#he's just got sooo many enemies lmao
detshin · 1 year
I have a serious question guys.
(We're not talking about the organization. Just Gin. Because he's possibly the FACE of it all.)
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antiadvil · 4 months
what are some phancoded songs?
okay i have been sitting on this for a while bc i feel like all of my suggestions are basic but i've been emboldened by the recent phan song posting. a lot of the songs on my phlaylist i added because i associate them with wad/ii/etc but here are the ones i can actually lyrically defend:
the tortured poet's department (taylor swift): look. this song is way more toxic than i usually like to imagine dan and phil. but some lyrics are just SO. look.
But you're in self-sabotage mode Throwing spikes down on the road But I've seen this episode and still loved the show
imagine: it is 2010. dan is saying he doesn't know if he and phil should move in together because phil makes him too happy and complacent in life. self sabotage mode!! throwing spikes down on the road!!
Who else decodes you? And who's gonna hold you like me? And who's gonna know you, if not me?
like. when you just click with someone. and you're like: this is it for me. if they leave me i will never love or be loved again. one of the things i like about this song is just how intense it is- i think it captures the intensity of their relationship (especially their early relationship) or at least, the intensity i feel about their relationship lmao
I chose this cyclone with you
this is probably my favorite lyric on the song and i think it's something many mentally ill people want to hear from our partners: you're an intense, dramatic mess, but you're my intense, dramatic mess, and i love you.
they don't know about us (one direction): okay this one is a little more self explanatory and like, thank god, because if i go to that level of depth on every song i'm going to be here all night.
They don't know about the things we do They don't know about the I love you's But I bet you, if they only knew (They don't know) They would just be jealous of us They don't know about the up all nights They don't know I've waited all my life Just to find a love that feels this right (They don't know) Baby, they don't know about, they don't know about us
like. you get it right? it's just. it's just them
that's so us (allie x): this one is sooo basic but i just had to put it. "we've been a wreck together since 2009." <3333333333
danny don't you know (ninja sex party) just has some really crazy parallels lmao, i saw someone use its lyrics once for a gifset and i was never able to unsee it:
Hey little Danny, don’t you cry I am you from much later in your life I know your hair is wild, I know you have no style
Danny, don’t you know that you are cool as fuck on the inside? You’re just going through an awkward phase from 12 to 29
Now you’re on tour and they want more! You step on stage and they come alive No one cares that you’re 35 You’re a rock star on a centaur! Where'd he get a centaur? You’re still a nerdy kid inside But now you’ve finally found your tribe Hear the crowd roar! Give ‘em what they came for!
like!!! they even got the hair!!! (dan has always had a sense of style though i think. not always a good one. but he had one)
sinners (lauren aquilina): this song just reminds me a lot of how dan talks about his internalized homophobia (and of my own experiences with that).
And judgement taught us that our hearts were wrong
The rules say our emotions don't comply But we'll defy the rules until we die
The world may disapprove But my world is only you
You showed me feelings I've never felt before We're making enemies, knocking on the devil's door And how can you expect me not to eat When the forbidden fruit tastes so sweet?
yeah this is like half the song. deal with it. like. i think there can be something very healing about entering into a queer relationship with someone who makes you feel loved and safe after years of being told that was wrong. "how can you expect me not to eat / when the forbidden fruit tastes so sweet?" when i was young i had a very powerful sort of reverse conversion experience, where i had been struggling to make sense of catholic teachings on homosexuality because like... it just didn't seem that bad. but everyone around me was saying it was. parents, teachers, family friends. and i was like, 14, and at that age, you kind of assume that adults do know more than you. they wouldn't all be against this if there was no reason, right? and then i fell in love with a girl and i was just like. wow. okay. these people are just wrong?? because this feels so good and normal and right?? like. yeah. the forbidden fruit tastes good. and is good for you, actually.
the alchemy (taylor swift) is just like, a power couple song. i don't know that any lyrics are super specifically phan coded (phoded if you will) like i just hear anything about love and go "oh my god that's so dan and phil coded." but:
Call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team Ditch the clowns, get the crown Baby, I'm the one to beat
These blokes warm the benches We've been on a winning streak
like! they are THE youtube couple sorry everyone else is just trying to be as cool as them.
'Cause the sign on your heart Said it's still reserved for me
Where's the trophy? He just comes runnin' over to me
boncas anyone????
okay this is like so long and i have so many chores to do so i'll cut it here but not without adding still into you (paramore). self explanatory
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mermaidsirennikita · 24 days
Hi there! I was just curious do you happen to know of any romance novels where the heroine is Scottish instead of the love interest? I’m Scottish and would love to like them but tbh a lot of the Scottish romances written by Americans give me the ick because of the trend of Scottish women being shunted to the side and portrayed as petty jealous bitches in comparison to the usually english or american heroine
Thanks for your help!
Yes, for sure! And I totally get what you're talking about. I'd love to have more Scottish heroines, personally. I don't really get why so many American writers do the "jealous Scottish witch" thing, because like...
A) we have no skin in the game as Americans for the English
B) if anything, a lot of Americans are of Scottish heritage lmao
Sooo I'd immediately recommend A Kingdom of Dreams by Judith McNaught if you're open to an old school. This one is kinda famous for its heroine, Jennifer, known as "the Merrick bitch". She's defiant and outspoken and never goes quietly, and I love her. You can definitely see the new ground she broke at the time. Her hero, Royce, is English—it's a medieval Scottish/English conflict book. So so good.
Jennifer Ashley's Mackenzie and McBrides series has a LOT of Scottish heroines, and I adore them. In this case, the heroes are also Scottish (a lot of these have Scottish heroes and heroines—I hope those might work too, so I'm including them for the sake of variety). In particular, I recommend:
The Many Sins of Lord Cameron—Ainsley is a Scottish heroine with a Scottish hero. She's a widow who had a brief encounter with the slutty, slutty widowed father to a teenager Lord Cameron, and now they're sort of brought together due to this zany plot where Queen Victoria is getting blackmailed and Ainsley (a lady in waiting to Victoria) sort of has to cover for her? The lady in waiting to Vicky thing can be a turnoff, but she's not on the page much and is presented in a very ambivalent manner (as opposed to a lot of historicals which present her positivel). She's basically there to give Cameron and Ainsley a reason to orbit around each other. They're HOOOOOT.
The Duke's Perfect Wife—One of my all time favorites. Hart is SCOOOOOOTTTIIIIIIIISH in her terms of his identity, but not in a traditional way? The Mackenzie have their title and are very Englishified on the surface, and Hart is actually planning on running for PM... IN ORDER TO DISMANTLE THE ENGLISH FROM THE INSIDE AND GET A FREE AND INDEPENDENT SCOTLAND. It's insane. But for real, I don't think Hart could deal with ending up with an Englishwoman and it's a part of his character lol. Fortunately, he never got over his very Scottish ex Eleanor, who dumped him and broke off their engagement years ago and is now back in his life as a roving girl reporter (by girl I mean she's def late twenties/early thirties and I love it) because someone is sending her nude photographs taken of Hart lol. This is a fabulous book and I have nooooo notes.
I belieeeeeve Rules for a Proper Governess has a Scottish heroine as well, Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage has an English heroine, and I'm not 100% sure where The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie is. Could go either way. Isabella being English is mentioned a lot, so I'm not sure if Beth is as well.
Monica McCarty's medieval Highland Guard series (aka: what if Robert the Bruce had a suicide squad?) has a lot of Scottish heroines! Even the ones who aren't on Robert the Bruce's side lol.
For sure Scottish:
The Chief—Very alpha leader hero, virgin heroine who's coerced by her father into trapping him into marriage, classic "cold man learns how to love" book.
