#headcanon wednesday
bardic-tales · 8 days
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9.18.2024: HCW: Issue #2: Daily Life: Bianca Moore
Good morning everyone. I am still filling out my tag system for the Final Fantasy 7 side of Fantasy Worlds Collide, so this blog will be filled with lots of headcanons.
As a member and founder of the Creator's Club, I decided to combine my personal HCW with the Creator's Club's HCW event. This is still exploring Bianca Moore's character, Sephiroth, and her downfall. At this point, I have no plans on redeeming Bianca. She is a baddie: through and through.
Someone, please shake Bianca and wake her up. That man isn't good for her. lol.
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Content Warnings: blood offerings, body possession, cannibalism (soul siphoning), dark magic, death, emotional manipulation, graphic violence, infernal magic, manipulation, mind control, obsessive behavior, physical intimacy, religious imagery, rituals, self-harm, soul consumption, spiritual manipulation, toxic relationship.
Bianca’s morning and evening routines at the North Crater are deeply interconnected with her role as Sephiroth’s protector / lover and her own self-imposed duty as a ‘Priestess to Jenova’. In the mornings, Bianca rises before dawn. She will go over to the exposed Lifestream and siphon spirit energy from it. Once her celestial and infernal blood was awaken, she doesn’t need human food to survive. Her meals are the souls and life force she extracts from the Lifestream.
With the dark dragon, she will exit the Northern Caves and begin to patrol the crater, ensuring that the barrier that Sephiroth had placed over it remains intact. Her routine is methodical and focused. It is a reflection upon her determination to preserve the crater as a place of power that will serve for Sephiroth’s rebirth. She takes great care to monitor any disturbances or threats, using her infernal magic to eliminate any intruders that may pass through. If the barrier is weakened, she alerts Sephiroth right away through their soul-bond. This devotion to this task shows her unwavering loyalty to Sephiroth, and to a lesser extent, Jenova, as well as her rejection of wanting to return to her former life.
As the day progresses, Bianca’s routine shifts from patrolling to preforming rituals meant to strengthen her bond with Jenova and Sephiroth. These rituals that she conducts in solitude often involves blood offerings — her blood — and energy drawn from the Lifestream. She will often train with Noctemaris, as Solstice has rejected her after her fall from Grace, in the chamber where Sephiroth’s body is rejuvenating. When alone, she will often compose dark poetry and prose, using her words to express her emotions, her devotion to Sephiroth, and her new fascination with power and destruction. As she traveled from Nibelheim to the North Crater with SC X, Bianca collected Sephiroth’s black feathers when he possessed SC X to protect her. She treasures each feather, wearing them under her spaulders, using them as quills and during dark rituals. She uses the feathers as both a focus for channeling energy and a symbol of her unwavering connection to him.
Her connection to Sephiroth is both emotional and spiritual. All of her actions in the crater reflect this. Though she will often act like his lover, there is a sense of reverence in her actions — and his own — as she sees Sephiroth as the god he wants to be.
In the evenings, Bianca’s routine is more about introspection. She will retreat to a secluded part of the crater where she meditates, drawing upon the chaotic energy of the place to center herself and maintain her strength. Her evening prayers are not for salvation but rather power, pleading for Sephiroth’s return to full strength. Bianca finds solace amidst the icy atmosphere of the crater, where she feels most aligned with Sephiroth’s vision.
As night falls, Bianca sleeps very little as her mind is too preoccupied with Sephiroth’s revival and their shared future. When she does rest, it is is brief and punctuated by dark dreams or visits to the dream-scape that Sephiroth has erected in her mind to resemble the Celestial Realm as Bianca is exiled from Heaven.
On several occasions, Sephiroth will take control of one of the Sephiroth Clones (SC X) to initiate physical intimacy with Bianca: sort of like how he messes with Cloud’s mind with the clones. Through these moments, he asserts his presence and deepens their bond, reminding Bianca of their connection, even if his true form is laying dormant and regenerating. She will engage Sephiroth in philosophical discussions, exploring their views on power, destiny, and their shared ambition. Every aspect of her routine, from meditation and collecting his feathers to patrolling the barrier and making sure his true form is ready for his ascension, reflects her dedication to darkness and her desire to remain bound to him.
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For more Headcanon Wednesday answers centered on Fantasy Worlds Collide, please see the tag hcw: fwc.
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Also, tagging a few of my mutuals who seemed interested in Bia. Please feel free to tag me in your work, too.
