yes, he was fucked up that the baby wasn't his in general BUT he knew that during their earlier years of the relationship he wasn't shit (and had stepped out on her several times, one of which resulted in a pregnancy scare of the other woman). Which is also why ex-wife was in disbelief that he was actually going through with the divorce. They've been through A LOT together and she knows how Family Oriented he is and how much he values marriage. That was one of the main reasons why he was going through it during the divorce because he never wanted to (1) go through a divorce but (2) have his kids not have both their parents under one roof. He dreamed of having that happy family with one woman. Hence why now He is doing EVERYTHING in his power to be with/make things work between him & Monet. He believes in love and soulmates and the whole "til death do us part" (and I really love that about him).
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"the protagonist of yowamushi pedal was originally supposed to be a girl until the author's editor said that a story with a boy protagonist would sell better, but he still kept a lot of his character concept for the original protagonist in creating onoda.
onoda is really obsessed with a magical girl anime, love hime, and throughout the series she often sings a song from that show singing about the transforming magic princess protagonist to encourage herself to pedal faster during cycling races. i feel like this can be seen as her finding power in femininity. even outside of singing the song there are multiple times while pushing herself during races that she shouts "i'm a princess!!!"
for an additional argument that requires a segue into making the case for another character's lgbt-ness for a bit: onoda's senior mentor is makishima yuusuke. makishima has a sense of style that other people often find weird and effeminate. makishima has a background story about how they were always bullied growing up for not fitting in regardless of what they did, and for quite literally not doing things "straight" (having weird posture/writing crooked/riding a bike with an unconventional style, etc.) makishima is also probably the character involved with the most gaybaiting in all of the animanga
despite all the people who find makishima to be weird, onoda greatly admires makishima, insisting that they're one of the coolest people she's ever met, and looking up to her as a role model. everything that other people find weird that makishima does, onoda admires and tries to imitate, from their cycling style to their fashion sense. in one cute scene, onoda sees makishima put their long hair in a hair turban after washing it, and as soon as she is alone she tries to imitate this despite not needing to wrap her short hair like that herself.
before getting roped into joining her school's cycling club (despite initially being intimidated by people who played sports), onoda was pretty shy and awkward and didn't have many friends. but after gaining a community in the cycling club, she begins to blossom into her warm and determined personality. some of the moments where that shines the most is when she is relating herself to the protagonist of love hime. i think there is a strong argument to be made for her being a closeted trans girl who is just starting to discover herself now that she is in a supportive environment with an older gender nonconforming role model giving her a small glimpse of what is possible for the first time, taking her first steps with experimenting and letting herself be excited about the idea of being a girl through the confidence-building outlet of her cycling.
i've not been able to see onoda as anything but a trans girl since i first watched yowamushi pedal 10 years ago and i hope after reading this you think so too!" - Anonymous
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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blues824 · 2 years
Do you also do Pokémon? Pokémon crossover? Because I got a request that involves the obey me boys react to mc who’s a trainer from the Pokémonverse who got summoned to Devildom with their Pokémon in tow. Mc could be a 10 year old kid if you want, because I kinda want to see the brothers react when this 10 year old human child tells them the story of how they ending up toe to toe with a terrorist group from their region with their Pokémon and saved the world in the process.
Everyone, join me in our national anthem. POKEMON! GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL!!!
This is platonic, obviously
Also, check out @reiketsunomizunomegami and their art. Beautiful, truly.
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He knew Diavolo wanted exchange students from both realms, but he didn’t expect an angel and a human who looked like they were just learning their ABC’s. This is where he draws the line. How can a 10 year old human academically keep up with demons who have been around for many millennia?
The short answer is: you can’t. It’s quite literally impossible, okay? So they set up different courses that are more simple so that you can get a better grasp on the lessons. After all, if you’re going to be staying here, you need to understand magic. 
Lucifer most definitely takes you in as a younger sibling. It’s not his first rodeo, after all. Plus, he’s intrigued as to why the system chose you out of every other human besides Solomon. Because you’re 10 and don’t know much about what should probably be kept a secret, you tell him all about your home in Pallet Town.
When y’all first met, he noticed the red and white spheres you kept on your person. He also noticed that there was one particular familiar that followed you around. He asked you about it and told him that it was your Pokémon and the spheres held other Pokémon that you use in battle. 
He’s intrigued because this seems like it’s straight out of a show for kids. He has to explain that there are no Pokémon in the Devildom, but you don’t care. Lucifer’s glad that you can defend yourself to some degree. You then tell him about the run-ins you’ve had with Team Rocket and he is immediately concerned. Grown ass adults are stealing the Pokémon of literal children?? May God forgive them, because he won’t.
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I’ve seen the headcanons where this guy is a sucker for kids, so I’m putting this into play. Older brother Mammon, I choose you! He sees you overwhelmed and gets down to your level to try and calm you down.
He will be the one to give you a tour around RAD and introduce you to his brothers. Most of the time, he has you on his shoulders so that it’s a bit of a better experience for you. He knows that the little things matter in situations like this.
Mammon takes his role as your protector very seriously. He will gladly throw hands with his own brothers if they mess with you. It’s amusing to you because he will always act so tough when in reality he’s a huge softie.
On one of your shopping trips (he most definitely spoils you), he notices your satchel and asks you about it. You pull out one of the Pokeballs and throw it, shouting Shedinja, I choose you! He let out an audible yelp when he saw a cicada looking animal come out of the ball. It was your weakest Pokémon, so you chose that one.
You explain more about your home region and how Pokémon are the norm just like demons are here. Pokémon are used in battle so that the Trainer can move up through the ranks. You also told him about Team Rocket and how they try to steal rare and powerful Pokémon, like your dear friend’s Pikachu. 
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At first, he wants nothing to do with you. Children are loud and irritating, so he tries to steer clear. That is until Lucifer forces him to interact with you. Then he realizes that your situation is a lot like the anime in his favorite genre: isekai.
He feels bad that you are a literal 10 year old child in Hell. Not just that, but there really isn’t an elementary course at RAD. Did Diavolo do any calculations right when he was selecting the exchange students?
Eventually, Leviathan warms up to you. Whenever you come to his room to hangout or for him to babysit you, he has snacks and juice for you. You both have a blast just playing some kid-friendly games while listening to some anime intros.
During one of these babysitting adventures, he asks you about the spheres you keep checking up on. He’s seen something similar in a children’s anime, but he just wanted to make sure. You happily explained what Pokémon are and how they are utilized in battle. He was surprised about the battle part because these fights could potentially be life-threatening with the abilities of the Pokémon.
You go on and give an example of such a battle, more specifically the ones where you were going against Team Rocket. He definitely felt anger bubble up when you told him about how they tried to steal you and your friend Ash’s Pokémon on many different occasions. He was very mad, now. How could grown adults have the audacity to steal Pokémon?!
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Found you quite intriguing, and amusing because it’s not everyday that you see a 10 year old human in the Devildom. He already has so many plans to prank Lucifer, and you are gonna be the bait in the situation… with your consent obviously.
He does feel genuinely sorry because you are a 10 year old human in hell. You had a pure soul as well, so that made things way worse. On his worst days he feels the temptation, so he can’t imagine how scared you must be.
He will always invite you into his room to read. If you need it, he’ll even read you a bedtime story to help you sleep. It’s adorable and flattering that you trust him at your most vulnerable state. It makes him realize that he is so much more than just Wrath. 