The Ranger—Quiet hero with freakish sixth sense is behind enemy lines and undercover, but the enemy is another Scottish lord who's basically defected to work with the English (and he killed the hero's father). The heroine is that guy's daughter. Dun dun DUN.
The Viper—Sorta/kinda second chance between a dickish bitter hero who doesn't trust anyone and the woman he escorted as a part of the initial rebellion years ago, only for her to end up in the hands of the enemy in a CAGE for years. Now they're back in each other's orbits, and the beef is SO REAL and so is their desire to SMASH REAL HARD.
The Recruit—My favorite Highland Guard, a super slutty rakish one has a one night thing with a widow Robert actually wanted him to marry... But through a sequence of events, he didn't know it was her, he said something stupid, now she doesn't want to marry him, but ooooops about 4-5 months later they run into each other and he finds out she's pregnant and was totally planning on having the baby and hiding it from him, lmao. FORCED MARRIAGE A-GO!
They're all good, but of the ones I've read these are the top picks. Except for The Hawk, which I'd also highly recommend. However, that one has an Irish heroine.
Elisa Braden's Midnight in Scotland series has a couple Scottish heroines!
The Making of a Highlander—This has a Scottish heroine and an English hero. Everyone thinks she's crazy, and tbh she does talk to a ghost child a lot so... fair. But the ghost tells her to marry a lord so that he can be reincarnated as her baby, a lord's son (I'm serious) and she basically decides to use the English guy to My Fair Lady her while she prepares him for the Highland Games. It's so normal.
The Wickedness of a Highlander—The Scottish heroine was the sister of a previous big time villain (you don't have to read the previous book—they're good, but the two in between the above one and this one have English heroines) and she thinks the big, burly hero haaates her. And he kinda does? But he also wants her sO bad (the heroes in this book have a preternatural ability to immediately recognize their women, it's a Fated Mates vibe). She's in need of cash, so he takes her on as his "temporary" maid. But he has no intention of letting her go. It's very charming, very funny, and very OTT. This is one of my favorite Elisa Braden heroines, tbh. She's always like "Perhaps... I should have... dick....?" whenever there's a vague issue going on in her life.
The next book in the series is also clearly being set up, and whenever that happens the heroine is going to be Scottish.
Never Seduce a Scot by Maya Banks is a medieval with a Scottish hero and a Scottish heroine. They're sorta forced to marry to resolve a feud between their clans, but she doesn't speak and he thinks she has an intellectual disability and can't consent, so he assumes it'll be a marriage in name only. However, she's actually deaf and very much WANTS to consent lol. It's actually a very sweet, lovely romance (and I think it should be noted that the author's spouse is/was deaf, and she took his deafness into account when writing.
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argisthebulwark · 2 months
F, I, O, and S for the fanfic asks!! <33
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“Why?” She finally broke the silence, head turning until she looked straight up at him. Her dark eyes glimmered in the low light and chin rested so nicely on his chest. “Why what?” He felt her muscles tighten but she didn’t bolt.  “Why would you do all this for me?” Her voice cracked and he knew it was time. Brynjolf watched her eyes widen when he cupped her cheek in his hand, both of their hearts racing.  “Oh, lass.” He brushed aside a stray lock of hair, intent on meeting her gaze. She looked terrified. “You know, right?” She didn’t say a word but it was there, clear as day. Her fingers tightened in his shirt and she nodded. Everything they’d been through had led them to this moment. “Are you ready to hear it?” “I think so.” 
idk man i never posted this chapter of the brynjolf longfic i was working on... I should get back to that lol. I like to dump my own issues onto my characters and being unable to accept love/affection is a big one so it just hit me right in the feels rereading it. Using my favorite character/oc like an emotional chew toy.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Everything I write feels like a guilty pleasure lmao. My google drive holds sooo many fics that will never see the light of day since I never post any non Skyrim works. I've been working on a self indulgent Simon Riley fic for over a year now that makes me giggle and kick my feet when I reread or edit it lol.
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
It depends on the format. For my little ficlets I have a long list of prompts I'd like to fill, pick one that sounds fun, and choose characters from there I think would fit the prompt. When I'm writing a longer fic I often get inspiration from imagining cool scenes and building a fic around that, which would lean more toward characters.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
I'm such a sucker for enemies to lovers. It's written somewhere deep in my soul, I will happily read it a thousand more times. I love a hurt/comfort fic where the comfort comes waaaay later, when they let the angst really set in. A few years back I got really into forbidden romance stories for a while but I haven't gone for that lately.
thank you thank you for the ask <3 ask game here
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oKaY listen! Jegulus is my OTP and I LOVE me some Bartylus too, but REGULUS & PANDORA 🥹🥹🥹
My babies!!!
Just that they understand each other in a way nobody else can and and and AHHH
1. Okay first of all: SHIP NAMES
Their most common one is Regdora which - kinda boring? Like it’s not bad, but when we have names like STARCHASER or NOBLEFLOWER or FLOWERPOT for other ships that just won’t do. Therefore my suggestion:
Because Star - Regulus (no explanation needed) and like gazer as kind of a synonym for seer?? Alternatively I have Starseer or Waterbox (Water for Reggie like in Moonwater + Pandoras Box yk), but Stargazer just sounds so Stargazer.
2. I OBVIOUSLY love them as an „Arranged Marriage I don’t want AT ALL (why are there butterflies in my stomache??) trope“, BUT also as the „we are queer best friends and jealous of each others partners, but idk why” trope!!
Also how many AMAZING Dynamics they have??
- Grumpy x Sunshine
- I hate everyone, but you and you love everyone, but you love me the most
- Soulmates
- Best Friends to Lovers
- ENEMIES TO LOVERS (Arranged marriage trope)
3. The DENIAL the both of them would have (especially when they are both seers) like:
„I saw a prophecy that showed me and Reggie in a Cottage with a child that could be related to us - MUST BE BECAUSE HES THE GODFATHER“
„Had a Dream abt Panda standing in front of me in a wedding gown - GOOD TO KNOW IM GONNA BE HER BEST MAN“
or the Arranged Marriage Trope??
„Dream Abt making out against a door with Regulus - HOW WEIRD”
“Wow Pandora looks like a goddess in that dress, her glare makes me feel fuzzy and I want to smooth the frown on her forehead with my fingers while she looks up at me - IVE GOTTA REALLY LIKE THAT DRESS TO THINK LIKE THAT”
4. Once they ACTUALLY start dating they would literally be inseparable. They would cuddle and kiss and talk 24/7! Even their me-time they both need turns into us-time and is just as effective. They would start to panic if they don’t see each other for more than a DAY. Also their dates would be sooo cute!! No matter whether it would be the cozy queer cafe around the corner or the flashy pureblood dance balls. They would have such a comfy aura and nobody would mind their pda cause they would be so comfortable with each other.
Sometimes they would just spend a day in absolute silence but a COZY COMFY DOMESTIC ONE yk???
Also the “I hate physical touch except for when it’s you” trope!!
5. Just then going to a pride parade together with matching outfits in like their 30s, already married and a bi flag on Reggie’s cheeks and a Pan one on Dora’s and they would be so PROUD.
Or just the courting process in the arranged marriage trope PEAK!!