@sliceoflifeshepard @serenofroses @megandaisy9 @watermeezer @nightingaleflowlibrary
@prehistoric-creatures @creativechaosqueen
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It is always such a pleasure reading your analysis on episodes! It is probably hard to come up with non-Brio Beth and Rio moments in the show because they are so intertwined even when they are not in a scene together (enter dubby, enter Beth allowing Dean to hit it at the kitchen sink, yuck), but I wanted to know what your favorite moment was of Beth and Rio outside of Brio and why.
Aw, thank you, anon. I’m doing more observations on canon these days than actual analysis. Getting my heart and mind steeped in Brio. 🥰 They’re such interesting characters, I could go on for days.
I agree, a lot of who they are shown to be is very interconnected. Especially since we get more insight into Beth who essentially changes everything about who she fundamentally is after she meets Rio and realizes she can be something special. But the reason they’re so enthralling together is because of who they are as individuals. The way their inherent natures are so complementary and so polarizing all at once.
My favorite Beth moment is in 1.06 A View From the Top. I think this is many people’s favorite. It has nothing to do with Rio and everything to do with Beth as a person. It’s her first really big taste of success and of Rio’s open and unabashed pride at her achievements. The way this woman suddenly realized who she was in this episode was incredible.
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Beth doesn’t admit reality out loud very often. But here she made a whole speech about it, bewildering Dean in the process. And yeah, her strength here was a direct result of her impressing Rio, making money for her family, and being really good at something. It was a moment of unbridled honesty. She told him who she was as plainly and clearly as she could. He for some reason just didn’t believe her. He continued to try and get old Bethie back. I guess Beth isn’t the only one in that household who denies and compartmentalizes.
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But I have no idea how much clearer she could have made it for him in this moment. No amount of backtracking and denial should have made him forget about this moment, when his wife felt like she was something special.
I don’t think I have any one favorite Rio moment. We aren’t given enough of him as an individual outside of Beth. If I had to choose I would say this moment where she threw his keys in his face.
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And ok, hear me out! I KNOW this is a Brio moment and not just a Rio moment. But I think this whole scene is so reflective of who Rio is as a human being. Again, all the complaints that he wasn’t given humanity. He was. It was just subtle. He was letting her go. He was feeling the heat from Turner, he had to “take care” of Eddy… I think that killing Eddy really shook him. He didn’t take it lightly. He values life and he understands the weight of his actions. Handling a rotten egg isn’t something he does flippantly. He FEELS it to his core. So given all that, and given all the thought he must have given to everything that had transpired and all the risks – he made the decision to just let Beth go.
How much more empathetic and human can this man get? What an act of kindness! He acknowledged and took responsibility for this game he was playing with this woman he was kinda attracted to, kinda liked flirting with, kinda was amused by. He understood the risk she unknowingly was putting herself at. He knew that she wasn’t equipped to handle things like a boss, because she wasn’t a boss. She was smart and she had potential, but ultimately she was a suburban housewife with kids and zero street knowledge. He was doing her a favor. He tested her loyalties with the truck and then just released her. That is not his norm. It was a special favor he did for just her because he had sympathy for her situation and wanted to protect someone he didn’t view as capable of protecting herself. Because at his heart Rio is a kind and conscionable person who truly wants to and takes pride in taking care of others. So I guess my favorite Rio moment is actually the unseen moments of Rio as he contemplates the circumstances leading to Eddy’s death and makes the decisions that led us to this keys in face scene. I know those are headcanon moments, but I swear they happened! They had to have!
Of the Rio moments actually portrayed on screen, I guess the little glimpses we got into who he is as a father are my favorite. The pure joy this boy brings him is so telling of what a tender and deeply feeling person Rio is.
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I would imagine that there is a lot of conflict for Rio in reconciling who he is in his profession and what kind of father he is to Marcus. It’s gotta be incredibly painful watching your baby grow and learn more about the world. Such a feeling of futility until he figures it out and finds out who Rio really is. It must keep Rio up at night. The way he loves that baby, he must feel impending loss of that loving dynamic as his son gets older.
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This was such a bittersweet scene for me because of the very obvious conflicting emotions Rio experienced just before he went and knocked on Rhea’s door. He sat in his car and stared at his own reflection, probably contemplating all the things I said earlier. “How much longer do I have before he doesn’t welcome me back? What if today is that day? What if this trinket airplane I brought him to atone for the weeks I abandoned him for isn’t enough? What if he blames me? What it he rejects me?” The relief and joy Rio must feel in this moment when Marcus is overjoyed to see him. But also sadness and fear, because he’s living on borrowed time. Marcus won’t welcome him back forever. Someday Rio will pay a big price for being who he is, and that price will unfortunately be his son. Maybe that’s why Rio doesn’t sleep and just skulks outside in the dark at night or sits alone in his bar and ponders all his life’s failures.
