#this is important to me to note
dyrewrites · 10 months
The Mountain and The Runner
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"Runner" is a misnomer, Delmas takes a cab as much as possible.
But he is quite fast, despite what the softer physique might suggest.
So there's a thing in Pale Blood what comes up a few times, and that is Delmas' old career, as a holo-boxer (meaning his matches were projected in the center of Upper Dolor and he was kind of a big deal).
When he was boxing, he was known as The Mountain ("because no one could topple him") and was just as big but also kinda shredded and hard as his namesake. He also had long hair, took better care of his beard, and lived in the sun so was a little less pasty. He was also a bit of an asshat that took advantage of his groupies.
Ten years later and he's a softer mountain, with shorter hair (there's reasons but they're amusing and so I won't spoil them), who lives in the slums with the smog that refuses to let any sun in (but enough to terrify full-blooded fangs)...and he is still a force to be reckoned with. When he can be assed to try. He is also decidedly less of an asshat.
I wanted to try and draw both of these versions of this character...for man practice, and also because I like him quite a bit and he's a lot of fun to write.
I hope they amuse you.
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ambrosiagourmet · 8 months
I think one of the biggest tragedies of Laios & Falin and their relationship is how much his actions impact her life. But like. Specifically how much they WOULDN’T impact her life as much if they weren’t both stuck in such a shitty abusive situation.
This part of the Falin-tries-makeup daydream hour comic is what got me thinking about it again because truly it just... it seems like such a like an offhand comment that I'm sure Laios didn't mean to be cruel or anything. That's just like. A little kid not thinking about what they are saying. ESPECIALLY when the kid in question is Laios.
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But man they depended on each other SO much as kids. Too much. It really feels like they didn't have any other source of positive reinforcement, or anyone else to share themselves with. So of course an offhand comment like that has a huge impact on Falin.
Or this little bit from one of the flashbacks:
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This tears me apart. Do you think it tears him apart to think about? I think it does. I think Laios holds every small failure to care for Falin against himself.
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And then there's the Bigger stuff. The way that him coping with his own trauma ended up impacting her.
Like his interest in monsters. Like him going to find a ghost, and accidentally revealing Falin's magic to the whole village in the process.
Like him needing to leave. And leaving her behind.
He shaped her life so much, and he carries so much guilt for it. And again, there should have been other people there to help. The same things that made Laios need to leave home are the things that made his leaving so hard on Falin. She ate alone after that. She shouldn't have had to eat alone just because Laios wasn't there.
She was 9 when he left for school, and he was 11.
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Nine. And Laios feels like he failed her because he didn't stand by her through this better. As an eleven year old.
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Both of these kids deserved so much better from the world.
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ispyspookymansion · 1 year
its really wild how many movies and tv shows are just like, obscenely skinny. how many casts are representative of the average population, if you sampled a crowd in a normal store or on a train? how many actually “average” bodies do you see on screen? how often are the stomachs shown flat or concave, how often are the thighs all muscle no fat, how often are the jawlines and cheekbones totally sharp and not covered by even a hint of softness? its bizarre and offputting whenever you start looking at media with that in mind
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squidpedia · 8 months
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I literally only had one joke in me while playing pacifist and it was just repeatedly saying “no theyre justice” everytime clover was called kind
(Please ask for permission before reposting onto other sites or dubbing, thank you!)
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redysetdare · 5 months
Even if an asexual does find sex to be gross that still doesn't give you the right to infantalize them.
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stormboundstars · 5 months
will forever be thinking about Kashi, the man in the belly of the giant angler. one of my favorite dialogues in Dead Boy Detectives is him saying: “I do not think I have any trauma. Life has been fair.” the Night Nurse then going, incredulously: “You were swallowed by a gigantic fish.”
what an interesting fellow. to be both incredibly unfazed by and fascinated with every terrible and lovely thing happening to him. maybe when I'm going through a tough time, I'll think of Kashi. “It's an adventure! Let's make a home out of a fish.”
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chattematsu · 1 year
[4.0 archon quest spoilers]
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p1xzels · 3 months
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i never realized light holds L’s hand but not misa’s ohhhhhh I’m sick. I’m sick
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sentient-forest · 2 years
#cecilsweep and Welcome to Night Vale trending #1 in 2023
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goosesartblog · 3 months
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this guy i guess
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gunsatthaphan · 1 month
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foursaints · 5 months
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they could be so indie sleaze……
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please reblog etc etc
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numbuh424 · 1 month
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@nearsbday : DAY 5 - "BULLSEYE / VICTORY"
Target practice 🎯
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bertoyana · 1 month
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california-112 · 9 days
Skinner: Would you slap your best friend for a thousand dollars?
Scully: I would slap Mulder for free.
Mulder, tearing up: I’m your best friend??? 🥺
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