#he's just not starving himself and working out constantly
softieyume · 2 days
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"Without You."
✿ Sylus x fem!reader (non mc)
✿ He finally realized what it felt losing you forever.
✿ angst. no comfort.
✿ somewhat continuation of Never Yours.
✿ rambles: ran out of diamonds and can't pull for Sylus card so im coping thru angst rn :')
Life without you felt like hell.
Each day felt like torture for Sylus, he struggled to get through the day, constantly reminded of your absence in every single thing he does.
He found himself avoiding places that are filled with memories of you, like his collection room where you shared equal interest and fondness of said collections with him. The indoor greenhouse he had set up for you where you used to tend to your small garden with him.
And mostly, your old personal bedroom that was left untouched ever since your departure from his life.
Instead, Sylus threw himself into more work, trying to use his job as a distraction from his crippling grief. But no matter how tired he feels physically after working himself to exhaustion, he still found himself having trouble sleeping completely.
The empty space beside him in his bed was another painful reminder of what he's lost—he'd toss and turn, trying to sleep but his mind will start replaying memories of you. He'd often find himself reaching out to the other side of his bed, his hand searching for your warmth—but it was always met with a cold dreadful space.
The crushing realisation would hit him again, causing another wave of grief that made it even harder to sleep. He'd clutch a pillow, burying his face into it as he sobbed silently into the night.
His body felt weak and he looked paler compared to before, the only thing that kept him going was his determination to push through, yet the sadness in his eyes was visible to everyone around him. His appetite decreased drastically, Luke and Kieran had to force him to eat just to keep him from starving, despite fearing the consequence of Sylus's wrath. The loyal twins even resorted to asking help from her because they hoped at least she could snap some senses in him.
And unfortunately, not even Miss Hunter could fill the void you had left behind.
One night, Sylus had a particularly hard time sleeping. He toss and turned in his bed, his mind filled with images of you —your laugh, your smile, your touch, the feel of your skin against his own.
Each memory felt like a stab to his heart, causing his breathing to catch in his throat as he clutched his pillow tightly, his knuckles turning white from squeezing it too hard.
The grief was so overwhelming that he ended up hallucinating that you were still by his side and resting beside him on the bed that cold dreadful night.
Sylus slowly opened his eyes when he felt fingers lightly running through his hair, causing him to shiver a little at the familiar touch.
He slowly turned his head to look at the figure resting beside him and his heart skipped a beat at the sight.
You laid there on the bed, your hand gently running through his hair with a soft smile on your lips.
Sylus's breath caught in his throat, his heart thumped in his chest as he stared at you in disbelief.
*No.. this.. this can't be real...*
His mind was racing, he tried to reach out cautiously, his hand trembled as he slowly extended it, trying to touch your cheek to see if you were real.
As soon as his fingers made contact with your cheek, he almost gasped at your realness. You felt so warm, so smooth, so real, just like he remembered.
His eyes widened, his hand trembled even more yet he didn't pull his hand away, as if afraid that you'll disappear like a mirage if he moves.
Your smile widened, your hand moved from his hair to his hand, wrapping your hand around his own that's still on your cheek, pressing it lightly against your skin. "Hello, my love."
Sylus's heart raced even harder at the gesture, the feeling of your warm skin against his palm was like a dream come true.
His eyes searched your face, taking in every detail of you — from your warm eyes to your gentle smile—hoping that this isn't just a cruel hal—
"It's okay, Sylus...I'm here.."
Your voice was like a soothing melody that echoed in his mind, cutting his train of thoughts short, as it was the same voice that used to bring him comfort and happiness, the same voice that'd call his name gently.
Hearing it now, after thinking he'd never hear it again, made his eyes prick with tears as he swallowed hard, tightening his grip on you as his chest grew heavy.
Sylus couldn't bring himself to speak, his throat felt constricted as his heart raced, his mind struggling to process what's happening.
He pulled his hand away from your cheek, but before you could say anything, he suddenly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him, as he buried his face into your neck, taking in your familiar scent and warmth.
You chuckled softly, your arms wrapping around him as you held him close, your hand gently rubbing his back in a soothing motion.
"You're clinging to me like a koala." You teased him gently.
Sylus felt like he could cry at your familiar teasing, he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, holding you tighter.
"Don't... don't leave me..." Sylus mumbled against your neck, holding you as tightly as he could, scared that you'd disappear again. His voice was strained and filled with emotion, his fingers clutched at the back of your shirt in a desperate grip.
Your smile softened, you held him tighter and stroked his hair tenderly.
"Silly.. Why would I leave you.."
Sylus took a deep shuddering breath, your words brought him a certain comfort but he still didn't want to let go, he wanted to hold onto you until this dream ends —no, he desperately prayed it wasn't a dream at all.
This was real. You were real. You were back.
Back to him.
For a moment, neither of you spoke. Both just lay there in each other's embrace in silence, cherishing the feeling of being close like this again.
Sylus continued to hold you tightly, his face buried in the crook of your neck. Your scent and warmth was intoxicating, it made him feel like he's finally home.
As your hand continued to stroke his hair, Sylus was filled with a sense of calm and comfort that he hadn't felt in a long time.
The weight of his grief and exhaustion started to lessen a little as he focused on the feeling of your fingers running through his hair and the sound of your steady heartbeat.
He relaxed a little in your arms, his grip on you loosened slightly as the exhaustion started to take over.
You continued to hold him, sensing his exhaustion and tiredness.
"You should sleep, it's late." You said softly, pressing a gentle kiss on his forehead, your hand still moving through his hair.
Sylus nodded against your neck, his eyelids were starting to feel heavy. The sound of your heartbeat was like a lullaby to him, making him even more sleepy.
"I love you, Sylus.. Forever and always.."
Sylus's heart thumped against his chest, the declaration of love from you made him want to stay awake with you longer. Unfortunately, fatigue soon overwhelmed him as his eyes slowly closed, the sound of your voice, the feeling of your warmth and the beat of your heart were like a soothing lullaby that made it hard to stay awake.
He tried to fight it, to hold onto you for a little longer, but the exhaustion was too strong and he soon fell into a deep slumber, believing he was held in your embrace.
When the next morning came, everything changed.
Sylus's eyes slowly opened, his mind groggy and disoriented, for a moment he was confused as to why he didn't feel the familiar warmth of you next to him.
He bolted upright in bed, his eyes wide as he looked around the room with a sinking feeling in his chest.
There was no sign of you anywhere, and the realization that it was all a dream shattered his heart all over again.
The empty sheets beside him were like a cold reminder that none of it was real. It had all been a cruel, beautiful dream that felt so true that he thought it was real.
Sylus's chest ached, a lump formed in his throat as he clutched the sheets in a tight grip.
His eyes blurred with tears, his heart clenching painfully as he realized that he was all alone again.
*It was all a dream... She's not really here...*
The realisation hit Sylus like a punch to the gut, he felt a wave of despair wash over him as his heart ached with a deep, bone-crushing sorrow.
The room felt cold and empty without your presence, he felt so lonely and lost.
Without your smile, your voice, your warmth... Without you, everything just felt so bleak and hopeless.
You were really gone.
And there's no one to blame but himself.
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yuseirra · 2 days
Kamiki(+Ai) Mini-analysis
I feel the best part of this work comes from the psychological aspects, it's intriguing how real and complex it can get. It's honestly what's drew me in this time around, and I really hope they revert back to exploring things in relation to it after some dire events get resolved somehow.
Today I wrote a small anaysis of Kamiki's character since he tends to be a bit confusing at first glance: I can be wrong, of course, but I'm confident with my analysis regarding the emotional aspect of things. I felt it would be nice to bring up!
Honestly, I don’t think Kamiki is such a difficult character to understand regarding his mentality. His self-esteem is severely low, so he internalizes all the negative criticism and accusations thrown at him without resistance, accepting them as they are. In fact, he adds to it by blaming himself even more. Sometimes, he even goes out of his way to act in ways that invite misunderstandings. Since he’s already trapped in a state of self-loathing, the fact that he doesn’t bother to make excuses is just an extension of that.
He has an incredibly low opinion of himself. That's because he was constantly mistreated and never been properly loved all his life till Ai came along. At the same time, it’s not like he dislikes people… Ai, on the other hand, seemed to have some defensive feelings toward others, maybe even a little distaste for people (which, in a way, can act as a shield to protect oneself). But Kamiki? When someone comes to him, he’s just happy to have a shred of affection and, like a puppy, he eagerly follows along, giving everything he has. He’s been starved for love. Him trusting people so eagerly and easily—that’s where it comes from. His trust in Ryosuke and Nino is also rooted in this. Kamiki seems to genuinely like people. When he receives kindness, it makes him purely happy… he wants to believe in their good intent and think 'oh, they like it, so it's fine, right? It's a good thing if others are happy' But again and again, he’s taken advantage of and abandoned. And, at some point, he realized—even though it seemed like people cared about him, this wasn’t right. They just used him up and it wasn't real affection that he'd received. The real problem is with those who used him. If they had been decent people, this wouldn’t have happened… But when these things happen, instead of blaming others, he always turns the arrow on himself. His already low self-esteem sinks even lower, and he blames himself and hates himself even more. Ai, on the other hand, had enough of a backbone to protect herself by holding onto some anger toward others. So, even though she couldn’t quite love herself, she could still carry some pride and confidence, enough to live life on her own terms. But Kamiki? When something goes wrong, he blames himself. He tries to rationalize these sorts of situations by believing that it’s because he’s not good enough, or because he’s unworthy, that everyone leaves him. That’s also one of the reason why he lacks aggression—he always sees the fault within himself. Look at the flower bouquet incident. He probably wasn’t at fault at all, but because he bought the flowers, he lied at first and said it was his doing. The fact that it was a lie implies that the rest of what he said was likely the unfiltered truth. If he were truly guilty, the story would have ended in chapter 154, but it didn’t—there was more to it after that.
