#head woun
sayruq · 5 months
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In his spartan home in Israel's Negev desert, Mohamed Hassouna points to the spot where his seven-year-old daughter Amina was seriously wounded by a fragment of a projectile during Iran's attack on Israel. Amina, the only badly injured person recorded in Israel in this unprecedented attack by Tehran, was placed in intensive care with a serious head injury, said the Soroka hospital in the city of Beersheva. The little girl belongs to the Bedouin community, descendants of Muslim Arab shepherds who live in the Negev and are often denied many of the rights granted to other citizens. "We have no shelter," lamented Amina's father, who criticised Israeli authorities for leaving him and his family at the mercy of rockets and missiles. Many Bedouin communities have lived on the margins, and are often accused by authorities of settling on desert lands without official authorisation. While most Israelis have access to bomb shelters, many Bedouin communities are not allowed to build them. Their villages, on paper, do not exist, and no road signs lead to them.
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skcirthinq · 8 months
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What's the line? 'How was the catharsis? Was the catharsis good?'
*me, face screwed up and holding back tears* it was good.
Yeah, so I read "Little kid with a big death wish" by @remedyturtles and. You guys. You GUYS. It's so. Heart-wrending and evocative and so so well written. Like. I'm going to have turtle fanfiction stapled in my soul now.
It's a post kraang fic, but like. Mostly about the characters (mostly Leo) and how they're dealing with stuff ... Emotionally... Mentally. Physically. There's also TMNT shenanigans about what exactly is going on with Leo.
I recommend it fully, with the caveat of minding the tags, please.
Descriptions under the cut, with two more works I'm adding in a reblog, because I. Goddamned. Ran out of room. Spoilers ahead.
(Descriptions of sketch illustrations of various scenes from the fic) Image 1: A badly injured Leo is laying against some pillows, with a blanket pulled up around his chest. He has bandages, cuts, and bruises littering his visible body, and one of his arms is gone, with bandages around the remainder. His eyes are open, but his expression is vacant and unseeing. Mikey and Raph, also showing signs of battle damage, are sleeping; Mikey is resting his face in his crossed arms on the side of Leo's bed, looking upset even in his sleep. Raph is right behind Mikey, also leaning his face into his arm, with the other arm resting on Mikey's back and head. Donnie is sitting behind them, looking at his brothers with an unhappy grimace. He is also visibly injured, and wearing a hoodie. None of them are wearing their masks.
Image 2: Raph is sitting down, tense and holding his hand. He looks up with an... Intense face, as his brothers come into the room. Donnie and Mikey are supporting Leo, and Donnie is holding Leo's crutch. They all look upset. Because Somebody 'broke his hand. Like a boss.'
Image 3: Leo sobs into Splinter's lap, gripping tightly onto his dad. Future Leo (who isn't there physically) is bent over sobbing as well, holding his face in his hand. Everybody's crying.
Image 4: Mikey is facing Leo, both of them sitting in bed. Leo has a panicked look on his face as he tries not to dissociate, while Mikey is holding Leo's hand to his chest. They are having a Talk tm.
Image 5: Future Leo is laying prone in a sea of muck and mud. It's covering most of him. Present Leo is crouched on top of F! Leo's chest, upset and tired, but determined, wiping some of the mud off of F! Leo's face. He is also covered in the mud.
Image 6: A bandaged, but healing, Raph is looking straight on. His mask is pulled up showing his eyes and forehead, which are scarred from the kraang. He looks near tears, exhausted, as he begs Leo not to dissociate again, promising that he's got him.
Image 7: A tense and upset Donnie, wearing a tank top that shows his scarred shell, is tightly hugging Leo, who is laying down. Leo is gripping back tightly, but away from Donnie's shell, and trying to hug with his stump. Leo is present and smiling a little, cracking jokes.
Image 8: A split screen, wherein Donnie, Raph, and Mikey formally meet Sensei. Mikey is confused and worried, turning back towards what they're facing (Sensei). Raph has a hooded jacket on, and is slightly crouched, with a hand on Donnie's shoulder. He's concerned but less upset than the others. Donnie's. Mad. And has his bo out and pressed to Sensei's neck. He's standing straight and speaking, glaring at Sensei. He's wearing an oversized T-shirt that says 'Autism Wins'. On the other side of the split, Sensei, piloting Leo's body, is sitting up straight, and calm, with Donnie's bo against his throat. He's replying to the present boys. He's in bed, with a blanket around his waist. Because the artist will take any opportunity to cover up a body with a blanket.
Image 9: A back view of Donnie, sitting cross-legged. He's tense, and has his arms crossed tightly in front of himself. His shell is covered in tentacle patterned swirls of barely healed wounds from the technodrome. Leo's arm is visible in the foreground, hand tightly gripping the blanket Donnie is sitting on. The pov is from Leo's eyes.
Image 10: An upset and crying Mikey, dressed in a shirt and vest, with his socks and gloves on, is leaning with his back against the wall. He's got his mask pushed up, and is wiping his tears away with his forearm, since his hands are covered in chalk. The ninpo marks and bandages are peeking out from under his gloves. Leo is sitting down beside him, using his crutch to lower himself down. He's wearing his mask, socks, a braided bracelet, and a jean jacket over a shirt, with his swords on his back. He's concerned about Mikey.
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floofeh-purpi · 3 months
Getting isekai'd?! (Part 9)
Sagau! Genshin Fatui x Gn! Reader (ft. Your bsf)
『Beloved fluffball/s mentioned below! 💜』
@justmare @mc-cos-charm @keirennyx
Guys please I wanna mention other fluffballs here too ��
A/n: I totally didnt eat chicaron and then falling asleep and forgetting to save this to my drafts while making half of this. Nope. Nuh-uh.
Warnings: Yall at this point I might make other pictures within the crevices of my gallery a header 💀, swearing, grammar/spelling errors, you nearly scaring your best friend, blood.
【Part 8】
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"YAWA N/N WHA—" Y/b/f/n immediatly shutted the fuck up as soon as they saw you going down stairs at a... concerningly fast pace you're the flash now lmao. Fortunately for you, Your bsf didnt notice the part where you almost fell off the stairs.
"...We're out of bandages at the worst fucking time possible" Y/b/f/n's face immediatly dropped as you screetched it out on their face. Oh shit.
They forgot to buy bandages for your wound this week.
"Oh uhh... a-about that..." They smiled sheepishly at you. Oh shit they can see your face dropping. But fortunately for them, the harbingers were present.
"So your woun— WHAT THE FUCK." They nearly jumped not only at the fact that your blood is gold... BUT HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL OK WHILE LOSING WHAT SEEMED LIKE HALF OF YOUR BLOOD IN YOUR BODY??? "Beh why you looking at me like th— Ay." You stared at your wound while not noticing Y/b/f/n dragging you to the nearest table.
"Bro stay here, ima try and find a cloth for that thing or smth." They said, before leaving you with the harbingers. This shit is awkward... and then—
"...YOUR GRACE WHY'D YOU LEAVE ME LIKE THAT 😭🙌" Childe suddenly whined out. Wait when the fuck did bro go down the stairs?
"Hey n/n—"
"YOUR GRACE ARE YOU OK?!" The Tsaritsa scrambled her limbs to get a better look of your wound.
"Yuh, im good I gue—" Y/b/f/n threw the cloth at your face.
"Thanksyu bro, this shit'll do." Yiu finished wrapping the cloth and gave your poor bsf a heart attack by giving them your "Bitch I will kill you for not buying me bandages." Stare. "Ma maluoy ka nako ma..." they thought in their head.
Safe to say that them Harbingers and The Tsaritsa took both you and y/b/f/n to the Zapolyarny Palace beh I had to search google for the spelling of the palace 😔🙌, with y/b/f/n helping drag your feet through the cold-ass snow.
"Never back down never what???" -Y/b/f/n
"Never give up— Yati it hurts" -You
"Its ok bro. Kaya na nimo."
"Did you just say Kaeya's name?"
"Wha— oh."
Dottore was putting ointments and who-knows-whats in these remedies as to not irritate your wound wounds now have emotions beh. It was quiet at first, before Dottore said:
"Welcome back to Teyvat, My Your Grace." Dottore immediatly bowed down until his head almost hit the floor. You were kinda surprised, since you never took him as someone who would actually worship a god.
"Uhm... thanks, hey your actually the first person to greet me here..." You patted his head. Oh how he didnt even bother hiding his cheeks that flushed a soft shade of pink while leaning into your warm touch. "I-Im fattered My Your Grace."
While Y/b/f/n was being practically a third wheel watching you both. You both didnt notice them.
"I wish that was me... 😢" -Y/b/f/n
Since I forgot to publish this yesterday, I tried to make this longer than it was orihinally to make it up for the loss. Sorry fluffball. 😭🙌
【Part 10】
Published: July 6 2024. 10:27am.
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avvail-whumps · 1 year
‘guns for hire’ — last chance #36
previous · masterlist · next
content warnings: whumpee referred to as “kid” but they’re an adult, conditioned whumpee, mentioned past character death, whipping scars, stockholm syndrome
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Leo should probably stop picking at his fingers, but he couldn’t help himself.
The room he’d been taken into was cold, and dim, not providing much colour apart from the dark grey and blue paint on the walls. He could sometimes see his reflection in the mirror when he glanced up, but for the most part, his eyes were trained solely on his lap.
He couldn’t even begin to piece his thoughts together right now. It felt as though everything had come crumbling down on him, and he could only think about the fact that Roy was somewhere in the building that wasn’t next to him.
His hands were trembling, itching to see him again. It gave him that same anxiety as to when the other mercenaries were still wandering around, and he needed to be close to Roy just to ease the fear in his heart. Like he was always there to protect him.
Leo could already feel the burning sting of humiliation lingering in his chest.
The phantom touches of their hands on his body, examining each and every scar on his skin, as well as the sharp click of the camera’s under stark white light. Tears threatened to burn his eyes from the violating memories, the comfort of a long jacket drawled over his shoulders.
He was worried about Roy. He was worried about being separated for any longer. He was worried about what was going to happen to him. There was nobody in the room, and there hadn’t been for a while. Leo didn’t bother to look at the clock, too agitated by himself, only occupied by the nervous picking of his hangnails to think about anything else.
The opening of the door startled him more than it should have, and his puffy eyes snapped up to the entrance with a jolt. His eyeslashes were still clumped, the damp wetness evident with tears tracks down his cheeks. The man that entered was the one he vaguely recognised when he was sitting in the backseat of the car. Leo had been so out of it at the time, that he barely remembered anything from being dragged out of the house to the journey to the station.
The man looked intimidating. He reminded him of the bearded mercenary a little bit, with the stone cold expression and dark facial hair. He quietly took a seat at the opposite end of the table, but Leo kept his eyes in his lap instead.
He hated this. Every single second of being here; he just wished he could go back to his home, and cook something for him and Roy, and they could just lounge on the sofa eating dinner until they fell asleep. It was all Leo wanted right now.
“Do you need another glass of water?” The man finally spoke. Leo abandoned his hangnail to look at the glass. It was still full. “I can get you something else if you’d like.”
He weakly shrugged his shoulders. “I’m okay.”
The man nodded slowly his head, but by then, Leo was occupied by his lap again. The rapid thumping was heavy in his chest, unable to stop himself from fidgeting every few seconds. The sound of paper being slid along the table almost broke him from his nervousness. His sore eyes flickered up for a moment as the man began to speak again.
“I’m Detective Sharpe,” he spoke, his voice calm and smooth. “I’m here to ask you a few questions, alright, kid? We can go at your pace.”
Leo jerkily nodded his head. The man, Sharpe, tapped his finger on the table to draw his attention to the various photos. His eyes bounced along each one, swallowing the dry lump in his throat. One of them was Roy, and he felt like his heart was constricting painfully on the spot.
“In your own time, can you identify the man who took you from these photographs?” Sharpe asked quietly, his voice softened around the edges. For such an intimidating looking man, he didn’t feel so scared in his presence. Still, Leo knew he wouldn’t get his life back with Roy if he wasn’t careful. His fingers wound through the dark, navy blue sweatpants he’d been given, the emblem of the police department on the side.
“There was, uh,” he let out a shuddering breath, wiping the back of his hand on his clammy forehead. Most of the photos were of people he didn’t recognise, bar three of them. Roy, Bran, and Beard. There was a clear absence of Joey, or even Rafi. “There was more than one.”
Sharpe’s eyes darted up, pinned to his grimacing face. His stomach churned under his gaze, gripping so tightly onto the sweatpants that his knuckles had gone white.
“More than one?” The detective echoed, his face stoic. “Are they here?”
Leo nodded. Tears burned his eyes he let out a shuddering breath, trembling finger coming up to point at the picture of Bran. Just seeing his face made his cells burn with a wanton anger.
“He...He’s the one who killed Jacob,” he whispered quietly, taking a second to pause and keep his wobbling voice under control. “I-I saw his face, and he...that’s when he took me.”
Sharpe’s eyes darkened a little bit, and he quickly looked away. A long, drawn out sigh escaped his lips, and he pulled out a small notepad and pen from his breast pocket, opening it up. Despite showing clear signs of annoyance, his voice was awfully quiet and gentle as he continued to press him.
“Take your time,” he hummed. Leo kept his eyes on the photos, constantly flickering back to the one of Roy with a sinking heart.
He moved onto the one of Beard quickly enough. “There was two others. Him, a-and someone else.”
Sharpe scanned the pictures. “And that third person isn’t pictured here?”
The secretary rapidly shook his head. “No. No, he’s not.”
The detective tapped the back of the pen on the paper, before leaning forward and moving away the photos of the unfamiliar suspects. That only left Bran, Roy and Beard in front of him. The mercenary had told him to leave Joey out of it. If there was anyone Leo would be happy not throwing under the bus, it would be him. The cigerette burned brightly on his shoulder, but he wasn’t going to disobey Roy. At least Joey had never been as cruel.
Roy’s photo was still there, Leo noted. Clearly, Sharpe wasn’t completely convinced just yet. The door opened once more, and other detective stepped in. It was a woman this time, but her presence didn’t stop Sharpe from keeping his focused concentration on the task at hand.
“Okay, kid. I get that this is going to be hard, but we’re going to need you to describe some things for us,” the man spoke, leaning forward on the table. Leo bit his lip softly, drawing the jacket closer to himself. “Could you give us some details, please? Did you know where you were being kept?”
Leo desperately shook his head. The woman took a seat beside Sharpe, placing a plastic wallet with multiple pages and photos inside on the table. His eyes shot to the door, feeling uncomfortableness creeping under his skin.
“I don’t know,” he choked, swallowing uneasily. His mind went straight back to the basement. The horrible terror he felt just at the very thought of being down there for as long as he was stirred in his brain, clamping down on his lungs. “They kept me in some...some dark room. They would come down and they would...”
Leo choked on a gasp, pressing his hands into his eyes. “God, I don’t, I can’t—”
The woman finally stepped in, and he felt a hand on his shoulder, flinching violently away like he’d been burnt. He felt a little guilty when remorse flashed across her face, and she moved back once more.
“Hey, Leo,” she murmured, blinking him out of the memories. The crack of the whip, the seizing pain from the shock collar around his neck. He tried to ignore Roy’s taunting words, instead reminding himself of the time alone with the mercenaries. Because whatever Roy did, he did because Leo broke the rules. At least that was fair. Right?
“I know this is hard,” the woman sighed, her voice dripping with raw sympathy. “You’re safe now. You’re away from them. Nothing is going to happen.”
Leo scrubbed away the tears, wiping his face with shaking hands. He managed a nod, keeping his eyes on the photos instead. She and Sharpe exchanged brief looks with each other that Leo couldn’t quite decipher in time. As he was talking, the woman slid the plastic file over to the Sharpe, who plucked it up.
“I just...” He pressed his hands to his mouth, squeezing them tightly. The table was cold against his elbows. “I don’t want to—”
“That’s fine,” Sharpe cut in, his eyes fixated on the various photos he’d pulled out. He was flicking through them, narrowed eyes seemingly scanning every single detail. Leo pried his aching eyes open, wiping his nose. “We know. You don’t have to go into any details.”
Leo groaned, letting his head fall back into his hands. It was so humiliating.
“Leo, do you mind showing me your wrist, please?”
He swallowed, keeping his eyes pinched shut. “What?”
Sharpe’s eyes turned cold all of a sudden, and he placed the photos he’d been looking at flat on the table. He caught a glimpse of one of them, showing the long, deep scars from the whip along his back.
“Let us see your wrist,” the detective repeated, this time a lot firmer.
“Steven,” the woman quietly warned, but she was promptly ignored.
“I’m asking you to corporate.”
Leo hiccuped softly, his eyes falling back down to his lap. His fingers itched, the scar from Roy’s knife suddenly flaring against his skin. He hesitantly began peeling the jacket back, before showing it to the detectives. His lips stayed permanently curved into a frown, feeling shame prick the back of his neck after a while. He quickly hid it away again.
