#he's normal now and hes beating up birds for me
gummywyrmtrainer · 1 year
Cascade is my usual go-to for clearing outbreaks but he had opinions today I guess, damn.
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clockwayswrites · 2 months
Birb in the hand Part 8
Birdritch Masterpost
For several reasons, Bruce hadn’t expected to wake up cuddling a stranger. One, there were enough family in the makeshift nest. Two, there had been no stranger, just a strange bird. Three, cuddle pollen or no, Bruce should have been alert as soon as the stranger became a factor.
Instead, Bruce woke slowly, sleep muddle brain confused about why he was awake until he clocked the uneven breathing of the person in his arms. Bruce’s brain went from asleep to alert in an instant as he ordered ‘breath’.
And in that instant Bruce knew that the person in his arms wasn't one of his.
There was a stranger in the Batcave.
A stranger who wasn’t breathing right.
Bruce walked them through answering questions as he took in everything else. Other than Alfred, his family was close. The furthest away was Jason who was asleep on the meeting table rather than in the next with the rest of them. They were starting to wake up, aware something was wrong.
Noticeably missing was the bird entity.
Instead they had a stranger— a stranger who whimpered in pain as Bruce got them upright.
A shapeshifter? An unwilling shapeshifter, possibly. An unwanted transformation could certainly explain the pain.
Dick offered to get a towel and Bruce mouthed a silent ‘thank you’ at his oldest. Bruce was worried by the fact that the breathing hadn’t regulated yet. At least the cold was enough to shock the stranger into a forced breath and Bruce tried to guide them through it.
“There, keep that up,” Bruce instructed.
The stranger pinched Bruce for that. He hardly jolted, but apparently he had moved enough to make Cass giggle at him. A soft huff of a laugh escaped, mostly at Cass’ amusement, but partially at the sass of the stranger.
“I know you know,” Bruce said in response to the pinch. “Now your body just needs to know.”
Bruce didn’t let the second pinch deter him anymore than the first. Gently, he ran a pattern with his thumb up and down the other’s hand, a silent beat to count to. Their hand was calloused. They were someone used to holding tools and using them, but of a precise sort as the rest of the skin was soft. There were a few bandages on the fingers and palms of the hand. Precise tools they were bad with? No, precise tools but either an absent mind or someone who moved too quickly. The wells of their fingernails were stained with bluing and solder and graphite. A specialty machinist of some sort perhaps, watch maker?
“Well, at least it wasn’t an orgy,” the stranger said, suddenly, voice raspy from the panic attack.
Bruce could see Jason trip out of the corner of his eyes from where he was finally getting up off the table.
“Ew,” Tim whined after a beat of stunned silence. “Oh, ew, no, nope, not thinking of that. Where’s the brain bleach? B, tell me the JL has invented brain bleach.”
“Or that thing from Men in Black,” Jason groused.
“No, Reds, the JL does not have brain bleach or ‘that thing from Men in Black’,” Bruce said dryly.
“Wiping a specific memory is actually incredibly hard,” the stranger said. “We’re still learning how all of those pathways connect and that’s even without considering instinct and muscle memory. Now preventing memories for forming, that’s easy. Take me and why I’m even here, no clue, but much harder to erase something that’s already known and perhaps something that could cause a cascade failure… and shutting up now.”
“Are you always like this in the morning?” Jason asked.
“Believe it or not,” the stranger drawled, “waking up in a cave asleep with a bunch of vigilante and no memory of how I got here is not my usually morning.”
Bruce found himself giving a soft chuckle. Normally he would never, but now that the emergency was over apparently his brain was happy to slip back into the morning fog. He did his best to put some Batman gravel into his voice as he spoke. “Once you’ve rinsed off, we will explain. There was cuddle pollen involved, you need to make sure it’s gone so that you are not exposed again.”
“Okay, well, at least cuddle pollen explains some of this,” they grumbled softly. They made a move to lean away from Bruce but stopped short with a hiss of pain.
Bruce moved forward to keep supporting them. “What’s wrong?”
“Just my body being my body. Where’s my bag?”
Cass appeared holding a messenger bag a moment later with a smile.
“Oh, thank you.” Carefully and with Bruce’s support, they leaned forward to take the bag and start searching around in it. “I’m sorry, I don’t know which one you are without the whole getup.”
“B.B.,” Cass chirped. She sat down crosslegged and helped hold the things that the stranger set aside from their bag.
“B.B? Oh, Black Bat,” they said with a little nod and a soft ah-ha as they found what they were looking for. “Thank you B.B.”
Cass gave an acknowledging little noise as the stranger shook a pill out of a small container and knocked it back with a swig from their water bottle.
“Sorry, alright, willing to offer a hand up, B.B?” They asked.
Cass set the items back in the bag, hoped up, and offered her hand. Bruce made sure to support the stranger as they stood, which let Bruce feel the fine tremors that ran through their body and hear the bitten back sounds of pain. Bruce trusted Cass and Dick to help them to the showers and bring a set of clothing to change into. When he turned around, Tim was already poking at the messenger bag.
“Red,” Bruce sighed.
“B,” Tim interrupted and twisted an ID tag clipped on the bag for Bruce to see.
It was a Wayne Enterprises ID badge the color combination of R&D. Danny Fenton, it read, he/him, R&D.
AN: take care darlings, take care and be delightful.
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lev1hei1chou · 3 months
Anesthesia Antics
Gojo x reader Genre: Fluff Synopsis: Gojo feels loopy thanks to the anesthesia Masterlist Requests open!
"Y/N! I can see my hands!" Gojo's muffled voice, thick with gauze and anesthesia, echoed through the car as you helped him into the passenger seat. His normally sparkling blue eyes were half-lidded and glazed over, giving him a dazed and childlike appearance. He wiggled his fingers in front of his face as if they were the most fascinating thing he had ever seen.
"Yes, babe, you do have hands," you replied, trying not to laugh as you secured his seatbelt. You glanced at the nurse who had accompanied you both to the car, and she gave you a sympathetic smile.
"Just make sure he rests and doesn't do anything too strenuous," she advised. You nodded, thanking her, and shut the car door.
As you started the car, Gojo's head lolled to the side, and he stared at you with wide, wonder-filled eyes. "Y/N, you’re so pretty," he slurred, reaching out to touch your face. His hand fell short and landed on your shoulder instead, patting it clumsily.
"Thanks, Satoru. Just sit back and relax, okay?" You turned onto the road, keeping an eye on him in the rearview mirror. He kept gazing at you, a dreamy smile plastered on his face.
"Y/N, do you love me?" he asked, his voice dropping to a whisper, as if it were a secret only the two of you could share.
"Yes, I love you," you replied, amused by his sudden need for affirmation.
"I love you too," he mumbled, his head nodding forward. Just when you thought he might fall asleep, he jerked up again. "Wait, are we going to fight curses? I'm ready! I can take them on!" He raised his fists, albeit weakly, and you had to stifle a laugh.
"No, no curses today. Just rest," you reassured him.
Gojo seemed to accept this, settling back into his seat. He stared out the window, and you could see the wheels turning in his foggy brain. "Y/N, the sky is purple," he announced solemnly.
"It's blue, sweetheart," you corrected gently.
He looked genuinely perplexed. "Are you sure? 'Cause it looks purple to me. Maybe... maybe it’s a special sky, just for us."
You smiled, shaking your head slightly. "Sure, Satoru, it's a special sky."
The rest of the drive was filled with similar proclamations. He told you how he could control the weather, that he was a superhero in disguise, and at one point, he even claimed he could talk to animals. "That bird just told me a secret," he whispered conspiratorially, pointing at an ordinary pigeon.
"What did it say?" you humored him, pulling into the driveway.
"It said I'm the best sorcerer ever," he said, his eyes twinkling with pride. "But don’t tell anyone. It’s a secret."
"Your secret is safe with me," you promised, helping him out of the car.
Once inside, you guided him to the couch and helped him lie down. He squinted up at you. "Y/N, I think I’m flying," he declared, his voice thick with drowsiness.
"That’s just the anesthesia talking. You're on the couch," you explained, brushing a stray hair from his forehead.
"Oh." He blinked a few times, then smiled lazily. "You’re really pretty, Y/N. Did I tell you that already?"
"Yes, several times," you replied, laughing softly.
He reached out, taking your hand in his. "Stay with me? I don't wanna be alone."
"I’m not going anywhere," you assured him, sitting beside him and gently rubbing his hand. His eyes fluttered closed, but he fought to keep them open.
"Y/N?" he mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Yes, Satoru?"
"Will you marry me?"
You felt your heart skip a beat. Even in his medicated state, he managed to surprise you. "Ask me again when you're not high on anesthesia," you said, chuckling softly.
He pouted, looking as serious as he could in his condition. "I’m serious. I love you. And I want you to be my forever."
"I love you too, Satoru," you said, kissing his forehead. "Now get some rest."
Finally, his eyelids grew too heavy, and he drifted off to sleep, a content smile on his face. You watched him for a moment, feeling a surge of affection. With a final, gentle squeeze of his hand, you settled in beside him, snuggling close.
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goodbird1 · 8 months
My firecracker
Alastor x fem reader
Word count: 634
Summary: Charlie learns about Alastor wife.
Warnings: mention of death and murder (please tell me if I miss any)
Alastor stood on a balcony overlooking the city. The hotel was celebrating for some reason or another he didn't particularly care. Reaching into his coat pocket he pulled out a locket. Unclasping it reveals an image of a woman.
“I thought doing this would make me feel better in some way, or at least dull the pain for the time being” Alastor began, looking down at the locket. “It was foolish of me to think that would happen. It's happening all over again, and I don't think I have a chance to see you again.”
Tears started swelling in his eyes. Quickly pulling out a handkerchief and wiping them away.
“You know I always took you as someone who likes entertainment and parties are pretty entertaining” Charlie said coming out on the balcony.
“Oh I'm just getting some fresh air, it's far too stuffy in there” Alastor replied, shoving the locket back in his coat. Not before Charlie notices.
“What's that?” Charlie said, reaching out.
Instinctively Alastor slapped Charlie's hand away, holding the locket even closer now. Towering over her with a cruel look on his face, he saw the fear in her eyes. Normally he'd relish in it but this was no sight he wanted to see on charlie. Signing he pulled out the locket again shifting it through his fingers.
“My apologies dear,” he said, turning back to the city. “I didn't mean to snap, it's a locket with my wife's photo in it, it's the only thing I have left of her.”
“You never told me you were married,” Charlie said, coming to Alastor's side.
“I don't much like to talk about it” Alastor signed.
“Can I ask, what was she like?” Charlie questioned.
“Oh she was wonderful” He began. “She was a firecracker, always 3 steps ahead of everyone. Beat you in any game and once you thought you had the upper hand she'd pull the rug right out from your feet. She was kind and considerate, and believed in second chances. She'd taught me that. And oh she could sing like an angel. I would play the piano, she would sing and the world would fade away.”
“She sounds amazing, you know maybe if you redeem yourself you can see her again in heaven!”
“Haha oh darling, anybody worth knowing comes down here!” Alastor said between laughs. “She would always tell me she would rather burn in hell with me than sit alone in heaven. Did you know that our fathers decided to put us together to ‘contain our unnatural behavior’? And she came up with a plan to kill both our families and then burn the evidence! Oh it was then I knew she was the one.”
Memories started flooding back when they were both alive and then both died. But this time they didn't hurt so much now.
“What happened to her?” Charlie asked, bring Alastor back to reality.
“The first or the second time?” Alastor joked trying not to spiral.
“Both?” She whispered hesitantly.
“The first time she was in a tree, mistaken for a bird and shot down the fall was what killed her. The second time…” Alastor choked clutching the locket for dear life. Clearing his voice he started again. “Well you don't make it as far as I have without making a few enemies. They sent her back in pieces.”
“That's awful!” Charlie exclaimed.
“No need to worry they won't hurt anyone now.” Signing, he stepped away from the edge. “Come on dear, let's join the party.”
“Hey Al, can I ask one more thing?”
“And what would that be?”
“Do you think she would have liked the hotel?”
Turning fully around to face Charlie. A kind smile across his face with a hand reaching out for her.“Oh she would love it.”
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angel-sweets666 · 4 months
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Cast me a spell
barbarian! Bakugo x witch Afab! reader one shot
A barbarian needs a spell to cause the downfall of his enemies, he found just the witch to do it
warnings: smut
chapter two here
a/n bro I just freestyled this 😭😭 btw I made it afab cuz it’s smut and I probs can’t write gay sex rn but everything else is gender neutral trust. Also this is my first time writing smut so please don’t judge 😭
Bakugo is aged up to 20
Bakugo groaned as he walked in forest, dry leaves and twigs snapping under his boot. Bakugo had been sent by his tribe to find a witch, a witch who would rig the war they were in and beat the other tribe. Bakugo didn’t know why he had to go, there were so many barbarian men who would go! Why’d it have to be him! The elders found him the strongest clearly, that’s got to be a good sign. Maybe he’ll inherit the chief title from his father…. Bakugo shook the thoughts away as he looked around for some kind of cabin, some sort of suggestion to show there is a witch out here like the elders say, maybe they’ll see bakugo is strong and worthy if he manages to make the witch come with him back to the tribe. Bakugo whistled while looking around, suddenly a fox came up to his legs and sat by him “what..? What do you want you pest” he tried to kick the fox, but the fox dodged it and used his head to tell bakugo to come with him “I’m not going with a fox forget it.”
