#he's such a moira rose
Thank you for being a friend
Ran is used to being taken care of not taking care of others but he tries anyway when you get sick.
Note: I'll never not giggle at this dumbass title don't judge me it'll make sense and yes, it is what you think it is. // No idea of a word count, barely reread. // gn reader. Ran is so young and dumb here and I love it. Oh, and feel better Eris.
Ran is panicking and dear lord is it bad for his skin.
Since he arrived from a short day of work to find you near comatose in bed, he's been pacing, thinking of how to deal with sick people. He's sure he's never been less ready to deal with an adult thing in his life. Look at his hands! Softer than a baby's, accustomed to only the finest french lotions a minimum of 6 times a day; they weren't made for the frantic hand washing that came with nursing a sick person back to life.
And still he knew he had to do something. So he did what any rational person would do: he referenced every sitcom episode with a sick character.
That's how he ended up at your bedside with his precious hair pulled back, donning a mask and single use lab coat (who'd have known they were just as great for self defense from mystery illness and they are for cleaning crime scenes).
Ran knew what he had to do. He pressed the back of his hand to his forehead, then his other to your clammy forehead. You were warm. Really, really warm. He guessed this is what his nannies meant when they told him he was "burning up" on the rare occasion that he did fall ill as a child. He peeled his hand away from your forehead and touched your cheek next, alarmed to find it just as hot. He let his thumb stroke a few circles on the feverish skin of your cheek, temporarily forgetting the grave situation he-you!- were in.
Time was of the essence, his baby lay practically dying in his arms! He forced down nerves in favor of foolhardy confidence. He had done his research. With what Ran could only assume was surgical precision, he dipped a towel in the ice water bowl he prepared and with the dripping hand towel pinched between the pointer finger and thumb of each hand, he lay the soggy fabric across your whole face.
Then, finally, a sign of life.
He stubbled back and fell on his ass when you jolted to life as if electrocuted before groaning in pain from the severe exertion it took to sit up and throw the offending piece of cloth against the floor with a splat.
"Ran what're you doing?" Your voice was thick and disoriented. It sounded forced for your chest, riding the waves of shuddered breaths.
"You're sick."
"So you're waterboarding me to finish the job?"
He flushed slightly. "If you'd let me get back to it, you might find out." Something at the pit of his stomach warmed with relief that you weren't so far gone that you couldn't indulge him in at least a short playful exchange.
You slumped back down, slowly and in very obvious discomfort. "M'so cold, Ran."
With furrowed brows he places his hand on your forehead. "But you're burning up?"
"Fevers... do that?"
"...Of course."
Not keen to further advertise his inexperience in caring for the health of another, he retrieved a mountain of blankets. When they didn't warm you fast enough, he (very awkwardly, as any tall man might) climbed behind you in bed. Now, much too occupied with your comfort to be much bothered by the stickiness of sickness that clung to you. With his back against your best of pillows to keep you propped up and breathing and warm legs down your sides, you did warm up quickly.
"Hurts so bad." Your voice was nothing but a groan. Overtiredness and pain weighing your usually light tone down. He'd never heard you sound this sad, this pained. You were his quick-witted spitfire, his sass, a menace, just like him. He didn't know how to cure you. Nursing was rather opposite to his specialty in life, but he did know, from first hand experience even, how painful staying too long in bed could be.
So he found a way to be helpful that felt perfectly suited to him.
His fingers met the aching muscles of your neck. He massaged away pain from your shoulders and arms, leaving you sighing with relief. When you complained of being too warm he stripped away the blankets and continued his massages down your legs, stimulating circulation and easing the achiness that comes with nightmarish fevers.
Ran closed the door to your shared bedroom softly, seeing you finally sleeping again.
He phone rang.
He clamored clumsily to answer, not willing to risk your well deserved slumber.
Rindou. Just the guy he needed.
"Rin!" He whisper shouted, cupping a large hand to direct his voice to the phone, "Rin you have no idea how sick y/n is and I don't know what I'm doing. I trusted the Golden Girls and I think they failed me. I just got them to go to sleep but what do I do now?"
"Ran. Fuck. Calm down. What kind of sick are they? Bring water and food."
"What... kind of sick?"
"Sinus, chest, stomach?"
"I-I didn't ask!"
Cue an unsurprised but no less disappointed sigh. "You idiot, I'll send some soup over to your place. You can't really go wrong with soup."
Ran let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Thanks, Rin."
"Sure." A moment of silence passed before Rin spoke up again. "Your first instinct was to go to the Golden Girls for medical advice, Ran? Really?"
Ran needs to work on his life skills.
@feitania feel better 🥺 your man's is trying
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lovelydrusilla · 1 year
me, whenever i rewatch schitt's creek and get to season 3 episode 8
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For @schittscreekdrabbleblog word: Perform
“I told Jocelyn that you were conceived to Islands in the Stream, but alas, she was unmoved.”
“Probably because it came out after I was born.”
“You were prema-TURE.”
“That’s not how - Mom, you have to stop telling people I was conceived to every song you want to perform. Like when you told your LA singing group it was Black Diamond by Kiss, which not only is a horrifying choice, but implies I was born in nineteen-seventy-four!”
“David, vanity does not become you.”
“Mkay, I’m gonna go back to listening to Mariah Carey. After all, I was conceived to Fantasy.”
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artfulusername · 8 months
During yesterday's D&D session, I created an NPC that has a collection of codpieces. Each of the codpieces has a name. The players love him. As they should.
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mythous · 5 months
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❝ are you ready to salvage this evening ? ❞ // @tewwor MEMES // always accepting
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HE  SHIFTS  UNEASILY   ——reluctance  and  resignation  mingling  to  form  a  sour  expression  on  david’s  face  as  he  glances  around   (  frowning  at  the  chaotic  remains  of  what  was  supposed  to  be  a  relaxing  evening  ).  eyes  find  his  mother  again,  brows  arching  up  in  skeptical  curiosity.