Sharpe nodded his head, flicking one of the photos on the table. The one of the initial on his wrist.
“R for Roy, am I right?” The detective pressed, making Leo wince. “Look, kid. I don’t know your reasoning for protecting him, but you’re safe. There’s no way he can hurt you again.”
The secretary’s voice was frustratingly quiet, unable to find the strength in his voice to speak any louder.
“It wasn’t him,” he quietly whispered. Sharpe sighed heavily, leaning back in his seat.
“Come on, kid...”
“The R, it was for...” His throat closed up, shivering. “It was for...Rafi.”
The detective stared at him.
“Rafi,” he repeated slowly, shaking his head. “And, what? Was that the perpetrator that isn’t on these photos?”
Leo nodded hastily.
“Right,” the man scoffed, shaking his head as he gathered the photo up and popped it back into the plastic wallet. A long sigh escaped his lips once more as he turned towards the woman, who hadn’t taken her eyes off him.
“Could you identity the names of the men in these photos, Leo?” She asked, much softer than the other, motioning towards Bran and Beard. Leo did, to the best of his ability, considering Beard’s name was still a complete mystery to him. It wasn’t like that mattered much anyway. She nodded once he was done, eyes flickering over to Sharpe. There was a hint of annoyance in them.
“Okay, kid,” the man coughed, gaining his attention once again. “Tell us about Roy Gatlin. Why were you at his house if he didn’t have anything to do with your kidnapping? Tell us slowly and carefully.”
Leo bit the inside of his cheek, trying to scramble his thoughts together. The story before had at least been mostly the truth. The pain he’d suffered at their hands wasn’t so easy to forget, or even fake. But his heartbeat was starting to rise out of nervousness now. Because this was really what could separate the two of them permanently, and he didn’t want that.
“They told me that they weren’t planning on keeping me alive,” he whispered softly, clearing his throat. “I...I got out and I ran.”
“Ran?” Sharpe parroted. “Did you see the place you were being held?”
“No,” the secretary choked. “It was too dark. There was just trees for so far out and I didn’t think twice about running. I-I just panicked...”
He shifted uncomfortably, remembering the anxiety of the chase when he’d made it into the forest. The burning desire to make it home, even if it wasn’t in one piece. He swallowed that down for the sake of finding his voice once again.
“I found a road, and...and someone was—”
Leo cut himself off. The screeching of tires and the smack of the boot crippling against the tree stirred in his mind, and his fingers dug into his disheveled hair in horror. Burning tears slipped down his cheeks as he recalled Michael’s face.
“It was my fault,” he sobbed. “Oh, god. I-I...I got him killed...”
The woman was at his side in a second, and she tentatively placed her hand on his back. Leo was shaking visibly under her palm, and he quickly pressed his hands into his face to hide his shame.
“Who, Leo?” Sharpe asked softly. He choked on a breath, his chest rattling.
“He said his name was Michael,” he sniffled, pain stabbing at his lungs. “I-I asked him for help. He was driving me away, but...but Bran he—” The jarring smash of glass. Blood running down the wheel. He sobbed quietly. “Bran shot him.”
The detective’s eyes both snapped up towards each other.
“Michael Bardin?” The woman murmured, and Sharpe grimly nodded his head.
“Shit. I think so.”
Leo clenched his jaw, sucking in a sharp breath through his cheeks, and leaning away from the woman’s touch. She let him go without any resistance, her expression morphing into deep sympathy once again.
“That wasn’t your fault, Leo,” she assured, but the words didn’t reach him at all. He frantically shook his head, murmuring incoherently under his breath. It was his fault Michael had died. He’d been the one to kill him, whether he pulled the trigger or not. Roy had said so; Leo believed it. If it wasn’t for him, Michael would have returned home and lived his life how he should have. It was his fault.
“It was,” he croaked. “I killed him.”
The detective seemed to tap his pen harshly against the notepad, his beady eyes staring at the notes he had taken earlier. Leo wasn’t quite sure if he had already spoken to Roy, but judging from his unhappy expression, then the secretary was more than likely doing a good job at making their stories match so far. With that thought spurring him on, he managed to swallow the shaking nerves and continue.
“After the car crashed, I followed these lights for...for ages,” he sniffled, slowly blinking away the tears in his eyes. “I made it to his house, and he...he helped me out. I was scared asking him for help was going to get him killed too, but I was so desperate...”
The woman nodded her head, and turned back towards Sharpe. The man was staring at the notepad in discontent, before she caught his disgruntled attention.
“Steven, can I have a word outside?”
Despite her smile, even Leo could hear the obvious anger in her voice. She didn’t wait for him to follow her out, and instead promptly left the room. When she was gone, Sharpe slowly rose to his feet. The secretary’s puffy eyes met his, and the man leaned forward as if in confidentiality.
“I know it was Roy who took you,” he murmured, and Leo’s heart palpitated. “I know he’s cooked up an elaborate story for you to follow, and I know these other people were most likely involved too. But, listen, kid.”
Despite the fear creeping up his spine, Leo did.
“If you don’t tell us the truth, then he’s going to walk free,” Sharpe told him, firm and concise, completely to the point. “I need you to tell me, kid. Identify that it was Roy who kidnapped you the night he murdered Jacob. You can put him away for good. Please, kid.”
Leo opened his mouth to protest, but something caught in his throat. The man’s eyes were piercing so deeply into his, that he felt like he couldn’t breathe. His mind was tossing all that information over in his head with brutal force. I know it was Roy who took you.
There was no doubt in his voice.
And he was right. Because Roy had taken him, and all he had to do was admit that. Then everything would unravel. Roy would be behind bars.
Some part of Leo lunged at the very opportunity.
“It...” His voice dried up, glossy eyes staring deeply within Sharpe’s. The man had this determined, encouraging look on his face. He could feel his resolve crumbling. One leap was all it would take. Just one leap.
“It wasn’t him.”
The words came out of his mouth before he could think. His eyes lowered to his lap, slumping in the seat.
“It was Bran,” he whispered, picking at his fingers anxiously. “I swear.”
The detective’s eyes closed shut, and a long, disappointed sigh escaped him. He moved himself away from the desk without a word, and left the room. Once the door clicked shut, Leo felt a tear slip down his cheek, and hastily wiped it away.
Just a little bit longer, and he could finally see Roy. That made it all worth it.
tag list – @unorganisedalienrubbish @d-cs @rabidrabidme @sordayciega @burningkittypoet @whumpawink @mannerofwhump @suspicious-whumping-egg @welcome-to-the-whumpfest @whatwasmyprevioususername @crilex29 @firefly017 @dutifullykrispyland @wibbly-wobbly-whump @there-will-always-be-blood @anonintrovert @justawhumpjunkie @whumptastic-world @ha-ha-one @whatwhumpcomments @whumpterful-beeeeee @anonymous1235 @sonder35 @unforgiven235 @whumpasaurus101 @mj-or-say10 @professional-idiocy @seaweed-is-cool @theelvishcowgirl @atomicsandwichprince @sunshiline-writes @peasandpotatos @pirefyrelight @enigmawritesstuff @reverie1234 @obsessedsplicer505
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iusedtobeshadow · 2 years
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Title: Soft
Pairing: Din Djarin x Gn! Reader
Warning: Mention of injury
"Oh that was close, too close for my liking", you said, trying to catch your breath in the process. Easy bounties were not tokens of troubles most of the time, they were easy after all but this one truly took a turn for the worse.
You had joined Mando on this bounty since it was suppose to be an enter, get and leave situation. Mando was ofcourse against it at first but the child wanted to accompany him and you had nothing important to do so you joined forced with the kid to peer pressure the tin can man to let you two go. Maybe that was a mistake.
You sat on one of the chairs in the cockpit with a sigh, watching as the mangalorian pressed some buttons and moved some controllers, piloting the ship to the next destination.
The Razor Crest never got tired of surprising you. For such an old ship, it was still a beauty. Never in your years of being a mechanic would you have thought you would encounter a pre-empire ship.
"You should've stayed on the ship", Mando said. Your eyes drifted to the floor, he was not wrong, you should've stayed inside the ship but you didnt.
Your thoughts were cut out when you heard a pained groan escape Mando's mouth.
"Are you-"
"I am fine", Mando said cutting you off.
You sighed. You both knew he was lying. His moves were hesitant and he let out quiet groans of pain from time to time as he moved.
"Sit down big guy, i'll bring the med kit. Take your armour off only if you can, don't force yourself", you say already leaving the cockpit before you could hear a protest.
You were never interested in learning the arts of medicine but when you work with someone like Peli, you get forcely introduce in things one was never interested in.
"Now where is that kit?", you asked yourself as you started looking. You then heard a familiar "coo" close by.
You turned around to find the child slowly walking towards you with its hands up.
"Why hello there buddy, by any chance have you seen the medic kit?", you asked the child jokingly as you lift it up, holding it with one arm.
The kid lets out another "coo" like sound and you chuckle.
After some more looking, you finally found the medical kit. You opened it just in case anything is not useful which to your luck, everything was good and intact.
"Hey, sorry for the wait. The kit was basically playing hide and seek anD- OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY!-". You quickly turned around before you could see his face.
"You can turn around now, the helmet's on", Mando said.
"Don't worry Mando, I saw nothing", you stated as you turned around. You knew about the mandalorian code since you were a kid. They cared for secrecy out of all and their "This is the Way" thinking. That's why you never asked Mando and respected his privacy, which you noticed he greatly appreciated even if not shown.
Your thoughts were cut off by another groan that came out from the Mandalorian's mouth.
"Okay Mando, show me your boo boo", the Mandalorian scuffed but did so. He had a big nasty cut on his leg and a few bruises on his arms and without any more waiting, you got to work, putting the kid down beforehand just to have more hands to work with.
There was a comfortable silence between one another, Mango letting a groan out from time to time.
"Alright, apart from the cut on your leg, youre as as good as new-", you stopped and got up. "I will leave the medic kit so you can check if you have any cuts on your...face".
Mando stayed quiet for a moment which was your sign to leave the cockpit but as you did, he grabbed your wrist, with enough force to stop you but not enough to hurt you.
"Wait, you have a cut", he said while tapping a part of the cheeck area of his helmet.
"I do? Didn't even notice. Was that why you were staring holes to my head while i treated your cut?", you said
"Yes, sit", he "ordered", and sit down you did.
"Didn't take you for the medical type, Mando"
"It comes with the job, where's the kid?", Mando asked while he cleaned the wound on my arm.
We then heard a "coo" sound, big eyes staring right at us and Mango looked back, almost like a smile.
You chuckled, "soft".
He looked back at me with a puzzled look.
"You've grown soft, Mando", you said while looking at the child.
The mandalorian closed the kit and gave it to you.
"I'm not the only one", he said, looking directly at you.
"We've both grown soft".
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thebrickinbrick · 4 months
The Artillery-Men Compel People To Take Them Seriously
They flocked round Gavroche. But he had no time to tell anything. Marius drew him aside with a shudder.
“What are you doing here?”
“Hullo!” said the child, “what are you doing here yourself?”
And he stared at Marius intently with his epic effrontery. His eyes grew larger with the proud light within them.
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It was with an accent of severity that Marius continued:
“Who told you to come back? Did you deliver my letter at the address?”
Gavroche was not without some compunctions in the matter of that letter. In his haste to return to the barricade, he had got rid of it rather than delivered it. He was forced to acknowledge to himself that he had confided it rather lightly to that stranger whose face he had not been able to make out. It is true that the man was bareheaded, but that was not sufficient. In short, he had been administering to himself little inward remonstrances and he feared Marius’ reproaches. In order to extricate himself from the predicament, he took the simplest course; he lied abominably.
“Citizen, I delivered the letter to the porter. The lady was asleep. She will have the letter when she wakes up.”
Marius had had two objects in sending that letter: to bid farewell to Cosette and to save Gavroche. He was obliged to content himself with the half of his desire.
The despatch of his letter and the presence of M. Fauchelevent in the barricade, was a coincidence which occurred to him. He pointed out M. Fauchelevent to Gavroche.
“Do you know that man?”
“No,” said Gavroche.
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Gavroche had, in fact, as we have just mentioned, seen Jean Valjean only at night.
The troubled and unhealthy conjectures which had outlined themselves in Marius’ mind were dissipated. Did he know M. Fauchelevent’s opinions? Perhaps M. Fauchelevent was a republican. Hence his very natural presence in this combat.
In the meanwhile, Gavroche was shouting, at the other end of the barricade: “My gun!”
Courfeyrac had it returned to him.
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Gavroche warned “his comrades” as he called them, that the barricade was blocked. He had had great difficulty in reaching it. A battalion of the line whose arms were piled in the Rue de la Petite Truanderie was on the watch on the side of the Rue du Cygne; on the opposite side, the municipal guard occupied the Rue des Prêcheurs. The bulk of the army was facing them in front.
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This information given, Gavroche added:
“I authorize you to hit ’em a tremendous whack.”
Meanwhile, Enjolras was straining his ears and watching at his embrasure.
The assailants, dissatisfied, no doubt, with their shot, had not repeated it.
A company of infantry of the line had come up and occupied the end of the street behind the piece of ordnance. The soldiers were tearing up the pavement and constructing with the stones a small, low wall, a sort of side-work not more than eighteen inches high, and facing the barricade. In the angle at the left of this epaulement, there was visible the head of the column of a battalion from the suburbs massed in the Rue Saint-Denis.
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Enjolras, on the watch, thought he distinguished the peculiar sound which is produced when the shells of grape-shot are drawn from the caissons, and he saw the commander of the piece change the elevation and incline the mouth of the cannon slightly to the left. Then the cannoneers began to load the piece. The chief seized the lint-stock himself and lowered it to the vent.
“Down with your heads, hug the wall!” shouted Enjolras, “and all on your knees along the barricade!”
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The insurgents who were straggling in front of the wine-shop, and who had quitted their posts of combat on Gavroche’s arrival, rushed pell-mell towards the barricade; but before Enjolras’ order could be executed, the discharge took place with the terrifying rattle of a round of grape-shot. This is what it was, in fact.
The charge had been aimed at the cut in the redoubt, and had there rebounded from the wall; and this terrible rebound had produced two dead and three wounded.
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If this were continued, the barricade was no longer tenable. The grape-shot made its way in.
A murmur of consternation arose.
“Let us prevent the second discharge,” said Enjolras.
And, lowering his rifle, he took aim at the captain of the gun, who, at that moment, was bearing down on the breach of his gun and rectifying and definitely fixing its pointing.
The captain of the piece was a handsome sergeant of artillery, very young, blond, with a very gentle face, and the intelligent air peculiar to that predestined and redoubtable weapon which, by dint of perfecting itself in horror, must end in killing war.
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Combeferre, who was standing beside Enjolras, scrutinized this young man.
“What a pity!” said Combeferre. “What hideous things these butcheries are! Come, when there are no more kings, there will be no more war. Enjolras, you are taking aim at that sergeant, you are not looking at him. Fancy, he is a charming young man; he is intrepid; it is evident that he is thoughtful; those young artillery-men are very well educated; he has a father, a mother, a family; he is probably in love; he is not more than five and twenty at the most; he might be your brother.”
“He is,” said Enjolras.
“Yes,” replied Combeferre, “he is mine too. Well, let us not kill him.”
“Let me alone. It must be done.”
And a tear trickled slowly down Enjolras’ marble cheek.
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At the same moment, he pressed the trigger of his rifle. The flame leaped forth. The artillery-man turned round twice, his arms extended in front of him, his head uplifted, as though for breath, then he fell with his side on the gun, and lay there motionless. They could see his back, from the centre of which there flowed directly a stream of blood. The ball had traversed his breast from side to side. He was dead.
He had to be carried away and replaced by another. Several minutes were thus gained, in fact.
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bellysoupset · 1 year
heyy it’s me, could u maybe write another fic like after luke’s surgery and bells taking care of him but like he’s still throwing up because he’s not sure how to properly take care of himself ( my friend told me when she ate fried stuff after she had appendicitis like the surgery she’d throw up ) and him and bell still working through their issues ,,, no pressure tho :))
i love these two sm and ur fics never miss ur so so talented 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Had so much fun navigating the aftermath of a surgery and the aftermath of a breakup all together. Thank you so much for the prompt!
Bella would be lying if she said it didn't feel weird as hell to be back in the apartment.
Luke's apartment. It had taken her a long time to accept having a key and an even longer time to start thinking of that place as "theirs", even though the large majority of everything she owned was there.
It had been a punch in the gut to finally think of that place as home, only for the break up to happen.
"Bells?" Luke called her, concerned when she stopped walking. She shook her head, offering him a smile.
"How are you feeling?"
"Fine," he smiled back, "just like I was fine ten minutes ago when you asked. Or twenty. Or-"
"Don't be snarky, you scared the life out of me," Bella scoffed, slapping his chest. Luke winced when the pain echoed down, but his smile didn't waver.