bakugo continued walking before the fox yelped out and four more foxes appeared, all different colours. What stood out to him was how one fox seemed to have a light purple almost lavender colour, the sun made it difficult to see however “huh..? No I don’t trust no fo- OUCH!” Bakugo yelped as all 5 foxes bit him and tried to drag him too the other way “fine! Fine! I’ll follow you..” bakugo grumbled, seemingly annoyed. The foxes let go and began to lead bakugo down a pathway, he began to see fruits and vegetables being grown on a sort of farm. Bakugo at first thought that the foxes were leading him to a farmer and this was some sort of advertisement but he was proved wrong when he saw a fairy dust like powder float above the crops and then be placed ontop, making the crops grow almost twice their size and look healthier. Then he noticed the clearly unnatural cloud of rain water the plants, it was so close to the ground that there was no way it was natural. It just hovered over the crops in a neat line. Then the natural sun seemed to do some good. Bakugo noticed that the creatures seemed to look more mythical the further he went, once black birds were now beautiful shades of blue, pink, yellow ect. Cats and bunnies around began to come up in more colourful shades too, bright blue and green eyes watching. Now the flowers had a glow, they were all gold and sparkling. Everything looked unnatural and non normal…mythical, almost fairy tail like… he began to hear the humming of a person he was preparing for a ugly hag.. but no, a beautiful person with a equally as mythical look to them! You! A fox went up the To you and you got on your knees to “hear” what it had to say, then… you looked up at bakugo
“what are you needing…?” You asked him as you raised to your feet “I.. Uhm… I need something, my tribe actually. My tribe needs something” he informed you “needs… needs what?” You began to walk towards bakugo “a bad luck spell.. something like that. We’re at war and…” “you want me to rig it..?make ‘em loose?” You interrupted him “how’d you know…?” Bakugo was shocked “I know this stuff, now.. do you want them to loose..?” You asked softly and he nodded “I think.. I think I have just the thing, come inside” you used your finger to motion him to come inside. You began to mix up a potion, full of that gold flower, the fairy dust like powder, a couple fruits, some other unknown ingredients ect… you put it in a bottle that while it looked small, could fit a whole tribes worth of water. Then you stepped towards a book shelf, looking through the spell books available to you. You made a “ah” sound and then pulled a dusty book, blowing the dust off. “Do you have anything of the uh.. other sides” you asked him “like their hair or some shit?” He asked aggressively “that could work, clothes, arrows they shot, accessories, blood. Anything that come from the other team”
Bakugo thought for a moment, “uh… I have a piece of one of their swords” he pulled a bloodied peice of metal out from one of his pockets, dried blood falling off and onto his fingers “that works!” You grabbed the piece of metal and placed it by an unlit candle, grabbing a match and lighting it. You reached over to light the candle and then sat by the candle and began to whisper something, like a prayer. “What are you doing?” He asked, you ignored him and continued your whispering “answer me” he grumbled, you looked at him then closed your eyes again. Once again continuing your whispering, after a couple of minutes you finished and slowly stood back up “doing a spell, as per you asked.” You grabbed the glass bottle full of the potion “you feed these to your armies, you’ll be strong enough and the war will be over in a day or two” you said quietly to him as you placed the bottle into his hand, and closed his hand for him. “What would it taste like?” He asked “like water, what do you think?” You leaned your weight onto one hip “I don’t know, like shit?” He rolled his eyes “don’t get an attitude with me” you got up into his face “who are you talking to like that?” He grumbled “you obviously” you chuckled then walked off. Grabbing herbs and other stuff, clearly organising stuff “what you just going to stand there?” You asked, wondering if he was going to leave anytime soon, looking over your shoulder at him. “Could you come back with me? To my tribe?” He asked with his typical rough deep voice “why would I do that?” You placed books in a wooden book shelf “we need your help” “I’ve already helped you haven’t I?” “Just do it.” He grumbled at you, grabbing your shoulder “mmmm no” you said
in pure frustration with you bakugo picked you up and threw you over his shoulder “oi! Why’d you do that!” You kicked in an attempt to get away from him “get over it princess” he chuckled as he pushed the door open with his body and then walked you in the forests back to his tribe, holding your body over his shoulder and your legs down with his arms to prevent you from kicking him “out me down put me down!” You screamed as you yanked at his hair, he didn’t notice nor did he care. “Will you be good and not walk off? You’ll follow me?” He asked as his ego got larger and larger “ughhhhhh fine!”you agreed, he leaned down and placed you down onto the ground “you owe me, I rigged a tribal war for you” you said with a obvious attitude “oh yeah? What do I owe you? A animal? Weird ingredients for your freaky potions? A quest? Sex? A man from my tribe once had to sleep with a witch for potions” he listed off his ideas “why would I sleep with you? Your egos probably bigger than your dick.” You crossed your arms in frustration “someone’s got an attitude” bakugo playfully shoved you “don’t even.”
you went back to bakugos tribe, he gave his tribe the potion you gave them, the war just like you said was over in a day. You ended up having to follow bakugo around because you didn’t know anyone else as well, you eventually had gotten used to the change, by the sixth month of living there you were considered one of them. I’ve had atleast 50 people come up to me asking if your my spouse/wife/husband” he said while you two were going for a walk “well lucky I’m not” you chuckled “maybe you should be, I’ll need a wife/spouse/husband when I become chief” you blushed deeply “w-w-what..?”you stuttered “it’s true, they don’t let people who aren’t married be chief. I’m next in line to be chief and I’m not married” he informed you “are you trying to propose to me? You’ve known me a whole of 6 months!” You said in surprise “my parents got married after 3” “is that like a cultural thing?” You asked “yeah… the other tribes get married after a later time, I guess this is what we’ve always done, we done need to love each other, just so I become chief.” He says “so this is a proposal?” Your eyebrows raised “yes I suppose it is.” Bakugo grumbled “I’ll think about it”
you laid in bed that night as you stared at the roof of your hut, thinking about what bakugo said. You slowly rolled out of bed and put some shoes and stumbled out of your wooden hut and looked towards bakugos hut, the light from his windows suggest he was still awake. You slowly walk towards his hut, the sound of grass beneath your feet. Most huts were dark, a way to say the people in them were asleep; not bakugo though. Bakugo stayed up late training. You knocked on bakugos door, you could hear him put something down then walk towards the door; he opened the door and he looked down towards you “oh.. hello” he said in surprise “I Uhm…whatcha doing?” “Working out, your supposed to be asleep” he furrowed his eyebrows “yeah I know but I can’t sleep” you said as you walked into his hut, flopping onto his bed “don’t get too comfy there” he sat down next to you “your beds comfier then mine though….” You whined and got yourself buried into his bed sheets, he sneakily wrapped an arm around you “what are you doing..?” You asked him “nothing..” he said with a smile “your really trying when it comes to this whole getting married thing..” you whispered to him, his hand reached for your hips “maybe I am…. Maybe I’m not” he sighed and rubbed your side. You rolled over to lean on his chest a bit, you used light magic to make fire flies appear, having a sort of light show appear. Bakugo watched it and smiled “have you always been able to do that..?” He asked “since I was around 8 maybe…” you replied, bakugo reached into your shirt, softly rubbing your chest. You whimpered softly, he smiled and leaned down to kiss your neck. “Do you want me to stop?” He asked softly “no…” you replied.
you slowly wiggled out of your bottoms, he watched you do it from above. He smiled softly at the sight. “Should we just get straight at it?” He asked softly as he unbuckled his belt, an obvious buldge in his pants. He grabbed you by your hips and pulled you towards him “just be a good girl him?” He grumbled and managed to pull his pants down and pulled his member out “tell me if it hurts bub” he says softly “okay.. yeah I can do that” you nodded, you felt him slowly push inside of your body. He let out a slight grunt, you bit down on your bottom lip. He eventually bottomed out which didn’t take long due to the size of his length. “C-can I uh… mmph.. m-move now..?” He whined softly “mhm..” you whines and spread your legs a little bit wider for more access to your body. He slowly pulled out almost all the way only for him to push back in, you yelped and wrapped your arms around his neck. Burying your face into his neck while he thrusted into you, stretching you out. It had been a while since either of you had done something like this so it was obvious why he was so needy. He gripped your waist softly and eventually found a pace that both of you found pleasurable. You let out a moan as he began to go a bit faster with you, the tip of him tapping against your cervix, the knot in your belly began to tighten suggesting the fact you were getting close “mmph..” he whimpered as he buried his face into your neck, you reached up to pet his hair. You moaned and whined. Eventually his thrusted became sloppy and more like he was chasing his own climax, the knot in your tummy threatened to burst and eventually… it did. The warmth of his cum going inside you was a comforting feeling
“you know maybe I will marry you…”
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homunculus-argument · 9 months
I think it's always supremely funny when something has a character who's distinctly more Genre than everyone else in the setting - like everyone else is living in the kind of "everyone shits themselves when they die" kind of miserably drab Game of Thrones kind of low fantasy setting but there's just this one fucking guy on an epic high fantasy quest because he saw a bird do something weird and This Was An Omen That He Must Embark On This Journey, while everyone else is like "dude why do you talk like that."
Even better if it isn't even the same genre as everyone else. Just living in their own world that's clearly internally consistent but incomprehensible to anyone else. Funnier yet, when once it has been firmly established that this dude just lives like this, it's dramatically revealed that there's two of them, literally just one other person who's exactly like this, too.
Like the story is just some normal family slice of life comedy, except one of the dads is just Like That. And then some completely bat shit insane weirdo shows up out of nowhere trying to fight this guy, and the dad just responds in the exact same style of dramatic right back, with no hesitation. Nobody but his wife has any idea what the hell is going on, and she wishes it was not going on. Their kids ask their dad what the hell that was about, who is this guy.
And he just goes "Forgive me for keeping this from you. I can see now that my attempts to keep the shadows of my past a secret from you, in order to protect you, have been foolish. I should have prepared you for this day. The consequences of the failures of my youth. You see, I was not always the man that you know now as your father."
(His wife chimes in from the other room, saying "don't listen to him, kids. He's literally always been like that.")
And this other weird guy barges in like "Brace yourself, villain! I have come for my vengeance! For years I have sought you, tracked you like a beast as you have fled like an animal, but now I have cornered you here. You, traitor who were once my brother, who robbed me of the life that should have been rightfully mine!"
And without skipping a beat the dad turns to him like "You fool! Still you are blinded by your own insolent pride! It was not I who schemed or sought your downfall, but it was your own arrogance that brought you down!" And their battle continues while this guy's family calmly watches from the side.
And the mom explains that yeah, they used to know each other in college. Both of them were already like that when they met, and they were best buds at the time, almost all the way through. No, they didn't start fighting over her. Nobody else but them even knows what this beef is about. And all the while this background story is being explained, they're watching two middle-aged dudes engaged in combat with shitty mall katanas in a grocery store parking lot.
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akystaracer22 · 8 months
Maybe in Another Life We Would Hate Each Other a Little Less
A chance encounter sheds a little light on Adam that Lucifer couldn't have predicted, leading to a moment he thought he'd never have with the man.
Notes (Aka my thoughts while writing):
God is a dick and I wanna kill xem
Adam folds his wings like a bird because monkey see monkey do
Both these guys were traumatised by the same person and we don’t talk about it enough
Probably Guitarduck/Adamsapple but in a fledgeling platonic kinda way
Refer to my ref for what Adam looks like!
I listened to Rät while writing this and- it kind of fits Adam???
Jesus is God’s favourite child and it fucking shows
How tf did this become a sickfic????
Lucifer gets the experience of being me whenever I make the impulsive move to boot up Char.ai and talk to literally any of the AI’s, get aunt agonied bitch.
Oh my god Adam has middle child syndrome.
Can you tell I attended a Christian school when I was younger???
Adam was hiding just how fucked over he was from the wing rot but he’s not having a good time in this. Most of the latter half of the oneshot is him dazed from both the one set of wing rot and the feeling of someone touching his wing.
Shit emergency wing HC for Adam ig: His wings grow warmer corresponding to his mood, as in when he is in general happier his wings radiate warmth and when he’s in a foul mood they’re just normal or even a little cooler.
In saying that yes Lucifer’s wings glow when he’s happy
Word Count: 1902
Fic under cut!
“Fucking- Shit!”
Lucifer paused, looking behind him and backing up to peek through the crack in the door. This ought to be good.
Sure enough, he was right, this was entertaining.
Adam was ranting again.
Honestly it was a nearly daily thing by this point, probably the only good thing about his daughters decision to let Adam stay at the hotel. He loved his daughter, he really did, by Adam was… Adam.
Lucifer knew he was a lost cause.
But still, didn’t mean Lucifer couldn’t tease the hell out of the man since he was stuck down here with the rest of them.
Lucifer’s smirk at watching the first man rant quickly died as he took in the guys appearance, he looked…
“What is wrong with your wings.”
Adam jerked and twisted around, scowling at him and oops he said that out loud didn’t he.
“Piss off!”
Lucifer, in his typical fashion, did not piss off and instead entered the room, “No seriously what is wrong with your wings.”
Now that he was closer, the king was certain they didn’t look like that a week ago. The feathers, while already having looked like a wreck were duller and the colours seemed almost… muted. Ignoring the already horrific state Adam’s wing were in, they shouldn’t look THAT bad so why…
“I said-!”
“Have you not been preening you wings?”
Adam went silent, staring wide eyed at Lucifer much to the kings confusion. A beat passed, then two.
“What the fuck is preening?”
Lucifer blinked, he wasn’t serious, was he?
Surely not.
“By the heavens you’re dead serious.”
“What the fuck are you talking about.”
Lucifer debated whether he should explain it or not. On one hand, it’s Adam. On the other, Wings were a serious thing. He’d even seen Husker cleaning his wings from time to time, for Adam to just not know…
“You know what? For once my hatred of you is outweighed by my need to show you what’s what,” The fallen seraphim huffed, closing the door behind him and summoning a chair to block it from the outside so Adam couldn’t escape. “Come on we’re fixing this travesty.”
“What part of fuck off you do you not understand?!” The first man snapped, his wings mantling as Lucifer rifled through the closet, dragging out one of the many jars of oil he’d had the foresight to put in most of the rooms, perks of being a guy with basic common sense.
“The part where you’re being stupid and my daughter started rubbing off on me,” Lucifer shot back, his own wings serving well to corral Adam towards the bed, “How you don’t know how to preen your wings is beyond me but that’s ending today.”
“Again- what are you blabbering about.”
Lucifer paused, hand hovering just over Adams feathers. Preening someone elses wings was… intimate. It was something reserved for friends, family, lovers, and stuff… not enemies. Was he really going to just go ahead and clean Adams wings for him?
The seraphim’s eyes flicked over to where the ruined wing was draped over the bed. The wing was already in bad enough shape as it was, if he didn’t do this then wing rot was bound to hit it at some point and-
He didn’t really have a choice, not if he didn’t want to watch someone die of wing rot again.
Adam went stiff under Lucifers touch as he started work on the mans functioning wing, it was the easiest to work with, not the mention the safest to start with. The injured wing would no doubt be sensitive to any interaction, so better to start small.
Adam shuddered as Lucifer moved between feather’s, periodically reapplying preening oil as he went. He was right as usual, looking closer most of the barbules had been separated and needed to be locked together again. Grimacing, the seraphim gently scratched out what looked like dried blood from where it was hidden in the base of Adam’s Secondary coverts.
“What are you doing?” Adam whispered, his voice for once lacking it’s usual bite. Lucifer paused for a second in confusion before Adam’s wing flexed back into Lucifer’s hand, “Don’t stop!”
“Okay okay!” The king huffed, working on his primaries, “What I’m doing is called preening. It’s something beings with feathers do to clean them.”
“Like birds?”
“Yeah, like birds,” Lucifer agreed, “The oil helps take care of bacteria, but you got to realign the feathers, get rid of the ones ready to moult, and fix the feathers that are out of sorts, though you can just shake the feathers to do that part quicker.”
Lucifer shifted over to finally tackle the ruined wing and froze, a chill slinking down his spine. As he took in the state of the tattered appendage.
This close the seraphim could see the red pimples under the thinning layer of feathers surrounding the injury, it was wing rot in its early stages.
“Nothing!” Lucifer dove his fingers into the scapulars to shut Adam up while he discreetly conjured up some disinfectant for the rot, if he’s lucky he can treat it now and just get Charlie or Vaggie to deal with it now, knock it over the head before it becomes so visible the others can notice. He ignored Adam’s breath hitching as the seraphim started, just as predicted, the wing was sensitive from the damage done to it.
“But seriously you need to do this more, this is just horrific,” Lucifer grumbled to himself, not really caring if Adam listened, “Honestly I’m surprised this hasn’t happened to you before!”
“Mmmm tried once… I think?”
Lucifer, glanced at Adam’s face, it was pointed away from him, but he could still sense Adam’s attention was on him, “Yeah?”
“Saw the birds doin’ it and tried to copy ‘em,” Adam continued at the prompt, spreading his other wing, “It hurt so I stopped, didn’ know there was a method to this shit or someth’n.”
“You… nobody even tried to teach you?”