He does notice the spheres you keep in your room. He’s asked you about them a few times, but the one time you give him an actual answer you tell him that they are your Pokémon. He just stands there until you go more in depth. You tell him about the battles you constantly go through just to become the Champion of all the regions and he is astonished.
You also go further and tell him about Team Rocket and how they constantly go after you and your friend Ash whenever you’re on your way to another Gym Trainer. Satan was unbelievably angry that you had to go through something like that at such a young age. How dare they try and hurt you?! They will be personally answering to Lord Diavolo as well as the Avatars of Sin.
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Oh, you’re so adorable to him~ He will absolutely try to steal you away from the idiotic brother that Mammon is because you don’t need to be influenced by him. Instead, come hang out with big brother Asmo!
He would gladly listen to any issues you need to rant to him about because he knows all about bottling up emotions and how it takes a toll. It’s better not to start that habit. He will have tissues on hand as he wipes away your tears.
He would absolutely love dressing you up! The first part of feeling good is looking good, or at least that’s how he lives his life. He would give you trendy outfits (that you are comfortable with) and he would definitely take you out shopping.
At one point, a demon child was taunting you for being human and being weak, so you brought out your Pokémon. You had a full on battle with this kid and one. Asmo knows he shouldn’t be condoning this behavior, but damn did he feel proud. But wait, you never told him about your Pokémon.
You tell him how you managed to befriend each and everyone one that was in the pokeballs you had and how you teamed up with Ash Ketchum to help each other get stronger. While going off on a tangent, you let out your stories with Team Rocket and Asmo is very close to dialing up God and telling Him that His creation malfunctioned again.
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He most definitely loves you like a younger sibling. I feel like he would be great with kids, and we can see that with how he treats Luke. You both share an unbreakable bond and it’s only been 5 minutes since you appeared.
He’s always happy to see you in the stands whenever he has a game. Sure, there are a bunch of other people and maybe a few cheerleaders, but it doesn’t stop him from always looking for you and the bright smile you always have when cheering him on.
He’s the type to always bring you to the kitchen to get some snacks and jokingly ask you to keep it a secret between just the two of you. He would also wipe some whipped cream on your nose to get you to laugh.
It was during one of these midnight kitchen raids where you told him about your life back in the Human Realm. You showed him one of the Pokeballs that you keep with you in case you were attacked and told him the story of befriending it and having it join your team.
He asks you if you’ve ever had to use your Pokémon in battle and you nod your head, telling him about Team Rocket. You’ve never seen such an angry face, but as you go on about all the crap they put you through, his face gets angrier and angrier. He wants so bad to go to the Human Realm and beat those guys to a pulp, but he knows that it would cause you a lot of stress if he did. You are his first priority.
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Even though he is portrayed as mean and murderous, he still has a heart. You are a child, and so were they at one point. He’d act indifferent towards you. He doesn’t hate you, but that doesn’t mean you’re his favorite person in the whole world.
He has never seen a child so down to nap, though. Half the time when you’re not at school, you’re asleep. Now you’re speaking his language, Y/N! He will make sure that you don’t get cold by covering you with a blanket.
He does warm up to you and will eventually ask if you want to use his pillow sometimes. This is a very high honor, Y/N. Don’t mess this up, because he’s letting you use his most prized and valued possession.
During one of these napping sessions, he can feel you moving around a lot. He uses his power to see your dream and he sees you with a bunch of animal-looking things going against a lady with pink hair, a guy with purple hair, and a talking cat.
He wakes you up and asks about it. You explain that it was a nightmare of one of your many battles against Team Rocket because they stumbled across you and your friend. They saw how powerful your friend’s Pikachu was and decided to attack the both of you. As you went on, Belphie pulled you close and slowly lulled you back to sleep using his powers. He told Lucifer about it (which means he’s very serious), and went right back to the spot next to you to watch over you in case you had another nightmare.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 months
selfcest 👀
I feel like I have been doing a lot of Steve selfcest whenever prompted so, fuck it, we go for Bucky this time.
It's only fair 😘
So, imagine with me, these two Buckys:
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We have younger Bucky from before the war, before the draft, who's so much more innocent and trusting than any Bucky that he becomes. At the point that he's transported through timeline fuckery to the future, he's a little older than 18. He just turned 19 last week! Which he insistently points out to his older counterpart, as if a difference of one year makes much difference to a hundred year old man. It's cute. He's young and nieve to the bone despite the hardships of growing up in The Depression, not having much but Steve and his beat-up paperback SciFi novels to keep him company.
And we have older Bucky from after many, many wars but... probably not his last war. He's a hundred or thereabouts. He's stopped counting, really, too tired and too confusing. What years count or don't when so many were spent frozen? That's besides the point, though, because he's grown into his skin. He has a place of his own in Wakanda, and he spends more than half his days without his prosthetic on. He's getting back to feeling like a human without having to have artificial parts to 'complete' him.
It just so happens, though, that when Shuri contacts him and gives him exactly 10 minutes of warning before his younger self shows up at the open doorway to his hut, dropped off from the yawning mouth of a ship that is all Wakandian tech, sophisticated and silent, Bucky is wearing his prosthetic. It's the one Shuri made him, thoughtful in design, for more than fighting--matte black and viened with gold, especially over his left, fourth finger.
The look on Shuri's face as she simplifies all that went on to transport mini Bucky here, this forward in the future, and to Wakanda, of all places, is one of amusement. She's enjoying how the younger version of himself hangs on every word she says. Bucky knows his younger self is fucking mind blown. To say the least. He remembers pouring over page after page of SciFi, almost ripping spines of books apart with how often he would go back through, making do with what he had at the time. This is straight from one of his books, maybe even beyond what the wildest book he was reading could've come up with. And as Bucky from now, who belongs here, leads his younger self further into his hut, he finds that, he too, is amused by the constant chattering.
His younger self is running. his. mouth. Incessant.
Some of it is incoherent excitement and stumbling words, but a lot of it is questions. Question after question. He's like a damn two year old who has just developed the ability to form and voice them and challenge the answers to the. Why? What? How?
Most of the answers, Bucky doesn't actually know. He lives here, and he feels connected, but he is an outsider. He's also still playing catch up himself. Bucky, now, does know, however, one thing: his arm is different.
Very different.
And there's something about that young face--rounded with baby fat and smooth without any wrinkles, scars, or too many blemish marks from growing up--that makes Bucky, now, reach out when he asks about it. Younger Bucky has not yet mastered the art of being covert or chill.
Younger Bucky does shut up the moment he extends his non-flesh-and-blood arm forward. Or, well, maybe he doesn't shut up exactly because his mouth stays wide open, but he does stop making sound.
The expression on his sweeter, younger face makes Bucky snort. Gently. It's easy to forget that he once wore his emotions so plainly, openly on his face. It's sweet in a real chest aching way.
Bucky allows his metal arm to not only reach into the empty space between them but also to spread his fingers out.
Palm up...
He holds steady.
Although he finds that he's hesitant to break the silence, so, instead, Bucky jerks his head down, indicating that it's okay for his younger self to touch. And touch he does.
Younger Bucky steps half a pace closer, drawn in by his curiosity, unable to resist with both of his hands coming up to hover and then settle on the body temperature metal. It might be even hotter than body temperature, with the metal being black, heat absorbent, and being in Wakanda, outside in the sun. Either way, his fingers feather over Bucky's fingertips, drawing lines down his digits to come into his palm where he makes lazy circles.