I’ve mentioned before that you have to dig deeper to understand the real intent behind his words. In chapter 153, he said he killed Ai.
In chapter 154, he changed his story, saying he only manipulated Ryosuke to scare her, but he never intended to kill her.
Then, in chapter 160, the tone softens again—he says he really just wanted to give her the bouquet. And this is the real truth.
What’s happening here is that he hates himself so much that he piles more blame on himself, amplifying his responsibility for what happened. He feels like the person he loved died because of him, and that’s why he can’t forgive himself… But the more he talks about Ai, the more sincere he becomes, gradually revealing his true feelings.
When it comes to attachment styles, Ai had some avoidant tendencies,
While Kamiki shows a lot of traits typical of anxious attachment.
Yet despite this, the two of them clearly got along well. I keep coming back to this, and there’s hardly any room to argue otherwise. The fact that Ai could think so highly of him is honestly so remarkable…
For someone with avoidant tendencies to say, 'I want to live with this person forever,' that means the other person was truly perfect and lovable in their eyes. That’s an incredibly strong bond. I wish people would recognize this... believe in that idea for once, They really did find a huge liking to each other, and that family Ai imagined WAS really possible. They would have built a nice and happy one. It wasn't a messed-up relationship they had. They are tragic because they could have been perfect.
Even though both of them had their own struggles, they were good people at heart, and they surely could have supported each other to live well together. The real problems came from the outside.
I wrote this up as I attempted to draw a piece earlier(going to complete it and post it today!) these are sort of the things that pass through my head when I draw things sometimes
I need to understand the psychology of these characters to at least some degree in order to portray them, I may not be perfect with these, but I really try!
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dyrewrites · 10 months
The Mountain and The Runner
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"Runner" is a misnomer, Delmas takes a cab as much as possible.
But he is quite fast, despite what the softer physique might suggest.
So there's a thing in Pale Blood what comes up a few times, and that is Delmas' old career, as a holo-boxer (meaning his matches were projected in the center of Upper Dolor and he was kind of a big deal).
When he was boxing, he was known as The Mountain ("because no one could topple him") and was just as big but also kinda shredded and hard as his namesake. He also had long hair, took better care of his beard, and lived in the sun so was a little less pasty. He was also a bit of an asshat that took advantage of his groupies.
Ten years later and he's a softer mountain, with shorter hair (there's reasons but they're amusing and so I won't spoil them), who lives in the slums with the smog that refuses to let any sun in (but enough to terrify full-blooded fangs)...and he is still a force to be reckoned with. When he can be assed to try. He is also decidedly less of an asshat.
I wanted to try and draw both of these versions of this character...for man practice, and also because I like him quite a bit and he's a lot of fun to write.
I hope they amuse you.
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13eyond13 · 3 months
I love the way that, in addition to his origin story with his over-sized sword and the scar on his nose, the flashbacks to Guts's childhood show how much of his insane work ethic and reckless self-endangering abandonment in battle were all kinda ingrained into him by his craving for attention and approval from shitty father figure, Gambino.
Random nice mercenary guy: "Don't overexert yourself, kid. Just do what's needed. 'Cause if you die, you lose everything."
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Gambino: "It's your first battle. Work hard!"
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Guts: [throws himself into battle so hard he nearly dies multiple times, fixating on pleasing Gambino the entire time]
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Gambino: "C'mon, hurry up! Work! Work!"
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Guts: [gives Gambino his entire earnings, Gambino tosses him back a single coin]
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Guts: [more motivated by this one mild bit of encouragement than anything he's ever experienced before in his life]
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#it's difficult to post berserk meta because i feel like the manga is often so well-written and well put together#that every panel is important and it's hard to leave anything out - and i'll end up just reposting the entire chapter instead#like this is leaving out all the stuff before that leading up to this moment#where gambino is either neglectful or cruel to guts almost all the time - giving him the scar on his nose in a rage#yet also now and then tossing him a bone like giving him medicine for his wounds - and as minimal as that 'kindness' is#it's the only caring attention guts actually ever receives and he's so starved for it that it keeps him striving to earn more :(#and how the other members of the band don't like how gambino treats guts yet also do not step up to raise him themselves either#and whisper together about their resentment of him at night when he's left alone to fend for himself#AND then i am also leaving out the bits after that where gambino immediately goes and does the worst thing possible to guts too...#renting him to donavan... yet another awful formative experience for the kid#just constantly reinforcing to guts that he's got nobody but himself and his sword for his sense of protection and value and purpose#but showing that those tiny scraps of kindness and praise were basically keeping him alive and what he really wanted underneath too#it's just extremely well-done and so good at showing exactly why guts is the way that he is later on#and why when griffith started paying attention to him and valuing him as a person#in addition to putting him to work in the ways he was most familiar and comfortable with - it was basically like crack for him as well#berserk#berserk spoilers#p
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arolesbianism · 10 months
Thinks so hard abt swap au Wendy... Worlds lamest trans person sees being turned into a robot as a bad thing smh
#rat rambles#starve posting#now that my friend is an over simplification and in truth his situation is indeed deeply extistenstially horrifying#especially for a child who in no ways could ever be expected to process this at all but is left with nothing else to think about#long story short one night abby was like hey hey wendy you know what we should do? we should go camping!!#and packed a bunch of things a kid would think you need for camping and dragged wendy off into the woody mountains by the cabin their#family was vacationing at despite wendy saying thats a dumb idea and he doesnt want to go#eventually abby chose out a camping spot and ran off to get some firewood leaving wendy to wait and watch their stuff#then webber who as Ive barely but technically explained only half exists is watching sadly in the distance sad he can't join#and wendy sees him and is like wtf and webber gets super excited because wendy can see him but that ends up freaking wendy out more#leading to him backing away as webber tries to get close and slipping and falling down a very steep slope and bonking his head rip#he was basically dead and webber was upset and felt bad so he took it upon himself to save wendy's brain and make him a new body!#but since wendy's brain was pretty fucked a lot had to be replaced with robotic parts and pretty much all of wendy's memories were lost#he has some very very corrupted memory from the last night before he died and some scattered memories from when webber was testing shit#before his body was fully made and thats everything he could remember when waking up in his new body for the first time#to be clear he wasn't conscious the Entire time webber was working on his new body since webber kept him in a sleep like state mostly#only pulling him out of it for certain tests where he wanted his brain to be more responsive#mostly just to test like his eyes and ears and such#but yeah he got seperated from webber in a ~wild wacky storm~ and woke up alone in the constant proper#he is like soooo fucking miserable like all the time hes constantly feeling phantom pain and remebers just enough to know hes missing smth#and it only gets worse after he and abby are reunited because despite this being the one person he can vaguely remember being important to#him he cant seem to feel that same sense of familiarity he remembers feeling before and it just makes him more miserable#this ofc makes abby also freak out and since her way of dealing with things she doesnt know how to deal with is hard denial it gets worse#I <3 tragic siblings#but yeah wendy mostly copes with his situation by mangling critters into fucked up drone things to feel in control of smth#asside from the abby situation tho in general things start slowly getting better after he joins the other survivors#mostly just because he actually has to be like. a person. and while it is rly hard for him and he doesn't see himself as a person anymore#that doesnt stop unoticed progress from happening just due to the nature of being a person in a group of ppl who treat him as a person#and he and abby slowly start to bridge the gap between them but its very very rough for the first good while#its mostly a matter of abby calming down enough to realize that wendy is stressed out by this just as much if not more
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ohnoitstbskyen · 10 months
re: Somerton
Not for nothing, but I think we should remember that James Somerton's fans and subscribers are normal people, just like you. They are people who received his output in good faith, and extended to him a normal amount of grace and benefit of the doubt, which he took advantage of.
I don't think it's helpful to respond to the exposé on Somerton with sentiments along the lines of "wow, how could anyone ever think THIS GUY'S videos were any good, ha ha ha, how did he ever get subscribers?" because 1) you have the substantial benefit of hindsight and a disengaged outsider perspective, and 2) it's a rhetoric that creates a divide between you (refined, savvy, smart, sophisticated) and Somerton's audience (gullible, unrefined, easily taken advantage of, terrible taste), which is a false divide, with a false sense of security.