“I think they thought I knew,” Adam chuckled sourly, “I think they thought I fu’kin knew how to just- do this. ‘Cause I was meant to right?!” Another laugh, “I bit the fu’kin apple so I shou’da known this kinda shit! Apple of knowl’dge or what’ver.”
Lucifer, wisely, didn’t say anything, he just kept working on Adam’s ruined wing, applying the disinfectant, and fixing what few feathers were still healthy and removing the rest. If it was anyone else in this situation he’s wrap the wing and tell them to rest but… it was still Adam that was in this mess.
“I- why didn’t they teach me? Luci why didn’t they teach me this shit?”
“I… don’t know,” Lucifer replied carefully, deliberately skipping over the butchering of his name that sounded way to close to a nickname for comfort, “Come on, up you get he still got the underside to finish then I’ll be out.”
Adam grumbled but complied, sitting up a little to turn around as Lucifer summoned a pillow for Adam to lean back on. Rolling his neck Lucifer got to work on the auxiliary feathers, the lighter feathers were definitely in better shape, but then again that wasn’t exactly a high bar, and they still were looking rough.
“Jesus was prob’bly taught how to preen himself.”
Lucifer’s shoulders hitched as his wings tucked in against his back abruptly. Jesus… was a rough topic. For all sinners talked about him, Lucifer never met him but from the sinners around that time… it was never a fun conversation. Pretentious once kings cursing his name while hopeless commoners lined up for the exorcists blade, faithful until the end that Jesus would let them into heaven if they just believed in him.
… there was a pattern in there, wasn’t there. Like father like son, he supposed.
“Jesus was made from me and yet he’s God’s favourite fukin kid, course he’d fucking know how to preen,” Adam continued unimpeded, “Doesn’t matter if I was Gods first- Jesus was always fucking better than me.”
Okay! Lucifer was in no way prepared for this conversation, but he highly doubted Adam was even going to remember this conversation, so he just focused on the wings.
“…Luci, do they all hate me?”
Lucifer sincerely wished Anthony, or just anyone really would bust down the door at this moment, at least then he could get himself out of this conversation.
“Why do you think that?” the seraphim deflected, moving onto Adam’s good wing and going through his coverts.
“Because none of them ever fucking did this,” Adam waved his hand haphazardly before letting it rest on his chest, “You’re my enemy but you’re fixin’ my fu’kin wings because I’m too stupid and useless to just figure it out myself.”
“Not useless,” The words left Lucifer’s lips without his input, damn himself to double hell, but it managed to shut up Adam, so he kept on the thought train, “You’re not useless you were just never taught, it’s not your fault heaven doesn’t think.”
“Is God’s prodigal son and shouldn’t be counted.”
Adam huffed and leaned back on the pillow, “Why’re you good at this?”
“I’ve had aeon’s to learn, and over a decade of putting it in practice,” Lucifer thought about his daughter, a small smile making it’s way into his expression, she really was the best thing to happen to him.
He finished up with Adams good wing and moved onto finishing off the wrecked one. Applying the disinfectant to the infected spots on the underside before reaching for the preening oil again.
“Y’know, maybe in another life we would’ve hated each other less.”
Lucifer just laughed and started preening the wing, yeah right, maybe in a reality where the apple incident never happened, “You’re sick Adam, feverish even.”
“And you’re a wife-stealer.”
“Should have been better in bed.”
“Fuck you,”
Lucifer stuck his tongue out at the first man, earning a tired chuckle. Then the seraphim blinked at the sudden warmth radiating out from the feathers. What in the-?
“Oh… they haven’t done that in a while.”
Lucifer blinked up at Adam who was staring at his feathers in amazement, “Ackde-whuh?”
Adam leaned back and closed his eyes, “Yeah… sometimes they just get warm all of a sudden it’s weird. Hasn’t happened in a while though. Apparently it sometimes happened when Lute was around? I dunno why.”
Lucifer blinked a couple of times before letting out a small “huh” and running a hand through the ruined wing, it was definitely warmer.
Sighing, Lucifer let his hand fall away despite the wing chasing it, “Alright well your wings are definitely cleaner now, so I’ll be out of your hair now.”
The seraphim stood up to leave through the balcony, opening the window and almost stepping out when Adam called after him, still sounding exhausted.
“I can see why they left me for you.”
Lucifer paused, before smiling sardonically and looking back at Adam, who looked like he might have just passed out.
“Tell me that when you’re not delusional from illness and I might believe you.”
With that, Lucifer stepped out and left for his own room… though, if Adam woke up to a small plush duck on his nightstand, that was between Lucifer and the god that cast him down.
But there is one thing Lucifer will admit.
Maybe Charlie wasn't wrong about thinking Adam could be redeemed.
@sleepy-hijinx @whatataha @cyborg0109 @birbisanon @legogator @overlord-rey @luckyburgerz @spiny-dogfishes @justakidicarus
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bi-bard · 1 month
On My Line, You’re Hooked, I’m Fishin’ - Scott Imagine [Twisters]
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Title: On My Line, You’re Hooked, I’m Fishin’
Pairing: Scott [Twisters] X Reader
Word Count: 3,126 words
Warning(s): argument, grabbing someone's wrist
Summary: [Somewhat inspired by "Too Easy" by Tanner Adell] When a new company rolls into town during tornado season, Tyler's team is curious. Perfect uniforms, all looking ready for picture wasn't exactly the normal look for tornado chasing. (Y/n) volunteers to be the one to gather some much-needed intel, doing whatever they need to in order to get it.
Author's Note: I have about five Twisters imagines in my drafts right now.
Listen. I'm have something cute about this guy in my drafts, but he pissed me off in this movie, so I have to get that shit out first. It's part of my process.
There was always a lot of energy during tornado season, but nothing beat the feelings on those first few days.
There was all this hope. This adrenaline going for something that hadn't even happened yet. A little while in, you would get an idea about how the season was going to go. The not-knowing before that was the best part. Endless possibilities and all that.
All that to explain that it felt normal for our team to be jumping off the walls like kids in a candy shop when we first all made it to Oklahoma.
Boone and Tyler were sorting out the truck. Dexter and Dani were making sure the trailer was stocked with merch and food for those who needed it. I hadn't been given a task, so I was left to pretty much my own devices. As a result, Lily was left working on her drone while I talked her ear off. She didn't seem to mind it.
I looked up over her head to see a group of white trucks and vans pulling up. Nice ones. Clean, new. I saw the logo slapped on the side.
"What in the hell is Storm Par," I asked.
"What?" Lily looked at me before immediately turning to the other vehicles. "No idea."
"Hey, Tyler!" I walked over to the truck.
"What's going on? Sugar high crashing?"
"Very funny," I replied before pointing to the white vehicles. "Who's Storm Par?"
He furrowed his eyebrows. "No idea. Look like a big corporation."
A group of men started climbing out of the vehicles.
"Woah," he muttered.
"Proper science fair dudes," I commented. "Bet you twenty bucks that they have pocket protectors."
Tyler reached out and whacked my shoulder. "Be nice."
"Fine," I grumbled as he turned back to the truck.
I caught one of the men staring at me. He was tall and seemed to have a completely emotionless face. His clothes were neat, perfectly pressed. When he saw that I had noticed him, he had turned away from me, going to follow his team into the gas station.
"Want me to get intel?"
Tyler chuckled. "Intel? What year do you think it is? We can look them up tonight."
"Yeah, but I just caught one of their boys staring at me," I explained. "Let me do it; it'll kill two birds with one stone."
I heard Boone laugh from the other side of the truck. "I love the way you think!"
"Thanks, Boone."
"Alright, fine," Tyler relented. "But hurry up, we gotta get going."
"Thank you," I said. "Anyone want a drink?"
"Get me a Mountain Dew!" Boone called. I pointed at him and nodded.
"Be back in a minute!"
I walked back to the fridges along the back wall. I saw the man who had stared at me was now standing by the fridges.
I stood next to him. "Hey there."
He didn't respond, just staring straight ahead at the fridge. I had to hold in my laugh as I stepped forward to grab two Mountain Dews.
"Did Storm Par put a ban on talking to other tornado chasers," I asked. He didn't reply again. "Or are you just scared? Promise I don't bite."
"I'm not scared," he replied.
"Oh my goodness, he speaks." I placed a hand over my chest to pretend to be shocked. I chuckled at his clearly unimpressed expression before holding my hand out. "(Y/n)."
"Scott." he shook my hand before very quickly pulling it back.
"Nice to meet you, Scott," I said. "So, what exactly is Storm Par?"
"We track tornados so the data can be used for research."
"Real specific there," I chuckled at him. "What kind of research?"
He didn't respond.
"Oh, come on, I'm not gonna steal your ideas."
"I'm not worried about it."
"Are you worried that I won't understand it? I'm smarter than I look."
He let out an amused huff before grabbing a water and starting to walk to the checkout. I followed him.
"Maybe you could explain it to me later then," I suggested, hopping in front of him just before he got in line. I smiled at his blank look. "Tonight. There's a bar not too far from here, right next to a hotel that our crew's staying at; I'll buy you a drink."
I watched as his eyes scanned me for a moment. It looked like he was trying to figure out whether or not I was tricking him. I was almost hurt. I mean, I was tricking him, but not in the way that he was assuming.
I turned around to pay for my drinks, so I could step out of the way.
"Come on," I pushed before rattling off the name of the bar. "Meet me there tonight. One drink. If I'm that bad of company, then you can leave and I won't complain once. I'll even try to stay out of your hair during the chases."
Scott took a deep breath. "Fine."
"Yes," I cheered out of mostly fake excitement. "You won't regret this."
"I hope not."
I reached out and fiddled with a button on his white shirt. Far too perfect to be out there chasing storms. "Can't wait to see how well your perfect uniforms last out there."
I stepped back, not missing how his eyes followed my hand.
"See you later, Fancy Pants!" I waved as I started running back out to Tyler's truck.
"How'd it go," Tyler asked as I hopped into the passenger seat.
"Didn't get much," I admitted, handing Boone his drink before buckling up. "But I did get him to say yes to meeting me for a drink later."
"Atta kid!" Boone clapped his hand over my shoulder.
"I know, I know, a miracle worker," I replied. "Ready to get out there?"
"Absolutely," Tyler said.
The rest of the day went so much faster than it had any right to.
We saw Storm Par a lot. It took everything in me to not be a bit of a dick when we passed them. I did wave once when I spotted Scott in the passenger seat of one of the trucks. He nodded at me in an awkward greeting, which led to him getting a bit of a weird look from the man who was driving.
"What are you doing?" Tyler laughed as I relaxed back into my seat.
"Playing with the food," Boone answered before I could, causing me to laugh loudly.
"I was gonna say 'being friendly', but that's better," I said.
Maybe that was the excitement of it all messing with my head, but it felt like it took a matter of minutes before we found ourselves driving to the bar that I had told Scott to meet me at.
I walked in ahead of the group, trying to keep from laughing at the comments that Boone was shouting over my shoulder.
I saw some of the other guys from Storm Par at a table together. At the actual bar was Scott. He looked a bit tense, almost disheartened. I started to wonder just how long he had been there. Had I kept him waiting? Did he think that I stood him up? Was that the face of stubbornness just before calling the night a bust and going back to wherever he was staying?
I guess it didn't matter now. I couldn't back out.
"Fancy pants!" I called before walking over quickly. He seemed startled as I plopped onto the barstool next to him. "How was your day?"
"You should know, you were there for most of it," he replied.
"Was that a joke or are you just annoyed with me," I asked.
"Guess you'll have to figure it out." he shrugged. I saw a small grin form as he took a sip of his drink.
I let out a scoff. "Wow, Fancy Pants is bold now. A couple of sips is all it took?"
Scott rolled his eyes. The bartender walked over to us. I just asked for the same of whatever Scott had been drinking before focusing back on the conversation.
"The uniform held up well, I see." I pulled lightly at one of the white sleeves of his shirt. "Research must not be as hands-on as I thought it was."
"We do the same thing your crew does," he argued.
"With a bigger paycheck, I'm sure," I replied.
"Our work is a bit more important."
"And what work is that?"
"Why don't you tell me about yours first?" he smirked at me before taking another sip of his drink.
He thought it was clever. I could tell. Avoid my question by focusing the attention back on me. In any other situation, it would have screwed me out of the information that I needed.
But in this one... it was a mistake.
Here's the thing: I could talk. I could go on and on for hours about absolute nonsense. I could go from story to story without taking a breath.
And I did.
I told him about all the work that we had done to help people. About digging through the destroyed debris to try and find some pieces of people's lives. About making bundles of food. Then, I just started telling stories about every funny or weird moment that had happened since I had joined Tyler's crew.
The time that I burned served me well. Scott relaxed. Whether that was a result of his drink or simply because I was earning his trust was a mystery to me. I didn't bother focusing on which it was.
"Alright, alright," I said. "That's enough about what I do. Tell me about Storm Par."
"I told you; we collect data for future tornado research," Scott replied.
"Oh, come on." I rolled my eyes. "I mean, not to be rude, but I've seen your team. You're all a bit young to be jumping into research all on your own. And Storm Par doesn't sound like a company attached to a college."
"No, no, we're a private company," he explained. "We've had some luck finding a few really interested investors."
"The biggest one is Marshall Riggs. He's a big-name real estate guy."
I couldn't quite put the pieces together at the time, but I felt a pit in my stomach. Unease that formed all too fast. "What would a real estate guy want with tornado research?"
"He's helping people," Scott's response felt like an attempt to twist an image that hadn't even been made yet. "He uses it to find people that have lost their homes and businesses and such and he buys them. It allows those people to move forward with their lives without having to wait for insurance to make a call on it."
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Doesn't a disaster usually force the prices down for land?"
"I mean, it's lower than the normal price. It's not like he's buying this land up for five dollars and a pack of gum."
"What other aid does Storm Par offer them then, if they're getting rid of their homes and land?"
"Our investors focus funds on the research."
"So no?"
"So we're focused on the bigger picture. More long-term consequences."
I took the subtlest deep breath that I could. "I see."
I looked down at my watch.
"Oh, look at that, it's a lot later than I thought," I said, completely lying through my teeth. "We have to head out early in the morning."
I handed my card to the bartender, muttering for him to just cover both of our drinks.
"I can walk you out," Scott replied.
"Yeah, sure, okay," I mumbled, scribbling down a tip and putting my card away.
I followed Scott outside, letting him hold the door open. I wanted to seem less tense than I was. I was doubting how well it was working, but all I needed was for it to be good enough to get out of there without being questioned, so who really cares?
We made it outside. I was about to insist that we go our separate ways for the night, but he cut me off.
"You were right," Scott said. "Didn't regret that."
"Oh, good," I replied. I may have regretted it.
There was a long pause. Scott went to step closer to me. I almost scrambled back before he could, forcing out a chuckle.
"Well, I should go." I shrugged, continuing to walk backward before eventually turning around and just calling to him over my shoulder. "Have a good night. Stay safe. See you around, fancy pants!"
A few minutes later, I was knocking on Tyler's door like I was a landlord looking for late rent.
"(Y/n), what the hell are you doing," he asked as he yanked the door open. "You're gonna piss off somebody."
"I'm already a bit pissed, so maybe it'll do some good to share the suffering," I replied before shoving my way past him. "I have answers."
"About Storm Par?"