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tornado1992 · 8 months
No one knows where Sonic lives.
Even in his so called world renowed hero status, there’s way too little that the general public knows about Sonic The Hedgehog, sure, they know what his favorite food is, they know the names of his friends, and they know when his birthday is, but they don’t know where is he from, how is he so fast, or what is his reason to fight.
They know about most of the times he has saved the world, but they don’t know why his shoes don’t get burned by his speed, they know he can turn into a god-like glowy golden being, but they don’t know how exactly the magical jewels that do that work, they know he’s unstoppable, but they don’t know why.
Most people don’t care that much about that kind of information, even if he’s a hero, that’s his own business, even heroes need privacy; but then there’s the curiosity, the enigma, the mystery, most of those questions will be left without a solid answer, but there’s a few that should have definitive one.
Where does someone who can run around the whole globe in a matter of hours live? There’s a lot of theories.
Sonic has enough fame to have several fan clubs all around the world, and between all those fan clubs there’s been a lingering interest in the enigma of where does sonic live, between all the other questions this one is the one that gets the most possible answers, considering factors like his speed, his well known crave for adventure, his love for nature, all of it could make the difference between the right answer and the wrong answer.
At certain point, the curiosity reaches to more general public apart from the fanatism prone, and when in opportunity to talk to him, a lot of people start asking him the same question: “where do you live?” the answers all equal and all different at the same time “right here in the same world as you” “it varies from time to time” “I don’t think you could visit me”
The vagueness, the confusing contradictions, the evasion of the subject; he’s doing this on purpose. They might not know a lot about the blue speedster, but now this sole data needs to be known.
They start asking Sonic’s acquaintances instead of the hedgehog himself, they know they’re not getting an answer out of him at this point, and if anyone could have one, his friends should know it. Turns out that they don’t know.
Most of his friends being more annoyed with the fact that not even they know where he lives than about the people sticking their noses to his friend’s business was a surprise to the masses, and underwhelming, backtracking, frustrating surprise.
There’s an anonymous user online who affirms that not even the hedgehog’s arch nemesis knows where Sonic lives. Reliable sources support the statement.
The waters of nonsense gossip calm down after some time, but the question still remains, left to be more of general curiosity than lingering mystery.
A random day in a random town, a news program happens to be live outside when the speedster passes by and stops to smell the flowers around the area, the reporters ask him for a small interview, he says they have till he finishes picking up enough flowers for a crown.
They ask the same question everyone has asked for quite some time, just a different word, “Sonic, where is your home?”
Apparently the accidental rephrasing change is what finally gets it, as the speedster just says “right now? should be at mystic ruins”
He runs off immediately, the reporters left speechless, the program still on air on TV’s and the web, and the world going wild.
They finally got a straight, solid, specific answer. “That can’t be true” “but it can” “it’s logical” “it’s not” “he must’ve been joking” “he sounded serious” and more and more discussions take place around that single interview, the fan clubs are theorizing again, the general public is now more curious, and the official news from all over the globe need to confirm this by themselves.
So they ask again.
A full week later, a different city in a different country, different news reporters don’t even bother to ask him for an interview, they just run to him the moment they see the blue blur pass by and ask him again “Sonic, where is your home?!” He yells his answer without stopping:
“Last time I checked was in Central City”.
“It’s a contradiction” “then he was joking before” “he might change where he lives weekly” “we need more proof” “that was way too specific again”.
A different continent, two days later, a group of kids manage to record him when he greets them from the other side of a mountain, they ask “Where is your home?!” He yells back “I’m not sure at the moment!”
The confusion only grows, now no one knows if he’s genuinely giving true answers or full ass lying, it would be logical for him to do either. The curiosity becomes a mystery again, and people are legitimately trying to track all the locations he has mentioned to find out what is this all about. Some people even try to track him down. They try.
A whole month later, there’s a celebration near sunset city, a commemoration of some sorts, there’s been a lot of battles in way too little time so people just try to think about the party rather than the motive for it. Sonic attends the celebration along some of his friends.
A local news channel manages to reach him at the chili dog stand where he is waiting for his food while talking to the two tailed fox everyone knows is his best friend. They don’t mean to interrupt, but these opportunities are limited.