Somerton's success happened because he stole good writing. He found interesting, insightful, in-depth work done by other people, applied the one skill he actually has which is marketing, and re-packaged it as his own. He targeted a market which is starving for the exact kind of writing he was stealing, and pushed his audience to disengage from sources that conflicted with him.
Hbomberguy makes this point in his exposé video: good queer writing is hard to find and incredibly easy to lose. The writers Somerton stole from were often poor or precarious, writing freelance work for small circles under shitty conditions, without the means or the reach or the privileges necessary to find bigger markets. And, as Hbomb demonstrated, when people did discover Somerton's plagiarism, he used his substantial audience to hound them away and dissuade anyone else from trying to hold him accountable.
He stole queer writing by marginalized people, about experiences and perspectives that people are desperate to hear more about, and even if his delivery and aesthetics were naff, his words resonated with people because the original writers who actually wrote them poured their goddamn hearts and souls into it.
Somerton also maintained a consistent narrative of persecution and marginalization about himself. He took the plain truth, which is that queer people and perspectives are discriminated against, and worked that into a story about himself as a lone, brave truth-teller, daring to voice an authentic queer perspective, constantly beset by bigots and adversaries who sought to tear him down. As @aranock, who works with some of the people he targeted, writes in this post, Somerton weaponized whatever casual bias and bigotry he could find in his audience to reinforce his me vs them narrative (usually misogyny and various forms of transphobia), which is what grifters do. They find a vulnerable thread in a community and pull on it. And while you may not have the particular vulnerability that he exploited, you do have vulnerabilities, and they can be exploited too.
People felt compelled to support him, even if his work was sometimes shoddy, because he presented himself as a vulnerable, marginalized person in need of help, he pulled on that vulnerable thread.
Again, he has a degree in marketing, and just like propaganda, nobody is immune to marketing.
YouTube as a system is set up to push for more, constantly more. More content, more videos, more output, more more more more, and part of Somerton and Illuminaughty's success was their ability to push out large amounts of content to the hungry algorithm, even if it was of inferior quality. The algorithm rewarded their volume of output with more eyeballs and attention, and therefore more opportunities to find people who were vulnerable to their grift.
It is a system which quite literally rewards the exact kind of plagiarism that they do, because watch-time and engagement are easily measurable metrics for a corporation, and academic rigor is not. There is pressure to deliver, and a lot of rewards to gain from cutting corners to do it.
Somerton and Illuminaughty and Internet Historian are extreme and very obvious cases, so blatant that you can make a four hour video essay exposing what they've done, but the vast majority of this kind of plagiarism isn't going to be obvious - sometimes it might not even be obvious to the people who are doing it. Casual plagiarism is endemic to the modern internet, and most people don't get educated on what the exact boundaries are between proper sourcing and quoting vs plagiarizing. We had an entire course module at my university aimed at teaching students the exact differences and definitions, and people still made good faith mistakes in their essays and papers that they had to learn to correct during their education.
All of this to say: it is extremely easy in hindsight to call Somerton's work shitty and shoddy, his aesthetics flat and uninspired, and to imagine that as a sophisticated person with good taste and critical faculties, you would never be taken in by this kind of grifter. It is extremely easy to distance yourself from the people he preyed on, and imagine that you will never have to worry about your fave doing your dirty like that.
But part of the point of Hbomberguy's video is that plagiarism is extremely easy to get away with, and often difficult for the average person to spot and call out, and with the rise of AI tools blurring the lines even further, it is not going to get any easier.
So I think we should resist the temptation to think of Somerton's audience as people with bad taste and poor faculties. We should resist the temptation to distance ourselves from the perfectly normal people he preyed on. Many times in your life, a modestly clever man with a marketing degree has fooled you too.
On a personal note, by the same token, I am resisting the temptation to assume that I am too good to be vulnerable to the systemic pressures that produced Somerton and Illuminaughty. No, I've never made a video by word-for-word reciting someone else's work, but I know for a fact that I could do a better job of double-checking my work and citing my sources. I feel the exact same pressure to get a video out as fast as possible, I have the exact same rewards dangled in front of me by YouTube as a platform, and I can't pretend it doesn't affect my work. To me, Hbomb's video felt like a wake-up call to do better.
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hellsslibrary · 4 months
Hellooooo!! i just saw your post asking for requests and stuff, so uh
here i aaaaam :3
i was wondering if you can do sub! lucifer or barbatos :p
you can do like literally whatever but i am STARVED for sub composed men that eventually are not-so-composed (i wanna see grown men cry)
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"Shh... Don't think that water will save us from others."
#a.n. : I'M SO FERAL ABOUT THIS ONE SHOWER CARD OMG.... So shower sex with Luci where you drive him crazy lol.
!!Warnings: Top!Dom!Male!Reader, Sub!Bottom!Lucifer, fingering, finger sucking, shower sex obviously, praise, teasing, a little crying, overstimulation (this is not mentioned but implied), no penetration, Reader is MC, this all take place after the events of the card with skateboards, open final.
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The sound of groans and slight squelching sounds was heard in the bathroom. But everything is easily hidden from others outside this room by the sounds of water and a spell cast on the walls.
Your fingers have been moving inside Lucifer for God knows how long, and you made no attempt to stop. Not that Lucifer minded; the stamina of demons is much higher than that of humans, but damn, this was getting too good.
How many times did he cum? He doesn’t remember anymore, and you didn’t count either. Just the fact that you finally managed to convince him to take a break after he worked so wonderfully on creating the best skateboard is already a miracle. But Lucifer himself understood that he deserved it... And how could he disagree when you were so sensitive to making sure he took breaks while working earlier?
"M-MC...Are you ever going to stop?" He asks, still being able to somehow spit out a complete sentence without almost stumbling over the letters.
"Mmm... No, I guess. You're not even at your limit yet, why should I stop?" A rhetorical question comes from your lips, which makes Lucifer’s legs tremble with excitement.
He is clearly not at the limit of his strength, far from it. But you will spend a very long time here if you want to bring him to this line, which is what you actually wanted. You just wanted him to break, in the nicest sense of the word.
Your fingers slid so perfectly inside his already soaking wet walls, each time pressing on a tiny spot that made him moan with pleasure. His dick was constantly rubbing against the shower wall, smearing his cum from several orgasms all over the wall. Lucifer’s palms lay lazily on the wall, and he rested his forehead on them to hide his red little face, which of course you didn’t want, but you didn’t really mind.
"Are you already brought to a complete state of bliss, if you understand what I'm hinting at, Luci?" The only answer to your question was a shake of the head.
But little did you know that it was a lie.
Lucifer felt like he was ready to dissolve, turn into a puddle from the movement of your fingers in him. He felt his entire being being torn apart in the most pleasant sense of the word. He felt like his whole brain was ceasing to function, because he had not been aware of it for a long time.
He's not even sure he can control his own body. A rare moment of vulnerability for him.
Lucifer realizes that his mask will soon crack. It will break like a crack in glass that will break it sooner or later. His self-control will burst.
Or rather, it has already done it.
“Are you crying, precious? Very good, relax, no one will hurt you here...” You whisper when you see tears running down the part of his downward-leaning face that you can see.
He groans when he realizes your fingers are playing with his tongue, making him whine. Such a humiliating sound for him, the Avatar of Pride himself. He shouldn't make sounds like that, but honestly? Fuck it all.
His head leans back, resting on your shoulder. His back collides with your torso. His hips try to match the movement and rhythm of your fingers, moving with them. And his mouth sucks your fingers, as if his life depended on it... Although he will obviously remember this for a long time later.
“Come on, let go,” You whisper in his ear, kissing his cheek, feeling the salty taste of his tears and looking down, slightly surprised that he came at that very second, but absolutely satisfied.
Lucifer hums around your fingers in mock displeasure when you don't slow down your movements even for a moment. He understands that he will regret this.
But it feels so fucking good.
“MC... You... will break me...” He whispers, muffled by your fingers, barely able to form a simple sentence as he feels your fingers deliberately aiming specifically for his prostate.
“Hush, baby,” You coo, he wants to drown in your voice, he realizes that he can’t even hear the sound of water. "Just relax, I won't eat you, you're so fucking good."
He nods. The movement is convulsive, clearly not smooth, and so unusual for Lucifer. You just smirk at this, kissing his neck, making him whimper, wiping away his tears.
After all... Maybe he won't regret this experience as much as he thought.
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dovesdreaming · 2 months
Harry hook relationship headcanons
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This wasn’t requested but I wanted to post something to do with descendants and I haven’t finished any of my requests yet!
Not edited yet
Warnings: none
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Once he knew you were single would be chasing after you like a dog to a bone.
-he’s quite naturally flirty, everything that comes out of his mouth seems to have a flirtatious undertone.
-despite people seeing him as dumb I think he’s quite observant and can read people very well. Is very in tune with your emotions and can always tell when you’re down. Though he isn’t the best at comforting but he’s willing to work on it.
-uses his hook a lot. He knows you find it attractive and uses it to his advantage. Would lift your chin with it and run it down your cheek.
-loves eye contact. Will never break eye contact with you and when he’s first getting to know you he uses it against you to make you flustered. He loves knowing he has that kind of effect on you and will always try to make you flustered around him.