6. They are love. They are soulmates. They are Stargazer (or Waterbox still unsure bout that one)
This got WAY longer than I originally intended but oh well :)
you don't understand how much I adore them. I love love love them. they're my everything's <3 my hunnies <3 my sweet little babies <3
okay so, 1. I actually don't mind the name regdora, but yes, it's blant and ugly compared to everything else. personally, I know them as fairyseeker, which is what you can find them under on my blog lmao. stargazer is a GORGEOUS ship name... though I think of regularly every time I hear it lmao
i LOVE the name waterbox. idk why I just adore it
2. yesssssssss!!! istg they have the best troupes (next to bartylily). them as arranged marriage partners sounds so fun. imagine they're just kids when they first meet, and they're told they're supposed to get married when they grow up to combine the rosiers/lestranges
at first, they don't mind (they're tiny and have no idea what being married even means). they start hogwarts, and both realise that they're into their same gender people (once again, i bring up my mtf dora + ftm reg). so both spend a lot of time just convinced they aren't into each other. reg is a lesbian after all, and pandora is gay... then they come out as trans and both are like: oh-
3. grumpy x sunshine is so them omfg
them bith as seers???? Christ. them being so fucking blind is just so fitting. they never even consider that they might like each other
them as oblivious little fuckers so true. they are in deep denial fr. regulus is foaming out the mouth at how pandora is, but it's completely platonic
All they need is each other. they're always together, getting one of them alone is impossible. you can try, and you will fail
that trope is SO them. it's insane
5. they would definitely love their time at a pride parade. they're having the time of their lives and they've been happier
6. I love it when asks go this long. it just sucks because I usually can't add anything on because you guys are just so correct already 😮‍💨
thank you for sharing your brain with me. I appreciate it a lot <3
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dxsae · 1 month
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henlo, i'm bee 🐝 (22, she/her, gmt+) and i'm so excited to be here as a big fan of the boys and district x's setting !! today i bring oh sae to the table, an antihero and a criminal who punishes criminals. that said, his sense of what's right or wrong is ambiguous and his golden heart is kinda twisted. i have so many plans for him so i'd love to write with every single one of u, please like this post and i'll jump to ur inbox first! but i'll eventually reach out to everyone soon hehe (˶´ ˘ `˶) here's his profile (warning: wall of text) and i do have a plots page if u r interested! below is a quick summary of sae and some plot ideas, but i'm a girlie that loves brainstorming more sooo enjoy ur stay! it's midnight here so i'm off to bed now zzz
26 y/o, manager at toast & coffee 24-hour diner and has a very tight bond with the restaurant's owner
born & raised in district x, middle-class family
lives with mom, dad's in jail. has a bad relationship with them 'cause they hid dad's criminal background from him and his dumbass believed them for 14 years
( tw: murder ) his power manifested when the criminals invaded their home and sae murdered them when he was 14. dad took the blame and went to the detention center
has always wanted to be the type of nice, kind-hearted marvel heroes but his hatred for criminals is too much that it turned him into a violent dude
still applied to the pinnacle institute at 20 'cause he wanted to fight criminals in daylight. was the last one on the acceptance list, tried so hard to pass his classes only to be expelled from attacking his bully
fed up with everything, decided to go on his own path and beat criminals in his own style. slowly, his moral compass became broken and he became what he hated the most: a criminal. but they pay him good, so why not?
in between jobs, he often patrols nearby areas to keep an eye on any criminal he sees. he's always in the mood to kick some ass because punishing them guys is a hobby now. that's how he's the "batman of red lane"
would blow up their heads for entertainment
the type to crack bad jokes with a straight face. he isn't cold like his demeanor, he actually enjoys chatting and being goofy but keeps his distance. he makes sure the wall he puts up is visible without the need to mention
because he's a criminal and sometimes a monster, peeps would assume that he's selfish and irresponsible. in fact, he's very committed to whatever he's tasked with and u can always rely on him.
"i got promoted for a reason, dummy."
sometimes would intentionally explode random stuff to scare his buddies off. he thinks it's funny
moved on from whatever complicated relationship he has with his parents but the wall is there. can't act like they didn't give him trust issues
is under nepa's radar and he's aware of that
gets away with committing crimes because whoever paid him to do the jobs usually takes care of the aftermath as part of the deal
enjoys helping people. some are shocked to see him helping a grandma cross the street
after being expelled from the institute, sae doesn't plan his future anymore. prefers to go with the flow. right now, he's just tryna see if he could make it until 30
plot ideas (some will be taken from my plots page!)
partner in crime, criminal buddies, or supporters in general because he can't make genuine friends with his way of living... he's lonely yall
or "friends" who are very wary of this friendship it's fun too like u are teasing him then stop midway because who knows what if he blows ur head off next
rivals/enemies! sae's easily anyone's rival LMAO. u could hate his moral compass / think he's fked up / hate antihero tropes or he probably did something bad to u or the people u know
someone who thinks he's just a trashy criminal tryna play the hero game
encounter with the batman of red lane while he's on the nobody-asked-him-to patrol
n.e.p.a agents who try to recruit/trick him because his power would be useful for their experiments. he's going to be very sus of every agent he meets let's see what will ur muse bring
frequents at toast & coffee. he's very nice to his customers so u can puke on the floor and he will clean it up for up
pinnacle institute classmates! friends, foes, study buddies, crushes, people who know the truth about his expel and actually feel bad for him
i'm also a sucker for neighbor plots 🤲
just some basic ideas to get you inspired! let's develop more together
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starryo · 1 year
HE!!!!!! HIM!!!!! Joker is soooooo ominous and insane looking in his white mask outfit and mask and omg I loveeeee his mask it’s sooo fitting especially for a wild card with so many masks, for him to be represented by a half crying half laughing theatre mask like that and his hair!!!!
Does his hair change when he enters the metaverse?? Does he still have arséne/does he carry his personas into the new run? If not, does he reawaken arséne as his first persona again? Or does he awaken to a different persona when he gets metaverse access? He’s still a wild card but I’m soooo curious about his awakened persona especially considering his new ‘fit like damnnn.
ALSO can he change his metaverse outfit like og!Akechi? Does he have an opinion on his outfit (hate it, like it, finds it creepy or weird to adjust to or anything)? (Did I mention I ADOREEEE your white mask design for him bc hoooollyyyyyy hellll do I adore it with every single fiber of my being wow-
How does Shido find out about him if he doesn’t approach him (or does he approach Shido as a keep your enemies closer kind of thing)?
I cannot IMAGINE how the white mask reveal would go like omg, does he also have a little mini insane breakdown in front of them or is he still chill during it, you said the engine scene and interrogation room bit would go very differently but AAAAA HOWWWW PLSSSS SHAREEEE😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
And don’t even get me STARTED on how much I absolutely adore Akechi’s design here, his little earring, his everything omggg, I really wanna know how far he got beating up Shido lmaoo
Did Akechi still get tossed around foster homes growing up? Did he lean into his “unwanted child” thing instead of crafting his likeable “perfect” personality/facade (considering he look a little delinquent-y in the art I saw)? If so, what makes the change there? Does his mother die differently or does he just not know about Shido maybe, causing him to not create the same facade because he no longer has a clear revenge goal? Idk but I’m soo curious what got him looking and acting so different (assuming his facade isn’t actually the same and it’s just the appearance that changed).
Does Joker have a likeable “detective prince” persona (pun not intended) now instead since he took the detective spot, or is he less public/handles it differently? If he does then does he have the same cult following of fangirls lol
What school does Joker go to in this AU?? Does he go to the same (unnamed) school Akechi went to last time? Does he still go to Shujin (unlikely I’d assume)? Does he maybe go to Kosei since it’s a school for prodigies n stuff so it would be willing to work around his whole detective prince shtick? Plus Kosei means getting to talk to Yusuke without Shido finding out
Also you said that the Yoshizawas and Niijimas could be explained to Shido as useful connections, how are the Yoshizawas useful connections? Their family? Also does he get to meet Haru pre-canon because of the same logic?
Does he have a better relationship with Sae than Akechi? Maybe being able to help with her distortion before the canon timeline even starts? I’d imagine Makoto doesn’t despise him like she does Akechi (since I doubt he’d be anywhere near as passive aggressive and awful lmao) so are they friends or does Makoto still have a bit of jealousy for someone her age being so much closer to her sister than her (or both??👀 she can multitask)?