One, two, three, four, five--he circles. It's nearly ticklish in a... sensational, not-so-funny way. Bucky doesn't know what the feeling is, exactly. He just knows that's it's quickly rising from the surface of his prosthetic to his brain, firing through his synapses. Registering unfairly intensely for just a barely-there touch.
He draws more shapes on Bucky's palm, too, finding all the creases, ridges, and shapes just the same as Bucky's other flesh-and-blood hand, only mirrored.
He really is fascinated.
Slowly but surely working his way up and daring to touch him more surely with heavier pressure, younger Bucky continues. As he goes, there's more weight behind his touches rather than being so hovering and feathering. He remains gentle but perhaps is less afraid that Bucky will snatch his hand away.
Younger Bucky, more impatient in his lesser years, is the first to break the silence as he strokes the heel of his palm, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, "can you feel this?" He doesn't seem all too concerned about what that means, if he can or not--if it's too intimate if he can feel every detail rather than just feeling some or none of it at all. He simply wants to know.
Bucky swallows once, twice. His mouth is very dry, for whatever reason, "yes." He can't blame the goosebumps he suddenly has all over his flesh on the temperature outside. It's better inside his hut, much cooler than in the sun, but it certainly is not cold. He's sweating. There's no reason for them, this is an indulgence of intellectual appetite, nothing more, yet... they're there.
Bucky can not help but shiver. The shakes go through him so thoroughly that his metal hand twitches slightly in his younger self's grasp.
Younger Bucky doesn't comment on that. But, he does ask, "what about this?" getting bolder this time, tracing up his wrist and getting closer to his forearm than not.
Bucky nods without looking up to see if his younger self is watching him or not. Bucky is too busy watching the way he finds every detail, feeling each part of his prosthetic. It's strange to see himself and see two flesh-and-blood hands. The same. Not mismatched. He's... he's maybe experiencing this from out of his own body or maybe his head is just slowing down, trying not to think. Either way, he feels...
He feels.
Bucky feels it all. Each touch. He's hazy, but also, he's never been more focused on anything. Ever. He hadn't realized just how sensitive this prosthetic was. He knew it had touch sensors, and he's felt them before, but not like this.
Just the way his own, younger hands explore the metal that is a part of him. Those hands press into his prosthetic, judging the give of it--if it's like flesh or not. His hands span his forearm, tracing the line of what would be bone, if it weren't metal, on the underside. His nails get into the grooves between the plates where the sensation bleeds from just like his flesh-and-blood arm to something like pins and needles before fading into numbness. Nothingness. It's like his nerves are falling asleep when he does that. Scratching. He keeps doing that. Using his nails between the panels and finding the gold rivers like veins.
Bucky shivers again, full-body.
"What about that? Can you feel that?" Younger Bucky asks, although the evidence speaks for itself.
He does.
Then, using the pads of his fingers, finding the sensations of the metal prosthetic for himself and changing the sensations for Bucky, too. Both sides. They're both experiencing this. The touch blooming into something that has taken up the space between them, filling the air.
"This?" He murmurs.
Then, using his entire hand, squeezing or just laying his body heat against his prosthetic, he explores more. Sliding up and down his forearm.
"And that?"
Younger Bucky's fingers criss-cross the ditch of his elbow where the skin would be thinner and more delicate if it were skin. It's not. But it feels like it for Bucky.
What the fuck, Shuri, Bucky thinks faintly. When did tech get this good? This is just magic at this point!
Younger Bucky keeps asking if he can feel this or that. And, while he's at it, he studies his responses and nods to himself, believing it especially when Bucky allows the sensation to not just be inside his body, firing through his nerves, but also on the outside--on his face. Bucky relaxes with the heat. He sighs at the squeezing, like a massage. He shivers with the scratch of nails. He does more, taking a page out of his book and putting that all on display on his face. His reactions, verbal and nonverbal, satisfy his younger self but also feed his interest.
Bucky watches in slow motion as his younger self interlaces their fingers and, and--
Bucky is stunned as his younger self lifts his hand slowly to his mouth at the same time that he bends his knees, ducking politely as if he's a prince bowing before a princess, asking for her hand. Then, he parts his pink lips to let slip his pink tongue, wetting his own lips before bringing his whole head forward. His tongue lays flat and limp, lolled slightly out of his mouth. His wet tongue looks all the more sweet and cute against the bold, matte black and shimmering gold of Bucky's arm when--
Younger Bucky licks his prosthetic, draaaaagging his tongue across the back of his hand as if he needs to know what it tastes like.
The wildest part about it is that younger Bucky doesn't even ask. He's apparently given up playing coy. Instead, he just bats his lashes, looking up at him, waiting.
Why isn't Bucky talking?
Why can't he respond?
Oh, yeah. He's panting. When did he start panting? He's totally out a breath, and his chest is heaving. The best he can give is a wordless nod, still stuck on the sensation of wetness and heat and smoothness, and now the spit drying on the back of his hand. How is he so overwhelmed by so little? He's felt so much. How is this breaking him down to his knees? Younger Bucky should be the one who's blushing and overwhelmed, younger and much less experienced, but he isn't. He's not doing anything but licking another wet, shiny stripe down the back of his hand nearly onto the top of his wrist. Meanwhile, Bucky feels the heat rush to his head. He is blushing.
Blushing badly while younger Bucky busies himself licking his hand again. Again. Tracinf delicate lines as if there's a pattern he's drawing.
"Oh!" Bucky gasps as his younger self ducks his head, opening wide to take his index finger in his mouth and suck.
His finger is in his mouth. Deep in his mouth, almost his throat, swallowing down to his third knuckle.
He's... he's basically fellating his finger.
After he's sucked and lapped more and he's forced Bucky to let out a strangled, "yea-yeah," in response to a non-verbal, looming question. What about that? Can you feel that?
Younger Bucky pulls away after he answers. He doesn't let go coldly, though. Starting with his thumb, he kisses the tips of his fingers, one by one, until he reaches his ring finger. And suddenly, once he's hovering there--his breath washing in humid waves over Bucky's metal arm--he has a new question. Roving his fingers over the golden ring impressed onto his metal finger, "who's this for?" He asks. His voice is low, husky.
Bucky knows his own voice does the same, dipping low, when he's turned on. He shouldn't be turned on by his younger self getting turned on. He shouldn't be turned on by himself, just younger, sucking on his fingers, lavving at them like his digits are a cock. But he is, Lord help him, he is turned on.
This is really fucking doing it for him.
"Who?" His younger self insists, needing to know just as much as he needs to know every nerdy little detail about his prosthetic.
Bucky shakily breathes, "St-Steve."
Younger Bucky is circling around the ring in his metal hand, he's tracing lines up and down his ring finger, and he's pressing the nail of his thumb into the center of Bucky's palm--it feels like a pressure point despite how he doesn't have nerves there anymore. It feels like a weak point. Ans Bucky's knees were already weak, but now they're shaking. Watery and unsteady. His younger self isn't doing anything--his mouth isn't on his hand anymore, hot and wet and sucking, but it doesn't matter at this point because he's in too deep.
If younger Bucky is shocked by his admission--the wedding band for and from Steve--it doesn't show on his face. Maybe he already knows. Bucky's battered brain gets muttled with the details of when exactly he admitted to himself, when he admitted to Steve, that this was his fate. Their fate. If he married anyone, it wouldn't be anyone but Steve. "Does he touch you like this?" His younger self purrs, voice like silk as he shifts from ducking there, slouched to kneeling.