"Sorry, baby..." he sat down on the couch, putting his feet up and breathing out deeply. It was clear that the short walk from the car to the apartment had already been too much.
"I think you should go to bed, not the couch," Bella told him, avoiding looking around. She wanted to see what had changed in the three months she had been away. Hopefully nothing.
"I know, I know," he grabbed the belt loop of her jeans and tugged at it, causing her to fall sideways across his lap. Bella let out a squeal, while he groaned and leaned his head back, "shit, that was a bad idea."
"What the hell was the idea!?" Bella squealed, scrambling out of his lap, "burst your stitches?"
He pouted, "I just wanted to hug you..."
"Oh for fuck's sake, Luke," Bella chuckled, surprised and then she moved closer on the couch, throwing her arms around him, "better?"
"Not quite," he sighed, but leaned his head against hers, nose brushing her temple, "I missed you so much."
"I missed you t-"
A loud growl interrupted her and Bella glanced down at Lucas' belly, "wow, are you alright?"
He nodded, refusing to pull back, "hungry," Luke kissed her cheek, "what's going through your mind?"
"What do you wanna eat?" She asked instead of acknowledging the question. That was a can of worms Bella did not want to get into.
"Uhm, you-"
"Fries," he chuckled, "milkshake and fries."
It did sound great and better yet, it sounded like something they could order in. Bella smiled, "as you wish, your royal highness."
"Don't be mean to me, I'm severely woun- Ah fuck," Lucas' well humored voice vanished, "I'm gonna miss the quarter finals!"
Bella rolled her eyes, slumping against him as she scrolled through the restaurant app, "you could use a break, Luke."
"At the quarter finals!?" he whined, "fucking hell, that's what we spent the whole year playing for."
"Well, if we win we move to the semifinals and then you can join", she glanced up, then planted a kiss over his pout, standing up, "it'll work out... Alright, I need to stop by my dorm to pick up the rest of my boxes and then on the way back I'll grab our order, sounds good?"
Lucas frowned, "you're... No, where are you going?" he looked confused, "I thought you said you'd stay here..."
"I'm coming back here after," she planted a kiss over his pout, "I need to finish clearing my room."
"I'll be right back," she interrupted again, kissing him once more before grabbing her purse by the door and walking out.
Lucas let out a sour sigh, something was wrong.
He wasn't dumb, not for a second had Luke thought everything would be back to how it always were, but still, a small part of him had hoped.
He mulled over her words, while answering his texts. Vince had sent a bunch of messages, ranging from worried questions, to memes about him and Bella being back together - how the hell did he know that already?? -, to serious messages about the incoming game.
As Lucas typed back, it dawned on him that Bella had mentioned clearing the dorms. By the time she made it back, holding a bag of greasy fast food and already sucking on her milkshake, Lucas' good mood had all but vanished.
"They didn't have strawberry," Bella said, handing him the large plastic cup, "but they had banana."
"Thank you," Lucas scooted up on the couch, accepting the bag and moving so Bells would have enough space to sit next to him. He planted the milkshake on the coffee table, starting to dig through the bag and handing her the chicken option, "Bells?"
"Yes?" she settled comfortably down next to him, unwrapping the sandwich.
Lucas fiddled with the wrapping paper of his burger, deciding against it and then going for the fries. He stuffed a bunch in his mouth while Bella watched him with a small frown on.
"Luke? What is it?"
Lucas took his sweet time chewing. He didn't want to fight, he had just gotten her back and after four days at the hospital, he just wanted to get in bed with his girlfriend and finally fall asleep knowing Bella would be there in the morning. He considered waving it off, say he didn't mean anything and ask about all the other things he wanted to know from the 4 months they had been broken up for...
"You said you were clearing the dorms," he said slowly, "but there are no boxes here, so clearly you're not- You're not coming back?"
It tasted sour just to say that. Lucas reached for the milkshake, sucking it in while he watched Bella open her mouth to answer and then snap it shut twice. She lowered her sandwich, untouched.
"Are we not back together?" he asked, unable to stop himself. Bella's eyes widened.
"Of course! Of course we are!"
The squeeze around his heart undid just a bit. Lucas frowned, "then where-"
"But I'm not coming back here, Luke," she pouted, looking around the apartment, "I can't do this again... This- It's a type of instability that I can't deal with."
"What do you mean? This is our-"
"It's not," she glared at him, but not in an angry way, just stern, "it's not our place, Lucas. I knew this from the start, that's why I took so long to move in, remember? But then... Then I moved in, because we were really serious and steady by then, only for you to break up with me and kick me out."
"I never kicked you out," he said strongly, only to receive an eyeroll.
"Same fucking difference, Lucas. The apartment is yours, I was the one who had to move out. Don't act like I'm being irrational."
She was right. Of course she was right, it hadn't even occurred him to leave because it was his place, after all. However to him this was a small, unimportant detail. Not to Bella.
Lucas nodded, looking away from her, unable to support her serious gaze and continued to polish off the fries, if only so he'd have anything to busy himself with.
Bella let out a heavy sigh, "you're angry."
"I am," he agreed, "not at you, though."
"No" he finished off the last five fries and pushed the package away, settling back against the couch cushions, stirring the milkshake with his straw in order to put his thoughts together, "I loved the life we had, Bell. It took a fucking while to get you to move in with me, I remember, and it was worth it. I loved sharing this place, I loved coming home and finding you here. I hated the past few months and the extra bed space and the empty closet and none of your sauces in the fridge."
He met her eyes and Bella's nose looked slightly red, blue eyes overly shiny. Lucas sighed, "I'm just angry I blew all of that."
"I..." her voice broke and Bella breathed out slowly, pulling herself together, "I'm sorry Luke."
"You have nothing to be sorry for," he shrugged, stabbing the milkshake again with the straw, "tell me about the new place? Do you have pictures? When did you pick it?"
Her shoulders dropped in visible relief, another huge sign of how immensely he had fucked them up that now his girlfriend felt tense about her choices around him. Lucas mentally kicked himself, but leaned in as Bell fished out her phone to show him, finally starting to eat.
She rested her head on his shoulder, scrolling through her camera roll, "okay so, Wen helped me pick-"
"Wendy?" He raised his eyebrows, sucking in the rest of the milkshake and wincing at the overly sweet taste, "Vin's girl?"
"Yeah," Bella nodded eagerly, "I met her in a bar during- A couple months ago and she's been really amazing. She introduced me to a bunch of her friends and she's helped so fucking much, Luke."
"Oh," he felt his chest burn, "that's great, Bella, I'm happy you two are friends now."
Bella beamed, turning her face to plant a kiss on his chest and then clicking on the first pick, "so it's up the hill, near that house decor store, you know?" she said, showing him the map, "the rent in that area is cheaper, so that's great-"
He listened eagerly as Bell continued to blab on about the new place, which Lucas was feeling more and more jealous of. He knew it was insanity to feel jealous of a place, but he did. Nevertheless he kept the smile on and it wasn't even a fake one. He might hate her moving away from him, but he did love to see Bella so eager about something.
His belly cramped lightly and he shifted on the couch, regretting eating all of that food so fast after four days of a purely liquid diet. Bella moved along with his body, draping herself over him as she continued to gush about her plans to DIY the bedroom floor.
"I could help you build a floating desk here," he said, pointing at a corner in the room, "so you have a work station and don't fuck your back working in bed."
"Yeah!?" Bella smiled, excited, "I was thinking of putting floating shelves here for the viny-" she interrupted herself as Lucas' stomach let out a loud growl. With her pressed so close to him, she had heard it clearly. Her eyebrows jumped up, "Are you still hungry?"
"No," he winced, tugging on the pants, "ate too fast, my belly's a little upset."
"it's probably gas, they warned you about it remember?" Bella noted, leaning in to kiss his cheek, "let's go to bed, we can keep talking there."
Getting up released some of the pressure and Lucas muffled a gross, thick belch against his hand, blowing it out away from her. He wrinkled his nose at the smell of bananas, "gross."
Bella snorted, grabbing the ditched wrappers and plastic cups, "go lie down, I'll be there in a minute."
He nodded, walking slowly towards the bedroom. While sitting down he had completely forgotten about the stitches, but now an overall ache was spreading all over his stomach and they throbbed the most.
As he reached the bathroom to brush his teeth, Lucas noticed his stomach pushing against his hoodie. Bella had brought him clothes to be discharged from the hospital and she had made a point to pick loose fitting clothes, but the hoodie did not feel loose at all anymore. Granted it wasn't hugging his stomach, but the fabric was brushing over his navel and scratching against the bandage.
Lucas let out a groan, tugging it up and throwing it, alongside his sweatpants, on the basket under the sink for laundry. He wasn't sure if he managed to hit the basket, because bending down pushed up yet another sour burp and he groaned, bracing against the cold sink.
"Luke?" Bella's cold hand rested in the middle of his back, startling him. He looked up and caught her eyes in the mirror. She looked worried and tired and he felt awful for the past 4 days and the mess he was once again bringing on her life.
"Sorry," he squeezed the marble of the sink counter, "you can go home if you-"
"Don't be ridiculous," Bella said harshly, glaring at him in the mirror, "I'm not going anywhere when you're sick, are you crazy?" then before he could answer she looked down and grimaced, "your poor belly is so bloated, Luke."
It truly was. He had a squishy belly over hard abs most days and during the breakup he had lost weight, but now he just looked pregnant.
"Yeah, it's fucking hurting too," he sighed, tugging on the elastic of his boxers. Bella's brows met with concern, but she didn't follow him to the bedroom, busying herself with brushing her teeth and getting changed.
Lucas sat down on the bed, then hunched forward. He really wasn't feeling well, the fries and milkshake had been a silly mistake. It felt like his dinner wasn't digesting at all, sitting in belly like a ball of cement, but the cramps continued to wreck through his lower belly like little electric shocks, sending up sour burps that made him feel vaguely queasy, but mostly just hurt. Nothing was moving.
"Would tums help?" Bella asked, walking into the room. He pondered the question, before shaking his head.
"Do we still have pepto?" just as he said it, it occurred to him how dumb of a question that was. Bella hadn't been in his place in nearly fourth months, she definitely didn't know.
Still she didn't correct him, instead went to where he usually kept the bottle and came back to the room, "Almost out. Just drink the rest that's in the bottle."
He swallowed it all, gagging at the end with the overly sweet taste and then leaned back against the headboard, pushing his boxers down.
"It's pressing on your belly?" Bella asked, crawling on the bed to lie next to him.
"It feels itchy as hell," Lucas complained, planting a hand on his stomach and pushing lightly. It pushed up a burp that tasted like fries and made his chest burn. He swallowed again, "feels disgusting, Bells..."
She didn't answer, but he felt her hand touch his stomach, fingers pushing here and there, rubbing in circles over a particularly tender spot and causing a gurgle to go up his throat. Lucas grimaced as a string of burps turned wet at the end.
"So how-" he belched again, throwing his head back and staring at the ceiling, "how's work?"
Bella let out a giggle and planted a kiss on his bare chest, "small talk is not your forte even when you're not feeling sick," she peppered a bunch of kisses up and then one over his lips, "just close your eyes, let me take care of you."
"Uhm, sounds boring as fu-" he cut himself off with a burp, deep from his belly and then a string of gurgles followed as the medicine started to take effect. Lucas grimaced, poking his distended belly and causing another loud whine, "oh that's so gross..."
Bella's hand stroked the round part of his upper belly, the slightly pressure pushing another airy burp out, "sounds so upset, Luke... I don't think you should have had junk food so soon after surgery."
"Yeah, that was stupid," he agreed, planting a hand over hers and pressing it on his belly button. The heavy pressure forced up a disgusting wet burp, but that at least carried some relief, "Eew..." he breathed out, sliding on the bed, so his head would hit the pillows and feeling Bell's hand move to rub little circles on his left side. She wouldn't go near the right, with the stitches.
"Are you sleepy?"
"No," he opened his eyes and turned his head lazily to look at her, "just feeling kinda crappy. Are you sleepy?"
Bella shrugged, but he could see very clearly how exhausted she was. Lucas rolled his eyes, pushing her hand away from his stomach and pulling so she could rest her head on his chest, "go to sleep, baby."
"No, you're feeling sick-"
"I'll be fine, it's just indigestion," he said, although it felt a little like a lie. Sure it was indigestion, but his stomach was starting to churn slowly with nausea, "you need to rest, you've been looking after me for almost five days now."
Bella let out a huff, but she didn't argue, moving up so she could tuck her head neatly under his chin.
Her weight didn't help the vaguely unsettled feeling, but Lucas was not about to tell her that. Instead he continued to breathe through the queasiness, letting out some small burps and making sure his neck was turned away from Bella.
Slowly tiredness was starting to take over him, but all it took was Bell groaning and rolling closer, planting her elbow lightly over his belly button to push out the most nauseating burp yet. Lucas rushed sitting up, clamping a hand over his mouth as the burp turned incredibly wet at the end. He gulped down convulsively, a clammy sticky sensation spreading all over him, his mouth watering.
He couldn't answer her, because every time he managed to push down the knot in his throat, a new soft gag pushed it up. Bella sat up too, a hand on his shoulder.
"Luke- Oh no," she realized, seeing his hand firmly clamped over his lips. Luke groaned, eyes squeezed shut and tasted the milkshake in the back of his tongue. It was enough to cause a wave of revulsion and he gagged harshly.
The heave, rocking his belly, pulled on his stitches and pain radiated all over his stomach, causing him to whimper. Bella said something, but he couldn't hear her, he just felt so incredibly sick...
He pressed his hand harder, but the next heave was productive and vomit exploded out of his mouth, leaking through his fingers and causing him to choke and cough. Bella thumped his back and Luke coughed harder, the motion causing more puke to cover the blankets, his stomach and the boxers.
The sensation of warm liquid hitting his skin caused Luke to gag again, more vomit coming up. It was all a mushy cream color, the fries and milkshake mixing in a disgusting sludge.
"Shit Lucas, shit-" Bella sounded vaguely frantically and he couldn't understand why she was pushing his back, "baby, I know it's messy but aim at the blankets-"
He frowned, coughing again, "I don't... What...?"
Before she could answer though, his belly contracted again and he puked again, all over his lap. Lucas groaned, head hanging in shame and queasiness, his mouth open as yet another stream of just liquid and some chunks of pale yellow came out.
"I don't feel good..." he moaned, knowing he sounded like a baby but feeling dangerously close to tears. It had been 4 days of pain so far, more of nausea considering he had felt sick even during the graduation. And his girlfriend wasn't coming back home. And his head was hurting like a motherfucker. And he was covered in vomit, but he was so fucking tired-
"Luke, hey..." Bella's voice was incredibly tender as she cupped his face, wiping away one lonely tear, "shh... You're okay, love. You'll feel better soon, your poor belly just needed to get rid of that."
"I don't want you to leave," he groaned, "I don't want- I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm being dumb-"
"Lucas," Bella planted a kiss on the top of his head, "are you done?"
He nodded, feeling pathetic, "think so..." he still felt nauseous as all hell, but all he had eaten in four days was the milkshake and the fries, so there was nothing else to bring up. Bella rubbed his back, nodding.
"Okay, let's get you cleaned up," she said, grabbing his elbow and gently ushering him up. She helped him strip the destroyed boxers and Lucas groaned, feeling horribly exposed, even though he knew for a fact that Bell had seen him naked a million times.
"Fuck, that's gross..." he mumbled, using a clean part of the soiled blanket to wipe his stomach. Only then he understood that Bella had attempted to keep him from vomiting over the bandaged side of his belly, "oh shit, I hope I didn't pull any stitches there."
Bella frowned, circling the bed to hold him, "does it feel like you did?"
"No, just achy and sick," Lucas leaned unto her hold, then braced against the sink, the motion pushing up a deep gutural belch. He panted, while Bella carefully pushed the hair away from his eyes, cupping his forehead. Another flash of hot nausea passed through him and he coughed lightly, then a weak heave brought up a small stream of puke.
He heaved twice more, just as painful as before as the stitches flared up, but nothing came up and he finally turned on the water and washed the sink basin and his mouth.
"I need to shower," Luke groaned.
"Can you stand on your own?" Bella asked and he nodded, attempting to grab the crumbs of his dignity. She rushed back in the room to get rid of the ruined blankets and Lucas slowly walked to the shower.
He had no energy in him, so he just stood under the hot water stream. The heat helped with the ache in his middle and the sticky sensation, but also made him dizzy.
"That's enough, baby," Bella said, closing the register and throwing a towel around him, "c'mon, let me take a look at the stitches."
"You hate this stuff," Lucas mumbled, pushing her hand away from the soaked wet bandages, "I'll look."
