#headcanons of the seventh
chrysoliteandlightning · 11 months
To Palamedes Sextus, Scholar of the Library
I won't deny being surprised to receive your letter. It was very kind of you to send me the essay you wrote on the unique type of blood cancer that is prevalent on Rhodes. Since you're interested in the curative sciences, I've included with my reply a selection of texts on the matter that you may not have come across in your studies. I had not seen the text you referenced on the particular dangers of recycled air to those with chronic lung conditions. I personally have not developed that particular symptom since my diagnosis, but I will be certain to keep your notes in mind if it becomes a concern.
Rhodes is a beautiful city, and I personally find the incredibly views from the city itself to be quite worth the inconveniences afforded by living in the orbital installation rather than on the surface itself. If you would like I can send along some lithographs both from Rhodes and from the planet below. Another advantage of the city is that it makes it easy for me to get around on my own despite my limited stamina. Floors are level, there's a robust shuttle service, and there's no need for stairs, my absolute NEMESIS from what time I've spent visiting the planet.
All that being said, it does seem a shame that you don't have access to surface to visit on the Sixth. If you're afforded an opportunity to visit the us here on the Seventh, or one of the terraformed moons of the Third or Fifth houses, I would certainly recommend the trip. There is something unique about the experience that I do not fully know how to put into words. Fully natural gravity takes more than a little getting used to, but the motion sickness wears off after just a few hours in my experience.
I've never had a regular pen pal before, and I think it would be a lot of fun to continue writing if you don't think my reply is too dry for your taste. I look forward to hearing from you again dear, so please write again soon.
From Dulcinea Septimus, Countess of Rhodes.
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haute-pockette · 9 months
The Doctor being disabled.
Every incarnation sitting somewhere on the autism spectrum. Their stims and behaviors vary between incarnations.
First doctor with alexithymia. On Gallifrey it was fine, ignored. A "superior race" that prided itself in observation without interference doesn't put too much stalk in compassion. But meeting humans up close with Barbara and Ian started him down a path of learning to put words to his own feelings as well as others.
As his body aged he also developed arthritis. The cane was for mobility as much as it was for style. He learned the hard way that aspirin is not Gallifreyan friendly (he survived the small dose, but it scared the hell out of Susan).
Two with lots of physical stims. All his gestures and wringing his hands, grabbing onto companions.
Dyspraxic Two. Chicken scratch handwriting, stumbling over his words and his feet. He really leans into tactile sensations whether it's the texture of his clothes or holding onto a companion, it was always grounding for him.
Third tended to shut down more than his first two since the constant stress and frustration of exile had him already wound pretty tight. He'll lock himself in the lab and just put himself on autopilot until he recharges enough to deal with whatever shenanigans are happening.
Three has tinnitus that of various sounds including almost like the tardis materialization sound. He often has to look up to check if the Master is showing up to bother him or not.
Four has ADHD alongside with autism. He struggles with constantly running from responsibility and wanting to have some sense of control of situations.
It's one of those snowballs of procrastination causing anxiety which causes him to procrastinate further. Unless it's urgently life threatening, his stress response is freeze.
Five masks and suppresses his emotions in an attempt to blend with neurotypicals more since he's self-conscious of his previous "eccentricity" as Four. It causes a lot of strain between him and Tegan after Earthshock.
Peripheral neuropathy causing muscle weakness in his legs cause of the difficult regeneration. Look how much he falls over and leans on the tardis console, he can't stand straight for long periods of time without aids. Usually has braces, but will use a cane around the tardis (would use the wheelchair but it's dead in the Castrovalva river).
Six gets overstimulated easier than some, especially by noises and textures. Usually that with things not going accordingly tends to set off meltdowns. Ever since he hurt Peri he turns his energy on himself instead.
Bipolar Six. He tends to handle mania better than depression, at least when he has too much energy he knows he can spend it and try to get it out. He'll usually park the tardis somewhere his companion can enjoy and shut himself away in the cloister room or zero room when at the worst of his lows.
Also type 1 diabetic six, regenerating from poison fucked with his metabolism. He is careful to take care of his blood sugar, but he's terrible at remembering to stay hydrated. That's why Mel is always shoving carrot juice at him.
Seven has ADD (yes I know it's technically "ADHD of the predominantly inattentive type" but ADD is easier). ADD as in he's always in his own head, always five points ahead of the conversation. His train of thought is incomprehensible to most, but there is a string of logic to it.
Dyspraxic Seven with an abnormal gait and stance. Bad posture makes him look shorter than he is. Only he can read his own handwriting, which he insists is not as bad as it is.
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punklilyyy · 7 months
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i finally redid that body headcanon thing… its been occasionally blowing up and i figured i should probably give it a polish!!!
i also plan to make more for different characters :3
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I love how Tales of the TARDIS has the TARDIS basically be a fix fic author with the power to make those fics canon, like
"I'm going to create the scene where 5 and at least one of his companions actually talk about Adric's death and grieve properly."
"I didn't like that the Doctor had that falling out with Ace I'ma make them talk it out."
"Peri's departure was confusing so I'll create some closure. I think the Doctor needs that."
And outside of just the Doctor, TARDIS loves the companions and is like "Vicki left kind of abruptly and I miss her and Steven" and "Fuck you Time Lords I'm giving Jamie and Zoe their memories back"
I don't know enough about the Sarah Jane Adventures to talk about that last one, but the TARDIS loves Jo too. And Sarah Jane. Enough to know about this gang of kids she fought monsters with.
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hollowwrites · 7 days
Part 17
Ominis x MC
Summary - After learning new information about the next Trail, preparations need to be made and confessions must be told.
I just wanted to say now as I did in my last bit of spice that it isn't my thing normally so sorry if its hastily written and bad. Also, they're virgins, i wanted it to be a little awkward so sorry if you're not into that
Warnings - Spice (Oral, Mutual Masturbation(ish), unprotected P in V, mild pain from being virgins, mildly clincal talk about sex from research) Biting, Praise Kink, all characters aged up 18+
Word Count - 9389
“Ominis…you’re making it rather difficult to walk” she complained softly wriggling against the awkward way his elbow joined with hers.
They had decided the safest and best course of action would be to hole up in the Undercroft till the end of the day.
Both to avoid Sebastian and any of the Tri-Wizard organisers waiting to pounce.
The Room of Requirement may have worked, but Professor Weasley knew of its location. And if faculty knew…those who organised the trials would most definitely know.
So the Undercroft it was.
It worked out well. That was where Ominis had hidden that Tri-Wizard history book, and there were a few passages that he’d like Sebastian to read through…
…before Ominis’ inevitable apology for his outburst in the Library.
“Sorry…” Ominis smiled shyly as he released her from his grip momentarily, instead opting to snake his hand around her torso, settling at the small of her back “…but I’m not letting you out of my sight until this second trial is over.”
As they rounded the corner by the Undercroft a gaggle of younger students loitered about, awaiting the lesson about to begin above them. Evelyn took the opportunity to pull Ominis aside as they waited patiently for the corridors to clear, and they could safely descend to the depths of their hidden space.
She tugged softly on his arms till she was backed against the wall a gentle smile on her lips as she covered his eyes.
“I’m afraid that’s quite difficult for you” she teased delicately, earning a slight chuckle as he pulled her hands to his mouth.
“It is an expression…” he whispered against her finger tips before placing a chaste kiss to her knuckles “…one that I find quite apt. Because I can see you-”
His eyes shot towards her, locked with hers somewhat unknowingly. He could hear her breathing, talking. Just above that, hear the subtle sighs leaving her nose. So above that…must be her eyes. He focused in with an almost eerie accuracy, her features mapped in his mind, always.
He tapped her nose, then the triangle of moles across her cheek, drawing a line between each before bringing his hand to her jaw. His thumb settled over the apex of her chin, tilting it up as though staring into her very soul.
“-and I am not letting you out of my sight” he continued pointedly.
Evelyn gulped.
The vaguely intimate way in which he touched her had garnered a few looks from the students now filtering up the stairs. It didn’t help, of course, that she’d pulled him to the wall, her own fingers toying with the edges of his robes.
She could hear them whispering, and based on the slight narrowing of Ominis’ eyes; so could he.
“People are looking…” she whispered, the sound barely carrying on her breath as it washed over him.
“I am quite aware…” His voice came through the filter of his teeth, As was the norm when he was annoyed...or feeling protective. She wondered what they were saying, what Ominis had heard. But based on the flexing of his jaw she assumed perhaps it best not to ask.
They remained locked against the wall, his arm encasing her possessively until the students eventually filed into class. The Defence Against the Dark Arts tower was once again left empty and silent, save for the distant sound of the enchanted instruments playing tirelessly down the hall. This peaceful rift in time, between classes, had become the perfect time to skulk off together. Students busy learning. Professors busy teaching. Their only concern was Peeves and Black. Peeves they had managed to avoid his ire, luckily, and Black didn’t care enough to leave his office most days. Although that didn’t stop the taboo feeling that she was doing something wrong, welling in her stomach each time they opened that clockwork cabinet.
But she was with Ominis.
Once again, Evelyn was struck by the obvious influences of the trio.
As normal, Evelyn’s corner remained untouched and perfectly polished. Every little detail placed perfectly for both ease, comfort and Ominis to avoid bumping into.
Sebastian left a small trail of destruction in his wake, the latest of which was a toppled over stack of barrels that had been left strewn across the room. He had been practising new spells, new curses, new everything, and this time the victim was the barrels…and a pile of quidditch equipment.
Had Sebastian brought Imelda down here?
And then there was Ominis.
He had adopted the space underneath the Triptych. The sad looking pile of blankets thrown underneath it was standard but since her last visit to the Undercroft, he had added much more. Made it more…homely.
With great insistence from Evelyn he had gained a mattress. A rather dilapidated looking one but it was a mattress nonetheless. It took a full afternoon of whinging but eventually they transfigured a couple of crates into the now comfortable bed. And though he would never admit it, Evelyn could tell he was grateful for her…nagging.
He’d stopped moaning about his aching back at least…
The mattress itself almost looked inviting with the multiple plush throws and blankets that adorned it. A scatter of pillows and cushions were tossed around with abandon but it was cosy. Lived in. Perhaps too lived in, considering he hadn’t slept in an actual bed in well over a month now.
He had also sheltered himself away, enclosing his space with bookcases, chalkboards, barrels. Anything he could get his wand on, he’d pulled towards him, building walls and dividers. She didn’t quite understand why until she stepped between them and into the makeshift room within a room.
It was immediately…warmer. Less drafty.
She smiled softly at these additions, though this home away from home just reminded her of why he was down here in the first place…
The Tournament.
And with the revelation of the second trial came yet another reason he couldn’t return to the boys dorms.
“Looks like you’ll be down here for a while longer…if the boys dorm is now not only covered in spider webs but damp too…” Evelyn remarked with a heavy tone of dismay.
As happy as she was that he was warmer, his nightmares were still…present. He hadn’t had one in a while but he could. And the idea of him being alone when they could occur was too much. It reminded her of her own twisted thoughts. Of him sleeping alone at Gaunt Manor.
No one to help him.
No one to be there for him.
No one to…love him.
“It’s not all bad…” he said, rather pleased with himself “…I haven’t heard Sebastian’s snoring in weeks”
Ominis’ cheeky grin almost made her forget herself. He happily manoeuvred his way into his den, wand blinking away as he cleaned up after himself. Shifted a blanket back onto a chair, a book onto a shelf, a teacup from the settee.
“Yes but…I don’t know. Something about you being down here alone-”
“Stay with me then” he said casually, continuing with his homely chores. His wand trailed over cover after cover till he found the Tri-Wizard History, throwing it atop the desk with a huff.
Sebastian would get an earful about this, no doubt about it.
“You mean sleep down here with you?” She asked incredulously.
Ominis didn’t miss a beat. He heard that sharp intake of breath, the tone in which she spoke. And if it was anyone else he’d be worried he’d said something wrong…
Well that’s a lie.