Now he's on his knees.
Fuck, his 18 year old self down there, on his knees, looking up and him and--
Bucky gasps, voice catching in his throat as he turns his hand over to french kiss the center of his palm rather than just press and scratch and toy with it otherwise, "n-not quite like this."
"Oh?" Younger Bucky pulls away for just a second to say so. Then, as if nothing happened, he gets back to it. Kissing down the underside of his prosthetic. Nosing the ditch of his elbow. Brushing his tongue along the impressions of veins that exist in the metal, all aesthetic. Using the tip of his nose to trace the bulge of his metal bicep. And, of course, still scratching along the hypersensitivite grooves of the plates in his arms so Bucky has no choice but to quiver.
"I mean," Bucky mumbles, tripping over his own tongue in a way that does not seem to take over his younger self. Clearly, he has no problems with his tongue. "Oh, I don't--I don't wear this all the time, and this," Bucky stops to breathe, panting, his mouth falling open without any sound coming out for a good few seconds, "uh, uhh, this is the first one I've had that had touch sensors like this, so... oh." He can't talk more. He just can't. Not when--
"Hmm," younger Bucky smirks, continuing his entrancement, continuing to touch.
--not when it feels like that.
"So I guess you're not used to this then?" He blinks up, innocent and yet so mischievous. "And don't you wanna know how it works?"
How did he never notice? How can it feel like that? How is he supposed to do anything else, but let him keep touching him? Bucky's fingers and toes curl. Guh.
"Y-yeah," Bucky admits, gasping.
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dark-falz · 11 hours
When was the first time you played through PSO?
Oooook so I need to have u kno trying to answer this has put me on the wild goose chase and this has taken me a bit to respond to, and I don't exactly have a good answer. I've gone through narrowing down release dates, server shut down dates, and what I've posted here throughout the years. The last time I played through the story missions was in 2015 when my PC was dead and I liveblogged it here, however I claimed to have already played through the story several times at this point, however the memories are extremely foggy. So I had to search from here sorry for yapping to make my confusion understandable;
When I first experienced PSO, I was a child estimating ages 7-8 visiting my Father's house, where he was playing it online on the Dreamcast.
Not too long after I inherited the Dreamcast (my father had no use for it after the servers shut down) father was adamant about me getting a Gamecube for PSO. So I got that, but shortly after this, I got the Xbox, which is where I fully experienced the Online of PSO. Dreamcast servers shut down Sept 30th, 2003, so I would have been over age 9 when playing PSO on Xbox. (father likely chose xbox because of voice chat) The crush I played with was 15, 2 years older than me, last we spoke, so that's the best judgement I can use.
When I fully experienced the Online part of PSO, I would pin myself at the ages of 10-13, though I only had Xbox live for about 2 years.
I had hax on my Xbox character. Like, beat Falz on ult in 10 minutes hax, (AND I FUCKIINNN MISS THAT) so story missions would have been a breeze. With this all considered, I was likely either around those ages, or no later than 15 when first playing through the story.
So this is all mostly middle school/early high school for me?
I find it also worth mentioning, I've never really put PSO down for over a year since first playing it. Even when I couldn't play it online, I spent time on xbox playing with carrying certain things (items, stacks) to see how drop rates were effected while just...playing through it for the scratch. Its always been my favorite game and that's how I am with favorite games, same with many Zelda titles. I had a lot going on in my family, and silly high school issues, so I would absorb myself in what made me the most happy. PSO and Majora's Mask are the games I still instinctively run to when I'm going through it :3
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enoughslices · 1 month
You mention in one of your tags (related to the Emily episode) that you read an interview regarding Gillian's pregnancy and that some cast/crew comments were well-meaning but insensitive. Do you remember the interview or what they said?
The 90s were a fun time for music, tv, and entertainment, but it must have sucked for the women who had to deal with such a Macho and sexist Hollywood. Feeling compelled to go back to work shortly after a C-section out of "guilt" or fear for one's job "hurts" just to think of it because I know the pain of a C-section and just wanting to stay still when it feels like a stitch is going to tear.
:cracks knuckles: Let's goooooo! First of all, I can only imagine the pain and recovery from a C-section is super intense, full stop. 💜 I know from seeing friends go through it that it can be rough and traumatic even with access to deep rest and real support. It's absolutely horrific to me to try to imagine filming ten-days after an emergency C-section. I was able to find one of the main articles that gave me this impression, and it was this one from TV Guide, March 1995. I've excerpted some of it below and bolded some of the things that felt slightly infantalizing/not great to me. I should say before we dive all of the way in that I think part of what reading this article for the first time left me with was a sense of what an absolutely wild, overwhelming, and isolating time it must have been for Gillian, with some added 90s workplace misogyny and paternalism as icing on the cake.
It's worth going into this bearing in mind that Gililan was 25 at the time of this interview and 24 when she started the show and found out she was pregnant. She lied about her age to get the job - she said she was 27. Both her husband-at-that-time and David are 8 years older so they were ~32 when all of this was happening. Chris Carter would have been 37. She and her first husband, who was on the art direction team for the show, had a whirlwind 6-month romance then spontaneously eloped to Hawaii and accidentally conceived on their wedding day (which the full article goes RIGHT into 😅 but I'll skip ahead to the relevant bit):
A pregnancy would mean limitations on her work schedule and missing episodes - no one could predict how many - in the second season. "I knew I needed to make my decision about the pregnancy first, before broaching the subject with the producers," says Anderson. "I couldn't be wavering. Having this baby was the right decision for my husband and me. But it was like, 'Oh, my God. They did all this for me and now look what I'm doing to them.' So many things go through your mind. So yes, I was worried." Apparently with good reason. According to several sources, executive producer Chris Carter was not pleased. "He went ballistic," says one source. "He wanted to get rid of her." Two other insiders back up that claim. "They were considering recasting," confirms Anderson. "I heard a lot of stuff through the grapevine, and it was not comforting." Not so, says Carter. "I never, ever considered replacing her. It's a lie. If anything, I was the loudest voice saying: We have to protect this show and this person. Scully and Mulder are two characters that the audience has invested in, they are the secret to the success of the show, and we have to find a way to make this work." How did all of this affect Anderson? "She's grown up," says wardrobe supervisor Kieft. "Getting married and having the baby has matured her, I think, and given her a bit of stability. When she was pregnant, we did have a bed standing by, and whenever we could, we would get her to lie down. But she is quite a strong little person." In fact, Anderson missed only one episode and was back to work - after an emergency C-section - in just 10 days. "I was getting restless," says Anderson. "I wanted to get back to work because it was really hard on David, and it's the two of us up there, you know?"
So just to break this down:
Reading between the lines a bit, it sounds like she felt pretty certain that if she didn't share the news with her mind firmly made up and her feet planted, the producers might try to coerce her into having an abortion. Sit with that for a minute. (I am fully and passionately pro-choice but the operative word is choice.)
If three anonymous sources and Gillian herself all say Chris Carter was absolutely incensed about her being pregnant, he was for sure Big Mad and is just trying to cover his ass for PR. There's evidence for this elsewhere as well.