"Don't be silly, I can do this," she rolled her eyes, pushing him to sit on the closet toilet and cupping his forehead. He watches as his girlfriend crouched down between his legs, carefully pulling the adhesive that kept the gauze to his skin and revealing the appendectomy wound.
She hissed and made a face, visibly cringing, causing Luke to snort, "are you sure, Bells?"
"It's fine," she glared at him, "it's just... nasty."
"Uhm?" he glanced down and wrinkled his nose. His skin was red around the wound, from the warm water and the black stitches stuck out horribly, "yeah, that's pretty gnarly."
"Nothing looks burst though, so that's good," she fumbled with the first aid kit that he only then noticed sitting on top of the sink, in search of another gauze pad, "how's your belly feeling?"
"Still pretty gross," Lucas admitted, "but empty. No more..." he gagged in his fist, "no more junk food for a while though."
Bella opened a lopsided smile, snickering, "what? No more fries?"
Just the thought of them caused him to gag harshly and bring up a small, disgusting burp, "Bell..."
"Sorry," she huffed, smiling still, "couldn't resist," she gently pressed the gauze to the wound, "Luke."
"Yeah?" he asked, taking in the gentleness of everything she was doing. Bella wasn't a normally delicate girl, so it was very deliberate that he could barely feel her touches.
"I'm not leaving you, you know that, right?" she smiled, cutting a piece of adhesive to keep the little square of gauze in place, "and we're gonna get through this rough patch."
A new, surprising churning sensation filled up his stomach. Butterflies, all over again. Lucas nodded, "I know... It just sucks, but I know we will."
Her cheeks turned a shade of pink and Bella smiled, moving up and kissing him, causing his head to hit the flush and startling them both. Lucas smiled, resting his forehead against hers, "I love you... Can we go to bed now, though? My dick's freezing out here."
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sayafics · 2 months
The Makings of an Army - Chapter II
Previous Chapter
There was so much blood.
Whether it was crusted and dry, soft and pliable, or fresh, running blood. Every breath she took was tainted by the metallic scent.
The blond-haired boy sat next to her now, his eyes earnest as he heeded every request she had – fill a bowl with warm water, find soap, get some paper towels, find some clean cloths.
She would do her best with what she had.
The other lumbered over her, eyeing her with distrust, and standing close to the unconscious boy’s head as she worked diligently.
They hadn’t spoken much, apart from her shaky requests for materials to help, but she could see how agitated they became with each whimper or groan of pain that was torn from the boy trapped in a tireless sleep.
The girl took steadying breaths, hoping to keep her calm so her hands wouldn’t shake as she worked. She was familiar enough with taking care of wounds that this would be a breeze, but the burdensome glares from the two boys watching her set her on edge, she questioned every move and hesitated twice before every step.
First, she had to clean the wound, she took the piece of cloth the blond-haired boy had brought her – Evan Rosier he said his name was – dipping it into the bowl of warm soapy water before wiping clean each injury she could see one by one, cleaning her cloth and changing her water in between.
Every gash and every scratch she brushed against caused a burning shiver to spread through Regulus’ body, and every time she would whisper apologies as she continued.
After irrigating every cut she could access, she turned to look over her shoulder. A hesitant look painted itself across her face as she glanced to the boy she now knew as Crouch, his eyes narrowed as they met her’s.
“Your friend’s woun-“
It was Evan who had spoke then, his voice quiet and pained as his eyes never left the face of the boy lying in a fretful sleep.
“His name. His name is Regulus.”
She nodded, unsure of why a name was so important, before continuing, “he has open wounds, they’re too deep to heal just like that.” There was a pause, a moment where she debated if she should really speak her next words, because she wanted them out. But if she offered such a solution, her guilty conscious would crumble at the thought of turning them away.
“He needs stitches.”
Before she could speak, Evan cut her off once more, this time his eyes shifted, a fierce glare directed at the passive Crouch, “no? The hell do you mean no?”
“She’s clearly lying Ev, we don’t know who she is.”
“Reg needs help. She’s right – look at him Bart, he’s been torn to pieces. We can’t help him.”
The stubborn gleam in Barty’s eyes weaken as they flicker to Regulus, “no. We are not going to risk the life of our friend just because you are too emotional to think before making a decision.”
“Oh, fuck you. If she says he needs stitches, he needs them. She didn’t have to help us.”
“She’s only helping us because she doesn’t want to get hurt or die.”
The words that escaped Crouch’s lips made her eyes widen in fear, is that what he had been intending?
To kill her because they had decided to break into her home?
“Look,” her voice pleading as she lifted her hands in surrender, “I helped because you asked me to. This is the only way I can help. If I don’t close these gashes and they start bleeding again? I can’t promise it’ll stop. And if that doesn’t convince you, then maybe the fact that he could get sepsis might.”
Evan frowned, “sepis? What the hell is that?”
“Sep-sis,” she enunciated, “a blood infection, one your friend is very like to get if you don’t let me help him. Properly.”
His brows creased, eyes burning in worry, “could he- could he die?”
“If you don’t let me help him,” she then looked towards Crouch, taking in the fear that pinched his expression as she continued, “so let me help.”
Barty stayed quiet, his mind raging against his heart as he thought of all the ways she could hurt Regulus, and then all the ways she could save him. Seeing him warring with his thoughts, Evan spoke in his stead – “do it. Help him.”
“There’s some thread and needles in that drawer over there,” she jutted her chin to the lonesome table that sat next to the bright yellow armchair, a single drawer beneath its surface. This time it was Barty that moved, pulling out the drawer and gathering the contents before holding it out to her.
She regarded the materials she had taken from him; she was tempted to douse them with alcohol from the liquor collection her godfather had stored somewhere within the cabin, but that would only slow his healing. Instead, she laid the needle and thread in her lap, tugging the first aid box closer as she rummaged through it meticulously.
A sigh of relief escaped as she held up a small bottle in success. She emptied the bloodied water into the potted plants sitting behind her on the tea table, wiping it dry with some clean cloth before pouring the solution in. She looked back at the pale boy, assessing his largest laceration before pulling out enough string that she would be able to seal the open wound in one swoop.
She placed the needle into the bowl as she cut more and more strings.
“What’s that liquid?”
She looked at Crouch before looking back at her bowl, she could have ignored him, but she was sure that would just agitate him further, “iodine solution.”
“It’s- it’s to disinfect the needle and thread, so he doesn’t get an infection whilst I stitch him up. It’s not the best thing I can use – but it’s what I have”
Crouch frowned, “how do you know how to do all this?”
She looked down at the bowl, a sad smile spreading across her face, “my godfather was a doctor. He taught me everything I know.”
Not much was said after, but a knowing look stretched across the faces of Crouch and Rosier.
She pulled the first strand of thread from the solution, threading it through the needle as she inhaled slowly through her nose. She could do this.
One by one she began to seal each large laceration and tie them off. She lost count of the number of injuries she had seen, of the countless gashes she had closed, she even had Crouch and Rosier roll Regulus on his side so she could see his back and she treat those too.
When she had finished her fingers were aching, but Regulus didn’t seem to groan as much with each twitch and twinge, his face seeming far more relaxed than before.
She pulled out a small tub filled with an ointment her godmother had made, lathering each wound, big and small. By now, both boys seemed to have learned they didn’t need to question her motives. Then with their help, she was able to place bandages over the worst cuts, before lying him back on the sofa.
The whole thing had been a methodical process, she was so drowned in the possibilities of what would happen after that she treated the boy whilst stuck in a sense of autopilot.
But now that she was done, the room dropped into a tense silence.
She knew they would want to stay, and she didn’t think she had it in her to deny them. Not when their friend was so hurt, and not when they were so drained.
So she sat there under the dim lights, feet going numb as she made no attempt to move. And for the first time, she dragged her eyes to look at the face of the boy she had been treating.
None of them looked to be much older than herself.
Rosier’s hair was a pale blonde, most of it pushed back but some strands would still fall carelessly down his face. His skin was pale, as though he had never seen the sun, but his cheeks and the tips of his ears were stained an ever-lasting pink.
Crouch’s hair was loose, a burnished glow against the yellow lights. His hair was brushed into a neat side part, and his face was slim and bare of hair. His nose was as narrow as his eyes, but his cheeks were brushed with freckles and coloured with fury.
And then this boy. The boy she had helped. The boy she had saved.
Regulus had a youthful face, his skin a dull shade of alabaster but his under-eyes were dark and heavy, he had sparse freckles brushing over the bridge of his nose and dusting his high cheekbones. His jaw was angled, his cheekbones prominent, his face bordered by a halo of tousled curls. The strands of inky hair were greasy and damp, much like his clothes.
Through the patches of white and through the splodges of red, she could see his smooth, milky skin that was now marred with scars. She didn’t know how the boy had gotten so hurt, and she didn’t think she wanted to find out.
And yet, she admired his beauty. He was ethereal, in a way most boys her age were not. In a way the two boys in the room, sending her watchful glances, were not. Perhaps it was because he didn’t look as threatening when he was unconscious and layered in bandages.
Evan’s voice broke the quiet, seeing his friend’s wounds treated had brought a brightness back into him, “what’s your name?”
She thought about not answering, about telling them to stay the night sleeping on the hard ground and leave the next day just so she could return to her bed and pretend they did not exist as she succumbed to sleep.
But her eyes couldn’t leave the disfigured boy on the sofa, and she felt her heart sink at the realisation she may have to put up with them for longer than she intended – her godmother had always told her the best thing a person can do is help another in need. And after all her godparents had done for her, maybe this was one way she could begin to pay it forward.
She glanced at Rosier, but his eyes were also stuck on Regulus’ body as he watched every breath the boy took to make sure he didn’t stop.
“Aurora. My name’s Aurora.”
Taglist: @xcharlottemikaelsonx
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bihanarms · 1 year
Chapter 11 : Now your Mess is mine.
Here it is ;) sorry for the delay and enjoy the last chapter !
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With heavy and numbed eyelids, Krauser felt his mind slowly emerge from the darkness. A hazy veil gradually dissipated as he became aware of his presence in an unfamiliar room. His body lay on a bed, with fresh and soft sheets caressing his skin. Bandages wrapped around his chest, tight but comforting. He felt a slight tension with every movement, a sign that his body had suffered serious injuries. A throbbing headache pounded in his temples as if someone were relentlessly hammering inside his head.
Krauser blinked, trying to recall what had happened. The memories were blurry, like scattered fragments of an incomplete puzzle. Images of a fierce battle, explosions, muffled screams, and menacing shadows overlapped in his mind. But nothing was clear, nothing made sense. How did he end up here? Where exactly was "here"?
He cautiously attempted to get up, being careful not to make any noise. His movements were slow and labored, but he was determined to find out where he was and what had happened. Silently, he left the room and entered the living room, his gaze scanning the area for clues.
Suddenly, his eyes fell upon a young woman of familiar appearance sitting in front of a computer, wearing headphones. Krauser observed the scene for a moment, assessing the situation. He decided to act swiftly, his hand instinctively reaching for a knife placed on a nearby table. Without hesitation, he approached her from behind, placing the knife against her throat.
"Don't make a move," He murmured in a low but menacing voice. "Tell me where I am and what happened."
With a swift yet cautious motion, the woman abruptly paused the melody resonating in her ears, raising her gaze to find the man she had just saved staring at her with a threatening gaze. "Is this how one expresses gratitude towards the one who just saved their life?"
The man, recognizing the young woman despite his recent wounds, displayed a gaze now more perplexed than murderous. A sudden pain shot through his mind as the blade still grazed (Name)'s skin, causing him a sharp headache and making him abruptly release the knife, which crashed to the floor.
Freed from his grip, she quickly stood up, concerned, attentively observing the condition of the former soldier. With genuine worry in her voice, she urged him to lie back down, noting the remnants of his injuries. "You should lie back down; you've barely recovered from your woun-
Suddenly, Krauser regained his senses and firmly grabbed (Name)'s arm, restraining her once again in a hold she couldn't escape on her own. "Where am I." he demanded.
He hadn't changed a damn bit... The muscular arm of the former wounded soldier tightening around her neck as she struggled to utter the following words. "We're in the cabin I had reserved in Spain for my initial investigation, far from Valdelobos, far from the island..." As she spoke, He slowly loosened his grip to allow her to continue more clearly. "You transformed into... I don't even have words to describe it, but well..." She took a deep breath tinged with sadness before continuing. "I found you, dragged you to a laboratory, and we escaped from there using an old motorboat... just before the island exploded in a way I can't explain."
Krauser released (Name) completely, appearing suddenly confused. His gaze drifted into the distance as he tried to piece together the fragments of his memory, with memories of past events gradually returning to him. Images flickered in his mind like fleeting flashes of a reality he struggled to reconstruct.
He ran a hand over his forehead, looking troubled, then fixed (Name) with a mixture of disbelief and recognition in his eyes. Emotions swirled within him, a complex mix of confusion, gratitude, and incomprehension. He attempted to form the words, but his voice seemed trapped in a vice of fragmented memories.
"An island... exploding..." he articulated with difficulty, trying to reconstruct the missing pieces of his personal puzzle. Memories seemed to float in the dark corners of his mind, distant echoes of a reality he now had to confront.
"You completely lost control of yourself, honestly.." the young woman said, her expression compassionate.
"Yeah... I remember some things, as the infection took over, everything became blurry in my mind, but, I remember the most important... unfortunately," he sighed.
"I'm sorry." she finished.
Krauser, perplexed, scrutinized (Name) with a mixed expression of incomprehension and curiosity. His mind was haunted by a persistent question: why on earth had this young woman saved him when she could have escaped without him, without caring about his fate?
"(Name)," he uttered with a confused voice, "I don't fully understand why you saved me-
"You did it twice. We're still not even," she cut him off, a smile appearing on her face.
As he observed her, he noticed a complex blend of emotions on her face: compassion, compassion for him, even after everything he had done. There was a spark of empathy, a glimmer of hope in her gaze.
She had seen beyond his monster facade, beyond the violence and anger that had consumed his being.
As he remembered what had happened, a surge of energy entered his voice as he seemed to recall something in particular. "What about that bitch in red dress? And Wesker? Those sons of bitches..."
"I have no idea, honestly. The island was reduced to ashes, but I can't confirm anyone's death," she said, her tone compassionate.
"But them... I have to find them and kill them."
(Name) knew that deadly glint in Krauser's eyes all too well. She had faced it too many times... fortunately, that gaze was now directed elsewhere. But when it came to those two, he wanted them dead. And she could only understand that.
The urge to leave immediately, to chase after them, burned within him like an unleashed inferno. But even before he could step across the threshold of the cabin, she stepped in, firmly holding him back by the arm.
"Jack. you're not in any condition," she declared with a determined voice, her eyes fixed upon him with a glimmer of concern mixed with determination. "You won't accomplish anything in this state. You need to rest, heal yourself before embarking on this quest."
"That's none of your concern," Krauser growled in annoyance, his impulsive nature clashing with her logic and caution. He tried to break free from her grip, but she tightened her hold, not yielding an inch.
"You're right, it's none of my concern. Once you're completely healed, you can do whatever you want and walk through that door to never hear from me again." She held his gaze, unwavering. "But for now, it's a no."
Always so stubborn, he thought deep within himself.
"What do you mean?" she said.
"Tell me, really, why are you doing this?"
"I told you. You saved me twice, and we're still not even. It's simply a matter of feeling indebted, of making myself feel better."
What a terrible liar.
Well, partially. It was true that she felt indebted, but deep down, she knew it was much more than that. The time she had nursed him back to health, that kiss... Not only did she understand his anger, but it had also become a part of her. She felt it deep within herself—their stories were now intertwined, bound by an inexplicable force. She felt it vividly, even now as he locked eyes with her. She couldn't describe it in words, but it was undeniably powerful.
"Very well." he finally breathed out, letting out a resigned sigh. "But it better be quick."
(Name) gave a grateful smile. "Yes, sir. But for now, let me take care of you. I need to change your bandages." She finished by gesturing for him to follow.
Let me take care of you. It was the first time he had ever heard those words, he who was accustomed to fending for himself.
What a strange feeling.
As the days passed, a particular dynamic took hold between (Name) and Krauser. While she took care of him, tending to his physical wounds as well as his inner ones, a mutual trust grew.
Initially, he was reluctant, feeling uncomfortable receiving so much attention and care. His rebellious spirit was used to relying on himself, counting only on his own strength. But gradually, as the days went by, he began to let go, to let down his defenses.
He realized that (Name)'s presence was not a weakness, but a strength. She was there for him, supporting him wholeheartedly, and it gave him a strange sense of security. He started to acknowledge that perhaps he couldn't face everything alone, that he wouldn't say no to someone by his side if it was her.
One day, as the cabin was enveloped in a peaceful calm, (Name) attended to changing Jack's bandages. Their routine of care had created a unique intimacy between them, but this time, there was a palpable tension in the air.