If it was anyone else he wouldn’t care to ask in the first place.
But this was Evelyn.
And they had already slept together multiple times. Shared a bed once.
So this development he simply found…amusing.
“Why not?” He chirped turning towards her and leaning back against the little chest of drawers his uniform stuck out of haphazardly. His prim and proper accent simply accentuated the teasing behind his words. It wasn’t really a question.
More of a dare…
And that alone set Evelyns skin ablaze.
Why not, Evelyn? It’s just sleeping…
Her own mind reasoned with her in a hushed whisper, almost like she thought Ominis could hear.
You’ve slept with him before. It’s fine nothing will happen.
…unless you want something to happen. Then you need only ask.
Remember he said it’s all he could think about?
Stop it.
You’re all he can think about.
“I…well…it’s…” she stammered and Ominis didn’t need sight to know she was blushing.
“You’re adorable when it comes to matters of the heart. Do you know that?” He smirked and crossed his arms.
“I am not…” she responded with a pout, crossing her arms in a similar fashion to him, only much more…sulkier.
“And so expressive. Thank Merlin! Sometimes I don’t even need my wand to know your mood” He threw his arms out, gesturing his aforementioned wand wildly in her direction. His smirk grew wider, lips parting to reveal the pearly white fangs at either side of his mouth.
It had been just over a week since she was last down here.
Since they had…been alone together.
But the air still felt thick and intimate. And as she noticed his lips parting she realised…it wasn’t the room making her feel this way. It wasn’t the rooms fault her breathing had become laboured and the air difficult to take in.
It was him.
His lithe frame that leaned taught. His forearms that flexed gently as he recrossed his arms. And that smirk. That arrogant and self important smirk. Why did that make her stomach knot?
Her sudden and, unbeknownst to him, lustful silence must have been just a second too long for his liking, his concern for upsetting her resurfacing. Ominis’ features softened and his frame relaxed, taking a confident step towards her to cup her face.
“Stay with me down here…” his soft tone presented the statement as a question this time “…I can make it warm, comfortable. I just need to know you’re safe”
And once again, her mind wondered to more sordid activities whilst he remained as sweet and as caring as he always had. A familiar guilt ate at her insides, shifting her eyes away from him and down towards the floor.
He was offering her a haven. And she thought only of how they could use it.
“I’d need clothes…pyjamas at the very least” she mumbled, blinking her thoughts quickly away as her eyes kept pulling towards the bed. Thoughts of what the sheets would feel like against her bare skin…what he would feel like.
“Not tonight, I don’t think” he whispered back as his boyish smile twisted quickly into a smirk. “Tonight…you can wear mine and first thing in the morning we can gather some necessities”
And once again he held himself in the most gentlemanly of ways, making her guilt even stronger. He pulled her closer, planting a chaste kiss against her forehead and beamed down at her, a genuine smile pulled across his hollow cheeks.
“You say this like it’s a permanent change”
“Mmm…” he hummed as his lips brushed down her temple and across her cheekbones “…I could keep you…”
They weren’t so much kisses as they were…caresses. His lips mirrored that which his finger drew out on the opposite side of her face and she shuddered.
He’s just touching me and I can’t help myself.
Then he laughed softly, the air expelled from him brushing the small hairs at her ear away.
“I don’t know how you put up with my…possessiveness” he chuckled breathily again, his fingers finally finishing their journey at her jaw, cupping her cheek within his palm.
“I’ve had practise…” she whispered sweetly “…what with how close we were last year. All that’s changed really is the occasional kiss”
Ominis huffed a small breath of laughter as he twirled a strand of her hair around his finger.
“I don’t really know where it came from…” he started quietly, like he was truly speaking his mind…freely…
“When Sebastian started down…that path…it triggered something within me I have not been able to satiate. I wanted to control everything. Every little aspect of his life -
“It’s why we clashed so often. Still do. I love him…like he was my own brother and I can’t stand idle as he suffers. Whether it’s to his own stupidity or any external force -
“Same with Anne. When she was cursed it felt a little like a part of me was cursed along with her. Because I love her. She treated me the same as Sebastian from the moment she met me -
“And you -
“I have never known anyone like you. You are a…beautiful contradiction, my love. Both the most deadly and caring person I have ever met. Kind and loving yet harsh and volatile. Sweet…and at times a little bit sour.
“And I love you…” he whispered softly, barely loud enough to hear. But down here…it seemed to echo around the room. Bounce around her mind.
“I’m in love with you. I’m not entirely sure when it happened. I just wanted you around in the beginning. All the time. But…at some point last year that want became a need. And I couldn’t imagine my life without you”
Words failed her as she looked up into the far away gaze of his glassy irises. He had a way with words. Always had. Each one like the note of delicate symphony. And it was music to her ears.
She had to blink away the tears that threatened to spill from her lashes, lest he think he had upset her. And she couldn’t bare to break his heart…even if it was just for a moment.
“You don’t need to say it back. I just…wanted you t-“
“I love you too!” she beamed, the words falling fast as though she’d been holding them back. And in many ways, she had…
“I don’t know when either. Sometimes it feels like I always have. But at the very least… from the moment you offered me help in that window…I have been yours. And I love-“
She didn’t get to say it a second time…
His lips captured hers immediately. If she had been paying attention instead of concentrating on the stream of words that tumbled from her, she would’ve noticed the way his fingers untangled themselves from the hairs at the nape of her neck, and glided closer to her lips. As she spoke, his fingers honed in, so he could encapsulate her lips with pinpoint accuracy.
Strange how one little phrase can change everything.
Change the way someone can hold you or kiss you.
He had embraced her many times in many different ways. As a friend. A protector. With affection and with anguish. Yet there was something about this embrace that reminded her of the first time they kissed. Desperate, pleading and unyielding. Like a dam had burst.
But she could feel his love. Feel it pouring into her like warm waves lapping against a shore.
It was passion in every meaning of the word.
Needy, wanting but warm and reciprocated.
Ominis’ lips moved slowly at first, compensating for the speed in which his mouth collided with hers.
And though it was slow and gentle, he didn’t break. The only time permitted for air was as he tilted her head back and his position shifted slightly, towering over her.
He shrugged his arms past hers, manoeuvring his hands to her lower back. As he held her tightly, he pressed her into him more, forcing the air to come gasping from her lungs.
With her hands now relegated from their original position, she was forced to be bold.
Not that she was against being bold. Not with him.
She wound her fingers around his neck, holding him loosely against her. A gentle reminder, should he pull away, that he would not be going far.
But he took that as more of an invitation.
As he stepped forward, shuffling along the floor with desperation to get closer, he brought her almost completely off her feet, her gasps filling his mouth. His fingers tightened around her waist as he supported her, trailing down the fabric of her shirt till he felt the divot of her hipbone beneath the material. The trembling of his fingers betrayed him, a clear sign accompanied with his busy lips, that he had an insatiable hunger for her.
Without knowing, they had stumbled across the room and against the mattress on the floor, tumbling to the bed over a stray blanket. He held her tight to his body as his knee hit the mattress, cradling her against him and protecting her from the fall. A breathy laugh left them both, neither wasting another second as their lips crashed eagerly against each other again.
At first he gently tested the waters. His tongue lapping at her pillowy bottom lip like a snakes might, a thought that made Evelyn giggle, though the noise was lost amidst his greedy lips and gentle tongue.
Not even that was enough.
Roaming hands covered the landscape of her torso, kneading and poking, gripping and digging into her flesh. His hand ran up her side, fingers dancing over her ribs like the keys of a piano, slowly but surely untucking her shirt from her waistband. The cold of the Undercrofts stagnant air nipped at her skin and as his hands quickly replaced the fabric he had discarded, the backs of his fingers were greeted with the familiar braille of her goosebump pocked skin.
The corner of his lip curled, trying with all his might not to smirk as she murmured softly beneath him. But it was too late.
He didn’t want to seem cocky, but he couldn’t stop the twitch peeling at his lips. He merely observed the effect he had on her and found irrefutable evidence of her longing, he can’t be faulted in finding pleasure in her…well…pleasure. Can he?
She could feel his satisfaction, his lips becoming thin and his kisses becoming sharper as he grinned. All teeth and sharp canines.
There was no way he was getting all his own way this time.
Obviously she enjoyed their last…dalliance. It had haunted her mind many times over the last few days, that same knot he had undone skillfully, tying itself back up each time she thought about it. And with each time the knot grew tighter. And larger. And more complex. Till not even her own fingers could help her anymore.
She wanted him.
So when he felt the dimples of her skin, a smug smile threatening to spill from his lips, her own hands palmed against his chest, feeling the ever quickening beat of his heart under his shirt. She revelled in the fact his smirk faltered, a sharp inhale hissing through his teeth as her finger hooked around the knot of his tie, slipping easily between the silken material and pulling it apart. Pulling him down further along with it, the material quickly ripped from his neck.
There was something about his neck that got to her.
The clenching of his jaw when he absentmindedly ground his teeth.
The flexing of the tendons as he turned his head.
The bob of his throat when he swallowed.
Even the constellation of moles that waterfalled down his neck. Everything pointed, guided, coerced her further down. Led her eyes down to the chest her hand currently pressed against.
And when she pulled the tie from his lapels and the crisp white folds of his shirt fell open, he gulped, pulling away just a fraction.
Perhaps he shouldn’t have been surprised she was so forward. She was honest. Unabashedly so. At times it bordered on blunt. After all, it was her who first took his arm in Hogsmeade. Her who asked him sleep next to her in the Common Room. Her who first kissed his cheek just a few weeks ago.
Now her fingers undid button after button, exposing his skin to the cool air of the Undercroft.
Though he was surprised at her forward action, undressing him slowly, it wasn’t completely unwelcome. But it didn’t stop a note of panic from rising in his throat like bile.
He hadn’t seen himself naked, and yet all signs seemed to be leading to her seeing him first.
She had seen him once in the dark of her home. Deep under the cover of night and the guise of friendship stopping any lewd thoughts from completely taking over.
He remembered how she gently explored the scarred landscape of his torso. How she gasped in horror at the initial sight, yet embraced him moments later with no care to how he looked.
He could feel her tiny fingers trembling, her breath catching and the tiny sounds of her teeth nibbling at her lip.
She was having this reaction to him.
Sebastian often told him scars feel worse than they look and that he had nothing to fear.
And it was only now he truly believed it.
Emboldened by her want for him and the tiny hesitation her fumbling fingers demonstrated, Ominis reached down and looped his arm under her back, pulling her up and throwing her against the pillows with a barely suppressed growl from deep within his throat.
The combined gasp squeal that left her only encouraged his behaviour.
His fingers dug into her side, keeping his arm around her, her back arched, pressing flush to his almost completely exposed chest.
He didn’t want her to move. Didn’t want her going anywhere. When he said he wouldn’t let her out of his sight, he meant it. If that meant keeping her down here like this, so be it. Especially if she kept pressing into him the way she was, lips urgent and desperate as though if they stopped they could never be this way again. Every movement and murmur to be relished and remembered.
He leant in further, his knee nudging her legs apart and sliding up her thigh. It settled between her legs, her body lowering subconsciously, seemingly searching for any friction she could find.
Ominis felt the way her hips bucked against his thigh, tiny murmurs filling his mouth as his teeth bit softly into her lip.
He tried to remain a gentlemen, he honestly and truly did. But her noises, and soft skin, and hot, warm breath, and-
It was all too much.
He could feel his jaw working as he got progressively more and more wound up, taking all of his willpower to resist the urge to rip at her clothes.
He knew what lay just beneath the surface, could only imagine what her breast felt like as he listened to her breath, heavy and panting. All he had to do was reach out-
Suddenly, He pulled back with a sharp intake of air, his eyes holding a dangerous concoction of love, true love, and an untamed want.
Whether it was the new position they found themselves in or something else…but he could feel himself about to snap.
“I’m sorry…I shouldn’t push so hard. You’ve already given me so much”
The soft indents of flesh along her side quickly rushed with blood as his fingers relinquished the hold on her waist.