And also does Akechi have a different outfit than canon too then?? Does he have a different persona? Or just Robin Hood? You said he takes Jokers place in the unjust game so I’d assume he gets to recruit and fuse persona but does that mean that Joker can’t??? Or can he recruit persona but just not fuse them? OR can he do both bc of some NG+ shenanigans or him having more time in the metaverse (in this loop and others) meaning that he manages to get some kind of higher powers than canon? Like maybe he can talk shadows into fusing or can enter/exit the metaverse without the Nav or change/use cognition to do things he never thought of doing before (Monabus style but minus the Mona).
Does he have a persona that helps him cause shutdowns/mental breaks or does he just talk the shadows to the mental ledge or sth? I could see him talking shadows into mental breaks or shutdowns to match his whole talking to recruit shadows ability and will he still have a place or title as a/the trickster? Especially if Lavenza and people refers to him as the trickster to Akechi or something. Also does he have Satanael? Or is this one of those AUs where he never awakens Satanael even in the OG run? Also does he reset runs because the year is up, because they disappear bc of the grail, bc they die in the Yaldy battle, or something else? And does *he* know why he resets or is he stressed out of his mind?
Does he try to stay away from the other PTs even once canon starts (bc Shido)? Is Akechi less smarmy and awful lol? I am dyingggg to know more about this AU (DID I MENTION I WOULD KILL FOR YOUR WHITE MASK OUTFIT OMGGGG ITS SO GOOD) and I am soooo sorry for the super long ask I didn’t even realize how long it had gotten I just am insane from this AU sorry T.T
hello!!! sorry for replying so late! oh my god i first opened your ask when i was in a discord voice called and was floored by your enthusiasm!!! i mean that in such a positive way thank you so much for loving my little au! im going to try my best to answer all your questions <3 this is going to be another long text post haha
since lavenza is the only other character that is also carried over from the previous run of the game, joker actually has access to the full persona compendium he collected. i will say that in the new run, the phantom thieves don’t see him use arsene due to reasons :) he also does receive a new persona! dont ask who yet though i haven’t finalized it. his hair changes with his outfit, meaning he still has access to his original joker outfit and can switch between them like how original akechi can switch between his. as for his opinion on it… he has pretty complicated feelings over it. he does appreciate the aesthetic of it and without hiscircumstances he would probably enjoy it even if it’s not his usual style. i think the best way to describe his opinion of it now is that he’s numb to it, and he also finds it quite comedic when you consider the what it symbolizes. (and thank you so much 🥺 i love character design so much and he is my baby)
like og!akechi, he does approach shido first, more because he felt like he had no other choice. he tries to justify it in his mind that taking this initiative is the most reliable way to guarantee the future going how he wants them to go.
he doesn’t really get his full breakdown until his palace! so he stays pretty composed when he is confronted in the engine room up until this point he hasn’t revealed his hand as the true culprit yet, so it’s pretty shocking to all of the thieves (except goro) and they feel a lot more conflicted as a result.
akechi kind of lives up to his delinquent appearance and rumor in this au yeah haha! he unfortunately wasnt able to get too far beating shido up, which makes him all the more frustrated and angry. he was tossed around foster homes growing up yes, and it was mostly after his criminal record that he fully leaned into the “unwanted child”. i guess part of him still kind of hoped that things would work out somehow for him even if he barely scrapes by. he still taps into that good kid facade sometimes if its more beneficial! aside from that, nothing has changed from canon regarding his backstory. his mom still died the same way and he knows who shido is, he just didnt get his powers like in canon which meant he didnt have any power to back any plans for actually exacting revenge even if he wanted to.
detective prince akira kurusu is very likeable and popular with the fans! he leans into the theatrics of it a lot more, but he also finds it so much more exhausting and often wonders how og!akechi was able to manage. he doesnt put as much of an emphasis on his popularity as og!akechi and more on increasing his authority as a detective, but he does consider both to be vital to his goal of crafting the perfect outcome. he goes to the same unnamed school as akechi (i’m trying to figure out a good name for it rn) and im deciding whether or not i might have him transfer to shujin in the second semester.
yoshizawas’ dad is the director of a really popular news channel! since both the niijimas and the yoshizawas arent direct associates with shido, akira can use the excuse that he’s maintaining good relationships so that he gets some influence. with haru and okumura he doesn’t really have that excuse, since okumura is already directly collaborating with shido. he has met haru in passing a few times though, and he wishes he could reach out more without both shido and okumura raising an eyebrow.
i think the best way to describe the difference between akira and og!akechi in terms of their bonds is that og!akechi didn’t have any true bonds aside from joker during his run, while akira is forging many bonds that are founded on deception. so while he technically has a better relationship with sae and many others than og!akechi did, akira questions a lot if they truly count when he’s only ever giving them what they want to see and none of the truth. to him they’ve started to feel even more transactional, and it doesn’t help that he sometimes questions if he’s attached to the present or the past more. i hope this explanation makes sense lmao, his experiences and thoughts are pretty contradictory at times so sometimes they dont make sense when i try to explain his logic.
i will say that he neither encourages or discourages sae’s distortion though, but he will help mitigate the consequences and advise her at times when she does ask for input. he’s definitely not as passive aggressive, and they’re at a weird stage where they’re not quite friends yet (mostly because yes makoto is still a little jealous and she is very awkward/guarded around him and a bit proud i guess? akira is patiently waiting for her to make the first move while giving her opportunities)
akechi has both robin hood and loki! he does have a different outfit that is a bit of a fusion between his two original ones (i havent finalized the designs yet). both of them are able to access the velvet room and can fuse personas, though joker doesnt really have the need to since he already completed his compendium.
his new persona does give him some new abilities that help with his new role yes, and yes he does do something similar to talking shadows into mental breakdowns. he is still referred to as a trickster by the velvet room residents when spoken to directly, but when they speak to akechi about akira they refer to him as “player”.
he did successfully awaken to satanael in the previous run. i’ll keep the details of why and when he resetted a secret for now hehe, cant give away the entire mystery!!
once he gets the excuse to hang out with the phantom thieves he 100% uses it to his advantage. it’s a sensitive balancing game, because he knows that shido will one day notice either way. one can even argue that he is being too reckless but unlike og!akechi, akira gets the advantage of knowing a lot more information.
as for akechi… he’s kind of a bitch haha like i would say he’s a bit like third semester og!akechi but less unhinged in the metaverse. definitely still very bloodthirsty with the shadows though just a bit less loud about it. he’s very blunt and direct with the phantom thieves, and likes to use sarcasm or mockery sometimes (the phantom thieves quickly learn that this is his weird love language). he’s definitely a lot more honest in his mannerisms in this au, so much that when he does turn on his pleasant boy charm, everyone else starts getting chills and feel super unsettled.
thank you again so much for all your questions!!! i hope i was able to answer all of them okay 💖 im so happy to hear you like my au so much! i hope i can draw them more often 🥺
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What is "Vega"?
"I told him there's no way you'd be foolish enough to believe in a myth like Vega...looks like I was wrong."
so I was rewatching a few scenes and that line from Kane in the 2-part finale suddenly got my brain going brrrr about WORLDBUILDING!!! because if "Vega" was a thing completely made up by Kane, why would he talk as if the idea was an already-existing myth?? the implications are delicious to me, sooo. here's my own personal overly-elaborate theory/headcanon... *insert drumroll here*
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Vega = "Anonymous"
by that I mean Vega is basically this universe's version of the hacker group...albeit much more focused and serious than ours. they're trying to save the world, after all.
there are many rumors, myths and conspiracy theories about what and where Vega is - "a spy organization in Cleveland" is just one of the bigger ones (for whatever reason lmao.) most of these stories have been planted by the members of Vega themselves, to make it all the more impossible to find them or prove their existence. they do their work quietly and thoroughly, without any announcement or warning, and any traces left of who they might be are either scrubbed or quickly swallowed up by all the tinfoil-hat "evidence" circulating around.