"No about what Scott likes to do on a nice summer day- Yes about Storm Par!"
"You are grumpy when it's late." he sat down on the edge of his bed.
"Shut up," I slapped his shoulder. "I found out about Storm Par's funding."
"So, yes, they do research and track the storms and report that data back to their investors," I explained. "The problem is that their major investor is named Marshall Riggs, who has apparently made quite a name for himself in real estate."
"What would he want with it?"
"Well, he's going to the places impacted by the storms and buying up land from people who lose their homes and businesses and stuff. He's apparently spinning some story that he's allowing people to move forward with their lives, but come on, he's just using this information to get his hands on cheap land."
"Do you know what he's doing with the land?"
"I didn't ask."
"Storm Par is giving this man power to do some real harm here."
"I know, I know."
"So, what are we gonna do," I asked, looking at Tyler again.
"I... I don't know," he replied, running his hand over his face.
"We can't just let him keep doing this!"
"(Y/n)," he sighed. "I don't even know if this guy is doing something that's technically illegal-"
"It's still wrong!" I snapped at him.
"I know!"
I froze.
"But whatever we do won't stop him. He'll keep preying on desperate people and whatever we say won't change what impact he might have on them. They're desperate, they think they're alone."
"So we just do nothing?"
"No." Tyler shook his head. "What we can do is continue helping people."
I nodded. "I just... I feel like there's just so much more that we could do."
"In a perfect world, we would be able to speak out and it would stop him." he shrugged. "It would make him give up and walk off with his tail between his legs. But we can't. We just have to do what we can."
I took a deep breath. Tyler pulled me into a hug.
"We're doing good work. And we'll only earn more outreach. We'll continue to do better."
I stepped back. "I'm still going to be an asshole tomorrow."
"Just don't end up dead or in jail."
"I'll do my best," I shrugged before going to walk out. "Good night!"
"Night!" he called out after me.
I was hoping that the next morning would have been mostly calm. That we would get out into the field before Storm Par or vice versa. Something to keep me from having to face Scott for just a few more hours.
I was walking back to the truck after picking up some breakfast. I was occupied with my own thoughts. I was still upset. I was still fighting the urge to go scream from the rooftops about Marshall Riggs and the bullshit he was doing.
I considered sprinting to the truck when I heard Scott say my name. I just wasn't feeling mean enough to do that... yet.
"Scott," I said as I turned around. "How are ya?"
"Good, good, what about you?"
"I'm fine, just busy," I replied, going to step away. "Heading out early and all."
Scott stepped forward. "I was hoping to ask if you wanted to meet again tonight. Maybe dinner instead of a drink."
"I... I don't think that'd be a good idea."
His face fell. "Oh... why?"
"I just don't think we clicked like I thought we would." the goal was to maintain the peace until the end of the season. "But hey, we tried it, that's what matters. I'll... I'll see you out there."
"Did I... Did I do something wrong?"
"Nope, you were just fine. Just didn't work."
I turned to walk away but was stopped when Scott grabbed my wrist. "I don't believe that."
I yanked my arm from him. "Don't ever fucking grab me again."
"I just want the truth."
"I told you the truth." I turned away again.
I was grabbed again. "Just wait-"
I pulled my arm away and shoved him backward. "I fucking warned you to not grab me like that again."
He seemed to still be reeling from the fact that I shoved him.
"You want the truth? Fine," I shrugged. "I find your company and what it stands for to be completely despicable. I think it's disgusting that y'all would accept money to help a man take advantage of innocent people. I think it's disgusting that you don't seem to give a damn about it. If I could tear your company down, I would, but in reality, my words would never stop you or your damn investors. And I hope that one day you wake up, look in the mirror, and feel the crushing pain of all those that you helped that man manipulate."
Scott stepped forward, a response clearly ready, but he looked over my shoulder and froze.
"(Y/n), you good?" I heard Tyler's voice call over to me.
"Yeah," I yelled over my shoulder. "Just having a quick chat!"
I stepped away again, walking as quickly as I could to make it over to him and the rest of the crew.
"Didn't end up in jail," I offered, trying to look at the bright side.
"I almost did," he muttered. "Get in the truck."
I did a little salute to him before going around to the passenger seat. I saw Tyler stare down Scott for a few more seconds before hopping in the driver's seat.
Maybe there was some argument to be made about the benefits of killing someone with kindness. But that just wasn't how I operated. And I think I'm better off that way.
Everything - @geeksareunique
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Concussed In Love // Jake Seresin
Summary: When Bradley & Jake take their playful banter to a new level, Jake ends up with a concussion. Bradley knows all to well the hell he just created when he knows there’s a pretty good chance you’ll be your fiancés attending ER nurse.
Warnings: Inaccurate medical lingo. Jake Seresin x F!reader. Mentions on blood & mild head trauma.
Word Count: 3.3k
Author Note: Happy Sunday! Here’s an attempt at some fluff on fluff on fluff.
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The moment Bradley Bradshaw witnessed Jake Seresins' egotistical and slightly overbearing head collide with a crack against the pavement, he knew there would be ramifications to his actions. 
What started as a normal, average, run of the mill argument for the plot quickly escalated into something a little more serious. Rooster was determined to put Jake in his place after a game of pool— even if it had just started like any other argument they ever had over the last few months, simply play. All talk no action—all bark no bite. 
But when Jake rolled over, an agonising groan left his parted lips as his eyes squeezed shut to keep any form of light out. Bradley felt all the adrenaline in his body cores through his veins, he felt the blood pumping to his head so quickly he thought he was going to pass the fuck out. 
“Hangman, you good? I didn’t mean to—“ But there it was, the dark crimson blood had begun to pool on the ground behind Jake's head. In the moment Rooster felt his heart sink out of his arse—the arse you were surely going to beat for this. “Holy shit you're bleeding.” Bradley’s voice was full of concern for his now bleeding Wingman as he laid on the ground just outside the Hard Deck. 
Bradley didn’t know what to do, with all his emergency response training nothing seemed to want to kick in as he looked down at Jake bleeding on the pavement after losing his footing in the skuffle the pair had just had. So Rooster reached into his back pocket for his phone to call the only person he knew would actually be able to help him in his current situation, You, Jake's long-term girlfriend and recently announced fiancée. 
You were an Emergency Room nurse and were the most qualified to help Jake more than the average person probably was. You worked well under pressure and would know exactly how to handle Jake’s current state of mind. Before Bradley could connect the call Jake's hand wrapped around his ankle, it was like he knew what his bird brain best friend was about to do as he pulled his attention to his wingman. When Bradley looked down again he saw Jake trying to sit up. 
“Rooster, I swear if you call Y/n I'll kill you before she has the chance to kill you herself.” Bradley couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Jake definitely had a grade A concussion. Rooster was a deadman walking, he knew it. 
“Jake, are you kidding me! you’re BLEEDING from your fucking head!” Bradley ran his hands through his hair unable to register properly what was going on. “You can’t be serious right now—” 
“Bradshaw we both know she’ll skin you alive for causing such a drama, not to mention she’s at work!” There was a moment of silence as Jake tried to stop his head from spinning as he bent his legs and placed his elbows on his knees. “Just take me home, I’m fine.” Jake was adamant about the fact he was fine. He didn’t want to worry you, he didn’t want to bother you at work. You were the better half of Jake Hangman Seresin and didn’t he know it. To worry you would be a disservice on your ability to help others. 
“Hangman, I don’t think it's that quick of a fix this time, you’re bleeding pretty bad, you might have a concussion and judging by the gash man you need actual stitches.” Bradley was frantically pacing back and forth around the front of the Hard Deck, Jake  fumbled down onto the outdoor couch as he tried to stand, his fingers went to touch the throbbing area on the side of his head. As Jake looked at his blood covered fingers it didn’t take long to convince him he needed something to help stop the bleeding. 
Yep. He’d cooked the goose pretty bad this time.
“Can you go get the super glue from the first aid kit behind the bar? Shits not stopping.” He mumbled as he struggled to keep his eyes open, feeling extremely tired and weak all of a sudden. It wasn’t often Jake Seresin was ever knocked on his arse, but Rooster had surely done a number on him this time. 
Jake was definitely going to have to get him back for this. A sudden ant infestation in his Bronco would do it. But that was a revenge plan for another day. When he tried to stand Jake fell straight back to the ground. His knees felt weak and the world around him refused to steady. You were his anchor—even your unconditional love was no match for this concussion. 
“Jake, I'm taking you to the ER.” It wasn’t exactly how Bradley planned his afternoon going and it surely wasn’t what Jake had in mind for his weekend off but he couldn’t help but grin as a light chuckle left his lips. “What's so funny, what could possibly be making you laugh right now? you're most likely concussed and I’m about to be buried alive!” Bradley asks through a frustrated sigh as he helped Jake up off the ground with a gruff over to the Bronco, being careful to hold Jake's head so the blood wouldn’t run down any further on his face. It was to no avail though. Blood was everywhere—Jake would be out of action for at least a solid week because of this. Rooster was never going to hear the bloody end of it either. 
Jake just chuckled to himself, he loved you so much, you were his absolute best friend but even with a pretty good head knock he knew Rooster was in for it. So Jake grinned ear to bloody ear as he laughed softly in his best friend's face as he was haphazardly carried to the Bronco. 
“My wife is gonna kill you.” 
“Roo?” Jake grumbled from the passenger’s seat softly as he leaned his head against the cold window, fighting to keep his eyes open as blood smeared everywhere. 
“Yeah Jake?” It was going to take Bradley ages to remove the blood that had soaked into his seat cushion. 
“Y/n’s not gonna wanna marry me now I’m broken.” The sentence that came from his wingman's mouth really stunned Bradley, he wasn’t sure how to respond to such a ridiculous statement. But it kind of broke his heart a little to hear at the same time. 
“Jake Y/n would marry you regardless, besides your not broken just concussed, maybe—“ 
“She always tells me her biggest fear is seeing me on one of her ER beds, Rooster. She's gonna hate me, won't wanna marry me anymore.” Jake reached out for the plain silver ring hanging from his dog tags, you had given him the simple yet sentimental ring one month into your engagement “I wanted to give you something just as special bub.” Jake could remember you saying as he opened the tiny ring box, your hands were massaging his shoulders from behind. “I got such a pretty ring, you deserved something too.” 
Bradley couldn’t help but feel partly responsible for the way Jake was feeling right now, he was just as worried about your reaction when they would arrive, although Bradley adored you like his own sister, you scared the bejeebers out of him when you were angry.
You were normally a quiet person—well mannered and reserved. In most ways you were the complete opposite to Jake Seresin, with his loud personality and all in attitude. But sometimes you just needed to remind the six foot hooligans you loved so much that they were in fact mortal men. 
You spent a lot of your time seeing some of the world’s most unholy injuries, you would make it very known that you were unimpressed with the shenanigans the two aviators would get up to sometimes. As Bradley drove your now concussed fiance closer and closer to the hospital, all he could hear in his mind was you saying— “One day you’ll be sitting in my ER Bradshaw and ill flog the ever living fuck out of you for whatever reason it may be, and YOU Jake aren’t untouchable either, I want a LONG life with you! don’t you dare cut it short by being stupid!” You knew there wasn’t an awful lot you could do about his career and the dangers that came along with it—but you would be damned if you were going to lose the love of your life to something like a petty tussle outside of the Hard Deck. 
To say the very least, Bradley was terrified of seeing you, hoping for a miracle that for some unknown reason Jake wouldn’t be placed in his own fiancée’s care. It was like he was begging his own guardian angels to look after him, even if they had already turned their backs on him and dusted their hands the second Jake's head hit the ground. This wasn’t their problem to fix. 
“You’ll be alright Hangman, Y/n loves you too much to ever truly hate you, that’s something I'll bet my life on.”
“If I know my girl you won’t have a life to bet on for very long, Rooster—“ To be clear, this was entirely Bradley Bradshaw's fault. He just didn’t feel it was entirely necessary to have to be reminded every five minutes. 
In the middle of your break, your only chance to sit during your twelve hour shift– you were interrupted mid-sip of your triple shot coffee. “Paging nurse Y/L/N to ER one, paging nurse Y/L/N to ER one thankyou.” You let out a frustrated moan that came from the back of your throat as you left the quiet tranquillity of the breakroom. It wasn't often at all that you got a break, and even if you were frustrated–you understood your services were needed. Someone needed you. 
“This better be good” You thought to yourself as you walked down the hall in a huff, swiping your name tag hanging from your hip that looped into your scrubs which opened the automatic doors. They lead you right to the ER section of the hospital.
“Ronda–” You whined as you leaned on your elbows on the reception desk. “This better be life-threatening or I'll be threatening you.” You joked as you took the file from Ronda who was already holding in the air for you– she was far too busy to even look up at you from her computer screen.
“Room one if you didn’t hear, Lieutenant Jake Seresin, suspected concussion with laceration–” She mumbled as she typed away on the next report. Your heart sank to the bottom of your stomach, that was your Jake, your Jake was Lieutenant Jake Seresin. Why was he here? What had he done that caused him to need an Emergency Room trip. Your mind was racing a thousand miles an hour and in all your thoughts you never once thought to open the file now shaking in your grasp.
“Did you say Jake Seresin? That’s my fiancée, why is he here?” All the questions in the world were flying a hundred and ten miles out of your mouth. “Ronda, did you see him? Did you notice if he was, hmm I don't know severely hurt!!” You were off in a minute, racing towards ER one where you immediately noticed Bradley talking to a nurse, your co-worked Sally. 
“We’re just waiting on the head nurse, last time I checked she was on her break but should be here any moment.” Sally caught the sight of a panicked you running down the hall, the file you were carrying crumbled under the weight of your fisted hand. “Ah, here she is now.” The look of pure terror that took over Bradley’s face when he saw you rushing towards him in your scrubs immediately told you he was involved with this little excursion. He tried turning to make a quick getaway but wasn’t fast enough. You outstretched your arm to grab Bradley by the back of his Hawaiian collar.
“Not so fast Bradshaw, What did you do and why am I carrying Jake's file in my hand right now!!” You whisper-yelled through gritted teeth. He looked pale, all the colour had been sucked from his complexion as he started stuttering.
“Y/n it isn't as b-bad as you think, he’s going to live j-just a little–”
“Rooster! What happened!” You released him from your grip, although Bradley was ten times bigger than you and ten times stronger than you, you had always been the thing of nightmares when you were angry. 
“We were messing around, shooting a few trick shots at the pool table when we got a bit too intense.” Bradley rubbed at the back of his head as he followed you into the closed-off waiting room where Jake was sitting up on the bed hoping his fiancée wasn’t assigned his case, not wanting to burden you or cause you any more stress than need be. “I pushed him off me when we were arguing in the lot out the front but he stumbled back a bit and hit his head on the concrete, I’m really sorry Y/n we were just–”
“Messing around, yeah I got that part, Rooster.” You shot him a look he wished he would never have to see again, he could see why Jake loved you so dearly, you were the most caring, kind and compassionate women they both knew but something about your fiery attitude got Jake all hot and bothered. “Hi honey, what have you done to yourself?” Your tone instantly calmed seeing him still alive. Your soon to be husband, the love of your life. 