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              ❝  salvage ?  ❞    he  gestures  to  the  room  around  them  with  a  careless  flourish  and  a  dubious  tone.   ❝  uh  —  i  mean  sure, ❞    the  last  word  is  drawn  out  slowly  like  he’s  testing  it  out  on  his  tongue.   ❝  we  can  try.   kinda  feels  like  we’re  at  a  titanic - post - iceberg  moment  here,  though,  doesn’t  it  ? ❞   a  nod  in  the  direction  of  rushing  townsfolk,  and  his  nose  wrinkles  at  the  sight.  is  this  what  accounts  for  fun  in  this  place?    ❝  like  —  do  we  have  a  lifeboat,  or  are  we  just  going  to  rearrange  the  deck  chairs ?  ❞
adjusting  the  hem  of  his  sweater  (  a  nervous  habit  from  childhood  that  he  seems  unable  to  shake  even  now ),  david  blows  out   a  dramatic  sigh.   ❝  but  hey,  if  you  have  a  plan  that  doesn’t  involve  us  sinking  further  into  disaster,  i’m  all  ears.  ❞    one  hand  finds  its  way  to  his  hip,  head  tilted  in  expectation  despite  the  sarcasm  tumbling  from  his  lips.   ❝  really,  just  say  the  word  —  i’ll  need  time  to  grab  my  life vest.  ❞
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Recover: Cole Cassidy x Reader
Everything was in ruins. Everything was destroyed, up in flames and smoke. The once proud, Overwatch banner fluttering in the Swiss wind is now ash. You were one of the lucky ones returning from fighting, even luckier to miss watching the explosion happen.
Countless dead, many more lying in rows of rooms in the now overcrowded hospital in the next city over.
In the chaos and panic, it was only another stab at Ceaser’s back to know both Strike Commander Morrison and Blackwatch Commander Reyes were both missing, Moira O'Deorain as well. Even in these tragic times, the leaders were missing, gone from the wreckage.
You felt numb, only watching on as the death toll rose overnight in the hospital. No time to grieve, as soon as you all started to weep for one, three more followed soon.
But even in these tragic times, it was warming to see those recover quickly. Genji Shimada of the Blackwatch division was one of them, only needing replacement parts welded back onto him before he too roamed the rooms with you.
But you both found yourselves hanging around one room in particular.
Cole’s room.
It was puppy love, really, but you couldn’t help but feel like a teenager again with how he complimented you. Those tips of his hats to you, all of the little gestures, the growling southern drawl, the winking… Even throughout the chaos of what was Overwatch and Blackwatch, you both found time to… get to know each other better.
He made you feel all fuzzy inside, warm and happy in the cruel world of war you all were forced into. But now, as you look over his body lying lifelessly in the hospital bed, you felt hollow.
His left forearm had been completely blown off, the elbow missing completely. Shattered ribcage and gashes that had him stitched up worse than old children’s toys. His right knee already prepped to have metal implanted later today as his kneecap was missing.
His once hearty tan now pale under the unforgiving hospital lights. Dark circles under his eyes made him look like the undead. All of the bruising and scratches only hurt you the more you looked at them.
You refused to leave his side when you could stay, only really leaving to help out or when he was wheeled back in for more time under the knife. Genji, Ana, Angela and Reinhardt would always walk in on you, clutching Cole’s right hand as you furiously tried to stay awake, wanting to be there when he woke up.
That’s where you were right now, sat in the uncomfortable chair, hunched over onto the hospital bed, elbows digging into the thin mattress as you kept your head up with one hand as the other was linked with Cole’s. It was hard to keep your aching eyes open, the monotone beeping of the machines had started to lull you to sleep once, earning you a mark on the forehead from when your elbows gave out and your head smacked the railing on the bed.
Genji had dropped by earlier, sat with you for a bit in silence before being called away by Angela needing to tune up his cybernetics.
You only perked up as the door opened once more.
Ana had walked in, looking at you gently before looking back at Cole.
“They have his arm’s blueprints ready. Torbjorn is making it now,” she offered, smiling softly at you. You only nodded your head slightly, covering your mouth as you yawned. “How long has it been since you’ve slept?”
“I don’t know,” you stated. “I wanna be here when he wakes up.”
“What good will that do? You’ve already hit your head once from not sleeping, it could be something worse soon.”
“Ana, I’ll be fine. I’ve been through worse sleep-deprived.”
“That doesn’t matter. You can’t stay up with coffee and force. You need rest.
Please.” She stayed silent for just a moment. “Cole would want you to.”
Just the mention of his name brought tears to your eyes. You sniffed and sat back in the chair, never unlinking your fingers from his hand.
“I’ll nap in a bit.”
“(Y/N),” she warned.
Damn her motherly tone.
“One more hour. And then I’ll rest.”
Ana sighed, knowing full and well that in one hour, you would be defying your promise and staying up, waiting patiently for Cole to wake up. Without saying another word, she left the room, leaving you to near silence.
You had no idea how much time had passed, most likely another two hours before the door opened again. It was Ana again, Reinhardt behind her, no doubt the muscle if you refused and latched yourself onto the bed as to not go.
“You’re still up,” she noted.
You felt awful, you were exhausted but you didn’t want to sleep without knowing Cole will be alright. So many things could go wrong in your sleep. You couldn’t bear to know that you weren’t there as he died.
“Come on, (Y/n),” Reinhardt stepped out of the way of the door, “it is time to rest.”
Knowing the German soldier would not leave this room without you in tow, you gave up. Defeated, you finally let go of Cole’s hand and stood on quaking feet. They both smiled, knowing you would finally sleep and take care of yourself.
They both stepped outside into the hallway, allowing you to look over Cole once more from his scruffy hair and sunken face to his pale, clammy body that was mostly hidden beneath the hospital sheets.
As you stepped after the two, you stopped and coiled up at the softest groan, fearing that it was just a hallucination. But as you looked to Ana and Reinhardt, their wide eyes were confirmation that you weren’t hearing things.
You practically flung yourself back into your seat, grasping at Cole’s hand, crying as you saw his eyelids flutter and split open just a bit. You heaved and sobbed, suddenly breaking apart as he gently squeezed your trembling hands, gazing at you out of the corner of his eye.
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seaadc · 1 year
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leaving. | xiao x gn!reader
a/n: this is inspired by moira dela torre’s song “Paubaya”! make sure to listen to it, its greaattt<3 (NO HATE TO LUMINEE)
summary: you and xiao loved eachother so much, treated eachother fairly, not until traveler came into your world. part 2.
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“I’m leaving it all up to her.”
Xiao loved you, for whoever you are, for whatever mistake you did. And you loved him unconditionally. Truth be told, You loved him more than he loved you.