Vega is anywhere and anyone. they exist as a sprawling collective of spies, hacktivists, pirates, coders, digital archivists AND, perhaps most crucially...guerilla data cablers. any person with these skills is welcome to be part of the group, so long as they commit to The Priority.
"The Priority" is Vega's single unifying mission: to restore open, unrestricted internet to all corners of the post-apocalyptic world, and reconnect every pocket of civilization scattered around Earth. they believe achieving "complete connection" again is the key to saving humanity from total extinction.
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are they gonna save the world with wifi? yes. yes they are.
there is no chain of command, no counsel, no head "in charge" of Vega handing out missions or telling everyone what to do...which means internal dissent happens a lot. but generally as long as the members all agree to dedicate their efforts to The Priority and work in good faith with each other, almost anything goes idea-wise...and yes, sometimes that does include taking direct action against fascist dictators. ;)
there are also four basic rules every member must follow while working in the group:
1 - "VEGA IS A MYTH." Vega will continue to "not exist" in the public eye until a two-thirds majority of the members agree that officially revealing themselves to the world is both necessary and unavoidable. they do this to make it harder for bad actors to weaponize their work or use their name for self-serving political gain.
2 - "SECRECY IS MANDATORY." YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB talking about Vega to outsiders is forbidden, unless inviting someone to join the cause. members revealing their identities to each other is also forbidden. anyone who publicly claims credit for something in Vega's name has either eventually been exposed as a fake, or thoroughly framed as a fake by the other members if one goes rogue.
3 - "CENSORSHIP IS THE ENEMY." having open access to the world's knowledge is absolutely sacred to Vega - it is THE "why" behind the "what" of their mission! so while members are free to act on their own, attacking libraries, journalists or the media is both forbidden and unforgivable. the only exception is when they find a media network/organization with censors or restrictions placed on it - in which case, they will only act to lift those restrictions, so people have the ability to find all the information for themselves.
4 - "CONNECTION IS THE PRIORITY." whatever the members do, their plans must be in service of Vega's mission in some way...whether it's restoring or preserving an ancient website, breaking into a new location to install or repair data cables, or hacking a corrupt politician's computer system.
there's a delicious irony in Kane using the "myth" of Vega to capture Mike. at some point in the future, the true Vega will play a key role in helping the Burners free the people of Deluxe from Kane's clutches once and for all...and finally, reconnecting all of Detroit with the outside world.
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bellysoupset · 1 month
Hi Soup~
I'm so behind with my comments, but I don't want you to get bored of me writing basically a novel every time I send an ask to you and flood your inbox. 🙈
So I will try to be "short" (and fit everything into 1 or 2 asks) but no promises 😅
I'm so excited to read about Jonah's (and Leo's) trip with Angie. Angie is a sweetheart. She loves Jonah so much, it comes through your writing so vividly. I enjoy getting to know Matteo and Jackie as well. The whole debate about Jonah going on this trip at all, the brief wedding planning, the worrying, and caretaking in this whole storyline are just amazing. I love that Jackie is acting like a mother hen not only with Jonah but with Leo as well. She knows what she wants, and even Jonah doesn't dare truly arguing with her - it's so nice to see her telling Jonah he is her child in her house and not a doctor, and that she would be taking care of him. And Jonah acting like he doesn't enjoy the attention is just perfect. Plus the whole Leo got sick then John got sick and even while John got sick, he was jealous of Luke taking care of Leo. Pure comedy. I can't wait to read about the rest of the trip.
As for Bell and Luke, I know you already wrote a fic with Bella not believing him when he is sick, but this new one was just so good to read. Poor Luke having that migraine. I'm glad Bell apologised. I just love their dynamic so much.
Plus Luke finally using his full name while working? He has so many opportunities now. What are you planning?👀
Also, I live for Luke being jealous of whatever Vince and Max have going on.
Can't wait to have Wendy join the club (but like, just a little. Max needs everyone in his corner).
The smut? The face time thing between Wen and Vin? Oh boy, you are doing things to me. You are writing these scenes so well, they are 🔥
(I feel like Wendy needs a bit more attention in terms of stories, so I will try to come up with a prompt.)
I don't think I need to say anything about the Vin and Max developing enemy-turned kinda colleague kinda crush dynamic. I absolutely adore it. The birthday fic? Thanks for giving Max a memorable - in a positive sense for once - birthday. Even though he still ended up puking, I'm glad he could enjoy himself. It was so nice of Vince to take him out, and even have back up plan for a back up plan. Max deserves it soo much.
Oh and Soup? Boring and your stories will never ever fall into the same category!!
The variety, the character development, the plotlines? They are one of a kind and always will be. I hope you will be here writing for us for at least a hundred years 🥺🙏🏻
I also hope I didn't miss anything. If I did, just know that I love it anyways.
Sending lots of love and a mountain of self-confidence your way
- 💜
See you're behind commenting (literally not a thing, any comment in whatever story makes my day!!) and I'm behind answering my inbox, I'd say we're even 😂
I'm having a lot of fun writing the extended relations of each characters! I'm going slowly so Jonah, so far, is the one with the most people in his corner, but I do plan to add some secondary characters for the others as well! I think it makes them so much richer and gives me many scenarios to explore! Writing Angie and Jackie has been a blast, since each one of them brings out a completely different side of Jon. I'm planning to have a story in the future with Jasper, we'll see how that goes!
DJSFLKD Wendy joining Luke's club of jealousy! LMAO that would be very funny, just the two of them in a corner glaring daggers in Max's direction. Not very realistic, Wendy is not a jealous girl, if anything realizing Max is crushing on Vince would make her sooo smug, not jelly, but this is a fun scenario.
🙈🙈🙈 I'm soo happy you're enjoying the teasing smut, both Vin/Wen and Bella/Luke, I love writing these sexy little ficlets!