As (Name) gently adjusted the bandage, her delicate touch grazing his skin, they exchanged an intense gaze, their eyes seeking each other. A subtle electricity ran through the space between them, creating an atmosphere charged with unspoken emotions, an atmosphere they had felt before.
Their emotions and desires clashed in a silent dance. Then, she broke the silence with a soft but uncertain voice.
"How did we end up in this situation..." she tried to laugh to ease the atmosphere, " given how it all started...
The young woman felt her heart race, the beats resonating in her temples, while Krauser seemed serene, not letting her gaze escape. How can he be so calm?
"You kissed me right?"
In an instant, silence fell once again, as she felt her heart might explode, heat rising alarmingly within her body. Does he really remember that? How awkward..
"N-no, well, y-yes, I didn't really have a choice and given the c-circumsta-"
Without warning, he leaned slightly towards her, delicately gripping her neck with his strong hand, allowing his palm to glide over her soft skin. His gesture carried an unexpected tenderness as he gently pressed his lips against hers.
(Name) was taken aback by Krauser's audacity. Her heart leaped in her chest, while her cheeks flushed under the sudden kiss. She was overwhelmed by a wave of conflicting emotions, uncertain of how she should react. "I-"
He kissed her again.
And it felt so much better than the first one
The end. I sincerely hope you enjoyed this fiction; I loved writing it... Apologies for any possible mistakes. As for the ending, I wanted to give this man the happy ending he deserved, so it might be a bit too cute, but I like it. As for what comes next, feel free to imagine it yourself! And don't hesitate to share your opinion with me.
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shit-begone · 3 months
WISHES (Part 4)
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Wishes (Masterlist) | Prev (Part 3) | Next (Part 5)
*Lee Chan/Dino as your best friend that suddenly confessed his feelings for you.
*Choi Seungcheol/Cheol as the annoying mutual friend who wants to be a part of your life.
The confusion began when you realized that your best friend may have offered you the world while your annoying friend that resembles a lot like your college heartbreaker, Seok-jin, wanted to be part of yours.
It was an easy-peasy thing for you, not until you had to join Chan and Cheol in a five-day vacation with the boys.
PART 4                       WISHES: Call Me Honey
WORD COUNT        5,427
CATEGORY              Fluff and Smut
Dino looked at Cheol and then smiled at you. He quietly left the room and left you under Seungcheol's care.
Seungcheol arranged your "breakfast in bed" and sat beside you. "How are you feeling now, Y/N?"
"My head hurts so badly, Cheol. I don't even want to eat."
"Look in the mirror."
You looked at the mirror and surprised with the gauze patch on your head. "Huh? What happened?"
"You got drunk, fainted and hit your head on the corner on the table. What a stubborn fuck."
"Who are you calling a stubborn fuck?" You exclaimed.
"Eat before you pick up a fight with me." Seungcheol commanded giving you a spoonful of onion soup, "Here's warm milk too. Coffee is not allowed for today."
"I can eat on my own." You said.
"Okay then, show me your hands." Cheol said.
You confidently showed Cheol your hands only to present it shaking.
"That's the cause of too much vomiting; you lost too much salt in your body. Just eat, don't be hard-headed now." He added.
After a few more spoonful:
"I know why you hate me so much."
"Wow. Tell me."
"Chan told me that I look like Seok-jin. Whoever the fuck is that. He also told me that he broke your heart."
"What a chatterbox." You pouted
"So, I do look like that bastard?"
You looked at him and squinted your eyes, "You're far better than Seok-jin. You look good."
Seungcheol smiled at you and you blushed.
"I mean, I--- not in a way that you think tho. It's just--"
"Touch move lady, there's no way you could take that back now, I saw you blush."
"It's the alcohol left."
"That's not what my eyes saw." He said as he fed you sausages.
You disregarded Cheol's teasing and changed the topic instead.
"I'm sorry you couldn't enjoy the waterpark today."
"It's okay. I'd rather stay here in our room and take care of you. You should've seen the shock you caused everyone last night."
You felt bad about the trouble you caused and remembered Dino, "Did he really say that? That he needed time?" You asked.
"He did." Cheol lied.
"I'm a bit sober and that felt sad still."
Silence surrounded the room.
"Hey, Y/N."
"Yes, Cheol? I'm done eating. Thank you." You curled yourself under the sheets.
Seungcheol removed the table, kept your left overs and sat beside you on the bed.
"Take a rest." Cheol said. I'll wake you up at lunch.
"You were saying something earlier. I'm sorry I had to interrupt."
"It's nothing."
"Then I won't eat lunch."
Seungcheol stood up and went to get the first aid kit.
"Let's replace your patch. It's all stained with iodine and blood." He ignored your statement.
"Choi Seungcheol ignoring me. Fine. I'll sleep now."
"Not so fast." He cupped your face, "We still need to dress your wound."
It hurts a little when Seungcheol removed the wound dressing. You must have hit the corner of the table too hard. What a pity of you unconsciously hurt at that very moment. He soaked the wash cloth with warm water and gently removed the stains of iodine on your forehead.
"Does this hurt?" He asked still focused on your wound.
"Not at all, Cheol." You responded.
You were caught off-guard with your view as of the moment. You can clearly see the details of his pretty face and the red tint that outlined his lips. Seungcheol is very surprising in situations like this. Who would imagine that he could be caring too?
"Stay still." He said dressing your wound, "Aaand, all done."
"Thank you, Cheol." You rested your head.
"Do you need anything, before you sleep?" He asked.
"I don't feel too well. My head still hurts."
"Coffee is prohibited as of the moment." He suggested.
"I want chicken wings, sushi bake and coke for lunch."
"As you wish. I'll wake you up when the food is ready." He said as he decluttered the first aid and hangover remedy stuff.
"You can rest beside me, Cheol. I don't mind. Let's just figure out where to put all those stuff tonight so I could help you."
"Can't say no. You won't even feel me here." He inched beside you as you rest away the hang over.
Dino watched the boys get rough on the waterpark. They look like they're having fun, he wanted to join but he was trying to get rid of his thoughts of you, in his peaceful corner.
Defined are the last blue strokes in Chan's painting as he finished the piece he has been busy with since this morning. He didn't exactly know if he's trying to get rid the idea of you, or is he portraying you in the masterpiece.
"What's up?" Wonwoo tapped Chan's shoulder.
"The sky?" Dino chuckled. "We're good."
"That's good news. Maybe you could join us later, huh?"
"I'll just prepare Y/N's lunch, as promised. Then I'll join you."
"I'll wait for you here, while you air-dry this painting. Minghao and Soon-young won't stop picking on me on the giant slide." He said.
"Let's pick on Minghao this afternoon." They both chuckled.
"Don't be too long." Wonwoo requested.
"I won't."
Dino immediately went back to the villa and prepared chicken wings, sushi bake and sprite for your lunch. He knew you too well; it's the go-to lunch combo when you want to sober up your day.
As Dino prepare your food on the tray, Seungcheol came to the kitchen.
"How's Y/N?" Dino asked.
"She's asleep right now. I was about to prepare lunch, she requested chi---"
"Chicken wings, sushi bake and sprite?" Dino showed you the prepared tray.
"How did you do that?" Seungcheol was amazed.
"I told you, there's still a lot to know about her."
"But actually, she wanted coke this time." Seungcheol picked up the sprite and switched it for a can of coke.
"I'll leave this to you." Dino handed the tray to Seungcheol, "We got some ass-whooping mission to destroy Minghao and Soon-young today at the waterpark."
"I'm jealous." Cheol pouted.
"Don't use that word on me." Dino said.
"My bad." Cheol laughed.
"I'll get going now. Please take care of Y/N."
"Thank you, Dino. I will."
Seungcheol prepared himself some chicken balsamic wrap for lunch. He sure was amazed of Dino on how he knows you too well. He figured that he should start taking notes in his head now if he really wanted to win your heart.
He went back to your cabin and was surprised that you have already taken a bath.
"Are you feeling well now?" Cheol asked.
"You took so long that I decided to take a bath to ease my headache. I still got something to spew up. But I'm already hungry. Also kind of dizzy."
"What do you want to do then?" He asked.
"I'll puke one last time and then maybe we could eat already."
"I'll wash up while you wait for your sickness to come. Is that cool? I could really use some time to freshen up."
You just nodded.
The way Seungcheol cared and smiled at you made you feel not just butterflies but the whole animal kingdom in your stomach. You never thought that he could be someone so attractive. If not just for Seok-jin, maybe you would have been crushing on Cheol— way before this vacation came at hand.
But somehow, the thought about what Cheol could be made you want to throw up, or is it just the alcohol in your system?
You ran by the bathroom, "Seungcheol, are you done? I think I'm going to throw up," You knocked on the door.
"Almost done, Y/N. I'll just put on my clothes."
"Hurry please."
As soon as Seungcheol opened the door, you rushed to the lavatory and threw up. He grabbed you a glass of water and held your hair so you won't mess yourself.
You sat on the toilet, your legs in between Cheol's as he was facing you.
"Are you okay?" He asked as he pinched your thighs.
"Uh-huh." You said as you looked at Cheol with tears in the corner of your eyes, you wiped your lips with the wash cloth he gave.
Cheol was shocked of the view he was witnessing. It was like a post-blowjob occurrence where you choked on his dick and almost teared up to death.
"Can you not look at me like that?" He said as he ignored his imaginations.
"Why? What? Did I do something wrong?"
"I hate it when you look at me with puppy eyes." He said.
"Like this?" You teased Cheol emphasizing your puppy eyes.
"If you do that again, I won't be responsible of what might happen next."
You were confident that Cheol won't do anything, so you teased him continuously, "Are you bothered of my----"
In split seconds, Seungcheol cupped your face and kissed you on your lips. Softly pressed, quiet and still for almost half a minute.
"Get ready for lunch. It's almost two o'clock in the afternoon." He left you speechless like nothing happened.
Seungcheol prepared the table and saw you still staring at the bathroom floor, seated on the lavatory.
"Cm'ere, honey. I'm starving. The food has gone cold."
You slowly stood up and sat in front of him. He picked up one chicken wing, deboned it fed it to you.
"Cheol, I can eat on my own."
"You just vomited. Please show me your hands, hun." He requested.
"I'm not your 'Hun'." You pouted.
"After I kissed you? Still you won't allow me to call you 'Hun'?" He asked, "Show me your hands."
"It's not shaking anymore!" You exclaimed as you showed him your hands.
He held yours and kissed it, "Can I call you 'Honey' now, Y/N?" He asked as he gave the chicken wing he deboned.
You were once again utterly dumbfounded by the great Seungcheol. You ate the piece he gave and he smiled at you.
Seungcheol was very happy treating you this way. It's the feeling he ever wanted: the feeling he needed all this time.
"Can I ask something, Cheol?"
You just smiled, "Can we join them by the waterpark this afternoon?"
"It's best if we stay indoors tonight. You need full recovery. In fact, I think we can just treat your wound with iodine. It needs no dressing, I guess." He looked at your forehead.
"I hope it doesn't scar."
"It won't."
"Well, studies show that if you let me kiss your forehead, it won't scar."
"No! I don't want to!"
"You don't want me to kiss you anymore, honey?" Cheol pouted.
"I'd rather let this scar than to let you kiss me again." You rolled your eyes, stood up and made your way to the couch, "Please make popcorn, Cheol. Let's watch movies to kill time."
"Okay, but let me kiss you first."
"Then you have to make it on your own." Cheol said as he finished his food.
"Okay, but come with me to the kitchen later. It's kinda boring there working all alone, and you won't get any popcorn if you don't finish your food."
"But I'm full." You pouted.
"No you're not. Eat up."
"Cheol, I said I'm full."
"No popcorn."
"Then say it like this: 'Honey, I'm full.'" He smiled.
"Then you have to finish your food." Seungcheol lifted your plate and walked towards you.
"No, honey, I'm full." You said as you rolled your eyes.
"No rolling of eyes, Y/N and more polite."
"Honey, can you please finish my food? I'm already full." You said.
"Alright, honey. It sounds nice when you call me that." He winked.
You rolled your eyes again and again and again with heavy sighs.
Seungcheol finished all your leftovers and spent the afternoon with you just scrolling through your phones and little talks. It was past five in the afternoon when he decided to make popcorn downstairs. The group must have really enjoyed the entire waterpark, they're still not home. No one's home except you and Seungcheol. If only you didn't have hangover or the wound on your forehead, you would've enjoyed the waterpark, too.
"You know, we can make popcorn anytime tonight, Y/N, what if we just prepare dinner for them? You're allowed to drink coffee if you help me with dinner." Seungcheol bribed.
"Sure!!" The excitement rushed to your body after you heard the word coffee.
"What can we cook for them, Y/N?"
You opened the two-door refrigerator and observed what food you can make with the ingredients you have.
"What can you say, hun?" He kissed your shoulder, enclosing you between the coldness of the fridge and the heat of his body.
"Why don't you make orange chicken, Cajun shrimp and fried rice and stop pestering me? I'll make coffee and prepare soda pops, and maybe lemon bar." You said as you faced him and paved him out of your way.
"Why is it that you're so damn annoyed with me but you don't resist my kisses, hun?"
You just rolled your eyes and felt attacked because he's fucking right! Can't say no to kisses of someone THAT pretty.
You and Seungcheol got really busy in the kitchen that you enjoyed the company and lost track of time. It's almost seven o'clock in the evening and they should be here by now.
The two of you started preparing the table.
"Honey, can you pass me the knife here please?"
You were surprised as you handed over the knife to Cheol because Uji was smiling crazy behind Cheol’s back.
"Seungcheol, mind telling me, who you called 'Honey'? Was that endearment for me, 'Honey'? Uji said walking past Seungcheol and giving him a light punch to his sides.
Uji gave you a smile and said "I'll pretend I didn't hear. I want to hear it back from Y/N. Cheol might just be delulu. Right, hun?" Uji turned to ask you, mocking the "Honey" endearment.
"Y--y-yes you're right Uji. Cheol is just delulu."
Cheol appealed, "But what about the---"
"You're just delulu." You answered.
"We'll talk about this later, huh?" Cheol whispered as he walked past you.
They started to arrive one by one and gathered for the scrumptious dinner you and Cheol made. It just happened that Jihoon left earlier than the group due to stomach issues. You didn't know why you were affected that Uji heard Seungcheol call you "honey". You felt that there was a lot of explaining to do.
Maybe that's because even though you don't accept Seungcheol's "honey" endearment, you don't even stop him or call his attention of him kissing you whenever he wanted.
Right, self?!?!
But is it my fault that his lips felt good on my skin?
Does it have to be words, really?
If he didn't like me, he wouldn't kiss me, right?
"Okay, shut the fuck up, especially to those who pushed me off the marshmallow mountain." Jeonghan walked in with some of the boys as he was pertaining to the waterpark activity earlier this day, "My back badly hurt from the fall. I'll crush you later if I could!"
Everyone laughed at his demise.
"Look who is good at cheating now." Dino exclaimed.
"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Back to the main event." Jeonghan cleared the noise, "Mingyu will be distributing the catalog given to us by the beach club, and each catalog comes with an amenity stub with your name. If in any case the amenities don't fancy you, you can surrender it to Mingyu, so others can avail it, or we could turn them in for refund."
Mingyu started distributing the catalog to everyone.
"Listed are all the amenities we can avail and the complete guidelines for each. Everything's now up to you." Jeonghan added.
"All surrendered catalogs will be put on the table at the living room for everyone's access." Mingyu concluded.
You looked for Dino but have failed to see him. Maybe he wanted to rest early for tomorrow's personalized itinerary. Maybe it's best to talk to him tomorrow, you thought.
Also, everyone did ask how were you and if your wound still hurt. With your head still a little light, you decided to leave the dinner table to have some rest for the activities tomorrow.
You went to your cabin and snugged on the bed. In just a few moments, Seungcheol came.
"You forgot our snacks." He said as he carried a tray with two iced coffee, some extra lemon bars and popcorn.
"Who made the coffee?"
"I figured you forgot to make one for you so I asked help from Seungkwan. He taught me how to make americano and cappuccino." He smiled.
"And the popcorn is?"
"Salt." Cheol answered, "I was going for onion powder but then Seungkwan told me that if it's for you, it should be salt."
"Awwww. Seungkwan is such a gentleman."
"I've got a lot to learn from your closest troops."
He has set up his laptop and went under the sheets beside you.
"Choose any movie, Y/N."
"I already have something in mind. I want to watch The Best of Me."
As the story progressed, you became fond of each other's touch and the warmth of your bodies.
"Can you pause for a while?" You requested as you gathered all the extra pillows.
As you crawled forward reaching some of the pillows, Seungcheol can't help but look at your figure as you kneel with your back and bottom turned from him; tracing his look from your waist to your butt and down to your thighs, it surely left him imagining things that are not supposed to happen at the moment.
He thought to himself: Composure. No to temptations. Everything is too soon.
You gave some pillows to Cheol, "Surround yourself with these, it's getting cold."