-once he’s dating you will never leave you alone. I believe one of his love languages is quality time as he was never shown any other kind of love. He constantly wants to be in your presence which you don’t mind.
-it isn’t that he doesn’t like physical touch it is just something he has to become familiar with after being starved of it for many years. You start off slow together with hand holding and gradually grew more touchy with each other. He now loves hugging you and cuddling. I think he is actually quite fond of being the little spoon or lying on top of you because it makes him feel surrounded by love.
-while he doesn’t show much pda he is prone to flirting with you in public and he doesn’t care who hears it. He proudly and unashamedly flirts with you.
-is protective of what he loves because he doesn’t have many things like that. Harry would be ready to pick a fight with anyone who flirts or gets to close to you, he just can’t help it, he doesn’t want to lose you.
-this makes him a very jealous person. Will always think the worst of a situation and won’t always be the angry jealous. He could interpret the person flirting with you as you thinking he wasn’t enough for you which definitely isn’t true. This leaves him sulking until you reassure him with many kisses and whispers in his ear. Depending on the day he could react completely opposite and just walk right up to the interaction and lay his hands all over you to send a clear message to whoever is eyeing you up. He will drag you away from the interaction if he has to .
-deep into the relationship he becomes clingy and will want to spend every waking moment in your presence, preferably your arms.
-would find it odd if you got along with your parents but if your parents accepted him it would definitely help heal some of the deep rooted trauma within him,
-he will still try to act tough and intimidating to those around him but once you walk over to him he just turns to mush, the complete opposite of what he was trying to make himself out to be. He goes from staring down the people he’s talking to and then turns to you with the biggest smile. People soon catch on and tease him about it but he just lets them because he can’t deny the truth of how you make him feel.
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Thank you for reading!
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poetryvampire · 4 months
painfully needy Rolan going into rut
Had this on the brain lately. I don't think it would take much to make Rolan an absolute mess but imagine how worse it would be when he's going into rut. Boy would snap so fast
Rolan x afab non-tiefling reader
Have some 🔥spicy🔥 musings
*this went longer than I wanted lol. But if you like it tell me if you want more 🧡
● Rolan had been doing this dance with you for months now. Both working at Sorcerous Sundries you saw each other regularly, even tried to work together as much as possible (not that he'd ever admit that). The banter, the playful mockery leading to not so subtle flirtation was easy until now.
● The conversations didn't flow like before. A joke about becoming a doe eyed scarcely dressed maiden -like the ones on the covers of those novels you so enjoy- suddenly lead his mind to wander. Any wisecrack replaced with the image of you gazing at him so lustfully. An image that stays with him for the rest of the day (and night).
● Lia and Cal are very vocal about his uptick in irritability. He tries to ignore them but they're not wrong. Ever little thing sets him off. He's frustrated at himself. For letting the feelings get so far without truely noticing. For being too proud or too embarrassed to act on them.
●He often forgets his words as his eyes lingered on your lips, your neck, your figure. More than once you caught him staring and to his surprise no offense was taken. Just a quizzical look, perhaps a soft smile that flooded his face with warmth.
●Rolan would have almost preferred you'd have met him with anger. Now the hope of you ran rampant through him. That if he was ever to give in he may be met with the embrace he so longed for. The need for you was growing by the day. He even took care to not stand to closely to you now. He coursed himself for it. How had he become so starved for affection that even the scent of you sprung his body to life.
●The wizard had spent many nights forced to take action if he was to ever find sleep. He'd be tangled in his sheets, hair wild, trusting violently into his own fist. He tries to keep his fantasies to more abstract forms of pleasure but as hard as he tries the vague shapes melt into crystal clear images of you. It would always be you around him like a vice that would push him over the edge.
● There were times he'd lose himself so throughly he'd cry out your name as he came. Embarrassed by this lack of control, Rolan told himself it was better to happen here than in front of you.
● Going into work that morning something felt off. Rolan's whole body felt extra sensitive, aching. The horrible thought finally struck him at midday. Was he going into rut? Now!? With such little warning? He calms himself. He's not certain after all.
● Until he's been paired with you to clean out and old study turned storage room. He's hyper aware of your scent. Its filling his lungs,making his knees weak. The room isn't exactly small but it's stuffed with stacks of books making moving around a problem. You're constantly having to squeeze (delightfully, terrifyingly) close to each other.
● Luckily you're busying yourself with the task at hand. Rolan prays you won't notice how red (red-er) his face is or the sizable bulge he's currently cloaking with a stack of books. The straining against his pants is almost painful. He's eyeing the door, anything to escape the heat building in his blood.
●His eyes fall back to you and all notions of making a run for it leave his mind. Along with everything else that isn't right in front of him. You looked a vision, standing on and old box body spread across the book self as you attempt to reach something on the top shelf. Not only was it a perfect view of your form, it reminded him of a pose one might see in an old painting.
●Suddenly the box wobbled threatening to send you falling backwards. Your scream was cut short as you felt Rolan catch you, arms wrap around your middle tightly pressing you to him. His face buried in your hair he couldn't help utter a deep groan. The wave of intoxicating aroma washing away his last bit of restraint.
●With ease he flips you around, pressing you into the shelf, a maon escaping your lips. Your hands came to his chest not to push him away but in a gentle caress.
●'Rolan? Please,' was hardly out on your mouth when they were swallowed by his lips. He kisses you like a drowning man breaking the water's surface. Madly, desperately as if any second you may be taken away for him. Hungrily he deepens the kiss and your lips part for him with ease, both of you relishing in the taste.
●It's only when you part for air he realizes he's been rocking his hips into you. An apology catches in his throat as you grind back against him. He's dizzy with lust, his own heartbeat pounding in his ears.
●His lips find your neck, kissing, sucking and biting. Trying his best not to break the skin. Your moans drive him on. His hands are frantic running all over you. Soon your hands lead his to the laces on your dress. He makes quick work of it.
●Rolan takes you in his arms again and lays you down on a near by table. A little too eager he tears your under things away completely. But to his awe you only laugh and spread yourself out for him to drink you in fully. You're a goddess in his eye and he intends to worship.
●Words spill senselessly from him as he lavishes you with his mouth. 'Fuck, Fuck! You're beautiful you're perfect. I need- God's, l need you I need you.' He hasn't the brain for elegance now. He's kissing you everywhere maoning words of love into your skin.
● As he makes it to your thighs he cannot help but bury is face between them. The sweet taste of your sex has him throbbing with out so much as a touch. He wants to make sure you're nice and ready for him. You're not a tiefling after all and he couldn't bare the thought of hurting you. It doesn't take long before you're dripping wet against his tongue as he slides wildly between attacking your entrance and your clit.
●You stifle a scream as an orgasm suddenly rips through you, your thighs shaking in his grasp. Youre still panting but you pull him away, drawing him closer to you. As you pull him into a soft kiss your hands unlace his pants (finally) freeing his erection. Though to hold him lightly his gasp is sharp. He's painfully hard; his head already glistening with precum.
●As he runs he length against your folds he tries to center himself. He doesn't want to be too rough or finish terribly fast. He wants to go slow but when he catches on your entrance he can't help but thrust into you, the relief of his agony so close. You tremble but encourage him on. His name quickly becoming a soft prayer on your lips.
●He's wrapped inside you now, almost all the way. The pleasure overwhelming him he opts for quicker shallow thrusts. He's taken aback by how vocal he is as more sweet lustful nothings spill from him. Rolan's control is fading fast. He's practically shaking, slamming himself into you losing whatever rhythm he had. The sight of your face contorting with pleasure is pushing him to his end. He can feel the hot pull in his gut. And suddenly something else as.
●A chill runs over him as he feels the swelling at the base of his cock. He grasps it and pulls out not wanting to subject you to something he didn't even take the time to explain. In part he's too late. He didn't fully knot but he still comes hard, spilling thick ropes all over your stomach and thighs. Fuck, you're beautiful like this.
● He blushes deeply and panics, apologizing over and over. He didn't want it to be like this. You run your fingers through his hair and kiss him gently. You don't know that much about teifling biology but Gods you wanted to learn. Rolan tries to believe you, that this wouldn't scare you off.
● He adjusted his pants, somehow still as uncomfortable as before. Perhaps it was the sight of you dressing. How you made no move to do away with his mess before you did. He could take you again easily. But not here.
● You convince him to claim illness and leave work early. To take time to rest. He agrees wanting to lock himself away from the world. And yet he also agrees to meet you that night. Then he'd have a more level head. A chance to explain himself and perhaps to hold you in his arms for longer.
Xoxo thanks for reading friends ❤️
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buckyalpine · 1 year
just reread your untouched series and like
horny/needy bucky that can’t stop touching you no matter how often you guys have sex or like even if he did just fuck you an hour ago, that man is still gonna act like he’s the most touch starved man in the entire world
FUCK YES, I LOOOVEE This au, no context needed, he's forever touch starved with you. You're just so special to him, especially because you're each others firsts. Seriously, it makes him blush every time he thinks about it; how you were the first girl to ever touch him and how he was the first guy to touch you. He just can't keep his hands to himself when you're near by and he's even worse after sex, he does not care for an inch of space.
