#he's look like professor
sincericida · 1 year
FIRST LOOK at Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield on the set of ‘We Live in Time’!
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If hope he’s playing a professor - he's definitely dressed like one. 🥹
No bears. The one good thing about him shaving was showing off that jawline tbh...
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un-pearable · 8 months
ngl one of the most useful things i’ve internalized from doing art online is never tell people what to criticize. don’t preemptively apologize for things or point out where you think you fumbled, it’s just priming people to notice minor issues that might not actually matter and hit you where you’re sensitive and throw you off your game. don’t tell people your weak points. if it’s a genuine problem they’ll point it out
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mehh141 · 1 year
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Professor Price | 1/10
Just my vision on how prof!Price from @guyfieriii’s series would have looked like
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cynomain69 · 1 month
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cyno story quest part 2 spoilers!!!!
i really liked how unwilling to leave cynos side tighnari was like last time he left cyno alone his father figure got buried alive and he was just NOT having it i hope we can all have friends like tighnari
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temeyes · 11 months
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personal taste
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My controversial opinion about Hob Gadling is that I believe he’s absolutely the sort of guy that “puts things behind him”, and tries to wash his hands clean of the things he feels icky about. This is implied pretty well in the show, with him blithely moving from soldiering and robbery to printing, from slaving to… whatever it was he was doing in the 19th century instead. That being said, this is not at all the same as actively trying to atone, or even making a concerted effort to be a better person, and I really wish fandom could tell the difference!
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martianbugsbunny · 11 months
One of the greatest acting decisions of all time was James McAvoy's decision that Professor Charles Xavier, leader of the X-Men, world's foremost expert on mutants, respected and renowned man of science, should walk around for four movies with the biggest, saddest, wettest puppydog eyes you've ever seen
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letsmcfreackingloseit · 7 months
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So yes I have OF COURSE read @naffeclipse new fic Apex Polarity and yes, I AM OBSESSED!
So I decided to make a little comic of how I think their "first encounter" might have looked like from Eclipse's perspective.
I can't help but think about how alien and scary we most look to him (especially if there is a history of fasco hunting polar sirens in the past). With all that gear we look like emotionless beings, just observing and uncaring of this ice world. But then when y/n shows up and probably exudes this joy and wonder for his world + shows respect for the creatures and the environment??? Mmh yeah, I can see Eclipse falling for y/n, especially considering how alone he might be...
So yes, that's what I have for today! If you want to read the fic I'll link it right here. I can't recommend it enough, but as always, read the tags so you know what you're getting into! And lastly I also want to @themeeplord beacuse Eclipse's design is basically their design in my style (god I love their design so much, their character/creature designs are the BEST) so all the credit goes to them! Polar!Y/N is my design thou! ;P
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go read the two latest chapters-
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starcurtain · 18 days
One thing I wish I'd see more of among Ratio fans is some thought about how he views himself as a teacher.
Like yes, of course he refuses to compromise on the quality and rigor of the education he imparts, and he would find it unforgivably unethical to lower his standards in order to pass more students who had not genuinely learned the material. This is core to his character.
However, as someone who is a teacher IRL, I know the absolutely miserable feeling setting that kind of standard can cause. There's the obvious disheartening sense of disappointment ("Are students these days really not capable of doing the work correctly? Is our future in danger, if this is the highest level of understanding our current generation of students can achieve?"), but even worse than that is the self-doubt.
"Is this somehow my fault? Am I not teaching this material in the right ways for the students to learn? Is there something I could have done differently to get through to these students? Would a better teacher have a higher passing rate?"
We know that Ratio does (or at least did) struggle with feeling inferior to the Genius Society, so I think it is also likely, as much as he absolutely will not budge on his academic standards, that he has doubts about his teaching ability as well.
This is the man who wants to educate the entire world to cure the disease of ignorance, and yet only 3% of his actual students are able to get there. How can someone who gets so few of his direct students to a state of enlightenment hope to enlighten the whole universe? If so few students are successfully learning the material of a given class, doesn't that mean the teacher is doing something wrong?Would a better teacher--would a genius, maybe--not be able to impart their knowledge more efficiently and educate even the most challenging of students?
As someone constantly struggling with that balance between keeping academic standards high while also meeting the needs of today's students, I think the passing rates of his courses must affect Dr. Ratio much more deeply than I've seen fans discuss. I think he would question himself harshly over his class success rates, and I think he must be constantly trying to push himself to become the best teacher he possibly can be.
tl;dr: I hope one day the HSR fandom will stop sleeping on the fact that Ratio is an actual practicing professor who probably has astronomical levels of teacher angst. 😂
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carrotkicks · 1 year
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hey, hey you thought the lab scenes in stormbringer were bad? dw, i've got terminal Evangelion brain, i can make it worse.
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esprei · 3 months
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this is why Volo is #1 egg dad 💖
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sincericida · 1 year
Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh on set of "We Live In Time".
The professor vibes are wild, hmmm... If he’s not a professor, I’ll be in shock.
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cakeiilock · 2 months
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obsessed with luke's trial icon in plvspw ,, look at him. he's so polite
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lo-calistro · 2 months
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snail-noodle · 4 months
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So serious! I can already imagine that's the face he used to have before his corruption
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please let me give him some kisses- 💙🩵💙🩵
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murdereyesnicky · 8 months
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Oh my god i love him. He's just chillin and vibin while roastin a marshmallow
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