They ask the same question, the same word change that they know works: “Sonic, where is your home?”
The blue blur hangs an arm around the kit’s shoulder in a half hug as he grins widely, he says loudly: “right now, it’s right here!”
This time his home was with him.
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lorelaiblair · 3 months
when Wednesday has had a very deep sleep it takes her a moment to remember how to speak english once she wakes up.
and by ‘a moment’ i mean it can take anywhere between ten minutes and and hour + a quad over ice
the first time Enid witnesses it is the first night she falls asleep in Wednesdays bed, she wakes up sprawled over the other girl, and Wednesday who had spent the night feeling something similar to being buried alive, wakes up speaking spanish.
her dark eyes are filled with sleep, her hair is tangled, there are sleep lines over her arms and chest, her voice is soft and sounding like honey
she’s out of it for a good 20 minutes, just holding Enid and mumbling to her in a language she doesn’t understand, Enid though is in heaven
Wednesday is pretty sucky at doing things gently, she never does something half-way, so when she holds Enid, she does it like she could never let go. she holds tight, and Enid, the girl with super strength and the biggest heart, will always love the way Wednesday loves.
Enid wasn’t much of a morning person, always one to sleep in until the last minute, but now she finds herself savoring her mornings being held by the love of her life.
Wednesday whispers sweet nothings in spanish while colorful claws untangle knots in dark hair.
Yeah. Mornings are quite wonderful now.
(Enid has also deemed this period of time “Wednesday’s factory reset mode”)
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000marie198 · 4 months
When Tails was knighted, the most excited, on the edge of the seat, vibrating with joy person in the entire court was actually the king.
He had to be constantly scolded by a tired sword to have some decorum and looked two seconds away from hopping up and down even while he was knighting the fox
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vaniloqu3nce · 2 years
My own personal headcanon that has absolutely no basis is that Yoko knows Enid likes girls far before Enid does. She can just tell Enid has a crush on Wednesday but doesn’t say anything because she wants Enid to explore her sexuality on her own, discover herself, and be completely comfortable without feeling pressured or expected. And she wants Enid to tell her herself, to be able to trust her with that kind of information.
Basically, Yoko listens to Enid rant about Wednesday constantly, thinks “these bitches are gay, good for them” and then internally rolls her eyes whenever Enid says “I care cause we’re roommates! And friends!” She’s doing her best to be the supportive friend and she deserves all the love.
Bonus: Yoko trying to discreetly get them to realize their feelings for each other with Thing. Thing and Yoko become very good friends after bonding over the fact that Enid and Wednesday are so uselessly gay/pos. They absolutely watch horror shows together and laugh at bad acting. Also manicures.
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kulai · 1 year
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scenes i wanna see in wednesday s2 !!!!!!!
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I picture Wednesday as this absolute fool in love who just blue screens every time Enid flirts with her. She's not switching to another language to speak to Enid because she's trying to be suave, no no. She switches languages because her brain short circuit and she forgets how to speak English. Her brain just goes blank.
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genghisthebrain · 6 months
wednesday addams as an old gentleman is my favourite thing ever. girlie likes classical music, opera, her wife, criminal activity, the cello, bargain hunt, the great british bake off, and slick moves on the dance floor. at heart wednesday is 82 and called nigel
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ahsfan05 · 2 years
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larissa weems leaning over her desk. you agree. reblog.
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soft-but-tough-cookie · 7 months
Enid: Do you like me?
Wednesday: I married you.
Enid: Yeah, but like, did you marry me as a friend or because you like like me? That was super unclear.
Wednesday: Did you take your meds today?
Enid: No.
Wednesday: I love you, but don’t talk to me until you do. *leaves*
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bardic-tales · 15 days
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9.11.2024: HCW: Issue #1: Personal Struggles: Bianca Moore
Good morning. As I fill out my tag system for the Final Fantasy 7 version of Fantasy Worlds Collide, I realized that there will be a lot of headcanons for Bianca and the rest of the OC cast.
For me, these are so much fun to write and are the bread and butter of my character development. As for Headcanon Wednesday, it is a editoral column that will allow me to explore my characters with the Writeblr community. It is not an official Writeblr event.
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Content Warnings: Abuse, Anxiety, Blood, Chronic Pain, Disturbing Imagery, Emotional Trauma, Explicit Content, Flashbacks, Harm to Others, Horror, Medical Trauma, Mental Health Issues, Misuse of Medical Equipment, Non-consensual Experiments, Physical Abuse, PTSD, Self-harm, Sexual Assault, Sleep Disturbance, Stress, Torture, Trauma
Bianca’s story has always been a tale of tragedy. She was the product of a sexual assault, and instead of her birth mother physically raising her, Seraphine sacrifices herself to protect Bianca from Asmodeus’ machinations.