Your position beside Seungcheol was now a little bit tight due to the pillows surrounding you. So Seungcheol adjusted his arms and wrapped it around you as you rest your head slightly on his chest.
"Can you pause again, Cheol?"
"What was your wish?" You asked referring to the visit to Eros' Cave.
There was a long silence; but you can feel his hands caressing your sides.
"It's okay if you don't want to----"
"You." Seungcheol stared at you, "When din you become so impatient, Y/N?"
"You. I wished for you in that cave, and it was like a wish granted the moment I switched my flashlight on because I saw you looking at me. You were my wish. I like you, Y/N." He said pulling your head back to his chest again.
You continued watching.
"Cheol?" You called again.
"What now? Don't you want to watch anymore?" This time, he did not paused movie.
"I want a hug from Choi Seungcheol."
He was surprised of the request but still granted your demands.
"Is it wrong to feel so right, Cheol?"
"What do you mean, Y/N?"
"I don't know."
"I like you, Y/N. Please don't doubt me now."
You hugged him tighter, "I know, Cheol."
"I like you. I like all of you. All that you are; and all that you are not."
You leaned a little more to his chest and saw him looking at you. "I just want to know if you are certain."
The both of you were surprised as soon as the movie progressed to something hot and steamy. You suddenly felt every inch of connection between you and Cheol and tried to fight whatever you were feeling at the moment.
"Well, fuck this shit." Seungcheol closed his laptop in envy of the scene on-screen and pinned you down on the bed.
"Is there something wrong?" Cheol stared down at you.
"I--I don't know." You slowly sat up.
"Tell me when to stop." He commanded.
He aggressively lifted your body and let you sit on his lap. He kissed you gently at first until you felt his tongue seek to dance with yours.
The moment your lips separated, he removed his shirt and kissed you again, this time, your lips and tongues have met its rhythms. As you lightly stroked his back, you clutched a handful of his hair that made him decide to remove your pajamas and let it hang loose on your arms.
Your body rhythm made Seungcheol's member grow hard. You can feel it between your legs and felt quite scared of what might happen next.
He stroked your back as he kissed your neck, down to your clavicle, with your hand rested on his shoulders. Every kiss that traced your body sent you shiver that made you bite your lips as he added more.
"Is this alright, hun?" Seungcheol nibbled on your chest and formed patches of hickey.
"Hmmm. I don't know." You whispered.
"I love the way you taste."
In split seconds, he unhooked your bra and was astonished of your chest's full view. You were shocked on how fast he did that.
"Honey, is this alright?" He asked.
You lightly nodded. You just gave him hints that you're a bit embarrassed and became conscious on how he stared at your bare chest.
"Just..d-don..why are you staring at me too much?"
"You're beautiful." He looked into your eyes.
"Are you saying that just because I'm naked?" You said as you covered your body with a blanket.
He was startled of your question and held your hand instead. "No, no, I-I'm sorry. I'll stop. That's not what I meant."
"No, Cheol. What I mean is: I want to know, why are we here?"
Seungcheol was silent for a moment, confused of your question. But then he knew what you meant, "I've seen parts of you that you thought are not important. I've seen you with your ugly crying, the 'happy you', the 'mad you' and most especially, the 'annoyed you' that you show me every day. I've seen how passionate you are, I've seen you win along your dreams and I'm still learning about the parts of your naked soul that you hide from me. I'm not convincing you to continue this with me. This is no metaphor, Y/N. I mean it. You should know that I want to be with you with or without these clothes. Regardless, I'm sorry; I was just carried away by my emotions. I shouldn't have done that. It won’t happen again." He bent down his head.
"I appreciate all of these, Seungcheol. I'm sorry; I think I'm just a little new to this feeling. I'm still processing what happened yesterday, with the---"
"The spider?"
"Y--yes, and the moment after that. Also when you kissed me inside the bathroom, and now, uhhh. There's.. There's just a lot to process. I have been feeling a lot lately. I don't know if I should stop myself from having these things with you. It feels so wrong."
"But it felt so right, too? Is that what you're saying halfway through the movie?"
"Yes." You looked at him shyly.
"I'm sorry if it's too much for you."
"I just want to know how I would respond and to what extent should I be responding to."
"You'll feel it. You'll know it," He smiled, cupped your face and kissed your forehead. He grabbed his white t-shirt and clothed you, "My intentions are always pure."
"You're such a gentleman."
"Your compliment makes my heart melt."
"We should rest now." You said as you shifted away from his lap and crawled under the sheets. "Goodnight, Cheol."
"Day one of not being an annoying Seungcheol." You let out a nervous laugh and smiled at each other.
"Can we hug as we sleep, tho?" He requested.
"I will allow one night."
"You'll probably seek for my warmth for tomorrow night. Don't be so confident that this would only last for one." He snugged himself beside you and hugged you from behind.
"You sound so proud." You said as you switched off the bedside lamp.
"Your whimpers sound so sexy." He whispered close to your ear.
"Stop! Your voice is so annoying."
"Your chest is so well-endowed." He whispered one more time.
"Ugh! I hate you."
"I like you."
You didn't answer and just pretended to be asleep.
"I hope you'll like me back. Goodnight, Y/N." He planted a kiss on your shoulder.
The sun peeked through the blinds and you woke up to Seungcheol's back hug and good morning kisses.
"Why so early, hun?" You asked.
"Just have to pee." He hummed against your back.
"I'll go get water downstairs we're out of water here."
"Alright. Don't be long."
You tied your hair and went downstairs. You heard a light conversation and smelled some cooking, the cooks for today: Dokyeom and Joshua.
"Good morning." You greeted with your sleepy voice.
"How are you feeling right now?" Dokyeom asked.
"I'm all good, just gonna grab some water."
But then Joshua observed something unusual to you. Your white shirt hung loose off of your shoulders that exposed the swollen hickeys made by Seungcheol.
"You really seemed fine, huh?" Joshua grinned.
The hickey marks were also recognized by Dokyeom.
"Hey, Y/N. What happened last night?" He asked.
"We watched a movie before bedtime." You said.
Seungcheol came rushing down the stairs with no shirt on. He picked you up like a drunkard and carried you upstairs.
"Ohhhhhh, movies!" Both exclaimed.
"Hey put me down!" You protested and lightly punched his back.
"You didn't see anything." Cheol exclaimed as he carried you upstairs.
Seungcheol shut the door and looked at you trying not to laugh.
"What's funny?" You asked.
"You see, hun," He lifted his shirt on you.
"No, not again Cheol!"
"Relax! I'm not trying to undress you. I'm just showing you what happened last night! Jeez!"
He pulled the shirt down to your chest instead and lightly pushed you in front of the mirror.
"Look." He giggled, "That's what Dokyeom and Joshua saw earlier, you careless little monster."
You saw the hickey patches made by Seungcheol. They were wine red and plenty.
"Yaaaa! Fuck you!" You exclaimed.
"I won't decline that, hun."
"No, not that!"
"Actually, it's also the shirt that Joshua gave me for my birthday."
"Waaaaaaah! That's why he was so suspiciously looking at me, and you came down shirtless. What the fuck, Cheol?!?!"
"I forgot to tell you that it would bruise hard. You could have changed to your pajamas at least."
"What to do, what to do!!"
"The boys won't judge, honey. Keep your cool." He said as he kissed your forehead.
You sat by the corner of the bed and looked at Seungcheol, "What if.. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!"
"I said it's alright."
You cleared your head for a moment and changed the conversation instead, "I'll think about that later on. I want to know what your plans are for today, Cheol?"
"Calling me Cheol is cute. But I'm not Cheol."
"Eeeeeeeeh. Honey or hun is cringe."
"Okay, then I won't answer." He sulked.
You took a deep breath and a heavy sigh "What are your plans for today, hun?" You rolled your eyes.
"I'll go rappelling. You want to come?"
"I'll ask Chan if we could go together. Whatever he wanted."
"Wow. What about me?" He pouted.
"Really now, Cheol? I think Chan should know before the boys tell him that they saw me with these fucking hickeys."
"Can't take a joke, hun?" He laughed, "Cm'ere and kiss me." He said as he extended his arm.
You tiptoed in front of him and gave him a shy kiss on the lips, “This is not included in your subscription, Sir!”
“Then, why are you granting my requests?” He smiled.
You didn’t know what to say, are you enjoying these things already?
Oh my God!
"Get yourself ready so you could ask him out." Cheol smiled.
You immediately changed to your proper pajamas and went downstairs to look for Dino. You lightly knocked on their cabin door.
"Yes? Is the food ready?!?!?!" Soon-young smiled as he opened the door with his hyperactive mood, "Oh, Y/N good morning, how are you? Please come in."
"I'm fine now. Is Chan awake?"
Soon-young pointed at Chan who was hooded under his blanket.
You slowly patted Dino's arms, "Dino. Dino, wake up."
He removed the blanket covering his head as he was surprised of the voice waking him up, "Y/N, why are you here?"
"I want to join you today." You smiled and lied down beside Dino.
"I'm actually planning to paint something by the floating cottage."
"I can help you with the materials." You said.
"Alright. Then it's an art date?" He smiled.
"Do you have extra canvass?"
"I do have. Don't worry."
"I'll prepare for the day already. See you at breakfast?"
"I want a little hug first." He requested.
You gave him a hug and he gave you a kiss on the forehead.
"This must hurt a lot." He lightly touched your dry wound on the forehead.
"No, it didn't. You already smiled at me that is why it recovered immediately on the spot!" You giggled.
"You never fail to make me smile."
"See you in a bit, huh?" You said as you went for the door.
"See you." Dino smiled and covered his head with his blanket.
"Thanks, Soon-young." You gave him little waves before you close their cabin door. He just smiled at you and continued doing his stuff.
"Hey, Y/N, please call everyone upstairs. Breakfast will be ready in 20 minutes." Dokyeom requested as you passed by the kitchen.
"Yes, chef!" You hurried upstairs and completed the task requested by Dokyeom running from door to door, as you screamed that breakfast is now ready.
When you entered your cabin, Seungcheol just finished taking a bath so you went in next.
"Dokyeom said that food will be ready in 20 minutes. I'll be quick."
"Okay, is there anything I could do?" Cheol asked from outside the bathroom.
"Can you find me a good pair of swimwear? We'll stay by the floating cottage."
"Got you."
"Oh and a hat."
After a few minutes, you slightly opened the door and called for Seungcheol, "Cheol, can I have my clothes now?"
"You can dress here, hun."
"I'm shy." You said softly.
"After what happened last night, you're still shy?"
"Ehhhhh that's not it."
"Look, nothing will happen alright? I just want to see what looks good on you before you cover it with some shirt or stuff." Cheol insisted.
"Yes, hun."
You went out of the bathroom and walked towards Seungcheol as he handed you a pair of swimwear, "This is my first option."
As you were putting on the red swimwear, Seungcheol can't help but to study all the parts of your body he hasn't seen yet, but as he promised, only for fitting purposes.
"Uhhh, no. The bottom is too low rise, try this one." He said as he handed you a blue pair.
"Wow, blue? This red one is cute. What's wrong with this?"
"I can literally see your v-line in that bikini."
"Okay. I'll try blue." You quickly changed in the bathroom and went outside for another outfit check.
The moment you went out, it's already a big no for him. "No. I can see your hickeys; what if you just try this cropped rash guard and this black bottom." He said as he tossed you another pair.
You went back and quickly changed to it. "I think this is better, honey," you turned around for him.
"Come closer and turn to your back."
"Okay." You did so as requested.
He grabbed you by your waist and planted a kiss on the exposed skin just a little above your butt, "You taste different today."
"Seungcheol, we talked about this. Okay?"
"When will you give in?" He pouted.
"You're a little bit impatient, Choi Seungcheol. I’m not even your girlfriend. Can you even hear yourself?" You turned around and moved your face a few inches in front of his. You can feel his breath brush against your lips as he smirked crazily.
"I am. I am impatient." He smiled. He lifted you and slumped you onto the bed. Seungcheol stared at you and scrutinized your body with his eyes. "I can tear you down in a minute if you want me to."
"Do you think you could scare me?" You extended your hands to him, "Tie me up. I'll show you what's scary."
Wishes (Masterlist) | Prev (Part 3) | Next (Part 5)
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horrorchicxoxo · 2 years
Miles Quaritch NSFW Alphabet
SPOILERS: This will be based on Quaritch in his Avatar form in the new movie.
A: Aftercare (What they’re like after sex):
Miles is so incredibly soft after. He'll ask you if you need a snack or a cup of water. Since he is in his Avatar form, he is your own personal heater. You both will cuddle up very closely and talk about how your day went.
B: Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners):
His favorite body part on him is his hands. He is able to caress and map out every single inch of your body. He will never forget the dips and curves which make you unique.
His favorite body part on you is your ass. Whenever he is taking you from behind or cuddling with you, his hands are always resting or groping your cheeks. He does it so often that you can't help but giggle when he lands a soft pat as you walk by.
C: Cum (Anything to do with cum):
Unless he is looking to have kids with you, he will come on your stomach or your back. When you both decide to start trying for kids, he will cum hard inside you.
D: Dirty Secret:
He loves when you pull on his tail as it swishes around wildly during your sessions. You give it just the right tug and he goes completely feral. You likely won't be able to walk the next morning.
E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?):
He has a lot of experience when it comes to sex. He hits just the right spot every single time and you can do nothing but mewl pathetically.
F: Favorite Position:
His favorite position is cowgirl. He loves seeing you take control and bounce on top of him. The way your tits bounce is a treat and his hands on your ass help you to move even faster, taking your breath away.
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.):
He is mostly serious during these moments; but if something happens such as the bed breaks or you have to pretend to be asleep when someone is in the room, he finds your expression afterwards absolutely hilarious.
H: Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes):
He always makes sure that he is well-groomed both above and below. He keeps some of the hair on his pubic area nice and shaved since you told him it feels good every time they meet your hips.
I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…):
During the moment, he is extremely tender. Whichever position you guys decide on, he always finds a way to make you feel good. If he feels like he is hurting you, he will whisper sweet nothings into your ear and kiss your neck, his way of asking if you are comfortable.
J: Jack Off:
He doesn't jerk off often but if he is stuck in a meeting somewhere, you will send him racy pictures. He will then head to the bathroom to take care of it.
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks):
His kink is spanking you. If you ever teased him when you weren't supposed to, he will have you lay across his lap and count the smacks as he lands them on your ass.
L: Location (Favorite places to do the do):
He will always choose the bedroom. It is such an intimate and comforting space, and it takes his mind off anything he is overthinking about.
M: Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going):
When he is bench pressing, you will tease him by grinding on his lap. If he does enough sets, you promise to make it worthwhile.
N: NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs):
There is really nothing that turns him off. He is a sadistic SOB.
O: Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.):
He has more of a preference for giving you head. His tongue is so large and wet, which helps in reaching your g-spot. His mouth completely envelops your pussy, and he places his hands on your stomach to keep your body from nearly levitating off the bed. You use his hands as a way to have something to hold on to while reaches deep inside you.
P: Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?):
He can be both. When he is feeling lovey-dovey, he will take his time with you. If he is feeling wound-up, he will take it out on you.
Q: Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.):
He will take quickies if you ever visit him suddenly when he is talking to the other members. You both have done this so much that they always tease you about it when they see you, making you blush.
R: Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.):
He will experiment with different things, and he will always ask for your consent before you go through with them.
S: Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last?):
He can go for as long as you want. That usually means three rounds, four if you're feeling especially horny.
T: Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?):
He doesn't like using toys. He will always prefer the real thing.
U: Unfair (How much they like to tease):
In the morning, he will bring you to the brink of consciousness by rubbing your pussy through your panties. When he pulls his hands away, you whine and go to grab his hand to put it back where it belongs.
V: Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make):
He is extremely loud in the bathroom, filling the space with his deep growls, the sound of skin-on-skin slapping echoing around the room.
W: Wild Card:
If he is feeling dangerous, he will take you out into the open to have sex. You never know what is lurking around the corner, giving a sense of thrill.
X: X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants):
Since he is in his Avatar form, his dick is big. The length comes into to about 8 inches, and even though it's very girthy, it still gives you a nice stretch.
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?):
His sex drive is pretty high. He completely wears you out sometimes and will whine if you try to get up from the bed to grab something or even to go to the bathroom.
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards):
He falls asleep gradually as the night wears on. After you both are done, you will cuddle with your head on his chest, drawing patterns with a featherlight touch. Once you are asleep, he will watch over your delicate features for a little bit before he follows suit.
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artiststarme · 1 year
The Up and Downs in the Life of Eddie Munson
The other one didn't seem angsty enough and I am in a mood. Grab your tissues, my friends!
Eddie knew he was never going to amount to anything, Munsons never did. For him especially though, it wasn’t written in the stars that his life would be for naught. The universe and fate were against him from the get-go. His life was on a downward slope since the day he was born. 