He doesn’t express his feelings, it took quite a while for you to befriend him but he got comfortable around you. Whenever you left, he would realize how empty his world is when you were gone. He would come back to you first after arguments, And you would do the same.
You both knew who was in the wrong at petty fights, If Xiao was, He would come back to you and apologize with roses in his hand. You would of course forgive him since he was your boyfriend.
Every rose he gave you, you put them all up in a vase. To put it simply, you collected that one rose he gave you that night when you guys’s argument was really bad. Both were in the wrong but Xiao chose to say it was his fault.
You both were happy, No one was meddling in your life, You didn’t care if people gossiped on ‘how on earth did you choose a yaksha to be your boyfriend?’.
You both didn’t care, Not a single care left in the world as you both loved each-other unconditionally.
Until, Traveler came. Her name was Lumine, You could tell she was not from here because of how she dresses. She had blonde hair that reaches to her shoulders, A pretty fair lady.
Xiao had stopped hanging out with you during his freetime, He says he has to protect all of Liyue and you understood that. Probably because you just don’t want the both of you to have an argument.
You decided to visit Wangshu Inn, holding some Almond Tofu you cooked in your home before leaving. You greeted Verr and asked where Xiao is.
“Oh, Xiao? He’s upstairs at the balcony. He’s with—“ You cut Verr off with a thanks and rushed immediately to the balcony upstairs, That place was also where both of you had your first date. You still remember that shy face of Xiao that day.
But today, You were met with that same expression. Not to you, But to Lumine.
You stood there, all the excitement in your body gone as it was replaced with disappointment. The pale expression on your face explains how this scenario hurt you.
Xiao and Lumine were on the railings, Lumine laughing with her eyes closed while Xiao was blushing with a pink hue spreaded across his cheeks, He looked down at Lumine’s lips and kissed her which— in turn, Lumine reciprocated.
You put on a sad smile, putting down the plate in the table causing a sound to which Xiao flinched at and his expression turned dark when he realized you were there.
“[Name]..? You.. w-were here?” Xiao mumbled, his heart pounding due to nervousness while Lumine was shocked. Her eyes widening.
I wonder what her flying companion would think of this.. behavior she had been doing.
You smile at them and bow, looking over to Xiao. “I just dropped by some Almond Tofu, have fun.” You say, putting on the most brightest smile, yet, Xiao could tell it was fake.
You left, rushing down the stairs with tears welling up in your eyes as Verr tried to ask if you were okay but you sprinted past her desk.
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You sat down on the chair in your kitchen, A blank expression on your face while you stared into oblivion.
Xiao went inside, You stood up and looked at him. He was sweating and panting.
“[Name].. Can we please.. talk..?” He murmured, gulping and approaching you in the kitchen.
You walked over him to face him, smiling sadly at him while you cupped both his cheeks. You hugged him tight, He reciprocated the hug tenderly and you both stayed like that for a few minutes..
You were the one he embraced, but he was still thinking of her.
“Xiao.. If you truly loved me.. Choose her.” You mumbled, pulling away from the warm embrace that you wished, oh wished to have lasted longer but you couldn’t. you just wouldn’t.
Xiao winced at your words and shook his head, He opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off. “Where did my love lack? I gave everything to make you smile.” You said, looking down with a faint smile.
You both stayed quiet, the silence wasn’t peaceful. It was sad, and pale.
You looked up at him while Xiao’s eyes widened at the sight, You were tearing up. Tears were dripping down from your eyes and down to the floor while you looked at him.
“I love you Xiao, truly. So that’s why..” You paused, wiping your tears while you cupped both his cheeks after and you kissed him on the forehead while his eyes were welling up with tears that threatened to fall.
“I’m letting you go.”
You said, which made his tears fall, He hugged you, tighter than that last hug. You cried at his shoulders, patting his back while he silently cried on your back.
Xiao pulled away, wiping his tears while you both headed onto the door. You pointed at the door and smiled sadly at him.
“Go.. please.. She’s waiting for you.” You chuckled in a sad tone, Xiao smiled and kissed you, one final time before he left.
You counted, wishing he would come back and hug you in his embrace while you hugged him by the shoulders.
You had burst into tears, crying, but no shoulder to cry on. You didn’t have an arm wrapped around you tightly, You didn’t have an arm that had tattoos trying to comfort you while soft hands took off the strands of hair in your face.
You had no one else, except you.
You were the one he needed, but not the one he loved.
Lumine had met up with you, outside of your house. You smiled at her and hugged her, then reached your mouth over to her ears. “Don’t make him cry like what I did… Please.. take care of him.”
Lumine widened her eyes at your words, she then squinted it then returned the hug, nodding while you pulled away and smiled sadly.
She walked away, Xiao next to her side while you were there, alone.
No one to wake you up in the morning, No one to support you to what you wanted to do.
While you didn’t notice, the rose Xiao had gave you that was in your vase, The rose you kept so long and taken care of, one of it’s petals has fell.
Xiao looked at Lumine tenderly, love and desire plastered onto his eyes while he smiled slightly.
“And it can be really seen in your eyes, why you chose her.”
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leosficlist · 1 month
Johnlock Fluff rec list (so far!)
These will all include heartwarming sweet times, most will include love confessions and first times as well. I tried to make it not-so porny. I am a bit of a stickler for things feeling in character, so if you share that with me then you are in good hands <3
A Quiet Murmuration by cathedral_carver 4.6k words
“Just pay me back with one thousand kisses”
notes: domestic, getting together, lots of touches and lingering looks
You Fit Me, Sherlock Holmes by orphan_account 10k words
It feels natural when John slips under the covers as well, and scoots in closer to Sherlock. As Sherlock's arms envelope him tightly, he breathes a sigh of relief. They don't speak and it only takes John five minutes before he starts to drift off. His breathing gets deep and he feels oblivion starting to crawl in on him at the edges. His inhibitions are almost gone as he whispers, "I've missed you," into Sherlock's skin.
Sherlock doesn't reply immediately. Instead he removes a strand of hair from John's forehead.
John is almost completely lost to the world when Sherlock whispers back, "I've missed you, too."
notes: cuddling for an experiment, sherlock writes up a report at the end
Upon Reflection, Tenable Frippery by emmagrant01 1.3k words
“John was, inexplicably, growing a beard.”
notes: first kiss, sherlock loves the beard
Succulent by FinAmour 8.8k words 🔒
“You look nice tonight,” John says, and it all goes downhill from there.