"Jamie, s'too hot" You mumbled, wrapped up together under the sheets, freshly fucked, your skin still warm after your boyfriend took you apart 3 different ways.
"Wanna cuddle" He whines, hugging you tighter, hitching his leg over your waist to keep you from squirming away, keeping his face pressed against your boobs. You're not even sure he can breathe like this but he doesn't seem to care.
It makes Steve sick. He's fully on board with you two dating; He knows his best friend loves you with his entire being and if anything, Bucky is even more protective over you than him. That being said, he can't help but roll his eyes and internally retch each time he catches Bucky clinging onto you like a baby, acting like he's never been held in his life.
""Buckyy" You giggled feeling his scruffy cheeks tickle your neck when he hugged you from behind with a grumpy pout on his face, his bedhead still fluffy and sticking up all over. He rubs his eyes, letting out a little yawn while clinging onto you, disgruntled because he woke up and couldn't find you in bed. "I wanted to make us breakfast baby, why are you up"
"Why'd you leave me" he mumbles, sleepy voice muffled as he buries himself against your neck, acting like a koala bear making it difficult for you to move around the kitchen. It was typically always him up first and you wanted to do something nice for him but he had other plans.
"Do neither of you see me sitting right here" Steve shook his head, debating on chucking his pancakes at Bucky while his best friend huffed in response, continuing to hug you.
"I didn't leave you bub, I just wanted to make you breakfast" You coo, turning to press a kiss to his cheek, while he shrugs, impatiently waiting for you to finish.
Bucky constantly has to be touching you in someway or another, and he doesn't care where. Even when you're both studying on campus, he has a hand on your thigh or his pink brushing against you. His favorite place to study is curled up on your bed, the both of you engrossed in whatever paper you have to write while you're still within reach for him to kiss.
He needs his cuddle breaks, which include 5 minutes of snuggling with you in his lap before he reluctantly lets you go again to get back to work.
He's such a sweet soft baby for you and it's neeever going to change. Ever.
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berrygoodjob · 5 months
Tokyo Debunkers as boyfriends hcs
Part two part three
Ft: Jin, Taiga, Towa, Alan, Haru
Jin Kamurai
— When you get cold he’ll complain about you not dressing properly, then give you his jacket (he’ll make you wash it before you return it tho)
—doesn’t get jealous easy, but gets very protective if he thinks you may be in any kind of danger or unsafe situation. He’ll warp right over in a heartbeat for you
—likes to kiss the top of your head!! It makes him feel very secure like “yeah, they’re mine.”
—not huge on pda, but behind closed doors he’s the biggest cuddle bug. Like this man will not let you out of his grip once he’s settled.
—takes him a long time to feel secure with you, like you’re not just going to slip out of his fingers like everybody else has. But once he gets that you’re there to stay, he’ll open up and want you near him at all times.
—he will spoil tf out of you. Anytime he sees something that reminds him of you he buys it. Will give you a whole new wardrobe.
Taiga Hoshibami
—Still won’t remember your name. But he’ll come up with a cute nickname for you.
—EXTREMELY POSSESSIVE. This man wants you all to himself. He doesn’t want any other man or woman to exist in your presence.
—you’re constantly being used as a pillow for his naps
—secretly gets very insecure about how he eats. Doesn’t like eating in front of you. He doesn’t want you to see him like that….
—Romeo will call you to deal with Taiga when he’s doing stuff he’s not supposed to be doing (like gambling with the casino patrons)
—He’ll buy you a lot of jewelry or shiny things with his winnings, and always feels very proud of himself when he sees you wearing the stuff he bought.
Towa Otonoshi
—this man needs to be touching you 24/7
—he will constantly be hugging you, have an arm around you, lean on you, cuddle, kiss, etc. so long as he is in physical contact he’s satisfied
—the BIGGEST fan of pda, he likes everyone to know you’re HIS soulmate and nobody else’s.
—is fluent in the meanings of flowers and sometimes he communicates through bouquets of flowers using the language
—he will make it rain on you for fun sometimes, but he’s too cute to be mad at for real, he just likes to play~
—cuddling with him though is 10/10. He’s so soft and gentle with you, he really adores you more than anything,
—he’ll also follow you around and likes to help out with your daily tasks, even if they’re boring.
Alan Mido
—he’s so so SO scared to touch you at all for a very long time
—he can and will keep his distance as much as he can to keep you safe
—he’ll let you touch him, but he stays still bc he’s too scared he’s gonna accidentally hurt you. When he does touch you, he’s so extremely gentle. He genuinely treats you like you’re made of the most fragile glass that will shatter with one wrong move.
-he needs hugs and cuddles so bad. He’s so touch starved. Again, he’ll be very nervous letting you get so close, but after he realizes that it’s gonna be okay, he’s almost moved to tear by how nice it feels to be held by someone
—he thinks about kissing you constantly, but he wants to wait for the perfect moment
Haru Sagara
—he really tries his best to always have time for you, but he always has so much on his plate.
--please give him a hug, he needs it so bad
— he refers to you as peekaboos other parent, bc you’re a natural at taking care of the lil guy. Peekaboo has also accepted you as such.
—towa likes to third wheel and watch you guys interact sometimes, especially if something romantic is happening. Haru has had to shut him out of the room for some privacy before.
—even though he’s worked to the bone, haru will always make plans to spend more time with you, even if he has to climb through your window to get you.
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pileofboneswrites · 2 months
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LOVER BOY_headcanons.strangerthings
dating eddie munson headcanons
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SUMMARY — relationship eddie headcanons
A/N — i just wanna say a quick thank you to everyone who liked my other eddie headcanons post, i wasn't expecting all the love, but i appreciate it immensely :))
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when he likes someone, he thinks he's being really subtle, but he's not
him, a stuttering, nervous wreck; "uh hey, cool shirt"
you, deadpan; "it's your shirt, that you gave me to wear, because you thought i'd look cute in it"
always tries to impress you in silly ways
"wanna see how fast i can run?"
"bet i can jump and hit that sign without running"
"i caught you a squirrel because you said they were cute that one time"
is touch starved
as such, he will always be touching you in some capacity; hand on your knee while in class, hand on your thigh or fingers interlaced with yours while driving, he will sit on you if there's nowhere for him.
when you hug him, kiss him, or cuddle with him he will hold on and refuse to let you go until you're late, like really late, you'd have to leave ten minutes ago late.
is big on pet names when you're alone, but mostly calls you by your last name or a shortened version of your name when in public
he's big on baby, sweetheart, dollface.
angel and prince/princess are reserved for when he's fucked up royally, or you're sad or sleepy.
will touch everything you own
perfume/cologne sitting on your dresser? sprayed himself in the face with it the first time he picked it up, but really liked how it smelled so he puts a spitz on every time you leave him alone in your room. just spent the day at the pool and he needs to shower at yours? he will use your shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion and even your deodorant "do you want me to stink? :(". every time he comes in he finds something new to play with. old stuffie under your bed? he's carrying it around/hugging it/holding it until he leaves. trinkets on the top of your bed frame? he'll make them talk to each other when he's bored.
has a hard time sleeping when you're not close
he and sleep have rarely ever been on the same page, so he finds things to do to occupy his time, so when he's in a relationship that usually means he's dragging you along with him; be it going for a swim at 2am at lovers lake, a quick trip to the gas for snacks, or just straight up falling ungracefully through your window and crawling into bed with you to try and grab a couple hours of sleep (while simultaneously scaring the shit out of you because you were already sleeping).
because of the above, he will constantly nap around you while you're hanging out
you're his safe space, he spends most of his time in your presence passed out; laying on his back on the floor with his legs tossed over the side of your bed with his feet tucked under your thigh while you study, arms crossed over his chest while you're head's in his lap as you read out loud to him – he swears he's awake but every so often he lets out a soft snore, sitting on the couch watching a romcom with his head on your shoulder as he struggles to keep his eyes open, literally any time you touch his head/hair he's out like a light.
100% is glued to your side and tells everyone you're his best friend as well as his gf/bf
he goes on errands with you and spends 99% of his free time with you, he drags you along to band practice — which you usually use as an opportunity to feed baked goods to his bandmates (who absolutely adore you for it), when he's working you usually sit around with him passing him tools as he needs them — "uh need 9/16 wrench–" and it's already in your hand like you read his mind.
when you're not around, brags about you to anyone who will listen to him, and carries a picture (that he switches out for newer ones he takes) of you in his wallet that he shows off constantly — "look how cute they are" "my girlfriend/boyfriend is hotter".
writes songs about you
sometimes he'll write them just for himself, or for your ears only recording them on a tape just for you to have a reminder of how much he loves you.
you better believe that wayne loves you for being a good influence on him
you make him eat all breakfast, lunch & dinner — before you he would forget to eat and usually pumped himself full of caffeine only, you get him a reuseable water bottle (which you bribe him to carry it around and actually drink from it) — to his credit he now drinks at least one full bottle, you make him wear sunscreen & a hat on sunny days, waterproof footwear and jacket on rainy/snowy days (he's shocked when he doesn't get sick as often).
at first wayne was wary of you, unsure of whether your intentions were genuine or if you were going to pull one over on eddie — which disappeared the first time he came home from work and saw you too cuddled up on the couch watching one of eddie's favourite movies (it was the way you were staring at him as he shared his favourite parts or something he read about it, or a fact about the filming/production — wayne tells this story at your wedding all teary eyed about his eddie being all grown up and so very obviously loved).
takes photos of you all the time
cutesy date night photos, spicy half-naked photos (or just straight up naked naked), you sleeping, you making an ugly face, you mid-sneeze, you smiling, he has it all caught on film and he loves each and every photo so much.
total softie for you and you alone
you've gotten him to do things he's straight up refused to do for his friends, and even wayne
does literally anything you ask, and even sometimes you don't have to ask, he just does it because he knows it'll make you happy and that's all he strives for, you being happy.