I really do think this last passage was truly well-intended but it hits a lot of points that leave me feeling uneasy. The idea that pregnancy has helped her grow up or ground her, this sense that people were making sure she rested when she was forced back to work immediately after a harrowing emergency c-section, and everything about the phrase "strong little person."... to me it just sort of betrays an environment where GA was habitually treated/perceived sort of like a little girl and not an adult woman with full agency.
Just. Ten. DAYS!!!!! It's a crime.
This next one isn't as bad by any means, but here's a quote from her hairdresser earlier in this same article:
"In the beginning," says Marsden, "she had trouble with her lines, and I think it kind of upset David because he is so accomplished. He's worked in feature files. He's worked with Brad Pitt. And he can learn his lines"-Marsden snaps his fingers-"like. But I know he appreciates how hard she works."
Now obviously, there's nothing overtly wrong with what he's saying here, and it's explicitly laid out in the article how David was the first person she told and that he was supportive. But this quote (and the article taken as a whole) provides a sense of overall atmosphere to me: she's young, she's green, everyone's already a little impatient toward her, and then she was also pregnant.
There's also this article from USA Today in 1994:
The C-section put her "out of commission at least an extra four days than they were planning." She figures everyone is "a little sorry" for sending her back to the grind so soon. "But it seems to have worked out. I think. So far," she says, breathless and bemused.
Does this mean they were originally planning for her to return to set SIX DAYS (???) after giving birth? (??????!)
In the same article, casting a bit of doubt on the earlier narrative that she was just "a strong little person" that they had to coax into lying back down:
Surprise: It calls for her return as skeptical FBI agent Dana Scully--albeit lying in a coma for most of the episode, which aired last week. "That did help a bit, but I mean, with 60 people around you and all the lights, it's not an unstressful situation."
Also in the USA Today article:
When she learned of her pregnancy in February, it defined the phrase mixed blessing. "It was wonderful news, but it scared a lot of people. It scared me. The show was doing relatively well, but it was still very young and there was the possibility of it going one way or another. It could have crashed, and I would have been somewhat in the middle of that. It was a rough time letting people know I had made this decision and deciding how to work with it, and for them, whether to recast (the role)."
I interpret that as something like: if the show had stopped doing well and there was anyway it could be pinned on her pregnancy/absence, it would have been chalked up as her fault. I feel like I'm forgetting something major in terms of crew saying condescending/sort of shitty things (am writing this at midnight because of who i am as a person, so if I remember I'll reblog with it tomorrow) but if you poke around the gilliananderson.ws archives from that time, a lot of the articles focus on or mention her pregnancy or being a new mom, and she speaks pretty candidly about having feared for her job and being absolutely exhausted and fully in survival mode. When you consider that all of this coincided with her being thrust directly into major fame, it's A LOT! This recent Bustle article (Feb 2024) on where Gillian Anderson was at 28 is also somewhat illuminating.
Thanks so much for the ask! I'll share more if I can remember where I saw it! 😅
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ladykailitha · 2 years
Little Runaway Part 7
Oh my god you guys, seriously you all are amazing. I am really loving the reactions to this story. There is just one more part to go and it’s a sweet little epilogue. This is the showdown. The moment you’ve all been waiting for.
Also if you asked to be tagged after the limit of twenty, I’m sorry. I have the limit for a reason. I’m not doing it because I’m being elitist or whatever, my poor little ADHD brain starts getting frustrated and wanting to cry just doing the 20 I’ve got, but I do it because it makes me happy people want to be informed the next time a part goes up. I don’t know how people with dozens do it.
Plus tagging adds more time putting up the parts. Something that would take five minutes on AO3 (because they keep track of all the chapters for you) could take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour depending on how many parts there are, and how many have been put up (I go and crosslink on EVERY part to make sure if a part in the middle gets found in the wild all by its lonesome the person can read the previous and subsequent parts). Add tagging to that and you can see the time starts to really add up. 
Again thank you for all the love and support this little story has gotten. The last part will be up tonight after I eat dinner and then (cold permitting) I’ll put up the first part of Ser Stephan of Harring’s Town before I go to bed.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Eddie walked into the police station and right up to Hopper’s desk. He leaned on it with both hands and stared directly into Hopper’s eyes.
“I need you to arrest me,” he bit out. “Now.”
“What the hell?” Hopper asked, leaning back in his chair.
“Mr Harrington knows I know where Steve is,” he breathed. “I can’t let him get to me to get to Steve. If you need a reason, I have two baggies of weed in my jacket pocket. Please. I don’t want to see him get hurt.”
Hopper gulped. “Well there is a rumor you kidnapped him, so...”
Eddie nodded and held out his hands together at the wrist. “Save him, please.”
Steve was sitting on the sofa reading when Wayne came home from work.
“Where’s Eddie?” he asked on his way to the fridge.
Steve shrugged. “He just said he had errands to run.”
Wayne came back with two beers and handed one to Steve. Steve swung his feet off the sofa to let Wayne sit down. Steve set the book down and popped the lid off his bottle and then did the same for Wayne’s when the older man raised an eyebrow.
“Neat trick,” Wayne said, taking a swig.
Steve shrugged. “Turns out years of baseball, basketball, and swimming make you a strong person. I don’t do those things anymore, but I keep working out to keep that strength up.”
“That how you were able to break Clint’s nose?” Wayne asked.
“Yeah,” Steve murmured. “I didn’t mean to, I don’t know how much to hold back when punching, because when I hit most of the time there is no holding back.”
“What have you got to be hitting that needs to be hit that hard, boy?” he asked.
Steve’s shoulders slumped. “I can’t tell you. I can get into a lot of trouble if I tell people. The only ones that know are the ones that have seen it for themselves. But I have seen things that have made grown men shit their pants. I have been hunted by things that would haunt the nightmares of the hardest of souls. I have been actually tortured and drugged. And yet face to face with my own father and I chickened out like a bitch.”
Wayne stared at the boy that should have had the dream life. Rich parents, everything he could have asked for. But instead nothing but heartache and loss for this kid. Because despite Steve almost being twenty, he was still a kid.
He put his hand on Steve’s shoulder and was about to say something when the phone rang. He frowned and got up to answer it.
As he said hello, a curly haired teenager in a trucker hat came barreling through his front door.
“Steve!” Dustin yelled. “Someone at Hellfire snitched and your dad is on his way here.”
Steve worked to calm Dustin while Wayne listened to the other person on the other end of the line, making the appropriate noises. Then he hung up.
“You must be Dustin,” Wayne said coming back over to the sofa.
Dustin looked over at Wayne as if he was seeing him for the first time. “Oh. Yeah. Um...sorry. For barging in like that, but I really needed to see Steve.”
Wayne chuckled. “Don’t worry, your friend here is going to be just fine.” He cocked his head to the side. “How did you get here so fast? I just barely got the call myself what was going down.”
“My mom drove me,” Dustin said, staring at the floor.
“Claudia is here?” Wayne asked. Dustin nodded. “Good. The more the merrier.” He turned to Steve. “Under the sink, behind the Draino is your bag. It’ll be up to you to decide what you want to do with it.”
Steve nodded.
Wayne walked outside.
There standing in a semi-circle was Claudia Henderson, Joyce Byers, and Sheriff Jim Hopper. Standing off to the side, was Eddie who was hugging his ribs. Wayne joined the semi-circle just as Clint Harrington pulled up to the trailer park and got out of his car.