On that one freezing night in December, Mary Munson was rushed to the emergency room to deliver a premature baby boy. After four hours of excruciating labor, a C-section was performed and baby Edward Munson was born (he would later joke that he’d never been in a vagina a single moment of his life). He had to stay in the NICU for weeks until his preemie lungs were strong enough to handle the cold of the Indiananian winter. Less than a month old and Eddie was already the biggest burden to his parents. Old Richie Munson had to find extra work to pay off the extensive medical bills and he took it out on his wife. 
Poor Mary struggled on her own to take care of Eddie. He was a colicky baby so when he did go home from the hospital, he kept his mom up all day and night with wailing cries. She had no choice but to turn to drugs to escape the torments of being a young mother with a raucous baby and an absent husband. He was only seven years old when he found her body in the kitchen. She’d done heroin that was laced with fentanyl and her abused heart never stood a chance. 
When he was eleven, his dad got arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and armed burglary. He’d been trying to put food on the table for Eddie after losing his job and had gotten too sloppy through desperation. When the nasally and overworked social worker dragged him away from his dad in the visitation room, he thought he was going to be placed in foster care. Instead, his bald-headed and knobby-kneed self was plopped onto the trailer porch of his dad’s estranged brother. 
The man introduced himself as Uncle Wayne and he might have been the best thing to happen to Eddie. He didn’t hit him when he got frustrated like Eddie’s dad did. He didn’t turn to drugs and alcohol when he threw a tantrum like his mom had. Instead, Uncle Wayne was patient. He didn’t get mad at him when Eddie flinched away at physical touch or when he didn’t talk for the first six months of moving to Hawkins. No, Wayne earned his trust and looked out for him from the very first moment he laid eyes on him. He was a good guy and an even better uncle. 
That’s why it hurt so much to leave a dead girl in his trailer for him to find when he got off shift. Over Spring Break, his potential that was steadily declining rapidly accelerated. He went from being the weird, gay, metalhead teenage loser that no one liked to the serial killer of three fellow high school students that couldn’t graduate and led a cult in his free time. He ran away from the murder of a girl that had been nice to him and started getting hunted by the Hawkins townsfolk in a ridiculously uncoordinated witch hunt. He almost certainly wasn’t going to graduate this year, not from the inside of a prison cell because that’s where he was headed. 
And all of that doesn’t even mention the demon from another dimension that chose to paint Eddie as a scapegoat. ‘86 really wasn’t his year. 
Nothing has ever gone right for Eddie in his life and he knew it never would. So when he saw an opportunity to save his young friend and the rest of the world, he jumped on it. He couldn’t protect Henderson from inside the trailer with the bats prying themselves through the vents. He had to go out and fight them. Eddie knew as soon as he saw the swarm that that was how his life would end. If Steve Harrington, god among men, couldn’t hold his own against them, what chance did he have? Like an answer to his own prediction, the bats attacked. They tore through his chest and ripped his skin as if it were paper. The blood that gushed from his wounds bathed Eddie in warmth quickly followed by an empty numbness. When all of the bats fell from the sky, Eddie had the brief thought that just like all of his other suffering, his death would be for nothing too. 
The next moments passed in a haze, his body was going into shock. Dustin cried and begged him to get up. Harrington pulled him into his arms and sprinted for the gate. The girls yelled in the background of it all. And Eddie slipped away from the world that had only ever looked down on him.
He awoke in a drab white hospital room. His body felt heavy but he could move and he could feel his heart beating, his lungs breathing. Eddie was confused as all hell but he was alive. When he looked to his right, he saw Steve Harrington lounging in the uncomfortable hospital chair, head tilted unnaturally with drool dripping from one side of his mouth. For the first time in Eddie’s entire life, things started to look up.
@doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes
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gothbass · 6 months
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(Images mostly from Pinterest)
One Of Us (Pt. 4)
★ Rhea Ripley x [afab] Reader
Warnings: 18+, ex/bartender intrusion + protective Rhea, occasional coarse language, beheading said ex/bartender (respectfully), more lore, protective Reader, beheading of “the voice”, (again, respectfully).
Word count: 1,060.
About a week later, you receive a text from Rhea—asking you to meet her at a specific bar at 7:30 that evening. The reminiscence of everything that's happened prior rushes through your head. Everything; from the words her voice formed and spoke out, to the feeling of warmth she gave you moment after moment.
Caught up in your thoughts, you get caught off-guard as soon as you take notice of Rhea calling you. Quickly, you pick up the call.
“You called?”
“Took you long enough. Where are you?”
You take a look at your surroundings, the pressured tension blanking your mind. “Home, currently; why?”
“Meet me at Blood4Blood at 7:30 PM sharp, got it?”
“Yes…but what for?”
“I guess you could call it a little one-on-one introductory meeting to vampirehood. You'll need it, and you'll do great.”
“Looking forward to it, then.”
“See ya then, sweetheart,” she says lowly and sweetly before hanging up, leaving you in a state of utter speechlessness.
“See ya…” you respond to yourself, frozen in shock. You take a look at the time: 7:00. Given the time, you get yourself ‘dolled up’ (per se) in a gothic outfit; mostly black—with an accent of red satin. Soon enough, you make your way over to Blood4Blood.
“Cute outfit,” you hear Rhea’s voice and panickedly look around, but find nothing. It's only then that you realize she's directly behind you. “Suits you well,” she whispers into your ear, causing you to quickly turn around and attempt to punch whoever the words came from due to a fight-or-flight reflex; however—she covers your flying fist before it can cause any physical impact. “That’s real’ cute of you; just watch where you're throwing those punches, ‘kay?”
You nod, and the two of you find your (bistro) table and seat yourselves accordingly. Rhea orders an expensive champagne for the both of you, glaring at the bartender all the while–-as though she knows of something you’ve mentally dismissed from remembrance.
A few moments after Rhea returns to you from ordering, the bartender brings your champagne to the table.
Not only that, but he seems to invite himself unannounced. He sets the two glasses on a small silver plate onto the table and pulls up a stool to chat with you. Little do you remember, this particular bartender is your ex—yet you realize this as soon as you hear him speak.
“What brings you here of all places?” he asks you, yet your lack of interest triggers him. “Not gonna talk, huh?” the more he speaks, the more it triggers Rhea as well.
“Just how dimwitted are you?” Rhea confronts him.
“Excuse me?”
Rhea takes a few sips of her champagne before slamming her glass onto the table. “Can’t you tell that she’s uninterested?! Go find another slut to piss off and leave us be, dickhead!”
“Ooh~ Someone’s feisty.”
“I suggest you shut your trap before I kill you.”
“You can’t kill me; I work here.”
“Yeah? You think so? Try me, asshole.”
The bartender scoffs before starting to walk away, yet Rhea gets up and thrusts a kick to his back—knocking him unconscious as he hits the floor hard. In addition, you join her and whack his head with the stool he sat on prior—also prying off his head to kill him. His body dissolves into diseased flesh, which you collect ever so nonchalantly.
You both then seat yourselves at the bistro table and sip at your champagne in celebration of a murderous achievement, even clinking your glasses together before chugging what remains in the glasses.
“How did you—?” you start before Rhea cuts you off.
You nod.
“Certain individuals within our species were granted a sixth sense, particularly to assist in keeping our species alive [so to speak] and make sure others don’t end up majorly wounded or killed. The others, are just the runts of the litter—unless under the protection of a chosen one.”
“So, would that mean—?”
“Yes; it means that I’m a chosen one.”
“That also means you’re under my protection.”
You narrow your eyes, as if you just received an insult. “Are you saying that you don’t think I can protect myself?”
“I saw the way you fought in that ring; and the way you succumbed to that asshole earlier when she drained your blood.”
“And that’s supposed to mean I’m weak?”
“If anything,” she leans in, “it just means you’re submissive. And there’s nothing wrong with that at all, darling, you just have to acknowledge when it’s lethal to be submissive like that.” She smirks before leaning back to her original position. Her words leave a shiver pacing down your spine. “And right now, isn't exactly a good time to submit to your master. Much as I adore it, it's best you keep your guard up. The others aren't so friendly, depending on the individual and their reputation.”
Out of nowhere, you spot a red flash in your peripheral vision and immediately perk up in the direction you saw it go. “I believe she's returned.”
You gesture with a hard glance over to where you saw the red flash go, and she takes notice.
“Goddamnit.” Rhea stands up and starts to walk over to where the red flash seemed to have ended, yet ends up pinned against a wall by the same red flash.
“Miss me, darling?” the same voice as deceased prior teases.
“What the fuck do you want?”
“I see you turned someone. Good for you.”
“That and on, actually, why do you care?”
“I’m not sure. Perhaps it's jealousy.”
“Oh, you're so green with envy. How bitchy.”
“Just make sure to do your job, or—” You interrupt the voice by coming up behind her and putting her in a chokehold.
“Not if I'm here,” you protest to the voice.
“You’re ssso clever,” she chokes out with a hiss, in which you notice her tone of voice completely alter. Even so, you choke her hard enough to decapitate her.
“Oh, don't worry; I know.” You grin as you watch her head fall to the floor.
“Excellent work!” Rhea claps celebratorily with a smile on her face. “Though, we should probably get going.”
“Yeah? Where to?”
“How would a hotel room sound?”
“Luscious, in a way.”
“More than the hotel room will be luscious, I can guarantee you that.”
[Series Masterlist]
Part 5
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ameliawarnerr · 2 years
Getaway Car
Chapter 3
Previous Chapter: here
Paring: Jake x MC
Trope: Enemies to lovers
Overview: It takes a thief to catch a thief. So to catch a hacker, you have to become one.
Warning: Slight smut⚠️
His eyes never leave mine as he asks, “Do you want me to kiss you?” 
Blood rushes to my cheeks for a cause not known to me. I wish it was because of the anger and frustration I feel. It has to be it. 
“I want you gone. I can't even look at you.” My voice turns bitter. I realise how long it has been since I’ve spoken to someone since I have been a part of an active conversation. And I wish it wasn't affecting me in ways I can’t explain. 
His voice is low as he laughs at me, at my stupidity, I assume. It seems like he is doing everything with the motive to make me feel frustrated and agitated. It makes me furious that he is succeeding. “I don’t wish to have your eyes on me either so it’ll be in both of our best interests if you stop being a child and listen to what I say. It's either that or—” 
“Or what?” I take a step. “You’ll kill me? Hit me and ditch me as you did again? You must be crazy to think I’d trust you again.”
My boldness does not make any impact on him as he steps towards me. “Here’s the thing, MC, I don't want your trust. You can keep your guard up but you are coming with me.” 
Words make their way to my mouth and die somewhere in the process as I sense a movement from behind. The man that was lying on the floor was not out of his senses, I realise. Too late, though. There's a sharp object moving against the skin of my foot until I crunch down and it appears that he wanted me to do the same thing. 
“MC, no—” Jake tries to throw a warning as he rushes towards me but I don't see his face. The man hits my head with something hard. I only hear footsteps and soon they disappear too. This must have happened way too long ago if Jake hadn't come. I wish he assumes I am dead and no longer his problem and leaves me. I hope his assumption doesn't turn out to be wrong. 
My chest burns with an invisible flame as the sight of her in pain registers. I was so focused on her words and the words leaving my mouth that I lost the sense of my surroundings. Despite my warning, she sits down and
I rush by her side, taking out the knife in my pocket. I throw the knife and it hits the man right in the neck, simultaneously, I pull her away from him. There's blood coming out of both her leg and head. “Dammit,” I mutter under my breath followed by a few other curses. 
I lift her. I am so frustrated by the whole situation, by her. She absolutely agitates me. Mostly, I am frustrated by myself. I showed up with the sole purpose to protect her— and my information— and I couldn't even carry that out. 
I leave the bag of her clothes and carry her out of the building. I put her in the passenger seat of my car and occupied the driver’s seat. I cannot take her to a hospital. The cameras, I can't afford the risk. I take a look at her face, the blood has stopped. I can treat her myself. 
I hate her. Mostly because I cannot get rid of her, neither physically out of my life nor mentally. I hate the hours I’ve spent looking at her from my computer screen as she worked so hard to find me. I hate all the thoughts I have about her. She has changed me in ways I never wanted. If she would let go of me, I’d be free. 
My grip on the steering wheel tightens. That's a lie and I do not want to accept it. 
After a couple of contradicting thoughts after, we are finally at my place. I carry her to my bedroom, put her on my bed and grab the safety box. It's much easier to treat her wounds while she's passed out but I’d really like it if she'd open her eyes and let me know she isn't having a concussion. 
It's as if she could hear my thoughts— which scares me— her eyes flutter open and she takes time to adjust to the brightness. It took me a while to adjust to the brightness myself as I never turn all the nights on at once but I needed to look clearly at her wound while treating them. 
Her hand goes to her head touching the wound. “Where am I?” 
I grab her hand. “Don't touch it. I haven't put a bandaid on it yet.” 
Hearing my voice, she tenses. She moves on the bed trying to sit while I am applying a bandage on her leg. I firmly grab her other leg to keep her from moving. “Don’t move either.” 
She kicks off my hand and sits up anyway. 
I get up from the bed. “I preferred you passed out and silent,” I say and sit nearer to her, grabbing her leg. I give her a warning look, silently telling her not to move. I put her leg on my lap and as soon as I touched the wound, she kicked me in the stomach. 
“You’re grabbing it tightly on purpose, aren't you? I’ll do it myself.” She complains. 
I get up and sit as close to her as possible. I grab her leg again, sighing. I glare at her. “Do not move, MC or I swear to god. I’d tie you up with bandages.” 
Her body language goes completely stiff as she stares back at me. I can understand where her mind is roaming around. I said it with the same purpose. I am glad it's working. 
She doesn't move anymore as I bandage her feet. If there was any distance between us before, I closed it up as I moved my hands to her head. My eyes are focused on the wound but I can't help but glance down at her. My throat works when I find her already looking at me. I clear my throat focusing on the wound again. When it hurts her, she grabs my T-shirt. The sensation of her hands on my body makes me unintentionally apply too much force on the wound. It only backfires as she grabs the neckline of my t-shirt pulling it down until a portion of my chest is visible. I glance back at her trying to find if she's doing it intentionally but no, her eyes are closed. God, this has to end. 
Finally, when I am done, she lets go of me. I get up from my bed and open my wardrobe. Finding the longest t-shirt, I threw it near her. “You can change. Might as well take another shower, if you wish to. Just be careful with the wounds.” 
But she ignores me. “Why am I here, Jake?” 
I sigh, looking at the ceiling, trying to find patience. “I was getting bored being here all alone. You’re my source of entertainment. And I like my source of entertainment in clean clothes so please.” I gesture towards the bathroom. 
She shows no signs of moving. I pinch the bridge of my nose. Then I look at her. “You know what? I don't have time for your tantrums. So I’ll be going to get some work done. You have one hour to debate yourself about going to take a shower or not. There are no cameras in the bathroom. I take a shower in the same one.”
She looks at me, with a challenged look. “You are a terrible person, you know that?” 
I look at her, smiling. “Yes. I am well aware.” 
She scoffs. “Of course, you are.” 
“I am downstairs. If you need anything,” I start taking steps back until I am outside the door. “Just figure it out yourself, okay?” 
She mimics my sarcastic smile. “I’d rather choke on the water than ask for your help.” 
I grab the knob. “If you want to choke, there are many better options. Make your choice wisely.” I shut the door but not before noticing the blush that makes her look away from me.
I figured it out. All I need to do to make her agree with me or shut up is throw a flirty line or get close to her physically. And as it turns out, it’s fun for me too. 
I descend the stairs and make my way towards the room with all my computers and equipment. That room was supposed to be the bedroom but it was the biggest one in the whole house. It was an obvious choice. Opening the door, I throw myself on the chair as it turns around. 
I knew this would be difficult but I could never imagine her being this difficult. She was stubborn from the very beginning, I admit but she used to listen to me and then make her decision wisely. I realise that it's my fault that she doesn't trust me anymore. And now I’ve dragged her here with me. I have no idea what I am supposed to do from this point on. 
She became a hacker, it's concerning that it makes me smile. But I cannot let her do that anymore and I am well aware she won't just sit in this house doing nothing. I can ask her to work with me— for me. She’s taught herself in months and I admit I wasn't even near to the skills she possesses in the starting few months of my hacking. I'm impressed and she’ll be useful. 
But first, we’ll have to develop trust, again. And it will be a thousand times more difficult than the first time. 
But we got time. She's not going anywhere nor am I. 
I turn on the computer and try to focus on my work for one straight. I fail multiple times, though, terrible, too. 
After forty minutes. I go to the kitchen and make a bowl of soup. My cooking is decent because I’ve lived alone for most of my life. In fifteen to twenty minutes, I am done. I walk to my room and stand outside. It's a strange feeling, knocking outside your own bedroom. 