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kyemna · 25 days
Time-skip Haikyu boys and their love language
Tw: suggestive, implied sex below the cut.
Kuroo: Physical Touch
• When you first met, it was clear he had taken an intrest in you.
Subtle touches on your arm or wrist when you passed him, grabbing your hips to move you when you were in front of something he needed, etc.
• You two work for a sports promotion division (yes I looked it up), so every time you get to your desk, there's coffee waiting for you. You know exactly who put it there.
•When he got his shit together and confessed to you, he kissed you. Unexpected turn of events. Okay, maybe not that unexpected considering his prior boldness.
• He loves tying up your hair for you. You know where i'm going with that? Okay.
Look, I know people deny that he's a freak in the sheets, but looking like that? I beg to differ.
• Speaking of begging, he has this obsession with you saying 'please, can you do this' or 'please help me with that.' Just 'please' gets him off tbh.
• Will walk into you when you're picking something off the floor, bent over, and then claim it was an accident and that he didn't see you.
Tsukishima: Physical Touch
• I know that's kind of controversial, but hear me out.
• Honestly, under that nonchalant attitude is a STARVING man.
•When you first met, he treats you like any other he'd come across. But over time, he finds himself more attracted to you.
Is it the way your legs looked in those jeans? Okay, okay, maybe a little bit.
•So, when you get closer, he finds his hand resting on your thigh, your lower back or your hand. Like a subconscious attraction that he isn't really aware of.
• You were sitting together and you were reading an article written about his last game to him. His gaze constantly fell to your lips. He was listening of course! But it's just the way your lips moved when you talked..
• He couldn't really resist, so of course he kissed you. Not a normal peck, no. Hungry. Like he hadn't eaten in centuries.
Akaashi: Words of affirmation
• When you first met you noticed how gentle he was with Bokuto. And apparently, so did many others.. but that didn't matter, for Akaashi's eyes were on you.
• You both work for Weekly Shonen Vai (Again, yes I did look that up), so when he sees you working, he lays a hand on your shoulder.
"You're doing so well, Darling. Keep it up."
We love motivation for the next couple of hours, don't we.
• He's always there to reassure you that everything is just fine.
Worried about your works due date? Don't worry, he'll help you out.
Scared you don't look good in that new dress you bought that he loves so much? He'll make sure you're never insecure again.
• Praise, Praise, Praise, I'm telling you.
"You're doing so good for me, baby"
"You're so pretty, just for me, hm?"
"You always know just how I like it, don't you?"
• Worships your entire existence. You don't have to tell him you're his, he knows. But he'll make sure you know he's yours.
Daichi: Acts of Service
• The first time you met was when the cops were called, because the shop owner accused you of shoplifting. Daichi went through your bag and patted you down. When he found nothing, the owner had to apologize and Daichi felt guilty for wasting such a pretty lady's time.
So he asked you to go to dinner with him.
That's right, he takes you out to dinner first.
• By the time you were done eating- Wait let me rephrase.
By the time he paid the bill (like a gentleman should) and got back to his car, he was craving dessert. Luckily, he had just the place in mind. His place.
• Eats you out like it's his last meal. I mean, he's a cop. He's got to serve the citizens, right?
• He gets out of bed before you wake up, on his day off, so he can get you your morning coffee.
• Puts his hand on the pointy side of the table, when you bend down to pick something off the floor.
I know this is a different of what I usually post, and I apologize for disappearing for so long😥
Thank you for reading!!
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lavender-romancer · 7 months
Astarion x (Durge) Reader
CW: angst, fluff, sexual tones
He needed you. But in his dark pit of starvation he feared he pushed you away past the point of return.
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You didn't seek love in Astarion no matter how much you wanted it. What would affection and adoration do for him when what he really needed was a friend, a confidante. Someone he would never think was using him. After so many years of abuse that violated his very understanding of intimacy and consent, you wouldn't dream of overstepping any boundary in existence. Trying to talk him off a metaphorical ledge of ostracism was more important than physical urges. He didn't need to feel alone or terrified someone would hurt him again. Whilst Astarion could easily protect himself, you decided that when he wasn't hiding in the shadows you would protect him from any enemy he came across.
After saving Faerûn the two of you had decided to live together, much to Astarions confusion, you wanted to stay close to him. Offer up your blood freely to him and create somewhere that felt safe for him. He was still plagued with nightmares, but you began reading deeper into alchemy to try and help him through his trances.
He never understood why you were so supportive of him. 200 years and he never met anyone so genuinely dedicated without expecting much in return. All you asked was that he wouldn't run away if they had an argument and that he wouldn't feed on any other people. It was simple and there was a deep rooted respect between the both of you no matter how much you flirted with one another, there was a boundary. It had never been crossed, he had never been touched without giving his consent, just as Astarion would never touch you or bite you without consent.
Why you had decided to help and live with him after everything that happened was beyond him. Why not Shadowheart? Or maybe Halsin? Even Gale would- Astarion had to stop himself in thought as he remembered how utterly boring he found Gale. He was much better company, even with a very slight fondness for the wizard, Gale was hardly a casual conversationalist. Mostly resorting to threats about hurling a fireball at someone or casually reminding everyone he was a walking bomb. No, Astarion was more fun. Maybe that was why you liked being around him? But he had become so comfortable with you, he found it so easy to talk about his past when the two of you would sit by the fire in your respective arm chairs and read.
Those moments in front of the crackling logs were monumentally special to him, he had no idea how to express his gratitude
You expected so little, asked for much less and respected him. Whenever he would make a mistake or break something he would immediately start profusely apologising, still mentally conditioned to expect a physical punishment regardless of remorse. But all you did was ask for his help to clean up the mess and you both moved on, you were two barely functioning adults but seemed to help one another. You still remembered little from your past, your childhood or anything in between but helping Astarion gave you a purpose that mattered. It was hard to focus on your own shortcomings when you had a whiny (bitchy) vampire to live with and help. But it worked. The two of you were trying to be normal and doubted that you could on your own.
Whilst the two of you had your own demons you were in a pact of some sorts, neither of you wanted to leave the other to deal with those demons alone. Your other companions were constantly confused by whatever your relationship was. Assuming it was romantic and sexual but, being even more confused upon finding out it wasn't. There was always a feeling something would happen between the two of you, but neither you, nor Astarion would admit it. Both of you too scared that you would lose the other forever if anything romantic happened.
“What wine would you like?” You asked, walking into the front room holding two bottles of red. Astarion was sitting in his armchair illuminated by the fire. The orange hue danced around the shadows of his face and it made you want to take him in your arms and never let go.
“Whatever is older, darling. Things do rather improve with age you know.” Astarion replied with a slight smirk and you rolled your eyes.
He couldn't take his eyes off you as you left, the way you leant against the doorway showed the curve of your stomach and hips. Astarion had to snap his brain out of it as he realised he was staring at the curve of your breasts as you turned to leave. Why was he so unbearably horny today? He supposed it was the night that he usually fed on you. Maybe his bloodlust created a different kind of lust all together? He had been admiring you like this for too long now, it couldn't be bloodlust that made his cock twitch and the hair on the back of his neck stand up. Sparing quick looks as you made a confused face when you were reading and got to a word you struggled with, he loved when you would ask for help so openly and without shame . It was something he desperately envied about your character. Your nose would sometimes scrunch up when he would tell you how to pronounce the word because apparently it was “stupid to have silent letters”. But recently, especially when he had been feeding on you, he couldn't stop wanting to touch you. He wanted to pull you close and never let you go, fuck you for hours and never leave your side.
“I made something for you. Well. Decanted I suppose.” You walked back into the front room with two goblets of wine and a vial of something tucked under your arm.
“What's that?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. After setting the goblets down you handed the vial to him. He already knew what it was before looking more closely, he could smell it. Your beautiful sweet blood.
“For your convenience.” You smiled down at Astarion but he didn't look best pleased. You thought this might be easier, at least for you. Everytime he fed on you all you wanted was to touch him, get some kind of friction because to your shame it made you so ridiculously aroused.
“When did you…” his voice trailed off and your palms began to sweat.
“Do you not like the idea?” You asked sheepishly, ready to snatch the vial back.
“Well, darling, the feeding process is a nice experience and it…” he was trying to find any words to retain the physical closeness you had whilst feeding. “Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you last time it happened?”