And 💜! Don't you DARE think I'd ever get tired of your comments, not just the compliments, I genuinely love knowing how you are and the little side quests of your lives! How's university, what are you guys watching, I love learning you're well 💕💕
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eliotquillon · 1 year
jean :)
one aspect about them i love
the fact that he got thrown down the stairs 4 times LOL. jk. this is very meta but something i find really cool about jean is the way his suicides in the previous drafts are almost treated as canon suicide attempts and how it shapes his subsequent characterisation. like very genuinely i think knowing that the published version of aftg is the Only one where jean gets his happy ending makes the happy ending in question sooo much more impactful and i think it’s why i love him so much. like he did Not have plot armour but despite everything, things worked out for him anyway. god i fucking love jean
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH KEVIN. i think the thing with kevin and jean is that they were both victims of riko but they both knew that kevin leaving would result in jean suffering more, and ofc kevin had a right to leave his abuser, but i also think jean has a right to be resentful about it. i think part of why kevin and jean’s relationship can’t ever fully heal is because neither of them ever knew each other before riko’s abuse and therefore neither of them can really picture a “healthy” version of each other so like if your only concept of a person is while they’re mid trauma response, that is ofc gonna paint a skewed picture. they were both caught in the cycle of abuse of being victim and later perpetrator and i think it’s kind of reductive to act like riko not being there will undo the hurt that jean and kevin actually did to each other. whew that was an essay. basically i just wish more people understood that jean and kevin can probably never be friends and their friendship only existed bc of their mutual victimhood so like as adults it isn’t natural or healthy for them to revert back to that
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
i 100% think jean is losing his french because of the nest and he ends up doing french classes at USC to “catch up” because he starts to realise how many things he’s forgetting. i also think he never bothers to a) become a US citizen, or b) qualify for an olympic team because, unlike kevin or neil, exy is genuinely just a career for him and in the end i think his life’s goal isn’t an olympic medal but instead finding a life and hobbies OUTSIDE of exy now that he’s finally allowed
one character i love seeing them interact with
KEVIN. sorry it kind of fucking shows but i’m so obsessed with how fucked up their dynamic is it’s so so so sad and vitriolic and both of them are right to be hurt and it just sucks!! it’s a mutual tragedy!! and i for one cannot look away! the tension between them at the banquets when they realise they’ve gone from being on the same team to being enemies….ohohoho. and what i wouldn’t do to eavesdrop on the convo they had after jean left the nest
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
JEREMY KNOX BITCH #JEREJEAN. we deserved a usc novella in general with jean getting to live his best life but ESPECIALLY with jeremy. fanfic isn’t enough anymore. the detail in the extra content about jeremy teaching jean how to play pool and jean somehow being better than him at it is genuinely my favourite thing ever and i want to see more fun slice of life “jean getting a normal college experience” stuff
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
mmm i think at some point there was definitely something More Than Platonic between kevin and jean and this was partially weaponised against them by riko, thus making the fallout of their friendship even more toxic. just a vibe i get. on a happier note i like to think that jean tries to teach jeremy french but realises that he’s actually a terrible teacher and when he taught kevin kevin had been doing a lot of the heavy lifting LMAO. i also think that while he never becomes friends with kevin again, things do lighten between them slightly after they both graduate and between riko’s death and jeremy they’re able to stay on mutually decent terms + attend each other’s weddings
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evilwriter37 · 2 years
Ok so I realize this isn't, like, the part in Middle-Earth you're most interested in, but I had a Middle-Earth whump AU thought and I know I'll never actually get around to write it but I NEED to share it with someone so I hope you don't mind my rambling ':D
Anyway, it's about Elrond (honestly, with me, it nearly always is lmao). I had this thought of, during the siege of what will eventually be known as Imladris, in Second Age in the war immediately after the fall of Eregion. Elrond gets taken captive by the enemy during some battle. And initially, it's what you'd expect, being tortured and humiliated for the entertainment of the orc captains, held as captive in case he becomes a useful bargaining chip. Until Sauron discovers just who it is that his troops have managed to take captive. Elrond, the descendant of so many proud and mighty bloodlines of elves and men. The great-grandchild of Lúthien, who once brought Sauron down and stole his castle, and very like Lúthien in appearance, too. And Sauron knows how to hold grudges. And here Elrond is, practically the image of Lúthien in a man's body, captive and so neatly fallen to his grasp.
And so Sauron takes Elrond as his personal plaything (what exactly that entails, I'll leave to your imagination; I know we two sometimes have different tastes in whump, so feel free to come up with whatever you personally like best). Even as the war comes to an end, as Sauron's forces are beaten back, though all the other captives they may have taken are either slain or just left behind for their own troops to reclaim, Sauron makes sure to bring Elrond with him. He's not going to part with his toy, his little songbird, not anymore. And so Elrond is brought to Mordor, to be kept in chains by Sauron's throne in Barad-dûr. And no one is coming for him, no one ever comes for him, because everyone else thinks he's dead. Why should they think any different? People die in battles in ways that make the body unrecognizable all the time, so the fact that no one ever found Elrond's body is a little matter.
And so centuries pass, centuries and centuries of pain and humiliation and captivity, with Elrond as Sauron's helpless plaything. And Sauron certainly ensures that Elrond has no chance even for the merciful release of death, no, he wants to keep Elrond and he's not letting him go. After some 1500 years there's a brief respite of 60 years or so, as Sauron leaves to fuck shit up in Númenor, but still, he leaves his ringwraiths to keep careful watch, and there's no chance for Elrond to escape. And when Sauron returns after the Fall of Númenor and takes on a physical form again, oh, he's going to be sooo miffed he got disembodied because the island sunk and now can't take on a beautiful physical form. Poor Elrond's probably going to have to bear the brunt of that anger...
A hundred years more, still, Elrond will remain a captive in Barad-dûr, until the War of the Last Alliance ends with Sauron's defeat and Isildur claiming the Ring. And when it does, and the evil forces are scattered and Barad-dûr abandoned, the surviving prisoners free at last when no one is there to keep them from leaving... is anyone going to recognize the wreck of an elf, thin and scarred, eyes full of fear and pain and weariness? Is anyone going to even recognize him as the once so noble and mighty and beautiful Elrond?
Okay, I was procrastinating answering this and now absolutely, completely regret doing so.
Because this was fucking awesome!!! Wow!! So perfectly whumpy and torturous! Poor Elrond! 😈 I can definitely see Sauron having fun with tormenting him. I’ll be honest in saying I hardly ever see elf whump in the Lord of the Rings fandom, but this is just beautiful. Their immortality makes it all worse. (For them. Better for us.)
Thank you for sharing and sorry it took me so long to get to this! Such a fun idea!
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demonsfate · 1 year
ashdkfk so true!!!! You are absolutely right on everything!! Boy it is SO refreshing to read opinions like yours because I feel like many people love to bring the same thing about "but Jin created a war--" WELL. Actually! that wasn't Jin. idc what Harada says, but at least he saw the huge mistake he made and is now kinda fixing it on T8. I really like DJ but.. he's *not* Jin. But yeah, I'm not surprised someone said that about Josie :/ ... I've read other things re the female characters, especially about Xiaoyu and Asuka. Whenever someone says they're generic or smth I go "Can't read suddenly idk". As you said Tek has lots of unserious stuff. And it was one of the things that bothered me on 7 bc the Mishimas had their serious storyline while the rest were like,, for the lulz.. I don't think they even bothered to do more than that.
Also the thing you said about Heihachi took me out lmao. I wouldn't be surprised if they bring him back, SOMEHOW. But thank you! Tbh I get hyped whenever I see your posts getting hyped over T8 (if that makes sense?? my English sucks) love how you write Jin! I can’t wait for the game. Hopefully, it will be as great as it looks. I need it like yesterday lol. Btw, I'm starting to think I should go by "hype anon" or something(??)' (I'm going to stop talking now this is way too long I'm sorry! :| )
Thank you!! And YEAH - it's easy to look at a character, and poor writing, and see that it's something the character wouldn't do, and say "this isn't the character lol." But the Tek fandom just CAN'T seem to wrap that around their head!
I like DJ a lot, too! But totes, he's not Jin!
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Now it seems like we now have 'em both referring to each other as different people! And well, I guess ppl forgot this - but even in TK2, we saw Kaz fighting against Devil Kaz. Which may just be seen as symbolism - but in TK4, Devil Kaz even refers to Kaz by name, asking what he's doing. (And plus Heihachi didn't recognize Devil Kaz as Kaz.) So because of this, I always saw DJ and Jin as different people - just habiting the same body. I also find this concept to be much more interesting than trying to claim DJ is just "Jin but evil!11!!1 his dark desires!!1!!!" Just because that concept if sooo generic and overused for fighting games. Mortal Kombat has their revenants which is just that, and Street Fighter as Ryu and Evil Ryu. And since I wrote in the MK fandom once - I already wrote that concept and I'm bored with it. Jin and DJ being enemies who are forced to share a body is very fascinating to me.
So, that's also why I roll my eyes when I see ppl say that TK6's writing is "justified" because DJ represents what Jin really wants. (Fuck off with thaaat.) And even if somehow, someway, Jin did go "dark." I don't see him behaving like DJ. I see Jin behaving more angrier and aggressive - but not sadistic and maniacally laughing and stuff.