I expected her to throw a ‘What do you want’ but instead, she opens the door. I have to look down to meet her gaze. It's uncertain, uneasy. Then my eyes fall on her body. Her tiny body is in my grey T-shirt. The neckline is too wide to fit on her so it hangs down her left shoulder. She pulls it up her shoulder but in vain.
God, I should've just taken a few of her clothes with me when I left her place. 
“Too late,” I mutter under my breath. 
“What?” She asks, her eyebrows raising. 
I clear my throat. “Move,” I tell her. She doesn't. Right. 
But she opens the rest of the door and I walk past her. I place the tray on the table. I glance back and find her looking out of the room. “You cannot run. So don't even think about it.” 
She doesn't say anything but I picture her rolling her eyes. And regret as soon as the image comes into my mind. She turns towards me. “You are holding me captive for God knows what reason.” She says, flatly. 
“I have already told you the reason. If it doesn't fit in your perimeters of reasoning, I cannot do anything.” I walk towards the door, ready to leave. But she grabs my hand. 
“I will not disclose any information about you. I’m no longer looking for you so it's no longer important to me. I have no interest in you now.” I can’t listen to a word she's saying. Her bare skin distracting me out of my senses. She notices where my eyes are and hides her shoulder with her wet wavy hair. Doesn't help, I want to tell her.
Unintentionally, I move closer to her. “No interest?” I question her. This time my eyes look straight into hers. “Not anymore?” 
She takes a small step back which doesn't put much distance between us. “No.” She says firmly but breaks eye contact. 
I take another step closer to her. I raise my hand, and rest it on her neck with her pulse under my thumb. I graze it. “No?” She looks back at me. “Then what’s making you so nervous?” 
“It’s definitely not you.” She taunts with a smile. She's good at faking it. That turns me on even more.
With my one hand around her neck, I grab a handful of my t-shirt from around her waist and pull her closer. She doesn't resist it and her body is flushed against mine in a fraction of a second. I let go of the fabric and rest my hand on her waist. “Still not me?” 
She doesn't say anything. Instead, she shakes her head, purposefully removing the hair that was hiding her bare shoulder. Her hand moves and rests on my chest, right where my heart is beating fast. “What is causing your nervousness?” 
“Fuck it,” I mutter under my breath but she's close enough to hear. In a span of seconds, she's pinned to the wall. Her hand is still on my chest. She shows no signs of removing it either. I press my body into hers and dig my head until my lips are inches away from hers. They’re parted as she leaves with a shaky breath. “You said you hated me.” She whispers and as her lips move, they touch mine slightly. 
“I still do.”
“So do I—” She begins but I don't let her. I am done with talking.
I press my lips against hers, the kiss neither soft nor slow. I groan slightly as she returns the desperation with her lips. Her hands wrap around my neck. Her tongue enters the kiss first and dominates. For a second only. She throws her head back a little as I apply slight pressure. Her hands raise to my hair as she tries to guide me. She wants to be in control so badly. It makes me smirk in between the kiss. 
I let go of her waist and grab both of her hands. She tries to resist but fails. I pin her hands over her head. I withdraw a little, seeing her struggling with my grip. It's not tight but she can't get out of it either. I get close to her lips but refuse to touch them. I move to her ear instead. “No more in control?” I ask my voice deep and low. Simultaneously, I grip her hands with only one hand as the other descends down her curve and stops when I sense the band of her underwear. I lightly tug on it, kissing her earlobe. 
She turns her head and kisses my jaw until her lips are on mine. We get lost in the kiss again. Suddenly, she bites my lip, hard. “You wish.” She frees her hands when I am too distracted by her smile. “I told you I am no longer into you.” She says as she tries to walk past me. 
She hasn't taken a complete step when I grab her neck lightly, putting her back on her place against the wall. I don't kiss her lips, instead, I put my lips on her neck. Sucking on it. I keep doing it faster and faster until she can no longer be silent. I don't leave a single spot. My hand caresses her thigh at the opposite pace. I move my hand under the shirt until I'm touching her. “Jake—” She chokes when I start rubbing my hand against her, painfully slow. She grabs my shoulder when I increase the pace. Somewhere in the middle, I stopped kissing her neck and she threw her head back, her neck on full exposure with fresh marks. Her eyes were on mine. Her lips sinful noises. 
Then I let go of her. All at once.
And take several steps back. “I came to get you some soup, by the way.” I act as if we both weren't satisfying our hunger seconds ago. “Try not to choke on it, it's hot.” I stare at her neck, covered with purple marks. “Or it’ll leave similar marks on the inside of your neck too.”
Next Chapter here
The slight smut part.....I TRIED OKAY?
I know I'm terrible at slow-burn but the situation was calling for it.
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Saying Goodbye to the Ones we Loved,
"The smile, the charm, the words, the spark. Everything, you had it, I guess I had a naive heart, cause boy I let you have it" Peter Pan Kelsea Ballerini
Amkani (Pixal) hears someone crying in the forest, going to assist she reconnects with Nya helping her come to terms with Jay's new self, saying goodbye to the man she once knew.
Spoilers for S2 Pt2 I think,
Amkani had been harvesting bark for weaving when she'd heard snifflling, setting the pile down she went searching for the person who may be in distress, she saw the Water Ninja Nya sat on a log clutching an object in hand, the gold glistening due to the water that she had shed as she murmured between her tears,
Why, why can't you remember us? Stupid I should've known this could happen... what with your father, maybe this side-
She was going to step back, this felt like a private matter, but the why can't you remember part paused her in her tracks. It sounded similar to her, like the person she spoke of did not remember her, whoever it was was clearly dear to the woman,
"Nya?" She finally called, the ninja stiffened brushing away the drops from her face as if to hide she had been crying, she immediately stepped closer to the Ninja,
"No No...I apologize I overheard you crying...and speaking of someone. I wish to listen, if you are willing."
She huffed a laugh out and patted the space beside her and Amkani sat,
"You were always good at listening to me," The Nindroid gave a soft smile to hear that she used to assist in this way, happy to do so again,"Especially when it came to Jay and mines little tiffs or troubles,"
Jay, that must be the person she was speaking of and crying over, so she questioned,
"I apologize, I do not recall a Jay." Nya patted her leg,
"It's okay Pix- I mean Kani" she retracted her hand, fidgeting with a piece of hair that had fallen,"sorry it's hard to get used to your new name but I'll get it promise ."
The nindroid placed a hand on the other's,
"It is alright you knew me as Pixal for quite some time." She assured the other, a thankful smile returned, before the water master sighed, looking to the side,
"Jay Walker was our Team Member the Master of Lightning... my Yang. After the Merge we were all separated and Jay much like you we found out recently has no memories of us, only unlike you the group he found was not an ally but the enemy." She sounded so broke as her voice dropped" He's joined Lord Ras, an evil individual and I don't think we will ever get him back,"
She was fighting tears, trying to shove them back as she furiously wiped at her tears. Amkani reached over wrapping an arm around the Ninjas shoulders,
"You need to let it go." the other looked at her with confusion, she sighed,
"The pain of this is equal I would calculate to that of fully loosing the person. Though he is still physically here, the person you knew and loved as Jay is gone, a memory like my own self." She looked forwards, like she could almost see the ghost of her old self that they all spoke of,
"I am finding pieces with help, however I will never be the same Pixal I once was I still do not even know if I wish to return to that name. I can only say that your Jay is the same. A Spiritual Death the Formlings call it, so you must mourn him like he is dead,"
Nya seemed to hesitate so she added
"I hear Zane crying occasionally. He's recognizing that I will never be the Pixal he remembers he is mourning while healing as we fall once more into our new normal,"
The Master of Waters head slowly nodded before she let out a guttural noise Kani recognized as a cry from deep within, tears finally breaking from behind the dam the other woman had built to protect herself. Kani squeezed the other with the arm drapes over her shoulder, sitting there holding the other in silence allowing the woman to weep in grief the medicine woman knew Nya had needed this, a broken heart was always devastating, it needed healed just like any other wound,
Both her and Zane they needed to mourn the people they'd lost even though they were still physically around,
"I thought after everything he might remember," She heard her friend finally hiccup her voice watery, "He's the one who brought me back from the edge, why couldn't I?"
The nindroid sighed looking sympathetic to the others plight, her and Zane had almost immediately reconnected, Nyas case did not share the same happy resolution, she knew the likely reason had to lay with Jay,
"I do not wish to hurt you by saying this, but perhaps this goes to a level of himself that even you did not know. If he was selfish or unkind or had a dour personality. Perhaps in the most unfortunate circumstance this Merge situation just uncovered this,"
The Water Ninja looked like she wished to argue, but was conflicted, a flicker of anger not towards her, but towards something else appeared,
"His biological Father" she huffed a rather sarcastic tone to her voice"Left his mother who's first spinjitzu master knows where, divorced her to sleep around, he was infamous for being a playboy of Ninjagowood"
"Ah another Vex, a poisoned person,"
Nya nodded, as Amkani sat back looking up through the trees the water master did the same,
"So perhaps maybe this part of Jay was just waiting to lewch out or perhaps already was and then with the amnesia it allow it to take over so this is him now. And once more like me he won't be whoever he was, especially if he was a kind soul. Maybe speaking of his good memories will assist,"
She heard Nya chuckle, saying with fondness that was deeply embedded
"He was the kindest, like the element he wields wild and flashy he had so much energy," Kani smiled tucking her knees as the water ninja finally openly laughed,"One time they were trying to figure out my identity as the former Samurai X and he dressed as a girl to try to play damsel in distress, pink dress and everything,"
Kani joined the other in laughing, as she said,
"He sounded like a major trickster," watching Nya smirk
"Oh he loved pranks, fsm he started the most prank wars in the Monestary next to Lloyd"
"The green one who's been following Akita like a lost puppy?" She asked making the water ninja toss her head back laughing openly making a warmth and joy enter Kani,
"Yep!" The woman grinned, sighing a sadness to watery ocean blues as she looked off in the distance,
"I guess I didn't realize Jay brought that realization up it stunned my brain like one of his electric shocks,"
"What is that?" She questioned, cocking her head,
"That everything is different now, our teams technically found everyone...now like you said we are either in mourning or celebrating while dealing with the new threats like the old days. It's pretty confusing emotionally,"
The nindroid blinked, it indeed would be confusing, complex one might say, but that was one thing she knew about humans was their complexities,
"That makes sense, it is all so complex but that is being Human,"
"Very true Kani,"
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Ninth skull, in two -
We're back in the bubble, fighting the Sleeper, and I fear what this means for Harrow and/or Ortus -
The Sleeper forced her upper body through the crumbling wreckage, gun thrust out before her, and shot Ortus in the belly. Ortus reflexively clutched at the wound, and everything went very still. [...] Her cavalier cleared his throat again, and said, faltering, working that huge resonant bellow: “Nonius, woun…” He had to swallow. “Nonius, wounded…” But he managed no more.
Oh Ortus. Can his soul be saved?
She roared, her voice not so much a ringing trumpet as it was a howling alarm: “Nonius, wounded full sore, spat blood and gave him a grim smile; nor did the sword in his hand shake–” From behind her, Ortus said weakly, “Harrow—” “Boldly he answered the saint: ‘’Tis true that—’” and there she hesitated. Nonius’s responses were generally where she began to think about anything else in the whole universe. She became aware that Abigail was chanting: her voice did not betray any fear, nor sense of desperation.
Abigail - still working on the exorcism - while Harrow and Ortus distract the Sleeper with Nonius poetry???
I'm clinging on to hope for dear life here -
Abigail Pent blazed like a flare from a blue and alien sun. Long prominences of light trailed from her fingers: it seemed as though she held in her hands a book, with all the pages fleshed from that same azure radiation. Amid that frantic cold, Harrow saw that Abigail was soaking wet, wreathed in hot mistlike shimmers by spirit magic—she had thrust off her jackets and her mittens and stood there in just a dress, and her robe, and bare arms. A reek hit Harrow like a faceful of snow: water, brine, blood. A multitude of voices lifted up in Abigail’s, and screamed. Glutinous time unglued. There was a crack as the Sleeper fired, and a sharp metal spang, and nothing hit Harrow in the head.
Abigail!!! ABIGAIL!!!! I'm jumping up and down I'm cheering for her so hard!!!!!! Abigail Pent the true hero of this book!!!!!!
And Abigail said: “I speak your name, Matthias Nonius, cavalier of the Ninth House. I charge you to protect the Reverend Daughter of Drearburh, and to slay her enemies.”
Ortus's poetry as a summons!!!!!
I'm crying tears of joy right now!!!!!!
“In life I was only a man,” the ghost agreed. “But the Ninth House granted me honour, and made me, unworthy, its servant. I speak with the voice of the Tomb, and my strength is the strength of the Black Gate—why am I talking in meter?”
Ortus!!!! Ortus you absolute genius bastard!!!!
She said urgently, “What did you do?” “Oh, I did nothing,” he said breathlessly. “Pent … Pent is a marvel. I will write songs for Pent.”
Don't sell yourself short!!! I mean do write songs for Abigail, but you had a massive part in this!!!!!
“You saw what happened to the guns,” he said. “Rules are everything here, Harrowhark; if we break them, I am certain we are lost.” Harrow gnawed her lip. The more ragged and brutal the fight became, the more it seemed to favour the Sleeper.
Even Nonius might not be enough to save Harrow, even though this has been a godtier fight so far. I am still in awe, but still - increasingly - worried for Harrow.
As she grasped it with her hand and tried to pull it free, Protesilaus the Seventh left his doorway and came forward a few steps; he had detached his sheathed sword from its belt, and he flung out his arm and sailed the whole thing through the air. Nonius caught the exquisitely patterned scabbard in one bloodied hand.
Rules!! The rules state Nonius fights alone - but he can accept weapons from his allies!! Hell yeah!!!
A bound-back mass of hair had been tucked into the collar, but some strands and wisps had escaped and plastered themselves in red whorls on the forehead and cheeks. That dead, proud, unforgiving face beheld them all until Nonius closed the sightless eyes, and Harrowhark was bewildered; she did not understand. The blue flames no longer licked at Abigail’s palms and skirts. She kneeled on the hard metal grille, careless of discomfort, and she asked: “Harrow, do you know her?” The Sleeper had the unmistakable face of the portrait in the shuttle, on the planet she had killed.
Red hair, portrait on the shuttle.
Is this Gideon's mother?
“I am unworthy,” he said simply. “Clearly, that cannot be true,” said Matthias Nonius. “If the Fifth speaks aright—if your art was the anchor that rendered me whole here, and gave me a body and blade for the battle—your art, not my strength, was the ultimate source of our victory.”
Hell yes, give Ortus the credit he deserves!!
A sense of unease still hangs in the air - the fight might be over, but the war is not.
She turned the tag over. The other side had been neatly etched with a single word: AWAKE.
I am looking. I am narrowing my eyes. The Sleeper - this instance of her - may be dead, but there's something more going on. Harrow isn't quite safe yet.
“Everyone, listen. We don’t have much time. The bubble is deforming,” she said swiftly. “After multiple separate evolutions there are too many places where it doesn’t agree with itself.”
This tiny speck of (un)reality is collapsing in on itself.
“A dread beast haunts this course of the River, a king among monsters,” he said. “A rival and ally is fighting against it, alone, and I grudge him the glory of such an impossible combat. Free me to aid him.”
Hell yes Nonius, go fight the Resurrection Beast!!
She had not said goodbye. Harrow so rarely got to say goodbye.
Here go the others, off to fight the Resurrection Beast with Lyctor Gideon the First, the Saint of Duty.
The only exits for you now are the River, leaving your body completely—or you can simply go home, and wake up.” Gideon.
Go to her, Harrow. Please.
She said: “If I go back, it will finally destroy her soul.”
You have to. Go, and become the Lyctor you were always meant to be.
Gideon will always be with you, silly. Just let her.
“This is your ripped-up corner of card,” said Magnus. “You’re a smart girl, Harrowhark. You might turn some of that brain to the toughest lesson: that of grief.”
If I'd had to face grief like that at seventeen, and had the option, I might have chosen to do the same as Harrowhark.
I'm so much older than that now and I've carried my own grief for five years, and I tell you now, Harrow:
It gets easier.
The burden gets lighter. It never truly leaves you.
She will always be a part of you, Harrow. But she can't be if you don't embrace the feeling fully.
It hurts so, so much. It's so, so painful and it's so, so hard.
But it gets easier, Harrow, and you have ten thousand years.
“If it were me,” Magnus said, “I’d go home, and live, and live for her.”
Please, Harrow, listen to your mum-and-dad coded elders here.
Dulcinea, with that strange face that was at once the twin to Cytherea’s and yet nothing like it, smiled an extraordinarily rueful little smile that never would have fit the Lyctor’s face. She reached up and clasped one of Harrow’s hands between her own as one of the corridors to their left came down completely. “Actually, I’ve got something to tell you,” she said.
Oh God there's more.
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