“Sheriff!” Clint yelled. “I want that man arrested for kidnapping my son!” He pointed angrily at Eddie, who looked down.
“I don’t know about that,” Wayne said. “Hey, Steve! You being held against your will?”
Dustin and Steve came out of the trailer slowly, the backpack slung over one shoulder.
“No, sir,” Steve said, looking his father in the eye. “I am not.”
“Liar!” Clint bellowed. “Don’t you be believing a word out of his mouth. He’s been brainwashed.”
“No I haven’t,” Steve said, feeling a little bit more bold knowing he had people who would protect him.
“You leave that boy alone,” Joyce said. “He’s gone through enough.”
Claudia crossed her arms. “Agreed.”
“You better get out of my way,” Clint growled.
Hopped pulled out a piece of paper and held it up. “This here is a warrant for your arrest for the assault of Steven Harrington.”
Clint laughed. “You can’t prove a god damn thing.”
“Actually we can,” Hopper continued. “Steve was smart enough to take pictures after your little tussle and the bruises will match up with your ring.”
Clint went to work it off his finger, but Wayne stepped up to stop him. “I think I’ll be taking that for the Sheriff if you don’t mind.”
Clint growled, but handed it over. He walked back over to Hopper who was holding a baggy for Wayne to drop it into. Hopper sealed the bag and stuck it in his pocket.
“What do you say, Steve?” Hopper called over his shoulder. “Should we lock up this bastard and throw away the key?”
Steve held out his hand to Eddie. Eddie looked at it, unsure and then came over to take it. Steve pressed his forehead to Eddie’s. “What do you think I should do?”
Eddie cupped Steve’s face with his free hand. “You know what to do. You’re a good person, Steve. Do what feels right.”
“You fag, get away from my son!” Clint shouted. He tried to push past the four adults, but they closed ranks and wouldn’t let him through.
Steve breathed in.
“You’ve got this, baby,” Eddie assured him.
Steve nodded. He stepped away from Eddie and tossed the backpack at his dad. “Everything you want is in there. Just take it and leave. Know this. If I or any of my friends see you in Hawkins ever again, the Sheriff will arrest you.”
Hopper grinned. “I like that plan.”
“I’ll cut you off!” Clint snarled. “You’ll be penniless and homeless without me, you ingrate!”
Steve laughed. “I could stay at any number of these fine people’s houses and be welcome for as long as I needed. And as for penniless? I’ve already got a job lined up that I think will make me very happy. And maybe if I’m lucky, a boy who loves me.” He turned to Eddie, who was blushing deep.
Wayne chuckled. “You heard the man, Clint. Get the hell out of Dodge and stay the fuck away from my boys.”
Clint growled and stalked off to his car, the tires peeling out on the gravel as he tore out of the trailer pack as if the hounds of hell were on his tail.
Steve shook his head. “Doesn’t he know that’s bad for his tires?”
Everyone turned to look at Steve in shock and amazement before bursting into laughter.
Claudia took Dustin home and Hopper took Joyce, leaving Steve with the Munsons.
“Is it over?” Eddie asked.
“I’d give Clint a couple days to clear out,” Wayne said. “But yeah. I think it’s over.”
“Does this mean I can stay?” Steve asked, looking up through his lashes.
Wayne rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I was thinking of upgrading to a double wide with two bedrooms. I think we could just about afford it if you help pay rent.”
Steve lit up and turned to Eddie. “You hear that? You’re stuck with me now.”
Eddie smiled and leaned in. “I think it’s the other way round. You’re stuck here with me.”
Steve smiled softly. “And I couldn’t be happier.”
Tag List: @tauntedperfume  @marivictal @eddiemunsonswife @namelessssho @dbquills @goodolefashionedloverboi @steve-the-hairrington @sadcanadianwinter @yearningagain @books-are-my-life-since-1996 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @homohomohoe @knightofthieves @flusteredcas @moonage-daydreaming @goblin-eddie @marvelousforlife @silversnaffles @satan-is-obsessed @yikes-a-bee
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remembertheplunge · 2 months
All is fleeting . all is ephemeral
August 16, 2014. Saturday 6:43am
“We do not know where death awaits us:
So, let us wait for it everywhere.
To practice death is to practice freedom.
A man who has learned how to die
has unlearned how to be a slave.”
Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) from the book “Broken Open” p. 221.
Michel de Montaigne  also advised people to practice death. “Let us deprive death of its strangeness."
My 8/17/2014 margin note to the above was
 “We rent. Price tag patina. All is fleeting. All is ephemeral.”
(By “We rent” I meant, we occupy our bodies temporarily. 
“Price Tag Patina” is a term that I came up with to describe my practice of leaving the price tag on items I buy at yard sales and also on items that did not sell at two estate sales that I held after my partner’s death. That way, things are are ready for the estate sale when I die! It’s kind of a humorous and practical  affirmation that I will die.
End of entry
Note: 8/10/2024
I had just run into the above entries about death in my 2014 journal when I learned yesterday that Nancy Ashley had died of cancer July 29. I met her in the 90’s when she was a deputy District Attorney and I was a deputy Public Defender in Modesto, California. In 1996, she ran for Judge and won. I became friends with Nancy and her husband at that time Mike Cummins. He was also a deputy District Attorney and also became a judge. In 2013, I applied to be a judge and Nancy wrote a letter of recommendation for me . Although I was never appointed judge, her support meant a lot. I was the only out gay lawyer in town at the time. (Probably still am)
Over the years, I appeared in judge Ashley’s court in Department 6 of the Stanislaus County Court house many times. I found her to be gracious and fair as a judge.
She died at age 64, just shy of her 65th birthday . I'm about 4 years older than Nancy was. I got to thinking if I had died at age 64, what wouldn’t have happened. There would be no Remember The Plunge blog. This blog began a year and a half ago. I never would have begun open water swimming in the ocean. That started 2 years ago. I wouldn’t have been there to support my sister Zoe through her sudden illness and death about a year ago.
I never would have known the magic of reviewing my journals in preparation for a book based on them and now this blog. That stated about 4 years ago. And, I never would have experienced the gathering wonder of aging that came with men mid and late 60's
8/16/2014.  (I am now 69)
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doughbrainer · 11 months
*Wipes Sweat Off My Brow.* Well... They're Finally Done! I Don't Want To Stal, So LETS GET TO IT!
Not Including Father Time, Because He's An Oc, Sorry. ;-; I'll Save Mother Nature For The End, Because She's Kind Of Complicated.
Also, I'll Split The Post Because I Don't Want This Post Taking Up People's Feed.
Starting With The ELDEST CHILD!
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762 cm - 25 ft (Voice Claim: Joe Garderner - Soul)
Earthquake Is The Oldest Child Of All Of The Nature Children, And Has No Biological Father. This Is Because He Was Born Through A Special Form Of Asexual Reproduction That All Gods Possess. Of Course, He Is The God Of Earthquakes, And In A Way, Represents Earthquakes As A Whole.
Earthquake Doesn't Get Very Angry Very Often, But When He Is, He Blows Up At People Around Him. When He Has His Moments Of Anger, He Is Very Apologetic. He Isn't Particularly Bossy But Is Very Stubborn. When He's Stressed, He Gets Stomach Pains, Which Sometimes Causes Earthquakes.
He's Married To Arsa, Who As Of Current, Isn't Seen A Lot By Others. Most Of The Nature Know About Her, And Have At Least Her Once At Earthquake's And Arsa's Wedding. Because Of Earthquake's Chosen Location Under The Earth For His Home, He And Arsa Aren't Seen Much All Year Round.