“No please…take. Take what you want…take me” Evelyn practically pleaded, immediately chiding herself for allowing someone to have this effect on her.
“Be…” he inhaled again, through his nose to clear his head, controlled and calculated “…Be very careful how you word things to me”
“I know what I’m saying. And I mean it. Take me”
Her own voice sounded foreign to her.
And yet didn’t to Ominis.
He recognised the breathy, airy sound of her arousal. The way each inhale took just a second too long as it caught in her throat. The way her breath was hot against his lips. And there was a husk to it he knew only he had heard.
He’d heard it when she woke in a morning, mind caught between slumber and reality. Vulnerable and soft.
He’d heard it when he kissed her, the first word afterwards always carrying the barest hint of a croak.
And he’d heard it when his fingers roamed between her legs. Every murmur, every moan that very same ache to her voice.
It was a privilege to know her this intimately. To be the only one to ever know her this intimately.
And that he was so close to more. More of her.
All of her.
An act he should be terrified of…but wasn’t.
If Ominis was being honest, and rather pessimistic with himself, he never expected to get this far. With anyone.
From his early teenage years he assumed he’d never kiss anyone. Never feel the touch of someone’s skin and it mean anything more than an accidental stumble or at best a gesture of friendship.
And then he met her.
Evelyn and her perfectly smooth voice and fingers that sought him out. No accident needed.
“Are you sure?” He asked as he pulled away from her, propping himself up with one arm, the other holding her waist as though holding something precious and delicate. The heat had melted from his voice, leaving only concern and worry behind. It wasn’t that he no longer wanted her, that couldn’t be further from the truth. He wanted her to be certain.
Suddenly it felt real…
Panic. Clear panic bubbled in her throat…there was still doubt.
Not with him. He would be perfect, as always…
But since Ominis and Evelyn had gotten closer, she had made the mistake of researching. And her discoveries were…less than appealing.
Every muggle novel or article described her experience as a violation. An abomination of her virtue and destruction of her self worth. The words ‘whore’ and ‘harlot’ jumped from the pages. Combined with what she had heard people say of her own mother as a child…a single mother out of wedlock…it simply didn’t seem worth it.
And the Wizarding World wasn’t too much better.
Yes, Sex was much less frowned upon amongst her fellow witches and wizards. But the almost clinical way that it was described left her feeling no better.
‘A sharp shooting pain can be felt during a woman’s first time as the hyman tears making it an uncomfortable and sometimes painful experience’
That sentence alone bounced around her head.
Pain. Whore. Tear. Violation.
No where, except the fantasies of romance writers, described the ordeal as anything positive. Joyous. Fun.
They were supposed to make love…yet no where even uttered the word.
“…I’m just...” she started, voice shaking just as much as the fingers she clung to him with “…I’m scared…”
“I’d be worried if you weren’t…” Ominis chuckled softly, cupping her cheek and running his thumb across the soft expanse. “I am too in truth…We can take things slowly. And we can stop at any moment. You need only say…”
“I’m not worried about that. It’s going to hurt…” she stated, matter of factly
“I…” he swallowed thickly, but continuing on with a tenderness to his voice “…have heard that can be the case…I’ll be as gentle as you need me to be…but you may be right. It could hurt…”
Evelyn squeezed her eyes closed, taking a calming breath in and blowing back through her lips. The cool air fanned over Ominis, a concerned albeit soft smile tugging at his lips.
“I want it to be you…” she whispered, hastily looking at the gap between them and tugging her skirt up. He quickly snapped up her hand, stilling her movements.
“It doesn’t have to be now or-”
“No let’s just…get it over with” she muttered wriggling in his firm but gentle grasp
“Evelyn…” he held her wrist loosely, making sure not to hurt her, eyes hard and face stoic “…I mean it. It doesn’t have to be now. Or ever if you don’t want to. I love you…not your body.”
She blinked.
No where had she read about this.
“Do you mean that?”
“Stupid question really…” Ominis scoffed, his hand releasing her wrist and trailing up her arm. His hand journeyed slowly up to the side of her neck, slowly tracing across her moles on her cheek pointedly before placing his palm against her neck. “…considering I hadn’t touched you properly for the first two years of us knowing each other and yet still fell in love with you”
His fingers travelled softly across her neck, feeling her heart hammering against the soft flesh below her jaw.
“Well…yes but-“
“But nothing, Evelyn” he interrupted “What you say goes. You want to continue? I will oblige. You want me to be forever at your side and never touch you again? I will oblige”
He laughed through his nose, hanging his head a little lower as though telling her a secret “I can’t say I wouldn’t miss your lips…” he murmured as his thumb diverted to run along her lip “…but I would do anything to make you happy”
Evelyn once again found herself at a loss for words though she knew the course she wanted to take.
With her words failing her, she did the only thing she could think of, leaning up to place a soft gentle kiss against his lips.
“Just…take it slow” she whispered against him, falling back against the pillow as a gentle rumble left his throat.
“With pleasure” Ominis murmured before pulling himself away from her.
She almost whined, protesting against his sudden absence, when his eyes darkened.
The way he knelt above her, as though he could see the fast rise and fall of her chest sent shivers down her spine. Shivers she was convinced he could feel, because his hands chased them.
They traced, slowly and methodically, down from her cheek to her waist. They stopped at every juncture that caused her breath to hitch.
The sensitive spot below her jaw that he brushed against, pulling the emerald green ribbon from her lapels.
Her stomach as he skillfully and methodically unbuttoned her shirt.
Her collarbone that his nails grazed, peeling her blouse back.
He almost entirely ignored her breasts, though they heaved and settled as he removed her clothing. It almost made her…needy, wanting to demand he touch her and pull those soft whines from her like he did before.
She soon realised why he avoided that area…
He had other plans.
Like a distraction, his fingers played over the scar along her side, tracing the swirling gnarled skin and finding beauty in it. Beauty in the marks that littered his own body. Beauty in her soft skin and enduring nature.
Then he suddenly yearned to taste that soft skin, head dipping quickly to encapsulate her soft peak in his mouth.
She gasped, harsh and loud, back arching and eyes going wide as her body grew warmer, the familiar buzz tingling its way between her legs..
Ominis simply chuckled, grinning whilst his mouth was full, his warmth breath fanning across her chest. As he grinned, his teeth scrapped across her small mounds, another harsh gasp making her push into his mouth further. Obviously, he did not complain, nipping at the tiny bud at the peak of her breast, tugging it between his teeth.
His fingers didn’t cease in their journey either. After exploring their shared scar, his nimble digits fell like rainfall to her hips and thighs.
Unknowingly, or more likely knowing exactly what he was doing, his sightless eyes looked up at her, his grin wide, her flesh tucked between his teeth. He tugged again gently, earning himself another sinful gasp before chuckling darkly, releasing her breast from his torment and continuing down…
Down his kisses trailed. Along the ever quickening rise and fall of her stomach, over the boney divots of her hip bones.
He rose on his knees just enough to tug her skirt down and off her legs, feeling the tremble of her thighs as he did.
Thats when he listened. Heard her soft shaking breath. Felt the quake in her body. Heard the way her hands slid over her skin, covering anywhere exposed.
He discarded her skirt with a flourished wrist and turned his attention back to her fully. He felt out her wrist and pulled it away from her chest, holding it loosely away from her.
“Darling…” he whispered, his tone full of accidental amusement “…I’m blind”
“Well yes but…” Evelyn choked out a nervous laugh, squirming beneath his non existent gaze “…instinct I suppose”
Ominis sighed, the jovial tone now lost.
Using her wrist and hooking underneath her knee, he lifted her with ease, pushing her just a little bit more up the bed. Her back now propped against his pillows, leaving her no choice but to look down at her almost completely nude form.
“You have nothing to worry about” he said softly, sitting up between her legs, his fingers idly tracing over her thighs, carefully and slowly dipping below the band of her underwear.
“You are beautiful” he stated with no room for arguments.
He deliberately took his time removing her underclothes. If at any point she wished to stop him, his movements would cease and her virtue remain intact.
But she didn’t.
She simply clung to the sheets below her, staring up at the man above her treating her like fine China.
Once again as her underwear came away, he felt the shake of her leg. Her nerves were understandable but they simply would not do.
Before he allowed her leg to drop down, raised high as he removed that last shred of clothing, he gripped her calf with barely contained want and brought it up to his lips. He pressed along her smooth skin, peppering along her leg till he reached her knee.
“You’re so soft. So warm” he murmured against her skin lowering himself to reach her thighs. He positioned her leg over his shoulder, almost burying his face in the pillowy flesh of her thigh.
“You have no reason to hide…from anyone” he whispered inching closer and closer to the apex of her thighs.
It was only when he placed a kiss against a particularly sensitive patch of her skin that she shook herself from her haze.
Her hand flew forward, grabbing him by the hair and pushing him away.
“What are you doing?” She panted, her voice filled with fear.
She didn’t anticipate that doing that would elicit such a reaction from him.
With her hand still knotted in his hair, his neck craned backwards and his milky eyes seemingly foggier than normal, he looked…sinful. Lips parted and wet from his constant kisses. Jaw flexing in anger from being ripped from his conquest. A dark smile revealing sharp teeth as he chuckled.
“I was enjoying you” he groaned, fingers digging into her hips as he held back “I can stop…but this will be so much easier if you’re ready”
“I am ready” she argued, gulping back the idea of his face buried…there.
Ominis rolled his eyes and couldn’t stop the sarcastic chuckle that left him.
“Please…” he scoffed indignantly, fingers relinquished their grip on her hip to slide under and trace her folds.
Sometimes his memory annoyed him. How he could recall, in detail, every minor inflection someone had in their voice in an argument. How he could still remember the texture of Bubotuber Puss against his skin after yet another catastrophic potions class.
But right now…his memory served him well.
Every divot and fold of her core ran through his mind. He recalled how her fingers pleasured herself and exactly how he could replicate it. The way he had memorised her, gave him a pinpoint accuracy for her desire and the slickness that awaited him.
“You need to-“ his breath caught and his eyes widened when his fingers dipped between.
As before, her need was evident.
He couldn’t help but gulp, his own arousal straining against the confounds of his trousers at this…revelation.
Oh she was indeed ready.
But this little discovery only made him more eager to have her…to taste her.
“Just trust me” he tried to whisper but instead his voice came out as a rough growl. He hoped it didn’t scare her, cursing himself for his thinly veiled want.
“It’s just…” her fingers tightened in his hair and he let out a sharp hiss, his hips flexing against the mattress and sending a shiver up his spine “…it seems so…wrong”
“Is it so wrong to want you to come apart?” He asked as softly as he could manage. With his gentle tone her fingers relaxed, still tangled in his pale locks but no longer holding him back like a rabid dog.
“No but-“
“And is it so wrong for it to be me who does that?” He whispered, slowly lowering himself giving her all the time in the world to stop him.
“No…” her voice broke
“Then do not deny me, love”
He allowed a silent beat to pass between them before he lowered further.
…Then his tongue replaced wherever his fingers had been.
Evelyn couldn’t deny that the feeling was…beyond her comprehension. She gasped loudly and rolled her head back against the pillow, his tongue working to relax every muscle in her body, as though each and every one of her nerves were being stimulated. She felt a heat course through her body.
Strange how an act can be so arousing, so utterly tempting that it winds the spring in your core tighter…and yet also work to immediately satiate that need.
As she gasped and groaned, Ominis did the same, her noises fuelling every flick of his tongue. And he found that each time he hummed or murmured his approval, she shivered and pressed herself down further onto his waiting tongue.
Unknowingly, His nose bumped against that bumble of nerves each time she bucked and moaned beneath him.
And soon it became more of a battle than a slow dance.
His hand strained against her hips, trying and failing to suppress her eager mewling. Until eventually he had enough, looping his arm over her leg, forcing it down as his hand crept up her torso. He gently coaxed her back down, flat against the mattress, feeling each moan vibrate from her chest.