“Babe, I think I’m hurt.” Jake whimpered as he touched his head, it was clear he had lost enough blood to make him feel groggy. “Can you help me?” You couldn’t help but smirk as you gently caressed his blood-stained cheek. Jake, albeit strong headed, sometimes arrogant and obnoxiously intelligent, was the softest soul you had ever met. 
He swept you off your feet one afternoon when he’d come to check in on two of his squadron buddies that you had been overseeing for observations after a pretty eventful training accident a few years ago. Phoenix still to this day thought it was egomaniacal of Jake to hit on the attending nurse who was making sure she didn't have any life threatening injuries–you however, well, you thought it was quite endearing. 
“I know babe but i'll fix you up yeah? Just have to take a look at you first.” Jake’s face fell dramatically, his eyes trained so heavily on your bluish coloured scrubs. 
“Is that? Is that my blood?” He questioned as he reached out to touch it before you took a step back.
“No hun it's not yours, it's just old stains, now will you let me look at your head?” Jake nodded slowly, any slight movement made his head spin. “Oh Jake, honey when will you learn?”
 “T’wasn’t me darlin’, Bradshaw did it.” He mumbled almost incoherently. You couldn't help but to feel bad for the guy, he looked so defeated, you'd never seen Jake like this before and it just broke your heart. “He hit me.” It came out almost like an alleged allegation.  
“Oh okay just blame it all on me! like you weren’t the one who star–” Bradley didn't get through half of what he wanted to say before you turned to look at him over your shoulder. He could have died on the spot at the look you gave him. He pressed his lips together so tight his moustache ate his bottom lip. He was in so much trouble, he felt like a kid again, being shouted at by Carole for drawing on the white walls with red crayons. 
“Rooster, don’t you dare think about yelling at him while he’s like this!” You fired as you looked over your shoulder. He’d turned on his heels to avoid your glare–focusing his attention to the first thing he could focus on which had been the bandages and medical supplies sitting on your trolley. 
“Should’ve heard the stuff he was rambling on about in the car Y/n he’s so scared you’re not going to marry him now he’s quote-unquote broken.” Your heart warmed as you cleaned Jake's head, trying to minimise the pain as much as you possibly could as you cleaned it with antiseptic and saline. 
“Jake–” You sighed “I'll always love you, regardless if you’re an idiot, you're the love of my life, see?” As you slowly and ever so gently pulled your hand away from Jake's face, you held her left hand up after degloving to show him the ring you wore around her finger.
“You wear it at work?” Jake questioned, eyes shining and full of love. You took it off during most of your shift. You had a plain simple chain that you would hoop it through but on your break you had placed it back on your finger. 
“Course I do, never take it off Jake, now hold still while I fix you up yeah? Need some stitches put in.” You were gentle and calm, never hesitating from the first stitch to the last. Jake  whimpers filling the room as Bradley watched on with a guilt ridden conscience.
“Roo, he’s really concussed alright I’d really appreciate it if you got him home and into bed yeah. But don’t let him sleep until he’s responding fluently like he normally does so you’ll have to keep an eye on him for a little while.” Jake had never looked sadder as you stood between his legs. It would have been inappropriate for any other patient to hold your hips and keep you close but this was your Jake, your Hangman. 
“You’re not coming home with me?” He pouted with emerald green pools of despair. “Oh god this is it you’re really leaving me aren’t you.” Jake's voice was the saddest you'd ever heard. He really believed you were mad at him, that you were leaving him for a bump on the head.
“No honey, you're just concussed. I'll be home in a few hours, gotta finish up here first, deal with more idiots like yourself–” But Jake wasn’t buying it, he held your hips tighter before he pulled you into a tight hug.
“I'll never let you go.” He whispered in your ear, a smile took over your face almost instantly as Bradle captured the moment  on his phone, most likely to blackmail your fiancé at a later date and to show the rest of the Daggers who were still waiting on an update. “I love you, with all my heart.” He said calmly before placing a gentle peck on your cheek.
“Paging nurse Y/L/N to trauma room three, nurse Y/L/N to trauma room three–” A loud voice came over the speaker causing Jake to shutter from the echoes in his head. You simply gave him a soft kiss against his forehead, whispering an angelic “I love you.” Before turning to Bradley.
“Just so you know you aren’t off the hook yet Bradshaw, you can bet your life ill flog the fuck outta you.” You raised your hand pointing directly at once again pale Bradley “Get him home before I change my mind and beat your ass right here.” You proclaimed before rushing out of the room to attend to your next not so handsome patient, leaving Bradley to take care of a concussed Jake, which he had coincidentally caused.
“Come on Jake, let's get you home” Bradley said, wrapping his arm under and around Jake  as they walked out of the room.
“You’re not as pretty as my wife Rooster, I'd rather have her take care of me.” Bradley couldn’t help but laugh.
“She's not your wife yet Jake, but she will be soon and she’ll always be around to take care of you.”
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colourstreakgryffin · 6 months
If we saw how Charlie and Alastor reacted to Rarity like!reader and Pinkie Pie like!reader,maybe a Fluttershy like!reader x Husk??
Idk I think they would be cute together
Haha. Awww, I can just imagine Husk carrying us away whilst we’re crying in fear over Charlie borrowing our little animal friends for the Hotel briefly! Needless to say, this is actually the cutest and one of my favourite MLP-Hazbin mix-couples/duos so far! And again, kinda short!
Husk- Glass Barfly
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As I stated previously, Husk is a sweetheart of a lover and his patience is quite high so trust me. He can handle his precious timid helpless little girlfriend better than anybody else. Somebody who is so shy yet kind that she hides behind him for support, he is quite good
Of course, Husk can’t help but instinctively treat you like glass. The most beautiful glass figure he’s ever found. He knows what to do with you
Husk is emotionally intelligent and able to recognise problems very well. So, he can recognise your antisociality and your fear over coming off as a fool, for that, he’ll slowly and carefully push you into pushing your own boundaries for your own good
Husk is getting better and better with your animal friends. He isn’t perfect but he doesn’t ever harm them… well, not on purpose. He’s growing to handle how many they are and how often you carry around your hot-tempered bratty bunny, Devil
Husk finds you precious and he’d beat the shit out of Alastor with the bar itself to protect you. You’re a little fragile butterfly, a charming doll of kindness that loves her animals. It’s natural that he adores every fibre of your being. Others may get annoyed with your shyness, he doesn’t
You can fly like Husk and have wings like him. He is lazy and dislikes flying but he will fly to encourage you to use your wings more. They are soft and beautiful, you deserve to be able to rely on them. He wants you feel comfortable so he will make it that you are. Luckily, he always succeeds
Husk is quite proud everytime you stand up for yourself or you do something you’d never normally do without his push. You’re learning, you’re growing! He can’t help but feel his heart swell at it and he showers you with praise and pride as soon as he can
Husk is learning to be a good person whilst you’re learning to be more confident. You’re helping each other and for that, you’re both quite dedicated to each other. Husk is your armour but you’re his heart
Husk knows you like the functions of a roulette game. He knows when your patience has been pushed too far and when you’re willing to be firm, if not cruel and harsh, and when that happens. He doesn’t even try sway you, he steps back and waits for you to cool down before calming you even more
Husk is always covered in your animal friends. And always means always! He has birds, squirrels, bunnies, butterflies, all kinds of Hell animals following him about the Hotel and he knows that they like him as much as they like you
Husk enjoys snuggling you in bed after work hours. Wings perked overs yours and laid over your back. You’re warm, you’re safe and you’re covered in soft fur. Both you and him like this so every night. You hop into the bed you share with Husk and he hops on top of you
Husk is the only one who can and will hear you in your whole singing glory. You’re way too insecure to sing around anybody else and it took some time for you to be comfortable with him but now that you are, you feel confident and safe singing around him
Yep. Husk got you a cute ring with a pink butterfly-shaped gemstone in the middle. It’s, to you, a sign that he is your safe spot and always is your safe spot. The one you can not be so frightened of embarrassing yourself with, somebody you can lean on and feel supported with
Husk knows about your crippling fear of social situations and how easy it is to embarrass you so you two regularly just spend time together and not ever go out, not until you actually feel okay with it. But of course, you’ll always do stuff for him too. You both give and take from one another
If it is my choice, y’all are engaged
“Leitora, butterfly. Don’t worry, the little buds will be okay. Do you want to go back to our bedroom, we don’t have to watch anything Charlie does with ‘em”
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queenendless · 4 months
A/n: Short fic. Cause I miss my bird baby. AU TIME based off World Heroes Mission. Hawks/Keigo Takami x Adult!Fem!Reader.
DO NOT REPOST, TRANSLATE, PLAGARIZE, COPY, EDIT, AND/OR STEAL MY FANFIC WORK. If you enjoy my fan content, then reblog, like, comment, n follow pls n thnx u.
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Keigo Takami.
The #2 Hero.
The Winged man that goes too fast in his line of work and in life.
Yet every time he stops by your place; your shared place, he goes at a somewhat normal pace. The norm of being with you made him want to relish in every moment spent together.
Letting the balcony doors open to let out the steam of cooking was one thing. Being his personal doorway in was the better fun option.
The place was always cozy and warm when it's you two.
But dating a pro means lots of patrols, late nights handling cases, and dangerous missions facing criminals and villains from all walks of life.
Like right now.
The worldwide operation of defeating the terrorist cult organization Humarise from activating their Trigger bombs designed to release gas that drives all Quirk users who inhale the gas to go berserk as their chemically enhanced powers toxically overwhelm them.
The World Heroes Association mobilized heroes around the world to seize those bombs along with every member and ally of the group.
Thankfully, the bombs were defused.
The world was averted from disaster.
Despite the official reports the news covered on the event, in your heart, you knew there was more to it.
So you felt your heart soar over the moon when the sight of red and yellow was caught from the corner of your eye by the balcony.
“Hey baby bird.”
Standing right there outside, he bowed to you, a gloved hand offered to you.
“Miss me?”
Your feet moved on their own. Water clouded your eyes. He caught your running self jumping into his arms with ease, swinging you side by side, gently squeezing you in kind.
“I did.” You mumbled in his neck, kissing his skin showing there, feeling his warm beating pulse against your lips.
“I missed you too. So damn much.” His stubbled chin brushed your cheek before planting several smooches there.
The anxious tension filling his heart ever since this Humarise operation began would not rest until he saw you again with his own eyes. And it did.
“Congrats on the success of your mission.” Your proud smile beamed up at him, earning a blush tinting his ears, his neck, and his cheeks.
His bashful grin rewarded you. “Thanks. It was a worldwide team effort, though.”
“I love you Kei.” Your tight squeeze of a hug made your birdman wheeze out at the surprising strength it held.
His wings surrounded you as he squeezed you right back. “I love you too, Y/n.”
You two would spend the remainder of the night cuddling, a comfy blanket shared by you both, as you let the TV run in the background, until you both finally conked out.
Tonight he got to spend with you safe and sound in his arms at last.
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babyouran · 4 months
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Jungle Pool SOS! - with a new scenery just for the host club to enjoy to themselves, there shouldn't be much chaos. though, that quickly changes as Honey is whisked away, and now the group must go on a search to rescue the lovable host
pairing - fem!reader x host club
apart of - ouran add-in
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It was a gorgeously sunny day with the salty water rising on the sand and disappearing back into the vast ocean. Some palm trees littered throughout the area and some joyous laughter was heard all around with a galore of girls dressed in their cutest swimsuits.  Y/n was lying in a beach chair, fully clothed, and her chair was placed next to Kyoya as she snuck her straw underneath her mask, sipping on the drink while covering her mouth. 
"You're still wearing a mask, at the beach," Kyoya noticed. “Is that really necessary?” 
"Yes, you can never be too careful about who may be around,” she answered, eyes searching the nearly empty beach. She insisted. "Now, where is Haruhi?" She pushed down her sunglasses, scanning the beach area before soon enough the girl started to walk over. "Haruhi! You look so good in that bathing suit!" Y/n complimented the girl who was wearing a cute yellow shirt with striped shorts.
"Tha-thanks," She smiled, taking a seat beside her. “You look nice as well,” she looked over at Y/n’s outfit which was much different than the normal one they all usually saw her in. Instead, she wore a tank top, showing off more skin on her arms and even chest area with a towel covering her legs from the skirt.  
"Behold Y/n," Tamaki popped up behind her chair, slipping through the gap to stand on her side and hung over. "Bask in the beauty of the tropical birds! Aren't they breathtaking? They remind me of you," He blurted while his eyes unconsciously took a look down, seeing her bare thighs underneath the towel. Quickly he jumped back, almost tripping back into Kyoya’s seat, as he shook his head a large pink floating over his cheeks. 
"Jeez boss," Hikaru popped up.
"Yeah, way to be a pervert," Kaoru popped up on the other side.
"I-I wasn't looking at her beachwear!" He stepped back while the twins followed him.
"We didn't mention anything about that," Hikaru told him, following him farther back.
"What are they doing now?" Y/n queried. The sun was still beating on her, and with a towel now covering her legs she was quickly getting overheated. In response she started to fan herself with her hand, trying to wave some air to alleviate the heavy feeling of her hair.
"Here," Mori moved over, he sat down on the edge of the empty bench beside her taking a ponytail he had stuck around his wrist and offering it up. Y/n gratefully took it, moving to gather some hair before Honey was already gathering it in his own hands. 
"Thank you," Y/n smiled, she pushed down the mask to not cover her nose. Mori’s eyes sparked up a bit and Y/n just patted his hand in a thanks before moving over to pat Honey's head. Honey and Mori exchanged a glance at her actions, now seeing a part of her features that she was normally adamant about covering up. “I have not been to the beach in years, I forgot how hot it can get.”
Kyoya took a peak over at the distressed Y/n, soon enough noticing the new predicament of her mask. Seeing just a bit more of her appearance was keeping him hooked, and though he knew sneaking a photo of this would be a great money maker, he decided to keep this to himself.
“You have a cute nose!” Honey complimented, bending over closer to her face to get a look. Y/n’s eyes immediately went wide at the lack of space, and she felt her heart beating a bit faster. 
“Mitsukuni,” Mori shook his head, pulling the boy back to sit beside him. “Personal space,” he kindly reminded the boy before adding, “I agree.” 
Y/n just mumbled an incoherent thanks while turning her face to look over at Haruhi, shoving the mask up over her nose. "What's going on with them now?" Y/n wondered focusing her attention now on the twins who were continually backing Tamaki up farther away to the point he might bump into something. 
"The twins are pressuring Tamaki," Haruhi noticed calmly taking a sip of her water.
"I'll be back," Y/n quickly removed the towel and pulled down her longer skirt so that more was covered. She headed over to the three other members, stopping behind them. "He's going to get hurt," She pointed out, Tamaki’s sole of his foot almost touching a sharp rock. At the sound of her voice, they all turned around, mouths dropping a bit while taking in the new image of her. "You all are some pervs," She scoffed, swiftly spinning around and walking off.
"No! Y/n wait! Y/n wait!" Tamaki called out while jogging up to her. She stopped in her tracks to allow him to continue, now embarrassed about what she was wearing and trying to cover herself with her arms. "You should dress how you want. There are no guests here, just us, it's a vacation," He reassured her, reaching over to take a hand. “We were just surprised, you look lovely.”
"Yeah Y/n, but what happened to the outfits we offered you to wear?" Kaoru wondered.
"Our mother made the line, the finest of the finest," Hikaru reminded her.