“What makes you ask that?” You sat down in the armchair adjacent to his.
“I…” He felt if he opened up that things would never be the same. So it was easier to close everything off again. “If you would like to change things I can go back to stalking other pretty things in the night.” He narrowed his eyes.
“Sometimes you're impossible. This is more convenient for when I'm not here or when I-”
“When you eventually leave, you mean.” The words crawled out of his mouth with such malice.
“I did not say that, Astarion. Stop acting like a child and communicate!” You yelled back as the heat rose into your face and your eyes began to prick.
“Oh shall I get on my knees and pray to the saint that has allowed me to exist with her blood? There are plenty of places I can get it if you won't offer up your neck for free!” He fired back, getting just as riled up.
“I'm freely giving you my fucking blood! I'm still giving it to you. What difference does it make? I try so hard. So fucking hard to make you feel secure and understood but you react to everything like a child!” You stood up and walked a few paces towards the fire with your back to him.
“I didn't realise I was such an inconvenience in your pretty little head.” Astarion almost laughed, a petty attempt to get a rise out of you when he was quickly running out of options to keep you close to him. You stayed quiet for a moment, one hand on your stomach, the other leaning on the mantle above the fire as if you were bracing yourself for the pain to follow.
“I just want the best for you. For our friendship and I…” your voice broke as you choked down the urge to sob.
“Yes, our precious friendship.” He sounded so vindictive that you wondered if he really cared about you at all.
“Do you not want it? Our friendship?” Your voice was so small and defeated.
“Oh, making me the bastard in this situation is just pathetic. After two hundred years of pure shit where I was always in the wrong and punished for it I don't want to hear it anymore!” He roared back at you. When he stood up you actually flinched, a fleeting thought crossed your mind that this was when he would ignore every warning and just drink you dry.
“I-” You tried to speak but you couldn't. All you wanted was to cry, just let it all out because the emotions were too much for you to carry anymore. The carnal desire you felt for him, the deep and earnest care you felt and the sense of responsibility for his well being. It always seemed that you were in control when really he held all the cards.
“Fucking hells.” Astarion muttered angrily before storming upstairs. You could finally sit back in your chair and cry.
Staring into the flames that usually brought you so much comfort but now, they just made you yearn for a life that was never lived. So long ago he said you were the only person he had ever truly cared about, that he would never hurt you and never leave your side. Those longing looks you'd steal when he'd laugh or the way you played into his flirting from the first day you met him. To this day you remembered nothing before the nautiloid, but, you knew Astarion. You knew he'd be there when you came home and would listen to your anxieties. He had always been in your life as far as you were concerned. So why had everything changed over something so ridiculous as the way you gave him your blood?
You pulled your knees up to your chest and sobbed, he wouldn't be there when you woke up and you knew it was all over. He's gone now, he's running away from your grasp and you'll never get him back no matter what you want from him- the voices in your head told you. You hit your forehead repeatedly trying to get them to shut up but they wouldn't subside. Why did you ever think he loved you? That he needed you for more than a pretty little snack? You wait around hoping he'll take more fucking interest in you when he wants nothing more than your beautiful blood. You should drain him of every drop in his body. It would serve him right, the decimation of a monster.
You wanted to scream. To pull out your brain and scrub out the voices, hurt yourself to a point where you would no longer care about what Astarion did to you. But how could any pain, any anguish overcome the love you felt for him? The Urge. The Urge was clawing it's way out of the depths of your psyche. How could it really be gone when it had penetrated every memory you currently held. You didn't know life without the torturous spasms and depraved thoughts. You thought they might end with the death of your butler but, no. The Urge was ever present.
The fire crackled and lit the shadows of the room, yet you couldn't feel its warmth as you sat cold and alone. He was your warmth, your sun, your stars. Whenever you spoke to him your day would be brighter and your head clearer. Seeing him would make you smile and make you feel safe. You cursed yourself, you should never have been so dependent.
He felt like shit. Utter shit. Why had he exploded like that? What was the point when you didn't do anything wrong, it was your neck he drank from and yet he felt some kind of authority? No, it was not his place nor his decision and he really did feel like the fucking idiot. As he was about to leave his room to apologise he heard it. The noise that haunted him whenever he heard it. Your sobs, that permeated into his soul and made his dead heart ache. He adored you so deeply that whenever it felt like you were pulling away he would double down on harshness. It made him feel in control of the situation because, if he was the first to leave then he won.
Astarion sat down quietly on the stairs. Wanting to wait till your sobs subsided but they seemed full of a sadness that would never subside. All you ever did was help him, try to find a way for him to walk in the sun, sate his bloodthirst and yet… sometimes in his irrational brain it felt like you were trying to find a way to fix him so you could leave. When he was broken you could fix him in a never ending loop. But as soon as he was put back together there was no reason for the two of you to exist together. He would never get to be close to you, never touch you or hear you laugh. But now, due to his own stupidity you would leave anyway but this time with hatred for him.
Just his luck that he would be turned into a monstrous vampire, be threatened with turning into a mindflayer but the true evil was always inside of him. It felt ridiculous when he pondered on it. He was so at home here with you, so comfortable and safe but it was never enough. The evil inside of him would always rise up and ruin everything around him.
He felt like such a fucking bastard to make you cry. Make you feel so lonely that you would feel the need to cry, which you rarely did. Once or twice in the many years you'd known one another he had held you as you cried. Whispered words of support and affirmation as he held you close, it was such a rarity that he reminisced on those moments more than he cared to admit. Being able to be a comfort to you was ridiculously cathartic for him.
For centuries he had been a death sentence to everyone he got close to. Cazadors favourite errand boy, collecting lost pretty souls for him to gorge his ascension depravity on. He would never overcome that guilt, not that he should- it was his cross to bear. But being your comfort, your home… it made it all less soul crushing. When Astarion was with you he felt worthy, like he had a purpose to be your protector when you were really his. He felt safe and respected and if he ruined that then maybe he deserved to step into the sun.
Deciding it would be better if he slipped away quietly he waited for your sobs to subside. Suspecting you were asleep he crept down the stairs and stayed to the back wall, hoping to avoid his shadow being plastered on the wall in front of you.
“Is this it then?” You said quietly and it surprised even Astarion that his hiding skills had become so lax of late.
“What?” Was all he could say, bewildered at why you would care if he would leave.
“Is this it? Are you leaving me?” You slowly stood up and faced him, your eyes still watering.
“I thought it might be easier if I left when I thought you were asleep. It appears my hiding deficiency needs some serious attention.” He tried to smile and make some joke to thinly veil his panic.
“Please. Don't, Astarion.” You took one step closer to him and he wasn't sure if you were referring to him leaving or the poorly timed joke. The silence continued into what felt like hours to him. Having no clue what the right response would be, he could only remain quiet and hope that you wouldn't tell him to leave.
“Do you want to leave?” You asked, looking down at the floor and trying to hide the very clear tears in your eyes.
“I- if it would be best for you then I will.” Astarion was teetering between each foot, one closer to you and the other closer to the door. Maybe if he left now it would all be less painful, he could learn to forget you. But if he stayed, what if you grew to hate him? He couldn't survive it.
“But do you want to leave?” You asked again, surprised by your pleading tone.
“I don't know.” Was all he said and it was enough for you to lose all hope, you wanted to cry until it hurt but it wasn't fair on him. If he wanted to leave then you shouldn't be restricting him.
“If this is the last time I ever see you, I'm sorry. I thought I was doing the best thing for our friendship because I couldn't remain your friend and-” You interrupted yourself, because it wasn't fair to practically guilt trip him.
“In all the time I have known you, you have only made decisions to better others. But, what do you want?” Astarion turned to fully face you, no longer edging towards the door.
All you wanted to say was that you wanted him. You just wanted him, in whatever form that would take it didn't matter as long as he stayed. You could remain friends, though you'd always crave more but, it was better than never seeing him again.
“I want,” you paused, pondering on a response that wouldn't send him running away into the night. “I want you to be happy.” Astarion looked at the floor and smiled.
“My ever generous confidante. That can't be the only thing you desire, the only thing that you want. My happiness is inconsequential compared to your own.” He wanted to reach out, show that you didn't have to worry about him. Prove that he could stand on his own without needing you but he wasn't so sure it was true. The constant insecurities he had were only amplified by the possibility that you would see his shortcomings and push him away.
“Inconsequential? How can you even consider that? I care about you more than myself sometimes and I don't see it as a weakness. We support one another, help one another and what is the point of any of this if I have to pretend that something matters more to me than your happiness? You have no idea how important you are, how loved.” You said it without thinking and the fear was evident in your eyes to Astarion as he had the same look on his own face.
As much as he wanted your adoration, your love? It absolutely terrified him. Was it all just bloodlust? Was he using you as some willing blood bag? If he stopped feeding on you at any point would it all fade away into nothingness and he'd realise none of it was love, it was his insatiable hunger? The silence between the two of you felt cursed, the one to break it would have to be a stronger man than he was because he was too scared to say a word. Rooted in place, not able to flee because of that look in your eyes. He couldn't leave whilst you looked so terrified, he had an urge to take you in his arms. But he didn't, he stayed in place
“Astarion?” You sounded terrified.