About Sleep and Coffee and the Existence of Fate by Atiki 17.4k words
Naturally, John was startled when suddenly the ultimate solution occurred to him: Marriage. This was, of course, a bit of a fundamental problem rather than an actual solution. One didn't simply use the words “Sherlock” and “marriage” within the same sentence. Not even in a hypothetical context. (Five times John kind of wanted to propose to Sherlock, and one time he didn’t have to.)
A Hesitation Waltz by UrbanHymnal 5.5k words
“He lets the vibrato speak for him: love and loss, triumph and failure, longing for water and a bit of rest after so long a journey. He would follow John into the desert, walk through fire, sacrifice to any God. He would gladly kneel at John’s feet, if only given the chance, and worship him with each breath.”
notes: sherlock’s violin playing
A Lifetime Together by LondonSpirit 🔒 8.8k
“John and Sherlock falling in love.”
The Man in Aisle Ten by standbygo 🔒 1.3k words
“It's Christmas Eve, the busiest day for shopping at Harrod's, and there's a guy in aisle ten who's snapping at every sales associate who dares to approach him. It's up to Moira to help him find the perfect present.”
notes: I love seeing Sherlock through other people’s perspectives, and I can sympathize with holiday retail
Things That You Can’t Say Tomorrow Day by PsychGirl 4k words
“Things go horribly wrong while John and Sherlock are on a mission for Mycroft. Now they're out in the woods in the middle of winter with no coats and no shelter. However will they stay warm?”
notes: post-mary, no baby mention, getting together while sharing body heat
Easy by stopthat 2.8k words
“Something, it seems, has broken down between them. Something good.”
notes: asexual sherlock
Your Love by stopthat 1.5k
“Sherlock breathes in the scent of roses, feels the wind on his skin, tastes John on his tongue.”
notes: John calls Sherlock “love” by accident
The 12 Truths of Christmas by Breath4Soul 3.3k
“It’s a simple construct, John. There is nothing I value more than data. Facts, John.” Sherlock flourishes a long, thin hand, then steeples his fingers together over his lap. He scans John with steel blue eyes. “In place of some appalling or imbecilic gift inflicted upon me in the name of tradition on Christmas day, I propose that you provide me with one previously unknown fact about you for each day leading up to Christmas.12 in total, John.”
Nightfall by CKLizzy 8k words gen (part one of the amazing Solace Series)
“Awoken by nightmares, John and Sherlock seek each other's company at night. They find more than either of them knew they were missing.”
Loss of the Senses by goddess_of_the_ night 18.5k words
or "Five Times Sherlock Lost his Senses and One Time He Used Them All to Worship John"
Over the course of two years, Sherlock loses each of his five senses: Taste, Smell, Touch, Sound, and Sight. John is a saint who takes care of him despite Sherlock's insistence to push him away.
notes: can be read as gen if you stop before the last chapter
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obsoleteozymandias · 2 months
"I'm not usually one for hats, but this event does inspire some change in my heart."
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Moira Thea has arrived at the Hat Extravaganza!
{ Voice lines, full design, credits, and extras below! }
Voice Lines:
Summon: “This hat does provide some welcome reprieve from the sun. I think I may wear it after this, too."  
Groovy: “Would that we all could embrace such creativity and spontaneity in our daily lives."
Set Home: “Look, my cane matches this time! Not that...that really bothered me before.”
Home Idle 1: “I wish I could see the designs everyone has created, although the strings of fate do indicate that they are stunning.”
Home Idle 2: "It was kind of Professor Crewel to invite me. He is far more of a considerate teacher than we deserve.”
Home Idle 3:  “It is a bit sweltering in this dress...perhaps I should have brought some lighter clothes..." 
Home Login: “My sisters made this hat with me in mind. I can only hope that it isn't atrocious.” 
Home Idle Groovy: “I can't ask for a more welcome companion that Mr. Rosehearts on such an outing."
Home Tap 1: “I've been to the Queendom several times before, but every time it surprises me with its pleasantness.”
Home Tap 2: “What? No, these are dove wings. They're a symbol of my family. And yes, they were ethically sourced, worry not.”
Home Tap 3: “The different fabrics under my fingers and the smell of leather and roses...this is truly a sensory delight!”
Home Tap Groovy: “Would you care to accompany me to the greenhouse? I've heard their Orchids are award-winning!"
Full Body Art:
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Many thanks to the extraordinary @zetsubobu for hosting this event! I had so much fun designing and rendering my baby! I can't wait to see what other people draw!!
Extras / OC Information: 
I imagine Moira likes places where she can feel and experience many sensations at once, like gardens!
She likes fashion quite a bit, and so was extremely excited to go to this event, even if she doesn't show it.
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professionalranter31 · 4 months
Why don’t Moira, Reaper, and Mauga have Talon skins?
I know the argument can be that their default skins are their Talon skins and I call BS because Sombra, Widowmaker, and Doomfist have Talon skins
The Talon skins represent the characters in their early days in the organization, or in Sigma’s case what he wears when on missions, and gives us a better idea of their history
Like Doomfist’s Talon skin literally has him wearing a copy of the Doomfist gauntlet, showcasing that he was being prepared to take it and that he had every intention of claiming the gauntlet as his own
Sombra’s Talon skin doesn’t feel like her, showcasing that she had to be someone less playful and curious in order to work up the ranks and get access to the resources that she needs for her personal investigation
Widowmaker’s Talon skin shows what she looked like before she was genetically modified, and to me always implied that she viewed her screw ups on the mission where she took out Ana’s eye because of her emotions (the Talon skin is what she was wearing on that mission so that’s why I’m explaining these vibes) so sometime after she would have her body changed
I want to see what that history for Reaper, Moira, and Mauga. I want to know what they were like in their early days within Talon before they rose up in the ranks
What are the lore skins you want to see added in game?
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lovelydrusilla · 2 years
noah reid as patrick brewer you will always be famous
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jbuffyangel · 4 months
The Canary: Arrow 2x05 Review (League of Assassins)
Yeesh there is a lot of Lance drama in the beginning of Season 2. We finally get the backstory on Sara, but it’s the spectacular Oliver and Laurel scene that has me cackling.