Because The Temperature Of His Home Changes So Frequently, He Often Chosen Not To Wear A Shirt As It's Easier Then Slipping In And Out Of It Throughout The Day.
According To Those That Have Met Him Only A Few Times, He's Hard Headed But Means Well.
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518 cm - 17 ft
North Wind Is The Second Child, And Older Twin To South Wind, And Is One Of The Biological Sons To Father Time. He's The God Of Tornadoes And Wind, And Controls The Wind In The North Sections Of The World, Sharing Partial Duties Of His Section With East And West.
Growing Up, He Was Shy And A Major Cry Baby, But As He Got Older, Circumstances Made Him Act More Like A Spoilt Child. He Often Tries To Make Himself The Center Of Attention, Which Often Doesn't Work. His Behaviour Only Changed After He Had A Period Of Time Away From His Family, But While He Still Has His Foul Attitude On The Outside, On The Inside, He's Still The Lonely Child He Was When He Was Younger.
When His Plans To Overtake Santa Claus Failed, And Was Therefore Grounded From His Responsibilities By His Mother, He Had A Lot Of Time To Think About Himself. His Mistakes And How His Actions Affected People. Yes, It Took A Few Hundred Years To Make Him Realise, But Eventually, He Decided It Was Time That He Pulled Himself Together. He Apologised To His Family, Especially His Brother's Snow Miser And Heat Miser, And To Anyone Else That He Felt Like He Was Rude Or Hurtful To. Although Not Everyone Accepted His Apology, He Knew This Was The Right Thing To Do.
He's Transgender, But Other Than His Family, Not Many People Know This.
People Usually Describe Him As A Brat, But He's Slowly Beginning To Grow On People In A Good Way.
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318 cm - 10 ft (Voice Claim: Charlotte - Princess And The Frog)
South Wind Is The Third Oldest Child, And The Younger Twin To North Wind. She Is Also Another Child Of Father Time. She's A Goddess Of Dust Storms And Wind, Controlling Wind In The South Part Of The World, Sharing Partial Duties With East And West.
Compared To Her Twin Brother, She Was Much More Outgoing In Comparison, But Still Often Kept To Herself. She Will Lend A Helping Hand To Anyone If She's Asked, But As She's Gotten Older, She Usually Doesn't Tend To Reach Out That Often. Sometimes She Is A Troublemaker Though, Causing Inconvenience To Others At Random.
When It Comes To Her Love Life, She's A Hopeless Romantic, But Hasn't Actually Been In A Proper Relationship Yet. Not Because She Can't Get With Anything, But Primarily Because She Thinks There's More Important Things To Worry About. Sometimes She Uses Her Human Disguise And Goes Down To Where The Humans Are, Partaking In Common Things They Do, So She Tends To Have A Lot Of Stuff Made By And For Humans In Her House That She Also Uses.
She's Often Described As Fun To Be Around, And Life Of The Party.
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610 cm - 20 ft (Voice Claim: Poison Ivy - Harley Quinn Show)
Lightning Is The Fourth Oldest Child In The Line Up, And Just Like Earthquake, Also Doesn't Have A Biological Father The Exact Same Reasons. She Is Of Course A Goddess Of Lightning, And In A Way Represents It, But She Also A Goddess Of Midwifery And Childbirth. She Actually Went To A Human College And University To Learn All About The Topic Of The Secondary Duties.
She's Good To When It Comes To Reading The Room, Knowing When It's Time To Be Serious And When It's Alright To Have Fun. That's Why She's The Most Respected Of All Her Siblings. She Doesn't Have Any Bad Relationships With Anyone In Her Family Or Any Other Gods For A Matter Of A Fact.
She Has Two "Forms", The Other Where Body Glows And Lines Form Across Her Body Often Happens When She Is Using Her Powers, But It Only Happens When She's Doing Certain Stuff.
People Praise Her A Lot For What She Does, But In Reality, She's Not That Great With Handling Compliments Of Any Kind.
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256 cm - 8"5 ft (Voice Claim: Din - The Wish Dragon)
Thunder Is Fifth Oldest Child. He Too Has No Biological Father Like His Older Sister, Lightning, And His Older Brother, Earthquake. He Is A God Of Thunder, And Somewhat Represents It At The Same Time. He Also Is A God Of Fatigue.
He Usually Is "Sleeping On The Job" But When He Is Up And About, He Tends To Get On People's Nerve. He's Not Evil In The Slightest, Just Annoying, And Does Things Often For His Own Entertainment. Once He Sent A Cloud Soldier To Slay Newt, The God Of Neutral Colours, Just To See If Anything Would Happen. When His Angry Or Upset, This Can Sometimes Lead To Random Thunder Storms.
He Doesn't Try Too Hard To Make Himself Look Nice, Usually Wearing A Dressing Gown Robe And Shorts. He's More For Comfort Than Looks.
He's Considered The Laziest God Around.
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366cm - 12 ft
Heat Miser Is The Middle Child, And Is The Older Twin To Snow Miser. As Well As Another Child Of Father Time. He's The God Of All Things Hot, This Includes Fire, Volcanoes And Lava. Originally, Earthquake Was The God Of Volcanoes And Lava, But He Passed These Responsibilities Off To Heat Miser When Heat Miser Was Old Enough.
Because He's A God Of Heat Related Things, He Has Partial Control Of The Sun, And Even The Sun. Some People Just Consider A Solo God Of The Sun, And Although This Doesn't Bother Him, It Does Undermine His Abilities A Tad Bit. He's Very Quick To Anger, And It Doesn't Take A Lot To Set Him Off. The Few Things That Are Able To Calm Him Down Are Edward, And Occasionally His Minions. His Hair Grows Brighter The More Emotional He Is, Which Tends To Happen A Lot As Heat Miser Is Very Moody.
Although Heat Miser Wouldn't Call Himself Much Of A Romantic, As Of Current, He Is A Lover To The Mortal Man, Edward Light. He's Practically Infatuated With Him, And Would Be Distraught If Anything Ever Happened To Edward. He Tends To Treat His Minions Like Children, Even Though It's Completely Unintentional. He Doesn't Like To Admit It.
He's Basically Hot Headed Nerd With A Gentle Soul.
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427 cm - 14 ft
Snow Miser Is The Fifth Youngest Child In The Nature Family, And Is The Younger Twin To Heat Miser, And A Child Of Father Time. He's A God Of All Things Cold, And Therefore A God Of Snow, Ice, Winter And So On. North Wind Use To Be A God Of Snow And Winter, But When Snow Miser Was Born, Those Responsibilities Were Taken Away From Him And Passed To Snow Miser.
Like His Twin Brother, He Has Some Partial Control Of The Night Time And Also The Moon. Some People Simplify Him To A God Of Just Night, Which Really Annoys Him.
When He Was Younger, He Didn't Care Much For Drama With His Brother, But As He Got Older And Certain Things Became More Prized Between Them, Snow Miser Took It On And Made It His Mission To Be Better Than His Twin Brother In Every Way There Is Possible. He's Had A Few Relationships In The Past, But Overall, He's Generally A Slag Compared To Everyone Else, And Isn't Prudish In The Slightest.