"I didn't want to wear that and didn't want to be here, today's the day I visit my grandmother with my father," She glanced back, the boys all cowering together at the sight of her narrowed eyes and threatening tone, snatching her arm away from Tamaki.
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Not too much earlier that day Y/n was walking out of the school while talking to her father on the flip phone.
"Yes, I'll be home soon, the driver should be here. I hope I'll be seeing Nii-san there too," She softly spoke into the phone, cautious of being too loud. At a brisk pace, she made her way to where the limo could normally be found. "Okay father, I'm-"
"Bring her in," Tamaki muttered, letting the twins grab her and pull her in the limo. The abruptness of her daughter's voice disappearing caused him to start yelling on the other line at the thought of his daughter possibly getting kidnapped.
"Sorry Mr. Takahashi, Y/n has some business to attend to with the club. It was a last-minute decision and we hope you will excuse her absence for today. At this meeting, we hope to discuss our businesses. This is also Ootori Kyoya, you can call my residence if you don't believe this is truly me and they will reassure you," Kyoya spoke to her father on the phone, sitting in the limo with the annoyed girl.
"Did they kidnap you too?" Y/n looked towards her friend Haruhi.
"Yeah, and I have laundry to do today," She hissed while looking straight at Tamaki who just had a smug look.
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"Your grandmother?" Kyoya inquired.
"You don't speak about your family much," Haruhi added.
"No, I don't. It's because my family doesn't have to do with business," She shrugged. "Or at least, what my family is like."
"But it has to do with friendship," Honey chirped up. "And we are all best friends here!"
"Right," Y/n nodded to herself, switching her tone to a more joyful one trying to forget the earlier annoyances.
"What is this place again?" Haruhi questioned, still a bit confused about how they were still in Japan. The scenery was nothing like anywhere she had ever been before, more as if they were on a tropical island. 
"This place is a brand new theme park that my family, the Ootori Group, runs. It's called the Tropical Aqua Garden," He informed her.
"I don't understand, I thought the Ootori group ran hospitals and that they were focused on the medical business," Haruhi remembered.
"Yes, but my family likes to diversify and try different things. We are also trying to have better relations with the Takahashi family, so making this healing facility we can incorporate some of their technology," He turned to Y/n after he finished speaking. Soon enough she was back to reading, luckily packing an extra book in her backpack. She lay on her side in the chair, a bit of her bottoms showcasing the side of her bottom. The acknowledgment made Kyoya heat up a little himself, opening up another button of his shirt and throwing a towel over her bottom half. 
"Oh yeah! It's the best for both companies," She added, not truly paying attention and barely noticing the new addition of a cover. 
"Y/n helped make some of the technology, correct?"
"I help my father with this business a lot, that's how I grew up," She looked over the top of the novel, settling back into her seat now lying on her back and being engulfed in her book.
"This is therapeutic, think of all the people who are overworked and would love a vacation in the south tropics. However, they may not be able to get the time off or they may not be able to afford it. Those people can now seek refuge here at the theme park, and reduce their stress levels," He pushed up his glasses. "The Ootori group's primary concern has always been for the good health and well-being of the general public."
"It sounds suspicious to me," Haruhi commented.
"Even with my company involved?" Y/n now looked up from her book, staring at the girl with a bit of hurt on her features. 
"I-I mean I don't know. If you guys are involved then maybe not," She trailed off, looking at some of the other members playing in the water.
"The park doesn't officially open until next month but the Host Club was given a special advance invitation," Kyoya told her.
"This is so relaxing, we don't have to worry about keeping all of our guests entertained for once," Tamaki relaxed into the chair, legs stretched out and arms up high. 
"N/n-chan! Want to share some coconut juice with me? Have a slice of mango cake?" Honey inquired, having a floaty on and jumping up and down beside the girl.
"Oh, I'm okay at the moment," She politely said standing up to look around a bit more. She had seen the layout but wasn't as involved with this project as much as she was with others in her family company. 
"Y/n, Haruhi, want to go check out the water slide?" Hikaru asked, walking over to the girls, his brother chomping on a banana.
"Why aren't you wearing a top suitable for water anyway?" Kaoru realized, looking at Y/n in her shirt covering the bathing suit. “Are you going to take it off?” 
"I don't want to," Y/n deadpanned, grabbing Haruhi's wrist.
"So, you're not going to swim?" Kaoru questioned, raising his voice a bit as Y/n was making her run away from the twins. 
"Not today. If I wish to swim I can do it at home," She yelled back now dragging Haruhi away from the boys.
"I wish I were at home," Haruhi sighed letting Y/n pull her off in the opposite direction.
"I am sorry, but I think we can still have some fun though!" Y/n beamed. "Let me grab my notebook, I haven't had a girlfriend before, I've been keeping notes for once I did!"
Haruhi stared at the girl, frozen in her place with a light blush taking over her cheeks. She figured she had many friends. Even though she was closed off at first, she's so many amazing things it's clear to anyone who looks at her. Haruhi felt saddened by the girl's lack of friendships, realizing that the Host Club were her only friends. 
"You don't have any other friends?" Haruhi pondered, voicing her thoughts out loud. Y/n stopped her searching and turned around to face her.
"Not really, Father can be strict and I'm not close with many people besides my family. Ever since my mother died, he's kind of been like that," She lightly chuckled, not liking the way the mood was changing. "But the notebook is somewhere around here, just give me a moment."
Haruhi didn't realize her mother passed, Y/n didn't talk about her mother but she also didn't talk about herself all that much in general. Y/n was always listening to other people or speaking about her family’s company.
While the girls were looking for the notebook Y/n had in her bag, Tamaki pulled the boys aside, wanting to talk with them.
"Don't make Y/n and Haruhi do anything they don't want to you idiots!" Tamaki scolded.
"We weren't!" Kaoru argued. 
"Did you encourage Y/n to cover up?" Hikaru questioned. "You were all over her for wearing shorts, why didn't she choose one of the bathing suits our mother made?"
"She would have looked nice, it seems like you have bad intentions behind letting her wear something else," Kaoru added.
"No! No! That's not it, it's not respectful for a lady to show a lot of skin, not a good look," He tried to defend himself.
"A good look?" Y/n looked up to him, scrunching her eyebrows.
"N/n-chan! Let's play in the pool, Haru-chan you come too!" Honey hung onto her arm now.
"We aren't going swimming today," Haruhi informed him.
"Honey-senpai, why are you wearing the floaties? You're able to swim, right?" Y/n queried.
"Yep!" He exclaimed, soon spinning around. "Just looks cuter this way, you know?" He smiled, running back to the water.
"Yeah," Y/n and Haruhi looked at each other, before giggling.
"He's so innocent," The twins mentioned.
"No way! You guys have got it all wrong!" A voice spoke, then there was some rumbling and Renge somehow was now emerging from the sand.
But now most of the members were focused on her differing appearance. With a new addition to her skin and a cute outfit rather than the yellow uniform. 
"That outfit is pretty impressive," Hikaru mentioned.
"What's with the tattoo on your stomach?" Kaoru asked, pointing at it.
"Oh, that? You don't recognize it? I'm cosplaying!"
"Yeah, as who?"
"LaLa? Like the manga magazine?"
"Her petite and slender frame, her blue eyes that light up young men's faces, her singing voice! I'm Quon Kisaragi!" Renge exclaimed.
"It looks nice," Y/n complimented.
"Hey boss, are you sure it's okay for Renge to be dressed like that?" The twins wondered.
"Yeah, I suppose it is," He answered.
"Why her?"
"Because it's cosplay? I guess," Tamaki told them, not having perfect reasoning.
"Listen up, boys!" Renge called out. "And the girl. You need help, understanding Haniozuka's hidden motives! Look!" She pointed to the smaller boy who just jumped into the water with his pink, bunny floaty.
"What are you talking about?" Tamaki questioned, the group all peering over at where Honey was floating and giggling in the water.
"Think about what he said to you earlier," Renge declared. "He's not being as innocent and sweet as you think."
"I agree," Kyoya added. "Try putting the word 'I' at the beginning of the sentence," They thought back to how Honey said 'Just looks cuter this way, you know?' earlier.
"That's Haniozuka for you, in the last chapter he felt threatened by another loli-boy type, so he's taken steps to keep his rank," Renge explained to them, remembering Shiro and how he could somewhat fit that personality. "I should give him more credit, he's a lot smarter than I thought."
"Hey! Look at this, everybody!" Honey yelled on top of Mori who was swimming. "Check it out! Look! Even though we're swimming fast, we never go any farther than we are now! Ha, ha!"
"I got ya!" The twins called out, one shooting Tamaki in the face with a water gun.
"Come on, boss, let's go! Let's have a water gunfight! It'll be me and Kaoru against you," Hikaru declared. "If you get it in the face you lose."
"Forget it," Tamaki told them. "Why would I want to subject myself to a childish game like that?"
The Hitachiin twins jumped up, a plan now coming into their minds. "Y/n, what do you think about getting married?"
Tamaki started to pump the water gun, reaching down to grab another gun so that he could have two. He mumbled to himself, agitated, by getting ready for the fight to defend a certain someone's honor.
"Do you really think I'd let Y/n marry you guys?"
"Who said I would?" Y/n spoke up, but the boys were too consumed in their battle. "My father wouldn't either."
"I'm glad you know I wouldn't," Tamaki smiled at her.
"I meant my actual father," She rolled her eyes.
"Well, Daddy still says no!" Tamaki yelled, squirting the water gun at the boys.
"Did he not hear anything I said," Y/n wondered, walking back over to the chairs. She pulled out her book while Haruhi was lying back having a drink. "Taking a break from watching Honey-senpai?" Y/n asked Mori once he walked over.
"Do you want this drink? I'm not going to have it."
"Sure," He took the iced cold drink from her hands, sipping it while some of the other hosts continued to play with the water guns.
"I'll get you guys! Sideway leaping shot!" Tamaki called out, doing the move and shooting the twins who had something to block themselves. When landing he stepped onto a banana peel, causing him to slip and bump into a large stand. It was covered with different machines and such but soon enough it started to light up, and machinery around it began to beep indicating that he had pressed something when bumping into it.
Honey was in the pool, kicking his legs beneath the water, lying on his floatie. The boy looked so joyful, floating about and waving his hands toward his friends on the shore. Until, suddenly, a huge wave emerged from nowhere, crashing down upon him. His floaty flew up into the air, Honey merging around with the waves of the water.
Y/n and Mori ran towards the water that was taking away Honey. Mori was running so fast that he didn't notice the banana peel from earlier and ended up tripping.
"Gentlemen, we're going after Honey-senpai!" Tamaki declared, catching up with Y/n and Mori. "That pool looks like the quickest way," He pointed to the route a pool was rounding over in. "Charge!" He commanded, running off into the distance with the group- which now consisted of Y/n, Haruhi, Tamaki, Mori, Hikaru, and Kaoru -all followed the water path, until...
"Wait I wouldn't go-" Kyoya tried to warn them, before they stopped themselves, realizing that there were crocodiles in the path they were heading.
"I should have done my research before coming here," Y/n mumbled. As the group ran back over to Kyoya, scared of the sharp-toothed animals.
"Okay. So, we can't use that pool, so let's try this way next!" Tamaki commanded, sticking an arm up in the air and leading the group down a different path. But yet again, the creatures were blocking their path.
"They're here!" The twins yelled.
"Here too!" Tamaki added.
"What's with all the alligators?" Haruhi asked Y/n.
"No clue, my family just helped with this," She huffed, the group tired from running around.
"Those alligators belong to the park's tropical animals exhibit. I guess it's kind of dangerous to let them run wild," He expressed, writing down notes in a pocketbook. "Though, the cause of our present situation seems to be the location of the switch for the current pool," Kyoya turned to look at Y/n.
"I helped create the thing, not place it!" She tried to feign innocence.
"I'll just have a little chat with our designers," Kyoya reassured her. "Thanks a lot, you guys. I got some great data today."
"You WHAT?!"
After learning the true reason they were there, the group traveled over to where the bathrooms were. Looking at a map that was located in the area, luckily it panned out all the surrounding areas to help give them an idea of where to search next.
"This is our current location, we need to get here," Kyoya pointed at the map, showing the group. "I have a feeling that's where Honey-senpai ended up. It might be tough because to get there we'll have to make it through this jungle area here in the southern block, distance wise we are talking about 800 meters."
"I didn't realize how undeveloped this park was," Y/n looked at the map, seeing how some areas were marked off. "Could other things be lurking over there?"
"Since they're still being developed, I don't know," Kyoya spoke honestly.
"Whatever's out there could be even more dangerous," Hikaru started.
"Then alligators," Kaoru finished. Mori was a bit lost in his world, staring at the map and dissociating with what was going on around him, yet, his fist was clenched tightly.
"Now this is a mission of survival!" Tamaki declared. "I know we can make it through the treacherous jungle in one piece. It is our sworn duty to save Honey-senpai!"
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The Host Club were walking through the little too-realistic jungle. They could hear birds squawking and see vines hanging down from the trees, having to duck out of their way. The sun shone on their skin, sweat drops appeared on their foreheads, and little skittering noises seemed to come from different directions. 
"Wow, this place is just like a real jungle, huh?" Tamaki observed.
"Yeah, I keep hearing all of these really strange animal calls," Haruhi expressed, annoyed.
"We should be okay, as long as we stay away from the alligators. I mean there shouldn't be other crazy animals, this isn't a real jungle after all," Y/n joked, trying to put on a light tone.
"I'm not for sure, I know my family strives for authenticity whatever the cost," Kyoya voiced causing Y/n's confidence about being safe to drift. But she didn’t have much time to dwell on it as Mori had slipped on a banana peel a few steps ahead of her, now frozen and just lying on the ground.
"Is acting as carelessly as you do boss!"
"Shut up!"
"Mori-senpai, here," Y/n put a hand down, to try and show that she would help him up. He took it and she strained to pull the heavier man up. She plotted her two feet into the ground to use all her muscles in lifting him and almost loosened her grip when the sky seemed to get much darker. Most of the group turned towards Kyoya in hopes that he would reveal why such an occurrence was occurring. 
"Uh oh, it's about time for the squall," He announced to the group, glancing down at his watch. 
"Huh?" The twins wondered and soon enough the rain started. It was pouring heavily which forced the group to run to shelter, trying to not get drenched from the storm. 
Y/n walked up to Mori, touching his shoulder lightly to get his attention, "Mori-senpai, you and Honey-senpai are very close. How did you meet him?" She looked up to him for an answer. In all reality, their background was not the biggest concern at the moment, but she hoped that if she got him communicating it would help relieve some of his tension.
"You don't know-"
"Their cousins?" The twins questioned, finishing each other's sentence.
"They are?" Y/n turned around, looking at the twins with her eyebrows tilted to show confusion.
"The Morinozukas have been serving the Haninozuka family for generations," Kyoya remarked.
"However, two generations ago they became family by marriage, and the master-servant relationship soon became a thing of the past," Tamaki went more into depth, waving his hand about while explaining the dynamics. 
"But even so Mori-senpai has always made it a point to accompany Honey-senpai."
"I think Honey-senpai will be alright," Y/n walked back up to Mori, touching his shoulder once again. "He might be a little cutie, but I have a feeling he can be tough when he wants to," Y/n laughed, seeing a faint smile appear on the male's face.