Let's dig in...
Sara Lance
They reshot the whole pilot scene between Oliver and Sara only this time, we see what happens to Sara after the boat sinks and she’s swept out to sea. How this woman did not get hypothermia from only wearing a bra and underwear in the North China Sea is beyond me.
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This scene just incenses me.  It irks the absolute crap out of me when Sara says, “Laurel is gonna kill me.” Sara says it like she’s borrowing Laurel’s sweater without asking. YOU ARE SLEEPING WITH HER BOYFRIEND.  This destroys a relationship. She’s not going to kill you, but she will absolutely cut contact with you, Sara.
I know he’s pre-island Ollie and he’s just the absolute worst, but the smarmy “Your sister will never know” as he climbs on top of Sara is just so disgusting. I cannot fathom why people would ever want Laurel to be with Oliver after what he did. Forgive him, fine. Date him? Absolutely not.
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Okay, the rage is dying down. Hopefully this is the last time we have to watch this scene.
Sara is staying at the Queen mansion, which doesn’t see very covert, but with Moira in jail and Thea sleeping at Roy’s all the time it actually is a good place for Sara to crash. Better than a clock tower at least.
Oliver is still trying to convince Sara to let her family know that she’s alive, but she’s not convinced all family members *cough*Laurel*cough* will be happy to see her. Sara asks Oliver if he ever got back together with Laurel after he returned home.
Oliver: We tried. It’s too much.
Sara: Some things are better left in the past.
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After The Gambit sinks, Sara is floating on a door similar to Rose in Titanic when she’s picked up by the freighter.
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Source: saralances
We’re all going to pretend the canary landing right next to Sara is not the most obvious foreshadowing in the world. For anyone questioning if Arrow is making Sara their OG Canary – there’s your answer. You know - if the suit, wicked fight skills and sonic weapon didn’t answer it for you already.
The color of the Canary is important though. It’s yellow. Not black. Arrow is drawing a clear distinction between the two. This is an origin story. It’s not Green Arrow and Black Canary. It’s The Arrow and The Canary.
Sara is thrown in a cage on the freighter, similar to Oliver’s current predicament, but Dr. Ivo protects her from the crew members.  He tells Sara he is going to save the human race and invites her to help, so I can only conclude we’re going with Stockholm syndrome in the flashbacks. A twenty something college kid would have very little to offer a mad scientist.
However, Sara’s reticence to return to her family is not related to whatever happened on the island, but rather who she became and what she did to survive AFTER the island. We’re just about to get some details when a man dressed exactly like Malcolm Merlyn comes crashing through a window.  Oliver and Sara fight him, but before we can get any answers the man disappears. This is getting annoying. WILL SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN SOMETHING?
Oliver introduces Sara to his team and we get the iconic first meeting between Sara and Felicity.
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Source: oliversmoak
Sara does not want Team Arrow to find the assailant however. She knows exactly who he is. 
Sara: He’s called Al Ow-al, “The First.” And he’s a member of the League of Assassins.
Oliver has a very strong reaction to this revelation so we can deduce Sara didn’t join the Girl Scouts. The League is, you guessed it, a bunch of assassins who kill and vanish like ghost - previously thought to be an urban legend by Diggle. The League rescued Sara after the island, remade her into an assassin and she swore them her allegiance.
Sara left after she killed a local diplomat in Guyana and his children found his body the next morning. She didn’t want to be a murderer anymore, but now The League is coming after her.
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Source: laurelscanary
Felicity’s humor and compassion put Sara at ease after her horrifying confession and this is why I love this character.  There’s no judgment from Felicity. She sees Sara for what she is – a person in pain, even if Sara doesn’t see herself that way. Not unlike how Felicity looks at Oliver. And just like Oliver, Sara Lance is SMOAKED.
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Source: smoakamell
After Felicity finds Al Ow-al, Sara and Oliver argue about whose fight it is. Sara isn't used to playing with others, but you'd think she'd understand basic strength in numbers. This is the guy who trained Malcolm Merlyn. He stops an arrow with his bare hand while his back was turned!
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Al Ow-al: The child of Ra’s Al Ghul awaits your return.
I know who Ra’s Al Ghul is from my Batman days, but in Arrow's world he has a kid. A kid who sent Al Ow-al  to collect Sara alive or dead. This is getting complicated. Is there like an employment flow chart we can follow for the League of Assassins?
Oliver: The League of Assassins. Why wouldn’t she tell me what happened to her all those years?
Diggle: Probably the same reason you didn’t tell us what happened to you on the island.
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Wow. This is stunning lack of self awareness. Oliver, in case you haven’t noticed, Sara is the girl version of you.
The League has threatened Sara’s family, so Oliver keeps watch over Laurel. Felicity calls Detective Lance to convince him to leave town - while promising Sara to not reveal she's alive.
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Source: @noone-seesyou-likeido
Unfortunately, Lance does not listen to Felicity, so Sara decides her secret is not more important than her father’s life. Finally, she is seeing some sense. Diggle, ever the loyal solider, offers to go with as back up, but Sara continues to have this thing about fighting on her own. I guess being an assassin is a solitary job. This does give us one of the best bad ass Sara Lance speeches ever, however.
Sara: Dig, you may be a three tour Special Forces veteran, but I was trained by the people that make the Special Forces look like a kindergarten class. So step aside or get put down.
The reunion between Lance and Sara is all we hoped it could be. It’s not every day your kid comes back from the dead, but Paul Blackthorne does a phenomenal job of moving from shock and disbelief to overwhelming joy.
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Source: laurelscanary
Quentin wants answers, but he’s careful not to spook Sara who is still reticent to give details. They go through the nuclear bomb that was set off in their family (the divorce, the alcoholism).  Sara apologizes for the damage she caused, but Quentin insists he was to blame, which is more proof he is a really good dad.
He can clearly see his daughter has changed. She speaks Chinese now and is ready to fight to the death with a butter knife. He pieces together Sara is the woman in black; she knows Felicity, The Arrow and is wrapped up in this League that’s after both of them. How this man has not put together Oliver Queen is The Arrow I will never understand.
Quentin: If these assassins, if they hadn't shown up, would you have ever let us know that you were alive?
Sara: No.
Well, at least she’s honest. Sara promises Lance that she never forgot who she was or him despite staying away for so many years.