He almost growled, though he contained his grimace against the sensitive area he now resided.
He lapped greedily, like a man starved. And though he was obviously blind, Evelyn noticed as she looked down his eyes were squeezed shut, delighting in every moan he pulled from her.
His tongue, flat and wide, travelled up her form. From her core to the sensitive nub atop, he replaced any wetness with his own.
“You are…” he interrupted himself, another feverish lap up her folds, his nose buried deep against that little spot again “…you taste…”
He flexed every muscle against her, a desperate attempt to stop himself crashing into her like a tidal wave. To trap her beneath him and dine upon her for hours.
Because he was not lying.
His condition made him sensitive to everything else around him. And her warm scent and sweet taste were a perfect addition to her already beautiful symphony of moans and sensations.
“…perfect…” he groaned, his tongue voraciously seeking any point that made her tremble.
He was almost angry for a moment that he could have been potentially deprived of this. Just another layer of her person that he knew and no one else did.
Another facet being just how…needy she was.
He knew this from her guiding him against her before but now…
As he spoke, she pushed softly on his head coaxing him back down even from his brief reprieve…
“Don’t…stop…” she panted, her back desperately trying to arch off the bed yet being held firm by his long arm snaking up to her chest.
And he obliged, diving eagerly back to lap, suckle and nip at her with an increased passion and intensity.
His focus became unwavering against her clit. His attention undivided as he felt her hand grip at his hair as though keeping him in his place. His tongue flicking over and over again groaning from the cacophony of sensations he could feel from her. And the delicious vibration of his tongue made her almost weep.
The ache in her stomach fell lower and lower, her mind reeling that she had almost stopped this.
And now he emphatically dined upon her, keeping her teetering on the edge. Torture in its most blissful form.
“Ah-“ Evelyn whispered before a sharp whimper cut through the otherwise silent room.
Because in her reverie, she hadn’t noticed his other hand move from her hip…and press against her entrance. His fingers curled inside her, filling his ears with such pretty little noises.
A breath caught moan seized in her throat, the only oxygen permitted being sharp little inhales as his finger left and married with another.
Her vision muddied as she bit into her lip, trying and failing to ease her need for him. Everything longed for him. Her stomach ached for more. Not more fingers, not more of the same. Him.
But she was so close.
And not a few seconds later, his fingers beckoning her and his lips locked over her, tongue fluttering…she sank. Sank into the sheets, fingers sinking into his hair, knees buried in his side.
With a loud whimper, nullified through her teeth, she found her release. The tension and fear surrounding the whole ordeal seemed meaningless now as she lay swimming in a hazy soft buzz.
Ominis simply smiled, a purr of satisfaction leaving him as he removed himself from between her legs. He could feel the heat radiating from her. Feel her slick against his nose, lips and fingers. Feel the tremble of her thighs as he situated himself between them again, pulling and spreading her apart.
“We can stop at that…” he murmured, his voice a much lower register than normal, leaning down to kiss along her neck.
It wasn’t completely a lie.
He would happily leave their evening at this, leave her to recover and snuggle into his side. Listen to her soft breathing as they fell asleep.
But even Evelyn, as naive about these affairs as she was, knew he wanted more.
If it weren’t for the brief glimpse of his darkened eyes, it was the hard and throbbing length pressed against her lower stomach as he leant down.
She tried to silence the gasp of shock as it pressed against her but failed. The noise itself sending him into overdrive and taking every shred of his willpower to resist the urge to rut against her.
“No…” she panted “…I want all of you”
Suddenly, she felt as though there were a time limit. As though every second not touching him was wasted time. Her hands sought him out, pushing the folds of his shirt off his shoulders whilst her other hand fumbled with the buttons of his trousers. And once again he encapsulated her wrists in his long fingers.
“Let me take care of you. I just need you to…” he bit his tongue, not really knowing how to phrase such a thing “…are you sure?”
Evelyn nodded feverishly, the haze of her climax still clouding her mind
With her confirmation, he once again sat up on his knees, tugging at his trousers and underwear and releasing his throbbing member.
It was though the act of seeing him fully for the first time wiped clear the warm fuzzy feeling of her release.
And she gulped.
Because though she hadn’t seen a man naked before, she’d seen diagrams and pictures in books…that looked...large
Its leaking tip glistened in the low light of the Undercroft and the pale pink of it seemed so much darker against his alabaster skin. Almost angry.
“Is…something wrong?” He muttered, gripping the waistband of his trousers, brows furrowing.
“Fine!” She blurted out hoping her lack of breathing hadn’t given him a complex.
She had forgotten for a while…this was his first too.
“It’s just…” she murmured, not being able to take her eyes of it as it swung low. Without thinking, she reached forward, curious to see its comparison to her own fingers.
The moment her finger brushed against the wet tip, it twitched violently and Ominis hissed sharply through his teeth.
“I’m sorry. Did that hurt? Did I…I just wanted to see…” she stammered, pulling her hands back against her chest, retreating away from it as though looking at it could harm him.
“No just…a little warning next time” Ominis said softly, that same nervous cadence to his voice from earlier. The same nervous energy she had displayed not minutes ago…
“Can I-” Evelyn murmured, her hands reaching forward again.
“Yes…” he breathed, sucking in a breath sharply and keeping it in his throat.
This time when she touched him, he didn’t flinch. She marvelled at how soft it was. She didn’t know what to expect when it had been described as ‘hard’ in so many books. She almost expected it to be like stone. Or like tree bark. But it was smooth like silk.
Until she squeezed and realised just why it was described that way. Not only was it much bigger than her fingers but it somehow seemed harder than bone.
A thrill shot up her spine as she watched him.
His eyes fluttered closed as her hand closed around his girth.
His cheeks tinged pink, flushed and flustered unlike she’d ever seen him before.
Lips pursed and wet from her, his teeth biting into himself as she had.
Head rolling back and throat bobbing as she jumped softly away at him, almost out of instinct.
Was he feeling how she felt?
There was no way he wanted her like she wanted him? Yet it seemed that way. She gazed upon a perfect mirror image of herself in the throes of passion.
And she was…elated.
A sick tingle worked its way up her spine as she wondered, truly, how similar their attraction was.
What noises could she pull from him?
She quickly found out as her pace increased around his length and a deep groan left his chest.
Evelyn paused.
She did that…
An almost predatory grin split her face whilst her hand continued before being halted by the bucking of his hips and a desperate, shameful whimper tumbled from his lips.
“E-Evelyn…please” Ominis begged, his stomach clenching almost doubling over as he pulled himself from her grasp.
“Am I hurting you?” She asked, almost embarrassed. She thought she was doing well…for a complete novice.
“No you’re…” he shuddered and bought himself back down to her level, nuzzling into her neck “…you’re perfect. Perhaps too perfect” he laughed against her neck, teething at the skin along her collarbone.
Though the intimacy had taken several steps back, it somehow felt more heated.
Not a moment before she held him gently between her hands, the evidence of her own arousal glistening on his flushed face…
…now he just gently nibbled on her neck.
But something about that alone made her arch and moan into him, earning those same noises from Ominis.
His hips flexed and she felt the twitching and, somehow, harder length rub against her lower stomach. Her soft yet lustful moans were sending his body into overdrive. It was becalming an increasingly difficult task to stop himself losing it and rutting against her as hard as he could. Out of pure primal instinct, she lifted her legs and knotted them around his waist, his member falling to brush softly against her folds.
They both gasped, Ominis pulling back to gaze sightlessly down at her.
“Are you sure about this?” He asked, his brows furrowing, forehead crinkling with concern.
Evelyn struggled to hear him over her own heartbeat, hammering in her ears.
“Yes…” she breathed, tilting her hips down towards the twitching arousal at her core.
Ominis sighed, his warm breath fanning over her face. He rocked to the side slightly, leaning his weight on one arm, his other disappearing below. Evelyn watched until his hand was between them, following the cascading moles on his body, the flexing of his muscles and tendons underneath ivory skin. She followed the movements of him looming over her until she reached his eyes, staring off to her right somewhere…
…and they still carried that same concern. That same worry.
As though he could sense her curious eyes trying to read him like a book, he laughed nervously and bit his lip.
“You may need to…guide me” he murmured, voice heavy with something she couldn’t quite identify. Shame? Anxiety? Embarrassment?
He’s feeling the same as I am
As though that wasn’t clear from the shaking of his hands.
Evelyn bit the inside of her lip, suppressing the relieved smile that threatened to expose her. Her hands snaked up to cup his face, his eyes immediately fluttering closed at the comforting gesture.
“Of course…” she whispered before she felt the dull poke of his arousal at her core. Her breath caught on the lump in her throat, his tip swiping up between her wet folds.
Even that, and that alone, made a gruff grumble vibrated through Ominis. And again a sick thrill shot up her spine.
I haven’t even done anything and-
“There!” Evelyn squeaked, immediately humbled as he pulled himself back down to her core.
“Ready?” Ominis asked a final time, as her shallow breathes became faster. She nodded and he simply laughed, despite himself… “You need to talk, love. I don’t know what that rustling of hair means”
“Sorry…yes…I’m ready…” she breathed so quietly even his ears had to strain to hear.
“Okay” he pressed his lips to her forehead before pushing his hips forward.
It was like…the worst cramp she had ever experienced.
And it somehow travelled up her spine and down each limb.
She arched her back silently, almost to retreat away from the ache, only to push him further inside with a high pitched yelp.
And Ominis felt guilty immediately.
Because she was so warm. And so wet. And so welcoming. Even with her nails digging into the sides of his head.
It took all of his willpower to halt, cease his movements and feel more of her silken walls.
“Are you okay?” He croaked, all of his energy going into stopping himself from driving into her deeper. Torture in its finest form.
She didn’t respond.
But he could hear, actually hear each individual heartbeat that hammered against her ribs. And it was fast. Scarily…fast…
“Evelyn?” He said almost sternly, all traces of the previous restraint gone, replaced with immeasurable worry. His hand darted to the side of her face, trying to feel for any indication of her wellbeing.
“I’m fine…” she muttered cautiously, her back relaxing against the mattress.
The steadying breaths she inhaled through her nose and out through her mouth allowed her time for her body to adjust. And though the initial snap was sharp and painful, she could now feel herself moulding and conforming to him.
And he felt…almost good.
She opened her eyes, a few tears trickling down the side of her face and looked up at him.
And giggled.
And her walls clamped around him impossibly tighter.
So whilst she was giggling and relishing in the moment, Ominis struggled. Which only made her giggle more, his face contorting with pleasure as she did.
“T-that’s not fair” he panted, his sharp cheekbones turning a pretty pink.
“I’m sorry…” she whispered through barely suppressed laughter.
“You’re okay though, yes?” He asked with increased panic as the tears that leaked from her reached his hand.
“Right now…here in this moment, with you…I’m perfect” she reassured, her thumbs running across his cheeks.
Ominis froze, his features melting to a soft and gentle smile. A smile reserved only for her.
“You’re always perfect…” he murmured, lowering his body down to hers and nuzzling into her neck. His lips danced over her skin softly, earning himself a pleased little hum from her throat. Just the noise itself made his cock twitch inside her and that ‘pleased little hum’ morphed into a sinful whimper.
Which he revelled in…drank it all in, committed it all to memory.
Memorising every noise she made, every whimper and moan and delicious breath that he caused her to choke on.
Noting every touch of her skin and every point of contact. Her soft breasts heaving against his own hard chest. The bones of her pelvis that dug into his every time he pushed into her.
Her soft delicate hands that dropped from his face to his shoulders and dropped further as his pace quickened.
The scorching lines her nails left on his back with each slow, sensual thrust into her.
And he could feel his resolve breaking.
Feel himself drowning in her.
And quickly at that.
Which he expected. Sebastian had told him, he wouldn’t last long.
But now that he was in it, he yearned for more.
So his pace quickened further. His length plunged deeper. Hips slamming harder.