Funny thing is - I actually wasn't too happy with Xiao's depiction in the Bloodline anime because I felt they made her more generic than she is in the games. XD Imo, not many of the Tek characters are "generic." Yes, they all have tropes. (Xiao's the bubbly schoolgirl, Jin's the stoic main character.) But like, many characters are built upon established tropes. It's how they're written and how they actually act with those tropes that make them unique. I really don't see how Asuka's generic. Even if she can be a bit pointless to her family's story, she can be entertaining as a character personality wise imo.
AND YEAHHH - I may also be in the minority who didn't completely hate the TK7 story like many people do. But I def agree they fucked the other characters up completely. Like yeah, I still have gripes about the TK7 story - but at least it was taken seriously. And Heihachi did stuff and was taken seriously again. (Unlike you know, in TK5 and TK6 where he has endings of him sending his family to... Space to kill them.) But my God, I finally got around to unlocking all the character endings a few months ago and TK7 probably has the worst character endings - maybe even worse than TK6 (if not just as bad. As TK6 wasn't all juvenile humor, but a lot of them was just short 30 seconds of Nothing Happening) I'd say Miguel probably had the best ending - if it didn't remind of TK6 and made me angry because of that.
I feel like they will bring back Heihachi - even just to be in the roster, and not alive. Just because even if the character is dead - players still liked his style, and therefore, enjoyed playing as him. I feel like they could pull a Kazumi, and have Heihachi in a flashback, and thus he can be in the roster because of that. Lots of people are saying "they could make clone or robo Heihachi - or even a new apprentice!" But really, I think Flashback Heihachi is most likely. Honestly, I wouldn't really mind if TK8 brought in a lot of "dead" characters as DLC. Like they're just DLC, and most Tek characters have no impact on the story anyway (LOL) So... what would be the big deal? It'd be nice to see Jinpachi or Ogre again.
Don't worry about your English! You haven't said anything that was unclear to me yet, so it's been all good! And thank you soooo very much about that!!! I love writing this character, and I love my concepts - so it's always joyful to know others do, too. <3 And I really like talking to you about the games! As said, it gives me an excuse as well to ramble all my ideas! Which is funny bc you were worried about going on to long, but now I'm going on way too long. xD
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dead-end-street · 9 months
Reading your response about the angsty moments are so great! It made me realize that angst + yearning is the one thing I will never say no to! I always think back to the CLOY separation scene when they’re at the border. I don’t think I’ve ever cried harder than seeing that for the first time! It lives rent free in my mind. I haven’t seen OBS, but I’ve heard SOOO many good things about it. Maybe it’s time to sit down and watch it Similarly to Soundtrack #2, I attempted to watch the 1st one but just never got around to finishing it, but the gifs I’m seeing of #2 has me going 👀. So I might just add those to my very long list of dramas that I say I will watch! Any particular plans you’re exciting for during the holidays?
Lol i could talk about angsty moments forever. Pining/yearning is always soooo good. Omg yes that scene in CLOY i burst into tears when he stepped over the line, so good! I can't recommend OBS enough, it's in my top 5 shows ever. It's got everything i love with enemies to lovers to exes to enemies again (lmao) to friends to lovers. The pacing is really great and I love the way they portray both character's POV so you can see how they both interpreted certain things in different ways and that's part of why they broke up and learning to come together again. The side characters are also fun and has my fave bestie actress (park jinjoo)
Soundtrack #1 was so lovely. I love pining so much and Hyungsik does it so well xDD it's such a short show and I wish it was longer but Kim Hee-won is the director and cinematography is so beautiful. It's actually really well paced for only 4 eps. Same with Soundtrack #2 it's a really pretty show so far and I'm obsessed with exes to lovers trope. You don't have to watch #1 before #2 as they're separate stories but I definitely recommend both. (#2 will have 6 eps so a bit longer, which I'm thankful for.)
I'm visiting my parents and seeing family/friends over the holidays. I'm excited to be home and relax for a bit. What are your plans for the holidays?
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trentskis · 2 years
Hi! How have you found the best way to get into football is? I know its to just start watching the games but theres so many teams and leagues and I dont really know how to narrow it all down. Sorry if its a stupid question just feels like football is kind of overwhelming 😅
it's not a stupid question at all i totally get it! i literally only got into football because there was a sweepstakes at work for the euros lol, i got spain so i watched their matches and got into it that way (this is part of the reason why i will always be a lil fond of pedri and gavi gkfjg). watched the final to see if england would lose lmao (they did woohoo #itscomingtorome) but the blessing in that was seeing bukayo! bukayo and hector were really my way into football, trent and robbo followed suit because i started watching liverpool videos and watched the wingmen series and then that was that. i actually didn't start watching games for a couple months after i fell for various players lmao (used to fancy jack grealish like MAD but now he's my mortal enemy. sunrise sunset), honestly dont even remember how i got into watching the actual games but here i am lol. so i really just started following teams based on players i liked and them playing for those teams (trent, robbo = liverpool. bukayo, hector, kt soon after = arsenal). with liverpool i kind of got straight into them and that's why they're my babies, arsenal i watched content and was fond of sooo many of the players but didn't start watching them properly until. maybe the second half of the 21/22 season ? my love for them has just grown and grown and i love so much about that team. and liverpool they're just in my heart forever aren't they. also a large chunk of my family are liverpool supporters but i wasn't even influenced by that lol. it just happened that way. maybe it was in my genetics all along gjfkgkf
anyway all that waffling and shite to say: if you have a player or players you're fond of, explore their team maybe! and see who you vibe with because i found i just Vibe with liverpool and arsenal if that makes sense gkfkgg. hope u have fun!!!
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hellonoblesky · 2 years
OK THIS MIGHT JUST BE ME BUT HAVE U NOTICED THAT ALL THE REGIONS ARE DESIGJED IN FAVOR OF THEIR ARCHON. i might just be overthinking this entirely but if u look at liyue compared to inazuma (example), there are MANY more rock formations and much more rock (iron, jade, crystals, etc) and fond storytelling about zhongli because hes a good archon and favored by his followers. everything is closely knit and even though there are different divided parts of liyue theyre still connected by their culture and their archon specifically. like hes literally the geo archon so it makes SENSE RIGHT. GEO = ROCK AND ELECTRICITY = ELECTRO
buuut also. baal is only a body double for makoto (rip babe), and shes already had a worse impact on inazuma than makoto herself. im directly referencing kazuha here but literally EVERYONE fears her because of the vision hunt decree and what they Know is going to happen if they get in trouble with her. tomo died for posessing something that is Very normal - but not in inazuma because the shogun is power hungry and cant fathom the thought of someone being above her. apparently. theres a reason shes referred to as the "enemy of eternity" and not the "god of eternity" like in the lore. and because eternity was very importanr to ei and raiden but thats totally different
but if u literally take the inazuman map at face value it is VERY divided. nothing strings together like it does in sumeru or liyue, everytjing is very independent on its own and they literally have watatsumi - an island formed by a clan that intentionally worships orobashi instead of the shogun because her method of ruling was so. BAD. (especially because she literally killed orobashi lmao), but its like that. everywhere. if you look at the centermost islands none of them have any relation to the shogun because theyre all so divided. they worship their god becahse they feel they Have to and not because they want to
A FEW corrections about Ei though!! - She’s not power hungry, she, due to losing her friends over the years in increasingly violent ways, decided to reign as the sole Celestial power at ALL in her nation for fear of it all collapsing, it’s not a “I can’t let these fools get more powerful than me, they’re fool mortals!!” Mindset, it’s a “I have to defend this nation with everything I have even if that means taking power from the people because I failed Makoto and I failed Kitsune Saiguu and I failed Chiyo and I failed Sasayori and I CANNOT fail again.” It’s a doomed and wrong path fueled by grief and her actions are unforgivable BUT she didn’t do it out of thirst for power. Also she’s not referred to as the Enemy of Eternity, that’s what she calls the Traveller, because the Traveller is an exception of her perceived order and natural laws!