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She takes her father to the clock tower which she’s outfitted with booby traps for when the League comes for them both. Sara and Lance hold their own against the assassins, but when The Arrow arrives they achieve the upper hand. Sara has no problem breaking Al Ow-al’s neck, but allows one assassin to live to warn Ra’s Al Ghul.
Sara: Tell Ra’s Al Ghul that my family is off limits. His quarrel is with me.
She is ashamed to show Quentin who she has become – a killer.
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Source:  sohpiabush 
But Quentin feels only pride. How little children understand the depth of a parent’s love. We have already forgiven anything you’ve done or may do the moment you are born.
Quentin: I think you’re a survivor. I think you’re one of the bravest people I’ve ever known. You’re my daughter.
Sara leaves town to lead the League away from her family and Quentin agrees to keep her secret. He will not tell either Laurel or Dinah that Sara is alive because it would get them killed… or something.  The logic is not logical, but I don’t really care. They’ll hold the “Laurel finds out Sara is alive” card for May sweeps.
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Source: @laurelscanary
This is not the last we will see of Sara Lance. The Canary’s story is just getting started.
Oliver and Diggle
Despite Oliver's spectacularly hypocritical statement about Sara and honesty, there is serious emotional growth this episode. Oliver making this statement about forgiveness a year ago would have been unthinkable. He did not return home with any hope of being forgiven or even welcomed back. I'm going to give the Lance family a shoutout because they had the most to be angry about with Oliver. He asked both Laurel and Quentin for forgiveness and they each have extended olive branches at various time. Hell, Laurel was ready to get back together with him. So, the fact he's able to offer the same hope to Sara is really a full circle moment.
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Source:  anissagraces
Oliver beginning to believe he is worthy of forgiveness is a direct result of the many hours of therapy with Diggle and Felicity. He is finally starting to really hear them. That's why this moment with Diggle at the end of the episode is truly note worthy.
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Diggle should have this date embroidered on a pillow because it's not often Oliver will admit he was right. But Oliver is not done yet.
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He breaks out some Russian vodka and confesses to Diggle he was not always on the island the five years he was gone. Oliver is ready to unburden some of the secrets he works so hard to keep buried.
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Source: laurelscanary
Oliver is able to see his own demons reflected in Sara and it finally connects the dots for him. He doesn't have to remain isolated in the world like Sara. Oliver can see Diggle (and Felicity) reaching out to him and he FINALLY reaches back. This is monumental character growth.
Sara: You three are quite the team.
Diggle: We have our moments.
Why Diggle and not Felicity? I think it's easier for Oliver to tell his war stories to another solider. He also doesn't have any fuzzy bunny feelings towards John, which makes things simpler between them. But every time Oliver opens the door to the past, and shares his pain, he is one step closer to the future he truly deserves.
Laurel Lance
Laurel is sitting second chair in Moira Queen’s prosecution, which is actually an INSANE CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Marc Guggenheim, you are a lawyer sir. What is this nonsense?  
Never fear! Laurel has used all her pull to get Moira a plea deal - life with the possibility of parole. Understandably the Queen family isn’t thrilled. It’s either life or the death penalty.  Laurel even discussing Moira’s case with Oliver is improper ex parte contact. She should be excluded from the case and sanctioned, but this is Arrow and that’s never going to happen.
In the middle of all of this, Oliver continues to ask if Laurel is okay. She is trying to kill your mother, Oliver. I feel how this is impacting Laurel shouldn’t really be your top concern. He is so exhausting around her. Take the hint, my dude. She doesn’t want your help and I’m tired of you two having the same fight episode after episode.
But this episode is not just another round of the same old some old. No, my friends this is a very special episode because it contains one of the best Laurel and Oliver scenes to ever grace our television. Oliver needs to protect Laurel from the League of Assassins, so he takes her out to dinner. Then he walks Laurel back to her apartment (because assassins) but she thinks he’s come up for a very different reason.
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And OLIVER REJECTS HER.  The way I cackled.
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I’m going straight to hell, but I don’t care. This moment is glorious. First of all, Laurel did not have a drink at dinner, so she can’t blame the booze and pills. She just flat out reads the situation wrong. Oliver apologizes for sending a mix signal, but he’s a bit confused. Didn’t they decide they shouldn’t be together out of respect for Tommy? Yes, Oliver. Yes you did. WHAT ABOUT TOMMY, LAUREL?!! This woman did not deserve that man.
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Oliver promises Laurel he will never leave her and has certainly made every effort to help her, but it is the capacity in which he will stay in her life that is really in question. This moment is HUGE in terms of where Oliver is at emotionally. He is drawing a firm line in the sand. There was a time when Oliver would’ve welcomed Laurel trying to climb him like a tree no matter the circumstance, but not anymore. He clearly states that he cares about Laurel but only as a friend. His concern has no romantic undertone to it.
The balance of power in their relationship has always been tipped toward Laurel. This is the first time it feels like a more even playing field. Instead of Laurel rejecting Oliver – he is rejecting her and for a very good reason. Oliver is not stoned on pills and he remembers they don’t work. They tried to go back and it failed. Oliver has not interest in trying again. For the first time, Oliver is looking forward.  
And Laurel, cemented in the past and alone her in apartment, takes some pills.
Stray Thoughts
This secret Moira is keeping is a real humdinger if she’s ok with life with the possibility of parole.
Oliver and Thea promise Moira that she will not lose them no matter the secret. Sure Jan.
"Gee I didn't get you a bag of dirt." Bless this cupcake.
Where did Sara get her suit?
Malcolm Merlyn is also a member of The League of Assassins.
"Oliver’s lucky to have you both as friends. He hasn’t always had the best of luck in that area." Sara’s not so casual remarks about Slade and Shado are friggin ominous. It’s time to get real nervous about the flashbacks.
“You think because you are the beloved that you will be granted your freedom?” We all know who Sara’s beloved is and I’m very much looking forward to her arrival.
"Pain and I came to a little understanding a few years back." Sara takes a licking but keeps on kicking. This is such a bad ass line. The episode is chalk full of them. I love the OG Canary.
Listen to the Watchover podcast reaction to 2x05!!
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Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me!