"You're right," He patted her head, nodding.
"Don't tell me Mori-senpai's out for my spot as Y/n's daddy?!" Tamaki stressed.
"Not my father" Y/n commented, rolling her eyes. Haruhi went over to Tamaki, trying to comfort him from sprouting too many mushrooms.
"No one wants that spot but you boss," Hikaru reminded him.
"That's kind of creepy when you think about it," Kaoru confirmed.
"Hello, it's me," Kyoya moved off to the side to answer his phone, explaining the situation to those who could help solve it. 
It was not too long till the rain cleared up. Most of the group were too occupied in their antics to notice that Mori was leaving them behind. Haruhi was talking with the twins, letting them ramble about how Tamaki was annoying and trying to appropriately deal with a frustrated Tamaki arguing back. But Y/n decided to step away from the bickering and focused her attention on the one who seemed to need it most, Mori. 
"Uh, Mori-senpai!" She called out, jogging to catch up with the man going through the bushes. "Honey-senpai didn't go this way, he was heading that way," She pointed in the opposite direction. 
"You're wrong. He went this way," He corrected her just keeping up the same pace in the same direction he was traveling in prior. It was almost as if he had an instinct to guide him where Honey was. 
"Well, uh," Y/n looked back a bit hesitant to leave the rest of the group. But with a quick worry about Mori being on his own (despite being easily capable of combatting danger), she started to jog her way back over to him "Wait, I'll come with!"
Mori had made much distance between her quick contemplation as he was much taller and had longer strides. She also had to combat the prickly vines covering some of the ground and bugs scattering about. 
"I didn't think it would be this realistic!" She exclaimed, trying to hop around a large spider making its way closer to her. 
"Y/n," Mori walked over and picked up the girl with ease, it did not matter how big Y/n was, the man had carried much weight over the years, easily more than what she could weigh. 
"Um, um, I can wa-walk," She stuttered, startled by him picking her up. "I am fine," She laughed.
"Shhh," He simply spoke, continuing down his path as Y/n just slouched in his grip.
Not much had changed with the situation over where the rest of the club members stayed safe underneath the hut. The twins and Tamaki continued with their pestering one another while Haruhi kept trying to calm their useless arguments. 
"That's enough," Haruhi sighed, she shook her head in disappointment and raised her voice to catch the attention of the immature boys. Tamaki was still fuming from the insults the twins were throwing his way, face red with anger and annoyance. However, the one person who wasn’t focused on the arguing was Kyoya, who finally got off the phone and noticed the unnecessary fighting between the three. 
"My family's private police force is going to send in a search and rescue team to help us," Kyoya told the group. "They're better equipped to find Honey-senpai than we are, let's go by the gate and wait there.”
"Hey, where is Mori-senpai and Y/n-chan?" Haruhi asked aloud and all the loudness from the group finally ceased. 
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Mori was still holding Y/n against his front while she propped up her head with her elbow on his shoulder. They went along with trying to find the smaller, yet older male, Mori easily making his way through the path.
"Mori-senpai, when you and Hone-" Y/n stopped her question, starting to hear multiple footsteps approaching. "What's that?" She turned her head to try and look at him more, tightening her hold on him slightly.
The noises got louder and pounding appeared when they were rapidly surrounded by men dressed in all black, having guns trained on the duo and a shield over their face.
"What.... the..... hell?!" Y/n exclaimed, starting to scramble in Mori's arms. "Just let me down, maybe I can talk to them," She told him, struggling more in his grip. She tried to get out of his hold, putting pressure to push herself down
"No, you're safe here," He tightened his grip around her body, placing a hand on the back of her head and rubbing her hair lightly. His eyes glared at the armed men all around and his stance slightly changed in preparation. 
"Target confirmed, we found the little kid, they are with a suspicious figure," The officer confirmed through his walkie-talkie. 
"Little kid?" Y/n questioned in disbelief.
"The target has been captured by a suspicious man," Another officer added. "We'll take the target into custody,” He took his finger away from the earpiece at his ear and cocked his gun towards the two. “You there! Put that kid down immediately! If you refuse, we'll remove them forcefully," Now they all cocked their guns and one man closer to Y/n tried to reach out and grab her arm to pull her over Mori's shoulder.
"Wait! Let's talk this out- Ow!" She screamed at the harsh grip of the officer. Mori instantly spun around and hit the officer in the chest sending him flying and landing into a bush. The other officers stood still and confirmed that if Mori made another move they were going to fire.
"Takashi! N/n-chan! Out of the way!" Honey called out, swinging from a vine soon enough, he had his feet colliding with an officer's face.
Now all the officers' attention remained on the new addition, guns trained on Honey. But this was no matter as it didn’t falter Honey’s movements, he quickly jumped into action, defeating all of the officers in record time.
"You guys should be more careful who you mess with! Picking on my friends is bad! Got it?" He pointed to one of the officers though there were no responses from the men he was speaking to as they were all groaning from injuries.
"Y/n!" Haruhi called out, running over with the group. "Are you guys alright?" At the noise of the others arriving Mori put down Y/n, keeping a hand on her shoulder while they came closer. 
"Hey, it's Haru-chan!" Honey beamed, running up to hug her.
"Oh wow," Hikaru looked around at the damage made.
"You okay senpai?" Kaoru asked.
"Y/n!" Tamaki yelled, flinging his arms open to give a hug, tears running down his cheeks. He jumped up and down with the girl in his grip, Mori’s hand subtly falling away from Y/n’s shoulder.
"I'm fine," She grumbled, putting a hand out to his chest to stop him from getting closer, but this just caused a blush to appear.
"What... happened?" Haruhi looked around while the twins kept touching the officers to see if they were alive.
"Amazingly, this was Honey-senpai's work," Kaoru observed.
"He must have been holding back," Hikaru agreed.
"Holding back?" Haruhi pondered.
"You don't know about senpai?" Hikaru turned around, Haruhi and Y/n shaking their head no. "The Haninozukas are famous for their martial arts. Not only have they helped train the police and SDF forces, they've also worked with several overseas militaries.”
"Honey-senpai in particular has been called the dreadnaught of the Haninozuka family," Kyoya told them. "By the time he was in middle school, he'd become the national champion in both karate and judo."
"Mori-senpai's no slouch either. He won the national championship in Kendo when he was just in middle school," Tamaki added.
"We humbly apologize!" An officer woke up, and now he and his men were in the bowing position.
"Huh?" The host club turned to look at them.
"I'm a second-generation student of the Ishizuka Dojo," an officer exclaimed, soon others talking about where they were from, all apologizing.
"Why? Is something wrong?" Honey questioned curiously.
"Oh Honey-senpai," Y/n lightly giggled before breaking out into a harder laugh. Maybe it was all the nerves from just moments before and how quickly the situation changed but she couldn’t help bursting into a fit of laughter. Though this was a pleasant moment for the rest of the club members, they all got to enjoy a truly happy moment from the girl they were all beginning to adore. 
"We're sorry sir, we didn't understand that we were looking for Haninozuka Mitsukuni," The officers once again apologized. "We've committed a terrible offense, I apologize. But my dojo will be so excited to hear that I've come face-to-face with the great Haninozuka! I cherish this moment!"
"Takashi, you did an amazing job of protecting N/n-chan!" Honey congratulated him. "I bet you were pretty lonely without me around, huh?"
"I don't know if I'd say that," Mori told him, giving a small glance to Y/n.
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It was finally the end of the day with the sun setting on the realistic jungle.  
"You know, maybe we should go to the beach next," Hikaru suggested.
"Yeah, the beach would be nice," Kaoru agreed.
"You idiots, Y/n and Haruhi aren't interested in anything like that," Tamaki rolled his eyes.
"I might like to go to the beach," Haruhi confessed.
"I haven't been there in a long time," Y/n remarked.
"The beach holds memories, it might be nice to revisit some of those," Y/n nodded at them and they all made their way off to the exit.
"Yeah! All right. Then that's where we'll go next time," Tamaki told the group.
"We're all gonna go to the beach, Tama-chan?" Honey repeated. "Hmm, that'll be fun, don't you think?" Honey asked Mori, from on top of his shoulders.
"Yeah," He agreed.
"That will be fun," Y/n looked back at the group rounded up all together laughing and messing around.
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next chapter - The Sun, the Sea, and the Host Club!
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aleksanderscult · 7 months
Analyzing Aleksander's reaction to Alina's loss of her power
(I'm so sick and tired of seeing people use his "You are nothing now" words as a way to justify how he didn't love her that I decided to create a whole ass post about it.)
First of all, let's see what the powers of a Grisha mean to a Grisha, shall we?
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For a Grisha her powers is the same thing as the oxygen is for all humans. The constant beat of a person's heart.
And in a way it's implied that a Grisha cannot live without it. Just like birds can naturally fly, just like a fish can naturally swim. It's part of their nature, part of their body and soul.
Now let's see Aleksander's reaction to Alina's loss of her power.
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The moment he saw Alina being unable to summon, he froze. At first he's in denial of what he sees.
How can a Grisha not being able to use her power? A power that is always there no matter what? A power that "feeds" them and keeps them healthy and alive.
We see Aleksander being in a state of shock as he tries to comprehend what is happening with her:
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He had never seen anything like that. A Grisha losing her powers is unheard of. Impossible.
He tries again and again to summon her light and bring it to the surface. The fact that he can't feel it causes him panic and pain. In a way, he can't find her soul.
And the very fact that she also lost her collar and feter is impossible too. When a Grisha claims an amplifier, a connection is made that can't be broken.
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Another fatal loss for Alina and a disastrous blow for Aleksander and his knowledge, since he knows more than anyone else how amplifiers work and how a Grisha's power work. All the hundreds of years he had spent watching and studying the ways of the Small Science and of power, have gone to waste right now as he tries to understand what is going on with the woman he loves.
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His near immortality and rare powers always made him seek someone else to connect with. Someone to understand him and be on the same level as him.
People say that he never actually wanted Alina to be his equal. Well, based on his words and reaction here, I would say he wanted to.
Right now there's no pretense, no tricks or a façade. We see him "naked" and exposed showing us his terror of Alina's loss and despair for his fate. Of being alone forever.
"You were meant to be like me."
Aleksander wanted her strong and confident. Unafraid to rise above the others and to stand right beside him.
"You're nothing now."
I know it sounds cruel but it is true.
If a bird lost its ability to fly or a fish its ability to swim, would you call that normal? If a person stopped breathing or her heart stopped beating, would you call her alive and whole?
Alina lost the very essence of her being, her soul and identity. What happened to her was something completely unnatural and just wrong. Aleksander has lived for centuries and knows more about the Grisha than anyone else (except of course his mother) so he knows that what happened to her, has crippled her. She's not the Alina she was. And she's never gonna be.
It's not a statement of disgust, apathy or scorn. They're words of pain and mourning. Shock and anger.
It's a complete ruin for Alina.
A devastation and tragedy for the unfortunate Grisha that experiences it for the first time in their history. And an equal devastation and sorrow for the Grisha that watched it happen to the person he cared most about.
And it's actually funny how Aleksander seems to be the only person that was devastated for what happened to her.
Everyone else was:
"Alina lost her powers"
"Okay cool".
In a way you can say that it was proof of how he was the one that truly cared about her fate while the rest of her friends didn't seem to give two flying fucks.
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The Darkling just gave up.
All he had fought for, all the patience he had mastered for years waiting for his equal to come, went to dust right in front of him.
In a way he committed suicide and just let Alina kill him.
Now if he didn't love her as some people say, why did he do these things after she lost her powers?:
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1) Called her to his side and searched for her hand to hold it.
2) Smiled at her and stroked her tears.
3) Entrusted her with his last wish because he'd seen her kindness and believed in it.
4) Asked her to say his name one more time so he could hear it from her one last time. A name that he had probably never said to anyone else for centuries.
5) Begged her to not leave him alone while he died because loneliness frightened him.
I'm sorry but if I was dying, I wouldn't want anyone at my side but the people that I loved the most. And Aleksander wanted the same too.
There's no way he felt disgust or anger towards Alina even after she stabbed him. Whatever she did, he forgave. And whatever happened to her in the end didn't stop him from loving her and wanting her presence at his side until his own end.
(didn't really love her, my ass)
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omgjumin · 11 months
firsts with han jumin <3
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summary: the first time you hug and kiss jumin
tags: jumin has mommy issues (me too), he's just a man in love, gender neutral reader, canon compliant, fluff just fluff
notes: ive noticed the myms fandom is starting to get more active, so i got jumin brainrot and made this, i could make a nsfw second part for this if you guys want anyway
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the first time you hug jumin is after the party. you wrap your arms around his waist and hold him close to you without letting go. jumin is so warm, the way his body immediately reacts to your touch and relaxes upon embrace. his heart is beating faster and faster with each passing minute and jumin can't help but smile at your affection. but jumin has never really liked hugs or anyone touching him in fact. his father was never really around him when he was a child and some part of him wondered why even though deep in his heart, he knew why. his birth mother only left a deeper hole in his heart after she divorced his father. jumin never received love when he was a child and he's accepted it. yes, his father gave him gifts that he only hoped were full of love when the time was necessary but jumin never felt the love that he truly craved.
he was casted away, locked behind a door that separated him and his mother for hours at a time. the basement that held no ones presence but his and toys. he wasn't a normal child, at least that's what he was told. no one has given him true affection up until now. he's almost expected that he'd hate affection whenever it was directed towards him. but when you wrap your arms around him and lay your head against his chest, he doesn't know what to do. he tries almost as naturally as possible to bring his arms up to hold you as well. yet you could feel the awkwardness behind his actions. you find it funny almost. you have a silver band that fits perfectly around your ring finger and a matching one on his yet jumin doesn't know how to hug you back.
you laugh softly as you tilt your head up to see the awkward love struck man. "you're going to have to get used to this." you say almost in a mocking way but your words hold no malice towards him. jumin could only laugh softly before nodding his head to your words. it's only been a few seconds yet jumin never wants to leave your embrace.
the first time you kiss jumin is right before you leave his penthouse for the first time. jumin kissed you on the first morning of you staying there in front of sarah, yet you had no time to react nor kiss him back. your mind was hazy, should he really be kissing you while elizabeth was still missing? should his soft lips really be on yours in front of sarah, when you could've sworn you were just a friend. yet when v comes to take you home, you stood in front of jumin, your hands reaching forward to grab his. "even when you're still standing in front of me, i miss you." jumin whispers as if he wanted no one but you to hear. "ill miss you too." you say quietly even though you were going to see each other again in less than 24 hours. 
jumin is scared that if he touches you more, he won't be able to let you go. that maybe he'll just send v away, tell him that you might as well stay here with him. jumin will excuse it as the potential of danger but he's trying to convince himself more than anyone else. his head is still tied in knots but when he feels your lips on his, there's a moment of tranquility in his brain. where peace takes over, there's only sounds of ocean waves crashing, birds chirping, the sound of your voice calming down his rushing heart. jumin can't help but close his eyes and just hope this moment never ends. he feels your lips moving against his very gently as if he was a fragile glass flower. jumin almost feels guilty, his heart is racing and he feels fragile in your touch but shouldn't he be making you feel that way? as soon as his eyes flutter open, you pull away slowly and smile up at him. if jumin didn't know any better, he would've collapsed on the floor. the dramatic fall that he saw so many times in soap operas. you were so pretty, enough to make him fall in love with you even more than he already was. his heart is beating against his chest even harder now and it only took one look from you.