He wanted to feel more. Feel all of her. Couldn’t get enough of her. And with time working against him…he’d have to make the most of it.
Evelyn, was simply happy the pain hadn’t lasted long. And now she could fully experience him with none of the negatives.
And there were no negatives.
He seemed to fill her completely, in a way she didn’t know was possible. An image of his swollen member flashed across her eyelids and she was impressed she was managing to take it.
With every grind of his hips, she felt her core throb. It was a pleasant ache, like the soreness of your jaw after eating too many sweets. And she could feel herself coming undone.
“E-Eve…” Ominis panted, dampening the skin of her neck.
No…just a little longer
She could hear his groans turning softer and his hips stuttering.
And with presumably very little time to discuss it, she forced her hand in between them and quickly ran her fingers over her sensitive and throbbing nub.
The knot in her stomach loosened incredibly quickly, the combination of his girth and her quick little fingers filling her with an untold level of pleasure.
And unlike normally when she reached her climax she couldn’t feel herself clench and tighten.
But he did.
He felt her pulse and tremble around him. Felt her tighten and her back arch and her loud moan that seemed to vibrate through him. She seemed to pull him deeper, an uncontrollably and irregular contraction that consumed him.
And with a guttural rasp, he found his own release, his arm looping around her raised waist and squeezing her tighter.
Whereas, Evelyn did the opposite. Her arms fell limply back to mattress as she felt him empty inside her, the pleasant buzz of her climax once again filling her body.
Ominis clung to the feeling, to her, afraid that it may have all been a dream. It felt like a dream.
The woman he loved, beneath him, wanting him.
His mind spiralled, a clarity running through him and filling him with doubt.
And as usual, as though she were expert it Legilimancy, she felt his swing toward the negative and brought her hands around him. Her fingernails traced delicately down the heaving expanse of his back soothing his buzzing mind.
And he hummed, his body finally relaxing and almost drowning her under his weight.
Evelyn simply laughed, a refreshing and light noise that filled Ominis’ chest with warmth.
He could feel her body calming similar to his, though her heart still raced and her skin was still radiant.
“You’re so beautiful like this, all flushed skin and breathless” he mumbled into her neck, his lips brushing against her collarbone as he spoke, his voice a much lower register than normal.
He rolled up onto his elbow, his fingers unwrapping from her waist and travelling to her face.
He was greeted with the soft smile he associated with her. The face he kept stored for her at all times, only she had a glow about her he couldn’t quite pinpoint.
And she took the opportunity to finish the sentence that started all of this.
“I love you” she whispered, leaning into his palm.
“I love you too”
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blaiddraws · 2 years
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living inside someone's house is one thing but reading their personal journal on top of that is just too much 😔
(also. beard.... he is not a fan.)
ANYWAY DON'T ASK HOW LONG THOSE POKEBALLS TOOK DON'T ASK (i drew them like three separate times because my hand was shaking too much and i forgot i had stroke smoothening settings. until i finished them. so i-- yeah anyway.)
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dragonsdendoodles · 1 month
What do you think the children would watch on YouTube? What would their favorite youtubers and content be?
Oh god time to just scream my age on the internet
Also for the record if any of these people are problematic I don’t know about it or what happened my entire YouTube feed for the past six years has been Reddit stories and video essays I use for background noise when I draw so if I mention someone sucky I’m sorry I haven’t consumed their content since at least middle school
For starters, I think Emma, Millard, and Horace avoid it altogether out of principle. Emma and Horace because people are stupid and they cannot believe this is what modern entertainment is and Millard because he has ruined many videos by pointing out every inaccuracy he could find and he got sick of the cesspool of misinformation that is the internet.
Jacob has been watching Minecraft videos since the beginning of the damn site. Specifically he discovered iHasCupquake and DanTDM a couple years after joining the loop and now when he’s bored and in a time with internet access he watches Minecraft Oasis and DanTDM’s Custom Mod Adventures on repeat. Noor is the exact same way, but with life hack videos very obviously aimed at middle school girls that have stuff like painting staples with nail polish and sneaking candy into class via empty glue sticks. Think Wengie and SaraBeautyCorner. They actually grew up with this so it’s more about the nostalgia than anything else
Enoch likes history videos. And videos about games like War Thunder and World of Tanks. He also likes Vine compilations, discovered when Jacob and Noor were quoting vines to each other and Enoch joined with them having absolutely zero knowledge he even knew what that was. (Horace also begrudgingly knows what Vine was, but instead of saying “yeah I sure hope it does” to Enoch’s “road work ahead???” he goes “I hate you and everything you stand for” and Enoch laughs.)
Olive, Claire, and Bronwyn watch Gacha Life/Club/whatever the fuck they’re on now I don’t know anymore music videos and Vine compilations. Bronwyn is here for quality control. (Bronwyn’s favorite YouTube series is Rosanna Pansino’s Nerdy Nummies series, even though she has no idea what any of the references are. What she does know is that she showed Jacob the Angry Birds cupcakes and he demanded they be made that exact day.)
Hugh is fascinated by all this but has little to no idea what’s going on. He did however get very invested in Sanders Sides and is very impatiently waiting with me for Orange to be revealed.
Fiona also doesn’t know what’s going on but she thinks Warrior Cats AMVs and multi-animator projects are INSANE she loves them and gets very sad when Noor is helping her look them up and they find out yet another creator is problematic
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a-random-whovian7 · 1 year
One of the reasons why I love Remembrance of the Daleks so damn much is that it implies that during the escape from Gallifrey, Susan must have been like "why did we need to bring the hand of Omega with us" and the First Doctor was just like
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One didn't even know about the Daleks by this point, he just knew shit was about to go down in a few centuries time
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pjsk-headcanons · 1 month
uh. taking one from the other headcanon blog. Nene had an emo phase for like, 2 years. And she almost exclusively listened to Kikuo music, etc.
-Mod Samsa (also hi guys I accidentally forgot to anon ask)
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mtkay13 · 1 year
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Qin Huaizhang and his pupils! I always love thinking a lot about Siji manor and how it was, how it started, etc. I really wanted to make an illustration reflecting a nostalgia of these times. More Siji manor rambling below >>>
I am going through a crisis regarding my headcanons about it, though. As in, I can't be satisfied by what the book gives us, and clearly I got too invested in the backstory I made up to just accept giving it up based on some random infos sprinkled here and there. Here are the named characters that I assume are all from Siji:
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(Duan Pengju isn't there because, for good balance, I thought it would be nice to have him as an agent recruited later on by ZZS.) QHZ is obviously the founder of the manor, right? According to the book (which gives us very little), he's an oddball, and he could have gone about with only two disciples-- or very young ones... But simultaneously, we do get informations in extra 5 about Siji manor's wide reach and activities. It's hard to believe that ZZS was the oldest disciple (as it is suggested in TYK in that one line where he's said to having been a dashixiong.....); he was 15 by the time of QHZ's death, so could QHZ really have operated alone with an army of tiny kids before that? Sorry, Priest, I will have to fight with canon lines here. I like to imagine that QHZ had associates within Siji-- he was the main founder, but he wasn't working alone. Old Bi, who's mentioned in TYK, chapter 1, could have been one of said associates. Lu Yu....... So Lu Yu is from Qi Ye, and up until recently he was my anchor when it came to justifying my idea that no, ZZS and LJX weren't the sole disciples in Siji Manor (since, in TYK, ZZS says it was "just the two of them"-- but it could be metaphorical!! and Lu Yu being there so early on in Qi Ye could be a proof of that!!). Turns out, the infos we get from Extra 5, once again, make me feel like it's unlikely that it was really literally only ZZS and LJX, but-- Anyway; I did picture Lu Yu as being older than ZZS, probably a shixiong, but it's also mentioned in Qi Ye that he his technique was "worthy of ZZS' teaching"...... which makes it harder to justify him being a shixiong. I mean, some mental gymnastics can probably make it work, and after all this is only a remark coming from Jing Qi's narration, BUT. Bichen suggested he could have been trained later on by ZZS as more people left Siji in disagreement with ZZS' own politics... so why not? I like to think that ZZS was QHZ's only disciple-- the others, shixiongs and shidis, were disciples of QHZ's associates rather than his own direct disciples. Maybe he didn't want any, until he met with ZZS and figured that the kid was worthy enough of being his disciple. LJX would have been taken in by QHZ as an additional trial or training method for ZZS-- because teaching is the best way of putting your own knowledge to the test. ALL OF THIS TO SAY, i do imagine that ZZS and LJX had a peculiar relationship with QHZ that other disciples didn't have, and that it was just the two of them from the moment ZZS was chosen by QHZ to become the next leader. Bi-shu... could have been reluctant at first, then decided to believe in ZZS until years later when he figured he couldn't do TC anymore and it was time for him to go? Anyway--- I could go on for hours bc clearly I have nothing better to do w my life than to muse about some random background storylines LOL
Thanks for reading!
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ur-fav-is-aspec · 1 month
The Doctor - any and/or all regenerations - from "Doctor Who" is asexual
Sorry if this has been submitted before
Also I'm not 100% sure if it's canon or not (David Tennant said in an interview "he's a fairly asexual character", but idk if that makes it canon without a writer confirming it) but they're VERY ace coded
Hey hey hey! Don’t apologise, it hasn’t been done before, but I wouldn’t have minded if it had. I have a bad memory for keep track of things lmao. Also- sorry for the wait, my life has been pretty hectic recently
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I’ve ran out of space here so I’ll reblog with the rest-
Curse you mobile app
(Image ID 1: the asexual flag with the first doctor from doctor who in the middle. End image ID.)
(Image ID 2: the asexual flag with the second doctor from doctor who in the middle. End image ID.)
(Image ID 3: the asexual flag with the third doctor from doctor who in the middle. End image ID.)
(Image ID 4: the asexual flag with the fourth doctor from doctor who in the middle. End image ID.)
(Image ID five: the asexual flag with the fifth doctor from doctor who in the middle. End image ID.)
(Image ID 6: the asexual flag with the sixth doctor from doctor who in the middle. End image ID.)
(Image ID 7: the asexual flag with the seventh doctor from doctor who in the middle. End image ID.)
(Image ID 8: the asexual flag with the eighth doctor from doctor who in the middle. End image ID.)
(Image ID 9: the asexual flag with the ninth doctor from doctor who in the middle. End image ID.)
(Image ID 10: the asexual flag with the tenth doctor from doctor who in the middle. End image ID.)
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haute-pockette · 9 months
The Doctor's incarnations have fears associated to what caused their regenerations Two acting childlike and whimsical because he's afraid of growing old again. He's scared of becoming a crotchety old man that will die alone. He surrounds himself with friends just as he much with surrogates, to help him feel like he isn't too old to be running about having adventures. Three having a lot of complex and mixed feelings about the Time Lords. He resents them for what they did to him and his companions, but also very scared of facing that fate again should cross their path once more. Four can't stand spiders. They didn't directly kill him, but damn did they play a big part leading up to his regeneration. They give him the willies and Sarah Jane and Romana always have to take care of invading arachnids while he is perched safely on the center console. Five hating heights might actually be canon, he's shown freaking out on a cliff in Castrovalva and hating every minute of a plane ride in Time Flight. Boy likes to keep his feet firmly where he doesn't risk falling. He'll get vertigo if too close to a ledge. Six being scared of getting sick. While this one is more vague, it was the fever of Spectrox Toxemia that kills, so I could see him being panicky and over compensating when it comes to illnesses. Pulls manflu pity every time: bed rest, tea, soup, hot waterbottle on the forehead, reciting rhetoric about his woes. Poor Peri and Mel has to tend to his drama. I can also see him hating bats but in a "why can't you fuckers make more than a tiny vial of milk, asshole???" kind of way. I think Seven's might also be canon (in the books at least) with the way he mentally locked away his Sixth self in fear of the Valeyard. Though he wasn't really a cause for regeneration, he certainly set the Doctor on the path to it. Eight terrified of medicine and hospitals. Aspirin is already deadly to Time Lords, anesthesia fucked up his regeneration. This boy won't go to a medical professional unless he's dragged in unconscious. He will look at broken leg twisted out of shape and claim he can walk it off. The Warrior/War Doctor scared of failing people the way he did Cass. His spirit for hope and brighter ending to the war broken when he regenerated. He became the one that got his hands dirty because he was too scared to let anyone else die under his care.