Throughout her time on Gaia, this has remained true. She had falling from a cosmic rift into the arms of Sephiroth — a mentally ill man who would be faced with his own traumatic origins — and was seriously injured, only for Sephiroth to heal those wounds, showing Bianca that sometimes mankind could be kind but all of that faith in mankind was shattered by Sephiroth’s father, Professor Hojo, and his assistant Diana Ravenscroft.
Throughout her time on Gaia, this has remained true. She had falling from a cosmic rift into the arms of Sephiroth — a mentally ill man who would be faced with his own traumatic origins — and was seriously injured, only for Sephiroth to heal those wounds, showing Bianca that sometimes mankind could be kind but all of that faith in mankind was shattered by Sephiroth’s father, Professor Hojo, and his assistant Diana Ravenscroft.
After it was found out that her demonic blood could slightly stabilize the Jenova cells and slow down the cellular degradation of said cells, Bianca was held in the underground lab in Nibelheim and treated as nothing but cattle. He blood was siphoned regularly, as well as a daily infusion and injection of not only Jenova cells but S-cells. Once it was found out that her demonic regeneration made her immortal, Diana would conduct extra experiments on Bianca as the Chief Scientist of Project N of the Jenova Project. She would be called SPNJP-01 (Subject of the Project Nephilim, a branch off of the Jenova Project.) The 01 refers to her place as the first test subject in Project N.
As she was vivisected and given no sedative or painkillers, Bianca was awake through it all. With each cut and infusion, Bianca’s demonic blood grew stronger until, at least, it was strong enough to subjugate her celestial essence and caused the heroic angel to fall from Grace. As a fallen angel, Bianca had lost access to most of her healing and protection abilities. She refused to handle Solstice, her mother’s angelic blade, as the sword leaves third degree burns when she holds it now. It would take a millennium for her demonic essence to taint the blade.
As a fallen angel, she now relied on her corruption abilities, as well as the tachi that brought her to Gaia in the first place. As she uses Noctemaris, the corruption in her body burrowed deeper. Her healing and protection spells now syphon life to her. There was also another power that she had never had before: her demonic abilities bolstered by the Jenova cells within her blood. This had made her demonic regeneration nearly instant.
On the psychological side of things, Bianca had a deep fear of medical equipment. There were times when she would go into a panic attack, experienced nausea, dizziness, muscle tension around her neck, shoulders, and back from tensing up. Even if heat or exertion was absent, Bianca would sweat excessively.
She experienced flashbacks of her past trauma, making her relive the experience while she tried to avoid medical settings or equipment. If she were around medical equipment or anything that reminded her of her trauma, she experienced severe anxiety and constantly scanned her environment for any possible threats. Her fluctuating emotions from her histrionic personality disorder caused her to experienced extreme anger when confronted with anything that reminded her of her past as SPNJP-01.
Bianca was hyper-vigilant and refused to sleep in a position that would leave her vulnerable. As a result, she slept against a cave wall in the Northern Caves, propping herself up near the mako shell that encased Sephiroth’s body. She often had insomnia, irritation, and difficulty concentrating. When she did fall asleep, she would experience nightmares of her experiments, impacting her sleep quality and mental health.
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For more Headcanon Wednesday answers centered on Fantasy Worlds Collide, please see the tag hcw: fwc.
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Why do you think Rio revealed to Beth that he had a kid right at the beginning of season 2? I would think he’d want to keep as much of his life to himself as possible
Ooooo one of my favorite things to obsess over, Anon!!! I will preempt this with: not all these thoughts and headcanons are my own. This has been a topic of discussion for me with so many wonderful people in the fandom. So a lot of my opinion is shaped by just… a fandom consensus, I guess.