And the people of Watatsumi don’t worship Orobaxi to spite the Shogun, but because he’s their ancestral god!! They’re descended from Enkanomiyans, and Enkanomiya is their original homeland! So they worship Orobaxi as their main god, while still holding respectful reverence for the Shogun!
Also about Tomo - having a Vision is NOT a normal thing!!! It’s super easy to forget because all playable characters are Vision-Weilders, but it’s very much not a normal thing. Like it’s extremely rare.
OTHERWISE YOU ARE SOOO RIGHT AUGH. Not to mention Sarai and Tsurumi Island alongside Watatsumi!!!! Oh the hells and trials of islands ruled by alternate gods once at peace with the Shogun but no longer :)
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babydaddyleorio · 3 years
How they would act on a plane
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These are very much crack headcanons because I needed something to help me escape my writing plateau lmao
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                                    How they would act on a plane
-If he’s sitting next to a girl? Oh he’s flirting the whole plane ride.
-Literally won’t shut up and tells her this very extravagant story trying to woo her, the whole time eyeing the necklace that’s placed on her neck.
-Also did I mention that he’s in first class? Yeah he definitely tied up some guy in the bathroom and “borrowed” his ticket.
-He’ll order drinks for him and the girl and will secretly pay for them with her money.
-A true finesser.
-Even the flight attendants love him. He has so many numbers now.
-If he does happen to sit by himself, he’ll probably read a book while listening to classical music.
-He refuses to sleep because he feels like he has enemies everywhere watching him.
-like please you are not the main character Chrollo take the damn nap. 
-He's on his phone the whole time but he’s so obnoxious with it. He purposefully has his volume all the way up just to annoy everyone around him.
-He’ll play games like candy crush and laughs super loudly If he makes a match and groans sadly If he runs out lives.
-The old man next to him wants to bang his head against the chair in front of him because he literally won’t shut up.
-Doesn’t put his phone on airplane mode.
-Probably hacks into the plane. Literally will make the bathroom have the occupied sign on the whole plane ride so no one could use It.
-Has a needle in the pilot’s neck just for fun.
-Also has the plane doing loopity loops in the sky and everyone is screaming for their lives while he’s just laughing evilly.
-Claps when the plane lands.
-He just reads the whole ride.
-If you accidentally brush his arm he gives you a death glare.
-He has to jump to reach the overhead because it’s too high.
-He woke up way too early so he’s in a “I hate everyone” type of mood.
-Hisses when the person beside him tries to open up the window.
-He accidentally sits next to an escape exit and when the flight attendant asks him If he’s ready to save others just in case something happens he’s like “....No.”
-Refuses to change his answer too
-Listens to music on his playlist and silently pretends to be in a music video.
-Takes up all of the space and squishes you.
-You wonder how the hell his earlobes got that long and he would say something smart to you like “It’s rude to stare.”
-Well excuse me...
-Someone in front him will lean back in their seat and their hair covers the movie he’s watching. 
-Is scared to move it so he just sits there like “😐”.
-All the drinks are too small to fit in his hand so he awkwardly sips from the straw that’s poked in his apple juice box.
-Someone ends up leaning their head on his shoulder while they are sleeping.
-Doesn’t know what to do now and is frantically looking around for help.
-Knitting or sewing the whole time.
-Do not try to talk to her. She won’t respond.
-Has a window seat because she likes to peacefully look at the clouds and city lights as she’s sewing.
-Also to imagine Hisoka falling from the sky without a parachute.
-Ah, so tranquil.
-Doesn’t like riding on planes because they’re kind of scary. She would never tell anyone that though. 
-Wanted to sit next to Pakunoda but instead got stuck sitting next to a chihuahua who won’t stop yapping at her the entire ride. 
-Has to stop herself from yeeting it out the window.
-The dog will see he’s not getting through to her, so he’ll slowly raise his leg up and Machi will literally start screaming at what he’s trying to do. 
-Yeah she hates her life.
-You can hear pierce the veil blasting from her headphones.
-Binky has its own seat for some reason.
-She goes to the bathroom and once she sees that It’s occupied (kudos to Shalnark) she will turn to go back to her seat but already forgot where she sits.
-The type to bring a book that she never reads.
-If the person next to her is watching a movie, she’ll change It simply because she doesn't like It.
-There’s one flight attendant constantly flirting with her and she gets a lot of free drinks because of them.
-Of course she never catches on and forgets who they are every time they try to talk to her.
-Will argue with the flight attendant about how expensive the peanuts are.
-After like five minutes, he finally buys the peanuts and once he’s about to eat them the turbulence becomes so strong that It makes them fly everywhere.
-He has to resist the urge to punch the air.
-Phinks has to have an aisle seat because he gets paranoid easily.
-Phinks will try to go to sleep but there will be a kid constantly kicking the back of his chair.
-He will turn around and would be about to throat punch the kid when suddenly he sees how hot his mom is.
-Simp mode activated.
-He’ll try to flirt with the mom but the kid will notice and he ends up “accidentally” squirting his drink in Phinks face.
-Yeah It’s on sight when he gets off the plane.
-Watches a movie, probably one dealing with samurai. 
-Somehow got past security with his Katana?
-Most likely because of Shalnark
-Ate really bad airport food which messed up his stomach.
-Feels sick and tries to hold It in, but you can tell by his face that he’s struggling. The old lady beside him stares with wide eyes once she hears his stomach literally start beat boxing.
-He runs down the aisle clenching his cheeks and knocks harshly on the bathroom door, but he sees that sign says occupied.
-Nobunaga is shouting at the non-existent person in there to hurry up holding his stomach.
-Shalnark Is eating popcorn and laughing at Nobunaga as he watches him through the security camera.
-Goes to ask the flight attendant for hemorrhoid cream
-Is really nice and will talk to you If you start a conversation with her
-Has earbuds packed for the altitudes and offers you some as well
-Turns her brightness down as she reads smut on her phone. Literally turned her whole body and everything so no one could see the words.
-Her face is so red as she stares at her phone and the flight attendant is so concerned that they ask if she’s okay. Pakunoda jumps so high and almost chucks her phone once she sees them standing over her, scared that they’ll see that she commented “😩💦” under the fanfic.
-Brings homemade snacks and sandwiches that no one wants 
-Has a window seat because she wanted to look out the window and see how small the land is below her
-Unlike Machi, Pakunoda has a cat sitting next to her and the cat absolutely loves her.
-Will probably steal it 
-sleeps the whole ride with a mask over his eyes and a neck pillow that he swiped from someone earlier.
-He snores sooo loudly and everyone around him is irritated because they can’t go to sleep because of It
-He would eat all the food on the plane
-Is the type to laugh very loudly at the movie playing or give commentary about each scene that’s happening
-Didn’t bring any luggage with him and… yeah...
-His head touches the ceiling of the plane and Its really uncomfortable 
-Has no Idea where he’s going but got on the plane anyway
Hisoka (honorable mention)
-Somehow sits in first class with Chrollo and once Chrollo sees him he almost loses his shit
- “This seat is taken.” Chrollo would say while staring straight ahead but Hisoka ignores him and sits down anyway.
- “Do you not enjoy my company?” He’d tease while licking his lips.
-Chrollo immediately gets him kicked out.
-So now he’s stuck in economy with the rest of the troupe. None of them let him sit with them either.
-Finds an empty seat and sits down In it and starts laughing to himself because he’s plotting on how to get back to first class.
-The person sitting next to Hisoka is legit terrified and they side eye him the whole ride while clutching their bag to their chest.
-Will trip people walking down the aisle with his bungee gum.
-He would purposefully take his time to get his bag out, creating a long line for no reason.
-Whole time doesn’t even have a bag.
-Is banned from ever riding a plane again.
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