Nine scared of war. War Doctor held off his regeneration for years to keep fighting, and Nine clearly does his best to step away from the incarnation he hated being more than anything. Like he said, "Coward, any day." Ten is a bit tricky. He's scared of Daleks, losing companions. He's scared that people around him will be willing to sacrifice themselves for him. Scared of the heart of the Tardis, the very soul of time itself ripping away what/who he loves. After Rose is safe from it he was very careful to never let anyone open it again. Eleven scared to see another Time Lord again. He's heartbroken about being the last of his kind. Romana, Brax, Damon all gone. The Master's plans had gotten so much more violent and destructive and insane than they used to be. The other Time Lords so desperate to escape the Time Locked war that they'd destroy time to do it. He's scared of everything ending if the Time Lords return. I haven't really seen enough of Twelve or past that to give proper interpretations on them, but I'm pretty sure Twelve is determined not to be seen as an old man. It's like he sees this new cycle as starting over so he's trying to act like he's the young, rebellious first incarnation? idk
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reflection-s-of-stars · 9 months
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[ID: A reply on a post from the original poster, @/katakaluptastrophy, reading “@/sunshine-fruit-of-the-vine Ooh, your point in the tags about Corona’s comment to Judith is really interesting! Though I suppose it could also be interpreted as the Second being the ones doing the business contracts? Also please tell me more about your political headcanons…” /End ID.]
@katakaluptastrophy this is old but you absolutely do not have to ask me twice oh my god. This is where I reveal exactly how much of a history dork I am so be warned. I have also indicated Vibes in case that is helpful to anybody
So the common denominator among the Houses (as well as among societies as a whole, I spent like half a unit in my sociology class on this last year) is that there’s always a small upper class/nobility/etc and the population gets larger as you go down the ladder. That manifests in different ways within the different Houses, but it’s the same principle: The rich are few, and the poor are many.
That being said…
SECOND: The military leaders of the Nine, the Second are the ones who do the actual conquering of planets. However, Corona’s comment about how “as a Second, [Judith] should be willing to sell her birthright for economics” suggests they might not be getting their share of the profits. A huge portion of the Second lives in poverty, especially the capital city of Trentham, and pretty much the only way to escape it is to join the Cohort. The wealthy and powerful (generals, admirals and war heroes) vehemently deny there ever being a problem. For vibes, think New York City or Chicago but A Little Worse.
THIRD: The economic center of the Nine, the Third is a trade powerhouse and a hub for merchants and artisans. But they also export something a little less palatable: Propaganda for the Empire. The capital, Ida, is an enormous massive palace very similar to Versailles, where the best of the best workers (and the friends of the royal family) are privileged to live. Unlike the Second, where hard work actually can bring you up in the world, success in Ida comes out of bribes, flattery and sex. For vibes, think Paris but even less subtle, and crazy on the amethysts.
FOURTH: Supposedly a backup to the Second. In actuality, the lack of any real leadership has left the small and vulnerable population (veterans, the sick and disabled) to the mercy of the Fourth’s criminal underbelly. The capital city of Tisis is functionally a ghost town, mostly full of impotent, sheltered nobles and extensions of the mafia collecting bribes, and the other cities aren’t much better. For vibes, think Piltover (I don’t play league of legends but I LOVE Arcane), but the upper city is way more depressing and abandoned and the whole thing has kind of an ancient Roman feel as well.
FIFTH: The administration of the Nine, the Fifth works closely with the Emperor himself to keep the internal workings of His Empire running smoothly. Koniortos Court is a complex and many-armed bureaucracy, managed by its Lords or Ladies (and Seneschals, who do most of the actual diplomacy) like clockwork. It lies nestled in the capital of Rhax, where the majority of the Fifth’s population lives and works. There are frequent rebellions, but they’re snuffed out with alarming ease. For vibes, think combination of Victorian London and the city from Ulysses Dies At Dawn.
SIXTH: Less of its own independent state and more of the Emperor’s House of Wisdom, the Sixth House is the center of learning in the Nine Houses. Almost all the Houses send the best of their best to study there, so there’s a lot of people, but its native population is incredibly small- the size of a single city on the Third. Most of the Sixth is a single huge, labyrinthine library, surrounded by dormitories and a few spaceship ports for trade with the Seventh. Rank is decided not by birth, but by ability and age (in theory, anyway; in practice, they’ve strayed a bit from Cassiopeia’s vision). It’s still very communal, and everyone considers each other family on some level. For vibes, think a walled city combined with a super old university.
SEVENTH: The Seventh is responsible for most of the beautiful things made in the Empire. They export and import a lot of art, from pottery to poetry, and are considered superior craftsmen to the Third (which is why Ianthe thinks so poorly of their cloud formation poems). Outside this, they’re largely self-sufficient and very insular, doing their own farming making regular contact with only the Sixth. The lower classes are mostly farmers, while the aristocracy is just a few families, which is how Heptanary cancer happened. For vibes, think the romanticized version of the antebellum South from old books that like to gloss over the slavery thing, but a little bit sickly and weird-looking.
EIGHTH: The religious center of the Nine, the Eighth is in control of the worship of the Emperor and his Saints, as well as the Nine’s religious traditions. They’re also responsible for a chunk of Imperial propaganda- less than the Third, though, and directed less to the shepherd worlds and more within the Nine Houses. They live similarly to the Ninth House, with religious decadence, everyday asceticism and very little social mobility. The population of the Eighth House is actually very diverse, full of pilgrims from all over the Empire. For vibes, think medieval Italy but it’s all minimalist white and it ruins the whole thing.
NINTH: We know about the Ninth. We got like ten chapters about the Ninth. For vibes, think the Ninth.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 8 months
Watching Remembrance of the Daleks right now and seeing the Seventh Doctor use his umbrella as a cane over and over again just strengthens my disability headcanons
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seaskate · 3 months
Headcanon that the seventh years spell their hair the color of their house on the last day of school since it's that last time that they will be wearing school colors in this context.
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hollowwrites · 9 months
Ominis x MC
Part 15
Summary - Ominis has become sick of Sebastian’s possession of the dorm room and has temporarily moved into the Undercroft. Finally…some privacy…
Again feel free to swap Evelyn with MC or Y/N
Warnings - 🌶️ Fingering, Female masturbation, Mild Choking, Biting, Praise Kink (If you squint) the word gusset (I know some people hate it) all characters aged up 18+
Sorry if this seems really awkward. I personally hate smut that is written just a bit too smoothly. If I’m writing two people’s first time…it’s going to be awkward and slow. Sorry if that’s not what you’re into. Fair play to people who wrote smut I am deffo a fluff gal. Sorry if this is bad. No one look at me!!!
Word Count - 6173
“Thought I’d find you here”
Ominis raised his head as though it weighed a tonne when he heard Evelyn walk into the Undercroft.
As normal when Ominis occupied the space, a faint piano could be heard from somewhere within the cluttered room. The smell of tea filled the cavernous space and the singular large chair he favoured had been pulled into a more central position, as though he were looking over the Triptych like a window.
Obviously he wasn’t.
But none of that really registered with Evelyn.
What concerned her currently was the way he flinched when she entered. Like she’d startled him.
“Hmmm, were you looking for me?” He asked lazily pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Oh…only all my life” she whispered scared to shatter the peaceful ambiance he had created.
He exhaled a laugh as she approached him her hands finding his shoulders and kneading softly into the harsh panels of his shoulder blades.
It had been a few weeks since the last trial and Sebastians attempts to try and solve the Mystery of the spider egg had been fruitless. It had gotten to be a bit too much, the boys dorm now covered in silk and arachnids from his initial attempts to solve its puzzle…Arachnids or Acromantulas, they’re weren’t entirely sure.
But all Sebastian was left with was an empty room full of spiders and an exasperated friend sick of pulling webbing from his hair.
Each night he attempted to resolve it but so far to no avail. And finally, after weeks of arachnid related torture, Sebastian finally asked everyone for help.
Ominis agreed, of course, on the condition that he would not be returning to the dorms until the trail was done. And only after every last eight legged demon had been purged from the halls.
So for now he resided in the Undercroft, a makeshift bed tucked under the Triptych, all blankets and pillows and no mattress.
Not that it was unusual for Ominis to sleep soundly in uncomfortable locations.
“Did I startle you? That’s very unlike you” Evelyn mused, softly digging into his shoulders. A long exhausted moan left his lips and his eyes closed slowly as she did.
“Sorry I wasn’t paying attention…I haven’t been sleeping” Evelyn opened her mouth to fuss, to ask the inevitable string of questions she usually did upon hearing that. He waved her off dismissively “Don’t worry not nightmares…been trying to figure out the next trial for Sebastian”
“I see…” her hands reached a standstill at the apex of his shoulders and as she did, he reached up, soothingly, brushing across her knuckles until a familiar dull poking, pricked his fingertips.
He smiled wistfully.
”You’re wearing my ring” he said mutedly
“Of course I am…It’s beautiful”
“You don’t have to…” he adds, though in a much quieter voice; not quite a whisper, but close.
“I know I don’t have to…but you gave it to me. It means something” she replied in kind, her tone matching his. Filled with love and adoration.
He smiles softly, taking her wrist between his fingers and pulling her around to his front. He rested his forehead against her stomach and sighed.
It was as though he was pulling her in for strength, using her warmth and affection to fuel him. And for what it was worth, it worked. He pulled away moments later, a charming albeit lopsided smile on his face. He rose from his chair, taking her hand effortlessly and looped his arm around her waist.
“Dance with me…” he demanded in a soft tone
“Is that how you ask?” He had already spun her around slowly, bringing her back to his chest as she said this. The smile on her face oozed into her words making her argument…completely moot.
“Oh…I apologise profusely” he said sounding not the least bit sorry. He took one long step backwards, heels clicking together as he bowed deeply. Somehow, his eyes never left hers…
“Please…” the word was lithe as it slithered from his lips and into her ears, sending a shiver down her spine. He chuckled before continuing; “May I have this dance?”
“Hmm…” she took a step forward as he rose back to his towering height. “Do I have a choice?”
“I’m afraid not, dear”
Despite his words, and despite the distinct almost predatory look in his eyes…he extended a hand to her.
The slight twitch of his fingers commanded her attention, and though she would never deny him, there was a pull towards him. Like destiny…or fate.
If one believes in such things.
She took his hand, though her fingers glided along his palm, wrist and forearm up to his shoulder as she tucked herself into him. She wanted to tell him to wipe the smirk of his face, but something about the curl of his lip…the smallest display of teeth as his smirk grew wider…
He looked…
The eagerness at which he grabbed her waist was queue enough for Evelyn. She took his other hand gently in hers whilst his arm pulled impossibly closer. It had hooked itself just below her ribs and with his domineering height, pulled her almost off the floor entirely. She giggled softly, her toes the only thing keeping her grounded as their chests met.
Slowly, and with a more intimate nature than he showed her in the Common Room, he lead her across the desolate chamber.
Every now and then, he would stop to kiss her hand. Each time he paused, the kiss became less and less chivalrous.
First it was her hand, then her cheek, then his head stooped low so they could dance cheek to cheek.
And suddenly, he was nuzzling her neck, his nose drawing long arduous lines across her jaw.
Ominis took in a deep breath; her scent fuelling him further and made his eyes go glassy.
He strode forward, dipping her low causing her head to tilt back as he held her horizontal to the floor.
His hand splayed supportively across the small of her back, thumb stroking across her waist. His warm breath ghosted across her neck.
The sharp inhale from her lips snapped him out of his reverie. He gently shook his head and pulled her back to her feet, his hands sturdy as they held onto her waist just a touch too tightly.