“Your life would be so much easier without me.” He sounded so genuinely exasperated, unable to understand why you would want him in your life. His eyes welled up and he looked so beautiful in the light of the fire and, you couldn't help but feel more drawn to him.
“And?” You replied, more determined than ever to prove how you cared for him.
“That's all you have to say?” He asked and you nodded, it elicited a laugh from him that sounded hollow and yet relieved.
“You make my life better. It feels enriched and happy, you are the only person who calms me and comforts me. The only one I am completely comfortable with, the only one I want to be around this much.” you held one of his hands tentatively.
“You’re shaking, darling.” Astarion softly told you, leading you to your armchair and sitting you down.
“If your only reason is that it is better for me, please stay. I want you to stay here with me and we can carry on as we always have and-” he stopped you mid sentence putting a hand up.
“I don't think we can continue as we always have my darling.” He let out a sigh and you dug your nails into the arm of the chair.
“Then��what do we do?” You asked, still feeling like you were shaking and feeling even more pathetic by the minute.
“I mean, I don't know how any of this works, what comes next or what you exactly want from me.” whilst he couldn't reach your gaze he didn't seem upset.
“Well what do you want from me?” Your voice was strained and anxious, you were so completely convinced he would tell you that he wanted space from you.
“More, more than this. I don't… how the hells do you do all of this?” He sounded a mixture of happy and confused.
“Slowly. If that's what you want, it's not exactly that much of a transition from how we were. Less longing glances and more actual contact I suppose? I haven't ever had a companionship. Well, if I have it's before I lost my memory so this is… intimidating.” Your eyes flicked from the floor to Astarions anxiously.
“I don't remember ever having it either. We really are the weirdos of our odd little group aren't we. Even La'zel has probably had a companion. Losing to La'zel when it comes to romance is not something I plan on continuing.” Astarion held your hand tighter, looking up into your eyes.
“I care about you, so much.” You placed a hand on his cheek and he leant into it.
“Stop being so nice to me. Makes me feel like a good person. Ugh.” Astarion mocked disgust but you knew he loved the praise.
“Only leave me if you want to. Will you promise me that?” your thumb stroked across his cheek and you saw a single tear fall across your hand.
“Darling, I will never want to leave you, and the fact that you willingly give me a choice makes it clearer that I want to stay with you.” Astarion pulled your hand up to his face and kissed the back of it before hugging you around your stomach. Leaning his head on your lap. You finally relaxed and stopped shaking, stroking his hair in the firelight, you both existed in perfect happiness.
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jaysgirlx · 7 months
Hey sweetie, I’m feeling like I need a Jason fic where reader doesn’t like to be touched but he makes her feel safe enough that she gets used to him. Would that be something you’d write? I hope you’re having a wonderful day/night 😘😘
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jason wasn't exactly a touchy man himself, he'd set a lot of boundaries as he grew older but he felt different when that came to you. he had the urge to want to hold you constantly but he quickly learned you weren't fond of that. there were too many mental scars that had yet to heal.
the two of you had been sitting side by side on his couch and he slyly tried to put his arm around you. you flinched and moved away quickly, and then came the word vomit.
"i'm sorry! it's really not cause of you- It's hard for me to- i just cant- it's okay if you don't want to hang out again after this, i just- i'm sorry!"
you were panting and trying to explain yourself because this wasn't his fault, this was a boundary you probably should've said earlier but you didn't. you were scared of losing jason too quickly because of your own issues but you were an idiot for thinking he'd leave like that. he was much better than that and he showed you exactly how.
when jason first realized that you weren't yet comfortable with him touching you he tried his best to make your dates and hangouts still romantic. instead of cuddling, he'd put pillows in between the two of you and you'd lay on them almost as if you were on him.
or when you two went out for walks he learned to wear long-sleeved shirts so you could hold onto his sleeve rather than his hand. it did take time to get used to but jason didn't see it as a burden he saw it as another way for him to show his love for you.
he found you the cutest when he'd be kissing you and you didn't know where to put your hands so you'd panic and grab onto his clothes. he knew you wanted to touch him but he wanted you to feel safe enough to make that first move and you eventually did.
"i swear it's not you or anything i just not comfortable being touched yet…i've had things happen to me and i just need time to feel a bit safer"
jason understood how you felt and respected it. he'd wait years if he had to, as long as you were with him, he didn't need much more. though your comfortability came much sooner than he thought.
it started off small like when you began to slyly slip your fingers into his and hold his hand. he won't deny that he actually blushed a little especially when you kissed him on the cheek goodnight. he knew he was probably touch-starved but he didn't realize how much he was missing without your touch.
you even started cuddling him during your movie nights and laying your body on his. and it was then that jason knew you felt comfortable with him. you finally felt safe.
things moved on a bit fast after that, your very gentle make-out sessions with jason became rough and needy. you'd dig your nails into his back while deepening each kiss more. your hands are roaming his back, trying to figure out what feels good, or what feels right but jason doesn't care. that fact that you're touching him is all that matters. that fact that you're comfortable is all that matters.
did jason dream of touching you constantly? absolutely! but would he have waited centuries to do so? only for you.
jason was in love with who you were and being able to touch you had nothing to do with that. this man fell in love with your personality and the love you were willing to give him and that was all he wanted.
"m'sorry for making you wait so long jaybird" you whispered while jason lips were busy kissing and biting your neck. he left a train of hickeys, hoping you wouldn't be too mad once you'd seen them, since you were quite focused on your current conversation "i know i'm a lot of work"
"good thing i'm a hard worker sweetheart," he said, while placing a hand on his hip and gently caressing your waist with his thumb. jason had started doing this,whenever he could tell you were overthinking or maybe overwhelmed. he was good with words but he knew how to soothe you "as long as you comfortable baby, then that's all i need"
you were all jason todd needed, he’d never admit it but he could love you from afar and still be happy because you'd be his and to jason that was all that was he really wanted.
for you to happy and safe with him.
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Listen, I love Fiddlestan as much as the next guy, but where did we start getting the idea Ford was cold and dismissive towards Fidds during their time working on the portal???
I could totally be wrong because I haven't read every single GF related thing (hell, my journals aren't decoded because I'm a slacker), but like??? The first time he saw him, he bought him his favorite snacks *and* a whole ass banjo and said he'd make it his mission that Fiddleford would be comfortable in his home.
They go adventuring together and talk about things like fashion trends and the future and go stargazing.
Ford is *so* happy when Fiddleford returns that he hugs him immediately. Abd then he feels bad that Fiddleford feels bad about his failing marriage that he throws him a holiday party even though he doesn't celebrate and hates the holidays honestly. And he put on Fiddlefords favorite song (which he despises and honestly? ME TOO FORD. I HAVE BEEF WITH THAT SONG) and drank seemingly spiked eggnog with him despite not usually liking to drink. So that he could make Fiddleford feel better.
He also just openly adores everything Fiddleford does. Maybe it's only in his journals. You could argue he doesn't say it out loud but, like, he exclusively describes him as impressive all of the time-
And I get where it's coming from in like a "oh he's a workaholic who has the pressure of Bill breathing down his neck that he has to be working on the portal 24/7." And like yeah, but in the pages he's a workaholic he's a workaholic practically begging Fiddleford to stay up with him because he loves working along side him. Fiddleford and him work *together.*
Like the page where they're sorta fighting with each other because Ford wants to work more its not "leave me alone Fiddleford, I have to do this" it's "hey! How come you won't stay up with me! Ugh this is so unfair that you're going to bed even though you know I plan to continue working for another hour."
I'm just saying if Fiddleford wanted to cuddle, I imagine Ford's response would be "Oh! Awesome, I love spending time with him 🥰🥰🥰" but he'd just end up using Fidds' back as a table for his studies. Or they'd do that thing where one of them is working on a desk and they sit on one chair in each other's arms.
And, while we're here, realistically? Emotionally stunted, slapped by more women than He's dated, "I can't cry in front of people, and the only thing I'm good for is my fists." Stanley Pines??? He's not cuddling shit. He's got that toxic masculinity ingrained into him. It doesn't matter how incredibly touch starved he is, cuddling is too emotionally intimate and "girly" for him. Honestly if Fiddleford tried to cuddle him he'd probably throw him in a headlock because he's also been on the streets for years now with people constantly trying to attack him.
And I'm not saying this to diss on Fiddlestan. Again, I *like* Fiddlestan! But when I read "Ford could never appreciate him like Stan could" I don't understand it.
They so clearly bonded well together, and if Ford truly was being an asshole (or not an asshole, but just generally unpleasant even when he wasn't possessed) the whole time, I doubt Fiddleford would've stayed. Nostalgia and physical attraction can only get you so far, and Fidds is already facing the horrors in Gravity Falls, Stanford has to be a hell of an amazing person to make someone want to stay. Like, he's a grown adult. Sure he really wanted to impress Ford and allotted himself to be "the tech guy to Ford's smarts" but if he wanted to leave, he could've. And there didn't seem to much keeping him there. Especially when he was having doubts on the portal.
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