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mi-ciudad · 7 hours
there’s a stone that says The Moira’s Rose’s Garden 4856 and Alexis is like so the garden is for Moira whose rose has a garden.  And Dad is like “ I went through several changes and I think I confused her.  And Alexis is like “ I don’t think there’s enough apostrophes” and David is like “I don’t even think I see a rose IN the garden. Then David is like “What are those numbers for?” and Alexis is like that’s mom’s birthday David, and then Moira is like “those are the last four digits of your father’s credit card” then David is like I hope you got a really good deal on this and Moira is like he paid extra for all the apostrophe S’s
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ya-zz · 1 year
If you're down for it, could you write a little something with Cassidy? Maybe something where reader and him got separated, due to his envolvement with Blackwatch since they didn't want to take any part in that, and meet again by chance? Bittersweet, maybe a happy ending? Just cassidy going through it when he sees you AAAAAA
I fuckin love this cowboy, the first Overwatch character I simped for. Thank you so much for the request! I could've kept going with this, but I had to force myself to stop.
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Cassidy x Reader (gen)
Word count: 1524
It had been a long few years since he had left you - part of him regretted it, but he understood your feelings. He knew that there was a chance he wasn’t coming back should something go wrong. He didn’t want to burden you with those thoughts, but when you had outwardly said you couldn’t be with him if he joined Blackwatch, he felt relieved somewhat. 
While he had Reyes and Genji to keep him occupied, small jaunts at Moira whenever he was in the mood, his mind would always wander back to you. The tear stained face before he left, the sobbing and calling his name before he disappeared. He hated himself for leaving you, but he had to do something. Overwatch was everything to him, his family, and doing the extra part with Blackwatch made him feel useful. 
But as the years went by, Blackwatch under a watchful eye and finally disbanding after everything that went wrong, Cassidy was thankful that the shitshow had ended. Finally returning back to the Overwatch headquarters was like returning home - one of which made his heart flutter with excitement as he no longer had to worry about anything for awhile. 
The moment he stepped off the drop ship, Genji next to him, he felt a wave of euphoria, finally home at last. 
The first thing he wanted to do was see you, he didn’t wait to get checked up by Angela, he didn’t listen to Reyes shouting after him as he almost ran down the halls towards your room only to be met by an empty space. 
He felt his heart drop as he stepped foot into the room, his steps echoing, dust particles swaying in the open space. 
“They left a few months after you did.” A familiar voice spoke out behind him.
He turned to face his commander, Reyes. 
“What? And you didn’t think to tell me?” Cassidy’s voice had a hint of anger. 
“No. I didn’t need you distracted.” Reyes leant against the doorframe, arms crossing. “Jack rang me while you were scouting with Genji to break the news. They weren’t the only ones that left.” As he spoke, listing off the other members who left, Cassidy zoned out, his heart aching.
“Where are they?” 
Reyes shrugged. “No idea.” He released sigh, standing up straight. “Get settled, do your report and come join us.”
Cassidy stared at Reyes before he left, standing in your old room for a while longer, trying to pull himself together… 
Weeks went by and slowly his anger and heartache subsided until Cole was finally back to his usual self. He moved on somewhat quickly, however each time he passed by your room and looked in, his heart would pang with guilt. He still missed you. He avoided your room whenever possible, taking the longer routes just so he didn’t have to be reminded of what he had lost. 
Cassidy and a few other members were heading out for the evening, something of which they had been planning for the last week. It wasn’t a rare occurrence, but the stress levels had been higher than usual lately. 
With the cool evening air embracing everyone as they walked, chatter rose among the group, laugher emitting, filling the surrounding air. The tension was subsiding. 
As they wandered the streets, the group found themselves at a bar, taking a seat in one of the further back booths, away from the partying crowd. The music was loud, small vibrations shaking the tables slightly. 
Cassidy took his seat at the edge of the booth, an easy escape should things get too rowdy, his seating partner was Ana and Jack. Reyes, Genji and Hanzo were sat opposite him, already ordering their drinks from the waitress who arrived a few moments after they had sat down. 
Once the drinks were placed down, the chatter continued, stories about the days in Blackwatch, stories about past missions with Overwatch. Family stories and past traumas, who was dating who within the ranks. It was a joyous night for the group, and even more so when Jack arrived. He took his seat at the back of the booth, like he was the head of the table. 
The night went on without any issues, rosy cheeks for all members as they continued drinking, almost slamming empty glasses down on the table. 
“Your turn to get drinks, cowboy.” Genji spoke out against the music, glass touching the table with no liquid in it. 
“Yeah, yeah.” He stood up, heading for the bar as he straightened his hat. His steps were a little off, the alcohol clearly affecting him and his stance. 
He spoke to the bartender, listing off the seven drinks needed for his table before he turned around, leaning his back against the bar as he scanned the room. He watched as a small group of people danced around the floor, arms entwined with others, smiles and quiet laughter erupting from them.
Cassidy smiled, tipping his head slightly as a few women looked over at him. He winked before turning back around, grabbing the first three glasses and transporting them to the table. When he returned, waiting on the final four drinks, a small shove from someone beside him knocked him into someone else seated at the bar. 
“Hey, watch it.” He called out, receiving an apology before they turned and walked away. Cassidy looked back, “My apologies, darlin’. Hope I didn’t hurt ya.” 
They turned around, eyes locking with Cassidy’s.
“[y/n]?” Cole felt his heart almost stop, eyes widening slightly at the person in front of him. 
“What- You-” He stumbled over his words, a disbelief coursing through him as he stood there speechless. 
You smiled at him, turning in your seat to face him properly. “It’s good to see you too, Cass.” 
“Yeah…” His cheeks flushed, the warmth spreading through them as he instantly sobered up. “It’s good to see you.” 
The bartender placed the final glass down in front of the cowboy. 
“Thanks.” He turned back to you. “Why don’t you come join us?”
“Me and the others are sat over there.” He pointed behind him before adjusting his collar. It was taking him back to the very first time you had met. The nervousness he had felt despite being slightly drunk, a very similar situation happened, being pushed into you. He chuckled to himself at the thought. “Or, we can sit and catch up here?” 
“I like the second choice better.” You kept your smile before ordering another drink. “I’ll be waiting.” 
Cassidy nodded, taking three drinks back and leaving the group once again. His glass was moved closer to yours, away from anyone else’s hand.
He took a seat next to you as you handed him his drink. 