His eyes remained fixed on her and unlike the usual calm pools she’d gaze lovingly into…
Two darkening wells stared back at her.
”How is it you never seem to fumble for my hands? You always seem to know exactly where I am….no matter what” she shifted uncomfortably under his direct eye contact.
She did want to know…it was a question she had on her mind for the longest time. But right now she just needed to move his gaze.
It wasn’t like he made her uncomfortable. It was the way he looked at her.
As she swayed, so did he.
As she leaned in closer, so did he.
It was one of an embarrassingly long list of things he did that caused her stomach to twist and turn.
And it was like he knew that too.
The look of calm and content happiness faded with the blink of an eye, replaced with this twinkle she rarely saw in Ominis.
She saw it almost daily in Garreth and Sebastian…but Ominis?
His devious nature wound the knot forming, tighter.
What is he concocting?
“Honestly?…” He started “…I’m not sure. Best I can come up with is my magic advances my sense of Proprioception, past what a normal person has”
“Pre…prop…what?” Evelyn tilted her head and he mimicked her, almost like he was proving a point.
“Proprioception…” he chuckled and the twinkle in his eye flared once more. “…let me show you”
He stepped away from her, his long fingers reaching up to undo the knot of his tie.
The last thing she saw before he wrapped the soft, silken material around her eyes was his wide, devilish smirk.
“Can you see?” He asked, amusement heavy in his voice.
“Not a great deal…” she muttered and lifted the tie slightly to peer at him. He paced back and forth in front of her before he disappeared just off to her right and behind her.
“No cheating…” Ominis scolded softly, plucking her wrist away from her body and keeping it there, letting the silken blindfold fall back to place.
“Do you see how you know where your arm is despite not seeing it?” He twirled her around as he had in the dance before and she gasped.
This is what he experienced on a daily basis and she can’t handle it for less than a minute.
It drove her insane.
She trusted him implicitly but the idea of him being in completely control of her in that moment…
…her stomach suddenly felt hollow and her lungs empty.
“That’s Proprioception, the sense of knowing where your body is in relation to itself” he let her arm fall back down to her side but not before kissing this inside of her wrist. She gasped again listening intently to the click of his heel against the stone as he started to circle her.
”Mine is just a little stronger. It extends beyond myself…things around me. So I can see you in front of me and so long as you don’t move…” he was silent for a beat, her breath catching when his voice was suddenly right next to her ear “…too quickly…I know where you are. What you’re doing…”
His words felt heavy as though they carried more meaning than a simple explanation of his abilities.
“I can focus it too like duelling. It’s much stronger if I have my wand” he continued casually, like the breathe upon her neck and his words weren’t setting her stomach ablaze.
He had to know.
He knew everything else
“I…see” she muttered shakily, her hands twitching to remove the blindfold. Once again, he caught her fingers, entwining them with his own, his chest flush with her back. He held their combined hands against her stomach whilst he pulled her hair from her shoulder. His finger danced across her skin as he did so.
She took in a sharp intake of air through her mouth, her lips seemed constantly parted as though she anticipated him kissing her.
Maybe it was wishful thinking.
He remained stationed behind her, his hand falling to her waist, feeling the steadily increasing rise and fall of her breathing against her ribs. His breath was warm against her neck and she could feel his lips against her ear as he breathed.
But…Ominis was a gentleman. And so released her, rather abruptly, and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“You know…” she whispered, a devious plan forming as she pulled the tie from her eyes.
He was showing marvellous levels of restraint.
Restraint she no longer had
Because of him…
“…‘Mystery Man’ still hasn’t asked me to the ball”
“Oh I know…” he grumbled, his voice low and strained.
“It’s starting to feel a little like no one wants to go with me” she sighed overly dramatically and took a step closer to him. His eyes went wide when he felt her getting nearer and nearer…until he could feel the heat of her chest against his.
He chuckled heavily.
“I don’t know. There was that Durmstrang…” he brushed some hair behind her ear, resisting every urge to pull at the strands and pull the noises he’d heard too few times. “…I think he learnt his lesson though. And there’s Prewett, but I think he knows better. It seems at least there’s some semblance of a brain between those ears”
Ominis laughed…darkly. It caused vibrations to emanate through both of their chests and he pulled away to ‘gaze’ down at her.
“I wonder why no one has asked me?” She pondered putting on the most saccharin, overly innocent tone.
“Probably because…” he growled out pushing forward slightly so their noses almost touched. He took in a calm breath “…they know you’re mine…”
“Have you staked your claim on me?” She whispered back, lips dangerously close to his to the point they brushed delicately against the full flesh of his bottom lip. “Because I don’t remember you asking…”
“I don’t need to ask…no one will take what is mine” his voice like music dancing it’s way across her skin but it sounded almost painful. The restraint he currently showed was…waning. “…I may no longer be a part of that family but…Gaunts are known for being quite possessive” His fingers brushed up her arms to cup her face, his fingers trembling against her cheek.
“Yes…of artifacts and trinkets…not really people”
“I’ve just found a different kind of treasure I wish to hoard away for myself”
“Stop…” she said sternly but playfully “Flattery will get you no where”
“Won’t it? Then why is that hummingbird of a heart of yours rattling agaisnt its cage” he whispered against the shell of her ear.
“Kiss me…”
“I…I can’t…” he groaned his hands dropping to her waist, fingernails digging into flesh there as though he was physically keeping himself back
“You need to get off me before I do something…” his voice trailed off, low and husky. And filled with an emotion she’d not heard from him much before. He sounded…embarrassed
“What if I want you to do something?” She urged trying to sound level headed and calm, though she sounded whiney and needy as the words came from her lips.
His head dropped to her shoulder, as it often did when he sought comfort. His lips remained a breath away from her neck, trembling at the temptation to just sink his teeth in.
But that was selfish.
And that’s what he wanted.
He wanted to make her happy. Make her feel loved. Make her feel…
“I don’t know what I’m doing…” he confessed against her skin.
“Nor do I…” she whispered back, her hand reaching up to trace tiny intricate patterns across his back. She hoped they were talking about the same thing, she hoped he wanted this to.
She hoped she wasn’t making a fool of herself…
“It’s not that simple” he sighed and rested his full weight against her shoulder. “You can see. You’ll know when you’re…doing something I like. And there’s only so much books can teach someone with my…disadvantage” his face buried further into to her neck and hair. Like he was trying to hide away.
“Do you have any idea how frustrating, how much it pains me, to have you within inches of me and all I can do…is this?”
This was strange.
Normally he was quite confident with his abilities. Not moments ago he showed off how he saw the world around him with almost arrogant levels of confidence. Most of the time she forgot he was even blind, with how capable and independent he was.
But maybe this all felt a bit much. A bit too real.
Then suddenly she felt guilty for trying to coax him further.
“We don’t have to go any further than y-“ she started before his head snapped back up to look down at her, shaking his head over and over.
“No no no no no that’s not what I’m…I definitely do. If you do that is. I’m just…apprehensive” he tripped and stumbled over his words, trying to get her to understand his unique predicament.
Then her mind spiralled to how she had helped him in the past, how she’d taught him Herbology and Potions techniques, shown him the texture of materials, guided his hand when he needed it.
And her heart sank as an idea formed in her mind.
“Ominis, Do you want to try…being intimate…with me?” She asked shakily, her hands snaking up his arm to cup his cheeks, imploring that he listen to her. Thank Merlin he was blind, or perhaps her cheeks may have blinded him with how hot they were glowing.
“Desperately…” A dry, humourless laugh left him “…it’s practically all I have thought about since the First Trail…but”
“But…” she interrupted “…I have an idea”
She took a step away from him, his head quirked curiously to the right as he sought her out. It wouldn’t take him long, her fingers gently took his and she pulled him towards the armchair he normally resided in.
“Do you remember that Divination assignment? The palm reading?” She asked gently taking his hand and absentmindedly tracing over the lines on his hand. As she did he muttered softly to himself…
“Heart Line…Life Line…Fate line…”
He recited with perfect accuracy, though that lesson was weeks ago.
Then everything clicked and his cheeks burned hotter than he’d ever felt. Or that she’d ever seen.
“Are you…suggesting you can…show me how to…” Ominis’ words were careful and calculated. He’d come this far, he wasn’t ruining everything on a simple misunderstanding.
“It’s what other couples do…” She reasoned, suddenly feeling dirty or sordid for even thinking such a thing “…Only their method is trail and error and ours would just be a little more-”
“…Hands on” he smirked.
Bastard…how is he always so…so…
“Ugh…” Evelyn groans pulling her hand away from his palm and covering her face. “…It’s all just so unromantic now I think about it” she muffled from the sanctuary behind her hands.
“Oh don’t worry…” his long fingers looped around her wrists pulling them away and to her side. He took a step closer to her, his head bowed low to meet her gaze if she wished “…I have romance covered. That’s not what I’m worried about. I just need to know you’re okay with this”
As he spoke, his thumb drew tiny circles across her palm. It was almost as though they were dancing again.
“I am…” she breathed.
The smile he then wore was unlike any she had seen before. It had a softness to it initially. Like he was pleased she trusted him and she couldn’t help but mirror it. But then the longer they stood there, swaying slightly, the harder it grew. An edge to lips she hadn’t even seen when he’d pushed her against his bed.
And whereas last time there was a nervous, sickly feeling in her gut, now there was just…need.
He spun her again as he had earlier though instead of pulling her back to the exact same position, this time he pulled her so her back pressed against his chest.
“I’m so glad you suggested this, Evelyn.” He murmured over the shell of her ear, his fingers combing the hair from one side of her neck to the other.
“I am a fast learner. I’ve already learned what you like and what you don’t like…” she could feel his breath against her neck as he whispered down to her, his cheek nuzzling against the side of her face.
“For example…”
The smug smirk that tugged at his lips was so blatant in his voice.
And before Evelyn could question him, or combat him or flirt back gently as she usually would…
His teeth dug into the flesh of her neck, just below her ear.
She bit into her lip to stop the gasp from ripping from her. But he must have known. Must’ve heard the restraint in the hitch of her breath, or the way her shoulder squared in his arms. Because his teeth pulled back and he lapped against the divots he left behind. He licked broadly up her neck to her earlobe, making her shiver. And once again his teeth were against her as he grinned.
“Don’t silence yourself…please” he purred “I need to hear you. I need to know…”
“I understa-aaah!” She choked out. His lips closed around her earlobe, suckling softly before letting it go.
“Good…” he praised and even that sent a shiver down her spine. “…you must tell me if you don’t like something…”
It felt a little like he was trying to demonstrate what he meant. Like the next thing he did, he almost expected her to say no.
But she didn’t…
And she wanted more.
His fingers came up from her waist to undo the bow around her collar. When it fell away, he tossed it to the side like it offended him. Like he had some sort of vendetta against anything that kept him from her.
Then his hands were everywhere again. One tugged at the collar he had freed whilst the other moved towards the buttons of her blouse, again freeing more of her soft flesh for him to devour.
The moment her shoulder was available his lips found it, mapping across her skin.
And she was fine for the moment.
Her breathing fast and shallow as she enjoyed his attentions but she was fine.
Then his lips brushed over the sensitive area between her neck and shoulder and she gasped under her breath. A tiny soft sigh of pleasure that not even she was certain she made.
But he heard…
And in response his teeth dug harshly into the muscle. And she crumpled and fell against him with a loud and needy whimper.
She felt him grin, though his teeth still sunk in. Then his cheeks hollowed and the pressure against her neck felt divine.
“Ominis…” she whimpered and pressed against him.
“Too much?” he murmured as his lips left her neck with a sinful pop.
“Not enough…” Evelyn murmured, barely able to get the words out before his teeth were on her again.
Everything ramped up.
The pressure at her neck, the speed of his fingers on her blouse. Not even he could keep up with himself as he ripped a button from the fabric, pulling it from her shoulder.
The button pinging off and cascading to the floor broke something in Ominis and he groaned.
Deep and guttural from his chest.