So, of course, 1.10 and 2.01 go hand in hand. It is the beginnings of Beth intentionally making choices to slide down that rabbit hole to the darkness she keeps trying to deny in herself. The closing scene in 1.10 is set to this song here:
I drift over waterfalls
And nothing hurts, nothing hurts
This is my escape
Until I wake
So let this wild heart run free
Let this wild heart run free
The significance of this song in this moment is that Beth has a choice. This nightmarish moment is actually a dream come true. She has an out. What will she choose to finally be “free.” And Rio is the one who gives her this choice. She just made a very bold move, attempted to take him out of the picture…
I’m gonna pivot to Rio for a second because I think his mindset here holds significance to this moment, and then his subsequent actions toward Beth. I don’t view Rio as someone who fears incarceration. Not only does he have Nick, (or at this point in our knowledge some ambiguous connections to make his legal troubles go away,) I really think he isn’t a man who views a temporary loss of freedom as some huge, impactful event. Kinda like a been-there-done-that, he speaks of incarceration so flippantly throughout canon. “Three years in club fed.” “There are worse places to end up.” Like it’s nothing. I imagine he routinely is arrested for whatever, and very likely has served time besides his juvie stint when he was a kid. That being said, I don’t see him as enraged by Beth’s attempt to remove him from the picture through an arrest. Especially because we’re shown that he very obviously is already managing any witnesses or evidence against him and has the Turner problem covered. This arrest was nothing to him in the grand scheme of things. If anything, he is maybe feeling a sense of indignation at Beth’s audacity and hubris to have even attempted something and in such a sloppy way.
Rio’s lesson to her isn’t to not cross him. I don’t want to say he isn’t upset at her betrayal. He’s… something else. Idk what word to use here. He’s almost amused at her amateur attempt. I keep looking up synonyms for “indignant” and none of them read right to what I think he’s feeling. He came to teach her. To show her that she’s a novice. “Oh, does this bother you?” at her obvious distress over seeing a bloodied Dean. “I thought you wanted to be me?” A challenge. Because he knows she isn’t ready. He hands her a loaded gun knowing she won’t have the balls to shoot him. (His own hubris.) He offers her freedom. An escape from her life. An offer of mentorship, and watching Dean get shot is lesson #1. “So watchu think? You got what it takes?” Like it’s a job interview. What will it be, Elizabeth.
And Beth chooses. Part two of this scene is set to this song:
Her eyes
She's on the dark side
You are my angel
Come from way above
Love you, love you, love you…
Beth chooses Rio as her salvation. And Rio sees her do it.
Which brings us back to the very domestic parental moment of him introducing her to his son. At this point no, I don’t think he wants to keep as much from her as possible. He has gained respect for her beyond the amused, impressed little smiles he gave her in season 1. Her betrayal of him and her fight to win his kingdom showed him she was capable of more and he decided to use that. Add to his already prosperous kingdom and give her a way out of her unhappy life. He has offered to mentor her and she has accepted. That reset their dynamic.
Him showing her that he is a father was lesson #2. It’s almost a fandom joke at this point how much she hides behind being a mother. Well, Rio showed her that bosses don’t back down from their responsibilities just because they have kids and families. He gave her clear expectations and showed her that he himself has the same balance in his life. So she can’t just sputter and make excuses. She wanted a place in the kingdom? Ok, she got it.
His mentorship of her continued into “I’m gonna teach you,” and beyond. He really was trying to take the time and give her tools and skills to “be something.” And kinda like I mentioned in this post, I really think he was grooming her to run something on her own. Maybe legitimate, maybe not – but I think he was planning on keeping an amicable relationship with her, giving her a life of her own, and just passively working together as needed in a professional capacity. Aaaaaand then they had sex and he saw she was never going to leave her unhappy life no matter what he offered her, so he flipped his game. Lesson #3. 😁
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sxphr · 8 months
I am a firm believer that Wednesday loves sleeping on Enids chest. Enid being a werewolf means her body has a natural warmth which is perfect to soothe Wednesday into a deep sleep when her brain won't shut off or when she's overstimulated to the point of exhaustion.
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lorelaiblair · 6 months
Enid: *makes a heart shape with her hands at the addamses*
Gomez: i’ve started doing that to my friends
Wednesday: what?
Gomez: to my comrades and business partners
Pugsley: I watched him call cousin Itt his “bff”
Morticia: and our accountant
Pugsley: he called my principal his “bestie”
Wednesday: what have you done?
Enid: *can’t stop laughing*
Enid: this is the best thing ever!
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lisaslosingstreak · 12 days
I know it’s been said before but I reckon the most intimate Wenclair scene would be Wednesday letting her hair down out of her braids for Enid for the first time. Enid knows what that signifies for an Addams, they only let their hair down for their one true love and it it a very scary and vulnerable moment for an Addams female.
I can just imagine Wednesday looking up at Enid as she shakes her hair free. Enid is speechless, she has nothing to say. She just pulls Wednesday in for a desperate hug, running her claws through Wends soft hair to reassure her.
They sit there for an hour like that, just lost in love.
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