With Him Making Everything Into A Competiton With Heat Miser, It Often Leads Him To Forget To Take Care Of Himself. He Only Seems To Be A Meanie When Heat Miser Is Around, But When Heat Miser Isn't Near Or Snow Miser Is In The Comfort Of His Own Home, He's The Kindest Person Most People Say They Have Ever Met. Although Snow Miser Doesn't Like To Admit It, He Has A Lot Of Love That He Wants Share.
Overall, He Comes Off As A Major Drama Queen, But Really He's A Major Weenie With A Big Heart.
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518cm - 17 ft (Voice Claim: Harley Quinn - Birds Of Prey)
East Wind Is The 4th Youngest, And The Older Twin To West Wind, And Is Another Child Of Father Time. She Is A God Of Floods And Wind, Primarily Controlling The Winds In The East Section Of The World, Sharing Partial Duties With North And South.
She Has A Very Bubbly Personality, And Loves Being Around People. Working Best In Environments With Other People. Although She Does Like Alone Time Every Now And Then, And Sometimes Even A Break. She Tries Not To Work Too Hard, Finding Fun In Everything. She Does Her To Be Loving And Sympathetic.
She Love Animals Of All Kind, But Funnily Enough, Is Scared Of Birds. Doing Her Best To Stay As Far Away From Them As She Can. Sometimes, She Goes With Her Sister, South, Down To Where The Humans Are.
She's Kind Of A Dits But Tries To Fit In.
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WEST WIND - She/They
152 cm - 5 ft (Voice Claim: Megara - Hercules)
West Wind Is The Third Youngest, And The Younger Twin To East Wind, Again, Another Child Of Father Time. She Is A God Of Wind As Well, Controlling The Winds In The West For The Most Part, But Shares Duties With North And South. Unlike The Other Winds, West Is Not Also A God Of A Natural Disaster, Instead Being A God Of The Seasons Autumn And Spring.
She's Really Laid Back Compared To Their Twin Sister, But Isn't Lazy. Of Course She Does Her Job. She Has An Attitude Of Where She'll Do Whatever She Wants, And She Won't Care What Happens Afterward, Unless Someone Gets Hurt. Growing Up, She Was Teased For Her Height A Lot, And Usually Insults Would Send Her Into A Freak Out, But As She Got Older, She Shrugged Off Mentions Of Her Natural Height. As She Realised It Was Only A Big Deal To Those Who Don't Know Them.
She's Stronger Than They Look, And If She Caught Someone Making Fun Of Her Siblings, She'd Definitely Send A Plate With A Knuckle Sandwich. She Can Control Her Emotions Really Well, But Doesn't Like To Leave Her House Much.
She Just Prefers To Be By Herself Most Of The Time.
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214 cm - 7 ft (Voice Claim: Demoman - Team Fortress 2)
High Tide Is The Second Youngest Child, And The Older Twin To Low Tide, And A Child Of Father Time. He's A God Of The Tides And The Deep Sea, And Primarily Controls The High Tides.
He's Very Serious About His Work, And Makes Sure Everything He Does Is Perfect. He's Often Shirtless, As He Finds It Easier To Breath Through His Gils Instead Of His Nose Or Mouth. His Hair When He's Above The Water Usually Goes Down Like Regular Hair, But Under Water, It's Rises Up. High And Low Have Squishy Bodies, Somewhat Like Rubber And Gummies Mixed Together, And They Both Wear Matching Pearls.
He's Very Protective Of Low Tide, But Also Has The Most Arguments With Him. Eventually Of The Arguments With His Brother Is What Leads Him To Somehow Get Separated From Low, And Therefore The Rest Of His Family. The Only Thing He Has To Remind Himself Of Them Is The Pearls He Wears On His Wrist.
He's Not Angry Persey, More So Easily Irritated.
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LOW TIDE - He/They
212 cm - 7 ft (Voice Claim: Nanette - Gnomeo And Juliet)
Low Tide Is The Youngest Child In The Nature Family, The Younger Twin To His Older Brother, High Tide, And The Last Child Of Father Time. He's A God Of The Tides And Shallow Sea, Often Controlling The Low Tides.
They're A Bit More Goofy In Comparison To High Tide, And Like His Sister East Wind, Try To Find The Fun In Everything. He's Naive About A Lot Of Stuff, And This Leads Others To Be Very Protective Over Them, Especially High Tide, But They Often Get Into The Most Arguments With High Tide. Low Tide, Despite Being AMAB, Is Often Mistaken For A Girl, Due To His Appearance And Voice. He's Hair, No Matter What Environment, Always Flows Down, And He Wears Pearls Around Their Neck That Matches With Their Brother.
After An Argument One Day, High Tide Left The Cave They Shared With Low Tide, And Never Returned. Low Tide Felt Responsible For High's Sudden Disappearance, And In His Brother's Absence, He Took Control Of Both The High And Low Tides.
He's Very Cautious Now, And Tries Not To Get In People's Way.
And Now It's Time For The Lady Herself.
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244 cm - 8 ft
Mother Nature Is A Little Complicated, Not A Lot, But A Little. Of Course We Know She's The Mother Of All The Children Of The Nature Family, And The God Of ALL Nature, And Representing All Of It.
She's Moody, And Sometimes Her Emotions Are Out Of Control, But She Tries Her Best To Be A Good Person. She's An Original God, And Has No Parents, She Just Came Into Existence Eventually At Random. The Form She Usually Takes Is Of Something That Looks Like A Green Satyr, But She Has Endless Shapeshifting Abilities, And Can Take Whatever Shape Or Form She Pleases, So This Is Not Her Only Form, But It's The Same Form They Spawned Into The Universe As.
All Her Children Have The Ability To Turn Into Animals, Have A Human Disguise, And Can Change Their Height If Necessary In The Moment, But None Of Children Can Shapeshift The Same Way She Can.
Although Her And Father Time Were Together At Some Point, They No Longer Consider Each Other Partners, And Nature For The Most Part Appears To Be Solo For Now. She Mainly Sees The Children At The Yearly Meeting, But If She Ever Wants To Check Up On Them, She Gets Others To Do It For Her.
She Loves All Of Her Children, But It's Obvious That She Favours Some Of Her Children More Over Others.
And That's All Of The Canon Nature/Miser Fam!
Gosh, Designing All Of These Guys Was A Pain In The But, I've Never Had To Do So Many Designs Back To Back Before. But This Was Also Pretty Fun! I Enjoyed Updating Designs Where I Thought It Was Needed, But Also Created Designs For Others I Haven't Drawn Yet. I Debated Drawing Mother Nature, But I Decided To Do Her Anyways, As She's Literally The Mother Of All Of Them, And It Would Just Be Unfair. I'm Really Proud Of How They All Came Out, Especially The Miser Brothers. I'm Going To Give Some Credit To @generalfebruary / @generalfebruary-rankinbassart As Their Designs Of The Miser Fam Did Inspire My Own, Especially Lightning's Design.
There Is Some Info That I Want To Save For My Miser Fam Ask Blog @miser-fam-stressful-seasons But This Basically Covers A Majority Of It. It Might Be A While Before I Do Any References Like This Again, But When I Do, It Will Definitely Be For OCs.
I Apologize For The Long Post, And I'm Sorry If This Ends Up Taking Up A Majority Of People's Tumblr Feeds, But I'm Really Happy To Finally Have This Done. Now It's Time To Finally Answer Some Newly Received Asks I Got On My Ask Blog! Until Next Time Everybody.
Minion References
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