She felt it vibrate through her back, arching against him to feel more.
That’s when her leg stumbled back and she felt a hardened bulge press against her rear.
The tiniest amount of friction that must have put against him caused him to growl, his fingernails digging into the flesh of her stomach as his hands started to explore under her shirt.
She inhaled sharply.
And her hand flew to her wand, tucked haphazardly in her waistband, directing it towards the Undercrofts entrance.
“Colloportus” she whimpered and the light at the tip of her wand fizzled out.
Ominis’ tore himself from her neck with a groan.
“What are you doing?” He asked but his voice was heavy, husky, heady.
“I’m not having a repeat of last time…” she murmured, staring at her wand in confusion. She shook her wrist and tried again…
…as Ominis’ hand drifted lower, his fingertips delving just under her waistband.
“Collo-portus” she gasped once again the spell failing as she muttered the incantation incorrectly.
Ominis just laughed besides her ear.
“Am I rendering you speechless? Powerless?” He purred, his other hand wrapping around her.
That hand hadn’t yet touched her skin. It had remained somewhat reserved, tugging at her clothes. So when it graced the skin of her chest it was significantly cooler than his other, forcing a gasp from her lips and her skin to pucker and tingle with goosebumps.
“You’re…” she started with a flash of venom in her voice, wanting to be frustrated at him. “…just stop a second. Let me lock the gates…” she breathed.
He chuckled darkly and removed his hands from her holding them up in surrender.
“Apologies, my love.”
“You’re not sorry…” she muttered and shrugged her blouse back over her shoulder, approaching the gate with a death glare.
She tried several times to lock the gates to no avail. Her hands kept shaking, her voice breaking. And just as she was about to give up and do it the ‘old fashioned muggle way’, the mechanisms in the gate forced themselves closed with a heavy ‘clunk’.
When she turned, Ominis was sat casually in his armchair, wand extended to the gate with a smarmy grin on his lips.
She approached once again muttering under her breath.
“Shut up…”
“Oh don’t be like that…” he crooned smoothly “…I like that I’ve affected you in such a way.”
His wand twirled between his fingers as she approached and she stood before him, pouting rather obviously. He simply chuckled and tapped his lap.
His commanding tone sent a shiver up her spine and her knees buckled, bending to perch upon his thigh, despite her bratty and frustrated disposition.
His arm snaked around her waist and he pulled her back again, flush to his chest. His other hand lifted her knee to rest upon his, repeating the process for her other leg as he slipped it over his own.
Then as he spread his own legs, pulling and parting her along too, a startled little mewl left her.
“Tell me to stop…” he whispered against her ear, his hand stilling against her waist
“I don’t want you to…” she breathed shakily, arching into him and once again feeling that pulsing heat pressing into her.
“You’re shaking…” he stated as though it were a reason for him to cease his tormenting.
“That’s not necessarily a bad thing”
“Oh I know…” he smirked against her neck. “…I just wanted to hear you admit it”
He knew he was probably being overconfident. But that’s what Ominis did best. He was blessed with a silver tongue and so he would use it.
So far it was working.
Each gruff grumble from his lips sent a wave of goosebumps over her skin, and his fingers followed.
She shivered and this time they prickled along her stomach where his fingers lay dormant. It shot a pulse through him, his fingers twitching back to life to explore her.
Feel her.
He was learning so much.
He already knew about the scar across her waist, he thought perhaps she would flinch when his digits brushed across them but…she was moaning again.
Her marred skin was…sensitive.
So very…very sensitive.
Then he recalled she had another. Another Sebastian had given her deep in that Scriptorium across her heart.
What a perfect excuse to test his hypothesis.
He bought his hand up and over her clothed breasts, that simple act itself causing her to shudder and whine.
So what would happen if I did this?
His middle finger traced over the swirling pattern at her chest and once again a wave of goosebumps puckered beneath him.
For a second, he almost regretted asking her to be more vocal.
Her constant shallow breath filled his ears. Her soft sighs, and whimpers were more distracting than he assumed they would be
But, oh, how those noises were heavenly.
And thankfully, he found his body acting on instinct, no matter how distracting she had become.
His hands roamed, explored, squeezed, touched…delving to places he had never dreamed of finding on her.
Mapping curves and valleys of hers he’d only ever fantasised about.
When his fingers breached the soft lacey material of her bralette, she stayed silent.
She bit into her bottom lip to try and ease her need for him. Because this was too much. How had he not even touched her and yet she was a pooled and sodden mess.
Ominis mistook her silence for displeasure, and moved further in.
The books certainly hadn’t covered this. The few points of research detailed many erogenous zones across a woman. And though he wasn’t idiotic enough to think all women were the same, most books, most erotic novels he had read said the same.
So, purely for academic purposes, he gripped her just a little bit harder.
And was rewarded with the most beautiful and sinful whimper he had heard. With that very moan came another wave of goosebumps that he greedily followed. Like her very skin was speaking to him.
Ominis squeezed again, the soft flesh of her breast spilling out between his fingers as her manhandled her in the very best of ways.
He kneaded her, much for his own pleasure as for hers, and when he felt the tiny puckered nub between his fingers, he squeezed again.
Another sharp whine pulled from Evelyn’s chest. He felt it vibrate along her chest and for a second he was enthralled.
He copied that same action, kneading and squeezing and stroking, pinching her hardening peak near his knuckle.
Only his other hand reached up to her chest. Where he’d felt that vibration.
And with every gasp and murmur and coo he felt it.
So he chased it, rumbling up her chest to her neck where it was strongest before it left her lips.
“Ominis…” she muttered as her head rolled back onto his shoulder.
“I can move my hand if you want…” he spoke, somewhat strained after he realised his fingers wrapped around her throat.
“I…like it” she whispered, somewhat shamefully.
But Ominis was well past the point of caring. He’d built such a strong image in his head of her splayed across him, keening and mewling for more. For him.
And he had the luxury of hearing, truly hearing, everything he was doing to her. Perhaps he was better off…
His fingers tightened only slightly against her throat, feeling for each rumble of a moan his other hand was causing her.
Then his mouth followed in his hands stead.
Nipping, sucking, tasting every inch of her neck that he could access, the soft and gentle tugging of her flesh turned her to putty in his arms.
It was almost like he’d caught a nerve and her whole body squirmed with a moan. And she pressed deliciously against the painful throbbing in his groin.
He hissed at the sensation, both foreign and familiar to him.
And in that moment he realised she was learning just as much about him as he was her.
Because she did it again.
On purpose.
And as he gasped, he relinquished the hold his teeth had on her shoulder, panting against the wet skin of her neck.
So she did it again, rubbing herself across the length that was forced down his trouser leg, thanking every god there was that multiple layers of clothing were between them. Lest she be confronted with the slick she most definitely would leave upon his leg.
He gasped again, croakier and huskier than before.
And she laughed. A low seductive little laugh that triggered something in Ominis.
“Show me…” he demanded with a growl, snatching her wrist up and dragging it to her opened legs.
Perhaps she was a little too eager. He’d spent the past…Merlin knows how long, teasing her and her body ached. Her stomach had twisted and tightened with a desire she’d never felt before. Even when she was alone.
So she fumbled with his hand in hers, his other still tweaking and kneading at her soft mounds.
He ghosted over hers, softly, delicately copying her movements as she pulled her underwear to the side.
Then his hand left, straying to the fabric of her skirt, bunched around her hips.
“This is long enough, isn’t it?” He inquired flatly.
“Er…it’s comes to my knee why do you-“
Then he tore into her underwear, ripping along the gusset and exposing her completely. Whether he knew it or not, his knuckle dragged over her centre as he did and she twitched at the new feeling of someone else touching her so intimately.
“This will be hard enough without things getting in the way” his voice resonated from behind her, his chest vibrating against her back.
That was…understandable. And she would be lying to herself if the act of Ominis ripping her underwear from her didn’t turn her into a living puddle.
And it was getting ridiculous how long this had gone on for. So she snatched his hand from the hem of her skirt and positioned him over her again.
His hand mirrored hers the whole way. Like there was a second delay to everything she was doing.
Though when her finger dipped between her folds, and his shortly followed, he snatched his hand away in an instant, bolting straight upright. His finger and thumb rubbed together feeling her slick desire on his finger and his breath caught in his throat.
“You’re…” he held a note on his throat like he couldn’t think of the correct word. The appropriate word.
“…so…” he gulped and swallowed thickly, the bob of his throat brushing against her shoulder
And whilst he was struggling to think of words, Evelyn was struggling to not run her finger along herself like she knew she liked.
“For you…” she murmured on an exhale.
Ominis could feel himself twitching against her rear and again something snapped within him.
His arm scooped her up around her waist, pulling her closer and tighter to his chest.
“Show me…” he growled once more in her ear before his teeth attacked her neck once again.
His finger ghosted over hers again, shaking as they dipped into that pooling well of want.
Her fingers twitched back into action, immediately finding that bundle of nerves at the top that made her toes curl.
And made Ominis’ head spin.
Whether it was his hearing, how well they knew each other, or how quickly he picked things up when explained properly, he didn’t know. But soon he got the idea of what she wanted. And she was going too quickly for his liking.
He could feel her winding and coiling like a spring in his lap, her panting little breaths filling the air and his name tumbling from her lips. She writhed and whimpered on top of him.
Then suddenly his mind filled with fabrications of himself being deep inside of her, those same noises tumbling from her. That’s same warmth he could feel radiating on his finger, surrounding him. And his brain went foggy and instinct kicked in again.
Just as she reached and clambered for that peak.
And her thighs clamped closed for that little friction she knew would push her over the edge.
He ruined it.
All at once it was torn from her as long boney fingers dug into the softness of her thighs, pinning her eager hand to the side and spreading her legs once again.
She could’ve killed him.
“Keep. Them. Open.” he spat through his teeth, moving his leg to pin her ankles behind his calves. She gave a few tester pulls, desperate for any form of friction as she felt that heat slowly dying between her legs.
She couldn’t move.
And her breath stuttered and whimpered needily. She was about to cuss him, turning and demanding he continue before that knot tied itself back up again.
But Ominis had other ideas. Ideas that perhaps right now she wouldn’t appreciate but future her would.
His fingers trailed over her core mapping every fold and divot. Easily. He slid in between over and over, delighting in every time his finger circled that nub that sent her shivering.
Then his finger slipped down, deep, entering her slowly. Carefully.
He almost felt bad for a second. The noise that left her. It sounded pained. But he pulled from her and that same needy mewling spilled from her until he did it again, her back arching into him. And this time it wasn’t so pained, more of an anguished sigh of relief.
It was…delicious.
Every sinful sound from her lips and each soaked ripple between her legs. He was simply exploring yet to her it was everything.
Him feeling her
Him pleasuring her
Him filling her.
With each pump of his finger she felt that knot loosening once more and when his other hand joined his first, rolling tiny circles over her most sensitive spot…she halted.
She became undone.
That release so close to being hers.
And he knew it.
“Let me see…” he begged, his hand pulling from her and hovering just in front of her face, his thumb replacing his own absence with dexterous accuracy.
She pushed into his hand, not trusting her vocal cords to maintain a readable level. Imagine the Undercroft being discovered after centuries because she had moaned too loudly.
His fingers drifted over her features, taking in the small knot of exquisite ecstasy on her brow. The heat from her cheeks. Her swollen, plump lips from her own teeth.
And as his finger ghosted her lips she took it into her mouth, tasting her own desire faintly on his finger. Not that, that’s why. She just needed something to mute her…
Practically crying into his ear, her head lulled back as she mumbled his name through her own teeth clamped around his fingers.
A comfortable warm silence fell over them as she slowly recovered, the white spots of her vision fading. Only then was she aware of the gentle kisses he placed along her neck.
“Why…” she panted “…are you so good at everything you choose to do?”
He chuckled, deep and low.
“I had an excellent albeit impatient teacher”
genuinely if any of you have any tips or anything please tell me this genuine pained me to write but im proud my first smut
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