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sparkles-and-trash · 8 months
dabihawks silly, birdy fluff!
"Next week we're moving into the PLF mansion," Dabi said drowsily.
"The PLF mansion," Hawks repeated.
At first, Dabi figured Hawks' little habit was just a way to confirm intel. It was quite annoying, but the intel he got in return was good, so Dabi ignored it for the time being.
But then, as they moved into the PLF house and Hawks started being around more, Dabi realized it definitely wasn't an intel thing, and worse so, it seemed like he only did it with Dabi.
Dabi would say something like;
"Move over Pigeon, big ass wings don't give you the right to take up the entire couch."
And Hawks would chuckle and repeat;
"Big ass wings."
Dabi just rolled his eyes. It was just banter, after all, which was sort of their whole thing.
Until it wasn't.
The night had started out normal enough, just Dabi and Hawks being the last two to sit around the in one of the lounge rooms in the LOV part of the mansion, the casual vibe oddly disarming.
They're watching some stupid reality show on Sceptic's account (that he has no idea they have the password to), and Dabi, as usual, could not keep his mouth shut.
"You cannot tell me you think that guy is there to find someone to marry?!" Dabi exclaimed loudly as he gestured to the TV, and Hawks chuckled.
"Why else would he be there?" the hero asked,
and Dabi rolled his eyes.
"Fame and attention, obviously," he replied.
"Obviously," Hawks repeated and Dabi huffed.
They're quiet for a few moments again, just watching the show, before Hawks speaks up again.
"Why would people want fame and attention, anyways? It kinda really sucks, no?"
Dabi looks over at the hero for a while, trying to decipher if this is genuine or not.
"Thought you love your fans," Dabi says with a side eye, and Hawks shrugs.
"Most of them are nice, but I'd love to just be..." the hero trails off for a second.
"Just be?" Dabi asks, and Hawks nods.
"Just be."
Dabi cleared his throat to buy him some time before he figured out how to pry a little further.
"Maybe when we're all done here, you can," he finally says, and Hawks lights up at that.
"Maybe when we're done!" he repeats, and Dabi looks at him for an extra beat.
"Okay, what gives dude?" he finally asked.
Hawks just looked at him with those stupid, wide eyes.
"What gives?" he asked, and Dabi threw his hands out in frustration.
"Why the fuck do you always repeat something I say back to me?!"
The realization hit Hawks' face so suddenly it almost made Dabi feel bad.
Golden eyes widened, freckled cheeks blushed, and his pretty mouth fell open slightly, before he somewhat got himself together and and rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously.
"You've noticed that,
heh?" the blond awkwardly asked, and Dabi rolled his eyes.
"Kinda hard not to."
Hawks hummed, but didn't elaborate right away.
"It's... it's a bird thing, alright?" the hero finally admitted, and now it was Dabi's turn to be taken by surprise.
"A bird.. thing?" he asked.
Hawks nodded and chuckled awkwardly.
"Mimicking is like, a natural part of my brain?"
Dabi huffed.
"Then why do you only do it with me?" he asked, and Hawks sighed.
"Dude, I don't know, okay? It just happens."
Dabi looked at him suspiciously.
"I'm gonna google it," he finally decided, and Hawks laughed.
"Sure, do that Hot Stuff."
Hawks went back to watching their show, and Dabi googled. It was quiet for a while, before a smirk started growing on Dabi's face.
"Birdie," he said, getting the hero's attention.
"Hm?" the blond said, not looking away from the tv.
"Are you like... courting me?" Dabi asked with a grin, and Hawks whipped his head around to look at him.
"What?!" he squawked, and Dabi laughed.
"Mimicing is a way for birds show their potential mate that they find them interesting and -"
"It does NOT fucking say that!" Hawks gasped as he threw himself towards Dabi to grab his phone, but Dabi was quicker and moved away in time.
"Yes it fucking does!" Dabi laughed, not missing the way Hawks' face was turning very pink again where he was laying half way over Dabi's lap in his failed attempted at grabbing the phone.
"Well I am NOT courting you!" Hawks huffed as he sat up and pouted slightly, face growing redder by the second.
Dabi felt a weird warmth in his chest that he wasn't quite ready to decipher.
"That's a shame then, pretty bird," he said with a slightly softer smirk, and Hawks looked over at him with a mix of embarrassment and curiosity.
"Why?" he asked, still slightly pouting.
Dabi smiled.
"Maybe I'd be a little flattered by a traditional bird courting," he said with a shrug.
Hawks finally looked over at him properly again.
"Are you making fun of me?" he asked with a small smile.
Dabi laughed softly.
"Oh definetly," he said with a grin, and Hawks rolled his eyes.
"But... I also kinda mean it," Dabi added, and Hawks's face lit up slightly again.
"Good to know," he said in a failed attempt to sound chill, and Dabi chuckled as he moved a little close to the hero and brushed his hand up against his wing gently.
"Good to know," Hawks chirped back, and for once Dabi didn't find It annoying at all.
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queenof-curses · 2 years
Keigo Takami (Hawks): Heat
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♡ ♡ ~ You come home and find Hawks not acting like his usual self... what happens when you try and help him? ~ ♡ ♡
Masterlist | More My Hero Academia
Hawks x Fem!Reader
wc: 2.2K
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Cw: Minors DNI! Heat Cycle. ABO Dynamics. SA Themes. Breeding.
Notes: part of the 12 Days of Breeding series originally posted on Ao3. &lt;3
Read the previous installment here.
Read the next installment here.
Something was wrong. 
The door to your home sat wide open, making you pause and fear the worse. 
Keigo wasn’t supposed to be home yet, his schedule read he was at work for another two hours. Seeing your front door open made your stomach churn with weariness. 
You made your way up the steps of the porch and slowly walked into your home. You didn’t know what to expect, having no quirk compared to the rest of the hero world. 
Hawks was all the strength you needed- he protected you from danger, the two of you meeting when he quite literally swept you off your feet and away from a fire at your workplace. 
From then on you were inseparable, forming a deep relationship with one another and eventually you moved into his home.
The same home that you currently stood in front of. You felt hesitant to enter, but decided you needed to anyway. Pushing the door closed behind you, you turn the lock with a click. As you stand in the entryway, you take in your surroundings.
Nothing seemed out of place, you thought. 
Everything looked normal, nothing out of the ordinary besides the door that was thrown wide. 
Thump thump thump
The noise startles you- and you notice it was coming from somewhere on the second floor. 
“Hawks?” You ask out loud. 
A deep groan responds. 
That didn’t sound good.
Pulling out your phone to have 911 at the ready, you made your way up the steps to the next floor. As you walk down the hallway, you see that the door to the master bedroom was open. The room was dark, which was unusual. If Keigo was in there, the light should be on…
“Keigs?” You ask as you enter the dark room. 
You paused in hesitation; it was indeed Hawks, but something was off. You made your way further inside the room- spotting him sprawled out on the bed. 
“Don’t come any closer!” He cried out… He knew it had been you the moment you walked through that front door. He could smell your scent from the second floor, hoping that you didn’t make your way upstairs. 
“What’re you- oh!” You stop in the doorway, eyes wide with shock as you take in the scene laid before you.
He was completely naked, laying on top of your shared bed. Sprawled out, his hands were clenched against his sides. He was flushed, a deep red blush settling over his skin and he glistened with a thin layer of sweat. 
But that wasn’t the only thing you noticed… 
His cock was standing straight up, firm and rock hard. It twitched and leaked all over his lower abs. His tip was an angry red as his precum dripped from his tip and down his shaft. 
“Hawks, what’re you…” your words die off as your eyes make their way from his penis all the way up his flushed body…  after a moment of hesitation, they finally land on his eyes. 
His normally golden eyes were now as dark as night, as if his pupils were blown out. 
“Baby bird…don’t… come any closer.” He groaned his words out, as if it physically pained him to turn you away. 
His fists clenched as if he was holding himself back. You didn’t understand what was happening, his behavior was something like you had never seen before. 
“Keigo… let me help..” you walk towards him, not expecting his next move.
He leaped from the bed, his wings flapping behind him as he floated flawlessly over to you in a beat of a second. 
“What’re you-oh!” You cry out.
Hawks locked your hands behind your back, easily maneuvering your body to bend over your shared bed. 
“God, baby bird… you smell so good, I just can’t help myself.” he says in a hoarse voice. 
He leans over you, using one hand to hold your wrists behind your back. Taking the other, he moves your hair to the side, his nose coming up to your neck and inhaling deeply.
He groaned at your scent, you could feel his cock as he thrusted his hips against you. You knew he was desperate by the way his hardness pressed into the softness of your behind, he was practically humping your clothed body. 
Again, you try to ask him what was wrong, but you could tell by his actions he wasn’t in the right state of mind. 
“I’m sorry… I'm sorry baby bird, I need this, so bad- so so bad…I’m sorry.” jumbled words fell freely from his lips as you felt his free hand come up under your skirt.
“Hawks what are you- oh!” You cried out, feeling his hand reach under the fabric of your pencil skirt and grab a hold of the waistband of your panties. 
In a swift movement, he yanks your panties down to your knees, keeping you locked in place under his body in the process. Your skirt gets flipped up towards your waist, and all of a sudden you find yourself completely exposed to him from the waist down. 
He’s still mumbling his sorrys as you feel the heat of his shaft resting between your ass cheeks.
Your blush went unnoticed by his hazy mind; he only thought of one thing: the need to breed you. 
You try to calm him down, but your pleas fall on deaf ears. 
It wasn’t until a broken hiccup pierced through his mind did he suddenly realize what he was doing- 
“Baby Bird- I…” 
“Hawks, please…” You interrupt him, patience gone as you struggle to help your partner. 
He lets up on you only slightly- the need was too much for him to completely let go. He loved you dearly, but you didn’t understand the effects of his anamorphic abilities. 
“Baby Bird, I-I need this… please. It hurts, but I promise baby you’ll feel good too. I’ll make you feel so good…” 
You suddenly realize what’s happening… it must be the side effect of his quirk, the one he’s only mentioned once before during a drunken confession.
“Are you… going into a rut?” You ask him, slightly afraid of his answer. 
He sighs before responding, “Yes baby, you…you’re ovulating. I could smell it this morning on you, I can’t- I can’t do anything until I fill you, please… it hurts..” he begs you with a desperate voice. It makes your heart ache for him.  
It was thoughtful, you realize… you knew he could easily overpower you with his strength and take what he needed, but even through the lusty haze of heat Hawks was still able to ask you. You truly admired and loved him for it.
“Of-of course, Keigo… I trust you…” you tell him. It was the honest truth, you’d let him do anything if it meant that you were able to take away the pain he felt. You felt him relax against you in relief, the action making you smile. 
“I’ll make it feel good… I promise baby bird.” 
That was the last statement he gave before ripping away the rest of your clothing. The fabric was in shreds by the time he got you naked, and his mind was practically back to where it was when you found him moments before.
So you did the only thing you could do- you submitted yourself to him completely. 
Your body was once again bent over the bed, but this time you brought your hands to your ass cheeks- spreading them apart and showing him just how excited you were for him.
Hawks inhaled deeply at seeing you spread yourself for him. The air filled with the tantalizing scent that is your fertile body. He was already ready to go- his cock stood proud and hard, the prominent veins danced along his shaft to an angry red tip- weeping and ready to be buried inside of you. He looked at your glistening cunt- it was wet as if it knew he was about to fill you up with himself.
Once again you felt the heat of him come up behind you, but this time you could feel his tip come and rub itself up and down your folds. You felt yourself dripping- practically coating him in your juices. You squealed under his touch- his hands brushing yours to the side as he took over holding you open for him. 
The air was thick with lust, and you could feel him lining himself up with your entrance. 
“I’m going to fuck a baby into you, Baby Bird.”
He states it as if it were a fact. 
Suddenly, with a single thrust of his hips, he buries himself inside of your cunt in one swift movement. 
“Fuck!” you cry out- not prepared to take him all at once. You were wet- but you still felt the stretch of his girth as he sat near your cervix. “Hawks.. Ple-”
Your words were cut off as he pulled out of you, his tip being the only part of you he never truly leaves. He snaps his hips, again seeking the warmth of your walls with his member. 
He repeats his movements over and over again- picking a relentless pace as he ruts into your cunt, walls stretching and welcoming him with each and every thrust. His hands squeeze your hips, no doubt leaving visible bruises that will last for days.
You cry out around him- the pain of the initial stretch now morphing into pleasure as your moans mix with his grunts. You could hear the squelching sounds of your pussy as you suck him back in with every thrust of his hips.
Soon enough, you find yourself pushing back at him- meeting his thrusts with an equal amount of vigor and eagerness. 
“Fuck Hawks… i-it feels good,” you cry out to him.
“That’s it baby bird…cream on my cock…” 
He reaches down under you with one hand, easily finding your budded clit and rolling it softly between the pads of his fingers. 
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you grip the sheets below you. It felt as if he were molding your cunt into the shape of him- pounding you from behind faster than he ever has.
He fucked you hard. You scream out into the bedroom as he changes his thrusts, angling his hips slightly downwards. His cock rammed into you, brushing past the soft spot inside of you that had you seeing stars.
Hawks knew the moment you were cumming as your pussy clamped down on him tightly.
“Fuck baby…” he growls as he feels your walls squeeze him tight.
You were speechless, your mouth wide open and drool falling onto the bed below you as you cum around his cock. Your vision went white as Keigo removed his fingers from your clit- hiking one of your legs up onto the bed and opening you even further for him.
He fucked you through your orgasm with deep, quick thrusts that had your body rocking up the bed. A strong hand held your leg up as he drove himself into you- reaching closer to his own end. 
“That’s right, cream all over my cock… I’m gonna fill you up, gonna breed this little cunt… fuck!” he groans out. 
Looking down was the moment he knew he was at his end. He looked down where the two of you met- where his shaft pounded against your hole and disappeared inside of you. He felt his balls tense up each time they kissed your clit with the movements of his hips. But there, at the base of his cock, was a ring of thick cream that has collected from your finish. 
It was the hottest thing he’s ever seen… he felt your juices and cum mix with his own, and with a final thrust of his hips he buried his cock so deep inside of you he wanted you to feel him in your throat.
You cry out- incoherent mumbles of giving him his babies fall from your lips as he sees nothing but stars. 
He came undone inside of you- your cunt milking him for every single drop of seed he had. He filled your tight walls with hot cum as if his life depended on it- keeping you locked under him for as long as possible.
You were full- so full of everything Hawks. You lose your fight to stay up as you collapse against the bed, legs hanging over the edge in exhaustion as you warm his shaft with your hole. 
“Keigo…” you whine, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. 
His only answer was to hush you quietly, reaching out to pet the top of your head as he rested against you. He certainly felt better, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop until he knew his seed took. 
“Baby Bird…” he groaned, feeling himself begin to harden again.
You perk up, noticing that his cock, something you had thought died down after finishing, came to stand in a full erection once more inside of you. 
“Keigs…” you cry out, feeling fuller than ever.
“I’m sorry baby bird, but I just can’t stop...” 
You feel him begin to move again and realize quickly that this wasn’t just a one time thing. 
It really was going to be a long night.
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