“I didn’t think I’d see you again.” He spoke out, arm resting against the bar. 
“You could’ve called.” You laughed, turning to face him again. 
“Thought you hated me.”
“Why would you think that?” 
He paused, taking a sip of his drink, the ice clinking against the glass. “I left you for Blackwatch.” 
“So? You were doing your job, Cass, there is nothing wrong with that. I just… I just couldn’t do it.” A shaky sigh escaped you. 
“I know. I remember you sayin’. I remember everythin’ about that night. Felt so guilty about the entire situation.” His eyes never left yours as he spoke. Even now he still felt guilty and he couldn’t shake that off of him no matter how hard he tried. There were many nights he would stay up and regret his decision in joining Blackwatch and leaving you behind. 
Part of him had expected you to stay, waiting for his return, but then he would remember you saying you couldn’t stay awake with the stress, never knowing if he was coming back. The moment he saw you tonight, it felt like no time had passed, and when the harsh reality that it had been several years since he last saw you hits him, he breaks.
“I’m sorry, [y/n]...” His voice was barely audible against the music, a slow tear falling down his sun kissed cheeks.
You tilt your head slightly, taking his hand in yours. “Hey, Cass. It’s alright. I’m glad you’re back safely.”
The way you took his hand and gently rubbed small circles with your thumb made him weak, it was something he loved, the way you calmed him down with the simplest of gestures. 
“I heard about Blackwatch…” You look down at his hand. “Jack keeps me in the loop sometimes.
“Yeah. Those days are over.” A sigh left his body as his shoulders relaxed. “Maybe, just a thought, maybe we could work things out again?” 
“I would like that… I’ve missed you.” There was a warmth rising in your cheeks as you looked at the cowboy. 
“I missed you too, darlin’. More than you could ever imagine.” His hand gently squeezed yours, his heart racing in his chest. “You’re my everythin’.” 
He took your other hand in his as he looked up at you, a soft look on his face. “I don’t wanna lose you again.”
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stereopticons · 8 months
Random but I'm curious! What are your favorite moments from Schitt’s Creek?
Thanks, anon. I hope you've got lots of time because there are just SO MANY.
In no particular order (i.e., in the order in which they occur to me):
The Grad Night kiss. Perfection, all around.
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2. Speaking of kisses, the forehead/bicep kiss moment from Moira Rose. I think I've made it clear that I'm very weak for forehead kisses. (There are SO many good moments from that episode honestly).
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3. The whole Open Mic through Olive Branch arc. It's my emotional support television arc lmao. I mean we go from this:
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to this:
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Bookended by simply the best????
4. Speaking of the Barbecue -- the best friend moment with Stevie in the Jazzaguy
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5. And also Start Spreading the News. I think the conversation that David and Stevie had on the car was SO IMPORTANT and I don't think it's something he could have had with Patrick. There are several fics about how things go horribly wrong when this conversation doesn't happen (my only quibble with this moment is that David would NEVER sit on Stevie's dirty ass car in white jeans)
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6. Just like, the whole of the housewarming party. Amazing. Hilarious. but also Patrick (and David!! because that isn't talked about enough) getting to have all the queer high school experiences he never got to have!
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7. All of Singles Week, but especially this conversation:
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8. The whole Cabaret arc. I can (and HAVE) gone on extensive rants about how Moira knew what she was doing casting Patrick in a role that is nearly always played queer when he was auditioning for the "straight"/closeted character. What it MEANS for Patrick and Stevie both to get to play these roles. The impact of Patrick in the Cabaret finale given that David is both queer and Jewish??? I know these things are mostly only hinted at and only really if you know Cabaret but it's one of my very favorite musicals (NOT movies though, good god) and I have like, a lot of feelings about it? man, I should work on that community theatre au again
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9. The end of Happy Anniversary
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10. "Out................side." (getting railed)
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I'm going to stop at 10 because I could go on until I've listed the whole series (minus Roadkill) and OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT MEET THE PARENTS??? Just like. The whole thing???
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Anyway have these bonus moments that make me go HANNNDSSSSS
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(I can't find the gif from the wedding I was looking for but BLESS THE GIF MAKERS)
Anyway I hope that's what you were looking for, anon, I have to post this now because I've already remembered like 19 more that I can't believe I didn't list
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magewritesstories · 2 years
your instagram while living in the tomholland!spiderman universe
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Liked by mystery.jones and 128 others
thereal.y.n @spiderman.offcial. thanks for returning my bike!
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→ the_amazing_flash he really is the best     → thereal.y.n for once we agree flashlight
→ mystery.jones how did you lose that thing in the first place, idiot?     → thereal.y.n HEY goldfish memory is a real problem y’know!
→ spiderman.offcial. no problem @threal.y.n just doing my job as the friendly neighbourhood spiderman!      → mystery.jones i didn’t know space counted as “the neighbourhood”      → TheGuyInTheChair dude havent you been to space??
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Liked by _peter_parker_ and 87 others
thereal.y.n. who needs a valentine when you’ve got a @mystery.jones?
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→ TheGuyInTheChair you guys went to the beach without us?!      → thereal.y.n sorry ned it was a girls only trip, we’ll got Moira’s tmr promise
→ the_amazing_flash your only saying that bc you were sad and lonely on valentine’s day      → mystery.jones it’s you’re* @the_amazing_flash
→ _peter_parker_ i thought you got a secret rose?      → thereal.y.n oh yeah i almost forgot abt that
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Liked by spiderman.official and 104 others
thereal.y.n @spidermanofficial what do you think abt my new shoes?
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→ TheGuyInTheChair you finally finished them?      → thereal.y.n no, ned this is a fake pic...
→ spiderman.official i love them, 10/10
→ the_amazing_flash where did you get those????      → thereal.y.n wouldn’t you like to know thotson
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Liked by TheGuyInTheChair and 79 others
thereal.y.n this is going to be the best summer vacation ever, also look at my pretty boys, @_peter_parker_ and @TheGuyInTheChair ❤️
→ TheGuyInTheChair i still can’t believe you’re planning on surviving the entire summer vacation on one suitcase
→ _peter_parker_ awww thank you ❤️     → thereal.y.n just speaking the truth babes ❤️     → the_amazing_flash get a room     → the real.y.n get a personality
→ mystery.jones i still can’t believe you talked me into going to disneyland
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